Illinois Department of Revenue
Publication 122
Instructions for Farmland Assessments
January 2024
About this publication
Pub-122, Instructions for Farmland Assessments, is issued according to Section 10-115 of the
Property Tax Code which states, “The Department shall issue guidelines and recommendations for
the valuation of farmland to achieve equitable assessment within and between counties.”
Table of Contents
Definition of Land Use .......................................................................................... Page 2
How is farmland assessed? ........................................................................... Page 3
What are the adjustment factors? .................................................................. Page 3
What are the guidelines for alternative uses? ............................................... Pages 4-6
Other guidelines ................................................................................................... Pages 6-8
Assessment of Farmland ...................................................................................... Page 9
Individual soil weighting method .................................................................... Pages 9-13
Table 1 Certified Values for 2024 Farmland Assessments .................................. Page 14
Table 2 Productivity of Illinois Soils...................................................................... Pages 15-35
Table 3 Slope & Erosion Adjustment Table .......................................................... Page 36
Assessment of Farm Homesites and Rural Residential Land .............................. Page 37
Assessment of farm residences .................................................................... Page 37
Assessment of farm buildings ........................................................................ Pages 37-39
Farm building schedules....................................................................................... Pages 40-54
For information or forms
....................................................................................... Page 54
The information in this publication is current as of the date of the publication.
The contents of this publication are informational only and do not take
the place of statutes, rules, or court decisions. For many topics covered
in this publication, we have provided a reference to the Illinois Property
Tax Code for further clarification or more detail at 35 ILCS 200/1 et seq.
Get more information and
forms faster and easier at
Other Publications for Assessors:
Publication 123 Instructions for Residential Schedules
Publication 124 Construction Terminology
Publication 126 Instructions for Commercial and Industrial Cost Schedules
Publication 127 Component-in-Place Schedules
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Publication 122
Instructions for Farmland Assessments
Definition of Land Use
Section 10-125 of the Property Tax Code identifies cropland, permanent pasture, other farmland, and
wasteland as the four types of farmland and prescribes the method for assessing each. State law requires
cropland, permanent pasture, and other farmland to be defined according to US Bureau of Census
definitions. The following definitions comply with this requirement.
January 2024
Cropland includes all land from which crops were harvested or hay was cut; all land in orchards, citrus
groves, vineyards, and nursery greenhouse crops; land in rotational pasture, and grazing land that could
have been used for crops without additional improvements; land used for cover crops, legumes, and soil
improvement grasses, but not harvested and not pastured; land on which crops failed; land in cultivated
summer fallow; and idle cropland.
Permanent pasture includes any pastureland except woodland pasture and pasture qualifying under
the Bureau of Census’ cropland definition which includes rotational pasture and grazing land that could have
been used for crops without additional improvements.
Other farmland includes woodland pasture; woodland, including woodlots, timber tracts, cutover, and
deforested land; and farm building lots other than homesites.
Wasteland is that portion of a qualified farm tract that is not put into cropland, permanent pasture, or
other farmland as the result of soil limitations and not as the result of a management decision.
Acronyms used in this publication
AEV Agricultural economic value
CCAO Chief county assessment officer
CREP Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
CRP Conservation Reserve Program
CV Contributory value
EAV Equalized assessed value
ICSS Illinois Cooperative Soil Survey
LF Linear foot
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
oc On center
PI Productivity index
PRC Property record card
RCN Replacement cost new
REL Remaining economic life
SF Square foot
SFFA Square foot floor area
SWCD Soil and Water Conservation District
VFS Vegetative filter strip
Note: For definitions of common construction terms used in this
Publication, see Publication 124, Construction Terminology.
Printed by the authority of the state of Illinois, electronic only, one copy
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How is farmland assessed?
Cropland is assessed according to the equalized
assessed value (EAV) of its adjusted soil productivity
index (PI) as certified by the Department. Each year, the
Department supplies a table that shows the EAV of
cropland by PI.
See Page 14 for Certified Values for 2024
Farmland Assessments.
Cropland with a PI below the lowest PI certified by the
Department is assessed as follows:
Step 1 Subtract the EAV of the lowest certified PI
from the EAV for a PI that is five greater.
Step 2 Divide the result of Step 1 by 5.
Step 3 Find the difference between the lowest PI for
which the Department certified a cropland EAV
and the PI of the cropland being assessed.
Step 4 Multiply the result of Step 2 by the result of
Step 3.
Step 5 Subtract the result of Step 4 from the lowest
EAV for cropland certified by the Department.
Step 6 The EAV of the cropland being assessed will
either be the result of Step 5 or one-third of the
EAV of cropland for the lowest certified PI,
whichever is greater.
Permanent pasture is assessed at one-third of its
adjusted PI EAV as cropland. By statute, the EAV of
permanent pasture cannot be lower than one-third of the
EAV per acre of cropland of the lowest PI certified by the
Other farmland is assessed at one-sixth of its adjusted
PI EAV as cropland. By statute, the EAV of other
farmland cannot be lower than one-sixth of the EAV
per acre of cropland of the lowest PI certified by the
Wasteland is assessed according to its contributory
value to the farm parcel. In many instances, wasteland
contributes to the productivity of other types of farmland.
Some land may be more productive because wasteland
provides a path for water to run off or a place for water to
collect. Wasteland that has a contributory value should
be assessed at one-sixth of the EAV per acre of cropland
of the lowest PI certified by the Department. When
wasteland has no contributory value, a zero assessment
is recommended.
What are the adjustment factors?
Adjustment for slope and erosion. Use the Slope
and Erosion Adjustment Table on Page 36 to make
adjustments to the PI for slope and erosion.
Adjustment for flooding. Adjust the PI of the affected
acreage only, which suffers actual, not potential,
crop loss due to flooding as prescribed in Bulletin
810, published by the University of Illinois, College
of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service. The
following text is taken directly from Bulletin 810.
“Estimated yields and productivity indices
given in Table 2 apply to bottomland soils that
are protected from flooding or a prolonged
high water during the cropping season
because of high water in stream valleys. Soils
that are subject to flooding are less productive
than soils that are protected by levees. The
frequency and severity of flooding are often
governed by landscape characteristics and
management of the watershed in which a
soil occurs. For this reason, factors used to
adjust productivity indices for flooding must
be based on knowledge of the characteristics
and history of the specific site. Wide variation
in the flooding hazard, sometimes within short
distances in a given valley, require that each
situation be assessed locally.
If the history of flooding in a valley is known
to have caused 2 years of total crop failures
and 2 years of 50% crop losses out of ten
years, for example, the estimated yields
and productivity indices of the bottomland
soils could be reduced to 70% of those
given in Table 2. Estimated crop yields and
productivity indices for upland soils subject
to crop damage from long-duration ponding
have already been reduced accordingly in
Table 2.”
Flood adjustment procedures should
identify the actual acres affected by flooding;
determine, from yield data, the extent of crop loss
(in bushels) caused in each flood situation;
adjust the PI of the affected soils by a percentage
equal to the percentage of crop loss caused by each
flooding situation over a multi-year (preferably
ten-year) period; and
recompute the flood adjustments annually. The
continuous collection and analysis of yield data is
needed in order to identify and compensate for
changes in a parcel’s flooding history.
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Adjustment for drainage district assessments.
The EAV of farmland acreage that is subject to a
drainage district assessment must be adjusted. Divide
the amount equal to 33 1/3 percent of the per acre
drainage district assessment by the five-year Federal
Land Bank mortgage interest rate for that assessment
year. Subtract the result from the EAV. Since drainage
district assessments may vary greatly from year to year,
it is advisable to use a five-year average of per-acre
drainage district assessments when making this
Adjustments for soil inclusions, droughty soil and
ponding. Do not make an adjustment for soil inclusions,
droughty soil, or ponding. Long-term yield averages
taken at many locations already include these effects.
Only unusual conditions of large amounts of inclusions
with differing productivity potential would be likely to
affect the productivity of a local area.
When ponding consistently produces a crop loss,
make a flooding adjustment.
What are the guidelines for alternative
Roads. Do not assign a value to acreage in dedicated
roads unless a portion of the right-of-way is in a farm
use. In this case, assess this portion.
Creeks, streams, rivers, and drainage ditches.
Assess acreage in creeks, streams, rivers, and
drainage ditches that contribute to the productivity of
a farm as contributory wasteland. Assess acreage that
does not contribute to the productivity of a farm as
non-contributory wasteland.
Grass waterways and windbreaks. Assess acreage in
grass waterways and windbreaks as other farmland.
Ponds and borrow pits. Assess ponds and borrow pits
used for agricultural purposes as contributory wasteland.
If a pond or borrow pit is used as part of the homesite,
assess it with the homesite at 33 1/3 percent of market
Power lines. Generally, no adjustment is made.
Lanes and non-dedicated roads. Assess acreage in
lanes and non-dedicated roads the same as the adjacent
land use. This could be as cropland, permanent pasture,
other farmland, or wasteland.
Assessment of land under an approved forestry
management plan. Land that is being managed under
the Illinois Forestry Development Act (FDA), as approved
by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, is
considered “other farmland” for assessment purposes.
Land assessed under the FDA is excluded from both
the two-year and primary-use requirements. Any change
in assessed value resulting from a newly-approved
FDA plan begins on January 1 of the assessment year
immediately following the plan’s initial approval date
(whether or not trees have been planted). Changes
in assessed value resulting from amendments or
cancellations of existing plans also begin as of January 1
of the assessment year following the change. If the
effective date of an FDA plan is January 1, then that
plan would be eligible for an FDA assessment for that
assessment year. Once the chief county assessing
officer (CCAO) receives official notification that a tract
has been granted approved FDA status, this status
remains in effect until notified otherwise or until the
property is sold. For more information, see Publication
135, Preferential Assessments for Wooded Acreage.
Assessment of land in vegetative filter strips. Land
in all downstate counties that has been certified by the
Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) as being in
an approved vegetative filter strip (VFS) is eligible, upon
application, to be assessed at one-sixth of its soil PI EAV
as cropland. Land in Cook County that has been certified
by the SWCD as being in an approved VFS is eligible,
upon application, to be assessed according to Section
10-130 of the Property Tax Code. Land assessed as a
VFS is excluded from both the two-year and primary-use
The effective date of the initial legislation that creates the
assessment provision for a VFS is January 1, 1997.
Assessment as a VFS begins in the first assessment
year after 1996, for which the property is in an approved
VFS use on the annual assessment date of January
1. For example, land that is in a VFS during a portion
of 2023, and is certified by the SWCD as being in an
approved status on January 1, 2024, is eligible for
assessment as a VFS for the 2024 assessment year.
Land in Christmas tree production. Land used for
growing Christmas trees is eligible for a farmland
assessment provided it has been in Christmas trees or
another qualified farm use for the previous two years
and that it is not part of a primarily residential parcel. If
Christmas trees are grown on land that either was being
cropped prior to tree plantings or land that ordinarily
would be cropped, then the cropland assessment should
apply until tree maturity prevents the land from being
cropped again without first having to undergo significant
improvements (e.g., clearing). At this point, the “other
farmland” assessment should apply. If Christmas trees
are grown on land that was neither in crop production
prior to tree planting nor would ordinarily be cropped,
then the “other farmland” assessment instantly applies.
Land in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).
Land in the CRP is eligible for a farmland assessment
provided it has been in the CRP or another qualified
farm use for the previous two years and is not a part
of a primarily residential parcel. CRP land is assessed
according to its use. Land enrolled into the CRP can be
planted in grasses or trees. If grass is planted, this land
will be classified as cropland (according to the Bureau
of Census’ cropland definition). If trees are planted, then
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the cropland assessment should apply until tree
maturity prevents the land from being cropped again
without first having to undergo significant improvements
(e.g., clearing). At this point, the “other farmland”
assessment should apply.
Land in Conservation Reserve Enhancement
Program (CREP). Land in the CREP is eligible for a
farmland assessment provided it has been in the CREP
or another qualified farm use for the previous two years
and is not a part of a primarily residential parcel. Land
in an active CREP program is assessed the same as
Horse boarding and training facilities. The boarding
and training of horses (regardless of the use for which
the horses are being raised) is generally considered to
meet the “keeping, raising, and feeding” provisions of
the farm definition pertaining to livestock. Therefore,
such a tract would be eligible for a farmland assessment
provided its sole use has been in this or another qualified
farm use for the previous two years; and, it is not part of
a primarily residential parcel.
Assessment of tree nurseries. Tree nurseries are
included in the statutory definition of a farm. Such a tract
would be eligible for a farmland assessment provided
its sole use has been in this or another qualified farm
use for the previous two years and it is not part of a
primarily residential parcel. If trees are grown on land
that either was being cropped prior to tree planting or
land that ordinarily would be cropped, then the cropland
assessment should apply until tree maturity prevents the
land from being cropped again without first having to
undergo significant improvements (e.g., clearing). At this
point, the “other farmland” assessment should apply. If
trees are grown on land that was neither in crop
production prior to tree planting nor would ordinarily be
cropped, then the “other farmland” assessment would
instantly apply.
Assessment of greenhouse property. Greenhouses
are included in the statutory definition of a farm. To
qualify as a greenhouse, a building must be used for
cultivating plants. A tract that qualifies as greenhouse
property is eligible for a farmland assessment provided
its sole use has been in this or another qualified farm
use for the previous two years and it is not part of a
primarily residential parcel. Greenhouses are assessed
according to their contributory value, and greenhouse
lots are assessed as “other farmland.”
Wildlife farming. Wildlife farming is included in the
statutory definition of a farm. To qualify for wildlife
farming, a tract must comply with the “keeping, raising,
and feeding” provisions of the farm definition. The
mere keeping of a wildlife habitat does not meet these
provisions. Hunting may be a component of wildlife
farming; but, hunting, in itself, does not constitute wildlife
farming. Neither is just the purchase and release of
adult game for hunting considered wildlife farming. Land
that is actively engaged in the farming of wildlife is
eligible for a farmland assessment provided its sole use
has been in this or another qualified farm use for the
previous two years and it is not part of a primarily
residential parcel. Any such land that was either
previously being cropped or ordinarily would be cropped,
would warrant a cropland assessment until additional
improvements (e.g., clearing) would be required before
the land could be cropped again. At this point, the other
farmland assessment would apply. Any such land that
neither was being cropped nor ordinarily would be
cropped, would warrant an “other farmland” assessment.
Fish farming. Fish farming is included in the statutory
definition of a farm. To qualify for fish farming, a tract
must comply with the “keeping, raising, and feeding”
provisions of the farm definition. Fishing may be a
component of fish farming; but, fishing, in itself, does not
constitute fish farming. Neither is just the purchase and
release of fish for fishing, a practice often referred to as
“put and take,” considered fish farming. Land that is
actively used for the farming of fish is eligible for a
farmland assessment provided its sole use has been in
this or another qualified farm use for the previous two
years and it is not part of a primarily residential parcel.
Compost sites. Composting, generally, does not meet
the farm definition. However, an on-farm composting site,
where the finished product is for on-farm use, does qualify
for the farmland assessment. If such a composting site is
situated on land that either was being cropped prior to the
composting activity or that ordinarily would be cropped,
then the cropland assessment applies until the
composting activity would prevent the land from being
cropped again without first having to undergo significant
improvements. At this point, the contributory wasteland
assessment should apply. If the composting site is
situated on land that was neither in crop production prior
to composting activity nor would ordinarily be cropped,
then the contributory wasteland assessment should
instantly apply.
Sewage sludge disposal sites. Determining the proper
assessment classification for farmland that is also used
as a sewage sludge disposal site depends upon
circumstances pertaining to the particular site, such as
the application rate of the sludge,
whether or not the application of the sludge interferes
with farming operations (sludge can be applied
before a crop is planted, directly to a crop, after a
crop is harvested, or in a manner so intensive as to
prohibit farming), or
whether or not the owner or operator of the site
receives financial payment.
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The overriding factor to determine whether such a
dually-used tract is eligible for a farmland assessment is
whether or not the sludge is being applied at agronomic
rates (i.e., rates which are suitable for the growth and
development of crops). If nonfarm sludge is applied to an
otherwise eligible farm tract at an agronomic rate, then
the farm classification applies. If, however, cessation
of farming occurs as a result of sludge being applied
at a nonagronomic rate, then the farm classification
may not apply. Even if application of nonfarm sludge at
a nonagronomic rate does not interfere with farming
operations, income generated from this nonfarm activity
may conflict with the law’s sole-use requirement.
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Water
Pollution Control Division, should be contacted at
217 782-0610 for information pertaining to whether or
not nonfarm sludge is being applied at an agronomic
Other guidelines
“Idle land” is land that is not put into a qualified farm
use as the result of a management decision, including
neglect. Idle land differs from wasteland, which is
defined as “... that portion of a qualified farm tract which
is not put into cropland, permanent pasture, or other
farmland as the result of soil limitations and not as a
result of a management decision.”
How to assess idle land depends upon whether or not
the idle land
is part of a farm,
could be cropped without additional improvements,
is larger or smaller than the farmed portion of the
parcel or tract.
Guidelines for the assessment of idle land are as follows:
If idle land is not part of a farm or not qualified for
a special assessment (i.e., open space), treat it as
nonfarm and assess it at market value according to
its highest and best use.
If idle land is part of a farm, and could be cropped
without additional improvements, it may be assessed
as cropland if the idle portion of the parcel is smaller
than the farmed portion of the parcel.
If idle land is part of a farm but could not be cropped
without additional improvements, it may be assessed
as wasteland if the idle portion of the parcel is
smaller than the farmed portion of the parcel.
Generally, when the idle portion of the parcel is
larger than the farmed portion of the parcel, the idle
portion is assessed at market value according to
its highest and best use. However, when a farm tract
consists of multiple tax parcels, the cropland or
wasteland assessment may apply to the idle portion
of a predominantly (or exclusively) idle parcel if the
idle portion of the overall farm tract is smaller than
the farmed portion of the tract.
Distinguishing between idle land (that is not farmland) and
land that may qualify under the farm definition as “forestry”
may be difficult. However, to qualify as forestry, a wooded
tract must be systematically managed for the production of
Primary use provision of the farm definition. The
statutory farm definition (35 ILCS 200/1-60) states: “For
purposes of this Code, ‘farm’ does not include property
which is primarily used for residential purposes even
though some farm products may be grown or farm
animals bred or fed on the property incidental to its
primary use.” Because the farm definition prohibits
farmed portions of primarily residential parcels from
receiving a farmland assessment, assessors must make
primary-use determinations on parcels that contain both
farm and residential uses.
The determination of primary-use must have a rational
basis and be uniformly applied in the assessment
jurisdiction. This recommended guideline is intended to
supplement the assessor’s judgment and experience
and to provide advice and direction to assessors to
determine whether or not a parcel with both farm
and residential uses is used primarily for residential
purposes. This guideline does not apply to tracts
assessed under the forestry management or vegetative
filter strip provisions of the Property Tax Code, nor does
it apply to parcels that do not contain any residential
According to this guideline, the primary use of a parcel
containing only intensive farm and residential uses is
residential unless the intensively-farmed portion of
the parcel is larger than the residential portion of the
parcel. For purposes of this guideline, “intensive farm
use” refers to farm practices for which the per-acre
income and expenditures are significantly higher than
in conventional farm use. Intensive farm use is typically
more labor-intensive than conventional farm use.
According to this guideline, the primary use of a parcel
containing only conventional farm and residential uses
is residential unless the conventionally-farmed portion
of the parcel is larger than the residential portion of
the parcel. These presumptions may be rebutted by
evidence received that the primary use of the parcel
is not residential. For purposes of this guideline,
“conventional farm use” refers to the tending of all
major and minor Illinois field crops, pasturing, foresting,
livestock, and other activities associated with basic
If a parcel has a use combination of residential,
conventional farm, and intensive farm, the determination
of whether or not the primary use is residential must be
made by applying the criteria for each type of farm
use described in the preceding paragraphs and then
weighing the result of all farm uses against residential
use of the parcel.
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If a parcel has a use combination of residential,
nonresidential-nonfarm (e.g., commercial, industrial),
and any type of farm use, then the relative proportion of
all uses should be considered in determining whether the
primary use of the parcel is residential. For example, if
the primary use of the parcel is commercial, the primary
use of the parcel cannot be residential and any farmed
portion of the parcel meeting the two-year requirement is
entitled to a farmland assessment even though it may be
smaller than the portion of the parcel used for residential
Alternative soil mapping guideline. The Department
has consistently advocated the use of Illinois
Cooperative Soil Survey (ICSS) soil mapping (mapping
prepared for county detailed soil surveys) for computing
farmland assessments. The ICSS soil maps contain the
level of accuracy needed to assure that soil productivity
indices and assessed values are accurate.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS),
the agency responsible for directing the ICSS program,
is a producer of Order 2 soil surveys. Order 2 soil
mapping (mapping prepared at a scale of 1:12,000
to 1:20,000) is regarded by the Department as the
largest, feasibly-manageable scale for which to conduct
a reliable state mapping project. The ICSS does not
produce Order 1 (mapping produced at a scale usually
larger than 1:12,000) soil mapping for a county. Although
Order 1 soil mapping could provide a more detailed
account of the soils for a specific site than Order 2
mapping, its lack of national and state standards will
often cause it to be less accurate.
Landowners may, however, challenge ICSS soil data
(mapping) in a tax assessment complaint and submit
alternative soil mapping. Such soil mapping should be
prepared at the same scale or under the specifications
and standards as ICSS soil mapping. When a complaint
is filed, boards of review must decide whether evidence
supports replacing ICSS soil mapping with alternative
mapping. Evidence that supports substituting alternative
soil mapping for ICSS soil mapping is the acceptance of
such alternative mapping by the NRCS and a resulting
change in the official record copy of the soil map. An
official record copy soil map showing all approved soil
surveys is maintained by the NRCS. Board of review
decisions regarding the standing of alternative mapping
should not be made without considering the expert
opinion of the NRCS.
Through combined efforts of the Department, NRCS,
and the Office of Research in the College of Agricultural,
Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, the following
mechanism has been developed which will give boards
of review access to such expert opinion.
The CCAO should forward any alternative Order 2 soil
mapping received in a complaint to the local NRCS
field office. The NRCS field office will conduct an
initial evaluation of the alternative soil mapping, and,
as warranted, will forward the material to the NRCS
area and/or state level. The NRCS will determine if the
alternative mapping warrants a change in the official
record copy. Boards of review should give substantial
weight to NRCS decisions when settling complaints.
Since NRCS evaluations will only be performed on
alternative Order 2 soil mapping, according to this
guideline, board of review rules should be amended to
require that corresponding Order 2 soil mapping must
accompany any Order 1 soil mapping submitted in a
complaint. Boards of review can benefit greatly from an
NRCS evaluation of Order 2 soil mapping.
Since ICSS soil maps identify soils as they occur on the
landscape, boards of review should not replace ICSS soil
mapping with any alternative mapping for areas smaller
in size than a tax parcel. The entire tax parcel should be
evaluated and mapped if alternative soil mapping is done.
Use of a tract during the assessment year. Since real
property is valued according to its condition on January
1 of the assessment year, a time when most farmland
is idle, an assessor will often not know if a tract will no
longer be used for farming. Therefore, circumstances
occurring after January 1 may be taken into consideration
to determine a parcel’s tax status as farm or nonfarm. For
example, if a typically cropped tract previously assessed
as farmland has not been planted or used in any other
qualified farm use during the assessment year and
building construction has begun on the tract, the tract
should not be assessed as farmland.
Significance of primary use on a non-residential
parcel. The primary use of a non-residential parcel does
not have to be agricultural in order for a tract within the
parcel to be assessed as a farm. The farmed portion of
primarily commercial or industrial parcels is eligible for a
farm assessment provided it qualifies under the statutory
definition of farm and has qualified for the previous two
years. For example, if a small farmed tract on an 80-acre
industrial parcel meets the farm definition and has met
the definition for the previous two years, the small tract
should be assessed as farmland.
Two-year eligibility requirement. The statutory
requirement that land be in a farm use for the preceding
two years applies to nonfarm converted-to-farm tracts for
which there was no previous farming and not to tracts
converted for the purpose of adding to existing farmland.
For example, the two-year requirement would not apply
when the dwelling on a farmed parcel is demolished and
the land is farmed. The two-year requirement also does not
apply to tracts assessed under the Forestry Development
Act or land assessed as a vegetative filter strip.
Detailed soil mapping. Modern detailed soil maps,
prepared by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation
Service, are now complete in every county. Boards of
review are advised to consider such detailed soil mapping
when presented for appeal.
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Effect of commercial retailing of farm products on
preferential assessment status. Eligibility for receiving
the preferential farmland assessment depends solely
upon a tract’s conformity with the farm definition without
regard to the retailing methods of agricultural products
produced on the tract. For example, a pay-to-pick
strawberry patch is eligible for a preferential farmland
assessment provided its sole use has been in this or
another qualified farm use for the previous two years
and it is not part of a primarily residential parcel. Tracts
devoted to nonfarm uses (e.g., clubhouse, cabin), tracts
where the use is not solely agricultural (e.g., pasture also
used for commercial horseback riding or camping), or
tracts used for the sale of nonfarm products are not
eligible for preferential treatment.
Effects of gubernatorial proclamation — declaring
county as a State of Illinois disaster area. Unless
stipulated, there is no farmland assessment relief
associated with a disaster area proclamation. Any crop
damage caused by flooding from such a disaster,
should be compensated for through the county’s flood
adjustment procedure.
Use of ortho-photo base maps. Use of an ortho-photo
base map is neither mandated by statute nor required
by the Department. The Department recognizes certain
advantages associated with ortho-photography, but
is also aware of hardships the additional expense
of ortho-photography may impose on some local
governments. The benefits of ortho-photography
increase when the photo base map is used in a
computer-assisted mapping system or geographic
information system and increases further as the
steepness and diversity of the terrain increases. Before
deciding on a base map, a county should be sure that
it is accurate enough to allow for proper matching of
parcel boundaries and soil types. The law requires that
cropland, permanent pasture, and other farmland be
assessed according to its adjusted PI. This can only be
accomplished when soil types are adequately identified
and measured by land use.
Effect of a designated Ag area on farmland
assessments. The Agricultural Areas Conservation and
Protection Act, 505 ILCS 5/1 et seq., provides for the
establishment of agricultural conservation and protection
areas (commonly called “Ag Areas”). The establishment
of an Ag area provides the following benefits:
Landowners are protected from local laws or
ordinances that would restrict normal farming
practices, including nuisance ordinances.
Protection from special benefit assessments for
sewer, water, lights or nonfarm drainage (unless
landowners are benefited) is provided.
Land is protected from locally-initiated projects
that would lead to the conversion of that land to
other uses.
State agencies may consider the existence of Ag
Areas when selecting a site for a project; however,
the Act does not prohibit these agencies from
acquiring land in Ag Areas for development
When determining farmland eligibility, no special
consideration is given to a tract due to its being located
within a designated Ag Area.
Comparing actual yields to formula yields when
determining flood adjustments. Sometimes the
yields of flood-affected farms and upland farms of
similar PIs are similar; but, once adjusted for flood,
the flood-affected farms carry a lower assessment. In
order to keep the PIs and assessments of flood-affected
soils and similar-producing upland soils consistent, a
proposal was presented for comparing actual yields
to formula yields and not assigning a flood adjustment
when the yield of a particular soil meets or exceeds the
average yield for the soil’s PI. The Department advises
against comparing actual yields to formula yields as a
way of determining if a flood adjustment is warranted.
The Farmland Assessment Law presupposes average
yield potential under an average level of management. It
would be inappropriate to penalize farmers who achieve
higher-than-average yields through the employment of
higher and costlier management practices. Refer to the
instructions for flood adjustment.
PUB-122 (R-01/24)
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Assessment of Farmland
The Farmland Assessment Law establishes capitalized net
income as the basis for the EAV of farmland. Each year, the
net income is determined for each PI of cropland. The net
income is then capitalized by the five-year Federal Land
Bank rate to determine an agricultural economic value (AEV)
for each PI. The AEV for each PI is then multiplied by 33
percent (.3333), the product of which is the EAV. A listing of
the 2024 EAVs of cropland by PI is given in Table 1. By law,
the EAV of permanent pasture should be at one-third and the
EAV of other farmland should be at one-sixth of these values.
To assess cropland, permanent pasture, or other farmland,
determine the PI of each soil type. Because wasteland is
assessed based on its contributory value as described in
the guidelines, it is not necessary to determine the PI of
wasteland in a farm parcel.
The degree of difficulty and accuracy in assessing farmland is
determined by the type of soil maps available. The easiest and
most accurate soil map to use is the detailed soil map prepared
by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
for modern detailed soil surveys. A modern detailed soil map is
an aerial base map showing the delineation of each soil type
based on numerous soil samples and other field and laboratory
analyses. Currently, all 102 counties have been mapped.
Individual soil weighting method
Using a detailed soil survey
Procedural steps and example assessments for implementing
the individual soil weighting method using a detailed soil
survey are given in Steps 1 through 10.
Step 1 — Obtain adequate aerial base tax maps. This step
can be accomplished by acquiring or developing a set of aerial
base tax maps as outlined in the Tax Maps and Property Index
Number section of the Illinois Tax Mapping Manual.
Step 2 — Obtain detailed soil maps showing the distribution
of each soil type. Detailed maps are prepared by the NRCS,
in cooperation with the University of Illinois. These maps
provide an inventory of the soil types found in a specific area.
The various soil types are delineated on the soil map and are
numerically coded for identification.
Reproduce detailed soil maps as overlays and at the same
scale as the aerial base tax maps. This will allow the assessor
to easily identify soil types by land-use category. Make any
necessary corrections for map distortion.
The aerial base tax map is shown as Figure 1. The parcel
used in this example is 01-29-400-001-0011. This parcel
consists of 158 acres, all the land in the SE ¼ of section 29
south of the center line of the road. An overlay of the detailed
soil survey map is shown on the aerial photograph.
Step 3 — Determine, from aerial photograph interpretation
and on-site inspection of the parcel, the portions of the tract to
be classified as cropland, permanent pasture, other farmland,
wasteland, road, and homesite. Cropland, permanent pasture,
and other farmland will each have an assessment based upon
soil productivity. Refer to the land use guidelines to determine
into which category a specific land use falls. Also determine
which portions of the wasteland contribute to the productivity
of the farm. Delineate all land-use categories on the aerial
It was determined that the uses listed under Figure 1 were
present. As outlined in the guidelines, the farm building site
and the grass waterway will be assessed as other farmland
and the creek will be assessed as wasteland. The creek
contributes to the productivity of the farm by facilitating the
drainage of the entire parcel. The homesite is assessed based
upon the market value just as any other residential land.
Steps 4, 5, and 6 are illustrated in the example after Step 6.
Step 4 — Determine the acreage of each soil type within
each land use category that will be assessed by productivity.
The measurement may be made using a planimeter, grid,
electronic calculator, or computerized mapping system (GIS,
autocad, map info, etc.) whereby the various maps (soil,
aerial, tax) may be digitized or scanned-in as layers. For
noncomputerized mapping systems, outline the areas to be
measured when the detailed soil survey map is laid over the
aerial tax map. For this example, the acreage of each soil
type was measured using an electronic area calculator and
is shown under the headings ‘‘Soil I.D.’ and ‘‘# Acres’’ on the
property record card (PRC).
Step 5 — Determine soil PI ratings for each soil type
identified. Table 2 lists the average management PI for soil
types mapped in Illinois. To use the table, locate a soil’s
identification number in the left-hand column and find its
corresponding PI in the right-hand column.
The PIs of the soil on this parcel listed below are also shown
under the heading ‘‘PI’ on the PRC.
Soil ID PI Soil ID PI
8 81 107 123
17 105 119 99
43 126 280 108
74 120
For information on assigning PIs to soil complexes, refer
to the section titled “Soil complex adjustments”.
PUB-122 (R-01/24)
Page 10 of 54
Step 6 Adjust the PIs for slope and erosion. The indexes
given in Table 2 are for 0 to 2 percent slopes and uneroded
conditions. Therefore, adjust these PIs for the negative
influence of actual slope and erosion conditions.
Table 3 shows percentage adjustments for common slope and
erosion conditions for favorable and unfavorable subsoil. Soil
types with unfavorable subsoils are indicated in Table 2 under
subsoil rooting. To use Table 3, select the proper subsoil type
and correlate the percentage slope on the left-hand side of
the table with the degree of erosion at the top of the table. The
number taken from this table is a percentage that is multiplied
by the PI taken from Table 2. The result is the PI under
average level management adjusted for slope and erosion.
Slope is indicated on a detailed soil survey map by the letter
following the soil number. In this particular soil survey, the
slopes are identified as follows:
Letter code % slope used % slope used in
Table 3
no letter or A 0-2% slope 1%
B 2-4% slope 3%
C 4-7% slope 6%
D 7-12% slope 10%
E 12-18% slope 15%
F 18-35% slope 27%
Letter codes and percentage of slope vary between
detailed soil surveys and between soil types within surveys.
Consult the soil survey for the correct percentage of
slope for each soil type.
Because Table 3 cannot be used with slope ranges, use a
central point of the slope ranges unless a better determinant
of slope is available. For the slope ranges used in the
example, the central points are given above.
Erosion is indicated on a detailed soil survey map by a
number following the letter indicating slope. Erosion is
indicated below.
No number or 1 uneroded
2 moderate erosion
3 severe erosion
Given the information above, the designation of a soil
as 280C2 indicates soil #280 with 4-7 percent slope and
moderate erosion.
Using Table 3 to find the percentage adjustment to the PI of
a soil designated as ‘‘C’ slope ‘‘2’’ erosion, read down the
‘‘slope’ column to 6 percent and across to the ‘‘moderate
erosion’’ column to find the number 93, or 93 percent
adjustment. Applying this 93 percent adjustment to the PI of
soil #280 given in Table 2 results in a PI adjustment for slope
and erosion of 100 for the 280C2 soil (108 x 93% = 100).
The designation of a soil as 8F indicates soil #8 with 18-35
percent slope and uneroded.
Using Table 3 to find the percentage adjustment to the PI of
a soil designated as ‘‘F’ slope and uneroded, read down the
‘‘slope’ column to 27 percent and across to the ‘‘uneroded’’
column to find the number 71 or 71 percent adjustment.
Applying this adjustment to the PI of soil #8 given in Table 2
results in an adjusted PI of 58 for the 8F soil (81 x 71% = 58).
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Steps 7 through 10 are illustrated on the PRC example
following Step 10.
Step 7 — Determine the EAV per acre of each soil type for
each land use category. To do this, locate the adjusted PI of
each soil type in Table 1. The EAV per acre for a soil type in
the cropland category is found directly from the table. For soil
types in the permanent pasture and other farmland categories,
determine the EAV per acre for each soil in the same manner
as for cropland; then, multiply this value times one-third for
permanent pasture and one-sixth for other farmland.
For example, soil #17 in the cropland category has an
adjusted PI of 105. By locating the PI of 105 in Table 1, the
EAV per acre is found to be $467.19. To determine the EAV
per acre for a soil included in the permanent pasture and
other farmland categories, multiply the value as cropland
by one-third (.3333) and one-sixth (.1667) respectively. Soil
119D in the permanent pasture category has an adjusted PI
of 93 which has a cropland value from Table 1 of $368.99.
After multiplying this value by 33
1/3 percent (.3333), the
EAV for this soil in the permanent pasture category is equal
to $122.98. The EAV per acre of a soil included in the other
farmland category is determined by multiplying its value as
cropland from Table 1 by one-sixth (.1667).
The six acres of creek are considered to contribute to the
productivity of the farm and are assessed as contributory
wasteland at one-sixth of the value of the lowest PI of
cropland certified by the Department. For 2023, the lowest PI
of cropland certified by the Department was 82. The EAV per
acre for cropland of PI 82 is $327.50. The EAV per acre of the
wasteland that is a creek is
$327.50 x
= $54.59 per acre.
An EAV per acre of zero is assigned to both the two acres of
non-contributory wasteland and the two acres of public road.
All EAVs by soil type are shown under the heading ‘‘Cert. Val.’’
the PRC.
Step 8 — Calculate the assessed value for each soil type
in each land-use category by multiplying the EAV per acre
(from Step 7) by the number of acres for each corresponding
soil type. For example, the assessed value for soil #43 in the
cropland category is 35 (acres) x $846.64/acre = $29,632.00.
These calculations are shown under the heading ‘‘Asmt.’ on
the PRC.
Step 9 — Subtotal the number of acres and assessed values
of the soil types within each land-use category to obtain
the total number of acres and total EAVs for the cropland,
permanent pasture, and other farmland categories. In
the example, the total EAV for the 83 acres of cropland is
$51,946.00. These calculations are shown on the ‘‘Subtotal’’
line under their respective headings on PRC.
Step 10 — Determine the total EAV for farmland by adding
the previously determined subtotals for cropland, permanent
pasture, and other farmland to the assessed value of
The PI adjustments and the adjusted PIs of all soils in the
parcel are shown under the headings ‘‘Adj. Factor(s)’ and
‘‘Adj. P.I.’’ on the PRC.
Example — Steps 4, 5, and 6
Property Record — Farm — Individual Soil Weighting Method
Zoning Card No. Township Vol. Tax Code Area Sect. Block Parcel Unit
—— of ——
Division Record of Ownership Date Deed Stamp Sale Pri ce
Year _______ Year _______ Year _______ Year _______ Year _______ Year _______
Soil ID PI Adj. Factor(s)
Adj . PI
No. Acres Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt.
Contributory Wasteland 1/6 Lowest EAV
Non-Contributory Wasteland 000000000000
Dedicated Roads 000000000000
Total All Farmland
No. Acres Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt.
Residential Bldgs.
Farm Bldgs.
PRC-1F (R-6/99) IL-492-1154
Cropland (Full EAV)Permanent Pasture (1/3 EAV)Other Farmland (1/6 EAV)
Ownership/Mailing Address
& Abbr. Legal
17 105 105 28
43 126 126 35
119D 99 0.94 (S) 93 1
280B 108 0.99(S) 107 14
280C2 108 0.93(S & E) 100 5
8F 81 0.71(S) 58 4
43 126 126 1
74 120 120 12
107 123 123 4
119D 99 0.94 (S) 93 17
119E3 99 0.75 (S & E) 74 4
280B 108 0.99 (S) 107 6
280C2 108 0.93 (S & E) 100 8
43 126 126 4
280C2 108 0.93 (S & E) 100 3
PUB-122 (R-01/24)
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Use Acres Use Acres
Cropland 83 Grass Waterway 3
Permanent Pasture 56 Wasteland 2
Farm Building Site 4 Creek 6
Road 2
Figure 1
Property Record — Farm — Individual Soil Weighting Method
Zoning Card No. Township Vol. Tax Code Area Sect. Block Parcel Unit
—— of ——
Division Record of Ownership Date Deed Stamp Sale Pri ce
Year _______ Year _______ Year _______ Year _______ Year _______ Year _______
Soil ID PI Adj. Factor(s)
Adj . PI
No. Acres Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt. Cert. Value Asmt.
Contributory Wasteland 1/6 Lowest EAV
Non-Contributory Wasteland 000000000000
Dedicated Roads 000000000000
Total All Farmland
No. Acres Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt. Value Level Asmt.
Residential Bldgs.
Farm Bldgs.
PRC-1F (R-6/99) IL-492-1154
Cropland (Full EAV)Permanent Pasture (1/3 EAV)Other Farmland (1/6 EAV)
Ownership/Mailing Address
& Abbr. Legal
467.19 13,081
846.64 29,632
368.99 369
483.90 6,775
417.79 2,089
109.16 437
282.19 282
220.81 2,650
242.87 971
122.98 2,091
109.16 437
161.28 968
139.25 1,114
141.14 565
69.65 209
17 105 105 28
43 126 126 35
119D 99 0.94 (S) 93 1
280B 108 0.99(S) 107 14
280C2 108 0.93(S & E) 100 5
8F 81 0.71(S) 58 4
43 126 126 1
74 120 120 12
107 123 123 4
119D 99 0.94 (S) 93 17
119E3 99 0.75 (S & E) 74 4
280B 108 0.99 (S) 107 6
280C2 108 0.93 (S & E) 100 8
43 126 126 4
280C2 108 0.93 (S & E) 100 3
PUB-122 (R-01/24)
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Soil complex adjustments
Occasionally, two or more soils occur together in a pattern that
is too intricate for the individual soils to be delineated on the
soil map at the scale being used. These groups of soils are
called soil complexes. When this situation occurs, the PI of the
complex is calculated by weighting or averaging the individual
indexes of the soils in the complex. When the percentage of
each type of soil in the complex is known, a weighted PI is
calculated. The method for weighting is outlined below using
the Cisne-Huey complex for a county in which percentages
of each soil is known. If the percentages of each soil type
cannot be obtained, the PIs for the individual soil types may
be averaged to get a PI for the complex.
Cisne-Huey PI x percent = Contribution
Cisne (2) 97 x 60% = 58.2
Huey (120) 79 x 40% = 31.6
Total 100% = 89.8 = 90 = PI
PUB-122 (R-01/24)
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Table 1
Average Gross Non-Land Net Land Agricultural Equalized * 2024 Certifed
Management PI Income Production Costs Return Economic Value Assessed Value Value
82 $560.15 $441.19 $118.96 $2,314.41 $771.47 $327.50
83 $565.20 $443.24 $121.97 $2,372.89 $790.96 $329.11
84 $570.26 $445.28 $124.97 $2,431.37 $810.46 $330.72
85 $575.31 $447.33 $127.98 $2,489.84 $829.95 $332.39
86 $580.36 $449.37 $130.98 $2,548.32 $849.44 $334.07
87 $585.41 $451.42 $133.99 $2,606.80 $868.93 $335.68
88 $590.46 $453.46 $137.00 $2,665.28 $888.43 $337.18
89 $595.51 $455.51 $140.00 $2,723.76 $907.92 $343.38
90 $600.56 $457.55 $143.01 $2,782.23 $927.41 $349.78
91 $605.61 $459.60 $146.01 $2,840.71 $946.90 $356.19
92 $610.66 $461.64 $149.02 $2,899.19 $966.40 $362.59
93 $615.71 $463.69 $152.02 $2,957.67 $985.89 $368.99
94 $620.76 $465.73 $155.03 $3,016.14 $1,005.38 $375.41
95 $625.82 $467.78 $158.04 $3,074.62 $1,024.87 $381.81
96 $630.87 $469.83 $161.04 $3,133.10 $1,044.37 $388.21
97 $635.92 $471.87 $164.05 $3,191.58 $1,063.86 $394.61
98 $640.97 $473.92 $167.05 $3,250.05 $1,083.35 $401.00
99 $646.02 $475.96 $170.06 $3,308.53 $1,102.84 $408.11
100 $651.07 $478.01 $173.06 $3,367.01 $1,122.34 $417.79
101 $656.12 $480.05 $176.07 $3,425.49 $1,141.83 $428.03
102 $661.17 $482.10 $179.08 $3,483.96 $1,161.32 $438.56
103 $666.22 $484.14 $182.08 $3,542.44 $1,180.81 $449.19
104 $671.27 $486.19 $185.09 $3,600.92 $1,200.31 $458.91
105 $676.32 $488.23 $188.09 $3,659.40 $1,219.80 $467.19
106 $681.38 $490.28 $191.10 $3,717.88 $1,239.29 $475.58
107 $686.43 $492.32 $194.10 $3,776.35 $1,258.78 $483.90
108 $691.48 $494.37 $197.11 $3,834.83 $1,278.28 $491.39
109 $696.53 $496.41 $200.12 $3,893.31 $1,297.77 $498.74
110 $701.58 $498.46 $203.12 $3,951.79 $1,317.26 $506.17
111 $706.63 $500.50 $206.13 $4,010.26 $1,336.75 $515.56
112 $711.68 $502.55 $209.13 $4,068.74 $1,356.25 $526.04
113 $716.73 $504.59 $212.14 $4,127.22 $1,375.74 $536.70
114 $721.78 $506.64 $215.14 $4,185.70 $1,395.23 $547.55
115 $726.83 $508.68 $218.15 $4,244.17 $1,414.72 $558.55
116 $731.88 $510.73 $221.16 $4,302.65 $1,434.22 $569.77
117 $736.94 $512.77 $224.16 $4,361.13 $1,453.71 $581.14
118 $741.99 $514.82 $227.17 $4,419.61 $1,473.20 $592.65
119 $747.04 $516.86 $230.17 $4,478.09 $1,492.70 $604.38
120 $752.09 $518.91 $233.18 $4,536.56 $1,512.19 $622.49
121 $757.14 $520.95 $236.19 $4,595.04 $1,531.68 $669.24
122 $762.19 $523.00 $239.19 $4,653.56 $1,551.17 $713.52
123 $767.24 $525.04 $242.20 $4,712.00 $1,570.67 $728.69
124 $772.29 $527.09 $245.20 $4,770.47 $1,590.16 $750.53
125 $777.34 $529.14 $248.21 $4,828.95 $1,609.65 $797.93
126 $782.39 $531.18 $251.21 $4,887.43 $1,629.14 $846.64
127 $787.45 $533.23 $254.22 $4,945.91 $1,648.64 $896.67
128 $792.50 $535.27 $257.23 $5,004.38 $1,668.13 $917.74
129 $797.55 $537.32 $260.23 $5,062.86 $1,687.62 $937.85
130 $802.60 $539.36 $263.24 $5,121.34 $1,707.11 $958.18
10% Increase of 2023 certified value at PI 111 is $46.87
* These values reflect the Statutory changes to 35 ILCS 200/10-115e under Public Act 98-0109.
*Farmland values are as certified by the Farmland Assessment Technical Advisory Board. Any differences in calculations
are due to rounding at different stages of calculations.
Certified Values for Assessment Year 2024 ($ per acre)
The 5-year capitalization rate is 5.14 percent.
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Table 2 Information and Acknowledgement
This table replaces Table 2 in Bulletin 810. Duplicate IL Map Symbols are in bold typeface. Use the appropriate soil type name
to determine the proper productivity index.
Acknowledgement: Soil productivity indices and other required data for each Illinois soil were transferred to this website. From
1996 to present, the Illinois crop yields estimates and productivity indices by soil type were created by a University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences task force of soil scientists, agronomists,
crop scientists and agricultural economists in the Department of NRES.
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Instructions for Farmland Assessments
Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
2 Cisne silt loam Favorable 97
3 Hoyleton silt loam Favorable 96
4 Richview silt loam Favorable 98
5 Blair silt loam Unfavorable 92
6 Fishhook silt loam Unfavorable 86
7 Atlas silt loam Unfavorable 79
8 Hickory loam Favorable 81
9 Sandstone rock land Crop yield data not available
10 Plumfield silty clay loam Unfavorable 72
12 Wynoose silt loam Favorable 86
13 Bluford silt loam Favorable 90
14 Ava silt loam Unfavorable 89
15 Parke silt loam Favorable 97
16 Rushville silt loam Favorable 97
17 Keomah silt loam Favorable 105
18 Clinton silt loam Favorable 107
19 Sylvan silt loam Favorable 98
21 Pecatonica silt loam Favorable 100
22 Westville silt loam Favorable 100
23 Blount silt loam Favorable 93
24 Dodge silt loam Favorable 108
25 Hennepin loam Unfavorable 80
26 Wagner silt loam Favorable 96
27 Miami silt loam Favorable 99
28 Jules silt loam Favorable 108
29 Dubuque silt loam Unfavorable 85
30 Hamburg silt loam Favorable 95
31 Pierron silt loam Favorable 90
34 Tallula silt loam Favorable 116
35 Bold silt loam Favorable 97
36 Tama silt loam Favorable 123
37 Worthen silt loam Favorable 126
38 Rocher loam Favorable 96
40 Dodgeville silt loam
Favorable 92
41 Muscatine silt loam Favorable 130
42 Papineau fine sandy loam Favorable 91
43 Ipava silt loam Favorable 126
Pella silty clay loam, bedrock substratu
Favorable 100
45 Denny silt loam Favorable 105
46 Herrick silt loam Favorable 118
47 Virden silt loam Favorable 122
48 Ebbert silt loam Favorable 111
49 Watseka loamy fine sand Favorable 82
Revised January 1, 2012
IL map
Soil type name Subsoil rooting
PUB-122 (R-01/24)
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
50 Virden silty clay loam Favorable 119
51 Muscatune silt loam Favorable 130
53 Bloomfield fine sand Favorable 75
54 Plainfield sand Favorable 67
55 Sidell silt loam Favorable 117
56 Dana silt loam Favorable 116
57 Montmorenci silt loam Favorable 103
59 Lisbon silt loam Favorable 121
60 La Rose silt loam Favorable 104
61 Atterberry silt loam Favorable 117
62 Herbert silt loam Favorable 116
63 Blown-out land Crop yield data not available
64 Parr fine sandy loam Favorable 95
67 Harpster silty clay loam Favorable 117
68 Sable silty clay loam Favorable 126
69 Milford silty clay loam Favorable 113
70 Beaucoup silty clay loam Favorable 116
71 Darwin silty clay Favorable 98
72 Sharon silt loam Favorable 108
73 Ross loam Favorable 119
74 Radford silt loam Favorable 120
75 Drury silt loam Favorable 112
76 Otter silt loam Favorable 123
77 Huntsville silt loam Favorable 127
78 Arenzville silt loam Favorable 115
79 Menfro silt loam Favorable 106
81 Littleton silt loam Favorable 126
82 Millington loam Favorable 111
83 Wabash silty clay Favorable 103
84 Okaw silt loam Favorable 85
85 Jacob clay Favorable 73
86 Osco silt loam Favorable 125
87 Dickinson sandy loam Favorable 92
88 Sparta loamy sand Favorable 81
89 Maumee fine sandy loam Favorable 83
90 Bethalto silt loam Favorable 118
91 Swygert silty clay loam Unfavorable 104
92 Sarpy sand Favorable 74
93 Rodman gravelly loam Unfavorable 74
94 Limestone rock land Crop yield data not available
95 Shale rock land Crop yield data not available
96 Eden silty clay loam Unfavorable 72
97 Houghton peat Favorable 107
98 Ade loamy fine sand Favorable 91
Sandstone and limestone rock land
Crop yield data not available
Revised January 1, 2012
IL map
Soil type name
Subsoil rooting
PUB-122 (R-01/24)
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
100 Palms muck Favorable 104
101 Brenton silt loam, bedrock substratum Favorable 111
102 La Hogue loam Favorable 107
103 Houghton muck Favorable 115
104 Virgil silt loam Favorable 117
105 Batavia silt loam Favorable 114
106 Hitt sandy loam Favorable 100
107 Sawmill silty clay loam Favorable 123
108 Bonnie silt loam Favorable 98
109 Racoon silt loam Favorable 94
111 Rubio silt loam Favorable 101
112 Cowden silt loam Favorable 103
113 Oconee silt loam Favorable 105
114 O'Fallon silt loam Unfavorable 89
115 Dockery silt loam Favorable 114
116 Whitson silt loam Favorable 103
119 Elco silt loam Favorable 99
120 Huey silt loam Unfavorable 79
122 Colp silt loam Unfavorable 87
123 Riverwash Crop yield data not available
124 Beaucoup gravelly clay loam Favorable 116
125 Selma loam Favorable 114
126 Bonpas silt loam, overwash Favorable 117
127 Harrison silt loam Favorable 115
128 Douglas silt loam Favorable 112
131 Alvin fine sandy loam Favorable 98
132 Starks silt loam Favorable 106
134 Camden silt loam Favorable 106
136 Brooklyn silt loam Favorable 99
137 Clare silt loam, bedrock substratum Favorable 113
138 Shiloh silty clay loam Favorable 115
138+ Shiloh silt loam, overwash Favorable 111
141 Wesley fine sandy loam Favorable 100
142 Patton silty clay loam Favorable 117
145 Saybrook silt loam Favorable 117
146 Elliott silt loam Favorable 111
147 Clarence silty clay loam Unfavorable 95
148 Proctor silt loam Favorable 120
149 Brenton silt loam Favorable 125
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
150 Onarga sandy loam Favorable 97
151 Ridgeville fine sandy loam Favorable 101
152 Drummer silty clay loam Favorable 127
153 Pella silty clay loam Favorable 120
154 Flanagan silt loam Favorable 127
155 Stockland loam Unfavorable 82
157 Symerton loam Favorable 114
159 Pillot silt loam Favorable 106
162 Gorham silty clay loam Favorable 115
164 Stoy silt loam Favorable 96
165 Weir silt loam Favorable 94
166 Cohoctah loam Favorable 118
167 Lukin silt loam Favorable 96
171 Catlin silt loam Favorable 122
172 Hoopeston sandy loam Favorable 97
173 McGary silt loam Unfavorable 89
174 Chaseburg silt loam Favorable 107
175 Lamont fine sandy loam Favorable 86
176 Marissa silt loam Favorable 109
178 Ruark fine sandy loam Favorable 88
179 Minneiska loam Favorable 92
180 Dupo silt loam Favorable 116
182 Peotone mucky silty clay loam, marl substratum Favorable 106
183 Shaffton loam Favorable 102
184 Roby fine sandy loam Favorable 98
188 Beardstown loam Favorable 100
189 Martinton silt loam Favorable 115
191 Knight silt loam Favorable 107
192 Del Rey silt loam Favorable 100
193 Mayville silt loam Favorable 98
194 Morley silt loam Favorable 92
197 Troxel silt loam Favorable 124
198 Elburn silt loam Favorable 127
199 Plano silt loam Favorable 126
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
200 Orio sandy loam Favorable 97
201 Gilford fine sandy loam Favorable 98
204 Ayr sandy loam Favorable 96
205 Metea silt loam Favorable 86
206 Thorp silt loam Favorable 112
208 Sexton silt loam Favorable 102
210 Lena muck Favorable 111
212 Thebes silt loam Favorable 98
213 Normal silt loam Favorable 118
214 Hosmer silt loam Unfavorable 93
216 Stookey silt loam Favorable 102
217 Twomile silt loam Favorable 93
218 Newberry silt loam Favorable 101
219 Millbrook silt loam Favorable 114
221 Parr silt loam Favorable 105
223 Varna silt loam Favorable 103
224 Strawn silt loam Favorable 93
225 Holton silt loam Favorable 89
226 Wirt silt loam Favorable 94
227 Argyle silt loam Favorable 108
228 Nappanee silt loam Unfavorable 78
229 Monee silt loam Favorable 88
230 Rowe silty clay Favorable 98
231 Evansville silt loam Favorable 114
232 Ashkum silty clay loam Favorable 112
233 Birkbeck silt loam Favorable 108
234 Sunbury silt loam Favorable 116
235 Bryce silty clay Favorable 107
236 Sabina silt loam Favorable 108
238 Rantoul silty clay Favorable 96
239 Dorchester silt loam Favorable 113
240 Plattville silt loam Favorable 106
241 Chatsworth silt loam Unfavorable 69
242 Kendall silt loam Favorable 110
243 St. Charles silt loam Favorable 108
244 Hartsburg silty clay loam Favorable 119
248 McFain silty clay Favorable 105
249 Edinburg silty clay loam Favorable 112
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
250 Velma loam Favorable 100
252 Harvel silty clay loam Favorable 111
256 Pana silt loam Favorable 102
257 Clarksdale silt loam Favorable 114
258 Sicily silt loam Favorable 110
259 Assumption silt loam Favorable 106
261 Niota silt loam Favorable 87
262 Denrock silt loam Favorable 102
264 El Dara silt loam Favorable 89
265 Lomax loam Favorable 102
266 Disco sandy loam Favorable 96
267 Caseyville silt loam Favorable 112
268 Mt. Carroll silt loam Favorable 119
270 Stronghurst silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 111
271 Timula silt loam Favorable 100
272 Edgington silt loam Favorable 109
274 Seaton silt loam Favorable 106
275 Joy silt loam Favorable 127
277 Port Byron silt loam Favorable 127
278 Stronghurst silt loam Favorable 111
279 Rozetta silt loam Favorable 106
280 Fayette silt loam Favorable 108
282 Chute fine sand Favorable 66
283 Downsouth silt loam Favorable 120
284 Tice silty clay loam Favorable 118
285 Carmi loam Favorable 95
286 Carmi sandy loam Favorable 94
287 Chauncey silt loam Favorable 105
288 Petrolia silty clay loam Favorable 103
290 Warsaw silt loam Favorable 105
291 Xenia silt loam Favorable 104
292 Wallkill silt loam Favorable 109
293 Andres silt loam Favorable 120
294 Symerton silt loam Favorable 116
295 Mokena silt loam Favorable 111
296 Washtenaw silt loam Favorable 116
297 Ringwood silt loam Favorable 115
298 Beecher silt loam Favorable 101
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
300 Westland clay loam Favorable 107
301 Grantsburg silt loam Unfavorable 90
302 Ambraw clay loam Favorable 101
304 Landes fine sandy loam Favorable 89
306 Allison silty clay loam Favorable 120
307 Iona silt loam Favorable 105
308 Alford silt loam Favorable 107
310 McHenry silt loam Favorable 101
311 Ritchey silt loam Unfavorable 74
312 Edwards muck Favorable 97
313 Rodman loam Unfavorable 74
314 Joliet silty clay loam Favorable 87
315 Channahon silt loam Unfavorable 71
316 Romeo silt loam Unfavorable 43
317 Millsdale silty clay loam Favorable 97
318 Lorenzo loam Unfavorable 93
319 Aurelius muck Favorable 85
320 Frankfort silt loam Unfavorable 90
321 Du Page silt loam Favorable 111
322 Russell silt loam Favorable 103
323 Casco silt loam Unfavorable 91
324 Ripon silt loam Favorable 98
325 Dresden silt loam Favorable 102
326 Homer silt loam Favorable 101
327 Fox silt loam Favorable 96
328 Holly silt loam Favorable 96
329 Will silty clay loam Favorable 115
330 Peotone silty clay loam Favorable 108
331 Haymond silt loam Favorable 117
332 Billett sandy loam Favorable 88
333 Wakeland silt loam Favorable 114
334 Birds silt loam Favorable 103
335 Robbs silt loam Favorable 92
336 Wilbur silt loam Favorable 113
337 Creal silt loam Favorable 98
338 Hurst silt loam Unfavorable 88
339 Wellston silt loam Unfavorable 80
340 Zanesville silt loam Unfavorable 84
Ambraw silty clay loam, sandy substratum
Favorable 101
342 Matherton silt loam Favorable 101
343 Kane silt loam Favorable 110
344 Harvard silt loam Favorable 111
345 Elvers silt loam Favorable 104
346 Dowagiac silt loam Favorable 99
347 Canisteo silt loam Favorable 111
348 Wingate silt loam Favorable 107
349 Zumbro sandy loam Favorable 87
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
350 Drummer silty clay loam, gravelly substratum Favorable 122
351 Elburn silt loam, gravelly substratum Favorable 120
352 Palms silty clay loam, overwash Favorable 112
353 Toronto silt loam Favorable 114
354 Hononegah loamy coarse sand Favorable 74
355 Binghampton sandy loam Favorable 93
356 Elpaso silty clay loam Favorable 127
357 Vanpetten loam Favorable 94
359 Fayette silt loam, till substratum Favorable 105
360 Slacwater silt loam Favorable 100
361 Kidder silt loam Favorable 91
362 Whitaker variant loam Favorable 105
363 Griswold loam Favorable 103
365 Aptakisic silt loam Favorable 102
366 Algansee fine sandy loam Favorable 83
367 Beach sand Crop yield data not available
368 Raveenwash silty clay loam Favorable 95
369 Waupecan silt loam Favorable 123
370 Saylesville silt loam Favorable 94
371 St. Charles silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 100
372 Kendall silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 104
373 Camden silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 96
374 Proctor silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 108
375 Rutland silt loam Favorable 118
376 Cisne silt loam, bench Favorable 97
377 Hoyleton silt loam, bench Favorable 96
378 Lanier fine sandy loam Favorable 72
379 Dakota silt loam Favorable 99
380 Fieldon silt loam Favorable 101
381 Craigmile sandy loam Favorable 102
382 Belknap silt loam Favorable 104
383 Newvienna silt loam Favorable 119
384 Edwardsville silt loam Favorable 124
385 Mascoutah silty clay loam Favorable 125
386 Downs silt loam Favorable 119
387 Ockley silt loam Favorable 102
388 Wenona silt loam Favorable 114
389 Hesch loamy sand, shallow variant Unfavorable 50
390 Hesch fine sandy loam Unfavorable 89
391 Blake silty clay loam Favorable 103
392 Urban land, loamy Orthents complex Crop yield data not available
393 Marseilles silt loam, gravelly substratum Unfavorable 96
394 Haynie silt loam Favorable 105
395 Ceresco loam Favorable 104
396 Vesser silt loam Favorable 109
397 Boone loamy fine sand Unfavorable 61
398 Wea silt loam Favorable 115
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity
Index (PI)
Average management
400 Calco silty clay loam Favorable 121
401 Okaw silty clay loam Favorable 78
402 Colo silty clay loam Favorable 122
403 Elizabeth silt loam Unfavorable 54
404 Titus silty clay loam Favorable 104
405 Zook silty clay Favorable 103
406 Paxico silt loam Favorable 106
407 Udifluvents, loamy Crop yield data not available
408 Aquents, loamy Crop yield data not available
409 Aquents, clayey Crop yield data not available
410 Woodbine silt loam Favorable 87
411 Ashdale silt loam Favorable 110
412 Ogle silt loam Favorable 116
413 Gale silt loam Favorable 89
414 Myrtle silt loam Favorable 110
415 Orion silt loam Favorable 116
416 Durand silt loam Favorable 112
417 Derinda silt loam Unfavorable 84
418 Schapville silt loam Unfavorable 94
419 Flagg silt loam Favorable 106
420 Piopolis silty clay loam Favorable 95
421 Kell silt loam Favorable 83
422 Cape silty clay loam Favorable 91
423 Millstadt silt loam Favorable 97
424 Shoals silt loam Favorable 113
425 Muskingum stony silt loam Unfavorable 61
426 Karnak silty clay Favorable 89
427 Burnside silt loam Favorable 85
428 Coffeen silt loam Favorable 117
429 Palsgrove silt loam Favorable 92
430 Raddle silt loam Favorable 122
431 Genesee silt loam Favorable 111
432 Geff silt loam Favorable 97
433 Floraville silt loam Favorable 90
434 Ridgway silt loam Favorable 104
435 Streator silty clay loam Favorable 116
436 Meadowbank silt loam Favorable 121
437 Redbud silt loam Favorable 101
438 Aviston silt loam Favorable 121
439 Jasper silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 104
440 Jasper silt loam Favorable 115
441 Wakenda silt loam Favorable 123
442 Mundelein silt loam Favorable 123
443 Barrington silt loam Favorable 115
445 Newhaven loam Favorable 111
446 Springerton loam Favorable 117
447 Canisteo silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 105
448 Mona silt loam Favorable 104
449 Amiesburg - Sarpy complex Favorable 100
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity
Index (PI)
Average management
450 Brouillett silt loam Favorable 118
451 Lawson silt loam Favorable 124
452 Riley silty clay loam Favorable 112
453 Muren silt loam Favorable 105
454 Iva silt loam Favorable 110
455 Mixed alluvial land Crop yield data not available
456 Ware silt loam Favorable 104
457 Booker silty clay Favorable 79
458 Fayette silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 104
459 Tama silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 120
460 Ginat silt loam Favorable 95
461 Weinbach silt loam Favorable 93
462 Sciotoville silt loam Favorable 93
463 Wheeling silt loam Favorable 96
464 Wallkill silty clay loam Favorable 97
465 Montgomery silty clay loam Favorable 98
466 Bartelso silt loam Favorable 112
467 Markland silt loam Unfavorable 93
468 Lakaskia silt loam Favorable 107
469 Emma silty clay loam Favorable 98
470 Keller silt loam Unfavorable 101
471 Clarksville cherty silt loam Unfavorable 54
472 Baylis silt loam Favorable 96
473 Rossburg loam Favorable 117
474 Piasa silt loam Unfavorable 92
475 Elsah cherty silt loam Favorable 97
476 Biddle silt loam Unfavorable 103
477 Winfield silt loam Favorable 105
479 Aurelius muck, sandy substratum Favorable 92
480 Moundprairie silty clay loam Favorable 103
481 Raub silt loam Favorable 119
482 Uniontown silt loam Favorable 104
483 Henshaw silt loam Favorable 104
484 Harco silt loam Favorable 124
485 Richwood silt loam Favorable 120
486 Bertrand silt loam Favorable 101
487 Joyce silt loam Favorable 117
488 Hooppole loam Favorable 107
489 Hurst silt loam, sandy substratum Unfavorable 83
490 Odell silt loam Favorable 114
491 Ruma silt loam Favorable 103
492 Normandy silt loam Favorable 109
493 Bonfield silt loam Favorable 108
494 Kankakee fine sandy loam Favorable 102
495 Corwin silt loam Favorable 108
496 Fincastle silt loam Favorable 107
499 Fella silty clay loam Favorable 119
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity
Index (PI)
Average management
501 Morocco fine sand Favorable 77
503 Rockton loam Favorable 90
504 Sogn silt loam Unfavorable 54
505 Dunbarton silt loam Unfavorable 66
506 Hitt silt loam Favorable 105
508 Selma loam, bedrock substratum Favorable 112
509 Whalan loam Favorable 79
511 Dunbarton silt loam, cherty variant Unfavorable 53
512 Danabrook silt loam Favorable 122
513 Granby loamy sand Favorable 96
515 Bunkum silty clay loam Favorable 98
516 Faxon clay loam Favorable 102
517 Marine silt loam Favorable 92
518 Rend silt loam Unfavorable 93
523 Dunham silty clay loam Favorable 117
524 Zipp silty clay loam Favorable 91
525 Joslin loam, bedrock substratum Unfavorable 84
526 Grundelein silt loam Favorable 122
527 Kidami silt loam Favorable 102
528 Lahoguess loam Favorable 111
529 Selmass loam Favorable 107
530 Ozaukee silt loam Favorable 96
531 Markham silt loam Favorable 101
533 Urban land Crop yield data not available
534 Urban land, clayey Orthents complex Crop yield data not available
535 Orthents, stony Crop yield data not available
536 Dumps, mine Crop yield data not available
537 Hesch fine sandy loam, gray subsoil variant Unfavorable 99
538 Emery silt loam Favorable 112
539 Wenona silt loam, loamy substratum Favorable 116
540 Frankville silt loam Favorable 86
541 Graymont silt loam Favorable 119
542 Rooks silt loam Favorable 122
543 Piscasaw silt loam Favorable 108
544 Torox silt loam Favorable 109
545 Windere silt loam Favorable 112
546 Keltner silt loam Favorable 104
547 Eleroy silt loam Favorable 93
548 Marseilles silt loam, moderately wet Unfavorable 94
549 Marseilles silt loam Unfavorable 94
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
551 Gosport silt loam Unfavorable 75
552 Drummer silty clay loam, till substratum Favorable 120
553 Bryce-Calamine variant complex Favorable 103
554 Kernan silt loam Favorable 100
555 Shadeland silt loam Favorable 85
556 High Gap loam Unfavorable 84
557 Millstream silt loam Favorable 115
558 Breeds silty clay loam Favorable 105
559 Lindley loam Favorable 83
560 St. Clair silt loam Unfavorable 83
561 Whalan and NewGlarus silt loams Favorable 85
562 Port Byron silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 115
563 Seaton silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 101
564 Waukegan silt loam Favorable 106
565 Tell silt loam Favorable 99
566 Rockton and Dodgeville soils Favorable 91
567 Elkhart silt loam Favorable 111
568 Niota silty clay loam, clayey subsurface variant Favorable 78
569 Medary silty clay loam Favorable 76
570 Martinsville silt loam Favorable 101
571 Whitaker silt loam Favorable 106
572 Loran silt loam Favorable 107
573 Tuscola loam Favorable 90
574 Ogle silt loam, silt loam subsoil variant Favorable 102
575 Joy silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 119
576 Zwingle silt loam Favorable 94
577 Terrace escarpment Crop yield data not available
578 Dorchester silt loam, cobbly substratum Favorable 93
579 Beavercreek loam Unfavorable 75
580 Fayette silty clay loam, karst Favorable 96
581 Tamalco silt loam Unfavorable 82
582 Homen silt loam Favorable 96
583 Pike silt loam Favorable 103
584 Grantfork silty clay loam Unfavorable 77
585 Negley loam Favorable 90
586 Nokomis silt loam Favorable 100
587 Terril loam Favorable 116
588 Sparta loamy sand, loamy substratum Favorable 83
589 Bowdre silty clay Favorable 98
590 Cairo silty clay Favorable 105
591 Fults silty clay Favorable 102
592 Nameoki silty clay Favorable 106
593 Chautauqua silty clay loam Favorable 106
594 Reddick silty clay loam Favorable 115
595 Coot loam Favorable 97
596 Marbletown silt loam Favorable 115
597 Armiesburg silty clay loam Favorable 117
598 Bedford silt loam Favorable 83
599 Baxter cherty silt loam Favorable 73
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index (PI)
Average management
600 Huntington silt loam Favorable 122
601 Nolin silty clay loam Favorable 102
602 Newark silty clay loam Favorable 92
603 Blackoar silt loam Favorable 116
604 Sandy alluvial land Crop yield data not available
605 Ursa silt loam Unfavorable 76
606 Goss gravelly silt loam Unfavorable 58
607 Monterey silty clay loam Favorable 114
608 Mudhen clay loam Favorable 95
609 Crane silt loam Favorable 110
610 Tallmadge sandy loam Favorable 109
611 Sepo silty clay loam Favorable 114
613 Oskaloosa silt loam Favorable 92
614 Chenoa silt loam Favorable 114
615 Vanmeter silty clay loam Favorable 69
618 Senachwine silt loam Favorable 95
619 Parkville silty clay Favorable 110
620 Darmstadt silt loam Unfavorable 82
621 Coulterville silt loam Unfavorable 98
622 Wyanet silt loam Favorable 106
623 Kishwaukee silt loam Favorable 119
624 Caprell silt loam Favorable 101
625 Geryune silt loam Favorable 121
626 Kish loam Favorable 110
627 Miami fine sandy loam Favorable 92
628 Lax silt loam Favorable 81
629 Crider silt loam Favorable 100
630 Navlys silty clay loam Favorable 92
631 Princeton fine sandy loam Favorable 96
632 Copperas silty clay loam Favorable 107
633 Traer silt loam Favorable 104
634 Blyton silt loam Favorable 112
635 Lismod silt loam Favorable 122
636 Parmod silt loam Favorable 110
637 Muskego silty clay loam, overwash Favorable 113
638 Muskego muck Favorable 110
639 Wynoose silt loam, bench Favorable 84
640 Bluford silt loam, bench Favorable 90
641 Quiver silty clay loam Favorable 93
644 Rennsselaer loam Favorable 98
646 Fluvaquents, loamy Crop yield data not available
647 Lawler loam Favorable 104
648 Clyde clay loam Favorable 123
649 Nachusa silt loam Favorable 121
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index
Average management
650 Prairieville silt loam Favorable 116
651 Keswick loam Favorable 74
652 Passport silt loam Favorable 84
654 Moline silty clay Favorable 98
655 Ursa silt loam, moderately wet Unfavorable 78
656 Octagon silt loam Favorable 104
657 Burksville silt loam Favorable 95
658 Sonsac very cobbly silt loam Unfavorable 71
660 Coatsburg silt loam Unfavorable 86
661 Atkinson loam Favorable 100
662 Barony silt loam Favorable 111
663 Clare silt loam Favorable 118
665 Stonelick fine sandy loam Favorable 91
667 Kaneville silt loam Favorable 113
668 Somonauk silt loam Favorable 104
669 Saffell gravelly sandy loam Unfavorable 71
670 Aholt silty clay Favorable 81
671 Biggsville silt loam Favorable 126
672 Cresent loam Favorable 104
673 Onarga fine sandy loam, till substratum Favorable 98
674 Dozaville silt loam Favorable 121
675 Greenbush silt loam Favorable 119
678 Mannon silt loam Favorable 118
679 Blackberry silt loam Favorable 126
680 Campton silt loam Favorable 105
681 Dubuque-Orthents-Fayette complex Crop yield data not available
682 Medway silty clay loam Favorable 116
683 Lawndale silt loam Favorable 127
684 Broadwell silt loam Favorable 122
685 Middletown silt loam Favorable 103
686 Parkway silt loam Favorable 122
687 Penfield loam Favorable 115
688 Braidwood loam Unfavorable 76
689 Coloma loamy sand Favorable 67
690 Brookside stony silty clay loam Unfavorable 82
691 Beasley silt loam Favorable 75
692 Menfro - Wellston silt loams Favorable 95
694 Menfro - Baxter complex Favorable 94
695 Fosterburg silt loam Favorable 110
696 Zurich silt loam Favorable 105
697 Wauconda silt loam Favorable 117
698 Grays silt loam Favorable 110
699 Timewell silt loam Favorable 122
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity
Index (PI)
Average management
700 Westmore silt loam Favorable 87
701 Menfro - Hickory silt loams Favorable 97
702 Ruma - Hickory silt loams Favorable 95
703 Pierron - Burksville silt loams Favorable 93
705 Buckhart silt loam Favorable 126
706 Boyer sandy loam Favorable 88
709 Osceola silt loam Favorable 101
711 Hatfield silt loam Favorable 100
712 Spaulding silty clay loam Favorable 118
713 Judyville fine sandy loam Unfavorable 57
715 Arrowsmith silt loam Favorable 124
717 Stockey - Clarksville complex Favorable 84
718 Marsh Crop yield data not available
720 Aetna silt loam Favorable 118
721 Drummer and Elpaso silty clay loams Favorable 127
722 Drummer - Milford silty clay loams Favorable 121
723 Reesville silt loam Favorable 110
724 Rozetta-Elco silt loams Favorable 103
725 Otter-Lawson silt loams Favorable 123
726 Elburn silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 120
727 Waukee loam Favorable 97
728 Winnebago silt loam Favorable 108
730 Bethesda channery silty clay loam Crop yield data not available
731 Nasset silt loam Favorable 100
732 Appleriver silt loam Favorable 93
737 Tama silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 123
738 Milton silt loam Unfavorable 57
739 Milton silt loam Unfavorable 57
740 Darroch silt loam Favorable 114
741 Oakville fine sand Favorable 73
742 Dickinson sandy loam, loamy substratum Favorable 95
743 Ridott silt loam Favorable 99
745 Shullsburg silt loam Unfavorable 100
746 Calamine silt loam Favorable 97
747 Milford silty clay loams Favorable 113
748 Plano silt loam, sandy substratum Favorable 119
749 Buckhart silt loam, till substratum Favorable 126
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity
Index (PI)
Average management
750 Skelton fine sandy loam Favorable 93
751 Crawleyville loam Favorable 94
752 Oneco silt loam Favorable 97
753 Massbach silt loam Favorable 98
754 Fairpoint gravelly clay loam Crop yield data not available
755 Lamoille silt loam Favorable 75
756 Wyanet fine sandy loam Favorable 101
757 Senachwine fine sandy loam Favorable 90
759 Udolpho loam, sandy substratum Favorable 90
760 Marshan loam, sandy substratum Favorable 109
761 Eleva sandy loam Unfavorable 76
763 Joslin silt loam Favorable 115
764 Coyne fine sandy loam Favorable 93
765 Trempealeau silt loam Favorable 100
766 Lamartine silt loam Favorable 118
767 Prophetstown silt loam Favorable 122
768 Backbone loamy sand Favorable 77
769 Edmund silt loam Unfavorable 79
770 Udolpho loam Favorable 91
771 Hayfield loam Favorable 100
772 Marshan loam Favorable 110
774 Saude loam Favorable 96
776 Comfrey clay loam Favorable 122
777 Adrian muck Favorable 97
779 Chelsea loamy fine sand Favorable 68
780 Grellton sandy loam Favorable 93
781 Friesland sandy loam Favorable 105
782 Juneau silt loam Favorable 116
783 Flagler sandy loam Favorable 85
784 Berks loam Unfavorable 56
785 Lacrescent cobbly silty clay loam Favorable 73
786 Frondorf loam Unfavorable 77
787 Banlic silt loam Favorable 94
Ambraw-Ceresco-Sarpy complex Favorable 97
Volney silt loam, bedrock substratum Unfavorable 76
791 Rush silt loam Favorable 96
792 Bowes silt loam Favorable 115
793 Berks, Muskingum and Wiekert soils Unfavorable 55
796 Huey-Burksville silt loam Unfavorable 85
797 Hickory-Homen silty clay loam Favorable 87
799 Arents, loamy Crop yield data not available
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity
Index (PI)
Average management
800 Psamments Crop yield data not available
801 Orthents, silty Crop yield data not available
802 Orthents, loamy Crop yield data not available
803 Orthents Crop yield data not available
804 Orthents, acid Crop yield data not available
805 Orthents, clayey Crop yield data not available
806 Orthents, clayey-skeletal Crop yield data not available
807 Aquents-Orthents complex Crop yield data not available
808 Orthents, sandy-skeletal Crop yield data not available
809 Orthents, loamy - skeletal, acid, steep Crop yield data not available
810 Oil-brine damaged land Crop yield data not available
811 Aquolls Crop yield data not available
812 Typic Hapludalfs Crop yield data not available
813 Orthents, bedrock subs.,silty, pits, complex Crop yield data not available
814 Muscatune-Buckhart complex Favorable 128
815 Udorthents, silty Favorable 95
816 Stookey-Timula-Orthents complex Crop yield data not available
817 Channahon-Hesch fine sandy loam Unfavorable 78
818 Flanagan-Catlin silt loams Favorable 125
819 Hennepin-Vanmeter complex Unfavorable 76
820 Hennepin-Casco complex Unfavorable 84
821 Morristown silt loam Favorable 71
823 Schuline silt loam Favorable 86
824 Swanwick silt loam Favorable 82
825 Lenzburg silt loam, acid substratum Favorable 59
826 Orthents, silty, acid substratum Crop yield data not available
827 Broadwell-Onarga complex Favorable 112
828 Broadwell-Sparta complex Favorable 106
829 Biggsville-Mannon silt loams Favorable 123
830 Landfill Crop yield data not available
832 Menfro - Clarksville complex Favorable 86
833 Menfro - Goss complex Favorable 87
834 Wellston - Westmore silt loams Unfavorable 83
835 Earthen dam Crop yield data not available
836 Hamburg - Lacrescent complex Favorable 86
837 Limestone rockland - Lacrescent complex Crop yield data not available
838 Fayette - Goss complex Favorable 88
840 Zurick and Ozaukee silt loams Favorable 101
841 Carmi - Westland complex Favorable 99
843 Bonnie and Petrolia soils Favorable 101
844 Ava-Blair complex Unfavorable 90
845 Darwin and Jacob silty clays Favorable 89
846 Kamak and Cape silty clays Favorable 91
847 Fluvaquents - Orthents complex Crop yield data not available
848 Drummer - Barrington - Mundelein complex Favorable 123
849 Milford - Martinton complex Favorable 114
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity Index
Average management
850 Hickory-Hosmer silt loams Unfavorable 86
851 Mefro-Ursa silt loams Favorable 95
852 Mefro-Wellston silt loams Favorable 95
853 Alford-Westmore silt loams Favorable 99
Markham-Ashkum-Beecher complex Favorable 105
Menfro - Westmore complex Favorable 99
Timewell and Ipava soils Favorable 123
Ruma-Westmore silt loams Favorable 96
856 Stookey and Timula soils Favorable 101
857 Strawn-Hennepin loams Unfavorable 88
Port Byron-Mt. Carroll-Urban land Crop yield data not available
Port Byron-Mt. Carroll silt loams Favorable 123
859 Blair-Ursa silt loams Unfavorable 87
Hosmer-Ursa silt loams Unfavorable 87
Homen - Atlas silt loams Favorable 90
861 Ursa-Hickory complex Unfavorable 78
862 Pits, sand Crop yield data not available
863 Pits, clay Crop yield data not available
864 Pits, quarries Crop yield data not available
865 Pits, gravel Crop yield data not available
866 Dumps, slurry Crop yield data not available
867 Oil-waste land Crop yield data not available
868 Pits, organic Crop yield data not available
869 Pits, quarries-Orthents complex Crop yield data not available
870 Blake-Beaucoup complex Favorable 108
871 Lenzburg silt loam Favorable 80
872 Rapatee silty clay loam Favorable 97
873 Dunbarton-Dubuque complex Unfavorable 73
874 Dickinson-Hamburg complex Favorable 93
875 Lenzlo silty clay loam Favorable 85
876 Lenzwheel silty clay loam Favorable 75
877 Blake - Slacwater silt loams Favorable 102
878 Coulterville-Grantfork silty clay loams Unfavorable 90
880 Coulterville-Darmstadt complex Unfavorable 92
881 Coulterville-Hoyleton-Darmstadt complex Unfavorable 94
882 Oconee-Darmstadt-Coulterville silt loams Unfavorable 97
883 Senachwine - Hennepin complex Favorable 89
884 Bunkum-Coulterville silty clay loams Unfavorable 98
885 Virden-Fosterburg silt loams Favorable 116
886 Ruma-Ursa silty clay loams Unfavorable 93
887 Darmstadt-Grantfork complex Unfavorable 81
888 Passport-Grantfork complex Unfavorable 83
889 Bluford-Darmstadt complex Unfavorable 87
890 Ursa-Atlas complex Unfavorable 78
891 Cisne-Piasa complex Unfavorable 96
892 Sawmill-Lawson complex Favorable 123
893 Catlin-Saybrook complex Favorable 120
894 Herrick-Biddle-Piasa silt loams Unfavorable 108
895 Fayette-Westville complex Favorable 105
896 Wynoose-Huey complex Unfavorable 83
897 Bunkum-Atlas silty clay loams Unfavorable 92
898 Hickory-Sylvan complex Favorable 88
899 Raddle-Sparta complex Favorable 106
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity
Index (PI)
Average management
900 Hickory-Wellston silt loams Unfavorable 80
901 Ipava-Osco complex Favorable 126
902 Ipava-Sable complex Favorable 126
903 Muskego and Houghton mucks Favorable 112
904 Muskego and Peotone soils, ponded Favorable 109
905 NewGlarus-Lamoille complex Favorable 86
906 Redbud-Hurst silty clay loams Unfavorable 97
907 Redbud-Colp silty clay loams Unfavorable 96
908 Hickory-Kell silt loams Favorable 83
909 Coulterville-Oconee silt loams Unfavorable 101
910 Timula-Miami complex Favorable 100
911 Timula-Hickory complex Favorable 93
912 Hoyleton-Darmstadt complex Unfavorable 91
913 Marseilles-Hickory complex Unfavorable 89
914 Atlas-Grantfork complex Unfavorable 80
915 Elco-Ursa silt loams Unfavorable 90
916 Darmstadt-Oconee silt loams Unfavorable 92
917 Oakville-Tell complex Favorable 84
918 Marseilles-Atlas complex Unfavorable 89
919 Rodman-Fox complex Unfavorable 83
920 Rushville-Huey silt loams Unfavorable 91
921 Faxon-Ripon complex Favorable 101
922 Alford-Hurst silty clay loams Unfavorable 100
923 Urban land-Markham-Ashkum complex Crop yield data not available
924 Urban land-Milford-Martinton complex Crop yield data not available
925 Urban land-Frankfort-Bryce complex Crop yield data not available
926 Urban land- Drummer-Barrington complex Crop yield data not available
927 Blair-Atlas silt loams Unfavorable 88
928 NewGlarus-Palsgrove silt loams Favorable 93
929 Ava-Hickory complex Unfavorable 87
930 Goss-Alford complex Unfavorable 78
931 Seaton-Goss complex Unfavorable 87
932 Clinton-El Dara complex Favorable 100
933 Hickory-Clinton complex Favorable 92
934 Blair-Grantfork complex Unfavorable 87
935 Miami-Hennepin complex Unfavorable 92
936 Fayette-Hickory complex Favorable 98
937 Seaton-Hickory complex Favorable 96
938 Miami-Casco complex Unfavorable 96
939 Rodman-Warsaw complex Unfavorable 87
940 Zanesville-Westmore silt loams Unfavorable 85
941 Virden-Piasa silt loams Unfavorable 108
942 Seaton-Oakville complex Favorable 93
943 Seaton-Timula silt loams Favorable 104
944 Velma-Coatsburg silt loams Unfavorable 95
945 Hickory-High Gap silt loams Unfavorable 82
946 Hickory-Atlas complex Unfavorable 81
947 Lamont, Tell and Bloomfield soils Favorable 88
948 Fayette-Clarksville complex Unfavorable 87
949 Eleroy and Derinda soils Unfavorable 89
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Table 2
Productivity of Illinois Soils Under Average Management
Slightly Eroded, 0 to 2 Percent Slopes
B 810 Productivity
Index (PI)
Average management
950 Dubuque and Palsgrove soils Unfavorable 88
951 Palsgrove and Woodbine soils Favorable 90
952 Tell-Lamont complex Favorable 95
953 Hosmer-Lax silt loams Unfavorable 88
954 Alford-Baxter complex Favorable 94
955 Muskingum and Berks soils Unfavorable 59
956 Brandon and Saffell soils Unfavorable 83
957 Elco-Atlas silt loams Unfavorable 91
958 Hickory and Hennepin soils Unfavorable 81
959 Strawn-Chute complex Favorable 82
960 Hickory-Sylvan-Fayette silt loams Favorable 92
961 Burkhardt-Saude complex Favorable 82
962 Sylvan-Bold complex Favorable 98
963 Hickory and Sylvan soils Favorable 88
Hennepin and Miami soils Unfavorable 88
Miami and Hennepin soils Favorable 92
965 Tallula-Bold silt loams Favorable 109
966 Miami-Russell silt loams Favorable 101
967 Hickory-Gosport complex Unfavorable 79
968 Birkbeck-Miami silt loams Favorable 105
969 Rodman-Casco complex Unfavorable 81
970 Keller-Coatsburg complex Unfavorable 95
971 Fishhook-Atlas complex Unfavorable 84
972 Casco-Fox complex Unfavorable 93
973 Dubuque and Dunbarton soils Unfavorable 78
974 Dickinson-Onarga complex Favorable 94
975 Alvin-Lamont complex Favorable 93
976 Neotoma-Rock outcrop complex Crop yield data not available
977 Neotoma-Wellston complex Unfavorable 74
978 Wauconda and Beecher silt loams Favorable 111
979 Grays and Markham silt loams Favorable 106
980 Zurich and Morley silt loams Favorable 100
981 Wauconda and Frankfort silt loams Unfavorable 106
982 Aptakisic and Nappanee silt loams Unfavorable 92
983 Zurich and Nappanee silt loams Unfavorable 94
984 Barrington and Varna silt loams Favorable 110
985 Alford-Bold complex Favorable 103
986 Wellston-Berks complex Unfavorable 70
987 Atlas-Grantfork variant complex Unfavorable 77
988 Westmore-Neotoma complex Unfavorable 80
989 Mundelein and Elliott soils Favorable 118
990 Stookey-Bodine complex Unfavorable 90
991 Cisne-Huey complex Unfavorable 90
992 Hoyleton-Tamalco complex Unfavorable 90
993 Cowden-Piasa complex Unfavorable 99
994 Oconee-Tamalco complex Unfavorable 96
995 Herrick-Piasa complex Unfavorable 107
996 Velma-Walshville complex Unfavorable 93
997 Hickory-Hennepin complex Unfavorable 81
998 Hickory-Negley complex Favorable 86
999 Alford-Hickory complex Favorable 97
# Duplicate IL Map Symbols are in Bold Print (use the appropriate soil type name)
+ Overwash phase
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Table 3
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Assessment of Farm Homesites
and Rural Residential Land
A farm homesite is the part of the farm parcel used for
residential purposes and includes the lawn and land on which
the residence and garage are situated. Areas in gardens,
non-commercial orchards, and similar uses of land are also
Rural residential land may include farmland that is incidental
to the primary residential use. It is generally comparable in
value to the farm homesite. Both are subject to the state
equalization factor and both should be assessed at the same
percentage of market value as urban property. Whenever
possible, use the sales comparison approach to value farm
homesites and rural residential land.
Assessment of farm residences
Assess farm residences according to market value in the
same manner as urban residences are assessed. Refer to
the Residential section of the Publication 123, Instructions for
Residential Schedules, for valuation of farm residences.
Assessment of farm buildings
The valuation of farm buildings is the final component in
the assessment of farm real estate. The law requires farm
buildings, which contribute in whole or in part to the operation
of the farm, to be assessed as part of the farm. They are
valued upon the current use of those buildings and their
respective contribution to the productivity of the farm. Farm
buildings are assessed at 33
percent of their contributory
value. The state equalization factor is not applied to farm
Valuation of farm buildings based upon contribution relies
on theory as well as reality. Farm buildings are usually an
integral part of the farm. When farms are sold, the land and
improvements are valued together. The portion of this value
attributable to farm buildings depends upon the degree to
which they contribute to farming operations. Some farm
buildings, even though they are in good physical condition,
may play a minor role in the operation of the farm and have
little value. These same buildings on another farm may be
vitally important to the farming operation. The value of the
farm buildings in these two instances is different.
The sales comparison, or market approach, and income
approach to value are difficult to apply. The sales
comparison, or market approach, is inadequate because
farm buildings are rarely sold in isolation. The land and
buildings are considered together in valuing the farm. The
same problem arises in using the income approach. It is
difficult to attribute a portion of the farm income solely to the
Value must be based on cost. This entails a third problem
– depreciation. Since most farm buildings are constructed
in the hopes of increasing efficiency or productivity, the
undepreciated cost of the building will approximate market
value when the building is new. The undepreciated cost of the
building may be quite different than the value as the building
ages. This difference between actual cost of replacement and
the value of the building is depreciation.
Replacement cost
is the cost of replacing an existing
structure with an equally desirable structure having similar,
if not the same, utility. The difference between replacement
cost and reproduction cost is essentially that reproduction
cost is the cost of constructing a replica of the building with
the same design, materials, and quality of workmanship,
while replacement cost is the cost of a contemporary building
of equal utility. The concept of replacement cost evolves
from the Principle of Substitution that value of property
is no more than the cost of acquiring an equally desirable
substitute. Replacement cost is the upper limit of building
Depreciation is the difference between the replacement cost
new (RCN) and current value. Depreciation can be in the
form of physical deterioration, functional obsolescence, or
economic obsolescence.
Physical deterioration is a loss in the physical ability of a
building to withstand normal use. Deterioration results from
use, wear and tear, structural defects, and decay. Physical
depreciation is observable and identifiable.
Functional obsolescence is a loss in value due to
characteristics of the building which cause a failure of the
building to serve the purpose for which it was intended.
Inadequacy may result from poor design, surplus capacity,
and changes in farming techniques. Functional inadequacy
causes a loss in desirability and usefulness.
Economic obsolescence is a loss in value due to changes
in the economic environment of the farm. Economic
obsolescence results from external influences such as
land-use changes, government regulations, and farm
market conditions. Economic obsolescence causes loss in
desirability and utility.
Depreciation reflects loss in value due to all possible factors.
Value of contribution to productivity can be determined by
deducting all depreciation from replacement costs. This
value will reflect such
factors as improper design (functional
), neglect of repairs (physical deterioration),
and more stringent government regulations (economic
Estimation of farm buildings’ contribution to the operation of
the farm first requires a thorough inspection of the buildings.
The inspection should include the structural components
of the buildings and their functional capacity. Record the
following structural details:
framing exterior walls,
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interior partitions,
electric wiring,
built-in equipment, and
any other permanent features.
Functional features to note include:
relative location,
current use,
capacity (e.g. too large, too small),
design, and
other possible uses.
Physical deterioration is observed during the inspection of the
property. Economic obsolescence will require investigation
into such factors as government regulation changes, current
market fluctuations, and any land use changes of the
surrounding property.
The cost tables in this section are provided as an aid in the
development of replacement costs of typical farm buildings.
The application of the cost tables is much the same as the
cost tables in other sections of the manual. Select the costs
for a comparable building and adjust this cost for variations
from the model buildings.
To estimate the farm building’s contribution to productivity of
the farm, follow the procedure below.
Step 1
Estimate RCN of the building, in its current use.
Measure the square feet of area being used.
Decide the type of structure that provides the same
utility for the current use.
Multiply the square foot area by the replacement cost
per square foot for a building of the same utility.
This step in the procedure allows for both function and
economic depreciation. Remember that the existing type of
structure may well provide the highest utility.
Step 2
Estimate the remaining physical life of the existing structure.
This step allows for physical depreciation.
Step 3
Compute remaining economic life (REL) factor.
Select a typical life expectancy figure from the typical
life expectancies table on Page 42 for the existing
Divide the remaining physical life by typical life
expectancy, giving REL.
Step 4
Multiply the RCN by the REL factor to find the value of the
farm building according to its contribution to the productivity
of the farm. Remember, this procedure does not apply to
farm residences.
Cost Adjustment
These schedules were developed for use throughout central
Illinois. Use local cost factors to reflect local differences in
replacement costs.
Additional Schedules
Additional cost schedules for grain elevators and other larger
facilities or structures may be found in Publication 126,
Instructions for Commercial and Industrial Cost Schedules.
Adjustments for additional features not included on the
following cost schedules may be found in Publication 127,
Component-in-Place Schedules.
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Since the passage of the Farmland Assessment Law (P.A.
82-121) in 1981, the assessment of farmland has been based
upon net income to the farmland as determined by land
productivity and use. Land use is determined through the use
of aerial photographs and visual inspection. Land productivity
is determined through the use of soil maps, productivity
indexes, and all other available data.
Farmland is separated into the four categories — cropland,
permanent pasture, other farmland, and wasteland. Cropland,
permanent pasture, and other farmland are assessed
based upon PI which involves the identification of soil types;
selection of PIs for average level management; adjustment of
PIs for slope, erosion, and subsoil conditions; measurement
of areas of soil types; selection of per acre assessed values
for individual soil types or for weighted PIs from the table
of values certified each year by the Illinois Department of
Revenue; adjustment of assessed values for land use; and
summation of assessed values for all farmland. Wasteland is
assessed based on its contributory value.
Rural residential land and farm homesites are appraised
according to market value. Customary appraisal procedures,
such as the sales comparison, or market, approach and the
income approach, are used in the valuation of these types of
rural land. Farm residences are valued as part of the farm,
using the same methodology as urban residences.
Farm buildings are valued according to current use and
contribution to the productivity of the farm. All buildings are
inspected, measured, and sketched on a property record
card (PRC). In most cases, they are shown in the sketch
space in their proper relative location to each other. Buildings
are numbered consecutively with the number designation
carried over to a summary of buildings, types, sizes, general
descriptions, and tabulation of values.
Building replacement costs are computed from cost
schedules developed for each type of structure and used
uniformly throughout the jurisdiction. Depreciation allowances
are carefully determined based upon the condition,
desirability, and degree of usefulness of each structure. The
total of all building valuations should represent the value
which their presence contributes to the productivity of the
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General Purpose Barns
One-story Barns (per SFFA)
Based on 10’ eave height
Base specifications: Foundation - concrete or masonry piers; Roof - double pitch gable style;
Floor - dirt; Electric and wiring - minimal service; Plumbing - two or less cold water outlets; Inte-
rior construction - two or less stalls and portioned feed room.
Wood Frame Masonry Steel Frame Pole Frame
Base Price $24.09 $30.44 $23.26 $20.24
+/_ for each eave
height variance
$0.33 $0.63 $0.31 $0.55
Base costs reflect the following basic exterior walls: wood frame, steel frame, and pole frame
are board and batten, wood siding or standard gauge corrugated metal. Masonry barns include
concrete block and average quality brick.
(per SF)
Continuous concrete
foundation and footings
$1.56 Gambrel style roof $1.39
Concrete floor $3.80 Gothic style roof $2.09
No electricity -$1.05 Wood floor loft
(per SF loft area)
+ or – for no water service
or extensive water service
Size Adjustments
Floor Area Factor Floor Area Factor
1,000 1.000 5,000 0.631
1,500 0.865 5,500 0.619
2,000 0.796 6,000 0.614
2,500 0.748 7,000 0.606
3,000 0.725 8,000 0.591
3,500 0.699 9,000 0.580
4,000 0.680 10,000 0.580
4,500 0.651
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Two-story Barns (per SFFA)
Based on 20’ eave height
Base specifications: Foundation - concrete or masonry piers; Roof - double pitch gable style;
Floor - dirt; Electric and wiring - minimal service; Plumbing - two or less cold water outlets; Inte-
rior construction - two or less stalls and portioned feed room.
Wood Frame Masonry Steel Frame Pole Frame
Base Price $19.01 $25.62 $18.36 $17.01
+/_ for each eave
height variance
$0.20 $0.40 $0.19 $0.46
Base costs reflect the following basic exterior walls: wood frame, steel frame, and pole frame
are board and batten, wood siding or standard gauge corrugated metal. Masonry barns include
concrete block and average quality brick.
(per SF)
Continuous concrete
foundation and footings
$0.78 Gambrel style roof $0.70
Concrete floor $1.90 Gothic style roof $1.05
No electricity -$1.05 Wood floor loft
(per SF loft area)
+ or – for no water service
or extensive water service
Size Adjustments
Floor Area Factor Floor Area Factor
2,000 1.000 7,000 0.724
3,000 0.879 8,000 0.708
4,000 0.811 9,000 0.679
4,400 0.793 10,000 0.655
5,000 0.779 12,000 0.640
5,600 0.754 14,000 0.628
6,000 0.745 15,000 0.625
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Typical life expectancies
Grain bins .......................................................30
Silos ................................................................ 30
Barns ..............................................................30
Stables ...........................................................30
Poultry houses ................................................20
Confinement barns .........................................20
Equipment storage sheds ...............................20
Miscellaneous sheds ......................................15
Pole buildings .................................................20
Dairy barns .....................................................30
Corn cribs .......................................................15
Sample Appraisal - Barn
Subject – Two-story barn
Grade – C
Remaining physical life – 15 years
Specifications – 34’ x 60’ x 20’ height to eaves, no electricity
Foundation – concrete wall and footings
Walls – Vertical wood siding on wood framing, wood sash windows, and wood batten doors
Floor – Concrete
Step 1 — Base square foot price from schedule $ 19.01
Step 2 — Base price adjustments
Foundation, continuous concrete wall 0.78
Floors main floor concrete 1.90
Electricity and wiring, no service -1.05
Total $ 20.64
Step 3 — Wall height adjustment
Base price includes a 10’ avg. story height, subject 20’ two-story, no adjustment
Step 4 — Size adjustment percentage
Calculate SFFA.
34’ X 60’ X 2 = 4,080 SF
Use the size adjustments table to find the adjustment percentage for 4,080 SF x .811
Total base price $ 16.74
Step 5 — Replacement cost new
Multiply total base price by the SFFA to obtain replacement cost new x 4,080
$ 68,299.20
Step 6 — REL factor
Divide the remaining physical life by the typical life from the Typical life expectancy table.
15 years ÷ 30 years = 0.50 REL factor
Step 7 — Full value of the building
Multiply the REL factor by the RCN from Step 5 to find the full value x 0.50
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Pole Frame Buildings
Per SF of ground area
Base price is for pole buildings with wood poles 15’ to 20’ o.c.; wood truss roof; wood or metal siding; earth
floor; one large sliding door; one service (walk-in) door, and minimum electric.
600 850 1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
8’ 16.36 14.29 13.24 12.37 11.86 11.61 10.79 10.65 10.10 9.92 9.65 9.47 9.31 9.21 9.03
10’ 17.65 15.37 14.22 13.26 12.69 12.34 11.45 11.24 10.64 10.39 10.09 9.89 9.72 9.60 9.38
12’ 18.94 16.45 15.20 14.15 13.52 13.07 12.11 11.83 11.18 10.86 10.53 10.31 10.13 9.99 9.73
14’ 20.23 17.53 16.18 15.04 14.35 13.80 12.77 12.42 11.72 11.33 10.97 10.73 10.54 10.38 10.08
16’ 21.52 18.61 17.16 15.93 15.18 14.53 13.43 13.01 12.26 11.80 11.41 11.15 10.95 10.77 10.43
18’ 22.81 19.69 18.14 16.82 16.01 15.26 14.09 13.60 12.80 12.27 11.85 11.57 11.36 11.16 10.78
8’ 12.10 11.19 10.84 10.39 9.91 9.08 8.98 8.88 8.78
8.68 8.64 8.60 8.52 8.46 8.38
10’ 13.12 12.05 11.62 11.12 10.55 9.63 9.41 9.33 9.22 9.11 9.01 8.90 8.80 8.73 8.63
12’ 14.14 12.91 12.40 11.85 11.19 10.18 9.98 9.78 9.63 9.48 9.33 9.20 9.08 9.00 8.88
14’ 15.16 13.77 13.18 12.58 11.83 10.73 10.49 10.23 10.04 9.84 9.65 9.50 9.36 9.27 9.13
16’ 16.18 14.63 13.96 13.31 12.47 11.28 10.98 10.68 10.44 10.20 9.97 9.80 9.64 9.54 9.38
18’ 17.20 15.49 14.74 14.04 13.11 11.83 11.57 11.13 10.85 10.57 10.29 10.10 9.92 9.81 9.63
8’ 7.55 7.28 7.16 7.07 7.01 7.00 7.00 6.98 6.96 6.94 6.93 6.90 6.88 6.86 6.85
10’ 7.66 7.36 7.24 7.15 7.08 7.06 7.05 7.02 7.00 6.98 6.96 6.93 6.91 6.89 6.88
12’ 7.77 7.44 7.32 7.23 7.15 7.12 7.10 7.06 7.04 7.02 6.99 6.96
6.94 6.92 6.91
14’ 7.88 7.52 7.40 7.31 7.22 7.18 7.15 7.10 7.08 7.06 7.02 6.99 6.97 6.95 6.94
16’ 7.99 7.60 7.48 7.39 7.29 7.24 7.20 7.14 7.12 7.10 7.05 7.02 7.00 6.98 6.97
18’ 8.10 7.68 7.56 7.47 7.36 7.30 7.25 7.18 7.16 7.14 7.08 7.05 7.03 7.01 7.00
Floor adjustments
based on per SF floor area
Misc. adjustments
based on building SF
Door adjustments
based on SF of door area
Concrete Floor – 4” $3.80 Insulation $1.87 Extra sliding door--10’ x 9’ $19.00
Crushed Rock – 4” $0.64 No electric -$0.92 Service (walk-in) door $47.25
Asphalt – 2” $2.90 Water service $0.38
Space heaters $1.34
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Base costs include pier foundation, vertical siding or corrugated metal
walls; shed type roof of single pitch; earth floor; minimum electric.
Walls from 8’ to 12’ rise, average 10’ at center.
SF Area Wood Frame Pole Frame
240 $11.69 $8.32
300 $10.19 $7.34
400 $10.10 $7.25
500 $9.96 $7.16
600 $9.87 $6.94
800 $9.42 $6.76
1,000 $9.10 $6.53
1,200 $8.55 $6.13
1,400 $8.19 $5.91
Adjustments to base cost
Concrete floor & foundation $3.95
No electric -$0.66
Height adjustment for each foot avg. +/- $0.43
Wood frame corn cribs
Foundation – concrete walls and footings; Walls – spaced boards on
wood frame; Roof – Gable style roof with composition wood shingles;
Drive through; No mechanicals.
SF Ground Area Wood spaced
boards on wood
Wire mesh on wood
80 $34.17
100 $33.42
150 $26.56
175 $25.19
200 $22.70
250 $21.95
300 $44.64 $21.43
400 $39.59 $20.82
500 $34.44 $19.69
700 $30.08
1,000 $29.26
1,500 $28.03
2,000 $24.89
2,500 $21.07
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Single-story egg laying buildings (SFFA)
Based on 8’ eave height
Base price includes concrete or masonry foundation; concrete slab floor with manure trenches; gable
roof; electrical wiring and lighting.
Construction Type
SF Floor
+/- per
+/- per
+/- per
+/- per
1,000 $23.65 $0.65 $29.88 $0.82 $22.84 $0.63 $19.87 $0.55
1,500 $21.29 $0.54 $26.90 $0.68 $20.56 $0.52 $17.89 $0.45
2,000 $20.09 $0.48 $25.39 $0.61 $19.40 $0.46 $16.88 $0.40
3,000 $19.21 $0.40 $24.27 $0.51 $18.55 $0.39 $16.14 $0.34
4,000 $18.58 $0.37 $23.48 $0.47 $17.94 $0.36 $15.61 $0.31
5,000 $17.79 $0.31 $22.48 $0.39 $17.18 $0.30 $14.95 $0.26
7,500 $17.09 $0.26 $21.59 $0.33 $16.50 $0.25 $14.36 $0.22
10,000 $16.93 $0.22 $21.31 $0.28 $16.35 $0.21 $14.22 $0.18
15,000 $16.76 $0.19 $21.18 $0.24 $16.18 $0.18 $14.08 $0.16
20,000 $16.60 $0.17 $20.98 $0.21 $16.03 $0.16 $13.95 $0.14
25,000 $16.46 $0.15 $20.80 $0.19 $15.89 $0.14 $13.83 $0.13
>25,000 $16.36 $0.14 $20.67 $0.18 $15.80 $0.14 $13.75 $0.12
Add or subtract for
each foot of height
+/- per ft +/- per ft
+/- per ft +/- per ft
Additional adjustments per SFFA
Cage equipment systems include single deck
cages, V trough watering and feeding systems, and
fogging cooling.
$11.92 per SFFA
For automatic feeders, water cup systems, egg
collection system, add an addition to the $11.92
equipment cost.
$6.34 per SFFA
Poultry buildings
Multi-story egg laying buildings (based on ground SF)
Based on 8’ average height per story
Base price includes concrete or masonry foundation; concrete slab floor with manure trenches on 1st
floor and wood plank or wire cage catwalk upper floors; gable roof; electrical wiring and lighting.
For multi-story buildings, use 40% of the base SF cost from the single-story cost tables for each story
over one.
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Single-story broiler buildings (SFFA)
Based on 8’ eave height
Base price includes dirt floor, galvanized metal or wood siding on frame, partial cur-
tain wall, insulated walls and ceiling, gable roof, electrical wiring and lighting, water
service, and some subdivision.
SF Floor Area
Construction Type
Steel Frame Pole frame
1,000 $17.58 $14.77
1,500 $15.75 $13.23
2,000 $14.97 $12.58
3,000 $14.12 $11.86
4,000 $13.66 $11.48
5,000 $13.08 $10.99
7,500 $12.45 $10.46
10,000 $11.91 $10.01
15,000 $11.47 $9.64
20,000 $11.16 $9.38
25,000 $10.91 $9.17
30,000 $10.84 $9.11
40,000 $10.77 $9.05
>40,000 $10.68 $8.97
Add or subtract for each foot of height $0.24 $0.22
Additional adjustments per SFFA
Equipment systems include feeders, waterers, suspended
infrared heaters, curtains, automatic ventilation control $7.20 per SFFA
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Steel frame round wire mesh corn cribs
Diameter Height to eave Bushel capacity Cost each
10’ 12’ 315 $1,100
16’ 419 $1,400
20’ 524 $1,700
12’ 12’ 452 $1,500
16’ 603 $1,900
20’ 754 $2,300
24’ 905 $2,800
14’ 16’ 821 $2,600
20’ 1,026 $3,200
24’ 1,232 $3,800
16’ 16’ 1,072 $3,300
20’ 1,340 $4,100
24’ 1,609 $4,900
28’ 1,876 $5,700
Concrete liquid manure tanks
Size Cubic feet Gallon capacity Cost each
4,000 30,000 $18,500
8,000 60,000 $37,100
12,000 90,000 $66,800
16,000 120,000 $80,000
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Confinement buildings
Swine farrowing barns
Based on 10’ eave height
Base price includes concrete or masonry foundation; concrete slab floor; gable roof; electrical wiring and
lighting; water service; insulation, vents, and feed storage room.
SF Floor Area
Construction Type
Wood Frame Masonry Steel Frame Pole Frame
800 $47.16 $54.66 $44.80 $40.09
1,000 $44.38 $51.52 $42.16 $37.72
1,500 $41.59 $47.55 $39.51 $35.35
2,000 $40.20 $45.11 $38.19 $34.17
2,400 $39.62 $44.22 $37.64 $33.68
3,000 $39.02 $43.53 $37.07 $33.17
4,000 $38.16 $42.59 $36.25 $32.44
5,000 $35.48 $39.82 $33.71 $30.16
6,000 $34.96 $39.21 $33.21 $29.72
8,000 $34.50 $38.66 $32.78 $29.33
10,000 $34.10 $38.17 $32.40 $28.99
12,000 $32.92 $36.92 $31.27 $27.98
15,000 $32.68 $36.58 $31.05 $27.78
20,000 $32.41 $36.21 $30.79 $27.55
25,000 $32.25 $35.95 $30.64 $27.41
30,000 and higher $32.14 $35.74 $30.53 $27.32
Add or subtract for
each foot of height
$0.72 $1.37 $0.70 $0.98
Concrete slotted floor per SF $5.74
Equipment of crates, waterers, and feeder per SFFA $7.43
Pit, 6’ deep per SF $19.33
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Swine finishing barns
Based on 10’ eave height
Base price includes concrete or masonry foundation; concrete slab floor; gable roof; electrical wiring and
lighting; water service; insulation, vents, and feed storage room.
SF Floor Area
Construction Type
Wood Frame Masonry Steel Frame Pole Frame
800 $38.28 $45.78 $35.92 $31.21
1,000 $35.19 $42.33 $32.97 $28.53
1,500 $32.61 $38.57 $30.53 $26.37
2,000 $31.32 $36.23 $29.31 $25.29
2,400 $30.73 $35.33 $28.75 $24.79
3,000 $30.03 $34.54 $28.08 $24.18
4,000 $29.28 $33.71 $27.37 $23.56
5,000 $26.53 $30.87 $24.76 $21.21
6,000 $26.08 $30.33 $24.33 $20.84
8,000 $25.62 $29.78 $23.90 $20.45
10,000 $25.22 $29.29 $23.52 $20.11
12,000 $24.04 $28.04 $22.39 $19.10
15,000 $23.78 $27.68 $22.15 $18.88
20,000 $23.53 $27.33 $21.91 $18.67
25,000 $23.36 $27.06 $21.75 $18.52
30,000 and higher $23.26 $26.86 $21.65 $18.44
Add or subtract for
each foot of height
$0.72 $1.37 $0.70 $0.98
Concrete slotted floor per SF $6.02
Equipment of crates, waterers, and feeder per SFFA $5.35
Pit, 6’ deep per SF $19.33
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Steel grain bins
Includes concrete slab floor
Diameter Height
Cost Diameter Height
15’ 11 1,562 $7,000 36’ 18’ 14,723 $30,600
15’ 2,130 $8,400 22’ 17,995 $35,200
18’ 2,556 $9,500 26’ 21,267 $39,200
18’ 11 2,249 $7,900 33’ 26,993 $43,900
15’ 3,067 $9,700 40’ 32,719 $48,600
18’ 3,681 $10,900 48’ 39,262 $55,100
22’ 4,499 $12,600 42’ 18’ 20,040 $40,600
26’ 5,317 $14,100 22’ 24,494 $45,400
33’ 6,544 $17,400 26’ 28,947 $48,900
40’ 8,180 $20,600 33’ 36,740 $56,800
21’ 15’ 4,175 $11,200 40’ 44,534 $66,200
18’ 5,010 $13,400 48’ 53,441 $76,700
22’ 6,123 $15,500 48’ 18’ 26,715 $49,500
26’ 7,237 $17,200 22’ 31,992 $56,300
33’ 9,185 $21,200 26’ 37,808 $63,100
40’ 11,133 $23,800 33’ 47,987 $76,200
24’ 15’ 5,453 $13,300 40’ 58,167 $89,400
18’ 6,544 $16,200 48’ 69,800 $103,000
22’ 7,998 $18,600 60’ 26’ 59,075 $98,000
26’ 9,452 $21,000 40’ 90,885 $137,800
33’ 11,997 $24,700 48’ 109,062 $157,600
40’ 14,542 $27,500 60’ 136,328 $191,400
27’ 15’ 6,902 $16,000 75’ 33’ 117,157 $191,900
18’ 8,282 $18,800 40’ 142,008 $221,100
22’ 10,122 $21,300 48’ 170,410 $254,900
26’ 11,963 $24,000 60’ 213,012 $301,300
33’ 15,184 $29,400 90’ 33’ 168,706 $279,800
40’ 18,404 $31,800 40’ 204,492 $320,400
30’ 18’ 10,225 $22,400 48’ 245,390 $369,500
22’ 12,497 $25,400 60’ 306,738 $436,900
26’ 14,769 $28,400 105’ 33’ 229,627 $387,900
33’ 18,745 $33,600 40’ 278,336 $444,600
40’ 22,721 $37,000 48’ 334,003 $513,200
48’ 27,266 $39,700 60’ 417,504 $603,200
Aeration systems Add $0.14 per bushel
Dryer Bins Add 46% to the costs, or factor by 1.46*
Ladder, eave height 20’ or less $14.50 per liner foot of ladder height
Ladder, eave height greater than 20’ $27.00 per linear foot of ladder height
*Only add for bins with eave height of less than 20’.
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Steel silos – Glass lined
Includes concrete foundation, steel roof, breather
bag, ladder, and platform.
Diameter Height Cost
14’ 30’ $37,500
40’ $46,400
50’ $52,500
Add for sweep arm auger $5,250
17’ 30’ $48,000
40’ $55,200
50’ $60,000
Add for sweep arm auger $5,250
20’ 30’ $56,100
40’ $66,800
50’ $75,500
60’ $84,000
70’ $97,300
80’ $110,400
90’ $123,300
Add for sweep arm auger $5,250
Add for chain unloader $37,500
25’ 40’ $110,000
50’ $127,000
60’ $130,800
70’ $145,600
80’ $162,400
90’ $180,900
Add for chain unloader $42,500
Steel silos – Non-glass lined
Includes concrete foundation, steel roof, ladder,
and platform.
Diameter Height Cost
14’ 30’ $23,700
40’ $29,300
50’ $33,100
Add for sweep arm auger $5,250
17’ 30’ $29,000
40’ $33,400
50’ $36,300
Add for sweep arm auger $5,250
20’ 30’ $36,500
40’ $43,500
50’ $49,200
60’ $54,700
70’ $63,300
80’ $71,900
90’ $80,300
Add for sweep arm auger $5,250
Add for chain unloader $37,500
25’ 40’ $74,900
50’ $86,500
60’ $89,100
70’ $99,200
80’ $110,600
90’ $123,200
Add for chain unloader $42,500
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Concrete silos
Per foot of height, includes concrete foundation.
Diameter Stave Poured Add for unloader
12’ $400 $570 $9,500
14’ $450 $650 $9,900
16’ $460 $670 $10,500
18’ $500 $720 $11,000
20’ $560 $810 $11,500
24’ $740 $1,070 $12,750
30’ $1,000 $1,360 $13,500
Quonset buildings
per SFFA
Base cost includes continuous concrete foundation, slab floor, galvanized steel
arched frame, windows, 12’ sliding door, personnel door, unfinished interior,
adequate electrical wiring, lighting, and water service.
SF Floor Area Cost
400 $34.84
600 $27.96
1,000 $26.40
1,500 $23.78
2,400 $21.05
3,000 $20.05
4,000 $18.88
5,000 $17.11
6,000 $15.94
8,000 $15.54
10,000 $15.28
12,000 $15.10
15,000 $15.01
20,000 $14.76
25,000 or more $14.61
No concrete slab floor -$3.80
No electric -$0.93
No water service -$0.44
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Hoop Buildings
per SFFA
Base price includes dirt floor; continuous concrete or pole frame foundation; no knee wall or 2.5’ knee
wall of concrete or pole frame with plywood; hoop frames of 14-gauge structural steel tubing spaced 5’
with 10 oz. 22 mil polyethylene cover; no electrical wiring or lighting; no water service.
SF Floor Area
Construction Type
Pole frame
with 2.5’ plywood
knee wall
Continuous concrete
without knee wall
Continuous concrete
with 2.5’ knee wall
400 $13.41 $16.20 $17.18
600 $11.86 $15.15 $16.13
1,000 $10.45 $13.18 $13.97
1,500 $9.26 $12.12 $12.91
2,400 $7.94 $10.46 $11.12
3,000 $6.85 $9.41 $10.07
4,000 $6.69 $8.90 $9.45
5,000 $6.61 $8.65 $9.14
6,000 $6.60 $8.65 $9.14
8,000 $6.60 $8.65 $9.14
10,000 $6.59 $8.65 $9.14
12,000 $6.45 $8.19 $8.58
15,000 $6.45 $8.19 $8.58
20,000 $6.44 $8.19 $8.58
25,000+ $6.44 $8.19 $8.58
Standard solid end panel, per LF of wall $19.13
Standard zipped end panel for entry, per LF of wall $28.17
Concrete floor, per SF $3.80
Electricity & lights, per SF $0.92
Water service, per SF $0.41
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Visit our website at
For information
or forms
per SFFA
Base price includes gravel floor with some concrete; light concrete foundation; no knee wall; glass,
fiberglass, or polycarbonate covering; some vents, adequate electrical wiring and water service.
SF Floor Area
Construction Type
structures: Wood
structures: Steel
Hoop arch-rib
structures: Steel
400 $16.47 $15.87 $14.45
600 $14.85 $14.31 $13.03
1,000 $14.11 $13.59 $12.38
1,500 $12.35 $11.90 $10.83
2,400 $10.34 $9.96 $9.07
3,000 $9.45 $9.10 $8.29
4,000 $8.86 $8.53 $7.77
5,000 $8.50 $8.19 $7.46
6,000 $8.27 $7.97 $7.25
8,000 $7.98 $7.69 $7.00
10,000 $7.80 $7.51 $6.84
12,000 $7.62 $7.34 $6.68
15,000 $7.51 $7.23 $6.59
20,000 $7.28 $7.01 $6.39
25,000+ $7.11 $6.85 $6.24
Full concrete floor replacing gravel, per SF $2.97
No electricity, per SF -$0.79
Minimum electrical, per SF -$0.40
Better than typical electrical, per SF $0.55
Better than typical water service, per SF $0.49
Knee wall for hoop arch-rib structure, per SF $0.80