Formula Language
his appendix provides detailed information for each Crystal Reports formula language
function and operator. Functions and operators are categorized by usage (string, numeric,
financial, and so forth). The purpose of each function or operator is discussed, along
with explanations of various function arguments. An example of each function and operator
is provided.
Consider the following points when making use of this reference:
Crystal Syntax is used in this reference. With very few exceptions, Basic Syntax
is not covered, as Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications (which Basic
Syntax is based on) are commonly documented languages. In many cases, the
Basic Syntax version of the function or operator is identical or very similar to
the Crystal Syntax version documented here.
Some more esoteric functions, such as statistical and financial functions, may not be
explained in great detail. It is assumed that report designers who need to use these
specialized functions will already possess a basic understanding of their usage.
Although most of the examples in this appendix use “literal” arguments, you
may easily substitute database fields, other formulas, and so forth, for function
Formatting in examples that follow each function or operator assume standard
U.S. settings in the Windows control panel. If you’ve changed these settings, your
default output formatting may be different.
Functions: Additional Functions
This category of the Function tree exposes functions that are provided to Crystal Reports
by a set of external dynamic link libraries (DLLs). These DLLs, known as User Function
Libraries (UFLs) within Crystal Reports, can be developed in a Windows programming
language to provide extensible functions to the Crystal Reports formula language. UFL
functions are categorized by their UFL DLL filename.
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NOTE If you have upgraded from previous versions of Crystal Reports, or you have downloaded
additional User Function Libraries from Business Objects (or other sources), you’ll find additional
entries in the Additional Functions category of the Function tree.
Converts a number to a descriptive string indicating disk or memory storage used.
ByteToText is useful when reporting on the Local File System (or other data source that
requires amounts of computer storage to be included on the report). Values less than 1,204
are returned in bytes, values between 1,204 and 1,048,576 are abbreviated to “KB”, and values
above 1,048,576 are abbreviated to “MB”.
ByteToText (n)
n numeric value.
returns “1000 bytes”.
returns “9 MB”.
Converts a date-time value that may not be year 2000–compliant to a year 2000–compliant
date-time with a four-digit year.
DateTimeTo2000 is “left over” from previous versions of Crystal Reports that may not
have dealt with date-time values properly. It is largely not required with current versions,
unless you may be dealing with older databases that don’t return full four-digit years in
date-time fields.
DateTimeTo2000 (dt, n)
dt date-time value with a two- or four-digit year.
n numeric value to act as a “sliding scale” year window.
DateTimeTo2000(DateTimeValue("1/1/90 1:03 pm"), 95)
returns 1/1/2090 1:03:00 PM.
Returns only the date portion of a date-time value.
This function is “left over” from previous versions of Crystal Reports and has been
replaced by the CDate and DateValue functions. See DateValue for details.
Extracts the number of seconds that have passed since midnight.
DateTimeToSeconds evaluates the time portion of the supplied date-time value and returns
the number of seconds that have passed since midnight.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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DateTimeToSeconds (dt)
dt date-time value.
returns 49,980 for a current date-time value that includes the time 1:53:00 P.M .
Returns only the time portion of a date-time value.
This function is “left over” from previous versions of Crystal Reports and has been
replaced by the CTime and TimeValue functions. See TimeValue for details.
Converts a date value that may not be year 2000–compliant to a year 2000–compliant date
with a four-digit year.
DateTo2000 is “left over” from previous versions of Crystal Reports that may not have
dealt with date values properly. It is largely not required with current versions, unless you
may be dealing with older databases that don’t return full four-digit years in date fields.
DateTo2000 (d, n)
d date value with a two- or four-digit year.
n numeric value to act as a “sliding scale” year window.
DateTo2000(#1/1/90#, 95)
returns 1/1/2090.
Returns a string value from a date string or date-time string with a two- or four-digit year.
DTSTo2000 will convert a string formatted in a specific year-month-day-hour-minute-
second format to another string with a four-digit year. This function includes a sliding-scale
year argument to ready two-digit dates for year-2000 compliance.
DTSTo2000 (s, n)
s string containing a date in the format “yyyy/mm/dd” or “yy/mm/dd” or date-time in
the format “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.00” or “yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.00”.
n numeric value to act as a “sliding scale” year window.
returns the string “2090/10/01”.
Converts a string formatted in a specific date-time format to a true date value.
DTSToDate is functionally equivalent to CDate and DateValue. See DateValue for more
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Converts a string formatted in a specific date-time format to a true date-time value.
DTSToDateTime is functionally equivalent to CDateTime and DateTimeValue. See
DateTimeValue for more information.
Extracts the number of seconds that have passed since midnight.
DTSToSeconds evaluates the time portion of the supplied date-time string and returns
the number of seconds that have passed since midnight.
DTSToSeconds (s)
s string containing a date-time in the format “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.00” or
“yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.00”.
DTSToSeconds("2003/05/28 13:53:00.00")
returns 49,980 (the number of seconds between midnight and 1:53 P.M .).
Converts a string formatted in a specific date-time format to a true time value.
DTSToTimeField is functionally equivalent to CTime and TimeValue. See TimeValue for
more information.
Returns a string containing just the time portion of a date-time string.
DTSToTimeString simply extracts the text after the eleventh character of a string (which
does not actually have to be formatted as a date-time string).
DTSToTimeString (s)
s string containing a date-time in the format “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.00”.
DTSToTimeString("1998/05/28 13:53:00.00")
returns the string “13:53:00.00”.
NOTE The preceding series of date-time string (DTS) functions are “left over” from previous
versions of Crystal Reports that may not have dealt with date-time values properly. For example,
Crystal Reports 6 did not properly recognize a true date or date-time value from a database but
returned these values as string fields in a certain format. While you can still make the choice to
convert date or date-time values to strings, these DTS functions are generally not required with
current Crystal Reports versions.
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Returns a text description of a Microsoft Exchange event number.
EventNumber is helpful when reporting from Microsoft Exchange data sources. Certain
supplied event numbers are significant (for example, 1,000 indicates local delivery). Those
that aren’t recognized will return “unknown event” results.
EventNumber (n)
n numeric value representing a Microsoft Exchange event number.
returns “Local Delivery”.
Extracts the e-mail address from an X400- or X500-formatted string.
ExchGetID is helpful when reporting from Microsoft Exchange data sources. These data
sources return certain e-mail address strings that can be passed to ExchGetID to return just
the e-mail address.
ExchGetId (s)
s string containing an X400- or X500-formatted address.
ExchGetID("c=US; a= ;p=Ablaze Group;
o=AblazeServer;dda:[email protected]")
returns [email protected]”.
Extracts the organization string from an X400- or X500-formatted string.
ExchGetOrganization is helpful when reporting from Microsoft Exchange data
sources. These data sources return certain organization strings that can be passed to
ExchGetOrganization to return just the organization.
ExchGetOrganization (s)
s string containing an X400- or X500-formatted address.
ExchGetOrganization("c=US; a= ;p=Ablaze Group;
o=AblazeServer;dda:[email protected]")
returns “Ablaze Group”.
Extracts the destination path string from an X400- or X500-formatted string.
ExchGetPath is helpful when reporting from Microsoft Exchange data sources. These
data sources return certain destination strings that can be passed to ExchGetPath to return
just the destination path.
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ExchGetPath (s)
s string containing an X400- or X500-formatted address.
ExchGetPath("c=US;a= ;p=Ablaze Group;ou1=Info;
ou2=Ablaze Group;o=AblazeServer;dda:[email protected]")
will return “OU1=INFO; OU2=ABLAZE GROUP;”.
Extracts the site string from an X400- or X500-formatted string.
ExchGetSite is helpful when reporting from Microsoft Exchange data sources. These data
sources return certain site strings that can be passed to ExchGetSite to return just the site.
ExchGetSite (s)
s string containing an X400- or X500-formatted address.
ExchGetSite("c=US;a= ;p=Ablaze Group;ou1=Info;ou2=Ablaze Group;
o=AblazeServer;dda:[email protected]")
will return “AblazeServer”.
Extracts the portion of a string that appears between two other strings.
ExtractString will search a string, returning the portion that falls between two other
search strings. If the first search string is not found, ExtractString returns an empty string.
If the second search string is not found, ExtractString will return the entire portion of the
source string after the first search string.
ExtractString (s1, s2, s3)
s1 source string to be searched.
s2 first string to search for.
s3 second string to search for.
ExtractString("The rain in Spain falls on the plain",
"rain", "plain")
returns “in Spain falls on the”.
Returns the average turnover of accounts receivable in numeric days.
FRAccRecTurnover calculates the average “turnover” of accounts receivable by dividing
accounts receivable by sales, and multiplying the result by the number of days in the year.
FRAccRecTurnover (n1, n2, n3)
n1 numeric value of total accounts receivable.
n2 numeric value of total sales.
n3 numeric value indicating the number of days in a year (default is 360).
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returns 36 days.
Returns the ratio between cash flow and total debt.
FRCashFlowVsTotalDebt determines the ratio of cash flow to debt by dividing cash flow
by total debt.
FRCashFlowVsTotalDebt (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating total cash flow.
n2 numeric value indicating total debt.
returns a cash flow–to–debt ratio of 10.
Returns the ratio between current assets and current liabilities.
FRCurrentRatio determines the ratio of current assets to current liabilities by dividing
assets by liabilities.
FRCurrentRatio (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating total current assets.
n2 numeric value indicating total current liabilities.
returns an asset-to-liability ratio of 10.
Returns the ratio between total liabilities and total equity.
FRDebtEquityRatio determines the ratio of total liabilities to total equity by dividing
liabilities by equity.
FRDebtEquityRatio (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating total liabilities.
n2 numeric value indicating total equity.
returns a liability-to-equity ratio of .1.
Returns the ratio between dividend and market price.
FRDividendYield determines the ratio of dividend to market price by dividing dividend
by market price.
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FRDividendYield (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating dividend amount.
n2 numeric value indicating share market price.
returns a dividend–to–market price ratio of .2.
Returns the ratio of net profit distributable to shareholders to the number of shares.
FREarningsPerCommonShare determines the ratio of net profit to number of shares by
subtracting the preferred dividend amount from net profit, and dividing the result by the
number of common shares.
FREarningsPerCommonShare (n1, n2, n3)
n1 numeric value indicating net profit.
n2 numeric value indicating dividend paid to preferred shareholders.
n3 numeric value indicating number of issued common shares.
FREarningsPerCommonShare (100000, 10, 10000)
returns a profit-to-share ratio of 10.
Returns the ratio between total equity and total assets.
FREquityVsTotalAssets determines the ratio of total equity to total assets by dividing
equity by assets.
FREquityVsTotalAssets (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating total equity.
n2 numeric value indicating total assets.
returns a equity-to-assets ratio of .2.
Returns the ratio between gross profit and sales.
FRGrossProfitMargin determines the ratio of gross profit to sales by dividing gross
profit by sales.
FRGrossProfitMargin (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating gross profit.
n2 numeric value indicating sales.
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returns a profit-to-sales ratio of .1.
Returns the ratio between cash flow and interest expense.
FRInterestCoverage determines the ratio of cash flow to interest expense by dividing
cash flow by interest expense.
FRInterestCoverage (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating cash flow.
n2 numeric value indicating interest expense.
returns a cash flow–to–interest expense ratio of 25.
Returns the average turnover of inventory in numeric days.
FRInventoryTurnover calculates the average “turnover” of inventory by dividing inventory
by sales, and multiplying the result by the number of days in the year.
FRInventoryTurnover (n1, n2, n3)
n1 numeric value of total inventory.
n2 numeric value of total sales.
n3 numeric value indicating the number of days in a year (default is 360).
returns 36 days.
Returns the ratio between net profit and sales.
FRNetProfitMar gin determines the ratio of net profit to sales by dividing net profit by sales.
FRNetProfitMargin (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating net profit.
n2 numeric value indicating sales.
returns a profit-to-sales ratio of .1.
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Returns the ratio between operating profit and sales.
FROperatingProfitMargin determines the ratio of operating profit to sales by dividing
operating profit by sales.
FROperatingProfitMargin (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating operating profit.
n2 numeric value indicating sales.
returns a profit-to-sales ratio of .1.
Returns the ratio between share market price and earnings per share.
FRPriceEarningsRatio determines the ratio of share market price to earnings by dividing
share market price by earnings per share.
FRPriceEarningsRatio (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating share market price.
n2 numeric value indicating earnings per share.
FRPriceEarningsRatio (10,100)
returns a price-to-earnings ratio of .1.
Returns the ratio between current assets (less inventory) and current liabilities.
FRQuickRatio determines the ratio of current assets (less inventory) to current liabilities
by subtracting inventory from assets and dividing the results by liabilities.
FRQuickRatio (n1, n2, n3)
n1 numeric value indicating current assets.
n2 numeric value indicating inventory.
n3 numeric value indicating current liabilities.
FRQuickRatio (100000, 10000, 5000)
returns a quick ratio of 18.
Returns the ratio between net profit and common equity.
FRReturnOnCommonEquity determines the ratio of net profit to common equity
by subtracting the dividend amount from net profit, and dividing the result by common
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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FRReturnOnCommonEquity (n1, n2, n3)
n1 numeric value indicating net profit.
n2 numeric value indicating the total preferred dividend amount.
n3 numeric value indicating common equity.
FRReturnOnCommonEquity (10000, 15, 100000)
returns a return on common equity ratio of .1.
Returns the ratio between net profit and total equity.
FRReturnOnEquity determines the ratio of net profit to total equity by dividing net
profit by equity.
FRReturnOnEquity (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating net profit.
n2 numeric value indicating total equity.
FRReturnOnEquity (10000,100000)
returns a profit-to-equity ratio of .1.
Returns the ratio between net profit and invested capital.
FRReturnOnInvestedCapital determines the ratio between net profit and invested
capital by dividing net profit by the sum of bank debt and equity.
FRReturnOnInvestedCapital (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value indicating net profit.
n2 a numeric value indicating total bank debt.
n3 a numeric value indicating total equity.
FRReturnOnInvestedCapital (10000,5000,100000)
returns a return on invested capital ratio of .1.
Returns the ratio between net profit and net fixed assets.
FRReturnOnNetFixedAssets determines the ratio of net profit to fixed assets by dividing
net profit by fixed assets.
FRReturnOnNetFixedAssets (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating net profit.
n2 numeric value indicating net fixed assets.
FRReturnOnNetFixedAssets (10000,100000)
returns a profit-to-assets ratio of .1.
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Returns the ratio between net profit and total assets.
FRReturnOnTotalAssets determines the ratio of net profit to total assets by dividing net
profit by total assets.
FRReturnOnTotalAssets (n1, n2)
n1 numeric value indicating net profit.
n2 numeric value indicating total assets.
FRReturnOnTotalAssets (10000,75000)
returns a profit-to-assets ratio of .13.
Returns a Boolean (true or false) value based on whether the “mask” is found in the source
LooksLike uses DOS-style “wildcards” (the asterisk and question mark) to determine if
the source string contains the characters specified in the wildcard-based mask. This is helpful
for checking for partial text matches.
LooksLike (s1, s2)
s1 the source string to be searched.
s2 the mask string to search against. The mask can include a question mark wildcard to
indicate a single-character substitution and/or an asterisk to indicate a multiple-character
LooksLike("George Peck", "G?orge*")
returns True.
Returns the current time from the system clock as a text string.
This function is “left over” from previous versions of Crystal Reports and is similar to
the CurrentTime function. The only difference between Now and CurrentTime is the data
type returned. CurrentTime returns a time data type, while Now returns a string data type.
Formats a string based on the supplied formatting “mask” string.
Picture reformats a string value, inserting literal characters supplied within the “mask”
formatting string. Picture is helpful for adding characters to an existing string, such as
parentheses and hyphens to string database phone numbers without such punctuation.
Picture (s1, s2)
s1 source string to format.
s2 string “mask” to base formatting on. Any occurrence of an “x” character in the mask
will substitute a single character from the source string. Any character other than “x” will
simply be added to the output string.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Picture("8007733472", "Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx")
returns “Phone: (800) 773-3472”.
Returns a four-character string indicating how the source string “sounds”.
Soundex uses a character-based algorithm to assign a “sound” to the source string. Similar-
sounding strings, such as “George” and “gorge”, will return the same four-character Soundex
result. You may use Soundex in If-Then-Else statements, or similar constructs, where you want
to compare the sound of two or more strings.
Soundex (s)
s a string value to perform the Soundex algorithm on.
returns the string “G620”.
If Soundex("George") = Soundex("gorge") Then
"Sound the same"
"Different sound"
returns “Sound the same”.
NOTE An involved description of the Soundex algorithm can be found in Crystal Reports online help.
Functions: Alerts
This set of functions exposes Crystal Reports Alerts to formulas.
Returns a string containing the message portion of an alert.
AlertMessage returns the message portion of an alert when a particular report record
has triggered the alert. If the record has not triggered the alert, AlertMessage returns an
empty string.
AlertMessage (s)
s a string value indicating the name of the alert.
AlertMessage("Order Over 5K")
returns “Orders over $5,000 exist” (the message for the Order Over 5K alert) if the report
record has triggered the Order Over 5K alert.
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Shows the name of each alert included in the report.
The AlertNames category of the Function tree (within the Alerts category) will show the
names of each alert that has been created on the report. These alert names can be supplied
as arguments to other Alert functions (described later in this section). If no alerts have been
created, this function category won’t appear in the Function tree.
Returns a Boolean (true or false) value indicating whether or not the “Enabled” check
box is checked for the specified alert.
IsAlertEnabled tests to see if an alert will “fire” if records meet its criteria. An alert can
be enabled or disabled when the alert is edited.
IsAlertEnabled (s)
s a string value indicating the name of the alert.
If IsAlertEnabled("Order Over 5K") Then
"Over 5K orders will be tested for"
returns “Over 5K orders will be tested for” if the enabled check box is checked in the Order
Over 5K alert dialog box.
Returns a Boolean (true or false) value indicating whether or not an alert is triggered.
IsAlertTriggered is used within a formula to see if a particular alert has “fired” for the
current record. The formula can base the remainder of its logic on whether or not the record
has triggered the alert.
IsAlertTriggered (s)
s a string value indicating the name of the alert.
If IsAlertTriggered ("Order Over 5K") Then
"Congratulations--Great Order!"
returns “Congratulations—Great Order!” if the Order Over 5K alert is triggered when the
formula evaluates.
Functions: Arrays
This category of functions applies to arrays. An array is a collection of data items stored in
a single “bucket,” such as a single variable. If an array contains 15 items, it is said to have 15
elements. Arrays can contain any supported Crystal Reports data type, such as number, string,
date-time, and so forth.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Returns a number containing the average of the numeric elements in the array.
Average (a)
a an array. The array must be numeric.
returns 9.2.
Returns a number containing the number of elements in the array.
Count is helpful when performing looping logic through an array. By using Count,
you can determine how many array elements to loop through.
Count (a)
a an array. The array can be of any data type.
returns 5.
NOTE Count is functionally equivalent to UBound when dealing with arrays.
Returns a number containing the number of unique entries in the array.
DistinctCount is different from Count in that a duplicated entry in the array (for
example, a second occurrence of the same element) will not increment the count when
using DistinctCount, whereas it will with Count.
DistinctCount (a)
a an array. The array can be of any data type.
returns 4.
Creates an array.
MakeArray will create an array of values. It can be used to assign an array to a variable
or pass a “literal” array to another array-based function. Supplying array elements within
square brackets is the equivalent of MakeArray.
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MakeArray (v1, v2...)
[v1, v2…]
v1 and v2 literal values, separated by commas, that become array elements. The literal
values can be any Crystal Reports data type, as long as they are all of the same data type.
An array can contain, at maximum, 1,000 elements.
StringVar Array Beatles :=
returns “John”.
StringVar Array Beatles :=
returns “John”.
NOTE Basic syntax contains the Array function in addition to MakeArray. Array and MakeArray
are functionally equivalent in Basic syntax.
Returns the last entry in an array.
Maximum will return the “last” entry in an array. What constitutes the “last” entry is
based on the type of data in the array. Maximum will return the highest number in a numeric
array, the last string value alphabetically in a string array, and so forth.
Maximum (a)
a an array. The array can be of any data type.
will return 5/13/2003 12:00:00 A.M. as a date-time value.
Returns the first entry in an array.
Minimum will return the “first” entry in an array. What constitutes the “first” entry is
based on the type of data in the array. Minimum will return the lowest number in a numeric
array, the first string value alphabetically in a string array, and so forth.
Minimum (a)
a an array. The array can be of any data type.
will return “George”.
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Returns a number containing the population standard deviation of an array.
PopulationStdDev (a)
a an array. The array must be numeric.
returns 8.28 (rounded to two decimal places).
Returns a number containing the population variance of an array.
PopulationVariance (a)
a an array. The array must be numeric.
returns 68.56 (rounded to two decimal places).
Returns a number containing the standard deviation of an array.
StdDev (a)
a an array. The array must be numeric.
returns 9.26 (rounded to two decimal places).
Returns a number containing the sum of array elements.
Sum (a)
a an array. The array must be numeric.
returns 71.
Returns the number of elements in the array.
UBound is helpful when performing looping logic through an array. By using UBound,
you can determine how many array elements to loop through.
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UBound (a)
a an array. The array can be of any data type.
returns 5.
NOTE UBound is functionally equivalent to Count when dealing with arrays.
Returns a number containing the variance of an array.
Variance (a)
a an array. The array must be numeric.
returns 85.70 (rounded to two decimal places).
Functions: Conditional Formatting
This category of functions appears in the Function tree only when you display the Format
Formula Editor by clicking a Conditional Formatting Formula button from another Crystal
Reports dialog box. Some of these functions will appear only in the proper “context”—for
example, the Color or RGB functions will be available only when you are setting a color
property conditionally.
Returns a specific red-green-blue color combination.
Color allows you to specify intricate color values for font color, background color, and
so forth. Rather than choosing from the limited set of default colors (such as crRed, crAqua,
and so forth), you may specify any combination of red-green-blue colors with this function.
Color (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value specifying the amount of red. The value must be between 0 and 255.
n2 a numeric value specifying the amount of green. The value must be between 0 and 255.
n3 a numeric value specifying the amount of blue. The value must be between 0 and 255.
If {Orders.Order Amount} > 5000 Then crRed Else Color(10,100,244)
will set the font color to a light blue shade (consisting of a red value of 10, green value of
100, and blue value of 244) if the order amount is not over 5,000.
NOTE The RGB function is functionally equivalent to Color. RGB also accepts three arguments
and may be used interchangeably with Color.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Returns the contents of the field being formatted.
CurrentFieldValue will return the value contained in the field being formatted. The data
type can vary, depending on the field being formatted. CurrentFieldValue is particularly
valuable when conditionally formatting Cross-Tab or OLAP grid cells, as the cells
themselves cannot be directly referred to in a formatting formula.
If CurrentFieldValue > 5000 Then crRed Else crBlack
will set the color property to red if the value of the object being formatted is greater than
Returns the setting of the formatting property from the originating dialog box.
DefaultAttribute returns the value set in the calling dialog box. For example, if you
set the “absolute” font color to aqua but then click the Conditional Formatting Formula
button, you will be able to recall the aqua value in the formatting formula by using
If {Orders.Order Amount} > 5000 Then crRed Else DefaultAttribute
will set the font color to that selected in the absolute font color property of the Format
Editor if the order amount is not greater than 5,000.
Returns the value of the row or column name in a cross-tab or OLAP grid object.
GridRowColumnValue will return the contents of a “title” cell of a row or column in
a cross-tab or OLAP grid object. By using this function, you may determine which row or
column is currently formatting and change formatting logic accordingly.
GridRowColumnValue (s)
s string value indicating row or column name to query.
If GridRowColumnValue ("Orders.Employee ID") = 3 Then
will determine if the Employee ID row in a cross-tab contain employee number 3. If so, the
cell will be formatted in a red color.
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Row Or Column Names
Names of the rows or columns in a cross-tab or OLAP grid object.
This category of the Function tree will appear only when you are conditionally formatting
a cross-tab or OLAP grid object. The category will contain the names given to rows or columns
in the cross-tab or OLAP grid. You may use these values with the GridRowColumnValue
function to determine which row or column is currently formatting.
Functions: Date and Time
This set of functions deal with date and time manipulation, including extracting the current
date and time from your computer’s internal clock, performing date-time math, converting
date-time functions to other data types, and so forth.
Returns a date value with the current date from your computers internal clock.
returns 5/30/2003 if the current date is May 30, 2003.
Returns a date-time value with the current date and time from your computers internal
returns 5/30/2003 2:48:32PM if the current date is May 30, 2003 and the current time is 2:48 P. M .
Returns a time value with the current time from your computers internal clock.
returns 2:48:32PM if the current time is 2:48 in the afternoon.
Returns a date value when supplied with various other data types.
Date is functionally equivalent to DateValue. See DateValue for details.
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Returns a date-time value in the past or future, depending on supplied arguments.
DateAdd is handy for calculating dates in the past or future, based on a certain number
of days, weeks, years, and so forth. DateAdd automatically handles leap years, months with
less than 31 days, and so forth.
DateAdd (s, n, dt)
s string value indicating interval type (days, weeks, and so forth). See Interval Types later
in this section for recognized values.
n a numeric value indicating number of intervals to add to the source date-time. This can
be a negative or positive number.
dt a date or date-time value indicating the source date-time to add intervals to.
returns 6/4/2003 12:00:00AM if the current date is May 30, 2003.
DateAdd("m",-2,#1/1/2003 10:00AM#)
returns 11/1/2002 10:00:00AM.
Returns a number indicating the number of “intervals” between two dates.
DateDiff is helpful in determining a specified amount of time that has elapsed between
two date or date-time values. DateDiff can return the number of years, months, days, minutes,
and so forth.
DateDiff (s, dt1, dt2)
s string value indicating interval type (days, weeks, and so forth). See Interval Types later
in this section for recognized values.
dt1 a date, date-time, or time value indicating the start date-time to compare.
dt2 a date, date-time, or time value indicating the end date-time to compare.
DateDiff ("h",#5/2/2003 10:00 AM#,#5/3/2003 2:00 PM#)
returns 28.
DateDiff (s, dt1, dt2, n)
s string value indicating interval type (days, weeks, and so forth). See Interval Types later
in this section for recognized values.
dt1 a date, date-time, or time value indicating the start date-time to compare.
dt2 a date, date-time, or time value indicating the end date-time to compare.
n a numeric value or constant indicating the first day of the week. If not supplied, Sunday
is assumed to be the first day of the week. See First Day of Week Constants later in this section
for recognized constants or numbers for this argument.
DateDiff ("ww",#5/1/2003#,#6/1/2003#,crMonday)
returns 4.
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Returns a number indicating the individual “part” (month, hour, year, and so forth) of a
date, date-time, or time value.
DatePart will return just the year, month, day, hour, minute, or second of a supplied date-
time value. Other functions that work similarly to DatePart are Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute,
and Second.
DatePart (s, dt)
s string value indicating interval type (day, week, hour, and so forth). See Interval Types
later in this section for recognized values.
dt a date, date-time, or time value to extract the interval from.
DatePart ("m",CurrentDate)
returns 5, if the current date is May 30, 2003.
DatePart (s, dt, n)
s string value indicating interval type (day, week, hour, and so forth). See Interval Types
later in this section for recognized values.
dt a date, date-time, or time value to extract the interval from.
n a numeric value or constant indicating the first day of the week. If not supplied, Sunday
is assumed to be the first day of the week. See First Day of Week Constants later in this section
for recognized constants or numbers for this argument.
DatePart ("w",#May 30, 2003#,crMonday)
returns 5, considering that May 30, 2003, is a Friday.
DatePart (s, dt, n1, n2)
s string value indicating interval type (day, week, hour, and so forth). See Interval Types
later in this section for recognized values.
dt a date, date-time, or time value to extract the interval from.
n1 a numeric value or constant indicating the first day of the week. If not supplied, Sunday
is assumed to be the first day of the week. See First Day of Week Constants later in this section
for recognized constants or numbers for this argument.
n2 a numeric value or constant indicating the first week of year. If not supplied, the week
containing January 1 is assumed to be the first week of the year. See First Week of Year
Constants later in this section for recognized constants or numbers for this argument.
DatePart ("ww",#6/1/2003#,crSunday,crFirstJan1)
returns 23.
Returns a date value based on year, month, and day arguments.
DateSerial provides similar functionality to a specific usage of CDate, Date, and DateValue.
DateSerial differs from these other functions in one significant way: the arguments supplied
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do not have to fall into a strict “month between 1 and 12, day between 1 and 31” requirement.
By supplying other values, such as negative numbers, calculations, and so forth, arguments
will be evaluated “relatively.”
DateSerial (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value indicating the year.
n2 a numeric value indicating the month.
n3 a numeric value indicating the day.
DateSerial(2003, 6, 1)
returns 6/1/2003.
DateSerial(2003, 6-10, 1-30)
returns 7/2/2002 (10 months before June—which equates to August 1, 2002, and 30 days
before the first day of the month, which equates to July 2, 2002).
Returns a date-time value based on one of several sets and types of arguments.
DateTime is functionally equivalent to CDateTime and DateT imeValue. See DateT imeValue
for more information.
Returns a date-time value based on one of several sets and types of arguments.
DateTimeValue can accept a wide variety of arguments that will be converted to a date-time.
DateTimeValue comes in handy when you need to convert other data types to date-time,
such as database fields from older systems that stored dates as strings. DateTimeValue is
functionally equivalent to DateTime and CDateTime.
DateTimeValue (d)
d a date value that will be converted to a date-time value with midnight as the time.
returns 5/30/2003 12:00:00AM if today’s date is May 30, 2003 (in essence, converting the
CurrentDate date-only value to a date-time value).
DateTimeValue (d, t)
d a date value that will become the date portion of the resulting date-time value.
t a time value that will become the time portion of the resulting date-time value.
DateTimeValue(CurrentDate, Time(#10:30 am#))
returns 5/30/2003 10:30:00AM if today’s date is May 30, 2003.
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DateTimeValue (n)
n a numeric value indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899.
returns 10/28/1995 12:00:00AM (35,000 days from December 30, 1899).
DateTimeValue (s)
s a string value that will be evaluated for particular date and time equivalents.
DateTimeValue("January 1, 2003 15:50")
returns 1/1/2003 3:50:00PM.
DateTimeValue (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value indicating the year.
n2 a numeric value between 1 and 12 indicating the month.
n3 a numeric value between 1 and 31 indicating the day of month.
returns 10/15/2002 12:00:00AM.
DateTimeValue (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6)
n1 a numeric value indicating the year.
n2 a numeric value between 1 and 12 indicating the month.
n3 a numeric value between 1 and 31 indicating the day of month.
n4 a numeric value between 0 and 23 indicating the hour of day.
n5 a numeric value between 0 and 59 indicating the minute.
n6 a numeric value between 0 and 59 indicating the second.
returns 10/15/2002 2:35:50PM.
Returns a date value based on one of several sets and types of arguments.
DateValue can accept a wide variety of arguments that will be converted to a date.
DateValue comes in handy when you need to convert other data types to date, such as
database fields from older systems that stored dates as strings. DateValue is functionally
equivalent to Date and CDate.
DateValue (dt)
dt a date-time value that you wish to strip the time portion away from.
returns 5/30/2002 if the current date is May 30, 2003, regardless of what time of day.
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DateValue (n)
n a numeric value indicating the number of days since December 30, 1899.
returns 10/28/1995 (35,000 days from December 30, 1899).
DateValue (s)
s a string value that will be evaluated for particular date equivalents.
DateValue("January 1, 2003")
returns 1/1/2003.
DateValue (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value indicating the year.
n2 a numeric value between 1 and 12 indicating the month.
n3 a numeric value between 1 and 31 indicating the day of month.
returns 10/15/2002.
Returns a numeric value indicating the day of the month.
Day (dt)
dt a date or date-time value.
returns 30 if the current date is May 30, 2003.
Returns a numeric value indicating the day of the week.
DayOfWeek returns the day of the week. By default, DayOfWeek assumes Sunday is
equal to 1. However, you may provide an extra argument to DayOfWeek indicating a
different starting day. DayOfWeek is functionally equivalent to WeekDay.
DayOfWeek (dt)
dt a date or date-time value.
returns 6 if the current date falls on a Friday.
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DayOfWeek (dt, n)
dt a date or date-time value.
n a numeric value or constant indicating the first day of the week. If not supplied, Sunday
is assumed to be the first day of the week. See First Day of Week Constants later in this section
for recognized constants or numbers for this argument.
DayOfWeek(CurrentDate, crMonday)
returns 5 if the current date falls on a Friday.
Returns a numeric value indicating the hour of the supplied time or date-time in
military time.
Hour (dt)
dt a date-time or time value.
returns 17 if the current time is in the 5 P. M . hour.
Returns a Boolean (true of false) value indicating whether or not the supplied number or
string can be converted to a date value.
IsDate is helpful in determining if a supplied string or numeric value can be converted
to a date with the DateValue (or similar) function. Because these other conversion functions
will fail with a run-time error if an invalid value is supplied to them, using IsDate with an
If-Then-Else statement can prevent run-time errors.
IsDate (s)
s a string value to be evaluated for conversion to a date.
IsDate (n)
n a numeric value to be evaluated as the number of days since December 30, 1899.
If IsDate({FromMainframe.OrderDateAsString}) Then
returns a true order date if it can be converted, or 0/0/0 if it can’t.
Returns a Boolean (true of false) value indicating whether or not the supplied number or
string can be converted to a date-time value.
IsDateTime is helpful in determining if a supplied string or numeric value can be converted
to a date-time with the DateTimeValue (or similar) function. Because these other conversion
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functions will fail with a run-time error if an invalid value is supplied to them, using
IsDateTime with an If-Then-Else statement can prevent run-time errors.
IsDateTime (s)
s a string value to be evaluated for conversion to a date-time.
IsDateTime (n)
n a numeric value to be evaluated as the number of days since December 30, 1899.
If IsDateTime({FromMainframe.IncidentDateTimeAsString}) Then
returns a true incident date-time if it can be converted, or 0/0/0 at midnight if it can’t.
Returns a Boolean (true of false) value indicating whether or not the supplied number
or string can be converted to a time value.
IsTime is helpful in determining if a supplied string or numeric value can be converted
to a time with the TimeValue (or similar) function. Because these other conversion functions
will fail with a run-time error if an invalid value is supplied to them, using IsTime with an
If-Then-Else statement can prevent run-time errors.
IsTime (s)
s a string value to be evaluated for conversion to a time.
IsTime (n)
n a numeric value to be evaluated as the number of “24-hour units”.
If IsTime({FromMainframe.IncidentTimeAsString}) Then
returns a true incident time if it can be converted, or midnight if it can’t.
Returns a numeric value indicating the minute of the supplied time or date-time.
Minute (dt)
dt a date-time or time value.
returns 43 if the current time 5:43 P. M .
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Returns a numeric value indicating the month.
Month (dt)
dt a date or date-time value.
returns 5 if the current date is May 30, 2003.
Returns a string value indicating the spelled-out month of the supplied numeric
MonthName (n)
n a numeric value between 1 and 12 indicating the number of the month.
MonthName (n, b)
n a numeric value between 1 and 12 indicating the number of the month.
b a Boolean (true or false) value, indicating whether to abbreviate the month.
MonthName (3, True)
returns “Mar”.
Returns a numeric value indicating the second of the supplied time or date-time.
Second (dt)
dt a date-time or time value.
returns 45 if the current time 5:43:45 P. M .
Returns a time value when supplied with various other data types.
Time is functionally equivalent to TimeValue. See TimeValue for details.
Returns the number of seconds since midnight.
Timer may be useful as a “seed” for the Rnd (random number) function.
returns 64,917 at 6:01:57 P.M.
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Returns a time value based on hour, minute, and second arguments.
TimeSerial provides similar functionality to a specific usage of CTime, Time, and
TimeValue. TimeSerial differs from these other functions in one significant way: the
arguments supplied do not have to fall into a strict “hour between 0 and 24, minute
between 0 and 59” requirement. By supplying other values, such as negative numbers,
calculations, and so forth, arguments will be evaluated “relatively.”
TimeSerial (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value indicating the hour.
n2 a numeric value indicating the minute.
n3 a numeric value indicating the second.
returns 5:30:15PM.
returns 4:50:40PM.
Returns a time value based on one of several sets and types of arguments.
TimeValue can accept a wide variety of arguments that will be converted to a time.
TimeValue comes in handy when you need to convert other data types to time, such as
database fields from older systems that stored times as strings. TimeValue is functionally
equivalent to Time and CTime.
TimeValue (dt)
dt a date-time value that you wish to strip the time portion away from.
returns 6:23:19PM if the current time is 6:23 P.M., regardless of what day.
TimeValue (n)
n a numeric value to be evaluated as the number of “24-hour units.”
returns 6:00:00AM.
TimeValue (s)
s a string value that will be evaluated for particular time equivalents.
returns 5:15:00PM.
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TimeValue (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value between 0 and 23 indicating the hour.
n2 a numeric value between 0 and 59 indicating the minute.
n3 a numeric value between 0 and 59 indicating the second.
returns 2:12:00PM.
Returns a string value containing a spelled-out name of the week.
WeekdayName will spell the name of the weekday (“Monday”, etc.), based on a supplied
numeric value.
WeekdayName (n)
n numeric value between 1 and 7.
WeekdayName (n, b)
n numeric value between 1 and 7.
b a Boolean (true or false) value indicating whether to abbreviate the weekday name.
WeekdayName (n1, b, n2)
n1 numeric value between 1 and 7.
b Boolean (true or false) value indicating whether to abbreviate the weekday name.
n numeric value or constant indicating the first day of the week. If not supplied, Sunday is
assumed to be the first day of the week. See First Day of Week Constants later in this section
for recognized constants or numbers for this argument.
WeekdayName (3, True, crMonday)
returns “Wed”.
Returns a numeric value indicating the year.
Year (dt)
dt a date or date-time value.
returns 2,003 if the current date is May 30, 2003.
Interval Types
The following interval types can be used with various date functions, such as DateAdd and
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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m Month
d Day (functionally equivalent to y)
yyyy Year
y Day of Year (functionally equivalent to d)
w Weekday or Number of Weeks
ww Week or Number of FirstDayOfWeeks
q Quarter
h Hour
m Minute
s Second
First Day of Week Constants
The following first-day-of-week values can be supplied to various functions that change
output based on the first day of the week. Either the numeric value or the constant can be
crUseSystem 0 (default from Windows)
crSunday 1
crMonday 2
crTuesday 3
crWednesday 4
crThursday 5
crFriday 6
crSaturday 7
First Week of Year Constants
The following first-week-of-year values can be supplied to various functions that change
output based on the first week of the year. Either the numeric value or the constant can be
crUseSystem 0 (default from Windows)
crFirstJan1 1
crFirstFourDays 2
crFirstFullWeek 3
Functions: Date Ranges
The following functions return date ranges based on the current date from the computer’s
clock. For point-in-time reporting purposes, you may change these ranges to be based on
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something other than the current date by using Report | Set Print Date/Time. All these
functions return range values and must be used with a range operator, such as In.
Returns a range in the last 30 days.
If {AR.Due Date} In Aged0To30Days Then {AR.Amount Due}
returns the AR Amount due if the due date is in the past 30 days. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
Returns a range between 31 and 60 days in the past.
If {AR.Due Date} In Aged31To60Days Then {AR.Amount Due}
returns the AR Amount due if the due date is within 31 to 60 days past. Otherwise,
0 is returned.
Returns a range between 61 and 90 days in the past.
If {AR.Due Date} In Aged61To90Days Then {AR.Amount Due}
returns the AR Amount due if the due date is within 61 to 90 days past. Otherwise,
0 is returned.
Returns a range from today into the future (including today).
If {Shipments.Ship Date} In AllDatesFromToday Then
"Product still needs to ship"
"Product has already shipped"
returns the appropriate string, depending on whether the ship date is in the future or
the past.
Returns a range from tomorrow into the future (including tomorrow).
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If {Shipments.Ship Date} In AllDatesFromTomorrow Then
"Product ships tomorrow or thereafter"
"Product has already shipped"
returns the appropriate string, depending on whether the ship date is tomorrow or later.
Returns a range up to, and including, today.
If {Shipments.Ship Date} In AllDatesToToday Then
"Product has been shipped"
"Product ships later"
returns the appropriate string, depending on whether the product shipped today or earlier.
Returns a range up to, and including, yesterday.
If {Shipments.Ship Date} In AllDatesToYesterday Then
"Product yesterday or before"
"Product ships today or later"
returns the appropriate string, depending on whether the product shipped yesterday or
Returns a range including January 1 to June 30 of the current year.
If {Sales.Sale Date} In Calendar1stHalf Then
"Group 1: Jan 1 - Jun 30"
"Group 2: Jul 1 - Dec 31"
returns one of two appropriate values, depending on whether the sale took place in the first
or second half of the year.
Returns a range including July 1 to December 31 of the current year.
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If {Sales.Sale Date} In Calendar2ndHalf Then
"Group 1: Jul 1 – Dec 31"
"Group 2: Jan 1 – Jun 30"
returns one of two appropriate values, depending on whether the sale took place in the first
or second half of the year.
Returns a range including January 1 to March 31 of the current year.
CurrencyVar Q1Total;
If {Sales.Sale Date} In Calendar1stQtr Then
Q1Total := Q1Total + {Sales.Amount}
increments a variable with a sales amount only if the sale took place in the first calendar
Returns a range including April 1 to June 30 of the current year.
CurrencyVar Q2Total;
If {Sales.Sale Date} In Calendar2ndQtr Then
Q2Total := Q2Total + {Sales.Amount}
increments a variable with a sales amount only if the sale took place in the second calendar
Returns a range including July 1 to September 30 of the current year.
CurrencyVar Q3Total;
If {Sales.Sale Date} In Calendar3rdQtr Then
Q3Total := Q3Total + {Sales.Amount}
increments a variable with a sales amount only if the sale took place in the third calendar
Returns a range including October 1 to December 31 of the current year.
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CurrencyVar Q4Total;
If {Sales.Sale Date} In Calendar4thQtr Then
Q4Total := Q4Total + {Sales.Amount}
increments a variable with a sales amount only if the sale took place in the fourth calendar
Returns a range including the four weeks prior to, and including, the most recent
Last4WeeksToSun, unlike some other date and date range functions, considers a week to
start on Monday and end on Sunday.
If {AR.Invoice Date} In Last4WeeksToSun Then
"Past Due"
returns a string indicating the status of an account receivable based on the last four weeks.
Returns a range consisting of the last seven days, including today.
If {Sales.Sale Date} In Last7Days Then
"Eligible for Price Protection"
"Not Eligible for Price Protection"
returns a string indicating if a sale is eligible for price protection because it took place within
the last seven days.
Returns a range including the first day of last month to the last day of last month.
If {Sales.Sale Date} In LastFullMonth Then
"Eligible for Price Protection"
"Not Eligible for Price Protection"
returns a string indicating if a sale is eligible for price protection because it took place within
the last month.
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Returns a range including Sunday through Saturday of the previous week.
If {Sales.Sale Date} In LastFullWeek Then
"Eligible for Price Protection"
"Not Eligible for Price Protection"
returns a string indicating if a sale is eligible for price protection because it took place within
the previous Sunday through Saturday.
Returns a range including the first day of this month last year through today’ s date last year .
CurrencyVar LastYearMTDSales;
If {Sales.Sale Date}In LastYearMTD Then
LastYearMTDSales := LastYearMTDSales + {Sales.Amount}
accumulates a sales amount in a variable if the sale took place this month-to-date last year.
Returns a range including January 1 last year through today’s date last year.
CurrencyVar LastYearYTDSales;
If {Sales.Sale Date}In LastYearYTD Then
LastYearYTDSales := LastYearYTDSales + {Sales.Amount}
accumulates a sales amount in a variable if the sale took place this year-to-date last year.
Returns a range including the first day of this month through today.
CurrencyVar MTDSales;
If {Sales.Sale Date}In MonthToDate Then
MTDSales := MTDSales + {Sales.Amount}
accumulates a sales amount in a variable if the sale took place from the first of this month
through today.
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Returns a range in the next 30 days.
If {Shipments.Ship Date} In Next30Days Then
"High Priority – shipping within the month"
returns the string value if the shipment date is in the next 30 days. Otherwise, an empty
string is returned.
Returns a range between 31 and 60 days in the future.
If {Shipments.Ship Date} In Next31To60Days Then
"Medium Priority – shipping 2 months from now"
returns the string value if the shipment date is between 31 and 60 days in the future.
Otherwise, an empty string is returned.
Returns a range between 61 and 90 days in the future.
If {Shipments.Ship Date} In Next61To90Days Then
"Low Priority – shipping 3 months from now"
returns the string value if the shipment date is between 61 and 90 days in the future.
Otherwise, an empty string is returned.
Returns a range between 91 and 365 days in the future.
If {Shipments.Ship Date} In Next91To365Days Then
"No Concern – shipping over 3 months from now"
returns the string value if the shipment date is between 91 and 365 days in the future.
Otherwise, an empty string is returned.
Returns a range from 90 days in the past and beyond.
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If {AR.Due Date} In Over90Days Then {AR.Amount Due}
returns the AR Amount due if the due date is over 90 days past the current date.
Otherwise, 0 is returned.
Returns a range starting the previous Sunday through today.
If {Sales.Sale Date} In WeekToDateFromSun Then
"Eligible for Price Protection"
"Not Eligible for Price Protection"
returns a string indicating if a sale is eligible for price protection because it took place
between this past Sunday and today.
Returns a range including January 1 through today’s date.
CurrencyVar ThisYearYTDSales;
If {Sales.Sale Date}In YearToDate Then
ThisYearYTDSales := ThisYearYTDSales + {Sales.Amount}
accumulates a sales amount in a variable if the sale took place this year-to-date.
Functions: Document Properties
This category of functions duplicates many of the Special Fields available from the Field
Explorer. By making these values available to formulas, you may base formulas on various
properties of the report, such as the page number that’s currently printing, whether a group
header is being repeated, and so forth.
Returns a numeric value indicating the internal ID maintained by Crystal Enterprise for
the currently logged-on user.
CECurrentUserID helps identify who is viewing the report after it has been published to
Crystal Enterprise. While you may find some value in the numeric value this function returns,
you’ll probably find more value in the actual user name returned by the CurrentCEUserName
function. This function returns a numeric zero if the report is not being displayed from within
Crystal Enterprise (if used in stand-alone Crystal Reports, for example).
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returns the number 12.00 if the currently logged on user’s internal ID number is 12.
The function returns 0.00 if the report is not being displayed in Crystal Enterprise.
Returns a string value indicating the user name for the currently logged-on user.
CECurrentUserName helps identify who is viewing the report after it has been published
to Crystal Enterprise. You may use this function to change report logic according to who is
viewing the report in Crystal Enterprise. This may be helpful for creating certain limitations
(similar to row and column security) based on the user. This function returns an empty string
if the report is not being displayed from within Crystal Enterprise (if used in stand-alone
Crystal Reports, for example).
If CECurrentUserName = "" Then
"Not logged in to Crystal Enterprise"
returns the user name of the current Crystal Enterprise user. If the report is being viewed
outside Crystal Enterprise (for example, in the stand-alone Crystal Reports designer), the
formula returns “Not logged in to Crystal Enterprise”.
Returns a date value indicating the last date that data on the report was refreshed from
the database.
DataDate will be the same date that appears to the left of the page navigation controls in
the Preview tab. Click Report | Refresh Report Data (or use the appropriate toolbar button
or keyboard shortcut) to refresh the database and update this value to the current date.
"Data current as of " & ToText(DataDate)
returns the string “Data current as of 5/31/2003” if the report was refr eshed on May 31, 2003.
Returns a time value indicating the last time that data on the report was refreshed from
the database.
DataTime will be the same time that appears to the left of the page navigation controls
in the Preview tab. Click Report | Refresh Report Data (or use the appropriate toolbar button
or keyboard shortcut) to refr esh the database and update this value to the current time.
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"Data current as of " & ToText(DataTime)
returns the string “Data current as of 6:15:21PM” if the report was refreshed at 6:15 P.M.
Returns a string value from the Author field in the File | Summary Info dialog box.
"Report written by " & FileAuthor
returns “Report written by George Peck”, if “George Peck” has been placed in the Author
field in the Summary Info dialog box.
Returns a date value indicating the date that the report file was first created.
This value will not change if the report is later opened, modified, and resaved.
"Report first created " & ToText(FileCreationDate)
will return “Report first created 5/30/2003” if the report was initially created on May 30, 2003.
Returns a string value containing the file path and filename of the report stored on disk.
"Report location: " & FileName
returns “Report location: C:\Reports\Sales Analysis.rpt” if the report is stored as C:\Reports\
Sales Analysis.rpt.
Returns a date value indicating the date that the report file was last modified.
This value will change any time the report is opened, modified, and resaved.
"Report last modified on " & ToText(ModificationDate)
will return “Report last modified on 5/31/2003” if the report was changed on May 31, 2003.
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Returns a time value indicating the time that the report file was last modified.
This value will change any time the report is opened, modified, and resaved.
"Report last modified at " & ToText(ModificationTime)
will return “Report last modified at 6:33:20PM” if the report was saved at 6:33 P.M.
Returns a date value indicating the date that the report is formatted or printed.
By default, this value is taken from your computer’s system clock. You may change it to
another value by choosing Report | Set Print Date And Time from the pull-down menus.
"Report printed on " & ToText(PrintDate)
will return “Report printed on 5/31/2003” if the report is printed or formatted on May 31, 2003.
Returns a time value indicating the time that the report is formatted or printed.
By default, this value is taken from your computer’s system clock. You may change it to
another value by choosing Report | Set Print Date And Time from the pull-down menus.
"Report printed at " & ToText(PrintTime)
will return “Report printed at 6:38:33PM” if the report is printed or formatted at 6:38 P.M.
Returns a string value from the Comments field in the File | Summary Info dialog box.
"Report Information: " & ReportComments
returns “Report Information: Ablaze Group, Version 1, May 2003”, taking the text from the
Comments field in the Summary Info dialog box.
Returns a string value from the Title field in the File | Summary Info dialog box.
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"Report Title: " & ReportTitle
returns “Report Title: Sales Analysis”, taking the text from the Title field in the Summary
Info dialog box.
Functions: Evaluation Time
This category of functions is used to force a formula to evaluate during one of Crystal Reports’
three available report “passes.”
By default, formulas evaluate during a certain pass based on their contents. For example,
a formula that makes no reference to database fields, such as:
"Report printed on " & PrintDate
prints in the BeforeReadingRecords (or preread) pass by default.
A formula that makes reference to one or more database fields, such as:
{Orders.Order Amount} * 1.10
prints in the WhileReadingRecords (or first) pass by default.
And, any formula that makes reference to summary functions, report alerts, and various
other “second-pass” functions, such as:
{Orders.Order Amount} %
Sum({Orders.Order Amount}, {Employee. Last Name})
prints in the WhilePrintingRecords (or second) pass by default.
While you cannot force a formula to an earlier report pass than its default, you can force
it to a later pass. In particular, when using variables in formulas, you’ll often need to force
formulas that use the same variable to the same report pass to ensure consistent results.
Forces a formula to evaluate in the “preread,” BeforeReadingRecords, report pass.
NumberVar Array RegionTotals := [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
will create an array variable and fill it with zeros before the report reads records from the
Forces a formula to evaluate after another formula has been evaluated.
EvaluateAfter is required when you place two formulas in the same report section that
evaluate in the same report pass. In this case, it’s not predictable which formula will evaluate
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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first. If both formulas, for example, refer to the same variable, you may get unintended results
if one formula doesn’t evaluate after the other formula.
EvaluateAfter (f)
f the name of another report formula.
EvaluateAfter({@Show Count});
NumberVar BonusCount := 0
resets the BonusCount variable to zero after the @Show Count formula has already
Forces a formula to evaluate during the second, WhilePrintingRecords, pass.
NumberVar GroupBonusCount := 0
resets the GroupBonusCount variable to zero during the WhilePrintingRecords pass
(presumably because other WhilePrintingRecords formulas make use of
Forces a formula to evaluate during the first, WhileReadingRecords, pass.
StringVar GroupField
forces the contents of the GroupField variable to be displayed during the WhileReadingRecords
pass. This may be helpful if you wish to create report groups based on this formula.
Functions: Financial
This category of functions supplies many standard financial calculations and algorithms.
Many of these functions behave similarly to those available in Microsoft Excel.
Returns a numeric value indicating total accrued interest for a security.
ACCRINT (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of first interest payment.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the date the security was purchased.
n1 a numeric value indicating the annual interest rate.
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n2 a numeric value indicating the par value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
ACCRINT (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2, n3, n4)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of first interest payment.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the date the security was purchased.
n1 a numeric value indicating the annual interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the par value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
n4 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
ACCRINT(#1/1/1995#, #1/1/1996#, #6/1/1995#, .065, 100000, 4, 3)
returns 2,711.30.
Returns a numeric value indicating total accrued interest for a security that pays interest
when it matures.
ACCRINTM (d1, d2, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the annual interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the par value.
ACCRINTM (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the annual interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the par value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
ACCRINTM(#1/1/1995#, #1/1/2005#, .065, 100000, 3)
returns 65,053.42.
Returns a numeric value indicating depreciation of an asset.
AmorDEGRC (n1, d1, d2, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the asset’s purchase date.
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d2 a date or date-time value indicating the end of the first period.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate the depreciation for.
n4 a numeric value indicating the depreciation rate.
AmorDEGRC (n1, d1, d2, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the asset’s purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the end of the first period.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate the depreciation for.
n4 a numeric value indicating the depreciation rate.
n5 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
AmorDEGRC (35000,#5/1/2000#,#1/1/2001#,15000,1,.1)
returns 7,292.00.
Returns a numeric value indication linear depreciation of an asset.
AmorLINC (n1, d1, d2, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the asset’s purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the end of the first period.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate the depreciation for.
n4 a numeric value indicating the depreciation rate.
AmorLINC (n1, d1, d2, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the asset’s purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the end of the first period.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate the depreciation for.
n4 a numeric value indicating the depreciation rate.
n5 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
AmorLINC (35000,#5/1/2000#,#1/1/2001#,15000,1,.1)
returns 3,500.00.
Returns a numeric value indicating the days between the last coupon date and the
settlement date.
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CoupDayBS (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n a numeric value indicating the number of payments (coupons) per year: 1 = annual,
2 = semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
CoupDayBS (d1, d2, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the number of payments (coupons) per year: 1 = annual,
2 = semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
n2 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
CoupDayBS (#1/1/2000#, #5/31/2004#, 2, 3)
returns 32.
Returns a numeric value indicating the number of days in the coupon period that
includes settlement.
CoupDays (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n a numeric value indicating the number of payments (coupons) per year: 1 = annual,
2 = semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
CoupDays (d1, d2, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the number of payments (coupons) per year: 1 = annual,
2 = semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
n2 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
CoupDays (#1/1/2000#, #5/31/2004#, 2, 3)
returns 182.5.
Returns a numeric value indicating the number of days between the settlement date and
the next coupon date.
CoupDaysNC (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
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n a numeric value indicating the number of payments (coupons) per year: 1 = annual,
2 = semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
CoupDaysNC (d1, d2, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the number of payments (coupons) per year: 1 = annual,
2 = semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
n2 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
CoupDaysNC (#1/1/2000#, #5/31/2004#, 2, 3)
returns 151.
Returns a date value indicating the next coupon date after settlement.
CoupNCD (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n a numeric value indicating the number of payments (coupons) per year: 1 = annual,
2 = semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
CoupNCD (#1/1/2000#, #5/31/2004#, 2)
returns 5/31/2000.
Returns a numeric value indicating the number of coupon periods between settlement
and maturity.
CoupNum (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n a numeric value indicating the number of payments (coupons) per year: 1 = annual,
2 = semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
CoupNum (#1/1/2000#, #5/31/2004#, 2)
returns 9.
Returns a date value indicating the last coupon date before settlement.
CoupPCD (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
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d2 a date or date-time value indicating the maturity date.
n a numeric value indicating the number of payments (coupons) per year: 1 = annual,
2 = semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
CoupPCD (#1/1/2000#, #5/31/2004#, 2)
returns 11/30/1999.
Returns a numeric value indicating cumulative interest paid on a loan.
CumIPMT (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate, which must be provided on a per-period basis.
n2 a numeric value indicating the total number of payment periods, which must be
provided on a per-period basis.
n3 a numeric value indicating the loan’s total or “present” value of the loan.
n4 a numeric value indicating the first period to include in the calculation.
n5 a numeric value indicating the last period to include in the calculation.
n6 a numeric value indicating the type of payment: 0 = end of payment period,
1 = beginning of payment period.
CumIPMT (.09/12, 60, 45000, 1, 30, 1)
returns –7,640.28.
Returns a numeric value indicating cumulative principal paid on a loan.
CumPrinc (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate, which must be provided on a per-period
n2 a numeric value indicating the total number of payment periods, which must be
provided on a per-period basis.
n3 a numeric value indicating the loan’s total or “present” value of the loan.
n4 a numeric value indicating the first period to include in the calculation.
n5 a numeric value indicating the last period to include in the calculation.
n6 a numeric value indicating the type of payment: 0 = end of payment period,
1 = beginning of payment period.
CumPrinc (.09/12, 60, 45000, 1, 30, 1)
returns –20,174.89.
Returns a numeric value indicating the number of days between two dates using
a 30-day-per-month/360-day-per-year financial calendar.
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Days360 (d1, d2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating start date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating end date.
Days360 (d1, d2, b)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating start date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating end date.
b a Boolean (true or false) value indicating the basis for the calculation: False indicates US
(NASD) 30/360; True indicates European 30/360.
Days360(#1/1/2003#, #12/31/2003#)
returns 360.
Returns a numeric value indicating depreciation of an asset using the declining balance
DB (n1, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the useful life of the asset.
n4 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate the depreciation for.
DB (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the useful life of the asset.
n4 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate the depreciation for.
n5 a numeric value indicating the number of months in the first year.
returns 2,458.71.
Returns a numeric value indicating depreciation of an asset using the double-declining
balance method.
DDB (n1, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the useful life of the asset.
n4 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate the depreciation for.
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DDB (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the useful life of the asset.
n4 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate the depreciation for.
n5 a numeric value indicating the factor at which the rate declines; 2 indicates double-
returns 2,603.08.
Returns a numeric value indicating the discount rate for a security.
DISC (d1, d2, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the date the security was purchased.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the security’s value when purchased.
n2 a numeric value indicating the security’s value at maturity.
DISC (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the date the security was purchased.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the security’s value when purchased.
n2 a numeric value indicating the security’s value at maturity.
n3 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
returns .05.
Returns a number indicating the true fractional value of a financial fractional
This function is helpful for calculating actual decimal values of such terms as “Five and
seven eighths.”
DollarDE (n1, n2)
n1 a numeric value representing the number to be converted (such as 5.7 for “five and
n2 a numeric value representing the base of n1 (such as 8 for “eighths”).
DollarDE (5.7, 8)
returns 5.88 (5.875 rounded to two decimal places).
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Returns a number indicating the financial fractional “representation” of a true fractional
This function is helpful for converting actual decimal values into such terms as “Five
and seven eighths.”
DollarFR (n1, n2)
n1 a numeric value representing the true fractional number to be converted (such as 5.875).
n2 a numeric value representing the base of to convert n1 to (such as 8 for “eighths”).
DollarFR (5.875, 8)
returns 5.70 (indicating “five and seven eighths”).
Returns a number indicating the duration of a bond (sometimes known as the “Macauley
Duration (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the bond’s purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the bond’s maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the bond’s interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the bond’s yield.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year; 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
Duration (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3, n4)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the bond’s purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the bond’s maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the bond’s interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the bond’s yield.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
n4 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
returns 11.37 years.
Returns a numeric value indicating the effective annual interest rate.
Effect (n1, n2)
n1 a numeric value indicating the annual interest rate.
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n2 a numeric value indicating the number of compounding periods.
returns 0.10471 (when formatted to show five decimal places).
Returns a numeric value indicating the future value of an annuity.
FV (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of annuity payments.
n3 a numeric value indicating the payment amount.
FV (n1, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of annuity payments.
n3 a numeric value indicating the payment amount.
n4 a numeric value indicating the present value (the total amount that a series of future
payments is worth now).
FV (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of annuity payments.
n3 a numeric value indicating the payment amount (a negative amount indicating paying
money “out”).
n4 a numeric value indicating the present value (the total amount that a series of future
payments is worth now).
n5 a numeric value indicating the type of payment: 0 = end of payment period,
1 = beginning of payment period.
FV (.04/12, 60, -500)
returns 33,149.49.
Returns a number indicating the future value of an annuity with several compounded
interest rates.
FVSchedule (n, a)
n a numeric value indicating the present value of the annuity.
a a numeric array containing one or more interest rates.
FVSchedule (10000,[.04,.0475,.05])
returns 11,438.70.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Returns a numeric value indicating the interest rate for a security.
IntRate (d1, d2, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the security purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the security maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the original security value.
n2 a numeric value indicating the value at maturity.
IntRate (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the security purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the security maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the original security value.
n2 a numeric value indicating the value at maturity.
n3 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
returns .06.
Returns a numeric value indicating an interest payment based on fixed payments and
interest rate.
IPmt (n1, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the payment period.
n3 a numeric value indicating the total number of payments.
n4 a numeric value indicating the present value.
IPmt (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the payment period.
n3 a numeric value indicating the total number of payments.
n4 a numeric value indicating the present value.
n5 a numeric value indicating the future value after the last payment.
IPmt (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the payment period.
n3 a numeric value indicating the total number of payments.
n4 a numeric value indicating the present value.
n5 a numeric value indicating the future value after the last payment.
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n6 a numeric value indicating the type of payment: 0 = end of payment period,
1 = beginning of payment period.
returns –128.76.
Returns a numeric value indicating the internal rate of return for a series of payments
and receipts.
IRR (a)
a a numeric array indicating the series of payments and receipts (there must be at least one
negative and one positive number in the array). An IRR of 10 percent (.1) is assumed.
IRR (a, n)
a a numeric array indicating the series of payments and receipts (there must be at least one
negative and one positive number in the array).
n a numeric value indicating the “guess” of IRR.
returns .19.
Returns a numeric value indicating interest paid during a period (assuming equal
ISPMT (n1, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate interest for.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payment periods.
n4 a numeric value indicating the present value.
returns –112.50.
Returns a number indicating the modified duration of a bond (sometimes known as the
modified “Macauley duration”).
MDuration (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the bond’s purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the bond’s maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the bond’s interest rate.
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n2 a numeric value indicating the bond’s yield.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year; 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
MDuration (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3, n4)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the bond’s purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the bond’s maturity date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the bond’s interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the bond’s yield.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 =
semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
n4 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
returns 10.43 years.
Returns a numeric value indicating the modified internal rate of return for a series of
payments and receipts.
MIRR (a, n1, n2)
a a numeric array indicating the series of payments and receipts (there must be at least one
negative and one positive number in the array).
n1 a numeric value indicating interest rate cost.
n2 a numeric value indicating interest rate return.
MIRR([-1000,-500,2000], .9, .6)
returns .26.
Returns a numeric value indicating the nominal annual interest rate.
Nominal (n1, n2)
n1 a numeric value indicating effective rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating number of compounding periods.
returns .07721 (when formatted with five decimal places).
Returns a numeric value indicating the number of payments, based on a fixed number of
payments and interest rate.
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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NPer (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period value).
n2 a numeric value indicating the combined principal/interest payment.
n3 a numeric value indicating the present value of the loan.
NPer (n1, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period value).
n2 a numeric value indicating the combined principal/interest payment.
n3 a numeric value indicating the present value of the loan.
n4 a numeric value indicating the future value of the loan after final payment.
NPer (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period value).
n2 a numeric value indicating the combined principal/interest payment.
n3 a numeric value indicating the present value of the loan.
n4 a numeric value indicating the future value of the loan after final payment.
n5 a numeric value indicating the type of payment: 0 = end of payment period,
1 = beginning of payment period.
returns 68.37 (indicating months).
Returns a numeric value indicating the net present value of an investment.
NPV (n, a)
n a numeric value indicating the discount rate.
a a numeric array indicating payments/receipts.
returns 5,501.93.
Returns a numeric value indicating the price of a security that pays interest with regularity,
with the exception of a short or long (odd) first period.
OddFPrice (d1, d2, d3, d4, n1, n2, n3, n4)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
d4 a date or date-time value indicating the date of first interest payment.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the annual yield of the security.
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
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n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 =
semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
OddFPrice (d1, d2, d3, d4, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
d4 a date or date-time value indicating the date of first interest payment.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the annual yield of the security.
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
n5 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
OddFPrice (#2/1/2000#,#1/1/2030#,#1/1/2000#,
returns 87.69.
Returns a numeric value indicating the yield of a security that pays interest with regularity,
with the exception of a short or long (odd) first period.
OddFYield (d1, d2, d3, d4, n1, n2, n3, n4)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
d4 a date or date-time value indicating the date of first interest payment.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the purchase price (per $100 face value).
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
OddFYield (d1, d2, d3, d4, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
d4 a date or date-time value indicating the date of first interest payment.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the purchase price (per $100 face value).
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
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n5 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
OddFPrice (#2/1/2000#,#1/1/2030#,#1/1/2000#,
returns .0549 (formatted with four decimal places).
Returns a numeric value indicating the price of a security that pays interest with regularity,
with the exception of a short or long (odd) last period.
OddLPrice (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2, n3, n4)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the security’s last coupon date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the annual yield of the security.
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
OddLPrice (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the security’s last coupon date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the annual yield of the security.
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
n5 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
returns 84.64.
Returns a numeric value indicating the yield of a security that pays interest with regularity,
with the exception of a short or long (odd) last period.
OddLYield (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2, n3, n4)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the security’s last coupon date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
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n2 a numeric value indicating the purchase price (per $100 face value).
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
OddLYield (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the security’s last coupon date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the purchase price (per $100 face value).
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 =
semiannual, 4 = quarterly.
n5 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
OddLYield (#2/1/2000#,#1/1/2030#,#1/1/2000#,.05,84.64,75,1)
returns .055 (formatted with three decimal places).
Returns a numeric value indicating the payment for an annuity with fixed payments and
interest rate.
Pmt (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of payment periods.
n3 a numeric value indicating the principal/present value of the annuity.
Pmt (n1, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of payment periods.
n3 a numeric value indicating the principal/present value of the annuity.
n4 a numeric value indicating the desired future value/balance after the final payment.
Pmt (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of payment periods.
n3 a numeric value indicating the principal/present value of the annuity.
n4 a numeric value indicating the desired future value/balance after the final payment.
n5 a numeric value indicating the type of payment: 0 = end of payment period,
1 = beginning of payment period.
returns –299.71.
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Returns a numeric value indicating the principal payment for a specific period of an
annuity with fixed payments and interest rate.
PPmt (n1, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the specific period to calculate the principal for.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payment periods.
n4 a numeric value indicating the present value.
PPmt (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the specific period to calculate the principal for.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payment periods.
n4 a numeric value indicating the present value.
n5 a numeric value indicating the desired future value/balance after the final payment.
PPmt (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6)
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate (must be adjusted to a per-period rate).
n2 a numeric value indicating the specific period to calculate the principal for.
n3 a numeric value indicating the number of payment periods.
n4 a numeric value indicating the present value.
n5 a numeric value indicating the desired future value/balance after the final payment.
n6 a numeric value indicating the type of payment: 0 = end of payment period,
1 = beginning of payment period.
returns –551.05.
Returns a numeric value indicating the price of a security (per $100 face value) that pays
periodic interest.
Price (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3, n4)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the annual yield of the security.
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
Price (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
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n2 a numeric value indicating the annual yield of the security.
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
n5 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
Price (#1/1/2000#,#1/1/2005#,.055,.05,50,1)
returns 62.99.
Returns a numeric value indicating the discounted price of a security (per $100 face value).
PriceDisc (d1, d2, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the discount rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
PriceDisc (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the discount rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n3 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
PriceDisc (#1/1/2000#,#1/1/2005#,.055,50)
returns 36.25.
Returns a numeric value indicating the price of a security (per $100 face value) that pays
interest only at maturity.
PriceMat (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the security’s yield.
PriceMat (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
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Rate (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the number of annuity payments.
n2 a numeric value indicating the payment amount.
n3 a numeric value indicating the annuity’s present value.
n4 a numeric value indicating the future value/balance after final payment.
n5 a numeric value indicating the type of payment: 0 = end of payment period, 1 =
beginning of payment period.
Rate (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6)
n1 a numeric value indicating the number of annuity payments.
n2 a numeric value indicating the payment amount.
n3 a numeric value indicating the annuity’s present value.
n4 a numeric value indicating the future value/balance after final payment.
n5 a numeric value indicating the type of payment: 0 = end of payment period, 1 =
beginning of payment period.
n6 a numeric value indicating your “guess” of the return to use as a starting point for the
calculation. If you omit this argument, 10 percent (.1) is assumed.
Rate(36, -750, 35000)
returns .0134 (when formatted to four decimal places).
Returns a numeric value indicating the amount received at maturity for a fully invested
Received (d1, d2, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the investment amount.
n2 a numeric value indicating the discount rate.
Received (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the investment amount.
n2 a numeric value indicating the discount rate.
n3 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
returns 16,000.00.
Returns a numeric value indicating straight-line depreciation of an asset.
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SLN (n1, n2, n3)
n1 a numeric value indicating original cost of the asset.
n2 a numeric value indicating the salvage of the asset at the end of its life.
n3 a numeric value indicating the life of the asset.
returns a per-year depreciation of 3,928.57.
Returns a numeric value indicating sum-of-years-digits depreciation of an asset.
SYD (n1, n2, n3, n4)
n1 a numeric value indicating original cost of the asset.
n2 a numeric value indicating the salvage of the asset at the end of its life.
n3 a numeric value indicating the life of the asset.
n4 a numeric value indicating the period to calculate depreciation for.
returns a second-year depreciation of 5,892.86.
Returns a numeric value indicating the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill.
TBillEq (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n a numeric value indicating the discount rate.
returns .0864 (8.64%) when formatted with four decimal places.
Returns a numeric value indicating the price for a Treasury bill (per $100 face value).
TBillPrice (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n a numeric value indicating the discount rate.
returns 91.89.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Returns a numeric value indicating the yield for a Treasury bill.
TBillYield (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n a numeric value indicating the price per $100 face value.
returns .087 (8.7%) when formatted with three decimal places.
Returns the variable declining balance for an asset.
VDB supports various depreciation options, such as double-declining balance or other
method and partial depreciation periods.
VDB (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the useful life of the asset.
n4 a numeric value indicating the start period to calculate depreciation for.
n5 a numeric value indicating the end period to calculate depreciation for.
VDB (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the useful life of the asset.
n4 a numeric value indicating the start period to calculate depreciation for.
n5 a numeric value indicating the end period to calculate depreciation for.
n6 a numeric value indicating the factor at which the rate declines 2 indicates
VDB (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the useful life of the asset.
n4 a numeric value indicating the start period to calculate depreciation for.
n5 a numeric value indicating the end period to calculate depreciation for.
n6 a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether to switch from declining-balance to
straight-line if declining-balance is less. True will always use declining-balance. False will
switch to straight-line if declining-balance is less.
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VDB (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7)
n1 a numeric value indicating the asset’s initial cost.
n2 a numeric value indicating the asset’s salvage value.
n3 a numeric value indicating the useful life of the asset.
n4 a numeric value indicating the start period to calculate depreciation for.
n5 a numeric value indicating the end period to calculate depreciation for.
n6 a numeric value indicating the factor at which the rate declines 2 indicates double-
n7 a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether to switch from declining-balance to
straight-line if declining-balance is less. True will always use declining-balance. False will
switch to straight-line if declining-balance is less.
returns 10,510.20 depreciation for years two through five.
Returns a numeric value indicating the internal rate of return for a series of payments
and receipts.
XIRR differs from IRR in that it calculates internal rate of return for payments/receipts
that aren’t necessarily periodic.
XIRR (na, da)
na a numeric array indicating the series of payments and receipts (there must be at least
one negative and one positive number in the array).
da an array of date or date-time values indicating the matching dates for the numeric array.
There must be one entry in this array for each entry in the numeric array.
XIRR (na, da, n)
na a numeric array indicating the series of payments and receipts (there must be at least
one negative and one positive number in the array).
da an array of date or date-time values indicating the matching dates for the numeric array.
There must be one entry in this array for each entry in the numeric array.
n a numeric value indicating the “guess” of IRR.
returns 1.08.
Returns a numeric value indicating the net present value of an investment.
XNPV differs from NPV in that it calculates net present value for payments/receipts that
aren’t necessarily periodic.
XNPV (n, na, da)
n a numeric value indicating the discount rate.
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na a numeric array indicating payments/receipts.
da an array of date or date-time values that correspond to the numeric array. There must
be one entry in the date array for each entry in the numeric array.
returns 6,098.72.
Returns a numeric value indicating what fraction of the year is represented by two dates.
YearFrac (d1, d2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the first date in the year.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the second date in the year.
YearFrac (d1, d2, n)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the first date in the year.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the second date in the year.
n a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
returns .25.
Returns a numeric value indicating the yield of a security that pays periodic interest.
Yield (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3, n4)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the purchase price of the security (per $100 face value).
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
Yield (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating the purchase price of the security (per $100 face value).
n3 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n4 a numeric value indicating the number of payments per year: 1 = annual, 2 = semiannual,
4 = quarterly.
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n5 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
Yield (#1/1/2000#,#1/1/2005#,.055,62.99,50,1)
returns .087 (formatted with three decimal places).
Returns a numeric value indicating the yield of a discounted security.
YieldDisc (d1, d2, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating purchase price (per $100 face value).
n2 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
YieldDisc (d1, d2, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
n1 a numeric value indicating purchase price (per $100 face value).
n2 a numeric value indicating the security redemption value (per $100 face value).
n3 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
returns .0759 (when formatted with four decimal places).
Returns a numeric value indicating the yield of a security that pays interest only at maturity.
YieldMat (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating purchase price (per $100 face value).
YieldMat (d1, d2, d3, n1, n2, n3)
d1 a date or date-time value indicating the purchase date.
d2 a date or date-time value indicating the date of maturity.
d3 a date or date-time value indicating the issue date.
n1 a numeric value indicating the interest rate.
n2 a numeric value indicating purchase price (per $100 face value).
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n3 a numeric value indicating the day basis system:0=US(NASD) 30/360, 1 = actual/
actual, 2 = actual/360, 3 = actual/365, 4 = European 30/360.
returns .05.
Functions: Math
This set of functions performs standard math, algebraic, and geometrical calculations.
Returns a numeric value indicating the absolute value of a number.
Abs (n)
n a numeric value to return the absolute value for.
returns 27.30.
Returns a numeric value (in radians) indicating the arctangent of the source number.
Atn (n)
n a numeric value to return the arctangent of.
returns 1.55.
Returns a numeric value indicating the cosine of the source number.
Cos (n)
n a numeric value, in radians, to return the cosine of.
returns .53.
Returns a numeric value indicating e (the base of the natural logarithm) raised to a
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Exp (n)
n a numeric value indicating the power to raise e to.
returns 22,026.47 (e raised to the power of 10).
Returns a numeric value indicating the integer portion of the supplied number.
Int (n)
n a numeric value that you want to extract the integer portion of.
returns 3.00.
Returns a numeric value indicating the logarithm of the supplied number.
Log (n)
n a numeric value to return the logarithm of.
returns 10.
Returns the value of Pi (approximately 3.142).
Although this function appears as “Pi” in the Function tree, “crPi” will appear when
you double-click the function name. If you type in the function yourself, type it as “crPi”.
returns 3.142 (when formatted to show three decimal places).
Returns a numeric value indicating the remainder of a division operation (not the
The Remainder function operates similar to the Mod arithmetic operator. Among other
things, Remainder can be used with the RecordNumber function to shade every other line
of a report in alternating colors.
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Remainder (n1, n2)
n1 a numeric value indicating the numerator of the division.
n2 a numeric value indicating the denominator of the division.
Remainder (10,3)
returns 1.00 (the remainder of dividing 10 by 3).
If Remainder (RecordNumber, 2) = 0 Then
will shade every other details section silver if used as a conditional formatting formula for
the details sections background color.
Returns a numeric value between 0 and 1 represented as a random number.
Rnd may be helpful in situations where you wish to add a certain “randomness” to
portions of your report. By multiplying Rnd by a larger number (10, 100, and so forth),
you may get larger numbers that may be appropriate for other uses.
Rnd (n)
n a number to act as a “seed” to generate the random number.
returns a different fractional number within each record and report refresh.
uses the Timer function to generate a “seed” number to increase “randomness” of the numbers
Returns a numeric value rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
Round (n)
n a numeric value to be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Round (n1, n2)
n1 a numeric value to be rounded.
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of decimal places to round n1 to.
Round (1.7821, 1)
returns 1.80.
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Returns a numeric value indicating the sign of the supplied number.
Sgn returns –1 if the source number is negative, 0 if the source number is zero, and 1 if
the source number is positive.
Sgn (n)
n a numeric value to determine the sign of.
Sgn (-25)
returns –1.00.
Returns a numeric value indicating the sine of the supplied angle.
Sin (n)
n a numeric value indicating the angle to calculate the sine of (in radians).
returns .85.
Returns a numeric value indicating the square root of the source number.
Sqr (n)
n a numeric value to return the square root of.
Sqr (25)
returns 5.00.
Returns a numeric value indicating the tangent of the supplied angle.
Tan (n)
n a numeric value indicating an angle (in radians).
returns 1.62.
Returns a numeric value indicating the source number truncated to a specified number
of decimal places.
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Truncate is similar to Round in that it removes decimal places. However, Truncate
doesn’t round the source number in the process—it simply removes the decimal places.
Truncate (n)
n a numeric value to be truncated to zero decimal places.
Truncate (n1, n2)
n1 a numeric value to be truncated.
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of decimal places to truncate.
Truncate (1.489,1)
returns 1.40.
Functions: Print State
This category of functions exposes a variety of functions that generally pertain to the current
state of the report when being formatted or printed. Some of these functions duplicate items
found in the Special Fields category of the Field Explorer.
Returns a numeric value indicating how many group levels a viewer has drilled down
into when viewing the report online (0 is returned if a viewer has not drilled down).
This function is very helpful when you need to determine where a viewer is in a drill-
down hierarchy. You may use this function, for example, to suppress a group header if a
viewer has drilled down to the group’s first level (showing the series of just group headers
and footers for the group). You will see a different DrillDownGroupLevel result and be able
to show the group header when the viewer drills down to the next level where they’re seeing
details sections and just a single group header and footer.
returns 2.00 if the viewer has drilled into the second group.
DrillDownGroupLevel = 1
will suppress Group Header #1 when a viewer first drills down when placed in a conditional
suppression formula for Group Header #1.
Returns a numeric value indicating the sequential number of the group that is currently
being displayed.
GroupNumber is helpful in various conditional formatting situations, such as conditionally
setting a New Page Before property, or shading every other group footer. This function returns
the same value as the GroupNumber special field.
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GroupNumber > 1
when used as a conditional New Page Before formula for Group Header #1, will not start a
new page before the report’s first group.
Returns a string value indicating the Group Selection Formula.
This function returns the same information as the Group Selection Formula special field.
returns “Sum ({Orders.Order Amount}, {Orders.Customer ID}) > $15000.00” if a group
selection formula is limited to groups on the report.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether or not the report is currently
exposing a repeated group header.
InRepeatedGroupHeader is helpful when you wish to avoid resetting variables in a
repeated group header, when you want to add a “continued” message, or similar conditional
If Not InRepeatedGroupHeader Then
NumberVar GroupTotal := 0
will reset the GroupTotal variable to 0 only if this is the first group header for the group.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating if the supplied field contains a null value.
Null database values may not appear with all databases. Also, the setting of the Convert
Null Database Fields To Default option (from File | Report Options or File | Options) affects
whether null database values will exist or not.
IsNull (f)
f any field name from a database table.
If IsNull ({Sales.Cust}) Then
"No customer for this sale"
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returns the string “No customer for this sale” if the field is null. Otherwise, it returns the
field’s value.
Next (Crystal Syntax only)
Returns the contents of the supplied field for the next database record.
Next (f)
f any field name from a database table.
If {Sales.Cust} = Next({Sales.Cust}) Then
{Sales.Cust} & " continues on next page"
compares the current customer name to the next customer name. If they’re the same, the
formula returns a “continues on next page” message.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating if the supplied field in the next record
contains a null value.
Null database values may not appear with all databases. Also, the setting of the Convert
Null Database Fields To Default option (from File | Report Options or File | Options)
affects whether null database values will exist or not.
NextIsNull (f)
f any field name from a database table.
If NextIsNull ({Sales.Cust}) Then
"Last order for " & {Sales.Cust}
returns a “last order” string if the next record’s customer field is null (this assumes that the
report is sorted on {Sales.Cust}).
NextValue (Basic Syntax only)
Returns the contents of the supplied field for the next database record.
This function is equivalent to Next. See Next for more information.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating if the current record is the first record on
the report.
OnFirstRecord is helpful for some conditional formatting requirements.
Not OnFirstRecord
when used as a conditional formula for Group Header #1’s New Page Before property,
avoids a page break before the first group header on the report.
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Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating if the current record is the last record on
the report.
OnLastRecord is helpful for some conditional formatting requirements.
Not OnLastRecord
when used as a conditional formula for Group Footer #1’s New Page After property, avoids
a page break after the last group footer on the report.
Returns a string value indicating the current page number, followed by of “, followed
by the total number of report pages.
PageNofM returns the same string as the Page N of M special field.
returns “Page 3 of 20” if the current page being formatted is page 3 of a 20-page report.
Returns a numeric value indicating the current page being formatted or printed on the
PageNumber returns the same value as the Page Number special field.
PageNumber = 1
when supplied as a conditional formula for the Page Header Suppress property, will
prevent the Page Header from being printed on the first page of the report.
Previous (Crystal Syntax only)
Returns the contents of the supplied field for the previous database record.
Previous (f)
f any field name from a database table.
If {Sales.Cust} = Previous({Sales.Cust}) Then
{Sales.Cust} & " continued from previous page"
compares the current customer name to the previous customer name. If they’re the same,
the formula returns a “continued from previous page” message.
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Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating if the supplied field in the previous
record contains a null value.
Null database values may not appear with all databases. Also, the setting of the Convert
Null Database Fields To Default option (from File | Report Options or File | Options)
affects whether null database values will exist or not.
PreviousIsNull (f)
f any field name from a database table.
If PreviousIsNull ({Sales.Cust}) Then
"First order for " & {Sales.Cust}
returns a “first order” string if the previous record’s customer field is null (this assumes that
the report is sorted on {Sales.Cust}).
PreviousValue (Basic Syntax only)
Returns the contents of the supplied field for the previous database record.
This function is equivalent to Previous. See Previous for more information.
Returns a numeric value indicating the sequential number of the current record.
RecordNumber can be used for certain conditional formatting situations.
RecordNumber returns the same value as the Record Number special field.
If RecordNumber Mod2=0Then
when supplied as a conditional formula to the Details section background color property,
shades every other details section silver.
Returns a string value containing the report’s record selection formula.
RecordSelection returns the same value as the Record Selection Formula special field.
returns “{Sales.State} in [“MT”, “ID”, “WY”, “CO”]” if a record selection formula has been
created limiting the report to several states.
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Returns a numeric value indicating the total number of pages on the report.
TotalPageCount returns the same value as the Total Page Count special field.
If PageNumber < TotalPageCount Then "report continues on next page"
prints a “report continues on next page” message of the report is not printing the last page.
Functions: Programming Shortcuts
This category of functions supplies shortcuts for other, more involved programming
constructs (such as If-Then-Else or Select-Case).
Returns a value (the data type depends on function arguments) from the list of “choices.”
Choose (n, c1, c2…)
n a numeric value indicating which entry in the “choice” list to return.
c1 the first entry in the choice list. c1 can be any data type or a range value (arrays, however,
aren’t allowed).
c2 the next entry in the choice list. It must be the same data type as c1. Additional choice
entries can follow c2, each separated by a comma.
returns “May”.
Returns a value (the data type depends on function arguments) based on the outcome of
a conditional test.
IIF (e, v1, v2)
e a Boolean expression using comparison operators or other Boolean logic. Returns True
or False.
v1 a value of any data type (excluding an array) indicating what the function returns if e
is true.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1 indicating what the function returns if e is false.
IIF({Sales.Amount} > 5000,"Bonus Sale","Normal Sale")
returns the string “Bonus Sale” for sales over $5,000. Otherwise, returns the string
“Normal Sale”.
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Returns a value (the data type depends on function arguments) based on the outcome of
several conditional tests.
Switch (e1, v1, e2…, v2…)
e1 a Boolean expression using comparison operators or other Boolean logic. Returns True
or False.
v1 a value of any data type (excluding an array) that’s returned if e1 evaluates to True.
e2 a Boolean expression using comparison operators or other Boolean logic. Returns True
or False.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1 that’s returned if e2 evaluates to True.
Additional pairs of expressions and values may be supplied. An equal number of expressions
and values must be supplied.
Switch ({Sales.Amount} < 100, "Needs Improvement",
{Sales.Amount} < 5000, "OK Sale",
{Sales.Amount} < 7500, "Bonus Sale",
True, "Fantastic Sale!")
returns a string value relating to the comparisons of the amount field. If the first three tests
fail, the formula returns “Fantastic Sale”.
Functions: Ranges
This category of functions test range values to determine if they contain a fixed lower or
upper bound.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the supplied range has a defined
lower bound.
If you supply a range array to HasLowerBound, every element of the array must have a
lower bound for HasLowerBound to return True.
HasLowerBound (r)
r a range or range array.
If HasLowerBound ({?Order Amounts}) Then
"Orders start at " & ToText(Minimum({?Order Amounts}))
returns “Orders start at 1,000.00” if the Order Amounts parameter field (defined as a range
parameter field) has a lower bound of 1,000 specified.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the supplied range has a defined
upper bound.
If you supply a range array to HasUpperBound, every element of the array must have an
upper bound for HasUpperBound to return True.
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HasUpperBound (r)
r a range or range array.
If HasUpperBound ({?Order Amounts}) Then
"Orders end at " & ToText(Maximum({?Order Amounts}))
returns “Orders end at 5,000.00” if the Order Amounts parameter field (defined as a range
parameter field) has an upper bound of 5,000 specified.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the supplied range has a defined
lower bound.
If you supply a range array to IncludesLowerBound, any element of the array may have
a lower bound for IncludesLowerBound to return True.
IncludesLowerBound (r)
r a range or range array.
If IncludesLowerBound ({?Order Amounts}) Then
"Orders start at " & ToText(Minimum({?Order Amounts}))
returns “Orders start at 1,000.00” if the Order Amounts parameter field (defined as a range
parameter field) has a lower bound of 1,000 specified.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the supplied range has a defined
upper bound.
If you supply a range array to IncludesUpperBound, any element of the array may have
an upper bound for IncludesUpperBound to return True.
IncludesUpperBound (r)
r a range or range array.
If IncludesUpperBound ({?Order Amounts}) Then
"Orders end at " & ToText(Maximum({?Order Amounts}))
returns “Orders end at 5,000.00” if the Order Amounts parameter field (defined as a range
parameter field) has an upper bound of 5,000 specified.
Functions: Strings
This category of functions allows manipulation or testing of string values, database fields,
and other string formulas.
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Returns a numeric value indicating the Unicode value of the first character of the
supplied string.
AscW (s)
s a string value.
AscW ("X")
returns 88.00 (the Unicode code for a capital X).
NOTE AscW replaces Asc, which is still supported for backward compatibility. Asc behaves
identically to AscW.
Returns a string value indicating the Unicode representation of the supplied number.
ChrW (n)
n a whole number.
returns “X”.
NOTE ChrW replaces Chr, which is still supported for backward compatibility. Chr behaves
identically to ChrW.
Returns a string array containing only strings that match the search string.
Filter (sa, s)
sa a string array containing one or more individual strings to search.
s a string value to search sa for.
Filter (sa, s, b)
sa a string array containing one or more individual strings to search.
s a string value to search sa for.
b a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the search should return partial
matches. If True, partial string matches will be returned. If False, only complete matches
will be returned.
Filter (sa, s, b, n)
sa a string array containing one or more individual strings to search.
s a string value to search sa for.
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b a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the search should return string matches
or nonmatches. If True, strings that match s will be returned. If False, strings that do not
match s will be returned.
n a numeric value indicating whether the search is case-sensitive. 0 = case-sensitive search,
1 = non-case-sensitive search.
StringVar Array Beatles := ["John","Paul","George","Ringo"];
Join (Filter(Beatles,"o"))
returns “John George Ringo” (the Join function concatenates the three elements of the
Beatles string array that contain the letter “o”).
Returns a numeric value indicating the first position in the source string where the
search string appears.
InStr (s1, s2)
s1 a string value indicating the source string to search.
s2 a string value indicating the string to search for in s1.
InStr (n, s1, s2)
n a numeric value indicating the position in s1 to start searching for s2.
s1 a string value indicating the source string to search.
s2 a string value indicating the string to search for in s1.
InStr (s1, s2, n)
s1 a string value indicating the source string to search.
s2 a string value indicating the string to search for in s1.
n a numeric value indicating whether the search is case-sensitive: 0 = case-sensitive, 1 =
not case-sensitive.
InStr (n1, s1, s2, n2)
n1 a numeric value indicating the position in s1 to start searching for s2.
s1 a string value indicating the source string to search.
s2 a string value indicating the string to search for in s1.
n2 a numeric value indicating whether the search is case-sensitive: 0 = case-sensitive, 1 =
not case-sensitive.
Instr("The rain in Spain falls on the plain","spain")
returns 0.00 (the search is case-sensitive).
Instr("The rain in Spain falls on the plain","spain",1)
returns 13.00 (the search is not case-sensitive).
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Returns a numeric value indicating the last position in the source string where the search
string appears.
In essence, InStrRev starts searching for the substring from right to left.
InStrRev (s1, s2)
s1 a string value indicating the source string to search.
s2 a string value indicating the string to search for in s1.
InStrRev (s1, s2, n)
s1 a string value indicating the source string to search.
s2 a string value indicating the string to search for in s1.
n a numeric value indicating the position from the right of s1 to start searching for s2.
InStrRev (s1, s2, n1, n2)
s1 a string value indicating the source string to search.
s2 a string value indicating the string to search for in s1.
n1 a numeric value indicating the position from the right of s1 to start searching for s2.
n2 a numeric value indicating whether the search is case-sensitive: 0 = case-sensitive, 1 =
not case-sensitive.
InstrRev("The rain in Spain falls on the plain","a",25)
returns 20.00 (the search starts at position 25 and proceeds left—finding a lowercase “a” at
position 20).
Returns a string value consisting of all the elements of the source string array
concatenated together.
Join is helpful for, among other things, displaying all the values entered into a
multivalue string parameter field in a single formula.
Join (a)
a a string array.
Join (a, s)
a a string array.
s a string value to act as a “delimiter”; it will be inserted between each array element in
the output string.
Join({?States Chosen},", ")
returns “CO, WY, MT, UT” if the four states were supplied to the multivalue States Chosen
parameter field.
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Returns a string value indicating a limited number of characters extracted from the left
side of the source string.
Left (s, n)
s a string value used as the source string.
n a numeric value indicating how many characters to extract from s.
Left ("George", 3)
returns “Geo”.
Returns a numeric value indicating how many characters are contained in the source string.
Len is functionally equivalent to Length.
Length (s)
s a string value.
Length ("George")
returns 6.00.
Returns a string value indicating a lowercase representation of the source string.
LCase is functionally equivalent to LowerCase.
LowerCase (s)
s a string value to be converted to lowercase.
LowerCase ("George Peck")
returns “george peck”.
Returns a string value indicating a substring extracted from the source string.
Mid (s, n)
s a string value to extract characters from.
n a numeric value indicating the position to begin the extraction from s.
Mid (s, n1, n2)
s a string value to extract characters from.
n1 a numeric value indicating the position to begin the extraction from s.
n2 a numeric value indicating how many characters to extract.
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Mid("George Peck",8,3)
returns “Pec”.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether or not the source string contains
only numeric characters.
NumericText is helpful for testing the contents of a string value before converting it with
the ToNumber function, as ToNumber will fail if it encounters any nonnumeric characters.
NumericText (s)
s a string value to test for numeric content.
If NumericText ({FromMainframe.SalesAmount}) Then
ToNumber({FromMainframe.SalesAmount}) * 1.1
checks that the SalesAmount string field contains only numeric values before converting
it to a number with the ToNumber function.
Returns a string value converted so that the first character, and any character immediately
appearing after a space or nonalphanumeric character, will appear in uppercase. The
remaining characters will appear in lowercase.
This function is very helpful when encountering proper names, such as first and last
names, that are stored in a database in all uppercase characters.
ProperCase (s)
s a string value.
ProperCase("GEORGE PECK,JR.")
returns “George Peck,Jr.”
Returns a string value where a certain set of characters have been replaced by another set
of characters.
Replace (s1, s2, s3)
s1 the source string to search.
s2 the characters to search s1 for.
s3 the characters to replace s2 with in s1.
Replace (s1, s2, s3, n)
s1 the source string to search.
s2 the characters to search s1 for.
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s3 the characters to replace s2 with in s1.
n a numeric value indicating the position in s1 to start searching for s2.
Replace (s1, s2, s3, n1, n2)
s1 the source string to search.
s2 the characters to search s1 for.
s3 the characters to replace s2 with in s1.
n1 a numeric value indicating the position in s1 to start searching for s2.
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of replacements to make.
Replace (s1, s2, s3, n1, n2, n3)
s1 the source string to search.
s2 the characters to search s1 for.
s3 the characters to replace s2 with in s1.
n1 a numeric value indicating the position in s1 to start searching for s2.
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of replacements to make.
n3 a numeric value indicating whether the search is case-sensitive: 0 = case-sensitive,
1 = not case-sensitive.
Replace("George Peck","George","Gregory")
returns “Gregory Peck”.
Returns a string value consisting of multiple duplications of a source string.
ReplicateString (s, n)
s the source string to duplicate.
n a numeric value indicating how many duplications of s to make.
ReplicateString ("*", 15)
returns “***************”.
Returns a string value indicating a limited number of characters extracted from the right
side of the source string.
Right (s, n)
s a string value used as the source string.
n a numeric value indicating how many characters to extract from s.
Right ("George", 3)
returns “rge”.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Returns a string value expressing the supplied numeric argument as a Roman numeral
Roman (n)
n a numeric value to convert to Roman numerals.
Roman (n1, n2)
n1 a numeric value to convert to Roman numerals.
n2 a numeric value indicating the type of Roman numeral to return; 0 = Classic; 1, 2,
or 3 = various levels of precision; 4 = simplified.
Roman (1998)
returns “MCMXCVIII”.
Roman (1998, 2)
returns “MXMVIII”.
NOTE The best way to explore the various precision choices is to simply try them.
Returns a string value consisting of a specified number of spaces.
Space (n)
n the number of space characters to duplicate.
"George" & Space(10) & "Peck"
returns “George Peck”.
Returns a string array consisting of elements built from the supplied individual strings.
Split (s)
s a string containing one or more individual strings separated by spaces.
Split (s1, s2)
s1 a string containing one or more individual strings separated by the delimiter specified
in s2.
s2 a string value indicating the delimiter that separates individual values in s1.
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Split (s1, s2, n)
s1 a string containing one or more individual strings separated by the delimiter specified
in s2.
s2 a string value indicating the delimiter that separates individual values in s1.
n a numeric value indicating how many elements should be placed in the array.
Split (s1, s2, n1, n2)
s1 a string containing one or more individual strings separated by the delimiter specified
in s2.
s2 a string value indicating the delimiter that separates individual values in s1.
n1 a numeric value indicating how many elements should be placed in the array (–1 for all).
n2 a numeric value indicating how to treat the search for the delimiter. 0 = search is case-
sensitive, 1 = search is not case-sensitive.
Split("John Paul George Ringo")[2]
returns “Paul”.
Split("John And Paul And George And Ringo","and",-1,0)[1]
returns “John And Paul And George And Ringo”, as only one element was added to the
array—the delimiter search is case-sensitive and “and” is not found.
Split("John And Paul And George And Ringo","and",-1,1)[1]
returns “John”—the delimiter search is not case-sensitive.
Returns a numeric value indicating how two strings compare alphabetically.
StrCmp returns –1 if the first string is less than the second string, 0 if the strings are equal,
and 1 if the first string is greater than the second string.
StrCmp (s1, s2)
s1 the first string to compare.
s2 the string to compare to s1.
StrCmp (s1, s2, n)
s1 the first string to compare.
s2 the string to compare to s1.
n a numeric value indicating how to treat the search for the delimiter. 0 = search is case-
sensitive, 1 = search is not case-sensitive.
StrCmp ("abc","xyz")
returns –1.00.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Returns a string value consisting of the source string in reverse order.
StrReverse (s)
s a string value to be reversed.
StrReverse ("George Peck")
returns “kceP egroeG”.
Returns a numeric value indicating a numeric conversion of another nonnumeric value.
ToNumber converts other numeric and Boolean values, as well as string values, to
numbers. ToNumber is functionally equivalent to CDbl and Val.
ToNumber (v)
v a numeric, string, or Boolean value to be converted to a number.
ToNumber ("5642.15")
returns 5,642.15 as a number.
NOTE You may wish to test the value to convert with NumericText before you supply it to ToNumber,
as ToNumber will fail if a string is supplied that doesn’ t contain all numeric values. If you wish to
avoid the test, you may use Val, which will always return a result (perhaps 0), even if the supplied
argument isn’ t numeric.
Converts any nonstring data type to a string value.
ToText is an immensely valuable function used to convert any nonstring data type to a
string. You’ll often use ToText within a string formula to concatenate various types of data
items into a single string result.
ToText (b)
b a Boolean (true/false) value to be converted to a string.
returns the string “True” if the Boolean Shipped field holds a true value or “False” if the
field is false.
ToText (n1, n2, s1, s2)
n1 a numeric value to be converted to a string.
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of decimal places to use when converting n1.
This argument is optional.
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s1 a string value indicating the character or characters to use as a thousands separator
when converting n1. This argument is optional.
s2 a string value indicating the character or characters to use as a decimal separator when
converting n1. This argument is optional.
ToText(21256.1255, 2, ",", "-")
returns the string “21,256-13” (showing two decimal places, a comma thousands separator,
and a dash decimal separator).
ToText (n1, n2, s1, s2, s3)
n1 a numeric value to be converted to a string.
s1 a string value used to format the number. This argument is optional.
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of decimal places to use when converting n1.
This argument is optional.
s2 a string value indicating the character or characters to use as a thousands separator
when converting n. This argument is optional.
s3 a string value indicating the character or characters to use as a decimal separator when
converting n. This argument is optional.
ToText(21256.1255, "#,###,###.00000",2)
returns 21,256.13000” (with leading spaces for extra # characters).
Numeric Formatting Strings
Character Usage
# Numeric placeholder. A single numeric character will be placed in each
occurrence of #. If there are mor e # characters than numeric digits, leading
or trailing spaces will be added for extra # characters.
0 (zero) Numeric placeholder. A single numeric character will be placed in each
occurrence of 0. If there are mor e 0 characters than numeric digits, leading
or trailing zeros will be added for extra 0 characters.
, (comma) Thousands separator. Indicates where the thousands separator should be
placed in the resulting string. The thousands separator used is taken from
a Windows default or the
. (period) Decimal separator. Indicates where the decimal separator should be placed
in the resulting string. The decimal separator used is taken from a Windows
default or the
ToText (d, s1, s2, s3)
d a date, time, or date/time value.
s1 a string value used to format the date, time, or date/time value. This argument is optional.
s2 a string value used as a replacement label for “a.m.” for morning hours. This argument is
s3 a string value used as a replacement label for “p.m.” for afternoon/evening hours. This
argument is optional.
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ToText(CurrentDate, "dddd M d, yyyy")
returns “Friday May 9, 2003” if CurrentDate contains May 9, 2003.
ToText(CurrentTime, "h:mm tt",
"in the morning", "in the afternoon")
returns the string 4:27 in the afternoon” if CurrentTime is 4:27 P.M.
NOTE Any nonrecognized characters in the format string will be returned as a literal character.
For example, a slash (/) or comma (,) in the format string will simply display within the resulting
date string.
Date/Time Formatting Strings
Character Usage
M Month number without a leading zero for single-character month
MM Month number with a leading zero for single-character month
MMM Month name as a three-letter abbreviation
MMMM Month name fully spelled
d Day of month without a leading zero for single-character day
dd Day of month with a leading zero for single-character day
ddd Day of week name spelled as a three-letter abbreviation
dddd Day of week name fully spelled
yy Last two characters of year
yyyy Full four-character year
h Hours without a leading zero for a single-character hour (12-hour nonmilitary
hh Hours with a leading zero for a single-character hour (12-hour nonmilitar y format)
H Hours without a leading zero for a single-character hour (24-hour military format)
HH Hours with a leading zero for a single-character hour (24-hour military format)
m Minutes without a leading zero for a single-character minute
mm Minutes with a leading zero for a single-character minute
s Seconds without a leading zero for a single-character second
ss Seconds with a leading zero for a single-character second
t Single-character uppercase A or P (for
A.M. or P.M.)
tt Multiple-character uppercase AM or PM (for
A.M. or P.M.)
NOTE CStr is functionally equivalent to ToText. It is provided to maintain compatibility with
Basic syntax.
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Returns a string value indicating the “spelled out” version of the numeric argument.
ToWords is often used to print checks, but can also be used when required to convert
numeric values to text for other situations. For example, ToWords will be helpful if you are
required to create a formula, based on numeric data, that returns the string “This contract
expires in 30 (thirty) days”.
ToWords (n)
n a numeric value to spell as words.
ToWords (1145.31)
returns the string “one thousand one hundred forty-five and 31 / 100”.
ToWords (n1, n2)
n1 a numeric value to spell as words.
n2 a numeric value indicating the number of decimal places to use when converting n1.
ToWords (100, 0)
returns the string “one hundred”.
NOTE An optional third numeric argument specifying the form type can be supplied. Allowable values
for the form type argument are numeric and can be 0 (Classic or Check form), 1 (Daily form), or 2
(Casual form). This argument applies only to Asian language versions of Crystal Reports.
Returns a string value consisting of the source string with all leading and trailing spaces
Trim (s)
s a string value.
Trim (" Leading and trailing spaces ")
returns the string “Leading and trailing spaces” with no extra spaces before or after the string.
Returns a string value consisting of the source string with all leading spaces removed.
LTrim is functionally equivalent to TrimLeft.
TrimLeft (s)
s a string value.
TrimLeft (" Leading and trailing spaces ")
returns the string “Leading and trailing spaces with no extra spaces before the string,
but with any trailing spaces remaining.
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Returns a string value consisting of the source string with all trailing spaces removed.
RTrim is functionally equivalent to TrimRight.
TrimRight (s)
s a string value.
TrimRight (" Leading and trailing spaces ")
returns the string Leading and trailing spaces” with no extra spaces after the string,
but with any leading spaces remaining.
Returns a string value indicating an uppercase representation of the source string.
UCase is functionally equivalent to UpperCase.
UpperCase (s)
s a string value to be converted to uppercase.
UpperCase ("George Peck")
returns “GEORGE PECK”.
Returns a numeric value indicating the numeric portion of the supplied string.
Val is helpful for converting string database fields that contain numeric data to actual
numeric values. In particular, Val will not return an error if it encounters a nonnumeric
character in the string—it will simply stop the conversion at that point.
Val (s)
s a string value to be converted to a number.
Val ("12500.1a31")
returns 12,500.10 as a numeric value.
Functions: Summary
This category of functions largely duplicates summary functions available via the
Insert | Summary option from the Crystal Reports pull-down menus. By using these
summary functions, you may include the same summary calculations available from the
Insert | Summary option in formulas. In fact, if you add a report summary to a report
with Insert | Summary and then double-click it in the Fields tree of the Formula Editor,
the following summary functions will be inserted in your report automatically.
Returns a numeric value indicating the average of the supplied database field or formula.
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Average (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
Average (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Average (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An
existing group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or
date-time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later
in this appendix for available choices.
returns the average of sales amounts for the entire report.
Average({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the average of sales amounts for the sales date group, summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the correlation between the supplied database fields
or formulas.
Correlation (f1, f2)
f1 the first database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a
numeric field.
f2 the second database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be
a numeric field.
Correlation (f1, f2, f3)
f1 the first database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a
numeric field.
f2 the second database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be
a numeric field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Correlation (f1, f2, f3, s)
f1 the first database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a
numeric field.
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f2 the second database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be
a numeric field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
Correlation({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Goal})
returns the correlation between sales amount and sales goal for the entire report.
Correlation({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Goal}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the correlation between sales amount and sales goal for the sales date group,
summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the number of occurrences (count) of the supplied
database field or formula.
Count (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
Count (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Count (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the count of sales amounts for the entire report (in essence, this is the number of
records on the report).
Count({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the count of sales amounts for the sales date group, summarized for each month
(in essence, this is the number of records in the group).
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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NOTE The Count function will count every record where the supplied field contains a nonnull value. If
any occurrences of the supplied field contain null values, those records won’ t increment the count.
Returns a numeric value indicating the covariance between the supplied database fields
or formulas.
Covariance (f1, f2)
f1 the first database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a
numeric field.
f2 the second database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be
a numeric field.
Covariance (f1, f2, f3)
f1 the first database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a
numeric field.
f2 the second database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be
a numeric field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Covariance (f1, f2, f3, s)
f1 the first database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a
numeric field.
f2 the second database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be
a numeric field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
Covariance({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Goal})
returns the covariance between sales amount and sales goal for the entire report.
Covariance({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Goal}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the covariance between sales amount and sales goal for the sales date group,
summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the unique number of occurrences (distinct count)
of the supplied database field or formula.
DistinctCount (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
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DistinctCount (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
DistinctCount (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the number of unique accounts for the entire report.
Distinctcount({Sales.Acct#}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the number of unique accounts for the sales date group, summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the maximum of the supplied database field or formula.
Maximum returns the largest number, the latest date, or the string value last in the alphabet.
Maximum (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
Maximum (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Maximum (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the highest sales amount for the entire report.
Maximum({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the highest sales amount for the sales date group, summarized for each month.
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Returns a numeric value indicating the median of the supplied database field or formula.
Median (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
Median (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Median (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the median of sales amounts for the entire report.
Median({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the median of sales amounts for the sales date group, summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the minimum of the supplied database field or
Minimum returns the smallest number, the earliest date, or the string value first in the
Minimum (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
Minimum (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Minimum (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
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s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the lowest sales amount for the entire report.
Minimum({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the lowest sales amount for the sales date group, summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the mode (the most frequently occurring value) of
the supplied database field or formula.
Mode (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
Mode (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Mode (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the most frequently appearing account number for the entire report.
Mode({Sales.Acct#}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the most frequently appearing account number for the sales date group, summarized
for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the nth largest occurrence of the supplied database
field or formula.
NthLargest returns the “nth” largest number, the “nth” latest date, or the “nth” string
value last in the ASCII sort order.
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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NthLargest (n, f)
n a numeric value (between 1 and 100). 5 returns the fifth largest, 2 the second largest, and
so forth.
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
NthLargest (n, f1, f2)
n a numeric value (between 1 and 100). 5 returns the fifth largest, 2 the second largest, and
so forth.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
NthLargest (n, f1, f2, s)
n a numeric value (between 1 and 100). 5 returns the fifth largest, 2 the second largest, and
so forth.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
NthLargest(5, {Sales.Amount})
returns the fifth largest sales amount for the entire report.
NthLargest(5, {Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the fifth largest sales amount for the sales date group, summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the nth most frequent occurrence of the supplied
database field or formula.
NthMostFrequent (n, f)
n a numeric value (between 1 and 100). 5 returns the fifth most frequent, 2 the second most
frequent, and so forth.
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
NthMostFrequent (n, f1, f2)
n a numeric value (between 1 and 100). 5 returns the fifth most frequent, 2 the second most
frequent, and so forth.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1 / Appendix A
NthMostFrequent (n, f1, f2, s)
n a numeric value (between 1 and 100). 5 returns the fifth most frequent, 2 the second most
frequent, and so forth.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
NthMostFrequent(5, {Sales.Acct#})
returns the fifth most frequently occurring account number for the entire report.
NthMostFrequent(5, {Sales.Acct#}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the fifth most frequently occurring account number for the sales date group,
summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the nth smallest occurrence of the supplied database
field or formula.
NthSmallest returns the “nth” smallest number, the “nth” earliest date, or the “nth”
string value first in the ASCII sort order.
NthSmallest (n, f)
n a numeric value (between 1 and 100). 5 returns the fifth smallest, 2 the second smallest,
and so forth.
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
NthSmallest (n, f1, f2)
n a numeric value (between 1 and 100). 5 returns the fifth smallest, 2 the second smallest,
and so forth.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
NthSmallest (n, f1, f2, s)
n a numeric value (between 1 and 100). 5 returns the fifth smallest, 2 the second smallest,
and so forth.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
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s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
NthSmallest (5, {Sales.Amount})
returns the fifth smallest sales amount for the entire report.
NthSmallest (5, {Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the fifth smallest sales amount for the sales date group, summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating what percentage an average calculation in one group
is of another average calculation in a later group or the entire report.
This function duplicates a Percentage Summary Field created with the Insert | Summary
menu option.
PercentOfAverage (f1, f2, s)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for the entire report.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices. This argument is required only if f2 is a date, date-time,
time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfAverage (f1, f2, s1, f3, s2)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for a later group.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s1 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f2 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the later group field to use for the summary.
An existing group on the report must be based on this field.
s2 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f3 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfAverage ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.CustName})
Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference
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returns the percentage that the average sales amount for each customer group makes up of
the average sales amount for the entire report.
PercentOfAverage ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date},
"monthly", {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the average sales amount for each month makes up of the average
sales amount for the higher-level customer name group.
Returns a numeric value indicating what percentage a count calculation in one group is
of another count calculation in a later group or the entire report.
This function duplicates a Percentage Summary Field created with the Insert | Summary
menu option.
PercentOfCount (f1, f2, s)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for the entire report.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices. This argument is required only if f2 is a date, date-time,
time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfCount (f1, f2, s1, f3, s2)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for a later group.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s1 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f2 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the later group field to use for the summary.
An existing group on the report must be based on this field.
s2 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f3 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfCount ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the number of records for each customer group makes up of the
total number of records for the entire report.
PercentOfCount ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date},
"monthly", {Sales.CustName})
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1 / Appendix A
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Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1/ Appendix A
returns the percentage that the number of records for each month makes up of the number
of records for the higher-level customer name group.
NOTE PercentOfCount calculations will exclude records that contain a null value in the field being
Returns a numeric value indicating what percentage a distinct count calculation in one
group is of another distinct count calculation in a later group or the entire report.
This function duplicates a Percentage Summary Field created with the Insert | Summary
menu option.
PercentOfDistinctCount (f1, f2, s)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for the entire report.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices. This argument is required only if f2 is a date, date-time,
time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfDistinctCount (f1, f2, s1, f3, s2)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for a later group.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s1 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f2 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the later group field to use for the summary.
An existing group on the report must be based on this field.
s2 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f3 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfDistinctCount ({Sales.Acct#}, {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the unique number of account numbers for each customer group
makes up of the unique number of account numbers for the entire report.
PercentOfDistinctCount ({Sales.Acct#}, {Sales.Date},
"monthly", {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the unique number of account numbers for each month makes
up of the unique number of account numbers for the higher-level customer name group.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1 / Appendix A
Returns a numeric value indicating what percentage a maximum calculation in one group
is of another maximum calculation in a later group or the entire report.
This function duplicates a Percentage Summary Field created with the Insert | Summary
menu option.
PercentOfMaximum (f1, f2, s)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for the entire report.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices. This argument is required only if f2 is a date, date-time,
time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfMaximum (f1, f2, s1, f3, s2)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for a later group.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s1 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f2 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the later group field to use for the summary.
An existing group on the report must be based on this field.
s2 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f3 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfMaximum ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the highest sales amount for each customer group makes up of
the highest sales amount for the entire report.
PercentOfMaximum ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date},
"monthly", {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the highest sales amount for each month makes up of the highest
sales amount for the higher-level customer name group.
Returns a numeric value indicating what percentage a minimum calculation in one group
is of another minimum calculation in a later group or the entire report.
This function duplicates a Percentage Summary Field created with the Insert | Summary
menu option.
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PercentOfMinimum (f1, f2, s)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for the entire report.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices. This argument is required only if f2 is a date, date-time,
time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfMinimum (f1, f2, s1, f3, s2)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for a later group.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report.
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s1 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required only
if f2 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the later group field to use for the summary.
An existing group on the report must be based on this field.
s2 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f3 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfMinimum ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the lowest sales amount for each customer group makes up of
the lowest sales amount for the entire report.
PercentOfMinimum ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date},
"monthly", {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the lowest sales amount for each month makes up of the lowest
sales amount for the higher-level customer name group.
Returns a numeric value indicating what percentage a sum calculation in one group is of
another sum calculation in a later group or the entire report.
This function duplicates a Percentage Summary Field created with the Insert | Summary
menu option.
PercentOfSum (f1, f2, s)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for the entire report.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference
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f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices. This argument is required only if f2 is a date, date-time,
time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfSum (f1, f2, s1, f3, s2)
This will show the percentage of the group value compared to the value for a later group.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s1 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f2 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the later group field to use for the summary.
An existing group on the report must be based on this field.
s2 a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in this
appendix for available choices. This argument (and the comma that precedes it) is required
only if f3 is a date, date-time, time, or Boolean field.
PercentOfSum ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the total sales amount for each customer group makes up of the
total sales amount for the entire report.
PercentOfSum ({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date},
"monthly", {Sales.CustName})
returns the percentage that the total sales amount for each month makes up of the total sales
amount for the higher-level customer name group.
Returns a numeric value indicating the population standard deviation of the supplied
database field or formula.
PopulationStdDev (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
PopulationStdDev (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1 / Appendix A
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Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1/ Appendix A
PopulationStdDev (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the population standard deviation of sales amounts for the entire report.
PopulationStdDev({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the population standard deviation of sales amounts for the sales date group,
summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the population variance of the supplied database field
or formula.
PopulationVariance (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
PopulationVariance (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
PopulationVariance (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the population variance of sales amounts for the entire report.
PopulationVariance({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the population variance of sales amounts for the sales date group, summarized for
each month.
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Returns a numeric value indicating the pth percentile of the supplied database field or
PthPercentile returns the “pth” percentile value, such as the value that equates to the
tenth percentile of the report or group.
PthPercentile (n, f)
n a numeric value (between 0 and 100). 5 returns the fifth percentile, 2 the second percentile,
and so forth.
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
PthPercentile (n, f1, f2)
n a numeric value (between 0 and 100). 5 returns the fifth percentile, 2 the second percentile,
and so forth.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
PthPercentile (n, f1, f2, s)
n a numeric value (between 0 and 100). 5 returns the fifth percentile, 2 the second percentile,
and so forth.
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
PthPercentile (5, {Sales.Amount})
returns the sales amount equating to the fifth percentile for the entire report.
PthPercentile (5, {Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the sales amount equating to the fifth percentile for the sales date group, summarized
for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the standard deviation of the supplied database field
or formula.
StdDev (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1 / Appendix A
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Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1/ Appendix A
StdDev (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
StdDev (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the standard deviation of sales amounts for the entire report.
StdDev({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the standard deviation of sales amounts for the sales date group, summarized for
each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the sum of the supplied database field or formula.
Sum (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
Sum (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Sum (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the sum of sales amounts for the entire report.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1 / Appendix A
Sum({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the sum of sales amounts for the sales date group, summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the variance of the supplied database field or formula.
Variance (f)
f the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
Variance (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
Variance (f1, f2, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the variance of sales amounts for the entire report.
Variance({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the variance of sales amounts for the sales date group, summarized for each month.
Returns a numeric value indicating the average of the supplied database field or formula,
given a weight by another field or formula.
WeightedAverage (f1, f2)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for the entire report. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field to use as the weight.
WeightedAverage (f1, f2, f3)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field to use as the weight.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An
existing group on the report must be based on this field.
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WeightedAverage (f1, f2, f3, s)
f1 the database or formula field to summarize for a report group. This must be a numeric
f2 the database or formula field to use as the weight.
f3 the database or formula field indicating the group you wish to summarize for. An existing
group on the report must be based on this field.
s a string value indicating how often to “change” the summary for Boolean, date, or date-
time grouping. See Boolean Conditions, Date Conditions, and Time Conditions later in
this appendix for available choices.
returns the average of sales amounts weighted by goal for the entire report.
WeightedAverage({Sales.Amount}, {Sales.Date}, "monthly")
returns the average of sales amounts weighted by goal for the sales date group, summarized
for each month.
Boolean Conditions
The following string values can be used in a summary function when using a Boolean
group field.
“any change”
“change to No”
“change to Yes”
“every No”
“every Yes”
“next is No”
“next is Yes”
Date Conditions
The following string values can be used in a summary function when using a date or
date-time group field.
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Time Conditions
The following string values can be used in a summary function when using a time or date-
time group field.
“by AMPM”
“by hour”
“by minute”
“by second”
Functions: Type Conversion
This category of functions is used to convert from one data type to another. These functions
are modeled after functions of the same name found in Visual Basic and Visual Basic for
Returns a Boolean (true/false) conversion of the source field.
CBool will return False for a value of 0 (zero). Otherwise, CBool returns True.
CBool (n)
n a numeric value.
returns True.
Returns a currency value.
CCur (v)
v a value of number, currency, or string data type.
CCur ("1125.13894")
returns $1,125.14 as a currency value.
Returns a date value.
CDate is functionally equivalent to Date and DateValue. See DateValue for details.
Returns a date-time value.
CDateTime is functionally equivalent to DateTime and DateT imeValue. See DateT imeValue
for details.
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1/ Appendix A
Returns a numeric value.
CDbl is functionally equivalent to ToNumber. See ToNumber for details.
Converts any nonstring data type to a string value.
CStr is functionally equivalent to ToText, including returning the same result and
accepting the same arguments. See ToTex t for complete information.
Returns a time value.
CTime is functionally equivalent to Time and TimeValue. See TimeValue for details.
Operators: Arithmetic
This category of operators performs standard arithmetic functions, such as addition,
subtraction, and so forth.
Add (+)
Adds two numbers.
n1 a numeric value.
n2 a numeric value.
returns 4.00.
Divide (/)
Divides two numbers.
n1 a numeric value.
n2 a numeric value.
returns 2.00.
Exponentiate (^)
Raises a number to a power.
n1 a numeric value.
n2 a numeric value to raise n1 to the power of.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1 / Appendix A
returns 25.00.
Integer Divide (\)
Divides two numbers, returning an integer result.
n1 a numeric value.
n2 a numeric value.
returns 3.00, contrasted with:
which returns 3.33.
Performs division on two numeric values and returns the remainder of the division
rather than the result of the division.
Use the Mod function for particular situations where the remainder of numeric division
is required, rather than the actual result. For example, this operator can be used with the
RecordNumber function in a conditional formatting formula to shade every other details
n1 Mod n2
n1 a numeric value
n2 a numeric value
If RecordNumber Mod2=0Then crSilver Else crNoColor
when supplied as a conditional formula for the Details section background color, shades
every other details section silver.
NOTE Crystal Reports also includes the Remainder function, which performs a similar operation.
Multiply (*)
Multiplies two numbers.
n1 a numeric value.
n2 a numeric value.
returns 20.00.
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Negate (–)
Returns the negative equivalent of a number.
n a numeric value.
returns –14.00.
returns a positive debit amount if the DRAmount field is coded as a negative number in
the database.
Percent (%)
Calculates the percentage one number is of another number.
n1 a numeric value.
n2 a numeric value.
returns 25.00.
{Sales.Amount} % Sum({Sales.Amount},{Sales.Rep})
returns the percentage each individual sale is of a sales rep’s total sales.
Subtract (–)
Subtracts one number from another.
n1 a numeric value.
n2 a numeric value.
returns 15.00.
Operators: Array
This set of operators pertain to arrays. An array is a collection of data items stored in a single
“bucket,” such as a single variable. If an array contains 15 items, it is said to have 15 elements.
Arrays can contain any supported Crystal Reports data type, such as number, string, date-time,
and so forth.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether a single value is in an array.
v a value of the same data type as the a array.
a an array.
5 In [1,3,5,7,9]
returns True.
If {Customer.Region} In ["CO","MT","UT","WY"] Then
"Rocky Mountain Region"
"Rest of Country"
returns one of two strings based on the existence of a database field in the supplied string
literal array.
Make Array
Creates an array of values.
This is functionally equivalent to the MakeArray function. See MakeArray in the Functions:
Arrays section for details.
“Resets” an existing array variable to an empty state with a specified number of elements.
Redim a (n)
a an existing array variable.
n a positive number.
StringVar Array Beatles;
Redim Beatles [4];
declares an existing string array and resets it to a string array with four elements, each
containing an empty string. The formula returns an empty string to the report (the first
element of the reset array).
Redim Preserve
“Resizes” an existing array variable with a specified number of elements, retaining
existing contents of the array variable.
Redim Preserve a (n)
a an existing array variable.
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n a positive number.
StringVar Array Beatles;
Redim Preserve Beatles [8];
declares an existing string array and expands it to contain eight elements, retaining any
existing data in the array. The formula returns “John” to the report (the existing data in the
first element of the array).
Subscript ([])
Extracts an individual element of an array.
a an array value.
n a numeric value or range indicating the element or elements to extract.
StringVar Array Beatles;
returns “George”, the third element of the Beatles array.
Operators: Boolean
This set of operators pertain to Boolean (true/false) values, functions, and expressions.
Returns true if both associated Boolean values are true.
b1 And b2
b1 a Boolean value or expression.
b2 a Boolean value or expression.
returns True.
If {Customer.Region} = "CA" And
{Customer.Last Year's Sales} > 50000 Then
"California Bonus Customer"
"Other Customer"
returns “California Bonus Customer” if both Boolean expressions in the If test are true.
Eqv (Logical equivalence)
Returns true if both associated Boolean values are the same.
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b1 Eqv b2
b1 a Boolean value or expression.
b2 a Boolean value or expression.
returns True.
returns False.
returns True.
Imp (Logical implication)
Returns true if both associated Boolean values are the same, or if the second value is true
while the first value is false.
b1 Imp b2
b1 a Boolean value or expression.
b2 a Boolean value or expression.
returns True.
returns True.
returns False.
returns True.
Reverses the Boolean value (true becomes false and false becomes true).
Not requires a Boolean value or expression to follow it. As such, you may need to enclose
a Boolean expression in parentheses for Not to evaluate properly.
Not b
b a Boolean value or expression.
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returns False.
results in an error, as Not expects the first occurrence of the number 2 to be Boolean.
If Not InRepeatedGroupHeader Then "New Group Starts Here"
returns the “new group” string if InRepeatedGroupHeader is false.
Returns true if either or both associated Boolean values are true.
b1 Or b2
b1 a Boolean value or expression.
b2 a Boolean value or expression.
returns True.
If {Customer.Last Year's Sales} > 50000 Or
{Customer.Last Year's Sales} < 0 Then
"Customer needs attention"
"Normal customer"
returns “Customer needs attention” if either Boolean expression in the If test is true.
Xor (Logical exclusion)
Returns true if the associated Boolean values return opposite values (one true, the other
b1 Xor b2
b1 a Boolean value or expression.
b2 a Boolean value or expression.
returns True.
returns True.
returns False.
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Operators: Comparisons
This category of operators compares values to each other. You may combine comparison
operators together with other Boolean operators, such as And, Or, and Not.
Equal (=)
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the two supplied values are equal
to each other.
v1 a value of any supported data type.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1.
returns True.
If {Sales.State} = "CO" Then "Colorado"
returns “Colorado” if the state field is equal to “CO”.
Greater or Equal (>=)
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the first supplied value is greater
than or equal to the second value.
This operator compares strings from the perspective of sort order.
v1 >= v2
v1 a value of any supported data type.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1.
"abc" >= "wyz"
returns False, based on string sort order.
If {Sales.Amount} >= 5000 Then "Great Order"
returns “Great Order” if the sale amount is exactly $5,000, or anything greater than $5,000.
Greater Than (>)
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the first supplied value is greater
than the second value.
This operator compares strings from the perspective of sort order.
v1 a value of any supported data type.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1.
#1/1/2000# > #1/1/1999#
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returns True.
If {Sales.Amount} > 10000 Then "Eligible for Bonus"
returns “Eligible for Bonus” if the sale amount is greater than $10,000. If the amount is
exactly $10,000 or less, an empty string is returned.
Less or Equal (<=)
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the first supplied value is less
than or equal to the second value.
This operator compares strings from the perspective of sort order.
v1 <= v2
v1 a value of any supported data type.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1.
100 <= 100
returns True.
If {Sales.Amount} <= 100 Then "Small Order"
returns “Small Order” if the sale amount is exactly $100, or anything less than $100.
Less Than (<)
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the first supplied value is less
than the second value.
This operator compares strings from the perspective of sort order.
v1 a value of any supported data type.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1.
#1/1/2000# < #1/1/1999#
returns False.
If {Sales.Amount} < 100 Then "Improved Performance Required"
returns “Improved Performance Required” if the sale amount is less than $100. If the
amount is exactly $100 or greater, an empty string is returned.
Not Equal (<>)
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the two supplied values are not
equal to each other.
v1 <> v2
v1 a value of any supported data type.
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v2 a value of the same data type as v1.
10 <> 15
returns True.
If {Sales.State} <> "CO" Then "Out-Of-State Sale"
returns “Out-Of-State Sale” if the state field is something other than “CO”.
NOTE Case sensitivity of string comparisons is based on the database case sensitivity setting in
File | Report Options (applies to the current report only) and File | Options (applies to all new
reports in the future).
Operators: Control Structures
This category of operators might well exist in a separate section of the Formula Editor called
“programming constructs.” However, as they don’t take “arguments” per se, they’ve been
placed in the Operator tree. These operators are most familiar to computer programmers, as
they duplicate typical programming logic and flow within a single Crystal Reports formula.
Do While
Loops through formula logic while a condition is true.
Do While differs from While Do in regards to when the loop condition is evaluated.
Do While evaluates the loop condition after a loop iteration (so that at least one loop will
always occur). While Do evaluates the condition before a loop iteration (the logic within
the loop may not occur at all if the condition is immediately false).
Do <formula logic> While b
b a Boolean value or expression.
NumberVar Counter := 1;
StringVar Accum;
( Accum := Accum + "-";
Counter := Counter + 1)
while Counter < 100;
returns a string containing 99 dash characters (the loop iterated while the counter was less
than 100—once it reached 100, the loop did not repeat).
NOTE If you wish to include more than one Crystal Reports statement within the loop, separate
statements with a semicolon and surround all statements (between the Do and While) with
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Exit For
Exits a For loop before its normal conclusion.
Exit For
NumberVar Counter;
StringVar Accum;
for Counter := 1 to 1000 step 2 do
Accum := Accum & ToText(Counter);
If Len(Accum) > 245 Then Exit For;
returns the string in the Accum variable consisting of “” and so forth.
Within the loop, the Accum variable is tested for a length exceeding 245 characters and the
loop is exited if this occurs.
Exit While
Exits a Do or While loop before its normal conclusion.
Exit While
NumberVar Counter := 1;
StringVar Accum;
( Accum := Accum + "-";
Counter := Counter + 1;
If Length(Accum) = 100 Then Exit While)
while True;
returns a string containing 100 dash characters (the loop iterates until the length of the
Accum variable reaches 100 characters and the Exit While statement executes).
Loops through formula logic a specified number of times.
For v := n1 To n2 Step n3 Do
v a numeric variable that the loop will increment as it progresses.
n1 a numeric value indicating the beginning value that will be assigned to v when the
loop starts.
n2 a numeric value indicating the ending value in v that will stop the loop.
n3 a numeric value indicating the amount to increment v every time the loop iterates. This
value, as well as the Step keyword that precedes it, are optional. If omitted, v is incremented
by 1 with each loop iteration.
NumberVar Counter;
StringVar Accum;
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for Counter := 1 to 100 step 2 do
Accum := Accum & ToText(Counter);
returns contents of the Accum variable, consisting of the string “13579111315” and so forth,
through “99”. The Counter variable increments from 1 to 100, incrementing by 2 every time
the loop iterates.
NOTE If you wish to include more than one Crystal Reports statement within the loop, separate
statements with a semicolon and surround all statements (after the Do keyword) with parentheses.
If Then Else
Performs a Boolean test, returning one value if the test is true and an alternate value if
the test is false.
If b Then v1 Else v2
b a Boolean expression (typically using comparison operators discussed earlier in this
v1 a value of any supported data type that is returned if b evaluates to True.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1 that is returned if b evaluates to False. This value,
and the Else keyword that precedes it, is optional.
If {Sales.State} = "CO" Then
"Sales Tax Required"
"No Tax"
returns the string “Sales Tax Required” if the Boolean expression after If evaluates to true.
Otherwise, the formula returns “No Tax”.
If {Sales.Amount} > 5000 Then "Bonus Order"
returns “Bonus Order” if the sales amount exceeds $5,000. Otherwise, an empty string is
Option Loop
Specifies how many iterations a loop should go through before an error is returned.
By default, Crystal Reports stops loop processing and returns an error if a loop iterates
100,000 times. This behavior prevents infinite loops from occurring. If you wish to lower the
maximum number of iterations, use Option Loop.
Option Loop n
n a numeric value indicating the number of loop iterations that will occur before an error
is returned.
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Option Loop must be the first statement in the formula.
NumberVar Counter;
Counter := Counter + 1
While True
will iterate 100,000 time before returning an error.
Option Loop 100;
NumberVar Counter;
Counter := Counter + 1
While True
will iterate 100 times before returning an error.
Select Case
Returns one of several available values based on a series of conditions.
Select Case duplicates the capabilities of sophisticated If-Then-Else logic. However, Select
Case is often easier to understand and maintain than complex If-Then-Else formulas.
Select e Case v1: <formula logic> Case v2 <formula logic>…: Default: <formula logic>
e a value or expression of any data type to test.
v1 a value or “list” of values (separated by commas) matching in data type to e to test
against e.
v2 an additional value or “list” of values (separated by commas) matching in data type to
e to test against e.
Additional pairs of Case/<formula logic> combinations may be added. The Default
keyword and colon are optional. Formula logic after each Case statement must return the
same data type as all other formula logic.
Select {Sales.State}
Case "OR","ID","MT","WA":
Case "CA","AZ","TX","NM":
Case "ME","MA","NH","NY":
Case "FL","NC","GA","SC":
"Rest of Country"
examines the state field and begins testing it against each Case statement. Once it finds a
match, it returns the value following the case statement. If no matches are found, the value
following the default statement is returned. Were the Default keyword, colon, and “Rest of
Country” string literal to be left out, the formula would return an empty string if no matches
were found.
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Select {Sales.LastYearRevenue}
Case Is < 100:
"Improved Performance Needed"
Case 100 To 1000:
"Average Year"
Case Is > 1000:
"Excellent Year"
examines the Last Year Revenue field and begins testing against the ranges specified in each
Case statement, returning the appropriate string following the Case statement that matches.
No Default keyword is provided, as any number will fall into one of the three Case statements.
Were a number to somehow not fall into one of the existing Case statements, a zero would
be returned.
While Do
Loops through formula logic while a condition is true.
While Do differs from Do While in regards to when the loop condition is evaluated.
Do While evaluates the loop condition after a loop iteration (so that at least one loop will
always occur). While Do evaluates the condition before a loop iteration (the logic within the
loop may not occur at all if the condition is immediately false).
While b <formula logic> Do
b a Boolean value or expression.
NumberVar Counter := 1;
StringVar Accum;
While Counter < 100 Do
( Accum := Accum + "-";
Counter := Counter + 1
returns a string containing 99 dash characters (the loop iterated while the counter was less
than 100—once it reached 100, the loop did not repeat).
NOTE If you wish to include more than one Crystal Reports statement within the loop, separate
statements with a semicolon and surround all statements (between the Do and While) with
Operators: Conversion
A single operator exists to convert to one data type from another.
Currency ($)
Converts a numeric value to a currency value.
The CCur function can also be used to convert from another data type to currency.
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returns $100.00.
${Sales.Amount} * 1.1
returns 10 percent above the sales amount as a currency value.
NOTE Crystal Reports prohibits both values in a multiplication formula from being currency—one
or the other can be, but not both. If necessary , you’ll need to convert one currency value to a numeric
value with ToNumber or CDbl.
Operators: Other
This category of operators contains, in essence, operators that don’t fit in any other category
and perform miscellaneous functions.
Assignment (:=)
Assigns a value to a variable.
In Crystal syntax, don’t confuse the assignment operator (:=) with the equals comparison
operator (=). In Basic syntax, equals (=) acts as both assignment and equals comparison.
var a previously declared variable name.
v a value or expression of the same data type as var.
SalesRepBonus := SalesRepBonus + 1
adds 1 to the value already in the SalesRepBonus variable and places the result back into
the SalesRepBonus variable.
NumberVar SalesRepBonus := 0
declares a number variable named SalesRepBonus and assigns it a value of zero in a single
Comment (//)
Treats any text following the two slashes as a comment.
Basic Syntax uses the apostrophe (‘) or the word Rem to indicate a comment. Crystal
Reports allows you to add comment slashes or apostrophes to multiple formula lines at
once by highlighting them and clicking the Comment/Uncomment button in the Formula
Workshop toolbar.
//The following formula calculates
//commission based on sale amount
Select {Orders.Order Amount}
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Case Is < 100:
Case 100 to 1000:
Case Is > 1000:
The first two lines of the formula are ignored by the Formula Editor when evaluating the
formula logic.
NOTE If you are troubleshooting a formula, you may prefer to simply “comment out” certain formula
lines that you wish to later use again. For example, you may be working on five different methods
of calculating a result. By adding or removing two slashes in front of the various formula lines, you
may try various methods of calculations without having to delete and retype each line.
Date-time literal (#)
Returns a date-time value from the supplied string.
s a string that can be interpreted as a date, time, or date-time combination.
#1/1/2000 10:15 am#
returns a date-time value of 1/1/2000 10:15:00AM.
#Sep 10, 02#
returns a date-time value of 9/10/2002 12:00:00AM.
NOTE Crystal Reports is fairly creative in what it will interpret as date or time material between
the # characters. If the string can’t be understood, an error will occur.
Used to force evaluation of formula expressions in a certain order.
Parentheses allow you to force calculations to occur in other than the default order
of precedence (exponentiation, then multiplication/division left to right, then addition/
subtraction left to right). In Basic syntax, parentheses are also used to delimit array
returns 30.00. The order of precedence causes the multiplication to be done first, then the
returns 40.00. The parentheses force the addition to be performed first, then the multiplication.
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Operators: Pattern
This set of operators allow partial string matches to be evaluated.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value based on a partial string match.
Like uses DOS-style “wildcards” (the asterisk and question mark) to determine if the
source string contains the characters specified in the wildcard-based mask. This is helpful
for checking for partial text matches. This operator is similar to the LooksLike function.
s1 Like s2
s1 the source string to be searched.
s2 the mask string to search against. The mask can include a question mark wildcard to
indicate a single-character substitution and/or an asterisk to indicate a multiple-character
"George Peck" Like "G?orge*"
returns True.
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value if leading characters match the source string.
s1 StartsWith s2
s1 the source string to be searched.
s2 the characters to search for as the first characters of s1.
"George Peck" StartsWith "Ge"
returns True.
NOTE Case sensitivity of string comparisons is based on the database case sensitivity setting in
File | Report Options (applies to the current report only) and File | Options (applies to all
new reports in the future).
Operators: Ranges
These operators either create various ranges of values or test existing ranges. A range of
values consists of beginning and ending values, and every value in between (some ranges
can have no beginning and/or ending value—in other words, the range can be “everything
above x” or “everything below y”).
Both Endpoints Excluded Range
Creates a range of values between the two endpoints, not including the endpoints.
v1 _To_ v2
v1 a value of any data type to act as the lower endpoint.
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v2 a value of the same data type as v1 to act as the upper endpoint.
1 In (1 _to_ 100)
returns False, as the lower endpoint (1) is not included in the range.
99 In (1 _to_ 100)
returns True.
In Range
Returns a Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether the single value is in the range.
v a single value of any supported data type.
r a range value or variable of the same data type as v.
5 In (1 To 100)
returns True.
If {Parts.PartNo} In (1000 to 5000) Then
returns the string “Taxable” if the part number is in the range of 1000 to 5000 inclusive.
Left Endpoint Excluded Range
Creates a range of values between the two endpoints, not including the first endpoint.
v1 _To v2
v1 a value of any data type to act as the lower endpoint.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1 to act as the upper endpoint.
1 In (1 _to 100)
returns False, as the lower endpoint (1) is not included in the range.
100 In (1 _to 100)
returns True, as the upper endpoint (100) is included in the range.
Make Range
Creates a range of values between, and including, the two endpoints.
v1 To v2
v1 a value of any data type to act as the lower endpoint.
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v2 a value of the same data type as v1 to act as the upper endpoint.
1 In (1 to 100)
returns True.
100 In (1 to 100)
returns True.
Right Endpoint Excluded Range
Creates a range of values between the two endpoints, not including the second endpoint.
v1 To_ v2
v1 a value of any data type to act as the lower endpoint.
v2 a value of the same data type as v1 to act as the upper endpoint.
1 In (1 to_ 100)
returns True, as the lower endpoint (1) is included in the range.
100 In (1 to_ 100)
returns False, as the upper endpoint (100) is not included in the range.
Creates a range of values including a lower endpoint upward, with no upper endpoint.
Is >= v is functionally equivalent to UpFrom.
upFrom v
v a value of any data type to act as the lower endpoint.
99999999 In UpFrom 100
returns True.
HasUpperBound (UpFrom 100)
returns False (the HasUpperBound function evaluates whether the supplied range has an
upper endpoint).
Up From But Not Including
Creates a range of values from a lower endpoint upward (the lower endpoint not being
included), with no upper endpoint.
Is>visfunctionally equivalent to UpFrom_.
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Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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upFrom_ v
v a value of any data type to act as the lower endpoint.
100 In UpFrom_ 100
returns False (the lower endpoint is not included in the range).
HasUpperBound (UpFrom_ 100)
returns False (the HasUpperBound function evaluates whether the supplied range has an
upper endpoint).
Creates a range of values from an upper endpoint downward (including the upper endpoint)
with no lower endpoint.
Is <= v is functionally equivalent to UpTo.
upTo v
v a value of any data type to act as the lower endpoint.
-9999999 In UpTo 100
returns True.
HasLowerBound (UpTo 100)
returns False (the HasLowerBound function evaluates whether the supplied range has a
lower endpoint).
Up To But Not Including
Creates a range of values from an upper endpoint downward (not including the upper
endpoint) with no lower endpoint.
Is<visfunctionally equivalent to UpTo_.
upTo_ v
v a value of any data type to act as the lower endpoint.
100 In UpTo_ 100
returns False (the upper endpoint is not included in the range).
HasLowerBound (UpTo_ 100)
returns False (the HasLowerBound function evaluates whether the supplied range has a
lower endpoint).
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Operators: Scope
This set of operators is used when declaring variables (see “Operators: Variable Declaration”
later in this appendix). These operators determine how long a variable retains its value during
report processing.
Forces a variable to retain its value in this formula, and all other formulas in the current
report (but not subreports).
In Crystal Syntax, this is the default scope for variable declarations that do not include
a scope keyword.
Global t v
t a variable declaration statement.
v a valid variable name.
Global NumberVar BonusCount
declares a numeric variable called BonusCount that will retain its value throughout the entire
report, but not in any subreports.
NumberVar BonusCount
is functionally equivalent to the previous declaration, as Global is the default variable scope.
Forces a variable to retain its value in this formula only.
In Basic Syntax, this is the default scope for variable declarations that do not include a
scope keyword.
Local t v
t a variable declaration statement.
v a valid variable name.
Local NumberVar BonusCount
declares a numeric variable called BonusCount that will retain its value only during the
calculation of this formula. If BonusCount is declared in any other formulas, it will contain zero.
Forces a variable to retain its value in this formula, in all other formulas in the current
report, and in all subreports.
Shared t v
t a variable declaration statement.
v a valid variable name.
Shared NumberVar BonusCount
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declares a numeric variable called BonusCount that will retain its value throughout the
entire report and in all subreports.
Operators: Strings
This set of operators applies to string manipulation, such as string “concatenation” (the process
of combining two or more strings into a single string).
Concatenate (& or +)
Concatenates (combines) strings into a single string.
The + operator requires that surrounding values be strings, while the & operator performs
an implicit conversion to string of all surrounding values.
s1 a string value.
s2 a string value.
"Page Number: " + PageNumber
returns an error, as the PageNumber function returns a numeric value.
"Page Number: " + ToText(PageNumber,0)
returns “Page Number: 1” if the first page of the report is printing.
v1 a value of any data type.
v2 a value of any data type.
"Page Number: " & PageNumber
returns “Page Number: 1.00” if the first page of the report is printing, performing an implicit
conversion of PageNumber to a string data type.
"Page Number: " & ToText(PageNumber,0)
returns “Page Number: 1” if the first page of the report is printing.
NOTE When using the & operator to concatenate strings, you may still need to use ToText or CStr
to control how values are formatted when they are concatenated.
In String
Returns a Boolean value (true/false) based on if the first string is contained in the second
s1 In s2
s1 a string value to search for in s2.
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s2 the source string to search.
"eor" in "George"
returns True.
If "(303)" In {Customer.Phone} Then "Denver Area Code"
returns the string “Denver Area Code” if the characters “(303)” are contained anywhere in
the customer phone database field. Otherwise, the formula returns an empty string.
Insert Empty String (““)
Inserts a pair of quotation marks in the formula.
In Crystal Reports versions prior to 9 (as well as in 9), you may simply type quotation
mark pairs in directly.
StringVar BonusCustomer := ""
declares a string variable called BonusCustomer and sets it to contain an empty string.
Subscript []
Extracts a substring from a larger string.
s a string value.
n a numeric value or range indicating the character or characters to extract.
"George Peck"[2 to 4]
returns “eor”.
Operators: Variable Declarations
This category of operators is used to declare variables within formulas. Whenever a variable
is used in any formula, it must first be declared using one of the following operators.
Declares a Boolean (true/false) variable to contain an array or single value.
BooleanVar Array varname
BooleanVar varname
varname a variable name that is not the same as any other Crystal Reports formula
keyword, does not contain a space, and does not start with a number or certain special
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BooleanVar Array Workdays :=
[False, True, True, True, True, True, False];
returns True if the CurrentDate is Monday through Friday. The formula declares a Boolean
array variable containing seven elements and then extracts the element associated with the
day of the week.
BooleanVar BonusReached;
If {Sales.Amount} > 5000 Then BonusReached := True
declares a Boolean variable and assigns it a value of True if a sales amount is exceeded.
Declares a currency variable to contain an array, array of ranges, range, or single value.
CurrencyVar Array varname
CurrencyVar Range Ar ray varname
CurrencyVar Range varname
CurrencyVar varname
varname a variable name that is not the same as any other Crystal Reports formula
keyword, does not contain a space, and does not start with a number or certain special
CurrencyVar Range GoodSales := upFrom 5000;
If {Sales.Amount} In GoodSales Then "Good Job"
declares a currency range variable and assigns it all values including and above $5,000. If a
sale amount is included in the variable, “Good Job” is returned by the formula.
CurrencyVar HighAmount;
If {Sales.Amount} > HighAmount Then
HighAmount := {Sales.Amount}
declares a currency variable. If the sales amount is higher than what’s retained in the
variable from previous records, the variable is assigned the value of the higher sales
Declares a date-time variable to contain an array, array of ranges, range, or single value.
DateTimeVar Array varname
DateTimeVar Range Array varname
DateTimeVar Range varname
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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DateTimeVar varname
varname a variable name that is not the same as any other Crystal Reports formula keyword,
does not contain a space, and does not start with a number or certain special characters.
DateTimeVar Range WorkDays :=
#6/2/2003 8:00am# To #6/6/2003 5:00pm#;
If Not ({Salary.WorkDate} In WorkDays) Then
{Salary.DailyPay} + {Salary.OvertimePay}
declares a date-time range variable and assigns it a value of Monday at 8 A.M. through Friday
at 5
P.M. The variable is then checked against a work date to determine if overtime should be
added to an employee’s pay.
DateTimeVar OutOfTolerance;
If {Meas.Sample Value} > {Standards.Sample} Then
OutOfTolerance := {Meas.Sample Date Time}
declares a date-time variable and tests to see if a sample reading was out of tolerance. If so,
the date-time that the exception occurred is assigned to the variable.
Declares a date variable to contain an array, array of ranges, range, or single value.
DateVar Array varname
DateVar Range Array varname
DateVar Range varname
DateVar varname
varname a variable name that is not the same as any other Crystal Reports formula
keyword, does not contain a space, and does not start with a number or certain special
DateVar Range Array CompanyHolidays :=
[DateValue("1/1/2003") to DateValue("1/2/2003"),
DateValue("11/27/2003") to DateValue("11/28/2003"),
DateValue("12/25/2003") to DateValue("12/31/2003")];
If {Salary.WorkDate} In CompanyHolidays Then
"Bonus Pay Required"
declares a date range array and sets it to the individual dates and date ranges that make up
company holidays. The variable is then checked to see if a work day qualifies for bonus pay.
Declares a number variable to contain an array, array of ranges, range, or single value.
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NumberVar Array varname
NumberVar Range Array varname
NumberVar Range varname
NumberVar varname
varname a variable name that is not the same as any other Crystal Reports formula keyword,
does not contain a space, and does not start with a number or certain special characters.
NumberVar SalesRepTotal;
If {Sales.Amount} > {SalesRep.BonusLevel} Then
SalesRepTotal :=
SalesRepTotal + {Sales.Amount}
declares a number variable and tests to see if a sales amount exceeded a bonus level. If so,
the variable is incremented by the amount of the sale.
NumberVar SalesRepTotal := 0
declares a number variable and resets it to zero in the same formula statement.
Declares a string variable to contain an array, array of ranges, range, or single value.
StringVar Array varname
StringVar Range Array varname
StringVar Range varname
StringVar varname
varname a variable name that is not the same as any other Crystal Reports formula
keyword, does not contain a space, and does not start with a number or certain special
StringVar ShippersUsed;
If Not ({Orders.Ship Via} In ShippersUsed) Then
ShippersUsed := ShippersUsed & {Orders.Ship Via} & ", "
declares a string variable. A test is performed to see if the shipper database field is already
contained in the variable. If not, the shipper database field is added to what’s already in the
variable, concatenated with a comma and space.
StringVar Shippers;
Left(Shippers, Length(Shippers)-2)
declares a string variable and returns all but the right two characters of the variable to the
Appendix: Formula Language Reference
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Declares a time variable to contain an array, array of ranges, range, or single value.
TimeVar Array varname
TimeVar Range Array varname
TimeVar Range varname
TimeVar varname
varname a variable name that is not the same as any other Crystal Reports formula
keyword, does not contain a space, and does not start with a number or certain special
TimeVar Range WorkHours;
If DayOfWeek({Sales.Date}) In 2 to 6 Then
WorkHours := TimeValue("9:00 am") To TimeValue("7:00 pm")
WorkHours := TimeValue("10:00 am") To TimeValue("5:00 pm");
"Store Hours: " & Minimum(WorkHours) &
" to " & Maximum(WorkHours)
declares a time range variable. The day of the week is checked and the variable is given an
hour range for weekdays or weekends. The formula returns a string extracting the lower
bound and upper bound of the range.
NOTE Some of the previous examples illustrate the capability of declaring a variable and assigning
it a value in the same formula statement.
Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference
Complete Reference / Crystal Reports 10: TCR / Peck / 223166-1/ Appendix A
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