The secure, enterprise-grade distribution of the open
source Presto SQL query engine now includes a Native
Delta Lake Reader.
Open-sourced by Databricks in 2019, Delta Lake enables data modication
and optimizations in data lakes. The Native Delta Lake Reader helps Databricks
customers take advantage of Presto’s speed, concurrency, and scalability to query
their Delta Lake. Starburst and Databricks share many of the same enterprise
customers, and this new tool provides enterprises with greater cost control,
exibility, and speed of access to the data in their data lakes.
Databricks Delta Lake
As object storage became increasingly popular over the last decade, a frustrating
aw became apparent. Updating data such as customer or product information
was a very difcult, time-consuming process. Database engineers were constantly
forced to modify, join, and overwrite tables. Databricks changed this with its Delta
Lake, a storage platform that lets users easily update and modify data stored
in a cloud data lake. Additionally, Delta Lake provides performance and le
management optimizations which didn’t exist in cloud data lakes.
Starburst Native Delta Lake Reader
On a mission to power analytics anywhere, Starburst recognized the need to
support the leading technology that enables ACID transactions and performance
optimizations on top of object storage. Starburst’s Native Delta Lake Reader was
written from scratch, specically for Delta Lake, to make it as efcient as possible.
Features include:
Fast, efcient reads of Delta Lake transaction logs
Support for data skipping to enhance performance
Optimization of queries using Delta Lake le statistics
Starburst always supports the best platforms rst — and Delta Lake is the industry
leader and a favorite tool of some of our top enterprise customers.
Starburst Enterprise Presto: Native Delta Lake Reader
Starburst & Databricks: Complementary Platforms
Databricks and Starburst share many of the same customers, and these large global enterprises have been asking for
a Native Delta Lake Reader. Our shared customers overturn a common misconception in the industry — the idea that
Databricks and Starburst are competitors. Instead, the two are complementary. Enterprises use Spark and Databricks
for Machine Learning, AI, ETL, and streaming ingestion, while Starburst Enterprise Presto is their high-concurrency SQL
query engine, providing a single point of access to all of their data.
How the Native Delta Lake Reader Works
If your enterprise has distributed storage, whether
in S3, ADLS, or another system, you probably have
tables logically dened on top of these storage
platforms. Files reside inside the tables, and in
Delta Lake, these les are stored in an open-
source format called Parquet. In Delta Lake, each
time there is a change to a le — when customer
information is modied, for example — this is added
to the transaction log, along with an associated
timestamp. Starburst’s new tool reads the Delta
Log and les (when needed) and extends multiple
benets to end users.
Data Sources
Other Data Sources
Data Lake Machine Learning / AI
High Concurrency SQL Engine SQL Analysis & BI Reporting
Customer Table
Table Files
End Users
Delta Log
ACID Transactions
Previously you’d have to rewrite an entire table to add a
new customer address or some other additional piece
of information — now you can simply run an update or
merge statement.
GDPR sometimes requires companies to remove specic
customer data. This was not possible with Hadoop and
previous storage platforms, but Delta Lake makes it as
simple as a delete or update statement. As part of our
commitment to ne-grained global security, Starburst’s
Native Delta Lake Reader supports this functionality.
Data Skipping
Min, max, nulls, counts and other high-level statistics
are stored on each le. Starburst took advantage of this
when designing the Native Delta Lake Reader. Users can
quickly narrow which les they actually need to query.
The Starburst connector feeds this information into the
Presto Cost Based Optimizer, which greatly improves
performance by reducing the amount of les that
actually need to be read for a query.
The process of updating data does leave you with many
small les, and although object storage can be pretty
affordable, it’s not that cheap. Delta Lake allows you
to run a vacuum command that clears up the table and
gets rid of older les.
The well-known small le problem can be a drag
on performance, so Delta Lake added an optimize
command that combines small les into larger ones,
which greatly increases performance. Starbursts Native
Delta Lake Reader allows users to take advantage of
this as well.
After you optimize les, and are left with, say, 10,000
les instead of 100,000, you can order them by the
columns of your choosing. Included in the optimize
command, you can optionally choose to z-order
these les by one or more columns. This increases
performance for queries that include the z-ordered
columns in their predicate.
To operate the Native Delta Lake Reader in Starburst Enterprise Presto, you can either keep separate
metastores or utilize a shared metastore.
Copyright © 2020 Starburst
The Reader allows you to:
Create tables in Starburst Presto that point to
Delta Lake tables
Execute queries on Delta Lake data as you would with
normal tables
Optimize and z-order your tables to improve performance
All of this is seamless to the end user. Overall, the Native
Delta Lake Reader adds to the 27+ connectors included with
the Starburst Enterprise platform, and aligns with Starburst’s
mission to give its customers a single point of access to all of
their data — no matter where it resides.