We have entered into cornerstone investment agreements (each a Cornerstone Investment
Agreement”, and together the Cornerstone Investment Agreements”) with the cornerstone
investors set out below (each a Cornerstone Investor”, and together the Cornerstone
Investors”), pursuant to which the Cornerstone Investors have agreed to, subject to certain
conditions, subscribe for such number of Offer Shares that may be purchased with an aggregate
amount of approximately US$511.6 million (approximately HK$3,990 million) at the Offer Price
(the Cornerstone Placing”).
Based on the Offer Price of HK$3.99 per Offer Share, being the high-end of the indicative
Offer Price range set out in this Prospectus, the total number of Class B Shares to be subscribed for
by the Cornerstone Investors would be 997,045,000, representing approximately 66.47% of the Offer
Shares and approximately 3.00% of the total issued share capital of our Company immediately upon
the completion of the Global Offering (assuming the Over-allotment Option is not exercised).
Based on the Offer Price of HK$3.92 per Offer Share, being the mid-point of the indicative
Offer Price range set out in this Prospectus, the total number of Class B Shares to be subscribed for
by the Cornerstone Investors would be 1,014,848,000, representing approximately 67.66% of the
Offer Shares and approximately 3.05% of the total issued share capital of our Company immediately
upon the completion of the Global Offering (assuming the Over-allotment Option is not exercised).
Based on the Offer Price of HK$3.85 per Offer Share, being the low-end of the indicative Offer
Price range set out in this Prospectus, the total number of Class B Shares to be subscribed for by the
Cornerstone Investors would be 1,033,300,000, representing approximately 68.89% of the Offer
Shares and approximately 3.10% of the total issued share capital of our Company immediately upon
the completion of the Global Offering (assuming the Over-allotment Option is not exercised).
Our Company is of the view that, leveraging on the Cornerstone Investors’ investment
experience, the Cornerstone Placing will help further raise the profile of our Company and to signify
that such investors have confidence in our Company’s business and prospect.
The Mixed Ownership Reform Fund is a close associate of EverestLu Holding Limited, our
existing shareholder, which is ultimately controlled by China Structural Reform Fund Corporation
Limited ( )) (“China Structural Reform Fund”). Each of the
investment managers of China Structural Reform Fund (being CCT Fund Management Co., Ltd.) and
the Mixed Ownership Reform Fund (being Chengtong Mixed Reform Fund Management Co. Ltd. (
) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Chengtong. The Mixed-
Ownership Reform Fund has been permitted to participate in the Cornerstone Placing pursuant to
paragraph 5.2 of the Stock Exchange Guidance Letter HKEX-GL92-18 under a waiver from strict
compliance with the requirements under Rule 10.04 of, and a consent under paragraph 5(2) of
Appendix 6 to, the Listing Rules granted by the Stock Exchange. For further details, please refer to
the section headed “Waivers from Strict Compliance with the Listing Rules and Exemptions from
Compliance with the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance” of this
In addition, for the purpose of this cornerstone investment, the Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund
has engaged China Merchants Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd., an asset manager that is a
qualified domestic institutional investor as approved by the relevant PRC authority (the QDII
Manager”) to subscribe for and hold such Offer Shares on behalf of the Mixed-Ownership Reform
Fund. Other than being a client of the QDII Manager, the Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund is an
independent third party of the Joint Bookrunners. As the QDII Manager and China Merchant
Securities (HK) Co., Limited are members of a group of companies controlled by Central Huijin, the
QDII Manager is a “connected client” of China Merchant Securities (HK) Co., Limited under
paragraph 13(7) of Appendix 6 to the Listing Rules. As such, an application has been made to the
Stock Exchange for, and the Stock Exchange has granted us, a consent under paragraph 5(1) of
Appendix 6 to the Listing Rules to allow the Offer Shares to be allocated to the QDII Manager as
connected client of China Merchant Securities (HK) Co., Limited. For further details, please refer to
the section headed “Waivers from Strict Compliance with the Listing Rules and Exemptions from
Compliance with the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance” of this
The Cornerstone Placing forms part of the International Offering, and the Cornerstone Investors
will not subscribe for any Offer Shares under the Global Offering (other than pursuant to the
Cornerstone Investment Agreements). The Offer Shares to be subscribed by the Cornerstone
Investors will rank pari passu in all respects with the other fully paid Class B Shares in issue
following the completion of the Global Offering and to be listed on the Stock Exchange, and will be
counted towards the public float of our Company. Other than those Cornerstone Investors which are
our existing Shareholders or their associates as described hereunder, our Company became
acquainted with each of the Cornerstone Investors through past business collaboration, direct contact
with our Company, or introduction by the Underwriters.
Immediately following the completion of the Global Offering, none of the Cornerstone
Investors will become a substantial shareholder of our Company, or have any Board representation in
our Company. To the best knowledge of our Company, as of the date of this Prospectus, each of the
Cornerstone Investors (i) (other than the Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund which is a close associate
of an existing Shareholder) is an Independent Third Party, (ii) is not our connected person,
(iii) (other than Guosheng Overseas HK and Shanghai AI Fund, where Shanghai Guosheng Group is
a limited partner in Shanghai AI Fund) is independent of other Cornerstone Investors, (iv) (other
than Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund which is a close associate of an existing Shareholder) is not
financed by us, our Directors, chief executive, existing Shareholders or any of its subsidiaries or
their respective close associates, and (v) (other than Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund which is a close
associate of an existing Shareholder) is not accustomed to take instructions from us, our Directors,
chief executive, existing Shareholders or any of its subsidiaries or their respective close associates in
relation to the acquisition, disposal, voting or other disposition of the Class B Shares registered in
their name or otherwise held by them. There are no side agreements or arrangements between us and
the Cornerstone Investors. To the extent that the Offer Shares will be subscribed for by a qualified
domestic institutional investor (the QDII”) as the nominee of the relevant Cornerstone Investors,
the relevant Cornerstone Investors will procure the QDII to comply with the terms of the
Cornerstone Investment Agreements in order to ensure the compliance of the relevant Cornerstone
Investors with their obligations under the relevant Cornerstone Investment Agreements.
As confirmed by each Cornerstone Investor, its subscription under the Cornerstone Placing
would be financed by its own internal financial resources. Each of the Cornerstone Investors has
confirmed that all necessary approvals have been obtained with respect to the Cornerstone Placing
and that no specific approval from any stock exchange (if relevant) or its shareholders is required for
the relevant cornerstone investment as each of them has general authority to invest.
There will be no delayed delivery of Offer Shares to be subscribed by the Cornerstone Investors
and the consideration will be settled by the Cornerstone Investors on or before the Listing Date. The
Offer Shares to be subscribed by the Cornerstone Investors may be deducted on a pro rata basis to
satisfy the public demand in the event of over-subscription under the Hong Kong Public Offering, as
described in “— the Hong Kong Public Offering Reallocation”. Details of the allocations to the
Cornerstone Investors will be disclosed in the allotment results announcement in the Hong Kong
Public Offering to be published on or around December 29, 2021.
The table below sets forth details of the Cornerstone Placing:
Based on an Offer Price of HK$3.85
(being the low-end of the Offer Price range)
Cornerstone Investor (each as defined
(Note 1)
Number of
Offer Shares
(Note 2)
Assuming the Over-
Allotment Option is not
Assuming the Over-
Allotment Option is fully
% of Offer
% of issued
share capital
following the
completion of
the Global
(Note 2)
% of Offer
% of issued
share capital
following the
completion of
the Global
(Note 2)
Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund ...... 200.0 405,153,000 27.01% 1.22% 23.49% 1.21%
Xuhui Capital ..................... 150.0 300,833,000 20.06% 0.90% 17.44% 0.90%
Guosheng Overseas HK ............. 72.5 146,868,000 9.79% 0.44% 8.51% 0.44%
Shanghai AI Fund ................. 6.0 12,154,000 0.81% 0.04% 0.70% 0.04%
SAIC HK ........................ 30.0 60,772,000 4.05% 0.18% 3.52% 0.18%
Guotai Junan Investments ........... 38.0 76,979,000 5.13% 0.23% 4.46% 0.23%
HKSTP Venture Fund .............. 5.0 10,128,000 0.68% 0.03% 0.59% 0.03%
C-MER .......................... 5.0 10,128,000 0.68% 0.03% 0.59% 0.03%
Taizhou Culture & Tourism .......... 5.1 10,285,000 0.69% 0.03% 0.60% 0.03%
Total ............................ 511.6 1,033,300,000 68.89% 3.10% 59.90% 3.08%
Based on an Offer Price of HK$3.92
(being the mid-point of the Offer Price range)
Cornerstone Investor
(Note 1)
Number of
Offer Shares
(Note 2)
Assuming the Over-
Allotment Option is not
Assuming the Over-
Allotment Option is fully
% of Offer
% of issued
share capital
following the
completion of
the Global
(Note 2)
% of Offer
% of issued
share capital
following the
completion of
the Global
(Note 2)
Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund ...... 200.0 397,918,000 26.53% 1.20% 23.07% 1.19%
Xuhui Capital ..................... 150.0 295,461,000 19.70% 0.89% 17.13% 0.88%
Guosheng Overseas HK ............. 72.5 144,245,000 9.62% 0.43% 8.36% 0.43%
Shanghai AI Fund ................. 6.0 11,937,000 0.80% 0.04% 0.69% 0.04%
SAIC HK ........................ 30.0 59,687,000 3.98% 0.18% 3.46% 0.18%
Guotai Junan Investments ........... 38.0 75,604,000 5.04% 0.23% 4.38% 0.23%
HKSTP Venture Fund .............. 5.0 9,947,000 0.66% 0.03% 0.58% 0.03%
C-MER .......................... 5.0 9,947,000 0.66% 0.03% 0.58% 0.03%
Taizhou Culture & Tourism .......... 5.1 10,102,000 0.67% 0.03% 0.59% 0.03%
Total ............................ 511.6 1,014,848,000 67.66% 3.05% 58.83% 3.03%
Based on an Offer Price of HK$3.99
(being the high-end of the Offer Price range)
Cornerstone Investor
(Note 1)
Number of
Offer Shares
(Note 2)
Assuming the Over-
Allotment Option is not
Assuming the Over-
Allotment Option is fully
% of Offer
% of issued
share capital
following the
completion of
the Global
(Note 2)
% of Offer
% of issued
share capital
following the
completion of
the Global
(Note 2)
Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund ........ 200.0 390,937,000 26.06% 1.17% 22.66% 1.17%
Xuhui Capital ...................... 150.0 290,277,000 19.35% 0.87% 16.83% 0.87%
Guosheng Overseas HK .............. 72.5 141,714,000 9.45% 0.43% 8.22% 0.42%
Shanghai AI Fund ................... 6.0 11,728,000 0.78% 0.04% 0.68% 0.04%
SAIC HK .......................... 30.0 58,640,000 3.91% 0.18% 3.40% 0.18%
Guotai Junan Investments ............. 38.0 74,278,000 4.95% 0.22% 4.31% 0.22%
HKSTP Venture Fund ................ 5.0 9,773,000 0.65% 0.03% 0.57% 0.03%
C-MER ........................... 5.0 9,773,000 0.65% 0.03% 0.57% 0.03%
Taizhou Culture & Tourism ........... 5.1 9,925,000 0.66% 0.03% 0.58% 0.03%
Total ............................. 511.6 997,045,000 66.47% 3.00% 57.80% 2.98%
(1) (i) Save for Xuhui Capital and Taizhou Culture & Tourism, all the subscription amounts are exclusive of brokerage,
SFC transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee. (ii) Taizhou Culture & Tourism subscribes in HKD, which is
translated to US$5.1 million in this table based on the exchange rate as set out in the section headed “Information about
this Prospectus and the Global Offering Exchange Rate Conversion” in this Prospectus.
(2) Subject to rounding down to the nearest whole board lot of 1,000 Class B Shares. Calculated based on the exchange rate
as set out in the section headed “Information about this Prospectus and the Global Offering Exchange Rate
Conversion” in this Prospectus.
The information about our Cornerstone Investors set forth below has been provided by the
Cornerstone Investors in connection with the Cornerstone Placing.
Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund
The China State-Owned Enterprise Mixed Ownership Reform Fund Co., Ltd. (
) (the Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund”) has agreed to subscribe for such
number of Class B Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole board lot of 1,000 Class B Shares)
which may be subscribed with an aggregate amount of US$200 million at the Offer Price (excluding
brokerage, SFC transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee).
The Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund is a national fund approved by the State Council of the
PRC, entrusted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State
Council (SASAC) and initiated by China Chengtong Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (
)(China Chengtong”). The Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund was established in Shanghai in
December 2020, with a target total scale of RMB200 billion and an initial registered capital of
RMB70.7 billion. The shareholders of the Mixed-Ownership Reform Fund include a number of
Chinese central enterprises, local government state-owned enterprises and private enterprises,
amongst which the largest shareholder is China Chengtong with a shareholding of approximately
33.95%. China Chengtong is 100% controlled by the State Council. The Mixed-Ownership Reform
Fund is principally engaged in equity investment, asset management, investment advisory and
corporate management advisory, with an investment focus on key strategic fields, core technical
domains and others.
Xuhui Capital
Shanghai Xuhui Capital Investment Co., Ltd. ( )(Xuhui Capital”)
has agreed to subscribe for such number of Class B Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole board
lot of 1,000 Class B Shares) which may be subscribed with an aggregate amount of US$150 million
at the Offer Price (inclusive of brokerage, SFC transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee).
Xuhui Capital was established on April 30, 2021, whose principal businesses include industrial
investment, capital investment, asset management, investment management, investment consultation,
venture capital and real estate investments. The capital of Xuhui Capital was fully contributed by the
State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shanghai Xuhui District (
Guosheng Overseas HK and Shanghai AI Fund
Guosheng Overseas Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited (“Guosheng Overseas HK”) has agreed to
subscribe for such number of Class B Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole board lot of 1,000
Class B Shares) which may be subscribed with an aggregate amount of US$72.5 million at the Offer
Price (excluding brokerage, SFC transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee).
Guosheng Overseas HK is mainly engaged in the provision of finance, debts issue, offshore
assets management, consultation and related business. Guosheng Overseas HK is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Shanghai Guosheng (Group) Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Guosheng Group”), which is in
turn wholly owned by Shanghai State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.
Shanghai Guosheng Group is mainly engaged in non-financial business and to a lesser extent
financial business, including investment, assets operation and management, industry study and
economic consultation.
Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited
Partnership) (“Shanghai AI Fund”) ( ( )) has agreed to
subscribe for such number of Class B Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole board lot of 1,000
Class B Shares) which may be subscribed with an aggregate amount of US$6 million at the Offer
Price (excluding brokerage, SFC transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee).
Shanghai AI Fund was established by Shanghai Guosheng Group, Lingang Group (
), and Shanghai Venture Capital Investment Co., Ltd. ( )
which are in turn wholly owned by Shanghai State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission. Its limited partners include, among others, Shanghai Guosheng Group, Shanghai
Electric (Group) Corporation ( ), Shanghai Shenergy Chengyi Investment Co.,
Ltd. ( ), Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. (
). Shanghai AI Fund aims to serve as a guiding role for government and capital,
with its base in Shanghai and a global vision. Shanghai AI Fund aims to create a one-stop platform
for the integration and connection for all segments and elements of the AI industry.
SAIC Motor HK Investment Limited (“SAIC HK”) has agreed to subscribe for such number of
Class B Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole board lot of 1,000 Class B Shares) which may be
subscribed with an aggregate amount of US$30 million at the Offer Price (excluding brokerage, SFC
transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee).
SAIC HK is a limited company incorporated in Hong Kong on June 26, 2009 and a wholly-
owned subsidiary of SAIC Motor Corporation Limited ( )(SAIC Motor”).
SAIC HK is the overseas investment and financing platform of SAIC Motor and mainly conducts
SAIC Motor’s overseas investment activities. SAIC Motor is one of the largest automotive
companies in the PRC market. Currently SAIC Motor’s main business covers the research and
development, production and sales of vehicles and automotive parts; fostering the commercialization
of alternative fuel vehicle and smart vehicle; research and development of technologies including
smart driving; automotive-related services such as logistics, e-commerce, travel, energy saving and
charging service; automotive-related finance, insurance and investment services; overseas business
and international trade; and development in the area of industrial big data and artificial intelligence.
Guotai Junan Investments
Guotai Junan Investments (Hong Kong) Limited (“Guotai Junan Investments”) has agreed to
subscribe for such number of Class B Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole board lot of 1,000
Class B Shares) which may be subscribed with an aggregate amount of US$38 million at the Offer
Price (excluding brokerage, SFC transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee).
Guotai Junan Investments is a company incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability in
February 1997, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guotai Junan Financial Holdings Limited. Guotai
Junan Investments is an overseas trading and investment platform of Guotai Junan Group, and is
principally engaged in the overseas investment activities of Guotai Junan Group. Guotai Junan
Securities Co., Ltd. is a leading securities company in the PRC providing integrated financial
services, whose current principal businesses include securities brokerage; proprietary securities
trading; securities underwriting and sponsorship; securities investment consultation; financial
advisory in relation to securities trading and securities investment activities; margin financing and
securities lending; securities fund distribution; agency sale of financial products; intermediary
services to futures firms; stock options market making; and other businesses approved by the CSRC.
HKSTP Venture Fund
Primus Fraunhofer Limited (“HKSTP Venture Fund”) has agreed to subscribe for such number
of Class B Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole board lot of 1,000 Class B Shares) which may
be subscribed with an aggregate amount of US$5 million at the Offer Price (excluding brokerage,
SFC transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee).
HKSTP Venture Fund is the corporate investment arm of Hong Kong Science and Technology
Parks Corporation ( )(HKSTP”). HKSTP is a statutory body established by the
Government back in 2001 that aims to create a vibrant innovation and technology ecosystem to
deliver social and economic benefits to Hong Kong and the region and to build a future abundant
with innovation opportunities for the younger generation. In September 2015, HKSTP management
launched the HKSTP Venture Fund to further drive innovation and build the investment ecosystem in
Hong Kong. Today, HKSTP Venture Fund is primarily an active investor targeting early-stage and
growth-stage investment opportunities in Hong Kong Science Park.
C-MER Eye Care Holdings Limited (“C-MER”) has agreed to subscribe for such number of
Class B Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole board lot of 1,000 Class B Shares) which may be
subscribed with an aggregate amount of US$5 million at the Offer Price (excluding brokerage, SFC
transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee).
C-MER is a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability, the shares of
which are listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 3309). C-MER, founded by
Prof. Lam Shun Chiu, Dennis in 2012, is a leading specialty medical service group from Hong Kong
principally engaged in provision of ophthalmology and dental service in Hong Kong and the Greater
Bay Area in Mainland China. C-MER is one of the few specialty medical service groups from Hong
Kong operating an established and growing network of physical hospital and clinic in the Greater
Bay Area.
Taizhou Culture & Tourism
Taizhou Culture & Tourism Development Group Ltd. ( )
(“Taizhou Culture & Tourism”) has agreed to subscribe for such number of Class B Shares
(rounded down to the nearest whole board lot of 1,000 Class B Shares) which may be subscribed
with an aggregate amount of HKD40 million at the Offer Price (inclusive of brokerage, SFC
transaction levy and Stock Exchange trading fee).
Taizhou Culture & Tourism is a municipal Grade A state-owned enterprise established with the
approval of Taizhou Municipal Government in September 2017, whose capital were fully contributed
by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Taizhou Municipal
Government. As at December 31, 2020, the total assets of Taizhou Culture & Tourism group
amounted to RMB36 billion and the external credit rating is AA+.
The subscription obligation of each Cornerstone Investor under the respective Cornerstone
Investment Agreement is subject to, among other things, the following closing conditions:
(a) the underwriting agreements for the Hong Kong Public Offering and the International
Offering being entered into and having become effective and unconditional (in accordance
with their respective original terms or as subsequently waived or varied by agreement of
the parties thereto) by no later than the time and date as specified in the Underwriting
Agreements, and neither of the aforesaid underwriting agreements having been
(b) the Offer Price having been agreed upon between our Company and the Joint
Representatives (on behalf of the Underwriters);
(c) the Listing Committee having granted the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Class B
Shares (including the Class B Shares subscribed for by the Cornerstone Investors) as well
as other applicable waivers and approvals, and such approval, permission or waiver
having not been revoked prior to the commencement of dealings in the Class B Shares on
the Stock Exchange;
(d) no laws shall have been enacted or promulgated by any governmental authority which
prohibits the consummation of the transactions contemplated in the Global Offering or in
the respective Cornerstone Investment Agreement and there shall be no orders or
injunctions from a court of competent jurisdiction in effect precluding or prohibiting
consummation of such transactions; and
(e) the representations, warranties, undertakings, confirmations and acknowledgements of
such Cornerstone Investor and/or our Company (where applicable) under the respective
Cornerstone Investment Agreements are accurate and true in all or material respects and
not misleading and that there is no material breach of such Cornerstone Investment
Agreement on the part of such Cornerstone Investor or our Company (as the case may be).
Each of the Cornerstone Investors has agreed that it will not, whether directly or indirectly, at
any time during the period of six (6) months from the Listing Date (the Lock-up Period”), dispose
of any of the Offer Shares they have purchased pursuant to the relevant Cornerstone Investment
Agreement, save for certain limited circumstances, such as transfers to any of its wholly-owned
subsidiaries who will be bound by the same obligations of such Cornerstone Investor, including the
Lock-up Period restriction.