The mass coral bleaching events that have occurred throughout the tropics over the last
decade have provided unprecedented opportunity, and motivation, to study this
phenomenon.As a result, knowledge about the causes and consequences of coral bleaching
has increased substantially in recent years. This accumulating body of information is
providing critical advances in our understanding and has generated new insights, which can
assist reef managers to respond to the threat of coral bleaching. This section aims to
provide a summary of recent developments in the science of coral bleaching, highlighting
emerging knowledge and recent insights that are most relevant to reef managers.
4.1 What is coral bleaching?
4.1.1 The coral-algal symbiosis
The great majority of corals live in a symbiotic relationship
with zooxanthellae, a type of single-celled dinoflagellate
algae.These microscopic algae live within the coral's tissues.
Zooxanthellae produce energy-rich compounds through
photosynthesis, providing a food source that is absorbed and
used by the coral. In general, corals are highly dependent on
this symbiotic relationship, receiving up to 90 per cent of
their energy requirements in this way
Bleaching is a stress response that results when the coral-
algae relationship breaks down. The term 'bleaching'
describes the loss of colour that results when zooxanthellae
are expelled from the coral hosts or when pigments within
the algae are degraded. Because the photosynthetic pigments found in zooxanthellae give
corals most of their colouration, the loss of zooxanthellae renders the tissue largely
transparent.The white of the calcium carbonate skeleton is then clearly visible through the
un-pigmented tissue, making the coral appear bright white or 'bleached'
. Bleaching also
occurs in other animals that are engaged in symbiotic relationships with zooxanthellae, such
as foraminifera, sponges, anemones and giant clams.
In some instances, coral bleaching will result in corals
taking on a pastel shade of blue, yellow or pink rather
than turning bright white. This is due to proteins
produced by some corals, which tint the coral tissue and
become the dominant pigment during bleaching, when
zooxanthellae are absent
110, 111
Bleaching is a stress response that
results when the coral-algae
relationship breaks down
The zooxanthellae can be clearly
seen as golden-coloured dots in
this close-up image of a coral
polyp.The symbiotic relationship
with these tiny dinoflagellates
enables corals to gain energy
from sunlight
© Kirsten Michalek-Wagner
It isn't only corals that bleach; other organisms that have zooxanthallae, such as this (a) giant clam and (b)
anemone can also bleach in response to thermal stress
a b
4.1.2 The causes of coral bleaching
The primary cause of mass coral bleaching is increased
sea temperatures
9,13, 18, 23, 53
.At a local scale, many stressors
including disease, sedimentation, cyanide fishing,
pollutants and changes in salinity may cause corals to
bleach. Mass bleaching, however, affects reefs at regional
to global scales and cannot be explained solely by localised stressors operating at small
scales. Rather, a continuously expanding body of scientific evidence indicates that such mass
bleaching events are closely associated with large-scale, anomalously high sea surface
8, 9, 13
. Temperature increases of only 1-2ºC can trigger mass bleaching events
because corals already live close to their maximum thermal limits
9, 23
The role of temperature and light. Increased temperatures cause bleaching by reducing the
ability of the photosynthetic system in the zooxanthellae to process light. When
temperatures exceed certain thresholds, incoming light overwhelms the photosynthetic
apparatus, resulting in the production of reactive oxygen species that damage cellular
24, 112
. Corals cannot tolerate high levels of these toxic molecules, and they must
expel the zooxanthellae to avoid tissue damage. Because of the low tolerance of the
photosynthetic process to high temperatures, even normal levels of sunlight are enough to
damage the photosynthetic system of the zooxanthellae when temperatures exceed
certain levels
23, 113
. Furthermore, as light levels increase the amount of damage due to
thermal stress increases as well
The relationship between temperature and light in
causing coral bleaching helps explain observations of
reduced bleaching on shaded parts of coral colonies or
in shaded reef areas
9, 114, 115
. It also suggests that the spatial
extent and patterns of bleaching responses may be
influenced by factors that determine the amount of solar radiation to which corals are
exposed. These factors might include cloud cover
, attenuation in the water column
stratospheric ozone
and shading by large landforms such as steep-sided shorelines
Mass coral bleaching affects reefs at
regional to global scales – it is
primarily caused by unusually high
sea temperatures
Bleaching is reduced in shaded reef
areas because light levels influence
the amount of damage caused by
temperature stress
Natural variations in turbidity may also play an important role in determining bleaching risk.
A recent study of the patterns in underwater light levels on a coastal coral reef found that
there were periodic intervals of low light levels due to cloud cover and sediment re-
suspension (high turbidity), which were driven by large-scale pressure systems
. Such
natural variability has strong implications for bleaching risk, and knowledge of these factors
can be used to prioritise management effort to other factors that are amenable to
management intervention.
4.2 Factors that confer resilience to coral bleaching
Resilience to bleaching is determined by the outcome of three key aspects of the bleaching
process: resistance to bleaching, ability to survive the bleached state (tolerance) and rate of
reef recovery after coral mortality. Understanding the factors that influence each of these
steps is central to our ability to understand, and potentially manage, the factors that confer
resilience to bleaching on corals.
4.2.1 Factors that influence resistance
The variability that characterises bleaching events points
to an important fact: individual corals vary in their
responses to heat and light stress.Variability in bleaching
response has been observed within individual coral
colonies, among colonies of the same species, and
between colonies of different species
. These
taxonomic variations are further compounded by
spatial patterns, with corals of the same species often showing different bleaching responses
at different locations
18, 19, 79, 118
. These patterns have been observed at scales ranging from
metres to thousands of kilometres. Knowledge of the factors, both external and intrinsic to
individual corals, that determine whether corals bleach is an important basis for
management actions in response to the threat of bleaching. Better understanding these
factors is the central aim of an integrated research strategy being taken in the US territory
of American Samoa as a management response to climate change (case study 9).
External factors. Externally, there is considerable variation in the environmental conditions
experienced by coral colonies. This variation creates critical differences in exposure to
heat, light or other stressors, leading to many of the patterns seen in bleaching responses.
Some of this patchiness can be attributed to patterns in sea surface temperatures,
especially at larger spatial scales
. Regional and local differences in weather can also cause
differential heating of the water, while proximity to upwelling of cooler waters, mixing by
currents and other large-scale processes can help keep temperatures below local
bleaching thresholds. At smaller scales, the microenvironment of corals can also vary.
Water currents and flow regimes increase water movement around corals, helping them
to get rid of metabolic waste and toxic molecules
, thereby potentially reducing their
susceptibility to thermal stress.
Understanding the factors that
determine variation in bleaching
response of corals exposed to
temperature stress provides an
important basis for management
actions in responding to the threat of
Box 4.1 Coral taxa and resistance to mass bleaching
Bleaching resistance is highly variable among corals, as evidenced by the extremely
variable responses of coral species to thermal stress. While some corals will show visible
signs of bleaching after only one or two weeks at temperatures 1.5ºC above the normal
maximum, others at the same location will not bleach unless these temperatures persist
for more than four to six weeks.
A strong hierarchy of resistance can be detected in diverse coral assemblages, such as
those in the western Pacific and Indian Oceans
(Figure 4.1).Typically, fine-structured and
fast-growing corals with thin tissue and good connections between polyps tend to be the
most susceptible to bleaching. Tissue thickness has been shown to correlate with
susceptibility to bleaching
123, 124
, although the role and relative importance of these various
traits remain to be thoroughly explored.
Common examples of corals with low resistance are the pocilloporids and many
acroporids (especially the branching and tabular growth forms), as well as the hydrocoral
millepora. Species that are more resistant tend to be characterised by solid, massive
skeletons, with thick tissue and slow growth rates, such as porites, faviids, and mussids.
Interestingly, some of the species most often associated with inshore or turbid reef systems
are among the most resistant to bleaching, such as turbinaria
Fine branching
Branching, tabulate,
Massive, brain
Massive, boulder
Por i te s
Figure 4.1 A generalised hierarchy of coral susceptibility to bleaching
Corals vary in their susceptibility to bleaching. While many factors influence bleaching resistance, the
growth form or family of a coral provides a rough but reliable indication of its susceptibility to heat stress.
An integrated research strategy to assist
management responses to climate change – American
Identifying the need for research
Resource managers increasingly struggle to determine local level responses to climate change.
In the US territory of American Samoa, coral reef managers and scientists have identified climate
change as a key and imminent threat to the health of the islands' fringing reef system. Physical
dangers posed by wave action due to coral loss, increased or decreased rainfall, phase and
community shifts on reefs, and sea level rise are just a few of the things that reef managers and
policy-makers may have to contend with in coming years at this location. Residents of American
Samoa have relied on the reef ecosystem for protection, food, goods and services for millennia.
However, they are likely to face severe disruptions to lifestyle, public health hazards, and a
decreased ability to be self-supportive if projected increases in the frequency and severity of
bleaching eventuate.
In response, local policy-makers are facilitating climate-related research around the islands of
American Samoa. It is hoped that data derived from these projects will give managers options
for site-specific protection measures, such as Marine Protected Areas, targeted reductions in
location-specific land-based sources of pollution, restrictions on use, and even, if appropriate,
artificial propagation of coral.
Ofu Island – a laboratory in the field
The most notable of the recent research
initiatives within American Samoa is being
conducted in the lagoonal system along the
south shore of Ofu Island.This area is the focus
of research aimed at determining whether
some of the coral species residing there have
adapted to bleaching stresses.The hydrography
of the lagoon ensures that there is little, if any,
flushing during low tides. It is during these times
that temperatures and ultraviolet radiation
(UV) around shallow water corals increase
dramatically. The extreme temperature ranges
that corals in Ofu can withstand on a regular basis indicate that this site may be a natural climate
The warmer water temperatures projected to accompany climate change are likely to
result in calmer, clear water (due to stratification and the loss of UV blocking compounds in the
water column itself). Knowledge about the characteristics that confer stress resistance to corals
of Ofu lagoon can thus be used to understand the features that will help corals survive future
thermal stress events in more open reef habitats.
Research projects
Four research projects have been developed by American Samoa in conjunction with various
partners. In combination, they will provide valuable insights to guide management efforts aimed
at helping American Samoan reefs survive future coral bleaching events.
Ofu Island in American Samoa
© Chris Hawkins
Are some corals better prepared for climate change? MMA concentrations in Ofu lagoon corals
(WWF /Emerald Coast Consulting).
This study examines the microsporine-like amino acid (MAA) concentrations in corals in the
lagoons and near-shore (cooler, deeper) reefs of Ofu. Microsporine-like amino acids act as a kind
of sunscreen, protecting corals from damaging UV light. Coral nubs are being collected from a
combination of species found in all lagoons and paired with samples of the same species from
outside of the lagoons, as well as from species only found in some lagoons. These samples will
be compared to determine whether their history has imparted some selective advantage in
terms of their capacity to deal with the thermal stress associated with future climate scenarios.
Nearshore hydrodynamic modeling for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in American Samoa
(Eric Treml and Patrick Halpin, Duke University)
This research uses a spatially explicit, hydrodynamic modelling approach to address high-priority
MPA management issues, such as coral bleaching, land-based sources of pollution, and over-
fishing. The aim is to identify connections among the design of MPAs, long-term monitoring
methods and the local needs of American Samoa. Working closely with the local marine
management community, this research will result in the development of spatial management
strategies and tools for coral reef protection and MPA site development.
Coral disease prevalence on the reefs of American Samoa
(Greta Aeby, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources)
This study addresses issues related to coral disease, coral bleaching and pollution and works to
examine the relationships between water quality, coral bleaching and the susceptibility of
organisms to disease.The goals of the research are to: (a) conduct a baseline assessment of the
abundance and distribution of bleached and diseased corals and of crustose coralline algae at
sites throughout American Samoa; (b) correlate the incidence of bleached and diseased colonies
with environmental data, and (c) systematically describe gross and microscopic morphology of
lesions in corals and crustose coralline algae. This work will help to develop a standardised
nomenclature for identifying and classifying diseases.This is a particularly important task as the
frequency of disease is expected to increase due to climate change and increases in land-based
sources of pollution in reef areas worldwide
Extrinsic and intrinsic factors affecting the resilience of corals to climate change and their use in
designing marine reserve networks (Charles Birkeland, University of Hawaii)
This three-year study aims to determine the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that enhance the
ability of a diverse set of corals (approximately 100 species) to resist environmental stressors,
such as extreme upper temperature limits, temperature fluctuations, and low and high levels of
dissolved oxygen. Intrinsic factors include: zooxanthellae types, microbial community
composition, microsporine-like amino acid levels and genetic traits. Understanding these factors,
and their relevance, will improve knowledge of ecosystem response to environmental factors,
and of how future environmental conditions may affect community structure and functions. Such
information will ultimately inform managers and scientists designing Marine Protected Areas and
similar conservation strategies.
For more information contact:
Chris Hawkins
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Other stresses in the external environment of corals can also have an affect on their
susceptibility to thermal stress. Preliminary research indicates that synergies between
temperature and other stressors, such as pollution, turbidity and sedimentation, changes in
salinity or exposure to pathogens, may interact to trigger or exacerbate bleaching
.The role
of pathogens in localised bleaching may also warrant further consideration, as recent
studies have demonstrated the induction of bleaching by bacteria in certain corals from the
Mediterranean and Red Seas
119, 120
. Further investigation of these issues, and confirmation of
key mechanisms driving synergistic effects involving coral bleaching, have the potential to
reveal opportunities for management interventions that could reduce bleaching impacts.
Internal factors. Intrinsically, both the genetic identity and the history of coral colonies and
their zooxanthellae can contribute to variation in bleaching susceptibility
23, 121
. This may be
observable in individual colonies, or the effect may be observable in the bleaching
susceptibility of entire reef communities
. At the colony level, species characterised by
branching or tabular growth forms and thin or well-connected tissue, tend to bleach more
than species with massive growth forms and thicker or less-integrated tissues (see Box 4.1).
Thicker tissue may shade zooxanthellae and increase resistance to bleaching
9, 123
.The ranking
of common coral groups by bleaching susceptibility is remarkably consistent between sites
on opposite sides of the world, suggesting that the properties of the animal host (above
and beyond differences in zooxanthellae type) play an important role in determining the
response of corals to thermal stress
The intrinsic characteristics of corals that enable them to
adjust to elevated light levels also play a role in
determining their resistance to bleaching. Coral polyps
that have experienced higher light levels have been
shown to be more resistant to bleaching when exposed
to high water temperatures
, suggesting that corals
acclimatised to high light will be less likely to bleach in
response to thermal stress. This implies that corals that
have experienced (and survived) extreme environmental
conditions in the recent past may be more resistant to
bleaching stress in the future. However, the effects of
historical exposure to light are subtle, and acclimatisation
is unlikely to allow corals to withstand the large
temperature anomalies that have triggered recent mass
bleaching episodes
Genetic variation in zooxanthellae is another intrinsic
characteristic that could influence the bleaching
resistance of corals (Box 4.2). Differences in thermal
tolerance among varieties, or clades, of zooxanthellae
suggest that coral hosts that have high densities of heat-
tolerant algae may be less susceptible to coral bleaching
. Shifts toward more heat-
tolerant populations of corals or zooxanthellae can be expected to arise from selective
mortality of more sensitive genotypes during severe bleaching events. However, corals
Genetic variation among individual
zooxanthallae (shown here)
influences the resistance of corals to
heat stress and bleaching. Although
corals may be able to shift the
relative dominance of different
varieties of zooxanthallae within
their tissues in order to increase
their resistance to bleaching, there
are limits to the extent that corals
can use this strategy to acclimatise
to large temperature anomalies
© Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
may also be capable of forming new symbioses with more tolerant zooxanthellae in
response to changing temperature regimes (the Adaptive Bleaching Hypothesis)
; this
possibility remains the focus of ongoing research and discussion (for example, Hoegh-
Guldberg et al (2002)
4.2.2 Factors that influence survival
Bleached corals are still living, and if temperature stress subsides soon enough, most are
capable of surviving the bleaching event and repopulating their tissues with zooxanthellae.
The mechanism by which corals regain their symbiotic algae probably varies among species.
It may occur through uptake of new zooxanthellae from
the water column, although the most likely process is
multiplication of surviving zooxanthellae that remain in
the bleached coral's tissues at very low levels. Even a
coral that appears much bleached to the human eye can
still retain as many as 100-1000 cells per cm
densities are 1-2 x 10
per cm
Corals that survive bleaching events
are still likely to suffer sub-lethal
impacts, such as reduced rates of
growth and reproduction and
increased susceptibility to diseases
Box 4.2 Zooxanthellae and resistance to mass bleaching
A characteristic that appears to be important in determining resistance of corals to bleaching
is the type of zooxanthellae hosted. Numerous different types, or clades, of zooxanthellae have
been recognised, and there is some evidence that they have different susceptibilities to thermal
. Many corals have multiple varieties of zooxanthellae within their tissue, and the
relative proportion of the different varieties is variable. A recent experiment has revealed that
some corals can vary the ratio of zooxanthellae clades, with a resulting improvement of their
thermal tolerance
.This feature is akin to acclimatisation as it involves the use of pre-existing
strategies within the coral-zooxanthellae association. If bleaching events increase in both
severity and frequency in the future, this may play a small role in determining bleaching
response patterns on larger spatial scales. As with other examples of acclimatisation, there is
a limit to the extent that corals can use this strategy to shift their thermal tolerance.
Another possible mechanism by which corals could increase their thermal tolerance is to swap
their zooxanthellae for more resistant varieties
. While this idea continues to be debated
it seems increasingly likely that changes in zooxanthellae populations are most likely to occur
through shifts in the relative dominance of heat-tolerant varieties already within a coral's
tissues, rather than by taking on new varieties.The potential for corals to adopt new varieties
of zooxanthellae remains an area of active research.
The role of coral pigments in sheltering zooxanthellae from light stress is another area of active
research that could help explain some of the differences in bleaching resistance
110, 111
Fluorescent pigment granules (FPGs) are common in many corals, at least in the western
Pacific. They are positioned within the coral's tissue to optimise the light environment for
zooxanthellae, concentrating light in low-light habitats, and shielding zooxanthellae in high light
conditions. In this way, corals with high concentrations of FPGs may be less vulnerable to
bleaching when water temperatures reach stressful levels.
Corals that survive bleaching events can still suffer significant impacts. Reproduction of
corals that have bleached and recovered, for example, is much lower than that of corals
that have not bleached
26, 114, 131
. Growth of bleached corals is also reduced, probably due to
the combined effects of the stress and the reduced supply of energy following decreased
zooxanthellae densities
. Bleached corals may also have reduced immunity to pathogens,
making them more susceptible to disease
The condition, or health, of individual coral colonies is emerging as a particularly important
factor in determining whether or not a bleached coral survives. Recent and ongoing studies
predict that coral condition (as determined by its energy status or the size of its lipid stores)
will affect mortality risk during and following a bleaching event
. Specifically, large energy
stores are likely to help a coral survive the period of starvation associated with depleted
zooxanthellae populations. With adequate energy stores, a healthy coral will be able to
maintain itself while bleached, until zooxanthellae populations and photosynthesis can be
restored. Similarly, coral species that rely more heavily on heterotrophy (feeding on organic
material from the water column) for their energy supply
, such as those on coastal reefs,
are also more likely to be able to tolerate the loss of zooxanthellae.
Box 4.3 How managers can help corals survive bleaching
While extreme temperature stress is almost certain to result in widespread coral mortality,
the effects of more moderate temperature anomalies are highly variable. When
temperatures do not greatly exceed bleaching thresholds, the coral loses its zooxanthellae,
but its tissue may not be directly damaged. Whether mortality follows bleaching in these
circumstances is thought to be largely dependent on the coral's ability to endure
starvation, or to supplement its energy requirements from food particles captured from the
water column (heterotrophy).
© Christian Perthen
Without their energy-providing zooxanthallae, bleached corals essentially enter a period of starvation.
The condition of a coral as it enters this state is an important factor determining whether the coral can
survive a bleaching-induced 'famine'. Another factor influencing coral survival during bleaching is the
coral's ability to feed on plankton and other organic matter in the water column by using its feeding
tentacles, as shown here
Some corals, especially species adapted to turbid environments, have been shown to rely
heavily on heterotrophy. These corals may be less dependent on the energy provided by
their zooxanthellae and thus less prone to starvation during a bleaching event. While the
importance of heterotrophy to turbid-water corals has been demonstrated
, its role in
helping corals to survive bleaching requires further study. A better understanding of this
issue may help managers identify coral communities that are at reduced risk of mortality
from coral bleaching.
Coral health prior to exposure to heat stress may be the most important factor influencing
colony survivorship during bleaching events. Most corals rely very heavily on the energy
provided by their zooxanthellae, and bleaching effectively robs them of their main energy
source. As a result, corals in the bleached state are beginning to starve, and their ability to
endure this hardship is likely to be important in determining whether they survive. Like
many animals, corals store surplus energy as lipids (fats). Corals in good condition will have
relatively high lipid levels, endowing them with a buffer against periods of low energy
supply. For this reason, it is thought that the condition of a coral at the time it bleaches
may play a key role in determining whether it will be able to survive the period of
starvation that follows. This implies that chronic stresses, such as water pollution or
increased turbidity, which can negatively affect a coral's condition, could increase the risk
of corals dying from the acute stress caused by bleaching. While these ideas have only
recently begun to be examined for corals
, they suggest that coral health should be
considered as a priority focus for reef managers wanting to increase coral survival during
moderate coral bleaching events.
4.2.3 Factors that influence recovery
Significant recovery can occur in only two to three years if mortality is minor (when there
is an abundance of colonies that completely or partially survive the bleaching event).
However, recovery of coral communities following severe mortality is likely to take much
5, 133, 134
. This is because reef recovery is a complex process influenced by multiple,
interacting factors. On severely damaged reefs, recovery is dependent on the arrival of
suitable coral larvae that have survived the bleaching event elsewhere, and their successful
settlement, survival and growth
. Even assuming conditions favour recruitment, the
recovery process is subject to the vagaries of larval supply and the many risks that confront
the young coral, such as predation, smothering by sediments or algae, overgrowth by other
corals, etc. In combination, these uncertainties mean that recovery of a site to an
abundance, density and diversity of corals comparable to pre-bleaching conditions is a long-
term prospect measured in terms of decades
133, 134
A particularly sensitive step in the recovery process is larval recruitment.The production,
settlement and survival of coral larvae is dependent on the availability of 'source' reefs to
provide new larvae, good water quality to promote spawning, fertilisation and larval
development, and suitable substrate for settlement and survival of coral larvae
45, 134
Degraded water quality can affect the fertilisation success of corals
72, 135, 136
, potentially placing
severe limitations on the ability of coral communities to recover after bleaching-induced
mortality. Water quality can also have a negative impact on recovery by encouraging algal
growth, which in turn can reduce larval recruitment
44, 45
. Coral mortality allows an opening
for frondose (leaf-like) and filamentous macroalgae ('seaweeds') to take on a more
dominant role in reef ecosystems, often at the expense of coral recruitment
42, 45, 137
. This
window of opportunity for algae following mortality events such as those associated with
severe coral bleaching events means that the influence of nutrients in accelerating growth
is more pronounced.
The abundance of herbivorous fish populations is another
critical factor influencing the success of recovery processes.
In situations where herbivores have been heavily depleted
through a combination of overfishing and disease, recovery
of coral communities following disturbance has been greatly
lengthened, or even stalled, resulting in a persistent shift
from coral-dominated to algal-dominated reef for over a
82, 138
Recovery can be even further compromised on reefs that
are threatened by both degraded water quality and
depleted herbivore populations. Increased nutrient levels
greatly increase the potential for the excessive growth of
algae that can occur when herbivory is reduced. Water
quality and herbivore populations are each important, but
in combination they become critical in determining the
coral-algae balance after a disturbance
42, 45
© Paul Marshall
a b
Recovery of severely damaged
reefs is dependent on 'source'
reefs to provide new larvae, good
water quality, and suitable
substrate. Where these
conditions exist, new corals can
settle and become established
relatively quickly
Reef recovery after severe coral mortality is a complex process influenced by multiple, interacting factors.These
reefs in Palau demonstrate significant differences in their ability to recover. Both were severely affected by mass
bleaching in 1998. Seven years after the event, only (a) minimal recovery is evident in one reef, while the (b)
other has shown dramatic recovery of coral cover
© Paul Marshall
© Yusri Yusuf
© James Oliver
The importance of local processes highlights the pivotal role that effective management of
local stressors can have in supporting the ability of reefs to recover from mortality
associated with severe coral bleaching. In keeping with the example above, algal growth and
herbivory could be optimised by limiting water pollution and fishing pressure. Furthermore,
recent studies suggest that the 'source' of coral recruits is often from within the same or
nearby reefs.Together, these insights emphasise the importance of managing local stressors
when aiming to support the natural ability of reefs to recover from global stressors like
bleaching events
4.3 Can corals adapt to climate change?
The impact of mass coral bleaching on coral reef ecosystems over the long term will
depend on the environmental changes that occur in tropical seas, the extent to which
corals can acclimatise or adapt to changing conditions, and the ways in which repeat
disturbances compound one another to shape coral reef ecosystems.
4.3.1 Future climates
Coral reefs are currently experiencing temperature regimes that exceed any they have
experienced over at least the last 400 000 years
. Projections of temperature increases
suggest that conditions will develop that are vastly different to those in which the majority
of coral reefs have developed over the same time frame
Global ocean temperature has increased by an estimated 0.6ºC between the mid-1950s
and mid-1990s. Some studies predict future increases in global sea temperatures of 1.4-
5.8ºC by 2100
, suggesting that mass bleaching events, which may be induced at only 1-2ºC
above normal summer temperatures, are likely to be a much more frequent phenomenon
in the future
9, 13, 28
Herbivores, such as grazing fishes, play a key role in
maintaining the conditions that are required for the
recovery of reefs damaged by coral bleaching
Algae can overgrow established corals, or inhibit
recruitment of new corals, when there are excess
nutrients in the system or inadequate levels of herbivory
Oceanic currents and atmospheric conditions may also
be affected by rising sea temperatures. Changes in the
strength and direction of currents are likely to have a
strong influence on local temperatures, while changes in
atmospheric circulation may influence upwelling,
precipitation patterns and the frequency and intensity of
regional weather extremes
.All of these factors have the
potential to increase the extent and severity of mass coral bleaching events. Importantly
though, while the potential for these very significant changes is recognised, there remains
substantial uncertainty about the direction, magnitude and location of changes in oceanic
circulation due to climate change
Potential effects of climate change on coral reefs. Climate change may influence coral reef
ecosystems through processes such as mass coral bleaching, changes in the frequency or
severity of storms
, greater virulence of diseases
, sea level rise
, and reduced calcification
rates in reef-building
(see Box 4.4). Of these, mass bleaching events are likely to be the
most influential in determining future coral reef condition
13, 28
. By itself, mass bleaching has
resulted in significant ecological impacts to coral reef areas unaffected by local stressors. For
many other reefs, mass coral bleaching is an additional stress that exacerbates the impacts
of local stressors
.The influence of mass bleaching events on coral reefs and, in particular,
how it interacts with local stressors, will be one of the most important determinants of the
future of coral reef ecosystems over the next 50 years
Projections of future sea temperature
increase suggest that conditions will
develop that are vastly different to
those in which the majority of coral
reefs have developed over the last
400 000 years
Box 4.4 Coral reefs and climate change: implications beyond mass bleaching
Climate change threatens coral reef ecosystems in other ways aside from increasing the
frequency and severity of bleaching impacts. Climate model projections indicate that we
can also expect increases in sea level, greater incidence of coral disease and changes in
ocean chemistry
. While the rates of coral reef growth are likely to keep pace with
projections of sea level rise, shoreline inundation with rising water levels pose other risks.
Among these are an increase in the export of sediments, nutrients and pollutants from
flooded coastal areas. Animals that rely on the low-lying habitat provided by coral reef
islands and cays, such as sea turtles and seabirds, are likely to be significantly affected,
although these potential impacts are just beginning to be explored.
Many coral diseases increase in virulence at higher temperatures, suggesting greater
prevalence of disease outbreaks as average sea temperatures increase. Diseases have
already caused chronic coral mortality in many reef areas, such as the Florida Keys and
the Caribbean, and reports of coral disease are increasing in other regions including the
Great Barrier Reef and other Indo-Pacific locations.
At a regional or global level, changes in ocean
chemistry will result from changes in the
earth's climate. In particular, dramatic
increases in the levels of carbon dioxide (CO
in the earth's atmosphere are leading to a
reduction in the pH of seawater, which in turn
is decreasing the availability of carbonate
ions. Reduced calcium carbonate saturation
states of seawater are expected to
significantly reduce the rates of calcification in
key reef-building organisms such as corals
and coralline algae
20, 140
. The implications of
this for the ability of coral reefs to withstand
storms and to maintain their role in shoreline
protection are still being examined, but early
indications are that these changes will be
important, even if they manifest themselves
only slowly or subtly. This has particular
significance for the ability of coral reefs to
maintain their roles in protecting shorelines
from oceanic swells and supporting
fisheries–both critical ecosystem functions in
many tropical regions.
The impacts of mass coral bleaching will be
compounded by other climate-related
stressors. In particular, reduced calcification
rates and increases in coral disease (shown
here) are significant concerns.The incidence of
coral disease can be expected to increase
because disease virulence increases at higher
temperatures and because the incidence of
disease has been observed to increase
following mass bleaching events, when corals
are in a weakened condition
© Australian Institute of Marine Science, Long Term Monitoring Program
4.3.2 Can corals keep up?
Comparing projected sea temperature increases with existing coral reef temperature
thresholds indicates that the frequency and severity of mass bleaching events can be
expected to increase significantly. Studies on this issue have concluded that bleaching could
become an annual event in coming decades as conditions that are known to have caused
major mortality events in the past become more frequent
9, 28, 29
. However, these predictions
assume that bleaching thresholds will not change over time, and do not allow for the effect
of adaptation. The actual impacts on coral reefs will depend strongly on the capacity of
corals to adapt and the rate at which they do so.
Adaptation. There is clear evidence of substantial variation in the resistance and survival of
corals to bleaching, raising the possibility that these variations might be attributable to past
adaptation. For example, corals of the same species may have a bleaching threshold of 28ºC
in the Galapagos but be able to tolerate temperatures
over 34ºC in the Persian Gulf.While these observations
suggest that corals have historically had sufficient time
and genetic variability to adapt, it is unknown whether
they have the capacity to adapt fast enough to keep
pace with current rates of change.
Studies that have compared future
climate scenarios with current coral
bleaching thresholds predict that the
frequency and severity of mass
bleaching events can be expected to
increase significantly
Adaptation involves genetic shifts in populations through selection of more resistant
genotypes. This evolutionary process begins as soon as less resistant genotypes are killed.
At that point, genotypes that are more resistant begin to make a greater contribution to
the next generations of corals. However, the rate of adaptation depends on numerous
factors, including the heritability of thermal tolerance, intensity of coral bleaching as a
selective process, and the genetic structure of coral populations
11, 23, 28
. While there are
differing degrees of optimism among recent studies, there is widespread agreement that
the abundance and composition of reef communities will change substantially over coming
decades, with large-scale degradation and losses of biodiversity possible in the longer term.
Acclimatisation. Acclimatisation refers to the ability of corals to make biochemical or
physiological adjustments that increase their ability to withstand higher sea temperatures
This mechanism occurs at the biochemical or cellular level, usually over time frames of
hours or days. Physiological adjustments that give rise to acclimatisation may be highly
ephemeral, lasting only as long as the stress, or they may be persistent, endowing a coral
with the ability to withstand future stress (such as high temperatures during the following
summer). Such adjustments, even short-term ones, usually come with costs, including the
diversion of energy away from other processes (such as reproduction). Additionally, for
acclimatisation to be effective it must outpace the rate of increases in temperature, which
becomes decreasingly likely at the upper level of projected temperature rise.
Incorporation of more heat resistant zooxanthellae within coral tissues is one of the major
mechanisms proposed for acclimatisation; however, the extent to which coral species can
swap algal symbionts remains unclear. This mechanism, called the Adaptive Bleaching
Hypothesis (after Buddemeier and Fautin
), proposes that corals may swap their
zooxanthellae for a more tolerant type following exposure to sub-lethal thermal stress.This
idea is a subject of continuing debate
113, 141
Corals may also acclimatise to warmer conditions by altering the density or positioning of
pigments within their tissue. These pigments, such as fluorescent pigment granules, can
shade the zooxanthellae during thermal stress, reducing damage to the photosynthetic
system and the risk of bleaching
43, 111
. Enhanced fluorescence seen in some corals that
appear to be more resistant to bleaching may be evidence of the role of pigmentation in
helping corals acclimatise to thermal stress.
Range-shifts in response to increasing sea temperatures. Coral populations may be able to
adjust to increasing temperature regimes through migration of heat-tolerant genotypes.The
large differences in the severity of bleaching suffered by corals exposed to otherwise similar
conditions strongly suggest that corals differ in their inherent ability to resist bleaching. At
least some of the properties that confer thermal tolerance to corals are likely to be
heritable (genetically coded).This leads to the potential for larvae from heat-resistant corals
to travel to reefs formerly dominated by less hardy genotypes, where they may settle and
re-populate areas affected by bleaching-induced mortality. Over time, this could lead to
heat-tolerant species or genotypes shifting their range into habitats previously dominated
by other species.
The success of this process will depend on the
existence and survival of heat-tolerant genotypes, and
on connectivity among reefs. In addition, the location
and extent of particular thermal realms is not likely to
be static as the climate continues to change.This means
that range-shifts would need to occur at rates that equal
or exceed the rate of movement of thermal realms in
order for this process to compensate for the loss of
corals due to increasing temperatures.
There have also been suggestions that coral reefs may expand into the subtropics as the
temperature warms (see review by Coles and Brown
). However, there is a decrease in
shallow-water areas and an increase in siliceous sediments further from the equator,
creating conditions that are less suitable for reef development.Therefore, although changes
in climate may result in more suitable temperatures for coral growth away from the tropics,
higher latitude marine environments tend to have substrata that are much less suited to
development of carbonate reef structures, resulting in limited potential for reef
communities to move towards the poles.
4.4 Reefs and people in the future
There is now abundant evidence that corals are highly sensitive to increases in sea
5, 9, 11, 13, 80
. Their ability to adjust, either through acclimatisation or adaptation, is
limited or widely thought to be too slow to keep pace with even conservative climate
23, 28
. The implication of these conclusions is that coral reef ecosystems are
destined for further change as sea temperatures continue to warm
9, 11, 23
. While there
remains great uncertainty about the rate, extent and precise impacts of this deterioration,
the future will almost certainly see degradation of reef systems and consequent losses in
ecosystem services
9, 13, 23, 31, 37
4.4.1 Ecological implications
Effects of mass bleaching on coral cover and biodiversity. The temperature sensitivity of corals,
and the likely limitation in their rate of acclimatisation and adaptation, suggests that coral
reefs are likely to have less live coral cover and lower biodiversity as a result of increases
in the frequency and severity of mass bleaching events
11, 23, 28
. Among the coral species most
likely to show declines in abundance immediately after a severe bleaching event are those
that tend to be relatively fast growing and visually dominant, such as staghorn and tabular
19, 80, 115, 118
. The loss of these species is likely to have a noticeable impact on the
aesthetics of many reefs, as well as altering the amount of habitat for many reef-dependent
. While these species may also be among the quickest to recover by way of larval
recruitment and rapid growth, it remains highly likely that differences in bleaching
susceptibility among corals will result in significant shifts in the community structure of coral
reefs.This change is likely to result in flow-on affects to other organisms, as many species,
including a variety of fish and invertebrates, are dependent on the habitat provided by
branching corals (Box 4.5).
The temperature sensitivity of
corals, and the likely limitation in
their rate of acclimatisation and
adaptation, suggests that coral
reefs are likely to have less live coral
cover and lower biodiversity as a
result of a warming climate
Reefs dominated by corals most sensitive to thermal stress, such as plate and staghorn Acropora, are more likely
to suffer severe impacts from coral bleaching. Loss of these species is likely to have a noticeable impact on the
aesthetics values of reefs as well as the amount of habitat available for many reef-dependent species
© Paul Marshall
Differences in the ability of species to
migrate and to adapt will further
exacerbate changes in community
structure due to differential mortality
from severe bleaching. If bleaching
events become increasingly frequent,
the more susceptible species may have
trouble re-establishing between
bleaching events, leaving abundant
space available for algal growth.
Decreasing time intervals between
bleaching events would also limit
opportunities for resistant species to
establish sustainable populations before
temperatures increase again. While the
exact change to reefs based on
projected increases in the frequency
and severity of mass bleaching are
highly uncertain, recent modelling
9, 31, 47
report the possibility of
extensive degradation.
The differential susceptibility of coral species to thermal
stress can result in severe shifts in community composition.
At this site in the Lakshadweep Islands, India, massive corals
such as Porites are now the dominant members of the coral
community. Prior to the 1998 bleaching event, these sites
were dominated by staghorn Acropora
© Rohan Arthur
Box 4.5 Implications of coral bleaching
for reef biodiversity
Our understanding of the impacts of climate
change on biodiversity is in its infancy. While the
pathway and time course of this change is
undefined, most experts agree that biodiversity
will be affected to some extent by a rapid loss of
reef-building corals resulting from major
disturbances such as coral bleaching events.
Given the strong relationships that characterise
reef ecosystems, many other species are also
vulnerable to the impacts of coral bleaching.
Organisms that depend on corals for food or
shelter and which reproduce via external
fertilisation may be most threatened by
bleaching, with extinction becoming a real risk as
the primary habitat provided by corals becomes
rarer.The kinds of organisms most at risk include
the obligate corallivores: those species that eat only corals. These species are directly
dependent on the presence of coral for their existence and disappear quickly if coral is
removed. The orange-spotted filefish (Oxymonacanthus longirostris) is an example; it
rapidly disappeared from reefs around Okinawa after the 1998 bleaching event
The response of the broader coral reef fish community to bleaching-induced losses of corals
has proven more complex. Declines in some species (especially damselfishes that are
strongly associated with branching corals) have been recorded following bleaching
63, 64, 143
one recent study
, over 75 per cent of reef fish species declined in abundance, and 50
per cent declined to less than half their original numbers, following a devastating decline
in coral cover caused in part by coral bleaching. However, the overall structure of fish
communities in the Seychelles changed very little despite massive (threefold-twentyfold)
decreases in live coral cover after the 1997-98 bleaching event
.Abundances of some fish
have even appeared to increase following the loss of reef-building corals, with an overall
increase in fish abundance observed after the 1998 mass bleaching event on Tanzanian
reef systems
. These increases in fish populations appear to be caused by increases in
herbivorous fishes, which may be responding to the greater availability of algae following
reductions in coral cover.
Other organisms are also likely to respond to changes in coral cover. For example, over 55
species of decapod crustaceans are associated with living colonies of a single coral species,
Pocillopora damicornis
144, 145
. Nine of these are known to be completely dependant on
living pocilloporid coral colonies. Similarly, branching corals of the genus Acropora have 20
species that depend solely on the habitat they provide.
Coral bleaching also has implications for
biodiversity. For example, the orange-
spotted filefish rapidly disappeared from
reefs around Okinawa after the 1998
coral bleaching event
© Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Prospects for future coral reef condition. Even under
relatively conservative projections, many reefs
previously dominated by a diverse assemblage of hard
corals may give way to low-diversity, low-cover reef
communities. In the extreme, this may lead to algal-
dominated reefs with low habitat complexity and
limited scope for recovery by hard corals, all within 50
years. Although these projections may sound severe,
they do not rely on catastrophic change. Rather, they
assume, very conservatively, that reefs can recover
between bleaching events as long as there are fewer than three massive mortality events
per decade
28, 29
. Additionally, these projections do not consider the cumulative or synergistic
effects of other stresses, such as water pollution or destructive fishing practices.
Reef recovery between mass bleaching events may be impeded by several factors (see
Section 4.2.3 for information about factors that support reef recovery). Recovery
processes can be substantially hindered by erosion of reef structures following coral
mortality. The grazing of sea urchins in very high densities has led to erosion of reef
structures in eastern Pacific reefs, such that the degraded state of reefs has persisted for
two decades after the mass bleaching event of 1983
146, 147
. Projected reductions in the pH
of upper ocean waters are likely to further encourage both biological and chemical erosion
of reefs. Severe erosion can also lead to a shift toward an unstable substrate of coral rubble,
making recovery from bleaching-induced coral mortality difficult
.The evidence from past
mass bleaching events is that, while there are reports of active recovery from some sites,
in general damaged reefs remain degraded compared to their pre-bleaching condition. It
seems likely that the impacts of bleaching-induced mortality are likely to be evident for at
least a decade at many locations.
While coral reefs are unlikely to be eliminated globally because of mass bleaching events,
predicted declines in reef condition have serious implications. Reduced coral cover and
degraded community structures are expected to reduce the suitability of coral reefs as
habitat for many species, impacting the biodiversity and ecosystem services upon which
humans depend. Although knowledge of the inter-dependencies is only beginning to
accumulate, managers are becoming increasingly concerned about the effects of
deterioration in reef condition on the human communities and industries that have come
to rely on healthy ecosystems for their livelihood and lifestyle.
4.4.2 Social and economic implications
Impacts on fisheries. Changes in coral reef ecosystems resulting from bleaching are expected
to translate into shifts in fish species composition and, possibly, reduced fishery catches
59, 148-151
Coral reef ecosystems support fisheries by providing food and habitat for a diversity of
species. Coral mortality from mass bleaching events leads to loss of reef structure and
habitat, as dead coral skeletons erode and break down. This deterioration of the reef
structure is probably not much different in nature from that caused by other disturbances,
such as coral disease or outbreaks of the coral-feeding sea star Acanthaster plancii.
However, the effects of coral bleaching events can extend over hundreds or thousands of
Even under relatively conservative
projections of sea temperature
warming, many reefs previously
dominated by a diverse assemblage
of hard corals may give way to low-
diversity, low-cover reef communities,
reducing the ecosystem services
upon which humans depend
, causing stress or damage
on scales not normally experienced by
coral reef ecosystems. Where
significant coral mortality occurs, coral
bleaching can result in dramatic
decreases in the amount of habitat
available for fish and other mobile reef
species that depend on the structure
provided by healthy coral reefs
64, 143
Strongly coral-dependent fish species
are expected to be the most affected
by bleaching-induced coral mortality.
Several species of fish are reliant on
coral as a primary food source, and
many other species use coral for shelter from predators. Post-bleaching declines in
populations were recorded following the 1997-98 mass bleaching episode for several fish
species that feed exclusively on corals
64, 142, 153
, as well as for those that rely on coral for habitat,
such as species of damselfishes that are strongly associated with branching corals
63, 64
Coral-dependent fishes are important
prey for larger species, many of which
are targeted in coral reef fisheries.
Bleaching events that result in
widespread loss of physical habitat
would be expected to have 'flow-on'
effects for the higher trophic level
predator fishes often targeted. Yet,
while impacts on fish populations of the
1997-98 mass bleaching event have
been clearly documented in several
locations, evidence of impacts on
fishery yields and income has been
more difficult to document
44, 148, 154.
may indicate that: (1) the expected
relationship between loss of coral
cover and predatory fish abundance is
too simplistic; (2) functional
redundancy at the study sites is, in the
short-term, masking the likely impacts
on higher-level predators in the long-
term or (3) the relationship between
fishers and the fishery resources are
more dynamic and complex than
expected (or a combination of these
three factors).
Changes in coral reef ecosystems caused by coral bleaching
are expected to affect fisheries, especially small-scale and
subsistence fisheries
© Simon Albert
Fish species that are strongly dependant on corals for
habitat or food, such as this damselfish on a reef at Pulau
Pemanggil, Malaysia, are expected to be the most affected
by bleaching-induced coral mortality.These coral-
dependent fishes are important prey for larger species,
many of which are targeted in coral reef fisheries
© Yusri Yusuf
Many reef-based fisheries are generalist in
that they target a wide variety of species
and sizes, and are partly subsistence-
based. These characteristics make many
reef-based fisheries both adaptable to
changing conditions and able to be
influenced by other external factors.
Consequently, single cause-effect linkages
may be difficult to discern. While the
dynamic and adaptive nature of reef-
based fisheries may make them more
resilient to short-term decreases in fish
stocks, they may also obscure indications
of long-term risks to the sustainability of
the fishery (see Section 2.4).
Impacts on tourism. Changes in coral reef ecosystems resulting from bleaching are expected
to translate into economic losses to the tourism industry. The extent of the impact on
tourism businesses varies with the flexibility of individual markets. For example, dive
businesses that are based in population centres are likely to be more capable of responding
to changes in reef quality caused by mass bleaching, because they may be able to shift from
a focus on providing high quality dive sites for experienced divers to new divers expecting
instruction or even to non-divers. By comparison, mass bleaching may significantly affect
businesses based on taking divers to remote locations that are renowned for exceptional
coral reef quality, but where options for business diversification are limited.
Several recent studies have
attempted to quantify losses
resulting from coral bleaching
on reef-based tourism
industries. Estimates of the
welfare loss between 1998-
2001 from the 1997-98 mass
bleaching event in Zanzibar,
Mombasa, and the Seychelles
are US$5.4 million, $6.4 million,
and $9.7 million, respectively
A recent study in Australia has
estimated potential losses of
US$95.5 million to US$293.5
million to the tourism industry
by 2020 as a result of predicted
deterioration in reef condition
caused by coral bleaching
Coral reef-based fisheries are the major source of food
and income for coastal communities of tropical regions
© James Oliver
Reef-based tourism plays a key role in many regional and national
economies. Small-scale reef-oriented businesses, such as this
ecotourism venture in the Philippines are vulnerable to deterioration
in reef condition resulting from coral bleaching.Tourism businesses
based on taking divers to remote locations renowned for exceptional
coral reef quality are more likely to be negatively impacted by mass
bleaching than operators based in population centres that may have
more options for business diversification
© James Oliver
© Paul Marshall