Supporting faculty and staff in their use of technology as
they pursue research, instruction, and outreach objectives.
Information Technology
Data Science
Engineering interactive web, mobile and GIS applications.
We can build new websites, update/redesign old sites, and help to maintain them.
New Website Development: flat rate, per estimate
Design and develop departmental and grant-based websites using content management
systems (such as Drupal), as well as GIS and web-based mapping applications, mobile
applications, and online curriculum.
Website Conversion: flat rate, per estimate
Convert an existing static-HTML, Joomla, or Wordpress site (etc) to Drupal.
Website Content Migration: flat rate or hourly at $45/hour, per estimate
Migrate content from an existing site to a newer Drupal-based website.
Website Maintenance: flat rate, retainer fee, or hourly at $45/hour, per estimate
Re-develop existing sites, add new sections or functionality, and perform maintenance and
changes when needed.
Website Application Scanning: free
Scan website for security threats and accessibility compliance checking. Mitigate issues
Drupal Core Updates: free
When Drupal releases a new minor version, we upgrade the Drupal core, then ask you to
run the sites upgrade.php script.
Drupal Site Module Updates - Per Request: $45/hour
Upgrade test, and debug, in a controlled development environment before pushing the
changes to your production site.
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Drupal Site Module Updates - Monthly Subscription: $75/month
Using the procedure above, our staff will monitor your site and upgrade modules as
needed, on a monthly basis.
Mobile apps and mobile-first website development.
Native Mobile Applications: flat-rate, per estimate
Mobile applications that are specifically targeted for iOS or Android devices.
Mobile Web Applications: flat rate, per estimate
Mobile Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) that are built using HTML, CSS and
JavaScript that can be run from the browser and are platform independent.
Mobile Mapping Applications: flat-rate, per estimate
Develop in-field mapping applications that are targeted for tablets and mobile phones.
These applications can provide users the ability to perform in-field edits and save those
edits back to a mobile-deployed dataset or enterprise database.
Develop mapping applications using a variety of mapping APIs and modern web frameworks.
GIS Application Servers: flat-rate, per estimate
Design and implement GIS Application Servers such as ArcGIS Server or GeoServer that
serve GIS data to web, mobile, and desktop clients.
Spatial Database Management Systems: flat-rate, per estimate
Design and implement Spatial Database Management Systems such as ArcSDE or
PostGIS that store and retrieve spatial data in a multi-user environment.
Collaborate Development: flat-rate, per estimate
Co-develop projects with other groups on campus including the ART Lab, the AZ Remote
Sensing Center and the UA-GIS Center for Excellence.
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Here is a list of sites and apps we have experience building, but we are always ready to take on
new and unique projects
Citizen Science/Peer-Driven Sites
Conferences and Events
Department Sites
Digital Collections
Outreach Sites
Research Lab Sites
Reservation/Sign Up Sites
Mapping Applications
Mobile Web Applications
UA Quickstart Sites
Some popular features many of our clients request.
Manage Multiple Users/Editors –
Various Permissions and Privileges
UA WebAuth or 3rd Party
Publication Tools – Workflow
Calendar Events
Faceted Searching
File Sharing – UA Box Integration
Web Forms and Surveys
Reservation/Checkout Systems
Credit Card Processing
Image Galleries, Rotating Slideshows
Featured Stories or Events
Mobile-Responsive Design
Charting and Graphs
Statistical Data Analysis
Twitter Integration
RSS Feed Dissemination
Mass Emailing
Data Harvesting from OAI, DSpace,
external CMS’s
Data Import
Data Export
Google Analytics / Search Engine
Progressive Web Apps with Offline
Cross-Browser, Cross-Device Testing
Touch Screen Optimizations
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Creating visual and interactive solutions for pixel and print.
Designing great experiences through smart interfaces that engage audiences.
New Website or App: flat rate, per estimate
Our UX/UI design team will sit down with you to fully understand your audience, goals and
objectives. Whether you need a fully custom app, site or a strict UA brand site, we will
design the right interface to engage your audience with your content. Oh, and smart SEO
will help new users find you.
Website or App Redesign: flat rate, per estimate
Our UX/UI design team will give your existing site or app a fresh look. Updating may mean
converting a desktop focused design to a responsive design. So your site or app will look
and function well on large, medium and small screens and tailored for touch screens of
any size.
Reach your audience at their inbox and connect them to your other places online.
Campaign Design: flat rate, per estimate
Utilizing Mailchimp, or other preferred platform, our designers will build out custom
campaign templates that empower you to promote your project, department, or
organization. We will then train you on these tools so that you have full control over your
promotional campaigns.
Impactful graphics help tell a great story.
Logos: flat-rate, per estimate
We design creative, professional logos using graphic elements of your work, purpose, and
vision for your department or organization.
Infographics: flat-rate, per estimate
Visual storytelling is a powerful means to communicate a complex idea that can
universally be understood. Graphics blur boundaries and are effective ways to express
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ideas to multilingual audiences.
Iconography: flat-rate, per estimate
Icons are an effective way to represent a concept, action, or subject. It’s important that a
collection of icons feel related and clearly communicate their intended purpose. Our
designers will work with you to conceptualize, draw and execute these smart symbols.
Scientific Visualization: flat-rate, per estimate
Our data science team can work with you to develop exploratory, publication quality, and
interactive data visualizations that will help you understand and communicate your
Print is not dead. We’re here to provide tactile experiences for your audience when necessary.
Desktop Publication, Journal Articles, and Reports: flat-rate, per estimate
Need to create a newsletter, magazine, or annual report? Our graphic design team will
collect your photos, charts, and logos and arrange them within your document to give it a
professional look and feel.
Marketing Material: flat-rate, per estimate
Our design team will create engaging marketing material that’s unique to your work but
incorporates elements of the University of Arizona Brand. Work includes brochures,
pamphlets, flyers, posters and recruitment material.
Extension Publications: free
Our design team will design your peer-reviewed Extension Publication, add the Extension
banner and contact info, and assign it an “AZ Number”. We will ensure it complies with
requirements for accessibility. Well then upload it to the Online Extension Publication
Database (http://extension.arizona.edu/pubs) and the Institutional Repository at the
University of Arizona Library (http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu).
Video production and classroom support for targeted audiences.
Our talented team of producers offer a full range of video production services.
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High Impact Campaigns: flat rate, per estimate
We will work with you to determine your goal or impact and understand your appropriate
audience segment. We’ll then research your audience and determine the best product(s)
to reach them effectively.
Documentary for television
Short clips for sharing on social
Supporting social media content
Innovative online web experiences
Local showings and events
Speaking engagements
K-12 or higher education curriculum
Impact assessment
Targeted Campaigns: flat rate, per estimate
Our producers will work with you to determine your video needs then develop and produce
your tailored video in the most useful format available.
Distance-learning and conferencing options as well as set up.
In-Room Video Conferencing: free
We have several rooms of various sizes available with technology that creates
collaborative environments between universities, conferences, distance classes, and
Web/Online Conferencing: free
We currently have a license for an 8 seat Cisco WebEx conference. In addition, we can
obtain limited time licenses for larger conferences, short courses and events.
Panopto Software and Support: free
Panopto is a software platform that provides lecture recording, screencasting, video
streaming, and video content management software, which is often used in E-learning
Collaborate Software and Support: free
Formerly Elluminate, the current version offers many improvements, chiefly greatly
improved audio conferencing capabilities. This application has not gained widespread
popularity among users due to a less than user friendly interface and limitations with
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early versions. However, it has proven highly reliable and has the capability of much larger
webcasts than any other no ( or low) cost option.
Information Technology
Providing cyber infrastructure services and solutions for physical and virtual
servers for email, web, data, and more.
We offer a variety of web and application hosting services to fit your needs.
Static-HTML Website Hosting: free
Sites developed in Dreamweaver or other HTML development software that do not require
a database.
Database-backed Website Hosting: $200/year
This includes Drupal, Wordpress, custom PHP websites, etc.
Need more computing power or file space on dedicated resources? We can help.
Dedicated Virtual Server: $1000/year
Your own Linux or Windows server allows you to install any web or database software
(which may not be available in the Colleges shared hosting environment). Your
application(s) will be hosted separately from the rest of the Colleges web applications,
providing greater performance, dedicated RAM and additional disk space. The virtual
server is placed on redundant computing hardware, which keeps your application
responsive during a network, storage, or CPU failure. You will get full administrative access
to the server and a suite of web-based monitoring tools. This is an alternative to our
shared hosting environment and the $200/year hosting fee for database-backed websites.
Working off campus just got easier.
Bandwidth Planning: free
Our dedicated IT team can work with campus UITS and local telco providers to improve
bandwidth to your remote office. We are familiar with the latest in broadband and
telephony technologies offered across the state as well as various funding models which
may save your unit money.
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Utilizing the power of the cloud.
Cloud Computing Strategies: flat rate, per estimate
Our IT team is continually using and keeping up with the latest support from Amazon Web
Services, CyVerse, IBM, and other cloud providers that empower you to maximize the
High Performance Computing: flat rate, per estimate
Does your research exceed local computing resources? Our Data Science team can help
you select an appropriate HPC, such as UA, NCSA, or XSEDE resources and provide
custom support on HPC utilization.
Data Science
Statistical Analysis: flat rate, per estimate
Our skills include a range of statistical techniques, from exploratory data analysis to
hierarchical Bayesian modeling to machine learning.
Analysis Pipelines: flat rate, per estimate
Do you have a lot of data that you want to analyze in a consistent, reproducible, and
scalable pipeline? We have expertise in building custom, automated workflows for data
and algorithms.
Simulation Modeling: flat rate, per estimate
Want to simulate crop yield or other ecosystem processes? Generate meaningful
hypotheses, predictions, or insights? We provide support for model selection,
implementation, and interpretation.
Visualization and Interactive Websites: flat rate, per estimate
Visualizations are a cornerstone of scientific data; we will help with everything from
publication-ready graphics to interactive websites using frameworks including R Shiny or
Python libraries.
Data Management
Data Curation: flat rate, per estimate
We have extensive experience with improving existing databases and extracting results
and metadata from publications. From writing a data management plan to publishing data
to developing custom databases.
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Data Synthesis: flat rate, per estimate
There has never been so much data available. We are familiar with public data repositories
and work with the UA Library and other collaborators to find, understand, and analyze
data. We have expertise with combining and harmonizing existing datasets to produce
systematic reviews, quantitative hypotheses, and novel insights.
Support for Open Science and Best Practices in Data and Computing: flat rate, per
Do you wish your data was easier to use and share? Are you starting a new project or
collaboration? Do you need help developing or implementing a data management plan?
We will help you understand and adopt best practices for data management, including
data documentation, reproducible analyses, and open data.
Workshops: flat rate, per estimate
Our data science team runs workshops tailored to specific needs and research problems.
In addition to a monthly workshop series, weare available to teach existing or custom
workshops for any research team or department. Learn more.
Data Science Incubator: at rate, per estimate
The Data Science Incubator is an ongoing opportunity for researchers to work with our
team to develop skills and capacity required to use new data resources and computing
methods. The incubator requests proposals for technical support for small projects to
work on focused, collaborative projects. Learn more.
Office Hours
Our Data team has office hours every Tuesday morning from 8-10 AM. This is an
opportunity for researchers to ask questions and get help on data science solutions for
their research. Or schedule 1:1 meetings with team members to discuss your needs. Learn
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