New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
Division of Codes and Standards
Landlord-Tenant Information Service
N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.7 through 61.21
Printed February 2008
2A:18-61.7 Definitions
As used in this act:
a. "Comparable housing or park site" means housing that is (1) decent, safe, sanitary, and in
compliance with all local and State housing codes; (2) open to all persons regardless of race,
creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status or sex; and (3) provided with facilities equivalent
to that provided by the landlord in the dwelling unit or park site in which the tenant then resides
in regard to each of the following: (a) apartment size including number of rooms or park site
size, (b) rent range, (c) apartment's major kitchen and bathroom facilities, and (d) special
facilities necessary for the handicapped or infirmed; (4) located in an area not less desirable than
the area in which the tenant then resides in regard to each of the following: (a) accessibility to
the tenant's place of employment, (b) accessibility of community and commercial facilities, and
(c) environmental quality and conditions; and (5) in accordance with additional reasonable
criteria which the tenant has requested in writing at the time of making any request under this
b. "Condominium" means a condominium as defined in the "Condominium Act," P.L.1969,
c. 257 (C. 46:8B-1 et seq.).
c. "Cooperative" means a housing corporation or association which entitles the holder of a
share or membership interest thereof to possess and occupy for dwelling purposes a house,
apartment or other structure owned or leased by said corporation or association, or to lease or
purchase a dwelling constructed or to be constructed by said corporation or association.
d. "Mobile home park" means any park, including a trailer park or camp, equipped to handle
mobile homes sited on a year-round basis.
L.1975, c. 311, s. 4, eff. Feb. 19, 1976. Amended by L.1981, c. 8, s. 3, eff. Jan. 26, 1981.
2A:18-61.8. Conversion of multiple dwelling into condominium, cooperative or fee simple
ownership; notice to and rights to tenants
Any owner who intends to convert a multiple dwelling as defined in P.L.1967, c. 76 (C.
55:13A-1 et seq.), other than a hotel or motel, or a mobile home park into a condominium or
cooperative, or to fee simple ownership of the several dwelling units or park sites shall give the
tenants 60 days' notice of his intention to convert and the full plan of the conversion prior to
serving notice, provided for in section 3 of P.L.1974, c. 49 (C. 2A:18-61.2). A duplicate of the
first such 60-day notice and full plan shall be transmitted to the clerk of the municipality at the
same time. In the notice of intention to convert tenants shall be notified of their right to purchase
ownership in the premises at a specified price in accordance with this section, and their other
rights as tenants under this act in relation to the conversion of a building or park to a
condominium, cooperative or fee simple ownership. A tenant in occupancy at the time of the
notice of intention to convert shall have the exclusive right to purchase his unit, the shares of
stock allocated thereto or the park site, as the case may be, for the first 90 days after such notice
that such purchase could be made during which time the unit or site shall not be shown to a
third party unless the tenant has in writing waived the right to purchase.
L.1975, c. 311, s. 5, eff. Feb. 19, 1976. Amended by L.1981, c. 8, s. 4, eff. Jan. 26, 1981.
2A:18-61.9. Notice to tenant after master deed or agreement to establish cooperative
Any owner who establishes with a person an initial tenancy after the master deed or
agreement establishing the cooperative was recorded shall provide to such person at the time of
applying for tenancy and at the time of establishing any rental agreement a separate written
statement as follows:
The parenthesized words shall be omitted or substituted for preceding words where
appropriate. Such statement shall also be reproduced as the first clause in any written lease
provided to such person.
L.1975, c. 311, s. 6, eff. Feb. 19, 1976. Amended by L.1981, c. 8, s. 5, eff. Jan. 26, 1981.
2A:18-61.10. Removal of tenant to allow conversion to cooperative or condominium;
moving expense compensation
Any tenant receiving notice under section 3 g. of P.L.1974, c. 49 who is not evicted for any
cause under this act other than under section 3 g. shall receive from the owner moving expense
compensation of waiver of payment of 1 month's rent.
L.1975, c. 311, s. 7, eff. Feb. 19, 1976.
2A:18-61.11. Comparable housing; offer of rental; stay of eviction; alternative
compensation; senior citizens and disabled protected tenancy period
a. Tenants receiving notice under section 3 g. of P.L.1974, c. 49 may request of the landlord
within 18 full months after receipt of such notice, and the landlord shall offer to the tenant,
personally or through an agent, the rental of comparable housing or park site and a reasonable
opportunity to examine and rent such comparable housing or park site. In any proceeding under
subsection 2 k. of P.L.1974, c. 49 instituted following the expiration of notice required under
section 3 g. of P.L.1974, c. 49, the owner shall prove that a tenant was offered such comparable
housing or park site and provided such reasonable opportunity to examine and rent such housing
or park site as requested pursuant to this section. The court shall authorize 1-year stays of
eviction with reasonable rent increases until such time as the court is satisfied that the tenant has
been offered comparable housing or park site and provided a reasonable opportunity to examine
and rent such housing or park site as requested pursuant to this section. However, in no case
shall more than five such stays be granted.
b. The court shall automatically renew any 1-year stay of eviction in any case where the
landlord failed to allege to the court within 1 year of a prior stay that the tenant was offered a
reasonable opportunity to examine and rent comparable housing or park site within such prior
c. However the court shall not authorize any further stays at any time after one such stay has
been authorized when the owner has also provided a tenant with hardship relocation
compensation of waiver of payment of 5 months' rent.
d. On or after the effective date of the "Senior Citizens and Disabled Protected Tenancy
Act," P.L. [1981], c. [226] (C. [2A:18-61.22 et seq.] ), notwithstanding the provisions of
subsection a. of this section, where the court has jurisdiction pursuant to that subsection, whether
by virtue of the authorization by the court of a stay of eviction or by virtue of any other
proceedings required or instituted pursuant to P.L.1974, c. 49 (C. 2A:18-61.1 et seq.) or
P.L.1975, c. 311 (C. 2A:18-61.6 et seq.), or in any action for declaratory judgment, the court
may invoke some or all of the provisions of the "Senior Citizens and Disabled Protected
Tenancy Act" and grant to a tenant, pursuant to that amendatory and supplementary act, a
protected tenancy period upon the court's determination that:
(1) The tenant would otherwise qualify as a senior citizen tenant or disabled tenant pursuant to
that amendatory and supplementary act, except that the building or structure in which the
dwelling unit is located was converted prior to the effective date of that amendatory and
supplementary act; and
(2) The granting of the protected tenancy period as applied to the tenant, giving particular
consideration to whether a unit was sold on or before the date that the amendatory and
supplementary act takes effect to a bona fide individual purchaser who intended personally to
occupy the unit, would not be violative of concepts of fundamental fairness or due process.
Where a court declines to grant a protected tenancy status, it shall nevertheless order such
hardships stays as authorized by subsections a. and b. of this section until comparable relocation
housing is provided. The hardship relocation compensation alternative of subsection c. of this
section shall not be applicable in this situation.
L.1975, c. 311, s. 8, eff. Feb. 19, 1976. Amended by L.1981, c. 8, s. 6, eff. Jan. 26, 1981; L.1981, c. 226, s. 14, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.12. Rules and regulations
In accordance with the "Administrative Procedure Act" (P.L.1968, c. 410, C. 52:14B-1 et
seq.), the Department of Community Affairs shall adopt rules and regulations setting forth
procedures required to be followed by landlords in providing tenants a reasonable opportunity to
examine and rent comparable housing and setting forth procedures and content for information
required to be disclosed to tenants regarding such procedures, the rights and responsibilities of
tenants under this act, and the plans and proposals of landlords which may affect any tenant in
order to maximize tenants' ability to exercise rights provided under this act. Any rules and
regulations adopted under this section shall only be applicable to tenants and owners of a
building or mobile home park which is being, or is about to be converted from the rental market
to a condominium, cooperative or to fee simple ownership of the several dwelling units or park
sites, or to any mobile home park being permanently retired from the rental market.
L.1975, c. 311, s. 9, eff. Feb. 19, 1976. Amended by L.1981, c. 8, s. 7, eff. Jan. 26, 1981.
2A:18-61.13. Legislative findings
The Legislature finds, as a result of the "Casino Control Act" (P.L.1977, c. 110, C. 5:12-1 et
seq.) and the introduction of legalized casino gaming in Atlantic City, that:
a. Additional investment capital has been attracted to Atlantic City and hotels, tourist and
entertainment facilities and other properties are being refurbished and expanded;
b. There has been a substantial increase in the value of land and buildings in Atlantic City;
c. Many landlords in Atlantic City are converting or demolishing residential apartments so
that they can make more profitable use of their property as a hotel, motel, vacation licensing
facility, guest house or other use directly or indirectly related to casino gaming and tourism;
d. Such conversion is forcing the displacement of a large number of residential tenants, many
of whom are either senior citizens or persons of low and moderate income;
e. There is an acute housing shortage in Atlantic City and in nearby municipalities, and the
massive displacement of tenants through conversions or demolitions will make it impossible for
displaced tenants to find decent housing at a price they can afford;
f. Although new housing in Atlantic City is being planned to relieve the housing crisis, it will
be at least several years before this housing can be produced;
g. The displacement of such tenants without any relocation assistance will force many of
them into substandard housing, which does not meet the minimum standards of safety and
sanitation, will encourage overcrowding and the blighting of residential neighborhoods in
Atlantic City and constitutes a serious threat to the public health, welfare and safety;
h. Landlords seeking to take advantage of the windfall increase in the value of their property
caused by the enactment of the "Casino Control Act," and to convert their property to a more
profitable use than rental housing have a duty to provide relocation assistance or compensation
to the tenants they are displacing;
i. In order to protect the public health, safety and welfare, no such tenant after the date this act
takes effect shall be evicted unless he has been provided adequate relocation assistance and
compensation or either thereof.
L.1978, c. 139, s. 1.
2A:18-61.14. Atlantic City; removal of residential tenants; time of required notice;
second notice for relocation alternatives
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 3 of P.L.1974, c. 49 (C. 2A:18-61.2) to the contrary,
in any municipality in which casino gaming is authorized, 1 year's notice shall be required prior
to the institution of an action alleging permanent retirement under subsection h. of section 2 of
P.L.1974, c. 49 (C. 2A:18-61.1) with respect to a tenant who is a permanent domiciliary in such
municipality; provided, that where there is a written lease in effect no action shall be instituted
until the lease expires. The notice shall provide the tenant with the information required by
section 6 of this act. In the event that a landlord chooses one of the relocation alternatives
authorized by section 4 of this act, he shall send a second notice in accordance with the
requirements of section 4 of this act at least 6 months prior to the institution of an action for
L.1978, c. 139, s. 2.
2A:18-61.15. Offer to tenant of rental of comparable housing
A landlord seeking to remove a tenant who is a permanent domiciliary under subsection h. of
section 2 of P.L.1974, c. 49 (C. 2A:18-61.1) in such municipality shall offer to the tenant,
personally or through an agent, the rental of comparable housing as defined in section 4 of
P.L.1975, c. 311 (C. 2A:18-61.7) in such municipality or within 10 miles thereof and a
reasonable opportunity to examine and rent such comparable housing.
In order to satisfy his obligation under this section, the landlord shall document at least two
separate comparable housing units which the tenant was offered a reasonable opportunity to
examine and rent, and shall include in any complaint filed for possession of the demised
premises the details of each such offer or a description of any attempt to secure comparable
housing units to offer to the tenant.
L.1978, c. 139, s. 3. Amended by L.1981, c. 495, s. 1.
2A:18-61.16. Inability to provide tenant relocation; alternatives
If the landlord is unable to provide the tenant relocation into comparable rental housing
because of the housing shortage, he may as an alternative to relocation:
a. Pay the tenant an amount equal to 5 months' rent; or
b. Allow the tenant to remain in the unit for an additional 5 months beyond the notice period
during which time the payment of rent shall be waived. The landlord may utilize this alternative
only if he maintains the premises in substantially the same condition as they were prior to the
sending of the notice to deliver possession.
If the landlord chooses to exercise either of these alternatives to relocation, he shall notify the
tenant in writing of the alternative that has been chosen at least 6 months prior to the institution
of an action for possession. In the event that the landlord chooses the alternative pursuant to
subsection a. of this section, payment to the tenant of the specified amount shall accompany the
L.1978, c. 139, s. 4. Amended by L.1981, c. 495, s. 2.
2A:18-61.16a. Rent defined
"Rent" means the amount currently payable by the tenant to the landlord pursuant to lease or
other agreement, without regard to any modification thereof by any authorized board or agency,
or any court.
L.1981, c. 495, s. 4.
2A:18-61.17. Action for possession; conditions precedent to entry of judgment
In an action brought under subsection h. of section 2 of P.L.1974, c. 49 (C. 2A:18-61.1) with
respect to any premises located in a municipality in which casino gaming is authorized, no
judgment for possession shall be entered unless the owner proves that the tenant was given such
notice as is required by section 2 hereof and that:
a. The tenant was given such second notice as is provided by section 4 hereof and was offered
the opportunity to rent comparable housing;
b. The tenant was paid an amount equal to 5 months' rent in accordance with the provisions
of subsection a. of section 4 of this act;
c. The tenant was allowed to remain an additional 5 months beyond the notice period during
which the rent was waived in accordance with the provisions of subsection b. of section 4 of this
act; or
d. Thirty-six months have elapsed since the notice for delivery of possession of the premises
was served and the landlord has been unable to offer the tenant the opportunity to rent
comparable housing.
L.1978, c. 139, s. 5.
2A:18-61.18. Notice for delivery of possession; contents
Any notice for delivery of possession under subsection h. of section 2 of P.L.1974, c. 49 (C.
2A:18-61.1) issued in accordance with section 2 of this act shall inform the tenant of the
a. That the landlord has a duty to offer to the tenant the rental of comparable housing;
b. That if the landlord is unable to provide relocation housing, he may as an alternative to
relocation: (1) pay the tenant an amount equal to 5 months' rent; or (2) allow the tenant to
remain in the unit for an additional 5 months beyond the notice period during which time the
payment of rent shall be waived. If the landlord chooses either alternative, he shall additionally
notify the tenant of such choice at least 6 months prior to the institution of an action for
possession. In the event the landlord chooses the alternative pursuant to (1) of this subsection,
payment to the tenant of the specified amount shall accompany the notice.
c. No tenant shall be evicted unless: (1) the tenant was offered the opportunity to rent
comparable housing; (2) the tenant was paid an amount equal to 5 months' rent; (3) the tenant
was allowed to remain in the unit for an additional 5 months beyond the notice period during
which time the payment of rental shall be waived; or (4) 36 months have elapsed and the
landlord is unable to offer the tenant the opportunity to rent comparable housing.
L.1978, c. 139, s. 6. Amended by L.1981, c. 495, s. 3.
2A:18-61.19. Liberal construction
This act shall be liberally construed to effectuate the legislative purpose of the act.
L.1978, c. 139, s. 7.
2A:18-61.20. Application of L.1974, c. 49, and L.1975, c. 311, to this act
Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of P.L.1974, c. 49 (C. 2A:18-61.1 et seq.)
and P.L.1975, c. 311 (C. 2A:18-61.6 et seq.) shall be applicable to this act.
L.1978, c. 139, s. 8.
2A:18-61.21. Severability
If any provision of this act or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be
held to be invalid, such holding shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this act or
the application of such portion held invalid to any other person or circumstances, but shall be
confined in its operation to the provision directly involved in such holding or to the person or
circumstance therein involved.
L.1978, c. 139, s. 9.
New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
Division of Codes and Standards
Landlord-Tenant Information Service
N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.22 through 2A:18-61.39
Printed February 2008
2A:18-61.22. Short title
This amendatory and supplementary act shall be known and may be cited as the "Senior
Citizens and Disabled Protected Tenancy Act."
L.1981, c. 226, s. 1, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.23. Legislative findings and declarations
The Legislature finds that research studies have demonstrated that the forced eviction and
relocation of elderly persons from their established homes and communities harm the mental and
physical health of these senior citizens, and that these disruptions in the lives of older persons
affect adversely the social, economic and cultural characteristics of communities of the State,
and increase the costs borne by all State citizens in providing for their public health, safety and
welfare. These conditions are particularly serious in light of the rising costs of home ownership,
and are of increasing concern where rental housing is converted into condominiums or
cooperatives which senior citizens on fixed limited incomes cannot afford, an occurrence which
is becoming more and more frequent in this State under prevailing economic circumstances.
The Legislature, therefore, declares that it is in the public interest of the State to avoid the forced
eviction and relocation of senior citizen tenants wherever possible, specifically in those instances
where rental housing market conditions and particular financial circumstances combine to
diminish the ability of senior citizens to obtain satisfactory comparable housing within their
established communities, and where the eviction action is the result not of any failure of the
senior citizen tenant to abide by the terms of a lease or rental agreement, but of the owner's
decision advantageously to dispose of residential property through the device of conversion to a
condominium or cooperative.
The Legislature further finds that it is in the public interest of the State to avoid the forced
eviction and the displacement of the handicapped wherever possible because of their limited
mobility and the limited number of housing units which are suitable for their needs.
The Legislature further declares that in the service of this public interest it is appropriate that
qualified senior citizen tenants and disabled tenants be accorded a period of protected tenancy,
during which they shall be entitled to the fair enjoyment of the dwelling unit within the
converted residential structure, to continue for such time, up to 40 years, as the conditions and
circumstances which make necessary such protected tenancy shall continue.
The Legislature further finds that the promotion of this public interest is possible only if
senior citizen tenants and disabled tenants are protected during this period from alterations in the
terms of the tenancy or rent increases which are the result solely of an owner's decision to
L.1981, c. 226, s. 2, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.24. Definitions
As used in this amendatory and supplementary act:
a. "Senior citizen tenant" means a person who is at least 62 years of age on the date of the
conversion recording for the building or structure in which is located the dwelling unit of which
he is a tenant, or the surviving spouse of such a person if the person should die after the owner
files the conversion recording and the surviving spouse is at least 50 years of age at the time of
the filing; provided that the building or structure has been the principal residence of the senior
citizen tenant or the spouse for at least one year immediately preceding the conversion recording
or the death or that the building or structure is the principal residence of the senior citizen tenant
or the spouse under the terms of a lease for a period of more than one year, as the case may be;
b. "Disabled tenant" means a person who is, on the date of the conversion recording for the
building or structure in which is located the dwelling unit of which he is a tenant, totally and
permanently unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically
determinable physical or mental impairment, including blindness, or a person who has been
honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active service in any
branch of the United States Armed Forces and who is rated as having a 60% disability or higher
as a result of that service pursuant to any federal law administered by the United States Veterans'
Act; provided that the building or structure has been the principal residence of the disabled
tenant for at least one year immediately preceding the conversion recording or that the building
or structure is the principal residence of the disabled tenant under the terms of a lease for a
period of more than one year. For the purposes of this subsection, "blindness" means central
visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of correcting lens. An eye which is
accompanied by a limitation in the fields of vision such that the widest diameter of the visual
field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees shall be considered as having a central visual
acuity of 20/200 or less;
c. "Tenant's annual household income" means the total income from all sources during the
last full calendar year for all members of the household who reside in the dwelling unit at the
time the tenant applies for protected tenant status, whether or not such income is subject to
taxation by any taxing authority;
d. "Application for registration of conversion" means an application for registration filed
with the Department of Community Affairs in accordance with "The Planned Real Estate
Development Full Disclosure Act," P.L.1977, c.419 (C.45:22A-21 et seq.);
e. "Registration of conversion" means an approval of an application for registration by the
Department of Community Affairs in accordance with "The Planned Real Estate Development
Full Disclosure Act," P.L.1977, c.419 (C.45:22A-21 et seq.);
f. "Convert" means to convert one or more buildings or structures or a mobile home park
containing in the aggregate not less than five dwelling units or mobile home sites or pads from
residential rental use to condominium, cooperative, planned residential development or separable
fee simple ownership of the dwelling units or of the mobile home sites or pads;
g. "Conversion recording" means the recording with the appropriate county officer of a
master deed for condominium or a deed to a cooperative corporation for a cooperative or the first
deed of sale to a purchaser of an individual unit for a planned residential development or
separable fee simple ownership of the dwelling units;
h. "Protected tenancy period" means, except as otherwise provided in section 11 of this
amendatory and supplementary act, the 40 years following the conversion recording for the
building or structure in which is located the dwelling unit of the senior citizen tenant or disabled
L.1981,c.226,s.3; amended 1981, c.445, s.1; 1983,c.389,s.1; 1990,c.110,s.1; 1990,c.111,s.1.
2A:18-61.25. Protected tenancy status; conversion of dwelling unit of eligible senior citizen
or disabled tenant
Each eligible senior citizen tenant or disabled tenant shall be granted a protected tenancy
status with respect to his dwelling unit whenever the building or structure in which that unit is
located shall be converted. The protected tenancy status shall be granted upon proper application
and qualification pursuant to the provisions of this amendatory and supplementary act.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 4, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.26. Administrative agency
The governing body of the municipality may authorize a municipal board, agency or officer to
act as its administrative agency for the purposes of this amendatory and supplementary act or
may enter into a contractual agreement with a county office on aging or a similar agency to act
as its administrative agency for purposes of this amendatory and supplementary act. In the
absence of such authorization or contractual agreement, this amendatory and supplementary act
shall be administered by a municipal board whose principal responsibility concerns the
regulation of residential rents or, if no such board exists, by the municipal clerk.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 5, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.27. Notice to tenants
The owner of any building or structure who, after the effective date of this amendatory and
supplementary act, seeks to convert any premises, shall, prior to his filing of the application for
registration of conversion with the Department of Community Affairs, notify the administrative
agency or officer responsible for administering this amendatory and supplementary act of his
intention to so file. The owner shall supply the agency or officer with a list of every tenant
residing in the premises, with stamped envelopes addressed to each tenant and with sufficient
copies of the notice to tenants and application form for protected tenancy status. Within 10 days
thereafter, the administrative agency or officer shall notify each residential tenant in writing of
the owner's intention and of the applicability of the provisions of this amendatory and
supplementary act and shall provide him with a written application form. The agency's or
officer's notice shall be substantially in the following form:
THE OWNER OF YOUR APARTMENT HAS NOTIFIED ............................................ (insert
(3) IF YOUR HOUSEHOLD INCOME IS LESS THAN ............................ (insert current
income figure for county as established by Section 7c. of this amendatory and supplementary
.............................. (insert date 60 days after municipality's mailing) TO THE ..............................
(insert name and address of administrative agency). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL
................................... (insert phone number of administrative agency) OR ..................................
(insert phone number of Department of Community Affairs).
The Department of Community Affairs shall not accept any application for registration of
conversion for any building or structure unless included in the application is proof that the
agency or officer notified the tenants prior to the application for registration. The proof shall be
by affidavit or in such other form as the department shall require.
L.1981,c.226,s.6; amended 1987,c.287,s.1; 1990,c.110,s.2.
2A:18-61.28. Eligibility for protected tenancy status
Within 30 days after receipt of an application for protected tenancy status by a tenant, the
administrative agency or officer shall make a determination of eligibility. It shall send written
notice of eligibility to each senior citizen tenant or disabled tenant who:
a. Applied therefor on or before the date of registration of conversion by the Department of
Community Affairs; and
b. Qualifies as an eligible senior citizen tenant or disabled tenant pursuant to this amendatory
and supplementary act; and
c. Has an annual household income that does not exceed an amount equal to three times the
county per capita personal income, as last reported by the Department of Labor and Industry on
the basis of the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis data, or
$50,000.00, whichever is greater; and
d. Has occupied the premises as his principal residence for at least one year or has a lease on
the premises for a period longer than one year.
The department shall adjust the county per capita personal income to be used in subsection c.
of this section if there is a difference of one or more years between (1) the year in which the last
reported county per capita personal income was based and (2) the last year in which the tenant's
annual household income is based. The county per capita personal income shall be adjusted by
the department by an amount equal to the number of years of the difference above times the
average increase or decrease in the county per capita personal income for three years, including
in the calculation the current year reported and the three immediately preceding years.
The administrative agency or officer shall likewise send a notice of denial with reasons to any
tenant whom it determines to be ineligible. The owner shall be notified of those tenants who are
determined to be eligible and ineligible.
The administrative agency or officer may require that the application include such documents
and information as may be necessary to establish that the tenant is eligible for a protected
tenancy status under the provisions of this amendatory and supplementary act and shall require
such application to be submitted under oath. The Department of Community Affairs may by
regulation adopt forms for application for protected tenancy status and notification of eligibility
or ineligibility or adopt such other regulations for the procedure of determining eligibility as it
determines are necessary.
L.1981,c.226,s.7; amended 1987,c.287,s.2; 1990,c.110,s.3.
2A:18-61.29. Registration of conversion; approval after proof of notice of eligibility to
No registration of conversion shall be approved until the Department of Community Affairs
receives proof that the administrative agency or officer has made determinations and notified all
tenants who applied for protected tenancy status within the initial 60-day period of their
eligibility or lack of eligibility. The proof shall be by affidavit or in such other form as the
department may require.
The department may grant registrations of conversion for applications pending on the effective
date of this amendatory and supplementary act upon the implementation of a procedure whereby
any eligible tenant may make application for protected tenancy status in a manner comparable to
that specified in sections 6 and 7 of this amendatory and supplementary act.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 8, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.30. Protected tenancy status; applicability after notice of eligibility and filing of
conversion recording
Protected tenancy status shall not be applicable to any eligible tenant until such time as the
owner has filed his conversion recording. The protected tenancy status shall automatically
apply as soon as a tenant receives notice of eligibility and the landlord files his conversion
recording. The conversion recording shall not be filed until after the registration of conversion.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 9, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.31. Rent increase restrictions
In a municipality which does not have a rent control ordinance in effect, no evidence of
increased costs which are solely the result of the conversion, including but not limited to any
increase in financing or carrying costs, and which do not add services or amenities not previously
provided shall be used as a basis to establish the reasonableness of a rent increase under section
2f. of P.L. 1974, c. 49 (C. 2A:18-61.1).
In a municipality which has a rent control ordinance in effect, a rent increase for a tenant with a
protected tenancy status, or for any tenant to whom notice of termination pursuant to section 3g.
of P.L. 1974, c. 49 (C. 2A:18-61.2) has been given, shall not exceed the increase authorized by
the ordinance for rent controlled units. Increased costs which are solely the result of a
conversion, including but not limited to any increase in financing or carrying costs, and which do
not add services or amenities not previously provided shall not be passed directly through to
these tenants as surcharges or pass-throughs on the rent, shall not be used as the basis for a rent
increase, and shall not be used as a basis for an increase in a fair return or hardship hearing
before a municipal rent board or on any appeal from such determination.
L. 1981, c. 226, s. 10; amended by L. 1987, c. 287, s. 3.
2A:18-61.32. Termination of protected tenancy
The administrative agency or officer shall terminate the protected tenancy status immediately
upon finding that:
a. The dwelling unit is no longer the principal residence of the senior citizen tenant or
disabled tenant; or
b. The tenant's annual household income, or the average of the tenant's annual household
income for the current year, computed on an annual basis, and the tenant's annual household
income for the two preceding years, whichever is less, exceeds an amount equal to three times
the county per capita personal income, as last reported by the Department of Labor and Industry
on the basis of the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis data, or
$50,000.00, whichever is greater.
The department shall adjust the county per capita personal income to be used in subsection b.
of this section if there is a difference of one or more years between (1) the year in which the last
reported county per capita personal income was based and (2) the last year in which the tenant's
annual household income is based. The county per capita personal income shall be adjusted by
the department by an amount equal to the number of years of the difference above times the
average increase or decrease in the county per capita personal income for three years, including
in the calculation the current year reported and the three immediately preceding years.
Upon the termination of the protected tenancy status by the administrative agency or officer,
the senior citizen tenant or disabled tenant may be removed from the dwelling unit pursuant to
P.L.1974, c.49 (C.2A:18-61.1 et al.), except that all notice and other times set forth therein shall
be calculated and extend from the date of the expiration or termination of the protected tenancy
period, or the date of the expiration of the last lease entered into with the senior citizen tenant or
disabled tenant during the protected tenancy period, whichever shall be later.
If the administrative agency determines pursuant to this section that a tenant is no longer
qualified for protected tenancy under this act, the administrative agency shall proceed to
determine the eligibility of that tenant under the "Tenant Protection Act of 1992," P.L.1991,
c.509 (C.2A:18-61.40 et al.), or, in any case in which the administrative agency is not the same
as the agency administering that other act in the municipality, refer the case to the appropriate
administrative agency for such determination. If the tenant is found to be eligible under the
"Tenant Protection Act of 1992," P.L.1991, c.509 (C.2A:18-61.40 et al.), his protected tenancy
status shall be continued. The protected tenancy status of the tenant shall remain in full force
pending such determination.
L.1981,c.226,s.11; amended 1987,c.287,s.4; 1991,c.509,s.23.
2A:18-61.33. Termination upon purchase of unit by senior citizen or disabled tenant
In the event that a senior citizen tenant or disabled tenant purchases the dwelling unit he
occupies, the protected tenancy status shall terminate immediately upon purchase.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 12, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.34. Informing prospective purchaser of act; contract or agreement for sale;
clause informing of application of act and acknowledgment by purchaser
Any public offering statement for a conversion as required by "The Planned Real Estate
Development Full Disclosure Act," P.L.1977, c. 419 (C. 45:22A-21 et seq.), shall clearly
inform the prospective purchaser of the provisions of this amendatory and supplementary act,
including, but not limited to, the provisions concerning eviction, rent increases and leases. Any
contract or agreement for sale of a converted unit shall contain a clause in 10-point bold type or
larger that the contract is subject to the terms of this amendatory and supplementary act
concerning eviction and rent increases and an acknowledgement that the purchaser has been
informed of these terms.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 15, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.35. Fee
A municipality is authorized to charge an owner a fee which may vary according to the size of
the building to cover the cost of providing the services required by this amendatory and
supplementary act.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 16, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.36. Agreement by tenant to waive rights; deemed against public policy and
Any agreement whereby the tenant waives any rights under P.L.1981, c. 226 (C. 2A:18-61.22
et seq.) on or after the effective date of this 1983 amendatory act shall be deemed to be against
public policy and unenforceable.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 17, eff. July 27, 1981. Amended by L.1983, c. 389, s. 2, eff. Dec. 2, 1983.
2A:18-61.37. Severability
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or other part of this amendatory and
supplementary act is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair
or invalidate the remainder of this act, but shall be confined in its effect to the section,
subsection, paragraph, sentence or other part of this act directly involved in the controversy in
which said judgment shall have been rendered.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 18, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.38. Rules and regulations
The Department of Community Affairs is authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as
may be necessary to implement the provisions of this amendatory and supplementary act.
L.1981, c. 226, s. 19, eff. July 27, 1981.
2A:18-61.39. Liberal construction of act
This amendatory and supplementary act shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes
L.1981, c. 226, s. 20, eff. July 27, 1981.
New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
Division of Codes and Standards
Landlord-Tenant Information Service
N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.40 through 2A:18-61.65
Printed February 2008
2A:18-61.40. Short title
1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Tenant Protection Act of 1992."
2A:18-61.41. Findings, declarations
2. The Legislature finds that the provision and maintenance of an adequate supply of
housing affordable to persons of low and moderate income in this State has been and is
becoming increasingly difficult as a result of economic and market forces which require special
public actions or subsidies to counteract. One particularly acute result of this has been the
continual increase in the number of displaced or homeless persons who, lacking permanent
shelter, require special assistance from public services in this State and in surrounding states in
order to remain alive. The Legislature has in the past taken various actions, and is currently
considering several measures, to increase the supply of affordable housing in the State. At the
same time, it is necessary to protect residential tenants, particularly those of advanced age or
disability, or lower economic status, from the effects of eviction from affordable housing in
recognition of the high costs, both financial and social, to the public of displacement from
affordable housing and of homelessness. The Legislature has in the past through various
enactments recognized that the eviction of residential tenants pursuant to the process of
conversion of residential premises to condominiums or cooperatives exacerbates homelessness
and makes more difficult the maintenance of an adequate supply of low and moderate income
housing. The Legislature, therefore, declares that it is in the public interest to establish a tenant
protection program specifically designed to provide protection to residential tenants, particularly
the aged and disabled and those of low and moderate income, from eviction resulting from
condominium or cooperative conversion.
2A:18-61.42. Definitions
3. As used in this act:
"Administrative agency" means the municipal board, officer or agency designated, or the
county agency contracted with, pursuant to section 6 of this act.
"Annual household income" means the total income from all sources during the last full
calendar year, or the annual average of that total income during the last two calendar years,
whichever is less, of a tenant and all members of the household who are residing in the tenant's
dwelling unit when the tenant applies for protected tenancy, whether or not such income is
subject to taxation by any taxing authority.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Community Affairs.
"Conversion" means conversion as defined in section 3 of "The Planned Real Estate
Development Full Disclosure Act," P.L.1977, c.419 (C.45:22A-23).
"Conversion recording" means the recording with the appropriate county officer of a master
deed for a condominium or a deed to a cooperative corporation for a planned residential
development or separable fee simple ownership of the dwelling units.
"County rental housing shortage" means a certification issued by the Commissioner of
Community Affairs that there has occurred a significant decline in the availability of rental
dwelling units in the county due to conversions; provided, however, that the commissioner shall
not issue any such certification unless during the immediately preceeding 10 year period:
a. The aggregate number of rental units subject to registrations of conversion during any
three consecutive years in the county exceeds 10,000; and
b. The aggregate number of rental units subject to registrations of conversion in at least one
of those three years exceeds 5,000.
"Department" means the Department of Community Affairs.
"Index" means the annual average over a 12-month period beginning September 1 and ending
August 31 of the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W),
All Items Series A, of the United States Department of Labor (1957-1959 = 100), for either the
New York, NY-Northeastern New Jersey or the Philadelphia, PA-New Jersey region, according
as either shall have been determined by the commissioner to be applicable in the locality of a
property undergoing conversion.
"Protected tenancy period" means, except as otherwise provided in section 11 of this act, all
that time following the conversion recording for a building or structure during which a qualified
tenant in that building or structure continues to be a qualified tenant and continues to occupy a
welling unit therein as his principal residence.
"Qualified county" means:
a. Any county with a population in excess of 500,000 and a population density in excess of
8,500 per square mile, according to the most recent federal decennial census; or
b. Any county wherein there exists a county rental housing shortage.
"Qualified tenant" means a tenant who is a resident in a qualified county and:
(1) Applied for protected tenancy status on or before the date of registration of conversion by
the department, or within one year of the effective date of this act, whichever is later;
(2) Has occupied the premises as his principal residence for at least 12 consecutive months
next preceding the date of application; and
(3) Has an annual household income that does not at the time of application exceed the
maximum qualifying income as determined pursuant to section 4 of this act, except that this
income limitation shall not apply to any tenant who is age 75 or more years or is disabled within
the meaning of section 3 of P.L.1981, c.226 (C.2A:18-61.24).
"Registration of conversion" means an approval of an application for registration by the
department in accordance with "The Planned Real Estate Development Full Disclosure Act,"
P.L.1977, c.419 (C.45:22A-21 et seq.).
"Tenant in need of comparable housing" means a tenant who is not a qualified tenant under
this act and is not eligible for protected tenancy under the "Senior Citizens and Disabled
Protected Tenancy Act," P.L.1981, c.226 (C.2A:18-61.22 et al.).
2A:18-61.43. Maximum qualifying income, adjustment
4. As of the effective date of this act, maximum qualifying income for the purpose of
determining qualified tenant status as defined in section 3 of this act shall be in the case of a
household comprising one person, $31,400; two persons, $38,500; three persons, $44,800; four
persons, $50,300; five persons, $55,000; six persons, $58,900; seven persons, $62,000; eight or
more persons, $64,300. In the case of any application for protected tenancy filed more than one
year from the effective date of this act, and upon any occasion when termination of a previously
granted protected tenancy is sought pursuant to section 11 of this act upon the grounds set forth
in paragraph (2) of subsection a. of that section, these figures shall be adjusted by the percentage
change, if any, in the applicable index that has occurred since the effective date of this act.
2A:18-61.44. Protected tenancy, qualification, duration
5. a. Each qualified tenant shall be granted a protected tenancy status with respect to his
dwelling unit upon conversion of the building or structure in which the unit is located. The
protected tenancy status shall be granted upon proper application and qualification pursuant to
the provisions of this act.
b. Each qualified tenant in need of comparable housing shall be entitled to remain in his
dwelling unit upon conversion of the building or structure in which the unit is located until the
owner of the building or structure has complied with the provisions of P.L.1975, c.311 (C.2A:18-
61.7 et al.).
2A:18-61.45. Designation of administrative agency
6. Each municipal governing body in a qualified county shall designate a municipal board,
agency or officer to act as its administrative agency for the purposes of this act or may enter into
a contractual agreement with an appropriate county to act as its administrative agency for
purposes of this act. In the absence of such authorization or contractual agreement, this act shall
be administered by the board, agency or officer administering the provisions of the "Senior
Citizens and Disabled Protected Tenancy Act," P.L.1981, c.226 (C.2A:18-61.22 et al.) in the
2A:18-61.46. Notice, etc. required of owner seeking to convert, notice to tenants
7. The owner of any building or structure in a qualified county who seeks to convert any
premises shall notify the administrative agency of that intention prior to filing the application for
registration of conversion with the department. The owner shall supply the administrative
agency with a list of every tenant residing in the premises, with stamped envelopes addressed to
each tenant and with sufficient copies of the notice to tenants and application form for protected
tenancy status. Within 10 days thereafter, the administrative agency shall notify each residential
tenant in writing of the owner's intention and of the applicability of the provisions of this act and
shall provide him with a written application form. The agency's notice shall be substantially in
the following form:
THE OWNER OF YOUR APARTMENT HAS NOTIFIED ................................ (insert name of
(2) IF YOUR HOUSEHOLD INCOME IS LESS THAN ............................................. (insert
current maximum qualifying income established under section 3 of this act), OR
....................... (insert date 60 days after municipality's mailing)
TO THE ............................................. (insert name and address of administrative agency)
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL................... (insert phone number of administrative
OR .............................................." (insert phone number of Department of Community Affairs)
The department shall not accept any application for registration of conversion for any building
or structure unless included in the application is proof that the administrative agency notified the
tenants prior to the application for registration. The proof shall be by affidavit or in such other
form as the department shall require.
In any municipality where the administrative agency is the same as the agency administering
the "Senior Citizens and Disabled Protected Tenancy Act," P.L.1981, c.226 (C.2A:18-61.22 et
al.), the notices required under that act and this act may be combined in a single mailing.
2A:18-61.47. Determining tenants' qualifications
8. Within 30 days after receipt of an application for the protected tenancy status authorized
under the provisions of this act, the administrative agency shall make a determination of
qualification. It shall send written notice of qualification to each tenant who is a resident of the
qualified county and:
a. applied on or before the date of registration of conversion by the department, or within one
year from the effective date of this act, whichever is later; and,
b. has an annual household income that does not exceed the maximum amount permitted for
qualification, or is exempt from that income limitation by reason of age or disability; and,
c. has occupied the premises as his principal residence for at least 12 consecutive months
next preceding the date of application.
The administrative agency shall likewise send a notice of denial, with reasons therefor, to any
tenant whom it determines not to be qualified. That notice shall inform the tenant of his right to
remain in his dwelling unit until the owner shall have complied with the requirements of
P.L.1975, c.311 (C.2A:18-61.7 et al.) and shall include an explanation of the meaning of
"comparable housing" as used in that act. The owner shall be notified of those tenants who are
determined to be qualified and unqualified.
The administrative agency may require that the application include such documents and
information as may be necessary to establish that the tenant is qualified for a protected tenancy
status under the provisions of this act and shall require that such documentation and information
be submitted under oath. The commissioner may by regulation adopt uniform forms to used in
applying for protected tenancy status, for notifying an applicant of qualification or denial thereof,
and conveying to a denied applicant the information concerning his rights to continued tenancy
and offer of comparable housing; he may also adopt such other regulations for the procedure of
determining qualification as he deems necessary or expedient to the proper effectuation of the
provisions and purposes of this act.
2A:18-61.48. Requisites for approval of registration of conversion
9. No registration of conversion for a building or structure located in a qualified county shall
be approved until the department receives proof that the provisions of section 8 of this act have
been complied with, and that notification as required in that section has been made to all tenants
who filed application for protected tenancy status on or before the application deadline
prescribed in the notice given pursuant to section 7 of this act. The proof shall be by affidavit or
in such form as the department may require.
2A:18-61.49. Applicability of protected tenancy
10. The protected tenancy status authorized under the provisions of this act shall not be
applicable to any qualified tenant until such time as the owner has filed his conversion
recording. The protected tenancy status shall automatically apply as soon as a tenant receives
notice of qualification and the landlord files his conversion recording. The conversion recording
shall not be filed until after the registration of conversion.
2A:18-61.50. Termination of protected tenancy
11. a. The administrative agency shall terminate the protected tenancy status authorized under
the provisions of this act immediately upon finding that:
(1) the dwelling unit is no longer the principal residence of the tenant, or
(2) the tenant's annual household income exceeds the maximum amount permitted for
b. Upon presentation to the administrative agency of credible evidence that a tenant is no
longer qualified for protected tenancy status under this act, the administrative agency shall
proceed, in accordance with such regulations and procedures as the department shall adopt and
prescribe for use in such cases, to investigate and make a determination as to the continuance of
that status.
c. Upon the termination of the protected tenancy status by the administrative agency, the
tenant may be removed from the dwelling unit pursuant to P.L.1974, c.49 (C.2A:18-61.1 et al.),
except that all notice and other times set forth therein shall be calculated and extend from the
date of the expiration or termination of the protected tenancy period, or the date of the expiration
of the last lease entered into with the tenant during the protected tenancy period, whichever shall
be later.
d. Any protection afforded to a person under the "Senior Citizens and Disabled Protected
Tenancy Act," P.L.1981, c.226 (C.2A:18-61.22 et al.) shall remain in full force and effect. If the
administrative agency determines that a tenant is no longer qualified for protected tenancy under
that act, the administrative agency shall proceed to determine the eligibility of that tenant under
the "Tenant Protection Act of 1992," P.L.1991, c.509 (C.2A:18-61.40 et al.), or, in any case in
which the administrative agency is not the same as the agency administering the "Tenant
Protection Act of 1992" in the municipality, shall refer the case to the appropriate administrative
agency for such determination. If the tenant is found by such determination to be eligible, his
protected tenancy status shall be continued. The protected tenancy status of the tenant shall
remain in full force pending such determination.
2A:18-61.51. Tenancy protection terminated by tenant purchase
12. In the event that a qualified tenant purchases the dwelling unit he occupies, the protected
tenancy status afforded under the provisions of this act shall terminate immediately upon
2A:18-61.52. Costs of conversion no basis for rent increases
13. a. In the case of a municipality subject to the provisions of this act that does not have a rent
control ordinance in effect, no evidence of increased costs that are solely the result of the
conversion, including but not limited to any increase in financing or carrying costs, and do not
add services or amenities not previously provided shall be used as a basis to establish the
reasonableness of a rent increase under subsection f. of section 2 of P.L.1974, c.49 (C.2A:18-
b. In the case of a municipality subject to the provisions of this act that has a rent control
ordinance in effect, a rent increase for a qualified tenant with a protected tenancy status, or for
any tenant to whom notice of termination pursuant to subsection g. of section 3 of P.L.1974, c.49
(C.2A:18-61.2) has been given, shall not exceed the increase authorized by the ordinance for
rent-controlled units. Increased costs that are solely the result of a conversion, including but not
limited to any increase in financing or carrying costs, and do not add services or amenities not
previously provided shall not be used as a basis for an increase in a fair-return or hardship
hearing before a municipal rent board or on any appeal from such determination.
2A:18-61.53. Public offering statements, requisites
14. In the case of a building or structure located in a qualified county, the public offering
statement for a conversion as required by "The Planned Real Estate Development Full Disclosure
Act," P.L.1977, c.419 (C.45:22A-21 et seq.), shall clearly inform the prospective purchaser of
the provisions of this act regarding the protection of qualified tenants and tenants in need of
comparable housing. Any contract or agreement for sale of a converted unit shall contain a
clause in 10-point bold type or larger that the contract is subject to the terms of this act
concerning such tenant protection and an acknowledgement that the purchaser has been informed
of these terms.
2A:18-61.54. Municipal fees
15. A municipality located in a qualified county is authorized to charge an owner a fee which
may vary according to the size of the building to cover the cost of providing the services required
by this act.
2A:18-61.55. Tenant waivers, unenforceable
16. Any agreement whereby the tenant waives any rights under this act shall be deemed to be
against public policy and unenforceable.
2A:18-61.56. Actions against qualified tenants, limitations
17. For one year from the effective date of this act, no action for removal of a qualified tenant
shall be instituted, no judgment shall be entered against a qualified tenant based upon a
previously instituted action, and no qualified tenant shall be removed from his dwelling unit by a
landlord, on the basis of the conversion of the premises. The owner of any residential premises
located in a qualified county who, prior to that date, has registered those residential premises for
conversion or applied for such registration shall comply with the provisions of this act, and the
tenants residing in those premises shall be entitled to the protections extended under this act as if
the registration or application for registration had not so occurred prior to that date. However,
the provisions of this section shall not apply to any residential unit for which a conversion was
registered prior to March 4, 1991 if the unit was sold to a bona fide individual purchaser prior to
that date and that purchaser intends to personally occupy the unit as his principal residence.
2A:18-61.57. Removal for good cause
18. Nothing in this act shall be deemed to prevent a court from removing a tenant, qualified
tenant or tenant in need of comparable housing from a dwelling unit located in a qualified county
for good cause shown not to be related to conversion of the building or structure to a
condominium or cooperative.
2A:18-61.58. Severability
24. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or other part of this act is adjudged
unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of
this act, but shall be confined in its effect to the section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or other
part of this act directly involved in the controversy in which the judgment shall have been
2A:18-61.59. Rules, regulations
25. The commissioner is authorized to adopt, in accordance with the provisions of the
"Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), such rules and
regulations as may be necessary to implement the provisions of this act, including but not limited
to, the prescribing of administrative and notification procedures which integrate the procedural
requirements of this act with those of P.L.1981, c.226 (C.2A:18-61.22 et al.) in order to facilitate
the efficient administration of both acts.
2A:18-61.60. Tenants' organization permitted to accept billing for utility.
1. Whenever an electric, gas, water or sewer public utility has provided written notice to
tenants residing in rental premises of a proposed discontinuance of service and the tenants so
notified have indicated a desire to continue service, but the utility has determined that it would
not be feasible to bill each tenant individually for the service, the utility shall permit a tenants'
organization representing each tenant of the rental premises to accept billing for the utility
including the periodic billing for current charges, and a statement of any arrearage which is
unpaid by the landlord for service previously supplied by the utility, and shall continue providing
the service to the premises provided that payment is received.
2A:18-61.61 Deduction of certain utility costs from rental payment.
2. Whenever a tenants' organization agrees to accept billing for a utility service, the
tenants comprising the membership of the organization accepting and paying such billing shall
be permitted to deduct from each of their respective rental payments to the landlord of the
premises an amount corresponding to the tenant's contribution towards the currently due utility
payment and the arrearage, if any, owed by the landlord, provided that any contribution by a
tenant to the arrearage shall not exceed 15 percent of the tenant's rental payment which would
have been payable to the landlord, but for the contribution.
2A:18-61.62 Issuance of "Notice of Rent Protection Emergency."
1. The Governor shall be empowered, whenever declaring a state of emergency, to
determine whether the emergency will, or is likely to, significantly affect the availability and
pricing of rental housing in the areas included in the declaration. If the Governor determines that
unconscionable rental practices are likely to occur unless the protections afforded under
P.L.2002, c.133 (C.2A:18-61.62 et seq.) are invoked, the Governor may issue a "Notice of Rent
Protection Emergency" at any time during the declared state of emergency.
2A:18-61.63 Effect of issuance of "Notice of Rent Protection Emergency."
2. Whenever the Governor declares a state of emergency within certain areas of the
State, and issues a "Notice of Rent Protection Emergency," the following shall apply:
a. Within a zone which includes the area declared to be in a state of emergency and, if
so indicated in the Notice of Rent Protection Emergency extending a distance not to exceed 10
miles in all directions from the outward boundaries thereof, there shall be a presumption of
unreasonableness given to a notice of increase in rental charges provided subsequent to the date
of the declaration by a landlord to a tenant occupying premises which are utilized as a residence,
when the proposed percentage increase in rent is greater than twice the rate of inflation as
indicated by increases in the CPI for the immediately preceding nine-month period. For the
purposes of this section, "CPI" means the annual average over a 12-month period beginning
September 1 and ending August 31 of the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and
Clerical Workers (CPI-W), All Items Series A, of the United States Department of Labor (1957-
1959 = 100), for the New York, NY-Northeastern New Jersey region.
b. Within a zone which includes the area declared to be in a state of emergency and, if
so indicated in the Notice of Rent Protection Emergency extending a distance not to exceed 10
miles in all directions from the outward boundaries thereof, there shall be a limitation on the
amount of rent which may be charged a tenant undertaking a new lease for residential premises
during the duration of the declaration of a "Notice of Rent Protection Emergency" made pursuant
to section 1 of P.L.2002, c.133 (C.2A:18-61.62). The amount of rent which may be charged
shall be limited to the product of the fair market rental value of the premises prior to the
emergency conditions and two times the rate of inflation as determined by the increase in the CPI
for the immediately preceding nine month period. For the purposes of this section, "CPI" means
the annual average over a 12-month period beginning September 1 and ending August 31 of the
Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), All Items Series
A, of the United States Department of Labor (1957-1959 = 100), for the New York, NY-
Northeastern New Jersey region.
c. In the event that a landlord believes that the limitations on increases in rental charges
imposed by a "Notice of Rent Protection Emergency" prevent the landlord from realizing a just
and reasonable rate of return on the landlord's investment, the landlord may file an application
with the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Law and Public
Safety for the purpose of requesting permission to increase rental charges in excess of the
increases otherwise authorized under the "Notice of Rent Protection Emergency". In evaluating
such an application, the director shall take into consideration the purposes intended to be
achieved by P.L.2002, c.133 (C.2A:18-61.62 et seq.), and the "Notice of Rent Protection
Emergency" and the amount of rental charges required to provide the landlord with a just and
reasonable return. The Director shall promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with the
"Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.) to effectuate the purposes
of this act.
d. The provisions of subsections a. and b. of this section will serve to supplement, not
replace, any existing local, State, or federal restrictions on rent increases for any dwelling units
in residential buildings located within the zone described in subsections a. and b. of this section,
and will only apply to those dwelling units where they cause a lowering of the maximum
allowable rent increase or of the maximum reasonable rent increase.
e. The provisions of subsections a. and b. of this section shall cease to apply upon the
expiration of the state of emergency, or upon the rescission of the either the declaration of the
state of emergency or the "Notice of Rent Protection Emergency."
2A:18-61.64 Report of violation, investigation, penalties.
3. a. A tenant or prospective tenant may report a violation of the provisions of P.L.2002,
c.133 (C.2A:18-61.62 et seq.) to the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs in the
Department of Law and Public Safety. The director shall investigate any complaint within 10
days of receipt of the complaint.
b. If the director determines that a violation of this act has occurred:
(1) a penalty may be assessed against the landlord in an amount equal to six times the
monthly rental sought to be imposed upon a tenant in contravention of the "Notice of Rent
Protection Emergency"; or
(2) any penalties for violations of the New Jersey consumer fraud act, P.L.1960, c.39
(C.56:8-1 et seq.) may be sought by the director.
c. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections a. and b. of this section, a tenant shall
have the right to petition a court of competent jurisdiction to terminate a lease containing a
provision in violation of the provisions of P.L.2002, c.133 (C.2A:18-61.62 et seq.).
2A:18-61.65 Violations considered as consumer fraud.
4. Any violation of P.L.2002, c.133 (C.2A:18-61.62 et seq.) shall be considered a
violation of the New Jersey consumer fraud act, P.L.1960, c.39 (C.56:8-1 et seq.).