The Code Of Civil Procedure, 1908
(Act No. 5 of 1908)
An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the procedure of the Courts of Civil Judicature.
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the procedure of the Courts of Civil
Judicature; it is hereby enacted as follows:-
IX 116-120
X 121-131 RULES
1. Short title, commencement and extent- (1) This Act may be cited as the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
(2) It shall come into force on the first day of January, 1909.
[2][(3) It extends to the whole of India except-
(a) the State of Jammu and Kashmir;
(b) the State of Nagaland and the tribal areas :
Provided that the State Government concerned may, by notification in the Official Gazette, extend the
provisions of this Code or any of them to the whole or part of the State of Nagaland or such tribal areas, as
the case may be, with such supplemental, incidental or consequential modifications as may be specified in
the notification.
Explanation-In this clause, "tribal areas" means the territories which, immediately before the 21st day of
January, 1972 were included in the tribal areas of Assam as referred to in paragraph 20 of the Sixth
Schedule to the Constitution.
(4) In relation to the Amindivi Islands, and the East Godavari, West Godavari and Visakhapatnam Agencies
in the State of Andhra Pradesh and the Union territory of Lakshadweep, the application of this Code shall be
without prejudice to the application of any rule or regulation for the time being in force in such Islands,
Agencies or such Union territory, as the case may be, relating to the application of this Code.]
2. Definitions- In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-
(1) "Code" includes rules;
(2) "decree" means the formal expression of an adjudication which, so far as regards the Court expressing it,
conclusively determines the rights of the parties with regard to all or any of the matters in controversy in the
suit and may be either preliminary or final. It shall be deemed to include the rejection of a plaint and the
determination of any question within [3]* * * section 144, but shall not include-
(a) any adjudication from which an appeal lies as an appeal from an order, or
(b) any order of dismissal for default.
Explanation-A decree is preliminary when further proceedings have to be taken before the suit can be
completely disposed of. It is final when such adjudication completely disposes of the suit, it may be partly
preliminary and partly final;
(3) "decree-holder" means any person in whose favour a decree has been passed or an order capable of
execution has been made;
(4) "district" means the local limits of the jurisdiction of a principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction
(hereinafter called a "District Court"), and includes the local limits of the ordinary original civil jurisdiction of a
High Court;
(5) "foreign Court" means a Court situate outside India and not established or continued by the authority of
the Central Government;
(6) "foreign judgment" means the judgment of a foreign Court;
(7) "Government Pleader" includes any officer appointed by the State Government to perform all or any of
the functions expressly imposed by this Code on the Government Pleader and also any pleader acting under
the directions of the Government Pleader;
(7A) "High Court" in relation to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, means the High Court in Calcutta;
(7B) "India", except in sections 1, 29, 43, 44, 44A, 78, 79, 82, 83 and 87A, means the territory of India
excluding the State of Jammu and Kashmir;
(8) "Judge" means the presiding officer of a Civil Court;
(9) "judgment" means the statement given by the judge of the grounds of a decree or order;
(10) "judgment-debtor" means any person against whom a decree has been passed or an order capable of
execution has been made;
(11) "legal representative" means a person who in law represents the estate of a deceased person, and
includes any person who intermeddles with the estate of the deceased and where a party sues or is sued in
a representative character the person on whom the estate devolves on the death of the party so suing or
(12) "means profits" of property means those profits which the person in wrongful possession of such
property actually received or might with ordinary diligence have received therefrom, together with interest on
such profits, but shall not include profits due to improvements made but the person in wrongful possession;
(13) "movable property" includes growing crops;
(14) "order" means the formal expression of any decision of a Civil Court which is not a decree;
(15) "pleader" means any person entitled to appear and plead for another in Court, and includes an
advocate, a vakil and an attorney of a High Court;
(16) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules :
(17) "public officer" means a person falling under any of the following descriptions, namely:-
(a) every Judge;
(b) every member of [4][an All-India Service];
(c) every commissioned or gazetted officer in the military, naval or air forces of the Union while serving under
the Government.
(d) every officer of a Court of Justice whose duty it is, as such officer, to investigate or report on any matter
of law or fact, or to make, authenticate or keep any document, or to take charge or dispose of any property,
or to execute any judicial process, or to administer any oath, or to interpret, or to preserve order, in the court,
and every person especially authorized by a Court of Justice to perform any of such duties:
(e) every person who holds and office by virtue of which he is empowered to place or keep any person in
(f) every officer of the Government whose duty it is, as such officer, to prevent offences to give information of
offences, to bring offenders to justice, or to protect the public health, safety or convenience;
(g) every officer whose duty it is, as such officer, to take, receive, keep or expend any property on behalf of
the Government, or to make any survey, assessment or contract on behalf of the Government, or to execute
any revenue process, or to investigate, or to report on, any matter affecting the pecuniary interests of the
Government, or to make, authenticate or keep any document relating to the pecuniary interests of the
Government, or to prevent the infraction of any law for the protection of the pecuniary interests of the
Government; and
(h) every officer in the service or pay of the Government, or remunerated by fees or commission for the
performance of any public duty;
(18) "rules" means rules and forms contained in the First Schedule or made under section 122 or section
(19) "share in a corporation" shall be deemed to include stock, debenture stock, debentures or bonds; and
(20) "signed", save in the case of a judgment or decree, includes stamped.
3. Subordination of Courts- For the purposes of this Code, the District Court is subordinate to the High Court,
and every Civil Court of a grade inferior to that of a District Court and every Court of Small Causes is
subordinate to the High Court and District Court.
4. Savings- (1) In the absence of any specific provision to the contrary, nothing in this Code shall be deemed
to limit or otherwise affect any special or local law now in force or any special jurisdiction or power conferred,
or any special form of procedure prescribed, by or under any other law for the time in force.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the proposition contained in sub-section (1) nothing
in this Code shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect any remedy which a landholder or landlord may
have under any law for the time being in force for the recovery of rent of agricultural land from the produce of
such land.
5. Application of the Code of Revenue Courts- (1) Where any Revenue Courts are governed by the
provisions of this Code in those matters of procedure upon which any special enactment applicable to them
is silent, the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare that any portions of those
provisions which are not expressly made applicable by this Code shall not apply to those Courts, or shall
only apply to them with such modifications as the State Government may prescribe.
(2) "Revenue Court" in sub-section (1) means a Court having jurisdiction under any local law to entertain
suits or other proceedings relating to the rent, revenue or profits of land used for agricultural purposes, but
does not include a Civil Court having original jurisdiction under this Code to try such suits or proceedings as
being suits or proceedings of a civil nature.
6. Pecuniary jurisdiction- Save in so far as is otherwise expressly provided, nothing herein contained shall
operate to give any Court jurisdiction over suits the amount or value of the subject-matter of which exceeds
the pecuniary limits (if any) of its ordinary jurisdiction.
7. Provincial Small Cause Courts- The following provisions shall not extend to Courts constituted under the
Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887 (9 of 1887) or under the Berar Small Cause Courts Laws, 1905, or
to Courts exercising the jurisdiction of a Court of Small Causes under the said Act or Law or to Courts in any
part of India to which the said Act does not extend exercising a corresponding jurisdiction that is to say,-
(a) so much of the body of the Code as relates to-
(i) suits excepted from the cognizance of a Court of Small Causes;
(ii) the execution of decrees in such suits;
(iii) the execution of decrees against immovable property ; and
(b) the following sections, that is to say,-
section 9,
sections 91 and 92,
sections 94 and 95 so far as they authorize or relate to-
(i) orders for the attachment of immovable property;
(ii) injunctions,
(iii) the appointment of a receiver of immovable property, or
(iv) the interlocutory orders referred to in clause (e) of section 94 and sections 96 to 112 and 115.
8. Presidency Small Cause Courts- Save as provided in sections 24, 38 to 41, 75, clauses (a), (b) and (c), 76
[5][77, 157 and 158], and by the Presidency Small Cause Courts Act, 1882, (15 of 1882) the provisions in the
body of this Code shall not extend to any suit or proceedings in any Court of Small Causes established in the
towns of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay :
Provided that -
(1) the High Courts of Judicature at Fort William Madras and Bombay, as the case may be, may from time to
time, by notifications in the Official Gazette, direct that any such provisions not inconsistent with the express
provisions of the Presidency Small Cause Courts Act, 1882, (15 of 1882) and with such modifications and
adaptation as may be specified in the notification, shall extend to suits or proceedings or any class of suits or
proceedings in such Court:
(2) all rules heretofore made by any of the said High Courts under section 9 of the Presidency Small Cause
Courts Act, 1882 ( 15 of 1882) shall be deemed to have been validly made.
Gujarat- After the words Calcutta, Madras and Bombay the words "and in the City of Ahmedabad" shall be
[Gujarat Act No. XIX of 1961].
Jurisdiction of the Courts and Res judicata
9. Courts to try all civil suits unless barred— The Courts shall (subject to the provisions herein contained) have
jurisdiction to try all suits of a civil nature excepting suits of which their cognizance is either expressly or impliedly
[6] [Explanation I].—A suit in which the right to property or to an office is contested is a suit of a civil nature,
notwithstanding that such right may depend entirely on the decision of questions as to religious rites or ceremonies.
[7] [Explanation II]. For the purposes of this section, it is immaterial whether or not any fees are attached to the office
referred to in Explanation I or whether or not such office is attached to a particular place.].
Maharashtra— After section 9 insert the following section 9A.
"9A. Where at the hearing of application relating to interim relief in a suit, objection to jurisdiction is taken such issue
to be decided by the court as a preliminary issue:— (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this code or any other
law for the time being in force, if at the hearing of any application for granting or setting aside an order granting any
interim relief, whether by way of stay, injunction, appointment of a receiver or otherwise, made in any suit, on objection
to jurisdiction of the court to entertain such suit is taken by any of the parties to the suit the court shall proceed to
determine at the hearing of such application the issue as to the jurisdiction as a preliminary issue before granting for
setting aside the order granting the interim relief. Any such application shall be heard and disposed of by the court as
expeditiously as possible and shall not in any case be adjourned to the hearing of the suit.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), at the hearing of any such application the court may grant
such interim relief as it may consider necessary, pending determination by it of the preliminary issue as to the
[Maharashtra Act No. 65 of 1977].
10. Stay of suit— No Court shall proceed with the trial of any suit in which the matter in issue is also directly and
substantially in issue in a previously instituted suit between the same parties, or between parties under whom they or
any of them claim litigating under the same title where such suit is pending in the same or any other Court in India
having jurisdiction to grant the relief claimed, or in any Court beyond the limits of India established or continued by the
Central Government and having like jurisdiction, or before the Supreme Court.
Explanation—The pendency of a suit in a foreign Court does not preclude the Courts in India from trying a suit founded
on the same cause of action.
11. Res judicata— No Court shall try any suit or issue in which the matter directly and substantially in issue has been
directly and substantially in issue in a former suit between the same parties, or between parties under whom they or any
of them claim, litigating under the same title, in a Court competent to try such subsequent suit or the suit in which such
issue has been subsequently raised, and has been heard and finally decided by such Court.
Explanation I.—The expression "former suit" shall denote a suit which has been decided prior to the suit in question
whether or not it was instituted prior thereto.
Explanation II.—For the purposes of this section, the competence of a Court shall be determined irrespective of any
provisions as to a right of appeal from the decision of such Court.
Explanation III.—The matter above referred to must in the former suit have been alleged by one party and either denied
or admitted, expressly or impliedly, by the other.
Explanation IV.—Any matter which might and ought to have been made ground of defence or attack in such former suit
shall be deemed to have been a matter directly and substantially in issue in such suit.
Explanation V.—Any relief claimed in the plaint, which is not expressly granted by the decree, shall, for the purposes of
this section, be deemed to have been refused.
Explanation VI.—Where persons litigate bona fide in respect of public right or of a private right claimed in common for
themselves and others, all persons interested in such right shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to claim
under the persons so litigating.
[8] [Explanation VII.—The provisions of this section shall apply to a proceeding for the execution of a decree and
reference in this section to any suit, issue or former suit shall be construed as references, respectively, to proceedings for
the execution of the decree, question arising in such proceeding and a former proceeding for the execution of that
Explanation VIII.—An issue heard and finally decided by a Court of limited jurisdiction, competent to decide such
issue, shall operate as res judicata in as subsequent suit, notwithstanding that such Court of limited jurisdiction was not
competent to try such subsequent suit or the suit in which such issue has been subsequently raised.]
12. Bar to further suit.— Where a plaintiff is precluded by rules from instituting a further suit in respect of any
particular cause of action, he shall not be entitled to institute a suit in respect of such cause of action in any Court to
which this Code applies.
13. When foreign judgment not conclusive— A foreign judgment shall be conclusive as to any matter thereby directly
adjudicated upon between the same parties or between parties under whom they or any of them claim litigating under
the same title except—
(a) where it has not been pronounced by a Court of competent jurisdiction;
(b) where it has not been given on the merits of the case;
(c) where it appears on the face of the proceedings to be founded on an incorrect view of international law or a refusal to
recognise the law of India in cases in which such law is applicable;
(d) where the proceedings in which the judgment was obtained are opposed to natural justice;
(e) where it has been obtained by fraud;
(f) where it sustains a claim founded on a breach of any law in force in India.
14. Presumption as to foreign judgments.— The Court shall presume upon the production of any document purporting
to be a certified copy of a foreign judgment that such judgment was pronounced by a Court of competent jurisdiction,
unless the contrary appears on the record; but such presumption may be displaced by proving want of jurisdiction.
Place of suing
15. Court in which suits to be instituted— Every suit shall be instituted in the Court of the lowest grade competent to try
16. Suits to be instituted where subject-matter situate— Subject to the pecuniary or other limitations prescribed by any
law, suits—
(a) for the recovery of immovable property with or without rent or profits,
(b) for the partition of immovable property,
(c) for foreclosure, sale or redemption in the case of a mortgage of or charge upon immovable property,
(d) for the determination of any other right to or interest in immovable property,
(e) for compensation for wrong to immovable property,
(f) for the recovery of movable property actually under distraint or attachment,
shall be instituted in the Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the property is situate:
Provided that a suit to obtain relief respecting, or compensation for wrong to, immovable property held by or on behalf
of the defendant, may where the relief sought can be entirely obtained through his personal obedience be instituted
either in the Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the property is situate, or in the Court within the local
limits of whose jurisdiction the defendant actually and voluntarily resider, or carries on business, or personally works
for gain.
Explanation.— In this section "property" means property situate in India.
17. Suits for immovable property situate within jurisdiction of different Courts— Where a suit is to obtain relief
respecting, or compensation for wrong to, immovable property situate within the jurisdiction of different Court, the suit
my be instituted in any Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction any portion of the property is situate :
Provided that, in respect of the value of the subject matter of the suit, the entire claim is cognizable by such Court.
18. Place of institution of suit where local limits of jurisdiction of Courts are uncertain— (1) Where it is alleged to be
uncertain within the local limits of the jurisdiction of which of two or more Courts any immovable property is situate,
any one of those Courts may, if satisfied that there is ground for the alleged uncertainty, record a statement to that effect
and thereupon proceed to entertain and dispose of any suit relating to that property, and its decree in the suit shall have
the same effect as if the property were situate within the local limits of its jurisdiction :
Provided that the suit is one with respect to which the Court is competent as regards the nature and value of the suit to
exercise jurisdiction.
(2) Where a statement has not been recorded under sub-section (1), and objection is taken before an Appellate or
Revisional Court that a decree or order in a suit relating to such property was made by a Court not having jurisdiction
where the property is situate, the Appellate or Revisional Court shall not allow the objection unless in its opinion there
was, at the time of the institution of the suit, no reasonable ground for uncertainty as to the Court having jurisdiction
with respect thereto and there has been a consequent failure of justice.
19. Suits for compensation for wrongs to person or movable— Where a suit is for compensation for wrong done to the
person or to movable property, if the wrong was done within the local limits of the jurisdiction of one Court and the
defendant resides, or carries on business, or personally works for gain, within the local limits of the jurisdiction of
another Court, the suit may be instituted at the option of the plaintiff in either of the said Courts.
(a) A, residing in Delhi, beats B in Calcutta. B may sue A either in Calcutta or in Delhi.
(b) A, residing in Delhi, publishes in Calcutta statements defamatory of B. B may sue A either in Calcutta or in Delhi.
20. Other suits to be instituted where defendants reside or cause of action arises— Subject to the limitations aforesaid,
every suit shall be instituted in Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction—
(a) the defendant, or each of the defendants where there are more than one, at the time of the commencement of the suit,
actually and voluntarily resides, or carries on business, or personally works for gain; or
(b) any of the defendants, where there are more than one, at the time of the commencement of the suit actually and
voluntarily resides, or carries on business, or personally works for gain, provided that in such case either the leave of the
Court is given, or the defendants who do not reside, or carry on business, or personally work for gain, as aforesaid,
acquiesce in such institution; or
(c) the cause of action, wholly or in part, arises.
[9] [* * * *]
[10] [Explanation].—A corporation shall be deemed to carry on business at its sole or principal office in India or, in
respect of any cause of action arising at any place where it has also a subordinate office, at such place.
(a) A is a tradesman in Calcutta, B carries on business in Delhi. B, by his agent in Calcutta, buys goods of A and
requests A to deliver them to the East Indian Railway Company. A delivers the goods accordingly in Calcutta. A may
sue B for the price of the goods either in Calcutta, where the cause of action has arisen or in Delhi, where B carries on
(b) A resides at Simla, B at Calcutta and C at Delhi A, B and C being together at Benaras, B and C make a joint
promissory note payable on demand, and deliver it to A. A may sue B and C at Benaras, where the cause of action
arose. He may also sue them at Calcutta, where B resides, or at Delhi, where C resides; but in each of these cases, if the
non-resident defendant object, the suit cannot proceed without the leave of the Court.
21. Objections to jurisdiction— [11][(1)] No objection as to the place of suing shall be allowed by any appellate or
Revisional Court unless such objection was taken in the Court of first instance at the earliest possible opportunity and in
all cases where issues or settled at or before such settlement, and unless there has been a consequent failure of justice.
[12] [2) No objection as to the competence of a Court with reference to the pecuniary limits of its jurisdiction shall be
allowed by any Appellate or Revisional Court unless such objection was taken in the Court of first instance at the
earliest possible opportunity, and in all cases where issues are settled, at or before such settlement, and unless there has
been a consequent failure of justice.
(3) No objection as to the competence of the executing Court with reference to the local limits of its jurisdiction shall be
allowed by any Appellate or Revisional Court unless such objection was taken in the executing Court at the earliest
possible opportunity, and unless there has been a consequent failure of justice.]
[13][21A. Bar on suit to set aside decree on objection as to place of suing— No suit shall lie challenging the validity of
a decree passed in a former suit between the same parties, or between the parties under whom they or any of them
claim, litigating under the same title, on any ground based on an objection as to the place of suing.
Explanation.—The expression "former suit" means a suit which has been decided prior to the decision in the suit in
which the validity of the decree is questioned, whether or not the previously decided suit was instituted prior to the suit
in which the validity of such decree is questioned].
22. Power to transfer suits which may be instituted in more than one Court— Where a suit may be instituted in any one
of two or more Courts and is instituted in one of such Courts, any defendant, after notice to the other parties, may, at the
earliest possible opportunity and in all cases where issues are settled at or before such settlement, apply to have the suit
transferred to another Court, and the Court to which such application is made, after considering the objections of the
other parties (if any), shall determine in which of the several Courts having jurisdiction the suit shall proceed.
23. To what Court application lies.— (1) Where the several Courts having jurisdiction are subordinate to the same
Appellate Court, an application under section 22 shall be made to the Appellate Court.
(2) Where such Courts are subordinate to different Appellate Courts but to the same High Court, the application shall be
made to the said High Court.
(3) Where such Courts are subordinate to different High Courts, the application shall be made the High Court within the
local limits of whose jurisdiction the Court in which the suit is brought is situate.
24. General power of transfer and withdrawal— (1) On the application of any of the parties and after notice to the
parties and after hearing such of them as desired to be heard, or of its own motion without such notice, the High Court
or the District Court may at any stage—
(a) transfer any suit, appeal or other proceeding pending before it for trial or disposal to any Court subordinate to it and
competent to try or dispose of the same, or
(b) withdraw any suit, appeal or other proceeding pending in any Court subordinate to it, and—
(i) try or dispose of the same; or
(ii) transfer the same for trial or disposal to any Court subordinate to it and competent to try or dispose of the same; or
(iii) retransfer the same for trial or disposal to the Court from which it was withdrawn
(2) Where any suit or proceeding has been transferred or withdrawn under sub-section (1), the Court which [14][is
thereafter to try or dispose of such suit or proceeding] may, subject to any special directions in the case of any order of
transfer, either retry it or proceed from the point at which it was transferred or withdrawn.
[15] [(3) For the purposes of this section,—
(a) Courts of Additional and Assistant Judges shall be deemed to be subordinate to the District Court;
(b) "proceeding" includes a proceeding for the execution of a decree or order.]
(4) the Court trying any suit transferred or withdrawn under this section from a Court of Small Causes shall, for the
purposes of such suit, be deemed to be a Court of Small Causes.
[16] [(5) A suit or proceeding may be transferred under this section from a Court which has no jurisdiction to try it.]
[17][25. Power of Supreme Court to transfer suits, etc.— (1) On the application of a party, and after notice to the
parties, and after hearing such of them as desire to be heard, the Supreme Court may, at any stage, if satisfied that an
order under this section is expedient for the ends of justice, direct that any suit, appeal or other proceeding be
transferred from a High Court or other Civil Court in one State to a High Court or other Civil Court in any other State.
(2) Every application under this section shall be made by a motion which shall be supported by an affidavit.
(3) The Court to which such suit, appeal or other proceeding is transferred shall, subject to any special directions in the
order of transfer, either retry it or proceed from the stage at which it was transferred to it.
(4) In dismissing any application under this section, the Supreme Court may, if it is of opinion that the application was
frivolous or vexatious, order the applicant to pay by way of compensation to any person who has opposed the
application such sum, not exceeding two thousand rupees, as it considers appropriate in the circumstances of the case.
(5) The law applicable to any suit, appeal or other proceeding transferred under this section shall be the law which the
Court in which the suit, appeal or other proceeding was originally instituted ought to have applied to such suit, appeal or
Institution of suits
26. Institution of suits— Every suit shall be instituted by the presentation of a plaint or in such other manner as may be
Summons and Discovery
27. Summons to defendants— Where a suit has been duly instituted, a summons may be issued to the defendant to
appear and answer the claim and may be served in manner prescribed.
28. Service of summons where defendant resides in another State— (1) A summons may be sent for service in another
State to such Court and in such manner as may be prescribed by rules in force in that State.
(2) The Court to which such summons is sent shall, upon receipt thereof, proceed as if it had been issued by such Court
and shall then return the summons to the Court of issue together with the record (if any) of its proceedings with regard
[18] [(3) Where the language of the summons sent for service in another State is different from the language of the
record referred to in sub- section (2), a translation of the record,—
(a) in Hindi, where the language of the Court issuing the summons is Hindi, or
(b) in Hindi or English where the language of such record is other than Hindi or English,
shall also be sent together with the record sent under that sub-section].
29. Service of foreign summonses— Summons and other processes issued by—
(a) any Civil or Revenue Court established in any part of India to which the provisions of this Code do not extent, or
(b) any Civil or Revenue Court established or continued by the authority of the Central Government outside India, or
(c) any other Civil or Revenue Court outside India to which the Central Government has, by notification in the Official
Gazette, declared the provisions of this section to apply,
may be sent to the Courts in the territories to which this Code extends, and served as if they were summonses issued by
such Courts.
30. Power to order discovery and the like— Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed, the Court
may, at any time, either of its own motion or on the application of any party,—
(a) make such orders as may be necessary or reasonable in all matters relating to the delivery and answering of
interrogatories, the admission of documents and facts, and the discovery, inspection, production, impounding and return
of documents or other material objects producible as evidence;
(b) issue summonses to persons whose attendance is required either to give evidence or to produce documents or such
other objects as aforesaid;
(c) order any fact to be proved by affidavit.
31. Summons to witness— The provisions in sections 27, 28 and 29 shall apply to summonses to give evidence or to
produce documents or other material objects.
32. Penalty for default —The Court may compel the attendance of any person to whom a summons has been issued
under section 30 and for that purpose may—
(a) issue a warrant for his arrest;
(b) attach and sell his property;
(c) impose a fine upon him not exceeding five hundred rupees;
(d) order him to furnish security for his appearance and in default commit him to the civil prison.
Judgment and decree
33. Judgment and decree— The Court, after the case has been heard, shall pronounce judgment, and on such judgment a
decree shall follow.
34. Interest— (1) Where and in so far as a decree is for the payment of money, the Court may, in the decree, order
interest at such rate as the Court deems reasonable to be paid on the principal sum adjudged, from the date of the suit to
the date of the decree, in addition to any interest adjudged on such principal sum for any period prior to the institution of
the suit, with further interest at such rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum as the Court deems reasonable on such
principal sum from the date of the decree to the date of payment, or to such earlier date as the Court thinks fit :
[19] [Provided that where the liability in relation to the sum so adjudged had arisen out of a commercial transaction, the
rate of such further interest may exceed six per cent, per annum, but shall not exceed the contractual rate of interest or
where there is no contractual rate, the rate at which moneys are lent or advanced by nationalised banks in relation to
commercial transactions.
Explanation I.—In this sub-section, "nationalised bank" means a corresponding new bank as defined in the Banking
Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1970 (5 of 1970).
Explanation II.—For the purposes of this section, a transaction is a commercial transaction, if it is connected with the
industry, trade or business of the party incurring the liability.]
(2) Where such a decree is silent with respect to the payment of further interest on such principal sum from the date of
the decree to the date of payment or other earlier date, the Court shall be deemed to have refused such interest, and a
separate suit therefore shall not lie.
35. Costs— (1) Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed, and to the provisions of law for the
time being in force, the costs of and incident to all suits shall be in the discretion of the Court, and the Court shall have
full power to determine by whom or out of what property and to what extent such costs are to be paid, and to give all
necessary directions for the purposes aforesaid. The fact that the Court has no jurisdiction to try the suit shall be no bar
to the exercise of such powers.
(2) Where the Court directs that any costs shall not follow the event, the Court shall state its reasons in writing.
35A. Compensatory costs in respect of false or vexatious claims or defenses— (1) If any suit or other proceedings
including an execution proceedings but [20][excluding an appeal or a revision] any party objects to the claim of defence
on the ground that the claim or defence or any part of it is, as against the objector, false or vexatious to the knowledge
of the party by whom it has been put forward, and if thereafter, as against the objector, such claim or defence is
disallowed, abandoned or withdrawn in whole or in part, the Court if it so thinks fit, may, after recording its reasons for
holding such claim or defence to be false or vexatious, make an order for the payment to the object or by the party by
whom such claim or defence has been put forward, of cost by way of compensation.
(2) No Court shall make any such order for the payment of an amount exceeding [21][three thousand rupees] or
exceeding the limits of it pecuniary jurisdiction, whichever amount is less:
Provided that where the pecuniary limits of the jurisdiction of any Court exercising the jurisdiction of a Court of Small
Causes under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887 (9 of 1887) or under a corresponding law in force in any part
of India to which the said Act does not extend and not being a Court constituted under such Act or law, are less than two
hundred and fifty rupees, the High Court may empower such Court to award as costs under this section any amount not
exceeding two hundred and fifty rupees and not exceeding those limits by more than one hundred rupees :
Provided, further, that the High Court may limit the amount or class of Courts is empowered to award as costs under
this Section.
(3) No person against whom an order has been made under this section shall, by reason thereof, be exempted from any
criminal liability in respect of any claim or defence made by him.
(4) The amount of any compensation awarded under this section in respect of a false or vexatious claim or defence shall
be taken into account in any subsequent suit for damages or compensation in respect of such claim or defence.
Uttar Pradesh— (i) For sub-section (1) of section 35A substitute the following.
"(1) If any suit or other proceedings including proceedings in execution, but not being an appeal or revision, the court
finds that the claim or defence or any part thereof is false or vaxatious to the knowledge of the party by whom it has
been put forward and if such claim or defence or such part is disallowed, abandoned or withdrawn in whole or in part,
the court may, after recording its reasons for holding such claim or defence to be false or vexatious, make an order for
the payment to the successful party or costs by way of compensation irrespective of the decisions on other issues in the
[U.P. Act No. 24 of 1954].
(ii) After sub-section (1) insert the following.
"(1-A) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall mutatis mutandis apply to an appeal where the appellate Court confirms
the decision of the trial court and the trial court has not awarded or insufficient, compensatory cost under that sub-
[U.P. Act No. 57 of 1976].
[22][35B. Costs for causing delay— (1) If, on any date fixed for the hearing of a suit or for taking any step therein, a
party to the suit—
(a) fails to take the step which he was required by or under this Code to take on that date, or
(b) obtains an adjournment for taking such step or for producing evidence or on any other ground,
the Court may, for reasons to be recorded, make an order requiring such party to pay to the other party such costs as
would, in the opinion of the Court, be reasonably sufficient to reimburse the other party in respect of the expenses
incurred by him in attending the Court on that date, and payment of such costs, on the date next following the date of
such order, shall be a condition precedent to the further prosecution of—
(a) the suit by the plaintiff, where the plaintiff was ordered to pay such costs.
(b) the defence by the defendant, where the defendant was ordered to pay such costs.
Explanation.—Where separate defences have been raised by the defendants or groups of defendants, payment of such
costs shall be a condition precedent to the further prosecution of the defence by such defendants or groups of defendants
as have been ordered by the Court to pay such costs.
(2) The costs, ordered to be paid under sub-section (1) shall not, if paid, be included in the costs awarded in the decree
passed in the suit; but, if such costs are not paid, a separate order shall be drawn up indicating the amount of such costs
and the names and addresses of the persons by whom such costs are payable and the order so drawn up shall be
executable against such persons.]
[23][36. Application to orders— The provisions of this Code relating to the execution of decree (including provisions
relating to payment under a decree) shall, so far as they are applicable, be deemed to apply to the execution of orders
(including payment an order).]
37. Definition of Court which passed a decree— The expression "Court which passed a decree", or words to that effect,
shall, in relation to the execution of decrees, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, be deemed to
(a) where the decree to be executed has been passed in the exercise of appellate jurisdiction, the Court of first instance,
(b) where the Court of first instance has ceased to exist or to have jurisdiction to execute it, the Court which, if the suit
wherein the decree was passed was instituted at the time of making the application for the execution of the decree,
would have jurisdiction to try such suit.
[24] [Explanation.—The Court of first instance does not cease to have jurisdiction to execute a decree merely on the
ground that after the institution of the suit wherein the decree was passed or after the passing of the decree, any area has
been transferred from the jurisdiction of that Court to the jurisdiction of any other Court; but in every such case, such
other Court shall also have jurisdiction to execute the decree, if at the time of amking the application for execution of
the decree it would have jurisdiction to try the said suit.]
Courts by which decrees may be executed
38. Court by which decree may be executed— A decree may be executed either by the court which passed it, or by the
Court to which it is sent for execution.
39. Transfer of decree— (1) The Court which passed a decree may, on the application of the decree-holder, send it for
execution to another Court [25][of competent jurisdiction],—
(a) if the person against whom the decree is passed actually and voluntarily resides or carries on business, or personally
works for gain, within the local limits of the jurisdiction of such other Court, or
(b) if such person has not property with in the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court which passed the decree
sufficient to satisfy such decree and has property within the local limits of the jurisdiction of such other Court, or
(c) if the decree directs the sale or delivery of immovable property situate outside the local limits of the jurisdiction of
the Court which passed it, or
(d) if the Court which passed the decree considers for any other reason, which it shall record in wiring, that the decree
should be executed by such other Court.
(2) The Court which passed the decree may of its own motion send it for execution to any subordinate Court of
competent jurisdiction.
[26][(3) For the purposes of this section, a Court shall be deemed to be a Court of competent jurisdiction if, at the time
of making the application for the transfer of decree to it, such Court would have jurisdiction to try the suit in which such
decree was passed.]
Uttar Pradesh— Sub-section (3) of section 39 shall be substituted.
"(3) For the purpose of this section, a court shall be deemed to be a court of competent jurisdiction if the amount or
value of the subject matter of the suit wherein the decree was passed does not exceed the pecuniary limits if any of its
ordinary jurisdiction at the time of making the application for the transfer of decree to it, notwithstanding that it had
otherwise no jurisdiction to try the suit".
[U.P. Act No. 31 of 1978].
40. Transfer of decree to Court in another State— Where a decree is sent for execution in another State, it shall be sent
to such Court and executed in such manner as may be prescribed by rules in force in that State.
41. Result of execution proceedings to be certified.— The Court to which a decree is sent for execution shall certify to
the Court which passed it the fact of such execution, or where the former Court fails to execute the same the
circumstances attending such failure.
42. Powers of Court in executing transferred decree— [27][(1)] The Court executing a decree sent to it shall have the
same powers in executing such decree as if it had been passed by itself. All persons disobeying or obstructing the
execution of the decree shall be punishable by such Court in the same manner as if it had passed the decree. And its
order in executing such decree shall be subject to the same rules in respect of appeal as if the decree had been passed by
[28][(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (1) the powers of the Court under that sub-
section shall include the following powers of the Court passed the decree, namely:—
(a) power to send the decree for execution to another Court under section 39;
(b) power to execute the decree against the legal representative of the deceased judgment-debtor under section 50;
(c) power to order attachment of a decree.
(3) A Court passing an order in exercise of the powers specified in sub-section (2) shall send a copy thereof to the Court
which passed the decree.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to confer on the Courts to which a decree is sent for execution any of the
following powers, namely—
(a) power to order execution at the instance of the transferee of the decree;
(b) in the case of a decree passed against a firm, power to grant leave to execute such decree against any person other
than such a person as is referred to in clause (b), or clause (c), of sub-rule (1) of rule 50 of Order XXI.]
Uttar Pradesh— Section 42 shall be substituted by following.
"42. Power of Court in executing transferred decree:— (1) The court executing a decree sent to it shall have the same
powers in executing such decree as if it had been passed by itself. All persons disobeying or obstructing the decree shall
be punishable by such court in the same manner as if it had passed the decree, and its order in executing such decree
shall be subject to the same rules in respect of appeal as if the decree had been passed by itself.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (1) the powers of the court under that sub-section
shall include the following powers of the court which passed the decree, namely—
(a) power to send the decree for execution to another court under section 39.
(b) power to execute the decree against the legal representative of the deceased judgment debtor under section 50.
(c) power to order attachment of a decree.
(d) power to decide any question relating to the bar of limitation to the executability of the decree.
(e) power to record payment or adjustment under Rule 2 of order XXI.
(f) power to order stay of execution under Rule 29 Order XXI,
(g) in the case of a decree passed against a firm power to grant leave to execute such decree against any person other
than a person as is referred to in clause (b) or clause (c) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 50 of Order XXI.
(3) A court passing an order in exercise of the powers specified in sub-section (2) shall send a copy there of to the court
which passed the decree.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to confer on the court to which a decree is sent for execution, the power to
order execution at the instance of the transfer of a decree"
[U.P. Act No. 14 of 1970].
43. Execution of decrees passed by Civil Courts in places to which this Code does not extend— Any decree passed by
any Civil Court established in any part of India to which the provisions of this Code do not extend, or by any Court
established or continued by the authority of the Central Government outside India, may, if it cannot be executed within
the jurisdiction of the Court by which it was passed, be executed in the manner herein provided within the jurisdiction
of any Court in the territories to which this Code extends.
44. Execution of decrees passed by Revenue Court in places to which this Code does not extend.— The State
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare that the decrees of any Revenue Court in any part of
India to which the provisions of this Code do not extend or any class of such decrees, may be executed in the State as if
they had been passed by Courts in that State.
44A. Execution of decrees passed by Courts in reciprocating territory— (1) Where a certified copy of decree of any of
the superior Courts of any reciprocating territory has been filed in a District Court, the decree may be executed in India
as if it had been passed by the District Court.
(2) Together with the certified copy of the decree shall be filed a certificate from such superior Court stating the extent,
if any, to which the decree has been satisfied or adjusted and such certificate shall, for the purposes of proceedings
under this section, be conclusive proof of the extent of such satisfaction or adjustment.
(3) The provisions of section 47 shall as from the filing of the certified copy of the decree apply to the proceedings of a
District Court executing a decree under this section, and the District Court shall refuse execution of any such decree, if
it is shown to the satisfaction of the Court that the decree falls within any of the exceptions specified in clauses (a) to (f)
of section 13.
Explanation 1— "Reciprocating territory" means any country or territory outside India which the Central Government
may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare to be a reciprocating territory for the purposes of this section; and
"superior Courts", with reference to any such territory, means such Courts as may be specified in the said notification.
Explanation 2.— "Decree" with reference to a superior Court means any decree or judgment of such Court under which
a sum of money is payable, not being a sum payable in respect of taxes or other charges of a like nature or in respect to
a fine or other penalty, but shall in no case include an arbitration award, even if such an award is enforceable as a decree
or judgment.
45. Execution of decrees outside India— So much of the foregoing sections of this Part as empowers a Court to send a
decree for execution to another Court shall be construed as empowering a Court in any State to send a decree for
execution to any Court established by the authority of the Central Government outside India to which the State
Government has by notification in the Official Gazette declared this section to apply.
Pondicherry— After section 45 insert the following:—
"45-A. Execution of decrees etc. passed or made before the Commencement of the Code in Pondicherry— Any
Judgment, decree or order passed or made before the Commencement of this Code by any Civil Court in the Union
Territory of Pondicherry shall for the purpose of execution be deemed to have been passed or made under this Code.
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall be construed as extending the period of limitation to which any
proceeding in respect of such judgment decree or order may be subject."
[Act No. 26 of 1968].
46. Precepts— (1) Upon the application of the decree-holder the Court which passed the decree may, whenever it thinks
fit, issue a precept to any other Court which would be competent to execute such decree to attach any property
belonging to the judgment-debtor and specified in the precept.
(2) The Court to which a precept is sent shall proceed to attach the property in the manner prescribed in regard to the
attachment of property in execution of a decree:
Provided that no attachment under a precept shall continue for more than two months unless the period of attachment is
extended by an order of the Court which passed the decree or unless before the determination of such attachment the
decree has been transferred to the Court by which the attachment has been made and the decree-holder has applied for
an order for the sale of such property.
Questions to be determined by Court executing decree
47. Questions to be determined by the Court executing decree— (1) All questions arising between the parties to the suit
in which the decree was passed, or their representatives, and relating to the execution, discharge or satisfaction of the
decree, shall be determined by the Court executing the decree and not by a separate suit.
[29]* * * *
(3) Where a question arises as to whether any person is or is not the representative of a party, such question shall, for the
purposes of this section, be determined by the Court.
[30] [Explanation I.—For the purposes of this section, a plaintiff whose suit has been dismissed and a defendant against
whom a suit has been dismissed are parties to the suit.
Explanation II.—(a) For the purposes of this section, a purchaser of property at a sale in execution of a decree shall be
deemed to be a party to the suit in which the decree is passed; and
(b) all questions relating to the delivery of possession of such property to such purchaser or his representative shall be
deemed to be questions relating to the execution, discharge or satisfaction of the decree within the meaning of this
Limit of time for execution
48. [Execution barred in certain cases].— Rep. by the limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963), s. 28 (with effect from the 1st
January, 1964)
Transferees and legal representatives
49. Transferee— Every transferee of a decree shall hold the same subject to the equities (if any) which the judgment-
debtor might have enforced against the original decree-holder.
50. Legal representative— (1) Where a judgment-debtor dies before the decree has been fully satisfied, the holder of the
decree may apply to the Court which passed it to execute the same against the legal representative of the deceased.
(2) Where the decree is executed against such legal representative, he shall be liable only to the extent of the property of
the deceased which has come to his hands and has not been duly disposed of; and, for the purpose of ascertaining such
liability, the Court executing the decree may, of its own motion or on the application of the decree-holder, compel such
legal representative to produce such accounts as it thinks fit.
Procedure in execution
51. Powers of Court to enforce execution— Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed, the Court
may, on the application of the decree-holder, order execution of the decree—
(a) by delivery of any property specifically decreed;
(b) by attachment and sale or by the sale without attachment of any property;
(c) by arrest and detention in prison [31][for such period not exceeding the period specified in section 58, where arrest
and detention is permissible under that section];
(d) by appointing a receiver; or
(e) in such other manner as the nature of the relief granted may require:
Provided that, where the decree is for the payment of money, execution by detention in prison shall not be ordered
unless, after giving the judgment-debtor an opportunity of showing cause why he should not be committed to prison, the
Court, for reasons recorded in writing, is satisfied—
(a) that the judgment-debtor, with the object or effect of obstructing or delaying the execution of the decree,—
(i) is likely to abscond or leave the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court, or
(ii) has, after the institution of the suit in which the decree was passed, dishonestly transferred, concealed, or removed
any part of his property, or committed any other act of bad faith in relation to his property, or
(b) that the judgment-debtor has, or has had since the date of the decree, the means to pay the amount of the decree or
some substantial part thereof and refuses or neglects or has refused or neglected to pay the same, or
(c) that the decree is for a sum for which the judgment-debtor was bound in a fiduciary capacity to account.
Explanation.—In the calculation of the means of the judgment-debtor for the purposes of clause (b), there shall be left
out of account any property which, by or under any law or custom having the force of law for the time being in force, is
exempt from attachment in execution of the decree.
Uttar Pradesh— In section 51 of the Code Clause (bb) shall be inserted after clause (b).
"(bb) by transfer other than sale by attachment or without attachment of any property"
[U.P. Act No. 24 of 1954].
52. Enforcement of decree against legal representative— (1) Where a decree is passed against a party as the legal
representative of a deceased person, and the decree is for the payment of money out of the property of the deceased, it
may be executed by the attachment and sale of any such property.
(2) Where no such property remains in the possession of the judgment-debtor and he fails to satisfy the Court that he has
duly applied such property of the deceased as is proved to have come into his possession, the decree may be executed
against the judgment-debtor to the extent of the property in respect of which he has failed so to satisfy the Court in the
same manner as if the decree had been against him personally.
53. Liability of ancestral property— For the purposes of section 50 and section 52, property in the hands of a son or
other descendant which is liable under Hindu law for the payment of the debt of a deceased ancestor, in respect of
which a decree has been passed, shall be deemed to be property of the deceased which has come to the hands of the son
or other descendant as his legal representative.
54. Partition of estate or separation of share— Where the decree is for the partition of an undivided estate assessed to
the payment of revenue to the Government, or for the separate possession of a share of such an estate, the partition of
the estate or the separation of the share shall be made by the Collector or any gazetted subordinate of the Collector
deputed by him in this behalf, in accordance with the law (if any) for the time being in force relating to the partition, or
the separate possession shares, of such estates.
Arrest and detention
55. Arrest and detention— (1) A judgment-debtor may be arrested in execution of a decree at any hour and on any day,
and shall, as soon as practicable, be brought before the Court, and his detention may be in the civil prison of the district
in which the Court ordering the detention is situate, or, where such civil prison does not afford suitable accommodation,
in any other place which the State Government may appoint for the detention of persons ordered by the Courts of such
district to be detained:
Provided, firstly, that, for the purpose of making an arrest under this section, no dwelling-house shall be entered after
sunset and before sunrise :
Provided, secondly, that no outer door of a dwelling-house shall be broken open unless such dwelling-house is in the
occupancy of the judgment-debtor and he refuses or in any way prevents access thereto, but when the officer authorised
to make the arrest has duly gained access to any dwelling-house, he may break open the door of any room in which he
has reason to believe the judgment-debtor is to be found :
Provided, thirdly, that, if the room is in the actual occupancy of a woman who is not the judgment-debtor and who
according to the customs of the country does not appear in public, the officer authorised to make the arrest shall give
notice to her that she is at liberty to withdraw, and, after allowing a reasonable time for her to withdraw and giving her
reasonable facility for withdrawing, may enter the room for the purpose of making the arrest :
Provided, fourthly, that, where the decree in execution of which a judgment-debtor is arrested, is a decree for the
payment of money and the judgment-debtor pays the amount of the decree and the costs of the arrest to the officer
arresting him, such officer shall at once release him.
(2) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare that any person or class of persons whose
arrest might be attended with danger or inconvenience to the public shall not be liable to arrest in execution of a decree
otherwise than in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed by the State Government in this behalf.
(3) Where a judgment-debtor is arrested in execution of a decree for the payment of money and brought before the
Court, the Court shall inform him that he may apply to be declared an insolvent, and that he may be discharged, if he
has not committed any act of bad faith regarding the subject of the application and if he complies with provisions of the
law of insolvency for the time being in force.
(4) Where a judgment-debtor express his intention to apply to be declared an insolvent and furnishes security, to the
satisfaction of the Court, that he will within one month so apply, and that he will appear, when called upon, in any
proceeding upon the application or upon the decree in execution of which he was arrested, the Court may release him
from arrest, and, if he fails so to apply and to appear, the Court may either direct the security to be realised or commit
him to the civil prison in execution of the decree.
56. Prohibition of arrest or detention of women in execution of decree for money— Notwithstanding anything in this
Part, the Court shall not order the arrest or detention in the civil prison of a woman in execution of a decree for the
payment of money.
57. Subsistence allowance— The State Government may fix scales, graduated according to rank, race and nationality, of
monthly allowances payable for the subsistence of judgment-debtors.
58. Detention and release— (1) Every person detained in the civil prison in execution of a decree shall be so detained,—
(a) where the decree is for the payment of a sum of money exceeding [32][one thousand rupees, for a period not
exceeding three months, and]
[33] [(b) where the decree is for the payment of a sum of money exceeding five hundred rupees, but not exceeding one
thousand rupees, for a period not exceeding six weeks :]
Provided that he shall be released from such detention before the expiration of the [34][said period of detention]—
(i) on the amount mentioned in the warrant for his detention being paid to the officer in charge of the civil prison, or
(ii) on the decree against him being otherwise fully satisfied, or
(iii) on the request of the person on whose application he has been so detained, or
(iv) on the omission by the person, on whose application he has been so detained, to pay subsistence allowance :
Provided, also, that he shall not be released from such detention under clause (ii) or clause (iii), without the order of the
[35] [(1A) For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that no order for detention of the judgment-debtor in civil
prison in execution of a decree for the payment of money shall be made, where the total amount of the decree does not
exceed five hundred rupees.]
(2) A judgment-debtor released from detention under this section shall not merely by reason of his release be discharged
from his debt, but he shall not be liable to be re-arrested under the decree in execution of which he was detained in the
civil prison.
59. Release on ground of illness— (1) At any time after a warrant for the arrest of a judgment-debtor has been issued
the Court may cancel it on ground of his serious illness.
(2) Where a judgment-debtor has been arrested, the Court may release him if, in its opinion, he is not in a fit state of
health to be detained in the civil prison.
(3) Where a judgment-debtor has been committed to the civil prison, he may be released therefrom,—
(a) by the State Government, on the ground of the existence of any infectious or contagious disease, or
(b) by the committing Court, or any Court to which that Court is subordinate, on the ground of his suffering from any
serious illness.
(4) A judgment-debtor released under this section may be re-arrested, but the period of his detention in the civil prison
shall not in the aggregate exceed that prescribed by section 58.
[36][60. Property liable to attachment and sale in execution of decree— (1) The following property is liable to
attachment and sale in execution of a decree, namely, lands, houses or other buildings, goods, money, banknotes,
cheques, bills of exchange, hundis, promissory notes, Government securities, bonds or other securities for money, debts,
shares in corporation and, save as hereinafter mentioned, all other saleable property, movable or immovable, belonging
to the judgment-debtor, or over which, or the profits of which, he has a disposing power which he may exercise for his
own benefit,whether the same be held in the name of the judgment-debtor or by another person in trust for him or on his
behalf :
Provided that the following particulars shall not be liable to such attachment or sale, namely:—
(a) the necessary wearing-apparel, cooking vessels, beds and bedding of the judgment-debtor, his wife and children, and
such personal ornaments as, in accordance with religious usage, cannot be parted with by any woman;
(b) tools of artisans, and, where the judgment-debtor is an agriculturist, his implements of husbandry and such cattle and
seed-grain as may, in the opinion of the court, be necessary to enable him to earn his livelihood as such, and such
portion of agricultural produce or of any class of agricultural produce as may have been declared to be free from
liability under the provisions of the next following section;
(c) houses and other buildings (with the materials and the sites thereof and the land immediately appurtenant thereto and
necessary for their enjoyment) belonging to [37][an agriculturist or a labourer or a domestic servant] and occupied by
(d) books of account;
(e) a mere right to sue for damages;
(f) any right of personal service;
(g) stipends and gratuities allowed to pensioners of the government [38][or of a local authority or of any other
employer] or payable out of any service pension fund notified in the Official Gazette by the Central Government or the
State government in this behalf, and political pension;
(h) the wages of labourers and domestic servants, whether payable in money or in kind;
(i) salary to the extent of the first [39][four hundred rupees] and two third of the remainder] in execution of any decree
other than a decree for maintenance.
[40] [Provided that where any part of such portion of the salary as is liable to attachment has been under attachment,
whether continuously or intermittently, for a total period of twenty-four months, such portion sail be exempt from
attachment until the expiry of a further period of twelve months, and, where such attachment has been made in
execution of one and the same decree, shall, after the attachment has continued for a total period of twenty-four months,
be finally exempt from attachment in execution of that decree.]
[41] [(ia) one-third of the salary in execution of any decree for maintenance;]
[42][(j) the pay and allowances of persons to whom the Air Force Act, 1950 (45 of 1950), or the Army Act, 1950 (46 of
1950), or the Navy Act (62 of 1957), applies;]
(k) all compulsory deposits and other sums in or derived from and fund to which the Provident funds Act, 1925, (19 of
1925), for the time being applies in so far as they are declared by the said Act not to be liable to attachment;
[43] [(ka) all deposits and other sums in or derived from any fund to which the Public Provident Fund Act, 1968 (23 of
1968) for the time being applies in so far as they are declared by the said Act as not to be liable to attachment;
(kb) all moneys payable under a policy of insurance on the life of the judgment-debtor;
(kc) the interest of a lessee of a residential building to which the provisions of law for the time being in force relating to
control of rents and accommodation apply;]
(1) any allowance forming part of the emoluments of any servant of the Government or of any servant of a railway
company or local authority which the appropriate Government may by notification in the Official Gazette declare to be
exempt from attachment, and any subsistence grant for allowance made to any such servant while under suspension;
(m) an expectancy of succession by survivorship or other merely contingent or possible right or interest;
(n) a right to future maintenance;
(o) any allowance declared by any Indian law to be exempt from liability to attachment or sale in execution of a decree;
(p) where the judgment-debtor is a person liable for the payment of land-revenue; any movable property which, under
any law for the time being applicable to him, is exempt from sale for the recovery of an arrears of such revenue.
[44] [Explanation I.— The moneys payable in relation to the matters mentioned in clauses (g), (h), (i), (ia), (j), (1) and
(o) are exempt from attachment or sale, whether before or after they are actually payable, and, in the case of salary, the
attachable portion thereof is liable to attachment, whether before or after it is actually payable].
Explanation II.— [45][In clauses (1) and (ia)], "salary" means the total monthly emoluments, excluding any allowance
declared exempt from attachment under the provisions of clause (1) derived by a person from his employment whether
on duty or on leave].
Explanation [46][III]—In Clause (l), "appropriate Government" means—
(i) as respect any person in the service of the Central Government, or any servant of a Railway Administration or of a
cantonment authority or of the port authority of a major port, the Central Government;
(ii) as respects any other [47][servant of the Government] or a servant of any other local authority skilled the State
[48][Explanation IV.—For the purposes of this proviso, "wages", includes bonus, and labourer" includes a
skilled/unskilled or semi-skilled labourer.
Explanation V.—For the purposes of this proviso, the expression "agriculturist" means a person who cultivates land
personally and who depends for his livelihood mainly on the income from agricultural land, whether as owner, tenant,
partner or agricultural labourer.
Explanation VI.—For the purposes of Explanation V, an agriculturist shall be deemed to cultivate land personally, if he
cultivates land—
(a) by his own labour, or
(b) by the labour of any member of his family, or
(c) by servants or labourers on wages payable in case or in kind (not being as a share of the produce), or both.]
[49] (1A) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, an agreement by which a
person agrees to waive the benefit on any exemption under this section shall be void.]
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to exempt houses and other buildings (with the materials and the sites
thereof and the land immediately appurtenant thereto and necessary for their enjoyment) from attachment or sale in
execution of decrees for rent of any such house, building, site or land.
Andhra Pradesh— In its application to Andhra area of the State of Andhra Pradesh in section 60(1) clause (g) of the
proviso after the words "pensioners of the Government" the words "or a local authority" shall be inserted
[C.P.C. (Andhra Pradesh) (Andhra area) Amendment Act 1950]
In its application to whole of State of A.P. in proviso to sub-section (1) of section 60.
(i) after clause (k) the following shall be inserted.
"(kk) amount payable under policies issued in pursuance of the Rules for the Andhra Pradesh Govt. life Insurance and
Provident Fund".
(ii) after Explanation 2 insert the following:—
"Explanation 2A.— Where any sum payable to a Government servant is exempt from attachment under the provisions
of clause (kk), such sum shall remain exempt from attachment notwithstanding the fact that owing to the death of the
Govt. servant it is payable to same other person"
[Act No. XI of 1953 and Act No. X of 1962].
In its application to Hyderabad area of Andhra Pradesh:
(i) after clause (g) of the proviso to section 60 (1) insert the following:—
"(gg) pension granted or continued by the Central Govt. the Govt. of Hyderabad or any other State Govt. on account of
part services or present infirmities or as a compassionate allowance and."
(ii) In Explanation 2A, for the words brackets and letter "Clause (kk)" substitute "Clause (gg) or Clause (kk)"
[A.P. Act No. XVIII of 1953].
In its application to the State of Andhra Pradesh:
(i) After clause (kk) of Section 60(1) proviso the following inserted:
"(kkk) amounts payable under the Andhra Pradesh State Employees Family Benefit Fund Rules."
(ii) For the words "(kk)', in Explanation 2A, the words "(kkk) inserted.(A.P. Act No. 24 of 1979).
Gujarat— (i) In section 60(1) after clause (g) insert the following.
"(gg) stipends and gratuities allowed to pensioners of a local authority".
(ii) Explanation 1, after the word "(g)" insert "(gg)".
[Bombay Act No. LX of 1948).
Himachal Pradesh— (i) In section 60 (1) at the end of Clause (c) insert the following.
"or compensation paid for such houses and buildings (including compensation for the materials and the sites and the
land referred to above) acquired for public purpose".
(ii) After clause (c), clause (cc) shall be inserted.
"(cc) Compensation paid for agricultural lands belonging to agriculturists and acquired for public purpose".
[C.P.C. (H.P. Amendment) Act 1956].
Karnataka— In section 60 (1) after clause (p) the following shall be inserted in its application to Karnataka (except
Bellary District).
"(pp) Where the judgment-debtor is a servant of the State Govt. who has insured his life under the rules in force relating
to the official branch of Karnataka Govt. Life Insurance Department:—
(1) in the case of insurance effected prior to the ninth day of may, 1911 the whole of the bonus payable or paid
thereunder to such servant, or in the event of his death to his nominee or other person or persons entitled to such bonus
under the said rules, and
(2) in the case of Insurance effected on or after the ninth day of May, 1911, and such insurance is Compulsory premia
payable or paid to such servant or in the event of his death to his nominee or other person or persons entitled to such
bonus under the said rules.
[C.P.C. (Mysore Amendment) Act, 1952].
Kerala— After clause (g) the following clause (gg) shall be inserted:—
"(gg) all moneys payable to the beneficiaries under the Family Benefit Scheme for the employee of the Government of
[Kerala Act 1 of 1988].
Maharashtra— (i) In section 60(1) after clause (g) of the proviso insert the following:—
"(gg) in the Hyderabad area of the State of Maharashtra any pension granted or continued by the Central Govt. or the
Govt. of the former State of Hyderabad or any other State Govt. on account of part services or present infirmities or as a
compassionate allowance which is not covered by clause (g)".
(ii) after clause (kb) insert the following:
"(kbb) the amounts payable under the policies issued in pursuance of the Rules for the Hyderabad State Life Insurance
and Provident Fund, which are not covered under clause (ka) or (kb)".
[Maharashtra Act No. LXV of 1977].
Punjab and Haryana— (i) In clause (c) of the proviso to section 60 (1) for the words "occupied by him" substitute the
"not proved by the decree holder to have been let out on rent or lent to persons other than his father mother, wife, son,
daughter, daughter in law, brother, sister or other dependents or left vacant for a period of a year or more".
(ii) after clause (c) insert the following:—
"(cc) milch animals, whether in milk or in calf, animals used for the purposes of transport or draught cart and open
spaces or endorures belonging to an agriculturist and required for use in case of need for tying cattle parking carts or
stacking fodder or manure.
(ccc) one main residential house and other buildings attached to it (with the material and the sites there of and the land
immediately appurtenant there to and necessary for there enjoyment belonging to a judgment-debtor other than an
agriculturist and occupied by him:
Provided that the protection afforded by this clause shall not extend to any property specifically charged with the debt
sought to be recovered".
(iii) after sub-section (2) insert the following sub-sections.
"(3) Notwithstanding any other law for the time being in force an agreement by which a debtor agrees to waive any
benefit of any exemption under this section shall be void.
(4) For the purposes of this section the word `agriculturist' shall include every person whether as owner tenant partner or
agricultural labour who depends for his livelihood mainly on income from agricultural land as defined in the Punjab
Alienation of Land Act. 1910.
(5) Every member of a tribe notified as agricultural under the Punjab Alienation of Land Act, 1900 and every member
of a scheduled caste shall be presumed to be as agriculturist until the contrary is provided.
(6) No order for attachment shall be made unless the court is satisfied that the property sought to be attached is not
exempt from attachment or sale"
[Punjab Act No. VII of 1934, 12 of 1940, 6 of 1946 and 44 of 1960].
Rajasthan — (i) In clause (b) of section 60 (1) after the word `Agriculturist' the words `his milch cattle and those likely
to calve within two years' shall be inserted.
(ii) after clause (k) of the proviso to section 60 (1) insert the following.
"(kk) moneys payable under life Insurance Certificates issued in pursuance of the Rajasthan Govt. Servants Insurance
Rules, 1953".
(iii) after Explanation 3 insert the following:
"Explanation 4.— Where any money payable to a Govt. servant of the state is exempt from attachment under the
provision contained in clause (kk), such money shall remain exempt from the attachment notwithstanding the fact there
owing to the death of a Govt. servant it is payable to some other person".
[Rajasthan Act No. 16 of 1957 and 19 of 1958].
Tamil Nadu— "Section 60 (1), clause (g) of the proviso after the words `stipends and gratuties allowed to the
pensioners of the Govt. insert the words "or of a local authority"
[C.P.C. (Madras Amendment) Act, 1950].
Union Territory of Chandigarh— Same as in Punjab and Haryana
[Act No. 31 of 1966].
Union Territory of Pundicherry— Same as in Tamil Nadu
[Act No. 26 of 1968].
Uttar Pradesh— In section 60(1) after Explanation 1 add the following:
"Explanation 1-A.— Particulars mentioned in clause (c) are exempt from sale in execution of a decree whether passed
before or after the commencement of the Code of Civil Procedure (United Provinces) Amendment Act, 1948 for
enforcement of a mortgage of charge thereon".
[U.P. Act No. 35 of 1948].
61. Partial exemption of agricultural produce— The State Government may, by general or special order published in the
Official Gazette, declare that such portion of agricultural produce, or of any class of agricultural produce, as may appear
to the State Government to be necessary for the purpose of providing until the next harvest the due cultivation of the
land and for the support of the judgment-debtor and his family, shall, in the case of all agriculturists or of any class of
agriculturists, be exempted from liability to attachment or sale in exaction of a decree.
62. Seizure of property in dwelling-house— (1) No person executing any process under this Code directing or
authorizing seizure of movable property shall enter any dwelling-house after sunset and before sunrise.
(2) No outer door of a dwelling-house shall be broken open unless such dwelling-house is in the occupancy of the
judgment-debtor and he refuses or in any way prevents access thereto, but when the person executing any such process
has duly gained access to any dwelling-house, he may break open the door of any room in which he has reason to
believe any such property to be.
(3) Where a room in a dwelling-house is in the actual occupancy of a woman who, according to the customs of the
country, does not appear in public, the person executing the process shall give notice to such woman that she is at
liberty to withdraw; and, after allowing reasonable time for her to withdraw and giving her reasonable facility for
widhrawing, he may enter such room for the purpose of seizing the property, using at the same time every precaution,
consistent with these provisions, to prevent its clandestine removal.
63. Property attached in execution of decrees of several Courts— (1) Where property not in the custody of any Court is
under attachment in execution of decrees of more Courts than one, the Court which shall receive or realize such
property and shall determine any claim thereto any objection to the attachment thereof shall be the Court of highest
grade, or, where there is no difference in grade between such Courts, the Court under whose decree the property was
first attached.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to invalidate any proceeding taken by a Court executing one of such decrees.
[50] [Explanation.—For the purposes of sub-section (2), "proceeding taken by a Court" does not include an order
allowing, to a decree-holder who has purchased property at a sale held in execution of a decree, set off to the extent of
the purchase price payable by him.]
64. Private alienation of property after attachment to be void— Where an attachment has been made, any private
transfer or delivery of the property attached or of any interest there in and any payment to the judgment-debtor of any
debt, dividend or other monies contrary to such attachment, shall be void as against all claims enforceable under the
Explanation—For the purposes of this section, claims enforceable under an attachment include claims for the rateable
distribution of assets.
65. Purchaser's title— Where immovable property is sold in execution of a decree and such sale has become absolute,
the property shall be deemed to have vested in the purchaser from the time when the property is sold and not from the
time when the sale becomes absolute.
66. [51][* * * *]
67. Power for State Government to make rules as to sales of land in execution of decrees for payment of money— (1)
The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for any local area imposting conditions
in respect of the sale of any class of interests in land in execution of decrees for the payment of money, where such
interests are so uncertain or undermined as, in the opinion of the State Government to make it impossible to fix their
(2) When on the date on which this Code came into operation in any local area, any special rules as to sale of and in
execution of decrees were in force therein, the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare
such rules to be in force, or may by a like notification, modify the same.
Every notification issued in the exercise of the powers conferred by this sub-section shall set out the rules so continued
or modified.
[52] [(3) Every rule made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the State
Delegation to Collector of power to execute decrees against immovable property
68.—72. Rep. by the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1956 (66 of 1956), s. 7.
Distribution of assests
73. Proceeds of execution-sale to be reateably distributed among decree-holders— (1) Where assests are held by a Court
and more persons than one have, before the receipt of such assests, made application to the Court for the execution of
decrees for the payment of money passed against the same judgment-debtor and have not obtained satisfaction thereof,
the assests, after deducting the costs of realization, shall be reteably distributed among all such persons :
Provided as follows :—
(a) where any property is sold subject to a mortgage or charge, the mortgage or incumbrancer shall not be entitled to
share in any surplus arising from such sale;
(b) where any property liable to be sold in execution of a decree is subject to a mortgage or charges the Court may, with
the consent of the mortgagee or incumbrancer, order that the property be sold free from the mortgage or charge, giving
to the mortgagee or incumbrancer the same interest in the proceeds of the sale as he had in the property sold;
(c) where any immovable property is sold in execution of a decree ordering its sale for the discharge of an incumbrance
thereon, the proceeds of sale shall be applied—
first, in defraying the expenses of the sale;
secondly, in discharging the amount due under the decree;
thirdly, in discharging the interest and principal moneys due on subsequent incumbrances (if any); and
fourthly, rateably among the holders of decrees for the payment of money against the judgment debtor, who have, prior
to the sale of the property, applied to the Court which passed the decree ordering such sale for execution of such
decrees, and have not obtained satisfaction thereof.
(2) Where all or any of the assests liable to be rateably distributed under this section are paid to a person not entitled to
receive the same, any person so entitled may sue such person to compel him to refund the assets.
(3) Nothing in this section affects any right of the Government.
Resistance to execution
74. Resistance to execution— Where the Court is satisfied that the holder of a decree for the possession of immovable
property or that the purchaser of immovable property sold in execution of a decree has been resisted or obstructed in
obtaining possession of the property by the judgment-debtor or some person on his behalf and that such resistance or
obstruction was without any just cause, the Court may, at the instance of the decree-holder or purchaser, order the
judgment-debtor or such other person to be detained in the civil prison for a term which may extend to thirty days and
may further direct that the decree-holder or purchaser be put into possession of the property.
75. Power of court to issue commissions- Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed, the court may
issue a commission-
(a) to examine any person;
(b) to make a local investigation;
(c) to examine or adjust accounts; or
(d) to make a partition;
[53] [(e) to hold a scientific, technical, or expert investigation;
(f) to conduct sale of property which is subject to speedy and natural decay and which is in the custody of the Court
pending the determination of the suit;
(g) to perform any ministerial act.]
76. Commission to another Court- (1) A commission for the examination of any person may be issued to any Court (not
being a High Court) situate in a State other than the State in which the Court of issue is situate and having jurisdiction in
the place in which the person to be examined resides.
(2) Every Court receiving a commission for the examination of any person under sub-section (1) shall examine him or
cause him to be examined pursuant thereto, and the commission, when it has been duly executed, shall be returned
together with the evidence taken under it to the Court from which it was issued, unless the order for issuing the
commission has otherwise directed, in which case the commission shall be returned in terms of such order.
77. Letter of request- In lieu of issuing a commission the Court may issue a letter of request to examine a witness
residing at any place not within India.
78. Commissions issued by foreign Courts- Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed the
provisions as to the execution and return of commissions for the examination of witnesses shall apply to commissions
issue by or as the instance of-
(a) Courts situate in any part of India to which the provisions of this Code do not extend; or
(b) Courts established or continued by the authority of the Central Government outside India, or
(c) Courts of any State or country outside India.
Suits by or against the Government or public officers in their official capacity.
79. Suits by or against Government— In a suit by or against the Government, the authority to be named as plaintiff or
defendant, as the case may be, shall be—
(a) in the case of a suit by or against the Central Government, the Union of India, and
(b) in the case of a suit by or against a State Government, the State.
80. Notice— [54][(1)][55][Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (2), no suits shall be instituted against the
Government (including the Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir) or against a public officer in respect of any
act purporting to be done by such officer in his official capacity, until the expiration of two months next after notice in
writing has been delivered to, or left at the office of—
(a) in the case of a suit against the Central Government, except where it relates to a railway, a Secretary to that
(b) in the case of a suit against the Central Government where it relates to railway, the General Manager of that railway;
(bb) in the case of a suit against the Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir the Chief Secretary to that
Government or any other officer authorised by that Government in this behalf;
(c) in the case of a suit against any other State Government, a Secretary to that Government or the Collector of the
and, in the case of a public officer, delivered to him or left at this office, stating the cause of action, the name,
description and place of residence of the plaintiff and the relief which he claims; and the plaint shall contain a statement
that such notice has been so delivered or left.
[56] [(2) A suit to obtain an urgent or immediate relief against the Government (including the Government of the State
of Jammu & Kashmir) or any public officer in respect of any act purporting to be done by such public officer in his
official capacity, may be instituted, with the leave of the Court, without serving any notice as required by sub-section
(1); but the Court shall not grant relief in the suit, whether interim or otherwise, except after giving to the Government
or public officer, as the case may be, a reasonable opportunity of showing cause in respect of the relief prayed for in the
suit :
Provided that the Court shall, if it is satisfied, after hearing the parties, that no urgent or immediate relief need be
granted in the suit, return the plaint for presentation to it after complying with the requirements of sub-section (1).
(3) No suit instituted against the Government or against a public officer in respect of any act purporting to be done by
such public officer in his official capacity shall be dismissed merely by reason of any error or defect in the notice
referred to in sub-section (1), if in such notice—
(a) the name, description and the residence of the plaintiff had been so given as to enable the appropriate authority or
the public officer to identify the person serving the notice and such notice had been delivered or left at the office of the
appropriate authority specified in sub-section (1), and
(b) the cause of action and the relief claimed by the plaintiff had been substantially indicated.]
Madhya Pradesh — (i) After sub-section (3) of Section 80 the following inserted:
"(4) where in a suit or proceeding referred to in Rule 3B of Order 1, the state is joined as a defendant or non applicant or
where the Court orders joinder of the State as defendant or non applicant in exercise of powers under Rule 10(2) of
order 1 such suit or proceeding shall not be dismissed by reasons of Omission of the plaintiff or applicant to issue notice
under sub-section (1)".
(ii) In sub-section (1) of section 80 for the words "sub-section (2)" substitute "sub-section (2) or (4)".
[M.P. Act No. 29 of 1948].
81. Exemption from arrest and personal appearance— In a suit instituted against a public officer in respect of any act
purporting to be done by him in his official capacity—
(a) the defendant shall not be liable to arrest nor his property to attachment otherwise than in execution of a decree, and
(b) where the Court is satisfied that the defendant cannot absent himself from his duty without detriment to the public
service, it shall exempt him from appearing in person.
82. Execution of decree— [57](1) Where, in a suit by or against the Government or by or against a public officer in
respect of any act purporting to be done him in his official capacity, a decree is passed against the Union of India or a
State or, as the case may be, the public officer, such decree shall not be executed except in accordance with the
provisions of sub-section(2)].
(2) Execution shall not be issued on any such decree unless it remains unsatisfied for the period of three months
computed from the date of [58][such decree].
(3) The provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) shall apply in relation to an order or award as they apply in relation to a
decree, if the order or award—
(a) is passed or made against the Union of India or a State or a public officer in respect of any such act as aforesaid,
whether by a Court or by any other authority; and
(b) is capable of being executed under the provisions of this code or of any other law for the time being in force as if it
were a decree.
Suits by Alliens and by or against Foreign Rulers, Ambassadors and Envoys
83. When aliens may sue— Alien enemies residing in India with the permission of the Central Government, and alien
friends, may sue in any Court otherwise competent to try the suit, as if they were citizens of India, but alien enemies
residing in India without such permission, or residing in a foreign country, shall not sue in any such court.
Explanation—Every person residing in a foreign country, the Government of which is at war with India and carrying on
business in that country without a licence in that behalf granted by the Central Government, shall, for the purpose of this
section, be deemed to be an alien enemy residing in a foreign country.
84. When foreign State may sue.— A foreign State may sue in any competent Court:
Provided that the object of the suit is to enforce a private right vested in the Ruler of such State or in any officer of such
State in his public capacity.
85. Persons specially appointed by Government to prosecute or defend on behalf of foreign Rulers— (1) The Central
Government may, at the request of the Ruler of a foreign State or at the request of any person competent in the opinion
of the Central Government to act on behalf of such Ruler, by order, appoint any persons to prosecute or defend any suit
on behalf of such Ruler, and any persons so appointed shall be deemed to be the recognized agents by whom
appearances, acts and applications under this Code may be made or done on behalf of such Ruler.
(2) An appointment under this section may be made for the purpose of a specified suit or of several specified suits, or
for the purpose of all such suits as it may from time to time be necessary to prosecute or defend on behalf of such Ruler.
(3) A person appointed under this section may authorise or appoint any other persons to make appearances and
applications and do acts in any such suit or suits as if he were himself a party thereto.
86. Suits against foreign Rulers, Ambassadors and Envoys— (1) No.****[59] foreign State may be sued in any Court
otherwise competent to try the suit except with consent of the Central Government certified in writing by a Secretary to
that Government :
Provided that a person may, as a tenant of immovable property, sue without such consent as aforesaid [60][a foreign
State] from whom he holds or claims to hold the property.
(2) Such consent may be given with respect to a specified suit or to several specified suits or with respect to all suits of
any specified class or classes, and may specify, in the case of any suit or class of suits, the Court in which [61][the
foreign State] may be sued, but it shall to be given, unless it appears to the Central Government that [62][the foreign
(a) has instituted a suit in the Court against the person desiring to sue [63][it], or
(b) [64][itself] or another, trades within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court, or
(c) is in possession of immovable property situate within those limits and is to be sued with reference to such property
or for money charged thereon, or
(d) has expressly or impliedly waived the privilege accorded to [65][it] by this section.
[66] [(3) Except with the consent of the Central Government, certified in writing by a Secretary to that government, no
decree shall be executed against the property of any foreign State.]
(4) The proceeding provisions of this section shall apply in relation to —
[67] [(a) any Ruler of a foreign State;]
[68] [(aa)] any ambassador or Envoy of a foreign State ;
(b) any High Commissioner of a Commonwealth country; and
(c) any such member of the staff [69][of the foreign State or the staff or retinue of the Ambassador] or Envoy of a
foreign State or of the High Commissioner of a Commonwealth country as the Central Government may, by general or
special order, specify in this behalf.
[70][as they apply in relation to a foreign State].
[71][(5) the following persons shall not be arrested under this Code, namely : —
(a) any ruler of a foreign State;
(b) any Ambassador or Envoy of a foreign State;
(c) any High Commissioner of a Commonwealth country;
(d) any such member of the staff of the foreign State or the staff or retinue of the Ruler, Ambassador or Envoy of a
foreign State or of the High Commissioner of a Commonwealth country, as the Central Government may, by general or
special order, specify in this behalf.
(6) Where a request is made to the Central Government for the grant of any consent referred to in sub-section (1), the
Central Government shall, before refusing to accede to the request in whole or in part, give to the person making the
request a reasonable opportunity of being heard.]
87. Style of foreign Rulers as parties to suits— The Ruler of a foreign State may sue, and shall be sued, in the name of
his State:
Provided that in giving the consent referred to in section 86, the Central Government may direct that the Ruler may be
sued in the name of an agent or in any other name.
87A. Definitions of "foreign State" and "Ruler" — (1) In this Part,—
(a) "foreign State" means any State outside India which has been recognised by the Central Government; and
(b) "Ruler", in relation to a foreign State, means the person who is for the time being recognized by the Central
Government to be the head of that State.
(2) Every Court shall take judicial notice of the fact —
(a) that a state has or has not been recognized by the Central Government;
(b) that a person has or has not been recognized by the Central Government to be the head of a State.
Suits against Rulers of former Indian States
87B. Applications of sections 85 and 86 to Rulers of former Indian States.— (1) In the case of any suit by or against the
Ruler of any former Indian State which is based wholly or in part upon a cause of action which arose before the
commencement of the Constitution or any proceedings arising out of such suit, the provisions of section 85 and sub-
sections (1) and (3) of section 86 shall apply in relation to such Ruler as they apply in relation to the Ruler of a foreign
(2) In this section—
(a) "former Indian State" means any such Indian State as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, specify for the purposes of this;
(b) "commencement of the Constitution" means the 26th day of January, 1950; and
(c) "Ruler" in relation to a former Indian State, has the same meaning as in article 363 of the Constitution.RInterpleader
88. Where interpleader suit may be reinstituted— Where two or more persons claim adversely to one another the same
debts, sum of money or other property, movable or immovable, from another person, who claims no interest therein
other than for charges or costs and who is ready to pay or deliver it to the rightful claimant such other person may
institute a suit of interpleader against all the claimants for the purpose of obtaining a decision as to the person to whom
the payment or delivery shall be made and of obtaining indemnity for himself:
Provided that where any suit is pending in which the rights of all parties can properly be decided, no such suit of
interpleader shall be instituted.
89. [Arbitration.] Rep. by the Arbitration Act, 1940 (10 of 1940), s. 49 and Sch. III
Special case
90. Power to state case for opinion of Court— Where any person agree in writing to state a case for the opinion of the
Court, then the Court shall try and determine the same in the manner prescribed.
[72][Public nuisances and other wrongful acts affecting the public]
91. Public nuisances and other wrongful acts affecting the public.— [73][(1) in the case of a public nuisance or other
wrongful act affecting, or likely to affect, the public, a suit for a declaration and injunction or for such other relief as
may be appropriate in the circumstances of the case, may be instituted,—
(a) by the Advocate General, or
(b) with the leave of the Court, by two or more persons, even though no special damage has been caused to such persons
by reason of such public nuisance or other wrongful act.]
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect any right of suit which may exist independently
of its provisions.
92. Public charities— (1) In the case of any alleged breach of any express or constructive trust created for public
purposes of a charitable or religious nature, or where the direction of the Court is deemed necessary for the
administration of any such trust, the Advocate-General, or two or more persons having an interest in the trust and
having obtained the [74][leave of the Court] may institute a suit, whether contentious or not, in the principal Civil Court
of original jurisdiction or in any other Court empowered in that behalf by the State Government within the local limits
of whose jurisdiction the whole or any part of the subject-matter of the trust is situate to obtain a decree—
(a) removing any trustee;
(b) appointing a new trustee;
(c) vesting any property in a trustee;
(cc) directing a trustee who has bee removed or a person who has ceased to be a trustee, to deliver possession of any
trust property in his possession to the person entitled to the possession of such property;
(d) directing accounts and inquires;
(e) declaring what proportion of the trust property or of the interest therein shall be allocated to any particular object of
the trust;
(f) authorizing the whole or any part of the trust property to be let, sold, mortgaged or exchanged;
(g) settling a scheme; or
(h) granting such further or other relief as the nature of the case may require.
(2) Save as provided by the Religious Endowments Act, 1863 (20 of 1863) or by any corresponding law in force in the
territories which, immediately before the 1st November, 1956, were comprised in Part B States, no suit claiming any of
the reliefs specified in sub-section (1) shall be instituted in respect of any such trust as is therein referred to except in
conformity with provisions of that sub-section.
[75] [(3) The Court may alter the original purposes of an express or constructive trust created for public purposes of a
charitable or religious nature and allow the property or income of such trust or any portion thereof to be applied cy press
in one or more the following circumstances, namely:—
(a) where the original purposes of the trust, in whole or in part,—
(i) have been, as far as may be, fulfilled; or
(ii) cannot be carried out at all, or cannot be carried out according to the directions given in the instrument creating the
trust or, where there is no such instrument, according to the spirit of the trust;
(b) where the original purposes of the trust provide a use for a part only of the property available by virtue of the trust;
(c) where the property available by virtue of the trust and other property applicable for similar purposes can be more
effectively used in conjunction with, and to that end can suitably be made applicable to any other purpose, regard being
had to the spirit of the trust and its applicability to common purposes; or
(d) where the original purposes, in whole or in part, were laid down by reference to an area which then was, but has
since ceased to be, a unit for such purposes; or
(ii) ceased, as being useless or harmful to the community, or
(iii) ceased to be, in law, charitable, or
(iv) ceased in any other way to provide a suitable and effective method of using the property available by virtue of the
trust, regard being had to the spirit of the trust.]
Uttar Pradesh— After clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 92 insert the following:
"(bb) for delivery of possession of any trust property against a person who has ceased to be trustee or has been
[U.P. Act No. 24 of 1954].
93. Exercise of powers of Advocate-General outside presidency-towns— The powers conferred by sections 91 and 92
on the Advocate-General may, outside the presidency-towns, be, with the previous sanction of the State Government,
exercised also by the Collector or by such officer as the State Government may appoint in this behalf.
94. Supplemental Proceedings— In order to prevent the ends of justice from being, defeated the Court may,
if it is to prescribed,—
(a) issue a warrant to arrest the defendant and bring him before the Court to show cause why he should not
give security for his appearance, and if he fails to comply with any order for security commit him to the civil
(b) direct the defendant to furnish security to produce any property belonging to him and to place the same at
the disposal of the Court or order the attachment of any property;
(c) grant a temporary injunction and in case of disobedience commit the person guilty thereof to the civil
prison and order that his property be attached and sold;
(d) appoint a receiver of any property and enforce the performance of his duties by attaching and selling his
(e) make such other interlocutory orders as may appear to the Court to be just and convenient.
95. Compensation for obtaining arrest, attachment or injunction on insufficient grounds— Where, in any suit
in which an arrest or attachment has been effected or a temporary injunction granted under the last
preceding section,—
(a) it appears to the Court that such arrest, attachment or injunction was applied for on insufficient grounds,
(b) the suit of the plaintiff fails and it appears to the Court that there was no reasonable or probable grounds
for instituting the same,
the defendant may apply to the Court, and the Court may, upon such application, award against the plaintiff
by its order such amount, not exceeding one thousand rupees, as it deems a reasonable compensation to
the defendant for the [76][expense or injury (including injury to reputation) caused to him];
Provided that a Court shall not award, under this section, an amount exceeding the limits of its peculiar
(2) An order determining any such application shall bar any suit for compensation in respect of such arrest,
attachment or injunction.
Appeals from original decrees
96. Appeal from original decree— (1) Save where otherwise expressly provided in the body of this Code or
by any other law for the time being in force, an appeal shall lie from every decree passed by any Court
exercising original jurisdiction the Court authorized to hear appeals from the decisions of such Court.
(2) An appeal may lie from an original decree passed ex parte.
(3) No appeal shall lie from a decree passed by the Court with the consent of parties.
[77] [(4) No appeal shall lie, except on a question of law, from a decree in any suit of the nature cognisable
by Courts of Small Cause, when the amount or value of the subject-matter of the original suit does not
exceed three thousand rupees.]
97. Appeal from final decree where no appeal from preliminary decree— Where any party aggrieved by a
preliminary decree passed after the commencement of this Code does not appeal from such decree, he shall
be precluded from dispating its correctness in any appeal with may be preferred from the final decree.
98. Decision where appeal heard by two or more Judges— (1) Where an appeal is heard by a Bench of two
or more Judges, the appeal shall be decided in accordance with the opinion of such Judges or of the majority
(if any) of such Judges.
(2) Where there is no such majority which concurs in a judgment varying or reversing the decree appealed
from, such decree shall be confirmed :
Provided that where the Bench hearing the appeal is [78][composed of two or other even number of Judges
belonging to a Court consisting of more Judges than those constituting the Bench] and the Judges
composing the Bench differ in opinion on a point of law, they may state the point of law upon which they
differ and the appeal shall then be heard upon that point only by one or more of the other Judges, and such
point shall be decided according to the opinion of the majority (if any) of the Judges who have heard the
appeal including those who first heard it.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to alter or otherwise affect any provision of the letters patent of
any High Court.
99. No decree to be reversed or modified for error or irregularity not affecting merits or jurisdiction— No
decree shall be reversed or substantially varied, nor shall any case be remanded in appeal on account of any
misjoinder [79][or non-joinder] of parties or causes of action or any error, defect or irregularity in any
proceedings in the suit, not affecting the merits of the case or the jurisdiction of the Court.
[80][Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to non-joinder of a necessary party.]
[81][99A. No order under section 47 to be refused or modified unless decision of the case is prejudicially
affected— Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of section 99, no order under section 47 shall
be reversed or substantially varied, on account of any error, defect or irregularity in any proceeding relating
to such order, unless such error, defect or irregularity has prejudicially affected the decision of the case.}
Appeals from appellate decrees
[82][100. Second appeal— (1) Save as otherwise expressly provided in the body of this Code or by any other
law for the time being in force, an appeal shall lie to the High Court from every decree passed in appeal by
any Court subordinate to the High Court, if the High Court is satisfied that the case involves a substantial
question of law.
(2) An appeal may lie under this section from an appellate decree passed ex parte.
(3) In an appeal under this section, the memorandum of appeal shall precisely state the substantial question
of law involved in the appeal.
(4) Where the High Court is satisfied that a substantial question of law is involved in any case, it shall
formulate that question.
(5) The appeal shall be heard on the question so formulated and the respondent shall, at the hearing of the
appeal, be allowed to argue that the case does not involve such question :
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be deemed to take away or abridge the power of the Court to
hear, for reasons to be recorded, the appeal on any other substantial question of law, not formulated by it, if
it is satisfied that the case involves such question.]
[83][100A. No further appeal in certain cases— Notwithstanding anything contained in any Letters Patent for
any High Court or in any other instrument having the force of law or in any other law for the time being in
force, where any appeal from an appellate decree or order is heard and decided by a single Judge of a High
Court, no further appeal shall lie from the judgment, decision or order or such single Judge in such appeal or
from any decree passed in such appeal.]
101. Second appeal on no other grounds— No second appeal shall lie except on the ground mentioned in
section 100.
102. No second appeal in certain suits— No second appeal shall lie in any suit of the nature cognizable by
Courts of Small Causes, when the amount or value of the subject-matter of the original suit does not exceed
[84][three thousand rupees].
[85][103. Power of High Court to determine issues of fact— In any second appeal, the High Court may, if the
evidence on the record is sufficient, determine any issue necessary for the disposal of the appeal,—
(a) which has not been determined by the lower Appellate Court or both by the Court of first instance and the
lower Appellate Court, or
(b) which has been wrongly determined by such Court or Courts reason of a decision on such question of
law as is referred to in section 100.]
Appeals from orders
104. Orders from which appeal lies— (1) An appeal shall lie from the following orders, and save as otherwise
expressly provided in the body of this Code or by any law for the time being in force, from no other orders:—
[Clauses (a) to (f) omitted]
(ff) an order under section 35A;
[86] [(ffa) an order under section 91 or section 92 refusing leave to institute a suit of the nature referred to in
section 91 or section 92, as the case may be;]
(g) an order under section 95;
(h) an order under any of the provisions of this Code imposing a fine or directing the arrest or detention in the
civil prison of an person except where such arrest or detention is in execution of a decree;
(i) any order made under rules from which an appeal is expressly allowed by rules;
Provided that not appeal shall lie against any order specified in clause (ff) save on the ground that no order,
or an order for the payment of a less amount, ought to have been made.
(2) No appeal shall lie from any order passed in appeal under this section.
105. Other orders— (1) Save as otherwise expressly provided, no appeal shall lie from any order made by a
Court in the exercise of its original or appellate jurisdiction; but, where a decree is appealed from, any error,
defect or irregularity in any order, affecting the decision of the case, may be set forth as ground of objection
in the memorandum of appeal.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where any party aggrieved by an order of remand
[87]***** from which an appeal lies does not appeal therefrom, he shall thereafter be precluded from
disputing its correctness.
106. What Courts to hear appeals— Where an appeal from any order is allowed it shall lie to the Court to
which an appeal would lie from the decree in the suit in which such order was made, or where such order is
made by a Court (not being a High Court) in the exercise of appellate jurisdiction, then to the High Court.
General provisions relating to appeals
107. Powers of Appellate Court— (1) Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed, an
Appellate Court shall have power—
(a) to determine a case finally;
(b) to remand a case;
(c) to frame issues and refer them for trial;
(d) to take additional evidence or to require such evidence to be taken.
(2) Subject as aforesaid, the Appellate Court shall have the same powers and shall perform as nearly as may
be the same duties as are conferred and imposed by this Code on Courts of original jurisdiction in respect of
suits instituted therein.
108. Procedure in appeals from appellate decrees and orders— The provisions of this Part relating to
appeals from original decree shall, so far as may be, apply to appeals—
(a) from appellate decrees, and
(b) from orders made under this Code or under any special or local law in which a different procedure is not
Appeals to the Supreme Court
109. When appeals lie to the Supreme Court— Subject to the provisions in Chapter IV of Part V of the
Constitution and such rules as may, from time to time, be made by the Supreme Court regarding appeals
from the Courts of India, and to the provisions hereinafter contained, an appeal shall lie to the Supreme
Court from any judgment, decree or final order in a civil proceeding of a High Court, if the High Court
(i) that the case involves a substantial question of law of general importance; and
(ii) that in the opinion of the High Court the said question needs to be decided by the Supreme Court.
110. [Value of subject matters] Rep. by the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1973 (49 of 1973).
111. [Bar of certain appeals] Rep. by the A.O. 1950.
111A. [Appeals to Federal Court] Rep. by the Federal Court Act, 1941 (21 of 1941).
112. Savings— (1) Nothing contained in this Code shall be deemed—
(a) to affect the powers of the Supreme Court under article 136 or any other provision of the Constitution, or
(b) to interfere with any rules made by the Supreme Court, and for the time being in force, for the
presentation of appeals to that Court, or their conduct before that Court.
(2) Nothing herein contained applies to any matter of criminal or admiralty or vice-admiralty jurisdiction or to
appeals from orders and decrees of Prize Courts.
113. Reference to High Court— Subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed, any Court
may state a case and refer the same for the opinion of the High Court, and the High Court may make such
order thereon as it thinks fit :
Provided that where the Court is satisfied that a case pending before it involves a question as to the validity
of any Act, Ordinance or Regulation or of any provision contained in an Act, Ordinance or Regulation, the
determination of which is necessary for the disposal of the case, and is of opinion that such Act, Ordinance,
Regulation or provision is invalid or inoperative, but has not been so declared by the High Court to which that
Court is subordinate or by the Supreme Court, the Court shall state a case setting out its opinion and the
reasons therefor, and refer the same for the opinion of the High Court.
Explanation.—In this section "Regulation" means any Regulation of the Bengal, Bombay or Madras Code or
Regulation as defined in the General Clauses Act, 1897, (10 of 1897) or in the General Clauses Act of a
Andhra Pradesh— In the Explanation to section 113 after the words "any Regulation of the Bengal, Bombay
or Madras Code" insert the words "or any Regulation of the Madras Code in force, in the State of Andhra as
it existed immediately before the 1st Nov. 1956".
[Andhra Adoption of Laws (Amendment) orders of 1954 and 1957].
Tamilnadu— In the Explanation to section 113 after the words "any Regulation of the Bengal, Bombay or
Madras Code" insert the words "or any Regulation of the Madras Code in force in the territories specified in
Second Schedule to the Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act, 1959"
[Madras Added Territories Adaptation of Laws Order, 1961].
Union Territory of Pondicherry— Some as in Tamil Nadu (Act No. 49 of 1962).
114. Review— Subject as aforesaid, any person considering himself aggrieved—
(a) by a decree or order from which an appeal is allowed by this Code, but from which no appeal has been
(b) by a decree or order from which no appeal is allowed by this Court, or
(c) by a decision on a reference from a Court of Small Causes, may apply for a review of judgment to the
Court which passed the decree or made the order, and the Court may make such order thereon as it thinks
115. Revision— [88][(1)] The High Court may call for the record of an case which has been decided by any
Court subordinate to such High Court and in which no appeal lies thereto, and if such subordinate Court
(a) to have exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it by law, or
(b) to have failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested, or
(c) to have acted in the exercise of its jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularity,
the High Court may make such order in the case as it thinks fit :
[89] [Provided that the High Court shall no, under this section, vary or reverse any order made, or any order
deciding an issue, in the course of a suit or other proceeding, except where—
(a) the order, if it had been made in favour of the party applying for revision, would have finally disposed of
the suit or other proceedings, or
(b) the order, if allowed to stand, would occasion a failure of justice or cause irreparable injury to the party
against whom it was made.]
[90] [(2) The High Court shall not, under this section, vary or reverse any decree or order against which an
appeal lies either to the High Court or to any Court subordinate thereto.
Explanation.—In this section, the expression "any case which has been decided" includes any order made,
or any order deciding an issue in the course of a suit or other proceeding.]
Madhya Pradesh— For Section 115 of the principal Act, the following Section substituted.
"115. Revision.— The High Court may call for the record of any cases which has been decided by any Court
subordinate to such High Court and in which no appeal lies thereto, and if such subordinate Court appears—
(a) to have exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it by law; or
(b) to have failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested; or
(c) to have acted in the exercise of its jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularity, the High Court may
make such order in the case as it thinks fit;
Provided that the High Court shall not, under this section, vary or reverse any order made or any order
deciding an issue, in the course of a suit or other proceedings except where:—
(a) the order, if it had been made in favour of the party applying for the revision, would have finally disposed
of the suit or proceeding; or
(b) the order, if allowed to stand, would occasion a failure of justice or cause irreparable injury to the party
against whom it was made.
(2) The High Court shall not, under this section, vary or reverse any decree or order against which an appeal
lies either to the High Court or to any court subordinate thereto.
Explanation.— In this section, the expression "any case which has been decided" includes any order made,
or any order deciding an issue in the course of a suit or other proceeding.
[M.P. Act 4 of 1994].
Orissa.— In its application to the State of Orissa, for section 115, substitute the following:—
"115. Revision.— The High Court, in cases arising out of original suits or other proceedings of the value
exceeding one lakh rupees, and the District Court, in any other case, including a case arising out of an
original suit or other proceedings instituted before the commencement of the Code of Civil Procedure (Orissa
Amendment) Act, 1991, may call for the record of any case which has been decided by any Court
subordinate to the High Court or the District Court, as the case may be, and in which no appeal lies thereto,
and if such subordinate Court appears—
(a) to have exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it by law; or
(b) to have failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested; or
(c) to have acted in the exercise of its jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularity, the High Court or the
District Court, as the case may be, may make such order in the case as it thinks fit;
Provided that in respect of cases arising out of original suits or other proceedings of any valuation decided by
the District Court, the High Court alone shall be competent to make an order under this section:
Provided further that the High Court or the District Court shall not, under this section, vary or reverse any
order, including an order deciding an issue, made in the course of a suit or other proceedings, except
(i) the order, if so varied or reversed, would finally dispose of the suit or other proceedings; or
(ii) the order, if allowed to stand, would occasion a failure of justice or cause irreparable injury to the party
against whom it was made.
Explanation.— In this section, the expression "any case which has been decided" includes any order
deciding an issue in the course of a suit or other proceeding."
[Orissa Act 26 of 1991].
Uttar Pradesh.— In its application to the State of Uttar Pradesh, for section 115, substitute the following:—
"115 Revision.— The High Court, in cases arising out of original suits or other proceedings of the value
exceeding one lakh rupees or such higher amount not exceeding five lakh rupees as the High Court may
from time to time fix, by notification published in the Official Gazette including such suits or other proceedings
instituted before the date of commencement of the U.P. Civil Laws (Amendment) Act, 1991, or as the case
may be, the date of commencement of such notification and the District Court in any other case, including a
case arising out of an original suit or other proceedings instituted before such date, may call for the record of
any case which has been decided by any Court subordinate to such High Court or District Court, as the case
may be, and in which no appeal lies thereto, and if such subordinate Court appears—
(a) to have exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it by law; or
(b) to have failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested; or
(c) to have acted in the exercise of its jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularity,
the High Court or the District Court, as the case may be, may make such order in the case as it thinks fit:
Provided that in respect of cases arising out of original suits or other proceedings of any valuation, decided
by the District Court, the High Court alone shall be competent to make an order under this section:
Provided further that the High Court or the District Court shall not, under this section, vary or reverse any
order including an order deciding an issue, made in the course of a suit or other proceeding, except where,—
(i) the order, if so varied or reversed, would finally dispose of the suit or other proceeding; or
(ii) the order, if allowed to stand, would occasion a failure of justice or cause irreparable injury to the party
against whom it was made:
Provided also that where a proceeding of the nature in which the District Court may call for the record and
pass orders under this Section was pending immediately before the relevant date of commencement referred
to above, in the High Court, such Court shall proceed to dispose of the same.
Explanation.— In this section, the expression "any case which has been decided" includes any order
deciding an issue in the course of a suit or other proceeding."
[U.P. Acts 31 of 1978 and 17 of 1991]
West Bengal— After Section 115 of the Code the following section 115A inserted:
"115A. District Court's powers of revision— (1) A District Court may exercise all or any of the power which
may be exercised by the High Court under section 115.
(2) Where any proceedings by way of revision is commenced before a District Court in pursuance of the
provision of sub-section (1), the provisions of section 115 shall, so for as may be, apply to such proceeding
and references to the said section 60 the High Court shall be construed as reference to the District Court.
(3) Where any proceeding for revision is commenced before the District Court, the decision of the District
Court on such proceeding shall be final and no further proceeding by way of revision shall be entertained by
the High Court or any other Court.
(4) If any application for revision has been made by any party either to the High Court under section 115 or to
the District Court under this section, no further application by the same party shall be entertained by the
other of them.
(5) A Court of an Additional Judge shall have and may exercise all the powers of a District Court under this
section in respect of any proceeding which may be transferred to it by or under any general or special order
of the District Court"
[West Bengal Act No. 15 of 1988].
116. Part to apply only to certain High Courts— This Part applies only to High Courts not being the Court of a
Judicial Commissioner.
117. Application of Code to High Court.— Save as provided in this Part or in Part X or in rules, the provisions
of this Court shall apply to such High Courts.
118. Execution of decree before ascertainment of costs— Where any such High Court considers it necessary
that a decree passed in the exercise of its original civil jurisdiction should be executed before the amount of
the costs incurred in the suit can be ascertained by taxation, the Court may order that the decree shall be
executed forthwith except as to so much thereof as relates to the costs;
and, as to so much thereof as relates to the costs, that the decree may be executed as soon as the amount
of the costs shall be ascertained by taxation.
119. Unauthorized persons not to address Court— Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to authorize any
person on behalf of another to address the Court in the exercise of its original civil jurisdiction, or to examine
witnesses, except where the Court shall have in the exercise of the power conferred by its charter authorized
him so to do, or to interfere with the power of the High Court to make rules concerning advocates, vakils and
120. Provisions not applicable to High Court in original civil jurisdiction— (1) The following provisions shall
not apply to the High Court in the exercise of its original civil jurisdiction, namely, sections 16, 17 and 20.
121. Effect of rules in First Schedule— The rules in a First Schedule shall have effect as if enacted in the
body of this Code until annulted or altered in accordance with the provisions of this Part.
122. Power of certain High Courts to make rules— High Courts not being the Court of a Judicial
Commissioner may, from time to time after previous publication, make rules regulating their own procedure
and the procedure of the Civil Courts subjects to their superintendence, and may be such rules annul, alter
or add to all or any of the rules in the First Schedule.
123. Constitution of Rule Committees in certain States— (1) A committee to be called the Rule Committee,
shall be constituted at the town which is the usual place of sitting of each of the High Courts referred to in
section 122.
(2) Each such Committee shall consist of the following persons, namely—
(a) three Judges of the High Court established at the town at which such Committee is constituted, one of
whom at least has served as a District Judge or a Divisional Judge for three years,
(b) two legal practitioners enrolled in that Court
(c) a Judge of a Civil Court subordinate to the High Court[91]*****
(3) The members of each such Committee shall be appointed by the [93][High Court], which shall also
nominate one of their number to be President :
(4) Each member of any such Committee shall hold office for such period as may be prescribed by the
[95][High Court] in this behalf; and whenever any member retires, resigns, dies or ceases to reside in the
State in which the Committee was constituted or becomes incapable of acting as a member of the
Committee, the said [96][High Court] may appoint another person to be a member in his stead.
(5) There shall be a secretary to each such Committee who shall be appointed by the [97][High Court] and
shall receiver such remuneration as may be provided in this behalf by the State Government.
Assam and Nagaland— Substitute the following for clause (a) sub-section (2) of section 123.
"(a) three judges of the High Court established at the town at which such committee is constituted, provided
that the Chief Justice may appoint only two judges of the High Court on the Committee if the number of
Judges of the High Court does not exceed three"
[Assam Act No. VIII of 1953].
Tamil Nadu— In section 123 sub-section (2).
(a) "In clause (b) for the words `two legal practitioners' substitute the words `three legal practitioners'."
(b) "Omit the words `Madras' in clause (d)".
[Tamil Nadu Act No. 15 of 1970].
124. Committee to report to High Court.— Every Rule Committee shall make a report to the High Court
established at the town at which it is constituted on any proposal to annul, alter or add to the rules in the First
Schedule or to make new rules, and before making any rules under section 122 the High Court shall take
such report into consideration.
125. Power of other High Courts to make rules— High Courts, other than the Courts specified in section 122,
may exercise the powers conferred by that section in such manner and subject to such conditions as the
State government may determine:
Provided that any such High Court may, after previous publication, make a rule extending within the local
limits of its jurisdiction any rules which have been made by any other High Court.
126. Rules to be subject to approval— Rules made under the foregoing provisions shall be subject to the
previous approval of the Government of the State in which the Court whose procedure the rules regulate is
situate or, if that Court is not situate in any State, to the previous approval of Central Government.
127. Publication of rules— Rules so made and approved shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall
from the date of publication or from such other date as may be specified have the same force and effect,
within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the High Court which made them, as if they had been contained in
the First Schedule.
128. Matters for which rules may provide— (1) Such rules shall be not inconsistent with the provisions in the
body of this Code, but, subject thereto, may provide for any matters relating to the procedure of Civil Courts.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by sub-section (1), such
rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely :—
(a) the service of summons, notices and other processes by post or in any other manner either generally or
in any specified areas, and the proof of such service;
(b) the maintenance and custody, while under attachment, of live-stock and other movable property, the fees
payable for such maintenance and custody, the sale of such live-stock and property and the proceeds of
such sale;
(c) procedure in suits by way of counterclaim and the valuation of such suits for the purposes of jurisdiction;
(d) procedure in garnishee and charging order either in addition to, or in substitution for, the attachment and
sale of debts;
(e) procedure where the defendant claims to be entitled to contribution or indemnity over against any person
whether a party tot he suit or not;
(f) summary procedure—
(i) in suits in which the plaintiff seeks only to recover a debt or liquidated demand in money payable by the
defendant, with or without interest, arising—
on a contract express or implied; or
on an enactment where the sum sought to be recovered is a fixed sum of money or in the nature of a debt
other than a penalty; or
on a guarantee, where the claim against the principal is in respect of a debt or a liquidated demand only; or
on trust; or
(ii) in suits for the recovery of immovable property, with or without claim for rent or mesne profits, by a
landlord against a tenant whose term has expired or has been duly determined by notice to quit, or has
become liable to forfeiture for non- payment of rent, or against persons claiming under such tenant;
(g) procedure by way of originating summons;
(h) consolidation of suits, appeals and other proceedings;
(i) delegation to any Registrar, Prothonotary or Master or other official of the Court of any judicial, quasi-
judicial and non-judicial duties; and
(j) all forms, registers, books, entries and accounts which may be necessary or desirable for the transaction
of the business of Civil Courts.
129. Power of High Court to make rules as to their original Civil Procedure— Notwithstanding anything in this
Code, any High Court not being the Court of a Judicial Commissioner may make such rules not inconsistent
with the Letters Patent or order or other law establishing it to regulate its own procedure in the exercise of its
original civil jurisdiction as it shall think fit, and nothing herein contained shall affect the validity of any such
rules in force at the commencement of this Code.
130. Powers of other High Court to make rules as to matters other than procedure— A High Court not being
a High Court to which section 129 applies may, with the previous approval of the State Government make
with respect to any matter other than procedure any rule which a High Court for a State might under article
227 of the Constitution make with respect to any such matter for any part of the territories under its
jurisdiction which is not included within the limits of a presidency town.
131. Publication of rules— Rules made in accordance with section 129 or section 130 shall be published in
the Official Gazette and shall from the date of publication or from such other date as may be specified have
the force of law.
132. Exemption of certain women from personal appearance— (1)Women who, according to the customs
and manners of the country, ought not to be compelled to appear in public shall be exempt from personal
appearance in Court.
(2) Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to exempt such women from arrest in execution of civil
process in any case in which the arrest of women is not prohibited by this Code.
133. Exemption of other persons— (1)The following persons shall be entitled to exemption from personal
appearance in Court, namely—
(i) the President of India;
(ii) the Vice-President of India;
(iii) the Speaker of the House of the People;
(iv) the Ministers of the Union;
(v) the Judges of the Supreme Court;
(vi) the Governors of States and the administrators of Union Territories;
(vii) the Speakers of the State Legislative Assemblies;
(viii) the Chairman of the State Legislative Councils;
(ix) the Ministers of States;
(x) the Judges of the High Courts; and
(xi) the persons to whom section 87B applies.
(3) Where any person claims the privilege of such exemption, and it is consequently necessary to examine
him by commission, he shall pay the costs of that commission, unless the party requiring his evidence pays
such costs.
134. Arrest other than in execution of decree— The provisions of sections 55, 57 and 59 shall apply, so far
as may be, to all persons arrested under this Code.
135. Exemption from arrest under civil process— (1) No Judge, Magistrate or other judicial officer shall be
liable to arrest under civil process while going to, presiding in, or returning from his Court.
(2) Where any matter is pending before a tribunal having jurisdiction therein, or believing in good faith that it
has such jurisdiction, the parties thereto, their pleader, mukhtars, revenue-agents and recognized agents,
and their witnesses acting in obedience to a summons, shall be exempt from arrest under civil process other
than process issued by such tribunal for contempt of Court while going to or attending such tribunal for the
purpose of such matter, and while returning from such tribunal.
(3) Nothing in sub-section (2) shall enable a judgment-debtor to claim exemption from arrest under an order
for immediate execution or where such judgment-debtor attends to show cause why he should not be
committed to person in execution of a decree.
135A. Exemption of members of legislative bodies from arrest and detention under civil process— [99][(1) No
person shall be liable to arrest or detention in prison under civil process—
(a) if he is a member of—
(i) either House of Parliament, or
(ii) the legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State, or
(iii) a Legislative Assembly of a Union territory,
during the continuance of any meeting of such House of Parliament or, as the case may be, of the
Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council;
(b) if he is a member of any committee of—
(i) either House of Parliament, or
(ii) the Legislative Assembly of a State or Union territory, or
(iii) the Legislative council of a State,
during the continuance of any meeting of such committee;
(c) if he is a member of—
(i) either House of Parliament, or
(ii) a Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State having both such Houses,
during the continuance of a joint sitting, meeting, conference or joint committee of the Houses of Parliament
or Houses of the State Legislature, as the case may be,
and during the forty days before and after such meeting, sitting or conference.]
(2) A person released from detention under sub-section (1), shall, subject the provisions, of the said sub-
section,be liable to re-arrest and to the further detention to which he would have been liable if he had not
been released under the provisions of sub-section (1).
136. Procedure where person to be arrested or property to be attached is outside district— (1) Where an
application is made that any person shall be arrested or that any property shall be attached under any
provision of this Code not relating to the execution of decrees, and such person resides or such property is
situate outside the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court to which the application is made, the Court may,
in its discretion, issue a warrant of arrest or make an order of attachment, and send to the District Court
within the local limits of whose jurisdiction such person or property reside or is situate a copy of the warrant
or order, together with the probable amount of the costs of the arrest or attachment.
(2) The District Court shall, on receipt of such copy and amount, cause the arrest or attachment to be made
by its own officers, or by a Court subordinate to itself, and shall inform the Court which issued or made such
warrant or order of the arrest or attachment.
(3) The Court making an arrest under this section shall send the person arrested to the Court by which the
warrant of arrest was issued, unless he shows cause to the satisfaction of the former Court why he should
not be sent to the later Court, or unless he furnishes sufficient security for his appearance before the later
Court or for satisfying any decree that may be passed against him by that Court, in either of which cases the
Court making the arrest shall release him.
(4) Where a person to be arrested or movable property to be attached under this section is within th local
limits of the ordinary original civil jurisdiction of the High Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal or at
Madras or at Bombay, the copy of the warrant of arrest or of the order of attachment, and the probable
amount of the costs of the arrest or attachment, shall be sent to the Court of Small Causes of Calcutta,
Madras or Bombay as the case may be, and that Court, on receipt of the copy and amount, shall proceed as
if it were the District Court.
137. Language of subordinate Courts— (1) The language which, on the commencement of this Code, is the
language of any Court subordinate to a High Court shall continue to be the language of such subordinate
Court until the State Government otherwise directs.
(2) The State Government may declare what shall be the language of any such Court and in what character
applications to and proceedings in such Court shall be written.
(3) Where this Court requires or allows anything other than the recording of evidence to be done in writing in
any such Court, such writing may be in English; but if any party or his pleader is unacquainted with English a
tanslation into the language of the Court shall, at his request, be supplied to him; and the Court shall make
such order as it thinks fit in respect of the payment of the costs of such translation.
Rajasthan— For sub-section (3) of section 137 substitute the following:
"(3) Wherever the code requires or allows anything other than the recording of evidence to be done in writing
in any such court, such writing shall be in Hindi in Devnagri Script with the international from of Indian
Provided that the court may in its decretion accept such writing in England on the undertaking of the party
filing such writing, to file a Hindi translation of the same, within such time as may be granted by the Court
and the opposite party shall have a copy of such writing in Hindi."
[Raj. Act No. 7 of 1983].
Uttar Pradesh— To section 137 (3) insert the following proviso:
"Provided that with effect from such date as the State Government in consultation with the High Court may
by notification in the Gazette appoint, the language of every judgment, decree or order passed on made by
such courts or classes of courts subordinate to the High Court and in such classes of cases as may be
specified shall only be Hindi in Devnagri Script with the international form of Indian numerals".
(U.P. Act No. 17 of 1970).
138. Power of High Court to require evidence to be recorded in English— (1) The High Court may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, direct with respect to any Judge specified in the notification, or falling
under a description set forth therein, that evidence in cases in which an appeal is allowed shall be taken
down by him in the English language and in manner prescribed.
(2) Where a Judge is prevented by any sufficient reason from complying with a direction under sub-section
(1), he shall record the reason and cause the evidence to be taken down in writing from his dictation in open
Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura and Manipur— For section 138, substitute the following section:—
"138. Power of High Court to require evidence to be record in English.— The High Court may, by notification,
in the Official Gazette, direct with respect to any Judge specified in the notification, or falling under a
description set forth therein that in cases in which an appeal is allowed, he shall take down, or cause to be
taken down, the evidence in the English language and in the form and manner prescribed."
[Assam Act 2 of 1941, State of Nagaland Act 27 of 1962].
139. Oath on affidavit by whom to be administered— In the case of any affidavit under this Code—
(a) any Court or Magistrate, or
[100] [(aa) any notary appointed under the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952); or]
(b) any officer or other person whom a High Court may appoint in this behalf, or
(c) any officer appointed by any other Court which the State Government has generally or specially
empowered in this behalf,
may administer the oath to the deponent.
Uttar Pradesh— (i) for clause (b) of section 139 substitute:
"(b) any person appointed in this behalf by a High Court or by a district court; or"
(ii) for clause (c) of section 139 substitute:
"(c) any person appointed in this behalf by such other court as the State Govt. may, by general or special
order, empower in this behalf."
[U.P. Act No. 11 of 1981].
140. Assessors in causes of salvage etc.— (1) In any admiralty or vice-admiralty cause of salvage, towage
or collision, the Court, whether it be exercising its original or its appellate jurisdiction may, if it thinks fit, and
shall upon request of either party to such cause, summon to its assistance, in such manner as it may direct
or as may be prescribed , two competent assessors; and such assessors shall attend and assist accordingly.
(2) Every such assessor shall receive such fees for his attendance, to be paid by such of the parties as the
Court may direct or as may be prescribed.
141. Miscellaneous proceedings— The procedure provided in this Code in regard to suit shall be followed, as
far as it can be made applicable, in all proceedings in any Court of civil jurisdiction.
[101][Explanation.—In this section, the expression "proceedings" includes proceedings under Order IX, but
does not include any proceeding under article 226 of the Constitution.]
142. Orders and notices to be in writing— All orders and notices served on or given to any person under the
provisions of this Code shall be in writing.
143. Postage— Postage, where chargeable on a notice, summons or letter issued under this Code and
forwarded by post, and the fee for registering the same, shall be paid within a time to be fixed before the
communications made :
Provided that the State Government may remit such postage, or fee, or both, or may prescribe a scale of
court-fees to be levied in lieu thereof.
144. Application for restitution— (1) Where and in so far as a decree or an order is [102][varied or reversed
in any appeal, revision or other proceedings or is set aside or modified in any suit instituted for the purpose
the Court which passed the decree or order] shall, on the application of any party entitled to any benefit by
way of restitution or otherwise, cause such restitution to be made as will, so far as may be, place the parties
in the position which they would have occupied but for such decree or order or [103][such part thereof as has
been varied, reversed, set aside or modified], and, for this purpose, the Court may make any orders,
including orders for the refund of costs and for the payment of interest, damages, compensation and mesne
profits, which are properly [104][consequential on such variation, reversal, setting aside or modification of the
decree or order.]
[105] [Explanation.—For the purposes of sub-section (1) the expression "Court which passed the decree or
order" shall be deemed to include,—
(a) where the decree or order has been varied or reversed in exercise of appellate or revisional jurisdiction,
the Court of first instance;
(b) where the decree or order has been set aside by a separate suit, the Court of first instance which passed
such decree or order;
(c) where the Court of first instance has ceased to exist or has ceased to have jurisdiction to execute, it, the
Court which, if the suit wherein the decree or order was passed were instituted at the time of making the
application for restitution under this section, would have jurisdiction to try such suit.]
(2) No suit shall be instituted for the purpose of obtaining any restitution or other relief which could be
obtained by application under sub-section (1).
Uttar Pradesh— Substitute the following for sub-section (1) of section 144 of the Code:
"(1) Where and in so far as a decree or an order is varied or reversed in appeal, revision or otherwise, the
Court of first instance shall, on the application of any party entitled to any benefit by way of restitution or
otherwise, cause such restitution to be made, as will, so for as may be, place the parties in the position which
they would have occupied but for such decree or order or such part there of as has been varied or reversed;
and for this purpose, the Court may make any orders, including orders for the refused of costs and for the
payment of interest, damages, compensation and mesne profits, which are properly consequential on such
variation or reversal".
[U.P. Act No. 24 of 1954].
145. Enforcement of liability of surety— Where any person [106][has furnished security or given a
(a) for the performance of any decree or any part thereof, or
(b) for the restitution of any property taken in execution of a decree, or
(c) for the payment of any money, or for the fulfilment of any condition imposed on any person, under an
order of the Court in any suit or in any proceeding consequent thereon,
[107][the decree or order may be executed in the manner therein provided for the execution of decree,
namely :—
(i) if he has rendered himself personally liable, against him to that extent;
(ii) if he has furnished any property as security, by sale of such property to the extent of the security;
(iii) if the case falls both under clauses (i) and (ii) then to the extent specified in those clauses,
and such person shall, be deemed to be a party within the meaning of section 47 :]
Provided that such notice as the Court in each case thinks sufficient has been given to the surety.
Uttar Pradesh— Substitute the following for section 145;
"145. Where any person has become liable as surety or given any property as security:
(a) for the performance of any decree or any part there of, or
(b) for the restitution of any property taken in execution of any decree, or
(c) for the payment of any money or for the fulfilment of any condition imposed on any person, under an
order of the Court in any suit or in any proceeding Consequent there on,— the decree or order may be
executed in the manner herein provided for the execution of decrees:—
(i) if he has rendered himself personally liable, against him to that extent; and
(ii) if he has given any property as security, by sale of such property to the extent of the security;
such person shall, for the purposes of appeal, be deemed to be a party within the meaning of section 47:
Provided that such notice as the Court in each case thinks sufficient has been given to the surety.
Explanation:— For the purposes of this section a person entrusted by a Court with custody of any property
attached in execution of any decree or order shall be deemed to have become liable as surety for the
restitution of such property within the meaning of clause (b)."
[U.P. Act No. 24 of 1954].
146. Proceedings by or against representatives— Save as otherwise provided by this Code or by any law for
the time being in force, where any proceeding may be taken or application made by or against any person
then the proceeding may be taken or the application may be made by or against any person claiming under
147. Consent or agreement by persons under disability— In all suits to which any person under disability is a
party, any consent or agreement, as to any proceeding shall, if given or made with the express leave of the
Court by the next friend or guardian for the suit, have the same force and effect as if such person, were
under no disability and had given such consent or made such agreement.
148. Enlargement of time— Where any period is fixed or granted by the Court for the doing of any act
prescribed or allowed by this Code, the Court may, in its discretion, from time to time, enlarge such period,
even though the period originally fixed or granted may gave expired.
[108][148A. Right to lodge a caveat— (1) Where an application is expected to be made, or has been made,
in a suit or proceedings instituted, or about to be instituted, in a Court, any person claiming a right to appear
before the Court on the hearing of such application may lodge a caveat in respect thereof.
(2) Where a caveat has been lodged under sub-section (1), the person by whom the caveat has been lodged
(hereinafter referred to as the caveator) shall serve a notice of the caveat by registered post,
acknowledgement due, on the person by whom the application has been or is expected to be, made, under
sub-section (1).
(3) Where, after a caveat has been lodged under sub-section (1), any application is filed in any suit or
proceeding, the Court, shall serve a notice of the application on the caveator.
(4) Where a notice of any caveat has been served on the applicant, he shall forthwith furnish the caveator at
the caveator's expense, with a copy of the application made by him and also with copies of any paper or
document which has been, or may be, filed by him in support of the application.
(5) Where a caveat has been lodged under sub-section (1), such caveat shall not reman in force after the
expiry of ninety days from the date on which it was lodged unless the application referred to in sub-section
(1) has been made before the expiry of the said period.]
149. Power to make up deficiency of court-fees— Where the whole or any part of any fee prescribed for any
document by the law for the time being in force relating to court-fees has not been paid, the Court may, in its
discretion, at any stage, allow the person, by whom such fee is payable, to pay the whole or part, as the case
may be, of such court-fee; and upon such payment the document, in respect of which such fee is payable,
shall have the same force and effect as if such fee had been paid in the first instance.
150. Transfer of business— Save as otherwise provide, where the business of any Court is transferred to
any other Court, the Court to which the business is so transferred shall have the same powers and shall
perform the same duties as those respectively conferred and imposed by or under this Code upon the Court
from which the business was so transferred.
151. Saving of inherent powers of Court— Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect
the inherent power of the Court to make such orders as may be necessary for the ends of justice or to
prevent abuse of the process of the Court.
152. Amendment of judgments, decrees or orders— Clerical or arithmetical mistakes in judgments, decrees
or orders or errors arising therein from any accidental slip or omission may at any time be corrected by the
Court either of its own motion or on the application of any of the parties.
153. General power to amend— The Court may at any time and on such terms as to costs or otherwise as it
may think fit, amend any defect or error in any proceeding in a suit, and all necessary amendments shall be
made of the purpose of determining the real question or issue raised by or depending on such proceeding.
[109][153A. Power to amend decree or order where appeal is summarily dismissed.— Where an Appellate
Court dismisses an appeal under rule 11 of Order XLI, the power of the Court to amend, under section 152,
the decree or order appealed against may be exercised by the Court which had passed the decree or order
in the first instance, notwithstanding that the dismissal of the appeal has the effect of confirming the decree
or order, as the case may be, passed by the Court of first instance.
153B. Place of trial to be deemed to be open Court— The place in which any Civil Court is held for the
purpose of trying any suit shall be deemed to be an open Court, to which the public generally may have
access so far as the same can conveniently contain them :
Provided that the presiding Judge may, if he thinks fit, order at any stage of any inquiry into or trial of any
particular case, that the public generally or any particular person, shall not have access to, or be or remain
in, the room or building used by Court.]
154. [Saving of present right of appeal]— Rep. by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1952 (48 of 1952), s. 2
and Sch. I.
155. [Amendment of certain Acts]— Rep. by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1952 (48 of 1952), s. 2 and
Sch. I.
156. [Repeals]— Rep. by the Second Repealing and Amending Act, 1914 (17 of 1914), s. 3 and Sch. II.
157. Continuance of orders under repealed enactments.— Notifications published, declarations and rules
made, places appointed, agreements filed, scales prescribed, forms framed, appointments made and powers
conferred under Act 8 of 1859 or under any Code of Civil Procedure or any Act amending the same or under
any other enactment hereby repealed shall, so far as they are consistent with this Code, have the same force
and effect is if they had been respectively published, made, appointed, filed, prescribed, framed and
conferred under this Code and by the authority empowered thereby in such behalf.
158. Reference to Code of Civil Procedure and other repealed enactments.— In every enactment or
notification passed or issued before the commencement of this Code in which reference is made to or to any
Charter or section of Act 8 of 1859 or any Code of Civil Procedure or any Act amending the same or any
other enactment hereby repealed, such reference shall, so far as may be practicable, be taken to be made to
this Code or to its corresponding Part, Order, section or rule.
[110][1. Who may be joined as plaintiffs— All persons may be joined in one suit as plaintiffs where—
(a) any right to relief in respect of, or arising out of, the same act or transaction or series of acts or transactions is
alleged to exist in such persons, whether jointly, severally or in the alternative; and
(b) if such persons brought separate suits, any common question of law or fact would arise.]
2. Power of Court to order separate trial— Where it appears to the Court that any joinder of plaintiffs may embarrass or
delay the trial of the suit, the Court may put the plaintiffs to their election or order separate trials or make such other
order as may be expedient.
[111][3. Who may be joined as defendants— All persons may be joined in one suit as defendants where—
(a) any right to relief in respect of, or arising out of, the same act or transaction or series of acts or transactions is
alleged to exist against such persons, whether jointly, severally or in the alternative; and
(b) if separate suits were brought against such persons, any common question of law or fact would arise.]
Bihar.— In its application to the Scheduled Areas in the State of Bihar, in Order I, Rule 3, following proviso added:—
"Provided that in suits for declaration of title or for possession relating to immovable properties of a member of the
Scheduled Tribes as specified in Part III to the Schedule to the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, the Deputy
Commissioner concerned shall also be joined as a defendant."
[Bihar Scheduled Areas Regulation, 1969].
[112][3A. Power to order separate trials where joinder of defendants may embarrass or delay trial— Where it appears to
the Court that any joinder of defendants may embarrass or delay the trial of the suit, the Court may order separate trials
or make such other order as may be expedient in the interests of justice.]
Madhya Pradesh.— In Order I of First Schedule to the Principal Act, after Rule 3-A, the following rule inserted:—
"3-B. Conditions for entertainment of suits.— (1) No suit or proceeding for.—
(a) declaration of title or any right over any agricultural land, with or without any other relief; or
(b) specific performance of any contract for transfer of any agricultural land, with or without any other relief, shall be
entertained by any Court, unless the plaintiff or applicant, as the case may be, knowing or having reason to believe that
a return under section 9 of the Madhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings Act, 1960 (No. 20 of 1960) in relation
to land aforesaid has been or is required to be filed by him or by any other person before competent authority appointed
under that Act, has impleaded the State of Madhya Pradesh as one of the defendants or non-applicants, as the case may
be, to such suit or proceeding.
(2) No Court shall proceed with pending suit or proceeding referred to in sub-rule (1) unless, as soon as may be, the
State Government is so impleaded as a defendant or non-applicant.
Explanation.— The expression "suit or proceeding" used in this sub-rule shall include appeal, reference or revision, but
shall not include any proceeding for or connected with execution of any decree or final order passed in such suit or
[M.P. Act 29 of 1984].
4. Court may give judgment for or against one or more of joint parties.— Judgment may be given without any
(a) for such one or more of the plaintiffs as may be found to be entitled to relief, for such relief as he or they may be
entitled to;
(b) against such one or more of the defendants as may be found to be liable, according to their respective liabilities.
5. Defendant need not be interested in all the relief claimed— It shall not be necessary that every defendant shall be
interested as to all the relief claimed in any suit against him.
6. Joinder of parties liable on same contract— The plaintiff may, at his option, join as parties to the same suit all or any
of the persons severally, or jointly and severely, liable on any one contract, including parties to bills of exchange, hundis
and promissory notes.
7. When plaintiff in doubt from whom redress is to be sought— Where the plaintiff is in doubt as to the person from
whom he is entitled to obtain redress, he may join two or more defendants in order that the question as to which of the
defendants is liable, and to what extent, may be determined as between all parties.
[113][8. One person may sue or defend on behalf of all in same interest— (1) Where there are numerous persons having
the same interest in one suit,—
(a) one or more of such persons may, with the permission of the Court, sue or be sued, or may defend such suit, on
behalf of, or for the benefit of, all persons so interested;
(b) the Court may direct that one or more of such persons may sue or be sued, or may defend such suit, on behalf of, or
for the benefit of, all persons so interested.
(2) The Court shall, in every case where a permission or direction is given under sub-rule (1), at the plaintiff's expense,
give notice of the institution of the suit to all persons so interested either by personal service, or, where, by reason of the
number of persons or any other cause, such service is not reasonably practicable, by public advertisement, as the Court
in each case may direct.
(3) Any person on whose behalf, or for whose benefit, a suit is instituted or defended, under sub-rule (1), may apply to
the Court to be made a party to such suit.
(4) No part of the claim in any such suit shall be abandoned under sub-rule (1), and no such suit shall be withdrawn
under sub-rule (3), of rule 1 of Order XXIII, and no agreement, compromise or satisfaction shall be recorded in any
such suit under rule 3 of that Order, unless the Court has given, at the plaintiff's expense, notice to all persons so
interested in the manner specified in sub-rule (2).
(5) Where any person suing or defending in any such suit does not proceed with due diligence in the suit or defence, the
Court may substitute in his place any other person having the same interest in the suit.
(6) A decree passed in a suit under this rule shall be binding on all persons on whose behalf, or for whose benefit, the
suit is instituted, or defended, as the case may be.
Explanation.—For the purpose of determining whether the persons who sue or are sued, or defend, have the same
interest in one suit, it is not necessary to establish that such persons have the same cause of action as the person on
whom behalf, or for whose benefit, they sue or are sued, or defend the suit, as the case may be.]
[114][8A. Power of Court to permit a person or body of persons to present opinion or to take part in the proceedings—
While trying a suit, the Court may, if satisfied that a person or body of persons is interested in any question of law
which is directly and substantially in issue in the suit and that it is necessary in the public interest to allow that person or
body of persons to present his or its opinion on that question of law, permit that person or body of persons to present
such opinion and to take part in the proceedings of the suit as the Court may specify.]
9. Misjoinder and nonjoinder— No suit shall be defeated by reason of the misjoinder or nonjoinder of parties, and the
Court may in every suit deal with the matter in controversy so far as regards the rights and interests of the parties
actually before it:
[115][Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to nonjoinder of a necessary party.]
10. Suit in name of wrong plaintiff— (1) Where a suit has been instituted in the name of the wrong person as plaintiff or
where it is doubtful whether it has been instituted in the name of the right plaintiff, the Court may at any stage of the
suit, if satisfied that the suit has been instituted thought a bona fide mistake, and that it is necessary for the
determination of the real matter in dispute so to do, order any other person to be substituted or added as plaintiff upon
such terms as the Court thinks just.
(2) Court may stirke out or add parties.—The Court may at any stage of the proceedings, either upon or without the
application of either party, and on such terms as may appear to the Court to be just, order that the name of any party
improperly joined, whether as plaintiff or defendant, be struck out, and that the name, of any person who ought to have
been joined, whether as plaintiff or defendant, or whose presence before the Court may be necessary in order to enable
the Court effectually and completely to adjudicate upon and settle all the questions involved in the suit, be added.
(3) No person shall be added as a plaintiff suing without a next friend or as the next friend of a plaintiff under any
disability without his consent.
(4) Where defendant added, plaint to be amended—Where a defendant is added, the plaint shall, unless the Court
otherwise directs, be amended in such manner as may be necessary, and amended copes of the summons and of the
plaint shall be served on the new defendant and, if the Court thinks fit, on the original defendant.
(5) Subject to the provisions of the [116]Indian Limitation Act, 1877 (15 of 1877), section 22, the proceedings as
against any person added as defendant shall be deemed to have begun only on the service of the summons.
[117][10A. Power of Court to request any pleader to address it— The Court may, in its discretion, request any pleader
to address it as to any interest which is likely to be affected by its decision on any matter in issue in any suit or
proceeding, if the party having the interest which is likely to be so affected is not represented by any pleader.]
11. Conduct of suit— The Court may give the conduct of [118][a suit] to such persons as it deems proper.
12. Appearance of one of several plaintiffs or defendants for others— (1) Where there are more plaintiffs than one, any
one or more of them may be authorized by any other of them to appear, plead or act for such other in any proceeding;
and in like manner, where there are more defendants than one, any one or more of them may be authorized by any other
of them to appear, plead or act for such other in any proceeding.
(2) The authority shall be in writing signed by the party giving it and shall be filed in Court.
13. Objections as to nonjoinder or misjoinder— All objections on the ground of non- joinder or misjoinder of parties
shall be taken at the earliest possible opportunity and, in all cases where issue are settled, at or before such settlement,
unless the ground of objection has subsequently arisen, and any such objection not so taken shall be deemed to have
been waived.
[110][1. Who may be joined as plaintiffs— All persons may be joined in one suit as plaintiffs where—
(a) any right to relief in respect of, or arising out of, the same act or transaction or series of acts or transactions is
alleged to exist in such persons, whether jointly, severally or in the alternative; and
(b) if such persons brought separate suits, any common question of law or fact would arise.]
2. Power of Court to order separate trial— Where it appears to the Court that any joinder of plaintiffs may embarrass or
delay the trial of the suit, the Court may put the plaintiffs to their election or order separate trials or make such other
order as may be expedient.
[111][3. Who may be joined as defendants— All persons may be joined in one suit as defendants where—
(a) any right to relief in respect of, or arising out of, the same act or transaction or series of acts or transactions is
alleged to exist against such persons, whether jointly, severally or in the alternative; and
(b) if separate suits were brought against such persons, any common question of law or fact would arise.]
Bihar.— In its application to the Scheduled Areas in the State of Bihar, in Order I, Rule 3, following proviso added:—
"Provided that in suits for declaration of title or for possession relating to immovable properties of a member of the
Scheduled Tribes as specified in Part III to the Schedule to the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950, the Deputy
Commissioner concerned shall also be joined as a defendant."
[Bihar Scheduled Areas Regulation, 1969].
[112][3A. Power to order separate trials where joinder of defendants may embarrass or delay trial— Where it appears to
the Court that any joinder of defendants may embarrass or delay the trial of the suit, the Court may order separate trials
or make such other order as may be expedient in the interests of justice.]
Madhya Pradesh.— In Order I of First Schedule to the Principal Act, after Rule 3-A, the following rule inserted:—
"3-B. Conditions for entertainment of suits.— (1) No suit or proceeding for.—
(a) declaration of title or any right over any agricultural land, with or without any other relief; or
(b) specific performance of any contract for transfer of any agricultural land, with or without any other relief, shall be
entertained by any Court, unless the plaintiff or applicant, as the case may be, knowing or having reason to believe that
a return under section 9 of the Madhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings Act, 1960 (No. 20 of 1960) in relation
to land aforesaid has been or is required to be filed by him or by any other person before competent authority appointed
under that Act, has impleaded the State of Madhya Pradesh as one of the defendants or non-applicants, as the case may
be, to such suit or proceeding.
(2) No Court shall proceed with pending suit or proceeding referred to in sub-rule (1) unless, as soon as may be, the
State Government is so impleaded as a defendant or non-applicant.
Explanation.— The expression "suit or proceeding" used in this sub-rule shall include appeal, reference or revision, but
shall not include any proceeding for or connected with execution of any decree or final order passed in such suit or
[M.P. Act 29 of 1984].
4. Court may give judgment for or against one or more of joint parties.— Judgment may be given without any
(a) for such one or more of the plaintiffs as may be found to be entitled to relief, for such relief as he or they may be
entitled to;
(b) against such one or more of the defendants as may be found to be liable, according to their respective liabilities.
5. Defendant need not be interested in all the relief claimed— It shall not be necessary that every defendant shall be
interested as to all the relief claimed in any suit against him.
6. Joinder of parties liable on same contract— The plaintiff may, at his option, join as parties to the same suit all or any
of the persons severally, or jointly and severely, liable on any one contract, including parties to bills of exchange, hundis
and promissory notes.
7. When plaintiff in doubt from whom redress is to be sought— Where the plaintiff is in doubt as to the person from
whom he is entitled to obtain redress, he may join two or more defendants in order that the question as to which of the
defendants is liable, and to what extent, may be determined as between all parties.
[113][8. One person may sue or defend on behalf of all in same interest— (1) Where there are numerous persons having
the same interest in one suit,—
(a) one or more of such persons may, with the permission of the Court, sue or be sued, or may defend such suit, on
behalf of, or for the benefit of, all persons so interested;
(b) the Court may direct that one or more of such persons may sue or be sued, or may defend such suit, on behalf of, or
for the benefit of, all persons so interested.
(2) The Court shall, in every case where a permission or direction is given under sub-rule (1), at the plaintiff's expense,
give notice of the institution of the suit to all persons so interested either by personal service, or, where, by reason of the
number of persons or any other cause, such service is not reasonably practicable, by public advertisement, as the Court
in each case may direct.
(3) Any person on whose behalf, or for whose benefit, a suit is instituted or defended, under sub-rule (1), may apply to
the Court to be made a party to such suit.
(4) No part of the claim in any such suit shall be abandoned under sub-rule (1), and no such suit shall be withdrawn
under sub-rule (3), of rule 1 of Order XXIII, and no agreement, compromise or satisfaction shall be recorded in any
such suit under rule 3 of that Order, unless the Court has given, at the plaintiff's expense, notice to all persons so
interested in the manner specified in sub-rule (2).
(5) Where any person suing or defending in any such suit does not proceed with due diligence in the suit or defence, the
Court may substitute in his place any other person having the same interest in the suit.
(6) A decree passed in a suit under this rule shall be binding on all persons on whose behalf, or for whose benefit, the
suit is instituted, or defended, as the case may be.
Explanation.—For the purpose of determining whether the persons who sue or are sued, or defend, have the same
interest in one suit, it is not necessary to establish that such persons have the same cause of action as the person on
whom behalf, or for whose benefit, they sue or are sued, or defend the suit, as the case may be.]
[114][8A. Power of Court to permit a person or body of persons to present opinion or to take part in the proceedings—
While trying a suit, the Court may, if satisfied that a person or body of persons is interested in any question of law
which is directly and substantially in issue in the suit and that it is necessary in the public interest to allow that person or
body of persons to present his or its opinion on that question of law, permit that person or body of persons to present
such opinion and to take part in the proceedings of the suit as the Court may specify.]
9. Misjoinder and nonjoinder— No suit shall be defeated by reason of the misjoinder or nonjoinder of parties, and the
Court may in every suit deal with the matter in controversy so far as regards the rights and interests of the parties
actually before it:
[115][Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to nonjoinder of a necessary party.]
10. Suit in name of wrong plaintiff— (1) Where a suit has been instituted in the name of the wrong person as plaintiff or
where it is doubtful whether it has been instituted in the name of the right plaintiff, the Court may at any stage of the
suit, if satisfied that the suit has been instituted thought a bona fide mistake, and that it is necessary for the
determination of the real matter in dispute so to do, order any other person to be substituted or added as plaintiff upon
such terms as the Court thinks just.
(2) Court may stirke out or add parties.—The Court may at any stage of the proceedings, either upon or without the
application of either party, and on such terms as may appear to the Court to be just, order that the name of any party
improperly joined, whether as plaintiff or defendant, be struck out, and that the name, of any person who ought to have
been joined, whether as plaintiff or defendant, or whose presence before the Court may be necessary in order to enable
the Court effectually and completely to adjudicate upon and settle all the questions involved in the suit, be added.
(3) No person shall be added as a plaintiff suing without a next friend or as the next friend of a plaintiff under any
disability without his consent.
(4) Where defendant added, plaint to be amended—Where a defendant is added, the plaint shall, unless the Court
otherwise directs, be amended in such manner as may be necessary, and amended copes of the summons and of the
plaint shall be served on the new defendant and, if the Court thinks fit, on the original defendant.
(5) Subject to the provisions of the [116]Indian Limitation Act, 1877 (15 of 1877), section 22, the proceedings as
against any person added as defendant shall be deemed to have begun only on the service of the summons.
[117][10A. Power of Court to request any pleader to address it— The Court may, in its discretion, request any pleader
to address it as to any interest which is likely to be affected by its decision on any matter in issue in any suit or
proceeding, if the party having the interest which is likely to be so affected is not represented by any pleader.]
11. Conduct of suit— The Court may give the conduct of [118][a suit] to such persons as it deems proper.
12. Appearance of one of several plaintiffs or defendants for others— (1) Where there are more plaintiffs than one, any
one or more of them may be authorized by any other of them to appear, plead or act for such other in any proceeding;
and in like manner, where there are more defendants than one, any one or more of them may be authorized by any other
of them to appear, plead or act for such other in any proceeding.
(2) The authority shall be in writing signed by the party giving it and shall be filed in Court.
13. Objections as to nonjoinder or misjoinder— All objections on the ground of non- joinder or misjoinder of parties
shall be taken at the earliest possible opportunity and, in all cases where issue are settled, at or before such settlement,
unless the ground of objection has subsequently arisen, and any such objection not so taken shall be deemed to have
been waived.
1. Frame of suit— Every suit shall as far as practicable be framed so as to afford ground for final decision upon the
subjects in dispute and to prevent further litigation concerning them.
2. Suit to include the whole claim— (1) Every suit shall include the whole of the claim which the plaintiff is entitled to
make in respect of the cause of action; but a plaintiff may relinquish any portion of his claim in order to bring the suit
within the jurisdiction of any Court.
(2) Relinquishment of part of claim—Where a plaintiff omits to sue in respect of, or intentionally relinquishes, any
portion of his claim he shall not afterwards sue in respect of the portion so omitted or relinquished.
(3) Omission to sue for one of several reliefs—A person entitled to more than one relief in respect of the same cause of
action may sue for all or any of such reliefs; but if he omits, except with the leave of the Court, to sue for all such
reliefs, he shall not afterwards sue for any relief so omitted.
Explanation—For the purposes of this rule an obligation and a collateral security for its performance and successive
claims arising under the same obligation shall be deemed respectively to constitute but one cause of action.
A lets a house to B at a yearly of rent Rs. 1200. The rent for the whole of the years 1905, 1906 and 1907 is due and
unpaid. A sues B in 1908 only for the rent due for 1906. A shall not afterwards sue B for the rent due for 1905 or 1907.
Uttar Pradesh.— In Order II, Rule 2.—
(a) the existing Explanation shall be numbered as Explanation I, and after Explanation I, as so numbered the following
Explanation II shall be inserted, namely:—
"Explanation II.— For the purposes of this rule a claim for ejectment of the defendant from immoable property let out
to him and a claim for money due from him on account of rent or compensation for use and occupation of that property,
shall be deemed to be claims in respect of distinct causes of action":
(b) for the illustration, the following illustration shall be substituted, namely:—
"Illustration.— A lets immovable property to B at a yearly rent. The rent for the whole of the years 1905, 1906 and
1907 is due and unpaid, and the tenancy is determined before A sues B in 1908, only for the rent due for 1906. A may
afterwards sue B for ejectment but not for the rent due for 1905 or 1907".
[U.P. Act 57 of 1976].
3. Joinder of causes of action— (1) Save as otherwise provided, a plaintiff may unite in the same suit several causes of
action against the same defendant, or the same defendants jointly; and any plaintiffs having causes of action in which
they are jointly interested against the same defendant or the same defendants jointly may unite such causes of action in
the same suit.
(2) Where causes of action are united, the jurisdiction of the Court as regards the suit shall depend on the amount or
value of the aggregate subject-matters at the date of instituting the suit.
4. Only certain claims to be joined for recovery of immovable property— No cause of action shall, unless with the leave
of the Court, be joined with a suit for the recovery of immovable property, except—
(a) claims for mesne profits or arrears of rent in respect of the property claimed or any part thereof;
(b) claims for damages for breach of any contract under which the property or any part thereof is held; and
(c) claims in which the relief sought is based on the same cause of action:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall be deemed to prevent any party in a suit for foreclosure or redemption from
asking to be put into possession of the mortgaged property.
5. Claims by or against executor, administrator or heir— No claim by or against an executor, administrator or heir, as
such, shall be joined with claims by or against him personally unless the last mentioned claims are alleged to arise with
reference to the estate in respect of which the plaintiff or defendant sues or is sued as executor, administrator or heir, or
are such as he was entitled to, or liable for, jointly with the deceased person whom he represents.
[119][6. Power of Court to separate trials— Where it appears to the Court that the joinder of causes of action in one suit
may embarrass or delay the trial or is otherwise inconvenient, the Court may order separate trials or make such other
order as may be expedient in the interests of justice.]
7. Objections as to misjoinder— All objections on the ground of misjoinder of causes of action shall be taken at the
earliest possible opportunity and, in all cases where issues are settled, at or before such settlement unless the ground of
objection has subsequently arisen, and any such objection to so taken shall be deemed to have been waived.
1. Appearances, etc., may be in person, by recognized agent or by pleader— Any appearance, application or
act in or to any Court, required or authorized by law to be made or done by a party in such Court, may,
except where otherwise expressly provided by any law for the time being in force, be made or done by the
party in person, or by his recognized agent, or by a pleader appearing, applying or acting, as the case may
be, on his behalf:
Provide that any such appearance shall, if the Court so directs, be made by the party in person.
2. Recognized agent— The recognized agent of parties by whom such appearances, applications and acts
may be made or done are—
(a) persons holding powers-of-attorney, authorizing them to make and do such appearances, applications
and acts on behalf of such parties;
(b) persons carrying on trade or business for and in the names of parties not resident within the local limits of
the jurisdiction of the Court within which limits the appearance, application or act is made or done, in matters
connected with such trade or business only, where no other agent is expressly authorized to make and do
such appearances, applications and acts.
3. Service of process on recognized agent— (1) Process served on the recognized agent of a party shall be
as effectual as if the same had been served on the party in person, unless the Court otherwise directs.
(2) The provisions for the service of process on a party to a suit shall apply to the service of process on his
recognized agent.
4. Appointment of pleader— (1) No pleader shall act for any person in any Court, unless he has been
appointed for the purpose by such person by a document in writing signed by such person or by his
recognized agent or by some other person duly authorized by or under a power-of-attorney to make such
(2) Every such appointment shall be [120][filed in Court and shall, for the purposes of sub-rule(1), be]
deemed to be in force until determined with the leave of the Court by a writing singed by the client or the
pleader, as the case may be, and filed in Court, or until the client or the pleader dies, or until all proceedings
in the suit are ended so far as regards the client.
[121] [Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-rule, the following shall be deemed to be proceedings in
the suit,—
(a) an application for the review of decree or order in the suit,
(b) an application under section 144 or under section 152 of this Code, in relation to any decree or order
made in the suit,
(c) an appeal from any decree or order in the suit, and
(d) any application or act for the purpose of obtaining copies of documents or return of documents produced
or filed in the suit or of obtaining refund of moneys paid into the Court in connection with the suit.]
[122] [(3) Nothing in sub-rule (2) shall be construed—
(a) as extending, as between the pleader and his client, the duration for which the pleader is engaged, or
(b) as authorising service on the pleader of any notice or document issued by any Court other than the Court
for which the pleader was engaged, except where such service was expressly agreed to by the client in the
document referred in in sub-rule (1)].
(4) The High Court may, by general order, direct that, where the person by whom a pleader is appointed is
unable to write his name, his mark upon the document appointing the pleader shall be attested by such
person and in such manner as may be specified by the order.
(5) No pleader who has been engaged for the purpose of pleading only shall plead on behalf of any party,
unless he has filed in Court a memorandum of appearance signed by himself and stating—
(a) the names of the parties to the suit,
(b) the name of the party for whom he appears, and
(c) the name of the person by whom he is authorized to appear :
Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply to any pleader engaged to plead on behalf of any party by
any other pleader who has been duly appointed to act in Court on behalf of such party.
5. Service of process on pleader— [123][Any process served on the pleader who has been duly appointed to
act in Court for any party] or left at the office or ordinary residence of such pleader, and whether the same is
for the personal appearance of the party or not, shall be presumed to be duly communicated and made
known to the party whom the pleader represents, and, unless the Court otherwise directs, shall be as
effectual for all purposes as if the same had been given to or served on the party in person.
6. Agent to accept service— (1) Besides the recognized agents described in rule 2 any person residing
within the jurisdiction of the Court may be appointed an agent to accept service of process.
(2) Appointment to be in writing and to be filed in Court—Such appointment may be special or general and
shall be made by a instrument in writing signed by the principal, and such instrument or, if the appointment is
general, a certified copy thereof shall be filed in Court.
[124] [(3)The Court may, at any stage of the suit, order any party to the suit not having a recognised agent
residing within the jurisdiction of the Court, or a pleader who has been duly appointed to act in the Court on
his behalf, to appoint, within a specified time, an agent residing within the jurisdiction of the Court to accept
service of the procession his behalf.]
1. Suit to be commenced by plaint— (1) Every suit shall be instituted by presenting a plaint to the Court or
such officer as it appoints in this behalf.
(2) Every plaint shall comply with the rules contained in Orders VI and VII, so far as they are applicable.
2. Register of suits— The Court shall cause the particulars of every suit to be entered in a book to be kept for
the purposes and called the resister of civil suits. Such entries shall be numbered in every year according to
the order in which the plaints are admitted.
Uttar Pradesh— In its application to the State of Uttar Pradesh after Order IV, the following Order shall be
1. Consolidation of suits and proceedings— When two or more suits or proceedings are pending in the same
Court, and the Court is of opinion that it is expedient in the interest of justice, it may by order direct their joint
trial, where upon all such suits and proceedings may be decided upon the evidence in all or any of such suits
or proceedings.".
[U.P. Act 57 of 1976].
Issue of Summons
1. Summons— (1)When a suit has been duly instituted a summons may be issued to the defendant to
appear and answer the claim on a day to be therein specified:
Provided that no such summons shall be issued when the defendant has appeared at the presentation of the
plaint and admitted the plaintiff's claim :
[125][Provided further that where a summons has been issued, the Court may direct the defendant to file the
written statement of his defence, if any, on the date of his appearance and cause an entry to be made to that
effect in the summons.]
(2) A defendant to whom a summons has been issued under sub-rule (1) may appear—
(a) in person, or
(b) by a pleader duly instructed and able to answer all material questions relating to the suit, or
(c) by a pleader accompanied by some person able to answer all such questions.
(3) Every such summons shall be signed by the Judge or such officer as he appoints, and shall be sealed
with the seal of the Court.
2. Copy or statement annexed to summons— Every summons shall be accompanied by a copy of the plaint
or, if so permitted, by a concise statement.
3. Court may order defendant or plaintiff to appear in person— (1) where the Court sees reason to require
the personal appearance of the defendant, the summons shall order him to appear in person in Court on the
day therein specified.
(2) Where the Court sees reason to require the personal appearance of the plaintiff on the same day, it shall
make an order for such appearance.
4. No party to be ordered to appear in person unless resident with certain limits— No party shall be ordered
to appear in person unless he resides—
(a) within the local limits of the Court's ordinary original jurisdiction, or
(b) without such limits but at place less than fifty or (where there is railway or steamer communication or
other established public conveyance for five-sixths of the distance between the place where he resides and
the place where the Court is situate) less than two hundred miles distance from the Court-house.
5. Summons to be either to settle issues or for final disposal— The Court shall determine, at the time of
issuing the summons, whether it shall be for the settlement of issues only, or for the final disposal of the suit;
and the summons shall contain a direction accordingly :
Provided that, in every suit heard by a Court of Small Causes, the summons shall be for the final disposal of
the suit.
6. Fixing day for appearance of defendant— The day for the appearance of the defendant shall be fixed with
reference to the current business of the Court, the place of residence of the defendant and the time
necessary for the service of the summons; and the day shall be so fixed as to allow the defendant sufficient
time to enable him to appear and answer on such day.
7. Summons to order defendant to produce documents relied on by him— The summons to appeal and
answer shall order the defendant to produce all documents in his possession or power upon which he
intends to rely in support of his case.
8. On issue of summons for final disposal, defendant to be directed to produce his witnesses— Where the
summons is for the final disposal of the suit, it shall also direct the defendant to produce, on the day fixed for
his appearance, all witnesses upon whose evidence he intends to relay in support of his case.
Service of Summons
9. Delivery or transmission of summons for service— (1) Where the defendant resides within the jurisdiction
of the Court in which the suit is instituted, or has an agent resident within that jurisdiction who is empowered
to accept the service of the summons, the summons shall, unless the Court otherwise directs, be delivered
or sent to the proper officer to be served by him or one of his subordinates.
(2) The proper officer may be an officer of a Court other than that in which the suit is instituted, and, where
he is such an officer, the summons may be sent to him by post or in such other manner as the Court may
10. Mode of service— Service of the summons shall be made by delivering or tendering a copy thereof
signed by the Judge or such officer as he appoints in this behalf, and sealed with the seal of the Court.
11. Service on several defendants— Save as otherwise prescribed, where there are more defendants than
one, service of the summons shall be made on each defendant.
12. Service to be on defendant on person when practicable, or on his agent— Wherever it is practicable
service shall be made on the defendant in person, unless he has an agent empowered to accept service, in
which case service on such agent shall be sufficient.
13. Service on agent by whom defendant carries on business— (1) In a suit relating to any business or work
against a person who does not reside within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court from which the
summons is issued, service on any manager or agent, who, at the time of service, personally carries on such
business or work for such person within such limits, shall be deemed good service.
(2) For the purpose of this rule the master of a ship shall be deemed to be the agent of the owner or
14. Service on agent in charge in suits for immovable property— Where in a suit to obtain relief respecting,
or compensation for wrong to, immovable property, service cannot be made on the defendant in person, and
the defendant has no agent empowered to accept the service, it may be made on any agent of the defendant
in charge of the property.
[126][15. Where service may be on an adult member of defendant's family— Where in a suit the defendant is
absent from his residence at the time when the service of summons is sought to be effected on his at his
residence and there is no likelihood of his being found at the residence within a reasonable time and he has
no agent empowered to accept service of the summons on his behalf service may be made on any adult
member of the family, whether male or female, who is residing with him.
Explanation.—A servant is not a member of the family within the meaning of this rule.]
16. Person served to sign acknowledgement— Where the serving officer delivers or tenders a copy of the
summons to the defendant personally, or to an agent or other person on his behalf, he shall require the
signature of the person to whom the copy is so delivered or tendered to an acknowledgement of service
endorsed on the original summons.
17. Procedure when defendant refuses to accept service, or cannot be found— Where the defendant or his
agent or such other person as aforesaid refuses to sign the acknowledgement, or where the serving officer,
after using all due and reasonable diligence, cannot find the defendant, [127][who is absent from his
residence at the time when service is sought to be effected on him at his residence and there is no likelihood
of his being found at the residence within a reasonable time] and there is no agent empowered to accept
service of the summons on his behalf, nor any other person on whom service can be made, the serving
officer shall affix a copy of the summons on the outer door or some other conspicuous part of the house in
which the defendant ordinarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain, and shall then
return the original to the Court from which it was issued, with a report endorsed thereon or annexed thereto
stating that he has so affixed the copy, the circumstances under which he did do, and the name and address
of the person (if any) by whom the house was identified and in whose presence the copy was affixed.
18. Endorsement of time and manner of service— The serving officer shall, in all cases in which the
summons has been served under rule 16, endorse or annex, or cause to be endorsed or annexed, on or to
the original summons, a return stating the time when and the manner in which the summons was served,
and the name and address of the person (if any) identifying the person served and witnessing the delivery or
tender of the summons.
19. Examination of serving officer.— Where a summons is returned under rule 17, the Court shall, if the
return under that rule has not been verified by the affidavit of the serving officer, and may, if it has been so
verified, examine the serving officer on oath, or cause him to be so examined by another Court, touching his
proceedings, and may make such further enquiry in the matter as it thinks fit; and shall either declare that the
summons has been duly served or order such service as it thinks fit.
[128][19A. Simultaneous issue of summons for service by post in addition to personal service— (1) The
Court shall, in addition to, and simultaneously with, the issue of summons for service in the manner provided
in rules 9 to 19 (both inclusive), also direct the summons to be served by registered post, acknowledgement
due, addressed to the defendant, or his agent empowered to accept the service, at the place where the
defendant, or his agent, actually and voluntarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain:
Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall require the Court to issue a summons for service by registered
post, where, in the circumstances of the case, the Court considers it unnecessary.
(2) When an acknowledgement purporting to be signed by the defendant or his agent is received by the
Court or the postal article containing the summons is received back by the Court with an endorsement
purporting to have been made by a postal employee to the effect that the defendant or his agent had refused
to take delivery of the postal article containing the summons, when tendered to him, the Court issuing the
summons shall declare that the summons had been duly served on the defendant :
Provided that where the summons was properly addressed, prepaid and duly sent by registered post,
acknowledgement due, the declaration referred to in this sub-rule shall be made notwithstanding the fact that
the acknowledgement having lost or mislaid, or for other reason, has been received by the Court within thirty
days from the date of the issue of the summons].
20. Substituted service— (1) Where the Court is satisfied that there is preason to believe that the defendant
is keeping out of the way for the purpose of avoiding service, or that for any other reason the summons
cannot be served in the ordinary way, the Court shall order the summons to be served by affixing a copy
thereof in some conspicuous place in the Court-house, and also upon some conspicuous part of the house (if
any) in which the defendant is known to have last resided or carried on business or personally worked for
gain, or in such other manner as the Court thinks fit.
[129][(1A) Where the Court acting under sub-rule (1) orders service by an advertisement in a newspaper, the
newspaper shall be a daily newspaper circulating in the locality in which the defendant is last known to have
actually and voluntarily resided, carried on business or personally worked for gain.]
(2) Effect of substituted service—Service substituted by order of the Court shall be as effectual as if it had
been made on the defendant personally.
(3) Where service substituted, time for appearance to be fixed—Where service is substituted by order of the
Court, the Court shall fix such time for the appearance of the defendant as the case may require.
20A. [Service of summons by post.] Rep. by the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1976 ( 104 of
1976), s. 55 (w.e.f. 1-2-1977).
21. Service of summons where defendant resides within jurisdiction of another Court— A summons may sent
by the Court by which it is issued, whether within or without the State, either by one of its officers or by post
to any Court (not being the High Court) having jurisdiction in the place where the defendant resides.
22. Service within presidency-towns of summons issued by Courts outside— Where as summons issued by
any Court established beyond the limits of the towns of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay is to be served within
any such limits, it shall be sent to the Court of Small Causes within whose jurisdiction it is to be served.
23. Duty of Court to which summons is sent— The Court to which a summons is sent under rule 21 or rule
22 shall, upon receipt thereof, proceed as if it had been issued by such Court and shall then return the
summons to the Court of issue, together with the record (if any) of its proceedings with regard thereto.
24. Service on defendant in prison— Where the defendant is confined in a prison, the summons shall be
delivered or sent by post or otherwise to the officer in charge of the prison for service on the defendant.
25. Service where defendant resides out of India and has no agent— Where the defendant resides out of
India and has no agent in India empowered to accept service, the summons shall be addressed to the
defendant at the place where he is residing and sent to him by post, if there is postal communication
between such place and the place where the Court is situate :
Provided that where any such defendant [130][resides in Bangladesh or Pakistan] the summons, together
with a copy thereof, may be sent for service on the defendant, to any Court in that country (not being the
High Court) having jurisdiction in the place where the defendant resides:
Provided further that where any such defendant is a public officer [131][in Bangladesh or Pakistan (not
belonging to the Bangladesh or, as the case may be, Pakistan military naval or air forces)] or is servant of a
railway company or local authority in that country, the summons, together with a copy thereof, may be sent
for service on the defendant, to such officer or authority in that country as the Central Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf.
[132][26. Service in foreign territory through Political Agent or Court— Where—
(a) in the exercise of any foreign jurisdiction vested in the Central Government, a Political Agent has been
appointed, or a Court has been established or continued, with power to serve a summons, issued by a Court
under this code, in any foreign territory in which the defendant actually and voluntarily resides, caries on
business or personally works for gain, or
(b) the Central Government has, by notification in the Official Gazette, declared, in respect of any Court
situate in any such territory and not established or continued in the exercise of any such jurisdiction as
aforesaid, that service by such Court of any summons issued by a Court under this Code shall be deemed to
be vaild service,
the summons may be sent to such Political Agent or Court, by post, or otherwise, or if so directed by the
Central Government, through the Ministry of that Government dealing with foreign affairs, or in such other
manner as may be specified by the Central Government for the purpose of being served upon the defendant
: and, if the Political Agent or Court returns the summons with an endorsement purporting to have been
made by such Political Agent or by the Judge or other officer of the Court to the effect that the summons has
been served on the defendant in the manner hereinbefore directed, such endorsement shall be deemed to
be evidence of service.
26A. Summonses to be sent to officer to foreign countries— Where the Central Government has, by
notification in the Official Gazette, declared in respect of any foreign territory that summonses to be served
on defendants actually and voluntarily residing or carrying on business or personally working for gain in that
foreign territory may be sent to an officer of the Government of the the foreign territory specified by the
Central Government, the summonses may be sent to such officer, through the Ministry of the Government of
India dealing with foreign affairs or in such other manner as may be specified by the Central Government;
and if such officer returns any such summons with an endorsement purporting to have been made by him
that the summons has been served on the defendant, such endorsement shall be deemed to be evidence of
27. Service on civil public or on servant of railway officer or on servant of railway company or local
authority— Where the defendant is a public officer (not belonging to the Indian military naval or air forces, or
is the servant of a railway company or local authority, the Court may, if it appears to it that the summons may
be most conveniently so served, send it for service on the defendant to the head of the office in which he is
ememployed together with a copy to be retained by the defendant.
28. Service on soldiers, sailors or airmen— Where the defendant is a soldier, sailor or airman, the Court shall
send the summons for service to his commanding officer together with a copy to be retained by the
29. Duty of person to whom summons is delivered or sent for service— (1) Where a summons is delivered or
sent to any person for service under rule 24, rule 27 or rule 28, such person shall be bound to serve it if
possible and to return it under his signature, with the written acknowledgement of the defendant, and such
signature shall be deemed to be evidence of service.
(2) Where from any cause service is impossible, the summons shall be returned to the Court with a full
statement of such cause and of the steps taken to procure service, and such statement shall be deemed to
be evidence of non-service.
30. Substitution of letter for summons— (1) The Court may, notwithstanding anything hereinbefore
contained, substitute for a summons a letter signed by the Judge or such officer as he may appoint in this
behalf, where the defendant is, in the opinion of the Court, of a rank entitling him to such mark of
(2) A letter substituted under sub-rule (1) shall contain all the particulars required to be stated in a summons,
and, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3), shall be treated in all respects as a summons.
(3) A letter so substituted may be sent to the defendant by spot or by a special messenger selected by the
Court, or in any other manner which the Court thinks fit; and where the defendant has an agent empowered
to accept service, the letter may be delivered or sent to such agent.
1. Pleading— "Pleading", shall mean plaint or written statement.
[133][2. Pleading to state material facts and not evidence— (1) Every pleading shall contain, and contain
only a statement in a concise form of the material facts on which the party pleading relies for his claim or
defnece as the case may be, but not the evidence by which they are to be proved.
(2) Every pleading shall, when necessary, be devided into paragraphs, numbered consecutively, each
allegation being, so far as is convenient, contained in a separate paragraph.
(3) Dates, sums and numbers shall be expressed in a pleading in figures as well as in words.]
3. Forms of pleading— The forms in Appendix A when applicable, and where they are not applicable forms
of the like character, nearly as may be, shall be used for all pleadings.
4. Particulars to be given where necessary— In all cases in which the party pleading relies on any
misrepresentation, fraud, breach of trust, wilful default, or undue influence, and in all other cases in which
particulars may be necessary beyond such as are exemplified in the forms aforesaid, particulars (with dates
and items if necessary) shall be stated in the pleading.
Madhya Pradesh.— After rule 4, the following rule shall be inserted, namely:—
"4-A. Particulars of pleading for agricultural land.— In any suit or proceeding contemplated under rule 3-B of
Order 1, the parties, other than the State Government, shall plead the particulars of total agricultural land
which is owned, claimed or held by them in any right and shall further declare whether the subject-matter of
suit or proceeding is or is not covered by Madhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings Act, 1960 (20 of
1960), and whether any proceedings in relation to such subject-matter are to the knowledge of the party
pending before the competent authority."
[M.P. Act 29 of 1984]
5. Further and better statement, or particulars— A further and better statement of the nature of the claim or
defence, or further and better particulars of any matter stated in any pleading, may in all cases be ordered,
upon such terms, as to costs and otherwise, as may be just.
6. Condition precedent— Any condition precedent, the performance or occurrence of which is intended to be
contested, shall be distinctly specified in his pleading by the plaintiff or defendant, as the case my be; and,
subject thereto, an avernment of the performance or occurrence of all conditions precedent necessary for the
case of the plaintiff or defendant shall be implied in his pleading.
7. Departure— No pleading shall, except by way of amendment, raise any new ground of claim or contain
any allegation of fact inconsistent with the previous pleadings of the party pleading the same.
8. Denial of contract— Where a contract is alleged in any pleading, a bare denial of the same by the opposite
party shall be construed only as a denial in fact of the express contract alleged or of the matters of fact from
which the same may be implied and not as a denial of the legality or sufficiency in law of such contract.
9. Effect of document to be stated.— Wherever the contents of any document are material, it shall be
sufficient in any pleading to state the effect thereof as briefly as possible, without setting out the whole or any
part thereof, unless the precise words of the document or any part thereof are material.
10. Malice, knowledge, etc.,— Wherever it is material to allege malice, fraudulent intention, knowledge or
other condition of the mind of any person, it shall be sufficient to allege the same as a fact without setting out
the circumstances from which the same is to be inferred.
11. Notice— Wherever it is material to allege notice to any person of any fact, mater or thing, it shall be
sufficient to allege such notice as a fact, unless the form or the precise terms of such notice, or the
circumstances from which such notice is to be inferred are material.
12. Implied contract, or relation— Wherever any contract or any relation between any persons is to be
implied from a series of letters or conversations or otherwise from a number of circumstances it shall be
sufficient to allege such contract or relation as a fact, and to refer generally to such letter, conversations or
circumstances without setting them out in detail. And if in such case the person so pleading desires to rely in
the alternative upon more contracts or relations than one as to be implied from such circumstances, he may
state the same in the alternative.
13. Presumptions of law— Neither party need in any pleading allege any matter of fact which the law
presumes in his favour or as to which the burden of proof lies upon the other side unless the same has first
been specifically denied (e.g. consideration for a bill of exchange where the plaintiff sues only on the bill and
not for the consideration as a substantive ground of claim.)
14. Pleading to be signed— Every pleading shall be signed by the party and his pleader (if any) :
Provided that where a party pleading is, by reason of absence or for other good cause, unable to sign the
pleading it may be signed by any person duly authorized by him to sign the same or to sue or defend on his
[134][14A. Address for service of notice— (1) Every pleading, when filed by a party, shall be accompanied by
a statement in the prescribed form, signed as provided in rule 14, regarding the address of the party.
(2) Such address may, from time to time, be changed by lodging in Court a form duly filled up and stating the
new address of the party and accompanied by a verified petition.
(3) The address furnished in the statement made sub-rule (1) shall be called the "registered address" of the
party, and shall, until duly changed as aforesaid, be deemed to be the address of the party for the purpose of
service of all processes in the suit of in any appeal from any decree or order therein made and for the
purpose of execution, and shall hold good, subject as aforesaid, for a period of two years after the final
determination of the cause or matter.
(4) Service of any process may be effected upon a party at his registered address in all respects as though
such party resided there at.
(5) Where the registered address of a party is discovered by the court to be incomplete, false or fictitious, the
Court may, either on its own motion, or on the application of any party, order—
(a) in the case where such registered address was furnished by a plaintiff, stay of the suit, or
(b) in the case where such registered address was furnished by a defendant, his be struck out and he be
placed in the same position as if he had not put up and defence.
(6) Where a suit is stayed or a defence is struck out under sub- rule (5), the plaintiff or, as the case may be,
the defendant may, after furnishing his true address, apply to the Court for an order to set aside the order of
stay or, as the case may be, the order striking out the defence.
(7) the Court, if satisfied that the party was prevented by any sufficient cause from filing the true address at
the proper time, shall set aside the order of stay or order striking out the defence, on such term as to costs or
otherwise as it thinks fit and shall appoint a day for proceeding with the suit or defence, as the case may be.
(8) Nothing in this rule shall prevent the Court from directing the service of a process at any other address, if,
for any reason, it thinks fit to do so.]
15. Verification of pleadings— (1) Save as otherwise provided by any law for the time being in force, every
pleading shall be varied at the foot by the party or by one of the parties pleading or by some other person
proved to the satisfaction of the Court to be acquainted with the facts of the case.
(2) The person verifying shall specify, by reference to the numbered paragraphs of the pleading, what he
verifies of his own knowledge and what he verifies upon information received and believed to be true.
(3) The verification shall be signed by the person making it and shall state the date on which and the place at
which it was signed.
[135][16. Striking out pleadings— The Court may at any stage of the proceedings order to be struck out or
amended any matter in any pleading—
(a) which may be unnecessary, scandalous, frivolous or vexatious, or
(b) which may tend to prejudice, embarrass or delay the fair trail of the suit, or
(c) which is otherwise an abuse of the process of the Court.]
17. Amendment of pleadings— The Court may at any stage of the proceedings allow either party to alter or
amend his pleadings in such manner and on such terms as may be just, and all such amendments shall be
made as may be necessary for the purpose of determining the real questions in controversy between the
18. Failure to amend after order— If a party who has obtained an order for leave to amend does not amend
accordingly within the time limited for that purpose by the order, or if no time is thereby limited then within
fourteen days from the date of the order, he shall not be permitted to amend after the expiration of such
limited time as aforesaid or of such fourteen days, as the case may be, unless the time is extended by the
1. Particulars to be contained in plaint— The plaint shall contain the following particulars:—
(a) the name of the Court in which the suit is brought ;
(b) the name, description and place of residence of the plaintiff;
(c) the name, description and place of residence of the defendant, so far as they can be ascertained;
(d) where the plaintiff or the defendant is a minor or a person of unsound mind, a statement to that effect;
(e) the facts constituting the cause of action and when it arose;
(f) the facts showing that the Court has jurisdiction;
(g) the relief which the plaintiff claims;
(h) where the plaintiff has allowed a set-off or relinquished a portion of his claim, the amount so allowed or
relinquished; and
(i) a statement of the value of the subject-matter of the suit for the purposes of jurisdiction and of court fees,
so far as the case admits.
2. In money suits— Where the plaintiff seeks the recovery of money, the plaint shall state the precise amount
But where the plaintiff sue for mesne profits, or for an amount which will be found due to him on taking
unsettled accounts between him and the defendant, [136][or for movables in the possession of the
defendant, or for debts of which the value he cannot, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, estimate, the
plaint shall state approximately the amount or value sued for].
3. Where the subject-matter of the suit is immovable property— Where the subject-matter of the suit is
immovable property, the plaint shall contain a description of the property sufficient to identify it, and, in case
such property can be identified by boundaries or numbers in a record of settlement or survey, the plaint shall
specify such boundaries or numbers.
4. When plaintiff sues as representative— Where the plaintiff sues in a representative character the plaint
shall show not only that he has an actual existing interest in the subject- matter, but that he has taken the
steps (if any) necessary to enable him to institute a suit concerning it.
5. Defendant's interest and liability to be shown— The plaint shall show that the defendant is or claims to be
interested in subject-matter, and that he is liable to be called upon to answer the plaintiff's demand.
6. Grounds of exemption from limitation law— Where the suit is instituted after the expiration of the period
prescribed by the law of limitation, the plaint shall show the ground upon which exemption from such law is
claimed :
[137] [Provided that the Court may permit the plaintiff to claim exemption from the law of limitation on any
ground not set out in the plaint, if such ground is not inconsistent with the grounds set out in the plaint.]
7. Relief to be specifically stated— Every plaint shall state specifically the relief which the plaintiff claims
either simply or in the alternative, and it shall not be necessary to ask for general or other relief which may
always be given as the Court may think just to the same extent as if it had been asked for. And the same rule
shall apply to any relief claimed by the defendant in his written statement.
8. Relief founded on separate ground— Where the plaintiff seeks relief in respect of several distinct claims or
causes of action founded upon separate and district grounds, they shall be stated as far as may be
separately and distinctly.
9. Procedure on admitting plaint— concise statement—(1) The plaintiff shall endorse on the pliant, or annex
thereto, a list of the documents (if any) which he has produced along with it; and , if the plaint is admitted
[138][shall present, within such time as may be fixed by the Court or extended by it from time to time, as
many copies] on plain paper of the plaint as there are defendants, unless the Court by reason of the length of
the plaint or the number of the defendants, or for any other sufficient reason, permits him present a like
number of concise statements of the nature of the claim made, or of the relief claimed in the suit, in which
case he shall present such statements.
[139] [(1A) The plaintiff shall, within the time fixed by the Court or extended by it under sub-rule (1), pay the
requisite fee for the service of summons on the defendants.]
(2) Where the plaintiff sue or the defendant or any of the defendants is sued, in a representative capacity
such statements shall show in what capacity the plaintiff or defendant sues or is sued.
(3) The plaintiff may, by leave of the Court, amend such statements so as to make them correspond with the
(4) The chief ministerial officer of the Court shall sign such list and copies or statements if, on examination,
he finds them to be correct.
[140][10. Return of plaint— (1) [141][Subject to the provisions of rule 10A, the plaint shall] at any state of the
suit be returned to be presented to the Court in which the suit should have been instituted.
[142][Explanation.—For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that a Court of appeal or revision may
direct, after setting aside the decree passed in a suit, the return of the plaint under this sub-rule.]
(2) procedure on returning plaint—On returning a plaint, the Judge shall endorse thereon the date of its
presentation and return, the name of the party presenting it, and a brief statement of the reasons for
returning it.
[143][10A. Power of Court to fix a date of appearance in the Court where plaint is to be filed after its return—
(1) Where, in any suit, after the defendant has appeared, the Court is of opinion that the plaint should be
returned, it shall, before doing, so, intimate its decision to the plaintiff.
(2) Where an intimation is given to the plaintiff under sub-rule (1), the plaintiff may make an application to the
(a) specifying the Court in which he proposes to present the plaint after its return,
(b) praying that the Court may fix a date for the appearance of the parties in the said Court, and
(c) requesting that the notice of the date so fixed may be given to him and to the defendant.
(3) Where an application is made by the plaintiff under sub-rule (2), the Court shall, before returning the
plaint and notwithstanding that the order for return of plaint was made by it on the ground that it has no
jurisdiction to try the suit,—
(a) fix a date for the appearance of the parties in the Court in which the plaint is proposed to be presented,
(b) give to the plaintiff and to the defendant notice of such date for appearance.
(4) Where the notice of the date for appearance is given under sub-rule (3),—
(a) it shall not be necessary for the Court in which the plaint is presented after its return, to serve the
defendant with a summons for appearance in the suit, unless that Court, for reasons to be recorded
otherwise directs, and
(b) the said notice shall be deemed to be a summons for the appearance of the defendant in the Court in
which the plaint is presented on the date so fixed by the Court by which the plaint was returned.
(5) Where the application made by the plaintiff under sub-rule (2) is allowed by the Court, the plaintiff shall
not be entitled to appeal against the order returning the plaint.
10B. Power of appellate Court to transfer suit to the proper Court— (1) Where, on an appeal against an order
for the return of plaint, the Court hearing the appeal confirms such order, the Court of appeal may, if the
plaintiff by an application so desires, while returning the plaint, direct plaintiff to file the plaint, subject to the
provisions of the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963), in the Court in which the suit should have been instituted,
(whether such Court is within or without the State in which the Court hearing the appeal is situated), and fit a
date for the appearance of the parties in the Court in which the plaint is directed to be filed and when the
date is so fixed it shall not be necessary for the Court in which the plaint is filed to serve the defendant with
the summons for appearance in the suit, unless that Court in which the plaint is filed, for reasons to be
recorded, otherwise directs.
(2) The direction made by the Court under sub-rule (1), shall be without any prejudice to the rights of the
parties to question the jurisdiction of the Court, in which the plaint is filed, to try the suit.]
11. Rejection of plaint— The plaint shall be rejected in the following cases:—
(a) where it does not disclose a cause of action;
(b) where the relief claimed is undervalued, and the plaintiff, on being required by the Court to correct the
valuation within a time to be fixed by the Court, fails to do so;
(c) where the relief claimed is properly valued, but the plaint is returned upon paper insufficiently stamped,
and the plaintiff, on being required by the Court to supply the requisite stamp-paper within a time to be fixed
by the Court, fails to do so;
(d) where the suit appears from the statement in the plaint to be barred by any law :
[144] [Provided that the time fixed by the Court for the correction of the valuation or supplying of the requisite
stamp-paper shall not be extended unless the Court, for reasons to be recorded, is satisfied that the plaintiff
was prevented by any cause of an exceptional nature form correcting the valuation or supplying the requisite
stamp-paper , as the case may be, within the time fixed by the Court and that refusal to extend such time
would cause grave injustice to the plaintiff.]
12. Procedure on rejecting plaint— Where a plaint is rejected the Judge shall record an order to that effect
with the reasons for such order.
13. Where rejection of plaint does not preclude presentation of fresh plaint— The rejection of the plaint on
any of the grounds herein before mentioned shall not of its own force preclude the plaintiff from presenting a
fresh plaint in respect of the same cause of action.
Documents relied on in plaint
14. Production of document on which plaintiff sues— (1) Where a plaintiff sues upon a document in his
possession or power, he shall produce it in Court when the plaint is presented, and shall at the same time
deliver the document or a copy thereof to be filed with the plaint.
(2) List of other documents—Where he relies on any other documents (whether in his possession or power
or not) as evidence in support of his claim, he shall enter such documents in a list to be added or annexed to
the plaint.
15. Statement in case of documents not in plaintiff's possession or power— Where any such document is not
in the possession or power of the plaintiff, he shall, if possible, state in whose possession or power it is.
16. Suits on lost negotiable instruments— Where the suit is founded upon a negotiable instrument, and it is
proved that the instrument is lost, and an indemnity is given by the plaintiff, to the satisfaction of the Court,
against the claims of any other person upon such instrument, the Court may pass such decree as it would
have passed if the plaintiff had produced the instrument in Court when the plaint was presented, and had at
the same time delivered a copy of the instrument to be filed with the plaint.
17. Production of shop-book— (1) Save in so far as is otherwise provided by the Bankers' Books Evidence
Act, 1891 (18 of 1891), where the document on which the plaintiff sues is an entry in shop-book or other
account in his possession or power the plaintiff shall produce the book or account at the time of filing the
plaint, together with a copy of the entry on which he relies.
(2) Original entry to be marked and returned—The Court, or such officer as it appoints in this behalf, shall
forthwith mark the document for the purpose of identification, and, after examining and comparing the copy
with the original, shall, if it is found correct, certify it to be so and return the book to the plaintiff and cause the
copy to be filed.
18. Inadmissibility of document not produced when plaint filed— (1) A document which ought to be produced
in Court by the plaintiff when the plaint is presented, or to be entered in the list to be added or annexed to the
plaint, and which is not produced or entered accordingly, shall not, without the leave of the Court, be
received in evidence on his behalf at the hearing of the suit.
(2) Nothing in this rule applies to documents produced for cross-examination of the defendant's witnesses or
in answer to any case set up by the defendant or handed to a witness merely to refresh his memory
1. Written statement— [146][(1)] The defendant [147]****shall, at or before the first hearing or within such
time as the Court may permit, present a written statement of his defence.
[148] [(2) Save as otherwise provided in rule 8A, where the defendant relies on any document (whether or
not in his possession or power) in support of his defence or claim for set-off or counter claim, he shall enter
such documents in a list, and shall, —
(a) If a written statement is presented, annex the list to the written statement :
Provided that where the defendant, in his written statement, claims a set-off or makes a counter-claim based
on a document in his possession or power, he shall produce it in Court at the time of presentation of the
written statement and shall at the same time deliver the document or copy thereof to be filed with the written
(b) If a written statement is not presented, present the list to the Court at the first hearing of the suit.
(3) Where any such document is not in the possession or power of the defendant, he shall, wherever
possible, state in whose possession or power it is.
(4) If no such list is so annexed or presented, the defendant shall be allowed such further period for the
purpose as the Court may think fit.
(5) A document which ought to be entered in the list referred to in sub-rule (2), and which is not so entered,
shall not, without the leave of the Court, be received in evidence on behalf of the defendant at the hearing of
the suit.
(6) Nothing in sub-rule (5) shall apply to documents produced for the cross-examination of plaintiff's
witnesses or in answer to any case set up by the plaintiff subsequent to the filing of the plaint, or handed
over to a witness merely to refresh his memory.
(7) Where a Court grants leave under sub-rule (5), it shall record its reasons for so doing and no such leave
shall be granted unless good cause is shown to the satisfaction of the Court for the non-entry of the
document in the list referred to in sub-rule (2).]
2. New facts must be specially pleaded— The defendant must raise by his pleading all matters which show
the suit not be maintainable, or that the transaction is either void or voidable in point of law, and all such
grounds of defence as, if not raised, would be likely to take the opposite party by surprise, or would raise
issues of fact not arising out of the plaint, as, for instance, fraud, limitation, release, payment, performance,
or facts showing illegality.
3. Denial to be specific— It shall not be sufficient for a defendant in his written statement to deny generally
the grounds alleged by the plaintiff, but the defendant must deal specifically with each allegation of fact of
which he does not admit the truth, except damages.
4. Evasive denial— Where a defendant denies an allegation of fact in the plaint, he must not do so evasively,
but answer the point of substance, Thus, if it is alleged that he received a certain sum of money, it shall not
be sufficient to deny that he received that particular amount, but he must deny that he received that sum or
any part thereof, or else set out how much he received. And if an allegation is made with diverse
circumstances, it shall not be sufficient to deny it along with those circumstances.
5. Specific denial— [149][(1)] Every allegation of fact in the plaint, if not denied specifically or by necessary
implication, or stated to be not admitted in the pleading of the defendant, shall be taken to be admitted
except as against a person under disability :
Provided that the Court may in it discretion require any fact so admitted to be proved otherwise than by such
[150] [(2) Where the defendant has not filed a pleading, it shall be lawful for the Court to pronounce judgment
on the basis of the facts contained in the plaint, except as against a person under a disability, but the Court
may, in its discretion, require any such fact to be proved.
(3) In exercising its discretion under the proviso to sub-rule (1) or under sub-rule (2), the Court shall have
due regard to the fact whether the defendant could have, or has, engaged a pleader.
(4) Whenever a judgment is pronounced under this rule, a decree shall be drawn up in accordance with such
judgment and such decree shall bear the date on which the judgment was pronounced.]
6. Particulars of set-off to be given in written statement— (1) Where in a suit for the recovery of money the
defendant claims to set-off against the plaintiff's demand any ascertained sum of money legally recoverable
by him from the plaintiff, not exceeding the pecuniary limits of the jurisdiction of the Court, and both parties fill
the same character as they fill in the plaintiff's suit, the defendant may, at the first hearing of the suit, but not
afterwards unless permitted by the Court, presents a written statement containing the particulars of the debt
sought to be set-off.
(2) Effect of set-off—The written statement shall have the same effect as a plaint in a cross-suit so as to
enable the Court to pronounce a final judgment in respect both of the original claim and of the set-off : but
this shall not affect the lien, upon the amount decreed, of any pleader in respect of the costs payable to him
under the decree.
(3) The rules relating to a written statement by a defendant apply to a written statement in answer to a claim
of set-off.
(a) A bequeaths Rs. 2,000 to B and appoints C his executor and residuary legatee. B dies and D takes out
administration to B's effect, C pays Rs. 1,000 as surety for D: then D sues C for the legacy. C cannot set-off
the debt of Rs. 1,000 against the legacy, for neither C nor D fills the same character with respect to the
legacy as they fill with respect to the payment of Rs. 1,000.
(b) A dies intestate and in debt to B. C takes out administration to A's effects and B buys part of the effects
from C. In a suit for the purchase-money by C against B, the latter cannot set-off the debt against the price,
for C fills two different characters, one as the vendor to B, in which he sues B, and the other as
representative to A.
(c) A sues B on a bill of exchange. B alleges that A has wrongfully neglected to insure B's goods and is liable
to him in compensation which he claims to set-off. The amount not being ascertained cannot be set-off.
(d) A sues B on a bill of exchange for Rs. 500. B holds a judgment against A for Rs. 1,000. The two claims
being both definite, pecuniary demands may be set-off.
(e) A sues B for compensation on account of trespass. B holds a promissory note for Rs. 1,000 from A and
claims to set-off that amount against any sum that A may recover in the suit. B may do so, for as soon as A
recovers, both sums are definite pecuniary demands.
(f) A and B sue C for Rs. 1,000 C cannot set-off a debt due to him by A alone.
(g) A sues B and C for Rs. 1000. B cannot set-off a debt due to him alone by A.
(h) A owes the partnership firm of B and C Rs. 1,000 B dies, leaving C surviving. A sues C for a debt of Rs.
1,500 due in his separate character. C may set-off the debt of Rs. 1,000.
[151][6A. Counter-claim by defendant— (1) A defendant in a suit may, in addition to his right of pleading a
set-off under rule 6, set up, by way of counter-claim against the claim of the plaintiff, any right or claim in
respect of a cause of action accruing to the defendant against the plaintiff either before or after the filing of
the suit but before the defendant has delivered his defence or before the time limited for delivering his
defence has expired. whether such counter-claim is in the nature of a claim for damages or not :
Provided that such counter-claim shall not exceed the pecuniary limits of the jurisdiction of the Court.
(2) Such counter-claim shall have the same effect as a cross-suit so as to enable the Court to pronounce a
final judgment in the same suit, both on the original claim and on the counter-claim.
(3) The plaintiff shall be at liberty to file a written statement in answer to the counter-claim of the defendant
within such period as may be fixed by the Court.
(4) The counter-claim shall be treated as a plaint and governed by the rules applicable to plaints.
6B. Counter-claim to be stated— Where any defendant seeks to rely upon any ground as supporting a right
of counter-claim, he shall, in his written statement, state specifically that he does so by way of counter-claim.
6C. Exclusion of counter-claim— Where a defendant sets up a counter-claim and the plaintiff contends that
the claim thereby raised ought not to be disposed of by way of counter-claim but in an independent suit, the
plaintiff may, at any time before issues are settled in relation to the counter-claim, apply to the Court for an
order that such counter-claim may be excluded, and the Court may, on the hearing of such application make
such order as it thinks fit.
6D. Effect of discontinuance of suit— If in any case in which the defendant sets up a counter-claim, the suit
of the plaintiff is stayed, discontinued or dismissed, the counter-claim may nevertheless be proceeded with.
6E. Default of plaintiff to reply to counter-claim— If the plaintiff makes default in putting in reply to the
counter-claim made by the defendant, the Court may pronounce judgment against the plaintiff in relation to
the counter-claim made against him or make such order in relation to the counter-claim as it thinks fit.
6F. Relief to defendant where counter-claim succeeds— Where in any suit a set-off or counter-claim is
established as defence against the plaintiff's claim and any balance is found due to the plaintiff or the
defendant, as the case may be, the Court may give judgment to the party entitled to such balance.
6G. Rules relating to written statement to apply— The rules relating to a written statement by a defendant
shall apply to a written statement filed in answer to a counter-claim.]
7. Defence or set-off founder upon separate grounds— Where the defendant relies upon several distinct
grounds of defence or set-off [152][or counter-claim] founded separate and distinct facts, they shall be
stated, as far as may be, separately and distinctly.
8. New ground of defence— Any ground of defence which has arisen after the institution of the suit or the
presentation of a written statement claiming a set-off [153][or counter-claim] may be raised by the defendant
or plaintiff as the case may be, in his written statement.
[154][8A. Duty of defendant to produce documents upon which relief is claimed by him— (1)Where a
defendant bases his defence upon a document in his possession or power, he shall produce it in Court when
the written statement is presented by him and shall, at the same time, deliver the document or a copy
thereof, to be filed with the written statement.
(2) A document which ought to be produced in Court by the defendant under this rule, but is not so produced,
shall not, without the leave of the Court, be received in evidence on his behalf at the hearing of the suit.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall apply to documents produced,—
(a) for the cross-examination of the plaintiff's witnesses, or
(b) in answer to any case setup by the plaintiff subsequent to the filing of the plaint, or
(c) handed over to a witness merely to refresh him memory].
9. Subsequent pleadings— No pleading subsequent to the written statement of a defendant other than by
way of defence to a set-off [155][or counter-claim] shall be presented except by the leave of the Court and
upon such terms as the Court thinks fit, but the Court may at any time require a written statement or
additional written statement from any of the parties and fix a time for presenting the same.
10. Procedure when party fails to present written statement called for by Court— Where any party from
whom a written statement [156][is required under rule 1 or 9] fails to present the same within the time
[157][permitted or fixed by the Court, as the case may be, the Court shall] pronounce judgment against him
or make such order in relation to the suit as it thinks fit [158][and on the pronouncement of such judgment, a
decree shall be drawn up.]
1. Parties to appear on day fixed in summons for defendant to appear and answer— On the day fixed in the
summons for the defendant to appear and answer, the parties shall be in attendance at the Court-house in
person or by their respective pleaders, and the suit shall then be heard unless the hearing is adjourned to a
future day fixed by the Court.
2. Dismissal of suit where summons not served in consequence of plaintiffs failure to pay cost— Where on
the day so fixed it is found that the summons has not been served upon the defendant in consequence of the
failure of the plaintiff to pay the court-fee of postal charges (if any) chargeable for such service, [159][or to
present copies of the plaint or concise statements, as required by rule 9 of order VII,] the Court may make an
order that the suit be dismissed :
[160] [Provided that no such order shall be made, if, notwithstanding such failure the defendant attends in
person (or by agent when he is allowed to appear by agent) on the day fixed for him to appear and answer.]
3. Where neither party appears, suit to be dismissed— Where neither party appears when the suit is called
on for hearing, the Court may make an order that the suit be dismissed.
4. Plaintiff may bring fresh suit or Court may restore suit to file— Where a suit is dismissed under rule 2 or
rule 3, the plaintiff may (subject to the law of limitation) bring a fresh suit, or he may apply for an order to set
the dismissal aside, and if he satisfies the Court that there was sufficient cause for [161][such failure as is
referred to in rule 2], or for his non-appearance, as the case may be, the Court shall make an order setting
aside the dismissal and shall appoint a day for proceeding with the suit.
5. Dismissal of suit where plaintiff after summons returned unserved, fails for one month to apply for fresh
summons— (1) Where after a summons has been issued to the defendant, or to one of several defendants,
and returned unserved the plaintiff fails, for a periods of [162][one month] from the date of the return made to
the Court by the officer ordinarily certifying to the Court returns made by the serving officers, to apply for the
issue of a fresh summons the Court shall make an order that the suit be dismissed as against such
defendant, unless the plaintiff has within the said period satisfied the Court that—
(a) he has failed after using his best endeavours to discover the residence of the defendant, who has not
been served, or
(b) such defendant is avoiding service of process, or
(c) there is any other sufficient cause for extending the time,
in which case the Court may extend the time for making such application for such period as it thinks fit.]
(2) In such case the plaintiff may (subject to the law of limitation) bring a fresh suit.
6. Procedure when only plaintiff appears— (1) Where the plaintiff appears and the defendant does not
appear when the suit is called on for hearing, then—
[163] [(a)] When summons duly served—if it is proved that the summons was duly served, the Court may
make an order that the suit shall be heard ex parte.]
(b) When summons not duly served—if it is not proved that the summons was duly serve, the Court shall
direct a second summons to be issued and served on the defendant;
(c) When summons served but not in due time—if it is proved that the summons was served on the
defendant, but not in sufficient time to enable him to appear and answer on the day fixed in the summons,
the Court shall postpone the hearing of the suit to future day to be fixed by the Court, and shall direct notice
of such day to be given to the defendant.
(2) Where it is owing to the plaintiffs' default that the summons was not duly served or was not served in
sufficient time, the Court shall order the plaintiff to pay the costs occasioned by the postponement.
7. Procedure where defendant appears on day of adjourned hearing and assigns good cause for previous
non-appearance— Where the Court has adjourned the hearing of the suit ex-parte and the defendant, at or
before such hearing, appears and assigns good cause for his previous non-appearance, he may, upon such
terms as the Court directs as to costs or otherwise, be heard in answer to the suit as if he had appeared on
the day, fixed for his appearance.
8. Procedure where defendant only appears— Where the defendant appears and the plaintiff does not
appear when the suit is called on for hearing, the Court shall make an order that the suit be dismissed,
unless the defendant admits the claim or part thereof, in which case the Court shall pass a decree against
the defendant upon such admission, and, where part only of the claim has been admitted, shall dismiss the
suit so far as it relates to the remainder.
9. Decree against plaintiff by default bars fresh suit— (1) Where a suit is wholly or partly dismissed under
rule 8, the plaintiff shall be precluded from bringing a fresh suit in respect of the same cause of action. But he
may apply for an order to set the dismissal aside, and if he satisfies the Court that there was sufficient cause
for his non-appearance when the suit was called on for hearing, the Court shall make an order setting aside
the dismissal upon such terms as to costs or otherwise as it thinks fit. and shall appoint a day for proceeding
with suit.
(2) No order shall be made under this rule unless notice of the application has been served on the opposite
10. Procedure in case of non-attendance of one or more of several plaintiffs— Where there are more
plaintiffs than one, and one or more of them appear, and the others do not appear, the Court may, at the
instance of the plaintiff or plaintiffs appearing, permit the suit to proceed in the same way as if all the plaintiffs
had appeared, or make such order as it thinks fit.
11. Procedure in case of non-attendance of one or more of several defendants— Where there are more
defendants than one, and one or more of them appear, and the others do not appear, the suit shall proceed,
and the Court shall, at the time of pronouncing judgment, make such order as it thinks fit with respect to the
defendants who do not appear.
12. Consequence of non-attendance, without sufficient cause shown, of party ordered to appear in person—
Where a plaintiff or defendant, who has been ordered to appear in person, does not appear in person, or
show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of the Court for failing so to appear, he shall be subject to all the
provisions of the foregoing rules applicable to plaintiffs and defendants, respectively who do no appear.
Setting aside decrees ex parte
13. Setting aside decree BIex parte against defendant— In any case in which a decree is passed ex parte
against a defendant, he may apply to the Court by which the decree was passed for an order to set it aside;
and if he satisfies the Court that the summons was not duly served, or that he was prevented by any
sufficient cause from appearing when the suit was called on for hearing, the Court shall make an order
setting aside the decree as against him upon such terms as to costs, payment into Court or otherwise as it
thinks fit, and shall appoint a day for proceeding with the suit;
Provided that where the decree is of such a nature that it cannot be set aside as against such defendant only
it may be set aside as against all or any of the other defendants also:
[164] [Provided further that no Court shall set aside a decree passed ex parte merely on the ground that
there has been an irregularity in the service of summons, if it is satisfied that the defendant had notice of the
date of hearing and had sufficient time to appear and answer the plaintiff's claim]
[165] [Explanation.—Where there has been an appeal against a decree passed ex parte under this rule, and
the appeal has been disposed of an any ground other than the ground that the appellant has withdrawn the
appeal, no application shall lie under this rule for setting aside that ex parte decree.]
14. No decree to be set aside without notice to opposite party— No decree shall be set aside on any such
application as aforesaid unless notice thereof has been served on the opposite party.
1. Ascertainment whether allegations in pleadings are admitted or denied— At the first hearing of the suit the
Court shall ascertain from each party or his pleader whether he admits or denies such allegations of fact as
are made in the plaint or written statement (if any) of the opposite party, and as are not expressly or by
necessary implication admitted or denied by the party against whom they are made. The Court shall record
such admissions and denials.
[166][2. Oral examination of party, or companion of party— (1) At the first hearing of the suit, the Court—
(a) shall, with a view to elucidating matters in controversy in the suit examine orally such of the parties to the
suit appearing in person or present in Court, as it deems fit; and
(b) may orally examine any person, able to answer any material question relating to the suit, by whom any
party appearing in person or present in Court or his pleader is accompanied.
(2) At any subsequent hearing, the Court may orally examine any party appearing in person or present in
Court, or any person, able to answer any material question relating to the suit, by whom such party or his
pleader is accompanied.
(3) The Court may, if it thinks fit, put in the course of an examination under this rule questions suggested by
either party.]
3. Substance of examination to be written— The substance of the examination shall be reduced to writing by
the Judge, and shall form part of the record.
4. Consequence of refusal or inability of pleader to answer— (1) Where the pleader of any party who
appears by a pleader or any such person accompanying a pleader as is referred to in rule 2, refuses or is
unable to answer any material question relating to the suit which the Court is of opinion that the party whom
he represents ought to answer, and is likely to be able to answer if interrogated in person, the Court may
postpone the hearing of the suit to a future day and direct that such party shall appear in person on such
(2) If such party fails without lawful excuse to appear in person on the day so appointed, the Court may
pronounce judgment against him, or make such order in relation to the suit as it thinks fit.
1. Discovery by interrogatories— In any suit the plaintiff or defendant by leave of the Court may deliver
interrogatories in writing for the examination of the opposite parties or any one or more of such parties and
such interrogatories when delivered shall have a note at the foot thereof stating which of such interrogatories
each of such persons is required to answer: Provided that no party shall deliver more than one set of
interrogatories to the same party without an order for that purpose : Provided also that interrogatories which
do not relate to any matters in question in the suit shall be deemed irrelevant, notwithstanding that they might
be admissible on the oral cross-examination of a witness.
2. Particular interrogatories to be submitted— On an application for leave to deliver interrogatories, the
particular interrogatories proposed to be delivered shall be submitted to the Court. In deciding upon such
application, the Court shall take into account any offer, which may be made by the party sought to be
interrogated to deliver particulars, or to make admissions, or to produce documents relating to the matters in
question, or any of them, and leave shall be given as to such only of the interrogatories submitted as the
Court shall consider necessary either for disposing fairly of the suit or for saving costs.
3. Costs of interrogatories— In adjusting the costs of the suit inquiry shall at the instance of any party be
made into the propriety of exhibiting such interrogatories, and if it is the opinion of the taxing officer or of the
Court, either with or without an application for inquiry, that such interrogatories have been exhibited
unreasonably, vexatiously, or at improper length, the cost occasioned by the said interrogatories and the
answers thereto shall be paid in any event by the party in fault.
4. Form of interrogatories. — Interrogatories shall be in Form No. 2 in Appendix C, with such variations as
circumstances may require.
5. Corporations— Where any party to a suit is a corporation or a body of persons, whether incorporated or
not, empowered by law to sue or be sued, whether in its own name or in the name of any officer or other
person, any opposite party may apply for an order allowing him to deliver interrogatories to any member or
officer of such corporation or body, and an order may be made accordingly.
6. Objections to interrogatories by answer— Any objection to answering any interrogatory on the ground that
it is scandalous or irrelevant or not exhibited bona fide for the purpose of the suit, or that the matters inquired
into are not sufficiently material at that stage, [167][or on the ground of privilege or any other ground], may be
taken in the affidavit in answer.
7. Setting aside and striking out interrogatories— Any interrogatories may be set aside on the ground that
they have been exhibited unreasonably or vexatiously, or struck out on the ground that they are prolix,
oppressive, unnecessary or scandalous; and any application for this purpose may be made within seven
days after service of the interrogatories.
8. Affidavit in answer, filing— Interrogatories shall be answered by affidavit to be filed within ten days or
within such other time as the Court may allow.
9. Form of affidavit in answer— An affidavit in answer to interrogatories shall be in Form No. 3 in Appendix
C, with such variations as circumstances may require.
10. No exception to be taken— No exceptions shall be taken to any affidavit in answer, but the sufficiency or
otherwise of any such affidavit objected to as insufficient shall be determined by the Court.
11. Order to answer or answer further— Where any person interrogated omits to answer, or answer
insufficiently, the party interrogating may apply to the Court for an order requiring him to answer, or to
answer further, as the case may be. And an order may be made requiring him to answer or answer further,
either by affidavit or by viva voice examination, as the Court may direct.
12. Application for discovery of documents— Any party may, without filing any affidavit, apply to the Court for
an order directing any other party to any suit to make discovery on oath of the documents which are or have
been in his possession or power, relating to any matter in question therein. On the hearing of such
application the Court may either refuse or adjourn the same, if satisfied that such discovery is not necessary,
or not necessary at that stage of the suit, or make such order, either generally or limited to certain classes of
documents, as may, in its discretion be thought fit :
Provided that discovery shall not be ordered when and so far as the Court shall be of opinion that it is not
necessary either for disposing fairly of the suit or for saving costs.
13. Affidavit of documents— The affidavit to be made by a party against whom such order as is mentioned in
the last preceding rule has been made, shall specify which (if any) of the documents therein mentioned he
objects to produce, and it shall be in Form No. 5 in Appendix C, with such variations as circumstances may
14. Production of documents— It shall be lawful for the Court, at any time during the pendency of any suit, to
order the production by any party thereto, upon oath of such of the documents in his possession or power,
relating to any matter in question in such suit, as the Court shall think right; and the Court may deal with such
documents, when produced, in such manner as shall appear just.
15. Inspection of documents referred to in pleadings or affidavits— Every party to a suit shall be entitled at
any time to give notice to any other party, in whose pleadings or affidavits reference is made to any
document [168][or who has entered any document in any list annexed to his pleadings] or produce such
document for the inspection of the party giving such notice, or of his pleader, and to permit him or them to
take copies thereof; and any party not complying with such notice shall not afterwards be at liberty to put any
such document in evidence on his behalf in such suit unless he shall satisfy the Court that such document
relates only to his own title, he being a defendant to the suit, or that he had some other cause or excuse with
the Court shall deem sufficient for not complying with such notice, in which case the Court may allow the
same to be put in evidence on such terms as to costs an otherwise as the Court shall think fit.
16. Notice to produce— Notice to any party to produce any documents referred to in his pleading or affidavits
shall be in Form No. 7 in Appendix C, with such variations as circumstances may require.
17. Time for inspection when notice given— The party to whom such notice is given shall, within ten days
from the receipt of such notice, deliver to the party giving the same a notice stating a time within three days
from the delivery thereof at which the documents, or such of them as he does not object to produce, may be
inspected at the office of his pleader, or in the case of bankers books or other books of account or books in
constant use for the purposes of any trade or business, at their usual place of custody, and stating which (if
any) of the documents he objects to produce, and on what ground. Such notice shall be in Form No. 8 in
Appendix C, with such variations as circumstances may require.
18. Order for inspection— (1) Where the party served with notice under rule 15 omits to give such notice of a
time for inspection or objects to give inspection, or offers inspection elsewhere than at the office of his
pleader, the Court may, on the application of the party desiring it, make an order for inspection in such place
and in such manner as it may think fit :
Provided that the order shall not be made when and so far as the Court shall be of opinion that, it is not
necessary either for disposing fairly of the suit or for saving costs.
(2) Any application to inspect documents, except such as are referred to in the pleadings, particulars or
affidavits of the party against whom the application is made or disclosed in his affidavit of documents, shall
be founded upon an affidavit showing of what documents inspection is sought, that the party applying is
entitled to inspect them, and that they are in the possession or power of the other party. The Court shall not
make such order for inspection of such documents when and so far as the Court shall be of opinion that it is
not necessary either for disposing fairly of the suit or for saving costs.
19. Verified copies— (1) Where inspection of any business books is applied for, the Court may , if it thinks fit,
instead of ordering inspection of the original books, order a copy of any entries therein to be furnished and
verified by the affidavit of some person who has examined the copy with the original entries, and such
affidavit shall state whether or not there are in the original book any and what erasures, interlineations or
alterations :
Provided that, notwithstanding that such copy has been supplied, the Court may order inspection of the book
from which the copy was made.
(2) Where on an application for an order for inspection privilege is claimed for any document, it shall be
lawful for the Court to inspect the document for the purpose of deciding as to the validity of the claim of
privilege [169][unless the document relates to matters of State.]
(3) The Court may, on the application of any party to a suit at any time, and whether an affidavit of
documents shall or shall not have already been ordered or made, make an order requiring any other party to
state by affidavit whether anyone or more specific documents, to be specified in the application, is or are, or
has or have at an time been, in his possession or power, and , if not then in his possession, when he parted
with the same and what has become thereof. Such application shall be made on an affidavit stating that in
the belief of the deponent the party against whom the application is made has, or has at some time and, in
his possession or power the document or documents specified in the application, and that they relate to the
matters in questions in the suit, or to some of them.
20. Premature discovery— Where the party from whom discovery of any kind or inspection is sought objects
to the same, or any part thereof, the Court may if satisfied that the right to the discovery or inspection sought
depends on the determination of any issue or question in dispute in the suit, or that for any other reason it is
desirable that any issue or question in dispute in the suit should be determined before deciding upon the
right to the discovery or inspection, order that such issue or question be determined first, and reserve the
question as to the discovery or inspection.
21. Non-compliance with order for discovery— [170][(1)] Where any party fails to comply with any order to
answer interrogatories, or for discovery or inspection of documents, he shall, if a plaintiff, be liable to have
his suit dismissed for want of prosecution, and, if a defendant, to have his defence, if any struck out, and to
be placed in the same position as if he had not defended, and the party interrogating or seeking discovery or
inspection may apply to the Court for an order to that effect and [171][an order may be made on such
application accordingly, after notice to the parties and after giving them a reasonable opportunity of being
[172] [(2) Where an order is made under sub-rule (1) dismissing any suit, the plaintiff shall be precluded from
bringing a fresh suit on the same cause of action.]
22. Using answers to interrogatories at trial— Any party may, at the trial of a suit, use in evidence any one or
more of the answers or any part of an answer of the opposite party to interrogatories without putting in the
others or the whole of such answer : Provided always that in such case the Court may look at the whole of
the answers, and if it shall be of opinion that any others of them are so connected with those put in that the
last-mentioned answers ought not to be used without them, it may direct them to be put in.
23. Order to apply to minors— This Order shall apply to minor plaintiffs and defendants, and to the next
friends and guardians for the suit of the persons under disability.
1. Notice of admission of case— Any party to a suit may give notice, by his pleading, or otherwise in writing,
that he admits the truth of the whole or any part of the case of any other party.
2. Notice to admit documents— Either party may call upon the other party [173][to admit, within fifteen days
from the date of service of the notice any document,] saving all just exceptions; and in case of refusal or
neglect to admit, after such notice, the costs of proving any such document shall be paid by the party so
neglecting or refusing, whatever the result of the suit may be, unless the Court otherwise directs; and no
costs of proving any document shall be allowed unless such notice is given, except where the omission to
give the notice is, in the opinion of the Court, a saving of expense.
[174][2A. Document to be deemed to be admitted if not divided after service of notice to admit documents—
(1) Every document which a party is called upon to admit, if not denied specifically or by necessary
implication, or stated to be not admitted in the pleading of that party or in his reply to the notice to admit
documents, shall be deemed to be admitted except as against a person under a disability :
Provided that the Court may, in its discretion and for reasons to be recorded, require any document so
admitted to be proved otherwise than by such admission.
(2) Where a party unreasonably neglects or refuses to admit a document after the service on him of the
notice to admit documents, the Court may direct him to pay costs to the other party by way of compensation.]
3. Form of notice— A notice to admit documents shall be in Form No. 9 in Appendix C, with such variations
as circumstances may require.
3A. Power of Court to record admission— Notwithstanding that no notice to admit documents has been given
under rule 2, the Court, may at any stage of the proceeding before it, of its own motion, call upon any party to
admit any document and shall in such a case, record whether the party admits or refuses or neglects to
admit such document.
4. Notice to admit acts— Any party, may, by notice in writing, at any time not later than nine days before the
day fixed for the hearing, call on any other party to admit, for the purposes of the suit only, any specific fact
or facts, mentioned in such notice. And in case of refusal or neglect to admit the same within six days after
service of such notice, or within such further time as may be allowed by the Court, the costs of proving such
fact or facts shall be paid by the party so neglecting or refusing, whatever the result of the suit may be,
unless the Court otherwise directs:
Provided that any admission made in pursuance of such notice is to be deemed to be made only for the
purposes of the particular suit, and not as an admission to be used against the party on any other occasion
or in favour of any person other than the party giving the notice:
Provided also that the Court may at any time allow any party to amend or withdraw any admission so made
on such terms as may be just.
5. Form of admissions— A notice to admit facts shall be in Form No. 10 in Appendix C, and admissions of
facts shall be in Form No. 11 in Appendix C, with such variations as circumstances may require.
[175][6. Judgment on admissions— (1) Where admissions of fact have been made either in the pleading or
otherwise, whether orally or in writing, the Court may at any stage of the suit, either on the application of any
party or of its own motion and without waiting for the determination of any other question between the
parties, make such order or give such judgment as it may think fit, having regard to such admissions.
(2) Whenever a judgment is pronounced under sub-rule (1) a decree shall be drawn upon in accordance with
the judgment and the decree shall bear the date on which the judgment was pronounced.]
7. Affidavit of signature— An affidavit of the pleader or his clerk, of the due signature of any admissions
made in pursuance of any notice to admit documents or facts, shall be sufficient evidence of such
admissions, if evidence thereof is required.
8. Notice to produce documents— Notice to produce documents shall be in Form No. 12 in Appendix C, with
such variations as circumstances may require. An affidavit of the pleader, or his clerk, of the service of any
notice to produce, and of the time when it was served, with a copy of the notice to produce, shall in all cases
be sufficient evidence of the service of the notice, and of the time it was served.
9. Costs— If a notice to admit or produce specifies documents which are not necessary, the costs
occasioned thereby, shall be borne by the party giving such notice.
1. Documentary evidence to be produced [176][at or before the settlement of issues]— (1) The parties or
their pleaders shall produce, [177][at or before the settlement of issues], all the documentary evidence of
every description in their possession or power, on which they intend to rely, and which has not already been
filed in Court, and all documents which the Court has ordered to be produced.
(2) The Court shall receive the documents so produced : Provided that they are accompanied by an accurate
list thereof prepared in such form as the High Court directs.
2. Effect of non-production of documents— [178][(1)] No documentary evidence in the possession or power
of any party which should have been, but has not been produced in accordance with the requirements of rule
1 shall be received at any subsequent stage of the proceedings unless good cause is shown to the
satisfaction of the Court for the non-production thereof; and the Court receiving any such evidence shall
record the reasons for so doing.
[179] [(2)] Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall apply to documents, —
(a) produced for the cross-examination of the witness of the other party, or
(b) handed over to a witness merely to refresh his memory.]
3. Rejection of irrelevant or inadmissible documents— The Court may at any stage of the suit reject any
document which it considers irrelevant or otherwise inadmissible, recording the grounds of such rejection.
4. Endorsements on documents admitted in evidence— (1) Subject to the provisions of the next following
sub- rule, there shall be endorsed on every document which as been admitted in evidence in the suit the
following particulars, namely :—
(a) the number and title of the suit,
(b) the name of the person producing the document,
(c) the date on which it was produced, and
(d) a statement of its having been so admitted,
and the endorsement shall be signed or initialled by the Judge.
(2) Where a document so admitted is an entry in a book, account or record, and a copy thereof has been
substituted for the original under the next following rule, the particulars aforesaid shall be endorsed on the
copy and the endorsement thereon shall be signed or initialled by the Judge.
5. Endorsements on copies of admitted entries in books, accounts and records— (1) Save in so far as is
otherwise provided by the Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891 ( 18 of 1891) where a document admitted in
evidence in the suit is an entry in a letter-book or a shop-book or a or other account in current use, the party
on whose behalf the book or account is produced may furnish a copy of the entry.
(2) Where such a document is an entry in a public record produced from a public office or by a public officer,
or an entry in a book or account belonging to a person other than a party on whose behalf the book or
account is produced, the Court may require a copy of the entry to be furnished—
(a) where the record, book or account is produced on behalf of a party, then by that party, or
(b) where the record, book or account is produced in obedience to an order of the Court acting of its own
motion, then by either or any party.
(3) Where a copy of an entry is furnished under the foregoing provisions of this rule, the Court shall, after
accusing the copy to be examined, compared and certified in manner mentioned in rule 17 of Order VII, mark
the entry and cause the book, account or record in which it occurs to be returned to the person producing it.
6. Endorsements on documents rejected as inadmissible in evidence— Where a document relied on as
evidence by either party is considered by the Court to be inadmissible in evidence, there shall be endorsed
thereon the particulars mentioned in clauses (a), (b), and (c) of rule 4, sub-rule (1), together with a statement
of its having been rejected, and the endorsement shall be signed or initialled by the Judge.
7. recording of admitted and return or rejected documents— (1) Every document which has been admitted in
evidence or a copy thereof where a copy has been substituted for the original under rule 5, shall form part of
the record of the suit.
(2) Documents not admitted in evidence shall not form part of the record and shall be returned to the persons
respectively producing them.
8. Court may order any document to be impounded— Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 5 or rule 7
of this Order or in rule 17 of Order VII, the Court may, if it sees sufficient cause, direct any document or book
produced before it in any suit to be impounded and kept in the custody of an officer of the Court, for such
period and subject to such conditions as the Court think fit.
9. Return of admitted documents— (1) Any person, whether a party to the suit or not, desirous of receiving
back any document produced by him in the suit and placed on the record shall, unless the document is
impounded under rule 8, be entitled to receive back the same,—
(a) where the suit is one in which an appeal is not allowed, when the suit has been disposed of, and
(b) where the suit is one in which an appeal is allowed, when the Court is satisfied that the time for preferring
an appeal has elapsed and that no appeal has been preferred or, if an appeal has been preferred, when the
appeal has been disposed of :
[180] [Provided that a document may be returned at any time earlier than that prescribed by this rule if the
person applying therefor—
(a) delivers to the proper officer for being substituted for the original,—
(i) in the case of a party to the suit, a certified copy, and
(ii) in the case of any other person, an ordinary copy which has been examined, compared and certified in
the manner mentioned in sub-rule (2) of rule 17 of Order VII, and
(b) undertakes to produce the original, if required to do so :]
Provided also, that no document shall be returned with, by force of the decree, has become wholly void or
(2) On the return of a document admitted in evidence, a receipt shall be given by the person receiving it.
10. Court may send for papers from its own records or from other Courts— (1) The Court may of its own
motion, and may in its discretion upon the application of any of the parties to a suit, send for, either from its
own records or from any other suit or proceedings, and inspect the same.
(2) Every application made under this rule (unless the Court otherwise directs) be supported by an affidavit
showing how the record is material to the suit in which the application is made, and that the applicant cannot
without unreasonable delay or expense obtain a duly authenticated copy of the record or of such portion
thereof as the applicant requires, or that the production of the original is necessary for the purposes of
(3) Nothing contained in this rule shall be deemed to enable the Court to use in evidence any document
which under the law of evidence would be inadmissible in the suit.
11. Provisions as to documents applied to material objects— The provisions therein contained as to
documents shall, so far as may be, apply to all other material objects producible as evidence.
1. Framing of issues— (1) Issues arise when a material proposition of fact or law is affirmed by the one party
and denied by the other.
(2) Material propositions are those propositions of law or fact which a plaintiff must allege in order to show a
right to sue or a defendant must allege in order to constitute his defence.
(3) Each material proposition affirmed by one party denied by the other shall form the subject of distinct
(4) Issues are of two kinds :
(a) issues of fact,
(b) issues of law.
(5) At the first hearing of the suit the Court shall, after reading the plaint and the written statements, if any,
and [181][after examination under rule 2 of Order X and after hearing the parties or their pleaders], ascertain
upon what material propositions of fact or of law the parties are at variance, and shall thereupon proceed to
frame and record the issues on which the right decision of the case appears to depend.
(6) Nothing in this rule requires the Court to frame and record issues where the defendant at the first hearing
of the suit makes no defence.
[182][2. Court to pronounce judgment on all issues— (1) Notwithstanding that a case may be disposed of on
preliminary issue, the Court shall, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), pronounce judgment on all issues.
(2) Where issues both of law and of fact arise in the same suit, and the Court is of opinion that the case or
any part thereof may be disposed of on an issue of law only, it may try that issue first if that issue relates to—
(a) the jurisdiction of the Court, or
(b) a bar to the suit created by any law for the time being inforce.
and for that purpose may, if it thinks fit, postpone the settlement of the other issues until after that issue has
been determined, and may deal with the suit in accordance with the decision on that issue.]
3. Materials from which issues may be framed— The Court may frame the issues from all or any of the
following materials :—
(a) allegations made on oath by the parties, or by any persons present on their behalf, or made by the
pleaders of such parties;
(b) allegations made in the pleadings or in answers to interrogatories delivered in the suit;
(c) the contents of documents by either party.
4. Court may examine witnesses or documents before framing issues— Where the Court is of opinion that
the issues cannot be correctly framed without the examination of some person not before the Court or
without the inspection of some document not produced in the suit, it may adjourn the framing of the issues to
a future day, and may (subject to any law for the time being in force) compel the attendance of any person or
the production of any document by the person in whose possession or power it is by summons or other
5. Power to amend and strike out, issues— (1) The Court may at any time before passing a decree amend
the issues or frame additional issues on such terms as it thinks fit, and all such amendments or additional
issues as may be necessary for determining the matters in controversy between the parties shall be so made
or framed.
(2) The Court may also, at any time before passing a decree, strike out any issues that appear to it to be
wrongly framed or introduced.
6. Questions of fact or law may by agreement be stated in form of issues— Where the parties to a suit are
agreed as to the question of fact or of law to be decided between them, they may state the same in the form
of an issue, and enter into an agreement in writing that upon the finding of the Court in the affirmative or the
negative of such issue,—
(a) a sum of money specified in the agreement or to be ascertained by the Court, or in such manner as the
Court may direct, shall be paid by one of the parties to the other of them, or that one of them be declared
entitled to some right or subject some liability specified in the agreement;
(b) some property specified in the agreement and in dispute in the suit shall be delivered by one of the
parties to the other of them, or as that other may direct; or
(c) one or more of the parties shall do or abstain from doing some particular act specified in the agreement
and relating to the matter in dispute.
7. Court, if satisfied that agreement was executed in good faith, may pronounce judgment— Where the Court
is satisfied, after making such inquiry as it deems proper,—
(a) that the agreement was duly executed by the parties;
(b) that they have a substantial interest in the decision of such question as aforesaid, and
(c) that the same is fit to be tried and decided,
it shall proceed to record and try the issue and state its finding or decision thereon in the same manner as if
the issue had been framed by the Court.
and shall, upon the finding or decision on such issue, pronounce judgment according to the terms of the
agreement, and, upon the judgment so pronounced a decree shall follow
1. Parties not at issue— Where at the first hearing of a suit it appears that the parties are not at issue on any
question of law or of fact, the Court may at once pronounce judgment.
2. One of several defendants not at issue— [183][(1)] Where there are more defendants than one, and any
one of the defendants is not at issue with the plaintiff on any question of law or of fact, the Court may at once
pronounce judgment for or against such defendant and the suit shall proceed only against the other
[184] [(2) Wherever a judgment is pronounced under this rule, a decree shall be drawn up in accordance with
such judgment and the decree shall bear the date on which the judgment was pronounced.]
3. Parties at issue— (1) Where the parties are at issue on some question of law or of fact, and issues have
been frame by the Court as herein before provided, if the Court is satisfied that no further argument or
evidence than the parties can at once adduce is required upon such of the issues as may be sufficient for the
decision of the suit, and that no injustice will result from proceeding with the suit forthwith, the Court may
proceed to determine such issues, and , if the finding thereon is sufficient for the decision, may pronounce
judgment accordingly, whether the summons has been issued for the settlement of issues only or for the final
disposal of the suit :
Provided that, where the summons has been issued for the settlement of issues only, the parties or their
pleaders are present and none of them objects.
(2) Where the finding is not sufficient for the decision, the Court shall postpone the further hearing of the suit,
and shall fix a day for the production of such further evidence, or for such further argument as the case
4. Failure to produce evidence— Where the summons has been issued for the final disposal of the suit and
either party fails without sufficient cause to produce the evidence on which he relies, the Court may at once
pronounce judgment, or any, if it thinks fit, after framing and recording issues, adjourn the suit for production
of such evidence as may be necessary for its decision upon such issues.
Uttar Pradesh.— In its application to the State of Uttar Pradesh add the following rule 5 after rule 4.
"5. Striking off defence for failure to deposit admitted rent, etc.— (1) In any suit by a lessor for the eviction of
a lessee after the determination of his lease and for the recovery from him of rent or compensation for use
and occupation, the defendant shall, at or before the first hearing of the suit, deposit the entire amount
admitted by him to be due together with interest thereon at the rate of nine per cent. per annum and whether
or not he admits any amount to be due, he shall throughout the continuation of the suit regularly deposit the
monthly amount due within a week from the date of its accrual, and in the event of any default in making the
deposit of the entire amount admitted by him to be due or the monthly amount due as aforesaid, the Court
may, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), strike off his defence.
Explanation 1.— The expression "first hearing" means the date for filing written statement for hearing
mentioned in the summons or where more than one of such dates are mentioned, the last of the dates
Explanation 2.— The expression "entire amount admitted
by him to be due" means the entire gross amount, whether as rent or compensation for use and occupation,
calculated at the admitted rate of rent for the admitted period of arrears after making no other deduction
except the taxes, if any, paid to a local authority in respect of the building on lessor's account and the
amount, if any, paid to the lessor acknowledged by the lessor in writing signed by him and the amount, if any,
deposited in any Court under section 30 of the U.P. Urban Buildings (Regulation of Letting, Rent and
Eviction) Act, 1972.
Explanation 3.— (1) The expression "monthly amount due" means the amount due every month, whether as
rent or compensation for use and occupation at the admitted rate of rent, after making no other deduction
except the taxes, if any, paid to a local authority, in respect of the building on lessor's account.
(2) Before making an order for striking off defence, the Court may consider any representation made by the
defendant in that behalf provided such representation is made within 10 days of the first hearing or, of the
expiry of the week referred to in sub-section (1), as the case may be.
(3) The amount deposited under this rule may at any time be withdrawn by the plaintiff.
Provided that such withdrawal shall not have the effect of prejudicing any claim by the plaintiff disputing the
correctness of the amount deposited:
Provided further that if the amount deposited includes any sums claimed by the depositor to be deductible on
any account, the Court may require the plaintiff to furnish the security for such sum before he is allowed to
withdraw the same."
[U.P. Act (57 of 1976) amended vide U.P. Govt. Gazzette dated 3.10.1981].
[185][1. List of witnesses and summons to witnesses— (1) On or before such date as the Court may appoint,
and not later than fifteen days after the date on which the issues are settled, the parties shall present in
Court a list of witnesses whom they propose to call either to give evidence or to produce documents and
obtain summonses to such person for their attendance in Court.
(2) A party desirous of obtaining any summons for the attendance of any person shall file in Court an
application stating therein the purpose for which the witness is proposed to be summoned.
(3) The Court may, for reasons to be recorded, permit a party to call, whether by summoning through Court
or otherwise, any witness, other than those whose names appear in the list referred to in sub-rule (1), if such
part shows sufficient cause for the omission to mention the name of such witness in the said list.
(4) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), summonses referred to in this rule may be obtained by the
parties on an application to the Court or to such officer as may be appointed by the Court in this behalf.]
[186][1A. Production of witnesses without summons— A subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3) of rule 1,
and party to the suit may, without applying for summons under rule 1, bring any witness to give evidence or
to produce documents.]
2. Expenses of witnesses to be paid into Court on applying for summons— (1) The party applying for a
summons shall, before the summons is granted and within a period to be fixed, pay into Court such a sum of
money as appears to the Court to be sufficient to defray the travelling and other expenses of the person
summoned in passing to and from the Court in which he is required to attend, and for one day's attendance.
(2) Experts—In determining the amount payable under this rule, the Court may, in the case of any person
summoned to give evidence as an expert, allow reasonable remuneration for the time occupied both in giving
evidence and in performing any work of an expert character necessary for the case.
(3) Scale of expenses—Where the Court is subordinate to High Court, regard shall be had, in fixing the scale
of such expenses to a any rules made in that behalf.
[187] [(4)] Expenses to be directly paid to witnesses—Where the summons is served directly by the party on
a witness, the expenses referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be paid to the witness by the party or his agent.]
Uttar Pradesh.— In its application to the State of Uttar Pradesh:—
(i) In rule 2, sub-rule (1), insert, at the end, the following proviso,
"Provided, where Government is the party applying for a summons to a Government servant, it shall not be
necessary for it to make any such payment into Court."
(ii) After sub-rule (4) insert the following, namely:—
"(4-A) Allowances, etc., of Government servant witnesses to be taxed as costs.— Any travelling and daily
allowances and the salary, payable to a Government servant who attends the Court to give evidence or to
produce a document shall, on the amount being certified by such witness, be taxable as costs.
Explanation 1.— The travelling and daily allowances shall be in accordance with the rules governing such
allowances, applicable to the Government servant in question.
Explanation 2— The daily allowance and salary of the Government servant shall be proportionate to the
number of days of his attendance required by the Court."
[U.P. Act 57 of 1976].
3. Tender of expenses to witness— The sum so paid into Court shall be tendered to the person summoned,
at the time of serving the summons, if it can be served personally.
4. Procedure where insufficient sum paid in— (1) Where it appears to the Court or to such officer as it
appoints in this behalf that the sum paid into Court is not sufficient to cover such expenses or reasonable
remuneration, the Court may direct such further sum to be paid to the person summoned as appears to be
necessary on that account, and, in case of default in payment, may order such sum to be levied by
attachment and sale of the movable property of the party obtaining the summons; or the Court may
discharge the person summoned without requiring him to give evidence; or may both order such levy and
discharge such person as aforesaid.
(2) Expenses of witnesses detained more than one day—Where it is necessary to detain the person
summoned for a longer period than one day, the Court may, from time to time, order the party at whose
instance he was summoned to pay into Court such sum as is sufficient to defray the expenses of his
detention for such further period, and, in default of such deposit being made, may order such sum to be
levied by attachment and sale of the movable property of such party; or the Court may discharge the person
summoned without requiring him to give evidence, or may other order such levy and discharge such person
as aforesaid.
Uttar Pradesh.— In its application to the State of Uttar Pradesh, in Order XVI, rule 4, add the following
"Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to a case where the witness is a Government servant
summoned at the instance of Government as a party.
[U.P. Act., 57 of 1976].
5. Time, place and purpose of attendance to be specified in summons— Every summons for the attendance
of a person to give evidence or to produce a document shall specify the time and place at which he is
required to attend, and also whether his attendance is required for the purpose of giving evidence or to
produce a document, or for both purposes; and any particular document, which the person summoned is
called on to produce, shall be described in the summons with reasonable accuracy.
6. Summons to produce document— Any person may be summoned to produce a document, without being
summoned to give evidence, and any person summoned merely to produce a document shall be deemed to
have complied with the summons if he causes such document to be produced instead of attending
personally to produce the same.
7. Power to require persons present in Court to give evidence or produce document— Any person present in
Court may be required by the Court to give evidence or to produce any document then and there in his
possession or power.
[188][7A. Summons given to party for service— (1) The Court may, on the application of any party for the
issue of a summons for the attendance of any person, permit such party to effect service of such summons
on such person and shall, in such a case, deliver the summons to such party for service.
(2) The service of such summons shall be effected by or on behalf of such party by delivering or tendering to
the witness personally a copy thereof signed by the Judge or such officer of the Court as he may appoint in
this behalf and sealed with the seal of the Court.
(3) The provisions of rules 16 and 18 of Order V shall apply to a summons personally served under this rule
as if the person effecting service were a serving officer.
(4) If such summons, when tendered, is refused or if the person served refuses to sign and
acknowledgement of service or for any reason such summons cannot be served personally, the Court shall,
on the application of the party, re-issue such summons to be served by the Court in the same manner as a
summons to a defendant.
(5) Where a summons is served by a party under this rule, the party shall not be required to pay the fees
otherwise chargeable for the service of summons.]
8. Summons how served— Every summons [189][under this Order, not being a summons delivered to a
party for service under rule 7A,] shall be served as nearly as may be in the same manner as a summons to a
defendant and the rules in Order V as to proof of service shall apply in the case of all summonses served
under this rule.
9. Time for serving summons— Service shall in all cases be made a sufficient time before the time specified
in the summons for the attendance of the person summoned, to allow him a reasonable time for preparation
and for travelling to the place at which his attendance is required.
10. Procedure whose witness fails to comply with summons— [190][(1) Where a person to whom a
summons has been issued either to attend to give evidence or to produce a document, fails to attend or to
produce the document in compliance with such summons, the Court—
(a) shall, if the certificate of the serving officer has not been verified by affidavit, or if service of the summons
has been effected by a party or his agent, or
(b) may, if the certificate of the serving officer has been so verified.
examine on oath the serving officer or the party or his agent, as the case may be, who has effected service,
or cause him to be so examined by any Court, touching the service or non-service of the summons.]
(2) Where the Court sees reason to believe that such evidence or production is material, and that such
person has, without lawful excuse, failed to attend or to produce the document in compliance with such
summons or has intentionally avoided service, it may issue a proclamation requiring him to attend to give
evidence or to produce the document at a time and place to be named therein; and a copy of such
proclamation shall be affixed on the outer door or other conspicuous part of the house in which he ordinarily
(3) In view of or at the time of issuing such proclamation, or at any time afterwards, the Court may, in its
discretion, issue a warrant, either with or without bail, for the arrest of such person, and may make an order
for the attachment of his property to such amount as it thinks fit, not exceeding the amount of the costs of
attachment and of any fine which may be imposed under rule 12 :
Provided that no Court of Small Causes shall make an order for the attachment of immovable property.
11. If witness appears attachment may be withdrawn— Where at any time after the attachment of his
property, such person appears and satisfies the Court—
(a) that he did not, without lawful excuse, fail to comply with the summons or intentionally avoid service, and
(b) where he has failed to attend at the time and place named in a proclamation issued under the last
proceeding rule, that he had no notice of such proclamation in time to attend.
the Court shall direct that the property be released from attachment, and shall make such order as to the
costs of the attachment as it thinks fit.
12. Procedure if witness fails to appear— [191][(1)] The Court may, where such person does not appear, or
appears but fails so to satisfy the Court, impose upon him such fine not exceeding five hundred rupees as it
thinks fit, having regard to his condition in life and all the circumstances of the case, and may order his
property, or any part thereof, to the attached and sold or, if already attached under rule 10, to be sold for the
purpose of satisfying all costs to such attachment, together with the amount of the said fine, if any:
Provided that, if the person whose attendance is required pays into Court the Costs and fine aforesaid, the
Court shall order the property to be released from attachment.
[192] [(2) Notwithstanding that the Court has not issued a proclamation under sub-rule (2) of rule 10, nor
issued a warrant nor ordered attachment under sub-rule (3) of that rule, the Court may impose fine under
sub- rule (1) of this rule after giving notice to such person to show cause why the fine should not be
13. Mode of attachment.—The provisions with regard to the attachment and sale of property in the execution
of a decree shall, so far as they are applicable, be deemed to apply to any attachment and sale under this
Order as if the person whose property is so attached were a judgment-debtor.
14. Court may of its own accord summon as witnesses strangers to suit.— Subject to the provisions of this
Code as to attendance and appearance and to any law for the time being in force, where the Court at any
time thinks it necessary [193][to examine any person, including a party to the suit] and not called as witness
by a party to the suit, the Court may, of its own motion, cause such person to be summoned as a witness to
give evidence, or to produce any document in his possession on a day to be appointed, and may examine
him as a witness or require him to produce such document.
15. Duty of persons summoned give evidence or produce document— Subject as last aforesaid, whoever is
summoned to appear and give evidence in a suit shall attend at the time an place named in the summons for
that purpose, and whoever is summoned to produce a document shall either attend to produce it, or cause it
to be produced, at such time and place.
16. When they may depart— (1) A person so summoned and attending shall, unless the Court otherwise
directs, attend at each hearing until the suit has been disposed of.
(2) On the application of either party and the payment through the Court of all necessary expenses (if any),
the Court may require any person so summoned and attending to furnish security to attend at the next or any
other hearing or until the suit is disposed of and, in default of his furnishing such security, may order him to
be detained in the civil prison.
17. Application of rules 10 to 13— The provisions of rules 10 to 13 shall, so far as they are applicable, be
deemed to apply to any person who having attended in compliance with a summons departs, without lawful
excuse, in contravention of rule 16.
18. Procedure where witness apprehended cannot give evidence or produce document— Where any person
arrested under a warrant is brought before the Court in custody and cannot, owing to the absence of the
parties or any of them , give the evidence or produce the document which he has been summoned to give or
produce, the Court may require him to give reasonable bail or other security for his appearance at such time
and place as it thinks fit, on such bail or security being given, may release him, and, in default of his giving
such bail or security, any order him to be detained in the civil prison.
19. No witness to be ordered to attend in person unless resident within certain limits— No one shall be
ordered to attend in person to give evidence unless he resides—
(a) within the local limits of the Court's ordinary original jurisdiction, or
(b) without such limits but at a place less than [194][one hundred] or (where there is railway or steamer
communication or other established public conveyance for five-sixths of the distance between the place
where he resides and the place were the Court is situate) less than [195][five hundred kilometers] distance
from the Court-house :
[196] [Provided that where transport by air is available between the two places mentioned in this rule and the
witness is paid the fare by air, he may be ordered to attend in person.]
20. Consequence of refusal of party to give evidence when called on by Court— Where any party to a suit
present in Court refuses, without lawful excuse, when required by the Court, to give evidence or to produce
any document then and there in his possession or power, the Court may pronounce judgment against him or
make such order in relation to the suit as it thinks fit.
21. Rules as to witnesses to apply to parties summoned— Where any party to a suit is required to give
evidence or to produce a document, the provisions as to witnesses shall apply to him so for as they are
1. Definitions— In this Order,—
(a) "detained" includes detained under any law providing for preventive detention;
(b) "prison" includes—
(i) any place which has been declared by the State Government, by general or special order, to be a
subsidiary jail; and
(ii) any reformatory, borstal institution or other institution of a like nature.
2. Power to require attendance of prisoners to give evidence— Where it appears to a Court that the evidence
of a person confined or detained in a prison within the State is material in a suit, the Court may make an
order requiring the officer in charge of the prison to produce that person before the Court to give evidence :
Provided that, if the distance from the prison to the Court-house is more than twenty-five kilometres, no such
order shall be made unless the Court is satisfied that the examination of such person on commission will not
be adequate.
3. Expenses to be paid into Court— (1) Before making any order under rule 2, the Court shall require the
party at whose instance or for whose benefit the order is to be issued, to pay into Court such sum of money
as appears to the Court to be sufficient to defray the expenses of the execution of the order, including the
traveling and other expenses of the escort provided for the witness.
(2) Where the Court is subordinate to a High Court, regard shall be had, in fixing the scale of such expenses,
to any rule made by the High Court in that behalf.
4. Power of State Government to exclude certain persons from the operation of rule 2— (1) The State
Government may, at any time, having regard to the matters specified in sub-rule (2) by general or special
order, direct that nay person or class of persons shall not be removed from the prison in which he or they
may be confined or detained, and thereupon, so long as the order remains in force, no order made under
rule 2, whether before or after the date of the order made by the State Government, shall have effect in
respect of such person or class of persons.
(2) Before making an order under sub-rule (1), the State Government shall have regard to the following
matters, namely :—
(a) the nature of the offence for which, or the grounds on which, the person or class of persons have been
ordered to be confined or detained in prison;
(b) the likelihood of the disturbance of public order if the person or class of persons is allowed to be removed
from the prison; and
(c) the public interest, generally.
5. Officer in charge of prison to abstain from carrying out order in certain cases— Where the person in
respect of whom an order is made under rule 2 —
(a) is certified by the medical officer attached to the prison as unfit to be removed from the prison by reason
of sickness or infirmity; or
(b) is under committal for trial or under remand pending trial or pending a preliminary investigation; or
(c) is in custody for a period which would expire before the expiration of the time required for comply with the
order and for taking him back to the prison in which he is confined or detained ; or
(d) is a person to whom an order made by the State Government under rule 4 applies,the officer in charge of
the prison shall abstain from carrying out the Court's order and shall send to the Court a statement of reason
for so abstaining.
6. Prisoner to be brought to Court in custody—In any other case, the officer in charge of the prison shall,
upon delivery of the Court's order, cause the person named therein to be taken to the Court so as to be
present at the time mentioned in such order, and shall cause him to be kept in custody in or near the Court
until he has been examined or until the Court authorises him to be taken back to the prison in which he is
confined or detained.
7. Power to issue commission for examination of witness in prison—(1) Where it appears to the Court that
the evidence of a person confined or detained in a pison, whether within the State or elsewhere in India, is
material in a suit but the attendance of such person cannot be secured under the preceding provisions of this
order, the Court may issue a commission for the examination of that person in the prison in which he is
confined or detained.
(2) The provisions of Order XXVI shall, so far may be, apply in relation to the examination on commission of
such person in prison as they apply in relation to the examination on commission of any other person.]
1. Court may grant time and adjourn hearing—(1) The Court may, if sufficient cause is shown, at any stage
of the suit grant time to the parties or to any of them, and may from time to time adjourn the hearing of the
(2) Costs of adjournment—In every such case the Court shall fix a day for the further hearing of the suit and
may make such order, as it thinks fit with respect to the costs occasioned by the adjournment:
[198][Provided that,—
(a) When the hearing of the suit has commenced, it shall be continued from day-to-day until all the witnesses
in attendance have been examined, unless the Court finds that, for the exceptional reasons to be recorded
by it, the adjournment of the hearing beyond the following day is necessary.
(b) no adjournment shall be granted at the request of a party, except where the circumstances are beyond
the control of that party.
(c) the fact that the pleader of a party is engaged in another Court, shall not be a ground for adjournment.
(d) where the illness of a pleader or his inability to conduct the case for any reason, other than his being
engaged in another Court, is put forward as a ground for adjournment, the Court shall not grant the
adjournment unless it is satisfied that the party applying for adjournment could not have engaged another
pleader in time.
(e) where a witness is present in Court but a party or his pleader is not present or the party or his pleader,
though present in Court, is not ready to examine or cross-examine the witness, the Court may, if it thinks fit,
record the statement of the witness and pass such orders as it thinks fit dispensing with the examination-in-
chief or cross-examination of the witness, as the case may be, by the party or his pleader not present or not
ready as aforesaid.]
2 . Procedure if parties fail to appear on day fixed,— Where, on any day to which the hearing of the suit is
adjourned, the parties or any of them fail to appear, the Court may proceed to dispose of the suit in one of
the modes directed in that behalf by Order IX or make such other order as it thinks fit.
[199] [Explanation.—Where the evidence or a substantial portion of the evidence of any party has already
been recorded and such party fails to appear on any day to which the hearing of the suit is adjourned, the
Court may, in its discretion, proceed with the case as if such party were present.]
3 . Court may proceed notwithstanding either party fails to produce evidence, etc.— Where any party to a
suit to whom time has been granted fails to produce his evidence, or to cause the attendance of his
witnesses, or to perform any other act necessary to the further progress of the suit, for which time has been
allowed, [200][the Court may, notwithstanding such default,—
(a) if the parties are present, proceed to decide the suit forthwith, or
(b) if the parties are, or any of them is, absent, proceed under rule 2].
1 . Right to begin— The plaintiff has the right to begin unless the defendant admits the facts alleged by the
plaintiff and contends that either in point of law or on some additional facts alleged by the defendant the
plaintiff is not entitled to any part of the relief which he seeks, in which case the defendant has the right to
2 . Statement and production of evidence— (1) On the day fixed for the hearing of the suit or on any other
day to which the hearing is adjourned, the party having the right to begin shall state his case and produce his
evidence in support of the issues which he is bound to prove.
(2) The other party shall then state his case and produce his evidence (if any) and may then address the
Court generally on the whole case.
(3) The party beginning may then reply generally on the whole case.
[201] [(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, the Court may, for reasons to be recorded, direct or
permit any party to examine any witness at any stage.]
3 . Evidence where several issues— Where there are several issues, the burden of proving some of which
lies on the party, the party beginning may, at his option, either produce his evidence on those issues or
reserve it by way of answer to the evidence produced by the other party; and, in the latter case, the party
beginning may produce evidence on those issues after the other party has produced all his evidence, and
the other party may then reply specially on the evidence so produced by the party beginning; but the party
beginning will then be entitled to reply generally on the whole case.
[202][3A . Party to appear before other witnesses— Where a party himself wishes to appear as a witness, he
shall so appear before any other witness on his behalf has been examined, unless the Court, for reasons to
be recorded permits him to appear as his own witness at a later stage.]
4 . Witnesses to be examined in open Court— The evidence of the witnesses in attendance shall be taken
orally in open Court in the presence and under the personal direction and superintendence of the judge.
[203][[204]5 . How evidence shall be taken in appealable cases —In cases in which an appeal is allowed, the
evidence of each witness shall be,—
(a) taken down in the language of the Court,—
(i) in writing by, or in the presence and under the personal direction and superintendence of, the Judge, or
(ii) from the dictation of the Judge directly on a typewriter, or
(b) if the Judge, for reasons to be recorded, so directs, recorded mechanically in the language of the Court in
the presence of the Judge.]
[205]6 . When deposition to be interpreted— Where the evidence is taken down in language different from
that in which it is given, and the witness does not understand the language in which it is taken down, the
evidence as taken down in writing shall be interpreted to him in the language in which it is given.
[206]7 . Evidence under Section 138.— Evidence taken down under section 138 shall be in the form
prescribed by rule 5 and shall be read over and signed and, as occasion may require, interpreted and
corrected as if it were evidence taken down under that rule.
[207]8 . Memorandum when evidence not taken down by Judge— Where the evidence is not taken down in
writing by the Judge, [208][or from his dictation in the open Court, or recorded mechanically in his presence,]
he shall be bound, as the examination of each witness proceeds, to make a memorandum of the substance
of what each witness deposes, and such memorandum shall be written and signed by the Judge and shall
form part of the record.
[209][[210]9 . When evidence may be taken in English— (1) Where English is not the language of the Court,
but all the parties to the suit who appear in person, and the pleaders of such of the parties as appear by
pleaders, do not object to having such evidence as is given in English, being taken down in English, the
Judge may so take it down or cause it to be taken down.
(2) Where evidence is not given in English but all the parties who appear in person, and the pleaders of such
of the parties as appear by pleaders, do not object to having such evidence being taken down in English, the
Judge may take down, or cause to be taken down, such evidence in English.]
10 . Any particular question and answer may be taken down— the Court may, of its own motion or on the
application of any party or his pleader, take down any particular question and answer, or any objection to any
question, if there appears to be any special reason for so doing.
[211]11 . Questions objected to and allowed by Court— Where any question put to a witness is objected to
by a party or his pleader, and the Court allows the same to be put, the Judge shall take down the question,
the answer, the objection and the name of the person making it, together with the decision of the Court
12 . Remarks on demeanour of witnesses— The Court may record such remarks as it thinks material
respecting the demeanour of any witness while under examination.
[212][[213]13 . Memorandum of evidence in unappealable cases— In cases in which an appeal is not
allowed, it shall not be necessary to take down or dictate or record the evidence of the witnesses at length;
but the Judge, as the examination of each witness proceeds, shall make in writing, or dictate directly on the
typewriter, or cause to be mechanically recorded, a memorandum of the substance of what the witness
deposes, and such memorandum shall be signed by the Judge or otherwise authenticated, and shall form
part of the record.]
[214]14 . [Judge unable to make such memorandum to record reasons of his liability.] Rep. by the Code of
Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1976 (104 of 1976), s. 69 (w.e.f. 1-2-1977).
[215]15 . Power to deal with evidence taken before another Judge— (1) Where a Judge is prevented by
death, transfer or other cause from concluding the trial of a suit, his successor may deal with any evidence or
memorandum taken down or made under the foregoing rules as if such evidence or memorandum had been
taken down or made by him or under his direction under the said rules and may proceed with the suit from
the stage at which his predecessor left it.
(2) The provisions of sub-rule (1) shall, so far as they are applicable, be deemed to apply to evidence taken
in a suit transferred under section 24.
[216]16 . Power to examine witness immediately— (1) Where a witness is about to leave the jurisdiction of
the Court, or other sufficient cause is shown to the satisfaction of the Court why his evidence should be
taken immediately, the Court may upon the application of any party or of the witness, at any time after the
institution of the suit, take the evidence of such witness in manner herein before provided.
(2) Where such evidence is not taken forthwith and in the presence of the parties, such notice as the Court
thinks sufficient, of the day fixed for the examination, shall be given to the parties.
(3) The evidence so taken shall be read over to the witness, and if he admits it to be correct, shall be signed
by him, and the Judge shall, if necessary, correct the same, and shall sign it, and it may then be read at any
hearing of the suit.
17 . Court may recall and examine witness— The Court may at any stage of a suit recall any witness who
has been examined and may (subject to the law of evidence for the time being in force) put such questions to
him as the Court thinks fit.
[217]17A . Production of evidence not previously known or which could not be produced despite due
diligence— Where a party satisfies the Court that after the exercise of due diligence, any evidence was not
within his knowledge or could not be produced by him at the time when that party was leading his evidence,
the Court may permit that party to produce that evidence at a later stage on such terms as may appear to it
to be just.]
18 . Power of Court to inspect— The Court may at any stage of a suit inspect any property or thing
concerning which any question may arise [218][and where the Court inspects any property or thing it shall,
as soon as may be practicable, make a memorandum of any relevant facts observed at such inspection and
such memorandum shall form a part of the record of the suit.]
1 . Power to order any point to be proved by affidavit— Any Court may at any time for sufficient reason order
that any particular fact or facts may be proved by affidavit, or that the affidavit of any witness may be read at
the hearing, on such conditions as the Court thinks reasonable :
Provided that where it appears to the Court that either party bona fide desires the production of a witness for
cross-examination, and that such witness can be produced, an order shall not be made authorizing the
evidence of such witness to be given by affidavit.
Uttar Pradesh.— For the existing proviso, substitute the following:—
"Provided that if it appears to the Court, whether at the instance of either party or otherwise and whether
before or after the filing of such affidavit, that the production of such witness for cross-examination is
necessary and his attendance can be procured, the Court shall order the attendance of such witness,
whereupon the witness may be examined, cross- examined and re-examined.".
[U.P. Act (57 of 1976)].
Madhya Pradesh.— Insert the following rule, after rule 1:—
"1-A. Proof of fact by affidavit in certain cases.— Notwithstanding anything contrary to rule 1, the Court shall,
in a suit or proceeding referred to in sub-rule 3-B of Order 1 and whether or not any proceeding under the
Madhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings Act, 1960 are pending before the Competent Authority
appointed under that Act, call upon the parties to prove any particular fact or facts as it may direct, by
affidavit, unless the Court looking to the nature and complexity of the suit or proceeding and for reasons to
be recorded in writing deems it just and expedient to dispense with the proof of a fact or facts by affidavits.".
[M.P. Act 29 of 1984].
2 . Power to order attendance of deponent for cross- examination— (1) Upon any application evidence may
be given by affidavit, but the Court may, at the instance of either party, order the attendance for cross-
examination of the deponent.
(2) Such attendance shall be in Court, unless the deponent is exempted from personal appearance in Court
or the Court otherwise directs.
3 . Matters to which affidavits shall be confined— (1) Affidavits shall be confined to such facts as the
deponent is able of his own knowledge to prove, except on interlocutory applications, on which statements of
his belief may be admitted, provided that the grounds thereof are stated.
(2) The costs of every affidavit which shall unnecessarily set forth matters of hear say or argumentative
matter, or copies of or extracts from document, shall (unless the Court otherwise directs) be paid by the party
filing the same.
[219]1 . Judgment when pronounced— [220][(1)] The Court, after the case has been shall pronounce
judgment in open Court either at once or, as soon thereafter as may be practicable, on some future day; and
when the judgment is to be pronounced on some future day,the Court shall fix a day for that purpose, of
which due notice shall be given to the parties or their pleader:]
[221] [Provided that where the judgment is not pronounced at once, every endeavour shall be made by the
Court to pronounce the judgment within fifteen days from the date on which the hearing of the case was
concluded but, where it is not practicable so to do, the Court shall fix a future day for the pronouncement of
the judgment, and such day shall not ordinarily be a day beyond thirty days from the date on which the
hearing of the case was concluded, adduce notice of the day so fixed shall be given to the parties or their
pleader :
Provided further that, where a judgment is not pronounced within thirty days from the date on which the
hearing of the case was concluded, the Court shall record the reasons for such delay and shall fix a future
day on which the judgment will be pronounced and due notice of the day so fixed shall be given to the parties
or their pleaders].
[222] [(2) Where a written judgment is to be pronounced, it shall be sufficient if the findings of the Court on
each issue and the final order passed in the case are read out and it shall not be necessary for the Court to
read out the whole judgment, but a copy of the whole judgment shall be made available for the perusal of the
parties or the pleaders immediately after the judgment is pronounced.
(3) The judgment may be pronounced by dictation in open Court to a shorthand writer if the Judge is
specially empowered by the High Court in this behalf:
Provided that, where the judgment is pronounced by dictation in open Court, the transcript of the judgment
so pronounced shall, after making such correction therein as may be necessary, be signed by the judge,
bear the date on which it was pronounced, and form a part of the record.]
2 . Power to pronounce judgment written by judge's predecessor— [223][A Judge shall] pronounce a
judgment written, but not pronounced, by his predecessor.
[224]3 . Judgment to be signed— The judgment shall be dated and signed by the Judge in open Court at the
time of pronouncing it and, when once signed, shall not afterwards be altered or added, to save as provided
by section 152 or on review.
[225]4 . Judgments of Small Cause Courts— (1) Judgments of a Court of Small Causes need not contain
more than the points for determination and the decision thereon.
(2) Judgments of other Courts[1]—Judgments of other Courts contain a concise statement of the case, the
points for determination, the decision thereon, and the reasons for such decision.
[226]5 . Court to state its decision on each issue— In suits in which issue, have been framed, the Court shall
state its finding or decision, with the reasons therefore, upon separate issue, unless the finding upon any one
or more of the issue is sufficient for the suit.
[227][5A . Court to inform parties as to where an appeal lies in cases where parties are not represented by
pleaders— Except where both the parties are represented by pleaders, the Court shall, when it pronounces
its judgment in a case subject to appeal, inform the parties present in Court as to the Court to which an
appeal lies and the period of limitation for the filing of such appeal and place on record the information so
given to the parties.]
6 . Contents of decree— (1)The decree shall agree with the judgment; it shall contain the number of the suit,
the [228][names and descriptions of the parties, their registered addresses,] and particulars of the claim and
shall specify clearly the relief granted or other determination of the suit.
(2) The decree shall also state the amount of costs incurred in the suit, and by whom or out of what property
and in what proportions such costs are to be paid.
(3) The Court may direct that the costs payable to one party by the other shall be set off against any sum
which is admitted or found to be due from the former to the latter.
[229][6A . Last paragraph of judgment to indicate in precise terms the reliefs granted— (1) The last
paragraph of the judgment shall state in precise terms the relief which has been granted by such judgment.
(2) Every endeavour shall be made to ensure that the decree is drawn up as expeditiously as possible, and,
in any case, within fifteen days from the date on which the judgment is pronounced; but where the decree is
not drawn up within the time aforesaid, the Court shall if requested so to do by a party desirous of appealing
against the decree, certify that the decree has not been drawn up and indicate in the certificate the reasons
for the delay, and thereupon—
(a) an appeal may be preferred against the decree without filing a copy of the decree and in such a case the
lst paragraph of the judgment shall, for the purposes of rule 1 of Order XLI, be treated as the decree; and
(b) so long as the decree is not drawn up, the last paragraph of the judgment shall be deemed to be the
decree for the purpose of execution and the party interested shall be entitled to apply for a copy of that
paragraph only without being required to apply for a copy of the whole of the judgment; but as soon as a
decree is drawn up, the last paragraph of the judgment shall cease to have the effect of decree for the
purpose of execution or for any other propose :
Provided that, where an application is made for obtaining a copy of only the last paragraph of the judgment,
such copy shall indicate the name and address of all the parties to the suit.
6B . Copies of typewritten judgments when to be made available— Where the judgment is type-written,
copies of the type-written judgment shall, where it is practicable so to do, be made available to the parties
immediately after the pronouncement of the judgment on payment, by the party applying for such copy, of
such charges as may be specified in the rules made by the High Court.]
7 . Date of decree— The decree shall bear the day on which the judgment was pronounced, and when the
Judge has satisfied himself that the decree has been drawn up in accordance with the judgment, he shall
sign the decree.
8 . Procedure where Judge has vacated office before signing decree— Where a Judge has vacated office
after pronouncing judgment but without signing the decree, a decree drawn up in accordance with such
judgment may be signed by his successor or, if the Court has ceased to exist, by the Judge of any Court to
which such Court was subordinate.
9 . Decree for recovery of immovable property— Where the subject-matter of the suit is immovable property,
the decree shall contain a description of such property sufficient to identify the same, and where such
property can be identified boundaries or by numbers in a record of settlement or survey, the decree shall
specify such boundaries or numbers.
10 . Decree for delivery of movable property— Where the suit is for movable property, and the decree is for
the delivery of such property, the decree shall also state the amount of money to be paid as an alternative if
delivery cannot be head.
11 . Decree may direct payment by instalments— (1) Where and in so far as a decree is for the payment of
money, the Court may for any sufficient reason [230][incorporate in the decree after hearing such of the
parties who had appeared personally or by pleader at the last hearing, before judgment, an order that]
payment of the amount decreed shall be postponed or shall be made by installments, with or without interest,
notwithstanding anything contained in the contract under which the money is payable.BUS
(2) Order, after decree, for payment by instalments—After the passing of any such decree the Court may, on
the application of the judgment-debtor and with the consent of the decree-holder, order that payment of the
amount decreed shall be postponed or shall be made by instalments on such terms as to the payment of
interest, the attachment of the property of the judgment-debtor, or the taking of security from him, or
otherwise, as it thinks fit.
12 . Decree for possession and BImesne profits— (1) Where a suit is for the recovery of possession of
immovable property and for rent or mesne profits, the Court may pass a decree—
(a) for the possession of the property;
[231] [(b) for the rents which have accrued on the property during the period prior to the institution of the suit
or directing an inquiry as to such rent;
(ba) for the mesne profits or directing an inquiry as to mesne profits;]
(c) directing an inquiry as to rent or mesne profits from the institution of the suit until—
(i) the delivery of possession to the decree-holder,
(ii) the relinquishment of possession by the judgment-debtor with notice to the decree-holder through the
Court, or
(iii) the expiration of three years from the date of the decree, whichever event first occurs.
(2) Where an inquiry is directed under clause (b) or clause (c), a final decree in respect of the rent or mesne
profits shall be passed in accordance with the result of such inquiry.
[232][12A . Decree for specific performance of contract for the sale or lease of immovable property— Where
a decree for the specific performance of contract for the sale or lease of immovable property orders that the
purchase money or other sum be paid by the purchaser or lessee, it shall specify the period within which the
payment shall be made.]
13 . Decree in administration suit— (1) Where a suit is for an account of any property and for its due
administration under the decree of the Court, the Court shall, before passing the final decree, pass a
preliminary decree ordering such accounts and inquiries to be taken and made, and giving such other
directions as it thinks fit.
(2) In the administration by the Court of the property of any deceased person, if such property proves to be
insufficient for the payment in full of his debts and liabilities, the same rules shall be observed as to the
respective rights of secured and unsecured creditors and as to debts and liabilities provable, and as to the
valuation of annuities and future and contingent liabilities respectively, as may be in force for the time being,
within the local limits of the Court in which the administration suit, is pending with respect to the estates of
persons adjudged or declared insolvent, and all persons who in any such case would be entitled to be paid
out of such property, may come in under the preliminary decree, and make such claims against the same as
they may respectively be entitled to by virtue of this Code.
14 . Decree in pre-emption suit— (1) Where the Court decrees a claim to pre-emption in respect of a
particular sale of property and the purchase-money has not been paid into Court, the decree shall—
(a) specify a day on or before which the purchase-money shall be so paid, and
(b) direct that on payment into Court of such purchase-money, together with the costs (if any) decrees
against the plaintiff, on or before the day referred to in clause (a), the defendant shall deliver possession of
the property to the plaintiff, whose title thereto shall be deemed to have accused from the date of such
payment, but that, if the purchase-money and the costs (if any) are not so paid, the suit shall be dismissed
with costs.
(2) Where the Court has adjudicated upon rival claims to pre-emption, the decree shall direct,—
(a) if and in so far as the claims decreed are equal in degree, that the claim of each pre-emptor complying
with the provisions of sub-rule (1) shall take effect in respect of a proportionate share of the property
including any proportionate share in respect of which the claim of any pre-emptor failing to comply with the
said provisions would but for such default, have taken effect; and
(b) if and in so far as the claims decreed are different in degree, that the claim of the inferior pre-emption
shall not take effect unless and until the superior pre-emptor has failed to comply with the said provisions.
15 . Decree in suit for dissolution of partnership— Where a suit is for the dissolution of partnership, or the
taking of partnership accounts, the Court, before passing a final decree, may pass a preliminary decree
declaring the proportionate shares of the parties, fixing the day on which the partnership shall stand
dissolved or be deemed to have been dissolved, and directing such accounts to be taken, and other acts to
be done, as it thinks fit.
16 . Decree in suit for account between principal and agent— In a suit for an account of pecuniary
transactions between a principal and an agent, and in any other suit not herein before provided for, where it
is necessary, in order to ascertain the amount of money due to or from any party, that an account should be
taken, the Court shall, before passing its final decree, pass preliminary decree directing such accounts to be
taken as it thinks fit.
17 . Special directions as to accounts— The Court may either by the decree directing an account to be taken
or by any subsequent order give special directions with regard to the mode in which the account is to be
taken or vouched and in particular may direct that in taking the account the books of account in which the
accounts in question have been kept shall be taken as prima facie evidence of the truth of the matters
therein contained with liberty to the parties interested to take such objection thereto as they may be advised.
18 . Decree in suit for partition of property or separate possession of a share therein— Where the Court
passes a decree for the partition of property or for the separate possession of a share therein, then,—
(1) if and in so far as the decree relates to an estate assessed to the payment of revenue to the Government,
the decree shall declare the rights of the several parties interested in the property, but shall direct such
partition or separation to be made by the Collector, or any gazetted subordinate of the Collector deputed by
him in this behalf, in accordance with such declaration and with the provisions of section 54;
(2) if and in so far as such decree relates to any other immovable property or to movable property, the Court
may, if the partition or separation cannot be conveniently made without further inquiry, pass a preliminary
decree declaring the right of the several parties interested in the property and giving such further directions
as may be required.
19 . Decree when set-off or counter-claims is allowed— (1) Where the defendant has been allowed a set-off
[233] [or counter-claim] against the claim of the plaintiff, the decree shall state what amount is due to the
plaintiff and what amount is due to the defendant, and shall be for the recovery of any sum which appears to
be due to either party.
(2) Appeal from decree relating to set-off or counter-claim—Any decree passed in a suit in which a set-off
[234][or counter-claim] is claimed shall be subject to the same provisions in respect of appeal to which it
would have been subject if not set-off [235] [or counter-claim] had been claimed.
(3) The provisions of this rule shall apply whether the set-off is admissible under rule 6 of Order VIII or
20 . Certified copies of judgment and decree to be furnished— Certified copies of the judgment and decree
shall be furnished to the parties on application to the Court, and at their expense.
1 . Provisions relating to certain items— Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of this Code
relating to costs, the Court may award costs in respect of,—
(a) expenditure incurred for the giving of any notice required to be given by law before the institution of the
(b) expenditure incurred on any notice which, though not required to be given by law, has been given by any
party to the suit to any other party before the institution of the suit;
(c) expenditure incurred on the typing, writing or printing of pleadings filed by any party;
(d) charges paid by a party for inspection of the records of the Court for the purposes of the suit;
(e) expenditure incurred by a party for producing witnesses, even though not summoned through Court, and
(f) in the case of appeals, charges incurred by a party for obtaining any copies of judgments and decrees
which are required to be filed along with the memorandum of appeal.
2 . Costs to be awarded in accordance with the rules made by High Court— The award of costs under this
rule shall be in accordance with such rules as the High Court may make in that behalf.]
Payment under decree
[237][1 . Modes of paying money under decree— (1) All money, payable under a decree shall be paid as
follows, namely :—
(a) by deposit into the Court whose duty it is to execute the decree, or sent to that Court by postal money
order or through a bank; or
(b) out of Court, to the decree-holder by postal money order or through a bank or by any other mode wherein
payment is evidenced in writing; or
(c) otherwise, as the Court which made the decree, directs.
(2) Where any payment is made under clause (a) or clause (c) of sub rule (1), the judgment-debtor shall give
notice thereof to the decree-holder either through the Court or directly to him by registered post,
acknowledgement due.
(3) Where money is paid by postal money order or through a bank under clause (a) or clause (b) of sub-rule
(1), the money order or payment through bank, as the case may be, shall accurately state the following
particulars, namely : —
(a) the number of the original suit;
(b) the names of the parties or where there are more than two plaintiffs or more than two defendants, as the
case may be, the names of the first two plaintiffs and the first two defendants;
(c) how the money remitted is to be adjusted, that is to say, whether it is towards the principal, interest or
(d) the number of the execution case of the Court, where such case is pending; and
(e) the name and address of the payer.
(4) On any amount paid under clause (a) or clause (c) of sub-rule (1) interest, if any, shall cease to run from
the date of service of the notice referred to in sub-rule (2).
(5) On any amount paid under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) interest, if any, shall cease to run from the date of
such payment :
Provided that, where the decree-holder refuses to accept the postal order or payment through a bank,
interest shall cease to run from the date on which the money was tendered to him, or where he avoids
acceptance of the postal money order or payment through bank, interest shall cease to run from the date on
which money would have been tendered to him in the ordinary course of business of the postal authorities or
the bank, as the case may be.]
2 . Payment out of Court to decree-holder— (1) Where any money payable under a decree of any kind is
paid out of Court. [238][or decree of any kind is otherwise adjusted] in whole or in part to the satisfaction of
the decree-holder, the decree- holder shall certify such payment or adjustment to the Court whose duty it is
to execute the decree, and the Court shall record the same accordingly.
(2) The judgment-debtor [239][or any person who has become surety for the judgment-debtor] also may
inform the Court of such payment or adjustment, and apply to the Court to issue a notice to the decree-
holder to show cause, on a day to be fixed by the Court, why such payment or adjustment should not be
recorded as certified; and if, after service of such notice, the decree-holder fails to show cause why the
payment or adjustment should not be recorded as certified, the Court record the same accordingly.
[240] [(2A) No payment or adjustment shall be recorded at the instance of the judgment- debtor unless—
(a) the payment is made in the manner provided in rule 1; or
(b) the payment or adjustment is proved by documentary evidence; or
(c) the payment or adjustment is admitted by, or on behalf of, the decree-holder in his reply to the notice
given under sub-rule (2) of rule 1, on before the Court.]
[241] (3) A payment or adjustment, which has not been certified or recorded as aforesaid, shall not be
recognized by any Court executing the decree.
Courts executing decrees
3 . Lands situate in more than one jurisdiction— Where immovable property forms one estate or tenure
situate within the local limits of jurisdiction of two or more Court, any one of such Courts may attach and sell
the entire estate or tenure.
4 . Transfer to Court of Small Causes— Where a decree has been passed in a suit of which the value as set
forth in the plaint did not exceed two thousand rupees and which, as regards its subject-matter, is not
excepted by the law for the time being in force from the cognizance of either a Presidency or a Provincial
Court of Small Causes, and the Court which passed it wishes it to be executed in Calcutta, Madras or
Bombay, such Court may send to the Court of Small Causes in Calcutta, Madras or Bombay, as the case
may be, the copies and certificates mentioned in rule 6; and such Court of Small Causes shall thereupon
execute the decree as if it had been passed by itself.
[242][5 . Mode of transfer— Where a decree is to be sent for execution to another Court, the Court which
passed such decree shall send the decree directly to such other Court whether or not such Court is situated
in the same State, but the Court to which the decree is sent for execution shall, if it has no jurisdiction to
execute the decree, send it to the Court having such jurisdiction.]
6 . Procedure where Court desires that its own decree shall be executed by another Court— The Court
sending a decree for execution shall send—
(a) a copy of the decree;
(b) a certificate setting forth that satisfaction of the decree has not been obtained by execution within the
jurisdiction of the Court by which it was passed, or, where the decree has been executed in part, the extent
to which satisfaction has been obtained and what part of the decree remains unsatisfied; and
(c) a copy of any order for the execution of the decree, or, if no such order has been made, a certificate to
that effect.
7 . Court receiving copies of decree, etc. to file same without proof— The Court to which a decree is so sent
shall cause such copes and certificates to be filed, without any further proof of the decree or order for
execution, or of the copies thereof, unless the Court, for any special reasons to be recorded under the hand
of the Judge, requires such proof.
8 . Execution of decree or order by Court to which it is sent— Where such copies are so filed, the decree or
order may, if the Court to which it is sent is the District Court, be executed by such or be transferred for
execution to any subordinate Court of competent jurisdiction.
9 . Execution of High Court of decree transferred by other Court— Where the Court to which the decree is
sent for execution is a High Court, the decree shall be executed by such Court in the same manner as if it
had been passed by such Court in exercise of its ordinary original civil jurisdiction.
Application for execution
10 . Application for execution— Where the holder of a decree desires to execute it, he shall apply to the
Court which passed the decree or to the officer (if any) appointed in this behalf, or if the decree has been
sent under the provisions hereinbefore contained to another Court then to such Court or to the proper officer
11 . Oral application— (1) Where a decree is for the payment of money the Court may, on the oral
application of the decree-holder at the time of passing of the decree, order immediate execution thereof by
the arrest of the judgment-debtor, prior to the preparation of a warrant if he is within the precincts of the
(2) Written application—Save as otherwise provided by sub-rule(1), every application for the execution of a
decree shall be in writing, signed and verified by the applicant or by some other person proved to the
satisfaction of the Court to be acquainted with the facts of the case, and shall contain in a tabular form the
following particulars, namely—
(a) the number of the suit;
(b) the names of the parties;
(c) the date of the decree;
(d) whether any appeal has been preferred from the decree;
(e) whether any, and (if any) what, payment or other adjustment of the matter in controversy has been made
between the parties subsequently to the decree;
(f) whether any, and (if any) what, previous applications have been made for the execution of the decree, the
dates of such applications and their results;
(g) the amount with interest (if any) due upon the decree, or other relief granted thereby, together with
particulars of any cross-decree, whether passed before or after the date of the decree sought to be
(h) the amount of the costs (if any) awarded;
(i) the name of the person against whom execution of the decree is sought; and
(j) the mode in which the assistance of the Court is required whether—
(i) by the delivery of any property specifically decreed;
[243] [(ii) by the attachment, or by the attachment and sale, or by the sale without attachment, of any
(iii) by the arrest and detention in prison of any person;
(iv) by the appointment of a receiver;
(v) otherwise, as the nature of the relief granted may require.
(3) The Court to which an application is made under sub-rule (2) may require the applicant to produce a
certified copy of the decree.
[244][11A . Application for arrest to state grounds— Where an application is made for the arrest and
detention in prison of the judgment-debtor, it shall state, or be accompanied by an affidavit stating, the
grounds on which arrest is applied for.]
12 . Application for attachment of movable property not in judgment-debtor's possession— Where an
application is made for the attachment of any movable property belonging to a judgment-debtor in his
possession, the decree-holder shall annex to the application an inventory of the property to be attached,
containing a reasonably accurate description of the same.
13 . Application for attachment of immovable property to contain certain particulars— Where an application is
made for the attachment of any immovable property belonging to a judgment-debtor, it shall contain at the
(a) a description such property sufficient to identify the same and, in case such property can be identified by
boundaries or numbers in a record of settlement or survey, a specification of such boundaries or numbers;
(b) a specification of the judgment-debtor's share or interest in such property to the best of the belief of the
applicant, and so far as he has been able to ascertain the same.
14 . Power to require certified extract from Collector's register in certain cases— Where an application is
made for the attachment of any land which is registered in the office of the Collector, the Court may require
the applicant to produce a certified extract from the register of such office, specifying the persons registered
as proprietors of, or as possessing any transferable interest in, the land or its revenue, or as liable to pay
revenue for the land, and the shares of the registered proprietors.
15 . Application for execution by joint decree-holders— (1) Where a decree has been passed jointly in favour
of more persons than one, any one or more such persons may, unless the decree imposes any condition to
the contrary, apply for the execution of the whole decree for the benefit of them all, or, where of them has
died, for the benefit of the survivors and the legal representatives of the deceased.
(2) Where the Court sees sufficient cause for allowing the decree to be executed on an application made
under this rule, it shall make such order as it deems necessary for protecting the interest of the persons who
have not joined in the application.
16 . Application for execution by transferee of decree— Where a decree or, if a decree has been passed
jointly in favour of two or more persons, the interest of any decree-holder in the decree in transferred by
assignment in writing or by operation of law, the transferee may apply for execution of the decree to the
Court which passed if, and the decree may be executed in the same manner and subject to the same
conditions as if the application were made by such decree-holder :
Provided also that, where the decree, or such interest as aforesaid, has been transferred by assignment,
notice of such application shall be given to the transferor and the judgment-debtor, and the decree shall not
be executed until the Court has heard their objections (if any) to its execution :
Provided also that, where a decree for the payment of money against two or more persons has been
transferred to one of them, it shall not be executed against the others.
[245] [Explanation.—Nothing in this rule shall affect the provisions of section 146, and a transferee of rights
in the property, which is the subject matter of the suit, may apply for execution of the decree without a
separate assignment of the decree as required by this rule.]
17 . Procedure on receiving application for execution of decree— (1) On receiving an application for the
execution of a decree as provided by rule 11, sub-rule (2), the Court shall ascertain whether such of the
requirement's of rules 11 to 14 as may be applicable to the case have been complied with; and if, they have
not been complied with, [246][the Court shall allow] the defect to be remedied then and there or within a time
to be fixed by it.
[247] [(1A) If the defect is not so remedied, the Court shall reject the application:
Provided that where, in the Court, there is some inaccuracy as to the amount referred to in clauses (g) and
(h) of sub-rule (2) of rule 11, the Court, instead of rejecting the application, decide provisonally (without
prejudice to the right of the parties to have the amount finally decided in the course of the proceedings) the
amount and make an order for the execution of the decree for the amount so provisionally decided.]
(2) Where an application is amended under the provisions of sub-rule (1), it shall be deemed to have been
an application in accordance with law and presented on the date when it was first presented.
(3) Every amendment made under this rule shall be signed or initialled by the Judge.
(4) When the application is admitted, the Court shall enter in the proper register a note of the application and
the date on which it was made, and shall, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, order execution of
the decree according to the nature of the application:
Provided that, in the case of a decree for the payment of money, the value of the property attached shall, as
nearly as may be, correspond with the amount due under the decree.
18 . Execution in case of cross-decrees— (1) Where applications are made to a Court for the execution of
cross-decrees in separate suits for the payment of two sums of money passed between the same parties
and capable of execution at the same time by such Court, then—
(a) if the two sums are equal, satisfaction shall be entered upon both decrees; and
(b) if the two sums are unequal execution may be taken out only by the holder of the decree for the larger
sum and for so much only as remains after deducting the smaller sum, and satisfaction for the smaller sum
shall be entered on the decree for the larger sum as well as satisfaction on the decree for the smaller sum.
(2) This rule shall be deemed to apply where either party is an assignee of one of the decrees and as well in
respect of judgment-debts due by the original assignor as in respect of judgment-debts due by the assignee
(3) This rule shall not be deemed to apply unless—
(a) the decree holder in one of the suits which the decrees have been made is the judgment-debtor in the
other and each party files the same character in both suits; and
(b) the sums due under the decrees are definite.
(4) The holder of a decree passed against several persons jointly and severally my treat is as a cross-decree
in relation to a decree against him singly in favour of one or more of such persons.
(a) A holds a decree against B for Rs. 1,000. B holds a decree against A for the payment of Rs. 1,000 in
case A fails to deliver certain goods at a future day. B cannot treat his decree as a cross-decree under this
(b) A and B, co-plaintiffs, obtain a decree for Rs. 1,000 against C, and C obtain a decree for Rs. 1,000 1,000
against B. C cannot treat his decree as a cross-decree under this rule.
(c) A obtains a decree against B for Rs. 1,000 C, who is a trustee for B, obtains a decree on behalf of B
against A for Rs. 1,000 B cannot treat C's decree as a cross-decree under this rule.
(d) A, B, C, D and E are jointly and severely liable for Rs. 1,000 under a decree obtained by F. A obtains a
decree for Rs. 1,000 against F singly and applies for execution to the Court in which the joint-decree is being
executed. F may treat his joint-decree as cross-decree under this rule.
19 . Execution in case of cross-claims under same decree— Where application is made to a Court for the
execution of a decree under which two parties are entitled to recover sums of money from each other, then—
(a) if the two sums are equal, satisfaction for both shall be entered upon the decree; and
(b) if the two sums are unequal, execution may be taken out only by the party entitled to the larger sum and
for so much only as remains after deducting the smaller sum, and satisfaction for the smaller sum shall be
entered upon the decree.
20 . Cross-decrees and cross-claims in mortgage-suits— The provisions contained in rules 18 and 19 shall
apply to decrees for sale in enforcement of a mortgage or charge.
21 . Simultaneous execution— The Court may, in its discretion, refuse execution at the same time against
the person and property of the judgment-debtor.
22 . Notice to show cause against execution in certain cases— (1) Where an application for execution is
(a) more than [248][two years] after the date of the decree, or
(b) against the legal representative of a party to the decree or where an application is made for execution of
a decree filed under the provisions of section 44A,[249][or]
[250] [(c) against the assignee or receiver in insolvency, where the party to the decree has been adjudged to
be an insolvent,]
the Court executing the decree shall issue a notice to the person against whom execution is applied for
requiring him to show cause, on a date to be fixed, why the decree should not be executed against him :
Provided that no such notice shall be necessary in consequence of more than [251][two years] having
elapsed between the date of the decree and the application for execution if the application is made within
[252][two years] from the date of the last order against the party against whom execution is applied for, made
on any previous application for execution, or in consequence of the application being made against the legal
representative of the judgment-debtor if upon a previous application for execution against the same person
the Court has ordered execution to issue against him.
(2) Nothing in the foregoing sub-rule shall be deemed to preclude the Court from issuing any process in
execution of a decree without issuing the notice thereby prescribed, if, for reasons to be recorded, it
considers that the issue of such notice would cause unreasonable delay or would defeat the ends of justice.
[253][22A . Sale not to be set aside on the death of the judgment-debtor before the sale but after the service
of the proclamation of sale.— Where any property is sold in execution of a decree, the sale shall not be set
aside merely by reason of the death of the judgment-debtor between the date of issue of the proclamation of
sale and the date of the sale notwithstanding the failure of the decree-holder to substitute the legal
representative of such deceased judgment-debtor, but, in case of such failure, the Court may set aside the
sale if it is satisfied that the legal representative of the deceased judgment-debtor has been prejudiced by the
23 . Procedure after issue of notice— (1) Where the person to whom notice is issued under [254][rule 22]
does not appear or does not show cause to the satisfaction of the Court why the decree should not be
executed the Court shall order the decree to be executed.
(2) Where such person offers any objection to the execution of the decree, the Court shall consider such
objection and make such order as it thinks fit.
Process for execution
24 . Process for execution— (1) When the preliminary measures (if any) required by the foregoing rules have
been taken, the Court shall, unless it sees cause to the contrary, issue its process for the execution of the
(2) Every such process shall bear date the day on which it is issued, and shall be signed by the Judge or
such officer as the Court may appoint in this behalf, and shall be sealed with the seal of the Court and
delivered to the proper officer to be executed.
[255] [(3)] In every such process, a day shall be specified on or before which it shall be executed and a day
shall also be specified on or before which it shall be returned to the Court, but no process shall be deemed to
be void if no day for its return is specified therein.]
25 . Endorsement on process— (1) The officer entrusted with the execution of the process shall endorse
thereon the day on, and the manner in which it was executed, and, if the latest day specified in the process
for the return thereof has been exceeded, the reason of the delay, or, if it is executed, the reason why it was
not executed, and shall return the process with such endorsement to the Court.
(2) Where the endorsement is to the effect that such officer is unable to execute the process, the Court shall
examine him touching his alleged inability, and may, if it thinks fit, summon and examine witnesses as to
such inability, and shall record the result.
Stay of execution
26 . When Court may stay execution— (1) the Court to which a decree has been sent for execution shall,
upon sufficient cause being shown, stay the execution of such decree for a reasonable time, to enable the
judgment-debtor to apply to the Court by which the decree was passed, or to any Court having appellate
jurisdiction in respect of the decree or the execution thereof, for an order to stay execution, or for any other
order relating to the decree or execution which might have been made by such Court of first instance or
Appellate Court if execution had been issued thereby, or if application for execution had been made thereto.
(2) Where the property or person of the judgment-debtor has been seized under an execution, the Court
which issued the execution may order the restitution of such property or the discharge of such person
pending the result of the application.
(3) Power to require security from, or impose conditions upon, judgment-debtor—Before making an order to
stay execution, or for the restitution of property or the discharge of the judgment-debtor, [256][the Court shall
require] such security from, or impose such conditions upon, the judgment-debtor as it thinks fit.
27 . Liability of judgment-debtor discharged— No order of restitution or discharge under rule 26 shall prevent
the property or person of a judgment-debtor from being retaken in execution of the decree sent for execution.
28 . Order of Court which passed decree or of Appellate Court to be binding upon Court applied to— Any
order of the Court by which the decree was passed, or of such Court of appeal as aforesaid, in relation to the
execution of such decree, shall be binding upon the Court to which the decree was sent for execution.
29 . Stay of execution pending suit between decree-holder and judgment-debtor— Where a suit is pending in
any Court against the holder of a decree of such Court [257] [or of a decree which is being executed by such
Court], on the part of the person against whom the decree was passed, the Court may, on such terms as to
security or otherwise, as it thinks fit, stay execution of the decree until the pending suit has been decided :
[258] [Provided that if the decree is one for payment of money, the Court shall, if it grants stay without
requiring security, record its reasons for so doing.]
Mode of execution
30 . Decree for payment of money— Every decree for the payment of money, including a decree for the
payment of money as the alternative to some other relief, may be executed by the detention in the civil prison
of the judgment-debtor, or by the attachment and sale of his property, or by both.
31 . Decree for specific movable property— (1) Where the decree is for any specific movable, or for any
share in a specific movable, it may be executed by the seizure, if practicable, of the movable or share, and
by the delivery thereof to the party to whom it has been adjudged, or to such person as he appoints to
receive delivery on his behalf, or by the detention in the civil prison of the judgment-debtor, or by the
attachment of his property, or by both.
(2) Where any attachment under sub-rule (1) has remained in force for [259][three months] if the judgment-
debtor has not obeyed the decree and the decree-holder has applied to have the attached property sold,
such property may be sold, and out of the proceeds the Court may award to the decree-holder, in cases
where any amount has been fixed by the decree to be paid as an alternative to delivery of movable property,
such amount, and, in other cases, such compensation as it thinks fit, and shall pay the balance (if any) to the
judgment-debtor on his application.
(3) Where the judgment-debtor has obeyed the decree and paid all costs of executing the same which he is
bound to pay, or where, at the end of [260][three months] from the date of attachment, no application to have
the property sold has been made, or, if made, has been refused, the attachment shall cease.
32 . Decree for specific performance for restitution of conjugal rights, or for an injunction— (1) Where the
party against whom a decree for the specific performance of a contract, or for restitution of conjugal rights, or
for an injunction, has been passed, has had an opportunity of obeying the decree and has wilfully failed to
obey it, the decree may be enforced in the case of a decree for restitution of conjugal rights by the
attachment of his property or, in the case of a decree for the specific performance of a contract or for an
injunction by his detention in the civil prison, or by the attachment of his property, or by both.
(2) Where the party against whom a decree for specific performance or for an injunctions been passed is a
corporation, the decree may be enforced by the attachment of the property of the corporation or, with the
leave of the Court by the detention in the civil prison of the directors or other principal officers thereof, or by
both attachment and detention.
(3) Where any attachment under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) has remained in force for [261][six months] if the
judgment-debtor has not obeyed the decree and the decree-holder has applied to have the attached property
sold, such property may be sold; and out of the proceeds the Court may award to the decree-holder such
compensation s it thinks fit, and shall pay the balance (if any) to the judgment-debtor on his application.
(4) Where the judgment-debtor has obeyed the decree and paid all costs of executing the same which he is
bound to pay, or here, at the end of [262][six months] from the date of the attachment, no application to have
the property sold has been made, or if made has been refused, the attachment shall cease.
(5) Where a decree for the specific performance of a contract or for an injunction has not been obeyed, the
Court may, in lieu of or in addition to all or any of the processes aforesaid, direct that the act required to be
done may be done so far as practicable by the decree-holder or some other person appointed by the Court,
at the cost of the judgment-debtor, and upon the act being done the expenses incurred may be ascertained
in such manner as the Court may direct and may be recovered as if they were included in the decree.
A, a person of little substance, effects a building which renders uninhbitable a family mansion belonging to B.
A, in spite of his detention in prison and the attachment of his property, declines to obey a decree obtained
against him by B and directing him to revoe the building. The Court is of opinion that no sum realizable by
the sale of A's property wold adequately compensate B for the depreciation in the value of his mansion. B
may apply to the Court to remove the building and may revocer the cost of such removal from a in the
33 . Discretion of Court in executing decrees for restitution of conjugl rights— (1) Notwithstanding anything in
rule 32, the Court, either at the time of passing a decree agaisnt a husband for the restitution of conjugal
rights or at any time afterwards, may order that the decree shall be executed in the manner provided in this
(2) Where the Court has made an order under sub-rule (1), it may order that, in the event of the decree not
being obeyed within such period as may be fixed in this behalf, the judgment-debtor shall make to the
decree-holder such periodical payments as may be just, and, if it thinks fit, require that the judgment-debtor
shall, to its satisfaction, secure to the decree-holder such periodical payments.
(3) The Court may from time to time vary or modify any order made under sub-rule (2) for the periodical
payment of money, either by altering the times of payment or by increasing or diminishing the amount, or
may temporilay suspend the same as to the whole or any part of the money so ordered to be paid, and again
review the same, either wholly or in part as it may think just.
(4) Any money ordered to be paid under this rule may be recovered as though it were payble under a decree
for the payment of money.
34 . Decree for executin of document, or endoresment of negotiable instrument— (1) Where a decree is for
the execution of a document or for the endorsement for a negotiable instrument and the judgment-debtor
neglects or refuses to obey the decree, the decree-holder may prepare a draft of the document or
endoresement in accordance with the terms of the decree and delvier the same to the Court.
(2) The Court shall thereupon cause the draft to beserved on the judgment-debtor together with a notice
requiring his objections (if any) to be made within such time as the Cout fixes in this behalf.
(3) Where the judgment-debtor object tot he draft, his objections shall be stated in writing within such time,
and the court shall make such order approving or altering the draft, as it thinks fit.
(4) The decree-holder shall deliver to the Court a copy of the draft with such alterations (if any) as the Court
may have directed upon the proper stamp-paper if a stamp is required by the law for the time being in force;
and the Judge or such officer as may be appointed in this behalf shall execute the document so delivered.
(5) The execution of a document or the endorsement of a negotiable instrument under this rule may be in the
following form, namely :—
"C.D., Judge of the Court of
(or as the case may be), for A.B. in suit by E.F. against A.B."
and shall have the same effect as the execution of the document or the endorsement of the negotiable
instrument by the party ordered to execute or endorese the same.
[263] [(6) (a) Where the registration of the document is required under any law for the time being in force, the
Court, or such officer of the court as may be authorised in this behalf by the Court, shall cause the document
to be registered in accordance with such law.
(b) Where the registration of the doucment is not so required, but the decree-holder desires it to be
registered, the Court may make such order as it thinks fit.
(c) Where the Court makes any order for the registration of any document, it may make such order as it
thinkgs fit as to the expenses of registration.]
35 . Decree for immovable property— (1) Where a decree is for the delivery of any immovable property,
possession thereof shall be delviered to the party to whom it has been adjudged, or to such person as he
may appoint to receive delivery on his behalf, and, if necessary, by removing any person bound by the
decree who refuses to vacate the property.
(2) Where a decree is for the joint possession of immovable property, such possession shall be delivered by
afixing a copy of the warrant in some conspicuous place on the property and proclamining the beat of drum,
or other customary mode, at some convenient place, the substance of the decree.
(3) Where possession of any building on enclosure is to be delivered and the person in possession, being
bound by the decree, does not afford free access, the Court, through its officers, may, after giving
reasonable warning and facility to any woman not appearing in public according to the customs of the
country to withdraw, remove or open any lock or bolt or break open any door or do any other act necessary
for putting the decree-holder in possession.
36 . Decree for delivery of immovable property when in occupancy of tenant— Where a decree is for the
delivery of any immovable property in the occupancy of a tenant or other person entitled to occupy the same
and not bound by the decree to relinguish such occupancy, the Court shall order delivery to be made by
affixing a copy of the warrant in some conspicuous place on the property, and proclaiming to the occupant by
beat of drum or other customary mode, at some convenient place, the substance of the decree in regard to
the property.
Arrest and detention in the civil prison
37 . Discretionary power to permit judgment debtor to show cause against detention in prison— (1)
Notwithstanding anything in these rules, where an application is for the execution of a decree for the
payment of money by the arrest and detention in the civil prison of a judgment-debtor who is liable to be
arrested in pursuance of the application, the Court shall, instead of issuing a warrant for his arrest, issue a
notice calling upon him to appear before the Court on a day to be specified in the notice and show cause
why he should not be committed to the civil prison:
Provided that such notice shall not be necessary if the Court is satisfied, by affidavit, or otherwise, that, with
the object or effect of delaying the execution of the decree,the judgment- debtor is likely to abscond or leave
the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court.
38 . Warrant for arrest to direct judgment-debtor to be brought up— Every warrant for the arrest of a
judgment-debtor shall direct the officer entrusted with its execution to bring him before the Court with all
convenient speed, unless the amount which he has been ordered to pay, together with the interest thereon
and the costs (if any) to which he is liable, be sooner paid.
39 . Subsistence allowance— (1) No judgment-debtor shall be arrested in execution of a decree unless and
until the decree-holder into Court such sum as the Judge thinks sufficient for the subsistence of the
judgment- debtor from the time of his arrest until he can be brought before the Court.
(2) Where a judgment-debtor is committed to the civil prison in execution of a decree, the Court shall fix for
his subsistence such monthly allowance as he may be entitled to according to the seales fixed under section
57, or, where no such scales have been fixed, as it considers sufficient with reference to the class to which
he belongs.
(3) The monthly allowance fixed by the Court shall be supplied by the party on whose application the
judgment-debtor has been arrested by monthly payments in advance before the first day of each month.
(4) The first payment shall be made to the proper officer of the Court for such portion of the current month as
remains unexpired before the judgment-debtor is committed to the civil prison, and the subsequent payments
(if any) shall be made to the officer in charge of the civil prison.
(5) Sums disbursed by the decree-holder for the subsistence of the judgment-debtor in the civil prison shall
be deemed to be costs in the suit :
Provided that the judgment-debtor shall not be detained in the civil prison or arrested on account of any sum
so disbursed.
40 . Proceedings on appearance of judement-debtor in obedience to notice or after arrest— (1) When a
judgment-debtor appears before the Court in obedience to a notice issued under rule 37, or is brought before
the Court after being arrested in execution of a decree for the payment of money, the Court shall proceed to
hear the decree-holder and take all such evidence as may be produced by him in support of his application
for execution and shall then give the judgment-debtor an opportunity of showing cause why he should not be
committed to the civil prison.
(2) Pending the conclusion of the inquiry under sub-rule (1) the Court may, in its discretion, order the
judgment-debtor to be detained in the custody of an officer of the Court or release him on his furnishing
security to the satisfaction of the Court for his appearance when required.
(3) Upon the conclusion of the inquiry under sub-rule (1) the Court may, subject to the provisions of section
51 and to the other provisions of the Code, make an order for the detention of the judgment-debtor in the civil
prison and shall in that event cause him to be arrested if he is not already under arrest:
Provided that in order to give the judgment-debtor an opportunity of satisfying the decree, the Court may,
before making the order of detention, leave the judgment-debtor in the custody of an officer of the Court for a
specified period not exceeding fifteen days or release him on his furnishing security to the satisfaction of the
Court for his appearance at the expiration of the specified period if the decree be not sooner satisfied.
(4) A judgment-debtor released under this rule may be re-arrested.
(5) When the Court does not make an order of detention under sub-rule (3), it shall disallow the application
and, if the judgment-debtor is under arrest, direct his release.
Attachment of property
41 . Examination of judgment-debtor as to his property— [264][(1)] Where a decree is for the payment of
money the decree-holder may apply to the Court for an order that—
(a) The judgment-debtor, or
(b) [265][where the judgment-debtor is a corporation], any officer thereof, or
(c) any other person,
be orally examined as to whether any or what debts are owing to the judgment-debtor and whether the
judgment-debtor has any and what other property or means of satisfying the decree; and the Court may
make an order for the attendance and examination of such judgment-debtor, or officer or other person, and
for the production of any books or documents.
[266] [(2) Where a decree for the payment of money has remained unsatisfied for a period of thirty days, the
Court may, on the application of the decree-holder and without prejudice to its power under sub-rule (1), by
order require the judgment-debtor or where the judgment-debtor is a corporation, any officer thereof, to make
an affidavit stating the particulars of the assets of the judgment-debtor.
(3) In case of disobedience of any order made under sub-rule (2), the Court making the order, or any Court
to which the proceeding is transferred, may direct that the person disobeying the order be detained in the
civil prison for a term not exceeding three months unless before the expiry of such term the Court directs his
42 . Attachment in case of decree for rent or mesne profits or other matter, amount of which to be
subsequently determined— Where a decree directs an inquiry as to rent or mesne profits or any other
matter, the property of the judgment-debtor may, before the amount due from him has been ascertained, be
attached, as in the case of an ordinary decree for the payment of money.
43 . Attachment of movable property, other than agricultural produce, in possession of judgment-debtor—
Where the property to be attached is movable property, other than agricultural produce, in the possession of
the judgment-debtor, the attachment shall be made by actual seizure, and the attaching officer shall keep the
property in his own custody or in the custody of one of his subordinates, and shall be responsible for the due
custody thereof:
Provided that, when the property seized is subject to speedy and natural decay, or when the expense of
keeping it in custody is likely to exceed its value, the attaching officer may sell it at once.
[267][43A . Custody of movable property— (1) Where the property attached consists of live-stock,
agricultural implements or other articles which cannot conveniently be removed and the attaching officer
does not act under the proviso to rule 43, he may, at the instance of the judgment-debtor or of the decree-
holder or of any other person claiming to be interested in such property, leave it in the village or place where
it has been attached, in the custody of any respectable person (hereinafter referred to as the "custodian").
(2) If the custodian fails, after due notice, to produce such property at the place named by the Court before
the officer deputed for the purpose or to restore it to the person in whose favour restoration is ordered by the
Court, or if the property, though so produced or restored, is not in the same condition as it was when it was
entrusted to him,—
(a) the custodian shall be liable to pay compensation to the decree-holder, judgment-debtor or any other
person who is found to be entitled to the restoration thereof, for any loss or damage cause by his default; and
(b) such liability may be enforced—
(i) at the instance of the decree-holder, as if the custodian were a surety under section 145;
(ii) at the instance of the judgment-debtor or such other person, on an application in execution; and
(c) any order determining such liability shall be appealable as a decree.]
44 . Attachment of agricultural produce— Where the property to be attached is agricultural produce, the
attachment shall be made by affixing a copy of the warrant of attachment,—
(a) where such produce is a growing crop, on the land on which such crop has grown, or
(b) where such produce has been cut or gathered, on the threshing floor or place for treading out grain or the
like or fodder-stack on or in which it is deposited,
and another copy on the outer door or on some other conspicuous part of the house in which the judgment-
debtor ordinarily resides or, with the leave of the Court, on the outer door or on some other conspicuous part
of the house in which he carries on business or personally works for gain or in which he is known to have last
resided or carried on business or personally worked for gain; and the produce shall thereupon be deemed to
have passed into the possession of the Court.
45 . Provisions as to agricultural produce under attachment— (1) Where agricultural produce is attached, the
Court shall make such arrangements for the custody thereof as it may deem sufficient and, for the purpose of
enabling the Court to make such arrangements, every application for the attachment of a growing crop shall
specify the time at which it is likely to be fit to be cut or gathered.
(2) Subject to such conditions as may be imposed by the Court in this behalf either in the order of attachment
or in any subsequent order, the judgment-debtor may tend, cut, gather and store the produce and do any
other act necessary for maturing or preserving it; and if the judgment-debtor fails to do all or any of such
acts, the decree-holder may, with the permission of the Court and subject to the like conditions, do all or any
of them either by himself or by any person appointed by him in this behalf and the costs incurred by the
decree-holder shall be recoverable from the judgment-debtor as if they were included in, or formed part of,
the decree.
(3) Agricultural produce attached as a growing crop shall not be deemed to have ceased to be under
attachment or to require re-attachment merely because it has been severed from the soil.
(4) Where an order for the attachment of a growing crop has been made at a considerable time before the
crop is likely to be fit to be cut or gathered, the Court may suspend the execution of the order for such time
as it thinks fit, and may, in its discretion, make a further order prohibiting the removal of the crop pending the
execution of the order of attachment.
(5) A growing crop which from its nature does not admit of being stored shall not be attached under the rule
at any time less than twenty days before the time at which it is likely to be fit to be cut or gathered.
46. Attachment of debt, share and other property not in possession of Judgment-debtor — (1) In the case
(a) a debt not secured by a negotiable instrument,
(b) a share in the capital of a corporation,
(c) other movable property not in the possession of the judgment- debtor, except property deposited in, or in
the custody of, any Court,
the attachment shall be made by a written order prohibiting,—
(i) in the case of the debt, the credit or from recovering the debt and the debtor from making payment thereof
until the further order of the Court;
(ii) in the case of the share, the person in whose name the share may be standing from transferring the same
or receiving any dividend thereon;
(iii) in the case of the other movable property except as aforesaid, the person in possession of the same from
giving it over to the judgment-debtor.
(2) A copy of such order shall be affixed on some conspicuous part of the court-house, and another copy
shall be sent in the case of the debt, to the debtor, in the case of the share, to the proper officer of the
corporation and, in the case of the other movable property (except as aforesaid), to the person in possession
of the same.
(3) A debtor prohibited under clause (i) of sub-rule (1) may pay the amount of his debt into Court, and such
payment shall discharge him as effectually as payment to the party entitled to receive the same.
[268][46A . Notice to garnishee— (1) The Court may in the case of a debt (other than a debt secured by a
mortgage or a charge) which has been attached under rule 46, upon the application of the attaching creditor,
issue notice to the garnishee liable to pay such debt, calling upon him either to pay into Court the debt due
from him to the judgment-debtor or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy the decree and costs of
execution, or to appear and show cause why he should not do so.
(2) An application under sub-rule (l) shall be made on affidavit verifying the facts alleged and stating that in
the belief of the deponent, the garnishee is indebted to the judgment-debtor.
(3) Where the garnishee pays in the Court the amount due from him to the judgment-debtor or so much
thereof as is sufficient to satisfy the decree and the costs of the execution, the Court may direct that the
amount may be paid to the decree-holder towards satisfaction of the decree and costs of the execution.
46B . Order against garnishee— Where the garnishee does not forthwith pay into Court the amount due from
him to the judgment-debtor or so much thereof as is sufficient to satisfy the decree and the costs of
execution, and does not appear and show cause in answer to the notice, the Court may order the garnishee
to comply with the terms of such notice, and on such order, execution may issue as though such order were
a decree against him.
46C . Trial of disputed questions— Where the garnishee disputes liability, the Court may order that any issue
or question necessary for the determination of liability shall be tried as if it were an issue in a suit, and upon
the determination of such issue shall make such order or orders as it deems fit:
Provided that if the debt in respect of which the application under rule 46A is made is in respect of a sum of
money beyond the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Court, the Court shall send the execution case to the Court of
the District Judge to which the said Court is subordinate, and thereupon the Court of the District Judge or
any other competent Court to which it may be transferred by the District Judge shall deal with it in the same
manner as if the case had been originally instituted in that Court.
46D . Procedure where debt belongs to third person— Where it is suggested or appears to be probable that
the debt belongs to some third person, or that any third person has a lien or charge on, or other interest in
such debt, the Court may order such third person to appear and state the nature and particulars of his claim,
if any, to such debt and prove the same.
46E . Order as regards third person— After hearing such third person and any person or persons who any
subsequently be ordered to appear, or where such third or other person or persons do not appear when so
ordered, the Court may make such order as is hereinbefore provided, or such other order or orders upon
such terms, if any, with respect to the lien, charge or interest, as the case may be, of such third or other
person or persons as it may deem fit and proper.
46F . Payment by garnishee to be valid discharge— Payment made by the garnishee on notice under rule
46A or under any such order as aforesaid shall be a valid discharge to him as against the judgment-debtor
and any other person ordered to appear as aforesaid for the amount paid or levied, although the decree in
execution of which the application under rule 46A was made, or the order passed in the proceedings on such
application may be set aside or reversed.
46G . Costs— The costs of any application made under rule 46A and of any proceeding arising therefrom or
incidental thereto shall be in the discretion of the Court.
46H . Appeals— An order made under rule 46B, rule 46C or rule 46E shall be appealable as a decree.
46I . Application to negotiable instruments— The provisions of rule 46A to 46H (both inclusive) shall, so far
as may be, apply in relation to negotiable instruments attached under rule 51 as they apply in relation to
47 . Attachment of share in movables— Where the property to be attached consists of the share or interest
of the judgment-debtor in movable property belonging to him and another as co-owners, the attachment shall
be made by a notice to the judgment-debtor prohibiting him from transferring the share or interest or charging
it in any way.
48 . Attachment of salary or allowances of servant of the Government or railway company or local authority—
(1) Where the property to be attached is the salary or allowances of a servant of the Government or of a
servant of a railway company or local authority [269][or of a servant of a corporation engaged in any trade or
industry which is established by a Central, Provincial or State Act, or a Government company as defined in
section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956)] the Court, whether the judgment-debtor or the
disbursing officer is or is not within the local limits of the Court's jurisdiction, may order that the amount shall,
subject to the provisions of section 60, be withheld from such salary or allowances either in one payment or
by monthly instalments as the Court may direct; and, upon notice of the order to such officer as the
appropriate Government may be notification in the Official Gazette appoint in this behalf,—
(a) where such salary or allowances are to be disbursed within the local limits to which this Code for the time
being extends, the officer or other person whose duty it is to disburse the same shall withhold and remits to
the Court the amount due under the order, or the monthly instalments, as the case may be;
(b) where such salary or allowances are to be disbursed beyond the said limits, the officer or other person
within those limits whose duty it is to instruct the disbursing authority regarding the amount of the salary or
allowances to the disbursed shall remit to the Court the amount due under the order, or the monthly
instalments, as the case may be, and shall direct the disbursing authority to reduce the aggregate of the
amounts from time to time, to be disbursed by the aggregate of the amounts from time to time remitted to the
(2) Where the attachable proportion of such salary or allowances is already being withheld and remitted to a
Court in pursuance of a previous and unsatisfied order of attachment, the officer appointed by the
appropriate Government in this behalf shall forthwith return the subsequent order to the Court issuing it with
a full statement of all the particulars of the existing attachment.
[270] [(3) Every order made under this rule, unless it is returned in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule
(2) shall, without further notice or other process, bind the appropriate Government or the railway company or
local authority or corporation or Government company, as the case may be, while the judgment-debtor is
within the local limits to which this Code for the time being extends and while he is beyond those limits, if he
is in receipt of any salary or allowances payable out of the Consolidated Fund of India or the consolidated
Fund of the State or the funds of a railway company or local authority or corporation or Government
Company in India; and the appropriate Government or the railway company or local authority or corporation
or Government company, as the case may be, shall be liable for any sum paid in contravention of the rule.]
[271] [Explanation.—In this rule, "appropriate Government" means,—
(i) as respects any person in the service of the Central Government, or any servant of a railway
administration or of a cantonment authority or of the port authority of a major port, or any servant of a
corporation engaged in any trade or industry which is established by Central Act, or any servant of a
Government company in which any part of the share capital is held by the Central Government or by more
than one State Governments or partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State
Governments, the Central Government;
(ii) as respects any other servant of the Government, or a servant of any other local or other authority, or any
servant of a corporation engaged in any trade or industry which is established by a Provincial or State Act, or
a servant of any other Government company, the State Government.]
[272][48A . Attachment of salary or allowances of private employees— (1) Where the property to be attached
is the salary or allowances of an employee other than an employee to whom rule 48 applies, the Court,
where the disbursing officer of the employee is within the local limits of the Court's jurisdiction, may order that
the amount shall, subject to the provisions of section 60, be withheld from such salary or allowances either in
one payment or by monthly instalments as the Court may direct; and upon notice of the order to such
disbursing officer, such disbursing officer shall remit to the Court the amount due under the order, or the
monthly instalments, as the case may be.
(2) Where the attachable portion of such salary or allowances is already being withheld or remitted to the
Court in pursuance of a previous and unsatisfied order of attachment, the disbursing officer shall forthwith
return the subsequent order to the Court issuing it with a full statement of all the particulars of the existing
(3) Every order made under this rule, unless it is returned in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (2),
shall, without further notice or other process, bind the employer while the judgment-debtors is within the local
limits to which this Code for the time being extents and while he is beyond those-limits, if he is in receipt of
salary or allowances payable out of the funds of an employer in any part of India; and the employer shall be
liable for any sum paid in contravention of this rule.]
49 . Attachment of partnership property— (1) Save as otherwise provided by this rule, property belonging to
a partnership shall not be attached or sold in execution of a decree other than a decree passed against the
firm or against the partners in the firm as such.
(2) The Court may, on the application of the holder of a decree against a partner, make an order charging the
interest of such partner in the partnership property, and profits with payment of the amount due under the
decree, and may, by the same or a subsequent order, appoint a receiver of the share of such partner in the
profits (whether already declared or accruing) and of any other money which may be coming to him in
respect of the partnership, and direct accounts and inquiries and make an order for the sale of such interest
or other orders as might have been directed or made if a charge had been made in favour of the degree-
holder by such partner, or as the circumstances of the case may require.
(3) The other partner or partners shall be at liberty at any time to redeem the interest charged or, in the case
of a sale being directed, to purchase the same.
(4) Every application for an order under sub-rule (2) shall be served on the judgment-debtor and on his
partners or such of them as are within India.
(5) Every application made by any partner of the judgment-debtor under sub-rule (3) shall be served on the
decree-holder and on the judgment-debtor, and on such of the other partners as do not join in the application
and as are within India.
(6) Service under sub-rule (4) or sub-rule (5) shall be deemed to be service on all the partners and all orders
made on such application shall be similarly served.
50 . Execution of decree against firm— (1) Where a decree has been passed against a firm, execution may
be granted—
(a) against any property of the partnership;
(b) against any person who has appeared in his own name under rule 6 or rule 7 of Order XXX or who has
admitted on the pleadings that he is, or who has been adjudged to be, a partner;
(c) against any person who has been individually served as a partner with a summons and has failed to
Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect the provisions of
[273][section 30 of the Indial Partnership Act, 1932 (9 of 1932)].
(2) Where the decree-holder claims to be entitled to cause the decree to be executed against any person
other than such a person as is referred to in sub-rule (1), clauses (b) and (c), as being a partner in the firm
he may apply to the Court which passed the decree for leave, and where the liability is not disputed, such
court may grant such leave, or, where such liability is disputed, may order that the liability of such person be
tried and determined in any manner in which any issue in a suit may be tried and determined.
(3) Where the liability of any person has been tried and determined under sub-rule (2) the order made
thereon shall have the same force and be subject to the same conditions as to appeal or otherwise as if it
were a decree.
(4) Save as against any property of the partnership, a decree against a firm shall not lease, render liable or
otherwise affect any partner therein unless he has been served with a summons to appear and answer.
[274] [(5) Nothing in this rule shall apply to a decree passed against a Hindu Undivided Family by virtue of
the provision of rule 10 of Order XXX.]
51 . Attachment of negotiable instruments— Where the property is a negotiable instrument not deposited in a
Court, not in the custody of a public officer, the attachment shall be made by actual seizure, and the
instrument shall be brought into Court and held subject to further orders of the Court.
52 . Attachment of property in custody of Court or public officer— Where the property to be attached is in the
custody of any Court or public officer, the attachment shall be made by a notice to such Court or officer,
requesting that such property, and any interest or dividend becoming payable thereon, may be held subject
to the further orders of the Court from which the notice is issued:
Provided that, where such property is in the custody of a Court, any question of title or priority arising
between the decree-holder and any other person, not being the judgment-debtor, claiming to be interested in
such property by virtue of any assignment, attachment or otherwise, shall be determined by such Court.
53 . Attachment of decrees— (1) Where the property to be attached is a decree, either for the payment of
money or for sale in enforcement of a mortgage or charge, the attachment shall be made,—
(a) if the decrees were passed by the same Court, then by order of such Court, and
(b) if the decree sought to be attached was passed by another Court, then by the issue to such other Court of
a notice by the Court which passed the decree sought to be executed, requesting such other Court to stay
the execution of its decree unless and until—
(i) the Court which passed the decree sought to be executed cancels the notice, or
[275] [(ii) (a) the holder of the decree sought to be executed, or
(b) his judgment-debtor with the previous consent in writing of such decree-holder, or with the permission of
the attaching Court,
applies to the Court receiving such notice to execute the attached decree.]
(2) Where a Court makes an order under clause (a) of sub-rule (1), or receives an application under subhead
(ii) of clause (b) of the said sub-rule, it shall, on the application of the creditor who has attached the decree or
his judgment-debtor, proceeds to execute the attached decree and apply the net proceeds in satisfaction of
the decree sought to be executed.
(3) The holder of a decree sought to be executed by the attachment of another of decree the nature specified
in sub-rule (1) shall be deemed to be the representative of the holder of the attached decree and to be
entitled to executive such attached decree in any manner lawful for the holder thereof.
(4) Where the property to be attached in the execution of a decree is a decree other than a decree of the
nature referred to in sub-rule (1) the attachment shall be made by a notice by the Court which passed the
decree sought to be executed, to the holder of the decree sought to be attached, prohibiting him from
transferring or charging the same in any way; and, where such decree has been passed by any other Court,
also by sending to such other Court a notice to abstain from executing the decree sought to be attached until
such notice is cancelled by the Court from which it was sent.
(5) The holder of a decree attached under this rule shall give the Court executing the decree such
information and aid as may reasonably be required.
(6) On the application of the holder of a decree sought to be executed by the attachment of another decree,
the Court making an order of attachment under this rule shall give notice of such order to the judgment-
debtor bound by the decree attached; and no payment or adjustment of the attached decree made by the
judgment-debtor in contravention of such order [276][with knowledge thereof or] after receipt of notice
thereof, either through the Court or otherwise, shall be recognized by any Court so long as the attachment
remains in force.
54 . Attachment of immovable property— (1) Where the property is immovable, the attachment shall be
made by an order prohibiting the judgment-debtor from transferring or charging the property in any way, and
all persons from taking any benefit from such transfer or charge.
[277] [(1A) The order shall also require the judgment-debtor to attend Court on a specified date to take notice
of the date to be fixed for settling the terms of the proclamation of sale.]
(2) The order shall be proclaimed at some place on or adjacent to such property by beat of drum or other
customary mode, and a copy of the order shall be affixed on a conspicuous part of the property and then
upon a conspicuous part of the court-house, and also, where the property is land paying revenue to the
Government in the office of the Collector of the district in which the land is situate [278][and, where the
property is land situate in a village, also in the office of the Gram Panchayat, if any, having jurisdiction over
that village.]
55 . Removal of attachment after satisfaction of decree— Where—
(a) the amount decreed with costs and all charges and expenses resulting from the attachment of any
property are paid into Court, or
(b) satisfaction of the decree is otherwise made through the Court or certified to the Court, or
(c) the decree is set aside or reversed,
the attachment shall be deemed to be withdrawn, and, in the case of immovable property, the withdrawal
shall, if the judgment-debtor so desires, be proclaimed at his expense, and a copy of the proclamation shall
be affixed in the manner prescribed by the last preceding rule.
56 . Order for payment of coin or currency notes to party entitled under decree— Where the property
attached is current coin or currency notes, the Court may, at any time during the continuance of the
attachment, direct that such coin or notes, or a part thereof sufficient to satisfy the decree, be paid over to
the party entitled under the decree to receive the same.
[279][57 . Determination of attachment— (1) Where any property has been attached in execution of a decree
and the Court, for any reason, passes an order dismissing the application for the execution of the decree, the
Court shall direct whether the attachment shall continue or cease and shall also indicate the period up to
which such attachment shall continue or the date on which such attachment shall cease.
(2) If the Court omits to give such direction, the attachment shall be deemed to have ceased.]
[280] [Adjudication of claims and objections
58 . Adjudication of claims to, or objections to attachment of, property— (1) Where any claim is preferred to,
or any objection is made to the attachment of, any property attached in execution of a decree on the ground
that such property is not liable to such attachment, the Court shall proceed to adjudicate upon the claim or
objection in accordance with the provisions herein contained:
Provided that no such claim or objection shall be entertained—
(a) where, before the claim is preferred or objection is made, the property attached has already been sold; or
(b) where the Court considers that the claim or objection was designedly or unnecessarily delayed.
(2) All questions (including questions relating to right, title or interest in the property attached) arising
between the parties to a proceeding or their representatives under this rule and relevant to the adjudication
of the claim or objection, shall be determined by the Court dealing with the claim or objection and not by a
separate suit.
(3) Upon the determination of the questions referred to in sub- rule (2), the Court shall, in accordance with
such determination,—
(a) allow the claim or objection and release the property from attachment either wholly or to such extent as it
thinks fit; or
(b) disallow the claim or objection; or
(c) continue the attachment subject to any mortgage, charge or other interest in favour of any person; or
(d) pass such order as in the circumstances of the case it deems fit.
(4) Where any claim or objection has been adjudicated upon under this rule, the order made thereon shall
have the same force and be subject to the same conditions as to appeal or otherwise as if it were a decree.
(5) Where a claim or an objection is preferred and the Court, under the proviso to sub-rule (1), refuses to
entertain it, the party against whom such order is made may institute a suit to establish the right which he
claims to the property in dispute; but, subject to the result of such suit, if any, an order so refusing to
entertain the claims or objection shall be conclusive.
59 . Stay of sale— Where before the claim was preferred or the objection was made, the property attached
had already been advertised for sale, the Court may—
(a) if the property is movable, make an order postponing the sale pending the adjudication of the claim or
objection, or
(b) if the property is immovable, make an order that, pending the adjudication of the claim or objection, the
property shall not be sold, or, that pending such adjudication, the property may be sold but the sale shall not
be confirmed,
and any such order may be made subject to such terms and conditions as to security or otherwise as the
Court thinks fit.]
60 to 63. [Omitted].
Sale genrally
64 . Power to order property attached to be sold and proceeds to be paid to person entitled— Any Court
executing a decree may order that any property attached by it and liable to sale, or such portion thereof as
may see necessary to satisfy the decree, shall be sold, and that the proceeds of such sale, or a sufficient
portion thereof, shall be paid to the party entitled under the decree to receive the same.
65 . Sales by whom conducted and how made— Save as otherwise prescribed, every sale in execution of a
decree shall be conducted by an officer of the Court or by such other person as the Court may appoint in this
behalf, and shall be made by public auction in manner prescribed.
66 . Proclamation of sales by public auction— (1) Where any property is ordered to be sold by public auction
in execution of a decree, the Court shall cause a proclamation of the intended sale to be made in the
language of such Court.
(2) Such proclamation shall be draw up after notice to the decree-holder and the judgment-debtor and shall
state the time and place of sale, and specify as fairly and accurately as possible—
(a) the property to be sold [281][or, where a part of the property would be sufficient to satisfy the decree,
such part];
(b) the revenue assessed upon the estate, where the property to be sold is an interest in an estate or in part
of an estate paying revenue to the Government;
(c) any incumbrance to which the property is liable;
(d) the amount for the recovery of which the sale is ordered; and
(e) every other thing which the Court considers material for a purchaser to know in order to judge of the
nature and value of the property:
[282] [Provided that where notice of the date for settling the terms of the proclamation has been given to the
judgement-debtor by means of an order under rule 54, it shall not be necessary to give notice under this rule
to the judgment-debtor unless the Court otherwise directs:
Provided further that nothing in this rule shall be construed as requiring the Court to enter in the proclamation
of sale its own estimate of the value of the property, but the proclamation shall include the estimate if any,
given, by either or both of the parties.]
(3) Every application for an order for sale under this rule shall be accompanied by a statement signed and
verified in the manner hereinbefore prescribed for the signing and verification of pleadings and containing, so
far as they are known to or can be ascertained by the person making the verification, the matters required by
sub-rule (2) to be specified in the proclamation.
(4) For the purpose of ascertaining the matters to be specified in the proclamation, the Court may summon
any person whom it thinks necessary to summon and may examine him in respect to any such matters and
require him to produce any document in his possession or power relating thereto.
67 . Mode of making proclamation— (1) Every proclamation shall be made and published, as nearly as may
be, in the manner prescribed by rule 54, sub-rule (2).
(2) Where the Court so directs, such proclamation shall also be published in the Official Gazette or in a local
newspaper, or in both, and the costs of such publication shall be deemed to be costs of the sale.
(3) Where property is divided into lots for the purpose of being sold separately, it shall not be necessary to
make a separate proclamation for each lot, unless proper notice of the sale cannot, in the opinion of the
Court, otherwise be given.
68 . Time of sale— Save in the case of property of the kind described in the proviso to rule 43, no sale
hereunder shall, without the consent in writing of the judgment-debtor, take place until after the expiration of
at least [283][fifteen days] in the case of immovable property, and of at least [284][seven days] in the case of
movable property, calculated from the date on which the copy of the proclamation has been affixed on the
court-house of the Judge ordering the sale.
69 . Adjournment or stoppage of sale— (1) The Court may, in its discretion, adjourn any sale hereunder to a
specified day and hour, and the officer conducting any such sale may in his discretion adjourn the sale,
recording his reasons for such adjournment:
Provided that, where the sale is made in, or within the precincts of, the court-house, no such adjournment
shall be made without the leave of the Court.
(2) Where a sale is adjourned under sub-rule (1) or a longer period than [285][thirty] days a fresh
proclamation under rule 67 shall be made, unless the judgment-debtor consents to waive it.
(3) Every sale be stopped if, before the lot is knocked down, the debt and costs (including the costs of the
sale) are tendered to the officer conducting the sale, or proof is given to his satisfaction that the amount of
such debt and costs has been paid into the Court which ordered the sale.
70 . [Saving of certain sales.] Rep. by the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1956 (66 of 1956), s.
71 . Defaulting purchaser answerable for loss on re-sale— Any deficiency of price which may happen on a
re-sale by reason of the purchaser's default, and all expenses attending such re-sale, shall be certified to the
Court by the officer or other person holding the sale, and shall, at the instance of either the decree-holder or
the judgment-debtor, be recoverable from the defaulting purchaser under the provisions relating to the
execution of a decree for the payment of money.
72 . Decree holder not to bid for or buy property without permission— (1) No holder of a decree in execution
of which property is sold shall, without the express permission of the Court, bid for or purchase the property.
(2) Where decree-holder purchases, amount of decree may be taken as payment—Where a decree-holder
purchases with such permission, the purchase-money and the amount due on the decree may, subject to the
provisions of section 73, be set off against one another, and the Court executing the decree small enter up
satisfaction of the decree in whole or in part accordingly.
(3) Where a decree-holder purchases, by himself or through another person, without such permission, the
Court may, if it thinks fit, on the application of the judgment-debtor or any other person whose interests are
affected by the sale, by order set aside the sale; and the costs of such application and order, and any
deficiency of price which may happen on the re-sale and all expenses attending it, shall be paid by the
[286][72A . Mortgagee not to bid at sale without the leave of the Court— (1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in rule 72, a mortgagee of immovable property shall not bid for or purchase property sold in
execution of a decree on the mortgage unless the Court grants him leave to bid for or purchase the property.
(2) If leave to bid is granted to such mortgagee, then the Court shall fix a reserve price as regards the
mortgagee, and unless the Court otherwise directs, the reserve price shall be—
(a) not less than the amount then due for principal, interest and costs in respect of the mortgage if the
property is sold in one lot; and
(b) in the case of any property sold in lots, not less than such sum as shall appear to the Court to be properly
attributable to each lot in relation to the amount then due for principal, interest and costs on the mortgage.
(3) In other respects, the provisions of sub-rules (2) and (3) of rule 72 shall apply in relation to purchase by
the decree-holder under that rule.]
73 . Restriction on bidding or purchase by officers— No officer or other person having any duty to perform in
connection with any sale shall, either directly or indirectly, bid for, acquire or attempt to acquire any interest
in the property sold.
Sale of movable property
74 . Sale of agricultural produce— (1) Where the property to be sold is agricultural produce, the sale shall be
(a) if such produce is a growing crop, on or near the land on which such crop has grown, or
(b) if such produce has been cut or gathered, at or near the threshing floor or place for treading out grain or
the like or fodder-stack on or in which it is deposited:
Provided that the Court may direct the sale to be held at the nearest place of public resort, if it is of opinion
that the produce is thereby likely to sell to greater advantage.
(2) Where, on the produce being put up for sale,—
(a) a fair price, in the estimation of the person holding the sale, is not offered for it, and
(b) the owner of the produce or a person authorized to act in his behalf applies to have the sale postponed till
next day or, if a market is held at the place of sale, the next market-day,
the sale shall be postponed accordingly and shall be then completed, whatever price may be offered for the
75 . Special provisions relating to growing crops— (1) Where the property to be sold is a growing crop and
the crop from its nature admits of being stored but has not yet been stored, the day of the sale shall be so
fixed as to admit of its being made ready for storing before the arrival of such day, and the sale shall not be
held until the crop has been cut or gathered and is ready for storing.
(2) Where the crop from its nature does not admit of being stored, it may be sold before it is cut and gathered
and the purchaser shall be entitled to enter on the land, and to do all that is necessary for the purpose of
tending and cutting or gathering it.
76 . Negotiable instruments and shares in corporations— Where the property to be sold is a negotiable
instrument or a share in a corporation, the Court may, instead of directing the sale to be made by public
auction, authorize the sale of such instrument or share through a broker.
77 . Sale by public auction— (1) Where movable property is sold by public auction the price of each lot shall
be paid at the time of sale or as soon after as the officer or other person holding the sale directs, and in
default of payment the property shall forthwith be re-sold.
(2) On payment of the purchase-money, the officer or other person holding the sale shall grant a receipt for
the same, and the sale shall become absolute.
(3) Where the movable property to be sold is a share in goods belonging to the judgment-debtor and a co-
owner, and two or more persons, of whom one is such co-owner, respectively bid the same sum for such
property or for any lot, the bidding shall be deemed to be the bidding of the co-owner.
78 . Irregularity not to vitiate sale, but any person injured may sue— No irregularity in publishing or
conducting the sale of movable property shall vitiate the sale; but any person sustaining any injury by reason
of such irregularity at the hand of any other person may institute a suit against him for compensation or (if
such other person is the purchaser) for the recovery of the specific property and for compensation in default
of such recovery.
79 . Delivery of movable property, debts and shares— (1) Where the property sold is movable property of
which actual seizure has been made, it shall be delivered to the purchaser.
(2) Where the property sold is movable property in the possession of some person other than the judgment-
debtor, the delivery thereof to the purchaser shall be made by giving notice to the person in possession
prohibiting him from delivering possession of the property to any person except the purchaser.
(3) Where the property sold is a debt not secured by a negotiable instrument, or is a share in a corporation,
the delivery thereof shall be made by a written order of the Court prohibiting the creditor from receiving the
debt or any interest thereon, and the debtor from making payment thereof to any person except the
purchaser, of prohibiting the person in whose name the share may be standing from making any transfer of
the share to any person except the purchaser, or receiving payment of any dividend or interest thereon, and
the manager, secretary or other proper officer of the corporation from permitting any such transfer or making
any such payment to any person except the purchaser.
80 . Transfer of negotiable instruments and shares— (1) Where the execution of a document or the
endorsement of the party in whose name a negotiable instrument or a share in a corporation is standing is
required to transfer such negotiable instrument or share, the Judge or such officer as he may appoint in this
behalf may execute such document or make such endorsement as may be necessary, and such execution or
endorsement shall have the same effect as an execution or endorsement by the party.
(2) Such execution or endorsement may be in the following form, namely:—
A.B. by C.D. Judge of the Court of (or as the case may be), in a suit by E.F. against A.B.
(3) Until the transfer of such negotiable instrument or share, the Court may, by order appoint some person to
receive any interest or dividend due thereon and to sign a receipt for the same; and any receipt so signed
shall be as valid and effectual for all purposes as if the same had been signed by the party himself.
81 . Vesting order in case of other property— In the case of any movable property not hereinbefore provided
for, the Court may make an order vesting such property in the purchaser or as he may direct; and such
property shall vest accordingly.
Sale of immovable property
82 . What Courts may order sales— Sales of immovable property in execution of decrees may be ordered by
any Court other than a Court of Small Causes.
83 . Postponement of sale to enable judgment-debtor to raise amount of decree— (1)Where an order for the
sale of immovable property has been made, if the judgment-debtor can satisfy the Court that there is reason
to believe that the amount of the decree may be raised by the mortgage or lease or private sale of such
property, or some part thereof, or of any other immovable property of the judgment-debtor, the Court may, on
his application, postpone the sale of the property comprised in the order for sale on such terms and for such
period as it thinks proper, to enable him to raise the amount.
(2) In such case the Court shall grant a certificate to the judgment-debtor authorizing him within a period to
be mentioned therein, and notwithstanding anything contained in section 64, to make the proposed
mortgage, lease or sale:
Provided that all moneys payable under such mortgage, lease or sale shall be paid, not to the judgment-
debtor, but, save in so far as a decree-holder is entitled to set-off such money under the provisions of rule
72, into Court:
Provided also that not mortgage, lease or sale under this rule shall become absolute until it has been
confirmed by the Court.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to apply to a sale of property directed to be sold in execution of a
decree for sale in enforcement of a mortgage of, or charge on, such property.
84 . Deposit by purchaser and re-sale on default— (1) On every sale of immovable property the person
declared to be the purchaser shall pay immediately after such declaration a deposit of twenty-five per cent,
on the amount of his purchase-money to the officer or other person conducting the sale, and in default of
such deposit, the property shall forthwith be re-sold.
(2) Where the decree-holder is the purchaser and is entitled to set-off the purchase-money under rule 72, the
Court may dispense with the requirements of this rule.
85 . Time for payment in full of purchase-money— The full amount of purchase-money payable shall be paid
by the purchaser into Court before the Court closes on the fifteenth day from the sale of the property:
Provided, that, in calculating the amount to be so paid into Court, the purchaser shall have the advantage of
any set-off to which he may be entitled under rule 72.
86 . Procedure in default of payment— In default of payment within the period mentioned in the last
preceding rule, the deposit may, if the Court thinks fit, after defraying the expenses of the sale, be forfeited to
the Government, and the property shall be re-sold, and the defaulting purchaser shall forfeit all claim to the
property our to any part of the sum for which it may subsequently be sold.
87 . Notification on re-sale— Every re-sale of immovable, property, in default of payment of the purchase-
money within the period allowed for such payment, shall be made after the issue of fresh proclamation in the
manner and for the period hereinbefore prescribed for the sale.
88 . Bid of co-sharer to have preference— Where the property sold is a share of undivided immovable
property and two or more persons, or whom one is a co-sharer, respectively bid the same sum for such
property or for any lot, the bid shall be deemed to be the bid of the co-sharer.
89 . Application to set aside sale on deposit— (1) Where immovable property has been sold in execution of a
degree, [287][any person claiming an interest in the property sold at the time of the sale or at the time of
making the application, or acting for or in the interest of such person,] may apply to have the sale set aside
on his deposition in Court,—
(a) for payment to the purchaser, a sum equal to five per cent of the purchase-money, and
(b) for payment, to the decree-holder, the amount specified in the proclamation of sale as that for the
recovery of which the sale was ordered less any amount which may, since the date of such proclamation of
sale, have been received by the decree- holder.
(2) Where a person applies under rule 90 to set aside the sale of his immovable property, he shall not unless
he withdraws his application, be entitled to make or prosecute an application under this rule.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall relieve the judgment-debtor from any liability he may be under in respect of costs
and interest not covered by the proclamation of sale.
[288][90 . Application to set aside sale on ground of irregularity or fraud— (1) Where any immovable property
has been sold in execution of a decree, the decree-holder, or the purchaser, or any other person entitled to
share in a rateable distribution of assets, whose interests are affected by the sale, may apply to the Court to
set aside the sale on the ground of a material irregularity or fraud in publishing or conduction it.
(2) No sale shall be set aside on the ground of irregularity or fraud in publishing or conducting it unless, upon
the facts proved, the Court is satisfied that the applicant has sustained substantial injury by reason of such
irregularity or fraud.
(3) No application to set aside a sale under this rule shall be entertained upon any ground which the
applicant could have taken on or before the date on which the proclamation of sale was drawn up.
Explanation.—There mere absence of, or defect in, attachment of the property sold shall not, by itself, be a
ground for setting aside a sale under this rule.]
91 . Application by purchaser to set aside sale on ground of judgment-debtor having no saleable interest—
The purchaser at any such sale in execution of a decree may apply to the Court to set aside the sale, on the
ground that the judgment-debtor had no saleable interest in the property sold.
92 . Sale when to become absolute or be set aside— (1) When no application is made under rule 89, rule 90
or rule 91, or where such application is made and disallowed, the Court shall make an order confirming the
sale, and thereupon the sale shall become absolute:
[289][Provided that, where any property is sold in execution of a decree pending the final disposal of any
claim to, or any objection to the attachment of, such property, the Court shall not confirm such sale until the
final disposal of such claim or objection.]
(2) Where such application is made and allowed, and where, in the case of an application under rule 89, the
deposit required by that rule is made within thirty days from the date of sale, [290][or in cases where the
amount deposited under rule 89 is found to be deficient owing to any clerical or arithmetical mistake on the
part of the depositor and such deficiency has been made good within such time as may be fixed by the
Court, the Court shall make an order setting aside the sale]:
Provided that no order shall be made unless notice of the application has been given to all persons affected
(3) No suit to set aside an order made under this rule shall be brought by any person against whom such
order is made.
[291] [(4) Where a third party challenges the judgment-debtor's title by filing a suit against the auction-
purchaser, the decree-holder and the judgment-debtor shall be necessary parties to the suit.
(5) If the suit referred to in sub-rule (4) is decreed, the Court shall direct the decree-holder to refund the
money to the auction-purchaser, and where such an order is passed the execution proceeding in which the
sale had been held shall, unless the Court directs, be revived at the stage at which the sale was ordered.]
93 . Return of purchase-money in certain cases— Where a sale of immovable property is set aside under
rule 92, the purchaser shall be entitled to an order for repayment of his purchase-money, with or without
interest as the Court may direct, against any person to whom it has been paid.
94 . Certificate to purchaser— Where a sale of immovable property has become absolute, the Court shall
grant a certificate specifying the property sold and the name of the person who at the time of sale of is
declared to be the purchaser. Such certificate shall bear date the day on which the sale became absolute.
95 . Delivery of property in occupancy of judgment- debtor— Where the immovable property sold is in the
occupancy of the judgment-debtor or of some person on his behalf or of some person claiming under a title
created by the judgment-debtor subsequently to the attachment of such property and a certificate in respect
thereof has been granted under rule 94, the Court shall, on the application of the purchaser, order to delivery
to be made by putting such purchaser or any person whom he may appoint to receive delivery on his behalf
in possession of the property, and, if need be, by removing any person who refuses to vacate the same.
96 . Delivery of property in occupancy of tenant— Where the property sold is in the occupancy of a tenant or
other person entitled to occupy the same and a certificate in respect thereof has been granted under rule 94,
the Court shall, on the application of the purchaser, order delivery to be made by affixing a copy of the
certificate of sale in some conspicuous place on the property, and proclaiming to the occupant by beat of
drum or other customary mode, at some convenient place, that the interest of the judgment-debtor has been
transferred to the purchaser.
Resistance to delivery of possession to decree- holder or purchaser
97 . Resistance or obstruction to possession of immovable property— (1) Where the holder of a decree for
the possession of immovable property or the purchaser of any such property sold in execution of a decree is
resisted or obstructed by any person in obtaining possession of the property, he may make an application to
the Court complaining of such resistance or obstruction.
[292][(2) Where any application is made under sub-rule (1), the Court shall proceed to adjudicate upon the
application in accordance with the provisions herein contained.]
[293] [98 . Orders after adjudication— (1) Upon the determination of the questions referred to in rule 101, the
Court shall, in accordance with such determination and subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2),—
(a) make an order allowing the application and directing that the applicant be put into the possession of the
property or dismissing the application; or
(b) pass such other order as, in the circumstances of the case, it may deem fit.
(2) Where, upon such determination, the Court is satisfied that the resistance or obstruction was occasioned
without any just cause by the judgment-debtor or by some other person at his instigation or on his behalf, or
by any transferee, where such transfer was made during the pendency of the suit or execution proceeding, it
shall direct that the applicant be put into possession of the property, and where the applicant is still resisted
or obstructed in obtaining possession, the Court may also, at the instance of the applicant, order the
judgment-debtor, or any person acting at his instigation or on his behalf, to be detained in the civil prison for
a term which may extend to thirty days.
99 . Dispossession by decree-holder or purchaser— (1) Where any person other than the judgment-debtor is
dispossessed of immovable property by the holder of a decree for possession of such property or, where
such property has been sold in execution of a decree, by the purchaser thereof, he may make an application
to the Court complaining of such dispossession.
(2) Where any such application is made, the Court shall proceed to adjudicate upon the application in
accordance with the provisions herein contained.
100 . Order to be passed upon application complaining of dispossession— Upon the determination of the
questions referred to in rule 101, the Court shall, in accordance with such determination,—
(a) make an order allowing the application and directing that the applicant be put into the possession of the
property or dismissing the application; or
(b) pass such other order as, in the circumstances of the case, it may deem fit.
101 . Question to be determined— All questions (including questions relating to right, title or interest in the
property) arising between the parties to a proceeding on an application under rule 97 or rule 99 or their
representatives, and relevant to the adjudication of the application, shall be determined by the Court dealing
with the application and not by a separate suit and for this purpose, the Court shall, notwithstanding anything
to the contrary contained in any other law for the time being in force, be deemed to have jurisdiction to
decide such questions.
102 . Rules not applicable to transferee BIpendent lite— Nothing in rules 98 and 100 shall apply to
resistance or obstruction in execution of a decree for the possession of immovable property by a person to
whom the judgment-debtor has transferred the property after the institution of the suit in which the decree
was passed or to the dispossession of any such person.
Explanation—In this rule, "transfer" includes a transfer by operation of law.
103 . Orders to be treated as decrees— Where any application has been adjudicated upon under rule 98 or
rule 100 the other made thereon shall have the same force and be subject to the same conditions as to an
appeal or otherwise as if it were a decree.]
[294][104 . Order under rule 101 or rule 103 to be subject to the result or pending suit— Every order made
under rule 101 or rule 103 shall be subject to the result of any suit that may be pending on the date of
commencement of the proceeding in which such order is made, if in such suit the party against whom the
order under rule 101 or rule 103 is made has sought to establish a right which he claims to the present
possession of the property.
105 . Hearing of application— (1) The Court, before which an application under any of the foregoing rules of
this Order is pending, may fix a day for the hearing of the application.
(2) Where on the day fixed or on any other day to which the hearing may be adjourned the applicant does
not appear when the case is called on for hearing, the Court may make an order that the application be
(3) Where the applicant appears and the opposite party to whom the notice has been issued by the Court
does not appear, the Court may hear the application ex parte and pass such order as it thinks fit.
Explanation.—An application referred to in sub-rule (1) includes a claim or objection made under rule 58.
106 . Setting aside order passed BIex parte, etc.— (1) The applicant, against whom an order is made under
sub-rule (2) rule 105 or the opposite party against whom an order is passed ex parte under sub-rule (3) of
that rule or under sub-rule (1) of rule 23, may apply to the Court to set aside the order, and if he satisfies the
Court that there was sufficient cause for his non- appearance when the application was called on for hearing,
the Court shall set aside the order or such terms as to costs, or otherwise as it thinks fit, and shall appoint a
day for the further hearing of the application.
(2) No order shall be made on an application under sub-rule (1) unless notice of the application has been
served on the other party.
(3) An application under sub-rule (1) shall be made within thirty days from the date of the order, or where, in
the case of an ex parte order, the notice was not duly served, within thirty days from the date when applicant
had knowledge of the order.]
1 . No abatement by party's death if right to sue survives— The death of a plaintiff or defendant shall not
cause the suit to abate if the right to sue survives.
2 . Procedure where one of several plaintiffs or defendants dies and right to sue survives— Where there are
more plaintiffs or defendants than one, and any of them dies, and where the right to sue survives to the
surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs alone, or against the surviving defendant or defendants alone, the Court shall
cause an entry to the effect to be made on the record, and the suit shall proceed at the instance of the
surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs, or against the surving defendant or defendants.
3 . Procedure in case of death of one of several plaintiffs or of sole plaintiff— (1) Where one of two or more
plaintiffs dies and the right to sue does not survive to the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs alone, or a sole
plaintiff or sole surviving plaintiff dies and the right to the sue survives, the Court, on an application made in
that behalf, shall cause the legal representative of the deceased plaintiff to be made a party and shall
proceed with the suit.
(2) Where within the time limited by law no application is made under sub-rule (1), the suit shall abate so far
as the deceased plaintiff is concerned, and, on the application of the defendant, the Court may award to him
the costs which he may have incurred in defending the suit, to be recovered from the estate of the deceased
4 . Procedure in case of death of one of several defendants or of sole defendant— (1) Where one of two or
more defendants dies and the right to sue does not survive against the surviving defendant or defendants
alone, or a sole defendant or sole surviving defendant dies and the right to sue survives, the Court, on an
application made in that behalf, shall cause the legal representative of the deceased defendant to be made a
party and shall proceed with the suit.
(2) Any person so made a party may make any defence appropriate to his character as legal representative
of the deceased defendant.
(3) Where within the time limited by law no application is made under sub-rule (1), the suit shall abate as
against the deceased defendant.
[295] [(4) The Court whenever it thinks fit, may exempt the plaintiff from the necessity of substituting the legal
representatives of any such defendant who has failed to file a written statement or who, having filed it, has
failed to appear and contest the suit at the hearing; and judgment may, in such case, be pronounced against
the said defendant not withstanding the death of such defendant and shall have the same force and effect as
if it has been pronounced before death took place.
(5) Where—
(a) the plaintiff was ignorant of the death of a defendant, and could not, for that reason, make an application
for the substitution of the legal representative of the defendant under this rule within the period specified in
the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963) and the suit has, in consequence, abated, and
(b) the plaintiff applies after the expiry of the period specified therefor in the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963),
for setting aside the abatement and also for the admission of that application under section 5 of that Act on
the ground that he had, by reason of such ignorance, sufficient cause for not making the application within
the period specified in the said Act,
the Court shall, in considering the application under the said section 5, have due regard to the fact of such
ignorance, if proved.]
[296][4A . Procedure where there is no legal representative— (1) If, in any suit, it shall appear to the Court
that any party who has died during the pendency of the suit has no legal representative, the Court may, on
the application of any party to the suit, proceed in the absence of a person representing the estate of the
deceased person, or may by order appoint the Administrator-General, or an officer of the Court or such other
person as it thinks fit to represent the estate of the deceased person for the purpose of the suit; and any
judgment or order subsequently given or made in the suit shall bind the estate of the deceased person to the
same extent as he would have been bound if a personal representative of the deceased person had been a
party to the suit.
(2) Before making an order under this rule, the Court—
(a) may require notice of the application for the order to be given to such (if any) of the persons having an
interest in the estate of the deceased person as it thinks fit; and
(b) shall ascertain that the person proposed to be appointed to represent the estate of the deceased person
is willing to be so appointed and has no interest adverse to that of the deceased person.]
5 . Determination of question as to legal representative— Where a question arises as to whether any person
is or is not the legal representative of a deceased plaintiff or a deceased defendant, such question shall be
determined by the Court:
[297][Provided that where such question arises before an Appellate Court, that Court may, before
determining the question, direct any subordinate Court to try the question and to return the records together
with evidence, if any, recorded at such trial, its findings and reasons therefor, and the Appellate Court may
take the same into consideration in determining the question.]
6 . No abatement by reason of death after hearing— Nothwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing
rules, whether the cause of action survives or not, there shall be no abatement by reason of the death of
either party between the conclusion of the hearing and the pronouncing of the judgment, but judgment may
in such case be pronounced notwithstanding the death and shall have the same force and effect as if it had
been pronounced before the death took place.
7 . Suit not abated by marriage of female party— (1) The marriage of a female plaintiff or defendant shall not
cause the suit to abate, but the suit may notwithstanding be proceeded with to judgment, and, where the
decree is against a female defendant, it may be executed against her alone.
(2) Where the husband is by law liable for the debts of his wife, the decree may, with the permission of the
Court, be executed against the husband also; and in case of judgment for the wife, execution of the decree
may, with such permission, be issued upon the application of the husband, where the husband is by law
entitled to the subject matter of the decree.
8 . When plaintiffs insolvency bars suit— (1) The insolvency of a plaintiff in any suit which the assignee or
receiver might maintain for the benefit of his creditors, shall not cause the suit to abate, unless such
assignee or receiver declines to continue the suit or (unless for any special reason the Court otherwise
directs) to give security for the costs thereof within such time as the Court may direct.
(2) Procedure where assignee fails to continue suit, or give security—Where the assignee or receiver
neglects or refuses to continue the suit and to give such security within the time so ordered, the defendant
may apply for the dismissal of the suit on the ground of the plaintiff's insolvency, and the Court may make an
order dismissing the suit and awarding to the defendant the costs which he has insured in defending the
same to be proved as a debt against the plaintiff's estate.
9 . Effect of abatement or dismissal— (1) Where a suit abates or is dismissed under this Order, no fresh suit
shall be brought on the same cause of action.
(2) The plaintiff or the person claiming to be the legal representative of a deceased plaintiff or the assignee
or the receiver in the case of an insolvent plaintiff may apply for an order to set aside the abatement or
dismissal; and if it is proved that he was prevented by any sufficient cause from continuing the suit, the Court
shall set aside the abatement or dismissal upon such terms as to costs or otherwise as it thinks fit.
(3) The provisions of section 5 of the [298][Indian Limitation Act, 1877 (15 of 1877)] shall apply to
applications under sub-rule (2).
[299][Explanation—Nothing in this rule shall be construed as barring, in any later suit, a defence based on
the facts which constituted the cause of action in the suit which had abated or had been dismissed under this
10 . Procedure in case of assignment before final order in suit— (1) In other cases of an assignment,
creation or devolution of any interest during the pendency of a suit, may, by leave of the Court, be continued
by or against the person to or upon whom such interest has come or devolved.
(2) The attachment of a decree pending an appeal therefrom shall be deemed to be an interest entitling the
person who procured such attachment to the benefit of sub-rule (1).
[300][10A . Duty or pleader to communicate to Court death of a party— Wherever a pleader appearing for a
party to the suit comes to know of the death of that party, he shall inform the Court about it, and the Court
shall there upon give notice of such death to the other party, and, for this purpose, the contract between the
pleader and the deceased party shall be deemed to subsist.]
11 . Application of Order to appeals— In the application of this Order to appeals, so far as may be, the word
"plaintiff" shall be held to include an appellant, the word "defendant" a respondent, and the word "suit" an
12 . Application of Order to proceedings— Nothing in rules 3, 4 and 8 shall apply to proceedings in executive
of a decree or order.
[301][1 . Withdrawal of suit or abandonment of part of claim— (1) At any time after the institution of a suit, the
plaintiff may as against all or any of the defendants abandon his suit or abandon a part of his claim:
Provided that where the plaintiff is a minor or other person to whom the provisions contained in rules 1 to 14
of Order XXXII extend, neither the suit nor any part of the claim shall be abandoned without the leave of the
(2) An application for leave under the proviso to sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the next
friend and also, if the minor or such other person is represented by a pleader, by a certificate of the pleader
to the effect that the abandonment proposed is, in his opinion, for the benefit of the minor or such other
(3) Where the Court is satisfied,—
(a) that a suit must fail by reason of some formal defect, or
(b) that there are sufficient grounds for allowing the plaintiff to institute a fresh suit for the subject-matter of a
suit or part of a claim,
it may, on such terms as it thinks fit, grant the plaintiff permission to withdraw from such suit or such part of
the claim with liberty to institute a fresh suit in respect of the subject- matter of such suit or such part of the
(4) Where the plaintiff—
(a) abandons any suit or part of claim under sub-rule (1), or
(b) withdraws from a suit or part of a claim without the permission referred to in sub-rule (3),
he shall be liable for such costs as the Court may award and shall be preclude from instituting any fresh suit
in respect of such subject-matter or such part of the claim.
(5) Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to authorise the Court to permit one of several plaintiffs to abandon a
suit or part of a claim under sub-rule (1), or to withdraw, under sub-rule (3), any suit or part of a claim,
without the consent of the other plaintiffs.]
[302][1A . When transposition of defendants as plaintiffs may be permitted— Where a suit is withdrawn or
abandoned by a plaintiff under rule 1, and a defendant applies to be transposed as a plaintiff under rule 10 of
Order I the Court shall, in considering such application, have due regard to the question whether the
applicant has a substantial question to be decided as against any of the other defendants.]
2 . Limitation law not affected by first suit— In any fresh suit instituted on permission granted under the last
preceding rule, the plaintiff shall be bound by the law of limitation in the same manner as if the first suit had
not been instituted.
3 . Compromise of suit— Where it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court that a suit has been adjusted
wholly or in part by any lawful agreement or compromise [303][in writing and signed by the parties] or where
the defendant satisfied the plaintiff in respect of the whole or any part of the subject-matter of the suit, the
Court shall order such agreement, compromise satisfaction to be recorded, and shall pass a decree is
accordance therewith [304][so far as it relates to the parties to the suit, whether or not the subject-matter of
the agreement, compromise or satisfaction is the same as the subject-matter of the suit:]
[305] [Provided that where it is alleged by one party and denied by the other that an adjustment or
satisfaction has been arrived at, the Court shall decide the question; but not adjournment shall be granted for
the purpose of deciding the question, unless the Court, for reasons to be recorded, thinks fit to grant such
[306] [Explanation—An agreement or compromise which is void or voidable under the Indian Contract Act,
1872 (9 of 1872), shall not be deemed to be lawful within the meaning of this rule;]
[307][3A . Bar to suit— No suit shall lie to set aside a decree on the ground that the compromise on which
the decree is based was not lawful.
3B . No agreement or compromise to be entered in a representative suit without leave of Court— (1) no
agreement or compromise in a representative suit shall be entered into without the leave of the Court
expressly recorded in the proceedings; and any such agreement or compromise entered into without the
leave of the Court so recorded shall be void.
(2) Before granting such leave, the Court shall give notice in such manner as it may think fit to such persons
as may appear to it to be interested in the suit.
Explanation.—In this rule, "representative suit" means,—
(a) a suit under section 91 or section 92,
(b) a suit under rule 8 of Order I,
(c) a suit in which the manager of an undivided Hindu family sues or is sued as representing the other
members of the family,
(d) any other suit in which the decree passed may, by virtue of the provisions of this Code or of any other law
for the time being in force, bind any person who is not named as party to the suit.]
4 . Proceeding in execution of decrees not affected— Nothing in this Order shall apply to any proceedings in
execution of a decree or order.
1 . Deposit by defendant of amount in satisfaction of claim— The defendant in any suit to recover a debt or
damage may, at any stage of the suit, deposit in Court such sum of money as he considers a satisfaction in
full of the claim.
2 . Notice of deposit— Notice of the deposit shall be given through the Court by the defendant to the plaintiff,
and the amount of the deposit shall (unless the Court otherwise directs) be paid to the plaintiff on his
3 . Interest on deposit not allowed to plaintiff after notice— No interest shall be allowed to the plaintiff on any
sum deposited by the defendant from the date of the receipt of such notice, whether the sum deposited is in
full of the claim or falls short thereof.
4 . Procedure where plaintiff accepts deposit as satisfaction in part— (1) Where the plaintiff accepts such
amount as satisfaction in part only of his claim he may prosecute suit for the balance; and, if the Court
decides that the deposit by the defendant was a full satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim, the plaintiff shall pay
the costs of the suit incurred after the deposit and the costs incurred previous thereto, so far as they were
caused by excess in the plaintiff's claim.
(2) Procedure where he accepts it as satisfaction in full—Where the plaintiff accepts such amount as
satisfaction in full of his claim he shall present to the Court a statement to that effect, and such statement
shall be filed and the Court shall pronounce judgment accordingly; and, in directing by whom the costs of
each party are to be paid, the Court shall consider which of the parties is most to blame for the litigation.
(a) A owes B Rs. 100. B sues A for the amount, having made no demand for payment, and having no reason
to believe that the delay caused by making a demand would place him at a disadvantage. On the plaint being
filed. A pays the money into Court, B accepts it in full satisfaction of his claim, but the Court should not allow
him any costs, the litigation being presumably groundless on his part.
(b) B sues A under the circumstance mentioned in illustration (a). On the plaint being filed, A disputes the
claim. Afterwards A pays the money into Court. B accepts it in full satisfaction of his claim. The Court should
also give B his cast of suit. A's conduct having shown that the litigation was necessary.
(c) A owes B Rs. 100, and is willing to pay him that sum without suit. B claims Rs. 150 and sues A for that
amount. On the plaint being filed, A pays Rs. 100 into Court and disputes only his liability to pay the
remaining Rs. 50. B accepts the Rs. 100 in full satisfaction of his claim. The Court should order him to pay
A's costs.
1 . When security for costs may be required from plaintiff— (1) At any stage of a suit, the Court may, either of
its own motion or on the application of any defendant, order the plaintiff, for reasons to be recorded to give
with in the time fixed by it security for the payment of all costs incurred and likely to be incurred by any
Provided that such an order shall be made in all cases in which it appears to the Court that a sole plaintiff is,
or (when there are more plaintiffs than one) that all the plaintiff are, residing out of India and that such
plaintiff does not possess or that no one of such plaintiffs possesses any sufficient immovable property with
India other than the property in suit.
(2) Whoever leaves India under such circumstances as to afford reasonable probability that he will not be
forthcoming whenever he may be called upon to pay costs shall be deemed to be residing out of India within
the meaning of the proviso to sub-rule (1).
2 . Effect of failure to furnish security— (1) In the event of such security not being furnished within the time
fixed, the Court shall make an order dismissing the suit unless the plaintiff or plaintiffs are permitted to
withdraw therefrom.
(2) Where a suit is dismissed under this rule, the plaintiff may apply for an order to set the dismissal aside
and, if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court that he was prevented by any sufficient cause from
furnishing the security within the time allowed, the Court shall set aside the dismissal upon such terms as to
security, costs or otherwise as it thinks fit, and shall appoint a day for proceeding with the suit.
(3) The dismissal shall not be set aside unless notice of such application has been served on the defendant.
Commissions to examine witnesses
1 . Cases in which Court may issue commission to examine witness— Any Court may in any suit issue a
commission for the examination on interrogatories or otherwise of any person resident within the local limits
of its jurisdiction who is exempted under this Code from attending the Court or who is from sickness or
infirmity unable to attend it:
[308] [Provided that a commission for examination on interrogatories shall not be issued unless the Court, for
reasons to be recorded, thinks it necessary so to do.
Explanation—The Court may, for the purpose of this rule, accept a certificate purporting to be signed by a
registered medical practitioner as evidence of the sickness or infermity of any person, without calling the
medical practitioner as a witness.]
2 . Order for commission— An order for the issue of a commission for the examination of a witness may be
made by the Court either of its own motion or on the application, supported by affidavit or otherwise, of any
party to the suit or of the witness to be examined.
3 . Where witness resides within Court's jurisdiction— A commission for the examination of a person who
resides within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court issuing the same may be issued to any person
whom the Court thinks fit to execute it.
4 . Persons for whose examination commission may issue— (1) Any Court may in any suit issue a
commission [309][for the examination on interrogatories or otherwise of—]
(a) any person resident beyond the local limits of its jurisdiction;
(b) any person who is about to leave such limits before the date on which he is required to be examined in
Court; and
(c) any person in the service of the Government who cannot in the opinion of the Court, attend without
detriment to the public service:
[310] [Provided that where, under rule 19 of Order XVI, a person cannot be ordered to attend a Court in
person, a commission shall be issued for his examination if his evidence is considered necessary in the
interests of justice:
Provided further that a commission for examination of such person on interrogatories shall not be issued
unless the Court, for reasons to be recorded, thinks it necessary so to do.]
(2) Such commission may be issued to any Court, not being a High Court, within the local limits of whose
jurisdiction such person resides, or to any pleader or other person whom the Court issuing the commission
may appoint.
(3) The Court on issuing any commission may this rule shall direct whether the commission shall be returned
to itself or to any subordinate Court.
5 . Commission or request to examine witness not within India— Where any Court to which application is
made for the issue of a commission for the examination of a person residing at any place not within India is
satisfied that the evidence of such person is necessary, the Court may issue such commission or a letter of
6 . Court to examine witness pursuant to Commission— Every Court receiving a commission for the
examination of any person shall examine him or cause him to be examined pursuant thereto.
7 . Return of commission with depositions of witnesses— Where a commission has been duly executed, it
shall be returned, together with the evidence taken under it, to the Court from which it was issued, unless the
order for issuing the commission has otherwise directed, in which case the commission shall be returned in
terms of such order; and the commission and the returned thereto and the evidence taken under it shall
[311][subject to the provisions of rule 8] from part of the record of the suit.
8 . When depositions may be read in evidence— Evidence taken under a commission shall not be read as
evidence in the suit without the consent of the party against whom the same is offered, unless—
(a) the person who gave the evidence is beyond the jurisdiction of the Court, or dead or unable from
sickness or infermity to attend to be personally examined, or exempted from personal appearance in Court or
is a person in the service of the Government who cannot, in the opinion of the Court, attend without
detriment to the public service, or
(b) the Court in its discretion dispenses with the proof of any of the circumstances mentioned in clause (a)
and authorizes the evidence of any person being read as evidence in the suit, notwithstanding proof that the
cause for taking such evidence by commission has ceased at the time of reading the same.
Commissions for local investigations
9 . Commissions to make local investigations— In any suit in which the Court deems a local investigation to
be requisite or proper for the purpose of elecidating any matter in dispute, or of ascertaining the market-value
of any property, or the amount of any mesne profits or damages or annual net profits, the Court may issue a
commission to such person as it thinks fit directing him to make such investigation and to report thereon to
the Court:
Provided that, where the State Government has made rules as to the persons to whom such commission
shall be issued, the Court shall be bound by such rules.
10 . Procedure of Commissioner— (1) The Commissioner, after such local inspection as he deems
necessary and after reducing to writing the evidence taken by him, shall return such evidence, together with
his report in writing signed by him, to the Court.
(2) Report and deposition to be evidence in suit. Commissioner may be examined in person—The report of
the Commissioner and the evidence taken by him (but not the evidence without the report) shall be evidence
in the suit and shall form part of the record; but the Court or, with the permission of the Court, any of the
parties to suit may examine the Commissioner personally in open Court touching any part of the matters
referred to him or mentioned in his report, or as to his report, or as to the manner in which he has made the
(3) Where the Court is for any reason dissatisfied with the proceedings of the Commissioner, it may direct
such further inquiry to be made as it shall think fit.
[312] [Commissions for scientific investigation, performance of ministerial act and sale of movable property
10A . Commission for scientific investigation— (1) Where any question arising in a suit involves any scientific
investigation which cannot, in the opinion of the Court, be conveniently conducted before the Court, the
Court may, if it thinks it necessary or expedient in the interests of justice so to do, issue a commission to
such person as it thinks fit, directing him to inquire into such question and report thereon to the Court.
(2) The provisions of rule 10 of the Order shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to a Commissioner
appointed under this rule as they apply in relation to a Commissioner appointed under rule 9.
10B . Commission for performance of a ministerial act— (1) Where any question arising in a suit involves the
performance of any ministerial act which cannot, in the opinion of the Court, be conveniently performed
before the Court, the Court may, if, for reasons to be recorded, it is of opinion that it is necessary or
expedient in the interests of justice so to do, issue a commission to such person as it thinks fit, directing him
to perform that ministerial act and report thereon to the Court.
10C . Commission for the sale of movable property— (1) Where in any suit, it becomes necessary to sell any
movable property which is in the custody of the Court pending the determination of the suit and which cannot
be conveniently preserved, the Court may, if, for reasons to be recorded, it is of opinion that it is necessary
or expedient in the interests of justice so to do, issue a commission to such person as it thinks fit, directing
him to conduct such sale and report thereon to the Court.
(2) The provisions of rule 10 of this Order shall apply in relation to a Commissioner appointed under this rule
as they apply in relation to a Commissioner appointed under rule 9.
(3) Every such sale shall be held, as far as may be, in accordance with the procedure prescribed for the sale
of movable property in execution of a decree.]
Commissions to examine accounts
11 . Commission to examine or adjust accounts— In any suit in which an examination or adjustment of the
accounts is necessary, the Court may issue a commission to such person as it thinks fit directing him to
make such examination or adjustment.
12 . Court to give Commissioner necessary instructions— (1) The Court shall furnish the Commissioner with
such part of the proceedings and such instructions as appear necessary, and the instructions shall distinctly
specify whether the Commissioner is merely to transmit the proceedings which he may hold on the inquiry, or
also to report his own opinion on the point referred for his examination.
(2) Proceedings and report to be evidence. Court may direct further inquiry—The proceedings and report (if
any) of the Commissioner shall be evidence in the suit, but where the Court has reason to be dissatisfied
with them, it may direct such further inquiry as it shall think fit.
Commissions to make partitions
13 . Commission to make partition of immovable property— Where a preliminary decree for partition has
been passed, the Court may, in any case not provided for by section 54, issue a commission to such person
as it thinks fit to make the partition or separation according to the rights as declared in such decree.
14 . Procedure of Commissioner— (1) The Commissioner shall, after such inquiry as may be necessary,
divide the property into as many shares as may be directly by the order under which the commission was
issued, and shall allot such shares to the parties, and may, if authorised thereto by the said order, award
sums to be paid for the purpose of equalizing the value of the shares.
(2) The commissioner shall then prepare and sign a report or the Commission (where the commission was
issued to more than one person and they cannot agree) shall prepare and sign separate reports appointing
the share of each party and distinguishing each share (if so directed by the said order) by metes and bounds.
Such report or reports shall be annexed to the commission and transmitted to Court; and the Court, after
hearing any objections which the parties may make to the report or reports, shall confirm, vary or set aside
the same.
(3) Where the Court confirms or varies the report or reports it shall pass a decree in accordance with the
same as confirmed or varied; but where the Court sets aside the report or reports it shall either issue a new
commission or make such other order as it shall think fit.
General provisions
15 . Expenses of commission to be paid into Court— Before issuing any commission under this Order, the
Court may order such sum (if any ) as it thinks reasonable for the expenses of the commission to be, within a
time to be fixed, paid into Court by the party at whose instance or for whose benefit the commission is
16 . Powers of Commissioners— Any Commissioner appointed under this Order may, unless otherwise
directed by the order of appointed.
(a) examine the parties themselves and any witness whom they or any of them may produce, and any other
person whom the Commissioner thinks proper to call upon to give evidence in the matter referred to him;
(b) call for and examine documents and other things relevant to the subject of inquiry;
(c) at any reasonable time enter upon or into any land or building mentioned in the order.
[313][16A . Questions objected to before the Commissioner— (1) Where any question put to a witness is
objected to by a party or his pleader in proceedings before a Commissioner appointed under this Order, the
Commissioner shall take down the question, the answer, the objections and the name of the party or, as the
case may be, the pleader so objecting:
Provided that the Commissioner shall not take down the answer to a question which is objected to on the
ground of privilege but may continue with the examination of the witness, leaving the party to get the
question of privilege decided by the Court, and, where the Court decides that there is no question of
privilege, the witness may be recalled by the Commissioner and examined by him or the witness may be
examined by the Court with regard to the question which was objected to on the ground of privilege.
(2) No answer taken down under sub-rule (1) shall be read was evidence in the suit except by the order of
the Court.]
17 . Attendance and examination of witnesses before Commissioner— (1) The provisions of this Code
relating to the summoning, attendance and examination of witnesses, and to the remuneration of, and
penalties to be imposed upon, witnesses, shall apply to persons required to give evidence or to produce
documents under this Order whether the commission in execution of which they are so required has been
issued by a Court situate within or by a Court situate beyond the limits of India, and for the purposes of this
rule the Commissioner shall be deemed to be a Civil Court:
[314] [Provided that when the Commissioner is not a Judge of a Civil Court he shall not be competent to
impose penalties; but such penalties may be imposed on the application of such Commissioner by the Court
by which the commission was issued.]
(2) A Commissioner may apply to any Court (not being a High Court) within the local limits on whose
jurisdiction a witness resides for the issue of any process which he may find it necessary to issue to or
against such witness, and such Court may, in its discretion, issue such process as it considers reasonable
and proper.
18 . Parties to appear before Commissioner— (1) Where a commission is issued under this Order, the Court
shall direct that the parties to the suit shall appear before the Commissioner in person or by their agents or
(2) Where all or any of the parties do not so appear, the Commissioner may proceed in their absence.
[315][18A . Application of Order to execution proceedings— The provisions of this Order shall apply so far as
may be, to proceedings in execution of a decree or order.
18B . Court to fix a time for return of commission— The Court issuing a commission shall fix a date on or
before which the commission shall be returned to it after execution, and the date so fixed shall not be
extended except where the Court, for reasons to be recorded, is satisfied that there is sufficient cause for
extending the date.]
Commissions issued at the instance of foreign Tribunals
19 . Cases in which High Court may issue commission to examine witness— (1) If a High Court is satisfied—
(a) that a foreign court situated in a foreign country wishes to obtain the evidence of a witness in any
proceeding before it,
(b) that the proceeding is of a civil nature, and
(c) that the witness is residing within the limits of the High Court's appellate jurisdiction,
it may, subject to the provisions of the rule 20, issue a commission for the examination of such witness.
(2) Evidence may be given of the matters specified in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of sub-rule (1)—
(a) by a certificate signed by the consular officer of the foreign country of the highest rank in India and
transmitted to the High Court through the Central Government, or
(b) by a letter of request issued by the foreign Court and transmitted to the High Court through the Central
Government, or
(c) by a letter of request issued by the foreign Court and produced before the High Court by a party to the
20 . Application for issue of commission— The High Court may issue a commission under rule 19—
(a) upon application by a party to the proceeding before the foreign Court, or
(b) upon an application by a law officer of the State Government acting under instructions from the State
21 . To whom commission may be issued— A commission under rule 19 may be issued to any Court within
the local limits of whose jurisdiction the witness resides, or the witness resides within the local limits of the
ordinary original civil jurisdiction of the High Court to any person whom the Court thinks fit to execute the
22 . Issue, execution and return of commissions, and transmission of evidence to foreign Court— The
provisions of rules 6, 15 [316][Sub-rule (1) of rule 16A, 17, 18 and 18B] of this Order in so far as they are
applicable shall apply to the issue, execution and return of such commissions, and when any such
commission has been duly executed it shall be returned, together with the evidence taken under it, to the
High Court, which shall forward it to the Central Government, along with the letter of request for transmission
to the foreign court.
1 . Suits by or against Government— In any suit by or against the Government the plaint or written statement
shall be signed by such person as the Government may, by general or special order, appoint in this behalf,
and shall be verified by any person whom the Government may so appoint and who is acquainted with the
facts of the case.
Uttar Pradesh.— In the marginal heading of the Order, after the words "official capacity", insert the words "or
Statutory Authorities, etc."
[U.P. Act 57 of 1976].
2 . Persons authorised to act for Government— Persons being ex officio or otherwise authorised to act for
the Government in respect of any judicial proceeding shall be deemed to be the recognised agents by whom
appearances, act and applications under this Code may be made or done on behalf of the Government.
3 . Plaints in suits by or against Government— In suits by or against the Government instead of inserting in
the plaint the name and description and place of residence of the plaintiff or defendant, it shall be sufficient to
insert the appropriate name as provided in section 79.
4 . Agent for Government to receive process— The Government pleader in any Court shall be the agent of
the Government for the purpose of receiving processes against the Government issued by such Court.
5 . Fixing of day for appearance on behalf of Government— The Court, in fixing the day for the Government
to answer to the plaint, shall allow a reasonable time for the necessary communication with the Government
through the proper channel, and for the issue of instructions to the Government pleader to appear and
answer on behalf of the Government and may extend the time at its discretion but the time so extended shall
not exceed two months in the aggregate.]
[317][5A . Government to be joined as a party in a suit against a public officer— Where a suit is instituted
against a public officer for damages or other relief in respect of any act alleged to have been done by him in
his official capacity, the Government shall be joined as a party to the suit.
5B . Duty of Court in suits against the Government or a public officer to assist in arriving at a settlement— (1)
In every suit or proceeding to which the Government, or a public officer acting in his official capacity, is a
party, it shall be the duty of the Court to make, in the first instance, every endeavour, where it is possible to
do so consistently with the nature and circumstances of the case, to assist the parties in arriving at a
settlement in respect of the subject-matter of the suit.
(2) If, in any such suit or proceeding, at any stage, it appears to the Court that there is a reasonable
possibility of a settlement between the parties, the Court may adjourn the proceeding for such period as it
thinks fit, to enable attempts to be made to effect such a settlement.
(3) The power conferred under sub-rule (2) is in addition to any other power of the Court to adjourn
6 . Attendance of person able to answer questions relating to suit against Government— The Court may also
in any case in which the Government pleader is not accompanied by any person on the part of the
Government who may be able to answer any material questions relating to the suit, direct the attendance of
such a person.
7 . Extension of time to enable public officer to make reference to Government— (1)Where the defended is a
public officer and, on receiving the summons, considers it proper to make a reference to the Government
before answering the plaint, he may apply to the Court to grant such extension of the time fixed in the
summons as may necessary to enable him to make such reference and to receive orders thereon through
the proper channel.
(2) Upon such application the Court shall extend the time for so long as appears to it to be necessary.
8 . Procedure in suits against public officer— (1) Where the Government undertakes the defence of a suit
against a public officer, the Government pleader, upon being furnished with authority to appear and answer
the plaint, shall apply to the Court, and upon such application the Court shall cause a note of his authority to
be entered in the register of civil suits.
(2) Where no application under sub-rule (1) is made by the Government pleader on or before the day fixed in
the notice for the defendant to appear and answer, the case shall proceed as in a suit between private
Provided that the defendant shall not be liable to arrest, nor his property to attachment, otherwise than in
execution of a decree.
Uttar Pradesh.— After rule 9 as inserted by Allahabad High Court insert the following:—
"10. Suits by or against statutory authority.— (1) Any authority or Corporation, constituted by or under any
law, may, from time to time, appoint a Standing Counsel, to be called Corporation pleader of that authority in
any district and give information of such appointment to the District Judge and to Registrar of the High Court
at Allahabad or at Lucknow Bench, as the case may be.
(2) The Corporation pleader so appointed shall be the agent in that district of the appointing authority or
Corporation for purposes of receiving processes against it but shall not act or plead without filing a
vakalatnama or memorandum of appearance."
[U.P. Act 57 of 1976 amended by Notification dated 10.2.1981].
8A . No security to be required from Government or a public officer in certain cases— No such security as is
mentioned in rules 5 and 6 of Order XLI shall be required from the Government or, where the Government
has undertaken the defence of the suit, from any public officer sued in respect of an act alleged to be done
by him in his official capacity.
8B . Definitions of "Government" and "Government pleader"— In this Order [unless otherwise expressly,
provided "Government" and "Government pleader" mean respectively—
(a) in relation to any suit by or against the Central Government, or against a public officer in the service of
that Government, the Central Government and such pleader as that Government may appoint whether
generally or specially for the purposes of this Order;
(c) in relation to any suit by or against a State Government or against a public officer in the service of a
State, the State Government and the Government pleader as defined in clause (7) of section 2, or such other
pleader as the State Government may appoint, whether generally or specially, for the purposes of this Order.
1 . Notice to the Attorney General or the Advocate- General— In any suit in which it appears to the Court that
any such question as is referred to in clause (1) of Article 132, read with Article 147 of the Constitution is
involved, the Court shall not proceed to determine that question until after notice has been given to the
Attorney General for India if the question of law concerns the Central Government and to the Advocate-
General of the State if the question of law concerns a State Government.
[319][1A . Procedure in suits involving validity of any statutory instrument— In any suit in which it appears to
the Court that any question as to the validity of any statutory instrument, not being a question of the nature
mentioned in rule 1, is involved, the Court shall not proceed to determine that question except after giving
(a) to the Government pleader, if the question concerns the Government, or
(b) to the authority which issued the statutory instrument, if the question concerns an authority other than
2 . Court may add Government as party— The Court may at any stage of the proceedings order that the
Central Government or a State Government shall be added as a defendant in any suit involving any such
question as it referred to in clause (1) of Article 132 read with Article 147, of the Constitution, if the Attorney
General for India or the Advocate-General of the State, as the case may be, whether upon receipt of notice
under rule 1, or otherwise, applies for such addition and the Court is satisfied that such addition is necessary
or desirable for the satisfactory determination of the question of law involved.
[320][2A . Power of Court to add Government or other authority as a defendant in a suit relating to the validity
of any statutory instrument— The Court may, at any stage of the proceedings in any suit involving any such
question as is referred to in rule 1A, order that the Government or other authority shall be added as a
defendant if the Government pleader or the pleader appearing in the case for the authority which issued the
instrument, as the case may be, whether upon receipt of notice under rule 1A or otherwise, applies for such
addition, and the Court is satisfied that such addition is necessary or desirable for the satisfactory
determination of the question.]
[321][3 . Costs— Where, under rule 2 or rule 2A the Government or any other authority is added as a
defendant in a suit, the Attorney-General, Advocate-General or Government Pleader or Government or other
authority shall not be entitled to, or liable for, costs in the Court which ordered the addition unless the Court,
having regard to all the circumstances of the case for any special reason, otherwise orders.]
4 . Application or Order to appeals— In application of this Order to appeals the word "defendant" shall be
held to include a respondent and the word "suit" an appeal.
[322] [Explanation—In this Order, "statutory instrument" means a rule, notification, bye-law order, scheme or
form made as specified under any enactment.]
1 . Officers, soldiers, sailors or airmen who cannot obtain leave may authorize any person to sue or defend
for them— (1) Where any officer, soldier, sailor or airman, actual serving under the Government in such
capacity is a party to a suit, and cannot obtain leave of absence for the purpose of prosecuting or defending
the suit in person, he may authorize any person to sue or defend in his stead.
(2) The authority shall be writing and shall be signed by the officer, soldier, sailor or airman in the presence
of (a) his commanding officer, or the next subordinate officer, if the party is himself the commanding officer,
or (b) where the officer, soldier, sailor or airman, is serving in military, naval or air force staff employment the
head or other superior officer of the office in which he is employed. Such commanding or other officer shall
countersign the authority, which shall be filed in Court.
(3) When so filed the countersignature shall be sufficient proof that the authority was duly executed, and that
the officer, soldier, sailor or airman by whom it was granted could not obtain leave of absence for the
purpose of prosecuting of defending the suit in person.
Explanation—In this Order the expression "commanding officer" means the officer in actual command for the
time being of an regiment, corps, ship, detachment or depot which the officer, soldier sailor or airman
2 . Person so authorized may act personally or appoint pleader— Any person authorized by an officer,
soldier, sailor or airman to prosecute or defend a suit in his stead may prosecute or defend it in person in the
same manner as the officer, soldier, sailor or airman could do if present; or he may appoint a pleader to
prosecute or defend the suit on behalf of such officer, soldier, sailor or airman.
3 . Service on person so authorized, or on his pleader, to be service— Process served upon any person
authorized by an officer soldier, sailor or airman under rule 1 or upon any pleader appointed as aforesaid by
such person shall be as effectual as if they had been served on the party in person.
1 . Subscription and verification of pleading— In suits by or against a corporation, any pleading may be
signed and verified on behalf of the corporation by the security or by any director or other principal officer of
the corporation who is able to depose to the facts of the case.
2 . Service on corporation— Subject to any statutory provision regulating service of process, where the suit is
against a corporation, the summons may be served—
(a) on the secretary, or on any director, or other principal officer of the corporation, or
(b) by leaving it or sending it by post addressed to the corporation at the registered office, or if there is no
registered office then at the place where the corporation carries on business.
Uttar Pradesh— In its application to the State of Uttar Pradesh, in Order XXIX, rule 2, insert the following,
after clause (a):—
"(aa) on its corporation pleader in the district where the Court issuing summons is located, if one has been
appointed and the appointment has been notified to the District Judge under rule 10 of Order XXVII, or."
[U.P. Act 57 of 1976].
3 . Power to require personal attendance of officer of corporation— The Court may, at any stage of the suit,
require the personal appearance of the secretary or of any director, or other principal officer of the
corporation who may be able to answer material questions relating to the suit.
1 . Suing of partners in name of firm— (1) Any two or more persons claiming or being liable as partners and
carrying on business, in India may sue or be sued in the name of the firm (if any) of which such persons were
partners at the time of the accruing of the cause of action, and any party to a suit may in such case apply to
the Court for a statement of the names and addresses of the persons who were, at the time of the accruing
of the cause of action, partners in such firm, to be furnished and verified in such manner as the Court may
(2) Where persons sue or are sued partners in the name of their firm under sub-rule (1), it shall, in the case
of any pleading or other document required by or under this Code to be signed, verified or certified by the
plaintiff or the defendant, suffice such pleading or other document is signed, verified or certified by any one
of such persons.
2 . Disclosure of partners' names— (1) Where a suit is instituted by partners in the name of their firm, the
plaintiffs or their pleader shall, on demanding writing by or on behalf of any defendant, forthwith declare in
writing the names and places of residence of all the persons constituting the firm on whose behalf the suit is
(2) Where the plaintiffs or their pleader fail to comply with any demand made under sub-rule (1) all
proceedings in the suit may, upon an application for that purpose, be stayed upon such terms as the Court
may direct.
(3) Where the names of the partners are declared in the manner referred to in sub-rule (1) the suit shall
proceed in the same manner, and the same consequences in all respects shall follow, as if they had been
named as plaintiffs in the plaint:
[323] [Provided that all proceedings shall nevertheless continue in the name of the firm, but the name of the
partners disclosed in the manner specified in sub-rule (1) shall be entered in the decree.]
3 . Service— Where persons are sued as partners in the name of their firm, the summons shall be served
(a) upon any one or more of the partners, or
(b) at the principal place at which the partnership business is carried on within India upon any person having,
at the time of service, the control or management or the partnership business, there,
as the Court may direct; and such service shall be deemed good service upon the firm so sued, whether all
or any of the partners are within or without India:
Provided that, in the case of a partnership which has been dissolved to the knowledge of the plaintiff before
the institution of the suit, the summons shall be served upon every person within India whom it is sought to
make liable.
4 . Rights of suit on death of partner— (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 45 of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872 (9 of 1872) where two or more persons may sue or be sued in the name of a firm under
the foregoing provisions and any of such persons dies, whether before the institution or during the pendency
of any suit, it shall not be necessary to join the legal representative of the deceased as a party to the suit.
(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall limit or otherwise effect any right which the legal representative of the
deceased may have—
(a) to apply to be made a party to the suit, or
(b) to enforce any claim against the survivor or survivors.
5 . Notice in what capacity served— Where a summons is issued to a firm and is served in the manner
provided by rule 3 , every person upon whom it is served shall be informed by notice in writing given at the
time of such service, whether he is served as a partner or as a person having the control or management of
the partnership business, or in both characters, and, in default of such notice, the person served shall be
deemed to be served as a partner.
6 . Appearance of partners— Where persons are sued as partners in the name of their firm, they shall
appear individually in their own names, but all subsequent proceedings shall, nevertheless, continue in the
name of the firm.
7 . No appearance except by partners— Where a summons is served in the manner provided by rule 3 upon
a person having the control or management of the partnership business, no appearance by him shall be
necessary unless he is a partner of the firm sued.
[324][8 . Appearance under protest— (1) Any person served with summons as a partner under rule 3 may
enter an appearance under protest, denying that he was a partner at an material time.
(2) On such appearance being made, either the plaintiff or the person entering the appearance may, at any
time before the date fixed for hearing and final disposal of the suit, apply to the Court for determinig whether
that person was a partner of the firm and liable as such.
(3) If, on such application, the Court holds that he was a partner at the material time, that shall not preclude
the person from filing a defence denying the liability of the firm in respect of the claim against the defendant.
(4) If the Court, however, holds that such person was not a partner of the firm and was not liable as such that
shall not preclude the plaintiff from otherwise serving a summons on the firm and proceeding with the suit;
but in that event, the plaintiff shall be precluded from alleging the laibility of that person as a partner of the
firm in execution of any decree that may be passed against the firm.]
9 . Suits between co-partners— This Order shall apply to suits between a firm and one or more of the
partners therein and to suits between firms having one or more partners, in common; but not execution shall
be issued in such suits except by leave of the Court, and, on an application for leave to issue such execution,
all such accounts and inquiries may be directed to be taken and made and directions given as may be just.
[325][10 . Suit against person carrying on business in name other than his own— Any person carrying on
business in a name or style other than his own name, or a Hindu undivided family carrying on business
under any name, may be sued in such name or style as if it were a firm name, and, in so far as the nature of
such case permits, all rules under this Order shall apply accordingly.]
1 . Representation of beneficiaries in suits concerning property vested in trustees, etc.— In all suits
concerning property vested in a trustee, executor or administrator, where the contention is between the
persons beneficially interested in such property and a third person, the trustee; executor or Administator shall
represent the persons so interested, and it shall not ordinarily be necessary to make them parties to the suit.
But the Court may, if it thinks fit, order them or any of them to be made parties.
2 . Joinder of trustee, executors and administrators— Where there are several trustees, executors or
administrators, they shall all be made parties to a suit against one or more of them:
Provided that the executors who have not proved their testator's will, and trustees, executors and
administrators outside India need not be made parties.
3 . Husband of married executrix not to join— Unless the Court directs otherwise, the husband of a married
trustee, administratrix or executrix shall not as such be a party to a suit by or against her.
1 . Minor to sue by next friend— Every suit by a minor shall be instituted in his name by a person who in
such shall be called the next friend of the minor.
[326]Explanation—In this Order, "minor" means a person who has not attained his majority within the
meaning of section 3 of the Indian Majority Act, 1875 (9 of 1875) where the suit relates to any of the matters
mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) of section 2 of that Act or to any other matter.]
2 . Where suit is instituted without next friend, plaint to be taken off the file— (1) Where a suit is instituted by
or on behalf of a minor without a next friend, the defendant may apply to have the plaint taken off the file,
with costs to be paid by the pleader or other person by whom it was presented.
(2) Notice of such application shall be given to such person, and the Court, after hearing his objections (if
any) may make such order in the matter as it thinks fit.
[327][2A . Security to be furnished by next friend when so ordered— (1) Where a suit has been instituted on
behalf of the minor by his next friend, the Court may, at any stage of the suit, either of its own motion or on
the application of any defendant, and for the reasons to be recorded, order the next friend to give security for
the payment of all costs incurred or likely to be incurred by the defendant.
(2) Where such a suit is instituted by an indigent person, the security shall include the court-fees payable to
the Government.
(3) The provisions of rule 2 of Order XXV shall, so far as may be, apply to a suit where the Court makes an
order under this rule directing security to be furnished.]
3 . Guardian for the suit to be appointed by Court for minor defendant— (1) Where the defendant is a minor
the Court, on being satisfied of the fact of his minority, shall appoint a proper person to be guardian for the
suit for such minor.
(2) An order for the appointment of a guardian for the suit may be obtained upon application in the name and
on behalf of the minor or by the plaintiff.
(3) Such application shall be supported by an affidavit verifying the fact that the proposed guardian has no
interest in the matters in controversy in the suit adverse to that of the minor and that he is a fit person to be
so appointed.
(4) Order shall be made on any application under this rule except upon notice to any [328]*** to any guardian
of the minor appointed or declared by an authority competent in that behalf, or, where there is no such
guardian, [329][upon notice to the father or where there is no father, to the mother, or where there is no
father or mother, to other natural guardian] of the minor, or, where there is [330][no father, mother or other
natural guardian], to the person in whose care the minor is, and after hearing any objection which may be
urged on behalf of any person served with notice under this sub-rule.
[331][(4A) The Court may, in any case, if it thinks fit, issue notice under sub-rule (4) to the minor also.]
(5) A person appointed under sub-rule (1) to be guardian for the suit for a minor shall, unless his appointment
is terminated by retirement, removal or death, continue as such throughout all proceedings arising out of the
suit including proceedings in any Appellate or Revisional Court and any proceedings in the execution of a
[332][3A . Decree against minor to be set aside unless prejudice has been caused to his interests— (1) No
decree passed against a minor shall be set aside merely on the ground that the next friend or guardian for
the suit of the minor had an interest in the subject-matter of the suit adverse to that of the minor, but the fact
that by reasons of such adverse interest of the next friend of guardian for the suit, prejudice has been caused
to the interests of the minor, shall be a ground for setting aside the decree.
(2) Nothing in this rule shall preclude the minor from obtaining any relief available under any law by reason of
the misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the next friend or guardian for the suit resulting in
prejudice to the interests of the minor.]
4 . Who may act as next friend or be appointed guardian for the suit— (1) Any person who is of sound mind
and has attained majority may act as next friend of a minor or as his guardian for the suit:
Provided that the interest of such person is not adverse to that of the minor and that he is not, in the case of
a next friend, a defendant, or, in the case of a guardian for the suit, a plaintiff.
(2) Where a minor has a guardian appointed or declared by competent authority, no person other than such
guardian shall act as the next friend of the minor or be appointed his guardian for the suit unless the Court
considers, for reasons to be recorded, that it is for the minor's welfare that another person be permitted to act
or be appointed, as the case may be.
(3) No person shall without his consent [333][in writing] be appointed guardian for the suit.
(4) Where there is no other person fit and willing to act as guardian for the suit, for Court may appoint any of
its officers to be such guardian, and may direct that the costs to be incurred by such officer in the
performance of his duties as such guardian shall be borne either by the parties or by any one or more of the
parties to the suit, or out of any fund in Court in which the minor is interested [334][or out of the property of
the minor], and may give directions for the repayment or allowance of such costs as justice and the
circumstances of the case may require.
5 . Representation of minor by next friend or guardian for the suit— (1) Every application to the Court on
behalf of a minor, other than an application under rule 10, sub-rule (2), shall be made by his next friend or by
his guardian for the suit.
(2) Every order made in a suit or on any application, before the Court in or by which a minor is in any way
concerned or affected, without such minor being represented by a next friend or guardian for the suit, as the
case may be, may be discharged, and, where the pleader of the party at whose instance such order was
obtained knew, or might reasonably have known, the fact of such minority, with costs to be paid by such
6 . Receipt by next friend or guardian for the suit of property under decree for minor— (1) A next friend or
guardian for the suit shall not, without the leave of the Court, receive any money or other movable property
on behalf of a minor either—
(a) by way of compromise before decree or order, or
(b) under a decree or order in favour of the minor.
(2) Where the next friend or guardian for the suit has not been appointed or declared by competent authority
to be guardian of the property of the minor, or, having been so appointed or declared, is under any disability
known to the Court to receive the money or other movable property, the Court shall, if it grants him leave to
receive the property, require such security and give such directions as will, in its opinion, sufficiently protect
the property from waste and ensure its proper application:
[335][Provided that the Court may, for reasons to be recorded, dispense with such security while granting
leave to the next friend or guardian for the suit to receive money or other movable property under a decree or
order, where such next friend or guardian—
(a) is the manager of a Hindu undivided family and the decree or order relates to the property or business of
the family; or
(b) is the parent of the minor.]
7 . Agreement or compromise by next friend or guardian for the suit— (1) No next friend or guardian for the
suit shall, without the leave of the Court, expressly recorded in the proceedings, enter into any agreement or
compromise on behalf of a minor with reference to the suit in which he acts as next friend or guardian.
[336][(1A) An application for leave under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the next friend
of the guardian for the suit, as the case may be, and also, if the minor is represented by a pleader, by the
certificate of the pleader, to the effect that the agreement or compromise proposed is, in his opinion, for the
benefit of the minor:
Provided that the opinion so expressed, whether in the affidavit or in the certificate shall not preclude the
Court from examining whether the agreement or compromise proposed is for the benefit of the minor.]
(2) Any such agreement or compromise entered into without the leave of the Court so recorded shall be
voidable against all parties other than the minor.
8 . Retirement of next friend— (1) Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, a next friend shall not retire
without first procuring a fit person to be put in his place and giving security for the costs already incurred.
(2) The application for the appointment of a new next friend shall be supported by an affidavit showing the
fitness of the person proposed and also that he has no interest adverse to that of the minor.
9 . Removal of next friend— (1)Where the interest of the next friend of a minor is adverse to that of the minor
or where he is so connected with a defendant whose interest is adverse to that of the minor as to make it
unlikely that the minor's interest will be properly protected by him, or where he does not do his duty, or during
the pendency of the suit, ceases to reside within India or for any other sufficient cause, application may be
made on behalf of the minor or by a defendant for his removal; and the Court, if satisfied of the sufficiency of
the cause assigned, may order the next friend to be removed accordingly, and make such other order as to
costs as it thinks fit.
(2) Where the next friend is not a guardian appointed or declared by an authority competent in this behalf,
and an application is made by a guardian so appointed or declared, who desires to be himself appointed in
the place of the next friend, the Court shall remove that next friend unless it considers, for reasons to be
recorded by it, that the guardian ought not to be appointed the next friend of the minor and shall thereupon
appoint the applicant to be next friend in his place upon such terms as to the costs already incurred in the
suit as it thinks fit.
10 . Stay of proceedings on removal, etc., of next friend— (1) On the retirement, removal or death of the next
friend of a minor, further proceedings shall be stayed until the appointment of a next friend in his place.
(2) Where the pleader of such minor omits, within a reasonable time, to take steps to get a new friend
appointed, any person interested in the minor or in the matter in issue may apply to the Court for the
appointment of one, and the Court may appoint such person as it thinks fit.
11 . Retirement, removal or death of guardian for the suit— (1) Where the guardian for the suit desire to
retire or does not do his duty, or where there sufficient ground is made to appear, the Court may permit such
guardian to retire or may remove him, and may make such order as to costs as it thinks fit.
(2) Where the guardian for the suit retires, dies or is removed by the Court during the pendency of the suit,
the Court shall appoint a new guardian in his place.
12 . Course to be followed by minor plaintiff or applicant on attaining majority— (1) A minor plaintiff or a
minor not a party to a suit on whose behalf an application is pending shall, on attaining majority, elect
whether he will proceed with the suit or application.
(2) Where he elects to proceed with the suit or application, he shall apply for an order discharging the next
friend and for leave to proceed in his own name.
(3) The title of the suit or application shall in such case be corrected so as to read henceforth thus:
"A.B., late a minor, by C.D., his next friend, but now having attained majority."
(4) Where he elects to abandon the suit or application, he shall, if a sole plaintiff or sole applicant, apply for
an order to dismiss the suit or application on repayment of the costs incurred by the defendant or opposite
party or which may have been paid by his next friend.
(5) Any application under this rule may be made ex parte but no order discharging a next friend and
permitting a minor plaintiff to proceed in his own name shall be made without notice to the next friend.
13 . Where minor co-plaintiff attaining, majority desires to repudiate suit— (1) Where a minor co-plaintiff on
attaining majority desires to repudiate the suit, he shall apply to have his name struck out as co-plaintiff; and
the Court, if it finds that he is not a necessary party shall dismiss him from the suit on such terms as to costs
or otherwise as it thinks fit.
(2) Notice of the application shall be served on the next friend, on any co-plaintiff and on the defendant.
(3) The costs of all parties of such application, and of all or any proceedings therefore had in the suit, shall
be paid by such persons as the Court directs.
(4) Where the applicant is a necessary party to the suit, the Court may direct him to be made a defendant.
14 . Unreasonable or improper suit— (1) A minor on attaining majority may, if a sole plaintiff, apply that a suit
instituted in his name by his next friend be dismissed on the ground that it was unreasonable or improper.
(2) Notice of the application shall be served on all the parties concerned; and the Court, upon being satisfied
of such unreasonableness or impropriety, grant the application and order the next friend to pay the costs of
all parties in respect of the application and of anything done in the suit, or make such other order as it thinks
[337][15 . Rules 1 to 14 (except rule 2A) to apply to persons of unsound mind— Rules 1 to 14 (except rule
2A) shall, so far as may be, apply to persons adjudged, before or during the pendency of the suit, to be of
unsound mind and shall also apply to persons who, though not so adjudged, are found by the Court on
enquiry to be incapable, by reason of any mental infirmity, or protecting their interest when suing or being
[338] [16 . Savings— (1) Nothing contained in this Order shall apply to the Ruler of a foreign State suing or
being sued in the name of his State, or being sued by the direction of the Central Government in the name of
an agent or in any other name.
(2) Nothing contained in this Order shall construed as affecting or in any way derogating from the provisions
of any local law for the time being in force relating to suits by or against minors or by against lunatics or other
persons of unsound mind.]
Order XXXII A ins. by Sec. 80 by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1977).
1 . Application of the Order— (1) The provision of this Order shall apply to suits or proceedings relating to
matters concerning the family.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-rule (1), the provisions of this
Order shall apply to the following suits or proceedings concerning the family, namely:—
(a) a suit or proceeding for matrimonial relief, including a suit or proceeding for declaration as to the validity
of a marriage or as to the matrimonial status of any person;
(b) a suit or proceeding for a declaration as to legitimacy of any person;
(c) a suit or proceeding in relation to the guardianship of the person or the custody of any minor or other
member of the family, under a disability;
(d) a suit or proceeding for maintenance;
(e) a suit or proceeding as to the validity or effect of an adoption;
(f) a suit or proceeding, instituted by a member of the family relating to wills, intestacy and succession;
(g) a suit or proceeding relating to any other matter concerning the family in respect of which the parties are
subject to their personal law.
(3) So much of this Order as relates to a matter provided for by a special law in respect of any suit or
proceeding shall not apply to that suit or proceeding.
2 . Proceedings to be held in camera— In every suit or proceeding to which this Order applies, the
proceeding may be held in camera if the Court so desires and shall be so held if either party so desires.
3 . Duty of Court to make efforts for settlement— (1) In every suit or proceeding to which this Order applies,
an endeavour shall be made by the Court in the first instance, where it is possible to do so consistent with
the nature and circumstances of the case, to assist the parties in arriving at a settlement in respect of the
subject-matter of the suit.
(2) If, in any such suit or proceeding, at any stage it appears to the Court that there is a reasonable
possibility of a settlement between the parties, the Court may adjourn the proceeding for such period as it
thinks fit to enable attempts to be made to effect such a settlement.
(3) The power conferred by sub-rule (2) shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other power of
the Court to adjourn the proceedings.
4 . Assistance of welfare expert— In every suit or proceeding to which this Order applies, it shall be open to
the Court to secure the services of such person (preferably a woman where available), whether related to the
parties or not, including a person professionally engaged in promoting the welfare of the family as the Court
may think fit, for the purpose of assisting the Court in discharging the functions imposed by rule 3 or this
5 . Duty to inquire into facts— In every suit or proceeding to which this Order applies, it shall be the duty of
the Court to inquire, so far is reasonably can, into the facts alleged by the plaintiff and into any facts alleged
by the defendant.
6 . "Family"—meaning of— For the purposes of this Order, each of the following shall be treated as
constituting a family, namely:—
(a) (i) a man and his wife living together,
(ii) any child or children, being issue or theirs; or of such man or such wife,
(iii) any child or children being maintained by such man or wife;
(b) a man not having a wife or not living together with his wife, any child or children, being issue of his, and
any child or children being maintained by him;
(c) a woman not having a husband or not living together with her husband, any child or children being issue
of hers, and any child or children being maintained by her;
(d) a man or woman and his or her brother, sister, ancestor or lineal descendant living with him or her; and
(e) any combination of one or more of the groups specified in clause (a), clause (b), clause (c) or clause (d)
of this rule.
Explanation—For the avoidance of doubts, it is hereby declared that the provisions of rule 6 shall be without
any prejudice to the concept of "family" in any personal law or in any other law for the time being in force.]
1 . Suits may be instituted by indigent person— Subject to the following provisions, any suit may be instituted
by an [341] [indigent person.]
[342] [Explanation I—A person is an indigent person,—
(a) if he is not possessed of sufficient means (other than property exempt from attachment in execution of a
decree and the subject-matter of the suit) to enable him to pay the fee prescribed by law for the plaint in such
suit, or
(b) where no such fee is prescribed, if he is not entitled to property worth one thousand rupees other than the
property exempt from attachment in execution of a decree, and the subject-matter of the suit.
Explanation II—Any property which is acquired by a person after the presentation of his application for
permission to sue as an indigent person, and before the decision of the application, shall be taken into
account in considering the question whether or not the applicant is an indigent person.
Explanation II—Where the plaintiff sued in a representative capacity, the question whether he is an indigent
person shall be determined with reference to the means possessed by him in such capacity.]
[343][1A . Inquiry into the means of an indigent person— Every inquiry into the question whether or not a
person is an indigent person shall be made, in the first instance, by the chief ministerial officer of the Court,
unless the Court otherwise directs, and the Court may adopt the report of such officer as its own finding or
may itself make an inquiry into the question.]
2 . Contents of application— Every application for permission to sue as an [344][indigent person] shall
contain the particulars required in regard to plaints in suits: a schedule of any movable or immovable
property belonging to the applicant, with the estimated value thereof, shall be annexed thereto; and it shall
be signed and verified in the manner prescribed for the signing and verification of pleadings.
3 . Presentation of application— Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the application shall be
presented to the Court by the applicant in person, unless he is exempted from appearing in Court, in which
case the application may be presented by an authorized agent who can answer all material questions
relating to the application, and who may be examined in the same manner as the party represented by him
might have been examined had such party attended in person:
[345][Provided that, where there are more plaintiffs than one, it shall be sufficient if the application is
presented by one of the plaintiffs.]
4 . Examination of applicant— (1) Where the application is in proper form and duly presented, the Court may,
if it thinks fit, examine the applicant, or his agent when the applicant is allowed to appear by agent, regarding
the merits of the claim and the property of the applicant.
(2) If presented agent, Court may order applicant to be examined by commission—Where the application is
presented by an agent, the Court may, if it thinks fit, order that the applicant be examined by a commission in
the manner in which the examination of an absent witness may be taken.
5 . Rejection of application— The Court shall reject an application for permission to sue as [346][an indigent
(a) where it is not framed and presented in the manner prescribed by rules 2 and 3, or
(b) where the applicant is not an [347][indigent persons], or
(c) where he has, within two months next before the presentation of the application disposed of any property
fraudulently or in order to be able to apply for permission to sue as [348][an indigent person]:
[349] [Provided that no application shall be rejected if, even after the value of the property disposed of by the
applicant is taken into account, the applicant would be entitled to sue as an indigent person,] or
(d) where his allegations do not show a cause of action, or
(e) where he has entered into any agreement with reference to the subject-matter of the proposed suit under
which any other person has obtained an interest in such subject-matter, [350][or]
[351] [(f) where the allegations made by the applicant in the application show that the suit would be barred by
any law for the time being in force, or
(g) where any other person has entered into an agreement with him to finance the litigation.]
6 . Notice of day for receiving evidence of applicant's indigency— Where the Court sees no reason to reject
the application on any of the grounds stated in rule 5, it shall fix a day (of which at least ten day's clear notice
shall be given to the opposite party and the Government pleader) for receiving such evidence as the
application may adduce in proof of his indigency, and for hearing any evidence which may be adduced in
disproof thereof.
7 . Procedure at hearing— (1) On the day so fixed or as soon thereafter as may be convenient the Court
shall examine the witnesses (if any) produced by either party, and may examine the applicant or his agent,
and shall make a full record of their evidence.
[352] [(1A) The examination of the witnesses under sub-rule (1) shall be confined to the matters specified in
clause (b), clause (c) and clause (e) of rule 5 but the examination of the applicant or his agent may relate to
any of the matters specified in rule 5.]
(2) The Court shall also hear any argument which the parties may desire to offer on the question whether, on
the face of the application and of the evidence (if any) taken by the Court [353][under rule 6 or under this
rule], the applicant is or is not subject to any of the prohibitions specified in rule 5.
(3) The Court shall then either allow or refuse to allow the applicant to sue as [354] [an indigent person].
8 . Procedure if application admitted— Where the application is granted, it shall be numbered and registered,
and shall be deemed the plaint in the suit, and the suit proceed in all other respects as a suit instituted in the
ordinary manner, except that the plaintiff shall not be liable to pay any court-fee [355][or fees payable for
service of process] in respect of any petition, appointment of a pleader or other proceeding connected with
the suit.
9 . Withdrawal of permission to sue as an indigent person— The Court may, on the application of the
defendant, or of the Government pleader, of which seven days' clear notice in writing has been given to the
plaintiff, order that the permission granted to the plaintiff to sue as an indigent person be withdrawn—
(a) if he is guilty of vexatious or improper conduct in the course of the suit;
(b) if it appears that his means are such that he ought not to continue to sue as [356] [an indigent person]; or
(c) if he has entered into any agreement with reference to the subject-matter of the suit under which any
other person has obtained an interested in such subject-matter.
[357][9A . Court to assign a pleader to an unrepresented indigent person— (1) Where a person, who is
permitted to sue as an indigent person, is not represented by a pleader, the Court may, if the circumstances
of the case so require, assign a pleader to him.
(2) The High Court may, with the previous approval of the State Government, make rules providing for—
(a) the mode of selecting pleaders to be assigned under sub-rule (1);
(b) the facilities to be provided to such pleaders by the Court;
(c) any other matter which is required to be or may be provided by the rules for giving effect to the provisions
of sub-rule (1).]
10 . Costs were indigent person succeeds— Where the plaintiff succeeds in the suit, the Court shall calculate
the amount of court-fees which would have been paid by the plaintiff if he had not been permitted to sue as
an [358][indigent person]; such amount shall be recoverable by the State Government any party order by the
decree to pay the same and shall be a first charge on the subject-matter of the suit.
11 . Procedure where indigent person fails— Where the plaintiff fails in the suit or the permission granted to
him to sue as an indigent person has been withdrawn, or where the suit is withdrawn or dismissed,—
(a) because the summons for the defendant to appear and answer has not been served upon him in
consequence of the failure of the plaintiff to pay the court-fee or postal charges (if any) chargeable for such
service [359][or to present copies of the plaint or concise statement], or
(b) because the plaintiff does not appear when the suit is called on for hearing,
the Court shall order the plaintiff, or any person added as a co-plaintiff to the suit, to pay the court-fees which
would have been paid by the plaintiff if he had not been permitted to sue as an [360][indigent person].
11A . Procedure where indigent persons suit abates— Where the suit abates by reason of the death of the
plaintiff or of any person added as a co-plaintiff, the Court shall order that amount of court-fees which would
have been paid by the plaintiff if he had not been permitted to sue as an [361][indigent person] shall be
recoverable by the State Government from the estate of the deceased plaintiff.]
12 . State Government may apply for payment of court-fees— The State Government shall have the right at
any time to apply to the Court to make an order for the payment of court-fees under rule 10, rule 11 or rule
13 . State Government to be deemed a party— All matters arising between the State Government and any
party to the suit under rule 10, rule 11 rule 11A or rule 12 shall be deemed to be questions arising between
the parties to the suit within the meaning of section 47.
14 . Recovery of amount of court-fees.— Where an order is made under rule 10, rule 11 or rule 11A, the
court shall forthwith cause a copy of the decree or order to be forwarded to the Collector who may, without
prejudice to any other mode of recovery, recover the amount of court-fees specified therein from the person
or property liable for the payment as if it were an arrear of land revenue.
15 . Refusal to allow applicant to sue as indigent person to bar subsequent application of like nature— An
order refusing to allow the applicant top sue as [362] [indigent person] shall be a bar to any subsequent
application of the like nature by him in respect of the same right to sue; but the applicant shall be at liberty to
institute a suit in the ordinary manner in respect of such right; [363][Provided that the plaint shall be rejected
if he does not pay, either at the time of the institution of the suit or within such time thereafter as the Court
may allow,] the costs (if any) incurred by the State Government and by the opposite party in opposing his
application for leave to sue as an [364][indigent person.]
[365][15A . Grant of time for payment of court-fee— Nothing contained in rule 5, rule 7 or rule 15 shall
prevent a Court, while rejecting an application under rule 5 or refusing an application under rule 7, from
granting time to the applicant to pay the requisite court-fee within such time as may be fixed by the Court or
extended by it from time to time; and upon such payment and on payment of the costs referred to in[1]****
rule 15 with in that time, the suit shall be deemed to have been instituted on the date on which the
application for permission to sue as an indigent person was presented.]
16 . Costs— The costs of an application for permission to sue as an [366][indigent person] and of an inquiry
into indigency shall be costs in the suit.
[367][17 . Defence by an indigent person— Any defendant, who desire to plead a set-off or counter-claim,
may be allowed to set up such claim as an indigent person, and the rules contained in this Order shall so far
as may be, apply to him as if he were a plaintiff and his written statement were a plaint.
18 . Power of Government to provide for free legal services to indigent persons— (1) Subject to the
provisions of this Order, the Central or State Government may make such supplementary provisions as it
thinks fit for providing free legal services to those who have been permitted to sue as indigent persons.
(2) The High Court may, with previous approval of the State Government, make rules for carrying out the
supplementary provisions made by the Central or State Government for providing free legal services to
indigent persons referred to in sub-rule (1), and such rules may include the nature and extent of such legal
services, the conditions under which they may be made available, the matters in respect of which, and the
agencies through which, such services may be rendered.]
1 . Parties to suits for foreclosure sale and redemption— Subject to the provisions of this Code, all persons
having an interest either in the mortgage-security or in the right of redemption shall be joined as parties to
any suit relating to the mortgage.
Explanation—A puisne mortgagee may sue for foreclosure or for sale without making the prior mortgagee a
party to the suit; and a prior mortgage need not be joined in a suit to redeem a subsequent mortgage.
2 . Preliminary decree in foreclosure suit— (1) In a suit for foreclosure, if the plaintiff succeeds, the Court
shall pass a preliminary decree—
(a) ordering that an account be taken of what was due to the plaintiff at the date of such decree for—
(i) principal and interest on the mortgage,
(ii) the costs of suit, if any, awarded to him, and
(iii) other costs, charges and expenses properly incurred by him up to that date in respect of his mortgage-
security, together with interest thereon; or
(b) declaring the mount so due at that date, and
(c) directing—
(i) that, if the defendant pays into Court the amount so found or declared due on or before such date as the
Court may fix within six months from the date on which the Court confirms and countersigns the account
taken under clause (a), or from the date on which such amount is declared in Court under clause (b), as the
case may be, and thereafter pays such amount as may be adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs,
charges and expenses as provided in rule 10, together with subsequent interest on such sums respectively
as provided in rule 11, the plaintiff shall deliver up to the defendant, or to such person as the defendant
appoints, all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property, and shall, if so
required, re-transfer the property to the defendant at his cost free from the mortgage and from all
incumbrances created by the plaintiff or any person claiming under him, or, where the plaintiff claims by
derived title, by those under whom he claims, and shall also, if necessary, put the defendant in possession of
the property; and
(ii) that, if payment of the amount found or declared due under or by the preliminary decree is not made on or
before the date so fixed, or the defendant fails to pay, within such time as the Court may fix the amount
adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs, charges, expenses and interest, the plaintiff shall be entitled to
apply for a final decree debarring the defendant from all right to redeem the property.
(2) The Court may, on good cause shown and upon terms to be fixed by the Court, from time to time, at any
time before a final decree is passed, extend the time fixed for the payment of the amount found or declared
due under sub-rule (1) or of the amount adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs, charges, expenses
and interest.
(3) Where, in a suit for foreclosure, subsequent mortgagees or persons deriving title from, or subrogated to
the rights, of any such mortgagees are joined as parties, the preliminary decree shall provide for the
adjudication of the respective rights and liabilities of the parties to the suit in the manner and form set forth in
Form No. 9 or Form No. 10 as the case may be, of Appendix D with such variations as the circumstances of
the case may require.
3 . Final decree in foreclosure suit— (1) Where, before a final decree debarring the defendant from all right to
redeem the mortgaged property has been passed, the defendant makes payment into Court of all amounts
due from him under sub-rule (1) of rule 2, the Court shall, on application made by the defendant in this
behalf, pass a final decree—
(a) ordering the plaintiff to deliver up the documents referred to in the preliminary decree, and, if necessary—
(b) ordering him to re-transfer at the cost or the defendant the mortgaged property as directed in the said
and also, if necesssary—
(c) ordering him to put the defendant in possession of the property.
(2) Where payment in accordance with sub-rule (1) has not been made, the Court shall, on application made
by the plaintiff in his behalf, pass a final decree declaring that the defendant and all persons claiming through
or under him or debarred from all right to redeem the mortgaged property and also, if necessary ordering the
defendant to put the plaintiff in possession of the property.
(3) On the passing of a final decree under sub-rule (2), all liabilities to which the defendant is subject in
respect of the mortgage or on account of the suit shall be deemed to have been discharged.
4 . Preliminary decree in suit for sale— (1) In a suit for sale, if the plaintiff succeeds, the Court shall pass a
preliminary decree to the effect mentioned in clauses (a), (b) and (c) (i) of sub-rule (1) of rule 2, and further
directing that, in default of the defendant paying as therein mentioned, the plaintiff shall be entitled to apply
for a final decree directing that the mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof be sold, and the proceeds
of the sale (after deduction therefrom of the expenses of the sale) be paid into Court and applied in payment
of what has been found or declared under or by the preliminary decree due to the plaintiff, together with such
amount as may have been adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs, charges, expenses and interest,
and the balance, if any, be paid to the defendant or other persons entitled to receive the same.
(2) The Court may, on good cause shown and upon terms to be fixed by the Court, from time to time, at any
any time before a final decree for sale is passed, extend the time fixed for the payment of the amount found
or declared due under sub-rule (1) or of the amount adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs, charges,
expenses and interest.
(3) Power to decree sale in foreclosure suit—In a suit for foreclosure in the case of an anomalous mortgage,
if the plaintiff succeeds, the Court may, at the instance of any party to the suit or of any other person
interested in all mortgage-security or the right of redemption, pass a like decree (in lieu of a decree for
foreclosure) on such terms as it thinks fit, including the deposit in Court of a reasonable sum fixed by the
Court to meet the expenses of the sale and to secure the performance of the terms.
(4) Where, in a suit for sale or a suit for foreclosure in which sale is ordered, subsequent mortgagees or
persons deriving title from, or subrogated to the rights of, any such mortgagees are joined as parties, the
preliminary decree referred to in sub-rule (1) shall provide for the adjudication of the respective rights and
liabilities of the parties to the suit in the manner and form set forth in Form No. 9, Form No. 10 or Form No.
11, as the case may be, of Appendix D with such variations as the circumstances of the case may require.
5 . Final decree in suit for sale— (1) Where, on or before the day fixed or at any time before the confirmation
of a sale made in pursuance of a final decree passed under sub-rule (3) of this rule, the defendant makes
payment into Court of all amounts due from him under sub-rule (1) of rule 4, the Court shall, on application
made by the defendant in this behalf, pass final or, if such decree has passed, an order—
(a) ordering the plaintiff to deliver up the documents referred to in the preliminary decree,
and if necessary—
(b) ordering him to transfer the mortgaged property as directed in the said decree,
and, also, if necessary—
(c) ordering him to put the defendant in possession of the property.
(2) Where the mortgaged property or part thereof has been sold in pursuance of a decree passed under sub-
rule (3) of this rule, the Court shall not pass an order under sub-rule (1) of this rule, unless the defendant in
addition to the amount mentioned in sub-rule (1), deposits in Court for payment to the purchaser a sum equal
to five per cent, of the amount of the purchase-money paid into Court by the purchaser.
Where such deposit has been made, the purchaser shall be entitled to an order for repayment of the amount
of the purchase-money paid into Court by him, together with a sum equal to five per cent thereof.
(3) Where payment in accordance with sub-rule (1) has not been made, the Court shall, on application made
by the plaintiff in this behalf, pass a final decree directing that the mortgaged property or a sufficient part
thereof be sold, and that the proceeds of the sale be dealt with in the manner provided in sub-rule (1) of rule
6 . Recovery of balance due on mortgage in suit for sale— Where the net proceeds of any sale held under
[368][rule 5] are found insufficient to pay the amount due to the plaintiff, the Court, on application by him
may, if the balance is legally recoverable from the defendant otherwise than out of the property sold, pass a
decree for such balance.
7 . Preliminary decree is redemption suit— (1) In a suit for redemption, if the plaintiff succeeds, the Court
shall pass a preliminary decree—
(a) ordering that an account be taken of what was due to the defendant at the date of such decree for—
(i) principal and interest on the mortgage,
(ii) the costs of suit, if any, awarded to him, and
(iii) other costs, charges and expenses properly incurred by him up to the date, in respect of his mortgage-
security, together with interest thereon; or
(b) declaring the amount so at that date; and
(c) directing—
(i) that, if the plaintiff pays into Court the amount so found or declared due on or before such date as the
Court may fix within six months from the date on which the Court confirms and countersigns the account
taken under clause (a), or from the date on which such amount is declared in Court under clause (b), as the
case may be, and thereafter pays such amount as may be adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs,
charges and expenses and provided in rule 10, together with subsequent interest on such sums respectively
as provided in rule 11, the defendant shall deliver up to the plaintiff, or to such person as the plaintiff appoints
all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property, and shall, if so required,
retransfer the property to the plaintiff at his cost free from the mortgage and from all incumbrances created
by the defendant or any person claiming under him where the defendant claims by derived title, by those
under whom he claims, and shall also, if necessary put the plaintiff in possession of the property; and
(ii) that, if payment of the amount found or declared due under or by the preliminary decree is not made on or
before the date so fixed, or the plaintiff fails to pay, within such time as the Court may fix, the amount
adjudged due in respect of subsequent costs, charges expenses and interest, the defendant shall be entitled
to apply for a final decree—
(a) in the case of a mortgage other than a usufructuary mortgage, a mortgage by conditional sale, or an
anomalous mortgage the terms of which provide for foreclosure only and not for sale, that the mortgage
property be, sold, or
(b) in the case of a mortgage by conditional sale or such an anomalous mortgage as aforesaid, that the
plaintiff be debarred from all right to redeem the property.
(2) The Court may, on good cause shown and upon terms to be fixed by the Court, from time to time, at any
time before the passing of a final decree for foreclosure of sale, as the case may be, extend due in respect of
subsequent costs, charges, expenses and interest.
8 . Final decree in redemption suit— (1) Where, final decree debarring the plaintiff from all right to redeem
the mortgaged property has been passed or before the confirmation of a sale held in pursuance of a final
decree passed under sub-rule (3) of this rule, the plaintiff makes payment into Court of all amounts due from
him under sub-rule (1) of rule 7, the Court shall, on application made under by the plaintiff in this behalf, pass
a final decree or, if such decree has been passed, an order—
(a) ordering the defendant to deliver up the documents referred to in the preliminary decree, and, if
(b) ordering him to re-transfer at the cost of the plaintiff the mortgaged property as directed in the said
and also, if necessary,—
(c) ordering him to put the plaintiff in possession of the property.
(2) Where the mortgaged property or a part thereof has been sold in pursuance of a decree passed under
sub-rule (3) of this rule, the Court shall not pass an order under sub-rule (1) of this rule, unless the plaintiff in
addition to the amount mentioned is sub-rule (1), deposits in the Court for payment to the purchaser a sum
equal to five per cent, of the amount of the purchase-money paid into by the purchaser.
Where such deposit has been made, the purchaser shall be entitled to an order for repayment of the amount
of the purchase-money paid into Court by him, together with a sum equal to five per cent, thereof.
(3) Where payment in accordance with sub-rule (1) has not been made, the Court shall, on application made
by the defendant in this behalf,—
(a) in the case of a mortgage by conditional sale or of such an anomalous mortgage as is hereinbefore
referred to in rule 7, pass a final decree declaring that the plaintiff and all persons claiming under him are
debarred from all right to redeem the mortgaged property and, also, if necessary, ordering the plaintiff to put
the defendant in possession of the mortgaged property; or
(b) in the case of any other mortgage, not being a usufructuary mortgage, pass a final decree that the
mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof be sold, and the proceeds of the sale (after deduction
therefrom of the expenses of the sale) be paid into Court and applied in payment of what is found due to the
defendant, and the balance, if any, be paid to the plaintiff or other persons entitled to receive the same.
8A . Recovery of balance due on mortgage in suit for redemption— Where the net proceeds of any sale held
under [369][rule 8] are found insufficient to pay the amount due to the defendant, the Court, [370][on
application by him in execution], may, if the balance is legally recoverable from the plaintiff otherwise than
out of the property sold, pass a decree for such balance.
9 . Decree where nothing is found due or where mortgagee has been overpaid— Notwithstanding anything
hereinbefore contained, if it appears, upon taking the account referred to in rule 7, that nothing is due to the
defendant or that he has been overpaid, the Court shall pass a decree directing the defendant, if so required,
to re-transfer the property and to pay to the plaintiff and amount which may be found due to him; and the
plaintiff shall, if necessary, be put in possession of the mortgaged property.
10 . Costs of mortgagee subsequent to decree— In finally adjusting the amount to be paid to a mortgagee in
case of a foreclosure, sale or redemption, the Court shall, unless in the case of costs of the suit the conduct
of the mortgagee has been such as to disentitle him thereto, add to the mortgage-money such costs of the
suit and other costs, charges and exepenses as have been properly incurred by him since the date of the
preliminary decree for foreclosure, sale or redemption up to the time of actual payment:
[371][Provided that where the mortgagor, before or at the time of the institution of the suit, tenders or
deposits the amount due on the mortgage, or such amount as is not substantially deficient in the opinion of
the Court, he shall not be ordered to pay the costs of the suit to the mortgagee and the mortgagor shall be
entitled to recover his own costs of the suit from the mortgagee, unless the Court, for reasons to be
recorded, otherwise directs.]
[372][10A . Power of Court to direct mortgagee to pay BImesne profits— Where in a suit for foreclosure, the
mortgagor has, before or at the time of the institution of the suit, tendered or deposited the sum on the
mortgage, or such sum as is not substantially deficient in the opinion of the Court, the Court shall direct the
mortgagee to pay to the mortgagor mesne profits for the period beginning with the institution of the suit.]
11 . Payment of interest— In any decree passed in a suit for foreclosure, sale or redemption, where interest
is legally recoverable, the Court may order payment of interest to the mortgagee as follows, namely:—
(a) interest up to the date on or before which payment of the amount found or declared due is under the
preliminary decree to be made by the mortgagor or other person redeeming the mortgage—
(i) on the principal amount found or declared due on the mortgage,—at the rate payable on the principal, or,
where such rate at the Court deems reasonable and,
(iii) on the amount adjudged due to the mortgagee for costs, charges and expenses properly incurred by the
mortgagee in respect of the mortgagee-security up to the date of the preliminary decree and added to the
mortgage-money,—at the rate agreed between the parties, or, failing such rate, at such rate not exceeding
six per cent, per annum as the Court deems reasonable; and
(b) subsequent interest up to the date of realisation or actual payment on the aggregate of the principal sums
specified in clause (a) as calculated in accordance with that clause at the such rate as the Court deems
12 . Sale of property subject to prior mortgage— Where any property the sale of which is directed under this
Order is subject to a prior mortgage, the Court may, with the consent of the prior mortgagee, direct that the
property be sold free from the same, giving to such prior mortgagee the same interest in the proceeds of the
sale as he had in the property sold.
13 . Application of proceeds— (1) Such proceeds shall be brought into Court and applied as follows:—
first, in payment of all expenses incident to the sale or properly incurred in any attempted sale;
secondly, in payment of whatever is due to the prior mortgagee on account of the prior mortgage, and of
costs properly incurred in connection therewith;
thirdly, in payment of all interest due on account of the mortgage is consequence whereof the sale was
directed, and of the costs of the suit in which the decree directing the sale was made;
fourthly, in payment of the principal money due on account of that mortgage; and
lastly, the residue (if any) shall be paid to the person proving himself to be interested in the property sold, or
if there are more such persons than one, then to such persons according to their respective interests therein
or upon their joint receipt.
(2) Nothing in this rule or in rule 12 shall be deemed to affect the powers conferred by section 57 of the
Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (4 of 1882).
14 . Suit for sale necessary for bringing mortgaged property to sale— (1) Where a mortgagee has obtained a
decree for the payment of money in satisfaction of a claim arising under the mortgage, he shall not be
entitled to bring the mortgaged property to sale otherwise than by instituting a suit for sale in enforcement of
the mortgage, and he may institute such suit notwithstanding anything contained in Order II, rule 2.
(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall apply to any territories to which the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (4 of
1882), has not been extended.
15 . Mortgages by the deposit of title deeds and charges— [373][(1)] All the provisions contained in this
Order which apply to a simple mortgage shall, so far as may be, apply to a mortgage by deposit of title-deeds
within the meaning of section 58, and to a charge within the meaning of section 100 of the Transfer of
Property Act, 1882 (4 of 1882);
[374] [(2) Where a decree orders payment of money and charges it on immovable property on default of
payment, the amount may be realised by sale of that property in execution of that decree.]
1 . Plaint in interpleader-suit— In every suit of interpleader the plaint shall, in addition to the other statements
necessary for plaints, state—
(a) that the plaintiff claims no interest in the subject-matter in dispute other than for charges or costs;
(b) the claims made by the defendants severally; and
(c) that there is no collusion between the plaintiff and any of the defendants.
2 . Payment of thing claimed into Court— Where the thing claimed is capable of being paid into Court or
placed in the custody of the Court, the plaintiff may be required to so pay or place it before the he can be
entitled to any order in the suit.
3 . Procedure where defendant is suing plaintiff— Where any of the defendants in an interpleader-suit is
actually suing the plaintiff in respect the subject-matter of such suit, the Court in which the suit against the
plaintiff is pending shall, on being informed by the Court in which the interpleader-suit has been instituted,
stay the proceedings as against him; and his costs in the suit so stayed may be provided for in such suit; but
if, and in so far as, they are not provided for in that suit, they may be added to his costs incurred in the
4 . Procedure at first hearing— (1) At the first hearing the Court may—
(a) declare that the plaintiff is discharged from all liability to the defendants in respect of the thing claimed,
award him his costs, and dismiss him from the suit; or
(b) if it thinks that justice or convenience so require, retain all parties until the final disposal of the suit.
(2) Where the Court finds that the admissions of the parties or other evidence enable it to do so, it may
adjudicate the title to the thing claimed.
(3) Where the admissions of the parties do not enable the Court so to adjudicate, it may direct—
(a) that an issue or issues between the parties be framed and tried, and
(b) that any claimant be made a plaintiff in lieu of or in addition to the original plaintiff,
and shall proceed to try the suit in the ordinary manner.
5 . Agents and tenants may not institute interpleader suits— Nothing in the Order shall be deemed to enable
agents to sue their principles, or tenants to sue their landlords, for the purpose of compelling them to
interplead with any person other than persons making claim through such principals or landlords.
(a) A deposits a box of jewels with B as his agent. C alleges that the jewels were wrongfully obtained from
him by A, and claims them from B. B cannot institute an interpleader-suit against A and C.
(b) A deposits a box of jewels with B as his agent. He then writes to C for the purpose of making the jewels a
security for a debt due from himself to C. A afterwards alleges that C's debt is satisfied, and C alleges the
contrary. Both claim the jewels from B. B may institute in interpleader-suit against A and C.
6 . Charge for plaintiff's costs— Where the suit is properly instituted the Court may provide for the costs of
the original plaintiff by giving him a charge on the thing claimed or in some other effectual way.
1 . Power to state case for Court's opinion— (1) Parties claiming to be interested in the decision of any
question of fact or law may enter into an agreement in writing stating such question in the form of a case for
the opinion of the Court, and providing that, upon the finding of the Court with respect to such question,—
(a) a sum of money fixed by the parties or to be determined by the Court shall be paid by one of the parties
to the other of them; or
(b) some property, movable or immovable, specified in the agreement, shall be delivered by one of the
parties to the other of them; or
(c) one or more of the parties shall do, or refrain from doing, some other particular act specified in the
(2) Every case stated under this rule shall be divided into consecutively numbered paragraphs, and shall
concisely state such facts and specify such documents as may be necessary to enable the Court to decide
the question raised thereby.
2 . Where value of subject-matter must be stated— Where the agreement is for the delivery of any property;
or for the doing, or the refraining from doing, any particular act, the estimated value of the property to be
delivered, or to which the act specified has reference, shall be stated in the agreement.
3 . Agreement to be filed and registered as suit— (1) The agreeement if framed in accordance with the rules
hereinbefore contained, may be filed [375][with an application] in the Court which would have jurisdiction to
entertain a suit, the amount or value of the subject-matter of which is the same as the amount or value of the
subject-matter of the agreement.
(2)[376] [The application] when so filed, shall be numbered and registered as a suit between one or more of
the parties claiming to be interested as plaintiff or plaintiffs, and the other or the others of them as defendant
or defendants; and notice shall be given to all the parties to the agreement, other than the party or parties by
whom [377][the application was presented.]
4 . Parties to be subject to Court's jurisdiction— Where the agreement has been filed, the parties to it shall
be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court and shall be bound by the statements contained therein.
5 . Hearing and disposal of case— (1) The case shall be set down for hearing as a suit instituted in the
ordinary manner, and the provisions of this Code shall apply to such suit so far as the same are applicable.
(2) Where the Court is satisfied, after examination of the parties, or after taking such evidence as it thinks
(a) that the agreement was duly executed by them,
(b) that they have a bona fide interest in the question stated therein, and
(c) that the same is fit to be decided,
it shall proceed to pronounce judgment thereon, in the same way as in an ordinary suit, and upon the
judgment so pronounced a decree shall follow.
[378] [6 . No appeal from a decree passed under rule 5— No appeal shall lie from a decree passed under
rule 5.]
[379][1 . Courts and classes of suits to which the Order is to apply— (1) This Order shall apply to the
following Court, namely:—
(a) High Courts, City Civil Courts and Courts of Small Causes; and
(b) other Courts;
Provided that in respect of the Courts referred to in clause (b), the High Court may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, restrict the operation of this Order only to such categories of suits as it deems proper, and
may also, from time to time, as the circumstances of the case may require, by subsequent notification in the
Official Gazette, further restrict, enlarge or vary, the categories of suits to be brought under the operation of
this Order as it deems proper.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (1) the Order applies to the following classes of suits, namely:—
(a) suits upon bills of exchange, hundies and promissory notes;
(b) suits in which the plaintiff seeks only to recover a debt or liquidated demand in money payable by the
defendant, with or without interest, arising,—
(i) on a written contract, or
(ii) on an enactment, where the sum sought to be recovered is a fixed sum of money or in the nature of a
debt other than a penalty; or
(iii) on a guarantee, where the claim against the principal is in respect of a debt or liquidated demand only.]
[380][2 . Institution of summary suits— (1) A suit, to which this Order applies, may if the plaintiff desires to
proceed hereunder, be instituted by presenting a plaint which shall contain,—
(a) a specific averment to the effect that the suit is filed under this Order;
(b) that no relief, which does not fall within the ambit of this rule, has been claimed in the plaint;
(c) the following inscription, immediately below the number of the suit in the title of the suit, namely:—
"(Under Order XXXVII of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1907)."
(2) the summons of the suit shall be in Form No. 4 in Appendix B or in such other form as may, from time to
time, be prescribed.
(3) The defendant shall not defend the suit referred to in sub- rule (1) unless he enters an appearance and in
default of his entering an appearance the allegations in the plaint shall be deemed to be admitted and the
plaintiff shall entitled to a decree for any sum, not exceeding the sum mentioned in the summons, together
with interest at the rate specified, if any, up to the date of the decree and such sum for costs as may be
determined by the High Court from time to time by rules made in that behalf and such decree may be
executed forthwith.]
[381][3 . Procedure for the appearance of defendant— (1) In a suit to which this Order applies, the plaintiff
shall, together with the summons under rule 2, serve on the defendant a copy of the plaint and annexures
thereto and the defendant may, at any time within ten days of such service, enter an appearance either in
person or by pleader and, in either case, he shall file in Court an address for service of notices on him.
(2) Unless otherwise order, all summonses, notices and other judicial processes, required to be served on
the defendant, shall deemed to have been duly served on him if they are left at the address given by him for
such service.
(3) On the day of entering the appearance, notice of such appearance shall be given by the defendant to the
plaintiff's pleader, or, if the plaintiff sues in person, to the plaintiff himself, either by notice delivered at or sent
by pre-said letter directed to the address of the plaintiff's pleader or of the plaintiff, as the case may be.
(4) If the defendant enters an appearance, the plaintiff shall thereafter serve on the defendant a summons for
judgment in Form No. 4A in Appendix B for such other Form as may be prescribed from time to time,
returnable not less than ten days from the date of service supported by an affidavit verifying the cause of
action and the amount claimed and stating that in his belief there is no defence to the suit.
(5) The defendant may, at any time within ten days from service of such summons for judgment, by affidavit
or otherwise disclosing such facts as may be deemed sufficient to entitle him to defend, apply on such
summons for leave to defend such suit, and leave to defend may be granted to him unconditionally or upon
such terms as may appear to the Court or Judge to be just:
Provided that leave to defend shall not be refused unless the Court is satisfied that the facts disclosed by the
defendant do not indicate that he has a substantial defence to raise or that the defence intended to be put up
by the defendant is frivolous or vexatious:
Provided further that, where a part of the amount claimed by the the plaintiff is admitted by the defendant to
be due from him, leave to defend the suit shall not be granted unless the amount so admitted to be due is
deposited by the defendant in Court.
(6) At the hearing of such summons for judgment,—
(a) if the defendant has not applied for leave to defend, or if such application has been made and is refused,
the plaintiff shall be entitled to judgment forthwith; or
(b) if the defendant is permitted to defend as to the whole or any part of the claim, the Court or Judge may
direct him to give such security and within such time as may be fixed by the Court or Judge and that, on
failure to give such security with the time specified by the Court or Judge or to carry out such other directions
as may have been given by the Court or judge, the plaintiff shall be entitled to judgment forthwith.
(7) The Court or Judge may, for sufficient cause shown by the defendant, execute the delay of the defendant
in entering an appearance or in applying for leave to defend the suit.]
4 . Power to set aside decree— After decree for the Court may, under special circumstances set aside the
decree, and if necessary stay or set aside execution, and may give leave to the defendant to appear to the
summons and to defend the suit, if it seems reasonable to the Court so to do, and on such terms as the
Court thinks fit.
5 . Power to order bill, etc., to be deposited with officer of Court— In any proceeding under this Order the
Court may order the bill, hundi or note on which the suit is founded to be forthwith deposited with an officer of
the Court, and may further order that all proceedings shall be stayed until the plaintiff gives security for the
costs thereof.
6 . Recovery of cost of noting non-acceptance of dishonoured bill or note— The holder of every dishonoured
bill of exchange or promissory note shall have the same remedies for the recovery of the expenses incurred
in noting the same for non-acceptance or non-payment otherwise, by reason of such dishonour, as he has
under this Order for the recovery of the amount of such bill or note.
7 . Procedure in suits— Save as provided by this Order, the procedure in suits hereunder shall be the same
as the procedure in suits instituted in the ordinary manner.
Arrest before judgment
1 . Where defendant may be called upon to furnish security for appearance— Where at any stage of a suit,
other than a suit of the nature referred to in section 16, clauses (a) to (d), the Court is satisfied, by affidavit or
(a) that the defendant, with intent to delay the plaintiff, or to avoid any process of the Court or to obstruct or
delay the execution of any decree that may be passed against him—
(i) has absconded or left the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court, or
(ii) is about to abscond or leave the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court his property or any part thereof,
(b) that the defendant is about to leave India under circumstances affording reasonable probability that the
plaintiff will or may thereby be obstructed or delayed in the execution of any decree that may be passed
against the defendant in the suit,
the Court may issue a warrant to arrest the defendant and bring him before the Court to show cause why he
should not furnish security, for his appearance:
Provided that the defendant shall not be arrested if he pays to the officer enstrusted with the execution of the
warrant any sum specified in the warrant as sufficient to satisfy the plaintiff's claim; and such sum shall be
held in deposit by the Court until the suit is disposed of or until the further order of the Court.
2 . Security— (1) Where the defendant fails to show such cause the Court shall order him either to deposit in
Court money or other property sufficient answer the claim against him, or to furnish security for his
appearance at any time when called upon while the suit is pending and until satisfaction of any decree that
may be passed against him in the suit, or make such order as it thinks fit in regard to the sum which may
have paid by the defendant under the provison to the last preceding rule.
(2) Every surety for the appearance of a defendant shall bind himself, in default of such appearance, to pay
any sum of money which the defendant may be ordered to pay in the suit.
3 . Procedure on application by surety to be discharged— (1) A surety for the appearance of a defendant
may at any time apply to the Court in which he became such surety to be discharged from his obligation.
(2) On such application being made, the Court shall summon the defendant to appear or, if it thinks fit may
issue a warrant for his arrest in the first instance.
(3) On the appearance of the defendant in pursuance of the summons or warrant, or on his voluntary
surrender, the Court shall direct the surety to be discharged from his obligation, and shall call upon the
defendant to find fresh security.
4 . Procedure where defendant fails to furnish security or find fresh security— Where the defendant fails to
comply with any order under rule 2 or rule 3, the Court may commit him to the civil prison until the decision of
the suit or, where a decree is passed against the defendant, until the decree has been satisfied:
Provided that no person shall be detained in prison under this rule in any case for a longer period than six
months, nor for a longer period than six weeks when the amount or value of the subject-matter of the suit
does not exceed fifty rupees:
Provided also that no person shall be detained in prison under this rule after he has complied with such
Attachment before judgment
5 . Where defendant may be called upon to furnish security for production of property— (1) Where, at any
stage of a suit, the Court is satisfied, by affidavit or otherwise, that the defendant, with intent to obstruct or
delay the execution of any decree that may be passed against him,—
(a) is about to dispose of the whole or any part of his property, or
(b) is about to remove the whole or any part of his property from the local limits of the jurisdiction of the
the Court may direct the defendant, within a time to be fixed by it, either to furnish security, in such sum as
may be specified in the order, to produce and place at the disposal of the Court, when required, the said
property or the value of the same, or such portion thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy the decree, or to
appear and show cause why he should not furnish security.
(2) The plaintiff shall, unless the court otherwise directs, specify the property required to be attached and the
estimated value thereof.
(3) The Court may also in the order direct the conditional attachment of the whole or any portion of the
property so specified.
[382] [(4) If an order of attachment is made without complying with the provisions of sub-rule (1) of this rule
such attachment shall be void.]
6 . Attachment where cause not shown or security not furnished— (1) Where the defendant fails to show
cause why he should not furnish security, or fails to furnish the security required, within the time fixed by the
Court, the Court may order that the property specified, or such portion thereof as appears sufficient to satisfy
any decree which may be passed in the suit, be attached.
(2) Where the defendant shows such cause of furnishes the required security, and the property specified or
any portion of it has been attached, the Court shall order the attachment to be withdrawn, or make such
other order as it thinks fit.
7 . Mode of making attachment— Save as otherwise expressly provided, the attachment shall be made in the
manner provided for the attachment of property in execution of a decree.
[383][8 . Adjudication of claim to property attached before judgment— Where any claim is preferred to
property attached before judgment, such claim shall be adjudicated upon in the manner hereinbefore
provided for the adjudicated of claims to property attached in execution of a decree for the payment of
9 . Removal of attachment when security furnished or suit dismissed— Where an order is made for
attachment before judgment, the Court shall order the attachment to be withdrawn when the defendant
furnishes the security required, together with security for the cost of the attachment, or when the suit is
10 . Attachment before judgment not to affect rights of strangers, nor bar decree-holder from applying for
sale— Attachment before judgment shall not affect the rights, existing prior to the attachment, of persons not
parties to the suit, nor bar any person holding a decree against the defendant from applying for the sale of
the property under attachment in execution of such decree.
11 . Property attached before judgment not to be re-attached in execution of decree— Where property is
under attachment by virtue of the provisions of this order and a decree is subsequently passed in favour of
the plaintiff, it shall not be necessary upon a application for execution of such decree to apply for a re-
attachment of the property.
[384][11A . Provisions applicable to attachment— (1) The provisions of this Code applicable to an
attachment made in execution of a decree shall so far as may be, apply to an attachment made before
judgment which continues after the judgment by virtue of the provisions of rule 11.
(2) An attachment made before judgment in a suit which is dismissed for default shall not become revived
merely by reason of the fact that the order for the dismissal of the suit for default has been set aside and the
suit has been restored.]
12 . Agricultural produce not attachable before judgment— Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to
authorize the plaintiff to apply for the attachment of any agricultural produce in the possession of an
agriculturist, or to empower the Court to order the attachment or production of such produce.
13 . Small Cause Court not to attach immovable property— Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to
empower any Court of Small Causes to make order for the attachment of immovable property.
Temporary injunctions
1 . Cases in which temporary injunction may be granted— Where in any suit it is proved by affidavit or
(a)that any property in dispute in a suit is in danger of being wasted, damaged or alienated by any party to
the suit, or wrongfully sold in a execution of a decree, or
(b) that the defendant threatens, or intends, to remove or dispose of his property with a view to
[385][defrauding] his creditors,
[386] [(c) that the defendant threatens to dispossess, the plaintiff or otherwise cause injury to the plaintiff in
relation to any property in dispute in the suit,]
the Court may be order grant a temporary injunction to restrain such act, or make such other order for the
purpose of staying and preventing the wasting, damaging, alienation, sale, removal or disposition of the
property [387][or dispossession of the plaintiff, or otherwise causing injury to the plaintiff in relation to any
property in dispute in the suit] as the Court thinks fit, until the disposal of the suit or until further orders.
2 . Injunction to restrain repetition or continuance of breach— (1) In any suit for restraining the defendant
from committing a breach of contract or other injury of any kind, whether compensation is claimed in the suit
or not, the plaintiff may, at any time after the commencement of the suit, and either before or after judgment,
apply to the Court for a temporary injunction to restrain the defendant from committing the breach of contract
or injury complained, of, or any breach of contract or injury of a like kind arising out of the same contract or
relating to the same property or right.
(2) The Court may be order grant such injunction, on such terms as to the duration of the injunction, keeping
an account, giving security, or otherwise, as the Court thinks fit.
[388][* * * * ]
Madhya Pradesh.— In Order 39, rule 2, in sub-rule (2), insert the following proviso:—
"Provided that no such injunction shall be granted—
(a) where no perpetual injunction could be granted in view of the provisions of section 38 and section 41 of
the Specific Relief Act, 1963 (47 of 1963); or
(b) to stay, the operation of an order for transfer, suspension, reduction in rank, compulsory retirement,
dismmissal, removable or otherwise termination of service of, or taking charge from, any person appointed to
public service and post in connection with the affairs of the State including any employee of any company or
Corporation owned or controlled by the State Government; or
(c) to stay, any disciplinary proceeding, pending or intended
or, the effect of any adverse entry against any, person appointed to public service and post in connection
with the affairs of the State including any employee of the company owned or controlled by the State
Government; or
(d) to restrain any election; or
(e) to restrain any auction intended to be made or, to restrain the effect of any auction made by the
Government; or to stay the proceedings for the recovery of any dues recoverable as land revenue unless
adequate security is furnished; and any order for injuction granted in contravention of these provisions shall
be void."
[M.P. Act 29 of 1984].
Uttar Pradesh.— In rule 2, sub-rule (2), interest the following proviso:—
"Provided that no such injunction shall be granted—
(a) where no perpetual injunction could be granted in view of the provisions of section 38 and section 41 of
the Specific Relief Act, 1963 (47 of 1963), or
(b) to stay the operation of an order for transfer, suspension, reduction in rank, compulsory retirement,
dismissal, removal or otherwise termination of service of, or taking charge from, any employee including any
employee of the Government, or
(c) to stay any disciplinary proceeding pending or intended, or, the effect of any adverse entry, against any
employee of the Government, or
(d) to affect the internal management or affairs of any educational institution including a University, or a
Society, or
(e) to restrain any election, or
(f) to restrain, any auction intended to be made or, the effect of any auction made, by the Government unless
adequate security is furnished, or
(g) to stay the proceedings of the recovery of any dues recoverable as land revenue unless adequate
security is furnished, or
(h) in any matter where a reference can be made to the Chancellor of a University under any enactment for
the time being inforce;
and any order for injunction granted in contravention of these provisions shall be void".
[U.P. Act 57 of 1976 amended by Notification dated 3.10.1981].
[389][2A . Consequence of disobedience or breach of injunction— (1) In the case of disobedience of any
injunction granted or other order made under rule 1 or rule 2 or breach of any of the terms on which the
injunction was granted or the order made, the Court granting the injunction or making the order, or any Court
to which the suit or proceeding is transferred, may order the property of the person guilty of such
disobedience or breach to be attached, and may also order such person to be detained in the civil prison for
a term not execeding three months, unless in the meantime the Court directs his release.
(2) No attachment made under this rule shall remain in force for more than one year, at the end of which time
if the disobedience or breach continues, the property attached may be sold and out of the proceeds, the
Court may award such compensation as it thinks fit to the injured party and shall pay the balance, if any, to
the party entitled thereto.]
3 . Before granting injunction, Court to direct notice to opposite party— The Court shall in all case, except
where it appears that the object of granting the injunction would be defeated by the delay, before granting an
injunction, direct notice of the application for the same to be given to the opposite party:
[390] [Provided that, where it is proposed to grant an injunction without giving notice of the application to the
opposite party, the Court shall record the reasons for its opinion that the object of granting the injunction
would be defeated by delay, and require the applicant—
(a) to deliver to the opposite party, or to send to him by registered post, immediately after the order granting
the injunction has been made, a copy of the application for injunction together with—
(i) a copy of the affidavit filed in support of the application;
(ii) a copy of the plaint; and
(iii) copies of documents on which the applicant relies, and
(b) to file, on the day on which such injunction is granted or on the day immediately following that day, an
affidavit stating that the copies aforesaid have been so delivered or sent.]
[391][3A . Court to dispose of application for injunction within thirty days.— Where an injunction has been
granted without giving notice to the opposite party, the Court shall make an endeavour to finally dispose of
the application within thirty day from the date on which the injunction was granted; and where it is unable so
to do, it shall record its reasons for such inability.]
4 . Order for injunction may be discharged, varied or set aside— Any order for an injunction may be
discharged, or varied, or set aside by the Court, on application made thereto by any party dissatisfied with
such order:
[392] [Provided that if in an application for temporary injunction or in any affidavit support such application a
part has knowingly made a false or misleading statement in relation to a material particular and the injunction
was granted without giving notice to the opposite party, the Court shall vacate the injunction unless, for
reasons to be recorded, it considers that it is not necessary so to do in the interests of justice:
Provided further that where an order for injunction has been passed after giving to a party an opportunity of
being heard, the order shall not be discharged, varied or set aside on the application of that party except
where such discharge, variation or setting aside has been necessitated by a change in the circumstances, or
unless the Court is satisfied that the order has caused under hardship to that party.]
Madhya Pradesh.— In Rule 4:—
(i) after the words "by the Court", inserted the words "for reasons to be recorded, either on its own motion or";
(ii) at the end, add the following proviso:—
"Provided also that if at any stage of the suit it appears to the Court that the party in whose favour the order
of injunction exists is delaying the proceedings or is otherwise abusing the process of Court, it shall set aside
the order of injunction."
[M.P. Act 29 of 1984].
Uttar Pradesh.— Same as that of Madhya Pradesh except for the word "delaying" substitute "dilating" in the
[U.P. Act 57 of 1976].
5 . Injunction to corporation binding on its officer— An injunction directed to a corporation is binding not only
on the corporation itself, but also on all members and officers of the corporation whose personal action it
seeks to restrain.
Interlocutory orders
6 . Power to order interim sale— The Court may, on the application of any party to a suit, order the sale, by
any person named in such order, and in such manner and on such terms as it thinks fit, of any movable
property being the subject-matter of such suit or attached before judgment in such suit, which is subject to
speedy and natural decay, or which for any other just and sufficient cause it may be desirable to have sold at
7 . Detention, preservation, inspection, etc., of subject-matter of suit — (1) the Court may, on the application
of any party to a suit, and on such terms as it thinks fit,—
(a) make an order for the detention, preservation or inspection of any property which is the subject-matter of
such suit or, as to which any question may arise therein;
(b) for all or any of the purposes aforesaid authorize any person to enter upon or into any land or building in
the possession of any other party to such suit; and
(c) for all or any of the purposes aforesaid authorize any samples to be taken, or any observation to be made
or experiment to be tried, which may seem necessary or expendient for the purpose of obtaining full
information or evidence.
(2) The provisions as to execution of process shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to person authorized to enter
under this rule.
8 . Application for such orders to be after notice— (1) An application by the plaintiff for an order under rule 6
or rule may be made[393]****at any time after institution of the suit.
(2) An application by the defendant for a like order may be made[394]***at any time after appearance.
[395] [(3) Before making an order under rule 6 or rule 7 on an application made for the purpose, the Court
shall except where it appears that the object of making such order would be defeated by the delay, direct
notice thereof to be given to the opposite party.]
9 . When party may be put in immediate possession of land the subject-matter of suit— Where land paying
revenue to Government, or a tenure liable to sale, is the subject-matter of a suit, if the party in possession of
such land or tenure neglects to pay the Government revenue, or the rent due to the proprietor of the tenure,
as the case may be, and such land or tenure is consequently ordered to be sold, any other party to the suit
claiming to have an interest in such land or tenure may, upon payment of the revenue or rent due previously
to the sale (and with or without security at the discretion of the Court), be put in immediate possession of the
land or tenure;
and the Court in its decree may award against the defaulter the amount so paid, with interest thereon at such
rate as the Court thinks fit, or may charge the amount so paid, with interest thereon at such rate as the Court
orders, in any adjustment of accounts which may be directed in the decree passed in the suit.
10 . Deposit of money, etc. in Court— Where the subject-matter of a suit is money or some other thing
capable of delivery and any party thereto admits that he holds such money or other thing as a trustee for
another party, or that it belongs or is due to another party, the Court may order the same to be deposited in
Court or delivered to such last-named party, with or without security, subject to the further direction of the
1 . Appointment of receivers— (1) Where it appears to the Court to be just and convenient, the Court may by
(a) appointment a receiver of any property, whether before or after decree;
(b) remove any person from the possession or custody of the property;
(c) commit the same to the possession, custody or management of the receiver; and
(d) confer upon the receiver all such powers, as to bringing and defending suits and for the realization,
management, protection, preservation and improvement of the property, the collection of the rents and profits
thereof, the application and disposal of such rents and profits, and the execution of documents as the owner
himself has, or such those powers as the Court thinks fit.
(2) Nothing in this rule shall authorize the Court to remove from the possession or custody of property any
person whom any party to the suit has not a present right so to remove.
2 . Remuneration— The Court may be general or special order fix the amount to be paid as remuneration for
the services of the receiver.
3 . Duties— Every receiver so appointed shall—
(a) furnish such security (if any) as the Court thinks fit, duly to account for what he shall receive in respect of
the property;
(b) submit his accounts at such periods and in such form as the Court directs;
(c) pay the amount due from him as the Court directs; and
(d) be responsible for any loss occasioned to the property by his wilful default or gross negligence.
4 . Enforcement of receiver's duties— Where a receiver—
(a) fails to submit his accounts at such periods and in such form as the Court directs, or
(b) fails to pay the amount due from him as the Court directs, or
(c) occasions loss to the property by his wilful default or gross negligence,
the Court may direct his property to be attached and may sell such property, and may apply the proceeds to
make good any amount found to be due from his or any loss occasioned by him, and shall pay the balance (if
any) to the receiver.
5 . When Collector may be appointed receiver— Where the property is land paying revenue to the
Government, or land of which the revenue has been assigned or redeemed, and the Court considers that the
interests of those concerned will be promoted by the management of the Collector, the Court may, with the
consent of the Collector appoint him to be receiver of such property.
1 . Form of appeal. What to accompany memorandum— (1) Every appeal shall be preferred in the form of a
memorandum signed by the appellant or his pleader and presented to the Court or to such officer as it
appoints in this behalf. The memorandum shall be accompanied by a copy of the decree appealed from and
(unless the Appellate Court dispenses therewith) of the judgment on which it is founded:
[396] [Provided that where two or more suits have been tried together and a common judgment has been
delivered therefor and two or more appeals are filed against any decree covered by that judgment, whether
by the same appellant or by different appellants, the Appellate Court dispense with the filing of more than
one copy of the judgment.]
(2) Contents of memorandum—The memorandum shall set forth, concisely and under distinct heads, the
grounds of objection to the decree appealed from without any argument or narrative; and such grounds shall
be numbered consecutively.
[397] [(3) Where the appeal is against a decree for payment of money, the appellant shall, within such time
as the Appellate Court may allow, deposit the amount disputed in the appeal or furnish such security in
respect thereof as the Court may think fit.]
2 . Grounds which may be taken in appeal— The appellant shall not except by leave of the Court, urge or be
heard in support of any ground of objection not set forth in the memorandum of appeal, but the Appellate
Court in deciding the appeal, shall not be confined to the grounds of objections set forth in the memorandum
of appeal or taken by leave of the Court under this rule:
Provided that the Court shall not rest its decision on any other ground unless the party who may be affected
thereby has had a sufficient opportunity of contesting the case on that ground.
3 . Rejection or amendment of memorandum— (1) Where the memorandum of appeal is not drawn up in the
manner hereinbefore prescribed, it may be rejected, or be returned to the appellant for the purpose of being
amended within a time to be fixed by the Court or be amended then and there.
(2) Where the Court rejects any memorandum, it shall record the reasons for such rejection.
(3) Where a memorandum of appeal is amended, the Judge, or such officer as he appoints in this behalf,
shall sign or initial the amendment.
[398][3A . Application for condonation of delay— (1) When a appeal is presented after the expiry of the
period of limitation specified therefor, it shall be accompanied by an application supported by affidavit setting
forth the facts on which the appellant relies to satisfy the Court that he had sufficient cause for not preferring
the appeal within such period.
(2) If the Court sees no reason to reject the application without the issue of a notice to the respondent, notice
hereof shall be issued to the respondent and the matter shall be finally decided by the Court before it
proceeds to deal with the appeal under rule 11 or rule 13, as the case may be.
(3) Where an application has been made under sub-rule (1) the Court shall not made an order fact the stay
of execution of the decree against which the appeal is proposed to be filed so long as the Court does not,
after hearing under rule 11, decide to hear the appeal.]
4 . One of several plaintiff or defendants may obtain reversal of whole decree where it proceeds on ground
common to all— Where there are more plaintiff or more defendants then one in a suit, and the decree
appealed from proceeds on any ground common to all the plaintiffs or to all the defendants, any one of the
plaintiffs or of the defendants may appeal from the whole decree, and thereupon the Appellate Court may
reverse or vary the decree in favour of all the plaintiffs or defendants, as the case may be.
Stay of proceedings and of execution
5 . Stay by Appellate Court— (1) An appeal shall not operate as a stay of proceedings under a decree or
order appealed from except so far as the Appellate Court may order, nor shall execution of a decree be
stayed by reason only of an appeal having been preferred from the decree; but the Appellate Court may for
sufficient cause order stay of execution of such decree.
[399] [Explanation—An order by the Appellate Court for the stay of execution of the decree shall be effective
from the date of the communication of such order to the Court of first instance but an affidavit sworn by the
appellant, based on his personal knowledge, stating that an order for the stay of execution of the decree has
been made by the Appellate Court shall, pending the receipt from the Appellate Court of the order for the
stay of execuiton or any order to the contrary, be acted upon by the Court of first instance.]
(2) Stay by Court which passed the decree—Where an application is made for stay of execution of an
appealable decree before the expiration of the time allowed for appealing therefrom, the Court which passed
the decree may on sufficient cause being shown order the execution to be stayed.
(3) No order for stay of execution shall be made under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) unless the Court making it
is satisfied—
(a) that substantial loss may result to the party applying for stay of execution unless the order is made;
(b) that the application has been made without unreasonable delay; and
(c) that security has been given by the applicant for the due performance of such decree or order as may
ultimately be binding upon him.
(4) [400][Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3)], the Court may make an ex parte order for stay of
execution pending the hearing of the application.
[401] [(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-rules, where the appellant fails to make
the deposit or furnish the security specified in sub-rule (3) of rule 1, the Court shall not make an order staying
the execution of the decree.]
6 . Security in case of order for execution of decree appealed from— (1) Where an order is made for the
execution of a decree from which an appeal is pending, the Court which passed the decree shall, on
sufficient cause being shown by the appellant, require security to be taken for the restitution of any property
which may be or has been taken in execution of the decree or for the payment of the value of such property
and for the due performance of the decree or order of the Appellate Court, or the Appellate Court may for like
cause direct the Court which passed the decree to take such security.
(2) Where an order has been made for the sale of immovable property in execution of a decree, and an
appeal is pending from such decree, the sale shall, on the application of the judgment- debtor to the Court
which made the order, be stayed on such terms as to giving security or otherwise as the Court thinks fit until
the appeal is disposed of.
7 . No security to be required from the Government or a public officer in certain cases. Rep. by the A.O.
8 . Exercise of powers in appeal from order made in execution of decree— The powers conferred by rules 5
and 6 shall be exercisable where an appeal may be or has been preferred not from the decree but from an
order made in execution of such decree.
Procedure on admission of appeal
9 . Registry of memorandum of appeal— (1) Where a memorandum of appeal is admitted, the Appellate
Court or the proper officer of that Court shall endorse thereon the date of presentation, and shall register the
appeal in a book to be kept for the purpose.
(2) Register of Appeals—Such book shall be called the Register of Appeals.
10 . Appellate Court may require appellant to furnish security for costs— (1) The Appellate Court may in its
discretion, either before the respondent is called upon to appear and answer or afterwards on the application
of the respondent, demand from the appellant security for the costs of the appeal, or of the original suit, or of
Where appellant resides out of India—Provided that the Court shall demand such security in all cases in
which the appellant is residing out of India, and is not possessed of any sufficient immovable property within
India other than the property (if any) to which the appeal relates.
(2) Where such security is not furnished within such time as the Court orders, the Court shall reject the
11 . Power to dismiss appeal without sending notice to Lower Court— (1) The Appellate Court, after sending
for the record if it thinks fit so to do, and after fixing a day for hearing the appellant or his pleader and hearing
him accordingly if he appears on that day, may dismiss the appeal without sending notice to the Court from
whose decree the appeal is preferred and without serving notice on the respondent or his pleader.
(2) If on the day fixed or any other day to which the hearing may be adjourned the appellant does not appear
when the appeal is called on for hearing, the Court may make an order that the appeal be dismissed.
(3) The dismissal of an appeal under this rule shall be notified to the Court from whose decree the appeal is
[402] [(4) Where an Appellate Court, not being the High Court, dismisses an appeal under sub-rule (1), it
shall deliver a judgment, recording in brief its grounds for doing so, and a decree shall be drawn up in
accordance with the judgment.]
[403][11A . Time within which hearing under rule 11 should be concluded— Every appeal shall be heard
under rule 11 as expeditiously as possible and endeavour shall be made to conclude such hearing within
sixty days from the date on which the memorandum of appeal is filed.]
12 . Day for hearing appeal— (1) Unless the Appellate Court dismisses the appeal under rule 11, it should fix
a day for hearing the appeal.
(2) Such day shall be fixed with reference to the current business of the Court, the place of residence of the
respondent, and the time necessary for the service of the notice of appeal, so as to allow the respondent
sufficient time to appear and answer the appeal on such day.
13 . Appellate Court to give notice to Court whose decree appealed from— (1) Where the appeal is not
dismissed under rule 11, the Appellate Court shall send notice of the appeal to the Court from whose decree
the appeal is preferred.
(2) Transmission of papers to Appellate Court—Where the appeal is from the decree of a Court, the records
of which are not deposited in the Appellate Court, the Court receiving such notice shall send with all
practicable despatch all material papers in the suit, or such papers as may be specially called for by the
Appellate Court.
(3) Copies of exhibits in Court whose decree appealed from—Either party may apply in writing to the Court
from whose decree the appeal is preferred, specifying any of the papers in such Court of which he requires
copies to be made; and copies of such papers shall be made at the expense of, and given to, the applicant.
14 . Publication and service of notice of day for hearing appeal— (1) Notice of the day fixed under rule 12
shall be affixed in the Appellate Court-house, and a like notice shall be sent by the Appellate Court to the
Court from whose decree the appeal is preferred, and shall be served on the respondent or on his pleader in
the Appellate Court in the manner provided for the service on a defendant of a summons to appear and
answer; and all the provisions applicable to such summons, and to proceedings with reference to the service
thereof, shall apply to the service of such notice.
(2) Appellate Court may itself cause notice to be served—Instead of sending the notice to the Court from
whose decree the appeal is preferred, the Appellate Court may itself cause the notice to be served on the
respondent or his pleader under the provisions above referred to.
[404] [(3) The notice to be served on the respondent shall be accompanied by a copy of the memorandum of
(4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in sub- rule (1), it shall not be necessary to serve
notice of any proceeding incidental to an appeal on any respondent other than a person impleaded for the
first time in the Appellate Court, unless he has appeared and filed an address for the service in the Court of
first instance or has appeared in the appeal.
(5) Nothing in sub-rule (4) shall bar the respondent referred to in the appeal from defending it.]
15 . Contents of notice— The notice to the respondent shall declare that, if he does not appear in the
Appellate Court on the day so fixed, the appeal will be heard ex parte.
Procedure on hearing
16 . Right to begin— (1) On the day fixed, or on any other day to which the hearing may be adjourned, the
appellant shall he heard in support of the appeal.
(2) The Court shall then, if it does not dismiss the appeal at once, hear the respondent against the appeal
and in such case the appellant shall be entitled to reply.
17 . Dismissal of appeal for appellants default— (1) Where on the day fixed, or on any other day which the
hearing may be adjourned, the appellant does not appear when the appeal is called on for hearing, the Court
may make an order that the appeal be dismissed.
[405] [Explanation—Nothing in this sub-rule shall be construed as empowering the Court to dismiss the
appeal on the merits.]
(2) Hearing appeal BIex parteB—Where the appellant appears and the respondent does not appear the
appeal shall be heard ex parte,
18 . Dismissal of appeal where notice not served in consequence of appellant's failure to deposit costs—
Where on the day fixed, or on any other day to which the hearing may be adjourned, it is found that the
notice to the respondent has not been served in consequence of the failure of the appellant to deposit, within
the period fixed, the sum required to defray the costs of serving the notice [406][or, if the notice is returned
unserved, and it is found that the notice to the respondent has not been issued in consequence of the failure
of the appellant to deposit, within any subsequent period fixed, the sum required to defray the cost of any
further attempt to serve the notice,] the Court may make an order that the appeal be dismissed:
Provided that no such order shall be made although the notice has not been served upon the respondent, if
on any such day the respondent appears when the appeal is called on for hearing.
19 . Re-admission of appeal dismissed for default— Where an appeal is dismissed under rule 11, sub-rule
(2) or rule 17 or rule 18, the appellant may apply to the Appellate Court for the re-admission of the appeal;
and, where it is proved that he was prevented by any sufficient cause from appearing when the appeal was
called on for hearing or from depositing the sum so required, the Court shall re-admit the appeal on such
terms as to costs or otherwise as it thinks fit.
20 . Power to adjourn hearing and direct persons appearing interested to be made respondents— [407][(1)]
Where it appears to the Court at the hearing that any person who was a party to the suit in the Court from
whose decree the appeal is preferred, but who has not been made a party to the appeal, is interested in the
result of the appeal, the Court may adjourn the hearing to a future day to be fixed by the Court and direct that
such person be made a respondent.
[408] [(2) No respondent shall be added under this rule, after the expiry of the period of limitation for appeal,
unless the Court, for reasons to be recorded, allows that to be done, on such terms as to costs as it thinks
21 . Re-hearing on application of respondent against whom BIex parte decree made— Where an appeal is
heard ex parte and judgment is pronounced against the respondent, he may apply to the Appellant Court to
re-hear the appeal; and, if he satisfies the Court that the notice was not duly served or that he was prevented
by sufficient cause from appearing when the appeal was called on for hearing, the Court shall re-hear the
appeal on such terms as to costs or otherwise as it thinks fit to impose upon him.
22 . Upon hearing respondent may object to decree as if he had preferred a separate appeal— (1) Any
respondent, though he may not have appealed from any part of the decree, may not only support the decree
[409][but may also state that the finding against him in the Court below in respect of any issue ought to have
been in his favour; and may also take any cross-objection] to the decree which he could have taken by way
of appeal provided he has filed such objection in the Appellant Court within one month from the date of
service on him or his pleader of notice of the day fixed for hearing the appeal, or within such further time as
the Appellate Court may see fit to allow.
[410] [Explanation—A respondent aggrieved by a finding of the Court in the judgment on which the decree
appealed against is based may, under this rule, file cross-objection in respect of the decree in so far as it is
based on that finding, notwithstanding that by reason of the decision of the Court on any other finding which
is sufficient for the decision of the suit, the decree, is, wholly or in part, in favour of that respondent.]
(2) Form of objection and provisions applicable thereto—Such cross-objection shall be in the form of a
memorandum, and the provisions of rule 1, so far as they relate to the form and contents of the
memorandum of appeal, shall apply thereto.
(3) Unless the respondent files with the objection a written acknowledgement from the party who may be
affected by such objection or his pleader of having received a copy thereof, the Appellate Court shall cause a
copy to be served, as soon as may be after the filing of the objection, on such party or his pleader at the
expense of the respondent.
(4) Where, in any case in which any respondent has under this rule filed a memorandum of objection, the
original appeal is withdrawn or is dismissed for default, the objection so filed may nevertheless be heard and
determined after such notice to the other parties as the Court thinks fit.
(5) The provisions-relating to appeal by indigent persons shall, so far as they can be made applicable apply
to an objection under this rule.
23 . Remand of case by Appellate Court— Where the Court from whose decree an appeal is preferred has
disposed of the suit upon a preliminary point and the decree is reversed in appeal, the Appellate Court may,
if it thinks fit, by order remand the case, and may further direct what issue or issues shall be tried in the case
so remanded, and shall send a copy of its judgment and order to the Court from whose decree the appeal is
preferred, which directions to re-admit the suit under its original number in the register of civil suits, and
proceed to determine the suit; and the evidence (if any) recorded during the original trial shall, subject to all
just exceptions, be evidence during the trial after remand.
[411][23A . Remand in other cases— Where the Court from whose decree an appeal is preferred has
disposed of the case otherwise than on a preliminary point, and the decree is reversed in appeal and a re-
trial is considered necessary, the Appellate Court shall have the same powers as it has under rule 23.]
24 . Where evidence on record sufficient, Appellate Court may determine case finally— Where the evidence
upon the record is sufficient to enable the Appellate Court to pronounce judgment, the Appellate Court may,
after resettling the issues, if necessary, finally determine the suit, notwithstanding that the judgment of the
Court from whose decree the appeal is preferred has proceeded wholly upon some ground other than that on
which Appellate Court proceeds.
25 . Where Appellate Court may frame issues and refer them for trial to Court whose decree appealed
from— Where the Court from whose decree the appeal is preferred has omitted to frame or try any issue, or
to determine any question of fact, which appears to the Appellate Court essential to the right decision of the
suit upon the merits the Appellate Court may, if necessary, frame issues, and refer the same for trial to the
Court from whose decree the appeal is preferred, and in such case shall direct such Court to take the
additional evidence required;
and such Court shall proceed to try such issues, and shall return the evidence to the Appellate Court
together with its findings thereon and the reasons therefor [412][within such time as may be fixed by the
Appellate Court or extended by it from time to time.]
26 . Finding and evidence to be put on record. Objections to finding— (1) Such evidence and findings shall
form part of the record in the suit; and either party may within a time to be fixed by the Appellate Court,
present a memorandum of objections to any finding.
(2) Determination of appeal—After the expiration of the period so fixed for presenting such memorandum the
Appellate Court shall proceed to determine the appeal.
[413][26A . Order of remand to mention date of next hearing— Where the Appellate Court remands a case
under rule 23 or rule 23A, or frames issues and refers them for trial under rule 25, it shall fix a date for the
appearance of the parties before the Court from whose decree the appeal was preferred for the purpose of
receiving the directions of that Court as to further proceedings in the suit.]
27 . Production of additional evidence in Appellate Court— (1) The parties to an appeal shall not be entitled
to produce additional evidence, whether oral or documentary, in the Appellate Court, But if—
(a) the Court from whose decree the appeal is preferred has refused to admit evidence which ought to have
been admitted, or
[414] [(aa) the party seeking to produce additional evidence, establishes that notwithstanding the exercise of
due diligence, such evidence was not within his knowledge or could not, after the exercise of due diligence,
be produced by him at the time when the decree appealed against was passed, or]
(b) the Appellate Court requires any document to be produced or any witness to be examined to enable it to
pronounce judgment, or for any other substantial cause,
the Appellate Court may allow such evidence or document to be produced, or witness to be examined.
(2) Wherever additional evidence is allowed to be produced by an Appellate Court, the Court shall record the
reason for its admission.
28 . Mode of taking additional evidence— Wherever additional evidence is allowed to be produced, the
Appellate Court may either take such evidence or direct the Court from whose decree the appeal is
preferred, or any other subordinate Court, to take such evidence and to send it when taken to the Appellate
29 . Points to be defined and recorded— Where additional evidence is directed or allowed to be taken, the
Appellate Court shall specify the points to which the evidence is to be confined and record on its proceedings
the points so specified.
Judgment in appeal
30 . Judgment when and where pronounced— [415][(1)] The Appellate Court, after hearing the parties or
their pleaders and referring to any part of the proceedings, whether on appeal or in the Court from whose
decree the appeal is preferred, to which reference may be considered necessary, shall pronounce judgment
open Court, either at once or on some future day of which notice shall be given to the parties or their
[416] [(2) Where a written judgment is to be pronounced, it shall be sufficient if the points for determination,
the decision thereon and the final order passed in the appeal are read out and it shall not be necessary for
the Court to read out the whole judgment, but a copy of the whole judgment shall be made available for the
perusal of the parties or their pleaders immediately after the judgment in pronounced.]
31 . Contents, date and signature of judgment— The judgment of the Appellate Court shall be in writing and
shall state—
(a) the points for determination;
(b) the decision thereon;
(c) the reasons for the decision; and
(d) where the decree appealed from is reversed or varied, the relief to which the appellant is entitled, and
shall at the time that it is pronounced be signed and dated by the Judge or by the Judges concurring therein.
32 . What judgment may direct— The judgment may be for confirming, varying or reversing the decree from
which the appeal is preferred, or, if the parties to the appeal agree as to the form which the decree in appeal
shall take, or as to the order to be made in appeal, the Appellate Court may pass a decree or make an order
33 . Power of Court of Appeal— The Appellate Court shall have power to pass any decree and make any
order which ought to have been passed or made and to pass or make such further or other decree or order
as the case may require, and this power may be exercised by the Court notwithstandng that the appeal is as
to part only of the decree and may be exercised in favour of all or any of the respondents or parties, although
such respondents or parties may not have filed any appeal or objection [417][and may, where there have
been decrees in cross-suits or where two or more decrees are passed in one suit, be exercised in respect of
all or any of the decrees, although an appeal may not have been filed against such decrees]:
[418] [Provided that the Appellate Court shall not make any order under section 35A, in pursuance of any
objection on which the Court from whose decree the appeal is preferred has omitted or refused to made such
A claims a sum of money as due to him from X or Y, and in a suit against both obtains a decree against X. X,
appeals, and A and Y are respondents. The Appellate Court decides in favour of X. If has power to pass a
decree against Y.
34 . Dessent to be recorded— Where the appeal is heard by more judges that one, any judge dissenting
from the judgment of the court shall state in writing the decision or order which he thinks should be passed
on the appeal, and he may state his reasons for the same.
Decree in appeal
35 . Date and contents of decree— (1) The decree of the Appellate Court shall bear date the day of which
the judgment was pronounced.
(2) The decree shall contain the number of the appeal, the names and descriptions of the appellant and
respondent, and a clear specification of the relief granted or other adjudication made.
(3) The decree shall also state the amount of costs incurred in the appeal, and by whom, or out of what
property, and in what proportions such costs and the costs in the suit are to be paid.
(4) The decree shall be signed and dated by the Judge or Judges who passed it:
Judge dissenting from judgment need not sign decree—Provided that where there are more Judges than one
and there is a difference of opinion among them, it shall not be necessary for any Judge dissenting from the
judgment of the Court to sign the decree.
36 . Copies of judgment and decree to be furnished to parties— Certified copies of the judment and decree
in appeal shall be furnished to the parties on application to the Appellate Court and at their expense.
37 . Certified copy of decree to be sent to Court whose decree appealed from— A copy of the judgment and
of the decree, certified by the Appellate Court or such officer as it appoints in this behalf, shall be sent to the
Court which passed the decree appealed from and shall be filed with the original proceedings in the suit, and
an entry of the judgment of the Appellate Court shall be made in the register of civil suits.
1 . Procedure— The rules of Order XLI shall apply, so far as may be, to appeals from appellate decrees.
[419][2 . Power of Court to direct that the appeal be heard on the question formulated by it— At the time of
making an order under rule 11 or Order XLI for the hearing of a second appeal, the Court shall formulate the
substantial question of law as required by section 100 and in doing so, the Court may direct that the second
appeal be heard on the question so formulated and it shall not be open to the appelant to urge any other
ground in the appeal without the leave of the Court, given in accordance with the provision of section 100.
3 . Application of rule 14 of Order XLI— Reference in sub-rule (4) of rule 14 of Order XLI to the Court of first
instance shall, in the case of an appeal from an appellate decree or order, be construed as a reference to the
Court to which the appeal was preferred from the original decree or order.]
1 . Appeal from orders— An appeal shall lie from the following orders under the provisions of section 104,
(a) an order under rule 10 of Order VII returning a plaint to be presented to the proper Court [420][except
where the procedure specified in rule 10A of Order VII has been followed];
(c) an order under rule 9 of Order IX rejecting an application (in a case open to appeal) for an order to set
aside the dismissal of a suit;
(d) an order under rule 13 of Order IX rejecting an application (in a case open to appeal) for an order to set
aside a decree passed ex parte
(f) an order under rule 21 of Order XI;
(i) an order under rule 34 of Order XXI on an objection to the draft of a document or of an endorsement;
(j) an order under rule 72 or rule 92 of Order XXI setting aside or refusing to set aside a sale;
[424] [(ja) an order rejecting an application made under sub-rule (1) of rule 106 of Order XXI, provided that
an order on the original application, that is to say, the application referred to in sub-rule (1) of rule 105 of that
Order is appealable.]
(k) an order under rule 9 of Order XXII refusing to set aside the abatement or dismissal of a suit;
(l) an order under rule 10 of Order XXII giving or refusing to give leave;
(n) an order under rule 2 of Order XXV rejecting an application (in a case open to appeal) for an order to set
aside the dismissal of a suit;
[426] [(na) an order under rule 5 or rule 7 of Order XXXIII rejecting an application for permission to sue as an
indigent persons:]
(p) orders in interpleader-suits under rule, rule 4 or rule 6 or Order XXXV;
(q) an order under rule 2, rule 3 or rule 6 of Order XXXVIII;
(r) an order under rule 1, rule 2 [428][rule 2A], rule 4 or rule 10 of Order XXXIX;
(s) an order under rule 1 or rule 4 of Order XL;
(t) an order of refusal under rule 19 of Order XLI to re-admit, or under rule 21 of Order XLI to re-hear, an
(u) an order rule 23 [429][or rule 23A] of Order XLI remanding a case, where an appeal would lie from the
decree of the Appellate Court;
(w) an order under rule 4 of Order XLVII granting an application for review.
[431][1A . Right to challenge non-appealable orders in appeal against decree— (1) Where any order is made
under this Code against a party and there upon any judgment is pronounced against such party and a
decree is drawn up, such party may, in an appeal against the decree, contend that such order should not
have been made and the judgment should not have been pronounced.
(2) In an appeal against a decree passed in a suit after recording a compromise or refusing to record a
compromise, it shall be open to the appellant to contest the decree on the ground that the compromise
should, or should not, have been recorded.]
2 . Procedure— The rules of Order XLI shall apply, so far as may be, to appeals from orders.
1 . Who may appeal [433][as an indigent person]— (1) Any person entitled to prefer an appeal, who is unable
to pay the fee required for the memorandum of appeal, may present an application accompanied by a
memorandum of appeal, and may be allowed to appeal as an [434][indigent person], subject, in all matters,
including the presentation of such application, to the provisions relating to suits by [435][indigent person], in
so far as those provisions are applicable.
Proviso omitted by Act No. 66 of 1956, s. 14.
[436]* * * * *
[437][2 . Grant of time for payment of court-fee— Where an application is rejected under rule 1, the Court
may, while rejecting the application, allow the applicant to pay the requisite Court-fee, within such time as
may be fixed by the Court or extended by it from time to time; and upon such payment, the memorandum of
appeal in respect of which such fee is payable shall have the same force and effect as if such fee has been
paid in the first instance.
3 . Inquiry as to whether applicant is an indigent person— (1) Where an applicant, referred to in rule 1, was
allowed to sue or appeal as an indigent person in the Court from whose decree the appeal is preferred, no
further inquiry in respect of the question whether or not he is an indigent person shall be necessary if the
applicant has made an affidavit stating that he has not ceased to be an indigent person since the date of the
decree appealed from; but if the Government pleader or the respondent disputes the truth of the statement
made in such affidavit, an inquiry into the question aforesaid shall be held by the Appellate Court, or, under
the orders of the Appellate Court, by an officer of the Court.
(2) Where the applicant, referred to in rule 11, is alleged to have become an indigent person since the date
of the decree appealed from, the inquiry into the question whether or not he is an indigent person shall be
made by the Appellate Court or, under the orders of the Appellate Court, by an officer of that Court unless
the Appellate Court considers it necessary in the circumstances of the case that the inquiry should be held
by the Court from whose decision the appeal is preferred.]
1 . "Decree" defined— In this Order, unless there is something repugnant in the subject or context, the
expression "decree" shall include a final order.
2 . Application to Court whose complained of— [438][(1)] Whoever desires to appeal the Supreme Court
shall apply by petition to the Court whose decree is complained of.
[439] [(2) Every petition under sub-rule (1) shall be heard as expeditiously as possible and endeavour shall
be made to conclude the disposal of the petition within sixty days from the date on which the petition is
presented to the Court under sub-rule (1).]
Uttar Pradesh.— In its application to the State of Uttar Pradesh, in rule 2 after sub-rule (2) the following sub-
rule be inserted, namely:—
"(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), whoever desires to appeal to the Supreme Court,
may apply orally to the Court whose decree is to be complained of, immediately before or after the
pronouncement of the judgment by the Court, for a certificate contemplated in sub-rule (1) of rule 3, and the
Court may either grant or refuse the certificate, or direct the applicant to file petition as required by sub-rule
Provided that if an oral application is entertained and rejected, no written petition under sub-rule (1) shall lie."
[U.P. Act 57 of 1976].
3 . Certificate as to value or fitness—[440][(1) Every petition shall state the grounds of appeal and pray for a
(i) that the case involves a substantial question of law of general importance, and
(ii) that in the opinion of the Court the said question needs to be decided by the Supreme Court.]
(2) Upon receipt of such petition, the Court shall direct notice to be served on the opposite party to show
cause why the said certificate should not be granted.
4 . [Consolidation of suits.] Rep. by the Code of civil Procedure (Amendment) Act,1973 (49 of 1973) s. 4
(w.e.f. 1-2- 1977).
5 . [Remission of dispute to Court of first instance.] Rep. by s. 4, ibid, (w.e.f. 1-2-1977).
6 . Effect of refusal of certificate— Where such certificate is refused, the petition shall be dismissed.
7 . Security and deposit required on grant of certificate— (1) Where the certificate is granted, the applicant
shall, within ninety days or such further period, not exceeding sixty days, as the Court may upon cause
shown allow; from the date of the decree complained of, or within six weeks from the date of the grant of the
certificate whichever is the later date,—
(a) furnish security in cash or in Government securities for the costs of the respondent, and
(b) deposit the amount required to defray the expense of translating, transcribing indexing printing, and
transmitting to the Supreme Court a correct copy of the whole record of the suit, except—
(1) formal documents directed to be excluded by any Rule of the Supreme Court in force for the time being;
(2) papers which the parties agree to exclude;
(3) accounts, or portions of accounts, which the officer empowered by the Court for that purpose considers
unnecessary, and which the parties have not specifically asked to be included; and
(4) such other documents as the High Court may direct to be excluded:
Provided that the Court at the time of granting the certificate may, after hearing any opposite party who
appears, order on the ground of special hardship that some other form of security may be furnished:
Provided further, that no adjournment shall be granted to an opposite party to contest the nature of such
8 . Admission of appeal and procedure thereon— Where such security has been furnished and deposit made
to the satisfaction of the Court, the Court shall—
(a) declare the appeal admitted,
(b) give notice thereof to the respondent,
(c) transmit to the Supreme Court under the seal of the Court a correct copy of the said record, except as
aforesaid, and
(d) give to either party one or more authenticated copies of any of the papers in the suit on his applying
therefore and paying the reasonable expenses incurred in preparing them.
9 . Revocation of acceptance of security— At any time before the admission of the appeal the Court may,
upon cause shown, revoke the acceptance of any such security, and make further directions thereon.
9A . Power to dispense with notices in case of deceased parties— Nothing in these rules requiring any notice
to be served on or given to an opposite party or respondent shall be deemed to require any notice to be
served on or given to the legal representative of any deceased opposite party or deceased respondent in a
case, where such opposite party or respondent did not appear either at the hearing in the Court whose
decree is complained of or at any proceedings subsequent to the decree of that Court:
Provided that notices under sub-rule (2) of rule 3 and under rule 8 shall be given by affixing the same in
some conspicuous place in the court-house of the Judge of the district in which the suit was originally
brought, and by publication in such newspapers as the Court may direct.
10 . Power to order further security or payment— Where at any time after the admission of an appeal but
before the transmission of the copy of the record, except as aforesaid, to the Supreme Court such security
appears inadequate,
or further payment is required for the purpose of translating, transcribing, printing, indexing or transmitting
the copy of the record, except as aforesaid,
the Court may order the appellant to furnish, within a time to be fixed by the Court, other and sufficient
security, or to make, within except as aforesaid.
11 . Effect of failure to comply with order— Where the appellant fails to comply with such order, the
proceedings shall be stayed,
and the appeal shall not proceed without an order in this behalf of the Supreme Court
and in the meantime execution of the decree appealed from shall not be stayed.
12 . Refund of balance deposit— When the copy of the record, except as aforesaid, has been transmitted to
the Supreme Court, the appellant may obtain a refund of the balance (if any) of the amount which he had
deposited under rule 7.
13 . Powers of Court pending appeal— (1) Notwithstanding the grant of a certificate for the admission of any
appeal, the decree appealed from shall be unconditionally executed, unless the Court otherwise directs.
(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit, on special cause shown by any party interested in the suit, or otherwise
appearing to the court,—
(a) impound any movable property in dispute or any part thereof, or
(b) allow the decree appealed from to be executed, taking such security from the respondent as the Court
thinks fit for the due performance of any order which the Supreme Court may make on the appeal, or
(c) stay the execution of the decree appealed from, taking such security from the appellant as the Court
thinks fit for the due performance of the decree appealed from, or of any decree or order which the Supreme
Court may make on the appeal, or
(d) place any party seeking the assistance of the Court under such conditions or give such other direction
respecting the subject-matter of the appeal, as it thinks fit, by the appointment of a receiver or otherwise.
14 . Increase of security found inadequate— (1) Where at any time during the pendency of the appeal the
security furnished by either party appears inadequate, the Court may, on the application of the other party,
require further security.
(2) In default of such further security being furnished as required by the Court,—
(a) if the original security was furnished by the appellant, the Court may, on the application of the
respondent, execute the decree, appealed from as if the appellant had furnished no such security;
(b) if the original security was furnished by the respondent, the Court shall, so far as may be practicable stay
the further execution of the decree, and restore the parties to the position in which they respectively were
when the security which appears inadequate was furnished, or give such direction respectiong the subject-
matter of the appeal as it thinks fit.
15 . Procedure to enforce orders of the Supreme Court— (1) Whoever desires to obtain execution of any
decree or order of the Supreme Court shall apply by petition, accompanied by a certified copy of the decree
passed or order made in appeal and sought to be executed, to the Court from which the appeal to the
Supreme Courts, was preferred.
(2) Such Court shall transmit the decree or order of the Supreme Court to the Court which passed the first
decree appealed from, or to such other Court as the Supreme Court by such decree or order may direct and
shall (upon the application of either party) give such directions as may be required for the execution of the
same; and the Court to which the said decree or order is so transmitted shall execute it accordingly, in the
manner and according to the provisions applicable to the execution of its original decrees.
(4) Unless the Supreme Court otherwise directs, no decree or order of that Court shall be inoperative on the
ground that no notice has been served on or given to the legal representative of any deceased opposite
party or deceased respondent in a case, where such opposite party or respondent did not appear either at
the hearing in the Court whose decree was complained of or at any proceedings subsequent to the decree of
that Court, but such order shall have the same force and effect as if it had been made before the death took
16 . Appeal from order relating to execution— The orders made by the Court which executes the decree or
order of the Supreme Court, relating to such execution, shall be appealable in the same manner and subject
to the same rules as the orders of such Court relating to the execution of its own decrees.
17. [Appeals to Federal Court]. Rep. by the Federal Court, 1941 (21 of 1941), s. 2
1 . Reference of question to High Court— Where, before or on the hearing of a suit or an appeal in which the
decree is not subject to appeal, or where, in the execution of any such decree, any question of law or usage
having the force of law arises, on which the Court trying the suit or appeal, or executing the decree,
entertains reasonable doubt, the Court may, either of its own motion or on the application of any of the
parties, draw up a statement of the facts of the case and the point on which doubt is entertained, and refer
such statement with its own opinion on the point for the decision of the High Court.
2 . Court may pass decree contingent upon decision of High Court— The Court may either stay the
proceedings or proceed in the case notwithstanding such reference, and may pass a decree or make an
order contingent upon the decision of the High Court on the point referred;
But no decree or order shall be executed in any case in which such reference is made until the receipt of a
copy of the judgment of the High Court upon the reference.
3 . Judgment of High Court to be transmitted and case disposed of accordingly— The High Court, after
hearing the parties if they appear and desire to be heard, shall decide the point so referred, and shall
transmit a copy of its judgment, under the signature of the Registrar, to the Court by which the reference was
made; and such Court shall, on the receipt thereof, proceed to dispose of the case in conformity with the
decision of the High Court.
4 . Costs of reference to High Court— The costs (is any) consequent on a reference for the decision of the
High Court shall be costs in the case.
4A . Reference to high Court under proviso to section 113— The provisions of rules 2, 3 and 4 shall apply to
any reference by the Court under the proviso to section 113 as they apply to a reference under rule 1.
5 . Power to alter, etc., decree of Court making reference— Where a case is referred to the High Court under
rule 1 or under the proviso to section 113, the High Court may return the case for amendment, and may alter,
cancel or set aside any decree or order which the Court making the reference has passed or made in the
case out of which the reference arose, and make such order as it thinks fit.
6 . Power to refer to High Court questions as to jurisdiction in small causes— (1) Where at any time before
judgment a Court in which a suit has been instituted doubts whether the suit is cognizable by a Court of
Small Causes or is not so cognizable, it may submit the record to the High Court with a statement of its
reasons for the doubt as to the nature of the suit.
(2) On receiving the record and statement, the High Court may order the Court either to proceed with the suit
or to return the plaint for presentation to such other Court as it may in its order declare to be competent to
take cognizance of the suit.
7 . Power to District Court to submit for revision proceeding had under mistake as to jurisdiction in small
causes— (1) Where it appears to a District Court that a Court subordinate thereto has, by reason of
erroneously holding a suit to be cognizable by a Court of small Causes or not to be so cognizable, failed to
exercise a jurisdiction vested in it by law, or exercised a jurisdiction not so vested, the District Court may, and
if required by a party shall, submit the record to the High Court with a statement of its reasons for considering
the opinion of the subordinate Court with respect to the nature of the suit to be erroneous.
(2) On receiving the record and statement the High Court may make such order in the case as it thinks fit.
(3) With respect to any proceeding subsequent to decree in any case submitted to the High Court under this
rule, the High Court may make such order as in the circumstance appears to it to be just and proper.
(4) A Court subordinate to a District Court shall comply with any requisition which the District Court may
make for any record or information for the purposes of this rule.
1 . Application for review of judgment— (1) Any person considering himself aggrieved—
(a) by a decree or order from which an appeal is allowed, but from which no appeal has been preferred,
(b) by a decree or order from which no appeal is allowed, or
(c) by a decision on a reference from a Court of Small Causes,
and who, from the discovery of new and important matter or evidence which, after the exercise of due
diligence was not within his knowledge or could not be produced by him at the time when the decree was
passed or order made, or on account of some mistake or error apparent on the face of the record of for any
other sufficient reason, desires to obtain a review of the decree passed or order made against him, may
apply for a review of judgment to the Court which passed the decree or made the order.
(2) A party who is not appealing from a decree or order may apply for a review of judgment notwithstanding
the pendency of an appeal by some other party except where the ground of such appeal is common to the
applicant and the appellant, or when, being respondent, he can present to the Appellate Court the case on
which he applies for the review.
[441] [Explanation—The fact that the decision on a question of law on which the judgment of the Court is
based has been reversed or modified by the subsequent decision of a superior Court in any other case, shall
not be a ground for the review of such judgment.]
2 . [To whom applications for review may be made.] Rep. by the Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act,
1956 (66 of 1956), s. 14.
3 . Form of applications for review— The provisions as to the form of preferring appeals shall apply mutatis
mutandis, to applications for review.
4 . Application where rejected— (1) Where it appear to the Court that there is not sufficient ground for a
review, it shall reject the application.
(2) Application where granted—Where the Court is of opinion that the application for review should be
granted, it shall grant the same:
Provided that—
(a) no such application shall be granted without previous notice to the opposite party, to enable him to
appear and be heard in support of the decree or order, a review of which is applied for; and
(b) no such application shall be granted on the ground of discovery of new matter or evidence which the
applicant alleges was not within his knowledge, or could not be adduced by him when the decree or order
was passed or made, without strict proof of such allegation.
5 . Application for review in Court consisting of two or more judges— Where the Judge or Judges, or any one
of the judges, who passed the decree or made the order a review of which is applied for, continues or
continued attached to the Court at the time when the application for a review is presented, and is not or not
precluded by absence or other cause for a period of six months next after the application from considering
the decree or order to which the application refers, such Judge or Judges or any of them shall hear the
application, and no other Judge or Judges of the Court shall hear the same.
6 . Application where rejected— (1) Where the application for a review is heard by more than one judge and
the Court is equally divided, the application shall be rejected.
(2) Where there is a majority, the decision shall be according to the opinion of the majority.
7 . Order of rejection not appealable. Objections to order granting application— [442][(1) An order of the
Court rejecting the application shall not be appealable; but an order granting an application may be objected
to at once by an appeal from the order granting the application or in an appeal from the decree or order
finally passed or made in the suit.]
(2) Where the application has been rejected in consequence of the failure of the applicant to appear, he my
apply for an order to have the rejected application restored to the file, and, where it is proved to the
satisfaction of the Court that he was prevented by any sufficient cause from appearing when such application
was called on for hearing, the Court shall order it to be restored to the file upon such terms as to costs or
otherwise as it thinks fit, and shall appoint a day for hearing the same.
(3) No order shall be made under sub-rule (2) unless notice of the application has been served on the
opposite party.
8 . Registry of application granted, and order for re-hearing— When an application for review is granted, a
note thereof shall be made in the register and the Court may at once re-hear the case or make such order in
regard to the re-hearing as it thinks fit.
9 . Bar of certain application— No application to review an order made on an application for a review or a
decree or order passed or made on a review shall be entertained.
1 . Process to be served at expense of party issuing— (1) Every process issued under this Code shall be
served at the expense of the party on whose behalf it is issued, unless the Court otherwise directs.
(2) Costs of service—The court-fee chargeable for such service shall be paid within a time to be fixed before
the process is issued.
2 . Orders and notices how served— All orders, notices and other documents required by this Code to be
given to or served on any person shall be served in the manner provided for the service of summons.
3 . Use of forms in appendices.— The forms given in the appendices, with such variation as the
circumstances or each case may require, shall be used for the purpose therein mentioned.
1 . Who may serve processes of High Court— Notice to produce documents, summonses to witnesses, and
every other judicial process, issued in the exercise of the original civil jurisdiction of the High Court, and of its
matrimonial, testamentary and intestate jurisdictions, except summonses to defendants, writs of execution
and notices to respondents may be served by the attorneys in the suits, or by persons employed by them, or
by such other persons as the High Court, by any rule or order, directs.
2 . Saving in respect of Chartered High Courts— Nothing in this Schedule shall be deemed to limit or
otherwise affect any rules in force at the commencement of this Code for the the taking of evidence or the
recording of judgments and orders by a Chartered High Court.
3 . Application of rules— The following rules shall not apply to any Chartered High Court in the exercise of its
ordinary or extraordinary original civil jurisdiction, namely:—
(1) rule 10 and rule 11, clauses (b) and (c), of Order VII;
(2) rule 3 of order X;
(3) rule 2 of Order XVI;
(4) rules 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 (so far as relates to the manner of taking evidence) of Order
(5) rules 1 to 8 of Order XX; and
(6) rule 7 of Order XXXIII (so far as relates to the making of a memorandum);
and rule 35 of Order XLI shall not apply to any such High Court in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction.
Order L
1 . Provincial Small Cause Courts— The provisions hereinafter specified shall not extend to Courts
constituted under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887 (9 of 1887) or under the Berar Small Cause
Courts Law, 1905 or to Courts exercising the jurisdiction of a Court of Small Causes under the said Act or
Law or to Courts in any part of India to which the said Act does not extend exercising a corresponding
jurisdiction that is to say—
(a) so much of this Schedule as relates to—
(i) suits excepted from the cognizance of a Court of Small Causes or the execution of decrees in such suits;
(ii) the execution of decrees against immovable property or the interest of a partner in partnership property;
(iii) the settlement of issues; and
(b) the following rules and orders:—
Order II, rule 1 (frame of suit);
Order X, rule 3 (record of examination of parties);
Order XV, except so much of rule 4 as provides for the pronouncement at once of judgment;
Order XVIII, rules 5 to 12 (evidence);
Orders XLI to XLV (appeals);
Order XLVII, rules 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 (review);
Order LI.
Uttar Pradesh.— In its application to the State of Uttar Pradesh in rule 1, in clause (b) after the words
"provides for pronouncement at once of judgment" add "and rule 5".
[U.P. Act 30 of 1974].
1 . Presidency Small Cause Courts— Save as provided in rules 22 and 23 of Order V, rules 4 and 7 of Order
XXI, and rule 4 of Order XXVI, and by the Presidency Small Cause Courts Act, 1882 (15 of 1882), this
Schedule shall not extend to any suit or proceeding in any Court of Small Causes established in the towns of
Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.
In the Court of
A.B. (add description and residence) Plaintiff
C.D. (add descritption and residence) Defendant
[The Union of Inida or the State of , as the case may be.]
The Advocate General of
The Collector of
The State of
The A.B. Company, Limited having its registered office at
A.B., a public officer of the C.D. Company.
A.B. (add description and residence), on behalf of himself and all other creditors of C.D.,
late of (add description and residence).
A.B. (add description and residence), on behalf of himself and all other holders of debentures issued by the
Company Limited
The Official Receiver
A.B., a minor (add description and residence), by C.D. [or by the Court of Wards], his next friend.
A.B. (add description and residence), a person of unsound mind [or of weak mind], by C.D. his next friend
A.B., a firm carrying on business in partnership at
A.B. (add description and residence), by his constituted attorney C.D. (add description and residence)
A.B. (add description and residence), shebait of Thakur
A.B. (add description and residence), executor of C.D., deceased.
A.B. (add description and residence), heir of C.D., deceased.
No. 1
Money Lent
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows :
1. On the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of 19 . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . he lent the defendant rupees repayable
on the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. The defendant has not paid the same, except . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rupees paid on the . . . . . . . day of . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .19 . . . . . . . .
[If the plaintiff claims exemption from any law of limitation, say :]
3. The plaintiff was a minor [or insane] from the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of till . . . . . . . . . the . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. [Facts showing when the cause of action arose and that the Court has jurisdiction.]
5. The value of the subject-matter of the suit for the purpose of jurisdiction is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rupees and
for the prupose of court-fees is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rupees.
6. The plaintiff claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rupees, with interest at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per cent. from the . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 . . . . . . . .
No. 2
Money Overpaid
A.B., the above named plaintiff, states as follows :—
1. On the . . . . . . day of. . . . 19. . . the plaintiff agreed to buy and the defendant agreed to sell . . . . bars of
silver at. . . . annas per tola of fine silver.
2. The plaintiff procured the said bars to be assayed by E.F., who was paid by the defendant for such assay,
and E.F. declared each of the bars to contain 1,500 tolas of fine silver, and the plaintiff accordingly paid the
defendant. . . rupees.
3. Each of the said bars contained only 1,200 tolas of fine silver, of which fact the plaintiff was ignorant when
he made the payment.
4. The defendant has not repaid the sum so overpaid.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 3
Goods Sold at a Fixed Price and Delivered
A. B., the above-named plaintiff states as follows :—
1. On the . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . .19. . . . . ., E.F. sold and delivered to the defendant [one hundred barrels
of flour, or the goods mentioned in the schedule hereto annexed, or sundry goods.]
2. The defendant promised to pay . . . . . . rupees for the said goods on delivery [or or the . . . . . . day of . . . .
. . , some day before the plaint was filed].
3. He has not paid the same.
4. E.F. died on the . . . . . . day of 19. . . . . By his last will he appointed his brother, the plaintiff his executor.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1.]
7. The plaintiff as executor of E.F. claims [Relief Claimed].
No. 4
Goods Sold at a Reasonable Price and Delivered
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . 19. . . , plaintiff sold and delivered to the defendant [sundry articles of house-
furniture], but no express agreement was made as to the price.
2. The goods were reasonably worth . . . . rupees.
3. The defendant has not paid the money.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and relief claimed.]
No. 5
Goods Made at Dependent's Request, and not Accepted
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:-
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , E.F. agreed with the plaintiff that the plaintiff should make for him [six
tables and fifty chairs] and that E.F. should pay for the goods on delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rupees.
2. The plaintiff made the goods, and on the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , offered to deliver them to E.F., and
has ever since been ready and willing so to do.
3. E.F. has not accepted the goods or paid for them.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 6
Deficiency Upon a Re-sale [Goods Sold at Auction]
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . ., the plaintiff put up at auction sundry [goods], subject to the condition
that all goods not paid for and removed by the purchaser within [ten days] after the sale should be re-sold by
auction on his account, of which condition the defendant had notice.
2. The defendant purchased [one crate of crockery] at the auction at the price of . . . . . . rupees.
3. The plaintiff was ready and willing to deliver the goods to the defendant on the date of the sale and for [ten
days] after.
4. The defendant did not take away the goods purchased by him, nor pay for them within [ten days] after the
sale, nor afterwards.
5. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . ., the plaintiff re-sold the [crate of crockery], on account of the
defendant, by public auction, for . . . . rupees.
6. The expenses attendant upon such re-sale amounted to . . . . . . rupees.
7. The defendant has not paid the deficiency thus arising, amounting to rupees.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 7
Services at a Reasonable Rate
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. Between the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , and the . . . . . . day of 19. . . at . . . . . . , plaintiff [executed
sundry drawings, designs and diagrams] for the defendant, at his request; but no express agreement was
made as to the sum to be paid for such services.
2. The services were reasonably worth . . . . . . rupees.
3. The defendant has not paid the money.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 8
Services and Materials at a Reasonable Cost
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19 . . . , at . . . ., the plaintiff built a house [known as No. . . . ., in. . . .], and
furnished the materials therefor, for the defendant, at his request, but no express agreement was made as to
the amount to be paid for such work and materials.
2. The work done and materials supplied were reasonably worth . . . . . . rupees.
3. The defendant has not paid the money.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.].
No. 9
Use and Occupation
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, executor of the will of X. Y., deceased, states as follows:-
1. That the defendant occupied the [house No. . . .., street], by permission of the said X. Y., from the . . . . . .
day of. . . 19 . . . , until the day of . . . . . . 19 . . . , and no agreement was made as to payment for the use of
the said premises.
2. That the use of the said premises for the said period was reasonably worth . . . rupees.
3. The defendant has not paid the money.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1.]
4. The plaintiff as executor of X. Y., claims (Relief claimed].
No. 10
On an Award
A. B., the above-named, plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19 . . . , the plaintiff and defendant, having a difference between them
concerning [a demand of the plaintiff for the price of ten barrels of oil which the defendant refused to pay].
agreed in writing to submit the difference to the arbitration of E.F. and G.H. and the original document is
annexed hereto.
2. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the arbitrators awarded that the defendant should [pay the plaintiff . . .
3. The defendant has not paid the money.
[As in paras. 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 11
On a Foreign Judgment
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , at . . . , in the State [or Kingdom] of the . . . . . . Court of that State [or
Kingdom,] in a suit therein pending between the plaintiff and the defendant, duly adjudged that the defendant
should pay to the plaintiff . . . . . . . . .rupees, with interest from the said date.
2. The defendant has not paid the money.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 12
Against Surety for Payment of Rent
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day . . . . . . 19. . . , E.F. hired from the plaintiff for the term of . . . . . . years, the [house No. .
. . . . . , . . . . . . street], at the annual rent of . . . . . . rupees, payable [monthly].
2. The defendant agreed, in consideration of the letting of the premises to E.F. to guarantee the punctual
payment of the rent.
3. The rent for the month of . . . . . . 19. . . , amounting to . . . . . . rupees, has not been paid.
[If, by the terms of the agreement, notice is required to be given to the surety, add:-]
4. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff gave notice to the defendant of the non-payment of the
rent, and demanded payment thereof.
5. The defendant has not paid the same.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and relief claimed.]
No. 13
Breach of Agreement to Purchase Land
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement, and the
original document is hereto annexed.
[Or, on the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff and defendant mutually agreed that the plaintiff should
sell to the defendant and that the defendant should purchase from the plaintiff forty bighas of land in the
village of. . . .for. . . rupees.]
2. On the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . day of . . . . . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff, being then the absolute owner of the
property [land the same being free from all incumbrances, as was made to appear to the defendant],
tendered to the defendant a sufficient instrument of transfer of the same [or, was ready and willing, and is still
ready and willing, and offered, to transfer the same to the defendant by a sufficient instrument] on the
payment by the defendant of the sun agreed upon.
3. The defendant has not paid the money.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.].
No. 14
Not Delivering Goods Sold
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff and defendant mutually agreed that the defendant should
deliver [one hundred barrels of flour] to the plaintiff on the. . . of. . . 19. . . , and that the plaintiff should
pay therefor . . . . . . rupees on delivery.
2. On the [said] day the plaintiff was ready and willing, and offered, to pay the defendant the said sum upon
delivery of the goods.
3. The defendant has not delivered the goods, and the plaintiff has been deprived of the profits which would
have accrued to him from such delivery.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 15
Wrongful Dismissal
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:-
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff and defendant mutually agreed that the plaintiff should
serve the defendant as [an accountant, or in the capacity of foreman, or as the case may be], and that the
defendant should employ the plaintiff as such for the term of [one year] and pay him for his services . . . . . .
rupees [monthly].
2. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . . , the plaintiff entered upon the service of the defendant and has ever
since been, and still is, ready and willing to continue in such service during the remainder of the said year
whereof the defendant always has had notice.
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant wrongfully discharged the plaintiff, and refused to
permit him to serve as aforesaid, or to pay him for his services.
[As in paras. 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 16
Breach of Contract to Serve
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff and defendant mutually agreed that the plaintiff should
employ the defendant at an [annual] salary of . . . rupees, and that the defendant should serve the plaintiff as
[an artist] for the term of [one year].
2. The plaintiff has always been ready and willing to perform his part of the agreement and on the day of . . . .
. . 19. . . , offered so to do.
3. The defendant (entered upon) the service of the plaintiff on the above-mentioned day, but afterwards, on
the. . . .day of. . . 19. . . , he refused to serve the plaintiff as aforesaid.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.].
No. 17
Against a Builder for Defective Workmanship
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement, and the
original document is hereto annexed. [or State the tenor of the contract.]
2. The plaintiff duly performed all the conditions of the agreement on his part.]
3. The defendant [built the house referred to in the agreement in a bad and unworkmanlike manner].
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 18
On a Bond for the Fidelity of a Clerk
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff took E.F. into his employment as a clerk.
2. In consideration thereof, on the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant agreed with the plaintiff that if
E.F., should not faithfully perform his duties as a clerk to the plaintiff, or should fail to account to the plaintiff
for all monies, evidences of debt or other property received by him for the use of the plaintiff, the defendant
would pay to the plaintiff whatever loss he might sustain by reason thereof, not exceeding . . . . . . . . . . .
[Or, 2. In consideration thereof, the defendant by his bond of the same date bound himself to pay the plaintiff
the penal sum of . . . . . . rupees, subject to the condition that if E.F. should faithfully perform his duties as
clerk and cashier to the plaintiff and should justly account to the plaintiff for all monies, evidences of debt or
other property which should be at any time held by him in trust for the plaintiff, the bond should be void.]
[Or, 2 In consideration thereof, on the same date the defendant executed a bond in favour of the plaintiff, and
the original document is hereto annexed.]
3. Between the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , and the . . . . . . day of 19. . . , E.F. received money and other
property, amounting to the value of . . . . . . rupees, for the use of the plaintiff, for which sum he has not
accounted to him, and the same still remains due and unpaid.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 19
By Tenant against Landlord, with Special Damage
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant, by a registered instrument, let to the plaintiff [the
house No. . . . . . . Street] for the term of . . . . . . years, contracting with the plaintiff that he, the plaintiff, and
his legal representatives should quietly enjoy possession thereof for the said term.
2. All conditions were fulfilled and all things happened necessary to entitle the plaintiff to maintain this suit.
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , during the said term, E.F., who was the lawful owner of the said
house, lawfully evicted the plaintiff therefrom, and still withhold the possession thereof from him.
4. The plaintiff was thereby [prevented from continuing the business of a tailor at the said place, was
compelled to expend . . . . . . rupees in moving, and lost the custom of G.H. and I.J. by such removal].
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 20
On an Agreement of Indemnity
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff and defendant, being partners in trade under the style of
A.B, and C.D., dissolved the partnership, and mutually agreed that the defendant should take and keep all
the partnership property, pay all debts of the firm and indemnify the plaintiff against all claims that might be
made upon him on account of any indebtedness of the firm.
2. The plaintiff duly performed all the conditions of the agreement on his part.
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , [a judgment was recovered against the plaintiff and defendant by
E.F., in the High Court of Judicature at . . . . . . , upon a debt due from the firm to E.F. and on the day of 19. .
. ,] the plaintiff paid . . . . . . rupees [in satisfaction of the same].
4. The defendant has not paid the same to the plaintiff.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 21
Procuring Property by Fraud
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant, for the purpose of inducing the plaintiff to sell him certain
goods, represented to the plaintiff that [he, the defendant, was solvent, and worth . . . . . . . . . . rupees over
all his liabilities].
2. The plaintiff was thereby induced to sell [and deliver] to the defendant, [dry goods] of the value of . . . . . . .
. . . rupees.
3. The said representations were false [or state the particular falsehoods] and were then known by the
defendant to be so.
4. The defendant has not paid for the goods. [Or, if the goods were not delivered.] The plaintiff, in preparing
and shipping the goods and procuring their restoration, expended. . . . . rupees.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 22
Fraudulently Procuring Credit to be given to another Person
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant represented to the plaintiff that E.F., was solvent and in
good credit, and worth . . . . . . rupees over all his liabilities [or that E.F. then held a responsible situation and
was in good circumstances, and might safely be trusted with goods on credit].
2. The plaintiff was thereby induced to sell to E.F. (rice) of the value of . . . . . . rupees [on months credit].
3. The said representations were false and were then known by the defendant to be so, and were made by
him with intent to deceive and defraud the plaintiff [or to deceive and injure the plaintiff].
4. E.F. [did not pay for the said goods at the expiration of the credit aforesaid, [or] has not paid for the said
rice, and the plaintiff has wholly lost the same.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 23
Polluting the Water under the Plaintiff's Land
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. The plaintiff is, and at all the time hereinafter mentioned was, possessed of certain land called . . . . . . . . . .
and situate in . . . . . . and of a well therein, and of water in the well, and was entitled to the use and benefit of
the well and of the water therein, and to have certain springs and streams of water which flowed and ran into
the well to supply the same to flow or run without being fouled or polluted.
2. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant wrongfully fouled and polluted and well and the water
therein and the springs and streams of water which flowed into the well.
3. In consequence the water in the well became impure and unfit for domestic and other necessary
purposes, and the plaintiff and his family are deprived of the use and benefit of the well and water.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 24
Carrying on a Noxious Manufacture
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. The plaintiff is, and at all the times hereinafter mentioned was, possessed of certain lands called . . . .,
situate in . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Ever since the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant has wrongfully caused to issue from certain
smelting works carried on by the defendant large quantities of offensive and unwholesome smoke and other
vapours and noxious matter, which spread themselves over and upon the said lands, and corrupted the air,
and settled on the surface of the lands.
3. Thereby the trees, hedges, herbage and crops of the plaintiff growing on the lands were damaged and
deteriorated in value, and the cattle and live-stock of the plaintiff on the lands became unhealthy, and many
of them were poisoned and died.
4. The plaintiff was unable to graze the lands with cattle and sheep as he otherwise might have done, and
was obliged to remove his cattle, sheep and farming-stock therefrom, and has been prevented from having
so beneficial and healthy a use and occupation of the lands as he otherwise would have had.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 25
Obstructing a Right of Way
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. The plaintiff is, and at the time hereinafter mentioned was, possessed of [a house in the village of . . . . . . ].
2. He was entitled to a right of way from the [house] over a certain field to a public highway and back again
from the highway over the field to the house, for himself and his servants [with vehicles, or or foot] at all
times of the year.
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , defendant wrongfully obstructed the said way, so that the plaintiff
could not pass [with vehicles, or or food, or in any manner] along the way [and has ever since wrongfully
obstructed the same].
4. (State special damage, if any.)
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 26
Obstructing a Highway
1. The defendant wrongfully dug a trench and heaped up earth and stones in the public highway leading from
. . . . . . to . . . . . . so as to obstruct it.
2. Thereby the plaintiff, while lawfully passing along the said highway, fell over the said earth and stones, [or
into the said trench] and broke his arm, and suffered great pain, and was prevented from attending to his
business for a long time, and incurred expense for medical attendance.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 27
Diverting a Water-course
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. The plaintiff is, and at the time hereinafter mentioned was, possessed of a mill situated on a [stream]
known as the . . . . . . , in the village of . . . . . . , district of . . . . . . .
2. By reason of such possession the plaintiff was entitled to the flow of the stream for working the mill.
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant, by cutting the bank of the stream, wrongfully divered
the water thereof, so that less water ran into the plaintiff's mill.
4. By reason thereof the plaintiff has been unable to grind more than sacks per day, whereas, before the said
diversion of water, he was able to grind . . . . . . sacks per day.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 28
Obstructing a Right to Use Water for Irrigation
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. Plaintiff is, and was at the time hereinafter mentioned, possessed of certain lands situate, etc., and entitled
to take and use a portion of the water of a certain stream for irrigating the said lands.
2. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant prevented the plaintiff from taking and using the said
portion of the said water as aforesaid, by wrongfully obstructing and diverting the said stream.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 29
Injuries Caused by Negligence on a Railroad
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows :—
1. On the . . . . . . day . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendants were common carriers of passengers by railway
between . . . . . . and . . . . . .
2. On that day the plaintiff was a passenger in one of the carriages of the defendants on the said railway.
3. While he was such passenger, at . . . . . . [or near the station of. . . . . . or . . . .. between the stations of. . .
..and. . . .], a collision occurred on the said railway caused by the negligence and unskilfulness of the
defendants' servants, whereby the plaintiff was much injured [having his leg broken, his head cut, etc., and
state the special damage, if any, as], and incurred expense for medical attendance and is permanently
disabled from carrying on his former business as [a salesman].
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
[Or thus:- 2. On that day the defendants by their servants so negligently and unskillfully drove and managed
an engine and a train of carriages attached thereto upon and along the defendant's railway which the plaintiff
was then lawfully crossing, that the said engine and train were driven and struck against the plaintiff,
whereby, etc., as in para 3.]
No. 30
Injuries Caused by Negligent Driving
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. The plaintiff is a shoemaker, carrying on business at . . . . . . . The defendant is a merchant of. . . . . . . . . . .
. . .. . .
2. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff was walking southward along Chowringhee, in the City of
Calcutta, at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He was obliged to cross Middleton Street, which is a street
running into Chowringhee at right angles. While he was crossing this street, and just before he could reach
the foot pavement on the further side thereof, a carriage of the defendant's, drawn by two horses under the
charge and control of the defendant's servants, was negligently, suddenly and without any warning turned at
a rapid and dangerous pace out of Middleton Street into Chowringhee. The pole of the carriage struck the
plaintiff and knocked him down, and he was much trampled by the horses.
3. By the blow and fall and trampling the plaintiff's left arm was broken and he was bruised and injured on the
side and back, as well as internally, and in consequence thereof the plaintiff was for four months ill and in
suffering and unable to attend to his business, and incurred heavy medical and other expenses, and
sustained great loss of business and profits.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 31
For Malicious Prosecution
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . . .day of . . . . . . . .19. . . , the defendant obtained a warrant of arrest from . . . . . . . . . . [a
magistrate of the said city, or as the case may be] on a charge of . . . . . . , and the plaintiff was arrested
thereon, and imprisoned for . . . . . . [days, or hours, and gave bail in the sum of . . . . . . rupees to obtain his
2. In so doing the defendant acted maliciously and without reasonable or probable cause.
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . ., the Magistrate dismissed the complaint of the defendant and
acquitted the plaintiff.
4. Many persons, whose names are unknown to the plaintiff, hearing of the arrest, and supposing the plaintiff
to be a criminal, have ceased to do business with him; or in consequence of the said arrest, the plaintiff lost
his situation as clerk to one E.F., or in consequence the plaintiff suffered plain of body and mind, and was
prevented from transacting his business, and was injured in his credit, and incurred expense in obtaining his
release from the said imprisonment and in defending himself against the said complaint.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1, and Relief claimed.]
No. 32
Movables Wrongfully Detained
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19 . . . , plaintiff owned [or state facts showing a right to the possession] the
goods mentioned in the schedule hereto annexed [or describe the goods.] the estimated value of which is . . .
. . . rupees.
2. From that day until the commencement of this suit the defendant has detained the same from the plaintiff.
3. Before the commencement of the suit, to wit, on the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff demanded
the same from the defendant, but he refused to deliver them.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1]
6. The plaintiff claims—
(1) delivery of the said goods, or . . . . . . rupees, in case delivery cannot be had;
(2) . . . . . . rupees compensation for the detention thereof.
The Schedule
No. 33
Against a Fraudulent Purchaser and his Transferee with Notice
A. B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant C.D., for the purpose of including the plaintiff to sell
him certain goods, represented to the plaintiff that [he was solvent, and worth . . . . . . rupees over all his
2. The plaintiff was thereby induced to sell and deliver to C.D. [one hundred boxes of tea], the estimated
value of which is . . . . . . rupees.
3. The said representations were false, and were then known by C.D. to be so [or at the time of making the
said representations, C. D. was insolvent, and knew himself to be so].
4. C. D. afterwards transferred the said goods to the defendant E.F. without consideration [or who had notice
of the falsity of the representation].
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No.1]
7. The plaintiff claims—
(1) delivery of the said goods, or . . . . . . rupees, in case delivery cannot be had;
(2) . . . . . . rupees compensation for the detention thereof.
No. 34
Rescission of a Contract on the Ground of Mistake
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant represented to the plaintiff that a certain piece of
ground belonging to the defendant, situated at . . . . . ., contained [ten bighas].
2. The plaintiff was thereby induced to purchase the same at the price of . . . . . . rupees in the belief that the
said representation was true, and signed an agreement, of which the original is hereto annexed. But the land
has not been transferred to him.
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff paid the defendant rupees as part of the purchase-
4. That the said piece of ground contained in fact only [five bighas].
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1]
7. The plaintiff claims—
(1) . . . . . . rupees, with interest from the . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . ;
(2) that the said agreement be delivered up and cancelled.
No. 35
An Injunction Restraining Waste
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. The plaintiff is the absolute owner of [describe the property].
2. The defendant is in possession of the same under a lease from the plaintiff.
3. The defendant has [cut down a number of valuable trees, and threatens to cut down many more for the
purpose of sale] without the consent of the plaintiff.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1]
6. The plaintiff claims that the defendant be restrained by injunction from committing or permitting any further
waste on the said premises.
[Pecuniary compensation may also be claimed.]
No. 36
Injunction Restraining Nuisance
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. Plaintiff is, and at all the times hereinafter mentioned was, the absolute owner of [the house No. . . . . . . . .
, Street, Calcutta].
2. The defendant is, and at all the said times was, the absolute owner of . . . . . . . . [a plot of ground in the
same street . . . . . . ].
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the defendant erected upon his said plot a slaughter-house, and still
maintains the same; and from that day until the present time has continually caused cattle to be brought and
killed there [and has caused the blood and offal to be thrown into the street opposite the said house of the
[4. In consequence the plaintiff has been compelled to abandon the said house, and has been unable to rent
the same.]
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1]
7. The plaintiff claims that the defendant be restrained by injunction from committing or permitting any further
No. 37
Public Nuisance
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. The defendant has wrongly heaped up earth and stones on a public road known as . . . . . . Street at . . . . .
. . . . . .so as to obstruct the passage of the public along the same and threatens and intends, unless
restrained from so doing, to continue and repeat the said wrongful act.
[443] [*2. The plaintiff has obtained the leave of the Court for the institution of this suit.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1]
5. The plaintiff claims—
(1) a declaration that the defendant is not entitled to obstruct the passage of the public along the said public
(2) an injunction restraining the defendant from obstructing the passage of the public along the said public
road and directing the defendant to remove the earth and stones wrongfully heaped up as aforesaid.
Not applicable where suit is instituted by the Advocate-General.]
No. 38
Injunction against the Diversion of a Water-course
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
[As in Form No. 27.]
The plaintiff claims that the defendant be restrained by injunction from diverting the water as aforesaid.
No. 39
Restoration of Movable Property Threatened with Destruction and for an Injuction
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. Plaintiff is, and at all times hereinafter mentioned was, the owner of [a portrait of his grandfaterher which
was executed by an eminent painter], and of which no duplicate exists [or state any facts showing that the
property is of a kind that cannot be replaced by money].
2. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , he deposited the same for safe-keeping with the defendant.
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , he demanded the same from the defendant and offered to pay all
reasonable charges for the storage of the same.
4. The defendant refuses to deliver the same to the plaintiff and threatens to conceal, dispose of, cut or injure
the same if required to deliver it up.
5. No pecuniary compensation would be an adequate compensation to the plaintiff for the loss of the
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1]
8. The plaintiff claims—
(1) that the defendant be restrained by injunction from disposing of, injuring or concealing the said [painting];
(2) That he be compelled to deliver the same to the plaintiff.
No. 40
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. Before the date of the claims hereinafter mentioned G.H. deposited with the plaintiff [describe the property]
for [safe-keeping].
2. The defendant C.D. claims the same [under an alleged assignment thereof to him from G.H.].
3. The defendant E.F. also claims the same [under an order of G.H. transferring the same to him.]
4. The plaintiff is ignorant of the respective rights of the defendants.
5. He has no claim upon the said property other than for charges and costs, and is ready and willing to
deliver it to such persons as the Court shall direct.
6. The suit is not brought by collusion with either of the defendants.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1]
9. The plaintiff claims—
(1) that the defendants be restrained, by injunction, from taking any proceedings against the plaintiff in
relation thereto;
(20 that they be required to interplead together concerning their claims to the said property;
[(3) that some person be authorised to receive the said property pending such litigation;]
(4) that upon delivering the same to such [person] the plaintiff be discharged from all liability to either of the
defendants in relation thereto.
No. 41
Administration by Creditor on Behalf of Himself and all Other Creditors
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. E.F., late of . . . . . . , was at the time of his death, and his estate still is, indebted to the plaintiff in the sum
of. . . . [here insert nature of debt and security, if any].
2. E.F., died on or about the day of. . . . . . . By his last will, dated the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . he appointed
C.D. his executor [or devised his estate in trust, etc., or died intenstate, as the case may be.]
3. The will was proved by C.D. [or] letters of administration were granted, etc.].
4. The defendant has possessed himself of the movable [and immovable, or the proceeds of the immovable
property of E.F., and has not paid the plaintiff his debt.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1]
7. The plaintiff claims that an account may be taken of the movable [and immovable] property of E.F.,
deceased, and that the same may be administered under the decree of the Court.
No. 42
Administration by Specific Legatee
[Alter Form No. 41 thus]
[Omit paragraph 1 and commence paragraph 2] E.F., late of . . . . . . , died on or about the . . . . . . day of . . . .
. . . By his last will, dated the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . he appointed C.D., his executor, and bequeathed to the
plaintiff [here state the specific legacy]. For paragraph 4 substitute—
The defendant is in possession of the movable property of E.F., and, amongst other things, of the said [here
name the subject of the specific bequest].
For the Commencement of paragraph 7 substitute—
The plaintiff claims that the defendant may be ordered to deliver to him the said [here name the subject of
the specific bequest]. or that, etc.
No. 43
Administration by Pecuniary Legatee
[Alter Form No. 41 thus]
[Omit paragraph 1 and substitute for paragraph 2] E.F., late of . . . . . . , died on or about the . . . . . . day of . .
. . . . .By his last will, dated the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . he appointed C.D. his executor, and bequeathed to the
plaintiff a legacy of . . . . . . rupees.
In paragraph 4 substitute "legacy" for "debt"
Another form.
E.F., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. A.B. of K. in the . . . . . . died on the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . By his last will, dated the . . . . . . day of . . . . . .
, he appointed the defendant and M. N. [who died in the testator's lifetime] his executors, and bequeathed his
property, whether movable or immovable, to his executors in trust, to pay the rents and income thereof to the
plaintiff for his life; and after his decease, and in default of his having a son who should attain twenty-one, or
a daughter who should attain that age or marry, upon trust as to his immovable property for the person who
would be the testator's heir-at-law, and as to his movable property for the persons who would be the
testator's next-of-kin if he had died intestate at the time of the death of the plaintiff and such failure of his
issue as aforesaid.
2. The will was proved by the defendant on the. . . . . . day of. . . . The plaintiff has not been married.
3. The testator was at his death entitled to movable and immovable property; the defendant entered into the
receipt of the rents of the immovable property and got in the movable property; he has sold some part of the
immovable property.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1.]
6. The plaintiff claims—
(1) to have the movable and immovable property of A.B. administered in this Court, and for that purpose to
have all proper directions given and accounts taken;
(2) such further or other relief as the nature of the case may require.
No. 44
Execution of Trusts
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. He is one of the trustees under an instrument of settlement bearing date on or about the . . . . . . day of . . .
. . . made upon the marriage of E.F. and G.H., the father and mother of the defendant [or an instrument of
transfer of the estate and effects of E.F. for the benefit C.D., the defendant, and the other creditors of E.F.].
2. A.B. has taken upon himself the burden of the said trust, and is in possession of [or of the proceeds of] the
movable and immovable property transferred by the said instrument.
3. C.D. claims to be entitled to a beneficial interest under the instrument.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form. No. 1.]
6. The plaintiff is desirous to account for all the rents and profits of the said immovable property [and the
proceeds of the sale of the said, or of part of the said, immovable property, or movable, or the proceeds of
the sale of, or of part of, the said movable property, or the profits accruing to the plaintiff as such trustee in
the execution of the said trust]; and he prays that the Court will take the accounts of the said trust, and also
that the whole of the said trust estate may be administered in the Court for the benefit of C.D., the defendant,
and all other persons who may be interested in such administration, in the presence of C.D. and such other
persons so interested as the Court may direct, or that C.D. may show good cause to the contrary.
[N.B.—Where the suit is by a beneficiary, the plaint may be modelled mutatis mutandis on the plaint by a
No. 45
Foreclosure or Sale
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. The plaintiff is mortgagee of lands belonging to the defendant.
2. The following are the particular of the mortgage:—
(a) (date);
(b) (names of mortgagor and mortgagee);
(c) (sum secured);
(d) (rate of interest);
(e) (property subject to mortgage);
(f) (amount now due);
(g) (if the plaintiff's title is derivative, state shortly the transfers or devolution under which he claims).
(If the plaintiff is mortgagee in possession add).
3. The plaintiff took possession of the mortgaged property on the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . and is ready to
account as mortgagee in possession from that time.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1.]
6. The plaintiff claims—
(1) payment, or in default [sale or] foreclosure [and possession];
[Where Order 34, rule 6, applies.]
(2) in case the proceeds of the sale are found to be insufficient to pay the amount due to the plaintiff then
that liberty be reserved to the plaintiff to apply for . . . . . . [2][an order for the balance].
No. 46
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. The plaintiff is mortgagor of lands of which the defendant is mortgagee.
2. The following are the particulars of the mortgage:-
(a) (date);
(b) (names of mortgagor and mortgagee);
(c) (sum secured);
(d) (rate of interest);
(e) (property subject to mortgage);
(f) (If the plaintiff's title is derivative, state shortly the transfers or devolution under which he claims).
(If the defendant is mortgagee in possession, add)
3. The defendant has taken possession [or has received the rents] of the mortgaged property.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1.]
6. The plaintiff claims to redeem the said property and to have the same reconveyed to him [and to have
possession thereof]. [444][together with mesne profits].
No. 47
Specific Performance (No. 1)
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. By an agreement dated the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . and signed by the defendant, he contracted to buy of [or
sell to] the plaintiff certain immovable property therein described and referred to, for the sum of . . . . . . . . . .
2. The plaintiff has applied to the defendant specifically to perform the agreement on his part, but the
defendant has not done so.
3. The plaintiff has been and still is ready and willing specifically to perform the agreement on his part of
which the defendant has had notice.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1.]
6. The plaintiff claims that the Court will order the defendant specifically to perform the agreement and to do
all acts necessary to put the plaintiff in full possession of the said property [or to accept a transfer and
possession of the said property] and to pay the costs of the suit.
No. 48
Specific Performance (No. 2)
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement, in writing, and
the original document is hereto annexed.
The defendant was absolutely entitled to the immovable property described in the agreement.
2. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff Tendered rupees to the defendant, and demanded a
transfer of the said property by a sufficient instrument.
3. On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . . , the plaintiff again demanded such transfer. [Or the defendant refused
to transfer the same to the plaintiff.]
4. The defendant has not executed any instrument of transfer.
5. The plaintiff is still ready and willing to pay the purchase-money of the said property to the defendant.
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1]
8. The plaintiff claims—
(1) that the defendant transfers the said property to the plaintiff by a sufficient instrument [following the terms
of the agreement];
(2) . . . . . . rupees compensation for withholding the same.
No. 49
A.B., the above-named plaintiff, states as follows:—
1. He and C.D., the defendant, have been for . . . . . . years [or months] past carrying on business together
under articles of partnership in writing [or under a deed, or under a verbal agreement].
2. Several disputes and differences have arisen between the plaintiff and defendant as such partners
whereby it has become impossible to carry on the business in partnership with advantage to the partners, [Or
the defendant has committed the following breaches of the partnership articles:—
(3) . . . . . . .]
[As in paras 4 and 5 of Form No. 1.]
5. The plaintiff claims—
(1) dissolution of the partnership;
(2) that accounts be taken;
(3) that a receiver be appointed.
(N.B.—In suits for the winding-up of any partnership, omits the claim for dissolution; and instead insert a
paragraph stating the facts of the partnership having been dissolved.)
General defences
Denial—The defendant denies that (set out facts).
The defendant does not admit that (set out facts).
The defendant admits that . . . . . . but says that
The defendant denies that he is a partner in the defendant firm of
Protest—The defendant denies that he made the contract alleged or any contract with the plaintiff.
The defendant denies that he contracted with the plaintiff as alleged or at all.
The defendant admits assets but not the plaintiff's claim.
The defendant denies that the plaintiff sold to him the goods mentioned in the plaint or any of them.
Limitation—The suit is barred by article . . . . . . or article . . . . . . . . .of the second schedule to the
[445][Indian Limitation Act, 1877 (15 of 1877)].
Jurisdiction—The Court has no jurisdiction to hear the suit on the ground that (set forth the grounds.)
On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . a diamond ring was delivered by the defendant to and accepted by the plaintiff
in discharge of the alleged cause of action.
Insolvency—The defendant has been adjudged an insolvent.
The plaintiff before the institution of the suit was adjudged an insolvent and the right to sue vested in the
Minority—The defendant was a minor at the time of making the alleged contract.
Payment into Court—The defendant as to the whole claim (or as to Rs. . . . . . . part of the money claimed, or
as the case may be) has paid into Court Rs. . . . . . . and says that this sum is enough to satisfy the plaintiff's
claim (or the part aforesaid).
Performance remitted—The performance of the promise alleged was remitted on the (date).
Rescission—The contract was rescinded by agreement between the plaintiff and defendant.
Res judicata—The plaintiff's claim is barred by the decree in suit (give the reference).
Estoppel—The plaintiff is estopped from denying the truth of (insert statement as to which estoppel is
claimed) because (here state the facts relied on as creating the estoppel.)
Ground of defence subsequent to institution of suit—Since the institution of the suit, that is to say, on the. . .
.. day of. . . . . . (set out facts.)
No. 1
Defence in Suits for Goods Sold and Delivered
1. The defendant did not order the goods.
2. The goods were not delivered to the defendant.
3. The price was not Rs.
4. 1.
5. Except as to Rs. . . . . . . , same as 2.
6. 3.
7. The defendant [or A.B., the defendant's agent] satisfied the claim by payment before suit to the plaintiff [or
to C.D., the plaintiff's agent] on the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . 19. . .
8. The defendant satisfied the claim by payment after suit to the plaintiff on the . . . . . . day of 19. . . .
No. 2
Defence in Suits on Bonds
1. The bond is not the defendant's bond.
2. The defendant made payment to the plaintiff on the day according to the condition of the bond.
3. The defendant made payment to the plaintiff after the day named and before suit of the principal and
interest mentioned in the bond.
No. 3
Defence In Suits On Guarantees
1. The principal satisfied the claim by payment before suit.
2. The defendant was released by the plaintiff giving time to the principal debtor in pursuance of a binding
No. 4
Defence In Any Suit For Debt
1. As to Rs. 200 of the money claimed, the defendant is entitled to set off for goods sold and delivered by the
defendant to the plaintiff.
Particulars are as follows:- Rs.
1907 January 25th 150
1907 February 1st 50
Total 200
2. As to the whole [or as to Rs. . . ., part of the money claimed] the defendant made tender before suit of Rs.
. . . . and has paid the same into Court.
No. 5
Defence In Suits For Injuries Caused By Negligent Driving
1. The defendant denies that the carriage mentioned in the plaint was the defendant's carriage, and that it
was under the charge or control of the defendant's servants. The carriage belonged to. . . . of . . . . . . . . .
.Street, Calcutta, livery stable keepers employed by the defendant to supply him with carriages and horses;
and the person under whose charge and control the said carriage was, was the servant of the said.
2. The defendant does not admit that the said carriage was turned out of Middleton Street either negligently,
suddenly or without warning, or at a rapid or dangerous pace.
3. The defendant says the plaintiff might and could, by the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, have
seen the said carriage approaching him, and avoided any collision with it.
4. The defendant does not admit the statements contained in the third paragraph of the plaint.
No. 6
Defence In All Suits For Wrongs
1. Denial of the several acts [or matters] complained of.
No. 7
Defence In Suits For Detention Of Goods
1. The goods were not the property of the plaintiff.
2. The goods were detained for a lien to which the defendant was entitled.
Particulars are as follows:-
1907, May 3rd, To carriage of the goods claimed from Delhi to Calcutta:-
45 maunds at Rs. 2 per maund. . . .Rs. 90.
No. 8
Defence In Suits For Infringement Of Copyright
1. The plainiff is not the author [assignee, etc.]
2. The book was not registered.
3. The defendant did not infringe.
No. 9
Defence In Suits For Infringement Of Trade Mark
1. The trade mark is not the plaintiff's
2. The alleged trade mark is not a trade mark.
3. The defendant did not infringe.
No. 10
Defence In Suits Relating To Nuisances
1. The plaintiff's lights are not ancient [or deny his other alleged prescriptive rights.]
2. The plaintiff's lights will not be materially interfered with by the defendant's buildings.
3. The defendant denies that he or his servants pollute the water [or do what is complained of].
[If the defendant claims the right by prescription or otherwise to do what is complained of, he must say so,
and must state the grounds of the claim, i.e., whether by prescription, grant or what.]
4. The plaintiff has been guilty of laches of which the following are particulars:—
1870. Plaintiff's mill began to work.
1871. Plaintiff came into possession.
1883. First complaint.
5. As to the plaintiff's claim for damages the defendant will rely on the above grounds of the defence, and
says that the acts complained of have not produced any damage to the plaintiff [If other grounds are relied
on, they must be stated, e.g., limitation as to past damage.]
No. 11
Defence To Suit For Foreclosure
1. The defendant did not execute the mortagage.
2. The mortgage was not transferred to the plaintiff (if more than one transfer is alleged, say which is
3. The suit is barred by article . . . . . . of the second scheduled to the [446][Indian Limitation Act, 1877 (15 of
4. The following payments have been made, viz.:—
(Insert date) Rs. 1,000
(Insert date) Rs. 500
5. The plaintiff took possession on the . . . . of. . . .., and has received the rents ever since.
6. The plaintiff released the debt on the. . . of. . .
7. The defendant transferred all his interest to A.B. by a document dated.
No. 12
Defence To Suit For Redemption
1. The plaintiff's right to redeem is barred by article . . . of the second schedule to the [447][Indian Limitation
Act, 1877 (15 of 1877).]
2. The plaintiff transferred all interest in the property to A.B.
3. The defendant, by a document dated the . . . day of . . . . transferred all his interest in the mortgage-debt
and property comprised in the mortgage to A.B.
4. The defendant never too possession of the mortgaged property, or received the rents thereof.
(If the defendant admits possession for a time only, he should state the time and deny possession beyond
what he admits.)
No. 13
Defence To Suit For Specific Performance
1. The defendant did not enter into the agreement.
2. A. B. was not the agent of the defendant (if alleged by plaintiff).
3. The plaintiff has not performed the following conditions—(Conditions).
4. The defendant did not—(alleged acts of part performance).
5. The plaintiff's title to the property agreed to be sold is not such as the defendant is bound to accept by
reason of the following matter—(State why).
6. The agreement is uncertain in the following respects—(State them).
7. (or) The plaintiff has been guilty of delay.
8. (or) The plaintiff has been guilty of fraud (or misrepresentation).
9. (or) The agreement is unfair.
10. (or) The agreement was entered into by mistake.
11. The following are particulars of (7), (8), (9), (10) (or as the case may be).
12. The agreement was rescinded under Conditions of Sale, No. 11 (or by mutual agreement).
(In cases where damages are claimed and the defendant disputes his liability to damages, he must deny the
agreement or the alleged breaches, or show whatever other ground of defence he intends to rely on, e.g.,
the [448][Indian Limitation Act,] accord and satisfaction, release, fraud, etc.)
No. 14
Defence In Administration Suit By Pecuniary Legatee
1. A. B.'s will contained a charge of debts; he died insolvent; he was entitled at his death to some immovable
property which the defendant sold and which produced the net sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . , and the testator had
some movable property which the defendant got in, and which produced the net sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . .
2. The defendant applied the whole of the said sums and the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . which the defendant
received from rents of the immovable property in the payment of the funeral and testamentary expenses and
some of the debts of the testator.
3. The defendant made up his accounts and sent a copy thereof to the plaintiff on the . . . . . . . . day of . . . . .
. . .19 . . . , and offered to plaintiff free access to the vouchers to verify such accounts, but he declined to
avail himself of the defendant's offer.
4. The defendant submits that the plaintiff ought to pay the cost of this suit.
No. 15
Probate Of Will In Solemn Form
1. The said will and codicil of the deceased were not duly executed according to the provisions of the
[449][Indian Succession Act, 1865 (10 of 1865)] [or of the [450]Hindu Wills Act, 1870 (21 of 1870)].
2. The deceased at the time the said will and codicil respectively purport to have been executed, was not of
sound mind, memory and understanding.
3. The execution of the said will and codicil was obtained by the undue influence of the plaintiff [and others
acting with him whose names are at present unknown to the defendant].
4. The execution of the said will and codicil was obtained by the fraud of the plaintiff, such fraud so far as is
within the defendant's present knowledge, being [state the nature of the fraud].
5. The deceased at the time of the execution of the said will and codicil did not know and approve the
contents thereof [or of the contents of the residuary clause in the said will, as the case may be].
6. The deceased made his true last will, dated the 1st January, 1873, and thereby appointed the defendant
sole executor thereof.
The defendant claims—
(1) that the Court will pronounce against the said will and codicil propounded by the plaintiff;
(2) that the Court will decree probate of the will of the deceased, dated the 1st January, 1873, in solemn form
of law.
No. 16
Particulars (O. 6, R. 5.)
(Title of suit)
Particulars.—The following are the particulars of (here state the matters in respect of which particulars have
been ordered) delivered pursuant to the order of the . . . . . . . . . of
(Here set out the particulars ordered in paragraphs if necessary.)
No. 1
Summons For Disposal Of Suit (O. 5, R. 1, 5.)
[Name, description and place of residence.]
has instituted a suit against you for . . . . . . . . . you are hereby summoned to appear in this Court in person
or by a pleader duly instructed (and able to answer all material questions relating to the suit, or who shall be
accompanied by some person, able to answer all such questions, on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
. . ., at . . . . . . o'clock in the . . . . . . . . . noon, to answer the claim; and as the day fixed for your appearance
is appointed for the final disposal of the suit, you must be prepared to produce on that day all the witnesses
upon whose evidence and all the documents upon which you intend to rely in support of your defence.
Take notice that, in default of your appearance on the day before mentioned, the suit will be heard and
determined in your absence.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . .
Notice.—1. Should you apprehend your witnesses will not attend of their own accord, you can have a
summons from this Court to compel the attendance of any witness, and the production of any document that
you have a right to call upon the witness to produce, on applying to the Court and on depositing the
necessary expenses.
2. If you admit the claim, you should pay the money into Court together with the costs of the suit, to avoid
execution of the decree, which may be against your person or property, or both.
No. 2
Summons For Settlement Of Issues (O. 5, R. 1, 5.)
[Name, description and place of residence.]
has instituted a suit against you for . . . . . . . . . you are hereby summoned to appear in this Court in person,
or by a pleader duly instructed, and able to answer all material questions relating to the suit, or who shall be
accompanied by some persons able to answer all such questions, on the . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . . .,
at . . . . . . . . . o'clock in the . . . . . . . . . noon, to answer the claim; [451][and further you are hereby directed
to file on that day a written statement of your defence and to produce on the said day all documents in your
possession or power upon which you base your defence or claim for set-off or counter-claim, and where you
rely on any other document whether in your possession or power or not, as evidence in support of your
defence or claim for set-off or counter-claim, you shall enter such documents in a list to be annexed to the
written statement].
Take notice that, in default of your appearance on the day before mentioned, the suit will be heard and
determined in your absence.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . day . . . . . . . . . 19....,
Notice.—1. Should you apprehend your witnesses will not attend of their own accord, you can have a
summons from this Court to compel the attendance of any witness, and the production of any document that
you have a right to call on the witness to produce, on applying to the Court and on depositing the necessary
2. If you admit the claim, you should pay the money into Court together with the costs of the suit, to avoid
execution of the decree, which may be against your person or property, or both.
No. 3
Summons To Appear In Person (O. 5, R. 3.)
[Name, description and place of residence.]
has instituted a suit against you for . . . . . . . . . you are hereby summoned to appear in this Court in person
on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19... at . . . . . . . . . o'clock in the . . . . . . . . . noon, to answer the claim;
and you are directed to produce on that day all the documents upon which you intend to rely in support of
your defence.
Take notice that, in default of your appearance of the day before mentioned, the suit will be heard and
determined in your absence.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
[452][No. 4
Summons in a Summary Suit
(Order XXXVII, Rule 2)
[Name, description and place of residence.]
Whereas . . . . . . . . . has instituted a suit against you under Order XXXVII of the Code of Civil Procedure,
1908, for Rs. . . . . . . . . . and interest, you are hereby summoned to cause and appearance to be entered for
you, within ten days from the service hereof, in default hereof the plaintiff will be entitled, after the expiration
of the said period of ten days, to obtain a decree for any sum not exceeding the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . and
the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . for costs, together with such interest, if any, as the Court may order.
If you cause an appearance to be entered for you, the plaintiff will thereafter serve upon you a summons for
judgment at a hearing of which you will be entitled to move the Court for leave to defend the suit.
Leave to defend may be obtained if you satisfy the Court by affidavit or otherwise that there is a defence to
the suit on the merits or that it is reasonable that you should be allowed to defend.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...
[3][No. 4A
(Order XXXVII, Rule 3)
In the . . . . . . . . . Court, at . . . . . . . . . suit No. . . . . . . . . . of 19...
XYZ . . . . . . . . . Plaintiff.
ABC . . . . . . . . . Defendant.
Upon reading the affidavit of the plaintiff the Court makes the following order, namely:—
Let all parties concerned attend the Court or Judge, as the case may be, on the . . . . . . . . . day of 19..., at ...
o'clock in the forenoon on the hearing of the application of the plaintiff that he be at liberty to obtain judgment
in this suit against the defendant (or if against one or some or several, insert names) for Rs. . . . . . . . . . and
for interest and costs.
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...]
No. 5
Notice to Person who, the Court Considers, should be added as Co-Plaintiff
(O. 1, R. 10.)
[Name, description and place of residence.]
Whereas . . . . . . . . . has instituted the above suit against . . . . . . . . . for . . . . . . . . . and whereas it appears
necessary that you should be added as a plaintiff in the said suit in order to enable the Court effectually and
completely to adjudicate upon and settle all the questions involved.
Take notice that you should on or before the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19..., signify to this Court whether
you consent to be so added.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...,
No. 6
Summons to Legal Representative of a Deceased Defendant
(O. 22, R. 4.)
Whereas the plaintiff . . . . . . . . . instituted a suit in this Court on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...,
against the defendant . . . . . . . . . who has since deceased, and whereas the said plaintiff has made an
application to this Court alleging that you are the legal representative of the said, deceased, and desiring that
you be made the defendant in his stead;
You are hereby summoned to attend in this Court on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19..., at . . . . . . . . .
a.m. to defend the said suit and, in default of your appearance on the day specified, the said suit will be
heard and determined in your absence.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...,
No. 7
Order for Transmission of Summons for Service in the Jurisdiction of another Court
(O. 5, R. 21.)
Whereas it is stated that
defendant/witness in the above suit is at present residing in . . . . . . . . . : It is ordered that a summons
returnable on the day of . . . . . . . . . 19..., be forwarded to the Court of . . . . . . . . . for service on the said
defendant/witness with a duplicate of this proceeding.
The court-fee of . . . . . . . . . chargeable in respect to the summons has been realised in this Court in
stamps.Dated . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
No. 8
Order for Transmission of Summons to be Served on a Prisoner
(O. 5, R. 25.)
The Superintendent of the Jail at
Under the provisions of Order V, rule 24, of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, a summons in duplicate is
herewith forwarded for service on the defendant . . . . . . . . . who is . . . . . . . . . a prisoner in jail. You are
requested to cause a copy of the said summons to be served upon the said defendant and to return the
original to this Court signed by the said defendant, with a statement of service endorsed thereon by you.
No. 9
Order for Transmission of Summons to be Served on a Public Servant or Soldier
(O. 5, RR. 27, 28.)
Under the provisions of Order V, rule 27 (or 28, as the case may be), of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, a
summons in duplicate is herewith forward for service on the defendant . . . . . . . . . who is stated to be serving
under you. You are requested to cause a copy of the said summons to be served upon the said defendant
and to return the original to this Court signed by the said defendant, with a statement of service endorsed
thereon by you.
No. 10
To Accompany Returns of Summons of Another Court
(O. 5, R. 23.)
Read proceeding from the . . . . . . . . . forwarding . . . . . . . . . for service on in suit No. . . . . . . . . . of 19..., of
that Court.
Read Serving Officer's endorsement stating that the . . . . . . . . . and proof of the above having been duly
taken by me on the oath of . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . it is ordered that the . . . . . . . . . be returned to the . . .
. . . . . . with a copy of this proceeding.
Note.—This form will be applicable to process other than summons, the service of which may have to be
effected in the same manner.
No. 11
Affidavit Of Process-service To Accompany Return Of A Summons Or Notice
(O. 5, R. 18.)
The Affidavit of . . . . . . . . . . . ., son of . . . . . . . . . make oath/affirm
I . . . . . . . . .
and say as follows:-
(1) I am a process-server of this Court.
(2) On the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19... I received a summons/notice issued by the Court . . . . . . . . . in
Suit No. . . . . . . . . . of 19..., in the said Court, dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . , for service on .
. . . . . . . .
(3) The said . . . . . . . . . was at the time personally known to me, and I served the said summons/notice on
him/her on the . . . . . . . . . day of...19, at about . . . . . . . . . o'clock in the noon at . . . . . . . . . by tendering a
copy thereof to him/her and requiring his/her signature to the original summons/notice.
(a) Here state whether the person served signed or refused to sign the process, and in whose presence.
(b) Signature of process-server.
(3) The said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not being personally known to me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . accompanied me to
the said summons/notice on his/her on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . , at about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
o'clock in the . . . . . . . . . . . . . noon at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by tendering a copy thereof to him/her and requiring
his /her signature to the original summons/notice.
(a) Here state whether the person served signed or refused to sign the process, and in whose presence.
(b) Signature of process-server.
(3) The said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and the house in which he ordinarily resides being personally known to me, I
went to the said house, in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and thereon the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19..., at
about . . . . . . . . . o'clock in the . . . . . . . . . noon, I did not find the said. . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) Enter fully and exactly the manner in which the process was served, with special reference to Order 5,
rules 15 and 17.
(b) Signature of process-server.
(3) One . . . . . . . . . accompanied me to . . . . . . . . . and there pointed out to me which he said was the house
in which . . . . . . . . . ordinarily resides. I did not find the said there.
(a) Enter fully and exactly the manner in which the process was served, with special reference to Order 5,
rule 15 and 17.
(b) Signature of process-server.
If substituted service has been ordered, state fully and exactly the manner in which the summons was served
with special reference to the terms of the order for substituted service.
Sworn/Affirmed by the said . . . . . . . . before me this. . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19... before me this
Empowered under section 139 of the Code
of Civil Procedure, 1908, to administer the
oath to deponents.
No. 12
Notice To Defendant
(O. 9, R. 6.)
[Name, description and place of residence.]
Whereas this day was fixed for the hearing of the above suit and a summons was issued to you and the
plaintiff has appeared in this Court and you did not so appear, but from the return of the Nazir it has been
proved to the satisfaction of the Court that the said summons was served on you but not in sufficient time to
enable you to appear and answer on the day fixed in the said summons;
Notice is hereby given to you that the hearing of the suit is adjourned this day and that the day of . . . . . . . . .
19... is now fixed for the hearing of the same; in default of your appearance on the day last mentioned the
suit will be heard and determined in your absence.
GIVEN under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day . . . . . . . . . 19...
No. 13
Summons To Witness
(O. 16, RR. 1, 5.)
Whereas your attendance is required to . . . . . . . . . on behalf of the . . . . . . . . . in the above suit, you are
hereby required [personally] to appear before this Court on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . at . . . . . .
. . . o'clock in the forenoon, and to bring with you [or to send to this . . . . . . . . . Court].
A sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . , being your travelling and other expenses and subsistence allowance for one day,
is herewith sent. If you fail to comply with this order without lawful excuse, you will be subject to the
consequences of non-attendance laid down in rule 12 of Order XVI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...
Notice.—(1) If you are summoned only to produce a document and not to give evidence, you shall be
deemed to have complied with the summons if you cause such document to be produced in this Court on the
day and hour aforesaid.
(2) If you are detained beyond the day aforesaid, a sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . will be tendered to you for each
day's attendance beyond the day specified.
No. 14
Proclamation Requiring Attendance Of Witness
(O. 16, R. 10)
Whereas it appears from the examination on oath of the serving officer that the summons could not be
served upon the witness in the manner prescribed by law: and whereas it appears that the evidence of the
witness is material, and he absconds and keeps out of the way for the purpose of evading the service of the
summons: This proclamation is, therefore, under rule 10 of Order XVI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908,
issued requiring the attendance of the witness in this Court on the . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 19 . . . . . . . . . . at . . . . . . . . . o'clock in the forenoon and from day to day until he shall have leave to depart;
and if the witness fails to attend on the day and hour aforesaid he will be dealt with according to law.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19. . . . . . .
No. 15
Proclamation Requiring Attendance Of Witness
(O. 16, R. 10.)
Whereas it appears from the examination on oath of the serving officer that the summons has been duly
served upon the witness, and whereas it appears that the evidence of the witness is material and he has
failed to attend in compliance with such summons: This proclamation is, therefore, under rule 10 of Order
XVI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, issued requiring the attendance of the witness in this Court on the
day of . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 19 at .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . o'clock in the forenoon, and from day to day until he shall
have leave to depart; and if the witness fails to attend on the day and hour aforesaid he will be dealt with
according to law.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court. this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . ..
No. 16
Warrant Of Attachment Of Property Of Witness
(O. 16, R. 10.)
The Bailiff of the Court.
Whereas the witness . . . . . . . . .
cited by . . . . . . . . . . . .
has not, after the expiration of the period limited in the proclamation issued for his attendance, appeared in
Court; You are hereby directed to hold under attachment . . . . . . . . . property belonging to the said witness to
the value of . . . . . . . . . and to submit a return, accompanied with an inventory thereof, within . . . . . . . . .
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 19 . . . . . .
No. 17
Warrant Of Arrest Of Witness
(O. 16, R. 10.)
The Bailiff of the Court.
Whereas . . . . . . . . . has been duly served with a summons but has failed to attend (absconds and keeps out
of the way for the purpose of avoiding service of a summons); You are hereby ordered to arrest and bring the
said . . . . . . . . . before the Court.
You are further ordered to return this warrant on or before the . . . . . . . . . day of 19... with an endorsement
certifying the day on and the manner in which it has been executed, or the reason why it has not been
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...
No. 18
Warrant Of Committal
(O. 16 R. 16.)
The Officer in charge of the Jail at
Whereas the plaintiff (or defendant) in the above-named suit has made application to this Court that security
be taken for the appearance of . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . give evidence (or to produce a document), on the . .
. . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...; and whereas the Court has called upon the said . . . . . . . . . to furnish such
security, which he has failed to do; This is to require you to receive the said....into your custody in the civil
prison and to produce him before this Court at . . . . . . . . . on the said day and on such other day or days as
may be hereafter ordered.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...
No. 19
Warrant Of Committal
(O. 16, R. 18.)
The Officer in Charge of the Jail at
Whereas, whose attendance is required before this Court in the above-named case to give evidence (or to
produce a document), has been arrested and brought before the Court in custody; and whereas owing to the
absence of the plaintiff (or defendant), the said . . . . . . . . . cannot give such evidence (or produce such
document); and whereas the Court has called upon the said . . . . . . . . . to give security for his appearance
on the . . . . .. . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19. . . , at . . . . . . . . . which he has failed to do; This is to require you
to receive the said... into your custody in the civil prison and to produce him before this Court at . . . . . . . . .
on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19....
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...
Appendix C
No. 1
Order for Delivery of Interrogatories
(O. 11, R. 1.)
In the Court of . . . . . . . . . Civil Suit No. . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . .
A.B. . . . . Plaintiff,
C. D. E. F. and G. H . . . . . . . . . Defendants.
Upon hearing . . . . . . . . . and upon reading the affidavit of . . . . . . . . . filed the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . 19 . . . . .
. . . . It is ordered that the . . . . . . . . . be at liberty to deliver to the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .interrogatories in
writing, and that the said . . . . . . . . . do answer the interrogatories as prescribed by Order XI, rule 8, and that
the costs of this application be.
No. 2
(O. 11, R. 4.)
(Title as in No. 1, supra.)
Interrogatories on behalf of the above-named [Plaintiff or defendant C.D.] for the examination of the above-
named [defendants E.F. and G. H. or plaintiff].
1. Did not, etc.
2. Has not, etc. . . . . . . . . . etc., . . . . . . . . . etc., . . . . . . . . . etc.
[The defendant E. F. is required to answer the interrogatories numbered. . . . . . . . . .. ]
[The defendant G.H. is required to answer the interrogatories numbered. . . . . . . . . . .]
No. 3
Answer To Interrogatories
(O. 11, R. 9.)
(Title as in No. 1, supra.)
The answer of the above-named defendant E.F., to the interrogations for his examination by the above-
named plaintiff.
In answer to the said interrogatories, I, the above-named E.F., make oath and say as follow:—
2. Enter answers to interrogatories in paragraphs numbered consecutively.DJ0
3. I object to answer the interrogatories numbered on the ground that [state grounds of objection].
No. 4
Order for Affidavit as to Documents
(O. 11, R. 12.)
(Title as in No. 1, supra.)
Upon hearing . . . . . . . . . ; It is ordered that the . . . . do within . . . . . . . . . days from the date of this order,
answer on affidavit stating which documents are or have been in his possession or power relating to the
matter in question in this suit, and that the costs of this application be.
No. 5
Affidavit as to Documents
(O. 11, R. 13.)
(Title as in No. 1, supra.)
I, the above-named defendant C. D., make oath and say as follows:—
1. I have in my possession or power the documents relating to the matters in question in this suit set forth in
the first and second parts of the first schedule hereto.
2. I object to produce the said documents set forth in the second part of the first schedule hereto [state
grounds of objection].
3. I have had but have not now, in my possession or power the documents relating to the matters in question
in this suit set forth in the second schedule hereto.
4. The last-mentioned documents were last in my possession or power on [state when and what has become
of them and in whose possession they now are].
5. Accordingly to the best of my knowledge, information and belief I have not now, and never had, in my
possession, custody or power, or in the possession, custody or power of my pleader or agent, or in the
possession custody or power of any other person on my behalf, any account, book of account, voucher,
receipt, letter memorandum, paper or writing, or any copy of or extract from any such document, or any other
documents whatsoever, relating to the matters in question in this suit or any of them, or wherein any entry
has been made relative to such matters or any of them, other than and except the documents set forth in the
said first and second schedules hereto.
No. 6
Order to Produce Documents for Inspection
(O. 11, R. 14.)
(Title as in No. 1, supra).
Upon hearing . . . . . . . . . and upon reading the affidavit of . . . . . . . . . filed the day of . . . . . . . . . 19... It is
ordered that the . . . . . . . . . do, at all reasonable times, on reasonable notice, produce at . . . . . . . . . situate
at . . . . . . . . . , the following documents, namely, . . . . . . . . . , and that the . . . . . . . . . be at libery to inspect
and persue the documents so produced, and to make notes of their contents. In the meantime, it is ordered
that all further proceedings be stayed and that the costs of this application be.
No. 7
Notice to Produce Documents
(O. 11. R. 16)
(Title as in No. 1, supra.)
Take notice that the [plaintiff or defendant] requires you to produce for his inspection the following
documents referred to in your [plaint or written statement or affidavit, dated that . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . .
[Describe documents required.]
X. Y., Pleader for the
To Z., Pleader for the.
No. 8
Notice to Inspect Documents
(O. 11, R. 17.)
(Title as in No. 1. supra.)
Take notice that you can inspect the documents mentioned in your notice of the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . .
19... except the documents numbered in that notice] at [insert place of inspection] on Thursday next, . . . . . . .
. . . . . . the instant, between the hours of 12 and 4 o'clock.
Or, that the [plaintiff or defendant] objects to giving you inspection of documents mentioned in your notice of
the . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19... on the ground that [State the ground].
No. 9
Notice to Admit Documents
(O. 12, R. 3.)
(Title as in No. 1, supra.)
Take notice that the plaintiff [or defendant] in this suit proposes to adduce in evidence the several document
hereunder specified, and that the same may be inspected by the defendant [or plaintiff] his pleader or agent,
at . . . . . . . . . on . . . . . . . . . between the hours of . . . . . . . . . ; and the defendant [or plaintiff] is hereby
required, within forty-eight hours from the ... last-mentioned hour, to admit that such of the said documents
as are specified to be originals were respectively written, signed or executed, as they purport respectively to
have been; that such as are specified as copies are true copies; and such documents as are stated to have
been served, sent or delivered were so served, sent or delivered, respectively, saving all just exceptions to
the admissibility of all such documents as evidence in this suit.
G.H., pleader [or agent] for plaintiff
[or defendant]
To E.F., pleader [or agent] for defendant [or plaintiff].
[Here describe the documents and specify as to each document whether it is original or a copy.]
No. 10
Notice to Admit Facts
(O. 12, R. 5.)
(Title as in No. 1, supra.)
Take notice that the plaintiff [or defendant] in this suit requires the defendant [or plaintiff] to admit, for the
purposes of this suit only, the several facts respectively hereunder specified; and the defendant [or plaintiff]
is hereby required, within six days from the service of this notice, to admit the said several facts, saving all
just exceptions to the admissibility of such facts as evidence in this suit.
G.H. pleader [or agent] for plaintiff [or defendant].
To E.F., pleader [or agent] for defendant [or plaintiff].
The facts, the admission of which is required, are:—
1. That M. died on the 1st January, 1890.
2. That he died intestate.
3. That N. was his only lawful son.
4. That O. died on the 1st April, 1896.
5. That O. was never married.
No. 11
Admission of Facts Pursuant to Notice
(O. 12, R. 5.)
(Title as in No. 1, supra.)
The defendant [or plaintiff] in this suit, for the purposes of this suit only, hereby admits the several facts
respectively hereunder specified, subject to the qualifications or limitations, if any, hereunder specified,
saving all-just exceptions to the admissibility of any such facts, or any of them, as evidence in this suit:
Provided that this admission is made for the purposes of this suit only, and is not an admission to be used
against the defendant [or plaintiff] on any other occasion or by any one other than the plaintiff [or defendant
or party requiring the admission].
E.F., pleader [or agent] for defendant
[or plaintiff]
To G.H., pleader [or agent] for plaintiff [or defendant].
Facts admitted
Qualification or limitation, if any, subject to which they are admitted
1. That M. died on Ist January, 1890
2. That he died intestate
3. That N. was his lawful son
4. That O. Died
5. That O. was never married.
3. But not that he was hid only lawfulo son .
4. But not that he died on the Ist April, 1896.
No. 12
Notice to Produce (General Form)
(O. 12, R. 8.)
(Title as in No. 1, supra)
Take notice that you are hereby required to produce and show to the Court at the first hearing of this suit all
books, papers, letters, copies of letters and other writings and documents in your custody, possession of
power, containing any entry, memorandum or minute relating to the matters in question in this suit, and
G.H., pleader [or agent] for plaintiff [or defendant].
To E.F., pleader [or agent] for defendant [or plaintiff].
No. 1
Decree in Original Suit
(O. 20, RR. 6, 7.)
Claim for
This suit coming on this day for final disposal before . . . . . in the presence of . . . . . . . . . for the plaintiff and
of . . . . . . . . . . . . for the defendant, it is ordered and decreed that . . . . . . . . . and that the sum of Rs. . . . . . .
. . . be paid by the . . . . . . . . . to the . . . . . . . . . on account of the costs of this suit, with interest thereon at
the rate of . . . . . . . . . per cent, per annum from this date to date of realization.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...
Costs of Suit
stamp for plaint
Do. For power
Do. Of exhibits
Pleader's fee on Rs.
Subsistence for witnesses
Commission fee
Service of process
Stamp for Power
Do.for petition
Pleader's fee
Subsistence for witnesses
Service of process
Commissioner's fee
No. 2
Simple Money Decree
(Section 34)
Claim for
This suit coming on this . . . . . . . . . day for final disposal before . . . . . . . . . in the presence of . . . . . for the
plaintiff and of . . . . . . . . . for the defendant; It is ordered that the . . . . . . . .do pay to the . . . .. . . the sum of
Rs. . . . . . . . . . with interest thereon at the rate of . . . . . . . . . per cent per annum from . . . . . . to the date of
realization of the said sum and do also pay Rs.... , the cost of this suit, with interest thereon at the rate of . . .
. . . . . . per cent per annum from this date to the date of realization.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day . . . . of . . . . 19 . . .
Costs of Suit
Stamp for plaint
Do. For power
Do. Of exhibits
Pleader's fee on Rs.
Subsistence for witnesses
Serivce of process
Stamp for power
Do. for petition
Pleader's fee
Subsistence for witnesses
Service of process
Commissioner's fee
No. 3
Preliminary Decree for Foreclosure
(Order XXXIV, Rule 2—Where accounts are directed to be taken.)
This suit coming on this . . . . . . . . . day, etc.; It is hereby ordered and decreed that it be referred to . . . . . . . .
. . . . as this Commissioner to take the accounts following:—
(i) an account of what is due on this date to the plaintiff for principal and interest on his mortgage mentioned
in the plaint (such interest to be computed at the rate payable on the principal or where no such rate is fixed,
at six per cent per annum or at such rate as the Court deems reasonable);
(ii) an account of the income of the mortgaged property received up to this date by the plaintiff or by any
other person by the order or for the use of the plaintiff or which without the wilful default of the plaintiff or
such person might have been so received;
(iii) an account of all sums of money properly incurred by the plaintiff up to this date for costs, charges and
expenses (other than the costs of the suit) in respect of the mortgage-security, together with interest thereon
(such interest to be computed at the rate agreed between the parties, or failing such rate, at the same rate as
is payable on the principal, or, failing both such rates, at nine per cent, per annum);
(iv) an account of any loss or damage caused to the mortgaged property before this date by any act or
omission of the plaintiff which is destructive of, or permanently injurious to, the property or by his failure to
perform any of the duties imposed upon him by any law for the time being in force or by the terms of the
2. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that any amount received under clause (ii) or adjudged due
under clause (iv) above, together with interest thereon, shall first be adjusted against any sums paid by the
plaintiff under clause (iii) together with interest thereon, and the balance, if any, shall be added to the
mortgage-money or, as the case may be, be debited in reduction of the amount due to the plaintiff on
account of interest on the principal sum adjudged due and thereafter in reduction or discharge of the
3. And it is hereby further ordered that the said Commissioner shall present the account to this Court with all
convenient despatch after making all just allowances on or before the . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . and that upon
such report of the Commissioner being received, it shall be confirmed and countersigned, subject to such
modification as may be necessary after consideration of such objections as the parties to the suit may make.
4. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed—
(i) that the defendant do pay into Court on or before the. . . . . . . .day of . . . . . . . ..., or any later date up to
which time for payment may be extended by the Court, such sum as the Court shall fined due and the sum of
Rs...........for the costs of the suit awarded to the plaintiff.
(ii) that, on such payment and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix of such amount
as the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the plaintiff shall bring into Court all
documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in the plaint mentioned, and all
such documents shall be delivered over to the defendant, or to such person as he appoints, and the plaintiff
shall, if so required, re-convey or re-transfer the said property free from the said mortgage and clear of and
from all incumbrances created by the plaintiff or any person claiming under him or any person under whom
he claims and free from all liability whatsoever arising from the mortgage or this suit and shall, if so required,
deliver up to the defendant quiet and peaceable possession of the said property.
5. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, in default of payment as aforesaid, the plaintiff shall be
at liberty to apply to the Court for a final decree that the defendant shall thenceforth stand absolutely
debarred and foreclosed of and from all right to redeem the mortgaged property described in the schedule
annexed hereto and shall, if so required, deliver up to the plaintiff quiet and peaceable possession of the said
property; and that the parties shall be at liberty to apply to the Court from time to time as they may have
occasion, and on such application or otherwise the Court may give such directions as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 3A
Preliminary Decree for Foreclosure
(Order XXXIV, Rule 2,—Where the Court declares the amount due.)
This suit coming on, etc.; It is hereby declared that the amount due to the plaintiff on his
mortgage mentioned in the plaint calculated up to the sum of Rs..........for principal,
the sum of Rs......for interest on the said principal, the sum of Rs.....for costs, charges and expenses (other
than the costs of the suit) properly incured by the plaintiff in respect of the mortgage-security, together with
interest thereon, and the sum of Rs. ........for the costs of this suit awarded to the plaintiff, making in all sum
of Rs.
2. And it is hereby ordered and decreed as follows:—
(i) that the defendant do pay into Court on or before of......or any later date up to which time for
payment may be extended by the Court of the said sum of Rs......;
(ii) that, on such payment and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix of such amount
as the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the plaintiff shall bring into Court all
documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in the plaint mentioned, and all
such documents shall be delivered over to the defendant, or to such person as he appoints, and the plaintiff
shall, if so required, re-convey or re-transfer the said property free from the said mortgage and clear of and
from all incumbrances created by the plaintiff or any person claiming under him or any person under whom
he claims and free from all liability whatsoever arising from the mortgage or this suit and shall, if so required,
deliver up to the defendant quiet and peaceable possession of the said property.
3. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, in default if payment as aforesaid, the plaintiff may apply
to the Court for a final decree that the defendant shall thenceforth stand absolutely debarred and foreclosed
of and from all right to redeem the mortgaged property described in the Schedule annexed hereto and shall,
of so required, deliver up to the plaintiff quiet and peaceable possession of the said property; and that the
parties shall be at liberty to apply to the Court from time to time as they may have occasion, and on such
application or otherwise the Court may give such directions as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 4
Final Decree for Foreclosusre
(Order XXXIV, Rule 3.)
Upon reading the preliminary decree in this suit on of......and further orders (if any) dated of......and the application of the plaintiff dated of.......for a final decree and after
hearing the parties and it appearing that the payment directed by the said decree and orders had not been
made by the defendant or any person on his behalf or any other person entitled to redeem the said
It is hereby ordered and decreed that the defendant and all persons claiming through or under him be and
they are hereby absolutely debarred and foreclosed of and from all right of redemption of and in the property
in the aforesaid preliminary decree mentioned; Words not required to be deleted.
[453][and (if the defendant be in possession of the said mortgaged property) that the defendant shall deliver
to the plaintiff quiet and peaceable possession of the said mortgaged property].
2. And it is hereby further declared that the whole of the liability whatsoever of the defendant up to this day
arising from the said mortgage mentioned in the plaint or from this suit is hereby discharged and
No. 5
Preliminary Decree for Sale
(Order XXXIV, Rule 4—Where accounts are directed to be taken)
This suit coming on, etc,; It is hereby ordered and decree that it be referred to as the
Commissioner to take the accounts following:—
(i) an account of what is due on this date to the plaintiff for principal and interest on his mortgage mentioned
in the plaint (such interest to be computed at the rate payable on the principal or where no such rate is fixed,
at six per cent, per annum or at such rate as the Court deems reasonable);
(ii) an account of the income of the mortgaged property received up to this date by the plaintiff or by any
other person by the order or for the use of the plaintiff or which without the wilful default of the plaintiff or
such person night have been se received;
(iii) an account of all sums of money properly incurred by the plaintiff up to this date for costs, charges and
expenses (other than the costs of the suit) in respect of the mortgage-security, together with interest thereon
(such interest to be computed at the rate agreed between the parties, or, failing such rate, at the same rate
as is payable on the principal, or, failing both such rates, at nine per cent. per annum);
(iv) an account of any loss or damage caused to the mortgaged property before this date by any act or
omission of the plaintiff which is destructive of, or permanently injurious to, the property or by his failure to
perform any of the duties imposed upon him by any law for the time being in force or by the terms of the
2. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that any amount received under clause (ii) or adjudged due
under clause (iv) above, together with interest thereon, shall first be adjusted against any sums paid by the
plaintiff under clause (iii), together with interest thereon, and the balance, if any, shall be added to the
mortgage-money or, as the case may be, be debited in reduction of the amount due to the plaintiff on
account of interest on the principal sum adjudged due and thereafter in reduction or discharge of the
3. And it is hereby further ordered that the said Commissioner shall present the account to this Court with all
convenient despatch after making all just allowances on or before of......., and that upon report of
the Commissioner being received, it shall be confirmed and countersigned, subject to such modification as
may be necessary after consideration of such objections as the parties to the suit may make.
4. And it is hereby further order and decreed—
(i) that the defendant do pay into Court on or before of.......or any later date up to which time for
payment may be extended by the Court, such sum as the Court shall find due and the sum of Rs.......for the
costs of the suit awarded to the plaintiff;
(ii) that on such payment and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix of such amount
as the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit, and such costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the plaintiff shall bring into Court all
documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in the plaint mentioned, and all
such documents shall be delivered over to the defendant, or to such person as he appoints, and the plaintiff
shall, if so required, re-convey or re-transfer the said property free from the mortgage and clear of and from
all incumbrances created by the plaintiff or any person claiming under him or any person under whom he
claims and shall, if so required, deliver up to the defendant quiet and peaceable possession of the said
5. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, in default of payment as aforesaid, the plaintiff may
apply to the Court for a final decree for the sale of the mortgaged property; and on such application being
made the mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof shall be directed to be sold; and for the purposes of
such sale the plaintiff shall produce before the Court, or such officer as it appoints, all documents in his
possession or power relating to the mortgaged property.
6. And it is hereby further order and decreed that the money realised by such sale shall be paid into Court
and shall be duly applied (after deduction therefrom of the expenses of the sale) in payment of the amount
payable to the plaintiff under this decree and under any further orders that may be passed in this suit and in
payment of any amount which the Court may adjudge due to the plaintiff in respect of such costs of the suit,
and such costs, charges and expenses as may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent
interest as may be payable under rule 11, of Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, and that the balance, if any, shall be paid to the defendant or other persons entitled to
receive the same.
7. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, if the money realised by such sale shall not be sufficient
or payment in full of the amount payable to the plaintiff as aforesaid, the plaintiff shall be at liberty (where
such remedy is open to him under the terms of his mortgage and is not barred by any law for the time being
in force) to apply for a personal decree against the defendant for the amount of the balance; and that the
parties are at liberty to apply to the Court from time to time as they may have occasion, and on such
application or otherwise the Court may give such directions as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property.
No. 5A
Preliminary Decree for Sale
(Order XXXIV, Rule 4,—When the Court declares the amount date.)
This suit coming on this. . . . . . . . . .day etc; It is hereby declared that the amount due to the plaintiff on the
mortgage mentioned in the plaint calculated up to this. . . . . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . . .is the sum of Rs. . . .
. . . . . for principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . for interest on the said principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . .
. for costs, charges and expenses (other than the costs of the suit) properly incurred by the plaintiff in respect
of the mortgage-security, together with interest thereon, and the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . for the costs of the
suit awarded to the plaintiff, making in all the sum of Rs.
2. And it is hereby ordered and decreed as follows:—
(i) that the defendant do pay into Court on or before the. . . . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . . or any later date up
to which time for payment may be extended by the Court, the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . .;
(ii) that, on such payment and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix of such amount
as the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit and such cost, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the plaintiff shall bring into Court all
documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in the plaint mentioned, and all
such documents shall be delivered over to the defendant, or to such person as he appoints, and the plaintiff
shall, if so required, re-convey or re-transfer the said property free from the said mortgage and clear of and
from all incumbrances created by the plaintiff or any person claiming under him or any person under whom
he claims and shall, if so- required deliver up to the defendant quiet and peaceable possession of the said
3. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, it default of payment as aforesaid, the plaintiff may apply
to the Court for a final decree for the sale of the mortgaged-property; and on such application being made,
the mortgaged property or a sufficeint part thereof shall be directed to be sold; and for the purposes of such
sale the plaintiff shall produce before the Court or such officer as it appoints all documents in his possession
of power relating to the mortgaged property.
4. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that the money realised by such sale shall be paid into Court
and shall be duly applied (after deduction herefrom of the expenses of the sale) in payment of the amount
payable to the plaintiff under this decree and under any further orders that may be passed in this suit and in
payment of any amount which the Court may adjudge due to the plaintiff in respect of such costs of the suit,
and such costs, charges and expenses as may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent
interest as may be payable under rule 11, of Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil
Procedure 1908, and that the balance, if any, shall be paid to the defendant or other persons entitled to
received the same.
5. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, if the money realised by such sale such not be sufficient
for payment in full of the amount payable to the plaintiff as aforesaid, the plaintiff shall be at liberty (where
such remedy is open to him under the terms of his mortgage and is not barred buy any law for the time being
in force) to apply for a personal decree against the defendant for the amount of the balance; and that the
parties are at liberty to apply to the court from time to time as they may have occasion, and on such
application or otherwise the Court may give such directions as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 6
Final Decree for Sale
(Order XXXIV, Rule 5)
Upon reading the preliminary decree passed in this suit on the. . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . and further orders
(if any) dated the. . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . . .and the application of the plaintiff dated the. . . . . . . . . day of.
. . . . . . . . .for a final decreed and after hearing the parties and it appearing that the payment directed by the
said decree and orders has not been made by the defendant or any person on his behalf or any other person
entitled to redeem the mortgage;
It is hereby ordered and decreed that the mortgaged property in the aforesaid preliminary decree mentioned
or a sufficient part thereof be sold, and that for the purposes of such sale the plaintiff shall produce before
the Court or such officer as it appoints all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged
2. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that the money realised by such sale shall be paid into the
Court and shall be duly applied (after deduction therefrom of the expenses of the sale) in payment of the
amount payable to the plaintiff under the aforesaid preliminary decree and under any further orders that may
have been passed in this suit and in payment of any amount which the Court may have adjudged due to the
plaintiff for such costs of the suit including the costs of this application and such costs, charges and
expenses as may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable
under rule 11, of Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and that the
balance, if any, shall be paid to the defendant or other persons entitled to receive the same.
No. 7
Preliminary Decree for Redemption where on Default of Payment by Mortgagor a Decree for Foreclosure is
(Order XXXIV, Rule 7.—Where accounts are directed to be taken.)
This suit coming on this. . . . . . . . . day, etc.; It is hereby ordered and decreed that it be referred to as the
Commissioner to take the account following:—
(i) an account of what is due on this date to the defendant for principal and interest on the mortgage
mentioned in the plaint (such interest to be computed at the rate payable on the principal or where no such
rate is fixed, at six per cent per annum or at such rate as the Court deems reasonable);
(ii) an account of the income of the mortgaged property received up to this date by the defendant or by any
other person by order or for the use of the defendant or which without the wilful default of the defendant or
such person might have been so received;
(iii) an account of all sums of money properly incurred by the defendant up to this date for costs, charges and
expenses (other than the costs of the suit) in respect of the mortgage-security together with interest thereon
(such interest to be computed at the rate agreed between the parties, or, failing such rate, at the same rate
as it payable on the principal, or, failing both such rate, at nine per cent per annum);
(iv) an account of any loss or damage caused to the mortgaged property before this date by any act or
omission of the defendant which is destructive of, or permanently injurious to, the property or by his failure to
perform any of the duties imposed upon him by any law for the time being in force or by the term of the
2. It is hereby further ordered and decreed that any amount received under clause (ii) or adjudged due under
caluse (iv) above, together with interest thereon, shall be adjusted against any sums paid by the defendant
under clause (iii) together with interest thereon, and the balance, if any, shall be added to the mortgage-
money, or, as the case may be, be debited in reduction of the amount due to the defendant on account of
interest on the principal sum adjudged due and thereafter in reduction or discharge of the principal.
3. And it is hereby further ordered that the said Commissioner shall present the account to this Court with all
conveninent despatch after making all just allowances on or before the. . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . . and that
upon such report of the Commissioner being received, it shall be confirmed and countersigend, subject to
such modification as may be necessary after consideration of such objections as the parties to the suit may
4. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed—
(i) that the plaintiff to pay into Court on or before the. . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . , or any later date up to
which time for payment may be extended by the Court, such sum as the Court shall find due and the sum of
Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for the costs of the suit awarded to the defendant;
(ii) that, on such payment, and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix of such amount
as the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the defendant shall bring into Court
all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in the plaint mentioned, and all
such documents shall be delivered over the the plaintiff, or to such person as he appoints, and the defendant
shall, if so required, re-convey or re-transfer the said property free from the said mortgage and clear of and
from all incumbrances created by the defendant or any person claiming under him or any person under
whom he claims and free from all liability whatsoever arising from the mortgage or this suit and shall, if so
required, deliver up to the plaintiff quiet and peaceable possession of the said property.
5. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, in default of payment as aforesaid, the defendant shall
be at liberty to apply to the Court for a final decree that the plaintiff shall thenceforth stand absolutely
debarred and foreclosed of and from all right to redeem the mortgaged property described in the Schedule
annexed hereto and shall, if so required, deliver up to the defendant quiet and peaceable possession of the
said property; and that the parties shall be at liberty to apply to the Court from time to time as they may have
occasion, and on such application or otherswise the Court may give such directions as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 7A
Preliminary Decree for Redemption where on Default of Payment by Mortgagor a Decree for Sale is Passed
(Order XXXIV, Rule 7.—Where accounts are directed to be taken.)
This suit coming on this . . . . . . . . . . . . .day, etc.; It is herby ordered and decreed that it be referred to . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . as the Commissioner to take the accounts following:—
(i) an account of what is due on this date to the defendant for principal and interest on the mortgage
mentioned in the plaint (such interest to be computed at the rate payble on the principal or where no such
rate is fixed, at six per cent per annum or at such rate as the Court deems reasonable);
(ii) an account of the income of the mortgaged property received up to this date by the defendant or by any
other person by the order or for the use of the defendant or which without the wilful default of the defendant
or such person might have been so received;
(iii) an account of all sums of money property incurred by the defendant upto this date for costs, charges and
expenses (other than the costs of the suit) in respect of the mortgage-security together with interest thereon
(such interest to be computed at the rate agreed between the parties, or, failing such rate, at the same rate
as is payable on the principal, or, failing both such rates, at nine per cent per annum);
(iv) an account of any loss or damage caused to the mortgaged property before this date by any act or
ommission of the defendant which is destructive of, or permanently injurious to, the property or by his failure
to perform any of the duties imposed upon him by any law for the time being in force or by the terms of the
2. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that any amount received under clause (ii) or adjudged due
under clause (iv) above, together with interest thereon, shall first be adjusted against any sums paid by the
defendant under clause (iii) together with interest thereon, and the balance, if any, shall be added to the
mortgage-money, or, as the case may be, be debited in reduction of the amount due to the defendant on
account of interest on the principal sum adjudged due and thereafter in reduction or discharge of the
3. And it is hereby further ordered that the said Commissioner shall present the account to this Court with all
convenient despatch after making all just allowances on or before the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . . . .
.and that, upon such report of the Commissioner being received, it shall be confirmed and countersigned,
subject to such modification as may be necessary after consideration of such objections as the parties to the
suit may make.
4. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed—
(i) that the plaintiff do pay into Court on or before the. . . . . . . . . .day. . . . . . . . . .of or any later date up to
which time for payment may be extended by the Court, such sum as the Court shall find due and the sum of
Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the costs of the suit awarded to the defendant;
(ii) that, or such payment and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix of such amount
as the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the defendant shall bring into Court
all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in the plaint mentioned, and all
such documents shall be delivered over to the plaintiff, or to such person as he appoints, and the defendant
shall, if so required, re-convey or re-transfer the said property free from the said mortgage and clear of and
from all incumbrances created by the defendant or any person claiming under him or any person under
whom the claims and shall, if so required, deliver up to the plaintiff quiet and peaceable possession of the
said property.
5. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, in default of payment as aforesaid, the defendant may
apply to the Court for a final decree for the sale of the mortgaged property; and on such application being
made, the mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof shall be directed to be sold; and for the purpose of
such sale the defendant shall produce before the Court or such officer as it appoints, all documents in his
possession or power relating to the mortgaged property.
6. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that the money realised by such sale shall be paid into Court
and shall be duly applied (after deduction therefrom of the expenses of the sale) in payment of the amount
payable to the defendant under this decree and under any further orders that may be passed in this suit and
in payment of any amount which the Court may adjudge due to the defendant in respect of such costs of the
suit and such costs, charges and expenses as may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent
interest as may be payable under rule 11, of Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, and that the balance, if any, shall be paid to the plaintiff or other persons entitled to receive
the same.
7. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, if the money realised by such sale shall not be sufficient
for payment in full of the amount payable to the defendant as aforesaid, the defendant shall be at liberty
(where such remedy is open to him under the terms of his mortgage and is not barred by any law for the time
being in force) to apply for a personal decree against the plaintiff for the amount of the balance; and that the
parties are at liberty to apply to the Court from time to time as they may have occasion, and on such
application or otherwise the Court may give such directions as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 7B
Preliminary Decree for Redemption where on Default of Payment by Mortgagor a Decree for Foreclosure is
(Order XXXIV, Rule 7.—Where the Court declares the amount due.)
This suit coming on this. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day, etc.; It is hereby declared that the amount due to the
defendant on the mortgage mentioned in the plaint calculated up to this. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . is the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for interest on the
said principal the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for costs, charges and expenses (other than the costs of the
suit) properly incurred by the defendant in respect of the mortgage-security together with interest thereon,
and the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for the costs of the suit awarded to the defendant, making in all the
sum of Rs.
2. And it is hereby ordered and decreed as follows:—
(i) that the plaintiff do pay into Court on or before the . . . . . . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . , or any later date up to
which time for payment may be extended by the Court the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . .;
(ii) that, on such payment and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix of such amount
as the Court may adjudge due in respect of such cost of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the defendant shall bring into Court
all documents shall be delivered over to the plaintiff, or to such person as he appoints, and the defendant
shall, if so required, re-convey or re-transfer the said property free from the said mortgage and clear of and
from all incumbrances created by the defendant or any person claiming under him or any person under
whom he claims, and free from all liability whatsoever arising from the mortgage or this suit and shall, if so
required, deliver up to the plaintiff quiet and peaceable possession of the said property.
3. And it is hereby further ordered and decrees that, in default of payment as aforesaid, the defendant may
apply to the Court for a final decree that the plaintiff shall thenceforth stand absolutely debarred and
foreclosed of and from all right to redeem the mortgaged property described in the schedule annexed hereto
and shall, if so required, deliver up to the defendant quiet and peaceable possession of the said property;
and that the parties shall be at liberty to apply to the Court from time to time as they may have occasion, and
on such application or otherwise the Court may give such directions as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 7C
Preliminary Decree for Redemption where on Default of Payment by Mortgagor a Decree for Sale is Passed
(Order XXXIV, rule 7.—Where the Court declares the amount due.)
This suit coming on this. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day, etc., It is hereby declared that the amount due to the
defendant on the mortgage mentioned in the plaint calculated up to this. . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . is the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for interest on the
said principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for costs, charges and expenses (other than the costs of the
suit) properly incurred by the defendant in respect of mortgage-security together with interest thereon, and
the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for the cost of this suit awarded to the defendant, making in all the sum of
2. And it is hereby ordered and decreed as follows:—
(i) that the plaintiff do pay into Court on or before the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or any later
date up to which time the payment may be extended by the Court the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;
(ii) that, on such payment and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix of such amount
as the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the defendant shall bring into Court
all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in the plaint mentioned, and all
such documents shall be delivered over to the plaintiff or such person as he appoints, and the defendant
shall, if so required, reconvey or re-transfer the said property to the plaintiff free from the said mortgage and
clear of and from all incumbrances created by the defendant or any person claiming under him or any person
under whom he claims and shall, if so required, deliver up to the plaintiff quiet and peaceable possession of
the said property.
3. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, in default of payment as aforesaid, the defendant may
apply to the Court for a final decree for the sale of the mortgaged property; and on such application being
made, the mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof shall be directed to be sold; and for the purposes of
such sale the defendant shall produce before the Court or such officer as it appoints all documents in his
possession or power relating to the mortgaged property.
4. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that the money realised by such sale shall be paid into Court
and shall be duly applied (after deduction therefrom of the expenses of the sale) in payment of the amount
payment of any amount which the Court may adjudge due to the defendant in respect of such costs of the
suit and such costs, charges and expenses as may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent
interest as may be payable under rule 11, of Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, and that the balance, if any, shall be paid to the plaintiff or other persons entitled to the
5. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, if the money realised by such sale shall not be sufficient
for the payment in full of the amount payable to the defendant as aforesaid, the defendant shall be at liberty
(where such remedy is open to him under the terms of the mortgage and is not barred by any law for the time
being in force) to apply for a personal decree against the plaintiff for the amount of the balance; and that the
parties are at liberty to apply to the Court from time to time as they may have occasion, and on such
application or otherwise the Court may give such directions as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 7D
Final Decree for Foreclosure in a Redemption Suit on Default of Payment by Mortgagor
(Order XXXIV, Rule 8.)
Upon reading the preliminary decree in this suit on the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and further
orders (if any) dated the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , and the application of the defendant
dated the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a final decree and after hearing the parties, and it
appearing that the payment as directed by the said decree and orders has not been made by the plaintiff or
any person on his behalf or any other person entitled to redeem the mortgage ;
It is hereby ordered and decreed that the plaintiff and all person claiming through or under him be and they
are hereby absolutely debarred and foreclosed of and from all right of redemption of and in the property in
the aforesaid preliminary decree mentioned [454][and (if the plaintiff be in possession of the said mortgaged
property) that the plaintiff shall deliver to the defendant quiet and peaceable possession of the said
mortgaged property].
2. And it is hereby further declared that the whole of the liability whatsoever of the plaintiff up to this day
arising from the said mortgage mentioned in the plaint or from this suit is hereby discharge and extinguished.
No. 7E
Final Decree for Sale in a Redemption on Suit on Default of Payment by Mortgagor
(Order XXXIV, Rule 8)
Upon reading the preliminary decree passed in this suit on the. . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . . . . . .and further
order (if any) dated the. . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . . . . . ., and the application of the defendant dated the. . . .
. . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . .for a final decree and after hearing the parties and it appearing that the payment
directed by the said decree and orders has not been made by the plaintiff or any person on his behalf or any
other person entitled to redeem the mortgage;
It is hereby ordered and decreed that the mortgaged property in the aforesaid preliminary decree mentioned
or a sufficient part thereof be sold and that for the purposes of such sale the defendant shall produce before
the Court, or such officer as it appoints, all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged
2. And it is hereby ordered and decreed that the money realised by such sale shall be paid into Court and
shall be duly applied (after deduction therefrom of the expenses of the sale) in payment of the amount
payable to the defendant under the aforesaid preliminary decree and under any further orders that may have
been passed in this suit and in payment of any amount which the Court may have adjudged due to the
defendant for such costs of this suit including the costs of this application and such costs, charges and
expenses as may be payable under rule 10, together with the subsequent interest as may be payable under
rule 11, of Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and that the balance, if
any, shall be paid to the plaintiff or other person entitled to receive the same.
No. 7F
Final Decree in a Suit for Foreclosure, Sale or Redemption where the Mortgagor
Pays the Amount of the Decree
(Order XXXIV, Rules 3, 5 and 8)
This suit coming on this. . . . . . . . . day for further consideration and it appearing that on the . . . . . . . . . . .
.day of. . . . . . . . . . . . .the mortgagor or. . . . . ., the same being a person entitled to redeem, has paid into
Court all amounts due to the mortgagee under the preliminary decree dated the. . . . . . .day of. . . . . . .; It is
hereby ordered and decreed that:—
(i) the mortgagee do execute a deed of re-conveyance of the property in the aforesaid preliminary decree
mentioned in favour of the mortgagor [455][or, as the case may be,. . . . . . . . . who has redeemed the
property] or an acknowledgment of the payment of the amount due in his favour;
(ii) the mortgagee do bring into Court all documents in his possession and power relating to the mortgaged
property in the suit.
And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, upon the mortgagee executing the deed of re-conveyance
or acknowledgment in the manner aforesaid,—
(i) the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . be paid out of Court to the mortgagee;
(ii) the said deeds and documents brought into the Court be delivered out of Court to the mortgagor [456][or
the person making the payment] and the mortgagee do, when so required, concur in registering, at the cost
of the mortgagor [457][or other person making the payment], the said deed of re-conveyance or the
acknowledgment in the officer of the Sub-registrar of. . . . . . . . . ; and
(iii) [458][if the mortgagee, plaintiff or defendant, as the case may be, is in possession of the mortgaged
property] that the mortgagee do forthwith deliver possession of the mortgaged property in the aforesaid
preliminary decree mentioned to the mortgagor [459][or such person as aforesaid who has made the
No. 8
Decree against Mortgagor Personally for Balance after the Sale of the
Mortgaged Property
(Order XXXIV, Rules 6 and 8A)
Upon reading the application of the mortgagee (the plaintiff or defendant, as the case may be) and reading
the final decree passed in the suit on the. . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . . and the Court being satisfied that the net
proceeds of the sale held under the aforesaid final decree amounted to Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and have
been paid to the applicant out of the Court on the day of. . . . . . and that the balance now due to him under
the aforesaid decree of Rs. . . . . . .;
And whereas it appears to the Court that the said sum is legally recoverable from the mortgagor (plaintiff or
defendant, as the case may be) personally;
It is hereby ordered and decreed as follows:—
That the mortgagor (plaintiff or defendant, as the case may be) do pay to the mortgagee (defendant or
plaintiff, as the case may be) the said sum of Rs. . . . . . with further interest at the rate of six per cent per
annum from the. . . . . . .day of. . . . . . (the date of payment out of Court referred to above) up to the date of
realisation of the said sum, and the costs of this application.
No. 9
Preliminary Decree for Foreclousre of Sale
[Plaintiff 1st Mortgagee,
Defendant No. 1 Mortgagor,
Defendant No. 2 2nd Mortgagee.]
(Order XXXIV, Rules 2 and 4)
The suit coming on this . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . day, etc; It is hereby declared that the amount due to
the plaintiff on the mortgage mentioned in the plaint calculated up to this day of. . . . . . . . . . . . . is the sum of
Rs. . . . . . for principal, the sum of Rs. . . .for interest on the said principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . .for
costs, charges and expenses (other than the costs of the suit) incurred by the plaintiff in respect of the
mortgage-security with interest thereon and the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . .for the costs of this suit awarded to
the plaintiff, making in all the sum of Rs. . . . . . .
(Similar declarations to be introduced with regard to the amount due to defendant No. 2 in respect of his
mortgage if the mortgage-money due thereunder has become payable at the date of the suit.)
2. It is further declared that the plaintiff is entitled to payment of the amount due to him in priority to
defendant No. 2 [460][or (if there are several subsequent mortgagees) that the several parties hereto are
entitle in the following order to the payment of the sums due to them respectively;—]
3. And it is hereby ordered and decreed as follows:—
(i) (a) that defendants or one of them do pay into Court on or before the day of . . . . . . . . . or any later date
up to which time for payment has been extended by the Court the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . .due to the
plaintiff; and
(b) that defendant No. 1 do pay into Court on or before the day of. . . . . . or any later date up to which time
for payment has been extended by the Court the said sum of Rs. . . . . . .due to defendant No. 2; and
(ii) that, on payment of the sum declared to be due to the plaintiff be defendant or either of them in the
manner prescribed in clause (i)(a) and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix and such
expenses as may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable shall
bring into Court all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in the plaint
mentioned, and shall all such documents shall be delivered over to the defendant No. . . . . . (who has made
the payment), or to such person as he appoints, and the plaintiff shall, if so required, re-convey or re-transfer
the said property free from the said mortgagee and clear of and from all incumbrances created by the plaintiff
or any person claiming under him or any person under whom he claims, and also free from all liability
whatsoever arising from the mortgage or this suit and shall, if so required, deliver up to the defendant No. . . .
(who has made the payment) quiet and peaceable possession of the said property.
(Similar declarations to be introduced, if defendant No. 1 pays the amount found or declared to be due to
defendant No. 2 with such variations as may be necessary having regard to the nature of his mortgage.)
4. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, in default of payment as aforesaid of the amount due to
the plaintiff, the plaintiff shall be at liberty to apply to the Court for a final decree—
(i)[461] [in the case of a mortgage by conditional sale or an anomalous mortgage where the only remedy
provided for in the mortgage-deed is foreclosure and not sale] that the defendants jointly and severally shall
thenceforth stand absolutely debarred and foreclosed of and from all right to redeem the mortgaged property
described in the Schedule annexed hereto and shall, if so required, deliver to the plaintiff quiet and
peaceable possession of the said property; or
(ii) [462][in the case of any other mortgage] that the mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof shall be
sold; and that for the purposes of such sale the plaintiff shall produce before Court or such officer as it
appoints, all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property; and
(iii) [463][in the case where a sale is ordered under clause (4) (ii) above] that the money realised by such
sale shall be paid into Court and be duly applied (after deduction therefrom of the expenses of the sale) in
payment of the amount payable to the plaintiff under this decree and under any further orders that may have
been passed in this suit and in payment of the amount which the Court may adjudge due to the plaintiff in
respect of such costs of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses as may be payable under rule 10,
together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of Order XXXIV of the First
Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and that the balance, if any, shall be applied in payment of
the amount due to defendant No. 2, and that if any balance be left, it shall be paid to the defendant No. 1 or
other persons entitled to receive the same; and
(iv) that, if the money realised by such sale shall not be sufficient for payment in full of the amounts due to
the plaintiff and defendant No. 2, the plaintiff or defendant No. 2 or both of them, as the case may be, shall
be at liberty (when such remedy is open under the terms of their respective mortgages and is not barred by
any law for the time being in force) to apply for a personal decree against defendant No. 1 for the amounts
remaining due to them respectively.
5. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed—
(a) that if defendant No. 2 pays into Court to the credit of this suit the amount adjudged due to the plaintiff,
but defendant No. 1 makes default in the payment of the said amount, defendant No. 2 shall be at liberty to
apply to the Court to keep the plaintiff's mortgage alive for his benefit and to apply for a final decree (in the
same manner as the plaintiff might have done under clause 4 above)—
[464] [(i) that defendant No. 1 shall thenceforth stand absolutely debarred and foreclosed of and from all right
to redeem the mortgaged property described in the Schedule annexed hereto and shall, if so required,
deliver up to defendant No. 2 quiet and peaceable possession of the said property;] or
[465][(ii) that the mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof be sold and that for the purposes of such
sale defendant No. 2 shall produce before the Court or such officer as it appoints, all documents in his
possession or power relating to the mortgaged property;] and
(b) (if on the application of defendant No. 2 such a final decree for foreclosure is passed), that the whole of
the liability of defendant No. 1 arising from the plaintiff's mortgage or from the mortgage of defendant No. 2
or from this suit shall be deemed to have been discharged and extinguished.
6. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed [466][in the case where a sale is ordered under clause 5
(i) that the money realised by such sale shall be paid into Court and be duly applied (after deduction
therefrom of the expenses of the sale) first in payment of the amount paid by defendant No. 2 in respect of
the plaintiff's mortgage and the costs of the suit in connection therewith and in payment of the amount which
the Court may adjudge due in respect of subsequent interest on the said amount; and that the balance, if
any, shall then be applied in payment of the amount adjudged due to defendant No. 2 in respect of his own
mortgage under this decree and any further orders that may be passed and in payment of the amount which
the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of this suit and such costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable to defendant No. 2 under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable
under rule 1, of Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and that the
balance, if any, shall be paid to defendant No. 1 or other persons entitled to receive the same; and
(ii) that, if the money realised by such sale shall not be sufficient for payment in full of the amount due in
respect of the plaintiff's mortgage or defendant No. 2's mortgage, defendant No. 2 shall be at liberty (where
such remedy is open to him under the terms of his mortgage and is not barred by any law for the time being
in force) to apply for a personal decree against No. 1 for the amount of the balance.
7. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that the parties are at liberty to apply to the Court from time
to time as they may have occasion, and on such application or otherwise the Court may give such directions
as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 10
Preliminary Decree for Redemption of Prior Mortgage and Foreclosure of Sale on
Subsequent Mortgage
[Plaintiff 1st Mortgagee,
Defendant No. 1 Mortgagor
Defendant No. 2 2nd Mortgagee.]
(Order XXXIV, rules 2, 4 and 7)
The suit coming on this. . . . . . day, etc; It is hereby declared that the amount due to defendant No. 2 on the
mortgage mentioned in the plaint calculated up to this. . . . . . day of. . . . . . is the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . for
principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . . for interest on the said principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . . .for costs, charges and
expenses (other than the costs of the suit) property incurred by defendant No. 2 in respect of the mortgage-
security with interest thereon and the sum of Rs. . . for the costs of this suit awarded to defendant No. 2,
making in all the sum of Rs.
(Similar declarations to be introduced with regard to the amount due from defendant No. 1 to the plaintiff in
respect of his mortgage if the mortgage-money due thereunder has become payable at the date of the suit.)
2. It is further declared that defendant No. 2 is entitled to payment of the amount due to him in priority to the
plaintiff [467][or (if there are several subsequent mortgagees) that the several parties hereto are entitled in
the following order to the payment of the sums due to them respectively:—].
3. And it is hereby ordered and decreed as follows:—
(i)(a) that the plaintiff or defendant No. 1 or one of them do pay into Court on or before the. . . . . . day of. . . .
. . or any later date up to which time for payment has been extended by the Court the said sum of Rs. . . . . .
due to defendant No. 2; and
(b) that defendant No. 1 do pay into Court on or before the. . . . . . .day of. . . . . . or any later date up to which
time for payment has been extended by the Court the said sum of. Rs. . . . . . .due to the plaintiff; and
(ii) that, on payment of the sum declared due to defendant No. 2 by the plaintiff and defendant No. 1 or either
of them in the manner prescribed in clause (i) (a) and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court
may fix of such amount as the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit and such costs,
charges and expenses as may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be
payable under rule 11, or Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, defendant
No. 2 shall bring into Court all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in
the plaint mentioned, and all such documents shall be delivered over to the plaintiff or defendant No. 1
(whoever has made the payment), or to such person as he appoints, and defendant No. 2 shall, if so
required, re-convey or re-transfer the said property free from the said mortgage and clear of and from all
incumbrances created by defendant No. 2 or any person claiming under him or any person under whom he
claims, and also free from all liability whatsoever arising from the mortgage or this suit and shall, if so
required, deliver up to the plaintiff or defendant No. 1 (whoever has made the payment) quiet and peaceable
possession of the said property.
(Similar declarations to be introduced, if defendant No. 1 pays the amount found or declared due to the
plaintiff with such variations as may be necessary having regard to the nature of his mortgage.)
4. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, in default of payment as aforesaid, of the amount due to
defendant No. 2, defendant No. 2 shall be at liberty to apply to the Court that the suit be dismissed or for a
final decree—
(i) [468][in the case of a mortgage by conditional sale or an anomalous mortgage where the only remedy
provided for in the mortgage-deed is foreclosure and not sale] that the plaintiff and defendant No. 1 jointly
and severally shall thenceforth stand absolutely debarred and foreclosed of and from all right to redeem the
mortgaged property described in the Schedule annexed hereto and shall; if so required, deliver to the
defendant No. 2 quiet and peaceable possession of the said property; or
(ii) [469][in the case of any other mortgage] that the mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof shall be
sold; and that for the purposes of such sale defendant No. 2 shall produce before the Court or such officer as
it appoints, all documents in his possession or power relating to the mortgaged property; and
(iii) [470][in the case where a sale is ordered under clause 4(ii) above] that the money realised by such sale
shall be paid into Court and be duly applied (after deduction therefrom of the expenses of the sale) in
payment of the amount payable to defendant No. 2 under the decree and any further orders that may be
passed in this suit and in payment of the amount which the Court may adjudge due to defendant No. 2 in
respect of such costs of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses as may be payable to the plaintiff
under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, or Order XXXIV of
the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908; and that the balance, if any, shall be applied in
payment of the amount due to the plaintiff and that, if any balance be left, it shall be paid to defendant No. 1
or other persons entitled to receive the same; and
(iv) that, if the money realised by such sale shall not be sufficient for payment in full of the amounts due to
defendant No. 2 and the plaintiff, defendant No. 2 or the plaintiff or both of them, as the case may be, shall
be at liberty (when such remedy is open under the terms of their respective mortgages and is not barred by
any law for the time being in force) to apply for a personal decree against defendant No. 1 for the amounts
remaining due to them respectively.
5. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed,—
(a) that, if the plaintiff pays into Court to the credit of this suit the amount adjudged due to defendant No. 2
but defendant No. 1 makes default in the payment of the said amount, the plaintiff shall be at liberty to apply
to the Court to keep defendant No. 2's mortgage alive for his benefit and to apply for a final decree (in the
same manner as the defendant No. 2 might have done under clause 4 above)—
[471][(i) that defendant No.1 shall thenceforth stand absolutely debarred and foreclosed of and from all right
to redeem the mortgaged property described in the Schedule annexed hereto and shall, if so required,
deliver up to the plaintiff quiet and peaceable possession of the said property]; or
[472][(ii) that the mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof be sold and that for the purposes of such
sale the plaintiff shall produce before the Court or such officer as it appoints, all documents in his possession
or power relating to the mortgage property;] and
(b) (if on the application of defendant No. 2 such a final decree for foreclosure is passed), that the whole of
the liability of defendant No. 1 arising from the plaintiff's mortgage or from the mortgage of defendant No. 2
or from this suit shall be deemed to have been discharged and extinguished.
6. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed (in the case where a sale is ordered under clause 5 above)—
(i) that the money realised by such sale shall be paid into Court and be duly applied (after deduction
therefrom of the expenses of the sale) first in payment of the amount paid by the plaintiff in respect of
defendant No. 2's mortgage and the costs of the suit in connection therewith and in payment of the amount
which the Court may adjudge due in respect of subsequent interest on the said amount; and that the
balance, if any, shall then be applied in payment of the amount adjudged due to the plaintiff in respect of his
own mortgage under this decree and any further orders that may be passed and in payment of the amount
which the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses
as may be payable to the plaintiff under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable
under rule 11, of Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and that the
balance, if any, shall be paid to defendant No. 1 or other persons entitled to receive the same; and
(ii) that, if the money realised by such sale shall not be sufficient for payment in full of the amount due in
respect of the defendant No. 2's mortgage or the plaintiff's mortgage, defendant No. 2 shall be at liberty
(where such remedy is open to him under the terms of his mortgage and is not barred by any law for the time
being in force) to apply for a personal decree against defendant No. 1 for the amount of the balance.
7. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that the parties are at liberty to apply to the Court from time
to time as they may have occasion, and on such application or otherwise the Court may give such directions
as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 11
Preliminary Decree for Sale
[Plaintiff Sub or derivative mortgage
Defendant No. 1 Mortgagor,
Defendant No. 2 Original Mortgagee.]
(Order XXXIV, Rule 4)
This suit coming on this. . . . . . . . . day, etc; It is hereby declared that the amount due to defendant No. 2 on
his mortgage calculated up to this. . . . . . day of. . . . . . is the sum of Rs. . . for principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . .
for interest on the said principal, the sum of Rs. . . . . . for costs, charges and expenses (other than the costs
of the suit) in respect of the mortgage-security together with interest thereon and the sum of Rs. . . . . . for the
costs of the suit awarded to defendant No. 2, making in all the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Similar declarations to be introduced with regard to the amount due from defendant No. 2 to the plaintiff in
respect of his mortgage.)
2. And it is hereby ordered and decreed as follows:—
(i) that defendant No. 1 do pay into Court on or before th said. . . .day of. . . . . . or any later date of up to
which time for payment may be extended by the Court the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . due to defendant No. 2;
(Similar declarations to be introduced with regard to the amount due to the plaintiff, defendant No. 2 being at
liberty to pay such amount.)
(ii) that, on payment of the sum declared due to defendant No. 2 by defendant No. 1 in the manner
prescribed in clause 2(i) and on payment thereafter before such date as the Court may fix of such amount as
the Court may adjudge due in respect of such costs of the suit and such costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, or
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the plaintiff and defendant No. 2
shall bring into Court all documents in their possession or power relating to the mortgaged property in the
plaint mentioned, and all such documents (except such as relate only to the sub-mortgage) shall be delivered
over to defendant No. 1, or to such person as he appoints, and defendant No. 2 shall, if so required, re-
convey or re-transfer the property to defendant No. 1 free from the said mortgage clear of and from all
incumbrances created by defendant No. 2 or any person claiming under him or any person under whom he
claims, and free from all liability arising from the mortgage or this suit and shall, if so required, deliver up to
defendant No. 1 quiet and peaceable possession of the said property; and
(iii) that, upon payment into the Court by defendant No. 1 of the amount due to defendant No. 2 the plaintiff
shall be at liberty to apply for payment to him of the sum declared due to him together with any subsequent
costs of the suit and other costs, charges and expenses, as may be payable under rule 10, together with
such subsequent interests as may be payable under rule 11, of Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908; and that the balance, if any, shall then be paid to defendant No. 2; and that if
the amount paid into the Court be not sufficient to pay in full the sum due to the plaintiff, the plaintiff shall be
at liberty (if such remedy is open to him by the terms of the mortgage and is not barred by any law for the
time being in force) to apply for a personal decree against defendant No. 2 for the amount of the balance.
3. And it is further ordered and decreed that if defendant No. 2 pays into Court to the credit of this suit the
amount adjudged due to the plaintiff, the plaintiff shall bring into the Court all documents, etc, [as in sub-
clause (ii) of the clause 2.].
4. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, in default of payment by defendant Nos. 1 and 2 as
aforesaid, the plaintiff may apply to the Court for a final decree for sale, and on such application being made
the mortgaged property or a sufficient part thereof shall be directed to be sold; and that for the purposes of
such sale the plaintiff and defendant No. 2 shall produce before the Court or such officer as it appoints, all
documents in their possession or power relating to the mortgaged property.
5. And it is hereby further ordered that the money realised by such sale shall be paid into Court and be duly
applied (after deduction therefrom of the expenses of the sale) first in payment of the amount due to the
plaintiff as specified in clause 1 above with such costs of the suit and other costs, charges and expenses as
may be payable under rule 10, together with such subsequent interest as may be payable under rule 11, of
Order XXXIV of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and that the balance, if any shall be
applied in payment of the amount due to defendant No. 2; and that, if any balance be left, it shall be paid to
defendant No.1 or other persons entitled to receive the same.
6. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, if the money realised by such sale shall not be; sufficient
for payment in full of the amounts payable to the plaintiff and defendant No. 2, the plaintiff or defendant No.
2, or both of them, as the case may be, shall be at liberty (if such remedy is open under their respective
mortgages and is not barred by any law for the time being in force) to apply for a personal decree against
defendant No. 2 or defendant No. 1 (as the case may be) for the amount of the balance.
7. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that, if defendant No. 2 pays into Court to the credit of this
suit the amount adjudged due to the plaintiff, but defendant No. 1 makes default in payment of the amount
due to defendant No. 2, defendant No. 2 shall be at liberty to apply to the Court for a final decree for
foreclosure or sale (as the case may)—(declarations in the ordinary form to be introduced according to the
nature of defendant No. 2's morgage and the remedies open to him thereunder).
8. And it is hereby further ordered and decreed that the parties are at liberty to apply to the Court as they
may have occasion, and on such application or otherwise the Court may give such directions as it thinks fit.
Description of the mortgaged property
No. 12
Decree for Rectification of Instrument
It is hereby declared that the. . . . . . , dated the. . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . 19. . . . ., does not truly express the
intention of the parties to such
And it is decreed that the said. . . . . . rectified by
No. 13
It is hereby declared that the. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . dated the . . . . . . .day of. . . .19. . . . . ., and made between
and. . . . . . is void as against the plaintiff and all other the creditors, if any, of the defendant
No. 14
Injunction Against Private Nuisance
Let the defendant. . . . . . , his agents, servants and workmen, be perpetually restrained from burning, or
causing to be burnt, any bricks on the defendant's plot of land marked B in the annexed plan, so as to
occasion a nuisance to the plaintiff as the owner or occupier of the dwelling-house and garden mentioned in
the plaint a belonging to and being occupied by the plaintiff.
No. 15
Injunction against Building Higher than Old Level
Let the defendant. . . ., his contractors, agents and workmen, be perpetually restrained from continuing to
erect upon his premises in. . . . . . any house or building of a greater height than the buildings which formerly
stood upon his said premises and which have been recently pulled down, so or in such manner as to darken,
injure or obstruct such of the plaintiff's windows in his said premises as are ancient lights.
No. 16
Injunction Restraining Use of Private Road
Let the defendant. . . . . . . . . , his agents, servants and workmen, be perpetually restrained from using or
permitting to be used any part of the lane at. . . . . . . . . , the soil of which belongs to the plaintiff, as a
carriage-way for the passage of carts, carriages or other vehicles, either going to or from the land marked B
in the annexed plan or for any purpose whatsoever.
No. 17
Preliminary Decree in an Administration-Suit
It is ordered that the following accounts and inquiries be taken and made; that is to say—
In creditor's suit—
1. That an account be taken of what is due to the plaintiff and all other the creditors of the deceased.
In suits by legatees—
2. That an accounts be taken of the legacies given by the testator's will,
In suits by next-of-kin—
3. That an inquiry be made and account taken of what or of what share, if any, the plaintiff is entitled to as
next-of-kin [or one of the next-of-kin] of the intestate.
[After the first paragraph, the decree will, where necessary, order, in a creditor's suit, inquiry and accounts for
legatees, heirs-at-law and next-of-kin. In suits by claimants other than creditors, after the first paragraph, in
all cases, an order to inquire and take an account of creditors will follow the first paragraph and such of the
others as may be necessary will follow, omitting the first formal words. The form is continued as in a
creditor's suit.]
4. An account of the funeral and testamentary expenses.
5. An account of the movable property of the deceased come to the hands of the defendant, or to the hands
of any other person by his order or for his use.
6. An inquiry what part (if any) of the movable property of the deceased is outstanding and undisposed of.
7. And it is further ordered that the defendant do, on or before the. . . . . . day of. . . . . . next, pay into, Court
all sums of money which shall be found to have come to his hands, or to the hands of any person by his
order or for his use.
8. And that if the. . . . . . [473]shall find it necessary for carrying out the objects of the suit to sell any part of
the movable property of the deceased that the same be sold accordingly, and the proceeds paid into Court.
9. And that Mr. E.F. be receiver in the suit (or proceeding) and receive and get in all outstanding debts and
outstanding movable property of the deceased, and pay the same into the hands of the . . . . . . 1(and shall
give security by bond for the due performance of his duties to the amount. . . . . . . . . .rupees)
10. And it is further ordered that if the movable property of the deceased be found insufficient for carrying out
the objects of the suit, then the following further inquiries be made, and accounts taken, that is to say—
(a) an inquiry what immovable property the deceased was seized of or entitled to at the time of his death;
(b) an inquiry what are the incumbrances (if any) affecting the immovable property of the deceased or any
part thereof;
(c) an account, so far as possible, of what is due to the several incumbrancers, and to include a statement of
the priorities of such of the incumbrancers as shall consent to the sale hereinafter directed.
11. And that the immovable property of the deceased, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to make up
the fund in Court sufficient to carry out the object of the suit, be sold with the approbation of the Judge, free
from incumbrances (if any) of such incumbrancers as shall consent to the sale and subject to the
incumbrances of such of them as shall not consent.
12. And it is ordered that G.H. shall have the conduct of the sale of the immovable property, and shall
prepare the conditioins and contacts of sale subject to the approval of the. . . . . .[474] and that in case any
doubt or difficulty shall arise the papers shall be submitted to the Judge to settle.
13. And it is further ordered that, for the purpose of the inquiries hereinbefore directed, . . the . . . . . . . 1.shall
advertise in the newspapers according to the practice of the Court, or shall make such inquiries in any other
way which shall appear to the . . . . . . . . .1to give the most useful publicity to such inquiries.
14. And it is ordered that the above inquiries and accounts be made and taken, and that all other acts
ordered to be done be completed, before the day of . . . . . . . and that the . . . . . . . .1do certify the result of
the injuries, and the accounts, and that all other acts ordered are completed, and have his certificate in that
behalf ready for the inspection of the parties on the day of
15. And, lastly, it is ordered that this suit [or proceedings] stand adjourned for making final decree to the day
[Such part only of this decree is to be used as is applicable to the particular case.]
No. 18
Final Decree in an Administration-Suit by a Legatee
1. It is ordered that the defendant. . . .do, on or before the. . . . . . .day of. . . . . . ., pay into Court the sum of
Rs. . . . . . ., the balance by the said certificate found to be due from the said defendant on account of the
estate of. . . . . . . . . . . ., the testator and also the sum of Rs. . . . . . for interest, at the rate of Rs. . . . . . .per
cent per annum, from the. . . .day of. . . . . . to the. . . .day of. . . ., amounting together to the sum of Rs. . . . . .
. . . . . .
2. Let the. . . . . . . . . 1 of the said Court tax the costs of the plaintiff and defendant in this suit, and let the
amount of the said costs, when so taxed, be paid out of the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . ordered to be paid
into Court as aforesaid, as follows:—
(a) The costs of the plaintiff to Mr. . . . . . ., his attorney [or pleader] or and the costs of the defendant to Mr. . .
. . . , his attorney [or pleader].
(b) And (if any debts are due) with the residue of the said sum of Rs. . . . . . after payment of the plaintiff's
and defendant's costs as aforesaid let the sums, found to be owing to the several creditors mentioned in the,.
. . . . . .schedule to the certificate, of the. . . . . . .1 together with subsequent interest on such of the debts as
bear interest, be paid; and, after making such payments, let the amount coming to the several legatees
mentioned in the schedule, together with subsequent interest (to be verified as aforesaid), be paid to them.
3. And if there should then be any residue, let the same be paid to the residuary legatee.
No. 19
Preliminary Decree in an Administration-Suit by a Legatee, where an Executor is held Personally Liable for
the Payment of Legacies
1. It is declared that the defendant is personally liable to pay the legacy of Rs. . . . . . bequeathed to the
2. And it is ordered that an account be taken of what is due for principal and interest on the said legacy.
3. And it is also ordered that the defendant do, within. . . .weeks after date of the certificate of the. . . . . .
[475] pay to the plaintiff the amount of what the. . . . . . shall certify to be due for principal and interest.
4. And it is ordered that the defendant do pay the plaintiff his cost of suit, the same to be taxed in case the
parties differ.
No. 20
Final Decree in an Administration-Suit by Next-of-Kin
1. Let the. . . . . . .1 of the said Court tax the costs of the plaintiff and defendant in this suit, and let the
amount of the said plaintiff's costs, when so taxed, be paid by the defendant to the plaintiff out of the sum of
Rs. . . . . . , the balance by the said certificate found to be due from the said defendant on account of the
personal estate of E.F., the intestate, within one week after the taxation of the said costs by the said . . . . . . .
. . 1, and let the defendant retain for her own use out of such sum her costs, when taxed.
2. And it is ordered that the residue of the said sum of Rs. . . . . . after payment of the plaintiff's and
defendant's costs as aforesaid, be paid and applied by defendant as follow:—
(a) Let the defendant, within one week after the taxation of the said costs by the. . . . . . 1as aforesaid, pay
one-third share of the said residue to the plaintiffs A.B., and C.D., his wife, in her right as the sister and one
of the next-of-kin of the said E.F., the instestate.
(b) Let the defendant retain for her own use one other third share of said residue, as the mother and one of
the next-of-kin of the said E.F., the intestate.
(c) And let the defendant, within one week after the taxation of the said costs by the . . . . . . . . . .1as
aforesaid, pay the remaining one-third share of the said residue to G.H., as the brother and the other next-of-
kin of the said E.F., the intestate.
No. 21
Preliminary Decree in a Suit for Dissolution of Partnership and the Taking of
Partnership Accounts
It is declared that the proportionate shares of the parties in the partnership are as follows:—
It is declared that this partnership shall stand dissolved [or shall be deemed to have been dissolved] as from
the. . . .day of. . . . . . ., and it is ordered that the dissolution thereof as from that day be advertised in the . . . .
. . .Gazette, etc.
And it is ordered that. . . . . . be the receiver of the partnership-estate and effects in this suit and do get in all
the outstanding book-debts and claims of the partnership.
And it is ordered that the following accounts be taken:—
1. An account of the credits, property and effects now belonging to the said partnership;
2. An account of the debts and liabilities of the said partnership;
3. An account of all dealings and transactions between the plaintiff and defendant, from the foot of the settled
account exhibited in this suit and marked (A), and not disturbing any subsequent settled accounts.
And it is ordered that the goodwill of the business heretofore carried on by the plaintiff and defendant as in
the plaint mentioned, and the stock-in-trade, be sold on the premises, and that the. . . . . . Here insert name
of proper officer.
may, on the application of any of the parties, fix a reserved bidding for all or any of the lots at such sale, and
that either of the parties is to be at liberty to bid at the sale.
And it is ordered that the above accounts be taken, and all the other acts required to be done be completed,
before the . . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . ., and that the. . . . . . . . . 1 do certify the result of the accounts, and that
all other acts are completed, and have his certificate in that behalf ready for the inspection of the parties on
the. . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . .
And, lastly, it is ordered that this suit stand adjourned for making a final decree to the . . . . . . . . . .day of . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
No. 22
Final Decree in a Suit for Dissolution of Partnership and the Taking of
Partnership Accounts
It is ordered that the fund now in Court, amounting to the sum of Rs. . . , be; applied as follows:—
1. In payment of the debts due by the partnership set forth in the certificate of the. . . . . .. . 1amounting in the
whole to Rs.. . . . . . . . . . . .
2. In payment of the costs of all parties in this suit, amounting to Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[These costs must be ascertained before the decree is drawn up.]
3. In payment of the sum of Rs. . . . . . to the plaintiff as his share of the partnership-assets, of the sum of Rs.
. . . . . ., being the residue of the said sum of Rs. . . .now in Court to the defendant as his share of the
[Or, And that, the remainder of the said sum of Rs. . . .be paid to the said plaintiff (or defendant) in part
payment of the sum of Rs. . . . . . certified to be due to him in respect of the partnership-accounts.]
4. And that the defendant [or plaintiff] do on or before the. . . .day of. . . . . . pay to the plaintiff [or defendant]
the sum or Rs. . . . . . being the balance of the said sum of Rs. . . . . . due to him, which will then remain due.
No. 23
Decree for Recovery of Land and Mesne Profit
It is hereby decreed as follows:—
1. that the defendant do put the plaintiff in possession of the property specified in the schedule hereunto
2.That the defendant do pay to the plaintiff the sum of Rs. . . .with interest thereon at the rate of. . . . . . .per
cent per annum to the date of realization on account of mesne profits which have accrued due prior to the
institution of the suit.
2. That an inquiry be made as to the account of mesne profits which have accrued due prior to the institution
of the suit.
3. That an inquiry be made as to the amount of mesne profits from the institution of the suit until [the delivery
of possession to the decree-holder] [the relinquishment of possession by the judgment-debtor with notice to
the decree -holder through the Court] [the expiration of three years from the date of the decree].
No. 1
Notice to Show Cause Why a Payment or Adjustment should not be Recorded as Certified
(O 21, R. 2)
Whereas in execution of the decree in the above-named suit. . . . . . .has applied to this Court that the sum of
Rs. . . . . . recoverable under the decree has been paid/adjusted and should be recorded as certified, this is
to give you notice that you are to appear before this Court on the. . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . . . . ., to
show cause why the payment/adjustment aforesaid
should not be recorded as certified.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this. . . . . . .day of 19.
No. 2
(Section 46)
Upon hearing the decree-holder it is ordered that this precept be sent to the Court of. . . . . . . . . .at. . . . . . . . .
. . . under section 46 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, with directions to attach the property specified in
the annexed schedule and to hold the same pending any application which may be made by the deree-
holder for executive of the decree.
No. 3
Order Sending Decree for Execution to another Court
(O. 21, R. 6)
Whereas the decree-holder in the above suit has applied to this Court for a certificate to be sent to the Court
of. . . . . . . . at . . . . . . . for execution of the decree in the above suit by the said Court, alleging that the
judgment-debtor resides or has property within the local limits, of the jurisdiction of the said Court, and it is
deemed necessary and proper to send a certificate to the said Court under Order XXI, rule 6, of the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908, it is
Ordered :
That a copy of this order be sent to . . . . . . . . with a copy of the decree and of any order which may have
been made for execution of the same and a certificate of non-satisfaction.
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
No. 4
Certificate of Non-Satisfaction of Decree
(O. 21, R. 6.)
Certified that no[476] satisfaction of the decree of this Court in suit No. . . . . . . . of 19 . . . ., a copy which is
hereunto attached, has been obtained by execution within the jurisdiction of this Court.
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
No. 5
Certificate of Execution of Decree Transferred to Another Court
(O. 21, R. 6)
No of suitn and the Court by which decree was passed
Name of parties
Date of application for execution
Number of the execution case
Processesissued and dates of services thereof
Costs of execution
Amount realized
How the case is disposed of
Signature of Maharir incharge Signature of Judge
No. 6
Application for Execution of Decree
(O. 21, R. 11)
In the Court of
I . . . . . . , decree-holder, hereby apply for execution of the decree herein-below set forth :
No. of Suit
Name of parties
Date of Decree
Whether any appeal preferred from decree
Payment of adjustment made, if any
Previous application, if any, with date and result
Amount with interest due upon the decree or other relief granted thereby together with particular, of any
cross decree
Amount of costs, if any, awarded
Against whom to be executed
Mode in which the assistance of the Court is required.
789 of 1897
October 11, 1897
Rs.72-4-0 recorded on application dated the 4th March, 1899.
Rs. 314-8-2 principal[interest at 6 per cent, per annum, from date of decree till payment].
Rs. a. p.
As awarded in the decree 47 10 4
Subsequently incurred 8 2 0
Against the defendant C.D.
[When attachment and sale of movable property is sought.]
I pray that the total amount of Rs…………[together with interest on the principal sum up to date of payment]
and the cost of taking out this execution, be realised by attachment and sale of defendant's movable property
as per annexed list and paid to me.
[When attachment and sale of immovable property is sought.]
I pray that the total amount of Rs……………[together with interest on the principal sum up to date of
payment] and the cost of taking out this execution, be realised by attachment and sale of defendant's
immovable property specified at the foot of this application and paid to me.
I . . . . . . . declare that what is stated herein is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., decree-holder
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
[When attachment and sale of immovable property is sought.]
Description and specification of property
The undivided one-third share of the judgment-debtor in a house situated in the village of . . . . . . , value Rs.
40, and bounded as follows :—
East by G's house; west by H's house; south by public road; north by private lane and J's house.
I . . . . . . . declare that what is stated in the above description is true to the best of my knowledge and belief,
and so far as I have been able to ascertain the interest of the defendant in the property therein specified.
Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , decree-holder
No. 7
Notice to Show Cause Why Execution should not Issue
(O. 21, R. 16)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has made application to this Court for execution of decree in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . .
of 19 . . . . ., on the allegation that the said decree has transferred to him by assignment [477][or without
assignment], this is to give you notice that you are to appear before this Court . . . . . . . on the . . . . . . . . . day
of . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., to show cause why execution should not be granted.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 8
Warrant of Attachment for Movable Property in Execution of a Decree for Money
(O. 21, R. 30)
The Bailiff of the Court,
Whereas . . . . . . . was ordered by decree of this Court passed on the day of . . . . . . .19 . . . ., in Suit No. . . . .
. . . of 19 . . . . . . ., to pay to the plaintiff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as noted in the
margin; and whereas the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . has not been paid; These are to command you to attach
the movable property of the said . . . . . . . . . , as set forth in the schedule hereunto annexed, or which shall
be pointed out to you by the said . . . . . . . ., and unless the said . . . . . . . shall pay to you the said sum of Rs.
. . . . . . . together with Rs. . . . . . . . , the cost of this attachment, to hold the same until further orders from
this Court.
You are further commanded to return this warrant on or before the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., with
an endorsement certifying the day on which and manner in which it has been executed, or why it has not
been executed.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
Further interest
No. 9
Warrant for Seizure of Specific Movable Property Adjudged by Decree
(O. 21, R. 31)
The Bailiff of the Court.
Whereas . . . . . . . was ordered by decree of this Court passed on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., in
Suit No. . . . . . . . of 19. . . ., to deliver to the plaintiff the movable property (or a . . . . . . . share in the movable
property) specified in the schedule hereunto annexed, and whereas the said property (or share) has not
been delivered.
These are to command you to seize the said movable property (or a . . . . . . . share of the said movable
property) and to deliver it to the plaintiff or to such person as he may appoint in this behalf.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
No. 10
Notice to State Objection to Draft of Document
(O. 21, R. 34)
Take notice that on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., . . . . . . . the decree-holder in the above suit
presented an application to this Court that the Court may execute on your behalf a deed of . . . . . . ., whereof
a draft is hereunto annexed, of the immovable property specified hereunder, and that the . . . . . . . . . day of .
. . . . . . 19 . . . ., is appointed for the hearing of the said application, and that you are at liberty to appear on
the said day and to state in writing any objections to the said draft.
Description of property
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
No. 11
Warrant to the Belief to Give Possession of Land, etc.
(O. 21, R. 35)
The Bailiff of the Court.
Whereas the undermentioned property in the occupancy of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has been decreed to . . . . . . . ,
the plaintiff in this suit; You are hereby directed to put the said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in possession of the same,
and you are hereby authorized to remove any person bound by the decree who may refuse to vacate the
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
No. 12
Notice to Show Cause Why Warrant of Arrest should not Issue
(O. 21, R. 37)
Whereas . . . . . . . . has made application to this Court for execution of decree in Suit No. . . . . . ., of 19 . . . .
., by arrest and imprisonment of your person, you are hereby required to appear before this Court on the . . .
. . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., to show cause why you should not be committed to the civil prison in
execution of the said decree.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
No. 13
Warrant of Arrest in Execution
(O. 21, R. 38)
The Bailiff of the Court.
Whereas . . . . . . . . . was adjudged by a decree of the Court in suit No. . . . . . . of 19 . . . ., dated the . . . . . . .
. . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., to pay to the decree-holder the sum of Rs. . . . . . . as noted in the margin, and
whereas the said sum of Rs. . . . . . has not been paid to the said decree-holder in satisfaction of the said
decree, these are to command you to arrest the said judgment-debtor and unless the said judgment-debtor
shall pay to you the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . together with Rs. . . . . . . . for the cost of executing this process,
to bring the said defendant before the Court with all convenient speed.
You are further commanded to return this warrant on or before the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,with an
endorsement certifying the day on which and manner in which it has been executed, or the reason why it has
not been executed.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
No. 14
Warrant of Commital of Judgment-Debtor to Jail
(O. 21, R. 40)
The Officer in charge of the Jail at
Whereas . . . . . . . who has been brought before this Court this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., under a
warrant in execution of a decree which was made and pronounced by the said Court on the . . . . . . . . . day
of . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., and by which decree it was ordered that the said . . . . . . . should pay . . . . . . . ; And
whereas the said . . . . . . . has not obeyed the decree nor satisfied the Court that he is entitled to be
discharged from custody; You are hereby commanded and required to take and receive the said . . . . . . .
into the civil prison and keep him imprisoned therein for a period not exceeding . . . . . . . or until the said
decree shall be fully satisfied, or the said . . . . . . . . . . shall be otherwise entitled to be released according to
terms and provisions of Section 58 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908; and the Court does hereby fix
[478]* * * per diem as the rate of the monthly allowance for the subsistence of the said . . . . . . . during his
confinement under this warrant of committal.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
No. 15
Order for the Release of a Person Imprisoned in Execution of a Decree
(Sections 58, 59)
The Officer in charge of the Jail at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Under orders passed this day, you are hereby directed to set free . . . . . . . judgment-debtor now in your
dated. . . . . . . . . . . . .
No. 16
Attachment in Execution Prohibitory Order, where the Property to be
Attached Consists of Movable Property to which the Defendant is
Entitled Subject to a lien or Right of some other Person to the
Immediate Possession thereof
(O. 21, R. 46)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has failed to satisfy a decree passed against . . . . . . . on the . . . . . . . . . day of . .
. . . . . 19 . . . ., in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . . . of 19 . . . . ., in favour of . . . . . . . for Rs. . . . . . . . ; It is ordered that
the defendant be, and is hereby, prohibited and restrained until the further order of this Court, from receiving
from . . . . . . . the following property in the possession of the said, . . . . . . . that is to say, . . . . . ., to which the
defendant is entitled, subject to any claim of the said . . . . . . ., and the said . . . . . . . is hereby prohibited and
restrained, until the further order of this Court, from delivering the said property to any person or persons
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
[479][No. 16A
Affidavit of Assets to be made by a Judgment-debtor
Order XXI, Rule 41(2)]
In the Court of
A.B . . . . . . . . . Decree-holder.
C . . . . . . . . Judgment-debtor.
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of
state onEroman{{oath} over {solemn affirmation}} as follows:—
1. My full name is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
(Block Capitals)
2. I live at
*3. I am married/single/widower (widow)/divorced
4. The following persons are dependant upon me:—
5. My employment, trade or profession is that of carried on by me at
I am a director of the following companies:—
6. My present annual/monthly/weekly income, after paying income-tax, is as follows:—
(a) From my employment, trade or profession Rs.
(b) From other sources Rs.
*7. (a) I own the house in which I live; its value is Rs.
I pay as outgoings by way of rates, mortgage, interest, etc., the annual sum of Rs.
(b) I pay as rent the annual sum of Rs. . . . . . . .
8. I possess the following:—
(a) Banking accounts;
(b) Stocks and shares;
(c) Life and endowment policies; Give particulars.
(d) House property;
(e) Other property;
(f) Other securities;
9. The following debts are due to me:—C0
(give particulars)
(a) Form . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(b) From . . . . . . .of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rs. . . . . . . .(etc.)
Sworn before me, etc.]
No. 17
Attachment in Execution Prohibitory Order, where the Property Consists of
Debts not Secured by Negotiable Instruments
(O. 21, R. 46)
Whereas. . . . . . .has failed to satisfy a decree passed against . . . . . . . . . on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . .
. 19. . ., in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . of 19 . . . . . . . , in favour of until the further order of this Court, from receiving
from you a certain debt alleged now to be due from you to the said defendant, namely, . . . . . . . . . and that
you, the said . . . . . . . . . be, and you are hereby, prohibited and restrained, until the further order of this
Court, from making payment of the said debt, or any part thereof, to any person whomsoever or otherwise
than into this Court.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of 19 . . .
No. 18
Attachment in Execution Prohibitory Order, where the Property Consists of
Shares in the Capital of a Corporation
(O. 21, R. 46)
Defendant and to . . . . . . . . . , Secretary of Corporation
Whereas . . . had failed to satisfy a decree passed against . . . on the . . . day of. . . 19 . . . , in Suit No. . . . . .
. . . . of 19 . . . . . , in favour of. . . , for Rs. . . . . ; It is ordered that you, the defendant, be, and you are hereby,
prohibited and restrained, until the further order of the Court, from making any transfer of. . . . shares in the
aforesaid corporation, namely, . . . . or from receiving payment of any dividends thereon; and you, . . . , the
Secretary of the said Corporation, are hereby prohibited and restrained from permitting any such transfer or
making any such payment.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . 19. . . . .
No. 19
Order to Attach Salary of Public Officer or Servant of Railway
Company or Local Authority
(O. 21, R. 48)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . , judgment-debtor in the above-named case, is a (describe officer of judgment-debtor)
receiving his salary (or allowances) at your hands; and whereas . . . . . . . . . , decree-holder in the said case,
has applied in this Court for the attachment of the salary (or allowances) of the said . . . . . . . . to the extent of
. . . . . . . . due to him under the decree; You are hereby required to withhold the said sum of. . . . . . . . . . from
the salary of the said . . . . . . . . . in monthly instalments of . . . . . . . . and to remit the said sum (or monthly
instalments) to this Court.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . 19. . .
No. 20
Order of Attachment of Negotiable Instrument
(O. 21, R. 51)
The Bailiff of the Court.
Whereas an order has been passed by this Court on the . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . ., for the attachment
of . . . ; You are hereby directed to seize the said . . . . . . . . . and bring the same into Court.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...
No. 21
Attachment Prohibitory Order, where the Property Consists of Money or of
any Security in the Custody of a Court of Justice of Public Officer
(O. 21, R. 52).
The plaintiff having applied, under rule 52 of Order XXI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, for an
attachment of certain money now in your hands (here state how the money is supposed to be in the hands of
the person addressed, on what account, etc.), I request that you will hold the said money subject to the
further order of this Court.
I have the hounour to be,
Your most obedient Servant.
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19...
No. 22
Notice of Attachment of a Decree to the Court which Passed it
(O. 21, R. 52.)
The Judge of the Court of
I have the honour to inform you that the decree obtained in your Court on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . .
19. . . by . . . . . . . . . in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . of 1`9. . . , in which he was . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . was . . .
has been attached by this Court on the application of . . . . . . . . . , the . . . . . . . . . in the suit specified above.
You are therefore requested to stay the execution of the decree of your Court until you receive an intimation
from this Court that the present notice has been cancelled or until execution of the said decree is applied for
by the holder of the decree now sought to be executed or by his judgment-debtor.
I have the honour, etc.
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of. . . 19. . .
No. 23
Notice of Attachment of a Decree to the Holder of the Decree
(O. 21, R. 53)
Whereas an application has been made in this Court by the decree-holder in the above suit for the
attachment of a decree obtained by you on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . 19 . . ., in the Court of . . . . . . . . .
in Suit No. . . . . . . . of 19 . . . , in which . . . . . . . . . was . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . was . . . . . . . . . It is
ordered that you, the said . . . . . ., be, and you are hereby, prohibited and restrained, until the further order of
this Court, from transferring or charging the same in any way.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 24
Attachment in Execution
Prohibitory Order, Where the Property Consists of Immovable Property
(O. 21, R. 54)
Whereas you have failed to satisfy a decree passed against you on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . .
., in Suit No. . . . . . . of 19. . . , in favour of . . . . . . . . . .for Rs. . . . . . .; It is ordered that you, the said . . . . . . .
. . , be, and you are hereby, prohibited and restrained, until the further order of the Court, from transferring or
charging the property specified in the schedule hereunto annexed, by sale, gift or otherwise, and that all
person be, and that they are hereby, prohibited from receivng the same by purchase, gift or otherwise.
[480] [It is also ordered that you should attend Court on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . to take notice
of the date fixed for setting the terms of the proclamation of sale.]
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . . . .
No. 25
Order for Payment to the Plaintiff, etc., of Money, etc., in the Hands of a Third Party
(O. 21, R. 56)
Whereas the following property . . . . . . . . . has been attached in execution of a decree in Suit No. . . . . . . . . .
of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . , passed on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . , in favour of . . . . . . . . . for Rs. . . . .
. . . . . . It is ordered that the property so attached, consisting of Rs. . . . . . . . . . in money and Rs. . . . . . . . . .
in currency-notes, or a sufficient part thereof to satisfy the said decree, shall be paid over by you, the said . .
. . . . . . . to
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . day of . . . . 19 . . .
No. 26
Notice to Attaching Creditor
(O. 21, R. 58)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . has made application to this Court for the removal of attachment on . . . . . . . .placed at
your instance in execution of the decree in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . , this is to give you notice
to appear before this Court on . . . . . . . . . , the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . . either in person or by a
pleader of the Court duly instructed to support your claim, as attaching creditor.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 27
Warrant of Sale of Property in Execution of a Decree for Money
(O. 21, R. 66)
The Bailiff of the Court.
These are to command you to sell by auction, after giving . . . . . . . . . days' previous notice, by affixing the
same in this Court-house, and after making due proclamation, the . . . . . . . . . . property attached under a
warrant from this Court, dated the . . . . . . . . day of. . . 19. . . , in execution of a decree in favour of . . . . . . . . .
in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . of 19 . . ., or so much of the said property as shall realize the sum of Rs. . . . . ., being
the . . . . . of the said decree and costs still remaining unsatisifed.
You are further commanded to retrun this warrant on or before the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . 19. . . , with an
endorsement certifying the manner in which it has been executed, or the reason why it has not been
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
No. 28
Notice of the Day Fixed for Setting a Sale Proclamation
(O. 21, R. 66)
Whereas in the above-named suit . . . . . . . . . , the decree-holder, has applied for the sale of . . . . . . . . . ; you
are hereby informed . . . . . . . . . that the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . 19. . . . , has been affixed for setting the
terms of the proclamation of sale.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . .
No. 29
Proclamation of Sale
(O. 21, R. 66)
(1) Suit No. . . . . of 19. . . , decided by the . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . in which was plaintiff and was
defendant—Notice is hereby given that, under rule 64 of Order XXI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, an
order has been passed by this Court for the sale of the attached property mentioned in the annexed
schedule, in satisfaction of the claim of the decree-holder in the suit (1) mentioned in the margin, amounting
with costs and interest up to date of sale to the sum of.
The sale will be by public auction, and the property will be put up for sale in the lots specified in the schedule.
The sale will be of the property of the judgment-debtors above-named as mentioned in the schedule below;
and the liabilities and claims attaching to the said property, so far as they have been ascertained, are those
specified in the schedule against each lot.
In the absence of any order of postponement, the sale will be held by . . . . . . . . . at the monthly sale
commencing at . . . . . . . . . o'clock on the . . . . . . . . . at . . . . . . . . . In the event, however, of the debt above
specified and of the costs of the sale being tendered or paid before the knocking down of any lot, the sale will
be stopped.
At the sale the public generally are invited to bid, either personally or by duly authorized agent. No bid by, or
on behalf of, the judgment-creditors above-mentioned, however, will be accepted, nor will any sale to them
be valid without the express permission of the Court previously given. The following are the further.
Conditions of sale
1. The particulars specified in the schedule below have been stated to the best of the information of the
Court, but the Court will not be answerable for any error, mis-statement or omission in this proclamation.
2. The amount by which the biddings are to be increased shall be determined by the officer conducting the
sale. In the event of any dispute arising as to the amount bid, or as to the bidder, the lot shall at once be
again put up to auction.
3. The highest bidder shall be declared to be the purchaser of any lot, provided always that he is legally
qualified to bid, and provided that it shall be in the discretion of the Court or officer holding the sale to decline
acceptance of the highest bid when the price offered appears so clearly inadequate as to make it advisable
to do so.
4. For reasons recorded, it shall be in the discretion of the officer conducting the sale to adjourn it subject
always to the provisions of rule 69 of Order XXI.
5. In the case of movable property, the price of each lot shall be paid at the time of sale or as soon after as
the officer holding the sale directs, and in default of payment the property shall forthwith be again put up and
6. In the case of immovable property, the person declared to be the purchaser shall pay immediately after
such declaration a deposit of 25 per cent. on the amount of his purchaser-money to the officer conducting
the sale, and in default of such deposit the property and forthwith be put up again and re-sold.
7. The full amount of the purchase-money shall be paid by the purchaser before the Court closes on the
fifteenth day after the sale of the property, exclusive of such day, or if the fifteenth day be a Sunday or other
holiday, then on the first office day after the fifteenth day.
8. In default of payment of the balance of purchase-money within the period allowed, the property shall be re-
sold after the issue of a fresh notification of sale. The deposit, after defraying the expenses of the sale, may,
if the Court thinks fit, be forfeited to Government and the defaulting purchaser shall forfeit all claim to the
property or to any part of the sum for which it may be subsequently sold.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . .
Schedule of Property
Number of lot
Description of property to be sold, with the name of each owner where there are more judgment-debtors than
The revenue assessed upon the estate or part of the estate, if the property to be sold is an interest in estate
or a part of an estate paying revenue to Government
Detail of any encumbrances to which the property is liable
Claims, if any, which have been put forward to the property and any other known particular bearing on its
nature and value
[481][The value of the property as state by the decree holder
The value of the property as stated by the judgment-debtor]
No. 30
Order on the Nazir for Causing Service of Proclamation of Sale
(O. 21, R. 66)
The Nazir of the Court.
Whereas an order has been made for the sale of the property of the judgment-debtor specified in the
schedule hereunder annexed, and whereas the . . . . . . . day of . .. . . . . 19. . ., has been fixed for the sale of
the said property, . . . . copies of the proclamation of sale are by this warrant made over to you, and you are
hereby ordered to have the proclamation published by beat of drum within each of the properties specified in
the said schedule, to affix a copy of the said proclamation on a conspicuous part of each of the said
properties and afterwards on the Court-house, and then to submit to this Court a report showing the dates on
which and the manner in which the proclamations have been published.
Date the . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 31
Certificate by Officer Holding a Sale of the Deficiency of Price on a
Re-sale of Property by Reason of the Purchaser's Default
(O. 21, R. 71)
Certified that at the re-sale of the property in execution of the decree in the above-named suit, in
consequence of default on the part of. . . . . . . . . . . . ., purchase, there was a deficiency in the price of the
said property amounting to Rs...., and that the expenses attending such re-sale amounted to Rs. . . . . . . . . . ,
making a total of Rs. . . . . . . . . . , which sum is recoverable from the defaulter.
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
Officer holding the sale
No. 32
Notice to Person in Possession of Movable Property Sold in Execution
(O. 21, R. 79)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . has become the purchaser at a public sale in execution of the decree in the above suit
of . . . . . . . . . now in your possession, you are hereby prohibited from delivering possession of the said . . . . .
. . . . to any person except the said . . . . . . . . .
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .,
No. 33
Prohibitory Order against Payment of Debts Sold in Execution to any
Other than the Purchaser
(O. 21, R. 79)
and to . . . . . . . . .
Whereas . . . . . . . . . has become the purchaser at a public sale in execution of the decree in the above suit
of . . . . . . . . . being debts due from you . . . . . . . . . to you . . . . . . . . . ; It is ordered that you . . . . . . . . . be,
and you are hereby, prohibited from receiving, and you . . . . . . . . . from making payment of, the said debt to
any person of or person except the said . . . . . . .
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . .
No. 34
Prohibitory Order against the Transfer of Share Sold in Execution
(O. 21, R. 79)
. . . . . . . . . and . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . , Secretary of . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Corporation.
Whereas . . . . . . . . . has become the purchaser at a public sale in execution of the decree, in the above suit,
of certain shares in the above Corporation, that is to say, of . . . . . . . . . standing in the name of you . . . . . . . .
. ; It is ordered that you . . . . . . . . . be, and you are hereby, prohibited from making any transfer of the said
shares to any person except the said . . . . . . . . . , the purchaser aforesaid, or from receiving any dividends
thereon; and you . . . . . . . . . , Secretary of the said Corporation, from permitting any such transfer or making
any such payment to any person except the said . . . . . . . . . , the purchaser aforesaid.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . ,
No. 35
Certificate to Judgment-debtor Authorising him to Mortgage Lease or Sell Property
(O. 21, R. 83)
Whereas in execution of the decree passed in the above suit an order was made on the . . . . . . . . . day of . .
. . . . . . . 19. . . , for the sale of the under-mentioned property of the judgment-debtor . . . . . . . . . , and
whereas the Court has, on the application of the said judgment-debtor, postponed the said sale to enable
him to raise the amount of the decree by mortgage, lease or private sale of the said property or of some part
This is to certify that the Court doth hereby authorize the said judgment-debtor to make the proposed
mortgage, lease or sale within a period of . . . . . . . . . from the date of this certificate; provided that all monies
payable under such mortgage, lease or sale be paid into this Court and not to the said judgment-debtor.
Description of property
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . .
No. 36
Notice to Show Cause Why Sale should not be Set Aside
(O. 21, R. 90, 92)
Whereas the under-mentioned property was sold on the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . ., in execution of the
decree passed in the abovenamed suit, and whereas . . . . . . . . . , the decree-holder [or judgement-debtor],
has applied to this Court to set aside the sale of the said property on the ground of a material irregularity [or
fraud] in publishing [or conducting] the sale, namely, that . . . . . . . . .
Take notice that if you have any cause to show why the said application should not be granted, you should
appear with your proofs in this Court on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . ., when the said application
will be heard and determined.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
Description of property
No. 37
Notice to Show Cause Why Sale should not be Set Aside
(O. 21, R. 91, 92)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . , the purchaser of the under-mentioned property sold on . . . . . . . . the day of . . . . . . . . .
19 . . ., in execution of the decree passed in the above-named suit, has applied to this Court to set aside the
sale of the said property on the ground that . . . . . . . . . , the judgment-debtor, had no saleable interest
Take notice that if you have any cause, to show why the said application should not be granted, you should
appear with your proofs in this Court on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., when the said application
will be heard and determiend.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
Description of property
No. 38
Certificate of Sale of Land
(O. 21, R. 94)
This is to certify that . . . . . . . . . has been declared the purchaser at a sale by public auction on the . . . . . . . .
. day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . ., of . . . . in execution of decree in this suit, and that the said sale has been duly
confirmed by this Court.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . .
No. 39
Order for Delivery to Certified Purchaser of Land at a Sale in Execution
(O. 21, R. 95)
The Bailiff of the Court,
Whereas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has become the certified purchaser . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . at a sale in
execution of decree in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . ; You are hereby ordered to put the said . . . .
. . . . . , the certified purchaser, as aforesaid, in possession of the same.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 40
Summons to Appear and Answer Charge of Obstructing Execution of Decree
(O. 21, R. 97)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the decree-holder in the above suit, has complained to this Court that you
have resisted (or obstructed) the officer charged with the execution of the warrant for possession:
You are hereby summoned to appear in this Court on the . . . . . .. . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . 19. . . . ., at . . . .
a.m., to answer the said complaint.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 41
Warrant of Committal
(O. 21, R. 98)
The officer in charge of the Jail at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Whereas the under-mentioned property has been decreed to . . . . . . . . . , the plaintiff in this suit, and
whereas the Court is satisfied that . . . . . . . . . without any just cause resisted [or obstructed] and is still
resisting [or obstructing] the said . . . . . . . . . in obtaining possession of the property, and whereas the said . .
. . . . . . . . . . has made application to this Court that he said . . . . . . . . . be committed to the civil prison;
You are hereby commanded and required to take and receive the said . . . . . . . . . into the civil prison and to
keep him imprisoned therein for the period of . . . . . . . . . days.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
No. 42
Authority of the Collector to Stay Public Sale of Land
(Section 72)
Collector of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In answer to your communication No. . . . . . . . . . dated . . . . . . . . . representing that the sale in execution of
the decree in this suit of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . land situate within your district is objectionable, I have the
honour to inform you that you are authorised to make provision for the satisfaction of the said deree in the
manner recommended by you.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient servant
No. 1
Warrant of Arrest before Judgment
(O. 38, R. 1)
The Bailiff of the Court.
Whereas . . . . . . . . . , the plaintiff in the above suit, claims the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . as noted in the margin,
and has proved to the satisfaction of the Court that there is probable cause for believing that the defendant is
about to . . . . . . These are to command you to demand and receive from the said . . . . . . . . . the sum of Rs. .
. . . . . . . . as sufficint to satisfy the plaintiff's claim, and unless the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . is forthwith
delivered to you by or on behalf of the said . . . . . . . . . to take the said . . . . . . . . . into custody, and to bring
him before this Court in order that he may show cause why he should not furnish security to the amount of
Rs . . . . . . . . . for his personal appearance before the Court, until such time as the said suit shall be fully and
finally disposed of, and until satisfaction of any decree that may be passed against him in the suit.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 2
Security for Appearance of a Defendant Arrested before Judgment
(O. 38, R. 2)
Whereas at the instance of . . . . . . . . . , the plaintiff in the above suit, the defendant, has been arrested and
brought before the Court;
And whereas on the failure of the said defendant to show cause why he should not furnish security for his
appearance, the Court has ordered him to furnish such security:
Therefore I . . . . . . . . . . . . have voluntarily become surety and do hereby bind myself, my heirs and
executors, to the said Court, that the said defendant shall appear at any time when called upon while the suit
is pending and until satisfaction of any decree that may be passed against him in the said suit; and in default
of such appearance I bind myself, my heirs and executors, to pay to the said Court, at its order, any sum of
money that may be adjudged against the said defendant in the said suit.
Witness my hand at . . . . . . . . . this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
No. 3
Summons to Defendant to Appear on Surety's Application For Discharge
(O. 38, R. 3)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . , who became surety on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . for your appearance in
the above suit, has applied to this Court to be discharged from this obligation:
You are hereby summoned to appear in this Court in person on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . , at . .
. . . . . . . a.m., where the said application will be heard and determined.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 4
Order For Committal
(O. 38, R. 4)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . , plaintiff in this suit, has made application to the Court that security be taken for the
appearance of . . . . . . . . . , the defendant, to answer any judgment that may be passed against him in the
suit; and whereas the Court has called upon the defendant to furnish such security, or to offer a sufficient
deposit in lieu of security, which he had failed to do; it is ordered that the said defendant . . . . . . . . . be
committed to the civil prison until the decision of the suit; or, if judgment be pronounced against him, until
satisfaction of the decree.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . .
No. 5
Attachment before Judgment, with Order to Call for Security for
Fulfilment of Decree
(O. 38, R. 5)
The Bailiff of the Court.
Whereas . . . . . . . . . has proved to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in the above suit . . . . . . . .
. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
These are to command you to call upon the said defendant . . . . . . . . . on or before the . . . . . . . . . . . . . day
of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . either to furnish security for the sum of rupees . . . . . . . . . to produce and place
at the disposal of this Court when required . . . . . . . . . for the value thereof, or such portion of the value as
may be sufficient to satisfy any decree that may be passed against him; or to appear and show cause why
he should not furnish security; and you are further ordered to attach the said . . . . . . . . . and keep the same
under safe and secure custody until the further order of the Court; and you are further commanded to retun
this warrant on or before the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . , with an endorsement certifying the date on
which and the manner in which it has been executed, or the reason why it has not been executed.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 6
Security for the Production of Property
(O. 38, R. 5)
Whereas at the instance of . . . . . . . . . , the plaintiff in the above suit, . . . . . . . . . . the defendant has been
directed by the Court to furnish security in the sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . to produce and place at the disposal of
the Court the property specified in the schedule hereunto annexed;
Therefore I . . . . . . . . . have voluntarily become surety and do hereby bind myself, my heirs and executors,
to the said Court, that the said defendant shall produce and place at the disposal of the court, when required,
the property specified in the said schedule, or the value of the same, or such portion thereof as may be
sufficient to satisfy the decree; and in default of his so doing I bind myself, my heirs and executors, to pay to
the said Court, at its order; the said sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . of such sum not exceeding the said sum as the
said Court may adjudge.
Witness my hand at . . . . . . . . . this day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 7
Attachment before Judgment, on Proof of Failure to Furnish Security
(O. 38, R. 6)
The Bailiff of the Court.
Whereas . . . . . . . . . , the plaintiff in this suit, has applied to the Court to call upon . . . . . . . . . the defendant,
to furnish security to fulfil any decree that may be passed against him in the suit, and whereas the Court has
called upon the said . . . . . . . . . to furnish such security, which he has failed to do; these are to command
you to attach . . . . . . . . . , the property of the said . . . . . . . . . , and keep the same under safe and secure
custody until the further order of the Court, and you are further commanded to return this warrant on or
before the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . with an endorsement certifying the date on which and
the manner in which it has been executed, or the reason why it has not been executed.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . .
No. 8
Temporary Injunctions
(O. 39, R. 1)
Upon motion made unto this Court by . . . . . . . . . Pleader of [or Counsel for] the plaintiffA. B., and upon
reading the petition of the said plaintiff in this matter filed [this day] [or the plaint filed in this suit on the . . . . .
. . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . ,or the written statement of the said plaintiff filed on the . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . .
] and upon hearing the evidence of . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . in support thereof [if after notice and
defendant not appearing: and, and also, the evidence of . . . . . . . . . as to service of notice of this motion
upon the defendantC.D.]: This Court doth order that an injunction be awarded to restrain the defendantC.D.,
his servants, agents and workmen, from pulling down, or suffering to be pulled down, the house in the plaint
in the said suit of the plaintiff mentioned [or in the written statement,or petition, of the plaintiff and evidence at
the hearing of this motion mentioned], being No. 9, Oilmongers Street, Hindupur, in a Taluk of . . . . . . . . .
and from selling the materials where of the said house is composed, until the hearing of this suit of until the
further order of this Court.
Dated this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . . .
[Where the injunction is sought to restrain the negotiation of a note or bill, the ordering part of the order may
run thus:—]
. . . . . . . . . to restrain the defendant . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . from parting without of the custody of them or
any of them or endorsing, assigning or negotiating the promisory note [or bill of exchange] in question, dated
on or about the . . . . . . . . . , etc., mentioned in the plaintiff's plaint [or petition] and the evidence heard at this
motion until the hearing of this suit, or until the further order of this Court.
[In Copyright cases] to restrain the defendantC.D., his servants, agents or workmen, from printing, publishing
or vending a book, called . . . . . . . . . or any part thereof, until the, etc.
[Where part only of a book is to be restrained]
. . . . . . . . . to restrain the defendantC.D., his servant, agents or workmen, from printing, publishing, selling or
otherwise disposing of such parts of the book in the plaint [or petition and evidence, etc.] mentioned to have
been published by the defendant as hereinafter specified, namely, that part of the said book which is entitled
. . . . . . . . . and also that part which is entitled . . . . . . . . . [or which is contained in page . . . . . . . . . to page .
. . . . . . . . both inclusive] until . . . . . . . . . , etc.
[In Patent cases] . . . . . . . . . to restrain the defendantC. D., his agents, servants and workmen, from making
or vending any perforated bricks [or as the case may be] upon the principle of the inventions in the plaintiff's
plaint [or petition, etc.,or written statement, etc.,] mentioned, belonging to the plaintiffs, or either of them,
during the remainder of the respective terms of the patents in the plaintiff's plaint [or as the case may be]
mentioned, and from counterfeiting, imitating or resembling the same inventions or either of them, or making
any addition thereto, or substraction therefrom, until the hearing, etc.
[In cases of Trade marks] . . . . . . . . . to restrain the defendantC.D., his servants, agents or workmen, from
selling, or exposing for sale, or procuring to be sold, any composition or blacking [or as the case may be]
described as or purporting to be blacking manufactured by the plaintiffA.B., in bottles having affixed thereto
such labels as in the plaintiff's plaint [or petition, etc.] mentioned, or any other labels so contrived or
expressed as, by colourable imitation or otherwise, to represent the composition or blacking sold by the
defendant to be the same as the composition or blacking manufactured and sold by the plaintiffA.B., and
from using trade-cards so contrived or expressed as to represent that any composition or blacking sold or
proposed to be sold by the defendant is the same as the composition or blacking manufactured or sold by
the plaintiffA.B., until the, etc.
[To restrain a partner from in any way interfering in the business]
to restrain the defendantC.D., his agents, and servants, from entering into any contract, and from accepting,
drawing, endorsing or negotiating any bill of exchange, note or written security in the name of the partnership
firm ofB. andD., and from contracting any debt, buying and selling any goods, and from making or entering
into any verbal or written promise, agreement or undertaking, and from doing, or causing to be done, any act,
in the name or the credit of the said partnership-firm ofB. andD., or whereby the said partnership-firm can or
may in any manner become or be made liable to or for the payment of any sum of money, or for the
performance of any contract, promise or undertaking until the, etc.
No. 9
Appointment of a Receiver
(O. 40, R. 1)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . has been attached in execution of a decree passed in the above suit on the . . . . . . . . .
day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . ., in favour of . . . . . . . . . ; You are hereby (subject to your giving security to the
satisfaction of the Court) appointed receiver of the said property under Order XL of the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, with full powers under the provisions of that Order.
You are required to render a due and proper account of your receipts and disbursements in respect of the
said property on . . . . . . . . . You will be entitled to remuneration at the rate of . . . . . . . . . per cent. upon your
receipts under the authority of this appointment.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19. . .
No. 10
Bond to be Given by Receiver
(O. 40, R. 3)
Know all men by these presents, that we, . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . , are jointly and
severally bound to . . . . . . . . . of the Court of . . . . . . . . . in Rs. . . . . . . . . . to be paid to be said . . . . . . . . . or
his successor in office for the time being. For which payment to be made we bind ourselves, and each of us,
in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, by these
Dated this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19.. .
Whereas a plaint has been filed in this Court by . . . . . . . . . against . . . . . . . . . for the purpose of [here insert
the object of suit]:
And whereas the said . . . . . . . . . has been appointed, by order of the above-mentioned Court, to receive the
rents and profits of the immovable property and to get in the outstanding movable property of . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .in the said plaint named: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now the condition of this obligation is such, that if the above-bounden . . . . . . . . . shall duly account for all
and every the sum and sums of money which he shall so receive on account of the rents and profits of the
immovable property, and in respect of the movable property, of the said . . . . . . . . . at such periods as the
said Court shall appoint, and shall duly pay the balances which shall from time to time be certified to be due
from him as the said Court hath directed or shall hereafter direct, then this obligation shall be void otherwise
it shall remain in full force.
Signed and delivered by the above-bounden in the presence of . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Note.—If deposit of money is made, the memorandum thereof should follow the terms and the condition of
the bond.
No. 1
Memornadum of Appeal
(O. 4l, R. 1)
. . . . . . . above-named appeals to the . . . . . . . . . Court at . . . . . . . . . from the decree of . . . . . . . . . in Suit
No. . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . , dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . , and sets forth the
following grounds of objection to the decree appealed from, namely:—
No. 2
Security Bond to be Given on Order Being Made to Stay Execution of Decree
(O. 41, R. 5)
This security bond on stay of execution of decree executed by . . . . . . . . . witnesseth:—
That . . . . . . . . . , the plaintiff in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . of 19 . . . having sued . . . . . . . . . , the defendant, in this
Court and a decree having been passed on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . , in favour of the plaintiff,
and the defendant having preferred an appeal from the said decree in the . . . . . . . . . Court, the said appeal
is still pending.
Now the plaintiff decree-holder having applied to execute the decree, the defendant has made an application
praying for stay of execution and has been called upon to furnish security. Accordingly I, of my own free will,
stand security to the extent of Rs. . . . . . . . . ., mortgaging the properties specified in the schedule hereunto
annexed, and covenant that if the decree of the first Court be confirmed or varied by the Appellate Court the
said defendant shall duly act in accordance with the decree of the Appellate Court and shall pay whatever
may be payable by him thereunder, and if he should fail theein then any amount so payable shall be realized
from the properties hereby mortgaged, and if the proceeds of the sale of the said properties are insufficient to
pay the amount due, I and my legal representatives will be personally liable to pay the balance. To this effect
I execute this security bond this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . 19. . .
Witnessed by
No. 3
Security Bond to be Given During the Pendency of Appeal
(O. 41, R. 6)
This security bond on stay of execution of decree executed by witnesseseth:—
That . . . . . . . . . , the plaintiff in Suit No. . . . . . . of . . . 19 . . . , having sued, the defendant, in this Court and
a decree having been passed on the . . . day of . . . 19 . . ., in favour of the plaintiff, and the defendant having
preferred an appeal from the said decree in the Court, the said appeal is still pending.
Now the plaintiff decree-holder has applied for execution of the said decree and has been called upon to
furnish security. Accordingly I, of my own free will, stand security to the extent of Rs. . . . , mortgaging the
properties specified in the schedule hereunto annexed, and covenant that if the decree of the first Court be
reversed or varied by the Appellate Court, the plaintiff shall restore any property which may be or has been
taken in execution of the said decree and shall duly act in accordance with the decree of the Appellate Court
and shall pay whatever may be payable by him thereunder, and if he should fail therein then any amount so
payable shall be realized from the properties hereby mortgaged, and if the proceeds of the sale of the said
properties are insufficient to pay the amount due, I and my legal representatives will be personally liable to
pay the balance. To this effect I execute this security bond this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
Witnessed by
No. 4
Security for Costs of Appeal
(O. 4l, R. 10)
This security bond for costs of appeal executed by . . . . . . . witnesseth:—
This appellant has preferred an appeal from the decree in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . of . . . 19 . . ., against the
respondent, and has been called upon to furnish security. Accordingly I, of my own free will stand security for
the costs of the appeal, mortgaging the properties specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed. I shall not
transfer the said properties or any part thereof, and in the event of any default on the part of the appellant. I
shall duly carry out any order that may be made against me with regard to payment of the costs of appeal.
Any amount so payable shall be realized from the properties hereby mortgaged, and if the proceeds of the
sale of the said properties are insufficient to pay the amount due I and my legal representatives will be
personally liable to pay the balance. To this effect I execute this security bond this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . .
. . 19 . . .
Witnessed by
No. 5
Intimation to Lower Court of Admission of Appeal
(O. 4l, R. 13)
You are hereby directed to take notice that . . . . . . . . . , the . . . . . . . . . in the above suit, has preferred an
appeal to this Court from the decree passed by you therein on the . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
You are requred to send with all practicable despatch all material papers in suit.
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
No. 6
Notice to Respondent of the Day Fixed for the Hearing of the Appeal
(O. 4l, R. 14)
Appeal from the . . . . . . . . . of the Court . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . .
To Respondent
Take notice that an appeal from the decree of . . . . . . . . . in this case has been presented by . . . . . . . . . and
registered in this Court, and that the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . has been fixed by this Court
for the hearing of this appeal.
If no appearance is made on your behalf by yourself, your pleader, or by some one by law authorized to act
for you in this appeal, it will be heard and decided in your absence.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this. . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . .19 . . .
[Note—If a stay of execution has been ordered, intimation should be given of the fact on this notice.]
No. 7
Notice to a Party to a Suit not made a Party to the Appeal but
Joined by the Court as a Respondent
(O. 41, R. 20)
Whereas you were a party in Suit No. . . . . . . . . of . . . ., in the Court of, . . . . . . . . . , and whereas the . . . . . .
has perferred an appeal to this Court from the decree passed against him in the said suit and it appears to
this Court that you are interested in the result of the said appeal:
This is to give you notice that this Court has directed you to be made a respondent in the said appeal and
has adjourned the hearing thereof till the . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . , at . . . a.m. If no
appearance is made on your behalf on the said day and at the said hour the appeal will be heard and
decided in your absence.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this. . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . .19 . . .
No. 8
Memorandum of Cross Objection
(O. 41, R. 22)
Whereas the . . . . . . has preferred an appeal to the . . . . Court at . . . . . . . . . from the decree of . . . . . . . . in
Suit No. . . . of 19 . . . , dated the . . . . . . . . . . .day of . . . . . . . .19 . . , and whereas notice of the day fixed for
hearing the appeal was served on the . . . . . . . . . . . . on the . . . . . . . . . . .day of . . . . . .. . . . .19 . . . , the . . .
. . . . . . files this memorandum of cross objection under rule 22 of Order XLI of the Code of Civil Procedure,
1908, and sets forth the following grounds of objection to the decree appealed from, namely:—
No. 9
Decree in Appeal
(O. 41, R. 35)
Appeal No. . . . . . . . . . of 19 . . . from the decree of the Court of . . . . . . . . dated the . . . . . . . . day of . . . 19 .
. .
Memorandum of Appeal.
The . . . . . . . . . above-named appeal to the . . . . . . . . Court at . . . . . . . . . from the decree of . . . . . . . . . in
the above suit, dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . 19 . . . , for the following reasons, namely:—
This appeal coming on for hearing on the . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . 19 . . . , before . . . . . . . . . in the presence
of . . . . . . . . . or the appellant and of . . . . . . . . . for the respondent, it is ordered—
The costs of this appeal, as detailed below, amounting to Rs. . . are to be paid by . . . . . . . . . The costs of the
original suit are to be paid by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Given under my hand this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
Costs of Appeal
Stamp for memorandum of appeal
Do. For power
Service of processes
Pleader's fee on Rs.
Stamp for power
Do. For power
Service of processes
Pleader's fee on Rs.
No. 10
Application to Appeal in BIforma pauperis
(O. 44, R. 1)
I . . . . . . . . . the . . . . . . . . . above-named, present the accompanying memorandum of appeal from the
decree in the above suit and apply to be allowed to appeal as a pauper.
Annexed is a full and true schedule of all the movable and immovable property belonging to me with the
estimated value thereof.
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
[Note.—Where the application is by the plaintiff he should state whether he applied and was allowed to sue
in the Court of first instance as a pauper.]
No. 11
Notice of Appeal In BIforma pauperis
(O. 44, R. 1)
Whereas the above-named . . . . . . . . . has applied to be allowed to appeal as a pauper from the decree in
the above suit dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . and whereas the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . .
19 . . ., has been fixed for hearing the application, notice is hereby given to you that if you desire to show
cause why the applicant should not be allowed to appeal as a pauper an opportunity will be given to you of
doing so on the afore-mentioned date.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . 19 . . .
No. 12
Notice to Show Cause why a Certificate of Appeal to the
Supreme Court should not be Granted
(O. 43, R. 3.)
[482] [Take notice that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has applied to this Court for a certificate—
(i) that the case involves a substantial question of law of general importance, and
(ii) that in the opinion of this Court the said question needs to be decided by the Supreme Court.]
The . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . . is fixed for you to show cause why the Court should not grant the
certificate asked for.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 13
Notice to Respondent of Admission of Appeal to the Supreme Court
(O. 45, R. 8.)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the above case, has furnished the security and
made the deposit required by Order XLV, rule 7, of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908;
Take notice that the appeal of the said . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the Supreme Court has been admitted on the . . . .
. . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 14
Notice to Show Cause Why a Review should not be Granted
(O. 47, R. 4.)
Take notice that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has applied to this Court for a review of its decree passed on the . . . . . . . .
. day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . . fixed for you to show cause why the Court should not grant a review of its decree in
this case.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 1
Agreement of Parties as to Issues to be Tried
(Order 14, Rule 6)
Whereas we, the parties in the above suit, are agreed as to the question of fact [or of law] to be decided
between us and the point at issue between us is whether a claim founded on a bond, dated the . . . . . . . . .
day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . and filed as Exhibit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the said suit, is or is not beyond the statute of
limitation (or state the point at issue whatever it may be):
We therefore severally bind ourselves that, upon the finding of the Court in the negative [or affirmative] of
such issue, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . will pay to the said . . . . . . . the sum of Rupees . . . . . . . . . . (or such sum as
the Court shall hold to be due thereon), and I, the said . . . . . . . . ., will accept the said sum of Rupees . . . . . .
. . . (or such sum as the Court shall hold to be due) in full satisfaction of my claim on the bond aforesaid [or
that upon such finding I, the said . . . . . . . , will do or abstain from doing, etc., etc.]
Witnesses :—
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 2
Notice of Application for the Transfer of a Suit to Another Court for Trial
(Section 24)
In the Court of the District Judge of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. . . . . . . . of 19. . . .,
Whereas an application, dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . ., has been made to this Court by . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Suit No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of 19. . . . . . . now pending in the Court of the . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . at. . . . . . . , in which . . . . . . . is . . . . plaintiff and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is defendant, for the transfer
of the suit for trial to the Court of the . . . . . . . at . . . . . . .
You are hereby informed that the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . ., has been fixed for the hearing of the
application, when you will be heard if you desire to offer any objection to it.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . . . . . .day of . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
[483][No. 2A
List of Witnesses Proposed to be Called by Plaintiff/Defendant
(Order XVI rule 1.)
Name of the party which proposes to call the witness
Name and address of the witness
No. 3
Notice of Payment into Court
(Order 24, Rule 2)
Take notice that the defendant has paid into Court Rs.. . . . . . .
and says that that sum is sufficient to satisfy the plaintiff's claim in full.
X.Y., Pleader for the defendant.
ToZ., Pleader for the plaintiff.
No. 4
Notice to Show Cause (General Form)
Whereas the above-named . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has made application to this Court that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . .
. .
You are hereby warned to appear in this Court in person or by a pleader duly instructed on the . . . . . . . . .
day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., at . . . . . . .O'clock in the forenoon, to show cause against the application, failing
wherein, the said application will be heard and determinedex parte.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 5
List of Documents Produced by Plaintiff/Defendant
(Order 13, Rule 1)
Description of document
Date, if any which the document bears
Signature of party or pleader
No. 6
Notice to Parties of the Day Fixed for Examination of a Witness
about to Leave the Jurisdiction
(Order 18, Rule 16.)
Plaintiff (or defendant)
Whereas in the above suit application has been made to the Court by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that the examination
of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a witness required by the said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , in the said suit may be taken
immediately; and it has been shown to the Court's satisfaction that the said witness is about to leave the
Court's jurisdiction (or any other good and sufficient cause to be stated):
Take notice that the examination of the said witness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . will be taken by the Court on the . . . . .
. . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
Dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 7
Commission to Examine Absent Witness
(O. 26, Rules 4, 18)
Whereas the evidence of . . . . . . . is required by the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the above suit; and whereas . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . ; you are requested to take the evidence on interrogatories [or viva voce] of such witness . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . and you are hereby appointed Commissioner for that purpose. The evidence will be taken in the
presence of the parties of their agents if in attendance, who will be at liberty to question the witness on the
points specified, and you are further requested to make return of such evidence as soon as it may be taken.
Process to compel the attendance of the witness will be issued by any Court having jurisdiction on your
A sum of Rs. . . . . . . . , being your fee in the above, is herewith forwarded.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 8
Letter of Request
(O. 26, R. 5)
(Heading :—To the President and Judges of, etc., etc.,or as the case may be.)
Whereas a suit is now pending in the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in whichA. B. is plaintiff andC. D. is defendant; And in
the said suit the plaintiff claims.
(Abstract of claim.)
And whereas it has been represented to the said Court that it is necessary for the purposes of justice and for
the due determination of the matters in dispute between the parties, that the following persons should be
examined as witnesses upon oath touching such matters, that is to say :
IUE. F., of
IUG. H. ofand
î™®IUI. J., ofU
And it appearing that such witnesses are resident within the jurisdiction of your honourable Court;
Now I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , as the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the said Court, have the honour to request, and do
hereby request, that for the reasons aforesaid and for the assistance of the said Court, you, as the President
and Judges of the said . . . . . . . . . . or some one or more of you, will be pleased to summon the said witness
(and such other witnesses as the agents of the said plaintiff and defendant shall humbly request you in
writing so to summon to attend at such time and place as you shall appoint before some one or more of you
or such other person as according to the procedure of your Court is competent to take the examination of
witnesses, and that you will cause such witnesses to be examined upon the interrogatories which
accompany this letter of request (or viva voce) touching the said matters in question in the presence of the
agents of the plaintiff and defendant, or such of them as shall, on due notice given, attend such examination.
And I further have the honour to request that you will be pleased to cause the answers of the said witnesses
to be reduced into writing, and all books, letters, papers and documents produced upon such examination to
be duly marked for identification, and that you will be further pleased to authenticate such examination by the
seal of your tribunal, or in such other way as is in accordance with your procedure, and to return the same,
together with such request in writing, if any, for the examination of other witnesses to the said Court.
(Note—If the request is directed to a Foreign Court, the words "through the Ministry of External Affairs of the
Government of India for transmission" should be inserted after the words "other witnesses" in the last line of
this form.)
No. 9
Commission for a Local Investigation, or to Examine Accounts
(O. 26, Rules 9, 11)
Whereas it is deemed requisite, for the purposes of this suit, that a commission for . . . . . . should be issued;
You are hereby appointed Commissioner for the purpose of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Process to compel the attendance before you of any witnesses, or for the production of any documents
whom or which you may desire to examine or inspect, will be issued by any Court have jurisdiction on your
A sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , being your fee in the above, is herewith forwarded.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 10
Commission to Make a Partition
(O. 26, R. 13)
Whereas it is deemed requisite for the purposes of this suit that a commission should be issued to make the
partition or separation of the property specified in, and according to the rights as declared in, the decree of
this Court, dated the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .; You are hereby appointed Commissioner for the
said purpose and are directed to make such inquiry as may be necessary, to divide the said property
according to the best of your skill and judgment in the shares set out in the said decree, and to allot suh
shares to the several parties. You are hereby authorized to award sums to be paid to any party by any other
party for the purpose of equalizing the value of the shares.
Process to compel the attendance before you of any witness or for the production of any documents, whom
or which you may desire to examine or inspect, will be issued by any Court having jurisdiction on your
A sum of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , being your fee in the above, is herewith forwarded.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
[484][No. 11
Notice to Certificated, Natural, or, BIde factoB Guardian
(Order XXXII, Rule 3)
(Certificated/Natural/de factoGuardian)
Whereas an application has been presented on the part of the plaintiff*/on behalf of the minor defendant* in
the above suit for the appointment of a guardian for the suit for the minor defendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , you
(insert the name of the guardian appointed or declared by Court, or natural guardian, or the person in whose
care the minor is) are hereby required to take notice that unless you appear before this Court on or before
the day appointed for the hearing of the case and stated in the appended summons, and express you
consent to act as guardian for the suit for the minor, the Court will proceed to appoint some other person to
act as a guardian for the minor, for the purposes of the said suit.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .,
* Strike off the words which are not applicable.
No. 11A
Notice to Minor Defendant
(Order XXXII, Rule 3)
Minor Defendant.
Whereas an application has been presented on the part of the plaintiff in the above suit for the appointment
of . . . . . . . *as guardian for the suit for you, the minor defendant, you are hereby required to take notice to
appear in this Court in person on the . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . ., at . . . . . . . O'clock in the forenoon to
show cause against the application, failing which the said application will be heard and determinedex parte.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
*Strike off the words which are not applicable.
No. 12
Notice to Opposite Party of Day Fixed for Hearing Evidence of Pauperism
(O. 33, R. 6)
Whereas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has applied to this Court for permission to institute a suit
against . . . . . . .in forma pauperis under Order XXXIII of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908; and whereas the
Court sees no reason to reject the application; and whereas the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . . has been
fixed for receiving such evidence as the applicant may adduce in proof of his pauperism and for hearing any
evidence which may be adduced in disproof thereof :
Notice is hereby given to you under rule 6 of Order XXXIII that in case you may wish to offer any evidenace
to disprove the pauperism of the applicant, you may do so on appearing in this Court on the said . . . . . . .
day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . .
No. 13
Notice to Surety of his Liability Under a Decree
(Section 145)
Whereas you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . did on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . become liable as surety for the performance of any
decree which might be passed against the said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . defendant in the above suit; and whereas a
decree was passed on the . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . 19 . . . . against the said defendant for the payment of .
. . . . . . . ., and whereas application has been made for execution of the said decree against you :
Take notice that you are hereby required on or before the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . .. . . . . .
. 19 . . . . . . . . . . ., to show cause why the said decree should not be executed against you, and if no
sufficient cause shall be, within the time specified, shown to the satisfaction of the Court, an order for its
execution will be forthwith issued in the terms of the said application.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . ..
Register of Civil Suits
(O.4, R. 2)
Court of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . at. . . . . . . . .
Register of Civil Suits in the year 19. . . . . . . .
Date of presentation of plaintiff
Number of suit
Return of Execution
Place of residence
Place of residence
Amount of value
When the casue of acti0on accrued
Day for parties to appear
For whom
For what, or amount
Date of decision of appeal
Judgment in appeal
Date of application
Date of order
Against whom
For what and amount, if money
Amount of costs
Amount paid in Court
Minute of other Return than Payment of Arrest, and date to every Return
Note—Where there are numerous plaintiff, or numerous defendants, the name of the first plainfif only, or the
first defendant only, as the case may be, need be entered in the register.
No. 15
Register of Appeals
(O. 41, R. 9)
Court (or High Court) at
Register of Appeals from Decrees in the year. . . . . . . .
Date of memorandum
Number of appeal
Decree appealed from
Place of residence
Place of residence
Of what court
Amount or value
Day for parties to appear
Confirmed, reserved or varied
For what or amount
THE SECOND SCHEDULE.—[Arbitration.]Rep. by the Arbitration Act, 1940 (10 of 1940)s. 49(1)and Third
THE THIRD SCHEDULE.—[Execution of Decrees by Collectors.]Rep. by the Code of Civil Procedure
(Amendment)Act, 1956 (66of 1956),s. 15.
THE FOURTH SCHEDULE.—[Enactments amended.]Rep. by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1952 (48 of
1952),s. 2and Sch. I.
THE FIFTH SCHEDULE.—[Enactments repealed.]Rep. by the Second Repealing and Amending Act, 1914
(17of 1914),s. 3and Sch. II.
(104 of 1976)
97. Repeal and savings.—(1) Any amendment made, or any provision inserted in the principal Act by State
Legislature or a High Court before the commencement of this Act shall except in so far as such amendment
or provision is consistent with the provisions of the principal Act as amended by this Act, stand repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding that the provisions of this Act have come into force or the repeal under sub-section (1)
has taken effect, and without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of section 6 of the General Clauses
Act, 1897 (10 of 1897),—
(a) the amendment made to clause (2) of section 2 of the principal Act by section 3 of this Act shall not affect
any appeal against the determination of any such question as is referred to in section 47 and every such
appeal shall be dealt with as if the said section 3 had not come into force;
(b) the provisions of section 20 of the principal Act, as amended by section 7 of this Act, shall not apply to or
affect any suit pending immediately before the commencement of the said section; and every such suit shall
be tried as if the said section 7 had not come into force;
(c) the provisions of section 20 of the principal Act, as amended by section 8 of this Act, shall not apply to or
affect any suit pending immediately before the commencement of the said section 8; and every such suit
shall be tried as if the said section 8 had not come into force;
(d) the provisions of section 25 of the principal Act, as substituted by section 11 of this Act, shall not apply to
or affect any suit, appeal or other proceeding wherein any report has been made under the provisions of
section 25 before the commencement of the said section 11; and every such suit, appeal or other proceeding
shall be tried as if the said section 11 had not come into force;
(e) the provisions section 34 of the principal Act, as amended by section 13 of this Act, shall not affect the
rate at which interest may be allowed on a decree in any suit instituted before the commencement of the said
section 13 and interest on a decree passed in such suit shall be ordered in accordance with the provisions of
Section 34 as they stood before the commencement of the said section 13 as if the said section 13 had not
come into force;
(f) the provisions of section 35A of the principal Act, as amended by section 14 of this Act, shall not apply to
or affect any proceedings for revision, pending immediately before the commencement of the said section
14; and every such proceedings shall be dealt with and disposed of as if the said section 14 had not come
into force;
(g) the provisions of section 60 of the principal Act, as amended by section 23 of this Act, shall not apply to
any attachment made before the commencement of the said section 23;
(h) the amendment of section 80 of the principal Act by section 27 of this Act shall not apply to or affect any
suit instituted before the commencement of the said section 27; and every such suit shall be dealt with as if
section 80 had not been amended by the said section 27;
(i) the provisions of section 82 of the principal Act, as amended by section 28 of this Act, shall not apply to or
affect any decree passed against the Union of India or a State or, as the case may be, a public officer, before
the commencement of the said section 28 or to the execution of any such decree; and every such decree or
execution shall be dealt with as if the said section 28 had not come into force;
(j) the provisions of section 91 of the principal Act, as amended by section 30 of this Act, shall not apply to or
affect any suit, appeal or proceeding instituted or filed before the commencement of the said section 30; and
every such suit, appeal or proceeding shall be disposed of as if the said section 30 had not come into force;
(k) the provisions of section 92 of the principal Act, as amended by section 31 of this Act, shall not apply to or
affect any suit, appeal or proceeding instituted or filed before the commencement of the said section 31; and
every such suit, appeal or proceeding shall be disposed of as if the said section 31 had not come into force;
(l) the provisions of section 96 of the principal Act, as amended by section 33 of this Act, shall not apply to or
affect any appeal against the decree passed in any suit instituted before the commencement of the said
section 33; and every such suit, appeal or proceeding shall be disposed of as if the said section 33 had not
come into force;
(m) the provisions of section 100 of the principal Act, as substituted by section 37 of this Act, shall not apply
to or affect any appeal from an appellate decree or order which had been admitted, before the
commencement of the said section 37, after hearing under rule 11 of Order XLI; and every such admitted
appeal shall be dealt with as if the said section 37 had not come into force;
(n) section 100A, as inserted in the principal Act, by section 38 of this Act, shall not apply to or affect any
appeal against the decision of a single Judge of a High Court under any Letters Patent which had been
admitted before the commencement of the said section 38; and every such admitted appeal shall be
disposed of as if the said section 38 had not come into force;
(o) the amendment of section 115 of the principal Act by section 43 of this Act shall not apply to or affect any
proceeding for revision which had been admitted, after preliminary hearing, before the commencement of the
said section 43; and every such proceeding for revision shall be disposed of as if the said section 43 had not
come into force;
(p) the provisions of section 141 of the principal Act, as amended by section 47 of this Act shall not apply to
or affect any proceeding which is pending immediately before the commencement of the said section 47; and
every such proceeding shall be dealt with as if the said section 47 had not come into force;
(q) the provisions of rules 31, 32, 48A, 57 to 59, 90 and 97 to 103 of Order XXI of the First Schedule as
amended or, as the case may be substituted or inserted by section 72 of this Act shall not apply to or affect—
(i) any attachment subsisting immediately before the commencement of the said section 72, or
(ii) any suit instituted before such commencement under rule 63 aforesaid to establish right to attached
property or under rule 103 aforesaid to establish possession, or
(iii) any proceeding to set aside the sale of any immovable property,
and every such attachment, suit or proceeding shall be continued as if the said section 72 had not come into
(r) the provisions of rule 4 of Order XXII of the First Schedule, as substituted by section 73 of this Act shall
not apply to any order of abatement made before the commencement of the said section 73;
(s) the amendment, as well as substitution, made in Order XXIII of the First Schedule by section 74 of this
Act shall not apply to any suit or proceeding pending before the commencement fo the said section 74;
(t) the provisions of rules 5A and 5B of Order XXVII, as inserted by section 76 of this Act, shall not apply to
any suit, pending immediately before the commencement of the said section 76 against the Government or
any public officer; and every such suti shall be dealt with as if the said section 76 had come into force;
(u) the provisions of rules 1A, 2A and 3 of Order XXVIIA, as inserted or substituted, as the case may be, by
section 77 of this Act shall not apply to or affect any suit which is pending before the commencement of the
said section 77;
(v) rules 2A, 3A and 15 of Order XXXII of the First Schedule, as amended, or as the case may be,
substituted by section 79 of this Act, shall not apply to a suit pending at the commencement of the said
section 79 and every such suit shall be dealt with and disposed of as if the said section 79 had not come into
(w) the provisions of Order XXXIII of the First Schedule, as amended by section 81 of this Act, shall not apply
to or affect any suit or proceeding pending before the commencement of the said section 81 for permission
to sue as a pauper; and every such suit or proceeding shall be dealt with and disposed of as if the said
section 81 had not come into force;
(x) the provisions of Order XXXVII of the First Schedule, as amended by section 84 of this Act, shall not
apply to any suit pending before the commencement of the said section 84; and every such suit shall be
dealt with and disposed of as if the said section 84 had not come into force;
(y) the provisions of Order XXXIX of the First Schedule, as amended by section 86 of this Act, shall not apply
to or affect any injunction subsisting immediately before the commencement of the said section 86; and
every suh injunction and proceeding for dis-obedience of such injunction shall be dealt with as if the said
section 86 had not come into force;
(z) the provisions of Order XLI of the First Schedule, as amended by section 87 of this Act, shall not apply to
or affect any appeal pending immediately before the commencement of the said section 87; and every such
appeal shall be disposed of as if the said section 87 had not come into force;
(za) the provisions of Order XLII of the First Schedule, as amended by section 88 of this Act, shall not apply
to or affect any appeal from an appellate decree or order which had been admitted, before the
commencement of the said section 88, after hearing under rule 11 of Order XLI; and every such admitted
appeal shall be dealt with as if the said section 88 had not come into force;
(zb) the provisions of Order XLIII of the First Schedule, as amended by section 89 of this Act, shall not apply
to any appeal against any order pending immediately before the commencement of the said section 89; and
every such appeal shall be disposed of as if the said section 89 had not come into force.
(3) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (2), the provisions of the principal Act, as amended by this Act,
shall apply to every suit, proceeding, appeal or application, pending at the commencement of this Act or
instituted or filed after such commencement, notwithstanding the fact that the right, or cause of action, in
pursuance of which such suit proceeding, appeal or application is instituted or filed, had been acquired or
had accrued before such commencement.
[1] Omitted by Act No. 19 of 1988.
[2] Subs. by Act 104 of 1976 Sec. 93, for "a decree for the balance" (w.e.f. 1-2-1977).
[3] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1-2-1977)
* Strike off the words which are not applicable.
* Strike off the words which are not applicable.
[1]. 1. This Act has been amended in its application to Assam by Assam Act 2 of 1941 and 8 of 1953; to
Tamil Nadu by Madras Act 34 of 1950, Madras A.O. 1950, and Tamil Nadu Act 15 of 1970; to Punjab by
Punjab Act 7 of1934; to Uttar Pradesh by U.P. Act 4 of 1925, 35 of 1948, 24 of 1954, 17 of 1970, 57 of 1976
and 31 of 1978; to Karnataka by Mysore Act 14 of 1955; to Kerala by Kerala Act 13 of 1957; to Rajasthan by
Rajasthan Act 19 of 1958; to Maharashtra by Maharashtra Acts 22 of 1970; It has been extended to Berar by
the Bearar Laws Act, 1941 (4 of 1941) and, by notification under Secs, 5 and 5A of the Schedule Districts
Acts, 1874 (14 of 1874), also to the following Schedule Districts:—
(1) The District of Jalpaiguri, Cachar (edcluding the North Cachar Hills), Goalpara (including the Easter
Duars), Kamrup, Darrang, Nowgong (excluding the North Cachar Hills), Coalkpara (including the Eastern
Durs), Kamrup, Darrange, Nowgong (excluding the Mikir Hill Tracts), Sibsagar (excluding the Mikir Hill
Tracts) and Lakhimpur (excluding the Dibrugarh Frontier Tract). Gazette of India, 1909, Pt. I, p.5 and ibid,
1914, Pt. I, p. 1690.
(2) The Distirct of Darjeeling and the District of Hazaribagh, Ranchi, Palamua and Manbhum in Chota
Calcutta Gazette, 1909, Pt. I, p.25 and Gazette of India, 1909, Pt. I, p.33.
(3) The province of Kumaon and Garhwal and the Tarai Paraganas (with modification) : U.P. Gazette, 1909,
Pt. I, p. 3 and Gazette of India, 1909, Pt, I, p. 31.
(4) The Pargana of Jaunsar.Bawar in Dehra Dun and the Scheduled portion of the Mirzapur District : U.P.
Gazette, 1909. Pt. I, p.4 and Gazette of Inida, 1909, Pt, I, p. 32.
(5) Coorg: Gazette of India, 1909, Pt, I, p.32.
(6) Scheduled Districts in the Punjab: Gazette of India, Pt. I, p.33.
(7) Section 36 to 43 to all the Scheduled Districts in Madras: Gazette of India, 1909, Pt. I, p. 152.
(8) Scheduled Districts in the C.P. except so much as is already in force and so much as authorizes the
attachment and sale of immovable property in execution of a decree, not being a decree directing the sale of
such property:
Gazette of India, 1909, Pt. I, p.239.
(9) Anmer.Merwara except Section 1 and 155 to 158: Gazette of India, 1909, Pt. II, p. 480.
(10) Pargana Dhalbhum, the Municipality of Chaibassa in the Kolhan and the Porahat Estate in the District of
Singhbjum: Calcutta Gazette, 1909, Pt. I, p. 453 and Gazette of India, 1909, Pt. II. p. 443.
Under Sect 3(3) (a) of the Sonthal Parganas Settlement Regulation (3 of 1872), Secs. 38 to 42 and 156 and
rules 4 to 9 in Order XXI in the First Schedule have been declared to be in force in the Sonthal Parganas and
the rest of the Code for the trial of suits referred to in Section 10 of the Sonthal Parganas Justice Regulation,
1893 (5 of 1893) : see Calcutta Gazette, 1909, Pt. I, p. 45.
It has been declared to be in force in Panth Piploda by the Panth Piploda Laws Regulation, 1929 (1 of 1929),
Sec. 2; in the Khondmals District by the Khondmals Laws Regulation, 1936 (4 of 1936), Sec. 3 and Sch. And
in the Angul district by the Angul Laws Regulation, 1936 (5 of 1936), Sec. 3 and Sch.
It has been extended to the Districts of Koraput and Gangam Agency by Orissa Regulation, (5 of 1951) Sec.
It has been extended to the State of Manipur (w.e.f. 1.1.1957) by Act 30 of 1950, s. 3 to the whole of the
Union territory of Lakshadweep (w.e.f. 1.10.1967) by Regulation 8 of 1965, Sec. 3 and Sch.; to Goa, Daman
and Diu (w.e.f. 15.6.1966) by Act 30 of 1965, Sec. 3; to Dadra and Nagar Haveli (w.e.f. 1.7.1965) by Reg. 6
of 1963, Sec. 2 and Sch. I and to the State of Sikkim, (w.e.f. 1.9.1984), vide Notification No. S.O. 599, (E),
dated 13.8.1984.
[2] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 Sec. 2 for sub-section (3) (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[3] The words and figures "Section 47 or" omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[4] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "Indian Civil Service" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[5] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "77 and 155 to 158" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[6] Explanation renumbered as Explanation I thereof by Act No. 104 of 1976, Sec. 5 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[7] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[8] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[9] Explanation I omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[10] Subs. Act No. 104 of 1976 for Explanation II (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[11] Section 21 renumbered as sub-section (1) thereof by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[12] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[13] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[14] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "thereafter tries such suit" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[15] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for sub-section (3) (w.e.f.1.2. 1977).
[16] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[17] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for s. 25 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[18] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.5.1977).
[19] Added by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.7.1977).
[20] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "excluding an appeal" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[21] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "one thousand rupees" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[22] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[23] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for s. 36 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[24] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, s. 18. (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[25] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[26] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[27] Sectin 42 renumbered as sub-sectin(1) hereof Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[28] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1-2-1977)
[29] Sub-section (2) omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[30] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for the former Explanation (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[31] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[32] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[33] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for cl. (b) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[34] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[35] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, s. 22, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[36] For amendments to s. 60, in its application to East Punjab, see the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act,
1934 (Pun. Act 7 of 1934), s. 35, as amended by Pun. acts No 12 of 1940 and 6 of 1942.
[37] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for "an agriculturist" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[38] Ins by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[39] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[40] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for the proviso (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[41] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for cl. (j) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[42] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[43] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[44] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for Explanation I (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[45] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f.1.2. 1977).
[46] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "3" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[47] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[48] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[49] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[50] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[51] Omitted by Act No. 45 of 1988 (w.e.f. 19.5.1988).
[52] Ins. by Act No. 20 of 1983 (w.e.f. 15.3.1984).
[53] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[54] Sec. 80 renumbered as sub-section (1) of that section by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[55] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "No suit shall be instituted' (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[56] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[57] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[58] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "such report" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[59] The words "Ruler of a" omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[60] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "a Ruler" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[61] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "the Rule" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[62] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "the Rule" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[63] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for "him" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[64] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "himself" (w.e.f. 1. 2.1977).
[65] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "him" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[66] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for sub-section (3) (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[67] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[68] Cl. (a) re.lettered as cl. (aa) by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[69] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[70] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[71] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[72] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for the former heading (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[73] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[74] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for consent in writing of the Advocate.General" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[75] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[76] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "expense or injury caused to him" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[77] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[78] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[79] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[80] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[81] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[82] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for s. 100 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[83] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[84] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "one thousand rupees" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[85] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for s. 103 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[86] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[87] Certain words omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[88] Sec. 115 re.numbered as sub-section (1) of that section by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[89] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[90] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[91] The word "and" omitted by Act No. 38 of 1978.
[92] Cl. (d) omitted by Act No. 38 of 1978.
[93] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "Chief Justice or Chief Judge" (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[94] Proviso omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[95] Subs by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "Chief Justice or Chief Judge" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[96] Subs by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "Chief Justice or Chief Judge" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[97] Subs by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "Chief Justice or Chief Judge" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[98] Sub-section (2) omitted by Act No. 66 of 1966.
[99] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[100] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[101] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[102] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[103] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[104] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[105] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[106] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[107] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[108] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.5.1977).
[109] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[110] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for the former rule (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[111] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for the former rule (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[112] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[113] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for former rule (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[114] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[115] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[116] See now the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963), s. 21.
[117] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[118] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "the suit"(w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[119] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 6 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[120] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[121] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[122] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for sub.rule (3) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[123] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[124] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[125] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[126] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for rule 15 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[127] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[128] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[129] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[130] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for "resides in Pakistan" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[131] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[132] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 26 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[133] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 2 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[134] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[135] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for rule 16 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[136] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[137] Added by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[138] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[139] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[140] This rule has been applied to suits for the recovery of rent under the Chota Nagpur Tenancy Act, 1908
(Ben. 6 of 1908) s. 265.
[141] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[142] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[143] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[144] Added by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[145] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for the former heading (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[146] Rule 1 renumbered as sub.rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[147] Certain words omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[148] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[149] Rule 5 renumbered as sub.rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[150] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[151] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[152] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[153] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[154] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[155] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[156] Subs by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[157] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[158] Ins by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[159] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[160] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977) for the former proviso.
[161] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[162] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "three months" (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[163] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for clause (a) (w.e.f 1.2. 1977).
[164] Added by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[165] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[166] Sub. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for rule 2, (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[167] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[168] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[169] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[170] Rule 21 renumbered as sub.rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[171] Subs. by Act No.104 of 1976 for "an order may be made accordingly" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[172] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[173] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "to admit any document" (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[174] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[175] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 6 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[176] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[177] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[178] Rule 2 renumbered as sub.rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[179] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[180] Subs by Act No. 104 of 1976, for the proviso (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[181] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[182] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for rule 2 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[183] Rule 2 renumbered as sub.rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[184] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[185] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 1 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[186] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for rule 1A (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[187] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[188] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[189] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[190] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for sub.rule (1) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[191] Rule 12 renumbered as sub.rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[192] Ins by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[193] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[194] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "fifty" (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[195] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "two hundred miles" (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[196] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[197] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[198] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for the previous proviso (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[199] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1.2. 1977).
[200] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[201] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[202] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[203] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for the former rule 5 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[204] The provisions of rules, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence are not applicable to the Chief Court of Oudh, see the Oudh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P 4 of 1925).
[205] The provisions of rules, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 16 so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence are not applicable to the Chief Court of Oudh, see the Oudh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P 4 of 1025).
[206] The provisions of rules, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 16 so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence are not applicable to the Chief Court of Oudh, see the Oudh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P 4 of 1025).
[207] The provisions of rules, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 16 so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence are not applicable to the Chief Court of Oudh, see the Oudh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P 4 of 1025).
[208] Ins. by Act No.104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[209] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 9 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[210] The provisions of rules, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence are not applicable to the Chief Court of Oudh, see the Oudh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P 4 of 1925).
[211] The provisions of rules, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence are not applicable to the Chief Court of Oudh, see the Oudh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P 4 of 1925).
[212] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for the former rule (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[213] The provisions of rule 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16, so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence, are not applicable to the Chief Court of Outh, see the Outh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P. 4 of 1925).
[214] The provisions of rule 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16, so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence, are not applicable to the Chief Court of Outh, see the Outh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P. 4 of 1925).
[215] The provisions of rule 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16, so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence, are not applicable to the Chief Court of Outh, see the Outh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P. 4 of 1925).
[216] The provisions of rule 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16, so far as they relate to the manner of taking
evidence, are not applicable to the Chief Court of Outh, see the Outh Courts Act, 1925 (U.P. 4 of 1925).
[217] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[218] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[219] The provisions of rules 1, 3, 4 and 5 are not applicable to the Chief Court of Oudh; see the Outh Court
Act, 1925 (U.P. 4 of 1925), s. 16(2).
[220] Rule 1 renumbered as sub.rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[221] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[222] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[223] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "A Judge may" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[224] The provisions of rules 1, 3, 4, and 5 are not applicable to the Chief Court of Oudh; see the Oudh
Courts Act, 1925 (U.P. 4 of 1925).
[225] The provisions of rules 1, 3, 4, and 5 are not applicable to the Chief Court of Oudh; see the Oudh
Courts Act, 1925 (U.P. 4 of 1925).
[226] The provisions of rules 1, 3, 4 and 5 are not applicable to the Chief of Oudh; see the Outh Courts Act,
1925 (U.P 4 of 1925).
[227] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[228] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "names and descriptions of the parties" (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[229] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[230] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[231] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for cl. (b) (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[232] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[233] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[234] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[235] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[236] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[237] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[238] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, s. 72, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[239] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[240] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[241] In the application of the Act, to Punjab, sub.rule (3) has been repealed by the Punjab Relief of
Indebtedness Act, 1934 (Pun. 7 of 1934).
[242] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for rule 5 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[243] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for sub.clause (ii) (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[244] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[245] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[246] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[247] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[248] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for "one year" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[249] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[250] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[251] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "one year" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "one
year" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[252] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "one year" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "one
year" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[253] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[254] Subs. by Act No. 38 of 1978, for "the last preceding rule".
[255] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 s. 72, for sub.rule (3) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[256] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "the Court may require" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[257] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[258] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[259] Subs by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "six months" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[260] Subs by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "Six month" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[261] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "one year" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[262] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for "one year" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[263] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for sub.rule (6) (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[264] Rule 41 renumbered as sub.rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[265] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for "in the case of a corporation" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[266] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976.
[267] Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[268] Ss. 46A to 46I Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[269] Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[270] Subs. by Act. No. 104 of 1976, for sub.rule (3) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[271] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for Explanation (w.e.f. 1. 2.1977).
[272] Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[273] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[274] Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[275] Subs. by Act. No. 104 of 1976, for sub.clause (ii) (w.e.f. 1. 2.1977).
[276] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[277] Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[278] Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976.
[279] Subs. by Act 104 of 1976, for rule 57 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[280] Subs. by Act. No. 104 of 1976, for the heading and rules 58 to 63 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[281] Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[282] Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[283] Subs. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 for "thirty days" (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[284] Subs. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 for "fifteen days" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[285] Subs. by Act. No. 104 of 1976, for "seven" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[286] Ins. by Act. No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[287] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[288] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 90 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[289] Added by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[290] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "the Court shall make an order setting aside the sale" (w.e.f.
[291] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[292] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for sub.rule (2) (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[293] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for rules 98 to 103 (w.e.f. 1-2-1977)
[294] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[295] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[296] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1976).
[297] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1976).
[298] See now the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963), bs. 4 and 5.
[299] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[300] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1976).
[301] Subs. bs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for rule 1 (w.e.f. 1.2.1976).
[302] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, s. 74 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[303] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, s. 74 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[304] Subs. by for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[305] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, s. 74 (w.e.f. 1.2.1976).
[306] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, s. 74 (w.e.f. 1.2.1976).
[307] Ins. by Act 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[308] Ins. by Act 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1976)
[309] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "for the examination of" (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[310] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[311] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[312] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[313] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[314] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[315] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[316] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for "16, 17 and 18" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[317] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1976).
[318] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[319] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[320] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[321] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 3 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[322] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[323] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for the proviso (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[324] Subs. by Act No. 10 of 1976 for rule 8 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[325] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[326] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[327] Ins. by Act 104 No. of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[328] The words "to the minor and" omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976.
[329] The words "to the minor and" omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976.
[330] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1. 2.1977).
[331] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[332] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[333] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[334] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[335] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[336] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[337] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 15 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[338] Subs. by Act 104 of 1976 for rule 16 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[339] Order XXXIIA Ins. by Sec. 80 Act 104 of 1976 for rule (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[340] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "Suits by Paupers" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[341] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[342] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for the former Explanation (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[343] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[344] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[345] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[346] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[347] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[348] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[349] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[350] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[351] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[352] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[353] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[354] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[355] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[356] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[357] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[358] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[359] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1. 2.1977).
[360] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[361] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[362] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[363] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[364] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[365] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[366] Subs. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 for "pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[367] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[368] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "the last preceding rule" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[369] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "the last preceeding rule" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[370] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "on application by him" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[371] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[372] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[373] Renumbered as sub.rule (1) of rule 15 by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[374] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[375] Ins. by Act No. of 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[376] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "The agreement" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[377] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 "it was presented" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[378] Ins. by Act No 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[379] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 1 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[380] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 2 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[381] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 3 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[382] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[383] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for rule 8 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[384] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[385] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for "defraud" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[386] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[387] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[388] Sub.rules (3) and (4) omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1.2.1977).
[389] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f.1-2-1977).
[390] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[391] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[392] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[393] The words "after notice to the defendant" omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1977).
[394] The words "after notice to the defendant" omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1977).
[395] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[396] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (1.2.1977).
[397] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[398] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[399] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[400] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[401] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[402] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[403] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[404] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[405] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[406] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[407] Rule 20 re.numbered as sub.rule (1) by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[408] Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[409] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[410] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[411] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 2.2.1977).
[412] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (1.2. 1977).
[413] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[414] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f 1.2.1977).
[415] Rule 30 re.numbered as sub.rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[416] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[417] Rule 30 re-numbered as sub-rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1-2-1977).
[418] Ins. by Act No. 9 of 1992, s. 4, which under s. 1(2) thereof, may be brought into force in any State by
the State Government, on an specified date. The Act has been brought into force in Bombay, Bengal U.P.,
Punjab,Bihar, C.P. Assam, Orissa and Tamil Nadu.
[419] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1976).
[420] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[421] Clauses (b) omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[422] Clauses (b), (c), (g) (h) (m) (o)and (v) omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[423] Clauses (b), (c), (g) (h) (m) (o)and (v) omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[424] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1976).
[425] Clauses (m), (o) and (v) omitted by s. 89, ibid. (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[426] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[427] Clauses (b), (c), (g) (h) (m) (o)and (v) omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[428] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[429] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[430] Clauses (b), (c), (g) (h) (m) (o)and (v) omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[431] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f 1.2.1976).
[432] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for "PAUPER APPEALS" (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[433] Subs. by Act 104 of 1976 "as pauper" (w.e.f. 1.2.1976)
[434] Subs. by Act 104 of 1976 "pauper" and "paupers" respectively (w.e.f. 1.2.1976)
[435] Subs. by Act 104 of 1976 "pauper" and "pauper" respectively (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[436] Sub-rule (2) Omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[437] Subs. by Act. No. 104 of 1976 for rule 2 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977)
[438] Rule 2 renumbered as sub-rule (1) of that rule by Act No. 104 if 1976 (w.e.f. 1-2-1977).
[439] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[440] Subs. by Act No. 49 of 1973 for sub.rule (1).
[441] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2. 1977).
[442] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976 for sub. rule (1) w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[443] Subs. by Act 104 of 1976, Sec. 93, for paragraph 2 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[444] Added by Act 104 of 1976, Sec. 93 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[445] See now the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963).
[446] See now the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963).
[447] see now the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963).
[448] See now the Limitation Act, 1963 (36 of 1963).
[449] See now the Indian Succession Act, 1925 (39 of 1925).
[450] See now the Indian Succession Act, 1925 (36 of 1936).
[451] Subs. by Act 104 of 1976, for certain words (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[452] Subs. by Act 104 of 1976, for Form No. 4 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[453] Words not required to be deleted.
[454] Words not required to be deleted.
[455] Words not required to be deleted.
[456] Words not required to be deleted.
[457] Words not required to be deleted.
[458] Words not required to be deleted.
[459] Words not required to be deleted.
[460] Words not required to be deleted.
[461] Words not required to be deleted.
[462] Words not required to be deleted.
[463] Words not required to be deleted.
[464] Words not required to be deleted.
[465] Words not required to be deleted.
[466] Words not required to be deleted.
[467] Words not required to be deleted.
[468] Words not required to be deleted.
[469] Words not required to be deleted.
[470] Words not required to be deleted.
[471] Words not required to be deleted.
[472] Words not required to be deleted.
[473] Here insert name of proper officer.
[474] Here insert name of proper officer.
[475] Here insert name of proper officer,
[476] If partial, strike out "no" and state to what extent.
[477] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[478] The word "annas" omitted by Act No. 104 of 1976, (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[479] Ins. by Act 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[480] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[481] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[482] Subs. by Act No. 49 of 1973, for the former paragraph.
[483] Ins. by Act No. 104 of 1976 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).
[484] Subs. by Act No. 104 of 1976, for Form 11 (w.e.f. 1.2.1977).