CHAPTER: 13.37
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CHAPTER: 13.37
EFFECTIVE: 12/3/2017
REVISED: Replaces Policy 1036
The purpose of this Chapter is to establish departmental payroll and timekeeping procedures for
commissioned and civilian members. Recording and approving time and attendance is
necessary to ensure timely and accurate disbursement of employee pay and to comply with
local, state and federal laws.
Definitions related to this Chapter include:
Payroll DayThe day designated by the City Finance Department on or before which the
Biweekly Approval must be completed. It will usually be the Sunday or Monday of the following
week being reported.
Biweekly ApprovalPayroll Section approves and locks the time sheets after the employee
has entered and approved his/her entries in ADP and the appropriate supervisor has reviewed
and approved the entries for that employee for the two-week pay period.
Shift CodesPlatoon designators designed to distinguish between platoons which begin on
one calendar date (i.e. 11:00 PM) and end on the following calendar date (7:00 AM) and from
platoons which begin and end on the same date.
Status CodesDesignators that distinguish the condition under which the member is being
carried in the payroll system (i.e. Working, Annual Leave, Sick, Military Leave, IOD, Workman’s
Comp, etc.).
Shift Differential PayShift differential pay is generated automatically by the computer
according to the time the
employee begins his/her workday in his/her regular work assignment,
except for court time or case overtime.
1. Section 4-302(5) of the Home Rule Charter authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to
“prescribe accepted standards of administrative practice to be followed by all offices,
departments, and boards.” CAO Policy Memorandum #72(R) Payroll Time Keeping
Procedures outlines the requirements for the City’s Payroll System.
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2. An electronic payroll system is the means of recording time and attendance by City
employees. The City of New Orleans (and the NOPD) utilize ADP (Automatic Data
Processing) as the software system for all City payroll. Detailed procedural guides for
the use of ADP are found on the City of New Orleans web site at:
3. As such, every City employee is required to:
(a) Personally and accurately record time, attendance, and leave used on a biweekly
(or weekly basis if applicable), and
(b) Approve his/her time at the end of each pay period.
4. All employees are paid biweekly on Friday (except on holidays).
5. Members entering payroll records shall pay particular attention to the Charge Code list
and enter the appropriate charge code for each employee and his/her unit.
6. Each hourly employee shall enter time and attendance in the ADP system by:
(a) Biometric time clock,
(b) Web entry, if approved in advance; or
(c) Other approved means.
7. Each EAP employee must obtain approval for leave in advance, record leave usage, and
approve his/her attendance at the end of a pay period. Leave for EAP employees may
only be taken in whole day increments.
8. The Unit supervisor (in Districts, the Platoon Commander) shall review the following for
(a) All shift members are accounted for and entered.
(b) No data entry errors occurred, especially total hours entered for each employee.
(c) The Work Status Codes and Charge Codes are correct.
(d) The shift entered is correct according to the time the employee’s REGULAR work
began. See below:
Shift Code 1 regular working between 1:00 am and 1:59 pm
Shift Code 2 regular working between 2:00 pm and 6:59 pm
Shift Code 3 regular working between 7 pm and 12:59 am
9. If an employee uses sick, annual or other leave at the beginning of his/her regular shift,
the appropriate Code shall be entered for the record on the time card (i.e. Annual Leave
8:33 minutes).
10. The Status Code shall be entered in the appropriate location indicating the member's
work status for each workday. Each entry, if more than one entry is made for a day, must
contain a status code.
11. If the Platoon Commander is informed at least one day in advance of the employee's
need to use annual leave in the middle of a workday, he/she may elect to change the
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reporting time of the employee to coincide with the ending time of the workday with the
rest of his/her platoon.
12. Employees who are eligible for Shift Differential Pay will receive the appropriate rate of
pay if their reporting time for duty falls within the guidelines set. Individuals who work
more than 8:35 in one day will receive the rate of pay indicated at the beginning of their
duty and will require the work rule transfer for any additional hours worked (i.e. 6:25am-
3p 1st shift, 3p-6p 2nd shift unscheduled).
13. Holiday "off" is already pre-populated in the ADP System.
14. Holiday “working” for all employees will be recorded when that employee clocks in and
out for the actual hours worked on the holiday.
15. Prior to 6:00 AM on Payroll Day, the Unit supervisor or his/her designee shall review the
unit's daily records to ensure that all daily records have been approved by each
employee and then by their supervisor.
16. After the Biweekly Approval, any changes must be made by the Unit supervisor and
approved by the Unit Commander in writing by submitting a Payroll Adjustment Form
(Form #93) to the Payroll Section as soon as possible after the error is discovered.
17. When completing the form, the employee's Status and Charge Codes must be included.
18. When the Payroll Section receives the Payroll Adjustment Form (Form 93) attached to
the ADP/time sheet (with the exception block checked off), the Payroll Section shall:
(a) Immediately make the proper correction in the ADP system in the appropriate
(b) Affix their own signature below the correction, and
(c) Submit the ADP/time sheet to the City Finance Department for processing.
19. After the payroll has been approved by all units (by 7:00 AM on Payroll Day), the Payroll
Section shall verify that all units are approved and then certify the payroll as correct by
7:00 AM on Payroll Day.
20. No changes will be made once the time sheets have been certified correct, any
subsequent changes must be made by submitting a Form 93 to the Payroll Section
which will then make the necessary requested changes.
21. An employee is paid overtime for attending court on employment related cases. An
employee attending court during regular working hours shall not be paid overtime while
on duty.
22. An employee attending court while on annual, sick, or any other form of paid leave shall
be carried Working during the time he/she is physically in a tribunal.
23. Members attending Traffic Court, Municipal Court, Criminal District Court, or the Grand
Jury shall utilize the ADP biometric timeclocks located on the first floor of Police
Headquarters and in the lobby of the Municipal/Traffic Court building. The ADP biometric
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timeclock shall be used to record both the time of arrival and departure from the above
listed courts.
24. Members attending Juvenile Court, Civil District Court, Federal Court, courts outside the
jurisdiction of Orleans Parish, or the City Council or Civil Service shall have their
subpoenas signed by a representative of the court indicating the time of arrival and
departure from the court.
25. If a member's court appearance extends into his/her regular working hours, the court
time entered under Charge Code 03 must end at the time the employee's regular shift
26. Court subpoenas and overtime slips shall not be sent to the Payroll Section but instead
shall be maintained by each employee's unit assignment according to the Department’s
record retention schedule.
27. Court overtime will be automatically rounded by the ADP System, not the entering
person, to the next half hour. The item number related to the overtime entry shall be
entered in the comment section. A minimum of one (1) hour of overtime will be paid for
any court appearance.
28. Case overtime must be entered to the exact minute and will be paid to the exact minute.
The item number of the case being worked shall be placed in the comments section on
the day the case overtime was worked.
29. No employee shall be carried in an IOD or Workmen's Compensation status until the
injury has been classified as such.
30. Until the injury has been classified, the employee shall be carried sick with the item
number included in the comment section.
31. Once a copy of the classification letter is forwarded from Employee Relations to the
employee’s unit of assignment, that unit shall make the appropriate adjustments to the
employee’s time card within that two (2) week pay period.
32. If an employee works his/her entire shift in another unit, his/her primary unit shall carry
detailed to the temporary assignment with no hours entered.
33. The temporary unit shall enter
all of the employee's hours under that unit’s organization
code. If the temporary unit neglects to
enter the employee's time, the primary unit will not
be able to execute its weekly approval.
34. If an employee works partial hours in both his primary unit and a temporary unit in any
workday, the unit in which he/she begins his workday shall enter his/her hours worked in
that unit
before any other unit enters the remainder of his/her hours worked.
35. All members assigned directly to particular special event functions or duties shall be carried
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under the Special Event Charge Code (usually designated in the Special Event Operations
Order) during the hours they perform those duties.
36. Employees of the department who are assigned a
City-owned vehicle with take-home
privileges shall be assessed a Personal Use Charge for
this privilege.
37. Each employee
authorized for take-home use of a City vehicle shall complete and sign
the City of New Orleans Take-Home
Vehicle Add/Delete/Change Form (CAO
Policy 5(R) Attachment D).
38. To provide for this Personal Use Charge deduction, a daily entry shall be required on
in the ADP System as follows:. Either enter:
(a) In the Pay Code section, use the dropdown menu and enter the correct
distance entry: either “Vehicle Use within 20 Miles” or “Vehicle use Between 20,
40 Miles,” whichever is the appropriate entry.
(b) Enter the appropriate unit number into the First Transfer Section.
(c) Under the field titled Take Home Veh #, the Account Number of the vehicle
assigned to the employee as a take-home vehicle will be entered.
(d) Entries in the Take Home Vehicle section are not required when an employee is
annual (annual leave), sick or AWP (unless the employee is AWP working).
39. Employees carried Leave Without Pay are PROHIBITED from being assigned/using a
take-home vehicle.
40. Employees who are provided a take-home vehicle shall be charged a personal use
unless access to the vehicle is denied for one of the following reasons:
(a) Extended maintenance/repairs or mechanical failure causing the vehicle to be
out of service (however, if an assigned take home vehicle is available for
any portion
of a day or a replacement vehicle is provided, the personal use fee will
continue to be
(b) Emergency fleet use, wherein the vehicle is taken out of take-home status and
into the fleet for use by the department to maintain normal operations;
(c) Take-home vehicle privileges are suspended for the employee by the department;
(d) Any other departmental action which causes the employee to be denied access to
vehicle in take-home status.
41. Civilian employees who work the entire day without taking any form of authorized leave
be carried working for eight hours. The one hour lunch break will be automatically
from the record.
42. Civilian employees who take any form of authorized leave shall have all entries accounted
for, and the total hours must equal seven hours.
(a) Employee works from 8:00AM to 10:00AM - 2 hours working.
(b) Employee takes annual leave from 10:00AM to 11:00AM - 1 hr.
(c) Employee returns to work at 12:00 noon and works to 4:00PM - 4 hrs.
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(d) The total entries of the above example totals seven hours.
NOTE: The lunch hour from 11:00AM to 12:00 noon is not automatically subtracted by the
43. Civilian employees who work the entire shift without taking any form of authorized leave
be carried working for eight hours. The 30 minute lunch break is not deducted
from the
44. Civilian employees who take any form of authorized leave shall have all entries accounted
for, and the total hours must equal eight hours.
(a) Employee works from 8:00AM to 10:00AM - 2 hours working.
(b) Employee takes annual leave from 10:00AM to 11:00AM - 1 hr.
(c) Employee returns to work at 11:00 noon and works to 4:00PM - 5 hrs.
(d) The total entries of the above example totals eight hours.
NOTE: The 30 minute lunch from 11:30AM to 12:00 noon is not subtracted by the
The member is carried working.
45. Civil Service Rules now make it possible for all cycle employees to get paid for 85.5 hours
bi-weekly (14 day pay cycle) regardless of their work/leave status.
46. A minimum of 8 hours
and 33 minutes for all entries other than regular working hours, and
8 hours and 35 minutes
for regular working hours shall be entered each working day.
(a) Regular working 8 hours and 35 minutes - 6:25am to 3:00pm = 8.58 hours.
(b) Annual 8 hours and 33 minutes 3:27pm to 11:00pm = 8.55 hrs.
(c) Sick 8 hours and 33 minutes 10:27pm to 7:00am = 8.55 hrs.
The use of civil and military leave should also be 8 hours and 33 minutes.
47. If a cycle employee takes leave for any portion of the day, their hours must total 8 hours and
33 minutes.
(a) Working from 6:25am to 11:00am
(b) Annual from 11:00am to 2:58pm.
(c) Total of 8 hours and 33 minutes = 8.55 hours.
The leave hours that are taken by the employee must be entered by the
48. In the event of a city-wide extended electrical or computer system failure, daily
reporting of employee payroll shall be documented on the Employee Work Record
Emergency Incident form (Form #91). All required information on the form shall be
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49. An extended electrical or computer system failure is defined as lasting over one week.
50. If the extended electrical or computer system failure is isolated, payroll shall be entered
at alternate locations (i.e., district station, payroll office).
51. The Employee Work Record Emergency Incident Form (Form #91) shall be forwarded
to the Payroll Section within three days upon completion of each form. A copy of the
forms submitted shall be maintained at the unit level.