Prepared for:
Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS)
Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL)
Prepared by:
Information of Technology (IT) Division
Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL)
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
2 PGP Modules ................................................................................................................. 1
2.1 How to Access PGP .............................................................................................. 1
2.2 Postgraduate student admission module .............................................................. 2
2.2.1 Nomination of Supervisor and Co-supervisor (by HoRI / Postgrad
Coordinator) ............................................................................................. 2
2.3 Progress Report Submission ................................................................................ 3
2.3.1 Evaluation by Supervisor ......................................................................... 3
2.3.2 Approval by Dean of IPS ......................................................................... 5
2.3.3 Allow Resubmission by IPS Staff ............................................................ 7
2.4 Proposal Defense Request ................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Approval by HoRI / Postgraduate Coordinator ........................................ 8
2.4.2 Fill in evaluation by HoRI / Postgraduate Coordinator ............................ 9
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 List of Figures
Figure 2.1 PGP Menu Supervisor Nomination for Applicants ................................................ 2
Figure 2.2 Supervisor Nomination for Applicant Form .............................................................. 2
Figure 2.3 Access Pending Supervisor’s Evaluation ................................................................. 3
Figure 2.5 List of progress report pending supervisor’s evaluation ........................................... 3
Figure 2.6 View student's progress report ................................................................................. 4
Figure 2.7 Progress report evaluation by supervisor................................................................. 5
Figure 2.8 Access progress report pending Dean IPS approval ............................................... 6
Figure 2.9 List of progress report pending Dean of IPS approval ............................................. 6
Figure 2.10 Submit progress report approval by Dean IPS button ........................................... 6
Figure 2.11 Progress report approval by Dean IPS form .......................................................... 7
Figure 2.12 Access progress report pending allow resubmission ............................................. 7
Figure 2.13 List of progress report pending allow resubmission ............................................... 8
Figure 2.14 Allow Resubmission by IPS staff button................................................................. 8
Figure 2.16 Access Proposal Defense ...................................................................................... 8
Figure 2.17 List of proposal defense pending approval ............................................................ 9
Figure 2.18 Proposal defense approval form ............................................................................ 9
Figure 2.19 Edit proposal defense............................................................................................. 9
Figure 2.20 Examiner’s evaluation form .................................................................................. 10
Figure 2.21 Add examiner button ............................................................................................ 10
Figure 2.22 Completed filling in evaluation option ................................................................... 10
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
1 Introduction
UniKL PostGraduate Portal (PGP) is a system that provides the capability to allow
postgraduate related processes to be completed through online.
The following table lists the modules covered by PGP and the user roles involved.
Postgraduate student admission module
1. Head of Research and Innovation
(HoRI) / Postgraduate Coordinator
Progress report submission
1. Lecturer (supervisor)
2. IPS Staff (in charged of Progress
3. Dean of IPS
Proposal defense request
1. HoRI / Postgraduate Coordinator
Change of supervisor
1. Current supervisor
2. Requested supervisor
3. HoRI / Postgraduate Coordinator
Update of co-supervisor
1. HoRI / Postgraduate Coordinator
Table 1.1 Modules covered by PGP and roles involved
2 PGP Modules
2.1 How to Access PGP
1. Login to Staff Portal.
2. On the Staff Portal side menu, click ECITIE Online > IPS > PGP.
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
2.2 Postgraduate student admission module
2.2.1 Nomination of Supervisor and Co-supervisor (by HoRI / Postgrad Coordinator)
1. HoRI or Postgraduate Coordinator will be informed on pending supervisor nomination
through e-mail notification.
2. Click Admission > Pending Supervisor Nomination.
Note: If this option does not appear on your menu, please contact IPS personnel to
update the list of HoRI and Postgraduate Coordinator.
Figure 2.1 PGP Menu Supervisor Nomination for Applicants
3. Fill in supervisor and up to two co-supervisors for the applicant.
Figure 2.2 Supervisor Nomination for Applicant Form
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
4. Click NOMINATE button. The list of students that have been nominated with
supervisor are available on the menu Supervisor Request > Applicants > Nominated.
2.3 Progress Report Submission
2.3.1 Evaluation by Supervisor
1. Supervisor will be notified on progress report submission by the student through e-
2. Click Progress Report > Pending My Evaluation (SV) on PGP side menu.
Figure 2.3 Access Pending Supervisor’s Evaluation
3. From the list, choose student and semester and click VIEW button.
Figure 2.4 List of progress report pending supervisor’s evaluation
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
4. Click EVALUATE button.
Figure 2.5 View student's progress report
5. Popup will display evaluation form for the student. Fill in the form and click Submit
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
Figure 2.6 Progress report evaluation by supervisor
6. Upon evaluation (Satisfactory), the progress report will be pending for Dean of IPS’s
Upon evaluation (Non-Satisfactory), IPS staff will arrange for further action. Later, the
IPS staff will allow or disallow for progress report resubmission.
2.3.2 Approval by Dean of IPS
1. Dean of IPS will be notified on progress report evaluation (Satisfactory) by the
supervisor through e-mail.
2. Click Progress Report > Pending Dean IPS Approval on PGP side menu.
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
Figure 2.7 Access progress report pending Dean IPS approval
3. From the list of pending approval, choose a student and semester, and click VIEW
Figure 2.8 List of progress report pending Dean of IPS approval
4. Click APPROVE / REJECT button.
Figure 2.9 Submit progress report approval by Dean IPS button
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
5. Tick Approve/Reject and click Submit button.
Figure 2.10 Progress report approval by Dean IPS form
6. Upon approval, student will be notified through e-mail. If the Dean of IPS rejects, IPS
staff will have to arrange for further action, and allow or disallow resubmission of
progress report.
2.3.3 Allow Resubmission by IPS Staff
1. IPS staff will be notified on supervisor’s evaluation (Non-Satisfactory) or Dean of
IPS’s rejection through e-mail.
2. Click Progress Report > Pending Allow Resubmission on PGP side menu.
Figure 2.11 Access progress report pending allow resubmission
3. From the list of pending allow resubmission, choose a student and semester, and
click VIEW button.
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
Figure 2.12 List of progress report pending allow resubmission
Figure 2.13 Allow Resubmission by IPS staff button
5. Upon allow resubmission, student will be notified through e-mail and be able to edit
and resubmit progress report.
Upon disallow resubmission, student will be notified through e-mail. He/she will not be
able to resubmit his/her progress report.
2.4 Proposal Defense Request
2.4.1 Approval by HoRI / Postgraduate Coordinator
1. HoRI / Postgraduate Coordinator will be informed on the proposal defense request by
student through e-mail.
2. Click Proposal Defense on PGP side menu.
Figure 2.14 Access Proposal Defense
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
3. Choose a student with status Pending Approval. Click View button.
Figure 2.15 List of proposal defense pending approval
4. Provide Date and Venue of Proposal defense, and click Submit Approval button.
Figure 2.16 Proposal defense approval form
2.4.2 Fill in evaluation by HoRI / Postgraduate Coordinator
1. After completion of proposal defense session, HoRI / Postgraduate Coordinator can
fill in evaluation form for the proposal defense.
2. Click Proposal Defense on PGP side menu.
3. Choose the student to fill in evaluation. Click View button.
4. Click Edit button.
Figure 2.17 Edit proposal defense
5. Choose examiner’s institute and write examiner’s name (without title eg. Dr, Prof,
etc), choose examiner from the drop down suggestion. Click Evaluation button to fill
in the evaluation form.
UniKL PGP User Manual v1.3 PGP Modules
Figure 2.18 Examiner’s evaluation form
6. To add more examiner, click Add Examiner button.
Figure 2.19 Add examiner button
7. Choose whether all evaluation have completed from the ‘Completed filling in this
evaluation?’ drop down option.
Figure 2.20 Completed filling in evaluation option
8. Click Save button.