The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
Overseas working
Document type
Scope (applies to)
All staff
Applicability date
Review / Expiry date
Approved date
Deputy Director of Human Resources
Document owner
Human Resources Officer
School / unit
Human Resources
Document status
Information classification
Equality impact assessment
Key terms
This procedure provides an overview of the
process to be followed when recruiting new
employees who will be based overseas or
posting existing employees to work overseas
on a long-term basis.
Purpose / changes
Author of
changes, role
and school /
Review date extended
to allow review to be
Hannah Couser
Global Mobility
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
Table of contents
1. Purpose 3
2. Scope 3
3. Application for overseas employment 3
4. Research leave 4
5. Resourcing procedure 4
6. Due diligence to be undertaken 5
7. Next steps employee working/seconded overseas 7
8. Support and advice 9
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
1. Purpose
1.1 This procedure provides an overview of the main areas that must be considered and the
process to be followed when contemplating recruiting new employees who will be based
overseas or posting existing employees to work overseas on a long-term basis.
1.2 It is important that those responsible for recruiting/posting employees to work overseas
contact their HR Business Partner (HRBP) as early as possible and certainly before any
agreement is reached/decision made. The HRBP will ensure that this person is provided
with the appropriate advice and guidance.
1.3 It is essential that the health, safety, wellbeing, legislative and financial implications of
long-term overseas working by employees is considered. The work employees conduct
overseas will often be similar to work they conduct in the UK and may be no more
hazardous. However, wherever an employee may be working, the University has a duty of
care to risk assess the circumstances to ensure the wellbeing and safety of the employee
is safeguarded.
1.4 This procedure does not cover short term travel overseas (8 weeks or less) or establishing
an overseas legal entity.
1.5 These arrangements can take several months to put in place. Schools/Units must therefore
provide as much notice as possible before an employee is expected to relocate overseas.
1.6 The University must ensure that all legislative requirements are considered, and
appropriate advice taken where necessary, before any commitment is given, or any terms
are negotiated with a funding body, a candidate or a current employee.
1.7 Establishing an overseas payroll is costly. The average cost of establishing a shadow
payroll is around £15K, with ongoing annual costs of over £6K which excludes any
additional in country costs such as insurances and taxes. This should be incorporated in
the overall costing of the post as all the costs associated with establishing a shadow
payroll and the initial research will be charged to the School/Unit.
2. Scope
2.1 This procedure applies to all employees.
3. Application for overseas employment
3.1 Approval must be obtained from the School/Unit direct report in the Principal’s Office
before any agreement on overseas employment is undertaken. A Proposal for an
employee to be based overseas form must be completed and submitted to the direct report
in the Principal’s Office for initial approval. The form can be downloaded from the HR
Policy webpage. Once this approval has been obtained, Human Resources (HR) will
identify the costs, insurances and other relevant issues associated with the proposal. HR
will also review the circumstances to ensure that the employee’s terms and conditions with
the University will be maintained and/or replicated and as far as possible during the period
overseas. The costs associated with this due diligence will be charged to the School/Unit. If
the School/Unit wish to proceed with the overseas employment once this information has
been obtained, final approval must be sought from the direct report in the Principal’s
Office before any agreement is confirmed.
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
4. Research leave
4.1 Research leave is not covered under this procedure. Please refer to the Research Leave
Policy for guidance.
5. Resourcing procedure
5.1 There are 3 ways to employ individuals overseas, namely:
5.2 Employees seconded overseas (preferred route)
5.2.1 Where newly appointed or existing employees are seconded to an overseas host institution
and the host institution agrees to pay the seconded employee directly via their payroll,
there may be no requirement to set up a shadow payroll for the duration of their
assignment. However, the secondment agreement must be reviewed by HR to ensure that
it specifically states that the host institution takes on all liabilities for the employee during
the secondment including deducting all appropriate taxes, social security payments,
providing insurance cover, etc. The employee’s continuous service with the University will
not be affected.
5.3 Consultants/self-employed contractors
5.3.1 Where a service is being provided, a genuine self-employed independent contractor may
be engaged through a contract for services or consultancy agreement. In this instance the
individual will not be an employee of the University and would be responsible for making
their own arrangements to pay any local taxes or social security contributions required in
the country in which they are working and purchase their own insurance cover. However, in
most countries it is simply not possible to convert the status of an employee to that of an
independent contractor simply for administrative benefit. If they otherwise act like an
employee, then they will generally be deemed an employee, regardless of any
mechanisms implemented to circumvent employment law. This would leave the University
exposed not only reputationally but also financially if we fail to adopt the legally correct
employment status.
5.3.2 In each new country, legal advice will need to be sought as to what the contract for
services should contain. The costs to obtain this legal advice will be passed to the
5.4 Employee assigned overseas
5.4.1 Where newly appointed or existing employees are assigned overseas, they will be
employees of the University and their terms and conditions determined by the University.
Where possible, the employee will be paid through the University’s payroll in the normal
way but if overseas taxes, Workers Compensation or social security contributions are
required to be deducted from the employee’s salary, these will be calculated and managed
by our overseas payroll advisers and their international partners. It is possible for the
University to pay salaries in any currency and into a bank account anywhere in the world.
5.4.2 Please note that using our overseas payroll adviser’s services will incur costs which will be
passed on to the School/Unit. These costs will vary depending on the country concerned,
the complexity of any potential employee’s situation and the number of employees the
University has working there as a whole.
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
5.4.3 If any of the circumstances change at any time in the future, the Head of School/Unit and
the employee have the responsibility to inform the HRBP as further actions may be
6. Due diligence to be undertaken
6.1 When considering basing or mobilising an employee overseas, a number of due diligence
factors must be taken into consideration to ensure all relevant costs, wellbeing, health and
safety risks and insurances have been researched. The key considerations are:
6.2 Criteria for residence for tax purposes
6.2.1 This varies considerably from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and "residence" can be different for
other, non-tax purposes. For guidance, please refer to the HMRC International Manual.
6.3 Income Tax/Social Security/Other employment liabilities
6.3.1 Using the information provided on the proposal for employee to be based overseas form
(which can be downloaded from the HR Policy webpage), HR will seek advice and
guidance in relation to employment contracts, health and safety, insurance, income tax,
social security, payroll obligations and visa requirements before any agreement/offer of
employment is made.
6.3.2 The calculations for overseas residency will be based on the employee’s location at the
start of their period overseas. Should they wish to move location to another country, or
another State if they are US based, approval must be sought, in advance, from the direct
report in the Principal’s Office. HR will again seek advice and guidance in relation to
employment contracts, wellbeing, health and safety, insurance, income tax, social security
and visa requirements for the proposed new location.
6.4 Permanent establishment
6.4.1 In addition to employment obligations, in some countries, having just one person working
for the University has the potential to create a ‘permanent establishment’ in that country.
As a result, the University could be subject to local reporting and regulatory obligations for
tax and accountancy purposes resulting in a potential corporation tax and/or administration
costs. Permanent Establishment rules are different from country to country, therefore what
duties are permissible to be undertaken in one country could create a Permanent
Establishment in another. It is therefore imperative that the Head of School/Unit check
each time the employee’s circumstances change or for each new assignment. Even if no
Permanent Establishment is created for tax and accounting purposes, it is possible that
there could be statutory requirements, such as Workers Compensation or other similar
mandatory insurance or social security requirements, which will not under any
circumstances be covered by the University’s UK insurance programme.
6.4.2 Failing to carry out the check could expose the University to the risk of prosecution,
financial penalties and uninsured liabilities. The administration costs of this set up and
requirement to procure country specific advice will need to be taken into account when a
permanent establishment applies.
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
6.5 Health & Safety
6.5.1 Prior to establishing an employee overseas, a risk assessment must be carried out by the
Risk and Insurance Manager and the School/Unit concerned to ensure that risks are
identified and, where appropriate, steps are taken to mitigate these. Action will also need
to be taken to ensure that the University complies with any local legislative requirements
relating to Health and Safety. A more detailed risk assessment must be undertaken for
assignments that will involve greater risks, including postings to destinations/areas where
the Foreign & Commonwealth Office advises against travel (or ‘all but essential’ travel), or
where the planned activities are deemed to be potentially hazardous.
6.5.2 Where an employee is employed through a partner organisation or seconded overseas, it
is important to ensure that the responsibilities of both the University and partner
organisation for the Health and Safety of the employee and compliance with local
legislative requirements are clarified, in an agreement, prior to the employee commencing
employment. It is desirable that where a partner organisation has country specific Health
and Safety expertise that this should be utilised.
6.5.3 Where an employee based overseas is directly employed by the University, it may be
necessary to obtain specialist Health and Safety advice to ensure compliance with relevant
country specific requirements.
6.5.4 Further advice and guidance on Health and Safety considerations and undertaking risk
assessments can be downloaded from the EHSS website.
6.5.5 Employees must review the UK Government’s foreign travel advice website to ensure that
they are fully aware of the customs and restrictions of the overseas country in which they
are to be based prior to travel and check it regularly throughout their period of stay,
particularly during periods of national or international unrest that could alter Government
advice. If they have any issues or concerns as a result, they must discuss them with their
line manager as soon as possible.
6.5.6 Links to UK Government diversity specific guidance below:
Advice for women travelling abroad
Travel and mental health
Disability and travel abroad
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender foreign travel advice
Wearing of religion or belief items and dress code: refer to the local laws and customs’
section of the country or territory
6.6 Insurance
6.6.1 Insurance requirements for employees based overseas will be affected by the period of
time that they are based overseas and the country within which they are based. It is
essential that appropriate insurance is arranged through the Planning Unit and that this is
in place prior to the employee commencing work overseas.
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
6.6.2 Where an employee’s normal base is the UK and they are sent on assignment overseas
for less than twelve months, cover will normally be provided through the University’s UK
Employers Liability and Public Liability Insurance policies. While this provides emergency
medical cover, it will not cover routine medical costs and the employee may wish to take
out additional health insurance in this respect. If an employee is required to travel from
their overseas base to a country out with the UK, this may not be covered by the University
Travel policy and advice should be sought from the Planning Unit prior to travel.
6.6.3 An additional premium may be charged by the University Insurers where an employee is
planning to be overseas for more than twelve months, or if they are likely to be participating
in any hazardous activity. This additional cost must be covered by the School or Unit.
Failure to advise the Planning Unit of extended stays or hazardous activities may result in
the cover being deemed invalid by the Insurers. It should be noted that this may also apply
to travel to areas that the Foreign Office is advising against visiting for "all but essential
6.6.4 There may be requirements within specific countries for the University to have additional
insurance, e.g. in the United States the University would require to hold Workers
Compensation cover. This will be assessed on a case by case basis by the Planning Unit.
6.6.5 Further information regarding travel insurance can be accessed via the website at:
6.7 Emergency evacuation procedures
6.7.1 In the event that the security or political situation in the country deteriorates to a point that
it is no longer safe to operate; we may have to consider the appropriate steps to take. This
may differ between a UK national or a non-UK national. UK nationals would normally return
to the UK, either directly or via a third country. Non-UK nationals may not wish to do this or
may not be permitted to do so due to UK visa and entrance requirements.
7. Next steps employee working/seconded overseas
7.1 If the decision is that it is appropriate to employ/second a person overseas, the following
steps must be undertaken:
7.2 Permission from the School/Unit direct report in the Principal’s Office (Stage 1 for
Head of School/Unit)
Permission must be obtained from the direct report in the Principal’s Office before all
the necessary due diligence is undertaken. Please complete the overseas assignment
form and submit this to the direct report in the Principal’s Office. Once initial approval
has been provided, submit the form to the following email address: overseas@st-
7.3 Stage 2: Due Diligence Exercise (HR)
HR will, with the relevant individuals in other areas, commence the due diligence
exercise which will include identifying income tax/social security costs, insurance costs,
permanent establishment issues. All costs associated with this will be passed to the
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
7.4 Immigration/Visa check (HR/Employee)
Permission to work or a visa may be required for employees in order to work overseas.
This will depend on the individual’s nationality and the country in which they will be
based. This will be addressed during the due diligence exercise and HR will assist
where relevant in obtaining the necessary visa.
Where the individual is a non-EEA national who holds a current Tier 2 or 5 UK visa,
please discuss the proposal with the HRBP as any change of circumstances will need
to be reported to the UKVI. The period of time they work overseas may also have
implications for their current visa if this expires whilst they are out of the UK, future
applications for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, etc.
7.5 Permanent establishment (Finance)
As noted in 6.1 above, having one single employee may create a permanent
establishment. As part of the due diligence process, information will be obtained on this
7.6 Insurance (Insurance)
Employment Insurance: Insurance requirements relating to employment for staff based
overseas will be affected by the period of time that they are based overseas and the
country within which they are based. This will be addressed as part of the due diligence
Travel Insurance: Employees simply travelling temporarily to a country for up to twelve
months will be covered by the University travel insurance. If the overseas assignment is
for longer, it may be possible to extend this but advice will need to be sought from .
Please note that the University’s UK travel insurance provides only emergency
medical expenses and repatriation back to the UK. It does not provide healthcare
insurance, as required by some partner institutions, notably but not exclusively
in the USA. If healthcare insurance is required, then it must be purchased by the
School/Unit in the country concerned.
7.7 Motor Insurance (School/Unit and Employee)
The University’s motor insurance has restrictions on cover overseas. Therefore, non-
domicile employees who use a vehicle for their work must not only insure that vehicle
themselves in the country concerned, but categorically ensure that the cover is
extended for business use on behalf of the University and that the third party limits are
sufficiently high. Extra costs in meeting such requirements would be borne by the
School/Unit concerned.
7.8 Final approval from the direct report in the Principal’s Office (Stage 2 for
If the proposed costs associated with the overseas location are deemed acceptable by
the School/Unit, final approval by the School/Unit direct report in the Principal’s Office
must be obtained and passed to Overseas in order that contractual changes can be
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
7.9 Overseas Assignment Paperwork (HR)
HR will issue the relevant paperwork informing the employee of any overseas Tax and
Social Security obligations and will ensure a shadow payroll is established if required.
8. Support and advice
8.1 General advice on overseas issues can be obtained by contacting overseas@st-
This document is not contractual and may be amended by the University from time to time.
Purpose / changes
Author of
changes, role
and school /
New procedure
Val Insch
Updated link @ 4.1
Val Insch
Update to front cover to
confirm EIA completion
Lisa Stewart
Guidance updated due
to updated USS
regulations due to
Brexit transiton.
(Removal of section 6.5
Val Insch
Change to review date
Val Insch
Review date extended
to allow review to be
Hannah Couser
Global Mobility