Rule of 40:
U.S. only
As streaming becomes viewers’ default
viewing preference, the success of national
TV advertising campaigns is now fully
dependent on CTV investments
national reach
in the new TV
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
Reach is the basis of advertising. TV has long been the best way to quickly build
reach with an advertising message that includes sight, sound, and motion. But have
we adjusted our media planning to account for the new reality of how much reach
national broadcast and cable can truly provide to brand advertisers?
The fragmentation of viewing, the continued growth of broadband-only homes, and
the ongoing decline in cable subscribers (even taking into account virtual MVPDs)
are all making it harder to reach U.S. households using national broadcast and
cable. The truth is that the point of diminishing returns for national broadcast and
cable campaigns is far lower than most advertisers plan for.
In this paper we identify four truths for navigating the new TV ecosystem:
1. As Americans shift their viewing behavior to streaming, the practical reach
of a linear-only national TV campaign is just 50% of U.S. TV households.
2. Because of the change in viewing behavior, shifting linear spend to CTV
increases national TV reach without the need to add budget to a media plan.
3. By allocating 40% of linear budgets to CTV advertisers can not only balance
frequency between Linear-Centric and Streaming-Centric audiences–but also
increase reach to linear viewers by adapting to their streaming behavior.
4. Ad-supported VOD is an important part of any media strategy, as more viewing
is now consumed via ad-supported VOD than commercial-free streaming
services. Three-in-four Samsung Smart TV viewers are watching ad-supported
streaming content.
CTV has
become core to
national TV reach
Our approach
The Rule of 40, which Samsung Ads first published in 2021, demonstrated the need to
reallocate 40% of TV budgets to ad-supported VOD to balance ad impression delivery
across linear and streaming viewers. To further explore the new reality, we have
expanded our initial analysis to study the national reach and frequency of 21 national
brands across a range of product categories and budget sizes. In addition to using a
large set of campaigns and Samsung ACR data, this analysis uses Nielsen¹ data to
model the TV viewing behavior of a representative sample of all U.S. TV households.
To understand the point of diminishing returns for national reach, we divided the
Nielsen Universe into 2 simple segments:
Linear Centric—viewers that spend more time watching linear TV than
CTV streaming
Streaming Centric—viewers that spend more time watching CTV streaming
than linear TV
For the important A18-49 audience target, the Streaming Centric segment consists of
just over half of the population (50.3%) but consumes only 13% of the linear impres-
sions (GRPs) across the 21 brands we identified. On the other hand, the Linear Centric
segment is 49.7% of the population but consumes 87% of the linear impressions.
This imbalance is the root of the new complexity of reach and frequency planning.
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
¹ Used under license from Nielsen but model results are neither validated nor endorsed by Nielsen.
Chapter 01
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
Streaming transition
Chapter 01 Streaming transition
The fragmentation of viewing, the continued growth
of broadband only homes, and the ongoing decline in
cable subscribers are making it impossible to reach
U.S. households using national broadcast and cable.
The maximum possible reach for a heavy linear
schedule is now just 60% of Adults 18-49. Across
the 21 national campaigns we analyzed, the reach
curve of linear TV plateaus at just over 50% after
1,050 GRPs or 1.35B impressions.
6Source: Samsung Ads proprietary model of Nielsen linear TV data.
Reach of a linear campaign to the A18–49 TV universe
Adults 18–49 Household Reach
The transition
to streaming
has significantly
impacted the
national reach
of linear TV
National Reach
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
However, the practical reach of linear TV, the point at which reach is
maximized before further spend becomes wasted frequency, is
significantly lower—under 50% of national reach. Because the half
of the TV audience that is Linear-Centric consumes 87% of a linear
campaign’s impressions, linear TV quickly oversaturates that audience
and frequency becomes too great. As such, the practical reach and
frequency of linear TV to the A18–49 audience is about 800 GRPs or 1B
impressions. Beyond this level, additional spend increases frequency
among those already reached while additional reach slows significantly.
Chapter 01 Streaming transition
Delivery of a linear campaign to the A18–49 TV universe
Source: Samsung Ads proprietary model of Nielsen linear TV data.
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
National Reach Frequency
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
Practical Reach & Frequency
Adults 18–49 Household Reach
8Source: Samsung Ads proprietary model of Nielsen linear TV data.
Adding CTV to a media plan is the only way to maximize audience reach across all adults
18-49. Using an actual $30M TV campaign, figure C illustrates the Rule of 40. The Rule of 40,
which we first published last year, identified the optimal budget allocation across linear and
CTV to be a 60/40 split to deliver equivalent impression levels to all TV viewers. Shifting
budget from linear TV to CTV lifts the reach among the Streaming-Centric audience from
38% to 65% without any additional spend.
100% Linear/
0% CTV
80% Linear/
20% CTV
60% Linear/
40% CTV
Reach to streaming centric audience
Chapter 01 Streaming transitionThe Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
Adults 18–49 Household Reach
What our current analysis uncovered is that adding CTV to
a linear campaign also increases reach to Linear-Centric
households by reaching them when they’re streaming—
a trend that is likely to continue as viewers shift more of
their TV time to streaming. In this example, national linear
centric reach increases from 61% to 76%, thus increasing
national TV reach from 50% to 71%.
Chapter 01 Streaming transition
Linear centric
Linear centric National TV reach
100% Linear/
0% CTV
80% Linear/
20% CTV
60% Linear/
40% CTV
Source: Samsung Ads proprietary model of Nielsen linear TV data.
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
Adults 18–49 Household Reach
Chapter 02
TV reach
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
11Source: Samsung Ads Model.
Chapter 02 National TV reach
National TV reach
national TV reach
at scale by
rebalancing your
TV budget with
the Rule of 40
Audiences can be effectively reached in CTV.
Americans have embraced streaming. Across
the Samsung Smart TV Universe, 97% of
viewers stream content and 75% of TV viewers
spend most of their time with streaming.
Reach of a
linear campaign
to the A18–49
TV universe
Mostly streaming
Mostly linear
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
But not only are Americans streaming, theyre consuming
ad-supported streaming. 73% of the Samsung universe
watches ad-supported streaming content. Time spent with
AVOD streaming surpassed SVOD streaming during the rst
quarter of 2022 for the first time ever. This should come as no
surprise given the changes in the ecosystem over the past
several years, as the adoption of streaming drove a boom in
ad-supported and FAST services. The trend has grown so
prevalent that the world’s largest streaming services, Netflix
and Disney+, are launching ad-supported tiers to reach the
broadest possible audience.
12Source: Samsung Ads proprietary ACR data, Q1 2022 U.S. Only.
Chapter 02 National TV reach
Total viewing hours
Q1 2022 Q1 2021
reach of AVOD
on Samsung
Smart TVs
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
of luxury car seekers are
mostly streamers
of A25–54 with income
$100k+ are mostly streamers
Taking advantage of abundant CTV advertising
audiences helps advertisers maximize national TV
reach across all verticals and budget levels. Using
a combination of Nielsen¹ and Samsung Ads data,
we modeled the effect that the Rule of 40 would
have on actual campaigns across various industries
and budgets. In each case, the impact is significant.
Travel brand$7M TV budget
For a travel brand with a $7 million dollar linear
TV budget, shifting 40% of spend to CTV would
increase total national reach from 27% to 32%,
an increase of 19%.
Automobile brand—$30M TV budget
In reviewing a $30 million dollar campaign for
an automotive brand, adding more CTV would
increase national reach by 41%. The campaign
achieved 50% reach among the national TV
audience using linear only. By shifting 40% of
that budget, the campaign could reach more
than 70% of the audience.
Insurance brand—$51M TV budget
Insurance brands are some of the biggest
spenders on linear TV and, as such, offer the
clearest example of just how important CTV
has become in achieving national reach. For
a $51 million dollar campaign, national linear
TV reached just 62% of U.S. TV households.
By shifting budget to CTV, national reach
would increase by 36% to nearly 85%.
Chapter 02 National TV reach
CTV allocation
National TV reach
CTV allocation
National TV reach
¹ Used under license from Nielsen but model results are neither validated nor endorsed by Nielsen.
Source: Samsung Ads Model.
RO40 impact
of domestic travelers are
mostly streamers
CTV allocation
National TV reach
RO40 impact
RO40 impact
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
Budget allocation between linear and CTV must
catch up with viewer behavior to ensure maximal
national TV reach.
4 key points for
navigating the
new TV ecosystem
Advertisers who need national reach must
incorporate CTV as part of their media
strategy—the practical national reach
of linear TV is now just 50%.
Optimize your national TV reach without
adding budget—by shifting spend to CTV.
Follow consumers to CTV by adopting the
Rule of 40 to balance frequency between
linear-centric and streaming-centric audiences.
Make ad-supported VOD part of your media
plan—three-in-four Samsung Smart TV
viewers are watching ad-supported
streaming content and more viewing is
now consumed via ad-supported options
than commercial-free services.
Samsung Ads data is one-to-one, deterministic data that is not modeled or based on
aggregated panels. Our first party data is powered by Automatic Content Recognition
(ACR) technology which identifies content viewership across linear TV, OTT, and gaming
environments. We have the ability to measure whatever is happening on the TV device—
with privacy by design.
Our Smart TVs offer consumers the choice to opt in to receive Interest-Based Ads and the
ability to customize their Smart TV viewing experience. We employ industry-standard
security safeguards and practices to protect information. For more information on
Samsung’s privacy policy, check out:
Third party data from The Nielsen Company (used under license from Nielsen but model
results are neither validated nor endorsed by Nielsen) along with Samsung Ads first party
data were sourced for the purpose of this analysis.
Samsung Ads created a model to measure the impression (GRP) delivery of 21 national
brand TV campaigns against linear-centric and streaming-centric audiences. We ran
different scenarios to find the point at which linear-centric reach peaks and begins to
diminish. The model then enforces the Rule of 40 to reallocate TV budgets and
measures the national TV reach across both linear-centric and streaming centric
audiences. For a full description of the methodology, reach out to your Samsung Ads
sales representative.
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative
About Samsung Ads
Samsung Ads is an advertising ecosystem spanning hundreds of
millions of smart devices across TV, mobile, and desktop. With the
largest single source of TV data in the market, we not only have
more, we have double the TV data scale of the next largest
competitor. Our unrivaled understanding of consumers, powered
by exclusive Samsung data and insights drives more engagement
and delivers more results. With Samsung Ads, advertisers can
achieve reach, scale, and precision in every connected moment.
Samsung Ads. The power of more.
Get in touch at
The Rule of 40: The CTV imperative