July 2013
Campus Procedure for
Research Foundation Equipment Insurance
1. Grants Management Specialist approves requisitions for items of equipment or inventoried supplies.
These requisitions are identified by an equipment expenditure type beginning with “EQP” and for
inventoried supplies with the expenditure type “SUP Below Threshold Equip”. Once approved, the
requisition will be forwarded to Procurement with the document entitled “Equipment Insurance
Protection” (attachment A) attached for placement of the order and distribution of purchase order
2. The Procurement office will process requisitions, place orders with vendors and produce purchase
orders for distribution. When distributing departmental copies of purchase orders with the “EQP” or
“SUP Below Threshold Equip” expenditure types, Procurement will attach a copy of the
departmental equipment insurance notice (see attachment A).
3. The Property Control department will obtain a copy of the invoice from the Procurement
department’s imaging system and confirms receipt from Central Receiving for items of equipment
acquired on purchase orders with the expenditure types indicated above.
4. Property Control will forward equipment insurance notice “Have You Considered Insurance
Coverage for This New Equipment?” (attachment B) and the standard equipment insurance
application/floater form to the campus department receiving the equipment along with data
collection form SUSB 703 and decals, upon receipt of the purchase order.
5. Campus departments choosing to purchase equipment insurance will forward a completed
purchase requisition with the following attachments:
A completed standard equipment insurance application/floater form for each piece of
equipment, and
A copy of the purchase order from which equipment was acquired.
6. Cost of insurance will be calculated by the RF Business System based on the equipment value and
the time period of coverage. The time period of coverage must be within the award period of the
research grant.
7. Upon approval in Grants Management, the equipment insurance requisition with attachments is
forwarded to Accounts Payable for payment. Documentation and check are sent to the carrier.
8. Should an insurance claim become necessary, please contact Stephanie Ammann in the Office of
Grants Management. Documents required for a claim include:
a Campus Police Report
a completed Research Foundation Equipment Loss Detail form,
a copy of original requisition/purchase order (equipment purchase),
a copy of the equipment insurance requisition, and
an explanation from the Project Director
The Equipment Loss Detail form provides guidance on submitting a claim, reduces the
possibility of delays and provides the insurance carrier with an organized overview of supporting documents
as required by its office. Once the Grants Management Office receives this documentation they will
forward to RF Office of General Counsel, who then notifies the RF insurance carrier. This process aids in
maintaining the thirty-day settlement cycle.
Attachment A
Did you know that all-risk equipment insurance is available through The
Research Foundation Floater Policy? This insurance is available to protect
equipment purchased with sponsored funds, or purchased with other funds,
as long as the equipment is used on RF sponsored projects.
Since the University has no other funding source to provide for
damage to, or loss of equipment, this is your only vehicle for
protecting your equipment. This low cost coverage through AMSURE
protects equipment against loss anywhere in the world. The annual
premium rate under the equipment policy, effective July 1, 2013 is $.95 per
$100.00 of coverage (for the current budget period), and settlement of
claims is based on replacement value of the damaged or lost equipment.
Insurance may be renewed during each new budget period.
Most sponsors allow equipment insurance to be charged to grants and
contracts as an acceptable way to protect the equipment necessary to
conduct the project. We strongly recommend that you consider this option.
Simply send your signed RF purchase req (made out to Amsure Insurance),
a copy of the original purchase order for the equipment and a completed
insurance floater form to your Grants Management Specialist.
We can provide additional information regarding equipment insurance,
as well as claim settlements and policy regulations.
Office of Grants Management
W5510 Melville Library, Zip 3366
632-9038 - (fax: 632-9147)
July 2013
Attachment B
Have you considered insurance coverage
for this new equipment?
Did you know that all-risk equipment insurance is available through The Research
Foundation Floater Policy? This insurance is available to protect equipment
purchased with sponsored funds, or purchased with other funds, as long as the
equipment is used on RF sponsored projects.
Since the University has no other funding source to provide for damage to, or
loss of equipment, this is your only vehicle for protecting your equipment. This
low cost coverage through AMSURE protects equipment against loss anywhere in
the world. The annual premium rate under the equipment policy effective July 1,
2013 is $.95 per $100.00 of coverage (for the current budget period), and
settlement of claims is based on replacement value of the damaged or lost
equipment. Insurance may be renewed during each new budget period.
Most sponsors allow equipment insurance to be charged to grants and contracts as
an acceptable way to protect the equipment necessary to conduct the project. We
strongly recommend that you consider this option. Your Grants Management
Specialist can give you additional information regarding this insurance as well as
claim settlements and policy regulations.
Attached is the standard Equipment Insurance Application form. If you decide to
purchase insurance fill out and sign the form (*the asset/decal number will be on
Form SUSB 703 provided by Property Control). Attach the form to a completed RF
purchase requisition (made out to Amsure Insurance), provide us with a copy of the
PO the equipment was purchased on (to verify $ value) and forward all to the Office
of Grants Management for processing. If you’ve already purchased insurance,
please disregard.
Office of Grants Management
W5510 Melville Library, Zip 3366
632-9038 - (fax: 632-9147)
July 2013
The Research Foundation’s Equipment Floater Policy is an all-risk policy that provides coverage on
purchased equipment with sponsored funds, (or purchased with other than sponsored funds but used
for sponsored projects) against loss by specified external causes anywhere in the world.
PREMIUM RATE Effective July 1, 2013, the premium rate under the Equipment Policy is $.95 per
$100.00 of coverage. Settlement of claims is based on the replacement value of
the equipment.
PREMIUMS Once your completed paperwork is received in the Office of Grants Management,
the data is entered into Oracle (RF Business System) which calculates the
premiums. It is then forwarded to the Accounts Payable Office for payment. This
documentation is mailed to the insurance carrier with the check.
DEDUCTIBLE Effective July 1, 20132, the deductible for each claim is $1000.00. Payment of
the deductible is the responsibility of the campus department and will be paid out
of appropriate account funds as designated by the project director.
DEPRECIATION For most equipment, value decreases with age. Appropriately decreasing the
value of the equipment with time lowers premiums and makes for maximum fiscal
economy. Depreciation is accomplished at the discretion of the Project Director.
As a policy, the Research Foundation encourages Project Directors to consider
that coverage should secure the cost of replacement of equipment during the
project term and not under or over value the equipment. Therefore, it is the
responsibility of the PI to obtain a current quote from the manufacturer for the
same (or closely similar) replacement item.
STATE OWNED Equipment should be insured when on loan from the State and used for
EQUIPMENT Research Foundation sponsored projects. Project Directors may be held
accountable for equipment that is not insured.
EQUIPMENT It is advisable to insure loaned equipment from outside institutions used for
ON LOAN sponsored research.
PROCEDURE Complete and sign both an RF purchase requisition (made out to Amsure
Insurance) for the purchase of insurance, and an insurance application/floater
form (use one for each item to be insured). Provide a copy of the purchase
order the equipment was originally purchased on, and send all forms to the Office
of Grants Management, Zip 3366. You’ll receive a confirming email indicating the
exact premium being charged to your account.
For fixed or stationary items valued at greater than $100,000 and for items that are not portable, a
special equipment policy with a lower premium rate may be negotiated by the Office of General
Counsel in The Research Foundation Central Office with the insurance carrier. This coverage is
designed for facilities that maintain expensive research equipment.
LONG TERM In accordance with the insurance policy, renewed insurance is carried for an
COVERAGE an annual or semi-annual term. Equipment is not insured beyond the term of the
grant unless requested by the sponsor.
After project termination, if the property is retained, further insurance is available.
SHORT TERM Short term insurance, such as one, two or three months, is acceptable when:
the grant terms within a short period of time subsequent to the acquisition of
new equipment
equipment is leased or loaned
equipment is used for sponsored projects beyond the bounds of the campus
(Please check with the Office of Grants Management when in doubt about short
term insurance.)
SHIPPING OR Project Directors are encouraged to notify the Office of Grants Management
TRANSPORTING when shipping or transporting insured equipment. Grants Management will
EQUIPMENT then advise the Foundation’s carrier on method of packing, shipping, destination
and delivery dates to ensure proper coverage.
TRANSFERRING Project Directors who are planning to transfer equipment from an RF research
EQUIPMENT TO facility to another institution (whether it’s insured or not) should first obtain an
ANOTHER inventory listing all grant(s) involved from Property Control (Cyril Rickson at
INSTITUTION 2-6306). For complete instructions on the process of Property Status Change,
click this link. Once at its destination, the PD should discontinue insurance
coverage of the equipment on the RF's floater policy as it is no longer being
used on behalf of the RF. Once Grants Management is notified by the PD, the
award would be reimbursed for the balance of the premium payment (if
applicable). Equipment should not continue to be insured Click this link for a
copy of the Property Status Change Request form.
TERMINATION Insurance is automatically terminated if not renewed. When equipment is
OF COVERAGE disposed of, the insurance should be terminated. No provision for prorating
insurance is available when termination occurs within a yearly cycle. Project
directors are encouraged to consider the dates involved and to plan accordingly.
COVERAGE Equipment is covered if the loss is caused directly by fire, lightning, explosion,
windstorm, vandalism, aircraft, rioters, strikers, theft or attempted theft, or by
accident to a vehicle carrying the property. Equipment is also covered for
accidental damage (a damage estimate must be submitted with other related
documents as requested in these guidelines). Please contact the Office of Grants
Management when there is a question of coverage that may not be described
here. There are also limits to coverage under some circumstances.
EXCLUSIONS The Equipment Policy does not provide coverage on the following:
TO COVERAGE (not all exclusions are listed below)
Excerpt from Policy
Delay, loss of use or loss of market
Shortage found when taking inventory
Governmental action
Nuclear hazard
War and military action
Loss caused by pollutants
Hidden or latent defects or any quality in the property that causes it to damage
or destroy itself
Wear and tear, gradual deterioration
Programming errors (software related)
For additional exclusions please contact the Office of Grants Management.
REPORTING Claims are not decentralized and remain under the management of the Office
and of General Counsel and Secretary in the Research Foundation Central Office
Equipment that is stolen, damaged by vandalism, or any accident that occurs
as a result of an external cause must be reported to the Security Office
(Campus Police) and to Stephanie Ammann, Assistant Director, Sponsored
Project Expenditures in the Office of Grants Management (2-9071), for her
guidance. An investigator sent from Campus Police will, with help from the
project director and the Property Control Office, file a report. The report is
retained by the Property Control office and a copy sent to the Office of Grants
Management and the Office of General Counsel and Secretary.
If the equipment was sponsor owned and if their guidelines so request, a report
must be sent in a timely manner (within 30 days) to the sponsor informing it of the
loss or damage and its cause.
In addition, all losses of RF insured equipment must be documented on the
Equipment Loss Detail form, that is linked here (see Submitting Claims below).
The Project Director is responsible for ensuring that:
lost, stolen, or damaged equipment is reported to the Security Office (Campus
Police), the Office of Grants Management and the Property Control Office,
the Property Control System is updated to reflect lost, stolen, or damaged
Property Control System records are returned to active status if equipment is
Project Directors and their staff are aware of their role in communicating
occurrences of loss, theft, or damage to the Security Office, the Office of
Grants Management and Property Control Office, and assisting in identifying
equipment asset numbers.
ASSOCIATED Any cost associated with the repair or removal of damaged equipment
COSTS is the responsibility of the Project Director/department.
SUBMITTING The Equipment Loss Detail form provides guidance on submitting a claim,
CLAIMS reduces the possibility of delays and provides the insurance carrier with an
organized overview of supporting documents as required by its office. Once the
Grants Management Office receives this documentation they will forward to RF
Office of General Counsel, who then notifies the RF insurance carrier. This
process aids in maintaining the thirty-day settlement cycle.
SETTLEMENTS Settlement amounts, minus the deductible, are based upon the current
POLICY market replacement value of the equipment. Each item of covered
REGULATIONS equipment must be insured for at least 80% of the actual cash value of the
item at the time of loss.
A thirty-day settlement cycle has been established which commences the day the
Foundation’s insurance carrier receives all required documentation.
Contact the Office of Grants Management at 632-9038 if you need further assistance.