Travel: Lowest Logical Fare
(LLF) / Benchmark Lowest
Travel Service Guide
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
Applies to Concur Travel:
Professional/Premium edition
TMC Partners
Direct Customers
Standard edition
TMC Partners
Direct Customers
Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide 1
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare ............................................... 2
Section 1: IMPORTANT About this Guide ................................................................... 2
Professional and Standard Travel .............................................................................. 3
Section 2: Overview ...................................................................................................... 3
Section 3: LLF/Benchmark Calculation ......................................................................... 4
Section 4: End-User Experience Professional Travel .................................................. 6
User's Chosen Fare (Delayed LLF) ............................................................................ 6
Dual Fare Display (Sabre) .................................................................................... 7
Hybrid ................................................................................................................... 8
Section 5: End-User Experience Standard Travel ....................................................... 8
Section 6: ConfigurationProfessional Travel ............................................................. 8
Travel System Admin .............................................................................................. 8
Define LLF Options .............................................................................................. 8
Define the Search LLF Window ........................................................................... 12
Company Admin ................................................................................................... 13
Define Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) for a Rule Class .................................................. 13
Section 7: Configuration - Standard Travel ................................................................. 19
Default Settings ................................................................................................... 19
Allow/Disallow Policy by Leg for Benchmark Fares .................................................... 20
Define Benchmark Lowest Airfare ........................................................................... 21
Define the Search Window for Benchmark Fares ....................................................... 22
Revision History
Date Revision Notes/Comments
April 19, 2024 Updated Travel System Admin section.
March 22, 2024 Updated Travel System Admin and Company Admin sections.
July 25, 2023
Updated Overview section with note on SAP Concur UI themes; no other
April 22, 2022
Updated value for maximum number of LLF definitions under Travel System
Admin configuration section
January 14, 2022 Updated the copyright year; no other changes; cover date not updated
April 14, 2021 Updated the copyright year; no other changes; cover date not updated
December 17, 2020 Added details about Email module property to Overview section
2 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Date Revision Notes/Comments
May 13, 2020
Updated LLF/Benchmark Calculation Example, Company admin area of
Configuration Professional Travel, and Configuration Standard Travel
February 14, 2020 Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
June 19, 2019 Removed "Concur" from the cover; no other changes; cover date not updated
June 11, 2019 Updated information about Dual Fare Display under the Delayed LLF section.
May 21, 2019 Added information about Dual Fare Display under the Delayed LLF section.
March 10, 2019 Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
March 8, 2019
Added a note about why we sometimes display results as out of policy that
match the LLF definition better than the fares that are actually marked as LLF
Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest
Section 1: IMPORTANT About this Guide
Be aware of the following:
Infinite variables: Certain scenarios have an infinite number of variables or
extremely unusual circumstances, like rare cancellation or refund situations.
So, not all scenarios can be presented in this guide. Also, certain processes
may be influenced by third- or fourth-party providers. In some cases, you
must contact the provider directly.
User interface, fees, rates, schedules: When other providers change their
user interface (for example, web site) or their fees/rates/schedules, they are
under no obligation to make SAP Concur aware of those changes. If a screen
sample in this guide is outdated because of a change made by a provider, we
will update that screen sample when we become aware of the change and at
our earliest convenience.
Permissions: A company's admin may or may not have the correct
permissions to manage the feature described in this guide. If an admin needs
to manage this feature and does not have the proper permissions, they
should contact the company's SAP Concur administrator.
Also, the admin should be aware that some of the tasks described in this
guide cannot be completed by the company. In this case, the client must
contact their TMC (if a TMC provides their support) or SAP Concur (if SAP
Concur provides their support).
Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide 3
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
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Professional and Standard Travel
For Professional Travel, this feature is called Lowest Logical Fare (or, in the search
results, Least-Cost Logical Fare). In this guide, it is called LLF.
For Standard Travel, this feature is called Benchmark Lowest Airfare (or, in the
search results, Least-Cost Logical Fare). In this guide, it is called benchmark.
The LLF/benchmark feature works the same way in both editions of Travel. In those
cases where there may be differences, those differences will be noted in this guide.
Section 2: Overview
NOTE: Multiple SAP Concur product versions and UI themes are available, so this
content might contain images or procedures that do not precisely match your
implementation. For example, when SAP Fiori UI themes are implemented,
home page navigation is consolidated under the SAP Concur Home menu.
When a user performs a search for air and if configured rail fares, Concur Travel
calculates the LLF/benchmark fare based on customer-defined criteria. Once
LLF/benchmark has been defined by a customer, results can be returned with the
LLF/benchmark highlighted. Additional travel policy rules are available to drive
travelers to the appropriate fares, too.
The following email module property should be taken into consideration:
Type Description
Access and
4 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Limit options
turned down
for Approval
Integer (0)
If a user books an out-of-policy fare or
rate, the list of in-policy or best-available
options is included:
In the manager (approval) notification
email for rules set with a rule action of
Notify Manager, Require Approval, or
Require Passive Approval
With the Log for Reports rule action
In the Travel Policy Violation
window, as seen by the user
The list of declined options can be lengthy.
With this property, the customer can limit
the number of declined options that
Note the following:
Having an abbreviated list of declined
options does not affect the sort order
of the options.
If LLF is configured, then a
declined LLF option appears first.
Next, the remaining options
appear in ascending order.
If only out-of-policy options appear,
then the best-available options appear
along with an explanation heading.
SAP Concur
managed /
Client aware
Section 3: LLF/Benchmark Calculation
The process of calculating LLF/benchmark can be likened to moving a pool of fares
(each of them is an LLF/benchmark candidate) through various "gates," where each
gate uses a selecting criterion to remove fares that do not match the criterion,
making the pool size smaller after each gate. The order of gate/criteria Concur Travel
uses is as follows:
1. Include rail
2. Time window
3. Preferred airport
4. Contracted rate
5. Refundable/Non-refundable
6. Stops
! IMPORTANT: The client defines these criteria (described in the configuration
information in this guide). Be aware that the order in which they are displayed
during configuration does not correspond to the "gate" order above.
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Assume that we have 100 fares initially. First, Concur Travel looks to see if rail fares
should be included, and removes those fares if they should not (assume, in this
scenario, that rail fares should be included). Then, Concur Travel matches the
departure and return time of each fare with the time window of the LLF definition
around the departure/return time the user entered for the search. We find 30 fares
are outside the time window, so we remove them from the pool. The pool now has
70 fares after the first and second gate check.
Those 70 fares continue to the next gate for preferred airport check. Again, only 50
out of the 70 fares are preferred airport fares, so those 50 fares stay and continue to
the next gate for contracted rate, and so on, until the fares have moved through all
! IMPORTANT: Not all LLF/benchmark criteria are honored. When all fares fail to
meet a criterion, that criterion is ignored (treated like "does not matter") and the
entire pool moves on to the next gate. In case Concur Travel gets to the last
criteria (gate) and no fares are left, the system will move back to the last gate
where there were still qualifying fares.
After the fares have passed through all gates, the pool size should be much smaller,
which allows Concur Travel to designate the lowest fare in the pool as the "LLF/
benchmark fare amount." That fare is used when highlighting LLF/benchmark in
search results and enforcing LLF/benchmark-related rules.
NOTE: In the end, there can be more than one "correct" search result. In other
words, when the fares pass through all gates and rules, there may be two or three
results with the same fare. If so, all are, in fact, the LLF/benchmark fare and the
user can select any of those results and remain in policy.
All LLF fares are calculated based on results that contain a fare and are
returned for the initial search request. That includes only results returned for
a Shop by Price request and in flex faring markets also for a Flex Faring
search (depending on activation).
For information about how to override this default, refer to the Delayed LLF
section in this guide.
A Shop by Schedule request does not yet contain a fare, therefore no LLF is
When a user selects Shop by Schedule (or multiple segments in the case of a
multi-city search), when the selected flights are priced, additional fares are returned
that match the LLF definition more closely than the fares provided by the Shop by
Price response.
The initially calculated LLF will remain (Shop by Price), any new fares will not
be considered in the LLF calculation.
6 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
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Even if the fare matches the LLF definition more closely the fare may be
called out of policy based on an LLF-based flight policy rule.
To cover such use cases, SAP Concur offers the functionality to activate the LLF
calculation based on the user’s chosen fare. With this feature, also referred to as
Delayed LLF, Concur Travel will only apply non-price-related travel policy rules to the
initial results. Price-related rules and the LLF calculation will be applied only once the
user selects a fare and are based on the time and price of this selected fare.
NOTE: The delayed LLF feature is not supported in a flex faring context.
Section 4: End-User ExperienceProfessional Travel
When a user performs a search for flight or rail, Concur Travel calculates the
LLF/benchmark fare based on customer-defined criteria. Customers can decide how
to enforce the LLF/benchmark based on three options:
The search window
The user's chosen fare
Hybrid of the two
User's Chosen Fare (Delayed LLF)
If enabled, Concur Travel will apply any non-price-related travel policy rules to the
results. For example, if a travel rule states that approval is required for any vendor
that is not preferred, then that rule will apply immediately.
However, price-related rules and the LLF calculation are not applied to the initial
results. Instead, results show the information icon next to the blue selection
(View Fares) button in the sliver. In this case, policy and LLF calculation will occur
based on the time/price of the fare selected.
Clicking the information icon displays the following message in the popover:
Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide 7
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When the user clicks the blue selection (View Fares) button, they will see a popup
that includes the fare chosen, as well as the LLF and additional options (if configured
to do so). The popup will indicate whether the flight selected is in policy and, if not,
which rules were violated.
In this example, the American Airlines fare is out-of-policy because it is greater than
the LLF, which is the Southwest fare.
The user can always close this popup and select a different option, or click the blue
selection (price) button for the fare they want to book from the popup.
If the user selects an in-policy fare from the results page, they will proceed to the
Review and Reserve page and will not see the Travel Policy popup.
Dual Fare Display (Sabre)
If using Sabre, this is how Delayed LLF appears when Dual Fare Display is enabled:
8 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
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For more detailed information on Dual Fare Display, refer to the Dual Fare
Display (Sabre Only) Travel Service Guide.
If the user selects Anytime or the maximum search window, the LLF will use the
chosen fare (delayed LLF, described above). Otherwise, the LLF will be based on the
search window. In essence, if the search window is small, the LLF will be calculated
based on the search window. If it is large, then it will be calculated based on the
flight the user/arranger selects.
Section 5: End-User ExperienceStandard Travel
When a user performs a search for flight or rail, Concur Travel calculates the
LLF/benchmark fare based on customer-defined criteria.
Section 6: ConfigurationProfessional Travel
The LLF is comprised of settings in the Travel System Admin and in Company Admin.
Travel System Admin
Define LLF Options
To configure the LLF options:
1. Click Administration > Travel (on the sub-menu) > Travel System Admin
and access the desired client travel configuration.
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NOTE: Depending on your permissions, the page may appear immediately
after you click Administration or Travel.
2. Locate the Wizard Options section of the travel configuration page.
3. For the Enforce LLF based on field, select one of these options.
Option Description / Action
Search window
LLF policies are enforced based on the time the user entered in
their search criteria within the Travel Wizard.
For example, assume that:
The company time window is three hours (defined in the travel
LLF is defined as using flights within company config time
The user entered a departure time of 8 A.M. in the Travel
The LLF will be determined by evaluating flights with departure
times of 5 A.M. to 11 A.M.
NOTE: LLFs are identified on the Search results page with
a star icon. If configured, LLF will display per class of
service. The same icon is used for all classes of service.
The LLF is also visible with the same icon in the Train
Options Turned Down list to both the user and the
10 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
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Option Description / Action
User's chosen
LLF policies are enforced based on the time of the flight/rail the
user selected in the search results.
For example, assume that:
The company time window is three hours (defined in the Air
Search Options section of the travel configuration page, as
described on the following pages).
LLF is defined as using flights within company config time
The user entered a departure time of 8 A.M. in the Travel
The user selected a 10 A.M. flight from the original search
The LLF will be determined by evaluating flights with departure
times of 7 A.M. to 1 P.M.
When user's chosen fare is selected, additional options appear:
Show additional LLF screen if:
The user's chosen fare is out of policy (even if the user
chose the LLF)
The user's fare is more expensive than the LLF
There are any cheaper fares within the LLF time window,
even if the user chose the LLF
The LLF screen display the user's chosen fare and:
The LLF flights
All in-policy flights in the time window
All cheaper in-policy flights in the time window
NOTE: When using this setting, companies should not use the
"Hide Results" rule action on Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) rules.
Hybrid This is a mixture of search window and user's chosen fare.
This feature is beneficial for customers wanting the LLF based on
the search window but also offer the Anytime option. With this
option enabled, the LLF will be chosen in the same way as "search
window" with the exception of searches done using the Anytime
option (or selecting 12:00 P.M. noon and choosing the maximum
allowed +/- window), in which case, it will choose the LLF in the
same manner as "user's chosen fare".
Anytime Search
To allow Anytime to be an option, the Show Morning,
Afternoon, Evening and Anytime as flight time options must
be enabled.
The Anytime option will be available only if the travel configuration
has premium search/pricing enabled, such as Bargain Finder Max
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Option Description / Action
(Sabre), E-pricing (Apollo), or Master Pricer TravelBoard
For Sabre, Bargain Finder Max must be enabled and the Max
Search Results field must be set to 200.
For Apollo, Use ePricing Search must be enabled and the
Maximum Window field in the Air Search Options section
must be set to 11 or higher.
When Hybrid is selected, additional options appear:
Show additional LLF screen if:
The user's chosen fare is out of policy
The user's fare is more expensive than the LLF
There are any cheaper fares within the LLF time window,
even if the user chose the LLF
The LLF screen display the user's chosen fare and:
The LLF flights
All in-policy flights in the time window
All cheaper in-policy flights in the time window
NOTE: In the new Concur Travel Experience, Hybrid LLF is
calculated based on the search window. Additional search options
triggering calculation based on a user’s search are not yet
4. Scroll down to the next section and select the appropriate options.
Option Description / Action
Number of LLF
definitions per
rule class
Select the desired number of definitions per rule.
LLF criteria is defined in the Please define your Lowest Logical
Fare (LLF) section in Company Admin, as described below. This
setting Number of LLF definitions per rule classdefines
how many Please define your Lowest Logical Fare (LLF)
sections appear.
The maximum number of LLF definitions per rule class is 3 and the
LLF definitions are then based on distance travelled (for example,
the criterion for number of stops could be set differently for trips
below 500 miles vs trips over 500 miles flight distance).
Constrain rule
violation fare
list to LLF
Select (enable) this check box to define the options displayed to
the user as well as the approver regarding LLF options when a
rule is violated.
If selected and if a travel rule is broken, the flights listed in the
rule violation popup will comply with the company time-window
(set in the travel configuration). There are no flights displayed
that are policy compliant price-wise but outside the company time
12 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
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Option Description / Action
Mark LLF
Fare/s with
When this check box is enabled, this will place an icon next to
fares that match the LLF definition.
This feature applies to the Shop by Fares tab only it does
not apply to Shop by Schedule or Flex Faring.
The time window for the LLF calculation must use the search
window and not the user's chosen fare so that the LLF can be
determined when the results come in.
One or more rules relating to LLF must be set up in order for
the LLF calculations to run.
NOTE: LLF configuration option is no longer support in the new
Concur Travel experience. The icon always displays.
Find closest
LLF flight and
capture details
Select (enable) this check box so that each flight in the entire fare
is logged and will be nested inside the LLF data points on the
Finisher Editor tree.
In order to write this data to the PNR, the admin must go to the
PNR Finishing Editor and update the PNR template to include the
new options.
Under the RULE_DATA_AIR_LLF, the following flight nodes are
Flight Number
Departure Airport IATA
Departure Date/Time
Arrival Airport IATA
Arrival Date/Time
Number of Stops
Flight Time
Air Miles
Air Craft Code
Refer to the documentation on the PNR Finishing Editor for
more information.
Policy by Leg
Select (enable) this check box to allow policy and LLF evaluation
per leg, which may result in multiple violations per trip.
Define the Search LLF Window
When defining the search window for LLF, the same search window can be used for
non-LLF fares or a separate one can be set.
Define the search window:
1. Locate the Air Search Options section of the travel configuration page.
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The search window for non-LLF search results is already defined.
2. Then:
To use the same search window for LLF as for non-LLF, select the Use the
domestic and international Default Search Windows for the Travel
Policy Time Windows check box.
To define an LLF search window that is different from the non-LLF search
window, clear the Use the domestic and international Default Search
Windows for the Travel Policy Time Windows check box.
Two new fields appear:
Travel Policy Time Window (Domestic)
Travel Policy Time Window (International)
The selections made from these two lists define the LLF window. The
selections in Default Search Window (Domestic) and Default Search
Window (International) define the search windows.
Company Admin
Define Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) for a Rule Class
When the LLF is defined, Travel then uses those parameters to determine the lowest
logical airfare returned.
Rules can be configured to work in conjunction with the LLF Settings.
To define LLF settings:
1. Click Administration > Company (on the sub-menu) > Company Admin.
NOTE: Depending on your permissions, the page may appear immediately
after you click Administration.
2. In the Travel Administration section of the left menu, click Travel Admin.
14 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
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3. On the Travel Policy tab, in the Rule Class list, select the desired rule class.
The page refreshes, showing the rules for the selected class.
4. Next to Flight, click Edit.
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This page appears.
NOTE: The number of LLF definitions per rule class is defined in Travel
System Admin, in the Wizard Options section of the travel
configuration, in the Number of LLF definitions per rule class field.
Example with LLF section when the Number of LLF definitions per
rule class field set to 2: each section now contains additional fields to
define the flight distance range for which this LLF definition should
5. Complete the following fields.
! IMPORTANT: The order of the fields below does not match the order of
“gates” through which the fares pass for LLF calculation. Refer to the
LLF/Benchmark Calculation section in this guide.
16 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
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Field Description/Action
Refundability Select one of the following:
Does Not Matter: Refundability is not considered when
determining LLF
Refundable only: Only refundable fares will be used; may
require an extra search
Cheapest on Plane Only: Cheapest in Cabin booked; may
require an extra search
Select this option to allow the user to request a refundable
flight but still obtain the LLF based on the lowest fare
available. If you do not select this option, then the LLF is
calculated based on the lowest refundable fare not the
lowest on the plane.
This feature applies to GDS fares only not direct connect
or Travelfusion results.
Has Contract Select one of the following:
Does Not Matter: All carriers considered
Contract Carriers Only: Only contract carriers considered,
all non-contract carriers are ignored
Number of Stops Select one of the following:
Does Not Matter: All flights considered
Two Stop: Consider only 2-stop flights; if no 2-stop flights,
then lowest fare
One Stop: Consider only 1-stop flights; if no 1-stop flights,
then lowest fare
Fewest Stops: Only the group of ‘fewest stop’ flights
Note: For a shop by schedule search, SAP Concur always runs a
shop by price in parallel. Since no fares/prices are returned for a shop
by schedule, the LLF calculation will always be based on the results
returned for the parallel “Shop by price”. This could then provide a LLF
for a flight with 1 stop when the user has selected nonstop flights even
though the “Fewest Stops” is selected for the “Number of Stops”
A user always has the option to change the shopping model by clicking
the Shop by Price tab to see the fares used to calculate the LLF.
Once the user selects a combination of segments in a shop by
schedule and sends a pricing request, the LLF is NOT re-calculated.
Time Window
There are several options for considering which flights should be
considered as part of the least cost logical fare. The center of the
time window used to compute LLF will be the time of the user's
selected flight (if the Enforce LLF based on user's chosen
flight travel configuration option is used), the flight chosen in
search by schedule (if old schedule page is used), or the center
of the time window chosen in the search criteria.
Select one of the following:
Does not matter: All flights returned will be considered.
Flights Within User's Time Window: On both the
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Field Description/Action
original search (the time window the user defined in the
Travel Wizard).
Flights Within Company Config Time Window: On both
the outbound and return flights, Travel will look before and
after the number of hours configured as company policy. So,
if company time window is +/- 2, Travel will look 2 hours
before and after outbound and returnregardless of the
time window the user defined in the Travel Wizard.
Half Company Window Before Outbound / Half After
On the outbound flight, Travel will only look before the
center of the time window because travelers can choose
to depart earlier but departing later may not allow them
to arrive on time.
On the return flight, Travel will only look after the
center of the time window because their business may
not permit them to leave earlier. So, if company time
window is +/- 2, Travel will look 2 hours before the
outbound and 2 hours after the return.
45 minutes before depart/45 minutes after return:
Travel will look 45 minutes before the outbound flight and 45
minutes after the return flight, regardless of company-defined
or user-defined time window.
For multi-segment trips and open-jaws, there is no window for
the middle segments; the time window is only applied to the first
and last segments.
NOTE: In the new Concur Travel experience, A banner message
will display at the top of the Search Results page that will read:
“Additional policy will be calculated based on the time of your
selected fare.
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Field Description/Action
This setting only affects Hub type searches (that is, the user
searches with an airport that is associated to a hub). An example
for a hub is LON (London) which comprises of the associated
airports LHR (Heathrow), GAT (Gatwick), LTN (Luton), and STN
Assume a user searches for a flight LHR-PRG (Heathrow
Select one of the following:
Does Not Matter: Example: Assume the flight search is
LHR-PRG. The search results are returned from LHR, STN,
and LGW. Concur Travel considers all airports for the LLF.
Flights to/from User’s preferred airport: Example:
Assume the flight search is LHR-PRG. The search results are
returned from LHR, STN, LTN, and LGW. Concur Travel
considers only flights from LHR (user’s preferred/searched
airport) for the LLF.
NOTE: All Area Airport searches (that is, the user selects the hub
in our example LON as search criterion) are treated like Does
Not Matter and all flights from associated airports returned are
considered for the LLF.
Include Rail Select one of these to include rail in the LLF:
NOTE: This option applies only to mixed air/rail displays.
LLF per fare class
of service
This rule is only applicable to the new Concur Travel experience.
The new configuration enables administrators to have a Least
Cost Logical Fare per class of service. This is different than the
current system where the LLF is always in the lowest class of
service that is available in the search results.
Run Dedicated
LLF Shop
This option should be enabled only if the Refundability option is
set at Refundable Only or Cheapest on Plane Only.
This feature will always shop for a low refundable fare when
users perform searches that are not refundable-only searches.
Refer to the information available in the Run Dedicated LLF
Shop Quick Help (listed in the table below).
NOTE: This option does not appear when defining Flight - Flex
Fare buckets.
NOTE: LLF configuration option is not supported in the new
Concur Travel experience due to changes in the overall search
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Field Description/Action
Quick Help (Run Dedicated LLF Shop field):
If this box is checked, then Concur Travel may do additional searches to present
additional results to the user beyond what they requested, in order to have the LLF
computed on the correct fares given company policy. Whether or not extra searches
are run, and which searches are run, depend on the setting for "Refundability" above
as well as whether or not the traveler has elected to do a search for "Refundable
Fares Only" or not.
User Chose
How is LLF calculated?
Does Not
No Extra Searches, LLF is based on cheapest fare
Does Not
One extra refundable search using the Discount
Code for LLF shop, LLF is limited to refundable
One extra refundable search using the Discount
Code for LLF shop, LLF is limited to refundable
No Extra Searches, LLF is based on cheapest fare
returned (which will be refundable)
Cheapest on
Plane Only
No Extra Searches, LLF is based on cheapest fare
Cheapest on
Plane Only
Double Scans - entire shop is run both
refundable and cheapest on plane, LLF is based
on cheapest fare returned (which may be
refundable if the refundables are cheap or if
there are only refundable seats on the planes)
6. Click Save to the right of the Rule Class list.
Section 7: Configuration - Standard Travel
Default Settings
There are several LLF settings that are permanently set for Standard Travel and are
not available for change.
Option Set to:
Enforce LLF based on Search window
Number of LLF definitions per rule class 1
Constrain rule violation fare list to LLF window Off
Mark LLF Fare/s with icon On
20 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Option Set to:
Find closest LLF flight and capture details Off
Allow/Disallow Policy by Leg for Benchmark Fares
To allow Policy by Leg:
1. In the Travel Setup Wizard, click the Site Customization setup step.
2. Click the Configuration Settings tab.
3. Select the desired configuration.
4. Select (enable) the Policy by Leg check box allow LLF evaluation per leg,
which may result in multiple violations per trip.
Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide 21
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Define Benchmark Lowest Airfare
To define the Benchmark Lowest Airfare:
1. In the left-side menu, click the Travel Rules setup step.
2. Click the Benchmark Fare tab.
3. Select the desired policy.
4. Make the appropriate choices as described in the following table.
Field Description/Action
Refundability Select one of the following:
Does Not Matter: Refundability is not considered when
determining LLF
Refundable only: Only refundable fares will be used; may
require an extra search
Cheapest on Plane Only: Cheapest in Cabin booked; may
require an extra search
Select this option to allow the user to request a refundable
flight but still obtain the LLF based on the lowest fare
available. If you do not select this option, then the LLF is
calculated based on the lowest refundable fare not the
lowest on the plane.
This feature applies to GDS fares only not direct connect
or Travelfusion results.
22 Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Field Description/Action
Number of Stops Select one of the following:
Does Not Matter: All flights considered
Two Stop: Consider only 2-stop flights; if no 2-stop flights,
then lowest fare
One Stop: Consider only 1-stop flights; if no 1-stop flights,
then lowest fare
Fewest Stops: Only the group of ‘fewest stop’ flights
Note: For a shop by schedule search, SAP Concur always runs a
shop by price in parallel. Since no fares/prices are returned for a shop
by schedule, the LLF calculation will always be based on the results
returned for the parallel “Shop by price”. This could then provide a
LLF for a flight with 1 stop when the user has selected nonstop flights
even though the “Fewest Stops” is selected for the “Number of Stops”
A user always has the option to change the shopping model by
clicking the Shop by Price tab to see the fares used to calculate the
Once the user selects a combination of segments in a shop by
schedule and sends a pricing request, the LLF is NOT re-calculated.
Include Rail Click one of the following:
This option applies only to mixed air/rail displays.
This option does not apply to flex faring.
5. Click Save.
Define the Search Window for Benchmark Fares
To define the search window:
1. In the left-side menu, click the Travel Rules setup step.
2. Click the Search Options tab.
Travel: Lowest Logical Fare (LLF) / Benchmark Lowest Airfare Travel Service Guide 23
Last Revised: April 19, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
3. Select the desired policy.
4. Modify the settings as needed. Help text is available to explain nuances.
Setting Default Description/Action
Travel Policy
Time Window
3 Hours
Select the number of hours for the default window
for benchmark lowest fares, for both domestic and
international travel.
The default window will pre-populate when the
traveler selects dates and times on the Flight tab.
The traveler can change the default window when
searching but cannot search a smaller time window
than is defined in the Minimum time window
field or a longer time than is defined in the
Maximum time window field below.
NOTE: For Worldspan only, the Anytime option
will appear only for users if the Maximum
Window field is set to 12 hours.
Travel Policy
Time Window
5 Hours