Awards Policy
Series / Number
GO – ADM – 201.05
Effective Date Distribution
March 1, 2001 B
Replaces / Rescinds
General Order 201.10 Crime Reduction Awards
Dated September 19, 1986
General Order 201.5 Awards Committee,
Dated November 1, 1979
Special Order 99.5 Blue Shield Award,
Dated February 4, 1999
Special Order 92.17 CEP Performance Awards,
Dated October 28, 1992
Special Order 91.6 COPS Team Award
Program, Dated July 15, 1999
Special Order 99.5 Blue Shield Award,
Dated February 4, 1999
I. Background…….…..Page 1 III. Definitions…………….………Page
II. Policy………………..Page 1 IV. Procedural Guidelines………Page 8
I. Background
The Metropolitan Police Department Awards Committee is established in order to
formally recognize the outstanding efforts and accomplishments of sworn and
civilian members of the Department, and increase the awareness of the
sacrifices, services, and contributions made by the members of our Department.
The Awards Committee will function under a standard operating procedure
approved by the Chief of Police to ensure the efficient review and distribution of
the awards documented below.
II. Policy
The Metropolitan Police Department will honor individuals or groups who have
made an outstanding contribution to the mission of the Metropolitan Police
Department and to the citizens of and visitors to the District of Columbia. This
recognition will be in the form of Letters, Certificates, Ribbons, Pins and Medals,
and other forms of recognition as deemed appropriate by the Awards Committee
and the Chief of Police. It shall be the policy of the Department to encourage
award submissions from all sources to include members and community
stakeholders. Metropolitan Police Department Awards also may be issued to
sworn members of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.
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III. Definitions
A. Mayoral Awards
Mayor's Meritorious Service Awards-
Gold & Silver Medals For Valor
The D.C. Office of Ceremonial Services handles all awards issued by the
Mayor. Annually, the Mayor's Office of Ceremonial Services awards the
Mayor's Meritorious Service Award, Gold Medal For Valor, and Silver
Medal for Meritorious Service, recognizing exceptional bravery by the
members of the District of Columbia Police, Fire and Corrections
Departments. Nominations for this award are submitted by the agencies
and recipients are selected by the Mayor's Office. The D.C. Chamber of
Commerce sponsors these awards.
DECORATION: The Mayor's Office issues a medal and a pin. A
corresponding MPD ribbon will be authorized for wear and awarded to
indicate the receipt of this prestigious award. The ribbon will be worn with
a gold or silver star corresponding to the level of the award. The insignia
plate (pin) is reserved for wear on the dress (Class A) uniform only.
B. MPD Awards
The following awards and ribbons will be presented to MPD employees
and citizens of the District of Columbia who have distinguished
themselves by significantly contributing to the mission and goals of the
Metropolitan Police Department:
1. Medal of Honor
MPD sworn or civilian personnel, who perform an act of
EXCEPTIONAL BRAVERY, above and beyond the call of duty, with
the awareness of the possibility that the act could result in great
bodily harm or death to themselves, are eligible to receive the
Medal of Honor. As the premier award of the Metropolitan Police
Department, this honor is only bestowed upon members in
conjunction with an award of either the Medal of Valor and/or the
Blue Badge award.
DECORATION: Certificate, Medal, Ribbon with “V” device
distinguishing valor, and Pin.
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2. Police Medal
MPD sworn or civilian personnel, who receive the Medal of Valor,
Meritorious Service Medal, Department Blue Badge Medal, and
whose accomplishments or performance was so outstanding as to
justify additional recognition by the Chief of Police. The award may
be presented annually.
DECORATION: Medal, Ribbon and Certificate.
3. Medal of Valor
MPD sworn or civilian personnel who perform a heroic act that by
its nature results in the saving of a life, preventing a serious crime,
or apprehending a person who commits a serious crime are eligible
to receive the Medal of Valor.
DECORATION: Certificate, Medal, Ribbon with “V” device
distinguishing valor is authorized, and Pin.
4. Department Blue Badge Medal
MPD sworn or civilian personnel, who in the performance of
enforcement duties, are seriously, critically or fatally injured while in
the performance of policy duties. In addition, this award may be
conferred if the injury was averted by wearing body armor. This
award is limited to those cases resulting from attack by an
assailant, personal combat or the performance of an act of valor.
DECORATION: Certificate, Medal, Ribbon and Pin; “V” device
distinguishing valor or an extremely hazardous circumstance may
be authorized.
5. Department Blue Shield Medal
MPD sworn or civilian personnel, who as a result of accidental
causes, has been seriously, critically or fatally injured while in the
performance of police duty. This award is limited to those cases
resulting from accidental or medical circumstances (traffic crash,
heart attack, fall, etc.) which occurs during direct performance of
police duties.
DECORATION: Certificate, Medal, Ribbon and Pin.
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6. Meritorious Service Medal
MPD sworn or civilian personnel who have made significant,
outstanding and sustained achievements contributing to the
efficiency and/or effectiveness of the department by performing
their duties with outstanding skill, enhancing community
partnerships, and have exhibited diligence, productivity, judgment,
and responsibility are eligible to receive the Meritorious Service
DECORATION: Certificate, Medal, Ribbon and Pin; “V” device
distinguishing valor or an extremely hazardous circumstance may
be authorized.
7. Achievement Medal
MPD sworn or civilian personnel performing an outstanding act that
results in improved administration or operation, applies unique
problem solving skills, provides substantial savings in labor or
operational cost, greatly enhances the mission of the Metropolitan
Police Department, furthers the goals of Policing for Prevention and
enhances the lifestyle of community stakeholders, or brings great
credit to the department are eligible to receive the Achievement
Medal. The act or acts must be representative of performance
beyond the requirements of the normal work assignment.
DECORATION: Certificate, Medal, Ribbon and Pin; “V” device
distinguishing valor or an extremely hazardous circumstance may
be authorized.
8. Employee(s) of the Year Medal
Awarded yearly to a single MPD Officer or Detective, the rank of
sergeant or below, and a single MPD civilian employee who has
shown extraordinary commitment to the policing profession and the
citizens of the District of Columbia while performing daily activities
as a Metropolitan Police Officer or civilian employee. Through this
member's relentless dedication to duty, they would have repeatedly
exhibited courage and compassion when faced with the challenges
of their daily activities. This member will have contributed markedly
to the mission of the Metropolitan Police Department by
significantly reducing crime or the fear of crime within the District of
Columbia. Sworn members selected to receive the Employee of the
Year award will be issued a vehicle for their sole use while at work
(not a take home vehicle). Civilian and sworn members will also
receive a designated parking space for their personal vehicle, at
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their assigned element, for the year until the next award recipient is
DECORATION: Certificate, Medal, Ribbon and Pin
9. Department Lifesaving Medal
MPD sworn or civilian personnel who perform actions or who apply
techniques that result in the saving or sustaining a human life are
eligible to receive the Department Lifesaving Medal.
DECORATION: Certificate, Medal, Ribbon and Pin; “V” device
distinguishing valor or an extremely hazardous circumstance may
be authorized.
10. Department Unit Citation Ribbon
Awarded to MPD sworn or civilian personnel within a distinct
operational unit who have exhibited exceptional professional skill
and conduct during a coordinated action and have displayed
consistent sustained excellence in carrying out the unit's mission.
DECORATION: Certificate and Ribbon
11. Department Commendation Ribbon
Approved, and awarded monthly, by an Senior Executive Director
or an Assistant Chief of Police, to MPD sworn or civilian personnel
who perform an outstanding act with diligence, perseverance or
exceptional ability that notably contributes to enhancing the image
of the department or prepares, directs or executes a plan, program
or procedure that makes a notable contribution to the efficiency
and/or effectiveness of the department.
DECORATION: Certificate and Ribbon
12. Department Honorable Mention Ribbon
Approved and awarded by Unit Commanders the rank of Inspector
and above, or civilian Directors (grade DS-15 or above), to MPD
sworn or civilian personnel whose zealous performance of job-
related and/or community-related tasks is indicative of superlative
performance. This is the only award in which the PD751 is required.
All other awards are submitted with the Award Nomination Form.
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DECORATION: Certificate and Ribbon. Civilians may receive an
optional lapel pin. A cluster will be awarded for the twenty-sixth
), fifty-first (51st), and seventy-sixth (76
) award of this ribbon.
A single gold star will be awarded at the 100
award and will
replace the three, previously issued clusters.
13. PSA (Police Service Area) of the Month Award
Approved and awarded by District Commanders to sworn members
and citizens based on crime reduction and/or success in problem
solving efforts. Each District Commander will select a PSA per
month to be recognized for their efforts.
Decoration: Certificate to members and citizens with a plaque
presented at the end of the year for the PSA of the year. The PSA
of the year is determined by the PSA receiving the most PSA
awards during the year.
14. Physical Fitness Award Ribbon
In an effort to promote good health and well being of its members,
the Metropolitan Police Department will issue an award recognizing
each member's endeavor to attain a high level of physical fitness.
The award will recognize each member's overall physical fitness on
three levels. Individual member's submission for the physical
fitness award will be on a voluntary basis.
Level I: Awarded to MPD personnel with an overall
wellness score of 90 percent or above.
DECORATION: Certificate and Ribbon with Gold Star
Level II: Awarded to MPD personnel with an overall wellness score
between 80 to 89 percent.
DECORATION: Certificate and Ribbon with Silver Star
Level III: Awarded to MPD personnel with an overall wellness score
between 60 to 79 percent.
DECORATION: Certificate and Ribbon
15. Department Special Event Commemorative Service Ribbon
Awarded to MPD sworn or civilian personnel who serve with honor
and distinction during special details, events, or assignments.
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Example: (50
Anniversary of NATO, Y2K, or as defined by the
Chief of Police)
DECORATION: Certificate and Ribbon. Civilians may receive an
optional lapel pin.
16. Crime Reduction Award
Awarded annually to all MPD sworn and civilian members of the
district, including reserves, which realizes the most significant
reduction in crime, as measured by comparing present year
statistics with that of the previous year. Recipients shall have
served a minimum of six (6) months, in the receiving district, in a
full duty capacity to be eligible for this award. The Central Crime
Analysis Unit will perform crime reduction calculations. This award
will only be presented when at least one district achieves a
statistical reduction in crime.
DECORATION: Crime Reduction insignia and Crime Reduction
17. Chief of Police Award of Merit Medal
Awarded to non-MPD civilian employees of the District of Columbia
government or members of other law enforcement agencies whose
contributions have greatly enhanced the ability of MPD to carry out
its mission, deliver services to the public, prevent crime, or build
community partnerships throughout our communities and
DECORATION: Plaque or Certificate, Medal and lapel pin.
18. Chief of Police Special Awards
Awarded to citizens of the Washington Metropolitan area by the
Chief of Police for a variety of reasons as the situation warrants.
The awards should honor the contributions of individuals,
businesses, civic groups and other community stakeholders.
AWARD: Certificates or plaques.
19. CHAMPS Award
Capitol Hotels Award Metropolitan Police Service, or CHAMPS, is
an incentive program sponsored by the Hotel Association of
Washington, D.C. in appreciation and support of the Metropolitan
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Police Department’s service to the community. Nominations are
made by Commanders, or their designee, of the Districts and
Special Services Units to recognize officers who have performed a
special community service or demonstrated superior conduct. The
awardees attend a bi-monthly luncheon in which they are able to
share experience and expertise directly with the Chief of Police and
present new ideas from the front line. Command officials will submit
nominations to be considered as CHAMPS awardees to attend the
bi-monthly luncheon.
Decoration: Certificate, ribbon
20. Length of Service Award
Awarded to all MPD sworn and civilian members recognizing length
of service to the Department. Awarded for increments of five years
of service.
Award: Certificates and pin
IV. Procedural Guidelines
A. Nomination for Awards
Anyone may nominate a civilian or sworn member of the Department for
an award.
The nomination of a member for an award shall be made within thirty (30)
days of the action or event for which the person has been nominated.
Commanding Officer’s Honorable Mentions – unit level award – is the only
award in which a PD751 is required. The Award Nomination Form is the
document to be used for all other award submissions, including the
Departmental Commendation which is approved/issued by Assistant
Chiefs or Executive Directors. Neither the Honorable Mentions nor the
Commendation nominations need to be forwarded to Human Services
unless the award is to be considered by the Awards Committee for a
higher departmental award. However, copies of the award shall be
submitted to the Awards Coordinator in Human Services to be filed in the
member’s Official Personnel Folder. When the nomination is for a higher
level departmental award for Committee consideration, the Award
Nomination Form will be routed to the Awards Coordinator in Human
Services through the chain of command.
When a community stakeholder makes a recommendation for an award,
an official on-duty at the unit will be contacted. The official first learning of
the award shall obtain as much information possible about the event or
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action and complete the Award Nomination Form. The form will be
forwarded to the Watch Commander or the highest-ranking member then
present at the command for review and further action.
In those cases where there is not a sworn official assigned to a unit, and a
community stakeholder recommends a civilian employee for an award, the
person first learning of the award nomination shall complete the
nomination form and forward it to the Awards Coordinator in Human
Services for further action.
B. Awards to be converted
On August 1, 2000, the following MPD awards will be converted to ribbons
for the Metropolitan Police Department:
1. Metal Insignia Plate for the Award for Valor to Department Medal of
2. Metal Insignia Plate for the Award for Honor to: Department Medal
of Honor
3. Metal Insignia Plate for the Award for Merit to: Department
Meritorious Service
Members who have received these awards in the past will be issued a
corresponding ribbon for daily wear. All insignia plates awarded to date
may be worn on the dress (Class A) uniforms, as desired, by members
who have previously received this award. Additionally, members may
wear the single, most recently awarded metal insignia plate on the
Uniform of the Day.
4. Annual Crime Reduction Award
Originally established to recognize and commend the district that
achieved the largest annual reduction of crime over the previous
DECORATION: Gold rectangular bar, various ribbons with devices.
The award bar and the last awarded associated ribbon will be
retained. Members may wear only the single, most recent award
bar and last awarded ribbon on the Uniform of the Day. All insignia
plates awarded to date may be worn on the dress (Class A)
uniforms, as desired, by members who have previously received
this award. A crime reduction flag will be awarded to the District
Commander for display in a suitable location.
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5. Quarterly and Monthly Crime Reduction Award
Established to recognize and commend the district that achieves a
reduction in index crimes and offenses as determined by a
comparative analysis of current (month) statistics with the same
month/quarter of the previous year. DECORATION: Ribbons of
various colors. This award will be retired. The quarterly crime
reduction award gold bar/plate is retired and shall not be worn.
C. Issuance of Awards
1. All award submissions, with the exception of the Commanding
Officer’s Honorable Mention (PD751), will be requested on an
Awards Nomination Form. The Commanding Officer’s Honorable
Mention will be documented on a PD751, formerly the Commanding
Officer’s Letter of Commendation.
2. The issuance of an award at the unit or Assistant Chief of Police
level to include the CHAMPS award does not preclude nomination to
the Awards Committee for a higher departmental award.
3. The following awards can be issued as indicated below. A copy of
the award shall be forwarded to the Awards Committee Coordinator
in Human Services for placement in the member's permanent
personnel folder:
a. Department Commendations may be approved and issued
monthly by Assistant Chiefs of Police, Executive Directors,
and above.
b. Department Honorable Mention may be approved and
issued by Unit Commanders the rank of Inspector and above
or their civilian counterparts.
c. Length of Service Award may be issued by the Unit
Commanders as determined by the Executive Director.
4. All higher department awards shall be reviewed and a decision to
issue based upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the
Awards Committee and final approval of the Chief of Police. In
most instances, the higher departmental awards will be given at the
official Metropolitan Police Department Awards Ceremony.
5. The Department will host awards ceremonies regularly and one
annual Awards Ceremony. Recipients of the Medal of Valor,
Department Medal of Honor, Department Lifesaving Award, the
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Blue Badge Award, Meritorious Service Medal, Achievement
Medal, Employee(s) of the Year Medal, and the Department
Lifesaving Medal will be honored and presented the award at the
annual awards ceremony or at another appropriate awards
6. The Chief of Police might present award recipients an award at any
time, as deemed appropriate.
7. If any of these previously listed awards are issued at an event other
than the annual awards ceremony; the recipient will be invited to
the annual awards ceremony in order to receive the appropriate
8. Members nominated for departmental awards will be detailed to the
awards ceremony for the entire tour of duty. Member's families and
friends may be invited to the awards ceremonies, and the Awards
Committee will provide a departmental photographer for the event.
9. The Director of Human Services will ensure that all awards are
promptly recorded in a member’s Official Personnel Folder. It is the
responsibility of Assistant Chiefs, Executive Directors and
Commanders to notify the Director of Human Services of awards
they distribute to members to enable Human Services personnel to
record the award in the member’s Official Personnel Folder.
D. Wearing of Departmental Ribbons
1. Members of the department are directed to wear their ribbon bar(s)
on the uniform shirt, jacket or blouse, positioned on the right side,
just above the nametag. Ribbons will be placed on the uniform in
order of ranking priority beginning with the Mayor’s Meritorious
Service Award. Award ribbon order will begin from the wearer's left
(closest to the heart) and move to the right in one or more rows,
three ribbons per row. The highest-ranking award will be displayed
on the top, for single rows, or as the innermost ribbon for two or
three joined ribbons.
a. There will be no more than 1/8 inch between rows of
ribbons; where possible members shall use the joined,
military style ribbon holders.
b. No more than three ribbons will be worn in any single row,
and there will be no subsequent rows added until the current
row has three ribbons.
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c. When subsequent awards require a second row of ribbons,
the higher-ranking ribbons will be displayed above the lower
ranking ribbons.
2. With the exceptions noted in the description of awards, when
awarded a second MPD service ribbon or MPD medal, the recipient
will be issued a star to affix to the ribbon previously issued. The
star shall be affixed in the center of the ribbon to indicate a second
award. A third award will be indicated by a second star affixed and
equally spaced in thirds on the face of the ribbon. A fourth award of
the same type will be indicated by a third star affixed and equally
spaced in fourths on the face of the ribbon. The fifth award of the
same type will be indicated by affixing one gold star in the center of
the ribbon. Awards six through nine will be marked in the same
manner as above, adding a silver star to the side of the gold star,
starting with the side closest to the center line of the uniform. A
tenth award of the same ribbon or medal will be indicated by a
second gold star. This progression will continue for additional
awards. If a particular ribbon or award has a center decoration, the
above sequence will be followed beginning with the side of the
ribbon closest to the centerline of the uniform.
E. Wearing of Military Service Ribbons
Service and campaign ribbons awarded by the United States Armed
Forces shall be worn on the member’s dress (Class A) uniform. The
ribbons will be worn above the member’s badge, in the same manner and
order of precedence as directed by military authority. For members who
have earned U.S. Armed Forces specialty qualifications such as the
Combat Infantry Badge, the Special Warfare Pin, Ranger insignia, Pilot’s
Wings, Jump Wings, Surface Warfare Officer, Diver, etc., the qualification
pin may be worn directly above the military ribbons.
Members with qualification pins or insignia other than those listed above,
may submit a memorandum to the Chairman of the Awards Committee
requesting permission to wear the insignia. In all cases members will be
guided by the decision of the Chairman.
F. Awards from Other Agencies
Medals and ribbons awarded to MPD members by other governments,
municipalities, or law enforcement agencies, and medals or ribbons
awarded to members by a previous law enforcement agency (i.e., lateral
hires), may be worn with MPD issued ribbons and medals with prior
approval of the Awards Committee. A memorandum evidencing the prior
award must accompany the request to wear the ribbon or medal. If
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approved, the member will be instructed by the Awards Committee on how
to wear the previous award in conjunction with MPD awards.
G. Evaluation of the Awards Program
Biannually, the Awards Committee will review the current MPD Awards
General Order to determine if any changes or additions are necessary.
This review will also include awards presented to civilian employees and
private citizens of the District of Columbia.
Charles H. Ramsey
Chief of Police
P.D. 905
DATE: _______________________
(Include rank/title/badge #), (Include telephone # and address if Nominee is a citizen)
AWARD CATEGORY:___________________________________________________
(Refer to General Order 201.05 to determine the proper category)
(Why deserving of an award)
(Attach supporting documentation)
SUBMITTED BY: -----------------------------------------------------------
P.D. 905A