This guidance is intended for all Americans, whether you own a business, run a school, or want to ensure
the cleanliness and safety of your home. Reopening America requires all of us to move forward together by
practicing social distancing and other daily habits to reduce our risk of exposure to the virus that causes
COVID-19. Reopening the country also strongly relies on public health strategies, including increased testing
of people for the virus, social distancing, isolation, and keeping track of how someone infected might have
infected other people. This plan is part of the larger United States Government plan and focuses on cleaning
and disinfecting public spaces, workplaces, businesses, schools, and can also be applied to your home.
Cleaning and disinfecting public spaces including your workplace, school, home,
and business will require you to:
Develop your plan
Implement your plan
Maintain and revise your plan
Reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by cleaning and disinfection is an important part of reopening public spaces that will
require careful planning. Every American has been called upon to slow the spread of the virus through social distancing and
prevention hygiene, such as frequently washing your hands and wearing face coverings. Everyone also has a role in making sure our
communities are as safe as possible to reopen and remain open.
The virus that causes COVID-19 can be killed if you use the right products. EPA has compiled a list of disinfectant products that can
be used against COVID-19, including ready-to-use sprays, concentrates, and wipes. Each product has been shown to be eective
against viruses that are harder to kill than viruses like the one that causes COVID-19.
CS316485C September 16, 2020 10:42 AM
For more information, please visit COR ONAVI R US. GOV
This document provides a general framework for cleaning and disinfection practices. The framework is based on doing the following:
1. Normal routine cleaning with soap and water will decrease how much of the virus is on surfaces and objects, which reduces the
risk of exposure.
2. Disinfection using EPA-approved disinfectants against COVID-19 can also help reduce the risk. Frequent disinfection of surfaces
and objects touched by multiple people is important.
3. When EPA-approved disinfectants are not available, alternative disinfectants can be used (for example, 1/3 cup of bleach added
to 1 gallon of water, or 70% alcohol solutions). Do not mix bleach or other cleaning and disinfection products togetherthis can
cause fumes that may be very dangerous to breathe in. Keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children.
Links to specific recommendations for many public spaces that use this framework, can be found at the end of this document.
Its important to continue to follow federal, state, tribal, territorial, and local guidance for reopening America.
A Few Important Reminders about Coronaviruses and Reducing the Risk of Ex posure:
Coronaviruses on surfaces and objects naturally die within hours to days. Warmer temperatures and exposure to sunlight will
reduce the time the virus survives on surfaces and objects.
Normal routine cleaning with soap and water removes germs and dirt from surfaces. It lowers the risk of spreading
COVID-19 infection.
Disinfectants kill germs on surfaces. By killing germs on a surface aer cleaning, you can further lower the risk of spreading
infection. EPA-approved disinfectants are an important part of reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19. If disinfectants on this
list are in short supply, alternative disinfectants can be used (for example, 1/3 cup of bleach added to 1 gallon of water, or 70%
alcohol solutions).
Store and use disinfectants in a responsible and appropriate manner according to the label. Do not mix bleach or other cleaning
and disinfection products together—this can cause fumes that may be very dangerous to breathe in. Keep all disinfectants out of
the reach of children.
Do not overuse or stockpile disinfectants or other supplies. This can result in shortages of appropriate products for others to use
in critical situations.
Always wear gloves appropriate for the chemicals being used when you are cleaning and disinfecting. Additional personal
protective equipment (PPE) may be needed based on setting and product. For more information, see CDC’s website on Cleaning
and Disinfection for Community Facilities.
Practice social distancing, wear facial coverings, and follow proper prevention hygiene, such as washing your hands frequently
and using alcohol-based (at least 60% alcohol) hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
If you oversee sta in a workplace, your plan should include considerations about the safety of custodial sta and other people
who are carrying out the cleaning or disinfecting. These people are at increased risk of being exposed to the virus and to
any toxic eects of the cleaning chemicals. These sta should wear appropriate PPE for cleaning and disinfecting. To protect
your sta and to ensure that the products are used eectively, sta should be instructed on how to apply the disinfectants
according to the label. For more information on concerns related to cleaning sta, visit the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration’s website on Control and Prevention.
Evaluate your workplace, school, home, or business to determine what kinds of surfaces and materials make up that area. Most surfaces
and objects will just need normal routine cleaning. Frequently touched surfaces and objects like light switches and doorknobs will need
to be cleaned and then disinfected to further reduce the risk of germs on surfaces and objects.
First, clean the surface or object with soap and water.
Then, disinfect using an EPA-approved disinfectant.
If an EPA-approved disinfectant is unavailable, you can use 1/3 cup of bleach added to 1 gallon of water, or 70% alcohol solutions
to disinfect. Do not mix bleach or other cleaning and disinfection products together. Find additional information at CDC’s website
on Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility.
You should also consider what items can be moved or removed completely to reduce frequent handling or contact from multiple
people. So and porous materials, such as area rugs and seating, may be removed or stored to reduce the challenges with cleaning and
disinfecting them. Find additional reopening guidance for cleaning and disinfecting in the Reopening Decision Tool.
It is critical that your plan includes how to maintain a cleaning and disinfecting strategy aer reopening. Develop a flexible plan
with your sta or family, adjusting the plan as federal, state, tribal, territorial, or local guidance is updated and if your specific
circumstances change.
Determine what needs to be cleaned
Some surfaces only need to be cleaned with soap and water. For example, surfaces and objects that are not frequently touched should
be cleaned and do not require additional disinfection. Additionally, disinfectants should typically not be applied on items used by
children, especially any items that children might put in their mouths. Many disinfectants are toxic when swallowed. In a household
setting, cleaning toys and other items used by children with soap and water is usually suicient. Find more information on cleaning and
disinfection toys and other surfaces in the childcare program setting at CDC’s Guidance for Childcare Programs that Remain Open.
These questions will help you decide which surfaces and objects will need normal routine cleaning.
Is the area outdoors?
Outdoor areas generally require normal routine cleaning and do not require disinfection. Spraying disinfectant on sidewalks and in
parks is not an eicient use of disinfectant supplies and has not been proven to reduce the risk of COVID-19 to the public. You should
maintain existing cleaning and hygiene practices for outdoor areas.
The targeted use of disinfectants can be done eectively, eiciently and safely on outdoor hard surfaces and objects frequently touched
by multiple people. Certain outdoor areas and facilities, such as bars and restaurants, may have additional requirements. More
information can be found on CDC’s website on Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread directly to humans from water in pools, hot tubs or spas, or water
play areas. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (for example, with chlorine or bromine) of pools, hot tubs or spas, and
water playgrounds should kill the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there are additional concerns with outdoor areas that may be
maintained less frequently, including playgrounds, or other facilities located within local, state, or national parks. For more information,
visit CDC’s website on Visiting Parks & Recreational Facilities.
Has the area been unoccupied for the last 7 days?
If your workplace, school, or business has been unoccupied for 7 days or more, it will only need your normal routine cleaning to reopen
the area. This is because the virus that causes COVID-19 has not been shown to survive on surfaces longer than this time.
There are many public health considerations, not just COVID-19 related, when reopening public buildings and spaces that have been
closed for extended periods. For example, take measures to ensure the safety of your building water system. It is not necessary to clean
ventilation systems, other than routine maintenance, as part of reducing risk of coronaviruses. For healthcare facilities, additional
guidance is provided on CDC’s Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities.
Determine what needs to be disinfected
Following your normal routine cleaning, you can disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects using a product from EPA’s list of
approved products that are eective against COVID-19.
These questions will help you choose appropriate disinfectants.
Are you cleaning or disinfecting a hard and non-porous material or item like glass, metal, or plastic?
Consult EPA’s list of approved products for use against COVID-19. This list will help you determine the most appropriate disinfectant
for the surface or object. You can use diluted household bleach solutions if appropriate for the surface. Pay special attention to the
personal protective equipment (PPE) that may be needed to safely apply the disinfectant and the manufacturer’s recommendations
concerning any additional hazards. Keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children. Please visit CDC’s website on How to Clean and
Disinfect for additional details and warnings.
Examples of frequently touched surfaces and objects that will need routine disinfection following reopening are:
light switches,
faucets and sinks,
gas pump handles,
touch screens, and
ATM machines.
Each business or facility will have dierent surfaces and objects that are frequently touched by multiple people. Appropriately disinfect
these surfaces and objects. For example, transit stations have specific guidance for application of cleaning and disinfection.
Are you cleaning or disinfecting a so and porous material or items like carpet, rugs, or seating in areas?
So and porous materials are generally not as easy to disinfect as hard and non-porous surfaces. EPA has listed a limited number of
products approved for disinfection for use on so and porous materials. So and porous materials that are not frequently touched
should only be cleaned or laundered, following the directions on the item’s label, using the warmest appropriate water setting. Find
more information on CDC’s website on Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility for developing strategies for dealing with so and
porous materials.
Consider the resources and equipment needed
Keep in mind the availability of cleaning and disinfection products and appropriate PPE. Always wear gloves appropriate for the
chemicals being used for routine cleaning and disinfecting. Follow the directions on the disinfectant label for additional PPE needs. In
specific instances, personnel with specialized training and equipment may be required to apply certain disinfectants such as fumigants
or fogs. For more information on appropriate PPE for cleaning and disinfection, see CDC’s website on Cleaning and Disinfection for
Community Facilities.
Once you have a plan, it’s time to take action. Read all manufacturer’s instructions for the cleaning and disinfection products you will
use. Put on your gloves and other required personal protective equipment (PPE) to begin the process of cleaning and disinfecting.
Clean v isibly dirty surfaces with soap and water
Clean surfaces and objects using soap and water prior to disinfection. Always wear gloves appropriate for the chemicals being used for
routine cleaning and disinfecting. Follow the directions on the disinfectant label for additional PPE needs. When you finish cleaning,
remember to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
Clean or launder so and porous materials like seating in an oice or coee shop, area rugs, and carpets. Launder items according to
the manufacturer’s instructions, using the warmest temperature setting possible and dry items completely.
Use the appropriate cleaning or disinfectant product
EPA approved disinfectants, when applied according to the manufacturer’s label, are eective for use against COVID-19. Follow the
instructions on the label for all cleaning and disinfection products for concentration, dilution, application method, contact time and
any other special considerations when applying.
Always follow the directions on the label
Follow the instructions on the label to ensure safe and eective use of the product. Many product labels recommend keeping the
surface wet for a specific amount of time. The label will also list precautions such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good
ventilation during use of the product. Keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children.
Take steps to reduce your risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 during daily activities. CDC provides tips to reduce your
exposure and risk of acquiring COVID-19. Reducing exposure to yourself and others is a shared responsibility. Continue to update your
plan based on updated guidance and your current circumstances.
Continue routine cleaning and disinfecting
Routine cleaning and disinfecting are an important part of reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Normal routine cleaning with
soap and water alone can reduce risk of exposure and is a necessary step before you disinfect dirty surfaces.
Surfaces frequently touched by multiple people, such as door handles, desks, phones, light switches, and faucets, should be cleaned and
disinfected at least daily. More frequent cleaning and disinfection may be required based on level of use. For example, certain surfaces and
objects in public spaces, such as shopping carts and point of sale keypads, should be cleaned and disinfected before each use.
Consider choosing a dierent disinfectant if your first choice is in short supply. Make sure there is enough supply of gloves and
appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) based on the label, the amount of product you will need to apply, and the size of the
surface you are treating.
Maintain safe behavioral practices
We have all had to make significant behavioral changes to reduce the spread of COVID-19. To reopen America, we will need to continue
these practices:
social distancing (specifically, staying 6 feet away from others when you must go into a shared space)
frequently washing hands or use alcohol-based (at least 60% alcohol) hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available
wearing cloth face coverings
avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth
staying home when sick
cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces
It’s important to continue to follow federal, state, tribal, territorial, and local guidance for reopening America. Check this resource for
updates on COVID-19. This will help you change your plan when situations are updated.
Consider practices that reduce the potential for exposure
It is also essential to change the ways we use public spaces to work, live, and play. We should continue thinking about our safety and
the safety of others.
To reduce your exposure to or the risk of spreading COVID-19 aer reopening your business or facility, consider whether you need
to touch certain surfaces or materials. Consider wiping public surfaces before and aer you touch them. These types of behavioral
adjustments can help reduce the spread of COVID-19. There are other resources for more information on COVID-19 and how to Prevent
Getting Sick.
Another way to reduce the risk of exposure is to make long-term changes to practices and procedures. These could include reducing the
use of porous materials used for seating, leaving some doors open to reduce touching by multiple people, opening windows to improve
ventilation, or removing objects in your common areas, like coee creamer containers. There are many other steps that businesses and
institutions can put into place to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect their sta and the public. More information can be
found at CDC’s Implementation of Mitigation Strategies for Communities with Local COVID-19 Transmission.
Reopening America requires all of us to move forward together using recommended best practices and maintaining safe daily habits in
order to reduce our risk of exposure to COVID-19. Remember: We’re all in this together!
Additional resources with more specific recommendations.
Long-term Care Facilities, Nursing Homes
Infection Control in Healthcare Settings
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Hand Hygiene
Interim Guidance for Infection Prevention
Preparedness Checklist
Things Facilities Should Do Now to Prepare for COVID-19
When there are Cases in the Facility
Dialysis Facilities
Infection Control in Healthcare Settings
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Hand Hygiene
Interim guidance for Outpatient Hemodialysis Facilities
Patient Screening
Blood and Plasma Facilities
Infection control in Healthcare Settings
Infection Control and Environmental Management
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Hand Hygiene
Interim Guidance for Blood and Plasma Collection Facilities
Alter nate Care Sites
Infection Prevention and Control
Dental Settings
Infection Control in Healthcare Settings
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Hand Hygiene
Interim Guidance for Dental Settings
Infection Control in Healthcare Settings
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Hand Hygiene
Interim Guidance for Pharmacies
Risk-Reduction During Close-Contact Services
Outpatient and ambulatory care facilities
Infection Control in Healthcare Settings
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Hand Hygiene
Interim Guidance for Outpatient & Ambulatory Care Settings
Postmortem Care
Using Personal Protective Equipment
Hand Hygiene
Collection and Submission of Postmortem Samples
Cleaning and Waste Disposal
Transportation of Human Remains
Critical Infrastructure Employees
Interim Guidance for Critical Infrastructure Employees
Cleaning and Disinfecting your Facility
Schools and childcare programs
K-12 and Childcare Interim Guidance
Cleaning and Disinfecting your Facility
FAQ for Administrators
Parent and Teacher Checklist
Colleges and universities
Interim Guidance for Colleges & Universities
Cleaning and Disinfecting your Facility
Guidance for Student Foreign Travel
FAQ for Administrators
Gatherings and community events
Interim Guidance for Mass Gatherings and Events
Election Polling Location Guidance
Events FAQ
Community- and faith-based organizations
Interim Guidance for Organizations
Cleaning and Disinfecting your Facility
Interim Guidance for Businesses
Parks & Rec Facilities
Guidance for Administrators of Parks
Law Enforcement
What Law Enforcement Personnel Need to Know about COVID-19
Homeless Service Providers
Interim Guidance for Homeless Service Providers
Retirement Homes
Interim Guidance for Retirement Communities
FAQ for Administrators
Correction & Detention Facilities
Interim Guidance for Correction & Detention Facilities
FAQ for Administrators
Preventing Getting Sick
How to Protect Yourself and Others
How to Safely Sterilize/Clean a Cloth Face Covering
Cleaning and Disinfecting your Home
Tribal—How to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
in Your Home
Tribal—How to Care for Yourself at Home During Covid-19
Running Errands
Shopping for Food and Other Essential Items
Accepting Deliveries and Takeout
Getting Gasoline
Going to the Doctor and Pharmacy
If you are sick
Steps to Help Prevent the Spread of COVID19 if You are Sick
Interim Guidance for Ships on Managing Suspected COVID-19
Cleaning Aircra Carriers
Airline Agents Interim Guidance
Bus Transit Operator
Rail Transit Operators
Transit Station Workers
EMS Transport Vehicles
Interim Guidance for EMS
Tax is and Rideshares
Keeping Commercial Establishments Safe
Best Practices from FDA