Complimentary Guide
Illinois Iowa
One of the most common reasons for having to withdraw a job oer—and
one of the most avoidable—is the discovery of additional information that
changes your assessment of the candidate’s suitability for the position. This can
occur when the results of a reference or credit check is unacceptable or when a
candidate refuses consent to a drug test or sign a noncompete agreement, for
example. By stating on your employment application and in your oer letter
that the job oer is contingent on the successful completion of these tests and
inquiries, you put the candidate on notice that the oer will be withdrawn if
the results are unacceptable.
Another common reason for withdrawing an oer is a change in business
plans that results in the decision not to ll the position. This may be the result
of a nancial downturn, lower demand for the companys goods and services,
or a change in upper management, for example. The company should be
able to justify the withdrawal of the oer on the basis of a change in business
While it is generally legal to withdraw job oers, it is important to pay close
attention to the specic reason for the withdrawal and how the process is
carried out. A candidate whose job oer has been rescinded may sue the
employer on a number of legal theories. The most common are:
1. Promissory estoppel. The candidate made important changes in his
life in reliance on the oer extended by the employer. He may have quit
another job, relocated, or taken other steps to transition to the new job.
When the job oer is rescinded the candidate is left in a worse position
that he was before he received the job oer because he has no job,
home, etc. He may sue the employer to recover his damages incurred in
reliance on the rescinded oer.
2. Fraud. The candidate must show the company knowingly made a
false representation and intended for the candidate to rely on the
misrepresentation. The candidate may sue to recoup damages incurred
by relying on the misrepresentation. For example, an employee submits
his letter of resignation to take another job, but his current employer
makes a counteroer that includes a promotion and large raise. After the
employee turns down the job oer in reliance on the current employer’s
counteroer, the current employer refuses to implement the promised
raise and promotion.
Today, most organizations are
experiencing change, both positive
and negative. Some organizations
are making strategic changes
in their product lines, corporate
directions, or operations.
Most employers nd that from time
to time they are faced with the
need to withdraw a job oer that
has been made to and accepted
by a candidate. Rescinding a job
oer can be an uncomfortable
experience for all involved and can
expose the employer to signicant
legal risk. Therefore, it is wise to
take steps to reduce the likelihood
of having to do so and to do it
right when rescinding an oer is
absolutely necessary.
Rescinding a Job Offer
Can Be Done Carefully
Complimentary Guide
Illinois Iowa
Here is some sample verbiage to
assist you:
On [Date] you received a job
oer for employment with [XYZ
Company] as a [Position Title]. As
stated in your oer letter, your
employment was contingent
upon successfully passing a
reference check. During our
hiring process, we were unable to
substantiate information you had
provided regarding your previous
employment. This letter, therefore,
serves as formal written notication
that your contingent oer of
employment with [XYZ Company]
has been withdrawn.
On rare occasions most employers
need to withdraw a job oer. Doing
so promptly and compassionately
will help to reduce your risk of
MRAs HR Hotline can help you!
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3. Breach of contract. The candidate construes the job oer to be an
employment contract. Withdrawal of the oer constitutes breach of the
4. Discrimination. The candidate perceives the job oer was withdrawn for
a discriminatory reason under state or federal fair employment laws.
Consider these suggestions if you nd it necessary to withdraw a job oer to a
Inform applicants that a job oer may be withdrawn if certain
contingencies are not met. Spell out those contingencies in your
employment application and oer letter. Making the contingencies clear
makes it less awkward to withdraw the oer and provides a defense to the
employer in the event the candidate sues over the withdrawal of the oer.
Do not allow a candidate to begin work (thereby becoming an
employee) before completing the activities that have been designated as
contingencies. It is much less risky to withdraw an oer of employment
when adverse information (i.e. a positive drug test or bad reference) is
received than it is to terminate an employee.
Check your oer letter to make sure it states that employment is at will.
Ensure you are in the loop with company communication so that you are
aware when business conditions may warrant changes in hiring plans.
Act quickly to notify the candidate when you become aware that an oer
must be withdrawn so that his losses are minimized. Rescind the oer
in a straightforward manner, providing the legitimate reasons for the
This sample document is only an example and is based on the laws in eect at the
time it was written. MRA-The Management Association, Inc. does not make any
representations or warranties regarding the appropriateness or prudence of using
this information for any particular individual or situation. Your company should add,
delete, or modify the content of this document as needed to suit your purposes. This
material is for your information only and should not be construed as legal advice. In
some circumstances it may be advisable to have legal counsel review nal documents
prior to implementation. © MRA – The Management Association, Inc.
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