Certification and Licensure Exam Fee
Reimbursement Program
Management/Confidential Employees
Program Guidelines
for the period
April 1, 2023March 31, 2024
Certification and Licensure Exam Fee
Reimbursement Program
A. Program Description......................................................................................................... 1
B. Program Highlights ........................................................................................................... 1
C. Employee Eligibility .......................................................................................................... 2
D. Exam Eligibility ................................................................................................................. 2
E. Application Time Period and Deadline .............................................................................. 4
F. Alternative Sources of Financial Assistance ..................................................................... 4
G. Expenses Covered and Maximum Reimbursement Amount ............................................. 4
H. Expenses Not Covered .................................................................................................... 4
I. Application Sources.......................................................................................................... 5
J. Application and Reimbursement Process ......................................................................... 5
K. Taxation of Certification and Licensure Exam Fee Reimbursements ................................ 6
Certification and Licensure Exam Fee Reimbursement Program for M/C Employees
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A. Program Description
The Certification and Licensure Exam Fee Reimbursement (CLEFR) Program
reimburses the cost of examination fees for first-time certification and licensure to state
employees designated Management/Confidential (M/C). The time period covered by this
program is April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024. During the time period, an employee
can be reimbursed a maximum of $1,100 for certification and licensure examination fees.
Please note: This program does not cover fees for Civil Service exams.
B. Program Highlights
Provides reimbursement for the cost of examinations for first-time
certification or licensure of M/C employees for exams that occurred on or
after April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2024. Applications for exams that
began on or after April 1, 2023, and ended prior to August 12, 2023, must
be submitted by October 11, 2023.
Maximum reimbursement is $1,100 for the period April 1, 2023, through
March 31, 2024.
Reimbursement requires a passing exam grade.
All CLEFR applications must be postmarked within 60 days after the end
date of the exam.
All reimbursements issued during the calendar year are reported to the
Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) during the month of October.
Once these reimbursements are reported, no further payments will be
issued until after January 1 of the following calendar year.
The IRS considers reimbursements under the Certification and
Licensure Exam Fee Reimbursement Program taxable income. The
Office of the State Comptroller will withhold estimated taxes at the end
of the calendar year. This may result in substantial withholding from
paychecks at the end of the year and applicants should plan
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C. Employee Eligibility
The employee’s status during the pay period in which the exam was taken will determine
the applicable reimbursement rate.
1. Current New York State or Roswell Park Cancer Institute M/C employees who are in
classified service and working for the Executive Branch
At both the start and completion date of the exam, an employee must:
Be actively employed in a New York State or Roswell Park Cancer Institute
M/C position; and
Be a New York State or Roswell Park M/C employee with attendance rules
coverage who is either full- or part-time (working 50 percent or more); and
Have completed the 13 biweekly pay period qualifying period to earn and use
An eligibility exception may be granted to the employee, if they meet all requirements
stated above, were a NYS employee represented by a different bargaining unit at the
start date of the course, and were an M/C employee at the completion date of the
course, without any breaks in service.
2. Laid off Employees
A New York State or Roswell Park Cancer Institute M/C employee is eligible for
reimbursement if the applicant:
Has been laid off in the past year; and
Has not been rehired in a New York State or Roswell Park Cancer Institute
M/C position; and
Is on the appropriate Civil Service or Roswell Park Cancer Institute Preferred
3. Half-Time Employees and Employees on Full-Time Non-Disciplinary Leave
A New York State or Roswell Park Cancer Institute M/C employee who works
less than 50 percent, and those on full-time non-disciplinary leave, are not
eligible for this benefit. Eligibility will be based on work status on the start date of
the exam.
For purposes of this program, employees participating in a Voluntary Reduction in Work
Schedule (VRWS) agreement are deemed to be full-time employees.
D. Exam Eligibility
To be eligible for reimbursement an exam must comply with three requirements:
The exam must be job-related or career-related or both
The exam must result in certification or licensure for an occupation that currently
exists in New York State service
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The exam must be administered by an accredited body
1. Job-Related or Career-Related
The exam must be job-related or career-related or both. The terms job-related and
career-related are defined as follows:
a. A job-related exam meets one of the following criteria:
Maintains or improves the professional certification status required for the
employee’s current job
Directly relates to, or enhances, the current job assignments, duties, or
Meets the express requirements that are imposed by the individual’s
employer as a condition of continued employment
b. A career-related exam meets one of the following criteria:
Increases the opportunity for advancement within a title series
Increases the opportunity for advancement to promotional positions
outside of the current title series
Enhances an employee’s ability to acquire professional certification in an
entirely different occupation, and for which there is a current civil service
title in the State of New York
2. Certification or Licensure
The exam must result in certification or licensure for an occupation that currently
exists in New York State service. Examples would include, but are not limited to, the
a. Information Technology: Exams for certification in specific software programs
by manufacturers such as Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, etc.
b. Substance Abuse: Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor
written exams
c. Law: New York State Bar exam
d. Finance: Certified Public Accountant exam, Financial Planning exam
e. Nursing: Certification in specific nursing disciplines such as psychiatry,
forensics, etc.
f. Engineering: Certification in specific engineering disciplines such as storm
water management
3. Accreditation
The exam must be administered by an accredited body. An accredited body is defined
by one or more of the following:
Certification and Licensure Exam Fee Reimbursement Program for M/C Employees
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Chartered, approved, or authorized by the New York State Board of
Regents or an equivalent recognized body
Licensed or registered by the New York State Education Department or
an equivalent recognized accrediting body
Licensed or registered by a department or agency of the State of New York
to provide specific certification or licensing exams
Certified computer manufacturers, such as Microsoft or Oracle, and
authorized third parties who administer classes and certification exams on
software, hardware, and other related information technology equipment
Nationally recognized professional associations or their state or local
chapters accredited to administer specific exams and award certification by
the appropriate accrediting body
E. Application Time Period and Deadline
CLEFR provides reimbursement for the cost of examinations for first-time
certification or licensure of M/C employees for exams that occurred on or after April
1, 2023, through March 31, 2024. All CLEFR applications must be postmarked within
60 days of the end date of the exam. Applications for exams that began on or after
April 1, 2023, and ended prior to August 12, 2023, must be submitted by October 11,
F. Alternative Sources of Financial Assistance
If the applicant receives financial assistance from any source, the source and
amount must be reported on the CLEFR application and on the paid invoice. This
amount must be subtracted from the total. An employee who fails to report the
amount of assistance must repay the overpayment. These participants may be
excluded from participating in future programs. The CLEFR Program reimbursement
will be secondary to any other assistance received.
G. Expenses Covered and Maximum Reimbursement Amount
Eligible employees will be reimbursed for the cost of first-time examinations for
certification and licensure, up to a maximum of $1,100 during the program period. The
exam must be scored with a passing grade.
Where an eligible employee, by virtue of experience and training, is permitted to seek
evaluation of credentials in lieu of an examination, reimbursement of fees paid will be
permitted provided that such evaluation leads to de facto certification or licensure in New
York State and that all other requirements of this program are met.
H. Expenses Not Covered
Costs and fees not reimbursed by the Program include, but are not limited to:
Civil Service exam fees
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Fees for exams leading to certification in a career that does not exist in New
York State service
Fees for exams leading to college credit for life experience
Exam fees less than $25
Academic and application fees
Study material (books, CDs, DVDs, etc.) and supplies
License and certification renewals
I. Application Sources
CLEFR application forms can be found on the OER website at:
J. Application and Reimbursement Process
Once the exam has been completed, the four (4) steps to the application and
reimbursement process are as follows:
Step 1: Complete the Application Form
Complete a separate CLEFR application form for each exam.
Read the application and these guidelines carefully and provide all the
information required.
Incomplete or illegible applications will be returned.
Step 2: Attach the Required Documentation
The following documents are required and must be attached to the completed
Proof of payment for exam: Original itemized invoice/receipt from the exam
provider showing payment made, title of exam, date of exam administration,
and cost of exam.
Proof of a passing grade on the exam: If you have not received your exam
grade, please submit your application timely, and forward your grade to us
upon receipt.
Step 3: Submit the Application and Required Documentation
Submit signed, dated application, and supporting documentation in one of the
following ways:
Email: Email the application and supporting documentation by
application deadline to mctraining@oer.ny.gov. All emailed
documentation must be in PDF format. All other formats (JPGs or other
photo formats, Word Documents, links to documentation or websites,
etc. will not be accepted.)
Certification and Licensure Exam Fee Reimbursement Program for M/C Employees
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U.S. Mail: Mail application and supporting documentation, postmarked
by application deadline to:
NYS Office of Employee Relations
M/C Reimbursement Unit, 7th Floor
2 Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12223-1250
Make a copy of the application and required documentation to keep for your
Applications must be postmarked no later than 60 days from the end date of the
Late applications will not be processed and reimbursement will be denied.
OER cannot accept responsibility for lost or misdirected mail.
Step 4: Receive the Reimbursement
The M/C Reimbursement Unit will review all applications and all required
The M/C Reimbursement Unit will notify the applicant regarding approval or
denial status via email.
The Office of the State Comptroller will mail a reimbursement check to the
applicant’s home address.
K. Taxation of Certification and Licensure Exam Fee Reimbursements
The IRS considers reimbursements under the Certification and Licensure Exam Fee
Reimbursement Program to be taxable income.
All reimbursements issued during the calendar year are reported to the Office of the
State Comptroller (OSC) during the month of October. Once these reimbursements
are reported, no further payments will be issued until after January 1 of the following
calendar year.
At the end of each calendar year, OSC will withhold estimated taxes at the end of
the calendar year. Employees should consult a tax expert with questions regarding
taxation of these benefits (reimbursements). This may result in substantial
withholding from paychecks at the end of the year and applicants should plan
accordingly. The Office of Employee Relations (OER) cannot provide any tax
clarification or advice.
It is the policy of the State of New York to provide for and promote equal opportunity in
employment and equal access to all programs and services without discrimination on the basis
of age, race, color, creed, national origin, military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity
or expression, disability (including pregnancy-related disability or condition), predisposing
genetic characteristics, marital/familial status, status as a victim of domestic violence, or prior
arrest/criminal conviction record.