State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Item 9:
Adoption of Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 230,
Professional Educator Preparation and Certification,
Subchapter A, General Provisions, Subchapter C,
Assessment of Educators, Subchapter D, Types and Classes
of Certificates Issued, and Subchapter G, Certificate
Issuance Procedures
SUMMARY: This item provides the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) an
opportunity to adopt the proposed revisions to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter
230, Professional Educator Preparation and Certification, Subchapter A, General Provisions,
Subchapter C, Assessment of Educators, Subchapter D, Types and Classes of Certificates
Issued, and Subchapter G, Certificate Issuance Procedures. The proposed revisions would
redefine pilot exam; specify the timeline by which a passing score on a certification exam can be
used for certification purposes; decrease the number of days to request a test limit waiver after
an unsuccessful examination attempt; update the figure specifying the required pedagogy and
content pedagogy certification exams for issuance of the probationary or standard certificate;
remove certificate categories and examinations that are no longer operational; establish an
Enhanced Standard certificate and fees for the proposed teacher residency preparation route
specified in proposed new 19 TAC Chapter 228, Requirements for Educator Preparation
Programs; and update the list of ineligible certification by examination certificates to include the
proposed new Deafblind: Early Childhood-Grade 12 certificate. The proposed revisions would
also include technical edits to comply with Texas Register formatting and style requirements.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: The statutory authority for 19 TAC Chapter 230, Subchapters A,
C, D, and G, is Texas Education Code (TEC), §§21.041(b)(1), (2), and (4); 21.044(a)-(f);
21.048; 21.0485; 21.050; 22.082; and Texas Occupations Code (TOC), §54.003.
TEC, §§21.041(b)(1), (2), and (4), require the SBEC to propose rules that provide for the
regulation of educators and the general administration of TEC, Chapter 21, Subchapter B, in a
manner consistent with TEC, Chapter 21, Subchapter B; specify the classes of educator
certificates to be issued, including emergency certificates; and specify the requirements for the
issuance and renewal of an educator certificate.
TEC, §21.044(a)-(f), require SBEC to make rules specifying what each educator is expected to
know and be able to do, establishing training requirements that a candidate must accomplish to
attain a certificate, and setting out the minimum academic qualifications required for
certification. It also specifies certain required training and minimum academic qualifications for
TEC, §21.048, states the SBEC shall propose rules prescribing comprehensive examinations
for each class of certificate issued by the board that includes not requiring more than 45 days
elapsing between examination retakes and that starting January 1, 2021, all candidates
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State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
teaching prekindergarten through grade six must demonstrate proficiency in the science of
teaching reading on a certification examination.
TEC, §21.0485, states that to be eligible for certification to teach students with visual
impairments, a person must complete all coursework required for that certification in an
approved EPP or alternative EPP, perform satisfactorily on required certification exams, and
satisfy other requirements established by the SBEC.
TEC, §21.050(a), states a person who applies for a teaching certificate must possess a
bachelor's degree.
TEC, §21.050(b), states the SBEC shall provide for a minimum number of semester credit hours
of field-based experience or internship.
TEC, §21.050(c), states a person who receives a bachelor's degree required for a teaching
certificate on the basis of higher education coursework completed while receiving an exemption
from tuition and fees under TEC, §54.363, may not be required to participate in any field
experience or internship consisting of student teaching to receive a teaching certificate.
TEC, §22.082, requires SBEC to subscribe to the criminal history clearinghouse as provided by
Texas Government Code, §411.0845, and may obtain any law enforcement or criminal history
records that relate to a specific applicant for or holder of a certificate issued under Chapter 21,
Subchapter B.
TOC, §54.003, states a licensing authority shall provide accommodations and eligibility criteria
for examinees diagnosed as having dyslexia.
The full text of statutory citations can be found in the statutory authority section of this agenda.
EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date of the proposal would be May 19, 2024 (20 days after
filing as adopted with the Texas Register). The proposed effective date is based on the SBEC
and SBOE meeting schedules.
PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION: At the December 7-8, 2023 SBEC meeting, the SBEC approved
the proposed revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 230, Professional Educator Preparation and
Certification, Subchapter A, General Provisions, Subchapter C, Assessment of Educators,
Subchapter D, Types and Classes of Certificates Issued, and Subchapter G, Certificate
Issuance Procedures, for publication in the Texas Register as proposed rules.
230, Subchapter A, General Provisions, specify the general guidelines regarding professional
educator preparation and certification. The SBEC rules in 19 TAC Chapter 230, Subchapter C,
Assessment of Educators, specify the testing requirements for initial certification and for
additional certificates based on examination. The SBEC rules in 19 TAC Chapter 230,
Subchapter D, Types and Classes of Certificates Issued, define the types, classes, and
issuance requirements for certificates. The SBEC rules in 19 TAC Chapter 230, Subchapter G,
Certificate Issuance Procedures, specify appropriate procedures for the issuance of educator
certificates. These requirements ensure educators are qualified and professionally prepared to
instruct the schoolchildren of Texas.
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State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
The following is a description of the proposed revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 230, Subchapters A,
C, D, and G that are reflected in Attachments I and II. The proposed revisions:
are reflective of the broader certification redesign efforts the SBEC has led since 2017
to develop rigorous and relevant certification exams in alignment with their statutory
charge in TEC, §21.031, Purpose, to “ensure that all candidates for certification or
renewal of certification demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the
performance of the diverse student population of this state,”
are responsive to associated rulemaking in the proposed repeal of and new 19 TAC
Chapter 228, Requirements for Educator Preparation Programs, to implement a teacher
residency preparation route and associated certificate, and
implement House Bill (HB) 2256, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021.
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §230.1
The proposed amendment would add §230.1(13) to define enhanced standard certificate to
implement the certificate for the residency preparation route included in the 19 TAC Chapter
228 proposal. The proposed amendment to §230.1(18) would amend the definition for pilot
exam. This proposed amendment would allow the SBEC to annually review, pilot, and collect
data for certification exams to examine the impact of the exam’s implementation on Texas
candidates. The proposed amendment to §230.1(12) would align the definition for educator
preparation program with 19 TAC Chapter 228 and Chapter 229, Accountability System for
Educator Preparation Programs. Additional technical edits would renumber the definitions to
accommodate the addition of §230.1(13) and apply style requirements to cross references to
statute, where applicable.
Subchapter C. Assessment of Educators
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §230.21(a)(3)(A)
The proposed amendment to §230.21(a)(3)(A) would provide technical edits to align with the
titles of §232.17 and §232.19.
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §230.21(a)(5)(D)
The proposed amendment to 19 TAC §230.21(a)(5)(D)(i) would decrease the number of days a
candidate can request a waiver after their fourth retake from 45 to 30 calendar days. The
proposed amendment would strike 19 TAC §230.21(a)(5)(D)(ii) to remove the required delay
before a candidate can reapply for a test limit waiver if the candidate’s initial application was
denied. This change would allow candidates to become certified sooner if they are able to pass
the examination on their next attempt.
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §230.21(e)
The proposed amendment to §230.21(e) would update the testing requirements for educator
certification indicated in Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e). The proposed changes are shown in
Attachment II.
The proposed amendment to §230.21(e) would specify that for issuance of a probationary or
standard certificate in more than one certification category, a candidate must pass the
appropriate pedagogy examination under Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) for any one of the
certificates sought. This change would allow for educators to be issued probationary or standard
certificates in more than one certification category by passing only one pedagogy certification
exam. The current rule requires that for issuance of each individual certificate, educators must
take and pass the aligned pedagogy exam, which means that educators pursuing certification in
two certification categories through completion of the edTPA are required to take two edTPA
certification exams. This proposed change would align with feedback from EPPs participating in
the edTPA pilot that expressed concern about the expense and duplicative effort caused by the
current rule.
Update to Figure Titles and Content Pedagogy Exam Requirements
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would update the column title from
"Pedagogical Requirement(s)" to "Required Pedagogy Test(s)" to align the language of the title
to the other test column in the figure, "Required Content Pedagogy Test(s)."
In a separate item in this agenda, the SBEC will consider proposed amendments to 19 TAC
Chapter 233, Categories of Classroom Teaching Certificates, that would create six new
classroom teacher certificate categories:
Core/Special Education with the Science of Teaching Reading/Special Education: Early
Childhood-Grade 6;
Core/Fine Arts/Physical Education/Health with the Science of Teaching Reading: Early
Childhood-Grade 6;
Core/Bilingual Education Spanish with the Science of Teaching Reading: Early
Childhood-Grade 6;
Core/English as a Second Language with the Science of Teaching Reading: Early
Childhood-Grade 6;
Core with the Science of Teaching Reading: Early Childhood-Grade 6; and
Bilingual Special Education Supplemental: Early Childhood-Grade 12.
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would add certification exams, which
are in development for the proposed certification fields. The proposed amendment would create
examinations for the Core with the Science of Teaching Reading: Early Childhood-Grade 6;
Core/Fine Arts/Physical Education/Health with the Science of Teaching Reading: Early
Childhood-Grade 6; and Core/Special Education with the Science of Teaching Reading: Early
Childhood-Grade 6 certificates and set out a timeline for test development that would match the
timeline for certificate issuance in the proposed amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 233 to begin
no earlier than September 1, 2027.
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State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
The proposed amendment would create examinations for the Core/Bilingual Education Spanish
with the Science of Teaching Reading: Early Childhood-Grade 6 and the Core/English as a
Second Language with the Science of Teaching Reading: Early Childhood-Grade 6 certificates
and set out a timeline for test development that would match the timeline for the certificate
issuance in the proposed amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 233 to begin no earlier than
September 1, 2028.
The proposed set of Core: Early Childhood-Grade 6 certification exams aim to streamline exam
content in the elementary grade band, removing the Fine Arts/Health/Physical Education
subtest from the base Core Subjects assessment and proposing a set of redesigned
assessments that integrate additional content areas, including English as a second language
(ESL), special education, and bilingual education, with the goal of reducing the overall number
of exams educators are required to take for certification. These redesigned exams are also
informed by the redesign of 19 TAC Chapter 235, Classroom Teacher Certification Standards,
pedagogy and English language arts and reading (ELAR) and math content pedagogy
standards currently under development at the direction of the SBEC.
Finally, the proposed amendment would establish the required examinations for the Bilingual
Special Education Supplemental: Spanish certificate, as required in HB 2256, 87th Texas
Legislature, Regular Session, 2021. Based on stakeholder input, the proposed certificate would
focus specifically on Spanish language bilingual education and would require candidates to
demonstrate proficiency in the proposed 187 Bilingual Special Education Texas Examinations of
Educator Standards (TExES
), which will be operational beginning September 2027, and the
proposed 165 Bilingual Educator Spanish Supplemental TExES, which will be operational
beginning September 2026.
Similarly, the proposed amendment to the figure would specify the exam requirements for the
certificates recently adopted by the SBEC, including the Special Education Specialist: Early
Childhood-Grade 12 and Deafblind: Early Childhood-Grade 12 exams, which will be operational
for candidates on September 1, 2025, to align with the initial issuance dates for the new
certificates. When operational, the tests and certificates will replace the Special Education: Early
Childhood-Grade 12 and Special Education Supplemental certificates. Therefore, the proposed
amendment would set August 31, 2025, as the last operational date for the Special Education:
Early Childhood-Grade 12 exam.
The SBEC adopted updates to 19 TAC Chapter 233, Categories of Classroom Teaching
Certificates, to include the creation of a certification category, Tamil: Early Childhood-Grade 12,
and the proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would add a certification exam for
Tamil: Early Childhood-Grade 12. The exam will become operational for candidates on
September 1, 2025, to align with the date for issuance of the certificate in 19 TAC Chapter 233.
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would also add the last operational
date of August 31, 2024, for the following exams: English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 and
Physical Education EC-12. These examinations are being replaced with updated exams, and
the proposed amendment would add a first operational date of September 1, 2024, for English
Language Arts and Reading 7-12 and Physical Education EC-12.
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would add an implementation timeline
of no earlier than September 1, 2027, for the following exams: Reading Specialist EC-12 and
School Librarian EC-12. These exams are necessary due to proposed updates to the educator
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
standards for the certificates in 19 TAC Chapter 239, Student Services Certificates, which are
presented in a separate item in this agenda. The proposed timeline would align with the test
development timeline.
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would also transition to a new content
pedagogy exam for Health: Early ChildhoodGrade 12 on September 1, 2024. This amendment
would update the exam based on current Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and add the
last operational date of August 31, 2024, for the current Health: Early ChildhoodGrade 12
Updates to Pedagogy Exam Requirements
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would strike "pilot exam" for all edTPA
exams to indicate that the exams would no longer be considered pilot exams under proposed
§230.1(18) and would be fully operational. The proposed changes maintain the current flexibility
that provides a choice of either the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) TEXES
or the edTPA as a required pedagogy exam while ensuring that EPPs are held accountable for
candidate performance on both exam options via the Accountability System for Educator
Preparation (ASEP) by removing the “pilot” label from the edTPA.
EPP and Candidate Choice in edTPA Exams
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would add the 2151 edTPA: Career
and Technical Education exam as a pedagogy exam option for the following certificates
beginning on September 1, 2024: Technology Education: Grades 612; Family and Consumer
Sciences, Composite: Grades 612; Human Development and Family Studies: Grades 812;
Hospitality, Nutrition, and Food Sciences: Grades 812; Agriculture, Food, and Natural
Resources: Grades 612; Business and Finance: Grades 612; and Marketing: Grades 612.
This proposed amendment would provide flexibility for EPPs and candidates to select the
edTPA exam that best aligns with their given instructional context if the EPP chose to require
candidates to take the edTPA rather than the PPR for Trade and Industrial Education exam.
For the Core Subjects with the Science of Teaching Reading (STR): Early ChildhoodGrade 6
certificate, the proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would add the following
eight edTPA exams as pedagogy exam options in addition to the existing 2110 edTPA:
Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 exam, beginning on September 1,
2024: 2001 edTPA: Elementary Literacy; 2002 edTPA: Elementary Mathematics; 2149 edTPA
Elementary Education: Mathematics with Literacy Task 4; 2014 edTPA: Early Childhood
Education; 2016 edTPA: Middle Childhood Mathematics; 2017 edTPA: Middle Childhood
Science; 2018 edTPA: Middle Childhood English Language Arts; and 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social Studies. The addition to the edTPA exams for certification in Core
Subjects with STR: Early ChildhoodGrade 6 would provide flexibility for EPPs and candidates
to select the edTPA exam that best aligns with their given instructional context from the
permitted exams. For example, a candidate teaching in a fourth-grade science classroom would
have the option to take the edTPA: Middle Childhood Science exam. This change is informed by
feedback from EPPs participating in the edTPA pilot, that the requirements of the edTPA
Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 were difficult to meet given the
candidate's classroom setting. This change would allow flexible options for strong alignment
between the classroom setting and edTPA exam for certification. Additionally, the proposed
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State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
edTPA exam options would allow candidates to choose a 15-rubric exam, such as for edTPA
Elementary Literacy, which is less than the 18-rubric edTPA Elementary Education: Literacy
with Mathematics Task 4 exam. This proposed change would reduce the overall number of
tasks that elementary candidates would be required to complete in the submission of their
edTPA portfolio.
Alternatives to edTPA for CTE and Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC)
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would add the option for candidates
seeking CTE certificates to take the 370 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education 612 TExES exam. The proposed implementation date would be
September 1, 2024.
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would update the content pedagogy
exam requirement for the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC): Grades 612
certificate to be the 370 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) for Trade and
Industrial Education 612 TExES exam. There is no specific edTPA exam for JROTC
certification, but the requirements for the certification field align with the requirements for trade
and industrial education fields as these candidates can attain certification based on a certificate
issued by one of the military branches. The 370 PPR for Trade and Industrial Education 612
exam is the most appropriately aligned pedagogy exam for JROTC.
Remove Retired Exams and Certificates
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would also remove the following
retired certificates and their associated exam requirements: Core Subjects: Early Childhood
Grade 6; Core Subjects: Grades 48; English Language Arts and Reading: Grades 48; and
English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies: Grades 48. Each of the certificates was
discontinued and replaced by the new certificate name including "with the Science of Teaching
Reading" and the required examinations in October 2020.
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would strike the following retired
certification exams: 270 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities for Trade and Industrial 6-
12; 153 Educational Diagnostician EC-12; 152 School Counselor EC-12; 117 English Language
Arts and Reading: Grades 4-8; and 291 Core Subjects: EC-6.
Technical Edits
The proposed amendment to Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) would remove the section headers
labeled “Certification Type (continued)” to support streamlining and readability of the figure.
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §230.21(f)
The proposed amendment to §230.21(f) would clarify a passing score on a certification exam
can be used for certification for up to one year after the last operational date of the exam. This
amendment would provide clarity to the field on the last date that an educator may be
recommended for certification with a passing score on an exam that is no longer operational.
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State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Subchapter D. Types and Classes of Certificates Issued
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §230.31
The proposed amendment to §230.31 would add §230.31(a)(9), which includes the proposed
enhanced standard certificate to the types of certificates issued by the SBEC. Additionally,
proposed new §230.31(e) would create an implementation date of September 1, 2024, for the
issuance of the proposed enhanced standard certificate; would establish that the certificate type
is only issued for the teacher class of certificates, is valid for five years, and is subject to
renewal; and would require individuals to meet requirements as specified in proposed new
§230.39, Enhanced Standard Certificates.
Proposed New 19 TAC §230.39
Proposed new §230.39 would describe the requirements for issuance of an enhanced standard
certificate upon successful completion of a teacher residency, as prescribed in the 19 TAC
Chapter 228 proposal and would include the requirements for renewal of the certificate.
Subchapter G. Certificate Issuance Procedures
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §230.101(a)
The proposed amendment to §230.101(a) would add the fee for the enhanced standard
certificate in §230.101(a)(3) and the fee for on-time renewal in renumbered §230.101(a)(16).
Technical edits would also be made in cross references to statute, where applicable, to
implement style requirements.
Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §230.105
The proposed amendment to §230.105 would add the Deafblind Supplemental: Early
Childhood-Grade 12 certificate to the list of certificates that are not eligible for certification by
examination in §230.105(4) and would renumber subsequent provisions to §230.105(5) and (6).
This amendment would emphasize the specialized skills, knowledge, and training required to
receive the Deafblind Supplemental: Early Childhood-Grade 12 certificate and align with
statutory requirements in TEC, §21.0485. The proposed amendment to §230.105 would add the
enhanced standard certificate to the types of certificates a teacher may hold to be eligible to add
an additional certificate via the certification by examination route.
FISCAL IMPACT: No changes have been made to this section since published as proposed.
The TEA staff has determined that there is additional fiscal impact on state government and
entities required to comply with the proposal. There is no additional fiscal impact on local
government required to comply with the proposal.
The proposal would require a decrease in fees paid to TEA, as the proposal would consolidate
multiple current certification exams into one exam. The SBEC collects $11 per exam
administered. With the proposed exam consolidation for the Bilingual Spanish exams, there
would be fewer exams administered and, therefore, fewer fees paid to the agency. Given
current administration numbers for the two exams required for Bilingual Spanish certification,
TEA staff would estimate a revenue decrease of $16,500 per Fiscal Year (FY) beginning in
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State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
FY2027 per year. The proposal could also lead to a decrease in fees paid to the agency with the
proposed redesign of the Core Subjects: EC-6 exams to incorporate special education, bilingual
Spanish, and English as a second language, which would require one exam rather than two for
certification in those areas. TEA staff is unable to calculate the loss in fees though, as these
new offerings would be optional alongside the standalone versions of the exams and, therefore,
cannot predict the number that would be administered annually.
EPPs, including institutions of higher education, may incur costs implementing the proposed
exam requirements, though those costs are locally determined, as there are no required costs
associated with EPP implementation of the exam requirements.
There are no additional costs or savings to entities and state government required to comply
with the proposal.
LOCAL EMPLOYMENT IMPACT: No changes have been made to this section since published
as proposed. The proposal has no effect on local economy; therefore, no local employment
impact statement is required under Texas Government Code (TGC), §2001.022.
have been made to this section since published as proposed. The proposal has no direct
adverse economic impact for small businesses, microbusinesses, or rural communities;
therefore, no regulatory flexibility analysis, specified in TGC, §2006.002, is required. TEA staff
has determined that there are no required costs associated with EPP implementation of the
exam requirements.
COST INCREASE TO REGULATED PERSONS: No changes have been made to this section
since published as proposed. The proposal does impose a cost on regulated persons and is
subject to TGC, §2001.0045. However, the proposal is exempt from TGC, §2001.0045, as
provided under that statute, because the proposal is necessary to protect the safety and welfare
of the residents of this state. In addition, the proposal is necessary to ensure that certified Texas
educators are competent to educate students.
TAKINGS IMPACT ASSESSMENT: No changes have been made to this section since
published as proposed. The proposal does not impose a burden on private real property and,
therefore, does not constitute a taking under TGC, §2007.043.
GOVERNMENT GROWTH IMPACT: No changes have been made to this section since
published as proposed. The TEA prepared a Government Growth Impact Statement
assessment for this proposed rulemaking. During the first five years the proposed rulemaking
would be in effect, it would require a decrease in fees paid to the agency, as the proposed rules
would consolidate multiple current certification exams into one exam. The SBEC collects $11
per exam administered. With the proposed exam consolidation, overall, there would be fewer
exams administered and, therefore, fewer fees paid to the agency. The proposed rule would
create a new regulation with the proposal of a new enhanced standard certification.
The proposed rulemaking would not create or eliminate a government program; would not
require the creation of new employee positions or elimination of existing employee positions;
would not require an increase or decrease in future legislative appropriations to the agency;
would not require an increase in fees paid to the agency; would not expand, limit, or repeal an
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State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
existing regulation; would not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to its
applicability; and would not positively or adversely affect the state's economy.
PUBLIC BENEFIT AND COST TO PERSONS: Changes have been made to this section since
published as proposed. The public benefit anticipated as a result of the proposal would be the
increased teacher knowledge and skill in critical pedagogical and content pedagogical
competencies, leading to the anticipated growth in teacher readiness to meet the needs of
Texas's diverse student population.
The proposal would require the implementation of new certification exams at increased cost per
exam due to the design of the exam, increasing the cost from $116 to $136 per exam. Based on
first-time taker administration numbers, TEA staff estimate an overall increase in costs to
candidates aligned with the required implementation year of the exam.
Given administration volume for English Language Arts and Reading 7-12, Health EC-12, and
Physical Education: EC-12 exams, TEA staff estimates a cost increase of $91,120 per FY
beginning in FY 2025.
Given administration volume for Special Education exams, TEA staff estimates a cost increase
of $126,440 per FY beginning in FY 2026.
Given administration volume for Core Subjects EC-6, Reading Specialist, and School Librarian
exams, TEA staff estimates a cost increase of $252,180 per FY beginning in FY 2028.
The Bilingual Spanish certification exams would be consolidated from two exams at $116 to one
exam at $136. This represents a cost savings of $96 per exam. Given administration volume for
Bilingual Spanish certification exams, TEA staff estimates a cost savings of $144,096 per FY
beginning in FY 2027.
The proposed redesign of the Core Subjects: EC-6 exams to incorporate special education,
bilingual Spanish, and English as a second language would be a cost savings to individuals, as
it requires them to take one exam rather than two for certification in those areas. TEA staff is
unable to calculate the cost savings, as these new offerings would be optional alongside the
standalone versions of the exams and cannot predict the number that would be administered
DATA AND REPORTING IMPACT: No changes have been made to this section since
published as proposed. The proposal would have no new data and reporting impact.
have been made to this section since published as proposed. The TEA staff has determined the
proposal would not require a written report or other paperwork to be completed by a principal or
classroom teacher.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: The public comment period on the proposal began on December 29,
2023, and ended on January 29, 2024. Any comments received will be provided to the SBEC
under separate cover prior to the February 16, 2024 meeting. The SBEC will also take
registered oral and written comments on this item during the meeting's public comment period in
accordance with the SBEC board operating policies and procedures.
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State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Approve for adoption, subject to the State Board of Education review, the proposed
revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 230, Professional Educator Preparation and Certification,
Subchapter A, General Provisions, Subchapter C, Assessment of Educators,
Subchapter D, Types and Classes of Certificates Issued, and Subchapter G, Certificate
Issuance Procedures, as presented, with an effective date of at least 20 days after filing
the adoption notice with the Texas Register.
Staff Members Responsible:
Beth Burkhart, Director, Educator Standards and Testing
DeMarco Pitre, Director, Educator Standards and Test Development
Jennifer Perez, Manager, Educator Testing
I. Text of Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 230, Professional Educator Preparation and
Certification, Subchapter A, General Provisions, Subchapter C, Assessment of Educators,
Subchapter D,
Types and Classes of Certificates Issued, and Subchapter G, Certificate
Issuance Procedures
II. Text of Proposed Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e)
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State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Text of Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC
Chapter 230. Professional Educator Preparation and Certification
Subchapter A. General Provisions
§230.1. Definitions.
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, Chapter 232 of this title (relating to General
Certification Provisions), and Chapter 233 of this title (relating to Categories of Classroom Teaching
Certificates), shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Accredited institution of higher education--An institution of higher education that, at the time it
conferred the degree, was accredited or otherwise approved by an accrediting organization
recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
(2) Appropriate--Suitable for a particular purpose. The term denotes compliance with State Board for
Educator Certification (SBEC) rules and with SBEC procedures and policies posted on the Texas
Education Agency website that are related to the stated particular purpose.
(3) Candidate--An individual who has been formally or contingently admitted into an educator
preparation program; also referred to as an enrollee or participant.
(4) Certificate--Any educator credential issued by the State Board for Educator Certification under the
authority of [the] Texas Education Code, Chapter 21, Subchapter B.
(5) Certification class--A certificate, as described in §230.33 of this title (relating to Classes of
Certificates), that has defined characteristics and includes the following: superintendent, principal,
classroom teacher, school counselor, school librarian, educational diagnostician, reading specialist,
and master teacher.
(6) Charter school--A Texas public school operated by a charter holder under an open-enrollment
charter school granted either by the State Board of Education (SBOE) or commissioner of
education, whichever is applicable, pursuant to Texas Education Code, §12.101, identified with its
own county district number.
(7) Classroom teacher--An educator who is employed by a school or district and who, not less than an
average of four hours each day, teaches in an academic instructional setting or a career and
technical education instructional setting. This term does not include an educational aide or a full-
time administrator.
(8) Content certification examination--A standardized test or assessment required by statute or State
Board for Educator Certification rule that governs an individual's admission to an educator
preparation program.
(9) Content pedagogy examinations--A standardized test or assessment required by statute or State
Board for Educator Certification rule that governs an individual's certification as an educator.
(10) Continuing professional education--Professional development required for the renewal of standard
and/or lifetime certificates that is designed to ensure improvement in both the performance of the
educator and achievement of his or her students.
(11) Educator--An individual who is required to hold a certificate issued under [the] Texas Education
Code, Chapter 21, Subchapter B.
(12) E
ducator preparation program--An entity approved by the State Board for Educator Certification
to prepare and recommend candidates for certification in one or more educator certification classes
[offer training and coursework that must adequately prepare candidates for educator certification
and meet the standards and requirements of the board] .
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(13) Enhanced standard certificate--A type of certificate issued to an individual who has met all
requirements as specified in §230.39(b) of this title (relating to Enhanced Standard Certificates)
under the teacher class of certificates.
(14) [(13)] Examination--A standardized test or assessment required by statute or State Board for
Educator Certification rule that governs an individual's admission to an educator preparation
program, certification as an educator, continuation as an educator, or advancement as an educator.
(15) [(14)] Hearing impairment--As defined in [the] Texas Education Code, §21.048(d)(1), a hearing
impairment so severe that the person cannot process linguistic information with or without
(16) [(15)] Initial certification--The first Texas educator certificate for a particular class issued to an
individual as specified in §230.33 of this title (relating to Classes of Certificates).
(17) [(
16)] Intern certificate--A type of certificate issued to a candidate who has passed all required
content examinations and is completing requirements for certification through an approved
educator preparation program.
(18) [(17)] Pilot exam--A certification exam that is subject to annual review by the State Board for
Educator Certification [prior to September 1, 2022] .
(19) [(18)] Private school--A non-public school whose educational program has been evaluated by a
regional accrediting agency and whose program has met and is maintaining certain educational
(20) [(19)] Probationary certificate--A type of certificate issued to a candidate who has passed all
required examinations and is completing requirements for certification through an approved
educator preparation program.
(21) [(20)] Professional class--A term that refers to certificates for duties other than classroom
teacher (e.g., superintendent, principal, school counselor, school librarian, educational
diagnostician, reading specialist, and master teachers).
(22) [(21)] Standard certificate--A type of certificate issued to an individual who has met all
requirements for a given class of certification, as specified in §230.33 of this title (relating to
Classes of Certificates).
(23) [(22)] Teacher--An individual who is required to hold a certificate issued under [the] Texas
Education Code, Chapter 21, Subchapter B.
(24) [(23)] Teacher of record--An educator who is employed by a school or district and who teaches
in an academic instructional setting or a career and technical instructional setting not less than an
average of four hours each day and is responsible for evaluating student achievement and
assigning grades.
(25) [(24)] Teacher service record--The official document used to record years of service and days
used and accumulated under the state's former minimum sick leave program or the state's current
personal leave program.
(26) [(25)] Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)--The Kindergarten-Grade 12 state
curriculum in Texas adopted by the State Board of Education and used as the foundation of all
state certification examinations.
(27) [(26)] Texas school district--A school district accredited and approved by the Texas Education
Agency under [the] Texas Education Code, Chapter 11.
Subchapter C. Assessment of Educators
§230.21. Educator Assessment.
(a) A candidate seeking certification as an educator must pass the examination(s) required by [the] Texas
Education Code (TEC), §21.048, and the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) in §233.1(e) of
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this title (relating to General Authority) and shall not retake an examination more than four times, unless
the limitation is waived for good cause. The burden of proof shall be upon the candidate to demonstrate
good cause.
(1) For the purposes of the retake limitation described by [the] TEC, §21.048, an examination retake
is defined as a second or subsequent attempt to pass any examination required for the issuance of a
certificate, including an individual core subject examination that is part of the overall examination
required for the issuance of a Core Subjects certificate as described in §233.2 of this title (relating
to Early Childhood; Core Subjects).
(A) A canceled examination score is not considered an examination retake.
(B) An examination taken by an educator during a pilot period is not considered part of an
educator's five-time test attempt limit.
(C) Pursuant to TEC, §21.0491(d), the limit on number of test attempts does not apply to the
trade and industrial workforce training certificate examination prescribed by the SBEC.
(D) A candidate who fails a computer- or paper-based examination cannot retake the
examination before 30 days have elapsed following the candidate's last attempt to pass
the examination.
(2) Good cause is:
(A) the candidate's highest score on an examination is within one conditional standard error
of measurement (CSEM) of passing, and the candidate has completed 50 clock-hours of
educational activities. CSEMs will be published annually on the Texas Education Agency
(TEA) website;
(B) the candidate's highest score on an examination is within two CSEMs of passing, and the
candidate has completed 100 clock-hours of educational activities;
(C) the candidate's highest score on an examination is within three CSEMs of passing, and
the candidate has completed 150 clock-hours of educational activities;
(D) the candidate's highest score on an examination is not within three CSEMs of passing,
and the candidate has completed 200 clock-hours of educational activities;
(E) if the candidate needs a waiver for more than one of the individual core subject
examinations that are part of the overall examination required for the issuance of a Core
Subjects certificate, the candidate has completed the number of clock-hours of
educational activities required for each individual core subject examination as described
in subparagraphs (A)-(D) of this paragraph up to a maximum of 300 clock-hours. The
number of clock-hours for each examination may be divided equally based on the number
of examinations in the waiver request, but the number of clock-hours for an examination
shall not be less than 50; or
(F) if a CSEM is not appropriate for an examination, the TEA staff will identify individuals
who are familiar and knowledgeable with the examination content to review the
candidate's performance on the five most recent examinations, identify the deficit
competency or competencies, and determine the number of clock-hours of educational
activities required.
(3) Educational activities are defined as:
(A) institutes, workshops, seminars, conferences, interactive distance learning, video
conferencing, online activities, undergraduate courses, graduate courses, training
programs, in-service, or staff development given by an approved continuing professional
education provider or sponsor, pursuant to §232.17 of this title (relating to Pre-Approved
Continuing Professional Education Provider or Sponsor) and §232.19 of this title
(relating to Approval of Private Companies, Private Entities, and Individuals as
Continuing Professional Education Providers ), or an approved educator preparation
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program (EPP), pursuant to Chapter 228, Subchapter B, [§228.10] of this title (relating to
Approval of Educator Preparation Programs [Approval Process] ); and
(B) being directly related to the knowledge and skills included in the certification
examination competency or competencies in which the candidate answered less than 70
percent of competency questions correctly. The formula for identifying a deficit
competency is the combined total of correct answers for each competency on the five
most recent examinations divided by the combined total of questions for each
competency on the five most recent examinations.
(4) Documentation of educational activities that a candidate must submit includes:
(A) the provider, sponsor, or program's name, address, telephone number, and email address.
The TEA staff may contact the provider, sponsor, or program to verify an educational
(B) the name of the educational activity (e.g., course title, course number);
(C) the competency or competencies addressed by the educational activity as determined by
the formula described in paragraph (3)(B) of this subsection;
(D) the provider, sponsor, or program's description of the educational activity (e.g., syllabus,
course outline, program of study); and
(E) the provider, sponsor, or program's written verification of the candidate's completion of
the educational activity (e.g., transcript, certificate of completion). The written
verification must include:
(i) the provider, sponsor, or program's name;
(ii) the candidate's name;
(iii) the name of the educational activity;
(iv) the date(s) of the educational activity; and
(v) the number of clock-hours completed for the educational activity. Clock-hours
completed before the most recent examination attempt or after a request for a
waiver is submitted shall not be included. One semester credit hour earned at an
accredited institution of higher education is equivalent to 15 clock-hours.
(5) To request a waiver of the limitation, a candidate must meet the following conditions:
(A) the candidate is otherwise eligible to take an examination. A candidate seeking a
certificate based on completion of an EPP must have the approval of an EPP to request a
(B) beginning September 1, 2016, the candidate pays the non-refundable waiver request fee
of $160;
(C) the candidate requests the waiver of the limitation in writing on forms developed by the
TEA staff; and
(D) the request for the waiver is postmarked not earlier than:
(i) 30 [45] calendar days after an unsuccessful attempt at the fourth retake of an
examination as defined in [the] TEC, §21.048; or
[(ii) 90 calendar days after the date of the most recent denied waiver of the limitation
request; or]
(ii) [(iii)] 90 [180] calendar days after the date of the most recent unsuccessful
examination attempt that was the result of the most recently approved request
for waiver of the limitation.
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(6) The TEA staff shall administratively approve each application that meets the criteria specified in
paragraphs (2)-(5) of this subsection.
(7) An applicant who does not meet the criteria in paragraphs (2)-(5) of this subsection may appeal to
the SBEC for a final determination of good cause. A determination by the SBEC is final and may
not be appealed.
(b) A candidate seeking a standard certificate as an educator based on completion of an approved EPP may
take the appropriate certification examination(s) required by subsection (a) of this section only at such time
as the EPP determines the candidate's readiness to take the examinations, or upon successful completion of
the EPP, whichever comes first.
(c) The holder of a lifetime Texas certificate effective before February 1, 1986, must pass examinations
prescribed by the SBEC to be eligible for continued certification, unless the individual has passed the Texas
Examination of Current Administrators and Teachers (TECAT).
(d) The commissioner of education approves the satisfactory level of performance required for certification
examinations, and the SBEC approves a schedule of examination fees and a plan for administering the
(e) The appropriate examination(s) required for certification are specified in the figure provided in this
subsection. [By September 1, 2026, the SBEC shall update the pedagogy examination requirements as
specified in the figure provided in this subsection to include content and grade banded Texas-specific
teacher performance assessments.] For issuance of a probationary or standard certificate in more than one
certification category, a candidate must pass the appropriate pedagogy examination specified in the figure
provided in this subsection for any one of the certificates sought.
Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) [Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e)]
(f) Scores from examinations required under this title must be made available to the examinee, the TEA staff,
and, if appropriate, the EPP from which the examinee will seek a recommendation for certification.
Candidates may use passing scores on an examination required under this section for certification if the
candidate is recommended for certification up to one year after the last operational date for the examination
as prescribed in Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e).
(g) The following provisions concern ethical obligations relating to examinations.
(1) An educator or candidate who participates in the development, design, construction, review, field
testing, scoring, or validation of an examination shall not reveal or cause to be revealed the
contents of the examination to any other person.
(2) An educator or candidate who administers an examination shall not:
(A) allow or cause an unauthorized person to view any part of the examination;
(B) copy, reproduce, or cause to be copied or reproduced any part of the examination;
(C) reveal or cause to be revealed the contents of the examination;
(D) correct, alter, or cause to be corrected or altered any response to a test item contained in
the examination;
(E) provide assistance with any response to a test item contained in the examination or cause
assistance to be provided; or
(F) deviate from the rules governing administration of the examination.
(3) An educator or candidate who is an examinee shall not:
(A) copy, reproduce, or cause to be copied or reproduced any test item contained in the
(B) provide assistance with any response to a test item contained in the examination, or cause
assistance to be provided;
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(C) solicit or accept assistance with any response to a test item contained in the examination;
(D) deviate from the rules governing administration of the examination; or
(E) otherwise engage in conduct that amounts to cheating, deception, or fraud.
(4) An educator, candidate, or other test taker shall not:
(A) solicit information about the contents of test items on an examination that the educator,
candidate, or other test taker has not already taken from an individual who has had access
to those items, or offer information about the contents of specific test items on an
examination to individuals who have not yet taken the examination;
(B) fail to pay all test costs and fees as required by this chapter or the testing vendor; or
(C) otherwise engage in conduct that amounts to violations of test security or confidentiality
integrity, including cheating, deception, or fraud.
(5) A person who violates this subsection is subject to:
(A) sanction, including, but not limited to, disallowance and exclusion from future
examinations either in perpetuity or for a period of time that serves the best interests of
the education profession, in accordance with the provisions of [the] TEC, §21.041(b)(7),
and Chapter 249 of this title (relating to Disciplinary Proceedings, Sanctions, and
Contested Cases); and/or
(B) denial of certification in accordance with the provisions of [the] TEC, §21.041(b)(7), and
Chapter 249 of this title; and/or
(C) voiding of a score from an examination in which a violation specified in this subsection
occurred as well as a loss of a test attempt for purposes of the retake limit in subsection
(a) of this section.
Subchapter D. Types and Classes of Certificates Issued
§230.31. Types of Certificates.
(a) "Type of certificate" means a designation of the period of validity for a certificate and includes the
following certificate designations:
(1) standard, as specified in subsection (c) of this section;
(2) provisional, as specified in subsection (b) of this section;
(3) professional, as specified in subsection (b) of this section;
(4) one year, as specified in §230.113 of this title (relating to Requirements for Texas Certificates
Based on Certification from Other States or Territories of the United States) and Chapter 245 of
this title (relating to Certification of Educators from Other Countries);
(5) intern, as specified in §230.36 of this title (relating to Intern Certificates);
(6) probationary, as specified in §230.37 of this title (relating to Probationary Certificates);
(7) emergency, as specified in §230.73 of this title (relating to Validity of Emergency Permits); [and]
(8) educational aide, as specified in Subchapter E of this chapter (relating to Educational Aide
Certificate) ; and [.]
(9) enhanced standard, as specified in §230.39 of this title (relating to Enhanced Standard
(b) All provisional and professional educator certificates issued prior to September 1, 1999, shall be valid for
the life of the individual unless suspended, surrendered in lieu of revocation, or revoked by lawful
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(c) Effective September 1, 1999, the standard certificate shall be issued for all classes of certificates and shall
be valid for five years, subject to the requirements of Chapter 232, Subchapter A, of this title (relating to
Certificate Renewal and Continuing Professional Education Requirements). The standard certificate is
issued to individuals who have met all requirements for a given subject area or class of certification.
(d) Effective September 1, 2017, the educational aide certificate shall be valid for two years. Educational aide
certificates issued effective September 1, 2017, will expire at the end of the two-year validity period.
Individuals issued an educational aide certificate prior to September 1, 2017, as well as new applicants for
the educational aide certificate, will be required to reapply for certification every two years and meet any
other requirements for the educational aide certificate as specified in §230.65 of this title (relating to
Requirements for Reissuance of Educational Aide Certificates).
(e) Effective September 1, 2024, the enhanced standard certificate shall be issued for the teacher class of
certificates and shall be valid for five years, subject to the requirements of Chapter 232, Subchapter A, of
this title. The enhanced standard certificate is issued to individuals who have met all requirements as
specified in §230.39 of this title.
§230.39. Enhanced Standard Certificates.
(a) General provisions.
(1) Certificate classes. An enhanced standard certificate may be issued for the teacher class of
(2) Requirement to hold an enhanced standard certificate. A candidate who has completed a residency
in accordance with §228.65 of this title (relating to Residency) must hold an enhanced standard
certificate to be employed by a school district to teach the majority of the instructional day in an
academic instructional setting and to evaluate student achievement and assign grades.
(b) Requirements for issuance. An enhanced standard certificate may be issued to an individual who meets the
conditions and requirements prescribed in this subsection.
(1) Bachelor's degree. Except as otherwise provided in rules of the State Board for Educator
Certification (SBEC) related to certain career and technical education certificates based on skill
and experience, an individual must hold a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited
institution of higher education to be eligible for the enhanced standard certificate. An individual
who has earned a degree outside the United States must provide an original, detailed report or
course-by-course evaluation for all college-level credits prepared by a foreign credential
evaluation service recognized by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The evaluation must verify
that the individual holds, at a minimum, the equivalent of a bachelor's degree issued by an
accredited institution of higher education in the United States.
(2) General certification requirements. The individual must meet the general certification
requirements prescribed in §230.11 of this title (relating to General Requirements).
(3) Fee. The individual must pay the fee prescribed in §230.101 of this title (relating to Schedule of
Fees for Certification Services).
(4) Fingerprints. The individual must submit fingerprints in accordance with §232.35(c) of this title
(relating to Submission of Required Information) and Texas Education Code (TEC), §22.0831.
(5) Residency. The individual must complete a residency in accordance with Chapter 228 of this title
(relating to Requirements for Educator Preparation Programs), meet proficiency thresholders on
teacher competencies as prescribed in §228.65(f) of this title, and be recommended by an
approved educator preparation program by the application and issuance deadlines for the
(6) Content pedagogy examination. The individual must receive a passing score on comprehensive
content pedagogy examinations prescribed by the SBEC as specified in §230.21 of this title
(relating to Educator Assessment).
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(c) Validation period. The enhanced standard certificate shall be valid for five years, subject to the
requirements of Chapter 232, Subchapter A, of this title (relating to Certificate Renewal and Continuing
Professional Education Requirements).
Subchapter G. Certificate Issuance Procedures
§230.101. Schedule of Fees for Certification Services.
(a) An applicant for a certificate or a school district requesting a permit shall pay the applicable fee from the
following list.
(1) Educational aide certificate:
(A) prior to September 1, 2017--$30; and
(B) after August 31, 2017--$15.
(2) Standard certificate--$75.
(3) Enhanced standard certificate--$75.
(4) [(3)] Probationary or intern certificate:
(A) prior to September 1, 2017--$50; and
(B) after August 31, 2017--$75.
(5) [(4)] Addition of certification based on completion of appropriate examination--$75.
(6) [(5)] Review of a credential issued by a jurisdiction other than Texas (nonrefundable):
(A) prior to September 1, 2016--$175; and
(B) after August 31, 2016--$160.
(7) [(6)] One-year certificate based on a credential issued by a jurisdiction other than Texas--$50.
(8) [(7)] Emergency permit (nonrefundable)--$55.
(9) [(8)] National criminal history check (nonrefundable)--The fee, posted on the Texas Education Agency
website, shall include a $10 criminal history review fee in addition to the current cost of
fingerprint scanning, processing, and obtaining national criminal history record information from
the Texas Department of Public Safety, its contractors, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The same fee will be paid by current certified educators who are subject to a national criminal
history check pursuant to [the] Texas Education Code, §§22.082, 22.0831, and 22.0836.
(10) [(9)] Review of the superintendent application for the substitution of managerial experience
for the principal certificate requirement (nonrefundable)--$160.
(11) [(
10)] On-time renewal of educational aide certificate:
(A) prior to September 1, 2017--$10; and
(B) after August 31, 2017--no charge.
(12) [(11)] Additional fee for late renewal of educational aide certificate:
(A) prior to September 1, 2017--$5; and
(B) after August 31, 2017--no charge.
(13) [(12)] Reactivation of an inactive educational aide certificate--$15.
(14) [(13)] Reinstatement following restitution of child support or student loan repayment for
educational aide certificate--$20.
(15) [(14)] On-time renewal of a standard certificate--$20.
(16) On-time renewal of an enhanced standard certificate--$20.
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(17) [(15)] Additional fee for late renewal of a standard certificate--$10.
(18) [(16)] Reactivation of an inactive standard certificate--$40; except for an inactivation pursuant
to §232.9 of this title (relating to Inactive Status and Late Renewal).
(19) [(
17)] Reinstatement following restitution of child support or student loan repayment--$50.
(20) [(18)] Visiting international teacher certificate--$75.
(21) [(19)] Request for preliminary criminal history evaluation (nonrefundable)--$50.
(b) The fee for correcting a certificate or permit when the error is not made by the Texas Education Agency
shall be equal to the fee for the original certificate or permit.
(c) An individual registering to take certification tests shall pay the applicable fee(s) from the following list of
(1) Selected Response-Only Assessments--$116.
(2) Single Subject Area Tests (801-809)--$58.
(3) Enhanced Selected-Response/Constructed-Response Assessments for Tests (801-809)--$70.
(4) Enhanced Selected-Response/Constructed-Response Assessments--$136.
(5) Enhanced Selected-Response/Constructed-Response Administrator and Student Services
(6) Performance-Based Assessments for teachers--$311.
(7) Performance-Based Assessments for teachers, retake per task--$111.
(d) An individual registering to take a content certification examination prior to admission to an educator
preparation program [EPP] shall pay the applicable fee(s) from the following list of categories:
(1) Content Certification Examinations except American Sign Language (ASL)--$106.
(2) Essential Academic Skills Sub-Tests Retake (701-703)--$56.
(3) Content Certification Examinations for ASL Sub-Tests (784-785)--$56.
§230.105. Issuance of Additional Certificates Based on Examination.
A teacher who holds a valid provisional, professional, [or] standard [classroom teaching certificate] , or
enhanced standard classroom teaching certificate or a valid temporary classroom teaching certificate issued
under the provisions of Subchapter H of this chapter (relating to Texas Educator Certificates Based on
Certification and College Credentials from Other States or Territories of the United States), or Chapter 245
of this title (relating to Certification of Educators from Other Countries), and a bachelor's degree or higher
from an accredited institution of higher education may qualify for an additional teaching field or
certification to teach at another level by passing the appropriate certification examination(s) for that
subject. The teacher must submit the application to add certification based on an examination during the
time the certificate is allowed to be issued by the State Board for Educator Certification. The application
for the additional certification must be submitted during the validity period of the appropriate Texas
classroom teaching certificate. If a teacher holds multiple teaching certificates, all teaching certificates must
be active before adding certification by examination. The rule shall not be used to qualify a classroom
teacher for:
(1) initial certification;
(2) the Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments Supplemental: Early Childhood-Grade 12
(3) the Early Childhood: Prekindergarten-Grade 3 certificate;
(4) the Deafblind Supplemental: Early Childhood-Grade 12 certificate;
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(5) [(4)] another class of certificate, as listed in Subchapter D of this chapter (relating to Types and Classes
of Certificates Issued); or
(6) [(5
)] certification for which no certification examination has been developed.
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Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e) [Figure: 19 TAC §230.21(e)]
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy
Test(s) [Pedagogical
Art: Early ChildhoodGrade
178 Art EC12 Texas
Examinations of Educator
Standards (TExES)
160 Pedagogy and
Responsibilities (PPR) EC
12 TExES [(last
operational date
8/31/2026)] or 2015
edTPA: Visual Arts [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be
updated no later than
Bilingual Education
Bilingual Education
Supplemental: Spanish
164 Bilingual Education
Supplemental TExES and
190 Bilingual Target
Language Proficiency
(BTLPT)Spanish TExES
(last operational date
8/31/2027) or 165
Bilingual Education
Spanish Supplemental
TExES (Starting no earlier
than 9/1/2026)
Not Applicable: Not a
Stand-alone Certificate
Bilingual Education
Supplemental: American
Sign Language
164 Bilingual Education
Supplemental TExES and
184 American Sign
Language (ASL) EC12
TExES and 073 Texas
Assessment of Sign
American Sign Language
Not Applicable: Not a
Stand-alone Certificate
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Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy
Test(s) [Pedagogical
Bilingual Education
Supplemental: Arabic
164 Bilingual Education
Supplemental TExES and
American Council for the
Teaching of Foreign
Languages (ACTFL) 614
Oral Proficiency Interview
(OPI)Arabic and 615
Writing Proficiency Test
Not Applicable: Not a
Stand-alone Certificate
Bilingual Education
Supplemental: Chinese
164 Bilingual Education
Supplemental TExES and
ACTFL 618 OPIChinese
(Mandarin) and 619
WPTChinese (Mandarin)
Not Applicable: Not a
Stand-alone Certificate
[Bilingual Education (continued])
Bilingual Education
Supplemental: Japanese
164 Bilingual Education
Supplemental TExES and
ACTFL 616 OPIJapanese
and 617 WPTJapanese
Not Applicable: Not a
Stand-alone Certificate
Bilingual Education
Supplemental: Vietnamese
164 Bilingual Education
Supplemental TExES and
Vietnamese and 621
Not Applicable: Not a
Stand-alone Certificate
Career and Technical Education
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Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy
Test(s) [Pedagogical
Technology Education:
Grades 612
171 Technology Education
6–12 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)] or starting
on 9/1/2024, 370
Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES, or 2143
edTPA: Technology and
Engineering Education
[(pilot exam)] or starting
on 9/1/2024 2151 edTPA:
Career and Technical
Education [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
Family and Consumer
Sciences, Composite:
Grades 612
American Association of
Family and Consumer
Sciences (AAFCS) 200
Family and Consumer
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)] or starting
on 9/1/2024, 370
Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES, or 2117
edTPA: Family and
Consumer Sciences [(pilot
exam)] or starting on
9/1/2024 2151 edTPA:
Career and Technical
Education or [Texas
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy
Test(s) [Pedagogical
[Career and Technical Education (continued)]
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Human Development and
Family Studies: Grades
AAFCS 202 Human
Development and Family
Studies Concentration
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)] or starting
on 9/1/2024, 370
Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES, or 2117
edTPA: Family and
Consumer Sciences [(pilot
exam)] or starting on
9/1/2024 2151 edTPA:
Career and Technical
Education [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
Hospitality, Nutrition, and
Food Sciences: Grades 812
AAFCS 201 Hospitality,
Nutrition, and Food
Science Concentration
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)] or starting
on 9/1/2024, 370
Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES, or 2117
edTPA: Family and
Consumer Sciences [(pilot
exam)] or starting on
9/1/2024 2151 edTPA:
Career and Technical
Education [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 25
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Agriculture, Food, and
Natural Resources: Grades
272 Agriculture, Food, and
Natural Resources 612
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)] or starting
on 9/1/2024, 370
Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES, or 2100
edTPA: Agricultural
Education [(pilot exam)]
or starting on 9/1/2024,
2151 edTPA: Career and
Technical Education [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
Business and Finance:
Grades 612
276 Business and Finance
6–12 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)] or starting
on 9/1/2024, 370
Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES, or 2102
edTPA: Business
Education [(pilot exam)]
or starting on 9/1/2024,
2151 edTPA: Career and
Technical Education [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy
Test(s) [Pedagogical
[Career and Technical Education (continued)]
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 26
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Marketing: Grades 612
275 Marketing 612 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)], or starting
on 9/1/2024, 370
Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES, or 2102
edTPA: Business
Education [(pilot exam)]
or starting on 9/1/2024,
2151 edTPA: Career and
Technical Education [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
Health Science: Grades
273 Health Science 612
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)], or starting
on 9/1/2024, 370
Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES, or starting on
9/1/2024, 2151 edTPA:
Career and Technical
Education [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
Trade and Industrial
Education: Grades 612
Not Applicable
[270 Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES (last
operational date
Starting 9/1/2021] 370
Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES
Trade and Industrial
Workforce Training: Grades
Not Applicable
370 Pedagogy and
Responsibilities for Trade
and Industrial Education
6–12 TExES
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy
Test(s) [Pedagogical
Computer Science and Technology Applications
Computer Science: Grades
241 Computer Science 8
12 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)] or 2143
edTPA: Technology and
Engineering Education
[(pilot exam)] [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
Technology Applications:
Early ChildhoodGrade 12
242 Technology
Applications EC12 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES
[(last operational date
8/31/2026)] or 2108
edTPA: Educational
Technology Specialist
[(pilot exam)] [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment
(to be updated no later
than 9/1/2026)]
Core Subjects
Core Subjects: Early
ChildhoodGrade 6
291 Core Subjects EC6
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2110 edTPA: Elementary
Education: Literacy with
Mathematics Task 4 (pilot
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 28
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
[Core Subjects (continued)]
Core Subjects with Science
of Teaching Reading: Early
ChildhoodGrade 6
293 Science of Teaching
Reading TExES and
291 Core Subjects EC6
TExES (last operational
date 12/31/2021) or]
391 Core Subjects EC6
TExES [(starting
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date
8/31/2026)] or 2110 edTPA:
Elementary Education:
Literacy with Mathematics
Task 4 [(pilot exam)] or 2001
edTPA: Elementary Literacy
or 2002 edTPA: Elementary
Mathematics or 2149 edTPA:
Elementary Education:
Mathematics with Literacy
Task 4 or 2014 edTPA: Early
Childhood Education or 2016
edTPA: Middle Childhood
Mathematics or 2017 edTPA:
Middle Childhood Science or
2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts or 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social
Studies (starting no earlier
than 9/1/2024) [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Core with the Science of
Teaching Reading: Early
ChildhoodGrade 6
293 Science of Teaching
Reading TExES and 491
Core Subjects EC6
TExES (Starting no earlier
than 9/1/2027)
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2110 edTPA: Elementary
Education: Literacy with
Mathematics Task 4 or 2001
edTPA: Elementary Literacy
or 2002 edTPA: Elementary
Mathematics or 2149 edTPA:
Elementary Education:
Mathematics with Literacy
Task 4 or 2014 edTPA: Early
Childhood Education or 2016
edTPA: Middle Childhood
Mathematics or 2017 edTPA:
Middle Childhood Science or
2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts or 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social
Studies [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
Core Subjects: Grades 48
211 Core Subjects 48
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2016 edTPA: Middle
Childhood Mathematics
(pilot exam) or 2017 edTPA:
Middle Childhood Science
(pilot exam) or 2018 edTPA:
Middle Childhood English
Language Arts (pilot exam)
or 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social
Studies (pilot exam)]
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
[Core Subjects (continued)]
Core Subjects with Science
of Teaching Reading:
Grades 4–8
293 Science of Teaching
Reading TExES and 211
Core Subjects 48 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date
8/31/2026)] or 2016 edTPA:
Middle Childhood
Mathematics [(pilot exam)]
or 2017 edTPA: Middle
Childhood Science [(pilot
exam)] or 2018 edTPA:
Middle Childhood English
Language Arts [(pilot exam)]
or 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social
Studies [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 30
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Core/Fine Arts/Physical
Education/Health with the
Science of Teaching
Reading: Early Childhood-
Grade 6
293 Science of Teaching
Reading TExES and 492
Core Subjects EC-6 w/
Fine Arts, PE, and Health
TExES (starting no earlier
than 9/1/2027)
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2110 edTPA: Elementary
Education: Literacy with
Mathematics Task 4 or 2001
edTPA: Elementary Literacy
or 2002 edTPA: Elementary
Mathematics or 2149 edTPA:
Elementary Education:
Mathematics with Literacy
Task 4 or 2014 edTPA: Early
Childhood Education or 2016
edTPA: Middle Childhood
Mathematics or 2017 edTPA:
Middle Childhood Science or
2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts or 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social
Studies or 2021 edTPA: K12
Performing Arts or 2015
edTPA: Visual Arts or 2119
edTPA: Health Education
or 2011 edTPA: Physical
Education [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Core/Special Education
with the Science of
Teaching Reading: Early
Childhood-Grade 6
293 Science of Teaching
Reading TExES and 591
Core Subjects EC6 w/
Special Education: TExES
(starting no earlier than
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2110 edTPA: Elementary
Education: Literacy with
Mathematics Task 4 or 2001
edTPA: Elementary Literacy
or 2002 edTPA: Elementary
Mathematics or 2149 edTPA:
Elementary Education:
Mathematics with Literacy
Task 4 or 2014 edTPA: Early
Childhood Education or 2016
edTPA: Middle Childhood
Mathematics or 2017 edTPA:
Middle Childhood Science or
2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts or 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social
Studies or 2012 edTPA:
Special Education [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 31
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Core/Bilingual Education
Spanish with the Science of
Teaching Reading: Early
Childhood-Grade 6
293 Science of Teaching
Reading TExES and 494
Bilingual Spanish Core
Subjects Early Childhood-
Grade 6 TExES (starting no
earlier than 9/1/2028)
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2110 edTPA: Elementary
Education: Literacy with
Mathematics Task 4 or 2001
edTPA: Elementary Literacy
or 2002 edTPA: Elementary
Mathematics or 2149 edTPA:
Elementary Education:
Mathematics with Literacy
Task 4 or 2014 edTPA: Early
Childhood Education or 2016
edTPA: Middle Childhood
Mathematics or 2017 edTPA:
Middle Childhood Science or
2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts or 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social
Studies [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Core/English as a Second
Language with the Science
of Teaching Reading: Early
Childhood-Grade 6
293 Science of Teaching
Reading TExES and 493
Core Subjects EC-6 w/ESL
TExES (starting no earlier
than 9/1/2028)
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2110 edTPA: Elementary
Education: Literacy with
Mathematics Task 4 or 2001
edTPA: Elementary Literacy
or 2002 edTPA: Elementary
Mathematics or 2149 edTPA:
Elementary Education:
Mathematics with Literacy
Task 4 or 2014 edTPA: Early
Childhood Education or 2016
edTPA: Middle Childhood
Mathematics or 2017 edTPA:
Middle Childhood Science or
2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts or 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social
Studies [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 32
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
School Counselor: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
[152 School Counselor
EC12 TExES (last
operational date
Starting 9/1/2021] 252
School Counselor EC12
Not Applicable: Not an Initial
Dance: Grades 612
279 Dance 612 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2021 edTPA: K12
Performing Arts [(pilot exam)]
[or Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Early Childhood
Early Childhood:
PrekindergartenGrade 3
292 Early Childhood:
PK3 TExES and 293
Science of Teaching
Reading TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2014 edTPA: Early
Childhood Education [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated no
later than 9/1/2026)]
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
Educational Diagnostician
Educational Diagnostician:
Early ChildhoodGrade 12
[153 Educational
Diagnostician EC12
TExES (last operational
date 12/31/2020)
Starting 1/1/2021] 253
Diagnostician EC12
Not Applicable: Not an Initial
English Language Arts and Reading
English Language Arts and
Reading: Grades 4–8
117 English Language
Arts and Reading 48
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts (pilot exam)]
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 33
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
English Language Arts and
Reading with Science of
Teaching Reading: Grades
293 Science of Teaching
Reading TExES and [117
English Language Arts
and Reading 48 TExES
(last operational date
12/31/2021) or] 217
English Language Arts
and Reading 48 TExES
[(starting 1/1/2022)]
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts [(pilot exam)] [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
English Language Arts and
Reading: Grades 712
231 English Language
Arts and Reading 712
TExES (last operational
date 8/31/2024) or 331
English Language Arts
and Reading 712 TExES
(starting no earlier than
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2003 edTPA: Secondary
English Language Arts [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
English Language Arts and
Reading/Social Studies:
Grades 4–8
113 English Language
Arts and Reading/ Social
Studies 48 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts (pilot exam) or 2019
edTPA: Middle Childhood
History/Social Studies (pilot
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
[English Language Arts and Reading (continued)]
English Language Arts and
Reading/Social Studies
with Science of Teaching
Reading: Grades 4–8
293 Science of Teaching
Reading TExES and 113
English Language Arts
and Reading/ Social
Studies 48 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2018 edTPA: Middle
Childhood English Language
Arts [(pilot exam)] or 2019
edTPA: Middle Childhood
History/Social Studies [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Reading Specialist: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
151 Reading Specialist
EC12 TExES (last
operational date
8/31/2027) or 251
Reading Specialist EC-12
TExES (starting no earlier
than 9/1/2027)
Not Applicable: Not an Initial
English as a Second Language
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 34
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
English as a Second
Language Supplemental
154 English as a Second
Language Supplemental
TExES (last operational
date 8/31/2028) or 254
English as a Second
Language Supplemental
TExES (starting no earlier
than 9/1/2028)
Not Applicable: Not a Stand-
alone Certificate
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and Talented
162 Gifted and Talented
Not Applicable: Not a Stand-
alone Certificate
Health: Early Childhood
Grade 12
157 Health Education
EC12 TExES (last
operational date
8/31/2024) or 257
Health Education EC12
TExES (starting no earlier
than 9/1/2024)
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2119 edTPA: Health
Education [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Journalism: Grades 712
256 Journalism 712
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2003 edTPA: Secondary
English Language Arts [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
Junior Reserve Officer Training
Junior Reserve Officer
Training Corps: Grades 6
Not Applicable
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 370 Pedagogy and
Professional Responsibilities
for Trade and Industrial
Education 612 TExES
Languages Other Than English
American Sign Language:
Early ChildhoodGrade 12
184 ASL EC12 TExES
and 073 TASCASL
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 35
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Arabic: Early Childhood
Grade 12
ACTFL 605 OPIArabic
and 600 WPTArabic
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Chinese: Early Childhood
Grade 12
ACTFL 606 OPIChinese
(Mandarin) and 601
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
French: Early Childhood
Grade 12
610 Languages Other
Than English (LOTE)
French EC12 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
German: Early Childhood
Grade 12
611 LOTE German EC12
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Hindi: Early Childhood
Grade 12
ACTFL 622 OPIHindi
and 623 WPTHindi
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
[Languages Other Than English (continued)]
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 36
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Italian: Early Childhood
Grade 12
ACTFL 624 OPI—Italian
and 625 WPT—Italian
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Japanese: Early Childhood
Grade 12
Japanese and 602
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Korean: Early Childhood
Grade 12
ACTFL 630 OPIKorean
and 631 WPTKorean
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Latin: Early Childhood
Grade 12
612 LOTE Latin EC12
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2104 edTPA: Classical
Languages [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Portuguese: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
Portuguese and 633
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Russian: Early Childhood
Grade 12
ACTFL 608 OPIRussian
and 603 WPTRussian
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 37
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Spanish: Early Childhood
Grade 12
613 LOTE Spanish EC12
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Tamil: Early Childhood-
Grade 12
ACTFL 634 OPITamil
(starting no earlier than
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
[Languages Other Than English (continued)]
Turkish: Early Childhood
Grade 12
ACTFL 626 OPITurkish
and 627 WPTTurkish
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Vietnamese: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
Vietnamese and 604
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2020 edTPA: World
Language [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
School Librarian: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
150 School Librarian
Early Childhood12
TExES (last operational
date 8/31/2027) or 250
School Librarian Early
Childhood-12 TExES
(starting no earlier than
Not Applicable: Not an Initial
Mathematics and Science
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Mathematics: Grades 4–8
115 Mathematics 48
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2016 edTPA: Middle
Childhood Mathematics
[(pilot exam)] [or Texas-
specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Science: Grades 4–8
116 Science 48 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2017 edTPA: Middle
Childhood Science [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Grades 4–8
114 Mathematics/
Science 48 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2016 edTPA: Middle
Childhood Mathematics
[(pilot exam)] or 2017
edTPA: Middle Childhood
Science [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
[Mathematics and Science (continued)]
Mathematics: Grades 712
235 Mathematics 712
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2005 edTPA: Secondary
Mathematics [(pilot exam)]
[or Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Science: Grades 712
236 Science 712 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2006 edTPA: Secondary
Science [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 39
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to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Life Science: Grades 712
238 Life Science 712
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2006 edTPA: Secondary
Science [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Physical Science: Grades
237 Physical Science 6
12 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2006 edTPA: Secondary
Science [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Grades 712
243 Physics/
Mathematics 712
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2005 edTPA: Secondary
Mathematics [(pilot exam)]
or 2006 edTPA: Secondary
Science [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Grades 612
274 Mathematics/
Physical Science/
Engineering 612 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2005 edTPA: Secondary
Mathematics [(pilot exam)]
or 2006 edTPA: Secondary
Science [(pilot exam)] or
2143 edTPA: Technology and
Engineering Education [(pilot
[or Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
[Mathematics and Science (continued)]
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 40
State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Chemistry: Grades 712
240 Chemistry 712
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2006 edTPA: Secondary
Science [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Music: Early Childhood
Grade 12
177 Music EC12 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES or
2021 edTPA: K12
Performing Arts [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Physical Education
Physical Education: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
158 Physical Education
EC12 TExES (last
operational date
8/31/2024) or 258
Physical Education EC
12 TExES (starting no
earlier than 9/1/2024)
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2011 edTPA: Physical
Education [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Principal and Superintendent
Principal as Instructional
Leader: Early Childhood
Grade 12
268 Principal as
Instructional Leader
Educational Testing Service
(ETS) 368 Performance
Assessment for School
Leaders (PASL)
Principal as Instructional
Leader Endorsement
Not Applicable: Not an
Initial Certificate
(Individuals must
already hold a valid
certificate to serve in the
role of principal to be
eligible for this
Educational Testing Service
(ETS) 368 Performance
Assessment for School
Leaders (PASL)
Superintendent: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
195 Superintendent
Not Applicable: Not an Initial
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
Social Studies
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 41
State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Social Studies: Grades 4–8
118 Social Studies 48
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2019 edTPA: Middle
Childhood History/Social
Studies [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Social Studies: Grades
232 Social Studies 712
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2004 edTPA: Secondary
History/Social Studies [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
History: Grades 712
233 History 712 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2004 edTPA: Secondary
History/Social Studies [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Speech Communications
Speech: Grades 712
129 Speech 712 TExES
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2003 edTPA: Secondary
English Language Arts [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Certificate TAC
Certificate Name
Required Content
Pedagogy Test(s)
Required Pedagogy Test(s)
Special Education
Bilingual Special Education
Supplemental: Early
Childhood-Grade 12
187 Bilingual Special
Education TExES
(starting no earlier than
9/1/2027) and 165
Bilingual Education
Spanish Supplemental
TExES (Starting no
earlier than 9/1/2026)
Not Applicable: Not a Stand-
alone Certificate
Deafblind Supplemental:
Early Childhood-Grade 12
185 Deafblind Early
Childhood-Grade 12
TExES (starting no earlier
than 9/1/2025)
Not Applicable: Not a Stand-
alone Certificate
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 42
State Board for Educator Certification Adoption of Proposed Revisions
to 19 TAC Chapter 230
Special Education
Specialist: Early Childhood-
Grade 12
186 Special Education
Specialist: Early
Childhood-Grade 12
TExES (starting no earlier
than 9/1/2025)
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2012 edTPA: Special
Education [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
Special Education: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
161 Special Education
EC12 TExES (last
operational date
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2012 edTPA: Special
Education [(pilot exam)]
Special Education
163 Special Education
Supplemental TExES (last
operational date
Not Applicable: Not a Stand-
alone Certificate
Teacher of the Deaf and
Hard of Hearing: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
181 Deaf and Hard of
Hearing EC12 TExES
and 072 TASC or 073
TASCASL (required for
assignment but not for
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2012 edTPA: Special
Education [(pilot exam)] [or
Texas-specific Teacher
Performance Assessment (to
be updated no later than
Teacher of Students with
Visual Impairments
Supplemental: Early
ChildhoodGrade 12
182 Visually Impaired
TExES and 283 Braille
Not Applicable: Not a Stand-
alone Certificate
Theatre: Early Childhood
Grade 12
180 Theatre EC12
160 PPR EC12 TExES [(last
operational date 8/31/2026)]
or 2021 edTPA: K12
Performing Arts [(pilot
exam)] [or Texas-specific
Teacher Performance
Assessment (to be updated
no later than 9/1/2026)]
February 16, 2024 Item 9 - Page 43