iZooto is a leading Web Push Notification tool used by websites
to retarget and engage with visitors who have left the website.
1. What Are Web Push Notifications?
Web push notifications are clickable rich content messages sent to your
device by a website or a web app. Web Push notifications can delivered to
your device, mobile or desktop, even when the user is not on your website.
These notifications can only be sent to users who have opted-in to receive
these notifications. Web push notifications or browser notifications are
supported by Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. You can learn more know
more about Safari push notifications and Edge push notifications here.
As these notifications are delivered directly to the user’s device, users don’t
have to be present on the website to receive these notifications. This makes
web push notifications extremely visible and also easy to respond to.
Push Notifications are best used for delivering time bound content and
engage users. Some of the popular use cases of push notifications include
retargeting users abandoning shopping cart, activating dormant users with
offers, retaining users with personalized content and more.
1.1 What are web push notifications used for?
Just like native app notifications, web push notifications are meant to facilitate
timely flow of information. To subscribe or opt-in to these notifications, users
are not expected to download and install an application. Users can simply
subscribe to these notifications by clicking on the Allow button on the
permission prompt.
Web push notifications are used by marketers to build, engage and retain their
audience. Businesses across categories are increasingly relying on web push
notifications as a solution to build and engage their audience. Online retailers
and publishers now heavily use web push notifications as a communication
channel to engage their audience. The primary reason for this adoption is also
the plummeting performance of email, SMS and display ads.
Some of the popular use cases are :
Delivering Sports updates and news right on user's lock screen
New Articles and content posted
Utility messages like traffic, weather and ski snow reports
Flight check in, change, and connection information
Sales Alerts, New Coupons, and Product updates
1.2 How web push notifications are different from app push notifications?
Native app notifications can take full advantage of the device features -
the camera, GPS, accelerometer, compass, contact list, whereas web
push notifications can’t tap into any of these features yet.
As Native apps can only be installed on tablets and smartphones,
native app notifications are limited to these devices only. Web push
notifications on the other hand can be used to reach users on Desktop
as well.
Native app notifications support rich media - images, videos, gifs, audio,
and other interactive elements. Web push notifications as of now, only
support large images (only on Chrome 56 and above).
1.3 Where do these notifications appear on desktop and mobile
Web push notifications are delivered even when the user is not on the
website. On Desktop, these notifications are delivered to the browser, right
next to the task bar.
Safari push notifications are delivered directly to the Mac OS
Notification center. With Chrome 59, Chrome push notifications became
native with OS X notification center. Firefox notifications appear on the
right hand corner of the browser.
On Windows, these
notifications are displayed
above the task bar. Chrome
68 supports the native notification
systems of the Windows 10
operating system.
Notifications are directly delivered to Windows Action center
On Linux, web push notifications are displayed in the top right section of
the browser.
On Android, these notifications are displayed in the notification tray.
The user must be an active subscriber to receive these notifications. It is
important to note that Apple is yet to support web push notifications on iOS.
Check out this article to know more about iOS push notifications and stay up-
to-date on the status of web push notifications on iOS.
2. How Do Web Push Notifications Work?
Once you've enabled web push notifications on your website, your site visitors
will start seeing a notification subscription prompt. You will be able to push
notifications to this audience once they subscribe. They can subscribe by
clicking on the "Allow Button".
2.1 Anatomy of a Web Push Notification Message
There are 6 key elements that constitute a web push notification - Title,
Description, Landing Page URL, Icon, Banner Image and Call To Action
Buttons. You can also make use of emojis in push notifications to express
yourself better. It is important to understand features of Web Push
Notifications like Banner Image and Call To Action Buttons are only available
for Chrome. Here is a breakdown of how each of these elements-
1. Website Domain: The website domain which has sent the notification.
2. Call to Action Buttons: You can add up to 2 CTA Buttons in a
notification. CTA Buttons are only supported by Chrome. Firefox and
Safari are yet to extend support to this. These buttons can be used to
trigger different actions. For instance - taking the user to a landing
page, sending out a social message (Tweet), triggering the Play Store
or opening the dialler app.
3. Icon: You can add an icon to your notification to build a better recall.
The default icon is bell icon. Users are nowadays bombarded with
notifications, hence it becomes essential to let your users know when
your push notification pops up. Adding your logo helps users in building
a brand recall. The recommended icon should be 100*100px and
should be less than 20kb in size.
4. Banner Image: Banner size images were introduced on notifications
with Chrome 56. This was one of the most awaited features and rightly
so - visuals help you amplify your message by as much 189%. While
the copy of your notification should be eye catchy, adding a
banner/large image contextual to your notification content will increase
your chance of getting that click.
Recommended Dimensions : 360*240px. Size of the banner image should be
less than 240kb or less. Check out this notification preview guide to know
more about how notification looks across different devices.
2.2 How exactly are push notifications delivered to the user's device?
There are three actors involved with delivering a push notification, along with
a fourth, optional, component for advanced functionality.
1. Push Notification Service: Each browser, including Chrome, Safari
and Firefox have their own notification delivery service. Chrome uses
Google Cloud Messaging ( and now Firebase Cloud Messaging ), Safari
uses Apple Push Notification Service ( APNS ) and Firefox uses MDN
2. Service Worker Registration: Developer must register the service
worker on the browser. This is only for Chrome and Firefox. Safari while
has added support for service-workers, Safari notifications are delivered
using a different mechanism.
3. User’s Subscription ID: Subscriber ID is generated when a user opts
in to receive notifications from a specific website.
Additionally, an SDK (OS client library Software Development Kit) can be
added to a web app for extended segmentation and analytics capabilities.
2.3 Enabling Web Push Notifications on a website
1. Website owners can start by implementing service workers for Chrome
and Firefox browsers, and by generating APN certificate for Safari
2. Browsers provide standard API calls to read user subscription
permissions for the domain and to prompt visitors for notification
3. Website owners can additionally use service providers like iZooto and
use their SDK to take care of the first two steps.
4. Website owners can push notifications to their subscribers by executing
APIs provided by browser push system. This can also be done through
2.4 User Subscription and Activation
Users are prompted for notification subscription whenever they visit the
website with a default browser prompt. Developers and website owners
can chose to trigger subscription prompts conditionally. Know more
about changes in permission prompt for Chrome on Android in this
A unique registration key is generated by browser for every user who
subscribes to notification.
Notification service provider stores the keys at their end along with any
additional data points to identify subscribers uniquely.
Web Push notifications can be targeted and personalised to select segments
of your user base, and even personalized for specific users. As compared to
email or SMS, in the context of web push, users are not required to do away
with their personal information. Segmentation basis a user’s browsing and
purchasing pattern ( events and properties ) can be used to create powerful
audience segments. Marketers / developers would need an interface for
writing messages, selecting the target audience and pushing or scheduling
Publishers can build repeat traffic by leveraging web push notifications. They
can build this infrastructure themselves, or leverage existing tools such as
iZooto. Increasingly, web developers opt for iZooto for these services instead
of building them, so that they can focus on building their web apps. Building
and maintaining a cross-platform web push notification service is bound to
consume significant resources and time. SaaS Platforms such as iZooto are
best suited because:
Rich Analytics and Reporting
Real Time Push and Scheduling as per local time zone of user
End to End mobile marketing automation
Collection and segmentation of user data
Cross-platform support and regular updates
2.5 Sending a Notification
Marketers follow a simple process and answer 3 simple questions before
sending a notification -
1. What - Understanding the content that you want to send to your
audience and making sure that the content is not only apt for this
medium but also that you have right copy and creatives ready.
2. When - No one likes notifications delivered at 2 AM in the morning.
Getting the timing of your notification right is extremely critical for better
user engagement. You may choose to send the notification
immediately, basis action/trigger or schedule them well in advance.
3. To whom - It is extremely important to understand your audience
and asking yourself - who would get the maximum value from this
notification. It is important that you define the audience to whom you
would want to reach out with these notifications. The audience filters
are typically managed by the service provider, and provide options to
send notifications to all, to a specific subscriber, to a segment of
2.6 Which browsers support web push notifications?
Currently, only Chrome, Firefox on Android OS, Windows, OS X, Linux and
Safari on OS X support web push notifications. All Chromium based browsers
also support web push notifications. None of the browsers support web push
notifications on iOS.
On Desktop or the large screen, web push notifications are supported by
Chrome, Firefox and Safari across Windows, Mac OS and Ubuntu.
For example - while segmenting your subscriber base by their recent activity,
it can you help you identify your most active and dormant subscribers.
Further, pushing out personalised notifications to subscribers will help build a
strong recall and encourage loyalty amongst them. It could also allow you to
send follow-up campaigns to your most unengaged subscribers the ones
who haven’t done any activity in the past few days.
Chrome ( 42+ ),
Firefox ( 48+)
UC Web
Not supported
Chrome ( 42+ )
Firefox ( 44+ )
Safari ( 7.1+ )
Chrome ( 42+ )
Firefox ( 48+)
Not Supported
Desktop vs Mobile
Opt-in Required
Opt-in Required
Character limits for
Depends upon the screen
size, width, and the input
language selected.
Depends upon the screen
size, width, and the input
language selected.
Direct app open
Deep link support
User control
Image support
Chrome only
Chrome only
Starting Chrome 53
Starting Chrome 53
Sound support
Payload limit
2 kilobytes
4 kilobytes
Interactive buttons
Only for Chrome Web Push
Limited to 2
Only for Chrome Web
Push Limited to 2
Not from an app, rather
through APNs Feedback
Yes, response from the
Direct app feedback on
Device management
Notifications are displayed
when delivered. No
Notification Center
Notifications are displayed
on lock screen and are
available in the notification
Two way messaging
Upcoming Feature in
Upcoming Feature in
2.7 Can HTTP websites send web push notifications?
By default, web push API can only be used by websites operating on HTTPS
protocol. For websites operating on HTTP protocol, subscribing to web
notifications is a 2-step process. The subscription process involves the user
subscribing to a secure subdomain such as yourdomain.izooto.com or
notify.yourdomain.com. Since this is a two click process, the opt-in rates are
far lower as compared to HTTPS, hovering around 1% - 3%.
2.8 Permission UX - The Right Way To Ask A User To Subscribe To
It is important that users are convinced to subscribe to notifications before
they are prompted. There are multiple ways of educating the end user. Here
are some of the recommended approaches:
1. The user should show intent before a site asks for
permission: Most of the marketers and developers commit the mistake
of asking permission on page load time. This is not an ideal experience
and impacts the opt-in rates adversely resulting in more users actually
blocking than allowing for notifications.
2. Using a custom opt-in prompt : Brands can use their own custom
opt-in prompts which resonates with their website to trigger a sense of
trust and favourable impression. Most push notification service
providers provide a wide range of options where you can play around
with the logo, text and color.
A custom prompt also has an additional value. It allows you to explain
the value of enabling web push and gives you the option of prompting
again if the user declines.
Do not feel the need to receive notification from a particular website?
Check out this guide to turn off chrome notifications.
3 How Do People Respond To Web Push Notifications?
3.1 Understanding Subscription Rate of Web Push Notification
One of the most frequently asked questions is how many users subscribe or
opt-in for web push notifications. All the leading browsers -
Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and other Chromium-based browsers now
support web push notifications. The permission or opt-in process is similar
across the browsers. Users are required to grant explicit permission to a
website (web app), hence opting-in to receive push notifications. It is
important to understand that the capability of web push notifications is only for
websites operating on HTTPS protocol ( with an SSL certificate. Subscription
or opt-in rates usually vary from anything between 5% to 10% of total unique
visitors, depending upon the implementation. Marketers often use a double
opt-in process to ensure that users opt for notifications instead of blocking
them. To convert your website visitors into subscribers, it is critical to design
the right subscription UX with web push notifications.
3.2 Understanding User Response of Web Push Notification
Click-through rate for push notification is defined as the number of clicks on a
notification divided by the number of subscribers who have viewed the
notification. Marketers often use Notifications Clicked / Notifications delivered
to calculate CTR's. For example, if a notification is delivered to 100
subscribers and receives one click, then the click-through rate for the
notification would be 1%. Most marketers use this metric to understand the
effectiveness and success of their push notification campaigns. There is no
pre-set benchmark of click-through rates of push notifications. CTR's of push
notifications depend on multiple factors including -
Content of the notification
Timing of the notification
Target audience to which the notification delivered
Frequency at which notifications are pushed
3.3 Targeted Notifications vs Mass Broadcast Campaigns
‘One size fits all’ doesn’t work very well with Web Push Notifications.
Assuming that all subscribers will have the same preferences can result in a
high number of users unsubscribing from notifications. It’s common
knowledge that sending targeted notifications can help you engage better and
get higher click rates. Also by narrowing your focus and targeting selective
segments, your subscribers will find your notifications to be much more
relevant and keep them from churning away.
For example - while segmenting your subscriber base by their recent activity,
it can help you identify some of your most loyal subscribers. It could also allow
you to send follow-up campaigns to your most unengaged subscribers the
ones who haven’t done any activity in the past few days.
Similarly, if you planned to target recent subscribers with a “Subscription
Date” segment, you might encounter higher engagement and lower bounce
rates (due to definite recall) than you would if older subscribers were targeted.
Click Through Rates on notifications targeting a specific audience can be as
high as 40% also.
4 What Can You Use Web Push Notifications For?
4.1 Understanding the Impact of Web Push Notifications
While the adoption of web push notification has been nothing short of crazy,
the question on the impact of web push implementation still exists in the
minds of marketers.
Well, here is the short answer No.
There is no negative impact of implementing web push notification. The fact
that Google has been pushing for it aggressively, definitely suggests that
there is no possible negative impact.
Read this detailed data-driven post on the impact of Web Push Notifications
on SEO.
4.2 Industry wise use cases
Learn more about industry-specific use cases.
#E-Commerce Activation
You can read more about how these use cases of web push notifications for small
businesses to delight users. If you are a retailer, give this article a read to know how you
can boost the retail store sales with web push notifications. If you are an e-commerce
merchant, then definitely check out these drool worthy use cases- e-commerce marketing
using web push notifications.
5 How To Create An Effective Web Push Notification
5.1 Best Practices
An effective Web Push Notification campaign can easily outperform Email
Marketing when executed well. Here are tips you can follow to ensure that
your web push notification campaign is a success:
Personalized messages teamed up with
behavioral data perform much better. The
messages are highly targeted, timely, and
personalized. For example: An eCommerce site
sends you a message that those shoes you
were browsing last week are now available in
your size. When you tap in, the message takes
you right to the product page for the shoe with
your size checked.
Add Call To Action Buttons
A Call-to-action (CTA) can be added to
provoke an immediate response, usually
using an imperative verb such as "Buy now",
"Know more" or "Share on Twitter".
Push Notifications with Images
We all know “a picture is worth a thousand
words”. Notification with an image and call-to-
action is worth a lot more than that. Along with
call-to-action buttons, Chrome Rich
Notifications capture mobile user’s attention
and offer powerful ways to interact with push
notifications, providing more data for personalization and creating refreshing
experiences for users.
Location based targeting
While subscribing to notifications, there are few properties that are captured
by-default at the browser end - with one of them being Location. Websites can
use location data combined with behavioral data to send relevant notifications
such as:
Sending discounts:
A ticketing website
can send you
discount on your
flight tickets
Suggesting nearby
places: A food
delivery website
can suggest you
Places to order
Time Zone Based Delivery of Push Notifications
Internet is everywhere and so are your users prospects and clients. Clearly,
you can no longer afford to ignore that “international-time zone-user-set”.
Especially, in such cases, communicating with users across different
timezones is a key challenge. More than often marketers not paying heed to
this, end up irritating customers. End result user churn. It is for this reason,
understanding your audience is extremely critical. There is fair amount of
sensitivity attached to receiving notification on the wrong time we help you
take cognisance of that. Read this detailed guide to know best time to send
push notifications.
You can check out these 6 web push notification experiments to see what
works for you.
5.2 The Dont's
Don’t get too greedy. As close to 10% users opt out of push
notifications altogether if the notifications are too frequent. Instead
send contextual notifications as per their interest and behaviour and
see higher engagement.
Don’t rely only on native opt-in prompts. You might get high opt-in
rate initially but on the other hand, it would result in a high amount of
churn as well.
It’s far more effective to build a custom prompt that pops up right
before the native prompt to better communicate your brand and the
value of enabling push. As an added bonus, if they say no, a custom
prompt makes it easier to ask again later.
Don’t give it all. Push notifications are meant to drive users to click
and engage, so they aren’t ideal for explaining users about the finer
points of your offer. Instead, you can link to the landing page where
your offer is more explained. The best performing notifications are
always the one with catchy titles, short description and bright
5.3 Limitations
No HTTP support - Web Push Notifications work only on websites
that are on HTTPS protocol.
Notifications are fundamentally personal to a user. The data points
that are pushed and received are private and to ensure that privacy,
it is supported only on secure websites (HTTPS).
Not supported on iOS yet - A major drawback for websites having
large iOS traffic base.
No rich media - Unlike app push notifications which supports images,
videos, gifs, audio, and other interactive elements, web push
notifications supports large images (360*240 size starting Chrome 56
and above).
No notification tray on Chrome Desktop
Not delivered on desktop if the browser is not running
6 Build vs Buy
Should I Build My Own Web Push Solution Or Use A 3rd Party
Service Provider?
There are couple of points to keep in mind before taking that “Make or Buy”
decision. Building a web push notification platform will, in fact, make it a
second product altogether within your core business - a product that demands
continuous resources to -
Develop the solution
Test and release the product
Fix the bugs
Ensure security
Provide ongoing support and maintenance
Keep in sync with the technology updates
When making that rather important “Make or Buy” decision, ask yourself - are
you ready to put in that amount of resource, time and money?
Your sheer focus rightfully needs to be spent on your core business/product,
which, as we all know pretty well, isn’t web push notifications. So why not let
the “others” take care of it, the ones for whom building web push notifications
is the core product? They’ll help you do a much better job at it, don’t you
6.1 Checklist for selecting a 3rd party push notification provider
User Data Security
Lock In - Import and export data to other service providers?
Implementation Process and Permission UX
Send push notifications that include CTAs, pictures and other rich
media (i.e. rich push notifications?
Automated push notifications
Reliability and Ease of Use
Customer Support
Reporting and Analytics
Browser Support - Chrome, Firefox, Safari on Mobile and Desktop
Custom Deployment for HTTP Websites
Ability to scale swiftly as you grow
Push notification service that can handle the volume without crashing or
missing message sends?
Speed of push notification delivery?
Level of customer segmentation and message personalization
Custom events
Behavioral Segmentation
Dynamic Audience Segments
Notification Expiry Time
Time Zone Based Scheduling
Push Notifications with Banner Images
In-App Support
Dedicated Account Manager
Standard Support
Subscriber Profiling
Subscriber Churn Report
Campaign Performance Report