Feasibility of
Harbor-wide Barrier
Preliminary Analysis
for Boston Harbor
Solutions Lab
Paul Kirshen
Professor, School for the Environment;
Academic Director, Sustainable Solutions Lab
Kelli urson, Brett McMann, Carly Foster,
Heather Sprague and Hugh Roberts
UMass Boston School for the Environment
Mark Borrelli, Jarrett Byrnes, Robert Chen,
Lucy Lockwood, Chris Watson
UMass Boston Urban Harbors Institute
Kimberly Starbuck, Jack Wiggin, Allison Novelly,
Kristin Uiterwyk
Woods Hole Group
Kirk Bosma, Eric Holmes, Zach Stromer,
Joe Famely, Alex Shaw, Brittany Honagle
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Di Jin
Rebecca Herst
Director, Sustainable Solutions Lab
Emily Moothart
Climate Resilience Research Assistant,
Sustainable Solutions Lab
Courtney Humphries
PhD Student, IGERT Coasts and Communities Fellow
Robert L. Turner
Senior Fellow, McCormack Graduate School
Boston Harbor Now
Boston Green Ribbon Commission
Boston Planning and Development Agency
City of Boston, Environment Department
Massachusetts Area Planning Council
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Oce
Massachusetts Executive Oce of Energy and
Environmental Aairs
Massachusetts Oce of Coastal Zone Management
MassBays National Estuary Program
North Cambridge Consulting
National Parks Service
New England Aquarium
United States Army Corps of Engineers
© 2018 Sustainable Solutions Lab, UMass Boston DESIGN: David Gerratt/NonprotDesign.com COVER PHOTO: Creative Commons/Vera Izrailit
Boston Green Ribbon Commission – Bud Ris
Boston Harbor Now – Jill Valdes Horwood
City of Boston, Environment Department – Mia Manseld, Carl Spector
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. – Chad Cox, Stephen Lecco,
Daniel Stapleton, Bin Wang
Massachusetts Oce of Coastal Zone Management
MassBays National Estuary Program – Carole McCauley
MassPort – Michael Meyran
New England Aquarium – John Mandelman
Stevens Institute of Technology – Philip Orton
Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Malcolm Bowman
Tetratech – Bob Daylor, Jason Hellendrung, Mark Williams
UMass Boston – Ellen Douglas
Deltares – Martijn de Jong
ank you to everyone who was interviewed or who provided
feedback to this project. We are particularly indebted to the
leadership and eorts of Bud Ris.
is report is sponsored by the Boston Green Ribbon Commission
with generous support from the Barr Foundation. It was conducted
by the Sustainable Solutions Lab at the University of Massachusetts
Boston. It is not an ocial document of the City of Boston or the
Climate Ready Boston initiative.
ese are preliminary recommendations from the authors
of this report and do not represent the views of particular City
of Boston agencies, the sponsors of the report or the University
of Massachusetts, Boston.
To read the full report please visit www.umb.edu/ssl/activities.
MAY 2018
Executive Summary: Feasibility of Harbor-wide Barrier Systems
Sustainable Solutions Lab
e Sustainable Solutions Lab (SSL) is an
interdisciplinary partnership among four
schools within UMass Boston: e College
of Liberal Arts, College of Management,
McCormack Graduate School of Policy and
Global Studies, and School for the Environ-
ment. SSLs mission is to work as an engine
of research and action to ensure that all
residents of Greater Boston, and cities
across the world, are prepared equitably
for the impacts of climate change.
UMass Boston
e University of Massachusetts Boston is
a public research university with a dynamic
culture of teaching and learning, and a
special commitment to urban and global
engagement. Our vibrant, multicultural
educational environment encourages our
broadly diverse campus community to
thrive and succeed. Our distinguished
scholarship, dedicated teaching, and engaged
public service are mutually reinforcing,
creating new knowledge while serving the
public good of our city, our commonwealth,
our nation and our world.
© iStockphoto/jenysarwar
Preliminary Analysis for Boston Harbor
Feasibility of Harbor-wide Barrier Systems
Shore-based climate adaptation
solutions have signicant
advantages over harbor-wide
strategies for Boston.
Preliminary Analysis for Boston Harbor
The aim of this study is to provide the City
of Boston with a preliminary assessment of
the feasibilities and potential benets, costs,
and environmental impacts of three harbor-
wide barrier congurations.
s sea levels rise and climate change
poses a growing threat, Boston and
neighboring cities and towns along
Boston Harbor and the Massachusetts
coastline need to prepare. In 2016,
the City of Boston began organizing a citywide
response to climate change called Climate Ready
Boston. This project included detailed climate
change projections, a vulnerability assessment,
and proposals for adapting to climate change and
increasing the resilience of the city to sea level
rise, heat stress, and increased precipitation.
One of the recommendations from this project
was to launch a feasibility study for a harbor-wide
ood protection system (Strategy 5.4). This study
on barriers, sponsored by the Green Ribbon
Commission in support of its partnership with
the City of Boston on Climate Ready Boston,
responds to that recommendation. It was funded
by the Barr Foundation.
The aim of this study is to provide the City
of Boston with a preliminary assessment of the
feasibilities and potential benets, costs, and
environmental impacts of three harbor-wide barrier
congurations. The analysis was conducted by a
multidisciplinary team of environmental scientists,
engineers, economists, planners, and lawyers,
drawing upon a wide range of data about engi-
neered ood protection systems, climate change,
coastal ecosystems, and economic impacts of
ooding. We focused on barrier designs and
congurations that would offer protection from
coastal ooding while minimizing interference with
Boston’s main shipping channels and the gains
that have been made in water quality over the
last several decades. We also examined poten-
tial conicts with various harbor uses, and con-
ducted a preliminary comparison with shore-based
adaptation solutions (which include district-level
ood barriers as well as other structural and non-
structural actions), such as those already being
investigated by the City of Boston along the inner
harbor waterfront in East Boston, Charlestown,
and South Boston. The detailed technical report
contains more analysis of the issues summarized
below. Because many of the results of a section
depend upon results from preceding sections,
it is recommended that the sections be read
This analysis yielded these key ndings:
• Thetwomostreasonableoptionsforabarrier
system are an Outer Harbor Barrier (OHB) from
Winthrop to Hull and an Inner Harbor Barrier
(IHB) between Logan Airport and the Seaport
area of South Boston. Each would be a gated
barrier system that would only be closed during
ood conditions caused by storm surge exceed-
ing shoreline levels of ood protection.
• Eitherbarriersystemwiththegatesopenwould
not attenuate the tidal range in the harbor thus
not decreasing tidal ooding (“nuisance ood-
ing”) and also not causing major environmental
impacts compared to the expected changes
due to climate change and sea level rise.
• Intheearlyyearsofoperation,thefrequency
of closure of a barrier would be no more than a
few times per year. Because of rising sea levels,
and assuming the system was designed to be
closed each time the water level is above the
level of protection provided by shore-based
measures, after 50–60 years the frequency of
closure would likely increase so much that the
barrier could no longer function as designed.
• Neitherbarriersystemappearstobecost-
effective. Depending upon assumptions made
on levels of shore line protection and discount
rates and assuming shore-based adaptation is
effective against storm surges, the benet:cost
ratios range from 0.05 to 1.69 with most being
well less than 1.0. This is very unfavorable com-
pared to benet:cost ratios of recently designed
shore-based systems in Boston of 3.22 to 5.3.
• Theanticipatedincreasedwatervelocityin
the barrier openings could cause navigational
and safety issues for both recreational and
commercial vessels near the barrier openings.
The Outer Harbor Barrier could also impact
the abundance, distribution, and behavior of
sh populations, which would in turn impact
both commercial and recreational sheries.
• Thepercentageofsociallyvulnerablepeople
who would remain vulnerable to ooding in the
case of either an IHB or an OHB being built
is the same as that of the total population
in all of Boston. That is, socially vulnerable
populations would not have disproportionate
ooding after an IHB or an OHB was built.
Photo opposite: © iStockphoto/Ken Weidemann
Feasibility of Harbor-wide Barrier Systems
• Shore-basedsystems,includingarangeof
measures from zoning to various kinds of green
and gray protective systems deployed along
the waterfront of the inner harbor, offer many
advantages over harbor-wide barrier systems.
These include cost-effectiveness, community
co-benets, adaptability to changing conditions
over time, and protection against tidal ooding
as well as surge ooding. If over time the per-
formance and implementation of shore-based
systems lag, then decisions about barriers
must be re-revaluated.
international community is able to curb global
emissions, compared to 2013 the Boston area
could experience 6 inches to 1.2 feet of relative
SLR by 2050, and 1.8 to 7.3 feet by 2100.
Changes in the future intensity and frequency
of extratropical storms (nor’easters) are uncer-
tain; there is more certainty, however, that the
intensity of tropical storms (hurricanes) may
increase. Even if the region does not see an
increase in storm intensity, the storms that do
occur will cause more ooding when combined
with sea level rise. The biggest unknown in these
projections—the reason why the ranges are so
broad later on in the 21st century—is the amount
of greenhouse gas reduction that will be achieved.
If the global community is able to dramatically
decrease emissions of the greenhouse gases
that cause climate change, the amount of SLR
that Boston will experience can be constrained
to the lower end of the future projections, thereby
decreasing the number of adaptation measures
that will be necessary over time.
Given the preliminary nature of this analysis,
only one scenario of sea level rise and associated
ooding was analyzed compared to 2013. This
is approximately 1 foot of relative SLR by 2030,
3 feet by 2070, and 5 feet by 2100. This is
approximately equivalent to the IPCC RCP4.5
sea level rise scenario, a moderate scenario.
Figure ES.1 shows the present extent of coastal
ooding in Boston Harbor. Figure ES.2 (p. 8)
shows the estimated extent of coastal ooding
with 5 feet of SLR.
Possible Barrier Congurations
This analysis assumes that the goal is not only
to provide ood protection from storm surge to
Boston and neighboring cities and towns along
Boston Harbor, but also to maintain present and
future commercial shipping and other navigation,
and to preserve as much as possible the present
ecological services of Boston Harbor in light of
climate change. Commercial and recreational
navigation is critical to Boston’s historical iden-
tity as a maritime city and to its current economy.
Likewise, hard-won environmental improvements
in Boston Harbor over the past few decades have
provided great benets to the city and its natural
resources. It is worth noting that the project
team considered evaluating in detail a Metro Dike
Barrier which would be an arc in deep water from
Swampscott to Cohasset (see Figure ES.3. p. 9).
This system would have locks that would create
a major impediment to trafc in and out of the
If the global community is able to dramatically
decrease emissions of the greenhouse gases
that cause climate change, the amount of SLR
that Boston will experience can be constrained
to the lower end of the future projections,
thereby decreasing the number of adaptation
measures that will be necessary over time.
While this study is not comprehensive, and there
are many ways that further research could rene
and extend its ndings, those ndings were clear
enough to justify making recommendations for
next steps. The authors recommend that the City
continue to focus its climate resilience strategy
for the next several decades on the shore-based
multi-layered approach described in Climate Ready
Boston. Shore-based solutions would provide ood
management more quickly at a lower cost, offer
several key advantages over a harbor-wide barrier,
and provide more exibility in adapting and respond-
ing to changing conditions, technological innovations,
and new information about global sea level rise.
These shore-based solutions would be needed
in any case over the next few decades to manage
coastal ooding during the design and construc-
tion period of a harbor-wide barrier if a decision
was made to build one in the future.
Climate Context
The climate projection consensus for Boston
developed by the Boston Research Advisory Group
in 2016 as part of Climate Ready Boston looked
at extreme heat and cold, sea level rise (SLR),
extreme precipitation, drought, and coastal storms
for the region. Depending on how effectively the
Preliminary Analysis for Boston Harbor
Boston Harbor—Probabilities of Flooding with O Feet SLR
BH-FRM Flood
Probabilities 0 ft SLR
10% Flood Extent
2% Flood Extent
1% Flood Extent
0.1% Flood Extent
Project Bounds
Study Area Municipalities
Amelia Earhart Dam
Charles River Dam
Neponset River Dam
Sources: MassGIS, UMass Boston, Woods Hole Group, Esri
2.5 1.25 0 2.5 Miles
Feasibility of Harbor-wide Barrier Systems
Boston Harbor—Probabilities of Flooding with 5 Feet SLR
Source: MassGIS, UMass Boston, Woods Hole Group, Esri
2.5 1.25 0 2.5 Miles
Project Bounds
Study Area Municipalities
Amelia Earhart Dam
Charles River Dam
Neponset River Dam
BH–FRM Flood
Probabilities 5 ft SLR
10% Flood Extent
2% Flood Extent
1% Flood Extent
0.1% Flood Extent
Preliminary Analysis for Boston Harbor
harbor and hamper water exchange and, as
a result, did not meet the criteria of minimally
impacting shipping and navigation and ecological
services. In addition, this system would be very
expensive ($35–$85 billion) and difcult to
construct. Therefore, this conguration was
dismissed early in the project.
This analysis looked at two main options
similar to those proposed by Climate Ready
Boston (2106) (see Figure ES.3):
1. The Outer Harbor Barrier (OHB), a gated barrier
system that would only be closed during ood
conditions caused by storm surge; the OHB
would cover 3.8 miles from Winthrop to Hull,
with additional 9.3 miles of shore-based pro-
tection in Hull, Winthrop, and Revere to prevent
oods from anking the barrier from the ocean.
2. The Inner Harbor Barrier (IHB), a gated barrier
system that would only be closed during ood
conditions caused by storm surge; the IHB
would be in the passage between Logan Airport
and the Seaport area of South Boston. It would
require approximately 18 miles of shore-based
protection systems to its north and south.
This conguration assumes that the barrier
and shore-based system could be designed
for compatibility with Logan Airport operations.
The largest of the two gates of the OHB consid-
ered for this study would be the largest built thus
far and its in-water span length the longest in the
world. Opening and closing gates of these types
of barriers is a cumbersome process that takes
several hours. The gates of these types of barriers
are designed for a small number of closures over
a year or more, and with SLR would be closed more
frequently. For example, the gates discussed in
this analysis are similar in scale to the Maeslant
Barrier protecting Rotterdam. It was designed for
a closure frequency of approximately once every
10 years. Studies suggest that rising sea levels
could increase its closure frequency to once
every 3.2 years in 2050 and once every 1.1
years in 2100.
Conceptual Designs and Costs
We chose a conguration for the OHB that would
make use of Lovells, Gallops, and Georges Islands
and stretches of shallow water, minimizing materials
needed for construction, and avoiding impacts to
shipping channels. It would have two oating leaf
sector gates; the northern one in the President
Roads navigation channel with an average low
tide depth of 35 feet (soon to be dredged to 45
to 51 feet), and the southern one in the Nantasket
Roads channel with an average low tide depth of
32 feet. Each oating leaf sector gate consists of
two leaves that are closed only during storms. The
total width of the northern barrier would be 1500
feet—making it the largest gate system of this type
yet constructed—and the width of the southern
barrier would be 650 feet. This design is based
on the minimum navigation size according to the
US Army Corps of Engineers. Vertical lift gates
(smaller, non-navigable openings that can be shut
during storms but allow some tidal exchange when
open) would also be built into the barrier to miti-
gate some of the localized negative water quality
impacts. Since securing enough clean and com-
patible sediment to build a natural barrier would
Barrier Alternatives in Boston Harbor
Inner Harbor Barrier
Outer Harbor Barrier
Both Inner and Outer
Harbor Barriers
Metro Boston Dike Barrier
0 6,500 13,000 Feet
Sources: Arcadis, Esri World Imagery
Feasibility of Harbor-wide Barrier Systems
be a challenge, the barrier would be constructed
of gray (e.g., concrete and steel) features and
then could be “greened” (covered to form a core
of an island or land mass) over time as additional
funds and sediments were identied. It would
be possible to increase the height of the barrier
if necessary after it was constructed, but not
the height of the sector gates. As a result, this
solution is not fully adaptable to the uncertainties
of sea level rise.
$8.7 billion (2017 dollars), including the many
miles of structures and berms needed to prevent
anking. Approximately 60% of the cost is the
oating sector gate. Annual operation and main-
tenance costs are estimated at approximately
1% of total construction costs. Given the proximity
to Logan Airport, Massport and FAA regulations
governing the air space around the airport must
be considered as well. Preliminary analysis indi-
cates that the height of the barrier is likely less
than the air-space requirements at this location,
but this aspect will require further investigation
if more detailed planning and design for a barrier
are ever pursued for this site.
Hydrodynamic Analysis
We applied the Boston Harbor Flood Risk Model
(BH-FRM), used in both the Boston Central Artery/
Tunnel project and Climate Ready Boston, to deter-
mine hydrodynamic conditions with and without
harbor-wide barriers. Conditions were analyzed
for relative SLR scenarios of 0, 1, 3, and 5 feet
since 2013. The 1 and 3 feet scenarios are ap-
proximately the same as used in the vulnerability
assessment conducted for Climate Ready Boston.
One of the key questions this research sought
to answer was whether building a barrier in the
harbor would impact the tides, as well as provide
protection from storm surge. Would it be possible
to lower the high tide, and as a result, protect
the waterfront from tidal ooding exacerbated by
SLR and moderate storm surge ooding for the
medium term without even closing the gates?
Because the openings are so large, the modeling
indicated that there would be no tidal attenuation
caused by the gate openings in either the OHB or
the IHB. Thus a barrier would not protect Boston
Harbor from nuisance ooding associated with
sea level rise and normal tidal cycles without
closure of the gates.
Since there is no tidal attenuation, the quan-
tity of water entering and leaving the harbor during
tide conditions would not change signicantly.
The openings through which the water would ow,
however, would be much smaller. As a result, sig-
nicant changes in current velocities in the vicinities
of the OHB gates openings would be expected. At
normal ood tide, the peak velocity through the
northern gate could increase from approximately
2 feet per second to 5 feet per second (1.2 knots
to 3 knots). For the southern gate, the peak velocity
could increase approximately 2 feet per second to
The modeling indicated that there would be no
tidal attenuation caused by the gate openings
in either the OHB or the IHB. Thus a barrier
would not protect Boston Harbor from
nuisance ooding associated with sea level
rise and normal tidal cycles without closure
of the gates.
Total design, engineering, permitting, and
construction costs could range from $8.0–$11.8
billion (2017 dollars) with annual operation and
maintenance costs estimated at approximately
1% of total construction costs. Over 60% of the
costs are for the oating sector gates. Given the
extensive time to design, permit, nance, and con-
struct the project, including the several miles of
structures and berms needed to prevent anking
of the barrier to the north and south, the earliest
it could be functioning would likely be 2050.
The main channel at the location of the IHB is
approximately 1,200 feet wide with depths of
approximately 35 to 40 feet. This would be span-
ned by one large oating leaf sector gate and
articial islands to support the leaves when the
gate is open. No vertical lift gates would be needed.
Pumps would be needed at the IHB to adequately
control upstream freshwater levels during times
when the IHB is closed because of a storm surge,
as the closed gate would block the egress of ood
water from the inner harbor. The pumps would
maintain the water elevation inside the barrier
with the goal of allowing the Charles River and
Amelia Earhart dams not to close or pump, or
at least to pump less frequently.
Total design, engineering, permitting, and
construction costs could range from $6.5–
Preliminary Analysis for Boston Harbor
8 feet per second (1.2 knots to 4.8 knots). These
high velocities would make navigation challenging
for certain vessels. Therefore, it is unlikely that
entry and exit into the harbor would be available
throughout the entire tidal cycle, especially for
recreational boats with limited power. At the same
time, some new zones of stagnation in the harbor
would be expected.
In our analysis, we found there were no differ-
ences in circulation dynamics outside of the OHB
when the barrier was open under normal tidal
conditions compared to present circulation. With
the gates closed during storms, however, local
circulation dynamics outside of the barrier would
change. In particular, the ood tidal currents with
the gates closed during storms could be perpen-
dicular to the coast of Hull instead of generally
parallel now—potentially increasing erosion on
the Hull coastline.
The IHB would have minimal impact on the
tides and currents in the harbor since the gate
opening is not much less than the width of
the current channel.
As described earlier, barriers of the size discussed
in this project are not designed to open and close
frequently. Any increase in closure frequency leads
to higher risks of mechanical failure, environmen-
tal impacts, and shipping disruption, among other
impacts. This analysis assumes that the maximum
number of times the gates could be closed per
year is fty. This is a very high number (approxi-
mately once per week) compared to how often
comparable systems worldwide are designed to
close. We drew upon the historical record of tides
and storms in Boston with projected sea level rise
to forecast how many years after barrier construc-
tion the annual gate closure would exceed this
As shown in Figure ES.4 (p. 12), the closure
analysis found that with no additional shore-based
protection compared to the present (present pro-
tection is assumed to be 10 feet NAVD88—the
approximate elevation of the present 1% storm), a
barrier system under RCP 4.5 would be functional
to approximately 2100 if it were able to close 50
times per year (the number of closures in earlier
years would be considerably less, no more than a
few times per year, if that). If fewer closures were
permitted, the functional life decreases. At the
end of this period, it would no longer be feasible
to close the barrier gate sufciently often to man-
age all storm surge events greater than 10 feet
NAVD88. Similarly, if shore-based protection was
at 12 feet NAVD88, the functional period would
end in approximately 2110 (note in the subsequent
economic analysis, this time was assumed to be
© Boston Harbor Now/Christian Merfeld
Feasibility of Harbor-wide Barrier Systems
2100). With 14 feet NAVD88 shore-based protec-
tion, the functional period would end in 2130.
At the end of these periods, a barrier could still
be used to lessen the impacts of the increasing
number of storm surges, but not eliminate them
as before.
Environmental Impacts
Environmental impacts of an inner and outer
harbor barrier were considered under present and
future (with 5 feet of SLR) conditions. Because of
the tidal attenuation nding mentioned above, it
was assumed that the presence of either barrier
would not affect the tidal range in the harbor, and
that the barriers would be closed for 46 to 84 hours
during a nor’easter to reduce storm surge—less
during a hurricane. This environmental assess-
ment is based on an assumption of several (3-10)
closures per year for major storms. Under future
scenarios of up to weekly closures for regular
tidal ooding, the environmental impacts are
not discussed in detail in this report.
It should be noted that the environmental
condition of Boston Harbor has undergone great
change in its history with slow degradation before
and rapid improvement after 1990 and the Boston
Harbor Cleanup. Boston Harbor is currently under-
going, and will continue to undergo, great change
with expected sea-level rise and a temperature
increase of about 2.7 to 3.7 C by 2100. The
future impacts of a harbor-wide barrier, then, must
be considered in the context of other ongoing and
anticipated changes in the harbor environment.
It does not appear that the construction of
the OHB or the IHB would cause any irreversible
negative transformations of the entire harbor
End of Functional Period of a Barrier System with Various Levels
of Shoreline Protection
Sea Level Rise (Feet)
2010 2030 2050 2070 2090 2110 2130 2150
Time (Year)
Water Surface Elevation
(NAVD88) and Level of
Shoreline Protection
14 Feet
12 Feet
10 Feet
8 Feet
RCP 8.5
RCP 4.5
Source: Woods Hole Group
Preliminary Analysis for Boston Harbor
environment in terms of water quality, habitat
quality, or ecosystem services. While there are
some foreseeable impacts, most of these are
modest or limited spatially or temporally. For a
great part of the harbor system, 5 feet of SLR and
expected increases in sea surface temperature
could cause more environmental impact than
the construction of a harbor-wide barrier. In a
separate analysis, these overall ndings were
conrmed. The team analyzed the change in the
economic value of ecological services in Boston
Harbor with and without a barrier assuming
marshes could migrate inland as SLR occurred.
This analysis showed some change in services
due to the barrier, but it was not dramatic.
Economic Analysis
The economic feasibility of a harbor-wide barrier
is based upon its benets and costs. Damages
avoided by the barrier system are the economic
benets. The benet:cost analysis was done for
several levels of shore-based protection imple-
mented in different time periods with low and high
estimates of project costs and discount rates.
The results are approximately the same for the
IHB and the OHB. As in the case of the closure
analysis, the benets of a barrier system depend
upon the elevation of shore-based adaptation.
If the shore-based systems are effective in man-
aging ooding, and a barrier is designed to manage
all the events greater than the elevation of the
shore-based protection, the benet:cost ratios
(BCR) of any barrier system are low—ranging from
0.05 to 0.33 for 7% discount rate and from 0.20
to 1.69 for 3% discount rate. If the shore-based
measures are not effective, and a low discount
rate of 3% is used, then in some cases, particularly
if a barrier is built in 2050, the BCR may be more
favorable (as high as in the range of 3.69–5.42).
Under the higher discount rate of 7% and ineffec-
tive shore-based adaptation, most of the BCRs
are less than 1.0. The results indicate a low cost-
effectiveness of barrier systems if shore-based
systems function as designed.
Since this analysis differs from Climate Ready
Boston (2016) in both the approach and data
used due to the size of the study area and project
constraints, the expected benets for some sub-
areas of Boston in this analysis could be as much
as 50% less than the benet values using the
methodology of CRB (2106). Even if this were the
case in all subareas, if shore-based adaptation
is effective, the BCRs are still less than 1.0 in
most cases.
If the shore-based systems are effective in
managing ooding, and a barrier is designed
to manage all the events greater than the
elevation of the shore-based protection,
the benet:cost ratios (BCR) of any barrier
system are low.
The low BCRs for the barrier congurations
we investigated in this study are likely to make
eligibility for federal funding very challenging,
if not impossible.
Shipping and Recreational Use Analysis
One of the guiding assumptions of this analysis
was the importance of nding a solution that
would minimize the disruption of the various uses
of Boston Harbor. Many commercial and recre-
ational activities occur within Boston Harbor. This
analysis determined that the proposed inner and
outer barriers could have both positive and nega-
tive impacts on these activities. Generally speaking,
the proposed barriers would provide added pro-
tection to activities occurring within the harbor—
including commercial shipping and shing, and
recreational boating and shing—as they would
protect shoreside infrastructure and vessels
from storm turbulence and ooding.
The openings to the barriers would generally
accommodate federal requirements for navigation
channels, minimizing impacts to commercial ves-
sels entering and exiting Boston Harbor (including
the new post Panamax vessels for which Massport
is enlarging its facilities at Conley Terminal).
Vessels would not be able to enter or exit when
the barriers are closed, and would have to plan
travel in advance of closing.
The anticipated increased water velocity in
the barrier openings could cause navigational and
safety issues for both recreational and commercial
vessels near the barrier openings. Additionally,
there could be greater vessel congestion near
the openings in the OHB, especially the northern
barrier opening as its water velocity is expected
to be more manageable than the southern barrier
opening. The OHB could also impact the abundance,
distribution, and behavior of sh populations,
which would in turn impact both commercial
and recreational sheries.
Feasibility of Harbor-wide Barrier Systems
Social Vulnerability Analysis
The social vulnerability analysis sought to deter-
mine the impact an IHB or an OHB would have
on socially vulnerable populations as compared to
the broader population. In particular, the analysis
sought to understand if a barrier system would
inadvertently disproportionately impact socially
vulnerable populations.
Importantly, the analysis found that there is
not a disproportionate negative impact on vulner-
able populations from either the IHB or OHB. More
specically, the percentage of socially vulnerable
people who would remain vulnerable to ooding
if a barrier were to be constructed is not different
from the percentage of socially vulnerable popu-
lation in Boston as a whole. This analysis did not
look at different factors that would allow socially
vulnerable populations to recover from a storm
or take into account the disparate challenges that
different groups have after an emergency event.
Instead, the focus was on exposure to ooding
caused by storm events.
Comparison to Shore-Based Adaptation
While this study focused primarily on the feasibility
of different harbor-wide barrier systems, a decision
about whether or not to build a barrier should
not be made in isolation but in comparison with
other options. Our analysis identied several
key advantages that shore-based solutions
have over a single harbor-wide barrier.
Shore-based adaptations can fall under the
general categories of protection, accomodation,
and retreat. Within each of these categories, a
mix of different strategies exists. These include
policy-level actions such as ood insurance,
zoning, or managed retreat from the coast. Shore-
based protection systems can include “green”
and/or “gray” approaches to ood walls, elevation
of land using berms and other features, additions
of transparent ood barriers, and temporary
ood walls that can be deployed in advance of
impending oods. They can be employed at the
regional scale or the individual asset scale, and
if designed correctly, can provide multiple layers
of effectiveness and safety. In addition, they
can provide management of high tide nuisance
ooding, which harbor-wide barriers do not.
Most of the shore-based solutions provide many
co- benets such as recreation, public access,
open-space, and urban heat island cooling.
These co-benets might be particularly important
in communities suffering from environmental
and social injustice.
Another advantage of shore-based solutions
is that they provide a exible, adaptive manage-
ment approach to coastal protection. As a result,
responses can be implemented over time as
SLR and ooding increases, projections improve,
and more is known about future socio-economic
The risk of singularly relying on a barrier, even
if technology could be developed to ameliorate
the concerns around closure frequency, is that
if completion is delayed or the barrier is less
effective than designed, then the City and the
region may be left completely exposed, and in
the words of Climate Ready Boston, having
“catastrophic” results.
The benet-cost ratios at a 7% discount rate
of harbor-wide barriers that effectively manage
ooding above the level of shoreline protection
range from 0.05 to 0.33.
For the same level of protection at the
same discount rate (7%) and a shorter func-
tional lifetime (20 years), Climate Ready Boston
estimates a benet-cost ratio of 3.22 to 5.3 for
a shore-based ood protection system in the
Greenway/Border Street area of East Boston,
and a benet-cost ratio of 4.3 to 7.9 for a shore-
based protection project for Charlestown. There-
fore, shore-based adaptation approaches, at
least for these two districts, appear far more
cost effective.
More evidence of the cost effectiveness of
shore-based adaptation compared to harbor-wide
barriers can be shown by examining a potential
choice point the city of Boston could face in the
future. If the city is protected to 14 feet NAVD
by only shore-based protection, at a certain
point that amount of protection will no longer
be sufcient. Leaders will need to decide on
additional protections.
Assuming shoreline protections can be built
up, this would cost an estimated $508 million
(2017 dollars based on $4,500 per linear foot
for additional walls and $2,250 to expand exist-
ing walls) to provide protection equivalent to the
Outer Barrier for Boston. Even assuming that the
City of Boston would not pay for the entire cost
Preliminary Analysis for Boston Harbor
of building a barrier, the cost of shore-based
protections is dwarfed by the potential cost of
a barrier which could be $8–$12 billion.
Findings and Recommendations
Based upon the analyses conducted for this
report, it is clear that shore-based adaptation
strategies, if effective, have signicant advan-
tages over harbor-wide strategies for Boston,
at least for the next few decades when a decision
on a harbor-wide barrier could be re-examined
if shore-based systems are not effective. The
same nding likely applies to other municipal-
ities in Boston Harbor.
The analysis has shown that while a harbor-wide
barrier system could manage some coastal ood-
ing with perhaps minimal environmental impacts
and moderate impacts on harbor users, its cost-
effectiveness is low and its operational life would
be limited. With limited potential to adapt or
adjust the barrier once it is in place, it could be
challenging to respond to the uncertainties of
climate change over time. The alternative of
a wide spectrum of shore-based, district-level
solutions located around the inner harbor water-
front, however, has the potential for high cost-
effectiveness, and has several key advantages.
With proper planning and design, these solutions
have the potential to incorporate multiple levels
of protection, manage coastal ooding, provide
exibility and adaptability, offer co-benets that
address social justice, endure for long opera-
tional lifetimes, and carry minimal impacts
to the environment and harbor users.
The authors recommend that the City continue
to focus its climate adaptation strategy for the
next several decades on the multi-layered, shore-
based approach described in Climate Ready
Boston (2016). Within a few decades, more will
be known about the rate of sea level rise, the
effectiveness of shore-based solutions, and tech-
nological advances that could improve the feasi-
bility and cost of harbor-wide barrier systems. In
the meantime, focusing on shore-based solutions
will provide ood protection more quickly at less
cost. These shore-based solutions would be
needed in any case over the next few decades
to manage coastal ooding during the design
and construction period of any harbor-wide barrier
if it is decided to build one in the future. Shore-
based solutions are also more adaptive and can
provide substantial co-benets, while protecting
the harbor’s surrounding communities from sea
level rise and storm surge. Any future barrier
would probably best be used to complement
shore-based systems by managing very large
oods with the shore-based systems managing
smaller events and helping to manage the very
large events. This would limit the annual number
of closures of a future barrier system. The deci-
sion regarding a barrier is very much dependent
upon the future risk tolerance of the city and
the performance of shore-based systems.
It will be especially important to monitor the
actual and projected pace of sealevel rise in
Boston Harbor over the next several decades
to determine whether shore-based solutions
being implemented in Boston and adjacent
cities will be adequate.
While moving forward with a harbor-wide barrier is
not prudent, we recommend that the City continue
to monitor climate, environmental, economic, and
social changes, the risk tolerance of the city, the
continuing evolution of the technology of harbor-wide
barriers, and the global experience with existing
storm surge barrier systems, to determine if
the feasibility of a harbor-wide barrier should be
re-examined at some point in the future. It will
be especially important to monitor the actual and
projected pace of sealevel rise in Boston Harbor
over the next several decades to determine whether
shore-based solutions being implemented in Boston
and adjacent cities will be adequatefor the
remainder of the century and beyond.
If the feasibility of a harbor-wide barrier is
reexamined at some point, there are several
engineering, hydrodynamic, environmental, climate,
economic, and planning analsyes that would war-
rant more detailed examination than was conducted
for this study. Regardless, the City should under-
take strong greenhouse gas mitigation actions in
concert with cities and nations globally to lessen
the rate of climate change. Strong mitigation
starting now could limit SLR by 2100 to 2 or 3 feet
or less. This would greatly reduce the need for
future consideration of harbor-wide barrier systems
in this century and early next century.
Sustainable Solutions Lab
University of Massachusetts, Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125
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