PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
K. Venkata Rami Reddy
, Prof. A. Sreeram
Research Scholar, Department of Financial Management, GITAM (Deemed to be University),
GITAM-HBS, Hyderabad Campus, India.
Professor, Department of Financial Management, GITAM (Deemed to be University), GITAM-
HBS, Hyderabad Campus, India.
K. Venkata Rami Reddy, Prof. A. Sreeram: Performance Analysis Of Private And Public
Sector Banks Of Open- Ended Tax Saving Mutual Fund Schemes In India -- Palarch’s
Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(9). ISSN 1567-214x
Keywords: Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS), Investor, Investment, Mutual Fund and
This research study is an attempt to analyse the selected Equity Linked Savings Scheme
(ELSS) Mutual Fund schemes performance to see their growth trend on the investors
investments. In this research study 05 private sector banks and 05 public sector banks open
ended tax saving mutual fund schemes are considered as a sample and the banks was selected
based on their Corpus size. The risk-free limit adopted is 6.65%. To give increased return on
investor domestic investments and enhance investment allocation in different avenues, the scope
and needs of investors for mutual fund as an investment option has greatly increased. Mutual
fund investment contribution mostly from Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities only whereas rural and semi-
urban communities are less contrubution. One explanation for this is awareness levels in both
rural and semi-urban areas are very less. So, there is a great need for awareness-raising. Findings
of the study said that the Private Sector banks mutual fund schemes have recorded much better
performance when compared to Public Sector banks mutual fund schemes mainly due to better
allocation of funds, better management and Portfolio Manager's efficient performance. This
conclusion was obtained after the ratio of Sharpe, Treynor, beta, Jensen Alpha and Appraisal
ratio was measured and compared. The findings of the says that the ELSS funds have
outperformed the market index in terms of average returns. Axis Long Term Equity Fund is the
most reliable scheme in market. Moreover, all the funds have aggressive relationship with
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
market except Baroda ELSS 96 (Plan-B). This Study can be expanded further by taking other
specific mutual fund schemes to study how they are performing in trems of their benchmark
1. Introduction
Those investors who either lack large amounts of investment, or who do not
have the ability or time to study the market, but want their wealth to increase
mutual funds are suitable because fund manager will take care. The collected
money in the mutual funds is invested by qualified key fund managers
according to the stated goal of the schemeas well as investors. A minimal fee
that is reduced from the investment is charged by the fund house. The charged
fees by mutual funds are controlled and subject to certain limits laid down by
the Indian Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The savings rate by
individuals in India is one of the highest when compared to other countries.
This penchant for wealth creation implies that Indian investors need to look for
mutual funds beyond traditionally favoured Fixed Deposits (FDs) of banks and
purchasing of gold. Nevertheless, less awareness levels about mutual funds is
an investment avenue that is less preferred. Mutual funds have various
investment options for products across the financial continuum. The avenue
needed to achieve these goals often differ when savings goals vary, such as
(Old age) post-retirement expenses, children's for schooling or marriage,
purchasing of house, etc. The mutual fund industry in India offers a range of
schemes and provides for all forms of according to their needs.
For retail investors a great opportunity to get involved and gain benefits from
the upward trends in the mutual fund markets. While it can be advantageous to
invest in mutual funds, by choosing the right fund to invest according to their
needs. Therefore, investors should take due care of the fund and take account
of the risk-return trade-off and the time horizon, or consult with a professional
financial adviser. In addition, investors need to invest in different fund
categories, such as equity, debt and gold, in order to benefit from mutual fund
investments to the greatest extent possible. Although investors of all kinds are
capable of investing on their own in the securities market, but the better choice
is mutual fund for the sole reason that all benefits are included in a bundle.
UTI is India's oldest and largest mutual fund. Mutual funds were started by
several commercial banks and financial institutions. Corporate firms have also
launched mutual funds in the public sector and in the private sector. As at
December 31, 2019, the total number of accounts (or folios as per the parlance
of the mutual fund) stood at 8.71 crore (87.1 million), the Assets Under
Management (AUM) of the Indian MF Industry increased from about 6.65
trillion as at December 31, 2009 to about 26.54 trillion as at December 31,
2019, a four-fold increase over a 10-year period in both sectors. Several
taxpayers are searching for various options to save under income tax 80C,
1961. While there are many ways to save investments in tax-saving funds, one
of the attractive options is the Equity Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS). The lock-
in period of ELSS is much lower compared to traditional tax savings
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
instruments such as the Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Saving
Certificate (NSC) & bank deposits. ELSS is also an investment in equity
markets and investing in it can give you better long-term returns compared to
other asset classes. Investors invest in this scheme and receive tax advantages
under Sec 80C.
2. Literature Review
Kandpal, V., & Kavidayal, P. C. (2014)
, compared to the Public Sector
Mutual Funds in his study, the Private Sector Mutual Funds reported much
better performance, primarily due to better fund allocation, better management
and efficient performance of the portfolio manager. This outcome was achieved
after calculating and comparing the Sharpe, Treynor, beta and Jensen ratios.
Adhav, M. S. M., & Chauhan, P. M. (2015)
, their study concluded that
equity, debt and hybrid mutual funds performed better than their benchmarks
during the years 2009-10 to 2013-14 and generated sustainable returns for
investors in equity mutual funds compared to other schemes.Soni, S.,
Bankapue, D., & Bhutada, M. (2015)
, in their study it is concluded that the
both Kotak and HDFC mutual fund banks are well managed in terms of debt
schemes where as Kotak Mutual Fund schemes are more aggressive in Large
Cap Equity schemes, and HDFC Mutual Fund schemes in Mid Cap Equity
schemes are more aggressive. Bhagyasree, N., & Kishori, B. (2016)
, 14 out
of 30 mutual fund schemes in his research exceeded the benchmark return. The
results also showed that some of the schemes has failed, these schemes were
facing the problem of diversification. In the study, for all schemes which
showed that returns greater than the risk-free rate were provided by funds, the
Sharpe ratio was positive. The Jensen measure results showed that 19 of 30
schemes showed positive alpha, indicating superior performance of the scheme.
Suchitra, M. K., & Prashanta, A. (2017)
, in their study, the Indian Mutual
Funds scenario covers the gross mobilisation, gross redemption and net inflows
of mutual funds, the number of mutual funds and assets under management
(AUM) over the study period and the performance assessment of selected
companies. There was also a year-wise and sector-wise analysis of mutual
funds in India. Percentages, Averages, CAGR, and Standard Deviation are the
instruments used for the analysis of the data. The assessment of performance
was carried out by applying the Sharpe ratio. Compared to public sector mutual
funds, the performance of the majority of private sector mutual funds is
better.Thakuria, A., & Kashyap, S. (2017)
, his paper seeks to highlight the
comparative performance of mutual funds in the public and private sectors, as
well as to shed light on the scope of the fund market's existing potential in the
face of traditional investor risk aversion and the enormous increase in financial
assets. It has been noted that mutual funds in the private sector are taking more
risks and have also been able to achieve higher returns on average. Although
many of them have not been able to achieve better results over the long-term
horizon, some of them have done well in risk-return analysis, such as the
Reliance, Birla and Tata systems.Prakash, R.P., & Basanna, P. (2017)
, it is
shown in his study that public sector schemes have performed well compared
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
to private sector schemes and it is also found that most private sector schemes
have higher volatility measured in terms of standard deviation.
Raj, M., Verma, T., Bansal, S., & Jain, A. (2018)
, in his study, Public
Sector Mutual Funds reported much better performance than Private Sector
Mutual Funds, mainly due to better fund allocation, better management and
efficient performance of portfolio managers.
3. Problem Statement
From the Literature Review it is clear that no much work has been emphasized
on the open ended Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) of Mutual Funds.
ELSS scheme offering multiple benefits to investors like short duration, high
return than other tax saving schemes and dividend etc. Even though the
investor has multiple benefits but their growth was not satisfactory. When they
compare public sector banks mutual fund schemes and private sector banks
mutual fund schemes the performance of private sector funds is better than
public sector banks. Hence we would like to study the performance of public
and private sector banks mutual fund open ended tax saving schemes. With the
following objectives
1. To compare and evaluate the performance of various selected public and
private sector banks open ended tax-saving mutual fund schemes with Nifty 50
2. To offer suggestions to decide where and when to invest in order to obtain
tax advantages and high returns.
4. Research Methodology
Methodology of science is a vital tool for achieving overall research objectives.
The purpose of this research paper is to analyse the performance of the various
schemes of public and private sector banks' mutual fund schemes (the open-
ended Equity Linked Saving Scheme with a statutory 3-year lock-in period and
tax benefits).
4.1 Sample selection
Top 10 Mutual funds schemes (direct growth) are considered for the current
study among the 44 mutual funds in the Association of Mutual Funds in India
(AMFI), of public and private sector banks.These banks has the share quarterly
average assets under management (QAAUM) as on December 2019 in crores
Rs. 15, 36,009.16.
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
4.2 Study Period
The timeline for the current research study is 1
April 2014 to 31
2019 i.e. five years.
4.3 Source of Data
Secondary data is the primary source for the current research work, where all
the Net Asset Value (NAV) information has been obtained from various
sources such as https://www.amfiindia.com and respective mutual fund bank
4.4 Tools and Techniques Used
Tools and techniques used to analysis in the current study are descriptive
statistics such as CAGR, mean, variability measures (such as standard
deviation (SD)) and coefficient of variance (CV) etc.,
1. CAGR= (Selling Price/Purchase Price)
2. Average (ȳ) = ∑y/n
3. SD (σ) = √∑ (y-ȳ)
4. CV= σ/ȳ *100
5. Beta= Covariance (Ri, Rm)/Variance (Rm)
6. Sharpe Ratio= Rp Rf/σ
7. Treynor Ratio= Rp Rf/β
8. Jensen Alpha= Rp (Rf + β (Rm – Rf))
4.5 Hypothesis of the Study
: There is a significance difference between Average Returns of Nifty 50TRI
and selected Private Sector Banks Mutual Fund Schemes.
5. Limitations
The limitations of this study are, the authors used the quantitative data for
analysis due to time constraints but unable to conduct qualitative analysis,
which could have taken the research a different direction. The researcher could
not explore investor’s perception on financial performance of mutual fund open
ended tax saving schemes by using qualitative research methodology. The
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study is based on secondary data of selected banks open ended tax saving
schemes of (Public and Private Sector banks) NAV report.
6. Profile of Private and Public Sector Banks (Mutual Fund)
6.1 Baroda Mutual Fund
Bank of Baroda's wholly-owned subsidiary is Baroda Asset Management India
Ltd (BAML). The investment manager of the Baroda Mutual Fund ('Mutual
Fund'), Baroda Asset Management India Limited (AMC), is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Bank of Baroda and is capable of serving the diverse asset
management needs of Indian investors through a range of offerings in equity,
debt and money markets, etc.
Different Schemes introduced by Baroda Asset Management India Limited as
A total of 18 schemes are available and of which 01 is tax saving scheme i.e.
ELSS. In ELSS there are two plans named as Plan-A and Plan-B. In Plan-A
there are three options known as growth, dividend and bonus and in Plan-B
there are three options known as growth, dividend and bonus.
6.2 BOI AXA Mutual Fund
BOI AXA Investment Managers Private Limited, part of the AXA Group, is a
joint venture between Bank of India and AXA Investment Managers, one of the
financial protection industry's largest players in the world.
Different Schemes introduced by BOI AXA Investment Managers Private Ltd
as under
Source: https://www.boiaxamf.com/product
Source: https://www.boiaxamf.com/product
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
A total of 12 schemes are available and of which 01 is tax saving scheme i.e.
ELSS. In ELSS there are three plans named as regular, direct and eco. In
regular plan there are two options known as growth and dividend and in direct
plan there are two options known as growth and dividend and in eco plan there
are two options known as growth and dividend.
6.3 Canara Robeco Mutual Fund
India's second oldest asset manager, Canara Bank, partnered with the Robeco
group through a joint venture, and the mutual fund was named Canara Robeco
Mutual Fund. This brings together the extensive experience of Canara Bank
with the global asset management experience of the Robeco group in the Indian
Different Schemes introduced by Canara Robeco Asset Management Company
Ltd as under
Source: https://www.canararobeco.com/forms-downloads/forms-and-
A total of 26 schemes are available and of which 01 is tax saving scheme i.e.
ELSS. In ELSS there are two plans named as regular and direct. In regular plan
there are two options known as growth and dividend and in direct plan there
are two options known as growth and dividend.
6.4 SBI Mutual Fund
SBI Funds Management Pvt., with 30 years of rich fund management
experience. It has a strong and proud legacy that goes back to the State Bank,
India's biggest bank (SBI). Joint venture of one of the world's leading fund
management firms, SBI-AMUNDI (France).
It has a network throughout India of more than 222 acceptance points,
providing value and cultivating the trust of a vast and diverse investor
Different schemes introduced by SBI Funds Management Pvt as under
Source: https://www.sbimf.com/en-us/navs
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
Source: https://www.sbimf.com/en-us/navs
A total of 248 schemes are available and of which 04 are tax savings schemes
i.e. ELSS. In ELSS there are two plans named as regular and direct. In regular
plan there are two options known as growth and dividend and in direct plan
also there are two options known as growth and dividend.
6.5 Union Mutual Fund
The Union Mutual Fund is a subsidiary of the Union Bank and holds 100% of
the shares of the Company's Mutual Fund.
Different Schemes introduced by Union Asset Management Company Private
Limited as under
Source: http://www.unionmf.com/Products.aspx
Source: http://www.unionmf.com/Products.aspx
A total of 16 schemes are available and of which 01 is tax saving scheme i.e.
ELSS. In ELSS there are two plans named as regular and direct. In regular plan
there are two options known as growth and dividend and in direct plan also
there are two options known as growth and dividend.
6.6 HDFC Mutual Fund
HDFC Asset Management Company is the biggest and most profitable mutual
fund company in India with 3.7 trillion in assets under control. Housing
Development Finance Corporation Limited ('HDFC') and Standard Life
Investments Limited ('SLI') were set up as a joint venture starting in 1999.
There are currently over 80,000 empanelled distributors of HDFC Asset
Management Company from independent financial analysts, regional
distributors and banks. In over 200 cities, it has a network of 213 branches and
distribution partners.
Different Schemes introduced by HDFC Mutual Fund as under
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
A total of 44 schemes are available and of which 02 are tax saving scheme i.e.
ELSS. In ELSS there are two plans named as regular and direct. In regular plan
there are two options known as growth and dividend and in direct plan there
are two options known as growth and dividend.
6.7 ICICI Mutual Fund
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Ltd. is a nationwide leading
asset management company (AMC) focusing on bridging the gap between
savings & investments and building long-term value through a variety of
simple and appropriate investment solutions for investors.
AMC is a joint venture between Prudential Plc, one of the largest financial
services companies in the United Kingdom, and ICICI Bank, a well known and
trusted financial services firm in India.
AMC has seen significant growth in scale from 2 locations and 6 employees at
the launch of the joint venture in 1998 to the current strength of 2062
employees covering more than 300 locations with an investor base of more
than 4 million investors (as of 30 June 2019).
Different Schemes introduced by ICICI Mutual Fund as under
Source: https://www.icicipruamc.com/downloads/sid
Source: https://www.icicipruamc.com/downloads/sid
A total of 100 schemes are available and of which 01 is tax saving scheme i.e.
ELSS. In ELSS there are two plans named as regular and direct. In regular plan
there are two options known as growth and dividend and in direct plan there
are two options known as growth and dividend.
6.8 Kotak Mutual Fund
Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Limited (KMAMC), a Kotak
Mahindra Bank Limited wholly owned company (KMBL). KMAMC began
operations in December 1998 and has about 21 Lac shareholders in various
schemes. The corporation has 86 branches in 82 cities. KMMF provides
investors with varying risk-return profiles with catering schemes and was the
first fund house in the country to launch a dedicated gold scheme which only
invests in government securities.
Different Schemes introduced by Kotak Mutual Fund as under
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
Source: https://www.kotakmf.com/funds/equity-funds
Source: https://www.kotakmf.com/funds/equity-funds
A total of 40 schemes are available and of which 01 is tax saving scheme i.e.
ELSS. In ELSS there are two plans named as regular and direct. In regular plan
there are two options known as growth and dividend and in direct plan there
are two options known as growth and dividend.
6.9 Axis Mutual Fund
Axis Mutual Fund started its first operations in October 2009 and has since
been growing strongly. It's operations on 3 founding principles-long-term
wealth creation, over 20 lac active investor accounts, and outside in (customer)
perspective and long-term relationship presence in over 90 cities.
Different schemes introduced by Axis Mutual Fund as under
Source: https://www.axismf.com/mutual-funds
Source: https://www.axismf.com/mutual-funds
A total of 33 schemes are available and of which 01 is tax savings schemes i.e.
ELSS. In ELSS there are two plans named as regular and direct. In regular plan
there are two options known as growth and dividend and in direct plan also
there are two options known as growth and dividend.
7.0 IDFC Mutual Fund
IDFC Asset Management Company Ltd. was incorporated in 2000 and
manages more than 1 million investment folios with an AUM of more than One
Lakh Crore Crore representing leading institutions, corporations, family offices
and individual clients (USD 14bn). IDFC AMC is one of India's Top 10 Asset
Managers with a deep national presence on the ground and a seasoned
management team, promoted by the Government of India's IDFC Ltd., India's
leading infrastructure finance company. We provide and manage a diversified
range of funds across debt, equity and liquid alternatives asset classes and have
a distribution reach that covers 40 plus cities directly and has an indirect
presence in more than 280 plus cities across India.
Different Schemes introduced by IDFC Mutual Fund as under
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
Source: https://www.idfcmf.com/latest-navs.aspx
Source: https://www.idfcmf.com/latest-navs.aspx
A total of 55 schemes are available and of which 01 is tax saving scheme i.e.
ELSS. In ELSS there are two plans named as regular and direct. In regular plan
there are two options known as growth and dividend and in direct plan also
there are two options known as growth and dividend.
7. Performance evaluation
We analysed the performance of the public and private sector bank mutual
funds' open-ended tax saving schemes.
All the selected public and private sector banks open ended tax saving schemes
has two plans know as direct and regular plan
The direct plan is only for investors who purchase/subscribe units directly from
the Mutual Fund in a scheme. Whereas in Regular plan the investors invest
their investment through any distributer, both the plans have Growth &
Dividend Option.
Table 7.1 CAGR Values of selected ELSS funds and Nifty 50 TRI (%)
Source: Calculated from Secondary Data
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
Table 7.1 shows CAGR based on NAV of all banks and Nifty 50 TRI. From
the table it is clear that out of different direct-growth funds of private sector
banks giving high CAGR than public sector banks.
Table 7.2 Average Returns, Standard Deviation (SD) and Coefficient of
Variance (CV) of selected ELSS funds and Nifty 50 TRI
Source: Calculated from Secondary Data
Table 7.2 shows Average Returns, Standard Deviation (SD) and Coefficient
of variance (CV) of different funds. These values calculated by using CAGR.
From the table it is clear that the average returns of selected banks mutual
funds is more than the market index that is Nifty 50 TRI with moderate risk
and with moderate volatility. Among selected public sector banks, Canara
Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund is giving high average return with moderate
risk and volatility is low. After Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund, BOI
AXA Tax Advantage Fund is giving high average return with high risk and
volatility is also moderate. After BOI AXA Tax Advantage Fund, SBI
Magnum Tax Gain Scheme is giving high average return with high risk and
volatility is also moderate. After SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme, Union
Long Term Equity Fund is giving moderate average return with low risk and
volatility is also moderate. After Union Long Term Equity Fund, Baroda
ELSS 96 (Plan-B) is giving low average return with less risk and volatility
also high. From the table it is clear that Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver
Fund is providing high average returns (16.33 percent) with moderate risk
(17.52 percent) and low volatility (107.32 percent). Hence different funds of
selected banks are giving more returns to investors than market index except
Baroda ELSS 96 (Plan-B).
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
Among selected private sector banks, Axis Long Term Equity Fund is giving
high average return with high risk and volatility is moderate. After Axis
Long Term Equity Fund, Kotak Tax Saver Fund is giving high average
return with high risk and volatility is also high. After Kotak Tax Saver Fund,
IDFC Tax Advantage Fund is giving high average return with high risk and
volatility is also moderate. After IDFC Tax Advantage Fund, ICICI
Prudential Long Term Equity Fund is giving moderate average return with
low risk and volatility is also moderate. After ICICI Prudential Long Term
Equity Fund, HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund is giving low average
return with less risk and volatility also low. After HDFC Long Term
Advantage Fund, HDFC Tax Saver Fund is giving low average return with
moderate risk and volatility also high. From the table it is clear that Axis
Long Term Equity Fund is providing high average returns (20.80 percent)
with high risk (24.24 percent) and moderate volatility (116.53 percent).
Hence different funds of selected banks are giving more returns to investors
than market index.
Table 7.3 Beta Values of selected ELSS funds and Nifty 50 TRI
Source: Calculated from Secondary Data
Table 7.3 shows beta values of selected ELSS schemes and Nifty 50 TRI. The
value of beta shows performance of selected funds in correlation with market if
market. Beta value measures the change in the return of individual security in
response to unit change in market index. Hence it measures of systematic risk
of security. If beta value equal to 1 indicates proportionate change in return of
market index is equal to proportionate change in return of a fund. If beta
greater than 1 means the proportionate change in returns of a fund would be
more than market returns. If beta less than 1 indicates the returns of a fund
would be comparatively less the market index.
From the table it is clear that all the selected public sector funds has beta value
more than 1 except Baroda ELSS 96 (Plan-B) it means they are giving high
returns than market index. Among the selected public sector funds SBI
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Magnum Tax Gain Scheme is giving higher returns than others later Canara
Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund, BOI AXA Tax Advantage Fund and Union
Long Term Equity Fund are giving moderate returns and since beta value more
than 1 all funds are aggressive relationship with market index except Baroda
ELSS 96 (Plan-B).
From the table it is clear that all the selected private sector funds has beta value
more than 1 it means they are giving high returns than market index. Among
the selected private sector funds Kotak Tax Saver Fund is giving higher returns
than others later Axis Long Term Equity Fund, IDFC Tax Advantage, HDFC
Tax Saver Fund and ICICI Prudential Long Term Equity Fund are giving
moderate returns. Only HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund is giving less
return than other selected funds and since beta value more than 1 all funds are
aggressive relationship with market index.
Table 7.4 Sharpe Ratio values of selected ELSS funds
Source: Calculated from Secondary data
Table 7.4 Depicts the Sharpe ratio values of selected ELSS funds and Nifty 50
TRI. Sharpe value measures the returns earned over the risk free rate of return
relative to its standard deviation. Sharpe ratio of a fund with higher value is
considered superior relative to its peers. Form the table it is clear that among
selected public sector banks Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund has highest
Sharpe ratio when compared with other funds i.e., 15.95 which means gives
highest excess return over the risk free rate of return. Hence Canara Robeco
Equity Tax Saver Fund is best fund to invest.
Form the table it is clear that among selected private sector banks Axis Long
Term Equity Fund has highest Sharpe ratio when compared with other funds
i.e., 20.52 which means gives highest excess return over the risk free rate of
return. Hence Axis Long Term Equity Fund is best fund to invest.
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Form the table it is clear that among selected public and private sector banks
Axis Long Term Equity Fund has highest Sharpe ratio when compared with
other funds i.e., 20.52 which means gives highest excess return over the risk
free rate of return. Hence Axis Long Term Equity Fund is best fund to invest.
Table 7.5 Treynor Ratio values of selected ELSS funds
Source: Calculated from Secondary data
Table 7.5 presents treynors ratio which is another risk adjusted return ratio but
it uses Beta (systematic) for risk measurement. Form the table it is clear that
the among selected public sector banks Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund
has a highest treynors ratio which is 11.35 means it gives best risk adjusted
return whereas, Baroda ELSS 96 (Plan-B) has a lowest treynors ratio that is -
Form the table it is clear that the among selected private sector banks Axis
Long Term Equity Fund has a highest treynors ratio which is 16.65 means it
gives best risk adjusted return whereas, HDFC Long Term Equity Fund has a
lowest treynors ratio that is 10.45.
Form the table it is clear that among selected public and private sector banks
Axis Long Term Equity Fund has highest Sharpe ratio when compared with
other funds i.e., 16.65 which means gives highest excess return over the risk
free rate of return. Hence Axis Long Term Equity Fund is best fund to invest.
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Table 7.6 Jensen’s Alpha values of selected ELSS funds
Source: Calculated from Secondary data
Table 7.6 presents Jensen’s alpha values which indicate whether the fund has
earned excess return over the benchmark return predicted through beta. Higher
the value of beta better is the fund. The data analysis shows that, among
selected public sector banks Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund has the
highest Jensen alpha of 0.97 whereas Baroda ELSS 96 (Plan-B) has a lowest
alpha that is -5.25. A closer look at the table shows that all the selected
schemes have a negative alpha except Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund
and BOI AXA Tax Advantage Fund which means they provide less return over
the expected return.
The data analysis shows that, among selected private sector banks Axis Long
Term Equity Fund has the highest Jensen alpha of 3.7 whereas HDFC Tax
Saver Fund has a lowest alpha that is -0.81. A closer look at the table shows
that all the selected schemes have a positive alpha except HDFC Tax Saver
Fund which means they provide excess return over the expected return.
Form the table it is clear that among selected public and private sector banks
Axis Long Term Equity Fund has highest Sharpe ratio when compared with
other funds i.e., 3.7 which means gives highest excess return over the risk free
rate of return. Hence Axis Long Term Equity Fund is best fund to invest.
Result of Hypothesis
: There is a significance difference between Average Returns of Nifty
50TRI and selected Public Sector Banks Mutual Fund Schemes.
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)
Source: Calculated from Secondary data
The t stat value of 0.134 is less than t critical two tail value of 2.77, and the p
value of 0.89 is greater than the 0.05, indicating that there is no significant
difference in the average returns for Nifty 50 TRI and Public Sector banks
mutual fund schemes. Therefore, the null hypothesis is failed to reject.
: There is a significance difference between Average Returns of Nifty
50TRI and selected Private Sector Banks Mutual Fund Schemes.
Source: Calculated from Secondary data
The t stat value of 5.833 is greater than t critical two tail value of 2.57, and the
p value of 0.002 is less than the 0.05, indicating that there is a significant
difference in the average returns for Nifty 50 TRI and Public Sector banks
mutual fund schemes. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the
alternate hypothesis is accepted.
8. Suggestions
The following are Suggestions:
1. In general, the Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund generates higher
returns at low risk among public sector banks. Therefore an investor can invest
in the Equity Tax Saver Fund of Canara Robeco.
2. In general, the Axis Long Term Equity Fund generates more returns for low-
risk private sector banks. An investor will therefore be able to invest in the
Axis Long Term Equity Fund.
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3. Employees who work in both the private and public sectors are eligible to
invest in private sector mutual funds because private sector mutual funds
provide high returns when compared to public sector mutual funds.
4. Compared with other public sector tax saving schemes under Section 80C,
such as PPF, NSC, EPF, Tax Saving Deposits, and so on, high returns are
provided by private sector mutual funds.
5. Each investor should analyse the mutual funds in terms of fund performance
before they make an investment decision. The schemes in the mutual fund
should be selected by the fund manager or portfolio manager on the basis of
investor profiling. Based on the market timing, the fund manager should
carefully select the scheme. In order for investors to easily understand the
company's performance, the portfolio manager should disclose all the
information related to the mutual fund and the company's performance to
investors. People who are interested in investing in mutual fund schemes may
invest in the mutual fund schemes of private sector banks.
6. Investors should choose long-term high-return equity schemes where they
are able to choose short-term minimum-risk constant-return debt schemes.
7. Since the last decade, the Indian Mutual Funds Industry has changed
completely for good and demonstrated significant growth and potential.
Although the Asset under Management and the number of schemes have
significantly increased, it has yet to be a household product and needs to
effectively cover the retail segment.
9. Conclusion
This study helped the investigator in understanding the different plans/options
of open ended tax saving mutual fund schemes and the best performing open
ended tax saving mutual fund schemes from a selected pool of mutual funds.
This enabled the researcher in suggesting the retail investor the best mutual
fund company to invest his or her money. The study is very relevant in today’s
financial market context and will form basis for the performance evaluation of
the mutual funds in future also. The mutual fund performance are measured by
different performance evaluation technique like CAGR, Average Return,
Standard Deviation, CV and Risk adjusted measures etc., and outcome from
evaluation will let the investor to invest in to the right categories of mutual
The study concludes that all ELSS funds have outperformed the market index
in terms of average returns. Axis Long Term Equity Fund is the most reliable
scheme in market. Moreover, all the funds have aggressive relationship with
market except Baroda ELSS 96 (Plan-B).
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