A Big Data Analysis Framework Using
Apache Spark and Deep Learning
Anand Gupta
Dept. of Computer Engineering
NSIT, University of Delhi
Delhi, India
Hardeo Kumar Thakur
Dept. of Computer Science
Manav Rachna University
Delhi, India
Ritvik Shrivastava
Dept. of Information Technology
NSIT, University of Delhi
Delhi, India
Pulkit Kumar
Dept. of Information Technology
NSIT, University of Delhi
Delhi, India
Sreyashi Nag
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Abstract—With the spreading prevalence of Big Data, many
advances have recently been made in this field. Frameworks
such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark have gained a lot
of traction over the past decades and have become massively
popular, especially in industries. It is becoming increasingly
evident that effective big data analysis is key to solving arti-
ficial intelligence problems. Thus, a multi-algorithm library was
implemented in the Spark framework, called MLlib. While this
library supports multiple machine learning algorithms, there is
still scope to use the Spark setup efficiently for highly time-
intensive and computationally expensive procedures like deep
learning. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that
combines the distributive computational abilities of Apache Spark
and the advanced machine learning architecture of a deep multi-
layer perceptron (MLP), using the popular concept of Cascade
Learning. We conduct empirical analysis of our framework
on two real world datasets. The results are encouraging and
corroborate our proposed framework, in turn proving that it is
an improvement over traditional big data analysis methods that
use either Spark or Deep learning as individual elements.
A. Overview
With the amount of data growing at an exponential rate,
it is necessary to develop tools that are able to harness that
data and extract value from it. Every organization or company,
be it in the healthcare, manufacturing, automobile or software
industry, needs to manage and analyze the large data volumes
that it generates. This in turn leads to faster and more efficient
operations. The growing need to manage increasingly massive
data collections has led to significant interest in developing
such big data tools. Research is being conducted in the areas
of Big Data Infrastructure (cloud computing, energy-efficient
computing, software systems, new programming modules etc),
Big Data Management (search and mining, algorithmic sys-
tems, data acquisition, integration and cleaning, computational
modeling, graph mining, distributed and peer-to-peer search
etc), Big Data Search and Mining (social network analysis
and mining, web search, semantic based data mining etc), Big
Data Security (high performance cryptography, privacy threats
to big data, sociological aspects of big data privacy etc) and
many other related fields. This steadily growing demand has
led to the development of several big data analytics tools in
the industry.
The need for big data analytics frameworks can be seen
when implementing any algorithm on large datasets. Any such
process uses a single core of the CPU in a local system. To
improve performance as the data size increases, GPUs are
being increasingly used which contain multiple cores. Thus,
parallel processing can be easily done due to their distributed
architecture. But because GPUs are not always economically
feasible and accessible, there is a need for a framework that
uses the existing CPU in the local system in a distributed
Among the most prominent tools that achieve this task is
Hadoop, an open source platform that provides excellent data
management provisions. Its primary use is to facilitate the
processing of very large datasets in a distributed computing
environment using components like the Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS), MapReduce, HBase, Hive etc. This paper
however, explores a more efficient and robust tool, Apache
Spark, that was designed to work in conjunction with Hadoop
in order to address some of its limitations.
B. Challenges
The primary purpose of Spark is to efficiently handle data
of a large magnitude. Using built-in libraries individually,
existing systems have managed to use Spark for such analysis
of Big Data. However, there is still scope for exploring
new models that yield results with greater accuracies while
still using the Spark framework to remain computationally
feasible. The key questions are: (1) How to extract maximum
arXiv:1711.09279v1 [cs.DB] 25 Nov 2017
information from the pre-existing features in the dataset to
yield optimum accuracy? (2) How to effectively address the
problem of class imbalance that is present in large scale real
world datasets? (3) How to incorporate the recent advances
made in the field of Artificial Intelligence while still utilizing
s computational power?
C. Countering the Challenges
To address the challenges mentioned above, this paper
presents a framework that harnesses the power of cascade
learning under the umbrella of Spark
s framework. Using this
technique, the knowledge gained from the primary architecture
is used to add value to the pre-existing features of the
data being analyzed. This improved information is now fed
into a second learning architecture. The output of this two-
step learning process is a model that is significantly more
accurate than traditional single stage machine learning models.
Further, the resultant model also addresses the class imbalance
Problem Definition: Given (any) large scale real world
dataset, the task is to propose a framework which can give
a highly accurate and efficient prediction model.
D. Applications
Applications of the proposed framework lie in multifar-
ious domains. A few of these have been discussed next:
(1) Healthcare - Analysis of detailed large-scale equipment
readings in the form of both texts and images. Good learning
algorithms will result in better healthcare predictions and
recommendations. We study one such dataset in this paper.
(2) Education - Analysis the performance of students, teachers
and supporting staff. (3) Physical Capital based Industrial
Sector - Manufacturing and Instrumentation details such as
data recordings for large MNCs can be studied using this
framework. (4) IT Industry - Improving existing systems by
replacing or appending manual work with big data based
artificial intelligence processes.
E. Structure of the Paper
The overall framework presented in this paper aims to
tackle the aforementioned challenges. The paper is divided
as follows: Section II is a review of the literature that is
available in the areas under consideration and recent advances
in the same. Section III provides a detailed explanation of the
proposed approach and the reasoning behind it. Section IV is
a detailed study of the experiments, simulations and results
that are obtained during the course of this paper preparation.
Sections V and VI provide conclusions to our research along
with the scope and possibilities for future work.
The literature in this area includes work that has been
done in the fields of big data, Spark, machine learning, deep
learning and cascade learning. We study this literature with the
intention to analyse past work in these areas and understand
their limitations in order to engineer a system capable of
handling these limitations. The literature survey pertaining to
this paper has been presented in four parts: (i) Work related
to Apache Spark, (ii) Work related to feature set and data
manipulation, (iii) Work related to deep learning using multi-
layer perceptrons and (iv) Work related to cascade learning.
A. Work Related to Apache Spark
The architecture and utility of Apache Spark was first
presented to the community by the authors of [1]. It gives
a brief overview regarding the programming model, which
includes RDDs, parallel computing etc. It also introduces a few
implementations in the environment. [2] introduces Apache
Sparks machine learning library, MLlib. This includes its
core features as well as the different components constituting
the MLlib library. The work done in [3] analyzes Sparks
primary framework by running a sample ML instance on
it. The authors present comprehensive results based on their
evaluations that highlight Sparks advantages. The authors of
[4] present a similar usage of Spark by analyzing twitter
data using Sparks framework. The massive size of the twitter
dataset used highlights the significance of using a tool like
Spark. The authors of [5] have performed similar twitter
sentiment analysis using Apache Spark.
B. Work Related to Feature Set and Data Manipulation
The class imbalance problem is a significant area of interest
in the machine learning community that we have addressed in
this paper. The authors of [6] present a review of various tools
and techniques that can be used to solve the imbalance issue.
A comprehensive analysis of various methods targeted towards
solving the problem has been mentioned in [7]. A major part of
the analysis presented in this paper involves the manipulation
and extraction of relevant features from both the datasets. This
kind of feature engineering can be seen in [8]. The authors of
[9] study feature extraction and feature selection for machine
learning in image classification. [10] presents a state-of-the-
art solution to the natural language processing problem of
paraphrase detection, using explicit feature set construction.
Authors of [11] also present a comprehensive example il-
lustrating explicit feature construction and manipulation for
covering rule learning algorithms.
C. Work Related to Deep Learning using MLPs
Deep learning using multiple layer perceptrons has been fast
gaining significance in the artificial intelligence community,
especially when handling massive data. The authors of [12]
introduce data classification using multi-layer perceptrons.
[13] presents an instance of large scale analysis conducted
on big data using MLPs. This highlights the advantages
offered by MLPs when dealing with large datasets instead
of small or moderately-sized ones. Another instance of the
usage of MLPs in classification problems is presented in [14].
This method used a fuzzy integral based activation function.
Backpropagation is primary method of learning used in multi-
layer perceptrons. The authors in [15] present a fuzzy neural
network model based on MLP using the backpropagation
algorithm which illustrates how learning takes place in such a
multi-layer neural network.
D. Work Related to Cascade Learning
The two stages of the framework mentioned in this paper,
namely analysis using Spark and multi-layer perceptron, is
connected via cascading. Cascading or Cascade Learning is
typically used for cases where the classes are heavily imbal-
anced and a suitable inference cannot be gathered from the
data. This approach has been previosuly applied in diverse
fields such as Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision
etc. and has proven to be quite effective. [16] proposed a
time efficient two-stage cascaded classifier for the prediction
of buy sessions and purchased items within such sessions. [17]
proposed a cascade of feature-sharing deep classifiers, called
OnionNet, where subsequent stages added both new layers as
well as new feature channels to the previous ones. Recently,
[18] cascaded two fully convolutional neural networks [19] for
a combined image segmentation of the liver and its lesion and
produced state-of-the-art results on the task.
Having studied the existing literature, we aim to address
the aforementioned challenges through the framework
described in this paper. In the following section, we present a
detailed study of the proposed framework and the techniques
incorporated in it.
In this section, we describe in detail the framework men-
tioned in this paper. Our approach combines the benefits of
using a big data processing framework like Spark along with
the advantages of deep learning on large datasets by using an
approach called Cascade Learning. This technique is discussed
below followed by the structure of the framework used in this
A. Cascading
In traditional supervised machine learning algorithms,
individual models are trained for their respective tasks. This
has been a highly successful technique whenever the labeled
data for the task at hand is available. Although, in situations
where there is a lack of adequate labeled data corresponding
to the use case, the traditional algorithms result in unreliable
Cascading allows for the application of ‘knowledge’ gained
from a previously trained model to another model, so as to
improve the performance on the task at hand. This model-to-
knowledge transfer is used as an additional feature for the
overall model, hence providing extra relevant information.
Definition: Cascade learning or cascading classifiers
can be defined as a subtype of ensemble learning, where the
output of one classifier is fed into another classifier as input.
This in turn enhances the overall classification performance.
B. Framework
The framework described in this paper is centered around
solving real-world big data problems using big data analytics
frameworks and artificial intelligence. To tackle such problems
is challenging due to time and space constraints. Due to the
sheer enormity of data and the lack of machines with high
computation power, there is a need for supportive learning
frameworks that can handle such data using just the stipulated
The model presented in this paper attempts to overcome
these challenges. It combines the ideas of big data analysis,
machine learning, deep learning and cascading. The core
structural framework presented in this section forms the crux
of our research and experiments.
The essence of this framework lies in using cascading
between the aforementioned processes of big data analysis
and deep learning. These processes are explained next.
1) Big Data Analysis Using Spark: The various machine
learning algorithms on Spark have been studied in depth
with reference to big data. For the purpose of this research,
we use the MLLib library of Spark to implement Logistic
Regression, Decision Trees and Random Forest regression
algorithms. In this stage, the pre-processed dataset is passed
through these algorithms to create a regression model that
presents the probability of each data-point belonging to a
binary class. This stage is a binary-learning stage.
2) Cascading: As explained in Section III(A), Cascading
involves using the knowledge obtained from one model to
train another related model. In this framework, we engineer
a modified version of the original dataset by appending the
probabilities that were obtained through stage 1. This gives
each data point an attribute that closely resembles the ground
truth, in turn establishing a strong distinguishing feature in
the dataset. This modified-dataset is our ‘knowledge’, which
is used as an input for stage 3.
3) Deep Learning: This stage is the culmination of our
framework. The ‘knowledge’ obtained in the form of the
modified dataset from previous stages is used to train a multi-
layer perceptron (MLP) architecture. The exact architecture
for this layer is defined according to the application that it
is being used for. This stage is suited for both binary and
multi-class learning, according to the requirements of the
application. A MLP takes into consideration the depth of the
network according to the complexity of the problem and the
systems computational complexity.
The framework is detailed in Fig. 1.
C. Steps of the Framework
Stage 1 : Big Data Analysis using ML in Spark
1) Input Pre-processed dataset in the form of a RDD
2) Convert RDD to DataFrame (DF)
3) Read Features and Labels from DF
4) One Hot Encoding of the non-numeric features
5) String Indexing of each encoded feature
6) Vector assembly of one-hot-encoded features and nu-
meric features
7) Convert the assembled vector into a Pipeline
8) Fit and Transform the Pipeline into a suitable form for
Spark to read
9) Train the model using MLLib based features using the
training data
10) Test on the whole data to obtain a binary prediction value
of the label (the prediction can be defined according to
the needs of the user)
Stage 2 : Cascading
1) Append the predictions data to the original dataset file.
2) This is the creation of ‘knowledge’ that will be used.
3) Use the modified dataset (‘knowledge’) for training in
stage 3.
Stage 3 : Deep Learning
1) Train a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) using the ‘knowl-
edge’ obtained in Stage 2, step 3.
2) This MLP can be produced by either, repeating steps
2-8 in stage 1 and replacing the ML approach with an
MLP that is created using the internally defined library
of Spark, or the MLP can be generated by creating the
Artificial Neural Network from scratch.
3) For the purpose of Deep Learning and high quality
training, we create a back-propagation network to con-
tinuously train the network and reduce the error in
Having presented the framework and its components in
detail, we next discuss some of the applications that this
model can be used for.
The abovementioned framework has applications in various
domains of Big Data analysis and Machine Learning, such as
classification systems and recommendation engines.
D. Reasoning Behind Choice of Approach
The framework we have discussed in the earlier section
is a novel method for solving traditional machine learning
problems. It considers all aspects of a traditional machine
learning while improving accuracy and speed of the setup.
The major reasons behind choosing this framework are further
discussed in detail.
1) Enhanced Feature Set: The modified dataset that is
obtained in stage 2 enhances the existing feature set presented
in any problem. It boosts the accuracy of any model where this
data is used henceforth. For example, in the H-1B Visa Ap-
plication dataset, we obtain the probabilities of acceptance or
denial of the application for every application. We append this
probability to the original dataset to obtain the modified dataset
or ‘knowledge’ which gives the dataset a new indispensable
feature. This feature emulates to some extent the ground truth
of this data, hence improving the chances of high accuracy
when the deep learning model is created and applied on it.
In this manner, our framework is able to enhance the existing
featureset to a better version of itself.
2) Computational Time Consideration: Running a two-
layer approach using two deep learning models simultaneously
is a tedious and time-draining task. Replacing a stage with
a much faster big-data analytics framework such as Spark
or Hadoop reduces the time complexity. The state-of-the-art
MLLib library in Spark does not reduce the quality of the
model while maintaining much shorter computational times as
compared to traditional approaches. For example, if running
the deep learning model twice on an over 3 million data-point
dataset such as H-1B Visa Application dataset takes 6 hours
on a machine, a combination of our model will do it in 3-
3.5 hours with noticeably higher efficiency. Our framework
can reduce computation times up to half in cases, which is
extremely valuable when talking about big data analysis and
3) Continuous Learning and Improvement: Given the
second stage of the model is a back-propagation based deep
learning architecture, this framework will create and learn new
features on its own without explicit hand-crafting of features.
This enables the model to work as a more reliable model and
move closer towards the original ideology behind Artificial
Intelligence. For example, in the H-1B Visa Application
Dataset, the process of learning through back-propagation
keeps training the model repeatedly to improve the accuracy
of prediction or any other supervised or semi-supervised task.
As more data keeps coming in, this process of continuous
learning will allow the model to actually help the applicants
by generating a fair prediction on their chances of being
approved. Whereas, in the Arrhythmia dataset, the model
can keep learning new features with continuously improving
dataset as well as the self-improving deep learning structure.
Having described our proposed framework in detail along
with the motivation for the choice of approach described in
this paper, we conduct a series of experiments to validate our
model. This is presented in Section IV.
The overall aim of experimentation is to perform a
qualitative and quantitative analysis on the performance of
the framework proposed in this paper. We begin by describing
the system specifications of all the distributed server systems
that are used to implement Spark and the deep learning
1) System 1
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-25-
generic x86-64)
Intel Core i7 CPU @ 3.40GHz
2) System 2
macOS Sierra 10.12.4
Intel Core i5 CPU @ 2.8 GHz
Fig. 1: Schematic Representation of the Proposed Framework
We conduct our experiments on two real-world datasets:
1) H-1B Visa Applications Record Dataset
This dataset
is a collection of over 3 million H-1B Visa applications
that were filed in the United States of America during
the time period of 2011-2016. The information regarding
the applications was collected from all fifty states in
the United States of America in addition to three major
federal provinces. This data can be considered as a
comprehensive and exhaustive representation of the H-
1B application record filed in the US during this time
2) Cardiac Arrhythmia Dataset This dataset consists of
data corresponding to the Electrocardiogram - ECG -
measurements of 452 patients.
To validate the efficacy of our framework we conduct
experimentation on four tasks. Three tasks are performed on
dataset 1 and one task on dataset 2.
First, we discuss the tasks run on dataset 1 or the H-1B
Visa Application Record Dataset:
A. Task 1 - Classification on the basis of “Case- Status”
The aim of this task is to predict the status of the case of
an applicant, when all other attributes are provided. This task
is a binary classification one for which we use the framework
proposed in this paper. This data set causes a class imbalance
problem (Class 1: 2.6 Million, Class 0: 180K). Hence, before
applying the proposed model, the class imbalance problem is
solved by randomly under-sampling the bigger class (In this
case, Class 1). This reduced dataset is used for classification
task using our model. The details of every stage are given
1) SOC
ING WAGE and YEAR attributes of the dataset have
been divided into categorical classes after the pre-
processing of the CSV. Thus by using the StringIndxer
and OneHotEncoder of Spark, one hot vectors for each
of these attributes is made for all the entries. These
attributes are called CategoricalCols.
2) Soc prob and State prob both contain probabilities that
are float values. These attributes are directly used for
making the data frames. These attributes are called
3) Using the VectorAssembler of Spark, all the attributes
in the CategoricalCols and NumericCols are combined
into a single a vector and are stored in the same data
frame with attribute name as Features.
4) The CASE STATUS classes are assigned a new attribute
name Label which is used by the classifiers below.
5) For the new attributes, a Pipeline is created and the entire
initial data frame is passed through the pipeline.
6) The data frame is split into TrainingData and Testing-
Data in the ratio 70:30.
7) Using the Features and Labels attributes, the initial
classifier is trained. For this task, Logistic Regression is
chosen for initial classification. After applying Logistic
Regression, two new attributes are added:
a) Probability scores, which contain the probabilities
for both the classes that could be predicted by this
Fig. 2: F1 and Accuracy for Task 1
Fig. 3: Certification and Denial Accuracies for Task 1
b) Prediction labels, which contain the class predicted
by this classifier.
8) The probability score and prediction labels attributes are
used as the knowledge gained from the dataset and are
appended to the vectors in the Features.
9) The new feature vectors are used further to train the
multi-layer perceptron. The details of the perceptron
used are as follows:
a) Each input layer has 1014 features, which is equiv-
alent to the number of features in the new feature
b) The perceptron has two hidden layers. The first
hidden layer has 512 units and the second hidden
layer has 128 units. For each of the units of hidden
layers sigmoid activation function is used.
c) The output layers consists of two units, equivalent
to the number of classes to be predicted. Softmax
activation function is used for this layer
d) The perceptron is run for 100 epochs with a batch
size of 1024.
e) The perceptron is trained using back-propagation
with a logistic loss function.
10) The prediction of the multi-layer perceptron is used as
the final prediction of the model. The overall F1 score
and accuracy are calculated.
Results are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Accuracy, F1 Score and
Individual Class accuracies are shown in Table I. A summary
of the artificial intelligence tools used in this task is presented
in Table II.
B. Task 2 - Classification on the basis of “Prevailing Wage”
The aim of this task is to predict whether the salary of an
applicant would lie above the salary threshold set for the H-1B
Visa or not, given all the other attributes. This task is a binary
classification one which can be used by both the employer
and the applicant. The current threshold for the two classes
is set at $90,000. All the applicants with a salary above the
threshold are assigned Class 1 and the others are assigned
Class 0. Only the applicants whose H-1B visa is certified are
used in this task. This reduced the dataset into 2.6 Million
entries. Most of steps are similar to Task 1, the changes made
in the model for this task are mentioned below:
1) The new Prevailing-Wage classes are assigned according
to the threshold value and is given a new attribute name
Label which is used by the classifiers below.
2) For this task, we chose Binomial Naive Bayes Classifier
for initial classification.
3) The multi-layer perceptron used for this task is a bit
different from the one used in Task 1. The differences
are as follows:
a) Each input layer has 1319 features, which is equiv-
alent to the number of features in the new feature
b) The perceptron has two hidden layers. The first
hidden layer has 256 units and the second hidden
layer has 32 units. For each of the units of hidden
layers sigmoid activation function is used.
Results regarding F1 and accuracy of the model on this task
are shown in Fig. 4.Accuracy, F1 Score and Individual Class
accuracies are shown in Table I. A summary of the artificial
intelligence tools used in this task is presented in Table II.
C. Task 3 - Recommendation on the basis of Prevailing-Wage
The aim of this task is to recommend the optimal salary
range, within which the applicant should negotiate his/her
joining income with the employer, given his/her application
profile. This task is a multi-class recommender. The entire
range of the Prevailing-wage is divided into four different
ranges such that each range has equal number of entries. Only
the certified applicants are considered in this model. Most of
steps are similar to Task 2, the changes made in the model for
this task are mentioned below:
F1 Score Accuracy F1 Score Accuracy
TASK 1 0.5679 0.6006 0.5802 0.6116
TASK 2 0.7261 0.7359 0.7352 0.7440
TASK 3 0.4901 0.5078 0.5013 0.5201
TASK 4 0.6750 0.6030 0.6896 0.6315
TABLE I: Performance metrics (F1 score and Accuracy) of the different task based models showing comparisons between the
performance of only a Spark based framework against the proposed novel framework.
Stage 1 Classifier Stage 3 Deep Learning Layers
TASK 1 Logistic Regression [1013,528,128,2]
TASK 2 Naive Bayes [1319,256,32,2]
TASK 3 Naive Bayes [1319,256,32,4]
TASK 4 Logistic Regression [281,64,64,2]
TABLE II: Analysis of the machine learning models used in stage 1, and the deep neural network used in stage 3.
Fig. 4: F1 and Accuracy for Task 2
1) The Label attribute of Task 2 is used only for Stage 1,
from where the probabilities of the binary classifier is
used for the Stage 2 of the model.
2) The new Prevailing-Wage classes are assigned according
to the range in which the salary is and is given a new
attribute name Label1 which is used by the multi-layer
3) The multi-layer perceptron used is a bit different from
the one used in Task 2. Four output units are used for the
multi-layer perceptron so as to perform the multi-class
Accuracy, F1 Score and Individual Class accuracies are
shown in Table I. A summary of the artificial intelligence
tools used in this task is presented in Table II.
Now, we discuss the tasks run on dataset 2 or the Arrhyth-
mia Dataset:
D. Task 4: Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia
This dataset is taken from the UCI Machine Learning
Repository and the problem is a binary classification problem
which detects whether a patient has arrhythmia or not, given
his/her attributes. The following is implemented for this task:
1) All 279 attributes are used as it is. All of these attributes
are in the form of numerical values, hence all the
attributes are used in the NumericCols.
2) The VectorAssembler is used to concatenate all the 279
attributes into a single vector. This vector attribute is
placed under Features in the data frame.
3) The dataset contained 16 different types of arrhythmia,
but as there are only 457 instances in the dataset,
all arrhythmia instances are assigned Class 1 and all
non-arrhythmia are assigned Class 0. These new class
numbers are placed under Labels in the data frame.
4) Apart from the changes mentioned above, Stage 1 and
Stage 2 of the model used is the same one used in Task
1 of the H-1B Visa Application dataset.
5) The multi-layer perceptron used for Stage 3 of the
perceptron had the following attributes:
6) The input layer consists of 281 units.
a) Two hidden layers are used, with 64 units each &
Sigmoid activation used for each unit.
b) The output layer consists of 2 units, corresponding
to the two class labels. Softmax activation is used
for this layer.
c) The entire network is trained using back-
propagation with a logistic loss function.
d) Training is done with a batch size of 50 and 100
7) The prediction of the multi-layer perceptron is used as
the final prediction of the model. The overall F1 score
and accuracy are calculated.
Results are shown in Fig. 5. Accuracy, F1 Score and
Individual Class accuracies are shown in Table I. A summary
of the artificial intelligence tools used in this task is presented
in Table II.
Fig. 5: Results for Task 4
In this paper, we presented a novel framework for the analy-
sis of big data. The proposed framework combined two widely
popular tools, namely Apache Spark and Deep Learning, under
the umbrella of a single structure. The connection between
these tools was established using a third technique called
Cascade Learning. This three-tier combination enabled us to
conduct big data analysis with higher accuracy from a new
perspective. By using these highly acclaimed individual tools
in coherence with each other, we were able to obtain a model
that is capable of conducting large scale big data analysis
tasks within short periods of time, with lesser computational
complexity and with significantly higher accuracy. This model
is an outer structure that allowed us to model all machine
learning tasks, such as classification and recommendation,
with ease. Our experiments on two real world datasets cor-
roborated our claims of improved accuracy on varied machine
learning setups, and hence enhanced the significance of the
proposed methodology.
While conducting the research for this paper, we faced some
challenges. One key challenge was using the framework in a
setup where both stages were multi-class. The initial stage,
when run through a multi-class classifier and then combined
with the multi-class deep learning stage yielded performances
lower than its binary initial stage counterpart. We aim to
overcome this challenge in future research.
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