Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp
PO Box 106
Cocolalla, ID 83813
(208) 263-3912
Dear Potential Staff Member,
Summer is just around the corner! This means that the staff at Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp is gearing up
for the summer. We are eager to see how God is going to work this summer as the Gospel of Jesus
Christ is proclaimed.
We are excited that you desire to serve this summer at Camp. We are in need of many helpers, and
everyone who helps has the privilege of being a part of God’s work at Cocolalla. Attached are the Staff
Application and reference forms. Please fill these out completely. You will need three references, one
being from your pastor/elder, and one from your Youth Leadership Leader . Please have your
references return their forms to Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp (address below) before June 1st. This
application also needs to be returned to the camp by June 1st. After we have received all of your
paperwork, we will contact you with information about Staff Training.
1. All four weeks of camp starts on Mondays.
2. 7-8 Camp is a day shorter than 9-10 and 11-12 camps, being Monday-Thursday.
3. Each Monday of camp, there will be an all-staff meeting at 2:00pm before registration starts.
Please look at the dates below so you can decide when you would like to serve this summer. If you
have any questions, please call the Camp (208-263-3912). We look forward to serving with you this
Your fellow servants of the Gospel,
Dirk Darrow and Tim Coleston
June 1st Return Staff Application
May 31-June 1 Workdays Retreat (Starts at 6pm, and ends at 4pm on the 1st)
June 24 Wrangler Training (Starts at 9:45am)
June 24-28 Staff Training (Starts at 5:00pm on the 24
, ends at 2pm on the 28
July 8-13 Teen Camp (Staff meeting 2pm on the 8
, and leave at 4pm on the 13
July 15-19 11 & 12 Camp (Staff meeting 2pm on the 15
, and leave at 4pm on the 19
July 22-26 9 & 10 Camp (Staff meeting 2pm on the 22
, and leave at 4pm on the 26
July 29-Aug. 1 7 & 8 Camp (Staff meeting 2pm on the 29
, and leave at 4pm on the 1
Aug. 1-2 Staff R&R (Begins at 4pm on the 1
, and ends at 10am on the 2
Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp PO Box 106, Cocolalla, ID 83813 208-263-3912
Cocolalla Lake
Bible Camp
Name: _______________________________________ Age: ______ Phone#: ____________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________ __________ Birth date: ________________________
Occupation: ________________________________ Education Level: __________________
Church: ___________________________________ Pastor: __________________________
Are you a member of this church? _______________ How long have you attended? ________
T-Shirt Size:
Involvement with a Youth Leadership group that partners with CLBC is required. (18 and under)
Which Youth Leadership group have you been attending?____________________________
What has been your previous kid’s camp experience? ________________________________
Please describe your personal testimony of Jesus Christ. ______________________________
Why do you want to volunteer at Cocolalla lake Bible Camp?___________________________
Please check which camps you would prefer to work at:
Teen Camp 11&12 Camp 9&10 Camp 7&8 Camp
Are you skilled in any of the following?– Horse wrangling, Lifeguarding, Video production,
Mountain Biking, Please describe:_______________________________________________
Have you ever been investigated for, charged with, or convicted of an offense involving child
abuse, sexual abuse, and/or substance abuse? _____________________________________
If yes, how recent was the offense? _______________________________________________
-and- what were the results of the investigation and/or charges? ________________________
REFERENCES: Please list three adults (not relatives) who can speak of your responsibility,
faith, experience, and character. Your Pastor/Elder and Youth Leadership Leader should be
included. Please also ask your Parents to fill out the fourth reference form. If they would rather,
they can email us at [email protected] and we will send them a link to fill out a reference
form online instead of the paper forms attached.
1. Name _____________________________________________ Phone _______________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Email_______________________________ Relation ____________________________
2. Name _____________________________________________ Phone _______________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Email_______________________________ Relation ____________________________
3. Name _____________________________________________ Phone _______________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Email_______________________________ Relation ____________________________
Four personal reference forms have been included. Please hand them to your references with a
stamped envelope addressed to Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp, P.O. Box 106, Cocolalla ID
_______________________________________________________ Date ________________
Applicant Signature
_______________________________________________________ Date ________________
Parent Signature (if under 18)
Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp is affiliated with InFaith
Child Abuse Responsibility
Child abuse is as old as the history of mankind. It has many ugly forms and is a problem of severe magnitude and
shocking implications. The spiritual atmosphere which Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp (CLBC) attempts to provide may
be one of the best deterrents possible. When, however, an instance of child abuse is suspected or reported, our
leadership must do everything it can to help those in need as quickly as possible along the best spiritual and
professional guidelines. The CLBC Board of Trustees has prepared and adopted the “Child and Youth Abuse
Prevention Program for Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp” which is available in the CLBC office for your review. Any
volunteer, prior to receiving authorization from CLBC to serve in the volunteer capacity, must review and agree to
comply with the information contained in the aforementioned prevention program. If there is any suspicion of child
abuse in any form, it must be reported to the Executive Director, the Assistant Director or any senior leadership
person affiliated with Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp in compliance with the prevention program guidelines. The CLBC
leadership will comply with the steps contained within the prevention program. I acknowledge my responsibility to be
careful and conscientious in reporting any suspicions to the Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp leadership staff.
Applicant’s Signature Date
Have you ever been convicted of any offense other than minor traffic violation? Yes_______No______
If yes, please provide details of the conviction (date, type of conviction, how it was resolved, etc.). Please use
additional paper if needed.
I have read and fully understand all questions requested in this application. I certify that all answers given by me are
true, accurate and complete. I understand that the completion and/or execution of this application does not insure
me a volunteer position, nor does it obligate me or the organization in any way. I fully understand that the omission
and/or misrepresentation of facts requested may be cause for immediate dismissal without prior notice. If accepted
for service, I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the InFaith. I have read, understand, and agree to the
Applicant’s Signature Date
SS# Required for Background Check: ____________________
Statement of Faith
The ministry of Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp is built upon what we believe, and what we believe is based on the Word
of God and our personal faith in Jesus Christ. We hold to the great foundational truths of the historic Christian faith
held in common by like-minded evangelical Christians with whom we share both fellowship and the mission mandate.
We believe that there is one God, creator and
sustainer of the universe, existing in three persons:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Bible is the verbally inspired
Word of God, is inerrant in the original manuscripts
and uniquely infallible, our only authority for faith
and practice.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in
His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in
His substitutionary sacrifice upon the cross, in His
bodily resurrection, in His victory over sin and His
enemy Satan, in His present exaltation at His
Father’s right hand, and in His personal return, at
any time, in power and great glory.
We believe in the fall and the lostness of man,
whose total depravity requires that he be
regenerated by the Holy Spirit for his salvation.
We believe that salvation consists of the
forgiveness of sins, the imputation of Christ’s
righteousness, and the gift of eternal life, received
by grace through faith alone, entirely apart from works.
We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit by
whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a
godly life, and by whom the Church, the Body of
Christ, is gifted and equipped to serve and glorify
We believe in the bodily resurrection of all mankind:
those who have trusted in Christ, the ultimate
Judge, will receive everlasting life and blessedness
in heaven; those who have not will receive
everlasting punishment and separation from the
presence of God.
We believe that Christ has commanded His Church
to preach the gospel to all people, and that this
mandate should be a primary concern of all
Christians. I hereby express my agreement with the above
Statement of Faith, and declare that all answers on
previous pages are correct to the best of my knowledge.
Applicant’s Signature____________________________
Date___ ____________
National Criminal Background Check
Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp
The following information will be used to conduct a national criminal
background check. By providing this information you consent to this
review of your background and understand that Cocolalla Lake Bible
Camp Inc. may deny you to serve as a volunteer or employee of the church without cause or
disclosure of reason.
Candidate Information
Last Name: ___________________________ First Name: ______________________ M:____
Social Security #: ________________ Driver’s License #: ____________________________
Sex: ________ Date of Birth: ___________ (mm/dd/yyyy)
Street Address: ____________________________ Apt. # ____________________________
City/ST/Zip: ____________________________________ ____________________________
Phone #: ______________________________________
The above information and the resulting report are CONFIDENTIAL and shall only be disclosed
to authorize personnel.
COCOLALLA LAKE BIBLE CAMP INC. (“the Company”) may obtain information about you for employment purposes from a third party
consumer reporting agency. Thus, you may be the subject of a “consumer report” and/or an “investigative consumer report” which may include
information about your character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and/or mode of living, and which can involve personal interviews
with sources such as your neighbors, friends, or associates. These reports may contain information regarding your credit history, criminal history,
social security verification, motor vehicle records (“driving records”), verification of your education or employment history, or other background
checks. Credit history will only be requested where such information is related to the duties and responsibilities of the position for which you are
applying. You have the right, upon written request made within a reasonable time after receipt of this notice, to request disclosure of the nature
and scope of any investigative consumer report and a copy of any report about you. Please be advised that the nature and scope of the most
common form of investigative consumer report obtained with regard to applicants for employment and voluntary service is an investigation into
your education and/or employment history conducted by First Advantage Background Services Corp. ("First Advantage"), P.O. Box 105292,
Atlanta, GA 30348,1 -800-845-6004. The scope of this notice and authorization is all-encompassing, however, allowing the Company to obtain
from any outside organization all manner of consumer reports and investigative consumer reports now and throughout the course of your
employment and voluntary service to the extent permitted by law. As a result, you should carefully consider whether to exercise your right to
request disclosure of the nature and scope of any investigative consumer report.
A SUMMARY OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT and certify that I have read and understand both of those
documents. I hereby authorize the obtaining of “consumer reports” and/or “investigative consumer reports” by the Company at any time after
receipt of this authorization and throughout my employment, if applicable. To this end, I hereby authorize, without reservation, any law
enforcement agency, administrator, state or federal agency, institution, school or university (public or private), information service bureau,
employer, or insurance company to furnish any and all background information requested by First Advantage P.O. Box 105292 Atlanta, GA
30348, 1 -800-845-6004, another outside organization acting on behalf of the Company, and/or the Company itself. Their Privacy Policy can be
reviewed at I agree that a facsimile (“fax”), electronic or photographic copy of this Authorization shall be as
valid as the original.
Signature: __________________ Date: _____________________
Print Name: ______________________ _____________________
Cocolalla Lake
Bible Camp
Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________
Age: _________________ Home Phone #: ________________________________________
Emergency Contact: __________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________ Relation: _________________________
Please list all food allergies: _____________________________________________________
Please list all medical allergies: __________________________________________________
What past or present illness(es) or condition(s) should the CLBC medical staff know about? __
Date of last Physical exam: ____________________ Tetanus shot: ____________________
Family Insurance ____________________________ Policy Number: ____________________
Staff Member signature _______________________________________________________
IMPORTANT! For Staff under 18 years old:
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, I understand that after every effort is made to contact me and I can’t
be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by the camp director or nurse to
hospitalize secure proper treatment, and to order injection, anesthesia or surgery for my child, as
named herein.
Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________________________
Please fill out this form to the best of your knowledge. Because this reference is used for both acceptance
and development, it is most valuable when filled out objectively. Please avoid the temptation to make the
applicant appear perfect.
To request the online version of this reference (Google Forms), please email Tim at
Name of Potential Staff ________________________________________________________
Name of Referee: _________________________________ Position: ___________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________ Date: ___________________________
How long have you known this person? ___________________________________________
In what capacity? ____________________________________________________________
How closely have you interacted with the volunteer? Please check the box(s) that apply or write
a more detailed description below.
One on One Small Group Casual Relationship
(Please check the boxes that you feel apply to the applicant. Please explain if needed.)
0=I have not observed the applicant in this area
1=The applicant is weak in this area
2=The applicant is lacking in this area but knows it and desires to grow
3= The applicant is usually decent in this area, but occasionally struggles
4=The applicant does a good job in this area
5=The applicant is outstanding in this area, and this quality stands out
0 1 2 3 4 5
Teachable __________________________
Servant’s Attitude __________________________
Concern for lost __________________________
Knowing God’s Word __________________________
Handling God’s Word __________________________
Self-disciplined __________________________
Responsible __________________________
Submissive to Authority __________________________
Leadership Ability __________________________
Flexible __________________________
How does the applicant act around his/her peers?___________________________________
Is the applicant discerning in his/her use of humor?__________________________________
How did the applicant do in their Bible reading, prayer, and church involvement this year in YL?
(for Youth Leadership Leaders)_________________________________________________
Can you comment on the applicant’s punctuality?____________________________________
Based on your knowledge of the applicant, what areas do they most need encouragement,
discipleship, or correction?_____________________________________________________
Would you trust the applicant to lead and disciple your children? If no, please explain._______
Please comment on the applicant’s commitment to right living, i.e., consistent Christian
testimony, morality, and honesty. _________________________________________________
Is there anything in the applicant’s life that would cause you not to recommend them for service
at camp? If yes, please explain. _________________________________________________
Is there anything else (good or bad) you feel would be helpful for us to know if we serve
alongside the applicant this summer? If yes, please explain.____________________________
Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Please send back to:
(208) 263-3912 * Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp * P.O.Box 106 * Cocolalla ID 83813
Please fill out this form to the best of your knowledge. Because this reference is used for both acceptance
and development, it is most valuable when filled out objectively. Please avoid the temptation to make the
applicant appear perfect.
To request the online version of this reference (Google Forms), please email Tim at referen[email protected].
Name of Potential Staff ________________________________________________________
Name of Referee: _________________________________ Position: ___________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________ Date: ___________________________
How long have you known this person? ___________________________________________
In what capacity? ____________________________________________________________
How closely have you interacted with the volunteer? Please check the box(s) that apply or write
a more detailed description below.
One on One Small Group Casual Relationship
(Please check the boxes that you feel apply to the applicant. Please explain if needed.)
0=I have not observed the applicant in this area
1=The applicant is weak in this area
2=The applicant is lacking in this area but knows it and desires to grow
3= The applicant is usually decent in this area, but occasionally struggles
4=The applicant does a good job in this area
5=The applicant is outstanding in this area, and this quality stands out
0 1 2 3 4 5
Teachable __________________________
Servant’s Attitude __________________________
Concern for lost __________________________
Knowing God’s Word __________________________
Handling God’s Word __________________________
Self-disciplined __________________________
Responsible __________________________
Submissive to Authority __________________________
Leadership Ability __________________________
Flexible __________________________
How does the applicant act around his/her peers?___________________________________
Is the applicant discerning in his/her use of humor?__________________________________
How did the applicant do in their Bible reading, prayer, and church involvement this year in YL?
(for Youth Leadership Leaders)_________________________________________________
Can you comment on the applicant’s punctuality?____________________________________
Based on your knowledge of the applicant, what areas do they most need encouragement,
discipleship, or correction?_____________________________________________________
Would you trust the applicant to lead and disciple your children? If no, please explain._______
Please comment on the applicant’s commitment to right living, i.e., consistent Christian
testimony, morality, and honesty. _________________________________________________
Is there anything in the applicant’s life that would cause you not to recommend them for service
at camp? If yes, please explain. _________________________________________________
Is there anything else (good or bad) you feel would be helpful for us to know if we serve
alongside the applicant this summer? If yes, please explain.____________________________
Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Please send back to:
(208) 263-3912 * Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp * P.O.Box 106 * Cocolalla ID 83813
Please fill out this form to the best of your knowledge. Because this reference is used for both acceptance
and development, it is most valuable when filled out objectively. Please avoid the temptation to make the
applicant appear perfect.
To request the online version of this reference (Google Forms), please email Tim at
Name of Potential Staff ________________________________________________________
Name of Referee: _________________________________ Position: ___________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________ Date: ___________________________
How long have you known this person? ___________________________________________
In what capacity? ____________________________________________________________
How closely have you interacted with the volunteer? Please check the box(s) that apply or write
a more detailed description below.
One on One Small Group Casual Relationship
(Please check the boxes that you feel apply to the applicant. Please explain if needed.)
0=I have not observed the applicant in this area
1=The applicant is weak in this area
2=The applicant is lacking in this area but knows it and desires to grow
3= The applicant is usually decent in this area, but occasionally struggles
4=The applicant does a good job in this area
5=The applicant is outstanding in this area, and this quality stands out
0 1 2 3 4 5
Teachable __________________________
Servant’s Attitude __________________________
Concern for lost __________________________
Knowing God’s Word __________________________
Handling God’s Word __________________________
Self-disciplined __________________________
Responsible __________________________
Submissive to Authority __________________________
Leadership Ability __________________________
Flexible __________________________
How does the applicant act around his/her peers?___________________________________
Is the applicant discerning in his/her use of humor?__________________________________
How did the applicant do in their Bible reading, prayer, and church involvement this year in YL?
(for Youth Leadership Leaders)_________________________________________________
Can you comment on the applicant’s punctuality?____________________________________
Based on your knowledge of the applicant, what areas do they most need encouragement,
discipleship, or correction?_____________________________________________________
Would you trust the applicant to lead and disciple your children? If no, please explain._______
Please comment on the applicant’s commitment to right living, i.e., consistent Christian
testimony, morality, and honesty. _________________________________________________
Is there anything in the applicant’s life that would cause you not to recommend them for service
at camp? If yes, please explain. _________________________________________________
Is there anything else (good or bad) you feel would be helpful for us to know if we serve
alongside the applicant this summer? If yes, please explain.____________________________
Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Please send back to:
(208) 263-3912 * Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp * P.O.Box 106 * Cocolalla ID 83813
Please fill out this form to the best of your knowledge. Because this reference is used for both acceptance
and development, it is most valuable when filled out objectively. Please avoid the temptation to make the
applicant appear perfect.
To request the online version of this reference (Google Forms), please email Tim at
Name of Potential Staff ________________________________________________________
Name of Referee: _________________________________ Position: ___________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________ Date: ___________________________
How long have you known this person? ___________________________________________
In what capacity? ____________________________________________________________
How closely have you interacted with the volunteer? Please check the box(s) that apply or write
a more detailed description below.
One on One Small Group Casual Relationship
(Please check the boxes that you feel apply to the applicant. Please explain if needed.)
0=I have not observed the applicant in this area
1=The applicant is weak in this area
2=The applicant is lacking in this area but knows it and desires to grow
3= The applicant is usually decent in this area, but occasionally struggles
4=The applicant does a good job in this area
5=The applicant is outstanding in this area, and this quality stands out
0 1 2 3 4 5
Teachable __________________________
Servant’s Attitude __________________________
Concern for lost __________________________
Knowing God’s Word __________________________
Handling God’s Word __________________________
Self-disciplined __________________________
Responsible __________________________
Submissive to Authority __________________________
Leadership Ability __________________________
Flexible __________________________
How does the applicant act around his/her peers?___________________________________
Is the applicant discerning in his/her use of humor?__________________________________
How did the applicant do in their Bible reading, prayer, and church involvement this year in YL?
(for Youth Leadership Leaders)_________________________________________________
Can you comment on the applicant’s punctuality?____________________________________
Based on your knowledge of the applicant, what areas do they most need encouragement,
discipleship, or correction?_____________________________________________________
Would you trust the applicant to lead and disciple your children? If no, please explain._______
Please comment on the applicant’s commitment to right living, i.e., consistent Christian
testimony, morality, and honesty. _________________________________________________
Is there anything in the applicant’s life that would cause you not to recommend them for service
at camp? If yes, please explain. _________________________________________________
Is there anything else (good or bad) you feel would be helpful for us to know if we serve
alongside the applicant this summer? If yes, please explain.____________________________
Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________
Please send back to:
(208) 263-3912 * Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp * P.O.Box 106 * Cocolalla ID 83813