Grow Children’s Ministry Curriculum and Annual Strategy. ©2019 Stuff You Can Use. All rights reserved. www.stuffyoucanuse.org
MUSIC | Trust
Spend some time in worship with your kids! You can choose any song, but you might want to
check out the following:
Really Awesome Plans
After you sing the songs, pray together. Ask God to teach you and open your heart to God’s
Word. Thank God for giving us wisdom!
POLL | Wise or Not-So-Wise?
INSTRUCTIONS: Give kids a few scenarios and ask kids to respond with “thumbs up
for "wise" or a “thumbs down” for "not-so-wise." Allow them time to explain their
decision and debate back and forth. Here are a few scenarios to get you started:
o Labeling things that belong to you.
o Eating ice cream right before bedtime.
o Studying a little bit every day before a big test.
o Lending a pencil to a classmate who forgot to bring theirs.
o Waiting to finish a project at the last minute.
o Reading the instruction manual before building/playing with a new toy.
o Telling a friend, you think their new haircut is really nice when you don't really
think it is.
o Informing an adult when someone is doing something you think is dangerous.
God can be trusted.
The Ark of the Covenant: 1 Kings 8:1-21; Proverbs 3:1-7;
(Exodus 20:1-20)
Grow Children’s Ministry Curriculum and Annual Strategy. ©2019 Stuff You Can Use. All rights reserved. www.stuffyoucanuse.org
ACTIVITY | Temple Tumblers
Today, we are going to be learning about a temple that King Solomon built, but first we
are going to be building our own temples! Build a "temple" as strong as you can.
Set out a box of Jenga or Lego blocks. Guide kids to build their towers with only two blocks
per level (like this). After building to the desired height, have kids take turns trying to insert
the middle block using only one hand.
If you have time, let the kids come up with their own “blueprint” or plan for a tower and work
together to build their specifications.
THE BIG IDEA | God can be trusted.
This will transition you into the Bible story time. Say something like: In order for our towers to
be sturdy, we have to have a strong foundation. That means the blocks on the bottom have
to be strong and ready to hold the rest of the blocks.
That's what trust is like we need to have a solid foundation that won't be moved, that
we can count on. The only someone I know that I can count on ALWAYS is God!
Here is our Big Idea for this week: God can be trusted!
VIDEO | Wise, Episode 2
INSTRUCTIONS: Play this week's teaching video.
SCRIPTURE | 1 Kings 8:1-21; Proverbs 3:1-7
INSTRUCTIONS: Open your Bible and read 1 Kings 8:1-21, and encourage the kids to
read along with you or divide the passage into smaller sections and invite the kids to
read aloud.
King Solomon put a lot of time and effort into bringing the Ark of the Covenant to the
What is the Ark of the Covenant and why is it important? What was inside the
The Ark of the Covenant was more than an object or container, it meant a lot to God's
people to have a home for it. It meant they were in relationship with God.
In verse 14, we see how grateful Solomon is to the Lord. Why does Solomon say
that God keeps promises?
INSTRUCTIONS: Now read Proverbs 3:1-7.
In Proverbs, there are many wise sayings. God can be trusted to guide us in the way
we should go. Why is it important to obey what God tells us to? What does
Proverbs say about trusting God?
Why did King Solomon build the temple?
What was put in the holiest place inside of the temple?
Why did Solomon say God could be trusted?
Read 1 Kings 8:23-26. God kept promises to David and Solomon. What is one
way God has kept a promise made to you?
What can you learn from the one person who you trust the most?
What makes it easier or harder to trust someone?
Grow Children’s Ministry Curriculum and Annual Strategy. ©2019 Stuff You Can Use. All rights reserved. www.stuffyoucanuse.org
How can we be trustworthy people?
QUESTION | Other Famous Buildings
Solomon's temple is said to have been magnificent! What are some other famous
buildings you can think of?
INSTRUCTIONS: Ask kids to think about everything from local buildings to globally
famous buildings and monuments. You could show them some of these buildings for
CRAFT | Popsicle Stick Ark of the Covenant
Take some time to put together the craft provided. As you put the craft together, talk
about how God’s wisdom is a strong foundation for our lives.
Close your time together with prayer. Pray something like:
God, remind us You kept every promise You made to David and Solomon, and
You will keep the promises You've made to us. We know You can be trusted.
Help us to make wise decisions that make You happy.
MEMORY VERSE | James 1:5 (NIV)
INSTRUCTIONS: Keep working on this month’s memory verse using the additional
memory verse sheet we’ve provided.