Ohio High School Athletic Association
2019 Approved FB Officiating Mechanics,
Regulations, & Rules Philosophies
“The Gold Book
Dr. Bruce Maurer, Director of Officiating Development (DOD)
Beau Rugg, OHSAA Senior Director of Officiating & Sport Management
OHSAA Football Officiating Website: WWW.OHSAAFB.COM
“The difference between the impossible & the possible lies in a person’s
determination.” Tommy Lasorda
Bruce L. Maurer, Ph.D., OHSAA Director of FB Officials Development (DOD)
Officiated 61 OHSAA FB Games last year 10 varsity; 51 sub varsity.
Officiated OHSAA, NCAA & NFL for 47 years
including 15 years in the NFL. Officiated 4 positions in the NFLHL, LJ, BJ and SJ. Officiated 2 NCAA Division I
Bowl Games. Taught officiating courses at OSU for 33 years. Officiated the 2008 OHSAA Division I Boys State
Basketball Championship Game. Past President of the COFOA & COBOA. Tournament Manager for the OHSAA
State Wrestling Tournaments for 40 years. Inducted into the OHSWOA Hall of Fame & the OHSWCA Hall of
Fame. Inducted into the OHSAA Officials Hall of Fame, National FFB Hall of Fame, & USFTL FB Hall of Fame.
Email: Bmaurer.[email protected]m
2019 Important Dates for OHSAA FB Officials
1. July 19 (F) (10AM): Local Rules/Mechanics Interpreter Clinic (By Invitation Only) at Dublin Coffman HS.
2. July 20 (Sat) (9AM): OHSAA State FB Clinic, Thomas Worthington HS, $60. Obtain the latest rules
interpretations, mechanics changes, & new info. More info to follow from OHSAA in the future.
Cosponsored by COFOA.
3. July 24 (Wed) (9AM): OHSAA State Rules Interpretation (SRI) Presentation Online begins.
4. August 11 (Sunday): OHSAA State Observers Clinic, Upper Arlington HS. Anyone interested in being an
observer or sharpening your observation skills? This free interactive clinic is just for you. More info to
follow from the OHSAA .
5. August 22 (Thursday) (11:59PM): Last Day & Time to use OHSAA SRI Online w/o having to pay a fee.
OHSAA.ORG Directions for FB Officiating Forms
Select Officiating Menu on banner & then select Forms. Included are: A. FB Crew Lineup Cards; B. FB Penalty
Report; FB Playoff Game Report; D. Concussion Report; & E. FB Observation Reports.
OHSAA Interpreters
Beau Rugg & Bruce Maurer are State Rules Interpreters. Bruce Maurer is the State Mechanics Interpreter.
Officials should check first with their Local Rules & Mechanics Interpreters before contacting Beau & Bruce.
Thank you! (6/1/19)
DOD Bio & Important Dates IFC
Table of Contents 1
Introduction & The Journey Continues 2-3
Abbreviations 4
Crew Improvement Checklist 5
Empowered Crews 6
Five Man Crew Primary Responsibilities 7
Four Man Crew Primary Responsibilities 8
If In Doubts 9
Mechanics: Ball Handling & Bean Bag 10
Mechanics: COP & Coach/R Conference 10
Mechanics: CT, DB, & End of Period 11
Mechanics: Field Goal & Fight 12
Mechanics: First Down & Flag 13
Mechanics: FWP, Free Kick, & Fumble 13
Mechanics: Game Management 14
Mechanics: Goal Line 14
Mechanics: Hat, Hurry-up, & Kick off 15
Mechanics: Measurements & Microphone 16
Mechanics: Observers/Crew Meeting 17
Mechanics: Onside Kick & Pass 17-18
Mechanics: Penalty Enforcement 19
Mechanics: Pre Snap 19
Mechanics: Punt, Reverse, & Run 20-21
Mechanics: Signaling 22-23
Mechanics: Third & Fourth Down 24
Mechanics: Timing & Try-Kick 24
Mechanics: Victory Formation & Whistle 25
Observation Forms: Parts 1 & 2 26-27
Observer Instructions 28
Observer Reminders 29
Officiating Tips 30
Overtime: Rules 31
Overtime: Penalty Enforcement 32
Overtime: Plays & Rulings 33
Point Differential Rule & Mechanics 34
Regulations (Alcohol Game Footballs) 35
Regulations (Halftime Player Equipment) 36
Regulations (Pregame Whistle in Stands) 37
Rules Book Index 38-39
Rules Philosophies & Interpretations 40-42
Safety Policies 43-46
State Requirements 47
Time Schedule (Varsity) 5 Man Crew 48
Time Schedule (Sub varsity) 4 Man Crew 49
UNS Prohibited Acts & Game Control Tools 50-51
Working Effectively with Coaches 52
WOW! Just How Big is Ohio FB 53
Greetings!! The 2019 Gold Book has been developed to clarify & standardize FB Mechanics &
Regulations. The Mechanics are REQUIRED for all OHSAA Football Officials when officiating OHSAA
Sanctioned Games. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. We EXPECT the Referee to become & be a Leader in
this role. His Primary Responsibility is Crew Mechanics. He must know Gold Book Mechanics
thoroughly for each Crew position.
It has been 9 years (2010) since we introduced many new mechanics based upon today’s
contemporary game. It was a challenging first year. Then in 2011 we saw significant improvement.
During 2012 we reached a much higher level of excellence. During the State Finals as we observe the
Crews, we record Constructive Comments. That number has dropped by 90% over the past 8 years.
WOW!! We are doing a much better job of communicating, reading & reacting, & anticipating the play
rather than the call. Our judgment was better because we were working harder to get into position to
make the call. We expect this Season will be even better.
Local Associations & Local Mechanics Interpreters play a pivotal role. In order to have a “bridge” from
our wonderful Classes & Instructors to the Association, we require all Associations to hold & teach 5
classes for 1
, 2
year, & transfer officials. Once the Association Meeting has started, these newer
officials will move to another room, gym, or FB Field.
We are separating “pretenders” from “contenders”. Contenders accept changes in Mechanics.
Contenders will work OHSAA State Tournament Games “pretenders” will NOT or when observed at
Games, will not in the future.
The term Primary used in the Gold Book does not mean “sole” responsibility. We are part of a team,
the Crew, so all officials share their responsibilities. However, Primary implies that the official
becomes the “expert” on his Primary Responsibilities & takes Great Pride in his study & knowledge. It
is important to have ownership, yet “reach out” for input when needed.
The Gold Book is much better than last year; more detailed & accurate. The result is from listening to
all who have provided Great Comments. It becomes better each year because of your interest &
enthusiasm. It is by no means complete. Suggestions should be emailed to [email protected]om.
There is a fine line between being complete & too many pages. Throughout the documents we have
tried repeatedly to “streamline” the information.
Thank you very much for your amazing enthusiasm, dedicated rules study, & service to the 78,000
student athletes who play OHSAA FB Games. We are truly blessed to be part of something very
special! (6/1/19)
Beau & Bruce
The Journey Continues as Our Officiating is Improving!
1. OUR MISSION: We Will Improve Our Officiating significantly this year thru the Use of Additional
Educational Tools, & the Study & Application of Mechanics & Rules.
2. Why It Is Working (Part 1): An email was forwarded to us during the 2018 FB Season:I wanted to
think you for all the help you have given me over the past several years. The Gold Book has really
been a game changer for me and I have been able to share it to help elevate the level of officiating
here also.
3. Why It Is Working (Part 2): Another email forwarded: “I know that many years ago, a lot of officials
pushed back at the idea of the “Gold Book”…………not any more. In speaking to officials around the
state, I can honestly say that this change was definitely needed & one that is now greatly embraced by
99% of all Ohio crews. Not only has the varsity games been more consistently officiated, but so have
the games at the lower levels, where on most occasions; you end up working with different officials
each and every game.”
4. What’s Happening in 2019: A Lot!! Some of the many significant Highlights include:
A. Gold Book: New, Revised & Enhanced Mechanics Along with Changes to Point Differential,
Regulations, & Safety Policies: These are shaded. There are approximately 18 changes &
clarifications from last year. Many of these were suggested by our fellow officials. Please review
them thoroughly.
B. Gold Book: Our Far Reaching Goal is when an Official arrives on site, he has 3 publications: 1. FB
Rules Book; 2. FB Case Book; & 3. Gold Book. Just about every question or challenging situation can
be answered in one of these 3. Will the Gold Book have all the answers for this year? No, but as the
Journey Continues we will add these unique situations. Please continue to send them to us.
C. WWW.OHSAAFB.COM: Our interscholastic FB website was a resounding success last year as
evidenced by the nearly 74,000 visits from officials around the world. The website can be accessed
by your tablet, smart phone, & desktop computer. Included this year will be: 1. Gold Book; 2. Gold
Book Mechanics by Position; 3. Expanded Rules Index; 4. Recognition Section; 5. 2018 State Regular
Season & Playoff Bulletins (Updated with 2019 Mechanics); 6. Ask the DOD/SRI’s Q’s and A’s About
Rules, Mechanics, & Philosophy; 7. Weekly Practice Rules Tests; & 8. PPT Mechanics Presentations.
D. The NFHS Penalty Summary & Signals PPT was developed by Garry Mosier. This is a great study &
reference tool for learning & refreshing our memories regarding the distance, special enforcements,
& appropriate hand signals. It can be found on the WWW.OHSAAFB.COM website.
E. Mechanics PPT Presentations: A wonderful “6 Types of Kicking Plays” was developed in 2011 & 5
Non Kick Plays in 2013. They will be updated with the Mechanics Changes for this year.
F. Practice Rules Tests: Black & White, Rules Geek & The Whistle will continue this year on
WWW.OHSAAFB.COM. Beginning Week 1, officials can take Rules & Mechanics Q’s & A’s weekly –
Great Way to Study.
G. Rules Index: Included in the Gold Book, the Rules Index has 334 listings. Each time someone asked
me for a rules clarification I first went to the Index. We added to it. A great tool for all officials.
H. There are no changes to the FB Officials Uniform for this year. (6/5/19)
We Hope You & Your Crew Have a Tremendous FB Season. Best Wishes & Good Luck!!!
Abbreviations: For the Gold Book & Observing
1. A Team A
2. B Team B
3. BB Bean Bag
4. BJ Back Judge
5. BWP Backward Pass
6. COP Change of Possession
7. CRF Cross Field Mechanics
8. CT Coin Toss
9. DB Dead Ball
10. DBF Dead Ball Foul
11. DBS Dead Ball Spot
12. DPI Defensive Pass Interference
13. DQ Disqualification
14. EL End Line
15. EZ End Zone
16. FB Football
17. FC Fair Catch
18. FG Field Goal
19. FGM Field Goal Mechanics
20. FP Forward Pass
21. FWP Forward Progress
22. GC Game Clock
23. GL Goal Line
24. GLM Goal Line Mechanics
25. GP Goal Post
26. HC Head Coach
27. HL Head Linesman
28. HM Hash Mark
29. HT Home Team
30. IP Initial Position
31. KO -- Kickoff
32. KOM Kickoff Mechanics
33. KT Kicking Team
34. LJ Line Judge
35. LOS Line of Scrimmage
36. LTG Line to Gain
37. NZ Neutral Zone
38. OKOM Onside Kick Off Mechanics
39. OOB Out-of-Bounds
40. OPI Offensive Pass Interference
41. OT -- Overtime
42. PB Press Box
43. PC Play Clock
44. PEQ Player Equipment
45. PM Pass Mechanics
46. POE Points of Emphasis
47. POA Point of Attack
48. PSK Post Scrimmage Kick
49. PUM Punt Mechanics
50. PS Previous Spot
51. PU Punt
52. R Referee
53. RA Restricted Area
54. RB Running Back
55. RFP Ready for Play
56. RM Reverse Mechanics
57. R&R Read & React
58. RT Receiving Team
59. RUM Run Mechanics
60. SL Sideline
61. SLW Sideline Warning
62. SRI State Rules Interpretation Meeting
63. SS Succeeding Spot
64. SZ Side Zone
65. TB Touchback
66. TFM Third & Fourth Down Mechanics
67. TO Time-out
68. TD Touchdown
69. U Umpire
70. UNS Unsportsmanlike Conduct
71. VT Visiting Team
72. YL Yard Line
This Gold Book is dedicated to the thousands of OHSAA FB Officials who give
their time so unselfishly on behalf of the tens of thousands of Ohio student
athletes who play this Great game. We are truly blessed!!
Crew Improvement Checklist: Pretenders or Contenders
Does your Crew aspire to be a Contending Crew? As we all know Post Game Evaluations are very
important to the continual improvement of the Crew & Each Official. These Questions have been
developed to help Crews set Game Goals & then rate themselves afterwards. Enjoy! During the Entire
Game Did Your Crew:
1. Use the OHSAA Approved FB Gold Book Mechanics on every down?
2. Consistently Enforce the SL Restricted Area 100% with the help of all officials?
3. CONCENTRATE 100% on each & every down & the interval between Downs?
4. Use the OHSAA Approved Hand Signals to communicate effectively with each other?
5. Dress in OHSAA Approved Uniforms that look new or newly new & fit?
6. Enforce all NFHS Rules Related to Player Equipment?
7. Have 100% Completions on all underhand relay passes to fellow officials & ball persons?
8. Have 100% Correct Enforcement of All Penalties?
9. Communicate Effectively & Professionally with the HC’s?
10. During Hurry up Offenses with the GC Running have the ball spotted & be ready to officiate
prior to the team wanting to snap the ball?
11. Enforce all LOS Dead Ball Fouls within 10 seconds?
12. Have FB spotted within 15 seconds after ball becomes dead unless administrative stoppage?
13. BJ jogs to R, & then verbally communicates with the R at the End of Each Period whether or not
the period will be extended?
14. Apply the Conserve & Consume Rules at the end of both Halves?
15. Conduct themselves in a Professional & Respectful Manner with Players, Fans, Fellow Officials,
& Game Management?
16. Apply & Enforce All OHSAA Safety Policies & Regulations?
17. Confirm Game with AD via email early that Week, Arrive 90 Minutes Prior to Varsity Game
Time, Conduct a Thorough Pre Game Conference, Meet with the HC’s approximately 35
minutes Prior to Game Time, & Conduct the Toss 20 minutes Prior to Game Time?
18. Call & penalize all DB & Personal Fouls along with any UNS?
19. When the GC was stopped communicate clock status with each other & catch any scoreboard
timing errors along with the wrong number of time-outs posted?
20. Keep an eye on the weather for any lightning seen or thunder heard?
The CHALLENGE is for a Crew to answer YES to all 19 Questions because that is near perfection. Set
as a GOAL for the following week to discuss during the Pre-Game Conference areas we are going to
dedicate ourselves to emphasize & thus improve. Over the 10 weeks we expect all Crews, including
ourselves, to improve substantially. While visiting with OHSAA Crews this past Winter & Spring, it was
amazing to see the difference between a Crews’ Performance from game tape in Weeks 1 or 2 & then
Weeks 9 or 10. It is a Great Feeling!!!!!
Empowered Crews
The R: A Leader or an Authoritarian Figure?
A truly Great R involves the entire crew in all aspects of the game. The R is a mentor who watches with
great satisfaction as his crewmates grow & mature as the season progresses. He prods, compliments,
encourages & offers “constructive comments” to his crewmates. He welcomes feedback from the
crew. He knows the Gold Book IP & R&R’s for all Crew members, not just his own. He makes
suggestions during the game, at half time, & post-game so Crew members can grow each week.
He DELEGATES many pregame responsibilities rather than think that ONLY HE can talk with timers,
chain crew, & coaches. By involving his crew he EMPOWERS them in the eyes of HC’s, Players, Fans, &
Game Management. R Take a Good Look in the Mirror Do you treat your crew as you would like to
be treated? Are you doing everything to empower & nurture the officials who look up to you?
We remember that the performance of the crew is a reflection on the official in “the white hat”.
Below are Delegated Responsibilities for each Crew Member before & during the Game:
1. CREW: Pre-Game Conference: All Officials are Actively Engaged in the Discussion
2. R: Talk with Game Management if Inclement Weather is a possibility
3. LJ: Talk with the GC Operator; BJ: Talk with the PC Operator
4. Wings: Talk with the Ball Person (s) on Your SL
5. HL: Talk with the Chain Gang
6. R: Determine What Medical Personnel Will be Available During the Game
7. U: Talk with HC’s & Trainers Regarding any Player Equipment Issues
8. R/LJ: Talk with TV / Radio Personnel Regarding Time-outs, Half Time, etc.
9. CREW: During the Week Before the Game: Divide Duties such as Transportation Coordination,
Contacting Home AD, Line-Up Cards, & Pre-Game Topics
10. LJ: Times Half Time, Inclement Weather Delays, & Interval Before OT Begins
11. CREW: All have an equal voice & input during the Game. R breaks the “ties”.
12. CREW: Meet with Varsity HC’s Approximately 35 Minutes before Game Time.
A. Each Official introduces himself to the HC
B. R: Players Legally Equipped; Captain’s #’s; Kicker – Rt. or Left? Sportsmanship
C. U: Any Player Equipment that needs to be Checked
D. HL (VT HC): Lineup Card, Get Back Coach, Unusual Plays, Depth of KO, Unbalance Line?
E. LJ (HT HC): Lineup Card, Get Back Coach, Unusual Plays, Depth of KO, Unbalance Line?
F. HL/LJ: Assure the HC that we will get player’s # & detailed description on all fouls called as
soon as we can, but we still have to be able to officiate the game (6/1/19)
Good Luck to Contending Crews with Empowered Officials -- Own Your Position!!
“If in Doubts”: They Make Us Better Officials
If In Doubts recommend not calling a foul in questionable situations, allowing play to continue instead
of blowing the play dead, & giving the team the benefit of more favorable field position when it is
difficult to determine where the ball is to be spotted. Please take some time to learn & understand
how to apply each of the “If in doubts” in game situations.
1. If in doubt, consider the safety of all paramount to the game. (Rules 1 & 3)
2. If in doubt, it is not a foul. (Rule 2)
3. If in doubt, apply conserving/consuming time. (Rule 3)
4. If in doubt, the player is inbounds. (Rule 4)
5. If in doubt, measure for a first down. (Rule 5)
6. If in doubt, the airborne kickoff/punt near the GL is not a TB. (Rule 6)
7. If in doubt, implement onside kick mechanics. (Rule 6)
8. If in doubt, the kickoff/punt/pass is untouched. (Rules 6 & 7)
9. If in doubt, the pass is forward. (Rule 7)
10. If in doubt, the runner did not fumble. (Rule 7)
11. If in doubt, control of a pass followed by loss of possession is incomplete. (Rule 7)
12. If in doubt, the pass near the ground is a catch. (Rule 7)
13. If in doubt, the passer is behind B’s LOS. (Rule 7)
14. If in doubt, the player is on A’s LOS (Rule 7)
15. If in doubt, it is not a TD or a safety. (Rule 8)
16. If in doubt, it is Roughing the Kicker (Rule 9)
17. If in doubt on a punt, the foul by RT near the LOS is PSK. (Rule 10)
Mechanics (5 & 4 Man Crews): Brief & Concise
Primary Responsibilities (PR) are listed for each position. R has PR for Crew using Gold Book.
Mechanics for 5 Man Crews with 4 Man differences are indicated with a “NOTE”. They are
summarized on the PR for 4 Man in the lower right hand corner box. Mechanics are alphabetized to
locate easily. Crews Must meet with both HC’s prior to each Varsity & Sub Varsity Game. There are
NO exceptions. Changes from last year are shaded. (6/1/19)
1. Ball Handling Mechanics (BHM)
A. CREW (Ball Exchange): On COP relay the “old” FB to the SL after there is no threat of a
DBF. Do not wait for a “new” FB to remove “old” FB to Ball Person. Do not kick the FB.
B. CREW GOAL: 100% Completions. Take extra steps before underhand only relay.
C. CREW: Contenders watch DB Action while Pretenders are in a big hurry to secure a new
FB. We cannot miss a DBF because we are looking for a new FB.
D. U: Must hustle into the SZ, grab & spot FB off Back Side Wing. If FB is near the SL, still
move into the SZ & work with R/BJ to secure FB, hustle to HM & spot off Back Side Wing.
After an incomplete pass spot FB off the Down Box. Move to IP ASAP after spotting FB.
E. U: Rain/Snow: Hold & cover FB with towel at DBS. Set FB down as team breaks huddle.
F. CREW: During hurry-up, play with 1 FB only as much as possible.
G. HL/LJ: Do NOT spot FB in SZ (Exception: Spot FB for a measurement). Use downfield foot.
If possible, use same FB.
H. BJ: If DBS is outside the HM’s, secure a new FB before measuring for a 1
I. CREW: During Inclement Weather make shorter relays & run FB in when needed.
J. CREW: Do not throw FB toward SL so it hits the ground. It looks unprofessional.
K. BJ: Help relay FB on plays that gain 10 or more yards. R does the same on plays that lose
yardage, unless U wants to hustle & secure the FB.
L. BJ: On deep incomplete passes, hustle & relay FB off field. Wings get a new FB.
M. Ball Persons stay off the field on their team’s SL only for the entire game. (Exception: After
a TD the BJ will have the Ball Person hold a new FB near the GP Upright.)
N. CREW: HT & VT TEAMS: Each team keeps their own FB’s on their own SL.
2. Bean Bag Mechanics (BBM)
A. CREW (Fumble): Throw blue BB above head level to prevent inadvertent whistles. When a
Crew member sees a BB he knows FB is loose & will not sound his whistle. Get BB on
correct YL but not at the spot of the fumble. BB’s are NOT thrown for interceptions or
backward passes behind the NZ, but are thrown on backward passes beyond the NZ.
B. BJ (Punt): Mark 1st touching by KT only & end of punt (PSK), except TB & FC. Need 2 BB’s.
C. CREW: Momentum (Inside - 5 YL): Drop BB at spot of catch or interception.
D. WINGS: No BB at OOB spot on SL (Exception: Fight breaks out down field or OOB).
E. BJ/U: KO (BB in hand) “think onside kick”. F. BJ/U/HL/LJ: BB in hand for OKOM.
3. Change of Possession Mechanics (COPM)
A. Covering Official: Signal New Direction first (2X), then signal TO (2X).
B. Non-Covering Officials: Signal TO (2X) immediately when Crew member signals COP.
4. Coach/Referee Conference Mechanics (CRCM)
A. Definition: HC wants to Review a Rule Misapplication/ Misinterpretation. Consequences
for NOT Following this Mechanic is Officials could be suspended a maximum of 2 years.
NOTE: We “stay out of trouble” by granting the Coach/Referee Conference.
B. CREW: OHSAA Requires NFHS Rule Book, Case Book & Gold Book (OT) is at the Field.
C. R/Wing: Meet HC at SL & listen to him. Judgment calls do not apply.
R will explain Ruling to HC. R can meet with Crew to discuss the ruling. It is imperative
that all Crew members have an opportunity to talk. R must facilitate talk so an overly
aggressive official is NOT allowed to dominate the discussion.
D. CREW: If HC Disagrees with R’s Ruling, then Crew Must Secure 3 Books, find ruling in the
books & show the HC. Use Rules Index in the Gold Book for a quick reference.
5. Coin Toss Mechanics (CTM)
A. R: Face Scoreboard at 50 YL. HL/U: Opposite PB SL. LJ/BJ: PB SL.
B. HL/U & LJ/BJ: The speaking captain is positioned closest to the R. LJ/BJ delay walking until
the HL/U is at Field #’s. Usually HT is PB SL. Escort Captains & Introduce to R. NOTE:
Coaches & other players must be outside the HM’s for the CT. You can allow some media
& “honorees” near the CT. Captains may be in street clothes or not legally equipped for
the CT. NOTE: CT choices cannot be changed once the R has signaled them to the PB.
C. U/HL/LJ/BJ: Move to 45 YL with backs to scoreboard.
D. R: Request officials to introduce themselves to Captains. Ask which Captain will call & ask
him for “call”, & then repeat it (Items D – G should take only 2-3 minutes).
E. U: Steps forward & repeats Captains’ “Call” of Heads or Tails.
F. R: Toss coin at 20 minutes, catch it, & ask Captain to repeat the “call”. Ask Captain if he
wants to Defer or choose for 1
half. Defer- Signal PB (1X). If choose kick/receive/GL, turn
captains & signal on Captain’s side closest to PB. CT can be earlier if both teams are ready
due cold or inclement weather, senior night, homecoming, or teams have left the field.
G. R: Discuss Sportsmanship with Captains & then check options with Crew.
H. BJ (HT)/U (VT): 2
Half: Bring 1 Captain each to center of field & meet with R.
I. R: 2
Half: Secure options from Captains & signal PB. Discuss sportsmanship if needed.
J. CREW (OT): Toss, secure choices, turn captains, & signal PB by pointing to GL.
6. Dead Ball Mechanics (DBM)
A. HL/LJ (OOB Runner): Stop GC (2X) immediately when runner goes OOB, then TURN-N-
WATCH OOB. Swivel head, watch runner & other players return inbounds.
B. R/HL/LJ/BJ: When space permits STOP a minimum of 5 YDS from pile of players (Exception:
GL or close to a 1
down hustle in hard & fast). Allows officials to see more “big picture”
& call DB Fouls when warranted. Game becomes chippy--move closer to pile Prevention.
C. R: In most cases there is no need to run to the DBS at or beyond LOS. Stay back & swivel
(2X) your head, watching for any DB action. Then hustle to your IP.
D. BJ (Player in Opponent’s Bench): Go into Team Box & escort player(s) back to field.
E. CREW (Ball Dead): Swivel head (2X) & watch players in your area rather than stare at DBS.
F. CREW: Immediately raise arm/hand to indicate next down. BE A GREAT DB OFFICIAL!
G. CREW: Officiate DB action FIRST. Penalize first DB Hit; this usually stops it.
7. End of Period First & Third Mechanics(EOPM)
A. CREW: Record down, distance, & YL. Check scoreboard & verify all info. Light jog to SS.
B. R: Ensure no penalties; communicate verbally with BJ -- no Extension, & signal End of
Period Very Deliberately to PB. Verbally confirm down, distance, & location of FB with U.
C. U: Walk off distance to near YL, record info, move to opposite side, & confirm with R/BJ.
D. HL: Record clip YL; grab clip, reverse the 2 chain rods, move downfield, place clip, & ask
chain crew to pull stakes tight. Make sure clip is on the back of the YL.
E. LJ: Record info, move downfield, monitor your team, & verify new location of chains.
F. BJ: Verbally check with R -- no extension; time 1 minute; hustle to SS. Wait for U to spot ball
8. Field Goal Mechanics (FGM)
A. Definition: FG from any YL. (Assume Right Footed Kicker below) NOTE: 4 Man: Wing who
looks at R’s back goes to EL. U/Wing (GP Uprights).
B. Initial Position (IP):
1. R: Plant Leg Side of Kicker. 5 YDS Deeper than Holder, 10 YDS Wide of Holder, &
shoulders at a 45 degree angle.
2. U/BJ: GP Uprights (choice of post). 3. HL/LJ: Stand 15 YDS wider than all KT Players.
C. Read & React (R&R) Then Flow:
1. R: Signal Crew ASAP when “Tee” & Kicker come on field. KEYS: Holder #, Snap,
Holder’s Catch & Knees, NO FAKE, Snapper, Holder, Rushers, & Kicker/Holder. Delay
marking ball ready until U gets to EL & you are at your IP. Inform RT loudly to “stay off
center & H/K”. Yell “Ball’s Away” when FB is kicked to warn RT to avoid H/K. FG good –
Watch KT & RT for DBF. FG blocked back pedal might be needed at GL. Count 1001
& 1002 while watching Center for a direct contact foul within 2 seconds.
2. U: Communicate to Crew NO WHISTLE. KEYS: Snap, Snapper, & NO FAKE. Watch
Center on Snap. Count 1001/1002 on Center for a direct contact foul within 2 seconds.
3. HL/LJ: KEYS: Snap, FAKE, & Near TE/WB Block. Long FG: Move downfield when
kicked. Short FG Made: Hustle in toward linemen. Fake or mishandled snap: R & R
quickly & move to SL OOB, & if necessary, move toward GL.
4. U/BJ: If faked, BJ stays on EL & U hustles to GL. If FG is short, both hustle to GL, & rule
if Kick breaks GL Plane. Sound whistle when kick crosses GL, & signal no score &TB.
5. U/BJ: Good U sounds whistle, both signal FG good & move 2 YDS into EZ; Not good &
hits in or beyond the EZ U sounds whistle. Both move 2 YDS into EZ, signal no score
ONLY (2X) & TB (2X). BJ: Responsible for his upright & Crossbar. U has his upright only.
9. Fight Mechanics Actual Fight (FMA)
A. Definition: 2 or more opponents are swinging at each other (rare in Ohio).
B. CREW: If players are swinging, stand back, & “take numbers”. Keep other players away
from fight. Once players go to ground, attempt to break it up.
C. HL/LJ: Primary responsibility for SL & keeping non-players from leaving their bench.
D. CREW: After order is restored, huddle away from everyone, discuss, & then assess
penalties & DQ’s. Give all officials an opportunity to speak & be heard.
E. R: Go to SL with Wing present & inform each HC -- penalties & DQ’s for both teams.
F. R (Signal): DB & Personal Foul, Not UNS, since there is contact while fighting. Signal DQ for
each player ejected from game for each team.
G. CREW: After game record facts. Complete required Ejection Forms online; follow OHSAA
Ejection Policy, as best you can. Be Specific. OHSAA makes any necessary adjustments.
H. CREW: During weeks 1 10 Contact League Assigner or Commissioner.
10. Fight Mechanics Prevention (FMP)
A. Definition: Tempers are rising; players are getting “personal”; it is “heating up”.
B. CREW: Allow no talking between opposing teams; stop it immediately. “Pinch into field”
further. Your presence is vital. U: An important role in the middle.
C. CREW: Talk with players on the “edge” of a late hit, but not late enough to call.
D. CREW: 2 opponents “chest up” or shove each other. Get between the opponents & stop it
then assess penalties, if warranted. If players are not swinging, get between them. This is
GOOD DB Officiating. Positive statements can help to defuse it.
E. CREW: Be Assertive without being Aggressive Do Not push players to ground, tackle
players, grab a player’s face mask, or pull them off pile. Sound your whistle loudly.
F. CREW: It is vitally important to penalize the FIRST late hit, when warranted.
11. First Down Mechanics (FDM)
A. Definition: Close to a first down
B. LJ: Primary Responsibility to decide if it is a 1st down. If 1
down, stop GC (2X) & signal
with arm by pointing to B’s GL. If close, stop GC & look. If not, start GC. We do not have to
measure because we stopped GC. LJ has best look from across field & is usually downfield.
Signal R to come & look for second opinion, if needed. HL: No looking over your shoulder.
C. CREW: If CLOSE regarding first down MEASURE. There are too many games where a Crew
refused to measure, & then, in “eyes of coaches, they could do no right”. On synthetic &
well-marked grass fields, if forward stake is beyond YL & DBS is behind same YL, we will not
measure. Too many times we look across field & think “that is not even close”, & then we
bring chains across field -- “Wow – that was close or is a 1
D. HL/LJ (Close to 1
down): Sprint in assertively until you meet resistance. Wing who can
“see leather” yells for FB. U will “dig for FB” & “hand it”. Do not throw FB to Wing.
E. HL: If 1
down, hustle to SL & mark YL with foot where rear stake & down box will be set.
12. Flag Mechanics (FLM)
A. CREW: All flags must be in front & tucked in. Carry 1 or 2 center weighted Black ball flags.
B. CREW: Never throw a flag at a player. No Spot: Throw flag high into air. Spot: Throw flag
to YL. Passer beyond LOS Drop Flag at spot. Crew must cover a spot foul flag.
C. CREW: Same Foul: Multiple flags move flags to same spot. Confirm foul & player #, then
1 official signals Prelim to R. UNS/DB Personal Foul: Throw flag high into the air.
13. Forward Progress Mechanics (FWPM)
A. HL/LJ: Put downfield foot in front of backfield foot to mark FWP. Square Off. No angle in.
B. HL/LJ: Cross field mechanics (runner driven back) look across field for help & an accurate
FWP spot. Back side Wing MUST move into field near HM so your partner can see you.
C. HL/LJ: Marks FWP most of the time. R marks FWP behind LOS on a large loss of yardage
which is rare. BJ marks FWP down field.
D. HL/LJ: Player hit/driven back between field # & SL wind (2X) & move in, not past players.
E. HL/LJ/BJ: After you sound whistle for FWP swivel your head (2X) & watch for DB action.
F. HL/LJ/BJ: Trapped pass catch or no catch do not move in to mark FWP until you know it
is a catch. If you square off & move in you are indicating Catch. Swivel your head & see if
other officials signaled incomplete pass. Key is: Go SLOW here!!
14. Free Kick After Fair Catch (FC)/Awarded FC (FKFC)
A. Initial Position (IP): R (Kicker); U (GP Upright, Opposite PB); HL (RT Line); LJ (KT Line); BJ
(GP Upright, PB). NOTE: 4 Man: R (KT Line); Wing (RT Line); Wing/U (GP Uprights)
B. Read & React (R&R) Then Flow:
1. R: Ask BJ if it is a FC. Ask HC where to spot FB. 2. CREW: Once kicked use FGM.
15. Free Kick After Safety (FKS)
A. Initial Position (IP): R (RT 20 YL); U (KT 30 YL); HL/LJ (RT 30 YL); BJ (KT 20 YL). NOTE: 4
Man: R/HL (RT 30 YL); U (KT 20 YL); LJ (KT 30 YL)
B. Read & React (R&R) Then Flow: KOM. BJ/U: Run to KT 30 YL HM after kick/punt.
16. Fumble Mechanics (FUM)
A. CREW: Covering Officials throw BB. R will stop GC (no whistle) after 2 seconds if there is no
signal from an official signaling possession. If A retains possession, covering official signals
next down & R winds GC immediately along with LJ.
B. CREW: Large pileup & officials have to “dig”. First official to pile “digs”. Official, who rules
team possession, yells team color, & closest official signals team possession direction (2X),
after making sure of proper direction. Stop GC (2X) for COP.
17. Game Management Mechanics (GMM)
A. R (Meetings with HC’s): Inform HC that Crew will send player(s) to SL who is approaching
“fouling status”. Crew will stop GC & appropriate Wing will escort player to the SL &
inform the HC. Record player’s numbers on game cards who are sent off the field. Player
can reenter when HC thinks he is ready to play & behave appropriately. Send any player
out who is talking to an opponent. We must “control” the game. Too often there is early
talking, & then later we try to regain “control”. Stop the talking between teams early.
B. CREW: When HT & VT enter & leave a common opening the CREW must “direct traffic” by
“holding” the VT until the HT has a chance to enter or leave if they are “together”.
C. CREW (Halftime): R winds GC when teams are at their LR then Crew Jogs Off field together.
D. CREW (End of Game): R signals End of Period deliberately & Crew gets together as a TEAM
& RUNS OFF the Field to the LR. Don’t Stay to Visit – Use Preventive Officiating.
18. Goal Line Mechanics (GLM)
A. CREW: Use GLM for Try-Run/Pass (2 Pts.)
B. Definition: Snap on/inside +10 YL. NOTE: 4 Man: U moves to EL between Uprights.
C. Initial Position (IP):
1. R: 15 YDS behind LOS & 8 YDS Wide of QB at 45 degree angle. Wide Side of Field.
2. U: 7 YDS off the LOS inside the TE’s, irrespective of R’s IP. Vary your position laterally.
3. HL/LJ: 2 Yards outside SL (restraining line). 4. BJ: EL between GP Uprights.
D. Read & React (R&R1 & 2) Then Flow:
1. R: Same as Pass or Run Play. After TD watch players move toward SL. Do NOT signal TD
to PB. Look for Tee held by Kicker. After TD ask Captain for location to spot FB for TRY.
2. U: Same as Pass or Run Play. If you are 100% sure it is a TD, & Wing has not signaled
TD, run to appropriate Wing & tell him what you saw. The TD call is the Wing’s
Decision. U: NEVER signal TD. Do NOT spot FB for Try until Captain indicates spot.
3. HL/LJ: MUST be at GL before FB arrives at GL. R&R1: (+10YL & +5YL) Start moving
immediately toward GL, 2 YDS outside the pylon under control. R&R2: (+5YL & GL)
Hustle ASAP to GL, reading the play, 2 YDS outside pylon before FB arrives at GL. Stay
beyond FB & come back as needed. Runner dives at pylon back out to see. TD
PIVOT-N-WATCH runner in EZ. Pinch in hard & fast on CLOSE Play at GL. Be assertive!!
Dig for FB if necessary. It is a TD Run in on GL. Not Sure Run in Short of GL.
IMPORTANT TO SELL IT. Be PATIENT find FB first!! Better to be Late & Right. Runner
runs hard to opposite pylon Back side Wing pinches in. NEVER MIRROR A TD SIGNAL.
4. Wings: If runner moves toward the opposite SL, go directly to pylon & be ready to
pinch in assertively on field of play. Make sure the runner does not change direction.
5. BJ: Stay on EL during live ball. Hustle down EL, maintaining a 5 YD cushion with
receiver. Straddle EL on tight catch/no catch. Observe A Players near SL for touching
EL. BJ signals incomplete pass (2X) on EL only, not Wings.
6. HL/LJ/BJ: EZ Corner Eye Contact with Wing Prior to TD Signal; if someone sees
Incomplete Pass, signal immediately (2X); Pass Wait several seconds before signaling
TD It is Better to be Late & Right. Signal TD (hold 2 seconds) only if you see it. STOP
at GL, Signal TD, Pivot 90 Degrees, & WATCH/FOLLOW Runner & other players after TD.
19. Hat Mechanics (HATM)
A. HL/LJ/BJ: Throw hat if any A/K Player goes OOB without being blocked prior to a COP or there
is no COP. Muddy Field: Save hat & YELL the player’s number loudly!!!
20. Hurry-up Offense Mechanics (HUM)
A. R/HL/LJ: Adjust position by not moving in as far when FB is dead.
B. R: Emphatically tell Center & QB to “wait for my whistle” if A is ready to snap. R: If Center
is over FB, back pedal quickly to IP before marking ball ready.
C. U: The “Sprinter” between downs, runs to grab FB & spot it off Back side Wing.
Remember, GC becomes more important than exact DBS, unless close to a 1st down. Spot
FB & move to your IP as quickly as possible. Hustle, But Do Not Hurry.
D. HL/LJ: Both hold DBS for U as he might use either back side or front side Wing.
E. CREW: When A catches or runs with FB, use 1 FB only when spotting for next down.
F. CREW: GOAL for every game is efficient, quick, & accurate FB spotting so A never has to
wait for officials other than for TO’s or 1
down measurements.
21. Kick Off Mechanics (KOM)
A. Definition: KO at KT 40 YL. Score & time don’t indicate Onside KO. Same IP for R/HL/LJ if
KO is at KT 35 YL. NOTE: 4 Man: R (RT 10 YL near PB SL); HL (RT 10 YL opposite PB SL); LJ
(RT 50 YL on PB SL); U (KT 40 YL opposite PB SL). U/LJ: Stay on SL after KO. Wind GC (2X):
R signals when Kick touches player/caught between your SL & far HM. HL starts GC
between your SL to near HM. R/HL: When TB is ruled 2 officials sound whistle loud &
repeatedly while running to #’s to prevent DB Fouls.
B. Initial Position (IP):
1. R: Straddle GL on wide side of 1 receiver & between 2 receivers.
2. U: 50 YL, 2 YDS OOB, & opposite PB with BB in hand (think onside kick).
3. HL/LJ: GL on SL. HL opposite PB. LJ on PB SL. If 1st KO for a team is short of the - 15
YL, move to the 10 YL for the next KO for that team. If kicked between the 15 YL &
GL, stay at GL. The GOAL is to trail the Receiver, NOT be even with him. NOTE: KT
penalized 15 YDS -- move up field accordingly for re kick.
4. BJ: 40 YL, 2 YDS OOB & on PB SL with BB in hand (think onside kick).
C. Pre Kickoff:
1. BJ: After Try, secure new FB from Ball Person near GP Upright, start your timer for 60
seconds, & jog up PB SL. Jog to Kicker at 30 seconds. Check Tee & hand kicker FB.
REMIND KT to stay behind Line until kick. Jog to SL. Clear Restricted Area, secure ready
from U, & signal R. If FB falls off Tee sound whistle (2X) & repeat.
2. U: Jog up SL opposite PB & clear Restricted Area. Signal BJ when ready (raise arm).
3. U/BJ: Memorize Kicker’s shoe & sock colors so you see him kick FB if positioned more
than 5 YDS from KT line.
4. LJ: Stand at Field #’s with “stop” signal pointed to R until GC is set at 12:00.
5. R/HL/LJ: Count RT & secure “ready” signal from HL/LJ/BJ (raised arm).
6. CREW: If wind blows ball off Tee (2X), then a KT member must hold the FB.
7. HL/LJ: If they disagree whether to be at GL or - 10 YL, stay at GL.
8. R/HL/LJ: Count RT; U/BJ: Count KT. U/BJ work together to communicate with KT & HC
regarding KT players being within 5 YDS of Free Kick Line & 4 KT players being on both
sides of Kicker. BJ will call within 5 YDs & BJ/U will call the 4 players.
D. Read & React (R&R) Then Flow:
1. R: KEYS RT Touching Kick, Wind GC, GL, TB, Blocks Ahead of Runner, Clean Up Behind
Runner & R&R. Straddle GL & maintain 5 YD cushion until GL is not threatened. Wind
GC. Signal TB if needed. Move up field watching blocking ahead & around runner.
Once ball is dead swivel head (2X) & clean up first.
2. U: KEYS RT Encroachment, Onside Kick, First Touching, KT Initial Contact by RT Front
Line, & R&R. Run to near HM on 50 YL then STOP-N-Watch KT & RT. If runner breaks it,
you have inside/out responsibility & BJ has GL. If it is a “pooch” kick, high & short,
between your SL & #’s, then stay on the SL.
3. HL/LJ: KEYS RT Touching Kick, Wind GC, KT OOB, Blocks Immediately ahead of Kick
Returner & R&R. Stay on SL until kick ends. Be aware of any FC signal by RT. Wind GC
if kick is caught/touched in your SZ only. Move up field deliberately, trailing runner by
a minimum of 5 YDS, & watching blocks. Do NOT hurry to get to DBS. Blocking is more
important ahead of runner. The SL is yours, GL to GL.
4. HL/LJ: When starting at 10 YL, if the kick goes toward the GL hustle back to GL outside
the pylon. Be ready to rule TB or OOB if the kick is near your pylon.
5. HL/LJ: OOB Kick Throw flag at spot then hustle to HC for penalty choice.
6. BJ: KEYS Kicker, KT Encroachment, Onside Kick, First Touching, KT Initial Contact by
RT Front Line, & R&R. Watch RT running forward to block Kicker, & then run to near
HM at 50 YL. STOP-N-Watch KT players. If it is a “pooch” kick, high & short, between
your SL & #’s, then stay on the SL. Use peripheral vision to check runner. Be ready to
lead runner to GL. Arrive at GL prior to runner.
7. R/HL/LJ: When R signals TB, HL/LJ signal TB & run toward the - 10 YL #’s at a 45 degree
angle, sounding their whistles loud & repeatedly to help prevent DBF’s. R jogs to the -
10 YL & sounds whistle loud & repeatedly while signaling TB.
22. Measurements Mechanics (MM)
A. R: Makes final decision to measure, signals TO to PB, & motions chains in.
B. HL/LJ: HL checks correct YL & clip, then places clip where the LJ has placed his foot. LJ will
then step on the chain to secure it after the chain has been placed correctly. NOTE: Chain
Crew cannot wear official’s stripe shirts – causes confusion when looking across field.
C. BJ: If outside HM’s secure a new FB, then hold existing FB in place. Face the foremost
point of the FB with your back to GL.
D. U/LJ: U makes sure LJ’s foot is lined up correctly on the YL with the clip & the LJ’s foot on
the chain, then takes forward stake & pulls it tight.
E. R: Looks at stake & FB, signals 1
down or signals short to PB. After grabbing FWP spot on
chain, move chains inside HM & spot new FB if necessary. If short of a 1
down, wait for HL
to reset clip & chains on the SL.
23. Microphone Announcements Mechanics (MAM)
A. R: One Microphone Only MUST is controlled by R ONLY, if it is heard in stadium. If not, do
NOT use. Stand still; face PB; be concise, accurate, & think before talking. Pause for effect.
B. R (Practice): No microphone in this game verbalize fouls when you signal PB.
C. R: Briefly announce unique rulings; keep it short; avoid being too technical.
D. R (Examples): Player’s # is announced.
1. Dead Ball, False Start, Offense, # 79, 5 YDS, 1
2. Illegal Motion, Offense, # 38, 5 YDS, 2
3. Roughing the Passer, Defense, # 41, 15 YDS, Automatic 1
4. Intentional Grounding, Offense, # 12, 5 YDS, Loss of Down, 3
5. SL Warning, Name of HS, Their First.
6. Time-out, Name of HS, Their First
7. Name of HS, They Have Requested a Coach/Referee Conference
24. Observers/Crew Meeting Mechanics
A. Definition: Applies to Weeks 11 15 Only. Meets with CREW at halftime for a Maximum
10 Minutes & Post Game for a reasonable time. Listen attentively & be polite. However, if
Observer makes a suggestion that is Different from the Gold Book, show him the GB.
B. CREW: Observer is REQUIRED to give CREW the OHSAA FB Observation Forms. If he does
not, email the DOD FB within 48 hours after the game.
25. Onside Kick Off Mechanics (OKOM)
A. Definition: Score &/or time indicate OKO might occur. KO at KT 40 YL. 5 Man: R (GL in
middle of field), U/LJ (RT 50 YL outside SL), HL/BJ (KT 40 YL outside SL). NOTE: 4 Man: U
(KT 40 YL outside SL), HL/LJ (RT 50 YL outside SL) R (10YL in middle of field).
B. CREW: If in doubt, use OKOM. Discuss after TryR makes Decision ONLY if disagreement.
C. CREW: HC indicates his team onside kicks a lot use OKOM always when they KO.
D. CREW: Do NOT give signals regarding possible onside KO - - ready for onside KO every time.
E. CREW: Be aware of any signals by RT Fair Catch, Invalid or Illegal signals.
F. R: Stay at GL until there is no chance FB might touch GL or RT runs back to the GL.
G. U/HL/LJ/BJ: All 2 YDS OOB, BB in Hand. Clear restricted area before raising hand.
H. HL/BJ: Hold at 40 YL & observe 1
touching, blocks by KT & RT, & possession. Then move
downfield to help rule on team possession.
I. U/LJ: Hold at 50 YL & rule on FB crossing RT’s Free Kick Line, FC, & possession.
J. U/HL/LJ/BJ: Large pileup on onside kick - - dig out FB - - “survival of the fittest”.
K. U/HL/LJ/BJ: Remind teams to stay behind their Free Kick Lines until FB is kicked.
26. Pass Mechanics (PM)
A. Definition: Snap is between 10 YL & + 10 YL. A Pass is thrown. NOTE: 4 Man: Wings
have all receivers on their side & dual coverage over middle of field.
B. Initial Position (IP):
1. R: 15 YDS behind LOS & 8 YDS wide of QB at 45 degree angle; Wide Side of Field.
2. U: 7 YDS off LOS inside the TE’s, irrespective of R’s IP. Vary your position laterally.
Shoulders parallel to GL.
3. HL/LJ: 10 YDS outside widest A Player; Never inside #’s. If A is near SL take steps OOB.
4. BJ: 20 YDS off LOS between the GP Uprights. Stay at 20 YDS until the FB is snapped
between the + 15 YL & + 10 YL. Then move 5 YDS deep into the EZ. When snapped on
or inside the + 10 YL (GLM) move to the EL. IP is behind the deepest B players.
C. Read & React (R&R1, 2, & 3) Then Flow:
1. R: KEYS -- Snap/QB/Opposite Tackle/Passer; Maintain a 5 YD cushion with Passer. Yell
“Ball’s Away” once slowly to tell B Rushers to stay off Passer. If B hits Passer after you
have said “Ball’s Away” once slowly, it is Roughing the Passer.
2. R: BP signal & yell “back”. If Passer rolls, maintain a 10 YD cushion; eye on passer
after pass. Passer close to NZ Memorize spot of release & move to it quickly check
with U beyond or behind NZ. Be ready to rule on Passer who is hit Pass or Fumble.
3. R: Intentional Grounding (ING) is an R only flag thrown. When Crew members know
there are no receivers in area get the info to the R ASAP. R will then assess the status
of the passer. If R determines there is ING he will drop a flag at the spot of the pass.
4. U: KEYS Snap/Linemen/QB/Pass/Catch. Must move forward & get to NZ ONLY if the
NZ is threatened by the Passer. Check spot where Passer releases ball near NZ with R
as he arrives. Be ready to rule on trapped pass behind/beyond NZ. Turn immediately
when pass is thrown. Jog to DBS. Shoulders parallel to SL when spotting FB. Move off
FB quickly after spotting. Crew GOAL: A Never has to wait on Crew to spot FB & go to
5. HL/LJ/BJ (COVERAGES): DBL/DBLBJ has inside receiver on LJ side. TRIPS BJ has 2
inside receivers. Go to zone coverage once A receivers move past B defenders initially.
6. HL/LJ/BJ: Watch FEET FIRST, & then catch on EL/SL Plays. FEET/FB!
7. HL/LJ/BJ: Watch the initial trajectory of pass & then watch players, not ball.
8. HL/LJ/BJ: Consider Angle/Distance/Timing when moving into position to rule on play.
9. CREW: STOP-N-WATCH at moment of Judgment You Can See Much Better!!
10. U/HL/LJ/BJ: Move to a position to be a MINIMUM of 5 YDS from Catch. On many plays
you must move while ball is airborne for a much better angle to see the play.
11. HL/LJ: KEYS Snap/Player(s)/QB/Zone/FB. “Open Door” when players move toward
you. Let them proceed toward the GL & officiate as you trail them from behind.
12. HL/LJ (R&R1) (Pass in the Flat, Bubble Screen): Read Run or Pass Play -- Do G/T stand
up? Then do backs move wide or receivers drop back? Read QB eyes first look is
usually where pass is going. If so, “stay home “. If you rule BP -- signal & yell “back”. It
is usually easiest for “back side” Wing to rule. However, a “contending” crew will have
both Wings signal.
13. HL/LJ (R&R2) (Short & medium passes): When Wings do not read flat or screen pass
move downfield 5 YDS keeping shoulders parallel to SL, then stop. (Over 75% of the
passes are 10 YDS or less). The outside receiver(s) is yours. Read receivers in your
area. Look back & read passer’s eyes—where is he looking? Adjust position for a 5 YD
cushion from receiver making catch. “STOP-N-WATCH at moment of judgment.
Straddle SL on SL catch/no catches. Give “catch” signal (2X) on tight SL catch after
signaling TO (2X). DO NOT signal “catch” INTO the field, only on SL.
14. HL/LJ (R&R3) (Long Pass): Key Thought is “Turn & Burn”. Read receiver who runs hard
downfield or a “stop & go” pattern. Check QB eyes. Ready to go!
15. HL/LJ: The 3 R&R’s are a “progression” that Wings must do on each play once they
read pass. It is very important that Wings “read” play first, then R&R, & flow as
dictated by the play. DO NOT MOVE until you have completed R&R1!
16. HL/LJ: When runner moves into far SZ, hustle downfield & move into field toward HM
at a 45 degree angle. Be a Contender Rather Than a Pretender. See players & action
behind R/U/BJ. Square off at DBS & swivel head (2X) for DB action.
17. BJ: KEYS Snap/Player(s)/QB/Zone/FB. Read G/T for Run or Pass. Inside receiver(s) is
yours. Read QB eyes where looking? If R&R1 occurs, move back slowly. No need to
back pedal fast unless you read deep pass (R&R3). Do NOT take yourself out of play by
back pedaling too quickly. Watch receiver/defender when you know where pass is
going. Maintain a 5 YD cushion by “crossing” receiver if he comes to you. Move in
opposite direction receiver is moving, thus not trying to outrun him. Lead runner to GL,
& stop at GL to rule on TD. Only go back into EZ toward EL when receivers dictate it.
Commit sideways only when pass is airborne. Do not move past HM until ball is dead.
Move to SL under control ball can wait. Move similar to a windshield wiper, SL to SL,
as needed to support Wings. DB swivel your head (2X). No need to run to DBS on
plays of 10 YDS or less.
27. Penalty Enforcement Mechanics (PEM)
A. U: Penalty Enforcement is yours. Turn to calling official after whistle is sounded.
B. Calling Official: Give Prelim Signal for foul called after ball is dead & GC stopped. We look
STRONG & DECISIVE by giving Prelim Signals ASAP!! If 2 officials have same foul, confer, &
then 1 signals. After Prelim Signal, describe to Wing what happened. Telling Wing “Red
#76 held” is not enough. Instead state “Red #76 grabbed the defender with his right hand,
then turned, & restricted him at the POA” is much better & more accurate explanation.
C. CREW (10 Sec. Rule): Simple 5 YD DB Foul. GOAL: Mark ball ready w/in 10 seconds.
Assumes Center has FB & hands it to U for 5 YD mark off.
D. R: Find open space immediately & give Prelim Signal; do not walk around!!!
E. R: Signals 1 Prelim ONLY to PB for 5 YD DBF FST, ENC, DOG, Ill Sub, etc. Otherwise signal
Prelim & Final Signal to the PB only (Decline: 1X only). If TV Cameras are located on SL
opposite PB then give all signals to both SL’s. Check with TV before the game.
F. U: 98% of Penalties are enforced w/out asking HC because we know. The 2% we are not
sure, we look at HC (Wing by his side) to decide. Wing will tell HC down & distance for
both acceptance & declination. Walk or jog off penalty yardage; your choice; get it right!
G. R/U/HL: 5 YD walk off close to 1st down; ask HL to check tape on the chain.
H. HL/LJ: Both walk off yardage since one can be distracted by a Coach/Player question; U
check w/ them only after walk off. Do not look at them until you reach SS.
I. BJ: Helps with half distance, automatic first down, & LOD info. Prior to a KO, place FB on
ground, signal foul to PB, & walk off yardage. If there are 2 fouls, repeat this mechanic.
J. CREW: ASK questions NOW -- maybe wrong PE; not in LR. R must give each official a
chance to talk, not just the aggressive official when PE is complicated or Crew disagrees.
K. LJ/BJ: Signal GC Status to R while he signals foul to PB.
28. Pre Snap Mechanics (PSM)
A. CREW: Hustle to IP once the FB is spotted for next down.
B. R (Wide Side): For GLM, Passes, Punts, RM, & Runs, the R’s IP is the Wide Side of the Field.
Snap in the middle of the field? R determines Wide Side. R No Longer will ask the HC’s
whether their QB’s or Punters are right/left – only FG/TRY Kicker.
C. R/U: Count A 11 Players & Hold Signal for 2 seconds. Get eye contact with each other.
D. R: Primary Responsibility for A subs in & out of huddle. Mark ball ready after A is behind
their LOS unless they delay. Mark ball ready ONLY after down box is set for 1
E. R: If A is at LOS or moving to LOS, Back Peddle Out to IP before marking ball ready.
F. U: Count 5 Ineligible A Linemen. Check their legal numbers, except for Sub Varsity games.
G. R/U: In Sub Varsity Games the numbering Rule does not apply. Communicate with B if A
has an ineligible player’s number in an eligible position.
H. HL/LJ: Enforce the Restricted Area Rule. Coaches are allowed only 2 steps on the field.
I. HL/LJ: Memorize LTG prior to snap for 1
down awareness.
J. HL/LJ/BJ: Decide which players can legally block below the waist immediately after snap.
K. HL/LJ: Responsible for substitutes getting off field prior to snap on correct SL.
L. HL/LJ: Move backfield foot forward so A players can line up. Then place feet parallel &
shoulder width, so you can move quickly. Stand up straight to see players better.
M. HL/LJ (Balanced Line 7 Players): Count # of players on LOS on your side of Center. Signal
each other with both hands & hold for 2 seconds or signal with 1 hand & the other
hand/arm used to indicate player(s) closest is off LOS.
N. HL/LJ (Unbalanced Line 7 Players): Count # of players on LOS on your side of Center, &
then use “2” & “4” fingers to indicate it, & hold for 2 seconds.
O. HL/LJ (Closest Player(s) is Off LOS): Punch off at a 90 degree angle & hold until snap. If he
goes in motion, & now closest player is on, drop your arm. If 2 closest players are off LOS,
punch them off with 2 fingers in a waving motion to a 90 degree angle. NO signal given for
nearest A player on LOS.
P. HL/LJ (Motion Man): Responsible when MM moves on your side of Center.
Q. LJ (Down Box # is wrong): Point to Down Box repeatedly to get HL’s attention. If not,
sound your whistle softly & jog in to center of field. BE PROFESSIONAL by not drawing
attention to yourself or HL.
R. HL/LJ/BJ (Pass Coverage): Based upon formation, know your receiver(s).
S. HL/LJ/BJ: Check location of Defensive Backs. Are they in “press” coverage which rarely
occurs in HS? If not, then be ready to go to Zone Coverage immediately at the Snap.
T. BJ: Count B 11 Players & Hold Signal for 2 Seconds. NOTE: 4 Man: U counts B 11 Players
& Holds Signal for 2 Seconds. Responsible for B substitutes in & out of huddle. NOTE: 4
Man: U is responsible for B substitutes in & out of huddle
U. BJ (PC): Signal 5 seconds (with/without a PC); count down with one hand; if needed, reset
PC. NOTE: 4 Man: R says 5 seconds. U signals the PC 5 second count down with one hand.
29. Punt Mechanics (PUM)
A. Definition: KT lines up in punt formation. NOTE: 4 Man: U is downfield with RT receivers
(same as a 5 Man BJ). HL/LJ on LOS at SL.
B. Initial Position (IP):
1. R: 5 YDS Deep & 10 YDS Wide of Punter at 45 degree angle; Wide Side of Field. If
Punter is between the - 5 YL & GL, R’s IP is 10 YDS wide & standing on the GL at a 45
degree angle. If Punter is on GL or in EZ, R stands on EL, 10 YDS Wide.
2. U: 7 YDS off LOS, “Nose upon Tackle” opposite R (ONLY applies on punt plays).
3. HL/LJ: On SL (Possible OOB Punt); Reverse Mechanics (R&R1) takes priority for the HL.
4. BJ: 8 YDS wide & 8 YDS Deep. If 1 receiver, favor wide side of field. If ball is snapped in
middle of field with 1 receiver, then favor LJ side. If 2 receivers, “split them”, 8 YDS
Deep. When Receiver(s) has heels on or inside - 10 YL, stand on GL.
C. Read & React (R&R) Then Flow:
1. R: Signal Crew when Kicker enters field. KEYS Snap, Punter Catch, Eligible Backs #’s,
Blocking by Backs, & Punter. Inform RT players loudly to “stay off center” & “stay off
punter”. Count 1001 & 1002 on Center for Foul for direct contact within 2 seconds. Be
aware of low snap & Punter’s knee. Yell “ball’s away” when FB is punted. Determine
roughness/ running into. Stay with Punter until there is no threat of a foul.
2. R: Jog to LOS, stop, & watch KT/RT. If runback, back peddle & get to GL, if needed.
3. U: KEYS Number Exception, Snap, Snapper, Line Play, & TURN-N-WATCH. Watch
action on Center after snap. Count 1001 & 1002 on Center for Foul for direct contact
within 2 seconds. If punted 30 YDS or less (R&R1), Stand-N-Watch. If punted + 30 YDS
(R&R2), jog slowly downfield. Concentrate on blocks ahead of & around the runner.
4. HL: KEYS Snap, Punter’s Catch, Line Play, & Wide Out. Fair Catch Signal after Release.
5. HL (R&R1): Pause before moving downfield & read if punt could be blocked. If snap is
over Punter’s Head, move into backfield & assist R.
6. LJ: KEYS Snap, Line Play, Blocking Backs, Punt Cross LOS, & Blocking.
7. LJ (R&R1): Straddle LOS until Punt crosses LOS (Use down box as reference).
8. CREW: If punt is tipped, give the tip signal (2X).
9. HL/LJ (R&R2): Punt 30 YDS or less; jog downfield 10 YDS, STOP-N-WATCH KT/RT.
10. HL/LJ (R&R3): Punt more than 30 YDS; jog downfield 15 - 20 YDS watching KT/RT.
11. HL/LJ: Do NOT “overrun” play; concentrate on blocks ahead of receiver(s).
12. HL/LJ: Punt OOB -- jog beyond spot, turn w/ arm up & jog back. Once you get to the
area where you think it went OOB, WALK SLOWLY, & look for R to chop.
13. HL/LJ/BJ: Punt rolls OOB deep look to BJ as needed due to his angle. BJ will NOT
move to SL on any OOB punt in flight.
14. BJ: KEYS Snap, Outside Receiver(s) on LJ side, Signals, 1
Touch, & RT Catch.
15. BJ: Throw BB at PSK (Except: FC & TB) & 1
touching spots by KT only. Maintain a
minimum 8 YD cushion with receiver & watch the blocking. If receiver “crosses your
vision”, let him go so you are not straight lined. If IP is GL, stay there until RT runs
decisively up field. GL is yours. Once ball is dead help with DBS & swivel your head.
30. Reverse Mechanics (RM)
A. Definition: Snap is inside 10YL.
B. Initial Position (IP):
1. R: 8 YDS Wide of QB at 45 Degrees on EL (Errant snap). Wide Side of Field. NOTE: If
snap is between - 10 YL & - 15 YL, R’s IP is 10 YDS Wide of QB at 45 Degrees on GL.
2. U: 7 YDS off LOS inside TE’s, irrespective of R’s IP. Vary your position laterally.
3. HL/LJ: 10 YDS outside widest A Player; Never inside #’s.
4. BJ: 20 YDS off LOS & between GP Uprights.
C. Pre Snap: R will signal both Wings that they have GL by pointing at them & then at GL.
Wings confirm this by pointing at themselves & then at GL. Eye contact between R &
Wings is a MUST regarding GL responsibility.
D. Read & React (R&R 1 & 2) Then Flow:
1. R: Remain at EL until no threat, & then move forward. Maintain 5 YD cushion w/QB.
2. R/Wings: When the Wings have responsibility for the GL, the Wings rule on Safety or
the FWP is “in the field of play”, NOT the R.
3. Wings (R&R1) (Between 5 YL & GL): When FB is snapped find it. Slide to GL
IMMEDIATELY if FB is on or near the GL. Remember the importance of the GL.
4. Wings (R&R2) (Between 10 YL & -- 5 YL): Pause, reading QB, RB, & B Rushers. If B
Rushers threaten QB & RB at GL, move to GL ASAP.
5. R/HL/LJ (NO LONGER IN RM): Once the FB touches - 10YL, R has responsibility for GL.
R will point to himself & then to GL, signaling Wings that GL is his. Wings will point to
GL & then to R confirming that R has GL. If QB rolls toward R “suddenly”, R must move
along the GL quickly, straddling the GL. Do not “open door” to avoid QB/RB. If QB/RB
is tackled at GL, R is the only official that can rule on DBS -- Safety or “in field of play”.
6. LJ: Punt mechanics take priority over RM. Stay on LOS until punt crosses it.
31. Run Mechanics (RUM)
A. Definition: Snap is between 10YL & + 10YL. Run occurs from scrimmage.
B. Initial Position (IP):
1. R: 15 YDS behind LOS & 8 YDS wide of QB at 45 degree angle. Wide Side of Field.
2. U: 7 YDS off LOS inside TE’s, irrespective of R’s IP. Vary your position laterally.
Shoulders & feet parallel to GL.
3. HL/LJ: 10 YDS outside widest A Player; Never inside Numbers.
4. BJ: 20 YDS off LOS between GP Uprights. Stay at 20 YDS until FB is snapped between +
15 YL & + 10 YL. Then move 5 YDS deep into EZ. When snapped on or inside + 10 YL
(GLM) move to EL.
C. Read & React (R&R) Then Flow:
1. R: KEYS: Snap/QB/Handoff/QB/Line Play at Point of Attack (POA). Follow QB if he rolls
10 YD cushion. Eye on QB after handoff. Check line play at POA & action around RB.
When QB/RB is tackled Swivel your head (2X) for DBF.
2. U: KEYS: Snap/Linemen/POA Blocking/RB. Watch interior line play with emphasis at
POA. Action on tackled RB. Strong voice after DB to prevent fouls. Action near RB after
tackle. Spot Ball: Shoulders parallel to SL. Move off ball quickly after spotting.
3. HL/LJ: KEYS: Snap/Line Play/Blocks Downfield/RB. Read G & T for Run or Pass Play.
Watch line play at POA & receivers ahead of POA. When possible move off SL to mark
FWP as long as you do not run past players. As RB moves to opposite SZ/SL, move
toward near HM at a 45 degree angle to “clean up” behind U & BJ. During early run
keep shoulders parallel with SL to maintain peripheral vision. SL is yours so be ready to
“turn & burn” as needed. Check action on RB when tackled. Mark FWP with downfield
foot RATHER than staring down at the DBS. Wings that hug the SL & never move off
the SL are “pretenders”, not “contenders.” Get off SL without running through &
around players. Square off at DBS & swivel your head (2X) for DB action.
4. HL/LJ: “Open Door” when players move to you. Officiate & follow them from behind.
5. BJ: KEYS: Snap/TE & T/Receivers/Line Play Beyond POA/RB. Read G/T for Run/Pass
Play. R&R1: Stay “home”. Don’t back pedal if you read run. R&R2: Move backwards if
runner breaks LOS. Check receivers for blocks & crack backs. Check blocks ahead of
POA & action on RB when tackled. Swivel head (2X) after RB is tackled for late hits.
Talk to “borderline” players.
32. Signaling Mechanics (SIM)
A. CREW: The one thing to overemphasize is signaling sharp & crisp signals -- Be ASSERTIVE!!
B. CREW: Keep your head “up” & swivel your head (2X) when signaling.
C. CREW: Think “one thousand one, one thousand two when signaling; slow & deliberate.
D. CREW: When using radios all officials must still give the appropriate Rules Book & GB signals.
E. CREW: Use a finger whistle? Must still use approved signals (No “one arm” TO signals).
F. Backward Pass: “Punch Back” & Yell “Back”; Both Wings/R (if angle allows); this includes a
QB “pitching” the FB to a running back which is a backward pass.
G. Balanced Line: Both Wings; 2 Hands @ waist level OR Unbalanced Line: 2 & 4 Fingers at
head level or above.
H. Catch (Tight SL): TO Signal (2X) then Catch Signal (2X); Do NOT give catch signals “into” the
field (what if another official is signaling incomplete pass!!)
I. COP by Calling Official Once Ball is Dead: Direction first (2X), then TO signal (2X); Non
Calling Officials Signal TO (2X) Upon Seeing COP.
J. Count Players: 11 (S12); 10 (10 fingers); 12 (1 & 2 with both hands). U: 45 degree angle.
K. Double Stakes by R: Crew relays “One Finger for each hand” (2X) above head.
L. Down Box is wrong: LJ Points Above HL’s Head repeatedly. If necessary, use whistle.
M. First Down: R Signals immediately (1X only): No “chopping”.
N. First Down near SL Inbounds: TO Signal (2X) ONLY Do NOT Wind.
O. 1
Down: ALL Officials signal next down with 1 Straight Arm only immediately
after DB. Signal 4
down prior to signaling “crossed arms”. Also starts PC for 40 seconds.
P. 2
Down (Close to a 1
): Wings tap their closed fists together (2X) indicating to
pinch in once ball is dead.
Q. Formation: Player closest to HL/LJ is off LOS: Punch Back & hold on scrimmage plays until
snap unless nearest A moves on LOS or goes in motion; if nearest 2 players are off LOS,
punch off with 2 fingers in a waving motion to 90 degree angle.
R. Foul (Calling Official): After throwing your flag & ball becomes dead by Rule, signal TO (2X),
then give a prelim foul signal to R & point to offending team.
S. Foul (R Signals PB): R moves to 1
Available Open Space; Do NOT Walk Around.
T. 4
Down Signal: All officials relay Crossed Arms at shoulder level after 3
U. GC (Wind) (No First Down): After FB Becomes Dead between #’s & SL, Wing Winds GC (2X)
& R Mirrors (2X).
V. GC (Ready): R faces PB to wind or uses PB side arm if snap is imminent & must watch snap.
W. GC (Wind): Wind index finger (2X) at shoulder level so R knows to wind GC.
X. GC (No Wind): Use crossed arms so R does NOT wind GC.
Y. GC: Tap wrist shoulder level, remind Crew status inside 2 minutes each play
Z. Incomplete Pass Signal: Normal chest high (2X) covering official(s) only. Do NOT follow
up an Incomplete Pass signal with a TO signal. Incomplete pass kills GC. Other officials on
Crew do NOT signal TO.
AA. Incomplete Pass Signal: Both Arms Sweep OOB (2X) on Tight SL Play.
BB. Incomplete Pass Signal: (2X) then Both Arms Give Juggle Signal (2X) on No catch.
CC. Knee (K/QB) Touched Ground: Point to your knee & ground emphatically (2X).
DD. Passer (Incomplete Pass or Fumble): Signal Incomplete Pass (2X) then Pass (S34) (2X).
EE. Point Differential: See Point Differential Rule elsewhere in the Gold Book for signals.
FF. PC (5 Seconds Left): BJ raises arm w/ 5 fingers & counts down (4-3-2-1). U: 4 Man Crew.
GG. PC (Reset): BJ raises arm over head & pushes upward (2X).
HH. Punt OOB: Wing will raise his arm then drop it when R “Chops” him.
II. R Marks Ball Ready: Arm high overhead & extend arm straight out to FB.
JJ. Reverse Mechanics: R/Wings R Points at Wings & then GL if Wings Have GL; If R has GL (No
longer RM), he points at himself & then at GL.
KK. Runner Down Before Fumble: Point from your head to waist to Ground (2X).
LL. Safety: Hold for 2 Seconds.
MM. Stop Sign: Arm/hand extended 90 degrees toward R to wait for injured player, talk with
coach or player, timer to put 12:00 on GC, or any other good reason.
NN. Tee (S4): Given by R to Crew when Tee is carried on field by KT. If “Tee” is not carried on
the field, then Signal a 2 Point Try by holding up 2 fingers.
OO. Direction by Calling Official for Team TO: TO Signal (2X) Followed by Pointing with Both
Arms (2X) Toward Team Who Requested TO.
PP. TO Signal: All 5 signal Stop GC (2X). Begin signaling with your arms on the side of your
body. R signals Team who Called Team TO (2X) with 2 Chucks of Arms toward Team’s GL.
QQ. TO: When team uses 3 charged team TO’s, R will face PB & pull down on the “steam boat
whistle” (2X) & then point to that team (1X).
RR. TB: Signal (2X).
SS. TD & Try-Pass/Run: If you see TD, signal TD; Do NOT mirror another official’s TD if you did
not see TD; Hold 2 Seconds; Arms Straight Up & Palms Inward. R does not mirror TD to PB
on successful score. Foul & TD during a down signal TD since that is the result of the play.
TT. Touching a Pass/Kick at LOS: Anyone who sees it will use S11 (2X).
UU. Trap-No catch: Signal Incomplete Pass (2X), run to spot & Pound ground emphatically (2X).
(S #) refers to the NFHS Official FB Signal Chart in NFHS FB Rules Book.
33. Third & Fourth Down Mechanics (TFM)
A. HL/LJ: Know where LTG is. Point to LTG to inform other Wing. This is crucial!
B. HL/LJ: Similar to GLM, move to LTG immediately at snap if LTG is 5 YDS or less. Imperative to
be stationary on LTG prior to FB arriving. If GLM are being used, TFM takes Priority. Go to LTG.
34. Timing & TO Mechanics (TOM)
A. CREW: When GC does not work announce remaining time loudly at 10, 8, 6, 4, & 2 minutes.
Once inside 2 minutes attempt to announce the GC time remaining loudly after every play.
B. R: Check Scoreboard for the correct number of TO’s before marking ball ready.
C. BJ (GC is stopped): BJ signals R whether GC is started on ready or snap due to LJ talking with HC
or walking off penalty. “Top Contending” Crew: Most officials signal R on most plays.
D. R/BJ: Official facing GC rules on snap versus end of period.
E. LJ: Primary Responsibility for GC. He talks with Timer before game, times half time,
interrupted game for lightning/thunder, & interval between end of game & OT. Make sure GC
starts, when stopped, after R/LJ signal wind GC. If it does not start, ALL officials wind GC.
F. HL/LJ: Signal TO (2X) when runner is OOB, not when you reach DBS. Wind GC (2X) when DBS is
inbounds between #’s & SL, unless it is an obvious 1
G. CREW: Every official MIRRORS every TO (2X) signal on every play.
H. CREW: TD, TB, Safety, & Incomplete Pass Signals automatically STOP GC no need to signal TO.
I. CREW (Inside 2 Minutes & All TO’s): Someone MUST visibly see GC was stopped on OOB,
incomplete passes, TO’s, etc – it is that critical.
J. BJ: Operation of a visible Stadium PC is a Game Management responsibility; NOT the BJ.
K. R/HL/LJ (KO & Start GC): Kick touches or caught by player between HM’s – R only winds GC.
Kick touches or caught by player in SZ R & near Wing wind GC. Crew checks GC Stopped?
L. CREW (Team TO): When necessary for several officials to get together & talk, then DO IT. But
still keep an eye on “your” team as needed.
M. CREW (Team TO): Calling official Whistle, signal TO (2X), point to team (2X). R signals TO (2X)
facing PB, & turns to team’s GL & points that way (2X), both arms.
N. CREW (Team TO): All 5 officials signal TO’s REMAINING for both teams to each other & records
it. R will give 2 “tugs on steamboat whistle” & point to team’s GL when they are out of TO’s.
O. HL/LJ: When team is out of TO’s, Wing informs HC only.
P. CREW (GC Stopped): Give “stop signal” to R for unusual delays in marking ball ready.
Q. R/U/LJ (TV Games): LJ signals R/U with “stop signal” until TV Coordinator indicates to LJ that
TV is ready. U stays over FB until LJ signals that TV is ready.
35. Try-Kick Mechanics (TRYM)
A. Definition: Try will probably be kicked. (Assume Right Footed Kicker below) NOTE: 4 Man:
Wing who looks at R’s back goes to EL. Stay at LOS on Muddle Huddle. U/Wing (GP Uprights)
B. Initial Position (IP):
1. R: Plant Leg Side of Kicker. 5 YDS Deep & 10 YDS Wide of Holder, at a 45 degree angle.
2. U: GP Upright opposite PB. 3. BJ: PB GP Upright. 4. U/BJ: Muddle Huddle: Stand on EL.
5. HL/LJ: Stand on Field #’s at LOS; Muddle Huddle: Stand 2 YDS OOB.
C. Read & React (R&R) Then Flow:
1. R: Signal Crew ASAP when Tee & Kicker come on field. KEYS: Holder #, Snap, Holder’s
Catch & Knees, NO FAKE, Snapper, Holder, Rushers, & Kicker/Holder. Ask HC where FB
is spotted. Delay marking ball ready until U gets to EL. Inform RT loudly to “stay off
center & K/H”. Yell “Ball’s Away” when FB is kicked to warn RT to avoid K/H. After Kick
Watch KT & RT for DBF. Don’t signal PB on Good/No Good kick beyond or behind
LOS. Count 1001/02 while watching Center for a direct contact foul w/in 2 seconds.
2. U: KEYS: Numbering Exception, Snap, Snapper, NO FAKE, & FB. Watch action on
Center after snap. Count 1001 & 1002 on Center for a direct contact foul within 2
seconds. Sound whistle immediately when FB is kicked.
3. HL/LJ: KEYS: Snap, FAKE, & Near TE/WB Block. Try Good or No Good/Blocked: Hustle
in toward players with Strong voice after FB is kicked. If fake, move immediately to GL,
2 YDS outside Pylon. Muddle Huddle (GLM): Hustle to #’s if KT shifts to a Try-Kick.
4. R/HL/LJ: Fake Try short of GL, Wings marks FWP Only. R signals No Score to PB when
Runner is short of GL only.
5. U/BJ: BJ: Responsible for his upright & Crossbar. U has his upright only. Fake -- stays
on EL. Good Both signal Try Good & move 2 YDS straight ahead into EZ; Not good
beyond or behind LOS Both move 2 YDS straight ahead & signal no score ONLY (2X).
6. R/CREW: R jogs toward players after kick. Huddle after Try only if absolutely
36. Victory Formation Mechanics (VFM)
A. Definition: Winning team HC informs officials we are “going to take a knee”. Opponent is out
of team TO’s or tells Wing that we will not use them. Winning Team is ahead by 9 or more
points. If the score differential is 8 or less points R will tell the teams to “defend themselves”.
B. CREW: Officials pinch in close. R/U: Inform A & B that A will take a kneenothing rough. QB
has protection once his team indicates he will take a knee. R: Emphatically inform QB he
MUST take a knee ASAP no fakes. If he fakes & does not take a knee, it is an Unfair Act.
C. CREW: Ask winning team HC if his team will take a knee; score/time dictates this. If yes, Wing
assertively informs losing team HC. Inform all players loudly. Communication is important!!
37. Whistle Mechanics (WM)
A. R: When necessary mark the ball ready & be clear of all players.
B. CREW: Sound your whistle (SEE LEATHER) when ball is dead by Rule. Not more than 1 or 2.
whistles; rarely 3. Who has primary coverage? Contending Crew has Great whistle Discipline.
C. CREW: Ball dead by Rule 1 only strong short whistle blast by covering official(s); keep whistle
in mouth until threat of a DBF is over. Whistle on every play NO Exceptions.
D. CREW: Repeated blasts of whistle to indicate: Foul away from play; TO; HC Requests Info; Stop
Play for Something Unusual; “Fighting”, or “Opponents talking with each other”.
E. CREW: Plastic Whistle only. Carry whistle in your hand only during down, not in your mouth.
F. CREW: Finger whistle use OHSAA Approved Hand Signals with both arms, if needed.
G. CREW: Whistle can be in mouth prior to snap. Drop or remove it from mouth after snap.
Observer Instructions: Volunteering Their Time to Improve Officiating
NOTE: Think Constructive Comments, Constructive Comments, Constructive Comments Be Positive
1. Print CLEARLY; use OHSAA Abbreviations to save space.
2. BOTTOM COPY GIVEN TO CREW; top copy forwarded to League Assigner during regular season & Bruce
Maurer (DOD), via email scan or mailed to his home address during the State Tournament.
3. We view ourselves as a teacher & mentor - we are there to help officials improve - not to grade them.
4. Please read & learn the 10 Commandments by Ed Hochuli on the other Observation Form (Reminders) --
excellent thoughts for our observers.
5. OHSAA Observation Forms are an Improvement Mechanism. Discuss "What Went Well" & "What Can We Do
Better". Discussion must be open & frank. Ask questions rather than lecture.
6. Assess Game Administration & Game Management. Does the game flow with minimal delayed Crew
conferences? Does the Crew manage the game without being noticed much by the spectators?
7. Be Respectful of the Crew’s time -- hold discussions to 15 to 20 minutes after the game (10 minutes at
halftime) unless it is a very unusual & challenging game that requires additional time.
8. All observations are BASED upon the OHSAA Gold Book Standards ONLY --please no personal preferences!
9. Ask R privately to ask his Crew for their attention -- not getting undressed or taking a shower. Let's be
respectful of each other.
10. If possible, sit down with the officials, officiating chain crew (if OHSAA Officials) & their guests ONLY
immediately after the game in the locker room to cover your comments.
11. Before discussing your observation, ask the Crew what are their thoughts on mechanics, communications,
game management, & game pace.
12. Concentrate on observing the IP & R&R Then Flow on 11 Different Types of Plays for each official initially.
13. Watch each official individually: Do they "read the play" for a pass vs. a run? How do they react to a short
pass vs. a medium or a long pass (R&R1, R&R2, R&R3)?
14. Listen to whistles when the ball becomes dead: 1 or 2 whistles or is the entire Crew "ball watching" by
sounding their whistles?
15. Hand Signals: Is the Crew using the OHSAA Approved Hand Signals listed in the Gold Book? Do they signal
stop the clock & incomplete pass in a slow & professional manner?
16. Communication: How is Crew communicating verbally & nonverbally with each other, PB & HC’s?
17. Time Management: Enforcing DB LOS Fouls within 10 seconds, TO's limited to 60 seconds, & KO's after 60
seconds have elapsed after the Try?
18. Restricted Area: Does Crew enforce the Restricted Area & give SL Warnings when warranted?
19. Dead Ball Officiating: Do officials "chase the ball" or do they watch players on & off the field until there is
no threat of a dead ball foul?
20. Back Side Wings: "married to the SL" or do they move on to the field & actively officiate the play?
21. BJ: Back pedal too soon & takes himself out of the play or does he R&R. Is he an integral part of the Crew
throughout the game? Does he signal R on clock status?
22. Field Presence: Does the Crew hustle & communicate, have good "game pace", look like "they know what
they are doing", & enjoy officiating?
24. Observers Mantra: Consistency! Consistency! Consistency! Comments are based on the OHSAA A FB Gold
Book! (6/1/19)
Observer Reminders
Ed Hochuli’s “Ten Commandments of Observing” Released on My Referee: October 2009 Copyright© Referee
Enterprises, Inc. (Paraphrased 6/1/19)
Let’s keep some things in mind when evaluating/observing/teaching:
1. Be Fair and Impartial. We know many of the officials we are watching. That shouldn’t, & can’t, affect our
opinions. We must be above reproach.
2. We Do Not Know All the Answers. Find out why he did what he did before offering constructive comments.
Find out what happened & why. Then offer suggestions on how it might have been done better.
3. Be Constructive. Remember the purpose of observers is to improve the officiating quality. The only way your
comments can help an official improve is if you share them. Go in the locker room (LR) at halftime & after the
game. Go over all your notes with the entire Crew. If not, call the R. It is imperative that we share all
comments with them both good & constructive.
4. Be Consistent. The biggest complaint is we are inconsistent. We need to give everyone the same info. Study
& Learn the OHSAA Gold Book.
5. Do Not be a Distraction. If the R invites us to the pregame, we should go if we can, but never go into the
official’s LR without being invited by the R. Call the R before the game and ask permission to come into the LR.
6. Be Discreet with Your Constructive Comments. Our comments should be shared with the Crew, but not with
other officials or coaches. We should be a positive influence on the program, & should never criticize officials to
other officials or coaches.
7. Praise at Least Three Times as Much as You Criticize. We all know people respond better to positive
comments than negative, so whenever possible, cast even your criticisms in a positive manner perhaps by
praising someone else on the Crew as a means of pointing out to another Crew member a better way “to do it.
8. Do Not be Afraid to Say “I Do Not Know”. Often we are asked what we thought about a particular play,
whether the pass was caught, what the proper mechanic or Rule is, or what happened on a particular play. And
often we don’t know.
9. Do Not Judge Fouls from the Stands. Our job as observers is primarily “mechanics oriented” rather than “foul
oriented.” When discussing “foul oriented” questions ask the official (s) “what did you see?” This allows us to
assess & comment on their rules knowledge. We will occasionally be able to comment on a foul, but normally,
we won’t see it, or we won’t get nearly as good a look at it as the official did.
10. Do Not Forget What It is Like to be on the Field. Remember how quickly things happen on the field.
Remember the angles on the field are different & people can be screened or distracted by other action.
Officiating Tips Professionalism We Will Be the Best
1. Officiating Reminders: Professional & Pleasant
Treat all coaches & players with courtesy & respect. Offer brief explanations when necessary.
Bring potential problems to the attention of the HC.
2. Official’s Professionalism
A. Check the WWW.OHSAAFB.COM website weekly for the latest information.
B. Read & know the OHSAA Handbook for Officials located on the OHSAA.ORG website (select
officiating, then officiating again on the right “pop up” window, then see Resources).
C. Officials need to be aware that their actions are being observed at all times.
D. Rules Knowledge: Know the Rules & Officiating Mechanics. Read & study weekly Q’s & A’s
that are on our website. They cover Rules, Mechanics, & Regulations.
E. An official’s personal opinion about a Rule must not have an effect on enforcement of it.
F. Keep yourself physically & mentally fit. Remember that each year you are a year older &
the players are the same age.
G. Every game we officiate let’s ask each other “how did I do” & “what can I/we do to get
better before our next game”.
H. Remember that the “Only Dumb Question Is The One We Do Not Ask”.
I. Always act in a manner to be a worthy example to those for whom & with whom you are
J. Your responsibilities extend to fellow officials & you must work as one member of the
officiating team.
K. Make decisions promptly & fairly based upon the Rules regardless of the school, coach,
score, or crowd.
L. Keep in mind your first Goal is your SAFETY as well as the SAFETY & general welfare of those
that you are officiating.
M. Read & know the OHSAA FB Regulations.
N. Be systematic, prompt, & business-like in all your dealings.
O. Honor every contract; even if it means not being able to take a “higher level game” or to
travel less miles.
P. Build a schedule through hard work, dedication, study, reflection, & enthusiasm.
Q. Wear only the proper uniform. Maintain a neat & credible appearance.
Overtime (OT): Rules
1. Policy: OHSAA requires that all Varsity Contests ONLY have a winner (no ties) & must use this OHSAA OT
Procedure. OT is NOT used in any Sub varsity Games (JV/Frosh/8
Grade). OT Period starts when
the R signals “End of 4
Period”. Commissioners/Assigners & Officials may NOT modify these OT Rules.
2. Do NOT use the OT Procedure in the NFHS Rules Book. It is different from these OHSAA OT Rules.
3. Definition: An OT Period is defined as the Home Team (HT) &Visiting Team (VT) each having a series.
4. Start: Both teams go to their team boxes for a maximum 3 minute intermission. Crew meets at 50 YL,
reviews OT, & discusses penalty enforcement (no Post Scrimmage Kick enforcement); including any
carry-over penalties from 4
period that could be assessed to start OT. HL/U (VT HC) & BJ/LJ (HT HC)
will answer any Head Coach’s (HC) questions.
5. Coin Toss (CT): VT chooses “heads” or “tails”. Winner: Choice of defense or offense first, or end of
field to play. Loser: other choice. R indicates CT winner; place a hand on his shoulder. To indicate
offensive team, R has that captain face the Goal Line (GL) his team will advance. Indicate with first down
signal. Other captain faces offensive captain with his back to GL he will defend. There is only one CT in
6. Time Out’s (TO): 1 TO/team/OT period. Unused TO’s do not carry over from 4
Period to OT or from
one OT Period to the next OT Period.
7. Timing: GC is turned off. PC is used. Maximum 2 minute intermission between OT Periods, regardless
of the number of OT Periods played, & a 1 minute intermission after a team scores.
8. Start First OT Period: Each team has a series of downs. Offensive team: (A), 1
ST &
10, B’s 20 YL or
Succeeding Spot (SS) (if carry-over penalty has been enforced). A has 4 downs. A is awarded a new
series when a 1
down is made. Line to Gain (LTG) is established 10 YDS in advance when a new series is
awarded. If LTG is not reached, opponent starts on offense. After first team on offense has completed
its series, defense becomes offensive team, 1
& 10, at the same 20 YL, anywhere between the HM’s.
9. Direction: Both teams play at the same end of the field during an OT Period.
10. COP: If B gains possession, ball is dead immediately. A’s series has ended.
11. Scoring: A may score by FG, TD, & Try ONLY. B cannot score. If A scores a TD, then do the Try, unless
points would not affect the game outcome. Team with the most points at the end of an OT Period wins.
Final score: Combine points scored in regulation & all OT Periods.
12. Score Tied After 1
OT Period: If the score remains tied after each team has been on offense in an OT
Period, then play more OT periods until a winner is determined.
13. Subsequent Captains Meeting (s): Loser of OT CT has first choice of options (See # 5 above). Additional
OT periods: Option choice is alternated (no CT). Crew will meet with the HT & VT Captains each time at
the 50 YL for their choices. Then the R will signal the choices to the press box.
14. A Awarded New Series: A shall be awarded a new series when any of the following occurs: 1. LTG is
reached; 2. Kicking Team (KT) recovers a FGA between the GL’s after it has been touched First by
Receiving Team beyond the Neutral Zone; & 3. B is guilty of roughing kicker/holder/snapper/passer.
Overtime (OT): Plays & Rulings
1. Play. Last timed down of 4
period. A 1 scores TD, score now B 22 & A 20. On a Try A 2 passes to A 3
for successful Try (2 points). After Try, B 1 commits UNS. Ruling. B 1 UNS foul is enforced at SS to begin
first OT Period. R explains options to the HT & VT Captain’s prior to the Coin Toss (CT).
2. Play. Last time down of 4
period. A scores TD & score is A 13 B 14. A has successful Try-Kick & B 1
roughs kicker/holder. Ruling. If A accepts score, penalty is enforced to start OT. If A accepts penalty,
Try will be replayed at the 1½ YL.
3. Play. End of 4
period score is tied. After last down of 4
period, A 1 strikes B 1. Ruling. DQ A 1.
Enforce personal foul at SS. If A is first on offense in OT, it is A 1
& 10 on B 35 YL. If B is first on offense
it is B 1
& G on 10 YL. OHSAA OT: Ball is initially placed at 20 YL.
4. Play. 4
Period ends with a TD. During A’s successful 2 point Try, B 9 commits Defensive Pass
Interference (DPI). A makes successful 2 point Try which ties game & results in OT. A elects to take DPI
penalty at SS to begin OT. R explains options to the HT & VT Captain’s prior to CT in OT.
5. Play (OT). Home Team used all 3 TO’s in the 2
half & now their HC asks for a TO after the OT Toss &
prior to the R signaling the ready. Ruling. Legal. OT starts once R signals “End of Period” for 4
6. Play (OT). Regulation game ends in a tie. In OT, A wins CT & selects offense. A 1 scores TD. After A 1
scores TD: (a) A 2 clips B 1 or (b) B 1 strikes A 2. Ruling. DBF in both (a) & (b). TD counts. Penalties in
both (a) & (b) are enforced at SS, the Try.
7. Play (OT). A 4
& 5. TD by A. After score, but before Try, B 1 commits UNS. Ruling. Penalty enforced at
SS on Try. Non player, UNS, & DBF are penalized at SS.
8. Play (OT). A 3
& G on B 4 YL. B recovers fumble or intercepts pass. Ruling. Down & series ends with
B’s fumble recovery or intercepted pass. B cannot return them. Ball is dead immediately.
9. Play (OT). A 3
& G on B 4 YL. Attempted FG by A is unsuccessful & B 1 recovers FB on 1 YL. Ruling.
Down & series ends for A with Change of Possession.
10. Play (OT). A 3
& G on B 4 YL. B commits DPI on incomplete pass. Ruling. A 3rd & G on B’s 2 YL.
11. Play (OT). A 2
& G on B 9 YL. A commits OPI on incomplete forward pass. Ruling. A 2
& G on B 24.
12. Play (OT). A 4
& G on B 6 YL. Attempted FG by A is unsuccessful. B 1 roughs kicker/holder. Ruling. A
& G on B 3 YL. Automatic first down for roughing kicker/holder.
13. Play (OT). Home Team (HT) chooses offense first. HT (A) scores TD. During successful Try-Kick, B 1
roughs holder. Ruling. Since HT (A) accepts result of the play (successful Try-Kick), penalize VT (B) at SS.
It will be VT ball 1
& 10 at the 35 YL.
14. Play (OT). HT chooses offense first, scores TD & Try-Kick. They huddle in front of their bench. Ruling.
Due to the A score, there is a 1 minute intermission after Try.
15. Play (OT). HT chooses offense first & their series ends with no 1
down. They huddle in front of their
bench. VT is on the field ready to play. Ruling. The teams must switch sides of the LOS & begin a new
series immediately with no break. Do not allow the VT to put the ball in play until the HT is on the field.
Penalize HT for delay of game, if warranted.
16. Play (OT). Scoreless 1
OT Period. B lost OT CT. B has choice & chooses to play 2
OT Period at
opposite field end from where 1
OT was played. Ruling. Yes.
Overtime (OT): Penalty Enforcement
1. Basic Rule
Succeeding Spot (SS) fouls which occur: A. During last play of the game; B. During the last play of an
OT Period; or C. Dead ball fouls which occur after the last play of a game or OT Period. These can
be carried over to OT, unless a TD is scored on that play, in which case the penalty can only be
enforced on the Try.
2. Fouls that carry over from Regulation to the First Play of OT (or from one OT Period to the
following OT Period)
SS fouls during last timed down of a game or last play of an OT Period, if a TD was not scored.
Dead Ball fouls (DBF) after last play of a game or last play of an OT Period if TD was not scored
during play.
SS fouls on a Try, if the Try follows a TD on last play of a regulation/OT period.
o Unsportsmanlike (UNS) fouls during or after the Try on A or B.
o Non player fouls or non-player UNS fouls during the Try on A or B.
o DBF after the Try on either A or B.
o Fouls on B during the Try, if A accepts the result of the play & chooses penalty enforced
from the SS. (These include: Fouls by B or RT on a successful Try or FG; DBF after last
play of the game or before OT; UNS or non-player fouls during or after the Try on A or B;
in OT, non-player, UNS, & DBF are penalized at SS.)
3. Fouls that do NOT carry over from Regulation to the First Play of OT (or from one OT Period to
the following OT Period)
A foul by an opponent of scoring team on last play of regulation/OT Period during a down in
which a TD was scored. Scoring team can only accept this penalty on Try.
A UNS or non-player fouls by either team on the last play of regulation/OT Period on a down
which a TD is scored. Offended team can only accept this penalty on the Try.
If a TD is scored on the last play of regulation/OT Period & there is a foul after scoring down,
but prior to the initial ready for the Try, for which the basic spot is the SS, the offended team
can only accept this penalty on the Try.
Point Differential: OHSAA Rule, Plays/Rulings, & Mechanics
During the 2
half (Exception: If both HC’s agree the Point Differential Rule can be implemented during the first
half.) for all Varsity & Sub Varsity Games, any time the score differential reaches 30 points or more the game
clock (GC) will be stopped only when: 1. An official’s time-out is called for an injured player; 2. A charged time-
out is called; 3. A change of possession (COP) occurs at the end of the down; 4. At the end of a period; 5. A score
occurs; or 6. An extended delay. GC will start again on ready for play (RFP) signal for the first play after the
above situations. GC will continue to run in all other situations. (Use of this Rule does not preclude use of NFHS
Rule 3-1-3). After the 30 Point Differential has been met, if the score drops below 30 points, GC reverts to
regular timing rules. Communicate with HC’s when it starts. It is imperative LJ meets with the Timer before the
game to review this Rule.
Plays/Rulings below occur under the OHSAA Point Differential Rule during the 2
half, unless noted.
1. Play. Late in 2Q A scores & goes ahead 31 -0. Ruling. The Point Differential Rule does NOT start until
the 3Q, unless both HC’s have agreed to implement Point Differential in the 1
half. Standard timing
rules are used for the entire 1
2. Play. A scores a TD & goes ahead 31 0. Ruling. Point Differential Rule starts when the R marks the ball
RFP & winds the GC for the KO or, in middle school, for 1
down. The GC does not run during the Try.
The Wings will notify both HC’s that the Point Differential Rule is in effect.
3. Play. A is ahead 31 0. KT KO’s to RT & RT runs it back to 30 YL. Ruling. GC stops since there was a
COP at the end of the down. The GC starts when the R marks the ball RFP & winds the GC.
4. Play. A is ahead 31 0. A- 1 throws a pass that is intercepted. B -1 returns it 10 YDS & is tackled.
Ruling. GC is stopped since there was a COP at the end of the down. When the R marks the ball RFP he
will wind the GC.
5. Play. A is ahead 31 0. A-1 throws pass, B-1 intercepts, B-1 returns, hit, fumbles, & A-3 recovers the
fumble. Ruling: Since A has the ball at the end of the down, the GC continues to run. The same ruling
would apply on a KO or punt play.
6. Play. A is behind 31 0. A scores a TD & 1 point Try. Score is now B 31 & A 7. Ruling. Since the
score differential is now less than 30 points, revert to NFHS timing rules. Tell HC’s.
7. Play. A is ahead 31 0. It is a hot & humid game & R stops game for extra water breaks. Ruling. This is
an extended delay. Stop the GC for the water breaks, then R marks ball RFP & winds GC.
8. Play. A is ahead 31 0. A3 is called for holding. Ruling. The GC continues to run.
9. Play. A is ahead 31 0 with 2 minutes left. A HC tells HL he will not snap the ball again. R will invoke
Consume Time, & the GC will be stopped for the DOG & the GC will start on the snap.
1. When the Point Differential Rule is enforced the R will point at the timer, tap his wrist, & give a wind
signal with his index finger. R will face the timer each time he needs to wind the GC.
2. Other members of the Crew will continue to use Gold Book Signaling. LJ will mirror R’s wind.
3. It is the timer’s responsibility to know the Rule & then start/stop the GC as needed. (6/2/19)
A Summary of OHSAA FB Regulations That Apply to Officials
NOTE: These Regulations are summarized from the OHSAA FB Manual. Officials may view the Manual at
www.ohsaa.org, select sports, select FB, & select FB Manual on the left hand side. (6/4/19)
1. Alcohol, Illegal Drugs, & Tobacco
A. Officials: Prohibited from using any form of alcohol, illegal drugs, or tobacco at playing site.
B. Officials: No intake of alcoholic beverages on game day until after the game
2. Amplified Noise
A. Any amplified noise, including powered noise makers & PA noise, shall not occur while QB calls
signals or ball is live. See OHSAA FB Regulations, Section 5, for additional information.
3. Bands
A. Shall not play music or sound a whistle while QB calls signals or ball is live. Band shall not perform
behind VT’s bench area. If this occurs, contact Game Management who will correct it. If either
band delays the start of the 1
or 3
periods, assess a delay of game penalty against the HT.
4. Coaching Phones
A. No OHSAA Policy or NFHS Rules regarding # of phones or whether they operate or not.
5. DQ, Ejections & Special Reports
A. Officials: Required to file an Ejection Form online (OHSAA.ORG, select Officiating Home, select
Ejection Form for each coach/player that is ejected within 48 hours. This includes ejections for UNS
or Personal Fouls (Contact) during a 7
grade game.
B. Coaches DQ for UNS: Will be ineligible to coach at all levels of games played until he sits out 1 game
at level ejected. DQ Coach must be away from playing vicinity area. He cannot go into the stands.
C. UNS assessed to assistant coaches, trainers, & replaced players are not charged to the HC.
D. Player DQ for UNS: Must remain on team bench. He cannot be in uniform the following week.
E. Special Report required: 1. Game terminated before time expired by Rule (info includes, but not
limited to, circumstances, time, & score). It is preferred games be played so time on GC expires; &
2. Team refuses to continue playing or HC removes team from the field.
6. Drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
A. Prohibited during State Playoffs. During Weeks 1 10 & scrimmages it is the decision of the school.
7. Field Conditions Lights go out on one side of stadium prior to KO. If both HC’s agree, play the game.
A. The field is very muddy with standing water, snow, or ice: Game will be played.
B. The field is marked incorrectly. Play the game then report it to OHSAA.
C. Lights go out on one side of stadium prior to or during the game. If both HC’s agree, play the game.
D. Lights go out during a down. Apply the inadvertent whistle Rule.
8. Forfeited Game or No Contest
A. Any scheduled regular season contest which is not started due to unforeseen circumstances, such as
failure of team to arrive, strike, or school closing is a “no contest” or a forfeit. “No contests are not
included in won-lost statistics. OHSAA may declare a forfeit when a team (s) refuses to reschedule.
9. Game Clock (GC)
A. Turn GC off after 3
time Timer is corrected or GC malfunctions - 3 Strikes. Inform every 2 minutes.
10. Game Footballs
A. Weeks 1 10: Each team shall provide 1 or more legal FB (s) for use. Weeks 1 15: Ideally, varsity
officials shall receive FB’s 1 hour before KO. Weeks 11- 15: Official FB is Wilson GST. Teams provide
3 legal FB’s (can use any Wilson FB). When approving FB’s disregard tackiness. Foreign substances
that leave a residue on the FB are illegal.
11. Halftime (Weeks 1 10, Varsity Only)
A. If both teams use a common exit area from field at end of 1
half, officials “hold” VT until HT has
time to clear field. GC starts when HT & VT have reached their Locker Rooms.
B. Intermission: Halftime is NOT extended by a Host School Request. 20 minutes plus 3 minutes for
warm up. 20 & 3 must appear on GC separately. HT & VT must be in stadium for 3 minute warm-
up. However, players do not have to warm up.
C. LJ/BJ -- HT HC (4 Min. warning) & escort to field. U/HL -- VT HC (4 Min. warning) & escort to field.
D. When HT & VT refuse to enter field first, HT must enter first.
12. Host Schools Responsibilities for Officials
A. Must provide adequate security for officials & their vehicles upon arrival through departure.
B. Held responsible to sponsored student sections that attack or single out student- athletes.
C. Refrain from showing replays on video boards where an officiating call could be controversial.
D. Shall “police” the throwing of snowballs or missiles of any type, by spectators & others, &
discourage bands & cheerleaders, etc. from participating in unsporting conduct.
E. If A/B/C /D above occur, officials report this to Game Management who will correct it.
F. Shall provide a private meeting/locker room for officials’ 2 hours before game time.
13. Length of Games (Maximum)
A. Varsity: 12 minutes; JV: 10 minutes required; Freshmen: 9 minutes; 7
& 8
: 8 minutes.
14. Officials Authority
B. Begins: When they arrive on field 35 minutes before scheduled game time.
C. Ends: When all paperwork, reports, & other duties for the game are complete (Rule 1-1).
15. Officials Required Meetings
A. 4 Local Meetings required. Check www.myohsaa.org, log in, select Local Meetings, & select FB.
B. 1 State Rules Interpretation Meeting (SRI) required. Check at www.myohsaa.org, select State
Meeting, & select FB for dates & locations. Online dates: July 24 (9AM) thru August 28 (must be
finished by 11:59PM). From August 29 thru Oct. 1 call OHSAA, pay $50, & secure access to the SRI
Site. Beginning August 29 special permission must be requested to gain access to the SRI Site.
C. SRI: To receive credit for face to face meetings (no fee) an official must arrive on time & stay until
conclusion. Officials receive credit for 1 SRI & 1 Local Meeting. Online Meeting: Officials need to
complete the entire PPT Presentation.
D. Officials who fail to attend 1 SRI meeting will be suspended the following year. Attendance is
required to be eligible for State Tournament Assignments in the current year.
16. Play Clock (PC)
A. PC Operator (PCO) meets with BJ before game. Crew will not operate visible stadium PC. Both PC’s
must work to use them. Turn off PC’s after 3
time PCO is corrected (3 strikes).
B. The PC Operator & GC Operator shall be 2 separate individuals.
17. Player Equipment
A. VT: white jerseys. HT: non-white jerseys. Enforce Numbering Requirements during Varsity Games.
Numbering requirements do not apply to sub varsity games. Communicate differences to HT/VT HC.
B. HC’s received communications from OHSAA about Mandatory Compliance with NFHS PEQ Rules.
Officials are to enforce them. When arriving on field 35 minutes prior to KO, take a careful look at
HT & VT regarding wearing legal PEQ. It is easier to make necessary changes to PEQ prior to KO.
C. Awareness Game (All Levels): Team must have prior OHSAA approval (accept word of Game
Management that OHSAA approved). All players must appear in the same legal uniform.
18. Pre-Game Warm-up (Weeks 1 10 Varsity Only)
A. Host school shall coordinate pre-game with HC, bands, & officials. Area between 45 YL’s must be
clear 20 minutes prior to KO for CT. CT Time can be earlier for a special ceremony if Game
Management has notified VT in advance. Set GC for 30 minutes before game.
B. Both FB teams shall arrive on field prior to stated KO time. If not, penalize UNS Foul.
C. If necessary, HT shall take field first as instructed by officials to prevent delay of game.
D. Host school must communicate starting time change to VT & officials.
19. Scrimmages
A. Officials can DQ players & coaches at scrimmages. They will not participate in the Week 1 contest.
Complete an OHSAA Ejection Report online.
B. Maximum Length: 9
is 3 hours/team; 7th & 8
are 2 hours per team (Exception: Scrimmage
delayed due to inclement weather). Do not count inclement weather delay for the time allowed.
C. If officials need to leave after the original scheduled end time of the scrimmage, then they should.
20. Sideline Safety
A. SL MUST be clear of players & coaches from SL to 6’ outside SL. Officials -- enforce it.
21. Sportsmanship
A. Officials & Coaches shall make no derogatory comments regarding players, coaches, or schools.
22. Sub Varsity Modified Rules
A. Maximum Game Length: JV 10 minutes required; 9
10 minutes; 7
& 8
8 Minutes.
B. The 40/25 second PC will not be used in Sub Varsity Games. The 25 second PC only will be used.
C. 7
Grade Teams will NOT free kick (FK). Ball is spotted on the 35 YL, unless moved by a foul.
After a Safety the ball is spotted on the 50 YL, unless moved by a foul.
D. JV Teams Free Kicks (FK’s): Both HC’s must give their mutual consent to have FK’s. If one HC does
not want to FK, there will be no FK’s. Check with both HC’s before game. If no FK’s, spot the ball on
35 YL, unless moved by a foul & spot the ball on the 50 YL for a Safety, unless moved by a foul. If,
during the game, one HC no longer wants FK’s then both HC’s must mutually agree to have no FK’s
during the remainder of the game. If both HC’s do not agree, then continue to have FK’s.
E. VT is late to game site. The decision regarding warm up time prior to game is made by HT Game
Management/HT HC & the VT HC. Officials are not involved in this decision.
F. Numbering Rules do not apply. Ask HC’s before game. Tell players during game prior to snap if a
player with an ineligible number is positioned in an eligible position.
G. OT is NOT played in Sub Varsity Games.
H. Schools may schedule & play 8 Player Games. Use 8 Player Rules in the NFHS Rules Book.
23. Whistle in Stands
A. Officials report to Game Management who will correct it. Apply inadvertent whistle Rule. If players
pause, slow down, or stop when they hear the whistle, then stop play.
Rules Philosophies & Interpretations
1. Takedowns at Point of Attack (POA) &/or in open field must be called. An obvious stretch of a
jersey that occurs anywhere must be called. Key words to consider are: Was there restriction?
Did the blocker turn the defender? Was there an unnatural movement by the defender? And
most importantly, consider advantage/disadvantage at the POA. Once the blocker’s “feet are
beat” his actions become suspect while engaged.
2. If there is offensive or defensive holding but the action occurs clearly away from the POA & has
no (or could have no) effect on the play, holding should not be called since the officials are
concentrating on the POA.
3. Rarely should you have a hold on a double team block unless there is a takedown or the
defender breaks the double team & is pulled back.
4. For blocks in the back, initial approach angle, contact & reason for contact must be seen in order
to call a foul. Force of the block could be slight & still be a foul if the contact propels the player
past the runner. Player who is blocked is “face down” it is usually a foul. Note: On kick plays
memorize the RT color, & then watch for a RT player chasing a KT player he becomes suspect.
A hand in the back is not necessarily a foul.
5. Officials must be 100% sure that a foul occurred in the EZ before ruling safety, if accepted.
6. If a player is illegally blocked or held “into” making a tackle, no foul should be called unless
the action is a 15 YD foul or there is an element of time between the foul & the tackle.
7. A large number of holding fouls begin at or near the LOS on pass plays. Know where the
hold started so the foul can be enforced correctly.
1. If in doubt, the pass is incomplete vs. the ball caught & then fumbled. The act of making a catch
is a process that includes maintaining firm control of the ball throughout the entire act. The
receiver must have the opportunity to perform a second act (i.e. dive to pylon, possess & turn
up field) in order to rule catch.
2. If a player has control of the ball but, in the act of making the catch, comes to the ground &
loses control, it is incomplete. The catch must survive the contact with the ground.
3. If he is upright & immediately hit, he must maintain control of the ball or it is an incomplete
1. Punt - It is roughing the kicker if there is significant &/or substantial contact to the plant leg,
whether or not the leg is on the ground. All other contact shall be judged based on the severity
of contact & the potential for injury.
2. Punt or kickoff - A receiver moving into position or in position to make a catch must not be
contacted or diverted until he has had an opportunity to complete the catch. Contact is not
necessary for kick catching interference as the receiver must be given an “unhindered
opportunity” to make the catch.
3. Holder: The ball remains live if his knee is on the ground to hold for the kick. It also remains live
if he rises off his knee to advance, hand, kick, or passes. If the holder has to rise to catch or
recover an errant snap, he can return to a knee immediately.
Line of Scrimmage
1. Officials will work to keep offensive linemen legal & will call only when it is obvious. If the
offensive lineman is lined up with his head clearly behind the snapper’s waistline, a foul must
be called without a warning. Wings -- If your lineman is in the “gray area” warn him by stating
to him, “you need to move up, you are close”. Ask the R for help since he is closer to them.
Procedure: Once either Wing has warned the team once, the next time it is a foul no more
warnings. Be sure & tell the HC that his lineman (specify a player’s number) has been told to
“move up”. Wings communicate with each other.
2. Don’t be technical on an A receiver/slot back in determining if he is off LOS.
3. When calling an ineligible downfield you must see the player more than 2 yards downfield at
the time the ball is released. If you do not know the exact location of the downfield player
when the ball is released, do not call it.
4. A quick or abrupt movement by any A Player is a false start, regardless of the down. If, in your
opinion, the movement simulates the start of the play, rule false start. All shifts must be done
with a smooth & rhythmic movement.
1. Ball is placed on an YL after a COP, or a run/pass resulting in a first down. Otherwise, the ball
is placed on the FWP spot.
1. R states “Ball’s Away” slowly. If the passer is hit afterwards, it is roughing the passer. If there is
a vicious hit such as targeting or spearing the “Ball’s Away” statement does not apply.
2. When the ball is controlled in the passer’s hand & his arm is moving forward when he is tackled,
rule incomplete pass, if the ball becomes loose.
Pass Interference Defensive & Offensive - (NO Foul)
Actions that do not constitute PI are:
1. When there are tangled feet & both players are looking back at the ball or neither player is looking
back at the ball.
2. When either player is making a legitimate play on the ball & there is shoulder to shoulder contact
with players coming from different angles.
3. When play is so close to the touching of the pass we refer to it as “bang-bang”.
4. When a defender places a hand on a receiver’s body, but does not initiate a turn, twist, pull, or
5. When contact is made by an eligible player of A or B after the ball has been touched/tipped by
any player.
Pass Interference - Defensive (DPI) - Foul
Actions that constitute DPI are:
1. Early Not Playing the Ball Contact by a defender provided the contact results in some form of
restriction or physical contact. This includes tangled feet if the defender is not playing the
2. Play through the Back of a receiver in an attempt to make a play on the ball.
3. Grab & Restrict a receiver’s arm(s) or body in such a manner that restricts his opportunity
to catch a pass.
4. Extending an arm across the body (Arm Bar) of a receiver thus restricting his ability to
catch a pass, regardless of the fact of whether or not the defender is looking for the ball.
5. Cut Off or riding the receiver out of the path to the ball by making contact with him without
playing the ball.
6. Hook & Restrict a receiver in an attempt to get to the ball in such a manner that causes the
receiver’s body to turn prior to the ball arriving.
Pass Interference - Offensive (OPI) - Foul
Actions that constitute OPI are:
1. Creating Separation by initiating contact with a defender such as shoving or pushing off
in an attempt to catch a pass. This includes tangled feet if the player is not playing the
2. Driving Thru a defender who has established a position on the field.
3. Pick Play: A receiver blocking (contact) a defender downfield to prevent him from making a
play on a ball thrown to another receiver in same area.
Personal Foul
1. Contact with helmet in an attempt to punish is a foul & may result in a DQ.
2. A player chasing the runner that is legally blocked with open hands by an opponent out of his
visual field is not a defenseless player if he is within 10 -15 YDS of the runner.
3. Forceful contact with an arm, shoulder or helmet on an opponent above the shoulders is a
personal foul for targeting & may result in a DQ. Examples include: QB in passing posture or
sliding; kicker in the act of making a kick; receiver in the act of making a catch; & player with
no helmet.
4. When a pass is thrown clearly over the receiver’s outstretched arms & he relaxes, he becomes
a defenseless player. Any “free shot” must be called.
5. If runner’s helmet comes off, the ball is dead. If runner is hit & fumbles simultaneously with
losing his helmet the ball is dead.
6. A 5 yard face mask foul is rare, but if it is a grasp & let go, it can be called. Most of the face
mask fouls are 15YD penalties.
7. If action is deemed to be “fighting”, then the player must be DQ.
8. If legal contact occurs before the runner has a foot down OOB it will be considered a legal hit
& not a late hit OOB. (Revised 6/3/19)
Thanks to the CCA for some of their content.
Safety Policies
OHSAA Regulations recommend that an EMT be on site. If a HC voices a concern, refer them to Game
Artificial Limb:
Artificial limb must be submitted to OHSAA for approval with photos of the limb, both padded & with no
padding. A letter from a physician may be submitted when approval is requested. If the artificial limb is part of
the hand, lower arm, or entire arm, a ½” thickness of slow release foam must cover the artificial limb before
approval is granted by the U. Team must provide a copy of the OHSAA Approval Letter to the officials before
each game. Crew will give the letter back to the HC.
Letters are NO longer required for casts. However, they need to be padded per NFHS Rule.
Review NFHS Rule 3-5 (Concussions) & Suggested Guidelines for Management of Concussion. When a player is
hurt an official must check with the HC and/or Medical Professional regarding type of injury. Once officials
determine that a player exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion, the R & Wing will
simultaneously notify the HC of the player’s removal from the game. The player may NOT reenter the game
even if the doctor says he is okay. Injured player Rules apply. If a suspended game continues being played past
midnight the concussed player may not reenter the game. However, if the suspended game is stopped & then
rescheduled to be completed the next day (s) the concussed player may participate if he has completed the
Return to Play Protocol.
Concussed players may not play again until they have completed the Return to Play Protocol. Crew will record
the player’s name, #, & team. After the game the R will complete an OHSAA Concussion Report (OHSAA.ORG,
select officiating, select Directory of Information) for ALL players removed from the game for a Suspected
Concussion. He will email/scan the Concussion Report to OHSAA. Note: If an Ohio team plays a game in
another state, this Rule applies to the Ohio team. If an out of state team plays a game in Ohio, this Rule applies.
This is because it is an Ohio State Law.
NOTE: For all injuries, stop the game, & if medical personnel are present, let them administer aid.
1. Weeks 1 10: The decision is made by Administrative Representatives of competing schools. Athletic
contests can be started at any time. Municipal/city curfew laws take precedence.
2. Weeks 11 15 (State Tournament): Contests cannot begin after 11PM. A Suspended Game can be
continued after 11PM. Municipal/city curfew laws take precedence.
Eye Shield:
If the HC/AD presents a letter signed by Beau Rugg, OHSAA, giving permission for a player to wear a tinted eye
shield, grant this exception. Give the letter back to the HC/AD. If you question the authenticity of the letter,
contact Beau the next business day.
Game is Delayed:
If there is an injury, a HC/R conference, a facility situation, or some other issue occurs during the game, &
delays it for more than 10 minutes, there may be a 3 minute warm up if one or both HC’s request it. Check &
communicate with both HC’s. The warm up is optional.
Heat & Humidity:
1. Day before the Game: All officials should hydrate properly. Drink plenty of water.
2. Game Day: Prior to game discuss with AD/Game Management/Medical Personnel (MP)/HC the weather
& thoughts about need to take water breaks.
3. Once the Game Starts: It is highly recommended that water breaks be taken only during Team TO’s, &
after scores & COP. However, if there are extraordinary weather conditions, water breaks can be taken
during an Official’s TO. However, do NOT stop a team’s momentum in order to take an Official’s TO.
Extend these breaks as long as needed. More water breaks may be needed during day games or the first
half of a night game. Crew needs to rehydrate with water & sports drinks as well during these breaks.
Wings communicate often with HC & MP regarding their thoughts for future water breaks. Again
discuss with HC & MP at half time about conditions for the second half & water breaks. Observe &
report obvious signs like players cramping.
4. Officials are not involved in assessment or decision to postpone or cancel a game or scrimmage due to
heat & humidity. This is the responsibility of the Host School. Games, scrimmages, & practices will be
postponed if it is above allowable levels as indicated in the OHSAA Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index
Regulations (WBGT).
Lightning and/or Thunder (Inclement Weather):
1. Policy: This Policy is now the same as the NFHS FB Rules Book Policy. The policy is adjusted for lightning
seen. See NFHS FB Rules Book, page 102 for details. If you are suspending play for thunder (every time
thunder is heard) or lightning, suspend play for at least 30 minutes and vacate the outdoor activity to
the previously designated safer location immediately.
2. Consequences If Crew Does Not Follow This Policy: Officials could be suspended a maximum of 2 years
for the regular season & the OHSAA State FB Tournaments (Weeks 1 15).
3. Officiating Mechanics: Contact the AD/Game Management upon arrival at the site if inclement weather
is forecast. Enlist their help. During the meeting with HC’s prior to game time, ask them for assistance
with seeing lightning or hearing thunder. When lightning/thunder happens STOP THE GAME after the
DB. Communicate with the HT & VT HC’s regarding your decision & this Policy. During the 30 minute
stoppage, monitor the weather.
4. Coin Toss: Prior to the KO for the 1
or 3
quarters if the game is suspended for inclement weather, the
Crew will again ask the HT & VT Captains if they want to change their options.
5. Crew Responsibilities Record Game Information ASAP: R record HT & VT Score, HT & VT TO’s Used, &
Coin Toss Choices; U record Team in Possession, Goal Defended, & Location of Ball Between the Hash
Marks; HL record VT SL Warnings, Down, Distance, Ball Spot & Clip; LJ record HT SL Warnings, Quarter or
Half Time, Game Clock Time, Game Clock Status, & Time Lightning/Thunder occurred; BJ record Player
Concussions, DQ’s, & UNSC (Team & Player #). NOTE: HT is usually on PB SL & VT is Opposite the PB.
6. Suspended Game Responsibilities: R records all Game Info from Crew on 1 document (see form later in
this section) & makes 2 copies one for R to keep & one for AD. (This will be needed if the game is
postponed until the next day & no one from Crew returns). LJ times the initial 30 minutes & additional
30 minutes. R will coordinate with AD’s/HC’s regarding interrupted time remaining, possible restart, or
postponement until a later date. The HT & VT HC’s & AD’s will make the decision regarding the date &
time the game will be rescheduled.
7. Warm up Time When Teams Arrive Back on Field: R & LJ will meet with both HC’s to determine length
(Maximum 10 Minutes) of the warm-up period. LJ will ask Timer to place 10 minutes on the Scoreboard
GC, unless both HC’s have agreed to shorten the 10 minutes.
8. Halftime: It can be eliminated, kept at 20 minutes, or any time less than 20 minutes as long as HC’s &
AD’s agree. If some halftime length is agreed to, there is a Mandatory 3 minute warm up. Elimination
or reduction could be due to the game being suspended in the 2nd quarter.
9. Curfew Policies: See Above.
10. Game Postponed Until a Later Date: Teams will keep their recorded game tapes or DVD’s & can review
them. Returning Crew (Split or New) will confirm Game Info with themselves, AD, Timer, Scoreboard
Operator (if different), H & V HC, & Chain Crew. U will check & remark game balls. Crew will meet with
both HC’s & verify that the players are legally equipped. NOTE: New Crew: Contact AD for Game Info
supplied by R prior to leaving the earlier Postponed Game.
11. Games Interrupted: See NFHS Rule 3-1-4.
12. Prior to Officials Authority: If officials observe teams warming up with lightning and/or thunder
occurring prior to their authority (35 minutes before game time), report to the OHSAA Office.
Medical Hardware:
Unless the specific rules code stipulates otherwise, athletes in sports of a collision/contact nature should not be
permitted to wear devices such as insulin pumps, heart monitoring equipment &/or other diagnostic or
therapeutic appliances while participating in interscholastic contests. However, in the event that a physician
requires a student-athlete to wear a therapeutic device during competition, such medical necessity shall be
specified in writing & signed by the prescribing physician & the device shall be padded & securely attached to
the player’s body underneath the uniform. The medical statement shall be shown to the R prior to the athlete’s
being permitted to participate. The HC must present the letter to the R prior to the game at the Pre-Game
Player’s Uniform Changes:
If something regarding the uniform is changed due to medical or religious reasons & the athlete is doing
something not permitted by NFHS Rule, MAKE the Head Coach show the Crew a letter signed by an OHSAA Staff
Member. A Medical Professional’s note is not acceptable.
Tornado Watch or Warning (Inclement Weather):
A watch indicates conditions are favorable for severe weather to develop in area. Please have a heightened
awareness & communicate it. A warning (usually a siren) indicates severe weather has been reported in area &
everyone should take proper precautions. Suspend game immediately & move to a proper shelter as directed
by Game Management. Game will remain suspended until warning has expired. See lightning/thunder policy
above for warm up policy. (6/4/19)
Coin Toss:
Team In Possession:
Ball Position:
Center Left Hash Left GP Right Hash Right GP
Dead Ball Spot YL:
Clip YL
SL Warnings/Fouls
Warning 5 Yard UNS 1 UNS 2
Start On snap
SL Warnings/Fouls
Warning 5 Yard UNS 1 UNS 2
Last lightning/thunder:
Player DQ's:
Home Number(s):
Visitor Number(s):
UNS Issued:
Home Number(s):
Home Coach
Visitor Number(s):
Visiting Coach
R will record info from crew immediately upon entering sheltered area. If no one from the Crew
is available for the game postponed to another day, give info to the A.D.
Each Crew Member is responsible for the info indicated above.
State Requirements (OHSAA Handbook for Officials)
1. Regular Season Officials Requirements
A. High School Varsity Class 1 OHSAA football only (Need OHSAA Permission to use a Class 2 Official).
B. High School Reserve/Junior Varsity Class 1 or 2 OHSAA football only.
C. Freshman/7-8th grade One OHSAA Class 1, 2, or 3 official is required. Additional officials shall be
OHSAA Class 1, 2 or 3 officials or officials in training.
D. Must attend 4 local rules meetings & 1 State Rules Interpretation (SRI) meeting.
2. Tournament Officials Minimum Requirements (Regional & State Levels)
A. Must hold a current OHSAA Class 1 Football Permit. Must have been an OHSAA Class 1 Football Official
in good standing the previous year.
B. Must officiate during current football season a minimum of 8 varsity high school games at the position
for which applying unless given an exemption by the OHSAA. Must have officiated a minimum of 8
varsity high school football games during the previous season. All games must be 5 man crews or
OHSAA approved 6 man Crews & officiated in Ohio or a state that borders Ohio.
C. Must complete an online questionnaire through MYOHSAA.
D. Must be physically fit, possess an athletic appearance, and be able to read/react and flow with the play.
E. Must use the OHSAA Gold Book Approved Standards for FB Officiating Mechanics.
F. Must arrive at the game site 1.5 hours before the scheduled game time & dressed in a professional
manner (no blue jeans, no t-shirt, & no non OHSAA baseball hat)
G. An official may not work a Championship Football Game in successive years.
3. Required Uniform
A. Uniforms must be clean, fit properly, & neat. All officials must wear same uniform for varsity games.
B. Black and white vertically striped, long or short-sleeved knit shirt, with 2 -1/4” stripe, a black knit cuff
& Byron collar. The shirt must have the OHSAA Red Logo located above the chest pocket & the USA Flag
on the left sleeve & be “dye Sublimated” into the fabric. All officials must wear the 2 1/4” stripe shirt
for varsity games only. For sub varsity games officials can wear either the 1” or 2-1/4” wide stripe shirt.
C. Black football officiating pants with 1-1/4” white stripes & black socks. All black shorts with belt loops,
black belt, & black ankle shocks may be worn for varsity games played Weeks 1 -10 & sub varsity games.
Black shorts shall be worn for all scrimmages. A short sleeve shirt must be worn with black shorts for
varsity games only.
D. Predominately black football shoes with black laces. Shoes should be shined before each game.
E. Black baseball cap with white piping, except for the R who shall wear a white cap during varsity games.
Hats with the OHSAA Logo are optional for Weeks 1 10 & mandatory for Weeks 11 15.
F. Black leather belt, 1 ½” to 2” wide, with a plain buckle.
G. A black jacket or black & white striped jacket may be worn prior to the game. The black
& white striped jacket may not be worn during varsity games.
H. Blue bean bag (Exception: White bean bags may be used on a blue football turf field).
I. Gold penalty flag(s) with a black ball located in the front.
J. The U shall use an all-black towel.
K. Jewelry shall not be worn except for a wedding band and/or a medical alert necklace or bracelet.
A religious medallion which is not visible is permitted.
L. Black plastic whistle (Exception: Pink whistles may be used during October regular season games only
if all crew members have them).
Time Schedule for Varsity Contests -- 5 Man Crew
Prepared by Bruce Maurer, DOD
Prior to Kickoff (KO)
Crew: Arrive on site; check-in with Game Mgmt. Need to discuss Inclement Weather Policy?
Timer(s) to Officials LR & discuss Point Differential Rule with LJ (GC) & BJ (PC - If Used)
HT & VT Teams: Bring FB's to Officials Locker Room; U: Approve FB’s for HT & VT & return them
U: Ask Crew -- Flags? Bean bags? Whistles? Coin? Rule/Case/Gold Book (Before leaving LR)
Crew: Walk to field & talk with first available HC
Note 1: Time may be earlier due to distance from LR to field
Crew: Introductions: Look HC in the eye; firm handshake; smile; complete the following:
R: Players legally equipped? Captain's #'s; Kicker - Right or Left Footed; Unbalanced Line?
Note 2: Storms forecasted? Ask HC’s for help to see lightning & hear thunder
HL (VT)/LJ (HT): Give Lineup Card; Get back coach's name; unusual plays; get player's # who fouled;
Unusual situations/Pen. Enf.; KO Depth by KT; will change if VT is on PB SL & HT is opposite PB
R: Team box emphasis; players on the edge- UNS- do you want to take care of it? Good luck!
Timer: Put 30 Minutes on GC & Start It So Time Expires 1 Minute Before KO
LJ/BJ (HT) & U/HL (VT): Secure a maximum of 4 captains/team
R: Flip coin
Crew: Record toss winner & options selected
Crew: Inspect field; talk with Ball Persons; stretch & loosen up
Both Teams Clear the Field; R: Inquire & Introduce yourself to any Medical Professionals on site
HL: Talk to Chain Crew-NO Stripes; Website has Info; LJ: See Timer if not in LR Point Differential
Crew: Meet at 50 YL (center of field); BJ brings FB
Crew: Jog to KO IP
Note 3: LJ steps on field with stop sign signal until GC is set to 12:00 for 1st qt. then tells R
R: Sound Whistle for KO
Halftime (20m + 3m)
R: Wind GC for 20 minute halftime; Crew sets watches; LJ times the halftime
LJ/BJ (HT) & U/HL (VT): Leave Official's LR for Team LR’s
LJ/BJ (HT) & U/HL (VT): Inform HC Only of remaining time for half time
LJ/BJ (HT) & U/HL (VT): Escort Both teams to arrive on the field
R: Wind GC for 3 minute warm up
BJ (HT) & U (VT): Bring 1 captain to 50 YL Center of Field; R: Secure options & signal PB
Crew: Meet at 50 YL (center of field)
Crew: Jog to KO IP; Crew sound whistles to get teams ready for 2nd half KO
Note 4: LJ steps on field at numbers with stop sign signal until GC is set to 12:00 for 3Q & signals R
R: Sound Whistle for KO
Note 5: LJ will time all 30 minute intervals for an interrupted game due to thunder & lightning
Note 6: Time may be earlier due to walking distance from LR to the field
Note 7: Playoffs: 1st game- arrives 2 hours before KO. Subsequent games- arrive 1 hour 30 minutes prior to KO.
Time Schedule for Sub Varsity Games-- 4 Man Crew
Prepared by Bruce Maurer, DOD
Prior to Kickoff (KO)
Crew: Arrive on site; check with Game Management; Need to discuss Inclement Weather Policy?
Crew: Walk to field & talk with first available HC; Crew Introductions: Look coach in the eye;
firm handshake; smile; complete the following: R: Players legally equipped; ineligible player’s # in
an eligible position; captain's #'s; Kicker -- Right or Left Footed; Unbalanced Line?
Note 1: Storms forecasted? Ask for coaches help to see lightning/hear thunder
HL (VT)/LJ (HT): Get back coach's name; unusual plays; get player's # who committed foul;
explain unusual situations/penalty enforcement; will change if VT is on PB SL & HT is opposite PB
R: Team box emphasis; players on the edge- UNS- do you want to take care of it? Good luck!
LJ (HT) & U/HL (VT): Secure captains; max.-- 4 captains/team
R: Flip coin
Crew: Record toss winner & options selected
R: Inquire & Introduce yourself to any Medical Professionals on site; U: Check FB’s
LJ: Inspect Field & Talk to Timer -- Point Differential ; HL: Talk with Chain Crew (NO Stripes)
Crew: Meet at 50 YL (center of field) -- 9th/JV
Crew: Meet at 35 YL & Place FB -- 7th/8th; Jog to KO IP -- 9th/JV
R: Sound whistle for Snap (7th/8th) or KO (9th/JV)
Halftime (10m + 3m)
R: Wind GC for 10 minute halftime; Crew set watches; LJ time halftime
LJ (HT) & U (VT): Go to team LR’s or team meeting on/near the field
LJ (HT) & U (VT): Inform HC Only of remaining time for half time
If the teams leave the field, the LJ (HT) & U (VT) will escort them to the field
R: Wind GC for 3 minute warm-up
L J(HT) & U (VT): Bring 1 captain to 50 YL Center of Field; R --Secure options & signal PB
Crew: Meet at 50 YL Center of Field (Maybe JV)
Crew: Meet at 35 YL & Place FB (7th/8
& maybe JV); Jog to KO IP (Maybe JV)
R: Sound whistle for Snap (7th/8
& maybe JV) or KO (Maybe JV)
Note 2: LJ will time all 30 minute intervals for an interrupted game due to thunder & lightning
Note 3: Time may be earlier due to walking distance from LR to field
Unsportsmanlike Conduct (UNS)
1. Player behavior in committing UNS Fouls continues to be an OHSAA Point of Emphasis. Recognizing
these fouls & enforcing the penalties is Imperative. These Guidelines will help officials with their
decision: A. Do Not be overly technical in applying this Rule. B. Do allow for brief spontaneous
emotional reactions at the end of a play. C. Beyond brief, spontaneous bursts of energy, officials must
flag acts that are clearly prolonged, orchestrated, self-congratulatory, self-glorification, excessive,
demeaning & taunting opponents, & that make a mockery of the game.
2. When a situation arises, officials should take a deep breath & assess. Let Your Mind Digest What Your
Eyes Have Seen. It is okay to discuss the act as a Crew & then penalize or pick up a flag already thrown
by an official.
3. NFHS UNS Rules (9-5): No player shall act in an UNS manner once officials assume authority for game.
4. Officials are expected to make no derogatory comments regarding players, coaches, or schools. Coaches
are expected to make no derogatory comments about officials or opponents. Failure to follow this
OHSAA Regulation will result in disciplinary action.
5. It will never be possible to write what should & should not be allowed. However, the following List of
Specifically Prohibited Acts is intended to assist officials with making their decision:
A. Celebration done in the team box area
B. High Fives with teammate (s) in the field of play or the EZ
C. Jump & chest bumping with a teammate (s) in the field of play or the EZ
D. Spontaneous celebration shared with a teammate (s) in the field or play or the EZ
E. Simulate a cross on his chest after crossing the GL
F. Point to the sky after crossing the GL or Pray for a short time after crossing the GL
G. Raise teammate in the air after crossing the GL
H. Raising the ball in the air after crossing the GL
I. Players spontaneously jumping on a pile after crossing the GL (not non players from bench)
J. Runner pointing his hand/arm in the air indicating # 1 before crossing GL.
K. Signaling first down or incomplete pass
7. ILLEGAL ACTS (UNS Always a Dead Ball Foul):
A. Using profanity, insulting , or vulgar language or gestures; Derogatory remarks directed at officials
B. Signals to the official that he needs to throw his flag
C. One or more back or forward flips
D. Celebrating by dancing in EZ or dancing/stomping/VT placing their flag on a HT Field Logo
E. Spike FB into ground (unless done legally under center to conserve time)
F. Dunk or attempt to dunk FB over cross bar
G. Hand or throw FB to or at an opponent
H. Intentionally fail to place FB on the ground or immediately return it to a nearby official
I. Kick, throw, spin, or carry FB any distance that requires an official to retrieve it
J. Kick FB other than a legal kick
K. Make hand gestures such as choking, throat slashing, pounding one’s chest, pointing to his bicep, or
pointing a finger like a gun
L. Bow at waist after a good play or a hand salute to opponent or spectators
M. Strike a pose that is meant to incite or taunt the opponents and/or spectators
N. Point back or wave at an opponent
O. Dive into EZ or alter stride to the taunt the opponent as he approaches his GL with no opponents
nearby (unless he is attempting to Consume Time late in either half)
P. Go into the stands to interact with spectators
Q. Use gestures to encourage the crowd when they begin booing officials (Also the Coach)
R. Teammates engaged in a choreographed display of celebration - scoring player throws make believe
bowling ball & teammates fall to the ground or a simulated firework goes off & players fall down
S. Stand over player just tackled & point or try to intimidate him
T. Repeatedly punch GP Pad with the opponents school name on it
U. Runner turns & taunts an opponent before or as he crosses the GL
V. Scoring player throws make believe bowling ball & several teammates fall to the ground
W. Posing as if taking a selfie of himself or with a teammate (s)
X. Simulating throwing a spear or shooting an arrow
Y. Looking at the opponent’s bench & signaling with a finger to his mouth indicating to be quiet.
8. Record Player’s number on your game card. Inform the HC that if his player receives a second UNS, he
will be DQ from remainder of the game. Communicate player’s number to the Crew.
1. The Quiet Word: Typically used for mild infringements. Communicate with a player (s) or HC
regarding a player “moving to the edge”. If players are getting “out of hand”, HC’s want to know so
they can take care of it. Remember, we are there to Defuse Rather Than Incite.
2. The Public Warning: Stronger tactic for situations where behavior is pronounced & apparent to
others. When warning a player in front of his teammates, if later we have to penalize, the
teammates know that he “crossed the line”. They expect the official to penalize.
3. The Captain’s Meeting: Form of a public warning where both teams demonstrate inappropriate
behavior which is apparent. The game is getting “chippy”. Our responsibility is to stop this behavior
& regain control of the game. We have seen the “looks” of a player staring at an opponent as he
walks off the field or back to the huddle. Similar with the slight push after the whistle or talking to
an opponent after a play. Gain control early & then let the game play itself.
4. The Intermediate Penalty: A UNS (noncontact) or personal foul (contact) penalty with a direct
consequence. Penalize when necessary & communicate with the coach and/or player regarding why
the foul was called. Communicate with your crew regarding team, player’s # or coach.
5. The Ejection: The last course of action available is necessary when that individual’s behavior has
gone well beyond the limits of acceptable conduct and is compromising the game. Two UNS fouls
called on a specific player or specific nonplayer (coach, trainer, other attendant, substitute or
replaced player) is DQ from the game. Remember, UNS fouls are NON CONTACT FOULS only!!!!
6. Summary: Officials take responsibility for the game when they step on the field. It is imperative
that we see & hear the signs when a game moves beyond the standard sportsmanlike contest. The
above mentioned Game Control Tools do not have to be followed in the order indicated. You can
move down the list & penalize. Game Management is important to becoming an excellent official.
These Tools & application carry equal weight with rules, judgment, & mechanics.
7. Note: Author would like to thank David Gaskins, GMU, for his tremendous help with this section.
Working Effectively with Coaches: Cooperation, Not Confrontation
From my side (HC) of the SL:
1. Be respectful at all times. Even if a coach is losing his mind, you stay respectful. (Editor’s Note: Don’t take
coaches comments personally, but address his comments. Apply appropriate warnings &/or penalties when
warranted.) This is his JOB, his livelihood, & how he puts food on his table. For you, it's an avocation. He has an
extremely vested interest in the outcome, & isn't going to see things in an unbiased manner. Stay above it; you
don't care who wins or loses. It's great to say we are all there for the same thing, for the kids to have a fair game
& learn. That simply isn't true. He wants the kids to learn something & WIN. So right away, you have different
2. Introduce yourself to him before the game. Know his name, & use it. Make sure he knows your name. You call
him "Coach Smith", he can call you "Ed". Smile! I'm not saying you have to tell jokes, but there is nothing worse
than an official who won't smile, laugh, or show a human side. Have a little fun while being out there. Let him
know you appreciate being asked to work his game & to be there, & show that you enjoy being there. Be
excited. If you treat it like a burden you have to get through, that's exactly what it will become. To paraphrase
from another sport, a bad night on the FB field beats a good day at the office anytime.
3. Ask for his help, don't demand it. Ask, don't tell, him to help you keep the SL clear so you can safely call the
game. Let him know you are trying to stay out of the way of the players, not demanding space just because it's
"yours". Just listen to these 2 statements:
A. Coach, you need to stay out of the restricted area because that area is for the officials.
B. Coach, could you help us keep the restricted area clear so we can work off the field & stay out of the way of
your players? The first one creates confrontation that isn't necessary. The second creates cooperation, &
explains why that's important, with a benefit for him.
4. If staff is being cooperative, keeping players back, & staying out of your way then: A. Thank them; B. Don't
worry about technical violations between plays when it isn't as important, such as more than 3 coaches in the
restricted area, or a coach stepping 2 yards on field to signal a play (in other words, pick your battles). If they
are out of your way when it's important, then it's a good night.
5. If an assistant is being a “challenge”, tell the HC, & give him the first chance to take care of it. If the assistant is
being respectful & asks a question, answer him. Don't play the "I only talk to HC card as long as everyone is
6. If there is a get back coach, & there should be, know him & use him. The HC has 47 things going on at the
same time. Listening to you isn't going to be his priority. For the get back coach, listening to you should be his
7. Know Game Management Personnel & use them. Believe me; the HC doesn't care if a photographer is too
close to the SL down by the GL. And it's not his problem, that's a game management issue. Don't bother the HC
with it, contact the Game Manager. (6/1/19)
Cooperation, not confrontation!
Written by: Joe Sturniolo.
NOTE: Parts of article are paraphrased for language. Editor’s Note: Comments by Beau & Bruce
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78,000 Student Athletes Play OHSAA FB in Ohio
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716 High Schools Play FB in Ohio
662 Junior High Teams Play FB in Ohio
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