Jibin Joseph et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1243 – 1246
Flight Ticket Price Predicting With the Use of
Machine Learning
Jibin Joseph
, Abhijith P
, Aryasree S
, Jinsu Anna Joseph
, Meghana Sara Oommen
PG Student, Department of Computer Applications
Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala, India,
PG Student, Department of Computer Applications
Saintgits College of
Engineering, Kottayam
Kerala, India,
PG Student, Department of Computer Applications
Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
India,aryasreepado[email protected]m
PG Student, Department of Computer Applications
Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
Kerala, India,
jinsuannajo[email protected]m
Student, Department of Computer Applications
Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam
India,meghanasaraoo[email protected]m
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications
College of Engineering, Kottayam Kerala, India,
As domestic air travel in India is becoming increasingly
popular with different air ticket booking channels coming
online these days, passengers are trying to understand how
these airline companies make decisions over time about
ticket prices. Therefore, many methods are ready to provide
the proper time to do so. The customer who buys an air ticket
by estimating the price of the airfare is recently proposed.
The majority of these strategies make use of sophisticated
Computational Intelligence Prediction Models an area of
science known as Machine Learning (ML). This paper
highlights the parameters and also includes the guidelines
that are important for project work to be developed that is
indicated above.
Key words: Computational intelligence, Machine learning
These days, domestic air travel is becoming more and more
common in India. Travelers are trying to learn how these
airline companies make choices over time about ticket prices
with multiple air travel booking outlets coming online. For a
passenger, it is a time-consuming method to search websites
for deals and offers. The cost can therefore depend on
various variables. This venture uses AI to show the types of
flight tickets after some time to estimate the costs. Both
organizations have the right and the ability at any time to
change their ticket prices. By reserving a ticket at the lowest
cost, explorer can set aside money. People who have traveled
by flight are also aware of the variations in costs. Complex
revenue control policies are used by airlines for the
introduction of distinctive assessment schemes. As a result,
the appraisal scheme adjusts the fee to adjust the header or
footer on successive pages based on time, season, and festive
days. The ultimate goal of the airways is to achieve profit,
while the customer is looking for the minimum cost. Usually
consumers try to book the ticket well in advance of the
departure date to prevent airfare hikes as the date gets closer.
But that's not the truth, really. By giving more than they
should for the same seat, the customer can finish up.
It is difficult for a customer to receive a low-cost airline
ticket. For this, a few procedures are investigated in order to
assess the best time and date to buy low-cost airline tickets.
The majority of these systems make use of Machine
Learning, a modern computerized method. Gini and Groves
[1] used Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) to build a
model to decide the best time to buy a flight ticket. From
February 22nd to June 23rd, 2011, data was gathered from
major adventure travel booking sites. Extra data was
collected as well, which was used to verify the similarities
between the previous model's exhibitions. Janssen[2] used
ISSN 2278
Volume 10, No.2, March - April 2021
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse1071022021.pdf
Jibin Joseph et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1243 – 1246
the Linear Quantile Blended Regression technique to create a
desire model for the San Francisco to New York course,
where www.infare.com provides daily airfares. The model is
designed using two features: the number of days for
departure and whether the departure is on a weekend or
weekday. The model forecasts airfare months ahead of time.
However, in a scenario involving a long time commitment,
the model fails to persuade, and the departure date is pushed
back. Wohlfarth[3] suggested a ticket buying time
improvement model involving macked point processors, data
mining systems (course of action and grouping), and a
quantifiable inspection scheme. This structure is proposed as
a way to convert different added value arrangements into
included added value arrangement headings that can help
with solo gathering estimation. This value heading is jammed
into a get-together based on close assessing actions. The
value shift proposals are measured using the Headway
model. A tree-based analysis was used to choose the best
planning gathering and then look at the progression model a
short time later. Dominguez Menchero[4] proposes the
perfect purchase timing for a particular course, carriers, and
time frame using a nonparametric isotonic backslide
technique. The definition of the model. The model
determines the most appropriate number of days before
purchasing a plane ticket. The model takes into account two
types of variables: entry and date of acquisition.
The most critical aspect of this project is the accumulation of
knowledge. To prepare the models, the distinct wellsprings
of the data on various sites are used. Sites provide
information on the different firms, hours, aircraft, and
charges. For data scratching, various sources from API's to
customer travel sites are available. Details on the various
sources and criteria that are obtained is discussed in this
chapter. Here we collected dataset from Kaggle.com[5] and
site and the models are
implemented using python.
3.1 Data Collection
The document contains the data with features and its details.
Choosing the features needed for the estimation of the
predicted flight price is an important prospect. The site's
output contains the number of parameters for each flight: but
not all are needed, so only the accompanying components are
Airway company
Date of Journey
Date of Arrival
Date of Departure
Time of Arrival
Total number of stops
Place of Destination/Arrival
Table 1:Collected dataset
The original dataset obtained from kaggle.com is shown in
Table I. It is essentially raw information containing all the
characteristics. For many routes, this information has been
3.2 Cleaning and preparing Data
All the information collected took a great deal of effort, but it
should have been perfect and ready after the accumulation of
information, as shown by the model prerequisites. Including
copies and null attributes, all unnecessary data is removed.
This breakthrough is the most critical and time. Different
mathematical methods and logics clean and customize
knowledge in python. For example, the extracting date and
3.3 Analyzing the data
Data preparation is monitored by breaking down the data,
exposing the hidden patterns and applying various regression
models afterwards. Similarly, from the existing features, a
few features can be calculated. Flight days can be given by
measuring the difference between the date of the flight and
the date of collection of the details. In addition, the flight
date, whether on a festive day or a weekday or a weekend, is
significant. The flights scheduled during the weekends
instinctively cost more than the flights on weekdays. In
addition, time plays a major role.
In machine learning, several algorithms are applied to
forecast the prices of flight tickets. The algorithms are:
Linear regression, Decision tree, K-Nearest neighbors, and
Random Forest Algorithm. These models have been
implemented using the python library Sklearn. The
parameters like MAE and MSE, RMSE are considered to
check the efficiency of these models.
Jibin Joseph et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1243 – 1246
4.1 Linear Regression
Simple linear regression analysis is used to determine the
association between two continuous variables. The indicator
variable of what importance is to be found is one of the two
variables. It is not the deterministic relationship between two
variables that gives the statistical relationship. The linear
regression algorithm gives the given data the best fit line for
which the prediction error is limited. The two main factors
for understanding linear regression are gradient descent and
cost function. The equation for linear regression is:
() =0 + 1
The value of coefficients b1 and b0 is selected such that the
value of the error is as minimal as possible. The error is
given by the square of the expected and actual value
difference. The mean square error is taken to deal with the
negative values (MSE). The positive or negative relationship
between x and y is given by b0 here, while b1 is called bias.
Regression problem accuracy is calculated in terms of R-
squared, MAE, and MSE.
4.2 Decision Tree
This tree count isolates the data obtained into small subsets,
rendering it permanent at a comparable time. The new
findings show the tree with the decision centers, and the leaf
centers as well. At any rate, this decision-center point will
contain two branches. Think of the entire knowledge index as
a root at first. Function aspects are kicked out of the
opportunity. If the characteristics are relentless, then before
structuring the model, they have to be discretized. In view of
estimation property records are corrected recursively. In the
decision of tree computation, Knowledge Gain and Gini
index are two basic properties. Information Gain is
characterized as the change in entropy in quantity. Higher
entropy suggests the substance's greater efficacy. Therefore,
entropy is a proportion of an arbitrary variable's
susceptibility. The Gini Index tests how to falsely identify an
arbitrarily chosen component on a regular basis. This
suggests that a feature with a lower Gini index should be
liked. For Regression tree, cost capacity can be a basic
squared condition:
Where y is the actual value from the dataset and y cap is
predicted value. Have a class with the maximum sum of the
expected value obtained by a split function called the gain of
knowledge. If the class is kept dividing and dividing at the
leaf node without any condition, the algorithm will be truly
massive, slow and over-fitted. To stop this, a minimum count
on the training example on the leaf node is assigned.
In our project we had implemented various Machine
Learning Algorithms such as Linear Regression, Decision
Tree Regression, Random Forest Regression and compared
the accuracy of results based on our test data set. Based on
the various accuracy levels we find that Random Forest
Regression gives the highest accuracy i.e. 81%. Therefore we
selected Random Forest Regression and created User
Interface based on it.
Table 2: Regressions with its accuracy
Linear Regression
Decision Tree
Random Forest Regression
Flight ticket prices can be something hard to guess, today
we might see a price, check out the price of the same flight
tomorrow, it will be a different story. We might have often
heard travelers saying that flight ticket prices are so
unpredictable. As data scientists, we are going to prove that
given the right data anything can be predicted. So the
collected train data should be accurate if not it may result in
wrong prediction. And also it is necessary to update the train
data time to time for best results.
For the prediction of the ticket prices perfectly different
prediction models are tested for the better prediction
accuracy. As the pricing models of the company are
developed in order to maximize the revenue management.
With the help of our project the travelers can find out the
right time to buy their tickets at the lowest cost and also
can plan accordingly. So to get result with maximum
accuracy regression analysis is used. From the studies, the
feature that influences the price ticket are to be considered.
In future the details about number of available seats can
improve the performance of the model.
Jibin Joseph et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1243 – 1246
[1] W. Groves and M. Gini, “An agent for optimizing
airline ticket purchasing,12th International Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS
2013), St. Paul, MN, May 06 - 10, 2013, pp. 1341-1342.
[2] T. Janssen, “A linear quantile mixed regression model
for prediction of airline ticket prices,” Bachelor Thesis,
Radboud University, 2014. [3] M. Papadakis, “Predicting
Airfare Prices,” 2014.
[3] Wohlfarth, T. Clemencon, S.Roueff, “A Dat mining
approach to travel price forecasting”, 1 0 th international
conference on machine learning Honolulu 2011.
[4] Dominguez Menchero, J.Santo, Reviera, optimal
purchase timing in airline markets” ,2014.
[5] Kaggle, a subsidiary of Google LLC, is an online
community of data scientists and machine learning
practitioner.Kaggle offers a no-setup, customizable, Jupyter
Notebooks environment. Access free GPUs and a huge
repository of community published data & code.