Name:_______________________________ Date:_________________
Fall Spring
_____ 0 Chapel (CHA 1088) _____ 0 Chapel (CHA 1088)
_____ 2 BIC 1212 Examined Life I _____ 3 BIC 1324 World Cultures II
_____ 3 BIC 1314 World Cultures I _____ 3 BIC 1323 Rhetoric II
_____ 4 BIC 1413 Rhetoric I _____ 3 MTH 1321 (if eligible) Calculus I
_____ 4 CHE 1301/1101 Chemistry I _____ 4 CHE 1302/1102 Chemistry II
_____ 4 NSC 1306/1106 Intro to Neuroscience _____ 4 BIO 1305/1105 Biology I
Total: 17 Total: 17
_____ 4 BIO 1306/1106 Biology II
Fall Spring
_____ 3 BIC 2330 Social World I _____ 3 BIC 2340 Social World II
_____ 3 BIC 2334 World Cultures III _____ 3 BIC 2344 World Cultures IV
_____ 3 STA 2381 Intro. Statistical Methods _____ 4 BIO 3422 or 3429
_____ 3 BIO 2306 Genetics _____ 3 CHE 3332 Organic Chemistry II
_____ 3 CHE 3331 Organic Chemistry I _____ 2 CHE 3238 Organic Chemistry Lab
Total: 15 Total: 15
_____ 4 PHY 1408 Physics I
Fall Spring
_____ 3-4 Foreign Language 1401/1412 _____ 3-4 Foreign Language 1402/2310
_____ 3 CHE 4341 Gen Biochem or BIO 4307 _____ 4 PHY 1409 Physics II
_____ 4 NSC 3311/3111 or 3320/3120, or 3323/3123 _____ 3 NSC 3356 Neuropharmacology
_____ 4 NSC 3311/3111 or 3320/3120, or 3323/3123 _____ 3 PSY 3318, 3330, 3350, 3406, 4329
_____ 3 PSY 1305 Intro to Psych
Total: 17-18 Total: 13-14
Fall Spring
_____ 3
NSC Elective (see below)
_____ 3
NSC Elective (see below)
_____ 4 NSC 3319-3119 Clinical Neurosci. _____ 4 NSC 4330/4130 Behavioral Neurosci.
_____ 3 PSY 4300 Advanced Statistics _____ 1 Lifetime Fitness
_____ 3 Foreign Language 2310 _____ 3 Foreign Language 2320 (see reverse)
_____ 1 Lifetime Fitness _____ 3 BIC 3358 Biblical Heritage/Ethics
Total: 14 Total: 14
S o p h o m o r e Y e a r
Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience w/ Pre-med (BIC)
Suggested Sequence of Required Courses (2016-2017 Catalog)
F r e s h m a n Y e a r
S u m m e r
J u n i o r Y e a r
J u n i o r Y e a r
Special information regarding elective hours in neuroscience. Students planning on graduate study or medical school are strongly encouraged to
obtain research experience. Several of the elective courses are research- oriented, but the principal course is 4V96 Special Topics, a variable credit
course usually taken for three semester hours of credit twice. Students desiring to work with a professor should be aware that each faculty member
has his/her own criteria for admitting students into the laboratory and for awarding academic credit. Most of the faculty require that you agree to work
in the laboratory for three semesters—once as a volunteer and then twice for academic credit. As opportunities to work in a given lab are limited,
students should make arrangements with a professor at the beginning of the junior year. See the Neuroscience Advisor for details about 4V96 and
other elective courses.
A grade of "C" or better in psychology and/or neuroscience courses used for the major.
Check your degree audit often through Bearweb to ensure that you are making timely progress toward your degree.
Notes about major requirements:
Pre-major: All students are admitted as a Pre-NSC major. Students may apply to be admitted into the NSC major when they have
achieved certain requirements. Please see the catalog for those requirements.
S e n i o r Y e a r
ll students must graduate with a minimum of 124 hours,
36 of which must be at the 3000/4000 level.
Important Note:
student who earns a D or F in a PSY or NSC course may repeat the course. However, a student earning a second D or F in the
same, or in a subsequent PSY or NSC course will not be eligible to continue in the Psychology or Neuroscience major. The student may, however,
be eligible to continue studies in another major in the University. Students who believe they have individual circumstances warranting an exception to
these grade minimums and failure policies may appeal to the department chair.
Neuroscience electives: choose two from NSC 3311, 3320, 3323, 3370, either 4317 or 4312, 4324, or 4V96.