Statement of Work (SOW) Template
Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS)
at a
Munitions Response Site (MRS)
Department of the Navy
NAVFAC [fill in the appropriate FEC]
Statement of Work (SOW)
Contract Number:
The statement of work shall be as outlined below and as described elsewhere in the basic
contract number [insert].
[Insert Installation/Site Name]
RPM Note: Please refer to the Remedial Project Manager (RPM) Notes provided
throughout this template and delete all notes prior to finalizing the SOW. As used in this
document, the term Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) includes Discarded
Military Munitions (DMM), Unexploded Ordnance (UXO), and Munitions Constituents (MC)
(e.g., TNT, RDX) in high enough concentrations to pose an explosive hazard. Munitions
Constituents (MC) are defined as materials originating from UXO, DMM or other military
munitions, including explosive and non-explosive materials, and emission, degradation
or breakdown elements of such ordnance or munitions. Include the specific definitions
from the introduction if needed. The CECOS Munitions Response Site Management
course maintains a list of definitions that are relevant to the Munitions Response
Program. Obtain the latest course CD from a coworker or CECOS if additional definitions
are needed.
Text highlighted in yellow indicates where you need to provide information specific to
your project.
You will want to consider if you need a separate SOW for the planning phase prior to
scoping and awarding a contract for the field work. It is important to ensure that your
stakeholders are in agreement with the planned approach.
Reference information is available at the Munitions Response Workgroup web portal at
As a reminder, the RPM must update the Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol
(MRSPP) priority in NORM if any of the following circumstances are met:
• Upon completion of a response action that changes the conditions of a
Munitions Response Site (MRS) in a manner that could affect the evaluation under
this Protocol;
• To update or validate a previous evaluation of an MRS when new information is
• To update or validate the priority assigned (to an MRS) where that priority has
been previously assigned based on evaluation of only one or two of the three
hazard evaluation modules;
• Upon further delineation and characterization of an Munitions Response Area
(MRA) into more than a single MRS; or
• To categorize any MRS previously classified as “evaluation pending.”
The Protocol is only required to be reapplied once sufficient new data are available. If no
new data are available at the time of annual review, the Protocol need not be reapplied.
See the Munitions Response Site Prioritization Primer for more details.
The objective for this task order is to perform a Remedial Investigation (RI) [and Feasibility
Study] (FS) to address the past use of Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) and
Munitions Constituents (MC) for a Munitions Response Site(s) (MRS) [insert the site specific
identifier] at [insert installation, City, State].
The purpose of this Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) is to determine the
nature and extent of the hazard/threat presented by MEC/MC contamination at [Insert Site] and,
if sufficient need is documented by site sampling, perform an explosives safety hazard
assessment, and a MC risk assessment, and evaluate proposed MEC/MC remedies. Integrating
the development of the RI and FS is important to ensure that data obtained in the RI is
appropriate to evaluate likely remedial alternatives during the FS. The contractor shall
determine the nature and extent of the release of MEC/MC at the site, provide data for the
explosive safety hazard assessment/MC risk assessment, perform the hazard/risk assessment,
and collect sufficient data to develop and evaluate potential remedial alternatives as necessary
and to recommend a preferred alternative for those areas of concern (AOC) within the MRS that
have been determined to present an unacceptable explosive safety hazard or risk.
This action will be performed in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), Sections 104 and 121; Executive Order 12580; and
the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP). [RPM to identify
other regulatory drivers for this project.]
The scope of this Task Order is to conduct all work required to complete the final RI/FS Report
for the site with Navy and regulatory concurrence. Details of this scope are further defined in
Section 4. All work must be performed following applicable and appropriate Department of
Defense (DOD) guidance and policy for Munitions Response Program (MRP) response actions
and consider all site documentation and reports to date. The RI for this site shall consist of field
investigations, including [geophysical surveys, intrusive investigation, MC sampling, etc] to
characterize the nature and extent of MEC and MC (e.g., compound, affected medium, level of
contamination, extent of area affected, etc.) sufficient to assess the extent to which the MEC
and MC poses an explosive safety hazard or risk to human health and the environment and to
support the analysis and design of potential response actions
if the site poses an unacceptable
explosive hazard or health risk. The RI will provide a basis for decisions on further response
actions or no further action (NFA). An MEC explosives safety hazard assessment (MEC HA)
shall be conducted as part of the RI. Guidance in conducting the MEC HA can be found in the
Munitions And Explosives Of Concern Hazard Assessment Methodology (EPA/DoD/DoI,
February 2010).
RPM Note: To address explosive safety hazards from MEC, which includes MC at a high
enough concentration to pose an explosive hazard, the DoD, EPA, Department of Interior
(DOI), and state and tribal organizations developed the MEC Hazard Assessments (MEC
HA) Methodology (most current revision, Feb 2010, is noted above). It qualitatively
addresses human health and safety concerns associated with potential exposure to MEC
and serves two main purposes:
To suppor
t the hazard management decision-making process by analyzing site-
specific information to evaluate removal and remedial alternatives, and to assess l
use activity decisions; and
2) To support the communication of hazards between members of the project team and
among other stakeholders, and by organizing site information in a consistent manner.
In the Spring of 2009 OSD, Department of the Army, and DON agreed to the use of the
MEC HA Methodology under a two-year trial period. The CNO letter of 6 Apr 09 states
that for each RI/FS, the RPM shall evaluate this tool and decide, along with their
regulatory and stakeholder partners, whether the MEC HA methodology is appropriate
for the specific site. Furthermore, where the team decides to implement this tool, further
evaluation shall be required regarding the outcome and effectiveness from
implementation of this tool. Contact your FEC MR workgroup member for the MEC HA
evaluation form to use in this evaluation.
Along with the MEC HA guidance document, RPMs may find it useful to review MEC HAs
that have already been developed for other MRSs.
The risk assessment from exposure to MCs below a concentration to pose an explosive
hazard should follow the Navy’s tiered approach for both the Human Health Risk
Assessment and the Ecological Risk Assessment. The relevant Navy Policies are:
Conducting Human Health Risk Assessments Under the Environmental Restoration
Program” (Ser N453E/10595168, 12 Feb. 2001); and “Navy Policy for Conducting
Ecological Risk Assessments(Ser N453E/9U595355, 05 Apr. 1999). Navy guidance for
conducting a human health risk assessment is provided in “U.S. Navy Human Health
Risk Assessment Guidance”, December 2008. Navy guidance for conducting an
ecological risk assessment is provided online at
pdf . If
the RI/FS is only intended to address the explosive hazard, remove the MC risk
assessment language from this SOW.
The RI shall use the existing site information to accomplish the following:
evelop a Work Plan for collecting necessary field data and other project plans
o Establish Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) for your site in coordination with
stakeholders (see U.S.E.P.A. Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the DQO
Process (EPA QA/G-4, 2006)
o Based on established DQOs for the project, select the appropriate detection
technology and anomaly investigation approach for MEC/MC (e.g. Digital
Geophysical Mapping (DGM), Mag & Flag.)
o Identify the appropriate MEC investigation design and depth based on the
current, determined, or reasonably anticipated future land use (e.g. USACOE 11x
o Develop an Explosives Safety Submission (ESS) for Naval Ordnance Safety and
Security Activity (NOSSA) or Marine Corps Systems Command
(MARCORSYSCOM) endorsement and Department of Defense Explosives
Safety Board (DDESB) approval
RPM Note: A general rule of thumb developed by the USACOE for MEC detectors is that
they can detect MEC at depths <11 times the MEC item’s diameter. Figure 1 at the end of
this SOW template helps illustrate this point. RPMs can use this information to get a
rough idea of the depth of detection for the MEC investigation. The geophysical system
verification instrument test strip and blind seeds will identify the actual site performance
that is achievable. The RPM note for section 3.5.2 discusses the geophysical system
verification in more detail.
The RI contractor shall then:
Conduct the field work and assess the data collected to characterize the site
o Perform an explosives safety hazard assessment and a MC risk assessment
considering MEC/MC findings, access, land uses, and regulatory input which will
provide a basis for decisions on further response actions or no further action
o Update the Conceptual Site Model (CSM) based on the site information
and form
the basis for the development of Remedial Action (RA) Objectives
The overall objective of the FS is to develop and evaluate potential remedies that permanently
and significantly reduce the hazard/threat to public health, welfare, and the environment using
the nine criteria established by CERCLA for remedy selection
[40 CFR 300.430(e)(9)(iii)]
. These
criteria are:
- P
rotection of Human Health and the Environment
- Compliance with Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs)
- Long Term Effectiveness and Permanence
- Reduction of Toxicity
- Short Term Effectiveness
- Implementability
- Cost
- State Acceptance
- Community Acceptance
The FS shall use the data generated from the RI, with input from the MEC HA and MC risk
assessments, to accomplish the following:
Develop and Screen Remediation Alternatives for Effectiveness, Implementability
and Cost
o Identify the appropriate remedy alternatives to consider (e.g. detection and
anomaly removal, excavation and sifting, land use controls, etc.)
o Identify the appropriate removal depth based on data from the site, the MEC HA
and MC risk assessments, and the future land use
o Assemble the remedies into alternatives and screen the alternatives as
necessary, to reduce the overall number of alternatives to be forwarded for more
detailed analysis.
o Identify ARARs
Conduct a detailed analysis of remedial alternatives
o Refine the alternatives further, as necessary
o Analyze the alternatives against the nine NCP criteria, the MEC HA and MC risk
o Compare the alternatives against each other
Based on the alternative analysis performed in the FS, the Navy, with regulatory coordination,
will select a proposed remedy that will be described in a Proposed Plan for public review and
comment. Comments and input obtained on the Proposed Plan will be addressed as necessary
during the development of a Record of Decision (ROD) or other Decision Document (DD) that
will define response requirements for the MRS or AOCs within the site.
RPM Note: The details for scoping a Proposed Plan and Record of Decision are not
included in this scope, but the RPM can choose to add it if it is appropriate for your site.
Depending on the specific need at the site, a Community Relations Plan (CRP) may also be
developed as part of this SOW. If not developed under this SOW, a CRP should be provided to
support this and other phases of the MRP at the site. The CRP will:
Provide the public an opportunity to express comments on and provide input to
technical decisions;
Inform the public of planned and ongoing actions; and
Help identify and resolve conflicts.
3.1 Location
[Describe the location of the site and provide a brief description of the terrain and vegetation,
any existing buildings or infrastructure, photo(s), and any other information to help describe the
general location and attributes for the study area. Provide references (if available) to reports or
other information that would be relevant to the level of effort required to complete tasks, such as
geophysical surveys and intrusive investigation, that are assumed to be part of the RI.
3.2 History
[Provide a brief history of the site and the reasons, known or suspected, for the potential
presence of MEC/MC. Add subsections if there are specific areas of known MEC/MC and
describe the types of munitions and filler if known. Include information on the source of
MEC/MC at each site (disposal, range, manufacturing, etc). Depending on the extent of
information available concerning the site, it may be appropriate to reference existing reports or
documents rather than providing a complete summary in the SOW].
RPM Note: The RPM should be clear in these sections whether the site undergoing the
RI/FS is an MRA, MRS or multiple MRSs. This general breakdown should have resulted
from the PA/SI phase and the contractor will need to understand the limits of the study.
The Navy may only be interested in remediating a single MRS within an MRA that
contains multiple sites and this point should be clear in this SOW.
It is important to state the pertinent MEC use history including the types of munitions
used, types of operations (e.g., OB/OD activities, firing points, impact areas, etc.), past
findings, Archive Search Reports (ASR) results, past response actions, military
Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit reports, expected munitions, expected depths
and extents if established, as well as any other pertinent information on MEC uses at the
site from the PA/SI reports. RPMs are encouraged to reference pertinent reports or
documents that detail the history of the site and the degree of information available
concerning MEC incidence at the site. For ranges, it is important to provide any known
information on firing lines and target locations as well as the types of munitions used at
the site. The penetration depth will be a key factor in developing your detection and
clearance criteria. For non range sites, you should consider any other information that
may determine the maximum depth that MEC is anticipated to be found. This can be
based on geology, land filling activities, historic documents or various other sources.
While this is not always available, it can be very useful in focusing the investigation.
3.3 Safety
MEC represents a safety hazard and may constitute an imminent and substantial endangerment
to personnel and the local population due to its explosive potential. All activities involving work
in areas potentially containing MEC hazards shall be conducted only after receiving the
endorsement of NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM and the approval of the DDESB. NOSSA and
MARCORSYSCOM are designated by OPNAV 8020.15/MCO 8020.13 to provide review and
oversight of their respective munitions response projects. Details regarding explosives safety
criteria for both Services are contained in NAVSEA Ordnance Pamphlet (OP) 5. Details
regarding munitions response actions are contained in NOSSAINST 8020.15(series), Enclosure
(3) of which describes how to write an Explosives Safety Submission (ESS). The contractor will
perform all work in accordance with the approved ESS. Non-intrusive work done at an MEC site,
outside of an ESS, will require a NOSSA/MARCORSYSCM determination that an ESS is not
required per NOSSAINST 8020.15 (series), Enclosure (2).
RPM Note: OP 5, Vol. 1 and NOSSAINST 8020.15(series) are the two key documents that
will govern explosives safety on DON sites. Marine Corps sites may follow this
instruction with the approval of COMMARCORYSCOM (PM Ammo). Technical Paper (TP)
18 from DDESB provides the personnel qualifications and experience requirements for
the contracted UXO personnel who will be performing the work. Work that includes the
intentional contact with MEC, or intrusive operations in areas known or suspected to
contain MEC, will require review and endorsement of an ESS by
NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM and approval by the DDESB. A separate site approval request
is not required, but is part of the ESS. Up to a 6-month lead time is required for
NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM review and DDESB approval of an ESS and must be
considered in scheduling of the RI. Advance notification to NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM of
an anticipated ESS is encouraged to expedite reviews and revision necessary prior to
approval. The RPM should work closely with the MRP Work Group member for advice on
MRP projects. NOSSA’s phone number is 301-744-4450. MARCORSYSCOM’s phone
number is 703-432-4824. A discussion of the requirements for an ESS is provided in
sections covering intrusive work.
3.4 Chemical Warfare Material (CWM)
The site is not suspected to contain Chemical Warfare Materiel (CWM). However, if suspect
CWM is encountered during any phase of site activities, the contractor shall immediately
withdraw upwind from the work area, secure the site and contact the Navy RPM. The contractor
shall maintain site security until written direction is provided by the Navy regarding the
procedure to be followed for performing further RI/FS work at the site. The RPM will coordinate
RPM Note: It is assumed the CWM is not expected to be encountered at most MRP sites
and that this disclaimer is appropriate. The level of planning and protective measures
required for projects that may result in encounters with CWM is significantly greater than
projects without CWM.
3.5 Sites with Potential MEC/MC
3.5.1 Site 1
[Site 1, Former (OB/OD, Bombing, Firing, Small Arms, etc.) Range, comprises XYZ acres and is
located in the (where) portion of the MRA. It was used for (destruction of military munitions
including small arms, pyrotechnics, white phosphorus (WP), rockets, grenades and artillery
ammunition, bombing practice, etc.) for X years. Describe the circumstances surrounding the
MEC/MC activities in sufficient detail so that the bidders will understand the circumstances of
the site. According to the PA/SI, historical records review, etc., the following MEC/MC are
associated with this site:
Small Arms
Everything else in the inventory
[Provide a description of the property, for example: The property is (hilly, relatively flat,
mountainous, etc.) with (dense, sparse, etc.) vegetation. A creek runs through the property from
SE to NW and the land on either side of the creek for approximately 100 feet is very wet and
cannot be traversed by vehicle. etc. Include a description of any manmade infrastructure that is
on the property.]
3.5.2 Site 2
[Same information for each of multiple sites, if multiple sites are part of the RI]
RPM Note: The purpose for the site descriptions is to provide the contractor with as
clear a picture of the property as possible. A description of the MEC activities is essential
so that they can evaluate the best possible investigation techniques to recommend. A list
of the types of MEC is necessary to determine which detection technology (e.g.,
magnetometer, electromagnetic (EM), or other) will perform the best. The description of
the property and infrastructure is necessary to evaluate what sort of platform (e.g., man
portable, towed, other) to use to transport the geophysical sensors and which type of
positioning (e.g., GPS, fiducial, other) may be most effective. It is also important for the
RPM to determine if the site will have to be cleared of vegetation prior to field work.
The RPM is encouraged to provide references to documents and information that may
provide a more detailed account of site conditions and history than can be provided in
the site description in the SOW. In addition, a scoping meeting should be included with
the contractor prior to their development of a proposal to allow the contractor to obtain
all necessary data for development of the proposal. In the event that data necessary to
accurately estimate the level of effort to perform the RI is not available (e.g., number of
anomalies per acre in the site) the RPM and contractor should agree to the assumptions
that will be used in development of the proposal.
The selection of the most appropriate MEC detection technology for conducting a
response action is not a simple task for two reasons: (1) there is not a currently accepted
“best” tool that offers a high degree of effectiveness, ease of implementation, and cost-
effectiveness in every situation; and (2) the “best” geophysical detector in one
geological, topographical, and vegetative environment may not work well in a different
environment. In the past, the accepted method for determining which is the best
munitions detection technology for a particular MRS was to design and construct a
geophysical prove-out (GPO) test bed and then test a variety of instruments on the GPO
to determine their probability of detection and to establish a confidence level in that
probability. This, however, is generally considered to be outdated and a GPO is not
needed for most sites. The method now being advocated is the Geophysical System
Verification (GSV) which is discussed in the following paragraphs.
Background information on detection technologies can be found in the Survey of
Munitions Response Technologies by ESTCP, ITRC, and SERDP; June 2006. This
document provides an overview of the current status of technologies used for munitions
response (MR) actions and, where possible, evaluates and quantifies their performance
capabilities. This document also provides project managers and regulators an
understanding of the performance capabilities of available technologies under real-world
site conditions and should be used in conjunction with the process for establishing
project DQOs. Background information on the GSV can be found in Geophysical System
Verification (GSV): A Physics-Based Alternative to Geophysical Prove-Outs for Munitions
Response by ESTCP; July 2009.
The evaluation and cleanup of current and former military sites contaminated with buried
munitions relies on two well-understood geophysical technologies to detect the
munitions: magnetometry and electromagnetic (EM) induction. As these technologies
were introduced in munitions response projects, the GPO was developed to determine
whether the geophysical data collected would meet project objectives. Over the last 15
years, numerous GPOs have been performed on a variety of site conditions, and a
significant body of knowledge has accumulated documenting the performance of these
technologies. This accumulated understanding, along with the recognition that magnetic
and EM responses of munitions may be predicted reliably using physical models,
presents the opportunity for both streamlining and enhancing the GPO with a more
rigorous physics-based approach. ESTCP in collaboration with the military Services,
state and federal regulators, and the National Association of Ordnance and Explosive
Waste Contractors (NAOC) has designed a new approach, geophysical system
verification (GSV), as a physics-based alternative to GPOs. Using the GSV process, the
resources traditionally devoted to a GPO are reallocated to support simplified, but more
rigorous, verification that a geophysical system is operating properly, as well as ongoing
monitoring of production work. The two main elements are:
n instrument verification strip (IVS) containing a handful of targets (pipe
nipples of various sizes) replaces the traditional GPO, which consists of several
tens to a hundred or more targets. The objective of the IVS is to verify on a dail
s that the geophysical survey system is operating properly. The IVS target
d be observed in the data with signals that are consistent with bot
easurements and physics-based model predictions. Adjacent measurements of
the site noise are used to determine whether targets of interest can be detect
eliably to their depth of interest under the site conditions.
n the blind seeding program, the production site is seeded with targets (pipe
nipples) at surveyed locations that are blind to the data collection and processing
teams. The objective is to provide ongoing monitoring of the quality of the
geophysical data collection and target selection process as it is performed in t
production survey.
RPMs should note, however, that the GSV is not applicable to so-called “black boxes.”
This will include proprietary devices for which sensor details are not divulged and any
other system whose operation, in terms of both hardware and processing, is not well-
documented. Likewise, the GSV will not be appropriate for technologies based on
completely different physical phenomena, where a GPO may be required. RPMs should
also note that some aspects of the seeding will not be practical at all sites. For example,
seeds may be difficult to apply to transects and meandering path surveys, where 100%
survey coverage is not required and the exact locations of survey lines is not known in
he Geophysical System Verification: A Physics-Based Alternative to Geophysical
Prove-Outs document can be downloaded from the ESTCP website at
PM Note: For sections 4.0 and 5.0 we have included below a list of the typical types of
investigation/analysis an RPM may do at a MRP site during the RI/FS phase. The RPM
should adapt this SOW from the parts outlined below and apply them to your specific site
as needed. Each component is described in greater detail at the end of this SOW and
should be cut and pasted in as needed. The documentation required for each component
is highlighted below and described for each at the end of this SOW template. The
hyperlinks to each section are below, just press the ctrl key and click to go to the
relevant section.
The primary goals of the RI are to determine the nature and extent of contamination and
to use this data to develop a baseline exposure assessment for the site. The exposure
assessment considers potential threats to human health and the environment from site
contaminants (including MC) as well as potential exposure to explosive safety hazards at
MRP Sites. The baseline exposure assessment is used to determine if an unacceptable
health/ecological risk or explosive hazard exposure exists at the site. If an unacceptable
risk or explosive hazard exposure is determined to exist, the FS evaluates the array of
remediation alternatives that will be considered to address this situation and select the
preferred alternative.
In developing the plans for the RI/FS, the RPM should follow guidance provided by U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 2006a, Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the
Data Quality Objectives (DQO) Process (EPA QA/G-4). Use of this guidance will focus
data collection activities included in the RI/FS to ensure that only data needed to support
decision making an alternative analysis is collected and prevent needless expense and
time collecting data that does not contribute to RI/FS objective.
The RPM should coordinate with stakeholders prior to developing this SOW to outline
the site requirements and DQOs, which will help determine the most appropriate
components to include for your site. In many cases, the process of determining the
DQOs and defining the field data necessary to meet these objectives will require an
extensive planning effort to ensure that input from regulatory agencies and stakeholders
has been appropriately considered. This is particularly true for complex projects that are
managed under Interagency Agreements with Federal and State regulatory agencies. At
such sites, draft RI/FS work plans are commonly a primary deliverable requiring State
and Federal regulatory agency approval prior to initiation of any RI/FS field work.
In cases where an extensive planning effort is required to develop the RI/FS work plans
and define the DQOs and field work and data collection requirements for the RI and
subsequent FS, the RPM should consider scoping the planning effort for development
RI/FS work plans separately from execution of the work plans. Separate scoping of the
work plan development phase of the project will allow the RPM and contractor to better
define the field work that will be required to complete tasks identified in work plans that
have been approved by regulatory agencies.
One issue that has appeared in developing plans for fieldwork is poor quality control of
the initial document generated by the contractor. These plans should be reviewed by the
contractor’s quality control personnel prior to submission to the Navy. If obvious
mistakes are included in these initial plans (e.g. SOPs copied and pasted from another
project without any adjustment to the specific site, etc), the RPM should consider
whether a contractor should receive a reduced award fee, or low evaluation score.
RPM Note: The hyperlinks to each section are below in section 5.0, just press the ctrl key
and click to go to the relevant section and edit, copy, paste in the relevant information.
Sampling for Munitions Constituents (MC)
Documents: RI Work Plan, HASP, FSAP, QAPP
Other issues: Anomaly avoidance measures, ESS determination
Geophysical Investigation without Intrusive Investigation
Documents: RI Work Plan, HASP, PQCP, GPO or GSV Plan
Other issues: Site preparation, Govt. QA Plan, anomaly avoidance
measures, ESS determination
Geophysical Investigation with Intrusive Investigation
Documents: RI Work Plan, HASP, PQCP, GPO or GSV Plan, ESS
Other issues: Site preparation, Govt. QA Plan, MEC disposal plan,
MPPEH management
Mag, Flag, & Dig (Magnetometer detection and marking without geophysical
mapping followed by intrusive investigation)
Documents: RI Work Plan, HASP, PQCP, GPO or GSV Plan, ESS
Other issues: Site preparation, Govt. QA Plan, MEC disposal plan,
MPPEH management
RPM Note: A MEC UFP-QAPP template is available on the MR portal. The template
provides modified UFP-QAPP workheets with a discussion of the considerations
necessary to generate a MEC UFP-QAPP.
Likewise, an example MEC UFP-QAPP is
provided on the MR Portal. Also included are the Technical Management Plan for the site
and the Standard Operating Procedures which are appendices in the MEC UFP-QAPP.
These documents are provided so that the level of detail that was developed in each
document can be understood. The work plan contains a minimum amount of information
with the purpose of directing the reader to the MEC UFP-QAPP.
A Quality Assessment SOW template is also on the MR Portal.
This SOW template is
intended to assist the RPM in contracting with either the Naval Explosive Ordnance
Disposal Technology Division (NAVEODTECHDIV) or an independent third party to
perform the Quality Assessment role during munitions response (MR) actions.
6.0 Treatability Study
RPM Note: A Treatability Study involves testing and evaluating a treatment technology to
determine the effectiveness of that technology at a particular site or to establish site-
specific design parameters. These studies can be applied to remedy screening,
selection and design, and should be carefully selected to meet DQOs for the project. The
additional costs for conducting treatability studies are often justifiable as these studies
can significantly reduce the uncertainties that are sometimes associated with innovative
Treatability studies may be needed during the RI/FS when sufficient information for
technology cost and performance, under site-specific conditions, is not available. This
information is necessary for applying the nine NCP criteria for evaluation of alternatives
for the feasibility study. A treatability study should verify whether the technology is
capable of meeting the cleanup goals or other specified performance objectives.
Following a decade of research and development, classification technology of MEC has
now been successfully demonstrated on several live sites under the Environmental
Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP).
This new process is used to
classify subsurface anomalies as those likely to be a MEC item which must be removed
or is likely to be a non-MEC item which may be left in the ground. Using these advanced
classification sensors to analyze data over previously-detected anomalies has shown
that it is possible to correctly identify 75-90+% of clutter while retaining all of the MEC on
the dig list.
RPMs should consider if this technology is applicable at their site and perform a
treatability study to define such things as production rate, areas that are suitable for
classification technology, the overall economics of implementing the classification
process, and the QA/QC requirements for the new sensors. More information on the
classification technology can be found on the SERDP ESTCP website and in the
guidance on their website titled “Implementing Advanced Classification on Munitions
Response Sites: A Guide to Informed Decision Making For Project Managers, Regulators,
and ContractorsIt may be prudent to have a scoping meeting with the contractor to
discuss which classification technology treatability studies will be performed and where
they will be performed.
The objective of this treatability study is to determine if classification technology is a viable
treatment option and can meet remedial action objectives for Site 1 or portions of Site 1.
Activities associated with this project include the following:
Development of a treatability study workplan. The workplan should, among other things,
clearly describe: the experimental design, the treatability study goals, the QAPP, data
management and interpretation, and reporting.
Installation and development of appropriate QC processes and measures such as
instrument verification strip and blind seeding with XXX size industry standard objects
Collecting advanced geophysical sensor data over XXX anomalies using XYZ system;
Processing the data, including feature extraction and classifier application to develop a “dig
Conducting intrusive investigation to verify performance of the classification technology on
XXX anomalies and manage any MEC/MPPEH derived from the study
Performing a detailed analysis of classification technology alternatives including which
advanced sensor is appropriate for the site areas and the estimated costs to implement the
classification technology. The detailed analysis of alternatives which will consist of an
individual analysis of each alternative against a set of the CERCLA nine evaluation criteria
and a comparative analysis of all options against the evaluation criteria with respect to one
Preparing a treatability summary report or appendix in the RI/FS report which documents the
results of the treatability studies and QA/QC for the study
The contractor shall use and refer to EPA guidance for this treatability study. Specifically, EPA’s
“Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies under CERCLA, 1992"
RPM Note: the above language assumes that an ESS is in place. If it isn’t, modify the
language to incorporate appropriate ESS development language from section 5.
The results of the site characterization shall be documented in an RI/FS Report. The RI/FS
report shall be submitted in preliminary/internal draft for Navy review, draft for full regulatory
review, and final after comments are addressed. The contractor will develop a range of
MEC/MC management alternatives that will remediate or control any MEC/MC remaining at the
site, as deemed necessary in the RI, the MEC HA, and the MC risk assessments to provide
adequate explosives safety, and protection of human health and the environment. The potential
alternatives should encompass, as appropriate, a range of alternatives in which MEC/MC
removal is used to reduce the toxicity, mobility, or volume of MEC/MC but vary in the degree to
which long-term management of residual/remaining MEC/MC is required. One or more
alternatives involving land use controls and a no-action alternative should also be included.
The potential technologies and process options should be combined into location-specific or
site-wide alternatives.
The contractor will meet with the Navy to discuss which alternatives will
be evaluated in the detailed analysis and to facilitate the identification of action-specific ARARs.
The contractor will conduct a detailed analysis of alternatives which will consist of an individual
analysis of each alternative against a set of the CERCLA nine evaluation criteria and a
comparative analysis of all options against the evaluation criteria with respect to one another.
The individual analysis should include: (1) a technical description of each alternative that
outlines the MEC/MC management strategy involved and identifies the key ARARs associated
with each alternative; and (2) a discussion that profiles the performance of that alternative with
respect to each of the evaluation criteria. A table summarizing the results of this analysis should
be prepared. Once the individual analysis is complete, the alternatives will be compared and
contrasted to one another with respect to each of the evaluation criteria.
RPM Note: The RI report can be combined with the FS report to form an RI/FS report, but
the RI and FS reports also can be submitted separately. The RI section of the RI/FS report
should present the methods used for the RI, the updated CSM resulting from the
investigation, the results of the MEC HA and MC risk assessment, a determination of
whether further remedial action is needed, and if so, the recommended remedial action
objectives. The primary focus of the FS report is to ensure that appropriate remedial
alternatives are developed and evaluated in such a manner that the information can be
presented to a decision-maker and an appropriate remedy selected. Development of
alternatives shall be fully integrated with the site characterization activities of the RI, and
the combined RI/FS leads to the selection of an optimal response action for the site.
The recommended format to follow for the RI and FS sections of the report are provided
in Table 8-1and Table 8-3 of the Department of the Navy Environmental Restoration
Program Manual. The RPM should direct the contractor to update this format to include
MEC related information.
The MEC Removal, Treatment and Residual Processing tables at the end of this
document help to provide a list of available alternatives that may be evaluated in the FS.
These tables are from the USACOE, MEC Detection, Recovery, And Disposal Technology
Assessment Report.
Community Relations Plan (CRP)
The contractor will be responsible for setting up and documenting community interviews in order
to produce the CRP. Interviews will be conducted with FEC personnel and local officials,
residents, public interest groups, and other interested or affected parties to ascertain community
concerns, community information needs, and how or when citizens would like to be involved in
the CERCLA process. The contents of the CRP should include the following: background and
history of community involvement at the site including local activity and interest plus key issues;
site history including environmental history; objectives of the ER Program; community
involvement activities to meet the ER Program objectives; and a list of officials,
citizen/community groups, and media contacts. The CRP shall be submitted in
preliminary/internal draft for Navy review, draft for full regulatory review, and final after
comments are addressed. The community involvement program shall be conducted in
accordance with the RAB Rule (Federal Register 5/12/06) and the RAB Rule Handbook (DoD,
March 2007).
RPM Note: The Community Relations Plan documents the history of community
relations and the issues of community concern at a site. It describes the objectives of the
community relations activities and how these objectives will be met and includes a
discussion of planned community interviews, fact sheets, and public meetings. The Navy
Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual (OPNAVINST 5090.1B, 01
Nov.1994) and Marine Corps Environmental Compliance and Protection Manual (MCO
P5090.2A, 10 July1998) and the RAB Rule Handbook (DoD, March 2007) provide public
participation guidance.
DON’s policy is to prepare CRPs for specific installations rather than for specific actions,
the CRP may have additional requirements beyond those specified in CERCLA and,
therefore, the RPM should check the installation’s CRP to ensure that all requirements
are being met. If necessary a CRP should be developed. Otherwise, community relations
activities should support the existing CRPs (most cases).
The contractor shall perform project management activities necessary to maintain project
control and to meet reporting requirements, including but not limited to the following:
8.1 Schedule
The contractor will prepare a comprehensive project schedule which shall be due within [insert
weeks/months] after project award. The schedule will be prepared using MS Project and
provided in hardcopy and electronically in native format and may be required as a .PDF file as
well. The contractor shall update the schedule monthly and provide this as an electronic
deliverable (email only for this electronic deliverable) to the RPM. The contractor shall
coordinate critical deliverable dates with the RPM. [Insert any critical schedule requirements
here, such as Federal Facility agreements or other agreements]
8.2 Meetings and Project Coordination
8.2.1 Pre-Bid and Kickoff Meetings
A pre-bid site visit [will/will not] be conducted by the Government. The pre-bid site visit will
occur, [provide the date, time, assembly place, etc. for the visit]. The Government will prepare
an abbreviated Site Safety and Health Plan to cover the site visit and, if the area has known
MEC, provide a UXO-qualified safety escort. If necessary, a request for an ESS determination
will be prepared by the government for submittal to NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM prior to the site
RPM Note: The need for a pre-bid site visit will depend on the information available from
the PA and/or SI and the contractor’s familiarity with the site and your selected contract
mechanism. A pre-bid site visit may be required for contract mechanisms where the SOW
is sent to several bidders.
The contractor shall plan to attend a kickoff meeting/formal site visit at [insert site or Facilities
Engineering Command (FEC)]. Attendees of this meeting may include the Navy RPM,
Environmental Coordinators and others from the site and various FEC personnel. At a minimum,
the contractor’s Project Manager and/or Technical Lead for this project shall attend. Regulators
and stakeholders may be included as determined by the RPM. The agenda for this meeting will
include discussions of roles and responsibilities, emergency response, health and safety,
access to the site, project schedule, explosives safety, contracted deliverables, investigation
methodology, and other issues related to the delivery order. The contractor shall provide a
written meeting agenda to all invited participants not less than [insert number of days] prior to
the scheduled meeting, coordinate with the RPM to arrange meeting facilities, and provide
invited participants written meeting minutes within [insert number of days] after the meeting.
8.2.2 Project Meetings
The contractor shall coordinate and attend [insert number] additional meetings at [insert
location] to be held at the discretion of the RPM. Attendees normally include regulators and
stakeholders. To the extent possible, it is recommended to schedule project meetings during
times when the contractor’s staff are already visiting [insert location] for project-related duties.
Teleconference and web enabled meetings may also be necessary. The contractor is
responsible for agendas and minutes of all meetings. The contractor will provide an agenda, via
e-mail, no less than [insert number] days prior to any meeting to participants identified by the
RPM. For meetings involving review of a deliverable, include a brief synopsis of the latest
comments and recommendations for the deliverable. The contractor will provide invited
participants written meeting minutes within [insert number] days after the meeting.
9.1 Format for Reports
The final RI/FS Report shall consist of a black and white master adequate for printing and
copying on 8 1/2" X 11" paper size. It is permissible to use foldout sheets as long as the eleven-
inch vertical dimension is retained. Maps should be in color to easily distinguish the various
features, however, the contractor must ensure that critical data are not lost if the map is
reproduced in black and white. Deliverables, other than Draft, shall contain a “Response to
Comments” (RTC) table indicating how each regulatory agency comment was addressed.
draft and final submittals must be letter quality; all pages must be numbered with chapter
number followed by page number (1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 2 1, 2 2, 2 3, etc.). Appendix documentation
submittals must be letter quality with all pages numbered (A 1, A 2, B 1, B 2 etc.).
9.2 Electronic Deliverables of Records
The electronic version/file of the preliminary/internal draft, draft, and final after comments are
addressed shall be submitted in both A) the native format, which Navy prefers be a Microsoft
product, and B) Adobe Acrobat PDF (or compatible) format. The PDF version of all final
deliverables (other than raw analytical and databases) must be a complete, mirror image of the
hardcopy, and include appendices, maps, signature pages, etc. At completion of the project with
the Final RI/FS Report submittals, the contractor will provide an electronic deliverable with a
copy of all reports, meeting minutes, point papers, maps and map databases, and briefings. All
electronic submittals will be certified “virus free” and include the statement “virus free” on the
disk or transmittal message. The contractor shall verify, with the RPM, the appropriate data
management requirements and electronic data deliverables.
9.3 Spatial and Non-Spatial Data Standards
RPM Note: NIRIS is designed to manage both IR and MRP site data using GIS and other
end user tools. Training on the use of NIRIS is recommended and available upon request
for both RPMs and contractors. Coordinate with your local NIRIS Workgroup member
regarding access and training for NIRIS and mapping needs. In the fall 2012 timeframe,
NIRIS will be linked to the Regional Shore Installation Management System (RSIMS) for
local basemap data, real estate parcel information and aerial photography for most sites.
All ER data must be submitted via the NIRIS Electronic Data Deliverables (NEDDs) and
automated data checker. NIRIS should be used for MR projects mapping needs,
however, if there is an existing, legacy system with data to migrate to NIRIS, or
specialized applications or tools, talk to your local NIRIS Workgroup member.
located on the NAVFAC Portal by navigating to the “employees” (i.e., Private Portal) side,
clicking on “eTools”, clicking on “more eTools” and scrolling down to NIRIS.
Spatial data such as maps, CADD drawings, aerial photos, etc. may be required in
support of the project. All CADD and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) graphics
deliverables shall be compliant with the latest Navy and DOD spatial data requirements, i.e.,
Naval Installation Restoration Information Solution (NIRIS) Non-NEDD Deliverable Submittal
Guidelines SOP).
9.4 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Deliverables
MRP data is inherently spatial in nature. A web-based GIS shall be used to facilitate decision
making, perform analysis and visualize results, to ensure effective cleanup decisions are made
in cooperation with the Navy, regulators, and other stakeholders. GIS data may include: past
and present land uses, site conditions, historical photographs, land use controls (LUCs),
geophysical data, MEC findings data, and MC data collected throughout the RI/FS. The
Government will provide the contractor access to NIRIS and provide the initial base mapping
data and information on the format of the data. The NIRIS Non-NEDD Deliverable Submittal
Guidelines SOP contains detailed requirements and specifications and should be used for all
GIS deliverables.
The contractor shall update and manage the project GIS in NIRIS, or if needed, an export of the
NIRIS data using a local machine running ArcGIS or ArcInfo. Any project related spatial data
including maps, models and associated collected or created data must then be submitted back
to NIRIS according to the NIRIS Non-NEDD Deliverable Submittal Guidelines SOP. This would
include daily geophysical data, MEC related items found during the investigation, positively
identified MEC, positively identified archeological sites, environmental sample locations,
inaccessible areas such as brush piles, fence lines, areas of bare rock, etc.
9.5 Electronic Data Deliverables
All tabular data such as MC analytical results by location, geophysical anomaly or ordnance
information shall be provided using the appropriate NIRIS Electronic Data Deliverable according
to the NEDD Standard Operating Procedure using the NIRIS web-based data checker.
9.6 Administrative Record File (ARF)
The contractor will establish or maintain an ARF during this phase of the project. All documents
will be prepared and indexed for inclusion in the ARF.
RPM Note: Information regarding the establishment of AR Files can be found in “Final
Guidance on Administrative Records for Selecting CERCLA Response Actions” OSWER
9833.3A-1, Dec 1990 and in NAVFAC’s “CERCLA Interim Administrative Records
Management System Users Guide” UG-2024-ENV, Dec 2000. In addition, NAVFAC Atlantic
and Pacific, and many FECs have Records Mangers to help RPMs maintain the ARF and
Site File.
Contractor and ERP Navy personnel generated ERP documents (commonly referred to as
“deliverables”) for NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Southeast and Washington
installations will be sent to the designated Regional Data Manager (RDM) for that
respective region. The responsible NAVFAC party or a subcontractor acting on behalf of
NAVFAC will provide the RDM a paper, electronic and ‘native files’ copy of each
deliverable. Each paper copy will be complete including signed signature page. The
electronic copy shall be in Acrobat Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and will
adhere to the scanning and bookmarking requirements outlined in the Environmental
Restoration Recordkeeping Program Manual, Appendix K. All ERP documents
associated with the Administrative Record File, Post Decision File and Site File will be
prepared and submitted in accordance with the NAVFAC Environmental Restoration
Recordkeeping Manual. To view the ER Recordkeeping Program Manual, click on the
following URL:
9.7 Public Affairs
The contractor shall not disclose any data resulting from actions in this contract to the news
media, the public, regulatory agencies, or any other non-project-involved personnel. The
contractor shall refer all press or public contacts to the RPM. The contractor may not distribute
reports or data to any other source, unless specifically authorized, in writing, by the Public
Affairs Officer in accordance with NAVFAC Instruction 5720.10A. All project-related materials
become permanent property of the United States Government.
9.8 Distribution
Deliverables must be approved by the RPM prior to distribution (see Table 1). [RPM should
make below chart specific to your SOW]
Table 1. Schedule of Deliverables
# of Hard Copies/Disks
Due Date
RI/FS Work Planning Documents
Project Schedule
2 weeks from
Table 1. Schedule of Deliverables (Continued)
# of Hard Copies/Disks
Due Date
30 days from
Draft RI Work Plan
30 days from
Gov’t comments
1 week
Draft Final RI Work Plan
All review comments
Final RI Work Plan
1 week
Draft RI/FS Report
180 days from
Navy Review/comment
200 days from
Draft-Final RI/FS Report
220 days from
All Review/Comment
250 days from
Final RI/FS Report
280 days from
The contractor will obtain written approval from the appropriate installation personnel [insert
location and phone number] prior to obtaining photographic records, still or motion pictures, and
aerial or ground photographs; in accordance with Public Law 18 U.S. Code 795 and applicable
Station Regulations. The Government may provide a representative to act in an advisory
capacity to prevent unauthorized disclosure of classified information.
Any oral directions, instructions, explanations, commitments and/or acceptances given by any
government employee to the contractor, shall not be construed by the contractor as a change in
scope to this delivery order. Any change in scope of work must be issued to the contractor, in
writing, by the Contracting Officer in order to be binding to the government.
The contractor shall provide copies of all project correspondence to the RPM as well as
synopses of all phone conversations with regulators in a timely manner. The RPM is to be
copied on all electronic correspondence with FEC and Installation/Activity representatives, and
others as appropriate and as requested by the RPM.
The contractor shall organize, furnish, maintain, supervise, and direct a work force, which, within
the limitations of the provisions of the contract, is thoroughly capable and qualified to effectively
perform the work set forth in this delivery order. The contractor will ensure that personnel have
been appropriately trained for the tasks and duties assigned. The contractor will maintain and
provide upon request, records of training and qualifications of individuals involved in the project.
The contractor and his employees and subcontractors shall become familiar with and obey
installation regulations, including fire, traffic, and security regulations. Contractor personnel
employed on the installation shall keep within the limits of the work (and avenues of ingress and
egress), and shall not enter restricted areas unless required to do so and are cleared for such
entry. The contractor's equipment shall be conspicuously marked for identification.
Permit Equivalency for CERCLA On-site Response Actions: CERCLA on-site response actions
are exempted by law from requirements to obtain Federal, State or local permits related to any
activities conducted completely onsite [CERCLA Section 121(e)]. However, the substantive
provisions of the permitting regulations that are applicable or relevant and appropriate, must be
met. Expenses to obtain on-site permits that are exempt under CERCLA are not normally
Identification badges and vehicle passes will be furnished without charge; application for and
use of passes will be specified by [insert Installation/Activity ] Installation Security when issued.
Immediately report lost or stolen passes to [insert Installation/Activity ] Installation Security and,
in writing, to the Contract Specialist (CS) and RPM. Issuance will be coordinated through the
References: (RPM to determine all that are applicable and add site specific references. The
RPM should also update the list to include the most recent issuance of any document or
NAVSEA OP-5, Vol. 1, Seventh Revision, “Ammunition and Explosives Ashore
Safety Regulations for Handling, Storing, Production, Renovation and Shipping”.
NOSSA Instruction 8020.15(series), “Explosives Safety Review, Oversight, And
Verification of Munitions Responses
OPNAV INSTRUCTION 8020.15A/MCO 8020.13A, “Explosives Safety Review,
Oversight, And Verification of Munitions Responses” (27 Feb 2008)
OPNAV INSTRUCTION 3500.39 series, Operational Risk Management (ORM)
method for identifying hazards
DOD Explosives Safety Board (DDESB) Standard 6055.09-STD
DDESB Technical Paper Number 18, dated December 2004
Marine Corps Order P 8020.10A, “Marine Corps Ammunition Management and
Explosives Safety Policy Manual” (for work performed at USMC installations)
Automated Quality Assessment Planning System (AQAPS)
Department of the Navy Environmental Restoration Program Manual, August 2006
Federal Regulation 29 CFR 1910.120, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency
Response (HAZWOPER)
PA/SI report or Archives Search Report of installation
Installation Master Plan
IRP Initial Assessment Study/Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection and other IRP
reports related to the site
Environmental Baseline Survey or Environmental Condition of Property
Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan
Military Munitions Rule [Federal Register: February 12, 1997 (Volume 62, Number
DOD Policy to Implement the EPA’s Military Munitions Rule (July 1, 1998)
DOD 4145.26-M, DoD Contractors’ Safety Manual for Ammunition and Explosives
DODD 4715.1E, Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health (ESOH) (March,
DOD EDQW Guide for Implementing EPA SW-846 Method 8330B
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
(CERCLA Section 120 (h) 42 U.S.C. Section 9620) and as amended by the SARA of
Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act (CERFA), Public Law 102-426
(Oct 19, 1992)
The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), Part
300, Chapter 40, CFR
Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard (MPPEH), DODI 4140.62,
November, 2008
USACOE, Military Munitions Response Actions, EM 1110-1-4009, June, 2007
USACOE, Military Munitions Center of Expertise, Technical Update for Munitions
Constituents (MC) Sampling, March 2005
USACOE, Conceptual Site Models for Ordnance And Explosives (OE) and
Hazardous, Toxic, And Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Projects, Feb 2003
USACOE, MEC Detection, Recovery, And Disposal Technology Assessment Report,
Dec 2005
USACOE, Implementation of Incremental Sampling (IS) of Soil for the Military
Munitions Response Program, USACE Interim Guidance 09-02, July 20, 2009
US Navy, Conducting Human Health Risk Assessments Under the Environmental
Restoration Program (Ser N453E/10595168, 12 Feb. 2001);
US Navy, Navy Policy for Conducting Ecological Risk Assessments (Ser
N453E/9U595355, 05 Apr. 1999)
US Navy, Navy Human Health Risk Assessment Guidance, December 2008.
US Navy, Navy guidance for conducting an ecological risk assessment is provided
online at
USEPA, Handbook on the Management of Munitions Response Actions, (Draft Final
May 2005)
USEPA/DoD/DoI, Munitions and Explosives of Concern Hazardous Assessment
(MEC HA) Methodology , February 2010 EPA 505B08001
USEPA, SW 846 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
Methods, Method 8330B Nitroaromatics, Nitramines and Nitrate Esters by High
Performance Liquid Chromatography and Method 8321A Solvent Extractable
Nonvolatile Compounds by High Performance Liquid
Chromatography/Thermospray/Mass Spectrometry (HPLC/TS/MS) or Ultraviolet
(UV) Detection
USEPA, A Guide to Developing and Documenting Cost Estimates During the
Feasibility Study. EPA 540/R-D0/002, OSWER 9355.0-75
USEPA, Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies
under CERCLA, Interim Final (October 1988) EPA 540/G-89/004, OSWER 9355.3-
USEPA, Getting Ready: Scoping the RI/FS (November 1989) OSWER 9355.3-
01FS1, NTIS: PB90-274390INX
USEPA, The Feasibility Study, Development and Screening of Remedial Action
Alternatives (November 1989) OSWER 9355.3-01FS3, NTIS: PB90-274416INX
USEPA, The Feasibility Study: Detailed Analysis of Remedial Action Alternatives
(March 1990) OSWER 9355.3-01FS4, NTIS: PB90-272675INX
USEPA, The Remedial Investigation, Site Characterization and Treatability Studies
(November 1989) OSWER 9355.3-01FS2, NTIS: PB90-274408INX
USEPA, Guidance for Conducting Treatability Studies under CERCLA (October
1992) EPA 540/R-92/071A, NTIS: PB93-126787INX
USEPA, Superfund Community Involvement Handbook EPA/540/K-01/003, Apr.
USEPA, Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans Manual, March
NAVFAC Uniform Federal Policy Sampling and Analysis Plan Template, (See your
FEC QA POC for the latest version)
NAVFAC MEC Uniform Federal Policy Quality Assurance Project Plan Template,
(Available on the Navy MR Portal at www.ert2.org/t2mrportal)
ESTCP Geophysical System Verification (GSV): A Physics-Based Alternative to
Geophysical Prove-Outs for Munitions Response, July 2009
The Navy will provide an installation map of the subject property.
Remedial Project Manager (RPM):
Contract Specialist (CS):
Activity/Installation Point of Contact (POC):
The contractor shall provide UXO technicians having appropriate levels of UXO expertise to
perform the work under this task order. The minimum qualifications for UXO-qualified personnel
are listed below (from the DDESB TP-18 Table 4.1).
DDESB TP-18 Table 4.1. Minimum Qualification Standards
(Notes 1, 2, &
Years of
(Note 4)
Special Requirements
(Note 5)
Senior UXO
1, 2, or 3
10 years
Significant experience in all aspects of
munitions response actions or range
clearance activities, as appropriate for the
contracted operation. Five years experience
in supervisory positions.
UXO Safety
1, 2, or 3
8 years
Experience in all phases of munitions
response actions or range clearance
activities, as appropriate for the contracted
operation, and applicable safety standards.
UXO Quality
1, 2,3
8 years
Experience in all phases of munitions
response actions or range clearance
activities, as appropriate for the contracted
operation, and the transportation, handling
and storage of munitions and commercial
Technician III
1, 2 or 3
8 years
Prior military EOD and/or commercial UXO
experience in munitions response actions or
range clearance activities, as appropriate for
the contracted operation.
Technician II
1 or 2
3 years
Prior military EOD experience
Experience in response munitions response
actions or range clearance activities, as
appropriate for the contracted operation,
plus specific project/explosives safety
Technician I
Successfully completed formal course of
instruction appropriate to
this skill level.
Equipment and
site specific
Safety equipment and
site specific training.
(Experience at this position is not required
for UXO Technician I certification.)
1. Graduate of a military EOD School of the United States.
2. Graduate of a military EOD school of Canada, Great Britain, Germany, or Australia.
3. Graduate of a formal training course of instruction (see chapter 3 for detailed requirements) or
EOD assistant courses.
4. Personnel working in the commercial industry may have significant breaks between jobs. Only
actual time performing UXO-related tasks should be counted. (2080 hours = 1 man-year)
5. Divers conducting underwater detection and identification of munitions must have completed
both the basic and the underwater portions of NAVSCOLEOD (or foreign equivalent) training.
Sampling for Munitions Constituents (MC)
RPM Note: The section title above is hyperlinked back to the page where each of the four
different Field Work template links are located.
MCs are mixtures of explosive compounds and soils in concentrations less than 10% (by
weight) for secondary explosives and less than 2% for primary explosives. If you are doing
MC sampling in addition to other investigations, please incorporate MC sampling
information outlined in this section into your SOW.
4.1 RI Work Plan
The contractor shall prepare and submit a Draft, Draft Final and Final RI Work Plan, with the
required appendices, which describe how to implement the requirements and information
developed during the planning and scoping of this RI Work Plan. The RI Work Plan will define
project objectives, decision making criteria, and associated data needs to reach project closeout
and describe Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). The basic RI Work Plan will describe the general
methodology for performing the site MC work, including at a minimum:
Site preparation, including vegetation removal and removal of surface metallic debris (if
Anomaly avoidance measures to be implemented
Munitions Constituents (MC) Sampling
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and data management
Investigation Derived Waste Management
4.1.1 Site Health & Safety Plan (HASP)
The contractor will prepare and submit a Site Health & Safety Plan (HASP). The HASP will contain
an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) for each site-specific task to be conducted. The HASP will be
appended to the Accident Prevention Plan (APP) that was prepared for the basic contract.
4.1.2 Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
The contractor will prepare a Draft and Final SAP/QAPP in accordance with the Guidance for
Quality Assurance Project Plans,, the Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans
(UFP-QAPP), the "Uniform Federal Policy for Implementing Environmental Quality Systems" and
the " Department of Defense Instruction: Environmental Quality Systems” The SAP will comprise a
Field Sampling Plan (FSP) and a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), at a minimum. The
FSAP will be submitted as an Appendix to the Removal Work Plan.
The contractor shall propose a methodology for selecting sampling locations, in coordination with
the RPM and the stakeholders to characterize and evaluate exposures to MC at the site(s).
Samples may be collected using anomaly avoidance techniques to ensure that intrusive sampling
of surface and subsurface soils does not result in exposure to explosive safety hazards or upon
completion of MEC removal activities, as appropriate to support the RI objectives. Samples shall
be analyzed in accordance with the most current approved methods consistent with the QAPP.
RPM Note: The following references for MC Sampling may be useful to the RPM.
a. Munitions Constituent (MC) Sampling Technical Update, USACE Military Munitions
Center of Expertise, March 2005
b. Sampling Studies at an Air Force Live-Fire Bombing Range Impact Area, USACE
ERDC, February 2006
c. Estimating Energetic Residue Loading on Military Artillery Ranges, Large Decision
Units, USACE ERDC, March 2005
d. Protocols for Collection of Surface Soil Samples at Military Training and Testing
Ranges for the Characterization of Energetic Munitions Constituents,USACE ERDC, July
USEPA SW 846 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
Methods, Method 8330B Nitroaromatics, Nitramines and Nitrate Esters by High Performance
Liquid Chromatography and Method 8321A Solvent Extractable Nonvolatile Compounds by
High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Thermospray/Mass Spectrometry (HPLC/TS/MS)
or Ultraviolet (UV) Detection
DoD EDQW Guide for Implementing EPA SW-846 Method 8330B
g. Implementation of Incremental Sampling (IS) of Soil for the Military Munitions
Response Program, USACE Interim Guidance 09-02, July 20, 2009.
The analytical laboratory should be identified in the proposal and must be identified in the FSAP
and hold all applicable state certifications to perform the analytical methods required. Laboratories
must also meet Navy IR QA Program requirements presented in the most current version of the
Navy Installation Chemical Data Quality Manual, SP-02056-ENV.
The contractor shall determine the position of all sample locations using Global Positioning System
(GPS) or other location method that will achieve a horizontal accuracy of [insert number] feet. The
contractor shall prepare a drawing and spreadsheet of the sample location information (name,
coordinates) and submit it as part of the MC Data Package with the RI Report. The same
information will also be submitted to NIRIS using the NEDD and automated data checker. . QA/QC
samples of sufficient matrix medium type and quantity must be collected.
The QAPP will outline the contractor’s Quality Control and Quality Assurance measures. The
duplicate QA and QC samples will be analyzed for the same parameters as the field samples. All
samples will be submitted to a Navy-accredited laboratory. All procedures for samples collected
and analyzed for MC shall be addressed and identified in the QAPP and FSAP.
RPM Note: If you plan on installing monitoring wells in a MRS, you will need to incorporate
anomaly avoidance measures. This is typically done by using a detector to find an area
clear of anomalies, pushing the drill to the depth of the detection limits, pulling out the drill
and placing the detector in to ensure the next depth is clear. This can be cumbersome, so
consider installing wells in areas that have no MEC history if possible. Sometimes moving
the location of the well can avoid potential MEC, without sacrificing the objectives of the
well location and sampling.
The USACE has a reference that can be useful for MC sampling titled USACOE MM CX
Technical Update for Munitions Constituents Sampling dated March, 2005. In addition, the
EPA’s SW 846 Method 8330B (November 2006 update to the original 8330) includes field
sampling techniques as well as analytical procedures for munitions constituents sampling
on ranges. EPA Method 8321 uses a mass spectrometer to positively identify the
compounds present.
RPMs will need to choose which method to use based on site-specific DQOs. It should be
noted that because EPA Method 8330B is relatively new, only a few commercial laboratories
have been approved by the Navy to perform this analytical method. If method 8330B is
chosen it is important to review the DoD Environmental Data Quality Workgroup Guide for
Implementing EPA SW-846 Method 8330B. Important considerations include involving a risk
assessor, and processing the entire field sample through the machine grinding process to
reduce error. RPMs should be aware that the grinding and subsequent extraction
procedure may overestimate the risk posed by the constituents by altering the sample’s
matrix conditions. Method 8330B uses a UV detector, which is not definitive, so a
confirmatory method (lc/ms is an option in 8330B or 8321) could also be used on a subset
of the samples to positively identify the constituents present. The RPM will have to
determine how to cost effectively manage the sampling and analysis costs. Also, the MR
portal has a summary on Energetic Constituent Sampling.
For Munitions Constituents below an explosive hazard, the RPM is required to develop a
UFP-SAP. The UFP QAPP Manual Guidance is implemented by NAVFAC through
completion of thirty seven separate worksheets that address specific elements of the UFP
QAPP guidance. Each of the worksheets references the applicable section of the UFP
QAPP Manual it is intended to address. The Navy UFP-SAP template for each of these
worksheets is included as a reference. The Navy UFP-SAP team has developed “Greentext”
for the required UFP-SAP which provides suggestions and examples on how to populate
the UFP-SAP worksheets for a MC sampling project. These worksheets are NAVFAC
specific and provide a graded approach to developing the sampling and analysis plan.
4.1.3 Other Relevant Planning Documents
The contractor shall prepare the following additional planning documents, based on knowledge of
site conditions provided by the PA/SI and the site-specific RI requirements:
[insert applicable documents (e.g., Environmental Protection Plan, Erosion Control,
Stormwater Management Plan, etc.]
5.1 Site Preparation
The contractor shall perform necessary site preparation to adequately support the field sampling
methodology outlined in this SOW. [RPM to outline the type and extent of site preparation
requirements and/or restrictions based on your site]. Procedures and equipment requirements shall
be approved by the RPM prior to execution.
RPM Note: Site preparation for MC sampling will typically be minimal. Site preparation at an
MRS generally consists of vegetation clearance and surface removal of debris from the
areas that will undergo survey and investigation. It may also include a surface sweep for
MEC to ensure safety. The RPM should consider the type of vegetation that needs to be
cleared, the re-growth rate, and the cost impacts of site preparation. Vegetation removal at
some sites can be quite costly. If the surface MEC have been removed from the
investigation areas, UXO escorts may not be required for the survey teams.
NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM will determine escort requirements as part of the ESS approval
process. RPMs should evaluate the need for other site work requiring vegetation clearance
(e.g. collection of geophysical data) and schedule these activities concurrently, if possible,
to avoid the need for multiple vegetation clearing operations at the same site.
5.2 Munitions Constituents Sampling and Analysis Activities
The contractor shall propose a plan to collect samples and identify the depth of samples, proposed
analysis, and measures to ensure the samples are collected safely. For estimating and planning
purposes, the contractor should expect to collect a total of [insert number] samples [including
quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) samples]. The laboratories shall provide analytical
results within 30 days of sample receipt. In accordance with Navy IR QA Program requirements
presented in the most current version of the Navy Installation Chemical Data Quality Manual, SP-
02056-ENV, the contractor shall be responsible for quality control planning and implementation,
performing data validation, and for submitting the appropriate NIRIS electronic data deliverable
(NEDDs) via the NIRIS automated data checker.
RPM Note: MC sampling is an area that will be critical to have stakeholder acceptance.
Typically SI sampling will have been done to determine the site boundaries and explore the
nature and extent of MC contamination. Ideally any sampling at this point should be to
augment the work begun during the SI, and be focused on filling any data gaps and
addressing any additional sampling issues with the stakeholders in order to reach a level of
certainty regarding the nature and extent of MC contamination at the site. The RPM will
need to add language to reflect whether the sampling activity is to augment SI data or
whether it is to collect original data from the site. The RPM should add information and
references for any past data collected. If the SI did not conduct any sampling, be sure to
focus the RI sampling on both defining the site limits and assessing risks from MC.
The need for MC sampling is based on a site specific determination. Past MEC related uses
at the site should be considered in developing the SAP. For example, sampling approaches
for OB/OD sites will differ from the approach used to assess areas used as target areas
within a firing range. Field sampling and field testing techniques, as opposed to wet
chemistry analysis by an off site lab, may be appropriate for some sites.
5.3 Investigation Derived Waste (IDW)
IDW management shall ensure protection of human health and the environment and be in
compliance with ARARs. US EPA/state policy shall be incorporated into the IDW Management
Plan developed for the RI Workplan.
RPM Note:
US EPA’s Guide to Management of Investigation-Derived Wastes (OSWER
9345.3-03FS, Jan. 1992) presents an overview of possible IDW management options,
discusses the protectiveness requirements and ARARs associated with these options, and
outlines general objectives established for IDW management under Superfund.
Geophysical Investigation without Intrusive Investigation
RPM Note: The section title above is hyperlinked back to the page where each of the four
different Field Work template links are located.
4.1 RI Work Plan
The contractor shall prepare and submit a Draft, Draft Final and Final RI Work Plan, with the
required appendices, which incorporate the data requirements and information developed during
the planning and scoping task. The RI Work Plan will define project objectives and associated data
needs to reach project closeout and describe Data Quality Objectives. The basic RI Work Plan will
describe the general methodology for performing the site MEC work, including at a minimum:
Site preparation including vegetation removal and removal of surface metallic debris
Location surveys and mapping
Geophysical System Verification (instrument verification strip, noise strip, and blind
Data Quality Objectives (DQOs)
Description of anomaly avoidance procedures
Details of the QC program
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and data management
The RI Work plan will include a geophysical investigation plan that describes the equipment,
personnel and techniques to be used to collect digital geophysical data at the site. The plan will be
detailed and will describe the sensor(s), platform(s), positioning and data analysis methods the
contractor will use at each specific removal site(s) to meet the quality assurance and quality control
requirements (This could be the accuracies required for an instrument verification strip, blind seeds
and for positioning). Consistent with the requirements of the basic contract, the plan will identify, by
name, key personnel responsible for data processing and quality control (QC) and will include a
description of their experience and qualifications to perform the work assigned.
RPM Note: The RPM will need to review NOSSAINST8020.15 (series) and submit the
appropriate paperwork to NOSSA or MARCORSYSCOM to get concurrence that an ESS is
not required based on anomaly avoidance procedures.
4.1.1 Site Health & Safety Plan (HASP)
The contractor will prepare and submit a Site Health & Safety Plan (HASP). The HASP will contain
an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) for each site-specific task to be conducted. The HASP will be
appended to the Accident Prevention Plan (APP) that was prepared for the basic contract.
4.1.2 Geophysical System Verification (GSV)
The contractor shall prepare and submit as part of the removal work plan a section on geophysical
system verification (GSV) proposed for the site. The contractor will describe the purpose for the
GSV (e.g., confirm system performance and ensure that the data quality objectives (DQO) can be
met). The contractor shall identify the methods to be used to:
verify that the geophysical system is performing correctly by measuring the sensor
responses of a small number of well-characterized items and confirming that the responses
lie within expected parameters (and that the measured locations of the detected items are
within requirements) and
measure the site noise and determine whether targets of interest can be detected reliably to
their depth of interest under the site conditions present.
Emplace throughout the production site Industry Standard Objects (ISOs) in a blind seeding
program to confirm production geophysics in the field.
RPM Note: In most instances the complex GPO has been replaced by the GSV. Sites that
have a unique requirement for a GPO can reference the ITRC Technical/Regulatory
Guideline for Geophysical Prove-outs for Munitions Response Projects for details on how to
construct and implement a GPO.
The instrument verification test strip concept can be used to verify instrument performance
on any site and is an integral part of quality monitoring. For very large sites, it may be cost
effective to construct multiple replications of the test strip so that crews can conduct their
daily checks without undue transit time. The GSV moves resources from an up-front
evaluation of the geophysical systems and their performance to an ongoing verification of
the system performance. Utilizing a physics-based approach reduces the logistical burden
(e.g., multiple mobilizations, acquisition of surrogates) of the older GPO process, allows
use of a smaller plot, and results in greater confidence in the performance of the
geophysical project itself. For more information on the GSV, see ESTCP’s Geophysical
System Verification (GSV): A Physics-Based Alternative to Geophysical Prove-Outs for
Munitions Response.
The contractor shall prepare a MEC UFP-QAPP that will address all quality control methods to be
used to control MEC activities on the project. The MEC UFP-QAPP will discuss how the contractor
intends to implement quality control for all site operations, including QC of equipment and
personnel, QC of the data, and the proposed QC personnel and their qualifications. Quality control
procedures shall be developed to ensure that quality of geophysical survey data and intrusive
sampling for potential MEC anomalies meets the DQO’s established by the RI/FS work plan. The
MEC UFP-QAPP will be prepared as an Appendix to the RI Work Plan.
RPM Note: See the MEC UFP-QAPP template, the Adak MEC UFP-QAPP example, Adak
Technical Management Plan (Work plan), and the Quality Assessment SOW template on the
MR Portal for typical PQO’s/DQOs, Measurement Performance Criteria, and SOPs. It should
be noted that the PQCP in the Adak Technical Management Plan is abbreviated and refers to
the Adak MEC UFP-QAPP for supporting details. RPMs are encouraged to use the UFP-
QAPP format for their project sites.
The RPM needs to review the QAPP for several factors. The contractor should at a minimum
include daily function tests of the equipment and personnel to ensure proper operation and
minimal variances in performance. Refer to Military Munitions Response Actions; USACE
Engineer Manual (EM) 1110-1-4009; June 2007, which is a reference which outlines daily and
project function checks to be performed and documented by the contractor. The QAPP
should also identify that the contractor will repeat collection of data in some percentage of
repeated lanes or sections to ensure data repeatability and location repeatability. To ensure
there is minimal variation in the data, the data collection team will collect data in an area,
with some time separation between the collections of the two data sets. This is often
referred to as repeatability. These requirements should be outlined in the QAPP. The RPM
should also ensure that there is proper documentation of the QC measures taken at the site.
RPM Note on Government quality assurance requirements: RPMs should be aware that
NOSSAINST 8020.15(series) requires that each munitions response project have a QC
program administered by the UXO contractor and a QA program administered by an
independent, third-party activity. The complexity of the QC and QA programs is dependent
on the nature of the project. The Naval Explosive Ordnance Technology Division
(NAVEODTECHDIV) has experience, expertise and technically trained personnel in
conducting quality assessments and developing the quality assessment reports for
munitions response projects. The contact names are listed with the MRP Workgroup.
Another alternative is to use a third party contract not associated with the site to perform
quality assessment field activities for the Government. Typical aspects of quality assurance
may include blind seeding of MEC-like items in the survey area, performing a partial survey
on grids cleared by the contractor to confirm the findings, and reviewing documents to
ensure consistency between work plans and field applications. The ultimate quality
assurance requirements should be determined and budgeted by the RPM. See the Quality
Assessment SOW template on the MR Portal for more information.
When developing QC and QA plans it is important to keep in mind that the objective of
these plans and their execution is to ensure that agreed on standards of performance for
work conducted on the project have been met. The approaches used for verifying this
should be consistent with the approach used to conduct the work to avoid setting
inconsistent standards for production, QC, and QA (e.g. similar MEC detection systems
should be used for production, QC, and QA phases of the project). In addition, QC and QA
processes are best scheduled in parallel with production phases of project work and not
after completion of productions work. This will allow corrections to be made in production
processes, if necessary, and avoid the need for rework of major portions of work that were
completed prior to QC or QA review.
4.1.4 Other Relevant Planning Documents
The contractor shall prepare the following additional planning documents, based on knowledge of
site conditions provided by the PA/SI and the site-specific RI requirements:
[insert applicable documents (e.g., Erosion Control, Stormwater Management Plan, etc.]
5.1 Site Preparation
The contractor shall perform necessary site preparation to adequately support the field sampling
methodology outlined in this SOW. [RPM to outline the type and extent of site preparation
requirements and/or restrictions]. Procedures and equipment requirements shall be approved by
the RPM prior to execution.
RPM Note: Site preparation at an MRS generally consists of brush clearance and surface
removal of debris from the areas that will undergo survey and investigation. It may also
include a surface sweep for MEC to ensure the safety of the geophysical teams. The RPM
should consider the type of growth to be cleared, the re-growth rate, and the cost impacts
of site preparation. Brush removal at some sites can be quite costly and may result in
ecological damage. If the surface MEC have been removed from the investigation areas, no
UXO escorts should be required for the survey teams. If the surface has not been cleared
the RPM should work with NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM to determine if UXO escorts for the
investigation team will be required.
5.2 Location Surveys and Mapping
The contractor shall perform location recording and mapping using techniques that allow easy
conversion/submission of data in the required format e.g., state plane coordinates. The contractor
may use established control monuments, however, should the contractor select to set any property
boundaries or monuments, this work shall be performed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed
in the [insert State]. Existing monument locations will be provided to the contractor. Contractor
personnel who are knowledgeable and competent in land surveying and use of surveying
equipment may perform grid and/or transect location and layout. The contractor shall prepare all
location data and submit following completion of the work. Data must be provided using the
appropriate Naval Installation Restoration Information Solution (NIRIS) Electronic Data Deliverable
(NEDD) via the web based data checker in accordance with the NEDD SOP. Survey data shall
include, at a minimum, a drawing and spreadsheets of survey information. For each site, the
drawing shall cover the entire site and will include the list of coordinates for corners, starting,
ending, turning locations, reference monuments used in survey, and other pertinent features of
grids or transects, to include but not limited to MEC location data including grid number where
found, item number assigned, type of item, location coordinates to nearest foot, and depth below
ground surface.
5.3 Digital Geophysical Mapping
The contractor shall propose a methodology and rationale for performing digital geophysical
mapping (DGM) to support the data requirements of the RI/FS. The contractor may propose to map
grids or transects, or a combination of these. The contractor shall produce maps of the site that
show the major geophysical features. The contractor shall update and manage the project GIS in
NIRIS, or if needed, an export of the NIRIS data using a local machine running ArcGIS or ArcInfo.
Any project related spatial data including maps, models and associated collected or created data
must then be submitted back to NIRIS according to the NIRIS Non-NEDD Deliverable Submittal
Guidelines SOP. This would include daily geophysical data, ordnance related items found during
the investigation, positively identified MEC, positively identified archeological sites, environmental
sample locations, inaccessible areas such as brush piles, fence lines, areas of bare rock, etc. See
Section 8.3 for details.
If mag & flag techniques are proposed, the location of [all, MEC/MPPEH only, MEC/MPPEH and
significant] anomalies must be electronically recorded and entered into the project GIS along with
the anomaly information (e.g., identification, depth, disposition, etc.).
RPM Note: The RPM with the stakeholders should define what level of geophysical
mapping and investigation is adequate to characterize the site. The RPM will need to
consider whether the goal of the survey is to locate broad target or disposal areas, or
specific individual anomalies that could represent MEC. This will focus the goals of the
geophysical survey. Surveys are typically conducted using grids of 100ftx100ft, but could
also utilize transects or other patterns based site specific information. Wide area
assessment technologies may be appropriate for consideration at large sites that have little
documentation concerning the location of range related activities. Stakeholder buy-in is
critical and leads to greater certainty in the decision making process about the site, cleanup
options, and future land use. Obviously, the more area mapped, the better the
characterization, but also increased costs. So the RPM should work with stakeholders to
find the acceptable level of work that will adequately characterize the site within the budget.
The costs of a survey are minimal compared to the costs of the intrusive anomaly
investigation so consider these factors when scoping your work. In the Management
Guidance Principles document, DoD and EPA agree to a preference for using investigative
techniques that provide an auditable, objective record of investigation area and results.
This usually means EM and DGPS or something similar as opposed to mag & flag.
RPMs should be aware that there are circumstances where analog metal detection
procedures (called mag & flag or mag & dig) may be more appropriate (e.g., OB/OD areas,
areas adjacent to targets, etc.). Mag, Flag, & Dig operations are most useful when there is
known dispersed contamination of MEC and metal debris where a digital geophysical map
would not provide the best level of information. This is sometimes done to clear the surface
and to locate major areas of MEC contamination within a site. It must be understood that
Mag, Flag, & Dig operations do not produce a digital record of the position of the
instrument, operator, or the instrument signal associated with the area surveyed by the
MEC technician and are intrusive. Consequently, care must be taken to ensure that
adequate QC/QA measures are taken to ensure that AOC’s are adequately evaluated and
that the performance requirements of the process for removal of MEC and debris metal
have been met and the explosives safety requirements of the NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM
approved ESS are also met. An RPM should consider Mag, Flag, & Dig for their site if it is
less important to record the position of each anomaly, but only record the significant MEC
finds. If Mag, Flag, & Dig operations are chosen as an investigative (or remediation)
technique, A QAPP must be developed to ensure that an objective record is maintained of
the areas where these techniques have been used.
Geophysical Investigation with Intrusive Investigation
RPM Note: The section title above is hyperlinked back to the page where each of the four
different Field Work template links are located.
4.1 RI Work Plan
The contractor shall prepare and submit a Draft, Draft Final and Final RI Work Plan, with the
required appendices, which incorporate the data requirements and information developed during
the planning and scoping task. The RI Work Plan will define project objectives and associated data
needs to reach project closeout and describe Data Quality Objectives. The basic RI Work Plan will
describe the general methodology for performing the site MEC work, including:
Site preparation including vegetation removal and removal of surface metallic debris
Location surveys and mapping
Geophysical System Verification (instrument verification strip, noise strip, and blind
Data Quality Objectives (DQOs)
Description of anomaly selection procedures
Description of anomaly removal procedures
Details of the QC program
Description of MEC & MPPEH management
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and data management
The RI Work plan will include a geophysical investigation plan that describes the equipment,
personnel and techniques to be used to collect digital geophysical data at the site. The plan will be
detailed and will describe the sensor(s), platform(s), positioning and data analysis methods the
contractor will use at each specific removal site(s) to meet the quality assurance and quality control
requirements (This could be the accuracies required for an instrument verification strip, blind seeds
and for positioning). Consistent with the requirements of the basic contract, the plan will identify, by
name, key personnel responsible for data processing and quality control (QC) and will include a
description of their experience and qualifications to perform the work assigned.
RPM Note: The RPM will need to submit an ESS to NOSSA or MARCORSYSCOM for
endorsement to the DDESB for their approval prior to field work beginning. The ESS shall
be completed in accordance with NOSSAINST 8020.15(series), Enclosure (3) “Guidelines for
Preparing an Explosives Safety Submission.”
4.1.1 Site Health & Safety Plan (HASP)
The contractor will prepare and submit a Site Health & Safety Plan (HASP). The HASP will contain
an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) for each site-specific task to be conducted. The HASP will be
appended to the Accident Prevention Plan (APP) that was prepared for the basic contract.
4.1.2 Geophysical System Verification (GSV)
The contractor shall prepare and submit as part of the removal work plan a section on geophysical
system verification (GSV) proposed for the site. The contractor will describe the purpose for the
GSV (e.g., confirm system performance and ensure that the data quality objectives (DQO) can be
met). The contractor shall identify the methods to be used to:
verify that the geophysical system is performing correctly by measuring the sensor
responses of a small number of well-characterized items and confirming that the responses
lie within expected parameters (and that the measured locations of the detected items are
within requirements) and
measure the site noise and determine whether targets of interest can be detected reliably to
their depth of interest under the site conditions present.
Emplace throughout the production site Industry Standard Objects (ISOs) in a blind seeding
program to confirm production geophysics in the field.
RPM Note: In most instances the complex GPO has been replaced by the GSV. Sites that
have a unique requirement for a GPO can reference the ITRC Technical/Regulatory
Guideline for Geophysical Prove-outs for Munitions Response Projects for details on how to
construct and implement a GPO.
The instrument verification test strip concept can be used to verify instrument performance
on any site and is an integral part of quality monitoring. For very large sites, it may be cost
effective to construct multiple replications of the test strip so that crews can conduct their
daily checks without undue transit time. The GSV moves resources from an up-front
evaluation of the geophysical systems and their performance to an ongoing verification of
the system performance. Utilizing a physics-based approach reduces the logistical burden
(e.g., multiple mobilizations, acquisition of surrogates) of the older GPO process, allows
use of a smaller plot, and results in greater confidence in the performance of the
geophysical project itself. For more information on the GSV, see ESTCP’s Geophysical
System Verification (GSV): A Physics-Based Alternative to Geophysical Prove-Outs for
Munitions Response.
The contractor shall prepare a MEC UFP-QAPP that will address all quality control methods to be
used to control MEC activities on the project. The MEC UFP-QAPP will discuss how the contractor
intends to implement quality control for all site operations, including QC of equipment and
personnel, QC of the data, and the proposed QC personnel and their qualifications. Quality control
procedures shall be developed to ensure that quality of geophysical survey data and intrusive
sampling for potential MEC anomalies meets the DQO’s established by the RI/FS work plan. The
MEC UFP-QAPP will be prepared as an Appendix to the RI Work Plan.
RPM Note: See the MEC UFP-QAPP template, the Adak MEC UFP-QAPP example, Adak
Technical Management Plan (Work plan), and the Quality Assessment SOW template on the
MR Portal for typical PQO’s/DQOs, Measurement Performance Criteria, and SOPs. It should
be noted that the PQCP in the Adak Technical Management Plan is abbreviated and refers to
the Adak MEC UFP-QAPP for supporting details. RPMs are encouraged to use the UFP-
QAPP format for their project sites.
The RPM needs to review the QAPP for several factors. The contractor should at a minimum
include daily function tests of the equipment and personnel to ensure proper operation and
minimal variances in performance. Refer to Military Munitions Response Actions; USACE
Engineer Manual (EM) 1110-1-4009; June 2007, which is a reference which outlines daily and
project function checks to be performed and documented by the contractor. The QAPP
should also identify that the contractor will repeat collection of data in some percentage of
repeated lanes or sections to ensure data repeatability and location repeatability. To ensure
there is minimal variation in the data, the data collection team will collect data in an area,
with some time separation between the collections of the two data sets. This is often
referred to as repeatability. These requirements should be outlined in the QAPP. The RPM
should also ensure that there is proper documentation of the QC measures taken at the site.
RPM Note on Government quality assurance requirements: RPMs should be aware that
NOSSAINST 8020.15(series) requires that each munitions response project have a QC
program administered by the UXO contractor and a QA program administered by an
independent, third-party activity. The complexity of the QC and QA programs is dependent
on the nature of the project. The Naval Explosive Ordnance Technology Division
(NAVEODTECHDIV) has experience, expertise and technically trained personnel in
conducting quality assessments and developing the quality assessment reports for
munitions response projects. The contact names are listed with the MRP Workgroup.
Another alternative is to use a third party contract not associated with the site to perform
quality assessment field activities for the Government. Typical aspects of quality assurance
may include blind seeding of MEC-like items in the survey area, performing a partial survey
on grids cleared by the contractor to confirm the findings, and reviewing documents to
ensure consistency between work plans and field applications. The ultimate quality
assurance requirements should be determined and budgeted by the RPM. See the Quality
Assessment SOW template on the MR Portal for more information.
When developing QC and QA plans it is important to keep in mind that the objective of
these plans and their execution is to ensure that agreed on standards of performance for
work conducted on the project have been met. The approaches used for verifying this
should be consistent with the approach used to conduct the work to avoid setting
inconsistent standards for production, QC, and QA (e.g. similar MEC detection systems
should be used for production, QC, and QA phases of the project). In addition, QC and QA
processes are best scheduled in parallel with production phases of project work and not
after completion of productions work. This will allow corrections to be made in production
processes, if necessary, and avoid the need for rework of major portions of work that were
completed prior to QC or QA review.
4.1.4 Explosives Safety Submission (ESS)
The contractor (or RPM) will prepare and submit an Explosives Safety Submission (ESS) in
accordance with NOSSA Instruction 8020.15(series), Enclosure (3). It is to be coordinated with the
installation Explosives Safety Officer and Public Works Planning Department and then submitted to
NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM for their endorsement to the DDESB for their approval prior to the
start of fieldwork. The approved ESS [will/will not] be included as an Appendix to the RI Work Plan
and the two documents must be consistent. The ESS is the primary explosives safety document at
the site.
RPM Note: The RPM will need to submit an ESS to NOSSA or MARCORSYSCOM for
approval prior to field work beginning. The ESS shall be completed in accordance with
NOSSAINST 8020.15(series), Enclosure (3) “Guidelines for Preparing an Explosives Safety
Submission.” NOSSA may take up to a month to review and comment on each draft and the
final ESS. The RPM should also plan on the DDESB review taking at least one month for
their review and approval.
4.1.5 Other Relevant Planning Documents
The contractor shall prepare the following additional planning documents, based on knowledge of
site conditions provided by the PA/SI and the site-specific RI requirements:
[insert applicable documents (e.g., Erosion Control, Stormwater Management Plan, etc.]
5.1 Site Preparation
The contractor shall perform necessary site preparation to adequately support the field sampling
methodology outlined in this SOW. [RPM to outline the type and extent of site preparation
requirements and/or restrictions]. Procedures and equipment requirements shall be approved by
the RPM prior to execution.
RPM Note: Site preparation at an MRS generally consists of brush clearance and surface
removal of debris from the areas that will undergo survey and investigation. It may also
include a surface sweep for MEC to ensure the safety of the geophysical teams. The RPM
should consider the type of growth to be cleared, the regrowth rate, and the cost impacts of
site preparation. Brush removal at some sites can be quite costly and may result in
ecological damage. If the surface MEC have been removed from the investigation areas, no
UXO escorts should be required for the survey teams. If the surface has not been cleared
the RPM should work with NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM to determine if UXO escorts for the
investigation team will be required.
5.2 Location Surveys and Mapping
The contractor shall perform location recording and mapping using techniques that allow easy
conversion/submission of data in the required format e.g., state plane coordinates. The contractor
may use established control monuments, however, should the contractor select to set any property
boundaries or monuments, this work shall be performed by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed
in the [insert State]. Existing monument locations will be provided to the contractor. Contractor
personnel who are knowledgeable and competent in land surveying and use of surveying
equipment may perform grid and/or transect location and layout. The contractor shall prepare all
location data and submit following completion of the work. Data must be provided using the
appropriate Naval Installation Restoration Information Solution (NIRIS) Electronic Data Deliverable
(NEDD) via the web based data checker in accordance with the NEDD SOP. Survey data shall
include, at a minimum, a drawing and spreadsheets of survey information. For each site, the
drawing shall cover the entire site and will include the list of coordinates for corners, starting,
ending, turning locations, reference monuments used in survey, and other pertinent features of
grids or transects, to include but not limited to MEC location data including grid number where
found, item number assigned, type of item, location coordinates to nearest foot, and depth below
ground surface.
5.3 Digital Geophysical Mapping
The contractor shall propose a methodology and rationale for performing digital geophysical
mapping (DGM) to support the data requirements of the RI/FS. The contractor may propose to map
grids or transects, or a combination of these. The contractor shall update and manage the project
GIS in NIRIS, or if needed, an export of the NIRIS data using a local machine running ArcGIS or
ArcInfo. Any project related spatial data including maps, models and associated collected or
created data must then be submitted back to NIRIS according to the NIRIS Non-NEDD Deliverable
Submittal Guidelines SOP. This would include daily geophysical data, MEC related items found
during the investigation, positively identified MEC, positively identified archeological sites,
environmental sample locations, inaccessible areas such as brush piles, fence lines, areas of bare
rock, etc. See Section 8.3 of the SOW for details.
RPM Note: The RPM with the stakeholders should define what level of geophysical
mapping and investigation is adequate to characterize the site. The RPM will need to
consider whether the goal of the survey is to locate broad target or disposal areas, or
specific individual anomalies that could represent MEC. This will focus the goals of the
geophysical survey. Surveys are typically conducted using grids of 100ftx100ft, but could
also utilize transects or other patterns based site specific information. Wide area
assessment technologies may be appropriate for consideration at large sites that have little
documentation concerning the location of range related activities. Stakeholder buy-in is
critical and leads to greater certainty in the decision making process about the site, cleanup
options, and future land use. Obviously, the more area mapped, the better the
characterization, but also increased costs. So the RPM should work with stakeholders to
find the acceptable level of work that will adequately characterize the site within the budget.
The costs of a survey are minimal compared to the costs of the intrusive anomaly
investigation so consider these factors when scoping your work. In the Management
Guidance Principles document, DoD and EPA agreed to a preference for using investigative
techniques that provide an auditable, objective record of investigation area and results.
This usually means EM and DGPS or something similar as opposed to mag & flag.
RPMs should be aware that there are circumstances where analog metal detection
procedures (called mag & flag or mag & dig) may be more appropriate (e.g., OB/OD areas,
areas adjacent to targets, etc.). Mag, Flag, & Dig operations are most useful when there is
known dispersed contamination of MEC and metal debris where a digital geophysical map
would not provide the best level of information. This is sometimes done to clear the surface
and to locate major areas of MEC contamination within a site. It must be understood that
Mag, Flag, & Dig operations do not produce a digital record of the position of the
instrument, operator, or the instrument signal associated with the area surveyed by the
MEC technician. Consequently, care must be taken to ensure that adequate QC/QA
measures are taken to ensure that AOC’s are adequately evaluated and that the
performance requirements of the process for removal of MEC and debris metal have been
met. An RPM should consider Mag, Flag, & Dig for their site if it is less important to record
the position of each anomaly, but only record the significant MEC finds. If Mag, Flag, & Dig
operations are chosen as an investigative (or remediation) technique, A QAPP must be
developed to ensure that an objective record is maintained of the areas where these
techniques have been use.
5.4 Intrusive Investigations
The contractor shall implement MEC [clearance / sampling] in accordance with DOD and DON
requirements and the approved RI Work Plan. The contractor will describe in their proposal the
method to be used for reacquiring target anomalies from the geophysical data and for performing
the investigation and clearance of each target site. For estimating and planning purposes, the
contractor is to assume [Insert number of anomalies anticipated in a grid, acre, or transect, based
on what is being used at your site]. The contractor shall identify in the RI Work Plan the decision
criteria for halting or expanding the excavation of anomalies in an area. The contractor will outline
the details of the investigation in the ESS for approval by NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM and ensure
that all work descriptions in the RI Work Plan are consistent with the NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM
approved ESS.
RPM Note: It is critical that the anomaly selection process be coordinated with your
stakeholders as this will be a key factor in the remedial decision process. The anomaly
selection process involves assessing the known data from the GSV and using geophysical
data software, such as Oasis Montaj or Uhunter, in order to identify the characteristics of an
MEC anomaly for your specific site conditions. The DGM survey will see all metal objects,
so the key is to focus the investigation on the anomaly signatures that are most indicative
of MEC. The process can often be iterative where the anomaly selection process is
conservative at first and then adjusted based on the field data being collected. The smaller
and deeper munitions will result in less defined signals because of their size/depth and this
can lead to an increased cost of investigation. An iterative process with stakeholders is a
good way to minimize costs and get buy in to the process of which anomalies to
At a typical MRP site, along a segment of transect or within a grid, the MEC team will
relocate and investigate the anomalies selected for investigation from the DGM data. On
sites where there is so much metal as to make selecting discreet anomalies from the DGM
data impossible, alternate language may be needed so that the contractor can propose
trenching or other methods as a means of quantifying and characterizing the amount of
MEC and/or MPPEH at the site. They should still propose to perform DGM and then use that
data to select areas for investigation. If you are doing sampling at a site, it is important to
build in a method where you can investigate areas around MEC findings so that you can
characterize the site while you are in the field.
The ESS may contain language such as this: The UXO Technician will carefully remove
enough soil, without disturbing the MEC, to facilitate positive identification or to obtain its
identification features. UXO Technicians will make every effort to identify MEC through
visual examination of the item for markings and other identifying features such as shape,
size, and external fittings. Items will not be moved during the inspection/identification until
the fuze conditions can be ascertained. If the condition is questionable, consider the fuze to
be armed. The fuze is considered the most hazardous component of a UXO, regardless of
type or condition. The SUXOS make final determination of identification of the item and the
disposition of the item prior to implementing any disposal operations. MEC and MPPEH will
not be moved by personnel unless it is safe to do so. Movement of MEC and MPPEH by
hand is authorized only after positive identification and a determination by the UXO
Technician III and either the SUXOS or UXOSO and the MEC is safe to move.
5.5 MEC Management
The contractor shall manage all MEC, MPPEH, and related debris in accordance with DOD and
DON requirements and the approved RI/FS Work Plan. The contractor shall describe their
proposed methodology for accounting for all MEC and MPPEH items or components encountered
from field discovery to point of disposal. This accounting shall include the amounts of MEC and/or
MPPEH, identification and condition, location, orientation and depth of MEC, storage and
disposition. The accounting system shall also account for all demolition materials utilized to
detonate MEC and or MPPEH on site. This accounting process shall be outlined in the RI/FS Work
Plan and included in an appendix to the RI/FS Report. The contractor shall take digital
photographs of identifiable MEC found during the investigation, which shall be attached to the MEC
locations displayed in the GIS.
RPM Note: Some project teams may also require that all MEC and MPPEH be
5.5.1 MEC Treatment
RPM Note: The RPM needs to understand that RI Field Activities that recovered MEC will
require on- or off-site treatment of MEC during the investigation phase before the final
remedy is selected. This is due to the fact that known MEC that is discovered during the
investigation will not be reburied or left in place due to its hazard.
The contractor shall be responsible for the destruction of all MEC in accordance with DOD and
DON requirements as described in the approved ESS and RI/FS Work Plan. For planning and
estimating purposes, the contractor shall be prepared to dispose of [insert number] items of MEC
ranging in size from [insert size of MEC expected at your site]. The contractor shall describe in their
proposal the methods, personnel, and equipment they will use to perform disposal of MEC on the
RPM Note: The RPM needs to be aware of the process required for any treatment/disposal
by detonation of MEC. The RPM should first understand the viable options, which include 1)
on-site open detonation, 2) detonation in a contained detonation chamber (CDC), and 3)
transport to an approved facility for detonation. The decision to treat in situ or move the
MEC item can only be made by the Senior UXO Supervisor or a UXO Technician III team
leader. If the MEC item is a UXO, then only active duty EOD personnel can certify them as
safe to transport. On Navy sites, the Navy EOD may manage the disposal of MEC items but
this is for emergency situations for unexpected findings versus a cleanup project. On
munitions response projectt sites the contractor performing MEC remedial
investigation/action has that responsibility. The RPM will need to decide how this will be
handled for your specific site and make sure the requirement is clear in the SOW. This is
another case where the stakeholders should be involved in the decision because in many
instances, they will strongly object to open detonation as the preferred method of
destruction and may request that MEC be destroyed in a CDC. If you have a case where
MEC is determined not safe to move, you will need to plan for on-site Blow in Place (BIP)
detonation. This contingency should always be built into your RI Work Plan, even if it is
Open detonation is cheaper and is the primary practice of military EOD units, though you
may need to sample and clean the area after detonation. There are also noise and public
notification issues to consider. You may also need to coordinate with your local air board
and comply with some substantive requirements. Recall that under CERCLA, we do not
have to get permits, but need to meet the substantive permitting requirements of permits or
regulations. There are many studies that show that a well-designed detonation does not
leave detectable residual chemicals.
The CDC is a commercial unit that has heavy walls to contain to explosive force and it has
air treatment units connected to take out particulate. The CDC T-10 is limited to a Net
Explosive Weight of 13 pounds of explosives. This limits the size of item that can be
detonated. The T-30 is being tested and has the ability to contain 40lbs of explosives. The
other limitations of the CDC is that it is quite costly and often unavailable based on use at
other sites. It is a favorite of regulators because it is contained. While DDESB has approved
use of the CDC unit, you still need to get an ESS approved through
NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM and then DDESB for your site prior to its use. The CDC is too
expensive to remain on site for the duration of the project and typically will be mobilized at
the end of the project for just the number of days needed to complete disposal of the MEC.
During the collection period and until the CDC can be mobilized, any munitions recovered
will have to be stored in a NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM approved, secured storage area. An
empty, site approved magazine in an ammunition facility is an excellent resource when it is
available. If not, the contractor will have to site, install, maintain and remove a temporary
storage facility that may have more than one magazine due to ammunition compatibility
storage requirements. All of these issues should be discussed with the stakeholders with
the goal of reaching a sensible solution. Whatever the decision, the information about
managing MEC and treatment/disposal operations will have to be included in the ESS.
5.5.2 Material Potentially Presenting an Explosives Hazard (MPPEH) Management
The contractor shall be responsible for the disposition of all MPPEH in accordance with the
approved ESS and RI Work Plan. The contractor shall identify in his proposal the methods and
equipment to be used to, inspect, certify, verify, demilitarize, and dispose of MPPEH from the site.
The contractor shall identify the qualifications of personnel who will be involved in inspecting,
certifying and verifying the material and describe their responsibilities. The contractor shall
describe the quality control procedures to be implemented to ensure the integrity of the proposed
The contractor is responsible for disposing of all MPPEH and related debris. For planning and
estimating purposes, the contractor shall assume [insert number] tons of MPPEH and MEC related
debris will require transportation and disposal or stockpiling until the completion of this contract if it
poses no immediate threat.
RPM Note: In general, MPPEH is material that is NOT known with certainty to present an
explosion hazard, but may contain hidden explosive material, or minor amounts of
explosive material. MPPEH must be assumed to present an explosion hazard until it is
visually inspected and/or processed, and certified safe. The effective management of
MPPEH prevents unauthorized use, transfer, or release of MPPEH from DOD control,
transfer or release of MPPEH that will unintentionally present an explosive hazard to either
a qualified receiver or the public, and shipment of MPPEH that violates hazardous material
transportation regulations. MPPEH handling must comply with NAVSEA OP5, Sections 13-
15. Contracts or other legal agreements require compliance with the provisions of NAVSEA
OP-5, DOD 4140.62 (series), Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard (MPPEH),
DOD 4145.26-M (series), DOD Contractor’s Safety Manual for Ammunition and Explosives,
and DOD 4160.21-M (series), Defense Materiel Disposition Manual and DOD 4160.21-M-1
(series), Defense Demilitarization Manual, by all who possess, manage, process, or provide
disposition of MPPEH. All of these requirements are rolled up into Section 13-15 of OP-5.
The flow diagram at the end of this SOW presents a simplified schematic of how MPPEH is
The RPM is encouraged to discuss site specific conditions with NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM
when deciding how to manage MPPEH. At MRS locations, it is common to find large
amounts of casing and munitions parts, which are initially certified inert by an UXO
technician and need to be further determined to be clear of residual explosives by
surveying all the surfaces. When all the surfaces can not be inspected the material cannot
be certified as safe (5X) and is considered hazardous (3X) and the handling requirements
outlined in OP5 will have to be met. Some information can also be found in the USACE OE-
CX document titled “Corps of Engineers Contractors Ordnance and Explosives (OE), Range
Residue (RR) Inspection, Certification and Final Disposition Procedures,” dated April 2003
that describes their preferred methods for safely disposing of MPPEH.
Mag, Flag, & Dig (Magnetometer detection and marking without
geophysical mapping followed by intrusive investigation)
RPM Note: The section title above is hyperlinked back to the page where each of the four
different Field Work template links are located.
4.1 RI Work Plan
The contractor shall prepare and submit a Draft, Draft Final and Final RI Work Plan, with the
required appendices, which incorporate the data requirements and information developed during
the planning and scoping task. The RI Work Plan will define project objectives and associated data
needs to reach project closeout and describe Data Quality Objectives. The basic RI Work Plan will
describe the general methodology for performing the site MEC work, including:
Site preparation including vegetation removal and removal of surface metallic debris
Location surveys and mapping
Geophysical System Verification (instrument verification strip, noise strip, and blind
Data Quality Objectives (DQOs)
Description of anomaly selection procedures
Description of anomaly removal procedures
Details of the QC program
Description of MEC & MPPEH management
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and data management
The RI Work plan will include a geophysical investigation plan that describes the equipment,
personnel and techniques to be used to collect digital geophysical data at the site. The plan will be
detailed and will describe the sensor(s), platform(s), positioning and data analysis methods the
contractor will use at each specific removal site(s) to meet the quality assurance and quality control
requirements (This could be the accuracies required for an instrument verification strip, blind seeds
and for positioning).. Consistent with the requirements of the basic contract, the plan will identify,
by name, key personnel responsible for data processing and quality control (QC) and will include a
description of their experience and qualifications to perform the work assigned.
RPM Note: The RPM will need to submit an ESS to NOSSA or MARCORSYSCOM for
approval prior to field work beginning. The ESS shall be completed in accordance with
NOSSAINST 8020.15 (series) Enclosure (3), “Guidelines for Preparing an Explosives Safety
4.1.1 Site Health & Safety Plan (HASP)
The contractor will prepare and submit a Site Health & Safety Plan (HASP). The HASP will contain
an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) for each site-specific task to be conducted. The HASP will be
appended to the Accident Prevention Plan (APP) that was prepared for the basic contract.
4.1.2 Geophysical System Verification (GSV)
The contractor shall prepare and submit as part of the removal work plan a section on geophysical
system verification (GSV) proposed for the site. The contractor will describe the purpose for the
GSV (e.g., confirm system performance and ensure that the data quality objectives (DQO) can be
met). The contractor shall identify the methods to be used to:
verify that the geophysical system is performing correctly by measuring the sensor
responses of a small number of well-characterized items and confirming that the responses
lie within expected parameters (and that the measured locations of the detected items are
within requirements) and
measure the site noise and determine whether targets of interest can be detected reliably to
their depth of interest under the site conditions present.
Emplace throughout the production site Industry Standard Objects (ISOs) in a blind seeding
program to confirm production geophysics in the field.
RPM Note: In most instances the complex Geophysical Prove Out (GPO) has been replaced
by the GSV. Sites that have a unique requirement for a GPO can reference the ITRC
Technical/Regulatory Guideline for Geophysical Prove-outs for Munitions Response
Projects for details on how to construct and implement a GPO.
The instrument verification test strip concept can be used to verify instrument performance
on any site and is an integral part of quality monitoring. For very large sites, it may be cost
effective to construct multiple replications of the test strip so that crews can conduct their
daily checks without undue transit time. The GSV moves resources from an up-front
evaluation of the geophysical systems and their performance to an ongoing verification of
the system performance. Utilizing a physics-based approach reduces the logistical burden
(e.g., multiple mobilizations, acquisition of surrogates) of the older GPO process, allows
use of a smaller plot, and results in greater confidence in the performance of the
geophysical project itself. For more information on the GSV, see ESTCP’s Geophysical
System Verification (GSV): A Physics-Based Alternative to Geophysical Prove-Outs for
Munitions Response.
The contractor shall prepare a MEC UFP-QAPP that will address all quality control methods to be
used to control MEC activities on the project. The MEC UFP-QAPP will discuss how the contractor
intends to implement quality control for all site operations, including QC of equipment and
personnel, QC of the data, and the proposed QC personnel and their qualifications. Quality control
procedures shall be developed to ensure that quality of geophysical survey data and intrusive
sampling for potential MEC anomalies meets the DQO’s established by the RI/FS work plan. The
MEC UFP-QAPP will be prepared as an Appendix to the RI Work Plan.
RPM Note: See the MEC UFP-QAPP template, the Adak MEC UFP-QAPP example, Adak
Technical Management Plan (Work plan), and the Quality Assessment SOW template on the
MR Portal for typical PQO’s/DQOs, Measurement Performance Criteria, and SOPs. It should
be noted that the PQCP in the Adak Technical Management Plan is abbreviated and refers to
the Adak MEC UFP-QAPP for supporting details. RPMs are encouraged to use the UFP-
QAPP format for their project sites.
The RPM needs to review the QAPP for several factors. The contractor should at a minimum
include daily function tests of the equipment and personnel to ensure proper operation and
minimal variances in performance. Refer to Military Munitions Response Actions; USACE
Engineer Manual (EM) 1110-1-4009; June 2007, which is a reference which outlines daily and
project function checks to be performed and documented by the contractor. The QAPP
should also identify that the contractor will repeat collection of data in some percentage of
repeated lanes or sections to ensure data repeatability and location repeatability. To ensure
there is minimal variation in the data, the data collection team will collect data in an area,
with some time separation between the collections of the two data sets. This is often
referred to as repeatability. These requirements should be outlined in the QAPP. The RPM
should also ensure that there is proper documentation of the QC measures taken at the site.
RPM Note on Government quality assurance requirements: RPMs should be aware that
NOSSAINST 8020.15(series) requires that each munitions response project have a QC
program administered by the UXO contractor and a QA program administered by an
independent, third-party activity. The complexity of the QC and QA programs is dependent
on the nature of the project. The Naval Explosive Ordnance Technology Division
(NAVEODTECHDIV) has experience, expertise and technically trained personnel in
conducting quality assessments and developing the quality assessment reports for
munitions response projects. The contact names are listed with the MRP Workgroup.
Another alternative is to use a third party contract not associated with the site to perform
quality assessment field activities for the Government. Typical aspects of quality assurance
may include blind seeding of MEC-like items in the survey area, performing a partial survey
on grids cleared by the contractor to confirm the findings, and reviewing documents to
ensure consistency between work plans and field applications. The ultimate quality
assurance requirements should be determined and budgeted by the RPM. See the Quality
Assessment SOW template on the MR Portal for more information.
When developing QC and QA plans it is important to keep in mind that the objective of
these plans and their execution is to ensure that agreed on standards of performance for
work conducted on the project have been met. The approaches used for verifying this
should be consistent with the approach used to conduct the work to avoid setting
inconsistent standards for production, QC, and QA (e.g. similar MEC detection systems
should be used for production, QC, and QA phases of the project). In addition, QC and QA
processes are best scheduled in parallel with production phases of project work and not
after completion of productions work. This will allow corrections to be made in production
processes, if necessary, and avoid the need for rework of major portions of work that were
completed prior to QC or QA review.
4.1.4 Explosives Safety Submission (ESS)
The contractor (or RPM) will prepare and submit an Explosives Safety Submission (ESS) in
accordance with NOSSA Instruction 8020.15 (series), Enclosure (3). It is to be coordinated with the
installation Explosives Safety Officer and Public Works Planning Department and then submitted to
NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM for their endorsement to the DDESB for their approval prior to the
start of fieldwork. The approved ESS [will/will not] be included as an Appendix to the RI Work Plan
and the two documents must be consistent. The ESS is the primary explosives safety document at
the site.
RPM Note: The RPM will need to submit an ESS to NOSSA or MARCORSYSCOM for
approval prior to field work beginning. The ESS shall be completed in accordance with
NOSSAINST 8020.15 (series) Enclosure (3), “Guidelines for Preparing an Explosives Safety
Submission.” NOSSA may take up to a month to review and comment on each draft and the
final ESS. The RPM should also plan on the DDESB review taking at least one month for
their review and approval.
4.1.5 Other Relevant Planning Documents
The contractor shall prepare the following additional planning documents, based on knowledge of
site conditions provided by the PA/SI and the site-specific RI requirements:
[insert applicable documents (e.g., Erosion Control, Stormwater Management Plan, etc.]
5.1 Site Preparation
The contractor shall perform necessary site preparation to adequately support the field sampling
methodology outlined in this SOW. [RPM to outline the type and extent of site preparation
requirements and/or restrictions]. Procedures and equipment requirements shall be approved by
the RPM prior to execution.
RPM Note: Site preparation at an MRS generally consists of brush clearance and surface
removal of debris from the areas that will undergo survey and investigation. It may also
include a surface sweep for MEC to ensure the safety of the geophysical teams. The RPM
should consider the type of growth to be cleared, the regrowth rate, and the cost impacts of
site preparation. Brush removal at some sites can be quite costly and may result in
ecological damage. If the surface MEC have been removed from the investigation areas, no
UXO escorts should be required for the survey teams. If the surface has not been cleared
the RPM should work with NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM to determine if UXO escorts will be
required for the investigation team. Some additional language that may be appropriate to
include here is:All MEC teams will be comprised of the appropriately trained personnel to
safely and efficiently remove scrap and MEC from the areas designated for removal. The
team size, composition and qualifications shall be in accordance with DDESB TP-18.”
5.2 Location Surveys and Mapping
The contractor shall perform location recording and mapping using techniques that allow easy
conversion/submission of data in the required format e.g., state plane coordinates. The contractor
will identify and record the locations of recovered items using a hand-held global positioning
system (GPS) UTM, and will record this data in a personal data assistant (PDA).
The contractor may use established control monuments, however, should the contractor select to
set any property boundaries or monuments, this work shall be performed by a Professional Land
Surveyor licensed in the [insert State]. Existing monument locations will be provided to the
contractor. Contractor personnel who are knowledgeable and competent in land surveying and
use of surveying equipment may perform grid and/or transect location and layout. The contractor
shall prepare all location data and submit following completion of the work. Data must be provided
using the appropriate Naval Installation Restoration Information Solution (NIRIS) Electronic Data
Deliverable (NEDD) via the web based data checker in accordance with the NEDD SOP. Survey
data shall include, at a minimum, a drawing and spreadsheets of survey information. For each site,
the drawing shall cover the entire site and will include the list of coordinates for corners, starting,
ending, turning locations, reference monuments used in survey, and other pertinent features of
grids or transects, to include but not limited to MEC location data including grid number where
found, item number assigned, type of item, location coordinates to nearest foot, and depth below
ground surface.
5.3 Detection Equipment for Mag, Flag & Dig
The contractor shall propose a methodology and rationale for performing the detection (Mag),
marking (Flag), and [clearance/sampling] (Dig) procedures to support the DQOs and data
requirements of the RI/FS. The contractor may propose to map grids or transects, or a combination
of these. The contractor shall produce maps of the site that show the major geophysical features
(See section 8.3 of the SOW for details).
RPM Note: Some other language that may be appropriate for this section and the ESS
includes: “The MEC removal teams will consist of at least one UXOTech III. MPPEH or MEC
will be marked and left in place for a further evaluation by the SUXOS or UXOSO on whether
the items can be moved within the grid for consolidating for a demolition event. The
Schonstedt GA-52Cx, or equivalent, will be used to aid in the search operation.
The RPM with the stakeholders should define what level of geophysical mapping and
investigation is adequate to characterize the site. The RPM will need to consider whether
the goal of the survey is to locate broad target or disposal areas or specific individual
anomalies that could represent MEC. This will focus the goals of the survey. Surveys are
typically conducted using grids of 100ftx100ft, but could also utilize transects or other
patterns based site specific information. Stakeholder buy-in is critical and leads to greater
certainty in the decision making process about the site, cleanup options, and future land
use. Obviously, with DGM, the more area mapped, the better the characterization, but also
increased costs. So the RPM should work with stakeholders to find the acceptable level of
work that will adequately characterize the site within the budget. The costs of a survey are
minimal compared to the costs of the intrusive anomaly investigation so consider these
factors when scoping your work. In the Management Guidance Principles document, DoD
and EPA agreed to a preference for using investigative techniques that provide an
auditable, objective record of investigation area and results. This usually means EM and
DGPS or something similar as opposed to mag & flag.
RPMs should be aware that there are circumstances where analog metal detection
procedures (called mag & flag or mag & dig) may be more appropriate (e.g., OB/OD areas,
areas adjacent to targets, etc.). Mag, Flag, & Dig operations are most useful when there is
known dispersed contamination of MEC and metal debris where a digital geophysical map
would not provide the best level of information. This is sometimes done to clear the surface
and to locate major areas of MEC contamination within a site. It must be understood that
Mag, Flag, & Dig operations do not produce a digital record of the position of the
instrument, operator, or the instrument signal associated with the area surveyed by the
MEC technician. Consequently, care must be taken to ensure that adequate QC/QA
measures are taken to ensure that AOC’s are adequately evaluated and that the
performance requirements of the process for removal of MEC and debris metal have been
met. An RPM should consider Mag, Flag, & Dig for their site if it is less important to record
the position of each anomaly, but only record the significant MEC finds. If Mag., Flag, and
Dig operations are chosen as an investigative (or remediation) technique, A QAPP must be
developed to ensure that an objective record is maintained of the areas where these
techniques have been use.
The contractor shall update and manage the project GIS in NIRIS, or if needed, an export of the
NIRIS data using a local machine running ArcGIS or ArcInfo. Any project related spatial data
including maps, models and associated collected or created data must then be submitted back to
NIRIS according to the NIRIS Non-NEDD Deliverable Submittal Guidelines SOP. This would
include daily geophysical data, ordnance related items found during the investigation, positively
identified MEC, positively identified archeological sites, environmental sample locations,
inaccessible areas such as brush piles, fence lines, areas of bare rock, etc. See Section 8.3 of the
SOW for details. The contractor will record the location of all [MEC, disposal pits, etc].
5.4 Intrusive Investigations
The contractor shall implement MEC [clearance/sampling] in accordance with DOD and DON
requirements and the approved ESS and RI Work Plan. The contractor will describe in their
proposal the method to be used for reacquiring target anomalies from the geophysical data and for
performing the investigation and clearance of each target site. For estimating and planning
purposes, the contractor is to assume [insert number of anomalies anticipated in a grid, acre, or
transect, based on what is being used at your site]. The contractor shall identify in the RI Work
Plan the decision criteria for halting or expanding the excavation of anomalies in an area. The
contractor will outline the details of the investigation in the ESS for approval by
NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM and ensure that all work descriptions in the RI Work Plan are
consistent with the NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM approved ESS.
RPM Note: The ESS may contain language such asThe UXO Technician will carefully
remove enough soil, without disturbing the MEC, to facilitate positive identification or to
obtain its identification features. UXO Technicians will make every effort to identify MEC
through visual examination of the item for markings and other identifying features such as
shape, size, and external fittings. Items will not be moved during the
inspection/identification until the fuze conditions can be ascertained. If the condition is
questionable, consider the fuze to be armed. The fuze is considered the most hazardous
component of a UXO, regardless of type or condition. The SUXOS make final determination
of identification of the item and the disposition of the item prior to implementing any
disposal operations. Recovered military munitions or MEC will not be moved by personnel
unless it is safe to do so. Movement of MEC by hand is authorized only after positive
identification and a determination by the UXO Technician III and either the SUXOS or
UXOSO and the MEC is safe to move.
The magnetometer survey will see all metal objects and the operator has only a qualitative
interpretation of the strength of the anomaly as indicated by the strength of the audio signal
or display readout. With Mag, Flag, & Dig, this determination is more qualitative and
depends on the experience of the operator. If you are doing sampling at a site, it is
important to build in a method where you can investigate areas around MEC findings so
that you can characterize the site while you are in the field.
5.5 MEC Management
The contractor shall manage all MEC, MPPEH, and MEC related debris in accordance with DOD
and DON requirements and the approved RI/FS Work Plan. The contractor shall describe their
proposed methodology for accounting for all MEC items or components encountered from field
discovery to point of disposal. This accounting shall include the amounts of MEC, identification and
condition, location, orientation and depth of MEC, storage and disposition. The accounting system
shall also account for all demolition materials utilized to detonate MEC on site. This accounting
process shall be outlined in the RI/FS Work Plan and included in an appendix to the RI/FS Report.
The contractor shall take digital photographs of identifiable MEC found during the investigation,
which shall be attached to the MEC locations displayed in the GIS.
RPM Note: Some project teams may also require that all MEC and MPPEH be
5.5.1 MEC Treatment
RPM Note: The RPM needs to understand that RI field activities that recover MEC will
require treatment of the MEC during the investigation phase before the final remedy is
selected. This is due to the fact that known MEC that is discovered during the investigation
will not be reburied or left in place due to its hazard.
The contractor shall be responsible for the destruction of all MEC in accordance with DOD and
DON requirements as described in the approved ESS and RI/FS Work Plan. For planning and
estimating purposes, the contractor shall be prepared to dispose of [insert number] items of MEC
ranging in size from [insert size of MEC expected at your site]. The contractor shall describe in their
proposal the methods, personnel, and equipment they will use to perform disposal of MEC on the
RPM Note: The RPM needs to be aware of the process required for any treatment/disposal
by detonation of MEC. The RPM should first understand the viable options, which include 1)
on-site open detonation, 2) detonation in a contained detonation chamber, (CDC) and 3)
transport to an approved facility for detonation. The decision to treat in situ or move the
MEC item can only be made by the Senior UXO Supervisor or a UXO Technician III team
leader. If the MEC item is a UXO, then only active duty EOD personnel can certify them as
safe to transport. These last two options are only available if your items are deemed safe to
move by the EOD trained personnel. On Navy sites, the Navy EOD may manage the
emergency disposal of MEC items (i.e. Adak), and this is for unexpected findings versus a
cleanup project. On most sites, (i.e. Mare Island) the contractor performing MEC remedial
investigation/action has that responsibility. The RPM will need to decide how this will be
handled for your specific site and make sure the requirement is clear in the SOW. This is
another case where the stakeholders should be involved in the decision because in many
instances, they will strongly object to open detonation as the preferred method of
destruction and may request that MEC be destroyed in a CDC. If you have a case where
MEC is determined not safe to move, you will need to plan for on-site Blow In Place (BIP)
detonation. This contingency should always be built into your RI Work Plan, even if it is
Open detonation is cheaper and is the primary practice of military EOD units, though you
may need to sample and clean the area after detonation. There are also noise and public
notification issues to consider. You may also need to coordinate with your local air board
and comply with some substantive requirements. Recall that under CERCLA, we do not
have to get permits, but need to meet the substantive permitting requirements. There are
many studies that show that well designed detonation does not leave residual chemicals.
You will need to work with NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM to get an ESS approved for any
The CDC is a commercial unit that has heavy walls to contain to explosive force and it has
air treatment units connected to take out particulate. The CDC T-10 is limited to a Net
Explosive Weight of 13 pounds of explosives. This limits the size of item that can be
detonated. The T-30 is being tested and has the ability to contain 40lbs of explosives. The
other limitations of the CDC is that it is quite costly and often unavailable based on use at
other sites. It is a favorite of regulators because it is contained. While DDESB has approved
use of the CDC unit, you still need to get an ESS approved through
NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM and then DDESB for your site prior to its use. The CDC is too
expensive to remain on site for the duration of the project and typically will be mobilized at
the end of the project for just the number of days needed to complete disposal of the MEC.
During the collection period and until the CDC can be mobilized, any munitions recovered
will have to be stored in a NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM approved, secured storage area. An
empty, site approved magazine in an ammunition facility is an excellent resource when it is
available. If not, the contractor will have to site, install, maintain and remove a temporary
storage facility that may have more than one magazine due to ammunition compatibility
storage requirements. All of these issues should be discussed with the stakeholders with
the goal of reaching a sensible solution. Whatever the decision, the information about
managing MEC and treatment/disposal operations will have to be included in the ESS.
5.5.2 Material Potentially Posing an Explosives Hazard (MPPEH) Management
The contractor shall be responsible for the disposition of all MPPEH in accordance with the
approved RI Work Plan. The contractor shall identify in his proposal the methods and equipment to
be used to inspect, certify, verify, demilitarize, and dispose of MPPEH from the site. The contractor
shall identify the positions of personnel who will be involved in inspecting, certifying and verifying
the material and describe their responsibilities. The contractor shall describe the quality control
procedures to be implemented to ensure the integrity of the proposed process.
The contractor is responsible for disposing of all MEC related debris. For planning and estimating
purposes, the contractor shall assume [insert number] tons of MEC related debris will require
transportation and disposal or stockpiling until the completion of this contract if it poses no
immediate threat.
RPM Note: In general, MPPEH is material that is NOT known with certainty to present an
explosion hazard, but may contain hidden explosive material, or minor amounts of
explosive material. MPPEH must be assumed to present an explosion hazard until it is
visually inspected and/or processed, and certified safe. The effective management of
MPPEH prevents unauthorized use, transfer, or release of MPPEH from DOD control,
transfer or release of MPPEH that will unintentionally present an explosive hazard to either
a qualified receiver or the public, and shipment of MPPEH that violates hazardous material
transportation regulations. MPPEH handling must comply with NAVSEA OP5, Section 13-15.
Contracts or other legal agreements require compliance with the provisions of NAVSEA OP-
5, DOD 4140.62 (series), Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard (MPPEH), DOD
4145.26-M (series), DOD Contractor’s Safety Manual for Ammunition and Explosives, and
DOD 4160.21-M (series), Defense Materiel Disposition Manual and DOD 4160.21-M-1 (series),
Defense Demilitarization Manual, by all who possess, manage, process, or provide
disposition of MPPEH. All of these requirements are rolled up into Section 13-15 of OP-5.
The flow diagram at the end of this SOW presents a simplified schematic of how MPPEH is
The RPM is encouraged to discuss site specific conditions with NOSSA/MARCORSYSCOM
when deciding how to manage MPPEH. At MRS locations, it is common to find large
amounts of casing and munitions parts, which are initially certified inert by an UXO
technician and need to be further determined to be free of residual explosives by visually
inspecting all the surfaces. When all the surfaces can not be inspected the material cannot
be certified as safe (5X) and is considered hazardous (3X). Some information can also be
found in the USACE OE-CX document titled “Corps of Engineers Contractors Ordnance and
Explosives (OE), Range Residue (RR) Inspection, Certification and Final Disposition
Procedures,” dated April 2003 that describes their preferred methods for safely disposing of
Figure 1 Estimated Detection Depth
Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Data Item Description MR-005-05, “Geophysical Investigation Plan”.
20mm detection depth =
0.22m (8.7 in)
155mm detection depth =
1.7m (5.6 ft)
Mk 82 detection depth = 3
m (9.9 ft)
Depth = depth to center
of item mass
Diameter = diameter of
minor axis
Depth and Diameter are
common length units
This is the industry standard
for MEC recovery. It can be
very thorough and provides
good data on items collected.
Hand excavation can be
accomplished in almost any
terrain and climate. Limited
only by the number of people
As the standard by
which all others are
Probe, Trowel,
Shovel, Pick Ax
Locally available
and easily replaced
Removal of
Used in conjunction with hand
excavation when soil is too
hard causing time delay
during hand excavation.
Method works well for the
excavation of single
anomalies or or larger areas
of heavy ferrous metal
Equipment can be rented
almost anywhere and is easy
to operate. Allows excavation
of anomalies in hard soil and
to clear large areas with
substantial metal
In hard soil this
method has a lower
cost than that of
having the single
anomalies hand
Tracked Mini-
Excavator, bull
dozers, loaders, etc.
Easy to rent and to
Excavation and
Process work very well in
heavily contaminated areas.
Can separate several different
sizes of material allowing for
large quantities of soil to be
returned with minimal
screening for MEC.
Earth moving equipment is
readily available. However,
armoring is not as widely
available. Equipment is harder
to maintain and may require
trained heavy equipment
operators. Not feasible for
large explosively-configured
Earth moving
equipment is
expensive to rent
and to insure and
has the added
expense of high
maintenance cost as
Earth Moving
Equipment: Many
brands of heavy
earth moving
equipment are
available including
excavators, off road
dump trucks, and
front-end loaders.
Sifting Equipment:
Trommel, Shaker,
Rotary Screen from
Can be rented,
armor installed, and
delivered almost
maintenance costs
Soil Processing
Mechanized processing
systems are a proven
technology for removing MEC
and other solid materials from
Equipment and references for
planning and operations are
readily available.
Medium - High
Acquisition and
operation of these
systems is initially
expensive, though
savings may be
realized for large
economy of scale
A wide variety of
equipment and
suppliers are
available for shaker
and trommel
Use of magnetic
technology (rollers)
can augment
capabilities for
some MEC
Primarily used in conjunction
with mass excavation and
sifting operations. Can help
remove metal from separated
soils, but does not work well
enough to remove the need to
inspect the smaller size soil
spoils. Magnetic systems are
also potentially useful to help
with surface clearance of frag
and surface debris.
Magnetic rollers are easily
obtained from the sifting
equipment distributors and
are designed to work with
their equipment.
This method adds
very little cost to the
already expensive
sifting operation.
Magnetic rollers or
magnetic pick ups
are available from
many manufacturers
of the sifting
equipment noted
Installed by sifting
equipment owners.
Remotely operated equipment
reduces productivity and
capability of the equipment.
Method is not widely used and
is not yet proven to be an
efficient means of MEC
Uses earth moving
equipment, both mini-
excavator type and heavier off
road earth moving equipment.
Machinery is rigged with
hydraulic or electrical controls
to be operated remotely.
Has a combined cost
of the base
equipment plus the
remote operating
equipment and an
operator. Remote
operation protects
the operator, but can
create high
equipment damage
Many tracked
excavators, dozers,
loaders and other
equipment types
have been outfitted
with robotic remote
EOD robots are
almost exclusively
used for military
and law
and render-safe
operations. They
were not evaluated
for MEC
Blow in Place
Each MEC item is
individually destroyed
with subsequent results
individually verified
Medium to High
Field-proven techniques,
transportable tools and
equipment, suited to most MEC
environments. Public exposure
can limit viability of this option.
Engineering controls can further
improve implementation.
Medium to High
Manpower intensive.
Costs increase in areas
of higher population
densities or where public
access must be
Electric demolition
Disposition of resultant
waste streams must be
addressed in BIP
operations planning.
Waste streams
produced by BIP are
not contained and thus
not as easily dealt with.
As regulatory agencies
become more involved
in MEC projects, this
may yield higher life
cycle cost for waste
(for characterization,
treatment and disposal)
than technologies that
do contain the waste
and Blow
Techniques recently
developed and refined
in Iraq are providing
successes. Use of
donor munitions also
proving effective.
Limited in use to
munitions that are “safe
to move”.
Generally employs same
techniques, tools and equipment
as BIP. Requires larger area and
greater controls. Most
engineering controls not
completely effective/applicable
for these operations.
Manpower intensive,
may require MHE spell
out this acronym for large
scale operations
Electric demolition
forklifts and cranes
Disposition of resultant
waste streams must be
addressed. Increased
areas require additional
access and safety
considerations. Waste
streams produced by
consolidated and blow
are not contained and
thus not as easily dealt
with. As regulatory
agencies become more
involved in the projects,
this may yield higher
life cycle costs for
waste (for
treatment and disposal)
than technologies that
do contain waste
streams. This could be
of even greater
concern in consolidate
and blow operations
where there will be
more residual
generated and thus
potentially greater
concentrations of
regulated analytes
Chambers -
Chambers successfully
contain hazardous
components. Current
literature reviewed
Low - Medium
Stationary facilities typically
must meet regulatory and
construction standard for
Siting and construction
required. Low feed rates =
more hours on site.
Significant requirements fo
Typically designed on
case-by-case basis.
System cleaning and
maintenance usually
requires PPE and
worker training.
Probable permitting
shows containment up
to 35 lbs (assume
NEW). Commonly used
for fuzes and smaller
explosive components.
waste disposal facilities. Service
life and maintenance are issues.
Requires additional handling of
MEC. Flashing furnaces have
low feed rates due to safety
concerns. Produces additional
hazardous waste streams.
maintenance of system
issues with
employment of
Chambers -
Chambers successfully
contain hazardous
components. Current
literature reviewed
shows containment up
to 35 lbs (assume
NEW). Commonly used
for fuzes and smaller
explosive components.
Medium - High
Designed to be deployed at the
project site. Greatly reduced
footprint compared to stationary
facilities. Service life and
maintenance are issues.
Requires additional handling of
MEC. Flashing furnaces have
low feed rates due to safety
concerns. Produces additional
hazardous waste streams
Medium - High
Possible Construction
required (e.g., berms and
pads). Low feed rates =
more hours on site.
Significant requirements
for maintenance of
Donovan Blast
Kobe Blast Chamber
System cleaning and
maintenance usually
requires PPE and
worker training.
Possible permitting
issues with
employment of
technology (on other
sites). The fact that the
waste stream is
contained and is more
easily dealt with (even
when hazardous) is an
advantage both in
terms of public
perception and in life
cycle cost.
Laser Initiation
Low- Medium
Still in development,
though currently
deployed in Iraq for
testing. Tests show
positive results for
81mm and below, with
reported success on
munitions up to 155mm.
Produces low-order
type effect; subsequent
debris still requires
Low - Medium
MEC targets must be
exposed/on surface for attack by
directed beam. GATOR Laser
System (Diode Laser
Neutralization via Fiber-Optic
Delivered Energy) does not
require line-of-sight within
approximately 100m. GATOR
system does require approach
and placement of fiber-optic
cable at appropriate position of
MEC. Laser systems still
addressing power, configuration,
transportability and logistics
Low Medium
Greatly reduced
manpower; added
transportability and
logistics concerns; no
explosives required by
Offers added safety
through significant
standoff (up to 300m).
(note: acceptable
safety standoffs must
be evaluated for
specific MEC and
scenarios). ZEUS
deployed/employed in
Afghanistan (2003).
Waste streams
produced by laser
initiation are not
contained and are thus
not as easily dealt with.
As regulatory agencies
become more involved
in MEC projects, this
may yield higher life
cycle costs for waste
(for characterization,
treatment and disposal)
than technologies that
do contain waste
streams. This may be
of even more concern
with laser initiated
as residual
contamination may be
higher than with
traditional BIP. Low
order detonations could
potentially yield greater
contamination than
successful BIP
Low to Medium
Great variance in
chemicals required to
various MEC (e.g.,
explosives). Difficult to
test for effectiveness
of many methods.
May generate
additional waste
streams (some
Low to Medium
Requires containment of multiple
hazardous materials (e.g., MEC
and solvents). May require
emissions controls. Worker
training and PPE typically
Medium to High
Specialized manpower,
requirements, additional
waste stream
Supercritical Water
Oxidation (SCWO)
Photocatalysis Molten
Salt Oxidation (MSO)
Furnaces are
designed to contain
components. Methods
are proven means of
attaining high degrees
(5X) of
Commonly used to
destroy and
decontaminate fuzes
and smaller explosive
Typically stationary facilities.
Service life and maintenance are
issues. Requires additional
handling of MEC. Flashing
furnaces have low feed rates
due to safety concerns.
Produces additional hazardous
waste streams.
Possible Construction
required. Low feed rates
= more hours on site.
Maintenance of system.
Rotary kiln incinerator
Explosive waste
incinerator (EWI)
Transportable flashing
System cleaning and
maintenance usually
requires PPE and
worker training. May
require permit to
deploy technology.
Shredders and
Renders small arms,
fuzes and other
inoperable. Residue
Low to Medium
Typically stationary facilities.
Service life and very high
maintenance are expected.
Requires additional handling of
Medium to High
Specialized equipment
and operators. High
maintenance. Additional
waste stream
Shred Tech ST-100H
Roll-Off (vehicle
Disposition of
resultant waste
streams must be
will typically still
require additional
treatment to achieve