Barnes Primary School Nursery Registration Form 2019/20
At Barnes Primary School Nursery we offer 15 hours a week of free early education (the ‘Universal Entitlement’),
together with the ‘Extended Entitlement’ of an additional 15 hours for those who are eligible and can provide a
valid HMRC code. We also offer the opportunity to self-pay for the additional hours (Self-Paid Provision).
Please note that, if your child is eligible for 30 hours Extended Provision but wishes to split the hours between our
nursery and another setting (for example a child minder), we can only accept applications where Barnes Primary
Nursery is the ‘prime childcare provider’ and the hours at our nursery therefore consist of the Universal
Entitlement. We cannot accept applications where the hours at this nursery would comprise just of the Extended
Part time, Universal Entitlement places are from 09:00-12:00 (Mornings) or 12:30-15:30 (Afternoons).
Extended Entitlement places are from 09:00-12:00 and 12:30-15:30 your child will need to go home between
the two sessions unless you opt to self-pay for a Forest School session at the nursery from 12:00-12:30.
Self-Paid Provision is from 09:00-12:00 (free, Universal Entitlement hours) and 12:00-15:30 (self-paid) which
includes a Forest School Session.
All children will have lunch at Nursery. There is an additional cost for a freshly prepared, nutritious school lunch;
alternatively your child may bring a packed lunch adhering to our guidelines on nutrition and allergy.
Barnes Primary offers 2 separate admissions lists: full time (30 hours) and part time (15 hours). Nursery places
are allocated on the following criteria:
1. Looked after children who are in public care, or children adopted from Care.
2. Children who have an exceptional medical, social or educational need that requires their attendance at a
particular school.
3. Children who have siblings attending the school.
4. 3 and 4 year old children living closest to Barnes Primary School.
Child’s Surname
Child’s First name
Male / Female
Post code
Mobile No:
Mobile No:
Name of Current Nursery or Playgroup (we will contact them for transition files):
School attended
PROVISION(S) REQUESTED (please state your preference by indicating Yes or No below
UNIVERSAL ENTITLEMENT (15 hours per week)
Please note: traditionally, applications for part time places in the morning have outnumbered those for
afternoon places. If you have no particular preference therefore, your chances of being offered a place are
likely to be greater if you chose the Part time: no preference option below.
Part time: Morning
09:00-12:00; or
Cost: £0
Y / N
I confirm that Barnes Primary School Nursery is my primary
childcare provider and that I am claiming my Universal
Entitlement (not any Extended Entitlement) at this nursery
Part time: Afternoon
Cost: £0
Y / N
I confirm that Barnes Primary School Nursery is my primary
childcare provider and that I am claiming my Universal
Entitlement (not any Extended Entitlement) at this nursery
Part time: no preference for AM or PM
Either 09:00-12:00 or 12:30-15:30
Cost: £0
Y / N
I confirm that Barnes Primary School Nursery is my primary
childcare provider and that I am claiming my Universal
Entitlement (not any Extended Entitlement) at this nursery
Please note that the school will endeavour to award part time places based on the indicated preference for
morning or afternoon but this may not be possible.
EXTENDED ENTITLEMENT (30 hours per week: 15 Universal plus 15 Extended). You undertake to inform the
Nursery immediately of any change to your Extended Entitlement.
09:00-12:00 and 12:30-15:30
(your child will need to go home between
the two sessions unless you opt to self-pay
for a Forest School session)
Cost £0 providing you are eligible for the
Extended Entitlement and have the
required validated HMRC eligibility code
throughout your child’s time at the nursery.
Y / N
Forest School session for those taking up the
30 hours Extended Entitlement and do not
wish to collect their child at lunchtime
12:00-12:30 (2.5 hours per week)
Cost: £22.50 per week
Y / N
Forest School and afternoon nursery sessions
for those not eligible for 30 hours Extended
Entitlement (note that if a place is offered
this option automatically guarantees a
morning place for the child’s free, Universal
Entitlement hours)
12:00-15:30 (17.5 hours per week)
Cost: £157.50 per week
Y / N
All provision will be located in Barnes Primary School Nursery and the on-site forest school and is offered in line
with the school opening times and term dates. Parents should check the school website for term dates and
school closure for INSET days and parent consultations.
PLEASE NOTE: The acceptance of a nursery place does NOT guarantee a place in Reception class. There is a
separate application process for starting primary school and this should be made through the Local Authority. If
you require further information regarding admissions to Barnes Primary please contact the school, or visit our
website: /first visit/admissions
The data on this form will be stored electronically in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Fair Processing
Notice. Further details on the collection of Personal Data is available on our website. Please complete this form in BLOCK
CAPITALS or electronically in the Microsoft Word version which may be downloaded from our website.