Company Licensing Best
Practices Handbook
Revised as of August 14, 2021
Accounng & Reporng
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NAIC Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook
© 20052023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners i
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1
Background ..................................................................................................................................2
UCAA Instructions vs. Best Practices Handbook .......................................................................2
Description of the Best Practices Handbook ...............................................................................3
Appendix A The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) ........................4
Appendix B Use of Electronic Documents ...........................................................................4
Appendix C Review of Electronic Application Coordination and Processing
(REACAP) ..................................................................................................................................4
Appendix D Form A Review Best Practices .........................................................................4
Appendix E Speed to Market ................................................................................................4
The Company Licensing Function ...............................................................................................5
Interstate Communication ............................................................................................................7
Initiating Interstate Communication ............................................................................................8
Lead State ....................................................................................................................................9
Key State .....................................................................................................................................9
Communications and the Domiciliary State ................................................................................9
Best Practices: Conceptual Framework of Processes and Procedures . Error! Bookmark not
Chapter Overview ......................................................................................................................12
Components of the Company Licensing Function ....................................................................12
Administrative .........................................................................................................................12
Coordination ......................................................................................................................12
Timeliness ..........................................................................................................................13
Administrative Filing .........................................................................................................13
Analytical Review ....................................................................................................................13
Analysis of Current Condition ...........................................................................................13
Prioritization Framework ...........................................................................................14
Use of Prioritization Factors in Application Review .....................................................14
Priority 1 ....................................................................................................................15
Priority 2 ....................................................................................................................15
Priority 3 ....................................................................................................................16
Priority 4 ....................................................................................................................17
Analysis of Business Plan ..................................................................................................17
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Intradepartmental Communications ..........................................................................................17
Timeliness of Review ................................................................................................................18
Best Practices: Application Review ...........................................................................................19
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................20
Confidentiality and Safeguarding of Biographical Affidavit Information ................................20
Administrative Safeguards .....................................................................................................20
Technical Safeguards ..............................................................................................................21
Physical Safeguards .................................................................................................................21
Primary Application ..................................................................................................................23
Primary Application - Redomestication ....................................................................................32
Expansion Application ..............................................................................................................35
Corporate Amendment Application – Adding and Deleting Lines of Business........................47
Corporate Amendment Application – Name Change ................................................................54
Corporate Amendment Application Redomestication of a Foreign Insurer ...........................56
Corporate Amendment Application – Change of Statutory Home Office Address ..................58
Corporate Amendment Application Merger of Two or More Foreign Insurers .....................60
Corporate Amendment Application – Proposed/Completed Change of Control of Foreign
Insurers ...............................................................................................................................63
Corporate Amendment Application Amended Articles of Incorporation ..............................66
Corporate Amendment Application – Amended Bylaws ..........................................................68
Corporate Amendment Application – Change of Mailing Address/Contact Notification ........70
Corporate Amendment Application Uniform Consent to Service of Process ........................71
Corporate Amendment Application Statement of Withdrawal, Complete Surrender ............72
Appendix A - The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) ............................74
The UCAA .................................................................................................................................75
Primary Application ................................................................................................................75
Primary Application Redomestication Only ......................................................................75
Primary Application Review Checklist .................................................................................77
Expansion Application ............................................................................................................81
Corporate Amendment Application ......................................................................................82
UCAA Forms ...........................................................................................................................82
Review of the UCAA ................................................................................................................83
Appendix B Use of Electronic Documents ..............................................................................84
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Appendix C Review of Electronic Application Coordination and Processing (REACAP) 86
REACAP Expedited Review Guidelines ...............................................................................88
Appendix D Form A Review Best Practices ...........................................................................90
Initial Review ...........................................................................................................................91
Background, Identity and Risk Profile of Acquiring Persons .............................................91
Communication and Record Maintenance ...........................................................................92
Transaction Review .................................................................................................................92
Purchase Consideration ..........................................................................................................93
Target License Qualification/Insurer Operations ................................................................93
Market Impact .........................................................................................................................94
Post Approval Considerations, if applicable .........................................................................94
Post Acquisition Considerations ............................................................................................94
Appendix E Speed to Market ...................................................................................................96
Speed to Market .......................................................................................................................97
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NAIC Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook
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In conjunction with the NAIC, the various states, as a part of the former Accelerated Licensing
Evaluation Review Technique (ALERT) Subgroup, have worked toward the goal of streamlining
and achieving uniformity in the insurer licensing process. To that end, a Uniform Certificate of
Authority Application (UCAA) was developed by the former Accelerated Licensing Evaluation
Review Technique (ALERT) Subgroup and is currently in use. However, the implementation of
UCAA requirements and the standards and procedures involved in the reviewing of applications
has not proven to be consistent among the members of the NAIC.
The objective of the Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook (Best Practices Handbook) is
to provide a framework that, while not preempting a state’s authority, promotes consistent
decisions while reviewing the standardized UCAA and improves the efficiency of the review
process. This Best Practices Handbook is not intended to constitute a comprehensive company
licensing procedures manual. Each state must assess its ability, within the confines of existing
statutes, regulations and resource constraints, to implement the recommendations contained
The ALERT Subgroup performed a monumental task in bringing order to the various state rules,
regulations, requirements and forms facing an applicant. That work is thoroughly documented on
the UCAA website. This Best Practices Handbook contains numerous references to the forms and
processes described on the UCAA website.
This Best Practices Handbook deals primarily with the qualitative processes involved in reviewing
an application. The concepts and recommended processes and procedures described herein were
developed through interviews with various state regulatory personnel involved in the company
licensing process and a compilation of the observed best practices. During those interviews several
“best practices” concepts became evident. They were:
LICENSING PROCESSES: The company licensing function can be viewed in light of its
component processes:
Administrative Filings: Receipt and processing of certain corporate documents that are
needed to establish a corporate existence, but are not subject to qualitative review.
Analysis of Current Financial Condition: Documentation of the current operating condition
of the company.
Analysis of Business Plan: Review of the company’s explanation for the proposed
expansion and/or change in its operations and how those changes will affect the company’s
operating condition.
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INTERSTATE COMMUNICATION: The licensing process in many states involved the re-
determination of the current financial condition of the company. This information should
already be known by the domestic state and can be conveyed to the applicant state. The effort
saved by not reanalyzing company condition in the company license process can be used to
communicate financial condition information to other states when requested.
PRIORITIZATION FRAMEWORK: Several states incorporated more or less sophisticated
prioritization systems as a part of the licensing function. The scope of the financial review may
be adjusted based upon the prioritization of the insurer. The resources saved by reducing effort
in reviewing companies on the top and bottom of the scale can be better spent performing a
more thorough review of those companies where the effect of an expansion or amendment of
the business plan is not so easily evident.
In addition to gathering information necessary to evaluate an applicant, the UCAA was developed
to incorporate the majority of state’s rules, regulations and requirements relative to company
licensing. The goals of this Best Practices Handbook are uniformity and efficiency in the review
of company licensing applications. In some instances, those goals conflict with filing requirements
noted in the UCAA. Therefore, it is acknowledged that there may be inconsistencies between this
Best Practices Handbook and any specific state’s filing requirements.
The Company Licensing Function
This chapter provides an overview of the role of the company licensing function as the initial step
in state regulatory oversight. The goals of the company licensing function and the risk-based
approach to achieving them are described.
Interstate Communication
This chapter discusses a framework for communication and cooperation between an applicant
state, the state of domicile and other stakeholder states (if any).
Best Practices
Conceptual Framework
This chapter presents a risk-based framework for the processes involved in analyzing the
Review of Forms
This chapter presents a summation of best practices compiled as guidance relative to the analysis
and decision making regarding the application.
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Appendix A The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
This appendix presents a brief overview of the UCAA and how it is referenced in the “Best
Practices: Application Review” chapter.
Appendix B Use of Electronic Documents
This appendix presents a description of UCAA contents that are available in electronic media.
Appendix C Review of Electronic Application Coordination and Processing (REACAP)
This appendix presents the criteria for requesting the National Treatment and Coordination (E)
Working Group to monitor the timing, technology and substantive issues regarding the insurers’
electronic UCAA filings.
Appendix DForm A Review Best Practices
This appendix presents a guide for regulatory review and analysis of Form A acquisitions,
recognizing that this list may not be comprehensive and not all items will apply to every
Appendix E Speed to Market
This appendix presents the criteria for requesting the National Treatment and Coordination (E)
Working Group to monitor the timing and coordination of expansion applications for insurers in
good standing with their state of domicile (lead state).
NAIC Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook
The Company Licensing Function
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The Company Licensing Function
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The Company Licensing Function
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The company licensing function stands at the threshold of an insurance department’s oversight of
an applicant’s future operations within the state. The function encompasses virtually all areas of
regulatory oversight, from solvency surveillance to market conduct, to rates and forms and
producers’ licensing and not only within the applicant state insurance department, but also
within the insurance department of the domiciliary state. The most difficult stages of regulatory
oversight occur at the very beginning and at the very end of an insurer’s regulatory life cycle.
Never is a more comprehensive understanding of an insurer and its potential for success more
critical than when a regulator must grant authority to conduct business and in those even more
difficult circumstances when the regulator must withdraw the authority to conduct business.
In developing this Handbook, a great deal of consideration was given to the assessment of risk in
the review of a company license application. All of the current NAIC guidance provided to
insurance department personnel relative to insurance company surveillance deals with the
assessment of risk present in the individual insurers comprising the population to be regulated.
That risk, the risk of financial failure or risk of marketplace improprieties is to be measured and
graded. Current guidance defines procedures in such a manner that regulators maximize the
effectiveness of the surveillance process by concentrating on the areas, or companies, of greatest
risk. This approach by its nature, forgoes the idea of “zero” risk. The cost of obtaining zero risk is
prohibitive and the effort expended in its pursuit is better spent in other endeavors.
Similarly, regulators involved in reviewing company licensing applications must adhere to the
same goals. The review of the company licensing application should be structured so that
applicants’ risks of financial failure or marketplace impropriety are identified and addressed.
Procedures exist in the Financial Analysis Handbook, the Financial Condition Examiners
Handbook and the Market Regulation Handbook for monitoring companies subsequent to
admission. Company licensing personnel should concentrate on those issues that indicate an
applicant may harm the citizens of their state, either through financial failure or marketplace
improprieties, as a result of granting or amending a certificate of authority.
Therefore, the procedures described herein represent a departure from the conventional approach to
the review of a company license application. In some instances, it is recommended that documents
submitted with an application should be subject to minimal review. Those documents, although
necessary to establish an applicant as a legal entity, do not provide significant insight into the risk
profile of a company. By accepting the risk of a minor compliance violation (that, after all, will still
be the subject of ongoing monitoring), the regulator will maximize the effectiveness of their
department and better fulfill their responsibilities to the citizens of their state.
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Interstate Communication
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Interstate Communication
NAIC Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook
Interstate Communication
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The expansion and/or alteration of a company’s operations are of equal importance to the
regulators in both the expansion states and the domestic state. The results of unsuccessful
expansion plans cut across state boundaries a troubled company is “troubled” in all states. It
follows that the analysis of a company’s condition and business plan should be accomplished
through a coordinated effort. Ultimately, each state operates under its own statutory authority and
is responsible for the protection of its own policyholders. Interstate communication and
cooperation is not intended to relinquish the authority of any state or to disadvantage any state;
rather, it is intended to facilitate efficiencies that will be achieved when applicant states coordinate
the company licensing process with all states involved, including, most importantly, the domestic
The NAIC Financial Regulation Standards and Accreditation Program requires states to provide
for the sharing of otherwise confidential information, administrative or judicial orders, or other
action, with other state regulatory officials, provided that those officials are required under their
law to maintain its confidentiality. The NAIC “Master Information Sharing and Confidentiality
Agreement” allows signatory states to share confidential information with other signatory states.
As of this writing, 50 states and the District of Columbia have signed the agreement. Current
information can be accessed through the NAIC I-SITE application under StateNet or
Prior to submitting an application in a foreign state, the insurer should inform the state of domicile
of its plans in the foreign state(s). If the state of domicile holds important concerns regarding the
applicant’s plans, such concerns should be communicated to the senior financial regulator in the
applicant state(s). Similarly, after receipt and an initial review of an application, the applicant state
may contact the senior financial regulator in the domiciliary state to open a dialogue regarding the
applicant. Preferably, this communication should occur as early in the application process as
possible to allow consideration of the information within an appropriate timeframe. The dialogue
should include:
Is the Applicant Company concurrently applying to additional states?
If so, contact other states to coordinate information available from the domiciliary state.
If so, and the applicant is part of a holding company structure, contact the “Lead State” to
coordinate information sharing.
If the Applicant Company does the majority of its business in a state other than the
domiciliary state, the Applicant Company and domiciliary states may consider
communication with a “Key State” as discussed below. However, even if a key state is
identified, the domiciliary state will remain the primary regulator.
Domiciliary (and key) state’s analysis of current condition of the applicant.
Has the domiciliary state performed a risk analysis of the applicant?
If the risk analysis performed by the domiciliary state is understandable to the applicant
state and is substantially similar to the prioritization system defined in this Handbook, the
applicant state should consider accepting the analysis in lieu of performing an additional
financial analysis of the Applicant Company.
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Interstate Communication
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Analysis of Business Plan by Applicant State(s)
Are the operations described in the business plan consistent with the demonstrated
experience and expertise of the Applicant Company?
Does the business plan have the potential to significantly alter the condition of the
Applicant Company?
After consideration of the Applicant Company’s condition, business plan and any other
relevant information, has the domiciliary state transmitted any information having a
bearing on the application?
Lead state(s) or designee assumes the role of coordinator and communication facilitator. The lead
state(s) serves as the facilitator and central point of contact for purposes of gathering and
distributing information to all regulators involved.
In some instances other states may have information pertinent to the application. In those instances,
a “Key State” may be considered for consultation in addition to the domiciliary state. The Key
State may emerge based on the state with the largest premium volume, the state of domicile of the
parent of the holding company, or other reasons. The “Key State” should not assume the
responsibilities of either the applicant state or the domiciliary state. A “Key State” should be
identified solely as an additional source of information regarding the applicant.
As previously stated, the Applicant Company should inform the domiciliary state of its plans to
file company licensing applications in foreign states. In addition, communications between the
applicant state(s) and the insurer may contain information regarding specifics of the applicant
state’s marketplace that may significantly impact the insurer’s proposed business plan. The use of
the electronic UCAA provides a mechanism for tracking such correspondence. This will allow the
domiciliary state to remain cognizant of these communications and the relevant information, while
the decision on the expansion remains with the expansion state.
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Interstate Communication
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NAIC Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook
Best Practices: Conceptual Framework of Processes and Procedures
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Best Practices: Conceptual Framework of Processes and Procedures
NAIC Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook
Best Practices: Conceptual Framework of Processes and Procedures
© 20052023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 12
This chapter will discuss a framework for the process flows that occur within the Company
Licensing Function. The significant procedures within those process flows are discussed in detail,
although guidance on the review of specific UCAA forms is contained in the “Best Practices:
Application Review” chapter.
Depending on the type of application, the processing of a company license application can be
broken down into one or more of the following components as shown in the graphic below.
Coordination: This component begins with the receipt and recording of an application and its
supporting documentation. The application should be reviewed to determine that a response exists
for all inquiries. Supporting documents should then be reviewed to determine that they are, in fact,
responsive to the UCAA requirement. The degree of the completeness and/or responsiveness of
the application must be assessed to determine if processing of the application can proceed without
further input from the Applicant Company. It is recommended that the state issue a letter to the
Applicant Company acknowledging receipt of the application.
Receipt of Application
Receipt of Application
Completeness of
Completeness of
Prepare Application
Control sheet (if app is
Prepare Application
Control sheet (if app is
File Administrative
File Administrative
Receive Application
Receive Application
Contact Domiciliary
Contact Domiciliary
Analyze Current
(incl. Mgmnt.)
Analyze Current
(incl. Mgmnt.)
Analyze Business Plan
Analyze Business Plan
C of A or Letter of
C of A or Letter of
Analytical Review
Distribute Application
Distribute Application
NAIC Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook
Best Practices: Conceptual Framework of Processes and Procedures
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Timeliness: If processing can commence, an “application coordinator” should employ a
spreadsheet, database, TeamMate file, or other mechanism (if the application was not received via
the NAIC electronic UCAA utility) to record the assignment of application review responsibilities
and the progress of the review against the Department or UCAA timelines:
The Department should have a policy that establishes timing requirements for the review
of applications for primary licensure of new companies and redomestications and Form A
filings. If not, then the following guidelines are acceptable.
Fourteen days to review an application for completeness.
The goal is to notify the Applicant Company of supplemental information required from
the Applicant Company within 30 days of applications. However, there may be situations
where supplemental information provided requires clarification or a second review of the
application requires requesting additional information.
It should be noted, if additional information is needed to complete the review of an
application, the review may also take longer to complete. Once a request for additional
information has been made, the 60-day or 90-day goal is suspended until the requested
information is received.
Ninety days to process a primary application. Effective January 1, 2012, company licensing
will be part of the accreditation program, Part D of the NAIC Policy Statement on Financial
Regulation Standards, which provides that if a state does not have timing requirements in
statute or regulation, the state will be expected to meet the 90-day goal for accreditation
Sixty days to process all other types of applications.
It is recommended that the state send the company regular correspondence regarding the progress
of the application.
Administrative Filing: This component consists of the review and filing of administrative
documentation, which, while critical to the establishment of the Applicant Company as an
operating business organization, is generally not subject to substantial qualitative analysis. This
includes receipt of filing fees, articles of incorporation and bylaws, statutory deposits, membership
in mandatory associations, consent to service of process, as well as other state-specific
requirements. (See discussion of specific forms in “Best Practices: Application Review” chapter.)
Analytical Review
Analysis of Current Condition: The financial condition and management practices of the
Applicant Company must be ascertained to determine they are of sufficient quality to permit the
applicant to sell insurance products to the citizens of the state.
Except for a primary application, the analysis of the Applicant Company’s current condition
should begin with contact to the domiciliary (and key) state as described in the “Interstate
Communications” chapter. Company licensing analysts should confer with financial analysts in
the domiciliary (and key) state to determine the overall operating condition of the Applicant
Company based on a prioritization system and plan the scope of review activities accordingly.
NAIC Company Licensing Best Practices Handbook
Best Practices: Conceptual Framework of Processes and Procedures
© 20052023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 14
Prioritization Framework
The utilization of a prioritization framework is the key to the efficient analysis of an Applicant
Company’s current condition. The Financial Analysis Handbook suggests that domestic insurers
be “prioritized” or ranked according to each insurer’s “relative stability.”
The Financial Analysis Handbook provides general guidance regarding the framework, but leaves
the determination of specific prioritization metrics up to the domiciliary state. Tools currently
available for use in reviewing the financial condition include: Insurance Regulatory Information
System (IRIS) ratios, Analyst Team System results and Financial Analysis Solvency Tools
(FAST). In addition to the financial review, any market conduct information available from the
market analysis chief or collaborative action designee in the state’s market analysis department
should be considered along with data available in the following market analysis tools and systems
that are available on I-SITE: Complaints Database System (CDS), Examination Tracking System
(ETS), Market Analysis Profile (MAP), Market Analysis Review System (MARS), Market
Initiative Tracking System (MITS), Regulatory Information Retrieval System (RIRS), Market
Conduct Annual Statement (MCAS) , Producer Database (PDB), and 1033 State Decision
Repository (SDR)-Data Entry Tool. The analyst should note any unusual items that translate into
financial risks or indicate further review or communication is needed with the insurance
department’s market analysis staff.
Other initiatives have been undertaken to more specifically define a broad-based system of
prioritizing insurers based on operational practices as well as financial condition. During the
development of this Handbook, it was noted that several states have developed such holistic
models. The use of these models is clearly the best practice for determining the current overall
condition of an insurer, and then assigning a prioritization that can be used to determine the
appropriate scope of analytical review for a specific application. However, in each case, the
specifics of the model are considered confidential.
Therefore, for the purpose of this Handbook, a prioritization framework will be discussed, and the
general characteristics of each prioritization category will be described.
Use of Prioritization Framework in Application Review
The use of prioritization in the application review process carries the same risks and benefits
inherent in any prioritization evaluation system. The goal of all such systems are to eschew the
costly practice of reducing risk to zero, and instead to define a level of acceptable risk. The use of
prioritization means that, in some instances, all the documents included with an application will
not be reviewed in detail. However, the risk of not reviewing those documents in detail is mitigated
by a company’s low risk of financial failure and by providing additional time to review the
company’s business plan.
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Best Practices: Conceptual Framework of Processes and Procedures
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During the development of this Handbook, almost all company licensing personnel interviewed
indicated that they were able to quickly, even if only informally, identify companies whose
applications were likely to be approved. States that utilized prioritization systems were able to
more formally document those applicants. Through the use of a formal prioritization system,
company licensing analysts can reduce the scope of their review of strong applicants, thus
conserving effort better served in the review of marginal applicants. The following guidance
provides a recommended scope of review for each prioritization category.
Priority 1
Insurers included in Priority 1 are considered troubled and subject to comprehensive annual and
quarterly analysis procedures, detailed considerations outlined with the Troubled Insurance
Company Handbook, and a significantly elevated level of ongoing regulatory monitoring and
oversight. Upon designating an insurer as a Priority 1, the domestic state should follow required
procedures for troubled companies in communicating with other state insurance regulators.
Insurers prioritized at this level would also be considered priority insurers for accreditation
timeliness purposes and should generally be analyzed ahead of Priority 2, Priority 3, and Priority
4 insurers.
Insurers in this group generally are not capable of withstanding even moderate business
fluctuations. There may be significant noncompliance with laws and regulations. Risk-
management practices are generally unacceptable relative to the insurer’s size, complexity and risk
profile. Corporate and group structures or framework may be of a nature that is not conductive to
effective regulation. Close regulatory attention is required, which means formal action is necessary
in most cases to address the problems. Insurers in this group pose a risk to the state guaranty fund.
Failure of the insurer is probable if the problems and weaknesses are not satisfactorily addressed
and resolved. Priority 1 companies should not be considered for expansion.
Priority 2
Insurers in Priority 2 are high-priority insurers that are not yet considered troubled but may
become so if recent trends or unfavorable metrics are not addressed. High-priority insurers may
also include those subject to heightened monitoring for reasons other than financial solvency risks,
as determined by the department. Insurers prioritized at this level may be subject to full quarterly
analysis procedures and are subject to comprehensive annual analysis and an elevated level of
ongoing regulatory monitoring and oversight. Insurers prioritized at this level would also be
considered priority insurers for accreditation timeliness purposes and should generally be analyzed
ahead of Priority 3 and Priority 4 insurers.
Priority 2 companies are generally not considered good candidates for expansion. However,
senior-level department personnel should contact their counterparts in the domiciliary state to
determine if there is any reason to perform further analysis in consideration of approval of the
application. In certain unique circumstances, based on the line of business offered and the market
conditions in the expansion state, it may be appropriate to pursue licensure under heavily
monitored criteria.
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These insurers, or their holding company groups, have a combination of moderate to severe
weaknesses that may exhibit unsafe and unsound practices or conditions. The insurer is moving
toward meeting criteria indicative that it is operating in a manner that is financially hazardous to
policyholders and/or the public. They have serious financial or managerial deficiencies that result
in unsatisfactory performance and problems are not being satisfactorily addressed or resolved by
the board of directors and management.
Priority 3
Insurers in Priority 3 are considered moderate priority insurers that indicate some need for
additional monitoring. Insurers prioritized at this level should be subject to comprehensive annual
analysis procedures, should generally be analyzed ahead of Priority 4 insurers, and may be subject
to an enhanced level of ongoing regulatory monitoring and oversight.
Priority 3 companies present the greatest challenge to the company licensing analyst. They are
neither an obvious candidate for approval nor for denial, based on their current overall condition.
Insurers in Priority 3 appear fundamentally sound, but may exhibit some degree of regulatory
concern in one or more areas. These insurers and their parent and other members of the holding
company group are relatively stable, could withstand moderate business fluctuations, and are in
substantial compliance with laws and regulations. While the overall, risk-management practices
are satisfactory relative to the insurer’s size, complexity, and risk profile, these companies exhibit
certain notable adverse risk characteristics. There are no current material supervisory concerns
and, as a result, the regulatory response is informal and limited. The risk to policyholders and/or
guaranty funds is currently viewed as remote, however significant factors exist that may result in
financial stress in the longer term.
In this instance the company licensing analyst should re-analyze the financial information provided
with the application in order to better understand the exact nature of the Applicant Company’s
weaknesses. However, it is important that communication between senior-level department
personnel in the domiciliary (and key) state remains active. The domiciliary state can provide
insight into the resolution of adverse financial or market conduct examination findings and the
extent to which the company has remediated the deficiencies. Once the analyst has gained comfort
with his/her knowledge of the Applicant Company’s current operational condition, the business
plan should be diligently reviewed in order to determine whether:
The Applicant Company has a demonstrated history (e.g., five years) with the lines of business
for which it is applying.
If the Applicant Company is applying for lines of business for which it has less than five
years of history, the analyst should review the business plan to identify, and/or request
additional information regarding, key managerial personnel responsible for administering
the new lines of business.
Key personnel have been in place for a sufficient period of time to demonstrate their insurance
management expertise.
The scope of the expanded operations is not imprudent relative to the financial strength of the
Applicant Company, its parent and other members of the holding company group. If the
expanded operations are in new lines of business, more stringent standards should be applied
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when assessing the potential effect of expanded operations on the condition of the Applicant
The domiciliary state noted any operational or compliance deficiencies in lines of business
similar to those planned for the expanded operations.
Priority 4
Priority 4 are lower priority insurers that do not currently indicate a need for additional monitoring.
These insurers should be subject to a basic level of regulatory monitoring and oversight, including
annual analysis.
For these companies, the analysts should consider foregoing an in-depth review of information
relevant to the Applicant Company’s current operating condition (e.g., financial documents
included with public records package or the holding company statements). Rather, the company
licensing analyst should focus on the quality and assumptions of the business plan to determine
The Applicant Company has a demonstrated history (e.g., three years) with the lines of
business for which it is applying.
If the Applicant Company is applying for lines of business for which it has less than three
years of history, the analyst should review the business plan to identify, and/or request
additional information regarding, key managerial personnel responsible for administering
the new lines of business.
Key personnel have been in place for a sufficient period of time to demonstrate their insurance
management expertise.
The scope of the expanded operations is not imprudent relative to the financial strength of the
company and its parent and other members of the holding company group.
Analysis of Business Plan
The Applicant Company’s plan for conducting business in new jurisdictions must be evaluated to
determine if the plan is consistent with the Applicant Company’s demonstrated capabilities and
the state’s marketplace. Further guidance for the analysis of business plans is included in the “Best
Practices: Application Review” chapter.
Intradepartmental Communications
In addition to communications with other jurisdictions, it is important that the company licensing
coordinator convey information regarding pending applications to other divisions within the
insurance department. The licensing of a new entity or expansion of authority will impact other
divisions once the new or amended certificate of authority is issued.
Actuarial: This section should understand the business plan filed with an application in order to
adequately monitor any future reserving issues or other actuarial concerns.
Financial Analysis: Once a new or amended certificate of authority has been issued the financial
analysis division of the insurance department will assume monitoring responsibilities. The
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financial analysis section should understand the business plan filed with an application in order to
monitor future results against that plan.
Market Conduct and/or Analysis (including consumer complaints and enforcement): The Market
Conduct/Analysis section should understand the business plan to anticipate any issues and to
monitor future results against the plan.
Policy Approval: Although policy forms are not a required component of the company license
application, they are one of the most significant indicators of an Applicant Company’s actual
business intentions. The financial analysis section should coordinate with the policy approval
section to monitor policy filings from the newly licensed company to determine that they are
consistent with the filed business plan.
Producer Licensing: Similar to policy approval, the appointment of producers must be consistent
with the scope of the new company’s business plan. The financial analysis section should similarly
coordinate with the producer licensing section to monitor producer appointments by the new
Timeliness of Review
Perhaps no issue surrounding the company licensing process creates greater interest than that of
timeliness. The UCAA website contains suggested guidance for the processing of various types of
applications, including interim timelines. Although regulators should not sacrifice an appropriate
level of review solely in the pursuit of expediency, it is imperative that every effort be made to
adhere to the processing times recommended on the UCAA website when reviewing Priority 4
Fourteen days to review an application for completeness.
The goal is to notify the company of supplemental information required from the applicant
within 30 days of applications. However, there may be situations where supplemental
information provided requires clarification or a second review of the application requires
requesting additional information.
It should be noted, if additional information is needed to complete the review of an
application, the review may also take longer to complete. Once a request for additional
information has been made, the 60-day or 90-day goal is suspended until the requested
information is received.
Ninety days to process a primary application.
Sixty days to process all other types of applications.
Complexities involved with the review of Priority 2 and Priority 3 companies may
adversely affect a state’s ability to meet these timelines recommendations.
Notwithstanding these complexities, the regulator should make all reasonable efforts to
maintain timely communication with the applicant companies.
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Best Practices: Application Review
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Best Practices: Application Review
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In this chapter, recommendations for the review of each type of application are presented. The
recommendations are based on the concepts of prioritization framework and interstate
communications presented in the previous sections of this Handbook.
Within each application type, the review recommendations are presented in the following format:
Application Type:
Chart Illustrating the UCAA sections of the application.
Recommendations for reviewing the “Administrative Filings” sections of an application.
Recommendations for reviewing the “Analysis of Current Condition” sections of an
Depending on the type of application, there may be subsections based on the risk profile
of the Applicant Company.
Recommendations for reviewing the “Analysis of Business Plan” sections of an application.
Depending on the type of application, there may be subsections based on the risk profile
of the Applicant Company.
Confidentiality and Safeguarding of Biographical Affidavit Information
The insurance department shall implement a written information security program that includes
administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security and confidentiality of the
biographical affidavit, fingerprint card (where applicable), independent third-party background
report, and all associated notes, emails or work papers (collectively referred to hereafter as
“documents or records”).
Given: (i) the size and complexity of the insurance department and the nature and scope of its
activities; (ii) the variations in state laws; and (iii) the sensitive and personal information it
maintains, the insurance department is referred to the NAIC Standards for Safeguarding Customer
Information Model Regulation (#673) for further guidance with respect to an information security
program. In addition, the insurance department should be aware that there may be other state-
specific and federal laws and regulations regarding record retention and confidentiality, including
the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Federal Trade Commission regulations.
The following actions and procedures are recommended to the insurance department in
implementing a written information security program.
Administrative Safeguards
Identify reasonably foreseeable internal or external threats, assess the risk of harm from these
threats, and develop and implement written procedures and policies that will safeguard the
information and minimize the threats.
Annually assess the sufficiency of current practices and adjust the written program as necessary
to adapt to new threats and technologies.
Train employees on the policies and procedures developed to safeguard documents or records
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and personal information contained therein. Periodically review the training process and refresh
employees on old and new processes. Provide training and training materials relevant to the
safeguards to employees outside the company licensing division that may handle a public
records request for the documents or records. Educate employees on any state enforcement rules
and/or polices regarding their failure to abide by the training they receive.
Develop procedures to search for Social Security numbers imbedded in licensure or registration
numbers provided. Licenses or registrations from prior years may have included Social Security
numbers within the number.
Develop procedures and policies specific to the security of laptops and other portable devices
that may contain personal information from the documents or records.
Prohibit the sale of personal information, including names and addresses of any affiant for any
Exercise appropriate due diligence in selecting service providers, and require thorough
appropriate confidentiality agreements, that they implement measures to meet the relevant
objectives of the security program.
Technical Safeguards
Maintain personal information in a secure manner that is appropriate to the size and complexity
of the insurance department and the nature and scope of its activities.
Transmit documents or records and personal information between the third-party vendor and
insurance department in a secure manner.
Physical Safeguards
Develop policies and procedures to address retention and destruction of paper and electronic
documents or records.
Place access controls to the documents or records, whether in paper or electronic form, only to
those individuals that need to know the information contained therein to complete a company’s
review for licensure or to investigate a response to an open records or Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) request.
Keep the documents or records out of public view and secure when not being utilized.
Maintain and secure all electronic and paper documents or records in accordance with state laws
or record retention policies. The insurance department must comply with its written information
security program when responding to the public records request for biographical information
that is outdated or for which the authorization has been revoked by the affiant. In addition, the
Department should include a statement with the documents that notifies the individual
requesting disclosure through a public records request that the information contained therein
may be outdated. (According to the UCAA Instructions, a biographical affidavit is only good
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for 6 months after executed, and an affiant may revoke authorization at any time.)
• Destroy documents or records in a manner that renders the information unreadable and
undecipherable; document and maintain those procedures for secure disposal of Nonpublic
Develop standards for notifying the affiant and affiant’s employer in the event of a security
Store the electronic and hardcopies of these documents or records in a secure manner. (Examples
include storage in a cabinet or room accessible only by individuals that need the information for
permitted purposes.)
For the states that have enacted the NAIC Insurance Data Security Model Law (#668)
refer to the guidance provided in the Financial Examiners Handbook.
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Primary Application
A Primary Application is to be used for domestic insurers. See Appendix A for the Primary
Application Review Checklist.
The classification of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart:
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
4. Statutory Deposit Requirements
5. Name Approval
6. Plan of Operation
7. Holding Company Act Filings
8. Statutory Memberships
9. SEC Filings or Consolidated GAAP Financial
10. Debt-to-Equity Ratio Statement
11. Custody Agreements
12. Public Records Package
13. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
Administrative Filing
Application Instruction Items
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1P “ChecklistThe coordinator should review the checklist for completeness and
that all described documents are included in the application.
Form 2P “Primary Application” The coordinator should review the form for
Form 3 “Lines of Insurance” Only the applied for lines will be required for a newly
formed company. The entire Form 3 will be required for a redomestication.
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances, the
check may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees range from $0 to in excess of $5,000 and are generally retaliatory.
Item 4. Statutory Deposit Requirements
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Form 7 “Certificate of Deposit” The coordinator should review the form and compare
the amount of the deposit to the state’s requirement.
These funds are deposited with the commissioner, generally through a safekeeping or trust
receipt, to be held for the benefit and protection of, and as security for, all policyholders
and, in some instances, creditors of the insurer making the deposit. Additional deposits are
generally required of those insurers applying to write lines of business not covered under
state insurance guaranty funds (e.g., guaranty, fidelity, surety, and bond business) or
otherwise (e.g., workerscompensation). The ultimate purpose of these funds is to ensure
that liquid assets are unencumbered and available for use by the commissioner, or his/her
designee, for the administration of the insurer’s estate should it become insolvent.
Item 5. Name Approval
The coordinator should determine that a name approval request consistent with the state’s
requirements has been filed. If state requirements dictate, the request should be forwarded
to the appropriate area for processing.
Typically, state insurance departments incorporate insurers, but some states require the
involvement of the secretary of state or the attorney general. Names are submitted for
preapproval because the public has the right to know with whom it is dealing and, therefore,
someone must determine that the name is not so similar to another as to be likely to deceive
or mislead. The name should be such as to show that the company is engaged in the
insurance business and preferably to show the type of business. Some states provide for
publication and subsequent hearing to ensure that any objections are addressed.
Item 8. Statutory Memberships
The coordinator should compare the application to the state requirements for statutory
memberships and determine that appropriate documentation supporting the membership
application is included.
Some states require a positive application and confirmation regarding membership in state-
mandated risk pools or other organizations. In other words, an insurer may not
automatically be a member by virtue of its certificate of authority, but may be required to
join outside the jurisdiction of the insurance department.
Item 12. Public Records Package
The coordinator should compare the contents of the public records package with state
requirements. Financial documents should be forwarded to the areas expected to utilize the
documents. Operational documents (other than the application form) should be filed as
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Analysis of Current Condition
Note: Generally, the scope of the analysis of current condition would depend on the prioritization
of the Applicant Company. With a primary application (not a redomestication):
i. If it is a stand-alone company, there is no information upon which to establish a
prioritization and the use of that technique is inapplicable.
ii. However, if the Applicant Company is part of a holding company structure, the reviewer
may want to consider the strengths, structure, ratings, etc. of the holding company.
Application Instruction Items
Item 3. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
This document should make it clear that the Applicant Company understands state law with
respect to the amount of capital and surplus that must be maintained at a minimum. In some
states, the minimum capital and surplus requirements are determined by the classes of
insurance that the applicant is requesting authority to transact and the classes of insurance
the applicant is authorized to transact in all other jurisdictions. The analyst should
determine the level of surplus required after considering the Applicant Company’s plan of
operation. Compliance with the statutorily prescribed minimum surplus requirement may
not be sufficient for all applicants.
Item 7. Holding Company Act Filings
If the Applicant Company is a member of a holding company system, the application must
include either the most recent Holding Company Act (HCA) filings, including the annual
Form B registration statement and related Form F, or a statement substantially similar to
the Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Act (#440). Holding Company Act
filing information should be considered to determine the role of the Applicant Company
within the holding company structure, enterprise risk, the financial capacity of the parent
to support an insurance operation and the existence of relevant insurance operations
experience in the proposed parent or affiliates. Affiliates are identified along with a
description of any transactions between the insurer and an affiliate currently outstanding
or during the last calendar year. Copies of all advisory, management and service
agreements and other attachments need be reviewed for fair and equitable terms. Refer to
the Form A Review Best Practices located under Appendix D.
The applicant state should bear in mind that Holding Company Act filings, including the
Holding Company Form F, are highly confidential, but that state laws providing
confidentiality protections may vary from those of the applicant state. A state that has not
enacted language specified under HCA Item 8 in its entirety will not have the same
confidentiality protections afforded in a state where the language has been enacted. State
confidentiality statutes applicable to HCA filings should be reviewed by Regulators of each
state before any information is exchanged and where an apparent inconsistency is noted,
the state’s legal division should be contacted. Regulators should treat all such materials
with the highest level of protections afforded by any relevant state, in order to preserve the
confidentiality of such materials and to encourage candor and openness in company
discussions and disclosures.
Item 9. SEC Filings or Consolidated GAAP Financial Statement
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If the Applicant Company, its parent or its ultimate holding company has made a filing or
registration with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in connection with
a public offering within the past three years, or filed an 8K, 10K or 10Q within the past 12
months, the filing, including any supplements or amendments, is available electronically
from the SEC. If the applicant, its parent or its ultimate holding company is not publicly
traded, the application must include a copy of the Applicant Companys most recent
consolidated generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) financial statement.
Similar to the Holding Company Act filings, these filings will provide insight into the
financial capacity of the parent to support an insurance operation and the existence of
relevant insurance operations experience in the proposed parent or affiliates, as well as
information regarding control, enterprise risk, and corporate governance.
Item 10. Debt-to-Equity Ratio Statement
The debt-to-equity ratio statement should be reviewed to determine the debt service burden
that is likely to be placed upon the Applicant Company. Debt service should only be
provided through earnings not needed by the insurer to service its own operations.
Item 13. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
These documents are used to perform a background check (if required by the state) to
evaluate the suitability, competency, character and integrity of those persons ultimately
responsible for the operations of the insurer. Persons to be reviewed are the controlling
owners, officers, directors and key managerial personnel with the ultimate authority over
the financial and operational decisions of the insurer, such as the chief executive officer
(CEO), chief operating officer (COO), chief financial officer (CFO), secretary, chief
marketing officer and treasurer.
Independent third-party background reports are used to identify discrepancies in the
biographical affidavit and evaluate the suitability of the controlling owners, officers,
directors or key managerial personnel of the Applicant Company and competency to
perform the responsibilities of the position held with the company. Issues regarding
competency, character and integrity may be self-evident from the information provided in
the affidavit or may be determined from the related background review or criminal
background check.
o Regulators will review the biographical affidavit for completeness each question
should have a response. The affiant must use the most current form available and
posted on the UCAA website. Insufficient affidavits or affidavits where signature
dates are more than six months from the application submit date should not be
o Regulators will review the comparison of information provided on the biographical
affidavit and the results of the independent third-party background reports.
o Regulators will note any discrepancies found in the independent third-party
background reports and follow up with the Applicant Company.
o Any key concerns will be addressed with the Applicant Company.
Fingerprint data, if available, can be used to validate the identity of personnel and check for
criminal background. Information in the biographical affidavit can then be utilized to verify
employment and educational background.
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Analysis of Business Plan
Note: Generally, the scope of the analysis of current condition would depend on the prioritization
of the Applicant Company. With a primary application (not a redomestication):
i. If it is a stand-alone company, there is no information upon which to establish a
prioritization and the use of that technique is inapplicable.
ii. However, if the Applicant Company is part of a holding company structure, the reviewer
may want to consider the strengths, structure, ratings, etc. of the holding company.
Application Instruction Items
Item 6. Plan of Operation
Business plans are written descriptions of expected market conditions, company operations,
and related forecasted financial results. The plan of operation section of the UCAA refers to
three components: a brief narrative, proforma financial statements/projections and a
completed questionnaire (Form 8).
Overly rapid growth in premium volume, inappropriate pricing, inappropriate underwriting,
and product mix are important areas of concern when reviewing a business plan.
The pricing of insurance products is a difficult task. The premium is established based on
estimates of a number of unknown future events. The effects of a failure to accurately
estimate the cost of those events or to provide a sufficient margin for adverse deviation
from the estimate may not be apparent for a long time. The types of business written by an
insurer affect the ability of the insurer to estimate future costs. Certain lines of business
are, by their nature, more volatile than others in claim cost experience. Also, the long-tail
nature of some lines of business increases the level of uncertainty in estimating future costs.
Setting premium rates solely on the basis of rates charged by competitors, without
consideration for possible differences in the quality of the business that the insurer and its
competitors are writing, should be a concern. The description of pricing should indicate the
coordination between the Applicant Company’s actuarial and underwriting and marketing
The proforma financials should be reviewed for consistency with the stated business plan
and reasonableness with respect to assumptions. Projections should be based upon well-
described and defensible assumptions that are attainable under the circumstances described
in the business plan. The department should consider a review of the business plan and
proforma financials by department actuaries and/or other experts.
The insurance department should consider obtaining a pledge from the Applicant Company
to notify the insurance department if any deviations from the filed plan of operation are
initiated by the Applicant Company within three years of admission.
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Best Practices Review of Plan of Operations (Proforma Financial Statements, Narrative/
Business Plan and Questionnaire)
The depth of the review will depend on the complexity and financial strength as well as known
risks of the insurer(s). Therefore, the analyst may consider a tailored set of procedures that
addresses the specific risks of the insurer(s). The following best practices are presented as a guide
for regulatory review and analysis of the plan of operations and financial projections related to
UCAA primary and expansion applications, recognizing that this is not an all-inclusive list and not
all items on this list will apply to each and every application. This list is intended to be a regulatory
tool only. The analyst may find it useful to utilize the Financial Analysis Handbook in conjunction
to this checklist during their financial review.
1. Background Analysis
Request the Applicant Company’s Insurer Profile Summary (IPS) from the lead
state. Upon receipt and review of the IPS, document your findings related to the
State’s Priority Designation
Scoring System Result
IRIS Ratio Result
Analyst Team System Validation Level
RBC Ratio
Trend Test
Review any material issues or concerns of prospective risks noted in the IPS
Review the Applicant Company’s most recent Annual Financial Statement,
General Interrogatories, Part 1:
o #5.1 and #5.2 in order to ascertain if the insurer has been a party to a
merger or consolidation; and #6.1 and #6.2 in order to ascertain if the
insurer had any certificate of authority, licenses or registrations suspended
or revoked by any governmental entity during the reporting period
Review the most recent report from a credit rating provider in order to ascertain
the current financial strength and credit rating of the insurer
Document assessment.
2. Management Assessment
Review the entity’s biographical affidavits and third-party verifications
Note any areas of concern that would indicate further review is necessary. In
conducting such review, also consider whether officers, directors and trustees are
suitable (e.g. does the individual have the appropriate background and experience
to perform the duties expected) for the positions within the insurer. The analyst
could also reference the Best Practices for Background Investigations,
Background Guidelines and Red Flags on the Company Licensing Collab
Review of the Applicant Company’s Corporate Governance
Review the NAIC Form A and Market Action Tracking System (MATS)
databases for related information about the primary applicant and other key
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Document assessment.
3. Capital and Surplus Assessment
Review the proposed Financial Projections, request assumptions used if not
For HMO’s, determine the minimum capital and surplus requirements based on
Review and verify if the following are at or above the statutory minimum
requirement for each of the projected years for:
o Capital
o Surplus
Review and verify if the RBC ratio is adequate for each of the projected years
Review for indications if any surplus notes will be issued as part of the funding
Review and assess the surplus note’s impact on overall capitalization
Review for indications if any capital contributions are contemplated as part of the
Review and assess the capital contributions’ impact on overall capitalization
Review for indications if any dividend distributions are contemplated as part of
the projections
Review and assess the dividend distributions’ impact on overall capitalization
Document assessment.
4. Operations Assessment
Review the projected Statement of Income
Assess if the company appears to be overleveraged based on the NPW to C&S or
RBC ratios
Review and assess if the combined ratio exceeds 100% for any of the projected
For each year projecting net losses, assess the Applicant Company’s ability to
absorb and recover from such losses
For each year projecting negative cash flow from operations, assess the Applicant
Company’s ability to absorb and recover from such negative cash flows
Review the Applicant Company’s most recent audited financial statement to
identify any unusual items or areas that indicate additional review is required
Document assessment.
5. Ultimate Controlling Party (UCP) Financials
Review the most recent audited financial statements or SEC reports of the UCP
Assess whether or not the UCP is capable of providing adequate financial support
and management experience in operating the Applicant Company
Calculate the UCP’s total debt to equity ratio and assess the impact of this ratio on
Applicant Company’s overall operations and future solvency
Review lead state Group Profile Summary
Determine if financial projections are needed for the immediate parent or UCP
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Document assessment.
6. Business Plan
Review the Business Plan
Review the Business Plan narrative including the types of products to be sold or
lines of business and how they will be distributed
Review the Applicant Company’s geographic service area and the marketing plan
Review and explain the insurer’s processes for claim processing and claim
Assess reasonableness of Officer/Director compensation information
Identify if Managing General Agents (MGA) and Third-Party Administrator
(TPA) are properly licensed or registered in the state
o Review the items related to MGA’s and TPA’s as appropriate
Subcontracting provisions
Review the Applicant Company’s investment policy and investment management
of the applicant
Review custodial agreements and compliance with statutory deposit safekeeping
requirements in accordance with the Financial Condition Examiners Handbook
Review any financial guarantees involved with this transaction
Document assessment.
7. Reinsurance
Review and assess the Applicant Company’s reinsurance program and activities;
including the impact of assumed and ceded premiums, retention and limitation
Review the financial condition and AM Best ratings of reinsurers with material
reinsurance arrangements
o Consider separately affiliated and non-affiliated reinsurers, which may
require separate financial review
o Consider financial requirements for licensed, authorized or unauthorized
material reinsurance arrangements
Document assessment.
8. Market Share Report
Review market share reports
Assess the impact of the Applicant Company’s projected premiums on the state’s
market share and whether there are any areas of concern regarding market share
percentages for any of the proposed lines of business
Determine if a Form E filing is required
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Document assessment.
9. Summary
Develop and document an overall summary of findings based on the analysis and
all other factors that are relevant to evaluating the Applicant Company’s plan of
operation and overall financial condition
Itemize each issue that warrants a company inquiry or resolution
Send correspondence to Applicant Company.
10. Follow-up
Upon receipt of the Applicant Company’s response to the inquiry, review and
assess the status of each outstanding issue
Determine if additional company correspondence is required.
Item 11. Custody Agreements
Custody agreements should be reviewed to determine that the proposed insurer will
actually possess its proposed start-up funding. Also, because invested assets make up a
significant portion of the asset side of the balance sheet, control of those assets are of
utmost importance. The Financial Condition Examiners Handbook provides excellent
guidance in reviewing this item.
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Primary Application Redomestication
The redomestication of an insurer presents unique challenges. It is the only licensing-related
transaction in which a foreign insurer becomes a domestic insurer of the applicant state. As such,
the applicant state will assume primary regulatory oversight of the applicant. Therefore, it is
important that the applicant state obtain a level of understanding of the insurer’s condition and
operations equivalent to that of its other domestic companies.
The department should effectively communicate with the domestic state to gain an understanding
of the reason for redomestication and any concerns of the domestic state. Any concerns raised
should be assessed and documented with rationale to support the conclusion.
It is recommended that both the current and proposed domiciliary states have a thorough
understanding of the underlying reasons for redomestication. To that end, a meeting with company
representatives should be held prior to the filing of an application. See Appendix A for the Primary
Application Review Checklist.
The classification of the of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
15. Annual Statements with Attachments
16. Quarterly Financial Statements
17. Risk-Based Capital Report
18. Independent CPA Audit Report
19. Reports of Examination
7. Holding Company Act Filings (See Item 7)
20. Certificate of Compliance
Application Instruction Items
The information provided in the application instruction items noted in the primary application
should be viewed in conjunction with the items above. The department should assess the
redomestication application and accompanying information to effectively reach the appropriate
conclusions regarding whether the application is approved or denied. The department should
document each assessment for the items listed above.
Item 15. Annual Statements with Attachments
The review as outlined in the Financial Analysis Handbook should be performed.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
The narrative should be reviewed for explanations of fluctuations in areas such as losses
and premium income. Significant events such as expansion into a new line of business
or territory will be explained along with other changes that will have been noticed in
the review of the annual statement. The information provided in this document should
be consistent with the plan of operations.
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Actuarial Opinion
The actuarial opinion is reviewed for any qualifications or unusual comments along
with any explanation of material risk factors.
Item 16. Quarterly Statements
The quarterly statements are reviewed for any unexplained inconsistencies or fluctuations
from the annual statement.
Item 17. Risk-Based Capital (RBC) Report
The RBC report should be reviewed for significant risk components such as reserves,
premium, reinsurance recoverables and investments. The support for those significant risk
components should be reviewed for appropriateness. In addition to comparing the action
and control levels to the total adjusted capital, the business plan and other information
should be reviewed to ensure all risks are adequately addressed.
Item 18. Independent CPA Audit Report
The statutory audited financial statement should be reviewed for any differences with the
annual statement. The opinion should be non-qualified. The notes should be read for a
better understanding of the Applicant Company along with any comments or concerns.
Item 19. Reports of Examination
The financial examination report provides an understanding of the insurer, addresses the
accuracy of the filed financial statements and identifies any issues noted with respect to
corporate governance. Review of this document should concentrate on compliance issues,
comments and recommendations. The Applicant Company should provide follow-up
documentation regarding any concerns noted by the domestic state.
The applicant state should consider contacting the domiciliary state if concerns exist
regarding the insurer’s complaint levels, response times, etc.
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The department should meet with the domestic regulator to obtain, discuss and conclude on, at a
minimum, the items listed below. The meeting should be held via conference call; an email
exchange is not considered sufficient.
Most recent Insurer Profile Summary (IPS) and supervisory plan, including supporting
analysis detail for significant risks
Reason for redomestication
Concerns identified with the insurer/group
History of communication with the insurer/group
History of regulatory actions
Results of recent examinations (financial and market conduct), including findings and
Status of and responsibilities for annual financial analysis and group analysis, if
Status of and responsibilities for financial examinations
The department should notify the lead state of the insurance holding company group on receipt
of a redomestication application and obtain a copy of the most recent Group Profile Summary
(GPS), if applicable.
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Expansion Application
The classification of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Expansion Application Form
2. Filing Fee
3. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
4. Statutory Deposit Requirements
5. Name Approval
6. Plan of Operation
7. Holding Company Act Filings
8. Certificate of Compliance
9. Reports of Examination
10. Statutory Memberships
11. Public Records Package
12. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
13. Consent to Service of Process
Administrative Filing
Overall Responsibilities
One person in the insurance department should be assigned as the key administrative coordinator
for company licensing applications. This person will be responsible for maintaining a record of
applications received, correspondence regarding the application, information received relative to
an application, distribution of application materials and the monitoring of time frames regarding
the processing of the application. It is recommended that the coordinator utilize a method for
tracking the progress of the application; whether it is through the use of the electronic UCAA filing
status updates, a database, a word processing document, a spreadsheet or even a TeamMate file.
The completeness of an application is expected prior to the official initiation of the review process
and the corresponding start of the “clock.” However, the absence of certain items should not
preclude the initial contact with the state of domicile and the start of the review of the significant
aspects of the application. For example, the absence of corporate documents such as the current
articles of incorporation or an incomplete response on a form should not preclude the contact with
the domestic state and a preliminary review of the plan of operations and the biographical affidavits
and background reports (if applicable).
Application Instruction Items
The prioritization of the Applicant Company has no effect on the administrative filings processes.
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Item 1. Expansion Application Form
Form 1E “ChecklistThe coordinator should review the checklist for completeness and
that all described documents are included in the application.
Form 2E “Expansion Application” The coordinator should review the form for
Form 3 “Lines of Insurance” The coordinator should utilize the Lines of Business Matrix
to compare the lines of business authorized in the Applicant Company’s domiciliary state
(per the certificate of compliance) with the applied for lines of business.
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances, the
check may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Item 4. Statutory Deposit Requirements
Form 7 “Certificate of Deposit” The coordinator should review the form and compare
the amount of the deposit to the state’s requirement.
These funds are deposited with the commissioner, generally through a safekeeping or trust
receipt, to be held for the benefit and protection of, and as security for, all policyholders
and, in some instances, creditors of the insurer making the deposit. Additional deposits are
generally required of those insurers applying to write lines of business not covered under
state insurance guaranty funds (e.g., guaranty, fidelity, surety, and bond business) or
otherwise (e.g., workerscompensation). The ultimate purpose of these funds is to ensure
that liquid assets are unencumbered and available for use by the commissioner, or his/her
designee, for the administration of the insurer’s estate should it become insolvent.
Item 5. Name Approval
The coordinator should determine that a name approval request consistent with the state’s
requirements has been filed. If state requirements dictate, the request should be forwarded
to the appropriate area for processing.
Typically, state insurance departments incorporate insurers, but some states require the
involvement of the secretary of state or the attorney general. Names are submitted for
preapproval because the public has the right to know with whom it is dealing and therefore,
someone must determine that the name is not so similar to another as to be likely to deceive
or mislead. The name should be such as to show that the company is engaged in the
insurance business and preferably to show the type of business. Some states provide for
publication and subsequent hearing to ensure that any objections are addressed.
Item 10. Statutory Memberships
The coordinator should compare the application to the state requirements for statutory
memberships and determine that appropriate documentation supporting the membership
application is included.
Some states require a positive application and confirmation regarding membership in state-
mandated risk pools or other organizations. In other words, an insurer may not
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automatically be a member by virtue of its certificate of authority, but may be required to
join outside the jurisdiction of the insurance department.
Item 11. Public Records Package
The coordinator should compare the contents of the public records package with state
requirements. Financial documents should be forwarded to the areas expected to utilize the
documents. Operational documents (other than the application form) should be filed as
Item 13. Consent to Service of Process
Form 12 “Consent to Service of Process” The coordinator should review the form for
completeness and file as appropriate.
This document designates the commissioner or a resident of the state to receive consent to
service of process on behalf of the company. Persons or entities to receive forwarded
consent to service of process from the commissioner are also provided.
Analysis of Current Condition
Priority 4
The expansion state should determine the prioritization category of the Applicant Company based
upon its analysis. For applicants prioritized as Priority 4, the applicant state should contact the
domiciliary state if there are any questions or concerns.
Priority 3
If, after discussion with the domiciliary state it is determined the Applicant Company is a Priority
3 company, the expansion state should perform sufficient analysis to fully understand the financial
condition and operating practices of the insurer in order to assess the effect of the proposed
business plan.
Item 3. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
This document should make it clear that the Applicant Company understands the expansion
state law with respect to the amount of capital and surplus that must be maintained at a
minimum. The expansion state processor or analyst can easily determine the Applicant
Company’s capital and surplus position by looking at the filed financial statement. The
requirement for this document should make it clear that the insurer has read and
understands the underlying surplus requirements. The amount required varies from stated
capital and free surplus of specific dollar amounts based on lines of authority to a
percentage of RBC.
Item 7. Holding Company Act Filings
The current registration statement will provide the insurer’s capital structure, general
financial condition, ownership and management, along with that of any person controlling
the insurer. Affiliates are identified along with a description of any transactions between
the Applicant Company and an affiliate that is currently outstanding or was incurred during
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the last calendar year. A review of this document by an expansion state provides insight
into the operations of the insurer and its relationships with its affiliates. Attachments and
agreements should only be requested for transactions or items material to the business plan
for that state. For additional guidance refer to the Form A Review Best Practices located
in Appendix D.
Item 9. Reports of Examination
As the record of periodic on-site examinations of the Applicant Company’s compliance
and accuracy of its financial statements, review of this document should concentrate on
compliance issues, comments and recommendations. The Applicant Company should
provide follow-up documentation regarding any concerns noted by the domestic state.
The applicant state may consider contacting the domiciliary state if concerns exist
regarding the insurer’s complaint levels, response times, etc.
Item 11. Public Records Package
The items included in the Public Records Package are familiar to all financial analysts and
can be utilized to complete the reviews described in the Financial Analysis Handbook.
Unusual results should be discussed with the domiciliary state.
Item 12. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
These documents are used to perform a background check (if required by the state) to
evaluate the suitability, competency, character and integrity of those persons ultimately
responsible for the operations of the insurer. Persons to be reviewed are the controlling
owners, officers, directors and key managerial personnel with the ultimate authority over
the financial and operational decisions of the insurer, such as the chief executive officer
(CEO), chief operating officer (COO), chief financial officer (CFO), secretary, chief
marketing officer and treasurer.
Independent third-party background reports are used to identify discrepancies in the
biographical affidavit and evaluate the suitability of the controlling owners, officers,
directors or key managerial personnel of the Applicant Company and competency to
perform the responsibilities of the position held with the company. Issues regarding
competency, character and integrity may be self-evident from the information provided in
the affidavit or may be determined from the related background review or criminal
background check.
o Regulators will review the biographical affidavit for completeness each question
should have a response. The affiant must use the most current form available and
posted on the UCAA website. Insufficient affidavits or affidavits where signature
dates are more than six months from application submit date should not be
o Regulators will review the comparison of information provided on the biographical
affidavit and the results of the independent third-party background reports.
o Regulators will note any discrepancies found in the independent third-party
background reports and follow up with the Applicant Company or domestic
regulator for further clarification.
o Any key concerns will be addressed with the Applicant Company or domestic
regulator for further clarification.
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Fingerprint data, if available, can be used to validate the identity of personnel and check for
criminal background. Information in the biographical affidavit can then be utilized to verify
employment and educational background, if necessary.
Priority 1 and Priority 2
Priority 1 and 2 companies are generally not considered good candidates for expansion. There is
little to be gained from the processing of the administrative filing sections of the application that
is destined to be rejected once the analytical review is conducted. If, after discussion with the
domiciliary state, it is determined the applicant is a Priority 1 or 2, the expansion state should
determine if there is a reason to further analyze the financial condition of the company.
Based on the business plan there may be a reason to further analyze the financial condition of the
company (see Analysis of Business Plan: Priority 2, below). The expansion state should
communicate with the domiciliary state to understand the circumstances under which expansion
may be advisable. In such situations, the expansion state must perform sufficient analysis (at least
those required of a Priority 2 company) of the Applicant Company’s financial condition and
operating practices to determine that the risks associated with the proposed business plan are
within the Applicant Company’s expertise and financial capacity to assume.
Analysis of Business Plan
Priority 4
Item 6. Plan of Operation
The plan of operation should be reviewed to ensure that the proposed business plan is
consistent with the Applicant Company’s demonstrated experience. See Priority 3 Best
Practices Review of Plan of Operations (Proforma Financial Statements,
Narrative/Business Plan and Questionnaire).
Priority 3
Item 6. Plan of Operation
Business plans are written descriptions of expected market conditions, company
operations, and related forecasted financial results. The plan of operation section of the
UCAA refers to three components: a brief narrative, pro-forma financial
statements/projections and a completed questionnaire (Form 8).
By virtue of the filing of the UCAA, the applicant is notifying the state insurance
department of recent or planned changes in the insurer’s operations. One recurring factor
that appears in many troubled insurance company situations is a recent change in
operations, management or ownership. Therefore, overly rapid growth in premium volume,
expansion into new geographic areas or new lines of business, inappropriate pricing,
inappropriate underwriting, and product mix are important areas of concern when
reviewing a business plan.
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Geographic growth can lead to less control by the insurer over new producers, underwriting
operations, and claims administration. The insurance laws and regulations in the expansion
state and the nature of the various operational risks may differ from those of jurisdictions
to which the business was previously limited. Similarly, rapid expansion into new lines of
business can lead to difficulties if the insurer’s management and personnel lack an adequate
knowledge and understanding of the characteristics and risks of the business proposed to
be written. Extremely rapid geographic or product line expansion may cause the insurer’s
training of new producers, underwriters, and claims personnel to trail growth of the
business. A change to specialized lines of business should be accompanied by concurrently
obtaining the additional specialized expertise or qualified personnel required to understand
and administer that specialized business. Additionally, a rapidly growing insurer may fail
to add enough experienced personnel to keep up with its expanding operations. Existing
personnel may not have sufficient skills to manage the additional growth.
The pricing of insurance products is a difficult task. The premium is established based on
estimates of a number of unknown future events. The effects of a failure to accurately
estimate the cost of those events or to provide a sufficient margin for adverse deviation
from the estimate may not be apparent for a long time. The types of business written by an
insurer affect the ability of the insurer to estimate future costs. Certain lines of business
are, by their nature, more volatile than others in claim cost experience. Also, the long-tail
nature of some lines of business increases the level of uncertainty in estimating future costs.
Setting premium rates solely on the basis of rates charged by competitors, without
consideration for possible differences in the quality of the business that the insurer and its
competitors are writing, should be a concern. The description of pricing should indicate
coordination between the Applicant Company’s actuarial and underwriting and marketing
Concern should be noted when management of the insurer has focused excessively on the
agency or marketing aspects of the business. Management may have a tendency to measure
success by the volume of business written and ignore the underwriting aspects. Also, while
most insurers may establish production or profit goals, these goals may be deemed so
important by certain management groups that producers and underwriters may be allowed
to relax underwriting standards to permit the acceptance of additional business so as to
meet the insurer’s production goals.
The proforma financials should be reviewed for consistency with the stated business plan
and reasonableness with respect to assumptions. Projections should be based upon well
described and defensible assumptions that are attainable under the circumstances described
in the business plan. The insurance department should consider a review of the business
plan and proforma financials by department actuaries and/or other experts.
The insurance department should consider obtaining a pledge from the Applicant Company
to notify the insurance department if any deviations from the filed plan of operation are
initiated by the entity within three years of admission.
Best Practices Review of Plan of Operations (Proforma Financial Statements, Narrative/
Business Plan and Questionnaire)
The depth of the review will depend on the complexity and financial strength as well as known
risks of the insurer(s). Therefore, the analyst may consider a tailored set of procedures that
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addresses the specific risks of the insurer(s). The following best practices are presented as a guide
for regulatory review and analysis of the plan of operations and financial projections related to
UCAA primary and expansion applications, recognizing that this is not an all-inclusive list and not
all items on this list will apply to each and every application. This list is intended to be a regulatory
tool only. The analyst may find it useful to utilize the Financial Analysis Handbook in conjunction
to this checklist during their financial review.
1. Background Analysis
Request the applicant’s Insurer Profile Summary (IPS) from the lead state. Upon
receipt and review of the IPS, document your findings related to the following:
State’s Priority Designation
Scoring System Result
IRIS Ratio Result
Analyst Team System Validation Level
RBC Ratio
Trend Test
Review any material issues or concerns of prospective risks noted in the IPS
Review the applicant’s most recent Annual Financial Statement, General
Interrogatories, Part 1:
o #5.1 and #5.2 in order to ascertain if the insurer has been a party to a
merger or consolidation; and #6.1 and #6.2 in order to ascertain if the
insurer had any certificate of authority, licenses or registrations suspended
or revoked by any governmental entity during the reporting period
Review the most recent report from a credit rating provider in order to ascertain
the current financial strength and credit rating of the insurer.
2. Management Assessment
Review the entity’s biographical affidavits and third-party verifications
Note any areas of concern that would indicate further review is necessary. In
conducting such review, also consider whether officers, directors and trustees are
suitable (e.g. does the individual have the appropriate background and experience
to perform the duties expected) for the positions within the insurer. The analyst
could also reference the Best Practices for Background Investigations,
Background Guidelines and Red Flags on the Company Licensing Collab
Review of the Applicant Company’s Corporate Governance.
3. Capital and Surplus Assessment
Review the proposed Financial Projections, request assumptions used if not
For HMO’s, determine the minimum capital and surplus requirements based on
Review and verify if the following are at or above the statutory minimum
requirement for each of the projected years for:
o Capital
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o Surplus
Review and verify if the RBC ratio is adequate for each of the projected years
Review for indications if any surplus notes will be issued as part of the funding
Review and assess the surplus note’s impact on overall capitalization
Review for indications if any capital contributions are contemplated as part of the
Review and assess the capital contributions’ impact on overall capitalization
Review for indications if any dividend distributions are contemplated as part of
the projections
Review and assess the dividend distributions’ impact on overall capitalization.
4. Operations Assessment
Review the projected Statement of Income
Assess if the company appears to be overleveraged based on the NPW to C&S or
RBC ratios
Review and assess if the combined ratio exceeds 100% for any of the projected
For each year projecting net losses, assess the Applicant Company’s ability to
absorb and recover from such losses
For each year projecting negative cash flow from operations, assess the
company’s ability to absorb and recover from such negative cash flows
Review the company’s most recent audited financial statement to identify any
unusual items or areas that indicate additional review is required.
5. Ultimate Controlling Party (UCP) Financials
Review the most recent audited financial statements or SEC reports of the UCP
Assess whether or not the UCP is capable of providing adequate financial support
and management experience in operating the Applicant Company
Calculate the UCP’s total debt to equity ratio and assess the impact of this ratio on
Applicant Company’s overall operations and future solvency
Review lead state Group Profile Summary
Determine if financial projections are needed for the immediate parent or UCP.
6. Business Plan
Review the Business Plan
Review the Business Plan narrative including the types of products to be sold or
lines of business and how they will be distributed
Review the applicant’s geographic service area and the marketing plan
Review and explain the insurer’s processes for claim processing and claim
Assess reasonableness of Officer/Director compensation information
Identify if Managing General Agents (MGA) and Third-Party Administrator
(TPA) are properly licensed or registered in the state
o Review the items related to MGA’s and TPA’s as appropriate
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Subcontracting provisions
Review the Applicant Company’s investment policy and investment management
of the applicant
Review custodial agreements and compliance with statutory deposit safekeeping
requirements in accordance with the Financial Condition Examiners Handbook
Review any financial guarantees involved with this transaction.
7. Reinsurance
Review and assess the Applicant Company’s reinsurance program and activities;
including the impact of assumed and ceded premiums, retention and limitation
Review the financial condition and AM Best ratings of reinsurers with material
reinsurance arrangements
o Consider separately affiliated and non-affiliated reinsurers, which may
require separate financial review
o Consider financial requirements for licensed, authorized or unauthorized
material reinsurance arrangements.
8. Market Share Report
Review market share reports
Assess the impact of the applicant projected premiums on the state’s market share
and whether there are any areas of concern regarding market share percentages for
any of the proposed lines of business
Determine if a Form E filing is required.
9. Summary
Develop and document an overall summary of findings based on the analysis and
all other factors that are relevant to evaluating the Applicant Company’s plan of
operation and overall financial condition
Itemize each issue that warrants a company inquiry or resolution
Send correspondence to Applicant Company.
10. Follow-up
Upon receipt of the Applicant Company’s response to the inquiry, review and
assess the status of each outstanding issue
Determine if additional company correspondence is required.
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Form 8 Interrogatories from Form 8 that provide insight into the Applicant Company’s business
plan are discussed below.
Interrogatory 2: Encumbered assets must be explored for propriety; Pledged capital stock is a
sign of borrowing and repayment terms and conditions must be investigated; Merger or
consolidation might explain significant fluctuations in a historical financial analysis.
Interrogatory 4: Historical information in order to do further research, if necessary. An
explanation is adequate. The initial request of copies of documentation is unnecessary unless
questions arise concerning the veracity of the Applicant Company’s response to this and other
Interrogatory 5: A change in management or control may have a significant impact on operations.
Interrogatory 6: The most recent Holding Company Filings should suffice to explain the holding
company structure and intercompany relationships. If no holding corporation, then an
explanation should suffice initially.
Interrogatory 8: Revocation of a certificate of authority or denial of licensure should be discussed
with the domiciliary state to determine if the proximate causes for such actions are still in
Interrogatory 9: Positive responses to this interrogatory should be discussed with the domiciliary
state. All responses should be compared to the results of criminal background checks.
Interrogatory 10: Such dispute may affect the financial condition and may be an indication of
inappropriate business practices.
Interrogatory 11: Such legal action may affect the financial condition and may be an indication
of inappropriate business practices.
Interrogatory 12: Conflicts of interest can detrimentally affect the operations of an insurer.
Interrogatory 13: Positive responses to this interrogatory may affect the manner in which the
company’s products are marketed. Additionally, the Applicant Company’s parent or affiliates
will be subject to regulatory restrictions.
Interrogatory 14: Conflicts of interest can detrimentally affect the operations of an insurer.
Interrogatory 15: The organizational flow chart should depict the day-to-day management and
internal controls within the company. The map or narrative depicting the location(s) of the
office(s) should also contain the approximate number of employees for each location. Copies
of agreements should be attached.
Interrogatories 16 and 17: The marketing plan is the core of the applicant’s business plan
narrative. The use, oversight, and compensation of producers are important aspects of product
delivery. Since each state or region inherently may have unique market conditions related to
products, distribution systems, or competition, serious thought must be put into these areas.
Copies of agreements should initially be required with the primary application.
Interrogatory 18: The applicant should be able to provide benefits to the citizens that do not
already exist.
Interrogatory 19: One of the state’s responsibilities is to prevent unfair trade practices. Deceptive
advertising and sales are prohibited.
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Interrogatories 20 and 21: Product administration should be included in the narrative of the
business plan. Knowledge, experience and capacity are necessary ingredients. Service
agreements and personnel oversight need only be initially provided in the primary application.
Interrogatory 22: Affiliated agreements for tax allocation, services and facilities are necessary to
be reviewed with the primary application to ensure fairness and equity. Rates should be on an
actual cost basis, but should be no less than market rates.
Interrogatory 24: Conflicts of interest can detrimentally affect the operations of an insurer.
Interrogatory 25: The expense of the options can affect the financial condition. The exercising of
those options can affect control of the insurer. The existence of those options can affect the
insurer’s ability to raise other capital.
Interrogatories 26-29: Review the responses to these interrogatories if specific state laws address
these issues.
Interrogatory 30: Conflicts of interest can detrimentally affect the operations of an insurer.
The following questions apply only if the Applicant Company is filing a primary
redomestication application.
Interrogatories 31 and 32c: It is important to understand the effect of prescribed or permitted
practices on the reported financial condition of the company.
Interrogatories 32 and 33: It is important for both the applicant and the state of redomestication
to know and address any regulatory differences.
Interrogatory 34: Interest and principal payment restrictions need to be clearly understood and
agreed upon.
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Priority 2
Priority 2 companies are generally not considered good candidates for expansion. There is little to
be gained from the processing of the administrative filing sections of the application that is
destined to be rejected once the analytical review is conducted.
However, in certain unique circumstances, based on the line of business offered and the market
conditions in the expansion state, it may be appropriate to pursue licensure under heavily
monitored criteria. For example, a small, specialty insurer (such as a captive insurer) may not
demonstrate the qualities of a Priority 4 or Priority 3 company. Such a company may have a
commercial policyholder with operations located in a state where it is not licensed. In order to
continue to provide coverage to the policyholder, the insurer must seek licensure in the additional
state. In this circumstance, the expansion state may grant a certificate of authority with additional
restrictions that only identified risks be written.
In such situations, the expansion and domiciliary state must perform sufficient analysis (at least
those required of a Priority 2 company) of the company’s financial condition and business plan to
determine that such risks are within the company’s expertise and financial capacity to assume. The
reasons why the proposed expansion would be tolerable should then be delineated.
Priority 1
Insurers included in Priority 1 are considered troubled and subject to comprehensive annual and
quarterly analysis procedures, detailed considerations outlined with the Troubled Insurance
Company Handbook, and a significantly elevated level of ongoing regulatory monitoring and
Insurers in this group generally are not capable of withstanding even moderate business
fluctuations. There may be significant noncompliance with laws and regulations. Risk-
management practices are generally unacceptable relative to the insurer’s size, complexity and risk
profile. Corporate and group structures or framework may be of a nature that is not conductive to
effective regulation. Close regulatory attention is required, which means formal action is necessary
in most cases to address the problems. Insurers in this group pose a risk to the state guaranty fund.
Priority 1 companies should not be considered for expansion.
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Corporate Amendment Application Adding and Deleting Lines of Business
The classification of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Articles of Incorporation
4. Bylaws
5. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
6. Statutory Deposit Requirements
7. Plan of Operation
8. Statutory Memberships
9. Certificate of Compliance
11. Deleting Lines of Business
Administrative Items
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1C Corporate Amendments Application ChecklistThe coordinator should review
the checklist for completeness and that all described documents are included in the
application. As stated on the checklist form, this document is simply a guide. It is a
reminder of what should initially be included in the application package in order for it to
be considered complete. This form is all-inclusive but should be completed with due
consideration to the specific amendment(s) requested. Items required are dependent upon
the request of the applicant.
Form 2CCorporate Amendments ApplicationThe coordinator should review the form
for completeness. This form contains minimum required information.
Form 3 “Lines of Insurance” The coordinator should utilize the Lines of Business Matrix
to compare the lines of business authorized in the company’s domiciliary state (per the
certificate of compliance) with the applied for lines of business.
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances, the
check may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees range from $0 to in excess of $500 and are generally retaliatory.
Item 3. Articles of Incorporation
In some instances, the articles of incorporation contain specific references to the lines of
business the entity is authorized to engage. Such language should be consistent with the
proposed changes to the certificate of authority.
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Item 4. Bylaws
The bylaws generally should not have to be reviewed in connection with the addition or
deletion of a line of business.
Item 6. Statutory Deposit Requirements
These funds are deposited with the commissioner, generally through a safekeeping or trust
receipt, to be held for the benefit and protection of, and as security for, all policyholders
and, in some instances, creditors of the insurer making the deposit. Additional deposits are
generally required of those insurers applying to write lines of business not covered under
state insurance guaranty funds (e.g., guaranty, fidelity, surety, and bond business) or
otherwise (e.g., workerscompensation). The ultimate purpose of these funds is to ensure
that liquid assets are unencumbered and available for use by the commissioner, or his/her
designee, for the administration of the insurer’s estate should it become insolvent. Unless
a line of business is being applied for that is not protected by a guaranty fund, the domestic
state should hold the deposit in an aggregate amount of no less than the minimum required
Item 8. Statutory Memberships
May be required, dependent upon line of business requested.
Some states require a positive application and confirmation regarding membership in state-
mandated risk pools or other organizations. In other words, an insurer may not
automatically be a member by virtue of its certificate of authority, but may be required to
join outside the jurisdiction of the insurance department.
Analysis of Current Condition
Priority 4
If the company is prioritized as 4, then typically only the certificate of compliance need be
reviewed by the applicant state. However, some circumstances may exist that would warrant
additional analysis by the applicant state. For example, differing capital and surplus requirements
in the states may require some consideration by a particular applicant state. In addition, permitted
practices granted to an applicant insurer by its domiciliary state may account for a significant
amount of the insurer’s surplus, in which case the applicant state may need to perform a bit more
analysis than just reviewing the comment.
Priority 3
If the company is prioritized as 3, then the following review of application documents is suggested:
Item 5. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
This document should make it clear that the Applicant Company understands the state law
with respect to the amount of capital and surplus that must be maintained at a minimum
with respect to the line of business to be added. The analyst can easily determine the
Applicant Company’s capital and surplus position by looking at the filed financial
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statement. The requirement for this document should make it clear that the insurer has read
and understands the underlying surplus requirements. The amount required varies from
stated capital and of specific dollar amounts based on lines of authority to a percentage of
risk-based capital.
Priority 2
If the company is prioritized as Priority 2, then the Applicant Company state should discuss with
the domiciliary state whether there exists any extraordinary circumstance that might outweigh the
Applicant Company’s operating condition.
Analysis of Business Plan
Priority 4
If the Applicant Company is prioritized as Priority 4, then Item 7, Plan of Operation, should be
reviewed to determine that the company has experience with the requested new line of business.
Regardless of risk category, a line of business should not be deleted unless all liabilities in that line
are extinguished. See Corporate Amendment Adding and Deleting Lines of Business, Priority 3.
Plan of Operation for Best Practices Review of Plan of Operations (Proforma Financial
Statements, Narrative/Business Plan and Questionnaire).
Priority 3
If the Applicant Company is prioritized as 3, then the following review of application documents
is suggested.
Item 7. Plan of Operation
The narrative business plan including the rationale for adding lines of business and the
sales and administration of that business along with the accompanying pro-forma financial
statements/projections should provide the information initially required in this section.
Dependent upon the prioritization of the Applicant Company and the specific line of
business requested, along with the experience in that line of the insurer, Form 8C may be
Best Practices Review of Plan of Operations (Proforma Financial Statements, Narrative/
Business Plan and Questionnaire)
The depth of the review will depend on the complexity and financial strength as well as known
risks of the insurer(s). Therefore, the analyst may consider a tailored set of procedures that
addresses the specific risks of the insurer(s). The following best practices are presented as a guide
for regulatory review and analysis of the plan of operations and financial projections related to
UCAA primary and expansion applications, recognizing that this is not an all-inclusive list and not
all items on this list will apply to each and every application. This list is intended to be a regulatory
tool only. The analyst may find it useful to utilize the Financial Analysis Handbook in conjunction
to this checklist during their financial review.
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1. Background Analysis
Request the applicant’s Insurer Profile Summary (IPS) from the lead state. Upon
receipt and review of the IPS, document your findings related to the following:
State’s Priority Designation
Scoring System Result
IRIS Ratio Result
Analyst Team System Validation Level
RBC Ratio
Trend Test
Review any material issues or concerns of prospective risks noted in the IPS
Review the applicant’s most recent Annual Financial Statement, General
Interrogatories, Part 1:
o #5.1 and #5.2 in order to ascertain if the insurer has been a party to a
merger or consolidation; and #6.1 and #6.2 in order to ascertain if the
insurer had any certificate of authority, licenses or registrations suspended
or revoked by any governmental entity during the reporting period
Review the most recent report from a credit rating provider in order to ascertain
the current financial strength and credit rating of the insurer.
2. Management Assessment
Review the entity’s biographical affidavits and third-party verifications
Note any areas of concern that would indicate further review is necessary. In
conducting such review, also consider whether officers, directors and trustees are
suitable (e.g. does the individual have the appropriate background and experience
to perform the duties expected) for the positions within the insurer. The analyst
could also reference the Best Practices for Background Investigations,
Background Guidelines and Red Flags on the Company Licensing Collab
Review of the Applicant Company’s Corporate Governance.
3. Capital and Surplus Assessment
Review the proposed Financial Projections, request assumptions used if not
For HMO’s, determine the minimum capital and surplus requirements based on
Review and verify if the following are at or above the statutory minimum
requirement for each of the projected years for:
o Capital
o Surplus
Review and verify if the RBC ratio is adequate for each of the projected years
Review for indications if any surplus notes will be issued as part of the funding
Review and assess the surplus note’s impact on overall capitalization
Review for indications if any capital contributions are contemplated as part of the
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Review and assess the capital contributions’ impact on overall capitalization
Review for indications if any dividend distributions are contemplated as part of
the projections
Review and assess the dividend distributions’ impact on overall capitalization.
4. Operations Assessment
Review the projected Statement of Income
Assess if the Applicant Company appears to be overleveraged based on the NPW
to C&S or RBC ratios
Review and assess if the combined ratio exceeds 100% for any of the projected
For each year projecting net losses, assess the Applicant Company’s ability to
absorb and recover from such losses
For each year projecting negative cash flow from operations, assess the
company’s ability to absorb and recover from such negative cash flows
Review the Applicant Company’s most recent audited financial statement to
identify any unusual items or areas that indicate additional review is required.
5. Ultimate Controlling Party (UCP) Financials
Review the most recent audited financial statements or SEC reports of the UCP
Assess whether or not the UCP is capable of providing adequate financial support
and management experience in operating the Applicant Company
Calculate the UCP’s total debt to equity ratio and assess the impact of this ratio on
Applicant Company’s overall operations and future solvency
Review lead state Group Profile Summary
Determine if financial projections are needed for the immediate parent or UCP.
6. Business Plan
Review the Business Plan
Review the Business Plan narrative including the types of products to be sold or
lines of business and how they will be distributed
Review the insurer’s geographic service area and the marketing plan
Review and explain the insurer’s processes for claim processing and claim
Assess reasonableness of Officer/Director compensation information
Identify if Managing General Agents (MGA) and Third-Party Administrator
(TPA) are properly licensed or registered in the state
o Review the items related to MGA’s and TPA’s as appropriate
Subcontracting provisions
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Review the Applicant Company’s investment policy and investment management
of the insurer
Review custodial agreements and compliance with statutory deposit safekeeping
requirements in accordance with the Financial Condition Examiners Handbook
Review any financial guarantees involved with this transaction.
7. Reinsurance
Review and assess the Applicant Company’s reinsurance program and activities;
including the impact of assumed and ceded premiums, retention and limitation
Review the financial condition and AM Best ratings of reinsurers with material
reinsurance arrangements
o Consider separately affiliated and non-affiliated reinsurers, which may
require separate financial review
o Consider financial requirements for licensed, authorized or unauthorized
material reinsurance arrangements.
8. Market Share Report
Review market share reports
Assess the impact of the Applicant Company’s projected premiums on the state’s
market share and whether there are any areas of concern regarding market share
percentages for any of the proposed lines of business
Determine if a Form E filing is required.
9. Summary
Develop and document an overall summary of findings based on the analysis and
all other factors that are relevant to evaluating the Applicant Company’s plan of
operation and overall financial condition
Itemize each issue that warrants a company inquiry or resolution
Send correspondence to Applicant Company.
10. Follow-up
Upon receipt of the Applicant Company’s response to the inquiry, review and
assess the status of each outstanding issue
Determine if additional company correspondence is required.
Item 11. Deleting Lines of Business
Deletion of a line of business requires notification and adequate establishment or
extinguishment of liabilities. A line of business should not be deleted unless all liabilities
in that line are extinguished.
Priority 2
If the company is prioritized as 2, then the applicant state should discuss with the domiciliary state
whether there exists any extraordinary circumstance that might outweigh the Applicant Company’s
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operating condition. In certain instances the proposed plan of operation might provide for a limited
expansion of authority in order to maintain its current policyholder base. Should approval be
granted, the business plan should be carefully reviewed and closely monitored. See Corporate
Amendment Adding and Deleting Lines of Business, Priority 2. Plan of Operation for Best
Practices Review of Plan of Operations (Proforma Financial Statements, Narrative/Business Plan
and Questionnaire).
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Corporate Amendment Application Name Change For Filing with Non-Domiciliary
Corporate amendment applications involving a change of name or location of the insurer are often
accompanied by related policy form approval filings reflecting the change in name or location. In
some instances, the company license application process is held in abeyance until a complete
review of policy forms has been completed. It is recommended that in such instances a policy form
endorsement be approved for only the change in name or location, in lieu of a complete policy
form review.
The classification of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Articles of Incorporation
4. Bylaws
5. Consent to Service of Process
6. State of Domicile Approval
8. Name Approval
Administrative Filing
Application Instruction Items
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1C “Checklist”The coordinator should review the checklist for completeness and
that all described documents are included in the application.
Form 2C “Corporate Amendment Application” The coordinator should review the form
for completeness.
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances the check
may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees range from $0 to in excess of $200 and are generally retaliatory.
Item 3. Articles of Incorporation
The amended articles of incorporation should be reviewed to determine that the new name
is reflected.
Item 4. Bylaws
The amended bylaws should be reviewed to determine that the new name is reflected.
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Item 5. Consent to Service of Process
The amended consent to service of process should be reviewed to determine that the new
name is reflected.
Item 6. State of Domicile Approval
The domiciliary state should have already approved the name change.
Item 8. Name Approval
Typically state insurance departments incorporate insurers, but some states require the
involvement of the secretary of state or the attorney general. Names are submitted for
preapproval because the public has the right to know with whom it is dealing and therefore,
someone must determine that the name is not so similar to another as to be likely to deceive
or mislead. The name should be such as to show that the company is engaged in the
insurance business and preferably to show the type of business. Some states provide for
publication and subsequent hearing to ensure that any objections are addressed.
The coordinator should determine that a name approval request consistent with the state’s
requirements has been filed. If state requirements dictate, the request should be forwarded
to the appropriate area for processing.
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Corporate Amendment Application Redomestication of a Foreign Insurer
The classification of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Articles of Incorporation
4. Bylaws
5. Statutory Deposit Requirements
6. Consent to Service of Process
7. State of Domicile Approval
Administrative Filing
Application Instruction Items
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1P “Checklist” The coordinator should review the checklist for completeness and
that all described documents are included in the application.
Form 2C “Corporate Amendment Application” The coordinator should review the form
for completeness.
The coordinator should utilize the Lines of Business Matrix to compare the lines of business
in the Applicant Company’s new domicile state with the authorized lines of business in the
applicant state.
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances the check
may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees range from $0 to in excess of $200 and are generally retaliatory.
Item 3. Articles of Incorporation
The amended articles of incorporation should be reviewed to determine that the new state
of domicile is reflected.
Item 4. Bylaws
The amended bylaws should be reviewed to determine that the new state of domicile is
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Item 5. Statutory Deposit Requirements
Form 7 – The Certificate of Deposit should be reviewed to determine that the new state of
domicile is reflected and compare the amount of the deposit of the new state of domicile
to the state’s requirement.
Item 6. Consent to Service of Process
The amended consent to service of process should be reviewed to determine that the new
state of domicile is reflected.
Item 7. State of Domicile Approval
The domiciliary state should have already approved the redomestication.
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Corporate Amendment Application Change of Statutory Home Office Address
The classification of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Articles of Incorporation
4. Bylaws
5. Consent to Service of Process
6. State of Domicile Approval
Administrative Filing
Application Instruction Items
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1C “Checklist”The coordinator should review the checklist for completeness and
that all described documents are included in the application.
Form 2C “Corporate Amendment Application” The coordinator should review the form
for completeness.
Old Certificate of Authority The Applicant Company should have surrendered the old
certificate of authority or filed an affidavit of a lost certificate of authority.
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances the check
may be held by another section of the insurance Department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees range from $0 to in excess of $200 and are generally retaliatory.
Item 3. Articles of Incorporation
The amended articles of incorporation or other documentation required or permitted by the
domiciliary state should be reviewed to determine that the new location is reflected.
Item 4. Bylaws
The amended bylaws should be reviewed to determine that if a location for the insurer is
stated, the bylaws have been updated to reflect the new location.
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Item 5. Consent to Service of Process
The amended consent to service of process should be reviewed to determine that the new
location is reflected.
Item 6. State of Domicile Approval
The domiciliary state (if the applicant is a foreign company) should have already approved
the location change.
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Corporate Amendment Application Merger of Two or More Foreign Insurers For Filing
with Non-Domiciliary States
Prior to a corporate amendment filing, the Form A should be approved. Refer to Appendix D for
detailed information regarding the review of a Form A filing.
The classification of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Articles of Incorporation/Articles of Merger
4. Bylaws
5. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
6. Statutory Deposit Requirements
7. Plan of Operation
8. Statutory Memberships
9. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
10. Consent to Service of Process
11. State of Domicile Approval
Administrative Items
A merger requires notification to all states in which the Applicant Company is licensed. Corporate
documents must be amended to incorporate the new address along with other requirements that
may be state-specific.
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1C Corporate Amendments Application ChecklistThe coordinator should review
the checklist for completeness and that all described documents are included in the
application. As stated on the checklist form, this document is simply a guide. It is a
reminder of what should initially be included in the application package in order for it to
be considered complete. This form is all-inclusive, but should be completed with due
consideration to the specific amendment(s) requested. Items required are dependent upon
the request of the applicant.
Form 2CCorporate Amendments ApplicationThe coordinator should review the form
for completeness. This form contains minimum required information.
Form 3 “Lines of Insurance” The coordinator should verify if the Applicant Company is
authorized to write all lines of business, including variable products in the state. If the
Applicant Company is not authorized to write all lines of business in the state, then the
Applicant Company should also complete Section I (Adding and Deleting Lines of
Business) in the UCAA Corporate Amendment Application.
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Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances the check
may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees range from $0 to in excess of $200 and are generally retaliatory.
Item 3. Articles of Incorporation/Articles of Merger
The certificate of merger from the domestic state of the surviving entity serves as the
“marriage license” and denotes the approval of that state. The articles of merger serve as
the “marriage contract” and specify the terms of the merger. These documents should be
retained as permanent corporate records as part of the articles of incorporation.
Item 4. Bylaws
The bylaws need only be reviewed if they have been amended.
Item 6. Statutory Deposit Requirements
Form 7 “Certificate of Deposit” The coordinator should review the form and compare
the amount of the deposit to the state’s requirement.
These funds are deposited with the commissioner, generally through a safekeeping or trust
receipt, to be held for the benefit and protection of, and as security for, all policyholders
and, in some instances, creditors of the insurer making the deposit. Additional deposits are
generally required of those insurers applying to write lines of business not covered under
state insurance guaranty funds (such as guaranty, fidelity, surety, and bond business) or
otherwise (e.g., workerscompensation). The ultimate purpose of these funds is to ensure
that liquid assets are unencumbered and available for use by the commissioner, or his/her
designee, for the administration of the insurer’s estate should it become insolvent.
Item 8. Statutory Memberships
This item may be applicable depending on any new lines of business added.
Some states require a positive application and confirmation regarding membership in state-
mandated risk pools or other organizations. In other words, an insurer may not
automatically be a member by virtue of its certificate of authority, but may be required to
join outside the jurisdiction of the insurance department.
Item 10. Consent to Service of Process
This document designates the commissioner or a resident of the state to receive consent to
service of process on behalf of the entity. Persons or entities to receive forwarded consent
to service of process from the commissioner are also provided.
Item 11. State of Domicile Approval
The certificate of merger is the approval of the domestic state of the surviving entity. It
should be accompanied by a certificate of compliance from the other state involved, if
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Analysis of Current Condition
Item 5. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
This item may be applicable depending on any new lines of business added.
Item 9. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
A review of biographical affidavits is only necessary if there is a change in officers,
directors or ownership.
These documents are used to perform a background check (if required by the state) to
evaluate the suitability, competency, character and integrity of those persons ultimately
responsible for the operations of the insurer. Persons to be reviewed are the controlling
owners, officers, directors and key managerial personnel with the ultimate authority over
the financial and operational decisions of the insurer, such as the chief executive officer
(CEO), chief operating officer (COO), chief financial officer (CFO), secretary, chief
marketing officer and treasurer.
Independent third-party background reports are used to identify discrepancies in the
biographical affidavit and evaluate the suitability of the controlling owners, officers,
directors or key managerial personnel of the applicant and competency to perform the
responsibilities of the position held with the company. Issues regarding competency,
character and integrity may be self-evident from the information provided in the affidavit
or may be determined from the related background review or criminal background check.
o Regulators will review the biographical affidavit for completeness- each question
should have a response. The affiant must use the most current form available and
posted on the UCAA website. Insufficient affidavits or affidavits where signature
dates are more than six months from application submit date should not be
o Regulators will review the comparison of information provided on the biographical
affidavit and the results of the independent third-party background reports.
o Regulators will note any discrepancies found in the independent third-party
background reports and follow up with the Applicant Company or domestic
regulator for further clarification.
o Any key concerns will be addressed with the Applicant Company or domestic
regulator for further clarification.
Analysis of Business Plan
Item 7. Plan of Operation
The articles of merger and/or the accompanying business plan of the surviving entity
should be reviewed for informational purposes. See Corporate Amendment Adding and
Deleting Lines of Business. Plan of Operation for Best Practices Review of Plan of
Operations (Proforma Financial Statements, Narrative/Business Plan and Questionnaire).
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Corporate Amendment Application Proposed/Completed Change of Control of Foreign
The classification of the of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Articles of Incorporation
4. Bylaws
5. Plan of Operation
6. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
7. Consent to Service of Process
8. State of Domicile Approval
9. State-Specific Information
Administrative Items
Proposed change of control transaction information (proposed transaction) and a second filing of
actual information after the change of control are complete (completed transaction). This
application is not applicable for filing in a state if the insurer is a domestic insurer in that state.
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1C Corporate Amendments Application ChecklistThe coordinator should review
the checklist for completeness and that all described documents are included in the
application. As stated on the checklist form, this document is simply a guide. It is a
reminder of what should initially be included in the application package in order for it to
be considered complete. This form is all-inclusive, but should be completed with due
consideration to the specific amendment(s) requested. Items required are dependent upon
the request of the Applicant Company.
Form 2CCorporate Amendments ApplicationThe coordinator should review the form
for completeness. This form contains minimum required information.
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances the check
may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees range from $0 to in excess of $200 and are generally retaliatory.
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Item 3. Articles of Incorporation
If the Articles of Incorporation have changed as a result of the change of control, file the
amended Articles. If the most recently filed (in the state for which you are applying)
Articles of Incorporation have not changed, do not file the Articles of Incorporation.
Simply state that the current articles are already on file with the state to which this
application relates. If it is expected that revised Articles of Incorporation will be submitted
in the completed transaction filing, indicate that in the proposed transaction filing.
Item 4. Bylaws
The bylaws need only be submitted if they have been amended. If it is expected that revised
bylaws will be submitted in the completed transaction filing, indicate that in the proposed
transaction filing.
Item 7. Consent to Service of Process
This document designates the commissioner or a resident of the state to receive consent to
service of process on behalf of the company. Persons or entities to receive forwarded
consent to service of process from the commissioner are also provided.
Item 8. State of Domicile Approval
Verify that the domiciliary state approved the change of control.
Refer to Appendix D, Form A Review Best Practices for additional guidance.
Item 9. State-Specific Information
Some jurisdictions may have additional requirements that must be met before a proposed
change of control can be completed. For example, some states require the filing of a Form
E (Pre-Acquisition Notification Form Regarding the Potential Competitive Impact of a
Proposed Merger or Acquisition by a Non-Domiciliary Insurer Doing Business in this State
or by a Domestic Insurer) at least 30 days before the completion of a change of control
transaction. In addition, some states may require a Form B amended statement, in
accordance with the Insurance Holding Company System Regulatory Act (#440), after
completion of the change of control transaction. Before completing a UCAA Corporate
Amendments Application the applicant should review a listing of requirements for the state
to which you are applying. State-specific information is listed on the state-specific chart.
Analysis of Current Condition
Item 6. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
A review of biographical affidavits is only necessary if there is a change in officers,
directors or ownership.
These documents are used to perform a background check (if required by the state) to
evaluate the suitability, competency, character and integrity of those persons ultimately
responsible for the operations of the insurer. Persons to be reviewed are the controlling
owners, officers, directors and key managerial personnel with the ultimate authority over
the financial and operational decisions of the insurer, such as the chief executive officer
(CEO), chief operating officer (COO), chief financial officer (CFO), secretary, chief
marketing officer and treasurer.
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Independent third-party background reports are used to identify discrepancies in the
biographical affidavit and evaluate the suitability of the controlling owners, officers,
directors or key managerial personnel of the Applicant Company and competency to
perform the responsibilities of the position held with the entity. Issues regarding
competency, character and integrity may be self-evident from the information provided in
the affidavit or may be determined from the related background review or criminal
background check.
o Regulators will review the biographical affidavit for completeness- each question
should have a response. The affiant must use the most current form available and
posted on the UCAA website. Insufficient affidavits or affidavits where signature
dates are more than six months from application submit date should not be
o Regulators will review the comparison of information provided on the biographical
affidavit and the results of the independent third-party background reports.
o Regulators will note any discrepancies found in the independent third-party
background reports and follow up with the Applicant Company or domestic
regulator for further clarification.
o Any key concerns will be addressed with the Applicant Company or domestic
regulator for further clarification.
Analysis of Business Plan
Item 5. Plan of Operation
If the business plan of the insurer will change as a result of the change of control
transaction, a plan of operation must be submitted; otherwise, a statement that the business
plan will not change will suffice and should be submitted. The plan of operation is made
up of two components: a brief narrative and proforma financial statements/projections
(Form 13). The narrative should include significant information in support of the
application. Projections must support all aspects of the proposed plan of operation,
including reinsurance arrangements and any delegated function agreements. Include the
assumptions used to arrive at these projections. See Corporate Amendment Adding and
Deleting Lines of Business. Plan of Operation for Best Practices Review of Plan of
Operations (Proforma Financial Statements, Narrative/Business Plan and Questionnaire).
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Corporate Amendment Application Amended Articles of Incorporation
The classification of the of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Articles of Incorporation
4. Bylaws
5. State of Domicile Approval
6. State-Specific Information
Administrative Items
Amended articles of incorporation require notification to all states in which the Applicant
Company is licensed. This application is not applicable for filing in a state if the insurer is a
domestic insurer in that state.
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1C Corporate Amendments Application ChecklistThe coordinator should review
the Checklist for completeness and that all described documents are included in the
application. As stated on the checklist form, this document is simply a guide. It is a
reminder of what should initially be included in the application package in order for it to
be considered complete. This form is all-inclusive, but should be completed with due
consideration to the specific amendment(s) requested. Items required are dependent upon
the request of the applicant.
Form 2CCorporate Amendments ApplicationThe coordinator should review the form
for completeness. This form contains minimum required information.
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances the check
may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees range from $0 to in excess of $200 and are generally retaliatory.
Item 3. Articles of Incorporation
Indicate the location of the language within the articles of incorporation that reflects the
change. (Page number, section number, etc., of the articles of incorporation).
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Item 4. Bylaws
The bylaws need only be submitted if they have been amended.
Item 5. State of Domicile Approval
Provide a copy of the amended articles of incorporation approval from the Applicant
Company’s state of domicile.
Item 6. State-Specific Information
Some jurisdictions may have additional requirements that must be met before articles of
incorporation can be amended. Before completing a UCAA Corporate Amendments
Application the Applicant Company should review a listing of requirements for the state
to which you are applying.
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Best Practices: Application Review
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Corporate Amendment Application Amended Bylaws
The classification of the of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Bylaws
4. State of Domicile Approval
5. State-Specific Information
Administrative Items
Amended bylaws that are not a result of changes addressed in other areas of the corporate
amendment application require notification to all states in which the Applicant Company is
licensed. This application is not applicable for filing in a state if the insurer is a domestic insurer
in that state.
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1C Corporate Amendments Application ChecklistThe coordinator should review
the checklist for completeness and that all described documents are included in the
application. As stated on the checklist form, this document is simply a guide. It is a
reminder of what should initially be included in the application package in order for it to
be considered complete. This form is all-inclusive, but should be completed with due
consideration to the specific amendment(s) requested. Items required are dependent upon
the request of the Applicant Company.
Form 2CCorporate Amendments ApplicationThe coordinator should review the form
for completeness. This form contains minimum required information.
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances the check
may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees range from $0 to in excess of $200 and are generally retaliatory.
Item 3. Bylaws
Indicate the location of the language within the bylaws that reflects the change (page
number, section number, etc., of the bylaws).
Item 4. State of Domicile Approval
Provide a copy of the amended bylaws approval from the Applicant Company’s state of
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Best Practices: Application Review
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Item 5. State-Specific Information
Some jurisdictions may have additional requirements that must be met before the bylaws
can be amended. Before completing a UCAA Corporate Amendments Application, the
applicant should review a listing of requirements for the state to which you are applying.
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Corporate Amendment Application – Change of Mailing Address/Contact Notification
The classification of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
Administrative Items
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Change of mailing address that do not involve corporate record amendments, such as
moving from one building to another or contact person changes, are filed on Form14
Change of Mailing Address/Contact Notification Form.
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Corporate Amendment Application Consent to Service of Process
The classification of the application instruction items is illustrated in the following chart.
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Consent to Service of Process Application
2. Filing Fee
Administrative Items
Item 1. Consent to Service of Process
The amended consent to service of process should be reviewed to determine that the
resident agent or forwarding address is reflected.
If the application was submitted electronically, the state may utilize the UCAA email
system to contact or notify the company if there are questions regarding the resident agent
or forwarding address. Refer to the Corporate Amendment User Guide for additional
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances the check
may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Filing fees vary from state to state. Refer to the State Retaliatory Information link on the
UCAA website for additional state information.
If the application was submitted electronically, the state may utilize the UCAA email
system to contact or notify the Applicant Company of filing fee requirements. Refer to the
Corporate Amendment User Guide for additional instructions.
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Corporate Amendment Application - Statement of Withdrawal, Complete Surrender of
Certificate of Authority
Application Instruction Items
Analysis of
Analysis of
Business Plan
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Statement of Withdrawal and Attachments
4. State-Specific Information
Item 1. Application Form and Attachments
Form 1C Corporate Amendments Application ChecklistThe coordinator should review
the checklist for completeness and that all described documents are included in the
application. As stated on the checklist form, this document is simply a guide. It is a
reminder of what should initially be included in the application package in order for it to
be considered complete. This form is all-inclusive, but should be completed with due
consideration to the specific amendment(s) requested. Items required are dependent upon
the request of the applicant. If the Applicant Company cannot return its original certificate
of authority, they must complete and attach an Affidavit of Lost Certificate of Authority
(Form 15).
Item 2. Filing Fee
Review check submitted in payment of fees for correct amount. In some instances the check
may be held by another section of the insurance department. In that case, review the
description of the check received.
Forward check for deposit or provide information for proper processing of check.
Item 3. Statement of Withdrawal and Attachments
The statement for withdrawal must include a thorough explanation for the surrender of its
certificate of authority.
The Applicant Company must provide sufficient explanations for outstanding claims,
contingent liabilities, or laws suits currently existing.
The Applicant Company must also state whether any business will be transferred to another
insurer and attach any reinsurance agreements.
Item 4. State-Specific Information
Some jurisdictions may have additional requirements that the Applicant Company must
meet before the state can cancel a Certificate of Authority. Before completing a UCAA
Corporate Amendment Application, the Applicant Company should review the listing of
State-Specific Requirements for the application state.
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Appendix A The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
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The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
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Appendix A The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
© 20052023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 75
In conjunction with the NAIC, the various states have worked toward the goal of streamlining and
achieving uniformity in the insurer licensing process. The insurer licensing process encompasses
the initial licensing of an insurer, as well as licensing in additional states and filings that modify
or expand an existing certificate of authority. It was the intent of the former Accelerated Licensing
Evaluation Review Technique (ALERT) Subgroup that each of the adopted application packages
contains a complete listing of the requirements for licensing in a state. The Uniform Certificate of
Authority Application (UCAA) website that provides a consistent frame of reference for all
participants in the licensing process. There are three types of applications: primary, expansion and
corporate amendments. Those application types and their component items are described below.
Primary Application
The UCAA primary application is for use in the formation of a new insurer, or for an existing
insurer to use in making application to redomesticate to another state. It contains the following
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
4. Statutory Deposit Requirements
5. Name Approval
6. Plan of Operation
7. Holding Company Act Filings
8. Statutory Membership(s)
9. SEC Filings or Consolidated GAAP Financial Statement
10. Debt-to-Equity Ratio Statement
11. Custody Agreements
12. Public Records Package
13. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
14. State-Specific Information
Primary Application Redomestications Only
The requirements of this section are only for those insurers seeking to redomesticate from one state
to another and are in addition to the requirements of Section I, Item #1 through Item #14 of the
primary checklist. A redomestication is the process where any insurer organized under the laws of
any state may become a domestic insurer that transfers its domicile to another state by merger or
consolidation or any other lawful method.
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Appendix A The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
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The Applicant Company files the primary application with the insurer’s new state of domicile
when used for a redomestication. In addition to the items included with the primary application,
the redomestication application will include the following items:
15. Annual Statements with Attachments
16. Quarterly Financial Statements
17. Risk-Based Capital Report
18. Independent CPA Audit Report
19. Reports of Examination
20. Certificate of Compliance
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Appendix A The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
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Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
Primary Application Review Checklist
(Regulator Use Only)
1. Company and Structure
i. Identify the type of business the Applicant Company will be
2. Review Quality and Expertise, including Biographical Affidavits
a. Review the biographical affidavits for fitness and propriety (the
biographical affidavit should be completed on the most current
revision date of the form and no more than six months (6 months)).
b. Review third party verifications and fingerprint (where required).
c. Review Form A database for other transactions and outcomes.
d. Review SAD database for regulatory actions against the officer or
e. Review biographical sketches (Form B).
f. Review the quality and expertise of the ultimate controlling person,
officers and directors and actuary.
g. Review appointment letters for appointed actuary and appointed CPA.
h. Verify Licenses.
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3. Holding Company (if applicable)
a. Organizational Chart.
b. Affiliated Organizations (affiliated agreements will be reviewed for
licensing purposes, however, affiliated agreements are not being
approved, a Form D filing is required for approval).
i. Identify the type’s organizations (affiliated and unaffiliated).
ii. List of services provided by affiliates.
iii. Reimbursement terms fair & reasonable to the Applicant
iv. Financial condition.
c. Review Holding Company Registration Statement (Form B), including
amendments (if applicable); and Holding Company Filings.
d. Review Ultimate Controlling Party (UCP) Financials - Verify if UCP
is capable of providing support and experience level in operating the
type of company proposed.
e. Review Debt-to-Equity statement.
f. Review lead state holding company system analysis and reports.
g. Review Applicant Company contemplated and/or existing agreements
with affiliates.
h. Review and identify any concerns:
i. five years of audited financial statements;
ii. current financial statements (as of date within 90 days of
filing); and
iii. SEC reports, if applicable.
i. Determine if financial projections are needed for the immediate parent
or UCP. If obtained, are the financial projections for the Applicant
Company and/or UCP consistent with business plan.
4. Business Plan and Operations
a. Review the Applicant Company’s business plan.
b. Review the Applicant Company’s business narrative including the
types of products to be sold and how they will be distributed.
c. Review Form 8 Questionnaire for the Applicant Company.
d. Consider Officers/Directors compensation information as reported in
annual statement.
e. Identify if any Managing General Agents (MGA) and Third Party
Administrator (TPA) will be used. If so, are they properly licensed or
registered in the state?
f. Determine if the Applicant Company will use any Professional
Employer Organizations (PEO). If so, are they properly licensed or
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g. Determine if the Applicant Company will use any Managing General
Underwriters (MGU). If so, what services are they providing? Do they
meet the definition of a TPA or MGA? If so, are they properly
licensed or registered?
h. Review material reinsurance transactions (for P/C companies will the
retention be below the statutory requirements of policyholder surplus
and reinsurance ceded/assumed programs.
i. Review the Applicant Company’s investment policy and any other
policies provided with the application.
j. Review custodial agreements & compliance with the statutory deposit
safekeeping requirements per the Examiner’s Handbook.
k. Review the Investment Management Arrangements/Agreement of the
Applicant Company.
i. Identify if the arrangement/agreement is with an affiliate or
ii. Verify that arrangement/agreement is in compliance with state
investment policy and any state investment limitations.
iii. Review Investment Management arrangement/agreement
language; if unusual language, consider having the NAIC’s
Capital Markets Bureau review the arrangement/agreement.
l. Review the Applicant Company’s geographical service area.
m. Review and compare the lines of business that the Applicant Company
is applying for with the business plan.
n. Review the marketing plan of the Applicant Company.
o. Review the capital adequacy and financial guarantees of the Applicant
i. Identify the nature, source and amount of capital and surplus.
p. Review rating agency reports.
5. Reasonableness of Projections
a. Identify if the projections appear to be reasonable, in relation to the
business plan as provided.
b. What assumptions did the Applicant Company use in their projections,
include feasibility study of projections if available.
c. Review the financial statement and exhibits and consider
reasonableness of projections provided.
d. Does the Applicant Company appear to be aggressive or realistic in
their growth projections?
e. Determine if the GWP and NWP ratios are within industry standards.
f. Review the projected RBC. Is it within the norms and does it make
sense based on projections.
g. Review the capitalization of the Applicant Company.
i. Where is it coming from?
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Appendix A The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
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ii. Will there be any Parental Guarantees, etc.?
iii. Are there any short or long-term financing arrangements
iv. Consider quality of capitalization.
h. Did the Applicant Company project any growth? If so:
i. What will be the source and type (cash, surplus notes) of any such
ii. Are there any capital contributions that are being contemplated?
i. For HMO’s, determine the minimum capital, surplus and deposit
requirements based on the Applicant Company’s projections.
6. Company Financials (if redomesticating)
a. Complete review of Financial Analysis Handbook for redomesticating
b. Request and review a copy of the Applicant Company’s Insurer
Profile Summary from the domestic state.
c. Request and review a copy of the latest holding company system
analysis from the lead state.
d. Review the Applicant Company’s FAST and Financial Profile
e. Review AM Best and other rating agency ratings.
f. Identify if the company was redomesticating, was the company
formed by the Secretary of State or under the business laws or
insurance laws of the state.
g. Verify the date the last financial examination was completed and
determine if it met all state requirements.
7. Other
a. Determine if Network Adequacy requirements are met, if HMO.
b. Determine if a pre-licensing examination needs to occur.
c. Designation of Registered Agent.
d. Review applications filed in other states in the prior 12 months.
e. Review the terms of any agreements with a broker-dealer.
f. Review the market share impact.
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Appendix A The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
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Expansion Application
The UCAA expansion application is for use by an insurer that wishes to expand into one or more
states. An insurer may file expansion applications simultaneously in as many states as desired. The
expansion application is an abbreviated version of the UCAA designed to allow solidly performing
companies that are in good standing in all admitted states to gain admission into new states quickly
and easily. It is the goal to complete the review of expansion applications within 60 calendar days
of receipt. The 60-day review process includes two weeks to determine if the application is
complete and acceptable. During the remaining 4560 day time span, the application will receive
a financial and operational review. Based on the circumstances of a particular application, it may
be necessary for the reviewing state to request additional information.
The UCAA expansion application has the following items:
1. Expansion Application Form
2. Filing Fee
3. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
4. Statutory Deposit Requirements
5. Name Approval
6. Plan of Operation
7. Holding Company Act Filings
8. Certificate of Compliance
9. Report of Examination
10. Statutory Memberships
11. Public Records Package
12. NAIC Biographical Affidavits
13. Consent to Service of Process
14. State-Specific Information
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Corporate Amendments Application
An existing insurer uses the UCAA corporate amendments application for requesting amendments
to its certificate of authority. The Applicant Company can use the corporate amendments
application to file more than one change in the same submission. The Applicant Company should
mark all changes it files on the application form and submit all items required for those changes.
This UCAA corporate amendments application has the following items:
1. Application Form and Attachments
2. Filing Fee
3. Articles of Incorporation
4. Bylaws
5. Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements
6. Statutory Deposit Requirements
7. Plan of Operation
8. Statutory Membership(s)
9. Certificate of Compliance
10. State-Specific Information
11. Deleting Lines of Business
There are slightly different filing requirements for corporate amendments applications involving
name changes, redomestication of foreign insurers, change of city within the state of domicile,
change of mailing address/contact information and mergers of two or more foreign insurers.
UCAA Forms
In order to facilitate the uniform submission of information pertinent to each of the items of the
various applications, a variety of forms were promulgated by the ALERT Subgroup. There is a
matrix of the forms and the items to which they apply on the UCAA website.
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Appendix A The Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA)
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The “Best Practices: Application Review” chapter of the Best Practices Handbook describes the
recommended best practices for the review of the items and forms associated with the various
types of UCAA applications.
Review of UCAA State Charts
In order to maintain accurate and current state requirements, the UCAA state charts should be
reviewed by the insurance department at least on an annual basis. In addition, whenever the state
is aware of a change, notify the company licensing coordinator as soon as practicable. Each chart
listed should be reviewed for:
State requirements
Statutory references
Department website links
Contact information, including email, telephone number and extension.
All updates should be sent to the company licensing coordinator listed on the NAIC website.
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Appendix B Use of Electronic Documents
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Use of Electronic Documents
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Appendix B Use of Electronic Documents
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Many of the documents filed in the UCAA process are currently housed in electronic format at the
NAIC or lend themselves easily to electronic storage and viewing.
The items included in the public records package that are already stored in either data tables or
PDF file format, or both, at the NAIC are:
Annual Financial Statements (in data tables and PDF files) with Attachments, Including
the Actuarial Opinion and Management’s Discussion and Analysis (in PDF file format)
Quarterly Financial Statements (in data tables and PDF files)
Risk-Based Capital Reports (in data tables and PDF files)
CPA Audit Reports (in PDF files)
Examination Reports (in PDF files and in I-SITE in the Financial Exam Electronic
Tracking System on a voluntary basis)
SEC Filings (can be found at
The following documents are not currently stored in an explicit location in an NAIC database, but
should at least be stored and made available in electronic format:
Form B Registration Statement
Consolidated GAAP Financial Statements
Articles of Incorporation
A concerted effort should be made to reduce the amount of paperwork created and stored with
respect to the review of UCAA applications.
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Appendix C Review of Electronic Application Coordination and Processing
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Review of Electronic Application Coordination
and Processing (REACAP)
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Appendix C Review of Electronic Application Coordination and Processing
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Companies may file an NAIC Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA) under the
REACAP program upon application to and acceptance by the National Treatment and
Coordination (E) Working Group (Working Group). Applications that are accepted into the
REACAP program will have the timing, technology and substantive processing monitored, issues
encountered will be reported to the Working Group and the applicant will provide feedback to the
Working Group about the process. UCAA electronic applications are encouraged, and acceptance
into the REACAP program is an option, not a requirement, when submitting an electronic
To apply for REACAP, companies should send to the co-chairs of the Working Group and the
NAIC coordinator ( an explanatory letter setting forth the basis
for their application that meets the criteria for acceptance into the REACAP program. Companies
should be aware that other factors, such as regulatory workload, may impact acceptance into the
REACAP program.
For an expansion application, the explanatory letter must include all of the following for
consideration for acceptance into the REACAP program:
1. A commitment to file application electronically and to work with the Working Group.
2. A commitment letter (attached) from the domestic regulator indicating their willingness to
work with the Working Group should the REACAP application be accepted.
3. Whether the application will serve a national or regional market need and quantification of
that need.
4. The number and name of states to which the expansion application will be submitted.
5. A description of the current affiliations with insurers licensed in one or more states.
6. The basic financial condition of the applicant (e.g., capital, surplus, RBC) and the as-of”
date of the most recent financial exam.
7. Whether the company is a start-up company.
8. The nature and extent of any parental guarantees.
9. Experience of the management team with the lines of business being applied for.
10. A brief description of all regulatory compliance enforcement actions by state for the past
five years.
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Appendix C Review of Electronic Application Coordination and Processing
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For a corporate amendment application, the explanatory letter must include all of the following for
consideration for acceptance into the REACAP program:
1. A commitment to file application electronically and to work with the Working Group.
2. A commitment letter (attached) from the domestic regulator indicating their willingness to
work with the Working Group should the REACAP application be accepted.
3. The number and name of states to which the corporate amendment application will be
4. If adding line(s) of business or merger:
a. Whether the application will serve a national or regional market need and
quantification of that need.
b. A description of the current affiliations with insurers licensed in one or more states.
c. The basic financial condition of the applicant (e.g., capital, surplus, RBC) and the
as-of” date of the most recent financial exam.
d. Experience of the management team with the lines of business being applied for.
e. Indicate if the transaction is date-specific.
5. If a name change, merger, redomestication, etc.:
a. Indicate national or regional impact, including marketing and quantification of that
b. Provide a description of the affiliations with already licensed insurers involved in
the transaction.
c. Indicate if the transaction is date-specific.
6. Provide a brief description of all regulatory compliance enforcement actions by state for
the past five years.
REACAP Expedited Review Guidelines
Some companies may request expedited review of a REACAP application. If so, the Applicant
Company will need to clearly state, in writing, that request and the basis for it. The National
Treatment and Coordination (E) Working Group will consider the request for expedited review
with the request for acceptance into the REACAP program, including substantiation of market
need, urgent circumstances, as well as the regulators’ other workload. Requests for expedited
treatment may result in a REACAP request being denied. Further, applicants should be aware that
state regulators cannot be compelled by the Working Group to complete an expedited review.
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Appendix C Review of Electronic Application Coordination and Processing (REACAP)
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Appendix D Form A Review Best Practices
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Form A Review Best Practices
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Appendix D Form A Review Best Practices
© 20052023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 91
Every Form A review should be tailored to the risks associated with the proposed acquisition, including
the target company, acquiring entity, and the complexity of the transaction. The following best practices
are presented as a guide for regulatory review and analysis of Form A acquisitions, recognizing that this
list may not be comprehensive and not all items will apply to every acquisition. This list is intended to be
a regulatory tool. The NAIC Form A database should be updated as applicable throughout the Form
A review process.
1. Initial Review
a) Determine if the filing is complete, note the missing items and promptly send a
deficiency letter to the Applicant
b) Identify attorneys, party contacts, and the other insurance regulator reviewing the Form
A, including the lead regulator.
c) The lead regulator should obtain key contact information from each state reviewing the
Form A and consider organizing a regulator to regulator call to discuss concerns with the
d) Assign appropriate analyst, legal and other professional staff to conduct regulatory
e) Carefully consider whether regulatory review can be completed by Applicant’s target
close date, including any interim deadlines and obtain deemer extension or waiver if
appropriate, and
f) Schedule and notice hearing/consolidated hearing, if applicable, within statutory
2. Background, Identity and Risk Profile of Acquiring Persons
a) Identify and review all relevant parties to the proposed acquisition
b) Assess the feasibility of the acquiring persons holding company structure including
location and control (direct/indirect) of the target company post acquisition
c) Review the lead state’s assessment of the acquiring persons most recent ORSA Summary
Report and Form F ERM, if applicable, to better understand the related risks
d) Determine Ultimate Controlling Person and/or Parent (UCP), cross check with source of
funds and consider debt funding sources
e) Review NAIC and other external sources to gain a better understanding of the acquiring
persons, its affiliates, and the UCP
f) Carefully scrutinize and understand complex organization and ownership structures by
requesting and reviewing all organizational documents such as Articles of Incorporation,
Articles of Association, Partnership Agreements, and Operating Agreements for entities
from the proposed immediate parent up to the proposed ultimate controlling person(s)
(UCP). Review and consider who has the voting rights under these organizational
documents. Verify who should be considered the UCP based upon the reviewed
information and document why the determination was made
g) Review Audited Financial Statements (or CPA reviewed financial statements for
individuals) of the acquiring persons, its holding company, and the UCP, 10K and 10Qs,
and other current financial information for enterprise condition, potential debt service by
the UCP and its ability to service such debt. Understand the level of reliance on cash
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Appendix D Form A Review Best Practices
© 20052023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 92
flow/dividends from the target company to service debt and other obligations of the
holding company and UCP.
h) Based upon nature of acquiring party, review detailed audited financial statement of all
individuals who are source of funds.
a. If not available, consider acceptability of unaudited financial statements,
compiled personal financial or net worth statements and/or tax returns.
i) Consider suitability of UCP through background review and regulatory review of the
prospective new owners, using UCAA biographical affidavits and third-party background
reviews by NAIC listed independent third-party reviewing companies or fingerprinting
criminal checks if applicable, and
j) Consider acceptability of SEC disclosures by board members of publicly traded UCPs in
suitability review.
3. Communication and Record Maintenance
a) Communicate response to any confidentiality requests in writing as soon as possible
b) Create a contact list of relevant persons and representatives
c) Separate confidential and public documents, information, and communications and
maintain as appropriate
d) Contact and collaborate with other reviewing regulators involved in the review process,
as appropriate, including the lead state regulator regarding ORSA and ERM reviews
e) As applicable, contact other regulators of noninsurance entities of the acquiring party or
f) Respond as appropriate to questions from third parties and interested regulators
g) Keep the acquiring party representatives informed as to status of review
h) Receive and consider any information provided by external sources, including possible
financial or other incentives or motivation of those commenting on a particular
i) Summarize review, findings, conclusions and action taken on Form A review in final
action document, including stipulations, and conditions subsequent, and
j) File and maintain documents under state procedures.
4. Transaction Review
a) Determine how acquisition will be achieved by carefully reviewing transactional
documents, e.g. merger, stock purchase, stock exchange
b) Consider disposition of all classes of target shares, including addressment of any
beneficial owners
c) Ascertain propriety of disposition of minority interests and concerns, if applicable
d) Consider any affiliate or employee benefit as appropriate
e) Determine how any ancillary regulatory reviews or other interim procedural steps will be
completed, including Form E-Pre-Acquisition Notification Form, for other licensed states
f) Obtain copies of shareholder communications or sole shareholder consent
g) Consider obtaining copies of fairness and other contractually required opinions if
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Appendix D Form A Review Best Practices
© 20052023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 93
h) Review relevant portions of board resolutions, power points and related board minutes
pertinent to the Form A transaction, use care to keep documents confidential, and
i) Determine whether additional professional transaction review is warranted.
5. Purchase Consideration
a) Determine fairness (equivalency) of total amount to be paid to total value to be received,
including derivation of price and value of target under standard valuation methodologies
or to book value
b) Consider quality of consideration, giving careful scrutiny to payments other than cash or
cash equivalents which are disfavored particularly when any funds are being transferred
to the target.
c) Consider fairness opinions and actuarial appraisals, if provided
d) Consider source, type and valuation basis of funds to be used for consideration
i. If funds are from a regulated entity, confirm the existence and valuation of such
assets with that entity’s regulator
e) If applicable, consider implications of any debt financing including
i. The mechanics of any debt financing to be used to fund the transaction, whether
funds are being borrowed in the ordinary course of business or on terms that are
less favorable than generally commercial loans.
ii. The percentage of debt versus non-debt funds to be used
iii. The source of funds or stream of income to be used by parent for repayment and
the ability of the acquiring party to repay the debt from sources other than the
iv. Identity of the creditor(s) and creditors’ financial condition.
v. How will debt be secured; consider prohibiting securing of debt on shares of
target or target’s assets if not already prohibited by state statute,
vi. Compare time period of loan commitment with parent’s income stream over the
same time period, including the ability of the acquiring party to repay the debt
from sources other than the target until loan is repaid/retired, and
vii. Consider the long term impact of parent’s debt service on operations of the target
company and group.
viii. Follow-up on Parent’s financial commitment to underlying insurer.
6. Target License Qualification /Insurer Operations
a) Determine whether target insurer meets license qualifications upon change of control
b) Consider operational changes post-acquisition, including business plans and projections
c) Review required statutory deposits and authorized lines of business
d) Consider changes to target management and key employees
e) Consider suitability of changes to target management and key employees through
background review and regulatory review of new owners, using UCAA biographical
affidavits and third-party background reviews or fingerprinting criminal checks, if
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Appendix D Form A Review Best Practices
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f) Consider plans for technological interfacing with new affiliates and any potential adverse
impact on operations including claims
g) Consider suitability of any new affiliated and non-affiliated material agreements,
including managing general agents, third party administrators, any professional
organizations and reinsurance arrangements
h) Review any ERM analysis of the transaction performed by the acquiring entity, including
impacts on risk assessment, risk appetite and tolerances, and prospective solvency
(capital and liquidity)
i) Require Form D filings for any affiliated material transactions, post-acquisition; consider
including language in the approval order
j) Determine target’s estimated financial condition and stability, post-acquisition, and
k) Consider with disfavor any plans to liquidate the target or sell its assets, consolidate or
merge, that may be unfair, unreasonable, or hazardous to policyholders
l) Consider impact of U.S. insurer merging into an international insurer and/or alerting the
legal entity structure and regulatory oversight performed by domestic state(s).
7. Market Impact
a) Consider anticompetitive impact of acquisition on lines or products, including whether
transaction will create a monopoly or lessen competition in insurance in the state;
Disapprove transaction if completion will create a monopoly
b) Consider Form E information and market concentration for combined lines and other
appropriate information to assess market impact if warranted by nature of transaction,
including coordination with other states where the target is admitted, and
c) Consider imposing tailored conditions subsequent or undertakings as necessary to address
competitive market concerns
8. Post-Approval Considerations, if applicable
a) Receive notification of changes to effective closing date
b) Confirm compliance with conditions precedent
c) Receive waivers for market conduct or financial examination, and
d) Receive notification if transaction does not close and consider withdrawal of approval.
9. Post-Acquisition Considerations
a) Receive confirmation of the transaction following the closing, per your state’s statutory
requirement timeframe
b) Request written details of the final purchase price after all adjustments are complete on
the transaction
c) Request confirmation of any capital contribution contemplated in the transaction.
d) Request the names and titles of those individuals whom will be responsible for the filing
of the amended Insurance Holding Company System Annual Registration Statement
e) Request an amended Insurance Holding Company System Registration statement per
your state’s statutory timeframe within each applicable state’s statutory required
timeframe after the close of the proposed transaction.
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f) Consider requesting for a period of two years, commencing six months from closing, a
semiannual report under oath of its business operations in your state, including but not
limited to, integration process; any changes to the business of the Domestic Insurers;
changes to employment levels; changes in offices of the Domestic Insurers; any changes
in location of its operations in your state; and notice of any statutory compliance or
regulatory actions taken by other state regulatory authorities against the acquiring parties
or the Domestic Insurers
g) Consider prior approval of all dividends for a two-year period from the close date
h) Consider undergoing a target financial and/or market conduct examination following the
closing or
i) In lieu of an examination a meeting, conference call or receipt of certain information can
be requested
j) Confirm compliance or satisfaction with any other conditions subsequent or
undertakings, and
k) Monitor target’s market performance to projections two years after transaction close date
l) Consider proactive communication with state(s) where the insurer conducts business if
changes to the insurer’s corporate structure occurs post-acquisition.
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Appendix E Speed to Market
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Appendix E – Speed to Market
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Appendix E Speed to Market
© 20052023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 97
Speed to Market – Insurance company working in conjunction with state of domicile (lead state),
where seeking expansion (target) states and facilitated by the National Treatment and Coordination (E)
Working Group (NTCWG) to expand operations into multiple States.
(1) Applicant Company must work in concert with lead state to ensure baseline compliance:
Applicant Company is in good standing with its lead State. It is not presently under or pending
any regulatory actions, unless regulators have agreed upon a strategic plan to address such
regulatory actions and a speed to market approach is needed.
Applicant company meets the minimum cap, surplus or net worth requirements of the target
Applicant Company meets or has approval to waive seasoning requirements of the target States.
Applicant Company has the appropriate or like kind licensing authority in its state of domicile as
to what it is seeking in the target States.
Applicant Company has identified all state specific issues related to the target states and is
willing to meet them.
(2) Applicant Company and Lead State will request from NTCWG the speed to market process:
Applicant Company must have ownership commitment, managerial competence and financial
wherewithal to ensure it can successfully operate in all target states.
Applicant Company will ensure compliance and management commitment to the UCAA
electronic expansion application process.
Lead State will assist target states by sharing of information (IPS, etc.) and regulatory thought
processes (addressing any RBC, funding, reinsurance issues and how the Applicant company
addressed the issues raised by lead state)
Outline timelines and expectations.
Establish both universal points of contact for the Applicant Company, lead state, and target
Note any regulatory issues that might arise.
If NTCWG approves and 2 weeks after the Applicant Company has filed an expansion application:
NTCWG will initiate a “kick off meeting” with Applicant Company, lead state, target states,
NTCWG co-chairs and NAIC staff noting the following:
o General background of the Applicant Company.
o Address timelines/expectations.
o Note any potential regulatory concerns.
Lead State will work in concert with NTCWG (via staff support) to set up Regulator to Regulator only
call (Lead State, target States, NTCWG co-chairs):
Discuss lead state IPS.
Get initial consideration as to status of application and proposed timeline for licensing:
o target states still have deficiencies and concerns.
o What target states are ready to recommend approval.
o If needed, schedule call to include Applicant Company.
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Appendix E Speed to Market
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Schedule date and time for next conference call to continue discussion.
As needed, all stakeholders follow up calls to address deficiencies and status of application.