International Society of Air Safety Investigators
Submission for the 2016 ISASI Seminar in Reykjavík, Iceland
Alliance or Rebellion: Linking Efforts of State Safety Oversight Agencies
By Jeff Guzzetti, AO3317
Jeff Guzzetti is currently the Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Accident Investigation and
Prevention at the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He joined the FAA in May 2014 as the
manager of the Accident Investigation Division. Mr. Guzzetti also served as the Assistant Inspector
General for Aviation Audits at the U.S. Department of Transportation's Office of the Inspector General
for four years, where he led audits of FAA aviation safety programs. His prior experience also includes
18 years with the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board's (NTSB) Office of Aviation Safety, where
he served as a field investigator, major accident investigator, and the Deputy Director of Regional
Operations. Mr. Guzzetti has also worked as an air safety investigator with the Cessna Aircraft
Company, and as a safety engineer with the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command. He earned a Bachelor
of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and he holds
a Commercial Pilot license with multiengine, instrument ratings, and Seaplane & Glider pilot ratings.
The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily represent the views of the United
States (U.S), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Federal Aviation
Administration, or any other Federal agency.
The United States (U.S.) and many other ICAO nations each have various agencies inside their
borders with overlapping yet differing roles in regulating, investigating, and evaluating the
aviation industry. These interrelationships often produce tension and rebellion under the false
premise that working together is an unacceptable “conflict of interest” or that the authorities of
their respective agencies are being usurped. This paper demonstrates that creating alliances
and linking the efforts between these agencies can actually accelerate improvements to aviation
safety by fueling enhanced awareness and support for implementing practical safety actions.
Suggested practices and behaviors for creating alliances and thwarting rebellion are presented.
Examples are also presented regarding the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) --
the lead investigative agency for civil aircraft accidents -- and its typical target for
recommendations -- the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) which oversees every aspect of
the daily operations of aircraft in the U.S. Meanwhile, the FAA and NTSB are subject to scrutiny
by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
Office of the Inspector General (DOT OIG), who both employ exceptional methodologies to audit
and report on deficiencies within the FAA and NTSB. Specific examples of both collaborative and
conflicted efforts among all these agencies will be presented, including the identification and
mitigation of hazards associated with helicopter air ambulance operations and also with airline
pilot fatigue. Examples of overlapping responsibilities between internal safety agencies within
other states -- such as Germany, Russia, and Iceland -- are also presented.
The United States (U.S.) and many other ICAO nations each have various agencies inside their
borders with overlapping yet differing roles in regulating, investigating, and evaluating the aviation
industry. These interrelationships often produce tension and rebellion under the false premise
that working together is an unacceptable “conflict of interestor that the authorities of their
agency are being usurped. However, these relationships should be fostered, rather than be
allowed to wilt from ignorance, arrogance, or fear. Instead of being predisposed to rebel against
each other, these agencies should find ways to link their efforts in order to achieve their ultimate
objective of accelerating safety improvements in aviation. Enlightened managers and staff can
and should provide for a culture of enhanced awareness to support practical safety actions.
The NTSB and the FAA
In the U.S., the lead agency for all civil aviation accidents is the National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB) -- an independent and highly credible organization with less than 120 air safety
investigators out of a total of about 400 people. The small size of this elite agency is at once its
strength and its weakness. Its small size allows it to be nimble, quick, and focused. However, its
size is also a challenge, because, by statute, the NTSB must assign an investigator-in-charge (IIC)
and determine the cause for every one of the nearly 1,300 civil aviation accidents that occur each
year in the U.S.[1] If one does the math, one would find that it is impossible for an NTSB IIC to
travel to each accident site, let alone conduct research, write reports, and live a normal life.
Throw in a half-dozen significant and complex aviation accidents and airline incidents, and the
math becomes more troublesome. In fact, NTSB travels to less than 15 percent of these accidents,
and therefore must rely on the voluntary support and expertise from the FAA a massive
bureaucracy of 40,000 people charged with regulating and controlling every facet of aviation in
the U.S. [2] It would not serve either agency to refrain from a high level of collaboration with each
other as they develop ideas to improve safety in the wake of an accident or incident.
The U.S. Congress intended to prevent duplication between investigations conducted by the FAA
and NTSB, and therefore established that the NTSB shall always take the lead role. However,
Congress also recognized that the FAA must participate as a party in all NTSB aviation accident and
incident investigations, thus enabling it to obtain safety-critical information in a timely manner
to meet its safety oversight needs -- during the NTSB's fact-gathering activities.[3] As long as
longstanding federal ethics and agency policies are followed, and with a healthy dose of
transparency, the NTSB’s independence would not be compromised if it needs to utilize some of
the 40,000 FAA employees as force multipliers to perform on-scene investigations.
Looking beyond the “macro” view of an agency’s investigative practices, one must focus on the
personal relationships between the individuals and personalities within the state agencies that are
actually conducting the daily grind of investigative work. If these individuals do not play well in
the investigation sandbox, potential life-saving safety improvements may be delayed. Aviation
and accident investigation teams tend to be populated with accomplished experts that may have
oversized egos, assertive personalities, or a narrow focus of their mission. In most cases, the
individual relationships and work efforts of FAA and NTSB investigators are productive, but
miscommunications, grudges held from previous investigations, arrogance, and ignorance can
sometimes cause problems. It is the responsibility of the managers and leaders of these agencies
to instill an appropriate culture and develop guidance that serve to eliminate useless “rebellion.
The “Ashburn Accord”
During the communication chaos that typically occurs after any significant airline accident or
serious incident, the NTSB and FAA can be spring-loaded to “rebel” against each other when
attempting to obtain critical evidence for each of their needs. For example, in the wake of a fatal
accident overseas of a cargo jet operated by a U.S. airline in 2010, the FAA immediately wanted
access to the maintenance records of the accident airline. However, the airline demurred and
initially refused to allow the FAA the regulatory agency responsible of its oversight to gain
access to this information. The reason given was that “the NTSB is in charge” and that “FAA will
have to go through the NTSB.” This did not please the FAA inspectors assigned to oversee the
airline. However, the NTSB was also not pleased that the FAA attempted to gain access to
“evidence” that the NTSB’s authority clearly indicates the agency’s “priority to obtain. Was the
FAA trying to pull a fast one? Was the airline trying to “hide” evidence behind the guise of an
NTSB investigation? Was the NTSB blocking FAA efforts to ensure the FAA’s requirement for
continuing operational safety (COS)? Should the investigators from NTSB and the inspectors
from the FAA have pulled out their badges to see which one was bigger in order to settle this
rebellion? Of course, in hindsight, the answer to all of these questions is NO !
Although the NTSB and the FAA have different roles, both share the need for timely, unimpeded
access to operational safety information. After this incident, and also prompted by previous
concerns regarding engine failure investigations, the NTSB, FAA, aircraft manufacturers, engine
builders, and airline representatives got together in an attempt to forge an “alliance” of
understanding. During a two-day meeting in early 2014 at the NTSB Training Center in Ashburn,
Virginia, the FAA and NTSB hammered out the basics for a “joint policy letter” which was later
formalized and signed on June 4, 2014. The policy was informally dubbed the “Ashburn Accord”
and was distributed to the U.S. aviation industry to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the
NTSB and the FAA during an incident or accident investigation. [4]
The Ashburn Accord states that the NTSB and FAA “both perform critical roles in maintaining
aviation safety,but asserts that the NTSB has “priority” over any other investigation. However,
the letter also makes clear that the FAA has the authority to investigate aviation safety-related
matters as necessary to ensure continuous operational safety and will do so as needed after a
significant accident or incident. The FAA depends on the cooperation of the manufacturers and
airlines that they certify to ensure collection of timely and relevant data in these investigations,
and the Ashburn Accord stresses that the FAA may require information in addition to that
required by the NTSB. Or, the FAA may require information more expeditiously than the NTSB to
address urgent unsafe conditions. In these situations, the FAA is clearly authorized to obtain such
information directly from the parties. The Ashburn Accord provides important guidance to help
ensure that the appropriate priority is placed on the collection of investigative information that
the FAA needs. If “rebellion” arises, the policy states that the NTSB, the FAA, and the operator or
manufacturer (or both, as appropriate) will conduct an Interagency Communication Call at the
start of an investigation to identify and coordinate information requests. Following that call, any
information that is provided to the FAA must be shared with the NTSB. Also, if there are any
questions regarding an information request, the assigned NTSB IIC should be contacted
immediately via the NTSB 24-hour Response Operations Center.
With regard to conducting interviews, the Ashburn Accord stipulates that the NTSB will lead
interviews of operator and manufacturer personnel, and will conduct them as soon as practical.
An FAA party representative, along with other party representatives, will be invited to participate
in the NTSB interviews. The FAA may conduct its own follow-up interviews if additional
information is needed, and FAA will share the results of these interviews with the NTSB as per
their obligations as a party. If the NTSB is unable to conduct interviews for its purposes within a
reasonable time, the policy allows the FAA to coordinate with the NTSB to conduct its own
interviews to ensure continuous operational safety and to provide the results to the NTSB.
Now that a written policy exists, potential rebellious parties can reference the policy during the
chaotic hours following a major accident. Alliances are formed, rebellion is crushed, and safety
issues are identified and mitigated more quickly.
An “Alliance” for Information Sharing
Another example of collaboration between similar and competing safety oversight agencies is
information sharing. A specific example involves the use and benefits of FAA’s Aviation Safety
Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) system. Implemented in 2007 by the FAA, ASIAS collects
and analyzes data from multiple databases to proactively identify and address risks that may lead
to accidents. It is a collaborative industry-government information sharing and analysis system
that combines, analyzes, and disseminates aviation safety data and report products. [5] The
system is fed by a wide variety of data sources from both public and protected proprietary
aviation data. Publicly available data includes information from many sources such as the NTSB
Accident and Incident Reports database. Proprietary and/or confidential sources include data
from aircraft operators, including Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) extracted from
aircraft recorders, and voluntary safety reports submitted by flight crews. Interactions between
the FAA and the aviation industry range from analyzing ASIAS data to identifying and
recommending risk mitigations. While NTSB will never have access to the protected proprietary
ASIAS data, a written agreement was struck in November 2012 that allows the NTSB to initiate
written requests for de-identified and aggregated ASIAS data related to aircraft accidents
involving U.S. airlines that occur in the U.S. [6] The NTSB has agreed it will not publicly disclose
ASIAS information it receives via this process unless the ASIAS Executive Board agrees.
The FAA can be a rich source of information for NTSB investigators. For example, On August 14,
2013, an Airbus A300, crashed short of the runway during a localizer-only nonprecision approach to
an airport in Birmingham, Alabama. The NTSB determined that the primary cause of this accident
was the flight crew’s continuation of an unstabilized approach and their failure to monitor the
aircraft’s altitude during the approach, which led to an inadvertent descent below the minimum
approach altitude and subsequently into terrain. During the NTSB-led investigation, recorded data
from the FAA’s air traffic system was used to not only assist with characterizing the accident
approach, but also to analyze other approaches flown by many other unidentified airlines to similar
runways during a 3-year-period. An analysis was applied to 1.4 million approaches at a subset of 31
U.S. airports that had at least one runway with only a nonprecision approach, a situation similar to
that of the accident flight. Approaches to runways with and without precision approaches at the
31 airports were compared with respect to vertical speed metrics. The vertical speed of flights on
approach to runways with a precision approach at these airports exceeded a vertical speed of 1,450
feet per minute at one-third of the rate of approaches to runways without precision approaches.
Based on these data, NTSB issued recommendations to the FAA, and awareness was raised in the
airline industry about these types of non-precision approaches. [7]
The GAO, OIG, and the Yellow Book
Meanwhile, both the FAA and NTSB are subject to scrutiny by two other oversight agencies -- the
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of
the Inspector General (OIG). These agencies work at the behest of the U.S. Congress and conduct
formal, in-depth performance audits” that provide essential accountability and transparency over
government programs, including FAA’s safety oversight efforts and the NTSB’s investigation
operations. The rigorous standards for audits conducted by the GAO and the OIG are cited in a
GAO publication known as “The Yellow Book”. Its actual title is
“Government Auditing Standards. The standards contained in the
Yellow Book are commonly referred to as generally accepted
government auditing standards or “GAGAS.” GAGAS provides a
framework for conducting high quality audits with competence,
integrity, objectivity, and independence. GAGAS also contains
requirements and guidance dealing with ethics, auditors’
professional judgment, quality control, performance of the audit,
and reporting. [8] Portions of the Yellow Book provide an
outstanding template for any aircraft accident investigators to
utilize. It is an extremely well-written, succinct, and useful
reference that can and should be applied to our trade.
Figure 1:
The GAO “Yellow Book”
For example, listed below are a few key Yellow Book definitions that auditors must adhere to as
they conduct their audits and document their findings.
Professional skepticism - an attitude for a questioning mind and a critical assessment of
evidence. An assumption that management is not dishonest nor of unquestioned honesty.
Threats to independence - Circumstances that could impair independence. Whether
independence is impaired depends on the nature of the threat, whether the threat is of such
significance that it would compromise an auditor’s professional judgment or create the
appearance that it may be compromised, and on the mitigations applied to reduce threat.
Condition: A situation that exists. The condition is determined and documented during the audit.
Criteria: The required or desired state
Cause: The reason for the difference between condition and the criteria, which may also serve
as a basis for recommendations for corrective actions.
Effect: A clear, logical link to establish the impact of the difference between the condition and
the required criteria. The effect identifies the outcomes or consequences of the condition
Effective recommendations: Recommendations that encourage improvements in the conduct of
government programs and operations. They are addressed to parties that have the authority to act
and when the recommended actions are specific, practical, cost effective, and measurable.
Another useful example can be found in Chapter 6 of the Yellow Book, which contains standards
for the “field work involved in performance audits conducted in accordance with GAGAS. [9]
This chapter provides requirements to establish an overall approach for auditors to apply in
obtaining reasonable assurance that the evidence is sufficient and appropriate to support the
auditors’ findings and conclusions.” Specifically, the field work requirements for performance
audits address: planning the audit; supervising staff; obtaining sufficient and appropriate
evidence; and preparing documentation.
Perhaps the most rigorous and powerful GAGAS tenant is the requirement for the audit
organization to establish and maintain a system of quality control that is designed to provide
reasonable assurance that the organization and its personnel comply with professional
standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. In order to provide this assurance,
GAO and OIG must have an external peer review performed by an independent reviewer of the
audit organization at least once every three years, and the organization should make its most
recent peer review report publicly available. [10] Typically, this is done by posting the peer review
report on a web site for public transparency of peer review results. If the organization fails the
peer review, the report serves as a scarlet letter to all that the agency is not credible a powerful
incentive for audit agencies to always strive for competence and pass their peer review!
The DOT Office of Inspector General
The FAA and NTSB are also subject to audits and investigations by the DOT OIG. The Inspector
General Act of 1978 gives the OIG authority to conduct performance audits (and separate
criminal investigations) to provide recommendations that lead to program improvements that
directly enhance the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of the U.S. transportation
infrastructure. [11] The Act also prevents officials in the scrutinized agency from interfering with
audits or investigations, and it requires the IG to keep the U.S. Secretary of the DOT and the
Congress informed of its findings. Perhaps the most powerful authority granted by the Act is for
the IG to “…have access to all records, reports, audits, reviews, documents, papers,
recommendations, or other material available to the Department relating to its programs and
operations.” That means that virtually any document that the DOT OIG wants to obtain from the
FAA is fair game, including draft reports, open departmental enforcement investigations, etc.
The NTSB and GAO do not have this authority.
Additionally, the OIG has the ear of the Congress and the DOT Secretary should any of the DOT
agenciessuch as the FAA--- attempt to obstruct their audit efforts. Unlike the NTSB and GAO,
the OIG is also authorized by Congress to report any "serious or flagrant problems" to an agency
head under the IG Act. The agency chief, in turn, must pass on that OIG report to Congress
within seven days -- thus earning the document its moniker of "seven-day letter" and
guaranteeing a maelstrom of media coverage and Congressional attention for the agency
audited. But doing so is considered the “nuclear option” because it could ends the collaborative
relationship between the IG and his or her secretary. Still, the 7-day letter is a powerful tool in
the OIG arsenal, and the mere threat to use it can prompt closed-door negotiations between an
IG and management in order to quell rebellion.
Finally, the audit reports that are issued by the DOT OIG are extremely well-written, and the
professionals in our trade should readily refer to them as an excellent reference on relevant
aviation safety topics. For example, the report’s “Background” section provides a useful primer
of the audit topic, and the “Results in Brief” section or the “RIB” -- summarizes the main
findings of the audit with one succinct paragraph per major finding. And, as previously
mentioned, the support and documentation of each “finding” section is unassailable due to the
adherence to the Yellow Book standards. Perhaps the only criticism of an OIG or a GAO audit
report is that the findings and recommendations can sometimes lack a practicality about them,
since they are written by “auditors”, rather than aviation accident investigators and industry
users. However, the OIG allows FAA and NTSB to provide comments on the draft audit report,
and the OIG will append those comments in their final report. The OIG continues to monitor FAA
and/or NTSB’s actions taken to address any recommendations made in its final report, and the
progress on these recommendations are routinely reported to Congress. [12]
Investigating the Investigators
Why are the roles of the GAO and DOT OIG important for aviation safety and accident investigation?
The answer should be obvious. As shown in Figure 2 below, the primary agency to conduct all U.S.
civil aviation accidents (i.e. NTSB), and the agency that regulates and oversees all aspects of U.S. civil
aviation (i.e. FAA), are held to the standards that the public expects of them by the frequent audits
conducted by the GAO and DOT OIG. Additionally, the recommendations resulting from
Figure 2.
Diagram of Roles & Relationships Between NTSB, FAA, GAO and the DOT OIG
the work of the NTSB, GAO, and DOT OIG regarding various aviation safety topics can be force
multipliers to bring pressure to bear (or in many cases to support), FAA and Congressional safety
actions. With respect to the NTSB, Figure 3 below provides a sampling of independent
performance audits that it undergoes from the GAO and the DOT OIG.
Figure 3:
Examples of GAO and OIG Audit Reports targeting NTSB Budget and Operations
Characteristics for Creating Alliances and Accelerating Corrective Safety Actions
The ICAO Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation cites that the “Ideal Investigator”
is “… trained personnel possessing many qualities, not the least important of which are an
inquisitive nature, dedication… diligence and patience. The definition continues with:
“…Technical skill, perseverance and logic are the tools the profession; humility, integrity, and
respect for human dignity the guiding rules.“ [13] When it comes to building alliances and
thwarting useless rebellion, the key words in this definition are the ones that describe the
characteristics of human relationships: Patience, Humility, Respect for Human Dignity.
Other guidance can be found in a list of principals recently agreed upon by all of the executives
within the FAA. Named after the location of the FAA Executive strategic planning meeting for
agency operations, these “Shepherdstown Principles” [14] could readily be applied during the
rise in tensions between investigators and auditors in the heat of an inquiry, as shown here:
GAO and DOT OIG Audits of NTSB
Assume Positive Intent and Set the Tone Consider that everyone working on the
investigation or audit is trying to improve safety. Resist negativity and assumptions.
Collaborate and Build Connections Keep attuned to the needs and issues of others
involved in the investigations and audits. Foster relationships. Find common ground.
Explain the “Why” and Be Transparent Ensure others fully understand your concerns and
solutions. Ask them to ask “Why”. Lean into conflict and resolve issues with boldness and
creativity. Don’t just send demanding emails, or “project” what you think the other is
thinking. Pick up the phone. Talk it out. Better yet, get a cup of coffee together.
Always Model Cooperation Make decisions that communicate your willingness to
cooperate. Collaboration and engagement starts at the top.
Perhaps the most useful behavior to apply is one of empathy. When one attempts to fully
understand the other’s argument or perception – to the point of being able to actually argue
their side better than they can a true understanding of the other’s challenges and authority
and concerns is attained. In other words, try to Walk a mile in the Other Guy’s shoes.”
Rebellion Barriers to Forming Successful Alliances
On the opposite side of the ledger, the characteristics and behaviors that fuel the fire of useless
rebellion are:
Arrogance No one wants to try to educate someone who thinks they know everything
about this issue at hand. There is no room for empathy and alliance when arrogance exists.
Badge Envy The “my badge is bigger than your badge attitude only serves to alienate and
infuriate those who are trying to get their job done.
Competition Some investigators or auditors want to be the first one to “solve the accident.”
But preventing accidents is a race against time, not each other. Investigation is a team sport.
Projection Projection occurs when clear and frequent communications between two parties
does not exist. The communication void allows one to “project” their own guess about how
the other feels or thinks, without actually verifying this, and talking it out.
Case Study 1: U.S. Airline Pilot Commuting and Fatigue
On February 12, 2009, a Bombardier DHC-8-400 was on an instrument approach to Buffalo-
Niagara International Airport, Buffalo, New York, when it crashed into a residence about 5
nautical miles northeast of the airport. The 2 pilots, 2 flight attendants, and 45 passengers
aboard the airplane were killed, along with, one person on the ground. [13] The NTSB’s
investigation found that both pilots had not been adequately rested because they had chosen to
“commute” from their residences that were far away from their pilot base in Newark, New
Jersey. As a result, the NTSB recommended
that the FAA “require airlines to address
fatigue risks associated with commuting,
including identifying pilots who commute;
establishing policy and guidance to mitigate
fatigue risks for commuting pilots; using
scheduling practices to minimize
opportunities for fatigue in commuting
pilots; and developing or identifying rest
Figure 4.
DHC-8-400 accident site in New York February 2009
facilities for commuting pilots. [15]. Later, in September 2010, the DOT OIG issued an audit report
entitled “FAA and Industry Are Taking Action To Address Pilot Fatigue, But More Information On Pilot
Commuting Is Needed.” The report independently supported similar findings by the NTSB, and
cited two similar recommendations to the FAA.[16] In part, the first recommendation was for FAA
to ensure the collection and analysis of data regarding domicile and commuting length for all Part
121 flight crews,” and the second was for FAA to “review and analyze the Part 121 domicile and
commuting data collected to determine if further changes to flight duty and domicile regulations are
needed, or if airlines need to take further mitigating actions in their fatigue management systems.
The FAA initially opposed the recommendations, citing that it had just issued substantial rules
that revised and enhanced crew rest that addresses fatigue in general, regardless of the cause.
The FAA also stressed their philosophy that pilots should take personal responsibility to be “fit
for duty” before each flight. However, the OIG reiterated its view that these data were
necessary to determine how prevalent fatigue existed due to airline pilot commuting, and they
cited their recommendations as a “high priority” in response letters to Congress.[17]
Additionally, the DOT OIG indicated that its views on the topic were consistent with similar
recommendations made by NTSB, giving them more clout. Yet the FAA continued to rebel.
Through several written responses and meetings that occurred over the course of about two
years, managers at the FAA and the OIG attempted to overcome the impasse regarding the OIG
recommendations. Building an alliance can sometimes take a while. The FAA stipulated that
commuting can definitely contribute to pilot fatigue, and that many pilots commute, but they
indicated that a “study” was not needed and would waste precious resources. They also indicated
that each airline must have a Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP) in place, accepted by the FAA
principle inspector for the airline annually. The DOT OIG appreciated the FAA’s view that
commuting is widespread in the industry and can contribute to fatigue, and they gave serious
consideration regarding the role that FRMPs could play in meeting the intent of this
recommendation. After much discussion, FAA indicated a willingness to develop and publish
guidance to their inspectors and/or the airlines that would essentially compel the airlines to
specifically address commuting in their annually-updated FRMPs in order to lay out a process by
which the airline could intervene should the commutes of their pilots become problematic. The
OIG felt that the FAA’s proposal was viable and met the intent of their recommendations.
Case Study 2: U.S. Helicopter Air Ambulance Safety
Calendar year 2008 was the deadliest year on record for the helicopter air ambulance industry in
the U.S., with 8 fatal accidents and 29 fatalities, prompting the NTSB to hold a 4-day public
hearing in February 2009. [18] One month later, the GAO issued an audit report on entitled
“Potential Strategies to Address Air Ambulance Safety Concerns.” [19] In the report, the GAO
identified several potential strategies for improving air ambulance safety that were similar to
what the NTSB had identified. In September 2009, the NTSB issued ten recommendations to the
FAA regarding improved pilot training; collection and analysis of flight, weather, and safety
data; and the use of dual pilots, autopilots, and night vision systems. [20]
Figure 5:
Reports Addressing Helicopter EMS Safety from (left to right) OIG, GAO, and NTSB
The FAA did not rebel against the findings and proposals, because they also immediately
recognized that something needed to be done. The NTSB and GAO reports and recommendations
served to elevate the issue in the eyes of Congress, who supported the FAA’s issuance of a final
helicopter air ambulance rule in February 2014. But this case study does not stop there. Congress
asked the DOT OIG to review FAA’s progress in improving air ambulance safety. One year later, the
OIG issued an audit report that found that while FAA’s recently issued helicopter air ambulance
rule was a good first step toward improving safety, continued delays in finalizing all of the safety
efforts that Congress wanted was affecting FAA’s ability to focus its accident reduction efforts and
limiting the effectiveness of safety initiatives. The OIG also stated that the FAA would need to be
better positioned to effectively oversee a rapidly expanding industry and would need to obtain
meaningful safety data to analyze for trends. The OIG made five recommendations to strengthen
FAA's oversight of the industry, and the FAA concurred with all of them. [21] This case study shows
how all four safety oversight agencies (see Figure 5 above) came together to improve safety.
Numerous other case studies could be presented regarding the interrelationships between the
FAA, NTSB, GAO and DOT OIG, and how they can support each other to accellerate safety action.
The chart shown in Figure 6 below provides a partial listing of recent aviation safety issues and the
reports/recommendations that were issued for each.
EMS Helicopter Safety
Unmanned Aircraft
Pilot Fatigue
Bird Strikes
Runway Incursions
ATC Near Misses
Lithium Battery Fires
Figure 6:
Table Showing Common Safety Issues Addressed in Reports by FAA, NTSB, GAO, and OIG
(Source: FAA, NTSB, GAO, and DOT OIG main web sites)
Case Study 3: Germany’s BFU, BMVI, EASA, and a Midair Collision
At last year’s 2015 ISASI Seminar in Munich, Johann Reuss, the deputy director of the German
Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Investigation (BFU), effectively laid out yet another example
of the benefits of “alliancesbetween safety oversight agencies this time in Germany. In his
paper entitled "Independence does not mean isolation: A practical Approach,” Reuss explained
that the BFU is the responsible safety investigation authority in Germany for the accidents and
serious incidents in civil aviation. [22] The BFU adheres to European and national requirements ,
and is subordinated to the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI).
German law stipulates the professional independence of the BFU and permits the director of the
BFU to initiate an investigation and appoint and IIC in order to identify safety deficiencies and
make recommendations. In his paper, Reuss cited the BFU’s investigation into the tragic midair
collision in July 2002 between a Tupolev Tu-154 passenger jet and a Boeing 757 cargo jet over the
southern German town of Überlingen. The official investigation by the German BFU identified the
main cause of the collision to be a number of shortcomings on the part of the Swiss air traffic
control service in charge of the sector involved, and also ambiguities in the procedures regarding
the use of the on-board aircraft collision avoidance system. Reuss clearly articulated that a major
investigation in Germany is effective only if the investigation process is transparent, safety
recommendations are comprehensible, the safety investigation authority give and receive sound
facts about the ongoing investigation, and licensing and regulating authorities are involved in
accordance with their nation’s regulations. [23]
Case Study 4: Russia’s Aviation Investigation Structure and a Boeing 737 Accident
Another ICAO-member state that has a similar “check and balance” aviation safety structure is
Russia. The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC/MAK) was established in Russia in 1991 pursuant
to the interstate Agreement on Civil Aviation and Airspace Use. The principal aim of the IAC is to
ensure safe and orderly development of civil aviation of Russia’s member states, specifically to
include certifying aircraft, engines, and hardware. Interestingly, the IAC has a separate group that
conducts independent investigations of all civil aircraft accidents that involve the aircraft of the
member states. Additionally, the work related to aircraft accident investigation is overseen by the
Aircraft Accident Investigation Commission (AAIC) and the Aircraft Accident Investigation Scientific
and Technical Support Commission (AAI STSC). Because of these “alliances,” the IAC Investigators
have at their disposal a modern laboratory which provides capabilities for flight recorders data
recovery, readout and analysis, flight dynamics analysis, aircraft and fracture analysis. [24]
Additionally, Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency (FATA) which is the equivalent of the FAA in
the U.S. conducts the government oversight of day-to-day Russian aviation operations. All of
these aforementioned Russian agencies had a stake in an accident that occurred on November 17,
2013, when a Boeing 737-500, operated by a Russian airline, crashed during a missed approach at
night at the airport in Kazan, Russia. The IAC determined that the cause of the crash was related to
flight crew’s failure to maintain control of the airplane, due to spatial disorientation, inadequate
flight crew training, and other systemic weaknesses in safety to include a lack of adequate
oversight by FATA. There were many controversies and some dissention related to the
investigation, as non-investigative members of the IAC sought to indict the design of the aircraft,
rather than follow the obvious facts that led to the official cause. However, in the end, rebellion
was put down, and alliances between IAC, FATA, and others led to a comprehensive and impactful
final accident report with recommendations that will enhance aviation safety in Russia. [25]
Case Study 5: Iceland and the ITSB, ICAA, EASA, and a Russian jet
Finally, three years ago, right here in our host country, Iceland’s Parliament passed Act no.
18.2013, which combined three transportation committees in a single commission of inquiry for
transportation accidents under the Minister of the Interior. The Act stipulates that investigations
should only aim to reveal the causes of transport accidents and incidents, not to apportion
blame or liability, with the aim to prevent similar accidents. The Icelandic Transportation
Investigation Board (ITSB) was born. Meanwhile, The Flight Safety Division of the Icelandic Civil
Aviation Administration (ICAA), which is also under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior,
acts as Iceland’s regulator. Additionally, Iceland is a party to EASA, and the Flight Safety Division
participates in its operations. EASA provides oversight and development and coordination
regarding requirements in flight operations and license issues. [26]
Shortly after the passage of Act no. 18.2013, a prototype Sukhoi RRJ-95B
Superjet 100 airliner impacted the runway with its landing gear retracted
during a go-around at Keflavik International Airport in July 2013. The
purpose of the flight was to expand the airplane’s capabilities for CAT IIIA
automatic approaches. After seven approaches and go-arounds, the
objective of the last approach to was to assess the automatic flight control
system performance during go-around at a radio altitude of 3 feet above the runway, with the
right engine shut down and in a crosswind exceeding 20 knots. During this last go-around, the
airplane climbed to 27 feet altitude after the landing gear had been selected to the up position,
followed by a loss of altitude. The airplane hit the runway with the landing gear retracted and
skidded down and off the runway. The crew evacuated the airplane one crew member suffered
minor injuries during the evacuation.[27]
The ITSB determined the most probable cause of the accident to be flight crew fatigue, and they
issued nine safety recommendations and one safety action. The ITSB recommended to EASA to
ensure that necessary changes were made to the emergency escape slide design of RRJ-95B
aircraft that are EASA-certified to meet the maximum wind requirements specified by EASA. The
investigation also determined that the use of green color code during activation of the airport
emergency plan was prone to causing confusion, prompting the ITSB to issue a safety action to
the Iceland Ministry of Transport to revise the regulation and change the green color code to
another color to avoid confusion. The alliances built between the ITSB, EASA, the Flight Safety
Division of the ICAA, and the Icelandic Ministry of Transport demonstrated once again that
creating alliances among a state’s safety oversight agencies can lead to enhanced safety.
The five cases cited above demonstrate that creating alliances among state safety oversight
agencies can lead to improvements in aviation safety. Instead of being predisposed to rebel
against each other, agencies should do what is necessary to create a culture of respect and
understanding, and to find ways to link their efforts in order to achieve their ultimate objective of
accelerating safety improvements in aviation.
1. 49 U.S. Code of Federal Regulation Part 830. National Transportation Safety Board Authorities
2. Goo, Sara Kehaulani. “Backlogged Investigators Pass on Small-Plane Accident Sites.” Washington Post
Newspaper. February 8, 2006.
3. 49 U.S. Code Sections 40101(d), 40113(a); 44701(a)(d). Federal Aviation Administration Authorities.
4. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). Policy Letter. Federal Aviation Administration Access to
Continued Operational Safety (COS) Information During a NTSB Investigation. June 4, 2014.
5. Federal Aviation Administration. “ASIAS Fact Sheet”. June 30, 2013.
6. NTSB Press Release. “U.S. Aviation Industry, FAA Share Safety Information with NTSB To Help Prevent
Accidents.” November 8, 2012.
7. NTSB. “Aircraft Accident Report: Crash During a Nighttime Nonprecision Instrument Approach to Landing,
UPS Flight 1354, Airbus A300, N155UP, Birmingham, Alabama, Aug.14, 2013. AAR-14/02. Washington, DC.
8. U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). “Government Auditing Standards”. 2011 Revision. GAO-12-
9. GAO. “Government Auditing Standards”. 2011 Revision. No. GAO-12-331G. Chapter 6.
10. GAO. “Government Auditing Standards”. 2011 Revision. No. GAO-12-331G.
11. U.S. Code. Title 5. “Inspector General Act of 1978”.
12. Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Inspector General (OIG). “Introduction to the OIG”.
13. International Civil Aviation Organization. “Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. Fourth
Edition”. Chapter 1, page II-1-1. Doc. 6290. 1970.
14. FAA Executive Shepherdstown Principles, May 2016.
15. NTSB. “Accident Report: Loss of Control on Approach. Colgan Air, Inc. Operating as Continental Connection
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16. U.S. DOT OIG. “FAA and Industry Are Taking Action To Address Pilot Fatigue, but More Information on Pilot
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17. DOT OIG. Letter to Senator Charles E. Grassley Regarding the status of OIG Open Audit Recommendations.
Letter no. CC-2016-001. November 5, 2015.
18. NTSB Press Release: Update on NTSB Public Hearing on EMS Operations. February 2, 2009.
19. U.S. Government Accountability Office. “Potential Strategies to Address Air Ambulance Safety Concerns”
Testimony Before the House of Representatives. April 22, 2009. No. GAO-09-627T.
20. NTSB Press Release: Public Meeting of September 1, 2009. Four Safety Recommendation Letters
Concerning Helicopter Emergency Medical Services.
21. DOT OIG. “Delays in Meeting Statutory Requirements and Oversight Challenges Reduce FAA’s Opportunities
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22. Reuss, Johann. "Independence does not mean isolation: A practical ApproachPaper presented to the
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23. German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Investigation. Investigation Report No. AX-001-1-2/02. Midair
Collision Between Boeing 757-200 and Tupolev TU154M. May 2004.
24. Zayko, Sergey. “Russia’s Interstate Aviation Committee: A description of the Russian Interstate Aviation
Committee makeup and operation.” ISASI Forum Magazine. March 2013
25. Zemlianichenko. Associated Press. “Russian agencies in dispute over decree to ground nation’s Boeing
737s” Seattle Times. November 5, 2015.
26. Icelandic Transport Authority . “About the ICT”. http://rnsa/is
27. Icelandic Transport Authority . “Report on Plane Crash Sukhoi RRJ-95B,July 21, 2013 at BIKF”. Aug. 1, 2013.