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Now you’ve got ASDA Pet Insurance
we’ll take care of you and your pet
Thank you for choosing Asda Pet Insurance. You can be sure of great protection and great service.
How to use this booklet
This booklet contains all the information you need to help you make a claim.
You’ll find all aspects of your policy explained here, the things you can claim for, what’s not covered and
how to get help and advice if you need it.
0800 012 1041
0333 234 0623
0333 999 0933
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Policy summary
Table of benefits
General conditions applicable to the whole policy
Claims conditions
General exclusions applicable to all sections of the policy
Veterinary fees
Third party liability (dogs only)
Death caused by accident
Death caused by illness
Advertising and reward
Theft and straying
Boarding fees
Holiday cancellation
Quarantine costs and loss of Animal Health Certificate 35
Emergency expenses overseas 36
Helplines 38
Complaints procedure
Useful numbers
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This Summary does not contain full details and conditions of your insurance, these are
located in your policy wording.
This insurance is underwritten by West Bay Insurance PLC, registered in Gibraltar No 84085.
Registered Office: 846-848, Europort, Gibraltar. Regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services
Commission and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority in respect of underwriting Insurance business in the UK (Financial Services
Register Number 211787).
Type of insurance cover
This pet insurance policy provides cover for cats
and dogs.
Your pet must have received the required
vaccinations listed on page 13 and receive an annual
dental check up with a vet, failure to comply may
jeopardise your claim or cover. Please refer to the
general terms applicable to the whole policy in the
policy wording for full details. Special terms apply to
each section of your policy. Please refer to the policy
wording for full details.
Throughout any period of insurance you must look
after and maintain your pet’s health to avoid any
condition, death, loss, theft, straying, damage or
destruction to third party property. In addition you
must also arrange for any treatment recommended
by your vet to be completed immediately to prevent
or reduce the risk of injury or illness.
You must be a resident of the United Kingdom, the
owner of the pet and the pet must be kept in the
United Kingdom at the address you have provided.
Please refer to the general
conditions applicable to the whole
policy in the Policy Wording for full
Significant features and
The following tables show the maximum
benefits you can claim for.
Where a fixed excess amount applies to a
specific section, we will not pay the amount of
the excess under that section. Please refer to
your schedule of insurance for full details of
which sections have an excess and how these
After the deduction of the fixed excess
depending on the age of your pet there is also a
variable excess for vet fee claims.
All excesses are paid on a per year per condition
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Explanation of cover types
12 Month Policy Explanation (Value and Standard cover levels)
Our annual cover level is a “time-limited” policy which enables you to claim up to the specified limit of £1,500
(Value) or £3,500 (Standard) for vet fees for treatments arising from the same incident (whether that is illness
or accident, or death by either) for up to 12 months after it initially occurs. The cover levels decrease with
each claim you make. When you renew your policy the cover levels will be set at the sum available as at the
last day of cover prior to the renewal date and for only the balance of any twelve month period left since the
date that the condition was first noted, the 12 month period of cover for the condition does not reset when
you renew the policy. For example, if your pet suffers an illness or accident, you can claim for several
treatments related to that incident for up to 12 months from when it originally occurred but to a maximum
of £1,500 (Value cover) or £3,500 (Standard cover). After 12 months from the initial illness/accident OR when
the specified £1,500 (Value cover) or £3,500 (Standard cover) limit is reached (whichever is sooner) you will
no longer be able to claim for treatment arising from that particular illness/accident, but you could claim for
further separate incidents again, the specified limits of £1,500 (Value cover) £3,500 (Standard cover) and
12 months would apply.
Maximum Benefit (Accident Only cover)
These are the maximum cover levels that we will pay under each cover type for the whole of your pets life
and whilst your pet is insured with us. The cover levels decrease with each claim you make. When you renew
your policy each year the cover levels will be set at the sum available as at the last day of cover prior to the
renewal date. The cover level does not reset to the maximum benefit level when you renew the policy.
Vet bill - Example
Maximum cover £2,500
Claim cost £250
Renewal cover level - £2,250
Lifetime Policy Explanation (Vital, Classic and Superior Cover levels)
Vital Life, Classic Life and Premier Life are all lifetime contracts, which provide a fixed amount of money each
year to cover all veterinary treatment, “Lifetime” refers to the ability to renew the contract each year and
the level of cover resets when you renew the policy each year.
Should your pet’s total veterinary treatment in the policy year exceed the limit applicable for your chosen
level of cover, there will be no further cover until the renewal of the policy when the cover resets at renewal.
This means that as long as you keep your policy renewed, the premiums paid up to date and the insurer
invites renewal there is no limit on how long you can claim for each illness or injury.
Cover Levels
Up to:
Up to:
Up to:
Up to:
Up to:
Up to:
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Vet Fees Limited to
these amounts in
the following
£2,500 £1,500 £2,000 £3,500 £4,000 £7,500
Please refer
to your policy
Diet food to dissolve
urine crystals
Nil £50 £100 £100 £100 £250
Euthanasia £100 £100 £100 £100 £100 £100
Fixed & Variable
Please refer
to your policy
Please refer to
your policy
Please refer to
your policy
Please refer to
your policy
Please refer to
your policy
Please refer to
your policy
Please refer
to your policy
Treatment period No Limit 12 months Lifetime** 12 months Lifetime** Lifetime** -
Death from Illness Nil £450 £600 £750 £1,250 £1,500 -
Death from accident £200 £450 £600 £750 £1,250 £1,500 -
party liability
(dogs only)
£1M £1M £1M £1M £1M £1M
£100 or
Advertising and
Nil £1,000 £1,000 £1,250 £1,250 £1,500 -
Theft or Straying Nil £450 £600 £750 £1,250 £1,500 -
Boarding fees £200 £1,000 £1,000 £1,250 £1,250 £2,000 -
Holiday cancellation £200 £1,000 £1,000 £2,000 £2,500 £3,000 -
Overseas travel Nil 1 month 1 month 1 month 1month 12 months -
Quarantine costs Nil £150 £150 £500 £750 £1,000 -
Emergency expenses
Nil £150 £150 £250 £500 £1,000 -
Loss of Animal
Health Certificate
Nil £250 £250 £250 £250 £250 -
Bereavement Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Pet legal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Pet minders Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Veterinary help Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Vet paid direct Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
*£100 Fixed excess applies to Incidents that occur within the UK. £250 Fixed excess applies to Incidents that occur outside the UK but
within the EU.
**Your pet will be covered up to the policy limit for each year they need treatment so long as you keep your policy renewed, premiums
paid up to date and the insurer invites renewal, there is no limit on how long you can claim for each illness or injury.
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Significant or unusual
exclusions or limitations
Please refer to the ‘What is not covered’
part of each section for full details.
Both the fixed excess and variable excess
shown within your policy schedule.
An Example of how to calculate the amount
you will have to pay in the event of a claim.
A valid claim arises for Veterinary fees totaling
Amount Claimed
Less Fixed Excess
Less Variable Excess
Total Excess paid by
Total paid by us
General exclusions applicable to all
sections of the policy
Any pet less than 8 weeks of age.
Your Dog being an American Pit Bull Terrier,
Pit Bull Terrier, Irish Staffordshire Bull
Terrier, Pit Bull, Dogo Argentino, Fila
Braziliero, Japanese Tosa, Czechoslovakian
Wolf Dog, Sarlooswolfhound, Wolf or Wolf
hybrid, or a dog crossed with these, or any
animal registered under the Dangerous
Dogs Act 1991 and the Dangerous Dogs
(Northern Ireland) Order 1991 or
Dangerous Dogs (amendment) Act 1997.
Any notifiable diseases as named in the
Animal Health Act 1981 or an order made
under that Act, such as Rabies.
Your pet being used for commercial
breeding purposes, guarding, track racing,
coursing or used in connection with any
business, trade, profession or occupation.
Any pet which has aggressive tendencies or
has been trained to attack.
Any claim within the first 14 days of your
policy starting for illness or 48 hours for
Repatriation of your pet following its death.
War risks, terrorism, civil commotion and
radioactive contamination.
Veterinary fees illness (not for
Accident Only)
Costs resulting from an injury or illness
which shows clinical signs or became
otherwise known to you before your pet’s
cover started or within the first 14 days of
the start of cover.
Any costs resulting from preventative or
elective treatments including, but not
limited to, vaccinations, spaying, castration,
pregnancy or giving birth.
Third party liability (Dogs Only)
Indemnity is subject to the payment of your
policy excess in advance of settling any third
party claim. Failure to pay the excess in
advance will be in breach of policy conditions
and may result in indemnity refusal, or legal
action directly against you by a third party.
Compensation or legal costs arising directly
or indirectly from liability which has been
assumed by you under agreement (such as
a hire agreement) unless the liability would
have existed without the agreement.
Liability insured by any other insurance
Liability in respect of a cat.
Theft or Straying (not Accident Only)
Any claim if your pet is recovered within 90
days of the theft or straying.
Any claim made more than 6 months after
the date on which your pet is stolen or goes
Death from accident
Death caused by an illness.
Any claim if the death results from an injury
first occurring or showing clinical signs
before cover starts or occurring within the
first 48 hours of the start of cover.
There is no benefit available to reimburse
cremation or burial fees.
Death from illness (not Accident Only)
Death caused by an injury.
Any claim if the death results from illness
first occurring or showing clinical signs
before cover starts or occurring within the
first 14 days of the start of cover.
Any claim if at the time of death your dog is
aged 9 years or over or your cat is aged 11
years or over.
There is no benefit available to reimburse
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cremation or burial fees.
Boarding fees (all cover levels)
Any hospitalisation that is either known or
foreseeable before cover for your pet
Advertising and reward (not Accident
Any reward to a person living with you.
Any reward to an immediate family
Holiday Cancellation (all cover levels)
Any costs that in your vet’s opinion does not
relate to immediate lifesaving surgery.
Any costs arising from a condition that you
were aware of prior to travelling.
Loss of Animal Health Certificate
(not Accident Only)
Any loss, theft or destruction of the health
certificate that occurs prior to the start of
your trip.
Quarantine costs (not accident only)
Any cost if the microchip was checked and
found not to be functioning properly within
the 14 days prior to your departure on a
Duration of the policy
This is an annually renewable policy.
Cancellation period
You may cancel this policy at any time. If you
wish to cancel within 14 days of receipt of the
policy documents, you may do so in writing to
ASDA Pet Insurance for a full refund providing
no claim has been made or is intended to be
made and no incident likely to give rise to a
claim has occurred.
If you cancel after the first 14 days of receipt of
the documents and have not incurred eligible
claims during the period you have been on
cover we will keep an amount of premium in
proportion to the time you have been on
cover, any balance left over will be refunded to
If you incur eligible claims there will be no
refund of premium. If you pay by installments
you will either have to continue with the
installment payments until the policy renewal
date or we may, at our discretion, deduct the
outstanding installments due from any claim
payment made.
See General Conditions applicable to the whole
policy in the Policy Wording.
Claim notification
To make a claim contact ASDA Pet Insurance on
0333 999 0933
Complaints procedure
Any complaint you have should in the first
instance be discussed with the Customer
Services Department on 0333 234 0623 or you
can write to the Complaints Manager at:
ASDA Pet Insurance
The Connect Centre
Kingston Crescent
Tel: 0333 234 0623
We hope that we will be able to resolve any
complaint that you may have. However, if the
complaint is still not resolved, you can
approach the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service
will not affect your right to take legal action.
Full details of addresses and contact numbers
can be found on pages 38 and 39 of the Policy
Financial Services Compensation
Scheme (FSCS)
If we were unable to meet our obligations you
might be entitled to compensation under the
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
(FSCS). Further information about the Scheme
is available from the FSCS website at
www.fscs.org.uk or by calling us.
Full details are available at www.fscs.org.uk
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Policy Document
This is your pet insurance policy. It contains details of cover, conditions and exclusions relating to your
pet and is the basis on which all claims will be settled. It is validated by the issue of the policy schedule
which should be read alongside the policy.
We will in the event of injury, illness, bodily injury, death, loss, theft, straying, damage or other
specified events happening within the period of insurance provide insurance as described in the
following pages and referred to in your policy schedule.
The policy schedule and any endorsements are all part of the policy. Your policy is evidence of the
contract of insurance.
The Law applicable to this policy
Under European Law, the parties to a contract are free to choose the law applicable to the Insurance
contract. Unless specifically agreed to the contrary prior to acceptance of the application, this
insurance is subject to English Law under the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Age eligibility of your pet
This policy is not available for any pet under 8 weeks of age at the start of the policy.
Fixed policy excess
Under certain sections of the policy, claims will be subject to a fixed excess. This means that you will
be responsible for paying part of each claim under that section. Your policy excesses are shown on
your policy schedule.
Variable excess
A variable excess will be deducted from the settlement amount of each veterinary claim after the
fixed excess has been deducted. Your variable excess amount is shown on your policy schedule.
Policy information
If you would like more information or if you feel the insurance may not meet your needs, please
telephone our Customer Service team on 0333 234 0623.
How to contact us
Customer Service: 0333 234 0623
Claims: 0333 999 0933
Find a vet helpline: 0333 234 0623
Find a pet minder helpline: 0333 999 0933
Pet legal helpline: 01775 764191
Bereavement counselling helpline: 0161 836 9498
24 Hour Veterinary Helpline 0800 0121041
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These definitions apply throughout your policy, where we explain what a word means that word will
appear highlighted in bold print and have the same meaning wherever it is used in the policy.
We have listed the definitions alphabetically.
One sudden and unexpected external event
which happens during the period of insurance
which results in physical bodily injury or death
to your pet.
Alternative medicine
Means herbal or homeopathic medicine.#
Animal Health certificate
The official health certificate issued by a vet
authorised by the United Kingdom
government to do so.
Bodily injury
An identifiable physical injury caused by
sudden, unexpected and visible means
including injury as a result of unavoidable
exposure to the elements.
Clinical sign/signs
Changes in your pets normal healthy state, or
its bodily functions.
Commercial breeding
Any pet that has had more than 2 litters in its
lifetime will be considered commercially
breeding and as such we will not insure the
pet. In the event that a third or more litter
occurs during a period of insurance we will
not invite renewal of cover, but will continue
to maintain cover previously agreed until the
end of that period of insurance.
Complementary therapist
A member of one of the following
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists
in Animal Therapy.
McTimoney Chiropractic Association.
National Association of Veterinary
Physiotherapists incorporating the
National Association of Animal Therapists
The International Association of Animal.
Therapists (UK).
Canine Hydrotherapy Association.
National Association of Registered Canine
Hydro-therapists (NARCH).
Complementary treatment
Any of the following:
Acupuncture, homeopathy and herbal
medicine treatment recommended by
your vet and prescribed by a suitably
qualified vet.
Chiropractic manipulation carried out by a
veterinary practice or a member of the
McTimoney Chiropractic Association or the
International Association of Animal
Therapists (UK), providing the member is a
qualified animal chiropractor.
Osteopathy carried out by a veterinary
practice or a member of the International
Association of Animal Therapists (UK)
providing the member is a qualified animal
Hydrotherapy carried out by a veterinary
practice or a member of the relevant listed
Hydrotherapy Association.
Physiotherapy carried out by a veterinary
practice or a member of the Association of
Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal
Therapy, the International Association of
Animal Therapists (UK) or the National
Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists
incorporating the National Association of
Animal Therapists (NAAT) providing the
member is a qualified animal
Any clinical sign of injury or illness in your pet.
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Any treatment of the teeth gums or mouth.
Your husband, wife, civil partner, life partner,
parents, grandparents, son, daughter,
grandson, granddaughter, brother or sister.
Fixed excess
The amount you are required to pay as part of
certain claims made under the policy as
shown in your policy schedule.
This policy excludes all pets used for
commercial security work or those which have
been trained to attack. All cover is excluded if
you hold a Security Industry Authority (SIA)
license of any description whilst undertaking
the designated activity that the SIA license
Changes in your pet’s state of health that are
not caused by an accident, or any which may
be resulting from gradual or biological cause.
Clinical signs or symptoms of changes in
normal healthy state resulting from one
individual accident, including directly or
indirectly related problems, no matter where
these are noticed or occur in or on your pet.
Notifiable disease
A notifiable disease is any disease that is
required by law to be reported to government
Recurring Illness / Recurring Illnesses
Recurring illnesses shall be considered as one
loss. Such illnesses being defined as:
Clinical manifestations resulting in the
same diagnosis (regardless of the number
of incidents or areas of the body affected)
to which your pet has an on-going
predisposition or susceptibility related in
any way to the original claim; or
Illnesses, which are incurable and likely to
continue for the remainder of your pet’s
Recurring Injury / Recurring Injuries
Recurring injuries shall be considered as one
loss. Such injuries being defined as:
Clinical manifestations resulting in the
same diagnosis (regardless of the number
of injuries or areas of the body affected) to
which your pet has an on-going
predisposition or susceptibility related in
any way to the original claim, or:
Injuries which are incurable and likely to
continue for the remainder of your pet's
life, or:
Multiple injuries being caused by or
resulting from one accident will be treated
as one loss.
Period of insurance
The time for which we provide cover as set
out in the policy schedule and for which we
have accepted your premium.
The Cat or Dog owned by you which is named
in your policy schedule.
Policy schedule
The schedule contains details about you, your
pet, policy limits and excesses that apply to
the specific cover that you have purchased.
Pre-existing condition/Pre-existing
Any illness or injury or complication directly
resulting from another injury or illness,
whether diagnosed or undiagnosed or that
has been identified or investigated by a vet
or is otherwise known to you prior to the
start of the insurance.
An act, including but not limited to the use of
force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of
any person or group(s) of persons, whether
acting alone or on behalf of or in connection
with any organisation(s) or governments,
committed for political, religious, ideological
or similar purposes including the intention to
influence any government and/or to put the
public, or any section of the public, in fear.
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Any examination, consultation, advice, tests,
x-rays, medication, surgery, nursing and care
provided by a veterinary practice or a
member of a professional organisation acting
under their direction.
A holiday or pleasure trip or journey made by
you outside the United Kingdom, which starts
and ends in the United Kingdom during any
period of insurance. Please visit the gov.uk
website to follow the latest guidance on travel
within the EU post-Brexit.
Means any occasion when your pet is left
alone or where you are not in a position to
control its behaviour.
United Kingdom
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland,
the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
Variable excess
The percentage amount you are required to
pay, as shown in your policy schedule,
towards the costs of the veterinary fees in
addition to the fixed excess. This amount will
be deducted from the claims settlement.
For treatment received in the United Kingdom
a fully qualified veterinary practitioner holding
a current registration with the Royal College of
Veterinary Surgeons and who works in general
veterinary practice.
For treatment received outside the United
Kingdom this must be a fully qualified
veterinary practitioner registered in the
country that the treatment was received in.
Insurance Factory Limited and West Bay
Insurance Plc, registered in Gibraltar No.
84085. Registered Office: 846-848, Europort,
Gibraltar is authorised by the Gibraltar
Financial Services Commission and subject to
limited regulation by the Financial Conduct
Authority and the Prudential Regulation
Authority in respect of underwriting
insurance business in the UK (Financial
Services Register Number 211787). You can
check this by visiting the Financial Services
Register at www.fca.org.uk or contact either
the Financial Conduct Authority on 0800 111
6768 or the Prudential Regulation Authority
on 020 7601 4444.
The person named as the policyholder in the
policy schedule.
Worrying livestock
To chase or attack livestock (cattle, sheep,
goats, pigs, horses or poultry) on agricultural
land in contravention of the Dogs (Protection
of Livestock) Act 1953.
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General conditions applicable to the whole policy
You must comply with the following conditions to have the full protection of your policy.
If you do not comply we may at our option cancel the policy or refuse to deal with your claim or
reduce the amount of any claim payment.
Throughout any period of insurance you must
look after your pets health and maintain your
pet’s health to avoid injury, illness, death, loss,
theft, straying, damage or destruction to third
parties or their property. In addition you must
arrange and pay for your pet to have a yearly
health check which will include dental
examination and arrange for any treatment
normally recommended by a vet to prevent or
reduce the risk of injury or illness.
Under the control of Dogs Order 1992, any dog
in a public place must wear a collar with the
name and address of the owner engraved on it,
or engraved on a tag. Your telephone number
is also advisable.
Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and
Representations) Act 2012
In entering into this contract you are under a
duty to take all care in answering all questions
in relation to this insurance honestly and to the
best of your knowledge.
This includes anything that appears within
your policy schedule as well as any
information relating to your pet’s medical
history. Your failure to take reasonable care to
avoid misrepresentation in relation to the
information provided could result in your
policy being cancelled or your claim being
rejected or not fully paid.
If you are in any doubt about your duty to take
reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation please contact our
Customer Services Department on 0333 234
You must ensure that your pet is vaccinated in
accordance with the recommendation of your
vet against Canine Distemper, Hepatitis,
Leptospirosis and Parvovirus for dogs or Feline
Infectious Enteritis, Feline Leukemia and Feline
Influenza for cats.
Any conditions arising from or exacerbated as
a result of not vaccinating your pet will be
Pre-existing conditions
You are aware upon purchase of this policy
that pre-existing conditions are not covered
under the policy.
Yearly dental examination
You must arrange and pay for your pet to have
a yearly dental examination. You must also
arrange for any treatment recommended by
your vet to be completed to prevent or reduce
the risk of injury or illness.
You must be the owner of the pet. Your cover
will cease immediately if your pet is sold.
Treatment details
You agree that any vet that has treated your
pet has your permission to release any
information that we might request concerning
your insurance. Any charge for the release of
this information will be your responsibility.
You must be a resident of the United Kingdom,
the owner and keeper of the pet and the pet
must be kept at the address you have
You must pay any premium when it becomes
Renewal terms
When we need to offer further periods of
insurance, we may change the premium, fixed
excess, variable excess and the policy terms
and conditions as your pet gets older and to
allow for future increases in treatment costs.
Mid Term policy changes
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You must contact us as soon as you are aware
of any changes that need to be made to the
policy, such as your postal address, phone
number or email address. In the event of a
change in your pet details or your details we
will amend the premium for the rest of the
period of insurance.
Data protection
We believe in keeping your information safe
and secure. Full details of what data we collect
and how we use it can be found in our Privacy
Policy which you can access via
or by
requesting a copy from our Data Protection
Officer (contact details below). This section
provides you with some basic information and
briefly explains what we do with your
We are governed by the Data Protection
legislation applicable in both the United
Kingdom and Gibraltar.
We collect details in order to consider your
application for insurance and to administer
insurance services to you, including claims
investigation and management.
We may use your information for a number of
purposes. These include: providing you with
our services; dealing with your claim; carrying
out checks such as fraud checks and credit
checks; and where agreed, providing you with
information about our products and services.
In order to provide our services to you, we may
share your information with other insurance
companies, solicitors, regulators, business
partners and third party suppliers. We may
also have a legal obligation to provide your
information, in certain circumstances, with
regulators, police and other public bodies.
Information you supply may be used for the
purposes of insurance administration by us
and third parties. These third parties may share
your information with their own agents.
Providing you with details on our products
and services
Where you have given us your consent to do
so, we will send you information about
products and services of ours or other third
parties which may be of interest to you via
telephone, letter or email (as you have
indicated). You have a right at any time to stop
us from contacting you for marketing purposes
or giving your information to other third
If you no longer wish to be contacted for
marketing purposes, then please contact us by
Your rights as a Data Subject
Under Data Protection laws you have certain
rights; these include for example, a right to
understand what data we hold on you and a
right to ask us to amend that data if it is
incorrect. If you would like to exercise any of
your rights please contact our Data Protection
Officer (contact details below).
Data Protection Officer
If you have any questions about how we use
your data, or to exercise any of your data rights
please contact our Data Protection Officer at:
Data Protection Officer
Insurance Factory Limited
45 Westerham Road
Bessels Green
TN13 2QB
Please make sure you provide your name,
address, policy number and other relevant
information to allow us to respond to your
You understand that all personal data you
supply must be accurate.
If you would like any other person to discuss
your policy or make amendments then we
must have your permission.
Claims Processing
As part of your policy, you agree to and
accept the following conditions in order for
V2.1 March 2022 15
the policy administrator (Insurance Factory
Limited) to process any claims you submit:
1. Insurance Factory Limited will request
relevant information or records from your
current or previous veterinary practice,
specialist, breeder or rescue centre at any
time in order for Insurance Factory
limited to be able to fully assess your
2. Your veterinary practice, or any
veterinary practice treating your pet, can
openly discuss and receive
information about your claims with your
policy administrator (Insurance Factory
Limited) where appropriate. This also
includes the transfer of your claim via an
electronic service using third party
3. Insurance Factory Limited will only ever
ask for information which is relevant
to the details and circumstances of the
claim and previous medical history,
which is necessary for claims processing
Updating your records
If you think our records are wrong or out of
date, particularly your contact details, you
must contact us immediately to correct them.
You can do this by calling 0333 234 0623 or by
Statutory cancellation rights
You may cancel this policy within 14 days of
receipt of the policy documents (new business)
or the renewal by writing to ASDA Pet
Insurance at the address given below during
the statutory cancellation period. Any
premium already paid will be refunded to you
providing no claim has been made or is
intended to be made and no incident likely to
give rise to a claim has occurred.
There is no refund of premium in the event of
a claim unless it is a claim for death.
ASDA Pet Insurance
The Connect Centre
Kingston Crescent
Tel: 0333 234 0623
If you incur eligible claims there will be no
refund of premium, unless it is a claim for
death. If you pay by instalments you will either
have to continue with the instalment
payments until the policy renewal date or we
may, at our discretion, deduct the outstanding
instalments from any claim payment made.
Cancellation outside the statutory period
You may cancel this policy at any time by
providing prior written notice to ASDA Pet
Insurance at the address found above.
Providing you have not incurred eligible claims
during the period you have been on cover we
will retain an amount of premium in
proportion to the time you have been on
cover, any balance left over will be refunded to
you. If you are paying by instalments your
instalment payments will cease.
If you incur eligible claims there will be no
refund of premium. If you pay by instalments
you will either have to continue with the
instalment payments until the policy renewal
date or we may, at our discretion, deduct the
outstanding instalments from any claim
payment made. If your pet dies or is reported
as lost or stolen and you need to make a claim,
the remaining premiums for the full policy year
will not be charged.
Cancellation by us
We can cancel this policy if there are serious
grounds to do so, for example:-
Nonpayment of the premium due; or
You have deliberately or recklessly
misrepresented the information provided in
connection with this insurance; or
You have failed to supply requested
documentation (for example veterinary
evidence or certificates).
You advise us of a change in yours or your pets
circumstance which means you no longer
meets our risk criteria.
We will notify you by writing to your last
address notified to us. We will do this by giving
V2.1 March 2022 16
you 7 days’ notice in accordance with the
conditions above except in the event of fraud
or any attempted fraud which will mean that
all premiums are retained by us.
Non-payment of premiums
In the event of payment default You have 7
days from the date of default to contact Us to
arrange payment. If payment is not received
Your policy will be cancelled from the default
date. A pro-rata charge for Your period on
cover will be made and as detailed in Our
Terms of Business. Where a claim has been
made, the remaining premium for the policy
year will be charged.
In the event Your Direct Debit is cancelled You
have 7 days from the date the Direct Debit is
cancelled to contact Us to arrange payment
and provide Us with valid bank details. If
payment is not received Your policy will be
cancelled from the date We are notified by
Your bank that the Direct Debit is cancelled. A
pro-rata charge for Your period on cover will
be made and an administration charge will be
made as detailed in Our Terms of Business.
Where a claim has been made, the remaining
premium for the policy year will be charged.
Upgrading and downgrading policies
We do not allow changes in cover level in the
policy year, should you decide to change the
level of cover this can only be done at renewal,
If you transfer your pet to a plan with
additional or higher Benefit Limits, the
additional or higher Benefit Limits will not
apply if the Condition signs or symptoms
started before the transfer date. If you transfer
your pet to a plan with lower Benefit Limits,
the higher Benefit Limit will no longer apply to
any claims you are currently making. In cases
where the cover is increased any illness or
injury in existence prior to the change in cover
level will be covered under the terms
applicable when the condition fist started.
Should you choose to decrease your cover
level all existing conditions will be subject to
the new lower policy terms.
V2.1 March 2022 17
Claims conditions
You must comply with the following conditions to have the full protection of your policy.
If you do not comply we may at our option cancel the policy, refuse to deal with your claim or reduce
the amount of any claim payment.
You must contact the Claims Line by phone if
you want to make a claim on 0333 999 0933.
Lines are open Monday to Friday between 8am
and 6pm and on Saturday between 9am and
Following the occurrence of any injury, illness,
bodily injury, death or disease or the discovery
of any loss, theft, straying, damage or
destruction which may lead to a claim under
this policy the incident must be reported to us
as soon as possible.
A claim notification must also be completed as
soon as you know if your pet is ill or injured.
The claim notification must be made within 60
days or as soon as possible thereafter following
any injury, illness, bodily injury, death, disease
or the discovery of any loss which may lead to
a claim under this policy.
You or your legal representatives must supply
at your own expense all information, evidence,
details of any other insurance policy involved
(such as household insurance) and veterinary
certificates as required by us. You should refer
to the section under which you are claiming for
further details of the evidence that we need to
deal with your claim.
We may request and will pay for a postmortem
examination of your pet.
We may refuse to reimburse you for any
expenses for which you cannot provide
receipts or bills.
You must also tell us if you are aware of any
writ, summons, and letter of claim or other
documents as soon as you receive it. Every
communication relating to a claim must be
sent to us immediately.
You or anyone acting on your behalf must not
negotiate, admit or repudiate (refuse) any
claim without our permission in writing.
Claim form completion
We cannot guarantee payment of a claim over
the telephone. If you want to make a claim you
must complete your sections of the claim form
and for veterinary fees, arrange for your vet to
fill in their part and return to us within 60 days
of the pet receiving the treatment or as soon
as possible thereafter. You will be responsible
for any costs charged for the completion of the
form. If all or part of your claim cannot be paid
we will tell you in writing.
We will also require fully itemised invoices and,
when requested, clinical history for your pet.
All claims documentation must be in English
and any translation costs must be paid by you.
V2.1 March 2022 18
Signs of injury or illness
You must arrange for a vet to examine and
treat your pet as soon as possible after it
shows clinical signs of an injury or illness. If we
can see evidence in your pet’s clinical history
that there has been any delay in arranging
veterinary treatment we will refer the case to
an independent vet. If it can be established
that the delay in arranging treatment has or is
likely to result in additional costs or expenses
being incurred we reserve the right to either
refuse to admit the claim or make a deduction
from any settlement to reflect these increased
costs or expenses.
Policyholders who are veterinary surgeons or
If you are a veterinary surgeon you may treat
your own pet but another vet must
countersign the claim form confirming the
treatment has gone ahead. The same applies if
you are a vet nurse, you cannot complete your
own claim form.
Subrogation (transferring of rights)
We are entitled to take over any rights in the
defence or settlement of any claim and to take
proceedings in your name for our benefit
against any other party.
It is unfortunate that with all types of
insurance, fraud and attempted fraud can
occur. We employ sophisticated fraud
detection and prevention techniques to ensure
we only pay out on genuine claims. By doing
this we are protecting the interest of all
policyholders and are able to offer a
comprehensive policy with competitive
You must not act in a fraudulent manner. If you
or anyone acting for you:
a) make a claim under the policy knowing the
claim to be false or fraudulently
exaggerated in any respect; or,
b) make a statement in support of a claim
knowing the statement to be false in any
respect; or,
c) submit a document in support of a claim
knowing the document to be forged or false
in any respect; or,
d) make a claim in respect of any loss or
damage caused by your wilful act or with
your connivance.
a) we shall not pay the claim
b) we shall not pay any other claim which has
been or will be made under the policy
c) we will immediately cancel this and all
other policies you have with us.
d) we shall be entitled to recover from you the
amount of any claim already paid under the
e) we shall not make any return of premium
f) we may inform the Police and other
organisations of the circumstances.
Preventing fraud
We and/or our agents, along with other
insurers pass information to fraud prevention
and credit reference agencies. We may pass
your details to the Claims and Underwriting
Exchange Register run by the Insurance
Database Services Ltd and Insurance Hunter, a
central insurance anti-fraud system and other
databases, to which other insurers may have
Payments in error
If a claim is paid in error you agree to return
any monies paid to you back to us.
Dual insurance
You must inform us if you have another
insurance policy in force for the same pet
covering the same injury, illness, bodily injury,
death, damage, destruction, expense or
liability. If this is the case, we will not make any
payment for any claim that results from an
incident covered by any other insurance. If
there is any other insurance under which you
are entitled to make a claim you must report
the incident to that insurance company and tell
us their name and address and your policy and
claim number with them.
V2.1 March 2022 19
General exclusions applicable to all sections of the policy
We will not pay for claims arising directly or
indirectly from:
Age of your pet
Your pet being under 8 weeks of age.
Pre-existing conditions (illness)
An illness that first showed clinical signs prior
to or within 14 days of your pet’s cover
starting, or;
an illness that is the same as, or has the
same diagnosis or clinical signs as an illness
or that first showed clinical signs prior to or
within 14 days of your pet’s cover starting,
an illness that is caused by, relates to or
results from a clinical sign that was first
noticed, or an illness that first showed
clinical signs prior to or within 14 days of
your pets cover starting, no matter where
the illness, injury or clinical signs are
noticed or happen in, or on your pet’s body.
Pre-existing conditions (Injury)
An injury that first showed clinical signs prior
to or within 2 days of your pet’s cover starting,
an injury that is the same as, or has the
same diagnosis or clinical signs as an injury
that first showed clinical signs prior to or
within 2 days of your pet’s cover starting,
an injury that is caused by, relates to or
results from a clinical sign that was first
noticed, or an Injury that first showed
clinical signs prior to or within 2 days of
your pets cover starting, no matter where
the injury or clinical signs are noticed or
happen in, or on your pet’s body.
War risks and civil commotion
War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies,
hostilities or warlike operations (whether war
is declared or not), civil war, rebellion,
terrorism, riot, revolution, insurrection, civil
commotion assuming the proportions of or
amounting to an uprising, military or usurped
Notifiable diseases
Any notifiable disease as named in the Animal
Health Act 1981 or an Order made under that
Act, such as rabies.
Breeding or other uses
Your pet being used for commercial breeding
purposes, guarding, track racing, coursing or
used in connection with any business, trade,
profession or occupation.
Excluded breeds
Your dog being an American Pit Bull Terrier,
Dogo Argentino, Fila Braziliero, Japanese Tosa,
Pit Bull, Pit bull Terrier, Irish Staffordshire Bull
Terrier, Sarlooswolfhound, Czechoslovakian
Wolf Dog, Wolf or Wolf hybrid, or a dog
Crossed with these, or any animal registered
under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, and the
Dangerous Dogs (Northern Ireland) Order 1991
or Dangerous Dogs (amendment) Act 1997.
Health or importation regulations
You breaking the United Kingdom or Republic
of Ireland laws, or regulations, including those
relating to animal health or importation.
The Department for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs (DEFRA) or the Department of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Development in
the Republic of Ireland putting any restrictions
on your pet.
Illness contracted overseas
Any illness that your pet contracted while
outside the United Kingdom that it would not
normally have contracted in the United
Legal expenses, fines and penalties
Legal expenses, fines and penalties connected
with or resulting from a Criminal Court Case or
V2.1 March 2022 20
an Act of Parliament made in the United
Non-payment of premiums
If you do not keep your premiums paid and up
to date, we will not pay any claims and your
policy will be cancelled.
Claims after the expiry or cancellation of the
Any loss or costs relating to your pet after your
pet Insurance has either been cancelled or
Deliberate acts
Any loss damage or liability resulting from a
deliberate act by you or any person looking
after your pet with your permission or
Your non-compliance with any part of the
relevant requirements, laws and/or legislation,
whether imposed by the United Kingdom
Government, a carrier or your country of
Trips of 30 days or more under Accident only,
Value, Vital Lifetime, Standard cover and
Classic Lifetime and more than 365 days under
Superior cover.
Customs regulations
Any delay, confiscation, detention, requisition,
damage, destruction or any prohibitive
regulations by Customs or any Government
Officials or Authorities of any country unless
specifically covered by this policy.
Pet travel costs
Any costs incurred in order to comply with the
relevant requirements, laws and/or legislation
when travelling with your pet.
Repatriation of your pet following its death
outside the United Kingdom.
Exchange rates
Any loss due to variations in exchange rates of
any and every description.
Health or importation regulations
You breaking the United Kingdom or Republic
of Ireland laws, or regulations, including those
relating to animal health or importation.
Confiscation or destruction
The confiscation or destruction of your pet by
Government or Public Authorities, or under
the Animals Act 1971 United Kingdom and the
Control of Dogs Act 1986 and Control of
Dogs (amendment) Act 1992 Republic of
Ireland because it was worrying livestock.
Claims as a result of worrying livestock
Any loss or costs relating to your pet as a result
of worrying livestock including but not limited
to, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Horses.
Claims after the expiry or cancellation of the
Any loss or costs relating to your pet after your
pet insurance policy has either been cancelled
or expired.
V2.1 March 2022 21
Section 1 Veterinary fees
What is Covered What is not covered
Accident Only cover (Maximum Benefit)
We will pay for all normal charges made for the
treatment your pet receives in the
period of
insurance, for an injury, carried out by a vet.
Cover is provided up to the policy
limit per
condition without time limit subject to the policy
remaining in force, being continuously renewed
at each anniversary and premiums received on
the due date.
This policies provide an amount for each injury
and that is the maximum we
will pay for a
condition. The amount available for each injury is
reduced after each claim and does not revert to
the maximum cover level when you renew each
Value and Standard cover (12 Month)
We will pay for all normal charges made for the
treatment your pet receives in the
period of
insurance, for an injury or Illness, carried out by
a vet.
For Value and Standard policies vet fee cover is
provided up to the policy limit per condition for
up to 12 months from the first clinical signs of an
injury or illness subject to the policy remaining in
force, being continuously renewed at each
anniversary and premiums received on the due
These policies provide an amount for each illness
or injury and that is the maximum we will pay for
a condition for the 12 month period the amount
available for each condition is reduced after each
claim and does not revert to the maximum cover
level when you renew each year.
Vital, Classic and Superior cover (Lifetime)
We will pay for all normal charges made for the
treatment your pet receives in the
period of
insurance, for an injury or Illness, carried out by
a vet.
For Vital, Classic and Superior policies vet fee
cover is provided per period of insurance for
treatment of all injuries and illnesses. Continuous
1. The fixed excess shown on the policy
schedule payable once per Injury or Illness
per period of Insurance. Each separate injury
or illness will require a separate fixed excess.
2. The variable excess shown on the policy
3. If treatment is received at the same time for
a number of injuries or illnesses, including
treatment carried out under one anaesthetic.
A fixed excess will apply and depending upon
the age and breed of your pet, a variable
excess will also apply to the treatment
received for each injury or illness.
4. The cost of any treatment
undertaken 12
months after the
first clinical signs of an
illness or injury under Value and Standard
5. For Accident Only, Value and Standard cover
any cost of treatment that exceeds the vet
fees cover limit shown on your policy
schedule per condition.
6. For Vital, Classic and Superior cover any
treatment that exceeds the vet
fee cover
limit shown in the policy schedule
in any
period of insurance.
7. For Accident only cover any treatment
as a
result of illness.
8. The cost of any treatment received by your
pet after the policy has cancelled/expired.
9. The cost of any treatment for:
an illness that first showed clinical signs prior
to or within the first 14 days of your pet’s
cover started; or,
an illness that is the same as, or has the same
diagnosis or clinical signs as an illness or
clinical sign your pet had prior to or within the
first 14 days of your pet’s cover starting;
an illness that is caused by
, relates to or
results from an illness or clinical sign your pet
had prior to or within the first 14 days of your
pet’s cover starting, no matter where the
illness or clinical signs are noticed or happen
in, or on your pet’s body.
10. The cost of any treatment for:
V2.1 March 2022 22
treatment is subject to the policy remaining in
force, being continuously renewed at each
anniversary and premiums received on the due
date. In that event we will reinstate the cover at
renewal and ongoing conditions will continue to
be covered up to the insured limit for the
subsequent period of insurance.
All cover levels
Policy limits are dependent on the cover level
selected as specified on your policy schedule.
For any treatment outside normal surgery hours
that a vet consi
ders cannot wait until normal
surgery hours. The maximum amount we will pay
for the veterinary
fixed out of hours charge is
Section B
The following policy benefits have restricted
monetary limits within the overall vet fee
monetary limit. Amounts payable are shown on
your policy schedule, cover levels are defined on
the Table of Benefits on page 6.
Dental treatment
is only covered in respect of
accidental causes; there is no cover for dental
treatment for illness or disease.
Fees for alternative medicine or complementary
medicine which the vet recommends and as pre-
approved by us. For Accident Only, Value, Vital
and Standard policies this will include up to 5
session of Hydrotherapy. For Classic and Superior
this is up to 10 sessions of Hydrotherapy.
Example of how to calculate the amount you will
have to pay in the event of a claim.
A valid claim arises for Veterinary
fees totaling
Amount Claimed
Less Fixed Excess £85 £315
Less Variable Excess
Total Excess paid by
Total paid by us
an injury that happened prior to or within the
first 2 days of your pet’s cover started; or,
an injury that is the same as, or has the same
diagnosis or clinical signs as an injury
, or
clinical sign your pet had prior to or within the
first 2 days of your pet’s cover starting;
an injury that is caused by, relates to or results
from an injury, or clinical sign your pet had
prior to or within the first 2 days of your pets
cover starting, no matter where the injury,
illness or clinical signs are noticed or happen
in, or on your pet’s body.
11. Any claim for veterinary treatment outside
the United Kingdom unle
ss resulting from
permitted trips not lasting more than 30 days
for Accident only, Value, Vital, Standard cover
or Classic or 365 days under Superior cover.
12. Costs resulting from treatment your vet
recommends to prevent an injury or illness.
13. Any costs relating to the hospitalisation of
your pet unless your vet
confirms that to
discharge your pet from the care of the vet
will seriously endanger its health irrespective
of your personal circumstances.
14. Preventative and elective treatments
including but not limited to, elective routine
vaccinations, grooming,
whelping, kittening and of the cost of any
that is caused by, relates to or
results from any of these.
15. Any treatment relating to behavioral
16. We
exclude all costs for elective spay or
castration, and in situations where the spay
or castrate are in order to prevent future
medical or behavioural complications of any
sort. Cover will be provided when your pet is
suffering an immediate and critical medical
condition and the spay or castrate is essential
and necessary for the treatment of that
17. Any claim or treatment
for cryptorchidism
(retained testicle(s)).
18. The cost of dental treatment
unless the
treatment relates to an injury.
19. Any pre-existing dental conditions
, those
having the same clinical signs or diagnosis as
a dental problem previously treated or noted
V2.1 March 2022 23
Where treatment for different injuries or
illnesses are carried out at the same time and the
cost of treatment cannot be identified, the cost of
will be split equally between each
injury or illness. The fixed excess and depending
upon the age and breed of your pet, a variable
excess is applied to each condition.
by your vet.
Costs resulting from killing or controlling
fleas, general health enhancers and
unconventional or unlicensed treatment.
21. Se
x hormonal problems unless directly
resulting from a valid claim.
22. Costs resulting from vaccinations, micro
, spaying, castration, mating,
pregnancy, giving birth or any secondary or
related complications from these actions.
23. Complementary treatments
that are not
carried out under the direction of a vet and
previously authorised by us.
24. Cost of house calls unless the vet confirms
that moving your pet would endanger its life.
25. The cost of any treatment
outside normal
surgery hours except for treatment that a vet
considers cannot wait until normal surgery
hours (necessary treatment) because it would
seriously endanger your pet’s health. The vet
that treated your pet must also confirm this
in writing when, your veterinary
claim is
26. For necessary treatment
outside of normal
surgery any fixed out of hours veterinary
charge greater than £100.
27. Costs that result from an illness or injury
specifically excluded in the policy schedule.
28. The cost of treating any injury or illness
deliberately caused by you
, anyone living
with you or anyone else looking after your
The cost of surgical items that can be used
more than once.
The cost of any form of housing, including
cages, whether hired or purchased.
31. The cost of bathing, grooming or de-matting
your pet unless a vet confirms only a vet or a
member of a veterinary practice can carry out
these activities, regardless of your personal
The cost of a post mortem examination on
your pet unless we require this and agree to
33. The cost of transpl
ant surgery or artificial
limbs, including pre and post-operative care.
V2.1 March 2022 24
34. Ovariohysterectomy to prevent mammary
, or the reoccurrence of false
Removal of dew claws unless they are
damaged or infected at the time the
treatment is carried out.
36. The cost of any treatment
or complications
arising from treatment that you
choose to
have carried out that is not directly related to
an injury or illness
, including cosmetic
dentistry or surgery.
37. Any claim as a result of a ‘notifiable’ disease,
e.g. rabies.
38. Any claim for an illness that could have been
prevented by vaccinating your pet.
Any claim for any form of special diet,
housing, or bedding needed for the
treatment or general wellbeing of your pet.
40. Any cost of your pet’s daily feeding
requirements, any claim for normal, special or
medicated diet unless your vet has
specifically prescribed a medicated diet food
to dissolve urine crystals for a maximum of six
41. Any charges in excess
of £100 in respect of
euthanasia even in the case
of humane
destruction to alleviate incurable and
inhumane suffering.
42. Any charges for euthanasia in the event that
this was caused by a pre-existing condition or
a condition not covered by the insurance.
43. Any expenses to travel to or from your pet
usual veterinary
practice or to, from or in
between any practice or branch practice of a
group of veterinary practices your usual
veterinary practice belongs to.
44. Any ancillary administration fees including
but not limited to dispensing fees,
prescription fees, c
laims form completion,
administration referral fees to specialist vets
or referral vets and x-ray referral fees.
45. Every claim will be reviewed by an internal
Pet Claims Assessor and compared to
charges for the same or similar treatment
within the same area to ensure that the
treatment and veterinary
fees are
reasonable, necessary, essential and not
V2.1 March 2022 25
excessive we will only pay up to a maximum
of 100% mark up on the manufacturer’s or
wholesaler’s price of veterinary medicines
based on our catalogue of prices. This will
include any dispensing fees.
Anything mentioned in the General
exclusions applicable to all sections of the
policy on page 18.
V2.1 March 2022 26
Special conditions relating to claims
1. Before your pet is treated please check that your vet is willing to complete the claim form and
supply us with the supporting invoices. We will not pay for the vet to do this.
2. The claim form and invoices must be returned to us within 60 days of the pet receiving the
treatment or as soon as possible thereafter. Please make sure that the form is signed by both you
and your vet and that it is indicated to whom we should make the payment.
3. If you have asked us to pay your vet we will send payment directly to the practice and if there is
any amount other than the fixed excess and variable excess that we cannot pay because the costs
are not covered we will tell you in writing. You must settle with your vet any amount not covered
by the policy.
4. If your claim involves complementary treatment the claim form and invoices must be
countersigned by your vet.
5. If you are submitting a claim for an ongoing condition your vet must still complete a claim form
and supply us with the supporting invoices on each occasion that treatment is provided.
6. If your pet is referred to a specialist please make sure your own vet, that normally treats your pet
has completed a separate claim form for the initial costs. We will not be able to assess the claim
form and supporting invoices from the referral practice until we have processed the initial
treatment from your own vet.
V2.1 March 2022 27
Third Party Liability (Dogs Only)
What is covered What is not covered
All Cover levels
We will pay up to the Third Party Liability limit
of indemnit
y, dependent on the cover level
shown on your policy schedule which you
become legally liable to pay as damages
(including costs) during the period of insurance
for any claim or series of claims arising from any
one event or original cause in respect of an
incident occurring during the
period of
insurance involving your dog causing:
1. Bodily injury, death, sickness or disease to
any person who is not in your employment
or who is not a member of your family or
2. Loss of or damage to property that does not
belong to and is neither in the charge of or
under the control of you, anyone in your
employment or any member of your family
or household within:
a) the United Kingdom
b) whilst temporarily outside the UK
provided that your dog complies with all
the relevant legislation relating to
movement across international borders.
1. The fixed excess shown in your policy
2. Indemnity is subject to the payment of
your policy excess in advance of settling
any third party claim. Failure to pay the
excess in advance will be in breach of policy
conditions and may result in indemnity
refusal, or legal action directly against you
by a third party.
3. Any liability claims occurring within the first
14 days following the start of your
insurance policy.
4. Compensation or legal costs arising directly
or indirectly from liability which has been
assumed by you under agreement (such as
a hire agreement) unless the liability would
have existed without the agreement.
Loss or damage to property in the
ownership, custody or control of you or
your family, or any person employed by
members of your household or any person
looking after your dog with your
6. Accidental bodily injury to or disease
contracted by you or a member of your
family or persons permanently residing
with you or any person looking after your
dog with your permission.
7. Accidental bodily injury
or disease
contracted by any person who is under a
contract of service or apprenticeship with
you when such injury or disease arises out
of and in the course of employment by you.
8. Fines, penalties or your
breach of
quarantine restrictions or import or export
9. Any liability when your pet is under the
control or custody of a professional dog
sitter, walker, groomer or other similar
professional caring for your dog where
payment is made.
10. Any liability insured under any other
insurance policy (including your household
V2.1 March 2022 28
insurance) unless that cover has been
11. Liability in respect of pollution or
contamination of buildings or other
structures or of water or land or the
atmosphere unless directly caused by a
sudden identifiable, unintended and
unexpected occurrence which takes place
in its entirety at a specific moment in time
and place during the period of insurance
provided that:
all pollution or contamination which arises
out of one occurrence will be deemed to
have occurred at the time such occurrence
takes place;
12. Our liability for all damages and claimants
costs and expenses payable in respect of all
pollution or contamination which is
deemed to have occurred during the
period of insurance shall not exceed
£1,000,000 in the aggregate.
Anything mentioned in the General
exclusions applicable to all sections of the
policy on page 18.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You should immediately call our claims helpline to give us full details of any incident, which may
give rise to a claim.
2. You must send us every writ, summons, letter of claim or other document as soon as you receive
3. You must not admit any liability or pay, offer to pay, promise to pay or negotiate any claim without
our permission in writing.
4. We will be entitled to take over and carryout in your name the defence of any claims for indemnity
or damages or otherwise against any third party. We shall have full discretion in the conduct of any
negotiation or proceedings or in the settlement of any claim and you shall give us all necessary
information and assistance which we may require.
5. If you die, your legal representative(s) will have the protection of this cover as long as they comply
with the terms and conditions.
V2.1 March 2022 29
Section 3
Death caused by Accident
What is covered
What is not covered
All cover levels
We will reimburse you the purchase price as
declared on your policy schedule, up to the
maximum amount payable shown on your
policy schedule in the event your pet dies from
an injury or is put to sleep, if certified by a vet
as necessary to alleviate incurable and
inhumane suffering of your pet, due to injury.
1. Death caused by an illness.
2. Any claim if the death occurs in relation to a
condition that happened prior to or within
the first 2 days (48 hours) of the policy
3. Any claim if a vet believes it is more humane
to keep your pet alive rather than put it to
sleep, but despite this you still have your pet
put to sleep.
4. Any monetary amount higher than the cost
that you paid to purchase your pet.
5. Any amount above the limit shown in the
summary for the level of cover selected.
6. Cremation or burial fees.
7. Any claim not supported by evidence of
purchase price or receipt.
8. Anything mentioned in the General
exclusions applicable to all sections of the
policy on page 18.
Special conditions relating to claims
You must send us the claim form, a death certificate from your vet (at your expense) or if not available
a statement from an independent witness confirming your pet’s death, together with any pedigree
certificate (where applicable) and receipt for the original purchase of your pet.
V2.1 March 2022 30
Section 4
Death caused by illness
What is covered
What is not covered
Not available under accident only cover
We will reimburse you the purchase price as
declared on your policy schedule, up to the
cover level shown on your policy schedule, in
the event your pet dies from illness or is put
to sleep, if certified by a vet as necessary to
alleviate incurable and inhumane suffering of
your pet, due to illness or disease.
Cover is only provided under this section of
the policy for dogs under the age of 9 years
and cats under the age of 11 years.
1. Death caused by injury.
2. Any claim where your pet dies or has to be put
to sleep due to:
an illness that first showed clinical signs
prior to or within 14 days of your pet’s cover
starting; or,
an illness that is the same as, or has the
same diagnosis or clinical signs as an illness
that first showed clinical signs prior to or
within 14 days of your pet’s cover starting;
an illness that is caused by, relates to or
results from a clinical sign that was first
noticed, or an illness that first showed
clinical signs, prior to or within 14 days of
your pet’s cover starting, no matter where
the illness or clinical signs are noticed or
happen in, or on your pet’s body.
3. Any claim if your pet is aged 9 years or over at
the time of death for a dog or 11 years or over
if a cat.
4. Any claim if a vet believes it is more humane to
keep your pet alive rather than put it to sleep,
but despite this you still have your pet put to
5. Any monetary amount higher than the cost that
you paid to purchase your pet.
6. Any amount above the limit shown in the
summary for the level of cover selected.
7. Cremation or burial fees.
Any claim not supported by evidence of
purchase price or receipt.
9. Anything mentioned in the General exclusions
applicable to all sections of the policy on page
Special conditions relating to claims
You must send us a death certificate from your vet (at your expense) or if not available a statement
from an independent witness confirming your pet’s death, together with any pedigree certificate
(where applicable) and receipt for the original purchase of your pet.
V2.1 March 2022 31
Section 5
Advertising and Reward
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must telephone the claims helpline immediately and secure our approval prior to incurring
any expense or any offer of reward.
2. In the case of a reward you must not pay the finder yourself. Please provide us with the details of
the finder and we will arrange for the payment to be made directly to them.
What is covered
What is not covered
Not available on Accident only cover
If your pet is lost or stolen, we will reimburse
you for advertising in a local newspaper and for
a suitable reward to be offered for recovery of
your pet (previously agreed with us) up to the
cover level shown your policy schedule.
1. Any reward to a person living with you.
2. Any reward to an immediate family
3. Any reward that we have not agreed to
before you advertised it.
4. Any reward paid to the person who was
caring for your pet when it was lost or
5. Anything mentioned in the General
exclusions applicable to all sections of the
policy on page 18.
V2.1 March 2022 32
Section 6
Theft and Straying
Special conditions relating to claims
1. If your pet has been stolen you must report this to the Police within 24 hours of becoming aware
that the pet is missing.
2. In the case of the loss of your pet you must make enquiries with the local authority dog warden
and local rescue centres.
3. Any claim notification must be made within 121 days of the date on which your pet is stolen or
goes missing. The notification may be made at any time during this period but we will not make
any payment to you within the first 90 days of the theft or straying.
4. You must send us any pedigree certificate (where applicable) and receipt for the original purchase
of your pet.
5. If your pet is eventually found or returns you must notify us and repay the full amount that we
have paid under this section of your policy.
What is covered What is not covered
Not available on Accident only cover
We will reimburse you the purchase price as
declared on your policy schedule, up to the
cover level shown on your policy schedule, in
respect of permanent loss due to your pet being
lost or stolen and after no recovery has been
made after 45 days, despite advertising and a
reward being offered.
1. Any monetary amount higher than the cost
that you paid to purchase your pet.
2. Any amount above the limit shown in the
summary for the level of cover selected.
3. Any claim not supported by evidence of
purchase price or receipt.
Anything mentioned in the General
exclusions applicable to all sections of the
policy on page 18.
V2.1 March 2022 33
Section 7
Emergency boarding fees
What is covered
What is not covered
All Levels of Cover
We will reimburse you for boarding fees or
daily minding up to the cover level shown on
your policy schedule (in any one period of
insurance) in the event:
1. You or any member of your family
permanently residing with you suffer any
bodily injury, illness or disease which
necessitates your
or their emergency
hospitalisation as an in-patient for a period
exceeding 4 consecutive days and no other
member of your family permanently residing
with you is able to look after your pet.
2. Your main UK residence is deemed to be
uninhabitable as a result of circumstances
beyond your
control, including but not
limited to: Flood, Fire, Hurricane and/or
enforced evacuation on the order of the
emergency services.
1. Any hospitalisation that is either known or
foreseeable before cover for your pet
2. Any costs resulting from treatment that is
not related to a bodily injury, illness or
3. Any costs resulting from you going into a
hospital for the treatment for alcohol or
solvent abuse, drug abuse, drug addiction,
attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury or
4. Any additional
period of hospitalisation
relating to treatment or services provided by
a convalescent or nursing home or any
rehabilitation centre.
5. Any period of hospitalisation of you or any
member of your family permanently
residing with you as a result of pregnancy.
6. Anything mentioned in the General
exclusions applicable to all sections of the
policy on page 18.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must send us written confirmation from the appropriate boarding home or from the person
responsible for looking after your pet showing the dates and daily cost of boarding.
2. You must send us a medical certificate or written confirmation from the treating doctor or the
hospital that confirms the dates of your or your family member’s admission and subsequent
discharge from hospital.
V2.1 March 2022 34
Section 8
Holiday cancellation
What is covered What is not covered
All levels of cover
We will reimburse you for any non-recoverable
cancellation costs up to the cover level shown on
your policy schedule, (in any one period of
insurance), in the event that your pet is injured
or shows the first clinical signs of any illness
while you are away or up to 7 days before you
leave and in your vet’s opinion needs immediate
lifesaving surgery.
1. The fixed excess shown in your policy
2. The cost of anyone else that is on holiday
with you.
3. Non life-saving operations.
4. Any costs arising from a condition that you
first became aware of more than 7 days prior
to the date of travel.
5. Any costs or expenditure for any holiday
booked less than 28 days prior to departure.
6. Any additional cancellation charges incurred
because you did not tell the company
providing your transport or accommodation,
their agents or any person acting for you, as
soon as you knew you had to cancel your
Anything mentioned in the General
exclusions applicable to all sections of the
policy on page 18.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must send us confirmation of the treatment signed by your vet.
2. You must send us cancellation invoices from your holiday travel agent, tour operator or other
holiday sales organisation. The invoices must show the dates and total cost of your holiday and any
expenses that you cannot recover.
V2.1 March 2022 35
Section 9/10
Quarantine costs and loss of Animal Health Certificate
What is covered What is not covered
Not available on Accident only cover
We will pay up to the maximum amount
payable, dependent on the cover level shown
on your policy schedule per trip for:
Quarantine kennelling costs and other costs
incurred in getting a new health certificate for
your pet, should your pet’s microchip of ISO
Standard 11784 or Annex A to ISO Standard
11785 fail.
Quarantine kennelling costs should your pet
have to go into quarantine due to illness
despite your compliance with all the required
We will pay you up to the maximum amount
payable dependent on the cover level shown on
your policy schedule per trip for the cost of a
replacement health certificate should the
original become lost, stolen or destroyed during
the trip. This includes any quarantine costs
incurred as a direct result of such a loss.
1. Any costs if the microchip was checked and
found not to be working properly within the
14 days prior to your departure on any trip.
2. Any cost arising from any condition of which
you were aware before the start of any trip.
3. Any costs resulting with your non-
compliance with all or any relevant
regulations, laws and/or legislation of your
country of travel.
4. Any loss, theft of destruction of the health
certificate prior to the start of your trip.
Any Claim where the loss, theft or
destruction of the Health Certificate is not
reported to the issuing vet within 24 hours
of discovery.
6. Any claim if the health certificate is lost or
stolen while it was left unattended, unless
the health certificate was secured in your
holiday accommodation safe or the boot,
covered luggage compartment or glove box
of a locked vehicle.
7. Anything mentioned in the General
exclusions applicable to all sections of the
policy on page 18.
Special conditions relating to claims
1. You must send us documentary evidence that your pet was micro chipped prior to your journey
with a microchip of ISO standard 11784 or Annex A to ISO standard 11785.
2. You must send us receipts or bills for quarantine kenneling and other costs incurred as these will
help you substantiate your claim.
3. You must report the loss or theft of your health certificate within 24 hours of it going missing to
the vet who issued it, the police or if you are on a ship, train, plane or coach or the tour operator.
V2.1 March 2022 36
Section 11
Emergency expenses overseas
What is covered What is not covered
Not available on Accident only cover
We will pay up to the maximum amount shown
on your policy schedule, per trip, in
reimbursement for emergency expenses for any
of the following incurred by you outside the
United Kingdom during a trip:
1. Additional accommodation and repatriation
costs and expenses of you and your pet:
a) if your pet needs emergency veterinary
treatment and as a result of this you miss
your scheduled departure to the United
provided such emergency
veterinary treatment is covered under
Section 1 Veterinary fees.
b) if your scheduled departure to the United
Kingdom is missed as a direct result of the
loss of your pet’s health certificate,
provided that such loss is covered under
Section 10 Loss of Animal Health
2. Additional travel and accommodation costs
and expenses up to the maximum amount
shown in your policy schedule if your pet
becomes lost during a trip, whilst you try to
find your pet before your scheduled return
date to the United Kingdom.
1. Any Costs more specifically insured under
any other insurance policy.
2. The cost of any food or drink for you, your
pet or any other persons on the trip with
3. Any costs in relation to your pet receiving
treatment that it is not certified by a vet
that treated your pet.
4. Any costs if the trip was made to get
veterinary treatment carried out on your
pet abroad.
Anything mentioned in the General
exclusions applicable to all sections of the
policy on page 18.
Special conditions relating to claims
As part of your policy, you agree to and accept the following conditions in the event that you submit
a claim:
We will request relevant information or records from your current or previous veterinary
practice, specialist, breeder or rescue centre at any time in order for us to be able to fully assess
your claim.
Your veterinary practice or any veterinary practice treating your pet can openly discuss and
receive information about your claims with your policy administrator (Insurance Factory
Limited) where appropriate. This also includes the transfer of your claim via an electronic service
using a third party application.
We will only ever ask for information which is relevant to the details and circumstances of the
claim and previous medical history, which is necessary for claims processing purposes.
V2.1 March 2022 37
You must send us receipts or bills for all costs and expenses you have incurred as these will help
you substantiate your claim.
You must supply evidence of the veterinary treatment that your pet received whilst on your trip
by supplying the clinical history, claim form, invoices and receipts for the treatment received.
You must provide documentary evidence that the initial tick and worming treatment was
obtained and that this was done in the time scale required by the relevant authorities.
You must supply all documentation to us from the transport agencies and or booking agents to
show us the delayed travel and rescheduled dates of travel and return home.
You must provide evidence that the repeat tick and worming treatment was necessary in order
to comply with the relevant requirements, laws and/or legislation of your country of travel.
You must notify the police or relevant transport operator within 24 hours of discovery of the
incident and obtain at your own expense a written report should you wish to claim following the
loss or theft of your pet.
V2.1 March 2022 38
Section 12
Healthcare away from home
0333 234 0623
If you and your pet are away from home whilst
in the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Isle of
Man, and Channel Islands and your pet needs
urgent veterinary care, the policy gives you
access to our help lines so we can identify the
nearest vet for you.
Lines are open from 8am to 6pm weekdays and
9am to 2pm on Saturdays.
Bereavement counselling
0161 836 9498
An understanding, confidential and professional
service enabling you to talk for as long as you
need about the death or illness of your pet.
Help and advice to address the symptoms
brought about by bereavement
Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Pet legal
01775 764191
Lawyers are available to provide advice and
explain legal issues in plain English
and in a
friendly and helpful way.
Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Pet minders
0333 999 0933
This enables you to locate a registered pet
Minder (on a National basis) for either
a few
minutes or indeed weeks, in order to look after
your pet while you are away.
Lines are open from 8am to 6pm weekdays and
9am to 2pm on Saturdays.
24 hour Veterinary Helpline
0800 012 1041
This helpline provides advice on common
illnesses, including vomiting, diarrhoea and skin
problems. Help with minor issues including,
fleas, exercise and diet. Advice
on specific
events such as going abroad
, disease and
poisoning. The helpline
provides out of hours
support when your local vet is closed. Lines are
open 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Calls are free from a BT Landline only. (Calls
from other networks and from your mobile may
incur a cost).
V2.1 March 2022 39
Complaints procedure
Making yourself heard
We are committed to providing you with an exceptional level of service and customer care. We realise
that things can go wrong and there may be occasions when you feel that we have not provided the
service you expected. When this happens, we want to hear about it so that we can try to put things
Who to contact
The most important factors in getting your complaint dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible
a) to be sure you are talking to the right person; and,
b) that you are giving them the right information.
The resolution of complaints in relation to your policy is delegated to our service provider in the
United Kingdom Insurance Factory Limited
When you contact them:
Please give your name and contact telephone number.
Please quote your policy and/or claim number, and the type of policy you hold.
Please explain clearly and concisely the reason for your complaint, so they can begin by establishing
your first point of contact:
Step One – Initiating your complaint
Does your complaint relate to:
A: your policy?
B: a claim on your policy?
If A, you need to contact the Customer Service team on 0333 234 0623 and state your complaint.
If B, you need to contact the Claims team on 0333 999 0933 and state your complaint.
In either case, if you wish to provide written details, the following checklist has been prepared for you
to use when drafting your letter.
Head your letter ‘ASDA Pet Insurance COMPLAINT’.
• Give your full name, post code and contact telephone number(s).
Advise them that you have an ASDA Pet Insurance policy and quote your policy and/or claim
• Explain clearly and concisely the reason(s) for your complaint.
The letter should be sent to the person dealing with your complaint along with any other material
required to the following address:
ASDA Pet Insurance
The Complaints Manager
The Connect Centre
Kingston Crescent
V2.1 March 2022 40
They will acknowledge your complaint promptly, normally within five days unless exceptional
circumstances apply.
The Complaints department will investigate your complaint impartially taking into account all relevant
factors and will provide you with a written response to your complaint within eight weeks. It is
expected that the majority of complaints will be quickly and satisfactorily resolved at this stage, but if
you are not satisfied, you can take the issue further:
Step Two - The Financial Ombudsman Service
If you have received your final response and you are still not satisfied, or if you have not heard from
the Complaints department within 8 weeks, you may refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman
Service (FOS).
The Ombudsman is an independent body that arbitrates on complaints about general insurance
products and other financial services. It will only consider complaints after you have been provided
with written confirmation that all internal complaints procedures have been exhausted.
Insurance Division
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9SR
Tel: 0300 123 9123
Fax: 020 7964 1001
Please note that you have six months from the date of the final response in which to refer your
complaint to the Ombudsman. Referral to the Ombudsman will not affect your right to take legal
Their promise to you:
They will acknowledge all complaints promptly.
They will investigate quickly and thoroughly.
They will keep you informed of progress.
They will do everything possible to resolve your complaint.
We will learn from our mistakes. We will use the information from complaints to continuously improve
our service.
To help us improve our service, we may record or monitor telephone calls.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
If we were unable to meet our obligations you might be entitled to compensation under the Financial
Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Further information about the Scheme is available from the
FSCS website at www.fscs.org.uk or by calling us.
Full details are available at www.fscs.org.uk
V2.1 March 2022 41
Useful numbers
Customer Services
0333 234 0623
24 Hour Vet Helpline 0800 012 1041
Claims 0333 999 0933
Find a vet helpline 0333 234 0623
Find a pet minder helpline 0333 999 0933
Pet legal helpline 01775 764 191
Bereavement counselling 0161 836 9498
V2.1 March 2022 42
For great cover at low prices,
call us for a quote
Car insurance
0800 181 4094
Lines are open 8am to 10pm Mon Fri, 8am to 6pm Sat and 10am to 4pm Sun.
Calls may be recorded and monitored.
Home insurance
0800 181 4093
Lines are open 8am to 10pm Mon Fri, 8am to 6pm Sat and 10am to 4pm Sun.
Calls may be recorded and monitored.
Van insurance
0800 181 4095
Lines are open 8am to 10pm Mon Fri, 8am to 6pm Sat and 10am to 4pm Sun.
Calls may be recorded and monitored.
Asda Money is a trading name of Asda Financial Services Limited. Asda Financial Services and Asda Stores
Limited are introducer appointed representatives of Insurance Factory Limited which arrange and administer
the policy. Insurance Factory Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
(Financial Services Register Number306164). Pet insurance will be underwritten by West Bay Insurance Plc,
registered in Gibraltar No. 84085. Registered Office: 846-848, Europort, Gibraltar, is authorised by the
Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority
and the Prudential Regulation Authority in respect of underwriting insurance business in the UK (Financial
Services Register Number 211787). You can check this by visiting the Financial Services Register at
www.fca.org.uk or the Prudential Regulation Authority on 020 7601 4444.
†Calls may be recorded and monitored. Maximum call charge from a BT landline is 4p per minute. Calls from
other networks may vary. Please check with your network operator.