Budget Accounts - Functional Titles
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Functional Title
Treasury Agency Account Account Title
Military Personnel
21 2010 Military Personnel, Army
21 1004 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Army
17 1453 Military Personnel, Navy
17 1000 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Navy
17 1105 Military Personnel, Marine Corps
17 1001 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Marine Corps
57 3500 Military Personnel, Air Force
57 1007 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Air Force
21 2070 Reserve Personnel, Army
21 1005 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Pers., Army
17 1405 Reserve Personnel, Navy
17 1002 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Pers., Navy
17 1108 Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps
17 1003 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Pers., MC
57 3700 Reserve Personnel, Air Force
57 1008 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Reserve Pers., AF
21 2060 National Guard Personnel, Army
21 1006 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Guard Pers., Army
57 3850 National Guard Personnel, Air Force
57 1009 Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Fund Contribution, Guard Pers., AF
97 9010 Effect of extra military personnel payday
97 0041 Concurrent Receipt Accrual Payments to the Military Retirement Fund
Operation and Maintenance
21 2020 Operation and Maintenance, Army
21 2022 Operation and Maintenance, Army, Recovery Act
17 1804 Operation and Maintenance, Navy
17 1805 Operation and Maintenance, Navy, Recovery Act
17 1106 Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps
17 1116 Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps, Recovery Act
57 3400 Operation and Maintenance, Air Force
57 3404 Operation and Maintenance, Air Force, Recovery Act
97 0100 Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide
97 0107 Office of the Inspector General
97 0112 Office of the Inpector General, Recovery Act
21 2080 Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve
21 2081 Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve, Recovery Act
17 1806 Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve
17 1807 Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve, Recovery Act
17 1107 Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve
17 1117 Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve, Recovery Act
57 3740 Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve
57 3744 Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve, Recovery Act
21 2065 Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard
21 2066 Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard, Recovery Act
57 3840 Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard
57 3844 Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard, Recovery Act
97 0839 Quality of Life Enhancements, Defense
97 0118 Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund
97 0840 OPLAN 34A-35 P.O.W. Payments
97 0104 United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
97 0105 Drug Interdiction and Counter-drug Activities, Defense
97 0838 Support for International Sporting Competitions , Defense
97 0801 Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Defense
97 0130 Defense Health Program
97 0150 Defense Health Program, Recovery Act
21 0810 Environmental Restoration, Army
17 0810 Environmental Restoration, Navy
57 0810 Environmental Restoration, Air Force
97 0810 Environmental Restoration, Defense
97 0811 Environmental Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites
97 0819 Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid
97 0828 Reinvestment for Economic Growth, Defense
97 0134 Cooperative Threat Reduction Account
97 5751 Contributions to the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program
97 0145 Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund
97 0114 European Reassurance Initiative
Budget Accounts - Functional Titles
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Functional Title
Treasury Agency Account Account Title
Operation and Maintenance
97 0462 Military Intelligence Program Transfer Fund
17 1236 Payment to Kaho'olawe Island Conveyance, Remediation, and Envr Rest Fund
97 0141 Iraq Freedom Fund
21 2091 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund
21 2096 Afghanistan Infrastructure Fund
21 2097 Iraq Train and Equip Fund
21 2092 Iraq Security Forces Fund
21 2095 Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund
97 0111 Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund
17 0513 Ship Modernization, Operations and Sustainment Fund
21 2098 Syria Train and Equip Fun
97 0833 Emergency Response Fund, Defense
97 4965 Emergency Response
97 5187 Defense Cooperation Account
97 5441 Burdensharing and Other Cooperative Activities
21 5098 Restoration of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal
21 5194 DoD 50th Anniversary of WWII Commemorative Account
21 5286 National Science Center, Army
97 5195 Use of Proceeds, Transfer/Disposal Commissary Facilities
97 5394 Use of Proceeds from Cash Equalization Payments from Acq. of Facilities
97 5442 DoD, Korean War Commemoration Account
17 5185 Kaho' Olawe Island Conveyance, Remediation, and Environmental Rest Fund
97 5188 Disposal of Department of Defense Real Property
97 5189 Lease of Department of Defense Real Property
97 5193 DoD Overseas Military Facility Investment Recovery
97 5750 Department of Defense Vietnam War Commemoration Fund
21 5752 Department of Defense Korean War Commemoration Fund
97 5336 Defense Export Loan Guarantee Program Account
97 9921 Discretionary Savings
21 2031 Aircraft Procurement, Army
21 2032 Missile Procurement, Army
21 2033 Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army
21 2034 Procurement of Ammunition, Army
21 2035 Other Procurement, Army
21 2093 Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund
17 1506 Aircraft Procurement, Navy
17 1507 Weapons Procurement, Navy
17 1508 Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps
17 1611 Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy
17 1810 Other Procurement, Navy
17 0380 Coastal Defense Augmentation
17 1109 Procurement, Marine Corps
57 3010 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force
57 3020 Missile Procurement, Air Force
57 3021 Space Procurement, Air Force
57 3011 Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force
57 3080 Other Procurement, Air Force
97 0300 Procurement, Defense-Wide
97 0350 National Guard and Reserve Equipment
97 0360 Defense Production Act Purchases
21 0390 Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Army
97 0390 Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Defense
97 0303 Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund
97 0144 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Fund
97 0117 Defense Modernization Account
21 4275 Arms Initiative Guaranteed Loan Financing Account
Budget Accounts - Functional Titles
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Functional Title
Treasury Agency Account Account Title
Research, Development, Test and
21 2040 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army
21 2041 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Army, Recovery Act
17 1319 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy
17 1320 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Navy, Recovery Act
57 3600 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force
57 3605 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Air Force, Recovery Act
57 3024 Tanker Replacement Transfer Fund, Air Force
97 0400 Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide
97 0401 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Defense-Wide, Recovery Act
97 0450 Developmental Test and Evaluation, Defense
97 0460 Operational Test and Evaluation, Defense
97 5753 Contributions for Renewable Energy Impact Assessments and Mitigation, Def
97 0113 NNSA Program Support
Military Construction
21 2050 Military Construction, Army
21 2051 Military Construction, Army, Recovery Act
17 1205 Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps
17 1206 Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps, Recovery Act
17 5562 Ford Island Improvement Account
57 3300 Military Construction, Air Force
57 3307 Military Construction, Air Force, Recovery Act
97 0500 Military Construction, Defense-Wide
97 0501 Military Construction, Defense-Wide, Recovery Act
97 0804 North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program
21 2085 Military Construction, Army National Guard
21 2094 Military Construction, Army National Guard, Recovery Act
57 3830 Military Construction, Air National Guard
57 3834 Military Construction, Air National Guard, Recovery Act
21 2086 Military Construction, Army Reserve
17 1235 Military Construction, Navy Reserve
57 3730 Military Construction, Air Force Reserve
97 0391 Chemical Demilitarization Construction, Defense-Wide
21 051601 Department of Defense Base Closure Account - Army
17 051602 Department of Defense Base Closure Account - Navy
57 051603 Department of Defense Base Closure Account - Air Force
97 051604 Department of Defense Base Closure Account - Defense-Wide
97 0103 Base Realignment & Closure Acct, Pt I
21 051001 Base Realignment and Closure, Army
17 051002 Base Realignment and Closure, Navy
57 051003 Base Realignment and Closure, Air Force
97 051004 Base Realignment and Closure, Defense
21 051201 FY 2005 Base Realignment and Closure - Army
17 051202 FY 2005 Base Realignment and Closure - Navy
57 051203 FY 2005 Base Realignment and Closure - Air Force
97 051204 FY 2005 Base Realignment and Closure - Defense-Wide
21 051501 FY 2015 Base Realignment and Closure - Army
17 051502 FY 2015 Base Realignment and Closure - Navy
57 051503 FY 2015 Base Realignment and Closure - Air Force
97 051504 FY 2015 Base Realignment and Closure - Defense-Wide
97 0803 Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Construction, Defense
Budget Accounts - Functional Titles
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Functional Title
Treasury Agency Account Account Title
Family Housing
21 0720 Family Housing Construction, Army
21 0721 Family Housing Construction, Army, Recovery Act
21 0725 Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Army
21 0726 Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Army, Recovery Act
17 0730 Family Housing Construction, Navy and Marine Corps
17 0735 Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Navy and Marine Corps
57 0740 Family Housing Construction, Air Force
57 0743 Family Housing Construction, Air Force, Recovery Act
57 0745 Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air Force
57 0748 Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Air Force, Recovery Act
97 0760 Family Housing Construction, Defense-Wide
97 0765 Family Housing Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide
97 4090 Homeowners Assistance Fund, Defense
97 4091 Homeowners Assistance Fund, Defense, Recovery Act
97 0834 Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund
97 4166 Family Housing Improvement Direct Loan Financing Account
97 4167 Family Housing Improvement Guaranteed Loan Financing Account
97 0836 Military Unaccompanied Housing Improvement Fund
Revolving and Management Funds
97 4555 National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund
97 4950 Pentagon Reservation Maintenance Revolving Fund
17 4557 National Defense Sealift Fund
97 4282 Defense Coalition Support Fund
21 493001 Working Capital Fund, Army
17 493002 Working Capital Fund, Navy
57 493003 Working Capital Fund, Air Force
97 493005 Working Capital Fund, Defense-Wide
97 493004 Working Capital Fund, Defense Commissary Agency
97 4931 Buildings Maintenance Fund
17 3980 Navy Management Fund
21 4567 Special Defense Repair Fund
Defense-wide Contigencies
97 9915 DOD Program Adjustments
97 9918 General Transfer Authority Outlay Allowance
97 3999 Department of Defense Closed Accounts
97 9920 Anticipated Funding for the Global War on Terror
97 9925 DoD-wide Savings Proposals
Offsetting Receipts
97 265100 Sale of Scrap and Salvaged Materials, Defense
21 509810 Restoration of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Army
97 544110 Contributions for Burdensharing and Other Cooperative Activities (Kuwait)
97 544130 Contributions for Burdensharing and Other Cooperative Activities (Japan)
97 544140 Contributions for Burdensharing and Other Cooperative Activities (S Korea)
21 528610 Fees Collected for the Use of National Science Center
97 518821 Disposal of DoD Real Property, Army
97 518857 Disposal of DoD Real Property, Air Force
97 518817 Disposal of DoD Real Property, Navy
97 518897 Disposal of DoD Real Property, Defense Agencies
97 518921 Lease of DoD Real Property, Army
97 518957 Lease of DoD Real Property, Air Force
97 518917 Lease of DoD Real Property, Navy
97 518997 Lease of DoD Real Property. Defense Agencies
97 519321 Deposits, DoD Overseas Military Facility Investment Recovery Acct, Army
97 519357 Deposits, DoD Overseas Military Facility Investment Recovery Acct, AF
97 519317 Deposits, DoD Overseas Military Facility Investment Recovery Acct, Navy
97 519397 Deposits, DoD Overseas Military Facility Investment Recovery Acct, Def
21 519410 Royalties for Use of DoD, Military Insignia and Trademarks
97 575010 Donations and Collections, DoD Vietnam War Commemoration Fund
97 575020 Payment to the DoD Vietnam Commemoration Fund
97 539421 Use of Proceeds from Cash Equal. Payments from Acq. of Fac., Army
97 539417 Use of Proceeds from Cash Equal. Payments from Acq. of Fac., Navy
97 539457 Use of Proceeds from Cash Equal. Payments from Acq. of Fac., Air Force
97 539497 Use of Proceeds from Cash Equal. Payments from Acq. of Fac., Defense-Wide
97 519510 Proceeds from the Transfer or Disposition of Commissary Facilities, Defense
97 519530 Proceeds from the Transfer or Disposition of Commissary Facilities
97 264400 Defense Vessel Transfer Receipt Account
97 223600 Sale of Certain Materials in National Defense Stockpile
Budget Accounts - Functional Titles
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Functional Title
Treasury Agency Account Account Title
Offsetting Receipts
21 184000 Rent of Equipment and Other Personal Property, Army
17 184000 Rent of Equipment and Other Personal Property, Navy
57 184000 Rent of Equipment and Other Personal Property, Air Force
97 184000 Rent of Equipment and Other Presonal Property, Defense
21 806310 Bequest of Major General Fred C. Ainsworth, Army
21 806320 Interest on investments, Major General Fred C. Ainsworth, Army
17 246200 Deposits for Survivors Annuity Benefits, Navy
57 246200 Deposits for Survivors Annuity Benefits, Air Force
97 246200 Deposits for Survivors Annuity Benefits, Defense
21 246200 Deposits for Survivors Annuity Benefits, Army
97 262100 Sales of Lands, Etc., Military Post Construction Fund
21 262100 Sales of Lands, Etc., Military Post Construction Fund
21 892710 Deposits, Department of the Army General Gift Fund
21 892720 Earnings on Investments, Department of the Army General Gift Fund
97 276130 Family Housing Improvement Fund, Downward Reestimates of Subsidies
21 301900 Recoveries for Government Property Lost or Damaged, Army
17 301900 Recoveries for Government Property Lost or Damaged, Navy
57 301900 Recoveries for Government Property Lost or Damaged, Air Force
97 301900 Recoveries for Government Property Lost or Damaged, Defense
21 304100 Recoveries under the Foreign Military Sales Program, Army
17 304100 Recoveries under the Foreign Military Sales Program, Navy
57 304100 Recoveries under the Foreign Military Sales Program, Air Force
97 304100 Recoveries under the Foreign Military Sales Program, Defense
21 321000 General Fund Proprietary Receipts, DOD Mil, Not Otherwise Class., Army
17 321000 General Fund Proprietary Receipts, DOD Mil, Not Otherwise Class., Navy
57 321000 General Fund Proprietary Receipts, DOD Mil, Not Otherwise Class., Air Force
97 321000 General Fund Proprietary Receipts, DOD Mil, Not Otherwise Class., Defense
17 873010 Contributions to U.S. Naval Academy Museum Fun
17 873020 Income on Investments, U.S. Naval Academy Museum Fund
17 873320 Earning on Investments, U.S. Naval Academy Gift and Museum Fund
17 873310 Contributions to U.S. Naval Academy Gift and Museum Fund
17 871610 Deposits, Department of the Navy General Gift Fund
17 871620 Earnings on Investments, Department of the Navy General Gift Fund
17 800810 Office of Naval Records & History fund, Contributions
17 800820 Office of Naval Records & History fund, Interest on investments
57 892810 Deposits, Department of the Air Force General Gift Fund
57 892820 Interest on Investments, Dept of the Air Force General Gift Fund
97 833710 Contrib. from Kuwait, Host Nation Spt for U.S. Relocation Activities
97 833720 Earnings on Investments, Host Support for U.S. Relocation Activities
97 833730 Contrib. from Japan, Host Nation Spt fot U.S. Relocation Activities
97 833740 Contrib. from S. Korea, Host Nation Spt for U.S. Relocation Activities
97 833750 Contrib. from Qatar, Host Nation Spt for U.S. Relocation Activities
21 817410 National Science Center Gift Fund
21 388521 Undistributed Intragovernmental Payments and Receivables, Army
17 388517 Undistributed Intragovernmental Payments and Receivables, Navy
57 388557 Undistributed Intragovernmental Payments and Receivables, Air Force
97 388597
Undistributed Intragovernmental Payments and Receivables, Defense
21 320021 Collections of Receivables from Cancelled Accounts
17 320017 Collections of Receivables from Cancelled Accounts
57 320057 Collections of Receivables from Cancelled Accounts
97 320097 Collections of Receivables from Cancelled Accounts
97 278230 Arms Initiative, Downward Reestimates of Subsidies
97 575110 Collections, Contributions to the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program
97 575310 Contributions for Renewable Energy Impact Assements and Mitigation, Def
97 816310 Contributions, Department of Defense General Gift Fund Deposits
97 816320 Interest on Investments, Department of Defense General Gift Fund Deposits
97 835810 Contributions from Japan, Support for U.S. Relocation to Guam Activities
97 835820 Earnings on Investments, Support for U.S. Relocation to Guam Activities
17 143517 General Fund Proprietary Interest Receipts, not Otherwise Classified, Navy
Budget Accounts - Functional Titles
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Functional Title
Treasury Agency Account Account Title
Trust and Trust Revolving Funds
97 0766 General Fund Payment, Surcharge Collections, Sales of Commissary Stores DoD
97 8335 Voluntary Separation Incentive Fund
97 8337 Host Nation Sup for US Relocation Activities, Defense
17 8008 Naval Historical Center Fund (Trust)
21 8063 Ainsworth Library (Trust)
21 8064 Fisher House Trust Fund, Dept. of the Army
21 8174 National Science Center Gift Fund (Trust)
17 8716 Navy General Gift Fund (Trust)
17 8723 Ships Stores Profit, Navy (Trust)
17 8730 U.S. Naval Academy Museum Fund (Trust)
17 8733 U.S. Naval Academy Gift and Museum Fund (Trust)
21 8927 Army General Gift Fund (Trust)
97 8163 Department of Defense General Gift Fund
57 8928 Air Force General Gift Fund (Trust)
21 9971 Other DoD Trust Funds
97 8311 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Gift Fund
97 8168 National Security Education Trust Fund
97 8165 Foreign National Employees Separation Pay
57 8418 Air Force Cadet Fund (Trust)
17 8423 Midshipmen's Store, U.S. Naval Academy (Trust)
97 8164 Surchge Coll.,Sales of Comm.Stores, Defense (Trust)
97 8096 Gifts, DoD Dependents Education Gift Fund
97 8358 Support For US Relocation to Guam Activities
Interfund Transactions
17 872310 Profits from Sales of Ships Stores, Navy
97 816820 Earnings on Investments, National Security Education Trust Fund
97 518710 Defense Cooperation, Department of Defense-Military
97 518720 Earnings on Investments, Defense Cooperation
17 518510 Payment from the General Fund, Kaho'olawe Island Fund
97 816510 Foreign National Employees Separation Pay Trust Fund
97 833510 Payment to Voluntary Separation Incentive Fund
97 833520 Earnings on Investments
International Programs
21 2090 Operating Expenses of the Coalition Provisional Authority
21 2089 Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund, Army
97 0142 Natural Resources Risk Remediation Fund, Defense
Other Defense Civil Programs
21 1809 Cemeterial Expenses, Construction
21 5602 National Military Cemeteries Concessions, Army
21 560210 Concession Fees, Army National Military Cemeteries
21 5095 Wildlife, Army
17 5095 Wildlife, Navy
57 5095 Wildlife, Air Force
97 5095 Wildlife, Defense
21 509510 Sale of hunting and fishing permits, Military Reservations
17 509510 Sale of hunting and fishing permits, Military Reservations
57 509510 Sale of hunting and fishing permits, Military Reservations
97 8097 Military Retirement Fund
97 809710 Employing Agency Contributions, Military Retirement Fund
97 809720 Earnings on Investments, Military Retirement Fund
97 809730 Federal Contributions, Military Retirement Fund
97 809740 Offsetting Receipts, Payment to Military Retirement Fund
21 5285 DoD Forest Program Reserve Account
21 528510 Reserve Account for DoD Forest Products Program, Army
97 0040 Payment to Military Retirement Fund
97 8098 Education Benefits Fund
21 1805 Cemeterial Expenses
97 809810 Employing Agency Contribution, DoD Education Benefits Fund
97 809820 Earnings on Investments, DoD Education Benefits Fund
97 0850 Payment to DoD Medicare
97 5472 Department of Defense Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund
97 547210 Employing Agency Contributions, DoD Retiree Health Care
97 547220 Earnings on Investments, DoD Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund
97 547230 Federal Contributions, DoD Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund
97 547250 Federal Contributions Retiree HCF - DOD Only