IBM FileNet Image Services
System Tools Reference Manual
IBM FileNet Image Services
System Tools Reference Manual
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 1372.
This edition applies to version 4.1.2 of IBM FileNet Image Services (product number 5724-R95) and to all
subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise
indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1984, 2019.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 5
About This Manual 16
Manual Organization 17
Document revision history 17
What to Read First 18
Related Documents 18
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation 19
Conventions 19
CAUTIONs, Notes, and Tips 19
Platform Flags 20
Typing Instructions 20
Emphasis 21
Syntax 21
Parameters You Provide 21
Options 22
Computer Output 22
IBM FileNet Education 23
Feedback 23
Documentation feedback 23
Product consumability feedback 23
Introduction 24
Tools Overview 24
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 6
Subsection Descriptions 36
Description 36
Use 36
Syntax 36
Flags and Options 36
Commands 36
Examples or Sample Output 37
Checklist 37
Procedure 37
Related Topics 37
Cross Reference 38
Backup Preparation and Analysis 38
Batches 38
Cache 39
Configuration 40
Core Files 40
Databases 41
Data Dictionary 42
Document Committal 42
Document Deletion 42
Document Services 43
Document Retrieval 43
Enterprise Backup/Restore (EBR) tools 44
Event Log 44
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 7
File Manipulation 45
FileNet Software 45
Index Database 46
Integral Single Document Storage (SDS) 47
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 48
Logging 49
Memory 49
Messages 49
Microsoft SQL Server Databases 50
MKF Databases 50
MSAR Tools 51
National Language Translation 52
NCH 52
NCH Database 53
Oracle Databases 53
Performance 54
Permanent Database 55
Printing 56
Quick Logging 56
Remote Communications 57
Request Handlers 57
Storage Media 58
Security 59
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 8
Security Database 59
Space Use 60
Storage Library Server 60
System Information 61
Tape and Tape Drives 61
Transient Database 62
Troubleshooting Tools 63
Unified Logon Tools 64
WorkFlo Database 65
Tool Descriptions 66
911 66
add_osvr 124
bes_check 129
bes_clean 136
bes_debug 146
bes_setid 149
check_page 152
checkwrt 156
compressdir 158
cordebug 161
cormon 164
CPT_test 175
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 9
cranuser 186
CSM_exim 190
CSM_tool 204
cstat 246
cti 249
dbp 252
dbverify 255
dclview 262
ddexim 266
deldocs 282
del_osvr 288
dialout 295
docchk 303
doccnt 310
DOC_dumpfb 314
docfetch 324
DOC_tool 328
EBR_clean 381
EBR_genscript 381
EBR_orreset 382
EBR_tdir 382
EBR_ulmk 382
eladisp 383
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 10
endbackup 403
enlarge_ncol 405
export_cdb 411
FileNet System Manager 416
flat 419
fn_edit 449
fn_ldif_xfer 450
fn_msg 466
fn_perm 468
fn_pso_driver 469
fn_pso_podf_admin 471
fn_pso_switch 475
fn_setup 479
fn_util 479
fnddcfg 480
fndev 481
FNL_disp 482
fnlogon 490
gaddr 494
gcp 499
GDBcheckdb 504
GDBdebug 506
GDB_exim 512
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 11
get_rdbms 520
getreports 524
getstamps 533
getstatus 547
glogin 566
gls 569
gsh 571
ident 573
import_cdb 577
initbackup 580
initfnsw 584
INXdebug 594
INX_export 596
INX_tool 599
ipc_tool 611
ixdb_stat 652
kermit 659
killfnsw 665
ldap_exp 671
LDAP_import 680
LDAP_password 699
less 701
log_create 705
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 12
log_dir 708
log_extract 711
manifest 715
migrate_cdb_changes 718
MKF_ddl 721
MKF_debug 730
MKF_dump 747
MKF_export 765
MKF_fixup 773
MKF_import 779
MKF_order 789
MKF_rename 794
MKF_shutdown 799
MKF_startup 802
MKF_stats 804
MKF_tool 810
MKF_verify 825
MKF_zeroaij 829
MKF_zerobij 832
move_disk 835
msar_io_test 838
msar_sync_test 840
nch_check 841
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 13
nch_flush 848
nch_tool 850
NLT_build_maps 878
ntdm_exp 887
oddump 892
odrecover 941
oraloglist 949
osschk 951
perf_mon 963
perf_report 977
ppm_log 1037
PPMOI 1039
PRI_tool 1069
QLG_dump 1088
QLG_flush 1091
QLG_start 1093
remove_docs_ref 1098
remove_surf 1109
rollcall 1114
RSEC_imp 1117
SC_convert 1130
SEC_debug 1134
SEC_imp 1143
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 14
SEC_init 1156
SEC_map 1160
SEC_map_ext_auth 1169
SEC_rm_config 1175
SEC_tool 1183
sgs 1203
SNT_update 1213
spacerpt 1220
sqlplus 1233
ssn 1250
st_msar_convert 1251
stamp 1253
stampro 1255
stdoccpy 1258
stdocimp 1269
stmigrate 1277
stsurfupdate 1282
sync_write_test 1287
sys_log 1295
tapeser 1297
TAP_tool 1301
test_raw_partition 1305
TLIB_tool 1314
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 15
uncompressdir 1315
vl 1318
WALSEC_debug 1321
whatsup 1330
WQMpack 1336
WQS_move_q 1342
WQS_tool 1346
WRT_clean 1362
XPR_print 1367
Notices 1372
Trademarks 1375
U.S. Patents Disclosure 1376
Index 1377
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 16
About This Manual
The FileNet Image Services System Tools Reference Manual for Release
describes system tools you use to diagnose and manage your
IBM® FileNet® Image Services (IS) software. Some tools are used
only by support personnel whereas many others are used by system
administrators to analyze, diagnose, update, and repair Image Ser-
vices components.
This section describes the following:
Manual Organization” on page 17
Document revision history” on page 17
What to Read First” on page 18
Related Documents” on page 18
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19
Conventions” on page 19
IBM FileNet Education” on page 23
Feedback” on page 23
About This Manual
Manual Organization
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 17
Manual Organization
This manual is divided into the following main sections:
Introduction” on page 24 lists and briefly describes all the tools
in this manual. Tools are listed in alphabetical order. In addition,
this section describes the format of the individual tool subsections
and the syntax conventions used throughout the manual.
Cross Reference” on page 38 provides a list of topics and pro-
cedures cross referenced by tools.
Tool Descriptions” on page 66 describes each tool in detail.
Tool names appear in alphabetical order. A general tool description
is followed by information on when to use the tool, its syntax, sam-
ple output and examples, important precautions, and references to
related tools and manuals.
Document revision history
IS version Date Changes
July 2019
Updated Tool Descriptions > dbverify section
December 2008
Updated sgs tool section
Updated Access-ing IBM FileNet
Documentation section
November 2008 Original version published
November 2019
Updated remove_docs_ref section
Updated related Syntax section
About This Manual
What to Read First
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 18
What to Read First
We suggest that you read “About this Manual” (this section) followed by
Introduction” on page 24.”
When you have isolated a problem and want to know which tool to use
to continue your analysis or problem resolution, refer to
Cross Refer-
ence” on page 38.
When you have identified the tools you want to use, read the detailed
information in
Tool Descriptions” on page 66
Related Documents
You might also refer to the following documents as you use the tools to
analyze and diagnose your system. Use the information above for ac-
cessing the IBM FileNet documentation to find the following docu-
System Administrator’s Handbook
System Administrator’s Companion for UNIX
System Administrator’s Companion for Windows Server
System Configuration Overview
System Messages Manual
Enterprise Backup/Restore User’s Guide
Index and WorkFlo Database Contents Manual
MSAR Procedures and Guidelines
Reference materials provided by your RDBMS vendor (for example,
Oracle, IBM DB2®, or Microsoft® SQL Server).
About This Manual
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 19
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation
To access documentation for IBM FileNet products:
1 Navigate to Product Documentation for FileNet P8 Platform at
2 Select the FileNet Image Manager Active Edition link.
3 Select the FileNet Image Services link.
Media is any material on which data is stored (magnetic disk, optical
disk, magnetic tape). When we refer to storage media, we are gener-
ally discussing optical disks or MSARs.
We call your attention to information throughout this manual using the
following conventions.
CAUTIONs, Notes, and Tips
To identify important information, this manual uses the following mes-
sage types:
CAUTION boxes signal possible unexpected consequences of an ac-
tion, such as loss of data or time.
Note boxes draw your attention to essential information that you should
be sure to read.
Tip boxes introduce ideas that might make your work easier.
About This Manual
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 20
Platform Flags
To help you identify information that applies to a specific Image Ser-
vices server platform, this manual uses the following labeled flags:
This flag identifies information that applies only to UNIX®-based Image
Services systems.
This flag identifies information that applies only to Image Services for
Windows® Server systems.
This flag identifies information that applies specifically to HP-UX-based
Image Services systems.
This flag identifies information that applies specifically to AIX-based
Image Services systems.
This flag identifies information that applies specifically to Solaris Oper-
ating Environment-based Image Services systems.
Typing Instructions
To indicate commands, values, or other information you enter at your
keyboard, we use the following indentation and typeface:
If the command is too long, but you must type it continuously with no
carriage returns, we use the following style:
select owner, table_name from all_tables where owner=‘F_SW’
or owner=‘F_SQI’;
About This Manual
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 21
Each line following the first is indented.
When typing a lengthy command on a UNIX command line, you must
type a backslash (\) character (called a continuation character) on all
but the last line to indicate that the command continues.
Bold typeface within text emphasizes an individual word or phrase.
Take special note of bold text, as in the following example:
If you do not specify a directory, compression is applied to all files
starting with the current directory.
Syntax definitions are indented from the body text:
Parameters You Provide
Parameters that require you to provide information are shown within
angle brackets (< >):
Checksum <cache_id> <ssn> <object_id> <page>
About This Manual
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 22
Optional parameters and keywords are within square brackets:
CREATEobjects <cache_id> <ssn> <start_object_id> [<number_
objects> [<bytes>]]
When a choice of available options within a parameter is required, the
available choices are separated by a vertical bar within square, curly,
or angle brackets. In the following example, the choice is either –p or
cormon [–p | –c]
Computer Output
This manual shows console displays (such as file contents, system
messages, or output from program execution) as shown in the follow-
ing example:
For lengthy console displays, this manual bounds the sample output
with a single bold line above the beginning of the report and below the
end of the report.
corona(root)> bes_debug
Batch Services Bes:Corona:FileNet
bes_debug completed: 0 batch found in inprogress queue.
bes_debug completed successfully.
About This Manual
IBM FileNet Education
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 23
IBM FileNet Education
IBM FileNet provides various forms of education. Please visit Global
Learning Services on IBM’s Web site at (
We value your opinion, experience, and use of our products. Please
help us improve our products by providing feedback or by completing a
consumability survey.
Documentation feedback
Send comments on this publication or other IBM FileNet Image Ser-
vices documentation by e-mail to [email protected]m
. Be sure
to include the name of the product, the version number of the product,
and the name and part number of the book (if applicable). If you are
commenting on specific text, include the location of the text (for exam-
ple, a help topic title, a chapter and section title, a table number, or a
page number).
Product consumability feedback
Help us identify product enhancements by taking a Consumability Sur-
vey (
survey/). The results of this comprehensive survey are used by prod-
uct development teams when planning future releases. Although we
are especially interested in survey responses regarding the most re-
cent product releases, we welcome your feedback on any of our prod-
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and must
be completed in a single session; there is no option to save a partially
completed response.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 24
This Introduction lists and briefly describes the system tools available
with release 4.0 of the Image Services software. Tools run under all
supported Image Services platforms unless otherwise specified.
To help you find the right tool for your task, refer to
Cross Reference
on page 38. You can find information about each tool in Tool
Descriptions” on page 66, which includes a detailed subsection for
each tool. (See
Subsection Descriptions” on page 36 for the
subsection format.)
Tools Overview
The following is an alphabetical list of Image Services system tools. A
brief description of its function accompanies each tool.
Tool Description
911 is a shell script that takes a quick snapshot of an Image Services system in
(Runs on both UNIX-based and Windows Server-based IS servers)
Adds a Storage Library server to the system
Makes a copy of an archive database if media becomes unreadable or consoli-
dation of the media on which the archive databases reside becomes necessary
(Runs under Image Services for AIX/6000 only)
Performs a consistency check between objects in BES cache and records in the
transient database batch tables
Deletes all or selected records in the transient database batch tables
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 25
Displays status of batches in the “in progress” queue (for example, the type of
service for which the batch is waiting)
Updates the batch_id or batch_name_id values in the batch control table of the
transient database
Provides diagnostic information about an image
Verifies pages in the cache that are associated with a pending write request
Compresses all files in a directory
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server or Image Services for the
Solaris Operating Environment platforms)
Displays COR handler request information
Monitors the current state of the client-server connection on the FileNet system
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server platforms)
Collects Courier performance test information
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server platforms)
Supports ISRA/LDAP customers with anonymous logins
Exports and imports objects in cache
Provides commands to manipulate cache and obtain cache statistics
Reads a core file to determine the program that failed and created the core file
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server platforms)
Counts the number of unique index values in an Oracle database
Displays diagnostic information from Document Services
Verifies that records in DOCTABA and DOCS tables compare correctly
Creates views on DOCTABA corresponding to document classes
Saves and restores document class and index information found in the index da-
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 26
Deletes documents from index and/or permanent databases
Deletes a Storage Library server from the system, or moves media from one
Storage Library server to another
Connects a FileNet server to a serial port. When connected to a modem, pro-
vides dial out capability from a central site to a remote FileNet system
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server platforms)
Checks documents on media for valid format
Counts and verifies the number of documents in database tables
Provides information on fast batch objects in cache, including document ids,
cache locations, and hexadecimal dumps
Retrieves an image into page cache
Provides statistics on media and in slots in a Storage Library server
Reclaims shared memory and interlocks for a failed EBR backup or restore
Generates EBR dataset definition files, device specification files, and builds EBR
backup and restore scripts
Labels and relabels EBR backup tapes in a stand-alone tape drive or tape library
and disk files used for backup
Resets an Oracle database, which has terminated abnormally, to a working state
Displays EBR tape label on a tape in a stand-alone tape drive or tape library, or
on a disk file
Unlocks MKF databases locked for an off-line EBR backup that did not complete
Displays usage statistics collected by Event Logging Abstract (ELA)
Terminates current processes and returns a server to multi-user mode after a
backup operation
Increases the precision and scale of an existing numeric column in a Microsoft
SQL Server database and a DB2 database
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 27
Copies the latest Configuration Database (.cdb) file as part of the first step in the
process of cloning the IS system configuration of multiple IS systems from a sin-
gle master .cdb file
FileNet System
Collects performance information from the FileNet products. It is tool tied to a
variable called listener in the set command of the
perf_mon tool.
FileNet LAN analysis tool (flat) analyzes output from network analyzer programs
and network packet traces
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server platforms)
Invokes a graphical user interface (GUI) utility called the FileNet System Config-
uration Editor
Gives customers the ability to use their LDAP tools to generate the LDIF files for
use with FIleNet software
Decodes an error message tuple
Sets up file and directory permissions on Windows servers
Used exclusively during the Programmable Security Object recovery process to
convert all standard SQL scripts and system scripts into customized scripts
Used exclusively during the Programmable Security Object recovery process to
directly update the master Programmable Object Data File (PODF)
Enables you to change the user name of the standard FileNet software user
Sets the permissions for all files under /fnsw and /fnsw/local directories
Starts, stops, creates, and updates the MKF and RDBMS databases
Resets passwords on FileNet user IDs
Configure FnScsidd
List SCSI optical disk drives
Displays interlocks (ILK) and process control records (PCRs)
Provides interface to security service
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server platforms)
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 28
Displays addresses of host machines accessible from glogin or gsh tools
(Supported on Image Services for AIX/6000 systems only)
Copies files between two systems on the same or different local area networks
Called internally by FileNet startup software to synchronize the RDBMS SQL
Collects GDB data for problem determination
(Intended for use only at the direction of your service representative)
Exports and imports databases and tables between RDBMSs
(Not intended for customer use)
Collect performance and configuration statistics on RDBMS databases
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server platforms)
Generates performance reports
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server platforms)
Collects stamps for all subsystems on the Image Services server on which you
run the program. This tool also compares the stamps with the current database
of SCRs that identify the available system fixes for a specified platform and Im-
age Services software release.
Collects performance and configuration statistics on FileNet datasets and MKF
(Does not run on the Image Services for Windows Server platforms)
Provides login capability to a remote system
(Runs on Image Services for AIX/6000 platforms only)
Lists the directories of remote systems
(Runs on Image Services for AIX/6000 platforms only)
Runs commands on a remote system
(Runs on Image Services for AIX/6000 platforms only)
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 29
Locates and lists a file by a specified date, author, header, etc.
Imports the latest Configuration Database (.cdb) file into the IS configuration di-
rectory as part of the last step in the process of cloning the IS system configura-
tion of multiple IS systems from a single master .cdb file
Prepares a server’s processes for backup
Stops and starts the FileNet software without rebooting in preparation for a
Provides performance analysis data about index services
INX_export Exports existing document index information associated with an IS docu-
ment class to make it available for import by a Content Engine (CE) sys-
tem (CFS-IS)
Displays and releases index services (INX) capability locks
Provides information on the addresses used by abstracts, the processes that call
abstracts, system interlocks, and semaphores
Gathers statistical information about the index database
Performs file transfer between systems
Terminates FileNet software
Exports the LDAP-based security information to an XML formatted ASCII file.
Use in conjunction with the ldap_exp tool and Web Services that makes the se-
curity centralization and authentication solution possible.
Use to encrypt a password that will be used by the LDAP_import tool during the
import process, so you can provide user name and password through the com-
mand line.
Displays a file, with capability to move backward or forward through the file con-
Creates a circular log file, or increase the size of an existing log file
Displays the records within a circular log file
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 30
Extracts specific records, or a range of records, from a circular log file
Maintains the file that specifies the server software release partition contents
(Use is restricted to support personnel)
Updates the performance-related parameters in the clone system’s configuration
database (.cdb) from a specified file as part of the last step in the process of clon-
ing the IS system configuration of multiple IS systems from a single master .cdb
Initializes or updates the transient, permanent, or Network Clearinghouse data-
Displays a list of all processes linked to the MKF shared library and the status of
all known MKF databases on the server for use in diagnosing database hangs
Displays data in MKF databases and after-image files for use in diagnosing and
correcting inconsistencies
Copies data in an MKF database to a magnetic disk file or to a magnetic tape file
Performs an in-place regeneration of a corrupted MKF database
Inserts data gathered by MKF_export into an MKF database
Ensures that byte ordering of a database is appropriate for a given CPU
Performs an in-place reconfiguration of the database and zeroes out the recovery
Shuts down either the permanent or transient database prior to a tape backup op-
Restarts a permanent or transient database that has been shut down
Gathers statistical information about the use of index and data space by the per-
manent database
Provides commands for viewing and editing tables in the permanent and tran-
sient databases
Searches for and reports on corruption between the MKF btrees and the data
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 31
Clears any data that exists in either the transient or permanent after-image re-
covery logs
Clears any data that exists in either the transient or permanent before-image re-
covery logs
Moves media from one Storage Library server to another
Determines relative speed of I/O for a specific directory
Program has been enhanced and name has change to sync_write_test
Verifies that the NCH_daemon program is running and that the NCH database is
providing service for the server's default domain
Removes the in-memory version of the NCH database
Provides information on all system resources (hardware and software) defined in
the Network Clearinghouse database
Translates a user-defined character set to the system-defined character set
Exports the user names and group names from a Windows Server domain to an
intermediate XML formatted file in an effort to support group/user mappings be-
tween Windows Server domain groups and IS groups (Unified Logon). Used in
conjunction with the RSEC_imp or SEC_imp tool.
Reads and repairs media problems
Imports documents from media for use in rebuilding damaged or corrupted per-
manent or index databases
Displays archive log mode
Provides summary information contained in FileNet error logs for optical storage
libraries (OSARs)
Collects performance data
Generates reports from the output of perf_mon
Writes the contents of a PPM log buffer to a file
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 32
Serves as the operator interface to the Protocol Process Manager (PPM) ab-
stract. You can use PPMOI to temporarily increase the allowable number of re-
quest handlers that can be started on a server
Provides commands to manage printers and print requests, and to obtain statis-
tical information on FileNet printers
Displays quick logging data from the log file
Forces log records in QLG’s in-memory buffer out to log files
Initiates quick logging of usage statistics
Removes any and all references to the specified surfaces from the PermDB doc-
ument locator (doc locator) database table
Removes the specified surface from the surf_info Permanent MKF DB tables,
family_disk write surfaces list (current and future write surfaces), Permanent
MKF DB table, surf_locator Permanent MKF DB table, lib_surfaces Permanent
MKF DB table, OSA shared memory, SRF shared memory and OSA checkpoint
Lists systems running on the network
(Runs on Image Services for AIX/6000 systems only)
Imports the Windows Server domain security information into the IS Security Ser-
vice in an effort to support group/user mappings between Windows Server do-
main groups and IS groups (Unified Logon). This tool must be run on a Windows
Server machine with no Image Services software present, but that has either
Web Service or IDM Desktop installed. Used in conjunction with the ntdm_exp
Enables support personnel to trace execution within the Security Services sub-
system of the Image Services server
Imports the Windows Server domain security information into the IS Security Ser-
vice in an effort to support group/user mappings between Windows Server do-
main groups and IS groups (Unified Logon). This tool must be run on an Image
Services server (Windows Server or UNIX). Used in conjunction with the ntdm_
exp tool
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 33
Rebuilds or initializes the security database
Maps one Image Services user or group name to one or more Content Engine
distinguished names (dn) in a Content Federation Services for Image Services
(CFS-IS) environment
Maps one or more LDAP common names to one Image Services user to support
Extensible User Authentication
Provides debugging information for the security services system
Sets the password for the f_maint user
Lists the system configuration settings on the Image Services server
(Runs only on a UNIX-based Image Services server
Updates the scalar_numbers table of the permanent database
Provides information about space use by FileNet tables in the index or WorkFlo
Provides commands to view tables in the index or WorkFlo databases
Displays the system serial number
Converts an optical surface to an MSAR surface in the background
Displays file characteristics (such as release number, developer, and SCR num-
Displays file characteristics (a read-only version of stamp)
Copies information from one medium to another without first importing the
Starts an import process of documents stored on media
Moves documents from magnetic disk cache to storage media
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 34
Starts up a surface update background job that supports the updating of the short
descriptors. It updates short descriptors (or user indexes) stored on optical sur-
faces by writing to a new location with index information taken from the Index Da-
Determines if a given storage management system directory supports synchro-
nous writes
Appends a message to the error log
Writes a volume label with serial number to a tape
Provides commands to manage tapes and tape requests
Tests whether a UNIX platform supports raw partitions and synchronous writes
to partitions and files
Controls Exabyte tape library functions
Restores to their original sizes all files in a directory that were previously com-
pressed with the
compressdir tool
(Does not run on Image Services for Windows Server or Image Services for the
Solaris Operating Environment platforms)
Displays the FileNet event log
Enables support personnel to trace execution within the Security Services sub-
system of the FileNet IS Toolkit API.
Displays a list of FileNet programs that are currently loaded into the memory of
the server
Compresses WorkFlo database tables and queues
Copies WorkFlo Queue Services queues between servers
Provides commands to view information on WorkFlo queues, including table IDs,
queue names, and table field names
Tool Description
Tools Overview
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 35
Deletes outstanding write requests from the transient database or deletes docu-
ments from cache
Prints server-based files
Tool Description
Subsection Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 36
Subsection Descriptions
Tool descriptions can include several subsections. Each subsection
has a unique purpose, as described below.
This subsection describes the actions performed by the tool during
execution. The emphasis is on internal operation of the program.
Use describes how and when to use a tool.
Syntax provides the correct arrangement of tool commands,
parameters, options, and flag settings.
Flags and Options
Some tools have associated flags and/or options, which are described
here. If a tool contains a number of flag settings, only the most
commonly-used flags are described. Some menu-driven tools or those
that require subcommands do not have flag settings.
Several programs (CSM_tool and MKF_tool, for example) operate as
entire subsystems and have their own set of commands, which are
listed in special command sections.
Subsection Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 37
Examples or Sample Output
Output produced by execution of the tool is shown and described. Use
the examples and/or sample output as a guide for interpreting your
own output.
The checklist alerts you to important precautionary measures to take
before you use a program. Read the checklist before you use a tool.
Checklist items can involve shutting down FileNet software, contacting
your service representative, or configuring particular files.
The recommended procedure describes the steps you perform to use
a tool. The emphasis is on user action.
Related Topics
Use these items as a cross-reference to related tools, manuals, or
online help information.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 38
Cross Reference
This chapter provides a cross reference by task to the tools
documented in
Tool Descriptions” on page 66.
Use this cross reference when you know the task you need to perform
and want to know the tool that can perform the task. For example, if
you want to know how to import cache objects, look under the “Cache”
heading and find the “Import objects” subheading. The tool associated
with this task is CSM_exim. Then refer to
CSM_exim” on page 190
for details.
Backup Preparation and Analysis
Analyze target tape drive
Display archive logging status
bes_check, bes_debug
Delete records
Diagnose inconsistencies
Cross Reference
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 39
Analyze fast batch objects
Analyze BES cache
Back up logical cache
Delete objects
nch_flush, WRT_clean
Display statistics
Dump contents
CSM_tool, DOC_dumpfb
Export objects
Identify partitions
Import objects
Move documents from cache to storage
Verify pending write requests
checkwrt, WRT_clean
Cross Reference
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 40
See online help for System Configuration Tools.
Core Files
Copy/export/migrate the system configura-
tion (.cdb) file for cloning purposes.
export_cdb, import_cdb,
Increases the precision and scale of a nu-
meric user index
Invoke a graphical user interface (GUI) util-
ity called the FileNet System Configuration
Configure FnScsidd
Start, stop, create, and update the MKF and
RDBMS databases
Sets up file and directory permissions on
Windows servers
Collect statistics for FileNet datasets and
MKF databases
Collect statistics for FileNet datasets and
RDBMS databases
cordebug, cormon
Cross Reference
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 41
See also:
Index Database” on page 46
MKF Databases” on page 50
NCH Database” on page 53
Permanent Database” on page 55
Security Database” on page 59
Transient Database” on page 62
WorkFlo Database” on page 65
GDBdebug, ixdb_stat
Copy databases
Collect performance and configuration
statistics for MKF databases
Create table views
Increase the precision and/or scale of a
numeric user index
MKF_ddl, SEC_init
Starts, stops, creates, and updates the
MKF and RDBMS databases
MKF_ddl, MKF_tool
Verify tables
Cross Reference
Data Dictionary
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 42
Data Dictionary
Document Committal
Document Deletion
Export and import
Analyze batches
bes_check, bes_debug
View page cache
Delete documents
Remove references to surfaces
Cross Reference
Document Services
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 43
Document Services
Document Retrieval
Count documents in database tables
Delete documents
Diagnose problems
Move documents from cache to storage
Verify document format on media
View cache
Cross Reference
Enterprise Backup/Restore (EBR) tools
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 44
Enterprise Backup/Restore (EBR) tools
Event Log
Reclaim shared memory and interlocks
for a failed EBR backup or restore
Generate EBR dataset definition files, de-
vice specification files, and builds EBR
backup and restore scripts
Label and relabel EBR backup tapes in a
stand-alone tape drive or tape library and
disk files used for backup
Resets an Oracle database, which has
terminated abnormally, to a working state
Display EBR tape label on a tape in a
stand-alone tape drive or tape library, or
on a disk file
Unlock MKF databases locked for an of-
fline EBR backup that did not complete
Control Exabyte tape library func-
Append message
Cross Reference
File Manipulation
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 45
File Manipulation
FileNet Software
Copy files between systems
Display file characteristics
stamp, stampro
Display file contents
Locate/list file identification
Release maintenance
Uncompress files in a directory
Display ILKs/PCRs
Display process status
initfnsw restart
Sets file permissions
initfnsw start
Starts, stops, creates, and updates the
MKF and RDBMS databases
initfnsw stop
Cross Reference
Index Database
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 46
Index Database
cti, ixdb_stat, sqlplus,
Analyze performance
Collect performance and configuration
statistics for MKF databases
Delete documents
Display space use
Examine tables
Export and import indexes
Gather statistics
ixdb_stat, sqlplus, WQS_
Increase the precision and/or scale of a
numeric user index
Modify tables
sqlplus, WQS_tool
Modify WorkFlo queues and workspaces
Updates short descriptors (or user indexes)
stored on optical surfaces by writing to a
new location with index information taken
from the Index Database
Cross Reference
Integral Single Document Storage (SDS)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 47
Integral Single Document Storage (SDS)
For further information on these tools, see the Integral SDS
Procedures and Guidelines for Images Services. To download this
document from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet
Documentation” on page 19.
Converts documents from NLS-SDS to in-
tegral SDS.
Copies documents between two SDS units. sds_copy
Places a document on indefinite hold or re-
leases a hold.
Imports SDS documents from another Im-
age Services system.
Migrates documents from MSAR optical
media to SDS.
Updates the retention for EBR documents. sds_update_retention
Cross Reference
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 48
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Supports ISRA/LDAP customers with anon-
ymous logins.
Gives customers the ability to use their
LDAP tools to generate the LDIF files for
use with FIleNet software.
Export the user names and group names
from an LDAP directory service domain to
an intermediate XML formatted file in an ef-
fort to support group/user mappings be-
tween the LDAP directory service and IS
groups (Unified Logon). Used in conjunc-
tion with the LDAP_import tool.
Import the LDAP security information into
the IS Security Service in an effort to sup-
port group/user mappings between LDAP
security service domain groups and IS
groups. This tool must be run on an Image
Services server (Windows Server or UNIX).
Used in conjunction with the ldap_exp tool.
Encrypt a password that will be used by the
LDAP_import tool during the import pro-
cess, so the user name and password can
be provided through the command line.
Cross Reference
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 49
Create a log file to receive performance log
Displays quick logging data from the log file
Write in-memory quick logging records to a
log file
Initiate quick logging
Analyze corruption
Display FileNet programs loaded into
server memory
Cross Reference
Microsoft SQL Server Databases
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 50
Microsoft SQL Server Databases
This database program is available for Windows servers only.
See also
Index Database” on page 46.
MKF Databases
Display database statistics
Analyze content
Analyze corruption
Analyze hangs
GDBdebug, MKF_debug
Analyze performance
GDBdebug, MKF_stats
Byte ordering
Collect performance and configuration sta-
tistics for MKF databases
Copy data
GDB_exim, MKF_export
Resolve corruption
MKF_fixup, MKF_verify
MKF_ddl, MKF_rename,
Clear recovery logs
MKF_zeroaij, MKF_zerobij
Cross Reference
MSAR Tools
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 51
See also:
NCH Database” on page 53
Permanent Database” on page 55
Security Database” on page 59
Transient Database” on page 62
MSAR Tools
Shut down
Start up
Verify integrity
Write to databases
A DOC_tool command that ejects an MSAR
surface based on a surface ID as input.
A DOC_tool command that inserts or incor-
porates an MSAR surface into an MSAR li-
brary based on the MSAR surface file input.
Determines relative speed of I/O for a spe-
cific directory
Converts an optical surface to an MSAR
surface in the background
A DOC_tool command that validates the
checksum values in an MSAR label
Cross Reference
National Language Translation
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 52
National Language Translation
Translate character set
Analyze hangs
flat, nch_check, nch_tool
Gather and interpret performance statistics
List system resources
nch_tool, remove_docs_
Modify system resources
Verify NCH_daemon and NCH service
Cross Reference
NCH Database
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 53
NCH Database
Oracle Databases
Analyze hangs
cordebug, ipc_tool,
MKF_debug, MKF_tool,
nch_check, nch_tool
Delete in-memory version
List system resources
List performance statistics
Scavenge data
Shut down
Start up
Verify integrity
Collect performance and configuration sta-
tistics for RDBMS databases
Display archive log mode status
Display table spaces and rollback seg-
Cross Reference
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 54
Collect performance data
eladisp, FileNet System
Manager, getstamps,
getreports, getstatus,
ipc_tool, perf_report,
Create log files
Display free cache
Display ILKs/PCRs
Display performance data
getreports, log_dir,
log_extract, perf_report
Examine MKF databases
Generate reports
getreports, perf_report
Determines if a platform supports raw parti-
tions and is performing synchronous writes
Cross Reference
Permanent Database
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 55
Permanent Database
Analyze hangs
cordebug, ipc_tool,
Clear recovery logs
MKF_zeroaij, MKF_zerobij
Collect performance and configuration sta-
tistics for MKF databases
Count records
Delete documents
Delete records
Delete tables
Describe tables
Describe tables
Diagnose inconsistencies
Display records
Export tables
Gather and analyze performance statistics
Import tables
Join tables
Modify the base data file
Update scalar numbers table
Scavenge data
Shut down
Cross Reference
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 56
Quick Logging
Start up
Update scalar numbers table
Verify integrity
Disable printer
Gather statistics
Print server-based file
Re-enable printer
Remove print request
Restart print services
View print cache
Write in-memory records to log file
Display log file contents
Cross Reference
Remote Communications
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 57
Remote Communications
Request Handlers
Analyze connections
flat, nch_check, nch_tool
Dial out
Dial out/data transfer
Display available hosts
Display remote system directories
Run commands on remote systems
Configure and debug
ppm_log, PPMOI, MKF_ddl
Display request information
cordebug, cormon
Cross Reference
Storage Media
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 58
Storage Media
Display summary error log information
Removes references to surfaces
Delete documents
Convert optical to MSAR in background
Copy media
odrecover, stdoccpy
Balance load
Move documents from cache to storage
Reassign to different Storage Library server
del_osvr, move_disk
Verify document format
Storage management synchronous writes
List SCSI optical disk drives
Cross Reference
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 59
Security Database
Debug security services during runtime
SEC_debug, WALSEC_de-
Logon to security service
Set up file and directory permissions on
Windows servers
Convert all standard SQL scripts and sys-
tem scripts into customized scripts
Update the master Programmable Object
Data File (PODF)
Change the user name of the standard
FileNet software user
Maps one IS user or group name to one
or more CE distinguished names (dn) in a
CFS-IS environment
Maps one or more LDAP common names
to one Image Services user to support
Extensible User Authentication
Modify security
SEC_init, SEC_tool
MKF_ddl, SEC_tool
Logon to security service
Cross Reference
Space Use
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 60
Space Use
Storage Library Server
Add Storage Library server
Delete Storage Library server
Convert optical to MSAR in background
Copy from media to media
Display read/write requests
Gather drive information
Gather surface statistics
DOC_tool, oddump
Import documents
odrecover, stdocimp
Obtain slot information
Cross Reference
System Information
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 61
System Information
Tape and Tape Drives
Take snapshot of an Image Services sys-
tem in crisis
Collect stamps for all subsystems on the
Image Services server on which you run the
program. You can also use this tool to
compare the stamps with the current
database of SCRs that identify the available
system fixes for a specified platform and
Image Services software release.
List the system configuration settings on
the Image Services server
Display server serial number
Analyze tape drives
Write volume serial number
Cross Reference
Transient Database
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 62
Transient Database
Analyze hangs
cordebug, ipc_tool,
Clear recovery logs
MKF_zeroaij, MKF_zerobij
Collect performance and configuration
statistics for MKF databases
Count records
Delete records
Delete write requests
Describe tables
Diagnose inconsistencies
Display records
Export tables
Gather and analyze performance statistics
Import tables
Modify the base data file
Scavenge data
Shut down
Start up
bes_setid, MKF_ddl
Verify integrity
Cross Reference
Troubleshooting Tools
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 63
Troubleshooting Tools
Take a snapshot of an Image Services sys-
tem in crisis.
Collect stamps for all subsystems on the
Image Services server on which you run the
program. You can also use this tool to com-
pare the stamps with the current database
of SCRs that identify the available system
fixes for a specified platform and Image
Services software release.
Display error log summary for optical stor-
age libraries
Cross Reference
Unified Logon Tools
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 64
Unified Logon Tools
Export the user names and group names
from a Windows Server domain to an inter-
mediate XML formatted file in an effort to
support group/user mappings between
Windows Server domain groups and IS
groups (Unified Logon). Used in conjunc-
tion with the RSEC_imp or SEC_imp tool.
Import the Windows Server domain security
information into the IS Security Service in
an effort to support group/user mappings
between Windows Server domain groups
and IS groups (Unified Logon). This tool
must be run on a Windows Server machine
with no Image Services software present,
but that has either Web Service or IDM
Desktop installed. Used in conjunction with
the ntdm_exp tool.
Import the Windows Server domain security
information into the IS Security Service in
an effort to support group/user mappings
between Windows Server domain groups
and IS groups (Unified Logon). This tool
must be run on an Image Services server
(Windows Server or UNIX). Used in con-
junction with the ntdm_exp tool.
Cross Reference
WorkFlo Database
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 65
WorkFlo Database
sqlplus, WQS_tool
Collect performance and configuration
statistics for RDBMS databases
Delete tables
Examine queues
Examine tables
sqlplus, WQS_tool
Obtain space use information
Obtain statistics
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 66
Tool Descriptions
The 911 tool is available on both UNIX-based and Windows Server-
based Image Services servers.
911 is a shell script that takes a quick snapshot of an Image Services
system in crisis. It quickly takes a cross-section of some key system
A good snapshot from 911 can isolate an actual system problem most
of the time. For example, it could diagnose the following types of
system errors:
Server has run out of service request handlers (server stubs).
System operation is slow.
System is congested.
After gathering vital information, 911 writes data from various IS and
system commands to files (reports). Using an editor, such as vi, you
can view each generated report to help you resolve any problems
The 911 script collects log and configuration files and then tars and
compresses or zips (depending on your platform) them into one file
(911.YYYYMMDD.##.tar.Z on UNIX/ on Win-
dows Server) that can be easily downloaded.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 67
This compressed file includes the following:
All of the files shown in
Sample Reports” on page 70.
Current Configuration Database (CDB) plus any CDB files modified
in the last 30 days
ServerConfig.custom (if it exists)
init.ora (FileNet-controlled only) (FileNet-controlled only) (AIX only)
Near Line Storage (NLS) log files (current day only)
IS log files (below shows UNIX - use \fnsw_loc\logs\...for Windows)
- /fnsw/local/logs/elogs (current day’s elog file)
- /fnsw/local/logs/TM_daemon (TM_daemon.log, TM_dae-
- /fnsw/local/logs/ims_logs (last 7 days of logs)
- /fnsw/local/logs/.logs (current days log)
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 68
All of the .txt files listed in the perf_report -a output located at /fnsw/
local/logs/perf/. to view this output, see
rful.YYYYMMDD.##.wri” on page 101.
You can also write pre911 and post911 scripts (pre911.cmd/
post911.cmd for Windows Server) that reside in /fnsw/support to add
customized output to 911. The pre911 script, if it exists, is run on the
first step of 911. The post911 script, if it exists, is run on the last.
Output from these scripts is stored in pre911.YYYYMMDD.##.wri and
Use 911 when your system is having an undefined problem. You might
want to use this tool when the standard and Image Services error logs
fail to provide sufficient diagnostic information.
911[-p] [nowinmsd]
-p print option (UNIX only)
pri_diags.YYYYMMDD.##.wri” on page 104 for a sample of
this output.
nowinmsd Skips the winmsd command (Windows only). Winmsd could take sev-
eral minutes to gather Windows operating system information on some
Sample Output
After you enter the 911 command, it collects vital information, dis-
playing its progress on the screen, as shown in the following example.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 69
NOTE: For a comprehensive snapshot, be sure to run 911 on all servers
Starting 911 script on milo at Wed Jul 27 14:42:43 PDT 2005
Finding core files at Wed Jul 27 14:42:44 PDT 2005
Getting stack traces from core files at Wed Jul 27 14:42:44 PDT 2005
Gathering virtual memory statistics at Wed Jul 27 14:42:47 PDT 2005
Gathering network statistics at Wed Jul 27 14:43:28 PDT 2005
Checking disk usage at Wed Jul 27 14:43:29 PDT 2005
Gathering ps information at Wed Jul 27 14:43:29 PDT 2005
Gathering OS specific data at Wed Jul 27 14:43:29 PDT 2005
Gathering RPC data at Wed Jul 27 14:43:30 PDT 2005
Gathering Process Management data at Wed Jul 27 14:43:31 PDT 2005
Determining sys config at Wed Jul 27 14:43:32 PDT 2005
Taking second snapshot of key statistics at Wed Jul 27 14:43:53 PDT 2005
Gathering RPC data at Wed Jul 27 14:44:53 PDT 2005
Running fn_procs at Wed Jul 27 14:45:13 PDT 2005
Running at Wed Jul 27 14:45:13 PDT 2005
WARNING: Erasing previous /fnsw/local/tmp/stamps.milo.lst...
Getting basic system info...
Fetching IMS stamp info, please be patient...
Fetching WAL/Unix stamp info, please be patient...
Done capturing FileNET stamp information:
See list file /fnsw/local/tmp/stamps.milo.lst.
Ending 911 script at Wed Jul 27 14:45:36 PDT 2005
The following file has been created and is available to download:
US 1-800-IBM-SERV (800-426-7378)
Other countries, see
Select Support & downloads --> More
Find resources --> Support phone numbers/contacts
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 70
Sample Reports
The following sections show samples of reports generated on an
Image Services server when you run the 911 tool. They also describe
the type of information 911 collects for each report.
The vi editor displays all files in a directory through its batch mode. To
start displaying these files, enter the command:
vi *.yyyyddmm.*
Use the <Esc>:n! command to quickly go from one report file to the
This report tells us what is happening as the 911 tool is running.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 71
The following illustration shows a sample 911log report on a UNIX
Starting 911 script on becks at Fri Jul 22 10:45:26 PDT 2005
Running pre911 script at Fri Jul 22 10:45:26 PDT 2005
Finding core files at Fri Jul 22 10:45:26 PDT 2005
Getting stack traces from core files at Fri Jul 22 10:45:26 PDT 2005
Gathering virtual memory statistics at Fri Jul 22 10:45:33 PDT 2005
Gathering network statistics at Fri Jul 22 10:46:14 PDT 2005
Checking disk usage at Fri Jul 22 10:46:14 PDT 2005
Gathering ps information at Fri Jul 22 10:46:14 PDT 2005
Gathering OS specific data at Fri Jul 22 10:46:15 PDT 2005
Gathering RPC data at Fri Jul 22 10:46:15 PDT 2005
Gathering Process Management data at Fri Jul 22 10:46:16 PDT 2005
Determining sys config at Fri Jul 22 10:46:16 PDT 2005
Gathering MKF statistics at Fri Jul 22 10:46:45 PDT 2005
Gathering CSM statistics at Fri Jul 22 10:46:46 PDT 2005
Gathering WQS statistics at Fri Jul 22 10:46:46 PDT 2005
Checking /fnsw/proc for orphaned PIDs at Fri Jul 22 10:46:47 PDT 2005
Gathering FNL_disp statistics at Fri Jul 22 10:46:47 PDT 2005
Gathering dbp statistics at Fri Jul 22 10:46:47 PDT 2005
Gathering SEC statistics at Fri Jul 22 10:46:47 PDT 2005
Running performance reports at Fri Jul 22 10:46:48 PDT 2005
Dumping root and fnsw environment variables at Fri Jul 22 10:46:57 PDT 2005
List conf_db directory contents at Fri Jul 22 10:47:00 PDT 2005
List config and trigger files at Fri Jul 22 10:47:00 PDT 2005
Taking second snapshot of key statistics at Fri Jul 22 10:47:00 PDT 2005
Gathering RPC data at Fri Jul 22 10:48:00 PDT 2005
Running fn_procs at Fri Jul 22 10:48:21 PDT 2005
Running at Fri Jul 22 10:48:21 PDT 2005
Running post911 script at Fri Jul 22 10:48:46 PDT 2005
Ending 911 script at Fri Jul 22 10:48:46 PDT 2005
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 72
The following illustration shows a sample 911log report on a Windows
Server system.
Starting 911 script at 11:07:15.46
Collecting system information at 11:07:15.48
Running fn_util whichfn at 11:07:18.79
Running nch_tool at 11:07:18.90
Running ipc_tool at 11:07:19.01
Running cormon at 11:07:19.31
Running mkf_debug at 11:07:19.37
Running mkf_stats at 11:07:19.46
Running fnl_disp at 11:07:20.57
Running dbp at 11:07:20.84
Running csm_tool at 11:07:20.93
Running wqs_tool at 11:07:21.14
Running perf_report -rful at 11:07:21.32
Running perf_report -a at 11:07:21.73
Running ppmoi at 11:07:22.42
Running mkf_tool at 11:07:22.51
Running pri_tool at 11:07:22.81
Running sec_tool at 11:07:23.03
List conf_db directory contents at 11:07:23.29
Reporting configuration and trigger files at 11:07:23.31
Calling fn_procs at 11:07:23.76
Getting registry entry at 11:07:23.93
Calling getstamps32 at 11:07:24.43
Zip up todays elog file at 11:08:23.54
Zip up TM_daemon log files at 11:08:23.65
Zip up todays .log file at 11:08:23.78
Zip up CDB files at 11:08:23.87
Zip up ims_log files at 11:08:24.06
Zip up perf_report -a files at 11:08:24.21
Zip up ddl files at 11:08:25.09
Zip up serverConfig file at 11:08:25.25
Zip up as_conf.g file at 11:08:25.35
Zip up as_conf.s file at 11:08:25.45
Zip up getstamps32.exe output at 11:08:25.56
Zip up data dumps at 11:08:25.67
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 73
This report tells us whether any programs system wide "dumped core."
If so, that program could have precipitated the entire crisis. If a core file
is found under /fnsw or under the user fnsw home directory, 911 uses
cstat and a debugger to analyze the core dumps.
The following illustration shows a sample allcorefiles report.
Core files found on this system on Thu Jul 21 16:45:46 PDT 2005:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root bin 1933 Dec 3 1999 /usr/openwin/share/include/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root bin 589 Dec 3 1999 /usr/openwin/share/include/
-r--r--r-- 1 bin bin 181 Dec 9 1999 /usr/share/man/sman1f/
-r--r--r-- 1 bin bin 15514 Dec 9 1999 /usr/share/man/sman1m/
-r--r--r-- 1 bin bin 16220 Dec 9 1999 /usr/share/man/sman4/core.4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root bin 3478 Jan 5 2000 /usr/share/lib/sgml/locale/
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 12052 Jan 5 2000 /usr/bin/coreadm
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 512 Nov 3 2003 lmx
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba 512 Nov 3 2003 lvf
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 74
The following illustration shows a directory listing of /fnsw/local/sd/
conf_db on a UNIX system.
The following illustration shows a directory listing of \fnsw_loc\sd\conf_
db on a Windows Server system.
COMMAND: ls -ltr /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:24:14 PDT 2005
total 2758
-rw-rw---- 1 fnsw fnusr 20766 Nov 5 2003 IMS_1.cdb
-rw-rw---- 1 fnsw fnusr 20766 Nov 5 2003 IMS_2.cdb
-rw-rw---- 1 fnsw fnusr 20772 Nov 6 2003 IMS_3.cdb
-rw-rw---- 1 fnsw fnusr 24508 Nov 6 2003 IMS_4.cdb
-rw-rw---- 1 fnsw fnusr 25309 Mar 2 2004 IMS_5.cdb
-rw-rw---- 1 fnsw fnusr 25309 Mar 2 2004 IMS_6.cdb
-rw-rw---- 1 fnsw fnusr 25309 Mar 2 2004 IMS_7.cdb
-rw-rw---- 1 fnsw fnusr 25557 Apr 16 2004 IMS_8.cdb
COMMAND: dir /od fnsw_loc\sd\conf_db TIME: 11:07:23.29
Volume in drive C is Dell Server
Volume Serial Number is 1846-3F4B
Directory of C:\fnsw_loc\sd\conf_db
09/21/2004 05:52 PM 21,281 IMS_1.cdb
09/21/2004 05:53 PM 21,671 IMS_2.cdb
09/22/2004 10:31 AM 22,503 IMS_3.cdb
09/22/2004 01:11 PM 22,767 IMS_4.cdb
04/26/2005 03:41 PM 21,935 IMS_5.cdb
04/28/2005 11:34 AM 21,936 IMS_6.cdb
07/14/2005 01:43 PM 21,936 IMS_7.cdb
07/15/2005 01:58 PM 22,131 IMS_8.cdb
07/21/2005 05:25 PM <DIR> .
07/21/2005 05:25 PM <DIR> ..
8 File(s) 176,160 bytes
2 Dir(s) 5,290,573,824 bytes free
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 75
Cormon reports when any server processes have halted operation
and, if so, which client PC started that process. It can also detect when
a subsystem has run out of service request handlers (server stubs).
cormon is run twice to see if status has changed and both runs output
to the same file.
On Windows Server systems, cormon is run twice to see if status has
changed. As a consequence there are two different file names:
cormon1.YYYYMMDD.##.wri and cormon2.YYYYMMDD.##.wri.
Use this tool in conjunction with ipc_tool, ps, and PPMOI.
911 takes two cormon samples. Compare the report at the top with the
one at the bottom; if they're different, things are probably just very, very
slow — not completely stopped.
Use the cormon file to find the longest Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
The following example shows the longest RPC as 2208 on a UNIX
system. The report looks very similar on a Windows Server system
COMMAND: cormon -p / DATE: Thu Jul 21 13:23:20 PDT 2005
CORH_state Srvr PID ChldPID Prog Time LatestUser@Address
RCVMSG X 1555 7765 SQIs 2208 [1083]
RCVMSG 594 12147 SECs0 [1340]
RCVMSG X 1648 12092 SQIs0 [2519]
RCVMSG X 1413 9856 WQS48 [2989]
RCVMSG X 1507 27057 WQSs 1022 [2576]
RCVMSG 686 12155 INXs0 [2758]
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 76
The following illustration shows a sample CSM_tool st (in bold) and st
long (statistics) report on a UNIX system. The report looks very similar
on a Windows Server system.
COMMAND: CSM_tool, st, st long / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:24:06 PDT 2005
Type '?' for help
Cache Id Name % locked % full % free
-------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 page_cache1:becks:FileNet 0 1 99
3 bes_cache1:becks:FileNet 0 0 100
4 sys_print_cache1:becks:FileNet 0 0 100
5 app_print_cache1:becks:FileNet 0 0 100
* Physical space summary 0 1 99
Statistics for cache #1, name = 'page_cache1:becks:FileNet'
min_cache_sectors 4718592 locked_sectors 0 inuse_sectors 42691
max_cache_sectors 4718592 locked_objects 0 inuse_objects 13
free_sectors 4675901 ageable T refcnts F
self_cleaning F
Statistics for cache #3, name = 'bes_cache1:becks:FileNet'
min_cache_sectors 314572 locked_sectors 0 inuse_sectors 0
max_cache_sectors 1447034 locked_objects 0 inuse_objects 0
free_sectors 1447034 ageable F refcnts F
self_cleaning F
Statistics for cache #4, name = 'sys_print_cache1:becks:FileNet'
min_cache_sectors 62914 locked_sectors 0 inuse_sectors 0
max_cache_sectors 1195376 locked_objects 0 inuse_objects 0
free_sectors 1195376 ageable F refcnts F
self_cleaning F
Statistics for cache #5, name = 'app_print_cache1:becks:FileNet'
min_cache_sectors 62914 locked_sectors 0 inuse_sectors 0
max_cache_sectors 1195376 locked_objects 0 inuse_objects 0
free_sectors 1195376 ageable F refcnts F
self_cleaning F
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 77
The following illustration shows a sample cstat report from core files
found under /fnsw and fnsw user home directories.
The following illustration shows a sample dbp report on a UNIX
system. The report looks very similar on a Windows Server system.
SPARC machine type
Big Ender Data Encode format
===> SVR4 Version <===
core file............. /fnsw/local/logs/TM_daemon/core.nvaytl
command............... SDS_CSAR_reader 1 2
real user............. fnsw
start time............ Thu Jul 21 13:07:05 2005
model................. SUNW,Ultra-250
process status flags.. (0x0) current signal........ (-198)Unknown signal -198
pid = 9133
ppid = 5787
process image size: 4131 pages
resident set size: 724 pages
COMMAND: dbp -s / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:24:07 PDT 2005
Directory buffers:
Avg_wait_msec: 0, Max_wait_msec: 0
Num_avl_bufs: 4, Min_avl_bufs: 4
Page buffers:
Avg_wait_msec: 0, Max_wait_msec: 0
Num_avl_bufs: 16, Min_avl_bufs: 15
Descriptor buffers:
Avg_wait_msec: 0, Max_wait_msec: 0, Cache hits: 0
Num_avl_bufs: 16, Min_avl_bufs: 15, Cache allocs: 0
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 78
To review this report:
Look for any file systems that are nearly 100% full, especially /tmp
or /var.
Verify that there's at least 2 MB available on each file system.
Pay special attention to the avail column, not just %used. Remem-
ber: 85% free of nothing is still nothing!
The following illustration shows a sample disk report.
COMMAND: df -k / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:35 PDT 2005
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/vx/dsk/rootvol 30928248 11657667 18961299 39% /
/proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
mnttab 0 0 0 0% /etc/mnttab
swap 2026624 16 2026608 1% /var/run
swap 2027000 392 2026608 1% /tmp
/dev/vx/dsk/fndg/fnsw 1286378 1021041 136700 89% /fnsw
/dev/vx/dsk/home 1984564 19 1925009 1% /export/home
/dev/vx/dsk/fndg/local 1055979 415719 582662 42% /fnsw/local
/dev/vx/dsk/fndg/ora920 2879972 2362320 229655 92% /usr/ora/920
diskfarm01:/svrdev_wkspace/as 46080000 40242920 5837080 88% /fn/as
NOTE: Pay special attention to the 'avail/free' column
for key filesystems /, /tmp, /var and /fnsw/local
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 79
The following illustration shows a sample dmesg report.
COMMAND: dmesg / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:35 PDT 2005
Thu Jul 21 15:23:35 PDT 2005
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks genunix: [ID 936769] pcipsy1 is /pci@1f,2000
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3 (glm0):
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks Rev. 5 Symbios 53c875 found.
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3 (glm0):
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks target1-scsi-options=0x5f8
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3 (glm0):
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks target2-scsi-options=0x5f8
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3 (glm0):
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks target3-scsi-options=0x5f8
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3 (glm0):
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks target4-scsi-options=0x5f8
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3 (glm0):
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks target5-scsi-options=0x5f8
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3 (glm0):
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks target6-scsi-options=0x5f8
Jul 1 11:00:09 becks pcipsy: [ID 370704] PCI-device: scsi@3, glm0
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 80
The following illustration shows a sample env.fnsw.all report. This is all
the environment variables defined for the fnsw user.
COMMAND: su - fnsw -c env / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:24:11 PDT 2005
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic February 2000
ORACLE_TERM = (vt100) _=/usr/bin/env
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 81
The following illustration shows a sample env.fnsw.fn report. This is the
IS-specific environment variables defined for the fnsw user.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 82
The following illustration shows a sample env.root.all report. This is all
the environment variables defined for the root user.
COMMAND: su - root -c env / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:24:10 PDT 2005
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic February 2000
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 83
The following illustration shows a sample env.root.fn report.This is the
IS-specific environment variables defined for the root user.
The following shows a sample fn_procs report on a UNIX system. This
program reports on files in /fnsw/procs and notes if any program listed
has died.
00023885: TM_daemon -s (fnsw) 2005/07/22 10:00:00
00023998: OCOR_Listen -pt -s32769 -t3600 -d20 (fnsw) 2005/07/22 10:00:25
00023888: /fnsw/bin/ilk_daemon (fnsw) 2005/07/22 10:00:04
00023889: MKF_clean (fnsw) 2005/07/22 10:00:04
00023890: MKF_writer 0 (fnsw) 2005/07/22 10:00:04
00023974: MKF_writer 3 (fnsw) 2005/07/22 10:00:23
00024002: OCOR_Listen -pt -s32769 -t3600 -d20 (fnsw) 2005/07/22 10:00:25
00023968: NCH_daemon -pt (fnsw) 2005/07/22 10:00:22
00023987: CSM_daemon (fnsw) 2005/07/22 10:00:24 **dead**
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 84
The following shows a sample fn_procs report on a Windows Server
COMMAND: fn_procs TIME: 11:07:23.76
00001024: C:\FNSW\bin\tm_daemon.exe (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:05:57
00002788: MKF_writer 3 (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:01
00002860: ipc_daemon (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:06:57
00002868: MKF_writer 0 (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:06:57
00002888: INXu (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00002908: C:\fnsw\bin\fn_procs (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:23
00002932: MKF_clean (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:06:57
00003040: bes_commit 2 Bes1:cassini:FileNet (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003300: perf_mon -f/fnsw/local/sd/perf_mon.script -f/fnsw/lib/perf/perf_
mon.script (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003312: NCH_daemon -pt (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003340: SEC_daemon (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003356: INXbg -s IndexServer (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003364: ds_init (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003372: CSM_daemon (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003384: PRI_daemon (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003392: fn_snmpd.exe (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003412: OCOR_Listen -pt -s32769 -t3600 -d20 (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:02
00003420: fn_trapd.exe (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:00
00003432: MKF_writer 2 (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:01
00003436: MKF_writer 1 (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:01
00003468: PRI_notify (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:02
00003476: PRI_check (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:02
00003488: PRI_worker (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:02
00003496: dtp_tran (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:03
00003504: ds_notify (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:03
00003512: ds_notify (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:03
00003520: rmt_commit (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:03
00003556: fbc_commit (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:03
00003564: osi_migrate (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:03
00003608: bes_commit 1 Bes1:cassini:FileNet (fnsw) 2005/07/22 11:07:05
Number of FileNet processes: 30
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 85
The following illustration shows a sample FNL display report.
COMMAND: FNL_disp -p / DATE: Fri Jul 22 10:46:47 PDT 2005
Dumping all process records
pros_rec[0] @ 0x5E002B60:
myinx 0
pid 0
generation 0
next_p 0x00000000
prev_p 0x00000000
wait_ilk_p 0x00000000
wait_type 0 (WAIT_NONE)
trying 0 (FALSE)
pros_owned_ilk_p: 0x00000000
msgsqid 0
waitcount 0
pause_spinlock 0x00000000
pause 0
write_in_prog 0
cs_ilk [0]: 0x00000000
cs_ilk [1]: 0x00000000
cs_ilk [2]: 0x00000000
start_time NULL
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 86
The following illustration shows a sample fnl_disp report.
The following illustration shows a sample fnsw_procs report.
COMMAND: fnl_disp -i -p [-b] TIME: 11:07:20.57
Running fnl_disp -i
Dumping all interlock records
interlock_rec[0] @ 0x46008570:
lockint 0
claim_count 0
claimq_p 0x00000000
cs_count 0
shareq_p 0x00000000
validation 0x00000000
last_claim_pid 0 (0x0)
last_claim_tid 0 (0x0)
last_claim_tui 0 (0x0)
handle_addr 0x00000000
next_pros_ilk_p 0x00000000
/fnsw/procs: Fri Jul 22 10:46:47 PDT 2005
No orphaned PIDs found
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 87
The following illustration shows a sample getkinfo report.
The following illustration shows a sample ioscan report.
handle 11 {
tag Drivers: list KC_DRIVER 224 {
COMMAND: ioscan -fn / DATE: Fri Jul 15 15:12:07 PDT 2005
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
bc 1 8 ccio CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS I/O Adapter
bc 2 8/0 bc CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS Bus Converter
tty 0 8/0/0 mux2 CLAIMED INTERFACE MUX
/dev/diag/mux0 /dev/diag/tty0p7 /dev/tty0p1
/dev/diag/tty0p0 /dev/mux0 /dev/tty0p7
/dev/diag/tty0p1 /dev/tty0p0
ext_bus 0 8/4 c720 CLAIMED INTERFACE GSC add-on Fast/Wide
SCSI Interface
target 0 8/4.5 tgt CLAIMED DEVICE
disk 0 8/4.5.0 sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE SEAGATE ST39236LC
/dev/dsk/c0t5d0 /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 88
ipc_tool1.YYYYMMDD.##.wri and ipc_tool2.YYYYMMDD.##.wri
ipc_tool is basically the same as the UNIX ipci tool below. It is run twice
to see if status has changed. As a consequence there are two different
file names: ipc_tool1.YYYYMMDD.##.wri and ipc_
The following illustration shows a sample ipc_tool report.
COMMAND: ipc_tool -i -s -t -a TIME: 11:07:19.01
Running ipc_tool -i
Interlock [38] created by MKF "MKF 0 writeahead ilk"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0 max: 0 min: -1)
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] MKF_writer 0 (0xb34.b70) (2868.2928.3) [alive]
Interlock [53] created by MKF "MKF 1 writeahead ilk"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0 max: 0 min: -1)
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] MKF_writer 1 (0xd6c.d74) (3436.3444.32) [alive]
Interlock [66] created by MKF "MKF 2 writeahead ilk"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0 max: 0 min: -1)
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] MKF_writer 2 (0xd68.d70) (3432.3440.33) [alive]
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 89
ipc_tool is your most important tool for debugging halted processes or
errors caused by insufficient service request handlers. This tool gener-
ates two ipc_tool reports. ipc_tool is run twice to see if status has
changed and both runs output to the same file. To review these
Look for any processes marked dead.
Look for any long queues (3 or more processes) hanging on an in-
Look at the bottom of each report to see if Image Services software
is at or near its maximum quota of interlocks.
Compare the top and bottom reports to see if things are moving, or
if they're completely halted.
Refer back to cormon to correlate any suspicious stubs with the cli-
ent PC that might have started them.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 90
The following illustration shows a portion of a sample ipc report.
COMMAND: ipc_tool -i / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:35 PDT 2005
Interlock [8] created by OCOR ""
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0 max: 1 min: -1)
Last claimer: OCOR_Listen -pt -s32769 -t3600 -d20 (5731) [alive]
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] OCOR_Listen -pt -s32769 -t3600 -d20 (5731) [alive]
Interlock [9] created by OCOR ""
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: 0 shared: 0 max: 0 min: -1)
Last claimer: (5730) [dead]
Interlock [12] created by MKF "MKF 0 writeahead ilk"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0 max: 0 min: -1)
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] MKF_writer 0 (5626) [alive]
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 91
ipconfig is the only 911 report file with a .log suffix.
The following illustration shows a sample ipconfig report.
COMMAND: ipconfig /all TIME: 11:07:18.29
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : cassini
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
Ethernet adapter Intel Pro 1000 MT Gigabit Ethernet Adapter - onboard:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-C0-9F-19-DA-3F
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :
Secondary WINS Server . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Friday, July 22, 2005 11:05:50 AM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Friday, July 29, 2005 11:05:50 AM
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 92
The following illustration shows a sample ipcs report.
Use this report to check out all the MKF databases. Look for:
Dead processes
Database fatal error
Number of virgin buffers equal to number of buffers and number
of available buffers equal 0 (database full)
IPC status from <running system> as of Fri Jul 22 10:46:16 PDT 2005
Message Queues:
q 0 0 --rw-rw-rw- root fnusr
q 36865 0 -Rrw-rw-rw- root fnusr
q 36866 0 --rw-rw-rw- root fnusr
q 43011 0 --rw-rw-rw- root fnusr
q 36868 0 --rw-rw-rw- fnsw fnusr
q 36869 0 -Rrw-rw-rw- root fnusr
q 40966 0 --rw-rw-rw- fnsw fnusr
q 40967 0 --rw-rw-rw- fnsw fnusr
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 93
The following illustration shows a portion of a sample mkf report.
MCOMMAND: MKF_stats -q /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db* / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:24:05 PDT
WARNING: /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 is in normal state.
Statistics may not be completely up to date.
Thu Jul 21 15:24:05 2005
MKF statistics for /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0:
Max number of blocks in data base = 25,600
Virgin blocks in data base = 23,207
Nonvirgin blocks in data base = 2,393 9%
Elapsed time: 0 seconds
COMMAND: MKF_stats -q /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db* / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:24:05 PDT
WARNING: /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0 is in normal state.
Statistics may not be completely up to date.
Thu Jul 21 15:24:05 2005
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 94
The following illustration shows a sample mkf_debug report.
COMMAND: mkf_debug TIME: 11:07:19.37
Fri Jul 22 11:07:19 2005
All processes using an MKF database on this station:
* if + in
dead MKF pid.tid program name
---- ---- ----------- ------------------------------------
* 1836.1792 nch_tool nch.dat
* 660.2064 fn_util whichfn
3608.3604 bes_commit 1 Bes1:cassini:FileNet
3556.3524 fbc_commit
3496.3560 dtp_tran
3564.3568 osi_migrate
3520.3516 rmt_commit
3488.3484 PRI_worker
3420.3424 fn_trapd.exe
3476.3492 PRI_check
3356.3360 INXbg -s IndexServer
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 95
The following illustration shows a sample mkf_stats report.
The following illustration shows a sample mkf_tool print report.
COMMAND: mkf_stats -q file TIME: 11:07:19.46
Checking permanent_db0
WARNING: C:\fnsw\dev\1\permanent_db0 is in normal state.
Statistics may not be completely up to date.
Fri Jul 22 11:07:19 2005
MKF statistics for C:\FNSW\DEV\1\PERMANENT_DB0:
Max number of blocks in data base = 12,800
Virgin blocks in data base = 10,527
Nonvirgin blocks in data base = 2,273 17%
Elapsed time: 0 seconds
Checking transient_db0
WARNING: C:\fnsw\dev\1\transient_db0 is in normal state.
Statistics may not be completely up to date.
Outputting to file 'mkf_tool_print.20050722.01.wri'
<MKF_tool>count print_requests*
Total of 0 records counted
<MKF_tool>sel print_requests*
<MKF_tool>sel print_options*
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 96
The following illustration shows a sample nch_tool report. On UNIX,
this information is found in the sysconfig.YYYYMMDD.##.wri file
COMMAND: nch_tool defaultdomain/domainsserved/cachestats TIME: 10:04:26.99
nch_tool> The default domain is cmnt317:FileNet
nch_tool> cmnt317:FileNet
1 cache resizes
4 server address cache slots
20 object hash table slots
10 object cache entries
10 extent entries, 1 unused
Timeout = 7200 seconds
385 find server calls, 0 hits
0 add server calls, 0 invalidate server calls
406 find prop calls, 157 hits, 0 timeouts
195 add prop calls
0 delete prop calls, 0 delete object calls
189 free prop calls, 5 free object calls
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 97
The following illustration shows a sample netstat report.
When reviewing this report, look at:
•Any requests for memory denied
Any excessive number of collisions (Coll) or number of errors
(Ierrs, Oerrs)
Unusually small network buffer (on AIX, theWall: should be at least
COMMAND: netstat -a TIME: 11:07:18.54
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP cassini:epmap cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:microsoft-ds cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:1027 cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:1029 cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:1032 cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:1311 cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:5631 cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:8000 cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:tms cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:cor cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:netbios-ssn cassini:0 LISTENING
TCP cassini:1037 ESTABLISHED
TCP cassini:1040 TIME_WAIT
TCP cassini:1042 ESTABLISHED
TCP cassini:1044 ESTABLISHED
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 98
The following illustration shows a sample netstats report.
COMMAND: netstat -m / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:34 PDT 2005 streams allocation:
cumulative allocation
current maximum total failures
streams 405 440 97523 0
queues 912 962 233978 0
mblk 891 2413 284791 0
dblk 886 2451 21248795 0
linkblk 14 169 103 0
strevent 9 169 1347140 0
syncq 29 50 4447 0
qband 2 127 2 0
1188 Kbytes allocated for streams data
COMMAND: netstat -in / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:34 PDT 2005
Name Mtu Net/Dest Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis Queue
lo0 8232 1524671 0 1524671 0 0 0
hme0 1500 531886 4 277027 0 25861 0
#/TIME_WAIT connections: 10
#/CLOSE_WAIT connections: 1
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 99
The following illustration shows a sample no report.
The following illustration shows a sample oslevel report.
The following illustration shows a sample perf_report -a report on a
UNIX system. The report looks very similar on a Windows Server
COMMAND: no -a / DATE: Wed Jul 27 14:43:29 PDT 2005
arpqsize = 12
arpt_killc = 20
arptab_bsiz = 7
arptab_nb = 73
bcastping = 0
clean_partial_conns = 0
delayack = 0
delayackports = {}
dgd_packets_lost = 3
dgd_ping_time = 5
dgd_retry_time = 5
directed_broadcast = 0
extendednetstats = 0
fasttimo = 200
icmp6_errmsg_rate = 10
icmpaddressmask = 0
ie5_old_multicast_mapping = 0
COMMAND: oslevel -r / DATE: Wed Jul 27 14:43:29 PDT 2005
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 100
COMMAND: perf_report -a / DATE: Thu Jul 21 16:47:09 PDT 2005
Name Title File
sol_sum Solaris Processor Summary Repor cmb1.sol_sum.Jul21.txt
sol_vmm Solaris Virtual Memory Activity cmb1.sol_vmm.Jul21.txt
css CSS Summary Report cmb1.css.Jul21.txt
sv Service activity
bs Batch Entry Report
rbs Batch Entry Server Report cmb1.rbs.Jul21.txt
transdb_io Transient DB I/O Tuning Report cmb1.transdb_io.Jul21.txt
transdb_trans Transient DB Transaction Tuning cmb1.transdb_trans.Jul21.txt
csm Cache Services Report cmb1.csm.Jul21.txt
doc Document Services Report cmb1.doc.Jul21.txt
fb Fast Batch Throughput Report cmb1.fb.Jul21.txt
inx Index Services Report cmb1.inx.Jul21.txt
nch Network Clearinghouse Report cmb1.nch.Jul21.txt
ds Document Services Summary cmb1.ds.Jul21.txt
pf Image Prefetch Activity Report
cpr Client Page Request Report cmb1.cpr.Jul21.txt
ol OSAR Load Summary cmb1.ol.Jul21.txt
permdb_io Permanent DB I/O Tuning Report cmb1.permdb_io.Jul21.txt
permdb_trans Permanent DB Transaction Tuning cmb1.permdb_trans.Jul21.txt
prt Print Activity Report cmb1.prt.Jul21.txt
wfl WorkFlo Activity Report cmb1.wfl.Jul21.txt
sq SQL Services Report cmb1.sq.Jul21.txt
sec Security Services Report cmb1.sec.Jul21.txt
secdb_io Security DB I/O Tuning Report cmb1.secdb_io.Jul21.txt
secdb_trans Security DB Transaction Tuning cmb1.secdb_trans.Jul21.txt
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 101
The following illustration shows a sample perf_report -rful report on a
UNIX system. The report looks very similar on a Windows Server
COMMAND: perf_report -rful / DATE: Thu Jul 21 16:47:06 PDT 2005
New_Day (00:00-00:00) (1) becks
Base file : /fnsw/local/sd/1/perflog
Date-time : Thu Jul 21 16:30:00 2005
Date-time : Thu Jul 21 16:45:00 2005
WorkFlo NCH SQL RmtFile Security
Operating System Identification
SunOS becks 5.8 Generic_108528-12sun4u
priority % total % n-idl ticks tot-cpu-time
-------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
idle 95.291 ----- 171525 1715.250
kernel 3.969 84.287 7145 71.450
user 0.473 10.039 851 8.510
wait 0.267 5.674 481 4.810
-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
100.000 100.000 180002 1800.020
System Activity Information
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 102
When reviewing this report, look for any service request handlers
(stubs) where Total equals Max. This indicates congestion.
The following illustration shows a sample ppmoi report on a UNIX
COMMAND: PPMOI, rp / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:36 PDT 2005
# Name On Max Alloc OnQ DQ RPipe WPipe CWH Pid(s)
=== ====== == ==== ===== ==== == ===== ===== ==========
0 NCHs 1 64 64 0 0 4 5 8611
1 CSMs 1 64 64 0 0 6 7 6066
2 DOCs 1 64 64 0 0 8 9 6068
3 INXs 1 64 64 0 0 10 11 6070
4 PRIs 1 64 0 0 0 12 13
COMMAND: PPMOI, sh / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:37 PDT 2005
Entry Program Name Program # Ver # Max Total Idle NoPrc NoCul MaxQSz
===== ================ ========== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ======
0: NCHs 2 2 12 1 1 0 0 64
1: CSMs 134231040 1 12 1 1 0 0 64
2: DOCs 134231041 1 12 1 1 0 0 64
3: INXs 134231042 1 12 1 1 0 0 64
4: PRIs 134231043 1 12 0 0 0 0 64
COMMAND: PPMOI, st / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:37 PDT 2005
# Name Number Vers MaxProc No Proc No Culs
==== ============ ========= ==== ======= ======= =======
0 NCHs 2 2 12 0 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ========
8612 available/idle 44 0.0024 0.0017 0.0107
1 CSMs 134231040 1 12 0 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ========
6067 available/idle 7 0.0334 0.0019 0.1402
Grand Totals Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time
======== ======== ======== ========
157 0.0278 0.0013 0.9906
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 103
The following illustration shows a sample ppmoi report on a Windows
Server system.
COMMAND: ppmoi rp, qp, sh, st TIME: 11:07:22.43
FileNet PPM Operator Interface COMMANDS
Cleanup - Initiates PPM's process cleanup routine.[cleanup|c]
Debug - Turns PPM_DEBUG on and off.[debug|d]
debugger- Allows server stub start by itself.[debugger|db]
Help - Gets you this list.[help|h]
Modify - Change max or opt value of one entry in table.[modify|m]
Resume - Restores all max values to original setting.[resume|r]
SHow - Displays all the entries in the PPM table.[show|sh]
STatus - Displays server stub process status.[status|st]
CULstatus - Displays CUL status.[culstatus|cul]
SUspend - Changes all max values in the PPM table to 0.[suspend|su]
RPcqueue- Display entries in RPC queues.[rpcqueue|rp]
QPerf - Display RPC queue performance statistics.[qperf|qp]
Quit - Terminates the Operator Interface session.[quit|q]
PPMOI> # Name On Max Alloc OnQ DQ RPipe WPipe CWH Pid(s)
=== ====== == ==== ===== ==== == ===== ===== ==========
0 NCHs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 CSMs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 DOCs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 INXs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 PRIs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 BESs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 PSMs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PPMOI> # Name Number Vers MaxProc No Proc No Culs
==== ============ ========= ==== ======= ======= =======
No active server stub processes
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 104
This report prints out a report as a result of running the 911 command
with the -p option.
The following illustration shows a sample pri_diags report.
MKF_tool, print_requests, print_options: Fri Jul 29 11:18:51 PDT 2005
Outputting to file '/tmp/20970.tmp'
<MKF_tool>count print_requests*
Total of 0 records counted
<MKF_tool>sel print_requests*
<MKF_tool>sel print_options*
PRI_tool, print requests: Fri Jul 29 11:18:51 PDT 2005
Outputting to file '/tmp/20970.tmp' and standard out
pr * long
# printer print fetch requests pages idle
name request request queued queued time
--- ---- ------- ------- ------ ------ ----
request total pages status printer
id pages printed name
------- ----- ------- ------ -------
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 105
The following illustration shows a sample pri_tool report.
This report prints out comprehensive information about each process
currently known to UNIX:
Use the ps report to isolate a suspicious process you might have
discovered in cormon or ipc_tool.
Check the SZ (size) field to identify processes consuming exces-
sive memory.
Check the sheer number of processes. (Over 150-200 processes
can adversely affect a moderate-size system.)
Pay special attention to Image Services and Oracle processes;
look for anything unusual (such as excessive size or default status).
Outputting to file 'pri_tool.20050722.01.wri' and standard out
pr * long
# printer print fetch requests pages idle
name request request queued queued time
--- ---- ------- ------- ------ ------ ----
request total pages status printer
id pages printed name
------- ----- ------- ------ -------
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 106
The following illustration shows a sample ps report.
COMMAND: ps -eafl / DATE: Thu Jul 21 10:13:59 PDT 2005
203803 S root 1 0 0 60 20 1405 232 Aug 12 - 20:48 /
260801 S root 1384 1 0 60 20 751d 188 Aug 12 - 0:00 /
261801 S root 2421 1384 0 60 20 6539 260 Aug 12 - 0:03 /
usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q30m 240801 S root 2834 1 0 60 20 58d6 64
5ac3e98 Aug 12 - 7:25 /etc/syncd 60
241801 S root 3202 1 0 60 20 5154 152 594c924 Aug 12 - 1:03 /
240801 S root 3463 1 0 60 20 3d6f 36 46f10 Aug 12 - 0:00 /
42801 S root 3604 1 0 60 20 74dd 260 d4f8 Aug 12 - 0:02 /
240801 S fnsw 12748 12234 0 60 20 65f9 512 5a12a24 Aug 14 - 0:00
oracleIDB P:4096,7,10,
261801 S fnsw 13462 1 0 60 20 41f0 164 Aug 14 - 1:47
NCH_daemon -pt
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 107
The following illustration shows a sample sar report.
COMMAND: /usr/bin/sar -v 5 3 / DATE: Fri Jul 15 15:11:02 PDT 2005
HP-UX panda B.11.11 U 9000/820 07/15/05
15:11:02 text-sz ov proc-sz ov inod-sz ov file-sz ov
15:11:07 N/A N/A 181/1005 0 933/1085 0 722/5010 0
15:11:12 N/A N/A 181/1005 0 933/1085 0 722/5010 0
15:11:17 N/A N/A 181/1005 0 933/1085 0 722/5010 0
COMMAND: /usr/bin/sar -u 5 3 / DATE: Fri Jul 15 15:11:18 PDT 2005
HP-UX panda B.11.11 U 9000/820 07/15/05
15:11:18 %usr %sys %wio %idle
15:11:23 0 0 0 100
15:11:28 0 0 1 99
15:11:33 0 0 0 100
Average 0 0 0 100
COMMAND: /usr/bin/sar -d 5 3 / DATE: Fri Jul 15 15:11:33 PDT 2005
HP-UX panda B.11.11 U 9000/820 07/15/05
15:11:33 device %busy avque r+w/s blks/s avwait avserv
15:11:38 c0t5d0 10.00 2.39 14 112 17.36 41.47
c0t8d0 0.80 0.50 1 10 3.07 12.70
15:11:43 c0t5d0 9.38 0.95 12 96 10.93 46.14
c0t8d0 1.20 0.50 1 16 2.57 13.76
15:11:48 c0t5d0 12.83 1.00 20 115 8.51 28.57
c0t8d0 1.60 0.50 2 20 2.96 13.02
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 108
The following illustration shows a sample sec_tool report on a UNIX
system. The report looks very similar on a Windows Server system.
The following illustration shows a sample set report. This shows all the
environment variables currently set.
COMMAND: SEC_tool / DATE: Fri Jul 22 10:46:48 PDT 2005
2 sessions found on Fri Jul 22 10:46:48 2005
user_name endpoint_name
--------- -------------
SysAdmin:becks:FileNet [email protected]
ServiceProcess:System:System [email protected]
1 who
COMMAND: set TIME: 11:07:15.48
ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\fnsw\Application Data
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
DellAgentPath=C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\OMSA\bin
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 109
The following illustration shows a sample set.fn report. This shows all
the IS-specific environment variables currently set.
The following illustration shows a sample sharedSection report. This
shows the registry entry containing values for desktop heap sizes. The
SharedSection entry will have 3 or four values.
1. Max size of system wide heap (in KB).
2. Size of per desktop heap.
3. Non-interactive desktop heap size (FileNet requires min. 512 KB).
4. Windows Terminal Server heap size.
COMMAND: Get FileNet environment variables TIME: 11:07:15.50
COMMAND: Registry entry HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\COntrol\Session
Manager\Subsystems\Windows TIME: 11:07:23.93
%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows
SharedSection=1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1
ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ProfileControl=Off
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 110
The following illustration shows a sample stack report of stack traces of
files found under /fnsw or the fnsw user home directory. The following
debuggers are used:
If these debuggers are not found, adb is used.
AIX - dbx
HP - gdb
Solaris - dbx
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 111
COMMAND: Getting stack traces / DATE: Fri Jul 22 10:45:27 PDT 2005
Running dbx /fnsw/bin/SDS_CSAR_reader /fnsw/local/logs/TM_daemon/core.GsaG.U
changes (topic)
The major new features of this release relative to 6.1 are:
o The dbx environment variable "rtc_use_traps" has been removed.
Traps are used automatically as long as the hardware is UltraSparc.
o There is now some basic support for looking at core files from
different versions of Solaris. See `help core mismatch' for details.
o Stepping to a specific function support. See `help step to' for details.
o Fortran intrinsics support on Intel has been removed.
o Dbx automatically translates some old dbxenv variables to their new
names. See `help dbxenv' for details.
o The default command-line editing mode is now emacs. See "How do I enable
command-line editing?" in FAQ for details (`help FAQ').
o Two new collector commands have been implemented: `pause' and `resume'.
See `help collector' for details.
o The collector enable_once command has been removed.
o The collector store command has been extended to include experiment groups.
See also `help changes61'
To suppress this message, add the following line to your .dbxrc file:
dbxenv suppress_startup_message 6.2
Reading SDS_CSAR_reader
core file header read successfully
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 112
This report helps you start troubleshooting any Image Services soft-
ware problem. It displays system information such as:
System platform and OS version (fn_util whichfn)
Image Services version (fn_util whichfn)
Number of Image Services servers
OS-specific error reporting and logical volume commands
Output from sgs
Output from nch_tool
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 113
The following illustration shows a portion of a sample sysconfig report.
This report lists all trigger and configuration files found and their con-
COMMAND: uname -a / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:37 PDT 2005
UNAME: SunOS becks 5.8 Generic_108528-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-250
Solaris Base OS Release:
SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-12
Oracle RDBMS Release:
FileNet Controlled,
FileNet Image Services Release:
4.0 GA Service Pack 3 Hot Fix Pack 1 (4.0.30)
The number of Servers configured on this system: 1
Sta # Station_Type Server Name Address(es)
----- ------------ ----------- -----------
1 Root/Index/Document/Osar becks
The number of Servers configured on this system: 1
Server_Name Partition_Name Mbytes
----------- -------------- ------
/fnsw/dev/1/cache1 3072
/fnsw/dev/1/transient_db1 40
/fnsw/dev/1/oracle_tr0 400
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 114
The following illustration shows a sample trigger report on a UNIX
system. This report lists all IS trigger and configuration files found and
their contents.
/fnsw/local/cold/config/fonts exists - 0 bytes
/fnsw/local/sd/ims_start exists - 202 bytes
echo "Starting cold_3770 daemon:" >> $OFILE
/fnsw/bin/sys_log "Starting COLD_3770 daemon"
nohup /fnsw/bin/cold_3770 -d /fnsw/local/cold/data/test > /dev/null &
echo "Initialization complete." >> $OFILE
/fnsw/local/sd/inx_conf exists - 58 bytes
no_catalog = 0
ixwfq_ctl_file = 1
multi_byte_security = 1
/fnsw/local/sd/root_station exists - 0 bytes
/fnsw/local/sd/1/sds_conf exists - 148 bytes
SDS 1 {
sds_name CSAR_reader
worker SDS_CSAR_reader 4
info "WorkingDirectory=/csar emcdomain=,"
sds_priority high
debug max
/fnsw/local/sd/snt.chkpt exists - 26 bytes
100763 3020 15 1121967986
/fnsw/local/ssn exists - 7 bytes
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 115
The following illustration shows a sample trigger report on a Windows
Server system.
The following illustration shows a sample uname report.
The following illustration shows a sample ver report.
C:\fnsw_loc\sd\inx_conf exists - 61 bytes
no_catalog = 0
ixwfq_ctl_file = 1
multi_byte_security = 1
C:\fnsw_loc\sd\snt.chkpt exists - 26 bytes
101003 3000 1 1114722120
COMMAND: uname -a / DATE: Fri Jul 22 10:46:15 PDT 2005
SunOS becks 5.8 Generic_108528-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-250
COMMAND: ver TIME: 11:07:15.48
Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 116
ipc_tool, netstat, and vmstats are the three most important reports in
911. Vmstats gives you a thumbnail sketch as to how much real and
virtual memory you have, what kind of load the system was under at
the moment of crises, and where most of the disk I/O was going.
Check the following:
uptime: See how long the system has been up. If the system has
been running for days (or weeks), the problem might be a memory
leak. Try recycling the operating system.
uptime: If the load average is much higher than 2, the system per-
formance is probably degrading.
Physical RAM: For example, if a system has only 32 MB RAM and
frequently uses the swap file, you should recommend the customer
have more memory installed.
vmstat: Pay particular attention to the po (page out) field. If it's con-
sistently greater than 0, the system probably has memory prob-
iostat: Indicates where most disk activity is occurring: swap (insuf-
ficient memory), Oracle datasets (database access), or other
(normal user I/O).
Interpreting virtual memory and I/O performance is a complex task. To
help you analyze and diagnose the problem, you should consult with
your service representative or performance tuning expert.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 117
COMMAND: uptime / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:22:54 PDT 2005
3:22pm up 13 day(s), 23:05, 5 users, load average: 0.26, 0.08, 0.05
COMMAND: swap -l / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:22:54 PDT 2005
swapfile dev swaplo blocks free
/dev/vx/dsk/swapvol 176,6 16 4191920 4191920
COMMAND: swap -s / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:22:54 PDT 2005
total: 529936k bytes allocated + 313904k reserved = 843840k used, 2028704k available
COMMAND: prtconf | grep Memory / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:22:54 PDT 2005
COMMAND: ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_keepalive_interval / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:22:54 PDT 2005
COMMAND: vmstat 5 5 / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:22:54 PDT 2005
procs memory page disk faults cpu
r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s0 s6 s7 s8 in sy cs us sy id
0 0 0 2272664 478856 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 416 116 78 0 1 99
0 0 0 2028696 282280 2 1 601 0 0 0 0 212 0 0 0 1763 898 246 0 3 96
0 0 0 2028704 283000 5 30 1155 0 0 0 0 174 0 0 0 941 3856 445 1 13 86
0 0 0 2028704 290016 15 100 995 0 0 0 0 167 0 0 0 922 4756 436 2 14 84
0 1 0 2028704 290320 0 0 1262 0 0 0 0 62 0 0 141 1044 1968 478 0 6 93
COMMAND: iostat 5 5 / DATE: Thu Jul 21 15:23:14 PDT 2005
tty sd0 sd6 sd7 sd8 cpu
tin tout kps tps serv kps tps serv kps tps serv kps tps serv us sy wt id
0 1 7 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 16 0 1 1 98
0 0 29 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 438 223 4 0 4 47 48
0 0 136 17 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 330 232 4 0 7 51 41
0 0 1123 140 1307 0 0 0 0 0 0 1379 296 435 1 7 60 31
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 517 181 4 1 17 34 48
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 118
The following illustration shows a sample whichfn report. On UNIX, this
information is found in the sysconfig.YYYYMMDD.##.wri file.
COMMAND: fn_util whichfn TIME: 11:07:18.79
Windows Server Release:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
MSSQL Server Release:
FileNet Controlled, SQL Server 2000
FileNet Image Services Release:
4.0 GA Service Pack 3 (4.0.30)
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 119
The following illustration shows a sample winmsd report. You can
exclude this report by using the nowinmsd command line option.
System Information report written at: 07/22/05 11:08:21
System Name: CASSINI
[System Summary]
OS NameMicrosoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
Version5.2.3790 Service Pack 1 Build 3790
Other OS Description Not Available
OS ManufacturerMicrosoft Corporation
System NameCASSINI
System ManufacturerDell Computer Corporation
System ModelPowerEdge 1600SC
System TypeX86-based PC
Processorx86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~2791 Mhz
Processorx86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~2791 Mhz
Processorx86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~2791 Mhz
Processorx86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~2791 Mhz
BIOS Version/DateDell Computer Corporation A09, 10/8/2003
SMBIOS Version2.3
Windows DirectoryC:\WINDOWS
System DirectoryC:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device\Device\HarddiskVolume2
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 120
The following illustration shows a sample wqs_tool report on a UNIX
The following illustration shows a sample wqs_tool report on a Win-
dows Server system.
COMMAND: WQS_tool, dumpqs * *, qstats / DATE: Fri Jul 22 10:46:46 PDT 2005
Type '?' for help
GENERAL COUNTS - Fri Jul 22 10:46:47 2005
general dbms lock
-------------- count avg time count avg time count avg time
Total Open: 0 Critical Lock: NOT LOCKED (0)
COMMAND: wqs_tool dumpqs * *, qstats TIME: 11:07:21.14
Type '?' for help
<WQS_tool><WQS_tool>Total Open: 0 Critical Lock: NOT LOCKED (0)
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 121
Before you use 911, be aware of the following:
Image Services software must be running.
Whenever your system is having a problem, run 911 to capture the
data for later analysis.
You can run 911 immediately when the Image Services system is
having undefinable problems, such as when the system runs slowly
for no apparent reason.
The operation could take approximately two minutes to complete.
You should run 911 on all Image Services servers in the FileNet
system. One server could cause problems on another one.
911 does not require any special setup or syntax. It should already
be installed in the /fnsw/support directory where it can enable exe-
cution from any directory through the system’s $PATH).
911 does not write anything besides log files or alter the cus-
tomer's system in any way. It just captures diagnostic information.
You can run 911 more than one time. The log files all have an in-
cremental version number, so you don't have to worry about over-
writing your last log.
You can write pre911 and post911 scripts, if desired.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 122
To diagnose system problems using 911, follow these steps:
1 At the system prompt, enter:
2 Send the compressed file to your service representative for diagnostics
(911.YYYYMMDD.##.tar.Z on UNIX or on
Windows Server).
3 Copy the file to the desired location on your system for unpacking.
4 Unpack the compressed file by entering:
uncompress 911.YYYYMMDD.##.tar.Z (UNIX)
tar xvf 911.YYYYMMDD.##
unzip (Windows Server)
(or use the standard Windows method of extracting .zip files)
5 Interpret the reports, as shown in
Sample Reports” on page 70.
YYYYY = 4-digit year, such as 1998
MM = Month, such as 01 for January
DD = Day, such as 01 for the first of the month
## = Run number for the day (e.g., 01, 02, etc.)
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 123
Related Topics
Most of the output reports listed in this 911 section have a corre-
sponding tool section in this manual. Refer to these sections for more
information on the tools.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 124
The add_osvr tool adds a new Storage Library server to an existing
system, updating surface locator tables in the MKF permanent data-
base to reflect the Storage Library servers you are adding. In addition,
add_osvr adds records to the MKF permanent database media family
table of each Storage Library server being added.
The add_osvr tool does not explicitly assign media or families to a new
Storage Library server. Families set up to send write requests to all
Storage Library servers send write requests to the new Storage Library
server, but families that explicitly send write requests to a specific
Storage Library server do not send write requests to the new Storage
Library server. Previously created media remain on the original
Storage Library server but you can format new media on the new
Storage Library server.
To balance the load on a system, consider running the move_disk tool
to logically move media from one Storage Library server to another.
Use the FileNet Database Maintenance application to redirect a
family’s write request to a new Storage Library server.
If Image Services fails or the system is rebooted before add_osvr com-
pletes, you can rerun add_osvr.
If add_osvr fails during execution, correct the problem and rerun add_
osvr until it completes successfully.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 125
CAUTION Do not run any other program (such as del_osvr) after an unsuccessful
run of add_osvr. Doing so leaves the databases in a partially converted
state, producing unpredictable results.
Use the add_osvr tool to add a new Storage Library server to an
existing system.
You typically use add_osvr as part of a procedure that includes use of
the del_osvr and move_disk tools. You should not use add_osvr inde-
pendently. For an example of a typical scenario in which you might use
these tools, see
Typical Scenario” on page 290, under the descrip-
tion of the del_osvr tool.
When add_osvr completes successfully, the following message dis-
Program terminated successfully.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 126
add_osvr <svrid1> <svrid2> ... <svridn>
<svrid1> ...
One or more identification numbers for the Storage Library servers to
be added to the system.
Server IDs are assigned during system configuration. You can find the
ID assigned to each Storage Library server in the system.ascii file or
the NCH database. In the system.ascii file, the server ID for the Stor-
age Library server appears in the unitID field. Alternatively, use the
nch_tool listproperties command to locate the Storage Library server
identification number from the NCH database.
Before you use add_osvr, be aware of the following:
add_osvr does not explicitly assign media or families to a new Stor-
age Library server.
Shut down document services before you run add_osvr.
Before you run add_osvr, ensure that NCH is started and MKF per-
manent and transient databases are accessible on all Storage Li-
brary servers.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 127
Perform the following steps to add a Storage Library server to the
1 Back up the system to tape.
If a failure occurs (for example, the new server does not boot) before
add_osvr completes successfully, restoring the backup is the only way
to return the system to its original state.
2 Configure the new Storage Library server.
For UNIX systems, enter fn_edit on the command line to start the
System Configuration Editor.
For Windows Server systems, click on the System Configuration
Editor icon.
3 Verify system readiness.
Verify all Storage Library servers are in single-user mode.
Verify Document Services is shut down.
Verify that NCH is started.
•Verify MKF permanent and transient databases are accessible on
all Storage Library servers.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 128
4 Start add_osvr.
At the command line prompt of any Storage Library server on the
system, enter add_osvr with appropriate server identification num-
The tool has completed successfully when the following message dis-
program terminated successfully
5 Restart FileNet software.
When add_osvr completes, shut down the Storage Library server and
reboot the system. Reboot all Storage Library servers to multi-user
As an option, you can also run the move_disk tool and/or use the
FileNet Database Maintenance application to balance the system load.
Related Topics
del_osvr” on page 288
move_disk” on page 835
See the “Database Maintenance” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 129
To ensure consistency between batch components and corresponding
MKF transient database table entries, bes_check verifies that each
batch component has a corresponding entry in its associated batch
entry services (BES) tables. However, bes_check does not check
batch integrity.
If Image Services Batch Services is working correctly, you should
never see an “orphaned” batch table row in the transient database
BES tables. An orphaned row has no corresponding “parent” row in an
associated BES table. An example of an orphaned row is a row in the
batch_image or batch_ixval table whose corresponding row in the
batch_doc table is missing. The bes_check tool also finds objects in
BES cache which do not have corresponding rows in the bes_image
table, or vice versa. In addition, bes_check checks the batch header
counts against the batch_doc, batch_ixval, and batch_ixdir tables.
At the start of execution, bes_check attempts to obtain exclusive use of
the batch tables. If batch entry services (BES) is in use and the exclu-
sive lock cannot be obtained, bes_check terminates.
The bes_check tool verifies that:
Each image in the cache has an entry in batch_image table with
the same object ID (a one-to-one relationship).
Each image whose doc_id is nonzero has a corresponding entry in
the batch_doc table with the same doc_id and batch_id (a one-to-
one relationship). (These numbers start with one; do not confuse
them with an object ID.)
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 130
Each index value has a corresponding record in the batch_doc ta-
ble (a many-to-one relationship). For each entry in the batch_docs
table, zero or more entries exist in the batch_ixval table. The num_
indices field in the batch_doc table determines the number of index
Each of the following tables maintains a one-to-one relationship be-
tween the batch_dyn_hdr and batch_stat_hdr for each document:
batch_ixval, batch_data, batch_ixdir, batch_doc.
If inconsistencies are found, bes_check writes descriptive messages to
a standard output file but makes no attempt to correct the inconsis-
During the checking process, bes_check creates two files, .bes_pre_
sort<pid> and .bes_sorted<pid>, in which to store a sorted list of batch
images. The files are created in the /tmp and /fnsw/local/tmp directo-
ries. If bes_check cannot create these files, a message similar to the
following is issued when bes_check attempts to open the sort files:
Cannot open /fnsw/local/tmp/.bes_pre_sort7771 errno = <err>
After the message displays, bes_check terminates. The message
could indicate that bes_check does not have the proper permission
level to create the sort files.
If the following message displays, the file system (/fnsw/local/tmp or /
tmp) is too small to accommodate the sort lists:
Failed the lseek errno = <err>
Correct the problem described in the error message and rerun bes_
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 131
Use bes_check to perform a consistency check between objects in
BES cache and records in transient database batch tables.
Output from bes_check normally displays to the standard output
device. However, you can redirect the output to a file as shown in the
following example for a Windows Server environment:
bes_check > \fnsw_loc\tmp\beschk.out
Then use the editor of your choice to view the file contents.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 132
Sample Output
corona(root)> bes_check
This program checks for orphaned batch components. It does not attempt to clean up
This program must be run local to the target batch entry service.
kill -USR1 7771 will cause this program to abort.
The MKF database must be up.
DO NOT run the program if the system is in operation!!!
Start checking Bes1:hpbalboa:FileNet
Verify consistency between cache objects and image headers.
Each object in the cache associated with the Batch Entry Service must have a
corresponding entry in the batch_image table.
Verify consistency between images and documents.
Each entry in batch_image whose doc_id <> 0 must be referenced in batch_doc.
**** Cache/batch_image & batch_image/batch_doc verification complete.****
Verify consistency between documents and images.
Each entry in batch_doc must be exist in batch_image.
**** batch_doc/batch_image verification complete. ****
Verify consistency between index values and documents.
Each entry in batch_ixval must be referenced in batch_doc.
**** batch_ixval/batch_doc verification complete. ****
Verify consistency between documents and batch headers.
Each entry in batch_doc must be referenced in batch_stat_hdr and batch_dyn_hdr.
**** batch_doc/batch_hdr verification complete. ****
Verify consistency between batch headers counts against batch_doc, batch_ixval, and
batch_ixdir tables:
1) batch_stat_hdr.act_docs == batch_doc (entries)
2) batch_stat_hdr.num_indices == batch_ixdir (entries)
3) batch_stat_hdr.act_docs*num_reqd_indcs <= batch_ixval (entries)
**** batch_hdr verification complete. ****
Verify consistency between batch object data, batch_id and object_id for object
types batch, document, image and phase.
**** batch object data verification complete. ****
Program terminated normally.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 133
In the following sample, bes_check located orphan rows. The introduc-
tory comments and list of image IDs is truncated for readability:
This program checks for orphaned batch components. It does not attempt to clean up
This program must be run local to the target batch entry service.
kill -USR1 3958 will cause this program to abort.
Each entry in batch_image whose doc_id <> 0 must be referenced in batch_doc.
Image id 111303 of doc 1 in batch_image (batch_id = 184); not in bes
cache *
Image id 111304 of doc 1 in batch_image (batch_id = 184); not in bes
cache *
Image id 111361 of doc 1 in batch_image (batch_id = 211); not in bes
cache *
Image id 111362 of doc 1 in batch_image (batch_id = 211); not in bes
cache *
* The batch of the image is in the process of committal, or is committed with errors.
However, the image may have already been successfully committed.
**** Cache/batch_image & batch_image/batch_doc verification complete.****
Verify consistency between documents and images.
Each entry in batch_doc must be exist in batch_image.
**** batch_doc/batch_image verification complete. ****
Verify consistency between index values and documents.
Each entry in batch_ixval must be referenced in batch_doc.
**** batch_ixval/batch_doc verification complete. ****
Verify consistency between documents and batch headers.
Each entry in batch_doc must be referenced in batch_stat_hdr and batch_dyn_hdr.
**** batch_doc/batch_hdr verification complete. ****
Verify consistency between batch headers counts against batch_doc, batch_ixval, and
batch_ixdir tables:
1) batch_stat_hdr.act_docs == batch_doc (entries)
2) batch_stat_hdr.num_indices == batch_ixdir (entries)
3) batch_stat_hdr.act_docs*num_reqd_indcs <= batch_ixval (entries)
**** batch_hdr verification complete. ****
Program terminated normally.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 134
Before you use bes_check, be aware of the following:
Do not run the program if document entry is in progress.
You must run bes_check on the document server.
If you must terminate bes_check before it completes, use the fol-
lowing command:
kill -USR1 <pid>for UNIX platforms
killfnsw -p <pid>for Windows Server platforms
where <pid> is the process ID of bes_check. You can locate the
process ID in the output as shown in the following example:
In the Windows Server environment, open another MS-DOS window
from which to issue the killfnsw -p <pid> command.
This program must be run local to the target batch entry service.
kill -USR1 3958 will cause this program to abort.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 135
The following procedure shuts down the FileNet software before
starting bes_check. You can run bes_check while FileNet software is
active. However, batch entry services (BES) cannot be in use while
bes_check is running.
1 Log off Doc Entry at the client.
At this point, Batch Entry Services is still running on the server.
2 Click the Task Manager Stop button to shut down FileNet software on
the server.
3 Start FileNet databases.
At a UNIX server command line prompt or a Windows Server MS-DOS
prompt, enter the following command:
fn_util startdb
4 Run bes_check.
5 Restart FileNet software.
When bes_check completes, click the Task Manager Restart button to
restart FileNet software.
Related Topics
See MKF_tool” on page 810 to view the transient database BES
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 136
The bes_clean tool removes all or selected uncommitted batches.
This tool deletes all data stored in bes_cache, including the repository
used for Capture Professional. If your server supports Capture Profes-
sional, you should back up its repository before running bes_clean. For
details, see the backup procedures provided in the Capture Profes-
sional documentation.
The tool deletes the following records from transient database batch
Dynamic headers
Static headers
Index directory records
Image records
Cache objects (images and companion images)
Index value records
Document records
Batch data records
Batch folder records
Capture Professional repository
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 137
Note Folders could have associated batch IDs. However, if you remove all
batches by running bes_clean with no options, it also removes all fold-
At the start of execution, bes_clean attempts to obtain exclusive use of
the batch tables. If batch entry services (BES) is in use and bes_clean
cannot obtain the exclusive lock, bes_clean terminates.
To delete selected batches, specify the batch ID or the batch name.
You can also have bes_clean prompt you before it performs the dele-
tion. If you specify a batch ID or batch name, bes_clean deletes the
specified batch as soon as you respond to the confirmation prompt
with a y.
At successful completion of the program, bes_clean displays a report
of deleted records.
When instructed to do so by your service representative, use bes_
clean to delete records in the transient database batch tables. You can
delete all records or all entries corresponding to a specified batch iden-
tifier or batch name. For example, if you have had a magnetic disk
failure, your service representative could instruct you to use bes_clean
to initialize the batch tables in the MKF transient database to match an
empty cache.
Do not use bes_clean unless instructed to do so by your service repre-
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 138
Depending on which options you specify when you enter the bes_
clean command, the tool either starts immediately or presents a confir-
mation message. Respond to the confirmation message to continue or
terminate the process.
Output from bes_clean normally displays to the standard output
device. However, you can redirect the output to a file as shown in the
following example for a Windows Server environment:
bes_clean > \fnsw_loc\tmp\bescln.out
Use the editor of your choice to view the output file contents.
To display the usage statement, enter the tool name followed by a
hyphen as shown below:
bes_clean -
The following syntax statement displays:
bes_clean [-y] {-b <batch number> | -B <batch name>} [-v]
-y Do not display a confirmation message.
If you specify this option, bes_clean automatically starts processing.
If you do not specify the -y option, bes_clean issues a confirmation
message at startup. Continue or terminate the process by responding
to the message.
-b <batch_num-
Batch identifier of the batch for which records are to be deleted. Mutu-
ally exclusive with -B <batch name>.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 139
-B <batch_name> Batch name of the batch for which records are to be deleted. Mutually
exclusive with -b <batch number>.
-v Verbose mode. Displays detailed information during processing.
If you enter the bes_clean command with no options, a confirmation
prompt displays as shown in the example below:
corona(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> bes_clean
Start cleaning Bes1:corona:FileNet
Enter 'y' to continue:
If you reply y to the prompt, bes_clean deletes all batches from the
transient database. If you press any other key, bes_clean terminates.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 140
If bes_clean is unable to obtain exclusive use of batch tables, the fol-
lowing message displays:
If bes_clean successfully obtains exclusive use, processing of the
batch tables starts immediately. If you do not specify the -y option, a
confirmation message displays first:
Enter y to continue. Press any other key to terminate bes_clean.
At successful completion, bes_clean displays a report indicating the
actions taken:
corona> bes_clean
bes_clean : Exclusive use is denied.
corona> bes_clean
Start cleaning Bes1:corona:FileNet
Enter 'y' to continue : y
3 dynamic headers deleted
3 static headers deleted
3 index directory records deleted
21 image records deleted
21 cache objects deleted
15 index value records deleted
15 document records deleted
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 141
The following examples delete a specific batch. The first example
deletes a batch by its batch ID of 91476, the second deletes a batch by
its batch name of b91434.
costa5> bes_clean -b 91476
Start cleaning batch with batch_id = '91476' from Bes1:costa5:FileNet
Enter 'y' to continue : y
1 dynamic headers deleted
1 static headers deleted
13 index directory records deleted
4 image records deleted
4 cache objects deleted
18 index value records deleted (ixval may be packed)
2 document records deleted
0 batch object data records deleted
0 folder records deleted
costa5> bes_clean -B b91434
Start cleaning batch = 'b91434' from Bes1:costa5:FileNet
Enter 'y' to continue : y
1 dynamic headers deleted
1 static headers deleted
13 index directory records deleted
4 image records deleted
4 cache objects deleted
18 index value records deleted (ixval may be packed)
2 document records deleted
0 batch object data records deleted
0 folder records deleted
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 142
The following example also deletes a batch by its batch ID of 91478.
However, in this example, the user does not want to be prompted with
a confirmation message:
costa5> bes_clean -y -b 91478
Start cleaning batch with batch_id = '91478' from
1 dynamic headers deleted
1 static headers deleted
13 index directory records deleted
4 image records deleted
4 cache objects deleted
18 index value records deleted (ixval may be packed)
2 document records deleted
0 batch object data records deleted
0 folder records deleted
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 143
Before you use bes_clean, be aware of the following:
Do not run bes_clean unless instructed to do so by your service
If your Image Services server supports Capture Professional, run-
ning bes_clean deletes the Capture Professional repository. Before
running bes_clean, you must back up the Capture Professional re-
pository to your local PC as described in the Capture Professional
documentation. After running bes_clean, copy the repository back
to the Image Services bes_cache.
You must run bes_clean on the server that is running Batch Ser-
If you enter the bes_clean command with no options, a confirma-
tion prompt displays. If you reply y to the prompt, bes_clean de-
letes all batches from the transient database. If you reply n, bes_
clean terminates.
You should not terminate bes_clean prior to its completion. How-
ever, if you are directed to abort bes_clean execution by your ser-
vice representative, use the Control+c key sequence.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 144
The following procedure shuts down the FileNet software before
starting bes_clean. You can run bes_clean while FileNet software is
active. However, batch entry services (BES) cannot be in use while
bes_clean is running.
1 Log off Doc Entry at the client.
At this point, Batch Entry Services is still running on the server.
2 Click the Task Manager Stop button to shut down FileNet software.
3 Start FileNet databases:
At a UNIX server command line prompt or a Windows Server MS-DOS
prompt, enter the following command:
fn_util startdb
4 Run bes_clean with appropriate options.
If you do not specify any options, bes_clean displays a confirmation
prompt. Reply y to delete all batches in the transient database. Press
any other key to terminate bes_clean.
5 Restart FileNet software.
When bes_clean completes, click the Task Manager Restart button to
restart FileNet software.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 145
Related Topics
bes_check” on page 129
bes_debug” on page 146
WRT_clean” on page 1362
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 146
The bes_debug program reads the value of the queue column in the
batch_stat_hdr table of the transient database and displays the status
of the batches in a committal or cataloging phase. Batch status can
include the following:
Waiting Index Services
Waiting target Index Services
Waiting Document Services
Waiting target Document Services
Use bes_debug to detect problems with batches that are in the pro-
cess of committal or cataloging.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 147
Sample Output
In the examples below, the “inprogress queue” message refers to the
queue column of the batch_stat_hdr table.
If no committals are in progress, bes_debug displays a summary
report similar to the following.
If a normal committal is in progress, the report shows the batch_name,
batch_id, and status information with the summary report.
corona(root)> bes_debug
Batch Services Bes:Corona:FileNet
bes_debug completed: 0 batch found in inprogress queue.
bes_debug completed successfully.
corona(root)> bes_debug
Batch: b25, id=146
status: committing
Batch Services Bes:Corona:FileNet
bes_debug completed: 1 batch found in inprogress queue.
bes_debug completed successfully.>
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 148
If a committal is waiting for a service (or possibly hung), the report dis-
plays the service that is needed but has not yet responded.
Before you use bes_debug, be aware of the following:
You must run this tool on the server that is running Batch Services.
To abort bes_debug prior to normal completion, use the Control+c
key sequence.
No specific procedure is required.
corona(root)> bes_debug
Batch: b25, id=146
status: committing
waiting Document Services - DocServer:andy:FileNet
wait_time = 3 seconds
Batch Services Bes:Corona:FileNet
bes_debug completed: 1 batch found in inprogress queue.
bes_debug completed successfully.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 149
The bes_setid program sets the batch_id or the batch_name_id in the
batch_ctl_table to new values. The batch_ctl_table keeps track of the
next available batch_id number and batch_name_id number that is
assigned by the system during batch creation.
The new value must be greater than any value in the batch_dyn_hdr
Use bes_setid whenever the transient database is reset and you want
to reset the batch_id or the batch_name_id to continue a previous
numbering sequence.
bes_setid <Batch Service name> [-b | -n] <new_id_value>
<Batch Service
NCH name in the format object:domain:organization
-b Sets the batch ID to the value specified in <new_id_value>. Mutually
exclusive with -n.
-n Sets the name ID to the value specified in <new_id_value>. Mutually
exclusive with -b.
<new_id_value> New value of batch_id or batch_name_id
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 150
Note To set batch_id to a new value, the batch_dyn_hdr table cannot contain
an existing batch with a batch_id greater than or equal to <new_id_
To set batch_name_id to a new value, the batch_dyn_hdr table cannot
contain an existing batch with a batch_name_id greater than or equal
to <new_id_value>.
Sample Output
In the first example below, the batch_id number in the batch_ctl_table
is updated to 76. In the second example, the batch_name_id is
updated to 77.
corona(root)/> bes_setid Bes1:corona:FileNet -b 76
Batch Services Bes1:corona:FileNet...
bes_setid batch id initialized to 76
bes_setid completed successfully
corona(root)/> bes_setid Bes1:corona:FileNet -n 77
Batch Services Bes1:corona:FileNet...
bes_setid batch name id initialized to 77
bes_setid completed successfully
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 151
You must run bes_setid on the server that is running Batch Services.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
See MKF_tool” on page 810 to view the transient database BES
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 152
The check_page tool provides diagnostic information about an image.
The tool checks the validity of a FileNet page format that exists in a file.
The page must already exist as a file in the file system—check_page
does not copy the page from cache.
If a corrupted image is tiled, check_page provides only limited informa-
tion. More detailed information is available for corrupted banded
images. If the tiled or banded image is uncorrupted, check_page dis-
plays limited information about the image and a message indicating
the image is “OK.
TIFF images cannot be validated by check_page.
Before you invoke check_page, you must use the CSM_tool object-
tofile command to convert the image in cache to a file. Then run
check_page to determine if the image is corrupted or to examine an
image that you know is corrupted.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 153
check_page [options] <filename>
<filename> Full path name of the file containing the converted image to be
Displays more (verbose) information
-V Displays the most detailed information
-d Dumps the contents of the file specified by <filename>
-D Dumps everything
-q Does not display progress messages (quiet mode)
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 154
In the first example below, the dump option displays information about
the banded image contained in the file /tmp/chkpgsmpl. The second
example uses the verbose option to display more information about the
image. In both cases, the information provided is minimal since the
image is a good (uncorrupted) image.
Before you use check_page, be aware of the following:
You should use the CSM_tool objecttofile command to convert the
image to a file before you run check_page.
Information about a tiled image is limited.
If the image is not corrupted (that is, a “good” image), check_page
provides limited information.
TIFF images cannot be validated by check_page.
corona(root)/> check_page -d /tmp/chkpgsmpl
======== /tmp/chkpgsmpl ========
page_type [FN_IMAGE_PAGE_TYPE]
OK /tmp/chkpgsmpl
corona(root)/> check_page -v /tmp/chkpgsmpl
======== /tmp/chkpgsmpl ========
Got page header
Got band list
OK /tmp/chkpgsmpl
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 155
1 Convert the image to a file.
a Locate the image.
b Use the CSM_tool listobjects command to retrieve the image infor-
mation (such as file name, cache identifier, system serial number,
object identifier, and page number) that CSM_tool objecttofile
c Run CSM_tool objecttofile.
2 Save the converted image.
When conversion is complete, save the converted image as a file,
specifying a name of your choice, in a directory of your choice as
shown in the example below from a UNIX system:
3 Run check_page against the file you created in Step 2.
Example” on page 154.
Related Topics
CSM_tool” on page 204
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 156
Each pending write request should have a corresponding page in
cache. The checkwrt tool compares pending write requests against the
images in cache and verifies that each page in the cache has an asso-
ciated pending write request. If they do, checkwrt displays the mes-
sage “All write requests have pages in cache.” However, if a write
request exists with no corresponding image in the cache, checkwrt dis-
plays a discrepancy report.
Although rarely used, checkwrt can verify that each page in cache cor-
responds to a pending write request.
The checkwrt tool is used primarily as a diagnostic tool for your service
representative. The function provided by checkwrt is more fully imple-
mented in the WRT_clean tool. (See WRT_clean” on page 1362.)
Sample Output
In the example below, the output of checkwrt indicates that all pending
write requests have a corresponding image in the cache.
corona(root)/> checkwrt
All write requests have pages in cache.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 157
Before you use checkwrt, be aware of the following:
The preferred tool to perform the cache page-to-pending write re-
quest correlation is the WRT_clean tool.
You must run checkwrt on the Storage Library server.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
WRT_clean” on page 1362
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 158
The compressdir tool is available only on an Image Services for AIX/
6000 or Image Services for HP-UX server.
It does not run on Image Services for the Solaris Operating Environ-
ment or Image Services for Windows Server.
The compressdir tool recursively descends each specified directory
and calls the compress program to compress each file encountered.
The compressdir tool passes flag values as compress options.
If a file is very small, compressdir does not compress the file and the
file extension remains the same. However, if the file is large enough to
compress, compressdir calls the compress program to compress the
data and replace the file with a file having a .Z extension.
You can force compression of very small files by specifying the com-
pressdir force flag.
Use compressdir to reclaim space by reducing the size of the files
within the directory.
If you do not specify a directory, compression is applied to all files
starting with the current directory.
Restore compressed files to their original form by running the uncom-
pressdir tool against the affected directories. See
on page 1315.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 159
compressdir [ flags ] [ directory ... ]
flags See Flags” on page 159.
directory One or more directories that contain the files to be compressed. If you
do not specify a directory, all files starting with the current directory
are compressed.
The following flags are passed to the compress program as options:
-b<maxbits> Number of bits to use in determining the bit codes for substring com-
<maxbits> value must be between 9 and 16 (default is 16)
-c Concatenate option causes the compress program to write to the stan-
dard output without compressing any files
-f Force compression of small files that are not normally compressed
-q Do not display progress messages (quiet mode)
-v Display progress messages that indicate the percent reduction of each
file being compressed
-V Print the version and all selected options
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 160
The following command compresses all files in the /tmp/dumps direc-
Before you use compressdir, be aware of the following:
Very small files are not compressed. However, you can specify the
-f flag to force compression of small files.
The compressdir tool is not supported in Image Services for Win-
dows Server or Image Services for the Solaris Operating Environ-
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
uncompressdir” on page 1315
corona(root)/> compressdir /tmp/dumps
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 161
The cordebug tool displays COR handler request information based on
your specification of the <debuglevel> option. The value of <debu-
glevel> is a bit mask that sets one or more flags. Simply combine the
options into a decimal number that represents the functions you want.
In the following illustration, bit position number 0 corresponds to the
low order bit in the mask, position 1 is the second to the lowest, and so
Bit Position Mapping
Hexadecimal value 0x00000010 sets the correct bit (position 1) to print
network buffer contents. The corresponding decimal debug value is 2.
Hexadecimal value 0x00000011 sets the correct bit positions (0 and 1)
Bit Position Description
0 Debug all entry points (stderr)
1 Print network buffer contents (stderr)
2 Trace COR_DesCall/COR_Delete (sys_log)
3 Log all COR_Open failures (sys_log)
Log all COR_Open
Trace COR_DesCall/
Print network buffer
Debug all entry
32 10
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 162
to print network buffer contents and debug all entry points. The corre-
sponding decimal debug value is 3.
Only when explicitly instructed to do so by your service representative,
use cordebug to diagnose problems in the COR handler. Running
cordebug causes severe performance degradation.
cordebug <debuglevel>
<debuglevel> A bit mask that sets one or more flags. Bit position 0 corresponds to
the low order bit in the mask, position 1 is the second to the lowest,
and so on.
The flags set by the mask are as follows:
0 Debug all entry points
1 Print network buffer contents
2 Trace COR_DesCall/Cor_Delete
3 Sys_log COR_Open failures
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 163
Before you use cordebug, be aware of the following:
You should use cordebug only when your service representative
instructs you to do so.
Running cordebug causes severe performance degradation. When
invoked, cordebug issues a message warning of performance deg-
radation. You must respond to a confirmation prompt to continue,
or terminate the program.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
cormon” on page 164
corona(root)/> cordebug 1
Do you want to continue [y/n]? y
COR Debug mode is ON (debug value = 0x00000001)
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 164
The cormon tool is available on both UNIX-based and Windows
Server-based Image Services servers. Note that on Windows servers,
your DOS window might turn purple.
The cormon tool displays the Courier (COR) handle table. Each row in
the table represents a client or server connection and its current state
(CORH state). The RPC Time value represents the seconds since the
last Courier call message was received on the server side or the sec-
onds since the last call was sent by the client application with the
IssueMsg call.
The ChldPID column represents the OCOR_Listen process that is
paired with a request handler for that connection. Client connections
have no associated ChldPID; this condition is indicated by zero (0) in
the ChldPID column.
The cormon tool displays handles according to their slot in the COR
handle table. A blank line represents a free handle entry. Processes
are randomly assigned to the table and could fill empty slots.
The cormon program produces a dynamic display of the COR handle
table. Use cormon to monitor the current state of the connections by
clients or servers on the FileNet system.
Because cormon displays only as many handles as your output screen
permits, at any given time, some handles are not visible. To view more
handles, press the space bar on the keyboard to page forward in the
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 165
display. To obtain a complete listing, run cordebug, redirect the output
to a file, and use a text editor to view the file contents.
cormon -p
-p Prints the Courier handle table to the standard output device.
To save a snapshot of activity to a file, use this option with the redirect
command. For example, on a UNIX system, the following command
saves the output to a file named cormon.out in the /tmp directory:
cormon -p > /tmp/cormon.out
Use the following commands at the CMD (?-help)> prompt to display
different parts of the Courier handle table:
Delay screen update for n seconds. The program prompts you to enter
a value for n.
p | f
Display next page (forward). Enter p or f or press the space bar on
your keyboard to advance to the next page.
b | -
Display previous page (backward). Enter b or - to return to the previous
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 166
q | x
Terminate cormon. Enter q or x.
Move forward one line.
Move backward one line.
h | ?
Display help information. Enter h or ?.
Sample Output
If you enter cormon with no options at the command line, a dynamic
display of activity, similar to the following, appears. Press the space bar
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 167
on the keyboard to cycle through the slots in 20-slot increments. Enter
command selections at the CMD (?-help)> prompt:
You could enter options with the cormon command, as shown in the
following example:
The following paragraphs describe each output field of the report.
cormon Courier Handle Display Slots 1 - 19 Fri Jun 6 13:16:31
CORH_state Srvr PID ChldPID Prog Time LatestUser@Address
CRAPC X 39736 41783 PRIs 0 [email protected] [11238]
CRAPC X 20811 39498 PRIs 0 [email protected] [35695]
DESER X 10961 21458 BES
S 0 Roy [email protected] [8401]
RCV X 21507 35266 INXs 1345 Jane [email protected] [1278]
cmd (?-help)>
corona(root)/> cormon -p
CORH_state Srvr PID ChldPID Prog Time LatestUser@Address
RCVMSG X 19726 9542 INXs 1187 [email protected] [11238]
RCVMSG X 25680 25806 WQSs 3923 [email protected] [3621]
DESER X 21588 22650 DOCs 123 Roy [email protected] [1406]
RCVMSG X 20749 23886 INXs 7182 [email protected] [1043]
DESER X 19954 22670 WQSs 2 [email protected] [1419]
RCVMSG X 21313 14512 WQSs 6614 [email protected] [3845]
RCV X 21258 1548 INXs 232 Jane [email protected] [7248]
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 168
CORH state
Current state of a particular network connection. (See
CORH States
on page 169 for a description of each CORH state.)
Connection type (server side or client side). An X in the column
denotes a server connection; a blank denotes a client connection.
Process identifier of either the request handler (server) or a client pro-
Process identifier of the OCOR_Listen process handler that is linked to
the request handler. The value in this field is 0 for clients.
Name of the request handler for the connection. For clients, the name
represents the request handler that the client is communicating with on
the remote machine.
Number of seconds since a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) was trans-
mitted or received. On the client side, the Time is reset each time an
RPC is transmitted. On the server side, the time is reset each time an
RPC is received.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 169
Name of user that logged on to the Image Services server from the
client and the network address of the client workstation or PC.
CORH States
The following table describes the COR handler states. An S indicates a
server-only state, C a client-only state, and * either a server or client
state. Serialized refers to network packets being sent; deserialized
refers to packets being received.
CORH State Designator State Description
ATTNMSG S Send an out-of-band attention on the network.
BLKABRT * Abort bulk data transfer
BLKGET * Receiving bulk data
BLKPUT * Sending bulk data
CHLDAL S OCOR_Listen child received an ALARM signal
CHLDEX S OCOR_Listen child has exited
CLOSE C Close the connection
CLOSEMSG S Close the connection
CONN C Received an open reply
CONNE C Error occurred waiting for an open reply
CONNW C Wait for the open reply
CRAPC S Request handler is getting the connection
CRPIPE S Create a named pipe
DABORT C Deserialize a Courier Abort message
DBYTES * Deserialize bytes from the Courier network buffer
DCALL S Deserialize a Courier Call message
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 170
DCSS * Deserialize a sequence from the Courier network buffer
DELETE S Delete the handle and close the connection
DELMSG S Delete the handle and close the connection
DESER * Internal Courier deserialization
DLWORD * Deserialize a long word from the Courier network buffer
DLWORDS * Deserialize long words from the Courier network buffer
DMOVE * Move the Courier network buffer pointer
DREJ C Deserialize a Courier Reject message
DRET C Deserialize a Courier Return message
DSTRUCT * Deserialize a structure from the Courier network buffer
DWORD * Deserialize a word from the Courier network buffer
DWORDS * Deserialize words into the Courier network buffer
FLUSH C Flush the Courier network buffer
FLUSHMSG S Flush the Courier network buffer
GETPPM S Looking for an available request handler
GETRPC S Blocked, waiting to get an RPC over the network
IDLEMSG S Obsolete - no longer used
INITH S Initialize handle
ISSUE * Send a message on the network
NOSTATE * Unknown; probably a connection being established
OPEN C Establish a connection
PEEK * Check network for out-of-band attention
PEEKMSG S Check network for out-of-band attention
QUEUED S Connection is queued
RCV * Blocked, waiting for network data
CORH State Designator State Description
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 171
RCVFD S Request handler is receiving the connection file descriptor
RCVFDE S Error occurred while getting the connection file descriptor
RCVFDN S Notify sender of connection file descriptor
RCVMSG S Blocked, waiting for network data
RCVTO * Same as RCV with a timeout
RELMSG S Connection termination sequence has started
RXATTNMSG S Out-of-band attention has been received
RXDATAMSG S Network data has been received
SABORT S Serialize a Courier Abort message
SBYTES * Serialize bytes into the Courier network buffer
SCALL C Serialize a Courier Call message
SERIAL * Internal Courier serialization
SLWORD * Serialize a long word into the Courier network buffer
SLWORDS * Serialize long words into the Courier network buffer
SNDATT * Send an out-of-band attention on the network
SNDBLKMSG S Sending bulk data
SNDFD S Send a connection file descriptor
SNDFDW S Wait for completion of the SNDFD state
SNDMSG S Send a message on the network
SREJ S Serialize a Courier Reject message
SRET S Serialize a Courier Return message
SSTRNG * Serialize a string into the Courier network buffer
SSTRUCT * Serialize a structure from the Courier network buffer
SVER * Serialize the Courier version into the Courier network buffer
SWORD * Serialize a word into the Courier network buffer
SWORDS * Serialize words into the Courier network buffer
CORH State Designator State Description
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 172
TXDATAMSG S Network data has been sent
S Out-of-band attention has been sent
WREQH S OCOR_Listen child is waiting for the request handler
ZOMBIEMSG S Connection is in an unstable state
CORH State Designator State Description
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 173
Before you use cormon, be aware of the following:
cormon dynamically monitors system activity.
cormon displays as many handles as there are lines on your
screen. During times of intensive system activity, some handles are
not visible in the display.
You can create a snapshot of the cormon table by running corde-
bug and redirecting the output to a file.
cormon displays handles according to their slot in the COR handle
table. Blank lines represent free handle entries. Processes are ran-
domly assigned to the table and could fill empty slots.
If the client uses TCP/IP protocol, the address is an Internet ad-
dress in the following format:[1031]
1 Enter the following command to start cormon:
The CMD (?-help)> prompt displays at the end of the output.
2 At the CMD (?-help)> prompt, enter commands to display desired
parts of the COR handle table.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 174
Related Topics
cordebug” on page 161
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 175
The CPT_test tool is available on both UNIX-based and Windows
Server-based Image Services servers.
The Courier Performance Testing tool (CPT_test) presents Courier
timing measurements. CPT_test uses COR bulk data transfers across
a network to a specified host (the sever that the data is sent to or
received from) while taking timing measurements. CPT_test presents
the following timing measurements:
Transfer rate in kilobytes per second (KB/sec)
Transfer times in milliseconds (with and without connection estab-
lishment time)
CPU time in milliseconds per kilobyte (cpu-msec/KB) spent during
the transfer
CPT_test has four test types. Each test consists of two components:
CPT_test, the client program, and CPTs, the server stub. CPT_test is
your interface to specify test parameters. It initiates the data transfers
and makes timing measurements. CPT_test starts CPTs, which
receives incoming data, sends data, and makes timing measurements.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 176
Transfer Direction
Transfer direction is determined from the client perspective. Sending
data is a transfer of data from the client to the server. Receiving data is
a transfer of data from the server to the client. Some platforms perform
better in one direction than the other. The CPT_test automatic test type
tests data transfer in both directions. Your service representative can
examine the results of the automatic test for indications of implementa-
tion or configuration problems that could affect the transfer rate in one
direction or the other.
Transfer Size
Transfer size is the number of bytes you wish to send for each data
transfer during a test. You could want to measure throughput rates for a
particular image size or try to obtain the best throughput possible by
making the transfer size very large. See
Test Type Descriptions” on
page 177 for specific transfer size recommendations for a particular
Transfer Delay
The transfer delay is a period of time you can specify in your tests that
CPT_test waits between iterations of the test. You can specify the
delay as a number of centiseconds (1/100ths of a second) or as an
exponential delay with a specified mean. The ability to set a transfer
delay in centiseconds is useful if you need to emulate a uniform distri-
bution of workload or an exponential delay to emulate a Poisson distri-
bution of workload. You could also want to set a transfer delay to
prevent depletion of system resources when you are running many
iterations in an environment in which connections are being made very
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 177
Infinite Iteration Mode
You can run iterations of CPT_test forever or until you issue a com-
mand key sequence (Control+c) to stop the tests. This infinite iteration
mode is useful when performing online debugging of a network
problem or to see if resources run low.
Test Type Descriptions
The four CPT_test test types are:
Throughput Test
The throughput test (THR) reports the rate of transferring data to
and from the specified host and the CPU time spent during the
transfer. Both data transfer and CPU time are measured from the
server side. Specifically, the throughput test times the bulk data
transfer call. Multiple iterations of the throughput test produce a re-
port consisting of one line of transfer rate and CPU time informa-
tion per iteration.
Transfer size affects the accuracy of the test output. A transfer size
that is too small creates a large variance in the stated transfer rates
and CPU times because transfer time is small enough to cause a
significant increase in the time spent collecting statistics. For the
most accurate report, specify the largest transfer size you can (at
least one megabyte) without causing a long wait for the transfer to
take place.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 178
RPC Latency Test
The latency test (LAT) reports the time spent transferring data. This
test is measured from the client side and does not include the time
required to establish the connection. Specifically, the latency test
includes the request serialization, the bulk data transfer, and the re-
turn deserialization. Multiple iterations of the test produce a report
which has one output line containing the average time over the
number of iterations. The more iterations performed, the more ac-
curate the reported time.
You can measure the time spent sending a null RPC (an RPC that
contains no data) by setting the transfer size to zero (0) bytes.
RPC Latency with Connection Test
The latency with connection test (LWC) reports the time spent
transferring data. This test is measured from the client side and in-
cludes the time required to establish the connection. Specifically,
the latency with connection test includes connection establishment,
request serialization, the bulk data transfer, the return deserializa-
tion, and connection closure. Multiple iterations of the test produce
a report which has one output line containing the average time
over the number of iterations. The more iterations performed, the
more accurate the reported time.
You can measure the time spent sending a null RPC (an RPC that
contains no data) by setting the transfer size to zero (0) bytes.
From the results of this test, you can also measure the time spent
establishing a connection.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 179
Automatic Test
The automatic test runs a series of each of the other three CPT_
test types, varying the transfer direction, transfer size, and packet
size. The automatic test provides the easiest way to collect a range
of data points.
Use CPT_test to determine the network state and your platform’s effi-
ciency in handling network data transfers. This requires assistance
from your service representative to interpret the output of CPT_test.
CPT_test is typically run to a remote host so that the transfer is across
the network. However, to obtain information about loopback perfor-
mance, you can run CPT_test from the same server on which CPTs is
If you have a multi-server system and want to run CPT_test to one of
the servers, select a service that resides on that server by specifying
the server’s internet address, host name, or NCH name, and include
the service, domain, and organization name.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 180
CPT_test -t<test type> [-c#] [-b#] [-r] [-s] [-d#] [-R] [-i] [-n#] \
[-h<hostaddress | NCH name>[,<port number>]] [-e[#]]
-t<test type> Run the test specified by <test type> where <test type> is one of the
a Automatic. If test type is automatic and you specify neither
send (-s) nor receive (-r), the test is set to use both send and
t Throughput test
l RPC latency test
c RPC latency (with connection) test
-c# Maximum amount of data, in bytes, to send in a Courier message at
one time
The value of # can be any value in the range of 512 to 102400 bytes.
Default is 1458 bytes.
The larger the chunk size, the more efficient the data transmission.
Multiples of packet sizes are usually specified, but that is not required.
-b# Transfer the number of bytes specified by #
The value of # must be greater than or equal to zero (0).
-d# Sets the delay to the number of centiseconds specified by #
The value of # must be greater than or equal to zero (0).
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 181
-R Exponential random delay
The mean exponential random delay is the number of centiseconds set
in -d#.
-r Set up the test to receive data
Receive is the default if neither receive nor send is specified. However,
if <test type> is automatic, and neither -r nor -s is specified, the test is
set to both receive and send.
-s Set up the test to send data
If <test type> is automatic, and neither -s nor -r is specified, the test is
set to both send and receive.
-n# Perform the number of iterations specified by #
The value of # must be greater than or equal to 1.
-i Perform an infinite number of iterations
Use Control+c key sequence to terminate infinite iteration mode.
-h<hostaddress |
RPC destination specified as a host address or NCH name
<hostaddress> can be specified in one of the following formats:
<NCHname> can be specified in one of following three formats:
domain Example: -hIndexServer
domain:organization Example: -hIndexServer:magic
domain:organization:company Example:
-e[#] Number (#) of Courier errors that must occur before CPT_test exits
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 182
Test Output Format
The first two columns of test output identify the test type (THR for
throughput, LAT for RPC latency, LWC for RPC latency with connec-
tion) and the send/receive mode (S means client sends the data; R
means client receives the data). The remainder of the output differs
between the throughput test and the two RPC latency tests, as
described in the following table:
Column Throughput Test RPC Latency Tests
Pkt Chunk size in bytes Chunk size in bytes
Wnd IO Size (set internally) IO Size (set internally)
Bytes Data transfer size Data transfer size
KB/s Data transfer rate or through-
put measured in kilobytes
per second
msecs N/A Number of milliseconds re-
quired to perform the data
transfer, averaged over the
number of iterations
count N/A Number of iterations
cpu-msecs/KB CPU time spent during data
transfer, measured in milli-
seconds per kilobyte
idle Percentage of time the
server was completely idle
(not even waiting for IO) dur-
ing a data transfer
kern Percentage of time the
server spent running kernel
code during the data transfer
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 183
Sample Output
The following sample shows throughput test output:
user Percentage of time the
server spent running user
code during the data transfer
wait Percentage of time the
server spent waiting for IO
devices during the data
Column Throughput Test RPC Latency Tests
Test Pkt Wnd Bytes KB/s /KB idle kern user wait
THR R 1024 0 1048576 17476.27 0.06 0% 83% 17% 0%
THR R 1024 0 1048576 17476.27 0.06 0% 67% 33% 0%
THR R 1024 0 1048576 17476.27 0.06 0% 50% 50% 0%
THR R 4096 0 1048576 17476.27 0.06 0% 83% 17% 0%
THR R 4096 0 1048576 17476.27 0.06 0% 83% 17% 0%
THR R 4096 0 1048576 17476.27 0.06 0% 83% 17% 0%
THR R 1024 0 1048576 2139.95 0.47 0% 18% 82% 0%
THR R 1024 0 1048576 2056.03 0.49 0% 14% 86% 0%
THR R 1024 0 1048576 1839.61 0.49 11% 28% 61% 0%
THR R 4096 0 1048576 6168.09 0.16 0% 41% 59% 0%
THR R 4096 0 1048576 5825.42 0.14 17% 17% 67% 0%
THR R 4096 0 1048576 5518.82 0.15 16% 21% 63% 0%
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 184
The following sample shows latency test output:
Test Pkt Wnd Bytes msecs count
LAT R 16384 0 0 1 100
LAT R 16384 0 25000 3 75
LAT R 16384 0 50000 4 50
LAT R 16384 0 75000 6 25
LAT R 16384 0 100000 7 10
LAT S 16384 0 0 1 100
LAT S 16384 0 25000 3 75
LAT S 16384 0 50000 7 50
LAT S 16384 0 75000 7 25
LAT S 16384 0 100000 9 10
LWC R 16384 0 0 25 100
LWC R 16384 0 25000 18 75
LWC R 16384 0 50000 15 50
LWC R 16384 0 75000 16 25
LWC R 16384 0 100000 19 10
LWC S 16384 0 0 11 100
LWC S 16384 0 25000 13 75
LWC S 16384 0 50000 15 50
LWC S 16384 0 75000 16 25
LWC S 16384 0 100000 18 10
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 185
Before you use CPT_test, be aware of the following:
The server stub, /fnsw/bin/CPTs, on the server you specify in the
-h option must have permission to read /dev/kmem.
If CPT_test reveals a problem, you could need to collect local area
network (lan) traces to further investigate the problem.
No specific procedure is required.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 186
The cranuser tool’s sole purpose is supporting ISRA/LDAP customers
with anonymous logins. When ISRA is configured with LDAP authenti-
cation, the user may be logged in as an ‘anonymous’ user. If this is the
case, all subsequent IS logins from ISRA will be identified as "LDAP/
ISRA_ANONYMOUS_USER". This tool is for ISRA/LDAP customers
This tool, located in the /fnsw/bin directory, generates the Image Ser-
vices user LDAP/ISRA_ANONYMOUS_USER on the specified IS
domain and its associated hashed password in the IS security data-
base. This user has minimal IS privileges and is not initially associated
with any IS security groups. The System Administrator should properly
adjust the maximum logons property.
Normally it is only possible to add an LDAP user into the IS security
database through the LDAP_import tool that reads directly from an
imported LDAP XML file (see
LDAP_import” on page 680). This
tool circumvents that requirement for ISRA/LDAP customers.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 187
cranuser /h<host>[:organization] /s<server_name>
/a<ip_address [ /u<id> /p”<pwd>” ]
? Help. This will bring up the help screen.
Image Services host or domain name, organization name (the organi-
zation name is optional)
s<server name> LDAP server where the anonymous user resides
a<ip address> IP address of the server specified by the s option
u<id> Authorized IS user name (use with the p option)
p”<pwd>” Encrypted IS user password (use with the u option)
Be aware that you need to create this encrypted password using the
LDAP_password tool and enter the encrypted password with the p
option (see
LDAP_password” on page 699).
Options are not case sensitive. The command switches must be pre-
fixed by a ‘-’ on UNIX platforms and “/” on Windows Server platforms.
In the example below, the h option with the IS Host name (idm1) is
entered, as well as the s option with the LDAP server name and the a
option with the IP address of the LDAP server. The LDAP/ISRA_
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 188
ANONYMOUS_USER is then generated on the host after the user
name and password prompts are answered.
Example 1
Create anonymous ISRA LDAP user on an Image Services system:
cranuser /hidm1 /sldaphost /a10.55.14.25
All information or error messages are logged to system log file or
cranuseryyyymmddlog.txt under the LDAP directory of the common
FileNet logging directory.
Example 2
Create anonymous ISRA LDAP user on an Image Services system
with a specified user name and a specified encrypted IS user pass-
word (obtained via LDAP_password):
cranuser /hidm1 /sldaphost /a10.55.14.25 /ufilenet /p”sr8#%ke”
Note On Windows systems, if the encrypted password contains a % or a \,
you need to add a second % or \. For example, /p”:015K+]%” needs
J:\3.6.10\user\sec\nt>cranuser /hidm1 /sldaphost /a10.55.14.25
Locating IS server...please wait
Authorized IS user name: SysAdmin
Authorized IS user password:
User LDAP/ISRA_ANONYMOUS_USER has been added.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 189
to be entered as /p”:015K+]%%”. A % becomes %% and a \
becomes \\.
Related Topics
ldap_exp” on page 671
LDAP_import” on page 680
LDAP_password” on page 699
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 190
The CSM_exim tool exports and imports objects in the cache. Objects
are usually pages of a scanned document that are ready to be indexed
or committed to storage media. When you export objects, CSM_exim
saves the objects on tape or magnetic media. When you import
objects, CSM_exim restores the objects from tape or magnetic media
files to the current cache.
During import, CSM_exim extracts selected objects from the named
file, loads the retrieved objects into cache, and creates a report file.
During export, CSM_exim locates the objects in cache and creates a
set of files to receive the data. The files created by CSM_exim during
export are:
Directory of selected objects
The directory file includes the cache ID, object ssn, object ID, and
page ID of each selected cache object.
One or more files containing the selected objects
Report file
After creating the set of files, CSM_exim writes the selected objects to
tape or magnetic media.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 191
The name of the CSM_exim report file is always csm_ei_rpt.<pid>
where pid is the identifier of the CSM_exim process that created the
file. However, the file names of the directory file and the receiving file
differ depending on the external data location (magnetic disk or mag-
netic tape) you specify in your CSM_exim command.
CSM_exim requires ten bytes of memory for each object to be
exported. If the number of cache objects to be exported is very large
(for example, millions of objects), CSM_exim could fail with an out-of-
memory error during export attempts. In this case, consider using the
FileNet Cache Export/Import Program, which does not have this
memory constraint.
Since the CSM_exim tool does not synchronize the cache with the
transient database, it is not the best tool to use for backing up cache to
restore for disaster recovery on the same machine.
If you want to back up your cache to store for disaster recovery on the
same Image Services server, you should use the FileNet Enterprise
Backup and Restore (EBR) program instead. EBR synchronizes cache
with the transient database, thus ensuring the restored objects have
the same IDs they had when you performed cache backup. (For details
on using EBR, see the Enterprise Backup/Restore User’s Guide. To
download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.)
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 192
Use CSM_exim to export or import cache objects. You should use this
tool to export locked objects from one Image Services server and
import them on a different server.
During an export or import operation, CSM_exim automatically dis-
plays information about the objects being exported or imported. You
can optionally suppress the display of this information.
Use the -d<storage spec> option to specify the external location (the
local tape drive or a magnetic disk) of the data to be exported or
imported. See
Options” on page 193 for details of the -d option.
If you use the -d option to specify a file name prefix, CSM_exim uses
the prefix to build its file names. If you do not specify a file name prefix
with the -d option or you specify -d tape, CSM_exim creates a default
file prefix of CSM_EI_DAT for each of its automatically-created files.
For example, in the following table, the commands shown in the left
column result in files similar to those shown in the right column (actual
files would reflect the cache identifier and process identifier):
Export Command Automatically-Created Files
CSM_exim -e -d ABC ABC.DIR
CSM_exim -e -d tape CSM_EI_DAT.DIR
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 193
CSM_exim -e | -i <options> <selections>
-e Exports the specified caches or cache objects to the specified mag-
netic media (disk file or tape). Mutually exclusive with -i.
-i Imports the specified caches or cache objects from the specified file to
the current cache. Mutually exclusive with -e.
Valid options are:
-r Replaces existing objects on import. If cache objects in the im-
port file have the same name as those currently in cache, the
objects in the import file replace those in cache. CSM_exim
does not replace cache objects with the same name unless you
specify -r.
-n Displays selections, such as cache and object IDs from the
named file, and cache information. It does not export or import
cache. Use this option only to obtain information.
-k Retains checksum of the object, if any, even if the system is not
configured for checksum. This option is applicable only to im-
port operations.
-v Verify mode displays the location of cache objects (in the for-
mat cachename:domain:organization) during the export pro-
cess. This option is applicable only to export operations.
-q Turns off the display of cache object attributes (cache ID, ssn,
object ID, page) during the export or import process.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 194
-l Exports locked objects only
-d<storage spec>
Specifies the external location of the data. If not specified, the
default storage medium is magnetic disk and the file name pre-
fix defaults to CSM_EI_DAT.
If the data is to be imported from or exported to magnetic disk,
<storage spec> is the file name prefix of each file in a set of
files containing the data.
To export to or import from magnetic tape, specify the word
tape to use the default tape drive or specify the Network Clear-
inghouse (NCH) name of a tape drive. You can specify the NCH
name in one of the following formats:
If you do not specify the domain and organization, CSM_exim
uses the default domain and organization.
If a specified tape drive is not local to the server, CSM_exim produces
an error message.
If you use the -d tape option, be aware that CSM_exim uses the local
tape drive, if one exists, and does not use the default tape drive.
The names of files automatically created by CSM_exim differ
depending on the specification of the -d option. See
Use” on
page 192 for more information.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 195
Exports only those objects with a creation time stamp or the
last update time stamp later than the specified time. The speci-
fied time, <time spec>, must be in the format “mm/dd/yyyy
hh:mm:ss am | pm”.
(Requires double quotes)
The format “am | pm” means you must select a designation of either
am for morning hours or pm for afternoon hours.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 196
You can use selections to import objects to the same or a different
cache and object ID. For example, the following command imports all
page_cache1 objects found on the tape into page_cache2 on magnetic
disk and all page_cache3 objects found on the tape into page_cache3
on magnetic disk:
CSM_exim -i -d tape -c page_cache1,page_cache2
-c page_cache3
Valid selections are:
-c <cache name>[,<cache name>] [ -o <objects>[,<objects>]]
Name of the cache, and optionally the objects, that you want to
export or import
<cache name> is one of the following formats:
cache_name:domain in the default organization
cache_name in the default domain and organization
If you do not specify domain and organization, CSM_exim uses
the default domain and organization.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 197
<objects> is one specified in the following table:
Specifying <objects> is optional, but if specified, you must enclose
them in single quotes.
-f <filename>
Specifies the name of the file that contains the caches and/or
cache objects to be selected for import or export
The file is line-oriented. Precede cache specifications by a line
containing the word “cache” and object specifications by a line
containing the word “object.” CSM_exim ignores leading blanks
and tab characters and the pair of quotes enclosing an object
specification is optional. Place each cache or object specifica-
tion on a separate line. Add comments by inserting a # sign as
the first character of the text line.
Specification Description Example
‘ssn id page’ Selects all objects in <cache name> with system serial
number = ‘ssn’, object ID = id, and page number = page
‘10000 101019 1’
‘ssn id *’ Selects all objects in <cache name> with system serial
number = ‘ssn’ and object ID = id
‘10000 101019 *’
‘ssn *’ Selects all objects in <cache name> with ssn = ‘ssn’ ‘10000 *’
‘*’ Selects all objects in <cache name>. This is the default. ‘ *’
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 198
As an example, the following command,
CSM_exim -c cache1 -o ‘123 23456 1’ -o ‘123 45678 *’
-c cache2 -o ‘*’
can be specified as
-f sel_file
with sel_file containing the following lines:
# cache specification
# an object specification enclosed in quotes
‘123 23456 1’
# another set of objects specified without quotes
123 45678 *
# the following 2 lines can be omitted without changing
the meaning
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 199
Sample Output
The following sample output shows an export of page_cache1 to a
labeled tape. CSM_exim prompts the user to confirm overwriting the
The following output shows an import from tape to page_cache1:
>CSM_exim -e -d tape -c page_cache1
CSM_exim: initializing
CSM_exim: initialized.
CSM_exim -e -d tape -c page_cache1
CSM_exim: expanding list of objects to be exported...
CSM_exim: creating directory of selected objects...
For CSM_exim reel 1, labeled tape requested-overwrite tape?
CSM_exim: the selected objects are:
Object SSN Object ID Page
1 10000 101019 0
10000 101019 1
CSM_exim: number of objects selected from page_cache1:corona:FileNet=2
Exporting objects to CSM_EI_DAT
CSM_exim: completed with no error.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 200
>CSM_exim -i -d tape -c page_cache1
CSM_exim: initializing
CSM_exim: initialized.
CSM_exim -i -d tape -c page_cache1
Extracting selected objects from CSM_EI_DAT.DIR
CSM_exim: the objects to be imported are...
Object SSN Object ID Page
1 10000 101019 0
10000 101019 1
CSM_exim: number of objects selected from page_cache1:corona:FileNet=2
Importing objects...
CSM_exim: completed with no error.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 201
Before you use CSM_exim, be aware of the following:
You must have a valid fnlogon session before invoking CSM_exim.
During an import, CSM_exim does not overwrite objects in cache
with imported objects of the same name. Use the -r flag to update
current cache objects with those of the same name from the im-
ported file.
The FileNet Cache Export/Import Program provides an alternate
method of backing up (exporting) and restoring (importing) cache.
If you want to back up your cache to store for disaster recovery on
the same Image Services server, you should use the FileNet Enter-
prise Backup and Restore (EBR) program instead. EBR synchro-
nizes cache with the transient database, thus ensuring the restored
objects have the same IDs they had when you performed cache
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 202
1 Collect information about caches and cache objects.
Use the CSM_tool statistics command to obtain the names of caches
you can export. Use the CSM_tool listobjects command to obtain
cache object names and identifier information. This information be-
comes input to your CSM_exim command.
2 Use one of the following CSM_exim command procedures with appro-
priate options and selections:
a To export, use the -e option.
If exporting to magnetic tape, you could receive the following
prompt to overwrite a labeled tape:
For CSM_exim reel 1, labeled tape requested-overwrite tape?
If you do not want to overwrite the tape, respond No and eject the
tape. Insert a new tape into the drive and rerun the command. Re-
spond Yes to overwrite the tape and continue.
If you are exporting to magnetic disk, write down the file name as-
sociated with the saved (exported) cache. (This information is not
written to the report file so you need to make a note of it.) You need
the file name when importing the cache.
b To import, use the -i option.
Use the -r flag to update existing cache objects with those from the
imported file.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 203
Related Topics
CSM_tool” on page 204
fnlogon” on page 490
See the “Backup” chapter of your System Administrator’s Companion
for UNIX, System Administrator’s Companion for Windows Server for
FileNet Cache Export/Import Program description and procedures.
See the Enterprise Backup/Restore User’s Guide for cache backup
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 204
CSM_tool manipulates cache and retrieves cache statistics. You can
create cache objects from data in files, delete cache objects, add and
initialize cache partitions, and dump cache objects to readable files.
You can also display the contents of cache objects and display infor-
mation on cache names and sizes.
Progress indicators for the initialize, scavenge, and initpartition com-
mands give you feedback on the status of the process and the number
of objects processed. A sample of progress indicators for the initparti-
tion command are shown below:
<CSM_tool>initpartition /fnsw/dev/1/cache0 out
Deleting cache used space in the partition. Number of objects scanned:
511 scanned (510 found in the partition and deleted).
Deleting csm_free_space. Number of rows deleted:
Refreshing cache used space. Number of objects refreshed:
Current stats shows a total of 0 objects in cache.
Scanning all cache used space. Number of objects scanned:
New stats determined from offline scan:
cache inuse_objs inuse_secs locked_objs locked_secs
----- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
Partition '/fnsw/dev/1/cache0' initialized, 510 objects deleted
<CSM_tool> q
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 205
Use CSM_tool to:
Create a specified number of cache testing objects.
Examine document services conditions. If you cannot retrieve a
document you think was committed, use CSM_tool to verify that it
has been committed.
Provide information to your service representative. Some problems
require support personnel to view the contents of cache. Use
CSM_tool to display the cache contents.
Examine cache full and document committal problems. If you can-
not commit documents, the cache could be full. Use CSM_tool to
view cache usage statistics.
Locate your documents. Given a cache object ID, CSM_tool can
determine if the object exists in a cache.
Scan cache objects after FileNet software has started to rebuild
cache statistics.
Analyze printing problems. Look at the contents of the print cache
to locate problems.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 206
After entering CSM_tool, the program prompts:
Enter your CSM_tool commands at this prompt.
Because some CSM_tool commands, if improperly used, can damage
or corrupt data, you must supply a password before you can use them.
You can obtain the password from your service representative.
In the command names in this section, uppercase characters indicate
the minimum number of characters of the command name that you
must enter at the command line to run the command. You can always
enter all characters of a command to run it but you cannot enter fewer
characters than those shown in uppercase. For example, to run the
delageable command (shown as DELAGEable), you must enter at
least the following characters:
The command fails if you enter delag, dela, del, de, or d. At the com-
mand line, you do not have to enter any character in uppercase letters.
Uppercase is used only in this section to indicate required syntax.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 207
CSM_tool provides many commands. The following table identifies all
available commands, in alphabetical order, with a brief description of
each. (
Commands” on page 208 describes each command in
detail.) An asterisk (*) in the Indicator column identifies a repeatable
command (the function is repeated when you press the carriage return
(<cr>) key); a plus sign (+) indicates a password-protected command
(one that requires you to first use the ALLOWUPDATES command and
enter a password).
Indicator Command Description
+ ADDpartition Adds a partition when used in conjunction with specific
configuration procedures
CHECKSum Displays checksum saved in database and checksum
computer on the object
CREATEobjects Creates and populates a number of cache test objects
with a specified id and size
* + Debug Lists lock holders
+ DELAGEable Deletes all ageable objects in cache
+ DELETEobjects Deletes one or more cache objects
DUmpobject Produces a hexadecimal dump of a cache object
+ Filetoobject Writes a file to cache as an object
HArdcopy Places a copy of all output into a file
+ INITialize Initializes cache
+ INITPartition Initializes a partition
* LForward Lists objects from a specified object ID forward
* LBackward Lists objects from a specified object ID backward
* Listobjects Lists specified objects
+ LOCKdoc Locks a document in ageable cache
OBjecttofile Writes a specified object to a file
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 208
This section describes each CSM_tool command in detail.
Some commands allow you to enter an abbreviation for the command.
This section uses uppercase only to indicate the required minimum
number of characters that you must enter at the command line to run
the command. You can enter characters in uppercase letters or lower-
PAging OFF Starts paging mode for list commands
PAging ON Stops paging mode for list commands
Quit Exits CSM_tool
+ REBUILDstats Rebuilds in-use and locked objects/sectors statistics
+ SCavenge Rebuilds the free space chain for all caches on a server
* Statistics Prints cache statistics
TERMOFF Turns off terminal output for list commands
TERMON Turns on terminal output for list commands
+ TRACE ON Starts tracing
+ TRACE OFF Stops tracing
Indicator Command Description
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 209
ADDpartition <directory_path><partition_name>
Adds a cache partition when used in conjunction with specific configu-
ration procedures. You should run these procedures when you want to
quickly add a cache partition without destroying data stored in existing
page cache.
The following examples show the procedures required to add cache
partitions for the specified Image Services server platform.
On a Windows Server Image Services server:
initfnsw stop
fn_edit -> Procedures -> Add an additional dataset -> Cache
fn_build -a
fn_util updatecache
fn_util starttrans
fn_util startsec
<CSM_tool>addpart C:\FNSW\dev\1\cache1
initfnsw restart
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 210
On a SUN Solaris Image Services server:
initfnsw stop
fn_edit -> Procedures -> Add an additional dataset -> Cache
fn_build -a
vxassist -g fndg make fn_cache1 100m
(Replace 100m with your desired cache size)
ln -s /dev/vx/rdsk/fndg/fn_cache1 /fnsw/dev/1/cache1
fn_util starttrans
fn_util startsec
<CSM_tool>addpart /fnsw/dev/1/cache1
initfnsw restart
On an HPUX or AIX Image Services server:
initfnsw stop
fn_edit -> Procedures -> Add an additional dataset -> Cache
(Use su root and set DISPLAY to run fn_dataset_config)
fn_util starttrans
fn_util startsec
<CSM_tool>addpart /fnsw/dev/1/cache1
initfnsw restart
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 211
Some CSM_tool commands change the cache (initialize, scavenge,
deleteobjects, filetoobject, lockdoc) and two commands are used for
debugging (debug and trace). You cannot use these commands until
you run ALLOWUPDATES. The ALLOWUPDATES command requires
a password, which you must obtain from your service representative.
Command descriptions in this section indicate whether a command
When listing CSM_tool commands, some might not appear if you have
not run the ALLOWUPDATES command. To list password-protected
commands, you must first run ALLOWUPDATES.
Checksum <cache_id> <ssn> <object_id> <page>
Calculates and displays the checksum for the specified object. It also
lists the checksum saved in the database for this object, if any.
The following is a sample of checksum output when the checksum is
not found in the database:
<CSM_tool> checksum 1 1717 100100 1
Computed checksum for object is 0xfcc98d2c
No checksum was saved in database for this object
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 212
The following is a sample of checksum output when the checksum is
found in the database:
CREATEobjects <cache_id> <ssn> <start_object_id> [<number_objects> [<bytes>]]
Creates and populates a number of cache test objects with a specified
id and size.
For example, the following command creates 100 cache objects of
1000 bytes each in cache ID of 1, ssn of 6000, starting with object id
<CSM_tool> create 1 6000 200000 100 1000
Debug [long]
(Requires ALLOWUPDATEs.)
Lists open objects in cache.
Specifying the long option displays the open object attributes, the crit-
ical section lock owner, and retry counts.
<CSM_tool> checksum 1 6000 531568 1
Computed checksum for object is 0x920466bd
Checksum saved in database for this object is 0x920466bd
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 213
The following table describes each of the debug information catego-
Category Attributes Description
Open Object
obj_id pg ssn cache_id Object identifier, page, system serial number, and cache
identifier of the open object.
q_rdrs q_wrtr Number of processes waiting to read (q_rdrs) or write (q_wr-
trs) the object.
start Hexadecimal starting address of the object in the form
0xAABBBBBB where AA is the page cache partition number
and BBBBBB is the offset in the partition.
max_length Maximum length of the object. This value indicates the
amount of space allocated for the object.
cur_length Current length of the object. This value indicates how much
space the object has been written to.
active_rdrs active_wrtr Number of processes currently reading or writing the object.
Several readers can be active at one time, but only one
writer can be active at a time. If readers are active, no writers
can be active, and if a writer is active, no readers can be ac-
closers Number of processes in the process of closing the object.
This count should be nonzero for no more than a fraction of
a second.
delete_flag Indicates if the object is in the process of being deleted. This
flag should be true for an object no more than a fraction of a
open_pids Indicates which processes currently have the object open.
Up to four process IDs are saved. More than four processes
can have the object open, but those process IDs are not
shown. If a process ID is present in the open_pids field, you
can be sure that the process has the object open. However,
the absence of a process ID in this field does not guarantee
that a process does not have the object open.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 214
(Requires ALLOWUPDATEs.)
Deletes all ageable objects in cache. Ageable objects are documents
that also exist on storage media.
Section Lock
Not applicable Process ID that owns the critical section lock of CSM. An in-
dividual process should hold this lock no more than a frac-
tion of a second. If a process holds this lock longer, either
the process has died or a deadlock exists, either of which
could be the cause of a system hang.
Retry Count
major busy retries Number of attempts to obtain a lock for an object. This type
of retry occurs when a process is waiting for an object that
is open. Each wait for the open lock of the object lasts four
seconds before the attempt is aborted and retried. Five re-
tries (over a twenty-second period) occur before a busy er-
ror is returned to the caller.
minor busy retries Number of attempts to obtain a lock for an object. This type
of retry occurs when a process is waiting for an object that is
in the process of being opened, deleted, or closed. The pro-
cess waits for 100 milliseconds before aborting and re-exe-
cuting the transaction, then repeating the wait for the
completed process.
temporary busy retries Same as a minor busy retry except that the caller is not in
transaction state; therefore, a 100-millisecond wait occurs
then the operation is retried. It does not abort or re-execute
Category Attributes Description
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 215
DELETEobjects [[<object-range>] | [<start_object_id> FOR <count>]] [desc]
(Requires ALLOWUPDATEs.)
Deletes a specified range of objects from cache. Before using this
command, use the listobjects command with the same parameters to
list the objects to be deleted.
You can start deletion with a particular object or you can delete objects
within a range from a specified beginning object. You can limit the
number of objects to delete by specifying a count value in the FOR
phrase. You could also delete objects in ascending order (default) or
descending order (by adding the desc option).
This command could corrupt your system. Do not use deleteobjects
under normal system operating conditions.
To avoid accidental deletions, the program displays a prompt, requiring
you to verify every object deletion, unless you select the ‘a’ option to
delete all objects. For example:
Delete object 1:6000:200000:1 ?
'y' / 'CR' = yes, 'a' = yes to all, 'x' / 'q' = exit, all others = no
As the program deletes objects, it records them in a log file (named
log_) under the following directory path:
/fnsw/local/logs/csmlog for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_log\logs\csmlog for Windows Server platforms
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 216
The following command deletes cache objects in cache id 1 with an
ssn of 6000, having object ids within the range of 200000 and 200999:
<CSM_tool> delete 1 6000 200000 - 200999
The following command deletes the first 3 objects in cache id 1:
<CSM_tool> delete 1 for 3
DUmpobject <cache_id> <ssn> <object_id> <page>
Displays the contents of an object in hexadecimal and ASCII. The fol-
lowing is a sample of dumpobject output:
Sector: 0 Quadrant: 0 <==> Offset: 0x00000000
Offset 0 4 8 C 0123456789ABCDEF
00000000: 02100023 06c00898 0240021c 02400180 ...#.....@...@..
00000010: 02400150 02400140 02400140 02400140 [email protected].@.@.@.@.@.@
00000020: 02400140 02400140 02400140 02400140 .@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@
00000030: 02400140 02400144 02400180 02400180 .@.@[email protected].@...@..
00000040: 024001d4 02400488 0240083c 0240093c .@...@...@.<.@.<
00000050: 0240092c 024009ec 02400a44 02400a30 .@.,.@[email protected][email protected]
00000060: 02400ae8 02400b4c 02400d00 02400da8 .@[email protected].@...@..
00000070: 02400d44 02400b00 02400ad8 024007bc [email protected].@...@...@..
00000080: 02400564 0240034c 02400324 02400204 [email protected][email protected].@.$.@..
00000090: 021800b0 00135159 a3a1c0e4 06e00135 ......QY.......5
000000a0: 159b581c 835c0001 351b346c 0e406000 ..X..\..5.4l.@`.
000000b0: 01351b34 b40e4080 01351b35 2c09a0b4 [email protected],...
000000c0: 0001351b 48802682 a8000135 1b489813 ..5.H.&....5.H..
000000d0: 41a40001 351b485c 09a19c00 01351b49 A...5.H\.....5.I
N)ext, P)revious, S)ector offset, or B)yte offset (CR=exit): <
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 217
Use the prompts at the bottom of the screen to navigate through infor-
FIletoobject <cache_id> <ssn> <object_id> <page> <filename> [ageable]
Writes a UNIX file to the cache of the object specified. If you specify
the ageable keyword, it writes the object to cache and flags it as age-
able; otherwise, the object is locked in cache. The object’s FileNet
security is set to ANYONE for all types of access.
HArdcopy [<filename>]
Writes all CSM_tool output to a file in addition to the display. (See
TERMOFF | TERMON” on page 243 to control output to the display.)
The following command writes all CSM_tool output to the 113096.out
<CSM_tool> hardcopy 113096.out
To turn off output to the 113096.out file, enter the hardcopy command
again without a file name:
<CSM_tool> hardcopy
N Displays the next screen of hex/ASCII information
P Displays the last screen of hex/ASCII information
S Prompts you for the sector at which to continue viewing information
B Prompts you for byte location at which to continue viewing informa-
<CR> Exits dumpobject
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 218
INITialize [<cache_id>]
Initializes all caches or a specified cache. You can run this command
while the system is running, but once it starts, all system access is
denied to all caches on the server until initialization completes.
Do not use the initialize command under normal system operating con-
ditions. Doing so could corrupt your system.
The initialize command removes all objects from the specified caches
but does not remove the references to objects in the cache that could
be stored elsewhere. Therefore, do not use initialize unless all other
means of cleaning up the cache have failed. Running the initialize com-
mand in the wrong situation can cause inconsistencies in the database
and many other types of errors.
Use scavenge, not initialize, if free space becomes corrupted.
During initialization, progress messages display:
<CSM_tool> initialize
Deleting csm_free_space. Number of rows deleted:
Deleting cache used space. Number of objects deleted:
1065 (of 1065 or 100.00%) done.
Cache(s) successfully initialized.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 219
INITPartition <partition_name> <outputfilename>
Initializes a single cache partition by deleting all objects in that parti-
tion. You should run this command after a magnetic disk failure causes
data loss in a partition. Initpartition could leave the system with missing
page cache objects that you must correct at a later time.
This command could corrupt your system. Do not use it under normal
system operating conditions.
The file specified by <outputfilename> lists the deleted objects (by
cache_id, ssn, object_id, and page) and indicates whether an object is
During initialization, progress messages display:
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 220
<CSM_tool>initpartition /fnsw/dev/1/cache0 out
Deleting cache used space in the partition. Number of objects scanned:
511 scanned (510 found in the partition and deleted).
Deleting csm_free_space. Number of rows deleted:
Refreshing cache used space. Number of objects refreshed:
Current stats shows a total of 0 objects in cache.
Scanning all cache used space. Number of objects scanned:
New stats determined from offline scan:
cache inuse_objs inuse_secs locked_objs locked_secs
----- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
Partition '/fnsw/dev/1/cache0' initialized, 510 objects deleted
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 221
LBackward [<objectid>] [FOR <count>]
Lists objects from the specified object ID backward for the specified
number of objects. If you do not specify an object ID, listing starts from
the next available object immediately before the last object found and
displayed from the previous Listobjects, LForward, or LBackward com-
mand. If no object was previously found and displayed, listing starts
from the last object for the LBackward command. If you do not specify
a count value with the FOR phrase, CSM_tool lists all objects from the
starting object backward.
Specify objectid in one of the following formats:
[<cache_id> [<ssn> [object_id> [<page>]]]]
<cache_id> ‘-’ [<cache_id>]
If you do not specify a range value after the hyphen (‘-’) in the second
format above, CSM_tool assumes the maximum value of the specified
object level (cache ID level, ssn level, object ID level, or page level).
object range” on page 225 for more information on range level.
LBackward output displays in paging mode. However, you can use the
PAGING OFF command to set output to scrolling mode. (See
[ON | OFF]” on page 231.)
You can repeat the command to display the next batch of objects by
pressing the carriage return (<cr>) key. The object batch size for dis-
play is determined by the last FOR count, if one was originally speci-
fied; otherwise, listing continues to the end in either scrolling or paging
mode. The LBackward command being repeated displays as the first
line of the next group in the list.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 222
A less than (<) sign indicates the list operation is in the backward direc-
tion beginning with the next lowest objectid from the displayed
objectid, as shown below:
See the Listobjects command for a comprehensive example of listing
cache objects with the Listobjects, LForward, and LBackward com-
LForward [<objectid>] [FOR <count>]
Lists objects from the specified object ID forward for the specified
number of objects. If you do not specify an object ID, listing starts from
the next available object immediately after the last object found and
displayed from the previous Listobjects, LForward, or LBackward com-
mand. If no object was previously found and displayed, listing starts
from the first object for the LForward command. If you do not specify a
count value with the FOR phrase, CSM_tool lists all objects from the
starting object forward.
Specify objectid in one of the following formats:
[<cache_id> [<ssn> [object_id> [<page>]]]]
<cache_id> ‘-’ [<cache_id>]
<CSM_tool> lb
(objs < 3 1717 100106 1)
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
3 1717 100105 1 10240
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 223
If you do not specify a range value after the hyphen (‘-’) in the second
format above, CSM_tool assumes the maximum value of the specified
object level (cache ID level, ssn level, object ID level, or page level).
object range” on page 225 for more information on range level.
LForward output displays in paging mode. However, you can use the
PAGING OFF command to set output to scrolling mode. (See
[ON | OFF]” on page 231.)
You can repeat the command to display the next batch of objects by
pressing the carriage return (<cr>) key at the CSM_tool prompt. The
object batch size for display is determined by the last FOR count, if one
was originally specified; otherwise, listing continues to the end in either
scrolling or paging mode. The LForward command being repeated dis-
plays as the first line of the next group in the list. A greater than (>) sign
indicates the list operation is in a forward direction beginning with the
next objectid after the displayed objectid, as shown below:
<CSM_tool> lf
(objs > 3 1717 100105 1)
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
3 1717 100105 1 10240
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 224
A greater than, equal to (>=) sign indicates the list operation is in a for-
ward direction beginning with the displayed objectid, as shown below:
See the Listobjects command for a comprehensive example of listing
cache objects with the Listobjects, LForward, and LBackward com-
Listobjects [<object range>] [FOR <count>] [desc]
Displays a list of specified objects or a range of objects. You can
specify that the list begin with a particular object or you can list objects
within a range from a specified beginning object. You can limit the
number of objects listed by specifying a count value in the FOR
phrase. You can also list objects in ascending order (the default) or
descending order (by adding the desc option).
For example, the following command lists, in ascending order, from the
first object in cache 1 until 100 objects are displayed or the end of
object list is reached:
list 1 for 100
Some Listobjects commands are equivalent to LForward and
LBackward commands. For example, listobjects 1 for 100 is essen-
tially the same as the listforward 1 for 100 command.
<CSM_tool> lf 1 1717 100100
(objs >= 3 1717 100105 1)
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
1 1717 100100 1 4096
3 1717 100104 1 10240
3 1717 100105 1 10240
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 225
If you specify both object range and the FOR phrase, the FOR count
supersedes the object range in determining the number of objects. If
you do not specify object range, listing starts from the first or last object
for ascending or descending order, respectively.
To list from the last object in cache 1 down to the first object in cache 1,
use the following command:
list 1 desc
The listobject output displays in paging mode. However, you can use
the PAGING OFF command to set output to scrolling mode. (See
PAging [ON | OFF]” on page 231.)
object range The four level numbers that identify the cache object: cache_id, ssn,
object_id, and page. Each of these levels is described in detail below.
Cache_id is the identification number of the cache. Each cache type
(page cache, batch entry cache, and so on) has a unique ID number.
See the CSM_tool statistics command on page 235
for information
about cache names.
ssn is the system serial number.
object_id is the identification number used by the system to track each
scanned object in cache.
page is the page number of the cache object. If no page number
exists, the default is 65535.
Specify <object range> in one of the following formats:
[<cache_id> [<ssn> [object_id> [<page>]]]]
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 226
<cache_id> ‘-’ [<cache_id>]
<cache_id> <ssn> ‘-’ [<ssn>]
<cache_id> <ssn> <object_id> ‘-’ [<object_id>]
<cache_id> <ssn> <object_id> <page> ‘-’ [<page>]
If you do not specify a range value after the hyphen (‘-’), CSM_tool
assumes the maximum value of the specified range level (cache ID
level, ssn level, object ID level, or page level).
The values for the range can be in ascending or descending order. If
you specify both <object range> and the FOR phrase, the FOR count
supersedes the <object range> in determining the number of objects. If
you do not specify an object range, the listing starts from the first
object for ascending order or last object for descending order.
You can repeat a Listobjects command by pressing the carriage return
(<cr>) key at the CSM_tool prompt. The repeated Listobjects com-
mand displays as the first line of the next group in the list.
To quickly identify objects in cache, you can specify a range of objects
or use the FOR phrase to list a range and/or a specified number of
objects. For example:
list 1 - lists objects from cache ID 1 to the last cache ID. Because
no range is specified after the hyphen, CSM_tool assumes the
maximum range and lists all caches after cache ID 1.
list 1 6000 100000-200000 lists all the objects within the range of
cache_id 1, ssn 6000, and object ID 100000 to object ID 200000
list 1 for 3 lists the first 3 objects from the beginning of cache ID 1
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 227
list 1 for 3 desc lists the last 3 objects from the end of cache ID 1
in descending order
If no objects exist in the specified range, the following message dis-
No objects exist in the specified range
The output of listobjects displays the four level numbers (cache_id,
ssn, object_id, page) and max_length, which is the amount of space
in bytes allocated for the object.
You can use the listobjects information as input for other cache-related
commands (such as CSM_exim) or other CSM_tool commands. For
example, to delete a document from the batch entry cache with the
CSM_tool deleteobjects command, you need that document’s cache
attributes. The listobjects command displays the attributes, as shown
in the following sample output:
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
1 10000 101019 0 132
1 10000 101019 1 43760
4 10000 101032 65535 44820
4 10000 101047 65535 46728 ageable
4 10000 101049 65535 48480
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 228
You can also specify a cache_id number to obtain a listing for a single
cache. For example, a listing of objects in cache_id 4 only is similar to
the following:
Use MKF_tool to display records in the csm_used_space table if you
need more information about a particular object.
Example Listobjects Output
The following example shows the use of the Listobjects, LForward, and
LBackward commands. Each command issued is in bold typeface. You
can repeat some commands by pressing the carriage return (<cr>) key.
No command text appears after the prompt for repeated commands.
The first line of output for repeated commands displays the command
being repeated:
<CSM_tool> l
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
1 1717 100001 1 4096
1 1717 100010 1 8192
1 1717 100020 1 4088
1 1717 10002 1 4096 ageable
1 1717 100023 2 4096 ageable
1 1717 100023 3 4096 ageable
1 1717 100100 1 4096
<CSM_tool> list 4
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
4 10000 101032 65535 44820
4 10000 101047 65535 46728
4 10000 101049 65535 48480
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 229
3 1717 100104 1 10240
3 1717 100105 1 10240
3 1717 100106 1 10240
<CSM_tool> l 1 1717 100020 -
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
1 1717 100020 1 4088
1 1717 100023 1 4096 ageable
1 1717 100023 2 4096 ageable
1 1717 100023 3 4096 ageable
1 1717 100100 1 4096
<CSM_tool> l 1 for 3
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
1 1717 100001 1 4096
1 1717 100010 1 8192
1 1717 100020 1 4088
<CSM_tool> l 1 for 3 desc
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
1 1717 100100 1 4096
1 1717 100023 3 4096 ageable
1 1717 100023 2 4096 ageable
<CSM_tool> l 1 1717 100100 for 3
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
1 1717 100100 1 4096
3 1717 100104 1 10240
3 1717 100105 1 10240
<CSM_tool> (<cr>)
l 1 1717 100100 for 3
1 1717 100100 1 4096
3 1717 100104 1 10240
3 1717 100105 1 10240
<CSM_tool> lf
(objs > 3 1717 100105 1)
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 230
3 1717 100106 1 10240
<CSM_tool> lb
(objs < 3 1717 100106 1)
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
3 1717 100105 1 10240
3 1717 100104 1 10240
1 1717 100100 1 4096
1 1717 100023 3 4096 ageable
1 1717 100023 2 4096 ageable
1 1717 100023 1 4096 ageable
1 1717 100020 1 4088
1 1717 100010 1 8192
1 1717 100001 1 4096
<CSM_tool> lf 1 1717 100100
(objs >= 1 1717 100100 0)
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
1 1717 100100 1 4096
3 1717 100104 1 10240
3 1717 100105 1 10240
3 1717 100106 1 10240
<CSM_tool> lf
(objs > 3 1717 100106 1)
No objects exist as specified.
<CSM_tool> lb for 3
(objs < 3 1717 100106 1)
cache_id ssn object_id page max_length
-------- --- --------- ---- ----------
3 1717 100105 1 10240
3 1717 100104 1 10240
1 1717 100100 1 4096
<CSM_tool> (<cr>)
lb for 3 (from obj < 1 1717 100100 1)
1 1717 100023 3 4096 ageable
1 1717 100023 2 4096 ageable
1 1717 100023 1 4096 ageable
<CSM_tool>lb for 3 (from obj < 1 1717 100023 1)
1 1717 100020 1 4088
1 1717 100010 1 8192
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 231
1 1717 100001 1 4096
lb for 3 (from obj < 1 1717 100001 1)
No objects exist as specified.
<CSM_tool> q
LOCKdoc <doc_id>
Locks all pages of the document specified by <doc_id> in the ageable
cache (that is, the page cache) used by document services. To lock a
document, it must already exist in this cache in an unlocked state
before you use this command.
OBjecttofile <cache_id> <ssn> <object_id> <page> <filename>
Copies the cache object identified by <object_id> to the UNIX file
specified by <filename>.
Obtain cache attributes (cache_id, ssn, object_id, page) from the Listo-
bjects command.
The objecttofile command can help you troubleshoot problems with
corrupted images. For example, you might need to convert an image
object to a UNIX file so that you can run the check_page tool against
the file to check for corruption.
PAging [ON | OFF]
Starts or stops paging mode for the list commands (listobjects, listfor-
ward, listbackward). ON is the default mode. PAging OFF sets the
output display mode to scrolling.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 232
Exits CSM_tool.
Scans all cache objects for statistics and rebuilds in-use and locked
objects/sectors statistics.
The DEBUG option displays both the in-memory statistics and statis-
tics from the transient database before updating.
When FileNet software starts, it scans cache objects for statistics if the
CSM_SCAN_CACHE file exists. The presence of the CSM_SCAN_
CACHE file causes an offline scan of the cache to occur every time the
software restarts.
You must manually create the CSM_SCAN_CACHE file using a
system command or utility (for example, using the touch command or
the vi utility in UNIX platforms, or using edit or Notepad in Windows
Server platforms). You should find the CSM_SCAN_CACHE file in the
following directories:
/fnsw/local/sd for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\sd for Windows Server platforms
However, you can use the rebuildstats command to force the system to
scan statistics whenever you deem it necessary.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 233
The following example is the output from the rebuildstats command. To
run this command, you must use the ALLOWUPDATES command first.
Note that, for security reasons, the password you enter for the
ALLOWUPDATES command does not display.
Updates now allowed
This command requires the exclusive use of the cache to scan the entire
cache space, and may take a while to complete depending on the number of
objects in cache.
Use Ctrl-c to abort.
Current stats shows a total of 522 objects in cache.
Scanning all cache used space. Number of objects scanned:
New stats determined from offline scan:
cache inuse_objs inuse_secs locked_objs locked_secs
----- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
0 522 16261 522 16261
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
Rebuildstats is done.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 234
In the example below, the DEBUG option of the rebuildstats command
displays old (in-memory and transient database) statistics and new
statistics. Then rebuildstats prompts you to confirm the update before
<CSM_tool>rebuild debug
This command requires the exclusive use of the cache to scan the entire cache space,
and may take a while to complete depending on the number of objects in cache.
Use Ctrl-c to abort.
Current stats shows a total of 522 objects in cache.
Scanning all cache used space. Number of objects scanned:
New stats determined from offline scan:
cache inuse_objs inuse_secs locked_objs locked_secs
----- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
0 522 16261 522 16261
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
Old stats in memory: (* indicates disparity from offline scan)
cache inuse_objs inuse_secs locked_objs locked_secs
----- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
0 522 16261 522 16261
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
Old stats in trandb:
cache inuse_objs inuse_secs locked_objs locked_secs
----- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
0 522 16261 522 16261
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
Ok to update stats (y/n)? y
Rebuildstats is done.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 235
Rebuilds the free space chain for all caches on the server. Progress
messages display during operation and an incremental counter indi-
cating the number of objects scanned advances. The output is similar
to the following:
Statistics [<cache_id>] [ { long | sect } ]
Displays statistics for the specified cache or for all caches if you do not
specify a cache_id. You can specify the long or sector format for your
Deleting csm_free_space. Number of rows deleted:
Refreshing cache used space. Number of objects
522 (of 522 or 100.00%) done.
Current stats shows a total of 522 objects in cache.
Scanning all cache used space. Number of objects
New stats determined from offline scan:
cache inuse_objs inuse_secs locked_objs locked_secs
----- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
0 522 16261 522 16261
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
Scavenge is done.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 236
output listing. If you do not specify an format, a summary report is the
default. Each line in the report provides information on one type of
cache as shown below:
This report provides cache statistics as described in the following
The cache space includes the reserved space (as specified by the
min_cache_size in the system configuration file) and the shared space.
When reviewing the % free information, be aware that the percent full
plus the percent free do not necessarily equal 100. Consider this
example: 1000 sectors of free space are available on a server and two
caches are configured on this server. Each cache has a min_cache_
Cache Id Name % locked % full % free
-------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 page_cache1:corona:FileNet 1 1 99
2 print_cache1:corona:FileNet 0 0 100
3 fillin_cache1:corona:FileNet 0 0 100
4 bes_cache1:corona:FileNet 1 1 99
* Physical space summary 1 1 99
Statistics Report Description
Column Head Description
Cache ID Cache identifier
Name Cache name, based on function, such as batch entry (bes)
% locked Percentage of locked objects in the cache
% full Percentage of cache space occupied by locked and un-
locked objects
% free Percentage of cache space available for this cache
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 237
size of 200 and a max_cache_size of 800. When the first cache
becomes 100% full (800 sectors in use) and the second cache is
empty, the first cache is 0% free, but the second cache is only 25%
free. This situation occurs because there are only 200 sectors avail-
able in the magnetic disk pool. Therefore, the second cache can only
become 200/800*100, or 25%, full before space is exhausted.
You can configure caches so that even if no objects exist in any cache
on a server, no cache has 100% free space. Consider the example in
which 1000 sectors of magnetic disk are available for cache and two
caches are configured with a maximum cache size of 800 and a min-
imum size of 400. In this case, neither cache could contain more than
600 sectors of data because the other cache has 400 sectors (the min-
imum size) reserved.
The amount of free space for a cache could be negative. This condition
can occur when a system is reconfigured to reduce the cache size but
objects exist in the cache before the reconfiguration. Negative free
space can also occur when MKF transactions are aborted and objects
that were moved between caches are moved back. Negative free
space in a cache does not cause a system malfunction. You can
resolve it by deleting items in cache.
Overflow from the MKF transient database can prevent the addition of
new objects to cache, even if free space in the cache exists. If this
occurs, the following message displays at the bottom of the statistics
MKF transient database full--cache freespace not usable
If you see this message, configure a larger MKF transient database
and run CSM_tool scavenge to recover the lost cache free space. No
cache data is lost when system operation resumes.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 238
If you specify the long option for your output, CSM_tool produces more
detailed information on each type of cache. The following is sample
output from the long option:
Statistics for cache #1, name = 'page_cache1:corona:FileNet'
min_cache_sectors 20000 locked_sectors 44 inuse_sectors 44
max_cache_sectors 20000 locked_objects 2 inuse_objects 2
free_sectors 19956 ageable T refcnts F
self_cleaning F
Statistics for cache #2, name = 'print_cache1:corona:FileNet'
min_cache_sectors 10000 locked_sectors 0 inuse_sectors 0
max_cache_sectors 30000 locked_objects 0 inuse_objects 0
free_sectors 30000 ageable F refcnts T
self_cleaning F
Statistics for cache #3, name = 'fillin_cache1:corona:FileNet'
min_cache_sectors 1000 locked_sectors 0 inuse_sectors 0
max_cache_sectors 10000 locked_objects 0 inuse_objects 0
free_sectors 10000 ageable F refcnts F
self_cleaning T
Statistics for cache #4, name = 'bes_cache1:corona:FileNet'
min_cache_sectors 10000 locked_sectors 44 inuse_sectors 44
max_cache_sectors 69000 locked_objects 1 inuse_objects 1
free_sectors 68955 ageable F refcnts F
self_cleaning F
Physical space summary
reserved_sectors 41000 locked_sectors 88 inuse_sectors 88
max_cache_sectors 99999 locked_objects 3 inuse_objects 3
free_sectors 99911 largest_fs_blk 99901
Prefetch duration............300 secs
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 239
Migrate duration.............300 secs
Refresh duration.............120 secs
Cache daemon threshold.......80%
Locked object threshold......85%
Writes critical threshold....90%
The output is divided into three general sections. The first section con-
sists of information on each cache (see below for descriptions of this
information). The second, titled “Physical space summary,” contains
space information on the entire cache. The third section contains addi-
tional general information on the entire cache.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 240
Statistics Long Output - First Section
The table below describes the first section of the Statistics output. This
information is printed for each cache:
Statistics Long Output - First Section
Field Name Description
min_cache_sectors Minimum size of the cache in sectors
max_cache_sectors Maximum size of the cache in sectors
free_sectors Number of cache sectors not in u
self_cleaning T indicates a self-cleaning cache
F indicates cache is not self-cleaning
All objects in a self-cleaning cache are deleted when the FileNet sys-
tem starts. COLD and fill-in caches are examples of self-cleaning
locked_sectors Number of cache sectors used by locked objects
locked_objects Number of locked objects in cache. Locked objects cannot be aged
out of cache
ageable T indicates an ageable cache
F indicates all objects in the cache are not ageable
inuse_sectors Number of sectors currently used by objects in the cache
(An object uses at least one sector.)
inuse_objects Number of objects that exist in the cache
refcnts T indicates all objects in the cache are reference countable
F indicates the objects in the cache are not reference countable
A reference countable cache measures current usage of a cache ob-
ject by using a reference count to the object’s attribute values. In con-
trast, an ageable cache measures usage of an object by the duration
an object is in cache.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 241
Statistics Long Output - Second Section (Physical Space Sum-
The second section of the long display displays the following physical
space information:
Statistics Long Output - Third Section
The final section of the display provides cache summary information.
The following cache configuration attributes apply on to the ageable
Statistics Long Output - Second Section (Physical Space Summary)
Field Name Description
reserved_cache sectors Number of reserved or in-use sectors, whichever is larger, for all caches
The value is the larger of one of the following:
a) The total of the minimum cache sizes from all caches
b) The number of in-use sectors in all the caches
max_cache_sectors Amount of disk space available to all caches on this server
free_sectors Number of unused sectors in the cache
locked_sectors Number of locked sectors in all caches
locked_objects Number of locked objects in all caches
largest_fs_blk Size in kilobytes of the largest block of free space in the cache. Free
space is allocated in sectors; each sector is 1 KB in size
inuse_sectors Number of in-use sectors in all caches
inuse_objects Number of in-use objects in all caches
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 242
Statistics Long Output - Third Section
Field Name Description
Prefetch duration Minimum number of seconds a prefetched object is guaranteed to re-
main in cache from the time is prefetched before becoming a candidate
for deletion by the CSM_daemon
(The value should be large enough so that prefetched objects remain in
the cache for user access.)
Migrate duration Minimum number of seconds after being written to media that an object
remains in cache before becoming a deletion candidate
Refresh duration Minimum number of seconds an object remains in cache after being ac-
cessed for a second time
Cache daemon threshold Percentage of cache that must be full of in-use cache objects before the
cache_daemon begins deleting ageable objects
This threshold controls free space within the cache. The CSM_daemon
automatically begins deleting ageable objects once the cache reaches
this threshold.
Locked object threshold Percentage of cache that must be full of locked objects before scanning
is stopped
Once this threshold is reached, no additional uncommitted images could
be added to the cache.
Writes critical threshold Percentage of cache that must be full of in-use objects for write requests
to take precedence over read request
When the cache reaches this threshold, write requests (which make
locked objects ageable) have priority over read requests.
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 243
The CSM_tool list commands normally write output to the display
device. This type of output is also called “terminal output.” Use
TERMOFF to disable output to the display device. You want to do this
when printing long lists to a file via the hardcopy command. (See
HArdcopy [<filename>]” on page 217.) To turn terminal output back
on, use the TERMON command.
TRACE [ON [<pid>] | OFF]
Starts and stops tracing activity. If you specify a process ID (pid), the
system traces only the specified process. Otherwise, it traces the
cache activities of all processes. It also enables CSM_daemon and
CSMs to display trace information on the screen.
The system stores trace data in the standard error log file under the file
path specified for your platform:
/fnsw/local/elogs/elog<date> UNIX
SW_LOC\logs\elogs\el<date> Windows Server
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 244
Before you use CSM_tool, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin group or have a valid
fnlogon session to run CSM_tool.
You must run CSM_tool commands from the server, not remotely.
You can use CSM_tool only at a server that contains a transient da-
tabase and the transient database must be running.
Do not use the deleteobjects, initialize, and initpartition commands
under normal operating conditions. Doing so could corrupt your
system. Contact your service representative for assistance before
running these commands.
At the <CSM_tool> prompt, enter ? to get help text for available
To use some commands, you must first provide a password through
the ALLOWUPDATES command. If you have not issued ALLOWUP-
DATES, CSM_tool help text does not display the commands that re-
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 245
1 At a FileNet server, enter the following command:
The <CSM_tool> prompt appears.
2 Call your service representative for the ALLOWUPDATES password, if
To use commands that change the cache (such as deleting objects
and initializing cache and partitions), contact your service representa-
tive for the required ALLOWUPDATES password. Then enter the
3 Enter commands at the <CSM_tool> prompt.
Related Topics
check_page” on page 152
CSM_exim” on page 190
fnlogon” on page 490
MKF_tool” on page 810
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 246
cstat is available only on a UNIX-based Image Services server.
A program creates a core file when it aborts. If a running program cre-
ates a core file, the cause could be with that program, with a shared
library, or with a file that the program calls. Core files contain informa-
tion that could help to determine the cause of the failure. The cstat tool
reads the core file and displays information about the core file, such as
the name of the program that generated the core file.
A program debugger, such as dbx or xdb, is necessary to perform a
complete analysis of the core file. For more information about these
debugger programs, use the appropriate UNIX man command to dis-
play the related on-line manual pages.
Use cstat to obtain information about a core file.
The cstat tool is most useful when you have many core files and need
to know the names of the programs that aborted and the date and time
the programs aborted.
cstat [<pathname>]
<pathname> Full path name of the core file to examine
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 247
Sample Output
Before you use cstat, be aware of the following:
Image Services for Windows Server does not support cstat.
You should regularly monitor your system for the presence of core
files. A recurring problem can create numerous core files that oc-
cupy large amounts of disk space.
You should copy core files to tape. Your service representative
could request that you send the tapes for diagnosis.
corona(root)/> cstat /fnsw/local/tmp/core
===> AIX Version <===
core file /fnsw/local/tmp/core
signal (6) used by abort, replace SIGIOT in the future
command bes_commit
process id 18105
program file bes_commit
last 15 linked libraries ...
library file /fnsw/lib/shobj/BESr
library file /fnsw/lib/shobj/DOCb
library file /fnsw/lib/shobj/DOCp
library file /fnsw/lib/shobj/DOCr
library file /fnsw/lib/shobj/OSIr
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 248
1 At the command prompt, enter cstat and the full path name of the core
Information about the core file displays.
2 Locate the failing program.
Find the “program file” line in the core file display. (The program file in
Sample Output” on page 247 is bes_commit.) This is the name of
the program whose failure caused the core file to be created.
Related Topics
cordebug” on page 161
cormon” on page 164
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 249
The cti tool counts the number of distinct non-null values recorded in
the index database for a specified index. Performance varies
depending on the uniqueness of the index. If the index is unique, cti
optimizes its search by using the COUNT function available in SQL. If
the index is not unique, the SQL COUNT function is not used and addi-
tional resources are required to determine the count, possibly affecting
The cti tool establishes the interface to the RDBMS (Oracle, Microsoft
SQL Server, or IBM DB2) before counting begins. When successfully
logged on to the RDBMS, cti establishes a cursor for the SQL state-
ment and builds the SQL statement to select the row for the specified
index from the index table. After the cursor is established, the SQL
statement executes, fetching the row for the specified index.
When specifying the index name, you must spell and capitalize it
exactly as it was when originally created. It must be a retrieval key, not
just an informational key, but need not be unique. However, if the key is
not unique, performance could be affected. If the index name you enter
is not a retrieval key, cti displays the following message:
Index not inverted. Count of distinct values for the index is not pos-
sible using this program.
Output from cti displays to standard output (usually the terminal screen
or window from which you invoke cti).
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 250
Use cti to count the number of unique values recorded in the RDBMS
index database for a specified index.
cti <index_name>
<index_name> The name of a user index or a system index.
Enter cti with no index name to display help information.
Sample Output
The following sample output shows two reports for a very small data-
costa5(kehr)/home/kehr> cti CreationRelease
Number of distinct values for the index is : 0
Total number of index values examined is : 0
costa5(kehr)/home/kehr> cti F_DOCNUMBER
Direct database count is used. There will be no status prompts.
Number of distinct values for the index is : 715
Total number of index values examined is : 715
Tool Descriptions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 251
Before you use cti, be aware of the following:
You must run cti locally on the Index server.
You must spell and capitalize the index name exactly as it was orig-
inally created.
The index name must be a retrieval key. (We recommend assigning
a unique retrieval key; otherwise, it could affect performance.)
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
See the “Database Maintenance” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook for a discussion of indexes and keys. To download
IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 252
The dbp tool examines the document buffer pool to obtain statistics.
Tool output displays the average and maximum wait times for buffers
(in milliseconds), the number of available buffers, and the minimum
available buffers.
Wait times of 0 to 100 milliseconds indicate no problem.
Wait times of 100 to 1000 milliseconds indicate a minor perfor-
mance problem.
High wait times (>5000 milliseconds) indicate a severe perfor-
mance problem.
Use the dbp tool to diagnose performance problems such as excessive
wait times in Document Services.
The -p option is rarely used and then only to display the process IDs of
the buffer holders, if any.
dbp [-r | -s | -p]
-r Reset statistics
-s Display statistics
-p Display the process ID of the page owner
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 253
Sample Output
In the example below, dbp is run with the -s option to retrieve statistics,
and again with the -p option to retrieve process IDs for the page
holders (none in this case).
corona(root)/> dbp -s
Directory buffers:
Avg_wait_msec: 0, Max_wait_msec: 0
Num_avl_bufs: 4, Min_avl_bufs: 4
Page buffers:
Avg_wait_msec: 0, Max_wait_msec: 0
Num_avl_bufs: 4, Min_avl_bufs: 4
Descriptor buffers:
Avg_wait_msec: 0, Max_wait_msec: 0, Cache hits:
Num_avl_bufs: 4, Min_avl_bufs: 4, Cache allocs:
corona(root)/> dbp -p
Page owner pids:
Desc owner pids:
Dir owner pids:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 254
Before you use dbp, be aware of the following:
The -s option is useful to analyze performance problems; the -p op-
tion is rarely used.
You must run dbp on the Storage Library server.
No specific procedure is required.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 255
The dbverify tool identifies those documents that are:
In the index database but missing from the permanent database
document locator server. If documents meeting this criteria are
found, dbverify stores their document numbers in:
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\inx_logs\Mloc<date_time>Windows Server
In the permanent database on the document locator server bu
from the index database. If documents meeting this criteria
are found, dbverify stores their document numbers in:
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\inx_logs\Midx<date_time>Windows Server
In the permanent database on the document locator server bu
t not
itten to media. If documents meeting this criteria are found, db-
verify stores their document numbers in:
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\inx_logs\Modk<date_time>Windows Server
Refer to the -o option under “Syntax” below.
The system date and time in yyyymmdd_hhmmss format are
appended to each output file name.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 256
The dbverify tool requires exclusive use of the databases. If another
application has a lock on the database, dbverify can initiate deadlock
retry operations. You can set parameters specifying the number of
retries that dbverify should attempt and the delay between retry
attempts. If dbverify attempts the maximum number of retries and a
deadlock still exists, dbverify fails and displays an error message that
indicates a deadlock condition exists.
When dbverify completes, a summary of missing documents and
fetched documents displays.
General Use
Use dbverify to verify that the records of the DOCTABA table in the
index database and DOCS table in the permanent database compare
Use with FileNet P8 Content Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3 and higher)
Unless you are confident that you know which IS documents have or
do not have associated entries in DOCTABA, the dbverify tool is not a
good way to verify database integrity.
As always, dbverify compares records in the DOCTABA and DOCS
tables but will now report mismatches depending on how the docu-
ments are indexed in Image Services using the FileNet P8 Content
Federation Services (CFS) functionality. Documents will always be
indexed in the DOCS table on the MKF database, but sometimes not
indexed in DOCTABA on the Index database, so this mismatch will be
caught by dbverify. For example, documents that are stored in the
Image Services system and cataloged in the Content Engine system
could retain their Image Services index information in DOCTABA.
Depending on how the document originally entered the FileNet
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 257
system, cataloging could have occurred only in the Content Engine.
By design, some IS documents will not have entries in DOCTABA.
Consequently, you need to search through the output of dbverify to
identify mismatches, because if the image is not indexed in DOCTABA
but the image is stored on the IS system, dbverify will report a mis-
match. Refer to the table below to see where this mismatch can occur.
Where you see an N in the table is where dbverify could report a mis-
Document Activity Index on
Index on
New documents entered via Content Engine Y N
New documents entered via Image Services
Indexed on both IS and C
Indexed only on CE
Existing document images transferred to CE
Indexed on both IS and CE
Index deleted from IS
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 258
dbverify -s<document number> -e<document number> -o [-h] [-d] [-
R<retries>] [-D<delay>] [-l <direc
a document range. If not
specified, the default starting number is 0.
Specifies the ending document number of a document range. If not
specified, default ending number is 0xFFFFFFFF.
Identify documents that are not written to the
media. If not specified, dbverify does not check media.
Use defaults for unspecified options. The defaults are 0 for starting
document number, 0xFFFFFFFF for ending document number, and
no check of media. If you do not specify -d, dbverify prompts you for
each parameter.
See Sample Output” on page 259.
[-R<retries>] The maximum number of retry attempts in case a deadlock occurs.
The default is 20 retries. However, you can specify 0.
[-D<delay>] The delay period between retries in 0.10-second units. The default i
[-l <directory>] Specifies an absolute path where the output files will be created. By
default the log files will be created in /fnsw/local/logs/inx_logs for UNIX and <drive>:
\fnsw_loc\logs\inx_logs for Windows.
Help lists the description of dbverify.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 259
Sample Output
If you enter dbverify with no options, the program prompts you to enter
the starting document number, as shown below:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 260
If you do not specify the -d option, and you do not need help, dbverify
prompts you for each parameter, as shown in the example below
(responses to prompts are in bold type):
In the following output list, dbverify lists information on the activities
performed as the verify takes place. This information is followed by a
summary statement of the number of documents found to be missing
in the index and locator databases, and the full path name of the file
into which dbverify places the missing document numbers, if any. The
output below is a partial listing:
corona(fnsw)/home/fnsw> dbverify
enter starting document number or 'h' for help : 0
enter ending document number or 'h' for help : 0x7fffffff
identifies document missing in media (y/n/h) : y
Number of documents missing in the index database : 0 (/fnsw/local/logs/
Number of documents missing in the locator database : 0 (/fnsw/local/logs/
Number of documents missing in the media : 0 (/fnsw/local/logs/inx_logs/
Number of documents fetched from the index database : 0
Number of documents fetched from the locator database : 0
corona(fnsw)/home/fnsw> dbverify -d -R0
Number of documents missing in the index database : 0 (/fnsw/local/logs/
Number of documents missing in the locator database : 19999 (/fnsw/local/
Number of documents fetched from the index database : 19999
Number of documents fetched from the locator database : 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 261
If you do not specify the -d option, dbverify prompts you for each
parameter, as shown in the example below (responses to prompts are
in bold type):
No specific procedure is required.
corona(fnsw)/home/fnsw> dbverify
enter starting document number or 'h' for help : 0
enter ending document number or 'h' for help : 0x7fffffff
identifies document missing in media (y/n/h) : y
Number of documents missing in the index database : 0 (/fnsw/local/logs/
Number of documents missing in the locator database : 0 (/fnsw/local/logs/
Number of documents missing in the media : 0 (/fnsw/local/logs/inx_logs/
Number of documents fetched from the index database : 0
Number of documents fetched from the locator database : 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 262
The dclview tool creates views on DOCTABA corresponding to docu-
ment classes. You can then use these views from sqlplus (Oracle),
SQL Report Writer (Oracle), isql (MS SQL Server), or Command Line
Processor (IBM DB2) to provide a user-oriented view of DOCTABA.
For each document class, dclview creates a different view. The format
of the view name F_<document class name>, that is F_ followed by the
document class name. In addition, dclview creates a general view, F_
DOCTABA, of all columns in the table.
Each view contains all FileNet columns and user columns for the docu-
ment class. However, some columns in the view are different from
those in DOCTABA. For example, f_entrydate in DOCTABA is a
number but it is displayed in a view in ddmmyyyy format, where dd is
the day, mm is the month, and yyyy is the year.
Use dclview to create views on DOCTABA which you can then use to
create user-oriented views.
An option is also available for simply viewing the statements that
create the view. Use this option if you want to examine the statements
before actually creating the view on the database.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 263
dclview [ -c ] [ -g ] { -a | dclname ...}
-c Create the views in the database. If not specified, the default is to dis-
play the CREATE VIEW statements on the standard output.
-g Create the general view on all columns.
-a Create the general view and create views on all document classes. If
you specify -a, -g option is automatically set. Mutually exclusive with
the use of dclname.
dclname Create views on only the specified document classes. Mutually exclu-
sive with the -a option.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 264
Sample Output
In the following example, the dclview -g is run to display the CREATE
VIEW statements for a general view of DOCTABA.
Before you use dclview, be aware of the following:
You must run dclview from the Index server.
You must run dclview with no options to get online help.
corona(fnsw)/home/fnsw> dclview -g
create view "F_DOCTABA"
F_ACCESSRIGHTS,"I1") as select
from document_class dc, doctaba d where
dc.f_docclassnumber = d.f_docclassnumber
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 265
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
See the Index and WorkFlo Database Contents Manual for a discus-
sion of DOCTABA.
See your System Administrator’s Handbook for information about doc-
ument classes.
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 266
The ddexim tool saves (exports) and restores (imports) document
class and index information in the index database.
The ddexim tool exports/imports all Data Dictionary information cur-
rently in system memory (document classes, indexes, CE Relation-
ships, keys, clusters, forms, menus, validation tables, aperture card
files, media families, WorkFlo queues, surfaces [if specified]) to a user-
specified file on magnetic tape or magnetic disk. You can also control
the amount of information that ddexim processes. For example, you
can exclude the following information from the export:
Oracle information
Validation tables
Aperture card information
Family information
WorkFlo queue information
CE Relationships
You can selectively include document classes or media surface infor-
mation during the export.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 267
Normally, ddexim directs the output of an export operation to an ASCII
file. However, you can redirect this output to a terminal device or
After exporting index information to a file, you can import that informa-
tion to current system memory. All information is imported from the file
unless you specify options to exclude certain information. You can also
cause ddexim to update information in the index database during the
import. This update can occur only when index information in the data-
base matches information in the imported ASCII file. For example, if
you are trying to update the index database, the index name in the
database must be the same as the index name in the imported ASCII
Use ddexim to save (export) or restore (import) document class infor-
mation and index database information. You can also use ddexim to
examine database configurations. The program writes to the standard
output so you can view its output.
Use the -sd option to exclude export or import of dumped information
(for example, ASCII or hexadecimal dumps of old forms, menus, vali-
dation tables, and aperture card files).
Any FileNet user can run ddexim export. However, only the SysAdmin
user or members of the fnadmin group, or a user with a valid fnlogon
session, can run ddexim import.
If you are working on a system with a multi-server configuration,
ddexim importing and/or exporting should be run on the Root/Index
server only.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 268
The ddexim export operation writes index, document class, family,
form, WorkFlo queue, and media surface information to an ASCII file.
For FileNet P8 Content Federation Services systems with configured
Content Engine Object Store mapping, ddexim will now always export
the Content Engine configuration information except when the -sc (skip
CE Configuration) option is selected.
The ddexim import operation restores all information in the ASCII file
directly to the index database.
You can use ddexim during recovery procedures to import index and
document class information to the index database. Import recreates
the information without re-entering all the index and document class
If you attempt to import a cluster that already exists in the index data-
base, ddexim issues the following informational message:
Importing cluster on index ‘cluster_string’... (already exists)
However, if you use the modify option (-m), ddexim performs the
import, overwriting existing cluster information.
If you attempt to import a document class that has associated remote
families, and the domain for the remote families does not exist, ddexim
issues the following message and continues processing:
Can’t update remote family for local family <family name>...
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 269
If you attempt to import a document class or work space that does not
have a security group defined in the local system, ddexim issues the
following warning message and sets the security group to (NONE):
Security group ‘<group>’ does not exist for
<workspace|class>, ‘<workspace_name>|<class_name>’, setting
to ‘(NONE)’
On an FileNet P8 Content Federation Services system with configured
Content Engine Object Store mapping, if you perform a ddexim import
and the system serial number (SSN) in the export file matches the
local SSN, the content Engine configuration will be imported unless the
-sc option is selected. If the local SSN and export file SSN do not
match, by default the Content Engine configuration file will not be
imported. The following message will be displayed:
To override this, use the -C (always import CE configuration) option
when the SSNs do not match.
The ddexim export files generated with ddexim that has Content
Engine information will not be compatible with older Image Services
systems like 4.0.20.
CE to DCL Configuration was not applied because the SSNs did not match.
Import File SSN=<File SSN> Local SSN=<Local SSN>
To configure CE INFO anyways use the '-C' option
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 270
ddexim { -e [> <filename>] | -i <impfile>} [options]
-e Export information from the index database and write the results to
standard output.
> filename Directs exported index information to the specified ASCII file.
Used only with -e option. If you do not include the > symbol, Data Dic-
tionary information prints to the terminal screen but is not saved to an
ASCII file.
-i <impfile> Import information from the specified file to the index database. All
existing index information is deleted.
-sn Skips (exclude) import or export of n where n is one or more of
the following:
-as Includes import/export information about surfaces.
Import occurs only if source SSN = target SSN
o RDBMS information: document class, index, key, and
cluster descriptions
d Dumped information (for example forms, menus,
validation tables, and aperture card files)
f Family information: media family descriptions
w WorkFlo queues
c CE Configuration: for IS systems that participate in FileNet P8
Content Federation Services with Content Engine systems, the
-sc option skips the Content Engine configuration information.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 271
-c <classname>
Export/import only the specified document class and related in-
dexes and families, but no media surface information.
For more than one document class, run ddexim with this option
for each document class.
Clustering information is exported for specified document classes only
if clustering is set for that document class.
-C Option used while importing only. For IS systems that partici-
pate in FileNet P8 Content Federation Services with Content
Engine systems, the -C option indicates that Content Engine in-
formation should be imported even though the local system se-
rial number (SSN) does not match the SSN in the export file.
This -C option always imports the Content Engine configura-
-m Modifies existing information in the Data Dictionary during im-
port. Only new or updated information is added to the Data Dic-
tionary. Existing keys, indexes, and surfaces are never
modified. On FileNet P8 Content Federation Services systems,
this also holds true. If document classes already exists, they
will not be updated unless the modify flag is set.
For sample FileNet P8 Content Federation Services system
output where the modify flag is not set, see
FileNet P8 Con-
tent Federation Services Output - Modify Flag is Not Set
on page 275.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 272
For sample FileNet P8 Content Federation Services system
output where the modify flag is set, see
FileNet P8 Content
Federation Services Output - Modify Flag is Set” on
page 276.
Sample Output
Use a text editor to view the ASCII file that was created by ddexim
export. The ASCII file contains blocks of Data Dictionary information.
Each block contains the following elements:
Index information type (document class, index, or WorkFlo queue)
Index information name
This is the name you assigned to the document class, index, or
WorkFlo queue.
Index information attributes
Attributes include descriptions of a document class or index. For
example, the attributes for a document class can include pages per
document, batch size, and family name.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 273
The following sample output shows several blocks of information in an
ASCII file created by the -e option. The blocks include a document
class, WorkFlo queue, family, and index.
class dialog {
description "dialog"
security_read_name "(ANYONE)"
security_write_name "(ANYONE)"
security_exe_name "(ANYONE)"
retent_disp delete
retent_base rel_to_entry
retent_offset 12
pages_per_doc 0
tab_out_flag false
verify_images false
verify_indexes false
batch_total false
batch_size 5
family_name HPrint
no_catalog_flag false
index Description: required=f batch_totals=f verify=f
index TestDate: required=f batch_totals=f verify=f source=1
index TestNotes: required=f batch_totals=f verify=f source=1
index Description2: required=f batch_totals=f verify=f
index numeric: required=f batch_totals=f verify=f source=1
index processdate: required=f batch_totals=f verify=f
wflq q1 joec {
nch_object_name WflServer
desc_read_sec_name "(ANYONE)"
desc_write_sec_name "(ANYONE)"
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 274
desc_exe_sec_name "(ANYONE)"
content_read_sec_name "(ANYONE)"
content_write_sec_name "(ANYONE)"
content_exe_sec_name "(ANYONE)"
description "queue for testing dump operations."
field: fld1 typ=1 len=16 unique=0 req=t rendev=f disp=t
family tranlog {
is_primary false
interleave_cnt 1
disk_type 5
server 2: desired_cur_surfs=0 preferred_osars=*
index Description {
description "Description Uppercase Convert"
internal_name A31
type ascii
maxstrlen 60
upper false
index TestDate {
description "Date of the Test"
internal_name A32
type date
upper false
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 275
FileNet P8 Content Federation Services Output - Object Store Configuration Data
Sample object store configuration data from the ddexim export file:
ce_object_store_guid {11111111-1234-1234-1234-123456789013} {
ce_object_store_name "OS1111"
ce_domain_guid {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}
ce_domain_name "CE1"
class ce_im_only not_default_dcl_os
class ce_class default_dcl_os
class ce_class2 not_default_dcl_os
FileNet P8 Content Federation Services Output - Modify Flag is Not Set
The following is displayed if the Content Engine Object Store to Docu-
ment Class mapping already exists and the modify flag was not set:
Importing Object Store:
Object Store = 'OS1111' GUID = '{11111111-1234-1234-1234-123456789013}'
CE domain = 'CE1' GUID = '{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}' .already
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 276
FileNet P8 Content Federation Services Output - Modify Flag is Set
The following is displayed if the Content Engine Object Store to Docu-
ment Class mapping already exists and the modify flag was set:
Importing Object Store:
Object Store = 'OS1111' GUID = '{11111111-1234-1234-1234-123456789013}'
CE domain = 'CE1' GUID = '{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}' .modified
Importing DCL='ce_class' default Object Store ...modified
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 277
The first line in each block of ddexim output contains a type and a
name. Not all types and names are shown in the sample output. The
table below contains the complete list:
class Document class name
index Index name
key Key name
cluster Cluster index name
form Name of the class that uses the form (not currently
menu Menu name (exported only if referenced by one of
the indexes)
validation_table Validation table name (exported only if referenced by
one of the indexes)
Validation tables could exist even though the PC
WorkForce Desktop System does not currently use
aperturecard_file Aperture card file name (not currently used)
family Media family name
surface Surface ID of side A
wflq WorkFlo queue name
ce_object_store_guid Unique identifier assigned to the Image Services
system when it has been defined as a fixed content
device by a Content Engine system.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 278
Before you use ddexim, be aware of the following:
You should contact your service representative before you attempt
an import.
Verify that the Image Services software and the MKF and RDBMS
databases are up before running this tool or the program will hang.
Also, if the RDBMS is configured remotely, verify that it is also
brought up by the Database Administrator.
If the databases reside remotely, verify that the IS software and da-
tabases are all up and running on the remote servers to avoid a
program hang. For example, when running this tool on an Applica-
tion server, verify that the Root/Index server is up and running.
To use the ddexim import function, you must be the SysAdmin
user, a member of the fnadmin group, or have a valid fnlogon ses-
The -i option replaces all Data Dictionary information with
information in the specified file.
If you want to import security definitions assigned to document
classes on a Windows server with MS SQL Server installed, you
must follow procedures described in
Import Security Definitions
Procedure” on page 280.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 279
If ddexim is running in the foreground, press the Control+c key se-
quence to abort ddexim. If running in the background, enter one of
the following commands depending upon the server’s operating
system, supplying the process ID (<pid>) for ddexim:
kill -31 <pid>
kill -17 <pid>
Export Procedure
1 Logon to the FileNet system.
2 Verify that the Image Services software and the MKF and RDBMS da-
tabases are up before running this tool or the program will hang. If the
databases reside remotely, verify that the IS software and databases
are all up and running on the remote servers to avoid a program hang.
3 Enter the ddexim -e command with appropriate options.
Use the “>” symbol to redirect output to a file.
4 View the file created by the export option.
If the output file contains system logon information on the first line, use
a text editor to delete that information. The following is an example of
system logon information:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 280
Import Procedure
1 Call your service representative.
Discuss Data Dictionary import options with your service representa-
tive. Choosing incorrect options could destroy all previously entered
document class and index information.
2 Logon as the SysAdmin user, or as a user that is a member of the
fnadmin group, or establish a valid fnlogon session.
3 Verify that the Image Services software and the MKF and RDBMS da-
tabases are up before running this tool or the program will hang. If the
databases reside remotely, verify that the IS software and databases
are all up and running on the remote servers to avoid a program hang.
4 Enter ddexim -i to import the index information.
Use the appropriate import options and specify the correct ASCII file
Import Security Definitions Procedure
Before using ddexim to import security definitions for document
classes, you must perform these procedures if you’re running on a
Windows server with a SQL Server installation.
On your Image Services server with an MS SQL Server installation,
follow these steps:
1 Stop the FileNet software and verify that MS SQL Server is also
2 Open the Start menu and select the Programs menu.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 281
3 Select MS SQL Server 6.5 from the Programs menu.
4 Select SQL Client Configuration Utility.
5 Verify that the Automatic ANSI to OEM option is turned off: If it is
checked, click it to remove the check mark.
6 Start the FileNet software.
7 Import the data using this command:
ddexim -i <filename>
where <filename> is the name of the file containing the security
definitions for document classes.
Related Topics
fnlogon” on page 490
See the “Database Maintenance” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook for a description of document class, family informa-
tion, index information, and WorkFlo queues.
See the Index and WorkFlo Database Contents Manual for descrip-
tions of the index database and WorkFlo Queue database tables.
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 282
The deldocs tool deletes documents from the Image Services index
database and/or the MKF permanent database. It could also delete
selected documents from cache, given selected settings.
Use deldocs to delete documents that have been committed using the
“no cataloging” option of Database Maintenance.
You can use deldocs to delete a single document, multiple documents,
or all documents for a specified media surface. To delete multiple doc-
uments, specify a list of document IDs in a file that deldocs uses as
You can also delete all documents on a media surface and use Back-
ground Job Control Erase Media or Consolidate Media to erase the
surface (only when using erasable media). The Consolidate Media
function provides an option to erase the media as it consolidates the
This command deletes all references to the documents from the Image
Services index and MKF permanent databases.You can, however, re-
import these deleted documents from storage media.
For details on deleting documents from cache, see
Documents in
Cache” on page 285.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 283
Use with FileNet P8 Content Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3 and higher)
The output of the deldocs tool could report some confusing information
when being used with the FileNet P8 Content Federation Services
functionality. Since the function of deldocs is to delete entries from the
DOCS table and the DOCTABA table (when the image has been
indexed on the Image Services system), but not the images them-
selves, the CE catalog entry could reference an image that it believes
does not exist when the documents are stored on the Image Services
system but indexed on the Content Engine system.
Additionally, in the instances where documents are indexed on the
Image Services system and the deldocs tool is run, Index Services will
create an export_log entry to tell the FileNet P8 CFS Server for Image
Services to delete the corresponding index entry on the Content
Engine system. Refer to the table below to determine when documents
on the IS server will not have the index information associated with
them (the Ns) because if index information does not exist in DOCTABA
for an image, there is no way to notify the Content Engine system to
delete its catalog information for that image.
Document Activity Index on
Index on
New documents entered via Content Engine Y N
New documents entered via Image Services
Indexed on both IS and C
Indexed only on CE
Existing document images transferred to CE
Indexed on both IS and CE
Index deleted from IS
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 284
deldocs { -f <filename> | -s <surfaceid> [-b] } [-i] [-v]
-f <filename> Text file name containing document IDs, one ID per line
-s <surfaceid> Delete all documents on the surface specified by <surfaceid>.
This option does not erase documents from the media surface.
-b Delete documents from both sides of the surface specified by <surfa-
ceid>. Must be used in conjunction with the -s <surfaceid> parameter.
-i Ignore single document storage (SDS) retention settings.
-v Verbose mode - lists individual document ID's that have been success-
fully deleted. This mode is less efficient but the totals are more exact
because documents are deleted one at a time and are easier to keep
track of. Use verbose mode if you need exact statistics. If the filename
(-f) option is used with verbose mode, documents that are skipped
because they don't exist in the permanent database are also listed.
deldocs will not delete a document if it is stored on an SDS device, the
SDS delete option is turned on for the SDS unit, and the document
retention setting is set to one of the following: infinite, Event Based
Retention (EBR), or chronological retention. In the case of chronolog-
ical retention, deldocs will not delete a document only if the date has
not yet been reached. To ignore the SDS retention setting, use the -i
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 285
Documents in Cache
The deldocs -f command behaves differently depending on two things:
1 Whether the class assigned to the document is set to migrate to disk,
2 Whether the operator overrides this document class setting by modi-
fying the Capture Committal Component.
Document Class Setting
When scanned into the FileNet system, the document is assigned to a
class. The document then inherits any parameter values set for the
class to which it is assigned.
The System Administrator configures classes using the Database
Maintenance application, available through the Application Executive
(Xapex). The Database Maintenance Classes option, Define/Update
Document Classes, enables the administrator to set the Migration to
O.D. field to either Yes or No:
Yes specifies that any documents associated with this class will be
migrated to disk. It also flags the document as "ageable," unlocking
it in cache. As long as the Capture Professional application does
not override this setting before committal, deldocs does not delete
the document from cache. Instead, either CSM_daemon can re-
move the document from cache at an appropriate time or you can
remove the document manually using the CSM_tool.
No specifies that any documents associated with this class will not
be migrated to disk. After committal has completed successfully,
the document resides in cache as a “locked” document. As long as
the Capture Professional application does not override this setting
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 286
before committal, the deldocs command deletes a locked docu-
ment from cache.
Use the CSM_tool utility to see if a document in page cache contains a
“locked” or “ageable” status.
Capture Committal Component
Under normal conditions, the Capture Committal Component inherits
the default setting for the given document class, whether Migration To
O.D. is set to Yes or No. If set to Yes, Capture Professional shows
Commit with Migration checked. If set to No, Capture Professional
shows Commit without Migration checked. If the operator modifies the
Capture Committal Component, it overrides the setting assigned to the
document class.
Before you use deldocs, be aware of the following:
You must be logged on to FileNet security (Windows Server users,
logon through the Application Executive) before using deldocs.
Even if a document is not in both the index and document data-
bases, deldocs deletes the document.
1 Log on with appropriate user privileges.
2 Enter the deldocs command with desired options.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 287
Related Topics
See CSM_tool” on page 204 for instructions on deleting documents
locked in cache.
fnlogon” on page 490
See the “Database Maintenance” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook for a discussion of the Enable Cataloging option.
See the “Background Job Control” chapter in your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook for information about consolidating and erasing
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 288
The del_osvr tool permanently or temporarily removes a Storage
Library server from the system. The del_osvr tool automatically reas-
signs (logically moves) optical media and families to a destination
Storage Library server by deleting rows in the MKF permanent data-
base surface tables for the media on the original Storage Library
server and creating those rows in the surface tables on a destination
Storage Library server. In addition, del_osvr removes records for the
deleted Storage Library server from the family locator table of the MKF
permanent database.
This tool is typically used as part of a procedure and should not be
used independently.
For a permanent deletion operation, del_osvr begins by checking the
Storage Library servers for documents that are not yet written to
optical media. If it finds any, the program displays informational mes-
sages and terminates. You must take one of the following actions:
Restart the Storage Library server and allow pending write re-
quests to complete.
Run WRT_clean to remove pending write requests.
You can temporarily remove a Storage Library server such as when a
Storage Library server must be repaired or replaced. This option elimi-
nates the restriction that no writes be pending for the media. When you
use the temporary option of del_osvr, the Storage Library server
appears as inaccessible to the Image Services system.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 289
Image Services does not change the statistics or the high-water marks
for the optical media del_osvr is logically moving to a new destination
server. The del_osvr tool temporarily moves the optical media to the
destination server by copying (not moving) MKF permanent database
surface table records and flagging the media as read-only. The media
is then available for read operations at the destination server. When
you later add back the deleted Storage Library server, the original
media statistics are still valid.
Changes to the family references made by del_osvr might not be the
ones you desire. You can use Database Maintenance tools to change
family information. To move optical media from one Storage Library
server to another, use move_disk.
If the Image Services software fails or the server is rebooted before
del_osvr completes, you can safely rerun del_osvr.
If del_osvr fails during execution, correct the problem and rerun del_
osvr until it successfully completes.
Do not run any other program (such as add_osvr) after an unsuc-
cessful run of del_osvr. Doing so leaves the databases in a partially
converted state, producing unpredictable results.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 290
Use del_osvr to permanently or temporarily delete a Storage Library
server from the system. You can also use the tool to move optical
storage media from one Storage Library server to another.
If you do not specify the -t option, del_osvr checks the Storage Library
servers for documents that are not yet written to optical storage media.
If it finds any, the program displays informational messages and termi-
nates. Either restart the Storage Library server and allow outstanding
write requests to complete or run WRT_clean to remove them.
You might typically use this tool as part of a procedure that includes
using the add_osvr and move_disk tools. You shouldn’t use the del_
osvr tool independently.
Typical Scenario
For detailed procedures, see Procedure” on page 293. The fol-
lowing procedure represents a typical scenario in which a Storage
Library server is deleted, then added back. Finally, the media is
restored to its original storage library.
1 Run del_osvr to delete storage library 3 and logically move its media to
storage library 4:
del_osvr 3 4
2 Add storage library 3 back to the system. (add_osvr does not move
add_osvr 3
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 291
3 For each medium originally in 3, run move_disk to restore the medium,
identified by <surf_id>, to storage library 3:
move_disk <surf_id> 3
del_osvr [-t] <svrid1> <svrid2> ... <svridn> <dest_server_num>
-t Temporarily delete the Storage Library server
<svrid1> <svrid2>
... <svridn>
Storage Library server IDs for the Storage Library servers to be
Destination Storage Library server to receive information from the
deleted Storage Library server
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 292
Before you use del_osvr, be aware of the following:
Before running del_osvr, you must shut down document services.
Before running del_osvr, ensure that FileNet software is up to the
point where NCH is started and MKF permanent and transient da-
tabases are accessible on all Storage Library servers.
The del_osvr tool automatically reassigns optical storage media
and families to the destination Storage Library server.
You cannot add a partially full optical disk to the destination family’s
surface array if the array is full. If it detects this condition, del_osvr
logs a message to the system event log and continues.
The del_osvr tool terminates if, during a permanent storage library
delete operation, del_osvr finds documents that are not yet written
to optical storage media. You must either allow outstanding write
requests to complete or remove them before re-running del_osvr.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 293
Perform the following steps to permanently delete a Storage Library
1 Back up the system to tape.
If an unrecoverable failure occurs before del_osvr completes success-
fully, restoring the backup is the only way to return the system to its
original state.
2 Eject all media from the Storage Library server you want to delete.
In most cases, you would physically eject the media from the storage
library before you start del_osvr. However, you could choose to skip
this step if both of the following conditions are met:
The storage library you are deleting is to be unavailable for only a
short time, then be added back.
You can tolerate the optical media being inaccessible during the
period the storage library is unavailable.
3 Ensure all Storage Library servers are in single-user mode and that
Document Services is shut down.
4 Ensure that the system is up to the point where NCH is started and
MKF permanent and transient databases are accessible on all Storage
Library servers.
5 Run del_osvr. The program updates permanent and transient MKF da-
6 Shut down the Storage Library server and reboot the system.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 294
When del_osvr completes, shutdown the Storage Library server and
reboot the system. Reboot all Storage Library servers to multi-user
mode, including the Storage Library server you just deleted.
7 Delete the Storage Library server from the configuration using the Sys-
tem Configuration Editor.
As an option, you can run the move_disk tool to move optical media to
other servers. You can also run Database Maintenance tasks to reas-
sign family references.
Related Topics
add_osvr” on page 124
move_disk” on page 835
WRT_clean” on page 1362
See the “Database Maintenance” chapter of the System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 295
The dialout tool is available only on a UNIX-based Image Services
The dialout tool connects a FileNet server to a serial port. You can run
dialout on any FileNet server equipped with a modem.
The following table describes the serial port assignment for the sup-
ported FileNet platforms.
Use fn_edit (the FileNet System Configuration Editor) to define port
configurations for servers in a UNIX environment.
A getty must be available before you start dialout. Use the following
command to check for the presence of a getty:
ps -ef | grep getty
If a getty is not enabled, reset the port before you run dialout.
Serial Port
RS/6000® S1 or
S1 port defined as /dev/tty0
S2 port defined as /dev/tty1
HP 9000 Modem serial port Defined through SAM
Default definition is server dependent. See your
HP documentation.
Sun SparcStation See your server documentation for modem setup information.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 296
Use dialout to connect your server to a remote system or to test your
dial-up connection to a remote system.
When dialout starts, default values display for making a remote modem
connection. To change these values, enter a new value after the colon
as each option setting displays.
If you dial a particular site frequently, you can set up dialout to use
information in the /usr/lib/uucp/Systems file to connect to that site. To
use this feature, add a line to the Systems file to include the name and
phone number of the site. Then enter the site name when dialout
prompts you for Remote System or Phone Number.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 297
Limited help is available by specifying the -h option when you start
dialout. If you use the kermit option, additional commands display
when you enter a question mark (?) at the kermit prompt, as shown
C-Kermit>? Command, one of the following:
ask askq assign bug
bye cd clear close
comment connect declare decrement
define delete dial directory
disable do echo enable
end exit finish for
get getok goto hangup
help if increment input
log mail msend open
output pause print push
pwd quit read receive
redial reinput remote rename
return run script send
server set show space
statistics stop suspend take
telnet translate transmit type
version wait while who
write xif
or one of the tokens '!#;:@'
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 298
dialout [-k] [-h]
-k Use kermit to connect to the modem and dial out
kermit is not required to connect to the modem.
-h Display help information
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 299
Sample Output
The sample below shows the default version of dialout:
Using the kermit option of dialout provides some additional commands
to disconnect from the dialout session. The sample below shows dia-
lout using the kermit option:
corona> dialout
Default values are printed inside of ‘[ ]’.
Accept the default, type <Enter>.
Line [/dev/tty0]:
Speed [9600]:
Remote System or Phone Number (e.g. 9=18006330850) [tac_cronos]:
~.: To quit dialout
Hayes Modem Compatible Commands:
at<cr>: Attention to modem to accept commands
atdt<phone no.><cr> : To dial phone number of remote station
use atdp for pulse dial
ath<cr>: To hang up modem
+++: Force modem from on line to off line
WARNING:The above commands are supported by most modems. For modems
not supporting these commands, please refer to the appropriate
manual for specific modem commands.
connecting at 9600 baud -- please wait
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 300
corona> dialout -k
Default values are printed inside of '[]'.
To accept the default, type <Enter>.
Line [/dev/tty0]:
Speed [9600]:
c : To connect modem
^\c : To exit connection
quit : To quit dialout (kermit option)
Hayes Modem Compatible Commands:
at<cr> : Attention to modem to accept commands
atdt<phone no.><cr> : To dial phone number of remote station
use atdp for pulse dial
ath<cr> : To hang up modem
+++ : Force moden from on line to off line
WARNING: The above commands are supported by most modems. For modems
not supporting these commands, please refer to the appropriate
manual for specific modem commands.
connecting at 9600 baud -- please wait
C-Kermit 5A(179) BETA, 8 Feb 92, IBM RS/6000 (AIX 3.x)
Type ? or HELP for help
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 301
Before you use dialout, be aware of the following:
You can run dialout on any server equipped with a modem.
You can use the following command to check for a getty:
ps -ef | grep getty
If you do not find a getty, reset the serial port.
The default configuration supports most modems. For other mo-
dems, refer to your modem documentation.
You can set up dialout to use information in the /usr/lib/uucp/Sys-
tems file to connect to a frequently-dialed site. See
on page 295.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 302
1 Start dialout by entering the appropriate command from the list below:
dialout> to use dialout with default options
dialout -k> to use kermit to connect to the modem and dial out
When you use the -k flag, the kermit prompt (C-Kermit>) displays.
Enter a question mark (?) to display a list of kermit commands or enter
help followed by the name of a command to display command-specific
2 If you do not want to use default settings, enter new values followed by
a carriage return at the prompt for each setting you want to change.
3 When your session is complete, log off the modem.
Use ~. (tilde, period) or other appropriate command for your environ-
ment to log off the modem. This command returns you to your host
system, completes the dialout script, and issues a connection closed
Related Topics
kermit” on page 659
See your operating system manuals for a description of getty.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 303
The docchk tool inspects a specified set of document pages on a
storage media for image corruptions.The program first checks the pri-
mary copy of each document and inspects header information, such as
document headers, page headers, and band headers and reports any
errors. The program next checks the header information on the trans-
action log copy of each document. The program then compares check-
sums for the primary and transaction log pages. Checksums that do
not match indicate a potential image corruption problem. The program
writes an output file listing the total number of documents and pages
that were checked and the total number that were mismatched (“bad”).
During the image verification, docchk decompresses the document
image to check the image integrity.
The docchk tool only recognizes the following six compressed image
Original FileNet Proprietary Image Format (FILENET)
Computer Aided Logistics Services (CALS)
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
Image Business Systems (IBS)
Distributed Image Systems (DIS)
Kodak Image Management System (KIMS)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 304
Any other image types are skipped for image decompression checking
and counted as illegal source image types and reported at the end of
the output file.
For TIFF or CALS images that have been committed with checksum-
ming enabled, docchk verifies that the checksums are correct.
The docchk tool saves temporary information about document loca-
tions and sizes in the /tmp directory. You can determine the amount of /
tmp space required with the following formula:
(168 * #documents) + (8 * #pages) = #bytes of space required
The program runs as a series of phases: scan, sort, check primary
documents, and check tranlog (transaction log) documents. If you
specify the -c option, docchk compares the primary documents and
tranlog documents. Since this method causes more disk swaps and
possible performance degradation, use it only if you need to check
small sets of documents.
When mismatched pages are found, docchk writes error messages
and summary information to a user-specified output file. Error mes-
sages have prefixes of ERROR followed by 80 bytes of identity infor-
mation. The identify information includes the document ID, page
number, and surface ID. Error text follows the prefix.
Summary information indicates the total number of documents and
pages checked, and the total number that were bad. The report also
reports the run time, the amount of time docchk took to execute. After
the run time message, if an unrecognized image type was encountered
in the check, a warning message displays the number of illegal source
image types.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 305
The docchk tool checks data (stored on storage media) that is associ-
ated with page format documents on a FileNet system against tranlog
copies of the data. Use docchk to examine documents which could
have been corrupted during transfer to media.
docchk [-f<firstdoc>] [-l<lastdoc>] [-s<surfid>] [-n<inplist>] [-b]
[-c] [-h] [-i] [-d] [-m] [-p] [-t] [-u] [-x<#mismatch>] [-y<compsz>]
[-z<decompsz>] <outfilename>
-f<firstdoc> Identifies document ID of the first document to check (default is 0).
-l<lastdoc> Identifies document ID of the last document to check (default is 4 bil-
lion, which is the maximum document ID).
-s<surfid> Checks only those documents on surface <surfid>. For documents in a
given range, check only those with the specified surface ID.
-n<inplist> Identifies the input file name containing document IDs. Invalid if you
specify -s, -l, or -f options. Only documents listed in this text file are
checked. Use a text editor to change the file contents.
-b Turns off large buffering. When the -b option is specified, docchk reads
each page as a separate I/O. If you specify this option, docchk does
not read unwritten or bad areas on the storage media. Use this option
to avoid the overhead of disk error handling when a high number of
disk errors have occurred on the system.
-c Compares the tranlog copy of the document against the primary copy
of the document. A hexadecimal report describes any data that differs
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 306
between the two compared copies of the page. Requires two drives.
Mutually exclusive with the -p or -t options.
-h Runs docchk at high priority (default is low priority).
-i Skips page inspection. Reports only errors found in document
headers, media I/Os, or compares.
-d Skips decompression check of image data. Does not detect decom-
pression errors, but reports errors found in the image and band
-m Enables the map function. If specified, does not read unwritten sectors
on storage media.
-p Checks primary copy only (default is to check both primary and trans-
action log copies)
-t Checks tranlog copy only (default is to check both primary and transac-
tion log copies)
-u If a primary or transient document is bad, updates the document status
in DOCS table with the information that either the primary or transient
document is bad. Therefore subsequent retrievals always select the
alternative good copy of the document, if any.
-x<#mismatch> Specifies the maximum number of mismatches of image per block
when the -c option is specified. This option is used for capping the
docchk comparison time. The -x option is only valid when used with the
-c option.
-y<compsz> Specifies the maximum size in kilobytes of the largest compressed
image (default=512, minimum=512, maximum=8192). If <compsz> is
less than 512, the system uses the default value of 512 KB.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 307
-z<decompsz> Specifies the maximum size in kilobytes of the largest decompressed
image (default=512, minimum=512, maximum=8192). If <decompsz>
is less than 512, the system uses the default value of 512 KB.
<outfilename> Identifies the name of file to which docchk directs output.
Sample Output
The following docchk command returns summary information to the
output file specified as outfile1:
docchk -s4080 outfile1
The output file lists the following sample summary information.
A brief explanation of all fields in the output file follows below:
#docs The number of documents checked.
The number of pages checked. The document header is page
0. The minimum number of pages in a document is two—the
document header (page 0) and one data page.
** Program done.
** #docs..............10 #pages...............20
** #bad_primary_docs..0 #bad_primary_pages...0
** #primary_images....10 #bad_primary_images..0
** #bad_tranlog_docs..0 #bad_tranlog_pages...0
** #tranlog_images....0 #bad_tranlog_images..0
** Run time (hh:mm:ss) = 00:00:33
** Warning: Number of Illegal Source Image Type = 2
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 308
The number of documents that are bad on primary media.
The number of pages that are bad on primary media, including
page 0 errors. If page 0 is bad, docchk might not be able to lo-
cate the remainder of a document to inspect it.
The number of bit-mapped pages on primary media. This
counter is listed separately because better error checking can
be performed on images.
The number of images on primary media that do not decom-
press correctly.
The number of documents that are bad on transaction log me-
The number of pages that are bad on transaction log media.
The number of pages on transaction log media that are bit-
mapped images.
The number of images on transaction log media that do not de-
compress correctly.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 309
Before you use docchk, be aware of the following:
If you have a very large number of documents to check, be sure
that enough space is available in /tmp for docchk to store informa-
tion during execution.
If a system failure or reboot occurs while docchk is running, docchk
does not automatically restart when you restart the system.
A check of a large number of documents could take considerable
time. Consider breaking up the task into multiple docchk runs using
the -f, -l, and -n options.
The following signals affect program operation.
On an AIX/6000 platform:
kill -30 <pid> causes docchk to report status
kill -31 <pid> causes docchk to abort
On an HP-UX or Solaris Operating Environment platform:
kill -16 <pid> causes docchk to report status
kill -17 <pid> causes docchk to abort
where <pid> is the docchk process ID.
An example of the status reported resembles the following:
Check primary docs, # processed: 0, total: 30, errors: 0
No specific procedure is required.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 310
The doccnt tool scans the DOCS table of the MKF permanent data-
base and counts the number of documents on each surface. It then
verifies that the value in num_act_docs in both the surf_dyn_info and
surf_locator tables in the permanent database agree.
If the values do not agree, doccnt takes action based on options you
specify. If you use the -setodt option, doccnt uses the value calculated
from scanning the DOCS table to correct the num_act_docs field in
both tables. However, if you use the -list option, doccnt writes its results
to standard output upon completion. No correction is attempted.
Use doccnt tool when discrepancies in document counts occur due to
events, such as a system crash. The doccnt tool counts documents
and verifies the count against values in the locator tables. You can run
the -list option first to determine whether discrepancies exist. Then use
the -setodt option to update the surf_dyn_info and surf_locator tables.
In order to run the doccnt tool, you must first shutdown the FileNet soft-
ware with an initfnsw -y stop, and then startup the MKF and relational
databases with an fn_util startdb.
Running doccnt with the FileNet software up results in the following
This program may not be run when document services is up
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 311
doccnt [ -setodt | -list ]
-setodt Updates num_act_docs value in the MKF permanent database tables,
surf_dyn_info and surface_locator.
-list Writes results of update operation to standard output when the pro-
gram completes
The num_act_docs value refers to the number of active documents
on a given surface. An active surface is the primary surface and the
active tranlog. Images on either of these active surfaces can be
directly accessed by IS. The num_act_docs value for the primary sur-
face and the active tranlog will be increased after a successful image
Alternate (or secondary) tranlogs are not considered active. Images
stored in these alternate tranlogs must be imported into the system in
order to access these images. If your system is set up to use multiple
tranlogs, only one of them contains active documents and the last
tranlog selected is considered to be the active tranlog. The num_act_
docs value for any alternate tranlog(s) is not increased after a suc-
cessful image committal.
This example requests the output be sent as a listing to standard
corona(root)/> doccnt -list
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 312
Before you use doccnt, be aware of the following:
This tool locks the MKF permanent database for its exclusive use
until doccnt completes.
When doccnt is running in the foreground, the Control+c key se-
quence aborts doccnt.
When doccnt is running in the background, you can abort the pro-
cess using the method described for your operating system.
From the UNIX command line, enter these commands:
kill -30 <pid> (doccnt reports status of process)
kill -31 <pid> (doccnt aborts the process)
where <pid> is the doccnt process ID.
From the UNIX command line, enter these commands:
kill -16 <pid> (doccnt reports status of process)
kill -17 <pid> (doccnt aborts the process)
where <pid> is the doccnt process ID.
From the Windows Task Manager, select the process you want
to abort, click the right mouse button, and choose the End Task
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 313
The following steps are recommended:
1 As fnsw user, logon to the Document Locator server.
2 Shutdown the FileNet software by entering:
initfnsw -y stop
3 Start the MKF and relational databases by entering:
fn_util startdb
4 Run doccnt with the desired option(s).
5 Once you have finished running doccnt, start the FileNet software by
initfnsw restart
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 314
DOC_dumpfb provides information on fast batch objects in cache. This
information includes document IDs, cache locations, and hexadecimal
dumps. You might use fast batch for high-volume committal procedures
when you need to reduce the time between entering documents and
committing them. The Computer Output to Laser Disk 2 (COLD 2)
application uses fast batch committals exclusively.
You must enable fast batch committal capability when you configure
your FileNet system.
Use DOC_dumpfb to obtain information about fast batch objects in
DOC_dumpfb <flag> <objectid>
<flag> View the specified object ID. If you don’t specify any flags, it prints only
the document IDs for the documents in the fast batch. See
Flags” on
page 315 for flag descriptions.
<objectid> The object ID of the fast batch for which you want information. This ID
is always above 4 billion (4000000000). Cache object IDs under 4 bil-
lion are not fast batch objects. Use CSM_tool listobjects to obtain the
object ID for your fast batch.
You must specify an object ID.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 315
-p Displays summary information for the fast batch and a hexa-
decimal dump of each object data in the fast batch.
-h Displays attributes, such as document class and size, for each
document in the fast batch.
-s Displays summary information for each page in the batch.
-e Displays summary information for each sector in the batch.
-d Displays summary information for the fast batch and document
IDs for all documents in the fast batch.
-o Displays the storage location information.
Sample Output
This section contains sample output of each DOC_dumpfb flag and a
brief explanation of the output.
DOC_dumpfb -p
The -p flag lists summary information and a hexadecimal dump for
each fast batch object, as shown in the following sample.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 316
The following example shows the first portion of output for doc_id
The top portion of the output shows the ID of the fast batch object
(4160000000) and its size in bytes (406676). Summary information is
followed by a hexadecimal dump of the data associated with each doc-
ument ID in the fast batch. Fast batches contain multiple documents,
so you see a hexadecimal dump for each document ID in the fast
corona(root)/> DOC_dumpfb -p 4160000000
Dump of fast batch object with id=4160000000, size=406676
Cacheloc_offset=400384, odloc_offset=403456, #pages=200, has_chksum=0
Page and doc header dump
Doc=106015 docpage=1 batchpage=0 offset=0 #bytes=842
-------Page sector 0---------
0000: c5000000 0000034a 00000060 00000000 000002ea 00000060 00000000 00000060
0020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 54414c4b 00000002 00000000 00000000
0040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0060: 120e3230 300a176c 61736572 2f4d6f6e 6f2e3130 300a0d0e 30302e30 3030492c
0080: 0e302c0e 30302e31 3235492c 0e300a0a 0a0a0a0a 0a0a0a0a 0a202020 20202020
00a0: 20205452 4156454c 4c455253 20434845 51554520 41444a55 53544d45 4e540a20
00c0: 20202020 20202020 432f4f20 42424e59 204c414b 45205355 43434553 530a2020
00e0: 20202020 20202052 45434f52 44532041 4e442041 444a5553 544d454e 54532044
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 317
DOC_dumpfb -h
The -h flag displays the attributes of each document in the fast batch.
The following is an example of output:
The summary information for the specified object is followed by
detailed information about the object's document class and storage
location. In the example, the document class name for document ID
106015 is PartsList. The document has two index keys (PartNum and
corona(root)/> DOC_dumpfb -h 4160000000
Dump of fast batch object with id=4160000000, size=406676
Cacheloc_offset=400384, odloc_offset=403456, #pages=200, has_chksum=0
Page and doc header dump
Doc hdr, batchpage=1
Doc hdr at sector: 1, offset: 0x000, len: 164
check_word....0xad0cde5c format.................1
num_pages..............1 total_sectors..........2
doc_id............106015 system_id..........10000
doc_location...........0 alt_surf_ssn...........0
annot_base_doc.........0 alt_doc_loc............0
annot_page_num.........0 alt_surf_id............0
doc_type.............'1' key_info_len..........43
class_name_len........10 sec_rd_nm_len..........9
sec_wrt_nm_len.........9 sec_exe_nm_len.........9
contig_sectors.........0 back_contig............0
checksums..............0 character_set..........2
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 318
DOC_dumpfb -s
The -s flag displays summary information about each document in the
fast batch. The following sample displays information for document IDs
from 106015 to 106019:
corona(root)/> DOC_dumpfb -s 4160000000
Dump of fast batch object with id=4160000000, size=406676
Cacheloc_offset=400384, odloc_offset=403456, #pages=200, has_chksum=0
Summary listing for all pages
Doc=106015 docpage=1 batchpage=0 offset=0 #bytes=842
sector 0 data: c5000000 0000034a 00000060 00000000
Doc=106015 docpage=0 batchpage=1 offset=1024 #bytes=164
data: 00010000 ad0cde5c 00000001 00000002
Doc=106016 docpage=1 batchpage=2 offset=1188 #bytes=2804
sector 0 data: c5000000 00000af4 00000060 00000000
Doc=106016 docpage=0 batchpage=3 offset=4096 #bytes=164
data: 00010000 ad0cde5c 00000001 00000004
Doc=106017 docpage=1 batchpage=4 offset=4260 #bytes=3830
sector 0 data: c5000000 00000ef6 00000060 00000000
Doc=106017 docpage=0 batchpage=5 offset=8192 #bytes=164
data: 00010000 ad0cde5c 00000001 00000005
Doc=106018 docpage=1 batchpage=6 offset=8356 #bytes=995
sector 0 data: c5000000 000003e3 00000060 00000000
Doc=106018 docpage=0 batchpage=7 offset=10240 #bytes=164
data: 00010000 ad0cde5c 00000001 00000003
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 319
As shown in the above example, the output provides the following infor-
mation for each document (Doc):
Page of the document
Page within the entire fast batch
Location of the page in cache
Size of the page in bytes
Hexadecimal list of the first four addresses of the document
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 320
DOC_dumpfb -e
The -e flag is similar to the -s flag. However, the -e flag provides sum-
mary information for each sector (rather than for each document) in the
fast batch. The following is a sample of output:
corona(root)/> DOC_dumpfb -e 4160000000
Dump of fast batch object with id=4160000000, size=406676
Cacheloc_offset=400384, odloc_offset=403456, #pages=200, has_chksum=0
Summary listing for all pages
Doc=106015 docpage=1 batchpage=0 offset=0 #bytes=842
sector 0 data: c5000000 0000034a 00000060 00000000
Doc=106015 docpage=0 batchpage=1 offset=1024 #bytes=164
data: 00010000 ad0cde5c 00000001 00000002
Doc=106016 docpage=1 batchpage=2 offset=1188 #bytes=2804
sector 0 data: c5000000 00000af4 00000060 00000000
sector 1 data: 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020
sector 2 data: 414e2041 2052414d 4f532020 2f2f5452
Doc=106016 docpage=0 batchpage=3 offset=4096 #bytes=164
data: 00010000 ad0cde5c 00000001 00000004
Doc=106017 docpage=1 batchpage=4 offset=4260 #bytes=3830
sector 0 data: c5000000 00000ef6 00000060 00000000
sector 1 data: 44202020 20202020 20202020 20202020
sector 2 data: 20202020 20373737 37303030 3533204e
sector 3 data: 312c3130 302c3030 302e3030 0a202020
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 321
The output is divided into rows by document ID. The first line of each
row contains summary information (see the description of the -s flag
for details). After summary information, hexadecimal addresses for the
first row of each sector are listed.
DOC_dumpfb -d
The -d flag displays summary information for the entire fast batch fol-
lowed by a list of document IDs for all documents in the fast batch as
shown below:
The fast batch summary information includes the following:
corona(root)/> DOC_dumpfb -d 4160000000
Dump of fast batch object with id=4160000000, size=406676
Cacheloc_offset=400384, odloc_offset=403456, #pages=200, has_chksum=0
Documents in batch:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 322
Size of the fast batch in bytes
Location of the object in cache
Location of the object on storage media
Number of pages in the fast batch
Current setting of error checking
DOC_dumpfb -o
The -o flag lists storage location information for the fast batch. The fol-
lowing is an output sample:
Summary information for the fast batch is followed by the fast batch
location on storage media. (See the -d flag description for summary
corona(root)/> DOC_dumpfb -o 4160000000
Dump of fast batch object with id=4160000000, size=406676
Cacheloc_offset=400384, odloc_offset=403456, #pages=200, has_chksum=0
Optical disk location array dump
iteration1: 0, iteration2: 3111006483
pages_written: 0, cur_fam: 0, last_surf 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 323
Before you use DOC_dumpfb, be aware of the following:
The system must contain fast batch objects (IDs above
You must know the fast batch object ID for which you want informa-
tion. Use CSM_tool listobjects to locate object IDs.
The following steps are recommended:
1 Use CSM_tool listobjects to find object IDs for fast batches in cache.
2 Enter DOC_dumpfb at the command line, specifying a flag and appro-
priate object ID.
Related Topics
CSM_tool” on page 204
DOC_tool” on page 328
See the FileNet system configuration tool (System Configuration Editor
or fn_edit) online help for information on defining fast batch committal
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 324
The docfetch tool retrieves an image into page cache. You can retrieve
the image immediately using synchronous retrieval or defer the
retrieval to a later time. When you specify synchronous retrieval, the
docfetch tool retrieves the image immediately and you cannot enter
additional commands from the command line until the retrieval com-
pletes. If you prefer asynchronous retrieval, docfetch queues the
retrieval request and the actual retrieval takes place at a later time.
This tool writes most docfetch error messages to the standard output
device, usually the window from which you run the tool. However, it
writes a few error messages only to the system error log. If you sus-
pect a problem, check the system error log for messages.
Use docfetch to retrieve an image into page cache. For example, for
diagnostic purposes, you might need to retrieve an image that is no
longer in cache. Once the image is in page cache, you can use CSM_
tool to examine the image or use a system copy or dump utility to place
the image in a file for further examination.
docfetch [-s] [-r] [-d]
{<doc_id> [-p <first page> <end page>] | -f <file>}
-s Synchronous - waits for documents.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 325
Synchronously retrieves an image into page cache. If you do not
specify this option, this tool queues the retrieval to perform at a later
In synchronous mode, the docfetch program waits for each document
to be retrieved into cache. The programs cancels the request and
moves on to the next document if an error occurs or operator interven-
tion is required.
In asynchronous mode, the docfetch program does not wait for docu-
ments to be retrieved into cache.
-r Descending. Ascending by default.
Prefetches in a reverse direction. For example, for a 50 page docu-
ment, if you request the last two pages for document (p 49-50), it will
generate two requests. One to retrieve p 49 - 50, the other prefetch
starting p48 backward for 8 pages. So you get page 41 - 50 in cache.
-d Debug capability.
Prints out debugging information for testers and developers.
Provides detailed feedback on the status of a document before and
after the fetch procedure:
Status of document in cache before the fetch is initiated.
Method used to initiate the fectch.
Status of the object in cache after the fetch request.
Displays the cache object name in the output message.
<doc_id> Identifies the document to retrieve into page cache.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 326
-p First page and end page.
Retrieves a partial document (certain pages) to cache rather than the
entire document. For example, for a 50 page document, you can
request to retrieve pages 2 to 5 to disk. The code generates 2
requests: one to retrieve pages 2-5, the other prefetch to retrieve the
next 8 pages, pages 6-13. This option assists debugging and testing.
If this option is not used, the entire document is retrieved.
-f<file> Document ID List File support.
The document ID list file processes one entry at a time, issuing the
specified document fetch request procedure.
This example retrieves document ID 100029 into page cache.
This example retrieves pages 2 through 5 and also pages 6 through 13
of document ID 100029 into page cache.
csmokey(fnsw)/home/fnsw> docfetch -s 100029
Calling DOC_migrate: doc=100029 all pages ASCEND, Notify=ASYNCHRONOUS
Doc id 100029 retrieved to page_cache1:smokey:FileNet
smokey(fnsw)/home/fnsw> docfetch -s 100029 -p 2 5
Calling DOC_migrate: doc=100029 (pg 2-5) ASCEND, Notify=ASYNCHRONOUS
Doc id 100029 retrieved to page_cache1:smokey:FileNet
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 327
This example prefetches pages 48 throught 50 and also pages 40
through 47 of document ID 100029 into page cache.
This example retrieves the list of document IDs into page cache. The
example shows three documents: 100029, 100040, 100050.
Before you use docfetch, be aware of the following:
You must run docfetch on the Storage Library server.
To retrieve an image into page cache, you must be logged on as a
user who has access privileges to the document you are trying to
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
CSM_tool” on page 204
smokey(fnsw)/home/fnsw> docfetch -r 100029 -p 48 50
Calling DOC_migrate: doc=100029 (pg 48-50) DESCEND, Notify=NONE
Doc id 100029 retrieved to page_cache1:smokey:FileNet
smokey(fnsw)/home/fnsw> docfetch -f list
Calling DOC_migrate: doc=100029 all pages ASCEND, Notify=NONE
Doc id 100029 retrieved to page_cache1:smokey:FileNet
Calling DOC_migrate: doc=100040 all pages ASCEND, Notify=NONE
Doc id 100040 retrieved to page_cache1:smokey:FileNet
Calling DOC_migrate: doc=100050 all pages ASCEND, Notify=NONE
Doc id 100050 retrieved to page_cache1:smokey:FileNet
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 328
DOC_tool provides statistics on media and slots in a storage library or
FileNet OSAR. After specifying the storage library for which you want
information, you can view information on all drives, slots, and read/
write requests for that library.
DOC_tool provides many of the same options included in the Storage
Library Control program (SLC). However, DOC_tool only displays infor-
mation. To make changes, you must use SLC.
Use DOC_tool to examine the status of a storage library or to trouble-
shoot Storage Library server problems.
Enter DOC_tool at the system command line. The DOC_tool prompt
<DOC_tool:lib a>
If the server has a storage library, DOC_tool will find the first library
(lib a in the above example) and information from DOC_tool will apply
to the library shown in the prompt. If the <DOC_tool> prompt displays
without a library, the tool could not find a library on the server. If this is
the case, a library will need to be set to talk using
SETLibr” on
page 373.
From the DOC_tool prompt, enter commands to perform functions and
tasks. See the
Commands” on page 329 for command descriptions.
Some commands require special permission. To run these commands,
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 329
you must enter the Allowupdates command and supply a password.
You can obtain the password from your service representative.
DOC_tool commands are listed in alphabetic order.
Some commands do not display in the help menu if you have not used
Allowupdates and provided a password. Commands that require
Allowupdates are noted in the command description.
UPPERCASE letters indicate the minimum number of characters that
you can enter to obtain output from a given command.
Lists the surfaces that currently have outstanding requests and the
types of requests. The output from this command is similar to that of
the surfsum command. The difference is that actsurfs lists only sur-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 330
faces with outstanding read or write requests. The following is an
example of actsurfs output:
Surfsum” on page 376 for descriptions of the information in act-
surf output.
Establishes correct permissions for running certain commands.
Displays the arm history log of storage library commands issued and
storage library responses received on a particular storage library. The
following is an example of output from the ARMLog option:
This command is used to set/reset MSAR libraries in Backup mode.
9087: a in_drive 0 W=150
#xfer: 0
9088: a in_slot 34 W=72
9069: a in_slot 27 R1=2
9004: in_gripper R1=2
9056: not_in_osar R1=1
Total of 5 surface records
The first column lists the surface id
ARM Command?Status log:
ESgrp ESio ESgrp ESio MV s1->io
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 331
The following are Backup mode-specific anomalies:
An MSAR library can only be placed into Backup mode if any of the
drives with surfaces are NOT exclusively reserved by an oddump.
On a system with Multiple MSAR libraries, if some of the libraries
are in Backup mode and others are in Normal mode, inserting me-
dia is not allowed.
When an MSAR library is in Backup mode, write requests associ-
ated with the MSAR library will not be serviced and all MSAR sur-
face files are opened in ReadOnly mode. However, read requests
are still handled.
An MSAR library will stay in Backup mode across an IS software
All annotation copy jobs started when an MSAR library is in Backup
mode will wait until the library is placed in Normal mode and which
time it will complete.
All stsurfupdate jobs will wait when the target MSAR library is in
Backup mode.
The Docpurge utility will wait when the target MSAR library is in
Backup mode.
If an MSAR library is in Backup mode for an extended period of
time, the page cache could become full, which could stop commit-
tal to the system. Therefore, a message will be logged in the sys-
log when the write critical threshold and/or lock threshold is
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 332
The Backup mode impacts the Oddump tool in a variety of ways.
To review these changes, review
oddump” on page 892.
Displays shared memory management variables while exporting anno-
tations to the FileNet P8 Content Engine (CE) in a Content Federated
Services for Image Services (CFS-IS) environment.
Allowupdates must be invoked before running this command.
If you do not want to see the display in verbose mode, enter n at the
verbose mode prompt or simply press return:
Enter y at the Verbose mode prompt to see the following additional
<DOC_tool:lib a>ceinfo
Verbose mode (y/n) [n]: : n
Number CE Info records allocated = 1
Number of active CE IS_import_agent(s) = 1
HighWaterMark Sequence numbers: seq_num1=1148661855 seq_num2=171000000
Entry=1 ce_os_id=1000 host_id='ben:1968'
num_entries checked out=4
first_checked out doc_id=100000
last_checked out doc_id=100001
elapse checkout time: 495.845053 seconds
Outstanding requests (0):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 333
doc_id page annot_id action
100000 1 1 1 <----action 1 = insert an annotation
100000 1 2 1 2 = export an annotation
100001 1 1 1 3 = delete an annotation
100001 1 2 1 4 = update an annotation
Outstanding requests (0):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 334
Lists all requests made to a given media surface. You must specify the
surface ID at the prompt. The output sample below indicates a number
of reads and writes on surface 9069. Two high priority reads (HI_READ
count=2) have occurred. Information on each read request includes
the document ID, numbers of pages read, priority level, and cache sta-
tistics associated with the request.
surface_id: 9069
HI_READ: : count = 2, oldest = 709925911
RETRIEVAL (7): time = 709925911, locked = 0
doc_id=15421658, surf_id=9069, od_loc=169964, other_cpy_bad=0
first_page=1, #pages=1, contig_sectors=67, back_contig=0
next=00000000, prev=402e978c, qind=0, priority=2
notify_ptr=40147bd8, cache_id=1, cache_ssn=2623082, pages_done=0
alt_surf_id=0, alt_od_loc=0
RETRIEVAL (7): time = 709925912, locked = 0
doc_id=15421658, surf_id=9069, od_loc=169964, other_cpy_bad=0
first_page=2, #pages=0, contig_sectors=67, back_contig=0
next=402e8e24, prev=00000000, qind=0, priority=2
notify_ptr=40147b90, cache_id=1, cache_ssn=2623082, pages_done=0
alt_surf_id=0, alt_od_loc=0
MED_READ: : count = 0, oldest = 0
WRITE Q: : count = 0, oldest = 0
LOW_READ: : count = 0, oldest = 0
BKG: : count = 0, oldest = 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 335
Displays the contents status and the surface ID for the gripper and
each drive and slot in the storage library. You can limit the display to
non-empty, enabled slots by answering no to each of devsum’s two
“print status” prompts as shown in the example below:
The contents status can be one of the following:
Print status of empty slots? (y/n):n
Print status of disabled slots? (y/n):n
Gripper Contents=known Surfid=9088
Drive 0 Contents=known Surfid=9087
Drive 1 Contents=known Surfid=9069
Slot 21 Contents=known Surfid=9050
Slot 28 Contents=known Surfid=9083
Slot 29 Contents=known Surfid=9035
Slot 30 Contents=known Surfid=9084
Status Description
known A known surface is in the drive. If the contents is
known, the surface ID displays in the Surfid= field.
empty The drive is empty.
reserved The drive is reserved in the current library. A drive
becomes reserved when the
oddump program se-
lects a particular drive.
unident The media in the drive cannot be identified.
unlabld The media in the drive is blank.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 336
Disables a slot, drive, optical library, platter (surface), or SDS unit.
(Requires Allowupdates.)
If a site, for disaster recovery, needs to force a tranlog to be taken off
daily, then the platter (p) option described below is available. To
replace this surface, see also ENable” on page 342.
Before you can disable a slot, drive, optical library, platter, or SDS unit,
you must issue the Allowupdates command. After entering Allowup-
dates, the program prompts you for a password (supplied by your ser-
vice representative).
Before using this command, use 'setlibr' command to specify which
storage library you want to disable.
For MSAR libraries, DOC_tool will not allow a user to disable an MSAR
slot, an MSAR gripper or an MSAR library. MSAR surfaces could be
disabled with the p for the platter option.
The following example shows the screen display when disabling a spe-
cific slot:
<DOC_tool:lib a>dis
Slot, drive, OpticalLibrary, Platter(surface), SDS?('s', 'd', 'o', ‘p’, ‘SDS’):s
Starting slot number: 7
Ending slot number: 8
Message sent to scheduler
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 337
Note If the library being disabled is an MSAR library, there will be no o
option. If the SDS unit is not in an ENABLED state, there will be no
SDS option.
The following example shows the screen display when disabling a spe-
cific drive:
To be able to disable for writes the current TRANLOG surface, the fol-
lowing option is provided. The following example shows the screen dis-
play when disabling a specific platter:
<DOC_tool:lib a>dis
Slot, drive, OpticalLibrary,or Platter(surface)?('s', 'd', 'o', or ‘p’):d
Drive number: 1
Message sent to scheduler
<DOC_tool:lib a>dis
Slot, drive, OpticalLibrary,or Platter(surface)?('s', 'd', 'o', or ‘p’):p
Surface id: 5188
Both sides? (y/n): y
Disable reads and writes (no => disable just writes)? (y/n): y
Surface successfully disabled
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 338
The program writes corresponding messages in syslog, as shown in
the following example:
SDS-specific options
It is now possible to enable a Single Document Storage (SDS) unit.
The SDS Implementation provides the ability to store single docu-
ments to third-party storage units (such as EMC Centera, NetApp
SnapLock, IBM DR550, etc.), and not in surfaces. When a document
is being read to or written from an SDS storage unit, it will be associ-
ated with an SDS unit ID. This is in contrast to when a document is
stored on an optical or MSAR surface and the document is associated
with a surface ID.
When an SDS unit is disabled, new requests will not be dispatched to
the SDS worker (SDS_CSAR_reader, for example). In fact, no new
requests will be enqueued to the SDS worker until the unit is re-
enabled, but any outstanding SDS requests will continue to be pro-
cessed. However, outstanding requests will not be re-directed to sur-
face-based storage.
1998/11/02 12:17:16.941 <fnsw> DOC_tool (28600) ...
Slot 7 of StorageLib 1 disabled by DOC_tool utility
1998/11/02 12:17:16.953 <fnsw> DOC_tool (28600) ...
Slot 8 of StorageLib 1 disabled by DOC_tool utility
1998/11/02 12:17:52.076 30,0,109 <fnsw> DOC_tool
(28600) ...
Drive 1 of StorageLib 1 disabled by DOC_tool utility
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 339
This section shows the different prompts that will display at the DIS-
able command when an SDS device is configured on the system.
The following example shows the screen when the selected library is
an MSAR library with the SDS option:
The following example shows the screen when the selected library is
an optical library with the SDS option:
When the server is a Cache-only server, there is no library selected. If
an SDS unit is in an ENABLED state, the following prompt will display
for the DISable command:
If the DISable command is invoked on a Cache-only server that does
not have an SDS configured, the following message will display:
<DOC_tool:lib a>dis
drive, Platter(surface), SDS?('d', ‘p’, ‘SDS’):
Starting slot number: 7
Ending slot number: 8
Message sent to scheduler
<DOC_tool:lib a>dis
Slot, drive, OpticalLibrary, Platter(surface), SDS?('s', 'd', 'o', ‘p’, ‘SDS’):
SDS unit? <y=yes>
Function only available on system with storage libraries configured
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 340
If the DISable command is invoked on a Cache-only server that does
have an SDS configured but not in an ENABLED state, the following
message will display:
For more information, go to
SDSinfo” on page 358.
Provides a summary of all read and write requests to the storage
library. Output includes read and write information for storage media in
the storage library as well as request information for media in an ODU.
The following is an example:
Provides information about a specific drive. The output for this com-
mand is the same as for the drives command.
To obtain information about all drives in a storage library, use the drives
No storage libaries configured and no SDS units are ENABLED
Use the SDSinfo command to get more info on the SDS units
All disks? (y/n):y
Summary for all disks in osar:
DmdHighPriReads......2 DmdMidPriReads..0 DmdLowPriReads...0
DmdWrites............222 DmdBackgrounds..0 DmdTotal.........224
OduHighPriReads......1 OduMidPriReads..0 OduLowPriReads...0
OduWrites............0 duBackgrounds..0 OduTotal.........1
Disks with requests..4
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 341
Provides information on every drive in the storage library, including
media ID, the number of errors and transfers on the media, and
whether or not the drive is disabled.
To obtain information about a specific drive, use the DRIVE command.
The Reserved count field value is the number of processes reserving
this particular drive. The Reserved pid field contains the ID of the pro-
cess that is reserving this particular drive.
Indicates whether a specific storage library drive is loaded. Specify the
drive number for which you want information.
To obtain a list of all storage library drives, use the drives command.
Drive 0:
Contents: known Disk id: 9087
Error count: 0 Mount time: 709925651
Disabled: 0 Config: 1
Reserved count: 0 Transfers done: 60
Reserved pid: 0
Drive 1:
Contents: known Disk id: 9069
Error count: 0 Mount time: 709925907
Disabled: 0 Config: 1
Reserved count: 0 Transfers done: 2
Reserved pid: 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 342
This option will eject an MSAR (Magnetic Storage and Retrieval) sur-
face based on a surface ID as input.
Allowupdates must be invoked before running this eject command.
Only surfaces in the current library will be ejected.
Enables a slot, drive, optical library, platter (surface), or SDS unit.
(Requires Allowupdates.)
If a site, for disaster recovery, needs to force a tranlog to be taken off
daily, then the platter (p) option described below is available. To
replace this surface, see also DISable” on page 336.
Before you can enable a slot, drive, optical library, platter, or SDS unit,
you must issue the Allowupdates command. After entering Allowup-
dates, the program prompts you for a password (supplied by your ser-
vice representative).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 343
Note Before using this command, use 'setlibr' command to specify which
storage library you want to disable.
For MSAR libraries, DOC_tool will not allow a user to disable an MSAR
slot, an MSAR gripper or an MSAR library. MSAR surfaces could be
disabled with the p for the platter option.
The following example shows the screen display when enabling a spe-
cific slot:
If the library being enabled is an MSAR library, there will be no o
option. If the SDS unit is not in a DISABLED state, there will be no
SDS option.
The following example shows the screen display when enabling a spe-
cific drive:
<DOC_tool:lib a>en
Slot, drive, OpticalLibrary, Platter(surface), SDS?('s', 'd', 'o', ‘p’, ‘SDS’):s
Starting slot number: 7
Ending slot number: 8
Message sent to scheduler
<DOC_tool:lib a>en
Slot, drive, OpticalLibrary,or Platter(surface)?('s', 'd', 'o', or ‘p’):d
Drive number: 1
Message sent to scheduler
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 344
To be able to enable for writes the current TRANLOG surface, the fol-
lowing option is provided. The following example shows the screen dis-
play when enabling a specific platter:
The program writes corresponding messages in syslog, as shown in
the following example:
<DOC_tool:lib a>en
Slot, drive, OpticalLibrary,or Platter(surface)?('s', 'd', 'o', or ‘p’):p
Surface id: 5188
Both sides? (y/n): y
Enable reads and writes (no => enable just reads)? (y/n): y
Enable active writes (no => nonactive)? (y/n): y
Surface successfully enabled
1998/11/02 12:17:33.523 <fnsw> DOC_tool (28600) ...
Slot 7 of StorageLib 1 enabled by DOC_tool utility
1998/11/02 12:17:33.525 <fnsw> DOC_tool (28600) ...
Slot 8 of StorageLib 1 enabled by DOC_tool utility
1998/11/02 12:18:00.253 30,0,109 <fnsw> DOC_tool
(28600) ...
Drive 1 of StorageLib 1 enabled by DOC_tool utility
1998/11/02 12:18:00.256 30,0,109 <fnsw> dsched (16292)
Drive 1, StorageLib b enabled
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 345
SDS-specific options
It is now possible to enable an SDS unit. The SDS Implementation pro-
vides the ability to store single documents to third-party storage units,
and not in surfaces. When a document is being read to or written from
an SDS storage unit, it will be associated with an SDS unit ID. This is in
contrast to when a document is stored on an optical or MSAR surface
and the document is associated with a surface ID.
This section shows the different prompts that will display at the ENable
command when an SDS is configured on the system.
The following example shows the screen when the selected library is
an MSAR library with the SDS option:
The following example shows the screen when the selected library is
an optical library with the SDS option:
<DOC_tool:lib a>en
drive, Platter(surface), SDS?('d', ‘p’, ‘SDS’):
Starting slot number: 7
Ending slot number: 8
Message sent to scheduler
<DOC_tool:lib a>en
Slot, drive, OpticalLibrary, Platter(surface), SDS?('s', 'd', 'o', ‘p’, ‘SDS’):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 346
When the server is a Cache-only server, there is no library selected. If
an SDS unit is in a DISABLED or DISCONNECTED state, the fol-
lowing prompt will display for the ENable command:
If the ENable command is invoked on a Cache-only server that does
not have an SDS configured, the following message will display:
If the ENable command is invoked on a Cache-only server that does
have an SDS configured but not in an DISABLED or DISCONNECTED
state, the following message will display:
For more information, go to
SDSinfo” on page 358.
Provides summary information on the storage library gripper, including
the media ID and the gripper status (disabled or enabled).
Help or ?
Displays a help menu of DOC_tool commands with brief description of
each. By default, it includes only the commands available without using
the allowupdates command. To display all available commands, you
SDS unit? <y=yes>
Function only available on system with storage libraries configured
No storage libaries configured and no SDS units are DISABLED
Use the SDSinfo command to get more info on the SDS units
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 347
must first enter the allowupdates command, as shown in the following
This option will either insert or incorporate an MSAR (Magnetic
Storage and Retrieval) surface into an MSAR library based on the
MSAR surface file input (an absolute path to a link [.lnk] or data [.dat]
file). If the surface is not incorporated yet, this option will automatically
incorporate it. If the surface is local or already incorporated, this option
will insert it.
When an MSAR surface file is being inserted or incorporated, the
checksum files and file high water mark stored in the MSAR label will
be validated. If the validation fails, the MSAR surface file will not be
inserted and an appropriate message will be displayed. The error
messages can be found in the LSI section of the System Messages
<DOC_tool:lib a>allowupdates
password? Updates allowed
<DOC_tool:lib a>?
Capitals in commands are minimum abbreviations
'LIBRSTatus'...get StorageLibr status 'DRIVESTATUS'..libr drive status
'Surfsum'......surface summary 'SURFace'......display surface rec
'SLot' about slot 'DRIVE' about drive
'DEVsum'.......slot/drive summary 'DMDsum'.......libr demand summary
'Drives'.......all drive info 'ACtsurfs'.....surfaces w/requests
'DEMands'......on a surface 'ODtinfo.......optical disk table
'LIBRINfo' about StorageLibr 'ODStats'......optical disk stats
'DIsable.......dis. slot/drive/libr 'ENable'.......ena. slot/drive/libr
' gripper contents 'SETLibr'......set libr to talk to
'!'............execute shell cmd 'SCRIPT' start a script
'Quit'.........quit program 'Help','?'.....print help menu
'!!'........repeat last cmd
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 348
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
Allowupdates must be invoked before running this insert command.
For incorporation of a foreign MSAR surface, a media family will also
need to be selected.
Provides summary information for all storage libraries attached to a
system, including the number of slots, disks, and drives, the type of
storage library, and the current mode. (See
LIBRSTatus” on
page 349 for information on storage library mode.) In particular, the
information concerning the number of disks helps determine how full
the storage library is getting. The following is an example of LIBRINfo
The following example shows the information returned for a FileNet
OSAR. The Windows Server system in this example has a SCSI
StorageLibrary a: #slots=96, drives=0,1, librtype=FileNet12, mode=normal
StorageLibrary b: #slots=48, drives=0, librtype=Hitachi5, mode=normal
StorageLibrary c: #slots=64, drives=0,1, librtype=FileNet12, mode=normal
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 349
FileNet OSAR 50GTL and a Hewlett Packard model 40T storage
library and an MSAR library attached:
In the previous and following examples, the MSAR surface creation
directory is in Windows format.
The UNIX format would be /fnsw/local/msar.
Displays information on a particular storage library. The following is an
example of output from this option:
Storage Library mode indicates whether the storage library is in
normal, manual, disabled, or backup mode. In normal mode, the
robotic arm within the storage library inserts and removes media. In
manual mode, media are inserted and removed by hand. An Optical
Disk Unit (ODU) is always in manual mode. In disabled mode, the
StorageLibrary a: #slots=32, drives=1,2, librtype=HP Autochanger, mode=normal
StorageLibrary b: #slots=50, drives=1,2, librtype=FileNet_gt, mode=normal
StorageLibrary c: #slots=128, drives= 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,
librtype=MSAR, mode=normal
disk(s) in library = 0
MSAR surface creation directory = d:\msar\9076.dat
Storage Library mode = normal
I/O station status = N/A (No I/O station)
Gripper content status = empty
disk(s) in library = 0
MSAR surface creation directory = d:\msar\9076.dat
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 350
robotic arm in the storage library is disabled, but optical drives could
still be read from and written to. Backup mode only applies to MSAR
I/O station status is the status of the storage library’s input/output sta-
tion. In particular, the information concerning the number of disks helps
determine the how full the storage library is getting. In the example
above, the I/O station is empty and the I/O station door is closed. For
RapidChanger, this field displays “N/A (No I/O Station).
Gripper content status is the status of the storage library gripper. In
the example above, “one full” indicates the gripper is in use. For Rapid-
Changer, this field displays “N/A (No Gripper).
Gripper disabled indicates if the gripper is disabled (1) or enabled (0).
MSAR surface creation directory indicates the directory where
MSAR surfaces files will be created. This field will only be displayed if
the library is an MSAR library.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 351
Provides information on the media surface you specify. The following is
an example of output for surface ID 9069:
Most of this information is extracted from permanent database tables
such as surf_dyn_info and surf_stat_info.
Displays statistics for the media you specify. Output might not appear if
odstatus detects no errors.
Exits DOC_tool.
Surface ID: 9069
surface_id...........9069 fam_id.................18
next_free_sector..3374816 num_used_sects....3363666
num_act_docs........50235 num_del_docs............0
num_clusters............0 old_hw..................0
num_pages...........50235 disk_status.............0
write_protect...........0 sides...................2
last_desc_sect....3257475 nxt_short_desc....3256783
label_date.....0x2a07beb5 full_date......0x00000000
archive_date...0x00000000 last_disk_sect....3374815
orig_ssn..........2623082 orig_surfid..........9069
short_doc_ids: 0
short_sects: 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 352
Displays the volume label (sector 16) and MSAR label (sector 0). The
command prompts the user for an absolute path to the MSAR surface
file name (.dat). The MSAR surface does NOT need to be in the
MSAR library.
If the surface is out of the library, the checksum and high water mark
values will be validated. A message will be displayed to indicate if the
values are valid or invalid.
For MSAR surface files that have the old format (no checksum), the
MSAR label and the volume label content is displayed without doing
checksum validation. This command is NOT password protected. The
following is an example of readmsarlabel output:
Output continued on next page.
<DOC_tool:lib a>readm
MSAR surface file (absolute path with extension .dat): /msar/003440.dat
Surface_ID................3440 family_type..............’PRIMARY’
format_level..............21 system_id................3287
directory_extent_start....64 event_extent_start.......984
directory_extent_end......983 event_extent_end.........1999
byte-sex..................0x1020304 character_set............1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 353
(<DOC_tool:lib a>readm continued)
file HWM in sectors.......4002
number of checksums.......10
chk_array[0].start_sect...3986 chk_array[1].start_sect..1
chk_array[0].num_sect.....16 chk_array[1].num_sect....16
chk_array[0].cks............414e5ab2 chk_array[1].cks...........327e1604
chk_array[2].start_sect...2000 chk_array[3].start_sect..500
chk_array[2].num_sect.....16 chk_array[3].num_sect....16
chk_array[2].cks............89949a66 chk_array[3].cks...........0
chk_array[4].start_sect...1000 chk_array[5].start_sect..1500
chk_array[4].num_sect.....16 chk_array[5].num_sect....16
chk_array[4].cks............0 chk_array[5].cks...........0
chk_array[6].start_sect...2000 chk_array[7].start_sect..2500
chk_array[6].num_sect.....16 chk_array[7].num_sect....16
chk_array[6].cks............89949a66 chk_array[7].cks...........0
chk_array[8].start_sect...3000 chk_array[9].start_sect..3500
chk_array[8].num_sect.....16 chk_array[9].num_sect....16
chk_array[8].cks............0 chk_array[9].cks...........0
Label checksum............d45e4936
Not validating MSAR checksums because surface is inside the library
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 354
Allows the user to remove surface activity records that are no longer
needed or meaningful. This option could be used if a surface was
erased or consolidated. Records can be removed by date or by sur-
After the first prompt above is answered, checking will be done for
invalid dates. All tracking entries with a date equal to or older than the
date entered will be removed. If a valid date is entered, the second
prompt will display. When this is answered, the user is done.
If <CR> is entered at the first prompt, the third prompt will display and
the second prompt will not appear. After the third prompt is answered,
the fourth prompt will display. After the fourth prompt is answered, the
user is done.
Enter tracking removal date (mm/dd/yyyy) (all records prior to this date
will be removed) or <CR>, to remove tracking data by surface id.
Clear surface logging info from mm/dd/yyyy and older? (y/n):
Enter a surface id or <CR> for no surfaces:
Clear surface activity logging for surface xxx? (y/n):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 355
Displays all logged activity for all surfaces or for a selected surface, for
any period of time that logging has been invoked. A report is gener-
ated for a time period you specify with a start date and duration of
days. Any past date could be entered as the starting date of the
report, but only activity from the days when logging was enabled is dis-
If you enter a start date at the first prompt, the date is verified. If you
entered a valid date, the second prompt displays.
After you enter the number of days duration in the second prompt, a
third prompt asks you to specify the surfaces to include in the report.
(If you press <CR> at the first prompt, SATRDetail skips the second
Specifying a non-existent surface at the third prompt results in an
empty report.
(If you press <CR> at the third prompt, SATRDetail displays logged
activity for all surfaces.)
Enter start date (mm/dd/yyyy) for report or <CR>for all days logged:
Enter the duration of the report (in days):
Enter a surface id or <CR> for all surfaces:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 356
Based on a start date of 9/22/2001, a duration of 20 days, and all sur-
faces selected, a report similar to the following displays.
There is one report line for any daily activity for each surface during the
specified duration of days. If there is no activity for a day of the report,
that date does not appear for that surface.
The value in the mounts column is increased only when the dtp pro-
cess recognizes a disk change in the drive. If no disk is in a drive,
inserting a disk is not counted as a mount.
Displays the total of all activity logged for each surface or for a single
selected surface for the time period specified by the user. The same
user interface as described in the satrdet option applies to this option.
There is one line of report data for each surface in the permanent data-
Surface Activity Summary Report
09/22/2001 - 10/11/2001. (20 days)
Date of report: 10/12/2001
Surf_id date mounts surface surface total surface
reads writes transfers
5001 09/22/2001 5 100 0 100
5001 09/23/2001 3 50 2 52
5001 09/28/2001 10 81 0 81
5004 09/22/2001 8 56 20 76
5004 09/24/2001 12 1000 0 1000
5004 09/29/2001 12 400 0 400
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 357
base even if no activity occurred. The activity for all days in the speci-
fied duration is be summed and reported.
A report similar to the following displays:
The NP in the screen above stands for Not Present.
The value in the mounts column is increased only when the dtp pro-
cess recognizes a disk change in the drive. If no disk is in a drive,
inserting a disk is not counted as a mount.
Starts execution of a previously-written script from a file name that you
specify. The program prompts you for the script name when you enter
the SCRIPT command.
Surface Activity Summary Report
09/22/2001 - 10/11/2001. (20 days)
Date of report: 10/12/2001 no
Surf_id lib mounts reads writes total requests record
5001 a 8 150 2 152
5002 a 0 0 0 0
5003 a 0 0 0 0
5004 a 42 1537 0 1537
5023 NP 0 0 0 0
5024 a 0 0 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 358
Allows the user to view the current state of the SDS unit an its associ-
ated SDS worker (either SDS_CSAR_reader or SDS_FS_reader) as
well as performance information.
Only one SDS worker could be configured on a system, either the
SDS_CSAR_reader or the SDS_FS_reader. Various SDSinfo fields
are impacted and will only display the information for the configured
SDSinfo command prompt and options:
If the SDSinfo command is invoked and there are no SDS units config-
ured on the server, the following message is displayed:
The SDSinfo command supports four options allowing the user to dis-
play a summary, an SDS queue, a detail worker, or an all information
report, as shown below:
Basic information is displayed for all reports, regardless of which
SDSinfo option is selected. The following table describes this basic
<DOC_tool:lib a>sdsinfo
No SDS have been configured on this server
<DOC_tool:lib a>sdsinfo
Summary info, Queued request info, Worker info, or All info?
('s', 'q', 'w', 'a')
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 359
Basic SDS Information
Field Name Description
SDS unit number The SDS unit will always be set to 1 in this release.
SDS state
The SDS unit could be set to a DISABLED state (via the DISable option of
DOC_tool, to an ENABLED state (via the
ENable option of the DOC_tool, and
a DISCONNECTED state (via the SDS_worker [SDS_FS_reader] because the
SDS_worker has encountered a problem making it impossible to process re-
SDS Priority This can be set to high, medium, or low and this setting is extracted from the
sds_conf file. This setting is for when a document is not found in cache. High
priority means the document will first be looked for on the SDS unit, then in “in
box” MSAR, and finally on optical. Medium priority means the documents will
first be looked for in “in box” MSAR, then on the SDS unit, and last on optical.
Low priority means the document will first be looked for in “in box” MSAR, then
on optical and finally on the SDS unit.
SDS Worker name The SDS Worker name uses the format SDS_<device>_reader
NetApp SnapLock - SDS_FS_reader
IBM DR550 - SDS_ISAR_reader
EMC Centera - SDS_CSAR_reader
Number SDS worker
This indicates how many SDS worker instances are running. The number of
worker instances is configurable through the sds_config file and the valid num-
ber instances are 1 to 99.
SDS info The SDS Worker expects the following label:
workingdirectory = <directory name>
This is a maximum of 1024 characters.
SDS queue length This displays the current number (0-n) of SDS queued requests. A high num-
ber here could be the indication of a problem.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 360
When the Summary option is selected, the basic information as
described above is displayed and the summary worker report is dis-
The following table describes this Summary worker report information:
SDS Counter Summary Worker Information
Counter Name Description
Requests Processed Total number of requests that have been processed by all of the SDS worker
Successful requests
Total number of requests that have been successfully processed.
Requests satisfied
via SDS device (IBM
Total number of requests that have been processed using SDS. By subtract-
ing the “Requests satisfied via SDS” from the “Requests Processed,” the num-
ber of requests processed using the NLS working directory could be
Errors Total number of errors encountered. These are only errors that were not cor-
rected after retries and did not result in termination of SDS worker processes.
Last_error Last error encountered by the last SDS worker process. If no errors were en-
countered by SDS workers, this field is not displayed.
Images retrieved Total number of images retrieved.
Data retrieved Total amount of data, in K-bytes, transferred to CSM cache from the NLS
working directory.
AVG request size Average size of data transfer per requests. A standard deviation for this field
is also displayed, and this could be used to gauge the other Standard Devia-
tions to follow.
AVG image size Average size of image page transferred.
Number of SDS de-
vice reads (API calls)
Centera: Total number of calls to the FPTag_BlobReadPartial API entry point.
IBM DR550: Total number of this sequence of API calls to read a DR550
Tivoli® object.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 361
Number of SDS de-
vice query calls
IBM DR550 Only: Number of queries for an internal object ID based on the
object name.
Partial calls
Total number of calls to the FPTag_BlobReadPartial API entry point.
*This field will not display if the SDS_FS_reader is configured on your system.
Number of SDS de-
vice requests where
the whole document
fits into the internal
image_buffer (128K)
Centera and IBM DR550: Requests where the whole document fits into the
internal buffer. The size of configurable internal buffer is displayed.
Centera Only: The BLOB size is part of the CLIP meta-data. If the BLOB size
is less than or equal to the internal buffer size, the whole BLOB will be read
into the internal buffer with a single BLOB Read call. Using a single BLOB
read will maximize system performance, so it is important to have DBP buffer
size equal to the BLOB size if possible.
Number of SDS de-
vice requests where
the requested im-
ages fit into the inter-
nal image_buffer
Centera and IBM DR550: Requests where all of the images fit into the internal
buffer. The total size of these images is displayed.
Centera Only: If the whole document cannot fit into the internal buffer, the
header and table of contents (TOC) information will be read into the internal
buffer with one BLOB read. The TOC includes the offset and size of each
page of the document.
Number of SDS de-
vice requests where
the requested im-
ages do not fit into
the internal image_
buffer (128K)
Centera and IBM DR550: Requests where all of the images do not fit into the
internal buffer.
Centera Only: If the requested pages do not fit in the internal buffer, the
header and TOC information will be read into the internal buffer with one
BLOB read, and each requested page will require at least one BLOB read. In
the case where the individual page exceeds the internal buffer, multiple BLOB
reads will be required per page. Only requested pages are read to the internal
buffer and written to cache.
Cache hits Number of pages already in cache when a read request for a multi-page doc-
ument is executed.
SDS Counter Summary Worker Information, Continued
Counter Name Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 362
The following table describes the Accumulated Average Time Sum-
mary Worker Report information, which is also displayed using the
Summary option:
SDS Accumulated Average Time Summary Worker Report
Average Accumulated
Times Description
Up time Accumulated average up time of all the SDS workers in seconds/workers.
Idle time Accumulated average up time of all the SDS workers in seconds/worker. This
is the time that workers are idle waiting for requests to be processed.
Total processing time Total elapsed processing time per worker. The average time elapsed per re-
quest is also displayed in seconds/workers with its standard deviation. The
average time elapsed per image page (seconds/image page) and elapsed per
K-byte (seconds/K-byte) is also displayed.
Time in get_doc_
Accumulated average time in the get_doc_from_file_system() subroutine in
seconds/workers. This is the accumulated time taken to execute the get_doc_
from_file_system subroutine which includes extracting the requested docu-
ment pages from the file system and writing them to page cache.
Time in get_doc_
Centera and IBM DR550: Accumulated average time in the get_doc_from_
device() subroutine in seconds/workers. This is the accumulated time taken to
execute the get_doc_from_device subroutine which includes extracting the
requested document pages from the SDS device and writing them to page
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 363
AVG time in SDS de-
vice open and read
(API calls)
Accumulated average time doing API calls (Seconds/workers).
Centera: This includes operations such as Open Pool, Open Clip and BLOB
reads. It is a subset of the operations performed by the get_doc_from_centera
subroutine. The average time elapsed per request is also displayed (seconds/
requests) with the Standard Deviation. A summed squared of each elapsed
time to do the Centera API calls per requests is calculated and stored. This is
done so the Standard Deviation for Centera API calls time per requests can
be calculated. The average time elapsed per image page (seconds/image
page) and elapsed per K-byte (seconds/K-byte) is also displayed.
IBM DR550: Includes the set of API calls to connect to the DR550, query ses-
sion information and API version number, and the sequence of API calls to
read a DR550 object.
AVG time in SDS de-
vice read only (API
Centera: Accumulated average time doing FileNet BLOB reads.
IBM DR550: Includes the set of API calls to read a DR550 object.
For both, this is a subset of the accumulated time doing API calls. The average
time elapsed per request is also displayed (seconds/requests) with the Stan-
dard Deviation. The average time elapsed per image page (seconds/image
page) and elapsed per K-byte (seconds/K-byte) is also displayed.
AVG time in SDS de-
vice query calls
IBM DR550 Only: The average in doing a query call to obtain an internal ob-
ject ID based on the object name.
SDS Accumulated Average Time Summary Worker Report, Continued
Average Accumulated
Times Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 364
Note The samples below display the output that would be seen when the
SDS_CSAR_reader is configured. When the SDS_FS_reader is con-
figured, none of the Centera related fields will be displayed as indi-
cated on the previous pages with a *.
AVG time in Writing
to page cache (CSM)
Accumulated average time doing CSM cache calls. The accumulated time in-
cludes time spent writing to cache. The average time elapsed per request is
also displayed (seconds/requests) with the Standard Deviation. The average
time elapsed per image page (seconds/image page) and elapsed per K-byte
(seconds/K-byte) is also displayed.
AVG requests queue
wait time
The average wait time in seconds per request. The wait time is the elapsed
time of when a request is enqueued by the dispatch process, and the time the
SDS_FS_reader dequeues the request. The wait time is accumulated and an
average is displayed here. In addition, a Standard Deviation of wait time in
seconds per request is also calculated and displayed.
SDS Accumulated Average Time Summary Worker Report, Continued
Average Accumulated
Times Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 365
Sample output - Summary Option
<DOC_tool:lib a>sdsinfo
Summary info, Queued request info, Worker info, or All info?
('s', 'q', 'w', 'a'): : s
The current time is Mon Aug 28 14:37:35 2006
SDS info: SUMMARY option
****** SDS unit = 1 state = ENABLED SDS priority = medium ********
DEBUG Setting = MAX
Worker = 'SDS_ISAR_reader' Number Instances = 1
info = 'WorkingDirectory=/NLS/tivoli domain='
Current number of outstanding requests in the SDS queue: 0
Total Accumulated counters from all workers(1):
Requests processed = 3
Successful requests processed = 2
Requests satisfied via SDS device (IBM DR550): 2
Errors = 1
Images retrieved = 9
Data retrieved = 0.719210MB
AVG request size = 245.490234K (STDEV=477699.203356)
AVG Image Size = 81.830078K
Number of SDS device read (API calls) = 11
Number of SDS device query calls = 0
Number of SDS device requests where the whole document fits
into the internal image_buffer (128K): 0
Number of SDS device requests where the requested images fits
into the internal image_buffer (128K): 1
Number of SDS device requests where the requested images do not
fit into the internal image_buffer (128K): 1
Cache hits: 0
Up time: 76152.546358 secs/workers (1269.209106 mins)
Idle time: 76147.776404 secs/workers (1269.129607 mins) (99.99%)
(continued on next page)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 366
Sample output - Summary Option, continued
Total processing time: 4.752298 secs/workers
(1.584099 secs/reqs)
(0.848008 STDEV secs/reqs)
(0.528033 secs/image page)
(0.006453 secs/KB)
Time in get_doc_from_filesystem(): 0.000790 secs/workers
Time in get_doc_from_device(): 4.076062 secs/workers
AVG time in SDS device open and read (API calls): 2.991772 secs/workers
(0.997257 secs/reqs)
(0.840033 STDEV secs/reqs)
(0.332419 secs/image page)
(0.004062 secs/KB)
AVG time in SDS device read only (API calls): 2.133966 secs/worker
(0.711322 secs/reqs)
(0.237107 secs/image page)
(0.002898 secs/KB)
AVG time in SDS device query calls: 0.000000 secs/worker
AVG time in writing to page cache (CSM): 0.438663 secs/workers
(0.146221 secs/reqs)
(0.179214 STDEV secs/reqs)
(0.048740 secs/image page)
(0.000596 secs/KB)
AVG requests queue wait time: 0.247177 secs/reqs
(0.426779 STDEV secs/reqs)
<DOC_tool:lib a>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 367
When the Queue option is selected:
All the Basic SDS information is displayed and detailed information
about any outstanding SDS queued requests is displayed.
Sample output - Queue Option
<DOC_tool:lib a>sdsinfo
Summary info, Queued request info, Worker info, or All info?
('s', 'q', 'w', 'a'): : q
The current time is Mon Aug 28 14:42:15 2006
SDS info: QUEUED option
****** SDS unit = 1 state = ENABLED SDS priority = high ********
DEBUG Setting = MAX
Worker = 'SDS_CSAR_reader' Number Instances = 1
info = 'WorkingDirectory=/NLS/centera emcdomain=,'
Current number of outstanding requests in the SDS queue: 2
Request Type: READ_REQUEST
doc_id = 104148, doc_index = 104148, ssn = 8815170,
cache_id = 1, cache_ssn = 8815170, firstpage = 1, numpages = 1,
prim_surf_id = 3014, tran_surf_id = 0
notify_ptr =5f60abf8, has_clipid = TRUE
Request Type: READ_REQUEST
doc_id = 104148, doc_index = 104148, ssn = 8815170,
cache_id = 1, cache_ssn = 8815170, firstpage = 1, numpages = 1,
prim_surf_id = 3014, tran_surf_id = 0
notify_ptr =5f60abb0, has_clipid = TRUE
<DOC_tool:lib a>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 368
If there are no requests in the SDS queue, a message similar to the fol-
lowing will be displayed:
Sample output - Empty Queue Option
When the Worker option is selected:
The Basic SDS information is displayed, along with information about
each active worker, and a summary worker report. The information
displayed is similar to worker summary reports but the counters and
time accumulates are specific to each worker. The fields displayed in
the Summary report and Worker report are the same except there is
an additional field, the “Last request done” field which is a time stamp
of the last request done.
<DOC_tool:lib a>sdsinfo
Summary info, Queued request info, Worker info, or All info?
('s', 'q', 'w', 'a'): : q
The current time is Mon Aug 28 14:46:53 2006
SDS info: QUEUED option
****** SDS unit = 1 state = ENABLED SDS priority = high ********
DEBUG Setting = MAX
Worker = 'SDS_CSAR_reader' Number Instances = 4
info = 'workingdirectory=/surf/HSM_DISK emcdomain='
Current number of outstanding requests in the SDS queue: 0
SDS (unit=1) queue is currently empty
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 369
Sample output - Worker Option
<DOC_tool:lib a>sdsinfo
Summary info, Queued request info, Worker info, or All info?
('s', 'q', 'w', 'a'): : w
The current time is Mon Aug 28 14:51:10 2006
SDS info: WORKER option
****** SDS unit = 1 state = ENABLED SDS priority = medium ********
DEBUG Setting = MAX
Worker = 'SDS_ISAR_reader' Number Instances = 3
info = 'WorkingDirectory=/NLS/tivoli domain='
Current number of outstanding requests in the SDS queue: 0
Worker instance 1:
Requests processed: 3
Requests satisfied via SDS device (IBM DR550): 2
Successful requests processed: 2
Errors: 1 (last error = ca64000a)
Retrieved image pages count: 9
Retrieved data: 0.719210MB
AVG Image Size = 81.830078K
AVG request size = 245.490234K
Number of SDS device read (API calls): 11
Number of SDS device query calls: 0
Number of SDS device requests where the whole document fits
into the internal image_buffer (128K): 0
Number of SDS device requests where the requested images fits
into the internal image_buffer (128K): 1
Number of SDS device requests where the requested images do not
fit into the internal image_buffer (128K): 1
Cache hits: 0
(continued on next page)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 370
When the all option is selected, all the information above is displayed.
Sample output - Worker Option, continued
Up time = 76481.966902 secs (1274.699448 mins)
Total Idle time = 76477.196948 secs (1274.619949 mins) (99.99%)
Last request done = 76355.779166 secs (1272.596319 mins)
Total processing time: 4.752298 secs
(1.584099 secs/reqs)
(0.528033 secs/image page)
(0.006453 secs/KB)
Time in get_doc_from_filesystem(): 0.000790 secs
Time in get_doc_from_device(): 4.076062 secs
Time in SDS device open and read (API calls): 2.991772 secs
(0.997257 secs/reqs)
(0.332419 secs/image page)
(0.004062 secs/KB)
Time in SDS device read only (API calls): 2.133966 secs
(0.711322 secs/reqs)
(0.237107 secs/image page)
(0.002898 secs/KB)
Time in SDS device querying database: 0.000000 secs
Time in writing to page cache(CSM): 0.438663 secs
(0.146221 secs/reqs)
(0.048740 secs/page)
(0.000596 secs/KB)
Total SDS requests queue wait: 0.741531 secs
(0.247177 secs/reqs)
(0.082392 secs/page)
(0.001007 secs/KB)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 371
Sample output - All Option
<DOC_tool:lib a>sdsinfo
Summary info, Queued request info, Worker info, or All info?
('s', 'q', 'w', 'a'): : a
The current time is Mon Aug 28 14:59:32 2006
SDS info: ALL option
***** SDS unit = 1 state = ENABLED SDS priority = medium ********
DEBUG Setting = MAX
Worker = 'SDS_ISAR_reader' Number Instances = 1
info = 'workingdirectory=/NLS/tivoli domain='
Current number of outstanding requests in the SDS queue: 0
SDS (unit=1) queue is currently empty
Worker instance 1:
Requests processed: 3
Requests satisfied via SDS device (IBM DR550): 2
Successful requests processed: 2
Errors: 1 (last error = ca64000a)
Retrieved image pages count: 9
Retrieved data: 0.719210MB
AVG Image Size = 81.830078K
AVG request size = 245.490234K
Number of SDS device read (API calls): 11
Number of SDS device query calls: 0
Number of SDS device requests where the whole document fits
into the internal image_buffer (128K): 0
Number of SDS device requests where the requested images fits
into the internal image_buffer (128K): 1
Number of SDS device requests where the requested images do not
fit into the internal image_buffer (128K): 1
Cache hits: 0
(continued on next page)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 372
Sample output - All Option, continued
Up time = 76594.523156 secs (1276.575386 mins)
Total Idle time = 76589.753202 secs (1276.495887 mins) (99.99%)
Last request done = 76468.335420 secs (1274.472257 mins)
Total processing time: 4.752298 secs
(1.584099 secs/reqs)
(0.528033 secs/image page)
(0.006453 secs/KB)
Time in get_doc_from_filesystem(): 0.000790 secs
Time in get_doc_from_device(): 4.076062 secs
Time in SDS device open and read (API calls): 2.991772 secs
(0.997257 secs/reqs)
(0.332419 secs/image page)
(0.004062 secs/KB)
Time in SDS device read only (API calls): 2.133966 secs
(0.711322 secs/reqs)
(0.237107 secs/image page)
(0.002898 secs/KB)
Time in SDS device querying database: 0.000000 secs
Time in writing to page cache(CSM): 0.438663 secs
(0.146221 secs/reqs)
(0.048740 secs/page)
(0.000596 secs/KB)
Total SDS requests queue wait: 0.741531 secs
(0.247177 secs/reqs)
(0.082392 secs/page)
(0.001007 secs/KB)
Total Accumulated counters from all workers(1):
Requests processed = 3
Successful requests processed = 2
Requests satisfied via SDS device (IBM DR550): 2
Errors = 1
last error = ca64000a
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 373
Allows you to specify the storage library for which you want informa-
tion. Some DOC_tool commands display information about the default
storage library, a, unless you first select a specific storage library with
the setlibr command.
To specify a new storage library, enter setlibr at the DOC_tool prompt.
Specify the storage library ID at the following prompt:
Current Storage Library is: a
New Storage Library (a, b, ...,h):
If you specify an invalid storage library, the following message displays:
New Storage Library is not configured, current osar unchanged
Provides information on a slot within the storage library.
DOC_tool slot first prompts you for a slot number so before using this
command, use the surfsum command to display a list of possible slot
The following is an example of output for slot 35, which is entered at
the prompt in the first line of the output below:
Slot number: 35
Slot 35:
Contents: known Disk id: 9018
Error count: 0 Mount time: 709841382
Disabled: 0 Config: 1
Assigned to toq: 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 374
The slot command output displays the following information:
Contents field displays a description of the slot contents (known,
empty, unident, unlabld). Each descriptive value is described below:
Error count displays the number of failed attempts to access the slot.
The slot is disabled if the error count exceeds a set limit.
Mount time is the number of seconds the media has been mounted in
the slot.
Disabled is a value that describes whether or not the slot is disabled. 0
indicates the slot is enabled, 1 indicates the slot is disabled.
Config is the configuration status. 1 means the slot is configured. This
value is always 1 for a slot.
Assigned to toq is a disk scheduler indicator. If the value is 1, an
RSVP has been posted to eject the media in the slot and the scheduler
does not attempt to swap the disk into a drive. If the value is 0, you can
schedule the media for a swap.
Contents Description
known A known surface is in the slot. If the contents is
known, the media ID displays in the Disk ID field.
empty The slot is empty.
unident The media in the slot cannot be identified.
unlabld The media in the slot is blank.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 375
Displays surface records on specific media or in a specific slot. You
specify the surface ID for which you want information, as shown in the
sample output below for surface ID 9069:
Most of these records are extracted from permanent database tables
such as surf_info, surf_locator, and scalar_numbers.
The MSAR information in the example above can be defined as fol-
If MSARReadOnly is 1, the surface could be read from but not
written to. If MSARReadOnly is 0, the surface is available for
reads and writes.
Surface ID: 9069
Surfid..9069 OrigSurfid..9069 OrigSSN.......2623082
Fam id..18 NxtAvlSect..3374816 LastDiskSect..3374815 DiskType..5
Lock....0 LockPid.....0 LockCount.....0 Gdp.......00000000
Io_hist_counts: 19 92 51 46, time: 709925743, index: 0
seek_depth: high=10, mid=0, low=0, seek_ascend: 1, seek_sect: 169964
Osar#....0 Location....in_gripper Slot...0 Unavail..0 DoNotUse..0
Primary..1 From_oper...0 Drive..0 Loaded...1 WrtProt...0
MSARReadOnly 1
HighPriRead MedPriRead Write LowPriRead Bckgrnd Total
----------- ---------- ----- ---------- ------- -----
Count: 2 0 0 0 0 2
Time: 10:39:01 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00
Cur time: 709925965 = 10:39:25, ODU: R1=0 R2=0 W=0 R3=0 Bkg=0 Tot=0
MSAR surface file = d:\msar\9069.dat
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 376
MSAR surface files are the MSAR equivalent to optical surfaces.
MSAR surface files are dynamically created and allotted by the
MSAR software on an as-needed basis. The field MSAR surface
file shows the last location of the data file for the surface.
Provides information on media in a storage library, including the loca-
tion and the number of reads and writes scheduled to the media.
Many DOC_tool commands prompt for a media surface number or slot
number. Run surfsum to locate these numbers.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 377
The following example of surfsum output has been abbreviated for
readability). Each column of information is described after the
Column 1 - media surface in the storage library. In this example, all
media surface numbers are in the 9000 range.
9087: a in_drive 0 #Op=4 W=172 #xfer: 52
9086: a in_drive 0
9069: a in_drive 1 R1=2 #xfer: 0
9068: a in_drive 1
9085: a in_slot 30
9084: a in_slot 30
9035: a in_slot 29
9034: a in_slot 29
9005: a in_slot 34
9004: a in_slot 34
9089: a in_slot 27
9088: a in_slot 27 W=56
9076: b in_slot 3 R1=1 DoNotUse
MSAR surface file= d:\msar\9076.dat
9096: b in_slot 2 R1=1 MSARReadOnly
MSAR surface file= d:\msar\9096.dat
9090: not_in_libr R2=3 W=5 R3=10 Bkg=1
MSAR surface file= d:\msar\9090.dat
9081: not_in_libr
9080: not_in_libr R1=1
9014: not_in_osar
9057: not_in_osar
9056: not_in_osar R1=1
Total of 36 surface records
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 378
Column 2 - the storage library in which the media surface is located
and the location of the surface within that storage library. In this
example, the first set of surfaces (9087 through 9088) are located in
storage library a and are either in a drive (in_drive) or a slot (in_slot).
Surfaces 9014, 9056, and 9057 are not in a storage library (not_in_
osar). Library b is an MSAR library.
Column 3 - the drive number or slot number for the media surface. In
the example, surfaces 9086 and 9087 belong to drive 0. Surfaces 9084
and 9085 belong to slot 30. Note that each drive and slot has two asso-
ciated surfaces, one odd and one even.
The remaining columns display additional information such as the
number of reads (of type R1, R2, or R3) and writes (W) to a surface.
Not all media surfaces display this information. The fields display only
when requests are generated to a certain surface. Each field is
described below:
Field Label Description
#Op Number of times an open operation has been per-
formed on the surface.
#xfer Number of transfers that have occurred to the sur-
R1 Number of high priority read requests performed
against this surface
R2 Number of medium priority read requests performed
against this surface
R3 Number of low priority read requests performed
against this surface
W Number of write requests performed against this
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 379
Executes a shell command
Repeats the last command
Before you use DOC_tool, be aware of the following:
You must have a valid fnlogon session or be logged on as a mem-
ber of the fnadmin group before you use this tool.
You must run DOC_tool from within the /fnsw/bin directory.
Before you start DOC_tool, the permanent database must be run-
You must run DOC_tool from the server to which the storage library
is connected.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 380
1 At the command line, enter DOC_tool.
The prompt changes to <DOC_tool>.
2 Specify the storage library.
If you want information for other than the default storage library, use
the setlibr command to specify a different storage library.
3 Enter desired commands.
To repeat a command, enter !! at the DOC_tool prompt.
4 Exit DOC_tool.
When your analysis is complete, enter quit at the prompt.
Related Topics
See the “Storage Library Control” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook.
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 381
The EBR_clean utility is for use only by your service representative
to reclaim shared memory and interlocks for a failed backup or restore.
For additional information, refer to Appendix A of the Enterprise
Backup/Restore User’s Guide. To download IBM FileNet documenta-
tion from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Docu-
mentation” on page 19.
The EBR_genscript tool generates dataset definition files, device spec-
ification files, and builds backup and restore scripts through a ques-
tion-and-answer interface. In addition, EBR_genscript optionally
determines the number of tapes required to back up the selected
For additional information, refer to Appendix A of the Enterprise
Backup/Restore User’s Guide.
The EBR_label utility labels and relabels the following:
tapes in a stand-alone tape drive used for backup
tapes in a tape library used for backup
magnetic disk files used for backup
For additional information, refer to Appendix A of the Enterprise
Backup/Restore User’s Guide. To download IBM FileNet documenta-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 382
tion from the IBM support page, see Accessing IBM FileNet Docu-
mentation” on page 19
If an Oracle database in online backup mode terminates abnormally,
the database is left in a state in which the rollforward of redo logs has
not completed. To reset the database to a working state, run the
EBR_orreset utility.
For additional information, refer to Appendix A of the Enterprise
Backup/Restore User’s Guide. To download IBM FileNet documenta-
tion from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Docu-
mentation” on page 19.
The EBR_tdir utility displays the tape label on a tape in a stand-alone
tape drive or tape library, or on a disk file.
For additional information, refer to Appendix A of the Enterprise
Backup/Restore User’s Guide.
EBR_ulmk unlocks MKF databases that have been locked for an offline
backup that did not complete. Locking the database insures a clean
backup by keeping the database offline for the duration of the backup.
For additional information, refer to Appendix A of the Enterprise
Backup/Restore User’s Guide.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 383
Through a command-driven interface, eladisp displays statistics col-
lected by the Event Logging Abstract (ELA). In certain instances, you
simply need to monitor ELA data collection. In others, you need to
modify ELA data collection capabilities to obtain specific information
about your system or to aid in troubleshooting. Data collection capabil-
ities are controlled by the contents of an event codes file.
The eladisp tool collects data only for Courier remote programs.
The event codes file contains ELA event codes, a numeric code under
which data is collected and maintained in the ELA shared library. When
you start eladisp, eladisp first attempts to read an event codes file. If
you specified the -d option, eladisp reads the event codes file you
specified. Otherwise, eladisp reads the default event codes file,
/fnsw/lib/perf/ela/elacodes in UNIX and \fnsw\lib\perf\ela\elacodes in
Windows Server. If the attempt to read the file is unsuccessful, eladisp
terminates. If successful, eladisp initializes all internal tables and sets
up its input/output environment.
You control the display of ELA statistics by entering commands. Event
names are the most important command parameters. Event names
are symbolic names that map to the ELA event codes. You can assign
ELA codes to any software module or even across modules.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 384
An event code has two parts: the major category and the minor cate-
gory. These parts map to major category names and minor category
names. A complete event name consists of a major category name
and a minor category name (for example, an event name could consist
of a remote program name and a procedure name). When only a major
category name is specified in an eladisp command, eladisp considers
all the minor categories under the major category as well.
ELA major and minor event names are input for many eladisp com-
mands. These parameters are described below:
<majorevent> A symbolic ELA major category name or a unique prefix for one, such
as a remote program name like DOC or CSM. For remote programs, a
“c” suffix is added to indicate client stubs. ELA names and codes are in
/fnsw/lib/perf/ela/elacodes (UNIX) and \fnsw\lib\perf\ela\elacodes (Win-
dows Server). Names must begin with an alphabetic character and are
limited to 16 characters.
<minorevent> A symbolic ELA minor category name associated with a major cate-
gory. Minor event categories are listed under the major event catego-
ries in /fnsw/lib/perf/ela/elacodes (UNIX) and
\fnsw\lib\perf\ela\elacodes (Windows Server).
Use the show directory command to display a list of all major and
minor event categories defined for your system.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 385
The partial output below lists the major event code for a WorkFlo
Queue Services (WQS) client with its 39 minor event names.
Compare the output above with information stored in the event codes
file (elacodes) shown below. The syntax of file entries is:
.event <event_code> <symb_name> [<n_minors>] [“<help_
eladisp> show directory
WQSc minors = 39 WQSc (client)
Minor categories:
***** **********
CloseQueue Continue CountEntries
CreateQueue CreateWorkspace DeleteEntry
DeleteQueue DeleteWorkspace DropTable
DumpQueueStats EmptyQueue EndDump
GetQueueDesc GetServerStats GetTableName
GetWorkspaceInfo InsertEntry InstallQueue
Logoff Logon Logon1
OpenQueue ReadDump ReadEntry
ReadQueue StartDump ToggleTrace
UpdateEntry UpdateQueue UpdateWorkspace
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 386
.event 90 WQSc 39 "WorkFlo Queue Services (client)"
Logon 1
Logoff 2
Continue 3
CreateQueue 4
DeleteQueue 5
GetQueueDesc 6
UpdateQueue 7
OpenQueue 8
CloseQueue 9
CountEntries 10
ReadQueue 11
ReadEntry 12
InsertEntry 13
DeleteEntry 14
UpdateEntry 15
StartDump 16
EndDump 18
#GetQueueNames 19
#GetServerName 20
GetServerStats 23
DumpQueueStats 24
ToggleTrace 27
DropTable 29
Logon1 31
GetTableName 32
CreateWorkspace 33
DeleteWorkspace 34
UpdateWorkspace 35
GetWorkspaceInfo 36
InstallQueue 37
EmptyQueue 38
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 387
Use eladisp to display statistics collected by the Event Logging
Abstract or to monitor or modify ELA data collection capabilities.
Enter eladisp at the command line to start the tool. An information
message displays and the command prompt changes to eladisp>. At
the prompt, enter eladisp commands or a? if you need help.
For command help and descriptions, see
Commands” on page 388.
eladisp [-d <filename>]
-d <filename> Full path name of the event codes file. If you do not specify a name,
eladisp uses the default file /fnsw/lib/perf/ela/elacodes (UNIX) or
\fnsw\lib\perf\ela\elacodes (Windows Server).
The -d option does not redirect output. Use the standard syntax avail-
able with your command shell to redirect the output.
corona(root)/> eladisp
eladisp: found 27 event categories
Type ? for help
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 388
If you start eladisp with no arguments, it locates and displays the
number of event categories currently being logged by ELA then returns
a prompt (eladisp>) from which you enter commands. Each command
has a set of options. Help is available for each command and its
Getting Command Help
Three levels of help are available to help you select the appropriate
eladisp command and options:
To display a list of all commands, enter a question mark (?) at the
eladisp prompt.
To display a list of all options of a command category, enter a ques-
tion mark followed by a command (? show) at the eladisp prompt.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 389
To obtain a list of command options and a description of the infor-
mation this combination provides, enter the help command fol-
lowed by the command (for example, help show) at the eladisp
A question mark (?) displays all eladisp commands:
Main ELA commands
Commands to assign ELA parameters
ASSIGN BINDINGS <channel_id> {[<major_event> | <minor_event>]}
ASSIGN CHFILTER <channel_id> ['['<hostnum>']'] [<groupname>]
ASSIGN HISTOGRAM <minorevent> <histog_typ> <lowvalue> <highvalue>
ASSIGN MATCHCOND <minorevent> ['['<hostnum>']'] [<groupname>]
Commands to disable data collection
DISABLE EVENT <majorevent_list>
DISABLE HISTOGRAM <minorevent> <histog_typ>
DISABLE TRACE <channel_id>
Commands to enable data collection
ENABLE EVENT <majorevent_list>
ENABLE HISTOGRAM <minorevent> <histog_typ>
ENABLE TRACE <channel_id>
Data display commands
SHOW BINDINGS <channel_id>
SHOW CHANNEL [<major_event> | <minor_event> | <channel_id>]
SHOW CHFILTER <channel_id>
SHOW DESCRIPTION [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 390
SHOW DIRECTORY [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
SHOW EVENT [<minorevent> | <majorevent>]
SHOW HISTOGRAMS [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
SHOW STATUS <channel_id>
SHOW TRACE channel_id> [<list_of_event_names>] ["| <shell_cmd>", "> file"]---
Special commands
Commands to clear ELA data
CLEAR EVENT *** No execution permission
CLEAR HISTOGRAM <minorevent> <histog_typ>
Commands to remove ELA objects
REMOVE BINDINGS {[<major_event> | <minor_event>]}
REMOVE CHANNEL *** No execution permission
REMOVE EVENT *** No execution permission
Commands to reset trace channel data
RESET CHANNEL *** No execution permission
RESET READP <channel_id> <offset>
Commands of general utility
! <command>
? [<command>]
HELP [<command>]
READ <filename>
SET [<variable>] [<value>]
^ [<number> | <command>]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 391
Compare the differences between the two levels of command help in
the following examples:
eladisp>? show
Data display commands
SHOW BINDINGS <channel_id>
SHOW CHANNEL [<major_event> | <minor_event> | <channel_id>]
SHOW CHFILTER <channel_id>
SHOW DESCRIPTION [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
SHOW DIRECTORY [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
SHOW EVENT [<minorevent> | <majorevent>]
SHOW HISTOGRAMS [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
SHOW STATUS <channel_id>
SHOW TRACE <channel_id> [<list_of_event_names>] ["| <shell_cmd>", ">
eladisp>help show
Data display commands
SHOW BINDINGS <channel_id>
--- Show binding(s) for a channel
SHOW CHANNEL [<major_event> | <minor_event> | <channel_id>]
--- Verify channel id or show binding for an event or event category
SHOW CHFILTER <channel_id>
--- Show match (filter) conditions for a channel
SHOW DESCRIPTION [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
--- Print remote procedure description
SHOW DIRECTORY [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
--- Show list of events
SHOW EVENT [<minorevent> | <majorevent>]
--- Show ELA event data
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 392
SHOW HISTOGRAMS [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
--- Show histogram data
--- Show ELA lock statistics
SHOW STATUS <channel_id>
--- Show status (description) of a channel
SHOW TRACE <channel_id> [<list_of_event_names>] ["| <shell_cmd>", ">
--- Show event trace entries for a channel
Many eladisp commands are available. This section describes only the
most frequently used, starting with general utility commands which
affect the operation or the data display mode of many other com-
General Utility Commands
General utility commands change command execution modes,
enhance your use of eladisp, or improve your productivity with the tool.
The use of the help command is discussed in
Getting Command
Help” on page 388. Some of the other most commonly used general
utility commands—read, set, and data display controls—are described
read <filename>
Reads and interprets commands from the specified input file. Within
the file, all text on a line following a # symbol is interpreted as a com-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 393
ment. The following sample file contains commands to collect all active
ELA data in a UNIX file:
set [<variable>] [<value>]
Sets or inspects a program variable value.
If you enter set with no parameters, the command lists the values of all
If you enter set with one parameter, the set command lists the value of
the variable specified by the first parameter. However, if you specify a
second parameter, eladisp attempts to set the specified variable to the
value specified by the second parameter.
Data Display Control Commands
Another group of general utility commands control the display of data.
The eladisp output is designed for display on tty device screens in one
of three modes: interactive, scrolling, or auto-refresh.
In interactive and auto-refresh modes, a list of available display con-
trol commands appears at the bottom of the screen as a prompt. The
program waits for you to select a control command before continuing.
You can enter all control commands as a single character (without
# eladisp script to log all ELA data
set journ ela.log # open a journal
set scroll on # start scrolling mode
set term off # optional command
show event # displays basic usage data
show histogram # displays histograms
set journ off # close journal
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 394
pressing the return key). The following table describes each data dis-
play control command character:
In auto-refresh mode, eladisp refreshes the screen after a specified
interval, and when you enter another command such as p, r, or n.
Scrolling mode is available for show event and show histogram com-
mands. The show trace command is always in scrolling mode. In
scrolling mode, eladisp sends all data relevant to a particular display
command to the screen without prompting you. Scrolling mode is only
intended for redirection of output to a file or when you want data collec-
tion to occur in the background. Scrolling mode is enabled automati-
cally when you specify the read general utility command or if you start
eladisp with output redirected to a file.
q Exit from the command or exit from the current level of detail
(return to the previous level)
n Move to the next data object, for example, the next active
major event
p Move the previous data object
d Display data in greater detail, or move to a level of greater
r Refresh data from the ELA shared library
space bar Move in a circular fashion through data objects (Use only for
histograms of a given minor category.)
h Display the histogram, if any, for the minor event
c Reset the histogram data to zeros
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 395
If you activated a journal with the set command, scrolling is not auto-
matically enabled and you are in interactive mode with the command.
To manually enable scrolling mode, use the command:
set scroll on
To set scrolling mode back to interactive mode, use the command:
set scroll off
Data Display Commands
In general, all data display commands accept either no argument, a
major event name, or a minor event name. Some of the commonly
used data display commands and ways to use them are described
below (uppercase letters indicate the abbreviated form of the com-
mand and parameters). Data display control commands are described
when available for command output displays.
SHow Bindings <channel_id>
Shows bindings for a channel. A channel ID is required input.
SHow CHAnnel [<major_event> | <minor_event> | <channel_id>]
Verifies the channel ID or shows the binding for an event or event cate-
eladisp> sh bindings 0
eladisp> sh cha
Channels: 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 396
SHow DEscription [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
Displays remote procedure description.
The Show Description command is available only when trace symbols
are set on.
If you do not specify an argument, eladisp prints a list of known Courier
objects. These include the remote program (event category) names.
SHow DIrectory [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
Displays a list of event names from the event directory. This command
is intended as a help feature. If you do not specify an argument,
eladisp displays a list of major events and minor event names for each.
If you specify a major event name, the events for only that category dis-
play. If you specify a minor event name, eladisp displays the single
minor event and its major category.
eladisp> sh de
Programs type objects read from COR
BulkData : PROGRAM 63 VERSION 1 < PREFIX = Bulkdata
Clearinghouse : PROGRAM 61 VERSION 2 < PREFIX = NCH >
CacheServices : PROGRAM 0 VERSION 1 < PREFIX = CSM >
IndexServices : PROGRAM 2 VERSION 1 < PREFIX = INX >
DocServices : PROGRAM 1 VERSION 1 < PREFIX = DOC >
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 397
The following example displays directory information for the major
event CSM (Cache Services Manager).
SHow EVent [<minorevent> | <majorevent>]
Displays basic information and logging status for an event. If you do
not specify a major or minor event, eladisp displays a list of major
events assigned to your station, the logging state of each, number of
eladisp>sh di CSM
CSM minors = 31 CSM (server)
Minor categories:
***** **********
ChgRefcnt CloseCsumObject CloseObject
ClsDelObject Continue CopyObject
CreateObject DeleteObject FindObjects
GetBucketCounts GetCacheAttributes GetObjectAttributes
IncRefCnt Logoff Logon
Logon1 ModifyObjectAttributes MoveObject
OpenCsumObject OpenObject ReadObject
RenameObject ResizeObject ToggleTrace
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 398
minors, and number of active minors. Valid display control commands
are r, q, and d.
If you select d (next level of detail), eladisp shows a summary of a
major event with a list of active event names and activity counts in a
fixed size window at the top of the screen (long lists are truncated).
Only events with active minor events display at this level. Display con-
trol commands n, p, d and q are available in the window. The d com-
riesling ( 1 ) **** journal begin Tue Dec 10 14:12:46 1996
eladisp>show event
Tue Dec 10 14:12:50 1996
Event Status Minors Active
BES enabled 60 0
CPT enabled 8 0
CSM enabled 31 5
CSMc enabled 31 0
DOC enabled 50 6
FIL enabled 12 0
INX enabled 80 9
NCH enabled 39 2
PRI enabled 20 0
PSMc enabled 10 0
SEC enabled 45 8
SQI enabled 15 0
WQS enabled 40 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 399
mand takes you to the minor category level, displaying use data for
active minors, two at a time, below the major category summary. Use p
and n to move through the list; q returns you to the previous level. Use
r to refresh the data for the major category. (Refreshed data is indi-
cated by an increase in the time displayed on the screen.)
SHow Histograms [<majorevent> | <minorevent>]
Displays histogram data. If you do not specify an argument, a list of
histogram entries displays. The d command at this level displays the
first histogram entry. Only assigned histograms (those with non-trivial
parameters) display. Available display control commands are the space
bar, r, n, p and q. To reset all histogram data to zero, use the c com-
Main ELA Commands
You can selectively generate traces of individual events with trace ini-
tialization commands. For example, you could want to examine the
sequence of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) arriving at various
servers as a result of batch entry activity driven by a WorkFlo script.
Event tracing supports the creation of multiple circular trace logs,
called channels. It creates each channel with a specified size, which is
the maximum number of events it can contain. It supports a maximum
of 16 channels, each containing up to 128 events. (The global memory
requirement per event is approximately 128 bytes.)
Individual events (or event categories) are uniquely bound to a channel
for tracing. Each channel can be enabled and disabled independently.
In addition, you can specify a filter condition for a channel with the
Assign Chfilter command. A filter condition is a source/destination
host address or FileNet security name or both. If you specify a filter
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 400
condition, only events that satisfy the condition are recorded in the
An event is logged into a channel if:
The corresponding event category has been enabled for logging.
The event or event category has been bound to an existing chan-
The channel itself has been enabled.
The filter condition defined for the channel, if any, is satisfied.
When using the Assign Chfilter command, the same event cannot be
assigned to more than one channel.
To initialize a trace log, you must issue eladisp commands that create
or remove tracing channels. You can also dynamically modify trace log-
ging parameters. The following commands perform these functions.
ASsign BINDings <channel_id> {[<major_event> | <minor_
Binds event categories or minor events to a channel.
ASsign TRace <size>
Assigns a new tracing channel of the specified size (number of events),
up to the maximum size of 128 events.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 401
ENable TRace <channel_id>
Enables event trace data logging for an existing channel. The trace
channel must have been previously assigned with the assign trace
REMove BINDings {[<major_event> | <minor_event>]}
Removes bindings for event categories or minor events.
DISable TRace <channel_id>
Disables event trace data logging for the specified channel.
Before you use eladisp, be aware that eladisp is primarily intended for
use by service representatives involved in performance analysis or
technical support.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 402
No specific procedure is required. However, the following steps repre-
sent a typical set of commands to create a trace log to channel 0 and
start the collection and display of BES, CSM and DOC data.
1 Enter eladisp at the command line.
The prompt changes to eladisp>.
2 At the eladisp prompt, enter the following sequence of commands.
show channel
assign trace 32
assign bind 0 CSM BES DOC
enable trace 0
show binding 0
show status 0
. (other commands as necessary)
remove trace 0
3 Enter quit to exit eladisp.
Related Topics
getreports” on page 524
perf_mon” on page 963
perf_report” on page 977
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 403
The endbackup script calls initfnsw restart to kill the RPC_Listen,
OCOR_Listen, /etc/logproc, NCH_daemon, and MKF_clean processes
that are running as a result of a backup operation. The script then
issues a command to unmount the file systems and returns the server
to multi-user mode. A message is written to the server’s backup
recovery log when endbackup runs. The system starts up various data-
bases and displays progress messages as each starts.
Run endbackup after a backup has completed to kill any current pro-
cesses and return the server to multi-user mode.
Sample Output
In the example below, endbackup is run on the server and the system
message displays. In a production system, this message is followed by
additional system messages indicating progress as the system starts
up the databases.
$ endbackup
96/08/22 08:27:23 endbackup: returning to multi-
user mode
please wait
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 404
Before you use endbackup, be aware that you must run endbackup on
each server, beginning with the Root server.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
endbackup” on page 403
initfnsw” on page 584
See your System Administrator’s Companion for UNIX or System
Administrator’s Companion for Windows Server for a discussion of the
backup operation. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 405
The Microsoft SQL Server RDBMS and IBM DB2 RDBMS require
you to specify a fixed length format in a user mask when you create a
numeric index. You must specify the number of digits, called precision
and scale, before and after the decimal point. This tool automatically
adds padding digits to allow for future increases in the number of digits
that make up the numeric index without creating another column. If you
try to increase the mask in Database Maintenance to an amount larger
than the allocated amount, you get an error message.
You can use tools provided by the RDBMS to create a new column with
a larger format and move data from the old column to the new column.
You can also use the enlarge_ncol tool to automatically perform this
The FileNet Image Services software must be shutdown when running
The enlarge_ncol tool increases the precision and scale of an existing
numeric column in a Microsoft SQL Server database and a DB2 data-
base. The tool performs the following sequential operations to accom-
plish the column enlargement:
Renames the old column
Creates a new column with a larger format
Copies the data from the old column to the new column
Inserts null characters in the old column to recover the space
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 406
Before this tool enlarges the column, it displays a summary of the pro-
posed updates with a confirmation prompt.You can enter y to continue
or n to terminate the operation.
Use enlarge_ncol to increase the precision and scale of a numeric
user index when the user index is enlarged to a size greater than its
physical definition in the database.
Limit the number of numeric index enlargements. Every index that is
enlarged uses another column in the DOCTABA table of the index
database. The space used by the old column is wasted.
enlarge_ncol [<options>]
Supply the input options on the command line or when prompted by
enlarge_ncol when it runs. (See
Examples” on page 408.)
-i <indexname>
Specifies the numeric index to enlarge
-p <precision> Sets a new precision
Precision is the total number of digits on both the left and the right side
of the decimal point (excluding the decimal point, commas, etc.). The
new precision value must be greater than the old precision value. The
maximum value for Microsoft SQL Server is 30. The maximum value
for DB2 is 30.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 407
-s <scale> Sets a new scale
Scale is the number of digits shown on the right side of the decimal
point. The new scale value could be equal to or greater than the old
scale value. The scale value must be less than or equal to the preci-
sion value. The scale value cannot be increased unless the precision
value is also increased.
-r <rows> Specifies the maximum number of rows to update before committing
(default: 2000)
-n Sets old column data to null. If you do not specify this option, the old
column contains the old data.
-h Prints syntax help text
Use the RDBMS native query tool to determine the current precision
and scale settings. Also, the enlarge_ncol tool displays the current set-
tings before prompting you for confirmation to update, as shown below:
Current database column is type numeric(21,7)
New database column will be type numeric(22,8)
Update (y/n):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 408
The following example is the result of a successful attempt to enlarge a
numeric column (responses to prompts appear in bold type):
> enlarge_ncol
Enter name of the numeric user index to enlarge:
Enter precision: 22
Enter scale (0-22): 8
User index 'User_index_num' will be updated as
Current database column is type numeric(21,7)
New database column will be type numeric(22,8)
Update (y/n): y
Please wait...
Copying data from column 'a38' to column 'a39'
96/08/12 17:21:23 22100 rows updated
Successfully enlarged numeric index 'User_index_
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 409
The example below is the result of an attempt to enlarge a numeric
index using an incorrect precision or scale (responses to prompts
appear in bold type):
If the attempt to enlarge a column fails, messages and a prompt dis-
play. You can rerun enlarge_ncol to finish the operation, as shown in
the example (response to the prompt appears in bold type):
> enlarge_ncol
Enter name of the numeric user index to enlarge: User_
Enter precision: 23
Enter scale (0-22): 8
Precision must be greater than existing precision
Existing precision = 22, New precision = 23
Enlarging numeric index 'User_index_num' failed
Attempt to enlarge numeric column 'User_index_num' failed.
In order to enlarge another numeric column you must either
finish or cancel the failed attempt. Canceling will, in
most cases, waste a column in DOCTABA.
Finish processing (y/n) ? y
Copying data from column 'a39' to column 'a40'
96/08/12 17:29:54 22100 rows updated
Successfully enlarged numeric index 'User_index_num'
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 410
Before you use enlarge_ncol, be aware of the following:
This tool is I/O intensive. On a very large database, column en-
largement can take a long time.
Since enlarge_ncol is modifying the database configuration, run
the tool only when the Image Services software is shut down.
The database uses more space as a result of this operation, since
the data has to be copied into the new column before the old col-
umn can be NULLed out. If there is no free space available in the
database, you might have to increase the database size before
running the tool.
1 Shut down the Image Services software.
2 Start the relational database management system if it is not still up.
With a DB2 system or a site-controlled system, the RDBMS is probably
already up.
3 Enter enlarge_ncol at the command line.
If you do not specify options when you enter the command, the pro-
gram prompts you for options.
4 When the tool completes, restart the Image Services software.
Related Topics
See the Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Companion
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 411
This export tool copies the latest Configuration Database (.cdb) file
from /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db to the /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/export direc-
tory. This tool is designed to be the first step in the process of cloning
the IS system configuration of multiple IS systems from a single master
.cdb file and could be done as a part of a fresh install of Image Ser-
vices or as part of a migration. The other tools associated with this
process are the import_cdb
tool and the migrate_cdb_changes tool.
All the path names documented for this tool are shown in UNIX format
(e.g., /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/export). For Windows Server path names,
substitute the /fnsw/local/ with <drive>:\fnsw_loc\ and use a back slash
(\) instead of a forward slash (/) throughout the rest of the path (e.g.,
The Cloning Process
Cloning Through Fresh Installs
The latest version of the .cdb file from a master IS system is used as
the master .cdb file, and the clone system creates a new configuration
database from this master file by doing the following:
Replacing system-specific information with information from the
clone systems. This includes domain name, server name, and sys-
tem serial number (ssn).
Copying the dataset configuration on the cloned system, including
path and filenames.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 412
Copying all relational database information on the cloned system,
including paths, server name, instance name, version, etc.
Cloning Through Migration
The latest version of the .cdb file from a master IS server is used as
the master .cdb file, and only changes to performance tuning parame-
ters are being cloned.
Only relational database performance parameters are modified by
the process.
The relational database type, version, etc. aren’t modified.
System Requirements for Cloning
Both the master and clone systems must have common attributes in
order for the tools to work and the process to complete successfully.
These are:
Combined server systems
No high availability supported
Same operating system, IS version, relational database, including
version and type (e.g., both FileNet-controlled, local site-controlled,
or remote site-controlled).
Safety Check Table
A safety check is automatically run as part of the tool operation and
whenever a safety check fails, the application logs an error to the
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 413
system log file and the program aborts. The following table describes
the safety check rules:
You use this tool to export an ims_exp_xx.cdb file to /fnsw/local/sd/
conf_db/export directory where xx is the revision number of the .cdb
file. The tool always selects the latest version of the .cdb file to export.
The newly exported file name is READ ONLY and is in the following
format: ims_exp_xx.cdb.
The export_cdb tool should be used in conjunction with the import_cdb
tool or the migrate_cdb_changes tool.
System Cloning Safety Check
Attribute export_cdb import_cdb migrate_cdb_changes
IS_Release Not checked Master/Clone must
match 100%
Master/Clone must
match 100%
OS_Level Not checked Master/Clone must
match 100%
Master/Clone must
match 100%
DB_Version Not checked Not checked Master/Clone must
match 100%
Platform Not checked Master/Clone must
match 100%
Master/Clone must
match 100%
IS_Type Check on the local
IS box only
Not checked Check on the local IS
box only
No High Availability
(Windows only)
Check on the local
IS box only
Check on the local
IS box only
Check on the local IS
box only
RDB Control Type Not checked Not checked Master/Clone must
match 100%
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 414
export_cdb [-s <source_prefix>]
-s <source_prefix>
Optionally allows the user to specify a prefix for the source file other
than the default “ims” prefix.
1 On the IS server being used as the master server, use fn_edit to define
the configuration database parameters. This has probably been done
and the latest cdb file is established.
2 On the IS server being used as the Master server, run export_cdb to
make a copy of the master IS server’s configuration database file by
entering the following command:
In the above example, the export file would be created in the following
directory structure: /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/export/ims_exp_xx.cdb,
where xx is the revision number of the .cdb file.
If you want to use the optional -s <source_prefix> parameter,
<source_prefix> is the value you use to associate the file with the
clone server the configuration file is being exported to (for example,
california). In this -s example, the export file would be created in the
following directory structure: /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/export/california_
xx.cdb, where xx is the revision number of the .cdb file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 415
3 Manually move or copy the newly created file from the master IS server
to the clone IS server by placing it in the following location on the clone
IS server:
4 On the IS server being used as the clone server, run one of the follow-
ing commands to import the configuration database file, depending
upon your current system scenario:
import_cdb (create .cdb file for a fresh install)
migrate_cdb_changes (update .cdb file for a migration)
Again if you want to use the optional -s <source_prefix> parameter,
<source_prefix> is the value you use to associate the file with the
clone server the configuration file is being exported to (for example,
When you import or migrate using the optional -s parameter, you are
still creating a new revision for the default IS configuration database file
(ims_xx.cdb). The xx in the file name will be one revision higher.
Related Topics
import_cdb” on page 577
migrate_cdb_changes” on page 718
FileNet System Manager
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 416
FileNet System Manager
FileNet System Manager is a performance monitoring tool that will col-
lect performance information from the FileNet products. In order to use
FileNet System Manager on IS, the IS Server must be running a
System Manager listener agent which talks to a remote FileNet System
Manager through a specified port.
Since Image Services already has a performance monitoring tool,
, it was just enhanced to add the listener agent functionality.
With the listener agent mode turned on, perf_mon continues to capture
data to its perflog in normal mode and it also acts as the listener agent
by writing data to a specified port for the System Manager to read.
The data capture intervals will be identical for both modes. If you want
to have two different intervals for the two modes of operation, two
instance of perf_mon can be run.
In perf_mon, the System Manager listener agent is turned off (set lis-
tener false) by default. The listener agent can be turned on temporarily
by manually running an instance of perf_mon and setting the Listener
variable to True (see Make the System Manager Listener Agent Run
Temporarily). Also, if you want the listener agent to always run when-
ever the IS software is started up, you can set the Listener variable to
True in the perf_mon.script start file (see Make the System Manager
Listener Agent Always Run).
FileNet System Manager
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 417
Make the System Manager Listener Agent Run Temporarily
1 To start an instance of perf_mon, enter:
2 To turn the listener agent on through the perf_mon tool, enter a sam-
pling command and then exit perf_mon, enter:
Make the System Manager Listener Agent Always Run
To set Listener to True as the default so the System Manager listener
agent will always run whenever the IS software is started up, complete
the following steps.
1 Go the /fnsw/local/sd directory (<drive>:\fnsw_loc\sd - for Windows) to
see if a perf_mon.script exists. If one exists, skip to Step 2. If you
don’t have a perf_mon.script you can create one by copying it from /
fnsw/lib/perf/ (<drive>:\fnsw\lib\perf - Windows).
schedule 1 00:00:00 02:00:00
schedule 1 07:55:00 00:15:00
schedule 1 18:15:00 02:00:00
schedule 2 00:00:00 03:00:00
link 1 1
link 2 1
link 3 1
link 4 1
link 5 1
link 6 2
link 0 2
poll savefile 300
perf_mon> set listener true
perf_mon> sample outputfile 60 6
perf_mon> quit
FileNet System Manager
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 418
cp /fnsw/lib/perf/perf_mon.script /fnsw/local/sd/perf_mon.script
copy to <drive>:\fnsw_loc\sd on a Windows server.
2 From the /fnsw/local/sd directory (<drive>:\fnsw_loc\sd - for Windows),
using vi or your preferred editor, edit the perf_mon.script file to make
the first command line of the script file to be set listener true. Below
is the edited scrip file:
3 Save and Exit the file.
4 Restart the FileNet software.
Related Topics
perf_mon” on page 963
# stamp
set listener true
schedule 0 0:00:00 2:00:00
schedule 0 6:00:00 0:15:00
schedule 0 19:00:00 2:00:00
schedule 1 0:00:00 2:00:00
link 0 1
link 1 0
link 2 0
link 3 0
link 4 0
link 5 0
link 6 1
poll /fnsw/local/sd/1/perflog
echo done
# stamp d;lkfjpojr;wohf
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 419
The flat tool is available only on a UNIX-based Image Services server.
The FileNet LAN Analysis Tool (flat) reads and decodes the output of
network analyzer programs and network packet traces on UNIX plat-
forms. It provides some FileNet-specific analysis capabilities not found
in other commercially-available analyzers. The flat tool also analyzes
traces captured from a variety of other tools, such as:
iptrace (AIX/6000 platform only)
snoop (Solaris Operating Environment platform only)
Your service representative dials into a server to analyze the trace data
or an on-site representative can examine the trace. This enables the
service representative to diagnose a wide variety of system-level prob-
Use flat to analyze trace data for system problem resolution.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 420
flat [<trace_file>]
<trace_file> Name of a saved trace output data file. If you do not specify the trace
file name at the time you invoke flat, you can use the flat display (d)
command to specify the file. (See
Trace Commands” on page 433.)
When you start flat, command mode becomes active and the CMD>
prompt displays and waits for input.
Command Quick Reference
The flat tool provides several commands, each one initiated by typing a
single character. Some of these commands have different functions,
depending on whether you’re working in command or display mode.
The following table briefly describes these commands in alphabetical
Quick Reference of flat Commands
Enter Command Description
! !-shellcmd Runs a shell command
/ / and ? Searches forward for a packet containing a given hexadecimal string
? / and ? Searches backward for a packet containing a given hexadecimal string
a a-all conns Symbolically formats RPCs for all connections
b b-page up Moves back (up) one screen and displays the next page of data
c c-connections Performs connection analysis when viewing trace data
c c-calls Formats RPCs for a given connection. This command is available after
you select the connections option.
d d-half page down Moves down one-half screen when displaying data
d d-isplay Displays a packet trace in command mode
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 421
e e-dit Edits packet filter
e e-rrors Corrects errors. This command applies only when a connection has a
protocol error (at user or transport level) or there is a timing or perfor-
mance problem.
f f-page down Moves forward (down) one screen and displays the next page of data
g g-goto Goes to line n, where n=line number
j j-next Moves down 1 line
k k-prev Moves up 1 line
n n-next Moves down 1 packet
o o-ld RPC format Toggles between original flat and newer ELA format
p p-rev Moves up 1 packet in display mode
p p-ackets Performs packet analysis on each packet in the trace and formats the
data when viewing trace data
q q-uit Returns to previous display mode
q q-uit Terminates flat and returns to the UNIX shell from command mode
s s-save file Writes selected data in ASCII format to a text file
t t-time base Sets the time base for the current packet to 0 and all subsequent
packets are relative to time 0
u u-half page up Moves up one-half screen and display the data
v v-verbose Sets verbose mode, a one-page-per-packet display
Quick Reference of flat Commands, Continued
Enter Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 422
For more detailed descriptions of flat commands, see the following
sections, organized by type of command:
Basic Display Commands” on page 426
Miscellaneous Display Commands” on page 431
Trace Commands” on page 433
Interface Overview
You interface with flat through windows and by selecting context-sensi-
tive commands from a menu bar in each window. Selecting a menu
option presents a hierarchy of display modes (described later in this
Once active and in command mode, flat displays a CMD> prompt and
a list of available commands in a menu bar at the bottom of the screen,
similar to the following:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 423
You can request a list of flat commands with a brief description by
entering h at the CMD> prompt:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 424
Enter the trace file name at the prompt as shown below:
If you started flat with a specified trace name, the file name becomes
the default trace file and automatically displays in the trace file prompt
field when you enter the display command. You could enter a new trace
file name or press Enter to accept the displayed trace file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 425
After you enter the trace file name, flat displays the terse packet dis-
play window and highlights the currently active entry and the available
commands for the current mode:
Basic Display Commands” on page 426 for a description of
the commands that appear at the lower portion of the display.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 426
Basic Display Commands
The flat tool has several display modes—command mode, terse packet
display mode, and connection display mode. Many commands have
different meanings depending on the display mode you select. How-
ever, all display screens support a basic set of display commands you
use to move through trace data, save or print a file, and execute com-
mands from a shell.
Basic display commands operate on lines in the display in a manner
similar to the commands you use with the less utility (see
less” on
page 701). Although a currently highlighted line of the display could be
a packet, a connection, or other component, the operation of all com-
mands in the basic set is the same.
The following table lists the set of basic display commands with a
description of the action taken when you select the command from the
menu bar:
Basic Display Commands and Descriptions
Command Description
j-next Moves down 1 line. You cannot move past the last line in the trace.
k-prev Moves up 1 line. You cannot move past the first line in the trace.
g-goto Goes to line n, where n is the line number. The program prompts you for
a line number that must be between 1 and the maximum number of lines
displayed. If you specify a number out of the range of available entries,
flat displays an error message.
u-half page up Moves up one-half screen and displays the data. You cannot move past
the beginning of the trace.
d-half page down Moves down one-half screen and display the data. You cannot move
past the end of the trace.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 427
As you make selections, the commands in the menu bar change to
reflect those allowed for the selected display mode.
f-page down Moves forward (down) one screen and displays the next page of data.
You cannot move past the end of the trace.
b-page up Moves back (up) one screen and displays the data. You cannot move
past the beginning of the trace.
s-save file Writes selected data in ASCII format to a text file. The program prompts
you to enter a file name and a print command. Since flat deals with binary
data files which you cannot print or display without a special viewer, use
this command to create text files for printing, displaying, or attaching in
electronic mail.
!-shellcmd Runs a shell command from this display mode
q-uit Returns to the previous display mode
/ and ? Searches for a packet containing a given hexadecimal string. Use / to
search forward and ? to search backward.
Basic Display Commands and Descriptions, Continued
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 428
When you enter the c (connections) command from connection mode
level, the following window displays. Compare the available menu
options to those in the previous window.
All flat display screens support a basic set of commands you can use
to move through the trace data, save and print the file, and execute
shell commands. (See
Basic Display Commands” on page 426.) In
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 429
addition, flat has several display modes—command mode, terse
packet display mode, and connection display mode. You can view
these command modes as a tree structure.
As you move from one display mode level to the next, the commands
available from the menu bar have different results. To return to a pre-
vious command display level, enter q (quit). A few commands do not
change modes, but instead simply execute a function. (See
neous Display Commands” on page 431.)
To minimize the volume of information displayed, use the c, a, e com-
mand sequence, as described below.
1 Display network connection (instead of packets) using the c (connec-
tions) command. This displays fewer objects to examine.
2 Analyze all connections at both the network transport and FileNet RPC
levels using the a (all connections) command.
3 Display only the connections that contain connection errors using the e
(error) command.
Experience with FileNet applications, the IS Toolkit libraries, and net-
work protocols can help you more effectively analyze trace data.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 430
The following diagram shows the relationship between display modes
and the commands associated with each mode.
Flat Command Mode Hierarchy
Terse Packet Display Mode
(v) (c)
Verbose Display Mode
(n) (p)
Connection Mode
(c) (p) (e)
RPC Calls Display
(n) (p)
Error Connection Mode
(n) (p)
Connection Terse
Packet Display Mode
RPC Calls Display
(n) (p)
Error Connection
Terse Packet
Verbose Connection
Display Mode
(n) (p)
Error Connection
Verbose Display
(n) (p)
Command Mode
Note: Miscellaneous commands t, a, n, and p do not change modes.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 431
Miscellaneous Display Commands
Each display mode level in flat supports a set of basic commands and
a set of context-sensitive commands. For basic command descriptions,
Basic Display Commands” on page 426.
The following miscellaneous commands do not change modes, but
instead simply execute the function described in the table within one of
the display modes:
Miscellaneous Display Commands and Descriptions
Command Function Description
n-ext Moves to the next object, which could be a packet, a call, or a connec-
tion. You cannot move past the last packet in the trace. This command
is available from verbose display mode and verbose connection packet
display mode.
p-rev Moves to the previous object, which could be a packet, a call, or a con-
nection. You cannot move past the first packet in the trace. This com-
mand is available from verbose display mode and verbose connection
packet display mode.
t-time base Sets the time base for the current packet to 0. All subsequent packets
are relative to time 0. This command is available from terse packet dis-
play mode and connection terse packets display mode. The time base
command displays packet-relative times. When you are in time base
mode, press t again to restore the display to absolute time.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 432
a-ll conns Symbolically formats Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) for all connec-
tions. This command is available from connection display mode only.
Use this command to discover which RPCs were used, whether any
were rejected or aborted, or whether any RPCs experienced transport-
level or lower-level errors. The program name or procedure name of a
rejected RPC is prefixed with an asterisk (*); a prefix of + indicates an
aborted RPC. To check for RPCs that have had transport-level or lower-
level errors, look for Courier connections that are not successfully for-
matted and which remain shown as type “Courier.”
e-rrors Displays errors. This option applies only when a connection has a pro-
tocol error (at user or transport level) or when the system has a timing or
performance problem.
Miscellaneous Display Commands and Descriptions, Continued
Command Function Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 433
Trace Commands
These flat commands perform viewing and display functions on the
Viewing and Display Commands
Command Description
d-isplay Displays a packet trace. Flat prompts you for a file name after you enter
By convention, Sniffer Ethernet trace file names have a suffix of .enc,
while Sniffer Token Ring trace file names end with .trc. Snoop trace files
have a .cap suffix. LANalyzer traces are often split into multiple files, with
suffixes .tr1, .tr2, and so on. Specify only the .tr1 suffix when requesting
that flat examine a multi-file LANalyzer trace. This enables the flat tool to
use information in the first file to determine how many other files are
used. If any of these files are missing, flat displays an error.
Packets in a trace are numbered from 1 to n, where n is the number of
the last packet. Display mode formats trace data into an easy-to-read
table, one row per packet, and displays the entries on a terminal screen.
The table has column headers for packet number, time (in milliseconds),
packet length (in bytes), source (“origination”) host, destination host, and
protocol type.
!-shellcmd Executes a shell command from within flat. You do not have to exit flat
to issue shell commands. When the shell command completes, flat
prompts you to press Enter to redisplay the screen.
q-uit Terminates flat and returns to the shell. (Quit is an alias for the Escape
As you select commands from the flat CMD> prompt, additional context-
sensitive commands become available. Some options are only available
with certain types of command selections (see
Miscellaneous Dis-
play Commands” on page 431).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 434
v-erbose Sets verbose mode, a one-page-per-packet display. It symbolically dis-
plays the fields in protocol headers and other packet data in both hexa-
decimal and ASCII formats.
Move the cursor within the list to make a line item selection or use the j,
k, or g commands to make your selection. Then enter v to display
detailed information about the selected line item.
c-onnections Performs connection analysis.The flat program examines each packet in
the trace, identifying connections, then formats the data in either terse or
verbose mode. The flat tool displays the connection number, source
host, destination host, number of packets, and start time, duration, and
type of the connection. If you use the a (all conns) command to first sym-
bolically format the connections information, the terse display of connec-
tions also indicates a rejected or aborted RPC. To denote a rejected
RPC, flat prefixes the program name or procedure name with an asterisk
(*); the prefix for an aborted RPC is a plus sign (+).
c-alls Formats RPCs for a given connection. This option is available only after
selecting the connections option.
p-ackets Performs packet analysis on each packet in the trace and formats the
data. The flat tool displays the packet number, a time stamp, packet
length, source host, destination host, and the packet type. This option is
available only after selecting the connections option.
q-cmd mode Returns to the previous command mode screen
o-ld RPC format Toggles between original flat and newer ELA format
Viewing and Display Commands, Continued
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 435
The samples below display the described flat commands. You could
find it helpful to refer to the diagram
Flat Command Mode Hier-
archy” on page 430 as you examine the flow between display modes.
Normally, you use a certain set of commands to examine a trace. For
every trace, we recommend that you first select the terse packet dis-
play mode, then connections, followed by all connections. Further
examination of packets, connections, etc. is dictated by the problem
you are trying to solve (for example, hardware vs. software problem,
network vs. application problem, etc.).
Basic Trace Examination
The following samples show a set of commands typically used to
examine a trace.
If you enter the flat command without a trace file name, you must
specify a trace file name with the d command. The requested trace
data displays after you enter the file name.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 436
The following illustration shows the initial screen in command mode:
Note the commands available at the bottom of the screen and the com-
mand mode prompt, CMD>.
For example, to display a trace file, you would type d, then enter the file
path and name at the prompt for trace file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 437
The flat tool displays the following screen, called the terse packet dis-
play mode. Note that if you had invoked flat using the file path and
name, you would already be at the following display, as shown for the
trace file wfd_logon.cap, stored in the subdirectory sample_traces.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 438
The connections command is a very important command and differen-
tiates flat from all commercially available network analyzers on the
The power of the connections command is its ability to reduce a trace
of 165 objects (packets), in our example above, to a trace containing
just 12 connections. Analysis and problem identification become much
easier tasks. In a production environment, a similar trace file could
contain thousands of packets, making it very difficult to detect anoma-
The connections command output helps identify problems detected
based on the number of packets, packet length, the duration, or the
connection type. Gathering this information manually requires consid-
erable networking expertise.
To see the connections detail for this trace file, select the c (connec-
tions) command from the terse packet display menu bar. The resulting
display, called the connection mode display, is shown below:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 439
You could use the next level of analysis to examine the packets and/or
the calls using the a, p, and c commands. The a command applies to
“all” connections, while the p and c commands operate on the currently
highlighted entry. The following screens show the output from the p
and c selections.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 440
In the first example below, the p command displays packets for con-
nection 4.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 441
The next example has selected the c (calls) command when displaying
a Snoop trace file named wfd_logon.cap in the sample_traces subdi-
rectory. This displays the formatted RPC calls associated with connec-
tion 4, a logon to the Network Clearing House, calling the List Objects
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 442
To examine a specific packet in detail, use the verbose command from
the connection terse packet display mode. Enter q to exit the above
RPC calls display mode and return to the connection mode display.
The following screens show the sequence from connection mode to
display packet information in verbose mode for the file telnettest.cap.
For the first example, we selected g (go to) and entered a 4 at the
prompt to select a connection.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 443
The next example results from selecting v to display connection 4 in
verbose mode. As you can see, this displays detailed information on
the selected packet.
The number of packets associated with a connection is usually small—
between 7 and 15. When you examine a trace, scan the #PKTS
column for large values. Large values could indicate a problem that
needs examination.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 444
To display details for the next example, we selected n (next packet),
displaying details for packet 5.
Enter q (quit) to return to connection terse packet display mode.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 445
In terse display mode, you can use the t (time base) command to
examine packets relative to a base packet. The following display has
selected packet 1 as the base packet for a time-based analysis.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 446
Entering t again returns the display to absolute time, as shown in the
following example.
When you have completed your analysis, enter q (quit) to exit to the
command mode display (CMD> prompt). Enter q (quit) again to exit
Detailed examination can continue to very low levels of the network
management components. Your service representative can assist you
with detailed analysis.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 447
The flat tool is versatile in its ability to decode and format specific infor-
mation. A packet description file, pkt.desc, contains packet descrip-
tions that flat uses to decode packets. You can make modifications to
the description file. In addition, files with the naming convention of x.y
contain descriptions of Courier RPCs for a program, where the hexa-
decimal program number is x and the program version is y.
The pkt.desc file and Courier RPC description files are contained in a
default directory, /fnsw/local/flat. However, you can specify an alternate
directory to contain the packet and Courier RPC description files by
setting the FLAT_DIR environment variable. The following listing shows
the files contained in the default directory:
For example, 8003402.1 is the file that contains the RPC description
for INX (which is Courier program number 0x8003402), version 1. (The
information is also available in the /fnsw/etc/serverConfig file.
Use a combination of your modified pkt.desc file and a program file to
decode and format trace data for analysis of a specific problem or to
limit the amount of information that flat retrieves from the trace file.
corona(root)/> ls /fnsw/local/flat
0.1 8003401.1 8003404.1 8003415.1 800341a.1 pkt.desc
2.2 8003402.1 800340a.1 8003417.1 80034fe.1
8003400.1 8003403.1 8003414.1 8003418.1 80034ff.1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 448
Before you use flat, be aware of the following:
You should use flat under the direction of your service representa-
The flat tool is not supported on the Windows Server platforms.
You can obtain trace data from network analyzer programs or from
trace utilities as directed by your service representative.
Many commands have different functions depending on the com-
mand level from which you invoke them.
Perform the following steps at the direction of your service representa-
1 Run the appropriate trace program, directing the output to a file.
2 Run flat against the trace file, using display mode commands to format
and analyze the data.
Related Topics
Use the UNIX man iptrace command to display the related on-line
manual pages.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 449
The fn_edit program invokes a graphical user interface (GUI) utility
called the FileNet System Configuration Editor. This program creates
and modifies the system configuration database.
For an introduction to fn_edit, refer to the System Configuration Over-
view. For detailed instructions, use the program’s online help system.
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 450
The standards surrounding LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Pro-
tocol - a directory service protocol that runs over TCP/IP) have
advanced. This tool provides a better performing conversion utility that
increases the openness of the FileNet Image Services software. This
tool translates industry standard LDIF (Lightweight Directory Inter-
change Format) files into the FileNet proprietary XML format.
This tool gives customers the ability to use their LDAP tools to gen-
erate the LDIF files for use with FileNet software by translating files into
the proper format to be imported into Image Services and Content Ser-
This utility will convert LDAP objects in LDIF format into FileNet propri-
etary XML format. The LDAP_import
tool is then used to import the
file attributes into the Image Services security database. All objects are
mapped one to one. This tool provides a batch (add) mode during
import as opposed to the previous requirement of having all users and
groups residing in a single file. Customers now have the freedom to
create LDIF files any way they desire and the translator needs to only
translate FileNet-related objects and attributes. The tool works in a
three step process.
1 - A parsing of the input file occurs, which accomplishes several
things: creates a temporary users file, a temporary groups file, an
entry search table and a members linked list.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 451
2 - Goes through the members linked list and for each member,
finds its entry in the table, retrieves its type and inserts it into a tem-
porary file.
3 - Finally, the tool merges all temporary files into a single FileNet
proprietary XML file.
The creation of temporary files requires disk space in the current direc-
tory. Please ensure that adequate disk space is available before run-
ning this utility.
fn_ldif_xfer /i<ldif file> /o<output xml file> /t<server type>
/s<server name> /a<ip address>
[ /f<configuration file> ] [ /u<attribute name> ]
fn_ldif_xfer -i<ldif file> -o<output xml file> -t<server type>
-s<server name> -a<ip address>
[ -f<configuration file> ] [ -u<attribute name> ]
Options are not case sensitive. Also, a / is used before an option on
Windows systems and a - is used before an option on UNIX systems.
[?] Help. This will bring up the help screen.
i<ldif file> input LDIF file
o<output xml file> output FileNet XML file
t<server type> nov, msft, sun or other
s<server name> the LDAP server where the LDIF data is extracted from
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 452
a<ip address> the IP address of the server specified in the s option
configuration file for tother option
optional used ID attribute
The following table shows the relationships between the LDAP
attributes and the FileNet XML objects:
Sun Java™ System was formally known as Sun ONE Directory Server.
•The tother option supports LDAP vendors other than Active Direc-
tory, ONE and NDS. However, the tother option must be used with
LDAP to XML Attribute Mappings
FileNet XML
Object Type
FileNet XML Object
MS Active Directory
Attribute Name
Sun Java System
Attribute Name
Novell NDS At-
tribute Name
<user> <dn> dn dn dn
<user> <id> userPrincipalName uid cn
<user> <cn> name cn cn
<user> <description> description description description
<group> <dn> dn dn dn
<group> <id> cn cn cn
<group> <cn> cn cn cn
<group> <description> description description description
<member> <groupName> dn dn dn
<member> <memberName> member uniquemember member
<member> <memberType> Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 453
the f<configuration file> option allowing you the freedom of defin-
ing custom LDAP attribute mappings. The following is an example
of an ASCII-based configuration file.
Each line consists of two string tokens separated by spaces or
tabs. The first token is the FileNet XML object attribute descriptor
which should never be modified. The second token is the custom
LDAP attribute field. Both token types are not case sensitive.
userdn dn
userid cn
usercn cn
userdescription description
groupdn dn
groupid cn
groupcn cn
groupdescription description
membergroup dn
membername member
objectclass objectclass
userobjectclass user
groupobjectclass group
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 454
The following table displays the object identifiers for each of the
main LDAP vendors.
Generating LDIF Files
Important It is important to know how to correctly generate your LDIF files.
When generating LDIF files, it is crucial that all group and user objects
are fully exported, because:
The FileNet software needs to know if a member is a user or a
The FileNet software needs other attributes.
There is very definitely a correct and an incorrect way to do this. In the
example below, the command is incomplete and the resulting output is
inadequate because it does not indicate if the members are users or
groups. It displays a partial export of a group called ThreeStooges
using the ldifde tool.
Main LDAP Vendor Object Identifiers
MS Active Directory
Object Identifier
Sun Java System
Object Identifier
Novell NDS
Object Identifier
user object objectclass = person
objectclass = user
objectclass = person
objectclass = user
objectclass = person
objectclass = user
objectclass = inetorgperson
group object objectclass = group objectclass =
objectclass = groupofnames
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 455
Note There are many ways to generate LDIF data, and the ldifde tool is
used here solely as an example. You could use any tool you wish.
Example of Inadequate LDIF File
>ldifde -f output.ldf -r "(&(objectclass=group)(cn=Three Stooges))"
dn: CN=Three Stooges,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
changetype: add
member: CN=Curley Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
member: CN=Moe Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
member: CN=Larry Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
member: CN=Bad!User,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
memberOf: CN=test1group,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
memberOf: CN=grp1,OU=OU1,DC=ldap,DC=eng
cn: Three Stooges
groupType: -2147483646
instanceType: 4
distinguishedName: CN=Three Stooges,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectCategory: CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectClass: group
objectGUID:: 6XCIh/E56kONEe87OZVm5g==
objectSid:: AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAASyy8GkTduD2Ci6YoeicAAA==
name: Three Stooges
sAMAccountName: Three Stooges
sAMAccountType: 268435456
uSNChanged: 88788
uSNCreated: 88492
whenChanged: 20050725165211.0Z
whenCreated: 20050719225330.0Z
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 456
If you process the inadequate LDIF file, the following error is gener-
The example below illustrates the proper way to export a single group
using a complete command, where each member object is fully
Example of Complete LDIF File
>ldifde -f output.ldf -r "(|(&(objectclass=user)
(memberof=cn=Three Stooges,OU=groups,dc=ldap,dc=eng))
(&("(objectclass=group)(cn=Three Stooges)))"
dn: CN=Three Stooges,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
changetype: add
member: CN=Curley Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
member: CN=Moe Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
member: CN=Larry Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
member: CN=Bad!User,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
memberOf: CN=test1group,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
memberOf: CN=grp1,OU=OU1,DC=ldap,DC=eng
cn: Three Stooges
groupType: -2147483646
instanceType: 4
distinguishedName: CN=Three Stooges,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectCategory: CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectClass: group
objectGUID:: 6XCIh/E56kONEe87OZVm5g==
objectSid:: AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAASyy8GkTduD2Ci6YoeicAAA==
name: Three Stooges
sAMAccountName: Three Stooges
sAMAccountType: 268435456
Warning: member type unknown, Group DN= ..., Member DN= ...
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 457
uSNChanged: 88788
uSNCreated: 88492
whenChanged: 20050725165211.0Z
whenCreated: 20050719225330.0Z
dn: CN=Larry Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
changetype: add
memberOf: CN=Three Stooges,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
badPasswordTime: 0
badPwdCount: 0
codePage: 0
cn: Larry Fine
countryCode: 0
displayName: Larry Fine
givenName: Larry
instanceType: 4
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 0
logonCount: 0
distinguishedName: CN=Larry Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectClass: user
objectGUID:: u3v5AjL8sk+bgowPp1Jo9w==
objectSid:: AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAASyy8GkTduD2Ci6YoeycAAA==
primaryGroupID: 513
pwdLastSet: 127662872680468750
name: Larry Fine
sAMAccountName: lfine
sAMAccountType: 805306368
sn: Fine
userAccountControl: 512
userPrincipalName: [email protected]
uSNChanged: 88500
uSNCreated: 88496
whenChanged: 20050719225428.0Z
whenCreated: 20050719225427.0Z
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 458
dn: CN=Moe Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
changetype: add
memberOf: CN=Three Stooges,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
badPasswordTime: 0
badPwdCount: 0
codePage: 0
cn: Moe Fine
countryCode: 0
displayName: Moe Fine
givenName: Moe
instanceType: 4
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 0
logonCount: 0
distinguishedName: CN=Moe Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectClass: user
primaryGroupID: 513
pwdLastSet: 127662873013281250
name: Moe Fine
sAMAccountName: mfine
sAMAccountType: 805306368
sn: Fine
userAccountControl: 512
userPrincipalName: [email protected]
uSNChanged: 88506
uSNCreated: 88502
whenChanged: 20050719225501.0Z
whenCreated: 20050719225501.0Z
dn: CN=Curley Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
changetype: add
memberOf: CN=Three Stooges,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 459
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
badPasswordTime: 0
badPwdCount: 0
codePage: 0
cn: Curley Fine
countryCode: 0
displayName: Curley Fine
givenName: Curley
instanceType: 4
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 0
logonCount: 0
distinguishedName: CN=Curley Fine,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectClass: user
objectGUID:: bd/jQ1tFKUm6f0DLYSATXQ==
primaryGroupID: 513
pwdLastSet: 127662873684218750
name: Curley Fine
sAMAccountName: cfine
sAMAccountType: 805306368
sn: Fine
userAccountControl: 512
userPrincipalName: [email protected]
uSNChanged: 88512
uSNCreated: 88508
whenChanged: 20050719225608.0Z
whenCreated: 20050719225608.0Z
dn: CN=Bad!User,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
changetype: add
memberOf: CN=Three Stooges,OU=Groups,DC=ldap,DC=eng
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
badPasswordTime: 0
badPwdCount: 0
codePage: 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 460
cn: Bad!User
countryCode: 0
displayName: Bad!User s. User
givenName: Bad!User
initials: s
instanceType: 4
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 0
logonCount: 0
distinguishedName: CN=Bad!User,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectClass: user
objectGUID:: dEEp5EfxJkeIEwodJT/8pQ==
primaryGroupID: 513
pwdLastSet: 0
name: Bad!User
sAMAccountName: Bad!User
sAMAccountType: 805306368
sn: User
userAccountControl: 512
userPrincipalName: [email protected]
uSNChanged: 72069
uSNCreated: 4452
whenChanged: 20040616155932.0Z
whenCreated: 20030915224630.0Z
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 461
The following command converts a Sun Java System LDIF file to a
FileNet XML file. This is a Windows example.
fn_ldif_xfer /imy.ldf /ofilenet.xml /tsun /sldapserver /a2.10.105.7
The following command converts an Active Directory LDIF file to a
FileNet XML file, but uses the sAMAccountName field as the user id.
This is a Windows example.
fn_ldif_xfer /imy.ldf /ofilenet.xml /tmsft /usAMAccountName
/sldapserver /a5.105.17.10
Before using fn_ldif_xfer, there are several predefined rules that you
must follow since the tool is designed for support use only:
fn_ldif_xfer is intended for use on all UNIX and Windows platforms
running Image Services 4.0 SP4 or higher.
Make sure you have the LDAP server name and IP address avail-
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run fn_ldif_
Translations will only occur on Users, Groups and Members. No
other objects will be translated.
For each translatable object, only FileNet required attributes will
be translated.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 462
You are allowed to provide an optional attribute for the FileNet user
ID attribute (/u). The application default is show in the table below:
No changes are made to the current XML schema.
All general logging and error logging are output to the following:
LDIF Format Sample File
For specific details on LDIF, refer to RFC 2849 on the Internet using
any search engine (e.g., Google).
LDIF files are ASCII-based with the following general rules:
Objects are separated by a carriage return line feed (new line).
One <attribute_name>:<value> pair per line.
Lines starting with a # sign indicate comments.
Any non-empty line could be folded (continued) by inserting a line
separator and a space.
Directory Service Product Default Attributes
Directory Service Product Default Attribute
Microsoft Active Directory userPrincipalName
Sun Java System uid
Novell NDS cn
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 463
Sample LDIF File
# This is a sample LDIF file
dn: CN=Test T. User,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
changetype: add
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
badPasswordTime: 0
badPwdCount: 0
codePage: 0
cn: Test T. User
countryCode: 0
displayName: Test T. User
givenName: Test
initials: T
instanceType: 4
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 0
logonCount: 0
distinguishedName: CN=Test T. User,CN=Users,
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectClass: user
objectGUID:: fDey+Mh27k2YKVVrkqTUrg==
primaryGroupID: 513
pwdLastSet: 0
name: Test T. User
sAMAccountName: prewindowsname
sAMAccountType: 805306368
sn: User
userAccountControl: 512
userPrincipalName: [email protected]
uSNChanged: 72150
uSNCreated: 4509
whenChanged: 20040616155935.0Z
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 464
whenCreated: 20030915224631.0Z
dn: CN=Bad!Group,CN=Users,DC=ldap,DC=eng
changetype: add
cn: Bad!Group
groupType: -2147483646
instanceType: 4
distinguishedName: CN=Bad!Group,CN=Users,DC=lda
objectCategory: CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=ldap,DC=eng
objectClass: group
objectGUID:: aL1yLAmLCkKjeTSwCAkgrw==
name: Bad!Group
sAMAccountName: Bad!Group
sAMAccountType: 268435456
uSNChanged: 4514
uSNCreated: 4512
whenChanged: 20030915225148.0Z
whenCreated: 20030915225148.0Z
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 465
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
ldap_exp” on page 671
LDAP_import” on page 680
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 466
The fn_msg tool retrieves information that describes the error that
occurred, including the shared library that detected the error. The first
field of the information returned displays the shared library. In the
sample output above, the error tuple 80,0,2 was issued by the DOC
shared library. A brief description of the error is also supplied, if avail-
Use fn_msg to decode error message tuples.
fn_msg <errorspec>
<errorspec > Specifies one or two error codes. If you specify two error codes, sepa-
rate the two codes with a hyphen.
An error code could be entered as three decimal numbers separated
by commas, a decimal number suffixed with a period, or a hexadecimal
number. For example, the following commands are equivalent:
fn_msg 126, 0, 103
fn_msg 2113929319.
fn_msg 7e000067
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 467
Sample Output
The example below requests information on error code 80,0,2,
received when attempting to locate a document. The fn_msg tool
returns information about the message tuple.
Before you use fn_msg, be aware that message information might not
be available for all error tuples.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
See the System Messages Handbook. To download IBM FileNet docu-
mentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet
Documentation” on page 19.
corona(root)/> fn_msg 80,0,2
<DOC,0,2> Document not found by DOC.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 468
The fn_perm tool is only available on the Windows Server platform
and not available on the UNIX platforms.
The fn_perm tool is a command line tool used to set up file and direc-
tory permissions on Windows servers where the set permissions
option is not available.
This tool is predominately used in eProcess or Visual WorkFlo-only
Image Services installations, which are installed using a mini-installer
that puts down a subset of the full IS software. The tool can also be
used when IS service packs are installed on those types of systems. It
is not used during normal IS software installations and updates.
fn_perm <drive letter of location of \fnsw and/or \fnsw_loc>
If the fnsw and fnsw_loc directories are located on different drives, fn_
perm needs to be run twice using a different drive letter argument each
fn_perm does not generate any output on the screen or in a log file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 469
The fn_pso_driver tool is used exclusively during the Programmable
Security Object recovery process, and allows you to convert all stan-
dard SQL scripts and system scripts into customized scripts.
This tool is highly sensitive, and its misuse could cause your IS system
to behave unexpectedly. Please confer with your service representative
before using this tool.
This tool generates PSO customized scripts.
fn_pso_driver [ -l | -d | -c | -t | -? ]
fn_pso_driver [ /l | /d | /c | /t | /? ]
l List files to be converted
c Generate PSO customized scripts
(If you omit this option, the tool generates default FileNet scripts.)
d Disable verbose mode
t <string> Database type, where <string> can be one of the following:
mssql oracle db2 none
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 470
(This option overrides the default RDB type)
? Help screen
Refer to the description of fn_pso_podf_admin for PSO recovery pro-
Related Topics
fn_pso_podf_admin” on page 471
fn_pso_switch” on page 475
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 471
The fn_pso_podf_admin tool is used exclusively during the Program-
mable Security Object recovery process, and allows you to directly
update the master Programmable Object Data File (PODF).
This tool is highly sensitive, and its misuse could cause your IS system
to behave unexpectedly. Please confer with your service representative
before using this tool.
FileNet security objects include four operating system objects and sev-
eral relational database objects. When these objects are configured
properly, they ensure that FileNet software is robust and secure.
If it’s absolutely necessary to change one or more FileNet security
object, then use this tool along with PSO guidelines to perform the
task. This tool forcibly updates the master PODF.
fn_pso_podf_admin [ -d <string>] | -h | -?
fn_pso_podf_admin [ /d <string>] | /h | /?
d <string> Database type, where <string> can be one of the following:
mssql oracle db2 none
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 472
h Help screen
? Help screen
To change the name of the FileNet software user fnsw, you must be
logged in with root or administrator privileges.
Follow the appropriate procedure for your platform:
UNIX” on page 472
Windows” on page 474
If any error occurred when using the fn_pso_switch tool, the master
PODF would not be changed and you should still be able to restart
Image Services using the previous PODF data. If this is the case,
follow these steps:
a Resolve the error.
b Log in as root user and run fn_setup.
c Restart Image Services.
d Run the fn_pso_switch tool again.
If there were no errors, but Image Services would not start, you would
have to change the master PODF data back to the previous state.
Image Services should then start again. (If necessary, contact your
service representative.) If this is the case, follow these steps:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 473
In a non-cluster environment:
a Resolve the error.
b Run fn_pso_podf_admin tool and enter the original PODF
c Run fn_pso_driver -c to regenerate all script files.
d Log in as root user and run fn_setup.
e Restart Image Services.
f Run the fn_pso_switch tool again, or contact your service rep-
In a cluster environment:
a Resolve the error.
b Run fn_pso_podf_admin tool and enter the original PODF
data on node 1.
c Run fn_pso_driver -c to regenerate all scripts on node 1.
d Log in as root user, run fn_setup on node 1.
e Restart Image Services on node 1.
f Run the fn_pso_switch tool again, or contact your service rep-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 474
If any error occurred when using the fn_pso_switch tool, the master
PODF would not be changed and you should still be able to restart
Image Services using the previous PODF data. If this is the case,
follow these steps:
a Resolve the error.
b Restart Image Services.
c Run the fn_pso_switch tool again.
If there were no errors, but Image Services did not start, then you
should change the master PODF data back to the previous state so
Image Services will start again. Then contact your service representa-
tive. If this is the case, follow these steps:
a Resolve the error.
b Run fn_pso_podf_admin tool and enter the original PODF data.
c Run fn_pso_driver /c to regenerate all script files.
d Reconfigure your "IS ControlService" service.
e Restart Image Services.
f Run the fn_pso_switch tool again, or contact your service repre-
Related Topics
fn_pso_driver” on page 469
fn_pso_switch” on page 475
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 475
The fn_pso_switch tool enables you to change the user name of the
standard FileNet software user, fnsw, or any of the relational database
The task of changing any security object should be done with great
caution. Before you actually change the fnsw user name, take a few
moments to analyze your system, and if you can avoid changing this
security object, you should do so. If changing security objects is man-
datory, please familiarize yourself with Programmable Security Objects
in the Image Services Systems Administrator’s Handbook. To down-
load IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
fn_pso_switch [ -l ]
fn_pso_switch [ /l ]
l (list) List the current user name.
<no option> Launch the procedure to change the FileNet software user name.
To change the name of the FileNet software user fnsw or any of the
relational database users (f_sw, f_maint, f_sqi, f_open), you must be
logged in with root or administrator privileges.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 476
1 At a command prompt, enter:
The following messages display:
Checking permissions...
Verifying IS permission...
2 Then you are prompted for the Authorized IS user name and pass-
Authorized IS user name:
Authorized IS password:
Enter the name of the SysAdmin user and the appropriate password.
3 When the log in is successful, you see:
Logging in ’<server>’ as ’SysAdmin...
Permission granted!
Enter Command (’m’ for menu):
4 To see the menu of commands, enter m at the prompt.
Command Description
m/? display command options
c change the FileNet user name
d display the current settings
e execute
s display IS status, release information,
and RDB information
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 477
The c command allows you to change fnsw to any other name and
saves it in the local buffer. You could run the c option as often as you
wish until you are satisfied with the new setting. The change is not
saved until you use the e option
5 For example, to change the fnsw user name to george, you would
If you think this isn’t quite right, you can enter a different name:
c robert
Someone might guess that name, so perhaps...
c tenelif
Only someone who knows that this name is FileNet spelled backwards
would guess it.
Choose a name that is memorable, but not obvious.
6 Save this user name by entering the e command.
7 You can verify the current user name setting by entering the d com-
mand to display its current value.
8 When you’ve finished, enter either the q or x command to quit the fn_
pso_switch tool.
t toggle the password display (DB2 only)
(This option is currently disabled.)
q/x quit
Command Description, Continued
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 478
9 If any errors occur during the fn_pso_switch process, refer to the
recovery procedures described with
fn_pso_podf_admin” on
page 471
Related Topics
fn_pso_driver” on page 469
fn_pso_podf_admin” on page 471
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 479
The fn_setup program attempts to set the permissions for all files
under /fnsw and /fnsw/local directories using a permission_table that is
updated with each new Image Services release.
For information on fn_setup and its commands, refer to the System
Configuration Overview. To download IBM FileNet documentation from
the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation
on page 19.
The fn_util starts, stops, creates, and updates the MKF and RDBMS
databases, calling fn_oracle, fn_db2, and fn_mssql to perform RDBMS
For information on fn_util and its commands, refer to the System Con-
figuration Overview. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 480
This fnddcfg tool is only available on the Windows Server platform and
not available on the UNIX platforms.
fnddcfg [–u] [–v] [–f <group>]
If no argument is specified, fnddcfg will configure FnScsidd
–u Unconfigures FnScsidd.
–v Runs in verbose mode
–f <group> Specifies the group in SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Service-
GroupOrder that the FnScsi class should start after.
After FnScsidd is configured or unconfigured, the server needs to be
rebooted to put the configuration change into effect.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 481
This fndev tool is only available on the Windows Server platform and
not available on the UNIX platforms.
fndev [–u | –d] [–v] <dev name> [<port> <path> <target> <lun>]\
If no argument is specified, fndev will list all SCSI optical disk drives
and auto changers detected by the FileNet Windows Server kernel
mode class driver.
–u <dev name> The device will be displayed unmarked in the Windows Server registry.
If the device is not in the registry, it will be added unmarked along with
the specified SCSI port, path, target and lun, if applicable. Both cases
cause the device NOT to be claimed for FileNet use on the next reboot.
–d <dev name> The device will be deleted from the Windows Server registry.
<dev name> The device will be displayed marked in the Windows Server registry. If
the device is not in the registry, it will be added marked along with the
specified SCSI port, path, target and lun, if applicable. Both cases
cause the device to be claimed for FileNet use on the next reboot.
–v Runs in verbose mode. Information concerning optical disk drives and
auto changers are stored under subkey "SYSTEM\CurrentCon-
trolSet\Services\FnScsidd\Parameters" and are relative to the HKEY_
LOCAL_MACHINE in the Windows Server registry.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 482
The FNL_disp tool displays interlocks (ILKs) and process control
records (PCRs). ILKs and PCRs could be designated by current posi-
tion, next or previous, absolute index, or pointer. The displayed data is
a snapshot of the running system. Be aware that the real data could be
changing as you view the snapshot.
FNL_disp was designed as a tool for use only by program developers
to analyze problems in FileNet process control. Such problems typi-
cally require examination of shared memory, semaphores, and inter-
locks. Occasionally, your service representative could request that you
run FNL_disp to gather information for the problems described above.
Do not use FNL_disp unless requested to do so by your service repre-
sentative. You can use the ipc_tool to examine process control prob-
Enter commands at the FNL_disp> prompt.
In the command descriptions below, replace items within angle
brackets (< >) with an appropriate integer. Items within square brackets
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 483
([ ])are optional; items within braces ({ }) are required. For example, the
following syntax indicates that A is required and must be followed by
one of the alternatives, B or C:
A { B | C }
In the following syntax example, A is required but selection of either B
or C is optional:
A [ B | C ]
q Quit the program
? Display the help text
g Display the globals
i { . | + | - | <dec int> | *<hex int> }
Display an interlock.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 484
The following parameters display an interlock.
p { . | + | - | <dec int> | *<hex int> }
Displays a Process Control Record. (See the i (interlock) command
above for parameter descriptions.)
h { <hex int> ... <hex int> | <hex int>/<dec int> }
Displays shared memory. Displays hexadecimal longword and ASCII
dump of address range <hex int> ... <hex int> or of <dec int> long-
words. (Do not prefix <hex int> with leading 0x.)
Use the scrolling functions at the bottom of the display to move forward
and backward through the data.
You must type the scrolling option character then press Enter.
l <dec int>
Sets the number of lines per page to <dec int> for the h (hex) com-
mand display.
. current
<dec int> decimal integer
*<hex int> address as a hexadecimal integer
(Do not prefix <hex int> with leading 0x.)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 485
s { + | ++ | - | - - } {pid <n> | p { r | c } [ i <n> ] | i c [ l ] }
Searches for processes or interlocks using the positional parameters
described below:
Searches processes for:
Searches interlocks for:
++ forward, skipping current
- backward
- - backward, skipping current
pid <n> A specific process, where <n> is the process ID number
p {r | c} A specific process r or c
r is the reader of the current interlock (or interlock <n>), or
c is the last claimer of the current interlock (or interlock <n>)
i <n> A specific interlock where <n> is the interlock number
i c The interlock for which the last claimer is the current process
i l The locked binary interlock for which last claimer is the current
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 486
Sample Output
The examples below use FNL_disp commands to display the globals,
the current interlock, and the next process control record. The last
command, q, exits the FNL_disp program.
corona(root)/fnsw> FNL_disp
GLOBALS @ 0x50000674:
avail_pros_p 0x500120C8
avail_pros_num 100
pros_fvx 128
num_pros_chunks 1
pros_elts_per_chunk 128
next_p 0x00000000
fast_p 0x00000000
cs_ilk_oflo_flag 0
pros_rec_dv[0] = 0x50011878
avail_ilk 159
ilk_fvx 256
num_ilk_chunks 2
ilk_elts_per_chunk 128
ilk_rec_dv[0] = 0x50013E80
ilk_rec_dv[1] = 0x500E8DDC
FNL_disp>i .
interlock_rec[0] @ 0x50013E80:
lockint 0
claim_count 0
claimq_p 0x00000000
cs_count 0
shareq_p 0x00000000
validation 0x00000000
last_claim_pid 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 487
handle_addr 0x00000000
next_pros_ilk_p 0x00000000
alloc_prosx pros_rec[0]
init_cc 0
FNL_disp>p +
pros_rec[1] @ 0x500118C4:
myinx 1
pid 11773 (alive)
args /fnsw/lib/perf/perf_mon -f/fnsw
next_p 0x00000000
prev_p 0x00000000
wait_ilk_p 0x00000000
wait_type 0 (UNKNOWN)
trying 0 (FALSE)
pros_owned_ilk_p: 0x00000000
cs_ilk [0]: 0x00000000
cs_ilk [1]: 0x00000000
cs_ilk [2]: 0x00000000
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 488
Before you use FNL_disp, be aware of the following:
Typically, you use ipc_tool to obtain debugging information about
interlocks and process control records. However, your service rep-
resentative could request that you run FNL_disp for other reasons.
The real data could be changing as you view the snapshot taken by
You can safely run FNL_disp while your system is active. Since
FNL_disp does not obtain locks during operation, you can also
safely terminate FNL_disp prior to its completion. To prematurely
terminate FNL_disp, use one of the following methods:
If ddexim is running in the foreground, press the Control+c key se-
quence to abort ddexim. If running in the background, enter one of
the following commands depending upon the server’s operating
system, supplying the process ID (<pid>) for ddexim:
On UNIX platforms, use one of the following commands where
<pid> is the process ID of the FNL_disp process.
kill -30 <pid>
kill -16 <pid>
On Windows Server platforms, use the pview command or the
Task Manager to terminate the FNL_disp process.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 489
See your Windows Server manuals for information about pview
and the System Administrator’s Handbook for information about
Task Manager functions. To download IBM FileNet documenta-
tion from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet
Documentation” on page 19.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
ipc_tool” on page 611
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 490
The fnlogon tool is available only on a UNIX-based Image Services
The fnlogon tool provides a security interface to the following FileNet
tools: CSM_exim, CSM_tool, ddexim, DOC_tool, MKF_tool, oddump,
PRI_tool, SEC_tool, and WQS_tool. You can run some tools without
using fnlogon if you are logged on as the root or fnsw user or if you are
logged on as a member of the fnadmin group with SysAdmin privi-
At successful logon, the tool you want to access validates your logon
Use fnlogon to logon to the FileNet security interface when you need to
use tools that require this interface.
When you enter fnlogon at the command line, a series of prompts
request a FileNet logon name, a FileNet logon password, a security
service name, and the program name you want to run.
Enter your FileNet logon and password. At the prompt for security ser-
vice name, press Enter to access the local system. If you want to
access a networked system, enter the name of the security system for
the networked system (for example, Security-
System:<domain>:FileNet).We do not recommend that you log on to a
remote security system.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 491
Tip We generally recommend that you do not specify a security service
name. If you do not specify a security service name, fnlogon connects
you to the local domain’s security service. Connecting to the local
domain’s security service eliminates difficulties if you subsequently run
applications that are not designed for remote operation.
At the program prompt, you can enter the tool you want to access or
press Enter. If you do not specify a tool name at the program prompt,
fnlogon runs your default shell and a system prompt appears. At the
system prompt, you can enter q (or quit) to logoff the security system
or enter the tool name you want to access. The requested tool issues
calls to validate the logon security information that fnlogon passed to it.
When you quit the tool, you can run another tool that requires fnlogon
without re-running fnlogon itself. However, if you entered a tool name
at the program prompt, when you subsequently exit that tool, you also
exit the fnlogon program. To run any other tool that requires fnlogon,
you must re-run the fnlogon tool.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 492
In the example below, fnlogon issues prompts to which you must
In this example, the user pressed the Enter key at the FileNet security
service prompt to connect to the local security service (recom-
mended). The SEC_tool was selected at the program prompt.
You could also respond to the program prompt by pressing the Enter
before you enter a tool name from the system prompt.
If you access a tool as described in the example directly above, you
could quit the tool and enter another tool name at the system prompt
without re-running fnlogon. Enter exit to completely exit from fnlogon.
The following example shows an exit first from the SEC_tool with the
quit command (after which the system prompt displays), then from the
$ fnlogon
FileNet user name: SysAdmin
FileNet password:
FileNet security service (CR = local service):
Program (CR = default shell): SEC_tool
$ fnlogon
FileNet user name: SysAdmin
FileNet password:
FileNet security service (CR = local service):
Program (CR = default shell):
$ SEC_tool
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 493
fnlogon program with the exit command, and finally from the system,
using the logout command.
Before you use fnlogon, be aware of the following:
If you default to the shell by pressing Enter at the program prompt,
you are inside another shell from which you must exit (by entering
exit) before you can log out.
The Control+d key sequence also exits fnlogon.
1 Enter fnlogon at the system prompt.
2 Respond to the prompts.
Related Topics
See the “Security Administration” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
See individual tools listed in
Description” on page 490.
$ exit
fnlogon: logging off...
$ logout
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 494
The gaddr tool is supported on Image Services for AIX/6000 systems
The gaddr command displays the host addresses of those hosts ac-
cessible to the glogin and gsh tools. The system stores the host ad-
dresses in files in the directory /usr/FileNet/glogin. The gloginsvr
program, which starts automatically during FileNet software initializa-
tion, keeps these host addresses up to date.
If you invoke gaddr with no arguments, the displayed information in-
Host name
Server number
Network address for each server with a nonzero host number
Time and date of the last modification to each host address file
If you supply host names, gaddr displays information about only those
An option is available that identifies those host addresses which ap-
pear in more than one host file and another option removes address
files for named hosts. The gaddr tool broadcasts requests to remove
the address files from remote machines as well.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 495
The gaddr tool displays the addresses of the host machines that are
accessible with gsh. Use gaddr to determine host configuration infor-
mation or to spot certain configuration problems such as duplicate ad-
gaddr [-d] [-r] [<file name> ...<file name>]
[<hostname> ... <hostname>]
-d Identifies and displays duplicate addresses. Use this option to investi-
gate potential configuration problems caused by duplicate addresses.
-r Removes named files and broadcasts the remove request to remove
the address files on remote machines
<file name> One or more file names to remove with the -r option
<host name> One or more host names to display
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 496
Sample Output
In the example below, gaddr is run first without options, then with the
-d option to search for duplicate addresses. The last example requests
information for only two hosts, costa1 and costaNLS.
In the following sample output, ellipses (...) indicates that only a portion
of the entire listing is included in this document.
The output consists of the host name, the server number of the host,
and the network address for each server with a nonzero host number.
The date and time stamp represents when the last modification to the
address file was made.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 497
corona<fnsw> gaddr
costa1 1 00000001.42608c2f2dba Tue Dec 10 12:57:44 1996
costa10 1 00000001.02608c2cdf3a Tue Dec 10 12:57:41 1996
costa11 1 00000001.08005afc5d84 Wed Dec 11 14:52:20 1996
costa12 1 00000001.10005afa4e65 Tue Dec 10 12:59:02 1996
costa1APP 1 00000001.42608c2f6022 Tue Dec 10 12:57:47 1996
costa5 1 00000001.02608c2cb5d2 Tue Dec 10 15:06:49 1996
costa5tr 1 00000001.02608c2cb5d2 Wed Nov 27 10:35:58 1996
costa6 1 00000001.08005acd5da7 Tue Dec 10 12:57:38 1996
costa6app 1 00000001.02608c2f5f9d Tue Dec 10 12:58:33 1996
costa7 1 00000001.08005a4d19ed Wed Nov 27 10:35:47 1996
costa8 1 00000001.08005a4d13d8 Wed Nov 27 10:35:56 1996
costa9 1 00000001.02608c2f2ba1 Wed Nov 27 10:35:47 1996
costaAIX 1 00000001.02608c2fbdd2 Tue Dec 10 12:57:57 1996
costaCONV 1 00000001.02608c2f5f9d Tue Dec 10 12:58:15 1996
costaNLS 1 00000001.02608c2cb07f Tue Dec 10 12:58:06 1996
corona> gaddr -d
SSE_TRAIN 1 00000000.080034000303
SSE_dan 1 00000000.080034000303
p45 51 00000000.080034000413
opus 1 00000000.080034000413
alf 2 00000000.080034000426
seg3m 1 00000000.0800340009ad
pcprint 1 00000000.0800340009ad
SSE_Train 6 00000000.080034000b1c
costa5tr 1 00000001.02608c2cb5d2
costa5 1 00000001.02608c2cb5d2
corona> gaddr costa1 costaNLS
costa1 1 00000001.42608c2f2dba Tue Dec 10 12:57:44 1996
costaNLS 1 00000001.02608c2cb07f Tue Dec 10 12:58:06 1996
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 498
Before using gaddr, be aware of the following:
The -r option removes specified host address files from remote ma-
chines as well as local machines.
To get online help, enter
gaddr -
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
glogin” on page 566
gsh” on page 571
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 499
The gcp tool copies files between systems. Each file or directory argu-
ment is either a remote file name of the form rhost:path or a local file
name containing no :path. If a full path name is not specified for a re-
mote file or directory, a default path name is interpreted relative to a di-
rectory on the remote host as follows: The gcp tool uses the string
value of the REMOTEDIR environment variable, if set; otherwise is
uses /tmp.
You do not have to have an account at the remote host to use gcp.
Files created on a remote host belong to the user running gcp if the
host has an account with the same name. If one does not exist, the
owner of the file is “daemon.” Requests to read files on remote hosts
are subject to security checking relative to the same account; other-
wise, the file must have read permission enabled for all users.
When the copy operation completes, use the ls (list) command to verify
that you received the file. You can also use the sum command to ex-
amine the byte count of the received file. The sum command is gener-
ally used to determine if a file that has been copied or sent over
transmission lines is an exact copy of the original. Compare this byte
count with the byte count of the file on the source system to verify that
they are equal. An example of the sum command follows:
corona(root)/> sum /fnsw/local/tmp/diane/chkpgsmpl
58254 66 /fnsw/local/tmp/diane/chkpgsmpl
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 500
If you want the name of the received file to be the same name as the
source file, enter that name in the <file name2> parameter. However, if
you enter the name of the receiving file incorrectly, gcp creates a new
file of that name. No message displays telling you that the new file has
been created. This could result in what appears to be a “lost” file. To
avoid this, you can use a period (.) in the <file name2> parameter in-
stead of a file name. Then gcp automatically names the received file
the same name as the source file. In the example below, we use a pe-
riod for <file name2> and gcp names the received file /fnsw/local/tmp/
diane/chkpgsmpl. Then we use the ls (list) command to verify that the
received file has the correct name.
Use gcp to copy files between two systems on the same or a different
local area network.
corona(root)/> ls /fnsw/local/tmp/diane
log12094 testlog
corona(root)/> gcp norco:/tmp/chkpgsmpl /fnsw/local/tmp/diane/.
corona(root)/> ls /fnsw/local/tmp/diane
chkpgsmpl log12094 testlog
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 501
gcp [ options ] <file name1> [ <file name2> | <directory> ]
<file name1> The local or remote file to copy from (the source file).
The format of a remote file name is rhost:path where rhost is the re-
mote host name and path is the full path name to a remote file or direc-
tory. (See
Checklist” on page 503 for the default.)
<file name2> The local or remote file to copy to (the target file).
The format of a remote file name is rhost:path where rhost is the re-
mote host name and path is the full path name to a remote file or direc-
tory. (See
Checklist” on page 503 for the default.) You can also use
a period (.) to force gcp to name the target file the same as the source
<directory> The directory to receive the copied files. (See Checklist” on
page 503 for the default.)
<options> Valid options for special handling are listed below:
Option Description
-h Print the RCS header
-i Prompt with the name of the file whenever the copy
overwrites an existing file of the same name.
Enter y to continue and overwrite the file.
Press any other key to prevent overwriting the file.
-l Use long block size to read and write data. Default
block size is 1024 bytes.
-s Use short block size to read and write data. Default
size is 512 bytes less the packet overhead
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 502
In the following example, the file named chkpgsmpl is copied from the
remote host named norco into a directory /fnsw/local/tmp/diane on the
receiving system. You can verify that the file was received by using the
ls command to list the contents of the directory that received the file.
Use a period (.) for the target file name and gcp automatically names
the received file the same name as the source file.
-v Verbose mode, which continuously displays the
transferred byte count.
This option can slow the progress of the copy oper-
ation but helps you monitor progress for large files.
-n# Sets destination network number (specified by #).
As a result, gcp can copy files through a router to a
different local area network (LAN).
Option, Continued Description
corona(root)/> gcp norco:/tmp/chkpgsmpl /fnsw/local/tmp/diane/chkpgsmpl
corona(root)/> ls /fnsw/local/tmp/diane
corona(root)/> gcp norco:/tmp/chkpgsmpl /fnsw/local/tmp/diane/.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 503
Before you use gcp, be aware of the following:
If you specify the file name or directory name in the gcp command,
and do not specify a full path name for a remote file or directory, the
default path is interpreted relative to a directory on the remote host
as follows: If you set the REMOTEDIR environment variable, gcp
uses that string value as the default path; otherwise it uses /tmp.
A copy operation is not performed if neither source nor target files
exist on the current system.
Before you run gcp, gcpsvr must be running on the remote host.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
ls command (See the online manual pages or the “Commands” chap-
ter of your System Administrator’s Handbook.) To download IBM
FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
sum command (Use the appropriate UNIX man command to display
the related on-line manual pages.)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 504
GDBcheckdb is a tool called internally by FileNet startup software to
check for the logon status of the relational database management sys-
tem (RDBMS) before logging on to the RDBMS.
GDBcheckdb terminates if it encounters an error.
FileNet software calls GDBcheckdb internally during RDBMS startup.
Occasionally, you can run this command manually for problem determi-
nation. For example, if your system is encountering RDBMS logon er-
rors, you can use the GDBdebug and GDBcheckdb tools to examine
the errors as part of a problem determination strategy. GDBcheckdb
ensures that the RDBMS can be logged on to, which is typically the
first verification to perform in the debugging process before you pro-
ceed with the analysis. (See
GDBdebug” on page 506.)
GDBcheckdb [-l | -w]
-w Retries the logon every 15 seconds. Mutually exclusive with the -l op-
-l Verifies that the FileNet database can be logged on to. One attempt is
made to log on. If the logon is successful, GDBcheckdb completes. If
unsuccessful, GDBcheckdb logs an error and exits. Mutually exclusive
with the -w option.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 505
Before you use GDBcheckdb, be aware that this tool is not intended to
be run manually. Use this tool from the command line only during prob-
lem determination of RDBMS logon failures.
To check for the logon status of the RDBMS during problem determina-
tion, follow these steps:
1 Use GDBdebug to turn on debugging.
2 Start the relational database management system.
You can use a number of methods such as:
fn_util startrdb command
FileNet scripts (fn_oracle, fn_sql, or fn_db2)
native RDBMS procedures
3 Enter GDBcheckdb at the command line.
Call your service representative if you need assistance with problem
Related Topics
GDBdebug” on page 506
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 506
The GDBdebug tool traces relational database operations and writes
trace output to a file that you can browse with a text editor.
GDBdebug is intended for use only at the direction of your service rep-
Trace options are set with flags, using hexadecimal values for the
events to be traced. Each hexadecimal value represents an entry point
in the generic database (GDB) program.
The default file to receive trace output is one of the following:
/fnsw/local/logs/gdb_logs/GDBdbg<pid> for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\gdb_logs\GDBdbg<pid> for Windows
Server platforms
where <pid> is the process ID of the process calling the GDB func-
Changing the Default Path and File Name
You can change the location of the default trace file by setting the
GDB_DEBUG_FILE environment variable to another directory path
and file name or you can redirect the output to the standard output de-
vice. (The GDB_DEBUG_FILE environment variable applies only to
the processes started in the current shell.)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 507
CAUTION Trace files can be very large. Use GDBdebug only when necessary
and turn the trace off as soon as possible after debugging information
is collected.
For example, to set the GDB_DEBUG_FILE environment variable, fol-
low these steps:
a On UNIX servers, enter the appropriate command for your shell:
export GDB_DEBUG_FILE=/tmp/<filename> Bourne/Korn shell
setenv GDB_DEBUG_FILE /tmp/<filename> C shell
On Windows Servers, go to Control Panel > System > Advanced
tab > Environment Variables.
b Shutdown and restart the Image Services software.
Deadlock Checking
GDBdebug supports deadlock checking and retry logic for GDB func-
tions. Trace functions allow callers to determine if the error they re-
ceived was a retryable deadlock error or not. When deadlock errors
occur, a half-second delay is introduced to allow the competing pro-
cess to progress and give up any of the involved locks. You can reset
the default delay with GDBdebug -d. If all available retries fail, GDBde-
bug writes an informational message to the event log. It allows up to 20
retries; however, you can reset the number of retries on a server-wide
basis with GDBdebug -r.
GDBdebug includes a deadlock generation facility for testing of dead-
lock retry logic. This function is only used by support personnel. For
more information, call your service representative for instructions and
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 508
Use GDBdebug at the direction of your service representative to col-
lect trace information when you are investigating problems in the ge-
neric database (GDB) subsystem.
The most common use of GDBdebug is to trace an application pro-
gram. The trace results are most accurate when only a single client is
accesses the FileNet system.
To print the complete syntax for GDBdebug, enter GDBdebug with no
parameters at the command line.
GDBdebug {-g | -s <value> | -d <#> | -r <#> }
-g Retrieves and displays the value of the current debug flag setting as
well as the current deadlock delay value and the maximum number of
deadlock retry attempts
-s <value> Sets the debug flag with the hexadecimal number specified by
<value>. See the online help statement for GDBdebug or
Values” on page 509.
The most commonly-used setting is FFFF (all bits turned on). Call your
service representative to obtain the correct hexadecimal flag setting for
the type of trace necessary.
Setting the value to zero (0) turns off the trace.
-d <#> Sets the debug deadlock delay time to the value specified by #, where
# is in 100ths of a second. For example, 20 = 1/5 second; 300 = 3 sec-
-r <#> Sets the maximum number of debug deadlock retry attempts. The de-
fault value is 20.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 509
GDBdebug Values
The following table lists the hexadecimal bit settings and describes the
function to be traced for each setting:
Bit Setting GDB Function
0x00000001 GDB_logon
0x00000002 GDB_logoff
0x00000004 GDB_alloc_stmt
0x00000008 GDB_free_stmt
0x00000010 GDB_prepare
0x00000020 GDB_in_bind
0x00000040 GDB_out_bind
0x00000080 GDB_exec
0x00000100 GDB_fetch
0x00000200 GDB_desc
0x00000400 GDB_begin_trans
0x00000800 GDB_end_trans
0x00001000 GDB_stat
0x00002000 GDB_errmsg
0x00004000 GDB_cancel_query
0x00008000 Other functions
0x00010000 DBMS entry calls
0x00020000 Print full blob
0x40000000 Deadlock testing
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 510
The following examples show how to obtain the current setting for the
GDBdebug flag and how to reset the flag if directed to do so by your
service representative. In this example, the flag setting is displayed
and shows that the trace is off (debug: 0x0). The flag is set to hexadec-
imal value ‘10’ and the flag is once again displayed to verify the setting.
Finally, the flag is reset to turn off tracing and again verified for the cor-
rect setting:
> GDBdebug -g
debug: 0x0
deadlock delay: 50 (secs/100)
deadlock max retries: 20
> GDBdebug -s 10
> GDBdebug -g
debug: 0x10
deadlock delay: 50 (secs/100)
deadlock max retries: 20
> GDBdebug -s 0
> GDBdebug -g
debug: 0x0
deadlock delay: 50 (secs/100)
deadlock max retries: 20
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 511
Before you use GDBdebug, be aware of the following:
You should use GDBdebug only when directed by your service rep-
GDBdebug trace files can be very large. Use GDBdebug only when
necessary and only long enough to obtain required output.
Call your service representative for the procedure to run GDBdebug
and the correct hexadecimal debug value setting for the specific prob-
lem being investigated.
See also the procedure under
GDBcheckdb” on page 504.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 512
GDB_exim provides generic export and import functions for the pur-
pose of moving data between relational database managements sys-
tems (RDBMSs) or between servers.
GDB_exim is not designed to be used by the customer. Complete pro-
cedures for running GDB_exim are available only from your service
GDB_exim provides the following main functions:
Export data from a database to external files
Import data from external files to a database
Transfer data from one server to another via tape files, magnetic
disk files, or over a network
GDB_exim can add or delete columns from indexes during its process-
ing. When you add columns to the index, GDB_exim automatically pre-
vents duplicate columns. You can specify indexes as nonclustered. If
you select columns for deletion that did not exist originally, GDB_exim
does not generate an error.
If GDB_exim is interrupted during export or import, it can be restarted.
Information about interrupted jobs is kept in restart files. These files al-
low the operation to continue at the point of interruption. Since they
have already been processed, the original input files are largely ig-
nored at restart and input is read from the restart files instead.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 513
Note If the export or import is taking place over a network, the job might
have to be reinitiated if the sending and receiving systems detect a dis-
crepancy in the point of restart.
Command Files
GDB_exim performs functions based on information found in com-
mand files. Command files use a definition language to specify what to
export or import and what changes to make between RDBMSs and
what changes to make (for example, adding or dropping columns or
changing storage parameters).
The export function reads the contents of the commands file and cre-
ates a definitions file that describes the exported data which the data
files contain. Commands in the export file control the sequencing of the
operation. Each step in the operation has a name. The step name can
be used for restart, if necessary, and export/import synchronization.
The name becomes the root of the file names that are passed from ex-
port to import (via definitions files and data files).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 514
Rules Files
The import function reads the commands file and rules file, which pro-
vide a higher degree of control by overriding the definitions files. Since
definitions files represent the “old” database, the rules files provide a
way to describe the differences to be reflected in the “new” database. A
standard rules file is normally used, however, you can modify this file to
meet customization requirements or special circumstances.
You can add or delete columns from indexes by specifying index prop-
erties in the rules file. If a column you are attempting to add already ex-
ists, GDB_exim automatically prevents the addition of a duplicate
column. You can specify that indexes be nonclustered (for Oracle envi-
Job File Names
The following table describes the job file names that GDB_exim uses.
Job File Name Description
<jobname>.exp The export command file names the steps of the job and the databases,
owners, and tables to be exported. You create this text file and it can be
any descriptive name (see
Sample.exp below). GDB_exim uses the
.exp file as an input parameter to export RDBMS.
<stepname>.def This definitions file specifies the details of tables, columns, and indexes
as reflected in the source database. GDB_exim export creates this file.
<stepname>.dat This data file contains the data of the exported tables. GDB_exim export
creates this file.
<stepname>.nnn This data file contains sections of tables that are exported by ranges
specified by nnn, where nnn can be 001 to 999. Restarts can occur at the
beginning of a range. GDB_exim export creates this file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 515
<jobname>.imp The import command file names the steps of the import job. You create
this file (see
Sample.imp below). Except when running the network op-
tion of GDB_exim, the file contains the import options. If you are running
the network option, specify the import options in the <jobname>.exp file
so that export can pass them to the import job via the network.
<jobname>.rul The rules file supplies any modifications to the definitions that could be
required to successfully import the data. Rules are typically needed
when importing across RDBMSs or to make changes to the data (such
as adding or deleting columns, specifying nondefault data types, and
specifying null/non-null.) You can modify this file if necessary (see
ple.rul below). This rules file will cover almost everything you want dif-
ferent from the exported definitions, or to override the system defaults.
<jobname>.rse The export restart file contains information about an export job in
progress. GDB_exim export creates this file.
<jobname>.rsi The import restart file contains information about an import job in
progress. GDB_exim import creates this file.
<jobname>.elg The export log file contains much of the screen output generated by the
running export job. These files could be useful for problem determination
if the job fails. GDB_exim export creates this file.
<jobname>.ilg The import log file contains much of the screen output generated by the
running import job. These files could be useful for problem determination
if the job fails. GDB_exim import creates this file.
Job File Name Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 516
User-defined Job File Examples
In this sample .exp file, GDB_exim -e will export all tables owned by f_
sw under the “indexdb” database and generate a pair of export1 files:
export1.def and export1.dat.
In this sample .imp file, verify that you copy a pair of files (export1.def
and export1.dat) from the server that you exported to the server that
you want to import data to. As the first line of the example indicates,
Import will first drop the old, existing tables before creating the new ta-
options (disk ‘.’)
step export1:
database indexdb
owner f_sw
table *
options (disk ‘.’, existing_tables drop)
step export1 % export1 matches with the export one in sample.def
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 517
In this sample .rul file, data will be imported from another RDBMS
(mssql/db2) and automatically change the tablespace name to be
SITE_SYS_TS to fit with Oracle. This is optional and you can always
change the schema (.def) file to test the import. .
You can use GDB_exim to move data in your RDBMS databases be-
tween different RDBMSs or to move data when converting from one re-
lease of your RDBMS to another. You can also use GDB_exim to move
data between databases on different servers.
database indexdb
owner f_sw
table * (location SITE_SYS_TS) % Refers to Oracle tablespace
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 518
Tip Enter the following command to display the syntax:
GDB_exim -
GDB_exim <options>
where <options> are the following:
-e <jobname> Exports data using the command file specified by <jobname> in the
format <jobname>.exp. Mutually exclusive with the -i or -l options.
-i <jobname> Imports data using the command file specified by <jobname> in the
format <jobname>.imp. Mutually exclusive with the -e or -l options.
-l Import via network (listen). Must be specified alone or with the -p op-
tion. Mutually exclusive with the -e or -i options.
You must specify one of the options: -e, -i, or -l.
-n When specified with import, shows only contents of the data file and
definitions files. No data is imported.
When specified with export, estimates table size in the database. No
data is exported.
-p <portnum> Specifies a network port number to use if the default port is unsuitable
-t <capacity> Number of megabytes per tape volume. This option is required for ex-
port only. The default value is 200.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 519
Before you use GDB_exim, be aware of the following:
GDB_exim is not designed for customer use.
You must contact your service representative for complete proce-
dures and for assistance in creating command files or modifying
the rules file.
If GDB_exim is interrupted during an export or import operation,
the job can be restarted.
Before you run GDB_exim, call your service representative for com-
plete procedures. You must create the required command and defini-
tions files. You can modify the rules file for import operations. Use
GDB_exim only at the direction of your service representative.
Related Topics
See the Index and WorkFlo Database Contents Manual for information
about the index database tables. To download IBM FileNet documenta-
tion from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Docu-
mentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 520
The get_rdbms tool gathers performance and configuration information
about your RDBMS. The information is a snapshot of index and Work-
flo Queue database configuration and statistics; rollback and data dic-
tionary activity; session and system-wide activity; space use; table and
tablespace information; index information; and Oracle Server Manager
For IBM DB2, this tool is not supported.
The get_rdbms tool runs on the AIX/6000, HP-UX, and Solaris Operat-
ing Environment platforms only.
You can gather information on all categories of RDBMS information or
optionally select individual report types. Once you select your options,
the get_rdbms script gathers the appropriate information and writes
the formatted information to the output file.
The get_rdbms tool writes output to the directory you specify or to the
default directory /fnsw/local/logs/perf. The output file name format is:
where <n> is the local station number and <mmmdd> is the current
month and day (for example, Jun15).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 521
Use get_rdbms to collect a snapshot of your RDBMS performance and
configuration statistics in a single file.
You can collect all reports or individual reports by category. For exam-
ple, if you suspect individual tables are fragmented in the database,
select the get_rdbms space use option and examine the DBA Extents
information in the report.
get_rdbms [-o <outfile>] [-od <outdir>] [-a] | [-i] [-p] [-s] [-t] [-I]
-o <outfile> Specifies the output file. The default is rdbms.<n>.<mmmdd> where
<n> is the local station number and <mmmdd> is the current month
and day.
-od <outdir> Specifies the output directory. The default is /fnsw/local/logs/perf.
-a Creates all reports (index, performance, space, table and Oracle
Server Manager). This option is mutually exclusive with individual re-
port types.
-i Creates index reports
-p Creates performance reports
-s Creates space use reports
-t Creates table reports
-I Creates Oracle Server Manager parameter reports for Oracle
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 522
Tip The option for parameter reports is specified as a capital I, not a lower
case L.
Sample Output
The following sample output is from get_rdbms -I for Oracle Server
Manager parameter reports (output is truncated for readability):
get_rdbms -I - Fri Sep 3 10:14:23 PDT 1999
>>> S Q L D B A R E P O R T S <<<
Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
(c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
SVRMGR> Connected.
SVRMGR> Total System Global Area 6568364 bytes
Fixed Size 38940 bytes
Variable Size 4448656 bytes
Database Buffers 2048000 bytes
Redo Buffers 32768 bytes
----------------------------------- ------- -----------------------------
always_anti_join string NESTED_LOOPS
audit_file_dest string ?/rdbms/audit
audit_trail string NONE
b_tree_bitmap_plans boolean FALSE
background_core_dump string full
background_dump_dest string ?/rdbms/log
bitmap_merge_area_size integer 1048576
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 523
blank_trimming boolean FALSE
cache_size_threshold integer 100
ccf_io_size integer 65536
checkpoint_process boolean FALSE
cleanup_rollback_entries integer 20
close_cached_open_cursors boolean FALSE
Server Manager complete.
1 Run get_rdbms with desired options.
2 Use a text editor to view the output file.
Before you use get_rdbms, be aware of the following:
To display online help for the command syntax, enter get_rdbms
followed by a hyphen:
get_rdbms -
get_rdbms checks to see if there is a password set in the environ-
ment for f_maint. If one has not been set, you will be prompted for
the f_maint password.
Related Topics
sgs” on page 1203
See your RDBMS documentation for information about Oracle Server
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 524
The getreports tool is available only on a UNIX-based Image Services
server. To generate reports on a Windows server, use perf_report.
The getreports tool is a UNIX shell script that runs multiple instances of
the perf_report tool to collect the necessary soft reports for each type
of server. The getreports tool:
Calls the perf_report tool to examine the type of server from the in-
formation found in the reports file
Creates appropriate reports based on server type
Builds the reports
The perf_mon utility collects system performance statistics on the cur-
rent Image Services server at configurable intervals (by default, every
15 minutes from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and every two hours during other
times). It then stores the data in the perflog file.
The perf_report tool uses the appropriate report definition file to format
the report data it retrieves from the perflog file. It then creates the out-
put report files with a naming convention that includes the server type,
server number, report type, and date.
The getreports tool stores the reports as text files in /fnsw/local/logs/
perf. If the directory does not exist, getreports creates it. Each time you
run getreports, it uses perf_report to generate a new set of report files,
then stores the files in the same directory.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 525
You can view the reports using a UNIX command, such as less or
more, or by opening it in a text editor, such as vi.
The report file naming convention is:
<server type><station number>.<report type>.MonDD.txt
server type One of the following designations:
server number Number of the server
If getreports cannot obtain the server number for a particular server, it
uses server number 99.
report type Report type. Full reports have one of the following designations:
The perf_report tool also generates subsystem-specific reports. For a
complete list of predefined soft reports, see
Predefined Soft Re-
ports” on page 982.
MonDD Month and day the report is generated
cmb Combined server
inx Root/Index server or Index server only
doc Document server
os Root/Storage Library server or Storage Library server only
app Application server
ful Full report
abs Full absolute report
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 526
txt Extension added for compatibility with editors on a Windows platform
or for viewing on any PC
As an example, the name of an output report file generated for server
1, a Combined server, reporting document services performance infor-
mation for December 10 is “cmb1.ds.Dec10.txt”
See the perf_mon and perf_report tools for a full description of all the
report types.
The getreports tool also creates status messages. It writes status mes-
sages to a log file, rptn.stat.<mmdd>.txt, where n is a report number
and <mmdd> is the date of the report in month and day format. For ex-
ample, rpt1.stat.Dec10.txt is the file containing status information
from December 10. It writes log files to the /fnsw/local/logs/perf direc-
The information written to the status message log file indicates the fol-
Date and time that getreports was started and/or abnormally termi-
Configuration file used to generate reports
System for which reports are being generated
Types of reports generated
File information on the report files created
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 527
The following example shows a getreports status file:
elcapitan(fnsw)/fnsw/local/logs/perf> less rpt1.stat.Aug31
Starting getreports Tue Aug 31 10:25:12 PDT 1999
Name Title File
asum AIX Processor Summary Report cmb1.asum.Aug31.txt
vmm AIX Virtual Memory Activity cmb1.vmm.Aug31.txt
atcp AIX TCP Net Activity cmb1.atcp.Aug31.txt
css CSS Summary Report cmb1.css.Aug31.txt
sv Service activity
bs Batch Entry Report
rbs Batch Entry Server Report cmb1.rbs.Aug31.txt
transdb_io Transient DB I/O Tuning Report cmb1.transdb_io.Aug31.txt
transdb_trans Transient DB Transaction Tuning cmb1.transdb_trans.Aug31.txt
csm Cache Services Report cmb1.csm.Aug31.txt
doc Document Services Report cmb1.doc.Aug31.txt
inx Index Services Report cmb1.inx.Aug31.txt
nch Network Clearinghouse Report cmb1.nch.Aug31.txt
ds Document Services Summary cmb1.ds.Aug31.txt
pf Image Prefetch Activity Report
ol OSAR Load Summary cmb1.ol.Aug31.txt
permdb_io Permanent DB I/O Tuning Report cmb1.permdb_io.Aug31.txt
permdb_trans Permanent DB Transaction Tuning cmb1.permdb_trans.Aug31.txt
prt Print Activity Report cmb1.prt.Aug31.txt
wfl WorkFlo Activity Report cmb1.wfl.Aug31.txt
sq SQL Services Report cmb1.sq.Aug31.txt
sec Security Services Report cmb1.sec.Aug31.txt
secdb_io Security DB I/O Tuning Report cmb1.secdb_io.Aug31.txt
secdb_trans Security DB Transaction Tuning cmb1.secdb_trans.Aug31.txt
The following reports were generated:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fnsw fnusr 2203 Aug 31 10:25 /fnsw/local/logs/perf/rpt1
Exiting getreports Tue Aug 31 10:25:12 PDT 1999
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 528
Use getreports to generate performance reports based on the server
Use optional switch settings to limit output from getreports. To display a
list of optional switch settings, enter the getreports command followed
by a space and two hyphens (--), as shown below:
You can further limit your output by typing a hyphen followed by one of
the perf_report arguments. You can set the perf_report argument vari-
ables from the command line.
perf_report” on page 977 for a detailed discussion of the argu-
ments. Some of the more commonly-used arguments are:
-br to set a date on which to start statistics averaging
-er to set a date on which to end statistics averaging
-b to set the average interval begin time
-e to set an average interval end time
-d to set the maximum number of daily reports
elcapitan(fnsw)/fnsw/local/logs/perf> getreports --
getreports [-a] [-v] [-r reportdir] [perfargs]
-a all reports all servers
-v verbose mode
-r reportdir produce output in reportdir
(Default is /fnsw/local/logs/perf)
perfargs perf_report arguments
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 529
As an example, to limit reports to one day, enter:
getreports -d1
The default is all report types for the day you invoke the getreport com-
mand (in this case, August 31). The following output displays a list of
generated reports that result from the -d1 switch setting.
elcapitan(fnsw)/fnsw/local/logs/perf> ls *Aug31*
cmb1.atcp.Aug31.txt cmb1.prt.Aug31.txt
cmb1.axns.Aug31.txt cmb1.rbs.Aug31.txt cmb1.sec.Aug31.txt
cmb1.csm.Aug31.txt cmb1.secdb_io.Aug31.txt
cmb1.css.Aug31.txt cmb1.secdb_trans.Aug31.txt
cmb1.doc.Aug31.txt cmb1.sq.Aug31.txt
cmb1.inx.Aug31.txt cmb1.transdb_io.Aug31.txt
cmb1.nch.Aug31.txt cmb1.transdb_trans.Aug31.txt
cmb1.ol.Aug31.txt cmb1.vmm.Aug31.txt
cmb1.permdb_io.Aug31.txt cmb1.wfl.Aug31.txt
cmb1.permdb_trans.Aug31.txt rpt1.stat.Aug31
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 530
getreports [-a] [-v] [-r <reportdir>] [perfargs]
-a Generates all report types for all servers
-v Displays output in verbose (detailed) mode
-r <reportdir> Produces output in the specified directory
The default file is /fnsw/local/logs/perf.
perfargs perf_report arguments
Refer to
perf_report” on page 977 for a list of arguments and de-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 531
If run on a server with batch services, getreports calls perf_report -a
which generates the reports for a Batch server including the following
“bs” report type. The following example shows a Batch Entry Report.
(For samples of other report types, see
Sample Reports” on
page 1009.)
The report heading includes the report type, date, and time. The prefix
for each entry is the time in hh:mm format. In this example, the time
shows that perf_mon had collected the data in 15 minute intervals.
To format the group and column headings for the Batch Services Re-
port (shown in the previous example), perf_report used the report bs
definition in the reports file (located in /fnsw/lib/perf). For more details,
Sample Reports” on page 1009.
Batch Entry Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU CreateBatc Open Batch CommitBatc CreatImage WriteImage Read Image Create Doc Update Doc
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
10:00 72 1 3 24 25 0.0 26 0.0 2 0.0 2284 0.0 2291 0.2 14 0.0 2426 0.0 16 0.0
09:45 95 0 1 4 11 0.0 0 * 0 * 249 0.0 248 0.2 0 * 0 * 0 *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
SUM: 36 26 2 2533 2539 14 2426 16
AVG: 98 0 0 2 2 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 127 0.0 127 0.2 1 0.0 121 0.0 1 0.0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 532
Before you use getreports, remember to use optional switch settings to
limit the report output types, servers, time, and so on.
For example, to limit the output to one day, use the -d1 switch. The out-
put files created apply to one day only. Refer to
perf_report” on
page 977 for a description of performance report arguments.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
perf_mon” on page 963
perf_report” on page 977
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 533
The getstamps tool is available only on a UNIX-based Image Services
The getstamps tool is a UNIX shell script that collects stamps for all
subsystems on the Image Services server on which you run the pro-
gram. A stamp displays the system and developer release numbers,
subsystem, release type, and SCR number for a set of files.
The getstamps tool enables a technician to generate a database file on
the SCR server, which contains the most current software fixes avail-
able for a specific UNIX platform and Image Services software release.
The technician can then compare the existing SCR database file with
the stamps currently installed on a customer’s server using either of
the following two methods:
Intervention: A technician requests the customer to run the gets-
tamps -stamps option at the customer site to generate a stamps
report. The customer forwards the stamps report electronically to
the technician who runs the getstamps -compare option against
the customer’s stamps report.
Customer Site: A field technician at the customer site remotely logs
onto the FTP site and copies the current database file and get-
stamps tool to the customer’s server. The field technician can then
run the getstamps -all option to generate the stamps report and
run the comparison in one step.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 534
By comparing the most current database with the stamps identified on
the customer’s systems, you can determine whether you need to install
any missing fix packs on each system at the customer site.
Use getstamps before attempting other troubleshooting methods to de-
termine if the customer’s Image Services system has the most current
fix packs installed on each server.
getstamps [ -mkdb | -stamps | -compare | -all ]
This command requires a space between the command and its option.
-mkdb <platform>
Creates a database of the latest System Change Requests (SCRs) on
a FileNet server.
This option is available only to support staff with user access to the
System Change Request (SCR) server.
-stamps Generates the file that contains the stamps for subsystems on the Im-
age Services server. If you run this option on the customer’s Image
Services server, you should follow it with the -compare option.
-compare Compares the stamps on the customer’s server with the latest fixes
identified by available SCRs. You should run this option after generat-
ing the stamps report file with the -stamps option.
-all Performs both the -stamps and -compare options in one step.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 535
Sample Output
This section shows the screens displayed when using this tool to verify
the current installation of a customer server named “happy.
Displaying Help Text
To list the help text showing the proper command syntax, enter the command without any arguments, as shown in the fol-
lowing example.
getstamps: Get stamp info; Compare stamps with current SCRs
USAGE: getstamps -mkdb PLATFORM VERSION # Make DB of latest SCRs on cantillo
getstamps -stamps # Get site stamps
getstamps -compare # Compare site stamps/latest scrs
getstamps -all # One-stop get/compare
EXAMPLE: 1) On cantillo, run "getstamps -mkdb hp9 342"
2) Copy "scrs.hp9.342.db" to /fnsw/local/tmp on customer system
3) Finally, run "getstamps -all" on customer's system(s)
* Includes IMS, COLD and WAL SCRs.
* The "-compare" can either be done directly in /fnsw/local/tmp on the
customer's machine or remotely at FileNet.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 536
Generating the Stamps
To generate the stamps, you must first copy the file to the
customer’s server, then enter the command with the
-stamps option, as shown in the following example.
./ -stamps
Getting basic system info...
Fetching IMS stamp info, please be patient...
Fetching WAL/Unix stamp info, please be patient...
Done capturing FileNet stamp information:
See list file /fnsw/local/tmp/stamps.happy.lst.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 537
Viewing the Stamps
To view the information contained in the generated stamps file, you
could use the less command, as shown in the following example.
The four digit stamp information in the above example, system, does not match the IBM VRMF release naming schema (Ver-
sion, Release, Mod, Fix pack). The fourth digit in the above example
(46) is the Image Services software cycle number rather than the fix
pack number.
less stamps.happy.lst =>
# System Stamp info
# System hostname: happy
# System OS: HP-UX happy B.10.20 A 9000/847 1427304221 two-user license
# Stamp Date: Fri, Sep 17, 1999 10:54:15 AM
-rwsr-s--- 1 fnsw fnusr 192360 Feb 6 1998 /fnsw/bin/ARC_copy
system (userid 8, Thu Jan 29 18:22:13 1998)
developer (userid 8, Thu Jan 29 18:16:57 1998)
SubSys: ar, Rel_type: rel_hpux, SCR#: 41938, mode: 100755, size: 192360
-rwsr-s--- 1 fnsw fnusr 32972 Feb 6 1998 /fnsw/bin/ARC_create
system (userid 8, Thu Jan 29 18:22:15 1998)
developer (userid 8, Thu Jan 29 18:17:16 1998)
SubSys: ar, Rel_type: rel_hpux, SCR#: 41938, mode: 100755, size: 32972
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 538
Running the Compare Command
To compare the system stamps with the current SCR database,
change to the directory where you copied the database file, then enter
the command with the -compare option, as shown in
the following example.
Viewing the Compare File
To view the compare file, you could use the less command, as shown
in the following example.
less compare.happy.lst =>
# SCRs/Stamps Comparison
# Report Date: Wed, Sep 29, 1999 07:40:58 AM
# SCRs Database: /fnsw/local/tmp/scrs.hp9.341.db
# Mkdb Date: Tue Sep 28 22:24:46 PDT 1999
# Stamps list: /fnsw/local/tmp/stamps.happy.lst
# Stamp Date: Wed, Sep 29, 1999 07:40:58 AM
# Latest Site Module
# SCR Stamp Name
# ------ ----- --------
93280 48772 /fnsw/bin/Xcold_rpt
93279 66274 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
93274 NULL permission_table: NOT FOUND
happy(root)/fnsw/local/tmp> /tommy/paul/proj/getstamps/ -compare =>
Comparing /fnsw/local/tmp/scrs.hp9.341.db with /fnsw/local/tmp/stamps.happy.lst.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 539
92371 42083 /fnsw/bin/ds_init
90900 61633 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
90883 43587 /fnsw/bin/fn_util
90874 42942 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
89901 63166 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
89899 48780 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
89885 65488 /fnsw/bin/fn_build
88924 42083 /fnsw/bin/ds_notify
88911 65436 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
88903 NULL libBROR.sl_shobj: NOT FOUND
88903 NULL EBR_orreset_bin: NOT FOUND
88902 42008 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
86153 42083 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
82468 60096 /fnsw/bin/cold_3770
82468 60096 /fnsw/bin/Xcold_ver
82468 60096 /fnsw/bin/Xcold_imp
80643 42083 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
80333 42008 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
80333 42008 /fnsw/bin/DOCs
79276 56247 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
79261 42061 /fnsw/bin/nch_tool
79261 52258 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
78250 42042 /fnsw/bin/dclview
76322 NULL Xcold_rpt_xvt.h_bin: NOT FOUND
76322 NULL Xcold_rpt_bin: NOT FOUND
76322 NULL Xcold_rpt.url_bin: NOT FOUND
76322 NULL Xcold_rpt.uil_bin: NOT FOUND
76322 NULL Xcold_rpt.uid_bin: NOT FOUND
75281 60853 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
75279 NULL erm.msg: NOT FOUND
75279 63014 /fnsw/bin/dtp
75229 62411 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
74738 42042 /fnsw/bin/dbupgrade
71926 41972 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
71926 41972 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
71926 41972 /fnsw/bin/backup_demon
71916 61648 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
71916 61648 /fnsw/bin/killfnsw
71916 61648 /fnsw/bin/ipc_tool
71146 NULL erm.msg: NOT FOUND
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 540
71142 42083 /fnsw/bin/oddump
70404 42028 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
70402 42042 /fnsw/bin/INXs
70394 41964 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
70332 42941 /fnsw/bin/fn_mkf_convert
70263 64671 /fnsw/bin/fn_oracle
69509 41968 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
69500 42083 /fnsw/bin/dsched
68631 48772 /fnsw/bin/Xcold_log
67828 51328 /fnsw/bin/WQS_tool
67825 63160 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
67822 64684 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
67819 NULL /fnsw/lib/shobj/
67819 NULL /fnsw/lib/shobj/
67802 41997 /fnsw/bin/Xapdprog
66283 66283 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
66283 66283 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
66283 66283 /fnsw/bin/BESs
66274 66274 /fnsw/bin/INX_tool
65494 65494 /fnsw/bin/ddexim
65459 65459 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
65459 65459 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
65459 65459 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
65459 65459 /fnsw/bin/SECs
65459 65459 /fnsw/bin/SEC_tool
65459 65459 /fnsw/bin/SEC_debug
65269 64689 /fnsw/bin/Xslc
64671 64671 /fnsw/bin/fn_dataset_config
64586 64586 /fnsw/bin/MasterSnmpd
63926 63926 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
63909 63909 /fnsw/bin/XPR_print
60850 60850 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
60099 60099 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
60099 60099 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
60095 60095 /fnsw/bin/Xbjc
60068 60068 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
57834 57834 /fnsw/lib/perf/eladisp
57827 57827 /fnsw/bin/OCOR_Listen
57060 57060 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 541
54516 54516 /fnsw/lib/perf/reports
54516 54516 /fnsw/lib/perf/perf_mon
54516 NULL elacodes: NOT FOUND
54504 54504 /fnsw/lib/perf/perf_report
52986 52986 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
52262 52262 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
52262 52262 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
52261 52261 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
52261 52261 /fnsw/bin/fn_trapd
52261 52261 /fnsw/bin/fn_snmpd
52258 52258 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
52250 52250 /fnsw/bin/fn_edit
52245 52245 /fnsw/bin/fbc_commit
52201 52201 /fnsw/bin/Xsec_admin
51784 51784 /fnsw/bin/SEC_daemon
51719 NULL Xsysmon.csa: NOT FOUND
51707 51707 /fnsw/bin/Xsysmon
50849 50849 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
50849 50849 /fnsw/bin/fn_migrate
50358 50358 /fnsw/bin/SC_convert
49359 49359 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
49352 49352 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
49352 49352 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
49352 49352 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
48772 48772 /fnsw/bin/Xcold_tem
48772 48772 /fnsw/bin/Xcold_menu
48772 48772 /fnsw/bin/Xcold_job
48772 48772 /fnsw/bin/Xcold_ch
48752 48752 /fnsw/bin/Xupsec
48730 48730 /fnsw/bin/PRI_tool
48222 48222 /fnsw/lib/perf/log_extract
48222 48222 /fnsw/lib/perf/log_dir
48222 48222 /fnsw/lib/perf/log_create
44711 44711 /fnsw/bin/bes_clean
44562 44562 /fnsw/bin/doccopy
43717 43717 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
# Latest Site Module
# SCR Stamp Name
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 542
# ------ ----- --------
89876 38033 /fnsw/client/shobj/
87088 38999 /fnsw/client/bin/wal_purge
86152 38041 /fnsw/client/shobj/
86152 NULL FFI.defs: NOT FOUND
73818 34980 /fnsw/client/shobj/
70287 38999 /fnsw/client/bin/wal_ipc
70287 35118 /fnsw/client/bin/wal_daemon
70287 38999 /fnsw/client/shobj/
61640 NULL fn_msg: NOT FOUND
61634 38001 /fnsw/client/shobj/
59401 35136 /fnsw/client/bin/wal_cc
59354 38967 /fnsw/client/shobj/
57830 38984 /fnsw/client/shobj/
57830 39011 /fnsw/client/shobj/
57049 38987 /fnsw/client/shobj/
52987 35045 /fnsw/client/shobj/
52978 35050 /fnsw/client/shobj/
52978 35050 /fnsw/client/shobj/
52977 35052 /fnsw/client/shobj/
48120 38944 /fnsw/client/shobj/
48120 38944 /fnsw/client/shobj/
46238 35118 /fnsw/client/shobj/
45221 38017 /fnsw/client/shobj/
41919 37649 /fnsw/client/shobj/
39496 35106 /fnsw/client/shobj/
Analyzing the Compare File
As shown in the example above, the compare file lists the most recent
SCR next to the latest stamp found on each module installed on the
customer’s Image Services server. The compare file sorts this informa-
tion in chronological order (by SCR number).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 543
You can easily scan this list to determine if and how far the site stamps
for each module are behind the most current SCR. For example:
Look at the top of the list to see how far out of sync the site stamps
are from the latest SCRs.
Scan down the list to find where the SCR numbers match to deter-
mine at what point the SCRs become in sync.
From examining the start of the Image Services stamps report in this
example, you can see that the modules at the top of the list are very
out of date.
# Latest Site Module
# SCR Stamp Name
# ------ ----- --------
93280 48772 /fnsw/bin/Xcold_rpt
93279 66274 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
93274 NULL permission_table: NOT FOUND
67802 41997 /fnsw/bin/Xapdprog
66283 66283 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
66283 66283 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
66283 66283 /fnsw/bin/BESs
66274 66274 /fnsw/bin/INX_tool
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 544
As you scan further down the list in this example, you can see that the
modules become synchronized around SCR 66283. Everything from
that point down should match.
67802 41997 /fnsw/bin/Xapdprog
66283 66283 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
66283 66283 /fnsw/lib/shobj/
66283 66283 /fnsw/bin/BESs
66274 66274 /fnsw/bin/INX_tool
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 545
1 Obtain the current SCR database file for the customer’s server. Its
name identifies the server platform and Image Services release num-
ber using the following format:
<platform> is the platform identifier, as defined in the table below
<release_number> is the release number, such as 3.5.0, 3.6 or
2 Copy the getstamps and scrs.<platform>.<release_number>.db files to
the following directory on the customer system:
If you use kermit to transfer these files, you must change the name. For
example: mv scrs.hp9x350xdb scrs.hp9.db
3 Run the getstamps -all command on the customer’s server.
Platform Identifier Sample File Name
HPUX 10.20 hp9
HPUX 11.x hp11
Windows nt
Sun Solaris sun
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 546
Before you use getstamps, be aware of the following:
You must generate the stamps report on the customer's system.
We recommend that you generate the report on ALL Image Ser-
vices servers in a dual or multi-server configuration.
Be sure to create a BINARY copy when transferring files between a
Windows Server and a UNIX platform.
Related Topics
stamp” on page 1253
stampro” on page 1255
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 547
The getstatus tool is available only on a UNIX-based Image Services
The getstatus tool is a script that collects a variety of information on a
FileNet system. The information is a snapshot of the state of the sys-
tem in terms of active processes, network statistics, and database sta-
tistics, and a listing of some configuration files.
The getstatus tool retrieves configuration information from various con-
figuration files, for example, /fnsw/local/sd/1/as_config.s, /fnsw/local/
sd/1/as_config.g, data definition language (ddl) files for MKF data-
bases, and /fnsw/local/sd/1/print_config for print services. As an op-
tion, you can eliminate collecting and displaying the configuration files.
The getstatus tool writes output to the default directory /fnsw/local/
logs/perf. The output file name format is:
<n> is the server number
<mmmdd> is the month and day of the report.
For example, the following file contains statistics gathered on Septem-
ber 1 for server ID 1:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 548
If you run getstatus and an output file already exists, getstatus forces
you to overwrite the existing file or exit the program. The following ex-
ample shows the dialog:
If you reply n to the dialog, getstatus terminates. If you want to create a
new file without overwriting the existing file, rename the existing file
and rerun getstatus.
Use getstatus to collect a snapshot of FileNet system performance sta-
tistics and configuration settings in a single file.
If the databases are active at the time getstatus runs, the report data
might not be completely current. The output includes a warning to in-
form you of this situation. For the most current statistics, run getstatus
with the databases shut down.
elcapitan(fnsw)/fnsw/local/logs/perf> getstatus -s
/fnsw/local/logs/perf/stats.1.Sep1 already exists
Do you wish to overwrite it <(y)/n> ?
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 549
The following example shows a partial report generated by running the
getstatus -eperm command:
System: elcapitan
Server Profile Report
Reporting for station 1 on Wed Sep 1 14:37:00 PDT 1999 ...
Invoked as getstatus -eperm
303 A 0 0 0 120 16 -- 3c0f 12 12 - 3:11 swapper
200003 A 0 1 0 6 63 20 280a 368 176 - 0:14 /etc/init
303 A 0 516 0 120 127 -- 4010 8 8 - 11832:45 kproc
303 A 0 774 0 0 16 -- 4411 12 8 - 0:08 kproc
303 A 0 1032 0 0 36 -- 5c17 16 16 - 0:06 kproc
303 A 0 1290 0 0 37 -- 6018 64 56 * - 1:40 kproc
40201 A 0 2112 0 0 60 20 4471 16 8 - 0:00 kproc
240001 A 0 2436 1 0 60 20 1144 88 36 EVENT - 3:10 /usr/sbin/syncd 60
40303 A 0 2604 1 0 39 -- 5936 16 16 - 0:00 kproc
40001 A 0 2934 1 0 60 20 715c 408 288 - 0:18 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon
240001 A 80 3128 4140 0 60 20 15a5 1480 1000 - 0:09 /usr/dt/bin/dtsession
240001 A 80 3556 24300 0 60 20 2769 540 12 - 0:00 /bin/bsh /bin/bsh /bin/bsh
40401 A 0 3644 1 0 60 20 5e1 472 12 EVENT - 0:00 /usr/lib/errdemon
240001 A 0 3878 2934 0 60 20 2168 5304 2524 EVENT - 5:58 /usr/lpp/X11/bin/X -x abx -x dbe
-x GLX -D /usr/lib/X11//rgb
40001 A 0 4140 2934 0 60 20 697a 592 68 - 0:00 dtlogin <:0> -daemon
240001 A 80 4730 24024 0 60 20 381 304 40 - 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtexec -open 0 -ttprocid
2.tmj4o 01 24300 134217
240001 A 0 4910 5164 0 60 20 25a9 136 12 EVENT - 0:00 /usr/lpp/info/bin/infod
240001 A 0 5164 1 0 60 20 15e5 300 12 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/srcmstr
240001 A 0 5426 1 0 60 20 7ddf 248 212 EVENT - 0:01 /usr/sbin/cron
240001 A 0 5676 1 0 60 20 29ea 72 20 EVENT - 0:00 /usr/ccs/bin/shlap
240401 A 0 6022 1 0 60 20 328c 40 12 EVENT - 0:00 /usr/sbin/uprintfd
240001 A 0 6256 5164 0 60 20 4a52 224 88 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/syslogd
240001 A 0 6452 5164 0 60 20 6659 724 440 - 0:00 sendmail: accepting connections on
port 25
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 550
getstatus [-v] [-d] [-s] [-y] [-a] [-r reportdir] [-E]
[-e<mkf | perf | perm | net>] [-nconfig] [-p<password>]
-v Generates report in verbose mode
-d Displays commands that will be run but does not generate reports
-s Displays a snapshot without service reports
-y Forces overwrite of an existing output file
-r <reportdir> Writes output to the directory specified by <reportdir>, which is the full
path name of the directory to receive the report file. Default directory is
-E Runs all extra statistical output options (-enet for network, -emkf for
MKF, -eperf for performance configuration, and -eperm for permanent
-enet Displays extra network output only
Runs netstats, a standard UNIX tool. For netstats options and format,
see the netstats manual pages for your platform.
-emkf Displays extra MKF output only (runs MKF_perf)
-eperf Displays extra output on the performance configuration only and con-
catenates the perf_mon.script file to the getstatus output
-eperm Displays extra MKF statistics on the permanent database only
Runs MKF_stats on the MKF permanent database.
-nconfig Do not display a listing of configuration settings
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 551
-p<password> getstatus has a hard-coded rdbms password for f_maint. If the hard-
coded one is not the real password, you can now put in the password.
To display online help for command syntax, enter getstatus - -
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 552
You can specify the -d option to display the commands that getstatus
will run but without generating reports, as shown in the example below:
elcapitan(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> getstatus -d
System: elcapitan
Server Profile Report
Reporting for station 1 on Thu Sep 2 10:06:13 PDT 1999 ...
Invoked as getstatus -d
CMD: ps gl, ps guw, ps gv
CMD: netstat -m, netstat -in
CMD: netstat -v, netstat -m, netstat -in
CMD: iostat
CMD: vmstat 1 5, vmstat -s
CMD: svmon
CMD: df
CMD: nfsstat
CMD: lsvg -p <lv>, lspv -l <pv>
CMD: lscfg
CMD: CSM_tool
CMD: dbp -s
CMD: MKF_stats -d /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0
CMD: Checking transient.ddl files
CMD: Checking as_config.s files
CMD: Checking as_config.g files
CMD: Checking init.ora
CMD: Checking DocClass Indexes
CMD: WQS_tool
End getstatus report for elcapitan station 1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 553
The following example spanning the next few pages is a partial report
provided only to show the major subheadings of information collected
by getstatus:
System: elcapitan
Server Profile Report
Reporting for station 1 on Thu Sep 2 10:09:40 PDT 1999 ...
Invoked as getstatus
303 A 0 0 0 120 16 -- 3c0f 12 12 - 3:35 swapper
200003 A 0 1 0 0 60 20 280a 368 180 - 0:19 /etc/init
303 A 0 516 0 120 127 -- 4010 8 8 - 12997:47 kproc
303 A 0 774 0 0 16 -- 4411 12 8 - 0:08 kproc
root 516 99.2 0.0 8 8 - A Aug 24 12997:47 kproc
fnsw 52778 0.1 1.0 1268 1476 - A 14:18:57 0:39 BESs
root 3878 0.0 1.0 5304 2444 - A Aug 24 6:20 /usr/lpp/X11/bin/X -x
abx -x dbe -x GLX -D /usr/lib/X11//rgb -T -forc
fnsw 72598 0.0 1.0 1260 1468 - A 14:22:03 0:27 BESs
0 - A 3:35 8 12 12 xx 0 0 0.0 0.0 swapper
1 - A 0:19 75 344 180 32768 25 36 0.0 0.0 /etc/init
516 - A 12997:47 0 8 8 xx 0 0 99.2 0.0 kproc
774 - A 0:08 0 12 8 xx 0 0 0.0 0.0 kproc
1032 - A 0:07 10 16 16 xx 0 0 0.0 0.0 kproc
1290 - A 1:47 0 64 56 xx 0 0 0.0 0.0 kproc
2112 - A 0:00 0 16 8 xx 0 0 0.0 0.0 kproc
2436 - A 3:28 2231 88 36 xx 2 4 0.0 0.0 /usr/sbin/syncd
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 554
QPerf - Display RPC queue performance statistics.[qperf|qp]
Quit - Terminates the Operator Interface session.[quit|q]
# Name Number Vers MaxProc No Proc No Culs
==== ============ ========= ==== ======= ======= =======
0 NCHs 2 2 12 0 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ========
70454 available/idle 1368 0.0035 0.0016 0.0295
80890 available/idle 5 0.0138 0.0035 0.0475
Totals 1373 0.0035 0.0016 0.0475
1 CSMs 134231040 1 12 0 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ========
75710 available/idle 2234 0.0862 0.0013 60.3077
82516 available/idle 938 0.1001 0.0015 3.3917
37056 available/idle 558 0.1279 0.0027 1.7081
30200 available/idle 254 0.1215 0.0022 0.8726
62628 available/idle 20 0.2304 0.0123 0.8204
76930 available/idle 10 0.4790 0.0210 1.8399
74422 available/idle 4 0.7674 0.1711 1.7254
66476 available/idle 1 0.5868 0.5868 0.5868
65850 available/idle 1 0.5536 0.5536 0.5536
Totals 4020 0.1001 0.0013 60.3077
2 DOCs 134231041 1 12 0 0
Kernel malloc statistics:
******* CPU 0 *******
By size inuse calls failed free hiwat freed
32 306 268664 0 462 640 8
64 168 1835 0 24 320 0
128 118 127809 0 106 160 52
256 532 3959879 0 92 384 0
512 265 247482 0 7 40 161
1024 118 234478 0 46 100 5563
2048 384 18642 0 4 100 0
4096 2 21569 0 110 120 146
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 555
8192 6 786 0 3 10 0
16384 1 1145 0 20 24 7
32768 1 1 0 0 1023 0
By type inuse calls failed memuse memmax mapb
Streams mblk statistic failures:
0 high priority mblk failures
0 medium priority mblk failures
0 low priority mblk failures
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
lo0 16896 link#1 300593 0 301147 0 0
lo0 16896 127 300593 0 301147 0 0
lo0 16896 ::1 300593 0 301147 0 0
en0 1500 link#2 0.60.94.e9.2a.ea 7315921 0 1431230 0 0
en0 1500 10.2 7315921 0 1431230 0 0
Device Type: IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020)
Hardware Address: 00:60:94:e9:2a:ea
Elapsed Time: 9 days 2 hours 16 minutes 55 seconds
Transmit Statistics: Receive Statistics:
-------------------- -------------------
Packets: 1431229 Packets: 10881457
Bytes: 227118601 Bytes: 2098484155
Interrupts: 24602 Interrupts: 10880858
Transmit Errors: 0 Receive Errors: 0
Packets Dropped: 0 Packets Dropped: 0
Bad Packets: 0
Max Packets on S/W Transmit Queue: 42
S/W Transmit Queue Overflow: 0
Current S/W+H/W Transmit Queue Length: 1
Broadcast Packets: 558 Broadcast Packets: 9399940
Multicast Packets: 2 Multicast Packets: 6259
No Carrier Sense: 0 CRC Errors: 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 556
DMA Underrun: 0 DMA Overrun: 0
Lost CTS Errors: 0 Alignment Errors: 0
Max Collision Errors: 0 No Resource Errors: 0
Late Collision Errors: 0 Receive Collision Errors: 0
Deferred: 48392 Packet Too Short Errors: 0
SQE Test: 0 Packet Too Long Errors: 0
Timeout Errors: 0 Packets Discarded by Adapter: 0
Single Collision Count: 25858 Receiver Start Count: 0
Multiple Collision Count: 8624
Current HW Transmit Queue Length: 1
General Statistics:
No mbuf Errors: 0
Adapter Reset Count: 0
Driver Flags: Up Broadcast Running
Simplex AlternateAddress 64BitSupport
IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020) Specific Statistics:
Chip Version: 25
RJ45 Port Link Status : up
Media Speed Selected: 10 Mbps Half Duplex
Media Speed Running: 10 Mbps Half Duplex
Receive Pool Buffer Size: 384
Free Receive Buffers: 384
No Receive Buffers: 0
Inter Packet Gap: 96
Adapter Restarts due to IOCTL commands: 1
Packets with Transmit collisions:
1 collisions: 25858 6 collisions: 0 11 collisions: 0
2 collisions: 7376 7 collisions: 0 12 collisions: 0
3 collisions: 1183 8 collisions: 0 13 collisions: 0
4 collisions: 64 9 collisions: 0 14 collisions: 0
5 collisions: 1 10 collisions: 0 15 collisions: 0
Excessive Deferrals: 0
Kernel malloc statistics:
******* CPU 0 *******
By size inuse calls failed free hiwat freed
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 557
32 306 268667 0 462 640 8
64 168 1835 0 24 320 0
128 118 127809 0 106 160 52
256 532 3959885 0 92 384 0
512 265 247491 0 7 40 161
1024 118 234478 0 46 100 5563
2048 384 18642 0 4 100 0
4096 2 21569 0 110 120 146
8192 6 786 0 3 10 0
16384 1 1145 0 20 24 7
32768 1 1 0 0 1023 0
By type inuse calls failed memuse memmax mapb
Streams mblk statistic failures:
0 high priority mblk failures
0 medium priority mblk failures
0 low priority mblk failures
Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
lo0 16896 link#1 300593 0 301147 0 0
lo0 16896 127 300593 0 301147 0 0
lo0 16896 ::1 300593 0 301147 0 0
en0 1500 link#2 0.60.94.e9.2a.ea 7315921 0 1431230 0 0
en0 1500 10.2 7315921 0 1431230 0 0
tty: tin tout avg-cpu: % user % sys % idle % iowait
0.0 2.9 0.4 0.4 97.9 1.3
Disks: % tm_act Kbps tps Kb_read Kb_wrtn
hdisk0 0.5 3.3 0.5 300209 2288707
hdisk1 1.0 7.2 1.3 2534708 3121910
cd0 0.0 0.8 0.0 601724 0
kthr memory page faults cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 558
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
0 1 66912 537 0 0 0 0 1 0 127 426 49 0 0 98 1
0 1 66912 537 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 393 31 0 0 99 0
0 1 66912 537 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 49 24 0 0 99 0
0 1 66912 537 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 96 29 0 0 99 0
0 1 66912 537 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 66 34 0 0 99 0
15275657 total address trans. faults
219075 page ins
575901 page outs
6067 paging space page ins
28586 paging space page outs
0 total reclaims
4167395 zero filled pages faults
23777 executable filled pages faults
1289982 pages examined by clock
20 revolutions of the clock hand
304366 pages freed by the clock
72405 backtracks
0 lock misses
733 free frame waits
0 extend XPT waits
64077 pending I/O waits
636665 start I/Os
636665 iodones
39094259 cpu context switches
99906885 device interrupts
0 software interrupts
0 traps
335071513 syscalls
/usr/bin/svmon: Permission denied.
Filesystem 512-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 81920 61936 25% 1452 8% /
/dev/hd2 2031616 726672 65% 19477 8% /usr
/dev/hd9var 16384 13304 19% 209 11% /var
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 559
/dev/hd3 49152 25888 48% 130 3% /tmp
/dev/hd1 16384 15776 4% 22 2% /home
/dev/lv00 98304 14184 86% 684 6% /usr/welcome_arcade
/dev/lv01 49152 5400 90% 380 7% /usr/welcome
/dev/lv02 458752 195832 58% 1326 3% /fnsw
/dev/lv03 409600 157640 62% 1743 4% /fnsw/local
/dev/fn_oracle_ct0 16384 14248 14% 18 1% /fnsw/local/oracle/
/dev/fn_oracle_ct1 16384 14248 14% 18 1% /fnsw/local/oracle/
/dev/lv06 704512 268464 62% 2805 4% /usr/ora/733
/dev/lv07 933888 224392 76% 1753 2% /usr/ora/804
diskfarm01:/dvt_wkspace/dvt/3.6/rel_aix/dvt/bin 7987200 1568528 81% 7489
4% /fnsw/dvt/bin
diskfarm01:/dvt_wkspace/dvt/3.6/rel_aix/dvt/shobj 7987200 1568528 81%
7489 4% /fnsw/dvt/shobj
Server rpc:
Connection oriented:
calls badcalls nullrecv badlen xdrcall dupchecks dupreqs
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
calls badcalls nullrecv badlen xdrcall dupchecks dupreqs
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Server nfs:
calls badcalls public_v2 public_v3
0 0 0 0
Version 2: (0 calls)
null getattr setattr root lookup readlink read
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
wrcache write create remove rename link symlink
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
mkdir rmdir readdir statfs
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Version 3: (0 calls)
null getattr setattr lookup access readlink read
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 560
write create mkdir symlink mknod remove rmdir
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
hdisk0 active 537 273 81..00..00..84..108
hdisk1 active 537 325 03..00..107..107..108
hd5 1 1 01..00..00..00..00 N/A
fn_oracle_ct1 1 1 01..00..00..00..00 /fnsw/local/oracle/control1
lv03 25 25 25..00..00..00..00 /fnsw/local
hd6 64 64 00..64..00..00..00 N/A
lv00 6 6 00..06..00..00..00 /usr/welcome_arcade
lv01 3 3 00..03..00..00..00 /usr/welcome
lv02 28 28 00..28..00..00..00 /fnsw
fn_oracle_ct0 1 1 00..01..00..00..00 /fnsw/local/oracle/control0
hd1 1 1 00..01..00..00..00 /home
hd3 3 3 00..03..00..00..00 /tmp
hd9var 1 1 00..01..00..00..00 /var
hd8 1 1 00..00..01..00..00 N/A
hd4 5 5 00..00..05..00..00 /
hd2 124 124 00..00..101..23..00 /usr
The following resources are installed on the machine.
+/- = Added or deleted from Resource List.
* = Diagnostic support not available.
Model Architecture: chrp
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 561
Model Implementation: Multiple Processor, PCI bus
+ sysplanar0 00-00 System Planar
+ mem0 00-00 Memory
+ proc0 00-00 Processor
+ L2cache0 00-00 L2 Cache
* pmc0 00-00 n/a
* pci1 00-fee00000 PCI Bus
* pci0 00-fef00000 PCI Bus
* isa0 10-58 ISA Bus
+ fda0 01-D1 Standard I/O Diskette Adapter
+ fd0 01-D1-00-00 Diskette Drive
* siokma0 01-K1 Keyboard/Mouse Adapter
+ sioka0 01-K1-00 Keyboard Adapter
+ kbd0 01-K1-00-00 PS/2 keyboard
+ sioma0 01-K1-01 Mouse Adapter
+ mouse0 01-K1-01-00 3 button mouse
+ siota0 01-Q1 Tablet Adapter
+ paud0 01-Q2 Ultimedia Integrated Audio
Type ‘?’ for help
Cache Id Name % locked % full % free
-------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 page_cache1:elcapitan:FileNet 0 10 90
3 bes_cache1:elcapitan:FileNet 0 0 99
4 sys_print_cache1:elcapitan:FileNet 0 0 100
5 app_print_cache1:elcapitan:FileNet 0 0 100
* Physical space summary 0 2 98
Statistics for cache #1, name = ‘page_cache1:elcapitan:FileNet’
min_cache_sectors 20480 locked_sectors 0 inuse_sectors 1868
max_cache_sectors 20480 locked_objects 0 inuse_objects 948
free_sectors 18612 ageable T refcnts F
self_cleaning F
Physical space summary
reserved_sectors 51200 locked_sectors 0 inuse_sectors 1868
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 562
max_cache_sectors 102399 locked_objects 0 inuse_objects 948
free_sectors 100531 largest_fs_blk 99777
Prefetch duration............300 secs
Migrate duration.............300 secs
Refresh duration.............120 secs
Cache daemon threshold.......80%
Locked object threshold......85%
Writes critical threshold....90%
Directory buffers:
Avg_wait_msec: 0, Max_wait_msec: 0
Num_avl_bufs: 4, Min_avl_bufs: 2
Page buffers:
Avg_wait_msec: 0, Max_wait_msec: 1
Num_avl_bufs: 16, Min_avl_bufs: 7
Descriptor buffers:
Avg_wait_msec: 0, Max_wait_msec: 9, Cache hits: 0
Num_avl_bufs: 16, Min_avl_bufs: 12, Cache allocs: 459
MKF statistics for /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0:
WARNING: /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0 is NOT shutdown
Statistics may not be up to date completely.
File 0: /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0 0 20480
Block type Count % nonvir. % of Total
--------------- ------ ---------- ----------
Virgin 17616 0.00 86.02
Empty 2546 88.87 12.43
Data 49 1.71 0.24
Index 223 7.78 1.09
Description 44 1.54 0.21
Empty list head 1 0.03 0.00
Large rec. head 1 0.03 0.00
Restart import 0 0.00 0.00
=============== ====== ========== ==========
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 563
Nonempty 319 11.13 1.56
Max number of blocks in data base = 20480
Nonvirgin blocks in data base = 2865 13.99 %
--transient Document Server Database DDL
control_files = /fnsw/local/oracle/control0/ctl.ora,/fnsw/local/oracle/control1/
db_name = indexdb
nls_territory = AMERICA
db_block_buffers = 1000
db_block_size = 2048
db_files = 20
db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8
dml_locks = 100
log_archive_start = FALSE
Type ‘?’ for help
<WQS_tool>Total Open: 0 Critical Lock: NOT LOCKED (0)
End getstatus report for elcapitan station 1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 564
Before you use getstatus, be aware of the following:
When run against a large database, the -eperm option could take
considerable time to complete. For example, getstatus -eperm
takes approximately ten minutes to complete for a 600 MB perma-
nent database.
If the databases are active when getstatus runs, report data might
not be completely accurate. For the most accurate statistics, shut
down the databases before you start getstatus.
The getstatus output varies from platform to platform.
To obtain RDBMS status, see
getstamps” on page 533.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 565
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
CSM_tool” on page 204
dbp” on page 252
getstamps” on page 533
MKF_stats” on page 804
perf_mon” on page 963
PPMOI” on page 1039
spacerpt” on page 1220
WQS_tool” on page 1346
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 566
The glogin tool connects your terminal on the current local system to
the remote system you specify and logs you in to that remote station
with the same user name you are currently using on your local system.
You can specify a different login user name by using the -l option when
you run glogin.
The remote system name must be one that exists in /etc/uucpname, or
a decimal station number, or both the name and number.
The server for the glogin program, gloginsvr, provides a remote login
facility for FileNet users. The gloginsvr is started during FileNet soft-
ware initialization and must be running before you can use glogin.
The glogin tool is supported on Image Services for AIX/6000 systems
Use glogin to log in to a remote system from your current local system.
For example, you can examine files on a remote system or check job
status on a remote system while working on your local system.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 567
glogin <remote host name> [ -l <user name > ]
<remote host
System name of the remote host to be logged into, or a decimal station
number, or both the name and number, separated by a colon. The de-
fault station number is 1 and the default system name is that of the lo-
cal system.
-l <user name> The alternate user name that should be logged into the remote system.
In the example below, a user on the norco system issues the glogin
command requesting connection to a remote host named corona. The
user enters the glogin command at norco’s system prompt (norco%).
Upon successful login to the remote host, the remote system (corona)
displays its system prompt [corona(root/)>]:
norco% glogin corona
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 568
Before using glogin, be aware of the following:
Do not use the ~. (tilde + period) key combination to log out of a re-
mote session. To terminate a glogin session, use the logout com-
mand or the Control+d key combination.
If you use the ~. key combination, glogin displays the following
glogin: Do you want abnormal termination? [ny]
Respond by pressing any key other than y or n to reestablish glogin
operation. If you invoked the dialout command from glogin, you can
pass the ~. (tilde, period) through glogin by typing ~~. (tilde, tilde,
period) to terminate dialout.
The glogin tool is supported on Image Services for AIX/6000 sys-
tems only.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
dialout” on page 295
gaddr” on page 494
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 569
The gls tool is a subset of the ls tool and lists directories and, option-
ally, files on remote systems.
The gls tool is supported on Image Services for AIX/6000 systems
Use gls to list the directories of remote systems.The gls tool accepts
only one name argument of the form system:path. If the path is invalid
on the specified system or is not specified for a remote file or directory,
gls interprets the path relative to a directory on the remote host as fol-
lows: The string value of the REMOTEDIR environment variable is
used if it has been set for the gls user; otherwise, /tmp is used as the
default path.
gls [ -l | -C ] [ -a ] [ <system name>:[<path>] ]
-l Produces a directory list in single column format. If the output is to a
pipe or a file instead of a terminal screen or window, the -l option is au-
tomatically set.
-l is mutually exclusive with -C.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 570
-C Produces a directory list in multi-column format when the output is to a
pipe or a file instead of a terminal screen or window.
-C is mutually exclusive with -l.
-a Lists all files, including those with names beginning with a period (.)
<system name>
Remote system name and full path name of the requested directory.
Default path is /tmp if you do not specify the path name and the
REMOTEDIR variable is not set for the gls user.
Sample Output
Before using gls, be aware of the following:
The requested path must be valid on the specified system.
The default path is /tmp if you do not specify the path name and the
REMOTEDIR variable is not set for the gls user.
The gls tool is supported on Image Services for AIX/6000 systems
No specific procedure is required.
corona(root)> gls costa3:/bin/a*
acctcom aclput adfutil anno ar asa atq axeb
acledit adb admin apply arcv at atrm
aclget addbib ali apropos as ate awk
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 571
The gsh (global shell) tool runs commands on a remote system. The
default user name is that which you used to log on to the local system.
You can change the name using a gsh command option.
The gsh tool is supported on Image Services for AIX/6000 systems
From your local system, use the gsh tool to run commands and interac-
tive programs on a remote system.
Use the gaddr command to determine what remote systems are avail-
able to you.
gsh [ -l <user name> ] <remote host> [ <command> ]
-l <user name> Changes the local user name to that specified in <user name>
<remote host> Name of remote host on which to run the command
The remote host must be either a name in /etc/uucpname, a decimal
station number, or both the name and number in the format rhost:sta-
<command> The command you want to run
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 572
gsh amber ls -l
In this example, the list command (ls -l) runs on the remote host called
amber and the output produced by the list command returns to the lo-
cal terminal display.
Before using gsh, be aware that gloginsvr provides a remote login facil-
ity for FileNet users. The gloginsvr is started during FileNet software
initialization and must be running on the local system before you can
use gsh.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
gaddr” on page 494
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 573
The ident tool identifies a file by searching the specified source (text)
files or object code files for all occurrences of a keyword pattern. The
ident tool displays the output at the terminal or window from which you
issued the command.
The keyword pattern can identify author, date, header, or other infor-
mation. Keyword patterns are normally inserted into a source (text) file
or object code file automatically by commands, such as the Revision
Control System (RCS) checkout command, or programs. For example,
if a C program in file.c (the source file) inserts header information as
the following string array:
char rcsid[ ] = “$Header: file.c,o last updated 96/10/19 $”
and file.c is compiled into file.o (the object file), you can use ident to
display the header information from both file.c and file.o, as shown be-
You can also insert keyword patterns manually into a source file using
a text editor. You can then use ident to search for these patterns within
a file.
ident file.c file.o
$Header: file.c,o last updated 96/10/19 $
$Header: file.c,o last updated 96/10/19 $
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 574
Note If the keyword pattern is in a comment line, ident only finds the pattern
in the source file, not in the object code file.
Use the ident tool to locate and list a file by a specified date, author,
header, locker, log, revision level, source, or state. For example, you
can find header information for a file or group of files indicating the date
the file was last updated or generated.
You can also use the stamp tool to obtain information about a file.
ident <file1> ...<filen> [ $<pattern keyword>: ...$]
<file> One or more file names to be searched
<pattern keyword> The text string for which ident searches, where <pattern keyword> is
one of the following: Author, Date, Header, Locker, Log, Revision,
Source, State
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 575
Sample Output
In the example below, ident first extracts header information from the
source code files main.c and main2.c. Then, using a wildcard file
search character (*), ident extracts header information from all source
and object files starting with the letter m.
% ident main.c
$Header: main.c,v 1.1 96/10/19 11:44:07 tom Exp $
$Header: main.c,v 1.1 96/10/19 11:44:07 tom Exp $
% ident main2.c
$Header: This line was manually changed in vi by Tom $
% ident m*
$Header: main.c,v 1.1 96/10/19 11:44:07 tom Exp $
$Header: main.c,v 1.1 96/10/19 11:44:07 tom Exp $
$Header: main.c,v 1.1 96/10/19 11:44:07 tom Exp $
$Header: This line was manually changed in main2.c using an editor $
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 576
Before you use ident, be aware of the following:
You can use ident to extract information from both source (text)
files and object code files.
You can also use the stamp tool to obtain file identification informa-
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
stamp” on page 1253
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 577
This tool imports the latest Configuration Database (.cdb) file into the
IS configuration directory. This tool is designed to be the last step in
the process of cloning the IS system configuration of multiple IS sys-
tems from a single master configuration database file and is done as a
part of a fresh install of Image Services. The other tool associated with
this process is the export_cdb
For more information on the cloning process, see
export_cdb” on
page 411.
All the path names documented for this tool are shown in UNIX format
(e.g., /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/import). For Windows Server path names,
substitute the /fnsw/local/ with <drive>:\fnsw_loc\ and use a back slash
(\) instead of a forward slash (/) throughout the rest of the path (e.g.,
You use this tool to import the .cdb file from /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/im-
port directory to create a new .cdb file in the /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db di-
rectory. The tool always selects the latest version of the .cdb file to
As part of the import, the utility automatically updates the domain and
server information, the IP address, and the SSN number in the .cdb file
to reflect the new system.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 578
The import_cdb tool should be used in conjunction with the export_cdb
import_cdb [-s <source_prefix>]
-s <source_prefix>
Optionally allows the user to specify a prefix for the source file other
than the default “ims” prefix.
When you import using the optional -s parameter, you are still creating
a new revision for the default IS configuration database file
(ims_xx.cdb). The xx in the file name will be one revision higher.
1 On the IS server being used as the master server, use fn_edit to define
the configuration database parameters. This has probably been done
and the latest cdb file is established.
2 On the IS server being used as the master server, run export_cdb to
make a copy of the master IS server’s configuration database file by
entering the following command:
In the above example, the export file would be created in the following
directory structure: /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/export/ims_exp_xx.cdb,
where xx is the revision number of the .cdb file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 579
If you want to use the optional -s <source_prefix> parameter,
<source_prefix> is the value you use to associate the file with the
clone server the configuration file is being exported to (for example,
california). In this -s example, the export file would be created in the
following directory structure: /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/export/california_
exp_xx.cdb, where xx is the revision number of the .cdb file.
For more information on the export_cdb tool, see
export_cdb” on
page 411
3 Manually move or copy the newly created file from the master IS server
to the clone IS server by placing it in the following location on the clone
IS server:
4 On the IS server being used as the clone server, run the following com-
mand to import the configuration database file and create a .cdb file:
Again if you want to use the optional -s <source_prefix> parameter,
<source_prefix> is the value you use to associate the file with the
clone server the configuration file is being exported to (for example,
Related Topics
export_cdb” on page 411
migrate_cdb_changes” on page 718
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 580
The initbackup command sets up the environment for backups with a
call to initfnsw backup. This includes running logproc to log errors,
OCOR_listen to monitor for network requests and replies, MKF_star-
tup to start the network clearinghouse database (NCH_db0), and
NCH_daemon (on any server providing a remote NCH service).
In IDMIS 3.3.0 and later, the preferred method of initializing Image Ser-
vices software is with the FileNet Task Manager. However, you can still
run initbackup from the command line if you need to.
Use initbackup to prepare a server’s processes for backup. Run init-
backup on each server to prepare the environment prior to running a
script to perform an offline backup.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 581
Sample Output
The following sample is output from execution of the initbackup script.
Terminating FileNet software on Root/Index/Osar server...
Shutdown oracle data base.
SQL*DBA: Release - Production on Thu Jan 13 09:38:41 1994
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1992. All rights reserved.
ORACLE7 Server Release - Production
With the procedural option
PL/SQL Release - Production
ORACLE instance shut down.
ORACLE instance started.
Database mounted.
Database opened.
Total System Global Area 4398928 bytes
Fixed Size 34344 bytes
Variable Size 3922216 bytes
Database Buffers 409600 bytes
Redo Buffers 32768 bytes
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL*DBA complete.
Shutting down permanent data base.
Database is shut down.
Shutting down transient data base.
Database is shut down.
Shutting down security database
Database is shut down.
Termination of FileNet software completed.
MKF_clean 19787
Starting NCH_daemon...
Starting OCOR_Listen...
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 582
Before you use initbackup, be aware of the following:
Using the Task Manager Backup button is the preferred method of
establishing the correct environment for running backup.
initbackup calls the initfnsw command with the backup option.
1 Shut down all servers.
2 On each server, enter the following command:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 583
Related Topics
endbackup” on page 403
initfnsw command with the backup option
See the “Backup” chapters of the following documents for additional in-
formation on preparing for backup:
System Administrator’s Companion for UNIX
System Administrator’s Companion for Windows Server
Enterprise Backup/Restore User’s Guide
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 584
The initfnsw program performs different initialization actions depending
on the option you specify. The following is a description of the actions
performed with each initfnsw option:
initfnsw backup
After FileNet software is stopped, places FileNet software in the
appropriate state to perform a backup.
initfnsw start
Starts FileNet software and FileNet databases.
initfnsw stop
Stops FileNet databases and FileNet software.
initfnsw restart
Stops FileNet software, then starts it.
initfnsw restore
Stops FileNet software, then starts FileNet processes necessary
for a restore.
initfnsw status
Displays the Image Services software status.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 585
initfnsw terminate
Stops FileNet software and terminates the TM_daemon. The termi-
nate option is normally used to shut down the FileNet system be-
fore a software upgrade.
The following three options have to do with the fact that backup of mag-
netic storage requires the Image Services software to be shutdown.
The addition of these three scriptable commands to pause and resume
magnetic storage input and output and service network requests elimi-
nates the need for this required shutdown on IS servers running AIX.
These commands make the downtime of these devices as short as
possible, eliminating increased response times and possible failures. It
is expected that the customer, partner, or Professional Services will
provide scripts to use these commands and interact with the RDBMS
and the magnetic disk. The script should pause the IS software, pause
the RDBMS, perform the storage split, resume the RDBMS, and re-
sume IS.
initfnsw pause (AIX only)
Pauses magnetic disk input/output activity.
initfnsw resume (AIX only)
Resumes magnetic disk input/output activity.
initfnsw ispaused (AIX only)
Reports to stdout whether or not input/output activity is currently
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 586
This command provides a command line method of initiating tasks
more easily run through the FileNet Task Manager.
Use initfnsw backup to prepare a server to be backed up.
Use initfnsw to start, stop, and restart FileNet software.
The initfnsw start, restart, and stop commands have no effect on the
TM_daemon that runs as a service in the Image Services for Windows
Server. Use the Services applet of the Windows Control Panel to start,
restart, or stop the TM_daemon independently of the Image Services
software. For more information, refer to the “Getting Started” chapter of
the System Administrator’s Companion for Windows Server.
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
Tip You can display initfnsw syntax by entering initfnsw with no parame-
ters at the command line.
The initfnsw syntax is:
initfnsw [-y] [-m] [-h <hostname>] {start | stop | backup | restart |
status | terminate | pause | resume | ispaused}
-m Maintains software state when errors are encountered
If you specify this option, FileNet software does not terminate if errors
are encountered during an initfnsw operation.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 587
-h <hostname> Issues request to the host specified by <hostname>
The default host name is the local host.
The TM_daemon must be running on the specified host. If you do not
specify host name, or you specify the local host, initfnsw attempts to
start the TM_daemon whether or not a TM_daemon is already running.
-y Do not display a confirmation message. (This option is available only
with the stop, backup, restore, restart, and terminate options.)
If you specify this option, initfnsw automatically starts processing.
If you do not specify the -y option, initfnsw displays a confirmation
message. Continue or terminate the process by responding to the
If you use the -y option, you must enter before the other option on the
command line (for example: initfnsw -y stop).
start Initializes FileNet software
stop Terminates FileNet software
backup Shuts down the RDBMS index database and MKF databases and ini-
tializes a minimal FileNet environment in preparation for backup of
FileNet software and databases. You must run initfnsw stop before init-
fnsw backup.
restore Starts FileNet processes required for a restore operation
restart Stops then starts all FileNet programs
status Displays FileNet software status information
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 588
terminate Stops FileNet software and terminates the TM_daemon
The following three options are only available on an IS system running
AIX and are designed to be scripted commands.
pause Pauses magnetic disk input/output activity
resume Resumes magnetic disk input/output activity
ispaused Reports to stdout whether or not input/output activity is currently
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 589
Sample Output
The following displays are sample output for frequently used initfnsw
initfnsw start Sample
After you issue the initfnsw start command, you see output similar to
the following:
If you attempt to use initfnsw start when TM_daemon is not running,
the following error message displays:
Examine the status of the IS ControlService process from the Win-
dows Control Panel’s Services applet and start the process and TM_
monterey (fnsw) /fnsw/bin> initfnsw start
Terminating processes...
Initializing FileNet software...
Starting index database...
Starting permanent database...
Starting transient database...
Starting security database...
Starting OCOR_Listen...
Starting NCH_daemon...
Starting the Security Daemon...
Starting INXbg...
Starting INXu...
Starting document services...
Starting batch_entry services...
Starting print services...
Startup of FileNet software initiated. See event log for detailed status.
Check to ensure that the IS ControlService and TM_daemon are running.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 590
daemon if necessary. For more information about starting and stopping
the IS ControlService process and TM_daemon, see the “Getting
Started” chapter of the System Administrator’s Companion for Win-
dows Server. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM
support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
initfnsw stop Sample
The initfnsw stop command terminates all FileNet software. After re-
sponding to the confirmation prompt, initfnsw stop displays the follow-
ing output:
initfnsw backup Sample
You must stop FileNet software before you run initfnsw backup. If you
run initfnsw backup while FileNet software is active, the following mes-
sage displays:
monterey (fnsw) /fnsw/bin> initfnsw stop
Are you sure you want to stop software on server ‘monterey’? (y | n) [n] :
Terminating FileNet software...
Shutting down security database...
Shutting down permanent database...
Shutting down transient database...
Terminating processes...
Shutting down index database...
Termination of FileNet software completed.
monterey (fnsw) /fnsw/bin> initfnsw backup
Software is not stopped. Request denied!
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 591
The initfnsw backup command starts NCH_daemon, OCOR_Listen,
MKF_clean, and some network programs. These components of the
FileNet system must be running to perform a backup.
After stopping FileNet software, a successful initfnsw backup com-
mand displays output similar to the following:
initfnsw restore Sample
To prepare for a restore operation, use initfnsw restore. The initfnsw
restore command terminates all FileNet processes then establishes
the proper environment for running a restore operation. The command
prompts you for confirmation, as shown in the following output:
monterey (fnsw) /fnsw/bin> initfnsw backup
Initializing FileNet software for backup mode...
Starting OCOR_Listen...
Starting NCH_daemon...
Startup of FileNet software for backup mode has been initiated.
monterey (fnsw) /fnsw/bin> initfnsw restore
Are you sure you want to enter restore mode on server ‘monterey’? (y | n)
[n] : y
Terminating processes...
Initializing FileNet software for restore mode...
Starting OCOR_Listen...
Starting NCH_daemon...
Startup of FileNet software for restore mode has been initialized.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 592
initfnsw status Sample
To obtain the status of the FileNet software, run initfnsw status:
Before you use initfnsw, be aware of the following:
You might prefer using the FileNet Task Manager to perform the
tasks accomplished with initfnsw options.
The initfnsw start, restart, and stop commands do not effect the
TM_daemon that runs as a service in the Image Services for Win-
dows Server.
No specific procedure is required to start, stop, or restart FileNet soft-
ware. However, Task Manager functions are the preferred method for
performing these tasks.
For correct procedures to establish backup mode, refer to your FileNet
backup documentation (see
Related Topics” on page 593).
For information about restoring your Image Services system, call your
service representative. If you use Enterprise Backup/Restore, refer to
the Enterprise Backup/Restore User’s Guide for restore information. To
download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
monterey (fnsw) /fnsw/bin> initfnsw status
Software status for host ‘monterey’ (operating system = HPUX):
Software started since Wed Nov 20 11:04:21 1996
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 593
Related Topics
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
System Administrator’s Handbook or online help for information on us-
ing Task Manager.
“Backup” chapter in your System Administrator’s Companion for UNIX
or System Administrator’s Companion for Windows Server for backup
“Getting Started” chapter of System Administrator’s Companion for
Windows Server for information on starting and stopping TM_daemon.
If you use Enterprise Backup/Restore to back up and restore your
FileNet system, refer to the Enterprise Backup/Restore User’s Guide.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 594
INXdebug provides performance analysis information about Index Ser-
vices. The INXdebug tool links to INX and sets a new debug value.
Your service representative provides you with a hexadecimal debug
value that represents the INX function to be analyzed.
Use INXdebug, only at the direction of your service representative, to
investigate performance problems in Index Services.
Do not run INXdebug unless instructed to do so by your service repre-
sentative. Disruption of in-progress functions can occur.
INXdebug <hex debug value>
<hex debug value> A hexadecimal value representing the function to be analyzed.
Your service representative provides the value.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 595
Before using INXdebug, be aware of the following:
Do not run this program unless instructed to do so by your service
Your service representative provides a hexadecimal debug value.
Call your service representative for the procedure and the hexadecimal
debug value.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 596
The INX_export tool can be used to export existing document index in-
formation associated with an IS document class to make it available for
import by a Content Engine (CE) system.
If you have a Remote Admin Console (RAC) attached to your system,
there is a GUI version of the tool called the CFS Connector - IS Cata-
log Export Tool. It is accessed from the Application pulldown on the
main Applications Executive screen of your RAC. Please see IS Cata-
log Export Tool related chapter of the Remote Admin Console User’s
Guide for more information on this tool. There is online help available
when running the tool as well.
Logon to the Image Services Root/Index or Combined Server as fnsw
and run INX_export from the command line.
INX_export -n <nameDocClass> [-l <lowDocID>] [-h <highDocID>]
[-r] [-a | -d] [-g {<objStoreGuid>}] [-v]
-n <nameDoc-
The name of the document class being exported.
-l <lowDocID> Optional: Low Doc ID value - default is 100000.
-h <highDocID> Optional: High Doc ID value - default is 3999999999.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 597
-r Optional: Forces a re-export of the catalog entries associated with the
IS document class - default is do not re-export.
-a Optional: Exports annotations only without exporting catalog entry -
default is to export annotations and catalog entry together.
The -a and -d options are mutually exclusive.
-d Optional: Deletes the Image Services catalog entries associated with
the document IDs falling in the range of documents to be exported
from the Image services system as indicated by the -l and -h options
after exporting - default is do not delete.
Using the -d option removes the catalog entries from the Image Ser-
vices Index Database making these document IDs inaccessible in the
Optional: Object Store GUID - if default object store guid is configured,
guid must be enclosed with {}.
-v Verbose mode.
In the example below, You are exporting Document IDs 100000
through 3999999999 of the Federation document class with no re-ex-
ports, and without deleting the document IDs from the IS system.
INX_export -n Federation
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 598
In the example below, You are exporting Document IDs 105000
through 200000 of the Federation document class with no re-exports,
deleting the document IDs from the IS system, and in verbose mode.
INX_export -n Federation -l 105000 -h 200000 -d -v
In the example below, You are exporting the Federation document
class to the CE object store guid D3C9E071-62A6-4C3E-BA23-
INX_export -n Federation -g {D3C9E071-62A6-4C3E-BA23-
The following procedure is an example used to run the INX_export
1 On the Root/Index server log on as fnsw.
2 Enter a command similar to the following depending on what you want
to do:
INX_export -n <docClass> -g {objStoreGuide}
Related Topics
The IS Catalog Export Tool related chapter of the Remote Admin Con-
sole User’s Guide.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 599
INX_tool provides the ability to view and release index services (INX)
capability locks and also provides command interaction with Index Ser-
vices via the new CE_INFO and CE_CONF commands. INX uses ca-
pability locks to prevent two clients from updating the same object at
one time. The following objects can obtain capability locks:
document classes
validation tables
Under normal circumstances, capability locks are automatically re-
leased following an update. On occasion, the release does not occur.
For example, a client can lock a document but, due to a bug in the cli-
ent application code or an application program failure, fail to release
the lock when the update completes. In another example, a lock can be
held when a PC running in native mode while updating a document in
a Query Match Report is accidentally rebooted or must be rebooted
because of an operating system error.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 600
Use INX_tool to manually unlock objects when software fails to do so.
Such occurrences are rare.
Do not use INX_tool to unlock an object being used by other clients. If
a program locks an object for updating and you remove the lock on that
object with INX_tool, more than one client at a time could update the
object, compromising the integrity of the database and the state of in-
ternal shared memory.
To determine if an object is locked, examine the time stamp of the ob-
ject. An object is usually locked for only a short time. If the time stamp
indicates an object has been locked for a long time (hours or days), it is
reasonable to consider unlocking the object with INX_tool. If the appli-
cation program is structured to allow locking objects for long periods of
time, an application-dependent method of judging failures to unlock
must be invoked.
When you enter INX_tool at the command line, the prompt changes to
Enter INX_tool commands at this prompt.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 601
The following table identifies all available INX_tool commands with a
brief description of each. The list is followed by detailed explanations of
each command.
Command Description
CAPLOCKS [<types>] Lists capability locks. If types are not specified, lists all capability
UNLOCK <index> Releases capability lock on an object
CE_INFO Displays Content Engine configuration and FileNet P8 Content
Federation Services (CFS) Server for Image Services information.
CE_CONF Configures IS document class mapping to a CE object store in a
CFS for IS environment.
OUTPUTFILE <filename> Specifies the name of an output file into which INX_tool output is
OUTPUT [OFF | ON] Turns off or on the output to the output file specified in the
EXIT Exits INX_tool
QUIT Exits INX_tool
HELP [<command>] Displays help information for INX_tool commands
!<shell_cmd> Executes a specified shell command
? Lists a brief description of the available commands
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 602
caplocks [<types>]
<types> can be one or more of the following:
A - available locks
C - document class locks
D - document locks
F - folder locks
I - index locks
L - cluster locks
M - menu locks
T - tab locks
V - validation table locks
* - all locks
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 603
If you do not specify an object type, caplocks displays locks on all ob-
ject types.
The following example shows two locked documents with doc numbers
1901 and 1900:
The first column, idx, contains the number that uniquely identifies the
capability lock. The second column, type, identifies the object type that
is locked. The type column contains both a type description, such as
doc, and the internal type number (#). The third column is the object
identifier. If the object type is doc, the object ID column holds the docu-
ment’s doc number. If the object type is menu, the column holds the
menu’s identifier, and so on. The fourth column contains the time that
the object was locked. The last column contains internal indexing infor-
mation and can be ignored.
unlock <index>
To remove a lock and release the object, use the unlock command fol-
lowed by the capability lock identifier. (Obtain the identifier from the
first column of the caplocks output.) INX_tool displays the capability
lock and prompts you to confirm the action before the lock on the ob-
ject is removed. Before you respond to the prompt, review the dis-
played information to verify that this is the correct lock to remove.
<INX_tool> caplocks
idx type # object id timestamp next idx
---- ------------ ------------ ---------------------- --------
23 doc 1 1901 97/01/27 17:06:17.453 24
24 doc 1 1900 97/01/27 17:06:12.547 -1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 604
The following example shows the removal of the lock for object 23:
To display Content Engine information and CFS Server for Image Ser-
vices information in a variety of ways, use the many menu-driven view
options available with the ce_info command.
The following example shows the main display of the cd_info com-
<INX_tool> unlock 23
idx type # object id timestamp next idx
---- ------------ ------------ ---------------------- --------
23 doc 1 1901 97/01/27 17:06:17.453 24
Unlock index 23 (y/n) ? y
<INX_tool> ce_info
CE INFO views
1) Display All configured Object Stores
2) View Object Store to DCL relationship(s)
3) View DCL to Object Store relationship(s)
4) View DCL default Object Store configuration
5) View CE Shared Memory Management Variables
Select one(1-5):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 605
If you enter 1, you will receive a screen similar to the following which
will display object store information after answering some system
You enter the appropriate responses to the prompts. All prompts are
self-explanatory and will provide an accurate display of your desired
< Select one(1-5):1
Enter the NCH domain name [ibmmsar]:
Enter the NCH organization name [FileNet]:
Enter the logon user name [SysAdmin]:
Enter the logon password [********]:
Known Domain/OBJECT_STORE(s):
DOMAIN: 'ISNTTITAN'='{C8A20902-43EB-49BF-9B65-266B07140865}'
Object Store: 'TESTCASE_B_OS'='{D5A78CDF-1BE6-423E-9CB3-67EE04AEA70C}'
Configured DCL(s):
DOMAIN: 'INT3P8'='{3DF5A8EE-083C-4069-9B3E-90007E0D47C8}'
Object Store: 'OS_BESTCASE'='{BF8AA25E-9559-43E2-A021-4EC18FA6F6EA}'
Configured DCL(s):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 606
The ce_conf command configures Images Services document class
mapping to a Content Engine object store.
The following example shows the main display of the cd_info com-
Normally this relationship should be managed through Enterprise
Manager and the CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export Tool on RAC.
For more information on this tool, see Chapter 4 of the Remote Admin
Console User’s Guide.
Enter the NCH domain name [ibmmsar]:
Enter the NCH organization name [FileNet]:
Enter the logon user name [SysAdmin]:
Enter the logon password [********]:
DOMAIN: 'CE'='{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}'
Object store: 'OS'='{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013}'
DOMAIN: 'CE2'='{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013}'
Object store: 'OS2'='{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789044}'
DOMAIN: 'CE2'='{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013}'
Object store: 'OS3'='{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789555}'
DOMAIN: 'ISNTTITAN'='{0C56A5DC-1F6F-437D-A5B0-9C15A0C9BCE6}'
Object store: 'CE_B_OS'='{5590A000-43AD-4DD2-A1D3-38B51D995E16}'
DOMAIN: 'ISNTTITAN'='{0C56A5DC-1F6F-437D-A5B0-9C15A0C9BCE6}'
Object store: 'CE_C_OS'='{84A7DF45-B1F7-40B2-86A2-46EB496CB7A7}'
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 607
You are prompted for specific information for the CE domain you are in-
terested in. In our example below, we chose CE:
Note that when answering the prompt for the CE domain and object
store name GUIDs, you must enter in the brackets ({}) in addition to
the entire string of numbers.
In the example above, notice that when you answer Y to add a docu-
ment class, you are also asked if you want to make the object store the
default object store. Once you have gone through all of the document
classes you are given a summary of all of the successful document
class mappings as well as which object store is the default.
CE_DOMAIN_GUID: {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}
OBJECT_STORE_GUID: {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013}
Add DCL=IS_C_DCL (id=90) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
Add DCL=ce_im_only (id=1) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):y
Make this the default Object Store for DCL=ce_im_only(y/n) [n]:y
Add DCL=ce_no_cat_class (id=2) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
Add DCL=ce_class (id=3) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
Add DCL=ce_class2 (id=4) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
Add DCL=not_ce_class (id=5) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
Add DCL=mode1default (id=6) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
Add DCL=COLD_committals (id=7) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
Add DCL=PDE_DM1_CATY_nums (id=8) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
Add DCL=CE_IS_Scratch (id=9) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
Add DCL=PDE_CATN_6 (id=10) to CE_OS_DCL_MAP (y/n):n
INX_ce_config_object_store_dcl_map: successfully called
successfully set DCL='ce_class' (id=3)
Object_store_guid={12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789013} DEFAULT
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 608
outputfile <filename>
INX_tool typically displays its output to the standard output device. You
can optionally specify a file to which INX_tool directs its output. For ex-
ample, the following command causes INX_tool to write its output to
the inx010397.out file in the /tmp directory:
<INX_tool> outputfile /tmp/inx010397.out
After using the outputfile command, use the output command to write
INX_tool output to the specified file.
output [off | on]
Use the output on command to cause INX_tool to write its output to
the file you specified in the outputfile command. If you want the output
to be displayed only to the standard output device, use the output off
exit / quit
Use either the exit or quit command to terminate INX_tool.
help [<command>]
Use the help command to display additional information on one or all
INX_tool commands. If you do not specify a command, the help com-
mand displays brief information for all INX_tool commands.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 609
The following example displays help for the outputfile command:
Executes the specified shell command.
Lists brief help information for each INX_tool command.
<INX_tool> help outputfile
OUTPUTFILE <file name> - establishes <file name> as the file to which output
will be directed. The OUTPUT ON command must be used
to cause output to be written to <file name>.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 610
Before you use INX_tool, be aware of the following:
To use INX_tool, you must be logged on as a member of the fnusr
You must run INX_tool from the Index server.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
Information on the CFS Connector - IS Catalog Export Tool on RAC,
can be found in Chapter 4 of the Remote Admin Console User’s Guide.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 611
The ipc_tool enables you to examine the resources that allow Image
Services processes to interact. These resources include:
Shared memory: stores common data, accessed by multiple pro-
Semaphores: control guarding abstract initialization and access to
system resources.
Interlocks: control access to critical sections of code.
You can run ipc_tool as a menu-driven utility or you can enter the
ipc_tool command with one of the options at the system prompt.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 612
Running ipc_tool as a Menu-Driven Utility
When you enter ipc_tool at the command line without flags, the follow-
ing menu and prompt appear:
As shown in this example, each menu option identifies the type of infor-
mation displayed after you type the corresponding character. For ex-
ample, typing a letter A (uppercase or lowercase) displays the Shared
Memory Segment Information report.
Commands” on page 617 for a description of these menu op-
tions and the addition command line options.
To quit displaying ipc_tool output, type q. To exit the menu, type q (quit)
at the prompt (->).
Running ipc_tool from the Command Line
If you prefer to run ipc_tool commands from the command line, simply
enter the appropriate flag after the ipc_tool command.
Welcome to ipc_tool
1. Abstract Shared Memory (detailed)
2. Abstract Shared Memory (summary)
3. Address to Abstract Map
4. Examine Shared Memory
5. System Management Semaphores
6. Claimed Application Interlocks
7. Interlock usage of a process
8. Current Processes
9. Dump Shared Memory Segment(s) to File(s)
A. Shared Memory Segment Information
H. Help
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 613
The following example shows output displayed on an AIX platform
when running the ipc_tool -A option from the command line.
moorea(fnsw)/home/fnsw> ipc_tool -A
Maximum shared memory segments available in software: 11
Segment Size: 0x01000000 bytes (16 MB)
Successfully test allocated and attached to 10 shared memory segments.
Segment #0 (called the address manager) is small.
The other 9 segments are 16 MB each for total shared memory = 144 MB.
The actual amount of shared memory available during operation may be less.
Shared Memory Address Manager Information
Address Shm id Creator
0 0xc0000000 102401 Shared address manager
1 0xb0000000 618498 FileNet server software
System's fixed shared memory address table (derived)...
0: 0xc0000000
1: 0xb0000000
2: 0xa0000000
3: 0x90000000
4: 0x80000000
5: 0x70000000
6: 0x60000000
7: 0x50000000
8: 0x40000000
9: 0x30000000
To quit displaying ipc_tool output, type q.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 614
Use ipc_tool to examine the resources which allow Image Services
processes to interact. For example:
If a process hangs, ipc_tool enables you to determine if any
claimed semaphores or interlocks are delaying processes.
When shared memory corruption causes problems with one or
more processes, ipc_tool enables you to examine shared memory,
which might help you find the source of the corruption.
When you’re using fn_edit to tune system performance by adjust-
ing the shared memory and buffer size values, ipc_tool enables
you to determine the number of shared memory segments in use.
The ipc_tool only provides information and does not modify the system
in any way.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 615
ipc_tool [ -a | -t | -m | -d | -s | -i | -I | -p | -D [-S] | -A | -T | -B | -b | -P |
-l <log option> | -x | -f <file> [-o <file offset> | -h ]
You can run the ipc_tool command with one of its optional flags at the
system prompt. Entering the ipc_tool command without any flags dis-
plays the ipc_tool menu.
See “Flags” below for a description of each flag.
Some flags for ipc_tool correspond to selections from the ipc_tool
menu. The other options are available only from the command line.
Commands” on page 617 for a detailed description of the infor-
mation associated with each flag:
-a Abstract Shared Memory (detailed)
-t Abstract Shared Memory (summary)
-m Address to Abstract Map
-d Examine Shared Memory Segment
-s System Management Semaphores
-i Claimed Application Interlocks
-I Interlock usage of a process
-p Current Processes
-D Dump Shared Memory Segment(s) to File(s)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 616
-S Silent Mode dump, will not prompt for input (only used with -D).
Combining -D and -S dumps shared memory to directory:
To specify directory for dump files, put directory name in file:
-A Shared Memory Segment Information
-T Trigger file operations
-B Display circular buffer log (CBLOG) to stdout
-b Dump circular buffer log (CBLOG) to file
-P Dump CB process log to file
-l <log option> Set one of the following log options:
‘elog_start’ - log process start in ELOG
‘cblog_start’ - log process start in CBLOG
‘cblog_stop’ - log process stop in CBLOG
‘fnlog_start’ - log process start in FNLOG
‘fnlog_stop’ - log process stop in FNLOG
‘off - disable all process logging
‘status’ - display logging status
-x Perform shared memory corruption check
-f <file> Read shared memory information from file
-o <offset> Offset into file for start of shared memory information
-h Help usage message
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 617
The following items correspond to the menu options displayed when
you start the menu-driven form of ipc_tool. Each option also corre-
sponds to a flag that you can directly enter to select a specific option at
the time you start ipc_tool from the command line.
1. Abstract Shared Memory (detailed)
(corresponds to the -a flag)
Produces a list of shared memory blocks grouped by shared library
(abstract) name with the starting address and size of each block dis-
played. If the program detects data corruption at a certain address,
ipc_tool halts and produces a report of the problem.
At the end of the output, ipc_tool reports the average block size of the
shared library and the total number of bytes allocated for the shared li-
brary. The -a option can help when you are trying to determine which
shared libraries have been linked since the FileNet software started.
The following example shows a partial listing of the report displayed
when selecting this option on an AIX platform. The report displayed for
your Image Services system might vary from this example. This exam-
ple omits the complete data where indicated with an ellipsis (...).
1: Address: 0xb0000000 Size: 6244
2: Address: 0xb068b09c Size: 528
SHM: Total bytes ...... 9902768
1: Address: 0xb066aef4 Size: 6636
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 618
2: Address: 0xb066d078 Size: 980
3: Address: 0xb066d45c Size: 6416
ARM: Avg: 4677.33 Bytes: 14032
1: Address: 0xb00cef9c Size: 28
ASH: Avg: 28.00 Bytes: 28
1: Address: 0xb0464314 Size: 68
2: Address: 0xb04656c8 Size: 1288
3: Address: 0xb0689cbc Size: 1288
BES: Avg: 881.33 Bytes: 2644
1: Address: 0xb0465388 Size: 132
BESl: Avg: 132.00 Bytes: 132
1: Address: 0xb0419444 Size: 46812
2: Address: 0xb0424b30 Size: 112
3: Address: 0xb0424bb0 Size: 480
CNF: Avg: 15801.33 Bytes: 47404
1: Address: 0xb03dfa74 Size: 7984
CNT: Avg: 7984.00 Bytes: 7984
1: Address: 0xb000d22c Size: 136
2: Address: 0xb004e8e4 Size: 1980
COR: Avg: 1058.00 Bytes: 2116
1: Address: 0xb0462340 Size: 48
2: Address: 0xb0463004 Size: 908
CSM: Avg: 478.00 Bytes: 956
1: Address: 0xb041832c Size: 4360
2: Address: 0xb0444ae4 Size: 112
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 619
CSMl: Avg: 399.38 Bytes: 5192
1: Address: 0xb04484f4 Size: 8468
DIS: Avg: 8468.00 Bytes: 8468
1: Address: 0xb04633cc Size: 144
2: Address: 0xb046346c Size: 676
DOC: Avg: 410.00 Bytes: 820
1: Address: 0xb000d304 Size: 224
2: Address: 0xb000d3f4 Size: 6160
GTI: Avg: 11284.25 Bytes: 180548
1: Address: 0xb04172a4 Size: 40
2: Address: 0xb041741c Size: 2348
INX: Avg: 536.11 Bytes: 101860
1: Address: 0xb000be1c Size: 5004
2: Address: 0xb004f0e0 Size: 1424
MKFt: Avg: 19292.68 Bytes: 3762072
1: Address: 0xb0007374 Size: 312
2: Address: 0xb00074bc Size: 272
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 620
NCH: Avg: 3806.40 Bytes: 19032
NCHl: Linked, but no shared memory.
1: Address: 0xb00cee40 Size: 60
2: Address: 0xb00e62c8 Size: 1576
NLT: Avg: 632.67 Bytes: 3796
1: Address: 0xb066972c Size: 832
2: Address: 0xb0670e30 Size: 864
NMI: Avg: 591.20 Bytes: 2956
1: Address: 0xb0017cd0 Size: 223352
2: Address: 0xb004e558 Size: 60
OCOR: Avg: 56053.00 Bytes: 224212
1: Address: 0xb066c8f0 Size: 892
2: Address: 0xb068da14 Size: 1720
ODX: Avg: 1306.00 Bytes: 2612
1: Address: 0xb044b8f0 Size: 88
2: Address: 0xb044b958 Size: 48
3: Address: 0xb044b998 Size: 48
OPM: Avg: 61.33 Bytes: 184
1: Address: 0xb044a618 Size: 160
2: Address: 0xb044b9d8 Size: 1736
OSA: Avg: 948.00 Bytes: 1896
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 621
1: Address: 0xb066ed7c Size: 48
2: Address: 0xb0670738 Size: 68
OSI: Avg: 58.00 Bytes: 116
1: Address: 0xb066f678 Size: 4272
2: Address: 0xb06707b4 Size: 140
OSIl: Avg: 2206.00 Bytes: 4412
1: Address: 0xb0465610 Size: 32
2: Address: 0xb046937c Size: 256
PMM: Avg: 144.00 Bytes: 288
1: Address: 0xb0460094 Size: 8860
2: Address: 0xb046948c Size: 596
PRIl: Avg: 192006.19 Bytes: 2112068
1: Address: 0xb044583c Size: 204
2: Address: 0xb0445918 Size: 10256
QLG: Avg: 5230.00 Bytes: 10460
1: Address: 0xb0405e54 Size: 192
2: Address: 0xb0415ec4 Size: 696
QMA: Avg: 779.00 Bytes: 9348
1: Address: 0xb0463950 Size: 336
2: Address: 0xb0463ab0 Size: 2064
SAS: Avg: 1200.00 Bytes: 2400
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 622
SC: Linked, but no shared memory.
1: Address: 0xb03a1320 Size: 264
2: Address: 0xb0464f54 Size: 20
SEC: Avg: 48.00 Bytes: 528
1: Address: 0xb03e19b4 Size: 11972
SKF: Avg: 11972.00 Bytes: 11972
1: Address: 0xb03b52b0 Size: 596
2: Address: 0xb03e4888 Size: 5964
SKFt: Avg: 3280.00 Bytes: 6560
1: Address: 0xb00018bc Size: 68
2: Address: 0xb0405f94 Size: 84
SLMl: Avg: 114.36 Bytes: 2516
1: Address: 0xb00cef00 Size: 28
2: Address: 0xb03ff3e8 Size: 976
WQSl: Avg: 502.00 Bytes: 1004
1: Address: 0xb046392c Size: 20
WRT: Avg: 20.00 Bytes: 20
Total bytes of shared memory:....6862992
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 623
The following example shows a message ipc_tool displayed after de-
tecting data corruption in the MKF shared library (also called an “ab-
This tool can detect data corruption when the shared memory block al-
located for a shared library does not match the block size values stored
in adjacent shared memory addresses.
Corruption detected at address <0x300006c0> for abstract
Leading size of <32> doesn't match trailing size of <2171424>.
1: Address: 0x300006c4 Size: 32 <- block corrupt!
SKF: Avg: 32.00 Bytes: 32
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 624
2. Abstract Shared Memory (summary)
(corresponds to the -t flag)
Produces a summary of shared memory use by each shared library
(abstract). The output is an abbreviated version of the information pro-
vided by the detailed abstract shared memory report (menu option 1 or
flag -a).
The following example shows a partial listing of the report displayed
when selecting this option on an AIX platform. The report displayed for
your Image Services system might vary from this example.
Abstract Total Avg Block Total Bytes
-------- ----- --------- -----------
ARM 3 4677.33 14032
ASH 1 28.00 28
BES 3 881.33 2644
BESl 1 132.00 132
BKG 1 52.00 52
BRLC 1 80.00 80
CDB 1 20.00 20
CDCD 0 0.00 0
CKS 1 20.00 20
CLT 1 24.00 24
CMT 1 24.00 24
CNF 3 15801.33 47404
CNT 1 7984.00 7984
COR 2 1058.00 2116
CSM 2 478.00 956
CSMl 13 399.38 5192
DBL 1 336.00 336
DBP 1 480.00 480
DBU 1 20.00 20
DCH 1 304.00 304
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 625
The name of the shared library (abstract).
Total number of blocks allocated for use by the shared library.
Avg Block
Average size (in bytes) of each allocated memory block.
Total Bytes
Amount of memory (in bytes) used by the shared library.
The calculation is Total * Avg Block = Total Bytes.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 626
3. Address to Abstract Map
(corresponds to the -m flag)
Identifies the shared library (abstract) that is using a memory address
that you specify. Use this option to identify a shared library when you
know the address where data corruption has occurred but you do not
know which shared library is using that memory address. After select-
ing this option, the program displays output similar to the following:
If you enter the hexadecimal address 0xb0112230,
the program dis-
plays output similar to the following:
This information tells you that the MKF shared library is using memory
located at address 0xb0112230, which is part of a shared memory
segment starting at address 0xb00e6b18.
If memory is corrupted at the address you specify, the information re-
ported might not be reliable. If you suspect this condition, menu option
4 (Examine Shared Memory) could help in troubleshooting.
Segment 1: 0xb0000000 - 0xb0ffffff
Enter Address:
Enter Address: 0xb0112230
1: Address: 0xb00e6b18 Size: 200096
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 627
4. Examine Shared Memory Segment
(corresponds to the -d flag)
Provides a hexadecimal and ASCII view of shared memory addresses.
To display an address and the addresses immediately following it, en-
ter the address at the prompt.
The following example shows a partial listing of the report displayed
when selecting this option on an AIX platform. The report displayed for
your Image Services system might vary from this example.
-> 4
Segment 1: 0xb0000000 - 0xb0ffffff
Enter Address: 0xb0112230
b0112220: 00000000 B0350E00 00000000 00000000 .... .5.. .... ....
> b0112230: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112240: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112250: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112260: FFFFFFFF 00000000 000008B0 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112270: 00000000 B0351200 00000000 00000000 .... .5.. .... ....
b0112280: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112290: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01122a0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01122b0: FFFFFFFF 00000000 000008B1 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01122c0: 00000000 B0351600 00000000 00000000 .... .5.. .... ....
b01122d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01122e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01122f0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112300: FFFFFFFF 00000000 000008B2 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112310: 00000000 B0351A00 00000000 00000000 .... .5.. .... ....
b0112320: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112330: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112340: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 628
b0112350: FFFFFFFF 00000000 000008B3 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112360: 00000000 B0351E00 00000000 00000000 .... .5.. .... ....
b0112370: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112380: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112390: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01123a0: FFFFFFFF 00000000 000008B4 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01123b0: 00000000 B0352200 00000000 00000000 .... .5". .... ....
b01123c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01123d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01123e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b01123f0: FFFFFFFF 00000000 000008B5 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112400: 00000000 B0352600 00000000 00000000 .... .5&. .... ....
b0112410: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112420: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112430: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112440: FFFFFFFF 00000000 000008B6 00000000 .... .... .... ....
b0112450: 00000000 B0352A00 00000000 00000000 .... .5*. .... ....
Use this option when you know the address at which memory is cor-
rupted but other ipc_tool options (such as menu option 3) are unable to
identify the shared library using that corrupted address.
For example, if ipc_tool found memory corruption at address
0x30000000, view the ASCII text at that address.
Enter ipc_tool -d then, at the prompt, enter the address of the cor-
rupted memory. If the ASCII text for this address appears to be associ-
ated with a WorkFlo queue, you could conclude that a WorkFlo shared
library was responsible for the problem and take appropriate action.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 629
5. System Management Semaphores
(corresponds to the -s flag)
Displays the status of semaphores used to manage various critical
sections within the shared memory and interlock managers. Output
consists of two sections. The first section lists information on system
semaphores. The second section lists the status of current shared li-
braries (abstracts).
The following example shows a partial listing of the report displayed
when selecting this option on a UNIX platform. The report displayed for
your Image Services system might vary from this example. This exam-
ple omits the complete data where indicated with an ellipsis (...).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 630
Descriptions of each field follow the example.
Current value
Indicates whether the semaphore is set. A value of 1 indicates the
semaphore is not set; 0 indicates the semaphore is set.
Current Waiting Last op Current
System Sem value procs pid state
----------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Shm_Init 1 0 17551 (running)
Shm_Mod 1 0 10953 (running)
Sem_Abst 1 0 17540 (defunct)
Sem_Log 1 0 10953 (running)
Sem_Mod 1 0 17540 (defunct)
Sem_TAS 1 0 17540 (defunct)
Current Waiting Last op Current
Abstract Id value procs pid state
----------- ------- ------- ------- -------
SHM 1 0 8049 (defunct)
ARC 1 0 8049 (defunct)
ARI 1 0 8049 (defunct)
ARIl 1 0 8049 (defunct)
ARIr 1 0 8049 (defunct)
ARM 1 0 8643 (running)
BES 1 0 13253 (running)
BESl 1 0 13253 (running)
BESr 1 0 8049 (defunct)
BKG 0 0 8643 (running) <- CLAIMED
BRB 1 0 8049 (defunct)
BRBt 1 0 8049 (defunct)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 631
Waiting Procs
Number of processes waiting to access the shared library. If any pro-
cesses are waiting, the current value field is 0.
Last op pid
Identifier of the last process to modify the semaphore.
Current state
Indicates whether the shared library is running or not running (de-
funct). If the interlock is in the process of being claimed (a process
which lasts for only a fraction of a second), then a “CLAIMED” mes-
sage appears in the right hand column. In the System Management
Semaphores example, the BKG shared library (abstract) is being
claimed by process 8643.
6. Claimed Application Interlocks
(corresponds to flag -i)
Reports on the interlocks currently claimed by FileNet software. Use
this option to identify processes that could be creating a bottleneck in
the system.
The output report prints the process name with the process ID. In addi-
tion, the display encloses the named interlock string in double quotes
(" ").
The following example shows a partial listing of the report displayed
when selecting this option on a UNIX platform. The report displayed for
your Image Services system might vary from this example. This exam-
ple omits the complete data where indicated with an ellipsis (...).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 632
Interlock [8] created by COR ""
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: 0 shared: 0)
Last claimer: (32204) [dead]
Interlock [18] created by MKFt "MKF 0 writeahead ilk"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0)
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] MKF_writer (19574) [alive]
Interlock [44] created by MKFt "MKF 1 writeahead ilk"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0)
Last claimer: MKF_writer (34732) [alive]
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] MKF_writer (34732) [alive]
Interlock [70] created by MKFt "MKF 2 writeahead ilk"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0)
Last claimer: MKF_writer (22968) [alive]
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] MKF_writer (22968) [alive]
Interlock [88] created by MKFt "MKF 2 accttr 11"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: 0 shared: 0)
Last claimer: bes_commit (16600) [alive]
Interlock [89] created by MKFt "MKF 2 accttr 12"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: 0 shared: 0)
Last claimer: dtp (28432) [alive]
Interlock [96] created by MKFt "MKF 3 writeahead ilk"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0)
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] MKF_writer (27588) [alive]
Summary information...
383 total interlocks; 322 in use; 61 available.
For shared libraries that do not yet include the named interlock string,
ipc_tool prints an empty pair of double quotes. If processes are waiting
on an interlock, the process name and number appear in the claim or
share queue.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 633
In the example below, interlocks 70, 76, and 227 are claimed. Pro-
cesses 24474 and 19554 are waiting in the claim queue for interlock
76. Process 18746 is currently claiming interlock 76.
Some interlocks have names in order to better identify them. The dis-
play encloses the named interlock string in double quotes
(" "). In the example above, Interlock 70 (MKF 2 writeahead ilk) and 76
(MKF 2 transres) are named interlocks but 227 is not. Interlock 227 is
shared by processes 24474 and 40892 (although neither has currently
claimed the interlock).
If a number of processes build up in a queue waiting for an interlock, a
bottleneck has probably occurred. The process that last claimed the in-
terlock is probably responsible for the bottleneck.
Interlock [70] created by MKFt "MKF 2 writeahead ilk"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -1 shared: 0)
Last claimer: MKF_writer (15122) [alive]
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] MKF_writer (15122) [alive]
Interlock [76] created by MKFt "MKF 2 transres"
Claim counts (initial: 0 current: -2 shared: 0)
Last claimer: bes_commit (18746) [alive]
Claim queue (oldest first)
[1] bes_commit (24474) [alive]
[2] PRI_daemon (19554) [alive]
Binary interlock [227] created by CSMl ""
Claim counts (initial: 1 current: 0 shared: 2)
2 processes holding claimshare status:
[1] bes_commit (24474) [alive]
[2] dvt_bs_2 (40892) [alive]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 634
7. Interlock usage of a process
(corresponds to flag -I)
The flag for menu option 7, Interlock Usage of a Process, is an upper-
case i. Do not confuse this with either the lowercase i flag for menu op-
tion 6, Claimed Application Interlocks, or a lowercase L.
Prompts you for a FileNet process number then displays current inter-
lock use for that process. Use this option when you suspect a particu-
lar process is hung on an interlock.
For example, when we request information on interlock use for process
19310, ipc_tool reports that process 19310 is waiting on interlock 146
for write access (wait_type: writer):
Process 19310 (alive); waiting on interlock [146]; wait_type: writer
Interlock [146] created by program;
Claim queue (oldest first)
*** [1] 19310 (alive)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 635
8. Current Processes
(corresponds to flag -p)
Calls the whatsup program to display a list of current FileNet pro-
cesses as well as any shared memory or semaphore sets allocated for
FileNet programs. Use Current Processes to determine the last pro-
cess that modified a given interlock. (See the description of
sup” on page 1330 for additional information.)
The following is a partial listing of output from the -p option. The output
is slightly different when -p is run on a Windows Server platforms. This
sample is from a UNIX platform:
IS Processes on server 'moorea':
User PID PPID Start Time Processes
fnsw 30692 26282 13:43:33 bes_commit -f 2 Bes1:moorea:FileNet
fnsw 21802 30692 13:43:42 bes_commit -f 1 Bes1:moorea:FileNet
fnsw 42686 44220 13:56:40 OCOR_Listen CWH 8003414
fnsw 41366 33684 13:56:23 OCOR_Listen CWH 2
fnsw 26078 27612 13:56:41 OCOR_Listen CWH 8003402
fnsw 23526 23780 15:13:11 OCOR_Listen CWH 8003401
fnsw 30188 43752 13:43:33 OCOR_Listen master
fnsw 43490 26282 13:43:32 CSM_daemon
fnsw 42006 20444 13:43:39 del_commit
fnsw 22760 23780 15:13:11 DOCs
fnsw 38428 20444 13:43:41 dsched a
fnsw 20444 26282 13:43:32 ds_init
fnsw 37898 20444 13:43:38 ds_notify
fnsw 30220 20444 13:43:38 ds_notify
fnsw 22286 20444 13:43:39 ds_notify
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 636
fnsw 39688 20444 13:43:38 ds_notify
fnsw 27664 20444 13:43:39 ds_notify
fnsw 27936 20444 13:43:41 dtp a 2
fnsw 40222 20444 13:43:41 dtp a 1
fnsw 34066 20444 13:43:40 dtp_tran
fnsw 35608 20444 13:43:40 fbc_commit
fnsw 33532 31992 13:43:34 fn_snmpd
fnsw 21498 26282 13:43:34 fn_trapd
fnsw 43760 29648 13:43:33 gti
fnsw 36012 26282 13:43:09 /fnsw/bin/ilk_daemon
fnsw 40666 34518 13:43:31 INXbg
fnsw 25312 27612 13:56:42 INXs
fnsw 24542 32472 13:43:31 INXu
fnsw 40726 32514 17:11:34 ipc_tool -p
fnsw 28846 26282 13:43:09 MKF_clean
fnsw 37060 29632 13:43:30 MKF_writer 3
fnsw 37808 29612 13:43:28 MKF_writer 2
fnsw 32924 29592 13:43:26 MKF_writer 1
fnsw 29360 26282 13:43:09 MKF_writer 0
fnsw 43928 33684 13:56:23 NCHs
fnsw 36764 32666 13:56:23 NCHs
fnsw 28626 26282 13:43:30 NCH_daemon -pt
fnsw 39150 30188 13:43:33 OCOR_Listen -pt -s32769 -t3600 -d20
fnsw 21524 20444 13:43:40 osi_migrate
fnsw 39172 26112 13:43:37 PRI_check
fnsw 26112 43238 13:43:36 PRI_daemon
fnsw 25346 26112 13:43:37 PRI_notify
fnsw 28166 26112 13:43:37 PRI_worker
fnsw 39670 41202 13:43:33 QLG_start
fnsw 20506 20444 13:43:41 rmt_commit
fnsw 41920 44220 13:56:40 SECs
fnsw 25798 26052 13:56:40 SECs
fnsw 37588 26282 13:43:31 SEC_daemon
fnsw 31256 1 11/29/99 TM_daemon -s
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 637
The following sample is from a Windows Server platforms. Note the dif-
ference in format:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 638
9. Dump Shared Memory Segment(s) to File(s)
(corresponds to flag -D)
Dumps the existing shared memory segments to a magnetic disk file or
to magnetic tape. Use this option to collect information before reporting
a problem or when you want to save information on shared memory
corruption before rebooting. The ipc_tool prompts you for the destina-
tion of the information to be dumped.
Silent Mode Dump
(corresponds to flag -S)
This option is only used with the -D option when dumping shared mem-
ory to a file. It provides the ability to dump shared memory "silently"
from a script. Normally the -D option prompts the user for the location
directory in which to dump shared memory. When -S is used, the direc-
tory is automatically set to /fnsw/local/tmp/logs. However, this default
directory location can be changed by writing the new location directory
to the file /fnsw/local/tmp/dumpdir.
A. Shared Memory Segment Information
(corresponds to flag -A)
Displays the number of shared memory segments in use. Its output in-
cludes descriptions of the information provided. The output of option A
varies, based on platform.
The AIX and SUN platforms include shared memory segment ad-
dresses. Output from option A on either an AIX or SUN platform shows
the addresses at which the system will allocate segments. This table is
not fixed — the system determines addresses through testing the sys-
tem shared memory limits.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 639
The following example shows output from option A run on an AIX
IS software shared memory segment limit: 11 segments
Current configured segment size: 0x01000000 bytes (16 MB)
Before allocating shared memory for IS, the SysV library performs a
test to determine the system shared memory limit. This test can be
used as a reference for performance tuning. The test results vary
depending on the amount of memory in use by other processes. The actual
amount of shared memory available during operation may be less. The
test results are:
Successfully attached to 10 segments
Successfully obtained 160 MB of shared memory
The following table displays the number of shared memory segments currently
in use by IS. Segment #0 (called the address manager) is small. The
The other segment(s) contain the actual IS data. Note that running
ipc_tool will force the creation of segments #0 and #1 even when no other
IS process is up.
Shared Memory Address Manager Information
Address Shm id Creator
0 0xc0000000 4098 Shared address manager
1 0xb0000000 16385 FileNet server software
Total IS shared memory allocated: 16 MB (not including segment #0)
The following table lists the fixed addresses used for the shared memory
System's fixed shared memory address table (derived)...
0: 0xc0000000
1: 0xb0000000
2: 0xa0000000
3: 0x90000000
4: 0x80000000
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 640
5: 0x70000000
6: 0x60000000
7: 0x50000000
8: 0x40000000
9: 0x30000000
Output from option A on either an HPUX or SUN platform does not
show addresses at which segments will be allocated. The HPUX plat-
form does not include shared memory segment addresses. Windows
uses fixed addresses which are the same on every Windows-based
Image Services server; therefore, they are not displayed with this op-
The following example shows output from option A run on an Windows
IS software shared memory segment limit: 129 segments
Current configured segment size: 0x01400000 bytes (20 MB)
Before allocating shared memory for IS, the SysV library performs a
test to determine the system shared memory limit. This test can be
used as a reference for performance tuning. The test results vary
depending on the amount of memory in use by other processes. The actual
amount of shared memory available during operation may be less. The
test results are:
Successfully attached to 23 segments
Successfully obtained 460 MB of shared memory
The following table displays the number of shared memory segments currently
in use by IS. Segment #0 (called the address manager) is small. The
The other segment(s) contain the actual IS data. Note that running
ipc_tool will force the creation of segments #0 and #1 even when no other
IS process is up.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 641
Shared Memory Address Manager Information
Address Shm id Creator
0 0x45000000 FNSHM_464d0000 Shared address manager
1 0x46400000 FNSHM_464a0000 FileNet server software
Total IS shared memory allocated: 20 MB (not including segment #0)
Trigger File Operations
(corresponds to flag -T)
IS software operation can be modified by creating various trigger files.
When these files exist, they "trigger" different behavior in the software.
The -T option displays the current status for the most used trigger files
and also allows creating or removing these files.
Each trigger file is named along with its path. The current status of the
trigger is displayed (whether the file exists or not) along with a brief de-
scription of the software behavior that occurs if the file exists. Some
trigger files should only be created or removed when the IS software is
down. These files are marked with a single asterisk (*). Other trigger
files require a restart of IS processes for the change to take effect.
These are marked with a double asterisk (**).
Most of the trigger files are only used to assist with debugging IS prob-
lems. By default none of these trigger files exists, and they should only
be created when engineering is working on analyzing a problem and
has requested that the relevant files be created.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 642
To view the current status of the trigger files, run "ipc_tool -T" - the user
is prompted to CREATE a trigger that does not currently exist, or RE-
MOVE an existing file. To leave the current status unaltered, press the
Enter key at the prompts. If the status is changed, the display is re-
freshed to verify the modification.
The following example shows output from option T:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 643
Current status of trigger files:
1: /fnsw/local/sd/1/DEBUG_SEG_FAULT
<<<< EXISTS >>>>
Hang crashed process for debugger attach
2: /fnsw/local/tmp/FN_MEM_DEBUG
(This trigger file does not exist)
Local memory debug (edit file to contain process name to debug) **
3: /fnsw/local/tmp/RETAIN_CBPLOG
(This trigger file does not exist)
Retain CB process log through cold restart
4: /fnsw/local/tmp/ELOG_START
(This trigger file does not exist)
Enable process start logging to ELOG file **
5: /fnsw/local/tmp/IMSLOG_START
<<<< EXISTS >>>>
Enable process start logging to FNLOG file **
6: /fnsw/local/tmp/IMSLOG_STOP
(This trigger file does not exist)
Enable process stop logging to FNLOG file **
7: /fnsw/local/tmp/CBLOG_START
(This trigger file does not exist)
Enable process start logging to CBLOG **
8: /fnsw/local/tmp/CBLOG_STOP
(This trigger file does not exist)
Enable process stop logging to CBLOG **
9: /fnsw/local/sd/1/FN_CBLOG_SHM
(This trigger file does not exist)
Enable SysV shared memory debugging (writes to CBLOG) **
10: /fn_temp/cb_config
(This trigger file does not exist)
Edit file to contain number of elements in the CBLOG *
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 644
Current status of trigger files: (continued)
11: /fn_temp/cb_cdump
(This trigger file does not exist)
Force automatic dump of each cycle of CBLOG *
12: /fn_temp/cbp_config
(This trigger file does not exist)
Edit file to contain number of elements in the CBPLOG *
13: /fn_temp/cbp_cdump
(This trigger file does not exist)
Force automatic dump of each cycle of CBPLOG *
14: /fnsw/local/sd/1/FN_LOG_SYS
(This trigger file does not exist)
Send each sys_log message to the FNLOG file
15: /fnsw/local/tmp/syslog_console
<<<< EXISTS >>>>
Send sys_log output to console
16: /fnsw/local/tmp/syslog_counter
(This trigger file does not exist)
Limits the number of times some ELOG messages are logged **
* These items must only be changed when Image Services is
completely shutdown. E.G. run 'initfnsw stop' followed by
'killfnsw -ADy' then run 'ipc_tool -T' to set these items.
** Changes to these items will not take effect until the process
is restarted. For best results, run 'initfnsw restart' after
changing any of these.
The paths to some of the trigger files may not exist.
If the trigger file cannot be created, the path may need
to be manually created first.
To CREATE one of the above trigger files, enter its number.
Otherwise, press [ENTER] to proceed to the next step:
To REMOVE one of the above trigger files, enter its number.
Otherwise, press [ENTER] to finish:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 645
Display circular buffer log (CBLOG) to stdout
(corresponds to flag -B)
The IS software contains a circular buffer log (CBLOG) feature used for
debugging problems. An in-memory circular buffer is used to log data
about IS operation. This data is then dumped to a file when necessary.
The -B option displays the current CBLOG contents (if any) on the
screen. This option can be used at any time. If the CBLOG is empty,
then no messages are displayed.
Dump circular buffer log (CBLOG) to file
(corresponds to flag -b)
This option is similar to the -B option. Instead of displaying the CBLOG
contents on the screen, it automatically creates a file in the ims_logs
directory and writes the log to this file. The path and name of the file
are displayed on the screen. If the CBLOG is empty, then no messages
are displayed.
Dump CB process log to file
(corresponds to flag -P)
The IS software maintains an in-memory circular buffer log of IS pro-
cess activity. This log includes information on IS processes and various
SysV library functions (such as allocation of shared memory seg-
ments). The information contained in the CB process log is not neces-
sary for normal IS operation. However, it can be useful when
debugging some problems. For example, it provides a mapping of pro-
cess and thread ID numbers to process names, and records the time
and sequence when IS processes start.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 646
The CB process log by default contains 5,000 entries. The log is "circu-
lar" - when the end of the log is reached the code returns to the begin-
ning of the log buffer and begins to overwrite the entries. The CB log
in-memory buffer is removed when the killfnsw -ADy command is run.
The buffer is not removed during a normal IS recycle.
The ipc_tool -P command can be performed at any time. The log is
dumped to a file in the ims_logs directory. The path and file name are
displayed on the screen.
The CB process log is automatically dumped when an IS process en-
counters a fatal error (such automatic dumps are also logged in the
standard ELOG file).
The -P option is not available in the corresponding ISTK wal_ipc utility.
Set process logging options
(corresponds to flag -l)
In addition to the automatic CB process log described above under the
-P option, IS also provides other methods of logging IS process activ-
ity. The ipc_tool utility has options to control enabling and disabling
these other logging methods.
-l elog_start enables process start logging to the ELOG file. A "Pro-
cess starting" log message is written to the ELOG file for each IS pro-
cess as it starts.
There is no option to log process stop (termination) to the ELOG.
-l cblog_start enables process start logging to the circular buffer log
(CBLOG). The CBLOG is separate from the CB process log described
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 647
above in the -P option. The CBLOG by default is not used. It is prima-
rily intended for special debugging of source code problems. When the
CBLOG is used for such debugging, process start messages are also
written to the CBLOG when the 'cblog_start' option is used.
-l cblog_stop enables process stop logging to the CBLOG. This op-
tion logs a "Process terminating" message to the CBLOG file as each
IS process terminates. As with the cblog_start function, this is prima-
rily only used for debugging.
-l fnlog_start enables process start logging to files in the /fnsw/local/
logs/ims_logs directory. Unlike the CBLOG which resides in memory
until it is dumped, this option causes process start logging to be written
to a disk file at the time the process starts.
-l fnlog_stop enables process stop logging to the ims_logs directory
-l off disables all CBLOG and FNLOG process start/stop logging.
-l status shows the current status of the process start/stop logging.
Enabling all -l options are temporary. They are removed when IS is
stopped or recycled. By default all of these options are off.
Perform shared memory corruption check
(corresponds to flag -x)
The -x option performs a check of all USED and FREE areas of IS
shared memory. If any corruption is detected, it is displayed. If the test
is successful, the message "SHM check passed!" is displayed at the
end. This test can be used any time IS is running. However, it should
be noted that no other IS shared memory operations are permitted
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 648
while the test is executing, so frequent use of this test may impact IS
Read shared memory information from file
(corresponds to flag -f)
The -f option requires the input of a file name. This file name should be
the same file that was previously created by the -D option to dump
shared memory. When -f is used, ipc_tool examines the shared mem-
ory saved in the dump file rather than using the current live shared
memory on the system.
Offset into file for start of shared memory information
(corresponds to flag -o)
The -o option is only used with the -f option. It forces ipc_tool to skip
over part of the shared memory dump file before examining shared
memory information.
H. Help
(corresponds to flag -h)
The -h option displays the syntax for the ipc_tool command line tool.
Syntax” on page 615.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 649
Before you use ipc_tool, be aware of the following:
FileNet software must be running to detect shared memory use.
In rare cases, the semaphore that initializes shared memory could
be locked. In this case, ipc_tool cannot operate since no shared
memory is available to view. When ipc_tool cannot claim the sema-
phores it requires, after about 10 seconds, the system prompts:
Can't claim semaphores. Continue anyway? (y/n)[n]:
This indicates a problem with system operation: most likely an Im-
age Services software hang. In response to this prompt, enter a y
to enable ipc_tool to access Image Services information without
claiming any semaphores.
The system uses semaphores to prevent access to the Image Ser-
vices information while it is being changed. When ipc_tool avoids
claiming the semaphores, the information it obtains could be in a
state of change, or it could be corrupted, making it invalid.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 650
The following procedure is an example used to diagnose Image Ser-
vices system software hangs.
1 Enter ipc_tool at the command line.
2 Select menu option 1, Abstract Shared Memory (detailed).
If a data corruption message displays, make a note of the shared li-
brary (abstract) and location of the corruption (the shared memory
address). You need this information to resolve data corruption on a
shared library.
If a data corruption message does not appear, the problem could
be related to system management semaphores. Select menu op-
tion 5, System Management Semaphores.
3 If you know the location of the corruption (the shared memory ad-
dress), select menu options 3 and 4, entering the shared memory ad-
dress at the prompts.
4 Before rebooting, select menu option 9 to dump shared memory infor-
mation to a file. This information could be useful later in identifying the
cause of the problem.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 651
Related Topics
whatsup” on page 1330
See the UNIX operating system’s documentation or the online manual
(“man”) pages on a UNIX server for information about the ipcs and ip-
crm tools.
The ipcs tool displays information on message queues, shared
memory segments, and semaphores. You can use this tool after
shutting down all Image Services software to determine if any fnsw
resources still remain on the system.
The ipcrm tool removes a message queue, semaphore set, or
shared memory ID. You can use this tool to forcefully remove any
interprocess communication facilities that are still in use after shut-
ting down the Image Services software.
Do not use ipcrm while the Image Services software is running! Fatal
and unpredictable errors could occur if interprocess communication fa-
cilities are removed while the Image Services software is active.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 652
The ixdb_stat tool gathers statistical information about documents and
folders from the index database. It also gathers statistics on WorkFlo
queues. Types of information gathered include, but are not limited to:
Total number of documents and folders
Smallest and largest document number
Number of closed and filed documents
Document class indexes
Output from the tool is written to a file you specify when you start the
tool or to a default output file if you do not specify one.
Use ixdb_stat to gather statistical information about the index data-
base. For example, you can determine the number of documents or
folders in your database, or the number of closed documents. To ex-
amine how the space in the index database is being used, see
spacerpt” on page 1220.
Specify an output file of your choice into which ixdb_stat writes its col-
lected statistics, or optionally use a default output file. To view an out-
put file, use a text editor or text viewing commands such as the UNIX
more or less commands or the Windows Server type command. In
Windows Server, you can also use Wordpad.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 653
Use with FileNet P8 Content Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3)
The output of the ixdb_stat tool could report some confusing informa-
tion when being used with the FileNet P8 Content Federation Services
functionality. Since the function of ixdb_stat is to gather statistical in-
formation about documents and folders from the index database, some
documents stored on Image Services through FileNet P8 Content Fed-
eration Services might not have entries in the Index Database, so the
output is going to indicate fewer documents than their actually are.
Refer to the table below to determine when documents on the IS
server will not have the index information associated with them (the
Document Activity Index on
Index on
New documents entered via Content Engine Y N
New documents entered via Image Services
Indexed on both IS and C
Indexed only on CE
Existing document images transferred to CE
Indexed on both IS and CE
Index deleted from IS
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 654
If you run ixdb_stat with no options, online help displays. The ixdb_stat
syntax is the following:
ixdb_stat [-d] [-f] [-a] [-v] [fid]
-d Gather only document statistics
-f Gather only folder statistics
-a Shorthand notation for the combination of -d and -f. If you do not spec-
ify either -d or -f, the program uses -a by default.
-v Verbose option continuously prints the number of database rows ex-
amined. It prints the number for every 10000 rows retrieved.
fid User-specified name of the output file. Default files are:
/fnsw/local/logs/inx_logs/ixdbs_<MonDD>for UNIX platforms
D:\fnsw_loc\logs\inx_logs\ixdbs_<MonDD>for Windows Server
where MonDD is the current month and day.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 655
Sample Output
This UNIX sample output is from ixdb_stat with the -d option. You can
use the less command to display document statistics written to the de-
fault output file.
The output below is a partial listing of the file contents:
corona(root)> less /fnsw/local/logs/inx_logs/ixdbs_Oct28
Date of Report : Mon Oct 28 14:38:55 1996
Total Document : 9460 lowest doc_id : 100100 highest doc_id : 528572
Documents with Archive Dates : 0 Archivable Today * : 0
Documents with Delete Dates : 0 Deletable Today * : 0
Closed Documents : 0
* unless document is filed in a folder
Total Document classes : 39
Total User Indexes : 122 inverted : 13
Document Class Total Documents Index
-------------- --------------- -----
LM6000_class 0
LM6000_CLASS 210
HP_2X_CLASS 90 numeric3
HP_650_CLASS 3093
DVT_docclass1 1 DVT_num_idx1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 656
DVT_docclass2 3214 DVT_menu_idx2
DVT_docclass3 0 DVT_num_cluster
UpDownSQA 0
DVT_tst_dcl1 0 DVT_menu_idx1
DVT_docclass4 0 DVT_ascii_idx1
Index Non-Null Values Number of Document Classes
----- --------------- --------------------------
NAME 82 1
numric1 0 0
numeric2 78 1
name2 0 1
numeric3 78 1
index1 0 0
hlee1 0 0
hlee2 0 0
hlee3 0 0
hlee4 0 0
h 0 0
DVT_num_idx1 1 4
DVT_ascii_idx1 1 4
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 657
DVT_date_idx1 1 3
DVT_menu_idx1 1 3
DVT_num_idx2 3214 2
DVT_ascii_idx2 3214 2
DVT_date_idx2 3214 2
DVT_menu_idx2 3214 2
DVT_num_cluster 0 1
Workflo Queue Name Number of Rows
------------------ --------------
WQM001Q000002 0
WQM001Q000004 0
WQM001Q000005 0
WQM001Q000006 0
WQM001Q000007 0
WQM001Q000008 0
WQM001Q000009 0
WQM001Q000010 0
continues, ...
WQM001Q000073 2000
Total # of Workflo Queues: 52
NOTE: Removing a document class that has a non-zero number of documents
associated with it will cause those documents to be unretrievable.
Removing a user index during the conversion process will cause any
documents with non-null values for that index to lose those index values
Done Mon Oct 28 14:39:11 1996
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 658
Before you use ixdb_stat, be aware of the following:
You must run ixdb_stat on the Index server.
The verbose (-v) option could aid in monitoring the progress made
on a large database. However, ixdb_stat runs slower in verbose
1 Enter ixdb_stat with appropriate options to start the program.
2 Examine the output file.
You could need the assistance of your service representative to ana-
lyze the output.
Related Topics
See spacerpt” on page 1220 for information on obtaining index da-
tabase space statistics.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 659
The kermit tool transfers files between a personal computer and a host
system. In addition to operating in interactive mode, the FileNet C-
based kermit program is capable of operating in server mode, in which
kermit transmits and receives files under the direction of a remote
(usually personal) computer.
The kermit tool does not change the names of files it sends, with the
following exceptions:
Changes lowercase letters to uppercase
Removes path names
Detects each tilde (~) character and changes it to an X character
If the file name begins with a period, inserts an X before it
The kermit tool stores received (incoming) files under their own names
with the following exceptions:
Changes uppercase letters to lowercase
If you specified the write protect (–w) option and the file name is
the same as that of an existing file, appends a generation number
to the name
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 660
Use kermit to transfer files in either interactive mode or server mode.
At the command line, enter kermit –x to start kermit in server mode;
terminate server mode by entering kermit –f.
kermit [ <files> | – ] [ options ]
<files> Specifies one or more names of files you want to send or receive.
Mutually exclusive with the – option.
Causes kermit to send files from standard input, which must come
from a file or a pipe. Standard input cannot come from the terminal.
Mutually exclusive with the <files> option.
Sends the specified files
–r Receives files
This option causes kermit to wait passively for files to arrive.
–k Passively receives files and sends the files to standard output
–f Sends a finish command to the remote server to terminate server
–a Specifies an alternate name for a single transferred file
Use with the –s, –r, or –g options to tell the receiving system to use the
alternate name specified when storing the file. If you send or receive
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 661
multiple files, this option affects only the first file. The following example
sends the file called “main” to be stored as “main2” on the receiving
kermit –s main –a main2
–x Starts kermit in server mode
The result is the same as entering the server command when kermit is
running interactively.
–l <line> Specifies the terminal line to use for terminal connection and file
transfer. The following example uses line cu10 for the transmission:
kermit –l /dev/cu10
–j<host> Specifies the network host name
–b <bps> Specifies the baud rate <bps> for the line <line> named in the –l option
Always include this option when using the –l option. The following
example uses line cu10 and a line speed of 9600 baud for the trans-
kermit –l /dev/cu10 –b 9600
–p <x> Specifies the type of parity, where <x> is one of the following:
e even
n none (the default)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 662
–t Specifies half-duplex, line turnaround with XON as the handshake
–g <remote_file> Actively requests a remote server to send the named files
<remote_file> is a file specification in the remote host’s own syntax.
Ensure that you enclose in quotes those characters in <remote_file>
that would otherwise be replaced by a UNIX shell.
–c Establishes a terminal connection over the specified or default commu-
nication line before any file transfer takes place
Use with the –l and –b options.
To return to the local system, type the escape character—normally
Control+backslash or ^\—followed by the letter c.
–n Similar to –c option but this option is performed after a file transfer
takes place. You can use the –c and –n options in the same command.
Use with the –l and –b options.
–i Specifies transferring files exactly as is with no conversions (a binary
This option eliminates the <LF> to <CR><LF> conversion which nor-
mally occurs when transferring files between UNIX and non-UNIX sys-
–w Specifies write-protection to avoid file name conflicts with sent files that
have the same name as existing files on the receiving system
Use this option to prevent existing files from being inadvertently over-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 663
–q Suppresses screen update (sets quiet mode) during file transfer
File transfer proceeds in the background.
–d Sets debug mode and records information to the debug.log file in the
current directory
Use this option to collect information when you encounter problems
when running the kermit program.
–e <n> Sets the receive packet length to <n>
–m<name> Sets the modem type <name>
–v<n> Sets the window size to <n>
–z Forces operation of kermit to the foreground
–h Displays kermit command line options
–S Enters interactive dialog mode
Default if no action command is given on the command line.
Before you use kermit, be aware of the following:
You should use the write protect (–w) option to prevent overwriting
files on the receiving system that could have the same name as a
received file from another system.
When you specify the send – command, kermit sends from stan-
dard input. Standard input must be from a file or a pipe; it cannot
be directly from a terminal.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 664
Depending on how your shell interprets input parameters, you
might need to enclose certain parameters, such as remote file
names, in quotes.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
dialout” on page 295
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 665
The killfnsw tool is issued at the system command line to forcefully
shut down components of the FileNet system such as processes, dae-
mons, databases, and users.
Do not use killfnsw unless you are absolutely sure normal shutdown
methods have failed. We recommend that killfnsw be used only by a
trained FileNet system administrator or your service representative to
avoid damage to your FileNet system.
The killfnsw program removes all existing interprocess communication
structures including shared memory segments, message queues, and
semaphore sets used by the FileNet software. It abruptly shuts down
If you run killfnsw with no arguments, the Task Manager daemon (TM_
daemon) remains active. You must use a killfnsw argument to termi-
nate TM_daemon.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 666
Use killfnsw only after normal attempts to shut down the software fail
and you have evaluated the reason your system cannot shut down nor-
mally. For example, verify that the normal shutdown process or com-
mand is not just running slowly. (Allow at least five minutes for a
shutdown process or command to complete before resorting to kill-
fnsw.) Use ipc_tool to analyze your system’s state. However, if ipc_tool
does not run or cannot complete, you could be forced to use killfnsw to
shut down your system or components of your system.
You could be forced to use killfnsw to terminate the TM_daemon. Nor-
mally, the TM_daemon continues to run across shutdown cycles of
FileNet software. On occasion, you might have to terminate TM_
daemon as well. For example, when you need to install fix packs that
include shared libraries on the FileNet system, you must terminate all
processes that use the shared library before installing the new shared
library. Since the TM_daemon uses some of the FileNet shared
libraries, you must terminate it to upgrade the shared library or install
the new shared libraries.
For more information about starting and stopping a service process in
a Windows Server environment, see the System Administrator’s Com-
panion for Windows Server. To download IBM FileNet documentation
from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documen-
tation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 667
killfnsw [-h] [–D] [–v] [–S] [–A] [–p <pid>] [–y] [–c] [-d] [-n] [-r]
–h Help: displays usage
–D Kills TM_daemon
–v Runs in verbose mode. This option displays names of processes as
they are terminated.
–S Kills processes when the FileNet system is in single user mode. kill-
fnsw will not kill some IS tasks. These are tasks which need to run
while killfnsw is terminating the software. This option alters the list of
tasks to ignore while the system is running is single user mode. The
ignore list for single user mode is smaller, so more tasks are killed with
this option.
–A Removes address manager shared memory segments. killfnsw
always removes the data shared memory segments. This option also
removes the address manager segment and should be used with -D to
completely shut down the IS and remove all its resources. This option
only applies to UNIX platforms.
–p<pid> Kills the process specified by process ID <pid>
–y Suppresses confirmation messages like skipping the killfnsw startup
–c Kills only clean shared libraries with zero use counts
(AIX/6000 platforms only)
–d Debug mode. This option helps debug killfnsw and should only be
used at the request of your service representative as it can cause
problems in the operation of Image Services.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 668
–n Do not claim semaphores. This option normally claims system sema-
phores before accessing shared memory resources. If those sema-
phores are already claimed by another process, killfnsw could hang.
This option allows killfnsw to ignore the claimed semaphores and con-
tinue. This option should only be used when killfnsw hangs and only
at the request of your service representative as it can cause prob-
lems in the operation of Image Services.
–r Remove killfnsw guard file. killfnsw creates a guard file (named /fnsw/
etc/killfnsw) to prevent other IS tasks from starting while killfnsw is ter-
minating Image Services. This option should only be used if killfnsw
failed to remove the guard file and only at the request of your service
representative as it can cause problems in the operation of Image
Use initfnsw stop or the IS task manager (Xtaskman) to properly
shutdown Image Services software. If problems occur during the shut-
down, the killfnsw command could be used to clean up the system.
After Image Services has stopped, enter killfnsw -AD to completely
remove Image Services processes and resources.
Before you use killfnsw, be aware of the following:
You should use killfnsw only after normal attempts to shut down
the software fail and you have evaluated the reason your system
cannot shut down normally.
In a UNIX environment, running the whatsup command restarts a
TM_daemon that you terminated with killfnsw.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 669
1 Use Task Manager to list all running FileNet processes.
2 Terminate FileNet processes.
Use Task Manager or the initfnsw stop command.
3 Run killfnsw with appropriate options to terminate active processes.
When killfnsw completes, run whatsup to determine if the processes
have been stopped.
If you run killfnsw with no arguments, the Task Manager daemon re-
mains active.
4 Terminate the Task Manager daemon, if necessary, enter the following
killfnsw –D
Do not run the whatsup command after you terminate TM_daemon in a
UNIX environment. Doing so automatically restarts TM_daemon.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 670
Related Topics
INX_tool” on page 599
whatsup” on page 1330
System Administrator’s Handbook for Task Manager information.
System Administrator’s Companion for Windows Server for information
on starting and stopping service processes in a Windows Server envi-
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 671
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a directory service
protocol that runs over TCP/IP and its service model is based on
entries. In the area of system security, this would include entries like
users, groups, and group members. LDAP provides a way for a client
to prove his identity to a directory server, allowing for seamless access
to remotely linked resources such as an IS or CS system. The FileNet
software has the ability to import users and groups from an LDAP
server into the FileNet proprietary security database. That means that
LDAP users and groups need to only be administered once, via the
LDAP server. LDAP users and groups do not need to be administered
a second time using FileNet security administration tools.
There are various LDAP-based directory service products (such as
Sun Java System, Novell NDS, and Microsoft Active Directory) that can
be used. LDAP is a solution many companies are turning to in order to
provide simplified system security centralization and authentication.
For companies currently using LDAP who would like to leverage their
users and groups as FileNet principals and groups (Unified Logon),
this can be done through an export/import process. FileNet Image
Services provides a set of tools for this LDAP solution that first exports
(using ldap_exp) the users names, group names, and group member-
ships from the LDAP-based directory service and then imports them
into the Image Services (IS) security database using LDAP_import.
Image Services can import from any supported LDAP directory via a
standardized XML interchange format. FileNet Image Services cur-
rently provides LDAP support for Sun Java System, Novell NDS, and
Microsoft Active Directory LDAP directory services.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 672
ldap_exp exports the LDAP-based security information to an XML for-
matted file. For more information on this file, go to
Export File Infor-
mation” on page 690. The tool used to perform the import function is
LDAP_import. To review the LDAP_import tool go to
on page 680.
Sun Java System was formally known as Sun ONE Directory Server.
It is the use of the ldap_exp tool and Web Services 3.2 in conjunction
with the LDAP_import tool that makes the single logon from a trusted
Windows Server domain feature possible.
It is important to note that in order to use LDAP, you must be con-
nected to a client running Web Services 3.2.
Also, The Image Services security database maintains separate en-
tries for each supported directory service type: FileNet proprietary
service database, NT LAN Manager (NTLM), and LDAP. All three se-
curity entries can co-exist, but you need to choose one directory ser-
vice for administering users and groups for all thin clients of a
particular Web Server.
Run ldap_exp to do the following:
Bind to an LDAP directory set up by a Web-based, networked
directory server you specify with one of the ldap_exp options.
Create an XML output file for requested group names.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 673
Write an XML file of user/group information that will be used by the
LDAP_import tool. See
Export File Information” on page 690
for an example of this file.
Close the LDAP directory service.
There are two main requirements that must be met in order for IS sup-
port for LDAP to work:
Communication with a client running Web Services 3.2
Login and password to an LDAP Directory Service
The command for exporting the XML file:
ldap_exp -s <server> -d <bindDN> -w <bindpw> -t <ldap server type>
-b <baseDN> [-p <port>] [-g <group-list-filename>]
[-o <XML-output-filename>] [-l <logfilename>] [-i] [-e] [-k] [-Z] [-f]
[-x <group-list-filename>] [ -v] [-c1 <user object class>]
[-c2 <group object class>] [-a1 <user attribute>]
[-a2 <group attribute] [-a3 <member attribute>]
Options are not case sensitive. The command switches must be pre-
fixed by a ‘-’ on UNIX platforms and “/” on Windows Server platforms.
? or h Help. This will bring up the help screen.
s <server> (Required) The name of the server where the LDAP directory is
(for example, -s sun03)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 674
d <bindDN> (Required) Distinguished login name for the binding to the LDAP direc-
(for example, -d “cn=Directory manager”)
w “<bindPW>” (Required) Encrypted password for the distinguished login name.
(for example, -w “7kml/6*:/”)
(all passwords should be 8 characters or greater)
t <ldap server
(Required) Server type for the LDAP server.
(for example, sun for Sun Java System, nov for Novell
NDS, msft for Microsoft Active Directory)
b “<baseDN>” (Required) Base distinguished name for the part of the LDAP directory
held on the local server.
(for example, -b “dc=idmds, dc=com”)
p <port> (Optional) Port for the server where the LDAP directory is installed.
(for example, -p 389)
g <group-list-file-
(Optional) Pathname of input file containing line-feed terminated group
(for example, -g /fnsw/ldap/groupin.txt)
o <XML-output-
(Optional) Pathname of the output XML file. The file must not be on a
mapped drive.
(for example, -o /fnsw/ldap/outputfile.xml)
l <logfilename> (Optional) Pathname of the log file.
(for example, -l /fnsw/ldap/exportlog.log)
i (Optional) Check for invalid special characters on <id> tags only. All
other tags are ignored.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 675
e (Optional) Remove all escape characters: dash (-) and backslash (\).
Microsoft Active Directory prefixes a backslash character (\) with spe-
cific characters such as a comma (,) or a backslash (\). Consequently,
if you use a comma (,) or backslash (\) character in your attribute data
(any data between tags), you should use this option to remove them.
k (Optional) Use paged results for searching if a large amount of data
needs to be returned. Option available only when using Windows
Active Directory. Using Microsoft Active Directory, a single search call
cannot return a large amount of data. If bulk data needs to be returned
to the caller, use this option to return the data a page at a time.
Z (Optional, for Windows Server only) Use secure socket layer (SSL) for
connecting. The LDAP server must have the secured LDAP socket
enabled. For instructions on enabling the secured LDAP socket, con-
sult your LDAP directory service’s documentation. Note that this
option must be run with the f option.
f (Optional) This option points to the cert7.db (client certificate) file’s
directory path. Option available only on UNIX platforms. For instruc-
tions on generation the cert7.db file, consult your LDAP directory ser-
vice’s documentation or the Netscape Communicator Guide. The
FileNet software does not support cert7.db generation. Note that this
option must be run with the Z option.
x <group-list-file-
(Optional) Pathname of output file containing group names.
(for example, -x /fnsw/ldap/groupout.txt)
v (Optional) Generate verbose log output.
c1 <user object
(Optional) Class type for user. Default is person for all platforms.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 676
c2 <group object
(Optional) Class type for group. Default is groupofuniqueness for Sun
Java System. Default is groupofnames for Novell eDirectory (NDS).
Default is group for Microsoft Active Directory.
a1 <user attribute> (Optional) Attribute to use for user. Default is uid for Sun Java System.
Default is cn for Novell eDirectory (NDS). Default is
userprincipalname for Microsoft Active Directory.
a2 <group at-
(Optional) Attribute to use for group. Default is cn for all platforms.
a3 <member at-
(Optional) Attribute to use for member. Default is uniquemember for
Sun Java System. Default is member for Novell eDirectory (NDS) and
Microsoft Active Directory.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 677
1 Obtain the following information in order to successfully run the ldap_
exp command:
Determine the server name and port number of the LDAP directory
service you will be using along with a login name and password to
access the service.
Decide which directory services you will be using (-t option).
Create an ASCII text file with the names of the groups you want to
export (-g option).
Decide where you want the XML output file to go on the IS server
(for example, /fnsw/local/tmp on UNIX) (-o option). Default = cur-
rent directory.
Decide where you want the ldap_exp log file to go on the IS server
(for example, /fnsw/local/logs/ldap on UNIX) (-l option). Default =
current directory.
2 Log on to the IS server or be authenticated through remote access.
3 The LDAP_import and export utilities are located in the /fnsw/bin direc-
It is important to note that when using the NDS directory service, the
binding person (Jeff Lee.vangogh in the example on the next page)
needs to have the Common Name (CN) property listed in their NDS
Rights property list. The user must have rights to the CN field.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 678
4 Review the ldap_exp options before running the export command.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 679
5 Export the LDAP-based security information to the XML formatted file.
When ready, use the following command (UNIX example) to export the
groups and users to the XML formatted file:
ldap_exp -s <server> -b <bindDN> -w <bindpw>
-t <ldap server type> -p <port> -g <group-list-filename>
-o <XML-output-filename> -l <logfilename>
-x <group-list-filename>
ldap_exp -s sun03 -b smith -w :015K+]% -t sun -p 389
-g /fnsw/local/tmp/groupin.txt -o /fnsw/local/tmp
-l /fnsw/local/logs/ldap -x groupout.txt
Related Topics
LDAP_import” on page 680 and LDAP_password” on page 699.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 680
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a directory service
protocol that runs over TCP/IP and its service model is based on
entries. In the area of system security, this would include entries like
users, groups, and group members. LDAP provides a way for a client
to prove his identity to a directory server, allowing for seamless access
to remotely linked resources such as an IS or CS system. The FileNet
software has the ability to import users and groups from an LDAP
server into the FileNet proprietary security database. That means that
LDAP users and groups need to only be administered once, via the
LDAP server. LDAP users and groups do not need to be administered
a second time using FileNet security administration tools.
There are various LDAP-based directory service products (such as
Sun Java System, Novell NDS, and Microsoft Active Directory) that can
be used. LDAP is a solution many companies are turning to in order to
provide simplified system security centralization and authentication.
For companies currently using LDAP who would like to leverage their
users and groups as FileNet principals and groups (Unified Logon),
this can be done through an export/import process. FileNet Image
Services provides a set of tools for this LDAP solution that first exports
(using ldap_exp) the users names, group names, and group member-
ships from the LDAP-based directory service and then imports them
into the Image Services (IS) security database using LDAP_import.
Image Services can import from any supported LDAP directory via a
standardized XML interchange format. The FileNet software currently
provides LDAP support for Sun Java System, Novell NDS, and
Microsoft Active Directory LDAP directory services.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 681
The step that needs to be completed before using the LDAP_import
tool is exporting the LDAP-based security information to an XML for-
matted file. For more information on this file, go to
Export File Infor-
mation” on page 690. The tool used to perform this function is ldap_
exp. To review the ldap_exp tool go to
ldap_exp” on page 671.
Sun Java System was formally known as Sun ONE Directory Server.
The use of the LDAP_import tool in conjunction with the ldap_exp tool
and Web Services makes the security centralization and authentication
solution possible.
The LDAP_import tool and export utilities are located in the /fnsw/bin
To use LDAP and the Unified Logon functionality, you must be con-
nected to a client running Web Services 3.2.
Also, The Image Services security database maintains separate en-
tries for each supported directory service type: FileNet proprietary ser-
vice database, NT LAN Manager (NTLM), and LDAP. All three security
entries can co-exist, but you need to choose one directory service for
administering users and groups for all thin clients of a particular Web
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 682
The graphic below depicts what is needed to use LDAP_import.
Run LDAP_import to import the LDAP-based security information into
the IS Security Database. This requires the use of an XML formatted
file generated by the export tool mentioned above and must be run on
a Server running Image Services software. This tool can import the
XML file information to any other IS server (Windows Server or UNIX)
on the network. All import users/groups will be imported with upper-
case names and an “LDAP/” prefix will be added denoting that the
user’s security administration will be authenticated via the LDAP
LDAP server
Client Browser
SEC_gateway_logon(“LDAP/JSMITH”, ******,.....);
Windows Web Server
IIS Web server
Web Services 3.2
Windows Server IS Toolkit
IS server (security database)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 683
The main operation of LDAP_import is the sync operation and it hap-
pens automatically (by default). The import will make the subset of the
users and groups in the FileNet security database that are LDAP users
and groups exactly match the LDAP users and groups in the export
data file. However, only the users and groups that are from the LDAP
source will be affected by the import program. In other words, all other
users and groups in the FileNet security database will be unaffected by
LDAP_import. Also, any LDAP-related memberships NOT found in the
export data file will be ignored. For example, if LDAP/mjones belongs
to native group ACCT this membership will be kept. However, if native
user jsmith belongs to LDAP group LDAP/eng, this membership will be
Document Access Use Example
If an LDAP system has GroupA with UserA and UserB as its members
and that group with its users is sent through the ldap_exp/LDAP_
import process, it will now reside on that IS server as LDAP/GROUPA
with its users LDAP/USERA and LDAP/USERB.
An IS server will typically have existing users and groups before
importing and they are called Native users and groups. A Native group
or user is created by the IS Security Administration application. After
the LDAP_import, by default, users only have access to permissions
assigned to (ANYONE). If you want that group and its users to be able
to have the same security as an object already residing on the IS
server (a native group or user), you will need to go into the security
administration application in Xapex and edit each user’s permissions to
give them the desired document access.
For more information on editing user security, go to the Security
Administration chapter of the System Administrator’s Handbook. To
download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 684
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19. Be aware
that the next time an ldap_exp/LDAP_import is done, the LDAP_import
tool, by default, will ignore any existing membership where one LDAP
object (can be a user or a group) is a member of a native group.
There are three main requirements that must be met in order for IS
support for LDAP to work:
Communication with a client running Web Services 3.2.
To run the LDAP_import program, the operating system user must
be a member of the fnadmin group. To login to Image Services
with the user (u) and password (p) options, the user must be either
SysAdmin or a user that is a member of the SysAdminG group with
all administrative privileges.
The sort utility provided by the native operating system must be
present. On Windows it is named sort.exe and on UNIX it is
named sort.
Do not run LDAP_import in the /fnsw directory. In some cases, an
aborted LDAP_import run (due to lack of disk space) can leave large
temporary files behind without cleaning them up. In extreme cases, this
could cause Image Services to hang.
The Sort Utility
The sort utility used by LDAP_import might require large temporary
files during operation. LDAP_import must be run from a directory with
adequate available disk space. For example, you might need up to
800 MB for very large security databases in excess of 100,000 users.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 685
The sort utility also uses space in the /var/tmp directory and might
need up to 100 MB of free space for security databases in excess of
100,000 users.
The sort utility tries to locate sufficient temporary space in the following
/var/tmp The default temporary space used during the sort command pro-
/usr/tmp If files cannot be created in /var/tmp, the sort utility tries to use space in
/tmp If files cannot be created in /var/tmp or /usr/tmp, the sort utility uses
space in /tmp.
The minimum command for importing the XML Input file:
LDAP_import /h<host> /i<file>
LDAP_import -h<host> -I<file>
Options are not case sensitive. Also, a / is used before an option on
Windows systems and a - is used before an option on UNIX systems.
? Help. This will bring up the help screen.
Image Services (IS) domain, and optionally, organization. The default
organization is FileNet. This is the IS domain you generally want to
import your LDAP source to.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 686
i<file> LDAP XML input file (XML formatted file created in the export step).
This is the name of the XML formatted input file. This file is generated
by the export tool.
u<user> IS user name. This is an optional parameter and must be used with /
p<pwd> to provide batch mode processing. LDAP_import interactively
prompts for user name for IS security authentication. By specifying
user name through the command line, prompting will be skipped.
p”<enpwd>” Encrypted password. This is an optional parameter and must always
be used with /u<user> to provide batch mode processing. LDAP_
import interactively prompts for user password for IS security authenti-
cation. By specifying user password through the command line,
prompting will be skipped. The encrypted password is created using
the LDAP_password tool. For more information on the encryption tool,
go to
LDAP_password” on page 699.
f Force password update. If your users were created before this option
became available, it is strongly recommended that all users should be
re-exported and re-imported with this option set. This option forces an
update on the password which is recalculated with a stronger algo-
rithm. The new password is calculated on DN (distinguished name, the
LDAP server name, and the IP address of the LDAP server. This option
should only be used once for all users. If you are importing new users
or if all of your users are created after this option became available,
you can ignore this option. For more information on using this option,
refer to the document Implementing Enhanced LDAP Security.
b Batch mode processing. This mode is used for incremental inserts.
Use this mode if you do not want to be in the sync mode (default
mode). Batch mode does not expire users and groups, even if they do
not exist in the XML input file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 687
For example, if you have already successfully imported 100,000 users
and would like to import an additional 5 users, you can generate your
XML input file with the 5 new users and run ldap_import with the b
option so all existing 100,000 users are not touched. If you import the
additional 5 users without using the b option, the existing 100,000
users are expired.
1 Transfer the output from Step 6 (/o or -o parameter) of the export pro-
cedure (page 679
) to the IS server, for example using FTP. Place the
output file in a directory for example /fnsw/local/tmp (\fnsw_loc\tmp on
a Windows Server).
2 Go to the directory on the IS server where the XML formatted file was
transferred in Step 1 (for example, /fnsw/local/tmp on UNIX).
3 Review the LDAP_import options before running the import command.
4 Import the LDAP-based security information into the IS Security Ser-
vice. This step takes the XML formatted input file and updates the
Image Services security database.
Use the following command to import the groups and users to the IS
system using the XML formatted file created using ldap_exp:
LDAP_import /h<host>[:org] /I<file> [/u<user>] [/p”<enpwd>”]
LDAP_import /hidm1:filenet /Ixml.dat /ujsmith /p”:015K+]%%”
LDAP_import -hidm1:filenet -Ixml.dat -ujsmith -p”:015K+]%”
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 688
Note On Windows systems, if the encrypted password contains a % or a \,
you need to add a second % or \. For example, /p”:015K+]%” needs
to be entered as /p”:015K+]%%”. A % becomes %% and a \ be-
comes \\.
When you enter the command, if you do not include the user and pass-
word arguments, you are prompted for user name and password (not
encrypted) with the necessary privileges to complete the import (such
as SysAdmin). You then see messages indicating you are importing an
Windows Server domain input file and security information.
Automated (Batch Mode) import: If you want to set up your system
so that an import is automatically run at pre-determined intervals using
crontab, be aware of the following:
Set up crontab entry as shown
min hour monthday month weekday command
0 14 27 12 4 /home/fnsw/ldapcmd >
Run LDAP_import as the FileNet software user, such as fnsw.
Enter following commands:
/fnsw/bin/LDAP_import -hserver -i /home/fnsw/ldapcmd
-uSysAdmin -p”:015K+]%”
Please note that you must enter the full paths.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 689
Note If you are importing a lot of users (for example, 100,000), the import
could take somewhere between 30 - 60 minutes depending upon the
speed of the IS server.
5 To check if the import was successful, run Xapex, log in as Adminis-
trator, and check to see if the new groups and users are present. For
example, if you imported a group called support from the LDAP-based
directory service and you know user johnf belongs to the group, then
after a successful import a new group (LDAP/SUPPORT) and a new
user (LDAP/JOHNF) will have been created. Also note that the max-
imum user/group name is 35 characters with the LDAP/ prefix. If this
maximum is exceeded, the names are rejected. It is important to know
that Image Services does not allow duplicate names between users
and users, groups and groups, and users and groups. You will see an
error in this log file if you have duplicate names. For example, you
cannot have a user named scan and a group named scan. If you do,
you will receive the following message:
<92,0,108> A duplicate object already exists in the database.
LDAP_import generated Files
A log file and three ascii files are created or appended per each LDAP_
import run:
A separate log file is created daily and then appended for each run
of the tool during the day. Depending upon platform, this file is
located in the following location:
- \fnsw_loc\logs\ldap\ldap_importyyyymmddlog.txt
- /fnsw/local/logs/ldap/ldap_importyyyymmddlog
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 690
In the directory where the tool is run, three ascii files are created
each time the tool is run. These files will precisely list the current
FileNet IS LDAP-based users and groups and their memberships:
ASCII File Name Contents
LDAP_import_yyyymmddhhmmss.usr All unique users
id: LDAP/BJONES dn: CN=Bob Jones,DC=costa_mesa,0=FileNet desc: Good guy
id: LDAP/CSMITH dn: UID=csmith,DC=costa_mesa,0=FileNet desc:
LDAP_import_yyyymmddhhmmss.grp All unique groups
id: LDAP/CM_SALES dn: CN=cm_mktg,DC=costa_mesa,0=FileNet desc: Top team
LDAP_import_yyyymmddhhmmss.mem All unique group
id1: LDAP/CM_SALES id2: LDAP/BJONES dn1: CN=cm_mktg,DC=costa_
mesa,0=FileNet dn2: CN=Bob Jones,DC=costa_mesa,0=FileNet type: user
Export File Information
This section describes the XML specification for the export data files
from LDAP databases. This ASCII export file format for FileNet security
database synchronization simplifies importing logon information from
LDAP databases into FileNet security databases. An example of the
file is shown next.
Sample Export File
The following is a sample XML export file with information for two users
(Bob Jones and Charles Smith) and one group (cm_sales).
<?xml Version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 691
<dn>CN=Bob Jones,DC=costa_mesa,O=FileNet</dn>
<cn>Bob Jones</cn>
<description>Good guy</description>
<cn>Charles Smith</cn>
<description>We make it happen</description>
<memberName>CN=Bob Jones,DC=costa_mesa,O=FileNet</memberName>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 692
File Format Concepts
The file format is able to capture all relevant security information for
Content Services and Image Services, including users, groups, and
group memberships, including nested groups.
The main entries being modeled in the logon information are the secu-
rity principals (users and groups). In the LDAP export file, group nodes
are delimited by a group tag (<group></group>). User nodes are
delimited by a user tag (<user></user>). Group memberships are
delimited by member note tags (<member></member>).
A membership element must uniquely designate the group node and
the member node. This is done by calling out all the unique names of
the group and its members. In LDAP, the full distinguished name (DN)
is unique.
A security principal is a user or a group. The syntax of the principal
names in a particular FileNet document security database must be
converted to and from the principal names in the LDAP export file.
LDAP Names For LDAP, distinguished names (DN) could contain the following ele-
ments, which can occur several times, and in a least significant to most
significant order:
CN - Common Name
L - Locality Name
ST - State or Province Name
O - Organization Name
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 693
OU - Organization Unit Name
C - Country Name
STREET -Street Address
DC - Domain Component
UID - User ID
All characters, including blanks and other white space within the values
of the XML tags in the support data file are significant and all charac-
ters between the tags are also part of the value.
In the export data file, the value of the <dn> XML tag is the full
LDAP distinguished name of the user or group.
In the export data file, the value of <id> is the value to be stored in
the target FileNet security database as the name of the user or
group. For data from LDAP sources, the first 5 characters of the
<id> value are LDAP/. The ldap_exp program sets the value it
develops for the <id> tag with these 5 characters. The ldap_exp
program can optionally develop the value of <id> from primary and
secondary LDAP attributes that the user specifies, or it can develop
the value of the <id> tag using its default convention. The <id>
attribute is the only LDAP attribute value that the ldap_exp pro-
gram modifies before storing it in the corresponding XML tag in the
export data file.
In the export data file, the value of <description> is the value of the
LDAP description attribute.
The ldap_exp program limits the length of the names of the XML tags
to 35 characters. In addition, the LDAP_import program could also
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 694
reject or truncate some users or groups due to name size limits being
Expired Names All LDAP objects on the IS system not found in the export data file will
be expired on the IS system by the sync operation after the import.
For example:
In LDAP_import 1: The XML file contains LDAP/GROUPA and its
users LDAP/USERW and LDAP/USERX. After LDAP_import is run,
the IS server will contain LDAP/GROUPA, LDAP/USERW, LDAP/
In LDAP_import 2: The XML file contains LDAP/GROUPB and its
users LDAP/USERY and LDAP/USERZ, and for some reason LDAP/
GROUPA and its users LDAP/USERW and LDAP/USERY have been
removed from the XML file because the user thought this group and its
users were no longer needed in the file since they already were on the
IS Server. After LDAP_import is run this time the IS server will contain
users LDAP/USERW and LDAP/USERX will be marked expired.
In LDAP_import 3: The XML file contains LDAP/GROUPB and its
and its users LDAP/USERW and LDAP/USERY. After LDAP_import is
run this time the IS server will contain LDAP/GROUPB, LDAP/USERY,
USERX will be marked unexpired.
When users or groups are missing from current XML file and present in
the previous XML file, the users are expired. If the users or groups are
added back into the XML file and imported, the users and groups will
be unexpired.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 695
Image Services
For Image Service systems, the LDAP_import program gets the name
of the user or group from the value of <id> in the export data file. For
IS systems, user and group names stored in the FileNet security data-
base are limited to 40 non-null characters (less the LDAP/ prefix).
LDAP_import for IS systems will store the value of the <id> tag as the
principal name, including the LDAP/ prefix.
LDAP_import gets the value of the description field in the security
database from the value of the XML <description> tag. It will truncate
the value to 79 (not 80) characters due to size limitations (one char-
acter is reserved for a termination character).
XML File Format Description
An LDAP export file consists of one <principals> element, which
contains one <server_name> element, one <ip_address> element,
one <users> element, one <groups> element, and one <mem-
bers> element.
The <server_name> element and the <ip_address> element are
sources used for strong password creation.
Within the <users> element is zero or more <user> elements.
Each <user> element must contain a <dn> and an <id> element.
The <dn> element must have a tag. A <user> element may option-
ally also contain a <description> element. The export program pre-
fixes the value of the <id> element with the characters LDAP/. So,
the first 5 characters of the value of the <id> element are LDAP/.
Within the <groups> element is zero or more <group> elements.
Each <group> element must contain a <dn> and an <id> element.
The <dn> element must have a tag. A <group> element may
optionally also contain a <description> element. The export pro-
gram prefixes the value of the <id> element with the characters
LDAP/ for group names.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 696
Within the <members> element is zero or more <member> ele-
ments. Each <member> element must contain a <groupName>
element, a <memberName> element, and a <memberType> ele-
ment. The <groupName> contains the exact <dn> of the group.
The <memberName> contains the exact <dn> of the member. The
value of the <memberType> element must be user or group.
The following is the screen output generated by running the command
with the sample XML file.
Two users are added: LDAP/BJONES and LDAP/CSMITH
One group is added: LDAP/CM_SALES
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 697
One membership: LDAP/BJONES is a member of
Two users, one group and one membership were added. The objects
consist of users and groups.
C:\jsmith\ldap>ldap_import /hmyserver /isample.xml
Preprocessing input file ‘sample.xml’...
Locating IS server...please wait
Authorized IS user name: SysAdmin
Authorized IS user password:
Generating IS data files...please wait...
Generating LDAP data files...please wait...
Importing LDAP XML inout file ‘sample.xml’...
2002/01/08 12:11:57.392 92,0,458 <fnsw>ldap_import(340.2284 0x154.8ec)...
Importing LDAP security to IS host [myserver], version 4.0.0
Synchronizing users started [01-08-2002, 12:11 PM]...please wait...
Synchronizing groups started [01-08-2002, 12:11 PM]...please wait...
Synchronizing members started [01-08-2002, 12:11 PM]...please wait...
Total user objects added = 2
Total group objects added = 1
Total objects expired = 0
Total objects unexpired = 0
Total objects updated = 0
Total members added = 1
Import process completed. Please check log file for possible errors.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 698
Related Topics
ldap_exp” on page 671 and LDAP_password” on page 699.
Portions of this software were developed using the “expat XML parser
library”. The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public Li-
cense Version 1.1 (the "License"); you might not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" ba-
sis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or im-
plied. See the License for the specific governing rights and limitations
under the License.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 699
The LDAP_password tool is used to encrypt a password that will be
used by LDAP_import during the import process, so you can provide a
user name with an encrypted password through the command line
without revealing the real password.
To review the LDAP_import tool go to
LDAP_import” on page 680.
To create an encrypted password that will be used later in the LDAP_
import command, simply enter the LDAP_password command with the
real password within quotation marks as the only parameter.
For example, if the password is SysAdmin, enter:
LDAP_password “SysAdmin”
The program will display the encrypted password (for example,
SysAdmin = “:015K+]%”) that you would then enter in the LDAP_
import tool command using the /p“<enpwd>” argument.
On Windows systems, if the encrypted password contains a % or a \,
you need to add a second % or \. For example, /p”:015K+]%” needs
to be entered as /p”:015K+]%%”. A % becomes %% and a \ be-
comes \\.
The encrypted password is only used through the command line. It is
useful when LDAP_import is invoked or automated by a batch file (that
is, no prompting for user id and password) or for a cron job.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 700
Note LDAP_password is a standalone program, but the user that you are
creating the password for should have enough rights to add, update,
and delete users and groups in Image Services.
LDAP_password “<pwd>”
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
ldap_exp” on page 671 and LDAP_import” on page 680.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 701
The less tool is a file viewing utility that offers several benefits over
other viewing utilities and text editors, such as:
As you view a file, you can move backward as well as forward
through the file contents.
The less tool does not have to read the entire input file before start-
ing so with large input files, it starts faster than text editors such as
A large variety of terminals support less, including limited support
for hard copy terminals. On a hard copy terminal, lines that should
be printed at the top of the screen are prefixed with an “up” arrow.
Use the less command to view files.
After you enter the less command with a file name, less displays the
file contents. You can scroll forward (using the space bar or commands
of less) or backward (by pressing the b key on your keyboard or
entering less commands). Using less commands, you can scroll in
increments of one window, a half window, or a line. When you finish
viewing the file, enter q or press the escape key (ESC) to exit.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 702
less [–? | –h] <filename> [ flags ]
–? Displays a summary (help screen) of the commands of less. When you
specify this option, less ignores all other options and exits after dis-
playing the help screen. (Depending on how your shell interprets the
question mark, you might need to enclose the question mark in quotes,
for example, "–?".)
–h Displays a summary (help screen) of all available options and flags of
<filename> Specifies the file you want to view
Run less –? to list all commands of less. The following table identifies
one or more commands you can use to perform a single task.
less Command Summary
Command Task Performed
h or H Displays help list for less command
q, :q, :Q, or ZZ Exits less command
e, ^E, j, ^N, or CR Moves forward one line (or N lines)
y, ^Y, k, ^K, or ^P Moves backward one line (or N lines)
f, ^F, ^V, or SPACE Moves forward one window (or N lines)
b, ^B, or ESC-v Moves backward one window (or N lines)
1. Notes in parentheses indicate action given for N where N is the
number entered before the corresponding command.
2. ^ represents the control key on your keyboard.
3. By default, a window is the screen height and a half-window is
half the screen height.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 703
Run less –h to list all flags and options
z Moves forward one window (and sets window to N)
w Moves backward one window (and sets window to N)
d or ^D Moves forward one half-window (and sets half-win-
dow to N)
u or ^U Moves backward one half-window (and sets half-win-
dow to N)
r, ^R, ^L Repaints the screen
R Repaints the screen, discarding buffered input
/pattern Searches forward for (Nth) matching line
?pattern Searches backward for (Nth) matching line
ESC-/pattern Searches from top of file for (Nth) matching line
/!pattern Searches forward for (Nth) NON-matching line
?!pattern Searches backward for (Nth) NON-matching line
ESC-/!pattern Searches from top of file for (Nth) NON-matching line
n Repeats previous search (for Nth occurrence)
ESC-n Repeats previous search in reverse direction
less Command Summary
Command Task Performed
1. Notes in parentheses indicate action given for N where N is the
number entered before the corresponding command.
2. ^ represents the control key on your keyboard.
3. By default, a window is the screen height and a half-window is
half the screen height.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 704
Before using the –? option of less, understand how your shell inter-
prets a question mark. You might need to enclose the question mark in
quotes, for example, "–?".
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
Refer to the online manual (man) pages for details of the less com-
mand and its commands, flags, and options.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 705
The log_create tool creates a circular log file to receive log records
generated by performance analysis tools.
Use log_create to create a circular log file or increase the size of an
existing log file.
You must specify the name of the log file to create. As an option, you
can also indicate a maximum number of 1024-byte physical records
that can comprise the log file.
log_create <logfile> [–m#]
<logfile> Specifies the log file to create. If you don’t specify a directory path with
the file name, log_create places the file in the current directory.
–m# Maximum number of physical records as specified by the value of #
The default maximum number of physical records is 512; each record
is 1024 bytes in length.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 706
In the UNIX platform example below, log_create creates a new log file
named testlog in the /fnsw/local/tmp/test directory. The log file is lim-
ited to a maximum of 256 records. The ls command verifies the exist-
ence of the new log file in the directory.
Before you use log_create, be aware of the following:
You must specify a log file name.
If you do not specify a maximum number of records for the log file,
log_create uses the default of 512 1024-byte records.
No specific procedure is required.
corona(root)/> log_create /fnsw/local/tmp/test/testlog -m256
corona(root)/> ls /fnsw/local/tmp/test/t*
testlog testperf
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 707
Related Topics
log_dir” on page 708
log_extract” on page 711
perf_mon” on page 963
perf_report” on page 977
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 708
The log_dir tool lists and displays, in reverse chronological order, all
records in a circular log file created by the perf_mon or log_create tool.
For each record in the log file, log_dir lists the record type, record
length, and time stamp in reverse chronological order.
Use log_dir to view entries in a circular log file. Use the short (–s)
option to limit the display of entries to only the newest and the oldest
A common use of log_dir is to view entries in the default perf_mon cap-
ture log:
/fnsw/local/sdperflog for UNIX platforms
\fnsw_loc\sdperflog for Windows Server platforms
log_dir <logfile> [–s]
<logfile> Specifies the log file to display
–s Displays only the newest and oldest log file entries
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 709
Sample Output
In the first example below from a UNIX platform, log_dir displays all
entries in the log file in reverse chronological order. The second
example, uses the –s option to display only the newest and oldest log
file entries.
corona(root)/> log_dir /fnsw/local/tmp/test/log111896
LOGFILE : /fnsw/local/tmp/test/log111896 IN REVERSE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER
number type length end time
11 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:57 1996
10 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:52 1996
9 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:47 1996
8 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:42 1996
7 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:37 1996
6 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:32 1996
5 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:27 1996
4 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:22 1996
3 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:17 1996
2 1 6112 Mon Nov 18 14:18:12 1996
1 2 1 Mon Nov 18 14:18:12 1996
corona(root)/> log_dir /fnsw/local/tmp/test/log111896 -s
LOGFILE : /fnsw/local/tmp/test/log111896 IN REVERSE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER
number type length end time
11 16112Mon Nov 18 14:18:57 1996
1 21Mon Nov 18 14:18:12 1996
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 710
To use log_dir, you must specify an existing log file name.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
log_create” on page 705
log_extract” on page 711
perf_mon” on page 963
perf_report” on page 977
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 711
The log_extract tool extracts a range of records from one circular log
file and appends them to another circular log file. If the destination log
file does not exist, the tool creates a new log file with the same
attributes as the source log file.
The default circular log file is:
/fnsw/local/sdperflog for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\sdperflog for Windows Server platforms
Use log_extract to select a specified number of logical records from a
circular log file. A common use of log_extract is to obtain for later
viewing some of the perflog entries before the program overwrites the
entries in the circular log file.
Select a starting logical record number for extraction. The number of
records to extract is determined by the value you assign to the number
You can choose to extract the records in one of two directions—for-
ward (records that are newer than the starting record) or backward
(records that are older than the starting record).To extract the records
that are newer than the starting record, simply specify a value n for the
number argument. To extract the records that are older than the
starting record, specify –n for the number argument.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 712
log_extract <logfile> <logical rec num> <[–]number> <destfile>
<logfile> Identifies log file from which to extract records
<logical rec num> Specifies starting number of the logical records to extract
<[–]number> Performs a forward or backward search for the specified number of
If you specify a number without a preceding hyphen (–), the
search proceeds forward from the starting record.
If you specify a number with a preceding hyphen (–), the search
proceeds backward from the starting record.
<destfile> Identifies destination log file name to which extracted records are
If the log file exists, log_extract appends extracted records to the file. If
the log file does not exist, log_extract creates a new log file with the
same attributes as the source log file and appends the extracted
records to the new file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 713
Sample Output
In the example below, log_extract selects five records from a UNIX cir-
cular log file /fnsw/local/tmp/extlog. It writes the five extracted records
to /fnsw/local/tmp/extrct5 and the log_dir tool displays the appended
corona(root)/> log_extract /fnsw/local/tmp/extlog 1 5 /fnsw/local/tmp/extrct5
Starting at logical rec 1, and selecting 5 records
corona(root)/> log_dir /fnsw/local/tmp/extrct5
number type length end time
5 1 7236 Mon Nov 4 16:11:46 1996
4 1 7236 Mon Nov 4 16:06:46 1996
3 1 7236 Mon Nov 4 16:01:46 1996
2 1 7160 Mon Nov 4 15:56:46 1996
1 2 1 Mon Nov 4 15:56:46 1996
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 714
Before you use log_extract, be aware of the following:
You must specify a log file name from which log_extract can select
the requested records.
If the destination log file does not exist, log_extract creates a new
destination log file with the same attributes as the source log file.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
log_create” on page 705
log_dir” on page 708
perf_mon” on page 963
perf_report” on page 977
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 715
The manifest tool maintains a file that specifies the contents of a server
software release partition. The tool supports commands for creating,
maintaining, and querying the contents of the partition. The program
only maintains the file and does not maintain the file system. That is,
manifest does not create, delete, or update other files.
The manifest tool stores its file in a compressed form. The manifest file
includes information about each regular file in the file system of the
release partition. The manifest tool attempts to filter out information
about device files, configuration files, and log files.
Typical information saved in the manifest for each file include the full
path name of the file, the file mode, the last date and time the file was
modified, the file size, a checksum on the file, and the stamp on the
Each release of software includes a manifest file generated as one of
the final steps in creating a release tape. As you use the manifest tool
to load new versions of the file into the release partition, you can
update the file using the add and delete options. You can also use
manifest to identify file corruption and the installation of unauthorized
versions of software.
The use of manifest is restricted to support personnel.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 716
manifest <commands>
The individual manifest commands are described below.
In the command descriptions that follow, replace items in angle
brackets (< >) with an appropriate file name or station number as indi-
cated. You can specify multiple commands in a single invocation of the
manifest command.
To reduce overhead associated with initiating the manifest program,
specify multiple commands in a single invocation.
add <filename> Adds the specified file to the manifest
check <filename> Checks the given file against the manifest
checkall Compares all files against the manifest and prints the results to stan-
dard output (usually the display device from which you invoked the
delete <filename> Deletes the specified file from the manifest
show <filename> Shows information about the given file from both the file itself and from
the manifest file
It shows data from the manifest file first, followed by data from the file.
update <filename> Updates the manifest with information from the specified file
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 717
The following command adds the named file to the manifest.
manifest add relfile
Sample Output
The sample below displays information from the manifest for /fnsw/bin/
Before using manifest, be aware of the following:
Updates apply only to the manifest file, not to the file system.
The use of manifest is restricted to support personnel.
No specific procedure is required for this tool.
corona(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> manifest show /fnsw/bin/TAPs
From the manifest:
./fnsw/bin/TAPs 102755 96/09/06 13:34:49 67449 22779 17 sys
From the current file:
./fnsw/bin/TAPs 102755 96/09/06 13:34:49 67449 22779 17 sys
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 718
This migrate tool updates the performance-related parameters in the
clone system’s configuration database (.cdb) file from a specified file in
the /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/import directory. This tool is designed to be
the last step in the process of cloning the IS system configuration of
multiple IS systems from a single master configuration database file
and is done as a part of a migration. The other tool associated with
this process is the export_cdb
For more information on the cloning process, see
export_cdb” on
page 411.
All the path names documented for this tool are shown in UNIX format
(e.g., /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/import). For Windows Server path names,
substitute the /fnsw/local/ with <drive>:\fnsw_loc\ and use a back slash
(\) instead of a forward slash (/) throughout the rest of the path (e.g.,
You use this tool to migrate the differences from a migrated .cdb file
into an existing ims_exp_xx.cdb file on another system. The migrate
file must be located in the in /fnsw/local/conf_db/import directory. Only
changes to the .cdb performance parameters are migrated. Modifica-
tions to devices, datasets, caches, and most relational database
changes aren’t migrated. This tool always selects the latest version of
the .cdb file to import.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 719
The migrate_cdb_changes tool should be used in conjunction with the
export_cdb tool.
migrate_cdb_changes [-s <source_prefix>]
-s <source_prefix>
Optionally allows the user to specify a prefix for the source file other
than the default “ims” prefix.
When you migrate using the optional -s parameter, you are still creat-
ing a new revision for the default IS configuration database file
(ims_xx.cdb). The xx in the file name will be one revision higher.
1 On the IS server being used as the master server, use fn_edit to define
the configuration database parameters. This has probably been done
and the latest cdb file is established.
2 On the IS server being used as the master server, run export_cdb to
make a copy of the master IS server’s configuration database file by
entering the following command:
In the above example, the export file would be created in the following
directory structure: /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/export/ims_exp_xx.cdb,
where xx is the revision number of the .cdb file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 720
If you want to use the optional -s <source_prefix> parameter,
<source_prefix> is the value you use to associate the file with the
clone server the configuration file is being exported to (for example,
california). In this -s example, the export file would be created in the
following directory structure: /fnsw/local/sd/conf_db/export/california_
exp_xx.cdb, where xx is the revision number of the .cdb file.
For more information on the export_cdb tool, see
export_cdb” on
page 411
3 Manually move or copy the newly created file from the master IS server
to the clone IS server by placing it in the following location on the clone
IS server:
4 On the IS server being used as the clone server, run the following com-
mand to import the configuration database file and update the .cdb file:
Again if you want to use the optional -s <source_prefix> parameter,
<source_prefix> is the value you use to associate the file with the
clone server the configuration file is being exported to (for example,
Related Topics
export_cdb” on page 411
import_cdb” on page 577
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 721
The Data Definition Language (ddl) file is the ASCII text file containing
source text for an MKF database definition.
MKF_ddl processes the ddl file and writes the database description
specified in the ddl file to the MKF database; the database now con-
tains information about itself. In addition, options are available to ini-
tialize, update, and compare the ddl file and check the syntax of the ddl
fn_edit generates the ddl text files, so you need to run fn_edit to
change them. Otherwise, your changes get lost when the software is
The primary purpose of the initialize option is to create an empty data-
base with a valid data description so the option is normally used only
once to initially create an MKF database. You use it only rarely after
that. If used on a live database, the initialize option destroys any and all
data in the database. If you suspect that any valid data exists in the
database you plan to initialize, back up the database before you ini-
If you specify the –initialize option, MKF_ddl zeroes out all the rows in
the database. All data is lost.
The update option causes MKF_ddl to write a new database descrip-
tion into the database. However, it does not modify or delete any files,
partitions, tables, or columns in the database. It adds new data to the
database (files, partitions, tables, columns, etc.) at the end of their sec-
tion. For example, it adds a new table last, after all previous tables; it
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 722
adds a new column as the last column of its table; and so on. The
exception is the size of the last data file or last log file.
When you run MKF_ddl –update, verify that MKF_ddl is the first pro-
gram to use the database after you start FileNet software. If another
program uses the database before MKF_ddl –update runs, MKF_ddl
generates an error.
You can change some database parameters with MKF_ddl –update.
The following table indicates which parameters you can change:
The final step in update processing calls MKF to update the available
space btrees.
If the system fails before the update phase completes, rerun MKF_ddl
MKF_ddl can perform a syntax check on the specified ddl file without
deleting or changing existing rows in the ddl file or the database.
Database Parameter
Can be changed with
MKF_ddl –update?
number_of_buffers Yes
rl_update_frequency Yes
read_after_write Yes
max_concurrent_transactions Yes
max_long_transactions Yes
max_tables No
max_columns_per_row No
rl_buf_blocks Yes
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 723
MKF_ddl can also compare the ddl file and the database, returning an
exit status indicating the results of the comparison. When you run
MKF_ddl with the comparison option, it does not delete or change
existing rows in the database. The format of the exit status is:
exit status = n (text)
where n is the exit status code followed by the text for the exit status
The table below describes valid exit status codes:
Exit Status Code and Text Description
0 (equivalent) The ddl text and the database itself are the same.
1 (update OK) The ddl text and the database itself differ, but MKF_ddl –update
would succeed in making them identical.
2 (unchangeable parameter) The ddl text differs from the database itself and attempts to
change a database parameter for which change is not allowed.
3 (parameter value error) The ddl text specifies an illegal value for a database parameter.
4 (illegal update FILES) The ddl text specifies an illegal update to the FILES section.
5 (illegal update TABLES) The ddl text specifies an illegal update to the TABLES section.
6 (syntax error) A common cause for this exit status is a ddl update that in-
creases the number of columns for a single table or the number
of tables beyond the maximum allowed by the PARAMETERS
7 (command line error) An error exists in the MKF_ddl command line options.
8 (other) Some other error has occurred, for example, a file I/O error.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 724
System configuration tools (System Configuration Editor and fn_edit)
are normally used to create, initialize, and update the ddl text file. The
system configuration tools generate the Data Definition Language (ddl)
source file and using MKF_ddl to update it could result in out-of-syn-
chronization problems between the ddl source file and the database.
However, on rare occasions, your service representative could direct
you to use MKF_ddl to initialize or update the MKF transient, perma-
nent, or Network Clearinghouse databases.
Using other options, you can check the ddl file for proper syntax and
compare the contents of the ddl file to the database.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 725
MKF_ddl <ddlsource file> [–initialize | –update | –syntax | –com-
<ddlsource file> Full path name of the ddl file for the MKF database you want to ini-
tialize or update
For example, the full UNIX path name of the MKF transient database
ddl file is /fnsw/local/sd/1/transient.ddl.
–initialize Zeroes out the database specified in the named ddl file, losing all rows
stored in the database
–update Adds information to the database description without deleting or
changing any existing rows
–syntax Checks for correct syntax of a ddl source file without deleting or
changing any existing rows
–compare Compares the text data in the ddl file with the database itself and
returns an exit status code
Sample Output
The following sample output shows the messages issued for an MKF_
ddl update of the permanent database.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 726
The sample below shows the messages issued for initialization of the
permanent database on a Windows system.
> MKF_ddl /fnsw/local/sd/1/permanent.ddl –update
updating avsp tables for table family_disk ...
updating avsp tables for table surf_dyn_info ...
updating avsp tables for table surf_stat_info ...
updating avsp tables for table docs ...
updating avsp tables for table cluster_map ...
updating avsp tables for table scalar_numbers ...
updating avsp tables for table od_stats ...
updating avsp tables for table annotations ...
updating avsp tables for table surf_locator ...
updating avsp tables for table family_locator ...
updating avsp tables for table remote_family ...
"MKF_ddl /fnsw/local/sd/1/permznent.ddl -update" exit status = 0
(success)(This is not an error.)
blocks 0x0000000000000000 to 0x000000000000A7FF
blocks 0x0000000000003000 to 0x000000000000A7FF
blocks 0x0000000000006000 to 0x000000000000A7FF
blocks 0x0000000000009000 to 0x000000000000A7FF
blocks 0x0000000000000000 to 0x0000000000002FFF
"MKF_ddl permanent.ddl -initialize" exit status = 0 (success) (This is not
an error.)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 727
Before you use MKF_ddl, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
You should not use MKF_ddl to initialize or update a database un-
less specifically directed to do so by your service representative.
The MKF_ddl program should only be run when the database is
shut down, no processes are linked to MKF, and no shared mem-
ory for MKF exists.
If you attempt to use the –initialize option against an in-use database,
the program writes an error message to the system event log and the
function terminates.
You must run MKF_ddl on the server on which the target database
The –initialize option zeroes out all database rows for the target da-
tabase. Do not use this option unless you are specifically di-
rected to do so by your service representative.
Initializing a transient database deletes any affiliated objects in the
associated cache.
Initializing a permanent database deletes any affiliated documents
on storage media.
Initializing the NCH database deletes all resource names stored in
the database.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 728
The –update option does not affect any current rows in the data-
base. Updating the database is only necessary if you have
changed the contents of its corresponding ddl file. Use the Config-
uration Editor to change the contents of a ddl file.
Entering the MKF_ddl command with no options displays help in-
MKF database initialization can also be accomplished with the ini-
tialization options of the fn_util command. See online help for fn_
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 729
Follow these steps to initialize a database:
1 Shut down the database.
Use killfnsw -A -D -y to kill the FileNet software and delete shared
2 At the command line, enter MKF_ddl with the appropriate ddl file name
and options.
For example, to initialize the transient database, use the following com-
MKF_ddl /fnsw/local/sd/1/transient.ddl –initialize (UNIX)
MKF_ddl D:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT.DLL -initialize (Windows)
If you initialize the NCH database, the Image Services System Con-
figuration Builder restores the NCH database resource names when
FileNet software is restarted.
3 Restart FileNet software.
Restarting the software automatically updates the ddl file.
Related Topics
For information about system configuration tools (System Configura-
tion Editor or fn_edit), see your FileNet system’s online help.
Refer to online help for the fn_util command.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 730
The MKF_debug program displays information to assist in diagnosing
database hangs. MKF_debug displays a list of all processes linked to
the MKF shared library (abstract) and the status of all known MKF
databases on the server. MKF_debug takes a “snapshot” and therefore
reports only events at the time you start the program.
Use MKF_debug to determine whether a database is hung. If the data-
base is hung, MKF_debug can also identify the process causing the
Use the quick option to display only critical information, for example,
which, if any, processes died in MKF, the currently open databases,
and the states of currently open databases. Use the verbose option to
display more detailed output.
As a first step in debugging, check the output report for a yes in the da-
tabase fatal err field. See
database fatal err” on page 737 for more
MKF_debug [ –q | –v ]
–q Quick option displays only critical information
–v Verbose option displays detailed information (the default)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 731
Sample Output
The output below shows which processes are linked locally to the MKF
shared library (abstract):
An asterisk (*) appearing in the first column (“* if dead”) indicates
the process terminated.
A plus sign (+) in the second column (“+ in MKF”) indicates the pro-
cess is executing MKF code to perform an MKF operation (for ex-
ample, find, insert, etc.).
The process num column contains the process ID number of the
program listed in the program name column.
Combinations of indicators show what is happening to your MKF data-
bases and in the MKF subsystem. Use the following guidelines to inter-
pret these indicator combinations.
Asterisk (*), no plus sign
An asterisk (*) without a plus sign (+) in the second column indicates
the process terminated but was not executing MKF code at the time it
All processes using an MKF database on this station:
* if + in
dead MKF process num program name
---- ---- ----------- ------------------------------
9244 NCHs
10539 MKF_clean
11565 INXs
11825 PRIs
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 732
terminated. The fact that the process is dead might indicate a problem.
If it is a problem, the problem is typically not in MKF. For example, an
asterisk displays is this column even if a process terminates normally,
a user issues a Control+c key sequence to prematurely terminate a
program or process, or a user kills a process linked to MKF.
The background cleanup daemon, MKF_clean, eventually backs out
the transactions of processes that died in the middle of an MKF trans-
action but were outside of MKF kernel code at the time of the death.
Such conditions usually indicate a bug or problem in the application
Plus sign (+), no asterisk
On an active system, you frequently see a plus sign in the second
column, but no asterisk in the first column. This combination indicates
that, at the time the snapshot is taken by MKF_debug, the process is in
the middle of an MKF operation.
Asterisk (*) and plus sign (+)
If the process dies in MKF kernel code, the background cleanup
daemon, MKF_clean, cannot release the hung database. Check for a
core file and check the system event log for error messages.
To release the hung database, restart the FileNet software.
The output below provides additional information about the MKF data-
bases. Output fields are described following the output sample.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 733
Thu Apr 12 16:36:12 2001
All processes using an MKF database on this station:
* if + in
dead MKF process num program name
---- ---- ----------- ------------------------------------
2076 MKF_writer 0
1080 MKF_clean
MKF database number 0: at 0x4600CBE0
base data file name: F:\FNSW_DB\PERMANENT_DB0
db state: 2 (normal)
database fatal err: no
description valid: 1
db is recovered: 1
abort mode: 0
opendescpid: 0
number of buffers: 256
num virgin buffers: 255
block list at: 0x46081D00, elt sz = 92
num avail buffs: 0
num bufs in mru ring: 1
tot olayable buffs: 256
tot non-olayable bufs: 0
tot unmod data blks: 0
&acttr: 0x4600D084, elt sz = 588, num elts = 13
&datafileinx: 0x4600EE60, elt sz = 4, num elts = 8
&aijfileinx: 0x4600EE80, elt sz = 4, num elts = 8
&bijfileinx: 0x4600EEA0, elt sz = 4, num elts = 8
blklisthhead: 0x46087980 num_ble_hh = 331
max long trans cc: 1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 734
long trans claim cnt: 1
max trans claim cnt: 3
trans claim count: 3
transres_ilk 0xFACE000E
longtransres_ilk 0xFACE000F
small->large trans: 0
small->large tr fail: 0
small->large tr err: 0
getbuffer retries: 0
getbuffer errs: 0
cb_p: 0x46017000
mbi demon pid: 2076
mbi demon enabled: 0
log_updaij_time: 0
mbi heap at: 0x4628B470
num_heap: 257
heap_av at: 0x4628C4B0
num_heap_levels: 9
heap_avbv: 0x7FC00000
num writeahead: 0x0000000000000000
num writeahead bursts: 0 (0x00000000)
# calls MKF_shutdown: 0
# calls MKF_open: 1
# calls MKF_close: 1
# calls MKF_open_cursor: 11
# calls MKF_close_cursor: 11
# calls MKF_get_item_number: 0
# calls MKF_bind: 0
# calls MKF_begin_transaction: 0
# calls MKF_end_transaction: 0
# calls MKF_abort_transaction: 0
# calls MKF_set_position: 0
# calls MKF_find: 0
# calls MKF_insert: 0
# calls MKF_update: 0
# calls MKF_delete: 0
# calls MKF_open_description: 2
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 735
# calls MKF_close_description: 2
# calls MKF_get_parameters: 0
# calls MKF_set_parameters: 0
# calls MKF_get_file: 0
# calls MKF_set_file: 0
# calls MKF_get_record: 0
# calls MKF_set_record: 0
# calls MKF_get_item: 0
# calls MKF_set_item: 0
# calls MKF_get_aij_bsn: 0
# calls MKF_update_avsp: 0
# calls MKF_transaction_state: 0
# calls MKF_set_abortmode: 0
# short transactions started: 33
# short transactions completed: 33
# short transactions aborted: 0
# long transactions started: 0
# long transactions completed: 0
# long transactions aborted: 0
# attempts to convert short to long transaction: 0
# successful conversions of short to long trans: 0
# deadlocks: 0
# single-operation MKF_find: 0
# single-operation MKF_insert: 0
# calls on mkf_readblock: 1
# buffer pool cache hits: 0
# buffers: 256
# physical reads of aij: 1
# blocks read from aij: 24
# physical writes to aij: 0
# blocks written to aij: 0
# physical reads on bij: 0
# blocks read from bij: 0
# physical writes to bij: 0
# blocks written to bij: 0
# physical reads on data files: 1
# blocks read from data files: 1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 736
# physical writes to data files: 1
# blocks written to data files: 1
# calls on getbuffer: 1
# total calls on mkf_divest: 1
# calls on mkf_divest(completely): 1
# total calls on mkf_search: 0
# calls on mkf_search (firsttry=TRUE): 0
# calls on mkf_search (forupdate=TRUE): 0
# calls on mkf_searchtable: 0
# calls on mkf_insertkey: 0
# calls on mkf_deletekey: 0
# calls on mkf_merge: 0
# B-tree table merges: 0
# B-tree table splits: 0
total blocks in data files: 43008
number of non-virgin blocks in data files: 2195
number of blocks in global empty block list: 0
No active transactions on this database.
************************** end report *********************************
Thu Apr 12 16:36:12 2001
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 737
base data file name
The base data file contains the description of the database. The name
is defined in the database’s ddl file.
db state
The database control block contains the database state. The following
table describes the legal states:
database fatal err
A yes in this field indicates a fatal error occurred. Check for an event
log entry and a core, dump, or Dr. Watson file, depending on your plat-
description valid
A value of 1 means that the database description was successfully
read from the base datafile. A value of 0 usually means that this has
not happened yet.
Legal State Description
0 Database not completely initialized
1 Database shut down
3 Database is being restored
4 Database is being backed up off line
5 Fix up states
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 738
db is recovered
A value of 1 means that crash recovery completed successfully during
the initial opening of the database. A value of 0 means that crash
recovery has not been run yet or has failed. A value of zero also indi-
cates that crash recovery will be attempted again the next time the
database is opened.
abort mode
For development use only. This mode helps exercise the deadlock
handling code of FileNet server software.
The value should always be zero (0).
The ilk entry displays hexadecimal value of the interlock handle. Most
of the interlocks are used as locks. A few are used as resource-
blocking interlocks.
Process ID of the process that executed an MKF_opendescription call
but has not yet executed MKF_closedescription. MKF_ddl is the pri-
mary caller of MKF_opendescription.
number of buffers
The number of buffers in the database's buffer pool, as defined in the
ddl file for the database. This parameter controls the main buffer pool
of memory for the database. When writing to a block in the database,
two buffers are consumed—one for the current copy of the block’s
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 739
information and one for a copy of the buffer before the information was
num virgin buffers
The number of buffers that have never been used.
block list at
Hexadecimal location of the block list (an array of blocks in the buffer
pool) and size, in bytes, of each element in the array.
num avail buffs
The number of buffers in the available buffer list. These buffers were in
use at one time but currently do not contain information.
num bufs in mru ring
The number of buffers in the overlayable (most recently used) buffer
ring. These buffers contain valid information, but can be reclaimed; if
reclaimed, these buffers can hold the contents of a database block not
currently resident in the buffer pool. The overlayable ring is maintained
in most-recently-used order, which facilitates choosing the least-
recently-used buffer as the buffer to overlay. Overlaying the least-
recently-used buffer helps minimize I/O to the database.
tot olayable bufs
The number of buffers in an available buffer list plus the number of
buffers in the overlay ring.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 740
tot non-olayable bufs
The number of buffers currently in use. These buffers cannot be over-
laid at the present time (actually, the time the “snapshot” was taken by
tot unmod data blks
The number of unmodified data blocks in the buffer pool.
Hexadecimal address of the array of active transaction structures, size,
in bytes, of each element in the array, and number of elements in the
Hexadecimal address of the array of data file definitions, size, in bytes,
of each element in the array, and number of elements in the array.
Hexadecimal address of the array of data file indexes into the global
table of files, size, in bytes, of each element in the array, and number of
elements in the array.
Hexadecimal address of the array of file definitions for the after-image
journal (aij), size, in bytes, of each element in the array, and number of
elements in the array.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 741
Hexadecimal address of the array of aij file indexes into the global table
of files, size, in bytes, of each element in the array, and number of ele-
ments in the array.
Hexadecimal address of the array of file definitions for the before-
image journal (bij), size, in bytes, of each element in the array, and
number of elements in the array.
Hexadecimal address of the array of bij file indexes into the global table
of files, size, in bytes, of each element in the array, and number of ele-
ments in the array.
Hexadecimal address of the array of hash heads (the hash table is
used to locate database blocks in the blocklist array) and the hexadec-
imal hash mask.
max long trans cc
The maximum value of the claim count for large transactions. This is
the maximum number of transactions that can execute concurrently. A
large transaction (also known as a “long” transaction) is one that
requires more blocks than can fit in 1/n of the buffer pool, where n is
the maximum value of the transaction claim count. This value must be
less than or equal to the claim count.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 742
long trans claim cnt
The current value of the claim count for large transactions (also known
as “long” transactions). If positive or zero (0), the value is the number
of new large transactions that can start. If negative, the value is the
number of processes waiting to begin a large transaction.
max trans claim cnt
The current value of the transaction claim count. This value represents
the maximum number of transactions of either type (large or small) that
can concurrently execute against the database. This value must be
greater than or equal to the long transaction claim count.
trans claim count
The current value of the transaction claim count. If positive or zero (0),
the value is the number of new transactions of either type (large or
small) that can currently begin. If negative, the value is the number of
processes waiting to begin transactions against the database. The
maximum number of concurrent transactions is limited to maximize
performance. If you allow more than an optimal number of concurrent
transactions, buffer pool thrashing and/or excessive abort transactions
small–>large trans
The number of transactions that were successfully converted from
small to large transactions.
small–>large tr fail
The number of failed attempts to convert small transactions to large
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 743
small–>large tr err
The number of small transactions that ultimately failed to convert to
large transactions. Multiple attempts might be made to convert a small
transaction to a large transaction. These attempts ultimately succeed
or fail, with the number of failures noted in this field.
getbuffer retries
The number of retries to obtain the use of a buffer so that a new data-
base block can be read into the buffer pool. The first attempt is not con-
sidered a retry.
getbuffer errs
The number of times a transaction failed to get a buffer to hold a data-
base block.
Hexadecimal pointer to a buffer containing the database control block.
The interlock used as a lock for updating control block information.
Hexadecimal location of the row definitions (for example, table defini-
tions) array.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 744
mbi demon pid
Process ID of the writeahead (mbi) process. (mbi is “modified before-
mbi demon enabled
If the value is 0, the writeahead (mbi) demon is disabled. If 1, it is
If the value is 0, debugging information is not written to the system
event log. If 1, debugging information (for example, elapsed time for
updating the pointer to the beginning of the aij, number of buffers
written, and so on) is written to the system event log.
mbi_heap at
Hexadecimal address of the mbi heap.
Number of elements in the mbi heap.
heap_av at
Hexadecimal address of the available mbi heap element array.
Number of levels in the mbi heap.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 745
Bit vector for available elements in the mbi heap.
num writeahead (ms)
Most significant longword for the number of buffers written by the
writeahead demon. The concatenation of the ms and ls longword is a
64-bit integer.
num writeahead (ls)
Least significant longword for the number of buffers written by the
writeahead demon. The concatenation of the ms and ls longword is a
64-bit integer.
num writeahead bursts
Number of times (in decimal and hexadecimal notation) the writeahead
daemon awoke to write a burst.
The writeahead daemon alternates between “sleep” and “awake”
(active) states. A “burst” occurs when the daemon awakens, writes a
number of buffers ahead, then returns to a sleep state.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 746
Before using MKF_debug, be aware of the following:
You can be a member of the fnadmin, fnop, fndba, or fnusr groups
to run MKF_debug.
You must run MKF_debug on the server where the database re-
MKF_debug takes a snapshot of MKF activity and therefore reports
only events occurring at the time you start the program.
You can safely run MKF_debug any time. MKF_debug cannot hang
a database and MKF_debug itself will not hang, even if one or
more databases are hung.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
MKF_dump” on page 747
MKF_tool” on page 810
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 747
MKF_dump provides a combined hexadecimal and ASCII display of
the contents of a file or partition. MKF_dump can also display MKF
database data files and recovery log files in a fully formatted or semi-
formatted mode. MFK_dump can also provide a display of the block
headers in Enterprise Backup and Restore (EBR) backup files and
MKF_export output files. You can use MKF_dump on any file. MKF_
dump has hexadecimal and ASCII editing capability.
MKF_dump does not perform its functions through the MKF sub-
system. Rather, MKF_dump opens files directly by calling file open
You can use MKF_dump on any file.
An MKF expert can use MKF_dump to view MKF databases and after-
image files. The most common uses of MKF_dump are to search for
corruption in a database and to view the database control block.
You can view the files in formatted, semi-formatted, or hexadecimal
plus ASCII format. The hexadecimal plus ASCII format consists of
hexadecimal data block displayed on the left with equivalent ASCII
characters displayed in a column on the right, as shown below:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 748
BLOCK 230 (0x00000000000000E6): F:\fnsw_db\tran_db_1k
0x0000E6 01 (230): 0x0011: ai 17 of short trans
trans id: 370 (0x172) aij bsn: 0x000000000000 (0)
DATA BLOCK table: 1 numrecs: 59 gas: 0 Btree gas: 0 bv bytes: 8
row 0 (0x0):
251: F0000000 00000001 00000001 00000001 | |
row 1 (0x1):
247: F0000000 00000002 00000002 00000002 | |
row 2 (0x2):
243: F0000000 00000003 00000003 00000003 | |
row 3 (0x3):
239: F0000000 00000004 00000004 00000004 | |
row 4 (0x4):
235: F0000000 00000005 00000005 00000005 | |
row 5 (0x5):
231: F0000000 00000006 00000006 00000006 | |
row 6 (0x6):
227: F0000000 00000007 00000007 00000007 | |
row 7 (0x7):
223: F0000000 00000008 00000008 00000008 | |
row 8 (0x8):
219: F0000000 00000009 00000009 00000009 | |
row 9 (0x9):
215: F0000000 0000000A 0000000A 0000000A | |
row 10 (0xA):
211: F0000000 0000000B 0000000B 0000000B | |
row 11 (0xB):
207: F0000000 0000000C 0000000C 0000000C | |
row 12 (0xC):
203: F0000000 0000000D 0000000D 0000000D | |
row 13 (0xD):
199: F0000000 0000000E 0000000E 0000000E | |
row 14 (0xE):
195: F0000000 0000000F 0000000F 0000000F | |
row 15 (0xF):
191: F0000000 00000010 00000010 00000010 | |
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 749
row 16 (0x10):
187: F0000000 00000011 00000011 00000011 | |
row 17 (0x11):
183: F0000000 00000012 00000012 00000012 | |
row 18 (0x12):
179: F0000000 00000013 00000013 00000013 | |
row 19 (0x13):
175: F0000000 00000014 00000014 00000014 | |
row 20 (0x14):
171: F0000000 00000015 00000015 00000015 | |
row 21 (0x15):
167: F0000000 00000016 00000016 00000016 | |
row 22 (0x16):
163: F0000000 00000017 00000017 00000017 | |
row 23 (0x17):
159: F0000000 00000018 00000018 00000018 | |
row 24 (0x18):
155: F0000000 00000019 00000019 00000019 | |
row 25 (0x19):
151: F0000000 0000001A 0000001A 0000001A | |
row 26 (0x1A):
147: F0000000 0000001B 0000001B 0000001B | |
row 27 (0x1B):
143: F0000000 0000001C 0000001C 0000001C | |
row 28 (0x1C):
139: F0000000 0000001D 0000001D 0000001D | |
row 29 (0x1D):
135: F0000000 0000001E 0000001E 0000001E | |
row 30 (0x1E):
131: F0000000 0000001F 0000001F 0000001F | |
row 31 (0x1F):
127: F0000000 00000020 00000020 00000020 | |
row 32 (0x20):
123: F0000000 00000021 00000021 00000021 | ! ! !|
row 33 (0x21):
119: F0000000 00000022 00000022 00000022 | " " "|
row 34 (0x22):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 750
115: F0000000 00000023 00000023 00000023 | # # #|
row 35 (0x23):
111: F0000000 00000024 00000024 00000024 | $ $ $|
row 36 (0x24):
107: F0000000 00000025 00000025 00000025 | % % %|
row 37 (0x25):
103: F0000000 00000026 00000026 00000026 | & & &|
row 38 (0x26):
99: F0000000 00000027 00000027 00000027 | ' ' '|
row 39 (0x27):
95: F0000000 00000028 00000028 00000028 | ( ( (|
row 40 (0x28):
91: F0000000 00000029 00000029 00000029 | ) ) )|
row 41 (0x29):
87: F0000000 0000002A 0000002A 0000002A | * * *|
row 42 (0x2A):
83: F0000000 0000002B 0000002B 0000002B | + + +|
row 43 (0x2B):
79: F0000000 0000002C 0000002C 0000002C | , , ,|
row 44 (0x2C):
75: F0000000 0000002D 0000002D 0000002D | - - -|
row 45 (0x2D):
71: F0000000 0000002E 0000002E 0000002E | . . .|
row 46 (0x2E):
67: F0000000 0000002F 0000002F 0000002F | / / /|
row 47 (0x2F):
63: F0000000 00000030 00000030 00000030 | 0 0 0|
row 48 (0x30):
59: F0000000 00000031 00000031 00000031 | 1 1 1|
row 49 (0x31):
55: F0000000 00000032 00000032 00000032 | 2 2 2|
row 50 (0x32):
51: F0000000 00000033 00000033 00000033 | 3 3 3|
row 51 (0x33):
47: F0000000 00000034 00000034 00000034 | 4 4 4|
row 52 (0x34):
43: F0000000 00000035 00000035 00000035 | 5 5 5|
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 751
row 53 (0x35):
39: F0000000 00000036 00000036 00000036 | 6 6 6|
row 54 (0x36):
35: F0000000 00000037 00000037 00000037 | 7 7 7|
row 55 (0x37):
31: F0000000 00000038 00000038 00000038 | 8 8 8|
row 56 (0x38):
27: F0000000 00000039 00000039 00000039 | 9 9 9|
row 57 (0x39):
23: F0000000 0000003A 0000003A 0000003A | : : :|
Note By default, only the first two rows and the last row of the block are
MKF_dump <file> [... <filen>]
<file> Specifies the first raw partition or file to be viewed.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 752
To start MKF_dump, enter MKF_dump followed by one or more file
names at the system prompt.
Before you can edit hexadecimal/ASCII data, you must know the pass-
word provided by your service representative. Manually editing data in
hexadecimal is extremely dangerous to the integrity of the data.
When you start MKF_dump, the MKF_dump prompt follows a help
message. Also, you must use the full path name to make the com-
mand work. In UNIX:
In Windows:
corona(root)/. 170 ) MKF_dump /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0
Enter ?<cr> for help.
MKF_dump: ?
corona(root)/. 170 ) D:\MKF_dump \FNSW\DEV\1\PERMANENT_DB0
Enter ?<cr> for help.
MKF_dump: ?
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 753
At the prompt, enter commands to view data and perform tasks. To dis-
play the available commands, enter a question mark (?) followed by
Enter. The following list of commands and their descriptions displays:
To display detailed help for an individual command, enter a question
mark followed by the first letter of a command. Press the space bar at
the prompt to page through multi-screen help messages.
q quit this program (<control>–c is OK too)
? display context dependent help information
?<letter> display detailed help for the specified command
!<shell cmd> escape to C–shell (/bin/csh)
. (re)display current block
+ display next block
- display previous block
<int> display file–relative block <int>
NOTE: All integers <int> may be decimal or hex.
Hex integers are of the form 0x<hex digits>
+<int> move forward <int> blocks and display block
-<int> move backward <int> blocks and display block
f control current displayable file. See ?f
e control echo block display output to file. See ?e
#<comment> if echoing, output <comment> to echo file.
c control the saved block search condition. See ?c
s search for block satisfying a condition. See ?s
t control whether block display twists longwords. See ?t
d control assimilation of database description. See ?d
u control whether block displays are unformatted. See ?u
w control whether whole block is displayed. See ?w
p control page size and file type
m interactively modify current block
z zero block(s) on disk
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 754
MKF_dump: ?s
Searches normally start with current block.
s+ search forward using current search condition. (See ?c)
s++ continue search forward. Same as s+ but omits
current block
s- search backward using current search condition. (See ?c)
s-- continue search backward. Same as s- but omits
current block
s+b<int> search forward for block with self addr <int>
s-b<int> search backward for block with self addr <int>
s+a<int> search forward for for block with aij bsn <int>
s-a<int> search backward for for block with aij bsn <int>
s+c search forward for corrupt block
s-c search backward for corrupt block
Enter <SP> for more help, 'q' to quit:
The forms s+, s++, s-, s-- are used to start and continue searches
using the current saved search condition. (See ?c) The other forms
do not use the current search condition, and their parameter (i.e.,
block address or aij block sequence number) are not rememberd for
use in subsequent search commands. The search for a block address
or aij bsn can also be accomplished with a saved search condition.
The search for corruption, however, can not be accomplished in any
other way. Note, however, that whenever a block is displayed as
the result of any command (i.e., a search command or a direct
display command), the program indicates whether the displayed block
is corrupted or not.
To display the current setting of a command, enter the command fol-
lowed by Enter.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 755
The following examples show the help displayed with the question
mark properly placed:
Note A ? placed after the command letter is ignored.
MKF_dump: ?t
t show whether longwords are being twisted
t t+ set (t- reset) twist-longwords on block display
MKF_dump: ?w
w show if whole block is displayed
w+ w+ set (w- reset) display whole block
NOTE: if w-, only block summary information is displayed
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 756
Try MKF_dump to become familiar with it. You can do no harm as long
as you do not use the modify-a-block (m) or zero-a-block (z) com-
mands. Use of these editing commands requires a password.
MKF_dump uses the concept of a current block and a current file. Ini-
tially, you are positioned at block 0 of file 0 (the first parameter). To
move to the next block, enter a plus (+). Enter a minus (–) to go to the
previous block. To move to a specific block, either forward or backward
from the current block, type a +<int> or –<int>, where <int> is the
integer for the block number you want to examine.
To move to block n of the file, type n, where the value of n is either a
decimal block number or a hexadecimal block number. Hexadecimal
block numbers start with 0x. For example, to display block 100, enter
100 followed by a carriage return or 0x64 followed by a carriage return.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 757
In the sample below, MKF_dump displays Block 1 of the transient data-
base on a UNIX system. (Blocks are the base datafile if an MKF data-
base is the database control block.) Use the options from the menu bar
at the bottom of each screen to move through the displays.
MKF_dump: 1
BLOCK 1 (0x000001): /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0
0x000001 06 (1): 0x0000: ai 0 of short trans
trans id: 0 (0x0) aij bsn: 0x000000000000
formatlevel 3
epoch 15
epochchanging 0
datafilenum 0
dbstate 2: normal
number of buffers 256
max short trans 2
max long trans 1
cur num rec types 17
max num rec types 20
max cols. per rec 32
cur num data files 1
cur num aij files 1
cur num bij files 0
addr data file defns 0x00000200 (2)
addr aij file defns 0x00000300 (3)
addr bij file defns 0x00000400 (4)
addr table defns 0x00000500 (5)
<sp>=next screen d=down u=up b=goto begin e=goto end q=quit
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 758
Using the keys indicated in the options bar at the bottom of each dis-
play, you can move up and down from your current position in the data
display, or go to the beginning or end of the displayed data. CR moves
down one line in the display. To end this display and return to the MKF_
dump prompt, press the q key.
addr first data blk 0x00002D00 (45)
empty blk list head 0x00002D00 (45)
addr root by-size 0x00002F00 (47)
addr root by-loc 0x00003000 (48)
cur aij file num 0
cur-file-rel aij blk 293
most sig aij bsn 0x00000000 (0)
least sig aij bsn 0x0126 (294)
next avail trans id 0x00005658 (22104)
aij update freq 8000 blocks
bij partition size 1000 blocks
debug dk write lim 2147483647
dump lock 0
target station name DocServer
ai exist 1
continuitydts 0x2D0E0188
checksumstate 2: csum_on
read_after_write 1: set
bi exist 0x00000000
no bij true
use block 0 1
olb_bsn_ms 0x00000000 (0)
olb_bsn_ls 0x0000 (0)
<sp>=next screen d=down u=up b=goto begin e=goto end q=quit
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 759
Note To properly set the display on a Windows system you must right click
on the screen and select Properties: From there do the following:
Layout --> Screen Buffer size --> Height - 25
Options --> Command History --> number of buffers - 1
You can also select different data display formats. Use the u command
to select an unformatted display or to reset an unformatted display
back to formatted. As shown below, enter u+ to display unformatted
hexadecimal data for block 230. To reset the display to a formatted
view of block 177, enter u–.
MKF_dump: u+
MKF_dump: 230
BLOCK 230 (0x00000000000000E6): F:\fnsw_db\tran_db_1k
0: 0000E601 00000172 00000000 00000011 | r |
4: 013B0800 00000000 00000000 0000003F | ; ?|
252: 00000001 00000001 00000001 8E2CB845 | , E|
BLOCK 230 (0x00000000000000E6): F:\fnsw_db\tran_db_1k
0: 0000E601 00000172 00000000 00000011 | r |
4: 013B0800 00000000 00000000 0000003F | ; ?|
252: 00000001 00000001 00000001 8E2CB845 | , E|
BLOCK 230 (0x00000000000000E6): F:\fnsw_db\tran_db_1k
0: 0000E601 00000172 00000000 00000011 | r |
4: 013B0800 00000000 00000000 0000003F | ; ?|
12: BBB7B3AF ABA7A39F 9B97938F 8B87837F | |
16: 7B77736F 6B67635F 5B57534F 4B47433F |{wsokgc_[WSOKGC?|
20: 3B37332F 2B27231F 1B171313 F0000000 |;73/+'# |
24: 0000003A 0000003A 0000003A F0000000 | : : : |
28: 00000039 00000039 00000039 F0000000 | 9 9 9 |
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 760
32: 00000038 00000038 00000038 F0000000 | 8 8 8 |
36: 00000037 00000037 00000037 F0000000 | 7 7 7 |
40: 00000036 00000036 00000036 F0000000 | 6 6 6 |
44: 00000035 00000035 00000035 F0000000 | 5 5 5 |
48: 00000034 00000034 00000034 F0000000 | 4 4 4 |
52: 00000033 00000033 00000033 F0000000 | 3 3 3 |
56: 00000032 00000032 00000032 F0000000 | 2 2 2 |
60: 00000031 00000031 00000031 F0000000 | 1 1 1 |
64: 00000030 00000030 00000030 F0000000 | 0 0 0 |
68: 0000002F 0000002F 0000002F F0000000 | / / / |
72: 0000002E 0000002E 0000002E F0000000 | . . . |
76: 0000002D 0000002D 0000002D F0000000 | - - - |
80: 0000002C 0000002C 0000002C F0000000 | , , , |
84: 0000002B 0000002B 0000002B F0000000 | + + + |
88: 0000002A 0000002A 0000002A F0000000 | * * * |
92: 00000029 00000029 00000029 F0000000 | ) ) ) |
96: 00000028 00000028 00000028 F0000000 | ( ( ( |
100: 00000027 00000027 00000027 F0000000 | ' ' ' |
104: 00000026 00000026 00000026 F0000000 | & & & |
108: 00000025 00000025 00000025 F0000000 | % % % |
112: 00000024 00000024 00000024 F0000000 | $ $ $ |
116: 00000023 00000023 00000023 F0000000 | # # # |
120: 00000022 00000022 00000022 F0000000 | " " " |
124: 00000021 00000021 00000021 F0000000 | ! ! ! |
128: 00000020 00000020 00000020 F0000000 | |
132: 0000001F 0000001F 0000001F F0000000 | |
136: 0000001E 0000001E 0000001E F0000000 | |
140: 0000001D 0000001D 0000001D F0000000 | |
144: 0000001C 0000001C 0000001C F0000000 | |
148: 0000001B 0000001B 0000001B F0000000 | |
152: 0000001A 0000001A 0000001A F0000000 | |
156: 00000019 00000019 00000019 F0000000 | |
160: 00000018 00000018 00000018 F0000000 | |
164: 00000017 00000017 00000017 F0000000 | |
168: 00000016 00000016 00000016 F0000000 | |
172: 00000015 00000015 00000015 F0000000 | |
176: 00000014 00000014 00000014 F0000000 | |
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 761
180: 00000013 00000013 00000013 F0000000 | |
184: 00000012 00000012 00000012 F0000000 | |
188: 00000011 00000011 00000011 F0000000 | |
192: 00000010 00000010 00000010 F0000000 | |
196: 0000000F 0000000F 0000000F F0000000 | |
200: 0000000E 0000000E 0000000E F0000000 | |
204: 0000000D 0000000D 0000000D F0000000 | |
208: 0000000C 0000000C 0000000C F0000000 | |
212: 0000000B 0000000B 0000000B F0000000 | |
216: 0000000A 0000000A 0000000A F0000000 | |
220: 00000009 00000009 00000009 F0000000 | |
224: 00000008 00000008 00000008 F0000000 | |
228: 00000007 00000007 00000007 F0000000 | |
232: 00000006 00000006 00000006 F0000000 | |
236: 00000005 00000005 00000005 F0000000 | |
240: 00000004 00000004 00000004 F0000000 | |
244: 00000003 00000003 00000003 F0000000 | |
248: 00000002 00000002 00000002 F0000000 | |
252: 00000001 00000001 00000001 8E2CB845 | , E|
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 762
Before you use MKF_dump, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
You should not attempt to modify database information unless you
are an MKF expert.
To modify database information, you must first obtain an authoriza-
tion password from your service representative.
The following procedure is based on a scenario in which the system is
running slowly even after turning off the read after write option for the
database. We want to determine if the database has been updated
with our request to disable the read_after_write option.
Perform the following steps:
1 Run MKF_dump on the transient database.
corona(root)/.> MKF_dump /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0
Enter ?<cr> for help
MKF_dump: ?
corona(root)/.> MKF_dump D:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0
Enter ?<cr> for help
MKF_dump: ?
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 763
2 Enter a w+ at the command prompt to display whole blocks of data,
then verify the correct mode has been set with the w? command.
3 Enter a plus sign (+) at the prompt to advance to and display block 1 of
the database. Block 1 is the database control block.
4 Examine pertinent information in the control block, such as:
Does the block contain the correct base data file name?
Is the state of the database normal?
(dbstate 2: normal)
Is read_after_write disabled?
(read_after_write 1: set)
Use the following sample output as a reference.
MKF_dump: w+
MKF_dump: w?
full-block-mode = 1
MKF_dump: +
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 764
BLOCK 1 (0x000001): /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0
0x000001 06 (1): 0x0000: ai 0 of short trans
trans id: 0 (0x0) aij bsn: 0x000000000000
formatlevel 3
epoch 78
epochchanging 0
datafilenum 0
dbstate 2: normal
number of buffers 64
max short trans 3
max long trans 1
cur num rec types 10
max num rec types 15
max cols. per rec 24
cur num data files 1
cur num aij files 1
cur num bij files 0
debug dk write lim 2147483647
dump lock 0
target station name DocServer
ai exist 1
continuitydts 2a2d68be
checksumstate 2: csum_on
read_after_write 1: set
bi exist 0x00000000
no bij true
use block 0 1
5 Enter q to exit MKF_dump and reply to the confirmation prompt:
MKF_dump: q
Enter y<cr> to confirm you wish to terminate this
program: y
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 765
MKF_export scans the data in an MKF database and copies the data
to a magnetic disk file or magnetic tape.
MKF_export first shuts down the specified MKF database. The data-
base remains shut down for the duration of the export.
You cannot resume a terminated MKF_export job from the point at
which it terminated. If an MKF_export job is killed or terminates abnor-
mally during the export, you must rerun the export from the beginning.
If MKF_export is killed or terminates abnormally, you might need to run
MKF_startup to restart the database.
To enhance performance, MKF_export skips over blocks and rows that
seem to have problems. It writes notification messages of skipped
blocks or rows to the system event log. Occasionally some skipped
data could be lost. At the completion of an MKF_export job, check the
system event logs for messages related to skipped blocks or rows.
MKF_export achieves high performance by reading the MKF database
sequentially with large multi-sector I/Os and by ignoring all blocks
except data blocks. For data blocks, MKF_export sequentially exports
each valid row.
MKF_export writes 512 KB blocks to the output file, starting with the
database description, followed by all the rows of the database.
The output blocks have a block sequence number and a checksum.
This enables MKF_import to tell if any blocks are recovered, missing,
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 766
or duplicated. There are ECC blocks in the output, so that MKF_import
can tolerate a certain degree of I/O errors or corrupted data by recon-
structing the blocks in error. This helps make the import/export process
robust. The data in the output file is compressed. The exact size of the
output file depends on the database content. As a rule of thumb, the
output file will probably be one half to one third the size of the In-use
portion of the database.
MKF_export scans the data in an MKF database (NCH, security, tran-
sient, or permanent) and copies it to a magnetic disk file or magnetic
Use MKF_export (followed by MKF_import) to transport all or some
data from one MKF database to another. For example, you can use
MKF_export and MKF_import to move MKF database data to a dif-
ferent platform or when making a major configuration.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 767
MKF_export <basefile> {out=<disk filename>|out=<tape parameters>}
basefile The full path name of the base file of the MKF database (for example,
/fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 for UNIX, or
D:\FNSW\DEV\1\PERMANENT_DB0 for WIndows) that is to be
exported. All the data in the database is exported. MKF_export
makes no provision for specifying that less than the entire database
should be exported.
out Specifies whether the date exported is sent to a disk file or a local tape
device. The out options are:
{out=<disk filename>|out=tape <tape parameters>}
out=<disk filename>
<tape parameters> is not allowed with this option.
This must be the full pathname of the disk file to be created for the
output date. The output file can also be a UNIX raw partition, which
will increase throughput drastically over magnetic tape or ordinary disk
out=tape <tape parameters> ::= <type> <device>
This causes the output to go to magnetic tape. It is assumed that the
tape drive is local to the host when MKF_export is running. If the
exported data does not fit on one tape, the tape will be rewound, and
MKF_export will ask the user to mount another tape. This will be
repeated until all the row data has been exported, no matter how many
tapes are necessary. Care should be taken when marking the tapes,
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 768
because MKF_import will ask the user to mount the tapes in the same
order as they were written.
<type> ::= type= {reel | QIC | 8mm | 4mm | IBM348 | dlt}
Type of tape device, as described in the table below:
<device> ::= device=<special device file>
The full path name of the tape device that rewinds the tape when the
device is closed.
UNIX example: device=/dev/tape1.
Windows example: device=TAPE0.
Type Description
reel 9 track reel-to-reel tape (the default)
QIC 1/4-inch cartridge (QIC) tape
8mm 8mm cartridge tape
4mm DAT (4mm) cartridge tape
IBM3480 IBM 3480 cartridge tape
dlt Digital linear tape
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 769
Sample Output
Displays one line every four seconds with status indication how many
seconds have passed and estimating how many seconds remain along
with a percentage of rows:
MKF_export begin: Thu Apr 12 17:47:20 2001
5 secs., 21 secs. remain, 465,431 rows, 19%
10 secs., 21 secs. remain, 1,168,512 rows, 32%
15 secs., 18 secs. remain, 1,830,431 rows, 45%
20 secs., 14 secs. remain, 2,533,953 rows, 58%
25 secs., 11 secs. remain, 3,076,452 rows, 69%
Rows exported: 3,076,452
Blocks output: 73
Bytes output: 38,273,024
Total elapsed time: 29 seconds
MKF_export F:\fnsw_db\permanent_db0:
Successful completion. (This is not an error.)
MKF_export end: Thu Apr 12 17:47:49 2001
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 770
General Examples (UNIX)
MKF_export /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 out=/tmp/perm.edata
MKF_export /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 out=tape type=4mm device=/
General Examples (Windows)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 771
Before using MKF_export, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
At MKF_export startup, the database shuts down automatically.
If MKF_export processing is interrupted or aborted, you cannot re-
sume the operation at the point it terminated. If a program or sys-
tem interruption disrupts MKF_export completion, restart the
export from the beginning.
MKF_export shuts down the database during the export. If you is-
sue the kill command to terminate the program, if the program ter-
minates abnormally, or if the system fails, you could have to restart
the database. (MKF_startup can be used to start the database.) If
MKF_export completes normally, restarting the database is unnec-
MKF_export always exports all data in the database. MKF_export
does not perform partial exports of data.
When MKF_export completes, check the system event log for
skipped block or row messages.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 772
1 Determine the base name of the MKF database you want to export to
disk or tape.
2 Verify that the database is not being used before you start MKF_
export. (MKF_export requests that the FileNet software be shutdown.)
3 Run the MKF_export command with appropriate options.
Use the basefile name of the database you want to export. Remember
to specify out=tape if exporting to a tape drive.
4 When the procedure completes, check the system event log for errors.
Related Topics
MKF_import” on page 779
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 773
MKF_fixup attempts an in-place recovery of an MKF database and is
designed to maximize the probability of executing to completion. MKF_
fixup recovers any sort of corruption to the data portion of the MKF
database, minimizing loss of user data. However, it is not intended to
recover corrupted description information in the MKF database.
(Other features, not described here, provide recovery of this informa-
tion.) In fact, MKF_fixup depends on this description information being
MKF_fixup has four distinct phases:
MKF_fixup performs the following tasks:
Assimilates the database description.
Makes an initial pass through all the data files.
Counts the number of rows and data blocks of each table.
Checks the validity of every data block numerous times.
Collects the data blocks for all tables, orders them by table number,
and condenses them to the very beginning of the data files.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 774
Scans the rows of data blocks for the current table and extracts the
key values for the current key. Sorts the keys into ascending order,
and generates the leaf level btrees. Generates all the higher level
btree blocks, thereby regenerating the entire btree for the current
key. Repeats these steps for each table.
Zeroes the blocks in data files beyond the new high-water mark.
Zeroes all bij and aij files.
At completion, leaves the database shut down so you do an off line
backup immediately.
MKF_fixup periodically writes restart information to disk. If interrupted
and restarted, MKF_fixup restarts at its last restart point. The restart
points are as follows:
The last disk write in the inspect/coalesce phase.
The beginning of the sort phase.
The beginning of the zero/wrapup phase.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 775
Use MKF_fixup in either one of the following two cases:
As the final step of a fast initial load. An example of this case is a
database format conversion (for example, changing the database
block size). In this case, the original database is backed up and ex-
ported with MKF_export. Then the database is redefined using fn_
edit and initialized by running MKF_ddl with the -initialize option.
Finally, MKF_import is run with the init option. At the end of the
import, MKF_import will automatically run MKF_fixup.
When data in the database has been corrupted in such a way that
it cannot be recovered using normal MKF recovery/rollforward
mechanisms. An example of this case is when there are bad disk
blocks and no backup was done, or all of the backup tapes are un-
available. In this case, MKF_fixup is run to repair the database as
best it can.
Do not run MKF_fixup without the consent and participation of your
service representative. MKF_fixup is complex and can execute for long
periods of time.
MKF_fixup is not intended for use in normal situations. (Crash
recovery is automatic. Disk head crash recovery is done using backup
dumps and rolling the database forward.) Use MKF_fixup when:
The database is corrupted by some means (how doesn't matter—
hardware, software, firmware, operator, or other).
The corruption has entered the backup dumps, so that a rollforward
would restore corrupted data.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 776
MKF_fixup is a last resort (assuming rescanning and re-indexing of all
documents is impractical) to be used only when you must make do with
whatever data you currently have in your database. A few rows (those
rows that were in corrupted data blocks) will likely be lost in the pro-
We recommend that you run utilities such as MKF_verify to check the
invariant conditions of the database and to check for lost rows after
MKF_fixup completes. Recovering lost information must be done on a
special case basis.
MKF_fixup <base_data_file_name>
The full path name of the base data file of the MKF database to be
fixed. (UNIX: The first character must be a /. Windows: must start with
<Drive letter>:\.) This is the only required parameter and is normally
the only parameter specified. Examples of <basefile> specifications for
the permanent and transient database partitions in a UNIX environ-
ment are /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 and
/fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0. In a Windows environment they are:
The following command example runs MKF_fixup against the perma-
nent database:
MKF_fixup /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 (UNIX)
MKF_fixup D:\FNSW\DEV\1\PERMANANET_DB0 (Windows)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 777
Before you use MKF_fixup, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
MKF_fixup must be run on the host where the base data file re-
The database and shared memory must be shutdown before MKF_
fixup starts.
killfnsw -A -D -y
If you have trouble shutting the database down, a qualified support
person must be contacted to take special measures to shut it
You should run MKF_fixup only at the direction of your service rep-
resentative and only when all other attempts to save a database
have been unsuccessful.
You should back up the MKF database before running MKF_fixup.
Once MKF_fixup begins, it must finish. You cannot use the FileNet
software until MKF_fixup completes.
If interrupted, MKF_fixup can be restarted. To restart, run MKF_
fixup again from the current directory with the same parameters.
You must restore a full backup of the database if for any reason
MKF_fixup does not complete.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 778
MKF_fixup saves only salvageable data. Some user data could be
After MKF_fixup completes, a full backup should be run.
Backup the database immediately after MKF_fixup completes.
Contact your service representative for a procedure that is specific to
your site needs.
Related Topics
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 779
MKF_import reads the data produced by MKF_export and stores the
data in an MKF database. It can read the data from a magnetic disk file
or magnetic tape. The export data can be from any supported platform
(AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows 2000).
A description of MKF_import needs to be discussed as two separate
cases: add and init. The add option adds data using manual data-
base inserts. The init option is only allowed on freshly initialized data-
bases and it for fast initial load of the database.
The add Option
In contrast to MKF_export, MKF_import does not shut down the data-
base. If you attempt to run MKF_import while the database is shut
down, MKF_import stops until the database is restarted.
MKF_import alters the MKF database. If the system crashes or the
program does not complete for any reason, you re-run the add option
and it will data from the point it left off.
With the <rs> parameter, you assign a restart file name for the restart
file (for example, and is only used with the Add option.
When initially run, MKF_import creates this file, and stores restart
information in it (including any modifications that were specified by the
<mods> parameter). When MKF_import completes normally, it deletes
the restart file. If the restart file is already present when MKF_import
starts up, MKF_import uses it to resume at the point where it left off.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 780
Tip Magnetic tapes written on one platform might not be readable on a dif-
ferent platform due to vendor incompatibility. If that is the case, you will
want to export to a disk file, use ftp to get the export file to the destina-
tion system, and import from the copy on the destination system.
You can make dynamic, or “on-the-fly,” modifications to the exported
data with the <mods> parameter. If the ddl descriptions for the target
and source databases are identical, the program imports all rows.
However, if they differ, it checks the parameters in <mods>. If the file
specified by <mods> is absent, it is a fatal error.
If mods=prompt is present, the program prompts you interactively for
certain options that you select from a set of menus. If mods=<file-
name> is present, the MKF_import checks the specified ASCII text file
for the modification options to be performed.
The modifications allowed are to omit importing specified tables.
The init Option
The init option is for fast initial load of a freshly initialized database.
This option is much faster than the add option. The init option does
not use normal database inserts. Instead, after the import is finished,
is automatically runs MKF_fixup to generate B-trees.
When init starts, the database could be started up or shut down.
When MKF_fixup finishes, the database will be in the shutdown state.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 781
Use MKF_import to insert the data gathered by MKF_export into an
MKF database. You can optionally omit importing specified tables.
MKF_import <basefile> {init | add <restart>}
{in=<filename>|in=tape <tape_params>} [ <mods> ]
The first parameter must be <basefile>. You can specify all other
parameters in any order.
Do not include blank spaces within MKF_import parameters.
<basefile> The full path name of the base file of the MKF database (for example,
/fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 that is to be imported on UNIX or
D:\FNSW\DEV\1\PERMANENT_DB0 on Windows).
init|add init
If init is specified, the target database must be a freshly initialized MKF
database. The only way to create a freshly initialized MKF database is
to manually run killfnsw -A -D -y and then run
MKF_ddl <DDL text file> -initialize.
A restart file is not allowed with the init option.
add <restart>
If add is specified, the target database could be a new or existing MKF
database. Importing the data will incrementally add rows to the data-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 782
base using normal database inserts. It is your responsibility to prevent
duplicate key errors by pre-planning. The <restart> parameter is:
rs=<full path name of restart file>
This specifies the name of the restart file.
When you use the add option, you MUST use the mods option also to
suppress all of the duplicate tables.
input Location from which you are importing rows, that is, the source of the
input. Specify input in the format:
in=<filename>|in=tape <tape_params>
If the input is in a magnetic disk file, the input parameter format is:
It must be the full path name of the input file.
If the input is from magnetic tape, the input parameter format is:
in=tape <tape_params>
Tape Parameters Specifies the tape parameters when you choose tape as the input
source (in=tape). The tape parameters <tape_params> are <type>
It is assumed that the tape drive is local to the host when MKF_import
is running.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 783
The <type> parameter is dev={reel | QIC | 8mm | 4mm | IBM348 | dlt}
Type of tape device, as described in the table below:
The <device> parameter is device=<special device file>
The full path name of the tape device that rewinds the tape when the
device is closed.
UNIX example: device=/dev/rmt0 (file name)
Windows example: device=TAPE0
<mods> Specifies the source of modifications to the database description. The
format is:
Type Description
reel 9 track reel-to-reel tape (the default)
QIC 1/4-inch cartridge (QIC) tape
8mm 8mm cartridge tape
4mm DAT (4mm) cartridge tape
IBM3480 IBM 3480 cartridge tape
dlt Digital linear tape
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 784
prompt causes the program to prompt for tables to suppress and it
leads you to a multi-level, menu-driven program. At first, you will see
the following menu:
Option 1 - Allows you to go ahead with the import. Be aware that, by
default, all tables will be imported.
Option 2 - Gives you another prompt to enter the table name you want
to modify. Once you select a table the following menu choices display:
Sub-Option 1 - You select this option if you do not want to import
the table.
Main menu for modifications to exported data:
1 Proceed with import
2 Suppress import of some tables
3 Show tables exported
4 Show tables in target database
5 Terminate this program.
Enter choice number:
1 Suppress import of table
2 Unsuppress import of table
3 Show columns of exported table
4 Show columns of target table in target database.
5 Show tables exported
6 Show tables in target database
7 Select another table.
8 Exit menu.
Enter choice number:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 785
Sub-Option 2 - This option will only be selectable once you have
suppressed that table. Use this option to place the suppressed ta-
ble back on the list of tables to be imported.
Sub-Option 3 - Shows the columns of the exported table.
Sub-Option 4 - Shows the columns of the table you have selected.
Sub-Option 5 - Shows the current list of tables to be imported and
whether they are suppressed or not.
Sub-Option 6 - Displays a list of tables in the database.
Sub-Option 7 - Allows you to change tables.
Sub-Option 8 - Returns to the previous menu level.
Option 3 - Shows the current list of the tables to be imported in that
database. If you haven’t suppressed any tables, all of the tables will
appear in the list.
Option 4 - Shows a list of all the tables in that database. The System
Reference Guide has a description for each of these tables. To down-
load IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
Option 5 - Quits the mods=prompt program.
<filename> is the name of the ASCII text file that contains the tables to
suppress. When using the filename parameter, you need to create a
file containing the names of the tables you want to suppress (for
example, batch_data). This file should contain nothing more than the
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 786
table name(s) followed by the word suppress, and should look similar
to the following:
You can run MKF_import interactively. The program prompts you for
parameters, as shown in the short example below.
To obtain detailed help for all parameters and options of MKF_import,
enter h at the prompt as shown below:
batch_data suppress
print_options suppress
corona(fnsw)/home/fnsw> MKF_import
MKF_import begin: Thu Jan 4 13:25:20 2001
Enter h for help message and quit, i for interactive mode: i
The restart file is created if not present, and is deleted
upon completion of the import. It holds restart information
in the event that the import is interrupted and must be
Enter restart file name: /home/fnsw/
$ MKF_import
MKF_import begin: Thu Jan 4 13:26:53 2001
Enter h for help message and quit, i for interactive mode: h
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 787
General Examples (UNIX)
MKF_import /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 init in=/tmp/perm.exp
MKF_import /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 init in=tape type=4mm
General Examples (Windows)
Before using MKF_import, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
The database must be started but not in use.
If you must restart MKF_import, use exactly the same parameters
that you originally used, especially the restart file parameter. To en-
sure using the same parameters, consider using a shell script to
run MKF_import.
If you run MKF_import with no parameters, the program prompts
you to enter parameters. If you run MKF_import with only the help
parameter or with incorrect parameters, several screens of help in-
formation display.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 788
You must not include blank spaces in MKF_import parameters. The
first parameter must be <basefile>, but the others can be in any or-
Enter the MKF_import command using information from Syntax” on
page 781. Use the base file name of the database you want to import.
Remember to specify in=tape if you import from a tape drive.
Related Topics
MKF_fixup” on page 773
MKF_export” on page 765
System Reference Guide
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 789
MKF_order ensures that the byte ordering of an MKF database data
file is the native byte ordering of the CPU on which it is currently run-
ning. It updates files and partitions in place, as necessary, to accom-
plish this. MKF_order only reorders the blocks that need to be
Normally, you never use MKF_order, except on a back up using EBR,
and then restoring using the reconfigure_onto option. MKF_order is
only used in unusual circumstances.
You must run this program on the destination system after transferring
MKF database files to the destination system from a source system of
different byte ordering. You can use a byte-oriented transfer program
such as ftp to perform such transfers.
It is very important to shut down the MKF database on the sending
system before you begin the transfer to the destination system. MKF_
order issues an error message if the MKF database is not shut down.
If the destination files and partitions have different names, sizes,
starting offsets, or partition flags than those on the sending system,
you must run MKF_rename on the destination system after MKF_
order completes normally.
When an MKF database is shut down, the aij and bij contain no
needed information. Therefore, you do not need to transfer the aij or bij
to the destination system—transfer only the data files and partitions.
You must manually create and zero the recovery log files and partitions
on the destination system.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 790
To create files (but not raw partitions), you can use the UNIX touch
command. All MKF blocks, particularly aij and bij blocks on the destina-
tion system, must be initialized to zero. If you need to run MKF_
rename after MKF_order completes, MKF_rename performs that ini-
You can safely run MKF_order on an MKF database that already has
the native byte ordering. You can also safely rerun MKF_order if it does
not finish the first time. In fact, MKF_order can be safely run any time
the database is not in use.
MKF_order checks the checksum and self-address in each block. If
incorrect, the byte ordering of the block is reversed and the checksum
and self-address are rechecked. If correct, MKF_order updates the
block on disk. It reads updated blocks back on disk to ensure that the
write operation completed correctly.
Since the checksum and self-address of every block are checked,
upon normal termination there is extremely high confidence that the
transfer from the sending system was accomplished without any unde-
tected I/O errors, and that the database was assembled properly.
MKF_order leaves the database in the shutdown state. You usually
need to run MKF_rename after MKF_order completes. Finally, run
MKF_startup to enable normal processing against the database, and,
if necessary, update the DDL source text file to reflect the new file
layout. This is done by making changes in fn_edit.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 791
The MKF_order program ensures that byte ordering of a database is
appropriate for a given CPU. This in-place operation completely
changes a database. It is only necessary to run MKF_order after
transferring an MKF database from a system with a CPU that has a
byte order opposite of the byte ordering of the destination CPU.
MKF_order< file> [ –numblks ] [<filen> [ –numblks ] ...
<file> Name of the MKF base data file or partition to be byte-ordered. You
can specify up to eight files.
–<numblks> Number of 1024-byte blocks to be transformed.
For files, all blocks are transformed by default. The –numblks param-
eter is unnecessary for files, but required for partitions.
You must include all data files of the database. However, do not in-
clude the aij (after-image journal), bij (before-image journal), and re-
covery log files.
The following example reorders 1,024 blocks (for 1024 byte blocks this
is one megabyte) in the transient database partition:
MKF_order /dev/1/transient_db0 –1024 (UNIX)
MKF_order D:\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0 -1024 (Windows)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 792
Before using MKF_order, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
MKF_order does an in-place byte reordering of the specified data-
base and completely changes the database contents (if the byte
ordering needs to be corrected).
You must shut down the databases on the sending system before
starting MKF_order.
You do not need to transfer the aij or bij recovery logs to the desti-
nation system.
You must manually create and zero out the recovery log files or
partitions on the destination system.
It is usually necessary to run MKF_rename after MKF_order com-
pletes normally.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 793
1 Create and initialize the recovery log files and partitions on the desti-
nation system.
2 Initialize all MKF blocks, particularly aij and bij blocks, on the destina-
tion system.
Running MKF_ddl –initialize is usually the best method to do this.
3 Shut down the MKF databases on the sending system.
4 Transfer the MKF data files from the sending system to the destination
5 Run MKF_order on the destination system.
6 When MKF_order completes, run MKF_rename, if necessary, on the
destination system.
7 Restart the databases on the sending and destination systems.
Related Topics
“MKF_rename” on page 794
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 794
MKF_rename performs the following functions:
Modifies the blocks in the new base data file that contain the de-
scription of all files and partitions of the database.
Modifies certain fields in the control block.
Could modify fields in other blocks of the base data file (for exam-
ple, the empty-block-list-head block).
Zeros the blocks in the data files from the first virgin block to the
Zeros all recovery log files.
MKF_rename accesses all files directly and does not call MKF. The
database must be shut down during MKF_rename processing.
You don’t use MKF_rename to reconfigure a database on the same
host. The normal way to transfer a database to another system is to
use Enterprise Backup and Restore/reconfigure into. MKF_rename
is only used in unusual circumstances.
Data partitions should be on separate spindles from recovery log parti-
tions whenever possible. However, before-image journal partitions
could be on the same spindles as the data partitions.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 795
Use MKF_rename to rename, reconfigure, and copy the data and
recovery files of an MKF database.
If done incorrectly, reconfiguring your database in place could result in
data loss. Call your service representative before you attempt to use
MKF_rename <infile>
<infile> The name of an ASCII file that contains the new file or partition names
and descriptions.
The data in the input file <infile> is in three sections. The information in
each section is line oriented. The first section is the data section, indi-
cated by “data:” appearing on a line by itself. The next two sections are
for recovery logs and before-image journals. These sections begin with
a separate line containing “rl” or “bij:’’, respectively.
The recovery log was formerly known as the after-image journal.
Blank lines are not allowed in the file. The lines in each section have
four fields separated from each other by one or more blanks charac-
The first field is the full path name of the file or partition (including
drive letter, if any) and must begin with a forward slash character(/).
The second field is the partition flag. Flag values are 0 for files and
1 for partitions.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 796
The third field is the zero-relative starting block. For files or parti-
tions in the data section, this field must be zero. The block size of
the databases was established when MKF_dll -initialize was run.
For more information, see
MKF_ddl” on page 721. The block
size cannot be changed.
The fourth field is the number of blocks.
The following is an example of an input file that describes a database
with three partitions:
The first line describes the base data file, /dev/3/permanent_db0,
which is 1024 blocks long. (Each MKF database block is 1024 bytes in
size.) The 1 on this line indicates that this is a partition, not a file.
The second partition is /dev/3/permanent_db1. This partition holds the
second part of the data and is 2048 blocks long.
The third partition is /dev/3/permanent_rl0 and holds the recovery log.
The partition is 100,000 blocks long.
The before-image journal starts at the end of the base data partition.
The before-image journal is 1,000 blocks long.
/dev/3/permanent_db0 1 0 1024
/dev/3/permanent_db1 1 0 2048
/dev/3/permanent_rl0 1 0 100000
/dev/3/permanent_db0 1 1024 1000
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 797
Before you use MKF_rename, be aware of the following
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
Reconfiguring your database in place could result in data loss or
corruption if done incorrectly. Call your service representative be-
fore you run MKF_rename.
You should back up the old database before you reconfigure or re-
name it with MKF_rename.
You must first copy the data from the original database files or par-
titions into the new set of files or partitions. Use operating system
copy utilities.
You must shut down the database before starting MKF_rename.
MKF_rename leaves the database in a shutdown state. When
MKF_rename completes, you must run MKF_zeroaij to initialize the
recovery log files then enable the database for normal processing.
(You can use MKF_startup, an appropriate fn_util command, or re-
cycle FileNet software to enable normal database processing).
The database should be offline while copying the data and renam-
ing the files.
MKF_rename does not copy any data from old files to the new files.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 798
1 Call your service representative before you use MKF_rename.
2 Back up all databases you want to reconfigure.
3 Verify that data from the original database files or partitions is in the
new set of files or partitions.
Use operating system copy utilities such as UNIX dd or cp or the Win-
dows Server copy command.
4 Use fn_util command options to shut down the database.
Refer to fn_util online help for command option descriptions.
5 Run MKF_rename.
Specify the full path name of the file containing new file or partition
6 When MKF_rename completes, run MKF_zeroaij to initialize the
recovery log files.
7 Enable normal processing for the database.
Related Topics
MKF_order” on page 789
MKF_shutdown” on page 799 and MKF_startup” on page 802
MKF_zerobij” on page 832
Refer to online help for fn_util command options.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 799
MKF_shutdown shuts down an MKF database. Before shutting down
the database, MKF_shutdown waits for all current database transac-
tions to complete and causes any future calls to the database to be
suspended until the database is restarted. The shutdown and startup
processes are transparent to programs using the database except for a
delay while the database is shut down.
If the system fails while the database is shut down, the database
remains shut down when you restart the system after the failure.
Normally, you don’t need to run MKF_shutdown because the FileNet
software shuts down all of the databases when the software is
stopped, or because EBR shuts down the MKF database if you want to
make an offline backup of it.
You must run MKF_shutdown locally.
Use MKF_shutdown to shut down the MKF permanent, transient, or
security databases. Normally, you don’t need to run MKF_shutdown
because the FileNet software shuts down all the databases when the
software is stopped, or because EBR shuts down an MKF database if
you want to make a backup of it.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 800
MKF_shutdown <base_data_file>
<base_data_file> Full path name of the base data file of the MKF database.
You can find this name in the ddl file for the database.
The following example shows the command to shut down the MKF
transient database and the completion message displayed by MKF_
shutdown on a UNIX system:
The following example shows the command to shut down the MKF
transient database and the completion message displayed by MKF_
shutdown on a Windows Server system:
corona> MKF_shutdown /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0
Database is shut down.
corona> MKF_shutdown D:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0
Database is shut down.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 801
Before using MKF_shutdown, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
Before you run MKF_shutdown, verify that Storage Library Control
is not running.
MKF_shutdown must be run at the server on which the database
No specific procedure is required. However, verify that Storage Library
Control is inactive before you start MKF_shutdown.
Related Topics
MKF_startup” on page 802
Refer to online help for related fn_util command options.
See the System Administrator’s Handbook for a description of Storage
Library Control. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM
support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 802
When you run MKF_startup, the MKF database that was stopped by
the MKF_shutdown program is released for normal processing. Any
processes that were suspended in MKF resume with a maximum delay
equal to their polling interval (currently 10 seconds).
You must run MKF_startup locally.
Use MKF_startup to start each permanent or transient database that
has been shutdown.
MKF_startup <target_station> <base_data_file>
<target_station> Identifies the name of the server on which the MKF database resides.
You must run MKF_startup locally.
<base_data_file> Identifies the full path name of the base data file of the MKF database.
You can also find this name in the ddl file for the database.
If the system seems hung, run MKF_debug -a to check if there are
shutdown databases. If so, running MKF_startup on them will allow
the systems to proceed.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 803
The following example shows the command to start the MKF transient
database and the completion message displayed by MKF_startup on a
UNIX system:
The following example shows the command to start the MKF transient
database and the completion message displayed by MKF_startup on a
Windows Server system:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
Before using MKF_startup, be aware that the program must run at
the server on which the database resides.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
MKF_shutdown” on page 799
Refer to online help for related fn_util command options.
MKF_startup /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0
Database started up.
Database started up.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 804
MKF_stats gathers and displays statistical information about how disk
space is being used in an MKF database.
You can run MKF_stats with the MKF database active or shut down.
However, to obtain the most accurate information, the database should
be shut down. MKF_stats displays a warning message if the database
is not shut down.
Use MKF_stats to check the space available within a specified MKF
database. You can also view the allocation of index space via a map.
You should run MKF_stats once a week to monitor the size of your
MKF databases, particularly the permanent database.
MKF_stats <flag> <database>
<flag> Specifies which type of report to run. There are three possible flags, –
q, –v, or –d. See
Flags” on page 805 for further information.
<database> Identifies the full path name of an MKF database
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 805
Displays a quick report containing total number of blocks, blocks used,
and space used in the database.
–v Displays a report and a view of the database by block type. Does not
display blocks that have never been used but does include them in the
–d Displays detailed statistics reports of block counts by type and percent-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 806
Sample Output
The following examples use the MKF_stats options to examine the
MKF permanent database.
The following samples display reports on a Windows system. How-
ever, in the -q example, the database is active and MKF_stats issues a
warning message that the statistics might not be completely accurate:
TSG26(1):7> MKF_stats -q F:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0
MKF statistics for F:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0:
Statistics may not be up to date completely.
MKF statistics for F:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0:
MKF statistics for F:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB1:
MKF statistics for F:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB2:
Max number of blocks in data base = 30,000
Virgin blocks in data base = 2,735
Nonvirgin blocks in data base = 27,265 90%
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 807
root TSG26(1):8> MKF_stats -v F:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0
MKF statistics for F:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0:
Block types:
'D'=data 'd'=description '?'=unknown
'I'=index 'A'=avsp directory 'r'=MKF_import restart
'_'=empty 'L'=avsp list head 'R'=reserved
'.'=virgin 'h'=empty list head
0x0000000000000000: .ddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddhRI
0x00000000000000F0: ___D____ D____D__ __D____D ____D___ _D____D_ ___D____
0x0000000000000120: D____D__ __D____D ____D___ _D____D_ ___DDDDD DDDDDDDD
Max number of blocks in data base = 10,000
Virgin blocks in data base = 9,343
Nonvirgin blocks in data base = 657 6%
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 808
The following sample displays a detailed report of the MKF transient
database on a Windows system:
TSG26(1):7> MKF_stats -d F:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0
MKF statistics for F:\FNSW\DEV\1\TRANSIENT_DB0:
Block type Count % nonvirgin % of Total
--------------- --------------------------- ------------- -----------
Empty 77 11 0
Data 316 48 3
Index 217 33 2
Description 44 6 0
Empty list head 1 0 0
Reserved 1 0 0
Restart import 0 0 0
=============== =========================== ============= ===========
Nonempty 580 88 5
Max number of blocks in data base = 10,000
Virgin blocks in data base = 9,343
Nonvirgin blocks in data base = 657 6%
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 809
Before using MKF_stats, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
You must run the program at the server that contains the database.
You must use the full path name of the database, for example:
/fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 for UNIX platforms
D:\FNSW_LOC\DEV\1\PERMANENT_DB0for Windows platforms
MKF_stats can take a while to complete and display output to your
display device, depending upon the size of the database.
To obtain the most accurate information and to avoid degrading
system performance, run MKF_stats when the database is shut
No specific procedure is required.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 810
MKF_tool provides commands for viewing and editing tables of FileNet
Multi-Keyed File (MKF) databases (the permanent database, transient
database, and security database).
Use MKF_tool to view or edit tables of an MKF database.
You must run MKF_tool locally.
MKF_tool [<station_name> <base_data_file>]
<station_name> Identifies the name of the server on which the MKF database resides.
You must run the MKF_tool locally. Currently, “::” is the only valid value
for the server, and signifies the local server.
<base_data_file> Identifies the full path name of the base data file of the MKF database.
If you do not enter a server name and base data file name, MKF_tool
opens the permanent and transient databases by default. If you need
to open a specific database for examination, you must specify the local
server name and base data file name for the database.
The following command opens the permanent database only:
MKF_tool :: /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 811
When you enter MKF_tool at the command line, the MKF_tool> dis-
plays. Enter commands at this prompt. See
Commands” on
page 813 for command descriptions.
MKF_tool always opens the security database. If MKF_tool doesn’t
want to come up, it could be because one of the databases it opens is
shut down.
The examples in this section include several commonly-used MKF_
tool commands and the select command.
Commonly-Used Command Examples
The examples below illustrate some commonly-used MKF_tool com-
Display online help for all MKF_tool commands:
or for a specific command:
help describe
List all the MKF database tables:
Display the attributes of the DOCS table:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 812
desc docs
Change the last command given (desc docs) to desc csm_used_
Count the total number of documents on the Storage Library
count docs *
Count the total number of write_requests:
count write_request *
Select Command Examples
The manner in which you use the select command affects perfor-
mance. Using wildcard characters (*) could cause excessive execution
time. Your system could appear to “hang.” For example, the following
command could take a while to execute:
select docs * where doc_id=1000000000
The wildcard (*) causes MKF_tool to select every document in the
DOCS table for IS checking. To obtain the information efficiently, use
the following format, which takes only a few milliseconds to execute:
select docs doc_id=1000000000
The following are typical select command examples:
Display the current surface assigned to family ID 2:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 813
select family_disk family_id=2
Display the dynamic surface table relating to surface 3008. This is
updated, like other rows in this table, each time an image is written
to the surface:
select surf_dyn_info * where surface_id=3008
Display static information about a surface (such as the family ID,
disk status, date labeled, and so on):
select surf_stat_info * where surface_id=3008
Display the maximum document ID in DOCS:
select docs doc_id < 0xffffffff
Display a range of document IDs in DOCS:
select docs 103303 < doc_id < 103538
Many MKF_tool commands are available to you. The following table
identifies all commands, in alphabetical order, with a brief description
of each. The list is followed by detailed explanations of each command.
Command Description
ALLOWUPDATES Establishes correct permissions for running certain commands.
Requires a password.
COMPUTE Displays the value of a given expression
COUNT Displays the number of selected rows
DESCRIBE Describes columns in a selected table
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 814
In the command descriptions that follow, replace items in angle
brackets (< >) with an appropriate value. Items in square brackets ( [ ] )
are optional and items that you should enter as is are in UPPERCASE.
All commands are case insensitive; therefore, you can enter any key-
word or MKF column name in either uppercase or lowercase. You can
enter some keywords in abbreviated form. You only need to enter the
uppercase characters. For example, the describe command is listed as
DESCribe. To enter the abbreviated form of the command, enter desc
as the command line.
You can break up long commands into multiple lines by suffixing all
lines except the last with the backslash (\) character. As an alternative,
you can type long commands as a single long line, up to 2000 charac-
HARDCOPY Places a copy of all MKF_tool output into a file
HEADERS Acts as a toggle switch to write headers to the output device
HELP Displays help information for MKF_tool commands
JOIN Joins two tables into a single table
QUIT Exits MKF_tool
SELECT Displays database rows
TERMOFF Turns off terminal output for commands
TERMON Turns on terminal output for commands
TRANOPS Sets the number of operations per MKF transaction
!<shell_cmd> Executes a specified shell command
^<old_pattern> ^<new_pattern> Executes the command formed by replacing <old_pattern> with
<new_pattern> in a prior command
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 815
Some commands have additional parameters that are described in
Command Parameter Descriptions” on page 820.
Before you can delete any data from a database table, you must use
the ALLOWUPDATES command. To issue the ALLOWUPDATES com-
mand, log on a user that is a member of the fnadmin group. After
entering ALLOWUPDATES, the program prompts you for a password
(supplied by your service representative).
COMPUTE <expression>
Displays the value of the given expression. In addition to constants, the
expression could include variable names from the previously selected
COUNT <table_name> <key_cond> [WHERE <expression>]
Displays a count of the number of selected rows.
DESCribe [<table_name>]
Describes the columns in the specified table. If you don’t specify a
table name, this command lists all table names (without descriptions).
HARDcopy [<filename>]
Sends MKF_tool output to a file. If you specify a <filename>, this com-
mand creates a file using that name and copies all screen output to the
that file. If you do not specify <filename>, it closes the previous output
file (if it exists), displaying all information on the screen only.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 816
Toggles whether headers are written to the output device. Useful when
generating files of data with no column headers or other nondata col-
HELP [<command>]
Displays help information. If you specify <command>, displays help for
that command; otherwise displays help for all commands.
JOIN <table1> TO <table2> AS <table3> BY [<column1>] <column2>
Joins <table1> and <table2>, creating <table3>. Each row in <table3>
is a row from <table1> combined with a row from <table2>. If
<column1> is not specified, <column2> is an MKF column that must
exist in both tables, and must have the same type. If <column1> is
specified, <column1> is an MKF column in <table1>, and <column2> is
an MKF column in <table2>. Both columns must be of the same type.
Note that this command does not change any data in the database—
you can only view the data of <table1> and <table2> in a new manner.
You can perform any operation on the new table, including selects,
deletes, updates, and inserts. If a row exists in <table1> but not in
<table2> (or vice versa), attempts to select, delete, or update this row
using the new table will fail, unable to locate it. Attempts to insert the
row generates a “duplicates” error.
Restrictions: When accessing <table3>, the keys in <table2> other
than <column2> are unusable and appear as ordinary data columns.
<column1> and <column2> must be the name of a unique nongroup
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 817
Example: When you run this program in the default manner, the fol-
lowing command automatically executes:
join surf_stat_info to surf_dyn_info as surf_info by surface_id
This join executes a select command such as:
select surf_info surface_id > 0 where family_id=1 and num_act_docs=0
Note family_id is in the surf_stat_info table and num_act_docs is in the surf_
dyn_info table. Before you can use the select command above, you
must issue the join command to join the surf_stat_info and surf_dyn_
info tables into a single table view.
Terminates MKF_tool.
SElect <table_name> <key_cond> [WHERE <expression>] [SHOWING <column_list>;]
Displays rows in the database.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 818
Care must be taken when using date and time formats as shown in the
example below:
When you formulate a select command, you really need to see what
date/time format you are using first in your operating systems settings.
If you use a format different than the one set for your system, you will
get a failure.
The date can be represented as either:
strings (enclosed in double quotes)
If you are not sure of your format, just enter:
sel <tablename> *
MKF_tool> sel csm_used_space * where created >=”2003/02/25 11:25:54 AM”
cache_id................1 ssn..................5769
obj_id.............100005 page....................0
maxlen................136 curlen................136
sec_len.................0 refcnt..................1
seqnum..................1 numchunk................1
startary.......0x0100012f lenary..................1
created........1046200434 => 2003/02/25 11:13:54
read....................0 => 1969/12/31 16:00:00
sec_info [0]........
client_attr [0]....2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Invalid datetime format
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 819
and look for a line in the display similar to the following:.
Turns off terminal output, which can be desirable if writing large
amounts of data to an output file via the HARDCOPY command.
Turns terminal output back on after being shut off with TERMOFF.
TRANOPS <operations_per_transaction>
Sets the number of operations per MKF transaction in the delete and
update commands. Setting this to a low value can prevent overflowing
the before–image partition. If you set this to a high value, the program
can perform an entire command in one transaction, thus guaranteeing
that either all or none of the changes are made. The default is 100.
Transactions do not span commands, and therefore an “end of transac-
tion” is done at the end of each command regardless of the setting of
this parameter.
Executes the specified shell command.
Executes the command formed by replacing <old_pattern> with <new_
pattern> in the previous command. The characters “^^” repeat the last
created........1046200434 => 2003/02/25 11:13:54
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 820
command unchanged. The character “^” displays the last command,
but does not execute it.
Command Parameter Descriptions
The following are MKF command parameter descriptions.
Where <name> is the name of a table. Use a period (.) to specify the
last table referenced.
<key_cond>=<key_name> in <filename>
A <key_cond> (key condition) of ‘*’ means display all columns in a
table using the first defined key where the key value is greater than or
equal to zero.
When key values are a list of constants in <filename>, use the format:
<key_name> in <filename>
Specify one constant per line when using this format.
One <exp> (mathematical expression) must exist in the <key_const>
(key constant) for each component of the key. Key components are
items in a group key, and elements in any array except an ASCII array.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 821
An ASCII array counts as one <exp>, and does not need to be entered
as <char>:<char>:<char>.
<exp>=a mathematical expression
Same as <expression> except uses only constants.
<expression>=a mathematical expression
The following table describes the operators:
You can use parentheses to override the precedence of operators.
Operands are:
MKF column names
String constants
Character constants
Operator Function Operator Function
+ add subtract
* multiply / integer division
% modulo & bitwise logical “and”
| bitwise inclusive “or” ~ ones complement
and logical “and” or logical “or”
! logical “not” > greater than
< less than >= greater than or equal to
= equal <= less than or equal to
!= not equal
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 822
Hexadecimal constants
Decimal constants
The asterisk character ( * )
You must type MKF column names as declared in the ddl. No abbrevi-
ations are allowed, but names are case insensitive. MKF column
names that are non-ASCII arrays must be subscripted with [<expres-
sion>]. MKF variable names that are ASCII arrays might be sub-
scripted. ASCII arrays that are not subscripted might only be compared
against string constants or other ASCII arrays. columns of type MKF_
column_date are either integers or date strings in the format yyyy/mm/
dd. columns of type MKF_column_datetime are also defined as inte-
gers or date/time strings in the format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.
String constants are surrounded with double quotes, and any pair of
double quotes is treated as a single quote within the string.
Character constants are any character surrounded by single quotes.
Only one character is allowed between the quotes, and it can be the
single quote (’) character.
Hexadecimal constants must be preceded with 0x; all numeric con-
stants not preceded with 0x are assumed to be decimal.
The operand ‘*’ denotes a null MKF column and can be used in expres-
sions of the form “<mkf_column>=*” or “<mkf_column> !=*”. The
expression is TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the MKF column
is null or not.
If an MKF column is null and used in any expression other than the
above two, the MKF column is zero (0).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 823
<column_list>=<column_name> [<column_list>]
The <column_list> indicates which columns in the row to display.
<column_name>=<mkf_ddl_name>|[ [ min | max | sum | avg ] (<column_name> ) ]
Where <mkf_ddl_name> is the MKF ddl name of a column in a table,
or the functions min, max, sum, or avg, followed by the column name
surrounded by parentheses.
The functions give the minimum, maximum, sum, and average of the
identified column for all rows selected. For the average function, null
columns in selected rows are ignored and do not change the average.
Before you use MKF_tool, be aware of the following:
To use MKF_tool, you must be logged on as a member of the fnad-
min group or have a valid fnlogon session with SysAdmin privi-
You must run the program from a terminal attached to the server
where the databases reside. MKF_tool does not operate remotely.
The database must not be shutdown and the security database
must not be shutdown.
If you want to modify any of the tables, contact your service repre-
sentative for the password to the ALLOWUPDATES command. The
password is changed monthly.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 824
1 Start MKF_tool.
Enter MKF_tool at the command line of the server on which the data-
bases reside. The MKF_tool prompt appears:
2 Enter commands at the MKF_tool prompt.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 825
MKF_verify validates the contents of any database. In the first phase of
its operation, the MKF_verify checks the Btrees against the data rows,
verifying that the rows pointed to exist and have the correct key value.
In the second phase, MKF_verify checks the data rows against the
btrees by extracting the key values and verifying that the keys exist in
the Btrees and point back to the correct rows.
MKF_verify can take a long time to run.
If MKF_verify is interrupted during its processing, you can restart it by
simply running MKF_verify again and passing the name of the restore
MKF_verify validates the contents of the permanent, transient or secu-
rity database. Use it to locate corruption in the database. You must run
MKF_verify locally.
MKF_verify is restartable. When you initially start MKF_verify, use
restartfile=<file> to create a new restart file. MKF_verify reuses the
restart file you specify to resume from the point at which it was inter-
rupted. If you do not specify a restart file name, MKF_verify uses a
default restart file (MKF_verify.res).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 826
MKF_verify <targetstation> <basefile> [table=<tablename>]
[phase=<n>] [restartfile=<file>] > <reportfile>
<targetstation> Name of the server on which the MKF database to be verified resides.
MKF_verify must be run locally.
<basefile> Full path name of the base data file of the MKF database partition.
This name is in the ddl file for the database.
table=<tablename> Name of a single table to be verified. If you do not specify a table, the
program verifies all tables in the database.
phase=<n> The n in the phase option could be set to one of the following:
restartfile=<file> Name of the restart file to create or reuse.
If you do not specify a name, MKF_verify uses the default restart file,
MKF_verify.res, if it exists. Otherwise, it creates the MKF_verify.res
> <reportfile> Redirects status information generated by MKF_verify to a report file
(for later viewing) and to standard output.
1 Checks the validity of the btrees against the data rows.
2 Checks the validity of the data rows against the btrees.
12 Performs phase 1, followed by phase 2. This is the default.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 827
The following example verifies the transient database on a UNIX
system, redirecting the output of MKF_verify to the /tmp/rpt file. A par-
tial listing is shown.
In the above example, phase 3 is the program’s wrap-up phase which
is very short and exists so if the program is killed or the system dies
during phase 3, it will restart in phase 3 on a restart, as it should.
The command you would enter on a Windows Server system would
corona(root)/> MKF_verify /fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0 > /tmp/rpt
Begin MKF_verify Thu Nov 14 13:43:44 1996
restart point 1. e.t.: 1 secs phase: 1
table num: 0 index: 0
restart point 2. e.t.: 1 secs phase: 1
table num: 0 index: 1
restart point 3. e.t.: 1 secs phase: 1
table num: 0 index: 2
restart point 4. e.t.: 1 secs phase: 1
table num: 1 index: 0
restart point 5. e.t.: 1 secs phase: 1
table num: 1 index: 1
restart point 6. e.t.: 1 secs phase: 1
table num: 1 index: 2
table num: 17 index: 0
restart point 44. e.t.: 4 secs phase: 2
block: 0
restart point 45. e.t.: 5 secs phase: 3
End MKF_verify. e.t. 5 secs Thu Nov 14 13:43:49 1996
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 828
Before you use MKF_verify, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
You must run MKF_verify at the server on which the database re-
The database must be started. However, the FileNet software can
be up or down when you run MKF_verify.
If the database is in use when you run MKF_verify, it could de-
grade system performance.
You should run this program during off-peak hours. Each verifica-
tion phase takes 8 to 9 hours per one million rows.
MKF_verify is restartable if interrupted by using a restart file.
1 Run MKF_verify with the correct parameters.
2 After MKF_verify completes, check the contents of your report file and
the event log.
Related Topics
MKF_fixup” on page 773
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 829
MKF_zeroaij exists for one reason: to zero the after-image journal (aij)
files after a disk spindle on which the aij resides has failed. The aij is
automatically zeroed by FileNet processes for any other situations that
require the aij to be zeroed.
“Recovery log” and “after-image journal” are synonymous.
When you start MKF_zeroaij, the MKF_zeroaij program zeroes the
after-image recovery log. The program requests the base data file
name rather than the recovery log file name because the base data file
has the names of all recovery log files and data files. The base data
file name is in the ddl file for the database (for example, /fnsw/local/
sd/1/permanent.ddl or /fnsw/local/sd/1/transient.ddl on UNIX, or
D:\FNSW\SD\1\TRANSIENT.DDL on Windows Server).
The MKF_zeroaij program clears any data that exists in either the tran-
sient or permanent recovery logs. If the magnetic media containing the
recovery log fails, a new drive must be initialized prior to running
normal operations. Use MKF_zeroaij to initialize the new disk drive.
MKF_zeroaij <base_data_file>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 830
<base_data_file> Identifies the full path name of the base data file of the MKF database.
Be sure to specify the base data file name and not the after-image
journal file name.
MKF_zeroaij /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 (on UNIX)
MKF_zeroaij D:\FNSW\DEV\1\PERMANENT_DB0 (on Windows)
Sample Output
Before you use MKF_zeroaij, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
You must notify your service representative before you attempt to
run MKF_zeroaij.
You must use the base data file name, not the recovery log file
>MKF_zeroaij /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0
zeroing /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_rl0 (block 0 through 40959)
MKF_zeroaij: done
zeroing D:\FNSW\DEV\1\PERMANENT_RL0 (block 0 through 40959)
MKF_zeroaij: done
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 831
You must run MKF_zeroaij at the server on which the database re-
You must shut down the database before running this command.
No processes should be linked to MKF when MKF_zeroaij is
started. Normally, you should shut down FileNet software before
you start MKF_zeroaij.
MKF_xeroaij will refuse to zero the aij if it contains information
needed for crash recovery. If this error occurs, contact your service
representative. A restore will normally be required.
1 Call your service representative.
2 Shutdown the FileNet software.
3 Run MKF_zeroaij.
4 Restart the FileNet software.
Related Topics
MKF_zerobij” on page 832
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 832
MKF_zerobij exists for one reason: to zero the before-image journal
(bij) files after a disk spindle on which the bij resides has failed. The
before-image journal is automatically zeroed by FileNet processes for
any other situations that require the bij to be zeroed.
MKF_zerobij requests the base data file name rather than the recovery
log file name because the base data file has the names of all recovery
log files and data files. The base data file name is in the ddl for the
database (for example, /fnsw/local/sd/1/permanent.ddl or /fnsw/
local/sd/1/transient.ddl on UNIX, or D:\FNSW\SD\1\PERMA-
NENT.DDL or D:\FNSW\SD\1\TRANSIENT.DDL on Windows Server)
Use MKF_zerobij to clear data that exists in either the transient or per-
manent before-image journal. If the magnetic media containing the
before-image journal fails, you must initialize a new drive prior to run-
ning normal operations. Use MKF_zerobij to initialize the new disk
The FileNet software currently does not use MKF before-image jour-
nals for any MKF databases.
MKF_zerobij <base_data_file>
<base_data_file> Identifies the full path name of the base data file of the MKF database.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 833
Note Be sure to specify the base data file name and not the before-image
journal file name.
MKF_zerobij /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 (on UNIX)
MKF_zerobij D:\FNSW\DEV\1\PERMANENT_DB0 (on Windows)
Sample Output
Before using MKF_zerobij, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of the fnadmin or fnop group to run MKF_
You must call your service representative before you attempt to run
this program.
You must use the base data file name. Do not use the recovery log
file name.
You must run the program at the server on which the database re-
>MKF_zerobij /fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0
MKF_zerobij: done
MKF_zerobij: done
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 834
You must shut down the database before running this command.
No processes should be linked to MKF when MKF_zerobij is
started. Normally, the FileNet software should be shut down before
running MKF_zerobij.
1 Call your service representative.
2 Shutdown the FileNet software.
3 Run MKF_zerobij.
4 Restart the FileNet software.
Related Topics
MKF_zeroaij” on page 829
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 835
The move_disk tool logically moves storage media from one Storage
Library server to another. The move_disk tool reads storage media
information from the MKF permanent database of the Storage Library
server on which the media currently reside. It then writes the informa-
tion into the destination Storage Library server database and updates
surface locator tables. Finally, move_disk deletes the storage media
information from the permanent database of the original Storage
Library server.
Use move_disk to balance the load on the system or to reassign
optical media to servers after running add_osvr or del_osvr.
In the case of multiple Storage Library servers, always move the pri-
mary and tranlog surfaces together to the same server using move_
Complete the entire move disk procedure (ejecting the surfaces, run-
ning move_disk, and inserting the surfaces) before changing the mode
of any of the libraries.
For MSAR surfaces on a network drive, be careful not to eject a sur-
face from a library in Backup mode and move and insert the surface
into a library that is in Normal mode. Doing so could easily alter the
surface file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 836
If any MSAR library on the local Storage Library server is in Backup
mode, the move_disk program will not allow the move disk operation to
be done on any MSAR surface.
move_disk <surfid1> <surfid2> ... <surfidn> <dest_server_num>
<surfid2> ... <surf-
One or more surface IDs.
Storage Library server ID of the server to receive the media.
Before using move_disk, be aware of the following:
Before running move_disk, physically eject from the storage library
all media you want to move.
The move_disk tool is typically used as part of a procedure that in-
cludes the use of add_osvr and del_osvr.
You can also use Database Maintenance tasks to balance the sys-
tem load.
The move_disk tool is typically used as part of a procedure that
includes use of the add_osvr and del_osvr tools. For an example of a
typical scenario in which these tools are used together, see
Scenario” on page 290, under the description of the del_osvr tool.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 837
Related Topics
add_osvr” on page 124
del_osvr” on page 288
See the “Database Maintenance” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 838
The msar_io_test program is used to determine relative speed of I/O
for a specific directory. You can use this program on the MSAR cre-
ation directory.
This program creates a temporary file in the specified directory. The
program will simulate writes of documents and short descriptors. It will
also simulate IS document reads from this file. Test results will be
printed to standard output and logged in the system log file. Time in
minutes will also be displayed for the write and read phases.
msar_io_test [-s <surface size in MB>] [-d <document size in KB>]
[-r <read documents (X times)>] [-o] <directory path>
All parameters shown in the table below are optional with the exception
of the directory parameter.
Parameter Parameter Definition
Surface size in MB (10-32000). The default is 1024 MB (1 GB).
Document size in KB (1-1000). The default is 80 KB.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 839
Note All reads and writes are done in multiples of 1K sector sizes.
For example, if you accept the defaults the command would look like:
msar_io_test d:\msar
Or if you choose some optional parameters, the command might look
msar_io_test -s 2048 -r 2 d:\msar
You can see the results of running the msar_io_test program by
viewing the system log.
Related Topics
sync_write_test” on page 1287
Also see the MSAR Procedures and Guidelines document. To down-
load IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
Read documents (0-100). The number of reads is specified in multiples of writes.
For example, if ‘2’ is used then 2 times the number of write documents will be
read. If there were 10,000 document writes, there would be 20,000 reads. Reads
will be done in random locations. The default is 1.
Open and Close temporary file on every read. The default is that the temporary
file is opened once.
directory MSAR creation directory path (required parameter)
Parameter Parameter Definition
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 840
The msar_sync_test program has been enhanced and the name has
been changed to sync_write_test. See
sync_write_test” on
page 1287
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 841
The nch_check tool verifies that the NCH_daemon program is running
and that the NCH database is providing service for the server’s default
domain. If a server supports multiple network interfaces or multiple
protocol stacks, nch_check reports all network addresses at which the
NCH_daemon is running.
The system displays error messages on the standard output device. If
nch_check cannot verify that NCH is available, it returns a non-zero
exit status.
FileNet initialization routines normally invoke nch_check to delay the
startup of certain software components until NCH is running. Because
initialization routines invoke nch_check with a wait option, nch_check
does not return information until the domain’s NCH service is available.
You can also use the nch_check tool to diagnose network problems.
See "Use” below and
Troubleshooting” on page 843.
After initializing your system, you can use nch_check as a diagnostic
tool to verify that the NCH_daemon program is running and that the
NCH database is providing service for the server’s default domain.
When using nch_check as a diagnostic tool, be aware that nch_check
does not flush the server’s domain-address cache. Before you run
nch_check, run the nch_flush tool to flush the cache. Flushing the
cache data ensures nch_check verifies that the NCH_daemon pro-
gram is running on the correct NCH server.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 842
nch_check [–w] [–q] [–d <domain>]
–w Waits for NCH services to respond. This option is only used by FileNet
software initialization routines.
–q Runs in quiet mode
If specified, nch_check logs error messages to the system event log. If
not specified, error messages display on the standard output device.
–d <domain> Performs verification on the domain specified by <domain>.
If you do not specify the <domain>, the program performs verification
on the server's default domain.
<domain> is of the form <domain>[:<organization>].
In this example, nch_check verifies that the NCH_daemon serving
corona:FileNet is running and displays the network address that NCH
used to locate the domain’s NCH_daemon process.
Refer to
nch_tool” on page 850 for more information on network ad-
corona(root)/fnsw/bin> nch_check
NCH_daemon serving domain "corona:FileNet" running
at network address [,32769]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 843
Analyzing nch_check messages can make you aware of a variety of
communication problems that could be occurring in your system. This
section describes some of the typical situations you could encounter
along with associated error messages and possible corrective actions.
Configuration Errors
Since nch_check performs verification for the server’s default domain,
use the –d <domain> option to specify a domain other than the default
when you are diagnosing communication problems in cross-system or
multiple-system environments.
The following message could indicate that your server configuration is
in error:
Unable to get default domain name
Check for the existence of /fnsw/local/sd/nch_domain and that it con-
tains the correct default domain name. If the nch_domain file is miss-
ing, run the Configuration Builder to create it. If it exists but the default
domain name is incorrect, correct the name with the Configuration Edi-
tor and run Configuration Builder to rebuild the nch_domain file.
Message 156,0,56
You could get the following message and explanation text:
Unable to locate NCH_daemon serving domain "corona:FileNet", error = <156,0,26>
fn_msg 156,0,56
Unable to locate an NCH server for the specified domain.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 844
Output from the fn_msg tool indicates that nch_check is unable to lo-
cate an NCH server for the specified domain. Several causes could be
associated with this one error message:
The domain name is incorrect.
Check for the correct domain name in /fnsw/local/sd/nch_domain
on the server. It must match that in the configuration database. A
typographical error could have occurred when entering the domain
name during system configuration.
The Root server is booting.
You can also see message 156,0,56 if you run nch_check while the
Root server is booting. When booting is complete, the situation re-
solves. However, if the message occurs while the Root server is
running, verify that the NCH_daemon process is running.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 845
Use Task Manager or the ps –aux command (shown below) to dis-
play the processes. If the NCH_daemon is not running, use Task
Manager to restart the system.
The NCH server address is incorrect.
The server’s name resolution capability (that is, its ability to map
server names to network address through the /etc/hosts file) is un-
able to provide the name if the address is incorrect. Correct the
NCH server address. The following display shows address-to-
name mapping contained in a sample /etc/hosts file.
corona(root)> ps -aux
0 6624 console/0 0:01 gcpsvr
0 6887 console/0 0:01 gloginsvr
0 7405 console/0 3:00 scrsvfnsw
0 8162 console/0 0:00 gloginsvr
80 54183 hft/0 0:01 ds_init
80 54935 hft/0 0:24 NCH_daemon
80 55205 hft/0 0:01 INXbg
# example configuration
#IP address name localhost corona
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 846
When you run nch_check –w, you could receive messages from nch_
check indicating that it is waiting, such as:
Waiting for Root Server to start Clearinghouse (NCH)
You can get this message if the Root server is in the process of boot-
ing. When booting is complete, the situation resolves. However, if the
Root server is running, verify that the NCH_daemon process is run-
ning. Use Task Manager or the ps –aux command to display the pro-
cesses. If the NCH_daemon is not running, use Task Manager to
restart the system.
NCH Inactive
Certain conditions could arise in other areas of the system that cause
nch_check to issue error messages because the NCH_daemon is run-
ning but NCH is not. These situations are often the result of configura-
tion errors, and could result in the following messages and error tuples:
NCH server does not support domain, error = <n1,n2,n3>
where the three-part tuple <n1,n2,n3> can be any of the following:
<156,0,25> Probably an MKF-related error
<156,0,24> Network-related error
<156,2,15> Domain name or address configuration error
Some of the possible causes, and actions to take, are:
NCH is inoperable. Check for possible MKF hangs.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 847
The default domain name was changed and the Root server’s NCH
was rebuilt with the Configuration Builder. However, nch_check is
running on a server whose default domain name was not rebuilt
and now points to another NCH instance. Delete /fnsw/local/sd/
nch_domain and run Configuration Builder on the server in ques-
tion to build a correct nch_domain file for the server’s default do-
The NCH IP address in /etc/hosts is incorrect and is referencing
another NCH instance. Correct the address.
Before you use nch_check, be aware of the following:
When using nch_check as a diagnostic tool, run nch_flush before
you run nch_check.
nch_check performs verification on the servers default domain un-
less you change the domain with the –d <domain> option.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
nch_flush” on page 848
nch_tool” on page 850
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 848
The nch_flush tool dynamically resizes cache used by the network
clearinghouse (NCH). While resizing cache, nch_flush removes in-
memory copies of the NCH objects and property values and clears all
current NCH server-address cache contents.
The nch_tool resizecache command performs an identical function.
A typical use of nch_flush is to force a client NCH to obtain data from
the NCH server if the server data has changed and the client has a
stale copy of that data.
You can safely run nch_flush at any time.
In the example below, nch_flush clears the cache. No output displays
at the terminal if the tool completes successfully.
corona(root)/fnsw/bin> nch_flush
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 849
Before using nch_flush, be aware of the following:
No output displays at the terminal if the nch_flush completes suc-
You can safely run nch_flush at any time.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
nch_check” on page 841
nch_tool” on page 850
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 850
The nch_tool program provides information on the system resources
defined in the Network Clearinghouse (NCH) database. The NCH da-
tabase (NCH_db0) contains information about the hardware and soft-
ware resources on your FileNet system. Resources include servers,
databases, tape drives, printers, and WorkFlo queues.
Entries in the NCH Database
The following is a sample of some entries in an NCH database:
Each entry has three parts. Each part tells you something about the
system resource. Use the last entry, IndexServer:corona:FileNet, to
examine the three parts as they are described in the next section.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 851
NCH Resource Name Description
The first part of this resource description, which is referred to as the
object, gives you the name of the system resource. In this case, it is
IndexServer. This entry relates to the software and hardware for index
database management.
The second part of the entry, domain, tells you the name of the system
where the resource resides. In this case, that system is called "corona.
The corona system includes its own server hardware, FileNet applica-
tions, and cache; corona could also have attached scanners, printers,
and workstations. Many system resources (objects) make up the co-
rona system. IndexServer is just one of them.
The third part of the name, organization, is the company or group to
which the system belongs. In most cases, the organization is FileNet
even though the resources belong to a customer. Many resources (ob-
jects) make up a system (domain), and, similarly, many systems can
make up an organization. In the example above, IndexServer is part of
the corona system. And the corona system is part of the FileNet orga-
Each system resource of the NCH database contains three parts, in
the format "object:domain:organization.” This three-part terminology is
used throughout this discussion of nch_tool.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 852
To use nch_tool, you must be logged on as a member of the fnop or
fnadmin group.
You normally use nch_tool when you have detected or suspect an error
in the NCH database. In most cases, errors involve an incorrectly-
named system resource.
You should use nch_tool only to diagnose problems. To change the
NCH objects and properties, you must use the FileNet System Config-
uration tools.
The FileNet System Configuration Builder automatically rebuilds the
NCH database upon a restart of the FileNet software. Resource name
changes are automatically updated in this way. However, if a resource
name changes but is not updated in the NCH database, the resulting
condition could exist undetected until a particular procedure, such as
one of the following, is performed and fails with error messages:
Accessing a WorkFlo queue that is incorrectly named
Backing up a dataset that has a name change
Trying to print to a printer that is not properly named
Error message tuples that involve the NCH database start with 156, as
shown in the example below:
<156,2,16> The name’s object does not exist.
If you see such an error, you could have an incorrect resource name.
Use nch_tool to locate the problem.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 853
This discussion of nch_tool includes only options you would use for
viewing information, such as listings of NCH objects and properties. If
you need, for example, to alter individual entries in the NCH database
or resize the NCH cache, call your service representative.
nch_tool [–l] [–u] [<file>]
–l Establishes local mode of operation. Makes available some nch_tool
commands that are otherwise not available. Use these extra com-
mands to make changes to the NCH database. In addition, some com-
mands (for example, listproperties) provide more output when you use
the –l flag.
You can use the –l flag only on the Root server (where the NCH data-
base resides). Contact your service representative before you use this
–u Establishes update operation mode. Only the FileNet configuration
software uses this mode.
Normally, nch_tool returns an error if it cannot perform a command op-
eration. Update mode instructs nch_tool to assume that the intent of
nch_tool commands is to update an existing database and to work
around the otherwise normal command operation errors. For example,
the CreateObject command normally returns a "no change” error if the
object to be created already exists in the database. In update mode,
the error is not issued.
<file> Identifies the name of a input file that contains a list of nch_tool com-
mands. The FileNet system configuration software uses this file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 854
When nch_tool is started, the nch_tool> prompt displays. Enter nch_
tool command at this prompt. The syntax of the commands is de-
scribed below. Individual commands are described in
Overview” on page 857.
Syntax Conventions
The nch_tool commands include references to an NCH resource name
that you specify as a three-part, two-part, or one-part name. In addi-
tion, the command could include a property specification. This section
describes the syntax conventions you must observe when entering an
NCH resource name and properties.
An item surrounded by angle brackets (< >) is required input. An item
inside square brackets ([ ]) is optional.
Commands deal with system resources that contain three parts sepa-
rated by colons, <object>:<domain>:<organization>, or an abbrevia-
tion. You can also use a pattern.
Patterns differ from names in that they can use the wildcard character
(*) in the left-most part of the name component. However, the asterisks
can only appear in the first (left-most) part of the name. The following
example is not a legitimate object name because asterisks occur in
the first and second parts of the name:
Specify the components of the NCH three-part name as described be-
<object> Identifies a Network Clearinghouse three-part resource name, or a
suitable abbreviation using a pattern
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 855
You can use a wildcard character (*) in the first part of the object name.
For example, the following are both acceptable object names:
You can also specify multiple wildcard characters, as shown below:
If the Domain and Organization variables have a default of "rojo” and
"FileNet,” respectively, you could also specify:
<domain> Identifies a Clearinghouse two-part domain name, or a suitable abbre-
viation. You can also use a pattern. The following is a two-part name
If the organization variable has a default of "FileNet,” you can abbrevi-
ate the domain name to rojo.
You can use the wildcard character (*) in the first (left-most) part of a
domain name. For example, domain name formats below are accept-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 856
You can also specify multiple wildcard characters, such as:
However, the asterisks can only appear in the first (left-most) part of
the name. So the following example is not a legitimate domain name
because asterisks occur in the first and second part of the name:
<organization> A Clearinghouse one-part organization name. You can use the wild-
card character (*) in the organization name. All of these organization
name formats are acceptable:
<property> A Clearinghouse property name. Each NCH object can have one or
more associated properties. Properties contain data values that de-
scribe the object. To view a list of recognized property names, enter
help properties at the nch_tool prompt.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 857
Command Overview
Many nch_tool commands are available to you. The following list iden-
tifies all available commands, in alphabetical order, with a brief de-
scription of each. For detailed descriptions and use, see
Commands” on page 859.
Command Description
adddomain Adds a domain record
additemproperty Adds an item property
cachestats Displays usage and performance statistics for the
NCH cache
changeobject Changes an object name
changeitem Changes an item property value
createobject Creates an object
defaultdomain Displays the two-part NCH name of the default do-
deleteobject Deletes an object
deleteproperty Deletes a specific property
domainsserved Lists domains served by the server from which you
enter the command
echo Echoes input from the command line
exit Terminates nch_tool (You can also use quit.)
help or ? Displays help for a command
initialize Creates an instance record
listdomains Lists domains known by the local or default NCH
listobjects Lists all objects matching a specific object name
listorgs Lists organizations known by the local or default
NCH server
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 858
listproperties Lists all properties and property values associated
with the specified objects and properties
lookupdomain Displays information on a specified domain
lookupobject Displays the three-part NCH name of an object
primarydomain Changes the name of an existing primary domain
quit Terminates nch_tool; you can also use exit
read Redirects input from a specified file
removedomain Removes a domain
removeremotes Removes all remote domains
resizecache Changes cache size
retrieveitem Displays the property value of a specified object or
set Sets or displays a variable value
updatedomain Updates a domain record in the NCH database
updatenetwork Updates network numbers in the NCH database
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 859
Each nch_tool command is described in detail below. When you list
commands using ? at the nch_tool prompt, the system lists commands
by functional categories. However, this section lists commands in al-
phabetical order.
This section uses uppercase characters to show the minimum number
of characters you must enter to run the command. You can always en-
ter more or all characters of a command to run it but you cannot enter
fewer characters than those shown in uppercase. For example, to run
the changeobject command (shown as CHANGEObject), you must en-
ter at least the following characters:
At the command line, you do not have to enter any character in upper-
case letters. Uppercase simply shows the required syntax.
ADDDomain <name> <service> [<network address>]
Adds a domain record to the NCH database.
<name> is a domain name.
<service> is specified as one of the following selections: primary, sec-
ondary, or tertiary. Specify primary for all local domains. Specify ter-
tiary for domains supported by other servers but known by this server,
that is, other internetworked systems.
<net address> is optional and should only be specified if the service is
tertiary. If specified, <net address> is the full network address of the
NCH server for that domain.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 860
ADDItemproperty <name> <property> <value>
Creates a new object property for the object specified by <name>
<value> is a property value.
If the property already exists, nch_tool normally returns a "no change”
error. However, in update mode, the program does not return this error
or report the property value as updated.
Displays use and performance statistics about the NCH cache, as in
the following example:
The example above shows that one (1) attempt to dynamically resize
cache was made, and displays statistics on table and extent settings
for the NCH cache.
nch_tool> cachestats
1 cache resizes
4 server address cache slots
100 object hash table slots
50 object cache entries
200 extent entries, 114 unused
Timeout = 7200 seconds
2 find server calls, 0 hits
1 add server calls, 0 invalidate server calls
247 find prop calls, 180 hits, 32 timeouts
78 add prop calls
0 delete prop calls, 0 delete object calls
39 free prop calls, 0 free object calls
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 861
"Calls” refer to NCH administrative functions. The example above
shows that two (2) find server calls were made, and neither call was
satisfied by data in the cache (0 hits). In addition, cachestats reports
that: one (1) add server call was made; 0 invalidate server calls (that is,
remove a server from the server address cache) were made; 247 find
property calls were made, with 180 successfully satisfied by data in
cache, and 32 property values were found to have aged beyond the
time-out period. Other types of calls are reported as shown.
CHANGEObject <name> <newname>
Changes an existing object name specified by <name> to a new object
name specified by <newname>. The <newname> must be in a domain
supported by the same server that supports the domain specified in
CHANGEItem <name> <property> <value>
Changes the value of an existing property <property> for the item
specified by <name> to the new property value specified in <value>
CReateobject <name>
Creates an object specified by <name> in the NCH database
If the object already exists, nch_tool normally returns a "no change” er-
ror. However, in update mode, this error is not returned if the object ex-
ists and the object is reported as created.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 862
Displays the name of the default domain. The domain name has two
parts, the domain itself and the organization.
DELETEObject <pattern> [property]
Deletes all objects that match the object name specified in <pattern>
and property criteria. See
LISTOBjects <object> [<property>]” on
page 865 for more information about selection criteria.
In nonlocal mode, deleteobject deletes only a single object, which you
must specify exactly. The property argument is not relevant in this
mode. In nonlocal mode, nch_tool normally returns a "no change” error
if the object does not exist. However, in update mode, this error is not
returned if the object does not exist and the object is reported as de-
DELETEProperty <name> <property>
Deletes the specified property for the object specified by <name> from
the NCH database.
If the object does not exist, nch_tool normally returns a "no change” er-
ror. However, in update mode, this error is not returned if the object
does not exist and the property is reported as deleted.
nch_tool> defaultdomain
The default domain is corona:FileNet
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 863
DOmainsserved [<service>]
Lists the domains served by this server. The domain name has two
parts: the domain itself and the organization. If you do not specify the
optional <service> parameter, the primary domain is included, but ter-
tiary domains are not. See below for instructions on how to specify the
service. An example is:
The <service> parameter describes a domain service level. Any partic-
ular Clearinghouse server can provide one of two levels of service for a
particular domain—primary or tertiary.
Primary domain service level indicates that the server is acting as the
master for the particular domain. Primary servers manage object and
property records for the domain.
Tertiary domain service level indicates that the server knows about the
existence of a particular domain but does not actively manage any ob-
ject or property data for that domain. Remote systems are currently
configured by creating tertiary domains with the appropriate names
through the System Configuration Editor.
If you specify the –l flag when starting nch_tool, additional output dis-
plays. Specifying a <service> lists information about each domain of
that service level or lower when using the –l flag. For example, specify-
ing "tertiary” displays all tertiary domains. The output is more complete
in this mode and is similar to that of the lookupdomain command. (See
the description of the lookupdomains command for an explanation of
the output fields.)
nch_tool> domainsserved
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 864
The following example displays detailed information for a tertiary do-
ECho <text string>
Displays the text following the echo command to the output device
The echo command is useful in command files to write text to an out-
put file.
EXit | Quit
Terminates nch_tool
Help | ?
Displays a description of each command. For example, if you enter
help properties or ? properties, the names of all recognized proper-
ties display.
Initialize <hint>
Creates an instance record in the NCH database. You would use this
command only to initialize the NCH database. It is the first command
executed after MKF_ddl initialization of the NCH database.
<hint> is an object name specified as "hint:defaults:FileNet".
nch_tool> domainsserved tertiary
Service = Tertiary, Updates = 0, Agent = [0,0]
Primary Domain Server Net Address =
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 865
LISTDomains <domain>
Lists domains known by the local or default NCH server that match the
specified two-part domain name. The following command uses the
wildcard character to request a listing of all known domains:
LISTOBjects <object> [<property>]
Lists all objects matching the specified object name. Listobjects is use-
ful for viewing the current resource entries in the NCH database. If you
specify a <property> parameter, it restricts the list to objects matching
the pattern and having the specified property. (See the listproperties
command for a list of valid property names.) An example of listobjects
output follows:
nch_tool> listdomains *
nch_tool> listobjects *
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 866
LISTORgs <organization>
Lists organizations known by the local or default NCH server that
match the specified one-part organization name (usually "FileNet”).
LISTProperties <object> [<property>]
Lists all properties and property values associated with the specified
objects and properties. Each NCH object has one or more associated
properties. Properties contain the data values that describe the object;
therefore, properties are characteristics of an NCH object. Use the lis-
tobjects command to display a list of object names.
To get a more detailed display of information from the listproperties
command, specify the local flag (–l) when starting nch_tool. If you do
not start nch_tool with the –l flag, listproperties shows properties for
only one object.
In the following example, nch_tool was not started with the local option.
The listproperties displays only the properties for the first object
matching the object pattern specified.
nch_tool> listorgs *
nch_tool> listproperties D*
Properties for DefaultIMS:Pubs:FileNet
(ims, "System IMS Defaults")
(IMSDesc, 256 IndexServer:Pubs:FileNet
DocServer:Pubs:FileNet 10126
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 867
In the following example, nch_tool was started with the local option
specified and the listproperties command is issued with the wildcard
character to display properties for all objects:
The example above shows properties for three NCH objects: Bes,
Cache1a, and DefaultIMS. It associates several properties with each
object. (See
Property Names List” on page 868 for a list of valid
property names.)
The Properties line of the output displays the three-part NCH object
nch_tool> listproperties *
Properties for Bes:corona:FileNet
(addressList, [,32769]
(batchEntryService, "Batch Entry Service")
(batchDesc, 1 DefaultIMS:corona:FileNet bes_cache1:corona:FileNet)
Properties for Cache1a:corona:FileNet
(addressList, [,32769]
(dataSet, "Cache partition")
Properties for DefaultIMS:corona:FileNet
(ims, "System IMS Defaults")
(IMSDesc, 256 IndexServer:corona:FileNet DocServer:corona:FileNet 10000
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 868
The first line of addressList output displays the IP (Internet Protocol)
address ( followed by the port number. In the example
given for Bes:corona:FileNet, the port is 32769, which is Courier using
transmission control protocol (tcp). A daemon (in this case, the Courier
daemon) "listens” on this socket for incoming requests for connection
to the socket.
The remaining lines of the display describe other properties of each
object, such as the name of the service and a description, as defined
by the FileNet Configuration Editor. For Bes:corona:FileNet in the ex-
ample above, the name of the service is followed by the description
line, which consists of a property version level (in this case, 1), the Im-
age Services name associated with the service (in this case, the de-
fault IS), and the batch entry cache name (bes_
Other information, based on the property type, could also appear, such
as dataset names (as shown for Cache1a:corona:FileNet) and system
serial numbers (as shown in the entry for DefaultIMS:corona:FileNet,
where the system serial number is 10000).
Property Names List
The following table lists all valid property names. For information about
a particular property, specify the property name in the <property> pa-
rameter of the listproperties command. To display this list, enter help
properties or help * at the nch_tool> prompt.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 869
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 870
The following examples show useful listproperties commands. The first
example uses a wildcard search (*) to display the address list for all ob-
jects. The second example displays all properties associated with any
object that has an object name beginning with the letter P. Because the
–l option was not specified when nch_tool was started, only the first
object satisfying the criteria displays.
nch_tool> listproperties * addresslist
Properties for Bes:corona:FileNet
(addressList, [,32769]
[00000000,08005a7a30b7,0005] )
(batchEntryService, "Batch Entry Service")
(batchDesc, 2 DefaultIMS:corona:FileNet bes_
cache1:corona:FileNet DefaultIMS:corona:FileNet)
nch_tool> listproperties P*
Properties for Perm_DB1:corona:FileNet
(addressList, [,32769]
[00000000,08005a7a30b7,0005] )
(dataSet, "Permanent Database partition")
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 871
LOOKUPDomain <domain>
Displays information on the specified domain. This command is avail-
able only if you specify the –l flag when starting nch_tool. Below are
two examples of lookupdomain output, followed by explanation of the
output fields.
Output from the lookupdomain command includes the domain’s ser-
vice level (see the domainsserved command for an explanation of pri-
mary and tertiary service levels), updates, the Clearinghouse agent
parameters of 0,0, and the network address of the domain. Updates is
an unused field at this time and always contain zero. The agent field
represents authenticator values for the credentials and verifier agent
parameters, used to verify the participants in a connection. At this time,
the agent parameter values are always zero. NCH verifies that both
agent parameters contain zero.
nch_tool> lookupdomain corona
Service = Primary, Updates = 0, Agent = [0,0]
Primary Domain Server Net Address =
nch_tool> lookupdomain norco
Service = Tertiary, Updates = 0, Agent = [0,0]
Primary Domain Server Net Address =
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 872
LOOKUPObject <object>
Displays the full, three-part NCH name of the first object with a name
that matches the specified object. You can also use wildcards as
shown in the following example:
Primarydomain <domain>
Note The primarydomain command is intended to be used internally only by
FileNet System Configuration tools.
Changes the name of an existing primary domain to the specified do-
main name. (This command is valid only if you started nch_tool in local
mode using the –l option.)
All property values associated with the primary domain are automati-
cally changed to reflect the new domain name.
You can use this command to change the name of a primary domain. If
you define only one primary domain, it changes the name to the one
specified, as well as its property values, to reflect the new primary do-
main. The command does not change the NCH database if you define
multiple primary domains (which is very unusual).
REAd <filename>
Directs nch_tool to read and interpret commands from the input file
specified by <filename>
nch_tool> lookupobject B*
B*:corona:FileNet --> Bes:corona:FileNet
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 873
REMOVEDomain <name>
Removes the domain specified by <name> from the NCH database
If you define multiple primary domains for the system, you can use the
removedomain command to remove unwanted domains.
Removes all remote domains. Only by FileNet System Configuration
programs use this command.
RESizecache [<servers> <objs> <extents> <timeout>]
Resizes the domain server address cache and the object property
value cache. NCH uses three caches: server address cache, object
property value cache, and extents cache. Resizing flushes the cache
contents. Running the command with no arguments resizes the caches
without changing cache sizes, which provides a useful way to flush the
<servers> controls the number of <domain, server, address> tuples in
the domain server address cache. The default value is 4.
The remaining three parameters are related to the object property
value cache.
<objects> controls the size of the objects table, that is, the maximum
number of objects that can be cached concurrently.
<extents> controls the number of 64 byte extents available for storing
property values and therefore is an upper bound on the number of
property values that can be cached concurrently.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 874
<timeout> specifies the maximum cache-residency, in seconds, of a
property value. When the timeout period expires, NCH considers the
property value stale; therefore, you can remove the entry from cache. If
the timeout period is zero, it cannot age the property values out of the
The default values are 50 objects, 200 extents, and a timeout value of
7200 seconds (2 hours). To disable caches, set the appropriate sizes
to zero.
RETrieveitem <object> <property>
Displays the property value for the specified object and property
For a list of valid property names, see
Property Names List” on
page 868.
Set [<variable> [<value>]]
Sets or displays a variable value. If you do not specify any parameters,
set simply lists the values of all variables.
<variable> can be one of the following:
•domain sets the domain name variable
organization sets the organization name variable
<value> is the two-part domain name or one-part organization name
you want to set the variable to.
nch_tool> retrieveitem DocServer docservdesc
(docServDesc, 2 [Resident] 10000 page_cache1:Pubs:FileNet)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 875
The program uses the domain or organization values specified with the
set command as defaults when you do not specify the domain name or
organization name in an nch_tool command. If you do not set these
variables with the set command, the program initializes the values for
domain and organization using the default NCH domain and organiza-
tion. It obtains the defaults from the nch_domain file for UNIX platforms
or the Registry database for Windows Server platforms. You can set
these defaults with fn_setup (UNIX) or the FileNet System Configura-
tion Editor (Windows Server).
The following commands set the default domain to "rojo” and the de-
fault organization to "FileNet”:
set domain rojo
set organization FileNet
UPDATEDomain <domain_name> <service> [network_address] [new_domain_name]
Updates a domain record
Updatedomain is intended for use only by FileNet system configuration
programs to update the service level and network address associated
with a domain.
<network_address> is only necessary for tertiary domains on nonlocal
networks, in which case you should specify the network address of the
NCH server for that domain.
If you specify <new_domain_name>, the program changes the domain
name and if it is primary, the program updates all property values
stored in that domain to reflect its new name.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 876
CAUTION Changing a domain name requires changing many files, so you should
not manually change domain names. If you need to change a domain
name, use FileNet system configuration utilities (fn_setup for UNIX
platforms; System Configuration Editor for Windows Server platforms).
UPDATENetwork <pattern> <network>
Updates network number fields in the addressList property values for
those objects specified by <pattern>. This command is used only by
FileNet system configuration programs.
Before you use nch_tool, be aware of the following:
To use nch_tool, you must be logged on as a member of the fnop
or fnadmin group.
The NCH database must be up when running nch_tool.
You must call your service representative if you need to make
changes to the NCH database or NCH cache.
To display detailed listings, start nch_tool with the –l flag.
You can issue the –l flag only from the Root server on which the NCH
database resides.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 877
1 Start the program.
Enter nch_tool at the command line. The following prompt displays:
2 Enter nch_tool commands at the prompt.
As you examine the output from commands, you could discover a
problem within an NCH resource (such as an incorrect queue, data-
base, or printer description). Call your service representative for further
instructions. The NCH database could require modification or re-initial-
Changes to the NCH objects and properties must be made with
FileNet system configuration utilities. Use nch_tool only to diagnose
Related Topics
nch_check” on page 841
nch_flush” on page 848
System Configuration Editor online help (for Windows Server plat-
forms) or fn_setup online help (for UNIX platforms)
See your system software installation procedures for an explanation of
network installation.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 878
The NLT_build_maps tool allows you to create a character set transla-
tion map which maps a user-defined or non-FileNet system character
set to the system default character set. You can define the system
character set using the FileNet Configuration Editor. It represents the
default character set the system uses to represent all character-based
data. The newly created character set map allows you to import foreign
data from non-FileNet systems, such as EBCDIC from mainframes, to
a FileNet system. After importing the data, you can display and store it
on the FileNet system.
To begin the translation process, you must create ASCII-based maps
in source format. The source translation map consists of 256 records.
The format of each record identifies character mapping from the
source character set to the destination character set's corresponding
hexadecimal value for that character. The records are representations
of each character in the character set in the following arrangement:
0xc1 0x41 capital letter A
the first column is the hexadecimal offset into a specified source
character set
the second column is the destination character set’s corresponding
hexadecimal value for the character
the third column is optionally used for comments. Use this space to
describe the character being mapped.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 879
Any record beginning with a # or "white space” (spaces or tabs) is
considered a comment line.
The FileNet software provides six sample map files in the following di-
/fnsw/lib/nltmapsFor UNIX platforms
\fnsw\lib\nltmapsFor Windows Server platforms
Two of the files provide source code for translation of the EBCDIC
character set. In addition, the FileNet software provides the binary nor-
mal and inverse maps for translations of EBCDIC and ISO 8859-1. The
table below describes each file:
When NLT_build_maps builds the binary maps, it places them in the lo-
cal (current) directory. If the local (current) directory is other than
/fnsw/local/nltmaps (or \fnsw_loc\nltmaps for Windows Server), a mes-
sage informs you to move the maps to /fnsw/local/nltmaps. This is nec-
essary because the NLT program that performs the translation looks
File Description
eb_fn_src Source for translation of EBCDIC to FileNet International character set
eb_8859-1_src Source for translation of EBCDIC to the ISO 8859-1 character set
ebcdic_8859-1 Binary map of EBCDIC to ISO 8859-1 translation
8859-1_ebcdic Binary map of binary map of ISO 8859-1 to EBCDIC translation
(This is the inverse map of ebcdic_8859-1.)
ebcdic_filenet Binary map of EBCDIC to FileNet International character set translation
filenet_ebcdic Binary map of FileNet International character set to EBCDIC translation
(This is the inverse map of ebcdic_filenet.)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 880
for and uses the map located in /fnsw/local/nltmaps even if a map of
the same name exists in /fnsw/lib/nltmaps.
In addition to the binary file of the map, NLT_build_maps creates a file
consisting of the inverse mappings of the characters. You provide the
name of this inverse map in the –i option. For example, if you created a
map that translates EBCDIC to the FileNet International character set,
the inverse map provides translation from the FileNet International
character set back to EBCDIC.
We strongly suggest that you choose names for your normal and in-
verse map files that describe the type of mapping that is taking place.
This is the file name displayed by the various applications (such as
COLD 2) for selection, and therefore should be self-describing. For ex-
ample, a file name of ebcdic_to_8859 tells you that the source charac-
ter set is EBCDIC and the destination character set is FileNet ISO
8859. Compare this to a file name of translate_to_iso, which tells you
the destination file is ISO, but does not tell you anything about the
source character set.
After the create process, you can run the verification option (–v) to en-
sure that your files have correctly mapped each character in the set. If
you have not mapped the characters correctly, NLT_build_maps dis-
plays as much information about the record in error as possible in ei-
ther an ERROR or WARNING message, similar to the following:
WARNING: One-to-many mapping detected (record=n,in-
dex=0xnn). Record ignored.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 881
It might also display a sequence similar to the following:
ERROR: Many-to-one mapping detected in inverse map
ERROR: Can't verify inverse map due to previous errors.
NLT_build_maps: Verification of inverse map fn_eb failed!
where n is the record in error and nn is the index value into the charac-
ter set.
One-to-many mapping errors occur when you assign a character value
that is already mapped to more than one character in the destination
character set. This situation causes only warning messages to display,
alerting you of the condition.
Many-to-one mapping errors occur when the source map file maps
more than one of the same character value. For example, in mapping
the EBCDIC capital J to the FileNet International character set, you
could have made a typographical error. When mapping 0xd1 to 0x4a,
you typed 0xc1 instead of 0xd1. Since 0xc1 is already mapped to
0x41, in our example, verification returns a many-to-one mapping er-
ror. Verification fails on this type of mapping error.
When you have created and verified the translation maps, move the
normal and inverse maps to /fnsw/local/nltmaps (or \fnsw_loc\nltmaps
for Windows Server). (NLT_build_maps displays a message reminding
you to do this.) It is then the responsibility of the application to call NLT
to retrieve the list of these user-defined names. The NLT program
passes an array of the map names back to the application, and the ap-
plication displays the list to the users for selection.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 882
A typical example of this is the COLD 2 application. A COLD 2 user
can import non-FileNet-supported EBCDIC data into the FileNet sys-
tem for storage and/or display. COLD 2 calls NLT in the above manner
to perform the translation on the data being imported.
Use NLT_build_maps to create a character set by translating a user-
defined or non-FileNet-supported character set to the system charac-
ter set. Use NLT_build_maps to create character sets that allow you to
import non-FileNet system data (such as EBCDIC) into FileNet appli-
cations (such as COLD 2).
The FileNet software provides two sample source map files for trans-
lating the EBCDIC character set. One file translates EBCDIC to the
FileNet International character set, and the other translates EBCDIC to
the ISO 8859-1 character set. In addition, the FileNet software pro-
vides the binary normal and inverse maps for these translations. All
these files are located in /fnsw/lib/nltmaps (or \fnsw\lib\nltmaps for Win-
dows Server).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 883
In the syntax below, you can separate an option from the map name
with a space, but a space is not required.
NLT_build_maps {–c | –v} –s<source_map> –n<normal_map>
–c Creates translation maps using translation mapping records from
<source_map>. (–c is mutually exclusive with –v)
–v Verifies translation maps using translation mapping records from
<source_map>. To check for mapping errors, use –v after you create a
translation map. (–v is mutually exclusive with –c)
–s<source_map> Identifies the name of the ASCII source translation file containing
translation mapping records. This option is required.
–n<normal_map> Identifies the name of the normal translation map to be created or veri-
fied in the local directory using <source_map> as the input file. The lo-
cal directory is the current directory.
–n or –i (or both) is required.
–i<inverse_map> Identifies the name of the inverse translation map to be created or ver-
ified in the local directory using <source_map> as the input file. The lo-
cal directory is the current directory.
–i or –n (or both) is required.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 884
The following partial list of records from the source map file
/fnsw/lib/nltmaps/eb_8859-1_src maps the characters from the EB-
CDIC character set to the ISO 8859-1 character set.
# ebcdic_iso8859-1_src:
# This file contains the character mappings from the EBCDIC character set # to the
ISO 8859-1 character set. The first column represents the EBCDIC # character’s
representation in hexadecimal. The second column
# represents the corresponding ISO 8859-1 character's representation in
# hexadecimal. The third column contains the visual description of the
# character. The sequence XXX corresponds to bit combinations that do not #
represent graphic characters.
0x00 0x00 XXX
0x01 0x01 XXX
0x40 0x20 space
0x41 0xa0 no-break space
0x42 0xa1 inverted exclamation mark
0x43 0xa2 cent sign
0xc1 0x41 capital letter A
0xc2 0x42 capital letter B
0xc3 0x43 capital letter C
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 885
Taking a character from the above source map as an example, the fol-
lowing record maps the character ‘A’ from the EBCDIC character set to
the ISO 8859-1 character set:
0xc10x41capital letter A
In EBCDIC, ‘A’ is represented by 0xc1. In ISO 8859-1, ‘A’ is repre-
sented by 0x41.
Before you use NLT_build_maps, be aware of the following:
Before you run NLT_build_maps, you must map the characters in a
source file.
You should use a naming convention for your normal and inverse
map files that makes it easy to tell what type of translation is being
mapped in each.
1 Create the source mapping file for the character set you want to trans-
2 Run NLT_build_maps with the appropriate options to create and verify
the binary normal and inverse maps from the source map file.
3 Move the binary normal and inverse map files to /fnsw/local/nltmaps for
UNIX platforms or \fnsw_loc\nltmaps for Windows Server platforms.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 886
Related Topics
Refer to online help for FileNet configuration utilities (System Configu-
ration Editor for Windows Server and fn_edit for UNIX platforms) for in-
formation on the system default character set.
See the COLD 2.0 Handbook for information on the use of NLT_build_
maps with the COLD 2 "import document” function.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 887
Image Services provides a single user logon from a trusted Windows
Server domain. This functionality uses FileNet-provided tools to first
export the users names and group names from the Windows Server
domain and then import them into the Image Services (IS) Security
It is the use of the ntdm_exp tool in conjunction with either the RSEC_
imp tool or the SEC_imp tool that makes the single logon from a
trusted Windows Server domain feature possible.
Run ntdm_exp to export the Windows Server domain security informa-
tion to an XML formatted file. This requires the user to run the export
command twice with different options each time. The first time exports
the group names and creates the group.lst control file. The second
time the command is run exports groups and users to the XML format-
ted file using the group.lst control file created from the first running of
the command.
First, export group names and create the group.lst control file:
ntdm_exp /L<domain> /O<file> [/G<op>]
Second, export groups and users to the XML formatted file using the
group.lst control file created in the first command:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 888
ntdm_exp /I<file> /O<file> [/E<file>] [/S]
/? or /H Help
/L<domain> Generate a control file containing all unique group names for the given
Windows Server primary domain
/I<file> Export control file
/O<file> Output file
/G<op> Global group operator (a, e, sk, se, sx, dk, de, dx, x)
(a) - Add on groups and users.
(e) - Expire groups and users.
(sk) - Sync groups and users in the sec_groups table. if a user is only
in the sync group, kill actual user in sec_object table. Otherwise, re-
move user from the sync group only.
(se) - Sync groups and users in sec_groups table. If a user is only in
the sync group, expire actual user in sec_object table. Otherwise, re-
move user from the sync group only.
(sx) - Sync groups and users in sec_groups table. If a user is only in
the sync group, no operation on actual user in sec_object table. Oth-
erwise, remove user from the sync group only.
(dk) - Delete groups and users in sec_groups table. If a user is only in
the delete group, kill the actual user in sec_object table. Otherwise,
remove user from the delete group only.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 889
(de) - Delete groups and users in sec_groups table. If a user is only in
the delete group, expire actual user in sec_object table. Otherwise,
remove user from the delete group only.
(dx) - Delete groups and users in sec_groups table. If a user is only in
the delete group, no operation on actual user in sec_object table
alone. Otherwise, remove user from the delete group only.
(x) - No operation.
(If /G option isn't specified, the default group operator is x)
/E<file> Exclude users from being exported.
/S<file> Omit groups/users that contain special characters (spaces or special
1 Log on to the Windows Server client from which you plan to export the
user and group information. You need to log on as a user with suffi-
cient rights to complete the export.
2 Download the ntdm_exp tool from the Web to the \fnsw\CLIENT\bin di-
rectory. The tool is located on the IBM Information Management sup-
port page (
3 On the Windows Server client station, go to the directory in which you
want your export file(s) created, for example, \fnsw\CLIENT\tmp.
4 From the Windows Server client station, export the Windows Server
domain security information to an XML formatted file. To do this, you
need to run the ntdm_exp command twice with different options each
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 890
First to extract the group names in the Windows Server do-
Second to extract the users in specified groups.
The result of the second run is a file that is later imported to the partic-
ular Image Services library on which the user wants to configure the
accounts. Review the ntdm_exp options before running the export
command. The ntdm_exp tool must be run from a DOS environment
on any Windows client machine that is in the correct domain. When
ready, run the following export operations:
a First, use the following command to export group names and cre-
ate group.lst, the group list control file:
ntdm_exp /L<domain> /O<file> [/G<op>]
ntdm_exp /Lnt1 /Ogroup.lst /Gse
b Second, use the following command to export groups and users to
the XML formatted file using the group.lst file created in the first
ntdm_exp /I<file> /O<file> [/E<file>] [/S]
ntdm_exp /Igroup.lst /Oxml.dat /S
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 891
Note All error messages are logged to a file called ntdm_exp.log in the cur-
rent directory. Releases prior to IS 3.6 must use the /S option when
running the command to create the XML formatted file.
5 After you have successfully created the output file, you have to import
the Windows Server domain security information into the IS Security
Service. This step requires the use of the XML formatted file gener-
ated from the export step. To complete this import step you have two
Import the XML file by running the security import tool on an Image
Services server. The tool used to perform this function is SEC_
imp. To review this import tool, go to
SEC_imp” on page 1143
Import the XML file by running the remote security import tool on
an Windows Server machine. The tool used to perform this func-
tion is RSEC_imp. To review this import tool, go to
on page 1117.
Related Topics
RSEC_imp” on page 1117 and SEC_imp” on page 1143
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 892
The oddump tool is a utility for analyzing storage media problems and,
in certain cases, repairing media problems. Features of the tool include
a hexadecimal dump option as well as a formatted print mode. You can
also use oddump to display storage media data structures. In addition,
oddump performs database updates when such updates must be done
in conjunction with storage media changes.
The oddump tool detects when document services software is running
and determines if a storage drive is disabled. If document services
software is running, oddump can perform some of its functions only on
a disabled drive.
If your system has more than one Storage Library server, oddump
prompts you to enter a lowercase letter indicating the Storage Library
server that contains the desired drive.
Even though oddump is an optical disk dump utility, it can be used for
MSAR libraries, drives, and surfaces. All of the existing oddump op-
tions will be supported for MSAR surfaces.
Use oddump to investigate and repair storage media problems. Re-
pairs could include resetting the high-water mark and creating a new
doc_hdr table.
The oddump tool runs in two modes—read-only and update/modify.
Read-only mode is the default. To perform update and modify func-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 893
tions, you must issue the ALLOWUPDATES command, which requires
a password from your service representative. All oddump commands
are available to update and modify database tables in addition to all
read-only functions.
When you enter oddump at the command line, the program prompts
you to enter a drive number.
If you do not select a drive at this time (as depicted in the example
above), the <oddump> prompt will only show the library selected.
Once you select a drive, the drive number will also be reflected in the
prompt, for example <oddump:lib a:drive 1>. At any rate, enter com-
mands at the <oddump:lib a> prompt. See
Commands” on
page 894 for a list of valid commands and their use. Some commands
have a number of subcommands, which are also described in the
"Commands” section.
vicenza(fnsw)/home/fnsw> oddump
ODDUMP -- Optical disk dump.
Storage Library containing drive? (a,b,...,p):a
Logical drive number? (0,1,...,9,a,b,c or CR=none):
No drive selected
Type '?' for help
<oddump:lib a>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 894
A variety of oddump commands enable you to investigate and repair
storage media problems. The following table lists each command in al-
phabetical order with a brief description of each. Detailed descriptions
of each command follow the table.
UPPERCASE letters in command descriptions denote the minimum
number of characters you must enter on the command line to run the
command. For example, to run the cachedochdr command, you can
enter any of the following commands: CA, ca, CACHEDOCHDR,
Command Description
Establishes correct permissions for running certain commands
Displays a document header
Displays the checksum computed for a page and the checksum
stored for a page
Displays a list of classes, indexes, and index types for documents
Copies a storage media file to a magnetic disk file or copies a disk
file to a storage media file
Copies raw sectors on storage media
Creates a new document header file on storage media and up-
dates the database
Dumps document header files
Reports minimum and maximum document IDs
Extracts event logs for the Plasmon (Philips) 6000- or 8000-series
optical drive
Finds all document headers in the image area
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 895
Finds an unused sector past an area of written sectors
Downloads firmware for Plasmon (Philips) 6000- or 8000-series
optical drives automatically
Browses the hierarchical data structure on storage media
Sends a copy of all screen output to a file
Displays commands and their descriptions
Displays the value of the next available sector on the storage me-
Enables you to take a specific HP drive offline and back online so
the HP service technician can repair and replace an optical drive
with minimal impact on the FileNet system
Erases initialized pseudo-optical media
Loads a medium from any slot of a drive into the selected drive
Locks the door of an Optical Disk Unit (ODU) to prevent media re-
moval; however, the door unlocks and ejects media automatically
when the drive resides in a storage library.
Issues a map command to the drive and reports the written/unwrit-
ten status of the area mapped
Exits oddump
Dumps selected sectors in hexadecimal and ASCII format
Reads a range of sectors
Issues a ready command to the drive and reports current status
Sets errors on a pseudo-optical medium
(Used for testing only)
Changes a storage library or drive number
Issues a spinup command to the drive
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 896
Finds an unused sector past an area of written sectors
Downloads firmware for Plasmon (Philips) 6000- or 8000-series
optical drives automatically
Browses the hierarchical data structure on storage media
Sends a copy of all screen output to a file
Displays commands and their descriptions
Displays the value of the next available sector on the storage me-
Enables you to take a specific HP drive offline and back online so
the HP service technician can repair and replace an optical drive
with minimal impact on the FileNet system
Erases initialized pseudo-optical media
Loads a medium from any slot of a drive into the selected drive
Locks the door of an Optical Disk Unit (ODU) to prevent media re-
moval; however, the door unlocks and ejects media automatically
when the drive resides in a storage library.
Issues a map command to the drive and reports the written/unwrit-
ten status of the area mapped
Exits oddump
Dumps selected sectors in hexadecimal and ASCII format
Reads a range of sectors
Issues a ready command to the drive and reports current status
Sets errors on a pseudo-optical medium
(Used for testing only)
Changes a storage library or drive number
Issues a spinup command to the drive
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 897
Finds an unused sector past an area of written sectors
Downloads firmware for Plasmon (Philips) 6000- or 8000-series
optical drives automatically
Browses the hierarchical data structure on storage media
Sends a copy of all screen output to a file
Displays commands and their descriptions
Displays the value of the next available sector on the storage me-
Enables you to take a specific HP drive offline and back online so
the HP service technician can repair and replace an optical drive
with minimal impact on the FileNet system
Erases initialized pseudo-optical media
Loads a medium from any slot of a drive into the selected drive
Locks the door of an Optical Disk Unit (ODU) to prevent media re-
moval; however, the door unlocks and ejects media automatically
when the drive resides in a storage library.
Issues a map command to the drive and reports the written/unwrit-
ten status of the area mapped
Exits oddump
Dumps selected sectors in hexadecimal and ASCII format
Reads a range of sectors
Issues a ready command to the drive and reports current status
Sets errors on a pseudo-optical medium
(Used for testing only)
Changes a storage library or drive number
Issues a spinup command to the drive
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 898
Finds an unused sector past an area of written sectors
Downloads firmware for Plasmon (Philips) 6000- or 8000-series
optical drives automatically
Browses the hierarchical data structure on storage media
Sends a copy of all screen output to a file
Displays commands and their descriptions
Displays the value of the next available sector on the storage me-
Enables you to take a specific HP drive offline and back online so
the HP service technician can repair and replace an optical drive
with minimal impact on the FileNet system
Erases initialized pseudo-optical media
Loads a medium from any slot of a drive into the selected drive
Locks the door of an Optical Disk Unit (ODU) to prevent media re-
moval; however, the door unlocks and ejects media automatically
when the drive resides in a storage library.
Issues a map command to the drive and reports the written/unwrit-
ten status of the area mapped
Exits oddump
Dumps selected sectors in hexadecimal and ASCII format
Reads a range of sectors
Issues a ready command to the drive and reports current status
Sets errors on a pseudo-optical medium
(Used for testing only)
Changes a storage library or drive number
Issues a spinup command to the drive
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 899
In the command descriptions that follow, replace items in angle brack-
ets (< >) with an appropriate value. Items in square brackets ( [ ] ) are
optional and UPPERCASE identifies characters you need to type. All
commands are case insensitive; therefore, you can enter any keyword
in either uppercase or lowercase. You can abbreviate keywords listed
in uppercase by specifying the capitalized characters of the keyword.
Enables functions that write to storage media and update the data-
base. Requires a password, available from your service representative.
Displays a document header (page 0 of a document) from the page
cache. You must enter a document ID. Displays the attributes of the
document, including indexing information, and the size and location of
each document page.
Displays the checksum computed for a page and the checksum stored
for a page when given a sector number that contains the document
header of a document and a page of the document. This is useful to
determine if the checksum on a storage media page is invalid.
Unlocks the door and ejects the media of a drive that resides in an
Optical Disk Unit (ODU)
Writes a test pattern at the high-water mark of the medium and up-
dates the high-water mark in both the surface record and the da-
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 900
Note If a background job has an ODU file handle open as it sits in the wait
loop because an MSAR library is in Backup mode, this command that
requires an exclusive drive open access to the surface will fail with the
drive busy error.
Displays a list of classes, indexes, and index types for documents in
the directory. You can use the command output to set up a database
for media import. The list can be for either all document header files on
the media or for a single file. Since output can be lengthy, consider us-
ing the hardcopy command to send output to a file. (See
on page 925.)
If a background job has an ODU file handle open as it sits in the wait
loop because an MSAR library is in Backup mode, this command that
requires an exclusive drive open access to the surface will fail with the
drive busy error.
Copies a storage media file to a magnetic disk file or copies a mag-
netic disk file to a storage media file. When copying a file to storage
media, a file with a file name prefix of "FN_DESCRIPTOR_” must be a
valid document header file. Files with other prefixes can contain any
type of data.
Copying magnetic disk files to storage media is not an officially sup-
ported feature. Use it only with approval from your service representa-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 901
Note If this command attempts to modify the surface file of an MSAR library
in Backup mode, it will not be allowed to complete.
If you select the copy to storage media option, the following prompts
Extent size should be large enough to prevent excessive allocation,
which takes time, and small enough to avoid wasting space at the end
of the last partially filled extent sector.
The recommended buffer size is 64KB. The magnetic disk file names
must follow rules set by the native operating system. The storage me-
dia file name must follow storage media format specification rules.
If you copy to magnetic disk, the following prompts display:
If a background job has an ODU file handle open as it sits in the wait
loop because an MSAR library is in Backup mode, this command that
requires an exclusive drive open access to the surface will fail with the
drive busy error.
Extent size is kilobytes (min=200, CR=100):
Buffer size in kilobytes (CR=64):
Mag disk file to read:
Optical disk file to create and write (CR=same name):
Begin copy (y/n):
Buffer size in kilobytes (CR=64):
Optical disk file to read:
Mag disk file to create and write (CR=same name):
Begin copy (y/n):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 902
Copies raw sectors on storage media using one of three options. When
you enter copysectors, a prompt for the mode displays. The following
table describes these modes.
You can also use these options to copy data from one storage medium
to a magnetic disk file, then to a second storage medium.
If this command with the a and c options attempts to modify the sur-
face file of an MSAR library in Backup mode, it will not be allowed to
Copying magnetic disk files to storage media is not an officially sup-
ported feature. Use it only with approval from your service representa-
Mode of Operation Description
a Copy storage media
sectors to storage media
Copies data from one location to an-
other on the same storage medium
b Copy storage media
data to magnetic disk file
Copies data from storage media to a
magnetic disk file
c Copy magnetic disk file
to storage media sectors
Copies data from a magnetic disk file
to storage media
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 903
Creates a new document header file on the storage medium and up-
dates the database to include this file during document writes. When
executed, the following prompt displays:
Create new document headers file. Confirm? (y/n)
If this command attempts to modify the surface file of an MSAR library
in Backup mode, it will not be allowed to complete.
Dumps document headers files
If a background job has an ODU file handle open as it sits in the wait
loop because an MSAR library is in Backup mode, this command that
requires an exclusive drive open access to the surface will fail with the
drive busy error.
Reports minimum and maximum document IDs on the selected stor-
age media.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 904
Extracts Plasmon (Philips) 6000- or 8000-series optical drive event log
data for analysis. The log file generated provides essential trouble-
shooting data for service representatives.
Only your service representative should use the event command. The
oddump help command does not list the event command.
When you enter the EVENT command, oddump reads the parse file
associated with the type of drive selected to determine how to format
the event log file. After successfully generating the event log file, odd-
ump displays a message showing the log file name and directory in
which the program stored the file.
If desired, you can redefine the format displayed in the event log file by
editing the appropriate parse file using a text editor. For details, see
Event Log Parse File” on page 915.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 905
Generated Event Log File
The program stores log data in an ASCII file in the following directory:
/fnsw/local/logs/phil_elog for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\phil_elog for Windows Server platforms
The output file name is in the following format:
<library_id> is the Plasmon (Philips) 6000- or 8000-series storage
library ID
<drive_number> is the storage media drive number
<yyyymmdd> is the year, month, and day on which the log file is
For example, output file /fnsw/local/logs/phil_elog/oad019990301 was
created on March 1, 1999 and contains event log data for storage li-
brary A, drive 0.
A Storage Library server is sometimes still referred to as an "OSAR.
The first character of the output file name is an alphabetic o for OSAR,
not a numeric zero.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 906
When you run the event command, oddump generates the logs listed
The System Event Log (page code A) is disabled by default. Output for
disabled page codes is all zeros. To extract System Event Log informa-
tion, you must enable the feature through the configuration options of
the Philips Drive Operator Console (DOC).
Log type
Page Code
Drive Statistics Log 1
Seek Statistics Log 2
Shuttle, Motor and Baseplate Statistics Log 3
DPC Statistics Log 4
Write Statistics Log Side A 5
Write Statistics Log Side B 6
Read Statistics Log Side A 7
Read Statistics Log Side B 8
SCSI Activity Log 9
System Event Log A
Failure Analysis Log B
Media Management Log C
6000 Media Specific Disk Information, SDI Side A Log D
6000 Media Specific Disk Information, SDI Side B Log E
6000 Media Product Specific Information, PSI Log F
8000 Media Specific Disk Information, SDI Side A Log 10
8000 Media Specific Disk Information, SDI Side B Log 11
8000 Media Write Power Calibration log 12
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 907
Page code B might exist, depending on the firmware level installed on
the storage library. If page code B exists, the log type is Log B. If Log B
does not exist, oddump makes an entry in the output file that includes
the Write Once Optical Drive Interface (WOODI) firmware revision
value (bytes 5 through 10 of page code 1).
If oddump encounters errors in any page code, oddump logs an error
message in the output file, skips the page code in error, and continues
to the next. Event log extraction does not clear all event logs.
The output file lists each log, separated by the title of the log file and
page code number.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 908
Event Log File Example
The following example shows the screen displayed when entering the
oddump commands required to generate an event log file for an 8000
series Plasmon (Philips) drive, located in storage library c, logical drive
number 1, on October 13, 1999.
The command example shown above generated the event log file pre-
sented in the following example.
borabora(fnsw)/fnsw/local/logs/phil_elog> oddump
ODDUMP -- Optical disk dump.
Storage Library containing drive? (a, b,...,p) <c>
Logical drive number? (0, 1, ..., 9, a, b, ..., or CR=none) <1>
Drive successfully opened. Checking label . . .
Disk is labeled; Surface id is 3000.
Type '?' for help
<oddump:lib c>event
Extract LD6100/8100 access event log into file /fnsw/local/logs/phil_
elog/ocd119991013 successfully
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 909
The following example shows the primary log file headers created for
this event log, but omits the complete data where indicated with an el-
lipsis (...).
***** Drive Statistics Log (PAGE CODE = 1, Size = 200) *****
Drive Serial Number (byte 000 - 004): 80005
WOODI Firmware Rev (byte 005 - 00a): 091004
RWS/A Firmware Rev (byte 00b - 010): 691004
RWS/B Firmware Rev (byte 011 - 016): 691004
DPC Firmware Rev (byte 017 - 01c): 790928
WOODI Serial Number (byte 01d - 01f): 000000
RWS/A Serial Number (byte 020 - 022): 000013
RWS/B Serial Number (byte 023 - 025): 000011
Raw Data: Drive Statistics Log (PAGE CODE = 1, Size = 200)
0000: 38303030353039313030343639313030
0010: 34363931303034373930393238000000
***** Seek Statistics Log (PAGE CODE = 2, Size = 40) *****
Side A Seek Errors (byte 000 - 003): 00000000
Side A Seek Operations (byte 004 - 007): 0000c083
Side A Seek Retries (byte 008 - 00b): 0000011d
Side B Seek Errors (byte 014 - 017): 00000000
Side B Seek Operations (byte 018 - 01b): 0000d895
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 910
***** Shuttle, Motor and Baseplate Statistics Log (PAGE CODE = 3, Size = 134) *****
Information Reads On Spin Up (byte 000 - 003): 0000004c
Focus Not Achieved On Spin Up (byte 004 - 007): 00000000
Total Spin Ups (byte 008 - 00b): 00000026
Total Spin Up Failures (byte 00c - 00f): 00000000
8600 Media Insertions (byte 010 - 013): 00000000
DI Retries (byte 014 - 017): 00000000
Door Openings (byte 024 - 027): 00000000
Shuttle Initializations (byte 028 - 02b): 00000000
Shuttle Movements (byte 02c - 02f): 00000000
Shuttle Movement Failures (byte 030 - 033): 00000000
Media Insertion Failures (byte 034 - 037): 00000000
Slot 1 Media Insertions (byte 038 - 03b): 00003fee
Slot 2 Media Insertions (byte 03c - 03f): 00000000
Raw Data: Shuttle, Motor and Baseplate Statistics Log (PAGE CODE = 3, Size = 134)
0000: 0000004c000000000000002600000000
0010: 00000000000000000000000000000000
***** DPC Statistics Log (PAGE CODE = 4, Size = 230) *****
DPC Commands Not Completed (byte 000 - 003): 00000000
Shuttle Door Faults (byte 004 - 007): 00000000
Shuttle Unload Faults (byte 008 - 00b): 00000000
Shuttle Load Faults (byte 00c - 00f): 00000000
Shuttle Position Faults (byte 010 - 013): 00000000
Shuttle Initialization Faults (byte 014 - 017): 00000000
Baseplate Open Faults (byte 018 - 01b): 00000000
Baseplate Close Faults (byte 01c - 01f): 0000000b
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 911
Raw Data: DPC Statistics Log (PAGE CODE = 4, Size = 230)
0000: 00000000000000000000000000000000
0010: 0000000000000000000000000000000b
***** Write Statistics Side A (PAGE CODE = 5, Size = 300) *****
Sectors written by channel A : 00000000
Total channel A relocs : 00000000
Channel A reloc rate : 0.000000 %
Drive Not Configured Errors (byte 000 - 003): 00000000
Command Not Completed Errors (byte 004 - 007): 0000024f
Arbitrary Faults (byte 008 - 00b): 0000024f
Focus Faults (byte 00c - 00f): 00000000
Raw Data: Write Statistics Side A (PAGE CODE = 5, Size = 300)
0000: 000000000000024f0000024f00000000
0010: 00000000000000000000000000000000
0020: 00000000000000000000000000000000
***** Write Statistics Side B (PAGE CODE = 6, Size = 300) *****
Sectors written by channel B : 00000000
Total channel B relocs : 00000000
Channel B reloc rate : 0.000000 %
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 912
Raw Data: Write Statistics Side B (PAGE CODE = 6, Size = 300)
0000: 00000000000000010000000100000000
0010: 00000000000000000000000000000000
0020: 00000000000000000000000000000000
***** Read Statistics Side A (PAGE CODE = 7, Size = 600) *****
Drive Not Configured Errors (byte 000 - 003): 00000000
Command Not Completed Errors (byte 004 - 007): 00000865
Arbitrary Faults (byte 008 - 00b): 00000865
Focus Faults (byte 00c - 00f): 00000000
Tracking Out of Limit Faults (byte 010 - 013): 00000000
Raw Data: Read Statistics Side A (PAGE CODE = 7, Size = 600)
0000: 00000000000008650000086500000000
0010: 00000000000000000000000000000000
***** Read Statistics Side B (PAGE CODE = 8, Size = 600) *****
Drive Not Configured Errors (byte 000 - 003): 00000000
Command Not Completed Errors (byte 004 - 007): 00000371
Arbitrary Faults (byte 008 - 00b): 00000371
Focus Faults (byte 00c - 00f): 00000000
Tracking Out of Limit Faults (byte 010 - 013): 00000000
Transfer Faults (byte 014 - 017): 00000000
C Clock Faults (byte 018 - 01b): 00000000
Motor Speed Faults (byte 01c - 01f): 00000000
Read Timing Faults (byte 020 - 023): 00000000
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 913
Raw Data: Read Statistics Side B (PAGE CODE = 8, Size = 600)
0000: 00000000000003710000037100000000
0010: 00000000000000000000000000000000
0020: 00000000000000000000000000000000
0030: 00000000000000000000000000000004
***** SCSI Activity Log (PAGE CODE = 9, Size = 1100) *****
Mode Sense Header Byte 2: (byte 000 - 000): 00
Mode Sense Page 20 Byte 2: (byte 001 - 001): 00
Mode Sense Page 20 Byte 3: (byte 002 - 002): 04
Raw Data: SCSI Activity Log (PAGE CODE = 9, Size = 1100)
0000: 00000410000088107000000000000000
0010: 031d801e008017801780037000000036
***** System Event Log (PAGE CODE = A, Size = 16000) *****
No Parse data in ‘/fnsw/lib/parse_eventlog8100’
Raw Data: System Event Log (PAGE CODE = A, Size = 16000)
0000: 1001400000000000041000000003dead
0010: face0000881070000000000000008810
***** Log B (PAGE CODE = B, Size = 8000) *****
CDE Log Index (byte 000 - 001): 0002
CDB Log (byte 1-4) (byte 002 - 005): 02470248
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 914
Raw Data: Log B (PAGE CODE = B, Size = 8000)
0000: 00020247024802480000000000000000
0010: 00000000000000000000000000000000
***** Media Management Log (PAGE CODE = C, Size = 400) *****
Side A Media ID (byte 000 - 008): 38 39 33 38 30 34 31 37 41
Side B Relocations Left (byte 08e - 091): 00000000
Raw Data: Media Management Log (PAGE CODE = C, Size = 400)
0000: 38393338303431374100000000000d01
0010: 000036f3000000000000000000000000
***** LM 8100 Media Specific Disk Info. (SDI) Side B Log (PAGE CODE = 11, Size =
2048) *****
SDI Revision Code (byte 000 - 000): 01
Product Identifier (byte 001 - 001): 08
Servo - Writer Number (byte 002 - 002): 01
Raw Data: LM 8100 Media Specific Disk Info. (SDI) Side B Log (PAGE CODE = 11, Size
= 2048)
0000: 0108010107cf0a010000000d3214788c
0010: 6464646464646969695e5e5e3e416483
0020: 64646464646464646464646464646464
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 915
Event Log Parse File
The oddump tool event command formats each log file as defined in
the parse file associated with the selected drive. You can modify the
format displayed in the log file by editing the appropriate parse file prior
to running the command.
The parse file is located in the following directory:
/fnsw/lib for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw\lib for Windows Server platforms
The name of the parse file identifies the associated Plasmon (Philips)
drive type:
parse_eventlog6100 for LMS 6000-series drives
parse_eventlog8100 for LMS 8000-series drives
When generating the event log file, the oddump event command reads
up to six fields in each line and formats the information accordingly. It
ignores all comments, preceded by a pound sign (#).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 916
The following illustration identifies each field of the first line oddump
reads from the parse file and points out how each field displays in the
corresponding row of the event log file.
ASCII 1 0 4 Drive Serial Number **Unique SS #
Drive Serial Number (byte 000 - 004): 16042 Unique SS #
Row in Parse file:
Row in Log file:
Field 1
Display Type
Field 2
Fields 3 & 4
Start & Stop bytes
Field 5
Page Code
Field 6
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 917
The following example shows a partial listing of the parse file used to
define the formatting of an event log file generated for the LMS 8000-
series drive. This example omits the complete data where indicated
with an ellipsis (...). For a complete data description, see the SCSI In-
terface Specification for your Plasmon Infinity 6000- or 8000-Series
drive (part number 97662164 for the 8000-series drives).
# Format of parse file:
# Any entry preceded by a pound sign, “#” is considered to be a comment and
# will be ignored.
# field 1 - display type field - Currently “ASCII” is the only supported
# optional display type. If no display type is specified, the data will
# be displayed in HEX. - (optional field). This entry must start in the
# first column.
# (Note: Currently, only five entries use this optional field.)
# field 2 - pagecode in HEX - (mandatory field) This entry must be in the
# first column if there is no display type.
# field 3 - start byte in DECIMAL - (mandatory field)
# field 4 - end byte in DECIMAL - (mandatory field)
# field 5 - Field description in ASCII - (mandatory field)
# field 6 - Additional comment field ASCII. This should always be preceded by two
# asterisks “**” - (optional field)
# The fields must be seperated by a space.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 918
#Drive Statics Log (Page code 1)
ASCII 1 0 4 Drive Serial Number
ASCII 1 5 10 WOODI Firmware Rev
1 32 34 RWS/A Serial Number
#Seek Statistics Log (Page code 2)
2 0 3 Side A Seek Errors
2 4 7 Side A Seek Operations
#Shuttle, Motor and Baseplate Statistic Log ( Page code 3)
3 0 3 Information Reads On Spin Up
3 4 7 Focus Not Achieved On Spin Up
#DPC Statistic Log (Page code 4)
4 0 3 DPC Commands Not Completed
4 4 7 Shuttle Door Faults
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 919
#Write Statistic Log for Side A (Page code 5)
5 0 3 Drive Not Configured Errors
5 4 7 Command Not Completed Errors
5 8 11 Arbitrary Faults
#Write Statistic Log for Side B (Page code 6)
6 0 3 Drive Not Configured Errors
6 4 7 Command Not Completed Errors
6 8 11 Arbitrary Faults
# Read Statistics Side A Log (Page code 7)
7 0 3 Drive Not Configured Errors
7 4 7 Command Not Completed Errors
# Read Statistics Side B Log (Page code 8)
8 0 3 Drive Not Configured Errors
8 4 7 Command Not Completed Errors
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 920
# SCSI Activity Log (Page code 9)
9 0 0 Mode Sense Header Byte 2:
9 1 1 Mode Sense Page 20 Byte 2:
9 2 2 Mode Sense Page 20 Byte 3:
#Failure Analysis Log (Page code B)
b 0 1 CDE Log Index
b 2 5 CDB Log (byte 1-4)
# Media Management Statistic Log (Page code C)
c 0 8 Side A Media ID
c 10 13 Side A Raw Media Sectors Left
# Media Management Statistic Log (Page code D)
d 0 8 Media ID
d 9 11 Datae media was tested
d 12 12 Media Tested number
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 921
# Media Management Statistic Log (Page code E)
e 0 8 Media ID
e 9 11 Datae media was tested
e 12 12 Media Tested number
# Media Management Statistic Log (Page code F)
f 0 0 Media Family
f 1 1 LM 6000 Identifier
# LM 8000 Media Specific Disk Info Side A (Page code 10)
10 0 0 SDI Revision Code
10 1 1 Product Identifier
# LM 8000 Media Specific Disk Info Side B (Page code 11)
11 0 0 SDI Revision Code
11 1 1 Product Identifier
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 922
Finds all document headers in the image area, which is not a directory
of the media. The program prompts you to enter a starting and ending
sector number. It then scans the disk in the range specified for docu-
ment headers. It displays the SSN, document ID, and sector offset of
each document header. FINDDoc can also find documents that are not
completely written. It does not find any headers in a directory if the di-
rectory is in the range.
Since document write operations use a "skip ahead” method of error
recovery, using this command does not reliably guarantee finding all
documents on a medium.
Finds an unused sector past an area of written sectors. The program
displays the following prompts:
Begin search at? (CR=7000)
End search at? (CR=1280299)
If you do not enter beginning and ending search criteria, the search be-
gins at default sector 7000 and ends at default sector 1280299. Sector
7000 is the first sector to which a document can be written and sector
1280299 is the last used sector on a storage medium.
When the find is complete, the following message displays:
Search from xxxxx to yyyyy found unused at zzzzz
where the first unused sector within the specified range (xxxxx to
yyyyy) was found at zzzzz.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 923
Downloads firmware (also called "microcode”) for Plasmon (Philips)
6000- or 8000-series optical drives automatically.
Before using this utility to download the firmware for your Plasmon
(Philips) drive, you must load the microcode you received for your drive
from Philips, perhaps on a floppy disk or copied to a directory on your
server through a file transfer session using ftp or kermit.
Run oddump on the server that contains the Philips drive, issue the
ALLOWUPDATEs command, and enter the password when prompted.
After you enter the FIRMWARE command, the program prompts:
Firmware version (such as c09, please note this is case sensitive)
Enter the firmware file name, identified by the firmware level with ex-
tension numbers. For example, for a series with codes beginning with
"C01,” you would enter:
Once you’ve entered a valid microcode file name, the system prompts
you for the directory path containing the firmware files:
New firmware files location (full path name, CR=current directory)
Enter the directory path where the firmware files reside. For example:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 924
As the program downloads the firmware files, it displays its progress on
the screen, as shown in the following example:
If you attempt to download firmware having the same microcode ver-
sion as the one you are installing, the program displays the following
error message:
Starting DATA DOWNLOAD ....
Downloading c09.1 ....
Downloading c09.f ....
Downloading c09.10 ....
Downloading c09.11 ....
Downloading c09.12 ....
Downloading c09.13 ....
Downloading c09.14 ....
Downloading c09.15 ....
Downloading c09.16 ....
Downloading c09.17 ....
Downloading c09.18 ....
Downloading c09.19 ....
Downloading c09.1a ....
Downloading c09.1b ....
Downloading c09.1c ....
Downloading c09.30 ....
DATA DOWNLOAD is completed
Starting DRIVE DOWNLOAD ....
Starting DATA DOWNLOAD ....
Downloading c09.1 ....
LaserDrive is already at the desired series code level c09
A microcode download is not required.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 925
Allows you to browse the hierarchical data structure on a storage me-
If a background job has an ODU file handle open as it sits in the wait
loop because an MSAR library is in Backup mode, this command that
requires an exclusive drive open access to the surface will fail with the
drive busy error.
Sends a copy of all screen output to a file.
Displays oddump commands and a brief description of each.
Displays the value of the next available sector on the media according
to the surface record and the surf_dyn_info table. These values should
be the same unless the medium is in a drive and is currently being writ-
ten to.
Use this command only to increase the value of the next available sec-
tor. Do not decrease the value of the next available sector unless an
error occurred when increasing the value using this command.
After it displays the values for high-water from the tables, the program
Calculate what HW should be? (y/n):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 926
If you enter y, the program inspects the event log and starts the
Findunused command from the appropriate point to determine the
high-water value. This high-water value should match the value in the
You can then change the value of the next sector in the surface record,
the surf_dyn_info table, and the event log of the medium. Make
changes in the tables only, or in all three places. Changing the value in
all three places is recommended. If you do not set the value in the
event log and the medium is used on another system, the second sys-
tem cannot write on the medium at the right location.
If this command attempts to modify the surface file of an MSAR library
in Backup mode, it will only calculate the highwater mark of an MSAR
file and will not offer a user to update the highwater mark in the surf_
info database.
If a background job has an ODU file handle open as it sits in the wait
loop because an MSAR library is in Backup mode, this command that
requires an exclusive drive open access to the surface will fail with the
drive busy error.
Enables you to take a specific HP drive offline (library a in the example
below) and back online so the HP service technician can repair and re-
place an optical drive with minimal impact on the FileNet system.
The following example shows the screen display that appears when
you enter the hponline command at the oddump command prompt.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 927
<oddump:lib a>HPONLINE
Options are:
a. Prepare for drive(s) state change. Run this option
BEFORE drive state changed to either
== "Online Pending" or
== "Offline Good Pending" (only for 330/600fx or up)
b. Take a specific disabled drive to "Offline Failed"
c. Bring drive(s) to "Online" or
"Offline Good" (only for 330/600fx or up)
Choice? < >
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 928
To select an hponline command option, type its option letter in the
space provided with the system prompt for choice, as shown in the fol-
lowing example.
The following table describes the options available:
The Image Services System Administrator uses the hponline options
to change the states of the drive as needed while the HP service tech-
nician repairs and replaces the failed drive.
At any time, you can check the current state of the drive through the
console display of the HP jukebox. For control panel operational proce-
dures, see the user’s guide that came with your HP Optical Jukebox.
Choice? <a>
Successfully access storage library a to detect online drive repair state change
Option Description
a Prepares for drive state change. You should run this option before
changing the state of a specified drive to either: "Online Pending
or "Offline Good Pending.
b Takes a specified disabled drive to: "Offline Failed”
c Brings online drive to "Online” or "Offline Good”
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 929
The following table identifies which actions to take in response to the
possible drive states displayed on the storage library’s front panel.
The following diagrams show typical procedures and operations in-
volved when using this tool during an HP service call for a single-drive
and dual-drive storage library.
Current State Action
Online Good None
Online Pending Change to Online Good. This applies to either the
single- or dual-drive bracket jukebox.
Offline Failed None
Offline Good Pending Eject disk, disable drive, and change to Offline
Good. This applies only to the dual-drive bracket
Offline Good None
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 930
Drive State Diagram for Single-Drive Bracket Storage Library
Drive operating
FileNET system
detects fatal error
in drive
FileNET system
disables drive
oddump takes
drive offline
Library state for
drive changes to:
Offline Failed
HP technician
library drive
HP technician
HP technician
library drive
SA uses oddump
SA uses oddump
Library state for
drive changes to:
Online Good
SA uses oddump
Library state for
drive changes to:
Online Pending
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 931
Drive State Diagram for Dual-Drive Bracket Storage Library
Drive 1 operating
FileNET system
detects fatal error
in drive 1
FileNET system
disables drive 1
oddump takes
drive 1 offline
Library state for
drive 1 changes to:
Offline Failed
Drive 2 operating
SA uses oddump
drive 2
HP technician
drive 1
Library state for
drive 1 changes to:
Online Pending
SA uses oddump
drives 1 and 2
Library state for
drive 1 changes to:
Online Good
Library state for
drive 2 changes to:
Online Good
oddump ejects and
disables drive 2
Library state for drive 2
changes to:
Online Pending
SA uses oddump
drive 1
HP technician
library drives
HP technician
library drives
SA uses oddump
drive 2
SA uses oddump
drive 2
Library state for
drive 2 changes to:
Offline Good Pending
Library state for
drive 2 changes to:
Offline Good
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 932
Erases initialized pseudo-optical media (optical media simulated on
magnetic disk media).
Loads a medium from any slot of a drive into the specified drive. Up-
dates the media location tables so that the location of the medium is
known to the system.
Locks the door of an Optical Disk Unit (OCU) to prevent media re-
moval. When the drive resides in a storage library, the program unlocks
the drive and ejects the media automatically.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 933
Issues a map command to the drive and reports the written/unwritten
status of the mapped area. The following prompts display:
Sector number (CR=1)
Sector count (CR=32)
Detailed (y/n)?
Sector number is the first sector to map. Sector count is the number of
1 KB sectors to map.
If you enter y at the Detailed prompt, it displays the status for the low
512 bytes and the high 512 bytes for each sector. If you enter n, it as-
signs only one status: the more significant of the two 512-byte status
For example, if one sector has an error status and another has a writ-
ten status, the combined status shows an error.
Status bytes in the map indicate the following:
unwritten sector
W written sector
D written deleted sector
d deleted written
E bad sector
eecc error
G gray written, maybe deleted
g gray written, maybe deleted
P partially bad
r sector out of range
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 934
Note Written and deleted sectors could show up with either a W or a D sta-
tus when you map multiple sectors but shows a D status when you re-
quest a single sector map (sector count = 1).
Exits oddump
Dumps selected sectors in hexadecimal and ASCII format. Reads 1
KB of data at a time and displays .25 KB. When you start rawdump, the
following prompt displays:
R)ead, N)xt, P)rev, F)wd, B)ck, T)ypecast, U)nusedsrch
W)rt, M)dfy, E)rase, (CR=exit)?
If you do not use ALLOWUPDATEs, some options do not display.
The options are:
Read prompts for a sector number, reads the sector, and displays the
first 256 bytes.
Next displays the first 1/4 of the next sector.
Previous displays the first 1/4 of the previous sector.
Forward displays the next 1/4 of the current sector, or the first 1/4 of
the next sector if the last 1/4 of the current sector is displayed.
T track off
? unknown
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 935
Back displays the previous 1/4 of the current sector, or the last 1/4 of
the previous sector if displaying the first 1/4 of the current sector.
Typecast displays the contents of the buffer as one of several media
structures. Select the structure from the following prompt:
L)abel, O)ldlbl, U)pdatelbl, M)sarlbl, I)nitExt, T)ermExt, F)ileDirEnt,
D)ochdr, or E)ventEnt?
Only development Engineering should use the typecast option.
For MSAR surfaces, the label can be read through the typecast option.
Selection Description
Label 2.2 or newer format label
Oldlbl 1.8 format label
Updatelbl Label for updated short descriptor files
Msarlbl MSAR label
InitExt Extent initiator
TermExt Extent terminator
FileDirEnt File directory entry
Dochdr Document header (page zero of a document)
EventEnt Event log entry
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 936
Unusedsrch performs a linear search for unwritten sectors. You must
select a drive before you can use unusedsrch. The program prompts
you to enter a starting sector number and number of sectors to search:
Write prompts for a sector number and then writes that sector with the
contents of the buffer. Before the write operation occurs, you must con-
firm your selection. (See the caution below.)
Use the write option carefully. Once you write a sector, you can never
modify it.
Modify allows you to change the data currently in the buffer with ASCII
or hexadecimal input of data. You can input decimal numbers by se-
lecting hex input and then suffixing each number with a decimal point.
After modifying the buffer, you can check the change by entering t for
typecast and print as a structure, or by typing s for a redisplay of the
data in hexadecimal/ASCII.
Erase allows you to erase sectors, if the media supports the erase
<oddump:lib a>selectdrive
Logical drive number? (0, 1, ..., or CR=none) <1>
Drive successfully opened. Checking label . . .
R)ead, N)ext, P)rev, F)wd, B)ck, T)ypecast, U)nusedsrch
(CR=exit)? <u>
Linear search for unwritten sector
Start search at sector number 1
Number of sectors to search 100
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 937
Note If this command attempts to modify the surface file of an MSAR library
in Backup mode, only the Read, Next, Prev, Fwd, Bck, Typecast and
Unusedsrch options will display. Subsequent to these commands this
command will not show any options to write, modify or delete an MSAR
Reads a range of sectors. When you start readloop, the program
prompts you to enter the number of sectors in an I/O, the number of
times to issue the I/O, and the first sector to read. An I/O error during
the read does not abort the readloop. However, you can manually
abort the read operation using the Control+c key sequence.
Issues a ready command to the drive and reports current status of the
Sets errors on a pseudo-optical medium so when a client reads or
writes to a sector, the system returns an error to the client attempting
the I/O. Used for testing only.
Changes to a new Storage Library server number or drive number and
attempts to read the volume label of the storage medium in that drive.
Use this when you manually swap a medium from the drive or when
you want to select a different drive.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 938
Issues a spinup command to the drive. After a storage medium is man-
ually inserted into the drive, use this command to pull the medium into
the drive.
Unlocks the door and ejects the media of the drive that resides in an
Optical Disk Unit (ODU).
Writes a test pattern at the high-water mark of the media and updates
the media high-water mark in both the surface record and the data-
base. Use this command to test the ability to write to a medium without
damaging the structures previously written. This command aborts if an
I/O error occurs or you enter the Control+c key sequence.
If this command attempts to modify the surface file of an MSAR library
in Backup mode, it will not be allowed to complete.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 939
Before using oddump, be aware of the following:
You must run oddump on the Storage Library server. If your system
has more than one Storage Library server, the program prompts
you to enter the specific server.
To run oddump, you must be logged on as a member of the fnad-
min group or have a valid fnlogon session with SysAdmin privi-
To perform any changes to the storage media files, you must exe-
cute the ALLOWUPDATEs command. ALLOWUPDATEs requires a
password only available to your service representative.
You do not need to place a medium in the drive before the program
starts; you can use the loaddisk command to move media in and
out of the drive. The same command also updates the media loca-
tion tables to avoid system errors from misplaced media.
If you manually remove a medium and insert another while running
oddump, you should reselect the drive with the selectdrive com-
mand. The oddump program caches certain information about a
medium (such as surface ID). The selectdrive command updates
the cached information with current information.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 940
If you plan to make changes to media files, call your service represen-
tative for the ALLOWUPDATEs password in preparation for Step 2 be-
1 Enter oddump at the system prompt. If the server has multiple Storage
Library servers, the program prompts you to enter a lower case letter
indicating the Storage Library server that contains the desired drive.
After you respond to the user prompts, the prompt changes to
<oddump:lib n>.
2 If you plan to change storage media files, run ALLOWUPDATEs and
enter the required password.
3 Enter commands and options to perform the required tasks.
4 Enter Q (quit) to exit oddump.
Related Topics
fnlogon” on page 490
See the System Administrator’s Handbook for information about the
Storage Library Control program to enable or disable optical drives. To
download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 941
The odrecover tool initiates a docimport background job to start import-
ing documents from storage media. This works the same as calling the
stdocimp tool with selected options. It takes the following actions:
Updates the next available document ID in the scalar_numbers ta-
ble, if necessary.
If you have to restore your system from backup tapes, the current
document ID on the backup tapes usually does not match the doc-
ument ID that was current when the database was damaged.
Avoids importing deleted documents when only one of the docu-
ment tables (DOCS or DOCTABA) is damaged.
Verifies that a document is in both document tables.
If the document is in only one table, odrecover adds it to the other
table. If the document is not in either table, odrecover does not add
the document to either table. If both document tables are damaged,
use the –d flag to import all documents on the storage media.
Prevents adding documents to WorkFlo queues.
Re-imported documents should already be in the appropriate
WorkFlo queues (or already processed by WorkFlo).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 942
You can have odrecover verify that the associated document classes in
the importing and exporting systems match during import. By default,
odrecover does not require consistent document classes.
If odrecover encounters an error (such as mismatched document
class) during the import of a document into DOCTABA, odrecover still
corrects an inconsistency in the databases based on the DOCTABA ta-
ble in the following manner. If the document exists in DOCTABA but not
in DOCS prior to the import, the document is imported to the DOCS ta-
ble. If the document exists in DOCS but not in DOCTABA prior to the
import, odrecover deletes the document from the DOCS table. Check
for message tuple 90,0,18 in the following logs:
• system event log
• import log file
/fnsw/local/logs/bkglog/ImpLog.xxxxxx for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\bkglog\ImpLog.xxxxxxfor Windows Server plat-
form where xxxxxx is the odrecover job number.
To recover the deleted documents, run odrecover –d.
If you run odrecover with the exact match flag (–e), odrecover issues
message 90,0,18 when a mismatch exists between the index entries of
the importing and exporting systems. The program logs messages in
both the system error log and in the Background Job Control import log
(ImpLog.xxxxxx) for the odrecover job.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 943
Samples from both these logs are shown below:
97/02/12 16:23:10.000 90,0,18 <fnswg> docimport 111 (0xa4.84) ...
Docimport Job#=111, surf=3344; doc 1167956, ssn 8008, Can’t get index
description, name=’stringA’
97/02/12 16:23:10.000 90,0,18 <fnswg> docimport 111 (0xa4.84) ...
Docimport Job#=111, surf=3344: Translate descriptor to DIR failed.
Document id=1167956, ssn=8008
97/02/12 16:23:10.000 90,0,18 <fnswg> docimport 111 (0xa4.84) ...
Docimport Job#=111: Import: DB insert failed. Document id=1167956,
97/02/12 16:23:46.000 76,0,262 <fnswg> docimport 111 (0xa4.84) ...
Document import Job 111 completed
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 944
The following entries are from the Background Job Control import log
Use odrecover to import documents from media and rebuild the per-
manent and index databases when either or both databases have be-
come damaged or corrupted.
Information for import job number 111 started at Wed
Feb 12 16:22:40 1997
Job parameters:
Input surface id: 3344
Import from both sides: no
Import all files: yes
Document class must match exactly: yes
Reset surface statistics: no
Insert into doctaba: yes
Secuurity options: from document class
Update scalar numbers tables: yes
Update WorkFlo queue: no
Skip import of deleted documents: yeys
Number of documents to skip on media: 0
High priority: no
Errors encountered:
document id: 1167956, ssn: 8008, error: <90,0,18>
End of job information:
Number of errors encountered: 1
Number of documents read from input media: 610
Number of documents imported: 0
Number of duplicate documents in docs table: 1
Job completed at Wed Feb 12 16:23:46 1997
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 945
Use with FileNet P8 Content Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3)
The output of the odrecover tool can report some confusing informa-
tion when being used with the FileNet P8 Content Federation Services
functionality. Since the function of odrecover is to initiate a docimport
background job to start importing documents from storage media, a
catalog entry is inserted into DOCTABA for each document. If the af-
fected document class and indexes are mapped to Content Engine,
then the new CE catalog entry is inserted into the CE database and
contains the mapped index values from the media, this can cause a
problem when the documents are stored on the Image Services sys-
tem but indexed on the Content Engine system. In this scenario, the
images could be erroneously catalogued twice in the CE catalog.
Additionally, in the instances where documents are indexed on the Im-
age Services system and the odrecover tool is run, existing DOCTABA
indexes are overwritten with data from the media. This can over-write
the existing document properties in the CE catalog, if the properties
are mapped. Refer to the table below to determine when documents
on the IS server will not have the index information associated with
them (the Ns).
Document Activity Index on
Index on
New documents entered via Content Engine Y N
New documents entered via Image Services
Indexed on both IS and C
Indexed only on CE
Existing document images transferred to CE
Indexed on both IS and CE
Index deleted from IS
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 946
odrecover [–b] [–d] [–e] <surface ID>
–b Imports both sides of the specified medium
–d Imports all documents on the specified media, regardless of whether
the documents are in the DOCS or DOCTABA table. Imports all docu-
ments, even those that have been deleted from the databases. This
flag is usually specified if both document tables are corrupted.
–e Verifies that the importing and exporting systems have an exact docu-
ment class match for each document to be imported. If mismatch oc-
curs, odrecover logs an error message and the document is imported
or deleted based on the DOCTABA table. If you do not specify this op-
tion, odrecover continues with the operation even if the document
classes do not match.
<surface ID> Specifies the media surface to import (for example, 3002)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 947
Before using odrecover, be aware of the following:
Entering odrecover with no flags displays online help that includes
a description of odrecover and a definition of each parameter.
When you run odrecover, you must import documents from all me-
dia that were written since the last backup was made. If you do not
import all media, the assignment of duplicate document IDs could
After running odrecover, rescan documents that were in page
cache (that is, those documents not yet written to media).
The odrecover tool does not import documents into WorkFlo
The default behavior of odrecover is equivalent to running stdocimp
with –nonexactclass, –noworkfloqueue, –updatesnt, and –nonde-
leted docs options. You must specify the –e option to request an
exact document class match and the –d option to import the de-
leted documents from media.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 948
Use the following command to import both sides of a medium and
place missing or damaged documents in the DOCS or DOCTABA ta-
odrecover –b <surface ID>
Use the –b option if documents are missing or damaged in one table,
but not the other.
To import all documents, including deleted documents, use odrecover
odrecover –d <surface ID>
The –d flag imports the documents even if they already exist in the
DOCS or DOCTABA table.
The odrecover program initiates a document import job. You can moni-
tor the document recovery process like any other document import us-
ing Background Job Control.
Related Topics
stdocimp” on page 1269
See the “Background Job Control” chapter of your System Administra-
tor’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM
support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 949
The oraloglist tool is available only on a UNIX-based Image Services
The oraloglist tool provides a simple way of running the commands re-
quired to determine the status (enabled or disabled) of the Oracle
RDBMS archive logging mode.
Normally, you must run a set of commands, including the "connect in-
ternal” command, to determine this setting. These commands require
special permissions — only a database administrator should run them.
With oraloglist, any user can easily determine the archive logging sta-
Use oraloglist to determine the archive logging status. For example,
use oraloglist to verify that the database log mode is set to AR-
CHIVELOG mode before a backup. (Refer to your System Administra-
tor’s Companion for UNIX
or System Administrator’s Companion for
Windows Server for more information. To download IBM FileNet docu-
mentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet
Documentation” on page 19.)
FileNet software must be active or the index database must be up to
use this command.
oraloglist” on page 949
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 950
Sample Output
Enter the oraloglist at the command line as shown in the sample output
Before you use oraloglist, be aware that FileNet software must be ac-
tive or the index database must be up.
No specific procedure is required.
corona(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> oraloglist
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /fnsw/local/ora_arch/arch
Oldest online log sequence 27
Current log sequence 28
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 951
The osschk (optical subsystem check) tool provides summary informa-
tion contained in FileNet error logs for optical storage and retrieval
(OSAR) libraries. The osschk tool normally resides in the following di-
rectory of the optical subsystem server:
The system writes output from osschk to the directory where the elogs
are found:
The first time you execute osschk on the server, it prompts for a site
name used to identify that particular system. The site name is used
only by osschk and is used on the osschk summary report. The pro-
gram automatically configures itself to match the number of storage li-
braries and optical drives. On multi-server Image Services
configurations, the program will analyze the elogs on one server at a
time. The program will prompt for the station number of the server.
In response to the osschk command, the program prompts for starting
and ending dates of the period of the FileNet error logs to check.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 952
The osschk tool summarizes all OSAR and optical information into the
following two files:
The osschk tool generates file names using the following format:
For example, a file named og1sum0325_1 is the osschk summary file
generated on station number 1 on March 25 during the first run of the
When finished generating the files, the program pauses to allow you to
view the summary and detail files. If you enter yes (default is no) to
view the files, it displays a less prompt, enabling forward and backward
viewing of the summary file first. A q ends the less mode.
ogndetmmdd_n Contains only OSAR and optical information from er-
ror logs.
ognsummmdd_n Contains OSAR configuration, optical subsystem
module stamps, and a breakdown of each of the er-
rors encountered by type.
og = Prefix to file
n = Station number
typ = File type, either detail (det) or summary (sum)
mm = Month generated (01-12)
dd = Day generated (01-31)
_n = A if the -x parameter is used to generate the summary report.
_n = Run of the day (1-4)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 953
After displaying the summary file, the program pauses again to allow
you to view the detail file. If you enter yes (default is no) to view the de-
tail file, it displays a less prompt, enabling forward and backward view-
ing. A q ends the less mode and quits the program.
If the -x argument is used, then the program will NOT give a prompt or
allow the viewing of the summary or detail file.
Any summary or detail files remain on the server for approximately two
months before the program automatically removes them. When the
osschk program is run, it looks for summary and detail files that are
within a two-month-old range and erases them. For example, if the
program is run in June (Month 06) all the summary and detail files
made in the April (Month 04) of the same year are erased.
Use osschk to determine the hardware performance of the Image Ser-
vices server’s optical subsystem. You can analyze the generated out-
put to check the subsystem performance and look at any points
requiring attention or repair.
The osschk utility can summarize elog data in different situations:
To summarize last week’s errors:
> osschk -x
Enter the dates of the last week and today.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 954
To summarize elogs that were transferred from some other ma-
chine and placed in the /sitea/elog directory:
> osschk -ka /sitea/elog
Enter the dates of the time period to scan.
To summarize the error for the day, assuming it is close to the end
of the day (11:30, etc.)
> osschk -x
osschk [-v] [-s] [-d] [-k] [-a <elog directory path>] [-x] [-h]
The options for the osschk utility are mutually exclusive, unless noted
-v Displays previously generated summary and detail files.
-s Generates a file of the storage library configuration and related optical
subsystem module stamps.
-d Disables the summary and detail files. The program will prompt the
user and delete the files as directed.
-k Tells the program NOT to use the stamp and configuration information
from the server where the utility is running. osschk will use the data in
the scanned elogs to derive the apparent configuration to allow the
generation of the summary.
When the -k option is used, stamp data for the various system modules
will NOT be reported.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 955
-a <elog directory
Allows the user to specify in the next parameter the directory of the el-
ogs to be analyzed.
Sometimes elogs from one system will be transferred into a subdirec-
tory on another system for analysis. The -a option can be specified
with the -k option and will cause the program to examine the elogs in a
subdirectory and to report only on the OSAR libraries that have errors
in the elog files.
-x Used when the osschk utility is included in a script run automatically
from another script. The option utilizes no screen input from the user
and provides no screen output to the user. The elog that is summa-
rized is from the day it is run. In addition, the files produced will have
the _A suffix in the file name.
-h Displays a summary of the options that control osschk.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 956
Sample Output
The following example shows a summary file generated for a site with
one OSAR library on station 1. It does not show the detail file, but con-
tains only lines from the error log files which involve the optical sub-
system. The example has filtered out other lines.
cat og1sum032503_1
Site_Name.. A Site Name
Platform: AIX OS: IMS: 3.5.0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Modules in.. /fnsw/bin
system (userid 8, Thu Nov 15 12:33:14 2001)
SubSys: os, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 143325, mode: 100755, size: 302856
system (userid 8, Thu Mar 7 11:31:57 2002)
SubSys: os, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 150069, mode: 100755, size: 70034
system (userid 8, Wed Mar 20 14:52:21 2002)
SubSys: os, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 150770, mode: 100755, size: 248335
system (userid 8, Fri May 26 13:55:35 2000)
SubSys: kd, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 109458, mode: 100755, size: 163694
Companion Module in.. /etc/drivers
system (userid 8, Fri May 26 13:55:35 2000)
SubSys: kd, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 109458, mode: 100755, size: 163694
system (userid 8, Tue Nov 2 16:42:48 1999)
SubSys: kd, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 97690, mode: 100755, size: 60501
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 957
system (userid 8, Tue Jan 22 09:51:08 2002)
SubSys: xc, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 146770, mode: 100755, size: 1388323
Associated Module in.. /fnsw/lib/X11/uid
system (userid 8, Thu Jan 11 14:13:06 2001)
SubSys: xc, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 121594, mode: 100644, size: 344179
Modules in.. /fnsw/lib/shobj
system (userid 8, Thu Sep 27 10:43:51 2001)
SubSys: os, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 139584, mode: 100755, size: 291534
system (userid 8, Mon Nov 13 12:38:15 2000)
SubSys: mv, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 118027, mode: 100755, size: 40631
system (userid 8, Mon Aug 12 15:58:20 2002)
SubSys: mv, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 159279, mode: 100755, size: 408603
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The number of Servers configured on this system: 1
OSAR Configuration for... stimpy (AIX)
Library Unit: 1 (a): FileNet Optical Library 50GTL/GTS/HTL/HTS Slots: 50
Mode: Normal
Device Addr: 0 5 6 0
osarb is linked to.. /dev/fnsod.0,5,6,0
Drive 1: Plasmon LMS LD8100 30 GB Optical Drive
Device Addr: 0 5 1 0
oddb1 is linked to.. /dev/fnsod.0,5,1,0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 958
Command line : /fnsw/support/osschk
This osschk report was run at..
Tue Mar 25 15:14:12 PST 2003
Report Period Start.. 01/01/2003 End.. 01/30/2003
Site_Name.. A Site Name
Directory of scanned elogs: /fnsw/local/logs/elogs
Deriving the list of OSARs from the error logs...
(No system configuration files were used to
generate this report.)
OSAR Server.. stimpy
List of OSAR Libraries found by scanning elogs : A
***** Summary Info for Storage Library.. 'A' *****
Library A wake-up [RF389] Qty: 0
Total RFxxx error count for Library A = 0
Total Backup Mode count for Library A = 6
RB153 Qty: 1 RB153______The Gripper 2 Slot Align Sensor
did not detect the alignment target after
completion of the mechanism move. A routine
that hunts for the target over a limited area
was successful in finding it however and the
command completed normally.
RB261 Qty: 5 RB261______Rack 1 Interrupter Sensor was
not blocked while a cartridge was moved
between the gripper and the Storage slot.
Backup mode counts at Drives:
Drive 1 = 0
Drive 2 = 1
Drive 3 = 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 959
Backup mode counts at Slots :
Slots 00 to 09 .. Qty: 1
Slots 10 to 19 .. Qty: 4
Slots 20 to 29 .. Qty: 0
Slots 30 to 39 .. Qty: 0
Slots 40 to 49 .. Qty: 0
Slots 50 to 59 .. Qty: 0
Slots 60 to 69 .. Qty: 0
Slots 70 to 79 .. Qty: 0
Slots 80 to 89 .. Qty: 0
Slots 90 to 99 .. Qty: 0
Slots 100 to 109 .. Qty: 0
Slots 110 to 119 .. Qty: 0
Slots 120 to 129 .. Qty: 0
Slots 130 to 139 .. Qty: 0
Slots 140 to 149 .. Qty: 0
Backup mode counts at I/O Station :
Input and IX.. Qty: 0
Output .. Qty: 0
Fault counts at I/O Station :
Input.. Qty: 0
Output. Qty: 0
Times Slot(s) were disabled. = 0
Storage Library.. A
Enabled = 0 Disabled = 0 using XSLC
Enabled = 0 Disabled = 0 using DOC_tool
The following describes disable & enable counts.
XSLC = Request to Disable/Enable using XSLC.
DOC = Request to Disable/Enable using DOC_tool.
S/W = Disabled by software due to previous/motion error.
Requested ---- Disable via ---- or -Enable via-
Drv_1 0 0 5 4 0
Drv_2 0 0 5 3 0
Drv_3 0 0 4 3 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 960
---- Current drive status:
New Disabled Configured
Drive 1: Disabled Configured
Drive 2: Disabled Configured
Drive 3: Disabled Configured
Drive 4: Disabled Configured
Drive 5: Disabled Configured
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Move count totals ( ALL libraries combined ).
[ Manually view logs for specific library. ]
Gripper -> Slot = 0
Gripper -> Drive = 0
Gripper -> I/O = 0
Slot/Dr -> Grip = 0
Slot -> Drive = 6
Slot -> I/O = 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FileNet elog totals ( All libraries combined ).
Occurrences of Lost disk.. = 0
Occurrences of Found disk. = 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SCSI OSAR Drive Number:
Sys_Error SCSI_Sense Drv 1 Drv 2 Drv 3 Drv 4 Drv 5 Drv 6
'disabled' no_sns_data 5 5 4 0 0 0
'baddata' 03,09,00,0e 0 0 4 0 0 0
'drivedown' 04,44,00,38 5 6 2 0 0 0
'drivedown' 04,44,00,39 1 0 1 0 0 0
'drivedown' no_sns_data 5 3 6 0 0 0
'drivenotrd 02,04,00,36 0 5 0 0 0 0
'drivenotrdy' 02,04,00,62 0 2 0 0 0 0
'drivenotrdy' 04,44,80,ff 0 1 0 0 0 0
'drivereset' 04,44,00,39 0 0 1 0 0 0
'drivereset' 06,44,80,36 0 0 1 0 0 0
'eof' no_sns_data 0 2 0 0 0 0
'unusedsect' no_sns_data 0 0 1 0 0 0
Totals for OSAR Library A 16 24 20 0 0 0
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
--------------- End of Report ------------------
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 961
Note Document Services needs to be up and running on the server for oss-
chk to run.
1 Enter osschk at the OSAR server’s prompt.
2 If this is the first time osschk is run on a server, respond to the prompt
to enter the name of the server.
3 Respond to prompts for starting and ending dates of the period of
FileNet error logs you want to check.
4 Enter yes to view the summary file and use the less function to scroll
through the displayed file.
5 Enter q to quit viewing the summary file.
6 Enter yes to view the detail file and use the less function to scroll
through the displayed file.
7 Enter q to quit viewing the detail file and end the program.
To view these files again or any previously generated files, use
osschk -v.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 962
Related Topics
DOC_tool” on page 328
getreports” on page 524
oddump” on page 892
perf_report” on page 977
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 963
The perf_mon tool collects statistical data that is kept by the kernel,
and the following shared libraries ("abstracts”): counter (CNT), Net-
work Clearinghouse (NCH), Multi-keyed Files (MKF), WorkFlo Queue
Services (WQS), Configuration Database (CDB), Security (SEC), and
WorkFlo (WQM). It gathers statistical data from the following areas:
cpu usage for kernel and non-kernel activities; overall file system activ-
ities; kernel file system activities; network I/O statistics; database
server counts; document services counts, RPC statistics, and security
When FileNet software starts or restarts, perf_mon starts automatically
with a script file
perfmon -fperfmon.script
The script file resides in:
/fnsw/lib/perf/perf_mon.script UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw\lib\perf\perf_mon.script Windows Server platforms
The script controls the default sampling intervals to run every 15 min-
utes during the normal 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. day and every two hours
during the night. On the weekends, samples also run every two hours.
Use an editor to view the script to see how automated scheduling
You can change parameters defined in the perflog file, as described in
SET [<variable>] [<value>]” on page 970. If you want to change
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 964
only the number of records stored in the perflog file, see log_create
on page 705 for details on changing the maximum number of records.
The perf_mon tool collects the samples in a circular log file:
/fnsw/local/sd/1/perflog for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\sd\1\perflog for Windows Server platforms
You can also run perf_mon from the command line to debug perfor-
mance problems. If you run perf_mon from the command line, the log
file in which the program saves the collected data is the one you name
in your capture command (for example, sample <filename> 60 10).
You can set up a schedule of monitoring activity. Use the
perf_mon schedule command to set up daily or weekly times when you
want perf_mon to run automatically. First, set up the daily schedules.
Then, link each weekday with one daily schedule. Finally, invoke the
poll command. Poll determines the current time and weekday, and
monitors the system according to the schedule that you linked to each
weekday. When you use scheduling, you must account for a full 24-
hour period, starting at midnight. Poll does not wrap around to the next
For example, the following commands (with appropriate comments) set
the system to monitor at 30-minute intervals from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. and at two-hour intervals from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the next day.
"schedule 1 00:00:00 02:00:00” -- from midnight on, monitor every
two hours
"schedule 1 08:00:00 00:30:00” -- from 8 a.m. on, monitor every 30
"schedule 1 17:00:00 02:00:00” -- from 5 p.m. on, monitor every
two hours
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 965
After the program collects the data, you can run perf_report, the perfor-
mance report writing tool, to gather and format the statistics into re-
ports. (Refer to
perf_report” on page 977.)
When you start or restart FileNet software, perf_mon starts automati-
cally and collects performance data. However, you can run perf_mon
from the command line with special commands and parameters to de-
bug performance problems. You can run perf_mon interactively from
your terminal or run it using a command file.
You can use one of the following two command forms to start
perf_mon starts and runs in interactive mode.
perf_mon –f<script> [&]
perf_mon starts and accepts input from a command file.
–f<script> Reads perf_mon input commands from the file specified by <script> in-
stead of from standard input
& Runs perf_mon in the background
You must use the –f<script> option to run perf_mon in the background.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 966
There are two categories of commands you can use with perf_mon.
Capture Commands collect specific information. Command Dispatcher
Commands operate within perf_mon.
To list these commands interactively, type ? at the <perf_mon> prompt,
as shown in the example below. A description of each command fol-
lows the example.
perf_mon> ?
Capture Commands
+ filename Sample system state
ADD_EVENT event Add an event category
ADD_QUEUE systemname queuename Add workflo queue to the list
LINK [day# sched#] Link a day to a schedule
POLL filename [n_samples] Capture according to the schedule
SAMPLE filename delay n Capture at a regular interval
SCHEDULE # [time intv] Inspect or modify schedule
SHOW_DISKS Show the disk list
SHOW_EVENT Show enabled event categories
SHOW_QUEUE Show the Workflo queue list
UNSCHEDULE # [time] Clear or delete schedule entry
WATCH delay n_samples [> filename] Watch at a regular interval
Command Dispatcher Commands
! command line Issue commands to a shell
? List this information
ECHO Echo command line
EXIT Exit this program
HELP List this information
QUIT Exit this program
READ file Redirect input from 'file'
SET variable [value] Set or inspect a variable
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 967
Capture Commands
+ <filename>
Takes one sample of system data and saves it to the specified file
ADD_EVENT <event>
Adds an event category beyond those listed in the events list when
perf_mon starts
ADD_QUEUE <systemname> <queuename>
In addition to the WorkFlo general queue, adds one specific WorkFlo
queue <queuename> to the list to be monitored. <systemname> is the
name of the WorkFlo system. You can invoke add_queue on up to 5
different WorkFlo queues.
LINK [<day#> <sched#>]
Link a day to a schedule, where day# is the number of the weekday.
Sunday is day 0, Saturday is day 6.
sched# is the schedule number as defined with the SCHEDULE com-
mand. For example, to link Monday and Tuesday to schedule 1 (as set
up with the schedule command), use the following commands:
link 1 1
link 2 1
POLL <filename> [<n_samples>]
Begins data capture according to the schedule. <filename> is the
name of the file where the system saves the data. <n_samples> is a
decimal value for number of samples. Poll uses the schedules that are
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 968
currently set up by the schedule and link commands. For example, the
following command uses schedule 1, monitors 50 times and stores the
data in a file called savefile:
poll savefile 50
SAMPLE <filename> <delay> <n>
Captures data at a regular interval specified in seconds by the <delay>
parameter, for a specified number of times defined by the <n> parame-
ter. The data is stored in the specified file. For example, the following
command saves data in a circular log file named savefile. Data collec-
tion occurs every 5 seconds for 10 times:
sample savefile 5 10
SCHEDULE # [<time intv>]
Adds an entry to a schedule of monitoring activity. You can also use
this command to inspect or modify an existing schedule. You can spec-
ify a maximum of 7 schedules. Each schedule can have a maximum of
6 entries.
# is a new or existing schedule number.
<time intv> is the start time followed by the interval time.
For example, to add an entry to schedule 1 to begin monitoring at
10:00 a.m. and monitor at one-hour intervals, enter the following com-
schedule 1 10:00:00 01:00:00
Use the LINK command to map days of the week with the schedule
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 969
Shows the disk list being monitored
Shows the enabled event categories
Shows the Workflo queue list being monitored
UNSCHEDULE # [<time>]
Clears or deletes a schedule entry from the schedule number specified
by #
<time> is the time to be deleted from the schedule, in the form
hh:mm:ss. If you do not specify [time], perf_mon deletes the entire
WATCH <delay> <n_samples> [> <filename>]
Displays CPU activity at a regular interval
<delay> is the interval (in seconds) to invoke the read/write of CPU ac-
<n_samples> is the number of samples to "watch.
> <filename> redirects the output to the specified file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 970
Command Dispatcher Commands
! command line
Issues commands to a shell
Lists help information
Echoes the last command entered on the command line
Exits perf_mon
Lists help information
Exits perf_mon
READ <filename>
Redirects input from the specified file name
SET [<variable>] [<value>]
Sets or inspects a variable having the value specified in <value>. If you
do not specify <value>, the current value of that variable displays. If
you do not specify <variable>, perf_mon inspects all variables.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 971
The following table defines each of the set command variables, identi-
fies the default and available values, and notes values you should not
Variable Description Default Options
Alarm Switch that turns perf_mon's alarm mecha-
nism on or off. When set to TRUE, perf_mon
triggers an alarm under one of these condi-
The system write rate is greater than the
value of Max_Syswrite.
The system read rate is greater than the value
of Max_Sysread.
The system idle time is less than the value of
Action The action to take when an alarm condition is
detected. The value of this variable is used
as the argument to a system command.
"(date; ps alx) >
Applicable System
Command String
Def_Interval The default interval value (in seconds) used
by perf_mon when polling (see the
<filename> [<n_samples>] command) if
a schedule entry isn't found.
3600 Number in Sec-
EventLogging Switch that determines whether perf_mon will
log events. When set to TRUE, perf_mon col-
lects ELA (RPC) event data.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 972
Listener Turns on the FileNet System Manager lis-
tener agent. For more specifics on the Lis-
tener variable, go to
FileNet System
Manager” on page 416. For an example
of temporarily turning on the FileNet System
Manager listener agent, go to
Make the
System Manager Listener Agent Run
Temporarily” on page 417.
Max_Syswrite System write I/O alarm threshold, in writes
per second, if non-zero. (See Alarm descrip-
0 Number Writes
per Second
Max_Sysread System read I/O alarm threshold, in reads per
second, if non-zero. (See Alarm description.)
0 Number Reads
per Second
Min_Idle System idle time alarm threshold, in percent,
if non-zero. (See Alarm description.)
0 Number in Percent
MKF_Stats Switch that determines whether perf_mon will
collect MKF statistics. The default value is
TRUE if the server has any MKF databases
configured on it.
Num_Records Maximum number of records allowed in perf_
mon log file
2048 Number of
Number of bytes allowed for each record
stored in perf_mon log file
1024 DO NOT
Verbose Additional output, primarily used for debug-
ging. If TRUE, perf_mon adds this data to the
log file.
Workflo Switch that determines whether perf_mon will
collect WorkFlo Queue Services (WQS) data.
The default value is TRUE if the server has
WorkFlo Queue Services configured on it.
Variable Description Default Options
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 973
The set command displays a list of all current variable settings:
The following sample command captures a sequence of two data col-
lections at a constant interval of two seconds and saves the data to file
testfile. The return of the perf_mon prompt indicates that the data col-
lection is complete. The quit command terminates perf_mon.
To see the data in file testfile, run perf_report:
perf_report –rful testfile
(For more information, see
perf_report” on page 977.)
perf_mon> set
Alarm = FALSE
Action = "(date; ps alx) > AlarmLog"
Def_Interval = 3600
EventLogging = TRUE
Max_Syswrite = 0
Max_Sysread = 0
Min_Idle = 0
MKF_Stats = TRUE
Num_Records = 2048
Listener = TRUE
Record_Length = 1024
Verbose = FALSE
Workflo = TRUE
perf_mon> sample testfile 2 2
perf_mon> quit
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 974
The following commands establish monitoring schedules 1 and 2, link-
ing Monday through Friday to schedule 1 and Saturday and Sunday to
schedule 2. The last command, poll, limits monitoring to no more than
300 times and saves the data to a file named savefile.
schedule 1 00:00:00 02:00:00
schedule 1 07:55:00 00:15:00
schedule 1 18:15:00 02:00:00
schedule 2 00:00:00 03:00:00
link 1 1
link 2 1
link 3 1
link 4 1
link 5 1
link 6 2
link 0 2
poll savefile 300
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 975
Before you use perf_mon, be aware of the following:
perf_mon starts automatically at system start or restart. However,
you can run it from the command line at any time to capture data
related to a specific performance problem.
If you use scheduling, you must account for a full 24-hour period,
starting at midnight.
To generate reports with data perf_mon has collected, run perf_re-
port. You can view the generated report files using a text editor.
1 Start perf_mon in the foreground or the background.
To run perf_mon in the foreground, enter perf_mon at the com-
mand line. At the <perf_mon> prompt, enter perf_mon Capture or
Command Dispatcher commands.
To run perf_mon in the background, create a script file (for exam-
ple, pmon_script) containing the commands just as you would en-
ter them interactively. Then, invoke perf_mon as follows:
perf_mon –fpmon_script &
The example script name is pmon_script. Use your script name
when you start perf_mon.
2 When data collection is complete, run perf_report to view the captured
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 976
Related Topics
log_create” on page 705
log_dir” on page 708
log_extract” on page 711
perf_report” on page 977
FileNet System Manager” on page 416
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 977
The perf_report tool generates reports you can use to analyze perfor-
mance. It provides report generation capabilities for historical data
logged in the system performance log file by the perf_mon tool. (Use
the log_dir tool to see the entries in the log file.) The data logged by
ELA (the event logging abstract) includes Remote Procedure Call
(RPC) data and some local events. ELA logs data on a per-server ba-
You can request default reports, canned soft reports, or user-defined
soft reports. The perf_report tool generates reports that summarize
system activity and/or a set of data items for various subsystems such
as document services and WorkFlo. Default report types are:
abs Full Absolute Report
ful Full Report
For details on report types, see
Soft Reports” on page 981.
If you want to define your own custom soft reports, you can:
Define new data variables from the set of basic system variables
Do arithmetic
Define reports that are tables, or collections of tables, containing
basic or user-defined variable data
The perf_report -a command writes a collection of reports to text files
stored in the reports directory. After generating reports, perf_report
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 978
displays the file path to the reports directory, followed by a list of gener-
ated reports.
You can view these reports using view commands or text editors avail-
able through your server’s operating system.
The perf_report tool calculates the difference between two records in
the log. In the full report and most canned soft reports, perf_report
prints the delta value. An exception is the absolute report (see the
–rabs option). For soft reports, you can choose between delta and ab-
solute values for each data item in the record. With the –i option, you
can also specify an interval number to generate reports between every
nth record. Options are available so you can limit the total number of
reports or limit the number of reports to generate each day.
Use perf_report to generate reports (using data gathered by the
perf_mon tool and written to a log file) to assist you with performance
analysis tasks.
To generate default or specific soft reports, use the following format
with appropriate options as defined in "Options.
perf_report <logfile> [–i#] [–m#] [-ph] [-pd] [–d#] [-tz#] [-tsv] [-csv]
[-p] [–r<rname1>] [–r<rname2>] [–fd<ela_dir>] [–fr<reports_file>]
[–br<date>+<time>] [–er<date>+<time>] [–b<time>] [–e<time>]
No spaces are allowed between an option and its parameter.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 979
<logfile> Specifies the name of the performance monitor log file from which to
extract log records
A log file name is required.
–i# Sets reporting interval to the value specified by #
If not specified, default interval is 1. perf_report generates a report ev-
ery n records found in the performance log, where n is the value spec-
ified in #. The default of 1 causes perf_report to use every entry when
generating reports.
–m# Sets maximum number of generated reports to the value specified by #
(for example, m4)
-ph Sets printout to display in hourly increments
-pd Sets printout to display in daily increments
–d# Sets maximum number of generated daily reports to the value speci-
fied by # (for example, d2)
-tz Specifies delta in hours between local time and capture log time (for
example, -24, 24)
-tsv Formats report using tabbed characters as column separators. This
enables you to import generated reports into applications, such as Ex-
cel spreadsheets.
-csv Formats report using commas as column separators. Used for Scout
–r<rname2> ...
Produces the default and/or soft reports specified in <rname1>.
You can specify a maximum of 32 report names
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 980
<rname> = abs | ful
–rabs Produces Full Absolute Report
–rful Produces Full Report
–r<soft_rtype> Produces the specified soft report (for example, –rds produces a Docu-
ments Services report). For a description of predefined soft report
types, see
Predefined Soft Reports” on page 982.
–s[<name>] Displays symbolic names of the specified category. If no category is
specified, all categories display.
–b<time> Sets statistics daily begin time. Specify <time> in numeric
<HH>[:<MM>] format.
–e<time> Sets statistics daily end time. Specify <time> in numeric <HH>[:<MM>]
–br<date>+<time> Sets reporting interval lower bound. Specify <time> in numeric
<HH>[+:<MM>] format. Specify date using one of these formats:
MM/DD/YYYY (years from 1970-2037)
MM/DD/YY (years from 70-99 for 1900’s or 00-37 for 2000’s)
MM/DD (system uses current year)
(none specified uses today’s date, but requires time)
For example, to specify <date>+<time>, you can enter the following op-
tion with the perf_report command:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 981
–er<date>+<time> Sets reporting interval upper bound (uses the same date and time for-
mats described for -br)
–fd<ela_dir> Specifies the event dictionary file where <ela_dir> is the full path name
to the file. If a file is not specified, the default file is:
/fnsw/lib/perf/ela/elacodes for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw\lib\perf\ela\elacodes for Windows Server platforms
–fr<reports_file> Specifies report description file
Soft Reports
A "soft report” contains performance statistics defined in a report de-
scription file that specifies the report format, parameters, and variable
constructs. "Canned” soft reports are available in the default reports
/fnsw/lib/perf/reports for UNIX platforms
<drive:>\fnsw\lib\perf\reports for Windows Server platforms
When generating soft reports, perf_report scans the report description
file until it finds the specified report type.
To generate individual predefined reports, you can enter the following
perf_report -r<soft_rtype>
where: <soft_rtype> is the report type.
For example, to generate a CSS Summary Report, you would enter the
following command:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 982
perf_report -rcss
Predefined Soft Reports
The following table shows a list of predefined soft reports. For report
samples, see
Sample Reports” on page 1009.
Predefined Soft Reports
Type Report Name
css CSS Summary Report
asum AIX Processor Summary Report
hpux_sum HPUX Processor Summary Report
sol_sum Solaris Processor Summary Report
osum OLI_5000 Processor Summary Report
ntsum NT Server Processor Summary Report (used by all Win-
dows Server processors)
usum Unisys Processor Summary Report
ds Document Services Summary
ol OSAR Load Summary
which Which SCouT Services
scout Scout Overlay Sheet Data
sv Service Activity
rsv Client Service Activity
csv Cumulative Service Activity
rcsv Remote Cumulative Service Activity
bs Batch Entry Report
rbs Batch Entry Server Report
csm Cache Services Report
doc Document Services Report
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 983
inx Index Services Report
nch Network Clearinghouse Report
pri Print Services Report
psm Printer Services Report
prt Print Activity Report
pf Image Prefetch Activity Report
cpr Client Page Request Report
pa Performance Measurements
fs File Services Report
sq SQL Services Report
sec Security Services Report
fb Fast Batch Throughput Report
wfl WorkFlo Activity Report
aix_net AIX Net Activity
aix_vmm AIX Virtual Memory Activity
sol_vmm Solaris Virtual Memory Activity
hpux_vmm HPUX Virtual Memory Activity
oli_vmm Olivetti Virtual Memory Activity
vw Visual WorkFlo Activity
transdb_io Transient DB I/O Tuning Report
transdb_trans Transient DB Transaction Tuning Report
permdb_io Permanent DB I/O Tuning Report
permdb_trans Permanent DB Transaction Tuning Report
Predefined Soft Reports
Type Report Name
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 984
User-Defined Soft Reports
You can also define your own soft reports. To create a user-defined re-
port, you must create a report description file containing statements
that build a table of data values. Once built, the perf_report tool uses
this table to generate the type of report you need in a format that you
have prescribed. You specify your report description file with the –fr op-
A single report supports a maximum of 128 columns, subject to a limit
on the total size of all expressions. Each operand, operator, and func-
tion name count as one element. In addition, each function, column or
compound variable counts as one element. It supports a maximum of
2048 elements.
Each column of the table is defined by an arithmetic expression and a
title string. In addition, a column can be defined with optional print for-
mat information and information about the type of summary desired for
the column.
The table rows correspond to a time frame and the data that occurred
in the time frame. The report displays records based on the perf_report
options you select, such as a particular service, date, time, etc. (See
the descriptions in the Options section above).
secdb_io Security DB I/O Tuning Report
secdb_trans Security DB Transaction Tuning Report
Predefined Soft Reports
Type Report Name
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 985
For example, you can specify hourly intervals (using the -ph option) to
display rows of data in hourly intervals, even if the data records were
collected every 15 minutes.
To generate soft reports, perf_report reads two files: the directory of
Event Log Abstract (ELA) event categories and a reports file. The de-
fault locations of each are:
ELA event categories default directory:
/fnsw/lib/perf/ela/elacodes for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw\lib\perf\ela\elacodes for Windows platforms
Reports default file path:
/fnsw/lib/perf/reports for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw\lib\perf\reports for Windows platforms
The ELA directory contains the symbolic names for ELA event catego-
ries and the minor events associated with each category. System (i.e.
nonELA) variable names are also organized into categories in this di-
rectory. The definitions in the report file consist, in part, of these ELA
names and other system variable names.
Use the following command to display a list of all ELA and nonELA
event categories:
perf_report –s
Soft report descriptions in the reports file have two constructs: the sin-
gle-statement "variable” construct and the multi-statement "report”
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 986
The variable construct defines a compound variable. The perf_report
tool supports a maximum of 128 user-defined variables, subject to the
limit on the total size of all expressions as described above. Arithmetic
expressions are supported in a C-like syntax. The basic operator set
consists of add (+), subtract (–), divide (/) and multiply (*). Operands
are system variables, integer constants or floating point constants.
Variables can be basic or compound (user-defined). (See the descrip-
tion of
Basic Variables” on page 990 and Compound Variables
on page 992.)
Report descriptions can also support a set of functions. (Refer to
Functions” on page 994.)
The following example taken from a reports file shows the definition of
a variable called "cputime”:
The multi-statement report construct contains other statements but
can also include "variable” statements. The construct carries a state-
ment over to a new line using the backslash (\) symbol. The multi-
statement report construct terminates with an "end” statement.
variable cputime = (sys.idle + sys.wait + sys.kernel + sys.user)/100.0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 987
Report Description File
The following example shows the format definition for the CSS Sum-
mary Report, taken from a report description file.
The example above describes a CSS Summary Report that consists of
three groups of columns. Each column has its own title and format.
Each group name appears immediately after the columns describing
the information included in the specified group.
report css "CSS Summary Report"
column idle title "%I" format "d3" average
column kernel title "%K" format "d2" average
column user title "%U" format "d2" average
column wait title "%W" format "d2" average
group "CPU"
column disk.ops.rate title "OPS/SEC" format "d8" average
group "DISK"
column sec.CurrentSLUs title "CURRENT" format "d8" average
column sec.PeakSLUs title "PEAK" format "d8"
column sec.MaximumSLUs title "MAX ALLOWED" format "d8"
column sec.SLURejects title "REJECTS" format "d8" average sum
column sec.SLUSoftLimit title "SOFT CUTOFF" format "d8"
column sec.SLUSoftViolations title "SOFT VIOLATIONS" format "d8" average sum
group "SLU"
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 988
The CSS report format defines the format for three groups of informa-
CPU describes the columns that display the CPU-related perfor-
mance statistics. The column titles present the column formats that
identify the average percentage of time the CPU spends on activi-
ties during the data collection time, including idle (%I), kernel (%K),
user (%U), and wait (%W) time.
DISK describes the column containing the disk-related information.
This column has a title of OPS/SEC which reflects the operations
per second.
SLU consists of six columns with titles of CURRENT, PEAK, MAX
These define the statistics collected regarding the SLAC key us-
age. (For details, see
Customer Service Report” on page 1014.
The end statement terminates this report construct.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 989
The following sample is a complete report definition for a Service Activ-
ity report. The report definition is from the reports file in /fnsw/lib/perf.
# perf_report report descriptions #
variable cputime = (sys.idle + sys.wait + sys.kernel + sys.user)/100.0
variable idle = sys.idle/cputime
variable wait = sys.wait/cputime
variable user = sys.user/cputime
variable kernel = sys.kernel/cputime
report sv "Service activity"
column idle title "%I" format "d3" average
column kernel title "%K" format "d2" average
column user title "%U" format "d2" average
column wait title "%W" format "d2" average
group "CPU"
column INX:$ title "COUNT" sum average
column INX:$.dura/(1000*INX:$) title "DURA" format "f4.1" average
group "INX"
column WQS:$ title "COUNT" sum average
column WQS:$.dura/(1000*WQS:$) title "DURA" format "f4.1" average
group "WQS"
column SQI:$ title "COUNT" sum average
column SQI:$.dura/(1000*SQI:$) title "DURA" format "f4.1" average
group "SQI"
group "BES"
column CSM:$ title "COUNT" sum average
column CSM:$.dura/(1000*CSM:$) title "DURA" format "f4.1" average
group "CSM"
column DOC:$ title "COUNT" sum average
column DOC:$.dura/(1000*DOC:$) title "DURA" format "f4.1" average
group "DOC"
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 990
Basic Variables
To build your report file, you use a set of basic variables to define the
information you want retrieved from the performance log. Basic vari-
ables are either ELA data variables, nonELA variables, or special vari-
Both ELA and nonELA data variable names have two main parts, a
category name and an item name. An ELA category name is sepa-
rated from an item name by a colon (:). A period (.) separates nonELA
category names from item names. In addition, both ELA and nonELA
variable names can have one or two option suffixes. (See
on page 993.) A period (".”) separates the name from its suffix(es).
Some nonELA variables also use optional variable-dependent parame-
To see a list of variable-dependent parameters, run perf_report –s and
locate the parameters under the nonELA category descriptions in the
output listing.
Special variables have only one part and can be program constants,
configuration variables, or time values. (See
Special Variables” on
page 992 for more information.)
The following are names and short descriptions of ELA event names of
remote procedures for which you can collect data on both server and
client systems (client procedures are identified with a suffix of ‘c’):
ELA Event
BES/BESc Batch Entry Service RPCs
CSM/CSMc Cache Services Manager RPCs
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 991
NonELA variable categories are listed below with a brief description:
DOC/DOCc Document Services RPCs
INX/INXc Index Services RPCs
PSM/PSMc Print Services Manager RPCs
PQM/PQMc Printer Service RPCs
SEC/SECc Security Service RPCs
WQM/WQMc WorkFlo Queue Manager RPCs
WQS/WQSc WorkFlo Services RPCs
NonELA Variable
Categories Description
disk Magnetic disk drive statistics
ds Local Document Services statistics, both front and
back end
ic Miscellaneous variables and configuration parame-
ters (see
Special Variables” on page 992)
mkf Multikeyed database statistics
net Network statistics
ppm Server Process Manager statistics
sec Security Service SLU statistics
sys Corresponds to the kernel sysinfo structure
vmm Virtual memory statistics
wfl WorkFlo use statistics
ELA Event
Names, Continued
Description, Continued
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 992
Compound Variables
A "variable” statement followed by a variable name and any legal arith-
metic expression(s) defines a compound variable. You can define a
compound variable anywhere in a report description file. No colon (:) or
period (.) can appear in a compound variable name.
The format of a compound variable description is
variable <variable_name> = <exp>
The following is an example of a compound variable. The variable
named "pkts” is defined to represent the SPP packet rate per hour.
variable pkts = (net.SPPpktsin.rate+net.SPPpktsout.rate) * 3600
Special Variables
Special variable names have only one part and, in most cases, cannot
be used with suffixes. Special variables can be time variables, configu-
ration-related variables, or program constants. Special variables in-
clude all variables of the nonELA category "ic.” Use the –s option of the
perf_report command for a complete list of these variables, as shown
corona(root)/> perf_report -sic
Data symbols for category: ic (Misc. and Configuration variables)
stanum t ndisks nqueues nevents nmkfdbs
sv_root sv_boot sv_file sv_index sv_doc sv_batch
sv_cache sv_print sv_osar sv_wfl sv_dtars sv_nch
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 993
Some useful special variables are listed below:
Suffixes are optional additions to names, which you can use whenever
they are semantically valid. Both ELA and nonELA variable names can
have one or two option suffixes. A period (.) separates a name from its
suffixes. There are two types of suffixes—data type and time function.
Semantically incorrect data type suffixes used with nonELA variables
are reported as parsing errors.
The following are the data type suffixes:
Variable Description
t Time interval in seconds between the two data record cur-
rently in use. Division by this variable is equivalent to using the
"rate” suffix. Use t instead of rate whenever there is an expres-
sion with a linear combination of rates.
stanum Server number on which the record was created
ndisks Number of magnetic drives in the configuration
nqueues Number of WorkFlo queues created (if any)
nevents Number of ELA events enabled for the station
nmkfdbs Number of MKF databases on the station
Data Type
count Usage count for the item (default data type suffix)
dura Usage duration for the item
size Byte count for the data item
dumax Maximum duration since software restart
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 994
The following are the time function suffixes:
The use of the rate suffix is equivalent to explicitly dividing the data
item by the t variable. See Special Variables” on page 992.
General functions are supported in expressions that you use in your re-
ports description file. Function arguments are general expressions,
and are separated by commas. The perf_report tool supports a maxi-
mum of 128 function arguments, subject to the limit on the total size of
dumin Minimum duration since software restart
szmax Maximum size since software restart
szmin Minimum size since software restart
duimax Maximum duration in the sample interval
duimin Minimum duration in the sample interval
szimax Maximum size in the sample interval
szimin Minimum size in the sample interval
Data Type
Suffix, Continued
Description, Continued
Time Function
Suffix Description
count Usage count for the item (default data type suffix)
cumu Absolute (cumulative) value of the data item
delta Incremental change (delta) between two data records
(delta is the default time function suffix)
rate Rate of change per second between two records
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 995
all expressions (see the discussion on expression limits under Soft
Reports” on page 981). The supported functions are listed below:
The following examples show the use of functions. The first example
computes the sum of the values represented by the rate of network
SPP packets received and the rate of network SPP packets sent:
The example below computes the maximum of the two values repre-
sented by sys.user and sys.kernel:
Function Description
sum(x1,x2,x3,...) Computes the sum of the arguments represented
by x
max(x1,x2,x3,...) Computes the maximum of the arguments repre-
sented by x
min(x1,x2,x3,...) Computes the minimum of the arguments repre-
sented by x
log(x) Computes the natural logarithm of x
log10(x) Computes the logarithm of x to base 10
exp(x) Computes the exponent of x
pow(x,y) Computes x to the y power
sqrt(x) Computes the square root of x
int(x) Truncates data by the value of x
round(x) Rounds off the value of x to the nearest integer
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 996
Report Construct
Once you have defined variables in the report description file, you can
define the report construct itself. The report construct consists of one
or more column statements, and optional group and variable state-
A "column” statement binds an expression and title string to a column
in the output report. You can use a group statement to group columns
under an optional subtitle. A variable statement within the report con-
struct defines compound variables that have scope only within the
given report from the next statement following the variable to the end of
the reports file.
The format of the report construct is as follows:
report <report_name> <title_string>
column <exp> title <title_string> [format
<fmt_string>] [sum] [average]
[group] [<title_string>]
title_string is a text string used as the title for a report or for columns
or groups. A report title is limited to one line. Column or group titles are
limited to 3 lines. Separate each line of a multiple-line title with the
backslash (\) character. The formatted string is centered over the re-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 997
In the case of columns, the string is centered in the column width. Col-
umn width is computed as the maximum of the column title string width
and the data format width. In the case of a group, the string is centered
over the group’s width. Group width is computed as the sum of the re-
spective column widths. Group titles extending beyond this width are
fmt_string is an optional three-part string that defines a left margin,
right margin, and a data format for the column. Margins default to a
value of zero. The three-part string is defined as follows:
[l#] [<data_fmt>] [r#]
<data_fmt>=<int_fmt> | <float_fmt>
The components of the format string are defined as follows:
Left margin position, where # is number of positions (default is 0).
Right margin position, where # is number of positions (default is 0).
Minimum width field expressed as an integer (<int_fmt>) or floating
point number (<float_fmt>). The minimum width field can be fol-
lowed by an optional period and second width field. The width
field(s) are followed by a data type symbol for integer (d) or floating
point (f). Data values are printed right justified.
Minimum width field expressed as an integer. The second width
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 998
field, if used, specifies the maximum data field width. (If not speci-
fied, the default is 5d.)
Minimum width field expressed as a floating point number. The
second width field, if used, specifies the maximum number of
places print to the right of the decimal point. (If not specified, the
default is 5.1f.)
sum generates optional summaries per column, printing the column
total at the bottom of the report
average generates optional summaries per column, printing the aver-
age per row (record) at the bottom of the report.
group creates a group of columns starting from the first column or
from the first column after the last "group” statement. It can provide an
optional title string to print centered over the group of columns. If used,
the optional title string must be three lines or less. Title lines are trun-
cated to fit over the total width of the column. Total width of the column
is determined by the width of each column in the group. The width of
each column is the maximum of the width of the column title and the
maximum data format width, truncated to a maximum of 16 characters.
Sample Output
To create the following sample report, perf_mon was run to collect per-
formance data for a specified interval. The captured data was written to
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 999
a log file /fnsw/tmp/log12096. The commands used to perform these
steps follow:
The next step was to create reports using the data collected and stored
in the log. This sample uses the Full Report option (–rful) and the de-
fault report description file. This combination creates a large amount of
data, sent to the standard output device (usually the terminal from
which you invoked perf_report). A better way to view the data is to redi-
rect the output reports to a file and use the less command to scroll
through the reports. The set of commands to perform those steps fol-
The following pages show a partial listing of the reports. Since this ex-
ample captured data every 5 seconds for 10 intervals, ten reports are
in the file. This example shows only one of those reports.
corona(root)/> perf_mon
perf_mon> sample /fnsw/tmp/log12096 5 10
perf_mon> quit
corona> perf_report /fnsw/tmp/log12096 -rful > /fnsw/
corona(root)/> ls /fnsw/tmp/t*
corona(root)/> less /fnsw/tmp/testperf
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1000
New_Day (00:00-00:00) (1) HQ-HAMLET
Base file : zz
Date-time : Wed Aug 31 11:32:35 2005
Date-time : Wed Aug 31 11:33:35 2005
WorkFlo NCH SQL RmtFile Security
NT Server hardware configuration:
CPUs Type PageSize Disks
-------- -------- -------- --------
4 Pentium 4096 0
CPU Utilization:
priority % total % n-idl ticks tot-cpu-time
-------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
idle 99.367 ----- 5962 59.620
kernel 0.450 71.053 27 0.270
user 0.183 28.947 11 0.110
wait 0.000 0.000 0 0.000
-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
100.000 100.000 6000 60.000
NT System Activity
36134 652999 21955 0
NT File System Activity
1412 20581 330 5013
SEC SLU Statistics:
Current Number of SLUs = 1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1001
SLU High Water Mark = 1
Maximum Allowed SLUs = 99999
Logon Rejections = 0
Soft Limit of SLUs = 99999
Soft Limit Violations = 0
PPM Process Starts = 0
PPM No Process = 0
Document Services -- Incremental Report for Wed Aug 31 11:33:35 2005
Docs Pages Cache Disk Errors
------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Committals: 0 0
Fast Batch: 0 0
Migrations (H): 204 204 204 0 0
Migrations (M): 0 0 0 0 0
Migrations (L): 0 0 0 0 0
Imports: 0 0
Summary of DOC Calls
Prefetch Calls: 0
Migrate Calls: 204
Async Migrate Calls: 0
Fast Batch Committals: 0
Client Page Requests: 204
Client Page Cache Hits: 204
Client Cache Hit Ratio %: 100.000
PageRD PageRD PageRD PageWR Reads Writes Reads Writes Loads
(H) (M) (L) (KB) (KB)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1002
Queue Removals: 0 RD(H), 0 RD(M), 0 RD(L), 0 WR, 0 BG
Arm Moves Op Loads Op Unloads
---------- ---------- ----------
Workspace : General WorkfloQueue : General
Operation Name Count Duration OraCount OraDurat LockCount LockDurat
-------------- --------- -------- -------- -------- --------- ---------
MKF Base Data File = C:\FNSW_LOC\SD\NCH_DB0
160 finds (52 single op)
0 inserts (0 single op)
0 updates 0 deletes 0 set_pos
27 begin_trans 21 end_trans 6 abort_trans
250 short_start 244 short_compl 6 short_abort
0 long_start 0 long_compl 0 long_abort
0 short->long 0 successful 0 deadlocks
341 readblocks 341 cachehits (100.00% hit ratio, 32 buffers)
Reads Blks Writes Blks
======== ====== ======== ======
AIJ: 0 0.00 0 0.00
BIJ: 0 0.00 0 0.00
DB: 0 0.00 0 0.00
0 shutdowns 3 open 0 close
15 open_cursor 0 close_cursor
84 get_item_num 72 bind
0 open_desc 0 close_desc
0 get_param 0 set_param
0 get_file 0 set_file
0 get_record 0 set_record
0 get_item 0 set_item
0 get_aij_bsn 0 update_avsp
0 trans_state 0 set_abortmode
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1003
0 getbuffer 341 divests 314 divestcompletely
160 search: 160 firsttry 0 forupdate
187 searchtable 0 insertkey 0 deletekey
0 merge calls: 0 table merges 0 table splits
204 finds (204 single op)
0 inserts (0 single op)
0 updates 0 deletes 0 set_pos
0 begin_trans 0 end_trans 0 abort_trans
226 short_start 226 short_compl 0 short_abort
0 long_start 0 long_compl 0 long_abort
0 short->long 0 successful 0 deadlocks
408 readblocks 396 cachehits ( 97.06% hit ratio, 312 buffers)
Reads Blks Writes Blks
======== ====== ======== ======
AIJ: 0 0.00 0 0.00
BIJ: 0 0.00 0 0.00
DB: 12 1.00 0 0.00
0 shutdowns 1 open 0 close
1 open_cursor 0 close_cursor
5 get_item_num 16 bind
0 open_desc 0 close_desc
0 get_param 0 set_param
0 get_file 0 set_file
0 get_record 0 set_record
0 get_item 0 set_item
0 get_aij_bsn 0 update_avsp
0 trans_state 0 set_abortmode
12 getbuffer 408 divests 408 divestcompletely
204 search: 204 firsttry 0 forupdate
204 searchtable 0 insertkey 0 deletekey
0 merge calls: 0 table merges 0 table splits
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1004
616 finds (1 single op)
0 inserts (0 single op)
204 updates 0 deletes 0 set_pos
411 begin_trans 409 end_trans 2 abort_trans
498 short_start 496 short_compl 2 short_abort
0 long_start 0 long_compl 0 long_abort
0 short->long 0 successful 0 deadlocks
1789 readblocks 1781 cachehits ( 99.55% hit ratio, 312 buffers)
Reads Blks Writes Blks
======== ====== ======== ======
AIJ: 204 2.87 204 2.87
BIJ: 0 0.00 0 0.00
DB: 27 1.00 19 1.00
0 shutdowns 2 open 0 close
8 open_cursor 0 close_cursor
14 get_item_num 64 bind
0 open_desc 0 close_desc
0 get_param 0 set_param
0 get_file 0 set_file
0 get_record 0 set_record
0 get_item 0 set_item
0 get_aij_bsn 0 update_avsp
204 trans_state 0 set_abortmode
390 getbuffer 1611 divests 1407 divestcompletely
972 search: 616 firsttry 356 forupdate
972 searchtable 178 insertkey 178 deletekey
0 merge calls: 0 table merges 0 table splits
MKF Base Data File = C:\FNSW\DEV\1\SEC_DB0
39 finds (36 single op)
0 inserts (0 single op)
3 updates 0 deletes 0 set_pos
2 begin_trans 2 end_trans 0 abort_trans
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1005
416 short_start 416 short_compl 0 short_abort
0 long_start 0 long_compl 0 long_abort
0 short->long 0 successful 0 deadlocks
89 readblocks 85 cachehits ( 95.51% hit ratio, 150 buffers)
Reads Blks Writes Blks
======== ====== ======== ======
AIJ: 2 2.50 2 2.50
BIJ: 0 0.00 0 0.00
DB: 4 1.00 0 0.00
0 shutdowns 3 open 0 close
33 open_cursor 0 close_cursor
51 get_item_num 294 bind
0 open_desc 0 close_desc
0 get_param 0 set_param
0 get_file 0 set_file
0 get_record 0 set_record
0 get_item 0 set_item
0 get_aij_bsn 0 update_avsp
0 trans_state 0 set_abortmode
7 getbuffer 89 divests 80 divestcompletely
39 search: 39 firsttry 0 forupdate
48 searchtable 0 insertkey 0 deletekey
0 merge calls: 0 table merges 0 table splits
Event Data for Category CSM (0) (4 of 40)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
( 6) OpenObject 204 0.000 0.000 0 0.00
( 7) CloseObject 203 0.000 0.016 0 0.03
(15) ReadObject 408 0.004 0.031 37303 1.50 10132.91
(30) Logon1 1 0.015 0.015 0 0.01
Event Data for Category DOC (1) (2 of 50)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1006
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
(26) MigrateWSSNFromO 204 0.002 0.063 0 0.33
(30) Logon1 1 0.032 0.032 0 0.03
Event Data for Category INX (2) (0 of 85)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
Event Data for Category PRI (3) (0 of 25)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
Event Data for Category BES (4) (0 of 75)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
Event Data for Category SEC (20) (4 of 60)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
(19) FindSystemDefaul 2 0.000 0.000 0 0.00
(52) FindObject2 2 0.000 0.000 0 0.00
(53) FindEndpt2 1 0.000 0.000 0 0.00
(55) Logon2 1 0.063 0.063 0 0.06
Event Data for Category SQI (23) (0 of 20)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
Event Data for Category FIL (24) (0 of 12)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1007
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
Event Data for Category WQS (26) (0 of 45)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
Event Data for Category CPT (29) (1 of 8)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
Event Data for Category NCH (61) (2 of 127)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
( 7) ListObjects 6 0.000 0.000 36 0.00
(38) RetrieveTimedIte 15 0.000 0.000 0 0.00
Event Data for Category PSMc (74) (0 of 10)
==== ================ ======== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
end report
Event Data Definitions
As an example, Event Data for Category NCH (61) (2 of 127) bold in
the sample above - This line represents the name of the Major event
category for Network Clearinghouse, which is major event #61 in the
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1008
elacodes file. It has been assigned 127 minor events (or RPCs) and of
those 127, 2 have been active since software restart (possibly occur-
ring before the report was started).
Event - The minor event code from the elacodes file that was active in
this reporting interval.
MINOR CODE - The minor event name from the elacodes file that was
active in this reporting interval.
COUNT - The number of this specific event that happened during the
reporting interval.
AVG DUR - The average duration of this event during the reporting in-
IVAL MAX - The maximum duration of this event that occurred in this
reporting interval. This is only accurate if the reporting interval is the
same as the sample interval. If you run a report with the "-rful" option
and no reporting interval change options, the sample interval equals
the reporting interval. However, if you run perf_report -rful -m1 -n99,
which writes one report interval for all 99 samples, the IVAL MAX will
be the maximum of the last sample interval.
AVG SIZE - The average size of this event (if applicable) during the re-
porting interval.
TOT DUR - The total duration across all occurrences of this event that
happened during the reporting interval.
KB/SEC - The number of Kilobytes per second (if applicable) related to
this event that happened during the reporting interval.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1009
Sample Reports
The following reports provide you with a sample of output for each re-
port type. These particular samples were generated on an AIX Com-
bined server. Reports are similar across supported platforms.
Scout Report
To use the perf_report output directly with Scout, use the following syn-
perf_report -rscout -ph -csv > scout.txt
The -csv option is a requirement.
This example illustrates how to use a combination of options to get the
report into a format that can be imported into Scout.
The following example shows the report generated when running perf_
report to generate the scout report. This report provides the baseline
demand for a system being upgraded using the Scout sales tool. Using
the -ph option collects the data hourly in chronological order, as the
Scout product expects to see the data. The -tsv option formats the in-
formation in columns separated by tabs, making it easy to import into
an Excel Spreadsheet.
elcapitan(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> perf_report -rscout -ph -tsv
Log file defaulting to /fnsw/local/sd/1/perflog
Scout Overlay Sheet Data for Wednesday, September 15, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) eln
Daily CPU, Network, Osar, and Optical Drive Demands
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1010
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------- -------
00:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
01:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
02:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
03:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
04:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
05:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
06:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
07:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
08:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
09:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
10:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
11:00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12:00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
13:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
14:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
15:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
16:00 0.00 0.00 * * * * * *
17:00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - -
18:00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - -
19:00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - -
20:00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - -
21:00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - -
22:00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - -
23:00 0.00 0.00 - - - - - -
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ -
AVG: 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
+ Data item(s) for this column are not relevant to the station type
- Data item(s) for this column were not logged
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1011
Batch Services Report
The batch services (batch entry) report ( displays
information about batch activity.
You can generate this report using the perf_report -rbs command.
Batch Entry Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU CreateBatc Open Batch CommitBatc CreatImage WriteImage Read Image Create Doc Update Doc
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
10:00 72 1 3 24 25 0.0 26 0.0 2 0.0 2284 0.0 2291 0.2 14 0.0 2426 0.0 16 0.0
09:45 95 0 1 4 11 0.0 0 * 0 * 249 0.0 248 0.2 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
SUM: 36 26 2 2533 2539 14 2426 16
AVG: 98 0 0 2 2 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0 127 0.0 127 0.2 1 0.0 121 0.0 1 0.0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1012
Cache Services Report
The cache services report (cmb1.csm.Aug31.txt) displays information
about the activity of objects in cache.
Cache Services Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU Create Obj Open Obj Close Obj Delete Obj Find Objs Read Obj Write Obj Copy Obj Move Obj
CSM Hits
----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- --------
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- -
--- ---------
10:00 72 1 3 24 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0
* *
09:45 95 0 1 4 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0
* *
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1013
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -
---- ---- ---------
SUM: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note You can generate this report using the perf_report -rcsm command.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1014
Customer Service Report
As shown in the following example (cmb.css.Apr27.txt), the css report
identifies the collection times at the far left. It displays three groups of
information collected exactly at the time specified. The first two groups
summarize CPU and disk performance. The last group summarizes si-
multaneous logged on users (SLUs). (See
CSS Report SLU Column
Descriptions” on page 1016.)
CSS Summary Report for Tuesday, April 27, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) redondo
------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
--- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------
16:30 19 7 18 56 200 2 12 99999 0 99999 0
16:15 20 6 15 59 198 3 12 99999 0 99999 0
16:00 21 6 15 58 198 3 12 99999 0 99999 0
15:45 19 7 16 58 197 3 12 99999 0 99999 0
15:30 20 7 16 57 95 4 12 99999 0 99999 0
15:15 45 14 23 18 44 3 12 99999 0 99999 0
15:00 38 7 47 8 18 2 12 99999 0 99999 0
14:45 26 9 28 36 123 3 12 99999 0 99999 0
14:30 17 9 22 53 197 3 12 99999 0 99999 0
14:15 18 7 18 57 198 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
14:00 20 6 16 58 198 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
13:45 20 6 16 58 196 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
13:30 20 7 15 58 188 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
13:15 21 6 16 58 196 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
13:00 47 3 44 6 16 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
12:45 62 5 27 5 11 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
12:30 22 5 16 57 201 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1015
12:15 21 5 16 58 204 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
12:00 21 5 16 58 204 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
11:45 53 5 10 32 108 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
11:30 58 10 10 21 65 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
11:15 19 7 15 59 203 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
11:00 20 6 15 60 202 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
10:45 18 7 15 60 203 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
10:30 31 5 26 38 127 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
10:15 46 5 41 8 18 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
10:00 23 7 17 53 175 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
09:45 19 6 15 60 203 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
09:30 16 11 17 56 215 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
09:15 20 6 15 59 201 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
09:00 20 6 15 59 201 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
08:45 20 6 15 60 201 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
08:30 25 5 19 51 173 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
08:15 50 4 43 4 6 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
08:00 31 6 22 41 131 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
07:45 20 5 15 60 203 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
07:30 20 5 15 60 203 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
07:15 20 5 14 60 201 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
07:00 20 5 14 60 201 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
06:45 21 5 14 60 200 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
06:30 21 5 14 60 200 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
06:15 46 4 41 9 26 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
06:00 25 5 19 51 171 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
04:00 25 5 19 51 170 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
02:00 28 5 21 46 150 1 12 99999 0 99999 0
--- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------
SUM: 0 0
AVG: 27 6 20 47 159 1 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1016
Note You can generate this report using the perf_report -rcss command.
CSS Report SLU Column Descriptions
Heading Description
CURRENT Displays the number of users logged onto the
Image Services system at the end of the report
sample interval
PEAK Displays the highest number of users logged on
since the Image Services system was last recycled.
This parameter is called the "maximum usage” in
the report displayed with the SEC_tool license
MAX ALLOWED License management policy enables users to obtain
Universal SLAC keys that set this value to 99,999.
Although other system constraints would prevent
this many users from logging onto an Image
Services server at the same time, this number indi-
cates that up to 99,999 users can log on simulta-
Customers are still bound not to exceed the license
quantity purchased; however, the Universal SLAC
keys do not lockout connections. Comparison of
report results with customer license configurations
is a sales team activity.
This field is called the "hard SLU limit” in the report
displayed with the SEC_tool license command.
REJECTS This field does not apply to the current software
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1017
SOFT CUTOFF License management policy enables users to obtain
Universal SLAC keys that set this value to 99,999.
Although other system constraints would prevent
this many users from logging onto an Image
Services server at the same time, this number indi-
cates that up to 99,999 users can log on simulta-
Customers are still bound not to exceed the license
quantity purchased; however, the Universal SLAC
keys do not lockout connections. Comparison of
report results with customer license configurations
is a sales team activity.
This field is called the "soft SLU limit” in the report
displayed with the SEC_tool license command.
SOFT VIOLATIONS This field does not apply to the current software
CSS Report SLU Column Descriptions
Heading Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1018
Document Services Report
The document services report (cmb1.doc.Aug31.txt) displays detailed
information about document activity.
Document Services Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU Commit Doc MigToOD MigFromOD Prefetch Creat Anno Get Annot Batch Crt Batch Wrt
Batch Cls
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -
---- ----
10:00 72 1 3 24 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
09:45 95 0 1 4 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1019
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -
---- ----
SUM: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note You can generate this report using the perf_report -rdoc command.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1020
Document Services Summary Report
The document services summary report (cmb1.ds.Aug31.txt) displays
summary information about document activity.
You can generate this report using the perf_report -rds command.
Document Services Summary for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU DS Frontend DS Backend
----------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
--- -- -- -- ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --
--- -----
10:00 72 1 3 24 2291 14 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 4
09:45 95 0 1 4 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
--- -- -- -- ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ --
--- -----
SUM: 2539 14 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 4 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 127 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1021
Processor Summary Report
The processor summary report (cmb1.aix_sum.Aug31.txt) displays
general information about system activity.
You can generate this report using the perf_report -raix_sum com-
AIX Processor Summary Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
------------ ----------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----
--- -- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -
10:00 72 1 3 24 31 377 206 775 0 0 37 14 92 13 16 94 16 6 0
09:45 95 0 1 4 4 63 58 275 0 0 3 3 7 1 2 6 1 0 0
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 2 28 249 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 400 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 399 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 401 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 2 28 399 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 398 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 398 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 401 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 2 28 399 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 2 28 398 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 398 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 401 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 398 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 3 28 400 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 400 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
04:00 99 0 0 0 1 7 30 400 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 3 28 402 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 2 28 400 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
--- -- -- -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -
AVG: 98 0 0 2 2 24 38 405 0 0 3 2 6 1 1 5 1 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1022
Index Services Report
The index services report (cmb1.inx.Aug31.txt) displays indexing activ-
Index Services Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU Create Dir Get Dir Update Dir Delete Dir Find Dirs File Doc Unfile Doc Find Folds
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -
---- ----
10:00 72 1 3 24 0 * 6 0.0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
09:45 95 0 1 4 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1023
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -
---- ----
SUM: 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note You can generate this report using the perf_report -rinx command.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1024
Network Clearinghouse (NCH) Report
The network clearinghouse report (cmb1.nch.Aug31.txt) displays activ-
ity for NCH objects, properties, and items.
You can generate this report using the perf_report -rnch command.
Network Clearinghouse Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU LookupObj ListObjs ListProps RetrItem CreateObj DeleteObj AddItem DeleteProp
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
10:00 72 1 3 24 0 * 31 0.0 0 * 7 0.0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:45 95 0 1 4 0 * 21 0.0 0 * 6 0.0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
SUM: 0 52 0 13 0 0 0 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 0 3 0.0 0 1 0.0 0 0 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1025
Storage Library (OSAR) Load Report
The storage library (OSAR) load summary (cmb1.ol.Aug31.txt) dis-
plays loading activity in the storage libraries.
You can generate this report using the perf_report -rol command.
OSAR Load Summary for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU OSAR Cartridge Loads
------------ -------------------------------------------------------------
--- -- -- -- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
10:00 72 1 3 24 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
09:45 95 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
--- -- -- -- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
SUM: 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
AVG: 98 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1026
Image Prefetch Activity Report
The image prefetch activity report ( displays statis-
tics on image retrieval from optical storage libraries to cache and im-
age prefetching activity.
Image Prefetch Activity Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU Doc Migration (High,Med Pri) Doc Migration (Low Pri,incl Prefetches)
------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
%I %K %U %W Reqsts Reqsts CacheHits %HitRatio DiskReads Reqsts Reqsts CacheHits %HitRatio DiskReads
--- -- -- -- ------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------ --------- --------- ---------
10:00 72 1 3 24 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
09:45 95 0 1 4 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0
--- -- -- -- ------- -------- -------- ---------- --------- ------ ------ --------- --------- ---------
SUM: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note You can generate this report using the perf_report -rpf command.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1027
Client Page Request Report
The client page request report (cmb1.cpr.Aug31.txt) displays statistics
on image retrieval from optical storage libraries and cache from the
IDM Desktop Client point of view.
Client Page Request Report for Tuesday, August 31, 2004 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
%I %K %U %W Client Page Client Cache Cache Hit Ratio Disk Reads
Requests Hits (PAGES) (PAGES)
--- -- -- -- ----------- ------------- --------------- ----------
22:00 16 8 11 65 3767 0 0.00 6102
20:00 16 8 11 65 3781 0 0.00 8024
18:00 16 9 11 64 3759 0 0.00 6080
16:00 18 9 11 63 3763 0 0.00 6022
14:00 16 8 11 65 3758 0 0.00 5886
12:00 16 8 11 65 3785 0 0.00 6086
10:00 17 8 11 64 3722 0 0.00 6044
08:00 18 9 11 63 3774 0 0.00 8086
06:00 16 8 11 65 3769 0 0.00 6036
04:00 16 8 11 65 3798 0 0.00 6048
02:00 16 8 11 65 3719 0 0.00 5866
00:00 18 9 11 63 3744 0 0.00 6111
--- -- -- -- ---------- ------------- --------------- ----------
SUM: 49139 0 76391
AVG: 17 8 11 64 4095 0 0.00 6366
Note You can generate this report using the perf_report -rcpr command.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1028
Print Activity Report
The print activity report (cmb1.prt.Aug31.txt) displays information on
print services activity.
You can generate this report using the perf_report -rprt command.
Print Activity Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU PrintDocs PrintData PSM:PrntPg PSM:Cancel Complete
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
10:00 72 1 3 24 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:45 95 0 1 4 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
SUM: 0 0 0 0 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1029
Security Services Report
The Security Services report (cmb1.sec.Aug31.txt) displays informa-
tion about security services activity. The following sample output is an
abbreviated example:
You can generate this report using the perf_report -rsec command.
Security Services Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
CPU Logon Logoff ChkAccess ChkMember GetSecInfo GetMemberL GetSysInfo SetSysInfo
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
10:00 72 1 3 24 0 * 7 0.0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:45 95 0 1 4 0 * 3 0.0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
SUM: 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 0 1 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1030
SQL Services Report
The SQL services report (cmb1.sql.Jan31.txt) displays information on
SQL services activity.
You can generate this report using the perf_report -rsql command.
SQL Services Report for Friday, January 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) corona
CPU ExecSQL CreateCurs ExecCursor Fetch DropCursor BeginT rans Cancel Logon
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ---- ---------- -------
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
09:15 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
09:00 95 4 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:45 96 4 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:30 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:15 95 4 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
08:00 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:45 95 4 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:30 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:15 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
07:00 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:45 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:30 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:15 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
06:00 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
04:00 95 4 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
02:00 96 3 1 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
SUM: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AVG: 96 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1031
Service Activity Report
The service activity report ( displays information
about service process activity in the FileNet system.
Service activity for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -
--------- ---------- ----------
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -
---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
10:00 72 1 3 24 14561 0.0 0 * 8 0.0 17 0.0 38 0.0 0 * 38 0.0 0 *
- - - - 0 *
09:45 95 0 1 4 789 0.1 0 * 0 * 0 * 27 0.0 0 * 23 0.0 0 *
- - - - 0 *
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1032
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
- - - - 0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -
---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
SUM: 15350 0 8 17 65 0 61 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 768 0.1 0 0 0.0 1 0.0 3 0.0 0 3 0.0 0
Note You can generate this report using the perf_report -rsv command.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1033
WorkFlo Activity Report
The WorkFlo activity report (cmb1.wfl.Aug31.txt) displays activity asso-
ciated with the WorkFlo queues and database. In the sample report
below, the last "Dura” column heading of the report has been truncated
to accommodate available space. Your actual output display presents
all field headings.
WorkFlo Activity Report for Tuesday, August 31, 1999 (00:00-00:00) (1) elcapitan
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -
--------- ---------- ----------
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -
---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
10:00 72 1 3 24 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
09:45 95 0 1 4 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
09:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
09:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
09:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
08:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
08:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
08:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
08:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
07:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
07:30 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1034
07:15 100 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
07:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
06:45 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
06:30 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
06:15 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
06:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
04:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
02:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
01:00 99 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 *
0 * 0 * 0 *
--- -- -- -- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -
---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
SUM: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
AVG: 98 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
Note You can generate this report using the perf_report -rwfl command.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1035
Before you use perf_report, be aware of the following:
The performance monitoring and data collection tool, perf_mon,
starts automatically when you start the FileNet software. You can
run perf_report against the existing data collected by perf_mon and
written to the log file (the UNIX default is /fnsw/local/sd/1/perflog;
Windows Server default is \fnsw_loc\sd\1\perflog). However, you
can also run perf_mon from the command line to collect specific or
time-dependent performance data.
Output from perf_report can be lengthy. You can redirect output to
a file or pipe the output to the less command for ease of viewing.
For example, the following command redirects output:
perf_report /fnsw/tmp/log112196 –rful > /fnsw/tmp/myfile /
less /fnsw/tmp/myfile
and this command pipes the output to the less command:
perf_report /fnsw/tmp/log112196 –rful | less
The full report with no other options (as used above) generates a full
report for every sample taken.
If you want to write one report for all samples, run the following com-
perf_report –ml –i<n samples> /fnsw/tmp/log112196 >
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1036
1 Select performance data source.
You can use the existing data automatically collected by the perf_mon
tool or run perf_mon from the command line to retrieve new perfor-
mance data.
2 Run perf_report.
Enter the perf_report command with the parameters required to format
and display performance data.
Related Topics
getreports” on page 524
log_dir” on page 708
log_extract” on page 711
perf_mon” on page 963
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1037
When Protocol Process Manager (PPM) logging is enabled with the
debug option of PPMOI, information is written to a circular log buffer in-
side PPM. When activated, the ppm_log tool writes the contents of the
log buffer to a file.
If logging is activated but ppm_log is not running, the logged informa-
tion just cycles through the log buffer. If PPM should hang or if you
want to see the log information, you can run ppm_log at any time.
Once started, ppm_log runs in a loop, logging information from the log
buffer to the log file once per second.
The ppm_log tool runs in the background. You can terminate ppm_log
at any time using either the kill command with either the interrupt (INT)
or terminate (TERM) signal. Use the ps command to obtain the ppm_
log process ID, which is required input to the kill command.
Do not use kill –9 to terminate ppm_log. Doing so can hang your Im-
age Services system.
Use ppm_log to write PPM log information to a file for viewing with a
text editor. The log information can help you to investigate PPM hang
conditions or to analyze problems in OCOR_listen or PPM software
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1038
ppm_log <logfilename>
<logfilename> The full path name of the file to receive logging information. The default
for UNIX platforms is /fnsw/local/logs/cor/ppm_log and for Windows
Server platforms is <drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\cor\ppm_log.
Before you use ppm_log, be aware that you should not use kill –9 to
terminate ppm_log. Doing so can hang the Image Services system.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
PPMOI” on page 1039
Use the UNIX man kill command to display the related on-line manual
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1039
PPMOI is the operator interface to the Protocol Process Manager
(PPM) shared library. Use this tools options to analyze server pro-
cesses. In addition to displaying the current status and configuration of
each FileNet subsystem, use PPMOI to test changes before making
them permanent.
Use PPMOI (Protocol Process Manager Operator Interface) to perform
the following tasks:
Temporarily increase the allowable number of request handlers
started on a server
Debug or temporarily alleviate problems with server processes
Obtain Remote Procedure Call (RPC) counts and performance sta-
Obtain statistics for RPC connection queuing
Use the connection service and queuing statistics of PPMOI to
properly tune the number of request handlers available on your Im-
age Services server.
Connection queuing is implemented for UNIX platforms only.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1040
You can also capture information with a debugging option. PPM stores
log information in a circular buffer. You can write its contents to a file
using the ppm_log tool. (See
ppm_log” on page 1037.)
Choosing the appropriate number of service request handlers (also
called "server stubs”) enhances overall FileNet system performance.
You must allocate enough request handlers to provide good subsystem
response time. However, specifying too many request handlers for any
of the server processes could needlessly use up resources.
PPMOI can help you tune service request handlers when you are trou-
bleshooting a sluggish FileNet system or one that often stops operat-
ing due to system overload.
To permanently increase the number of request handlers, you must
edit the serverConfig.custom file.
The processes that use the serverConfig file are designed to search for
a file named serverConfig.custom first, and if it does not exist, to use
the default serverConfig file. If you do not already have a serverCon-
fig.custom file, make a copy of your original serverConfig file and
name it serverConfig.custom. You should make any future edits to your
serverConfig.custom file.
For UNIX platforms, PPMOI attempts to locate the serverConfig.cus-
tom file, if it exists, or the serverConfig file in /fnsw/local/sd. If it doesn’t
find the file, PPMOI looks for it in the default directory, /fnsw/etc.
On a Windows Server platform, PPMOI searches the following equiva-
lent directories:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1041
For a detailed description of serverConfig file parameters, see the
most current System Reference Guide. To download IBM FileNet doc-
umentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet
Documentation” on page 19.
Before changing the maximum number of request handlers for any
subsystem, see
Service Request Handlers” on page 1061.
When you start PPMOI, the PPMOI> prompt displays at which you can
enter PPMOI commands.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1042
To display a list of PPMOI commands, enter PPMOI (uppercase) at a
system command line prompt, as shown below:
See the following descriptions of each PPMOI command.
This section lists PPMOI commands in alphabetical order. Uppercase
letters of the command indicate the minimum number of characters
that you can enter to run the command.
Initiates a PPM cleanup function to get rid of all unused processes. As
an option, you can initiate the cleanup any time using this command.
The system automatically initiates this function when:
corona(root)/> PPMOI
FileNet PPM Operator Interface COMMANDS
Cleanup - Initiates PPM's process cleanup routine.[cleanup|c]
Debug - Turns PPM_DEBUG on and off.[debug|d]
debugger- Allows server stub to start by itself.[debugger|db]
Help - Gets you this list.[help|h]
Modify - Change max or opt value of one entry in table.[modify|m]
Resume - Restores all max values to original setting.[resume|r]
SHow - Displays all the entries in the PPM table.[show|sh]
STatus - Displays server stub process status.[status|st]
SUspend - Changes all max values in the PPM table to 0.[suspend|su]
RPcqueue- Display entries in RPC queues.[rpcqueue|rp]
QPerf - Display RPC queue performance statistics.[qperf|qp]
ThreadPool - Display Thread pooling statistics.[tp]
ServiceStat - Display status for all services.[svc]
ListenerStat - Display status for all services.[l]
PrefetchStat - Display status for all services.[pre]
Quit - Terminates the Operator Interface session.[quit|q]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1043
All server stubs are busy, or
Before Cormon displays data to avoid displaying information about
server processes that have already exited.
Turns the debug option in PPM on and off. When toggled on, PPM logs
diagnostic messages using the ppm_log program.
The debug option displays the current status followed by a prompt to
maintain the current setting or change it:
Press Enter to maintain the current selection; enter on to turn on the
debugger; enter off to turn it off.
Enables you to turn the debugger on or off.
PPMOI> debug
Change PPM_DEBUG to 'on' 'off' or <CR>:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1044
When you enter debugger, a warning message displays informing you
whether the debugger is on or off followed by a prompt:
Press Enter to maintain the current selection; enter on to turn on the
debugger; enter off to turn it off.
Displays a list of PPMOI commands with a brief description of each.
PPMOI> debugger
The debugger option is for FileNet programming use
debugger option is OFF
Change debugging option to 'on' 'off' or <CR>:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1045
Modify [<entry#>]
Temporarily changes the maximum and optimum numbers for any of
the server processes started by PPM. Use the SHow [<entry#>]
STatus [<entry#>]
command to obtain a specific PPM table entry
number to modify. For example, to change the maximum number of
server processes for PPM table entry 16:
When changing the value, you must enter a positive number and it
must be greater than the previous number. To permanently change the
maximum values assigned to a request handler, you must edit the
serverConfig.custom file.
See also Event Log Output” on page 1060 and Service Request
Handlers” on page 1061 for more information about when to consider
permanent changes to the serverConfig.custom file.
QPerf [<entry#>]
Displays RPC queue performance statistics. QPerf displays the queue-
ing statistics for all remote programs or if requested, for a single entry.
To obtain the number of a PPM entry, run the show or status com-
mand. Select a PPM entry number from the Entry column of the show
report or the # column of the status report. See
QPerf Command
Output” on page 1057 for a sample of QPerf output and a description
of the fields in the report.
Connection queuing is implemented for UNIX platforms only.
PPMOI> modify 16
Modify Table - Enter Entry Number or <CR>: 16
Enter maximum value or <CR>: 32
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1046
Display thread pooling statistics.[tp]
Used to monitor COR_Listen worker threads status.
Display status for all services.[svc]
Max worker threads: 540, current: 43
slot tid type state count
------ --- ------ ----- ---------------
0 258 NCHs WAIT 0
1 515 CSMs WAIT 0
41 11823 CPTs WAIT 6898
42 12337 CPTs WAIT 6904
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1047
Used to monitor COR_Listen remote program services status.
Display status for all services.[l]
Used to monitor COR_Listen listener threads status.
PPMOI> svc
Max worker threads: 540, current: 43
Total connq entries: 0
total busy max wrkrs total tot free
type workers workers allowed qentries qentries
------ -------- ------- --------- -------- ---------
NCHs 1 0 24 0 5000
CSMs 1 0 24 0 5000
PEDs 1 0 12 0 5000
BIGs 1 0 99 0 5000
Max worker threads: 540, current: 43
Max listener threads: 3, current: 3
Max prefetch threads: 500, current prefetch threads: 5 free prefetch threads: 5
Current connection queue entries: 0
Current connection free queue entries: 30000
slot tid state count
----- ------ ------------ ----------------
0 1 WAIT_ILK 23538
1 8996 WAIT_ILK 23542
2 9253 WAIT_ACPT 23527
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1048
Display status for all services.[pre]
Used to monitor COR_Listen pre-fetch threads status
Terminates the PPMOI tool.
Resets the maximum processes to the values currently set in the serv-
erConfig.custom file. Use resume after a suspend command to allow
new requests for service to be processed. (See
SUspend” on
page 1050.)
RPcqueue [<entry#>]
Displays the state of the connection queue at a particular instant for a
single entry or all entries in the PPM table. If you do not specify an en-
try, this command displays all entries. To obtain the number of a PPM
entry, run the SHow [<entry#>]
or STatus [<entry#>] command. Se-
PPMOI> pre
Max worker threads: 540, current: 43
Max listener threads: 3, current: 3
Max prefetch threads: 500, current prefetch threads: 5 free prefetch threads: 4
slot tid state count
------ ------ -------------- ----------------
0 9510 WAIT_CONN 15549
1 10281 PREFETCHING 15587
2 12080 WAIT_CONN 15319
3 12594 WAIT_CONN 15402
4 12851 WAIT_CONN 15039
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1049
lect a PPM entry number from the Entry column of the show report or
the # column of the status report.
SHow [<entry#>]
Lists the maximum and optimum numbers for a single entry or all en-
tries in the PPM tables. If you do not specify an entry, this command
displays all entries. To obtain the number of a PPM entry, run the show
or status command. Select a PPM entry number from the Entry col-
umn of the show report or the # column of the status report. See
Show Command Output” on page 1051 for a sample of show out-
put and a description of the fields in the report.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1050
STatus [<entry#>]
Displays connection service statistics by server process, by remote
program (such as Batch Entry Services or WorkFlo Queues Services),
and by total for all remote programs or a single PPM entry. To obtain
the number of a PPM entry, run the show or status command. Select a
PPM entry number from the Entry column of the show report or the #
column of the status report. See
Status Command Output” on
page 1054 for a sample of status output and a description of the fields
in the report.
Changes the maximum value for all entries in the PPM table to zero,
which suspends any new requests for service.
Although this command does change all request handlers to zero, it
does not prevent existing ones from servicing requests. It only works
when issued before PPM has allocated any requests handlers.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1051
Sample Output
The following sections show sample output from issuing PPMOI com-
Show Command Output
PPMOI> show
Entry Program Name Program # Ver # Max Total Idle NoPrc MaxQSz
===== ============== ========= ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ======
0: NCHs 2 2 12 0 0 0 64
1: CSMs 134231040 1 12 0 0 0 64
2: DOCs 134231041 1 12 0 0 0 64
3: INXs 134231042 1 12 0 0 0 64
4: PRIs 134231043 1 12 0 0 0 64
5: BESs 134231044 1 8 0 0 0 64
6: PSMs 134231050 2 4 0 0 0 64
7: RMKs 134231051 1 1 0 0 0 64
8: OSIs 134231052 1 3 0 0 0 64
9: DLIs 134231053 1 5 0 0 0 64
10: OSSs 134231054 1 3 0 0 0 64
11: DLSs 134231055 1 8 0 0 0 64
12: BRBs 134231056 1 1 0 0 0 64
13: BRRs 134231057 1 1 0 0 0 64
14: TAPs 134231058 1 1 0 0 0 64
15: dbintf 134231059 1 12 0 0 0 64
16: SECs 134231060 1 12 0 0 0 64
17: SKFs 134231061 1 12 0 0 0 64
18: SQIs 134231063 1 10 0 0 0 64
19: FILs 134231064 1 6 0 0 0 64
20: WQSs 134231066 1 12 0 0 0 64
21: CPTs 134231069 1 32 0 0 0 64
22: RJEs 134231070 1 3 0 0 0 64
23: OSCs 134231072 1 3 0 0 0 64
24: FSMs 134231073 1 6 0 0 0 64
25: CDBs 134231074 1 6 0 0 0 64
26: BRDs 134231075 1 12 0 0 0 64
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1052
27: BRTs 134231076 1 12 0 0 0 64
28: BRRMKs 134231077 1 12 0 0 0 64
29: VWSs 134231078 1 64 0 0 0 64
30: VWRs 134231079 1 64 0 0 0 64
Program Name
The request handler’s program name
Program #
A system-assigned program number
Ver #
The program’s version number
The currently defined maximum number of request handlers
If you changed this value using PPMOI, the Max field identifies that
temporary value. (See
Modify [<entry#>]” on page 1045 and
SUspend” on page 1050.)
If you reset the server or restore the permanent values, this field
identifies the maximum number of request handlers set in the serv-
erConfig.custom file. (See
Resume” on page 1048.)
The total number of request handlers started up since the last reboot
of the system
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1053
The number of request handlers currently loaded into memory
The number of "no process” occurrences for this type of request han-
dler (that is, the number of times this process was not available be-
cause the maximum number had been reached)
The maximum connection queue size. The value is obtained from the
serverConfig.custom file in /fnsw/local/sd or in /fnsw/etc. If the value is
not present in serverConfig.custom, the default maximum of 64 is as-
sumed. Queue sizes greater than 64 are lowered to 64.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1054
Status Command Output
Each entry in the status listing includes the following information:
The entry number in the PPM table
Program name
The request handler name
PPMOI-3> st
# Name Number Vers MaxProc No Proc
==== ============ ========= ==== ======= =======
0 NCHs 2 2 12 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time RPC Max Time Stamp
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ======== === ===================
190488 available/idle 27 0.0198 0.0027 0.0253 116 2005/06/01 17:54:24
1 CSMs 134231040 1 12 0 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time RPC Max Time Stamp
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ======== === ===================
201950 available/idle 15 5.8323 0.0013 73.8635 5 2005/06/01 18:22:31
2 DOCs 134231041 1 1 0 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time RPC Max Time Stamp
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ======== === ===================
193536 available/idle 16 0.0617 0.0013 0.6568 35 2005/06/01 18:03:25
3 INXs 134231042 1 1 0 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time RPC Max Time Stamp
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ======== === ===================
194906 available/idle 28 0.4814 0.0012 11.0283 12 2005/06/01 18:24:30
16 SECs 134231060 1 1 0 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time RPC Max Time Stamp
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ======== === ===================
38448 available/idle 14 0.0261 0.0189 0.0494 0 2005/06/01 17:54:24
Grand Totals Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time
======== ======== ======== ========
100 1.0285 0.0012 73.8635
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1055
Program number
The request handler’s Courier program number
The Courier version number of the request handler
The currently defined maximum number of request handlers
If you changed this value using PPMOI, the MaxProc field identifies
that temporary value. (See
Modify [<entry#>]” on page 1045
SUspend” on page 1050.)
If you reset the server or restore the permanent values, this field
identifies the maximum number of request handlers set in the serv-
erConfig.custom file. (See
Resume” on page 1048.)
No Proc
The number of "no process” occurrences for this request handler (that
is, the number of RPCs rejected when this process was not available
because the maximum number had been reached)
The process IDs of the request handlers that are loaded into memory
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1056
The status of the request handler. The table below lists each status
and its description that you can see in the report:
Number of connections processed by this pid
Avg Time
Average process time of all connections
Min Time
The fastest process time for any connection
Max Time
The duration of the longest Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
The remote procedure number of the longest RPC
Status Description
available/idle The request handler is idle and available for an in-
coming request.
active The request handler is active.
conInProgress The request handler is starting up.
terminating The request handler is terminating.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1057
Max Time Stamp
The date and time at the end of the longest RPC
Totals for each column of the report for the named process (for exam-
ple, CPTs)
Grand Totals
Totals for each column of the report for all processes for all programs
running at the time of this report
QPerf Command Output
The entry number in the PPM table
The request handler name
PPMOI> qp 28
# Name On Max Alloc OnQ Hiwt DQ # QOps Avg Time Min Time Max Time
=== ====== == ==== ===== ==== ==== == ======== ======== ======== ========
28 CPTs 1 64 64 0 4 0 795961 0.5247 0.1057 45.8849
Totals # QOps Avg Time Min Time Max Time
======== ======== ======== ========
795961 0.5247 0.1057 45.8849
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1058
Flag indicating the status of connection queuing. Flag values are:
0 Queuing is disabled.
1 Queueing is enabled.
Maximum number of connections allowed on a connection queue
Number of connections queue structures that have been allocated
Number of connections currently on the queue
The high water mark indicating the maximum number of queued con-
Flag indicating that a connection is in the process of being dequeued
# QOps
The number of queue operations that have been performed since the
Image Services software started
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1059
Avg Time
The average time that a connection spent on the queue
Min Time
The minimum time that a connection spent on the queue
Max Time
The maximum time that a connection spent on the queue
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1060
Event Log Output
PPMOI is most often used to address problems identified from entries
in the event log. Events and errors are logged to the following files:
/fnsw/local/logs/elogs/elog<yyyymmdd> for UNIX servers
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\elogs\elog<yyyymmdd> for Windows servers
The following is an example of a log entry:
This message indicates that the number of requests for the request
handler, identified by the program number 134231061, exceeded the
number that the system is configured for. Use the Modify option to tem-
porarily increase the maximum value until the higher demand for that
process is reduced.
PPM uses an algorithm to queue connections if all server processes
for a given program are busy. Queued connections offer much better
system robustness when processing heavy bursts of traffic.
However, if the number of server processes is set too low and connec-
tions are consistently queued, it significantly affects server response
time. Use the status command and the QPerf command to obtain the
total number of connections processed and the total number of con-
nections queued for the remote programs in question.
See also Service Request Handlers” on page 1061.
1997/04/01 13:23:46 17, 1, 8196 <fnsw>
PPM_GetProcess: no available process, program = 134231061
version = 1.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1061
Before you use PPMOI, be aware of the following:
PPMOI is directory independent. You can run it from any working
After restarting FileNet software, any values changed using PPMOI
return to their current settings as defined in the serverConfig.cus-
tom file. You can also use the Resume option to restore all values
to their original settings.
1 Enter PPMOI at the system command line.
The PPMOI> prompt displays.
2 At the PPMOI> prompt, enter commands to display or modify informa-
3 Enter quit when finished.
Service Request Handlers
Client PCs make requests to the Image Services in the form of a Re-
mote Procedure Call (RPC). A group of related RPCs is called a "re-
mote program,” such as the Image Services subsystems DOC, INX,
and WQS.
A service request handler is a process on the Image Services that re-
sponds to an RPC from a client. There are separate request handlers
for each unique remote program. The Courier networking software is
the mechanism that delivers RPC requests from clients to the request
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1062
handlers for processing, and delivers the responses from the server
back to the clients.
PPM is the Courier component that manages service request han-
dlers. PPM creates new request handlers as necessary and maintains
status as to whether a given request handler is available or busy. As
the "operator interface” for PPM, PPMOI enables you to temporarily al-
ter the maximum number of request handlers allocated for a given re-
mote program.
Once you have temporarily tuned the maximum number of request
handlers to enhance system performance, you can make those
changes permanent by editing the /fnsw/etc/serverConfig.custom file.
Changing the number of service request handlers can profoundly im-
pact Image Services system performance. For example:
Allocating too few request handlers can cause slow response time
or ignored requests.
Allocating too many request handlers sometimes consumes more
resources than available on the server. This can result in longer re-
sponse times and dropped requests. In extreme cases, it can
cause the Image Services server to crash.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1063
Collecting Statistics
Before you attempt to change the number of request handlers for any
remote program, use the appropriate PPMOI command to gather the
following information:
Required Data PPMOI Command
Maximum number of request handlers allowed for
the given remote program
SHow [<entry#>] or
STatus [<entry#>]
Number of request handlers currently allocated
SHow [<entry#>] or
STatus [<entry#>]
Distribution of work among the request handlers
STatus [<entry#>]
Number of requests already processed for a given
STatus [<entry#>]
Number of requests that arrived when all the re-
quest handlers were busy. A UNIX platform queues
these requests. This command does not apply to a
Windows Server system.
QPerf [<entry#>]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1064
Frequently Asked Questions
After collecting the required information, review the following FAQs be-
fore changing the maximum number of request handlers for any given
Image Services subsystem:
1 My system consistently allocates only half the maximum number of re-
quest handlers. Should I reduce this value to reflect what the system
actually uses?
Probably not. Image Services only creates a new request handler
when all the existing ones are busy when a new request arrives. If your
system is running well, and exhibits no resource shortages, the extra
request handlers enable the customer to add additional applications or
end users with less risk of exceeding the request handler limit without
having to constantly tune the server.
It is unlikely that you would have to reduce the FileNet default settings
to avoid resource shortages. Resource shortage usually occurs when
users do not adhere to the recommendations provided in this docu-
2 My system hit the request handler limit for a remote program. Do I
need to increase the maximum number of request handlers for this re-
mote program?
It depends on the RPC arrival patterns and how long it takes the server
to process those RPCs.
If the RPC traffic is steady-state, and the server is using the maxi-
mum number of configured request handlers, you should probably
increase the limit.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1065
If the RPC traffic is very bursty, the system should continue to per-
form acceptably without increasing the number of request han-
Use the PPMOI STatus [<entry#>]
command to estimate these RPC
traffic patterns by examining the distribution of RPCs to request han-
dlers. The following example shows the distribution of work to request
handlers for bursty RPC traffic.
Note that, in this case, the first four request handlers have processed
about 99% of the requests (102106 out of 103175), while the remain-
ing four request handlers have processed the remaining 1% of the re-
quests. Statistics like this indicate that, although the maximum number
of request handlers have been allocated, half of them are barely used.
Therefore, you would not need to increase the number of request han-
dlers at this time.
If the RPCs arrive at a steadier rate, PPM would distribute them more
evenly to request handlers than shown in the previous example.
# Name Number Vers MaxProc No Proc
==== ============ ========= ==== ======= =======
1 CSMs 134231040 1 8 0
Pid Status Conns Avg Time Min Time Max Time
====== ============== ======== ======== ======== ========
19522 active 64377 1.2403 0.0050 33.0783
19587 active 15825 0.9688 0.0049 10.3621
19642 active 16746 1.3207 0.0048 31.0250
20352 available/idle 5158 1.1394 0.0048 31.0035
20353 available/idle 962 1.0711 0.0050 30.9743
26388 available/idle 101 1.1322 0.0052 30.7579
5787 available/idle 5 0.7566 0.3190 1.2366
6896 available/idle 1 0.9426 0.9426 0.9426
Totals 103175 1.2049 0.0048 33.0783
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1066
3 Other than using PPMOI to temporarily allocate the maximum number
of request handlers, what other method can I use to help determine
when I need to increase the configured value?
If the Image Services server is running on a UNIX platform, you can
use the PPMOI QPerf command. When an RPC arrives on a UNIX-
based Image Services server, and all the request handlers are busy,
PPM queues the RPC until a request handler finishes its current re-
quest and becomes available to process the new one. By examining
the queue statistics for a remote program, you can determine by how
much the demand for a given remote program has exceeded the con-
figured number of request handlers.
This queuing mechanism can increase the capacity of the Image Ser-
vices to handle bursts of RPC traffic. However, the process of queuing
the request until a request handler is available imposes measurable
overhead on the processing of an RPC.
In other words, for a UNIX-based Image Services server:
If the output of the PPMOI STatus [<entry#>]
command indicates
that RPC traffic for a given remote program is bursty, it is more ac-
ceptable to run with a smaller number of request handlers, let them
all become busy, and let the queuing mechanism handle the occa-
sional overflow. In this case, there is less motivation to increase the
maximum number of request handlers.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1067
If the RPC counts of the request handlers are more evenly distrib-
uted (less bursty), then letting all the request handlers become
busy can constantly invoke the queuing mechanism, increasing the
system overhead required to process requests. In this case, you
should increase the maximum number of request handlers.
As a guideline, for bursty traffic, it can be tolerable to queue 10% of the
total number of request handlers (from the STatus command). For
steady state traffic, queuing any more than 1% of the requests can be
4 Since Windows-based Image Services servers do not support connec-
tion queuing, what happens to requests for service when all configured
request handlers for a particular service (subsystem) are busy?
When all server stubs are busy on an Windows-based Image Services
server, Courier "sleeps” for a short time, then tries sending the request
again. Courier repeats this sequence until it finds an available request
handler to process the request. If all request handlers for the particular
service remains busy after several attempts, Courier rejects the RPC,
returning an error message to the client server.
5 The number of clients using the server just doubled. Should I double
the number of request handlers configured for each remote program?
No. As the load on a server approaches its capacity, the dividing line
between enough request handlers and too many request handlers be-
comes narrower. The incremental resource consumption for each re-
quest handler can be far more than one would expect.
For example, each INX server process can also require one or more
new database processes. This is the secondary resource consumption
to consider when evaluating such a configuration change.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1068
When a server has limited resources, increasing the number of request
handlers often reduces throughput, as the server OS spends more
time managing additional processes that cannot contribute to in-
creased output. Other times, the server capacity becomes saturated
with request handlers when the server does not have the resources to
handle any more, regardless of how high the you increase the limit.
6 How do I dynamically change the maximum number of request han-
dlers for a remote program?
The Modify [<entry#>]
command in PPMOI enables you to increase
the maximum number of request handlers. This command has immedi-
ate effect, and helps when "rescuing” a poorly configured server.
Note that using the modify command to reduce the maximum number
of request handlers cannot prevent PPM from using any pre-existing
request handlers. It only prevents PPM from creating more than the
new lower maximum. For example, if PPM has allocated eight request
handlers, changing its number to zero cannot prevent any RPCs from
being processed by the ones that already exist. It will, however, prevent
PPM from allocating another new request handler.
7 Can I kill request handlers if I think the system has allocated too
No. Doing this can corrupt data or shut down the Image Services
Related Topics
ppm_log” on page 1037
whatsup” on page 1330
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1069
PRI_tool is a utility that helps you manage printers and print requests
in your FileNet system through a series of commands you enter from
the PRI_tool prompt. PRI_tool has two modes of operation: command
line input and interactive command parameter input. Command line in-
put mode allows those familiar with PRI_tool commands to directly en-
ter commands, options, and parameters at the command line.
Interactive input mode prompts you for the command parameters.
Use PRI_tool to manage printers and print requests and to obtain sta-
tistics about print-related activities. You can suspend, redirect, and
cancel print requests, as well as suspend activity on individual printers.
You can also use PRI_tool to display a printer’s status and other print-
related information.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1070
When PRI_tool starts, the <PRI_tool> prompt displays. Enter com-
mands at the prompt or enter ? to display the following:
Commands” on page 1071 for a description of individual PRI_
tool commands.
> PRI_tool
Type '?' for help
Type 'help <command>' for more detailed help on one command.
Type 'help *' for detailed help on all commands.
Type '<command> ?' for interactive command parameter input.
Application commands:
cachestatus cancel checkcache
clearrequests hardcopy help
modify printerstatus quit
requeststatus resumeprinter systemstatus
termoff termon
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1071
The cachestatus command displays the number of objects fetched for
each cache and for each printer. Use this command primarily to deter-
mine if the number of pages fetched is close to the cache full threshold,
a condition that prevents a printer from printing.
The first section shows summary statistics for each cache, including:
<PRI_tool> caches
Summary statistics for caches (all printers):
Cache 0: sys_print_cache1:costa5:FileNet
min/max_pgs=409/819, #sects=81920, pgs_fetched=2
Statistics on each cache for each printer:
Printer 0: FES3canon:costa5:FileNet
Cache 0: sys_print_cache1:costa5:FileNet
min/max_full=20/50, min/max_pgs=163/409, pgs_fetched=0
Printer 11: fax4:costa5:FileNet
Cache 0: sys_print_cache1:costa5:FileNet
min/max_full=20/50, min/max_pgs=163/409, pgs_fetched=2
Cache The name of the cache being displayed
min_pgs The cache threshold at which the per printer limit
max_pgs The maximum number of pages the cache holds
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1072
The second section contains the number of pages migrated into each
cache for each printer.
#sects The number of sectors in the cache
pgs_fetched The number of pages for which a migrate has been
initiated for the listed cache, regardless of which
printer the corresponding request is queued to. This
counter increments for each migrate and decre-
ments when a page is deleted. The counter does
not reflect the number of pages in the cache
because it increments before the migrate com-
Cache The cache being displayed
Printer The printer being displayed. Information displays for
each printer and cache combination.
min_full The minimum cache fullness threshold specified as
a percentage.The default is 20 percent.
max_full The maximum cache fullness threshold specified as
a percentage. The maximum is 50 percent.
min_pgs The minimum cache fullness threshold specified as
a number of pages
max_pgs The maximum cache fullness threshold specified as
a number of pages
pgs_fetched The number of pages for which a migrate has been
initiated without a delete for the listed cache and
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1073
The cache fullness affects the number of migrates the system attempts
in the following ways:
If pages fetched is less than minimum pages for a given cache (first
section), the system fetches up to the maximum pages limit speci-
fied for the cache and printer (second section).
If pages fetched is greater than minimum pages and less than max-
imum pages for the cache (first section), the system fetches up to
the minimum pages limit for the cache and printer (second section).
If pages fetched is greater than or equal to maximum pages for the
cache (first section), no additional fetching is done for any printer.
The cancel command cancels the indicated requests. The syntax of
the cancel command is:
cancel [<request_ID>] [file=<filename>] [user=<username>]
[printer=<printername>] [priority=<priority>]
If you include multiple options, the program cancels only the requests
that satisfy all options. The following table describes each option:
Cancel Option Description
request ID The request ID (job number) to cancel
filename Name of the file that contains a list of re-
quest IDs, one request ID per line
username Cancel only requests from this user
printer name Cancel only requests from this printer
priority Cancel only requests with this priority
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1074
This option checks the print cache for objects that don’t belong there. It
suspends all activity by print services while it runs. The time could be
anywhere from a few seconds to approximately 15 minutes for systems
with 100,000 or more pages waiting to be printed. If necessary, you
can abort this command with the Control+c key sequence.
The clearrequests command deletes all print requests and removes all
objects from the print caches.
You might use this command to clear requests that have frozen a Print
server. For example, if the Print server violates a protocol, it dumps the
trace buffer to a file and logs an appropriate message to sys_log.
Use hardcopy to send session output to a magnetic disk file or to turn
off hardcopy output. The syntax of the hardcopy command is:
hardcopy [<filename>]
<filename> is the name of the file that receives the output. If you do not
specify a file name, the command turns off hardcopy output.
The following command turns on hardcopy and sends the output to the
file named outfile:
hardcopy outfile
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1075
help [<command>]
This command displays help information for the specified command. If
you do not specify a command, help text for all commands displays.
To display the complete help text file, enter help *. More information
displays than can fit in one window so this command is only useful if
you are working in a scrollable X-window or MS-DOS window that al-
lows you to see information at the start of the file.
If a command has its own parameters, you can use another form of
help, called "interactive help.” When you use interactive help, PRI_tool
prompts you for each individual parameter. To use interactive help, en-
ter the command followed by a question mark (?). Each parameter dis-
plays in sequence and waits for you to enter a response. For any
parameter you do not want to specify, press Enter to accept the default.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1076
Below are two examples using the cancel command. The first example
uses the default for each prompt by pressing Enter (indicated by <cr>).
The second example enters the request ID (5002), making PRI_tool
cancel the print job immediately.
Use the modify command to change a print request. The command
changes either a request ID or a file containing a list of request IDs
(one request ID per line). The syntax of the modify command is:
modify [<request_id>] [fromfile=<filename>] [fromuser=<user-
[fromprinter=<printer>] [frompriority=<priority>]
[note=<note>] [priority={0..9}]
[printer=<object:domain:organization>] [copies=<#copies>]
<PRI_tool> cancel ?
request_id (CR for other options)? <cr>
name of file with request ids (CR if none)? <cr>
only requests from user (CR=any)? <cr>
only requests from printer (CR=any)? <cr>
only requests with priority (CR=any)? <cr>
<PRI_tool> cancel ?
request_id (CR for other options)? 5002
Request 5002 canceled, status=queued
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1077
[overlay={none,firstpage,allpages}] [eject_tray=<eject_tray#>]
[print_time=<yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss>]
[security=<read_name> <write_name> <exe_name>]
[collate] [annotations] [request_header] [doc_headers]
[phone_num=<phonenumstr>] [headline=<headlinestr>]
If you specify more than one of the options that start with from
(fromprinter, frompriority, or frompapersize), a request must satisfy all
of those options before PRI_tool can modify it.
If printing has already started for a particular request ID, you can
change only the following options:
paper size
reset the priority to 0 (which suspends the request)
Any modification you make with these options causes the system to
automatically cancel and resubmit the request, which in turn can
change the printing order relative to other requests.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1078
The following table briefly describes modify command options. For
more detailed definitions, see the "Printing” chapters of the Client-side
Modify Option Description
<request_ID> Identification number (ID) of the request you want to modify
fromfile Name of a file containing request IDs
fromuser Modifies only requests from this user
fromprinter Modifies only requests from this printer
frompriority Modifies only requests with this priority
frompapersize Modifies only the requests that are using this paper size
paper_size Paper size to use. Choose from letter, legal, b, c, d, e, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5,
b4, b5, 18x24, top, bottom, third, default, half_letter, best_avail, 10x14, and ex-
ecutive. Available options are based on device configuration. For example,
some devices cannot support some paper sizes or fax devices cannot be
equipped with multiple paper trays.
scaling Scaling option to use. Choose from normal, clipboth, exact, approx, original,
center, and enhanced_exact
orientation Specifies which side is up. Choose from default, landscape, portrait, no_rotate.
note An ASCII string to print on the header page
priority Priority of job, 0=lowest and suspends printing; 9=highest
printer Three-part NCH name of a printer. If not specified, PRI picks the best printer
device available.
orientation Specifies which side is up. Choose from default, landscape, portrait, no_rotate.
copies Number of copies to print
overlay Overlay no pages, the first page, or all pages. When specifying first page or all
pages, the first page contains the overlay data.
eject_tray Number of the output tray at which pages are to be delivered. Available options
are based on how device configuration.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1079
Use this command to get a long or short status report for one or all
configured printers and FAX machines.
printerstatus [<printer_name> [nonfax] [faxonly] [long]]
Specifying the nonfax option displays only printer devices; the faxonly
option displays only fax devices.
print_time Time to start printing using the system’s default date format. For example, if
your system is configured with a date mask of "day mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy,”
you would enter the date using a format as shown in this sample:
Mon Nov 15 12:30:00 1998)
security Security names for read, write, and append/execute
collate Collates pages. (Print entire copy of each document before beginning the sec-
ond copy.)
annotations Prints annotations
request_header Uses a header page for the print request
doc_headers Uses document header pages
phone_num For FAX requests, phone number to dial
headline For FAX requests, text of headline to print at top of each page
fax_mode For FAX requests, choose coarse or fine resolution. Available options are
based on device configuration. For example, some fax devices cannot be con-
figured to support multiple resolutions.
Modify Option Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1080
Entering the command with no parameters displays a report similar to
the following:
The fields of the printstatus report are described in the following table:
<PRI_tool> printerstatus
# printer print fetch requests pages idle
request request queued queued time
0 PRT3canon:costa5:FileNet11 suspended
1 RIC20_4:costa5:FileNet00 9632
2 Xerox:costa5:FileNet00 suspended
3 Versatec:costa5:FileNet00 9632
4 fax1:costa5:FileNet00 down
5 fax2:costa5:FileNet74675050 down
6 fax3:costa5:FileNet752822 down
Field Name Description
# Printer number
Printer name Three-part NCH name of the printer
Print request Request ID of the request that is currently printing
Fetch request Number of outstanding fetch requests
Requests queued Total number of print requests queued to this
Pages queued Total number of pages queued to this printer
Idle time Number of seconds the printer has been idle (not
printing) or one of the following status conditions:
unknown, down, suspended, needs_attention,
needs_service, available, or redirected
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1081
Use the long option to obtain detailed information on one of the print-
ers. Specify the printer as shown below in the sample output for a long
status for printer PRT3canon:
The following table describes each field of the long status report:
<PRI_tool> printerstatus PRT3canon long
Printer 0 : PRT3canon:costa5:FileNet
Status: suspended
Print error:(n.a. -- suspended)
Request printing:none
Embedded migrate:(n.a. -- suspended)
Next migrate:*
Time since print:3567
Requests queued:1
Pages queued:1
Pages printing:0
Avail papersizes:(n.a. -- suspended)
Config papersizes:letter,legal,a4,b5,top,best_
Field Name Description
Status Current status of the printer. Valid status includes unknown, down, suspended,
needs_attention, needs_service, available, or redirected. If the status of the
printer is reported as redirected, the destination printer name also displays.
Print error Error tuple for an error that is preventing a print operation or 0 if there is no er-
ror. Use the fn_msg tool to see the message text for the error.
Request printing The ID of the request that is currently printing, the number of pages printed for
this request, and the total number of pages in the request
Embedded migrate The ID of the document being migrated due to an embedded document refer-
ence and the name of the document service receiving the request
Next migrate If the printer is waiting for a page, this is the name of the service and the doc-
ument ID. Otherwise, this field shows done.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1082
Exits PRI_tool. The Control+c key sequence also exits the program.
redirectprinter <from_printer> to <to_printer>
Note This command does not appear in the help information for PRI_tool un-
less you have specified the ALLOWUPDATEs command.
The redirectprinter command redirects all present and future print re-
quests from one printer to another.
<from_printer> is the name of the printer from which output is being
redirected. If you do not specify a <from_printer> name, PRI_tool
prompts you for the name.
<to_printer> is the name of the printer to which print requests are be-
ing transferred. If you do not specify a <to_printer> name, PRI_tool
prompts you for the name.
Use the resumeprinter command when you want to cancel the redirec-
Time since print The elapsed time, in seconds, since the last page was printed
Requests queued The number of requests queued to this printer
Pages queued The number of pages queued to this printer
Pages printing The number of pages submitted to the Print server hardware but not completed
Avail papersizes Currently loaded paper sizes
Config papersizes The complete list of paper sizes configured for the printer
Field Name Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1083
Displays the status of one or more print requests.
requeststatus [<request_ID>] [user=<username>] [long] [docs]
[priority=<priority>] [printer=<printername]
The table below describes the requeststatus command options:
requeststatus Option Description
request ID The ID of a print request. If you do not specify an ID, the display includes all
requests that satisfy other options.
username The logon name of a user whose print requests you want to view
long Displays detailed information
docs Generates a list of the items being printed: document ID for documents and ob-
ject ID/system serial number for cache objects
priority Display requests for the specified priority (0–9)
printername Displays requests queued to the specified printer. Requests appear in their
print order. (When you do not specify a printer, requests display in ascending
request ID order.)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1084
The following is a partial listing of the information printed when you do
not specify a request ID:
The following is a long report for a single request ID:
<PRI_tool> requeststatus
request total pages printer
id pages printed status name
7466 1 0 queued PRT3canon
7467 1 0 printing fax4
7468 1 0 fetching fax4
7469 1 0 queued fax4
<PRI_tool> requeststatus 5003 long
request_id=5003, request_status=queued, print_err=00000000, fax_
submit_time=93/12/8 16:00:58, print_time=n.a., done_time=n.a., copies=1,
priority=4, paper_size=dont_care, collate=f, two_sided=f, annotate=f,
req_header=t, doc_headers=f, scaling=normal, orientation=default,
printer=FEScanon:costa3:FileNet, user=SysAdmin:costa3:FileNet, form_
name='', note='', eject_tray=0, total_pages=1, pages_printed=0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1085
The next sample shows the information displayed by the docs option:
resumeprinter <printer name>
The resumeprinter command starts up printing on a printer that was
previously suspended or redirected.
The systemstatus command gives overall system status information
similar to the following example:
The termoff command turns off output to the terminal. Use this com-
mand in conjunction with the hardcopy command to get large listings
into a file without waiting for terminal I/O.
<PRI_tool> requeststatus docs
req_id=5000, total_pages=1, status=printing, printer=printflo
objectid=4160000000, ssn=14059, 1stpg=1, lastpg=1, service=app_print_cache_
req_id=5003, total_pages=1, status=queued, printer=FEScanon
doc_id=30093216, 1stpg=1, lastpg=1, service=DocServer:costa3:FileNet
req_id=5004, total_pages=1, status=queued, printer=FEScanon
doc_id=30093216, 1stpg=1, lastpg=1, service=DocServer:costa3:FileNet
<PRI_tool> systemstatus
Total requests queued:53 Total requests printed:0
Total pages queued:53 Total pages printed:0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1086
The termon command turns on output to the terminal. Use termon to
restart output to the terminal after using the termoff command.
Before you use PRI_tool, be aware of the following:
FileNet software and network software must be running.
You must be logged on to the server as a member of the fnadmin
group or be logged on to Image Services as the SysAdmin user.
(Refer to the “Introduction” chapter of the System Administrator’s
Handbook for logon information. To download IBM FileNet docu-
mentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM
FileNet Documentation” on page 19.)
Run PRI_tool on the server where Print Services is running (usu-
ally the Storage Library server). You can remotely login to the
server, if necessary.
To disable or re-enable a printer, you must supply the printer’s ob-
ject name. If you remotely login on a UNIX system to run PRI_tool,
you must supply the three-part NCH name of the printer to be de-
leted or re-enabled.
If you are running PRI_tool from the same domain and organiza-
tion that owns the printer, you only need to specify the printer’s ob-
ject name. Otherwise, you must use the three-part NCH name
when prompted for a printer name.
You can display printer names using fn_edit (UNIX) or the System
Configuration Editor (Windows Server).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1087
If you enter an incorrect name while disabling or re-enabling a
printer, the prompt repeats. If you do not know the name of the
printer and want to exit from the prompt, enter the Control+
C key
Some commands, for example, redirectprinter, do not appear in the
help information for PRI_tool unless you have specified the AL-
LOWUPDATEs command and provided a password.
If a printer encountered problems, you might have to redirect its
print jobs to another printer. Re-enabling the original printer does
not automatically redirect those print jobs back to the enabled
Related Topics
CSM_tool” on page 204
MKF_tool” on page 810
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1088
QLG_dump displays the quick logging log data from one of the follow-
ing log files:
/fnsw/local/logs/qlogs/1/QLG<yyyymmdd> on UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\qlogs\1\qlg<yyyymmdd> on Windows platforms
QLG<yyyymmdd> is the name of the log file to which statistics are
<yyyymmdd> is the current system date in year, month, and day
Use QLG_dump to display the quick logging entries in the log file. You
can start quick logging either by using the FileNet System Configura-
tion Editor or by using the QLG_start tool.
QLG_dump <log_file_name>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1089
The following UNIX example displays a portion of a quick logging log
file for Friday, March 17, 2006:
Log entry number The sequence number of each entry in the log.
Recorded by A number representing the IS service that recorded the change:
1=committal, 7=document services
User ID The user ID number (hexadecimal). On Windows servers, the byte or-
der is reversed. In the example, ob = 11 = SysAdmin. (You can use
SEC_tool” on page 1183 to dump the userids of all system users.)
Document ID The document ID number (hexadecimal). On Windows servers, the
byte order is reversed.
Access type A number representing how the document was accessed: 1=commit,
2=retrieve, 3=delete, 4=modify attributes.
corona(fnsw)/fnsw/local/logs/qlogs/1>QLG_dump QLG20060317
6 7 00 00 00 0b 00 06 c1 28 02 Fri Mar 17 13:13:35 2006
7 7 00 00 00 0b 00 06 c1 28 02 Fri Mar 17 13:13:36 2006
8 7 00 00 00 0b 00 06 c1 28 02 Fri Mar 17 13:17:29 2006
9 7 00 00 00 0b 00 06 c1 28 02
10 7 00 00 00 0b 00 06 c1 28 02 Fri Mar 17 13:20:57 2006
11 7 00 00 00 0b 00 06 c1 28 02 Fri Mar 17 13:20:58 2006
12 7 00 00 00 0b 00 06 c1 28 02 Fri Mar 17 13:41:21 2006
13 7 00 00 00 0b 00 06 c1 28 02
^ ^ \_________/ \_________/ ^
| | | | |___Access type
| | | |___Document ID
| | |___User ID
| |___Recorded by
|___Log entry number
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1090
No specific procedure is required.
Before you use QLG_dump, be aware of the following:
QLG_flush writes any in-memory QLG buffer data to today’s QLG
log file, so the QLG_dump report of today’s log file contains the
most up-to-date information.
If you start quick logging with the QLG_start command, QLG_flush
terminates quick logging. If you start quick logging with the FileNet
System Configuration editor, QLG_flush does not terminate quick
Related Topics
QLG_flush” on page 1091
QLG_start” on page 1093
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1091
QLG_flush stops the quick logging writer process and writes log data
from the quick logging program’s in-memory buffers to one of the fol-
lowing log files:
/fnsw/local/logs/qlogs/1/QLG<yyyymmdd> on UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\qlogs\1\qlg<yyyymmdd> on Windows platforms
QLG<yyyymmdd> is the name of the log file to which statistics are
<yyyymmdd> is the current system date in year, month, and day
Use QLG_flush to stop the log writer process that you started with the
QLG_start tool, and write its data to the quick logging log file.
To restart quick logging, run the QLG_start tool.
If you enabled quick logging through the FileNet System Configuration
editor, QLG_flush does not stop quick logging. In this situation you can
use QLG_flush to force data to be written to the QLG log file while
quick logging continues.
Use QLG_dump to examine the quick logging entries in the log file.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1092
The following example stops quick logging:
No specific procedure is required.
Before you use QLG_flush, be aware of the following:
If you started quick logging with QLG_start, you can also stop quick
logging by rebooting the server.
If you enabled quick logging through the FileNet System Configura-
tion editor, QLG_flush does not disable quick logging over a server
reboot. You must disable quick logging from the Configuration Edi-
Related Topics
QLG_dump” on page 1088
QLG_start” on page 1093
corona(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> QLG_flush
flushed log entries to file: QLG20051109
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1093
QLG_start starts up quick logging. When you start quick logging, the
program begins logging usage statistics to one of the following log
/fnsw/local/logs/qlogs/1/QLG<yyyymmdd> on UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\qlogs\1\qlg<yyyymmdd> on Windows platforms
QLG<yyyymmdd> is the name of the log file to which statistics are
<yyyymmdd> is the current system date in year, month, and day
You can also use the FileNet System Configuration Editor to enable
quick logging. You can stop quick logging by running the QLG_flush
tool or by rebooting the server. However, if you enabled quick logging
with the Configuration Editor, quick logging stays enabled even if you
reboot the server. If you enabled quick logging through the Configura-
tion Editor, you must disable it with the Configuration Editor.
QLG_start begins logging the number of pages retrieved, documents
committed, and documents deleted.
To make quick logging as efficient as possible, documents committed
with fast batch committal only appear in the log file if quick logging was
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1094
started by fn_edit. They will not appear in the log if quick logging was
started by QLG_start.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1095
Use the QLG_start program to initiate quick logging of usage statistics.
QLG_start (UNIX platforms)
start QLG_start (WIindows Server platform)
When using this tool on a Windows Server system use the “start
application_name” syntax. When this is done, a new window will be
created for the QLG_start program while the original window is avail-
able for more commands. DO NOT close the newly created window
until a recycle is required or you could lock up the Storage Library Con-
trol application (error 202,1,2009).
The following example starts the quick logging process with the QLG_
start command and stops quick logging with QLG_flush:
Use QLG_dump to examine the entries in the log file.
corona(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> QLG_start
Allocated 512 entry (10240 byte) log buffer
QLG: starting log writer (DailyAutoCheckpoint)
corona(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> QLG_flush
flushed log entries to file: QLG20051109
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1096
Before you use QLG_start, be aware of the following:
You can stop quick logging by running QLG_flush (see
flush” on page 1091) or by rebooting the server.
If you enable quick logging through the FileNet System Configura-
tion editor, QLG_flush does not disable quick logging over a server
reboot. You must disable quick logging from the Configuration Edi-
To gather usage information, do the following:
1 Enter QLG_start on the command line (start QLG_start on Win-
2 Store the captured records.
When you have recorded enough information, force the QLG entries
out to magnetic media by entering the following command:
3 Examine the data in the log file /fnsw/local/logs/qlogs/1/QLG<yyyym-
mdd> (UNIX) or <drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\qlogs\1\qlg<yyyymmdd> (Win-
dows Server) by entering:
QLG_dump <log_file_name>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1097
Related Topics
QLG_dump” on page 1088
QLG_flush” on page 1091
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1098
Note It is best to run remove_docs_ref when the system is idle or there is a
minimum of activity. DO NOT run this tool during times of high system
activity as there could be some negative performance ramifications.
An example of when these tools might be used is if you were con-verting
your primary optical surfaces to MSAR surfaces and then you
want to
remove all references to the tranlog optical surfaces. The remove_docs_ref
command line tool is run with either the -s option or the -f option. The -s
option is designed to remove one surface ID at a time. The -f option allows
you to remove multiple surfaces by including a list of surface IDs in an
ASCII file.
This tool removes any and all references to the specified surfaces from the
MKF PermDB document locator (doc locator) database table. Documents will
be deleted from the doc locator table (DOCS) and index table
(DOCTABA) if no other surface references exist in the doc locator table, and
not stored in ISDS or NLS. This tool may also be used to remove DOCS
references to invalid surface_ids. Invalid surfaces are surfaces that are
missing from the MKF surf_info table. This tool along with the remove_surf
tool makes up the surface removal feature that can be run on all Image
Services platforms and should always be run in tandem, running the
remove_docs_ref tool prior to running the remove_surf tool. This feature works
with both optical (5.25” and 12”) and MSAR surfaces and it could be used for
both, primary and tranlog surfaces. For two-sided optical surfaces, both sides
must be removed in the same transaction. See Syntax on page 1100.
Prior to the development of this tool and the remove_surf tool, Image Services
did not provide a way to remove all references to a surface without erasing the
surface, nor was there a way to remove a group of surfaces from the database
in a safe and efficient manner.
This tool should typically be run before running the remove_surf tool.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1099
Use with FileNet P8 Content Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3)
The output of the remove_docs_ref tool could report some confusing information when
being used with the FileNet P8 Content Federation Services functionality. Since the function
of remove_docs_ref is to delete references to a
group of surfaces from the DOCS table and
the DOCTABA table, but not the images themselves, the CE catalog entry could reference
an image that it believes does not exist when the docu-ments are stored on the Image
Services system but indexed on the Content Engine system.
Additionally, in the instances where documents are indexed on the Image Services system
and the remove_docs_ref tool is run, Index Services will create an export_log entry to tell
the FileNet P8 CFS Server for Image Services to delete the corresponding index entry on
the Content Engine system. Refer to the table below to determine when documents on the
IS server will not have the index information associated with them (the Ns) because if index
information does not exist in DOCTABA for an image, there is no way to notify the Content
Engine system to delete its catalog information for that image.
Document Activity Index on
Index on
New documents entered via Content Engine Y N
New documents entered via Image Services
Indexed on both IS and C
Indexed only on CE
Existing document images transferred to CE
Indexed on both IS and CE
Index deleted from IS
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1100
remove_docs_ref {-s <surface ID> | -f <surface list file> | -findinvalidsurfs |
[-verbose] [-doclist] [-testmode] [-startdoc <doc_id>] [-logdir <directory>] [-nohup]
Where only one of the following mandatory options is required:
–s <surface ID> Refers to a single surface.
–f <surface list file>
Refers to a group of surfaces contained in surface file list.
Finds any missing surf_info records that are referenced in the DOCS table
in the surface_id_1 (primary) or surface_id_2 (tranlog) without removing
Removes any DOCS references to missing surf_info MKF records. These
references may be in the surface_id_1 (primary) or surface_id_2 (tranlog)
DOCS fields.
Optional parameters
startdoc <doc_id>
logdir <directory>
This can be used along with any of the mandatory options. It generates a log
entry with the document ID, primary, tranlog and action.
'-' indicates reference is removed and '+' indicates reference is not changed.
This generates a list of affected documents.
This can be used along with any of the mandatory options. No updates,
deletion, or surface disabling is done in the DOCS table.
This option specifies the starting document ID.
Specifies an absolute path to a directory where the log file should be created.
Ignores SIGHUP signal (1). This is to be used with the nohup command.
(For Unix only)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1101
corona(root)/> remove_docs_ref -s 3004
Job started at 06/11/2003 15:55:35
Option -s 3004
Begin sequentially scanning the DOCS table. It will take a while ....
#docs table entry scanned = 2501
Successfully process the following surface(s):
Surface server surf_info. surf_info. surf_info. surf_info. total
num_act_docs num_del_docs num_act_docs num_del_docs updated
(before) (before) (after) (after) (doc count)
======== ====== ============ ============ ============ ============ =========
3004 2 501 0 0 501 501
Job completed successfully at 15:15:36
This tool is best run with a complete list of surfaces entered into an
ASCII text file (the -f option) instead of running it multiple times with a
single surface each time (the -s option), because this tool does a
sequential search in the docs table which could take a long time. If
the tool is run with no parameters, the usage statement will display.
For more details on parameters, refer to the following:
IBM FileNet Image Services V4.1.2 and V4.2.0 manual updates
Sample Output
The following sample is output to the log file from remove_docs_ref when run with the -s
option specified.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1102
The following sample is output to the log file from remove_docs_ref when run with the -f
option specified.
Before you use remove_docs_ref, be aware of the following:
The user running the tool must be a member of the fnadmin group.
This tool must be run on the storage library server containing
document locator table that has the references that are being re-
This tool cannot be run while Image Services is down. The tool re-
quires Document Services to be running.
For multiple storage library server configurations, remote surf
must be read and write disabled. In other words, the user must
corona(root)/> remove_docs_ref -f docid.txt
Job started at 06/11/2003 15:55:35
Option -f docid.txt
Begin sequentially scanning the DOCS table. It will take a while ....
#docs table entry scanned = 2501
Successfully process the following surface(s):
Surface server surf_info. surf_info. surf_info. surf_info. total
num_act_docs num_del_docs num_act_docs num_del_docs updated
(before) (before) (after) (after) (doc count)
======== ====== ============ ============ ============ ============ =========
3004 2 501 0 0 501 501
3006 3 1000 0 0 1000 1000
Job completed successfully at 15:15:36
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1103
manually read/write disable the surface(s) not on the server with
the doc locator table. However, the tool will automatically read/
write disable the surface(s) on the server with the doc locator table.
For two-sided optical disks, only one side is removed when
the -s option.
For two-sided optical disks, when one side is specified, the
side is no
t removed unless it is explicitly specified.
The -s option is used to remove a single surface and the -f option
used to
remove multiple surface for best performance.
There is no password required to run this tool.
This tool should typically be run before running the remove_surf
The tool performs a sequential scan of the doc locator table
this scan
could take a while to complete if the table is large.
If the tool is interrupted, statistics in the surf_info table might not
. The user must rerun the tool to fix any inconsistencies
This tool does not create a checkpoint file. If the tool is interrupted
must be restarted from the beginning.
Upon completion, a log file is generated.
Phases of remove_docs_ref
The remove_docs_ref tool’s program goes through a few distinct
phases as it runs:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1104
1 In the initiation phase, the tool does the following: calls fnc_register_
program, links to the necessary abstracts, checks to see if the user is
in the fnadmin group via SEC_validate_logon(), logs on to services
(SEC, DOC, INX) so that remove_docs_ref runs as a service process,
logs on to databases (document locator and Permanent MKF DB), ver-
ifies that the tool is run on the server with the document locator table,
process the input surface ID(s), verifies whether the input surface ID(s)
are read and write disabled. If there is any error, the program will ter-
2 In the search the document locator table phase, the tool does the
following: logs that the remove_docs_ref tool was invoked, searches
the docs table sequentially by starting with the lowest document ID, re-
moves any references that point to a surface in the removal list found in
the document ID list just searched, removes both the Index Services
Doctaba entry and the table entry if both surface_id_1 and surface_id_
2 in the docs table do not have any associated surfaces, reduces the
total of the num_act_docs field in the surf_info table to reflect the re-
moval of active documents for a particular surface (calls the ODT_
update_remote entry point inside the RMK transaction), displays dots
(. . . ) to indicate the progress of documents processed (a dot = every
1000 documents).
3 In the final phase, the tool does the following: sets the num_act_docs
filed in all of the associated surf_info entries to zero (0) upon the suc-
cessful completion of remove_docs_ref (calls the ODT_update_remote
entry point inside the RMK transaction), generates a system log of sur-
face ID(s) to indicate the surfaces that have been processed, logs off
from the various databases and services, unlinks from the abstracts.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1105
How to form a list of optical tranlog surfaces
The following steps can be used to form a list of optical tranlog sur-
faces on a storage library server. This optical tranlog list can then be
used as input to the remove_docs_ref program.
If you have a multiple storage library server configuration, you will need
to perform these steps on each storage library server. For more infor-
mation on using MKF_tool, see MKF_tool” on page 810.
1 Invoke the MKF_tool and run the following MKF_tool command to cre-
ate a join between the surf_stat_info table and the family_disk table
with the family_id field.
2 In the same MKF_tool session, run the MKF_tool hardcopy command
to generate a file that will contain the output from the query command
in the next step.
3 Next, generate a complete list of tranlog surfaces (optical and MSAR
tranlog surfaces):
<MKF_tool>join surf_stat_info to family_disk as surf_family_join by family_id
<MKF_tool>hardcopy tranlog_surf
<MKF_tool>select surf_family_join * where is_primary=0 showing surface_id
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1106
4 Exit from the MKF_tool program. This will close the tranlog_surf file
opened in Step 2, which now contains a concatenated list of all both
MSAR and optical tranlog surfaces.
5 Using your preferred editor, cleanup the tranlog_surf file so that only
surface_ids are in the file.
Steps 6 - 9 must be done to remove MSAR tranlog surfaces from the
inclusive list of tranlog surfaces generated in the previous steps.
6 Invoke the MKF_tool and run the MKF_tool hardcopy command to
generate a file for all the MSAR surfaces.
7 Next, run a query to list all of the MSAR surface IDs on the storage li-
brary server.
8 Exit from the MKF_tool program. This will close the msar_surf file
opened in Step 6, which now contains a concatenated list of all both
MSAR and optical tranlog surfaces.
9 Using your preferred editor, cleanup the msar_surface file so that only
surface_ids are in the file.
<MKF_tool>hardcopy msar_surf
<MKF_tool>select lib_surfaces * showing surface_id
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1107
Note If you are running Image Services on a UNIX server, complete Steps
10 - 12 to from a list of optical-only tranlog surfaces. If you are running
Image Services on a Windows Server system, you will need to use
Windows native tools or third-party utility programs (e.g., Hamilton
CSH) to do what is described here.
10 Using the UNIX sort utility, sort the msar_surf file.
11 Then sort the tranlog_surf file.
12 Finally, using the diff command, remove any MSAR surfaces from your
tranlog surfaces list.
You now have a complete list of optical tranlog surfaces in the optical_
tranlog_surf file. You can now use this file as an input file in the
remove_docs_ref program when used with the -f option.
sort msar_surf>sorted_msar_surf
sort tranlog_surf>sorted_tranlog_surf
diff sorted_msar_surf sorted_tranlog_surf | grep “>” | sed -e “s/>//”>optical_
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1108
How to remove all optical tranlogs
The following steps can be used to remove all of the optical tranlogs in
a system.
1 Identify all of the optical tranlogs on all of the servers on the system.
To do this, refer to
How to form a list of optical tranlog surfaces
on page 1105.
2 Next, on each server that is NOT the doc locator server, use the Stor-
age Library Control program to read/write disable every surface on the
list. To do this, see the “Storage Library Control” chapter of your Sys-
tem Administrator’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documenta-
tion from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet
Documentation” on page 19.
3 On every server, use the Storage Library Control program to eject ev-
ery surface in the list. (Be sure to remove each surface from the I/O
station.) To do this, see the “Storage Library Control” chapter of your
System Administrator’s Handbook.
4 Run remove_docs_ref -f using the input file from Step 1.
remove_docs_ref -f docid.txt (example)
5 Run remove_surf on each surface in the list on each server. For more
information, refer to
remove_surf” on page 1109.
remove_surf 3002 (example)
Related Topics
remove_surf” on page 1109
MKF_tool” on page 810
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1109
This tool removes the specified surface from the surf_info Permanent
MKF DB tables, family_disk write surfaces list (current and future write
surfaces), Permanent MKF DB table, surf_locator Permanent MKF DB
table, lib_surfaces Permanent MKF DB table, OSA shared memory,
SRF shared memory and OSA checkpoint file (the tables other than
the document locator table). For two-sided optical disks, both sides
will automatically be removed.
Prior to the development of this tool and the remove_docs_ref tool,
Image Services did not provide a way to remove all references to a sur-
face without erasing the surface, nor was there a way to remove a
group of surfaces from the database in a safe and efficient manner.
An example of when these tools might be used is if you were con-
verting your primary optical surfaces to MSAR surfaces and then you
want to remove all references to the tranlog optical surfaces. This tool
can be used to change an assigned blank surface (unlabeled surface -
it has an associated surface ID but it has not been swapped into a
drive and no volume label has been written.) to an unassigned blank
The remove_surf command line tool is run with a surface ID (local sur-
face ID) as its only parameter and it is a required parameter.
This tool is typically run after the remove_docs_ref tool, but can be
invoked without running remove_docs_ref for a surface ID that has no
associated references in the document locator table. This would be
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1110
the case if the surface is unlabeled and has no documents or if the sur-
face was copied or consolidated.
remove_docs_ref <surface ID>
<surface ID> Removes any reference in the surf_docs table to the specified surface
ID on this system.
If the tool is run with no parameters, the usage statement will display.
Sample Output
The following sample is output to the log file when remove_surf is run.
Before you use remove_surf, be aware of the following:
The user running the tool must be a member of the fnadmin group.
This tool must be run on the storage library server containing the
surf_info (ODT) entry for the specified surface.
This tool cannot be run while Image Services is down. The tool re-
quires Document Services to be running.
corona(root)/> remove_surf 3002
Successfully removed surface id=3002 from table(s): surf_info surf_locator
Successfully removed surface id=3003 from table(s): surf_info
Program successfully terminated
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1111
The specified written surface must be out of the library.
An unlabeled, blank surface does not need to be removed from the
The num_act_docs field of surf_info must be set to zero (0). For
two-sided surfaces, both sides must have no active documents
(num_act_docs field must equal zero for both sides). If there are
no references, (surface_id_1 or surface_id_2 fields) in the docs ta-
ble for a given surface, the num_act_docs field will be set to zero.
A surface that does not have any documents will also have a zero
(0) value in the num_acts_docs field. The remove_docs_ref
will set the num_act_docs field to zero (0) for a surface that has
successfully processed.
- In addition, the deldocs
tool will set the num_acts_docs
field to zero (0) after all the documents of a surface have
been deleted from the docs and doctaba tables.
-The doccnt
tool can also be used in the event that the
num_act_docs field does not accurately represent the num-
ber of active documents. The doccnt tool does a sequen-
tial search through the entire docs table to make the num_
act_docs field accurate. This could take some time de-
pending upon the size of your docs table. doccnt takes a
single surface or a list of surfaces as input parameters.
Running doccnt will take the same amount of time as remove_docs_
ref, so if you are not sure there of documents in the docs table to
remove or if the statistics are correct, running remove_docs_ref before
running remove_surf will be sufficient to fix the statistics so remove_
surf can be run successfully.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1112
The specified surface must not have any associated pending read/
write/background job requests.
For two-sided optical disks, the remove_surf tool will remove both
sides (Side A and B). Either side can be used as an input parame-
There is no password required to run this tool.
This tool should typically be run after running the remove_docs_
ref tool.
The remove_surf tool’s program goes through a few distinct phases as
it runs:
1 In the initiation phase, the tool does the following: calls fnc_register_
program, links to the necessary abstracts, checks to see if the user is
in the fnadmin group via SEC_validate_logon(), does a service logon
(SEC_service_logon) so that remove_surf runs as a service process.
2 In the verification phase, where the surface needs to meet the re-
moval criteria (If any criteria is not met, the tool will terminate.), the tool
does the following: checks to see if the surf_info tables know about
this surface (call ODT), verifies that the surface is not currently in the
box or is unlabeled, verifies that num_act_docs is equal to zero (0) (If
num_act_docs is not set to zero, the tool will indicate to the user that
remove_docs_ref needs to be run before remove_surf.), disables the
surface for reads and writes (call HLT), verify there are no pending re-
quests (call SRF to check the total_count and odu_total fields).
3 In the remove DB references phase, the tool does the following: re-
moves references in the surf_info, surf_locator, and lib_surfaces tables
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1113
from the permanent DB entries. (Normally, removal of all database en-
tries can be done with a single, permanent DB MKF transaction.
There is one exception, and that is when removing a surface on a stor-
age library server that does not have the document locator table local
on the server. The surf_locator table, used for multiple storage library
server configurations, is always located on the same server as the doc-
ument locator table. In this case, two transactions are needed, one re-
mote and one local.)
4 In the final phase, the tool does the following: generates a system log
to indicate that the surface has been successfully removed from the
surf_info tables, lib_surfaces table, etc., logs off from SEC services,
unlinks from the abstracts.
Related Topics
remove_docs_ref” on page 1098
deldocs” on page 282
doccnt” on page 310
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1114
The rollcall tool is supported in Image Services for AIX/6000 systems
The rollcall tool broadcasts a request over a network for a specific
system or all active systems to identify themselves. For a specific
system request, you must specify the network number of the system.
The rollcall tool stores the specified network number in the net number
field of the net address it uses for broadcasting.
Output from rollcall lists the names of systems that respond, sorted
alphabetically. If the output device is a tty, rollcall prints the list in col-
umns. You can specify that the addresses of each responding system
also be included in the output.
Use rollcall to list the systems that are running on the network.
rollcall [ –vn# ]
–v Prints the network address of responding systems
–n# Stores the specified network number # in the net number field of the
rollcall net address
You can specify only one rollcall option. If you want to use both –v and
–n options, specify them together in the format –vn#.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1115
Sample Output
The sample below is output from rollcall when run with no options
The following sample is output from rollcall –v and displays the network
addresses of each responding system.
corona(root)/> rollcall
BOSTON_DEMO alpha costa2 hawk smsdev
CSO_FAX amber costa2APP hydra snads
CTnet5 anza costa3 int66 sqArabic
corona(root)/fnsw/bin> rollcall -v
00000001.0800340010ce tyche
00000001.080034002515 astro
00000001.080034001b59 int66
00000001.080034002530 sqa1
000002fa.080034002494 wimble
00002001.080034002494 wimble
00000001.0800340013b2 snads
00000001.080034001f5d magic
00000001.080034002478 amber
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1116
The last sample is output from rollcall –v and specifying a network
Before you use rollcall, be aware of the following:
Since rollcall only takes one option, you must use both –v and –n
together in the format –vn#.
The rollcall tool is supported in Image Services for AIX/6000 sys-
tems only.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
gcp” on page 499
corona(root)/fnsw/bin> rollcall -vn1
00000001.080034002250 sqArabic
00000001.080034002468 alpha
00000001.080034001b56 sqa4
00000001.08003400237c venice
00000001.02608c2f605e sunset
00000001.02608c2f605b atlas
00000001.02608c2fbdd2 verde
00000001.02608c2f6717 swat
00000001.02608c2f5ccc elvis
00000001.02608c2cb07f costaNLS
00000001.08005a4d09f9 sparta
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1117
Image Services provides a single user logon from a trusted Windows
Server (NT) domain. This functionality uses FileNet-provided tools to
first export the users names and group names from the Windows
Server domain and then import them into the Image Services (IS)
Security Service.
The step you need to complete before you use the RSEC_imp tool is
exporting the Windows Server domain security information to an XML
formatted file. For more information on this file, go to
matted File Information” on page 1124. The tool used to perform
this function is ntdm_exp. To review the ntdm_exp tool go to
exp” on page 887.
It is the use of the RSEC_imp tool in conjunction with the ntdm_exp
tool that makes the single logon from a trusted Windows Server
domain feature possible.
Run RSEC_imp to import the Windows Server domain security infor-
mation into the IS Security Service. This requires the use of an XML
formatted file generated from using the export tool mentioned above
and must be run on a Windows Server machine with no Image Ser-
vices software present, but that has either Web Service or IDM
Desktop installed. This tool can import the XML file information to any
other IS server (Windows Server or UNIX) on the network. There are
two separate versions of the RSEC_imp command that can possibly
be run. The first is importing the XML input file, which is mandatory.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1118
The second has to do with the various renaming options which could
need to be done depending on your IS system configuration.
You must be logged in as the SysAdmin user to run the RSEC_imp
The command for importing the XML Input file:
RSEC_imp /H<host> /I<file>
The command for renaming domain name:
RSEC_imp /H<host> /R:[<old_name>]:<new_name> [/E<file>] [/F] [/O]
/? Help
/H<is_domain> Image Services (IS) domain name
Rename existing IS user/group to the <new_name> domain name. If
<old_name> is omitted, (e.g., RSEC_imp/R::<new_name>), all the
users, except systems accounts, are prepended with “<new_name>\”
(/E, /F, /O).
If you have the following IS objects:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1119
Then you run /R:MOOREA:GOOFY as part of the RSEC_imp com-
mand, the above object are renamed to the following (with new hashed
If you have the following IS objects:
Then you run /R::GOOFY as part of the RSEC_imp command (no old_
name), the above objects are renamed to the following (with new
hashed passwords):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1120
/E<file> (use w/ /R) Specify an exclude users file. This is a comma delimited ASCII file
where you place one user per line, followed by a comma (For
example., MOOREA\USER3,). This one user will not be renamed after
the command is executed.
If you have the following IS objects:
And you have an exclude file name exclude.lst with one line,
Then you run /R:MOOREA:GOOFY /Eexclude.lst as part of the
RSEC_imp command, the above object are renamed to the following
(with new hashed passwords):
Notice that USER3 didn’t change. Also, user exclude files are case
sensitive since Image Services is case sensitive.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1121
/F<file> (use w/ /R) Force removing of users during rename operation if the user already
exists as 'new_name\user'.
/O<file> (use w/ /R) Override system accounts. During a rename operation, by default,
system accounts are skipped. If the user wants to also rename system
accounts, they use the /O option. This option should be used with
During an Image Service installation, the following seven accounts are
3 system user accounts
4 system group accounts
/I<file> XML input file (XML formatted file created in import step).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1122
1 Log on to the Windows Server client to which you plan to import the
user and group information. You need to log on as SysAdmin.
2 Download the RSEC_imp tool from the Web to the \fnsw\CLIENT\bin
directory. The tool is located on the IBM Information Support Web site
3 Go to the directory where your XML formatted file was created, for ex-
ample, \fnsw\CLIENT\tmp.
4 Import the Windows Server domain security information into the IS
Security Service. This step take the XML formatted input file and
update the Image Services security tables. Review the RSEC_imp
options before running the import command.
When ready, use the following command to import the groups and
users to the IS system using the XML formatted file created during the
RSEC_imp /H<is_domain> /I<file>
RSEC_imp /Hidm1 /Ixml.dat
When you enter the command, you are prompted for user name and
password with the necessary privileges to complete the import (e.g.,
SysAdmin). You then see messages indicating you are importing an
Windows Server domain input file and security information.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1123
5 Use the following command to rename (if desired):
RSEC_imp /H<is_domain> /R:[<old_name>]:<new_name> [/
E<file>] [/F] [/O]
RSEC_imp /Hidm1 /R:oldname:newname /Eexclude.lst /F
RSEC_imp /Hidm1 /R::newname /Eexclude.lst /O
When the old domain name is missing as in the second example
above, existing users are converted to unified logon users.
The /R option should never be used in the same command as the /I
option. They are mutually exclusive.
All error messages are logged to a file called ntdm_exp.log in the cur-
rent directory.
To check if the import was successful, run Xapex.exe, log in as Admin-
istrator, and check to see if the new groups and users are present. For
example, if you imported a group called support from domain nt55
and you know user johnf belongs to the group, then after a successful
import a new group (NT55/SUPPORT) and a new user (NT55/JOHNF)
will have been created.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1124
XML-Formatted File Information
This section describes the XML specification for RSEC_imp. RSEC_
imp is a IS Toolkit-based import utility which takes an XML-formatted
input file and imports it into Image Services. RSEC_imp support the
following XML elements:
<domains> Global document element.
This is the beginning of the document indicator.
<domain>: Required. See <domain> below.
<group>: See <group> below.
<domain> Domain element.
This is the exported Windows Server group name.
<dname>: Required. Windows Server domain name.
<group> Group element.
this is the exported Windows Server group indicator.
<gname>: Required. Exported Windows Server group Name.
<gcomment>: Optional. Group comments.
<op>: Required. This is the group operator. The following opera-
tions are supported:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1125
add - Add group
expire - expire group
sync_kill - sync group/kill users if applicable
sync_expire - sync group/expire uses if applicable
Sync_noop - sync group/no_op on users
delete_kill - delete group/kill users if applicable
delete_expire -delete group/expire uses if applicable
delete_noop - delete group/no_op on users
noop - no_op on users
<user>: User indicator.The <user> element should have the follow-
ing subelements:
<uname: Required. User name
<ucomment>: Optional. User comments.
<fullname>: Optional. User full name.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1126
XML File General Concepts
<domains> tag should be the first element after the XML declara-
tion tag and <closing /domains> tag should be the last element of
the XML document.
This is followed by one or more <domain> tag - </domain> tag par-
Within each <domain> tag, groups are listed in linear order and the
nested groups are not supported.
Within each group tag <group>, there is a single group name ele-
ment tag <gname>, a single group operator tag <op>, a single
group comment tag <gcomment), and 0 or more user element tags
Within each user tag <user>, there is a single user name tag <un-
ame>, a single user comment tag <ucomment>, and a single user
full name tag <fullname>. Depending on the group operator you
choose, some group operators to not require user tags.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1127
XML File General Form
<?xml version=”1.0”? XML declaration
<domains> document begins
<domain><dname>...</dname> domain name
<group> group begins
<gname>...</gname> group name
<op>...</op> group operator
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user1
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user2
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user3
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user4
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user5
. add more users here
</group> group ends
. add more groups here
</domain> domain ends
. add more domains
</domains> document ends
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1128
XML File Example Form
Here is an example that contains group HR with add operator and
group ENG with expire operator of domain Windows.
<?xml version=”1.0”?
<gcomment>Human Resource Group</gcomment>
<user><uname>bob</uname><fullname>Bob Jones</fullname>
<user><uname>steve</uname><fullname>Steve Jobs</fullname>
<user><uname>lucy</uname><fullname>Lucy Ball</fullname>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1129
Related Topics
ntdm_exp” on page 887 and SEC_imp” on page 1143.
Portions of this software were developed using the “expat XML parser
library”. The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you cannot use this file except in
compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or
implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and
limitations under the License.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1130
This program converts a bi-level image from one standard format to
another by calling the SC data abstract. This program produces an
ASCII output file to report completion status named './SC_convert.out'.
Keywords and values can be abbreviated by typing only the first few
initial characters of the keyword or value. In many cases, you only
need to type the first letter. However, if new parameters are imple-
mented in the future, the minimum abbreviations could change. There-
fore, shell scripts running this program should not abbreviate.
The keywords and values are usually case insensitive. Alternatives
bracketed by curly braces and separated by commas are syntactic
notation for 'choose exactly one alternative.' Items enclosed in angle
brackets are meta-variables with mnemonic names to indicate what
they stand for.
SC_convert [<options>]
All command line options are optional, except as follows:
'if' and 'of' are required for DOS.
The command line parameters are mostly of the form:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1131
There must be NO SPACE before or after the equal sign (=).
{?,help} Creates a file named SC_convert.out containing the menu of options.
Entering invalid parameters also produces this help file.
To display the list of options for this tool directly to your computer
screen, enter SC_convert -h. To save the list of options on your hard
drive, enter the SEC_debug command without any parameters. SC_
convert creates a file named SC_convert.out in the current directory
that you can view using the more or less commands.
{if,inputfile} Input image filename. Default = stdin. Required option on DOS. For
{of,outputfile} Output image filename. Default = stdout. Required option on DOS.
For example:
format Output image format could be 'FileNet', 'TIFF', or 'CALS'. For example:
Default is TIFF. Input image format is recognized automatically, and so
it can not be specified. The formats can be abbreviated f=FileNet,
t=TIFF, and c=CALS.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1132
compression Compression type of output image: either CCITT Recommendation T.4
(Group 3 FAX) or CCITT Recommendation T.6 (Group 4 FAX). Default
is group4. For example:
tiled Default: When this parameter is omitted, the output image will be tiled
if the uncompressed image size exceeds a certain empirically deter-
mined threshold. Otherwise, the output image will not be tiled. For
TRUE, 1, yes ––> output image will be tiled.
FALSE, 0, no ––> output image will not be tiled.
This is recommended in order to make the best overall performance-
space tradeoff.
rotate Put a tag in the output image that says to rotate the image counter-
clockwise on display by the specified number of degrees. For example:
(Do NOT rotate it now as part of the conversion.)
Example 1 (UNIX-like and 'Windows+DOS'-like platforms):
SC_convert if=imagein.fn of=imageout.tiff f=t c=g4
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1133
This example converts an image in a file called 'imagein.fn' into a
group 4 TIFF image in a new file called 'imageout.tiff'. The output
image will be untitled unless it exceeds a reasonable upper size limit in
which case the output image will be tiled.
Example 2 (UNIX-like platforms):
SC_convert <imagein.fn>imageout.tiff
This example has the same effect as Example 1. This is possible
because SC reads the input file sequentially and writes the output file
Example 3 (UNIX-like platforms):
cat imagein.fn | SC_convert | cat >imageout.tiff
This example has the same effect as Example 1 and Example 2.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1134
The SEC_debug tool enables support personnel to trace execution
within the Security Services subsystem of the Image Services server.
This tool provides different trace levels based on specified command
FileNet software defines classes of functions within shared libraries
(also known as “abstracts”). Each function, called an “entrypoint,” can
be a member of exactly zero or one of the following classes: entry,
ventry, rentry, sentry, and ientry. If it is not a member of any of these
classes, the function is referred to within the SEC_debug program as a
“uentry” for “unexposed entry.
You can use the SEC_debug tool to enable or disable trace debugging
for each entrypoint class within a given shared library or set of shared
libraries. The debugging system for security contains three shared
libraries (SEC, SECl, and SECr) and one executable program (SECs).
For example, you can turn on or off debugging for entries in SEC or
sentries and rentries in SECl. This enables you to minimize the number
of debugging statements logged to solve a specific problem, thus max-
imizing system performance, while maintaining maximum possible
debugging coverage.
Security Service modules contain built-in debugging messages, sent to
the standard system log.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1135
Use SEC_debug from the command line while the Image Services
server is running to activate or deactivate debugging for a set of entry-
point classes for the SEC, SECl, SECr shared libraries and the SECs
executable. You can also use it to view the debugging status at any
Do not use the SEC_debug tool unless explicitly instructed to do so by
your service representative.
The SEC_debug tool terminates immediately after changing the
debugging levels. The Image Services software maintains debugging
status. When enabled through SEC_debug, debugging remains
enabled until disabled using this tool or by shutting down and restarting
the Image Services server.
SEC_debug [+<type>] [-<type>] [STATUS]
To display a help screen for this tool, enter the SEC_debug command
without any parameters.
+<type> Turns on debugging for the specified shared library or executable and
entrypoint type.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1136
<type> is one of the following:
For details, see
Types” on page 1138.
-<type> Turns off debugging for the specified shared library or executable and
entrypoint type.
A shared library (abstract) and an entrypoint classification.
Shortcut to a group of entrypoint classifications.
Shortcut to all shared libraries and entrypoint classifica-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1137
<type> is one of the following:
For details, see
Types” on page 1138.
A shared library (abstract) and an entrypoint classification.
Shortcut to a group of entrypoint classifications.
Shortcut to all shared libraries and entrypoint classifica-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1138
STATUS Prints a table to standard output of each debugging type and its status.
It also displays a status table if a command changed any debug set-
tings whether you added the STATUS parameter or not.
Types let you enable or disable debugging for all entrypoint types
within a particular shared library at the same time. The final type,
“ALL,” affects debugging for all shared libraries and all entrypoints at
You can combine types (using a plus or minus sign) on the command
line by separating them with a space to produce the desired effects.
For example, to enable debugging for sentry and rentry functions
within the SEC shared library and disable debugging for ventry func-
tions in the SECr shared library with one command, type the following:
The order of parameters on the command line is not significant.
If the command enables a debugging type that is already enabled or
disables a type that is already disabled, the command has no effect on
that debugging type. This is not an error.
However, if you enable and disable a single debugging type with the
same command, the command generates an error. For example:
This combination is invalid because it is ambiguous whether the pro-
gram should enable or disable SEC_SENTRY debugging.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1139
This combination is invalid because it is ambiguous whether the pro-
gram should enable or disable SEC_RENTRY debugging.
The SEC_debug tool rejects and reports an invalid command due to
Sample Output
The following examples show the output that displays after running the
SEC_debug command using various options.
The following sample shows output after entering the following com-
mand when all debugging is turned off.
The following sample shows output after entering the following com-
mand when SEC_sentry debugging is turned on.
SEC_debug: Manages SEC Enhanced Runtime Debugging
All debugging is currently off.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1140
The following sample shows output after entering the following com-
mand when no debugging is turned on.
SEC_debug: Manages SEC Enhanced Runtime Debugging
Debugging Status:
| Abst | Entry | Ventry | Rentry | Sentry | Ientry | Uentry |
| SEC | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF | OFF |
| SECs | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF |
| SECl | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF |
| SECr | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF |
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1141
SEC_debug: Manages SEC Enhanced Runtime Debugging
Settings changed.
Debugging Status:
| Abst | Entry | Ventry | Rentry | Sentry | Ientry | Uentry |
| SEC | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF |
| SECs | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
| SECl | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF |
| SECr | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF |
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1142
Before you use SEC_debug, be aware of the following:
You should use this tool only under the explicit direction of your ser-
vice representative.
Since SEC_debug runs while the Image Services server is run-
ning, it must share memory resources to make debugging calls to
the software. Furthermore, since each security operation can make
tens or hundreds of function calls, the system log fills quickly, caus-
ing severe performance degradation. Use debugging sparingly and
with extreme caution.
Run this program from the command line. See the Syntax” on
page 1135 for details on command line options.
Related Topics
WALSEC_debug” on page 1321
See the “Security Administration” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1143
Image Services provides a single user logon from a trusted Windows
Server domain. This functionality uses FileNet-provided tools to first
export the users names and group names from the Windows Server
domain and then import them into the Image Services (IS) Security
The step you need to complete before you use the SEC_imp tool is
exporting the Windows Server domain security information to an XML
formatted file. For more information on this file, go to
File Information” on page 1150. The tool used to perform this func-
tion is ntdm_exp. To review the ntdm_exp tool go to
ntdm_exp” on
page 887.
It is the use of the SEC_imp tool in conjunction with the ntdm_exp tool
that makes the single logon from a trusted Windows Server domain
feature possible.
Run Sec_imp to import the Windows Server domain security informa-
tion into the IS Security Service. This step requires the use of an XML
formatted file generated from using the export tool mentioned above
and must be run on an IS server (Windows Server or UNIX). This tool
can import the XML file information to any local IS server (Windows
Server or UNIX) and it can import to an IS server in its own domain
(Windows Server or UNIX). There are two separate versions of the
SEC_imp command that can possibly be run. The first is importing the
XML input file, which is mandatory. The second has to do with the var-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1144
ious renaming options which might need to be done depending on your
IS system configuration.
You must be logged in as the SysAdmin user to run the SEC_imp tool.
The command for importing the XML Input file:
SEC_imp /H<host> /I<file>
The command for renaming domain name:
SEC_imp /H<host> /R:[<old_name>]:<new_name> [/E<file>] [/F] [/O]
/? Help
/H<is_domain> Image Services (IS) domain name
Rename existing IS user/group to the <new_name> domain name. If
<old_name> is omitted, (e.g., SEC_imp/R::<new_name>), all the
users, except systems accounts, are prepended with “<new_name>\”
(/E, /F, /O).
If you have the following IS objects:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1145
Then you run /R:MOOREA:GOOFY as part of the SEC_imp com-
mand, the above object are renamed to the following (with new hashed
If you have the following IS objects:
Then you run /R::GOOFY as part of the SEC_imp command (no old_
name), the above objects are renamed to the following (with new
hashed passwords):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1146
/E<file> (use w/ /R) Specify an exclude users file. This is a comma delimited ASCII file
where you place one user per line, followed by a comma (For
example., MOOREA\USER3,). This one user will not be renamed after
the command is executed.
If you have the following IS objects:
And you have an exclude file name exclude.lst with one line,
Then you run /R:MOOREA:GOOFY /Eexclude.lst as part of the SEC_
imp command, the above object are renamed to the following (with
new hashed passwords):
Notice that USER3 didn’t change. Also, user exclude files are case
sensitive since Image Services is case sensitive.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1147
/F<file> (use w/ /R) Force removing of users during rename operation if the user already
exists as 'new_name\user'.
/O<file> (use w/ /R) Override system accounts. During a rename operation, by default,
system accounts are skipped. If the user wants to also rename system
accounts, they use the /O option. This option should be used with
During an Image Service installation, the following seven accounts are
3 system user accounts
4 system group accounts
/I<file> XML input file (XML formatted file created in import step).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1148
1 Transfer the output from Step 4 of the export procedure (ntdm_exp
on page 887)to the IS server, for example using FTP. Place the output
file in a directory, for example /fnsw/local/tmp (\fnsw_loc\tmp on Win-
dows Server).
2 Log on to the IS server as the SysAdmin user.
3 Download the SEC_imp tool from the Web to the /fnsw/bin directory.
The tool is located on the IBM FileNet Web site (
ware/data/support) in the appropriate directory for your operating sys-
4 Go to the directory on the IS server where you transferred the XML for-
matted file in Step 1 of this procedure (for example, /fnsw/local/tmp on
UNIX, \fnsw_loc\tmp on Windows Server).
5 Import the Windows Server domain security information into the IS
Security Service. This step take the XML formatted input file and
update the Image Services security tables. Review the SEC_imp
options before running the import command.
When ready, use the following command to import the groups and
users to the IS system using the XML formatted file created during the
SEC_imp /H<is_domain> /I<file>
SEC_imp /Hidm1 /Ixml.dat
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1149
When you enter the command, you are prompted for user name and
password with the necessary privileges to complete the import (e.g.,
SysAdmin). You then see messages indicating you are importing an
Windows Server domain input file and security information.
6 Use the following command to rename (if desired):
SEC_imp /H<is_domain> /R:[<old_name>]:<new_name> [/
E<file>] [/F] [/O]
SEC_imp /Hidm1 /R:oldname:newname /Eexclude.lst /F
SEC_imp /Hidm1 /R::newname /Eexclude.lst /O
When the old domain name is missing as in the second example
above, existing users are converted to unified logon users.
The /R option should never be used in the same command as the /I
option. They are mutually exclusive.
All error messages are logged to a file called ntdm_exp.log in the cur-
rent directory.
To check if the import was successful, run Xapex.exe, log in as Admin-
istrator, and check to see if the new groups and users are present. For
example, if you imported a group called support from domain nt55
and you know user johnf belongs to the group, then after a successful
import a new group (NT55/SUPPORT) and a new user (NT55/JOHNF)
will have been created.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1150
XML-Formatted File Information
This section describes the XML specification for SEC_imp. SEC_imp is
a IS Toolkit-based import utility which takes an XML-formatted input file
and imports it into Image Services. SEC_imp support the following
XML elements:
<domains> Global document element.
This is the beginning of the document indicator.
<domain>: Required. See <domain> below.
<group>: See <group> below.
<domain> Domain element.
This is the exported Windows Server group name.
<dname>: Required. Windows Server domain name.
<group> Group element.
this is the exported Windows Server group indicator.
<gname>: Required. Exported Windows Server group Name.
<gcomment>: Optional. Group comments.
<op>: Required. This is the group operator. The following opera-
tions are supported:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1151
add - Add group
expire - expire group
sync_kill - sync group/kill users if applicable
sync_expire - sync group/expire uses if applicable
Sync_noop - sync group/no_op on users
delete_kill - delete group/kill users if applicable
delete_expire -delete group/expire uses if applicable
delete_noop - delete group/no_op on users
noop - no_op on users
<user>: User indicator.The <user> element should have the follow-
ing subelements:
<uname: Required. User name
<ucomment>: Optional. User comments.
<fullname>: Optional. User full name.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1152
XML File General Concepts
<domains> tag should be the first element after the XML declara-
tion tag and <closing /domains> tag should be the last element of
the XML document.
This is followed by one or more <domain> tag - </domain> tag par-
Within each <domain> tag, groups are listed in linear order and the
nested groups are not supported.
Within each group tag <group>, there is a single group name ele-
ment tag <gname>, a single group operator tag <op>, a single
group comment tag <gcomment), and 0 or more user element tags
Within each user tag <user>, there is a single user name tag <un-
ame>, a single user comment tag <ucomment>, and a single user
full name tag <fullname>. Depending on the group operator you
choose, some group operators to not require user tags.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1153
XML File General Form
<?xml version=”1.0”? XML declaration
<domains> document begins
<domain><dname>...</dname> domain name
<group> group begins
<gname>...</gname> group name
<op>...</op> group operator
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user1
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user2
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user3
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user4
<user><uname>...</uname><fullname>... user5
. add more users here
</group> group ends
. add more groups here
</domain> domain ends
. add more domains
</domains> document ends
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1154
XML File Example Form
Here is an example that contains group HR with add operator and
group ENG with expire operator of domain Windows.
<?xml version=”1.0”?
<gcomment>Human Resource Group</gcomment>
<user><uname>bob</uname><fullname>Bob Jones</fullname>
<user><uname>steve</uname><fullname>Steve Jobs</fullname>
<user><uname>lucy</uname><fullname>Lucy Ball</fullname>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1155
Related Topics
ntdm_exp” on page 887 and RSEC_imp” on page 1117.
Portions of this software were developed using the “expat XML parser
library”. The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you cannot use this file except in
compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or
implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and
limitations under the License.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1156
The SEC_init program sets or initializes the reserved objects in the
security database.
SEC_init sets the security system in the following manner:
Rebuilds the reserved object users and groups (SysAdmin, Opera-
tor, and FieldService) and groups (SysAdminG, OperatorG, Au-
ditG, and FieldServiceG) in the security database.
Resets the system-wide security defaults for users, groups, and
devices to their initial settings.
SEC_init first checks for the existence of the reserved objects. If they
do not exist, SEC_init adds them to the security database. If they exist,
SEC_init overwrites them using initial default settings. In addition, it
overwrites the SysAdmin password with the initial system default pass-
word for SysAdmin, and resets the Operator, and FieldService pass-
words. The System Administrator must restore the passwords for
Operator and FieldService. See the “Security Administration” chapter
of the System Administrator’s Handbook for more information. To
download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
As SEC_init takes each action, the system displays informational mes-
sages at the standard output device (see
Sample Output” on
page 1158). SEC_init affects only reserved objects. It does not change
other objects.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1157
Use SEC_init to rebuild the security database. If users have forgotten
or lost the System Administrator’s password, or the System Adminis-
trator has changed it, you can reset the password to the default. Since
this also resets the other reserved object passwords, the System
Administrator must change them again through the Security Adminis-
tration application after SEC_init –r completes.
If you need to initialize the security database by zeroing out its con-
tents, refer to the fn_util initsec command. Contact your service repre-
sentative for assistance before initializing a database.
SEC_init –r | –i | –u
–r Resets the security table by overwriting all reserved objects in the
database with the initial default values
The –r option affects only the set of reserved objects (users
SysAdmin, Operator, and FieldService and groups SysAdminG, Oper-
atorG, AuditG, and FieldServiceG), resetting their attributes to the
default settings. It does not modify other user password information.
You must be logged in as a member of fnadmin group or be logged on
to the FileNet software as SysAdmin to use this option.
–i Initializes basic database fields, if not present
–u Updates the F_OPEN database name
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1158
Sample Output
corona(root)/> SEC_init -r
Adding user defaults record: UserDefaults...
Adding group defaults record: GroupDefaults...
Adding device defaults record: DeviceDefaults...
Adding SysAdminG object...
Adding SysAdminG to the groups table...
Adding AuditG object...
Adding AuditG to the groups table...
Adding SysAdmin object...
Adding SysAdmin to the groups table...
Adding OperatorG object...
Adding OperatorG to the groups table...
Adding Operator object...
Adding Operator to the groups table...
Adding system control table information...
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1159
Before you use SEC_init, be aware of the following:
If you changed the passwords for the standard system-defined (re-
served) groups and users from their defaults, the System Adminis-
trator must change them again through the security application
after running SEC_init –r.
SEC_init –r resets system-wide security defaults to their original
default settings.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
See the “Security Administration” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1160
SEC_map is a command line tool for mapping one Image Services
user or group name to one or more Content Engine distinguished
names (dn) in a Content Federation Services for Image Services
(CFS-IS) environment. The mapped CE users and groups are stored in
the sec_map_prin_to_dn table of the MKF Security database. Map-
ping IS security objects to CE security objects is required for exporting
IS annotations to CE.
The SEC_map tool does not have a graphical user interface (GUI).
SEC_map walks you through a series of prompts and asks you to
enter the appropriate values. Except for the help command, none of
the other commands needs any parameters.
Distinguished Names
There are two types of distinguished names:
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
UPN (User Principal Name)
A distinguished name based on the LDAP protocol consists of key
and value pairs:
The first key and value pair relates to the user identification. The prefix
cn (common name) or ui (user id) are some of the preferred prefixes.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1161
A distinguished name based on the UPN protocol has a format similar
to an e-mail address:
The maximum size of a distinguished name is 1023 characters.
User and Group Files
Since a distinguished name can be long, SEC_map reads records
from, and writes records to, a flat file. Each line in the file represents a
The two flat files are:
The first line in the file has the format:
CE Domain Name<tab>CE Domain GUID<new line>
Each subsequent line represents a record with the format:
id<tab>name<tab>distinguished name<new line>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1162
To launch the SEC_map tool, enter the following at the command line:
The SEC_map menu displays:
Enter commands at the <SEC_map> command line prompt.
From the <SEC_map> prompt, you can display online help for each
command by entering help followed by the command name. For
<SEC_map>help set_ldap_type
? Displays the menu of SEC_map commands.
quit SEC_map terminates gracefully.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1163
logon SEC_map prompts you for a user name and password. It attempts to
logon to the Image Services server using the entered user name and
If you are already logged onto the Image Services server, SEC_map
logs you out and then tries to log you on again.
logout Logs you out of the Image Services server. If you were not logged on,
SEC_map ignores the command.
set_dn_suffix Prompts you to enter a suffix for the distinguished name.
The maximum length for a suffix is 922 ASCII characters.
The maximum length for a user name is 40 ASCII characters.
Using the LDAP protocol, anything that appears after the 'cn=user-
name', is considered to be a suffix. In the example, “co=USA” is a
A distinguished name based on the UPN protocol has a format similar
to an e-mail address:
Anything that appears after the '@' sign is considered to be a suffix.
set_dn_prefix Prompts you to enter a prefix to precede the user name.
The maximum length for a prefix is 16 ASCII characters.
The maximum length for a user name is 40 ASCII characters.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1164
Using the LDAP protocol, the prefix cn (common name) or ui (user id)
are some of the preferred prefixes.
The UPN protocol does not use a prefix for the distinguished name.
set_ldap_type SEC_map prompts you to select either LDAP protocol or UPN pro-
export_all Generates two flat files: user.txt and group.txt. Each line in the file rep-
resents a record. The first line in each file has the format:
CE Domain Name<tab>CE Domain GUID<new line>
Each subsequent line represents a record with the format:
id<tab>name<tab>distinguished name<new line>
If you have not logged on, SEC_map walks you through the logon
If you have not set the LDAP type, SEC_map prompts you to select
either LDAP protocol or UPN protocol.
If you selected LDAP protocol, but have not set the prefix for the
distinguished name, then SEC_map prompts you to enter a prefix.
If you have not set the suffix for the distinguished name, SEC_map
prompts you to enter a suffix.
SEC_map also prompts you to enter a CE domain name. If it finds the
CE domain GUID for the entered CE domain name, then it records this
information to the flat file as the first line:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1165
CE Domain Name<tab>CE Domain GUID<new line>
SEC_map goes through the security database and generates a record
for each user name and saves the record in the flat file. Devices are not
considered to be users.
export_blank Generates two flat files named user.txt and group.txt. Each line in the
file represents a record. The first line in the file has the format:
CE Domain Name<tab>CE Domain GUID<new line>
Each subsequent line represents a record with the format:
id<tab>name<tab>distinguished name<new line>
If you have not logged on, SEC_map walks you through the logon
If you have not set the LDAP type, SEC_map prompts you to select
either LDAP protocol or UPN protocol.
If you selected LDAP protocol, but have not set the prefix for the
distinguished name, then SEC_map prompts you to enter a prefix.
If you have not set the suffix for the distinguished name, SEC_map
prompts you to enter a suffix.
SEC_map prompts you to enter a CE domain name. If it finds the CE
domain GUID for the entered CE domain name, then it records this
information in the flat file as the first line: CE Domain Name<tab>CE
Domain GUID<new line>
SEC_map goes through the security database and for each user name
that does not have a distinguished name, it generates a record and
saves the record in the flat file. Devices are not considered to be
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1166
import SEC_map prompts you to enter a file name to import, either user.txt or
group.txt. SEC_map reads the flat file and parses the records in the
file. For each user name, it validates the user id. If the validation
passes, the distinguished name is inserted into the security database
and the record is deleted from the file. Otherwise, the record is kept in
the file.
The first line in the file must have the format:
CE Domain Name<tab>CE Domain GUID<new line>
Each subsequent line represents a record with the format:
id<tab>name<tab>distinguished name<new line>
If you have not logged on, SEC_map walks you through the logon
Mapping User and Group Security for Annotations
After you have created the document class mapping in Enterprise
manager on the Content Engine server, you can use the SEC_map
tool on the Image Services system to map the user and group security
for annotations.
1 Launch the SEC_map tool by entering at a command prompt:
2 At the SEC_map prompt, enter export_all to create the user.txt and
group.txt files.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1167
SEC_map> export_all
3 Answer the prompts to logon, select the LDAP type, and select a suffix
for the distinguished name.
SEC_map reads the MKF security database and creates the user.txt
and group.txt files in the current directory. The IS user and group
names are converted to CE distinguished names based on your
answers to the previous prompts.
4 When the export is finished, exit from SEC_map:
SEC_map> quit
5 Now you can use your preferred text editor, such as vi, to view these
two files and verify that all the IS users and groups are mapped cor-
rectly to the appropriate CE distinguished names. Make any changes
you wish, and save the files.
If necessary, you can delete the two files, and run export_all again.
6 When you’re sure the user.txt and the group.txt are correct, you can
launch SEC_map again to import them into the MKF security data-
SEC_map> import
7 Again, follow the prompts to import the user.txt file, then the group.txt
file. SEC_map validates each distinguished name before storing it in
the MKF Security database on the IS Root server.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1168
After an entry is stored in the MKF security database, the corre-
sponding entry is deleted from the user.txt or group.txt file. If an entry
cannot be validated, it is not removed from the file.
If all the distinguished names are valid and the user.txt and
group.txt files are empty, SEC_map automatically deletes them.
If any invalid entries remain in either file, SEC_map does not delete
the file. You can then re-edit the file, correct the invalid entries, and
re-run the import.
Related Topics
See the “Annotations” section in Chapter 3 of the FileNet P8 Content
Federation Services for Image Services Guidelines. To download IBM
FileNet documentation from the IBM support page, see
IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1169
SEC_map_ext_auth is a command line tool for mapping one or more
LDAP common names to one Image Services user. These mapped
users are stored in the sec_map_cn_to_prin table of the MKF Security
database. Mapping LDAP common names to IS security objects is
required to support "Extensible User Authentication."
The SEC_map_ext_auth tool does not have a graphical user interface
SEC_map_ext_auth walks you through a series of prompts and asks
you to enter the appropriate values. Except for the help command,
none of the other commands needs any parameters.
Common Names
The LDAP common names consist of alphanumeric characters, as well
as the @ character, in a format similar to an e-mail address:
The maximum size of a common name is 39 bytes.
User Files
SEC_map_ext_auth reads records from, and writes records to, a flat
file. Each line in the file represents a record.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1170
The name of the flat file depends on the command used to create the
Export_all: cn_user_map_all.txt
Export_new: cn_user_map_new.txt
Each line in the file represents a record with the format:
id<tab>common name<tab>principal IS name<new line>
To launch the SEC_map_ext_auth tool, enter the following at the com-
mand line:
The SEC_map_ext_auth menu displays:
This tool can only be run on the IS root server, and the user must be a
member of the fn_admin group.
Enter commands at the <SEC_map_ext_auth> command line prompt.
From the <SEC_map_ext_auth> prompt, you can display online help
for each command by entering help followed by the command name.
For example:
export_all import
export_new set_suffix
help ?
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1171
<SEC_map_ext_auth> help set_suffix
? Displays the menu of SEC_map_ext_auth commands.
quit SEC_map_ext_auth terminates gracefully.
set_suffix Prompts you to enter a suffix for the common name.
The maximum length for a suffix is 29 bytes.
The maximum length for a common name is 39 bytes.
With the exception of the @ symbol, the characters must be alpha-
A common name has a format similar to an e-mail address:
Setting a suffix for the common name is optional.
export_all Generates a single flat file named cn_user_map_all.txt. Each line in
the file represents a record with the format:
Principal IS id<tab>common name<tab>principal IS name<new line>
Setting a suffix for the common name is optional.
SEC_map_ext_auth goes through the security database and gener-
ates a record for each user name and saves the record in the flat file.
Devices are not considered to be users. Built-in users (like SysAdmin)
and all unified logon users are excluded.
export_new Generates a flat file named cn_user_map_new.txt. Each line in the
file represents a record with the format:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1172
Principal IS id<tab>common name<tab>principal IS name<new line>
SEC_map_ext_auth goes through the security database and for each
user name that does not already have a mapped common name, it
generates a record and saves the record in the flat file. Devices are
not considered to be users. Built-in users (like SysAdmin) and all uni-
fied logon users are excluded.
import SEC_map_ext_auth prompts you to enter a file name to import, either
manually generated or from a previous call to export_all or export_new.
SEC_map_ext_auth reads the flat file and parses the records in the
file. For each user name, it validates the user id. If the validation
passes, the common name is inserted/updated into the security data-
base and the record is deleted from the file. Otherwise, the record is
kept in the file.
Each line in the file represents a record with the format:
id<tab>common name<tab>principal IS name<new line>
Mapping Common Names to IS principals
After you have enabled Extensible Authentication using the Security
Administration (Xsec_admin) application, you can use the SEC_map_
ext_auth tool on the Image Services root server to map the common
names to IS principals.
1 Launch the SEC_map_ext_auth tool by entering at a command
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1173
2 At the SEC_map_ext_auth prompt, enter export_all to create the cn_
user_map_all.txt file.
SEC_map_ext_auth> export_all
3 SEC_map_ext_auth reads the MKF security database and creates the
cn_user_map_all.txt file in the current directory. By default, the
common names will be based on the IS principal's object name (that is,
without the domain and organization). However, if the set_suffix com-
mand was used, the suffix will be appended to the default common
4 When the export is finished, exit from SEC_map_ext_auth:
SEC_map_ext_auth> quit
5 Now you can use your preferred text editor, such as vi, to view the
exported file and verify that all the common names and principal IS
users are correctly mapped. Make any changes you wish, and save
the files. Remember that the columns must remain tab separated.
If necessary, you can delete the exported file, and run export_all
6 After you have verified that the entries are correct, you can launch
SEC_map_ext_auth again to import them into the MKF security data-
SEC_map_ext_auth> import
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1174
7 Again, follow the prompt to import the file. SEC_map_ext_auth vali-
dates each IS principal name before storing it in the MKF Security
database on the IS Root server.
After an entry is stored in the MKF security database, the corre-
sponding entry is deleted from the import file. If an entry cannot be val-
idated, it is not removed from the file.
If all the entries were successfully imported, SEC_map_ext_auth
automatically deletes the import file.
If some entries could not be imported, SEC_map_ext_auth does
not delete the import file. You can then re-edit the file, correct the
invalid entries, and re-run the import.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1175
SEC_rm_config invokes the Image Services Record Management
Configuration Utility. This utility is used in a Content Federation Ser-
vices for Image Services (CFS-IS) environment and provides you the
ability to display and edit current Record Management configuration
security settings on the Image Services server.
Use the SEC_rm_config utility to set the three system level settings:
Record Security level, the Record Management Group and the Record
Management Log level. You must run this tool on the Root server as a
member of the FNADMIN group.
Record Security Level
The Record Security Level (also referred to as Lockdown Mode) can
These security level settings apply only to normal users and do not
impact the SysAdminG user.
READ_ONLY - Any user that is not a member of the SysAdminG
group and already had at least Read privileges to the documents
before the lockdown can only view the documents. This is the de-
fault setting.
APPEND_ONLY - Any user that is not a member of the SysAd-
minG group and already had at least Read and Append/Execute
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1176
privileges to the documents before the lockdown can only view the
documents and add new annotations.
NO_CHANGE - The same security settings as currently exist in the
Index Database of the IS system.
Once the Record Level Security has been set, and documents have
been locked down at that level, changing the Record Level Security to
a less restrictive setting does not change the security level of these
documents. This is true even if you lock the same documents again.
You can only make the security level more strict. For example, you
cannot change the Record Level Security from READ_ONLY to
If you change the Record Level Security to a less restrictive setting,
only future documents will be locked at the new level. If you change
the RM Group, you must re-declare all of the old records for the
changes to take place.
RM Group
The RM Group names the Record Management group and a single
RM group is used at the system level. When the tool is first launched,
the value for the RM Group is UNDEFINED and any attempts to lock-
down records will fail until the RM Group is named. It is recommended
that a new IS security group be created as the RM Group using the
Security Administration tool in the Application Executive (Xapex) utility
as opposed to using an existing security group. Be aware that you
cannot assign an IS user for the RM group, it must be an IS security
Once documents are declared as records (locked down), they inherit
the security attribute (the Group ID) of the configured RM Group. If the
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1177
RM Group must be changed, the CE configured IS user (the IS user
associated with the IS Fixed Content Device) must always be a
member of the new RM Group. For example, if a group named
Records was initially assigned to the RM Group, and then a new group
named Records_grp is assigned to the RM Group, the CE Configured
user must be made a member of both Records and Records_grp.
To provide the maximum protection, no other IS user should ever be
made a member of the RM Group.
RM Log Level
The RM Log Level sets the level of detail the system writes to the
system’s log file in the Edit Activity Log Level section. This can be set
MINIMAL - Logs errors only associated with any Records Manage-
ment operations. This is the default setting.
VERBOSE - Logs errors and detailed information on the document
IDs being locked and the updated security.
The Edit Activity Log Level section is referring to logging to the
system’s log file and has nothing to do with the Activity Logging fea-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1178
To launch the SEC_rm_config utility, on the systems Root server, logon
as a member of the FNADMIN (FNSW) group and enter the following
at the command line:
The IS Record Management Configuration Utility screen displays.
From this screen, you have four options in addition to quitting the utility:
displaying the current IS configuration, editing the IS configuration,
saving the current settings, or printing the menu.
Image Services Record Management Configuration Utility
Command line options:
d Display current configuration settings
e Edit configuration settings
s Save configuration settings
p Print menu
q Quit
Enter command =>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1179
d option
The d option displays the current configuration settings for the IS
system and the selected user (the first time, the current user configura-
tion displays the same as the IS configuration, the default settings):
e option
The e option allows you to edit the current settings:
Enter command =d
Current Image Services Configuration:
Record Security Level : READ_ONLY
RM Log Level : MINIMAL
Current User Selected Configuration:
Record Security Level : READ_ONLY
RM Log Level : MINIMAL
Enter command =e
Edit Record Security Level
Enter Record Security Level [READ_ONLY] =>
Edit Record Manager Group
Enter Record Manager Group name [UNDEFINED] => records
Edit Activity Log Level
Enter Activity Log Level [MINIMAL] =>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1180
In the example above, the Record Security Level setting and the
Activity Log Level setting were left as the default by pressing the Enter
key, and the Record Manager Group was named records.
s option
The s option must be selected to save your changes. However, you
are prompted to save your changes if you go into the edit menu and
select q to exit.
p option
The p option prints the main menu.
See the Sample Output” on page 1180 to see a sample of a typical
SEC_rm_config session
Sample Output
The following is a sample of a typical SEC_rm_config session.
Image Services Record Management Configuration Utility
Command line options:
d Display current configuration settings
e Edit configuration settings
s Save configuration settings
p Print menu
q Quit
(contintued on next page)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1181
(continue from previous page)
Enter command =>e
Edit Record Security Level
Enter Record Security Level [READ_ONLY] => s
Edit Record Manager Group
Enter Record Manager Group name [records] =>
Edit Activity Log Level
Enter Activity Log Level [VERBOSE] =>m
Enter command => d
Current Image Services Configuration:
Record Security Level : READ_ONLY
RM Group : records
RM Log Level : VERBOSE
Current User Selected Configuration:
Record Security Level : READ_ONLY
RM Group : records
RM Log Level : MINIMAL
Enter Command => s
Saving Record Management control table information...
SEC_rm_config: Record Management settings have been successfully updated
(continued on next page)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1182
It is important to note that once you edit the security settings and then
display them before saving them, you will see what the system settings
currently are in the Current Image Services Configuration area of the
display and what they will become in the Current User Selected Con-
figuration area of the display once you save the settings using the
s option. After you display the setting after saving them, you will see
the two areas are the same again.
(continue from previous page)
Enter Command => d
Current Image Services Configuration:
Record Security Level : READ_ONLY
RM Group : records
RM Log Level : MINIMAL
Current User Selected Configuration:
Record Security Level : READ_ONLY
RM Group : records
RM Log Level : MINIMAL
Enter Command => q
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1183
System administrators and your service representative can view
internal details of the Security Services and can perform certain
administrative actions with SEC_tool.
Use SEC_tool to view and update various security aspects of the
Image Services system. Some of the SEC_tool commands require
SysAdmin privileges. To obtain SysAdmin privileges, you should log
onto the Image Services server as SysAdmin before running SEC_
You can also log onto the Image Services server for all platforms using
Xapex. On a UNIX-based Image Services server, you can also use the
fnlogon command.
Enter commands at the <SEC_tool> command line prompt.
In the command descriptions that follow, replace items in angle
brackets (< >) with the appropriate value; items in square brackets ([ ])
are optional. All commands are case insensitive; therefore, you can
enter any keyword or database item name in either uppercase or low-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1184
Although you can enter all letters of a command name, SEC_tool only
requires that you enter the letters shown in this section with UPPER-
CASE letters. For example, to initiate the command shown as
“DECOde” with its command syntax, you must enter at least the fol-
lowing characters:
SEC_tool provides a variety of commands. From the <SEC_tool>
prompt, you can display online help for each command by entering a
question mark followed by the command. For example:
<SEC_tool>? decode
The following table lists all commands with a brief description of each:
SEC_tool Application Commands
Command Description
DECOde Converts encoded value to decoded value
DUMP Copies security database information to the specified file
ENCOde Converts access description to encoded value
EXPort Dumps security tables
HARDcopy Sends output to a file
HELP Displays help information
IDTOName Converts a security ID to a name
IMPort Copies tables from an exported file to the security
LICense Displays license information
LOGOFF Kills security sessions
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1185
The following commands contain detailed explanations of all options,
parameters, and arguments you need to use the application com-
DECOde [<number> | <number> | <...>] | [ 0x<hexstring>]
Converts an encoded access restriction value to its decoded value
<number> A decimal number less than or equal to 255; you can specify up to 12
decimal numbers separated by spaces. Alternatively, you can specify a
hexadecimal value.
<0x<hexstring> A hexadecimal string where <hexstring> is 1 to 12 hexadecimal bytes
preceded by the identifier 0x. Alternatively, you can specify a decimal
NAMETOid Converts a string name to a security ID
PASswd Changes your logon password without going through Se-
curity Administration application
Quit Exits SEC_tool
TERMOFF Turns off terminal output
TERMON Turns on terminal output
STAts Displays internal security statistics
WHO Displays all logged-on users
WHOAMI Displays your current logon information
? Displays help information
SEC_tool Application Commands, Continued
Command Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1186
DUMP [ dump_type ]
Displays information from the security database based upon the speci-
fied dump_type parameter. The dump types are:
For example, to display a list of users whose logons are greater than
one, and/or whose concurrent logons are greater than 1, you would
enter at the SEC_tool prompt:
Security Dump Types
Dump Type Description
user Displays all users on the system
group Displays all groups on the system
device Displays all devices on the system
allobj Displays all users, groups, and devices on the system
Displays specific users on the system with logon informa-
tion. If no parameters are provided, all users are returned.
usermbr Displays the extended membership list for each user
groupmbr Displays the extended membership list for each group
devicembr Displays the extended membership list for each device
allmbr Displays the extended membership list for each user, group
and device
adminusr Displays all administrative users on the system
admingrp Displays all administrative groups on the system
adminmbr Displays all objects which can be affected through the ad-
ministrative group's extended membership
alladmin Displays information for all of the above listed administrative
types (adminusr, admingrp, adminmbr)
all Displays information for all of the above listed types
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1187
<SEC_tool>dump userid 1 1
The resulting display would look similar to this:
If you enter the dump userid option with no parameters:
<SEC_tool>dump userid
User Object Listing Thu Mar 16 17:01:47 2006
Total logons greater than: 1
Concurrent logons greater than: 1
id name # logons # concur
----- ------------------------------------- ---------- --------
00011 SysAdmin:vermeer:FileNet 28 2
10021 bryanl:vermeer:FileNet 2 1
10022 blambert:vermeer:FileNet 5 1
10023 bkl:vermeer:FileNet 4 1
10024 bryan1:vermeer:FileNet 3 1
userids with > 1 logons and/or > 1 concurrent logons: 5
Number of users with more than 1 logons: 5
Number of users with concurrent logons set greater than 1: 1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1188
The resulting display would look like this:
ENCOde <read_id> | <write_id> | <ax_id>
Converts an access description to an encoded value
EXPort [<filename>]
Dumps (exports) the security tables, in ASCII format, to the specified
file. This command requires SysAdmin privileges.
Do not use this option to export the security database with the intention
of importing the security tables on a new server. Doing so can prevent
you from retrieving documents with certain document classes on the
User Object Listing Thu Mar 16 17:03:16 2006
id name # logons # concur # max
logons sessions
----- ----------------------------------- ---------- -------- --------
00011 SysAdmin:vermeer:FileNet 28 2 3
00012 FieldService:vermeer:FileNet 0 0 1
00013 Operator:vermeer:FileNet 0 0 1
00021 user_test100:vermeer:FileNet 0 0 1
00022 user_test101:vermeer:FileNet 0 0 1
00023 user_test102:vermeer:FileNet 0 0 1
00024 user_test103:vermeer:FileNet 0 0 1
00025 user_test104:vermeer:FileNet 0 0 1
00026 user_test105:vermeer:FileNet 0 0 1
Total userids stored: 9
Number of users with one or more logons: 1
Number of users with concurrent logons > 1: 1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1189
new server. When performing a server-to-server migration, we recom-
mend using the Backup and Restore Utility.
HARDcopy [<filename>]
Sends program output to a file. If you specify a <filename>, SEC_tool
creates a file of that name, and sends all output to both your terminal
screen and to this file. If you do not specify a <filename>, SEC_tool
closes the previous output file and turns off hard copy output.
HELP [<command> | * ]
Displays help information. If you specify <command>, it prints help for
the indicated command. To get help for all commands, enter:
IDTOName <id>
Converts a specified security ID to a name. If it can’t find the ID in the
object table, the system searches the deleted object table. If the ID cor-
responds to a deleted object, a message informs you the system has
deleted the object, displaying its name.
IMPort [<filename>] [overwrite | overwrite_all] [from=<from_domain>] [to=<to_domain>]
Imports tables from an exported file to the local security database. This
command requires SysAdmin privileges.
<filename> File name of the exported security tables. This parameter is required.
overwrite A literal string that, when specified, overwrites the reserved FileNet
objects in the target database with the related import objects data. A
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1190
reserved object is an object, created by the SEC_init command (as it is
issued from SysAdmin, SysAdminG, or AuditG, for example).
overwrite_all A literal string that, when specified, updates the all FileNet security
objects in the target database with the information contained in the
specified <import_filename>. All security objects, both reserved and
custom, are updated with the same id contained in the file. If the id on
the target system is already taken, the object associated with that id is
removed during the import process.
This option is used primarily when importing the security database in
preparation for an upgrade to IS 4.0 SP5 as described in the docu-
ment, Updating the MKF Security Database (Prerequisite for IS 4.0
SP5), which is available from your service representative.
After you export the security database, you should not make any
changes to Image Services security before you import it with the
overwrite_all option. If you do, unexpected results can occur.
For example, if you export the security database and then delete a
session group, you would expect the session group to be restored with
all its members intact when you import the security base with the
overwrite_all option. However, the session group is not restored to its
previous state. The group is restored, but previous members of the
group are not reinstated.
Also, if you export the security database and then rename a session
group, you would expect the group to be restored to its previous name
and membership when you import the security database with the
overwrite_all option. However, although the group is returned to its
original name, the previous members are not reinstated.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1191
When specified, replaces all domain names in the <from_domain> to
with the domain names specified in the to=<to_domain> parameter.
to=<to_domain> When specified, replaces all domain names in the domain specified in
the from=<from_domain> parameter with the name specified in <to_
Displays licensing information for the local domain, as shown in the
example below. (For SLU column descriptions, see
License Report Column Descriptions” on page 1192.)
SLU = Simultaneouly Logged on Users
License Current Soft SLU Hard SLU Soft SLU Rejections Maximum
Type Users Limit Limit Violations Usage
1 3 99999 99999 0 0 12
2 0 99999 99999 0 0 0
3 0 999 999 0 0 0
4 0 999 999 0 0 0
5 0 999 999 0 0 0
6 0 999 999 0 0 0
7 0 999 999 0 0 0
8 0 999 999 0 0 0
9 0 999 999 0 0 0
10 0 999 999 0 0 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1192
SEC_tool License Report Column Descriptions
Heading Description
License Type This number identifies the type of license the cus-
tomer has purchased.
1 = Image Services only SLUs
2 = eProcess only SLUs
Current Users Displays the number of users logged onto the Im-
age Services system at the end of the report sample
Soft SLU Limit License management policy enables users to obtain
Universal SLAC keys that set this value to 99,999.
Although other system constraints would prevent
this many users from logging onto an Image Ser-
vices server at the same time, this number indicates
that up to 99,999 users can log on simultaneously.
Customers are still bound not to exceed the license
quantity purchased; however, the Universal SLAC
keys do not lockout connections. Comparison of re-
port results with customer license configurations is
a sales team activity. For more details, refer to the
Marketing Bulletins regarding SLU License Man-
This field is called the "SOFT CUTOFF" in the Cus-
tomer Support and Service Report.
Hard SLU Limit License management policy enables users to obtain
Universal SLAC keys that set this value to 99,999.
Although other system constraints would prevent
this many users from logging onto an Image Ser-
vices server at the same time, this number indicates
that up to 99,999 users can log on simultaneously.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1193
LOGOFF [ all | (user=<user_name> | endpt=<endpt_name>) ]
Terminates security sessions
all Logs off all users. To execute LOGOFF with the all parameter, you
must be SysAdmin or a user possessing the Supervisor or Principal
attribute. You cannot use all in conjunction with any other parameter of
the LOGOFF command.
Identifies the name of a logged on user. You can determine the logged
on users by using the who command. If you specify the user’s name,
the program terminates every logon instance of that user. If used in
Hard SLU Limit, cont. Customers are still bound not to exceed the license
quantity purchased; however, the Universal SLAC
keys do not lockout connections. Comparison of re-
port results with customer license configurations is
a sales team activity. For more details, refer to the
Marketing Bulletins regarding SLU License Man-
This field is called "MAX ALLOWED" in the Cus-
tomer Support and Service Report.
Soft SLU Violations This field does not apply to the current software re-
Rejections The Image Services system rejects all users after
the number specified as Hard SLU Limit has been
Maximum Usage Displays the highest number of users logged on
since the Image Services system was last recycled.
This parameter is called the “PEAK” in the customer
service report generated with getreports.
SEC_tool License Report Column Descriptions, Continued
Heading Description
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1194
conjunction with the endpt=<endpt_name> parameter, it terminates
only that user’s specific instance. A user can terminate his or her own
logon instances but only the SysAdmin user or a user with the Super-
visor or Principal attribute can terminate another user’s logon instance.
If you use this option, but do not specify a <user_name>, SEC_tool
issues a syntax error message.
Identifies the name of the logged-on endpoint. You can use the who
command to determine logged-on endpoint names. You must be a
non-system administrator user to use the user=<user_name> option in
conjunction with this option.
If you use this option, but do not specify an <endpt_name>, SEC_tool
issues a syntax error message.
NAMETOid <name_string>
Converts the specified string name to an ID
Use this command to change your logon password without going
through the Security Administration application windows. SEC_tool
displays your current user ID in the field “User:” and prompts you for
your old password, new password, and confirmation of your new pass-
word. These passwords do not appear on the screen as you type them.
This command requires SysAdmin privileges.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1195
The example below shows the prompt sequence when user “tmkppr”
enters the PAS command:
Exits the SEC_tool program
Turns off terminal output. You might want to do this when writing large
amounts of data to an output file using the HARDCOPY command.
Turns on terminal output. Use this command to restore terminal output
after it was shut off with TERMOFF.
Displays the internal security statistics as shown below:
FileNet software was started at: Tue Dec 23 10:54:24 1997
deserialize calls: total=0 as of Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
service_logon calls: total=25 as of Mon Jan 05 11:52:27 1998
User: SysAdmin:allaha:FileNet
Old password:
New password:
Retype new password:
Password has been updated.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1196
find_object calls: total=201 as of Mon Jan 05 16:21:42 1998
MKF db hits
obj finds: 1988
obj adds: 0
obj updates: 159
obj deletes: 0
total: 2147
grp finds: 1110
grp adds: 0
grp deletes: 0
total: 1110
sys finds: 201
sys updates: 3
total: 204
del finds: 0
del adds: 0
del deletes: 0
total: 0
func finds: 11
func adds: 0
func deletes: 0
total: 11
fmbr finds: 3
fmbr adds: 0
fmbr deletes: 0
total: 3
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1197
grand total: 3475
WHO [ ( v | user=<user_name> | endpt=<endpt_name> ) | <minutes> ]
Displays a list of logged-on users.
v Verbose mode. This option displays detailed information related to a
logon session. The detailed information includes the user_name, the
endpt_name, the logon_time, the calculated expiration_time and the
number of sessions. If you do not specify verbose mode, then just the
user and endpoint names are displayed in a columnar format.
Identifies the name of a logged-on user. The <user_name> is a string
by which this command attempts to filter through the list of logged-on
users. This string does not need to be the full-length user name. All
users partially matching this string will be displayed. For example, a
search for all logged-on users whose names begin with the letter 'S'
can be executed by specifying 'user=S'.
Identifies the name of the logged-on endpoint. Like the user name
parameter, the endpoint name parameter allows you to specify a par-
tial string. If both the endpoint name and the user name parameters
are specified, then the displayed logged-on user must meet both
search criteria. This parameter can be useful in identifying all logged-
on users on a certain type of device. Since all FileNet Personal Com-
puter (PC) endpoint names begin with 'PC', it would be possible to list
these logon sessions by specifying 'endpt=PC'.
<minutes> This option reports all users that logged on the system within the spec-
ified number of minutes. This parameter must be an integer and is the
number of minutes back from the current time. It is meant to be used
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1198
alone. If it’s used with the v, user, or endpt parameters, this option will
override (ignore) them.
The number of users that have logged on during the specified number
of minutes is not necessarily the same as the number of currently
logged on users.
For example, if you specified a time period of 30 minutes, some users
can have logged on for a few minutes and then logged off within that
time span. They would be included in the list.
There can also be some currently logged on users who first logged on,
say, 45 minutes ago that would not be included in the list.
Here are some examples:
Display a standard list of all the currently logged on users:
2 sessions found on Tue Apr 11 16:21:19 2006
user_name endpoint_name
--------- -------------
ServiceProcess:System:System [email protected]
SysAdmin:senna:FileNet [email protected]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1199
Display a list of all logged on users in verbose mode:
Display a list of logged on users whose user names begin with Se:
<SEC_tool>who v
2 sessions found on Tue Apr 11 16:23:33 2006
------ 1 ------
who: ServiceProcess:System:System
logon_time: Mon Apr 03 09:32:25 2006
exp_time: no expiration
sessions: 56
------ 2 ------
who: SysAdmin:senna:FileNet
logon_time: Fri Apr 07 15:13:22 2006
exp_time: no expiration
sessions: 1
<SEC_tool>who user=Se
user_name endpoint_name
--------- -------------
ServiceProcess:System:System [email protected]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1200
Display a list of logged on users whose endpoint names begin with
Display a list of users who logged on in the last 15 minutes:
<SEC_tool>who endpt=SV
user_name endpoint_name
--------- -------------
SysAdmin:senna:FileNet [email protected]
<SEC_tool>who 15
Unique Logons Wed Apr 19 14:26:33 2006
id name last logon
----- ------------------------------------- ------------------------
00011 SysAdmin:senna:FileNet 4/19/2006 2:12:41 PM
00022 blambert:senna:FileNet 4/19/2006 2:13:50 PM
00023 bryan1:senna:FileNet 4/19/2006 2:18:13 PM
00024 bryan2:senna:FileNet 4/19/2006 2:23:07 PM
4 unique user logons in last 15 minutes
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1201
Displays the FileNet user’s current logon information:
Displays all help information
Before you use SEC_tool, be aware of the following:
When you use the SEC_tool logoff command to terminate a user,
you must specify the user name. If you do not specify a name,
SEC_tool issues a syntax error message.
When you use the SEC_tool logoff command to terminate a
logged-on end point, you must specify an end point name. If you do
not specify a name, SEC_tool issues a syntax error message.
Logon to SEC_tool.
FileNet name: SysAdmin:allaha:FileNet
FileNet id: 11
prim name: SysAdminG:allaha:FileNet
prim id: 2
Admin classes: supervisor; principal; group; password;
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1202
Related Topics
fnlogon” on page 490
getreports” on page 524
See the “Security Administration” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1203
The sgs tool is available only on a UNIX-based Image Services server.
The sgs (system get status) tool lists the system configuration settings
on the Image Services server. This tool gathers specified information
from the latest conf_db file and displays it in an easy-to-read format.
You can use this tool on any server in which it is installed. When run-
ning this command, you must specify the type of information you want
to view using the appropriate option.
If you run the sgs tool on a server that does not provide the function
specified by the command option, the list does not present complete
For example, if you run sgs using the -o option on a server that does
not provide an OSAR or storage library, it lists the OSAR command
option format without any values describing an installed device.
Use sgs when you want to view the configuration settings on a UNIX-
based Image Services server.
Once you issue an sgs command, do not abort its display before the
system redisplays its prompt. Doing so leaves database calls open,
hanging up the process.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1204
sgs [-h | -d | -r | -n | -l | -t | -o | -e | -c | -p | -w | -s]
This command requires a space between the command and its option.
-h Displays the sgs command help screen, a list of command options
-d Identifies the server details, including its domain name, system serial
number, operating system version, and FileNet software version
-r Displays information about any remote servers configured on the
system, including the system type and domain name
-n Displays the system configuration, including its description, serial
number, Image Services release number, domain name, organization
name, networking protocol, and type of system verification method
-l Displays server details, including the server’s station number, type of
server, IP address, and server name
-t Displays details about the server’s tape drive, including its network
clearing house name, type, and capacity
-o Displays details on the server’s storage library, including its type,
number of slots, current mode, drive capacity, and device address
-e Lists all subsystems configured on the system
-c Identifies the server’s cache details, including the configured thresh-
olds for each type of cache
-p Identifies the server partitions allocated to system cache, as well as
the various databases
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1205
-w Identifies printers and fax machines connected to the server, including
the device IP address, name, and type
-s Identifies SDS devices attached to the server, including the device ID,
device name, and library name
Sample Output
After you run the sgs command, it collects the information for the spec-
ified configuration parameter and displays a warning banner, followed
by the requested information.
sgs -h Sample Display
The following example shows the command help list displayed using
the sgs -h command option.
sgs: “Get Station” configuration info
syntax: sgs [-h|-d|-r|-n|-l|-t|-o|-e|-c|-p|-w|-s]
where -h lists this help screen {default}
-d lists domain main server identity
-r lists all domain / remote servers
-n lists this system’s configuration
-l lists server names and IP addresses
-t lists tape information
-o lists osar/optical information
( shows device links on OSAR server only )
-e lists services on each server
-c lists cache percentage information
-p lists partition information
-w lists printer/fax information
( shows device type on ROOT server only )
-s lists SDS device information
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1206
sgs -d Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -d com-
mand option. This option identifies the server details, including its
domain name, system serial number, operating system version, and
FileNet software version.
sgs -r Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -r com-
mand option. This option displays information about any remote
servers configured on the system, including the system type and
domain name.
(root)/> sgs -d
Domain name: neelix:FileNet Domain_No: 1
SSN: 1100201788
HP9000: B.11.23
IDMIS: 4.1.2
(root)/> sgs -r
Domain / Remote Servers configured on this system: 1
Domain System_Type Name
------ ----------- ----
1 IS neelix
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1207
sgs -n Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -n com-
mand option. This option displays the system configuration, including
its description, serial number, Image Services release number, domain
name, organization name, networking protocol, and type of system
verification method used.
(root)/> sgs -n
System Configuration:
System Description: [ HP9000: B.11.23 ]
System Serial Number: [ 1100201788 ]
System IS Release: [ 4.1.2 ]
Domain Name: [ neelix ]
Organization Name: [ FileNet ]
Net Protocols in: [ TCP ]
Preferred Protocol: [ TCP ]
System Checksumming: [ NONE ]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1208
sgs -l Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -l com-
mand option. This option displays server details, including the server’s
station number, type of server, IP address, and server name.
sgs -t Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -t com-
mand option. This option displays details about the server’s tape drive,
including its network clearing house name, type, and capacity.
sas1(root) > sgs -l
The number of Servers configured on this system: 1
Sta # Station_Type Server Name Adress(es)
----- ------------ ----------- -----------
1 Root/Index/Document/Osar sas1
sas1(root)/> sgs -t
The number of Servers configured on this system: 1
Server Server_Name Tape_Name Device_Driver Tape_Type
------ ----------- --------- ------------- ---------
1 sas1 4mmDAT /dev/rmt0 Digital Audio Tape
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1209
sgs -o Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -o com-
mand option. This option displays details on the server’s optical
storage library, including its type, number of slots, current mode, drive
capacity, and device address.
sgs -e Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -e com-
mand option. This option lists all subsystems configured on the
sas1(root)/> sgs -o
The number of Servers configured on this system: 1
OSAR Configuration for... sas1 (AIX)
Library Unit: 0 (a): FileNET MSAR Model 512 Slots: 16 Mode: Unknown
Device Addr: 0 0 0 0
is linked to..
Drive 1: MSAR Drive
Device Addr: 0 0 0 0
is linked to..
Drive 2: MSAR Drive
(root)/> sgs -e
The number of Servers configured on this system: 1
Server_Name Services
----------- --------
neelix index doc batch cache print osar skf wqs nch sql rmt_file
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1210
sgs -c Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -c com-
mand option. This option identifies the server’s cache details, including
the configured thresholds for each type of cache.
(root)/> sgs -c
The number of Servers configured on this system: 1
Server_Name Cache_Type Min_sec Max_sec Daemon Locked Write
----------- ---------- ------- ------- ------ ------ -----
Retrieval 20 20 80 85 90
Batch 10 60 80 85 90
System Print 10 20 80 85 90
Application Print 10 30 80 85 90
Fill-in 0 0 80 85 90
Revise 0 0 80 85 90
Folder View 0 0 80 85 90
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1211
sgs -p Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -p com-
mand option. This option identifies the server partitions allocated to
system cache, as well as the various databases.
sgs -w Sample Display
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -w com-
mand option. This option identifies printers and fax machines con-
nected to the server, including the device IP address, name, and type.
(root)/> sgs -p
The number of Servers configured on this system: 1
Server_name Partition_Name Mbytes
----------- -------------- ------
/fnsw/dev/1/cache0 100
/fnsw/dev/1/permanent_db0 100
/fnsw/dev/1/permanent_rl0 64
/fnsw/dev/1/transient_db0 320
/fnsw/dev/1/transient_rl0 256
/fnsw/dev/1/sec_db0 64
/fnsw/dev/1/sec_rl0 64
(root)/> sgs -w
The number of Print Servers configured: 1
Sta # Server Name Printer_Name Address Printer_Type
----- ----------- ------------ ------- --------------
1 neelix cm-pvnprintsv UNKNOWN
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1212
sgs -s Sample Display
The -s option is available to users running IS 4.1.2 Fix Pack 1 or later.
The following example shows a list displayed using the sgs -s com-
mand option. This option identifies SDS devices attached to the server,
including the device ID, device name, and library name.
Enter the sgs command, followed by a space and the option for the
type of information you want to obtain.
(root)/> sgs -s
SDS devices configured on this system:
Domain SDS ID SDS Name SDS Lib
------ ------ ----------- ------------
1 3 hc_ibm57d2r SDSwHCAP
1 4 ss_ibm57d2r SDSwSunSAR
1 5 cen_57 SDSw_centera
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1213
The SNT_update tool updates the scalar numbers table (SNT) after a
restore operation of the MKF permanent database.
Preventing Duplicate Document Numbers
The scalar numbers table (SNT) of the MKF permanent database
keeps a record of the next available numbers for several Image Ser-
vices and Content Services number spaces. One of these numbers is
the next available document ID. Whenever a system operator enters a
new document into the system, the Image Services system assigns it a
document ID using an increasing number sequence. It obtains the next
available number from SNT when creating a new document or batch of
If a magnetic disk crash occurs that results in the loss of the perma-
nent database, it also loses the SNT. This requires restoring the per-
manent database from the last available backup tape. (A full restore of
the permanent database overwrites the current values in the SNT with
old values from the SNT of the restored system.) It uses any available
transaction logs to roll the database forward to the most current trans-
action. However, it might not always be possible to roll forward to the
exact moment of the crash so the permanent database might become
unsynchronized with the index database and documents on storage
media. If this unsynchronized condition occurs, the next available doc-
ument ID in the SNT could be well below what it should be. After the
operator restarts the FileNet software, the system might duplicate doc-
ument IDs when scanning in new documents.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1214
To prevent assigning duplicate document IDs, the system refers to the
scalar numbers table checkpoint file, snt.chkpt, located in the /fnsw/
local/sd directory for UNIX platforms or \fnsw_loc\sd directory for Win-
dows Server platforms. As shown in the example below, this check-
point file contains a backup copy of the critical data from the SNT (next
available document ID, next surface ID, next background job ID, and
encoded date/time stamp):
5018595 3344 98 856828856
The system updates the snt.chkpt file any time it allocates a new sur-
face ID or creates a background job, once for every 1,000 new docu-
ments allocated. The system time stamps the file to help you
determine how old the checkpoint file is compared to the last SNT
restore. It decodes the encoded timestamp for display when you start
SNT_update. (See the example on page 1217
Automatic Checkpoint Verification
Each time Document Services starts up during a start or restart of
FileNet software, the system compares the values in the snt.chkpt file
against the values in the SNT of the permanent database. If any of the
snt.chkpt file values is higher than those in the SNT, Document Ser-
vices terminates and logs the following message:
Severe Error condition: The Scalar Numbers Table is behind the snt.chkpt
file. This should only happen after a Permanent DB restore has been done.
Continuing with this condition may cause multiple documents to be committed
with the same doc ID. To resolve this problem, you must either remove the
snt.chkpt file (if its contents are invalid) or update the Scalar Numbers
Table with the SNT_update program. Doc Services will not function until
this problem is resolved.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1215
SNT_update reads the contents of the snt.chkpt file and adds 1,000 to
the next available document ID value to ensure that the scalar num-
bers table is updated to the highest possible value. (Remember that
the snt.chkpt file is only updated for every 1,000 newly allocated docu-
ments.) For example, if the value of the next document ID in the
snt.chkpt file is 5018595, SNT_update modifies the value in the check-
point file to 5019595 during the update.
The SNT_update program updates the scalar numbers table of the
MKF permanent database from information obtained from the SNT
checkpoint file. You could use SNT_update to prevent creation of dupli-
cate documents, surfaces, and background jobs under one of the fol-
lowing conditions:
After restoring the MKF permanent database from tape: You might
restore data if you lose the database due to a magnetic media
crash and the /fnsw/local (\fnsw_loc) partition is still available and
After initializing the software: You might use an initialization tool
(such as ds_init, fn_util init, or fn_util initperm) to set software pa-
rameters back to their original values.
The program prompts you to quit or continue before it begins updating
the scaler numbers table (SNT).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1216
Before you use SNT_update, be aware of the following:
You must not run SNT_update if the /fnsw/local (\fnsw_loc) partition
has been lost or damaged. If the partition is lost or damaged, call
your service representative for assistance in restoring a valid SNT
from a backup copy of the snt.chkpt file.
SNT_update could waste up to 1,000 document IDs but does not
waste any surface IDs or background job numbers.
The following procedure updates the scalar numbers table with a valid
checkpoint file.
In the following procedure, references to the directory path for the
snt.chkpt file depend on your platform, as follows:
For UNIX platforms: /fnsw/local/sd/snt.chkpt
For Windows Server platforms: \fnsw_loc\sd\snt.chkpt
1 Before you start the restore or initialization operation, make a copy of
the magnetic disk-resident scalar numbers table checkpoint file,
You can copy the checkpoint file to tape or to a directory such as
/fnsw/local/tmp (in UNIX) or \fnsw_loc\tmp (in Windows Server).
If you cannot save the checkpoint file prior to performing a restore or
initialization or if a magnetic disk crash has corrupted the checkpoint
file, call your service representative immediately.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1217
2 Perform the restore or initialization operation.
3 Verify that the restore or initialization operation did not overwrite the
disk-resident snt.chkpt file.
If snt.chkpt was overwritten, copy the saved version of the snt.chkpt
file (created in step 1 above) back into /fnsw/local/sd or \fnsw_loc\sd,
depending on your platform.
4 Restart the FileNet software.
The Document Services initialization routine automatically compares
the snt.chkpt file with the SNT table and, if necessary, issues mes-
sages directing you to run SNT_update.
5 Enter SNT_update at the command line.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1218
An example of the confirmation display is shown below. The values for
surface, job, and document IDs are for illustration only. The values in
your display will be different:
6 Respond to the update prompt.
If you reply n, SNT_update terminates.
If you reply y, one of the following messages displays indicating suc-
cessful completion or errors that prevent the successful update of the
scalar numbers table:
“Scalar numbers table updated”
“Update was not necessary
Scalar numbers table already up to date”
“Scalar numbers table update failed, err=<err_code>”
"The time stamp on your checkpoint is Tue Feb 26 13:45:52 1997
"The SCALAR_NUMBERS table values in the Permanent Database are:
Next Surface ID (MKF) = 3344
Next Job ID (MKF) = 98
Next Document ID (MKF) = 5018595
The check point file values are:
Next Surface ID (checkpoint) = 3344
Next Job ID (checkpoint) = 98
Next Document ID (checkpoint) = 5018598
===> New Next Document ID will be = 5019598
Do you wish to update the Permanent Database Scalar numbers with the
values? (y/n):
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1219
where <err_code> is a value indicating the type of error encoun-
tered. SNT_update terminates after displaying this message.
If SNT_update does not complete successfully, call your service repre-
sentative for assistance.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1220
The spacerpt tool lists space information for a whole database and all
or specific tables of one Oracle user database.
The spacerpt tool displays information in table format to standard
output (normally the terminal used to invoke spacerpt). Since the
report can be lengthy, you might want to work in a scrollable window or
redirect the output from spacerpt to a file, from which you can then
view the information using the less or more commands.
The output report formats for Microsoft SQL Server are slightly dif-
ferent than those for Oracle.
For IBM DB2, this tool is not supported.
For information on running spacerpt on a remote server, see
ning on a Remote Oracle Server” on page 1231.
The spacerpt program provides information about the space used by
the FileNet tables in the index or WorkFlo databases. Run spacerpt
weekly to establish a baseline measurement of space use. Then,
depending on the rate of growth observed, run it more frequently (or
less frequently) to monitor the database. You can run spacerpt on an
Index server for the index database or a WorkFlo Queue server for a
WorkFlo queue database.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1221
spacerpt [–x] [–u <username> ] [–d <dbname> ... ]
[<table name list>]
–x Includes extended detailed reports on Oracle extents
Due to the volume of output created, this option is recommended for
use only on selected tables.
This option is valid only for Oracle databases.
–u <username> Specifies the user that owns the tables to be reported
User names commonly specified are f_sw, f_sqi (for Folder View
tables), f_open (for user tables). If you do not specify a user name,
spacerpt produces a report on tables owned by the f_sw and f_sqi
–d <dbname> Identifies one or more database names
You must specify each database name with the –d option, for example:
– db1 –d db2
If you specify –d db1 db2, the db2 is interpreted as a table name.
<table name> Specifies one or more table names for which space information dis-
By default, spacerpt displays information for all index and WorkFlo
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1222
Sample Output
This section shows sample output reports from both Oracle and
Microsoft SQL Server.
Sample Output from Oracle Environment
The following is a partial listing of spacerpt output from an Oracle envi-
ronment. The sample is followed by explanations of the report fields.
The “... (listing continues)” text designates where entries have been
truncated to reduce the size of the sample output listing for easier
SYSTEM NAME: costa10 Mon May 19 11:29:54 1997
Tablespace File# Size(KB) NAME
------------ ------ --------- ---------------------------------------------
SYSTEM 1 5000 /usr/ora/816/dbs/dbs1IDB.dbf
2 204794 /fnsw/dev/1/oracle_db0
TEST_TS 3 18432 /fnsw/sd/1/test1
4 8192 /fnsw/sd/1/test2
Free Largest free
Tablespace space(KB) extent(KB)
-------------------- --------- ---------
SYSTEM 107980 104878
TEST_TS 25540 17350
Exts Max Pct Largest Last Total
Rollback Segment used exts incr ext(KB) ext(KB) Space(KB)
---------------------------------- ----- ----- ---- -------- -------- ----------
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1223
RBS_1 8 121 0 10 10 80
RS0 6 121 0 100 100 600
SYSTEM 5 121 0 50 50 250
Exts Max Pct Largest Last Total
Table used exts incr ext(KB) ext(KB) Space(KB)
---------------------------------- ----- ----- ---- -------- -------- ----------
DOCTABA 1 ##### 0 10000 10000 10000
DOCUMENT_CLASS 1 ##### 0 50 50 50
DOC_CLASS_INDEX 1 ##### 0 30 30 30
FOLDER 1 ##### 10 10 10 10
FOLDER_CONTENTS 1 ##### 10 10 10 10
FOLDER_TABS 1 ##### 10 10 10 10
INDEX_CLUSTER 1 ##### 0 10 10 10
... (listing continues)
Exts Max Pct Largest Last Total
Table Index used exts incr ext(KB) ext(KB) Space(KB)
--------------- ------------------ ----- ----- ---- -------- -------- --------
DOCTABA DA_A140 1 ##### 0 50 50 50
DA_A141 2 ##### 0 10000 10000 10050
DA_ARCHIVEDATE 1 ##### 0 50 50 50
DA_DELETEDATE 1 ##### 0 50 50 50
DA_DOCNUMBER 1 ##### 0 50 50 50
Each section of the output is described below.
Part 1 Description
The first part of the Space Report provides information about the entire
index database, including a rollback segment space section.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1224
Identifies the name of the tablespace
File #
Shows the sequential number of each file within the database
Size (KB)
Shows the file size in kilobytes. The total size of all files displays at the
end of the column.
Shows the full path name of each index database data file
Free Space (KB)
Shows the number of kilobytes not allocated to a table, rollback seg-
ment, or index
Largest Free Ext (KB)
Shows the number of kilobytes of the largest free (unused) extent for
the table space. A database table is divided into regions called extents.
Extents contain the actual indexing information that users enter.
Rollback Segment
Shows the name of the rollback segment
Rollback segment field descriptions are the same as Part 2 and Part 3
field descriptions.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1225
Part 2 Description
Individual tables are described in part two, “Table Space,” of the report.
Shows the name of the table
Exts Used
Shows the total number of extents used by the table so far. It can dis-
play up to 9999 extents. If the database table has more than 9999
extents, this field displays the character string #####.
Max Exts
Shows the maximum number of extents that can be allocated for the
table. It can display up to 9999 extents. If the database table has more
than 9999 extents, this field displays the character string #####.
Pct Incr
Shows the percentage by which the size of a newly allocated extent is
increased over its predecessor
Largest Ext (KB)
Shows the size in kilobytes of the largest extent allocated for this table
Last Ext (KB)
Shows the size in kilobytes of the last extent allocated for this table
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1226
Total Space (KB)
Shows the number of kilobytes allocated to the table
Part 3 Description
The third part, “Index Space,” displays information on the index space
for each table. Field descriptions are the same as those in Part 2 with
the exception of Index.
Shows the internal name of the individual index
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1227
Sample Output from Microsoft SQL Server Environment
Sample output from an Microsoft SQL Server environment is shown
below. The output differs slightly from spacerpt output on an Oracle
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1228
Each section of the output is described below.
Part 1 Description
Part 1 of the Space Report provides information about the entire index
Database Name
Shows the name of the database
Size (KB)
Shows the total size of the database in kilobytes
Reserved KB
Shows the number of kilobytes of reserved space in the database
Data KB
Shows the number of kilobytes used for storage of data
Index KB
Shows the number of kilobytes used for storage of indexes
Unused KB
Shows the number of kilobytes not currently used
Part 2 Description
The second part of the Space Report, titled “Table Space,” provides
information on individual tables.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1229
Shows the table name
Shows the total number of rows in the table
Reserved KB
Shows the number of kilobytes of reserved space in the table
Data KB
Shows the number of kilobytes used by data in the table
Index KB
Shows the number of kilobytes used by index entries in the table
Unused KB
Shows the number of kilobytes not currently used in the table
Part 3 Description
The third part of the Space Report, titled “Index Space,” displays infor-
mation about index space use for each table.
Shows the table name
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1230
Shows the internal name of the individual index
Reserved KB
Shows the number of kilobytes of reserved space for the index
Used KB
Shows the number of kilobytes used to store the indexes
Unused KB
Shows the number of kilobytes not currently used
Before you use spacerpt, be aware of the following:
The spacerpt tool executes in read-only mode on the database so
you can run it any time on any system.
You must start the database.
Output report for MS SQL Server is slightly different than that for an
Oracle database.
Enter spacerpt with appropriate parameters.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1231
Running on a Remote Oracle Server
If the Oracle databases are located on a remote Oracle server, you
cannot run spacerpt directly because Oracle OS authentication pre-
vents it. Instead, you need to modify two script files and login to sql-
plus to get space information.
1 Copy the following two files from the /fnsw/oracle directory of the
Image Services server to the /fnsw/oracle directory on the remote
Oracle server:
2 On the remote Oracle server, use your preferred text editor, such as
vi, to modify these two files. The first line of each file is:
/ as sysdba
3 Remove this line from each file. Exit and save your changes.
Now you can run the spacerpt scripts successfully on the remote
Oracle databases.
4 On the remote Oracle server, login to sqlplus to run the scripts:
5 When you’re prompted, enter the user name f_maint and its password.
6 To run spacerpt, enter the following command at the sqlplus prompt:
7 If you want to get a more detailed report, enter:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1232
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1233
The sqlplus program provides commands to view tables in the Oracle-
based FileNet index and WorkFlo databases. You can choose the col-
umns and rows you want to view, from such tables as document_class
and user_index. You can also view information on WorkFlo queues. In
addition, sqlplus provides several administration commands that allow
you to edit tables. However, use these editing commands only after
contacting your service representative.
Use sqlplus when you need to examine tables in the index and
WorkFlo databases. See the individual command descriptions for spe-
cific uses.
After entering the sqlplus command, the following prompts display.
corona(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Mar 7
15:31:49 1997
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1994. All rights
Enter user-name:
Enter password:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1234
Supply the appropriate user name and password to start sqlplus.
When sqlplus starts, the prompt changes to SQL>. Enter sqlplus com-
mands at this prompt.
To terminate the sqlplus program, enter any one of the following at the
SQL prompt: exit, quit, or the Control+d key sequence.
The following commands are a small subset of available sqlplus com-
mands. The commands and their options listed are those most useful
when you want to examine tables in FileNet databases. For more infor-
mation, refer to the Oracle SQL Language Reference manual for your
RDBMS system.
UPPERCASE letters indicate the minimum characters you must enter
to run the command.
Select <column names> FROM <table name> WHERE <expression>;
Displays database tables. The following is a sample of information dis-
played from the Select command:
SQL> select f_docclassname, f_docclassnumber from
------------------ ----------------
CreditApps 1
LoanForm 2
Letter 3
Bills 4
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1235
You can limit the output from the Select command using the “where”
statement. In the example below, the “where” statement lists only
those document classes that begin with the letter L. For example,
entering the command:
SQL> select f_docclassname from document_class where
f_docclassname like ‘L%’;
displays the following output:
When using the “where” statement, verify that each column name you
use is listed after the Select clause.
The “where” statement has the following arithmetic operators:
The “where” statement also has relational operators, as described
Operator Definition
= Equal to
!= Not equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1236
Requires meeting both conditions joined by And. Be sure to select all columns
in the Where clause.
Where f_batchsize > 10 And f_pages > 3;
Uses any condition joined by “or.” Be sure to select all columns in the Where
Where f_docclassname = ‘CreditApps’ Or f_docclassnumber =
Displays rows with attributes in the range specified by “between”
Where f_docclassnumber Between 1 and 3;
Displays all specified columns, much like the = operator. Be sure to enclose
words or numbers in parentheses. If you specify a word, enclose it in single
Where f_docclassname In (‘LoanForm’, ‘Letter’);
Not In
Does not display the specified columns, much like the != operator. Be sure to
enclose words or numbers in parentheses. If you specify a word, enclose it in
single quotes.
Where f_docclassname Not In (‘CreditApps’, ‘Bills’);
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1237
Lists all columns with text strings that match those specified. The example be-
low specifies displaying all columns beginning with the letter “L”. The % indi-
cates that it is acceptable to display any text string occurring after the L.
Where f_docclassname Like ‘L%’;
Not Like
Lists columns that do not have the characteristics specified
Where f_docclassname Not Like ‘B%’ and f_docclassname
Not Like ‘C%’;
Lists rows in which the specified column has no value (that is, “null”).
(Use the Select clause to choose columns.)
Where f_pages Is Null;
Not Null
Lists rows in which the specified column has a value
Where f_pages Is Not Null;
DESCRIBE <table name>
Lists the names of all columns in the table. In addition, it indicates
whether the column requires values (NULL or NOT NULL) and the
column type.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1238
For example, the following output displays for the document_class
In the example above, the column names are either numeric
(NUMBER) or character (CHAR) type. The number in parentheses
indicates the maximum allowable digits (for a NUMBER type) or char-
acters (for a CHAR type).
ORDER BY <column name> Desc
Specifies how to order rows based on the values of a given column
name. This command orders numeric columns from smallest to largest
values. If you specify Desc at the end of the command, then it orders
values from largest to smallest. It orders strings alphabetically; if you
specify Desc, it orders strings in inverse alphabetical order.
SQL> describe document_class;
Name Null? Type
------------------------------- -------- ----
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1239
The following command displays the output in alphabetical order by
document class name:
TTITLE ‘<Title Name>’
Places a title at the top of computer screen output. This title appears
above all column headings and is re-used for each table you display.
You must change this title by issuing another TTITLE command or by
clearing it using the TTITLE OFF command. If you type TTITLE without
a title name, then the current title displays.
The following example uses two commands to display the output with
the table heading, “Document Classes”:
SQL> Select f_docclassname, f_docclassnumber from
document_class Order by f_docclassname;
------------------ ----------------
Bills 4
CreditApps 1
Letter 3
LoanForm 2
SQL> TTITLE ‘Document Classes’
SQL> Select f_docclassname, f_docclassnumber from
Document Classes
------------------ ----------------
CreditApps 1
LoanForm 2
Letter 3
Bills 4
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1240
BTITLE ‘Title Name’
Places a title at the bottom of a computer screen. This title appears
below all column data and is re-used for each table that you display.
You must change this title by issuing another BTITLE command or by
turning it off (BTITLE OFF). If you type BTITLE without a title name,
the current title displays.
The following two commands used together display the output with the
table heading at the bottom of the output:
SET PAGESIZE <number of lines per page>
Sets the number of lines on a given page. For example, the following
command limits the lines per page to 40.
SQL> set pagesize 40
This command is helpful for viewing large tables with many columns. If
the page size is small (for example, 20 lines), the column headings
reprint at the top of each page. To avoid this redundancy, set a larger
page size.
SQL> BTITLE ‘Listing of all document classes on Index
SQL> Select f_docclassname, f_docclassnumber from
------------------ ----------------
CreditApps 1
LoanForm 2
Letter 3
Bills 4
Listing of all document classes on Index server
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1241
COLUMN <column name> HEADING ‘<Heading Name>’ FORMAT A<number of spaces>
Specifies a heading to use for a given column. You provide the name of
the column to be replaced and the new heading name. You can also
indicate the number of spaces to reserve for the column width of char-
acter headings; indicate this width after the ‘A’ option. The following
example changes the column name for f_docclassname:
SQL> Column f_docclassname heading ‘Document Class
As a result of the above command, the output of a Select command is
modified to include the new column heading, as shown below:
The program reuses this column name each time you select the f_doc-
classname column.
Change/<old text>/<new text>
Edits the current command. <old text> is only the text that you want to
change. <new text> is text that will replace the first occurrence of the
<old text>. Remember to separate the command, <old text>, and <new
text> with forward slashes (/).
Use the List command to view the current command.
If you type “f_docclassname” incorrectly as in the following command
Document Class Name
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1242
SQL> Select docclass from document_class;
you can edit the line by typing:
SQL> Change/docclass/f_docclassname
The updated command then displays:
1* select f_docclassname from document_class
Then use the Run command (see below) to execute the updated com-
List [<line number>]
Displays the current command, or optionally, one or more lines of the
current command. The current command is that which executes if you
use the Run command. For example, the following displays all lines of
the command that would execute with Run:
SQL> list
1 select f_docclassname from document_class
2* where f_docclassname like ‘I%’
An asterisk after the line number indicates the current line. The current
line is the line you would edit with the Change command.
To display one or more specific lines of the current command, use List
with the <line number> option.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1243
As an example, your command could contain the following 3 lines:
Type “L1” at the SQL prompt and press return to display line number 1
of your command, as the following example and its output shows:
A typical use of the List command is to set the line number in prepara-
tion for editing with the Change command.
Executes the current command. Use RUN to execute a command after
you edit it with the Change or Input commands. Use the List command
to view the current command.
Adds a new line to the current command. The next available line of the
command displays after you enter Inp.
For example, if you want to enter a select command (such as select f_
docclassname from document_class) and add a “where” statement
(such as where f_docclassname like ‘I%’), you would follow these
1 select f_docclassname,f_docclassnumber from document_class
2 where f_docclassname like 'L%'
3 order by f_docclassnumber;
1 select f_docclassname,f_docclassnumber from document_class
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1244
1 Enter Inp. The value 2 then displays.
The “2” indicates that you are about to enter the second line of the
2 Enter your new text after the 2:
3 Use the List command to display the full command:
SPOOL [<filename> | OFF]
Indicates the file to which you want to save sqlplus output. When you
have finished saving output to the file, type SPOOL OFF. To display the
current spooling status, type SPOOL with no options.
Administrative Commands
CAUTION Administrative commands alter tables within the index or WorkFlo
databases. Do not use these commands unless authorized by your
service representative.
SQL> select f_docclassname from document_class
SQL> Inp
2 where f_docclassname like ‘I%’;
SQL> list
select f_docclassname from document_class where f_
docclassname like 'I%'
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1245
CREATE TABLE <table name> (<column name> <data type>);
Adds a new table to the database. Specify the table name, column
names, and the data type for each column. You must list column
names and corresponding data types.
The following command creates a table called TestTable. The table has
two columns. The first column is called Column_1 and is a number.
The second column is called Column_2 and has text that can be up to
10 characters long.
SQL> Create Table TestTable (Column_1 number,Column_2
DROP TABLE <table name>;
Deletes the specified table from the database
This command deletes all columns and rows of the specified table, as
well as the table definition.
INSERT INTO <table name> Values (<list>);
Inserts values into a row of the specified table. You must include a sep-
arate Insert command for each row of a table. The list of row values
should appear in the order of columns in the table. The following com-
mand inserts a row into TestTable:
SQL> Insert Into TestTable Values (1, first_row);
The value of “1” becomes data in the column named Column_1, and
the text string “first_row” becomes data in Column_2.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1246
UPDATE <table name> SET <expression> WHERE <condition>;
Changes the specified table name. Use the SET and WHERE com-
mands to indicate the values to change. The SET command indicates
a column value to alter. The WHERE command indicates the condition
that must be met for the column name to be altered.
For example, the following command updates all values in Column_1
to “2” when the variable in Column_2 is “second_row”.
Update TestTable Set Column_1 = 2 Where Column_2 =
DELETE FROM <table name> Where <expression>;
Deletes specified rows in the specified table. The Where expression
indicates the row to delete. For example, the following command
deletes rows that have a Column_1 value that is greater than 1.
SQL> Delete From TestTable Where Column_1 > 1;
Refer to the Select command for more information on the Where
Before you use sqlplus, be aware of the following:
You must not shut down the database (index or WorkFlo).
You must specify a password to enter sqlplus. Contact your service
representative for this password.
You must log on to sqlplus as f_cso, f_maint, or f_operator.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1247
You must log in as f_maint to view the main Oracle table, sys.dba_
Before you use any command that modifies the index or WorkFlo
databases, contact your service representative.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1248
1 Contact your service representative for a password.
2 Enter sqlplus to start the program and enter the correct user name
(f_maint, f_operation, or f_cso) and password at the prompts.
3 Enter commands at the SQL prompt (SQL>).
To view FileNet table names, go to the next step.
4 List the FileNet tables.
Enter the following command to list the names of all FileNet tables:
select owner, table_name from sys.dba_tables
where owner = ‘F_SW’;
F_SW must be in uppercase and enclosed in single quotes. All
other parts of the command can be in lowercase. Output similar to
the following displays:
To list tables for FolderView, specify the owner as F_SQI:
-------------- -----------------
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1249
select owner, table_name from sys.dba_tables where
owner = ‘F_SQI’;
The table, sys.dba_tables, contains information on all Oracle tables on
the system.
Use other commands to display index or WorkFlo database informa-
tion. Use the Describe command to list all columns for a particular
The format of WorkFlo tables is WQMsssQtttttt, where sss is a 3-digit
decimal number corresponding to the server ID, and tttttt is a 6-digit
decimal number corresponding to the table ID. If the table ID is less
than 6 digits, the value is padded with leading zeroes. As an example,
a table might have a name of “WQM001Q001234.
A queue table name, once created, does not change by upgrading to a
new release. Only queues created in IDMIS Release 3.1.0 or later
have the table name format as described above. You can see both for-
mats in your output if your tables were created in an earlier release.
If you need to alter database tables, contact your service representa-
tive for instructions.
5 Enter exit at the SQL prompt to terminate sqlplus.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1250
The ssn tool displays the system serial number.
Use the ssn tool to display the system serial number.
You can also use the System Attributes tab of the FileNet System Con-
figuration Editor to display the system serial number and other system-
related information.
Sample Output
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
See the online help for FileNet configuration tools (fn_edit for UNIX
platforms or System Configuration Editor for Windows Server plat-
forms) for a description of System Attributes.
> ssn
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1251
The st_msar_convert program starts an MSAR convert background
job, which converts optical surfaces to MSAR surfaces. This tool main-
tains the natural collection of documents as they were on the optical
surface. MSAR surfaces that have been converted from optical
become read-only surfaces. You will not be able to write to the newly-
created MSAR surface.
Use st_msar_convert to run the conversion of an optical surface to an
MSAR surface in the background. This tool is for local surfaces only.
Foreign surfaces must use the Consolidate Media option in Back-
ground Job Control.
st_msar_convert [-noupdatedocs] [-bothsides] [-trace] [-msar_lib
<MSAR Library>] <surface_id>
-noupdatedocs An optional parameter used to NOT update the docs table during the
-bothsides An optional parameter used to indicate that both sides of the optical
surface being converted should be copied.
-trace An optional parameter that will log the process of the background job in
the system log. The log lists each phase as it starts.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1252
-msar_lib <MSAR
An optional parameter that allows the user to specify to which MSAR
library to convert the surface (for example, a, b, c, d, ...).
<surface_id> Identifies the optical surface to convert.
The default settings of st_msar_convert are: updatedocs, not both-
sides, trace turned off, and no preferred library. The optical surface ID
is a required parameter.
Sample Output
After the st_msar_convert program is started, you should get the fol-
lowing output:
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
MSAR convert started. Job # = <number>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1253
Stamp sets or displays the system and developer release numbers,
subsystem, release type, and SCR number for a set of files. You can
use it on virtually all kinds of files: VAX a.out files, AIX a.out files, shell
scripts, include files, libraries, and amorphous binary large objects
(“blobs”) such as fonts and forms. If invoked with no options, stamp dis-
plays the system and developer release numbers, subsystem, SCR
number, mode, and size for the named files. If you do not specify a file,
it displays stamp information for a.out.
The stamp tool options that modify the stamp of a file require special
permission levels and are not available to be run manually.
When displaying the stamp for a library or an ASCII file, stamp beeps if
the file has changed since it was stamped.
Use stamp to display file characteristics (such as release number,
developer, and Software Change Report (SCR) number).
The format for entering both system and development stamps is the
same: “a.b.c.d.e” (e.g., unspecified components are
set to zero.
stamp [<filename>] ... [<filename>]
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1254
<filename> Identifies one or more file names for which you are requesting informa-
tion. If you do not specify a file name, stamp information for a.out dis-
Sample Output
Note The four digit stamp information in the above example, system, does not match the IBM VRMF release naming schema (Ver-
sion, Release, Mod, Fix pack). The fourth digit in the above example
(19) is the Image Services software cycle number rather than the fix
pack number.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
stampro” on page 1255
corona(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> stamp /fnsw/bin/TAPs
system (userid 8, Thu Aug 29 06:46:32 1996)
developer (userid 8, Thu Aug 29 06:46:06 1996)
SubSys: br, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 31528, mode: 100755, size: 67449
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1255
The stampro program is a read-only version of the stamp program. It
displays file characteristics (for example, release number, date of last
update, and subsystem).
Use stampro to display file characteristics.
stampro [<filename>] ... [<filename>]
<filename> Identifies one or more file names for which you are requesting informa-
tion. If you do not specify a file, the information for a.out, if present, dis-
Sample Output
In the example below, stamp information is requested for TAPs.
The four digit stamp information in the above example, system, does not match the IBM VRMF release naming schema (Ver-
sion, Release, Mod, Fix pack). The fourth digit in the above example
corona(fnsw)/usr/fnsw> stamp /fnsw/bin/TAPs
system (userid 8, Thu Aug 29 06:46:32 1996)
developer (userid 8, Thu Aug 29 06:46:06 1996)
SubSys: br, Rel_type: rel_aix, SCR#: 31528, mode: 100755, size: 67449
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1256
(19) is the Image Services software cycle number rather than the fix
pack number.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1257
Be aware that stampro is a read-only version of the stamp tool.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
stamp” on page 1253
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1258
The stdoccpy tool copies information from one storage medium to
another without first importing the storage medium. Because you do
not have to first import the medium, using stdoccpy can save up to sev-
eral hours when performing copy operations between storage media.
Although Background Job Control (BJC) provides a document copy
function, stdoccpy offers more options than BJC. You can use BJC
functions to see the results of a copy performed with stdoccpy.
The phase of stdoccpy are:.
Phase 1: Generate a document ID list from the source surface.
Phase 2: Sort the document IDs from Phase 1 and eliminate du-
Phase 3: Copy the document image from the source surface to
the target surface. New index values for documents copied to the
target surface are generated using the update short descriptor or
index database.
Phase 4: Copy annotations from the source surface to the target
surface. (This phase is optional.)
Phase 5: Erase the source media. (This phase is optional.)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1259
Use stdoccpy to start a document copy process between storage
You can also use stdoccpy to convert images from FileNet Banded
Group 3 image format to TIFF Group 4 or CALS formats.
The stdoccpy image conversion option is not available through the
Background Job Control graphical user interface menu. You must use
stdoccpy from the command line to convert images.
If an error occurs during the conversion operation, stdoccpy logs the
error, copies the unconverted image to the target media surface, and
continues. You must check the system error log for indications of con-
version errors.
The family entered MUST be the same type (primary/tranlog) and pre-
ferred to the same server as its alternate. If this rule is not followed,
will result in primary and tranlog documents being separated across
servers or residing on the wrong disk type. These conditions are not
supported and will result in the loss of active use of the tranlog docu-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1260
Use with FileNet P8 Content Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3)
The output of the newindexes and erase options of the stdoccpy tool
can report some confusing information when being used with the
FileNet P8 Content Federation Services functionality.
For the newindexes option, the index values are retrieved from DOC-
TABA rather than from the Content Engine (CE) catalog. DOCTABA
does not always contain the latest index values, so older or null values
could be used to populate the new media. For the erase option, the
CE catalog entry could also be erased.
In the instances where index values on the new media will contain
values from DOCTABA, these values could be old since updates on
the Content Engine do not propagate back to Image Services
In the instances where documents are indexed on the Image Services
system and the erase option is run, Index Services could create an
export_log entry to tell the FileNet P8 CFS Server for Image Services
to delete the corresponding index entry on the Content Engine system.
Refer to the table below to determine when documents on the IS
server will not have the index information associated with them (the
Ns) because if index information does not exist in DOCTABA for an
image, there is no way to notify the Content Engine system to delete its
catalog information for that image.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1261
Document Activity Index on
Index on
New documents entered via Content Engine Y N
New documents entered via Image Services
Indexed on both IS and C
Indexed only on CE
Existing document images transferred to CE
Indexed on both IS and CE
Index deleted from IS
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1262
stdoccpy {–family <familyname> | –usecluster}
{–docidfile <docidfile> | –surface <surfaceid>}
[–findby {surface | db}] [–bothsides] [–nodatabase]
[–optdiskfile <optdiskfile>]
[–altsurf] [–onecopy] [–updatedb] [–newindexes]
[–writelist] [–copyannot] [–erase]
[–cformat {TIFF | CALS} –ccompression {G3 | G4}
You must specify either –family <familyname> or –usecluster to specify
the location to which documents are to be copied. You must specify
either –docidfile <docidfile> or –surface <surfaceid> to indicate which
documents to copy. All other parameters are optional.
You must specify –surface <surfaceid> to use any of the following
–optdiskfile <optdiskfile>
For a detailed description of all parameters and options, see
ters and Options” on page 1262.
Parameters and Options
–family <familyname>
Indicates the family to which documents are to be written
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1263
–docidfile <docidfile>
Identifies the file specified by <docidfile> that contains a list of the doc-
uments to copy. Each line in the file contains one document ID. The
stdoccpy program uses the database to locate and copy each specified
–surface <surfaceid>
Copies documents on the specified <surfaceid>
–findby {surface | db}
Specifies the method by which the documents to copy are found. The
–findby surface option uses the media surface directory to locate the
documents; –findby db uses the database to locate the documents.
If you do not specify –findby and the media is more recent than IMS
Release 2.3 (which had no directory), the system uses the surface
directory. Otherwise, it uses the database.
Copies both sides of <surfaceid>.
This option is mandatory for an optical disk.
This option does not apply to an MSAR surface and will be ignored.
Indicates that no database exists. Also copies documents without
checking for their presence in the DOCS table.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1264
Note Using this option with –altsurf can result in an error because the pro-
gram cannot use the database to find the alternate location of a docu-
ment. This option must be used with the –surface and –findby options.
If you do not include the –nodatabase option on the command line, it
cannot copy a document on the disk if it is not in the database.
–optdiskfile <optdiskfile>
Indicates the name of the file on media that contains the documents.
You must also specify the –surface and the –findby options.
Uses cluster information to determine where to write out the docu-
ments. Writes out a document to the surface specified by the cluster
map table (if the specified surface is not disabled) or to the current
write surface of the family (if the cluster surface is disabled).
Indicates which copy of the document to read on the first attempt. If
you specify –surface <surface id>, then –altsurf reads the document
from the surface not equal to <surfaceid>. If you do not specify
–surface <surfaceid>, then –altsurf reads the document from <surfa-
ceid>. If you specify –docidfile <docidfile>, then –altsurf reads the doc-
ument from the transaction log surface. If you do not specify
–docidfile <docidfile>, then –altsurf reads the document from the pri-
mary surface.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1265
Indicates that there is only one copy of the document available to be
read, and failure to read this one copy generates an error in the copy. If
you do not specify –onecopy and the program fails to read the primary
copy of the document, then the program reads the transaction log copy
of the document. Likewise, if you do not specify –onecopy and the pro-
gram fails to read the transaction log copy of the document, then the
program reads the primary copy of the document.
Updates the database with the new document location.
Retrieves index information from the Index database (DOCTABA)
rather than copying index information from the source media.
The Image Services 4.0 SP3 has some direct impact with this option of
stdoccpy. For more information, see
Use with FileNet P8 Content
Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3)” on page 1260.
Creates a list of the documents that were copied and the destination
surface. The list name is the one of the following:
/fnsw/local/logs/bkglogs/CpyDoc.nnn for UNIX platforms
<drive>:\fnsw_loc\logs\bkglogs\CpyDoc.nnn for Windows Server
where nnn is the job number
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1266
Copies annotations. If you specify –nodatabase and –findby surface,
the program copies annotations written on the input surface to the
output surface. If you do specify either –nodatabase or –findby, for
each document copied, the program writes annotations from the docu-
ment’s magnetic disk database to the destination media.
Erases the media after the copy of the document and removes the
entries from the DOCTABA and DOCS tables. You can only use this
option if all of the following are true:
the medium is erasable.
the –surface, –bothsides, and –updatedb options are specified
-The bothsides option is ignored for MSAR surfaces.
–optdiskfile option is not specified.
The Image Services 4.0 SP3 has some direct impact with this option of
stdoccpy. For more information, see
Use with FileNet P8 Content
Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3)” on page 1260.
–cformat {TIFF | CALS}
Triggers a conversion from FileNet Banded Group 3 image format to
either TIFF or CALS format.
–ccompression {G3 | G4}
Specifies image compression type. G4 is the default. G3 compression
is invalid for CALS format.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1267
–ctiled {tiled | banded | autotiled}
Selects the tiled image format. You can specify one of the following for-
tiled specifies tiled images and is valid for TIFF images only.
banded specifies banded images.
autotiled chooses either tiled or banded automatically based on
image size and density (number of pixels in a bitmap).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1268
Before you use stdoccpy, be aware of the following:
The program is directory independent. You can run stdoccpy from
any working directory.
Using stdoccpy can save you several hours when copying media
because the media does not have to be imported first.
You should carefully read the option descriptions to ensure that the
resulting document copy meets your requirements.
The stdoccpy tool offers more options than the document copy in-
voked in the Background Job Control (BJC). Use BJC to see the
results of the document copy.
Image file conversion is available only by using stdoccpy from the
command line. You cannot use Background Job Control menu se-
lections to convert image files.
Enter stdoccpy at the command line and specify the options, file
names, and media surface IDs for the document to be copied.
Related Topics
stdocimp” on page 1269
See the “Storage Library Control” chapter of your System Adminis-
trator's Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the
IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1269
The stdocimp tool starts a document import job. Using this tool imports
documents from optical media by updating the DOCS and DOCTABA
tables with document descriptor information on the optical media.
The import document function enables you to update existing docu-
ment location information. For example, stdocimp updates surface_id_
1 and surface_id_2 with new surface id information from the document
descriptor on the optical media to reflect the new primary and tranlog
surfaces. However, the update cannot take place if the new surface is
If stdocimp encounters an error (such as mismatched document class)
while importing a document into DOCTABA, stdocimp still corrects the
inconsistency in the databases based on DOCTABA in the following
If the document exists in DOCTABA but not in DOCS prior to the
import, stdocimp imports the document to the DOCS table.
If the document exists in DOCS but not in DOCTABA prior to the
import, stdocimp deletes the document from the DOCS table.
Although Background Job Control (BJC) also provides a document
import function, stdocimp offers more options.
Use stdocimp to import only the documents that did not commit suc-
cessfully using the standard import function in BJC.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1270
Use with FileNet P8 Content Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3)
The output of the stdocimp tool can report some confusing information
when being used with the FileNet P8 Content Federation Services
functionality. Since the function of stdocimp is to import documents
from optical media by updating the DOCS and DOCTABA tables with
document descriptor information on the optical media, a catalog entry
is inserted into DOCTABA for each document. If the affected document
class and indexes are mapped to Content Engine, then the new CE
catalog entry is inserted into the CE database and contains the
mapped index values from the media, this can cause a problem when
the documents are stored on the Image Services system but indexed
on the Content Engine system. In this scenario, the images could be
erroneously catalogued twice in the CE catalog.
Additionally, in the instances where documents are indexed on the
Image Services system and the stdocimp tool is run, existing DOC-
TABA indexes are overwritten with data from the media. This can over-
write the existing document properties in the CE catalog, if the proper-
ties are mapped. Refer to the table below to determine when docu-
ments on the IS server will not have the index information associated
with them (the Ns).
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1271
Document Activity Index on
Index on
New documents entered via Content Engine Y N
New documents entered via Image Services
Indexed on both IS and C
Indexed only on CE
Existing document images transferred to CE
Indexed on both IS and CE
Index deleted from IS
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1272
stdocimp [–nonexactclass] [–noinsertdoctaba]
[–security {none | doc} ] [–updatesnt]
[–noworkfloqueue] [–nodeleteddocs]
[–bothsides] [–highpriority]
[–optdiskfile <optdiskfile>]
[–skipcount <skipcount>]
[–docidfile <docidfile>] [–redo <redojobnum>]
[–ssn <ssn>] [ignoredeleteupdate] [overwritedoctaba] <surface_id>
The only required entry is <surface_id>.
For a detailed description of all parameters and options, see
ters and Options” on page 1272.
Parameters and Options
Allows document imports even if document classes do not match
Does not insert documents into DOCTABA
You must also specify –security none when importing documents
from non-existent classes.
This object is mutually exclusive with the -overwritedoctaba option.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1273
–security {none | doc}
If you specify none, import document security is set to ANYONE; oth-
erwise, security is set to the same value as the specified document on
optical media. If you omit this option, it uses the security defined for the
document class by default.
Updates the scalar_numbers table if the import document ID to be
imported is greater than the next available document ID. This option
permits you to reinsert documents into a database if the database on
magnetic disk has been back-dated by a restore.
Does not insert the document into a WorkFlo queue if a queue is
defined for the document class
Does not import deleted documents (that is, those documents that are
not in either the DOCS nor DOCTABA tables). Using this option, you
can insert records that are missing from either the MKF permanent
database or the index database.
Imports both sides of media. This option is ignored if you specify –opt-
Runs at high priority
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1274
–optdiskfile <optdiskfile>
Specifies the name of the document headers file on the media to be
–skipcount <skipcount>
Specifies the number of documents to skip before starting to import.
For example, if <skipcount> is 100, the first 100 documents are not
imported unless they are explicitly specified in the docidfile option.
–docidfile <docidfile>
Specifies the name of a magnetic disk file where each line consists of
[SSN] doc_ID. If a system serial number (SSN) is present, you must
separate the SSN and document ID by spaces. If an SSN is not
present, it imports a document for any SSN with the given document
ID. If the import reassigns document IDs, the document IDs in the
<docidfile> are IDs on optical media, not IDs on the importing system.
If you specify both a <docidfile> and a skip count, this option imports a
document that satisfies either condition.
–redo <redojobnum>
Imports the documents not imported by background job number
–ssn <ssn>
Indicates the ssn of a surface to be imported if ssn is from an incom-
patible system.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1275
Allows short descriptors that have been marked Deleted by the stsur-
fupdate tool to be imported to a system’s Index database. Normally a
short descriptor that’s marked Deleted on an optical disk cannot be
imported into a system’s Index database.
However, if a value already exists in doctaba and the corresponding
field for the same document on the optical disk is a null value, the doc-
taba value for that field will remain the same after the import. The doc-
taba value will NOT be set to null.
Allows stdocimp to replace index information in doctaba with matching
index information from the short descriptors on the optical media.
However, if a value exists in the Index database and the corresponding
value for the same document on the optical disk is null, the Index
dataset value will NOT be overwritten.
This object is mutually exclusive with the -noinsertdoctaba option.
Identifies the ID of surface to be imported. Do not use this option if you
use the –redo <redojobnum> option.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1276
Before you use stdocimp, be aware of the following:
The command is directory independent. Run it under any working
The stdocimp tool has more options than the normal document im-
port invoked in Background Job Control (BJC).
Entering the command with no options displays help text.
After stdocimp starts, it reports the background job number as-
signed to the document import job. You can then use BJC to moni-
tor the import process like any other document import job.
Enter stdocimp at the system command line using the options neces-
sary to import the document.
Related Topics
odrecover” on page 941
stdoccpy” on page 1258
See “Importing Documents” in the “Background Job Control” chapter of
the System Administrator's Handbook. To download IBM FileNet docu-
mentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet
Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1277
The stmigrate tool migrates documents from magnetic disk cache to
storage media. You can migrate all unmigrated documents in cache or
selectively migrate documents by document ID or by date. The actual
migration consists of queuing write requests to perform asynchro-
If you choose to migrate documents by document ID, you must create
a file that contains the document IDs. You must list each document ID
on a separate line in the file. The stmigrate tool reads each document
ID in the file and uses the transient database information to locate the
document to migrate.
If the transient database runs out of space due to a large number of
write requests, stmigrate sleeps for ten minutes before retrying the
remaining migration requests.
Before stmigrate generates a write request for the document to be
migrated, it performs the following actions:
Updates the document descriptors (page 0) with the latest index
key from the index database
Updates the document descriptors with the security names infor-
mation from the index database
Checks the family ID information in the index database to ensure
document migration to the designated family media
You can start multiple stmigrate jobs, without errors, for the same unmi-
grated document. In addition, an stmigrate job can include one or more
documents that other stmigrate jobs have specified for migration. In
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1278
either case, stmigrate generates only one write request per document.
If a write requests exists, it doesn’t generate additional write requests.
However, each migration job’s log entries reflect that the document
was successfully migrated.
A document eligible for migration must exist in the unmigrated docu-
ment list in the permanent database DOCS table with a status of unmi-
The program reports critical errors such as program failures that occur
during processing in the system event log. It reports less serious
errors, such as missing document pages or no matching document
against the specified document file, only in the background job log,
MiLog.<jobnum>, where <jobnum> is the background job number. The
log file is located in the following directory:
/fnsw/local/logs/bkglog/MiLog.<jobnum> for UNIX platforms
\fnsw_loc\logs\bkglog\MiLog.<jobnum> for Windows platforms
The following example shows the entries when one document was
successfully queued for migration and one (document ID 148657) was
skipped due to error (message tuple 80,1,56):
Information for docmigrate job number 146 started at Fri Mar 28 20:08:07 1997
Job parameters:
Migrate: All Documents from File '/usr/fnsw/testmigr'.
Errors encountered:
Document id: 148657, ssn: 1717, error: <80,1,56>
End of job information:
Number of errors encountered: 1
Number of documents successfully queued for migrate: 1
Job completed at Fri Mar 28 20:08:09 1997
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1279
A cache-only system stores committed documents in magnetic disk
cache. When you add a storage library or ODU to a cache-only
system, you can use stmigrate to move cache-resident documents to
your new storage media and free up magnetic disk space.
If you prefer to use a graphical user interface over a command line tool,
use the Migrate Docs task from the New menu in Background Job
stmigrate { –all | –file <filename> | –date <date> }
–all Migrates all documents in local page cache to storage media; mutually
exclusive with –file and –date options
–file <filename> Migrates only those committed documents listed in the user-generated
file specified by <filename>; mutually exclusive with –all and –date
options. Each line in the file contains a single document ID. For each
committed document specified, the program uses the database to
locate and migrate the document.
–date <date> Migrates all unmigrated documents that have a create date older than
the date specified by <date>, where <date> is in mm/dd/yyyy format;
mutually exclusive with –all and –file options
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1280
Before you use stmigrate, be aware of the following:
The stmigrate tool is directory independent. You can run it from any
working directory.
The stmigrate tool is the command line equivalent of running Mi-
grate Docs from Background Job Control.
Entering the stmigrate command alone displays command syntax.
The document migrate background job is interruptible. For exam-
ple, if your system crashes while stmigrate is running, the job re-
starts automatically when the FileNet software restarts.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1281
1 Create the media family.
Before you use stmigrate to move documents from magnetic disk
cache to optical media, you must create the media family. You can also
change the media size if the optical media surfaces are not assigned.
Refer to “Define/Update Media Families” online help in Database Main-
tenance for more information.
2 Start stmigrate.
Enter stmigrate at the system command line using the options neces-
sary to migrate the documents you desire.
Related Topics
See your System Administrator's Handbook for information about doc-
ument migration.
Refer to Database Maintenance online help for Define/Update Media
Refer to Background Job Control (BJC) online help for BJC tasks.
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1282
The stsurfupdate tool starts up a surface update background job that
supports the updating of the short descriptors. It updates short
descriptors (or user indexes) stored on optical surfaces by writing to a
new location with index information taken from the Index Database.
Three log files are always generated in the background job directory,
/fnsw/local/logs/bkglog/ at the end of the surface update. They are:
An additional log file, UpdExcpt.job#, could also be found in the same
background job directory. However, this file only exists to record excep-
tion conditions where updated short descriptors cannot be generated
Log Files” on page 1285).
stsurfupdate -a | -f <surfidfile> | -s <surfid> | -p | -t [-n]
[-d | -l <docidfile>] [-o] [-v] [-T]
-a Updates all in-box surfaces.
-f <surfidfile> Parses in a file full of surface ids for update, one surface id per line.
The surfaceidfile name cannot start with a numeric character.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1283
-s <surfid> Updates a single numeric surface id (for example, -s 3004).
-p Updates all primary in-box surfaces.
-t Updates all tranlog in-box surfaces.
The above five options are mutually exclusive.
-n Updates only if a mis-matched user numeric index value is detected in
a short descriptor. The short descriptor numeric index is compared
against the Index Database. If they mis-match, a new fixup short
descriptor is generated. This new fixup short descriptor is taken from
the Index Database. Note that besides updating the mis-matched user
numeric index value, any other mis-matched indexes in the same
descriptor are also updated into the optical. If this option is not used,
by default, short descriptors whose indexes are not matching the
indexes stored in Index Database are updated.
The -n option conserves space on the optical media and minimizes the
number of updates.
-d Deletes short descriptors if not found in the Index and Permanent
Database. This creates an updated short descriptor which is marked
as "deleted." A short descriptor that is marked as "deleted" cannot be
imported to a system unless the -ignoredeleteupdate option is used
when running the stdocimp utility. The -d and the -l options are mutu-
ally exclusive.
-l <docidfile> Provides a list of document IDs which are updated if necessary. These
are always interpreted as local documents. This is used as a filter. If a
surface document ID is foreign and is in the local docs table, the orig-
inal document ID is translated to a local document ID. This local docu-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1284
ment ID is then compared with the document input list. The -l and the -
d options are mutually exclusive.
-o Forces to update foreign documents with a new short descriptor. If this
option is used in conjunction with the -d option, the updated short
descriptors are also marked as deleted for these foreign documents
when the corresponding documents are not found in either the Index
nor the Permanent Database. Note that a warning exception, FB Over-
ridden, is counted when using this option. If this option is not selected,
by default, no update short descriptor is created for foreign documents.
A WARNING exception “FB Overridden” is logged in the
UpdExcpt.<job#> log file when using the -o option.
-v Reports detailed mis-match index information in the log file (verbose
Depending on the other options you use, the -v option can generate an
extremely large amount of output. If space is limited in the bkglog
directory, use -v with caution.
If you decide to use the -v option, we recommend that you use it with
the -s <surfid> option on one surface at a time.
-T Test mode option. This option processes the surface but does not write
to optical. Therefore, media/drive write compatibility is not checked.
The surface is not marked with the update flag and no fixup short
descriptors are written to optical. This option can be used to gather
accurate statistics on updating.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1285
Log Files
After the stsurfupdate tool is run, the following three log files can be
found in /fnsw/local/logs/bkglog/:
Updlog.000075 (000075 is the job number)
Information for surfupdate job number 75 started at 03/18/2005 10:15:05
Job parameters:
Update through all surfaces in the server: no
Verbose mode: no
Primary surface only: no
Tranlog surface only: no
Input surface id: 3070
Update only when mis-matched numeric index values are detected: no
Mark updated short descriptor as "deleted" if doc is not found in Index DB: no
Force update on foreign docs with mis-matched index values: no
Test mode: no
End of job information:
Number of errors encountered: 0
Number of surfaces scanned: 1
Number of surfaces skipped: 0
Number of short descriptors scanned from input media: 45
Number of short descriptors expected for update: 1
Last surface being processed: 3070
Job completed at 03/18/2005 10:15:37
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1286
Portion of UpdProg.000075 (000075 is the job number)
Portion of UpdSummary.000075 (000075 is the job number)
SURFACE UPDATE PROGRESS REPORT : ibm28d2r (ssn: 10359) Filename : UpdProg.000075
3070 started scanning and updating at Fri Mar 18 10:15:05 2005
index updated in document class: Erase_UDO2
>>>: Description
3070 scanned total of 45 doc headers, number of doc headers requires updates: 1
3070 Short Desc File: 0, #Extent 1: Total allocated Sectors=3986 Total Used Sectors=1
3070 Short Desc File: 1, #Extent 1: Total allocated Sectors=3986 Total Used Sectors=3
3070 update expects using 1 sectors, 1825157 sectors is still available on surface
3070 ended scanning and updating at Fri Mar 18 10:15:37 2005
Date/Time started: Fri Mar 18 10:15:04 2005
command invoked: stsurfupdate -s 3070
Number of surfaces processed = 1
Number of surfaces skipped = 0
SURFACE UPDATE SUMMARY REPORT : ibm28d2r (ssn: 10359) Filename : UpdSummary.000075
Date/Time started: Fri Mar 18 10:15:04 2005
command invoked: stsurfupdate -s 3070
Number of surfaces processed = 1
Number of surfaces skipped = 0
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1287
If your system uses a storage management system such as NAS (net-
work-attached storage), SAN (storage area network), or HSM (Hierar-
chical Storage Management) for your MSAR directory (see
on page 1293), it must support synchronous writes. This requirement
is not unusual. MSAR creation directories, any directories which are
used for storing database files, and any directories used for storing
CSM cache files must support synchronous writes. Otherwise, data
can be lost. It is also a specific need of database vendors for storing
database files.
If synchronous writes are not supported, surface file data, database, or
cache information can be lost.
For UNIX systems using NFS protocol, in the system file that is used
for mounting the file system, verify that the noac option is set. It is also
recommended that options, vers=3 and proto=tcp, also be set. Refer
to your NFS operating system manual.
The sync_write_test program can be used to determine if a given
storage management system directory supports synchronous writes.
This stand-alone program can also be used without other IS software.
(In the IS 3.6 ESE release, this program was referred to as the msar_
sync_test program.)
Local SCSI magnetic disk drives and SAN devices always support syn-
chronous writes. So, it is not necessary to run this tool on SCSI or SAN
devices. Local ATA magnetic disk storage devices (e.g., an IDE drive)
don’t always support synchronous writes, so they must be tested.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1288
The sync_write_test program requires one parameter, the target (NAS,
HSM, etc.) directory. A file will be created and opened with the plat-
form-specific synchronous write through flags set (for UNIX: O_SYNC,
WRITE_THROUGH) in the directory. These flags are used by the IS
software for opening MSAR, database, and cache files. The program
operates as follows:
The file will be written to in 1024 byte block size indefinitely. Each
block will contain a block number repeatedly stored in long words
and the blocks will be numbered sequentially.
For example, the first block written will contain 256 long words with
the value of 1, and the second block written will contain 256 long
word with the value of 2, and so on. This information will be useful
it ever becomes necessary to run traces on the data that is coming
over the network or storage device.
Once the program has written 10k of data, the user will be
prompted to disconnect the target storage system.
There is a 1 GB limit for the target file. If the file exceeds this limit
during testing, the program will terminate and the sync_write_test will
need to be re-run.
While the program is running, perform a soft disconnect to break
the connection. For example, log onto the remote storage device
and unexport the share. This will cause the sync_write_test pro-
gram to fail on the next write to the target file. A message will be
written to the screen indicating the last successfully written sector.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1289
The user will also be prompted to reconnect the target storage sys-
Next, the target connection should be restored. Once this is done,
the sync_write_test program will start the verification phase where
the content of the data is verified and ultimately indicate if the sys-
tem passes the test.
If the system passes, the target test file will be deleted. This indi-
cates that the target directory does support synchronous writes
and can be used as an MSAR creation directory or used to store
FileNet database and cache files. If the system does not pass, the
target file will not be deleted. This indicates that the target directory
does not support synchronous writes and cannot be used as an
MSAR creation directory or as storage for FileNet database and
cache files.
For Windows 2003 systems only: The sectors are written twice be-
cause NTFS does not always indicate failure the first time. The IS
software rewrites the last 1024 bytes of each buffer written to
This test should be performed five times.
sync_write_test <Target_directory>
<Target_directory> Target storage file directory.
1 Enter the following command:
sync_write_test <Target_directory>
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1290
Note In the examples below, we use I:\msar_stor for the <Target_direc-
tory>, and the target_sync_file has the unique process ID appended,
which is 2952.
After you enter the command above, you will see a screen similar to
the following.
2 Once the program has written 10k of data, you will be prompted to dis-
connect the target storage system.
While the test continues to run, perform a soft disconnect to break the
connection. For example, log onto the remote storage device and un-
export the share. This will cause the sync_write_test program to fail on
the next write to the target file.
Additionally, if the sync_write_test is allowed to run and the target file
exceeds 1073741824 bytes, the sync_write_test program will termi-
nate. If this occurs, you will need to re-run the test.
D:\fnsw\bin>sync_write_test I:\msar_stor
Creating file I:\msar_stor\target_sync_file2952
D:\fnsw\bin>sync_write_test I:\msar_stor
Creating file I:\msar_stor\target_sync_file2952
Disconnect the target storage device. (10k written so far)
Disconnect the target storage device. (100k written so far)
Disconnect the target storage device. (1000k written so far)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1291
3. The screen will display the following information.
You will also be prompted to reconnect the target storage system as
seen in the example above.
4 Restore the connection to the target system and answer y to the
prompt. Once this is done, the sync_write_test program will start the
verification phase where the content of the data is verified and ulti-
mately indicate if the system passes the test.
If the system passes, a Passed Sync test!!! notification will be dis-
played on the screen and the target test file will be deleted. This indi-
cates that the target directory does support synchronous writes and
After disconnection, Expected Failure occurred while writing to:
I:\msar_stor\target_sync_file2952 file (Target) system error=1167
The target file has been closed
Target file
'I:\msar_stor\target_sync_file2952' should be at least 21603k.
The target file has been closed
Re-connect the target storage device.
After you have re-connected. Type
'y' to continue or 'a' to abort.
Opening file I:\msar_stor\targer_sync_file2952
Verifying the data (one dot for every 100k verified):
Last block verified=21603k
Passed SYNC test!!!
Target file has been deleted: I:\msar_stor\targer_sync_file2952
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1292
can be used as an MSAR creation directory or used to store FileNet
database and cache files.
If the file is smaller than the last successful write, the system will not
pass. This will be evident by a screen similar to the following:
In this case, the target file will not be deleted. This failure indicates that
the target directory does not support synchronous writes and cannot
be used as an MSAR creation directory or used to store FileNet data-
base and cache files. If this occurs, you need to contact your storage
provider for assistance.
5 Repeat Steps 1 through 5 four more times.
It is necessary to do the test 5 times successfully because there can
be a false positive result. If the test fails even once during the 5 tests,
the system has NOT passed the test.
In some cases, the operating system or storage system can flush its
buffers before the disconnection is complete. This means there is a
possibility of having a false positive result. It might be necessary to
consult with the storage provider about the specific way to disconnect
a storage system.
Target file has not been deleted: I:\msar_stor\targer_sync_file2952
This was done because the storage device failed the SYNC test.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1293
NAS Network-attached storage (NAS) is hard disk storage that is set up with
its own network address rather than being attached to the department
computer that is serving applications to a network's workstation users.
By removing storage access and its management from the department
server, both application programming and files can be served faster
because they are not competing for the same processor resources.
The network-attached storage device is attached to a local area net-
work (typically, an Ethernet network) and assigned an IP address. File
requests are mapped by the main server to the NAS file server
SAN A storage area network (SAN) is a high-speed special-purpose net-
work (or subnetwork) that interconnects different kinds of data storage
devices with associated data servers on behalf of a larger network of
users. SAN Storage Devices can be connected to the server via a net-
work or locally attached.
HSM Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) is policy-based manage-
ment of file backup and archiving in a way that uses storage devices
economically and without the user needing to be aware of when files
are being retrieved from backup storage media. Although HSM can be
implemented on a standalone system, it is more frequently used in the
distributed network of an enterprise. The hierarchy represents different
types of storage media, such as redundant array of independent disks
systems, optical storage, or tape, each type representing a different
level of cost and speed of retrieval when access is needed.
Related Topics
test_raw_partition” on page 1305
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1294
If you are interested in looking at the source files for the sync_write_
test, they can be found in /fnsw/etc/sample/sync_write_test.c.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1295
The sys_log program appends an entire string of message text to the
system event log. Quotation marks around the message text are
optional, as is the specification of an error tuple for the message. All of
the following examples are valid:
sys_log 181,1,1 “this is an error”
sys_log 181,1,1 this is an error
sys_log “this is an error”
sys_log this is an error
You can invoke sys_log using a script to add a message of your own to
the event log. You can optionally assign a three-part error tuple to your
message or just specify the message text to write to the event log.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1296
sys_log [<error_tuple>] message [–p]
<error_tuple> Specifies the three-part message number in the following format:
cat specifies the category portion of the error tuple
func specifies the function portion of the error tuple
num specifies the number portion of the error tuple
message Defines message text to write to the event log; maximum string length
is 1024 bytes; quotes are optional
–p Displays the message at the active window and writes the message
text to the event log
No specific procedure is required.
sys_log 171,1,16 This is an error
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1297
The tapeser tool unconditionally writes a serial number (also called a
volume label) to a tape. The serial number consists of six non-blank
alphanumeric characters (letters, numbers, and spaces in any combi-
nation) or six spaces enclosed in quotes. If your serial number is less
than six characters, pad the left-most digits with spaces or zeros (for
example, 003456).
The tapeser tool writes a label and two tape marks at the beginning of
the tape, effectively erasing all the data on the tape.
You specify the serial number and an optional device. The device
parameter specifies the density of the tape to which you are writing. If
you do not specify a device, the program obtains the default device for
your specific system from tape configuration files.
For UNIX systems, the tape configuration file is /fnsw/local/sd/1/tape-
config. The contents of this file resembles the following:
For example, for AIX systems, the default is /dev/rmt0, and the tape
density for this device is high density.
backup tape1:corona:FileNet
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1298
Use tapeser to write a volume label with a serial number to a tape.
When attempting to read new blank tapes, the system scans the entire
tape while checking for data. This is time-consuming and unnecessary.
To avoid a complete scan of a blank tape on an initial read, use tapeser
to write a volume label and two tape marks to new tapes.
tapeser –s <serialno> [–d <device>]
–s <serialno> Specifies the serial number to assign to the tape
The serial number must be one to six characters or spaces.
–d <device> Specifies the tape device to which the volume label is written
If not specified, the default device for your specific system is obtained
from tape configuration files.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1299
The examples below are tapeser commands to label new tapes.
The following command assigns a serial number of 12345 to a tape
tapeser –s 12345
You can label a tape with a serial number consisting of six spaces. This
helps when labeling tapes for unattended online backups. To assign a
label of six spaces to a tape, verify that you enclose the six spaces
within quote marks as represented below:
tapeser –s “ ” –d /dev/rmt/0m
You can control the use of tapes by assigning a particular character
string as the volume label. For example, you can assign a day of the
week as the volume label to control which tape to use on a particular
day. To label a tape with the volume label “Monday,” use the following
tapeser –s MONDAY –d /dev/rmt/0m
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1300
Before you use tapeser, be aware of the following:
tapeser, in effect, erases all existing data on the tape.
If you use spaces to label a tape, enclose the spaces in double
No specific procedure is required.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1301
TAP_tool is a utility you can use to monitor and manage Image Ser-
vices tape functions.
The report option of TAP_tool creates a report on the internal state of
the TAPt shared library (abstract). The output report also displays pro-
cess IDs for workers, the remaining software-defined capacity of the
current or last tape written, and identifies the default drive.
The clean option of TAP_tool closes a client process if the process is
not properly closed. If you attempt to close an active client, an error
message displays indicating the client is still active.
You can also specify an option to collect debugging information.
Debugging values are provided, when necessary, by your service rep-
Use TAP_tool to create a report on the internal state of the TAPt
shared library, close a client process if the client has not been closed
using the proper procedure, and dynamically set the debug variable.
Use –r to obtain the process ID of a dead process. When instructed to
do so by your service representative, use –c and the process ID of a
dead process to close a client process.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1302
TAP_tool [–r] [–c <pid>] [–d <value>]
–r Displays a report on the internal state of TAPt
–c<pid> Closes a client if it has not been closed using the proper procedure;
also cleans out “dead” TAPt clients
–d<value> Dynamically sets the TAP_debug variable to <value>
Values are available from your service representative.
Sample Output
The following sample is output from TAP_tool with the report option:
The default tape drive is identified with an asterisk (*) in column 1 of
the report. The “tape capacity remaining” field at the end of the report
displays the remaining software-defined capacity (in megabytes) of the
current or last tape written.
$ TAP_tool -r
1 Service. Drive Descriptions:
tape1:costa3:FileNet type 3
1 rew: /dev/rmt0.4 no rew: /dev/rmt0.5
* 2 rew: /dev/rmt0 no rew: /dev/rmt0.1
tape state: tapeCLOSED
keep_going 0
tape is closed (normal)
job ‘ ’, reel 0
file ‘ ’, reel 0
userblockseq = 0, tapehighwater = 0, blockswaiting = 0
tape capacity remaining = 0 MB
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1303
Before you use TAP_tool, be aware of the following:
You must consult with your service representative before running
TAP_tool with the –c or –d options.
Since a system process automatically cleans up “dead” clients, you
should use the –c flag only in abnormal situations and at the direc-
tion of your service representative.
1 If you need to set the debugging variable, call your service representa-
2 Start TAP_tool.
At the command line, enter TAP_tool and the options required to
create a report, close a client, or set the debug variable.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1304
Related Topics
Depending on the method you use to back up and restore the Image
Services software, refer to one of the following documents for informa-
tion about labeling backup tapes:
System Administrator’s Companion for UNIX
System Administrator’s Companion for Windows Server
Enterprise Backup/Restore User’s Guide
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1305
The test_raw_partition tool tests whether a UNIX platform supports
raw partitions and synchronous writes to partitions and files. On UNIX
platforms, the Image Services CSM page cache and the MKF tran-
sient, permanent, and security databases are stored in raw partitions.
(Raw partitions are called logical volumes on some platforms.)
If your system uses a storage management system such as NAS (net-
work-attached storage), SAN (storage area network), or HSM (Hierar-
chical Storage Management) for your MSAR directory (see
on page 1312), it must support synchronous writes.
Any directories that are used for storing database files, any directories
used for storing CSM cache files, and any MSAR creation directories
must support synchronous writes. It is also a specific requirement of all
database management system vendors for storing database files. The
file systems of all IS-supported platforms are high performance, and all
support synchronous writes.
If synchronous writes are not supported, surface file data, database, or
cache information could be lost in the event of a system crash or power
Although a platform supports synchronous writes, it might not be actu-
ally performing synchronous writes. Caching can occur at the OS level,
the NAS/SAN level, and the disk drive level. Synchronous writes do not
occur unless all such caching is disabled, so if the IS page cache or
any of the MKF databases are placed on such a device, the caching
must be disabled or the cache must be battery-backed-up.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1306
How test_raw_partition Works
The test_raw_partition tool counts the number of writes it can perform
to the same sector of a file or partition within a fixed amount of time (20
seconds). If it's performing synchronous writes, the disk has to make
one complete revolution between writes. Assuming one disk revolution
per write, test_raw_partition calculates the speeds of the disk in RPM
(revolutions per minute).
The RPM number calculation is the number of writes to the same
sector divided by the time interval in seconds times 60 seconds per
minute. (If the data is being cached, the speed is limited only by the
speed of the CPU or memory, and the writes are asynchronous.)
Typically, server disks spin at rates of 3,600 to 7,500 revolutions per
minute (RPM). The fastest spinning magnetic disks currently available
might go as fast as 15,000 RPM. To allow for hardware improvements
over the next number of years, test_raw_partitions considers 18,000
RPM to be achievable by a magnetic disk.
The test-raw-partition tool determines whether or not synchronous
writes are being performed by performing these steps:
1 First, test_raw_partition computes the equivalent RPM number of the
file or raw partition being tested based on the write rate described ear-
2 Then test_raw_partition creates an ordinary file with asynchronous
writes and computes the equivalent RPM number.
3 Finally, test_raw_partion compares the two RPM numbers:
If the RPM number of the file or raw partition being tested is less than
the minimum of 18,000 RPM, and one half the RPM number of a file
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1307
with asynchronous writes, then the RPM number is assumed to be low
enough to be achieved by synchronous writes to a magnetic disk. In
this case, test_raw_partition passes the file or raw partition being
If the RPM number of the file or raw partition being tested is equal to or
greater than the minimum of 18,000, and one fourth the RPM number
of a file with asynchronous writes, the file or raw partition being tested
fails the test for synchronous writes.
Use the test_raw_partition tool to find out if a particular platform sup-
ports raw partitions and is performing synchronous writes.
The test_raw_partition tool can perform these tests:
Create and test raw partitions
Test existing raw partitions
Create and test a file
Run test_raw_partitions as a user with root privileges to avoid permis-
sion problems.
test_raw_partition {vg=<vol_grp> | par=<partition_name> |
The vg, par, and file options are mutually exclusive.
Run test_raw_paritition with no options to display the online help.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1308
Run test_raw_partition as a user with root privileges.
OPTION 1: Test a New Partition
Create a volume group for the test partition, or choose an existing
volume group. Under the specified volume group, test_raw_partitions
creates a test partition, runs a read/write test on the test partition, and
then removes the test partition.
test_raw_partition vg=<volume_group_name>
The test_raw_partition tool creates a 16 MB (16*1024*1024) test parti-
tion fn_test_partn within the specified volume group, runs the read/
write test on it, and then removes the test partition.
The test_raw_partition tool also creates a small temporary file, /tmp/
fn_file_test, and automatically removes it when the test is finished.
OPTION 2: Test an Existing Partition
You must manually create a test partition mapped to the devices of
interest before running this program. The partition must be at least 16
MB (16*1024*1024) in size.
There must be NO valuable data in the test partition as DATA WILL BE
DESTROYED by the disk write test.
test_raw_partition par=<full_path_name_of_the_test_partition>
The test_raw_partition tool creates a small temporary file, /tmp/fn_file_
test, and automatically removes it when the test is finished. When test_
raw_partition is done, you must remove the test partition manually.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1309
OPTION 3: Test an Existing Directory
Some platforms support synchronous writes, but not in certain file sys-
tems or directories. For example, some platforms do not support syn-
chronous writes to files in /tmp. In such cases, no errors or warnings
are produced.
test_raw_partition file=<full_path_name_of_test_file>
The test_raw_partition tool creates the specified test file, runs the syn-
chronous write test, and then removes the test file. The test_raw_parti-
tion tool also creates a small temporary file, /tmp/fn_file_test, and
automatically removes it when the test is finished.
Sample Output
Success Case
The following command was run to test whether files in the /msar_new
directory support synchronous writes:
test_raw_partition file=/msar_new/abc
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1310
The following output was produced:
The file /tmp/fn_file_test was created and tested for synchronous
writes, then deleted. That file was created such that the writes would
be asynchronous, so its RPM number was very high (3,376,896 RPM).
There are no magnetic disks that spin anywhere near that fast.
Then the test file /msar_new_/abc was created and tested. The file
was created such that the writes were supposed to be synchronous.
The RPM number was 4560 RPM, which falls within the normal range
for magnetic disks.
The minimum of 18,000 RPM and one fourth the asynchronous file
RPM number is min(18000, 0.25 * 3376896), which is equal to
min(18000, 844224), or 18000. Since 4560 is less than 18000, syn-
chronous writes were performed to the test file /msar_new/abc. There-
fore, the test file /msar_new/abc passed the synchronous write test.
PASS: partition opened for read/write
Starting 10 second write test on /tmp/fn_file_test
Performed 562816 writes to same sector in 10 secs
Corresponds to 3376896 RPM
Starting 20 second synchronous write test on /msar_new/abc
Performed 1520 writes to same sector in 20 secs
Corresponds to 4560 RPM
PASS: synchronous write test (RPM < min(18000, 844224))
PASS: open/close/read/sync-write test
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1311
Failure Case
The following command was run on a system different from the pre-
vious example to test whether files in the /msar directory support syn-
chronous writes:
test_raw_partition file=/msar/hello
The following output was produced:
The file /tmp/fn_file_test was created, as before, to get the RPM
number for files using asynchronous writes (that is, the OS performs
caching). The computed number was 4,281,726 RPM, far faster than
any magnetic disk.
Then the test file /msar/hello was created and tested. The computed
number was 134,412 RPM, far faster than any magnetic disk. However,
since the number was much smaller than for the /tmp/fn_file_test file, it
implies that the "disk" was much slower. In fact, the equivalent FPM
PASS: partition opened for read/write
Starting 10 second write test on /tmp/fn_file_test
Performed 713621 writes to same sector in 10 secs
Corresponds to 4281726 RPM
Starting 20 second synchronous write test on /msar/hello
Performed 44804 writes to same sector in 20 secs
Corresponds to 134412 RPM
FAIL: writes not synchronous (or RPM > min(18000, 1070430))
FAIL: open/close/read/sync-write test
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1312
number is so low (but still faster than any magnetic disk) that it might
be a SAN or NAS device that performs caching.
Since 134,412 is less than the minimum of 18,000 and 1,070,430 (one
fourth the write of files with asynchronous writes), the test file /msar/
hello failed the synchronous write test.
NAS Network-attached storage (NAS) is hard disk storage that is set up with
its own network address rather than being attached to the department
computer that is serving applications to a network's workstation users.
By removing storage access and its management from the department
server, both application programming and files can be served faster
because they are not competing for the same processor resources.
The network-attached storage device is attached to a local area net-
work (typically, an Ethernet network) and assigned an IP address. File
requests are mapped by the main server to the NAS file server
SAN A storage area network (SAN) is a high-speed special-purpose net-
work (or subnetwork) that interconnects different kinds of data storage
devices with associated data servers on behalf of a larger network of
users. SAN Storage Devices can be connected to the server via a net-
work or locally attached.
HSM Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) is policy-based manage-
ment of file backup and archiving in a way that uses storage devices
economically and without the user needing to be aware of when files
are being retrieved from backup storage media. Although HSM can be
implemented on a standalone system, it is more frequently used in the
distributed network of an enterprise. The hierarchy represents different
types of storage media, such as redundant array of independent disks
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1313
systems, optical storage, or tape, each type representing a different
level of cost and speed of retrieval when access is needed.
Related Topics
sync_write_test” on page 1287
If you are interested in looking at the source files for the sync_write_
test, they can be found in /fnsw/etc/sample/sync_write_test.c.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1314
TLIB_tool controls Exabyte tape library functions. The TLIB_tool allows
you to initialize or reset the tape library, lock or unlock the front access
door, acquire inventory information about the tape library, move or load
or unload media, position the tape library arm, eject media, and search
or move media by bar code label.
For additional information, refer to Appendix A of the Enterprise
Backup/Restore User’s Guide. To download IBM FileNet documenta-
tion from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Docu-
mentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1315
The uncompressdir tool is available only on an Image Services for AIX/
6000 or Image Services for HP-UX. It does not run on Image Services
for the Solaris Operating Environment or Image Services for Windows
The uncompressdir tool restores a compressed file to its original un-
compressed format. The uncompressdir tool calls the uncompress pro-
gram, passing flags as options. The uncompress program recursively
descends each specified directory. It examines each file for an exten-
sion of .Z, which indicates the file has been compressed with the
compressdir tool. If you do not specify any directories, it uncompresses
all applicable files starting with the current directory.
The uncompressdir tool is not supported in Image Services for Win-
dows Server or Image Services for the Solaris Operating Environment.
Use uncompressdir to restore a file compressed with compressdir to its
original uncompressed format.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1316
uncompressdir [ flags ] [ directory ... ]
flags See “Flags” below.
directory One or more directories that contain files you want to uncompress. If
you do not specify a directory, the program uncompresses all applica-
ble files starting with the current directory.
–c Writes to the standard output without changing the files (concatenate)
–q Runs in quiet mode: without displaying progress messages
–v Runs in verbose mode: displays progress messages with the expan-
sion (in percent) of each file being uncompressed
–V Displays the version and selected options
The following example requests the program to uncompress all com-
pressed files in the /tmp/dumps directory.
corona(root)/> uncompressdir /tmp/dumps
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1317
Before you use uncompressdir, be aware of the following:
If the input file is a directory, it remains unchanged.
If you do not specify any directories, the program uncompresses all
applicable files in all directories, starting with the current directory.
The uncompressdir tool is not supported in Image Services for
Windows Server or Image Services for the Solaris Operating Envi-
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
compressdir” on page 158
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1318
The vl (view log) tool displays entries in the FileNet event log on a local
or remote host server. If you specify a remote host, it must be running
TM_daemon. However, if you specify the local host, vl does not require
the host to run TM_daemon.
Use vl when you want to examine the entries in the event log of a par-
ticular server.
You can also use the Event Logs option from the Task Manager Moni-
tor menu to examine the entries in the FileNet event log. See the Task
Manager online help or the “System Management” chapter of your
System Administrator’s Handbook for details. To download IBM FileNet
documentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM
FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
vl [–t] [–h <hostname>] [–v <viewer>] [–d]
–t Displays entries as the program writes them to the event log (tail
–h <hostname> Retrieves the event log from the specified host. Default is the local host
name. The specified host server must run TM_daemon.
–v <viewer> Uses program specified by <viewer> for viewing the event log
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1319
–d Displays contents of TM_daemon log file. This option is valid only
when specified for the local host.
Sample Output
corona(root)/> vl
96/11/20 10:15:29.295 211,1,17 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
An SNMP trap was issued for this error with trap code d30001, trap severity ‘1’
96/11/20 10:15:29.553 211,1,11 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
syslog semaphore has been re-established.
96/11/20 10:15:29.953 211,1,11 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
Terminating FileNet software...
96/11/20 10:15:30.550 211,1,11 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
Shutting down security database...
96/11/20 10:15:31.327 211,1,11 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
Shutting down permanent database...
96/11/20 10:15:31.712 211,1,11 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
Shutting down transient database...
96/11/20 10:15:32.639 211,1,11 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
Terminating processes...
96/11/20 10:15:50.692 211,1,11 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
Shutting down index database...
96/11/20 10:15:54.729 <fnsw> /fnsw/bin/sys_log (4008) ...
Shutdown Oracle data base...
96/11/20 10:16:04.714 211,1,11 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
initiate_procs: Processes terminated successfully on a ‘stop’ command
96/11/20 10:16:04.739 211,1,11 <fnsw> TM_daemon (3961) ...
Termination of FileNet software completed.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1320
Before you use vl, be aware of the following:
The vl tool displays the event log of the server on which you are
You can also use the Event Log option of the Task Manager Moni-
tor menu to view FileNet event logs.
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
See the Task Manager online help or the “System Management” chap-
ter of your System Administrator’s Handbook for information about the
Task Manager Monitor. To download IBM FileNet documentation from
the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation
on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1321
The WALSEC_debug tool enables support personnel to trace execu-
tion within the Security Services subsystem of the FileNet IS Toolkit
formerly known as the WorkFlo Application Language (WAL) Applica-
tion Programming Interface (API). This tool provides different trace lev-
els, based on specified command options.
FileNet software defines classes of functions within shared libraries
(also called “abstracts”). Each function, called an “entrypoint,” can be a
member of exactly zero or one of the following classes: entry, ventry,
rentry, sentry, and ientry. If it is not a member of any of these classes,
the function is referred to within the WALSEC_debug program as a
“uentry” for “unexposed entry.
You can use the WALSEC_debug tool to enable or disable trace de-
bugging for each entrypoint class within a given shared library or set of
shared libraries. The debugging system for IS Toolkit contains two
shared libraries (SEC and SECr). For example, you can turn on or off
debugging for entries in SEC or sentries and rentries in SECr. This en-
ables you to minimize the number of debugging statements logged to
solve a specific problem, thus maximizing system performance, while
maintaining maximum possible debugging coverage.
Security Service modules contain built-in debugging messages, sent to
the standard IS Toolkit log.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1322
Use WALSEC_debug from the command line while the IS Toolkit client
application is running to activate or deactivate debugging for a set of
entrypoint classes for the SEC and SECr shared libraries. You can also
use it to view the debugging status at any time.
Do not use the WALSEC_debug tool unless explicitly instructed to do
so by your service representative.
Normally, the WALSEC_debug tool terminates immediately after
changing the debugging levels. When enabled through WALSEC_de-
bug, debugging remains enabled until disabled using this program or
by releasing the shared memory for IS Toolkit clients. The time at
which the program releases the shared memory for IS Toolkit clients is
platform dependent; therefore, it is not a reliable method to disable de-
You should usually run the WALSEC_debug program after the IS Tool-
kit client application starts but before it terminates. However, if the IS
Toolkit client has a short run time or you need a complete trace of all
program calls, you should start the WALSEC_debug program using the
WAIT option prior to running the IS Toolkit client.
The WALSEC_debug program affects all running IS Toolkit applica-
tions at the same time.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1323
WALSEC_debug [+<type>] [-<type>] [STATUS] [WAIT]
To display a help screen for this tool, enter the WALSEC_debug com-
mand without any parameters.
Turns on debugging for the specified shared library or executable and
entrypoint type.
<type> is one of the following:
For details, see
Types” on page 1325.
A shared library (abstract) and an entrypoint clas-
Shortcut to a group of entrypoint classifications.
Shortcut to all shared libraries and entrypoint classifi-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1324
-<type> Turns off debugging for the specified shared library or executable and
entrypoint type.
<type> is one of the following:
For details, see
Types” on page 1325.
STATUS Prints a table to standard output of each debugging type and its status.
It also displays a status table if a command changed any debug set-
tings whether you added the STATUS parameter or not.
WAIT Pauses debugging so it will wait for a key press before terminating. If
you have a short running IS Toolkit client application or need a full
trace, add the WAIT option to the command line and run WALSEC_de-
bug before starting your IS Toolkit application.
A shared library (abstract) and an entrypoint clas-
Shortcut to a group of entrypoint classifications.
Shortcut to all shared libraries and entrypoint classifi-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1325
Types let you enable or disable debugging for all entrypoint types
within a particular shared library at the same time. The final type,
“ALL,” affects debugging for all shared libraries and all entrypoints at
You can combine types (using a plus or minus sign) on the command
line by separating them with a space to produce the desired effects.
For example, to enable debugging for sentry and rentry functions
within the SEC shared library and disable debugging for ventry func-
tions in the SECr shared library with one command, type the following:
The order of parameters on the command line is not significant.
If the command enables a debugging type that is already enabled or
disables a type that is already disabled, the command has no effect on
that debugging type. This is not an error.
However, if you enable and disable a single debugging type with the
same command, the command generates an error. For example:
This combination is invalid because it is ambiguous whether the pro-
gram should enable or disable SEC_SENTRY debugging.
This combination is invalid because it is ambiguous whether the pro-
gram should enable or disable SEC_RENTRY debugging.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1326
The WALSEC_debug tool rejects and reports an invalid command due
to ambiguity.
Sample Output
The following examples show the output that displays after running the
SEC_debug command using various options.
The following sample shows output after entering the following com-
mand when all debugging is turned off.
WALSEC_debug: Manages SEC Enhanced Runtime Debugging
All debugging is currently off.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1327
The following sample shows output after entering the following com-
mand when SEC_sentry debugging is turned on:
WALSEC_debug: Manages SEC Enhanced Runtime Debugging
Debugging Status:
| Abst | Entry | Ventry | Rentry | Sentry | Ientry | Uentry |
| SEC | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF | OFF |
| SECr | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF |
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1328
The following sample shows output after entering the following com-
mand when no debugging is turned on.
WALSEC_debug: Manages SEC Enhanced Runtime Debugging
Settings changed.
Debugging Status:
| Abst | Entry | Ventry | Rentry | Sentry | Ientry | Uentry |
| SEC | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | OFF |
| SECr | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON | ON |
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1329
Before you use WALSEC_debug, be aware of the following:
You should use this tool only under the explicit direction of your ser-
vice representative. However, some IS Toolkit developers might
find it useful to log debug messages within the Security Services IS
Toolkit entry points. IS Toolkit entry points in Security Services cor-
respond to entry functions in the SEC shared library (SEC_EN-
TRY). IS Toolkit developers should use this tool at their own risk.
Since WALSEC_debug runs while the IS Toolkit client is running, it
must share memory resources to make debugging calls to the soft-
ware. Furthermore, since each security operation can make tens or
hundreds of function calls, the system log fills quickly, causing se-
vere performance degradation. Use debugging sparingly and with
extreme caution.
Run this program from the command line. See the Syntax” on
page 1330 for details on command line options.
Related Topics
SEC_debug” on page 1134
See the “Security Administration” chapter of your System Administra-
tor’s Handbook. To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM
support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on
page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1330
The whatsup program displays a multi-column report of the FileNet
programs currently loaded into the memory of the server. The informa-
tion is formatted differently for UNIX platforms and Windows Server
platforms. For a description of the report columns, see
Sample Out-
put” on page 1331.
Use the whatsup tool to determine if the FileNet software is running
and which FileNet processes are active. The preferred method for de-
termining this information is through the FileNet Task Manager, which
provides a graphical user interface for changing the software state, re-
porting the software state, and reporting the active processes. How-
ever, if you are not able to run the graphical user interface, such as
when support personnel dial in to a site for problem determination, you
can use whatsup from the command line to obtain the same informa-
Use the initfnsw tool to change the Image Services software state. You
specify parameters of initfnsw to change the state. After you run init-
fnsw, you can run whatsup to determine if the expected state has been
achieved and if the programs you expect to be active are running. (For
details, see
initfnsw” on page 584.)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1331
Sample Output
The sample output from the whatsup tool shows the FileNet programs
currently loaded into memory. The output differs between UNIX plat-
forms and Windows Server platforms.
The sample below is from a UNIX system:
FileNet Processes on server 'monterey':
User PID PPID Start Time Processes
fnsw 1812 1758 11/16/1996 bes_commit 2 Bes1:monterey:FileNet
fnsw 1836 1812 11/17/1996 bes_commit 1 Bes1:monterey:FileNet
fnsw 3488 3487 12:07:46 PM OCOR_Listen CWH 2
fnsw 1817 1816 11/16/1996 OCOR_Listen -pt -d20 -t3600
fnsw 1816 1806 11/16/1996 OCOR_Listen master
fnsw 1827 1811 11/17/1996 CSM_daemon
fnsw 1811 1758 11/16/1996 ds_init
fnsw 1824 1811 11/16/1996 ds_notify
fnsw 1825 1811 11/16/1996 ds_notify
fnsw 1826 1811 11/17/1996 dtp_tran
fnsw 1829 1811 11/17/1996 fbc_commit
fnsw 3535 3520 12:16:22 PM fnlogon
fnsw 3537 3535 12:16:29 PM fnlogon
fnsw 2193 2162 08:44:25 AM fnlogon
fnsw 2195 2193 08:44:33 AM fnlogon
fnsw 1840 1 11/17/1996 /fnsw/bin/fn_snmpd -f 8001
fnsw 1841 1 11/17/1996 /fnsw/bin/fn_trapd
fnsw 1759 1758 11/16/1996 /fnsw/bin/ilk_daemon
fnsw 1820 1809 11/16/1996 INXbg
fnsw 1818 1810 11/16/1996 INXu
fnsw 1760 1758 11/16/1996 MKF_clean
fnsw 1802 1801 11/16/1996 MKF_writer 3
fnsw 1761 1758 11/16/1996 MKF_writer 0
fnsw 1796 1795 11/16/1996 MKF_writer 2
fnsw 1790 1 11/16/1996 MKF_writer 1
fnsw 3489 3487 12:07:46 PM NCHs
fnsw 1807 1758 11/16/1996 NCH_daemon -pt
fnsw 1828 1811 11/17/1996 osi_migrate
fnsw 1805 1758 11/16/1996 perf_mon -f/fnsw/local/sd/perf_mon.script -f/fnsw/
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1332
Each column of the report from a UNIX system is defined below:
User is the owner of the process.
PID is the system assigned process ID number in decimal format.
PPID is the parent process ID number, in decimal format, for the pro-
gram that started the process listed in the PID column.
Start Time is the starting date or time of the process.
Processes is the process or command.
On UNIX platforms, an OCOR_listen process marked as CWH in the
Processes field represents the connection warehouse process that
owns the file descriptors of queued connections. The characters CWH
are followed by the hexadecimal number of the remote program. Zero
or more of these processes can exist per remote program, depending
on whether any RPCs have been processed or queued.
Connection queuing is not supported for the Windows Server plat-
All OCOR_listen processes descend from a common ancestor. The
output of whatsup identifies the common ancestor process as master
in the Processes field.
A Windows Server report, as shown in the sample below, differs
slightly from that of a UNIX system. Report column heading TID is
PPID on a UNIX platform report and values in TID and PID fields of the
Windows Server report are in hexadecimal.
Each column of the report is defined below the example:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1333
FileNet Processes on server '':
User PID TID Start Time Processes
saran 0x77 0x91 11/13/1996 bes_commit 1 Bes1:iceberg:FileNet
saran 0xbc 0xd8 11/13/1996 bes_commit 2 Bes1:iceberg:FileNet
saran 0xad 0xe7 11/13/1996 OCOR_Listen -pt -d20 -t3600
saran 0xec 0xd5 11/13/1996 CSM_daemon
saran 0xde 0xa9 11/13/1996 ds_init
saran 0xe3 0xeb 11/13/1996 ds_notify
saran 0xe6 0xb1 11/13/1996 ds_notify
saran 0xd0 0xb8 11/13/1996 dtp_tran
saran 0xe1 0xc1 11/13/1996 fbc_commit
saran 0xa4 0xac 11/13/1996 fn_snmpd.exe
saran 0xd4 0xf0 11/13/1996 fn_trapd.exe
saran 0xab 0x83 11/13/1996 INXbg -s IndexServer
saran 0xb3 0xa1 11/13/1996 INXu
saran 0xc4 0xba 11/13/1996 ipc_daemon
saran 0xed 0xca 11/13/1996 MKF_clean
saran 0xd1 0xc9 11/13/1996 MKF_writer 0
saran 0xbd 0xe9 11/13/1996 MKF_writer 2
saran 0xdb 0xc6 11/13/1996 MKF_writer 1
saran 0xda 0xce 11/13/1996 MKF_writer 3
saran 0xd2 0x4c 11/13/1996 NCH_daemon -pt
saran 0xd6 0xb6 11/13/1996 osi_migrate
saran 0xcc 0xb7 11/13/1996 perf_mon -f/fnsw/local/sd/perf_
pt -f/fnsw/lib/perf/perf_mon.script
saran 0xdc 0xb2 11/13/1996 PRI_check
saran 0xc5 0xb5 11/13/1996 PRI_daemon
saran 0xa6 0xcf 11/13/1996 PRI_notify
saran 0xe0 0xdf 11/13/1996 PRI_worker
saran 0xa2 0xcb 11/13/1996 rmt_commit
saran 0xaa 0xb4 11/13/1996 SEC_daemon
saran 0x9d 0x84 11/13/1996 TM_daemon -s
Enter <cr> to continue:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1334
User is the owner of the process.
PID is the system assigned process ID number in hexadecimal format.
TID is the thread ID number, in hexadecimal format, for the program
that started the process listed in the PID column.
Start Time is the starting date or time of the process.
Processes is the process or command.
Before you use whatsup, be aware of the following:
The whatsup tool displays only FileNet programs loaded into the
memory of the server to which you are logged on.
The preferred method for obtaining FileNet system status is with
the Task Manager Monitor.
The output from whatsup is slightly different between UNIX plat-
forms and the Windows Server platforms.
In a UNIX environment, running whatsup automatically restarts a
terminated TM_daemon. However, in a Windows Server environ-
ment, whatsup does not automatically restart TM_daemon. For
more information on starting and stopping TM_daemon in a Win-
dows Server environment, see System Administrator’s Companion
for Windows Server. To download IBM FileNet documentation from
the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet Documenta-
tion” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1335
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
initfnsw” on page 584
See System Administrator’s Handbook for information about the Task
See System Administrator’s Companion for Windows Server for infor-
mation about starting and stopping TM_daemon in Windows Server.
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1336
The WQMpack tool compresses WorkFlo Queue Services queues.
WQMpack can operate on all queues of a workspace or the queues of
a single table or multiple tables. Tables can be those owned by users
other than f_sw.
WQMpack uses space in the temporary directory (/tmp on UNIX plat-
forms or \tmp on Windows Server platforms) for working storage. In ad-
dition, a list of all queues is written to a file in the temporary directory.
Sufficient space to hold all the queues you are compressing must be
available in the temporary directory before you start WQMpack.
If WQMpack cannot create GDB_exim control files, error messages in-
dicate which files the program could not create.
For IBM DB2, this tool is not supported.
Use WQMpack to move WQS queues from one server to another, such
as you might do when upgrading to a new server.
All queues in a given workspace must reside on the same WorkFlo
Queue server.
To determine individual table names for use in WQMpack, use WQS_
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1337
WQMpack <–c | –s | –T> [–n] [–u | –o <table_owner> ] <tablename
| all> \
[–I #] [–E #] [–P #] [–F #] [–U #] [–J #] [–K #] [–L #] [–M #]
–c Displays space information, then compacts the queue, and displays
space information again. See
Optional RDBMS Data and Index Pa-
rameters” on page 1338 for options you can use with this command.
–s Displays space information and writes the information to the ./WQM- file
–T Truncates a table
The truncate command discards all data in the table!
–n Writes out GDB_exim files but does not execute GDB_exim
–u <username> Specifies a user (the table owner) other than f_sw, which is the default
–o<username> Specifies a user (equivalent to the –u command)
<tablename> Identifies one or more tables to export. If you specify multiple table
names, separate each with a space. Mutually exclusive with all.
all Specifies all queues on the server. Mutually exclusive with <table-
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1338
Optional RDBMS Data and Index Parameters
You can use these options only with the –c command. The number
sign (#) in the option is the number to which the data or parameter is
Option Data or Index Parameter
–I # data initial extent
–E # data increment extent
–P # data percent increase
–F # data percent free
–U # data percent used
–J # index initial extent
–K # index increment extent
–L # index percent increase
–M # index percent free
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1339
To display space information for WQM001q000001, run the following
WQMpack –s wqm001q000001
To truncate all queue tables, use the following command:
WQMpack –T all
To compact WQM001q000001 and display space usage before and af-
ter the compaction, use the following command:
WQMpack –c wqm001q000001
Use the following command with options to compact all queue tables
and change the data initial extent, data increment extent, data percent
free, index percent increase, and index percent free to the values spec-
WQMpack –c all –I 100 –E 200 –F 50 –L 50 –M 30
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1340
Before you use WQMpack, be aware that:
You must set the F_MAINT_PW environment variable before using
The truncate option deletes all data from the table.
All queues in a given workspace must reside on the same WorkFlo
Queue server.
Users should not access WorkFlo queues during a WQMpack im-
port or export operation.
You must ensure enough free space exists in the UNIX /tmp or
Windows server \tmp directory to import or export the queues.
It does not matter what directory you are in when you run WQM-
pack. However, WQMpack creates log files and other working files
in the user’s current working directory that do not get deleted when
the tool is finished. Most of these files do not create a problem, but
certain errors can create a WQMpack.rsi or WQMpack.rse file for
resolving and restarting the command. If either of these files is
present, there can be a problem with subsequent executions of
WQMpack in this directory. Before running WQMpack, check your
current working directory for WQMpack.rsi and WQMpack.rse. If
these files exist, delete them before running WQMpack.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1341
1 Use a tool such as spacerpt to determine if sufficient working space is
available in the temporary directory to accommodate the queues.
If insufficient space exists, you can import or export one (or a few)
queues at a time or expand the temporary directory.
2 On the WorkFlo Queue server, enter the WQMpack command.
Related Topics
GDB_exim” on page 512
sgs” on page 1203
spacerpt” on page 1220
WQS_tool” on page 1346
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1342
The WQS_move_q tool copies WorkFlo Queue Services queues be-
tween servers. You can copy a single queue, all queues in a single
workspace, or all queues in all workspaces. You can specify the pro-
gram to delete queues from the source server as it copies them to the
target server.
The program displays the number of the entries to copy as WQS_
move_q begins. As processing continues, the program displays the
number of queues it copies for each one per cent (1%) of the total
queues copied but at least for every 100 entries copied.
Workspaces themselves are not moved.
Use WQS_move_q to copy WorkFlo Queue Services queues from a
source server to a target server. For example, if you add a new Appli-
cation server to your FileNet system, you can use WQS_move_q to
move WQS queues from the Combined server to the new Application
You must define WorkFlo Queue Services on the target server before
attempting to move queues with WQS_move_q.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1343
WQS_move_q [<flags] <arguments>
Deletes source queues after copy
Required Arguments
Identifies the server to which the program copies the queues
domain Specifies the NCH domain in which both servers reside
organization Specifies the NCH organization
user Specifies the FileNet user ID
password Specifies the FileNet password
data (y/n) Specifies whether to include data: specify y to move data or n to move
description only
source workspace Specifies the name of the source workspace; ‘*’ to specify all work-
spaces. If source workspace is ‘*’, source queue name is ignored if
source queue
Specifies the name of the source queue; ‘*’ to specify all queues.
Source queue name is ignored if source workspace is ‘*’.
Optional Arguments
target workspace
Specifies the workspace to receive moved queues, if different than
source workspace
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1344
target queue Specifies the new name of moved queue, if different than source
queue name
The following command moves WQS queues from the current Com-
bined server to a new Application server, WflServer. This moves data
and deletes the queues after the move completes.
Before you use WQS_move_q, be aware of the following:
You must be a member of fnadmin or have a valid fnlogon session
to use WQS_move_q.
WorkFlo Queue Services must be defined on the target server be-
fore attempting to move queues with WQS_move_q.
Workspaces themselves are not moved.
vixen(fnsw)> WQS_move_q –d WflServer aurash FileNet SysAdmin SysAdmin y *
* wtest1 qtest1
WQS_move_q started ...
... wtest1.qtest1 -> wtest1.qtest1
2 total entries
2 entries done
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1345
No specific procedure is required.
Related Topics
WQS_tool” on page 1346
See the Index and WorkFlo Database Contents Manual for information
on WorkFlo Queue Database tables. To download IBM FileNet docu-
mentation from the IBM support page, see
Accessing IBM FileNet
Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1346
WQS_TOOL provides commands to view WorkFlo queue information.
Information you can view includes table IDs, queue names, and table
field names. Other WQS_tool commands allow you to change the
WorkFlo database. With these commands, you can create WorkFlo
queues as well as initialize queues and table IDs.
Changing the WorkFlo Queue Database requires a special password.
Call your service representative to obtain the password.
Use WQS_tool when you are troubleshooting problems in your Image
Services system. For example, an error message can return the name
of a queue or the table ID for a queue. Use WQS_tool to obtain addi-
tional information about the queue or table ID that can help you identify
the problem. In addition, you can use WQS_tool to gather statistics
that help you isolate performance problems.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1347
When you enter WQS_tool at the command line, the WQS_tool
prompt displays:
Enter WQS_tool commands at the prompt. For a list of commands, see
Commands” on page 1347 and Administrative Commands” on
page 1355.
The following paragraphs describe the commands you can use with
WQS_tool. They are not case sensitive and cannot be abbreviated.
Displays workspaces, queue names, database table IDs, and WorkFlo
server names
You can use wildcard (*) designations for the workspace and queue
name parameters to list all workspaces and queue names.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1348
The partial listing below is a sample of output using wild cards:
The sample above shows information on all WorkFlo queues for all
workspaces. You can limit the output by specifying a workspace or a
workspace and a queue name. The example below lists only the
queues for the workspace called space1:
<WQS_tool>table * *
Workspace Queue name table id Queue Server
-------------- -------------- --------- ----------
space1 queue1 01001 WflServer
space1 queue2 01005 WflServer
Wkspac Wflq 01002 WflServer
Wkspac Wflq1 01003 WflServer
Wkspac Wflq2 01004 WflServer
cmat cmatq1 01006 WflServer
<WQS_tool>table space1 *
Workspace Queue name table id Queue Server
-------------- -------------- --------- ----------
space1 queue1 01001 WflServer
space1 queue2 01005 WflServer
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1349
To further limit the output, specify both a workspace and queue name:
Displays field information on the WorkFlo queue you specify
The output shows the names of all fields in the queue, the database
column ID for the field, and whether the field is indexed or unique.
Wildcards are not valid; you must specify a workspace and a queue.
A YES in the Indexed? column indicates that the data for the field is
sorted, or indexed, for faster retrieval.
<WQS_tool>table space1 queue1
Workspace Queue name table id Queue Server
-------------- -------------- --------- ------------
space1 queue1 01001 WflServer
<WQS_tool>descque space1 queue1
Queue: space1/queue1 Server: WflServer:corona:FileNet Table id: 01001
Field DB Column Indexed? Unique?
-------------- --------- -------- -------
field1 UF000
field2 UF001
field3 UF002
NCH queue object verified.
Verifying DB table for queue ...
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1350
A YES in the Unique? column indicates the data is sorted for fast re-
trieval and each row has a different, or unique, value for this field. This
column also contains YES if this is a rendezvous field. (See WorkFlo
Script Developer's Guide for a description of rendezvous fields.) A
unique field is by definition also an indexed field.
Displays the name of the queue that corresponds to the table ID you
specify. The QIDENT command is useful when an error message re-
turns only the table ID for the WorkFlo queue. Use this command to
find the queue name that corresponds to the table ID.
You can specify a workspace in which to search for the queue or use a
wildcard (*) to search all workspaces for the corresponding queue
name. The following is an example of using a wildcard to search all
workspaces for the table ID 01005:
Table ID 01005 belongs to workspace space1 and queue queue2. The
format for table identification is:
<workspace name>/<queue name>
<WQS_tool>qident 01005 *
FOUND space1/queue2 for table WQM001Q001005
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1351
In IDMIS Releases 3.1.0 and later, the format of a WorkFlo table name
sss is a 3-digit decimal number corresponding to the server ID, and
tttttt is a 6-digit decimal number corresponding to the table ID.
If the table ID is less than 6 digits, the value is padded with leading ze-
A queue table, once created, does not change by upgrading to a new
release. A table created prior to IDMIS Release 3.1.0 is in the format
WQM10tttt. Queues created in IDMIS Release 3.1.0 or later have the
WQMsssQtttttt format, for example WQM001Q001234.
Displays the WorkFlo table ID to be used for the next table created.
The following example shows the output from NEXTID:
Next table: 1010
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1352
The NEXTID command is helpful when moving or restoring queues on
a server. The new queues could have table IDs that conflict with those
already existing on the system. See INITNEXTID under
tive Commands” on page 1355.
Displays performance statistics for the specified queue. You can use a
wildcard (*) for both the workspace and the queue. To obtain statistics
on all queues, type:
<WQS_tool>dumpqs * *
The optional <reset> parameter, which must be either T(rue) or
F(alse), specifies whether to initialize the counters. Use T if you want to
initialize the counters; use F if you do not want to initialize the counters
(F is the default).
Do not use the reset option unless you want to clear all timing statis-
tics. Reset sets all counts to 0; if you issue the DUMPQS command af-
ter using reset, the count and avg time columns read 0. The reset
option requires the ALLOWUPDATES command and should only be
used at the direction of your service representative.
DUMPQS output is formatted according to WorkFlo queue functions.
Any executed function appears in the first column of the table. Statis-
tics display for the function itself, for the RDBMS database, and for in-
terlock usage.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1353
The following is an example of DUMPQS output for all queues of work-
space space1:
The output columns of the DUMPQS report are described below:
Time used to execute the WorkFlo function (Create Queue, Get Queue
Desc, etc.). The count is how many times the function is called. The
avg time is the average time, in milliseconds, to execute the function.
Time used to access the RDBMS database. The count is the number
of accesses to the RDBMS database. The avg time is the average
time, in milliseconds, to access the database.
Time used when writing to an interlock. The count is the number of
writes to an interlock. The avg time is the average time, in millisec-
onds, to write to an interlock.
<WQS_tool>dumpqs space1 *
GENERAL COUNTS - Wed Sep 9 13:55:09 1992
general dbms lock
-------------- count avg time count avg time count avg time
CREATE QUEUE 4 2513.00 4 1812.00 0 0.00
GET QUEUE DESC 9 32.22 0 0.00 0 0.00
OPEN QUEUE 1 153.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
CLOSE QUEUE 1 1.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
COUNT ENTRIES 1 34.00 1 28.00 0 0.00
START_DUMP 1 183.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
END DUMP 1 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1354
Specifies the file name to which WQS_tool output is to be directed.
Use this command when you need save WQS_tool output in a file. A
typical situation might be that your service representative needs to see
the information displayed by WQS_tool to debug a problem.
The following example saves output to the file named wqsoutput in the
/tmp directory:
<WQS_tool>outputfile /tmp/wqsoutput
<WQS_tool>output on
OUTPUTFILE must be used with the OUTPUT ON command. After
you issue an OUTPUTFILE command, be sure to use the OUTPUT
ON command to begin writing output to the file.
Toggles output writing to the file indicated in the OUTPUTFILE com-
mand. To start writing to the output file, enter OUTPUT ON; to stop
writing to the output file, enter OUTPUT OFF.
Exits WQS_tool
Displays a brief description, including syntax, of each command
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1355
Administrative Commands
Administrative commands are those that allow you to maintain the
WorkFlo Queue database, its tables and queues.
Activates commands that make direct changes to the WorkFlo data-
base, such as Initnextid, Qinstall, and Qfunc. Allowupdates requires a
password, supplied by your service representative. Call your service
representative if you need to make changes to the database.
Builds a new queue in the specified workspace. You can use QIN-
STALL to duplicate a queue on the same server, or build queues that
are moved from another server. In each case, the binary file that de-
scribes the queue must exist on the system before running QINSTALL.
The description of the queue is based on the specified old queue. You
can use a wildcard (*) for the old_queue_name; if used, all queue de-
scription files qualify. You can specify a new_queue_name only when
specifying an old queue; in such a case, the old queue cannot contain
a wildcard. If you do not specify a new queue name, the new queue
has the same name as the old queue.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1356
Adds entries for WorkFlo queues to the Network Clearinghouse (NCH)
database for all workspaces indicated. Use QNCH when you move
queues to a new server and must update their domains. The System
Configuration Editor initializes all entries in the NCH database except
those for WorkFlo tables. The QNCH command does for WorkFlo ta-
bles what the System Configuration Editor does for all other system re-
Indicate the workspace and queue that you want to add to the NCH da-
tabase. The specifications for workspace and queue can contain wild-
card characters (*).
If you are moving queues to a new server, you must import both Work-
Flo database tables and WorkFlo queue definitions to the new server
before you run QNCH.
Sets the next available database table ID. The valid range of numbers
for table ID is 1 through 99999.
Table IDs could be out of order after moving new tables. The system
usually uses INITNEXTID after moving or restoring a number of
queues on a server to correct this out-of-order situation.
As an example, assume the last table was assigned an ID of 15. Using
the NEXTID command, you find the next table ID will be 16. Now you
add 10 queues from another server. Assume further that the highest
table ID associated with those 10 queues is 48.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1357
The system does not take into account those newly copied tables and
still identifies the next table ID as 16. So you must change the next ta-
ble ID to a value one greater than the largest table ID added. To do
this, enter the following command at the WQS_tool prompt:
Closes the specified queue and flushes the queue description from
memory. When a number of queues are opened but are no longer in
use, use QUNLOAD to release memory allocated to these unused
queues and functions.
QUNLOAD is helpful when recovering from abnormalities in which a
queue is opened but not properly closed. Since the queue is consid-
ered open, the system cannot perform functions that require a closed
queue (such as update_queue). Use QUNLOAD to force the queue to
Allows you to directly call WorkFlo Queue Services functions. These
functions create workspaces and queues, access database informa-
tion, and edit queues. After typing QFUNC, the following prompt ap-
Please specify which server to logon to.
Service_name (<CR> for default)=
Press carriage return to accept the default WorkFlo server or enter the
name of another server. The QFUNC prompt then displays:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1358
Enter function calls at the q_func> prompt from this list of valid func-
Type the name of the function and enter the information needed, such
as workspace and queue names, at the prompts.
You can open up to five queues simultaneously under QFUNC. If a sin-
gle queue is open, the selected function operates on the single queue.
However, if more than one queue is open, any function to be performed
on an open queue will prompt you to choose which queue is to be op-
erated upon. The default is the last queue used.
Use the SHOW command to display the set of open queues and the
current or last used queue. See
Examples” on page 1359.
Displays the set of open queues and the name of the Queue Service.
A designator of “>” indicates either the current queue or the last queue
close_queue delete_workspace get_workspace_names read_queue
continue end_dump insert_entry start_dump
count_entries get_default_service logoff update_entry
create_queue get_queue_desc logon update_queue
create_workspace get_queue_names open_queue update_workspace
delete_and_insert_entry get_server_name qlogon
delete_entry get_table_name read_dump
delete_queue get_workspace_info read_entry
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1359
The following QFUNC examples open multiple queues and use the
SHOW command to display the current queue after a function selec-
tion. (Information you supply is in bold text. Omitted information is des-
ignated with ellipses.)
Example 1
This example shows the open_queue command entered twice to open
two queues, followed by the SHOW command to display the open
The queue named queue_two was the last opened and is therefore the
current open queue. A > character in the first column of the open
queue list indicates the current queue and as does the default= field of
the SHOW output.
q_func> open_queue
:workspace name = space1
:queue name = queue_one
q_func> open_queue
:workspace name = space1
:queue name = queue_two
q_func> show
Service name: WflServer:sparta:FileNet
Open queues are:
1. space1.queue_one
> 2. space1.queue_two
:queue number (default=2) = 1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1360
Example 2
If a single queue is open and you request a function, the operation
takes place on the single open queue. However, if multiple queues are
open, QFUNC prompts you to select a queue for the operation. You
can either press the Enter key to select the default queue or enter a
number from the list for the queue you want, as shown in the following
After the read_queue operation completes, queue_one is now the de-
fault queue, as the SHOW command indicates above.
q_func> read_queue
Open queues are:
1. space1.queue_one
> 2. space1.queue_two
:queue number (default=2) = 1
q_func> show
Service name: WflServer:sparta:FileNet
Open queues are:
> 1. space1.queue_one
2. space1.queue_two
:queue number (default=2) = 1
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1361
Before you use WQS_tool, be aware of the following:
To use WQS_tool, you must logon as the root or fnsw user, or as a
member of the fnadmin group with SysAdmin privileges, or have a
valid fnlogon session.
The WorkFlo database must not be shut down.
You can run all commands except DUMPQS from any server. Run
DUMPQS at the server on which WorkFlo Queue Services resides.
Call your service representative if you need to make changes to
WorkFlo queues. You need a password to make such changes.
1 Call your service representative to obtain the password for Allowup-
dates, if necessary.
2 Enter WQS_tool at a command line prompt.
The WQS_tool prompt displays.
3 At the <WQS_tool> prompt, enter commands.
Related Topics
WQS_move_q” on page 1342
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1362
The WRT_clean tool deletes write requests from the transient data-
base. Based on options you specify, WRT_clean deletes write requests
when document services is up or down.
If document services is up, WRT_clean deletes write requests for all
documents except those in the process of being committed and those
being processed by the document transfer process (dtp).
If document services is down, WRT_clean deletes all write requests
with no exceptions.
If you run WRT_clean when document services is down and commit-
tals are in progress, you should also delete in-progress batches with
the Batch Services clean tool, bes_clean. (See
bes_clean” on
page 136.)
This tool must be run on the Storage Library server. Use WRT_clean
to delete documents that are committed but not yet written to storage
media. If a problem occurs that prevents documents from being written
from cache to storage media, use WRT_clean to delete documents
from cache. You can also use WRT_clean to delete unwritten docu-
ments prior to running the del_osvr tool. (See
del_osvr” on
page 288.)
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1363
Use with FileNet P8 Content Federation Services (IS 4.0 SP3)
The output of the WRT_clean tool can report some confusing informa-
tion when being used with the FileNet P8 Content Federation Services
functionality. Since the function of WRT_clean is to delete committed
documents from the DOCS table and the DOCTABA table, the CE cat-
alog entry can reference an image that it believes does not exist when
the documents are stored on the Image Services system but indexed
on the Content Engine system.
Additionally, in the instances where documents are indexed on the Im-
age Services system and the WRT_clean tool is run, Index Services
will create an export_log entry to tell the FileNet P8 CFS Server for Im-
age Services to delete the corresponding index entry on the Content
Engine system. Refer to the table below to determine when documents
on the IS server will not have the index information associated with
them (the Ns) because if index information does not exist in DOCTABA
for an image, there is no way to notify the Content Engine system to
delete its catalog information for that image.
Document Activity Index on
Index on
New documents entered via Content Engine Y N
New documents entered via Image Services
Indexed on both IS and C
Indexed only on CE
Existing document images transferred to CE
Indexed on both IS and CE
Index deleted from IS
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1364
WRT_clean { –d | –u } –f <filename>
–d Deletes all write requests when document services is down
Document services must stay down until WRT_clean completes.
fn_util startdb must be run before running the -d option of WRT_clean
because the databases must be up in order for the deletion to work.
–u Deletes all write requests when document services is up
–f <filename> Specifies a file containing document IDs to be deleted
The specified file contains one document ID per line in ASCII text.
WRT_clean deletes all write requests for each specified document.
This option can only be used when document services is up.
Before you use WRT_clean, be aware of the following:
The file name option (–f) can only be used when document ser-
vices is up.
The databases must be up before running this tool. This is espe-
cially important when running the tool with the "-d" option because
the program will hang.
You can run WRT_clean on a Storage Library server to delete doc-
uments with outstanding write requests on that server only. To de-
lete documents for all outstanding write requests in the Image
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1365
Services system, you must run WRT_clean on each Storage Li-
brary server.
If the databases reside remotely, verify that the IS software and da-
tabases are all up and running on the remote servers to avoid a
program hang. For example, when running this tool on a Storage
Library server that is not the document locator server, verify that
the software and databases are started. Also, if the RDBMS is
configured remotely, verify that it is also brought up by the Data-
base Administrator.
No specific procedure is required to run WRT_clean with document
services up. Enter WRT_clean at the command line prompt. The data-
bases should be up.
To run WRT_clean with document services down, use the following
1 Enter initfnsw -y stop at the command line.
2 Enter fn_util startdb to start just the Image Services databases.
This ensures that document services is down but the transient data-
base is accessible to WRT_clean.
3 Enter WRT_clean -d.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1366
Related Topics
bes_check” on page 129
checkwrt” on page 156
del_osvr” on page 288
initfnsw” on page 584
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1367
All FileNet graphical user interface (GUI) applications automatically in-
voke XPR_print to print application reports. However, you can print a
file from the command line with the XPR_print tool. XPR_print prints
one file at a time.
Use XPR_print to print files. You can run XPR_print from the command
line of an X window on UNIX platforms or an MS-DOS window on the
Windows Server platforms.
When you enter XPR_print at the command line, a selection window
similar to the one below displays:
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1368
If you specified a file name with the XPR_print command, the file name
displays in the Data: box. If you did not specify a file name when you
started XPR_print, enter the file name you want to print in the Data:
You can select either a printer or facsimile (fax) device by selecting the
appropriate radio button.
The default print service displays in the Service: box. Click the down
arrow to display additional print services, if defined. The default printer
that satisfies your print request displays in the “Printer:” box. Click on
the down arrow to display additional local and remote Print servers, if
they have been defined.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1369
Click Status to display the current status of the selected device. To se-
lect a different local or remote Print server, click on the “Additional Print
Servers” box.
Select other options as appropriate. Click the OK button to print your
XPR_print [filename]
The following example uses the XPR_print command to print the .login
file in the user’s /home directory:
See additional information and an example under
Use” on
page 1367.
Before you use XPR_print, be aware of the following:
You can specify only one file name per print request.
Wildcard characters are not allowed in the file name.
XPR_print /home/.login
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1370
To print UNIX files with XPR_print, the window manager must be run-
ning. At system startup, if you did not answer yes to the prompt to start
X windows, you can start the window manager in a number of ways, for
example, by typing:
mwm &
To print a server-based file, perform the following steps:
1 Enter XPR_print and a file name at the command line.
If you do not specify a file name, you must enter the file name in the
“Data:” box of the “Print File or Report” window.
2 Click the OK button to send the output to the currently selected printer.
If you didn’t specify a file name in step 1, enter the file name into the
“Data:” box of the window before clicking the OK button.
To select a different printer, click the arrow button to the right of the
“Printer:” box to display a printer selection window. Highlight the de-
sired printer and click the OK button. To see all available local and re-
mote Print servers, click on the “Additional Print Servers” box.
3 Print additional files if desired.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1371
To print other files without leaving the XPR_print, enter a new file name
in the “Data:” box of the “Print File or Report” window and click the OK
4 Exit XPR_print.
When you have no further print requests, click the CANCEL button to
leave XPR_print.
Related Topics
See the “Printing” chapter of your System Administrator’s Handbook.
To download IBM FileNet documentation from the IBM support page,
Accessing IBM FileNet Documentation” on page 19.
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1372
This information was developed for products and services offered in
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IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this
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December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1373
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December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1374
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December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1375
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December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1377
aborted transactions
add_osvr 124
AIX/6000 systems, connecting to 566
analyzing storage media 892
background job
Background Job Control
consolidating media
erasing media 282
import log 942
backup 38
enterprise 44
environment, establishing 580, 584
balancing system load 124, 835
components, verifying
debugging 146
ID values, changing 149
removing uncommitted 136
services report 1011
table rows, locating orphaned 129
tables, analyzing 146
batches 38
BES object consistency, checking 131
bes_check 129
bes_clean 136
bes_debug 146
bes_setid 149
broadcasting identification requests 1114
buffer pool
thrashing 742
updating order 789
39, 1210
adding partition 209
corruption, correcting 235
initializing 218
initializing partition 219
manipulating 204
services report 1012
Cache Export/Import Program 191
cache objects
checksum, calculating
creating 212
deleting 215
displaying 204
dumping 216
fast batch 314
import/export 190
memory requirement for exporting 191
cache statistics
retrieving 204
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1378
capability locks, listing 602
character set
creating translation map
default FileNet system 886
check_page 152
checkpoint verification, automatic 1214
checksum, displaying 899
checkwrt 156
claimed application interlocks,
COLD 314
communication problems, diagnosing
in cross-system environments
in multiple system environments 843
compressdir 158
WorkFlo queues 1336
compression, forcing 159
configuration 40
system 1203, 1207
configuration information, collecting 547
connection, dial-up
testing 296
Content Federation Services
deldocs 283
remove_docs_ref 1099
stdoccpy 1260
stdocimp 653, 945, 1270
WRT_clean 1363
continuation character 21
control files, GDB_exim 1336
conventions 19
converting images 1259
copy, global 499
files between systems
media 1258
storage media files 900
COR handler requests
dynamic information, displaying 164
cordebug 161
core files 40
analyzing 246
cormon 164
locating MKF database
handle table, displaying
timing measurements 175
CPT_test 175
automatic test 176, 179
RPC latency test 178
throughput test 177
LDAP 186
CSAR 338, 358
CSM_exim 190
CSM_tool 204
cstat 246
cti 249
customer service report 1014
Data Definition Language
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1379
creating 724
file contents 721
data dictionary 42
importing/exporting 266
Database Maintenance application 124
databases 41
index 46
MKF 50
NCH 53
Oracle 53
permanent 55
security 59
SQL server 50
transient 62
WorkFlo 65
dbp 252
dbverify 255
dclview 262
ddexim 266
del_osvr 288
deldocs 282
Storage Library server 288
dialout 295
Disaster recovery
platter (p) option
336, 342
current FileNet processes 635
document class information 900
memory-resident programs 1330
DOC_dumpfb 314
DOC_tool 328
docchk 303
doccnt 310
docfetch 324
class information, displaying
committal 42
deletion 42
headers, locating 922
IDs, preventing duplicate 947, 1213
importing 941, 1269
migration 1277
retrieval 43
services 43, 1018
verification 255
document header files
media sectors 934
EBR_clean 381
EBR_genscript 381
EBR_label 381
EBR_orreset 382
EBR_tdir 382
EBR_ulmk 382
eladisp 383
endbackup 403
enlarge_ncol 411, 577, 718
tape data 1297
error messages, analyzing NCH 844
event log 44
PPMOI output 1060
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1380
viewing 1318
export cache objects 190
fast batch objects, analyzing
fax 1211
displaying characteristics 1255
manipulation 45
setting characteristics 1253
transfer 659
uncompressing 1315
FileNet P8 Content Federation Services
deldocs 283
remove_docs_ref 1099
stdoccpy 1260
stdocimp 653, 945, 1270
WRT_clean 1363
FileNet software 45
preparing for restore 584
starting 584
stopping 584, 585
FileNet System Manager 416, 972
flat 419
basic display commands 426
display modes 426
interface 422
miscellaneous display commands 431
packet description file 447
quick reference 420
viewing and display commands 433
fn_edit 449
fn_ldif_xfer 450
fn_msg 466
fn_perm 468
fn_setup 479
fn_util 479
fnadmin 1086
fnddcfg 480
FNL_disp 482
fnlogon 490
gcp 499
GDB_exim 512
command files 513
job file names 514
rules file 514
GDBcheckdb 504
GDBdebug 506
get_rdbms 520
getreports 524
getstamps 533
getstatus 547
getty 302
glogin 566
gls 569
gsh 571
addresses, displaying on AIX/6000
configuration, determining 495
HP optical jukebox 926
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1381
systems 1114
client page request report
converting 152, 231, 1259
corruption, analyzing 231
inspecting 303
prefetch activity report 1026
retrieving into page cache 324
TIFF 152
tiled 152
cache objects
documents 941, 1269
document class information
index information 266
RDBMS data 512
index database 46
columns, enlarging 405
statistics 652
index services
capability locks
performance data, gathering 594
report 1022
initbackup 580
initfnsw 584
ispaused 585
pause 585
resume 585
FileNet software
NCH database 864
INSmsar 342, 347
integral SDS 47
processes, waiting 632
use, displaying 634
INX_export 596
INX_tool 599
INXdebug 594
ipc_tool 611
ipcs 651
ipcsrm 651
ISRA 186
ixdb_stat 652
kermit data transfer
modes 659
server mode 660
killfnsw 665
killfnsw help 667
address manager shared memory
processes 667
TM_daemon 667
LAN analysis
language translation 52
ldap_exp 671
ldap_import 680
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1382
ldap_password 699
LDIF 450
less 701
licence report 1192
Lightweight Directory Interchange
Listener 972
load balancing 124, 835
log file, creating performance 705
log_create 705
log_dir 708
log_extract 711
logging 49
quick 56
security interface
status, checking RDBMS 504
Magnetic storage
checking on paused state
pausing 585
resuming 585
Magnetic Storage and Retrieval 51
managing tape functions 1301
manifest 715
manual organization 17
copying 1258
definition 19
loading 932
repairing 892
sector, finding next available 925
memory 49
text, retrieving
466, 468
tuple decoding 466, 468
messages 49
migrating documents 1277
before-image journal, zeroing
copying data 765
data, importing 779
recovery logs, zeroing 829
MKF database 50
creating empty 721
dumping 747
editing tables 810
hangs, diagnosing 730
in-place recovery 773
modifying a block 756
renaming 794
shutting down 799
starting 802
statistics, collecting 804
validating contents 825
viewing tables 810
zeroing a block 756
MKF_ddl 721
MKF_debug 730
MKF_dump 747
MKF_export 765
MKF_fixup 773
MKF_import 779
MKF_order 789
MKF_rename 794
MKF_shutdown 799
MKF_startup 802
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1383
MKF_stats 804
MKF_tool 810
MKF_verify 825
MKF_zeroaij 829
MKF_zerobij 832
Oracle database tables
WorkFlo queue 1346, 1355
monitoring tape functions 1301
move_disk 835
RDBMS data between systems
WorkFlo queues 1342
msar_io_test 838
msar_sync_test 840
error messages, analyzing 844
network number, updating 876
properties, listing 866
report 1024
resource name 851
variable value, displaying or setting 874
wait conditions, analyzing 846
NCH cache
resizing 848, 873
statistics, displaying 860
NCH database 53
collecting information 850
initializing 864
NCH domain
default 862
displaying 871
listing 865
name, changing 876
removing 873
removing remote domains 873
NCH object
creating 861
deleting 862
listing 865
NCH property
names 868
value, displaying 874
nch_check 841
nch_flush 848
nch_tool 850
data transfer efficiency 179
problems, diagnosing 841
trace analysis 419
NLT_build_maps 878
ntdm_exp 887
numeric index values, increasing 405
firmware 923
hponline 926
odrecover 941
online drive repair 926
optical storage
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1384
archive log mode status,
database 53
modifying database tables 1244
viewing database tables 1233
oraloglist 949
OSAR 905
error log summaries 951
osschk 951
overview 24
adding cache 209
initializing cache 219
password 699
perf_mon 963
perf_report 977
performance 54
analysis, index services 594
displaying records 708–710
extracting records 711–714
log file, creating 705–706
statistics, collecting 547
permanent database 55
Philips drives
downloading firmware
ppm_log 1037
PPMOI 1039
FAQs 1064
statistics 1063
PRI_tool 1069
print activity report 1028
printers 1211, 1212
printing 56
process control
records, displaying 482
displaying FileNet
killing 667
processor summary report 1021
programs, displaying memory-
QLG_flush 1091
QLG_start 1093
qpref 1057
checking logon status
configuration information 520
deadlock retry testing 507
performance information 520
tracing 506
reassign media 835
release partition, maintaining 715
commands, running
communications 57
system directories, listing 569
remote server 1206
remove_docs_ref 1098
remove_surf 1109
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1385
renaming an MKF database 794
repairing storage media 892
batch services
cache services 1012
client page request 1027
customer service 1014
document services 1018
image prefetch activity 1026
index services 1022
license 1191
NCH 1024
predefined 982
print activity 1028
processor summary 1021
samples 1009
security services 1029
service activity 1031
SQL services 1030
storage library load 1025
WorkFlo activity 1033
request handlers 57
restore, enterprise 44
images into page cache
message text 466, 468
RSEC_imp 1117
scalar numbers table, updating 1213
SDS 336, 342
SEC_debug 1134
SEC_imp 1143
SEC_init 1156
SEC_map 1160
SEC_map_ext_auth 1169
SEC_rm_config 1175
SEC_tool 1183
security 59
analyzing services 1183
database 59
defaults, resetting 1156
logon 490
objects, initializing database 1156
rebuilding database 1157
services report 1029
semaphore status 629
displaying details
ID assignment 126
performance information, collecting 524
stubs 57, 1061
activity report
request handlers 1061
setting file characteristics 1253
sgs 1203
shared library mapping 626
shared memory
blocks, displaying
dump 627
segments, dumping 638
use summary 624
shutting down
FileNet system
MKF database 799
SLAC key license 1016, 1192
SLU usage 1016, 1192
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1386
software, FileNet 45
analyzing RDBMS
reclaiming 158
usage 60
spacerpt 1220
spinup 938
server database
services report 1030
sqlplus 1233
ssn 1250
st_msar_convert 1251
stamp 1253
stampro 1255
FileNet software
MKF database 802
buffer pool
collecting MKF database 804
status, displaying Image Services
stdoccpy 1258
phases 1258
stdocimp 1269
stmigrate 1277
stopping FileNet software 584, 585
storage library
adding to server
disabling 336, 342
load report 1025
locating server ID 126
removing from server 288
server 60
statistics, collecting 328
Storage Library Control 328
stsurfupdate 1282
subsystems 1209
sync_write_test 1287
sys_log 1295
configuration settings
identification 1114
information 61
log message, adding 1295
performance statistics, collecting 547
resource information, collecting 850
serial number, displaying 1250
System Manager 416, 972
System Manager listener agent
always run
temporarily run 417
data, erasing
drives 61, 1208
functions, managing and
serial number, writing 1297
tapeser 1297
Task Manager, FileNet 580, 586
test_raw_partition 1305
TIFF images 152
TLIB_tool 1314
December 2008 Image Services System Tools Reference Manual, Release 4.1.2 1387
restarting 669, 1334
starting in Windows Server 586
stopping in Windows 666
stopping in Windows Server 586
terminating 585
tool selection 38
transient database 62
troubleshooting 66
communication problems 843
uncompressing files 1315
unified logon 671, 680, 887, 1117, 1143
unique index values, counting 249
unused sectors, locating 922, 923
validating MKF database contents
batch components
documents 255
NCH_daemon 841
server’s default domain 841
event log
file characteristics 1255
files 701
Oracle database tables 1233
system serial number 1250
WorkFlo queue information 1346
views, creating document class 262
vl 1318
wait times, diagnosing Document
WALSEC_debug 1321
whatsup 1330
WorkFlo activity report 1033
WorkFlo queue
database, modifying 1355
modifying 1346
moving 1342
name, locating 1350
viewing 1346
WQMpack 1336
WQS_move_q 1342
WQS_tool 1346
write requests
156, 1362
deleting 1362
pending 288
WRT_clean 1362
zeroing MKF
before-image journal
recovery logs 829
Program Number: 5724-R95
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