Behavior - Xerox
Desktop Print
Experience App
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© 2021 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox
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Document Version: 1.9 (December 2021).
Xerox has enabled automatic installation of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App through
Windows Update. Automatic installations are supported by the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience
App version 5.0 (7.192.8) and later. Customers using supported Xerox
Devices and supported
operating systems will no longer need to download and install the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience
App through or through the Xerox
Smart Start Installer. Note both Xerox
V4 Print Drivers and the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App will still be available on for download.
When a customer creates a print queue for a supported device, Windows Update will download
and install the application automatically. Furthermore, when Xerox
releases new versions of the
Desktop Print Experience App customers will receive the new version through Windows
Update. The Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App provides the ability to select additional features
when utilizing the V4 print architecture to print from the desktop.
1. Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Supported Operating Systems ........................................................................................................ 3
Windows System Update Server (WSUS) Considerations ............................................................. 3
Print Drivers ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Automatic installation of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App .......................................... 4
When do Automatic Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App Installations occur? ........................... 4
How does automatic installation of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App work? ................... 4
What happens during an automatic Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App Installation? .............. 5
What if I already have the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installed on my PC? ................. 7
Automatic Installation Exception Windows IPP printers .............................................................. 7
3. Automatic Installation Scenarios .................................................................................................... 8
Type 4 Print Driver Scenarios ................................................................................................. 8
Type 3 Print Driver Scenarios ................................................................................................. 9
1. Prerequisites
Windows 10 version 1709 (Redstone 3) and later
Windows 11
Windows Server 2019 (version 1809) and later
Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2016 and older Windows server and client operating systems are not
Desktop Print Experience App automatic installation requires access to Microsoft
Windows Update. If your IT organization uses a WSUS server to block driver updates, then
automatic installations will not work.
WSUS administrators must approve Xerox
Extension INF and Component INF updates for the
Desktop Print Experience App automatic installation to work.
Administrators should also approve Xerox
Print Driver updates as well. In certain printer
installation scenarios, Windows will attempt to download a Xerox
Type 4 Print Driver from
Windows Update. If Xerox
Print Driver updates are blocked, then Windows will use a Class
print driver instead.
What are Type 3 print drivers?
Introduced in Windows 2000 Type 3 print drivers are optimized for printing from traditional desktop
applications. Xerox
Type 3 Print Drivers do not need the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App.
What are Type 4 print drivers?
Introduced in Windows 8, Type 4 print drivers are optimized for printing from both traditional
desktop applications and Microsoft Store applications. Xerox
Type 4 Print Drivers need the
Desktop Print Experience App for features like secure print, accounting, and finishing
features such as folding.
Windows or Xerox
Class Drivers do not support the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App.
2. Automatic installation of the Xerox
Desktop Print
Experience App
Windows will either automatically install the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App during print
queue creation or when Windows checks for updates.
Automatic installs during print queue creation depend on the printer port type and the print driver
type selected by the user. See the Automatic Installation Scenarios section for details on which
printer creation scenarios trigger automatic installs.
Windows normally checks for updates every 22 hours or once a day. Users can always manually
check for updates.
To enable automatic installation of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App, Xerox posts two
items to Windows Update - the Extension INF and the Component INF.
Extension INF This item tells Windows Update which devices support automatic installation of
Desktop Print Experience App. Xerox will post extension INFs to Windows Update on a
per-device basis. New and popular products will be prioritized. Xerox may never post an
extension INF for older products. The extension INF instructs Windows Update to download the
Component INF.
Component INF This item contains the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installer. When
Windows Update downloads this item, Windows will launch the installer and silently install the
Desktop Print Experience App.
Each extension INF contains the device’s hardware ID. Windows uses these hardware ID’s to
determine if a device supports automatic installation of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App.
When a printer is installed or when Windows checks for updates it compares hardware ID’s of
installed printers to hardware ID’s in the Extension INF files posted on Windows Update.
Figure 1 - Xerox
Type 4 Print Driver Automatic Installation Scenario
If a printer’s hardware ID matches a hardware ID in the Extension INF then Windows Update
downloads the Extension INF and Component INF files.
Windows does not use the type of Xerox
Print Driver to determine if a device supports automatic
installation of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App. Printers created with Xerox
Type 3 Print
Drivers can trigger Windows Update to download and run the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience
App installer if the hardware ID matches an Extension INF. If the installer only detects Xerox
3 Print Drivers then it will exit without installing the app.
The Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App is only installed if the installer detects a Xerox
Type 4
Print Drivers.
Automatic Installation of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App occurs in a series of three
Step 1 Windows checks to see if a printer’s hardware ID matches an Extension INF present on
Windows Update. Depending on the printer port and type of Xerox
Print driver, this can happen
when the printer is created or when Windows checks for updates.
Step 2 If a match is discovered Windows Update will download the Extension INF. The
Extension INF then prompts Windows Update to download the Component INF, which contains the
Desktop Print Experience App installer.
Figure 3 - Windows Update history showing Extension INF and Component INF downloads
Figure 2 - Xerox
Type 3 Print Driver Automatic Installation Scenario
Both the Extension INF and Component INF are stored in the PC’s Driver Store,
Figure 4 - Extension INF and Component INF in Windows driver store
Step 3 Windows silently runs the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installer. The installer
then searches the PC for a printer using a Xerox
Type 4 Print Driver.
If the installer finds a Xerox
Type 4 Print Driver then it will silently install the Xerox
Print Experience App.
Figure 5 - Event 11707 - Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installed successfully
If the installer does not find a Xerox
Type 4 Print Driver then it will quickly quit without installing
the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App.
The Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installer will not install the app if there are only Xerox
Class Drivers installed.
Figure 6 - Event 11708 - Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App Installer did not find a Xerox Type 4 print driver
When Xerox releases a new version of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App, a new
Component INF containing the new version will be posted to Windows Update. Windows PC’s
that have a printer with a supported hardware ID will automatically download the new
Component INF when Windows Update is run.
When Windows Update downloads the new Component INF, it may also download Extension
INF updates for supported devices again even if they have not changed. This does not affect
the upgrade of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App.
If the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installer from the Component INF detects a previous
version of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installed on the system, it will uninstall it
before installing the new version.
All printers that use Xerox
Type 4 Print Drivers will be upgraded to the new desktop app
version, not just printers supported by an Extension INF.
If the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installer from the Component INF detects a newer
version of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installed on the system, it will exit without
installing the app. A MSinstaller event 11729 will trigger if this occurs.
The Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App is designed to work with Xerox
Type 4 Print Drivers.
Windows IPP print drivers use the Microsoft IPP Class driver, which does not support the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App. Therefore, Windows IPP printers do not support automatic
installations of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App.
3. Automatic Installation Scenarios
This section will cover common print driver installation scenarios. It will detail when Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App is automatically installed.
Type 4 Print Driver Scenarios
Printer created on a TCP/IP port
Windows will not automatically download and install the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App
during printer creation.
Automatic installation of the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App will occur when Windows
checks for updates.
Printer created on a WSD or USB port
When creating a WSD or USB printer Windows will download and install the Xerox
Print Experience App from Windows Update during printer creation.
To create a WSD or USB printer Windows will also download the Xerox
Type 4 Print Driver
from Windows Update.
Note If your organization uses a WSUS server then administrators must approve Xerox
Print Driver updates. Otherwise, the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App will not be
installed. See the WSUS Server Considerations section for more details.
This behavior applies to Windows 10, Windows 11, Server 2019, and Server 2022.
Print Server Printers
Automatic Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installation is supported by Windows Server
2019 and up.
Automatic Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installation scenarios on Windows print servers
are the same as the Xerox
Type 4 Local Printer installation scenarios listed in the previous
How Windows downloads the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App depends on the printer port
an admin chooses TCP/IP or WSD.
Client Point and Print Printers
The Windows
September 14
, 2021 Security Update changed the behavior of Point and Print on
V4 clients. After installing this update Windows clients will no longer download the Xerox
Type 4
Print Driver or Xerox
Desktop Print Experience app from Windows Update.
Post Windows
September 14
Security Update Scenario
When a client connects to a server print queue it will not check Windows Update for available
downloads associated with the hardware ID.
The client will create a Point and Print printer with the Microsoft
Enhanced Point and Print
The client will not download a Xerox
Type 4 Print Driver, Extension INF, or Component INF
from Windows Update when the user connects to the shared printer. The client will not
automatically install the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App
The Microsoft
Enhanced Point and Print Driver will work with an existing installation of the
Desktop Print Experience App.
This behavior applies to Windows 10 and Windows 11 clients.
Pre-September 14
Security Update Scenario
This behavior only applies to clients that do not have the Windows
September 14
, 2021 Security
Update installed. Once the September 14
update is installed this workflow and caveat no longer
When a client connects to a server print queue Windows will check Windows Update for
available downloads associated with the hardware ID.
The client will download the Xerox
Type 4 Print Driver from Windows Update.
The client will also download the Extension INF and Component INF file from Windows Update.
The Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installer will then silently install the Xerox
Print Experience App. This does not require any user input.
This behavior applies to Windows 10 clients.
If the client cannot download a Xerox
Type 4 Print Driver from Windows Update, then it will use
the Microsoft Enhanced Point and Print driver instead.
In this case:
Windows Update will download the Extension and Component INF files.
Note: these files are not automatically deleted from
The Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installer will not install the app.
To avoid this scenario an Admin needs to approve Xerox
Print Driver updates through Windows
Update. Refer to WSUS Server Considerations for more details.
Type 3 Print Driver Scenarios
Printer created with the Xerox
Global Print Driver on a TCP/IP port
In Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019
Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 will not automatically download or install the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App during printer creation or when Windows checks for updates.
In Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022
Windows 11 and Server 2022 will not automatically download and install the Xerox
Print Experience App during printer creation
The Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App will be automatically downloaded the next time
Windows checks for updates
If no Xerox
Type 4 Print Drivers are present on the PC, then the Xerox
Desktop Print
Experience App will not be installed.
Printer created with the Xerox
Global Print Driver on a WSD or USB port
To create a WSD or USB printer with the Xerox
Global Print driver the driver must be installed
on the PC before printer creation.
Windows will not automatically download and install the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App
during printer creation.
The Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App will be automatically downloaded the next time
Windows checks for updates.
If no Xerox
Type 4 Print Drivers are present on the PC, then the Xerox
Desktop Print
Experience App will not be installed.
This behavior applies to Windows 10, Windows 11, Server 2019, and Server 2022.
Note: The Component INF and Extension INF are not deleted from the driver store if the installer
quits without installing the Desktop App
Printer created with a Xerox
Type 3 Product Specific print driver or Xerox
Type 3 Pull Print Driver on
a TCP/IP, WSD, or USB Port
Windows will not automatically download and install the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App
during printer creation.
The Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App will be automatically downloaded the next time
Windows checks for updates.
If no Xerox
Type 4 Print Drivers are present on the PC, then the Xerox
Desktop Print
Experience App will not be installed.
This behavior applies to Windows 10, Windows 11, Server 2019 and Server 2022.
Note: The Component INF and Extension INF are not deleted from the driver store if the installer
quits without installing the Desktop App
Print Server Printers
Automatic Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installation is supported by Windows Server
2019 and up.
Automatic Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App installation scenarios on Windows print servers
are the same as the Xerox
Type 3 Local Printer installation scenarios listed in the above
How Windows downloads the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App depends on the OS, printer
port, and the Xerox
Print Driver an admin chooses.
Client Point and Print Printers
Note: When a client connects to a server print queue that uses a Xerox
Type 3 Print Driver it will
download a copy of the print driver from the print server and use it to create a point and print
Windows will not download or install the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App when a client
connects to a server printer using a Xerox
Type 3 Print Driver.
If the client downloaded a Xerox
Type 3 Product Specific driver from the print server then:
Windows Update will download the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App the next time
Windows checks for updates.
If no Xerox
Type 4 Print Drivers are present on the PC, then the Xerox
Desktop Print
Experience App will not be installed.
If the client downloaded the Xerox
Global Print Driver from the print server then:
Windows Update will not download or install the Xerox
Desktop Print Experience App.
This behavior applies to Windows 10 and Windows 11 clients.