Eleventh Revision of the International Statistical Classification of
Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11)
Digital Version
Terms of Use and License Agreement
The World Health Organization (“WHO”) has developed and retains all rights in the eleventh revision
of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (“ICD-11”) and
the ICD-11 Software (as defined below, and together with the ICD-11 in its digital form, the ICD-11
Suite), all of which are which is © WHO 2020. All rights reserved.
This Agreement governs your use of the ICD-11 and the ICD-11 Software, including, if applicable,
integration of it in your Third-party software.
Please read these Terms of Use and License Agreement (the Agreement”) carefully before installing
and using the ICD-11 Software.
By installing and/or using the ICD-11 Software, you (the Licensee”) enter into an agreement with
WHO and you accept all the terms, conditions, and requirements of the Agreement.
1. Copyright and License for ICD-11
1.1. ICD-11 definition. The digital version of ICD-11 provided through this online / digital platform
includes, without limitation, the following components: the alphanumeric codes, uniform
resource identifiers (URIs), descriptions, nomenclature, terminology, lists and indexes, the
foundation with all entities and their relationships, any linked coding scheme or linearization,
instructions for postcoordination, logical definitions, the content model, in particular with textual
descriptions, definitions, diagnostic criteria, or diagnostic and treatment guidelines and the
derived hierarchies (linearizations) for specific uses, all content that is listed in its chapters,
sections and in the extension codes, in particular INN, devices, histopathology of tumours and
health status measurement instruments, including the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0.
(WHO DAS 2.0), and the Reference guide with its annexes and forms.
1.2. ICD-11 License. ICD-11 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 IGO
license (CC BY-ND 3.0 IGO, or the ICD-11 License”, available at
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/igo/). Under the terms of the License, you are
NOT permitted to make “adaptations” of ICD-11, as defined in the License. In that regard, and
without otherwise limiting the terms of the ICD-11 License, WHO provides the following
1.2.1. To prevent the dilution of ICD’s purpose to provide a definitive standard for identifying
health information, neither the Licensed Materials, nor any portion thereof, may be used
for the purpose of developing or promulgating a different standard.
1.2.2. WHO does not consider incorporation of ICD-11 into a software product to be an
“adaptation”, provided that you do not do any of the following:
a. Reproduce ICD-11 in part or whole and distribute it under a different name or without
b. Reproduce and distribute ICD-11 in part or whole without the ICD-11 codes;
c. Reproduce ICD-11 in part or a whole without the ICD-11 URIs; or
d. Reproduce and distribute ICD-11, in part or whole, with any combination of a-c above.
1.2.3. Mappings or crosswalks between other classifications and terminologies and ICD-11 and
translations are not covered by the ICD-11 License and are subject to a separate written
agreement from WHO.
1.2.4. Adding data fields to ICD-11 concepts is permitted if such additions are clearly identified
as additions that do not originate from WHO.
1.3. ICD-11 Citation. Any mention of ICD-11 in published reports should include the following citation
of the source: International Classification of Diseases, Eleventh Revision (ICD-11), World Health
Organization (WHO) 2019/2021 https://icd.who.int/browse11. Licensed under Creative
Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 3.0 IGO licence (CC BY-ND 3.0 IGO).
1.4. ICD-11 Suggestions. Suggestions for changes to ICD-11 should be submitted as a proposal to the
ICD-11 update platform.
2. Copyright and license for the ICD-11 Software
2.1. Definition. In addition to the ICD-11 as defined above, the following additional products and
materials are related to the ICD-11 website and user experience:
ICD-API: this is the HTTP-based REST API, hosted by WHO, which allows programmatic
access to the ICD-11.
Locally deployable versions of the ICD-API: this is the ICD-API provided in a format that
can be installed on local computers.
ICD-11 Embedded Coding Tool: this is a software component that allows integration of a
complete ICD-11 Coding Tool into any-web based software.
The above three software are referred to here as the ("ICD-11 Software").
2.2. Copyright for the ICD-11 Software. WHO has developed and retains all rights in the ICD-11
Software. The Software is copyright (©) World Health Organization, 2020, and is distributed under
the terms of this Agreement. All rights not granted herein are reserved by WHO.
2.3. Grant of License. WHO hereby grants a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable
royalty-free license to use and incorporate the ICD-11 Software in computer applications or
systems (the "Software License"). Such computer applications or systems incorporating the ICD-
11 Software, may be licensed to users for commercial and non-commercial purposes. You are not
granted the right to sell or license the ICD-11 Software as a standalone product. For the avoidance
of any doubt the ICD-11 Software is not licensed under the Creative Commons license for the ICD-
11 described in Section 1, above.
2.4. No modifications. You shall not modify, adapt, translate, reverse-engineer, decompile,
disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the ICD-11 Software.
2.5. Retained Rights. Except as otherwise indicated herein, WHO owns and shall retain all right, title
and interest in and to the ICD-11 Software, including all intellectual property rights embodied
therein, including (i) all of the service marks, trademarks, trade names or any other designations
associated with the ICD-11 Software; and (ii) all copyrights, patent rights, trade secret rights, and
other proprietary rights relating to the ICD-11 Software. Nothing contained in this License shall
be deemed to convey to you any title or ownership in the ICD-11 Software or any related
2.6. Technical limitations of Use. You shall not remove any WHO identification or notices of any
proprietary, patent or copyright restrictions from the ICD-11 Software, or any support material
such as the related documentation.
3. Terms related to third-party software in the ICD-11 Suite
3.1. Disclaimers for third-party software. You will be informed during the installation process if other
third-party software is loaded together with the ICD-11 Software. In such cases, WHO makes no
warranties whatsoever, and specifically disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, that
the third-party software is free of defects, virus free, able to operate on an uninterrupted basis,
merchantable, fit for a particular purpose, accurate, non-infringing or appropriate for your
technical system.
3.2. Third-party software user license(s) and use. To the extent you are required to enter into a user
license for third-party software, WHO is not a party to any such license, and WHO therefore
disclaims all liability, responsibility, and/or involvement with any such license. WHO shall not be
held liable or responsible for either any breach of any of the terms and conditions of third-party
software user licenses by you, or any damages arising from your use of third-party software.
3.3. No WHO endorsement of third-party software. The use of third-party software does not imply
that they are endorsed or recommended by WHO in preference to others of a similar nature.
4. Other terms and conditions
4.1. No use of WHO name or emblem. You shall not (i) in connection with your use of the ICD-11
Suite or in any product marketing, promotional, or commercial activities, state or imply that
WHO endorses or is affiliated with you or your use of the ICD-11 Suite, or that WHO endorses
any entity, organization, company, or product; or (ii) use the name or emblem of WHO in any
way. All requests to use the WHO name and/or emblem require advance written approval of
4.2. No trademark application. You shall not apply for any trademark or service mark registrations
for a product name containing either the acronym or the full title of ICD-11.
4.3. No WHO warranties. WHO makes no warranty with respect to any part of the ICD-11 Suite,
and disclaims all statutory or implied warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy,
completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process related thereto,
including, without limitation, to any warranty of design or fitness for a particular purpose, even
if WHO has been informed of such purpose. WHO does not represent that the use of the ICD-
11 Suite would not infringe third parties' proprietary rights. WHO provides the ICD-11 Suite “as
is”, and does not represent that the ICD-11 Suite is operational, free of defects, virus free, able
to operate on an uninterrupted basis, or appropriate for your technical system.
4.4. Limitation of WHO’s liability. WHO shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or
indirectly in connection with, or resulting from, your use of the ICD-11 Suite, and WHO expressly
excludes liability for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages which may arise
in respect of the ICD-11 Suite and its use, and the results thereof.
4.5. Your indemnification of WHO. You shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend at your own
expense WHO, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any claims, demands,
causes of action, and liability of any nature or kind resulting from or relating to your use of the
ICD-11 Suite.
4.6. Mentions of companies or products. Any mention of specific companies or of certain
manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by WHO in
preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted,
the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters.
4.7. Term, termination. This Agreement shall remain in effect so long as you hold any copy of the
ICD-11 Software on any of your computer systems or storage media. This Agreement, including
the rights granted under it, shall terminate automatically upon any breach by you of any of its
terms. Further, WHO may terminate this Agreement, including the rights granted under it, at
any time, with immediate effect, for any reason, by written notice to you. This Agreement is
the entire agreement between you and WHO with respect to its subject matter. This Agreement
may only be amended by mutual written agreement of you and WHO. Upon termination of this
License for any reason whatsoever, you shall immediately cease all use of the ICD-11 Software
and destroy and/or remove all copies of the ICD-11 Software from your computer systems and
storage media.
4.8. Assignment, amendment. You may not assign this Agreement without the prior written
agreement of WHO (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld). This Agreement may
not be supplemented, modified, amended, released or discharged, unless approved in writing
by WHO. WHO reserves the right to make changes and updates to this Agreement without prior
notification. Such changes and updates shall be applied as of the date of their issuance. Any
waiver by WHO of any default or breach hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of any
provision of this Agreement or of any subsequent default or breach of the same or a different
4.9. Interpretation. If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, it is to that extent
to be deemed omitted. The remainder of the Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the
maximum extent possible. Paragraph headings in this Agreement are for reference only.
4.10. Dispute resolution. Any matter relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement
which is not covered by its terms shall be resolved by reference to Swiss law. Any dispute
relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall, unless amicably settled, be
subject to conciliation. In the event of failure of the latter, the dispute shall be settled by
arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the modalities to be agreed
upon by the parties or, in the absence of agreement, in accordance with the UNCITRAL
Arbitration Rules. The parties shall accept the arbitral award as final.
4.11. No waiver of privileges and immunities. Nothing contained herein or in any license or terms of
use related to the subject matter herein shall be construed as a waiver of any of the privileges
and immunities enjoyed by the World Health Organization under national or international law,
and/or as submitting the World Health Organization to any national court jurisdiction.