Newspaper Article Citation Examples for APA 7th Ed.
All entries on a References page should be double-spaced. To save room, our examples have not been double-spaced.
Newspaper article, in print, non-consecutive pages
Theen, A. (2016, August 17). Oregon’s newest college offers a path to unconventional education.
The Oregonian,
A8-A9, A12.
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of Newspaper
, pages.
(Use the complete title of the newspaper. When page numbers for a periodical article are not consecutive, separate
those numbers from the consecutive pages with a comma instead of a hyphen.)
Newspaper article, online*
Gammerman, A. (2016, August 4). America’s new small towns: Housing developments that
recreate village life. The Wall Street Journal
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of Newspaper.
[*There is a difference between an online newspaper (ex: The Oregonian
, USA Today
, The Washington Post
) and an
online news source (ex: BBC News, CNN, Huffpost, MSNBC). Use the Periodical Article template when the article
is from a print or online newspaper. If the article is from an online news source, use the Webpage template instead.]
Newspaper article, no author, in a library database
Secondhand smoke remains a problem for teens, study finds. (2016, January 11). The
Washington Post.
Title of article. (Publication date). Title of Newspaper.
(Because there is no author for this article, the citation begins with the article title. When information is missing, like
page numbers, do not include that element from the citation. When you find a source in a library database, APA
states that you do not need to include the database name or URL.)
APA Citation Examples (
Newspaper article, in print, letter to the editor
Mattick, M. (2010, July 4). Defending the all-American tart [Letter to the editor]. The
, G2.
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication date). Title of article [Letter to the editor]. Title of
, pages.
(If an article is a letter to the editor or an editorial, note that after the article title in square brackets.)
Newspaper article, online, editorial, group as author
The Editorial Board. (2020, October 11). Save the planet, win a prize: Rising seas, raging fires,
hotter temperatures - and a bit of positivity [Editorial]. The New York Times.
Group Name. (Publication date). Title of article [Letter to the editor]. Title of Newspaper
. URL
(Many newspapers have a separate editorial board. Some editorials are written by individuals, and others are written
by editorial boards. The byline on this article indicates that the author is The Editorial Board.)
Newspaper article comment, online
KS in NJ. (2019, January 15). From this article, it sounds like men are figuring something out
that women have known forever. I know of many [Comment on the article “How
workout buddies can help stave off loneliness”]. The Washington Post
Commenter's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial or Username. (Comment date). Title of comment or up to first
20 words of comment exactly as written [Comment on the article “Newspaper article title”]. Title of
. URL
(Since the commenter did not indicate his or her real name, only their username is listed in the Author field.)
APA Citation Examples (
Newspaper article, book review, in print
Kakutani, M. (2015, July 11). Kind hero of ‘Mockingbird’ is cast as racist in new book [Review
of the book Go set a watchman
, by H. Lee]. The New York Times
, A1.
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication date). Title of article. [Review of the book Book title,
by Author's First Initial. Middle Initial. Author's Last Name]. Title of Newspaper
(To cite a book review published in a periodical, use Citation Maker to create a citation for the periodical article.
After you save the citation to your reference list, add the information about the book review in brackets. Follow the
same format for a review of a film, television episode, music album, etc.)
[Review of the book Book title
, by A. A. Author].
[Review of the book Book title
, by E. E. Editor, Ed.].
[Review of the film Film title
, by D. D. Director, Dir.]
[Review of the TV series episode “Episode title,” by W. W. Writer, Writer, & D. D. Director, Dir.]
[Review of the album Album title
, by S. S. Singer]
APA Citation Examples (