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Prevention of SQL Injection Aacks using AWS
Mohammed Kareem
St. Cloud State University-!+!1%%-'-!),#/-
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Prevention of SQL Injection Attacks using AWS WAF
Mohammed Abdul Kareem
A Starred Paper
Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of
St. Cloud State University
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Master of Science in
Information Assurance
May 2018
Starred Paper Committee:
Susantha Herath, Chairperson
Dien D. Phan
Balasubramanian Kasi
SQL injection is one of several different types of code injection techniques used to
attack data driven applications. This is done by the attacker injecting an input in the
query not intended by the programmer of the application gaining the access of the
database which results in potential reading, modification or deletion of users’ data. The
vulnerabilities are due to the lack of input validation which is the most critical part of
software security that is often not properly covered in the design phase of the software
development lifecycle. This paper presents different techniques and some of the
countermeasures for detection and prevention of SQL injection attacks. The proposed
procedure in the paper is to use a database firewall between the client (user) side and
the database server through AWS to avoid the malicious codes injected by the
Table of Contents
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... 6
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter I: Introduction ..................................................................................................... 8
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 8
Problem Statement ............................................................................................... 9
Nature and Significance of the Problem ............................................................... 9
Web Application Environment............................................................................. 10
Objective of the Research .................................................................................. 12
SQL Injection Attack Overview ........................................................................... 12
Applications Vulnerable to SQL Injection ............................................................ 14
Summary ............................................................................................................ 16
Chapter II. Background and Literature Review .............................................................. 17
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 17
Literature Related to the Problem ....................................................................... 18
Literature Related to the Methodology ................................................................ 20
Types of SQL Injection Attacks........................................................................... 21
Tautologies ......................................................................................................... 21
Illegal or Logically Incorrect Queries ................................................................... 22
Union Query ....................................................................................................... 24
Piggy-Backed Queries ........................................................................................ 25
Stored Procedures .............................................................................................. 26
Inference ............................................................................................................ 28
Blind Injection ..................................................................................................... 29
Timing Attacks .................................................................................................... 29
Alternate Encodings ........................................................................................... 31
Main Causes of SQL Injection ............................................................................ 33
Detection and Prevention Techniques ................................................................ 35
Injection Detection at the Web Tier ..................................................................... 39
Summary ............................................................................................................ 40
Chapter III. Methodology ............................................................................................... 41
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 41
Design of the Study ............................................................................................ 42
Data Analysis ...................................................................................................... 44
Summary ............................................................................................................ 45
Chapter IV: Analysis of Results ..................................................................................... 46
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 46
Data Presentation ............................................................................................... 47
Compute ............................................................................................................. 47
Storage ............................................................................................................... 49
Security .............................................................................................................. 51
Networking.......................................................................................................... 52
Data Analysis ...................................................................................................... 52
Overview for IPv4 ............................................................................................... 57
Overview for IPv6 ............................................................................................... 58
Create a VPC ..................................................................................................... 64
Template 1.......................................................................................................... 69
Create an Amazon S3 Bucket ............................................................................ 76
Template 2.......................................................................................................... 76
Summary ............................................................................................................ 80
Chapter V: Conclusions and Future Work ..................................................................... 81
Results ............................................................................................................... 81
Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 82
Future Work ........................................................................................................ 82
References .................................................................................................................... 83
List of Tables
4.1 Routing for IPv4 ................................................................................................................... 60
4.2 Routing for IPv6 ...................................................................................................... 61
4.3 Security for IPv4 ...................................................................................................... 62
4.4 Security for IPv6 ...................................................................................................... 64
List of Figures
1.1 Web Application Firewall .................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Web Tier Environment............................................................................................. 11
1.3 SQL Injection Attack Overview ................................................................................ 14
3.1 AWS WAF Architecture ........................................................................................... 43
4.1 Configure Instance Details ...................................................................................... 53
4.2 Configure Security Group ........................................................................................ 54
4.3 Launsh an Instance ................................................................................................. 55
4.4 Change Security Group ........................................................................................... 56
4.5 Overview for IPv4 .................................................................................................... 58
4.6 Overview for IPv6 .................................................................................................... 59
Chapter I: Introduction
In today’s world where almost every task is performed through web applications
such as banking, online shopping, and bill payments we entrust our personal
information to these web applications and their underlying databases because of the
trust on the confidentiality and integrity of the security of their data. As the usage of
these services is increasing day by day on a large scale we are also facing a
devastating increase in the number of attacks which can potentially give an attacker
complete access to an individual’s database such as one containing credit card
information underlying the secured database.
SQL injection attacks (SQLIAs) are the most effective and malicious system
attacks which can be used to gain or manipulate the data in data-driven systems. The
risk of SQLIAs is that when they are performed by the victim back-end system, they will
be running with the same privileges that the system has in the database, that means if
the system has been assigned a role as a power user or administrator which has the
read and write permissions then the injection code could be executed with disastrous
effect on the victim machine.
A SQL Injection attack (SQLIA) is one in which a malicious minded person injects
their own crafted query as an input and replaces the default query. The backend server
executes the injected query statement and sends the result to the attackers. Therefore,
most of the attackers use SQL for accessing the database and for the detection and
prevention of these attacks various tools have been developed. There are multiple types
of SQLIA’s and each one of them has a different approach and effect for attacks on the
target website. To counter these attacks, we will be extensively discussing some of the
modern SQL Injection attacks and the ways to protect and defend against these types
of attacks. The negligence at the initial stage of development can lead to monetary
losses at later stages.
Problem Statement
Because of the large variation in the pattern of SQL injection attacks the use of a
Web Application Firewall (WAF) is often unable to protect the databases from attack.
Besides, it is very difficult for startups & small business firms to meet the high-end
capital and time requirements for the installation and maintenance of a database
Nature and Significance of the Problem
One of the most commonly used approaches to identify SQL injection attacks is
using WAF (Web Application Firewall). A WAF which operates in front of the Web
servers monitors the traffic which goes in and out of the Web servers and attempts to
identify patterns that constitute a threat. While this can be effective in detecting certain
classes of attacks against Web applications, it has proven ineffective in detecting all but
the simplest SQL injection attacks.
Considering the poor detection of the SQL injection attacks and because of the
high-end capital and time-consuming prerequisites for maintaining a WAF will not be
that useful in the Web security environment. On the other hand, WAFs provide
reasonable protection from header injection, XSS (Cross-Site-Scripting) attacks and
many more simple attacks. Considering the additional benefits of a WAF it should
always be considered as a part of Web security defense in depth strategy.
Figure 1.1 Web Application Firewall. A taxonomy of SQL injection detection and
prevention techniques (p. 54), by Sadeghian, A., Zamani, M., & Manaf, A. A. (2013).
2013 International Conference on Informatics and Creative Multimedia.
Web Application Environment
Before we initiate any discussion on the approaches for detection and prevention
of SQL injection attacks, let’s first explore the Web application environment itself. In a
Web Application environment, the web application information is presented to the Web
server by the user's client, in the form of URLs, cookies and form inputs (POSTs and
GETs). These inputs drive both the logic of the applications as well as the queries which
help the attacker to gain access to these applications for creating and sending a query
to the database to extract relevant data.
Unfortunately, many applications do not frequently validate user input and so are
more susceptible to SQL injection. Attackers capitalize on these flaws to attempt to hack
the backend database to do something different than what the application or the search
is intended for. This can include extracting sensitive information of employees,
customers, destroying information or executing a DOS (Denial of Service) attack that
limits the usage of the application.
Figure 1.2 Web Tier Environment. SQL injection is still alive: A study on SQL injection
signature evasion techniques (p.256), by Sadeghian, A., Zamani, M., & Ibrahim, S.,
2013, International Conference on Informatics and Creative Multimedia.
Objective of the Research
The main objective of this research is to provide multiple layers of security to
protect databases from SQL Injection from a method which has highly durable
storage and high-performance databases.
To provide virtual clouds for organizations which are easy to access, have low
maintenance and a capital prerequisite which can be taken care of even by small
private companies and startup firms.
SQL Injection Attack Overview
SQL injection attacks are initiated by the manipulation of the data input on a Web
form such that the traces of the SQL instructions are passed to the Web applications
and these Web applications then combine with the rogue SQL fragments with the
proper SQL dynamically generated by the application and create valid SQL requests.
These new, unanticipated requests cause the database to perform the tasks intended
by the attacker.
To have a clear understanding let us consider an example: If we have an
application whose web page contains a simple form of the query with the input fields for
username and password. With these credentials, the user can get a list of all the credit
card accounts the various customers hold with a bank. Further, if the bank’s application
was built without taking into consideration the potential of SQL injection attacks.
In this situation, it is reasonable to assume that the application merely takes an
input the user types and places it directly into the SQL query constructed to retrieve that
user's information. In PHP, the query string would be like this:
$query = “select accountName, accountNumber from creditCardAccounts where
username='”.$_POST[“username”].”' and password='”.$_POST[“password”].”'”
Normally this would work properly as a user entered their credentials, say johnSmith
and my Password, and forms the query:
$query = “select accountName, accountNumber from creditCardAccounts where
username='johnSmith' and password='myPassword'
This query will come up with the total number of accounts Mr. John Smith is holding.
Now consider someone with a fraudulent intent. If the person attempts viewing the
account information of one or more of the banks customers, he enters the following
credential into the form:
' or 1=1 -- and anyThingsAtAll
When this SQL fragment is inserted into the SQL query by the application it becomes:
$query = “select accountName, accountNumber from creditCardAccounts where
username='' or 1=1 -- and password= anyThingsAtAll
The injection of the term, ' or 1=1 --, accomplishes two things. Firstly, it causes
the first term to be true for all the rows of the query in the SQL statement; Secondly, it
causes the rest of the statement to be treated as a comment and is ignored during
runtime. Thus, as a result, the attacker has all the valuable information customers were
seeking all the credit card information up to the limit the Web page will list.
It should be noted that this simple example is just one of an infinite number of
variations that can be used to accomplish the same attack. Further, there are many
other ways to exploit a vulnerable application.
Figure 1.3 SQL Injection Attack Overview. Runtime monitors for tautology-based SQL
injection attacks (p. 26), by Dharam, R.; Shiva, S.G., 2012, Cyber Security, International
conference on Cyber Warfare and Digital Forensic (CyberSec).
Applications Vulnerable to SQL Injection
Due to several factors, writing these applications securely has become very rare.
Many applications were written at the time when Web security was not a major threat.
While due to the recent discussions on SQL injection at security conferences and other
settings, an awareness was spread that the attack frequency of SQL injection only five
or so years ago was so low that most developers were simply not aware.
In addition, the applications were exposed to the web with a lower security
threshold and subsequently exposed to the web without even considering the security
threats that it might have in the future because of SQL injections. Even applications
which are written and deployed today often inadequately addresses security concerns.
IBM's X-Force project recently found that 47% of all vulnerabilities that result in
unauthorized disclosures are Web application vulnerabilities by Kar, Panigrahi,
Sundarajan (2016) For packaged applications from commercial software vendors
Cross-Site Scripting & SQL injection vulnerabilities continue to dominate as the attack
vector of choice. Vulnerabilities in custom applications were not reported. Since this
software is generally not as carefully treated for security robustness, it is reasonable to
assume that the problem is much greater because 97% of data breaches worldwide are
still due to SQL injection somewhere along the line by Kar, Panigrahi, Sundarajan
Interestingly, modern environments and development approaches create a subtle
vulnerability. By the advent of Web 2.0, there has been a massive shift in how
developers treat user input. In these applications, the input transmits the information to
the web server directly in a simpler form for processing. Most frequently the JavaScript
portion of the application performs input validation so the feedback to the user is
handled more smoothly. This often creates the sense that the application is protected
because of this very specific input validation; resulting in the negligence of the server
side on a large scale. Unfortunately, attackers will not inject their input into an
application using another application rather they leverage intermediate applications to
capture the client-side input and allow them to manipulate it.
The introduction gives a brief overview of the different types of SQL Injection
attacks and how the web application firewalls are used to obstruct the unwanted queries
in malfunctioning the codes of any web application. A brief overview of how a SQL
injection attack is performed by an attacker is explained with the causes initiating the
SQL injection attacks.
Chapter II. Background and Literature Review
Over the past few years, SQL Injection attacks have been slipping seamlessly
through the network firewalls over port 80 (HTTP) or 443 and are bypassing their web
application firewalls (WAF) through obfuscation, thereby breaching many organizations.
Moreover, the count of SQL injection attacks against organizations has increased over
the years causing devastating effects on their databases and security. At that point, the
attacker can exploit the soft internal network and vulnerable databases because SQL
injection has become the most dangerous threat that is being tackled by many
Detection of SQL fragments injected into a Web application has proven
extremely challenging. There are several preventions and security measures that
enterprises can adopt. When implementing prevention and remediation efforts, the
enterprise strives to develop secure code and/or encrypt confidential data stored in the
database. However, these are not always available options. For example, in some
cases, the application source code may have been developed by a third party and not
be available for modification. Additionally, patching deployed code requires significant
resources and time because of which rewriting an existing operational application would
need to be prioritized ahead of projects driving new business. Similarly, efforts to
encrypt the confidential data stored in the database can take even longer time and
require more resources. Given today’s compressed development cycles, and a limited
number of developers with security domain experience, even getting the code rewrite
project off the ground could prove difficult.
Literature Related to the Problem
A novel technique was proposed by Wei Ke, Muthuprasanna, and Kothari,
(2006) to defend the SQL Injection attacks targeted at stored procedures. This
technique was the combination of static application code analysis with runtime
validation which can eliminate the occurrence of such attacks. The technique, in which a
stored procedure parser was designed for any SQL statement which depends on user
inputs to compare the original SQL statement structure to the user inputs was used.
An anomaly-based approach was described by Kiani, Clark & Mohay, (2008)
which utilizes the character distribution of certain sections of HTTP requests to detect
previously unseen SQL injection attacks. This approach does not require user
interaction, and no modification of, or access to, either the backend database or the
source code of the web application itself.
The hybrid approach based on the Adaptive Intelligent Intrusion 725 Detector
Agent (AIIDA-SQL) proposed by Pinzon, Paz, Bajo & Herrero, (2010) was used for the
detection of various SQL Injection attacks. The AIIDA-SQL agent incorporates a Case-
Based Reasoning (CBR) engine which is equipped with learning and adaptation
capabilities for the classification of SQL queries and detection of malicious user
requests Pinzon (2010). To carry out the tasks of attack classification and
detection, the agent incorporates advanced algorithms in the reasoning cycle stages.
Basically, an innovative classification model based on a mixture of an Artificial
Neuronal Network together with a Support Vector Machine is applied in the reuse stage
of the CBR cycle. This strategy enables to classify the received SQL queries in a
reliable way. Finally, a projection neural technique is incorporated, which notably eases
the revision stage carried out by human experts in the case of suspicious queries by
Pinzon (2010).
The Database driven web application is subsequently threatened by SQL
Injection Attacks (SQLIAs) because this type of attack can compromise confidentiality
and integrity of information in databases and to stop these type of attacks various
approaches had been proposed but because of their respective limitations they are not
enough to block these attacks Tajpour & Jor, (2010).
To test the tools in a realistic scenario, Vulnerability and Attack Injection is
applied in a setup based on three web applications of different sizes and complexities
designed by Elia, Fonseca & Vieira, (2010). Results show that the assessed tools have
a very low efficiency and only perform well under specific circumstances, which highlight
the limitations of current intrusion detection tools in detecting SQL Injection attacks.
Based on the class of injection flaw in which specially crafted input strings leads
to illegal queries to databases, an effective solution TransSQL was developed by
Zhang, Lin, Chen, Hwang, Huang & Hsu (2011). TransSQL automatically translates a
SQL request to an LDAP-equivalent request. After queries are executed on a SQL
database and an LDAP one, TransSQL checks the difference in responses between a
SQL database and an LDAP one to detect and block SQL injection attacks.
A framework which can be used to handle tautology-based SQL Injection Attacks
using a post-deployment monitoring technique was proposed by Dharam & Shiva,
(2012). Their framework uses two pre-deployment testing techniques i.e. basis path and
data flow testing techniques to identify legal execution paths of the software. Runtime
monitors are then developed and integrated to observe the behavior of the software for
identified execution paths such that their violation will help to detect and prevent
tautology-based SQL Injection Attacks.
Wu & Chan (2012), proposed a very effective method named k-centers (KC) to
detect SQL injection attacks (SQLIAs). The number and the centers of the clusters in
KC are adjusted according to unseen SQL statements in the practical environment, and
in which the types of attacks are changed after a period to adapt to different kinds of
One of the most common solutions for defending against SQL Injection Attacks is
the use of web application firewalls. Usually, these firewalls use signature-based
techniques as the main core for the detection in which the firewall checks each packet
against a long list of predefined SQL injection attacks known as signatures. The
problem with this technique is that an attacker with a good knowledge of SQL language
can change the look of the SQL queries in a way that firewall cannot detect them but
still they lead to the same malicious results Sadeghian, Zamani & Abdullah (2013).
Literature Related to the Methodology
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a variety of infrastructure services, such
as computing power, storage options, networking, and databases. These databases will
be available in seconds and are delivered as a utility. This allows enterprises, start-ups,
small and medium-sized businesses, and customers in the public sector to access the
building blocks they need to respond quickly required to change the business
requirements Mathew, (2006). In 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) began offering
IT infrastructure services to businesses in the form of web servicesnow commonly
known as cloud computing Amazon Web Services, including the Web Application
Firewall (AWS WAF) by Mathew (2006).
One of the key benefits of the AWS WAF is the opportunity to replace up-front
capital infrastructure expenses with low variable costs that scale with the business. With
the help of AWS WAF, businesses no longer need to plan for and procure servers and
other IT infrastructure weeks or months in advance. Instead, they can instantly spin up
hundreds or thousands of servers in minutes and deliver results faster.
Types of SQL Injection Attacks
There are different types of attacks depending upon the goal of an attacker which
are performed together or sequentially.
The tautology-based attack is basically injecting the code into one or more
conditional statements, so the statements always evaluate to true. The results of this
attack depend on how the queries are used within the application proposed by Anley,
(2002). The most common usages are to bypass authentication pages and extract data.
In this type of injection, an attacker exploits an injectable field that is used in a query’s
WHERE condition statement.
According to McDonald (2002), the database table gets targeted by the returned
query by transforming the conditional query. For a tautology-based attack to work, an
attacker must not only consider injecting the vulnerable parameters, but also the coding
which evaluates the query results. An attack is successful when the code either displays
all the returned records or performs some action if at least one record is returned.
Example: In this example attack, an attacker submits “’ or 1=1 - - ” for the login input
field (the input submitted for the other fields is irrelevant).
The resulting query is:
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’’ or 1=1 -- AND pass=’’ AND pin=
The code injected in the conditional (OR 1=1) transforms the entire WHERE clause into
a tautology by Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006).
The above condition is used as the base for evaluating each row and deciding
which ones should return to the application. Because the above condition is a tautology,
the query validates to be true for each row in the table and returns all the values related
to the query. In the above example, the returned set evaluates to a nonnull value, which
causes the application to conclude that the user authentication was successful by
Howard, LeBlanc, (2003). Therefore, all the application would invoke method
displayAccounts() and show all of the accounts in the set returned by the database.
Illegal or Logically Incorrect Queries
The attacker gathers important information about the type and structure of the
organization’s back-end database of a Web application. This attack is considered a
preliminary, information gathering step for other attacks. Because of the vulnerability
caused by this attack, the default error page is returned by the application servers and
often are very detailed. In fact, according to Anley, (2002), injectable parameters can be
generated by an attacker from the simple error messages that are displayed using any
web application. While, additional error information, is used for debugging the
applications by the programmers, will adversely help the attackers to gain information
about the functioning queries of the back-end database.
As proposed by Litchfield (2002), while performing this attack, the statements
that cause a syntax, type conversion, or logical error are manipulated by the attackers
into the database. Injectable parameters can be identified by syntax errors. Type errors
are used to deduce the data types of certain columns or to extract data. Logical errors
can reveal the names of the tables and columns from the database that causes an
Example: In this example, the attackers goal is to cause a type conversion error that
can reveal relevant data. To do this, the attacker injects the following text into input field
pin: “convert (int,(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=’u’))”.
The resulting query is:
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’’ AND pass=’’ AND pin= convert
(int,(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=’u’))
In the above example, the select query injected into the attack string attempts to extract
the first user table (xtype=’u’) from the database’s metadata table (assume the
application is using Microsoft SQL Server, for which the metadata table is called
sysobjects). The query then tries to convert the specified table name into an integer and
as this type of conversion is not legal in Microsoft SQL Server, the database throws an
error stating Microsoft OLE DB Provider (0x80040E07) Error converting varchar value
’CreditCards’ to a column of data type int. Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006).
There are two useful pieces of information which help an attacker according to
Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006).
“First the attacker can see that the database is a SQL Server database, as the
error message explicitly states this fact.
Second, the error message reveals the value of the string that caused the type of
conversion to occur. Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006).
In the above scenario, the table that is been attacked first is a user-defined table
in the database called “CreditCards”. Each column in the database can be extracted by
using the similar strategy. More threats can be created to the database by an attacker
using the same information about the schema of the database, which targets specific
pieces of information in the database.
Union Query
For a given Query the attacker exploits a vulnerable parameter and changes the
dataset returned in this type of attack. According to Anley, (2002) the application can be
tricked into returning data from a different table that was not intended by the developer
to be returned for the respective query. The most commonly injected statement used by
the attackers is of the form: UNION SELECT. The information of the table can be
retrieved by the attackers as they have complete control over the second/injected query
which aids in accessing the permission rights to the database. Because of this attack,
the final database will be a combination of the original query which was created by the
developer and the modified second query injected by an attacker.
Example: Referring to the running example, an attacker could inject the text
“’ UNION SELECT cardNo from CreditCards where acctNo=10032 - -” into the login
field, which produces the following query:
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’’ UNION SELECT cardNo from
CreditCards where acctNo=10032 -- AND pass=’’ AND pin=
The first query (Original) will return with a result of null set considering there is no login
equal to “”, whereas the second query (Injected) returns data from the “CreditCards”
table. The column “cardNo” for account “10032” will be returned by the database.
Because of these two queries, the database will return the union of them to the
application. Because of the union of these two queries, the cardNo would show up with
the account information in the application by Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006).
Piggy-Backed Queries
Original query is injected with the additional queries in this attack type. This is
distinguished typed from others as here the attacker modifies the original query instead
of a new one. This includes the “piggy-back” queries on the original query. Numerous
SQL queries are returned from the database because of this query. First the intended
query is executed then the subsequent queries that are entered are the injected ones,
and they are in addition to the previous one. According to Anley, (2002) this type of
attacks are very vulnerable and if it is successful, any SQL command can be injected by
the attackers virtually. The original query is injected and executed along with the stored
procedure as an example into the additional queries. This type of attacks usually
happens to a database where the configuration allows multiple statements to be
contained in a single string, they are very vulnerable to the structured database.
McDonald, (2002).
Example: If the attacker inputs “’; drop table users - -” into the pass field, the application
generates the query:
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’doe’ AND pass=’’; drop table users --
AND pin=123 by Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006).
After the completion of the first query, the database will inject the second query
after recognizing the query parameter (“;”) and the injected second query will be
executed. Valuable information will be destroyed from the database if the injected
second query is executed and the tables are dropped. Other types of queries could
insert new users into the database or execute stored procedures Howard & LeBlanc,
(2003). Simply scanning for a query separator will not be a good idea to detect the
injected queries as the databases do not require special characters to separate and
identify distinct queries.
Stored Procedures
According to Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006), stored procedures are routines
stored in the database and run by the database engine. These procedures can either be
user-defined procedures or procedures provided by the database by default. SQLIAs of
this type try to execute stored procedures present in the database. The database
interaction with the operating system is limited now a day to an extent with the help of
stored procedures, as they set a standard functionality and most of the vendors provide
that set by default while delivering the database. The SQLIAs can be used to execute
the stored procedures in that database, once the attacker knows which type of database
is used in the backend. Stored procedures also interact with the operating system.
Using the stored procedures while coding the Web applications renders them
invulnerable to SQLIAs. The stored procedures are not much dependent from the
developer side as these procedures are most vulnerable to the attacks on the
applications Howard & LeBlanc, (2003). The attackers get the access to run the
arbitrary codes on the server or to escalate the privileges as the stored procedures are
often written in special scripting languages and additionally they can contain other types
of vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows. Labs, (2002).
CREATE PROCEDURE DBO.isAuthenticated @userName varchar2, @pass varchar2,
@pin int AS EXEC("SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’" +@userName+ "’
and pass=’" +@password+ "’ and pin=" +@pin); GO
Example: The SQLIA can be used to exploit the parameterized stored procedure in the
above example. In the example, a stored procedure has been placed as an alternative
for the constructed query string. To rightly authenticate the user credentials, the stored
procedure returns a true/false statement. The attacker simply injects “ ’ ; SHUTDOWN; -
-” into either the userName or password fields to inject the SQLIA attack. Due to this the
injection the following query is generated through the stored procedure:
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’doe’ AND pass=’ ’; SHUTDOWN; --
AND pin= Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006)
This attack is called a “piggy-bank” type attack. The injected or the malicious
query is injected second into the database after the execution of the first normal query,
due to which the database shuts down. In the above example, it illustrates that the
stored procedures are as vulnerable to the same range of attacks as the traditional
application code.
In this attack, the query is modified in such a way that any action executed will
depend on the true or false answer values for the data which is altered in the database.
In this type of injection, attackers generally attack a site that has enough security so
that, whenever there is a successful injection, there should not be any usable feedback
through database error messages. As the database error messages are unavailable or
not sufficient for the attacker as no feedback is provided an alternate method should be
used by the attackers for obtaining a response from the database by Anley, (2002).
According to Spett, (2003) by using an alternate method malicious commands
will be injected by the attacker into the website and is studied for any functional changes
on the website. After completely studying the effects caused by the injected commands
like what changes the commands are making to the website interface and functioning
the attacker can deduce the accurate commands to see what parameters are vulnerable
to the change in the behavior of the. Most commonly there are two important attack
techniques based on an inference which allows an attacker to extract data from a
database and detect vulnerable parameters.
Blind Injection
According to Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006) the developers hide the error
details during programming which ends up showing a generic page instead of an error
message because of which the attacker gets the information of the tables related to the
database structure by asking the true/false type of questions through SQL statements.
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login= 'doe' and 1 =0 -- AND pass = AND
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login= 'doe' and 1 = 1 -- AND pass = AND
If there is no input validation the query will execute.
Timing Attacks
According to Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006), this attack particularly depends on
the time lapses or delays. This time delays aid an attacker in gaining information of the
database. The timing attack is pretty much like the blind injection except it uses a
different inference method. For performing a timing attack, if/then statements are used
as an injected query by the attacker which relates to the content of the database. The
WAITFOR keyword which is used to delay the time response for a specified time uses
the SQL Queries to construct the amount of time to execute each branch among all the
other branches. A specific branch is picked by the attacker which either increases or
decreases in response to the time of the database which gives the solution of the
injected question to the attacker.
Example: A specific code is used in two different ways in which the attacks are
explained by using the inference-based techniques. The parameters are identified using
the blind injection technique in the first form while filling up two possible injections in the
login field.
The first being “legalUser’ and 1=0 - -” and the second, “legalUser’ and 1=1 - -”. These
injections result in the following two queries:
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’legalUser’ and 1=0 -- ’ AND pass=’’
AND pin=0
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’legalUser’ and 1=1 -- ’ AND pass=’’
AND pin=0
Considering two scenarios in which assuming the first scenario as a secure
application which has a validated login input. As the SQL queries injected by the
attacker will return with login error messages because of the incorrect login parameters
making the query not vulnerable. In the second scenario, there will be two attempts by
the attacker for the injection one with always a true statement and one with always false
statement as we have an insecure application and the login parameter is vulnerable to
injection. The first statement which will be false is injected by the attacker and as an
expected result the application will return with a login error message.
There might be two reasons for an error message during login, one being the
attack attempt validated correctly by the application and second, the injected attack
itself caused the login error. Now the second statement which is always true is injected
by the attacker and there won’t be any login error message which concludes to the
attacker that the login parameter is vulnerable to the injection.
Data extraction can be carried out using the inference-based techniques by
injecting a timing-based inference attack and extracting the table name from the
database. In this attack, the following query is injected into the login parameter:
‘‘legalUser’ and ASCII(SUBSTRING((select top 1 name from sysobjects),1,1)) > X
WAITFOR 5 --’’.
This produces the following query:
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’legalUser’ and
ASCII(SUBSTRING((select top 1 name from sysobjects),1,1)) > X WAITFOR 5 -- ’ AND
pass=’’ AND pin=0
In this attack, the attacker asks a series of questions about the first character of
the first table’s name (SUBSTRING) using a binary search strategy and if the value of X
is greater-than or less-than-or-equal-to the value of ASCII value there is an additional 5
second delay in the response of the database, by which the attacker knows that the
value injected is greater and then the value of the first character. Therefore, the value of
X is adjusted by the attacker accordingly.
Alternate Encodings
This attack is used in combination with other attacks by injecting a modified
query altered by defensive coding practices to avoid detection of the automated
prevention techniques. In other words, as explained by Anley, (2002) alternate
encodings are used as an aid by the attacker for evading the detection and prevention
techniques which might be exploitable and can carry vulnerabilities in the application.
These evasion techniques are useful in scanning certain “bad characters,” such as
single quotes and comment operators commonly used in the coding practices.
The common techniques are not enough capable of determining and scanning
the specially encoded strings which use hexadecimal, ASCII, and Unicode characters
which allows the SQL injection attacks go undetected. The alternate Encoding
technique provides different layers in an application to evaluate all the specially
encoded strings by scanning for certain escape characters that represent alternate
encodings in its language domain and may even use different methods of encoding by
Howard & LeBlanc, (2003).
A perfect code-based defense is practically very much difficult to build and
implement in work environment as it requires the developers to consider all the possible
scenarios which could affect a query string in different layers of an application through
SQL injection. For example, a database could use the expression char(120) to
represent an alternately-encoded character “x”, but char(120) has no special meaning in
the application language’s context Halfond, Vieagas & Orso (2006). Therefore, the
attackers are very much successful in injecting a coded query in the application code
Example: An alternately encoded attack is provided in the example in which the
following text is injected into the login field: “legalUser’; exec(0x73687574646f776e) -- ”.
The resulting query generated by the application is:
SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=’legalUser’;
exec(char(0x73687574646f776e)) -- AND pass=’’ AND pin=
In this example char() function is used with the ASCII hexadecimal encoding. The char()
function returns the instance of that character and is considered as a parameter an
integer or hexadecimal encoding of the particular character. The second line in the
example is the ASCII hexadecimal encoding of the string “SHUTDOWN.” Therefore, a
SHUTDOWN command is executed whenever a code or string is interpreted by the
Main Causes of SQL Injection
In this section, various causes of SQL injection are presented:
Invalidated input. Any SQL query consists of some parameters such as
INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER and some SQL control characters such as a semicolon and
quotation mark. If there is no checking for these, web applications can potentially be
abused in a SQL injection attack.
Generous privileges. Privileges are some rules for accessing some database
for an object. SELECT, INSERT, and DELETE are actions of executing SQL queries
that include typical privileges. Typically, a web application is used for accessing any
specific information from the database.
Uncontrollable variable size: If any variable is used for the storage of a large
amount of data there might be a chance of SQL injection of faked input values from the
Error message. An error message is generated when the wrong input values are
inserted in web applications. Attackers may get the script structure or information about
the database so that the attacker may create its own attack.
Client-side only controls. If input validation is implemented in client side-scripts
only, then by using cross-site scripting security functions of a script at the client side it
can be overridden, and an attacker can invalidate input for accessing the database.
Stored procedure. Stored Procedures are a small program with some functions
which are called multiple times in execution. When these functions become calls so that
stored procedures become calls in place of that function. These stored procedures
become stored in the database. The problem with stored procedures is that an attacker
can execute and damage the database.
Into out file support. A text file containing SQL query results may be gotten by
manipulating a SQL query. This can be possible by using the condition of INTO
OUTFILE clause that is beneficial for some relational databases.
Sub-select. When a SQL query is inserted in the WHERE clause of another SQL
query this shows one of the weaknesses for a database. This weakness also makes the
web application more vulnerable.
The challenge with detection. The goal of any security technology is to provide
a robust threat detection for the database which is very easy to setup or which doesn’t
require any setup or configuration. Further, if that technology relies on learning or
training to improve its ability to detect threats, those learning periods must be short and
well-defined. The longer the time period, for learning the higher are the chances that
attacks may occur so there is a need to expedite the installation and minimize the risk of
Detection and Prevention Techniques
Researchers have proposed a range of techniques to assist developers and
compensate for the shortcomings in the application of defensive coding.
Black box testing. A black-box technique called WAVES, was designed by
Huang, Lin & Tsai (2003) for testing Web applications for SQL injection vulnerabilities.
The technique uses a Web crawler to identify all points in a Web application that can be
used to inject SQLIAs. It then builds attacks that target such points based on a specified
list of patterns and attack techniques. The time response of the attacks over the
application improves in the WAVES technique as it uses the machine learning
approaches to guide the testing. This technique is safer compared to the other testing’s
but still cannot guarantee concerning complete security.
Static code checkers. JDBC-Checker technique is also known as Static code
checker technique which is used to prevent the type of SQL injection attacks that occur
due to the mismatch of the practically generated query string proposed by Gould, Su &
Devanbu, (2004). This technique detects SQLIA code vulnerabilities, typo’s in the code
input. As this technique was not developed for detection and prevention of the SQL
injection attacks is still used for the same purpose of finding the root vulnerabilities in
the dynamically generated query string. Even after the combination of the static analysis
with the automated reasoning, it was unable to detect different types of SQL injection
attacks other than Tautologies.
Combined static and dynamic analysis. AMNESIA is a model-based technique
designed by Halfond & Osro, (2005) that combines static analysis and runtime
monitoring. There are two phases in this type of analysis static phase and dynamic
phase. Static analysis is used to generate legal queries for an application at each point
of access to the database by building models of different types of queries through a
process called AMNESIA. Whereas Dynamic analysis validates all the unwanted
queries before they are sent to the database for the statically built models through the
same process. Queries which does not pass through the validation of AMNESIA are
considered as SQLIAs which will be terminated from executing into the database. The
primary limitation of this technique is the accuracy of the static analysis which is used
for building the query models.
There are two more approaches related to the combined static and dynamic
analysis. In the first approach runtime for the queries is verified to confirm the model for
the expected queries should pass only the accepted queries. Whereas the SQLGuard
model deduces the runtime by adding an additional user input known as SQLCheck -by
the developer. Both the approaches share a secret key which is used to insert user
input during parsing by the runtime checker. The developer must rewrite the use of
special characters or markers in the code to develop a dynamically generated query so
as the to avoid the attackers in finding out the secret key proposed by SQLGuard by
Buehrer, Weide & Sivilotti, (2005) and SQLCheck by Wasserman & Su, (2004).
Taint-based approaches. The Taint Based approach uses a method called
WebSSARI which is used to check the taint flows for sensitive functions which detect
the precondition points in which the filters and sanitization functions can automatically
be added to satisfy the precondition parameters. It uses the predefined set of filters to
sanitize the input. The primary drawback of this technique is that the sensitive functions
in an injected code can be accurately expressed using the typing system through a
certain type of filters which are not tainted stated by Huang, Yu, Hang, Lee & Kuo,
Livshits and Lam, (2005) proposed that using information flow techniques for
detecting the tainted input using static analysis vulnerabilities in software can also be
detected. A SQL query can be constructed with this technique to avoid the flagged as
SQLIA vulnerabilities. Another approach made by Pietraszek and Berghe, (2005) used
a context-sensitive analysis which used a PHP interpreter to track precise per-character
taint information. The SQL injections would be validated depending on the false positive
statements which intercept any untrusted query or code injected by an attacker. Only
known patterns of SQLIAs can be detected by these two approaches which cause the
common drawback for both the methods as they require modifications to the runtime
environment, which affects portability.
Another technique is by using SecuriFly which validates the query strings
generated by the tainted inputs, unlike the above two approaches which use a context-
sensitive analysis and track the taint information depending on the per-string basis
stated by Haldar, Chandra & Franz, (2005) and Martin, Livshits & Lam, (2005). But as
there is no taint-based approach related to this method it does not give enough
sanitization to regulate the injection in the numeric fields of the code. The main
drawback of this technique is identifying all the sources of tainted user input in web
applications and accurately validating them.
New query development paradigms. A combination of two approaches, SQL
DOM by McClure & Krugre, (2005) and Safe Query Objects proposed by Cook & Rai,
(2005) offers an effective technique by changing the query building process using
encapsulation of database queries in combination with the API string concatenation.
This approach provides a safe and reliable way to access the databases and avoids the
unwanted SQL injections. This technique needs a new development environment as it is
a combination of the latest and the legacy approaches which creates a paradigm in
which the SQL queries are developed. As it is a new environment the only drawback is
the developers must learn a new programming language and there won’t be any
protection for the existing legacy systems.
Intrusion detection systems. IDS system builds models based on a machine
learning technique which consists of typical queries and monitors the runtime of the
application in real time that is being trained using a set of typical application queries. As
the training set is required to monitor the application, a poor training set will generate
many false positives and false negatives which is the only limitation of IDS stated by
Valeur, Mutz and, Vigna, (2005).
Proxy filters. These filters have security gateways which provide the developer
with a Security Policy Descriptor Language (SPDL), which has specified constraints and
helps in filtering the unwanted injected codes coming from untrusted proxies to the web
application. SPDL provides defensive programming which requires the developers to
know which data needs to be filtered and which proxies should be blocked and
considered as untrusted and what patterns and filters should be applied to the existing
database to suspend unwanted SQL injection attacks Scott & Sharp, (2002).
Instruction set randomization. SQLrand is based on the framework which
helps the developers in creating the queries based on instruction-set randomization.
Instruction-set randomization uses a proxy filter which intercepts the normal SQL
keywords and pushes the randomized queries to the database. As the code injected by
the attacker might not be constructed using the randomized instruction set the injected
SQL query will fail in attacking the application. Like other techniques, SQLrand has a
drawback that the code uses a secret key to modify the instructions which result in
integration of a proxy with the tables present in the database of a system
Injection Detection at the Web Tier
There is a large variation in the pattern of SQL attacks, which makes it even
more challenging for the detection of the initial point from where the attack is initiating in
the Web server. Furthermore, the SQL requests sent to the database has special
characters which may not be expected in a typical form sent by the attacker. There are
URL’s, cookies, and form inputs (POSTs and GETs) to inspect and retrieve and
inspecting each set of input values, makes it more difficult for a WAF. The SQL injection
attacks are caused by coding the application using simple coding techniques and words
such as “like” and “or” to catch every possible attack which practically is not possible.
Alternatively, as mentioned earlier, much more complex patterns that are clearly
indicative of an attack can be used. Unfortunately, as discussed, the different types of
SQL injection attack the number and variation of possible attacks are so large that it is
impossible to effectively cover all possible attack patterns. Creating the initial pattern
set, being updated about the evolving attacks, and verifying that they are sufficiently
unique so as not to show up in some fields is an almost impossible task. And now,
considering that the applications are also changing and evolving over time, it requires
more time so as more learning and hands-on skills for proper security of the databases
without any breaches.
The Database Firewall is much more secure and effective than the previously
used Web Application Firewall as it follows the structured analysis to build the SQL
statements instead of the rudimentary input pattern validation used in WAF. It is more
effective and secure because it monitors the networks between the application servers
and databases with a much smaller set of SQL build statements. This database firewall
is not that easy to build and maintain so we opt for different services such as Oracle but
the latest most efficient and economical service to store and to secure the integrity of
the data is provided through Amazon Web Services AWS.
The Background and Literature review helps in completely understanding about
the SQL Injection attacks. Different types of SQL injection attacks are explained with the
main causes and some of the detection and prevention techniques. The most efficient
method of detecting and preventing the web applications from the SQL Injection attacks
(Injection Detection at Web-Tier) is also explained.
Chapter III. Methodology
Amazon Web Services Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) helps to protect
web applications from common web exploits like SQL injection attacks that could affect
application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources.
AWS WAF gives control over the traffic which allows or blocks the web applications by
defining customizable web security rules. To create custom rules that block common
attack patterns, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting and to respond quickly for
the change of patterns in the traffic, new rules can be deployed within minutes through
AWS WAF. Also, AWS WAF includes a full-featured API that can be used to automate
the creation, deployment, and maintenance of web security rules.
The strategy of configuring a web application firewall can be challenging and
burdensome to large and small organizations alike, especially for those who do not
have dedicated security teams. To simplify this process, AWS offers a solution that uses
AWS Cloud Formation to automatically deploy a set of AWS WAF rules designed to
filter common web-based SQL injection attacks. With AWS WAF we pay only for what
we use. AWS WAF pricing is based on how many rules are being deployed and how
many web requests the web application receives. These rules can be deployed by AWS
WAF on either Amazon Cloud Front as part of the CDN solution or the Application Load
Balancer (ALB) that fronts the web servers or origin servers running on EC2.
Design of the Study
Thus, far we have discussed different types of SQL injection attacks, the main
causes of SQL injection and the method of detecting SQL injection attacks at the Web
tier interface by a simple WAF system. A more effective and efficient method proposed
in this paper to defend against SQL injection attacks is by using AWS WAF. This web
application firewall allows us to monitor the HTTP and HTTPS requests which are
forwarded to Amazon Cloud Front or an Application Load Balancer and allows us to
control and access the content.
Based on conditions specified by the user, such as the IP addresses that the
requests originate from or by the query string values, the Cloud Front or an Application
Load Balancer responds to requests either with the requested content or with an HTTP
403 status code (Forbidden). The Cloud Front or an Application load balancer can also
be configured in such a way that it returns with a custom error page when a request is
blocked to analyze the actual SQL generated by the application as presented to the
database by a firewall.
Figure 3.1 AWS WAF Architecture. Amazon Web Services Architecture, by Mathew, M.,
2006, White Paper, Amazon Web Services, Inc., 2006.
The AWS WAF allows us to choose only the requests specified and block all the
other unwanted requests such as SQL injections. It gives several other potential
benefits such as providing rules which can be reused for multiple web applications,
automated administration using AWS WAF API, real-time metrics and sampled web
requests. A qualitative approach will be best suited for the proposed plan as it does not
require any numerical data analysis. The following are the steps used for building an
AWS WAF which will be discussed in detail in the next part of the paper.
Step 1: Set Up for AWS WAF
Step 2: Start the Wizard
Step 3: Create an IP Match Condition
Step 4: Create a String Match Condition
Step 5: Create a SQL Injection Match Condition
Step 6: Create Additional Conditions
Step 7: Create a Rule and Add Conditions
Step 8: Add the Rule to a Web ACL
Step 9: Clean Up Your Resources
Data Analysis
Hardware and software requirements.
Four virtual processors assigned to the VM.
12 GB of RAM assigned to the VM
80 GB of disk space for installation of VM image and system data
General purpose instance familym3 and m4 instance types
Storage-optimized instance familyi2 and d2 instance types
Compute-optimized instance familyc3 and c4 instance types
Memory-optimized instance familyr3 instance types
An effective and efficient approach towards the protection of web applications is
explained in the methodology. The technique AWS provides better security, no
infrastructure, less capital, on-demand upgrade of processing speed, storage services
and many computing clouds and subnets. The design and steps of building an Amazon
Web Services Web Application Firewall are explained briefly.
Chapter IV: Analysis of Results
Amazon Web Services was born out of the idea to provide multiple layers of
security to avoid SQL injection attacks and to transfer the data from small scale to large
scale. Amazon web services are available at any capacity on a moment’s notice and
without necessarily forecasting demand. Amazon meets this expectation in both of its
key AWS products. Amazon’s Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) platform allows
applications to run on an instantly scalable number of processors on demand, while
Amazon’s Simple Storage System (S3) allows access to a practically infinite allocation
of disk space on demand. The Amazon EC2 platform allows applications to use as
much processing power as they need at any given time, scaling up and down parallel to
the demand. Similarly, S3 allows applications to scale storage needs exactly in parallel
with demand.
Amazon began AWS by charging directly in proportion to usage (Amazon EC2
charges anywhere from $0.10 to $0.80 per processor hour while S3 charges up to $0.14
per GB per month of storage, with bandwidth costs of $0.10 to $0.15 per GB of
bandwidth downloaded or uploaded. This inexpensive, pay-as-you-go price scheme
eliminates the risk associated with investing in technologies never tested, encouraging
system administrators and curious programmers to play with the service at extremely
low costs.
Data Presentation
Amazon web services cloud platform. AWS consists of many cloud services
and to access these services the AWS Management Console, and the AWS Command
Line Interface is used.
AWS management console. Access and manage Amazon Web Services
through the AWS Management Console, a simple and intuitive user interface.
AWS Command Line Interface
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage the AWS
services. With just one tool to download and configure, multiple AWS services can be
controlled from the command line and automate them through scripts.
Amazon EC2. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service
which provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make
web-scale computing easier for developers and to reduce the time required to obtain
and boot new server instances (called Amazon EC2 instances) to minutes, allowing to
quickly scale capacity, both up and down, as the computing requirements change time
to time.
Elastic web-scale computing. Amazon EC2 enables to increase or decrease
the capacity within minutes. Hundreds of thousands of server’s instances can be
controlled simultaneously. Because the instances are controlled by web service APIs,
the application can automatically scale itself up and down depending on its needs.
Completely controlled. There is a complete control of the Amazon EC2
instances having root access to each instance. While retaining the data on the boot
partition, the Amazon EC2 instances can be stopped and then can be restarted
subsequently using web service APIs. Instances can be rebooted remotely using web
service APIs.
Flexible cloud hosting services. There are multiple options for the instance
types, operating systems, and software packages to choose from. Amazon EC2 allows
the users to select the memory configuration, CPU, instance storage, and boot partition
Amazon EC2 is integrated with most AWS services, such as Amazon Simple
Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS),
and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to provide a complete, secure
solution for computing, query processing, and cloud storage across a wide range of
Reliable. Amazon EC2 offers a highly reliable environment where replacement
instances can be rapidly and predictably commissioned.
Secure. Amazon EC2 works in conjunction with Amazon VPC to provide security
and robust networking functionality. The compute instances are in a VPC with an IP
address range specified by the user which are exposed to the internet either to remain
private or public. Security groups and network access control lists (ACLs) allows the
user to control inbound and outbound network access to and from the instances. The
users can connect their existing IT infrastructure to resources in the VPC using industry-
standard encrypted IPsec virtual private network (VPN) connections.
Inexpensive. Amazon EC2 instances can be used at a very low rate for the
compute capacity consumed by the users.
On-Demand Instances
With On-Demand instances, the users pay for computing capacity by the hour
with no long-term commitments. The users can increase or decrease the compute
capacity depending on the demands of the application and only pay the specified hourly
rate for the instances used. The use of On-Demand instances frees the users from the
costs and complexities of planning, purchasing, and maintaining hardware and
transforms the large fixed costs into much smaller variable costs.
Amazon S3. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is object storage
with a simple web service interface to store and retrieve any amount of data from
anywhere on the web. It is designed to deliver 99.999999999% durability and scales
past trillions of objects worldwide. It's simple to move large volumes of data into or out
of Amazon S3 with Amazon's cloud data migration options. Once data is stored in
Amazon S3, it can be automatically tiered into lower cost, longer-term cloud storage
classes like Amazon S3 Standard - Infrequent Access and Amazon Glacier for
Amazon S3 features. Amazon S3 provides the most feature-rich object storage
platform available in the cloud today, the following are a list of the Amazon S3 features:
Simple. Amazon S3 is simple to use with a web-based management console
and mobile app. Amazon S3 also provides full REST APIs and SDKs for easy
integration with third-party technologies.
Durable. Amazon S3 provides durable infrastructure to store important data and
is designed for durability of 99.999999999% of objects. The data is stored in multiple
facilities and multiple devices in each facility.
Scalable. With Amazon S3, the users can store as much data as they want and
access it when needed. The future storage needs can be scaled up and down as
required, dramatically increasing business agility.
Secure. Amazon S3 supports data transfer over SSL and automatic encryption
of the data once it is uploaded. Bucket policies can also be configured to manage object
permissions and to control access the data using Identity Access Management (IAM).
Low Cost. Amazon S3 allows the user to store large amounts of data at a very
low cost. Using lifecycle policies, the users can set policies to automatically migrate the
data to Standard - Infrequent Access and Amazon Glacier as it ages to further reduce
Simple data transfer. Amazon provides multiple options for cloud data migration
and makes it simple and cost-effective for the user to move large volumes of data into
or out of Amazon S3. It can be selected from network-optimized, physical disk-based, or
third-party connector methods for import to or export from Amazon S3.
Integrated. Amazon S3 is deeply integrated with other AWS services to make it
easier to build solutions that use a range of AWS services. Integrations include Amazon
Cloud Front, Amazon Cloud Watch, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon RDS, Amazon Glacier,
Amazon EBS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Route 53, Amazon
EMR, Amazon VPC, Amazon Key Management Service (KMS), and AWS Lambda.
AWS security. Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority because there are
no physical servers or datacenters needed for processing and providing security to the
database. All the migration, security and processing of the database is provided through
software tools which cost far more less time, money and infrastructure for maintenance
compared to the physical servers and storage devices.
An advantage of the AWS Cloud is that it allows the user to scale and innovate
while maintaining a secure environment and paying only for the services they use. This
means that they can have the security at a lower cost than in an on-premises
Benefits of AWS security.
Keep data safe. The AWS infrastructure puts strong safeguards in place to help
protect the user privacy. All data is stored in highly secure AWS data centers.
Meet Compliance Requirements: AWS manages dozens of compliance programs in its
infrastructure. This means that segments of the compliance have already been
Save money. Cut costs by using AWS data centers. Maintain the highest
standard of security without having to manage your own facility.
Scale Quickly: Security scales with the AWS Cloud usage. No matter the size of the
business, the AWS infrastructure is designed to keep the user’s data safe.
Amazon VPC. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) allows the user to
create a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud where they can launch AWS
resources in a virtual network as defined. The user has complete control over the virtual
networking environment, including the selection of their own IP address range, the
creation of subnets, and configuration of routing tables and network gateways. Both
IPv4 and IPv6 in the VPC can be used for secure and easy access to resources and
The network configuration for the VPC can easily be customized. There are
basically two subnets for the web servers to access the database. The private subnet
comprises of all the sensitive database and backend system which does not have
access to internet whereas the public subnets have the web servers which have
complete access to the internet.
Data Analysis
Create and launch EC2 instance.
Step 1: To launch the EC2 instance
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at
2. Choose Launch Instance.
3. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), find the Amazon Linux AMI at the top of
the list and choose Select.
Figure 4.1 Configure Instance Details. Amazon Web Services Architecture, by Mathew,
M., 2006, White Paper, Amazon Web Services, Inc., 2006.
Type: SSH
Protocol: TCP
Port Range: 22
Source: Anywhere
4. Choose an Instance Type, choose Next: Configure Instance Details.
a. Configure Instance Details, choose Network, and then choose the entry
for the default VPC. It will look something like vpc-xxxxxxx (
b. Choose Subnet, and then choose a subnet in any Availability Zone.
c. Choose Next: Add Storage.
5. Choose Next: Tag Instance.
6. Name your instance and choose Next: Configure Security Group.
Configure Security Group, review the contents of this page, ensure that Assign a
security group is set to Create a new security group, and verify that the inbound rule
being created has the following default values.
Figure 4.2 Configure Security Group. Amazon Web Services Architecture, by Mathew,
M., 2006, White Paper, Amazon Web Services, Inc., 2006.
7. Choose Review and Launch.
8. Choose Launch.
9. Select the checkbox for the key pair that is created, and then choose Launch
10. Choose View Instances.
11. Choose the name of the instance just created from the list, and then choose Actions.
12. From the menu that opens, choose Networking and then choose Change Security
Figure 4.3 Launch an Instance. Amazon Web Services Architecture, by Mathew, M.,
2006, White Paper, Amazon Web Services, Inc., 2006.
13. Select the checkbox next to the security group with the description default VPC
security group.
14. Choose Assign Security Groups.
Figure 4.4 Change Security Groups. Amazon Web Services Architecture, by Mathew,
M., 2006, White Paper, Amazon Web Services, Inc., 2006.
Overview for IPv4
The configuration for this scenario includes the following:
1. A virtual private cloud (VPC) with a size /16 IPv4 CIDR block (example:
This provides 65,536 private IPv4 addresses.
2. A subnet with a size /24 IPv4 CIDR block (example: This provides 256
private IPv4 addresses.
3. An Internet gateway which connects the VPC to the Internet and to other AWS
4. An instance with a private IPv4 address in the subnet range (example:,
which enables the instance to communicate with other instances in the VPC, and an
Elastic IPv4 address (example:, which is a public IPv4 address that
enables the instance to be reached from the Internet.
5. A custom route table associated with the subnet. The route table entries enable
instances in the subnet to use IPv4 to communicate with other instances in the VPC and
to communicate directly over the Internet. A subnet that's associated with a routing table
that has a route to an Internet gateway is known as a public subnet.
Figure 4.5 Overview for IPv4. Amazon Web Services Architecture, by Mathew, M.,
2006, White Paper, Amazon Web Services, Inc., 2006.
Overview for IPv6
1. For the scenario, IPv6 can be enabled optionally. In addition to the components
listed above, the configuration includes the following:
2. A size /56 IPv6 CIDR block associated with the VPC (example:
2001:db8:1234:1a00::/56). Amazon automatically assigns the CIDR
3. A size /64 IPv6 CIDR block associated with the public subnet (example:
2001:db8:1234:1a00::/64). You can choose the range for your subnet from the range
allocated to the VPC. You cannot choose the size of the subnet IPv6 CIDR block.
4. An IPv6 address assigned to the instance from the subnet range (example:
5. Route table entries in the custom route table that enable instances in the VPC to use
IPv6 to communicate with each other, and directly over the Internet.
Figure 4.6 Overview for IPv6. Amazon Web Services Architecture, by Mathew, M.,
2006, White Paper, Amazon Web Services, Inc., 2006.
Routing for IPv4. The VPC has an implied router (shown in the configuration
diagram above, in Figure 10). In this scenario, the VPC wizard creates a custom route
table that routes all traffic destined for an address outside the VPC to the Internet
gateway and associates this route table with the subnet.
The following Table 1 shows the route table for the example in Figure 10 above.
The first entry is the default entry for local IPv4 routing in the VPC; this entry enables
the instances in this VPC to communicate with each other. The second entry routes all
other IPv4 subnet traffic to the Internet gateway (for example, igw-1a2b3c4d).
Table 4.1 Routing for IPv4
Routing for IPv6. If an IPv6 CIDR block is associated with the VPC and subnet,
the route table must include separate routes for IPv6 traffic. The following table shows
the custom route table for this scenario if IPv6 communication is enabled in the VPC.
The second entry is the default route that's automatically added for local routing in the
VPC over IPv6. The fourth entry routes all other IPv6 subnet traffic to the Internet
Table 4.2 Routing for IPv6
Security for IPv4. AWS provides two features that can be used to increase the
security in the VPC: security groups and network ACLs. Security groups control inbound
and outbound traffic for the instances while network ACLs control inbound and
outbound traffic for the subnets. In most cases, security groups can meet the needs to
avoid SQL injection attacks. However, network ACLs can also be used as an additional
layer of security for the VPCs.
For this scenario, a security group is used but not a network ACL. VPC comes
with a default security group. An instance that's launched into the VPC is automatically
associated with the default security group if a different security group is not specified
during the launch. Rules can be added to the default security group, but the rules may
not be suitable for other instances that may be launched into the VPC. Instead, creating
a custom security group for the web server is recommended.
For this scenario, create a security group named WebServerSG. When a security
group is created, it has a single outbound rule that allows all traffic to leave the
instances. Rules must be modified to enable inbound traffic and restrict the outbound
traffic as needed. This security group is specified when instances are launched into the
VPC. The following are the inbound and outbound rules for IPv4 traffic for the
WebServerSG security group.
Table 4.3 Security for IPv4
Allow inbound HTTP access to the web servers
from any IPv4 address.
Allow inbound HTTPS access to the web servers
from any IPv4 address
Public IPv4
range of your
(Linux instances) Allow inbound SSH access from
your network over IPv4. You can get the public
IPv4 address of your local computer using a
service such as If
you are connecting through an ISP or from behind
your firewall without a static IP address, you need
to find out the range of IP addresses used by client
Public IPv4
range of your
(Windows instances) Allow inbound RDP access
from your network over IPv4.
The security
group ID (sg-
(Optional) Allow inbound traffic from other
instances associated with this security group. This
rule is automatically added to the default security
group for the VPC; for any custom security group
you create, you must manually add the rule to allow
this type of communication.
Outbound (Optional)
Default rule to allow all outbound access to any
IPv4 address. If you want your web server to
initiate outbound traffic, for example, to get
software updates, you can leave the default
outbound rule. Otherwise, you can remove this
Security for IPv6. If an IPv6 CIDR block is associated with the VPC and subnet,
separate rules must be added to the security group to control inbound and outbound
IPv6 traffic for the web server instance. In this scenario, the web server will be able to
receive all Internet traffic over IPv6, and SSH or RDP traffic from the local network over
IPv6. The following are the IPv6-specific rules for the WebServerSG security group
(which are in addition to the rules listed above).
Table 4.4 Security for IPv6
Allow inbound HTTP access to the web servers
from any IPv6 address.
Allow inbound HTTPS access to the web servers
from any IPv6 address.
IPv6 address
range of your
(Linux instances) Allow inbound SSH access
over IPv6 from your network.
IPv6 address
range of your
(Windows instances) Allow inbound RDP access
over IPv6 from your network
Outbound (Optional)
Default rule to allow all outbound access to any
IPv6 address. If you want your web server to
initiate outbound traffic, for example, to get
software updates, you can leave the default
outbound rule. Otherwise, you can remove this
Create a VPC
Step 2: To create an AWS VPC
1. Open the Amazon VPC console at
2. In the dashboard, choose Start VPC Wizard.
3. Select the first option, VPC with a Single Public Subnet, and then
choose Select.
4. For VPC name and Subnet name, you can name your VPC and subnet to
help you to identify them later in the console. You can specify your own IPv4
CIDR block range for the VPC and subnet, or you can leave the default
values ( and respectively).
5. (Optional, IPv6-only) For IPv6 CIDR block, choose Amazon-provided IPv6
CIDR block. For Public subnet's IPv6 CIDR, choose to Specify a custom
IPv6 CIDR and specify the hexadecimal pair value for your subnet, or leave
the default value (00).
6. You can leave the rest of the default settings, and choose to Create VPC.
2.1 To create a VPC and subnets using the AWS CLI
1. Create a VPC with a CIDR block and associate an IPv6 CIDR
block with the VPC.
2. aws ec2 create-vpc --cidr-block --amazon-provided-ipv6-cidr-
3. In the output that's returned, take note of the VPC ID.
4. Describe your VPC to get the IPv6 CIDR block that's associated with the
5. aws ec2 describe-vpcs --vpc-id vpc-2f09a348 v6-cidr-block
6. Create a subnet with a IPv4 CIDR block and
a 2001:db8:1234:1a00::/64 IPv6 CIDR block (from the ranges that were
returned in the previous step).
7. Create a second subnet in your VPC with a IPv4 CIDR block and
a 2001:db8:1234:1a01::/64 IPv6 CIDR block.]\
2.2 Configure a Public Subnet
1. Create an Internet gateway.
2. In the output that's returned, take note of the Internet gateway ID.
3. Using the ID from the previous step, attach the Internet gateway to your VPC.
4. Create a custom route table for your VPC.
5. In the output that's returned, take note of the route table ID.
6. Create a route in the route table that points all IPv6 traffic (::/0) to the Internet
7. To confirm that your route has been created and is active, you can describe
the route table and view the results.
8. The route table is not currently associated with any subnet. Associate it with a
subnet in your VPC so that traffic from that subnet is routed to the Internet
gateway. First, describe your subnets to get their IDs. You can use the --
filter option to return the subnets for your new VPC only, and the --
query option to return only the subnet IDs and their IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR
9. You can choose which subnet to associate with the custom route table, for
example, subnet-b46032ec. This subnet will be your public subnet.
2.3 To launch and connect to an instance in your public subnet
1. Create a key pair and use the --query option and the --output text option to
pipe your private key directly into a file with the.pem extension.
2. In this example, launch an Amazon Linux instance. If you use an SSH client
on a Linux or OS X operating system to connect to your instance, use the
following command to set the permissions of your private key file so that only
you can read it.
3. Create a security group for your VPC, and add a rule that allows SSH access
from any IPv6 address.
4. Launch an instance into your public subnet, using the security group and key
pair that you've created. In the output, take note of the instance ID for your
5. Your instance must be in the running state to connect to the database.
Describe your instance and confirm its state, and take note of its IPv6
6. When your instance is in the running state, you can connect to it using an
SSH client on a Linux or OS X computer by using the following command.
Your local computer must have an IPv6 address configured.
2.4 Launch an Instance into Your Private Subnet
1. Create a security group in your VPC, and add a rule that allows inbound SSH
access from the IPv6 address of the instance in your public subnet, and a rule
that allows all ICMPv6 traffic:
2. Launch an instance into your private subnet, using the security group you've
created and the same key pair you used to launch the instance in the public
3. Configure SSH agent forwarding on your local machine, and then connect to
your instance in the public subnet. For Linux, use the following commands:
4. From your instance in the public subnet (the bastion instance), connect to
your instance in the private subnet by using its IPv6 address:
5. From your private instance, a test that you can connect to the Internet by
running the ping6 command for a website that has ICMP enabled, for
6. To test that hosts on the Internet cannot reach your instance in the private
subnet, use the ping6 command from a computer that's enabled for IPv6. You
should get a timeout response. If you get a valid response, then your instance
is accessible from the Internetcheck the route table that's associated with
your private subnet and verify that it does not have a route for IPv6 traffic to
an Internet gateway.
2.5 Clean Up
1. Delete your security groups
2. Delete your subnets
3. Delete your custom route tables
4. Detach your Internet gateway from your VPC
5. Delete your Internet gateway
6. Delete your egress-only Internet gateway
7. Delete your VPC.
Template 1
"InternetGateway": {
"InternetGatewayId": "igw-1ff7a07b",
"RouteTable": {
"RouteTableId": "rtb-c1c8faa6",
"RouteTables": [
"Associations": [],
"RouteTableId": "rtb-c1c8faa6",
"VpcId": "vpc-2f09a348",
"PropagatingVgws": [],
"Tags": [],
"Routes": [
"GatewayId": "local",
"DestinationCidrBlock": "",
"State": "active",
"Origin": "CreateRouteTable"
"GatewayId": "local",
"Origin": "CreateRouteTable",
"State": "active",
"DestinationIpv6CidrBlock": "::/0"
"IPv6CIDR": [
"ID": "subnet-b46032ec",
"IPv4CIDR": ""
"IPv6CIDR": [
"ID": "subnet-a46032fc",
"IPv4CIDR": ""
"EgressOnlyInternetGateway": {
"EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId": "eigw-015e0e244e24dfe8a",
"Attachments": [
"State": "attached",
"VpcId": "vpc-2f09a348"
"GroupId": "sg-e1fb8c9a"
"Reservations": [
"Instances": [
"State": {
"Code": 16,
"Name": "running"
"NetworkInterfaces": {
"Ipv6Addresses": {
"Ipv6Address": "2001:db8:1234:1a00::123"
"GroupId": "sg-aabb1122"
2.6 To create the WebServerSG security group
1. Open the Amazon VPC console at
2. In the navigation panel, choose Security Groups.
3. Choose Create Security Group.
4. Provide a name and description for the security group. In this topic, the
name WebServerSG is used as an example. Select the ID of the VPC from
the VPC menu, and then choose Yes, Create.
5. Select the WebServerSG security group that has just been created. The details
panel include a tab for information about the security group, plus tabs for working
with its inbound rules and outbound rules.
6. On the Inbound Rules tab, choose Edit, and then do the following:
a) Select HTTP from the Type list, and enter in the Source field.
b) Choose Add another rule, then select HTTPS from the Type list and
enter in the Source field.
c) Choose Add another rule, then select SSH (for Linux) or RDP (for Windows)
from the Type list. Enter the network's public IP address range in
the Source field.
d) (Optional) Choose Add another rule, then select ALL traffic from the Type list.
In the Source field, enter the ID of the WebServerSG security group.
e) (Optional, IPv6-only) Choose Add another rule, select HTTP from the Type list,
and enter ::/0 in the Source field.
f) (Optional, IPv6-only) Choose Add another rule, select HTTPS from
the Type list, and enter ::/0 in the Source field.
g) (Optional, IPv6-only) Choose Add another rule, select SSH (for Linux)
or RDP (for Windows) from the Typelist. Enter the network's IPv6 address range
in the Source field.
7. Choose Save.
8. (Optional) On the Outbound Rules tab, choose Edit. Locate the default rule that
enables all outbound traffic, choose Remove, and then choose Save.
9. To launch an instance into the VPC
10. Open the Amazon EC2 console at
11. From the dashboard, choose Launch Instance.
12. Follow the directions in the wizard. Choose an AMI, choose an instance type, and
then choose Next: Configure Instance Details.
13. On the Configure Instance Details page, select the VPC that was created in step 1
from the Network list, and then specify a subnet.
14. (Optional) By default, instances launched into a nondefault VPC are not assigned as
public IPv4 address. To be able to connect to the instance, assign a public IPv4
address, or allocate an Elastic IP address and assign it to the instance after it's
launched. To assign a public IPv4 address, ensure that Enable should be selected
from the Auto-assign Public IP list.
15. (Optional, IPv6-only) Auto-assign an IPv6 address to the instance from the subnet
range. For Auto-assign IPv6 IP, choose Enable.
16. On the next two pages of the wizard, configuration for the storage of the instance,
and addition of tags can be done. On the Configure Security Group page, select
the Select an existing security group option, and select
the WebServerSG security group which was created in step 2. Choose Review and
17. Review the settings and then choose Launch to choose a key pair and launch the
18. If a public IPv4 address is not assigned to the instance in step 5, you will not be able
to connect to it over IPv4. Assign an Elastic IP address to the instance:
19. Open the Amazon VPC console at
20. In the navigation pane, choose Elastic IPs.
21. Choose Allocate new address.
22. Choose Allocate.
Select the Elastic IP address from the list, choose Actions, and then choose an
Associate address.
Select the instance to associate the address with, and then choose Associate.
Create an Amazon S3 Bucket
Step 3: To create an Amazon S3 Bucket
To create an Amazon S3 bucket use the Amazon S3 console. But a simpler way
to create resources is often to use an AWS Cloud Formation template. The following
template creates an Amazon S3 bucket for this example and sets up instance
profile with an IAM role that grants unrestricted access to the bucket.
Template 2
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09",
"Resources" : {
"AppServerRootRole": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
"Properties": {
"AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
"Statement": [ {
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [ "" ]
"Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ]
} ]
"Path": "/"
"AppServerRolePolicies": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Policy",
"Properties": {
"PolicyName": "AppServerS3Perms",
"PolicyDocument": {
"Statement": [ {
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": { "Fn::Join" : ["", [ "arn:aws:s3:::", { "Ref" : "AppBucket" } , "/*" ]
] }
} ]
"Roles": [ { "Ref": "AppServerRootRole" } ]
"AppServerInstanceProfile": {
"Type": "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile",
"Properties": {
"Path": "/",
"Roles": [ { "Ref": "AppServerRootRole" } ]
"AppBucket" : {
"Type" : "AWS::S3::Bucket"
"Outputs" : {
"BucketName" : {
"Value" : { "Ref" : "AppBucket" }
"InstanceProfileName" : {
"Value" : { "Ref" : "AppServerInstanceProfile" }
To create the Amazon S3 bucket:
1. Copy the example template to a text file on the system.
This example assumes that the file is named appserver.template.
2. Open the AWS Cloud Formation console and click Create Stack.
3.In the Stack Name box, enter the stack name.
This example assumes that the name is AppServer.
4. Click Upload template file, click Browse, select the Appserver.template file that was
created in Step 1, and click Next Step.
5. On the Specify Parameters page, select I acknowledge that this template may
create IAM resources, then click Next Step on each page of the wizard until you reach
the end. Click Create.
6. After the AppServer stack reaches CREATE_COMPLETE status, select it and click
its Outputs tab.
7. On the Outputs tab, record the BucketName and InstanceProfileName values for
later use.
AWS consists of some major key components like EC2 instances, Storage
Services, VPN, public and private subnets which are explained in analyzing the results.
Steps in creating the Ec2 instances, coding the IPv4 and IPv6 instances
and creating the public and private subnets with steps in creating the amazon s3
buckets both in IPv4 and IPv6 have been explained. Steps for creating the
WebserverSG security group is also been discussed.
Chapter V: Conclusions and Future Work
Amazon Web Services Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) helps to protect
web applications from common web exploits like SQL injection attacks that could affect
application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources.
Amazon’s Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) platform allows applications to run on an
instantly scalable number of processors on demand, while Amazon’s Simple Storage
System (S3) allows access to a practically infinite allocation of disk space on demand
with multiple layers of security.
1) Does the AWS firewall provide better security than the WAF?
A) Yes, it does provide multiple layers of security at every stage of process to avoid
SQL injection attacks as it provides complete control to the user over the virtual
networking environment, including selection of the own IP address range, creation of
subnets, and configuration of route tables and network gateways as well as creating
public and private subnets.
2) Does AWS provide high performance databases?
A) Amazon S3 provides the most durable, cost effective and highly secured databases.
S3 buckets can be configured to control the access of the data through IAM.
3) Is AWS feasible for any organization?
A) Yes because of the cost-effective system and the users have to pay for what they
use it is very convenient for any scale of organization.
As the WAF was not completely capable of defending the SQL injection attacks,
AWS is being used because of the multiple layers of security and access, it provides for
the databases either by providing a private VPN with gateway authorities or by creating
multiple subnets or by providing access to ports for the databases.
AWS provides required number of processors on demand as well as a scalable
number of databases on demand with multiple layers of security in the form of VPN’s,
gateways, portals, public and private subnets avoiding the hardware requirements for
the organizations.
As the subnets can be created public and private the data and the permissions
can be secured and authenticated at different role levels which protect the integrity and
security of the data as the critical information will not be available to all the users.
The storage services particularly Amazon S3 is provided with the gateway services
which blocks the unwanted IP addresses and allows access to the databases only for
the IP addresses registered on S3.
Future Work
In-depth study of the AWS management console should be carried out like
studying about the glacier, snowball which is an advanced level of data storage services
in AWS. Similarly, creating multiple subnets in IPv4, IPv6 and route 53 privacy.
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