Surrey Renewal of Vows
Surrey Renewal of Vows Script
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Welcome and introduction
Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to [name of venue], and a very
special welcome to [name] and [name] on this memorable day.
My name is [registrar name] and it is my privilege to conduct this ceremony. I am sure everyone
is delighted to be here today to be able to witness the renewal of your marriage vows.
The Ceremony
A marriage between two people begins with love, and a commitment to each other for life. To
flourish, and realise the rewards, joys, and achievements of marriage, a strong partnership must
be created to value the good times and overcome life’s challenges. As a marriage strengthens
with patience, trust and understanding it enriches the bond of love that was affirmed on your
wedding day.
[Name] and [name] were married [number of years] ago, and it is a testament to your devotion
and commitment to one another that you are reaffirming your love for each other today.
A reading, poem or personal message can be inserted here.
Renewal of Vows
[Name] and [name] will now pledge their love and continued commitment to each other by
exchanging vows. The vows that you are both about to make to one another are a
demonstration of your dedication not only to the life that you have shared so far but also for your
future together.
Witnesses will be invited to stand either side of the couple.
Person 1: I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, [name] reaffirm the solemn
promise I made to person 2 [name] on our wedding day [number of years] ago.
Person 2: I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, [name] reaffirm the solemn
promise I made to you, person 1 [name] on our wedding day [number of years] ago.
Would you now please turn to face one another as you pledge your on-going love to each other.
Partner 1: [name], I will continue to love and cherish you, to be your support and companion,
and to love you always, for the rest of my life.
Partner 2: [name], I will continue to love and cherish you, to be your support and companion,
and to love you always, for the rest of my life.
Witnesses can now be seated.
Surrey Renewal of Vows Script
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Exchanging or rededication of rings
We now come to the exchange/rededication of rings.
a) Rededication
These are the rings you gave each other on your wedding day, and as they were then, they are
the outward symbol of the unending and everlasting love and commitment you share. They
represent the renewal of your marriage vows to each other today.
Person 1 will you please take [name] hand and repeat these vows to her/him.
[Name], this ring is a symbol of our marriage and re-affirms my love for you, always and forever.
Person 2 will you please take [name] hand and repeat these vows to her/him.
[Name], this ring is a symbol of our marriage and re-affirms my love for you, always and forever.
b) New Rings
The rings you are exchanging today are an outward sign of the unending and everlasting love
and commitment you share. They represent the renewal of your vows to each other today.
Person 1 will you please take [name] hand and repeat these vows to her/him.
[Name], this ring is a symbol of our marriage and re-affirms my love for you, always and forever.
Person 2 will you please take [name] hand and repeat these vows to her/him.
[Name], this ring is a symbol of our marriage and re-affirms my love for you, always and forever.
Personal Vows
You may include any personal vows to say to each other here.
A reading, poem or personal message can be inserted here.
Signing of Certificate and Photographs
[Name] and [name] and their witnesses [names] will now sign the certificate which marks the
renewal of their marriage vows that they have made to each other today. This is a very special
moment and provides a lasting memory of this occasion, which they are delighted to have
shared with you.
Music may be played during the signing.
When we cherish something, we hold it close to our hearts, and we value it above all else.
[Name] and [name], on your wedding day, you promised to love and support each other through
good times and bad. The fact that you are here today is a testament to the strength of your love
for one another. Our wish for you is that your love continues to grow and strengthen, and that
today’s ceremony and celebrations mark the next chapter of your married life, giving you many
more happy and precious memories together.
Presentation of Certificate
[Name] and [name], I would like to present you with this certificate as a reminder of this special
day and the promises that you have made to each other.
Congratulations, we all wish you a lifetime of continued happiness together.
Final Congratulations
Ladies and Gentlemen, this now concludes today’s ceremony, please may I ask you all to stand
and congratulate [name] and [name], Mr and Mrs, Mr and Mr, Mrs and Mrs [name].