HP ProLiant Servers
Troubleshooting Guide
October 2003 (Second Edition)
Part Number 338615-002
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HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
October 2003 (Second Edition)
Part Number 338615-002
Diagnosing the Problem 19
This Edition........................................................................................................................................20
Important Safety Information.............................................................................................................20
Symbols on Equipment...........................................................................................................20
Warnings and Cautions...........................................................................................................23
Preparing the Server for Diagnosis ....................................................................................................24
Symptom Information........................................................................................................................25
Diagnostic Steps.................................................................................................................................26
Start Diagnosis Flowchart.......................................................................................................26
General Diagnosis Flowchart..................................................................................................29
Power-On Problems Flowchart...............................................................................................31
POST Problems Flowchart .....................................................................................................34
OS Boot Problems Flowchart .................................................................................................36
Server Fault Indications Flowchart.........................................................................................39
Hardware Problems 43
Power Problems .................................................................................................................................43
Power Source Problems..........................................................................................................43
Power Supply Problems..........................................................................................................44
UPS Problems.........................................................................................................................44
General Hardware Problems ..............................................................................................................45
Loose Connections .................................................................................................................46
Problems with New Hardware................................................................................................46
Unknown Problem..................................................................................................................48
Third-Party Device Problems .................................................................................................48
Testing the Device..................................................................................................................49
Internal System Problems ..................................................................................................................50
CD-ROM and DVD Drive Problems......................................................................................50
DAT Drive Problems..............................................................................................................51
Diskette Drive Problems.........................................................................................................52
DLT Drive Problems ..............................................................................................................54
Fan Problems..........................................................................................................................56
Hard Drive Problems..............................................................................................................57
Memory Problems ..................................................................................................................59
PPM Problems........................................................................................................................62
Processor Problems.................................................................................................................62
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4 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
System Open Circuits and Short Circuits...........................................................................................63
External Device Problems..................................................................................................................64
Video Problems ......................................................................................................................64
Audio Problems ......................................................................................................................66
Printer Problems .....................................................................................................................66
Mouse and Keyboard Problems..............................................................................................66
Diagnostic Adapter Problems.................................................................................................67
Modem Problems....................................................................................................................68
Network Controller Problems.................................................................................................71
Software Problems 75
Introduction to Software Problems ....................................................................................................75
Operating Systems .............................................................................................................................75
Operating System Problems ...................................................................................................76
Operating System Updates .....................................................................................................77
Restoring to a Backed-Up Version.........................................................................................78
When to Reconfigure or Reload Software..............................................................................78
Linux Operating Systems .......................................................................................................79
Application Software Problems .........................................................................................................79
Software locks up ...................................................................................................................80
Errors occur after a software setting is changed .....................................................................80
Errors occur after the system software is changed..................................................................80
Errors occur after an application is installed...........................................................................80
Clustering Software............................................................................................................................81
Maintaining Current Drivers..............................................................................................................82
Remote ROM Flash Problems ...........................................................................................................83
General remote ROM flash problems are occurring...............................................................83
Command-line syntax error....................................................................................................84
Invalid or incorrect command-line parameters.......................................................................84
Access denied on target computer ..........................................................................................84
Network connection fails on remote communication .............................................................84
Failure occurs during ROM flash ...........................................................................................85
Target system is not supported ...............................................................................................85
Erasing the System.............................................................................................................................85
HP Resources for Troubleshooting 87
Online Resources ...............................................................................................................................87
HP website..............................................................................................................................87
Server documentation.............................................................................................................87
Service Notifications ..............................................................................................................88
Support on commercial online networks ................................................................................88
Care Pack................................................................................................................................89
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Diagnosing the Problem 5
Natural Language Search Assistant........................................................................................89
White Papers...........................................................................................................................89
Software Utilities and Option Resources ...........................................................................................89
Array Configuration Utility ....................................................................................................90
Array Diagnostic Utility .........................................................................................................90
BIOS Serial Console...............................................................................................................91
HP Insight Diagnostics ...........................................................................................................91
Integrated Lights-Out Technology..........................................................................................91
Integrated Management Display.............................................................................................92
Integrated Management Log...................................................................................................92
Management CD.....................................................................................................................93
Management Agents...............................................................................................................93
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays Utility.......................................................................93
ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack .........................................................................94
ProLiant Support Packs ..........................................................................................................94
Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II.....................................................................................94
Resource Paqs.........................................................................................................................94
ROM-Based Setup Utility.......................................................................................................95
StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools...................................................................................96
System Management Homepage ............................................................................................96
General Server Resources ..................................................................................................................96
Additional product information ..............................................................................................97
Device driver information.......................................................................................................97
External cabling information ..................................................................................................97
Fault tolerance, security, care and maintenance, configuration, and setup.............................97
Installation and configuration information for the server management system......................97
Installation and configuration information for the server setup software ...............................98
iLO information......................................................................................................................98
Key features, option part numbers..........................................................................................98
Management of the server ......................................................................................................98
Operating system installation and configuration information (for factory-installed operating
systems) ..................................................................................................................................98
Operating system integration with the server platform...........................................................98
Operating system version support...........................................................................................99
Overview of server features and installation instructions.......................................................99
Power capacity........................................................................................................................99
Registering the server .............................................................................................................99
Server configuration information............................................................................................99
Software installation and configuration of the server.............................................................99
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6 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Switch settings, LED functions, drive, memory, expansion board and processor installation
instructions, and board layouts .............................................................................................100
Server and option specifications, symbols, installation warnings, and notices.....................100
Teardown procedures, part numbers, specifications.............................................................100
Technical topics....................................................................................................................100
ADU Error Messages 101
Introduction to ADU Error Messages ..............................................................................................104
Accelerator Board not Detected.......................................................................................................104
Accelerator Error Log ......................................................................................................................105
Accelerator Parity Read Errors: X ...................................................................................................105
Accelerator Parity Write Errors: X ..................................................................................................105
Accelerator Status: Cache was Automatically Configured During Last Controller Reset...............105
Accelerator Status: Data in the Cache was Lost...............................................................................105
Accelerator Status: Dirty Data Detected has Reached Limit... ........................................................106
Accelerator Status: Dirty Data Detected..........................................................................................106
Accelerator Status: Excessive ECC Errors Detected in at Least One Cache Line... ........................106
Accelerator Status: Excessive ECC Errors Detected in Multiple Cache Lines................................107
Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data Detected ....................................................................................107
Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data was Discarded ...........................................................................107
Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data was Flushed (Written) to Drives ...............................................108
Accelerator Status: Permanently Disabled.......................................................................................108
Accelerator Status: Possible Data Loss in Cache.............................................................................108
Accelerator Status: Temporarily Disabled.......................................................................................108
Accelerator Status: Unrecognized Status.........................................................................................109
Accelerator Status: Valid Data Found at Reset................................................................................109
Accelerator Status: Warranty Alert..................................................................................................109
Adapter/NVRAM ID Mismatch.......................................................................................................109
Array Accelerator Battery Pack X not Fully Charged......................................................................110
Array Accelerator Battery Pack X Below Reference Voltage (Recharging) ...................................110
Board in Use by Expand Operation..................................................................................................110
Board not Attached ..........................................................................................................................110
Cache Has Been Disabled Because ADG Enabler Dongle is Broken or Missing............................111
Cache Has Been Disabled; Likely Caused By a Loose Pin on One of the RAM Chips...................111
Configuration Signature is Zero.......................................................................................................111
Configuration Signature Mismatch..................................................................................................111
Controller Communication Failure Occurred...................................................................................112
Controller Detected. NVRAM Configuration not Present ...............................................................112
Controller Firmware Needs Upgrading............................................................................................112
Controller is Located in Special "Video" Slot..................................................................................112
Controller Is Not Configured ...........................................................................................................113
Controller Reported POST Error. Error Code: X.............................................................................113
Controller Restarted with a Signature of Zero .................................................................................113
Disable Command Issued.................................................................................................................113
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Diagnosing the Problem 7
Drive (Bay) X Firmware Needs Upgrading .....................................................................................114
Drive (Bay) X has Insufficient Capacity for its Configuration ........................................................114
Drive (Bay) X has Invalid M&P Stamp...........................................................................................114
Drive (Bay) X Has Loose Cable ......................................................................................................114
Drive (Bay) X is a Replacement Drive ............................................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X is a Replacement Drive Marked OK ........................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X is Failed....................................................................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X is Undergoing Drive Recovery.................................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X Needs Replacing ......................................................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X Upload Code Not Readable......................................................................................116
Drive (Bay) X Was Inadvertently Replaced.....................................................................................116
Drive Monitoring Features Are Unobtainable..................................................................................116
Drive Monitoring is NOT Enabled for SCSI Port X Drive ID Y.....................................................117
Drive Time-Out Occurred on Physical Drive Bay X .......................................................................117
Drive X Indicates Position Y ...........................................................................................................117
Duplicate Write Memory Error........................................................................................................117
Error Occurred Reading RIS Copy from SCSI Port X Drive ID......................................................118
FYI: Drive (Bay) X is Third-Party Supplied....................................................................................118
Identify Controller Data did not Match with NVRAM....................................................................118
Identify Logical Drive Data did not Match with NVRAM ..............................................................119
Insufficient Adapter Resources........................................................................................................119
Inter-Controller Link Connection Could Not Be Established ..........................................................119
Less Than 75% Batteries at Sufficient Voltage................................................................................119
Less Than 75% of Batteries at Sufficient Voltage Battery Pack X Below Reference Voltage........120
Logical Drive X Failed Due to Cache Error ....................................................................................120
Logical Drive X Status = Failed.......................................................................................................120
Logical Drive X Status = Interim Recovery (Volume Functional, but not Fault Tolerant) .............121
Logical Drive X Status = Loose Cable Detected... ..........................................................................121
Logical Drive X Status = Overheated ..............................................................................................121
Logical Drive X Status = Overheating.............................................................................................121
Logical Drive X Status = Recovering (rebuilding data on a replaced drive) ...................................122
Logical Drive X Status = Wrong Drive Replaced............................................................................122
Loose Cable Detected - Logical Drives May Be Marked FAILED Until Corrected .......................122
Mirror Data Miscompare .................................................................................................................123
No Configuration for Array Accelerator Board ...............................................................................123
NVRAM Configuration Present, Controller not Detected ...............................................................123
One or More Drives is Unable to Support Redundant Controller Operation ...................................123
Other Controller Indicates Different Hardware Model ....................................................................124
Other Controller Indicates Different Firmware Version ..................................................................124
Other Controller Indicates Different Cache Size .............................................................................124
RIS Copies Between Drives Do Not Match.....................................................................................124
SCSI Port X Drive ID Y failed - REPLACE (failure message).......................................................125
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Firmware Needs Upgrading ....................................................................125
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Has Exceeded the Following Threshold(s) .............................................125
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8 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y is not Stamped for Monitoring ................................................................126
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y May Have a Loose Conncetion... ............................................................126
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y RIS Copies Within This Drive Do Not Match ........................................127
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y...S.M.A.R.T. Predictive Failure Errors Have Been Detected in the Factory
Monitor and Performance Data........................................................................................................127
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y...S.M.A.R.T. Predictive Failure Errors Have Been Detected in the Power
Monitor and Performance Data........................................................................................................127
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Was Replaced On a Good Volume: (failure message)............................128
Set Configuration Command Issued ................................................................................................128
Soft Firmware Upgrade Required ....................................................................................................128
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X has a Cabling Error (Bus Disabled)... .......................................128
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated a Door Alert... ...........................................................129
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated a Power Supply Failure.............................................129
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated an Overheated Condition... .......................................129
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X is Unsupported with its Current Firmware Version..................130
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the Fan Failed.....................................................130
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the Fan is Degraded............................................130
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the Fan Module is Unplugged............................130
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X - Wide SCSI Transfer Failed... .................................................131
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. A Configured Array of Drives.........................131
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. A Drive Rearrangement...................................132
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. An Unsupported Drive Arrangement Was
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. The Cables Appear To Be Interchanged..........133
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. The Configuration Information on the Attached
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. The Maximum Logical Volume Count X........134
System Board is Unable to Identify which Slots the Controllers are in...........................................134
This Controller Can See the Drives but the Other Controller Can't.................................................135
The Redundant Controllers Installed are not the Same Model.........................................................135
This Controller Can't See the Drives but the Other Controller Can.................................................136
Unable to Communicate with Drive on SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y...................................................136
Unable to Retrieve Identify Controller Data. Controller May be Disabled or Failed ......................136
Unknown Disable Code ...................................................................................................................137
Unrecoverable Read Error ...............................................................................................................137
Warning Bit Detected.......................................................................................................................137
WARNING - Drive Write Cache is Enabled on X ..........................................................................138
WARNING: Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated it is Operating in Single Ended Mode...138
Write Memory Error ........................................................................................................................138
Wrong Accelerator...........................................................................................................................139
POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 141
Introduction to POST Error Message...............................................................................................141
Non-Numeric Messages or Beeps Only...........................................................................................142
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Diagnosing the Problem 9
A Correctable Memory Error Occurred Prior to this Power-Up...........................................143
A Critical Error Occurred Prior to this Power-Up................................................................143
A Processor Thermal Event Occurred Prior to this Power Up, Processor X ........................144
Beeps Only, 2 Long, 2 Short ................................................................................................144
Beeps Only, 2 Long..............................................................................................................144
Critical Error Occurred Prior to this Power-Up....................................................................145
Critical Failure Detected - System Shutting Down in...........................................................145
Critical Fan Failure Detected - System Shutting Down System Halted ...............................145
Critical Fan Failure Detected - System Shutting Down in 5 Seconds System Halted ..........145
ECC Multiple Bit Error Detected in DIMM X .....................................................................146
ECC Multiple Bit Error Detected in DIMM/SIMM pair: DIMM X.....................................146
FATAL ROM ERROR: The System ROM is not Properly Programmed. ...........................146
Fixed Disk Parameter Table or BIOS Error. System Halted ................................................147
Initialization Failure. Re-seat the Processor and Processor Power Module Before Attempting
Replacement .........................................................................................................................147
Invalid Electronic Serial Number .........................................................................................147
Loss of Nonvolatile Configuration Memory.........................................................................148
Network Server Mode Active and No Keyboard Attached ..................................................148
No Keyboard Present............................................................................................................148
No SCSI Devices Detected...................................................................................................149
Non-System Disk or Disk Error............................................................................................149
Parity Check 2 ......................................................................................................................149
PCI User Definable Features Detected and Configured with Default Settings.....................150
Power Fault Detected in Hot-Plug PCI Slot X......................................................................150
Processor in Incorrect Socket. - System Halted!...................................................................150
Processor Packages do not Match.........................................................................................150
REDUNDANT ROM ERROR: Backup ROM Invalid. - ... .................................................151
REDUNDANT ROM ERROR: Bootblock Invalid. - ..........................................................151
RESUME - F1 key................................................................................................................151
(Run System Configuration Utility - F10 key) .....................................................................152
Unsupported Processor Detected System Halted..................................................................152
WARNING: A Type 2 Header PCI Device Has Been Detected..........................................152
100 Series.........................................................................................................................................152
101-ROM Error ....................................................................................................................154
101-I/O ROM Error..............................................................................................................154
101-Option ROM Checksum Error.......................................................................................154
102-System Board Error.......................................................................................................155
102-System Board Failure....................................................................................................155
102-System Board Failure, CMOS Test Failed. ...................................................................156
102-System Board Failure, DMA Test Failed ......................................................................156
102-System Board Failure, Timer Test Failed......................................................................157
102-System Board Failure. This is an Unrecoverable Error. Your Computer Needs Servicing157
104-ASR Timer Failure........................................................................................................158
105-Current System ROM is Corrupt - Now Booting Redundant System ROM .................158
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10 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
162-System Options Not Set ................................................................................................158
163-Time & Date Not Set.....................................................................................................159
163-Time & Date Not Set. The System Time is Invalid.......................................................159
164-Memory Size Error........................................................................................................159
164-Memory Size Error. The System Memory Size is Different from the Last Startup.......159
170-EISA Expansion Device Not Responding.....................................................................160
171-2-IRC Configuration Invalid .........................................................................................160
172-Configuration Non-volatile Memory Invalid.................................................................160
172-Default System Configuration Installed! Run System Configuration Utility to
View/Modify Settings...........................................................................................................161
172-System Configuration Nonvolatile Memory Invalid. Initialization Aborted.................161
172-1-Configuration NVRAM Invalid .................................................................................161
172-1-Configuration Non-volatile Memory Invalid .............................................................161
173-PCI Config Slot Mismatch ............................................................................................162
173-Slot ID Mismatch ..........................................................................................................162
174-Configuration/ Slot Mismatch Device Not Found.........................................................162
174-EISA Configuration Mismatch - Device not Found......................................................162
174-PCI Config Slot Mismatch - Not Found........................................................................163
175-Configuration/ Slot Mismatch Device Found................................................................163
175-PCI Configuration/Slot Mismatch Device Found..........................................................163
175-PCI User-Definable Features Detected and Configured with Default Settings.............163
176-EISA Slot Yields Valid ID ............................................................................................164
177-Configuration Not Complete .........................................................................................164
177-Controller Order Not Set Up .........................................................................................164
177-EISA Configuration Not Complete ...............................................................................164
178-Processor Configuration Invalid....................................................................................165
179-System Revision Mismatch...........................................................................................165
180-Log Reinitialized ...........................................................................................................165
180-Log Reinitialized Because Length Check Out of Bounds .............................................165
200 Series.........................................................................................................................................166
201-Memory Error................................................................................................................168
201-Memory Error. The Memory Test Performed During Startup Failed............................168
202-Memory Type Mismatch...............................................................................................169
203-Memory Address Error..................................................................................................169
205-Cache Memory error .....................................................................................................169
206-Cache Controller Error..................................................................................................170
207-ECC Corrected Single Bit Errors in DIMM in Memory Module Socket ......................170
207-ECC Corrected Single Bit Errors in DIMM/SIMM PAIR(s) in Memory Module
Socket(s) in Memory Module DIMM...................................................................................170
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Check DIMM Installation.........................................170
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Insufficient Timings on DIMMs...............................171
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in Board X, DIMM X..............171
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Memory within 2-DIMM Group(s) Not Utilized......171
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within DIMM Group ..............172
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within DIMM Group X...........172
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Diagnosing the Problem 11
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within DIMM Bank... .............172
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within DIMM Bank... .............172
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Only Registered SDRAM DIMMs Are Supported. ..173
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in Socket X..............................173
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM Socket X..................173
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM Socket X..................174
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM Socket X..................174
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM Socket X..................174
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - DIMMs Must be Installed Sequentially ....................175
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Incomplete Bank Detected in Bank X.......................175
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in Board X, DIMM X..............175
207-Invalid Memory Configuration, Bank X .......................................................................176
207-Memory Installation Error.............................................................................................176
207-Memory Configuration Warning - DIMM in DIMM Socket X does not have Primary
Width of 4 and Only Supports Standard ECC ......................................................................176
208-Invalid Memory Speed - Check DIMM Installation......................................................177
209-Memory Detection Failure. Check Memory Installation...............................................177
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank A Does Not Match Bank C ....................177
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank B Does Not Match Bank C ....................178
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank C Insufficient for Bank A.......................178
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank C Insufficient for Bank B.......................178
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank C is Invalid or by Itself ..........................179
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Board 1, Bank D is Invalid..............................179
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - No Valid Banks for Online Spare....................179
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Spare Bank is Invalid ......................................180
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Spare Bank is Invalid... ...................................180
209-Mirror Memory Configuration - DIMMs on Both Boards do not Match ......................180
209-Mirror Memory Configuration - Single-Board Mirror DIMMs do not Match ..............181
209-Mirror Memory Configuration - Board 2 Present in Single-Board Mirror....................181
211-Invalid Processor Board PPM installed, Module X.......................................................181
211-Invalid Processor PPM installed, Module X..................................................................181
211-Invalid Voltage Regulator Module Installed for Processor X .......................................182
212-Processor Failed, Processor X .......................................................................................182
212-System Processor Failed/Mapped out............................................................................182
213-Processor Disabled, Processor X...................................................................................182
214-DC-DC Converter Failed...............................................................................................183
214-Memory Device Failure. Error Code:X Memory Module DIMM:Y.............................183
214-Processor Board PPM Failed.........................................................................................183
214-Processor PPM Failed, Module X .................................................................................183
214-Processor PPM Failed, Processor Bus X.......................................................................184
215-Non-Functioning Voltage Regulator Module for Processor X......................................184
215-Processor PPM not Installed, Module ...........................................................................184
216-Processor Board PPM Has Lost Redundancy................................................................184
216-Processor PPM Has Lost Redundancy, Module X ........................................................185
216-Voltage Regulator Module for Processor X No Longer Redundant..............................185
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12 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
217-Unsupported Processor Detected...................................................................................185
218-Cache Accelerators Not Installed. System Halted.........................................................186
219-Tag Update Rules SRAM Failure. System Halted ........................................................186
219-Snoop Rules SRAM Failure. System Halted.................................................................186
220-Cache Accelerator Slot X Initialization Failed. System Halted.....................................186
221-Power Fault On Processor Bus X ..................................................................................187
222-Processor Bus Disabled, Processor Bus X.....................................................................187
252-Invalid Memory SPD Reading ......................................................................................187
253-Invalid Memory Cycle Time Reading...........................................................................187
254-Invalid Memory Revision Code ....................................................................................188
255-Invalid Memory CL2 Support .......................................................................................188
256-Invalid Memory TRP Reading ......................................................................................188
257-Invalid Memory TRRD Reading...................................................................................188
258-Invalid Memory TRCD Reading...................................................................................189
259-Invalid Memory TRAS Reading....................................................................................189
260-Invalid Memory Burst Length.......................................................................................189
261-Invalid Memory DIMM Configuration Type ................................................................189
262-Invalid Memory Refresh Rate Setting...........................................................................190
263-DIMM is Not Valid or Compatible ...............................................................................190
300 Series.........................................................................................................................................190
301-Keyboard Error..............................................................................................................190
301-Keyboard Error or Test Fixture Installed.......................................................................191
ZZ-301-Keyboard Error........................................................................................................191
303-Keyboard Controller Error ............................................................................................192
303-Keyboard Controller Error ............................................................................................192
304-Keyboard or System Unit Error.....................................................................................193
400 Series.........................................................................................................................................193
40X-Parallel Port X Address Assignment Conflict ..............................................................193
404-Parallel Port Address Conflict Detected........................................................................194
500 Series.........................................................................................................................................194
501-Display Adapter Failure ................................................................................................195
600 Series.........................................................................................................................................195
601-Diskette Controller Failed .............................................................................................195
601-Diskette Controller Error...............................................................................................196
601-Diskette Controller Error. The Drive is not Installed Correctly or Has Failed..............196
602-Diskette Boot Record Error...........................................................................................197
605-Diskette Drive Type Error.............................................................................................197
611-Primary Floppy Port Address Assignment Conflict ......................................................197
611-Primary Floppy Port Address Conflict..........................................................................198
800 Series.........................................................................................................................................198
800-Server Feature Board Must be Installed in Slot 1 for Proper Operation........................199
801-Server Feature Board is not Properly Cabled to the System..........................................199
802-Processor X is Missing or Terminator Board is not Present. System Halted.................200
803-Processor Speeds Must Match for System Operation. System Halted ..........................200
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Diagnosing the Problem 13
804-100MHz Memory is Incompatible. System Halted .......................................................201
805-Unsupported Processor Detected System will ONLY Boot ROMPAQ Utility.............201
805-The Bootstrap Processor is not the Lowest Stepping Processor in the System... ..........201
806-CMOS Has Been Reset. Please Power Off and Restore the Clear CMOS Switch
(SW2.2) ................................................................................................................................202
806-NVRAM Has Been Reset..............................................................................................203
807-The Password Has Been Cleared. Please Power Off and Restore the Clear Password
Switch (SW2.1) ....................................................................................................................204
807-The Setup Password is Cleared. Please Power Off and Restore the Clear Password
Switch (SW1.1) ....................................................................................................................204
900 Series.........................................................................................................................................205
912-The Computer Cover Has Been Removed Since Last System Startup..........................205
1100 Series.......................................................................................................................................205
1151-Com Port 1 Address Assignment Conflict...................................................................206
1151-COM Port 1 Address Conflict .....................................................................................206
1151-Serial Port A Address Conflict Detected.....................................................................206
1152-COM Port 2 Address Conflict .....................................................................................206
1152-COM Port 2, 3, or 4 Address Assignment Conflict.....................................................207
1152-Serial Port B Address Conflict Detected .....................................................................207
1153-COM Port 3 Address Conflict .....................................................................................207
1154-COM Port 4 Address Conflict .....................................................................................207
1155-Serial Port Address Conflict Detected.........................................................................208
1600 Series.......................................................................................................................................208
1610-Temperature Violation Detected. - Waiting 5 Minutes for System to Cool ................209
1610-Temperature Violation Detected. Waiting for System to Cool....................................210
1610-I/O Board Temperature Violation Detected ................................................................210
1611-Fan X Not Present .......................................................................................................210
1611-CPU Fan Failure Detected...........................................................................................211
1611-CPU Fan Not Present ..................................................................................................211
1611-CPU Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected .............................................................................211
1611-Critical Fan Failure Detected, System Fan X ..............................................................212
1611-Critical Fan Not Present, System Fan X......................................................................212
1611-Fan Failure Detected ...................................................................................................212
1611-Fan X Failure Detected................................................................................................213
1611-Front CPU Fan X Failure Detected .............................................................................213
1611-Front CPU Fan X Not Present.....................................................................................213
1611-I/O Fan Failure Detected .............................................................................................214
1611-I/O Fan Not Present.....................................................................................................214
1611-I/O Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected................................................................................214
1611-I/O Slot Fan X Not Present..........................................................................................215
1611-I/O Slot CPU Fan X Failure Detected .........................................................................215
1611-Power Supply Fan X Failure Detected ........................................................................215
1611-Power Supply Fan X Not Present................................................................................216
1611-Rear CPU Fan X Failure Detected ..............................................................................216
1611-Rear CPU Fan X Not Present......................................................................................216
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14 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1611-Redundant CPU Fan Failure Detected.........................................................................217
1611-Redundant CPU Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected ...........................................................217
1611-Redundant I/O Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected..............................................................217
1611-Redundant System Fan Failure (Fan X) Detected .......................................................217
1611-Slot Fan Failure Detected............................................................................................218
1611-System Fan Failure Detected.......................................................................................218
1611-System Fan Not Present...............................................................................................218
1612-Primary Power Supply Failure ....................................................................................219
1613-Low System Battery....................................................................................................219
1614-Redundant Fan Failure ................................................................................................219
1615-Power Supply Configuration Error..............................................................................220
1615-Power Supply Failure ..................................................................................................220
1615-Power Supply Failure, Power Supply Unplugged, or Power Supply Fan Failure in Bay
X ...........................................................................................................................................220
1616-Power Supply Configuration Failure...........................................................................220
1617-Fan Controller Not Responding...................................................................................221
1617-Fan Controller Not Responding. System Halted .........................................................221
1617-I/O Fan Controller Not Responding. System Halted ...................................................221
1617-CPU Fan Controller Not Responding. System Halted.................................................221
1618-PCI Slots Powered Down. Check PCI Hot-Plug Enabler Connectors.........................222
1618-PCI Slots Powered Down............................................................................................222
1618-AC Line Is Not Cord Redundant.................................................................................222
1619-Maximum Power Usage Was Exceeded......................................................................223
1619-Server Management Board Is In the Wrong Slot.........................................................223
1620-Locked SCSI Bus Detected. Verify SCSI Bus Cabling. System Halted......................223
1620-Fan Not Present ...........................................................................................................224
1621-Error - Power Supply Required with System Power Module......................................224
1621-Current SCSI Bus Cable Configuration Is Not Recommended...................................224
1622-Internal SCSI Jumper Board Not Installed..................................................................224
1623-System Battery Is Missing...........................................................................................225
1624-System Power Module Failed......................................................................................225
1625-Power Supply Failed ...................................................................................................225
1626-Power Supply Reported Error Status...........................................................................226
1627-System Power Module Reported Error Status.............................................................226
1700 Series.......................................................................................................................................226
1701-SCSI Controller Failure...............................................................................................229
1702-SCSI Cable Error Detected..........................................................................................229
1704-Unsupported Virtual Mode Disk Operation DOS Driver Required.............................230
1705-Locked SCSI Bus Detected .........................................................................................230
1711-Slot Z Drive Array - RAID ADG Logical Drive(s) Configured but Array Accelerator
Size <= 32 MB......................................................................................................................230
1712-Slot Z Drive Array - RAID 5 Logical Drive(s) Configured with 56 Drives, but Array
Accelerator Size <= 32 MB..................................................................................................231
1713-Slot z Drive Array Controller - Redundant ROM Reprogramming Failure... .............231
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Diagnosing the Problem 15
1714-Slot z Drive Array Controller - Redundant ROM Checksum Error... .........................231
1720-Slot X Drive Array - S.M.A.R.T. Hard Drive(s) Detect Imminent Failure SCSI: Port Y:
SCSI ID Z.............................................................................................................................232
1720-S.M.A.R.T. Hard Drive Detects Imminent Failure......................................................232
1721-Slot X Drive Array - Drive Parameter Tracking Predicts Imminent Failure... ............233
1722-Slot X Drive Array - Redundant Controller Pair Not Operating Redundantly............233
1723-Slot x Drive Array - To improve signal integrity... .....................................................234
1724-Slot X Drive Array - Physical Drive Position Change(s) Detected - ..........................234
1725-Slot X Drive Array-Optional SIMM Failure Detected................................................235
1726-Slot X Drive Array - Array Accelerator Memory Size Change Detected. - ... ............235
1727-Slot X Drive Array - New Logical Drive(s) Attachment Detected..............................235
1728-Drive Array-Abnormal Shut-Down Detected With Write-Cache ...............................236
1729-Slot 1 Drive Array - Performance Optimization Scan In Progress..............................236
1730-Fixed Disk 0 Does Not Support DMA Mode..............................................................237
1731-Fixed Disk 1 Does Not Support DMA Mode..............................................................237
1740-Fixed Disk 0 Failed Set Block Mode Command.........................................................237
1741-Fixed Disk 1 Failed Set Block Mode Command.........................................................237
1750-Fixed Disk X Failed ID Command..............................................................................238
1750-Fixed Disk X Failed Identify Command .....................................................................238
1753-Slot z Drive Array - Array Controller Maximum Operating Temperature Exceeded
During Previous Power Up...................................................................................................238
1754-Slot Z Drive Array - RAID ADG Drive(s) Configured but ADG Enabler Module is
Detached or Defective... .......................................................................................................238
1755-Slot Z Drive Array - ADG Enabler Module Appears to be Defective. Please Replace
ADG Enabler Module...........................................................................................................239
1756-Redundant Controllers Are Not the Same Model........................................................239
1757-Array Accelerator Daughterboard Incompatible with this Model Controller..............240
1758-Drive Array - Accelerator Size Mismatch Between Controllers... ..............................240
1759-Slot z Drive Array - Redundant Controller Error........................................................241
1760-Fixed Disk X Does Not Support Block Mode.............................................................241
1761-Fixed Disk 1 Does Not Support Block Mode..............................................................241
1762-Redundant Controller Operation is not Supported in this Firmware Version..............242
1763-Array Accelerator Daughtercard is Detached; Please Reattach...................................242
1764-Slot X Drive Array - Capacity Expansion Process is Temporarily Disabled... ...........242
1766-Slot X Drive Array Requires System ROM Upgrade. Run Systems ROMPaq Utility...243
1767-Slot X Drive Array Option ROM Is Not Programmed Correctly................................243
1768-Slot X Drive Array - Resuming Logical Drive Expansion Process.............................244
1769-Slot X Drive Array - Drive(s) Disabled Due to Failure During Capacity Expansion..244
1770-Slot X Drive Array - SCSI Drive Firmware Update Recommended - ........................245
1771-Primary Disk Port Address Assignment Conflict........................................................245
1772-Secondary Disk Port Address Assignment Conflict....................................................245
1773-Primary Fixed Disk Port Assignment Conflict............................................................246
1774-Slot X Drive Array - Obsolete Data Found in Array Accelerator ...............................246
1775-Slot X Drive Array - ProLiant Storage System Not Responding SCSI Port Y: ..........246
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16 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1776-Slot X Drive Array - SCSI Bus Termination Error_GenericTSG_POST Error Message247
1776-Drive Array Reports Improper SCSI Port 1 Cabling...................................................247
1777-Slot X Drive Array - ProLiant Drive Storage Enclosure Problem Detected................248
1778-Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery Process.........................................249
1779-Slot X Drive Array - Replacement drive(s) detected OR previously failed drive(s) now
1780-Disk 0 Failure..............................................................................................................250
1781-Disk 1 Failure..............................................................................................................250
1782-Disk Controller Failure................................................................................................250
1783-Slot X Drive Array Controller Failure.........................................................................251
1783-Intelligent Drive Array Controller Failure...................................................................251
1784-Slot X Drive Array Drive Failure. The Following SCSI Drive(s) Should Be Replaced:
SCSI Port Y: SCSI ID Z .......................................................................................................251
1785-Slot X Drive Array Not Configured... .........................................................................252
1786-Slot 1 Drive Array Recovery Needed..........................................................................253
1786-Slot 1 Drive Array Recovery Needed. Automatic Data Recovery Previously Aborted!...253
1787-Drive Array Operating in Interim Recovery Mode... ..................................................254
1788-Slot X Drive Array Reports Incorrect Drive Replacement..........................................255
1789-Slot X Drive Array SCSI Drive(s) Not Responding....................................................255
1790-Disk X Configuration Error.........................................................................................257
1791-Disk 1 Error.................................................................................................................257
1792-Drive Array Reports Valid Data Found in Array Accelerator.....................................257
1792-Secondary Disk Controller Failure..............................................................................258
1793-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Battery Depleted - Data Lost. (Error message 1794
also displays.) .......................................................................................................................258
1794-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Battery Charge Low................................................258
1795-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Configuration Error.................................................259
1796-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Not Responding.......................................................259
1797-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Read Error Occurred... ............................................259
1798-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Write Error or Self-Test Error Occurred.................260
1799-Drive Array - Drive(s) Disabled Due to Array Accelerator Data Loss... ....................260
1800 Series.......................................................................................................................................261
1800-Temperature Alert .......................................................................................................261
1801-Microcode Patch Error... .............................................................................................261
Event List Error Messages 263
Introduction to Event List Error Messages ......................................................................................263
A CPU Power Module (System Board, Socket X)...........................................................................264
ASR Lockup Detected: Cause..........................................................................................................265
Automatic Operating System Shutdown Initiated Due to Fan Failure.............................................265
Automatic Operating System Shutdown Initiated Due to Overheat Condition................................265
Blue Screen Trap: Cause [NT].........................................................................................................265
Corrected Memory Error Threshold Passed (Slot X, Memory Module Y)......................................266
EISA Expansion Bus Master Timeout (Slot X)... ............................................................................266
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Diagnosing the Problem 17
PCI Bus Error (Slot X, Bus Y, Device Z, Function X) ....................................................................266
Processor Correctable Error Threshold Passed (Slot X, Socket Y)..................................................266
Processor Uncorrectable Internal Error (Slot X, Socket Y) .............................................................267
Real-Time Clock Battery Failing.....................................................................................................267
System AC Power Overload (Power Supply X) ..............................................................................267
System AC Power Problem (Power Supply X)................................................................................267
System Fan Failure (Fan X, Location).............................................................................................267
System Fans Not Redundant............................................................................................................268
System Overheating (Zone X, Location) .........................................................................................268
System Power Supplies Not Redundant...........................................................................................268
System Power Supply Failure (Power Supply X) ............................................................................268
Unrecoverable Host Bus Data Parity Error......................................................................................268
Uncorrectable Memory Error (Slot X, Memory Module Y)... .........................................................269
Contacting HP 269
Contacting HP Technical Support or Authorized Reseller...............................................................269
Server Information You Need..........................................................................................................270
Operating System Information You Need ............................................................................271
Acronyms and Abbreviations 279
Index 283
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Diagnosing the Problem
In This Section
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................19
This Edition ..................................................................................................................................20
Important Safety Information .......................................................................................................20
Preparing the Server for Diagnosis...............................................................................................24
Symptom Information...................................................................................................................25
Diagnostic Steps ...........................................................................................................................26
This section covers the steps to take to diagnose a problem quickly.
To effectively troubleshoot a problem, HP recommends that you start with the
first flowchart in this section, "Start Diagnosis Flowchart (on page 26
)," and
follow the appropriate diagnostic path. If the other flowcharts do not provide a
troubleshooting solution, follow the diagnostic steps in "General Diagnosis
Flowchart (on page 29
)." The General Diagnosis flowchart is a generic
troubleshooting process to be used when the problem is not server-specific or is
not easily categorized into the other flowcharts.
IMPORTANT: This guide provides information for multiple servers.
Some information may not apply to the server you are troubleshooting.
Refer to the server documentation for information on procedures,
hardware options, software tools, and operating systems supported by
the server.
WARNING: To avoid potential problems, ALWAYS read
the warnings and cautionary information in the server
documentation before removing, replacing, reseating, or modifying
system components.
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20 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
This Edition
This edition of the HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide only supports
servers compatible with SmartStart version 6.0 and higher.
Other servers are supported by a previous version of this guide. Refer to the
server product page on the HP website (http://www.hp.com
Important Safety Information
Familiarize yourself with the safety information in the following sections before
troubleshooting the server.
Important Safety Information
Before servicing this product, read the Important Safety Information document
provided with the server.
Symbols on Equipment
The following symbols may be placed on equipment to indicate the presence of
potentially hazardous conditions.
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Diagnosing the Problem 21
This symbol indicates the presence of hazardous
energy circuits or electric shock hazards. Refer all servicing to
qualified personnel.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury from electric shock
hazards, do not open this enclosure. Refer all maintenance,
upgrades, and servicing to qualified personnel.
This symbol indicates the presence of electric
shock hazards. The area contains no user or field serviceable
parts. Do not open for any reason.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury from electric shock
hazards, do not open this enclosure.
This symbol on an RJ-45 receptacle indicates a
network interface connection.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock, fire, or damage to
the equipment, do not plug telephone or telecommunications
connectors into this receptacle.
This symbol indicates the presence of a hot surface
or hot component. If this surface is contacted, the potential for
injury exists.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury from a hot component,
allow the surface to cool before touching.
These symbols, on power supplies or
systems, indicate that the equipment is supplied by multiple
sources of power.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury from electric shock,
remove all power cords to completely disconnect power from the
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22 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
weight in kg
weight in lb
This symbol indicates that the component exceeds
the recommended weight for one individual to
handle safely.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury or
damage to the equipment, observe local
occupational health and safety requirements and
guidelines for manual material handling.
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Diagnosing the Problem 23
Warnings and Cautions
WARNING: Only authorized technicians trained by HP
should attempt to repair this equipment. All troubleshooting and
repair procedures are detailed to allow only subassembly/module-
level repair. Because of the complexity of the individual boards
and subassemblies, no one should attempt to make repairs at the
component level or to make modifications to any printed wiring
board. Improper repairs can create a safety hazard.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury or
damage to the equipment, be sure that:
The leveling jacks are extended to the floor.
The full weight of the rack rests on the leveling jacks.
The stabilizing feet are attached to the rack if it is a single-rack
The racks are coupled together in multiple-rack installations.
Only one component is extended at a time. A rack may become
unstable if more than one component is extended for any
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage
to the equipment:
Do not disable the power cord grounding plug. The grounding
plug is an important safety feature.
Plug the power cord into a grounded (earthed) electric outlet
that is easily accessible at all times.
Unplug the power cord from the power supply to disconnect
power to the equipment.
Do not route the power cord where it can be walked on or
pinched by items placed against it. Pay particular attention to
the plug, electric outlet, and the point where the cord extends
from the server.
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24 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
46-109 kg
100-240 lb
WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury or
damage to the equipment:
Observe local occupation health and safety
requirements and guidelines for manual
material handling.
Obtain adequate assistance to lift and stabilize
the chassis during installation or removal.
The server is unstable when not fastened to the
When mounting the server in a rack, remove the
power supplies, the media/power supply
drawer, the processor/memory drawer, and all
System Power Modules to reduce the overall
weight of the product.
CAUTION: To properly ventilate the system, you must provide
at least 7.6 cm (3.0 in) of clearance at the front and back of the server.
CAUTION: The server is designed to be electrically grounded
(earthed). To ensure proper operation, plug the AC power cord into a
properly grounded AC outlet only.
Preparing the Server for Diagnosis
1. Be sure the server is in the proper operating environment with adequate
power, air conditioning, and humidity control. Refer to the server
documentation (on page 87
) for required environmental conditions.
2. Record any error messages displayed by the system.
3. Remove all diskettes and CDs from the media drives.
4. Power down the server and peripheral devices if you will be diagnosing the
server offline. Always perform an orderly shutdown if possible. This means
you must:
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Diagnosing the Problem 25
a. Exit any applications.
b. Exit the operating system.
c. Power down the server.
5. Disconnect any peripheral devices not required for testing (any devices not
necessary to power up the server). Do not disconnect the printer if you want
to use it to print error messages.
6. Collect all tools and utilities, such as a Torx screwdriver, loopback adapters,
ESD wrist strap, and software utilities, necessary to troubleshoot the
You must have the appropriate Health Drivers and Management Agents
installed on the server.
NOTE: To verify the server configuration, connect to the System
Management Homepage (on page 96) and select Version Control Agent
(VCA). The VCA gives you a list of names and versions of all installed
HP drivers, Management Agents, and utilities, and whether they are up
to date.
HP recommends you have access to the SmartStart CD for value-added
software and drivers required during the troubleshooting process.
HP recommends you have access to the server documentation (on page
) for server-specific information.
Symptom Information
Before troubleshooting a server problem, collect the following information:
What events preceded the failure? After which steps does the problem occur?
What has been changed between the time the server was working and now?
Did you recently add or remove hardware or software? If so, did you
remember to change the appropriate settings in the server setup utility, if
Has the server exhibited problem symptoms for a period of time?
If the problem occurs randomly, what is the duration or frequency?
To answer these questions, the following information may be useful:
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26 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Run the Survey Utility ("Management CD" on page 93) and compare what
has changed (for servers running Microsoft® Windows NT®, Linux, or
Novell NetWare operating systems)
Refer to your hardware and software records for information
Diagnostic Steps
To effectively troubleshoot a problem, HP recommends that you start with the
first flowchart in this section, "Start Diagnosis Flowchart (on page 26
)," and
follow the appropriate diagnostic path. If the other flowcharts do not provide a
troubleshooting solution, follow the diagnostic steps in "General Diagnosis
Flowchart (on page 29)." The General Diagnosis flowchart is a generic
troubleshooting process to be used when the problem is not server-specific or is
not easily categorized into the other flowcharts.
The available flowcharts include:
Start Diagnosis Flowchart (on page 26
General Diagnosis Flowchart (on page 29
Power-On Problems Flowchart (on page 31)
POST Problems Flowchart (on page 34)
OS Boot Problems Flowchart (on page 36)
Server Fault Indications Flowchart (on page 39
The number contained in parentheses in the flowchart boxes corresponds to a
table with references to other detailed documents or troubleshooting instructions.
Start Diagnosis Flowchart
Use the following flowchart to start the diagnostic process.
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Diagnosing the Problem 27
Item Refer to
1 "General Diagnosis Flowchart (on page 29)"
2 "Power-On Problems Flowchart (on page 31)"
3 "POST Problems Flowchart (on page 34)"
4 "OS Boot Problems Flowchart (on page 36)"
5 "Server Fault Indications Flowchart (on page 39)"
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28 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
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Diagnosing the Problem 29
General Diagnosis Flowchart
The General Diagnosis flowchart provides a generic approach to troubleshooting.
If you are unsure of the problem, or if the other flowcharts do not fix the
problem, use the following flowchart.
Item Refer to
1 "Symptom Information (on page 25)"
2 "Loose Connections (on page 46)"
3 "Service Notifications (on page 88)"
4 Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
5 Server user guide or setup and installation guide, located on
the Documentation CD or the HP website
6 Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
"Hardware Problems (on page 43
7 "Server Information You Need (on page 270)"
"Operating System Information You Need (on page 271
8 "Contacting HP Technical Support or Authorized Reseller (on
page 269
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30 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
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Diagnosing the Problem 31
Power-On Problems Flowchart
The server does not power on.
The system power LED is off or amber.
The external health LED is red or amber.
The internal health LED is red or amber.
NOTE: For the location of server LEDs and information on their
statuses, refer to the server documentation.
Possible causes:
Improperly seated or faulty power supply
Loose or faulty power cord
Power source problem
Power on circuit problem
Improperly seated component or interlock problem
Faulty internal component
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32 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Item Refer to
1 Server user guide or setup and installation guide, located on
the Documentation CD or the HP website
2 "HP Insight Diagnostics (on page 91)"
3 "Loose Connections (on page 46)"
4 Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
5 "Integrated Management Log (on page 92)"
6 "Power Source Problems (on page 43)"
7 "Power Supply Problems (on page 44)"
Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
8 "System Open Circuits and Short Circuits (on page 63)"
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Diagnosing the Problem 33
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34 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
POST Problems Flowchart
Server does not complete POST
NOTE: The server has completed POST when the system attempts to
access the boot device.
Server completes POST with errors
Possible Problems:
Improperly seated or faulty internal component
Faulty KVM device
Faulty video device
Item Refer to
1 "POST Error Messages ("POST Error Messages and Beep
Codes" on page 141
2 "Video Problems (on page 64)"
3 KVM or RILOE documentation
4 "Loose Connections (on page 46)"
5 Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
6 Server user guide or setup and installation guide, located on
the Documentation CD or the HP website
7 "Hardware Problems (on page 43)"
Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
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Diagnosing the Problem 35
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36 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
OS Boot Problems Flowchart
Server does not boot a previously installed operating system
Server does not boot SmartStart
Possible Causes:
Corrupted operating system
Hard drive subsystem problem
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Diagnosing the Problem 37
Item Refer to
1 HP ROM-Based Setup Utility User Guide
2 "POST Problems ("POST Problems Flowchart" on page 34)"
3 "Hard Drive Problems (on page 57)"
Controller documentation
4 "HP Insight Diagnostics (on page 91)"
5 "Loose Connections (on page 46)"
"CD-ROM and DVD Drive Problems (on page 50)"
Controller documentation
6 Server user guide or setup and installation guide, located on
the Documentation CD or the HP website
7 "Operating System Problems (on page 76)"
"Contacting HP Technical Support or Authorized Reseller
(on page 269
8 "Hardware Problems (on page 43)"
Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
9 "General Diagnosis Flowchart (on page 29)"
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38 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
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Diagnosing the Problem 39
Server Fault Indications Flowchart
Server boots, but a fault event is reported by Insight Management Agents (on
page 93
Server boots, but the internal health LED or external health LED is red or
NOTE: For the location of server LEDs and information on their
statuses, refer to the server documentation.
Possible causes:
Improperly seated or faulty internal or external component
Unsupported component installed
Redundancy failure
System overtemperature condition
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40 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Item Refer to
1 "Management Agents (on page 93)"
2 • "Integrated Management Log (on page 92)"
"Event List Error Messages (on page 263
3 Server user guide or setup and installation guide, located on
the Documentation CD or the HP website
4 System Management Homepage at https://localhost:2381
5 "Power-On Problems ("Power-On Problems Flowchart" on page
6 "Hard Drive Problems (on page 57)"
Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
7 "HP Insight Diagnostics (on page 91)"
8 "Hardware Problems (on page 43)"
Server maintenance and service guide, located on the
Documentation CD or the HP website
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Diagnosing the Problem 41
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Hardware Problems
In This Section
Power Problems............................................................................................................................43
General Hardware Problems.........................................................................................................45
Internal System Problems.............................................................................................................50
System Open Circuits and Short Circuits .....................................................................................63
External Device Problems ............................................................................................................64
Power Problems
In This Section
Power Source Problems................................................................................................................43
Power Supply Problems................................................................................................................44
UPS Problems...............................................................................................................................44
Power Source Problems
1. Press the Power On/Standby button to be sure it is on. If the server has a
Power On/Standby button that returns to its original position after being
pressed, be sure you press the switch firmly.
2. Plug another device into the grounded power outlet to be sure the outlet
works. Also, be sure the power source meets applicable standards.
3. Replace the power cord with a known functional power cord to be sure it is
not faulty.
4. Replace the power strip with a known functional power strip to be sure it is
not faulty.
5. Have a qualified electrician check the line voltage to be sure it meets the
required specifications.
6. Be sure the proper circuit breaker is in the On position.
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44 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Power Supply Problems
1. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
2. If the power supplies have LEDs, be sure they indicate that each power
supply is working properly. Refer to the server documentation. If LEDs
indicate a problem with a power supply, replace the power supply.
3. Be sure the system has enough power, particularly if you recently added
hardware, such as hard drives. Additional power supplies may be required.
Check the system information from the IML and use the server
documentation for product-specific information.
UPS Problems
In This Section
UPS is not working properly ........................................................................................................44
Low battery warning is displayed.................................................................................................45
One or more LEDs on the UPS is red...........................................................................................45
UPS is not working properly
1. Be sure the UPS batteries are charged to the proper level for operation. Refer
to the UPS documentation for details.
2. Be sure the UPS power switch is in the On position. Refer to the UPS
documentation for the location of the switch.
3. Be sure the UPS software is updated to the latest version. Use the Power
Management software located on the Power Management CD.
4. Be sure the correct power cord is the correct type for the UPS and the
country in which the server is located. Refer to the UPS reference guide for
5. Be sure the line cord is connected.
6. Be sure each circuit breaker is in the On position, or replace the fuse if
needed. If this occurs repeatedly, contact an authorized service provider.
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Hardware Problems 45
7. Check the UPS LEDs to be sure a battery or site wiring problem has not
occurred. Refer to the UPS documentation.
8. If the UPS sleep mode initiated, disable sleep mode for proper operation. The
UPS sleep mode can be turned off through the configuration mode on the
front panel.
9. Change the battery to be sure damage was not caused by excessive heat,
particularly if a recent air conditioning outage has occurred.
NOTE: The optimal operating temperature for UPS batteries is 25°C
(77°F). For approximately every 8°C to 10°C (16°F to 18°F) average
increase in ambient temperature above the optimal temperature, battery
life is reduced by 50 percent.
Low battery warning is displayed
1. Plug the UPS into an AC grounded outlet for at least 24 hours to charge the
batteries, and then test the batteries. Replace the batteries if necessary.
2. Be sure the alarm is set appropriately by changing the amount of time given
before a low battery warning. Refer to the UPS documentation for
One or more LEDs on the UPS is red
Action: Refer to the UPS documentation for instructions regarding the specific
LED to determine the cause of the error.
General Hardware Problems
In This Section
Loose Connections .......................................................................................................................46
Problems with New Hardware......................................................................................................46
Unknown Problem........................................................................................................................48
Third-Party Device Problems .......................................................................................................48
Testing the Device........................................................................................................................49
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46 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Loose Connections
Be sure all power cords are securely connected.
Be sure all cables are properly aligned and securely connected for all external
and internal components.
Remove and check all data and power cables for damage. Be sure no cables
have bent pins or damaged connectors.
If a fixed cable tray is available for the server, be sure the cords and cables
connected to the server are correctly routed through the tray.
Be sure each device is properly seated.
If a device has latches, be sure they are completely closed and locked.
Check any interlock or interconnect LEDs that may indicate a component is
not connected properly.
If problems continue to occur, remove and reinstall each device, checking the
connectors and sockets for bent pins or other damage.
Problems with New Hardware
1. Refer to the server documentation to be sure the hardware being installed is a
supported option on the server. Remove unsupported hardware.
2. Refer to the release notes included with the hardware to be sure the problem
is not caused by a last minute change to the hardware release. If no
documentation is available, refer to the HP support website
3. Be sure the new hardware is installed properly. Refer to the device, server,
and operating system documentation to be sure all requirements are met.
Common problems include:
Incomplete population of a memory bank
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Hardware Problems 47
Installation of a processor without a corresponding PPM
Installation of a SCSI device without termination or without proper ID
Setting of an IDE device to Master/Slave when the other device is set to
Cable Select
Connection of the data cable, but not the power cable, of a new device
4. Be sure no memory, I/O, or interrupt conflicts exist.
5. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
6. Be sure all cables are connected to the correct locations and are the correct
lengths. For more information, refer to the server documentation.
7. Be sure other components were not unseated accidentally during the
installation of the new hardware component.
8. Be sure all necessary software updates, such as device drivers, ROM updates,
and patches, are installed and current. For example, if you are using a Smart
Array controller, you need the latest Smart Array Controller device driver.
9. Be sure all device drivers are the correct ones for the hardware. Uninstall any
incorrect drivers before installing the correct drivers.
10. Run RBSU after boards or other options are installed or replaced to be sure
all system components recognize the changes. If you do not run the utility,
you may receive a POST error message indicating a configuration error.
After you check the settings in RBSU, save and exit the utility, and then
restart the server. Refer to the HP ROM-Based Setup Utility User Guide for
more information.
11. Be sure all switch settings are set correctly. For additional information about
required switch settings, refer to the labels located on the inside of the server
access panel or the server documentation.
12. Be sure all boards are properly installed in the server.
13. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) to see if it
recognizes and tests the device.
14. Uninstall the new hardware.
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48 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Unknown Problem
1. Disconnect power to the server.
2. Following the guidelines and cautionary information in the server
documentation, strip the server to its most basic configuration by removing
every card or device that is not necessary to start the server. Keep the
monitor connected to view the server startup process.
3. Reconnect power, and then power the system on.
If the video does not work, refer to "Video Problems (on page 64
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
If the system fails in this minimum configuration, one of the primary
components has failed. If you have already verified that the processor,
PPM, power supply, and memory are working before getting to this
point, replace the system board. If not, be sure each of those components
is working.
If the system boots and video is working, add each component back to
the server one at a time, restarting the server after each component is
added to determine if that component is the cause of the problem. When
adding each component back to the server, be sure to disconnect power
to the server and follow the guidelines and cautionary information in the
server documentation.
Third-Party Device Problems
1. Refer to the server and operating system documentation to be sure the server
and operating system support the device.
2. Be sure the latest device drivers ("Maintaining Current Drivers" on page 82
are installed.
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Hardware Problems 49
3. Refer to the device documentation to be sure the device is properly installed.
For example, a third-party PCI board may be required to be installed on the
primary PCI bus.
Testing the Device
1. Uninstall the device.
If the server works with the device removed and uninstalled, either a problem
exists with the device, the server does not support the device, or a conflict
exists with another device.
2. If the device is the only device on a bus, be sure the bus works by installing a
different device on the bus.
3. Restarting the server each time to determine if the device is working, move
the device:
a. To a different slot on the same bus.
b. To a PCI slot on a different bus.
c. To the same slot in another working server of the same or similar design.
If the board works in any of these slots, either the original slot is bad or the
board was not properly seated. Reinsert the board into the original slot to
4. If you are testing a board (or a device that connects to a board):
a. Test the board with all other boards removed.
b. Test the server with only that board removed.
CAUTION: Clearing NVRAM deletes your configuration
information. Refer to your server documentation for complete
instructions before performing this operation or data loss could occur.
5. Clearing NVRAM can resolve various problems. Clear the NVRAM, but do
not use the backup .SCI file if prompted. Have available any .CFG, .OVL, or
.PCF files that are required.
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50 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Internal System Problems
In This Section
CD-ROM and DVD Drive Problems............................................................................................50
DAT Drive Problems....................................................................................................................51
Diskette Drive Problems...............................................................................................................52
DLT Drive Problems ....................................................................................................................54
Fan Problems................................................................................................................................56
Hard Drive Problems....................................................................................................................57
Memory Problems ........................................................................................................................59
PPM Problems..............................................................................................................................62
Processor Problems.......................................................................................................................62
CD-ROM and DVD Drive Problems
In This Section
System does not boot from the drive............................................................................................50
Data read from the drive is inconsistent, or drive cannot read data..............................................51
Drive is not detected.....................................................................................................................51
System does not boot from the drive
1. Be sure the drive boot order in RBSU is set so that the server boots from the
CD-ROM drive first.
2. If the CD-ROM drive jumpers are set to Cable Select (the factory default), be
sure the CD-ROM drive is installed as device 0 on the cable so that it is in
position for the server to boot from the drive.
3. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
4. Be sure the media from which you are attempting to boot is not damaged and
is a bootable CD.
5. If attempting to boot from a USB CD-ROM drive:
Refer to the operating system and server documentation to be sure both
support booting from a USB CD-ROM drive.
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Hardware Problems 51
Be sure legacy support for a USB CD-ROM drive is enabled in RBSU.
Data read from the drive is inconsistent, or drive cannot read data
1. Clean the drive and media.
2. If a paper or plastic label has been applied to the surface of the CD or DVD
in use, remove the label and any adhesive residue.
3. Be sure the inserted CD or DVD format is valid for the drive. For example,
be sure you are not inserting a DVD into a drive that only supports CDs.
Drive is not detected
1. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
2. Refer to the drive documentation to be sure cables are connected as required.
3. Be sure the cables are working properly. Replace with known functional
cables to test whether the original cables were faulty.
4. Be sure the correct, current driver is installed.
DAT Drive Problems
In This Section
Sense error codes are displayed....................................................................................................51
DAT drive error or failure occurs.................................................................................................52
DAT drive is providing poor performance...................................................................................52
Latest firmware indicates a defective tape, or head clogs occur regularly ...................................52
Other errors are occurring.............................................................................................................52
Sense error codes are displayed
Action: Refer to the Troubleshooting DAT Drives white paper for information on
DAT drive sense error codes. Search for it on the HP website
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52 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
DAT drive error or failure occurs
1. Be sure drivers, software, and firmware are upgraded to the latest revisions.
2. Clean the drive at least four times to be sure that the heads are clean and to
eliminate dirty heads as the possible cause of the failure.
DAT drives require cleaning every 8 to 25 hours of use or they may fail
intermittently when using marginal or bad media. Be sure you are following
the proper cleaning procedures described in the device and server
NOTE: New DAT tapes may contain debris that will contaminate the
DAT drive read/write head. If using new tapes for backup, clean the
DAT drive frequently.
DAT drive is providing poor performance
Action: Be sure the drive is not being used to backup more data than is
recommended for the drive. DAT drives are designed with optimum and
maximum data backup sizes. Refer to the drive documentation to determine the
appropriate data backup size for the drive.
Latest firmware indicates a defective tape, or head clogs occur regularly
Action: Replace the tape.
Other errors are occurring
Action: Replace the drive.
Diskette Drive Problems
In This Section
Diskette drive light stays on .........................................................................................................53
A problem has occurred with a diskette transaction.....................................................................53
Diskette drive cannot read a diskette............................................................................................53
Drive is not found.........................................................................................................................53
Non-system disk message is displayed.........................................................................................53
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Hardware Problems 53
Diskette drive cannot write to a diskette.......................................................................................53
Diskette drive light stays on
1. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
2. Be sure the diskette is not damaged. Run the diskette utility on the diskette
(CHKDSK on some systems).
3. Be sure the diskette is properly inserted. Remove the diskette and reinsert
correctly into the drive.
4. Be sure the diskette drive is cabled properly. Refer to the server
A problem has occurred with a diskette transaction
Action: Be sure the directory structure on the diskette is not bad. Run the diskette
utility to check for fragmentation (CHKDSK on some systems).
Diskette drive cannot read a diskette
1. If the diskette is not formatted, format the diskette.
2. Check the type of drive you are using and be sure you are using the correct
diskette type.
Drive is not found
Action: Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist with the drive.
Non-system disk message is displayed
Action: Remove the non-system diskette from the drive.
Diskette drive cannot write to a diskette
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54 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1. If the diskette is not formatted, format the diskette.
2. Be sure the diskette is not write protected. If it is, use another diskette or
remove the write protection.
3. Be sure you are attempting to write to the proper drive by checking the drive
letter in the path statement.
4. Be sure enough space is available on the diskette.
DLT Drive Problems
In This Section
Server cannot write to tape ...........................................................................................................54
DLT drive failure occurs ..............................................................................................................55
DLT drive does not read tape .......................................................................................................55
Server cannot find the DLT drive.................................................................................................55
An error occurs during backup, but the backup is completed ......................................................56
Server cannot write to tape
If the drive cleaning light is on, clean the drive.
NOTE: DLT cleaning cartridges are good for only 20 uses. If the
cleaning cartridge is near that limit and the drive cleaning light is still on
after running the cleaning cartridge, use a new cleaning tape to clean
the drive.
If the tape is write protected, remove the write protection. If the tape still
does not work, insert another tape into the drive to see if the original tape is
Refer to the tape drive documentation to be sure the type of tape being used
is supported by the drive.
Check each tape cartridge that has been used in the drive to verify its
condition and inspect its tape leader to verify it is not damaged and is in the
correct position. After you locate any bad cartridges, dispose of them. A
working tape drive may drop its leader when using bad cartridges, indicating
that they need replacing. If bad cartridges are found, you will need to inspect
the DLT drives leader assembly.
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Hardware Problems 55
To examine the cartridge take-up leader, tilt the cartridge receiver door
on the front of the drive and look inside to see that the drive leader is
connected to the buckling link-hook.
To examine the drive take-up leader, tilt the cartridge receiver door on
the front of the drive and look inside to see that the drive leader is
connected to the buckling link-hook, which should be engaged in the
leader slot.
DLT drive failure occurs
Be sure the power and signal cables are properly connected.
Be sure the power and signal cable connectors are not damaged.
If the drive is connected to a nonembedded controller, be sure the controller
is properly seated.
DLT drive does not read tape
Be sure the drive is seated.
Be sure the drive is installed properly.
Check each tape cartridge that has been used in the drive to see if a leader
was dropped. After you locate any bad cartridges, dispose of them. A
working tape drive will drop the leader of a bad cartridge, indicating that the
cartridge needs replacing.
Refer to the tape drive documentation to be sure the type of tape being used
is supported by the drive.
Server cannot find the DLT drive
Be sure a device conflict does not exist. Check for duplicate SCSI IDs in use
and refer to the documentation of the DLT drive and the array controller to
be sure they are compatible.
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56 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Be sure the maximum number of drives per controller has not been exceeded.
Refer to the controller documentation to determine the capacity of the
NOTE: It is recommended that no more than two DLT drives per bus
If using an external DLT drive that requires a SCSI terminator to be secured
to the unused SCSI IN connector on the back of the drive, be sure the SCSI
terminator is connected.
DLT drives can be daisy chained, but do not connect more than three units
per SCSI controller. The last DLT drive in the chain requires the SCSI
Check cables for damaged or bent connectors.
An error occurs during backup, but the backup is completed
Action: Contact the software vendor for more information about the message. If
the error does not disrupt the backup, you may be able to ignore the error.
Fan Problems
In This Section
General fan problems are occurring .............................................................................................56
Hot-plug fan problems are occurring............................................................................................57
General fan problems are occurring
1. Be sure the fans are properly seated and working.
a. Follow the procedures and warnings in the server documentation for
removing the access panels and accessing and replacing fans.
b. Unseat, and then reseat, each fan according to the proper procedures.
c. Replace the access panels, and then attempt to restart the server.
2. Be sure the fan configuration meets the functional requirements of the server.
Refer to the server documentation.
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Hardware Problems 57
3. Be sure no ventilation problems exist. If you have been operating the server
for an extended period of time with the access panel removed, airflow may
have been impeded, causing thermal damage to components. Refer to the
server documentation for further requirements.
4. Be sure no POST error messages ("POST Error Messages and Beep Codes"
on page 141
) are displayed while booting the server that indicate temperature
violation or fan failure information. Refer to the server documentation for the
temperature requirements for the server.
5. Access the IML to see if any event list error messages (on page 263
) are
listed relating to fans.
6. Replace any required non-functioning fans and restart the server. Refer to the
server documentation for specifications on fan requirements.
7. Be sure all fan slots have fans or blanks installed. Refer to the server
documentation for requirements.
8. Verify the fan airflow path is not blocked by cables or other material.
Hot-plug fan problems are occurring
1. Check the LEDs to be sure the hot-plug fans are working. Refer to the server
documentation for LED information.
NOTE: For servers with redundant fans, backup fans may spin up
periodically to test functionality. This is part of normal redundant fan
2. Be sure no POST error messages ("POST Error Messages and Beep Codes"
on page 141
) are displayed.
3. Be sure hot-plug fan requirements are being met. Refer to the server
Hard Drive Problems
In This Section
System completes POST but hard drive fails ...............................................................................58
Hard drive is not recognized by the server ...................................................................................58
You are unable to access data.......................................................................................................59
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58 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Server response time is slower than usual ....................................................................................59
No hard drives are recognized......................................................................................................59
A new hard drive is not recognized..............................................................................................59
System completes POST but hard drive fails
1. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
2. Be sure no device conflict exists.
3. Be sure the hard drive is properly cabled and terminated if necessary.
4. Be sure the SCSI cable is working by replacing it with a known functional
5. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
Hard drive is not recognized by the server
1. Check the LEDs on the hard drive to be sure they indicate normal function.
Refer to the server documentation or the HP website for information on hard
drive LEDs.
2. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
3. Remove the hard drive and be sure the configuration jumpers are set
4. If using an array controller, be sure the hard drive is configured in an array.
Run the array configuration utility.
5. Be sure the drive is properly configured. Refer to the drive documentation to
determine the proper configuration.
6. If it is a non-hot-plug drive, be sure a conflict does not exist with another
hard drive. Check for SCSI ID conflicts.
7. Be sure the correct drive controller drivers are installed.
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Hardware Problems 59
You are unable to access data
1. Be sure the files are not corrupt. Run the repair utility for the operating
2. Be sure no viruses exist on the server. Run a current version of a virus scan
Server response time is slower than usual
Action: Be sure the hard drive is not full, and increase the amount of free space
on the hard drive, if needed. It is recommended that hard drives should have a
minimum of 15 percent free space.
No hard drives are recognized
Action: Be sure no power problems (on page 43
) exist.
A new hard drive is not recognized
1. Be sure the drive bay is not defective by installing the hard drive in another
2. If the drive has just been added, be sure the drive is supported. Refer to the
server documentation or the HP website to determine drives support.
3. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
Memory Problems
In This Section
General memory problems are occurring .....................................................................................60
Server is out of memory ...............................................................................................................60
Memory count error exists............................................................................................................60
Server fails to recognize existing memory ...................................................................................61
Server fails to recognize new memory .........................................................................................61
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60 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
General memory problems are occurring
Be sure the memory meets the server requirements and is installed as
required by the server. Some servers may require that memory banks be fully
populated or that all memory within a memory bank must be the same size,
type, and speed. Refer to the server documentation to determine if the
memory is installed properly.
Check any server LEDs that correspond to memory slots.
If you are unsure which DIMM has failed, test each bank of DIMMs by
removing all other DIMMs. Then, isolate the failed DIMM by switching
each DIMM in a bank with a known working DIMM.
Remove any third-party memory.
Run Insight Diagnostics to test the memory.
Server is out of memory
1. Be sure the memory is configured properly. Refer to the application
documentation to determine the memory configuration requirements.
2. Be sure no operating system errors are indicated.
3. Be sure a memory count error ("Memory count error exists" on page 60
) did
not occur. Refer to the message displaying memory count during POST.
Memory count error exists
Possible Cause: The memory modules are not installed correctly.
1. Be sure the memory modules are supported by the server. Refer to the server
2. Be sure the memory modules have been installed correctly in the right
configuration. Refer to the server documentation.
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Hardware Problems 61
3. Be sure the memory modules are properly seated.
4. Be sure no operating system errors are indicated.
5. Restart the server and check to see if the error message is still displayed.
6. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
Server fails to recognize existing memory
1. Reseat the memory.
2. Be sure the memory is configured properly. Refer to the server
3. Be sure a memory count error ("Memory count error exists" on page 60
) did
not occur. Refer to the message displaying memory count during POST.
Server fails to recognize new memory
1. Be sure the memory is the correct type for the server and is installed
according to the server requirements. Refer to the server documentation or
HP website (http://www.hp.com
2. Be sure you have not exceeded the memory limits of the server or operating
system. Refer to the server documentation.
3. Be sure no Event List error messages (on page 263
) are displayed in the
IML. ("Integrated Management Log" on page 92
4. Be sure the memory is properly seated.
5. Be sure no conflicts are occurring with existing memory. Run the server
setup utility.
6. Test the memory by installing the memory into a known working server. Be
sure the memory meets the requirements of the new server on which you are
testing the memory.
7. Replace the memory. Refer to the server documentation.
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62 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
PPM Problems
Action: If the PPMs are not integrated on the system board:
CAUTION: Do not operate the server for long periods without
the access panel. Operating the server without the access panel results
in improper airflow and improper cooling that can lead to thermal
1. If applicable, check the PPM LEDs to identify if a PPM failure occurred. For
information on LEDs, refer to the server documentation.
2. Reseat each PPM, and then restart the server.
3. If reseating the PPMs is not effective, remove all but one PPM, restart the
server to see if the PPM is working, and then install each PPM individually,
cycling power each time. Follow the warnings and cautionary information in
the server documentation.
Processor Problems
1. If applicable, check the processor LEDs to identify if a PPM failure occurred.
For information on LEDs, refer to the server documentation.
2. Be sure each processor is supported by the server and is installed properly.
Refer to the server documentation for processor requirements.
3. Be sure the server ROM is up to date.
4. Be sure you are not mixing processor stepping, core speeds, or cache sizes if
this is not supported on the server. Refer to the server documentation for
more information.
CAUTION: Removal of the processor or heatsink renders the
thermal layer between the processor and heatsink useless. A new
heatsink must be ordered and installed before reinstalling the processor.
5. If the server has only one processor installed, replace it with a known
functional processor. If the problem is resolved after you restart the server,
the original processor failed.
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Hardware Problems 63
6. If the server has multiple processors installed, test each processor:
a. Remove all but one processor from the server. Replace each with a
processor terminator board or blank, if applicable to the server.
b. If the server includes PPMs that are not integrated on the system board,
remove all PPMs from the server except for the PPM associated with the
remaining processor.
c. Replace the remaining processor with a known functional processor. If
the problem is resolved after you restart the server, a fault exists with one
or more of the original processors. Install each processor and its
associated PPM (if applicable) one by one, restarting each time, to find
the faulty processor or processors. Be sure the processor configurations
at each step are compatible with the server requirements.
System Open Circuits and Short Circuits
CAUTION: Do not operate the server for long periods without
the access panel. Operating the server without the access panel results
in improper airflow and improper cooling that can lead to thermal
1. Check the server LEDs to see if any statuses indicate the source of the
problem. For LED information, refer to the server documentation.
2. Remove all power sources to the server.
3. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist in the area.
4. Be sure each component in the area is working. Refer to the section for each
component in this guide.
If you cannot determine the problem by checking the specific area, perform each
of the following actions. Restart the server after each action to see if the problem
has been corrected.
Reseat all I/O expansion boards.
Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist in the rest of the server,
particularly with the cables that connect to the system board.
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64 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Be sure no foreign material exists, such as screws, bits, or slot bracket
blanks, that may be short circuiting components.
External Device Problems
In This Section
Video Problems ............................................................................................................................64
Audio Problems............................................................................................................................66
Printer Problems ...........................................................................................................................66
Mouse and Keyboard Problems....................................................................................................66
Diagnostic Adapter Problems.......................................................................................................67
Modem Problems..........................................................................................................................68
Network Controller Problems.......................................................................................................71
Video Problems
In This Section
Screen is blank for more than 60 seconds after you power up the server.....................................64
Monitor does not function properly with energy saver features...................................................65
Video colors are wrong.................................................................................................................65
Slow-moving horizontal lines are displayed.................................................................................66
Screen is blank for more than 60 seconds after you power up the server
1. Power up the monitor and be sure the monitor light is on, indicating that the
monitor is receiving power.
2. Be sure the monitor power cord is plugged into a working grounded (earthed)
AC outlet.
3. Be sure the monitor is cabled to the intended server or KVM connection.
4. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
For rack-mounted servers, check the cables to the KVM switch and be
sure the switch is correctly set for the server. You may need to connect
the monitor directly to the server to be sure the KVM switch has not
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Hardware Problems 65
For tower-model servers, check the cable connection from the monitor to
the server, and then from the server to the power outlet.
5. Press any key, or type the password, and wait a few moments for the screen
to activate to be sure the energy saver feature is not in effect.
6. Be sure the video driver is current. Refer to the third-party video adapter
documentation for driver requirements.
7. Be sure a video expansion board, such as a Remote Insight Lights-Out
Edition board, has not been added to replace onboard video, making it seem
like the video is not working. Disconnect the video cable from the onboard
video, and then reconnect it to the video jack on the expansion board.
NOTE: All servers automatically bypass onboard video when a video
expansion board is present.
8. Press any key, or type the password, and wait a few moments for the screen
to activate to be sure the power-on password feature is not in effect. You can
also tell if the power-on password is enabled if a key symbol is displayed on
the screen when POST completes.
If you do not have access to the password, you must disable the power-on
password by using the Password Disable switch on the system board. Refer
to the server documentation.
9. If the video expansion board is installed in a PCI Hot Plug slot, be sure the
slot has power by checking the power LED on the slot. Refer to the server
10. Be sure the server and the operating system support the video expansion
Monitor does not function properly with energy saver features
Action: Be sure the monitor supports energy saver features, and if it does not,
disable the features.
Video colors are wrong
Be sure the 15-pin VGA cable is securely connected to the correct VGA port
on the server and to the monitor.
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66 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Be sure the monitor and any KVM switch are compatible with the VGA
output of the server.
Slow-moving horizontal lines are displayed
Action: Be sure magnetic field interference is not occurring. Move the monitor
away from other monitors or power transformers.
Audio Problems
Action: Be sure the server speaker is connected. Refer to the server
Printer Problems
In This Section
Printer does not print ....................................................................................................................66
Printer output is garbled ...............................................................................................................66
Printer does not print
1. Be sure the printer is powered up and online.
2. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
3. Be sure the correct printer drivers are installed.
Printer output is garbled
Action: Be sure the correct printer drivers are installed.
Mouse and Keyboard Problems
1. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist. If a KVM switching device
is in use, be sure the server is properly connected to the switch.
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Hardware Problems 67
For rack-mounted servers, check the cables to the switch box and be sure
the switch is correctly set for the server.
For tower-model servers, check the cable connection from the input
device to the server.
2. If a KVM switching device is in use, be sure all cables and connectors are the
proper length and are supported by the switch. Refer to the switch
3. Be sure the current drivers for the operating system are installed.
4. Be sure the device driver is not corrupted by replacing the driver.
5. Restart the system and check whether the input device functions correctly
after the server restarts.
6. Replace the device with a known working equivalent device (another similar
mouse or keyboard).
If the problem still occurs with the new mouse or keyboard, the
connector port on the system I/O board is defective. Replace the board.
If the problem no longer occurs, the original input device is defective.
Replace the device.
7. Be sure the keyboard or mouse is connected to the correct port. Determine
whether the keyboard lights flash at POST or the NumLock LED illuminates.
If not, change port connections.
8. Be sure the keyboard or mouse is clean.
Diagnostic Adapter Problems
NOTE: The Diagnostic Adapter is used only with ProLiant BL servers.
Action: If the Diagnostic Adapter does not have hot-plug functionality, be sure
you are not using a PS/2 keyboard or mouse. With a PS/2 keyboard or mouse, the
Diagnostic Adapter cannot be connected as a hot-plug device. Connect the
Diagnostic Adapter before booting the server, or switch to USB devices (if
supported) to use the Diagnostic Adapter hot-plug functionality.
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68 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Modem Problems
In This Section
No dial tone exists ........................................................................................................................68
Modem does not connect to another modem................................................................................68
No response occurs when you type AT commands......................................................................69
AT commands are not visible.......................................................................................................69
Data is displayed as garbled characters after the connection is established .................................69
Modem does not answer an incoming call ...................................................................................69
Modem disconnects while online .................................................................................................70
AT command initialization string is not working.........................................................................70
Connection errors are occurring ...................................................................................................70
You are unable to connect to an online subscription service........................................................71
You are unable to connect at 56 Kbps..........................................................................................71
No dial tone exists
1. Be sure the cables are plugged in as specified in the modem documentation.
2. Connect a working telephone directly to the wall jack, and then test the line
for dial tone.
3. If no dial tone is detected, the phone line is not working. Contact the local
telephone company and arrange to correct the problem.
Modem does not connect to another modem
1. Be sure a dial tone exists ("No dial tone exists" on page 68
2. Be sure the line is not in use at another extension before using it.
3. Be sure you are dialing the correct telephone number.
4. Be sure the modem on the other end is working.
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Hardware Problems 69
No response occurs when you type AT commands
Action: Reconfigure the COM port address for the modem.
1. Be sure the communications software is set to the COM port to which the
modem is connected.
2. Check IRQ settings in the software and on the modem to be sure no conflict
3. Type AT&F at the command prompt to reset the modem to factory-default
4. Be sure you are in terminal mode and not MS-DOS mode.
5. Refer to the HP website (http://www.hp.com
) for a complete list of AT
AT commands are not visible
Action: Set the echo command to On using the AT command ATE.
Data is displayed as garbled characters after the connection is established
1. Be sure both modems have the same settings, including speed, data, parity,
and stop bits.
2. Be sure the software is set for the correct terminal emulation.
a. Reconfigure the software correctly.
b. Restart the server.
c. Run the communications software, checking settings and making
corrections where needed.
d. Restart the server, and then reestablish the modem connection.
Modem does not answer an incoming call
1. Enable the auto-answer option in the communications software.
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70 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
2. Be sure an answering machine is not answering the line before the modem is
able to answer.
a. Turn off the answering machine.
Reconfigure the auto-answer option to respond in fewer rings than the
answering machine.
b. Restart the server, and then reattempt the connection.
Modem disconnects while online
1. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
2. Be sure no line interference exists. Retry the connection by dialing the
number several times. If conditions remain poor, contact the telephone
company to have the line tested.
3. Be sure an incoming call is not breaking the connection due to call waiting.
Disable call waiting, and then reestablish the connection.
AT command initialization string is not working
Action: Use the most basic string possible to perform the task. The default
initialization string is AT&F&C1&D2&K3.
Connection errors are occurring
1. Check the maximum baud rate for the modem to which you are connecting,
and then change the baud rate to match.
2. If the line you are accessing requires error control to be turned off, do so
using the AT command AT&Q6%C0.
3. Be sure no line interference exists. Retry the connection by dialing the
number several times. If conditions remain poor, contact the telephone
company to have the line tested.
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Hardware Problems 71
4. Be sure the modem is current and compliant with CCITT and Bell standards.
Replace with a supported modem if needed.
You are unable to connect to an online subscription service
1. If the line you are accessing requires error control to be turned off, do so
using the AT command AT&Q6%C0.
2. If the ISP you are accessing requires access at a decreased baud rate,
reconfigure the communications software to correct the connection baud rate
to match the ISP.
3. If this does not work, force a slower baud rate (14400 baud) with the
AT command AT&Q6N0S37=11.
You are unable to connect at 56 Kbps
1. Find out the maximum baud rate at which the ISP connects, and change the
settings to reflect this. Reattempt to connect at a lower baud rate.
2. Be sure no line interference exists. Retry the connection by dialing the
number several times. If conditions remain poor, contact the telephone
company to have the line tested.
Network Controller Problems
In This Section
Network controller is installed but not working...........................................................................72
Network controller has stopped working......................................................................................72
Network controller stopped working when an expansion board was added.................................73
Problems are occurring with the network interconnect blades.....................................................73
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72 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Network controller is installed but not working
1. Check the network controller LEDs to see if any statuses indicate the source
of the problem. For LED information, refer to the network controller
2. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
3. Be sure the network cable is working by replacing it with a known functional
4. Be sure a software problem has not caused failure. Refer to the operating
system documentation for guidelines on adding or replacing PCI Hot Plug
5. Be sure the server and operating system support the controller. Refer to the
server and operating system documentation.
6. Be sure the controller is enabled in RBSU.
7. Check the PCI Hot Plug power LED to be sure the PCI slot is receiving
8. Be sure the server ROM is up to date.
9. Be sure the controller drivers are up to date.
10. Be sure a valid IP address is assigned to the controller and that the
configuration settings are correct.
11. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
Network controller has stopped working
1. Check the network controller LEDs to see if any statuses indicate the source
of the problem. For LED information, refer to the network controller
2. Be sure the correct network driver is installed for the controller and that the
driver file is not corrupted. Reinstall the driver.
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Hardware Problems 73
3. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46) exist.
4. Be sure the network cable is working by replacing it with a known functional
5. Check the PCI Hot Plug power LED to be sure the PCI slot is receiving
6. Be sure the network controller is not damaged.
7. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
Network controller stopped working when an expansion board was added
1. Be sure no loose connections (on page 46
) exist.
2. Be sure the server and operating system support the controller. Refer to the
server and operating system documentation.
3. Be sure the new expansion board has not changed the server configuration,
requiring reinstallation of the network driver.
a. Uninstall the network controller driver for the malfunctioning controller
in the operating system.
b. Restart the server, run RBSU, and be sure the server recognizes the
controller and resources are available for the controller.
c. Restart the server, and then reinstall the network driver.
4. Refer to the operating system documentation to be sure the correct drivers
are installed.
5. Refer to the operating system documentation to be sure that the driver
parameters match the configuration of the network controller.
Problems are occurring with the network interconnect blades
Action: Be sure the network interconnect blades are properly seated and
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Software Problems
In This Section
Introduction to Software Problems...............................................................................................75
Operating Systems........................................................................................................................75
Application Software Problems....................................................................................................79
Clustering Software ......................................................................................................................81
Maintaining Current Drivers ........................................................................................................82
Remote ROM Flash Problems......................................................................................................83
Erasing the System .......................................................................................................................85
Introduction to Software Problems
The best sources of information for software problems are the operating system
and application software documentation, which may also point to fault detection
tools that report errors and preserve the system configuration.
Other useful resources include the Survey utility, available for servers running a
Microsoft® Windows®, Linux, or Novell NetWare operating system, and Insight
Manager 7. Use either utility to gather critical system hardware and software
information and to help with problem diagnosis.
IMPORTANT: This guide provides information for multiple servers.
Some information may not apply to the server you are troubleshooting.
Refer to the server documentation for information on procedures,
hardware options, software tools, and operating systems supported by
the server.
Refer to "Software and Option Resources ("Software Utilities and Option
Resources" on page 89
)" for more information.
Operating Systems
In This Section
Operating System Problems .........................................................................................................76
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76 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Operating System Updates ...........................................................................................................77
Restoring to a Backed-Up Version...............................................................................................78
When to Reconfigure or Reload Software....................................................................................78
Linux Operating Systems .............................................................................................................79
Operating System Problems
In This Section
Operating system locks up............................................................................................................76
Errors are displayed in the error log .............................................................................................76
Problems occur after the installation of a service pack ................................................................76
You are unable to bind NICs during the Protocols Interview with a Factory-Installed Novell
NetWare 5 operating system.........................................................................................................76
NetWare attempts to load MEGA4 XX.HAM or 120PCI.HAM during installation, and a RILOE
II board is installed .......................................................................................................................77
During installation of Sun Solaris, the system locks up or a panic error occurs ..........................77
Operating system locks up
Action: Scan for viruses with an updated virus scan utility.
Errors are displayed in the error log
Action: Follow the information provided in the error log, and then refer to the
operating system documentation.
Problems occur after the installation of a service pack
Action: Follow the instructions for updating the operating system ("Operating
System Updates" on page 77
You are unable to bind NICs during the Protocols Interview with a Factory-
Installed Novell NetWare 5 operating system
Action: Be sure the packet receive buffers are set high enough. Toggle over to
the console during the Protocols Interview and adjust these values to a higher
setting that allows you to bind the NICs. A minimum setting of 50 buffers per
port is recommended, and the maximum setting should be 125 more than the
minimum. To make the setting changes:
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Software Problems 77
1. Type the following commands at the System Console screen (where XXX is
the new numeric value):
Set Minimum Packet Receive Buffers=XXX
Set Maximum Packet Receive Buffers=XXX
2. Add the commands to the STARTUP.NCF file.
NOTE: When gigabit NICs are installed, the minimum buffers should be
set to at least 500, and the maximum to at least 2000.
NetWare attempts to load MEGA4 XX.HAM or 120PCI.HAM during installation, and
a RILOE II board is installed
Action: No action is required. This occurrence does not impact the installation of
During installation of Sun Solaris, the system locks up or a panic error occurs
Action: Disable ACPI support in Sun Solaris. Refer to the Sun website
) for documentation on how to disable ACPI.
Operating System Updates
Use care when applying operating system updates (Service Packs, hotfixes, and
patches). Before updating the operating system, read the release notes for each
update. If you do not require specific fixes from the update, it is recommended
that you do not apply the updates. Some updates overwrite files specific to HP.
If you decide to apply an operating system update:
1. Perform a full system backup.
2. Apply the operating system update, using the instructions provided.
3. Install the current drivers ("Maintaining Current Drivers" on page 82
If you apply the update and have problems, refer to the Software and Drivers
Download website (http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/server
) to find
files to correct the problems.
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78 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Restoring to a Backed-Up Version
If you recently upgraded the operating system or software and cannot resolve the
problem, you can try restoring a previously saved version of the system. Before
restoring the backup, make a backup of the current system. If restoring the
previous system does not correct the problem, you can restore the current set to
be sure you do not lose additional functionality.
Refer to the documentation provided with the backup software.
When to Reconfigure or Reload Software
If all other options have not resolved the problem, consider reconfiguring the
system. Before you take this step:
1. Weigh the projected downtime of a software reload against the time spent
troubleshooting intermittent problems. It may be advantageous to start over
by removing and reinstalling the problem software, or in some cases by using
the System Erase Utility and reinstalling all system software.
CAUTION: Perform a backup before running the System
Erase Utility. The utility sets the system to its original factory state,
deletes the current hardware configuration information, including array
setup and disk partitioning, and erases all connected hard drives
completely. Refer to the instructions for using this utility.
2. Be sure the server has adequate resources (processor speed, hard drive space,
and memory) for the software.
3. Be sure the server ROM is current and the configuration is correct.
4. Be sure you have printed records of all troubleshooting information you have
collected to this point.
5. Be sure you have two good backups before you start. Test the backups using
a backup utility.
6. Check the operating system and application software resources to be sure
you have the latest information.
7. If the last-known functioning configuration does not work, try to recover the
system with operating system recovery software:
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Software Problems 79
Microsoft® operating systems:
Windows® 2003—Automated System Recovery Diskette. If the
operating system was factory-installed, click Start>All
Programs>Accessories>System Tools to access the backup utility.
Refer to the operating system documentation for more information.
Windows® 2000—Emergency Repair Diskette. If the operating system
was factory-installed, click Start>Programs>System Tools to access
the Emergency Repair Disk Utility. Refer to the operating system
documentation for more information.
Novell NetWare—Repair traditional volumes with VREPAIR. On
NetWare 5.X systems, repair NSS volumes with the NSS menu
command, and on NetWare 6 systems, repair NSS volumes using the
NSS/PoolVerify command followed by the NSS/PoolRebuild
command, if necessary. Refer to the NetWare documentation for more
Caldera UnixWare and SCO OpenServer from Caldera—Emergency
boot diskette. Refer to the Caldera UnixWare or SCO OpenServer from
Caldera documentation for more information.
Sun Solaris—Device Configuration Assistant boot diskette. Refer to the
Solaris documentation for more information.
IBM OS/2—Power up the server from the startup diskettes. Refer to the
OS/2 documentation for more information.
Linux—Refer to the operating system documentation for information.
Linux Operating Systems
For troubleshooting information specific to Linux operating systems, refer to the
Linux for ProLiant website
Application Software Problems
In This Section
Software locks up .........................................................................................................................80
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80 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Errors occur after a software setting is changed...........................................................................80
Errors occur after the system software is changed .......................................................................80
Errors occur after an application is installed ................................................................................80
Software locks up
1. Check the application log and operating system log for entries indicating
why the software failed.
2. Check for incompatibility with other software on the server.
3. Check the support website of the software vendor for known problems.
4. Review log files for changes made to the server which may have caused the
5. Scan the server for viruses with an updated virus scan utility.
Errors occur after a software setting is changed
Action: Check the system logs to determine what changes were made, and then
change settings to the original configuration.
Errors occur after the system software is changed
Action: Change settings to the original configuration. If more than one setting
was changed, change the settings one at a time to isolate the cause of the
Errors occur after an application is installed
Check the application log and operating system log for entries indicating
why the software failed.
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Software Problems 81
Check system settings to determine if they are the cause of the error. You
may need to obtain the settings from the server setup utility and manually set
the software switches. Refer to the application documentation, the vendor
website, or both.
Check for overwritten files. Refer to the application documentation to find
out which files are added by the application.
Reinstall the application.
Be sure you have the most current drivers ("Maintaining Current Drivers" on
page 82
Clustering Software
If the server uses cluster software, such as Microsoft® Cluster Server or Novell
Cluster Services, refer to the documentation provided with the application for
cluster troubleshooting information. Check the Microsoft or Novell website for
software troubleshooting information and frequently asked questions.
Run the Cluster Monitor integrated with Insight Manager 7 to collect information
on cluster configurations.
Refer to the High Availability website
) for a number
of technical documents relating to clusters.
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82 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Maintaining Current Drivers
Depending on the operating system, drivers are available through individual
download or in packages. Refer to the Software and Drivers Download website
) or the SmartStart CD to find
these driver files.
IMPORTANT: Always perform a backup before installing or updating
device drivers.
NOTE: If you are installing drivers from the SmartStart CD, refer to the
SmartStart website (http://www.hp.com/servers/smartstart
) to be sure
that you are using the latest version of SmartStart. For more
information, refer to the documentation provided with your
SmartStart CD.
NOTE: To verify the server configuration, connect to the System
Management Homepage (on page 96
) and select Version Control Agent
(VCA). The VCA gives you a list of names and versions of all installed
HP drivers, Management Agents, and utilities, and whether they are up
to date.
Some driver packages are also available through ActiveUpdate
NOTE: ActiveUpdate can operate only on a system running a
Microsoft® Windows® operating system.
Microsoft® operating systems—PSPs are available for servers running
Microsoft® Windows® 2003, Windows NT® 4.0, and Windows Server
2003. SSDs are also available for other versions of Microsoft® Windows®
operating systems.
Novell NetWare—PSPs are available for servers running the latest versions
of Novell NetWare. SSDs are available for previous versions of the Novell
NetWare operating system.
Caldera UnixWare and SCO OpenServer from Caldera—EFSs are available
for servers running Caldera and SCO operating systems.
Sun Solaris—DUs are available for servers running the Sun Solaris operating
IBM OS/2—SSDs are available for systems running the IBM OS/2 operating
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Software Problems 83
Linux—PSPs are available for servers running the latest Linux versions. For
versions not supported by PSPs, drivers are available for individual
Remote ROM Flash Problems
In This Section
General remote ROM flash problems are occurring.....................................................................83
Command-line syntax error..........................................................................................................84
Invalid or incorrect command-line parameters.............................................................................84
Access denied on target computer................................................................................................84
Network connection fails on remote communication...................................................................84
Failure occurs during ROM flash .................................................................................................85
Target system is not supported .....................................................................................................85
General remote ROM flash problems are occurring
Action: Be sure you follow these requirements for using the Remote ROM flash
A local administrative client system that is running the Microsoft® Windows
NT® 4.0, Windows® 2000, or Windows® Server 2003 operating system
One or more remote servers with system ROMs requiring upgrade
An administrative user account on each target system. The administrative
account must have the same username and password as the local
administrative client system.
All target systems are connected to the same network and use protocols that
enable them to be seen from the administrative client.
Each target system has a system partition that is at least 32 MB in size
Verification that the ROM version to which you are upgrading can be used
for all the servers or array controllers that you are upgrading
Follow the instructions for the Remote ROM Flash procedure that
accompany the software
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84 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Command-line syntax error
If the correct command-line syntax is not used, an error message describing the
incorrect syntax is displayed and the program exits. Correct the syntax, and then
restart the process.
Invalid or incorrect command-line parameters
If incorrect parameters are passed into command-line options, an error message
describing the invalid or incorrect parameter is displayed and the program exits
(Example: Invalid source path for system configuration or ROMPaq files).
Correct the invalid parameter, and then restart the process.
Access denied on target computer
If you specify a networked target computer for which you do not have
administrative privileges, an error message is displayed describing the problem,
and then the program exits. Obtain administrative privileges for the target
computer, and then restart the process. Be sure the remote registry service is
running on a Windows®-based system.
Network connection fails on remote communication
Because network connectivity cannot be guaranteed, it is possible for the
administrative client to become disconnected from the target server during the
ROM flash preparation. If any remote connectivity procedure fails during the
ROM flash online preparation, the ROM flash does not occur for the target
system. An error message describing the broken connection displays and the
program exits. Attempt to ascertain and correct the cause of connection failure,
and then restart the process.
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Software Problems 85
Failure occurs during ROM flash
After the online flash preparation has been successfully completed, the system
ROM is flashed offline. The flash cannot be interrupted during this process or the
ROM image is corrupted and the server does not start. The most likely reason for
failure is a loss of power to the system during the flash process. Initiate ROMPaq
disaster recovery procedures.
Target system is not supported
If the target system is not listed in the supported servers list, an error message is
displayed and the program exits. Only supported systems can be upgraded using
the Remote ROM Flash utility. To see if the server is supported, refer to the
Software and Drivers Download website
Erasing the System
CAUTION: Perform a backup before running the System
Erase Utility. The utility sets the system to its original factory state,
deletes the current hardware configuration information, including array
setup and disk partitioning, and erases all connected hard drives
completely. Refer to the instructions for using this utility.
Run the System Erase Utility if you must erase the system for the following
You want to install a new operating system on a server with an existing
operating system.
You want to change the operating system selection.
You encounter a failure-causing error during the SmartStart installation.
You encounter an error when completing the steps of a factory-installed
operating system installation.
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86 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
The Erase Utility can be accessed from the Software and Drivers Download
website (http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/server
) or the Maintenance
Utilities menu of the SmartStart CD.
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HP Resources for Troubleshooting
In This Section
Online Resources..........................................................................................................................87
Software Utilities and Option Resources......................................................................................89
General Server Resources.............................................................................................................96
Online Resources
In This Section
HP website....................................................................................................................................87
Server documentation...................................................................................................................87
Service Notifications ....................................................................................................................88
Support on commercial online networks......................................................................................88
ActiveAnswers .............................................................................................................................88
Care Pack......................................................................................................................................89
Natural Language Search Assistant..............................................................................................89
PaqFax ..........................................................................................................................................89
White Papers.................................................................................................................................89
HP website
Troubleshooting tools and information, as well as the latest drivers and flash
ROM images, are available on the HP website (http://www.hp.com
Server documentation
Server documentation is the set of documents that ships with a server. Most
server documents are available as a PDF or a link on the Documentation CD.
Server documentation can also be accessed from the Reference Library website
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88 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Service Notifications
To find out the latest service notifications, refer to the HP website
). Select the appropriate server
model, and then click the Documentation link on the product page.
Support on commercial online networks
Refer to online forums to post questions to technical support or other HP users by
using the Message Base Feature, which is a standard on support forums found on
all three online networks. You can access HP utility files, drivers, software, and
other information related to HP.
Contact these Internet providers directly for more information:
America Online (http://www.aol.com
CompuServe (http://www.compuserve.com
Prodigy SBC (http://www.prodigy.com)
ActiveAnswers is an online solutions service that provides a set of tools, forums,
and information for HP servers. Refer to the ActiveAnswers website
ActiveUpdate is a Web-based application that provides information updates,
customer advisories, and proactive notification and delivery of the latest software
updates. For more information, refer to the ActiveUpdate website.
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HP Resources for Troubleshooting 89
Care Pack
Care Pack provides information on warranties and service and support upgrades.
Refer to the Care Pack website (http://www.hp.com/hps/carepack
Natural Language Search Assistant
The Natural Language Search Assistant (http://askq.compaq.com) is a search
engine that finds information on HP products, including ProLiant servers. The
search engine responds to queries entered in question form.
PaqFax provides technical, warranty, and support information transmitted by
facsimile (fax) machine. For more information, refer to the PaqFax website
TechNotes are electronic documentation on specific technical topics. Examples
of topics include network performance management, server management, and
operating system interconnectivity. Refer to the TechNotes website
White Papers
White papers are electronic documentation on complex technical topics. Some
white papers contain in-depth details and procedures. Topics include HP
products, HP technology, operating systems, networking products, and
performance. Refer to the Reference Library website
Software Utilities and Option Resources
In This Section
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90 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Array Configuration Utility..........................................................................................................90
Array Diagnostic Utility ...............................................................................................................90
BIOS Serial Console.....................................................................................................................91
HP Insight Diagnostics .................................................................................................................91
Integrated Lights-Out Technology ...............................................................................................91
Integrated Management Display...................................................................................................92
Integrated Management Log.........................................................................................................92
Management CD...........................................................................................................................93
Management Agents.....................................................................................................................93
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays Utility.............................................................................93
ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack ...............................................................................94
ProLiant Support Packs ................................................................................................................94
Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II...........................................................................................94
Resource Paqs...............................................................................................................................94
ROM-Based Setup Utility ............................................................................................................95
StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools.........................................................................................96
System Management Homepage ..................................................................................................96
Array Configuration Utility
ACU is a Web-based configuration utility available for some servers that makes
it easy to configure and expand the disk drive arrays. ACU is available on the
SmartStart CD ("SmartStart" on page 95
Array Diagnostic Utility
ADU is a Windows-based tool that collects information about array controllers
and generates a list of detected problems. For a list of error messages, refer to
"ADU Error Messages (on page 101
ADU can be accessed from the SmartStart CD ("SmartStart" on page 95
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HP Resources for Troubleshooting 91
BIOS Serial Console
Provided for some servers, this utility allows you to modify server configuration
settings, facilitating such functions as viewing system information, selecting the
operating system, and configuring system devices and installed options.
If BIOS Serial Console is supported by the server, access the utility by pressing
the F10 key when prompted during the boot process. Refer to the server
documentation and the HP BIOS Serial Console User Guide.
HP Insight Diagnostics
The HP Insight Diagnostics utility displays information about the server
hardware and tests the system to be sure it is operating properly. You can access
the utility from the SmartStart CD or from the HP website
For more information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant
Essentials Foundation Pack.
Integrated Lights-Out Technology
Integrated Lights-Out is a standard component of selected ProLiant servers that
provides server health and remote server manageability. The iLO subsystem
includes an intelligent microprocessor, secure memory, and a dedicated network
interface. This design makes iLO independent of the host server and its operating
system. The iLO subsystem provides remote access to any authorized network
client, sends alerts, and provides other server management functions.
Using iLO, you can:
Remotely power up, power down, or reboot the host server.
Send alerts from iLO regardless of the state of the host server.
Access advanced troubleshooting features through the iLO interface.
Diagnose iLO using Insight Manager 7 through a Web browser and SNMP
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92 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
For more information about iLO features, refer to the Integrated Lights-Out User
Guide on the Documentation CD or on the HP website
Integrated Management Display
The IMD is an informational LCD panel on the server that assists in diagnosing
and servicing the server without using a keyboard and monitor. The IML can be
viewed on the IMD.
Refer to the server documentation.
Integrated Management Log
The IML records hundreds of events and stores them in an easy-to-view form.
The IML timestamps each event with 1-minute granularity.
You can view recorded events in the IML in several ways, including the
From within Insight Manager 7
From within Survey Utility
From within operating system-specific IML viewers
For NetWare: IML Viewer
For Windows®: Event Viewer or IML Viewer
For Linux: IML Viewer Application
From within HP Insight Diagnostics
For more information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant
Essentials Foundation Pack.
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HP Resources for Troubleshooting 93
Management CD
The Management CD contains the latest tools available for easily managing the
server, such as Insight Manager 7, Management Agents, and Survey Utility.
Run the Management CD shipped with the server. Refer to the Management CD
user documentation as well as the ProLiant Server Management website
Management Agents
The server is equipped with the latest Management Agents, allowing easy
manageability of the server through Insight Manager 7 software, and third-party
SNMP management platforms. Management agents monitor key subsystems that
are instrumental in making health, configuration, and performance data available
to the agent software. The agents act upon that data by initiating alarms in the
event of faults. The agents also provide updated management information, such
as network interface or subsystem performance statistics, to the management
For additional information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant
Essentials Foundation Pack or the HP website
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays Utility
The ORCA utility is a hardware-level configuration program, embedded in the
option ROM of the controller, that creates logical drives based on the RAID
configuration that you specify.
If the ORCA utility is supported by the server, press the F8 key when prompted
during the boot process. Refer to the server documentation.
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94 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack
The Rapid Deployment Pack is an integrated HP and Altiris solution that
automates the process of deploying and provisioning server software. Refer to
the Rapid Deployment Pack website (http://www.hp.com/servers/rdp
ProLiant Support Packs
PSPs represent operating system specific bundles of ProLiant optimized drivers,
utilities, and management agents. Refer to the ProLiant Support Pack website
Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II
RILOE II allows browser access to servers through a hardware-based, operating
system-independent graphical remote console. Some of the features include
virtual diskette drive and power button, server management through any standard
browser, dedicated LAN connectivity, automatic network configuration, external
power backup, group administration, and functions available with the Remote
Insight Board.
Refer to the Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition User Guide.
Resource Paqs
Resource Paqs are operating system-specific packages of tools, utilities, and
information for HP servers running certain Microsoft® or Novell operating
systems. The Resource Paqs include utilities to monitor performance, software
drivers, customer support information, and whitepapers on the latest server
integration information. Refer to the Enterprise Partnerships website
), select Microsoft or Novell, depending
on the operating system, and follow the link to the appropriate Resource Paq.
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HP Resources for Troubleshooting 95
ROM-Based Setup Utility
RBSU is a ROM-based configuration utility that allows you to modify server
configuration settings. RBSU is machine-specific and customized for each type
of server. RBSU facilitates a wide range of configuration functions, including
displaying system information, selecting the operating system, and configuring
system devices and options.
If RBSU is supported by the server, access the utility by pressing the F9 key
when prompted during the boot process. Refer to the HP ROM-Based Setup
Utility User Guide or to the server documentation.
SmartStart is a software package that provides a streamlined process for the
installation of operating systems, and provides key system software, such as
drivers, utilities, diagnostic tools, and ROM updates. SmartStart also provides
automated methods for configuring server settings.
If SmartStart is supported by the server, access SmartStart by booting the server
with the SmartStart CD in the CD-ROM drive. Refer to the SmartStart user
documentation as well as the SmartStart website
SoftPaqs are software utilities (such as diagnostics and configuration utilities),
software upgrades, ROMPaqs (firmware upgrades), and fixes that resolve
software problems or provide workarounds. Refer to the Software and Drivers
Download website (http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/server
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96 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools
HP StorageWorks L&TT provides functionality for firmware downloads,
verification of device operation, maintenance procedures, failure analysis,
corrective service actions, and some utility functions. It also provides seamless
integration with HP hardware support by generating and emailing support tickets
that deliver a snapshot of the storage system.
For more information, and to download the utility, refer to the StorageWorks
L&TT website (http://h18006.www1.hp.com/products/storageworks/ltt
System Management Homepage
To access the System Management Homepage of a server, go to
https://localhost:2381 (https://localhost:2381
General Server Resources
In This Section
Additional product information....................................................................................................97
Device driver information ............................................................................................................97
External cabling information........................................................................................................97
Fault tolerance, security, care and maintenance, configuration, and setup ..................................97
Installation and configuration information for the server management system ...........................97
Installation and configuration information for the server setup software.....................................98
iLO information............................................................................................................................98
Key features, option part numbers................................................................................................98
Management of the server ............................................................................................................98
Operating system installation and configuration information (for factory-installed operating
systems) ........................................................................................................................................98
Operating system integration with the server platform ................................................................98
Operating system version support ................................................................................................99
Overview of server features and installation instructions.............................................................99
Power capacity..............................................................................................................................99
Registering the server ...................................................................................................................99
Server configuration information .................................................................................................99
Software installation and configuration of the server...................................................................99
Switch settings, LED functions, drive, memory, expansion board and processor installation
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HP Resources for Troubleshooting 97
instructions, and board layouts ...................................................................................................100
Server and option specifications, symbols, installation warnings, and notices ..........................100
Teardown procedures, part numbers, specifications...................................................................100
Technical topics..........................................................................................................................100
Additional product information
Refer to product information on the HP Servers website
Device driver information
Refer to driver information on the Software and Drivers website
External cabling information
Refer to cabling information on the HP Storage website
Fault tolerance, security, care and maintenance, configuration,
and setup
Refer to the server documentation and the server online reference guide on the
Documentation CD or on the Reference Library website
Installation and configuration information for the server
management system
Refer to the HP Insight Manager User Guide on the Management CD.
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98 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Installation and configuration information for the server setup
Refer to the server user guide on the Documentation CD, the server installation
poster shipped with the server, and the SmartStart installation poster (if the server
supports SmartStart) in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack.
iLO information
Refer to the HP Integrated Lights-Out User Guide on the Documentation CD or
the Remote Management website (http://www.hp.com/servers/lights-out
Key features, option part numbers
Refer to the QuickSpecs on the HP website (http://www.hp.com).
Management of the server
Refer to the HP Insight Manager User Guide on the Management CD.
Operating system installation and configuration information (for
factory-installed operating systems)
Refer to the factory-installed operating system installation documentation that
ships with the server.
Operating system integration with the server platform
Refer to the TechNotes on the TechNotes website
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HP Resources for Troubleshooting 99
Operating system version support
Refer to the operating system support matrix
Overview of server features and installation instructions
Refer to the server user guide on the Documentation CD or on the Reference
Library website (http://h18000.www1.hp.com/support/servers
Power capacity
Refer to the power calculator on the HP Enterprise Configurator website
Registering the server
To register a server, refer to the registration card in the HP ProLiant Essentials
Foundation Pack or the HP Registration website (http://register.hp.com
Server configuration information
Refer to the server user guide on the Documentation CD, the server installation
poster shipped with the server, and the SmartStart installation poster (if the server
supports SmartStart) in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack.
Software installation and configuration of the server
If the server supports SmartStart, refer to the SmartStart installation poster in the
HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack.
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100 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Switch settings, LED functions, drive, memory, expansion board
and processor installation instructions, and board layouts
Refer to the hood labels and the server user guide. The hood labels are inside the
access panels of the server, and the server user guide is on the Documentation
CD and the Reference Library website
Server and option specifications, symbols, installation
warnings, and notices
Refer to the server documentation and printed notices. Printed notices are
available in the Reference Information pack. Server documentation is on the
Documentation CD and the Reference Library website
Teardown procedures, part numbers, specifications
Refer to the maintenance and service guide on the Reference Library website
Technical topics
Refer to the white papers on the Reference Library website
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ADU Error Messages
In This Section
Introduction to ADU Error Messages.........................................................................................104
Accelerator Board not Detected .................................................................................................104
Accelerator Error Log.................................................................................................................105
Accelerator Parity Read Errors: X..............................................................................................105
Accelerator Parity Write Errors: X.............................................................................................105
Accelerator Status: Cache was Automatically Configured During Last Controller Reset .........105
Accelerator Status: Data in the Cache was Lost.........................................................................105
Accelerator Status: Dirty Data Detected has Reached Limit......................................................106
Accelerator Status: Dirty Data Detected.....................................................................................106
Accelerator Status: Excessive ECC Errors Detected in at Least One Cache Line... ..................106
Accelerator Status: Excessive ECC Errors Detected in Multiple Cache Lines... .......................107
Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data Detected...............................................................................107
Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data was Discarded......................................................................107
Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data was Flushed (Written) to Drives..........................................108
Accelerator Status: Permanently Disabled .................................................................................108
Accelerator Status: Possible Data Loss in Cache .......................................................................108
Accelerator Status: Temporarily Disabled..................................................................................108
Accelerator Status: Unrecognized Status....................................................................................109
Accelerator Status: Valid Data Found at Reset ..........................................................................109
Accelerator Status: Warranty Alert ............................................................................................109
Adapter/NVRAM ID Mismatch .................................................................................................109
Array Accelerator Battery Pack X not Fully Charged................................................................110
Array Accelerator Battery Pack X Below Reference Voltage (Recharging)..............................110
Board in Use by Expand Operation............................................................................................110
Board not Attached.....................................................................................................................110
Cache Has Been Disabled Because ADG Enabler Dongle is Broken or Missing......................111
Cache Has Been Disabled; Likely Caused By a Loose Pin on One of the RAM Chips.............111
Configuration Signature is Zero .................................................................................................111
Configuration Signature Mismatch ............................................................................................111
Controller Communication Failure Occurred.............................................................................112
Controller Detected. NVRAM Configuration not Present..........................................................112
Controller Firmware Needs Upgrading ......................................................................................112
Controller is Located in Special "Video" Slot............................................................................112
Controller Is Not Configured......................................................................................................113
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102 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Controller Reported POST Error. Error Code: X .......................................................................113
Controller Restarted with a Signature of Zero............................................................................113
Disable Command Issued ...........................................................................................................113
Drive (Bay) X Firmware Needs Upgrading................................................................................114
Drive (Bay) X has Insufficient Capacity for its Configuration ..................................................114
Drive (Bay) X has Invalid M&P Stamp .....................................................................................114
Drive (Bay) X Has Loose Cable.................................................................................................114
Drive (Bay) X is a Replacement Drive.......................................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X is a Replacement Drive Marked OK...................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X is Failed ..............................................................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X is Undergoing Drive Recovery...........................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X Needs Replacing.................................................................................................115
Drive (Bay) X Upload Code Not Readable ................................................................................116
Drive (Bay) X Was Inadvertently Replaced...............................................................................116
Drive Monitoring Features Are Unobtainable............................................................................116
Drive Monitoring is NOT Enabled for SCSI Port X Drive ID Y ...............................................117
Drive Time-Out Occurred on Physical Drive Bay X..................................................................117
Drive X Indicates Position Y......................................................................................................117
Duplicate Write Memory Error ..................................................................................................117
Error Occurred Reading RIS Copy from SCSI Port X Drive ID................................................118
FYI: Drive (Bay) X is Third-Party Supplied ..............................................................................118
Identify Controller Data did not Match with NVRAM ..............................................................118
Identify Logical Drive Data did not Match with NVRAM ........................................................119
Insufficient Adapter Resources ..................................................................................................119
Inter-Controller Link Connection Could Not Be Established ....................................................119
Less Than 75% Batteries at Sufficient Voltage..........................................................................119
Less Than 75% of Batteries at Sufficient Voltage Battery Pack X Below Reference Voltage ..120
Logical Drive X Failed Due to Cache Error...............................................................................120
Logical Drive X Status = Failed.................................................................................................120
Logical Drive X Status = Interim Recovery (Volume Functional, but not Fault Tolerant)........121
Logical Drive X Status = Loose Cable Detected........................................................................121
Logical Drive X Status = Overheated.........................................................................................121
Logical Drive X Status = Overheating .......................................................................................121
Logical Drive X Status = Recovering (rebuilding data on a replaced drive) .............................122
Logical Drive X Status = Wrong Drive Replaced......................................................................122
Loose Cable Detected - Logical Drives May Be Marked FAILED Until Corrected..................122
Mirror Data Miscompare............................................................................................................123
No Configuration for Array Accelerator Board..........................................................................123
NVRAM Configuration Present, Controller not Detected..........................................................123
One or More Drives is Unable to Support Redundant Controller Operation .............................123
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ADU Error Messages 103
Other Controller Indicates Different Hardware Model...............................................................124
Other Controller Indicates Different Firmware Version.............................................................124
Other Controller Indicates Different Cache Size........................................................................124
RIS Copies Between Drives Do Not Match ...............................................................................124
SCSI Port X Drive ID Y failed - REPLACE (failure message) .................................................125
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Firmware Needs Upgrading ..............................................................125
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Has Exceeded the Following Threshold(s)........................................125
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y is not Stamped for Monitoring...........................................................126
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y May Have a Loose Conncetion... ......................................................126
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y RIS Copies Within This Drive Do Not Match ..................................127
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y...S.M.A.R.T. Predictive Failure Errors Have Been Detected in the
Factory Monitor and Performance Data... ..................................................................................127
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y...S.M.A.R.T. Predictive Failure Errors Have Been Detected in the
Power Monitor and Performance Data... ....................................................................................127
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Was Replaced On a Good Volume: (failure message) ......................128
Set Configuration Command Issued...........................................................................................128
Soft Firmware Upgrade Required...............................................................................................128
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X has a Cabling Error (Bus Disabled)... .................................128
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated a Door Alert.........................................................129
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated a Power Supply Failure... ....................................129
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated an Overheated Condition.....................................129
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X is Unsupported with its Current Firmware Version... .........130
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the Fan Failed...............................................130
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the Fan is Degraded......................................130
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the Fan Module is Unplugged... ...................130
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X - Wide SCSI Transfer Failed...............................................131
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. A Configured Array of Drives... ................131
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. A Drive Rearrangement... ..........................132
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. An Unsupported Drive Arrangement Was
Attempted... ................................................................................................................................132
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. The Cables Appear To Be Interchanged....133
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. The Configuration Information on the
Attached Drives..........................................................................................................................133
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. The Maximum Logical Volume Count X...134
System Board is Unable to Identify which Slots the Controllers are in .....................................134
This Controller Can See the Drives but the Other Controller Can't ...........................................135
The Redundant Controllers Installed are not the Same Model...................................................135
This Controller Can't See the Drives but the Other Controller Can ...........................................136
Unable to Communicate with Drive on SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y.............................................136
Unable to Retrieve Identify Controller Data. Controller May be Disabled or Failed.................136
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104 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Unknown Disable Code..............................................................................................................137
Unrecoverable Read Error..........................................................................................................137
Warning Bit Detected .................................................................................................................137
WARNING - Drive Write Cache is Enabled on X.....................................................................138
WARNING: Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated it is Operating in Single Ended
Write Memory Error...................................................................................................................138
Wrong Accelerator .....................................................................................................................139
Introduction to ADU Error Messages
This section contains a complete alphabetical list of all ADU ("Array Diagnostic
Utility" on page 90
) error messages.
IMPORTANT: This guide provides information for multiple servers.
Some information may not apply to the server you are troubleshooting.
Refer to the server documentation for information on procedures,
hardware options, software tools, and operating systems supported by
the server.
WARNING: To avoid potential problems, ALWAYS read
the warnings and cautionary information in the server
documentation before removing, replacing, reseating, or modifying
system components.
Accelerator Board not Detected
Description: Array controller did not detect a configured array accelerator board.
Action: Install an array accelerator board on an array controller. If an array
accelerator board is installed, check for proper seating on the array controller
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ADU Error Messages 105
Accelerator Error Log
Description: List of the last 32 parity errors on transfers to or from the memory
on the array accelerator board. Displays starting memory address, transfer count,
and operation (read and write).
Action: If many parity errors are listed, you may need to replace the array
accelerator board.
Accelerator Parity Read Errors: X
Description: Number of times that read memory parity errors were detected
during transfers from memory on array accelerator board.
Action: If many parity errors occurred, you may need to replace the array
accelerator board.
Accelerator Parity Write Errors: X
Description: Number of times that write memory parity errors were detected
during transfers to memory on the array accelerator board.
Action: If many parity errors occurred, you may need to replace the array
accelerator board.
Accelerator Status: Cache was Automatically
Configured During Last Controller Reset
Description: Cache board was replaced with one of a different size.
Action: No action is required.
Accelerator Status: Data in the Cache was Lost...
...due to some reason other than the battery being discharged.
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106 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Description: Data in cache was lost, but not because of the battery being
Action: Be sure the array accelerator is properly seated. If the error persists, you
may need to replace the array accelerator.
Accelerator Status: Dirty Data Detected has Reached
...Cache still enabled, but writes no longer being posted.
Description: Number of cache lines containing dirty data that cannot be flushed
(written) to the drives has reached a preset limit. The cache is still enabled, but
writes are no longer being posted. This problem usually occurs when a problem
with the drive or drives occurs.
Action: Resolve the problem with the drive or drives. The controller can then
write the dirty data to the drives. Posted-writes operations are restored.
Accelerator Status: Dirty Data Detected...
...Unable to write dirty data to drives
Description: At least one cache line contains dirty data that the controller has
been unable to flush (write) to the drives. This problem usually occurs when a
problem with the drive or drives occurs.
Action: Resolve the problem with the drive or drives. The controller can then
write the dirty data to the drives.
Accelerator Status: Excessive ECC Errors Detected
in at Least One Cache Line...
...As a result, at least one cache line is no longer in use.
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ADU Error Messages 107
Description: At least one line in the cache is no longer in use due to excessive
ECC errors detected during use of the memory associated with that cache line.
Action: Consider replacing the cache. If cache replacement is not done, the
remaining cache lines generally continue to operate properly.
Accelerator Status: Excessive ECC Errors Detected
in Multiple Cache Lines...
...As a result, the cache is no longer in use.
Description: The number of cache lines experiencing excessive ECC errors has
reached a preset limit. Therefore, the cache has been shut down.
1. Reseat the cache to the controller.
2. If the problem persists, replace the cache.
Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data Detected
Description: During reset initialization, obsolete data was found in the cache due
to the drives being moved and written to by another controller.
Action: No action is required. The controller either writes the data to the drives
or discards the data completely.
Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data was Discarded
Description: During reset initialization, obsolete data was found in the cache,
and was discarded (not written to the drives).
Action: No action is required.
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108 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Accelerator Status: Obsolete Data was Flushed
(Written) to Drives
Description: During reset initialization, obsolete data was found in the cache.
The obsolete data was written to the drives, but newer data may have been
Action: If newer data was overwritten, you may need to restore newer data;
otherwise, normal operation should continue.
Accelerator Status: Permanently Disabled
Description: Array accelerator board has been permanently disabled. It will
remain disabled until it is reinitialized using ACU.
Action: Check the Disable Code field. Run ACU to reinitialize the array
accelerator board.
Accelerator Status: Possible Data Loss in Cache
Description: Possible data loss was detected during power-up due to all batteries
being below sufficient voltage level and no presence of the identification
signatures on the array accelerator board.
Action: No way exists to determine if dirty or bad data was in the cache and is
now lost.
Accelerator Status: Temporarily Disabled
Description: Array accelerator board has been temporarily disabled.
Action: Check the Disable Code field.
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ADU Error Messages 109
Accelerator Status: Unrecognized Status
Description: A status was returned from the array accelerator board that ADU
does not recognize.
Action: Obtain the latest version of ADU.
Accelerator Status: Valid Data Found at Reset
Description: Valid data was found in posted-write memory at reinitialization.
Data will be flushed to disk.
Action: No error or data loss condition exists. No action is required.
Accelerator Status: Warranty Alert
Description: Catastrophic problem exists with array accelerator board. Refer to
other messages on Diagnostics screen for exact meaning of this message.
Action: Replace the array accelerator board.
Adapter/NVRAM ID Mismatch
Description: EISA NVRAM has an ID for a different controller from the one
physically present in the slot.
Action: Run the server setup utility.
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110 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Array Accelerator Battery Pack X not Fully Charged
Description: Battery is not fully charged.
Action: If 75% of the batteries present are fully charged, the array accelerator is
fully operational. If more than 75% of the batteries are not fully charged, allow
36 hours to recharge them.
Array Accelerator Battery Pack X Below Reference
Voltage (Recharging)
Description: Battery pack on the array accelerator is below the required voltage
Action: Replace the array accelerator board if the batteries do not recharge
within 36 powered-on hours.
Board in Use by Expand Operation
Description: Array accelerator memory is in use by an expand operation.
Action: Operate the system without the array accelerator board until the expand
operation completes.
Board not Attached
Description: An array controller is configured for use with array accelerator
board, but one is not connected.
Action: Connect array accelerator board to array controller.
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ADU Error Messages 111
Cache Has Been Disabled Because ADG Enabler
Dongle is Broken or Missing
Description: The cache has been disabled because RAID ADG volume is
configured but the ADG Enabler Dongle is broken or missing.
Action: Check the ADG Enabler Dongle. Replace if needed.
Cache Has Been Disabled; Likely Caused By a Loose
Pin on One of the RAM Chips
Description: Cache has been disabled due to a large number of ECC errors
detected while testing the cache during POST. Likely caused by a loose pin on
one of the RAM chips.
Action: Try reseating the cache to the controller. If that does not work, replace
the cache.
Configuration Signature is Zero
Description: ADU detected that NVRAM contains a configuration signature of
zero. Old versions of the server setup utility could cause this.
Action: Run the latest version of server setup utility to configure the controller
and NVRAM.
Configuration Signature Mismatch
Description: Array accelerator board is configured for a different array
controller board. Configuration signature on array accelerator board does not
match the one stored on the array controller board.
Action: To recognize the array accelerator board, run ACU ("Array
Configuration Utility" on page 90
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112 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Controller Communication Failure Occurred
Description: Controller communication failure occurred. ADU was unable to
successfully issue commands to the controller in this slot.
1. Be sure all cables are properly connected and working.
2. Be sure the controller is working, and replace if needed.
Controller Detected. NVRAM Configuration not
Description: EISA NVRAM does not contain a configuration for this controller.
Action: Run the server setup utility to configure the NVRAM.
Controller Firmware Needs Upgrading
Description: Controller firmware is below the latest recommended version.
Action: Run Options ROMPaq to upgrade the controller to the latest firmware
Controller is Located in Special "Video" Slot
Description: Controller is installed in the slot for special video control signals. If
the controller is used in this slot, LED indicators on front panel may not function
Action: Install the controller into a different slot, and run the server setup utility
to configure NVRAM. Then, run ACU to configure the controller.
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ADU Error Messages 113
Controller Is Not Configured
Description: Controller is not configured. If the controller was previously
configured and you change drive locations, there may be a problem with
placement of the drives. ADU examines each physical drive and looks for drives
that have been moved to a different drive bay.
Action: Look for messages indicating which drives have been moved. If none are
displayed and drive swapping did not occur, run ACU ("Array Configuration
Utility" on page 90
) to configure the controller and server setup utility to
configure NVRAM. Do not run either utility if you believe drive swapping has
Controller Reported POST Error. Error Code: X
Description: The controller returned an error from its internal POST.
Action: Replace the controller.
Controller Restarted with a Signature of Zero
Description: ADU did not find a valid configuration signature to use to get the
data. NVRAM may not be present (unconfigured) or the signature present in
NVRAM may not match the signature on the controller.
Action: Run the server setup utility to configure the controller and NVRAM.
Disable Command Issued
Description: The issuing of the Accelerator Disable command has disabled
posted-writes. This occurred because of an operating system device driver.
Action: Restart the system. Run ACU ("Array Configuration Utility" on page 90
to reinitialize the array accelerator board.
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114 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Drive (Bay) X Firmware Needs Upgrading
Description: Firmware on this physical drive is below the latest recommended
Action: Run Options ROMPaq ("SoftPaqs" on page 95
) to upgrade the drive
firmware to the latest revision.
Drive (Bay) X has Insufficient Capacity for its
Description: Drive has insufficient capacity to be used in this logical drive
Action: Replace this drive with a larger capacity drive.
Drive (Bay) X has Invalid M&P Stamp
Description: Physical drive has invalid monitor and performance data.
Action: Run the server setup utility to properly initialize this drive.
Drive (Bay) X Has Loose Cable
Description: The array controller could not communicate with this drive at
power-up. This drive has not previously failed.
1. Be sure all cables are properly connected and working.
2. Power up the system and attempt to reconnect data/power cable to the drive.
3. If the problem persists, replace the cable.
4. If the problem persists, replace the drive.
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ADU Error Messages 115
Drive (Bay) X is a Replacement Drive
Description: This drive has been replaced. This message is displayed if a drive is
replaced in a fault-tolerant logical volume.
Action: If the replacement was intentional, allow the drive to rebuild.
Drive (Bay) X is a Replacement Drive Marked OK
Description: This drive has been replaced and marked OK by the firmware,
which may occur if a drive has an intermittent failure. For example, a drive has
previously failed, then starts working again when ADU is run.
Action: Replace the drive.
Drive (Bay) X is Failed
Description: The indicated physical drive has failed.
Action: Replace this drive.
Drive (Bay) X is Undergoing Drive Recovery
Description: This drive is being rebuilt from the corresponding mirror or parity
Action: No action is required.
Drive (Bay) X Needs Replacing
Description: The 210-MB hard drive has firmware version 2.30 or 2.31.
Action: Replace the drive.
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116 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Drive (Bay) X Upload Code Not Readable
Description: An error occurred while ADU was trying to read the upload code
information from this drive.
Action: If multiple errors occur, the drive may need to be replaced.
Drive (Bay) X Was Inadvertently Replaced
Description: The physical drive was incorrectly replaced after another drive
CAUTION: Do not run the server setup utility and try to
reconfigure, or data will be lost.
1. Replace the drive that was incorrectly replaced.
2. Replace the original drive that failed.
Drive Monitoring Features Are Unobtainable
Description: ADU is unable to get monitor and performance data due to fatal
command problem (such as drive time-out), or is unable to get data due to these
features not being supported on the controller.
Action: Check for other errors such as time-outs. If no other errors occur,
upgrade the firmware to a version that supports monitor and performance, if
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ADU Error Messages 117
Drive Monitoring is NOT Enabled for SCSI Port X
Drive ID Y
Description: The monitor and performance features have not been enabled on
this drive.
Action: Run the server setup utility to initialize the monitor and performance
Drive Time-Out Occurred on Physical Drive Bay X
Description: ADU issued a command to a physical drive and the command was
never acknowledged.
Action: The drive or cable may be bad. Check the other error messages on the
Diagnostics screen to determine resolution.
Drive X Indicates Position Y
Description: Message indicates a designated physical drive, which seems to be
scrambled or in a drive bay other than the one for which it was originally
Action: Examine the graphical drive representation on ADU to determine proper
drive locations. Remove drive X and place it in drive position Y. Rearrange the
drives according to the ADU instructions.
Duplicate Write Memory Error
Description: Data cannot be written to the array accelerator board in duplicate
due to the detection of parity errors. This is not a data-loss situation.
Action: Replace the array accelerator board.
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118 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Error Occurred Reading RIS Copy from SCSI Port X
Drive ID
Description: An error occurred while ADU was trying to read the RIS from this
Action: HP stores the hard drive configuration information in the RIS. If multiple
errors occur, the drive may need to be replaced.
FYI: Drive (Bay) X is Third-Party Supplied
Description: Third-party supplied the installed drive.
Action: If problems exist with this drive, replace it with a supported drive.
Identify Controller Data did not Match with NVRAM
Description: The controller identification data from the array controller does not
match with the information stored in NVRAM. This can occur if new, previously
configured drives are placed in a system that has also been previously
configured. It can also occur if the firmware on the controller has been upgraded
and the server setup utility was not.
Action: Run the Survey Utility to check the controller identification data. If the
firmware version field is the only difference between the controller and NVRAM
data, this is not a problem. Otherwise, run the server setup utility.
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ADU Error Messages 119
Identify Logical Drive Data did not Match with
Description: The identify unit data from the array controller does not match with
the information stored in NVRAM. This can occur if new, previously configured
drives have been placed in a system that has also been previously configured.
Action: Run the server setup utility to configure the controller and NVRAM.
Insufficient Adapter Resources
Description: The adapter does not have sufficient resources to perform posted-
write operations to the array accelerator board. Drive rebuild may be occurring.
Action: Operate the system without the array accelerator board until the drive
rebuild completes.
Inter-Controller Link Connection Could Not Be
Description: Unable to communicate over the link connecting the redundant
Action: Be sure both controllers are using the same hardware and firmware
revisions. If one controller failed, replace it.
Less Than 75% Batteries at Sufficient Voltage
Description: The operation of the array accelerator board has been disabled due
to less than 75% of the battery packs being at the sufficient voltage level.
Action: Replace the array accelerator board if the batteries do not recharge
within 36 powered-on hours.
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120 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Less Than 75% of Batteries at Sufficient Voltage
Battery Pack X Below Reference Voltage
Description: Battery pack on the array accelerator is below the required voltage
Action: Replace the array accelerator board if the batteries do not recharge
within 36 powered-on hours.
Logical Drive X Failed Due to Cache Error
Description: This logical drive failed due to a catastrophic cache error.
Action: Replace the array accelerator board and reconfigure using ACU.
Logical Drive X Status = Failed
Description: This status could be issued for several reasons:
Logical drive is configured for No Fault Tolerance, and one or more drives
Mirroring is enabled, and any two mirrored drives failed.
Data Guarding is enabled, and two or more drives failed.
Another configured logical drive is in the WRONG DRIVE REPLACED or
Action: Check for drive failures, wrong drive replaced, or loose cable messages.
If a drive failure occurred, replace the failed drive or drives, and then restore the
data for this logical drive from the tape backup. Otherwise, follow the procedures
for correcting problems when an incorrect drive is replaced or a loose cable is
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ADU Error Messages 121
Logical Drive X Status = Interim Recovery (Volume
Functional, but not Fault Tolerant)
Description: A physical drive in this logical drive has failed. The logical drive is
operational, but the loss of an additional drive causes permanent data loss.
Action: Replace the failed drive as soon as possible.
Logical Drive X Status = Loose Cable Detected...
...SOLUTION: Turn the system off and attempt to reattach any loose connections. If this
does not work, replace the cable(s) and connection(s).
Description: A physical drive or an external storage unit may have a cabling or
connection problem.
Action: Power the system down and attempt to reconnect any loose connections.
If this does not work, replace the cable(s) and connection(s).
Logical Drive X Status = Overheated
Description: The temperature of the Intelligent Array Expansion System drives
is beyond safe operating levels and has shut down to avoid damage.
Action: Check the fans and the operating environment.
Logical Drive X Status = Overheating
Description: The temperature of the Intelligent Array Expansion System drives
is beyond safe operating levels.
Action: Check the fans and the operating environment.
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122 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Logical Drive X Status = Recovering (rebuilding data
on a replaced drive)
Description: A physical drive in this logical drive has failed and has now been
replaced. The replaced drive is rebuilding from the mirror drive or the parity
Action: No action is required. Normal operations can occur; however,
performance will be less than optimal until after the rebuild process completes.
Logical Drive X Status = Wrong Drive Replaced
Description: A physical drive in this logical drive has failed. The incorrect drive
was replaced.
Action: Replace the drive that was incorrectly replaced. Then, replace the
original drive that failed with a new drive.
CAUTION: Do not run the server setup utility and try to
reconfigure, or data will be lost.
Loose Cable Detected - Logical Drives May Be
Marked FAILED Until Corrected
Description: ADU found a loose cable. The Smart Array Controller is unable to
communicate with one or more physical drives. One or more logical drives may
be marked FAILED, and are unusable until problem is corrected.
Action: Power down the system. Check the cables for a tight connection to the
logical drives. Restart the system. If the error persists, the cables may be
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ADU Error Messages 123
Mirror Data Miscompare
Description: Data was found at reset initialization in the posted-write memory;
however, the mirror data compare test failed resulting in that data being marked
as invalid. Data loss is possible.
Action: Replace the array accelerator board.
No Configuration for Array Accelerator Board
Description: The array accelerator board has not been configured.
Action: If the array accelerator board is present, run ACU to configure the board.
NVRAM Configuration Present, Controller not
Description: EISA NVRAM has a configuration for an array controller, but no
board exists in this slot. Either a board has been removed from the system or a
board has been placed in the wrong slot.
Action: Place the array controller in the proper slot, or run the server setup utility
to reconfigure NVRAM to reflect the removal or new position.
One or More Drives is Unable to Support Redundant
Controller Operation
Description: At least one drive in use does not support redundant controller
Action: Replace the drive that does not support redundant controller operation.
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124 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Other Controller Indicates Different Hardware Model
Description: The other controller in the redundant controller configuration is a
different hardware model.
Action: Be sure both controllers are using the same hardware model. If they are,
make sure the controllers are fully seated in their slots.
Other Controller Indicates Different Firmware
Description: The other controller in the redundant controller configuration is
using a different firmware version.
Action: Be sure both controllers are using the same firmware revision.
Other Controller Indicates Different Cache Size
Description: The other controller in the redundant controller configuration has a
different size array accelerator.
Action: Be sure both controllers are using the same capacity array accelerator.
RIS Copies Between Drives Do Not Match
Description: The drives on this controller contain copies of the RIS that do not
match. The hard drives in the array do not have matching configuration
1. Resolve all other errors encountered.
2. Obtain the latest version of ADU, and then rerun ADU.
3. If unconfigured drives were added, configure these drives using ACU.
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ADU Error Messages 125
4. If drives or arrays were moved, be sure the movement follows the guidelines
listed in the documentation for the array controller.
5. If the error persists after completing steps 1 through 4, contact an authorized
service provider.
SCSI Port X Drive ID Y failed - REPLACE (failure
Description: ADU detected a drive failure.
Action: Correct the condition that caused the error, if possible, or replace the
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Firmware Needs Upgrading
Description: Drive firmware may cause problems and should be upgraded.
Action: Run Options ROMPaq to upgrade the drive firmware to a later revision.
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Has Exceeded the Following
Description: The monitor and performance threshold for this drive has been
Action: Check and resolve the threshold that has been violated.
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126 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y is not Stamped for Monitoring
Description: The drive has not been stamped with monitor and performance
Action: To stamp without destroying the current configuration:
1. Run ACU.
2. Change the array accelerator size and save the configuration.
3. Change the array accelerator back to the original size and save again.
This should cause ACU to stamp the drive with monitoring and performance
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y May Have a Loose
...SOLUTION: Turn the system off and attempt to reattach any loose connections. If this
does not work, replace the cable(s) and connection(s).
Description: SMART is unable to communicate with the drive, because the
cable is not securely connected, or the drive cage connection has failed.
1. Power down the system.
2. Reconnect the cable securely.
3. Restart the system.
4. If the problem persists, replace the cables and connectors as needed.
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ADU Error Messages 127
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y RIS Copies Within This Drive
Do Not Match
Description: The copies of RIS on the drive do not match.
Action: Check for other errors. The drive may need to be replaced.
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y...S.M.A.R.T. Predictive Failure
Errors Have Been Detected in the Factory Monitor
and Performance Data...
...SOLUTION: Please replace this drive when conditions permit.
Description: A predictive failure warning for this hard drive has been generated,
indicating that a drive failure is imminent.
Action: Replace this drive at the earliest opportunity. Refer to the server
documentation for drive replacement information before performing this
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y...S.M.A.R.T. Predictive Failure
Errors Have Been Detected in the Power Monitor and
Performance Data...
...SOLUTION: Please replace this drive when conditions permit.
Description: A predictive failure warning for this hard drive has been generated,
indicating a drive failure is imminent.
Action: Replace this drive at the earliest opportunity. Refer to the server
documentation for drive replacement information before performing this
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128 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
SCSI Port X, Drive ID Y Was Replaced On a Good
Volume: (failure message)
Description: ADU found this drive was replaced, even though no problem
occurred with the volume.
Action: No action is required.
Set Configuration Command Issued
Description: The configuration of the array controller has been updated. The
array accelerator board may remain disabled until it is reinitialized.
Action: Run the server setup utility to reinitialize the array accelerator board.
Soft Firmware Upgrade Required
Description: ADU has determined that the controller is running firmware that
has been soft upgraded by the Upgrade Utility. However, the firmware running is
not present on all drives. This could be caused by the addition of new drives in
the system.
Action: Run the Upgrade Utility to place the latest firmware on all drives.
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X has a Cabling
Error (Bus Disabled)...
...SOLUTION: The SCSI controller has an internal and external cable attached to the same
bus. Please disconnect the internal or external cable from the controller. If this controller
supports multiple buses, the cable disconnected can be reattached to an available bus.
Description: The current cabling configuration is not supported.
Action: Refer to the server documentation for cabling guidelines, and
reconfigure as indicated.
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ADU Error Messages 129
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated a Door
...SOLUTION: Be sure that the storage enclosure door is closed or the side panel is properly
Description: The side panel of the external storage unit is open.
Action: Be sure the side panel of the storage unit is securely closed.
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated a Power
Supply Failure...
...SOLUTION: Replace the power supply.
Description: A power supply in the external storage unit has failed.
Action: Replace the power supply.
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated an
Overheated Condition...
...SOLUTION: Make sure all cooling fans are operating properly. Also be sure the
operating environment of storage enclosure is within temperature specifications.
Description: The external storage unit is generating a temperature alert.
1. Be sure all fans are connected and operating properly.
2. Be sure the operating environment of the storage unit is within specifications.
3. For better airflow, remove any dust buildup from fans or other areas.
4. Check the server documentation for allowable temperature specifications and
additional tips.
5. If the problem persists, replace the fan.
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130 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X is Unsupported
with its Current Firmware Version...
...SOLUTION: Upgrade the firmware version on the storage enclosure.
Description: The firmware version of the external storage unit is not supported.
Action: Upgrade the firmware.
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the
Fan Failed...
...SOLUTION: Replace the fan.
Description: The cooling fan located in the external storage unit has failed.
Action: Replace the fan.
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the
Fan is Degraded...
...SOLUTION: this condition usually occurs on enclosures with multiple fans and one of
those fans has failed. Replace any fans not operating properly.
Description: One or more fans in the external storage unit have failed.
Action: Replace the failed fans.
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X Indicated that the
Fan Module is Unplugged...
...SOLUTION: Make sure the fan module is properly connected.
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ADU Error Messages 131
Description: A fan in the external storage unit is not connected properly.
Action: Check and reseat all fan connections securely.
Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X - Wide SCSI
Transfer Failed...
...SOLUTION: This may indicate a bad SCSI cable on bus X. Try replacing the cable.
Description: A cable on bus X has failed.
1. Replace the failed cable.
2. If the problem persists, contact an authorized service provider.
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. A
Configured Array of Drives...
...was moved from another controller that supported more drives than this controller
SOLUTION: Upgrade the firmware on this controller. If this doesn’t solve the problem,
then power down system and move the drives back to the original controller.
Description: You have exceeded the maximum number of drives supported for
this controller, and the connected controller was not part of the original array
1. Upgrade the firmware on this controller.
2. If the problem persists:
Replace this controller with the original controller.
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132 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Replace this controller with a new controller that supports the number of
drives in the array.
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. A
Drive Rearrangement...
...was attempted while an expand operation was running. This is an unsupported operation.
SOLUTION: Power down system then move drives back to their original location. Power
on system and wait for the expand operation to complete before attempting a drive
Description: One or more drive locations were changed while an expand
operation was in progress.
1. Power down the server.
2. Place the drives in their original locations.
3. Restart the server, and then complete the expand operation.
4. Move the drives to their new locations after the expand operation is
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected. An
Unsupported Drive Arrangement Was Attempted...
...SOLUTION: Power down system then move drives back to their original location.
Description: One or more physical drives were moved, causing a configuration
that is not supported.
Action: Move all drives to their original locations, and then refer to the server
documentation for supported configurations.
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ADU Error Messages 133
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected.
The Cables Appear To Be Interchanged...
...SOLUTION: Power down system then move the drives or cables back to their original
Description: ADU has detected a change in the cable configuration. One or more
cables may be connected to the incorrect bus or one or more drives have been
moved to new locations.
1. Refer to the server documentation for supported configurations and cabling
2. Restore to the original configuration.
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected.
The Configuration Information on the Attached
...is not backward compatible with this controller’s firmware.
SOLUTION: Upgrade the firmware on this controller. If this doesn’t solve the problem
then power down system then move drives back to the original controller.
Description: The current firmware version on the controller cannot interpret the
configuration information on the connected drives.
Action: Upgrade the firmware.
If the problem persists, move the drives to the original controller.
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134 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Swapped Cables or Configuration Error Detected.
The Maximum Logical Volume Count X...
...was exceeded during logical volume addition. All logical volumes beyond X have been lost
and cannot be recovered.
SOLUTION: Identify the drives that contain the lost logical volumes. Move those drives to
another controller where the logical volumes can be recreated. NOTE! If a drive contains a
valid logical volume and a lost logical volume, then do not move that drive to another
Description: More logical drives were created than are supported on this
controller, causing lost logical drive volumes.
Action: Identify the drives containing lost volumes, and then move them to
another controller so the lost volumes can be recreated.
CAUTION: Removing a drive that contains valid volume data
causes all valid data to be lost.
System Board is Unable to Identify which Slots the
Controllers are in
Description: Slot indicator on system board is not working correctly. Firmware
recognizes both controllers as being installed in the same slot.
1. Be sure both controllers are fully seated in their slots.
If the problem persists, this might indicate a controller problem or a system
board problem.
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ADU Error Messages 135
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
2. Remove one of the controllers in the configuration and see if the remaining
controller generates a POST message.
3. Move the remaining controller to the other slot to see if it still generates a
POST message.
4. Repeat these steps with the other controller.
If both controllers give POST messages in one slot but not the other, it is a
system board problem. If one of the controllers gives POST messages and the
other controller does not, replace the controller that is giving the POST
messages. Contact an authorized service provider for any warranty replacements.
This Controller Can See the Drives but the Other
Controller Can't
Description: The other controller in the redundant controller configuration
cannot recognize the drives, but this controller can.
Action: Resolve any other errors and then rerun ADU.
The Redundant Controllers Installed are not the
Same Model...
...SOLUTION: Power down the system and verify that the redundant controllers are
different models. If they are different models, replace the other controller with the same
model as this one.
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136 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Description: ADU detected two different controller models installed in a
redundant controller configuration. This is not supported and one or both
controllers may not be operating properly.
Action: Use the same controller models for redundant controller configurations.
This Controller Can't See the Drives but the Other
Controller Can
Description: The other controller in the redundant controller configuration can
recognize the drives, but this controller cannot.
Action: Resolve any other errors and then rerun ADU.
Unable to Communicate with Drive on SCSI Port X,
Drive ID Y
Description: The array controller cannot communicate with the drive.
Action: If the hard drive amber LED is on, replace the drive.
Unable to Retrieve Identify Controller Data.
Controller May be Disabled or Failed
...SOLUTION: Power down the system. Verify that the controller is fully seated. Then
power the system on and look for helpful error messages displayed by the controller. If this
doesn’t help, contact your service provider.
Description: ADU requested the identify controller data from the controller but
was unable to obtain it. This usually indicates that the controller is not seated
properly or has failed.
1. Power down the server.
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ADU Error Messages 137
2. Be sure the controller is fully seated.
3. Restart the server.
4. Resolve any error messages displayed by the controller.
If this does not solve the problem, contact an authorized service provider.
Unknown Disable Code
Description: A code was returned from the array accelerator board that ADU
does not recognize.
Action: Obtain the latest version of ADU.
Unrecoverable Read Error
Description: Read parity errors were detected when an attempt to read the same
data from both sides of the mirrored memory was made. Data loss will occur.
Action: Replace the array accelerator board.
Warning Bit Detected
Description: A monitor and performance threshold violation may have occurred.
The status of a logical drive may not be OK.
Action: Check the other error messages for an indication of the problem.
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138 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
WARNING - Drive Write Cache is Enabled on X
Description: Drive has its internal write cache enabled. The drive may be a
third-party drive, or the operating parameters of the drive may have been altered.
Condition can cause data corruption if power to the drive is interrupted.
Action: Replace the drive with a supported drive or restore the operating
parameter of the drive.
WARNING: Storage Enclosure on SCSI Bus X
Indicated it is Operating in Single Ended Mode...
...SOLUTION: This usually occurs when a single-ended drive type is inserted into an
enclosure with other drive types; and that makes the entire enclosure operate in single
ended mode. To maximize performance replace the single-ended drive with a type that
matches the other drives.
Description: One or more single-ended mode SCSI drives are installed in an
external storage unit that operates in LVD mode.
Action: The array continues to operate, but installing all LVD drives maximizes
Write Memory Error
Description: Data cannot be written to the cache memory. This typically means
that a parity error was detected while writing data to the cache. This can be
caused by an incomplete connection between the cache and the controller. This is
not a data loss circumstance.
Action: Power down the system and be sure that the cache board is fully
connected to the controller.
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ADU Error Messages 139
Wrong Accelerator
Description: This may mean that the board was replaced in the wrong slot or
was placed in a system previously configured with another board type. Included
with this message is a message indicating (1) the type of adapter sensed by ADU,
and (2) the type of adapter last configured in EISA NVRAM.
Action: Check the diagnosis screen for other error messages. Run the server
setup utility to update the system configuration.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes
In This Section
Introduction to POST Error Message .........................................................................................141
Non-Numeric Messages or Beeps Only .....................................................................................142
100 Series ...................................................................................................................................152
200 Series ...................................................................................................................................166
300 Series ...................................................................................................................................190
400 Series ...................................................................................................................................193
500 Series ...................................................................................................................................194
600 Series ...................................................................................................................................195
800 Series ...................................................................................................................................198
900 Series ...................................................................................................................................205
1100 Series .................................................................................................................................205
1600 Series .................................................................................................................................208
1700 Series .................................................................................................................................226
1800 Series .................................................................................................................................261
Introduction to POST Error Message
The error messages and codes in this section include all messages generated by
ProLiant servers. A server generates only the codes that are applicable to its
configuration and options.
HP ProLiant BL servers do not have speakers and thus do not support audio
output. Disregard the audible beeps information if the server falls into this
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142 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
IMPORTANT: This guide provides information for multiple servers.
Some information may not apply to the server you are troubleshooting.
Refer to the server documentation for information on procedures,
hardware options, software tools, and operating systems supported by
the server.
WARNING: To avoid potential problems, ALWAYS read
the warnings and cautionary information in the server
documentation before removing, replacing, reseating, or modifying
system components.
Non-Numeric Messages or Beeps Only
In This Section
A Correctable Memory Error Occurred Prior to this Power-Up ................................................143
A Critical Error Occurred Prior to this Power-Up......................................................................143
A Processor Thermal Event Occurred Prior to this Power Up, Processor X..............................144
Beeps Only, 2 Long, 2 Short ......................................................................................................144
Beeps Only, 2 Long....................................................................................................................144
Critical Error Occurred Prior to this Power-Up..........................................................................145
Critical Failure Detected - System Shutting Down in ................................................................145
Critical Fan Failure Detected - System Shutting Down System Halted .....................................145
Critical Fan Failure Detected - System Shutting Down in 5 Seconds System Halted................145
ECC Multiple Bit Error Detected in DIMM X...........................................................................146
ECC Multiple Bit Error Detected in DIMM/SIMM pair: DIMM X...........................................146
FATAL ROM ERROR: The System ROM is not Properly Programmed..................................146
Fixed Disk Parameter Table or BIOS Error. System Halted ......................................................147
Initialization Failure. Re-seat the Processor and Processor Power Module Before Attempting
Replacement ...............................................................................................................................147
Invalid Electronic Serial Number...............................................................................................147
Loss of Nonvolatile Configuration Memory ..............................................................................148
Network Server Mode Active and No Keyboard Attached ........................................................148
No Keyboard Present..................................................................................................................148
No SCSI Devices Detected.........................................................................................................149
Non-System Disk or Disk Error .................................................................................................149
Parity Check 2 ............................................................................................................................149
PCI User Definable Features Detected and Configured with Default Settings... .......................150
Power Fault Detected in Hot-Plug PCI Slot X ...........................................................................150
Processor in Incorrect Socket. - System Halted! ........................................................................150
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 143
Processor Packages do not Match... ...........................................................................................150
REDUNDANT ROM ERROR: Backup ROM Invalid. - ..........................................................151
REDUNDANT ROM ERROR: Bootblock Invalid. - ................................................................151
RESUME - F1 key......................................................................................................................151
(Run System Configuration Utility - F10 key)...........................................................................152
Unsupported Processor Detected System Halted. ......................................................................152
WARNING: A Type 2 Header PCI Device Has Been Detected... ............................................152
A Correctable Memory Error Occurred Prior to this Power-Up
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A memory module has experienced an error which, while
recoverable, has generated a predictive failure warning.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
A Critical Error Occurred Prior to this Power-Up
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A catastrophic system error, which caused the server to crash,
has been logged.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
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144 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
A Processor Thermal Event Occurred Prior to this Power Up,
Processor X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Processor X (1 or 2) has reached an excessive temperature and
has stopped operation.
Action: Be sure the processor and heatsink assembly is properly installed and the
ambient temperature is within an acceptable range.
Beeps Only, 2 Long, 2 Short
Audible Beeps: 2 long, 2 short
Possible Cause: The power has cycled because the temperature is too hot. The
processor fan is not installed, or is not spinning.
Action: Be sure the fans are working, and replace any failed fans.
Beeps Only, 2 Long
Audible Beeps: 2 long
Possible Cause: No valid memory is present in the system.
If no memory modules are present, install at least one memory module to
conform to minimum hardware configuration specifications.
Reseat all installed memory modules.
If the server contains more than one memory module, remove one module,
and restart the server. Repeat as needed to isolate the bad memory module.
Replace any failed modules.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 145
Critical Error Occurred Prior to this Power-Up
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A catastrophic system error, which caused the server to crash,
has been logged.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
Critical Failure Detected - System Shutting Down in...
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Blower assembly has failed.
Action: Replace blower assembly.
Critical Fan Failure Detected - System Shutting Down System
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A critical fan is not spinning.
Action: Be sure the fans are working and the fan cables are properly connected.
Critical Fan Failure Detected - System Shutting Down in 5
Seconds System Halted
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A critical fan is not spinning.
Action: Be sure the fans are working and the fan cables are properly connected.
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146 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
ECC Multiple Bit Error Detected in DIMM X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A memory module failure generated a multiple-bit error that
could not be corrected.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
ECC Multiple Bit Error Detected in DIMM/SIMM pair: DIMM X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A memory module failure generated a multiple-bit error that
could not be corrected.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
FATAL ROM ERROR: The System ROM is not Properly
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: The System ROM is not properly programmed.
Action: Replace the physical ROM part.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 147
Fixed Disk Parameter Table or BIOS Error. System Halted
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: An error occurred while attempting to communicate with the
CD-ROM drive or diskette drive assembly. This assembly may not be seated
1. Be sure you have the correct media in the drive.
2. Reseat the CD-ROM drive or diskette drive assembly.
Initialization Failure. Re-seat the Processor and Processor
Power Module Before Attempting Replacement
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Processor was not fully seated, or a processor internal failure
Action: Reseat the processor. If the failure reoccurs, replace the processor.
Invalid Electronic Serial Number
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Serial number in BIOS is incorrect.
Action: Run the server setup utility to enter a valid serial number.
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148 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Loss of Nonvolatile Configuration Memory
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: NVRAM has been corrupted or cleared.
Action: No action is required. The server automatically loads a default
nonvolatile configuration.
Network Server Mode Active and No Keyboard Attached
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A keyboard is not connected. An error has not occurred, but a
message is displayed to indicate the keyboard status.
Action: No action is required.
No Keyboard Present
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A keyboard failure has occurred or a keyboard is not connected
to the server.
1. Power down the server, and then reconnect the keyboard.
2. Be sure no keys are depressed or stuck.
3. If the failure reoccurs, replace the keyboard.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 149
No SCSI Devices Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: No SCSI devices are connected to the boot controller.
1. Be sure the server and SCSI IDs are properly configured
2. Be sure the SCSI cables are properly connected and working.
3. Be sure the connected drives are all working.
Non-System Disk or Disk Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: No bootable disk partition was found on the boot drive.
1. Remove the diskette from the diskette drive.
2. Be sure the controller order and boot order are properly set in the server
setup utility.
3. Reinstall the operating system.
Parity Check 2
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A PCI device generated a parity error 2.
1. Remove any recently installed PCI adapters.
2. Reinstall the adapters one at a time to determine which one is generating
3. Replace the failed device.
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150 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
PCI User Definable Features Detected and Configured with
Default Settings...
...Run System Configuration Utility to View/Modify Settings
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: PCI card is not properly configured.
Action: Run the server setup utility to make desired changes.
Power Fault Detected in Hot-Plug PCI Slot X
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: PCI-X Hot Plug expansion slot was not powered up properly.
Action: Reboot the server.
Processor in Incorrect Socket. - System Halted!
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Processor is installed in socket 2 only.
Action: Install processor in socket 1.
Processor Packages do not Match...
...Please make sure that all processor packages are the same.
- System Halted!
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 151
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Installed processors are different types.
Action: Install processors of the same type.
REDUNDANT ROM ERROR: Backup ROM Invalid. - ...
...run ROMPAQ to correct error condition.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: System ROM and redundant ROM are both corrupt.
Action: Run ROMPaq Utility ("SoftPaqs" on page 95
REDUNDANT ROM ERROR: Bootblock Invalid. - ...
...contact COMPAQ Representative.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: ROM bootblock is corrupt.
Action: Contact an authorized service provider.
RESUME - F1 key
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: System is waiting for user input before resuming activity.
Action: Press the F1 key.
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152 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
(Run System Configuration Utility - F10 key)
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A configuration error occurred during POST.
Action: Press the F10 key to run the server setup utility.
Unsupported Processor Detected System Halted.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Processor not supported by current system ROM.
Action: Refer to the server documentation for supported processors. If the
processor is supported, remove the processor, update the system to latest ROM,
and then reinstall the processor.
WARNING: A Type 2 Header PCI Device Has Been Detected...
The BIOS will not configure this card.
It must be configured properly by the OS or driver.
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Only Type 0 and Type 1 Header PCI Devices are configured by
the system ROM. The device will not work unless the OS or device driver
properly configure the card.
Action: Refer to the operating system documentation or the device driver
information that ships with the Type 3 PCI device.
100 Series
In This Section
101-ROM Error ..........................................................................................................................154
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 153
101-I/O ROM Error....................................................................................................................154
101-Option ROM Checksum Error... .........................................................................................154
102-System Board Error.............................................................................................................155
102-System Board Failure..........................................................................................................155
102-System Board Failure, CMOS Test Failed..........................................................................156
102-System Board Failure, DMA Test Failed............................................................................156
102-System Board Failure, Timer Test Failed ...........................................................................157
102-System Board Failure. This is an Unrecoverable Error. Your Computer Needs Servicing 157
104-ASR Timer Failure..............................................................................................................158
105-Current System ROM is Corrupt - Now Booting Redundant System ROM.......................158
162-System Options Not Set ......................................................................................................158
163-Time & Date Not Set...........................................................................................................159
163-Time & Date Not Set. The System Time is Invalid... .........................................................159
164-Memory Size Error..............................................................................................................159
164-Memory Size Error. The System Memory Size is Different from the Last Startup............159
170-EISA Expansion Device Not Responding...........................................................................160
171-2-IRC Configuration Invalid ...............................................................................................160
172-Configuration Non-volatile Memory Invalid ......................................................................160
172-Default System Configuration Installed! Run System Configuration Utility to View/Modify
Settings .......................................................................................................................................161
172-System Configuration Nonvolatile Memory Invalid. Initialization Aborted. .....................161
172-1-Configuration NVRAM Invalid.......................................................................................161
172-1-Configuration Non-volatile Memory Invalid...................................................................161
173-PCI Config Slot Mismatch ..................................................................................................162
173-Slot ID Mismatch ................................................................................................................162
174-Configuration/ Slot Mismatch Device Not Found ..............................................................162
174-EISA Configuration Mismatch - Device not Found............................................................162
174-PCI Config Slot Mismatch - Not Found..............................................................................163
175-Configuration/ Slot Mismatch Device Found .....................................................................163
175-PCI Configuration/Slot Mismatch Device Found ...............................................................163
175-PCI User-Definable Features Detected and Configured with Default Settings...................163
176-EISA Slot Yields Valid ID..................................................................................................164
177-Configuration Not Complete...............................................................................................164
177-Controller Order Not Set Up ...............................................................................................164
177-EISA Configuration Not Complete.....................................................................................164
178-Processor Configuration Invalid..........................................................................................165
179-System Revision Mismatch.................................................................................................165
180-Log Reinitialized.................................................................................................................165
180-Log Reinitialized Because Length Check Out of Bounds...................................................165
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154 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
101-ROM Error
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: System ROM checksum.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
101-I/O ROM Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Options ROM checksum.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
101-Option ROM Checksum Error...
...An add-in card in your system is not working correctly. If you have recently added new
hardware, remove it and see if the problem remains. If this message goes away after you
remove your new hardware, there may be a problem with the add-in card.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: An expansion board in the system is not working correctly.
Action: If you have recently added new hardware, remove it and see if the
problem persists. If this message goes away after you remove the new hardware,
there may be a problem with the expansion board. Review the expansion board
documentation, and then try reinstalling the board.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 155
102-System Board Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: 8237 DMA controllers, 8254 timers, and so on.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Action: Replace the system board. Run the server setup utility.
102-System Board Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: 8237 DMA controllers, 8254 timers, and so on.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Action: Replace the system board. Run the server setup utility.
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156 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
102-System Board Failure, CMOS Test Failed.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: 8237 DMA controllers, 8254 timers, and so on.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Action: Replace the system board. Run the server setup utility.
102-System Board Failure, DMA Test Failed
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: 8237 DMA controllers, 8254 timers, and so on.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Action: Replace the system board. Run the server setup utility.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 157
102-System Board Failure, Timer Test Failed
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: 8237 DMA controllers, 8254 timers, and so on.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Action: Replace the system board. Run the server setup utility.
102-System Board Failure. This is an Unrecoverable Error. Your
Computer Needs Servicing
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: 8237 DMA controllers, 8254 timers, and so on.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Action: Replace the system board. Run the server setup utility.
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158 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
104-ASR Timer Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: System board failure.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91) and
replace failed components as indicated.
105-Current System ROM is Corrupt - Now Booting Redundant
System ROM
Audible Beeps: 2 long
Possible Cause: Nonbooted ROM image is corrupted.
Action: Flash the ROM by using the ROMPaq utility ("SoftPaqs" on page 95
162-System Options Not Set
Audible Beeps: 2 long
Possible Cause: Configuration is incorrect. The system configuration has
changed since the last boot (addition of a hard drive, for example) or a loss of
power to the real-time clock has occurred. The real-time clock loses power if the
onboard battery is not functioning correctly.
Action: Press the F1 key to record the new configuration. Run the server setup
utility to change the configuration. If this message persists, you may need to
replace the onboard battery.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 159
163-Time & Date Not Set
Audible Beeps: 2 long
Possible Cause: Invalid time or date in configuration memory.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the time or date.
163-Time & Date Not Set. The System Time is Invalid...
...This may be a result of a loss in battery power. Set the correct time and date using your
operating system. If this message persists, you may need to replace the onboard battery.
Audible Beeps: 2 long
Possible Cause: Invalid time or date in configuration memory.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the time or date. If the message
persists, replace the onboard battery.
164-Memory Size Error
Audible Beeps: 2 long
Possible Cause: Memory configuration incorrect.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
164-Memory Size Error. The System Memory Size is Different
from the Last Startup...
...The most common reason is the addition or removal of memory to the system board.
Pressing F1 will record the configuration. If this message persists verify that the memory
modules are installed correctly.
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160 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Audible Beeps: 2 long
Possible Cause: Memory configuration incorrect.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
170-EISA Expansion Device Not Responding
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Device not detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
171-2-IRC Configuration Invalid
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: One or more of the following messages may also be displayed:
Comport Invalid
PCI Comport Invalid
Incorrect IRQ
Video Controller Must be on Primary PCI Bus
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
172-Configuration Non-volatile Memory Invalid
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Nonvolatile configuration corrupted.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 161
172-Default System Configuration Installed! Run System
Configuration Utility to View/Modify Settings
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Nonvolatile configuration corrupted. The default system
configuration has been installed.
Action: Run the server setup utility to make any changes to the default
172-System Configuration Nonvolatile Memory Invalid.
Initialization Aborted.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Battery is low or not working.
Action: Turn off the server, replace the battery located on the sideplane board,
and then reboot the system. The default nonvolatile configuration will be loaded.
172-1-Configuration NVRAM Invalid
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Nonvolatile configuration corrupted or jumper installed.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
172-1-Configuration Non-volatile Memory Invalid
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Nonvolatile configuration corrupted.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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162 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
173-PCI Config Slot Mismatch
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Board replaced, configuration not updated.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
173-Slot ID Mismatch
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Board replaced, configuration not updated.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
174-Configuration/ Slot Mismatch Device Not Found
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: EISA or PCI board not found.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
174-EISA Configuration Mismatch - Device not Found
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: EISA or PCI board not found.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 163
174-PCI Config Slot Mismatch - Not Found
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: PCI board not found.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
175-Configuration/ Slot Mismatch Device Found
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: EISA or PCI board added, configuration not updated.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
175-PCI Configuration/Slot Mismatch Device Found
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A PCI device conflict exists on the PCI bus.
Action: Move any recently added PCI boards to a slot on a different PCI bus.
175-PCI User-Definable Features Detected and Configured with
Default Settings
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Incomplete system configuration detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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164 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
176-EISA Slot Yields Valid ID
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Incomplete system configuration detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
177-Configuration Not Complete
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Incomplete system configuration detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
177-Controller Order Not Set Up
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Incomplete system configuration detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
177-EISA Configuration Not Complete
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Incomplete system configuration detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 165
178-Processor Configuration Invalid
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Processor type or step does not match configuration memory.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
179-System Revision Mismatch
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Incomplete system configuration detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
180-Log Reinitialized
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The IML ("Integrated Management Log" on page 92
) has been
reinitialized due to corruption of the log.
Action: Event message, no action is required.
180-Log Reinitialized Because Length Check Out of Bounds
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The IML ("Integrated Management Log" on page 92
) has been
reinitialized due to corruption of the log.
Action: Event message, no action is required.
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166 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
200 Series
In This Section
201-Memory Error......................................................................................................................168
201-Memory Error. The Memory Test Performed During Startup Failed... ..............................168
202-Memory Type Mismatch.....................................................................................................169
203-Memory Address Error........................................................................................................169
205-Cache Memory error ...........................................................................................................169
206-Cache Controller Error........................................................................................................170
207-ECC Corrected Single Bit Errors in DIMM in Memory Module Socket............................170
207-ECC Corrected Single Bit Errors in DIMM/SIMM PAIR(s) in Memory Module Socket(s) in
Memory Module DIMM.............................................................................................................170
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Check DIMM Installation...............................................170
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Insufficient Timings on DIMMs.....................................171
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in Board X, DIMM X... ................171
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Memory within 2-DIMM Group(s) Not Utilized ...........171
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within DIMM Group....................172
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within DIMM Group X................172
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within DIMM Bank......................172
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within DIMM Bank......................172
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Only Registered SDRAM DIMMs Are Supported.........173
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in Socket X ...................................173
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM Socket X.......................173
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM Socket X.......................174
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM Socket X.......................174
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM Socket X.......................174
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - DIMMs Must be Installed Sequentially..........................175
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Incomplete Bank Detected in Bank X ............................175
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in Board X, DIMM X... ................175
207-Invalid Memory Configuration, Bank X.............................................................................176
207-Memory Installation Error...................................................................................................176
207-Memory Configuration Warning - DIMM in DIMM Socket X does not have Primary Width
of 4 and Only Supports Standard ECC.......................................................................................176
208-Invalid Memory Speed - Check DIMM Installation ...........................................................177
209-Memory Detection Failure. Check Memory Installation. ...................................................177
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank A Does Not Match Bank C..........................177
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank B Does Not Match Bank C..........................178
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank C Insufficient for Bank A. ...........................178
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank C Insufficient for Bank B. ...........................178
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 167
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank C is Invalid or by Itself................................179
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Board 1, Bank D is Invalid. ..................................179
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - No Valid Banks for Online Spare .........................179
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Spare Bank is Invalid............................................180
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Spare Bank is Invalid............................................180
209-Mirror Memory Configuration - DIMMs on Both Boards do not Match............................180
209-Mirror Memory Configuration - Single-Board Mirror DIMMs do not Match....................181
209-Mirror Memory Configuration - Board 2 Present in Single-Board Mirror .........................181
211-Invalid Processor Board PPM installed, Module X.............................................................181
211-Invalid Processor PPM installed, Module X .......................................................................181
211-Invalid Voltage Regulator Module Installed for Processor X.............................................182
212-Processor Failed, Processor X.............................................................................................182
212-System Processor Failed/Mapped out .................................................................................182
213-Processor Disabled, Processor X.........................................................................................182
214-DC-DC Converter Failed ....................................................................................................183
214-Memory Device Failure. Error Code:X Memory Module DIMM:Y ..................................183
214-Processor Board PPM Failed...............................................................................................183
214-Processor PPM Failed, Module X.......................................................................................183
214-Processor PPM Failed, Processor Bus X.............................................................................184
215-Non-Functioning Voltage Regulator Module for Processor X............................................184
215-Processor PPM not Installed, Module.................................................................................184
216-Processor Board PPM Has Lost Redundancy .....................................................................184
216-Processor PPM Has Lost Redundancy, Module X..............................................................185
216-Voltage Regulator Module for Processor X No Longer Redundant ...................................185
217-Unsupported Processor Detected.........................................................................................185
218-Cache Accelerators Not Installed. System Halted...............................................................186
219-Tag Update Rules SRAM Failure. System Halted..............................................................186
219-Snoop Rules SRAM Failure. System Halted.......................................................................186
220-Cache Accelerator Slot X Initialization Failed. System Halted ..........................................186
221-Power Fault On Processor Bus X........................................................................................187
222-Processor Bus Disabled, Processor Bus X ..........................................................................187
252-Invalid Memory SPD Reading ............................................................................................187
253-Invalid Memory Cycle Time Reading.................................................................................187
254-Invalid Memory Revision Code ..........................................................................................188
255-Invalid Memory CL2 Support.............................................................................................188
256-Invalid Memory TRP Reading ............................................................................................188
257-Invalid Memory TRRD Reading.........................................................................................188
258-Invalid Memory TRCD Reading.........................................................................................189
259-Invalid Memory TRAS Reading .........................................................................................189
260-Invalid Memory Burst Length.............................................................................................189
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168 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
261-Invalid Memory DIMM Configuration Type......................................................................189
262-Invalid Memory Refresh Rate Setting.................................................................................190
263-DIMM is Not Valid or Compatible.....................................................................................190
201-Memory Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: RAM failure detected.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
201-Memory Error. The Memory Test Performed During Startup
Removing and replacing memory modules can isolate the faulty memory. Also verify that
the memory modules are installed correctly.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: RAM failure detected.
1. Be sure the memory modules are installed correctly.
2. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 169
202-Memory Type Mismatch
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: An incompatible memory module is installed in the system.
Action: Compare part numbers from installed memory modules with those listed
in the server documentation.
If the part numbers not listed, the memory modules are incompatible and should
be replaced or removed.
203-Memory Address Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: RAM failure detected.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
205-Cache Memory error
Possible Cause: A memory module is malfunctioning.
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
170 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
206-Cache Controller Error
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: A memory module is malfunctioning.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
207-ECC Corrected Single Bit Errors in DIMM in Memory Module
Possible Cause: A memory module is malfunctioning.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics (" on page 91
Audible Beeps: 2 short
HP Insight Diagnostics"
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
207-ECC Corrected Single Bit Errors in DIMM/SIMM PAIR(s) in
Memory Module Socket(s) in Memory Module DIMM
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: A memory module is malfunctioning.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Check DIMM Installation
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Memory module is installed incorrectly.
Action: Check placement of memory modules.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 171
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Insufficient Timings on
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Memory module is installed incorrectly.
Action: Check placement of memory modules.
...Insufficient Timings on DIMM.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Memory within 2-DIMM
Group(s) Not Utilized
Action: All the DIMMs within a DIMM group must be alike. Install correctly
matched DIMMs within a group.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in Board
X, DIMM X...
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Insufficient DIMM timings exist.
Action: Install registered PC 1600 ECC DDR SDRAM DIMMs.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: A DIMM is installed incorrectly.
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172 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within
DIMM Group
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within
DIMM Group X
Possible Cause: Memory within the 2-DIMM Group X is not used.
Action: Install correctly matched DIMMs in Group X.
Action: Install correctly matched DIMMs.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within
DIMM Bank...
Possible Cause: Memory within the 2-DIMM group(s) is not used.
Action: All the DIMMs within a DIMM group must be alike. Install correctly
matched DIMMs within a group.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Mismatched DIMMs within
DIMM Bank...
...Memory in Bank X Not Utilized.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Installed DIMMs in the same bank are of different sizes.
...Memory in Board X, Bank X Not Utilized.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 173
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: DIMMs within a bank are mismatched or missing, or memory
board 1 is missing.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: DIMM type is unsupported.
Action: Install correctly matched DIMMs.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Only Registered SDRAM
DIMMs Are Supported.
Possible Cause: Memory module is installed incorrectly.
Action: Be sure the memory modules are installed properly.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in
Socket X
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Unregistered DIMMs or insufficient DIMM timings.
Action: Install registered ECC DIMMs.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM
Socket X...
...Only Registered DDR DIMMs Are Supported.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Action: Replace DIMMs in indicated slots with supported type.
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174 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM
Socket X...
...Insufficient Timings on DIMM.
...Only ECC DIMMs Are Supported.
Possible Cause: Installed DIMMs do not have ECC capability.
...DIMM Size Parameters Not Supported.
Possible Cause: Installed DIMMs in the same bank are of different sizes.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Installed DIMMs are too slow.
Action: Replace DIMMs in indicated slots with supported type.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM
Socket X...
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Action: Replace DIMMs in indicated slots with supported type.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in DIMM
Socket X...
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Action: Replace DIMMs in indicated slots with supported type.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 175
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - DIMMs Must be Installed
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Action: Reinstall DIMMs in proper order.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Incomplete Bank Detected in
Bank X
Possible Cause: Bank is missing a DIMM.
Action: Install a DIMM to fill the bank.
Possible Cause: Installed DIMMs are not sequentially ordered.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Unsupported DIMM in Board
X, DIMM X...
...Only Registered DDR DIMMs are Supported.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Unregistered DIMMs
Action: Install registered PC 1600 ECC DDR SDRAM DIMMs.
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176 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
207-Invalid Memory Configuration, Bank X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A memory bank has been incorrectly populated.
Action: Check the location of the bank specified. This bank number will
correspond to the bank number shown on the memory expansion board
identification label located on the top air baffle of the processor/memory drawer.
Be sure a bank is populated with four DIMMs of the same type, size, and speed.
Action: Check placement of memory modules.
207-Memory Installation Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Memory module installed incorrectly or unsupported DIMM.
207-Memory Configuration Warning - DIMM in DIMM Socket X
does not have Primary Width of 4 and Only Supports Standard
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short, or none
Possible Cause: Installed DIMMs have a primary width of x8.
Action: Install DIMMs that have a primary width of x4.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 177
208-Invalid Memory Speed - Check DIMM Installation
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: The speed of the memory is not compatible.
Action: Be sure the speed of the memory modules installed is compatible. Refer
to the server documentation.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
209-Memory Detection Failure. Check Memory Installation.
Possible Cause: Unable to size memory.
Action: Be sure memory modules are properly installed. Refer to the server
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank A Does Not
Match Bank C
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: DIMM group mismatch between Bank A and Bank C.
Action: Be sure the size and speed of the memory modules installed are
compatible. Refer to the server documentation.
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178 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank B Does Not
Match Bank C
Action: Be sure the size and speed of the memory modules installed are
compatible. Refer to the server documentation.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: DIMM group mismatch between Bank B and Bank C.
Action: Be sure the size and speed of the memory modules installed are
compatible. Refer to the server documentation.
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank C Insufficient for
Bank A.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: DIMM group mismatch between Bank A and Bank C.
Action: Be sure the size and speed of the memory modules installed are
compatible. Refer to the server documentation.
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank C Insufficient for
Bank B.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: DIMM group mismatch between Bank B and Bank C.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 179
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Bank C is Invalid or by
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: DIMM sizes are not the same, speeds are not the same, or one
slot is not populated.
Action: Be sure the size and speed of the memory modules installed are
compatible. Refer to the server documentation.
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Board 1, Bank D is
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Online spare bank is configured incorrectly.
Action: Be sure the DIMMs in the online spare bank are populated correctly.
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - No Valid Banks for
Online Spare
Possible Cause: Two valid banks are not available to support an online spare
memory configuration.
Action: Install or reinstall DIMMs to support online spare configuration.
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180 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Spare Bank is Invalid
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Installed DIMMs for online spare bank are of a size smaller than
another bank.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
209-Mirror Memory Configuration - DIMMs on Both Boards do
not Match
Possible Cause: Memory boards are not populated identically, or a memory
board is missing.
Action: Install or reinstall DIMMs to support online spare configuration.
209-Online Spare Memory Configuration - Spare Bank is
...Mixing of DIMMs with Primary Width of x4 and x8 is not allowed in this mode.
Possible Cause: Installed DIMMs for online spare bank are of a different
primary width than the DIMMs in other banks.
Action: Install or reinstall DIMMs to support online spare configuration.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Action: Be sure two memory boards are installed and DIMMs are populated
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 181
209-Mirror Memory Configuration - Single-Board Mirror DIMMs
do not Match
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: Mirrored banks are not populated identically, or memory board
1 is missing.
Action: Be sure mirrored banks are populated identically and that only memory
board 1 is installed.
Action: Remove memory board 2.
Action: Replace the PPM.
209-Mirror Memory Configuration - Board 2 Present in Single-
Board Mirror
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: A second memory board is installed in the single-board
mirrored memory configuration.
211-Invalid Processor Board PPM installed, Module X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The wrong PPM is installed.
Action: Replace the PPM.
211-Invalid Processor PPM installed, Module X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The wrong PPM is installed.
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182 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
211-Invalid Voltage Regulator Module Installed for Processor X
Audible Beeps: 1 short
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A nonredundant PPM is installed in indicated processor slot.
Action: Replace with a PPM that supports redundancy.
212-Processor Failed, Processor X
Possible Cause: Processor in slot X failed.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
Audible Beeps: 1 short
212-System Processor Failed/Mapped out
Possible Cause: Processor in slot X failed.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
213-Processor Disabled, Processor X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The PPM and VRM for processor X are not properly installed.
Action: Be sure the PPM and VRM are properly installed and seated.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 183
214-DC-DC Converter Failed
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A PPM failed.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
214-Memory Device Failure. Error Code:X Memory Module
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: A memory module failed.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
214-Processor Board PPM Failed
Possible Cause: PPM is missing or failed.
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
214-Processor PPM Failed, Module X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Indicated PPM failed.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
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184 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
214-Processor PPM Failed, Processor Bus X
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics (" on page 91
Possible Cause: A processor PPM failed or is missing. The failed PPM is located
on a disabled processor bus.
HP Insight Diagnostics"
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
215-Non-Functioning Voltage Regulator Module for Processor X
Possible Cause: PPM (DC-DC converter) failed or lost redundancy.
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A processor has been installed without its corresponding PPM.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics (" on page 91
215-Processor PPM not Installed, Module
HP Insight Diagnostics"
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
216-Processor Board PPM Has Lost Redundancy
Possible Cause: Indicated PPM has lost redundancy.
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 185
216-Processor PPM Has Lost Redundancy, Module X
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
Possible Cause: Indicated PPM has lost redundancy.
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
Audible Beeps: None
216-Voltage Regulator Module for Processor X No Longer
Possible Cause: Indicated PPM has lost redundancy.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
217-Unsupported Processor Detected
Possible Cause: System does not recognize processor as supported.
Audible Beeps: None
1. Be sure the processor bus speed and processor bus-to-core ratio jumper
settings are supported by the server. Refer to the server documentation for
more information.
2. Be sure all processors in the system have the same core speeds and cache
3. Be sure all processors are no more than one stepping apart. ROM should be
able to detect this and provide the stepping information.
4. Replace specified processor if the failure reoccurs.
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
186 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
218-Cache Accelerators Not Installed. System Halted
Audible Beeps: None
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Cache accelerators are not installed or are improperly installed.
Action: Be sure the cache accelerator is properly installed.
219-Tag Update Rules SRAM Failure. System Halted
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Catastrophic chipset failure occurred.
Action: Replace the failed assembly as indicated.
219-Snoop Rules SRAM Failure. System Halted
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Catastrophic chipset failure occurred.
Action: Replace failed assembly as indicated.
220-Cache Accelerator Slot X Initialization Failed. System Halted
Possible Cause: Cache accelerator in slot X is improperly installed or failed.
Action: Be sure the cache accelerator is properly installed. Replace the cache
accelerator, if needed.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 187
221-Power Fault On Processor Bus X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A PPM on the indicated bus is in a failed state.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
222-Processor Bus Disabled, Processor Bus X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Hardware or BIOS have disabled a processor bus.
Action: Refer to actions for accompanying error messages.
252-Invalid Memory SPD Reading
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
253-Invalid Memory Cycle Time Reading
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
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188 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
254-Invalid Memory Revision Code
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
257-Invalid Memory TRRD Reading
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
255-Invalid Memory CL2 Support
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
256-Invalid Memory TRP Reading
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
Audible Beeps: None
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 189
258-Invalid Memory TRCD Reading
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
259-Invalid Memory TRAS Reading
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
260-Invalid Memory Burst Length
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
261-Invalid Memory DIMM Configuration Type
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
190 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
262-Invalid Memory Refresh Rate Setting
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
300 Series
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
263-DIMM is Not Valid or Compatible
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Failed or incompatible DIMM.
Action: Be sure the specified DIMM meets the requirements for supported
DIMMs. Replace the DIMM.
In This Section
301-Keyboard Error....................................................................................................................
301-Keyboard Error or Test Fixture Installed ............................................................................191
ZZ-301-Keyboard Error .............................................................................................................191
303-Keyboard Controller Error ..................................................................................................192
304-Keyboard or System Unit Error ..........................................................................................
303-Keyboard Controller Error ..................................................................................................
301-Keyboard Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Keyboard failure occurred.
1. Power down the server, and then reconnect the keyboard.
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 191
2. Be sure no keys are depressed or stuck.
3. If the failure reoccurs, replace the keyboard.
2. Be sure no keys are depressed or stuck.
Audible Beeps: None
2. Be sure no keys are depressed or stuck.
301-Keyboard Error or Test Fixture Installed
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Keyboard failure occurred.
1. Power down the server, and then reconnect the keyboard.
3. If the failure reoccurs, replace the keyboard.
ZZ-301-Keyboard Error
Possible Cause: Keyboard failure occurred. (ZZ represents the Keyboard Scan
1. Power down the server, and then reconnect the keyboard.
3. If the failure reoccurs, replace the keyboard.
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
192 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
303-Keyboard Controller Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: System board, keyboard, or mouse controller failure occurred.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91) and
replace failed components as indicated.
303-Keyboard Controller Error
Audible Beeps: None
1. Be sure the keyboard and mouse are connected.
Possible Cause: System board, keyboard, or mouse controller failure occurred.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
2. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91) and replace
failed components as indicated.
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 193
304-Keyboard or System Unit Error
Audible Beeps: None
1. Be sure the keyboard and mouse are connected.
Possible Cause: Keyboard, keyboard cable, mouse controller, or system board
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
2. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91) and replace
failed components as indicated.
400 Series
In This Section
40X-Parallel Port X Address Assignment Conflict....................................................................193
404-Parallel Port Address Conflict Detected..............................................................................194
40X-Parallel Port X Address Assignment Conflict
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Both external and internal ports are assigned to parallel port X.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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194 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
404-Parallel Port Address Conflict Detected...
Audible Beeps: 2 short
1. If you have recently added new hardware, remove it to see if the hardware is
the cause of the conflict.
2. Run the server setup utility to reassign resources for the parallel port and
manually resolve the resource conflict.
...A hardware conflict in your system is keeping some system components from working
correctly. If you have recently added new hardware remove it to see if it is the cause of the
conflict. Alternatively, use Computer Setup or your operating system to insure that no
conflicts exist.
Possible Cause: A hardware conflict in the system is preventing the parallel port
from working correctly.
3. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
In This Section
500 Series
501-Display Adapter Failure ......................................................................................................195
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 195
501-Display Adapter Failure
Possible Cause: Integrated video controller on system board has failed.
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 2 short
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Action: Replace the system board.
600 Series
601-Diskette Controller Failed ...................................................................................................
In This Section
602-Diskette Boot Record Error.................................................................................................197
605-Diskette Drive Type Error...................................................................................................197
611-Primary Floppy Port Address Assignment Conflict............................................................197
611-Primary Floppy Port Address Conflict................................................................................
601-Diskette Controller Error.....................................................................................................196
601-Diskette Controller Error. The Drive is not Installed Correctly or Has Failed... ................196
601-Diskette Controller Failed
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Diskette controller circuitry failure occurred.
1. Be sure the diskette drive cables are connected.
Replace the diskette drive, the cable, or both.
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196 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
3. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91) and replace
failed components as indicated.
601-Diskette Controller Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Diskette controller circuitry failure occurred.
1. Be sure the diskette drive cables are connected.
3. Run Insight Diagnostics (" on page 91
Replace the diskette drive, the cable, or both.
HP Insight Diagnostics"
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
...Make sure that power and drive cables are connected, both to the drive and the system
board. Also verify that the cables are the correct cables for your computer model. If this
message persists, you may need service for your PC.
2. Be sure the cables are connected to the backplane.
601-Diskette Controller Error. The Drive is not Installed Correctly
or Has Failed...
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: CD-ROM or diskette drive assembly is not seated correctly, or a
controller circuitry failure occurred.
1. Be sure the CD-ROM or diskette drive assembly is properly installed.
Replace the CD-ROM or diskette drive assembly, the cable, the backplane,
or all three.
4. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 197
602-Diskette Boot Record Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The boot sector on the boot disk is corrupt.
1. Remove the diskette from the diskette drive.
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Audible Beeps: 2 short
2. Replace the diskette in the drive.
3. Reformat the diskette.
605-Diskette Drive Type Error.
Possible Cause: Mismatch in drive type occurred.
Action: Run the server setup utility to set the diskette drive type correctly.
611-Primary Floppy Port Address Assignment Conflict
Possible Cause: A hardware conflict in the system is preventing the diskette
drive from operating properly.
Run the server setup utility to configure the diskette drive port address and
manually resolve the conflict.
2. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
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198 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
611-Primary Floppy Port Address Conflict
Audible Beeps: 2 short
2. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
Possible Cause: A hardware conflict in the system is preventing the diskette
drive from operating properly.
Run the server setup utility to configure the diskette drive port address and
manually resolve the conflict.
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
800 Series
800-Server Feature Board Must be Installed in Slot 1 for Proper Operation .............................
In This Section
801-Server Feature Board is not Properly Cabled to the System... ............................................
802-Processor X is Missing or Terminator Board is not Present. System Halted ......................
803-Processor Speeds Must Match for System Operation. System Halted................................
804-100MHz Memory is Incompatible. System Halted.............................................................
805-Unsupported Processor Detected System will ONLY Boot ROMPAQ Utility ..................
805-The Bootstrap Processor is not the Lowest Stepping Processor in the System...................
806-CMOS Has Been Reset. Please Power Off and Restore the Clear CMOS Switch (SW2.2)
806-NVRAM Has Been Reset....................................................................................................
807-The Password Has Been Cleared. Please Power Off and Restore the Clear Password Switch
(SW2.1) ......................................................................................................................................
807-The Setup Password is Cleared. Please Power Off and Restore the Clear Password Switch
(SW1.1) ......................................................................................................................................
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 199
800-Server Feature Board Must be Installed in Slot 1 for Proper
Possible Cause: The Server Feature Board is either not installed, not installed in
the proper slot, or does not match the system.
1. Install the Server Feature Board in PCI slot 1.
...Verify that the server management information cable from the system board to the Server
Feature Board in slot 1 is intact and fully secured at both ends
2. Inspect the server-management information cable for signs of damage.
Audible Beeps: None
2. Reseat the Server Feature Board.
3. Be sure the Server Feature Board is supported by this server.
801-Server Feature Board is not Properly Cabled to the System...
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The server-management information cable is not properly
1. Be sure the server-management information cable is properly installed.
3. Reseat the server-management information cable on the system board and on
the Server Feature Board.
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200 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
802-Processor X is Missing or Terminator Board is not Present.
System Halted
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The indicated processor slot is empty.
803-Processor Speeds Must Match for System Operation.
System Halted
1. Be sure a processor or processor terminator board is installed in each
processor slot.
2. Reseat the processor or processor terminator board in each processor slot.
3. Be sure each processor has a corresponding PPM installed.
4. Replace each processor with a processor terminator board to identify a failed
processor or PPM.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Two processors with different speed ratings are installed in the
system. All installed processors must have the same speed rating for safe
1. Replace one of the processors with a processor terminator board.
2. Replace one of the processors with an alternate processor rated for the same
operating speed as the installed processor.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 201
804-100MHz Memory is Incompatible. System Halted
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A memory module other than 133-MHz ECC Registered
SDRAM DIMM is installed.
1. Reseat all memory modules in the system.
Audible Beeps: None
2. Remove the incompatible memory modules. Install each memory module
one at a time in DIMM slot 1 to identify the incompatible memory module, if
805-Unsupported Processor Detected System will ONLY Boot
ROMPAQ Utility
Possible Cause: One or both processors are unsupported.
Action: Install supported processors.
805-The Bootstrap Processor is not the Lowest Stepping
Processor in the System...
...This is unsupported configuration. Swap the position of the processors on the system
board to correct this issue.
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202 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The processors in the system are not the same stepping and the
processor in processor slot 1 has a lower stepping than the processor in processor
slot 2. The processor in processor slot 2 must have the same or lower stepping
than the processor in processor slot 1. (Processor stepping is a designation that
reflects the processor generation.)
1. Remove the processor from processor slot 1.
2. Remove the processor from processor slot 2.
3. Install the processor from processor slot 1 into processor slot 2.
4. Install the remaining processor into the available processor slot.
6. Set the date and time.
806-CMOS Has Been Reset. Please Power Off and Restore the
Clear CMOS Switch (SW2.2)
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The system switch SW2.2 has been turned on and the system
configuration data has been cleared from CMOS. This switch must be returned to
the default off position for normal operation and to save configuration setup data.
The system must be reconfigured.
1. Power down the server.
2. Return system switch SW2.2 to the off position. Refer to the server
documentation for the location of this switch.
3. Restart the server.
4. Press the F9 key to run the server setup utility and configure the system.
5. Select the primary operating system.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 203
7. Complete additional configuration as needed.
806-NVRAM Has Been Reset...
...Please power off the system and restore SW1.2 to the default position. Run BIOS Setup to
set default values. System Halted.
1. Remove power from the system.
6. Set the date and time.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The system configuration switch (SW1), position 2 has been
turned on and the system configuration data has been cleared from CMOS. This
switch must be returned to the default off position for normal operation and to
save configuration setup data.
The system must be reconfigured.
2. Return position 2 of the system configuration switch (SW1) to the off
position. Refer to the server documentation for the location of this switch.
3. Restart the server.
4. Press the F10 key to run the server setup utility and configure the system.
5. Select the primary operating system.
7. Complete additional configuration as needed.
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204 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
807-The Password Has Been Cleared. Please Power Off and
Restore the Clear Password Switch (SW2.1)
Audible Beeps: None
3. Restart the server.
Audible Beeps: None
4. Press the F10 key and use the server setup utility to set a new password.
Possible Cause: The system switch SW2.1 has been turned on and the system
configuration password has been cleared. System switch SW2.1 must be returned
to the default off position for normal operation and to set a password with the
server setup utility.
1. Remove power from the system.
2. Return system switch SW2.1 to the off position. Refer to the server
documentation for the location of this switch.
4. Press the F9 key and use the server setup utility to set a new password, if
807-The Setup Password is Cleared. Please Power Off and
Restore the Clear Password Switch (SW1.1)
Possible Cause: The system board configuration switch SW1.1 has been turned
on and the system configuration password has been cleared. SW1.1 must be
returned to the default off position for normal operation and the ability to set a
password with the server setup utility.
1. Remove power from the system.
2. Return SW1.1 to the off position. Refer to the server documentation for the
location of this switch.
3. Restart the server.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 205
900 Series
In This Section
912-The Computer Cover Has Been Removed Since Last System Startup... ............................205
912-The Computer Cover Has Been Removed Since Last System
...The machine cover has been removed. Please ensure that any system access was
Audible Beeps: None
In This Section
Possible Cause: The server cover has been removed since the last system startup.
Action: Be sure any system access was authorized.
1100 Series
1151-Com Port 1 Address Assignment Conflict ........................................................................
1151-COM Port 1 Address Conflict...........................................................................................206
1151-Serial Port A Address Conflict Detected...........................................................................206
1152-COM Port 2 Address Conflict...........................................................................................206
1152-COM Port 2, 3, or 4 Address Assignment Conflict...........................................................207
1152-Serial Port B Address Conflict Detected...........................................................................207
1153-COM Port 3 Address Conflict...........................................................................................207
1154-COM Port 4 Address Conflict...........................................................................................207
1155-Serial Port Address Conflict Detected...............................................................................208
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206 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1151-COM Port 1 Address Conflict
Possible Cause: Both external and internal serial ports are assigned to COM1.
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Action: Run the server setup utility to reassign serial port address and manually
resolve the conflict.
1152-COM Port 2 Address Conflict
Possible Cause: Both external and internal serial ports are assigned to COM2.
1151-Com Port 1 Address Assignment Conflict
Possible Cause: Both external and internal serial ports are assigned to COM1.
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1151-Serial Port A Address Conflict Detected
Possible Cause: A hardware conflict is preventing the normal operation of a
serial port.
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 207
1152-COM Port 2, 3, or 4 Address Assignment Conflict
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1152-Serial Port B Address Conflict Detected
1153-COM Port 3 Address Conflict
1154-COM Port 4 Address Conflict
Possible Cause: Both external and internal serial ports are assigned to COM2,
COM3, or COM4.
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: A hardware conflict is preventing the normal operation of a
serial port.
Action: Run the server setup utility to reassign serial port address and manually
resolve the conflict.
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Both external and internal serial ports are assigned to COM3.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Both external and internal serial ports are assigned to COM4.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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208 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1155-Serial Port Address Conflict Detected
1600 Series
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: A hardware conflict is preventing the normal operation of a
serial port.
Action: Run the server setup utility to reassign serial port address and manually
resolve conflict.
In This Section
1610-Temperature Violation Detected. - Waiting 5 Minutes for System to Cool......................
1610-Temperature Violation Detected. Waiting for System to Cool .........................................
1611-Fan X Not Present .............................................................................................................210
1611-CPU Fan Failure Detected.................................................................................................211
1611-CPU Fan Not Present ........................................................................................................211
1611-CPU Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected ...................................................................................
1611-Critical Fan Not Present, System Fan X............................................................................212
1611-Fan Failure Detected .........................................................................................................
1611-Front CPU Fan X Failure Detected...................................................................................213
1611-Front CPU Fan X Not Present...........................................................................................213
1611-I/O Fan Failure Detected...................................................................................................214
1611-I/O Fan Not Present...........................................................................................................
1611-I/O Slot Fan X Not Present ...............................................................................................215
1611-I/O Slot CPU Fan X Failure Detected...............................................................................215
1611-Power Supply Fan X Failure Detected..............................................................................215
1611-Power Supply Fan X Not Present......................................................................................
1610-I/O Board Temperature Violation Detected ......................................................................210
1611-Critical Fan Failure Detected, System Fan X....................................................................212
1611-Fan X Failure Detected .....................................................................................................213
1611-I/O Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected......................................................................................214
1611-Rear CPU Fan X Failure Detected ....................................................................................216
1611-Rear CPU Fan X Not Present............................................................................................216
1611-Redundant CPU Fan Failure Detected ..............................................................................217
1611-Redundant CPU Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected.................................................................217
1611-Redundant I/O Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected ...................................................................217
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 209
1611-Redundant System Fan Failure (Fan X) Detected.............................................................217
1611-Slot Fan Failure Detected..................................................................................................218
1611-System Fan Failure Detected.............................................................................................
1612-Primary Power Supply Failure ..........................................................................................219
1613-Low System Battery..........................................................................................................219
1614-Redundant Fan Failure ......................................................................................................219
1615-Power Supply Configuration Error....................................................................................
1615-Power Supply Failure, Power Supply Unplugged, or Power Supply Fan Failure in Bay X
1616-Power Supply Configuration Failure.................................................................................
1617-Fan Controller Not Responding. System Halted...............................................................221
1617-I/O Fan Controller Not Responding. System Halted.........................................................221
1618-PCI Slots Powered Down. Check PCI Hot-Plug Enabler Connectors ..............................222
1618-AC Line Is Not Cord Redundant.......................................................................................222
1619-Server Management Board Is In the Wrong Slot ..............................................................223
1620-Locked SCSI Bus Detected. Verify SCSI Bus Cabling. System Halted...........................223
1620-Fan Not Present .................................................................................................................224
1621-Error - Power Supply Required with System Power Module............................................224
1621-Current SCSI Bus Cable Configuration Is Not Recommended.........................................224
1622-Internal SCSI Jumper Board Not Installed........................................................................224
1623-System Battery Is Missing.................................................................................................225
1624-System Power Module Failed ...........................................................................................225
1625-Power Supply Failed .........................................................................................................225
1626-Power Supply Reported Error Status.................................................................................226
1627-System Power Module Reported Error Status...................................................................226
1611-System Fan Not Present ....................................................................................................218
1615-Power Supply Failure........................................................................................................220
1617-Fan Controller Not Responding ........................................................................................221
1617-CPU Fan Controller Not Responding. System Halted ......................................................
1618-PCI Slots Powered Down..................................................................................................
1619-Maximum Power Usage Was Exceeded ...........................................................................
1610-Temperature Violation Detected. - Waiting 5 Minutes for
System to Cool
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The ambient system temperature exceeded acceptable levels.
Action: Lower the room temperature.
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210 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1610-Temperature Violation Detected. Waiting for System to
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: The ambient system temperature exceeded acceptable levels.
Action: Check fan in system environment.
1610-I/O Board Temperature Violation Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: An overheating condition has occurred on the I/O board.
Action: Power down the server and let it cool down. Be sure the system fans are
functional and the rack allows adequate ventilation.
Also, be sure the ambient temperature is within the operating parameters of the
system. Refer to the server documentation for the temperature requirements of
the server.
1611-Fan X Not Present
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Fan is not installed or is not seated.
Action: Reseat or install a fan in position X.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 211
1611-CPU Fan Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-CPU Fan Not Present
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not installed.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-CPU Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Processor fan has failed.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
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212 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1611-Critical Fan Failure Detected, System Fan X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not properly functioning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-Critical Fan Not Present, System Fan X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not installed or not properly connected.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-Fan Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Required fan not installed or spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 213
1611-Fan X Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Required fan not installed or not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-Front CPU Fan X Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-Front CPU Fan X Not Present
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
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214 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1611-I/O Fan Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-I/O Fan Not Present
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-I/O Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: I/O fan has failed.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 215
1611-I/O Slot Fan X Not Present
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not installed.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-I/O Slot CPU Fan X Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-Power Supply Fan X Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
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216 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1611-Power Supply Fan X Not Present
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not installed.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-Rear CPU Fan X Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-Rear CPU Fan X Not Present
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not installed.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 217
1611-Redundant CPU Fan Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-Redundant CPU Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Redundant processor fan has failed.
Action: Replace the failed redundant fan.
1611-Redundant I/O Fan (Fan X) Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Redundant I/O fan has failed.
Action: Replace the failed redundant I/O fan.
1611-Redundant System Fan Failure (Fan X) Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fan has failed.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
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218 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-Slot Fan Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-System Fan Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1611-System Fan Not Present
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Required fan not installed.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 219
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
1612-Primary Power Supply Failure
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Primary power supply has failed.
Action: Replace power supply.
1613-Low System Battery
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Real-time clock system battery is running low on power.
Action: Replace battery (or add external battery).
1614-Redundant Fan Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fan is not spinning.
1. Check the fans to be sure they are working.
2. Be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.
3. If the problem persists, replace the failed fans.
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220 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1615-Power Supply Configuration Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The server configuration requires an additional power supply. A
moving bar is displayed, indicating that the system is waiting for another power
supply to be installed.
Action: Install the additional power supply.
1615-Power Supply Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Power supply has failed.
Action: Reseat power supply firmly or replace power supply.
1615-Power Supply Failure, Power Supply Unplugged, or Power
Supply Fan Failure in Bay X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Power supply has failed.
Action: Reseat power supply firmly or replace power supply.
1616-Power Supply Configuration Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Power supply is improperly configured.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 221
1617-Fan Controller Not Responding
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Fan controller failure detected.
Action: Check the fan controller to determine if it is working and replace the
controller assembly if needed.
1617-Fan Controller Not Responding. System Halted
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Fan controller failure detected.
Action: Check the fan controller to determine if it is working and replace the
controller assembly if needed.
1617-I/O Fan Controller Not Responding. System Halted
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: I/O fan controller failure detected.
Action: Check the fan controller to determine if it is working and replace the
controller assembly if needed.
1617-CPU Fan Controller Not Responding. System Halted
Audible Beeps: 2 short
Possible Cause: Processor fan controller failure detected.
Action: Check the fan controller to determine if it is working and replace the
controller assembly if needed.
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222 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1618-PCI Slots Powered Down. Check PCI Hot-Plug Enabler
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: PCI Hot Plug enabler is missing or failed.
Action: Check the enabler to determine if it is installed and working and replace
the assembly if needed.
1618-PCI Slots Powered Down
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: PCI Hot Plug enabler is missing or failed.
Action: Check the enabler to determine if it is installed and working and replace
the assembly if needed.
1618-AC Line Is Not Cord Redundant
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: AC line cord redundancy is not achieved.
Action: AC line cord redundancy is not necessary for the server to operate. If
AC line cord redundancy is wanted, plug server into two separate AC sources.
Each AC source should be on a different power grid/circuit.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 223
1619-Maximum Power Usage Was Exceeded
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: System has reached the maximum power draw for the current
power configuration of the server.
1. If running on a 110-volt AC source, switch to a 220-volt AC source.
2. Add an extra power supply/SPM pair.
3. Decrease the options in the system. Refer to the power calculator
) for power considerations.
1619-Server Management Board Is In the Wrong Slot
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The server management board is not in the proper location.
Action: Install the server management board in the correct slot.
1620-Locked SCSI Bus Detected. Verify SCSI Bus Cabling.
System Halted
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: SCSI bus failure detected.
Action: Be sure the integrated SCSI controller has SCSI termination connected.
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224 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1620-Fan Not Present
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fans are missing or not cabled correctly.
Action: Be sure the fans are present, supported, and installed correctly. Refer to
the server documentation.
1621-Error - Power Supply Required with System Power Module
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: There are more SPMs than power supplies.
Action: Power supplies and SPMs must be installed in pairs and in line with each
other. Be sure an SPM is installed for each power supply.
1621-Current SCSI Bus Cable Configuration Is Not
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Improper SCSI bus cabling detected.
Action: Refer to the server documentation for proper SCSI bus cabling.
1622-Internal SCSI Jumper Board Not Installed
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: SCSI jumper board missing or not functional. The array enabler
board is not installed.
1. Install the array enabler board.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 225
2. If a separate controller is used, install the Integrated Array Bypass Kit. Refer
to the server documentation or the HP website (http://www.hp.com
) for more
1623-System Battery Is Missing
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The battery is not properly installed.
Action: Be sure the battery is installed on the sideplane board. Refer to the server
1624-System Power Module Failed
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: An SPM has failed.
Action: Replace the specified SPM.
1625-Power Supply Failed
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A power supply has failed.
Action: Replace the specified power supply.
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226 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1626-Power Supply Reported Error Status
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The power supply has returned an error status.
1. Note the details of the error status and act accordingly. For example, if an
over-temperature condition has occurred, check the system fans and
2. If the problem persists, replace the power supply.
1627-System Power Module Reported Error Status
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The SPM has returned an error status.
1. Note the details of the error status and act accordingly. For example, if an
over-temperature condition has occurred, check the system fans and
2. If the problem persists, replace the SPM.
1700 Series
In This Section
1701-SCSI Controller Failure.....................................................................................................229
1702-SCSI Cable Error Detected ...............................................................................................229
1704-Unsupported Virtual Mode Disk Operation DOS Driver Required ..................................230
1705-Locked SCSI Bus Detected...............................................................................................230
1711-Slot Z Drive Array - RAID ADG Logical Drive(s) Configured but Array Accelerator Size
<= 32 MB... ................................................................................................................................230
1712-Slot Z Drive Array - RAID 5 Logical Drive(s) Configured with 56 Drives, but Array
Accelerator Size <= 32 MB........................................................................................................231
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 227
1713-Slot z Drive Array Controller - Redundant ROM Reprogramming Failure......................231
1714-Slot z Drive Array Controller - Redundant ROM Checksum Error..................................231
1720-Slot X Drive Array - S.M.A.R.T. Hard Drive(s) Detect Imminent Failure SCSI: Port Y:
SCSI ID Z...................................................................................................................................232
1720-S.M.A.R.T. Hard Drive Detects Imminent Failure ...........................................................232
1721-Slot X Drive Array - Drive Parameter Tracking Predicts Imminent Failure.....................233
1722-Slot X Drive Array - Redundant Controller Pair Not Operating Redundantly... ..............233
1723-Slot x Drive Array - To improve signal integrity..............................................................234
1724-Slot X Drive Array - Physical Drive Position Change(s) Detected - ... ............................234
1725-Slot X Drive Array-Optional SIMM Failure Detected......................................................235
1726-Slot X Drive Array - Array Accelerator Memory Size Change Detected. - .....................235
1727-Slot X Drive Array - New Logical Drive(s) Attachment Detected...................................235
1728-Drive Array-Abnormal Shut-Down Detected With Write-Cache .....................................236
1729-Slot 1 Drive Array - Performance Optimization Scan In Progress... ................................236
1730-Fixed Disk 0 Does Not Support DMA Mode....................................................................237
1731-Fixed Disk 1 Does Not Support DMA Mode....................................................................237
1740-Fixed Disk 0 Failed Set Block Mode Command...............................................................237
1741-Fixed Disk 1 Failed Set Block Mode Command...............................................................237
1750-Fixed Disk X Failed ID Command....................................................................................238
1750-Fixed Disk X Failed Identify Command ...........................................................................238
1753-Slot z Drive Array - Array Controller Maximum Operating Temperature Exceeded During
Previous Power Up.....................................................................................................................238
1754-Slot Z Drive Array - RAID ADG Drive(s) Configured but ADG Enabler Module is
Detached or Defective... .............................................................................................................238
1755-Slot Z Drive Array - ADG Enabler Module Appears to be Defective. Please Replace ADG
Enabler Module. .........................................................................................................................239
1756-Redundant Controllers Are Not the Same Model .............................................................239
1757-Array Accelerator Daughterboard Incompatible with this Model Controller ...................240
1758-Drive Array - Accelerator Size Mismatch Between Controllers.......................................240
1759-Slot z Drive Array - Redundant Controller Error..............................................................241
1760-Fixed Disk X Does Not Support Block Mode...................................................................241
1761-Fixed Disk 1 Does Not Support Block Mode....................................................................241
1762-Redundant Controller Operation is not Supported in this Firmware Version ...................242
1763-Array Accelerator Daughtercard is Detached; Please Reattach ........................................242
1764-Slot X Drive Array - Capacity Expansion Process is Temporarily Disabled....................242
1766-Slot X Drive Array Requires System ROM Upgrade. Run Systems ROMPaq Utility.....243
1767-Slot X Drive Array Option ROM Is Not Programmed Correctly .....................................243
1768-Slot X Drive Array - Resuming Logical Drive Expansion Process ..................................244
1769-Slot X Drive Array - Drive(s) Disabled Due to Failure During Capacity Expansion.......244
1770-Slot X Drive Array - SCSI Drive Firmware Update Recommended - ... ..........................245
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228 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1771-Primary Disk Port Address Assignment Conflict..............................................................245
1772-Secondary Disk Port Address Assignment Conflict..........................................................245
1773-Primary Fixed Disk Port Assignment Conflict..................................................................246
1774-Slot X Drive Array - Obsolete Data Found in Array Accelerator.....................................246
1775-Slot X Drive Array - ProLiant Storage System Not Responding SCSI Port Y:................246
1776-Slot X Drive Array - SCSI Bus Termination Error_GenericTSG_POST Error Message.247
1776-Drive Array Reports Improper SCSI Port 1 Cabling.........................................................247
1777-Slot X Drive Array - ProLiant Drive Storage Enclosure Problem Detected.....................248
1778-Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery Process ..............................................249
1779-Slot X Drive Array - Replacement drive(s) detected OR previously failed drive(s) now
1780-Disk 0 Failure....................................................................................................................250
1781-Disk 1 Failure....................................................................................................................250
1782-Disk Controller Failure......................................................................................................250
1783-Slot X Drive Array Controller Failure ..............................................................................251
1783-Intelligent Drive Array Controller Failure ........................................................................251
1784-Slot X Drive Array Drive Failure. The Following SCSI Drive(s) Should Be Replaced:
SCSI Port Y: SCSI ID Z.............................................................................................................251
1785-Slot X Drive Array Not Configured..................................................................................252
1786-Slot 1 Drive Array Recovery Needed................................................................................253
1786-Slot 1 Drive Array Recovery Needed. Automatic Data Recovery Previously Aborted!...253
1787-Drive Array Operating in Interim Recovery Mode...........................................................254
1788-Slot X Drive Array Reports Incorrect Drive Replacement... ............................................255
1789-Slot X Drive Array SCSI Drive(s) Not Responding... ......................................................255
1790-Disk X Configuration Error...............................................................................................257
1791-Disk 1 Error.......................................................................................................................257
1792-Drive Array Reports Valid Data Found in Array Accelerator...........................................257
1792-Secondary Disk Controller Failure....................................................................................258
1793-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Battery Depleted - Data Lost. (Error message 1794 also
1794-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Battery Charge Low......................................................258
1795-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Configuration Error... ...................................................259
1796-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Not Responding... .........................................................259
1797-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Read Error Occurred.....................................................259
1798-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Write Error or Self-Test Error Occurred.......................260
1799-Drive Array - Drive(s) Disabled Due to Array Accelerator Data Loss.............................260
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 229
1701-SCSI Controller Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Embedded SCSI controller has failed or a connected device is
preventing normal operation.
1. Be sure the SCSI cables are connected securely.
2. Remove the SCSI cables from the controller and observe if the failure
persists. If necessary, replace the cables.
3. Be sure the SCSI IDs are assigned correctly at each SCSI device.
4. Remove individual SCSI devices from the cable to identify a suspect device.
5. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
1702-SCSI Cable Error Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: SCSI cable failed.
1. Check all SCSI cable connectors for bent pins.
2. Reseat the SCSI cable on the controller and all connected devices.
3. If the problem persists, replace the SCSI cable.
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230 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1704-Unsupported Virtual Mode Disk Operation DOS Driver
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The operating system currently running does not support virtual
DMA service.
Action: Load or update the SCSI device driver appropriate for the operating
1705-Locked SCSI Bus Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A SCSI controller cannot communicate with devices connected
to a SCSI bus.
1. Be sure the SCSI cable is properly installed.
2. Be sure the SCSI cable has proper termination.
1711-Slot Z Drive Array - RAID ADG Logical Drive(s) Configured
but Array Accelerator Size <= 32 MB...
...This configuration is not recommended. Consider migrating logical drive(s) to RAID 5 or
upgrading the Array Accelerator module.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: This configuration is not recommended.
Action: Migrate logical drives to RAID 5 or upgrade to a larger array accelerator
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 231
1712-Slot Z Drive Array - RAID 5 Logical Drive(s) Configured
with 56 Drives, but Array Accelerator Size <= 32 MB...
...This configuration is not recommended. Consider migrating logical drive(s) to RAID 0 or
1, reducing the number of drives in the array, or upgrading the Array Accelerator module.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: This configuration is not recommended.
Action: Migrate logical drives to RAID 0 or 1, reduce the number of drives in
the array, or upgrade to a larger-size array accelerator module.
1713-Slot z Drive Array Controller - Redundant ROM
Reprogramming Failure...
...Replace the controller if this error persists after restarting system.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Flash ROM is failing. The controller detected a checksum
failure but is unable to reprogram the backup ROM.
1. Upgrade the firmware using Options ROMPaq ("SoftPaqs" on page 95
2. If the problem persists, replace the controller.
1714-Slot z Drive Array Controller - Redundant ROM Checksum
...Backup ROM has automatically been activated. Check firmware version.
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232 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The controller flash operation interrupted by power-cycle, or
flash ROM is failing. The controller has detected a ROM checksum error and
automatically switched to the backup ROM image.
Action: If this backup ROM image is a lower version than the originally running
image, upgrade controller firmware using Options ROMPaq ("SoftPaqs" on page
1720-Slot X Drive Array - S.M.A.R.T. Hard Drive(s) Detect
Imminent Failure SCSI: Port Y: SCSI ID Z.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A hard drive SMART predictive failure condition is detected. It
may fail at some time in the future.
If this drive is part of a non-fault-tolerant configuration, back up all data
before replacing the drive and restore all data afterward.
If this drive is part of a fault-tolerant configuration, do not replace this drive
unless all other drives in the array are online.
1720-S.M.A.R.T. Hard Drive Detects Imminent Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A hard drive SMART predictive failure condition is detected. It
may fail at some time in the future.
If configured as a non-RAID 0 array, replace the failing or failed drive. Refer
to the server documentation.
If configured as a RAID 0 array or non-RAID setup, back up the drive or
drives, replace the drive, and restore the system.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 233
1721-Slot X Drive Array - Drive Parameter Tracking Predicts
Imminent Failure...
1722-Slot X Drive Array - Redundant Controller Pair Not
Operating Redundantly...
Incompatible firmware versions; upgrade firmware.
...The following devices should be replaced when conditions permit. Do not replace drive
unless all other drives in the array are on-line! Back up data before replacing drive(s) if
using RAID 0.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Drive parameter tracking reports a predictive-failure condition
on the indicated drive. It may fail at some time in the future.
If the drive is part of a non-fault-tolerant configuration, back up all data
before replacing the drive and restore all data afterward.
If the drive is part of a fault-tolerant configuration, do not replace the drive
unless all other drives in the array are online.
...(followed by one of the following):
Incompatible controller models.
Inter-controller communication failed; check other controller.
Array accelerator RAM sizes are different.
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234 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The Smart Array 3100ES or 4250ES Controllers are not
operating properly or redundantly.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
Be sure both controllers are the same Smart Array model. If they are, one of
the controllers or the system board may be defective.
Be sure both Smart Array 3100ES or 4250ES Controllers have the 64-MB
array accelerator board connected in order to operate in redundant mode.
Be sure the adjacent Smart Array 3100ES or 4250ES Controller has not
Run Options ROMPaq ("SoftPaqs" on page
) to upgrade both controllers
to the same firmware version.
1723-Slot x Drive Array - To improve signal integrity...
...internal SCSI connector should be removed if external drives are attached to the same
SCSI port (followed by detailed instructions).
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A cabling problem exists.
Action: With system power off, remove or replace connector daughterboard and
external cables connected to the Smart Array Controller board as instructed.
1724-Slot X Drive Array - Physical Drive Position Change(s)
Detected - ...
...Logical drive configuration has automatically been updated.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 235
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The logical drive configuration has been updated automatically
following physical drive position changes.
Action: No action is required.
1725-Slot X Drive Array-Optional SIMM Failure Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: SIMM has been automatically disabled due to memory errors or
unsupported SIMM type installed.
Action: Replace the SIMM memory module on the indicated controller.
Possible Cause: The array accelerator configuration has been updated
automatically due to replacement of the array accelerator (or controller) with one
having different cache memory size.
1726-Slot X Drive Array - Array Accelerator Memory Size Change
Detected. - ...
...Array Accelerator configuration has automatically been updated.
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Run the array configuration utility to change the default cache read/write
allocation ratio.
1727-Slot X Drive Array - New Logical Drive(s) Attachment
...If more than 32 logical drives, this message will be followed by: “Auto-configuration
failed: Too many logical drives.”
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236 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The controller has detected an additional array of drives that
was connected when the power was off. The logical drive configuration
information has been updated to add the new logical drives. The maximum
number of logical drives supported is 32. Additional logical drives will not be
added to the configuration.
Action: No action is required.
1728-Drive Array-Abnormal Shut-Down Detected With Write-
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: No array accelerator battery backup exists on the array
controller, but caching was enabled. Any data that may have been in array
accelerator memory has been lost due to the controller power loss.
Action: Restore data from backup.
1729-Slot 1 Drive Array - Performance Optimization Scan In
...RAID 4/5/ADG performance may be higher after completion.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: RAID 4/5/ADG parity drive(s) are being initialized.
Performance of the controller improves after the parity data has been initialized
by ARM (an automatic process that runs in the background on the controller).
Action: No action is required.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 237
1730-Fixed Disk 0 Does Not Support DMA Mode
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fixed drive error detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1731-Fixed Disk 1 Does Not Support DMA Mode
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fixed drive error detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1740-Fixed Disk 0 Failed Set Block Mode Command
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fixed drive error detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1741-Fixed Disk 1 Failed Set Block Mode Command
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fixed drive error detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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238 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1750-Fixed Disk X Failed ID Command
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fixed drive error detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1750-Fixed Disk X Failed Identify Command
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fixed drive error detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1753-Slot z Drive Array - Array Controller Maximum Operating
Temperature Exceeded During Previous Power Up
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Controller is overheating.
Action: Be sure adequate system cooling and sufficient airflow across controller
are available.
1754-Slot Z Drive Array - RAID ADG Drive(s) Configured but ADG
Enabler Module is Detached or Defective...
...Please check for detached ADG Enabler Module. Array Accelerator is temporarily
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 239
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: One or more RAID ADG drives are configured, but ADG
enabler module is not properly seated or is defective.
1. Reseat the ADG enabler module.
2. If the problem persists, replace the module.
1755-Slot Z Drive Array - ADG Enabler Module Appears to be
Defective. Please Replace ADG Enabler Module.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: ADG enabler module is not properly seated or is defective.
1. Reseat the ADG enabler module.
2. If the problem persists, replace the module.
1756-Redundant Controllers Are Not the Same Model
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Causes:
A Smart Array 3100ES Controller is paired with a 4250ES controller. In a
redundant controller configuration, both controllers must be the same model.
A defective system board or a controller is not fully seated in the PCI slot.
If the controllers are different models, replace one of the controllers so they
are both the same model.
Reseat the controllers.
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240 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support (
on page 269
"Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller"
) before
Possible Cause: Incorrect array accelerator is attached to redundant Smart Array
4250ES Controllers.
If the problem persists, replace the system board.
1757-Array Accelerator Daughterboard Incompatible with this
Model Controller
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: 4-MB array accelerator board installed on Smart Array 42XX
Action: Replace the 4-MB array accelerator board with a 16-MB or 64-MB
1758-Drive Array - Accelerator Size Mismatch Between
...64MB Array Accelerator should be attached to both controllers. Array Accelerator is
temporarily disabled.
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Install 64-MB array accelerator module on both Smart Array 4250ES
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 241
1759-Slot z Drive Array - Redundant Controller Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A redundant controller problem or defective system board
1. Reseat the controllers.
2. If the problem persists:
Replace the controllers.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before
b. Replace the system board.
1760-Fixed Disk X Does Not Support Block Mode
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fixed drive error detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1761-Fixed Disk 1 Does Not Support Block Mode
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fixed drive error detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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242 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1762-Redundant Controller Operation is not Supported in this
Firmware Version
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The controller has old firmware that does not support
redundant-controller operation.
Action: Upgrade the controller firmware using Options ROMPaq ("SoftPaqs" on
page 95
1763-Array Accelerator Daughtercard is Detached; Please
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Array accelerator module is loose, missing, or defective.
1. Reseat array accelerator module.
2. If the problem persists, replace the array accelerator module.
1764-Slot X Drive Array - Capacity Expansion Process is
Temporarily Disabled...
(followed by one of the following)
...Expansion will resume when Array Accelerator has been reattached.
Expansion will resume when Array Accelerator has been replaced.
Expansion will resume when Array Accelerator RAM allocation is successful.
Expansion will resume when Array Accelerator battery reaches full charge.
Expansion will resume when automatic data recovery has been completed.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 243
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The capacity expansion process has been temporarily disabled.
Action: Follow the action that is displayed onscreen to resume the capacity
expansion process.
1766-Slot X Drive Array Requires System ROM Upgrade. Run
Systems ROMPaq Utility...
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: System ROM upgrade is required.
Action: Run the latest system ROMPaq utility ("SoftPaqs" on page 95
) to
upgrade the system ROM as indicated.
Action: Upgrade firmware on all Smart Array Controllers using Options
ROMPaq ("SoftPaqs" on page
1767-Slot X Drive Array Option ROM Is Not Programmed
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Controller Option ROM problem.
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244 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1768-Slot X Drive Array - Resuming Logical Drive Expansion
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Power was lost while a logical expansion operation was
performed. A controller reset or power cycle occurs while array expansion is in
Action: No action is required.
1769-Slot X Drive Array - Drive(s) Disabled Due to Failure During
Capacity Expansion
...Select F1 to continue with logical drives disabled. Select F2 to accept data loss and to re-
enable logical drives.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Data was lost while the array was expanded; therefore, the
drives have been temporarily disabled. Capacity expansion failed due to:
Array accelerator or hard drive failed or was removed; expansion progress
data lost
Expansion progress data could not be read from array accelerator
Expansion aborted due to unrecoverable drive errors
Expansion aborted due to array accelerator errors
Press the F2 key to accept the data loss and re-enable the logical drives.
Restore data from backup.
Replace drive or array accelerator, as appropriate.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 245
1770-Slot X Drive Array - SCSI Drive Firmware Update
Recommended - ...
...Please upgrade firmware on the following drive(s) using Options ROMPaq (available
from www.compaq.com): SCSI Port Y SCSI ID Z
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Drive firmware update needed.
Action: The indicated drives are running firmware that is known to cause
intermittent problems. Use Options ROMPaq ("SoftPaqs" on page 95
) to upgrade
firmware on all drives to the latest revision.
1771-Primary Disk Port Address Assignment Conflict
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Internal and external hard drive controllers are both assigned to
the primary address.
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
1772-Secondary Disk Port Address Assignment Conflict
Possible Cause: Address assignment conflict. Internal and external hard drive
controllers are both assigned to the secondary address.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
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246 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1773-Primary Fixed Disk Port Assignment Conflict
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Fixed drive error detected.
Action: Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
Action: Check the file system to determine whether any data has been lost.
Audible Beeps: None
1774-Slot X Drive Array - Obsolete Data Found in Array
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Drives were used on another controller and reconnected to the
original controller while data was in the original controller cache. Data found in
the array accelerator is older than data found on the drives and has been
automatically discarded.
1775-Slot X Drive Array - ProLiant Storage System Not
Responding SCSI Port Y:
...Check storage system power switch and cables. Turn the system power off while checking
the ProLiant power and cable connections, then turn the system power back on to retry.
Possible Cause: Storage system problem detected. A SCSI enclosure seems to be
connected to the specified SCSI bus, but no drives or SCSI backplane processor
were detected on this bus.
1. Power down the server.
2. Check the external ProLiant power switch. External drives must all be
powered up before the main system is.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 247
4. Update the firmware ("SoftPaqs" on page
Be sure cables are connected properly and securely.
5. If the problem persists, replace the cable, backplane, or Smart Array
The integrated Smart Array option ROM is corrupted.
1776-Slot X Drive Array - SCSI Bus Termination
Error_GenericTSG_POST Error Message
...Internal and external drives cannot both be attached to the same SCSI port. SCSI port Y:
Check cables
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: External and internal connectors of the specified SCSI ports are
connected to drives. The indicated SCSI bus is disabled until this problem is
Action: The SCSI bus is not properly terminated when internal and external
drives are connected concurrently to the same SCSI bus.
1. Power down the server.
2. Be sure the cables to the specified port are connected properly and securely.
3. Reconfigure the drives to different SCSI ports.
1776-Drive Array Reports Improper SCSI Port 1 Cabling
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause:
The integrated array enabler board failed.
The I/O board, media backplane fan board, or media backplane failed.
Replace the integrated array enabler board.
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248 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Replace the integrated Smart Array option ROM.
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the I/O board. If you believe the I/O board requires
replacement, contact HP Technical Support ("Contacting HP Technical
Support or Authorized Reseller" on page 269
) before proceeding.
Rebooting after installing each item, replace in the following order: media
backplane fan board, media backplane, and I/O board.
...SCSI Port Y: Cooling Fan Malfunction Detected
1777-Slot X Drive Array - ProLiant Drive Storage Enclosure
Problem Detected...
(followed by one or more of the following):
SCSI Port Y: Overheated Condition Detected
SCSI Port Y: Side-Panel must be Closed to Prevent Overheating
SCSI Port Y: Redundant Power Supply Malfunction Detected
SCSI Port Y: Wide SCSI Transfer Failed
SCSI Port Y: Interrupt Signal Inoperative
SCSI Port y: Unsupported ProLiant Storage System Detected
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Environment threshold was violated on the drive enclosure.
Check cooling fan operation by placing hand over fan.
Be sure the internal plenum cooling fan in tower servers or storage systems is
operational. If fan is not operating, check for obstructions and check all
internal connections.
Replace unit side panel if removed.
Check the LEDs. If the ProLiant Storage System power LED is amber
instead of green, this indicates a redundant power supply failure.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 249
If the message indicates to check SCSI cables:
...Port Y: SCSI ID Z:
a. Compare the cabling against the diagrams in the HP Smart Array
Controller User Guide.
b. If the routing is correct, replace cables on the specified port until the
POST error message is eliminated.
1778-Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery Process
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A controller reset or power cycle occurred while Automatic
Data Recovery was in progress.
Action: No action is required.
1779-Slot X Drive Array - Replacement drive(s) detected OR
previously failed drive(s) now operational:...
Restore data from backup if replacement drive X has been installed.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: More drives failed (or were replaced) than the fault-tolerance
level allows. Unable to rebuild array. If drives have not been replaced, this
message indicates an intermittent drive failure.
Action: Be sure the system is always powered up and down correctly:
When powering up the system, all external storage systems must be powered
up before (or at the same time as) the server.
When powering down the system, the server must be powered down before
powering down any external storage systems.
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250 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1780-Disk 0 Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Hard drive or format error detected. The drive is not installed
correctly or has failed.
1. Be sure any jumpers are set correctly.
2. Be sure power and drive cables are connected securely, both to the drive and
the system board.
Be sure the cables are the correct cables for the server model.
4. Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and replace
failed components as indicated.
1781-Disk 1 Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Hard drive or format error detected.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
1782-Disk Controller Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Hard drive circuitry error detected.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 251
1783-Slot X Drive Array Controller Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Controller failed. If this message is displayed after Options
ROMPaq is run, problems may have occurred while attempting to flash the
1. Reseat the array accelerator module.
2. Reseat the controller in the PCI slot.
3. If the problem persists, replace the array controller.
1783-Intelligent Drive Array Controller Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Integrated array controller firmware is corrupt or the controller
1. Be sure the integrated array controller ROM firmware ("SoftPaqs" on page
) is up to date.
2. If the problem persists, replace the controller.
1784-Slot X Drive Array Drive Failure. The Following SCSI
Drive(s) Should Be Replaced: SCSI Port Y: SCSI ID Z
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Defective drive or SCSI cables detected.
1. Be sure all cables are connected properly and securely.
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252 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
2. Be sure all drives are fully seated.
3. Replace defective cables, drive X, or both.
1785-Slot X Drive Array Not Configured...
(followed by one of the following):
...(1) Run Compaq Array Configuration Utility
(2) No drives detected
Possible Cause: Drive array configuration not detected.
(3) Drive positions appear to have changed – Run Drive Array Advanced Diagnostics if
previous positions are unknown. Then turn system power OFF and move drives to their
original positions.
(4) Configuration information indicates drive positions beyond the capability of this
controller. This may be due to drive movement from a controller that supports more drives
than the current controller.
(5) Configuration information indicates drives were configured on a controller with a newer
firmware version.
Audible Beeps: None
Run ACU ("Array Configuration Utility" on page
Power down the system and check SCSI cable connections to be sure the
drives are connected properly.
Run ADU ("Array Diagnostic Utility" on page
) if previous positions are
unknown. Then, turn the system power off and move the drives to their
original positions.
To avoid data loss, reconnect the drives to the original controller or upgrade
the controller firmware to the version on the original controller (or higher)
using Options ROMPaq ("SoftPaqs" on page
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 253
1786-Slot 1 Drive Array Recovery Needed...
...The following SCSI drive(s) need Automatic Data Recovery: SCSI Port Y: SCSI ID Z
Select F1 to continue with recovery of data to drive. Select F2 to continue without recovery
of data to drive.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A failed or replacement drive has not yet been rebuilt.
Perform one of the following actions:
Press the F1 key to continue with recovery of data to the drive. Data will
be automatically restored to drive X when a failed drive has been
replaced, or to the original drive if it is working again without errors.
Press the F2 key to continue without recovery of data to the drive. The
failed drive will not be rebuilt and the system will continue to operate in
a failed state of Interim Data Recovery Mode.
Replace the failed drive and press the F1 key to rebuild the array. If the drive
rebuild is not successful or is aborted because the system rebooted before the
rebuild of the drive completed, another version of the 1786 POST error
message will be displayed. Refer to the following message.
1786-Slot 1 Drive Array Recovery Needed. Automatic Data
Recovery Previously Aborted!...
...The following SCSI drive(s) need Automatic Data Recovery: SCSI Port Y: SCSI ID Z
Select F1 to retry Automatic Data Recovery to drive. Select F2 to continue without starting
Automatic Data Recovery.
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254 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: System is in Interim Data Recovery Mode and a failed or
replacement drive has not yet been rebuilt. This message is displayed if the F2
key was pressed during a previous boot or if the F1 key was pressed during a
previous boot and the system rebooted before the rebuild of the drive completed.
Perform one of the suggested actions:
Press the F1 key to retry Automatic Data Recovery to the drive. Data
will be automatically restored to drive X when a failed drive has been
replaced, or to the original drive if it is working again without errors.
Press the F2 key to continue without recovery of data to the drive. The
failed drive will not be rebuilt and the system will continue to operate in
a failed state of Interim Data Recovery Mode.
If drive recovery is not successful, run ADU ("Array Diagnostic Utility" on
page 90
) for more information.
If the replacement drive failed, replace with another drive.
If the rebuild was aborted due to a read error from another physical drive
in the array, back up all readable data on the array, run ADU, and then
restore the data.
1787-Drive Array Operating in Interim Recovery Mode...
...Physical drive replacement needed: Drive X
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Hard drive X failed or cable is loose or defective. Following a
system restart, this message notes that drive X is defective and fault tolerance is
being used.
1. Be sure all cables are connected properly and securely.
2. Test and replace defective cables.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 255
3. Replace drive X. (depending on the fault-tolerance level, all data may be lost
if another drive fails).
1788-Slot X Drive Array Reports Incorrect Drive Replacement...
Audible Beeps: None
...The following SCSI drive(s) should have been replaced: SCSI Port Y: SCSI ID Z.
The following SCSI drive(s) were incorrectly replaced: SCSI Port y: SCSI ID z.
Select F1 to continue – drive array will remain disabled.
Select F2 to reset configuration – all data will be lost.
Possible Cause:
Replacement drives may have been installed in the wrong drive bays.
A bad power cable connection to the drive, noise on the data cable, or
defective SCSI cable exists.
If replacement drives are installed in the wrong bays, properly reinstall the
drives as indicated and:
Press the F1 key to restart the server with the drive array disabled.
Press the F2 key to use the drives as configured and lose all the data on
If a bad power cable connection exists:
Repair the connection and press the F2 key.
b. If the problem persists, run ADU ("Array Diagnostic Utility" on page 90
to resolve.
Be sure the cable is routed properly.
1789-Slot X Drive Array SCSI Drive(s) Not Responding...
...Check cables or replace the following SCSI drives: SCSI Port Y: SCSI ID Z
Select F1 to continue – drive array will remain disabled.
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256 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Select F2 to failed drives that are not responding – Interim Recovery Mode will be enabled
if configured for fault tolerance.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Drives that were working when the system was last used are
now missing or are not starting up. Possible drive problem or loose SCSI cable.
1. Power down the system.
2. Be sure all cables are properly connected.
3. Be sure all drives are fully seated.
4. Power cycle any external SCSI enclosures while the system is off.
5. Power up the server to see if the problem still exists.
6. If configured for fault-tolerant operation and the RAID level can sustain
failure of all indicated drives:
a. Press the F2 key to fail the drives that are not responding
b. Replace the failed drives.
7. Press the F1 key to start the system with all logical drives on the controller
Be sure the system is always powered up and down correctly.
When powering up the system, all external storage systems must be powered
up before the server.
When powering down the system, the server must be powered down before
external storage systems.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 257
1790-Disk X Configuration Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Hard drive error or wrong drive type detected.
Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
2. If the problem persists, run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on
page 91
) and replace the failed assembly as indicated.
1791-Disk 1 Error
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Hard drive error or wrong drive type detected.
1. Run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.
2. If the problem persists, run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on
page 91
) and replace the failed assembly as indicated.
1792-Drive Array Reports Valid Data Found in Array
...Data will automatically be written to drive array.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Power was interrupted while data was in the array accelerator
memory. Power was then restored within several days, and the data in the array
accelerator was flushed to the drive array.
Action: No action is required. No data has been lost. Perform orderly system
shutdowns to avoid leaving data in the array accelerator.
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258 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
1792-Secondary Disk Controller Failure
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Part of the IDE drive electronics has failed.
Action: Run Insight Diagnostics ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 91
) and
replace failed components as indicated.
1793-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Battery Depleted - Data
Lost. (Error message 1794 also displays.)
Audible Beeps: None
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Power was interrupted while data was in the array accelerator
memory, or the array accelerator batteries failed. Data in array accelerator has
been lost.
Action: No action is required. Power was not restored within enough time to
save the data. Perform orderly system shutdowns to avoid leaving data in the
array accelerator.
1794-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Battery Charge Low...
...Array Accelerator is temporarily disabled.
Array Accelerator will be re-enabled when battery reaches full charge.
Possible Cause: The battery charge is below 75 percent. Posted writes are
Action: Replace the array accelerator board if the batteries do not recharge
within 36 powered-on hours.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 259
1795-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Configuration Error...
Audible Beeps: None
Action: Match the array accelerator to the correct drive array, or run ACU
("Array Configuration Utility" on page
...Data does not correspond to this drive array. Array Accelerator is temporarily disabled.
Possible Cause: Power was interrupted while data was in the array accelerator
memory, or the data stored in the array accelerator does not correspond to this
drive array.
) to clear the data in the array
1796-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Not Responding...
Audible Beeps: None
...Array Accelerator is temporarily disabled.
Possible Cause: Array accelerator is defective or is missing. Depending on the
array controller model, the cache may be disabled or the controller might not be
usable until this problem is corrected.
1. Reseat the array accelerator daughter board if the connector is loose.
2. If the problem persists, replace the board.
1797-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Read Error Occurred...
...Data in Array Accelerator has been lost.
Array Accelerator is disabled.
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260 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Hard parity error detected while reading data from posted-writes
Action: Replace the array accelerator daughter board.
1798-Drive Array - Array Accelerator Write Error or Self-Test
Error Occurred...
...Array Accelerator is disabled.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Array accelerator failed self-test. Depending on the array
controller model, the cache may be disabled or the controller might not be usable
until this problem is corrected.
Action: Replace the array accelerator daughter board.
1799-Drive Array - Drive(s) Disabled Due to Array Accelerator
Data Loss...
...Select “F1” to continue with logical drives disabled.
Select “F2” to accept data loss and to re-enable logical drives.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: One or more logical drives failed due to loss of data in posted-
writes memory.
Press the F1 key to continue with the logical drives disabled
Press the F2 key to accept data loss and re-enable logical drives. After
pressing the F2 key, check integrity of the file system and restore lost data
from backup.
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POST Error Messages and Beep Codes 261
1800 Series
In This Section
1800-Temperature Alert .............................................................................................................261
1801-Microcode Patch Error... ...................................................................................................261
1800-Temperature Alert
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Server has exceeded allowable temperature thresholds.
1. Power down the system and allow it to cool.
2. Check fans for proper airflow and obstructions.
3. Check fans for proper operation.
4. Analyze ambient temperature in which the server is currently operating, and
compare to the server documentation recommendations.
5. Adjust the temperature as needed before restarting the server.
1801-Microcode Patch Error...
...Missing or Invalid Processor Microcode Patch. Please contact Compaq Computer
Corporation for a new ROM BIOS to support the new processor stepping
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The newly installed processor is not supported by the current
system ROM.
Action: Upgrade the system ROM ("SoftPaqs" on page
) or reinstall the
original processor.
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Event List Error Messages
In This Section
Introduction to Event List Error Messages.................................................................................263
A CPU Power Module (System Board, Socket X).....................................................................264
ASR Lockup Detected: Cause ....................................................................................................265
Automatic Operating System Shutdown Initiated Due to Fan Failure .......................................265
Automatic Operating System Shutdown Initiated Due to Overheat Condition..........................265
Blue Screen Trap: Cause [NT]... ................................................................................................265
Corrected Memory Error Threshold Passed (Slot X, Memory Module Y)... .............................266
EISA Expansion Bus Master Timeout (Slot X)..........................................................................266
PCI Bus Error (Slot X, Bus Y, Device Z, Function X) ..............................................................266
Processor Correctable Error Threshold Passed (Slot X, Socket Y)............................................266
Processor Uncorrectable Internal Error (Slot X, Socket Y)........................................................267
Real-Time Clock Battery Failing ...............................................................................................267
System AC Power Overload (Power Supply X).........................................................................267
System AC Power Problem (Power Supply X) ..........................................................................267
System Fan Failure (Fan X, Location) .......................................................................................267
System Fans Not Redundant.......................................................................................................268
System Overheating (Zone X, Location)....................................................................................268
System Power Supplies Not Redundant .....................................................................................268
System Power Supply Failure (Power Supply X).......................................................................268
Unrecoverable Host Bus Data Parity Error... .............................................................................268
Uncorrectable Memory Error (Slot X, Memory Module Y)... ...................................................269
Introduction to Event List Error Messages
This section contains event list error messages recorded in the IML ("
on page
Management Log" 92
), which can be viewed through different tools.
The format of the list is different when viewed through different tools. An
example of the format of an event as displayed on the IMD ("Integrated
Management Display" on page 92
) follows:
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264 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
**001 of 010**
12:54 PM
Main System
System Board
Fan ID: 03
WARNING: To avoid potential problems, ALWAYS read
the warnings and cautionary information in the server
documentation before removing, replacing, reseating, or modifying
system components.
IMPORTANT: This guide provides information for multiple servers.
Some information may not apply to the server you are troubleshooting.
Refer to the server documentation for information on procedures,
hardware options, software tools, and operating systems supported by
the server.
NOTE: The error messages in this section may be worded slightly
different than as displayed by the server.
A CPU Power Module (System Board, Socket X)...
...A CPU Power Module (Slot X, Socket Y) Failed
Event Type: Power module failure
Action: Replace the power module.
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Event List Error Messages 265
ASR Lockup Detected: Cause
Event Type: System lockup
Action: Examine the IML ("Integrated Management Log" on page 92
) to
determine the cause of the lockup, and then refer to the HP ROM-Based Setup
Utility User Guide, on the server Documentation CD or at the SmartStart website
), for more
Abnormal Program Termination: Cause [NetWare]
Automatic Operating System Shutdown Initiated Due
to Fan Failure
Event Type: Fan failure
Action: Replace the fan.
Automatic Operating System Shutdown Initiated Due
to Overheat Condition...
...Fatal Exception (Number X, Cause)
Event Type: Overheating condition
Action: Check fans. Also, be sure the server is properly ventilated and the room
temperature is set within the required range.
Blue Screen Trap: Cause [NT]...
...Kernel Panic: Cause [UNIX]
Event Type: System lockup
Action: Refer to the operating system documentation.
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266 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Corrected Memory Error Threshold Passed (Slot X,
Memory Module Y)...
...Corrected Memory Error Threshold Passed (System Memory)
Corrected Memory Error Threshold Passed (Memory Module Unknown)
Event Type: Correctable error threshold exceeded
Event Type: Correctable error threshold exceeded
Action: Continue normal operation, and then replace the memory module during
the next scheduled maintenance to ensure reliable operation.
EISA Expansion Bus Master Timeout (Slot X)...
...EISA Expansion Bus Slave Timeout
EISA Expansion Board Error (Slot X)
EISA Expansion Bus Arbitration Error
Event Type: Expansion bus error
Action: Power down the server, and then replace the EISA board.
PCI Bus Error (Slot X, Bus Y, Device Z, Function X)
Event Type: Expansion bus error
Action: Replace the PCI board.
Processor Correctable Error Threshold Passed (Slot
X, Socket Y)
Action: Replace the processor.
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Event List Error Messages 267
Processor Uncorrectable Internal Error (Slot X,
Socket Y)
Event Type: Uncorrectable error
Action: Replace the processor.
Real-Time Clock Battery Failing
Event Type: System configuration battery low
Action: Replace the system configuration battery.
Action: Check for any power source problems.
System AC Power Overload (Power Supply X)
Event Type: Power supply overload
1. Switch the voltage from 110 V to 220 V or add an additional power supply
(if applicable to the system).
2. If the problem persists, remove some of the installed options.
System AC Power Problem (Power Supply X)
Event Type: AC voltage problem
System Fan Failure (Fan X, Location)
Event Type: Fan failure
Action: Replace the fan.
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268 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
System Fans Not Redundant
Event Type: Fans not redundant
Action: Add a fan or replace the failed fan.
System Overheating (Zone X, Location)
Event Type: Overheating condition
Action: Check fans.
System Power Supplies Not Redundant
Event Type: Power supply not redundant
Action: Add a power supply or replace the failed power supply.
System Power Supply Failure (Power Supply X)
Event Type: Power supply failure
Action: Replace the power supply.
Unrecoverable Host Bus Data Parity Error...
...Unrecoverable Host Bus Address Parity Error
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Contacting HP 269
Event Type: Host bus error
CAUTION: Only authorized technicians trained by HP should
attempt to remove the system board. If you believe the system board
requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support (
on page
"Contacting HP
Technical Support or Authorized Reseller" 269
) before
Action: Replace the board on which the processor is installed.
Uncorrectable Memory Error (Slot X, Memory Module
...Uncorrectable Memory Error (System Memory)
Uncorrectable Memory Error (Memory Module Unknown)
Event Type: Uncorrectable error
Action: Replace the memory module. If the problem persists, replace the
memory board.
Contacting HP
In This Section
Contacting HP Technical Support or Authorized Reseller.........................................................269
270Server Information You Need ....................................................................................................
Contacting HP Technical Support or Authorized
Contact HP only if, after completing the procedures described in this guide, the
problem with the server remains.
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270 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
IMPORTANT: Collect the appropriate server information ("Server
Information You Need" on page 270) and operating system information
("Operating System Information You Need" on page 271
) before
contacting HP for support.
For the name of the nearest HP authorized reseller:
In the United States, call 1-800-345-1518.
In Canada, call 1-800-263-5868.
In other locations, refer to the HP website (http://www.hp.com
For HP technical support:
In North America, call the HP Technical Support Phone Center at 1-800-652-
6672. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For continuous
quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
Outside North America, call the nearest HP Technical Support Phone Center.
For telephone numbers for worldwide Technical Support Centers, refer to the
HP website (http://www.hp.com
Server Information You Need
Before contacting HP, collect the following:
All information from any troubleshooting efforts to this point.
A printed copy of the system and operating environment information and a
copy of any historical data that might be relevant. If possible, obtain an
electronic copy of this information to send by e-mail to a support specialist.
To collect this information, run the Survey Utility ("Management CD" on
) (if available) and refer to the server documentation.
A list of the system components:
Product, model, and serial number
Hardware configuration
Add-on boards
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Contacting HP 271
Connected peripherals such as tape drives
A list of all third-party hardware and software:
Complete product name and model
Complete company name
Product version
Driver version
Any notes describing the details of the problem, including recent changes to
the system, the events that triggered or are associated with the problem, and
the steps needed to reproduce the problem.
Notes on anything nonstandard about the server setup.
Operating system information ("Operating System Information You Need"
on page
Microsoft® Operating Systems
Operating system version number
Operating System Information You Need
Depending on the problem, you may be asked for certain pieces of information.
Be prepared to access the information listed in the following sections, based on
operating system used.
Collect the following information:
Whether the operating system was factory installed
A current copy of the following files:
WinMSD (Msinfo32.exe on Microsoft® Windows® 2000 systems)
Event logs
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272 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Dr. Watson log (drwtsn32.log) if a user mode application, such as the
Insight Agents, is having a problem
IRQ and I/O address information in text format
List of drivers from the PSP
uname -a
An updated Emergency Repair Diskette
If HP drivers are installed:
Version of the PSP used
The drive subsystem and file system information:
Number and size of partitions and logical drives
File system on each logical drive
Current level of Microsoft Windows Service Packs and Hotfixes installed
A list of each third-party hardware component installed, with the firmware
A list of each third-party software component installed, with the version
A detailed description of the problem and any associated error messages
Linux Operating Systems
Collect the following information:
Operating system distribution and version
Look for a file named /etc/distribution-release (for example, /etc/redhat-
Kernel version in use
Output from the following commands (performed by root):
lspci -v
cat /proc/meminfo
cat /proc/cpuinfo
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
Contacting HP 273
rpm -ga
ps -ef
chkconfig -list
Contents of the following files:
/etc/modules.conf or etc/conf.modules
Version of the PSP used
A detailed description of the problem and any associated error messages
ifconfig -a
/etc/lilo.conf or /etc/grub.conf
If HP drivers are installed:
List of drivers from the PSP (/var/log/hppldu.log)
A list of each third-party hardware component installed, with the firmware
A list of each third-party software component installed, with the versions
Novell NetWare Operating Systems
Collect the following information:
Whether the operating system was factory installed
Operating system version number
Printouts or electronic copies (to e-mail to a support technician) of
AUTOEXEC.NCF, STARTUP.NCF, and the system directory
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274 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
List of drivers from the PSP
Installed system software versions (TCP/IP, VP/Ix)
A list of the modules. Use CONLOG.NLM to identify the modules and to
check whether errors occur when the modules attempt to load.
A list of any SET parameters that are different from the NetWare default
A list of the drivers and NLM files used on the server, including the names,
versions, dates, and sizes (can be taken directly from the CONFIG.TXT or
If HP drivers are installed:
Version of the PSP used
Printouts or electronic copies (to e-mail to a support technician) of:
Current patch level
A list of each third-party hardware component installed, with the firmware
A list of each third-party software component installed, with the versions
A detailed description of the problem and any associated error messages
Caldera and SCO Operating Systems
Collect the following information:
Process status at time of failure, if possible
Printouts or electronic copies (to e-mail to a support technician) of:
Output of /etc/hwconfig command
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
Contacting HP 275
Output of /usr/bin/swconfig command
If HP drivers are installed:
System dumps, if they can be obtained (in case of panics)
A list of each third-party software component installed, with the versions
Collect the following information:
Output of /etc/ifconfig command
/var/adm/messages (if PANIC messages are displayed)
Version of the EFS used
List of drivers from the EFS
If management agents are installed, version number of the agents
A list of each third-party hardware component installed, with the firmware
A detailed description of the problem and any associated error messages
IBM OS/2 Operating Systems
Operating system version number and printouts or electronic copies (to e-
mail to a support technician) of:
SYSLEVEL information in detail
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276 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
TRAPDUMP information (if a TRAP error occurs)
HPFS386.INI (for Advanced or Advanced with SMP)
Number and size of partitions and logical drives
Warp Server version used and:
Type of installation selected: Interactive, WebStart, or Customer JumpStart
A directory listing of:
If HP drivers are installed:
Version of the SSD used
List of drivers from the SSD
Versions of the OS/2 Management Insight Agents, CPQB32.SYS, and
OS/2 Health Driver use
The drive subsystem and file system information:
File system on each logical drive
Whether Entry, Advanced, Advanced with SMP, or e-Business
All services running at the time the problem occurred
A list of each third-party hardware component installed, with the firmware
A list of each third-party software component installed, with the versions
A detailed description of the problem and any associated error messages
Sun Solaris Operating Systems
Collect the following information:
Operating system version number
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
Contacting HP 277
If HP drivers are installed with a DU:
A list of all third-party hardware and software installed, with versions
Printouts or electronic copies (to e-mail to a support technician) of:
Which software group selected for installation: End User Support, Entire
Distribution, Developer System Support, or Core System Support
DU number
List of drivers in the DU diskette
The drive subsystem and file system information:
Number and size of partitions and logical drives
File system on each logical drive
A detailed description of the problem and any associated error messages
/usr/sbin/crash (accesses the crash dump image at /var/crash/$hostname)
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
Array Configuration Utility
Advanced Data Guarding
Array Diagnostics Utility
Automatic Server Recovery
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee
dual inline memory module
direct memory access
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280 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Driver Update
error checking and correcting
Extended Feature Supplement
Extended Industry Standard Architecture
electrostatic discharge
Integrated Lights-Out
Integrated Management Display
Integrated Management Log
interrupt request
Internet service provider
File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
Acronyms and Abbreviations 281
keyboard, video, and mouse
light-emitting diode
non-volatile memory
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays
low-voltage differential
network interface controller
Power-On Self-Test
Processor Power Module
ProLiant Support Pack
ROM-Based Setup Utility
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282 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition
reserve information sector
system power module
Support Software Diskette
uninterruptible power system
Version Control Agent
synchronous dynamic RAM
single inline memory module
universal serial bus
voltage regulator module
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ActiveUpdate 88
audio 66
Care Pack 89
clearing NVRAM 49
contacting HP 269, 270, 271
DAT drives 51
Diagnostic Adapter 67
DLT drive 54
drivers 82, 97
error messages 101, 141, 263
fans 56
forums 88
hard drives 57
hardware troubleshooting 43, 45, 46, 48, 50, 64
hotfixes 77
IDE device 46
Important Safety Information document 20
diagnosing problems 19
diskette drive 52
120PCI.HAM 77
documentation 87, 89
DVD-ROM drive 50
ACPI support 77
ActiveAnswers 88
erasing the system 85
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 90
ADU Error Messages 101
event list error messages 263
Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 90
authorized reseller 269
factory-installed operating systems 76
fault-tolerance methods 97
backup, restoring 78
battery 45
BIOS Serial Console 91
booting problems 50
booting the server 50
HP Enterprise Configurator 99
cables, VGA 65
HP Insight Diagnostics 91, 263
cabling 97
HP website 87, 269
Caldera 274
cartridge, tape 54
cautions 23, 49, 78
IBM OS/2 275
CD-ROM drive 50
iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) 91, 98
clusters 81
IMD (Integrated Management Display) 92, 263
configuration of system 99
IML (Integrated Management Log) 92, 263
connection problems 46
information required 270
Insight Diagnostics 91, 263
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284 HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide
Insight Manager 7 93, 97, 98, 263
installation instructions 99
Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) 98
Management CD 93, 97, 98
new hardware 46
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays
(ORCA) 93
part numbers 98, 100
PCI Hot Plug functionality 64
power calculator 99
problem diagnosis 19
QuickSpecs 98
reconfiguring software 78
Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II (RILOE
II) 64, 77, 94
Resource Paqs 94
restoring 78
ORCA (Option ROM Configuration for
Arrays) 93
Integrated Management Display (IMD) 92, 263
Integrated Management Log (IML) 92, 263
PaqFax 89
patches 77
keyboard 66
PCI boards 48
KVM 65, 66
phone numbers 269
POST error messages 141
LEDs 45
power cord 23
Linux 79, 272
power problems 43, 44, 63
loose connections 46
power source 43
power supplies 44
PPM (Processor Power Module) 62
printers 66
maintenance and service guide 100
Management Agents 93
processors 62
ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack 98, 99
ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack 94
memory 59
Protocols Interview 76
Microsoft operating systems 271
modems 68
mouse 66
Natural Language Search Assistant 89
network controllers 71
rack stability 23
Rapid Deployment Pack 94
NIC (network interface controller) 76
RBSU (ROM-Based Setup Utility) 50, 95
Novell NetWare 76, 77, 273
NVRAM, clearing 49
reference library website 97, 99
NVRAM, configuring 123
registering the server 99
reloading software 78
operating system problems 76
remote ROM flash 83
operating system updates 77
operating systems 75, 98, 99, 271
resources 87
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File Name: 338615-2.doc Last Saved On: 11/6/03 10:34 AM
Index 285
ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) 50, 95
ROMPaq utility 95
sense error codes 51
software 75
specifications, option 100
switches 100
tape cartridge 54
technical support 269
third-party devices 48
VGA 65
warnings 23, 100
website, HP 87, 97, 269
RILOE II (Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition
II) 64, 77, 94
safety considerations 20
SCO 274
SCSI termination 46
search engine 89
server documentation 87, 98, 100
server features and options 98, 99
server management 97, 98
server setup 98
service notifications 88
Service Packs 76, 77
short circuits 63
SmartStart software 95, 98, 99
SoftPaqs 95
software resources 75, 99
specifications, server 100
storage, external 97
StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools
(L&TT) 96
Sun Solaris 77, 276
Survey Utility 93, 263
symbols on equipment 20
System Erase Utility 78, 85
System Management Homepage 82
teardown procedures 100
technical topics 100
TechNotes 89
testing devices 49
unknown problem 48
updating the operating system 77
UPS 44
VCA (Version Control Agent) 82
Version Control Agent (VCA) 82
video problems 64
white papers 89, 100