Michael E. Gates
City Attorney
of the
2000 Main Street, 4
Huntington Beach, California 92648
Direct: (714) 536-5555
Nadin S. Said
Sr. Deputy City Attorney
Charles “Connor” Hyland
Sr. Deputy City Attorney
Nick Papajohn
Sr. Deputy City Attorney
Peggy Z. Huang
Sr. Deputy City Attorney
Lauren L. Rose
Deputy City Attorney
Derek G. Bredefeld
Deputy City Attorney
Steven F. Pomeroy
Community Prosecutor
Paige Cavendish
Community Prosecutor
February 1, 2024
TO: Agencies, Organizations, and Interested Parties
SUBJECT: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific
Airshow Huntington Beach Project
LEAD AGENCY: City of Huntington Beach, Office of the City Attorney, 2000 Main Street,
Fourth Floor, Huntington Beach, CA 92648, Michael E. Gates, City Attorney
CONSULTING FIRM: ESA, 420 Exchange, Suite 260, Irvine, CA 92602
The City of Huntington Beach announces the preparation of an EIR for the following Project,
as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and set forth in Public
Resources Code Section 21065. A description of the Project, as well as a listing of the
environmental topics that are proposed to be analyzed in the EIR, is provided in this Notice of
Preparation (NOP). We need to know your views as to the scope and content of the
environmental information proposed to be included in the EIR to address the Project’s potential
environmental effects.
Pursuant to Section 21083.9 of the Public Resources Code, a Scoping Meeting will be held for
the general public and responsible and trustee public agencies. The purpose of the Scoping
Meeting is to learn about the Project, review the anticipated scope of the EIR, and to assist the
City in identifying the range of actions, alternatives, mitigation measures, and potentially
significant effects to be analyzed in depth in the EIR. Below, the date, time, and location of the
Scoping Meeting are provided.
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 2
A. FOR IN-PERSON/PUBLIC: Wednesday, February 21, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
LOCATION: Huntington Beach City Hall, Lower Level Rooms B-7 and B-8, 2000
Main Street, Huntington Beach CA 92648
B. F
OR AGENCIES (VIRTUAL): Thursday, February 22, 2024, from 12:00 PM to 2:00
One tap mobile:
US: +16699006833,,93361522773#,,,,*594006# or
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID:
933 6152 2773
PUBLIC REVIEW AND COMMENT PERIOD: A 30-day public review period for submitting
comments on the scope of the EIR:
STARTING DATE: Thursday, February 1, 2024
ENDING DATE: Monday, March 4, 2024
All comments need to be mailed or submitted no later than 5pm on Monday, March 4, 2024.
Please send your response, including your name, address, and concerns to:
Connor Hyland, Senior Deputy City Attorney
City of Huntington Beach, Office of the City Attorney,
2000 Main Street, Fourth Floor, Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Or via email to: connor.hyland@surfcity-hb.org
A copy of the NOP describing the Project and potential environmental effects is also available at
the following locations:
City of Huntington Beach Community Development Department, 2000 Main Street,
Huntington Beach, California, 92648
City of Huntington Beach Clerk’s Office, 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California,
Huntington Beach Central Library, 7111 Talbert Avenue, Huntington Beach, California,
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 3
Huntington Beach Public Library Banning Branch, 9281 Banning Avenue, Huntington
Beach, California, 92646
The City’s Website:
PROJECT TITLE: Pacific Airshow Huntington Beach Project
PROJECT APPLICANT: City of Huntington Beach, Office of the City Attorney, 2000 Main
Street, Fourth Floor, Huntington Beach, CA 92648
PROJECT SPONSOR: Kevin Elliot, Pacific Airshow LLC, 5252 Bolsa Avenue, Huntington
Beach, CA 92649
PROJECT LOCATION: Regionally, the Airshow is located in the City of Huntington Beach,
which is in coastal Orange County in Southern California; refer to Figure 1, Project Location
and Vicinity Map. The Show Center Area is the location where primary on-the-ground events
and activities of the Airshow take place. Locally, the approximate boundaries of the Show
Center Area from northwest to southeast are 7
Street and Pacific Coast Highway (State Route
1 or SR-1) to Beach Boulevard (State Route 39 or SR-39) and Pacific Coast Highway to the
Pacific Ocean including a portion of the Huntington Beach Pier landward of the State Lands
Commission mean high tide line; refer to Figure 2, Show Center Area. The Airshow
Performance Area, the primary area for civilian and military aircraft flybys and aerial
acrobatics, is located adjacent to the Show Center Area over the Pacific Ocean with an east-
west length of approximately 3,000 feet from the shoreline and a north-south length of
approximately 12,000 feet; refer to Figure 3, Airshow Performance Area. A majority of the
civilian and military aircraft flybys and aerial acrobatics occur within approximately 500 and
1,500 feet from the shoreline. The Airshow Performance Area, or the aerobatic box, is
identified by 16 buoys placed in the ocean that identify this area. However, many of the aircraft
maneuvers, particularly for the military, spill out into the temporary flight restriction (TFR)
airspace controlled by the Airshow. The TFR, as issued by the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) for the Airshow, is a five nautical mile (NM) ring centered on the center of the
Airshow’s aerobatic box. The restricted airspace within the ring extends from the surface to
15,000 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The Show Center Area and Airshow Performance
Area collectively comprise of the Project Site. For the purposes of the technical analysis within
this Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR), a broader study area may be defined that
extends beyond the Project Site to reflect the potential impacts associated with civilian and
military aircraft flybys and aerial acrobatics traveling to/from the Airshow Performance Area.
Santa Monica
Q o_
Beverly Hills
Baldwin Park
El Monte
West Covina
0 0
East Los Angel
" -
I '
r - ' Chino Hill
I 0
I '
1 c0no
I '
Hi /Is
I '
r J
0 I
Santa Ana
Costa Mesa
Laguna Niguel
rshow Huntington Beach
Figure 1
Project Location and Vicinity Map
Pacific Airshow Huntington Beach
Figure 2
Show Center Area
6 7
Airshow Performance Area
Pacic Airshow Huntington Beach
Figure 3
Airshow Performance Area
33' 38.004'
117' 59.190W
Buoy 2
.202'N, 117' 59.506W
3338.399'N.117" 59.822'W
Buoy 4
33' 38.596'N,
Buoy 6
33" 38,793'N,118' 0.454'W
Buoy 6
33" 38.990'N, 118" 0.770'W
Buoy 7
3339,187'N,118' 1,
Buoy 8 33' 38,202'N.11
Buoy 9
33" 39.385'N, 118' 0.909'W
Buoy 10
33' 38.629'N,117"
33' 38. 777'N, 117' 59,605'W
33" 38.925'N.117' 59.
3339.073'N, 118" 0.079'W
Q 0-
US Feet
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 7
Area consists of the beach, the Huntington Beach Pier landward of the State Lands Commission
mean high tide line, parking lots, commercial/restaurant uses, bicycle and walking trails along
Pacific Coast Highway. Land uses surrounding the Show Center Area comprise of
commercial/restaurant uses, hotel uses, parking lots, bicycle and walking trails, Pacific Coast
Highway, and the beach.
LAND USE AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS: According to the City’s General Plan Land
Use Plan, the Project Site is located within the OS-S Shore land use designation. The Shore
designation provides for coastal beaches operated by the City and state, and publicly or
privately operated ancillary uses (e.g., food stands, recreational equipment rentals, and
maintenance equipment storage).According to the City’s Zoning Map, the Project Site is
located within the Specific Plan Designation, Specific Plan 5, Downtown. The Downtown
Specific Plan (DTSP) is comprised of a 336-acre area that extends from the intersection of
Goldenwest Street and Pacific Coast Highway and curves along the coastline, including the
Huntington Beach Pier landward of the mean high tide line, down to Beach Boulevard. The
purpose of the DTSP is to create a unique and identifiable downtown for the City that
capitalizes on the unique location and features of the City’s beachside downtown and is an
economically vibrant and pedestrian-oriented destination for both residents and visitors. The
goals of the DTSP are to establish the vision and create a land use plan for reuse of critical
parcels so that the next phase of the community investment and improvement can begin; create
an environment that promotes tourism to maximize public access and recreation; increase
revenues to support community services; and transform the City’s economy.
PROJECT BACKGROUND: As permitted by the City’s Specific Event Permit Process, the
Airshow has been held annually in the City for three (3) days during the fall season each year
since 2016, except in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the 2021 Airshow, an
unrelated oil spill from a pipeline leak off the Orange County coast resulted in the cancelation of
the final day to allow for cleanup efforts. The most recent Airshow took place from September 29
to October 1, 2023. A detailed description of the historic and anticipated future Airshow events,
activities, and schedules are provided in Section 2.6, Project Characteristics, of the Initial Study.
PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS: As discussed above, the Airshow has historically been held
annually in the City for three (3) days (Friday through Sunday), with aircraft flight familiarization
and flight practice flyovers beginning as early as Monday of the week of the Airshow, during the
fall season, typically towards the end of September/beginning of October. The approximate times
the TFR is in effect during the week of the Airshow are typically Tuesday 12:45 PM to 2:30 PM
(to accommodate flight familiarization for the Thunderbirds), Friday 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM,
Saturday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and Sunday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The hours of historic
Airshow flights typically occurred between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM; however, other Airshow-
related activities have extended as late as 10:00 PM (Airshow performer private party and live
music entertainment with nighttime flyovers by designated aircraft including parachute jumps
onto the beach occurring during the evening hours of the of the music festival), as further
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 8
described below. Future Airshows are anticipated to be held annually for three (3) days to up to
five (5) days, generally Friday through Sunday or up to Wednesday through Sunday, with aircraft
flight familiarization and flight practice flyovers beginning as early as Monday of the week of the
Airshow. New Airshow activities for future Airshows could also extend as late as 11:00 PM, as
further described below. The City’s Noise Ordinance, Chapter 8.40 Noise Control, Section
8.40.130 Permit Process, allows noise from temporary events to be exempt from provisions of the
Ordinance if the event has a permit. As discussed above, the Project would include an event
program for the continuation of the Airshow for up to ten (10) additional years beginning from
year 2024 through 2034 as permitted by the City’s Specific Event Permit Process.
activities and events have occurred in association with the Airshow since 2016 and are
anticipated to generally continue as described for the next 10 years of future Airshows
(through 2034).
After arrival to the aircrafts designated airports (airport locations further described below) for
staging/maintenance/preparation, the aircraft conduct flight familiarization and flight practice
flyovers throughout the Airshow Performance Area beginning as early as Monday of the week of
the Airshow leading up to the opening day (Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday). Historically, the
Airshow has attracted attendees throughout Southern California. Historical and future Airshows
are anticipated to employ approximately 300 daily event staff and unpaid volunteers to assist with
all event activities and Airshow operations.
On the day prior to the start of the Airshow, typically Thursday, the Airshow holds several events
that are collectively referred to as “media day,” which typically takes place at the Lyon Air
Museum, located in Santa Ana, California, from approximately 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM for
civilian performers and then relocates to the Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos Airfield,
located in Los Alamitos, California, from approximately 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM for military
performers. The media day events are considered private events. For all Airshow event days,
which are open to the public, the Airshow admission, venue, and festival areas are open from
9:00 AM to 6:00 PM with civilian and military aircraft flybys and aerial acrobatics performing
from approximately 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Saturday night, a private party is hosted for the
Airshow performers from 6:00 PM 10:00 PM at a single private undisclosed location. During
the Airshow, demonstrations and vehicle and aircraft displays, illustrations, flight simulations,
sponsorship booths, merchandise tents, concessions, and food trucks are located throughout the
venue During the 2021 Airshow, the Afterburner Music Festival, the Official After Party of the
Pacific Airshow, took place within the southernmost portion of the Show Center Area for two
evenings following the Airshow (Friday, October 1, and Saturday, October 2, 2021). Nighttime
flyovers by designated aircraft including parachute jumps onto the beach occurred during the
evening hours of the of the music festival. The media day and Airshow performer party are
private events that do not require approval by the City; as such, these events are not subject to
CEQA and therefore, are not analyzed in this Draft EIR. Any potential noise impacts generated
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 9
by these events would be regulated by the City’s Noise Ordinance. The Airshow and all other
associated events and activities that are open to the public are analyzed throughout this Draft EIR.
the activities and events described above for historic and continued Airshows, the following new
public activities and events are anticipated to take place during future Airshow weekends:
Multi-day air racing (i.e., aircraft competing over a fixed course) to occur within the Airshow
Performance Area during the hours of the Airshow.
Helicopter landing/runway display on a temporary helipad to be generally located within an
open area directly in front of the Main Hospitality Area (Area D) during the hours of the
Airshow. The landing/runway area would be constructed from drivable ABS foundation
(stadium flooring) to stabilize the sand and mitigate sand blowing.
Aircraft static, EV, drone and other urban air mobility (UAM) technology displays and aerial
competitions to occur within both the Show Center Area and Airshow Performance Area
during the hours of the Airshow.
Public viewing locations of the EV aircraft hangars to be generally located just north of the
Main Hospitality Area (Area D).
During the 2021 Airshow, the Afterburner Music Festival, the Official After Party of the
Pacific Airshow, took place for two evenings following the Airshow. Now, becoming an
annual component of the Airshow, a multi-day music festival would be located generally
within the northernmost portion of the Show Center Area within Concert Area #1 (Area A) or
alternatively the southernmost portion of the Show Center Area within Concert Area
#2/Additional Seating/Activations Area (Area E). The multi-day music festival would occur
following the conclusion of the Airshow up to 11:00 PM over three (3) days over the
weekend directed towards the ocean (with separately sold tickets).
During the Afterburn Music Festival in 2021, nighttime flyovers occurred. Now, becoming an
annual component of the Airshow, nighttime flyovers or displays by designated aircraft
including parachute jumps onto the beach within the Performance Area would be relatively
quick in duration (similar to the 2021 Airshow), even if multiple flyovers occurred, during the
evening hours simultaneously with the music or between music acts.
Wave pool surf competitions to be generally located within the Seating/Activations Area
(Area C) during the hours of the Airshow.
Skateboard and BMX bowl competitions and motorcross demonstrations to be generally
located within the Seating/Activations Area (Area C) during the hours of the Airshow.
Sandcastle building competitions to be generally located within the Seating/Activations Area
(Area C) during the hours of the Airshow.
Art installations to be generally located throughout the Show Center Area.
Vehicle ride and drive in generally located within the Parking/Potential Activations Area
(Area F), Activations/Parking/RV Camping Area (Area G), or the Parking/Activations Area
(Area H).
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 10
Side-by-side ride and drive on the sand generally located within the Seating/Activations Area
(Area C).
Pyrotechnic nightly shows to be discharged from either aircraft (nighttime flyovers) or
discharged from the Huntington Beach Pier or an ocean barge concluding by 11:00 PM each
evening of the Airshow.
AIRSHOW PERFORMER SCHEDULE: From prior years, typically each day the Airshow
begins around 10:00 AM with the MV-22 Osprey streamer drop, then the Orange County Fire
Authority (OCFA) water drop, followed by the Australian Anthem, Canadian Anthem, and the
United States Anthem, and then followed by the U.S. Navy Leap Frog Parachute Team with
American Flag banner tow. The official start of the Airshow is immediately after, at
approximately 10:30 AM, when the below-mentioned Airshow civilian and military performers
display aircraft flybys and aerial acrobatics in designated time slots with the final performer
being the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds or the U.S. Navy Blue Angels concluding by 5:00 PM.
The Airshow performer schedule and the Airshow performers are subject to change each year
for the Airshow.
The Applicant would conduct scheduled drone flights throughout the event days for capture of
event promotional footage and documentation of event layouts in various areas. These drone
flights would take place during the Airshow performance schedule within the Airshow
Performance Area. In addition, the Applicant would also have aerial assets such as helicopters
and jets with cameras conducting flights during the Airshow performance schedule within the
Airshow Performance Area for the same purpose. In addition, the Applicant would have a photo
flight (i.e., a flight made for the purpose of aerial photography, with a photographer manually
taking pictures), which typically occurs on the Wednesday or Thursday between 3:00 PM and
6:00 PM prior to the Airshow. Further, there could potentially be other photo missions and flights
such as a VIP experience or media flights.
AIRSHOW PERFORMERS: The previous performers and anticipated performers for future
Airshows include, but are not limited to, display teams from the United States Air Force (U.S. Air
Force), United States Navy (U.S. Navy), United State Marine Corps (U.S. Marine Corps), the
United States Army (U.S. Army), as well as performances by fan-favorite civilian performers.
The performers typically include the following: U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, U.S. Air Force F-
15 Eagle, U.S. Airforce F-22 Heritage Flight, U.S. Airforce Rockwell B-1 Lancer Bomber, U.S.
Air Force T-33 Ace Maker, U.S. Air Force Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, U.S. Air Force Boeing
KC-135 Stratotanker, Red Bull U.S. Air Force Chambliss and Fitzgerald Jumpers, U.S. Navy
Blue Angels, U.S. Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet (Rhino), U.S. Navy F-35C Lightning, U.S. Navy
Growler Legacy Team, U.S. Navy Leap Frogs Parachute Team, U.S. Marine Corp MV-22
Osprey, U.S. Army Golden Knights, Royal Canadian Forces Snowbirds, Lyon Air Museum
Flybys C-47, FedEx Boeing B757, Tom Larkin SubSonex Mini Jet, Matt Hall & Emma
McDonald Racing, Sammy Mason Edge 540 (N540SA), Michael Goulian Extra 330SC
N821MG, Jet Waco N32KP, and OCFA water drop. As mentioned above, the Airshow list of
performers is subject to change each year for the Airshow.
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 11
DURATION: As discussed above, future Airshows are anticipated to be held annually for three
(3) days to up to five (5) days, generally Friday through Sunday or up to Wednesday through
Sunday, with aircraft flight familiarization and flight practice flyovers beginning as early as
Monday of the week of the Airshow. A majority of the aircraft originate from, but are not limited
to, the Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos Airfield (KSLI) located in Los Alamitos,
California (approximately 12 aircraft in 2023) and John Wayne Airport (SNA) located in Santa
Ana, California (approximately 9 aircraft in 2023). Other airports to originate one to two aircraft
are March Air Reserve Base (RIV) located Riverside County (approximately 2 aircraft for 2023),
Fullerton Municipal Airport (FUL) located in Fullerton, California (1 aircraft for 2023), Los
Angeles International Airport (LAX) located in Los Angeles, California (1 aircraft for 2023), San
Diego International Airport (SAN) located in San Diego, California (0 aircraft for 2023), Channel
Islands Air National Guard Station located at Port Hueneme, California (1 aircraft for 2023), and
Edwards Air Force Base (EDW) located in Kern County (1 aircraft for 2023). Many of the
aircraft, particularly the larger ones, seldom fly over land and instead hold out over the water and
only make a few passes in front of the Show Center Area before returning to their origin airports.
Typically, the duration of the aircraft over the Show Center Area ranges between approximately
two minutes to up to 45 minutes. The Airshow airport origins, Airshow flight paths, and Airshow
performance durations are subject to change each year for the Airshow.
collectively comprised of the Concert Area #1 (Area A), Pier Seating Area (Area B),
Seating/Activations Area (Area C), Main Hospitality Area (Area D), Concert Area #2/Additional
Seating/Activations Area (Area E), Parking/Potential Activations Area (Area F),
Activations/Parking/RV Camping Area (Area G), and Parking/Activations Area (Area H; refer to
Figure 4, Overall Conceptual Site Plan. The Main Hospitality Area (Area D) for ticket
purchases includes a tented pavilion comprised of all-inclusive premier club seating with
unreserved seating and all-day hosted food and beverages; all-inclusive premiere club reserved
tables for up to 10 guests with all-day hosted food and beverages; private-viewing and fully
furnished cabanas for up to 20 guests; and fully furnished chalets for up to 85 to 135 guests (two
size chalets available as standard and other sizes offered as customized packages). The ticketed
general admission viewing areas with unreserved standing room access are located throughout the
Seating/Activations Area (Area C). The Airshow offers a recreation vehicle (RV) camping area
(Area G) with camping check-in offered on the day prior to the start of the Airshow check-out the
Monday following the Airshow. Located throughout the Seating/Activations Area (Area C) are
catering tents, food trucks, merchandise booths, bars serving beer, wine, and spirits, public safety
stations, security check tables, volunteer tents, over one-hundred (100) portable and Americans
with disability act (ADA) bathrooms and several restroom trailers, barricades, ABS foundation
(stadium flooring) or wood or aluminum flooring helicopter landing/runways and walkways, and
trash receptacles/dumpsters. Speakers for the public address (PA) system and generators are
stationed throughout the venue to amplify the live Airshow broadcast. The amplified sound would
occur between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM for civilian and military aircraft flybys and aerial acrobatics
and up to 11:00 PM for the music festival during the event days. In addition to the above-
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 12
mentioned viewing areas, the event is also available to the public. It is anticipated that public
beach areas located beyond the Show Center Area would be used by both spectators and
beachgoers, as well as boaters within the Pacific Ocean located beyond the Airshow Performance
Area. The area in front of the Main Hospitality Area (Area D) is reserved for the parachute
landing area/landing pad. Located throughout the venue are emergency vehicle staging areas and
access lanes, first aid stations, and lost and found stations. The Parking/Activations Area (Area
H) (free for the public) features vehicle and aircraft demonstrations and displays, illustrations,
flight simulations, sponsorship booths, merchandise tents, concessions, and food trucks. The
Activations/Parking/RV Camping Area (Area G) and the Parking/Potential Activation Area (Area
F) could also include additional activations, vehicle and aircraft demonstrations and displays, and
illustrations in addition to parking and RV camping. The Pier Seating Area (Area B) includes
temporary seats for purchase and includes umbrellas, cocktail tables and two cash bars. All Pier
Seating is landward of the State Lands Commission mean high tide line. Public access (for non-
ticket holders) to the Pier would remain open during future Airshows. Only a portion of the Pier
would be reserved for seated ticketholders and pier ingress and egress would still be provided.
The Show Center Control Area located within the center of the Main Hospitality Area (Area D)
includes the elevated show control and broadcast room, production and sound tents, and a public
safety station. Following each future Airshow, the Show Center Area would be restored to pre-
Project conditions.
vehicular travel corridors to access the Show Center Area are from Interstate 405 (I-405) to
either Beach Boulevard, Magnolia Street, Brookhurst Street, or Goldenwest Street; State
Route 55 (SR-55) to Pacific Coast Highway; or Seal Beach Boulevard to Pacific Coast
Highway. Based on previous Airshows, temporary changes to vehicular ingress and egress of
the Airshow area are anticipated to result from the following restrictions: establishment of a
staging area for emergency response personnel between the 200-300 block of southbound 1
Street; installation of staging equipment for the Airshow on Main Street between Walnut
Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway; and temporary use of an auxiliary lane to facilitate exiting
vehicles from the public parking lots on southbound Pacific Coast Highway approximately
300 feet before the intersection at Beach Boulevard. Future Airshows do not propose
substantial or permanent changes to the existing circulation elements, or temporary road
closures, which would affect transit vehicles, automobiles, bicycles, or pedestrians beyond
what has occurred for historic Airshows.
Atlanta Ave
Lifeguard HQ
Pacific Coast Hwy
1st St
Pacific View Ave
Pacific View Ave
Huntington St
Twin Dolphin Dr
2nd St
Hyatt Regency
Water Front Beach
6th St
Pacific Coast Hwy
Pacific Coast Hwy
Pacific Coast Hwy
Zack's HB
Jack's HB
Orange Ave
7th St
Main St
Walnut Ave
5th St
ADA Restrooms
Olive Ave
Beach Blvd
Show Center
R U N W AY 3 0 X1 000
Concert Area #1
Pier Seating
Seating / Activations
Main Hospitality
Concert Area #2 (or Additional Seating / Activations)
Parking / Potential Activations
Activations / Parking / RV Camping
Parking / Activations
SOURCE: Pacic Airshow, 2023
D202300046.01 - Huntington Beach Air Show EIR\05 Graphics-GIS-Modeling-USE AZURE
Figure 4
Overall Conceptual Site Plan
- -----------------------------------
Pacific Airshow Huntington Beach
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 14
Patrons arriving by vehicle are permitted to park within the Huntington Beach public parking
areas, where the Applicant coordinates with the City to reserve parking spaces dedicated to
Airshow attendees. Access to the public parking lots adjacent to the Show Center Area are
located along Pacific Coast Highway at the intersection of 6
Street, 1
Street, Huntington Street,
Beach Boulevard, and a right-in-right out driveway mid-block between Main Street and 1
Additional public parking southeast of the Show Center Area can be accessed at Newland Street,
Magnolia Street, and Brookhurst Street. On-street parking in the general vicinity is allowed
except where the temporary restrictions are implemented along Pacific Coast Highway, along
with other streets with temporary closures as described above. The Applicant and City could
implement future event shuttle programs that would allow attendees to park at designated public
locations and ride a free shuttle to the Show Center Area. It is anticipated the City would close
the parking entrance located at Huntington Street and Pacific Coast Highway for the Airshow’s
exclusive use during event set up, event days, and event breakdown. The RV camping lot at this
location would be reserved for curation and sale of the Airshow’s RV Camping Experience with
camping check-in offered on the day prior to the start of the Airshow check-out the Monday
following the Airshow. The Airshow would also have 15 RV camping spaces reserved for
production use and set up beginning prior to the start of the Airshow up to the Friday following
the end of the Airshow.
AIRSHOW SET UP AND SITE BREAKDOWN: The Airshow set up would be limited to the
Show Center Area. Set up of event facilities is anticipated to begin up to two weeks prior to the
start of the Airshow with a typical day of set up beginning at 6:00 AM and ending by 8:00 PM.
Site breakdown would involve removal of all equipment and temporary facilities. Required
equipment would include rubber-tired loaders, forklifts, pick-up trucks with trailers, 4-wheel
drive all-terrain carts, and construction light towers. All materials, trash, and debris would be
removed from the beach and disposed of off-site daily and at the conclusion of the Airshow. Site
breakdown would begin on the final event day (Sunday) following the end of the Airshow from
5:00 PM through 12:00 AM and would continue on the Monday through Friday, from 6:00 AM to
8:00 PM, each day following the Airshow until completed.
EVENT SECURITY AND EVACUATION: In addition to foot and motor patrols provided by
the City of Huntington Beach Police Department (HBPD) during the event days, private security
would also be provided by the Applicant. The private security company would coordinate crowd
control, internal security, venue safety, and emergency evacuation in coordination with the
HBPD. In addition, HBPD motor officers and parking control officers would be deployed to
maintain traffic flow along Pacific Coast Highway and to enforce parking restrictions in the
vicinity. Fire and medical services would be provided by the Huntington Beach Fire Department
(HBFD). Located throughout the venue are emergency vehicle staging areas and access lanes,
first aid stations, and lost and found stations. Access lanes throughout the Show Center Area
would be restricted for emergency vehicles and personnel throughout the Airshow.
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 15
UTILITIES: Trash/waste (i.e., general waste/trash, recycling waste, food waste, restroom waste),
water, and wastewater are the responsibility of the Applicant to work directly with the City for
coordination and execution. Consistent with the City’s franchise agreement, the Applicant would
contract and coordinate refuse needs with the City’s waste management provider, Republic
Services. Republic Services would provide cardboard general waste and recycling bins with lids
to be located throughout the Show Center Area including the reserved parking lot areas and
would place dumpster bins in accordance with expected attendance. Dedicated food waste bins
would be placed in the hospitality areas throughout the venue. The Applicant would be
responsible to replace all full trash can liners throughout the venue and to place the trash from the
bins into the dumpsters to then be removed by Republic Services following the conclusion of the
Airshow. The Applicant would encourage all food vendors to avoid plastics (straws, cups, lids)
and recommended to use paper straws or straw less lids. For non-potable water demand, the
Applicant would use a water coupler to access the irrigation in the planters in the City’s parking
lots for the Airshow’s parking lot activation activities. For potable water, the Applicant would
bring in their own water tank and utilize it for filling the wave pool, luxury restroom trailers,
washing stations, and catering. The water tank would be filled using the City’s hydrants.
Alternatively, through an agreement with the Utilities Division in the Public Works Department
of the City, a water meter could be installed on the hydrants in the City’s parking lots to allow the
Airshow to connect directly into the hydrant for potable water to fill the Applicant’s water tank
and to pay the event’s water bill according to Airshow usage on the meter. Restrooms available
for the Airshow would consist of the existing restrooms, over one-hundred (100) portable and
ADA bathrooms, and several restroom trailers located throughout the venue. All restroom
facilities would be cleaned and serviced at the conclusion of the Airshow each day. Each of the
single portable restrooms would sit in a containment tray on top of plywood (or other suitable
flooring) and would not be within 50 feet of an existing storm drain. Wastewater generated from
the Airshow would be hauled off by the Applicant’s vendors (i.e., portable bathrooms and
restroom trailers). Propane would be used for cooking and heating. Electrical power connections
to the City’s electric grid would be provided throughout the venue.
REVIEWS AND APPROVALS: The Airshow is anticipated to require the following review and
approval by the City of Huntington Beach:
Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report.
Approval of the Specific Event Permit Application.
Guidelines Section 15060, the City conducted a preliminary review of the Project and determined
that the Project could potentially result in significant effects on the environment and than an EIR
is required. This determination is based upon the criteria of the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15063
(Initial Study), 15064 (Determining Significant Effect), and 15065 (Mandatory Findings of
Significance). The purpose of the EIR is to provide information about potential significant
physical environmental effects of the Project; to identify possible ways to minimize the
Re: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pacific Airshow
Huntington Beach Project
February 1, 2024
Page 16
significant effects; and to describe and analyze possible alternatives to the Project. At this time,
we anticipate that the following topics will be analyzed in the EIR: air quality, biological
resources, noise, transportation, and tribal cultural resources. It is anticipated that no impacts
associated with aesthetics, agriculture and forestry resources, cultural resources, energy,
geology/soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology/water
quality, land use/planning, mineral resources, population/housing, public services, recreation,
utilities/service systems, and wildfire would occur as a result of the Project, and therefore, a
determination to that effect will be made in the EIR.
EIR PROCESS: The Draft EIR will take into account input received at the Scoping Meeting and
comments submitted on the NOP. The Draft EIR is intended to analyze and disclose the potential
environmental impacts of the Project and identify mitigation measures and alternatives that would
reduce or avoid significant impacts. The Draft EIR will be available for public review for a period
of 45-days during which public agencies and members of the public may review and comment on
the Draft EIR. Comments received on the Draft EIR will be reviewed and addressed within the
Final EIR, which will consist of the Draft EIR; Responses to Comments and Errata or changes to
the Draft EIR; and all additional technical reports or follow up documentation that is needed. The
Huntington Beach City Council will hold a public hearing on the Final EIR and make its own
determination on certification of the Final EIR for the Project.