One of the great advantages of digital content has been that, for the last forty
years, people have had access to whatever content they want, whenever they
wanted it. That is starting to change. Were moving backwards. Content is
disappearingnot just becoming available only in limited times or
circumstances but becoming entirely unavailable.
It doesnt need to be that way. It is now cheap and easy enough to make all
content available. If the copyright owner can’t or wont continue to provide a
published work, others should be permitted to pick up the slack. Fair use should
encompass a right of access to published content. That right, like all of fair use,
ought to have limits and exceptions. I discuss a number of complications and
reasons why copyright owners might lawfully remove content. But a basic right
to continued access to published work is consistent with the fundamental
purposes of copyright.
In the past, we might have aspired to a world in which all the works of history
were available forever. Thats now an achievable goal. The dead hand control
of copyright shouldnt stand in the way.
© 2021 Mark A. Lemley.
William H. Neukom Professor, Stanford Law School; partner, Durie Tangri LLP. Thanks
to Akshat Agrawal, Michael Barclay, Jeanne Fromer, Kristelia Garcia, Andrew Gilden, Jacob
Goldin, Eric Goldman, Paul Goldstein, Rose Hagan, Jake Linford, Tyler Ochoa, Lisa
Ouellette, Tony Reese, Betsy Rosenblatt, Steve Ross, Guy Rub, Jessica Silbey, Xiyin Tang,
Rebecca Tushnet, Ryan Vacca, Jacob Victor, Rob Walker, and participants at the 2021 WIPIP
conference and a workshop at Stanford Law School for comments on a prior draft, and Tyler
Robbins for research assistance.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1257
I. A BIG STEP BACKWARDS .................................................................. 1257
II. A RIGHT TO ACCESS CONTENT? ........................................................ 1268
A. Fair Use and Out-of-Print Works .............................................. 1268
B. Complications ............................................................................ 1274
1. Unacceptable Justifications for Disappearing Content ....... 1274
2. Legitimate Reasons to Make Content Disappear ................ 1278
3. Where to Get a Copy ........................................................... 1282
4. Disappearing Technology Platforms ................................... 1283
5. Gaming the System ............................................................. 1285
6. Reappearing Content ........................................................... 1286
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................. 1288
El Ministerio del Tiempo (The Ministry of Time) is a TV series that ran for
four seasons on Spanish TV and got picked up by Netflix. It tells the story of a
group of government bureaucrats who travel back to various points in time to
prevent alteration or damage to the history of Spain. It is smart, funny, and has
excellent character development. You really should watch it.
Theres just one problem: you cant. Its not on television anymore, even in
Spain. And its no longer available on Netflix, one of the many shows that
Netflix removes every month to make room for content with higher demand.
Nor can you find it on Amazon, or Hulu, or any of the growing number of TV
streaming sites.
Even the old-school standbyDVDwont help you, at least
in the United States. DVDs are region coded, part of an antiquated effort to make
piracy harder,
and El Ministerio del Tiempo was only ever released with a
region 2 code, which means American (or Asian) devices wont play it.
Maybe you can find it on a pirate site somewhere, but there is no legal way to
watch the show. It has disappeared.
In Part I, I explain why more and more content is disappearing, no longer
effectively accessible to customers who for decades have been able to access
content on demand. In Part II, I suggest some things copyright law could do to
keep content from disappearing.
For the past forty years, longer than most Americans have been alive,
defining characteristic of content has been that people could watch, read, or
listen to what they wanted when they wanted it. It wasnt always so. For most
of the history of the entertainment industry, movies and television shows were
Try to see El Ministerio del Tiempo (Onza Partners and Cliffhanger Feb. 24, 2015).
Kudos to the Boston University Law Review editor Kaitlin Ostling who found it on
Netflix . . . in Nicaragua. Im contemplating a trip there now . . . .
Since this writing, Amazon added the first two seasonsbut only those seasonsto
Prime Video and only with a subscription to FlixLatino. El Ministerio del Tiempo, AMAZON
PRIME VIDEO, https://www.amazon.com/Cualquier-Tiempo-Pasado/dp/B08L7HTVRY
1623364952&s=instant-video&sprefix=el+m%2Cinstant-video%2C208&sr=1-1 (last visited
Sept. 1, 2021).
See Peter K. Yu, A Haters Guide to Geoblocking, 25 B.U. J. SCI. & TECH. L. 503, 507-
12 (2019) (criticizing efforts to divide access to content by region).
And since it was released in Spain, even if you could watch it, it might not come with
English subtitles. The Nicaraguan Netflix version doesn’t.
The median age of the U.S. population was 38.4 years in 2019. See Statista Rsch. Dept,
Median Age of the Resident Population of the United States from 1960-2019, STATISTA (Jan.
20, 2021), https://www.statista.com/statistics/241494/median-age-of-the-us-population
nited%20States [https://perma.cc/AA4L-PVPF].
offered at specific times for limited runs.
If you didnt see it when the content
owner decided to show it to you, you were out of luck. Video content was, in
effect, a sort of livestream that offered no opportunity to record or replay it. Miss
it when it was shown? Too bad for you.
Things were somewhat better with music and books. If you happened to buy
a book or a record you could keep it and enjoy it at your leisure. But whether
you could find the song or book you wanted was again largely at the mercy of
the entertainment industry, which decided what stayed in print and what got
stocked on store shelves.
Stores with limited space tended to stock current
bestsellers and a small archive of classicmusic or books.
But if a song or a
book didnt make it to that iconic status, it would disappear from stores after a
year or two. Then your best hope was to borrow one from a library for a limited
period or to frequent used book or record stores in hopes of finding a resale
Recording devices changed all that. If you couldnt watch something when it
was on TV, you could record it to watch later.
With more difficulty (as there
was rarely a schedule), you could do the same thing with songs played on the
radio. Content owners fought tooth and nail to stop the recording of content,
because they structured their business models around windows of availability
See, e.g., January 29, 1990, TV TANGO, http://www.tvtango.com/listings/1990/01/29
[https://perma.cc/64SB-QJRQ] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021) (showing tv guide for evening of
January 29 of 1990).
See Alan Rinzler, Shelf Wars: What Authors Need to Know About Bookstore Visibility,
visibility/ [https://perma.cc/47DB-NJAE].
See Mike Shatzkin, Buying Is a Hard Thing for Bookstores to Do Effectively, and That
Becomes an Increasingly Important Reality for Publishers, IDEA LOGICAL CO. (Jan. 23, 2013),
that-becomes-an-increasingly-important-reality-for-publishers/ [https://perma.cc/3ML8-
R. Anthony Reese, The First Sale Doctrine in the Era of Digital Networks, 44 B.C. L.
REV. 577, 586-90 (2003) (explaining how secondary markets, rentals, and libraries make
works available without permission of copyright owner).
DVR, TECHTERMS, https://techterms.com/definition/dvr [https://perma.cc/EKC7-
TBHP] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021) (“[A DVR] can be used to record, save, and play back
television programs.).
and because they worried about losing ad revenue.
But once they lost that fight,
they discoveredas they always seem tothat allowing people access to
content when they wanted it greatly expanded the market, to their benefit as well
as consumers’.
Copyright owners began selling copies of movies and TV
shows to the public, though they faced the same store-shelf constraint that books
and music did.
Then, the growing popularity of the Internet allowed copyright
owners to capitalize on that discovery, selling books, CDs, and DVDs online for
works that would never make it onto brick-and-mortar store shelves.
But while the availability of recording and of physical media for purchase
online dramatically expanded the number and kinds of works people had access
to, it shifted the storage problem from the retail store to the user, who quickly
See, e.g., Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417, 491 (1984) (holding
manufacturing of VCRs was not copyright infringement even though consumers could use
them to record copyrighted television content); see also Mark A. Lemley, Is the Sky Falling
on the Content Industries?, 9 J. ON TELECOMM. & HIGH TECH. L. 125, 128-30 (2011)
(discussing entertainment industrys fights against cassette tapes and VCRs). This lovely
graphic was the 1970s equivalent of the you wouldnt steal a caranti-piracy ads. Id.
See James Lardner, How Hollywood Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the VCR :
Home Video Has Diminished the Power of the StudiosBut Not Their Profits., L.A. TIMES
(Apr. 19, 1987, 12:00 AM), https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-04-19-tm-1667-
story.html; see also M. Bjørn von Rimscha, How the DVR Is Changing the TV IndustryA
Supply-Side Perspective, 8 INTL J. ON MEDIA MGMT. 116, 117-18 (2009) (discussing DVR as
supply-side innovationthat benefits content distributors more than consumers); Lemley,
supra note 12, at 131 ([The DVR] revitalized [the television] industry because a lot of people
like me who didnt watch television suddenly discovered that when they could choose when
and where they wanted to see their programming, there was actually a bunch of good stuff on.
And the 2000s became the Golden Age of television.).
See Everett Rogers, Video Is Here to Stay, CTR. FOR MEDIA LITERACY,
http://www.medialit.org/reading-room/video-here-stay [https://perma.cc/LJV8-NUNH] (last
visited Sept. 1, 2021) ([T]he fast takeoff in VCR adoption came only when a quantity and
variety of pre-recorded cassette tapes, especially movies, became readily available, at low
cost, through the neighborhood video store.).
See Padraig Belton & Matthew Wall, Did Technology Kill the Book or Give It New
Life?, BBC NEWS (Aug. 14, 2015), https://www.bbc.com/news/business-33717596
ended up with a bulky library of content.
Digital downloads and remote storage
in turn alleviated that problem. After once again fighting tooth and nail to
prevent consumers from getting their content in digital form,
content owners
yet again realized that they benefited from the latest system, as their marginal
distribution and storage costs dropped almost to zero. Consumer storage costs
didnt disappear, but they changed; digital downloads don’t take up physical
space, but they require electronic devices with larger and larger memories.
Over the past decade, both video and music content have largely moved from
digital downloads to streaming. Streaming technology took advantage of the
ubiquity of broadband Internet connections.
People no longer had to download
content in advance to have access to it. It would come to them in real time as
they requested it over a broadband Internet connection. Paul Goldsteins
celestial jukebox from a quarter century ago has come to lifenot just for
music but for all content.
Content owners tried to stop this revolution too,
but once again they were
fortunate the courts largely rejected their efforts to stifle the technology. The
ease and convenience of streaming has made it the dominant way people get
their music and video content today,
and content owners have turned that into
See Jacob Waite, The Horrifying World of VHS Collectors, MEDIUM (June 26, 2017),
https://medium.com/@waiteski/the-horrifying-world-of-vhs-collectors-35853f093e8 (noting
how avid VHS collectors encounter storage constraints).
See Cartoon Network LP v. CSC Holdings, Inc., 536 F.3d 121, 139-40 (2d Cir. 2008)
(holding remote storage DVR does not infringe Cartoon Networks reproduction right); Fox
Broad. Co. v. Dish Network LLC, 160 F. Supp. 3d 1139, 1172-73 (C.D. Cal. 2015) (finding
DISHs PrimeTime Anytime and commercial-skipping DVR services did not violate Foxs
copyrights); Lemley, supra note 12, at 130-31 (discussing entertainment industry’s fight
against MP3 player and DVR). See generally Mark A. Lemley & R. Anthony Reese, Reducing
Digital Copyright Infringement Without Restricting Innovation, 56 STAN. L. REV. 1345 (2004)
(discussing history and economics of digital copyright infringement).
See aricarlospena, Netflixs Growth Alongside Digital Transformation, DIGIT.
transformation/# [https://perma.cc/AJ7U-DVE3] (linking Netflixs success to its innovative
use of streaming technology).
JUKEBOX 125 (1994) ([A] technology-packed satellite orbiting thousands of miles above
earth, awaiting a subscribers orderlike a nickel in the old jukebox, and the punch of a
buttonto connect him to a vast storehouse of entertainment and information . . . .”).
See, e.g., Am. Broad. Cos. v. Aereo, Inc., 573 U.S. 431, 437-38 (2014); Ferrick v.
Spotify USA Inc., No. 16-cv-08412, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 86083 (S.D.N.Y. May 22, 2018).
Netflix use alone surpasses cable and satellite use combined. See After a Boom Year in
Video Streaming, What Comes Next?, PWC,
series/consumer-video-streaming-behavior.html [https://perma.cc/9RYH-BHVG] (last
visited Sept. 1, 2021). And streaming makes up the majority of music industry revenue.
Statista Rsch. Dept, Music Industry Revenue Worldwide from 2012 to 2021, by Source,
an ongoing rather than a onetime revenue stream.
And once again, despite
predictions of disaster, content owners are making more money under the new
system than they were before.
Streaming has benefits. It is far better for the environment than printing plastic
discs and moving them from place to place on trucks.
It is also better in
significant ways than downloads.
Content no longer takes up space on the
users device. It might not take up space on the content creators system either,
as most streaming is done through third parties like YouTube, Amazon, or
It can be stored in the cloud in efficient servers with lots of room and
fast, reliable delivery.
And consumers can access streamed content from any
STATISTA (Jan. 8, 2021), https://www.statista.com/statistics/239276/growth-of-the-global-
The Music Modernization Act of 2018 significantly expanded the returns copyright
owners receive from streamed music. Orrin G. HatchBob Goodlatte Music Modernization
Act, Pub. L. No. 115-264, 132 Stat. 3676 (2018).
Broadcast industry revenue doubled from 2005 to 2019. Amy Watson, Estimated
Revenue of the U.S. Broadcasting Industry from 2005 to 2019, STATISTA (Jan. 18, 2021),
industry-since-2005/ [https://perma.cc/TXC6-N9RS] (“In 2019, the American broadcasting
industry generated a total revenue of 177.48 billion U.S. dollars, an increase from 173.89
billion U.S. dollars in 2018. This 2019 estimate represents the highest annual aggregate
revenue of the U.S. broadcasting industry in the time frame from 2005 to 2019, including
radio networks, television broadcasting, and cable.). Music industry revenue declined
sharply after 1999, albeit arguably from an artificial high, but it has been increasing for years
and has grown more than 50% since 2014. Felix Richter, From Tape Deck to Tidal: 40 Years
of U.S. Music Sales, STATISTA (Mar. 5, 2021), https://www.statista.com/chart/17244/us-
music-revenue-by-format/ [https://perma.cc/88BL-U938]. Video game industry revenue
doubled from 2006 to 2020. Omri Wallach, 50 Years of Gaming History, by Revenue Stream
(1970-2020), VISUAL CAPITALIST (Nov. 23, 2020), https://www.visualcapitalist.com/50-
years-gaming-history-revenue-stream/ [https://perma.cc/WB2X-Z6P6].
Will Bedingfield, We Finally Know How Bad for the Environment Your Netflix Habit
Is, WIRED (Mar. 15, 2021, 6:00 AM), https://www.wired.co.uk/article/netflix-carbon-
footprint [https://perma.cc/B7T5-S73L] (Netflix claims that one hour of streaming on its
platform in 2020 used less than 100gCO2e (a hundred grams of carbon dioxide equivalent)
thats less than driving an average car a quarter of a mile.).
See Sarah Griffiths, Why Your Internet Habits Are Not as Clean as You Think, BBC
(Mar. 5, 2020), https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200305-why-your-internet-habits-are-
not-as-clean-as-you-think [https://perma.cc/7RL2-LWDY] (Many of the major cloud
providers, however, have pledged to cut their carbon emissions, so storing photos, documents
and running services off their servers where possible is one approach to take.).
Increasingly the latter also create their own content. See Alan Sepinwall, The 20 Best
Shows Made for StreamingSo Far, ROLLING STONE (Nov. 21, 2018, 1:54 PM),
757702/ [https://perma.cc/98YR-FBTV].
Case Study: How Netflix Uses Cloud for Innovation, Agility and Scalability, CLOUDSINE,
agility-and-scalability/ [https://perma.cc/53RT-RMKQ] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021) (By
deviceat least as long as they have a broadband Internet connection.
Streaming also makes economic sense as a value allocation mechanism. It allows
the market to value intensity of preference, rewarding those who write songs
people play over and over again more than those whose songs are played once
or twice and allowing people to try out content without making a significant
investment in purchasing a disc or paying to download a movie.
But streaming had one important, unforeseen effectit took control over
what content was available out of the hands of consumers.
Unlike DVDs or
digital downloads, which were (mostly) buy-and-keep arrangements,
what you
can stream at any given time depends on what is available on streaming
platforms. And unlike downloads, where people tend to access any given piece
of content on the server only once and then replay it locally, streaming requires
that the provider devote lots of resources to popular content that many people
want to stream at the same time. Further, content licensing deals usually last only
for a limited time and frequently include up-front or minimum payments rather
than just pay per stream.
running on [the cloud], [Netflix] provided billions hours [sic] of service to customers around
the globe.”).
The move to streaming is frustrating for frequent airline travelers, since no one could
accurately describe airplane Internet as broadband. And its a problem for those in poor or
rural areas that lack broadband access. See Andrew Perrin, Digital Gap Between Rural and
Nonrural America Persists, PEW RSCH. CTR. (May 31, 2019),
america-persists/ [https://perma.cc/R95G-TSGT].
While physical sales and downloads generally offer unlimited use for a fixed price and
compensate artists according to the number of sales, streaming compensates artists based on
the number of times a work is played. See Dmitry Pastukhov, What Music Streaming Services
Pay Per Stream (And Why It Actually Doesnt Matter), SOUNDCHARTS BLOG (June 26, 2019),
https://soundcharts.com/blog/music-streaming-rates-payouts [https://perma.cc/974P-9H7W].
For an early prediction along these lines, see Reese, supra note 10, at 630-34.
Aaron Perzanowski and others have noted that the move to digital content often came
with contract restrictions on what you could do with that content and even whether you really
ownedit at all. Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Aniket Kesari & Aaron Perzanowski, The Tethered
Economy, 87 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 783, 798 (2019). Courts have held that there is no right to
resell digital content akin to the right to resell a book or DVD. Capitol Records, LLC v. ReDigi
Inc., 910 F.3d 649, 655 (2d Cir. 2018). And there have been notorious cases where content
providers sought to take back digital content they had already provided to usersincluding,
in a delicious piece of irony, George Orwells 1984. See also Rebecca Crootof, The Internet
of Torts: Expanding Civil Liability Standards to Address Corporate Remote Interference, 69
DUKE L.J. 583, 585-86 (2019) (explaining how companies engage in remote interference, “the
practice of employing an over-the-air update to remotely alter or deactivate a physical
device”); Julie E. Cohen, Copyright and the Jurisprudence of Self-Help, 13 BERKELEY TECH.
L.J. 1089, 1108-09 (1998).
Brian Beers, How Netflix Pays for Movie and TV Show Licensing, INVESTOPEDIA (Aug.
6, 2020), https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/062515/how-netflix-pays-movie-
and-tv-show-licensing.asp [https://perma.cc/FP3Y-PUL7].
The result of all this is that it doesnt always make sense for Netflix to keep a
large library of content around. Netflix may maximize its revenues by devoting
a lot of bandwidth to streaming Tiger King to many people rather than offering
a wider array of content that relatively few people are interested in and for which
it has to pay minimum fees. Especially when it comes time to renegotiate deals,
Netflix may just drop the show from its catalog.
Indeed, every month various
people publish a list of dozens of movies and TV shows that will disappear from
Netflix over the following thirty days.
Those include not just shows that never
found a significant audience but blockbusters and highly acclaimed movies that
are just a few years old.
Like the old-style record and bookstores, everything
but the newest and most popular movies and TV shows are quickly moved out
to make room for new stuff.
Video games face a similar cycle. As Glynn Lunney has shown, the vast
majority of video games sell few if any copies.
The game developer may stop
supporting the game or simply remove it for no reason.
And unlike movies,
many games (multiplayer games, obviously, but even others) require continued
support from the developer and updates to work with new platforms and
In addition, game platforms like PlayStation and Steam will
sometimes remove those games without explanation, perhaps because of a
licensing dispute or violation of terms of service,
but perhaps because older or
On YouTube, by contrast, videos are forever, at least for now. See Shivang, YouTube
DatabaseHow Does It Store So Many Videos Without Running Out of Storage Space?,
8BITMEN.COM, https://www.8bitmen.com/youtube-database-how-does-it-store-so-many-
videos-without-running-out-of-storage-space/ [https://perma.cc/8SFA-UB8S] (last visited
Sept. 1, 2021). But with over 500 hours of content uploaded to the site every minute, YouTube
may eventually decide its not worth storing old videos with few or no views. Anmar
Frangoul, With Over 1 Billion Users, Heres How YouTube Is Keeping Pace with Change,
CNBC (Mar. 14, 2018, 4:54 AM), https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/14/with-over-1-billion-
users-heres-how-youtube-is-keeping-pace-with-change.html [https://perma.cc/5YAS-
XVAQ]. Indeed, they have already stopped monetizing them. See YouTube Partner Program
Overview & Eligibility, YOUTUBE HELP https://support.google.com/youtube
/answer/72851?hl=en [https://perma.cc/P3PK-DN93] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021).
See, e.g., Savannah Salazar, Whats Leaving Netflix: August 2021, VULTURE (July 23,
2021), https://www.vulture.com/article/whats-leaving-netflix-movies-shows.html.
Glynn S. Lunney, Jr., Copyright and the 1%, 23 STAN. TECH. L. REV. 1, 37-50 (2020).
This is a general phenomenon. See CHRIS ANDERSON, THE LONG TAIL 6-10 (2006) (showing
that vast majority of works get very few users).
Games at Risk of Removal, STEAM, https://store.steampowered.com/curator/31857481-
Games-at-risk-of-removal/list/35810 [https://perma.cc/QH4J-AJFG] (last visited Sept. 1,
See David Fried, What Does a Game Dev Team Do After a Game Is Released?, QUORA
(2017), https://www.quora.com/What-does-a-game-dev-team-do-after-a-game-is-released-
Is-the-entire-team-needed-to-maintain-the-game [https://perma.cc/2VES-EPZY].
Andy Chalk, Valve Removed 1000 Games from Steam Because Publishers Were
AbusingSteamworks, PC GAMER (Nov. 25, 2019), https://www.pcgamer.com/1000-games-
were-just-removed-from-steam-and-we-dont-know-why/ [https://perma.cc/AC8U-GHKW].
low-performing games just arent lucrative enough,
or they hope to upsell users
on a more expensive version.
Games have even been removed from the world
because their creator decided they were making the world a worse place.
Something similar happens with music, though more often because of
licensing issues than storage space.
As the world moved from music
downloads to streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music, people lost
control over their playlists, because whether a song stayed on that playlist
became a function of whether the streaming service had a continuing license.
Songs take up much less space than videos, so streaming services are less likely
to remove a song merely because it is unpopular. But the licensing regime for
music is more complicated,
and songs periodically disappear from Spotify and
other services because licenses lapse or are being renegotiated.
commonly, users who put one version of a song on a Spotify playlist may find
it replaced by a different version,
perhaps because one of the copyright owners
meterano7, List of Games Removed from PS Store, PSNPROFILES (Jan. 17, 2017),
See Original Release of Ghost of Tsushima Now Available Only Through Director’s
Cut Pre-order, DELISTED GAMES (July 6, 2021), https://delistedgames.com/original-release-
[https://perma.cc/XU48-YG75] (noting that Sony removed $40 listing of game Ghost of
Tsushima from PlayStations storefront and only makes available Directors Cut edition,
which costs minimum of $59.99).
See, e.g., Lan Anh Nguyen, Exclusive: Flappy Bird Creator Dong Nguyen Says App
Gone ForeverBecause It Was An Addictive Product, FORBES (Feb. 11, 2014, 2:30 AM),
See generally Kristelia A. García, Penalty Default Licenses: A Case for Uncertainty, 89
N.Y.U. L. REV. 1117, 1117 (2014) (discussing ongoing battle over terrestrial performance
rightsthat is, the right of a copyright holder to collect royalties for plays of a sound
recording on terrestrial radio,and the licensing landscape which controls music streaming).
See id. 1132-36; Lydia Pallas Loren, The Dual Narratives in the Landscape of Music
Copyright, 52 HOUS. L. REV. 537, 537 (2014); R. Anthony Reese, Copyright and Internet
Music Transmissions: Existing Law, Major Controversies, Possible Solutions, 55 U. MIA. L.
REV. 237, 240-50 (2001).
See, e.g., Mark Savage, Hundreds of K-pop Songs Disappear from Spotify, BBC NEWS
(Mar. 1, 2021), https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-56237626
[https://perma.cc/VM5P-YAFC] (stating that Spotify referenced the end of a licensing deal as
the reason for disruption).
See Chrissel313, Why Do Songs on Spotify Change?, SPOTIFY CMTY. (Apr. 6, 2017, 9:09
PM), https://community.spotify.com/t5/Content-Questions/Why-do-songs-on-Spotify-
change/m-p/1636198#M16009 [https://perma.cc/YBD7-SU28]; earlz, Spotify Is Playing a
Different Version of Some Songs, SPOTIFY CMTY. (Jan. 23, 2014, 5:21 PM),
some-songs/m-p/662984#M1684 [https://perma.cc/YQ5V-WHZA]. Try to hear, e.g., MIKE
POSNER, Cooler Than Me, on 31 MINUTES TO TAKEOFF (J Records 2010). Youll likely get
one of several alternate versions, not the main radio cut.
prefers to push people to that version or because some versions of a song (like
movie soundtracks) carry only limited rights.
The fact that content is removed from a streaming service doesnt necessarily
mean it is gone forever. If you downloaded a game or made a copy of a movie
or song rather than just streaming it, you might still have access to it. And
because we havent yet fully moved to streaming, some of the content may still
be available on older formats like CDs, DVDs, or music downloads. But that is
mostly an artifact of the hybrid download/streaming system we have today. As
we move more and more exclusively to streaming, we should expect to see fewer
works made available in the form of physical disks in the first place. Download
options will likely also become rarer. And groups that make regular reliance on
fair use or other statutory exemptions, like teachers and churches, cant simply
make a use that is unquestionably permitted if they dont have an actual copy or
download to use as the basis for, say, showing in class.
Is there a way to keep consumer access to this disappearing content?
possibility would be to move from streaming back to downloads or physical
mediasome system that involves physical possession and ownership. But that
seems unlikely, and would undo the advantages of a streaming regime.
Perhaps we could avoid having content disappear by having consumers make
permanent copies of their streams. But thats not a satisfactory solution either.
While consumers today can often make their own copies,
it is not clear that
they can do so without permission, and even less clear that they will be able to
do so legally in the future. While consumers own physical books, CDs, and
DVDs and have the right to resell them,
they probably dont own digital
and they certainly dont ownthings they stream, like the songs
See Peter Lawton & Claire Munro, Music in Films: The Soundtrack Album, THINKSYNC
MUSIC (2012), http://thinksyncmusic.com/guides/music-in-film-the-soundtrack-album/
[https://perma.cc/43ZT-XZMY] (noting difficulties in releasing film soundtrack albums due
to limited rights).
The problem would be much less significant if copyright terms didnt last so long. When
copyrights expired after fourteen years, it was less likely that content would be inaccessible
by the time the copyright expired. See Fred Fisher Music Co. v. M. Witmark & Sons, 318
U.S. 643, 647 (1943) (Anglo-American copyright legislation begins in 1709 with the Statute
of 8 Anne, c. 19. That act gave the author and his assigns the exclusive copyright for fourteen
years from publication . . . .”). But with copyright terms lasting ninety-five years or more, we
cannot rely on copyrights expiring before the works disappear. 17 U.S.C. § 302.
Spotify Premium, for instance, allows consumers to download the songs they stream.
But the right to keep those downloads extends only as long as the consumer keeps paying the
monthly fee for Premium. See Spotify Premium Spotify (US), SPOTIFY,
https://www.spotify.com/us/premium/ [https://perma.cc/4VQ4-XMED] (last visited Sept. 1,
17 U.S.C. § 109(a).
See Vernor v. Autodesk, Inc., 621 F.3d 1102, 1111 (9th Cir. 2010) (holding that a
software user is a licensee rather than an owner of a copy). For discussion of the problems
this creates for consumers, who tend to expect that they own their copies, see Aaron
in a Spotify playlist. Further, the permanent download may not be so
permanent, as users of both Netflix and Amazon Kindle have found out to their
chagrin when their purchased works disappeared.
Nor is it obvious that
consumers can just convert a stream into a permanent copy. Making copies from
a stream generally violates terms of use, and copyright owners have sued to stop
The result of the tethered economyis that even devices we think we own
are often subject to restrictive license agreements, and our content can disappear
from those devices too.
Copyright owners may like the newfound control the streaming environment
gives them to pull backcontent for a variety of reasons. Maybe they want the
ability to change that content.
Maybe they no longer want it out in the world
because it is offensive to modern sensibilities.
Maybe they think they will
maximize their revenue by making their works available only for limited
Perzanowski & Jason Schultz, Copyright Exhaustion and the Personal Use Dilemma, 96
MINN. L. REV. 2067, 2068-69 (2012).
Netflix has downloaded content expireafter a set amount of time. Downloaded Title
Says Expired, NETFLIX: HELP CENTER, https://help.netflix.com/en/node/54865
[https://perma.cc/4ADR-QRWG] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021). And Amazon infamously erased
downloaded content from users Kindle devicesagain ironically, George Orwells 1984.
See Brad Stone, Amazon Erases Orwell Books from Kindle, N.Y. TIMES (July 17, 2009),
See, e.g., Fox Broad. Co. v. Dish Network LLC, 160 F. Supp. 3d 1139, 1139 (C.D. Cal
2015); Cartoon Network LP v. CSC Holdings, Inc., 536 F.3d 121, 123 (2d Cir. 2008).
See generally Hoofnagle et al., supra note 31. Hoofnagle, Kesari, and Perzanowski offer
an in-depth analysis of the extent of tethering in the modern world of connected consumer
devices and the legal restrictions it imposes on consumer access and autonomy. Their focus
is on other issues than copyright, however, and is on what happens to devices and content
once a copy exists in a consumers hands. The problem is parallel to, but distinct from, the
one I discuss. See also Crootof, supra note 31, at 585-93 (discussing businesses that use
remote access to consumer devices to remove content or interfere with its operation).
Try to find an original, unedited 1977 version of Star Wars today. Its not easy. They
have all been replaced by the Episode IV version, which changed not only the title (it is now
called A New Hope) but also added new content, including, most notably, making it seem
that Han Solo didnt shoot first. Sean Hutchinson, Why Finding the Original 1977 Star Wars
Verges on the Impossible, POCKET, https://getpocket.com/explore/item/why-finding-the-
[https://perma.cc/8RAF-VJQA] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021).
See, e.g., Rebecca Alter, Every Blackface Episode and Scene Thats Been Pulled from
Streaming So Far, VULTURE (June 29, 2020), https://www.vulture.com/2020/06/blackface-tv-
episodes-scenes-removed-streaming.html; Sean Malin, Interrogating, and Culling, TVs
Archive, N.Y. TIMES, Aug. 19, 2020, at C1 (listing episodes of TV shows taken down from
Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon because they contained content deemed offensive or featured
actors accused of misconduct); Dr. Seuss: Six Books Withdrawn over Hurtful and Wrong
Imagery, BBC NEWS (Mar. 4, 2021), https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-
xperts%20and%20teachers [https://perma.cc/MSJ7-8LH7] [hereinafter Six Books
Withdrawn]; Reese, supra note 10, at 597-98 (discussing withdrawal of Amos ‘n Andy and
Speedy Gonzales cartoons).
Or maybe they think old works will cannibalize demand for new
works they want to push in the future.
That last reason is particularly likely
when the content is sold to a new company that competes with that content.
Indeed, companies sometimes buy competitors just to get control of their
Even if creating permanent copies from a stream is legal, it’s not a full
solution to the problem of disappearing content. It may protect those who had
access to the work while it was streaming and thought to download and keep it.
But it wont help you watch El Ministerio del Tiempo, the original Star Wars, or
any of the other shows, songs, or games that disappeared before you knew you
wanted to experience them. And it wont help anyone who wants access to
something like an online video game or other app that requires continued
connection and support.
In short, an unanticipated consequence of the move to streaming is that more
and more content will effectively disappear from the public eye, at least
For the first time in forty years, were moving backwards, making
information harder rather than easier to access. That should worry us.
The Disney Vaultexemplifies this strategy. See, e.g., Jenna Mullins, Disney Is Taking
a Movie out of the Vault, but Why Do They Hold Our Childhoods Hostage in the First Place?!,
E! ONLINE (Feb. 6, 2015, 3:27 PM), https://www.eonline.com/news/622675/disney-is-taking-
[https://perma.cc/2HJP-HVW9]; Thomas K. Arnold, BambiIs Backfor 70 IIDays, USA
TODAY (Feb. 6, 2006, 9:30 PM), https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/life/movies/news/2006-02-
06-bambi_x.htm [https://perma.cc/MG84-MBMB]. And record companies tried to pull
existing recordings of the Three Tenors to force customers to their new joint recording, an act
the D.C. Circuit held violated the antitrust laws because it was done jointly. Polygram
Holding, Inc. v. Fed. Trade Commn, 416 F.3d 29, 31 (D.C. Cir. 2005).
See Matt Zoller Seitz, Disney Is Quietly Placing Classic Fox Movies into Its Vault, and
Thats Worrying, VULTURE (Oct. 24, 2019), https://www.vulture.com/2019/10/disney-is-
quietly-placing-classic-fox-movies-into-its-vault.html (discussing how Disneys practice of
limiting showing of classic movies in theaters focuses audience on new releases).
People who bought Focals AR glasses, for instance, lost all their functionality after
Google bought the product, shut it down, and removed the software from Google and Apples
app stores. See Winding Down Focals, NORTH, https://support.bynorth.com/hc/en-
us/articles/360045128691/ [https://perma.cc/V7BA-8BRU] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021).
See Eric Goldman & Jessica Silbey, Copyrights Memory Hole, 2019 BYU L. REV. 929,
951-56 (discussing examples of people buying rights to copyrighted works to suppress them).
The examples Goldman and Silbey discuss are primarily motivated by a desire not to have a
negative depiction see the light of day, rather than by fears of competition. Id. On the problem
of killer acquisitions”—companies that buy competitors in order to shut them downsee,
for example, Mark A. Lemley & Andrew McCreary, Exit Strategy, 101 B.U. L. REV. 1, 1
(2021); Colleen Cunningham, Florian Ederer & Song Ma, Killer Acquisitions, 129 J. POL.
ECON. 649, 649 (2021).
We could, I suppose, just pirate all this content. But that doesnt seem a satisfactory
solution either. First, it too assumes someone has the ability to receive a stream, make an
(illegal) copy, and (illegally) share that copy with others. Even if that happens, not everyone
But perhaps copyright law can help, as I suggest in the next Section.
A. Fair Use and Out-of-Print Works
The goal of copyright law is to encourage not just the creation of new works
but also public access to those works. Indeed, the ultimate end goal is to put a
variety of new works in the hands of the public.
While there are limited
circumstances in which copyright law protects works that are not intended to be
shared with the publicprivate letters, computer source code
once a work is
released to the public, copyright law assumes that the public will have access to
it, first by paying a price to the copyright owner and eventually through the
mechanism of the public domain.
wants to rely on pirated content. They may believe it is morally wrong to engage in copyright
infringement. They may fear being sued or having their Internet access cut off if they are
identified as infringing. See, e.g., Mattias Gyllenvarg, Will My Internet Provider Shut Down
My Internet if I Torrent?, QUORA (2020), https://www.quora.com/Will-my-internet-provider-
shut-down-my-internet-if-I-torrent [https://perma.cc/G9GL-3T2E] (showing peoples worry
over the consequences of pirating via Torrent); see also Mitchell Clark, Frontier
Communications Is Getting Sued by Record Labels for Not Disconecting Pirates, VERGE
(June 10, 2021, 9:06 PM), https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/10/22528633/frontier-isp-
lawsuit-record-labels-piracy-disconnection [https://perma.cc/YU5Q-ZP9H] (highlighting
push for internet service providers to cut off Internet access for pirates). They may find it hard
to find a stable source of the content. Legitimate sites may not host the content because they
fear copyright liability. See, e.g., Rules and Policies: Copyright, YOUTUBE,
https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks/policies/copyright/ [https://perma.cc/GSD2-
WKK7] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021). And pirate sites may be risky to use in other respects;
they may be more likely to contain malware, for instance. Tomáš Foltýn, Pirate Websites
Expose Users to More Malware, Study Finds, WELIVESECURITY (Mar. 21, 2018, 3:50 PM),
[https://perma.cc/4DBV-PJ9E]. Even if none of that were true, I would find it troubling for
the law to say the only way to have access to a published work is to violate the law.
Nonetheless, pirated content may end up serving as a source from which users can obtain
otherwise-disappeared content in order to make fair use of it.
See generally Glynn S. Lunney, Jr., Reexamining Copyrights Incentives-Access
Paradigm, 49 VAND. L. REV. 483 (1996) (discussing balancing act between increasing
copyright protections to encourage creations of works and reigning it in to broaden access);
David W. Barnes, The Incentives/Access Tradeoff, 9 NW. J. TECH. & INTELL. PROP. 96 (2010)
(arguing for adopting a “net benefits” approach towards copyright law).
Folsom v. Marsh, 9 F. Cas. 342, 346 (D. Mass. 1841) (No. 4,901) (“[T]he author of any
letter or letters . . . whether they are literary compositions, or familiar letters, or letters of
business, possess the sole and exclusive copyright therein . . . .”); Johnson Controls, Inc. v.
Phoenix Control Sys., Inc., 886 F.2d 1173, 1175 (9th Cir. 1989). For discussion of
circumstances when authors should be able to use copyright to prevent the public from ever
accessing a work, see Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Privative Copyright, 73 VAND. L. REV. 1, 61-
62 (2020); Goldman & Silbey, supra note 60, at 970-87.
See generally Jessica Litman, The Public Domain, 39 EMORY L.J. 965 (1990)
(discussing role of public domain in creating incentives for further authorship).
Historically, that assumption was limited by the economics of producing and
distributing physical copies of works. It cost money and effort to keep a book or
record in print, and even more to keep a movie in theaters.
So it wasnt
surprising that older works disappeared from stores, or at least became harder to
find. Nonetheless, an obscure book published in the 1920s exists in a number of
physical copies. Some might be destroyed or thrown away, but the rest will
survive, slowly deteriorating, perhaps for centuries. Other media, like film, is
more fragile, but multiple copies still exist to be stored and preserved.
physical nature of older media makes individual copies more durable, but by the
same token makes access to that content much more limited.
But technology has changed that dynamic. It has made it much easier to make
old, out-of-print works available to everyone. Google Book Search scanned
millions of out-of-print books, stored them, and made them all searchable
The Internet Archive takes a snapshot of the entire Internet every few
weeks and makes it all available to search.
We no longer need giant libraries
to store physical artifacts. It is feasible to have all the worlds content available
to people who want to get it. Yet at the very time that it is easier to make out-of-
print works available to everyone, those works are in fact becoming harder to
find, since removing streaming content doesnt leave behind old copies of works
people can find in libraries or used record stores (or Internet archives).
The law should respond to that technological change. The public should have
continued legal access to published content absent some compelling justification
for withdrawing it from the world. That goal would have been aspirational for
most of human history. But today it is technically feasible. It is ironic that the
way we deliver content is causing large swaths of it to disappear just as it is
possible to have access to all of it.
See, e.g., Dina Zipin, How Exactly Do Movies Make Money?, INVESTOPEDIA (Aug. 2,
2020), https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/093015/how-exactly-do-movies-
make-money.asp [https://perma.cc/K5UV-BJHL] (“Traditionally, a larger chunk went to the
studio during the opening weekend of a film. As the weeks went on, the theater operators
percentage rose. A studio might make about 60% of a films ticket sales in the United States,
and around 20% to 40% of that on overseas ticket sales.).
For more information on how film is stored and preserved, see Karen F. Gracy,
Documenting the Process of Film Preservation, 3 THE MOVING IMAGE 1, 6 (2003); and
Francis C. Poole, Basic Strategies for Film Preservation in Libraries, 16 TECH. SERVS. Q. 1,
5-7 (1999). For empirical evidence on copyrights effects on film soundtracks, see Paul J.
Heald, How Copyright Keeps Works Disappeared, 11 J. EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUD. 829, 844-
49 (2014).
About the Library Project, GOOGLE HELP,
https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/9690276 [https://perma.cc/WM3W-KUDC]
(last visited Sept. 1, 2021).
INTERNET ARCHIVE, https://archive.org/ [https://perma.cc/R2Y7-6VZH] (last visited
Sept. 1, 2021). In rare circumstances, content may be removed from the Internet Archive,
chiefly for privacy reasons. See David Bixenspan, When the Internet Archive Forgets,
GIZMODO (Nov. 28, 2018, 11:00 AM), https://gizmodo.com/when-the-internet-archive-
forgets-1830462131 [https://perma.cc/8TXV-23W2].
Ordinarily, that lawful access will come from the copyright owner itself or its
licensee. Copyright owners can stream content, sell downloads, or sell physical
media containing their works. They can also license others the ability to do those
When they do any of those things, the public has access to the content.
If the copyright owner makes the work accessible, copyright law will operate as
it normally does, preventing others from copying that work for most purposes,
allowing the copyright owner to reap the rewards.
But if a copyright owner decides to let their work go out of print or otherwise
become unavailable (or if the copyright owner itself goes out of business or cant
be found),
the publics interest in having access to published content is
implicated. Copyrights fair use doctrine should allow a third party to make
those out-of-print works available unless there are compelling public reasons to
deny access.
Fair use is based on a fact-specific four-factor test, but some of those factors
matter more than others.
Stripped to its essentials, fair use generally permits
See James Griffin, Licensing and Exploiting, COPYRIGHTUSER.ORG
[https://perma.cc/79Z9-8EKC] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021).
One complication is that the author and the copyright owner are often not the same
person. The director of El Ministerio del Tiempo may well want it to be shared as widely as
possible. But if the distributor, not the author, owns the copyright, it is the distributors
decision to withdraw the work that matters for copyright law. If, on the other hand, the author
retains the copyright and wants to distribute it, she is free to license it to others if Netflix drops
the show. That licensing constitutes exploitation. The work wouldnt disappear, and the fair
use issue I discuss here wouldnt arise. I discuss this issue in more detail infra notes 123-24
and accompanying text.
See generally Jennifer M. Urban, How Fair Use Can Help Solve the Orphan Works
Problem, 27 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 1379 (2012) (discussing orphan works).
See Basic Books, Inc. v. Kinkos Graphics Corp., 758 F. Supp. 1522, 1533 (S.D.N.Y.
1991) ([L]onger portions copied from an out-of-print book may be fair use because the book
is no longer available. (This has been thought to be true because, presumably, there is little
market effect produced by the copying. However, plaintiffs in this case convincingly argue
that damage to out-of-print works may in fact be greater since permissions fees may be the
only income for authors and copyright owners.)).
The second fair use factor, the nature of the copyrighted work,17 U.S.C. § 107(2),
rarely matters at all in some circuits. See Fox News Network, LLC v. TVEyes, Inc., 883 F.3d
169, 178 (2d Cir. 2018) (stating that second factor is essentially irrelevant). The Ninth Circuit
observed the second factor has not been terribly significant in the overall fair use balancing.
Dr. Seuss Enters., L.P. v. Penguin Books USA, Inc., 109 F.3d 1394, 1402 (9th Cir. 1997). But
see Am. Socy for Testing & Materials v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc., 896 F.3d 437, 451-52
(D.C. Cir. 2018) (emphasizing importance of second factor in limiting copyright for industry
standards); Sega Enters. Ltd. v. Accolade, Inc., 977 F.2d 1510, 1524-26 (9th Cir. 1992)
(emphasizing importance of second factor with respect to computer programs). For further
discussion on the second factors insignificance, see Robert Kasunic, Is That All There Is?
Reflections on the Nature of the Second Fair Use Factor, 31 COLUM. J.L. & ARTS 529, 532-
38 (2008); and Joseph P. Liu, Two-Factor Fair Use?, 31 COLUM. J.L. & ARTS 571, 576-77
uses of a copyrighted work that serve a legitimate purpose and dont substitute
for a sale or license by the copyright owner.
In recent years the legitimate
purpose has usually been one that transforms the underlying work itself,
that isnt required. A use may be fair because it serves a public benefit
because it is noncommercial and doesnt interfere with the copyright owners
The first factor—“the purpose and character of the use, including whether
such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes”—
might seem to favor the copyright owner in a suit against someone sharing out-
of-print content, at least when a defendant makes an out-of-print work available
for profit.
Copying an out-of-print work doesnt transform that work. But I
think the first factor is capacious enough to weigh access to disappearing content
as a purpose favoring a finding of fair use, whether or not the underlying work
is transformed. As Jennifer Urban has argued, for at least one important category
of disappearing contentso-called orphan worksthe fact that no copyright
owner can be found is central to the nature of the use being made.
That may
be true even if the copyright owner is known but has relinquished any economic
interest in the work.
Congress has expressed the view that a finding of fair use
should be more likely if a work is out of print.
(2008). The Supreme Courts decision in Google LLC v. Oracle Am., Inc., 141 S. Ct. 1183,
1201-03 (2021), may change that by emphasizing the importance of the second factor in that
17 U.S.C. § 107. This is a radical shortening of a very complex, multifactor doctrine that
I discuss in more detail below.
Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., 510 U.S. 569, 579 (1994) (The central purpose
of this investigation is to see . . . whether the new work merely supersede[s] the objects of the
original creation . . . or instead adds something new, with a further purpose or different
character, altering the first with new expression, meaning, or message; it asks, in other words,
whether and to what extent the new work is transformative.’” (cleaned up). For further
discussion of the transformative use concepts dominance, see Clark D. Asay, Arielle Sloan
& Dean Sobczak, Is Transformative Use Eating the World?, 61 B.C. L. REV. 905, 908 (2020);
and David Nimmer, Fairest of Them Alland Other Fairy Tales of Fair Use, 66 LAW &
CONTEMP. PROBS. 263, 269 n.31 (2003).
See, e.g., Time Inc. v. Bernard Geis Assocs., 293 F. Supp. 130, 146 (S.D.N.Y. 1968)
(“There is a public interest in having the fullest information available on the murder of
President Kennedy.).
See, e.g., Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417, 456 (1984) (finding
for fair use in part because respondents failed to demonstrate that time-shifting would cause
any likelihood of non-minimal harm to the potential market for, or the value of, their
copyrighted works).
17 U.S.C. § 107(1).
Urban, supra note 71, at 1395-1401.
Id. at 1397-98.
S. REP. NO. 94-473, at 64 (1975) (If the work is out of printand unavailable for
purchase through normal channels, the user may have more justification for reproducing it
That conclusion could, if necessary, be grounded in a sufficiently broad
conception of transformative use. Even when a work itself isnt transformed,
courts have increasingly found uses that open access to works to new markets to
be transformative.
But it could also be grounded in a broader recognition of a
public purpose supporting nontransformative uses that benefit the world. Part of
copyrights access-incentives bargain should be a right to access public
That right means that making available content the copyright owner
has withdrawn from the world serves a public purpose, a factor that favors a
finding of fair use.
The commercial nature of the use may differ depending on who makes it.
Libraries and universities, or other nonprofits making archival uses, have the
strongest case. But even commercial entities selling the work wont necessarily
have the first factor count against them. The Supreme Court has rejected any
presumption that commercial uses are unfair,
and with good reason. Many of
the most important transformative uses, as well as public interest uses and those
that facilitate access by others (like search engines), are made by for-profit
The fact that content goes out of print doesnt affect directly factors two and
three in most cases. Some of those works will be factual works in which
protection is thin, but many will be artistic or fictional works at the core of
copyright law, so the nature of the work will often support the copyright owner.
But the fact that a work is already published favors a finding of fair use,
some courts have held inaccessibility to support a finding of fair use under the
second factor.
And Goldman and Silbey suggest that acquisition of the
than in the ordinary case . . . .”); H.R. REP. NO. 94-1476, at 67 (1976); see also Maxtone-
Graham v. Burtchaell, 803 F.2d 1253, 1264 n.8 (2d Cir. 1986) (stating that [a] key, though
not necessarily determinative, factor in fair use is whether or not the work is available to the
potential userand citing Senate Report).
See, e.g., Google LLC v. Oracle Am., Inc., 141 S. Ct. 1183, 1202-05 (2021); Authors
Guild v. Google, Inc., 804 F.3d 202, 229 (2d Cir. 2015); Kelly v. Arriba Soft Corp., 336 F.3d
811, 818 (9th Cir. 2003); Jacob Victor, Utility-Expanding Fair Use, 105 MINN. L. REV. 1887,
1902 (2021). Authors Guild, Inc. v. HathiTrust, 755 F.3d 87 (2d Cir. 2014), is particularly
instructive here. The Court found the digitization of books so they could be made available to
the disabled to be a transformative purpose even though the content of the books was
unchanged. Id. at 105.
See Lunney, supra note 62, at 529.
Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., 510 U.S. 569, 579 (1994).
Id. at 584.
See, e.g., Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417, 496-97 (1984)
(Blackmun, J., dissenting) (“[I]nformational works, such as news reports, that readily lend
themselves to productive use by others, are less protected than creative works of
See Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. v. Nation Enters., 471 U.S. 539, 564 (1985).
See, e.g., Hofheinz v. A & E Television Networks, 146 F. Supp. 2d 442, 447-48
(S.D.N.Y. 2001) (applying this reasoning to use of a trailer for film released almost fifty years
copyright in a work with an intent to suppress it should count in favor of a
finding of fair use by those who seek to make the work available.
As for the third factor, people will generally want to use the entirety of a
workfor example, watching a movie or playing a song. That weighs against a
finding of fair use. But as noted above, those factors are decidedly less
important, and they have not prevented courts from finding uses fair.
The most significant change to the fair use analysis when a work goes out of
print is to the fourth factor. The fourth factoreffect on the market for the
copyrighted workis traditionally the most important.
By abandoning any
effort to sell or license the work, the copyright owner should be understood to
have relinquished any claim to market harm or effect under the fourth factor.
Copyright owners may well have good economic reasons for doing so; perhaps
the work isnt popular enough to justify continuing to make it available. But for
that very reason, they should not be heard to complain that someone who
continues to make the work available has cut into their sales. They werent going
to make those sales. Nor would there be a legitimate licensing market claim.
As noted above, a copyright owner who stops making the work available herself
but licenses others to make it available hasnt let the work go out of print in the
first place, so my analysis here simply doesnt apply. By hypothesis, content that
has disappeared is content that the copyright owner neither makes available
herself nor licenses anyone else to distribute.
In the ordinary case, then, there is little reason to deny the public access to a
work the copyright owner is no longer interested in exploiting. If a copyright
owner has let a work go out of print (or has itself gone out of business), others
earlier and not itself available on market and finding that second factor favored fair use); Basic
Books, Inc. v. Kinkos Graphics Corp., 758 F. Supp. 1522, 1533 (S.D.N.Y. 1991) (“[L]onger
portions copied from an out-of-print book may be fair use because the book is no longer
Goldman & Silbey, supra note 60, at 991-92.
See Sony, 464 U.S. at 456 (finding fair use despite entire work being copied); Fox Broad.
Co. v. Dish Network LLC, 160 F. Supp. 3d 1139, 1175-76 (C.D. Cal. 2015) (“The fact that
[the disputed copies] reproduce an entire work weighs against fair use, but is of very little
weightcompared with other factors due to the limited nature of the ultimate use.” (quoting
Fox Broad. Co. v. Dish Network, L.C.C., 905 F. Supp. 2d, 1088, 1104 (C.D. Cal. 2012))).
See Neil Weinstock Netanel, Making Sense of Fair Use, 15 LEWIS & CLARK L. REV.
715, 722 (2011); Barton Beebe, An Empirical Study of U.S. Copyright Fair Use Opinions,
1978-2005, 156 U. PA. L. REV. 549, 616-17 (2008); Nimmer, supra note 75, at 267.
See Urban, supra note 71, at 1406-09; Randal C. Picker, Private Digital Libraries and
Orphan Works, 27 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 1259, 1280-82 (2012).
See Am. Geophysical Union v. Texaco Inc., 60 F.3d 913, 929-30 (2d Cir. 1994)
(“[C]ourts have recognized limits on the concept of potential licensing revenues by
considering only traditional, reasonable, or likely to be developed markets when examining
and assessing a secondary uses effect upon the potential market for or value of the
copyrighted work.’” (quoting Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., 510 U.S. 569, 592
(1994))); Mark A. Lemley, Should a Licensing Market Require Licensing?, 70 LAW &
CONTEMP. PROBS. 185, 187-91 (2007).
should be legally entitled to copy that work to make it available to others. Once
content is public and the copyright owner has relinquished any interest in
profiting from it, there is a public interest in keeping that work available to the
world. The fair use doctrine should protect that interest.
That doesnt mean we should expect a raft of fair use cases. Copyright owners
have already made the up-front investment to produce the work. Most of them
are happy to continue to make it available, or to license someone else to do so,
obviating the need to worry about it disappearing. That will be even more likely
once it is clear to them that abandoning the work in this way justifies copying
and distribution of the work by others. Indeed, interpreting the fair use doctrine
in this way may create a penalty defaultrule that encourages them to keep
works accessible.
If they still dont distribute the work or license someone else
to do so, it will often be because they are out of business or have decided the
work isnt worth paying attention to at all. In either case, they would be unlikely
to sue someone who picks the work up for continued use. It should be the rare
case in which we need to actually litigate a fair use case to prevent content from
B. Complications
This is law, so naturally its not quite as simple as that. In this section I
consider some ways copyright owners might seek to avoid this result, some
arguments that shouldnt prevent a right to access public content, and a few that
should. These are the edge cases. Most of the time when content goes out of
print, the copyright owner just doesnt care enough to keep it available. Indeed,
the copyright owner might not be in business anymore. In the cases I consider
in this section, the copyright owner affirmatively wants the world not to have
access to the work for some reason. The question is whether we should let them
withdraw this content from the world.
1. Unacceptable Justifications for Disappearing Content
Many of the reasons copyright owners might want to make their content
disappear are ones that copyright law should reject as inimical to its purposes.
Cannibalization. Copyright owners may remove content because they want
to replace it with new content. That new content might be unrelated. Copyright
owners who want to promote their newest show may fear that existing shows
will cannibalize the market for that show.
I’m not sure that fear is warranted;
On the idea of penalty defaults, see Ian Ayres & Eric Talley, Solomonic Bargaining:
Dividing a Legal Entitlement to Facilitate Coasean Trade, 104 YALE L.J. 1027, 1032-33
(1995); and Ian Ayres & Robert Gertner, Filling Gaps in Incomplete Contracts: An Economic
Theory of Default Rules, 99 YALE L.J. 87, 95-107 (1989).
Reese, supra note 10, at 594 n.57.
there seems to be plenty of demand for both new and old shows.
But even if
they are right that people prefer the old works to the new, that shouldnt justify
having the old content disappear altogether. Copyright owners have always
faced competition from old content in the form of used books, old movies, and
the like. The fact that the move to streaming makes it easier to withdraw those
old works from the world doesnt mean the copyright owner should be able to
do so. Copyright owners are free to release new works and profit from both new
and old works. And they are free to promote the new work to drive traffic there.
But they shouldnt be free to remove the old work from public access. If they
do, others should be able to provide those works under the fair use doctrine.
Artificial scarcity. While it is a closer case, I think the same should be true of
efforts by copyright owners to create artificial scarcity for their works by
periodically withdrawing them from public view. Disney is the most prominent
user of this strategy. For years, it would periodically re-release its films only at
certain times, hoping to lure a new generation of kids into the theaters.
studios traditionally created windowsduring which the work is temporarily
unavailable while being transitioned from one revenue model to another.
Traditionally, for instance, movies would show in a first-run theater, then in a
sub-rundiscount theater, then perhaps on premium cable channels, then be
released on DVD, then syndicated to television.
More recently, services like
Hulu provided a weird hodgepodge of television shows, offering, not all the
episodes in a series, but only those that were old enoughbut not too old.
That may well have been a profitable strategy. But it is one that should be
obsolete in a world where people have grown accustomed to having access to
published content when they want it. In the past, Disney could decide when it
wanted to sell DVDs of particular movies, but it couldnt prevent the resale or
rental of those DVDs by others during its period of artificial scarcity. It shouldn’t
See Mahita Gajanan, These Are the Most Popular Netflix Shows and MoviesAccording
to Netflix, TIME (July 16, 2020, 1:09 PM), https://time.com/5697802/most-popular-shows-
movies-netflix/ (Netflix says its new fantasy series, The Witcher, is on track to be its biggest
first season of a television series ever, with 76 million member households watching at least
two minutes of the show.”); David Renshaw, Is Rewatching Old TV Good for the Soul?, BBC
CULTURE (Apr. 27, 2021), https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20210427-is-rewatching-old-
tv-good-for-the-soul [https://perma.cc/UE3V-25K5] (noting enduring popularity of both The
Office and The Sopranos, among other older shows).
See supra notes 57-58 and accompanying text (providing examples of Disney Vault
in action).
Edward Jay Epstein, Hollywoods Death Spiral, SLATE (July 25, 2005, 2:48 PM),
https://slate.com/culture/2005/07/hollywood-s-death-spiral.html [https://perma.cc/83P3-
Z4WG] (In the early 1980s, in order to avoid having new movies in theaters compete against
themselves in video, pay-per-view, pay TV, or free television, the studios set up a series of
insulated windows for each format.).
See id.
Why Are There Only a Few Episodes of My Show Available?, HULU: HELP CENTER
(July 10, 2021), https://help.hulu.com/s/article/only-some-episodes [https://perma.cc/Z2MK-
now be able to prevent access to that content altogether simply because the world
has moved to streaming services, so no one has DVDs to watch or rent.
This is a harder case under fair use doctrine, because Disney can tell a market
harm story to justify its withdrawal of content, and unlike most cases of
disappearing content, it is not withdrawing the content forever. Nonetheless, I
think users should be entitled to retain the access they had to published content
even during artificially created blackout periods. And if the copyright owner
wont maintain access, others should be permitted to supply that content. As a
practical matter, small windows of unavailability are unlikely to provoke
copying or litigation as long as the work is in fact about to be released in a new
format. Take, for example, Christmas specials that come out every Christmas.
That doesn’t seem to me a case of withdrawal from the market at other times of
the year. But longer periodsindefinite unavailability or withdrawing a work
for a year or moreseem more problematic and may draw entry from those who
want to make the work accessible. That may not align with the contracts studios
wrote in the past. But there is little reason to need or want such versioning in the
modern world.
Changing the content. Sometimes copyright owners will want to replace old
content with new versions of that content. George Lucas edited Star Wars when
he released it on video to change the story and add some then-cutting-edge
virtual effects, for example.
Others may want to issue directors cuts of
movies or the like. Theres nothing wrong with doing that. But when it is coupled
with the withdrawal of the original version from public view, those changes
become more problematic. The public should have a record of content in its
various forms. The copyright owner is free to promote the new form and
encourage people to use it. But when it substantively changes the content and
withdraws the old version, the world loses something.
Others should be free
to make that old version available if the copyright owner wont, at least if the
content is passive rather than interactive.
That principle needs some limitsthe decision to sell only the directors cut
of Blade Runner shouldnt necessarily justify direct commercial competition by
other editions. But libraries, academics, and other non-profit groups should be
able to preserve that content and make it available. And if there are substantial
differences between the old and new versions, private companies should be able
to fill the demand for the old version if the copyright owner wont. I expect that
situation to be rare; most copyright owners will offer both old and new versions
See supra note 55 and accompanying text (noting difficulty of finding original, unedited
version of Star Wars today). Also, to gut one important scene in the movie, at least from the
perspective of Star Wars fans.
If there is no substantive change, but rather just remastering of existing content, the
copyright owner is not really withdrawing anything of substance from the public.
On the complications of interactive multiplayer content, see infra notes 114-17 and
accompanying text.
if there is substantial demand for both. That is even more likely to be true if not
doing so would open the old version to copying by others.
Objectionable content. The stakes get even higher when the copyright owner
withdraws the content, not to replace it with a modified version, but because the
owner no longer wants the content available at all. The copyright owner may
have decided she doesnt agree with what she once said. Perhaps a new owner
a corporate buyer or an authors childrenhas taken over the copyright and
wants it removed from public view. Or perhaps an older movie or book is now
recognized to be racist, sexist, or homophobic and the copyright owner doesnt
want to face controversy.
Scientific journals may want to take down a paper
that has been retracted. While those desires are sometimes understandable, they
dont justify retroactively wiping the public record clean. To the contrary, a
substantive desire to withdraw published content from the world actually offers
a good reason why a third party making that work available is in the public
interest. The public has a right to know what is out there evenperhaps
especiallyif the copyright owner now wants to pretend it never existed.
An instructive example involves the copyright to Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf.
Hitler published the book in Germany.
In the 1930s, he published an English
translation in the United States that altered the work to tone down the anti-
Semitism and conceal many of his ambitions. Alan Cranston, an anti-fascist,
translated and published the entire book to demonstrate to Americans the full
threat Hitler posed.
Hitlers publisher sued him for copyright infringement
and won.
I think that result is wrong. Cranston performed a valuable public
service by making Hitlers words clear and preventing him from toning them
Copyright owners should be free to disavow a work.
They certainly dont
have to sell or promote the work. But if they decide not to make it available for
See Six Books Withdrawn, supra note 56. Disney decided not to stream its Song of the
South on Disney+ because of its racist content, for instance. Jesus Jiménez, Column on
‘Wokeness’ Ruining Disney World Experience Draws Backlash, N.Y. TIMES (Apr. 24, 2021),
https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/24/business/disney-world-woke-column.html. Though
pretty much every TV show from before 1990 would disappear on that theory.
Wendi A. Maloney, Mein Kampf Infringer Aimed to Warn of Hitler Threat,
COPYRIGHT.GOV (May 2015), https://www.copyright.gov/history/lore/pdfs
/201505%20CLore_May2015.pdf [https://perma.cc/42S6-D9S6].
AND THE COURT OF WORLD OPINION (2017) (recounting Cranston’s work translating and
publishing Mein Kampf to expose Hitler’s true intent).
Houghton Mifflin Co. v. Stackpole Sons, Inc., 104 F.2d 306, 312 (2d Cir. 1939).
Copyright law expressly gives that right only to a small subset of copyright owners
those who make recognized works of visual art in small editions. 17 U.S.C. § 106A. But it is
reasonable to expand that right to a general right to disavow association with content. Cf.
Mark A. Lemley, Rights of Attribution and Integrity in Online Communications, in REAL LAW
Drucker & Gary Gumpert eds., 1999) (arguing that copyright owners should have stronger
rights of attribution and nonattribution online).
moral or political reasons, they shouldnt have the power to stop others from
keeping access to the work alive, particularly if doing so allows the world to see
what the copyright owner once believed.
2. Legitimate Reasons to Make Content Disappear
While fair use should generally protect those seeking to keep once-public
content available, there are circumstances in which a copyright owner has a
legitimate reason to withdraw content from the public eye.
Security and updating. First, the old content may be broken, or even
dangerous. Software programs, for instance, are regularly updated with patches
to fix security vulnerabilities.
The publisher may reasonably worry that
someone who disseminates an out-of-date version of a computer program is
creating a cybersecurity risk.
That is particularly true if the software operates
online, so that the publisher may leave its own system vulnerable if it accepts
data from compromised older programs. But even if it isnt regularly online, a
publisher may still decide that the legal and economic risks of supporting
insecure software are too great.
Cybersecurity is a legitimate reason to replace older versions with newer ones.
But even if there isnt a security threat, software and games are frequently
updated to fix bugs.
Modern computer systems are so complicated that it is
virtually impossible to release software that is bug-free.
Replacing older,
buggy code with debugged code seems legitimate, and the fact that a copyright
owner releases updates designed to fix errors shouldnt require it to keep offering
Here too the right might be more reasonably limited to academic uses and discussion
rather than commercial exploitation of the offensive work.
See About the Security Content of iOS 14.4 and iPadOS 14.4, APPLE (May 28, 2021),
https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212146 [https://perma.cc/3576-EYYN]; Security Update
for Windows 10, Version 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, 1903, 1909, Windows Server 2016
and Windows Server 2019: February 11, 2020, MICROSOFT,
february-11-2020-755ab061-817d-144b-e4de-2c4ee4f1d596 [https://perma.cc/W3H8-4JAX]
(last visited Sept. 1, 2021).
See Joe Symanovich, 5 Reasons Why General Software Updates and Patches Are
Important, NORTON (Jan. 23, 2021), https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-how-to-the-
importance-of-general-software-updates-and-patches.html [https://perma.cc/9QWY-N8ND]
(“Software updates often include software patches. They cover the security holes to keep
hackers out.).
See Megan Farokhmanesh, Cyberpunk 2077s Latest Patch Fixes Hundreds of Bugs,
VERGE (Mar. 29, 2021, 2:01 PM), https://www.theverge.com/2021/3/29/22356546
/cyberpunk-2077-patch-1-2-bug-fixes-console-stadia; About iOS 14 Updates, APPLE (July 26,
2021), https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211808 [https://perma.cc/X7A7-FJA8].
The Myth of Bug Free Software, BETA BREAKERS (Jan. 13, 2016),
https://www.betabreakers.com/the-myth-of-bug-free-software/ [https://perma.cc/7WLE-
QZNT] (There is simply no such thing as bug free software.).
older versions of the code on its site or permit third parties to copy those
Interactive content. Second, copyright owners may have good reason to
withdraw old content while issuing new content when the thing the copyright
owner wants to change is interactive rather than passively consumed. A
copyright owner that updates a multiplayer video game cant always easily make
older versions available, because users might not be able to interact across
different versions. In that case, there is a stronger argument for replacing the
older version altogether so the copyright owner can provide an enhanced
experience without forking the game into two versions. Video games often
include downloadable extras, for instance, and are frequently updated with bug
While the user of a single-player game might choose not to update the
game and instead choose to keep the original experience, online multiplayer
games cant always handle players interacting with each other while running
different versions of the game.
So there is a good argument to allow video
game and other software updates to replace the original version. But books,
movies, and music don’t need a similar feature.
Two complications to updates of interconnected systems involve platform
compatibility and widespread demand for a previous platform. A significant
minority of World of Warcraft players, for instance, prefer the original version
without subsequent updates, to such an extent that they run their own
underground servers to allow users to play the original game.
There is a
legitimate question whether users should be allowed to run separate, free-
standing versions of obsolete game systems the copyright owner no longer
offers. I discuss this phenomenon in the context of game modifications (mods”)
and obsolete platforms below.
Legal restrictions. Third, the copyright owner might be obligated to remove
the content because it violates someone elses copyright. The Joan Crawford
movie Letty Lynton, for example, was pulled from public distribution because it
was enjoined after it was held to infringe the copyright in the play on which it
was based.
The plaintiff can still distribute the underlying play (and indeed it
See Downloadable Content (DLC), STEAMWORKS, https://partner.steamgames.com
/doc/store/application/dlc [https://perma.cc/ZN7A-LRPT] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021).
See Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Installation and Setup, ACTIVISION (Oct. 28, 2019),
installation-and-setup [https://perma.cc/6H3Y-CR2R] (stating that users can play single-
player mode, but not multiplayer, while they wait for update to install).
Morgan Park, Every WoW Classic Server: How to Pick the Realm for You, PC GAMER
(June 1, 2021), https://www.pcgamer.com/wow-classic-servers/ [https://perma.cc/Q6UC-
See infra notes 137-40 and accompanying text.
Sheldon v. Metro-Goldwyn Pictures Corp., 309 U.S. 390, 409 (1940). It has not been
exhibited since, and is known in movie buff circles as the lost Joan Crawford movie.
MATERIALS 549 (5th ed. 2018).
licensed a competing movie with Hedy Lamarr some years later), but the content
added by the defendants is no longer available. Copyright owners obviously
shouldnt be required to make a work available if a court has ordered them not
to. Even if a court denies an injunction, they arent obligated to pay damages by
continuing to infringe on the original copyright.
A somewhat closer question is presented by unresolved claims of
infringement. Many people sue video and music publishers for copyright
infringement, and most of those suits are bogus. Indeed, any sufficiently
successful movie seems destined to attract suits from people claiming they came
up with the idea for the movie.
A copyright owner might reasonably fear
losing such a suit and decide to withdraw the work from publication as part of a
settlement. That too should be permissible, though there is a risk that copyright
owners will use bogus lawsuits as part of a strategy to withdraw a work for
impermissible reasons.
Another complication is that some works incorporate other works, and the
copyright owner may not have the rights to use those other works. For example,
the classic documentary Eyes on the Prize included copyrighted material from
third parties but didnt get rights to that material for uses that occurred more than
ten years after the documentary was released.
If the copyright owner cannot
rerelease a work without infringing on components included in that work,
presumably the fair user would have the same problem.
This problem isnt limited to infringers. Copyright owners can terminate their licenses
after thirty-five years in some limited circumstances, and this has led to litigation and the
withdrawal of some works that were authorized when made but whose authorization was then
withdrawn. See, e.g., Stewart v. Abend, 495 U.S. 207, 227, 238 (1990) (holding that Alfred
Hitchcock movie Rear Window was subject to such a termination); David Nimmer & Peter S.
Menell, Sound Recordings, Works for Hire, and the Termination-of-Transfers Time Bomb, 49
J. COPYRIGHT SOCY U.S.A. 387, 388-98 (2002) (providing history behind Copyright Act and
its subsequent amendments relating to its provision of right to terminate transfers thirty-five
years after an assignment).
See, e.g., Litchfield v. Spielberg, 736 F.2d 1352, 1358 (9th Cir. 1984) (rejecting claim
that blockbuster movie E.T. The Extra Terrestrial was based on plaintiffs musical play,
Lokey from Maldemar).
Until recently, this wasnt much of a problem because copyright suits were brought
against works early in their life. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court abolished the doctrine of
laches in Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., 572 U.S. 663 (2014), leading to a flood of
dubious lawsuits against old works. Still, most lawsuits are brought against works that are
making money (to paraphrase Willie Sutton, thats where the money is), and publishers are
less likely to want to remove those works from the public eye.
I am indebted to Tony Reese for this example. See R. Anthony Reese, Preserving the
Harry First & Diane L. Zimmerman eds., 2010).
This may be less common of a problem than it seems, both because fair use favors
transformative uses and because the underlying copyright owners are presumably objecting
One legal restriction that should not protect those who withdraw content from
operation of the fair use doctrine is a license purporting to restrict distribution of
the content. Unlike a claim of infringement by a third party, an agreement
between the copyright owner and a licensee shouldnt result in no one having
the right to distribute the work. A significant fraction of content likely disappears
not because the creator wants to withdraw the work but because she granted an
exclusive license to a distribution platform like Netflix and that distributor then
stopped distributing the work. But “Netflix will make more money streaming
something elseisnt a legitimate reason to deny the world access to the content.
That doesnt mean that copyright owners cant sign exclusive distribution
deals. They can and they will. But those distribution deals have to involve actual
distribution. If the distributor stops distributing, others should be free to step in
and keep the work available. Notably, that includes the copyright owner herself,
who under my proposal may effectively take back a work she has licensed if the
licensee is no longer distributing it.
Ephemeral content. Finally, some contenteven content made publicis not
intended to be permanent. There is no right of public access to private letters,
internal corporate memoranda, etc., at least in normal circumstances.
there also is no right to permanent public access to works that are intended to be
ephemeral. Snaps and stories on social media, for instance, exist for a short
period of time and then disappear. Unrecorded theatrical, musical, or dance
performances may be public in the moment but arent meant to be preserved
to the continued use of the work, making it hard for them to credibly assert market harm from
that use. See Google LLC v. Oracle Am., Inc., 141 S. Ct. 1183, 1202-05 (2021) (holding that
Google’s use of Sun’s API to make Android mobile apps was transformative where Sun’s
API was created for desktop and laptop computers).
See also Martin Kretschmer & Rebecca Giblin, Getting Creators Paid: One More
Chance for Copyright Law, 43 EUR. INTELL. PROP. REV. 279 (2021) (discussing the “use it or
lose it” licensing rule under the article 22 of the EU’s Digital Single Market law). More on
what happens to other fair users if an author takes back their rights infra notes 151-55 and
accompanying text.
Works that are never made available to the public are outside the scope of my analysis.
They may be withheld for good reasons or bad, but because they were never offered to the
public, the fair use analysis differs. See, e.g., Peter Letterese & Assocs., Inc. v. World Inst. of
Scientology Enters., 533 F.3d 1287, 1313-14 (11th Cir. 2008). The second fair use factor gives
copyright owners more control over whether and when to publish a work. See Harper & Row,
Publishers, Inc. v. Nation Enters., 471 U.S. 539, 554 (1985) (concluding that the unpublished
nature of a work is [a] key, though not necessarily determinative, factortending to negate a
defense of fair use” (quoting S. Rep. No. 94-473, at 64 (1975))); Salinger v. Random House,
Inc., 811 F.2d 90, 96 (2d Cir. 1987) (applying Harper & Row to place special emphasis on
the unpublished nature of Salingers letters in a fair use analysis). That control is not
absolute, however. 17 U.S.C. § 107 (The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar
a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.). For
discussion of purely private copyrighted works, see Balganesh, supra note 63; and Goldman
& Silbey, supra note 60.
forever. And some works of art deliberately degrade over time.
owners may create a work intending that it lapse over time. When they do, the
public doesnt lose out by having it disappear as a result of a technological
3. Where to Get a Copy
Even if making disappeared content available is legal under the fair use
doctrine, that doesnt guarantee that anyone actually has a copy they can make
available. As I noted in Part I, as the world moves to streaming it may become
harder and harder to find those copies unless you are the copyright owner.
Indeed, the problem is worse than it appears; even content creators themselves
dont always save their work so that it can be ported to new platforms,
they sometimes rely on pirated copies to restore and update their own works.
Declaring the distribution of those works to be fair use will help, because it
means that anyone who does have a copy can share it. And archival sites like
Google Books or the Internet Archive may put out a call for such copies. They
should be permitted to make disappeared content available to users in its
entirety. But there is another promising source of disappeared content: the
Copyright Office.
The Copyright Office requires that anyone who registers
their copyright (and most U.S. authors and publishers do) deposit a copy of that
Subversive artist and prankster Banksy once rigged a painting to automatically shred
itself soon after selling at auction for over £1 million. Chris Johnston, Banksy Auction Stunt
Leaves Art World in Shreds, GUARDIAN (Oct. 6, 2018, 4:11 AM),
leaves-art-world-in-shreds-girl-with-balloon. Meanwhile, satirical sculptor Maurizio Cattelan
taped a banana to a wall to create his famous Comedian sculpture. Sarah Cascone, Maurizio
Cattelan Is Taping Bananas to a Wall at Art Basel Miami Beach and Selling Them for
$120,000 Each, ARTNET NEWS (Dec. 4, 2019), https://news.artnet.com/market/maurizio-
cattelan-banana-art-basel-miami-beach-1722516 [https://perma.cc/LH4P-FH4S].
See supra Part I.
See R. Anthony Reese, Super Bowl I, Jazz Radio, and The Glass Menagerie: Copyright,
Preservation, and Private Copies, 51 AKRON L. REV. 1025, 1033-40 (2017) (discussing
problem of lost works not preserved by copyright owners).
See Nathan Grayson, The Crazy Journey to Save Grim Fandango, KOTAKU (Nov. 10,
2014, 2:00 PM), https://www.kotaku.com.au/2014/11/the-crazy-journey-to-save-grim-
fandango/ [https://perma.cc/5MR2-N7QH] (discussing efforts to resurrect game that has
been out of commission for more than a decade. In the intervening time, its become harder
and harder to even get your hands on a copy of the gamelet alone get it to work on a modern
operating system.). As the project lead put it, “[i]t’s frustrating because if we had just saved
the right files, itd be so much easier.Id. The game developers themselves ended up using
pirated copies of the game, as well as source code that developers had taken home without
permission. Id.
I am indebted to Ryan Vacca and Jacob Goldin for this suggestion. For a proposal to
expand the deposit copy requirement, see R. Anthony Reese, What Copyright Owes the
Future, 50 HOUS. L. REV. 287, 312-13 (2012).
The Copyright Office will release that copy for some purposes,
including where there is litigation over a work.
But the office could change
its regulations to provide a copy of a deposited work to anyone who certifies that
the work is out of print and is no longer being exploited. This wont solve all
access problems; not everyone registers their work, and deposits for computer
software dont include functioning code.
But it would be a significant step
towards availability of a copy.
4. Disappearing Technology Platforms
While I have focused on the problem of content disappearing because of the
shift to streaming and cloud-based remote access, content can also disappear
not because consumers dont have a copy of it but because they have no effective
way to access that copy. Technology platforms change regularly, and they tend
to be backwards compatible only for a limited period of time. If youve got a
computer program on a floppy disk (either the kinds that were actually floppy or
the ones that werent), music on an eight-track tape, a Betamax videotape, or a
Sega Genesis game cartridge, good luck getting access to it.
The content
hasnt disappearedconsumers still have relatively durable copiesbut as a
practical matter no one can access it. This problem isnt limited to video games.
Maybe you managed to hold onto a very old computer or a Betamax, but you
probably didnt. And even if you did, it likely wont connect to any modern data
storage system.
The same may be true of an early Kindle. Andy Warhol, for
17 U.S.C. § 407.
See Atari Games Corp. v. Nintendo of Am. Inc., 975 F.2d 832, 841 (Fed. Cir. 1992)
(discussing regulations and their misuse in that case).
OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS 1 (2012), http://copyright.gov/circs/circ61.pdf
[https://perma.cc/D8Q5-4ZQ2] (The copyright law does not protect the functional aspects of
a computer program, such as the programs algorithms, formatting, functions, logic, or system
This has been a worry since the last millennium, when some were concerned that early
digital text would not be preserved. See Jeff Rothenberg, Ensuring the Longevity of Digital
Information, 26 INTL J. LEGAL INFO. 1, 1 (1998), https://www.cambridge.org
of-digital-information/E79AD8F403C068701B09EE018BE4AA72 [https://perma.cc/6JZ8-
6KE5]. The move to the Internet made obsolete formats less of a problem for text, because it
was relatively easy to store and replicate it online. This remains a bigger problem for video
games and other large files, however.
There are companies that will up-convert some kinds of content from old media, but
they generally focus on home movies and other personally generated content. See, e.g., VHS
to Digitial & DVD Service, LEGACYBOX, https://legacybox.com/products/vhs-conversion
(last visited Sept. 1, 2020). William Gibson has a science-fiction book set decades in the future
in which a protagonist collects and preserves working copies of old hardware so people can
find their content. WILLIAM GIBSON, IDORU (1996).
instance, did early computer art for a Commodore Amiga, but it was lost for
years until an archivist managed to recover it.
A right to access published content, then, may turn out to require some sort
of right to port that content to modern platforms. Sometimes that can be done by
finding an old machine and a way to copy the content to a new machine. In other
cases, however, accessing old content may effectively involve recreating it.
There is a vibrant underground market for video game emulatorssoftware that
emulates an old video game on a modern platform.
Courts have treated
copying to permit cross-platform interoperability as fair use, even when the
resulting product competes directly with the copyright owners works.
If, as I
suggested in Part II.A, fair use permits defendants to copy out-of-print content,
and it also permits porting of published content to new platforms, it ought to
permit people to adapt that out-of-print content so it can be effectively accessed
using modern systems.
Emulating out-of-print video games on new platforms
should be legal. If it isnt, the fair use right to share those games is practically
worthless. But copyright owners fight it vigorously.
Whereupon, this being 2021, it was promptly turned into an NFT. Sarah Cascone, The
Warhol Foundation Is Auctioning Off the Artists Computer-Based Works as NFTs. An
Archivist Who Uncovered Them Is Outraged, ARTNET NEWS (May 21, 2021),
https://news.artnet.com/market/andy-warhol-nft-christies-1971474 [https://perma.cc/JK4S-
See Jason Cohen, The Best Emulators for Playing Retro Games on Modern Devices,
PCMAG (Aug. 21, 2020), https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/the-best-emulators-for-playing-
retro-games-on-modern-devices [https://perma.cc/AE54-TS7U].
See Sega Enters. Ltd. v. Accolade, Inc., 977 F.2d 1510, 1527-28 (9th Cir. 1992) (finding
Accolades reverse engineering of software in Segas video games to make their own games
compatible with Sega game console to be fair use of Segas software); Sony Comput. Ent.,
Inc. v. Connectix Corp., 203 F.3d 596, 608 (9th Cir. 2000) (holding that making copies of
copyright-protected software during process of reverse engineering to create competing
platform was fair use).
See Joseph Godfrey, Super Mario Decompiled, 12 HASTINGS SCI. & TECH. L.J. 1, 11
(2020) (suggesting that it [is] likely that reconstructing and publicly releasing source code
would be considered a fair use). Some have suggested that estoppel or implied license might
permit such a use. See Andrew F. Thomas, Modding the Implied License Doctrine: An
Estoppel License Framework for Video Game Mods, 47 AIPLA Q.J. 545, 561-76 (2019). But
the fact that companies resist emulation makes it hard to apply those doctrines to obsolete
See, e.g., How to Report Potential Infringements of Nintendo Products, NINTENDO:
CUSTOMER SUPPORT, https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id
/50131/kw/emulator [https://perma.cc/5MRQ-BWWL] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021) (detailing
how to report potential infringements of Nintendo products such as ROM sites, emulators,
Game Copiers, Counterfeit manufacturing, or other illegal activities). For instance, Nintendo
sent takedown notices in 2020 to an individual who ported Super Mario 64, a game first
released in 1996 and made for the now-obsolete Nintendo 64 platform, to PC. Andy Robinson,
Nintendo Takes Action Against Mario 64 PC Port, VIDEO GAMES CHRON. (May 8, 2020, 3:19
PM), https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/nintendo-takes-action-against-mario-64-
One recent decision found that porting a body of copyrighted work from one
platform to another was fair use as a matter of law. In Monsarrat v. Newman,
the court held that the heads of a LiveJournal discussion forum could copy all
the historical content of that forum in order to move the discussion off
LiveJournal to a different platform.
It noted that while the copyrighted
material was copied in full, a full reproduction is consistent with historical and
preservationist purposes.
5. Gaming the System
There is some risk that both copyright owners and defendants will try to evade
or game the right to access out-of-print content. Copyright owners might try to
avoid having a work declared out-of-print while effectively withdrawing it from
public access for reasons I rejected above as impermissible. For instance, they
might offer the copyrighted work for an extremely high price or offer it in places
or subject to conditions that make it practically inaccessible but allow them to
claim that it is still technically in print. Trademark owners have engaged in
similar token uses in an effort to avoid being deemed to have abandoned their
On the flip side, accused infringers might try to game the right to access
content by claiming that remastering or other trivial edition changes cause the
previous edition to go out-of-print, allowing them to copy a version of a work
pc-port/ [https://perma.cc/NA5A-UVVY]. For a discussion of how copyright owners have
targeted emulators, see, for example, Jessica A. Magaldi, Jonathan S. Sales & Wade Davis,
Alls Fair in Love and War but Nothings Fair Use on YouTube: How YouTube Policies
Favor Copyright Owners and Hinder Legal Fair Use 11-12 (Apr. 6, 2020) (unpublished
manuscript) (available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3569760).
Things get more complicated if the content is encrypted, because copyright owners may
invoke 17 U.S.C. § 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to prevent the unlocking
of that content. Thus, even if I could find a DVD of El Ministerio del Tiempo, it is likely to
be region-coded for Europe, and sharing that work with the public requires not only making
a copy but also bypassing the copy control system. Courts have disagreed over whether a
desire to make fair use of the underlying work justifies breaking the encryption in that work.
Compare Chamberlain Grp., Inc. v. Skylink Techs., Inc., 381 F.3d 1178, 1202-03 (Fed. Cir.
2004) (yes), with MDY Indus., LLC v. Blizzard Ent., Inc., 629 F.3d 928, 950-52 (9th Cir.
2010) (no). But that problem may be less significant in practice, because many people who
will want to make fair use of a work that has disappeared will already have an unlocked copy
of the work. If they dont, they may not be able to get a copy of any sort, locked or unlocked.
No. 20-cv-10810, 2021 WL 217362 (D. Mass. Jan. 21, 2021).
Id. at *2.
Id. at *3.
See Christopher T. Micheletti, Preventing Loss of Trademark Rights: Quantitative and
Qualitative Assessments of Use and Their Impact on Abandonment Determinations, 94
TRADEMARK REP. 634, 634-35 (2004); cf. Camilla A. Hrdy & Mark A. Lemley, Abandoning
Trade Secrets, 73 STAN. L. REV. 1, 42-51 (2021) (arguing that trade secrets should be free for
others to use if their owner abandons them).
that doesn’t substantially differ from the work the copyright owner is still selling
and profiting from.
Neither form of gaming should be permitted. The good news is that the fair
use doctrine, because it is multifactored and fact-specific, lends itself well to a
detailed evaluation of whether content is really out of print and not justified by
one of the exceptions noted above. There will naturally be hard cases at the
margins. But none of them should distract from the fundamental public right to
have continued access to once-published content.
A final problem comes, not from copyright, but from the supplementation of
copyright with automated filtering systems. Copyright owners have to consider
fair use before sending Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA”) takedown
But relatively few YouTube takedowns, for example, come as a result
of copyright owner complaints.
Most are processed through YouTubes
Content ID system.
If Content ID flags a published work as copyrighted, it
will automatically take the work down even if the copyright owner isnt making
the work available and so it should be fair use.
So we may need either a
registry of out-of-print works
or for automated filtering systems to update to
exclude out-of-print works from their copyright-driven filtration systems.
6. Reappearing Content
What happens if content disappears and then later reappears? I discussed
above a copyright owners efforts to withdraw a work for a limited time
I have in mind here something differentthe copyright owner who
rediscoversa lost work after others are already making fair use of it. True
rediscovery will be rare; after all, the work is not truly lost if others have access
See Lenz v. Universal Music Corp., 801 F.3d 1126, 1133 (9th Cir. 2015).
Lauren D. Shinn, Note, Youtube’s Content ID as a Case Study of Private Copyright
Enforcement Systems, 43 AIPLA Q.J. 359, 363-64, 370-72 (2015).
The Difference Between Copyright Takedowns and Content ID Claims, YOUTUBE
HELP, https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7002106?hl=en [https://perma.cc/Y9S5-
BTX9] (last visited Sept. 1, 2021) (Since January 2014, Content ID claims have
outnumbered copyright takedowns by more than 50 to 1.).
Leron Solomon, Note, Fair Users or Content Abusers? The Automatic Flagging of
Non-Infringing Videos by Content ID on YouTube, 44 HOFSTRA L. REV. 237, 253-54 (2015);
Taylor B. Bartholomew, Note, The Death of Fair Use in Cyberspace: YouTube and the
Problem with Content ID, 13 DUKE L. & TECH. REV. 66, 68 (2015).
The Berne Convention prevents member countries from requiring registration as a
condition of copyright protection. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic
Works, Sept. 9, 1886, as revised at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, 25 U.S.T. 1341, 828 U.N.T.S.
221. But it doesnt prevent creating a registry of works that are no longer being exploited. Id.
Platforms arent required to offer works by fair users. But systems like ContentID are
designed to weed out copyright infringement. How Content ID Works, YOUTUBE HELP,
https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2797370?hl=en [https://perma.cc/E5CF-46NB]
(last visited Sept. 1, 2021). It makes little sense to apply them to content that is not infringing.
See supra note 97 and accompanying text.
to it and are sharing it under the fair use doctrine. More likely is what we might
call opportunistic rediscovery.A copyright owner who has abandoned a work
because it didnt seem profitable may discover that people still want the work
once someone else releases it under the fair use approach I outlined above.
they may try to take the work back from an exclusive licensee who has stopped
distributing the work under the very fair use theory I offer here.
The copyright owner surely has the legal right to start back up selling or
licensing the work at that point. Even if she has exclusively licensed it to
someone who stopped distributing it, she should have the same right to make
fair use of her own disappeared content that anyone else would.
A somewhat harder question is what should happen to the third-party fair user.
It might seem unfair to say the fair use has to stop once the copyright owner is
back in the game.
But I think the logic of fair use based on disappearing
content requires it. The copyright owner is still the owner, assuming they have
not gone through the difficult process of expressly abandoning the work.
once they are selling the work again, the independent user is directly competing
with them by providing the very same work. Thats hard to justify under fair use.
The right to restore disappearing content must end when the copyright owner
has brought the work back to life.
That said, the use was fair at the time. The independent user shouldnt face
liability for conduct that was legal (and indeed likely caused the copyright owner
to bring the work back). And the law should allow her a reasonable time to wind
down operations and sell off inventory without fear of legal liability, just as the
Copyright Act has done in situations where it has restoredlapsed copyrights
and cut off the rights of intervening users.
One example involves the video game Age of Empires II, which was released in 1999.
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, STEAM, https://store.steampowered.com
/app/813780/Age_of_Empires_II_Definitive_Edition/ [https://perma.cc/HN7M-M5JU] (last
visited Sept. 1, 2021) (noting that 2019 Definitive Edition release celebrates the 20th
anniversary oforiginal game). Like most games, it had a good run for a couple of years but
was gradually eclipsed by newer games. But it was rediscovered more than a decade later
after a fan-developed expansion grew sufficiently popular that the game was updated and
released on Steam. Katie Williams, After 14 Years, an Age of Empires 2 Fan Mod Becomes
an Official Expansion, PCGAMER (Aug. 19, 2013), https://www.pcgamer.com/after-14-years-
an-aoe2-fan-mod-becomes-an-official-expansion/ [https://perma.cc/Z96P-QXWM].
Gideon Parchomovksy and Abraham Bell make a strong case that fair use, once
established, should become a vested right. Abraham Bell & Gideon Parchomovsky,
Propertizing Fair Use, 107 VA. L. REV. (forthcoming 2021) (manuscript at 28-33) (available
at https://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/faculty_scholarship/2250). But even if that is generally
true, I dont think it should be true when the only reason the use is fair in the first place is
because the copyright owner isnt exploiting the work.
On abandonment of copyright, see generally Dave Fagundes & Aaron Perzanowski,
Abandoning Copyright, 62 WM. & MARY L. REV. 487 (2020).
17 U.S.C. § 104(A).
One of the great advantages of digital content has been that for the last forty
years, people have had access to whatever content they want whenever they
wanted it. That is starting to change. Were moving backwards. Content is
disappearingnot just becoming available only in limited times or
circumstances, but becoming entirely unavailable.
It doesnt need to be that way. It is now cheap and easy enough to make all
content available. If the copyright owner cant or wont continue to provide a
published work, others should be permitted to pick up the slack. Fair use should
encompass a right of access to published content. That right, like all of fair use,
ought to have limits and exceptions. But a basic right to continued access to
published works is consistent with the fundamental purposes of copyright.
In the past we might have aspired to a world in which all the works of history
were available forever. That’s now an achievable goal. The dead hand control
of copyright shouldnt stand in the way.