115th Session 17 November 2004
Provisional agenda item 9.2
Eradication of poliomyelitis
Report by the Secretariat
1. Resolution WHA41.28 established the goal of global eradication of poliomyelitis. When that
resolution was adopted in 1988, wild-type poliovirus was endemic in more than 125 countries. In
1999, the Health Assembly, in resolution WHA52.22, called on all Member States to accelerate
eradication activities. On 15 January 2004, the Director-General, the spearheading partners of the
Global Polio Eradication Initiative and health ministers of the six countries remaining endemic for
poliomyelitis signed the Geneva Declaration for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis committing
themselves to interrupting the final chains of poliovirus transmission through intensified immunization
2. As of 10 November 2004, the intensified eradication activities were making good progress in
Asia. An increase in the quality and quantity of poliomyelitis campaigns in Afghanistan, India and
Pakistan reduced the geographical distribution of wild-type poliovirus in those countries, with
altogether just 120 cases reported (see Figure) compared with 266 for the same period in 2003. In
Egypt, poliovirus transmission fell to its lowest level ever as the quality of poliomyelitis campaigns
improved further. In contrast, sub-Saharan Africa experienced epidemic poliomyelitis as a result of a
suspension (from August 2003 to 31 July 2004) of immunization against the disease in the state of
Kano, Nigeria, and low routine immunization coverage in some neighbouring countries.
Consequently, reported cases of poliomyelitis in Niger and Nigeria increased to 699 by 10 November
2004 compared with 242 at the same time in 2003, and 98 cases occurred in 10 previously
poliomyelitis-free countries due to imported wild-type polioviruses. In four of these countries
(Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire and the Sudan) endemic transmission of the imported polioviruses
was re-established, and, as of 16 November 2004, a fifth country, Central African Republic, is
experiencing increasingly intense transmission of poliovirus.
3. International support for poliomyelitis eradication grew in 2004. In June 2004, G8 leaders
renewed their pledge to finance eradication activities. In the same month, a second resolution on
poliomyelitis eradication was adopted by the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers at its
31st Session (Istanbul, Turkey, 14-16 June). In October 2004 Heads of State or Government of the
African Union launched the Synchronized Pan-African Immunization Campaign against Poliomyelitis
in 23 countries of central and western Africa.
4. In response to the Executive Board’s consideration of the thematic evaluation undertaken in
the oversight mechanisms for poliomyelitis eradication have been revised. Technical advisory
groups have been established to guide each of the remaining countries endemic for the disease, with
the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Polio Eradication providing global advice on the strategic
priorities for poliomyelitis eradication and the eventual synchronous cessation of oral poliomyelitis
vaccine use.
5. Interrupting the final chains of wild-type poliovirus transmission worldwide.
In Egypt and India the transmission of polioviruses is particularly efficient. Consequently,
mass campaigns are needed to reach more than 95% of children with oral poliomyelitis
vaccine in the infected areas, every six weeks until transmission stops.
Afghanistan and Pakistan share two reservoirs of poliovirus, requiring very high
immunization coverage during large-scale, synchronized mopping-up activities, in addition to
ongoing nationwide poliomyelitis eradication campaigns in both countries.
Niger and Nigeria have had very low poliomyelitis immunization coverage. Stopping
poliovirus transmission requires rapid rebuilding of community confidence in the safety of the
poliomyelitis vaccine and raising coverage substantially during at least six rounds of
immunization campaigns in 2005.
Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire and the Sudan need a marked increase in the number and
quality of immunization campaigns, particularly during the series of synchronized national
immunization days planned for 23 countries of central and western Africa in 2005.
6. Strengthening surveillance for polio cases and polioviruses. The detection in 2004 in central
Africa of type 1 and type 3 polioviruses that were genetically related to those viruses thought to have
been eliminated three years earlier demonstrated that surveillance that does not meet certification
standards could fail to detect ongoing poliovirus transmission in some circumstances. Surveillance for
acute flaccid paralysis must be enhanced in all countries recently endemic for the disease, particularly
in central Africa and the Horn of Africa, to ensure that no chains of poliovirus transmission escape
detection and to prepare for regional certification of eradication.
7. Preparing for the synchronous cessation of oral poliomyelitis vaccine use. The Ad Hoc
Advisory Committee on Polio Eradication recommended synchronous cessation of use of the oral
vaccine as early as three years after interruption of wild-type poliovirus transmission worldwide, as
continued use of the live attenuated polioviruses contained in that vaccine would ultimately be
incompatible with eradication. Ceasing the use of the oral vaccine will decrease the risk of future
poliomyelitis outbreaks due to circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses and also eliminate the risk of
vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. Safely stopping use of oral poliomyelitis vaccine will
require: (i) appropriate containment of all poliovirus strains (wild-type, vaccine-derived and Sabin) in
laboratories and vaccine-production facilities, (ii) a WHO/UNICEF-managed stockpile of monovalent
oral poliomyelitis vaccines with internationally agreed mechanisms for their use, (iii) continued
See document EB109/2002/REC/2, summary record of the tenth meeting, section 3.
poliovirus surveillance and notification capacity that meet international standards globally,
(iv) processes for synchronously stopping use of oral poliomyelitis vaccine globally, and (v) decisions
by all countries using oral poliomyelitis vaccine on their long-term poliomyelitis immunization policy
for the period following cessation of use of oral vaccine. Recommendations on these issues will be
proposed to the Executive Board in the near future to ensure country and global preparedness.
8. Ensuring sufficient financing. Owing to the international spread of wild-type poliovirus in
central and western Africa, planned supplementary poliomyelitis immunization activities were
markedly expanded for 2005 and extended through to the end of 2006. These additional activities have
increased the costs to the end of 2005 of interrupting wild-type poliovirus transmission globally by
US$ 200 million. Closing the financing gap, identifying funds for the certification activities required
to the end of 2008, and ensuring funding for eventual cessation of the use of oral poliomyelitis
vaccine, especially the building of a stockpile of monovalent oral vaccine, will require the realization
of existing pledges in full, new pledges by current partners for poliomyelitis eradication, and the
participation of other international development donors.
9. The Executive Board is invited to note the report.
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