Ivanovic, Sasa; Baresa, Suzana; Sinisa, Bogdan
Factoring: Alternative model of financing
UTMS Journal of Economics
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University of Tourism and Management, Skopje
Suggested Citation: Ivanovic, Sasa; Baresa, Suzana; Sinisa, Bogdan (2011) : Factoring: Alternative
model of financing, UTMS Journal of Economics, ISSN 1857-6982, University of Tourism and
Management, Skopje, Vol. 2, Iss. 2, pp. 189-206
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Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Sasa Ivanovic
Suzana Baresa
Sinisa Bogdan
This paper aims to present factoring as an alternative funding model. This paper also tries to scientifically
explore and emphasize its economic role thorough advantages and disadvantages of such financing model,
and show condition in world and Croatia. Good corporate governance and professional financial management
can contribute to the establishment of such business strategy (in terms of: strategy in relation to potential
risks, the systems for managing risks and monitoring, investment strategies, interventions, etc.) that will
make the company resistant to unexpected and unpredictable changes in both their environment and the
global marketplace and timely actions to contribute to faster recover from the effects of the crisis and
business damages reduced to a minimum recovery.
Key words: factoring, receivables, liquidity, solvency, financing.
Global financial crisis points out the importance of a strong corporate governance and
financial management for a company that has to deal with effects of unexpected crises
and uncertainties that bear future business events.
Effective strategic and tactical financial decisions based on principle politics
effective financial management in the field horizontal and vertical structure of capital,
insurance of short-term and long-term capital, maintaining liquidity and solvency,
represents a key function in the creation of competitive advantages.
The subject of this paper is factoring, as well as advanced and alternative model
which is offered as one possible solution for overcoming the current lack of liquidity in
the company and to improve the competitiveness, although factoring has been well
known in the world in Croatia it haven't fully developed to its full potential.
This work besides introduction and conclusion is divided into four main sections. In
first part, entitled "Factoring: an alternative funding model" is defined and shown
factoring as an alternative funding model which, by selling the receivables that make
up a form of liquid assets, the entity can be financed. In the second part, entitled
Sasa Ivanovic, M.Sc.; Suzana Baresa, M.A.; Sinisa Bogdan, M.A., Faculty of Tourism and
Hospitality Management in Opatija, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
Preliminary communication
(accepted April 2, 2011)
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
"Modalities of factoring" are shown of the modalities that are commonly applied in
practice of the factoring business and operation phases of domestic and international
factoring. In the third part entitled "The economic role of factoring" and the importance
of the economic role of factoring in the use of short-term financing of a business entity
through the strong benefits of its application, and compared with short-term financing.
In the fourth part, entitled "Factoring in the world and in Croatia" was analyzed and
described the situation and the development of factoring in the world. It is shown
turnover in 2010 year by continents tabular and graphic, and made comparison with the
situation in Croatia and its trends.
Factoring is a contemporary and specific form of short-term financing based on the
selling short–term unsecured assets of the company to a specialized financial
organization or company that specializes in factoring (factor) to pay certain fees or
In other words factoring is the purchase of others' claims (debts) that is a financial
instrument that factor (factor-house, factor-company, factor-organization, a bank that
has a separate department) financed by the business entity on the basis of future
(outstanding) claims arising from the sale of goods or services on the domestic or
foreign market for a fee.
The factor buys the receivables for a fee before the expiry date of payment, takes
over the activities of collection, warnings, account transactions and the risk of
collection of receivables (Markovic 2000, 58). At a time when it charge more than the
discounted price which he paid for the purchased receivables, the factor profits
(Ivanovic, 1997, 261).
Receivables—liquid form of asset
Liquidity can be defined as financial solvency of the company it can be expressed
as the liquidity of asset as well as corporate liquidity or solvency (Kallberg and
Parkinson 1993, quoted in Ivanovic 1997, 125). On Stock market liquidity can be
measured by observing the gap between the buying and selling price (Bogdan, Baresa,
and Ivanovic, 2010, 45). Some authors (Uyemura; Van Deventer) define liquidity as
ability to collect funds at no extra costs within a reasonable time (1993, 234).
For continuous and normal business activities (lifetime) of each business entity
most important is ability to timely settle obligations when they come for final payment.
Receivable is liquid if it can be sold in short time without significant loss. In
assessment of liquidity of individual receivable it is very important probability that it
can be converted into cash, probability that it can be matched price and assumption that
these two probabilities will not change at the market.
Most liquid form of asset of a business entity represents funds which are ready for
use in different purposes, after money—most liquid form of asset owned by company
are receivables non-cash assets, of which degree of liquidity depends upon: a time
necessary for the transformation, degree of risk, a price for that financial asset, the
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
quality of the debtor, the return that such a financial instrument carries, solvency of
debtor etc.
Businesses that are growing and increasing business volume, they are increasing
also receivables from customers. As receivables increasing, business entity can sale
such receivables to increase additional funds, for example to increase short-term
financing needs for current assets.
Most of business entities provide or increase placement of its products and services
to market by providing more favorable financing terms to customers, such as grace
period or repayment by installments (example: commodity credit) thus, a business
entity that sells a particular commodity or service, if has agreed some financing facility
(what is practice and a necessity in business) in the form of grace period for example
180 days, has receivables against the purchaser or his debtor on which must wait until
the deadline his settlement.
Certain cash supplies should always be to maintain optimum liquidity of business
entity. In achieving better liquidity as well as ensuring cash assets business entity can
use factoring as an alternative to credit, in order to obtain the funds without additional
Selling receivables
Company can take advantage of its short-term receivables to sell them to factor. Factor
can be the apecialized financial organization or company or a bank which has a separate
department, or specialized factoring subsidiary or classic institutions of factors, factoring
company, factoring–factor–house. Factors are purchasing short–term receivables with a
certain maturity, factor is paying to client for example 70–90% of the invoice value, less
the factoring fee. The remaining unpaid amount of the invoice is paid after the
borrower solved the obligations, minus a certain percentage of fees (for services, credit
risk and interest from the moment off repurchase until the time of charging the
Usual deadlines of short-term financing through factoring in business practice
between 30 and 120 days, depending on the quality of receivables also it is possible
repurchase maturities of 180 days or more. The size of commission and size the amount
that will be paid immediately to clients depends on the receivables, its quality, business
reputation of the debtor etc. Except payment of receivables factor can charge receivables,
credit control, and administrative tasks of monitoring invoices for client, provide
protection against the risk of non-payment and monitor the solvency and credit
worthiness of business partners. For risk overtaking, factor from vendor receivables
receives a fee which is generally a percentage of the value of receivables. However, the
factors usually, check the recoverability of receivables before it is accepted (Mishkin and
Eakins 2005, 556).
This funding model whereby a company sells receivables, for company it means
increase in current assets because factor repurchasing the receivables allows inflow of
funds before the maturity of receivables. Thereby by company has the ability to
achieve higher productivity of current assets by using certain facilities (which are used
in business activity–rebate, discount etc.) or the possibility of financing current
operations, thereby contributing to improved business results. Moreover company
doesn't take care of financial discipline and control debtor.
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Such form of financing is especially suitable for companies whose activities have a
long production cycle, and the products are made according to the order agreed with
known end-customer.
From an economic and financial point of view, factoring means continuous business
activity, improvements in cash flows, greater competitiveness. Repayment or payment
of receivables and risk of receivables as well as currency risk becomes the biggest
problem of factor. Thanks to the factoring many smaller business can get involved in
international trade while factor is taking care about payment of exported and unpaid
Factoring is not a credit and there are no additional liabilities on the balance sheet
of business entity although it provides financing of current capital (Klapper 2005).
It is fact that factoring as an alternative financial instrument should be used more
often which is also approved by the data shown in annual report of Croatian financial
services supervisory agency (June 2010) which suggests that the despite the global
crisis of capital markets in 2008. has marked the events that followed in subsequent
years by non-banking financial sector in Croatia, such as drop in total turnover on the
stock exchange, the decline in total assets, loss of investment (brokerage) companies,
and the leasing industry decrease of contracts and the decline of total assets of leasing
companies, than a slightly recovery on the capital market, in all those years assets of
factoring company is not reduced, on the contrary it has increased (10%), factoring
with recourse were dominant.
Factoring is a relatively new financial product that is applied on the domestic or
domestic and international markets, according to some authors, it represents "a passport
to financial freedom" (Perman 1984). Because of its benefits, factoring in the developed
market economies is used as the dominant form of financing based on assets and business
and it is very important source of external financing (Rovcanin and Omerbegovic 2005,
The Croatian economy in which the payment or debt recovery and repayment of
credits is very questionable and a major problem, this funding model as an alternative
has a great potential and bright future in terms of its use and application in business.
Factoring in the modern sense of the word can be traced in lang syne. First
evidences of existing factoring appear 4.000 years ago in the acient civilization of
Mesopotamia, during the region of king Hammurabi (Papadimitiou, Phillips, and Wray
1994), some of its tracks are located in the Roman empire (Rutberg 1994).
First terminology for agents and factors appears in the 15th century in trade
settlements organized by European traders in the colonial countries where they were
buying goods. It was a primitive type of factoring, which initially had the form of
commission sales because factors, guaranteeing their clients that buyers will pay goods
or that they will pay in advance before the ultimate buyer pays to them. As a special
form of financing, factoring is being developed in the late 19th century, on the Anglo-
American territory, and especially in the textile industry, where 95% of turnover was
done was done by factoring.
Through history, factoring evolved and took different forms and adapted for the
needs of participant in the factoring business—first, business entity–client, second,
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
factor, third, buyer–debtor, on the international level fourth, correspondingly factoring
company in the country of the debtor, special activities, general economic and political
situation and circumstances, that resulted with various forms and types of factoring,
which is applied today in business practice.
Considering that factor can purchase receivables in the home country or abroad, to
the domicile or spatial definition, basic division of factoring is on domestic and foreign
(imported and exported) factoring. International factoring—although it is more
complex (legal, political, currency risk, interest rate risk, etc.). International factoring is
to exporters particularly suitable because they are exempted from the creditworthiness
of the buyer, risk of non-payment, political risk etc. As clients in work in domestic
factoring will involve three participants in the same country: the client–assignor, the
factor and the buyer–debtor, factor has a role of mediator between the seller and buyer
in the same country. In the international factoring business there are four participants:
the client-assignor, the factor, the buyer-debtor international and correspondent factors
domestic .
According to a number of factors involved in business, factoring is divided into
direct and indirect. In direct factoring there is only one factor which is in direct
relationship with buyer-debtor, in indirect factoring there are two factors, first in the
country (exporter) or from the land of client-assignor of receivables, and other from the
country (importer) buyer-debtor.
According to the right of recourse arising from the contractual relationship between
participants in the process or work or to take responsibility for no payable receivables
faction can be divided into factoring with recourse (incomplete) and factoring without
recourse (full). Full factoring or factoring without recourse is a business in which the
factor takes on funding, receivables management, and payment risk (guarantees—del
credere—for the timely and proper performance of contractual obligations of third)
while the incomplete factoring is not considering payable risk.
Factoring can be divided into published, open or discovered and unpublished, secret
or undiscovered it depends if buyer-debtor is informed from the seller-creditor about
the transfer of their receivables or not.
The way it works in the case of domestic factoring, real or full (published) is shown
in Figure 1.
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Figure 1. Stages of operation of factoring in the domicile country (full-non-recourse)
From the above examples of domestic factoring without recourse, shown in figure
number 1. and the resulting specific processes in which it takes place:
1. Company A sells goods or services to the company Bthe payment delay is 180
2. Company A submits a request to factor for purchase a receivables due to
"immediately" needs funds (before the expiration of 180 days).
a) The factor checks the creditworthiness of the buyer and if the information
obtained is positive, he approves the transaction. Analyzing financial statements
production, financial and market potentional of the company and
creditworthiness can be examined more about financial analysis Karanovic,
Bogdan, and Baresa (2010).
b) The seller sends the goods, together with the original invoice to the customer
which includes instructions for paying customer (with complete details and
payment information straight to factor which was given the job of charging
receivables) and original copy of the invoice to factor.
c) In accordance with the signed factoring contract by all participants in business
receivables are transferred to the factor.
3. The factor pays company A (who became her client) immediately upon receipt of
the invoice value of the receivables (advance payment for example 8095% of the
nominal value of the invoice) in line with factoring contract. The factor takes a
commission on the total amount (e.g. 0.24.0% of the invoice amount);
4. Due at maturity (after 180 days), the company B-debtor is paying on account of
5. After settling the receivables of B to factor, factor pays the rest part on account A
client—minus the amount of commissions, interest, costs, etc.
Company A
Seller of goods and services
Factoring company
Company B
Buyer of goods (debtor)
Sale of goods or services
Request for the
purchase of
Payment (-%)
Payment of the
remaining part (-%)
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Factor in the country has a role of intermediary between the seller and buyer in the
same country. In international factoring, besides the already mentioned three
participants involved is another factor, so that business has four parties: the seller-
assignor (exporter), the factor, the buyer borrower from abroad (importer) and the
correspondent factors in the buyer's country-debtor (factor of the importer) as shown in
the following Figure 2.
Figure 2. Phases of the functioning foreign factoring (complete non-recourse)
Considering that the business of factoring two factors involved, such a system is
called two-factor system. Another factor (correspondent) who has been involved in
business knows the economic system of the country buyer-debtor and importer,
opportunities, language, business culture and have the necessary information and data
on the creditworthiness of the foreign companies that can readily supply factor. It is
very important when it's a word about international trading business with developing
countries where credit information are often unavailable. The problem could also
make: a fraud, false receivables, lack of customers etc. and underdeveloped legal
framework, lack of business registries and credit bureaus that can provide valid
informations about business entity–debtor.
From the above examples of external factoring without recourse, shown in figure 2,
certain process are resulting in which it takes place.
1. Company Aseller of goods or services or exporter sells and delivers goods or
services to company Bthe buyer or importer, and gives the invoice;
2. Company Aseller of goods or services or exporter assign to factor receivable
(1) in country of seller–exporter with a copy of the invoice and other documents
proving the existence of claims;
Company A
Seller of goods or servides
Factoring company
Factor (2)
(importer's country)
Company B
Buyer of goods and services
(debtor foreign country)
Factoring company
Factor (1)
(exporter's country)
Country of export
Country of import
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
3. Factor (1) of exporting country–vendor assignement factor (2) in country of
buyer–debtor based on the previously obtained limits for specific customer;
4. Factor (1) pays to company Aseller–exporter value of receivables (e.g. 80%
of the invoice value) minus fee;
5. Upon maturity of receivables company Bdebtor–importer executes payment
on account of factor (2);
6. Factor transfer funds to the account of factor (1);
7. Factor (1) pays a company A—seller–exporter difference (e.g. 20%) funds
minus the factoring interest rate used to finance the amount payable on the
Factoring as advanced financial instrument provides simple and efficient financing and
successful business activities with domestic and foreign companies. It represents
effective and efficient short-term financing facility of private sector, small and medium
sized enterprises, fast-growing firms which expand their operations, but are unwilling
or unable to get a credit from a bank. In this way they can ensure an ease access and
obtain funds, especially in time of crisis when it’s difficult to get the credit, and in
general global environment of illiquidity and insolvency of other companies.
Factoring as financial instrument has many advantages:
Availability of funds—as opposed to short-term bank credits factors consider
sales invoices as safe asset, while banks consider fixed asset as safety;
Less time in the realization of factoring—application process and fund
insurance through factoring is much more faster, than it takes time to establish a
line of credit through short-term bank credit lines;
Better cash flow and faster access to liquid capital;
Better liquidity for timely obtaining cash (advances from the factor)—no
waiting payment of receivables, and thus improves the financing of operations
(the timely payment of obligations to vendors, to obtain better terms—discounts
and rebates—from suppliers…);
Better financial position, credit worthiness and solvency;
Improving the reputationthe growth of credit standing because of liquidity
improve and timely execution of liabilities, the company has a reputation as a
reliable-increases sales and competitiveness;
Greater volume of sales—the company can offer it's customers better credit
terms and it can accept more work;
Better conditions for new customers (it is important for the export companies);
Reducing the risk (bad debts are eliminated in the non-recourse factoring)
Avoiding exchange riskdue to early funding;
Reducing the credit risk in dealing with customers and increased profitability;
Growth of the company is financed with no new debts—and no monthly
payments or paying in once on the date of maturity;
No credit debt—credit does not reduce the ability and don't worry about credit
limits with banks, also factoring can be used in firms that are not creditworthy,
but have quality receivables;
Without additional securities issue;
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Unnecessary mortgage insurance and other guarantees—creditworthiness of the
buyer is examined primarily—there are no personal guarantee, unlike most loan
programs and there is no substantive insurance;
Factoring is kept off-balance sheet and may not be disclosed to potential credit
It is easier to finance the seasonal production;
"Fresh" working capital means that suppliers can be paid in advance, with an
additional discount;
Reduced administrative and operating costs—less time and effort for paying
receivables, because the factor is specialized for these tasks), saving time and
money- book keeping, reminders and payment are transferred to the factor;
A company that has just started the business can quickly get funding;
Informativeness and greater business management—company has better control
over the accuracy of paying customers and business partners);
it allows also in time purchase.
Some of the most important advantages which factoring has for the company shown
in the Figure 3. below.
Figure 3. Advantages of factoring
In well developed countries factoring is increasingly common as a source of
external financing because of its uniqueness and the unique role of getting funds to
company which are directly related to the value of its receivables and not related to
credit rating of the company. Factoring provides that financial resources circulate faster
and provides liquidity and solvency of the real economy. Turnover of financial
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
resources can be accelerated, primarily by introducing factoring as a new product for
This is supported by the fact that factoring as an alternative funding model for the
companies has a very important role it is obvious in the world of factoring because
factoring has not faced a financial crisis that has recorded a constant growth in contrast
to the financial sector.
The difference between the traditional short-term credit lines in view of the
conditions, procedures and related contracts is as follows: first, the approval of the
short-term loans based on financial statements of an entity seeking credit—revised
financial statements, fianancial indicators calculated on the basis of given financial
statements must demonstrate strong financial position of the business entity; credit
contract may contain a number of other elements including collateral in the form of
immovable property, personal guarantees or other commitments; second, given that the
business entity must have audited financial statements—which usually doesn't have and
it is very problematic for small business, for such statements are increased costs; third,
when taking credit economic sustainability and credit worthiness of a business entity is
at primary importance, at factoring it is all irrelevant-secondary, though basis for
approval of asset value or short-term debts and creditworthiness of the buyer–debtor;
and fourth, by loan it is very important that the size of asset is bigger than a amount of
credit—what can at small and medium companies create a barrier due relatively high
level of risk, because of lack of liquidation. Factoring is a financial instrument in
addition to the numerous and obvious advantages, has some disadvantages such as:
excessive use of factoring and the reliance on a factor (it can result in excessive
trading and wrong management, and the loss of direct communication and
relationships with business partners),
factoring costs are usually higher than the costs of the bank loans,
exporters must ensure themselves from disagreement with the customer in terms
of product quality,
some customers do not want the involment of third parties
it can't satisfy all business needs as a form of short-term financing
factoring is contracted only when a certain factor knows that client is solvent
except factoring without recourse, in all other forms customer remain
responsible for the obligations failure (even for discount receivables),
client may suffer a substantial loss of income, taking into account all fees and
risk of loss which is involved.
Costs of factoring are moving in different proportions and they are structured by
most of the factors in the same way: first the factoring fee (0.2–4.0% assigned claims),
second annual interest (7–11% funded amount), and third, administrative fees. Final
costs of factoring depend upon the type of services, creditworthiness of customers,
volumes and average amount of the invoice, etc.
The company management in making decisions about whether to sell non-mature
receivables at a discount or credit for realizing the commercial banks with perhaps a
favorable contractual interest, it needs to see what are the risks in the event of delayed
payment, and how does it increase the cost of financing (penalty interest rates and
higher bank fees) if a bank requires mortgage guarantee, there is a danger that, in order
to possibly irregular payments, bank collect a debt from mortgage at public auction. In
the case of a mortgage on the entire property of the company, this kind of loan in case
of problem repaying a loan will constitute a threat for a whole company.
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
The economic purpose of factoring results that arises from advantages: first,
financing that currently provides liquidity (cash) funds to business entity—the
company transforms its own short-term assets from receivables to cash, second,
collateral from the factor (del kredere) where a factor takes the responsibility for
receivables payment and disclaims any right to claim a refund to the client in case of
non-paying debtor, and third, management of receivables of client, where factor takes
responsibility for all other jobs related with payment of receivables—contact final
debtor, solvency test and debtor credit ability, testing debtor creditworthiness,
reminders, claims analysis, e-factoring information etc.
Factoring is present one approximately one decade in Croatia (since 2003), even
though the world has long existed as a system is well developed, and in many business
entities makes work easier. Today almost all banks offer factoring service as one of its
products. Many business entities in Croatia are not yet familiar enough with the
financing through factoring
International Association of factors (Factors Chain International—FCI) established
in 1968, is the largest global network o leading factoring companies around the world
which aims to facilitate international trade and foreign trade, related financial services
and encourage the growth of the international trade. Members of the FCI and provide
domestic and international factoring in all 5 continents, and the number of 250
members from 67 countries—35 from Europe, 11 from America, 4 from Africa, 16
from Asia, Australia and New Zealand 2, as shown graphically in Figure 4.
Australija i Novi
Number of states
Figure 4. Representation of members of FCI in 2010 year by continent
The basis for acceptance of new members of the International Association of factors
in the financial strength and reputation as a basis for quality and service, and must
satisfy other high standards. Transactions FCI member is comprised almost 80% of the
world od international factoring volume and turnover. According to annual report of
FCI (2011) total achieved volume of factoring in 2010. amounted to 1,648.229 million,
of which domestic factoring volume amounted to 1,402.231 million, and international
factoring 245.898 EUR as shown by individual countries, tables and graphics in table 1
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Table 1. Total volume of factoring traffic by country in 2010 year (in millions of
Nr. Of
Total Total factoring volume
Austria 5 6,646 1,661 8,307
Belgium 6 24,203 8,000 32,203
Bosnia &
1 30 15 45
Bulgaria 7 400 150 550
Croatia 19 2,736 57 2,793
Cyprus 3 3,400 50 3,450
Czech Republic 8 3,425 985 4,410
Denmark 6 5,000 3,000 8,000
Estonia 4 992 235 1,227
Finland 5 10,800 1,600 12,400
France 11 127,193 26,059 153,252
Germany 100 99,411 30,125 129,536
Greece 12 13,465 1,250 14,715
Hungary 22 3,024 315 3,339
Ireland 8 18,947 1,250 20,197
Italy 45 125,777 17,968 143,745
Latvia 8 235 93 328
Lithuania 8 590 950 1,540
Luxembourg 1 177 144 321
Malta 2 105 31 136
Netherlands 5 25,000 10,000 35,000
Norway 7 13,150 1,925 15,075
Poland 14 12,823 3,387 16,210
Portugal 14 18,800 1,956 20,756
Romania 13 1,300 500 1,800
Russia 28 12,083 80 12,163
Serbia 12 430 70 500
Slovakia 6 701 280 981
Slovenia 5 550 100 650
Spain 23 101,796 11,113 112,909
Sweden 40 17,760 1,000 18,760
Switzerland 5 3,500 500 4,000
Turkey 70 34,931 4,057 38,988
Ukraine 25 530 10 540
44 210,745 15,498 226,243
Total Europe 592
Australasia Remain
Australia 19 44,830 85 44,915
New Zealand 7 600 0 600
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Table 1.
Argentina 5 330 20 350
Bolivia 1 18 0 18
Brazil 1,120 49,000 50 49,050
Canada 53 3,158 565 3,723
Chile 130 15,108 1,314 16,422
Columbia 30 2,726 58 2,784
Honduras 3 5 155 160
Mexico 11 14,507 31 14,538
Panama 12 600 0 600
Peru 9 2,613 99 2,712
United States 300 85,000 10,000 95,000
Total America
Egypt 5 50 150 200
Morocco 4 905 166 1,071
South Africa 5 14,895 225 15,120
Tunisia 4 260 35 295
Total Africa
Armenia 4 10 4 14
China 23 119,960 34,590 154,550
Hong Kong 15 6,000 8,400 14,400
India 11 2,600 150 2,750
Israel 6 1,300 350 1,650
Japan 7 97,700 800 98,500
Jordan 1 35 8 43
Korea 2 0 5,079 5,079
Lebanon 1 354 96 450
Malaysia 6 1,030 28 1,058
Mauritius 2 122 3 125
Qatar 1 20 3 23
Singapore 9 3,800 2,000 5,800
Taiwan 18 30,300 36,700 67,000
Thailand 10 2,000 95 2,095
United Arab
4 1,800 200 2,000
Vietnam 7 40 25 65
Total Asia
Source: FCI. 2011. Annual Revie: Factoring-Exploring new horizons. Amsterdam: FCI, 21.
Total volume of factoring (domestic and international), observed since 2004. till
2010. period is described by individual countries in Table 2 slight decrease in factoring
volume is in crisis years 2008. and 2009. and 2010. year became a record year in the
period and achieved 20% growth of the domestic factoring and 34% growth of
international factoring.
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Table 2. Total Factoring Volume by Country in the last 7 years (in millions of Euros)
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Austria 3,692 4,273 4,733 5,219 6,350 6,630 8,307
Belgium 13,500 14,000 16,700 19,200 22,500 23,921 32,203
Bosnia &
0 0 0 0 0 35 45
Bulgaria 0 0 35 300 450 340 550
Croatia 28 175 340 1,100 2,100 2,450 2,793
Cyprus 2,140 2,425 2,546 2,985 3,255 3,350 3,450
Czech Republic 2,620 2,885 4,025 4,780 5,000 3,760 4,410
Denmark 6,780 7,775 7,685 8,474 5,500 7,100 8,000
Estonia 3,920 2,400 2,900 1,300 1,427 1,000 1,227
Finland 9,167 10,470 11,100 12,650 12,650 10,752 12,400
France 81,600 89,020 100,009 121,660 135,000 128,182 153,252
Germany 45,000 55,110 72,000 89,000 106,000 96,200 129,536
Greece 4,430 4,510 5,230 7,420 10,200 12,300 14,715
Hungary 1,375 1,820 2,880 3,100 3,200 2,520 3,339
Ireland 13,150 23,180 29,693 22,919 24,000 19,364 20,197
Italy 121,000 111,175 120,435 122,800 128,200 124,250 143,745
Latvia 155 20 276 1,160 1,520 900 328
Lithuania 1,040 1,640 1,896 2,690 3,350 1,755 1,540
Luxembourg 285 280 306 490 600 349 321
Malta 0 0 1 25 52 105 136
Netherlands 19,600 23,300 25,500 31,820 30,000 30,000 35,000
Norway 8,620 9,615 11,465 17,000 15,000 15,100 15,075
Poland 3,540 3,700 4,425 7,900 7,800 12,000 16,210
Portugal 14,700 16,965 16,886 16,888 18,000 17,711 20,756
Romania 420 550 750 1,300 1,650 1,400 1,800
Russia 1,130 2,540 8,555 13,100 16,150 8,580 12,163
Serbia 0 0 150 226 370 410 500
Slovakia 665 830 1,311 1,380 1,600 1,130 981
Slovenia 185 230 340 455 650 650 650
Spain 45,376 55,515 66,772 83,699 100,000 104,222 112,909
Sweden 14,500 19,800 21,700 21,700 16,000 18,760 18,760
Switzerland 1,400 1,900 2,000 2,513 2,590 5,000 4,000
Turkey 7,950 11,830 14,925 19,625 18,050 20,280 38,988
Ukraine 0 333 620 890 1,314 530 540
United Kingdom 184,520 237,205 248,769 286,496 188,000 195,613 226,243
Total Europe 612,488 715,471 806,958 932,264 888,528 876,649 1,045,069
Australia 18,181 23,130 27,573 33,080 32,546 39,410 44,915
New Zealand 236 250 280 700 700 700 600
Total Australasia 18,417 23,380 27,853 33,780 33,246 40,110
Argentina 101 275 333 362 355 335 350
Bolivia 18 18
Brazil 15,500 20,050 20,054 21,060 22,055 29,640 49,050
Canada 3,157 3,820 3,386 4,270 3,000 3,250 3,723
Chile 4,200 9,500 11,300 14,620 15,800 14,500 16,422
Columbia 0 0 100 2,030 2,100 2,392 2,784
Honduras 0 0 0 0 0 0 160
Mexico 4,600 7,100 8,150 9,200 9,550 2,120 14,538
Panama 201 240 607 483 460 500 600
Peru 0 95 563 648 875 758 2,712
United States 81,860 94,160 96,000 97,000 100,000 88,500 95,000
Total America 109,619 135,240 140,493 149,673 154,195 142,013 185,357
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Table 2.
Egypt 1 1 3 20 50 110 200
Morocco 300 430 440 660 850 910 1,071
South Africa 7,100 5,580 7,800 9,780 12,110 13,500 15,120
Tunisia 185 226 270 245 253 276 295
Total Africa 7,586 6,237 8,513 10,705 13,263 14,796 16,686
Armenia 0 1 50 50 7 7 14
China 4,315 5,830 14,300 32,976 55,000 67,300 154,550
Hong Kong 4,800 7,700 9,710 7,700 8,500 8,079 14,400
India 1,625 1,990 3,560 5,055 5,200 2,650 2,750
Israel 155 325 375 800 1,400 1,400 1,650
Japan 72,535 77,220 74,530 77,721 106,500 83,700 98,500
Jordan 43 43
Korea 32 850 850 955 900 2,937 5,079
Lebanon 41 61 95 176 306 420 450
Malaysia 730 532 480 468 550 700 1,058
Mauritius 121 125
Qatar 23 23
Singapore 2,600 2,880 2,955 3,270 4,000 4,700 5,800
Taiwan 23,000 36,000 40,000 42,500 48,750 33,800 67,000
Thailand 1,500 1,640 1,925 2,240 2,367 2,107 2,095
United Arab
145 440 810 340 1,860 1,910 2,000
Vietnam 0 2 16 43 85 95 65
Total Asia 111,478 135,470 149,606 174,244 235,418 209,991 355,602
TOTAL WORLD 859,588 1,015,798 1,133,423 1,300,666 1,283,559 1,283,559 1,648,229
Source: FCI. 2011. Annual Revie: Factoring – Exploring new horizons. Amsterdam: FCI, 23.
Factoring has become well established in developing countries, it has the support of
government offices and central banks, around the world, and it is accepted as a vital
financial need of small and medium-sized companies, and shows the trend of seeking
factoring services by large corporations. Almost all large banks have specialized
departments of factoring subsidiary, which promote service of factoring for all business
entities. Because of the similarity function of domestic and international factoring,
many exporters have realized that their international factoring, and FCI can help them
to become more competitive in a changing and complex international market. FCI
members report that is increasingly the subject of business service that have become
their clients (FCI Annual Review 2011).
The development of recent economy such as China, Taiwan, Japan, Canada and
Egypt regarding the use of international factoring talk about the fact that international
factoring as a global program and the concept covers more transactions in the current
(market) environment where the commercial letter of credit replaces the open account
in business. Furthermore business entities (importers and exporters) that use
international factoring no longer have problems with local customs, language, distance
and cultural differences because each business entity uses the services of factors from
their country. Factor can provide 100% protection exporter from the inability to pay
liabilities of the debtor or the importer.
Factoring in the Republic of Croatia is carried out by credit institutions and
companies registered to conduct factoring operations. Supervision of companies
registered to conduct factoring operations. Supervision of companies registered
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
factoring operations in the jurisdiction of the Croatian Agency for Supervision of
Financial Services, while credit institutions engaged in factoring operations within its
registered business in the jurisdiction of the Croatian National Bank.
According to the annual report of FCI Annual Revie (2011) for the total volume
that Croatia has made in the factoring business, it is shown that Croatia has a rising
trend in observed period from 2004 till 2010, trend has steadily increasing, even in the
years that the world was characterized as the years of the financial crisis.
28 175 340
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Total volume in million EUR
Figure 5. Total factoring volume in Croatia—2004–2010
Statistical reports for companies registered to conduct factoring, collected from the
companies for which the Croatian Agency for Supervision of Financial Services has the
knowledge, indicating that the factoring operations, on day 30.06.2010.—was using 18
companies while on 30.06.2011.—seventheen companies conducted factoring operations
of which are in direct majority ownership by non-residents are 3 companies, while 14
of them owned by residents.
Total revenues of the factoring industry in the period from January 1 to June 30,
2011. amounted to 346.05 million kuna, and decreased by 10.2% over the same period
last year, while total expenses amounted 286,97 million and decreased by 8.18% over
the same period last year.
The structure of total revenues in the period from January 1.01.–30.06.2011, two
most important types of revenues are interest income and other operating income.
Furthermore, according to a report HANFA (Quarterly Bulletin. 13) the volume of
transactions, which represents the cumulative amount of purchased invoices for
factoring operations, the cumulative amount of discounted bills and loans in a period
from 01.01 till 30.06.2011.—in total volume of transactions most important is fatoring
with a part of 65.03% and discounted bills with part of 34.23%. In structure of
factoring, domicile factoring dominate with a part of 95.97%.
Considering the concentration, the factoring market can be regarded as highly
concentrated as the biggest company in the amount of assets (Erste factoring company)
refers 43.85% of the total assets of companies engaged in factoring business, while the
share of the top three companies with the highest assets (Erste factoring, First factor
and Raiffeisen) makes 83.71% of total assets.
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
Establishment and operation of companies engaged in factoring operations in
Croatia is regulated by special regulations, but the legal framework for the control of
such companies as defined by the Croatian Agency for Supervision of Financial
In conditions of general financial crisis, when many companies fall into insolvency,
it’s very important that management’s strategic behavior focuses on finding alternative
sources of funding. One of these alternative sources is a model of financing and
payment and financial liabilities through factoring, which allows companies to achieve
liquidity and solvency.
Croatian financial system is dominated by the credits as financing instruments.
According to the Croatian National Bank, total value of credits in Croatia amounted to
275 billion in late 2010
, of which is 11.2% problematic part of credit portfolio (30
billion). A year earlier (2009) it was difficult to charge a little less than 8% of approved
credit. This data show us how reduced is the ability of firms and households to pay
their obligations. Percentage of bad credits increased from 12.9 to 18 percent in 2010,
which means that one of five was payable. Such over reliance on credits could lead to
greater instability in financial system, and Croatian companies should start turning to
other alternative forms of financing, such as factoring.
Factoring enables companies to finance without additional borrowing, and it’s not
considered as form of credit but alternative funding model. Therefore it is suitable as a
form of financing for many companies because it enables more competitive market
Business entity provides funding through its own short term asset; sale of its
outstanding claims arising from rendered goods and services without additional
borrowing, which is good and efficient solution for problem of liquidity and insolvency
which represent real threat, especially for small business subjects. They have to wait
for payment longer than year, or some companies are forced to take credit for paying
workers wages.
Using this alternative funding instrument, business subjects are enabled to continue
business cycle, and enhance liquidity, performances and business growth in simple and
relatively quickly way. Taking into account all the advantages showed by this funding
model it can be considered that factoring is, in the conditions of today’s economic and
financial stagnation, one of powerful financial instruments which should be used by
companies in effectively managing finance.
Various modalities of factoring provides to companies a flexible attitude towards
our business partners in terms of financing. One of the major advantages of factoring is
possibility of hundred percent assurance of inability to collection.
In relation to credit factoring improves the liquidity and solvency, allowing faster
turnover by shortening the time of collection of receivables and also reduces the need
for additional liquid asset—cash (because required amount of funds is lower the
turnover of receivable faster is). Lending, in general, is weakening credit worthiness
company because of additional borrowing (it’s considered that the company is indebted
when total liabilities—credits and liabilities to suppliers and other creditors exceed ½
of equity in reported balance of payment). The advantage of factoring compared to
Ivanovic, Sasa, Suzana Baresa, and Sinisa Bogdan. 2011. Factoring: Alternative model of financing.
UTMS Journal of Economics 2 (2): 189–206.
financing through short-term credits is that factoring primarily examines the credit
worthiness of the client, while during the application for credit bank examines the
solvency of the company but requires certain collateral also.
The reason that factoring has not fulfilled its full potential in Croatia is that business
subjects are not sufficiently familiar with this type of financing—they don’t know
enough and that is the reason of insufficient use.
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