When a person with late-stage Alzheimer’s
— a degenerative brain disease — nears
the end of life and is no longer able to make
his or her own decisions, families must make
choices on the persons behalf.
Ideally, the person with dementia has put
in place advance directives that specify his
or her wishes. Without such directives, or
if certain issues have not been addressed,
families must make choices based on what
they believe the person would want. All
end-of-life decisions should respect the
persons values and wishes while maintaining
his or her comfort and dignity.
The Alzheimer’s Association® can help you
prepare for making end-of-life decisions,
such as:
» Advocating for care that is based on
the expressed wishes of the person
with dementia.
» Refusing, starting, limiting or ending
medical treatments.
» Facilitating care that focuses on comfort.
» Arranging for a brain autopsy.
1. Honoring the person’s wishes ................ p.2
2. Understanding treatment options ....... p.4
3. Making informed decisions ....................... p.7
4. Resolving family conflicts ......................... p.10
5. Arranging for a brain autopsy ................. p.11
6. Terms you should know .............................. p.12
A person with dementia has the legal right to
limit, refuse or stop medical treatments. These
wishes are usually expressed through advance
directives — legal papers that specify the type
of medical care a person wants to receive once
he or she no longer has capacity to make such
decisions, and who should be in charge of making
those decisions.
Advance directives should be made when the
person with dementia still has legal capacity
the level of judgment and decision-making ability
needed to sign official documents or to make
medical and financial decisions. These documents
should be completed as soon as possible after a
diagnosis of dementia.
If advance directives are not in place, the family
must be prepared to make decisions consistent
with what they believe the person would have
wanted, while acting in that person’s best
interest. Laws may vary by state, but a spouse
or adult child may have the right to make the
decision to stop medical treatments in the
absence of an advance directive.
Make sure to use the advance directives
forms that are recognized in the state where
care is, or will be, provided. The Association
can help you locate these forms and provide
more information about making legal plans.
Living will
A living will is a set of written instructions that
provides specific preferences about the kind of
medical treatment a person would or would not
want to have. It does not designate someone to
make medical decisions on the person’s behalf,
but rather allows the person to communicate
wishes about future care.
Durable power of attorney for health care
A durable power of attorney for health care
allows a person to choose a partner, spouse,
family member or trusted friend to make
decisions about care and treatment when he or
she is no longer able.
1. Give copies of the forms to all those
involved in decisions, including:
» Family members.
» Doctors.
» Other health care providers.
Have advance directives placed in the individual’s
medical record. If the person is transferred to a
new setting, provide copies to those newly
involved in caregiving.
2. Discuss advance directives.
Family members should understand, respect
and abide by the persons wishes. Discuss these
wishes to work out any disagreements and help
prevent future conflict or crisis decision making.
Advance directives should also be discussed
with doctors and other health care providers to
ensure they’re aware of their patient’s wishes.
If a conflict develops between family members,
residential care facilities and hospitals often
offer social services that can help. You may also
consider mediation services as a way to reach
consensus. Single people or those in a domestic
partnership should designate the appropriate
individual to carry out their advance directives if
it is not a family member.
3. Stay involved in medical decisions.
Work with the health care team to create
and follow a care plan based on the advance
directives. Make sure you are kept informed of
any changes in your family member’s condition
that may prompt the need for new decisions.
Be aware of the range of medical care available
when making decisions to use, withdraw, limit or
refuse treatment for the person with Alzheimer’s.
Deciding on treatment options in the late stage
of the disease can be one of the most difficult
decisions that families face.
Arming yourself with information and discussing
options with your care team can be helpful. It’s
also important to ask the medical team questions
and make sure you understand which treatments
are suggested and why they are appropriate.
Individuals who have completed advance
directives may have addressed the use of
aggressive medical care — measures taken to
keep a person alive.
If a person with Alzheimer’s is no longer able to
breathe independently, a respirator may be used
to assist with breathing. While a respirator can
help keep a person alive, it may also cause the
persons body to undergo unnecessary stress and
can cause greater discomfort.
Feeding tubes
Feeding tubes are sometimes used if a person
has a hard time eating or swallowing, which is
common in late-stage Alzheimer’s. However,
there is no proof that tube feeding has significant
benefits or extends life.
Tube feeding can also result in:
» Infections.
» Need for physical restraints (the person may
try to pull out the tube, causing injury).
There are other ways to feed a person with
late-stage Alzheimer’s, such as by careful hand
feeding. For someone who can no longer
swallow, an approach focusing on comfort in
dying may be most appropriate.
IV hydration
IV hydration — liquid given to a person through
a needle in a vein — may temporarily provide
fluid when a person can no longer drink, but
cannot supply the nutrition needed to stay alive.
Increased hydration may also make the person
uncomfortable because it can cause difficulty
with breathing.
Lack of hydration is a normal part of the dying
process and allows a more comfortable death
over a period of days. Using IV hydration can
draw out dying for weeks and physically burden
the person. If artificial nutrition and hydration
are used, families will eventually need to decide if
or when these treatments should be stopped.
A family may have to decide whether medical
professionals should try to revive a person with
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR is used
to restore function when a person’s heart and/or
breathing stops. It may include mouth-to-mouth
breathing, or pressing on the chest to mimic
heart function and cause blood to circulate.
Consider that CPR:
» May be painful and traumatic.
» May leave the person in worse condition.
» May not prolong life.
» Is not recommended by many experts when a
person is terminally ill.
The family can ask the doctor to sign a
do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order and place it in
the person’s medical chart. A DNR order states
that no attempts will be made to revive the
Palliative care
Palliative care uses a multidisciplinary approach
to treat pain and improve quality of life by
addressing a person’s physical, mental, social and
spiritual well-being. It focuses on providing relief
from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness.
People may be treated with palliative care at any
stage of a disease or condition, whether terminal
or not.
Hospice care
Hospice programs provide care to those in the
last stages of terminal illness, while also offering
support services to families. Instead of seeking a
cure or trying to prolong life, hospice care focuses
on dignity and quality of remaining life.
A hospice team includes a doctor, nurse, social
worker, nurses aide, clergy and trained volunteers.
They work together to address the physical,
emotional and spiritual care of the person as well
as the family. Care can be provided at home, or in
a hospital or residential care facility.
For Medicare to cover hospice care, a doctor must
estimate that the person has six or fewer months
to live. Hospice benefits may be extended if the
person lives longer than expected. If the person
has Medicaid or other insurance, it is best to
check with the insurance provider about coverage.
When advance directives are not in place or do
not address every issue of end-of-life care, it can
be difficult for families to make decisions. Below
are some tips to help you through the process.
Focus on the persons wishes
Compare any recommended treatments or
actions with the persons wishes for care, or with
what you believe he or she would have wanted.
For example, consider:
» Did the person want all available treatment
measures or only certain ones?
» Did the person want medication to fight pain
but not infection?
Stay true to the persons values and beliefs
Consider all factors that would influence the
persons decisions about treatments, and
definitions of quality of life and death, including:
» Cultural background.
» Spirituality.
» Religious beliefs.
» Family values.
Be aware of the differences between your
values and beliefs, and those of the person with
Alzheimer’s. Make sure that his or her values and
beliefs are guiding your decision.
Weigh pros and cons of treatments
Talk with the medical care team about the impact
of using or refusing specific care treatments.
For example, ask:
» Will the treatment improve the person’s
condition or comfort?
» If so, how long will the treatment benefit the
persons condition or comfort?
» Will the treatment create physical or
emotional burdens?
Compare any recommended treatments with the
persons wishes for end-of-life care.
Consider where care will be given
Discuss with the care team if and when moving
someone to a different setting is best.
Find out if the treatment or care:
» Can be provided in familiar surroundings.
» Requires transfer to another setting.
Sometimes the temporary transfer to a hospital
for a procedure is disorienting and may be harmful
to the person.
Understand the difference between
withholding treatment and assisted suicide
Refusal or withdrawal of treatment, including
tube feeding, antibiotics or CPR, is not assisted
suicide (euthanasia). Limiting treatments lets
the disease take its natural course and supports
the person’s comfort and dignity. If aggressive
medical treatment is refused or withdrawn, the
care team will still provide good physical and
emotional care, as well as ensure the person is
not in pain.
1. What is the treatment for?
2. How will it help?
3. What are the physical risks or possible
4. What are the emotional risks or possible
5. Does the treatment match what the
person would have wanted?
6. Are we doing all we can to maintain the
persons dignity?
7. Are we doing all we can to give the
person the best quality of life?
8. Is he or she in pain?
9. What can be done to ease the pain?
10. When is the best time to ask for
hospice care?
Family members need to take part in ongoing
discussions when making decisions on behalf
of their relative. Some may disagree about a
recommended treatment and get angry or
defensive. Or, they may refuse to engage in
discussions because they feel the family is
planning for death.
Listen to each family member with respect
Family members may have different opinions
about end-of-life preferences and quality of
care. They may not fully accept that the person
is approaching death. Help family members avoid
blaming or attacking each other, as this will only
cause more hurt.
Involve a third party
A mediator, physician, nurse, social worker or
spiritual leader can be asked to facilitate family
meetings and help work through difficult issues.
Cope with your feelings together
The approaching death of a family member is
an emotional time for everyone and may cause
people to act in unusual ways. Caregivers and
their families may want to seek emotional
support, particularly during the last stage of
the disease.
Contact the Alzheimer’s Association to find
support groups that can help your family
work through emotions such as stress, guilt,
depression, grief and anger.
A brain autopsy involves a researcher or physician
examining the brain after death to look for the
plaques and tangles found in brains affected by
Alzheimer’s. It is the definitive way to confirm
a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and may provide
information researchers can use to better
understand the disease.
A brain autopsy may involve cost and special
arrangements. Some brain donation programs
provide a free autopsy report. Make the decision
for an autopsy before the persons death. Contact
the Alzheimer’s Association to learn more.
24/7 Helpline:
(TTY: 866.403.3073)
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver Center:
Additional services available nationwide:
Advance directives:
Legal documents that specify the type of medical
care a person wants to receive once he or she can
no longer make such decisions, and who should
be in charge of making them.
Aggressive medical care:
Care and treatments meant to prolong life when a
person is close to death.
Brain autopsy:
A scientific examination of brain tissue after
death that often allows doctors or researchers
to confirm if a person had Alzheimer’s or another
type of dementia.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR):
CPR is an intervention used to restore function
when a person’s heart and/or breathing stop.
It may include mouth-to-mouth breathing, or
pressing on the chest to mimic heart function and
cause blood to circulate.
Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order:
A DNR order, signed by a doctor based on a
patient’s wishes, instructs medical personnel to
not perform life-saving CPR or other procedures
to restart the heart or breathing once they have
ceased. Once signed, the DNR directive must be
placed in the patient’s chart.
Durable power of attorney for health care:
This document allows a person with dementia to
choose a partner, family member or trusted friend
to make decisions about care and treatment when
he or she is no longer able.
Feeding tube:
A tube that provides artificial nutrition when a
person is unable to eat. The most common type
of feeding tube is inserted through an incision in
the stomach.
Hospice care:
A type of palliative care provided at home, a
hospital or a residential care facility. Hospice
care is for an individual who has six months or
less to live.
IV hydration:
Providing liquids through a needle into a
persons vein when he or she can no longer
drink independently.
Legal capacity:
The level of judgment and decision-making
ability needed to sign official documents or to
make medical and financial decisions.
Living will:
Written instructions that provide specific
preferences about the kind of medical treatment
a person would or would not want to receive.
Palliative care:
Care that focuses on relief from physical
suffering and improving quality of life.
The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health
organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research.
Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through
the advancement of research; to provide and enhance
care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk
of dementia through the promotion of brain health.
Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s disease®.
800.272.3900 | alz.org
This is an official publication of the Alzheimer’s Association but may be distributed
by unaffiliated organizations and individuals. Such distribution does not constitute
an endorsement of these parties or their activities by the Alzheimer’s Association.
© 2016 Alzheimer’s Association®. All rights reserved. Rev.Oct16 770-10-0004
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(TTY: 866.403.3073)