Year-End Training
Presented by
Department of Finance
Updated 9/21/2020
Presented by
Department of Finance
June 2023
Course Objective ………….……………………………………...…………3
Overview of Year-End in FI$Cal ……………………………………………4
Year-End Preparation Activities ……………………………………………6
Monthly Reconciliations and Reports - Period 12 …………………..22
Year-End Work Plan and FI$Cal Timeline of Activities…………………29
Year-End Adjusting Entries Overview……………………………………..33
Year-End Adjusting Entries ……………………………………………....41
Other Year-End Adjusting Entries …………………………………………73
Period 998 Allocation Process ………...…………………………………..81
Preliminary period 998 Reconciliations and Reports ……………….83
Year-End Plan of Financial Adjustment Reclassification ……………..87
Budgetary Legal Ledger and Department Adjustment Ledger.……93
Final Reconciliations and Online MEC Status..…..…………………….101
Importance of Meeting the Month-End and Year-End Deadlines...109
New Year Reminders ……………………………………………………….117
Course Objective
To obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to
understand what is required to plan, prepare, and
complete accrual entries for year-end.
Overview of Year-End in
The Budgetary Legal ledger
(BUDLEGAL/BLL) is the source of
financial information for the
Budgetary/Legal Year-End Financial
It consists of cash basis,
encumbrances, and accrual
Budgetary Legal Ledger - Overview
Year-End Preparation Activities
Activities that must be done before closing submodules
Review encumbrances
Liquidate encumbrances in reverting appropriations
Review aging Accounts Receivable
Reclassify Accounts Receivable in reverting appropriations
Certain accounts require a fund and BU affiliate or Alt Account. Review Report
No. 7, Subsidiaries on File, to validate
Accounts that require a fund/BU affiliate must identify the other fund
involved in an inter-fund and intra-fund transaction.
Accounts that require an Alt Account must identify the related AR.
Complete transactions
Refer to Finance Month-End Training - Session I “Pre-Closing Activities” training
segment, for additional activities
Activities that must be done after closing submodules
Ensure Clearing Account has zero balance for all ENYs
Review Trial Balance Report to identify abnormal General Ledger (GL)
account balances and resolve
Verify on the Trial Balance Report the cash account is correct for the fund
Shared fund - Account 6590000
Non-shared or Enterprise fund Account 1108000
Review GL/KK report to identify mismatches between ledgers and resolve
When creating a FI$Cal Service Center ticket to correct the subsystem
suspense journal, verify that SCO checked the ‘Bypass Budget’ box on the
Journal suspense correction tab. If not, the journal entry will create a GL-KK
Complete reconciliations and resolve reconciling items
Refer to Finance Month-End Training - Session I “Closing Activities” training
segment, for additional activities
Cut-off Dates in FI$Cal
Accounts Receivable (AR) Deposits and Payments Cut-Off Dates
Deposits must be entered by Friday, June 30, 2:30 p.m.
AR Payments requiring SCO manual review must be submitted for approval by Monday,
June 26, 12:00 p.m.
AR Payments that meet pre-approval rules must be submitted by Friday, June 30, 12:00
Note: Any AR Payments that miss these cutoffs will have to be updated to FY 2023-24
accounting date and resubmitted starting July 1.
Accounts Receivable Corrections Cut-Off Dates
AR corrections must be submitted to SCO SARD by Wednesday, June 7, 5:00 p.m.
For AR corrections that miss the above cutoff date (including those submitted on time
but subsequently denied), departments will need to submit a paper Transaction Request
form (CA 504) to SCO SARD to be received by Thursday, June 15.
* Refer to FI$Cal CMO e-mail “For your Information Year-End Deadlines” dated 5/5/2023.
Cut-off Dates in FI$Cal
Voucher Cut-Off (AP Module)
All FI$Cal vouchers must be approved and submitted to SCO by Thursday, June 15, and
must reflect a payment date of June 30, or earlier to ensure processing by June 30.
FI$Cal voucher payments for reverting appropriations not submitted to SCO by Thursday,
June 15 at 5:00 p.m. may not be approved by SCO by the Friday, June 30 deadline.
GL Journals and Journal Voucher Cut-Off (excluding ORF Replenishment Journal Voucher).
Departments must submit their journals to SCO SARD by Wednesday, June 7, 5:00 p.m.
For journals that miss the above cutoff date (including those submitted on time but
subsequently denied), departments will need to submit a paper Transaction Request
form (CA 504) to SCO SARD to be received by Thursday, June 15, 5:00 p.m.
* Refer to FI$Cal CMO e-mail “For your Information Year-End Deadlines” dated 5/5/2023.
Voucher Cut-Off (AP Module)
Voucher Processing Schedule for June
By 5:00 p.m. Thursday, June 15, vouchers must be received by SCO Audits for approval for
payments that need to be issued by June 30.
* Refer to FI$Cal CMO e-mail “For your Information Year-End Deadlines” dated 5/5/2023.
Voucher Processing Schedule for June
After 5:00 p.m., Thursday, June 15, through 5:00 p.m., Thursday, June 22, departments may
continue to submit FI$Cal vouchers to SCO Audits for approval, except for reverting
All vouchers approved by Department AP Approver II on or before 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, June
22, will be approved by SCO Audits by Friday, June 30.
Voucher Cut-Off (AP Module)
* Refer to FI$Cal CMO e-mail “For your Information Year-End Deadlines” dated 5/5/2023.
Voucher Processing Schedule for June
After 5:00 p.m., Thursday, June 22 through Friday, June 30, departments may create new vouchers in FI$Cal,
except for reverting appropriations. Since SCO may not approve vouchers during this period, the accounts
payable will not be in the modified accrual ledger. Departments must reconcile the differences between
the ledgers for year-end. The year-end Budgetary Legal Ledger (BLL) process will include the payables in the
For vouchers that are not approved by SCO Audits by Friday, June 30, 2023, and do not need to be
recognized as accounts payable for year-end reporting:
Voucher maybe denied by SCO Audits.
Departments should monitor voucher status to determine if vouchers require additional action by
Voucher Cut-Off (AP Module)
Reverting Year Appropriations
Appropriations with a 6/30/2023 reversion date must have a zero balance.
Plan of Financial Adjustment requests must be received by Thursday, June 15, to
allocate all charges in the clearing account.
All voucher payments for June must be charged directly to the ultimate funding
Abatements must be credited directly to the ultimate funding source(s) and not to the
clearing account.
Reverting year Encumbrances are liquidated, closed, and budget checked in the Purchase
Orders (PO) submodule
Before period 12 PO submodule is closed, verify all POs for reverting year
appropriations are closed (FISCal.243 and FISCal.437).
Information based on the SCO memorandum “Year-End Procedures for Fiscal Year 2021-22,” dated 4/20/2023,
and CMO email “For your Information - Year End Deadlines,” dated 5/5/2023.
Verify reverting year Accounts Receivable (AR) are reclassified to AR Other and Provision for
Deferred Receivables, before the period 12 AR submodule is closed:
All outstanding ARs in reverting appropriations have been reclassified. Year-End
Adjusting Entry A-4 (Abatement/Reimbursement)
All prior year AR Revenues have been reclassified. Year-End Adjusting Entry A-9
Refer to Updated Auto AR Reclass Phase III - Job Tool located in FI$Cal Service Now for
Review Encumbrances
Departments must review encumbrance balances per State Administrative Manual (SAM)
Sections 8340 and 10608
Complete Encumbrance Reconciliation
Ensure all open FY2022-23 Purchase Orders (PO) are dispatched, and budget checked
Ensure the Accounting Date for PO is by June 30
Analyze PO encumbrances, expenditures, and outstanding balances (FISCal.243 and
Validate Encumbrance balances to the Final Budget Report
Use the following query and report to review encumbrance balances at month-end
and year-end
Final Budget Report (Report No. 6)
Refer to Finance Month-End Training - Session I, “Encumbrance/Accounts Payable (AP)
Reconciliation” training segment for more information.
Allocate clearing account activity to the ultimate funding source by
Labor Distribution
Manual GL journal entry*
Research and correct amounts remaining in the Clearing Account
Ensure all Clearing Accounts (Program 9999) expense and encumbrance have zero balances
in FI$Cal
Consider posting reverting year Clearing Account expenditures directly to the ultimate fund.
* If expenditures are not set up for distribution through the allocations process, departments must
manually allocate these costs to the ultimate funding source(s) in the GL module. This can be
done using SCO Transaction Type CARE and Source 11N.
Clearing Account – Commitment Control
Note: After allocation, Program 9999 expense and encumbrance must be zero.
Review Trial Balance Report (BUDLEGAL) to identify and resolve abnormal GL account balances.
FI$Cal Navigation: Main Menu > FI$Cal Processes > FI$Cal Report > GL Reports > Trial Balance
If further research is needed:
Review Ledger Activity Report Allows user to specify selection criteria to view ledger detail and
summary information with drill down capability.
FI$Cal Navigation: Main Menu > General Ledger > General Reports > Ledger Activity
Queries Results produced by queries may be too large or take too long to generate. It may
require the query to be scheduled for large data.
FI$Cal Navigation: Main Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Schedule Query
Refer to MEC Training Session I for details on General Ledger-Trial Balance Reports.
Refer to COA Crosswalk:
COA_Crosswalk_Master.xlsx (
General Ledger – Commitment Control
Mismatch - Report
Job Aid FISCal.425 provides instructions on identification and resolution.
General Ledger (GL) Commitment Control Ledgers (KK) mismatches are the balance differences between
GL and KK. The variance is typically caused by subsystem transactions/GL Journals that are not successfully
posted in GL or KK.
FI$Cal Navigation: Main Menu > FI$Cal Processes > FI$Cal Reports > GL Reports > GL-KK Mismatch Report
Account Type -
Expense or Revenue
Monthly Reconciliations
and Reports - Period 12
SAM Sections 7921-7924 provide some common reconciliations. All reconciliations will be
prepared monthly within 30 days of the preceding month, except for property reconciliations.
Bank Reconciliation (See MEC Session I)
Revolving Fund Reconciliation (See MEC Session I)
SCO/Agency Fund Reconciliation (See MEC Session II)
Appropriation Program/ENY/Category/Ref/Fund
Cash in State Treasury Account Reconciliation (See MEC Session I)
Deposit in Surplus Money Investment Fund Reconciliation
Property Reconciliation (See SAM Section 7924)
Other reconciliations each department is responsible for completing any reconciliation
necessary to safeguard the state's assets and ensure reliable financial data (SAM Section
All reconciliations should be complete and current prior to posting June 30 year-end
Statement of Revenue, Report No. 4
Current Year revenue should be positive on the report
Final Budget Report, Report No. 6
Review for overspent appropriation or unappropriated cost
Reverted appropriation encumbrance must be zero
Reverted appropriation “Balance” should equal the SCO JE# RV XXXX
Pre-Closing Trial Balance, Report No. 7*
Abnormal account balance
Use of incorrect account/fund
Subsidiaries on File, Report No. 7*
Verify the four-digit subsidiary business unit (Affiliate) and four-digit fund number (Fund Affiliate) reflect the general account used
to identify the other fund involved in an inter-fund and intra-fund transaction.
Statement of Changes in Capital Assets, Report No. 18
Review the Departmental Adjustment Ledger for correct asset balances
Trial Balance Report*
Verify beginning balance equals the prior year’s Trial Balance account ending balance
Verify on the Trial Balance Report the cash account is correct for the fund category:
Shared Fund - Account 6590000
Non-Share or Enterprise Fund Account 1108000
* Starting July 2022, departments will use ledger BUDLEGAL.
Tips for Successful Year-End
Establish the cut-off date for processing reverting year items through Clearing Account and
which fund(s) will be the ultimate funding source.
Complete and review all reconciliations (SAM Chapter 7900).
Review period 12 Trial Balance and resolve abnormal balances.
Confirm the department's Due To/Due From balances match with the other BU/Fund involved
in inter-fund and intra-fund transactions.
Review encumbrances and receipts to determine if items will need to be adjusted or
reclassified prior to period 998.
Communicate departmental submission deadlines for travel along with directions as to what
to do after the deadline.
Meet with the departmental Human Resources office to determine if there will be a payroll
Review the SCO Year-End Procedure memo, BAC#22-001, for SCO’s deadlines.
Review FI$Cal CMO email, dated 5/5/2023, "For Your Information - Year-End Deadlines" for
year-end system deadlines.
Tips for Successful Year-End
Create and implement Year-End Work Plan (See slide 31 for examples).
Regularly meet with staff to discuss Work Plan and roles and responsibilities and to
communicate progress.
Review vacation schedule to ensure staff availability for year-end processes.
Review interagency electronic transfers and invoices that are posted in the new fiscal year for
the closing fiscal year. These items will need to be accrued.
Document Journal ID numbers on all source materials and retain for audit purposes.
Ensure adjustments are posted in the correct accounting period.
Note: Work plans and reconciliations may be subject to review by the Department of Finance,
State Controllers Office and the California State Auditor. Upon request, departments must
provide a copy of their year-end work plan to Finance.
Year-End Work Plan
FI$Cal Timeline of Activities
Year-End Work Plan
Begins as early as March through the completion of year-end close.
Is customized based on specific needs, activities, and business processes
developed by the department coordinator.
Must identify specific MEC/YEC activities, due dates and unit/person
responsibilities, date completed, and a section for comments. The activities
are required to meet the year-end financial report due dates.
Is an essential tool in planning, monitoring, and documenting financial
activities to ensure the timely completion of monthly reconciliations and
year-end financial reports.
Finance’s website provides a work plan
Example: Year-End Work Plan
Most lines have been hidden for training purposes. This tool will be helpful to have a successful year-end.
Run labor distribution, close submodules, run allocation process, close period 12, and
Run the automated BLL Cash Reclassification Application Engine to generate and post
monthly cash reclassification entries.
The net amount of Accounts 6510000/6520000 is reclassified directly to Account 1108000 for
non-shared funds, 6590000 for shared funds, and 1120100, if applicable.
Open period 998, post accruals, run allocation process, and post Plan of Financial Adjustment
Perform preliminary reconciliation, close period 998 and request to build Budgetary Legal
Ledger (BLL)
AP Encumbrance reclass from Account 2000300 to Liability accounts. Account 2000300 must
be $0 at year-end.
Post encumbrance reclassification to DEPTADJ ledger only
Close BLL
Complete all BLL final reconciliations
Request FSC to run the YEC process
Prepare financial reports
Job Aid FISCal.258 Running the Year-End Close Process
Year-End Adjusting Entries
Unless otherwise stated, FI$Cal Year-End Adjusting Journal Entries are posted in the GL Module in
Period 998 Adjusting Period using:
Direct entry into FI$Cal for single or simple transactions.
Job Aid FISCal.188 Create a New Journal Entry
Or the Spreadsheet Journal Upload for multiple transactions.
Job Aid FISCal.001 General Ledger Spreadsheet Journal Upload
*System defaults blank Source, Non-Adjusting Entry, and current period. Changing Non-Adjusting Entry to
Adjusting Entry will change the period to 998.
Header Criteria
Sample of Posting Adjusting Journal Entries
Journal Entry Auto-Reversal Functionality
The auto-reversal functionality also assists departments with reconciliations since the reversal
and original journal entries share the same journal ID.
This functionality cannot be used for journals entered with Source ECM.
Departments can use the journal entry auto-reversal functionality for reversing year-end
accrual entries in the new year.
Note: Departments still have the option to manually reverse accruals in period 1.
Year-End Adjusting Entry Sources
ACC For standard year-end accrual entries and only if the entries will be reversed in
the new year.
ACJ For year-end related accrual entries that will not be reversed in the New Year.
ENR To accrue reimbursement receivables associated with encumbrances.
ECM – To set up encumbrance-only journals.
ACX For non-year-end related entries during periods 1-998 that may not need to be
reversed. It should not be used for any transactions involving cash movement
between funds and appropriations.
Tips for Tracking Adjusting Journal Entries
Consistent Naming Convention
Using consistent naming conventions can help users to quickly identify and tie a
transaction with its purpose.
Entry Log
An entry log can be used for research, to keep staff informed, and is easily customizable.
Note: DFQ_GL_01_JOURNAL_DETAIL can also be downloaded in Excel and sorted for research purposes.
Additional Resources
Year-End eLearning Courses Finance FI$Cal Training webpage:
Job Aid FISCal.001 General Ledger Spreadsheet Journal Upload
SCO memorandum Year-End Procedures for Fiscal Year 2022-23
FI$Cal CMO e-mail For Your Information Year-End Deadlines” dated 5/5/23
Year-End Adjusting
Year-End Adjusting Entries
The standard adjusting entries required at year-end are illustrated in SAM Sections 10600-10615. They are
designated as A-1 through A-13 entries, and include:
YE – A-1 Record Undeposited Receipts
YE – A-2 Adjust ORF and Cash
YE – A-3 Accrue Reimbursements and Abatements
YE – A-4 Manually Reclassify AR Abatements and Reimbursements for Reverted Appropriations
YE – A-6 Record Receivables Due from SMIF and Condemnation Deposits
YE – A-8 Accrue Accounts Payable (With and Without Open Purchase Orders)
YE – A-9 Accrue Revenue
YE – A-10 Adjustment for Dishonored Checks
YE – A-12 Establish Reserve for Deferred Receivables
Other Year-End Adjusting Entries
A-1 Record Undeposited Receipts
The A-1 entry is made to record receipts not deposited as of June 30 to recognize the actual amount
of Cash on Hand in the agency/department’s ultimate fund.
The A-1 entry will be posted to the ultimate fund(s) in period 998 within the GL module.
A-1 entries are reversed in the new fiscal year.
To Record Undeposited Receipts
Debit 1100000 Cash on Hand
Credit 12XXXXX Accounts Receivable
Credit 205XXXX Revenue/Reimbursements Received in Advance
Credit 2090110 Uncleared Collections State Fund
Credit 41XXXXX Revenue
Credit 48XXXXX Reimbursements
Credit 5XXXXXX Appropriation Expenditures
The A-2 entry adjusts the Revolving Fund Cash account so that department accounts will show the actual amount of
Revolving Fund Cash as of June 30 in the department’s advancing fund. In FI$Cal, Revolving Fund activities are
recorded in the department’s CTS Fund. At year-end, adjusting entries are made in the advancing fund to record
the following:
Revolving Fund Cash balance and activities
Record the A-2 entries in period 998 within the GL module.
A-2 Adjust Revolving Fund Cash
To Record Year-End Expense Advances
Debit 1301100 Expense Advances
Credit 1101200 Revolving Fund Cash
amount of any unreimbursed ORF advances that are
accrued as expenditures via the A-8 entryr the
amount of any unreimbursed ORF advances that
are accrued as expenditures via the A-8 entry
To Record Cash on Hand
Debit 1100000 Cash on Hand
Credit 1101200 Revolving Fund Cash
for the amount of any unreimbursed ORF advances
that are accrued as expenditures via the A-8
To Record Year-End Revolving Fund Cash
Debit 1101200 Revolving Fund Cash
Credit 1222100 Advances to Agency & Office Revolving Funds
This entry is not reversed in the new fiscal year
These entries are reversed in the new fiscal year.
To record amount of any unreimbursed Revolving Fund advances that are accrued as
expenditures via the A-8 entry
Debit 2000100 Accrued Payables
Credit 1101200 Revolving Fund Cash
A-2 Adjust Revolving Fund Cash
* Refer to “Accrue Unremitted Deposits” on slide 75 for posting Uncleared Collections to the Ultimate Funds.
Report ID:
Page No: 1
DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Trial Balance Report by Period
Business Unit
: 8860 As Of:
Fiscal Year:
Period From:
To Period:
Fund Range:
000000244 to 000000244
244 General Checking/Rev Fund
Cash on Hand
General Cash - CTS Accounts
Revolving Fund Cash
Pending Cash Transfers - AP
Pending Cash Transfers - AR
AR - CalATERS Adv Repl in Proc
Refunds Clearing
NSF Receipts Clearing
Due From Other Funds
Expense Advances
Travel Advances
Salary Advances
Accounts Payable - Control
Due to Other Funds
Due to Local Governments
Due to Other Govt Entities
Unapplied Receipts
Uncleared Collections-CTS Fund
Total Fund:
A-2 Adjust Revolving Fund Cash
A-2 Adjust Revolving Fund Cash
Year-End Revolving Fund Reconciliation and Adjusting Entries (A-2)
Entry # Unit Ledger Approp Ref Fund ENY Account Amount Budget Date Journal Line Description
MODACCRL 001 0001 20XX 1301100
Expense Advances
MODACCRL 001 0001 20XX 1101200 (1,201.55)
Revolving Fund Cash
MODACCRL 001 0001 20XX 2000100
Accrued Payables
MODACCRL 001 0001 20XX 1101200 (3,450.00)
Revolving Fund Cash
MODACCRL 001 0001 20XX 1100000
Cash on Hand
MODACCRL 001 0001 20XX 1101200 (100.00)
Revolving Fund Cash
MODACCRL 001 0001 20XX 1101200
Revolving Fund Cash
MODACCRL 001 0001 20XX 1222100 (200,000.00)
Adv to Agency & Off Rev Funds
*DO NOT Reverse on July 1
1. Record year-end expense advances
2. Reduce AP by amounts previously paid by Revolving Fund
3. Record Cash on Hand
4. Record year-end Revolving Fund Cash
Journal entry 4 must use source ACJ
Journal entries 1-3 must use source ACC
A-2 Adjust Revolving Fund Cash
New Year Revolving Fund Entry
Unit Ledger Approp Ref Fund ENY Account Amount Budget Date Journal Line Description
001 0001 20XX 1222100 200,000.00 07/XX/20XX
Adv to Agency & Off Rev Funds
001 0001 20XX 1101200
Revolving Fund Cash
The GL Journal Processor will also record the following entry as part of the A-2 entries to
record New Year Revolving Fund Cash in the Advancing Fund to match SCO JE#
The journal date will be 07/XX/XX of the new fiscal year. Enter as SCO Type Transaction
RECL, Source REC, Non-Adjusting Entry, and period 1. The ENY in the journal lines will be the
new fiscal year.
Journal entry must use source REC.
A-3 Accrue Reimbursements and Abatements
Reimbursement and abatement receivables are amounts due to the department at year-
end but not yet recorded and should be accrued. The accounts used to record accruals are
the same that are used during the year to establish receivables as abatements or
Record the A-3 entries in period 998 within the GL module.
Entry 1 Use the GL source “ACC” to accrue reimbursement and abatement
Entry 2 Use the GL source “ENR” for encumbrances funded by accrued
reimbursements. The “ENR” source will be useful in identifying the encumbrance
amounts for preparing Report No. 1, Report of Accruals to Controller’s Accounts.
A-3 entries are reversed in the new fiscal year.
A-3 Accrue Reimbursements and Abatements
Record Billing of Abatements
Debit 1200100 Accounts Receivable Abatements
Debit 126XXXX Due From Other Governments
Debit 124XXXX Due From Other Funds /Appropriations*
Credit 5XXXXXX Appropriation Expenditures*
Record Billing of Reimbursements
Debit 1200050 Accounts Receivable Reimbursements
Debit 126XXXX Due From Other Governments
Debit 1260000 Due From Federal Government
Debit 124XXXX Due From Other Funds/Appropriations*
Credit 44XXXXX Federal Government Receipts (Federal Trust Fund only)
Credit 48XXXXX Reimbursements*
*Journal lines posted to Account 124XXXX Due From Other Funds/Appropriations must include values in
the “Affiliate” (BU) and “Fund Affiliate” fields. This information will be system-generated on the year-end
Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File. The Affiliate and Fund Affiliate should be on both the debit and credit
A-3 Accrue Reimbursements and Abatements
Encumbrances funded by reimbursements
Departments should prepare separate entries using source ENR to accrue reimbursement receivables
resulting from encumbrances. The source ENR will be useful in identifying the encumbrance amounts to
be reported on Report No. 1, Report of Accruals to Controller's Accounts.
Run the DFQ_KK_16_REIMB_RECON query. This query extracts data from the KK utilizing project costing
for reimbursement reconciliations to determine encumbrance amounts funded by reimbursement.
Include period 998 to capture the A-8 activities.
A-3 Accrue Reimbursements and Abatements
To determine the amounts for the A-3 entry, run the DFQ_KK_16_REIMB_RECON query for the
expenditure, encumbrance, and revenue/reimbursement ledgers.
C_DTL_REC Detail Revenue/Reimbursement Recognized Ledger
C_DTL_EXP Detail Expense Ledger
C_DTL_ENC Detail Encumbrance Ledger
Columns C_DTL_REC minus the C_DTL_EXP equals the source ACC amount and the column C_DTL_ENC equals
the ENR amount .
A-3 Accrue Reimbursements and Abatements
Journal lines posted to Account 124XXXX Due From Other Funds/Appropriations should include
values in the “Affiliate” (BU) and Fund Affiliate” fields.
A-3 Accrue Reimbursements and Abatements
Sample of year-end Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File with system-generated
information, including affiliate and fund affiliate sections.
A-3 Accrue Reimbursements and Abatements
Accrue any over-collected reimbursement which will be refunded after June 30.
Record Over-Collected Reimbursements
Debit 4400000 Federal Government Receipts
Debit 48XXXXX Reimbursements*
Credit 201XXXX Due To Other Funds/Appropriations
Credit 2020000 Due Federal Government
Credit 2000100 Accrued Accounts Payable
*Journal lines posted to Account 201XXXX Due to Other Funds/Appropriations must include values in the
“Affiliate” (BU) and “Fund Affiliate” fields. This information will be system-generated on the year-end Report
No. 7, Subsidiaries on File. Adding the Affiliate and Fund Affiliate on both the debit and credit lines will be
helpful for research purposes.
A-4 Manually Reclassify AR Abatements and
Reimbursements for Reverted Appropriations
Receivable items for reverting appropriations must be reclassified to Account 1209900-AROther and offset by Account
1290000-Prov for Deferred Receivables.
Record the A-4 entry in period 12 before the AR Module is closed.
A-4 entries are not reversed in the new fiscal year.
For manual processing follow the instructions below:
The department will create a $0 Pending Item Group with two transactions within the group.
Transaction 1: Reverse the original AR open item using Credit AR process in the AR module:
Debit 48XXXXX Reimbursement
Debit 5XXXXXX Appropriated Expenditure (Abatement)
Credit 12XXXXX Accounts Receivable
Transaction 2: Create a second transaction in the group with positive amount:
Debit 1209900 Accounts Receivable Other
Credit 1290000 Provision for Deferred Receivables*
Through this process, Transaction 1 will have a $0 balance and hence be closed. However, Transaction 2 has the reclassified
accounts and will maintain the original Item ID for payment.
*Add the standardized Alternate Account 1209900998 to ensure that the Provision for Deferred Receivables does not exceed
the amount of the related accounts receivable recorded in the system. This will be system-generated on the year-end Report
7, Subsidiaries on File.
Note: Refer to the Updated Auto AR Reclass Phase III Job Tool located in the FI$Cal Service Now for the automated
reclassification processing instructions.
A-6 Record Receivables Due From SMIF and Condemnation
Deposits Fund for Interest Earnings
The A-6 entry records the receivables due from the Surplus Money Investment Fund (SMIF) and the
Condemnation Deposits Fund for interest earnings as of June 30.
Record interest earned as of June 30
Source document is SCO Notice of Transfer journal
Record the A-6 entry in period 998 within the GL module
A-6 entries are reversed in the new fiscal year
In the new year, the journal will be posted to FI$Cal through the SCO interface
To record SMIF Interest Due
Debit 1240000 Due from Other Funds
Credit 4163000 Investment Income Surplus Money Investment
Credit 4160000 Investment Income Condemnation Deposits Fund
*Journal lines posted to account 124XXXX Due from Other Funds/Appropriations must include values in the
“Affiliate” (BU) and Fund Affiliate” fields. The Fund Affiliate for Due From Surplus Money Investment Fund is
0681, and Due From Condemnation Deposits Fund is 0910. This information will be system-generated on the
year-end Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File. Adding the Affiliate and Fund Affiliate on both the debit and
credit lines will be helpful for research purposes.
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable
In FI$Cal, three accounting events accrue amounts for valid encumbrances and expenditure obligations:
1. Open purchase orders budget checked and dispatched as of June 30.
2. Vouchers entered and budget checked in the AP module (within the commitment control ledger)
through period 12, but not scheduled for payment before June 30.
3. Adjusting entry journal(s) in the GL module within the MODACCRL ledger in period 998 for any valid
obligations (goods or services) received/performed but not vouchered for payment by June 30.
The third accounting event is the A-8 accrual entry. The A-8 entry accrues expenditures for valid
encumbrances (commitments) and obligations for the fiscal year just ended. Departments will
analyze invoices at year-end and accrue any that are due as of June 30 but not yet paid.
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable (No Open Purchase Orders)
1. Record A-8 Expenditure Obligation Accrual
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable (Open Purchase Orders)
1. Record A-8 Expenditure Obligation Accrual
2. Record Encumbrance Reduction
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable
(No Open Purchase Orders)
The A-8 entry accrues actual and estimated expenditures as Accrued Accounts Payable or Due To for goods
and services received by June 30 but not scheduled for payment by June 30.
Record the A-8 entries in period 998 within the GL module.
A-8 entries are reversed in the new fiscal year.
Private Corporations, Exempt Corps, Individual/Sole Proprietor, Partnerships, Estate of Trust, or Employee
Debit 51XXXXX Personal Service (Payroll)
Debit 53XXXXX Operating Expense and Equipment
Credit 2000100 Accrued Accounts Payable
Other Funds/Appropriation CA State Departments including CSU and Trustees
Debit 53XXXXX Operating Expense and Equipment*
Credit 2010000 Due to Other Funds*
Credit 2011000 Due to Other Appropriations*
*Journal lines posted to Account 201XXXX Due to Other Funds/Appropriations must include values in the
“Affiliate” (BU) and “Fund Affiliate” fields. This information will be system-generated on the year-end Report No. 7,
Subsidiaries on File. Adding the Affiliate and Fund Affiliate on both the debit and credit lines will be helpful for
research purposes.
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable
(No Open Purchase Orders)
Other Governmental Entities
Debit 53XXXXX Operating Expense and Equipment
Credit 2020000 Due to Federal Government
Credit 2021000 Due to Local Governments (Local Government Agencies including Cities
and Counties)
Credit 2024000 Due to Other Governmental Entities (Other Governmental Agencies
including School Districts, Community Colleges, UC/Regents and other State
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable
(Open Purchase Orders)
The A-8 entry will debit an expenditure account and credit a current liability account. However, the encumbrance
reduction will debit the liability account and credit the expenditure account. Below are the two entries:
Record the A-8 entries in period 998 within the GL module.
Both A-8 expenditure accrual and encumbrance reduction journals are reversed in the new fiscal year.
1. A-8 Entry for Expenditure Obligation Accrual (Source ACC)
Debit 53XXXXX Operating Expense and Equipment*
Credit 2000100 Accrued Accounts Payable
Credit 201XXXX Due to Other Funds/Appropriations*
Credit 202XXXX Due to Other Governments
2. Encumbrance Reduction Entry (Source ECM)**
Credit 53XXXXX Operating Expense and Equipment
* Journal lines posted to Account 201XXXX Due to Other Funds/Appropriations must include values in the “Affiliate” (BU) and
“Fund Affiliatefields. This information will be system-generated on the year-end Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File. Adding the
Affiliate and Fund Affiliate on both the debit and credit lines will be helpful for research purposes.
** Use Source ECM to set up the encumbrance journal. (Using this source will assist with reconciliations.) The encumbrance
reduction entry must pass the budget check and decrease encumbrances in the commitment control. Departments are
responsible for reclassifying the AP to the appropriate Due To liability accounts by recording the Encumbrance Reclassification.
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable
(Open Purchase Orders)
Debit 53XXXXX Operating Expense and Equipment
Credit 20XXXXX Liabilities
Source ACC.
Journal Status and Budget Status will be Posted “P” and Valid V” respectively after this journal has
passed budget check, approved, and posted.
1. A-8 Entry for Expenditure Obligation Accrual
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable
(Open Purchase Orders)
2. Encumbrance Reduction Entry
The credit will be the opposite amount as the previous A-8 expenditure obligation accrual journal.
Credit 53XXXXX Operating Expense and Equipment (one sided entry)
Source ECM.
As Budgetary Legal Ledger is built, the system will determine the Debit account.
For the Commitment Control Type, select:Encumbrance”.
The A-8 Encumbrance reduction entries must be manually reversed in the new fiscal year.
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable
(Open Purchase Orders)
2. Encumbrance Reduction Entry
Use the same chartfields as the A-8 entry.
Journal Status and Budget Status remain as Valid “V” and Valid “V”.
Journal will not “Post.”
Note: The encumbrance reduction entry will not offset the A-8 account 53XXXXX chartfield lines because this
journal does not post to GL module. Departments are responsible for reclassifying the AP to the appropriate Due
To liability accounts by recording the Encumbrance Reclassification.
A8 Accrue Accounts Payable Reminders
Process vouchers and submit actual expenditures to SCO by the cutoff dates if possible. This reduces the
amount of A-8 entries for year-end.
Invoices paid by direct transfer after June 30 must be accrued in period 998. Review expenditures for prior
ENYs on the July SCO tab run.
For goods and services invoices, group and post accrual journal entries by like chartfield lines to reduce
the number of lines for the A-8 entry and encumbrance reduction entry.
Journal lines posted to Account 201XXXXX Due to Other Funds/Appropriations must have values in the
Fund Affiliate and Affiliate fields.
Encumbrance reduction adjustment and reversal entries should remain as Valid “V” Journal Status and
Valid “V” Budget Status.
Use Source ECM to set up the encumbrance reduction accrual. (Using this Journal Source will help with
Encumbrance reduction entries must be manually reversed in the new fiscal year. The auto-reversal
functionality is only for journals that are posted in FI$Cal.
Depending on the supplier type related to the POs, amounts posted in the encumbrance reduction
journals may need to be included in the Encumbrance Reclassification.
A-9 Accrue Revenue
The A-9 entry records revenue accruals. Year-End adjusting entries must be made for the
1. Revenue earned but not yet billed
Record in the GL module in period 998
2. Current year AR Revenue not expected to be collectible in the next fiscal year must be
Record in the GL module in period 998
3. Prior Year AR Revenue must be reclassified as deferred receivables
Record in the AR module in period 12
A-9 Accrue Revenue
1. Revenue earned but not yet billed will be accrued in period 998 within the GL module.
This A-9 entry is reversed in the new fiscal year.
Record Earned but not yet billed AR-Revenue
Debit 1200000 Accounts Receivable Revenue
Debit 124XXXX Due From Other Funds/Appropriation
Debit 126XXXX Due From Other Governments
Credit 41XXXXX Revenue
*Journal lines posted to Account 124XXXX Due From Other Funds/Appropriations must
include values in the “Affiliate” (BU) and “Fund Affiliate” fields. This information will be system-
generated on the year-end Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File. Adding the Affiliate and Fund
Affiliate on both the debit and credit lines will be helpful for research purposes.
A-9 Accrue Revenue
2. Any current enactment year billed revenue accounts receivable not expected to be
collectible in the next fiscal year should be deferred in period 998 within the GL module.
This A-9 entry is reversed in the new fiscal year.
Record current AR not expected to be collectible in new fiscal year.
Debit 41XXXXX Revenue
Credit 1290000 Provision for Deferred Receivables*
* The Alternate Account for GL 1290000 is the standardized statewide level COA values. Use the
appropriate alternate account from the below list of accounts to ensure that the Provision for
Deferred Receivables does not exceed the amount of the related accounts receivable
recorded in the system. This information will be system-generate on the year-end Report No. 7,
Subsidiaries on File report.
A-9 Record Revenue Accruals
3. All prior enactment year revenue accounts receivable must be reclassified as deferred receivable in
Account Receivable Module.
For manual processing, follow the instructions below.
This A-9 entry is not reversed in the new fiscal year.
Create a $0 Pending Item Group with two transactions in period 12 as follow:
Customer is a CA State Departments, CSU, Trustees, or Other Governments
A. Reverse original AR item using Credit AR process to:
Debit 41XXXXX Revenue
Credit 124XXXX Due From Other Funds/Appropriations
Credit 126XXXX Due From Other Governments
B. Create 2nd transaction with the positive amount to:
Debit 1209900 Accounts Receivable - Other
Credit 1290000 Provision for Deferred Receivables*
*Use the standardized Alternate Account 1209900998 to ensure that the Provision for Deferred Receivables
does not exceed the amount of the related accounts receivable recorded in the system. This will be
system-generated on the year-end Report 7, Subsidiaries on File.
Note: Refer to the Updated Auto AR Reclass Phase III Job Tool located in the FI$Cal Service Now for
reclassification processing instructions.
A-9 Record Revenue Accruals
Customer is a Corporation, Individual/Sole Proprietor, or Partnerships
A. Private Supplier reverse original AR item using Credit AR process to:
Debit 41XXXXX Revenue
Credit 1200000 Accounts Receivable - Revenue
B. Create 2nd transaction with positive amount to:
Debit 1200000 Accounts Receivable - Revenue
Credit 1290000 Provision for Deferred Receivables*
This A-9 entry is not reversed in the new fiscal year.
*Use the standardized Alternate Account 1200000998 to ensure that the Provision for Deferred Receivables
does not exceed the amount of the related accounts receivable recorded in the system. This will be
system-generated on the year-end Report 7, Subsidiaries on File.
Note: Refer to the Updated Auto AR Reclass Phase III Job Tool located in the FI$Cal Service Now for
reclassification processing instructions.
A-10 Adjustment for Dishonored Checks
All dishonored checks are established in FI$Cal by the department. The A-10 entry is required for dishonored checks
considered to be collectible during the next year. The A-10 entry removes the collectible dishonored checks from
Provision for Deferred Receivables (1290000) and reflects the amount in the appropriate account.
Record the A-10 entry in period 998 within the GL module.
This A-10 entry is reversed in the new fiscal year.
Debit 1290000 Provision for Deferred Receivables*
Credit 201XXXX Due to Other Funds/Appropriations**
Credit 205XXXX Revenue/Reimbursements Received in Advance
Credit 2090100 Uncleared Collections
Credit 41XXXXX Revenue
Credit 48XXXXX Reimbursements
Credit 51XXXXX Personal Services
Credit 53XXXXX Operating Expense and Equipment
Credit 5901000 Refunds to Reverted Appropriations
*Use the standardized Alternate Account 1200150998 (Provision Deferred A/R Dishonored Checks) to ensure that
the Provision for Deferred Receivables does not exceed the amount of the related accounts receivable recorded
in the system. This will be system-generated on the year-end Report 7, Subsidiaries on File.
**Journal lines posted to Account 201XXXX Due to Other Funds/Appropriations must include values in the
“Affiliate” (BU) and Fund Affiliate” fields. This information will be system-generated on the year-end Report No. 7,
Subsidiaries on File.
A-12 Establish Reserve for Deferred Accounts
The A-12 entry is required for AR for Abatements and Reimbursements considered not to be collectible
during the next fiscal year. A-12 entries reclassify the uncollectible AR for Abatements and Reimbursements
to reflect the amount in the Provision for Deferred Receivables (1290000).
Record the A-12 entry in period 998 within the GL module.
A-12 entries are reversed in the new fiscal year.
Debit 5XXXXXX Appropriated Expenditures
Credit 1290000 Provision for Deferred Receivables*
Debit 48XXXXX Reimbursements
Credit 1290000 Provision for Deferred Receivables*
* The Alternate Account for GL 1290000 is the standardized statewide level COA value. Use the
standardized alternate account 1200100998 (Abatement) or 1200050998 (Reimbursement) from the list of
accounts to ensure that the Provision for Deferred Receivables does not exceed the amount of the related
accounts receivable recorded in the system. This information will be system-generated on the year-end
Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File report.
Other Year-End
Adjusting Entries
Adjusting Entry:
Record Unremitted Deposits
The unremitted deposits are monies received and deposited in the bank before the State Treasurer's Office
(STO) daily cut-off date but are not remitted to STO before the SCO cut-off date. For example, deposit
accounting dates are in June, but deposit payment accounting dates (remittance accounting dates) are in
July or new fiscal year.
All deposit remittances that met SCO cut-off date must be
approved by SCO
interfaced to SCO before the year-end
Any deposit remittances that met the deadline, but not approved and interfaced by SCO as of June
30 will require the departments to change the accounting date to the new fiscal year.
Run DFQ_AR_20_UNREMIT_DEPOSIT_YEC query to confirm if there are any unremitted deposits for the
year-end accruals.
Adjusting Entry: Record Unremitted Deposits
If applicable, departments post a year-end accrual entry for unremitted deposits.
Record adjusting entry in period 998 within the GL module.
These entries are reversed in the new fiscal year.
Accrue Unremitted Deposits*
Debit 1101000 General Cash - CTS Accounts
Credit 2090110 Uncleared Collection State Fund
Credit 2050000 Unearned Revenue
Credit 2052000 Unearned Reimbursement
Credit 41XXXXX Revenue
Credit 48XXXXX Reimbursements
Credit 5XXXXXX Appropriation Expenditures
* Refer to Unapplied Receipts on the CTS Fund.
Accrue Unremitted Deposits AR Related
Debit 1101000 General Cash - CTS Accounts
Credit 12XXXXX Accounts Receivable
Adjusting Entries: Transfers and Loans
Per SAM, operating transfers are the amount transferred and/or received from other funds. Departments are to keep a separate
GL account showing the amount transferred and/or received from each fund. When applicable, the following additional year-end
adjusting entries should be posted.
Record accrual entry in period 998 within the GL module.
These entries are reversed in the new fiscal year.
Accrue Operating Transfers In*
Debit 1240000 Due from Other Funds
Credit 63X0000 Unappropriated Operating Transfers from Other Funds
Credit 6521000 Unappropriated Transfers from Other Funds
Accrue Operating Transfer Out*
Debit 62X0000 Appropriated Operating Transfers to Other Funds
Debit 6480000 Transfers to Other Funds
Debit 65110000 Unappropriated Transfers to Other Funds
Credit 2010000 Due to Other Funds
*Journal lines posted to Due To/Due From Other Funds/Appropriations and Transfer accounts must include values in the “Affiliate”
(BU) and “Fund Affiliate” fields. This information will be system-generated on the year-end Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File.
Adding the Affiliate and Fund Affiliate on both the debit and credit lines will be helpful for research purposes.
Expenditure Transfers*
Expenditure Transfers Contributing Fund
Debit 5438000 Loans, Transfers, and Other Disbursements
Credit 2010000 Due to Other Funds
Expenditure Transfer Receiving Fund "Less Funding
Provided By"
Debit 1240000 Due from Other Funds
Credit 5438000 Loans, Transfers, and Other
The Deposit Liabilities accounts provide a depository for monies collected in trust for specific
Departments holding money in trust will use the following accounts during the year:
5610120 Other Deductions
5620120 Other Trust and Agency Funds Addition
Departments will reclassify the balances incurred during the year in the above accounts to
2060000 Deposits-General or 2061000 Deposits-Projects as part of the year-end entries.
The reclassification journal is not reversed in the new fiscal year.
If accounts 5610120 and/or 5620120 appear on UCM Report 7, departments must reclassify to
account 206XXXX if money is held in trust or the appropriate nominal account.
Departments can utilize the Report No. 7 Pre-Closing Trial Balance (UCM version) to determine the accounts
and amounts to be reclassified to 2060000 or 2061000.
Sample of Report No. 7
Before reclassification
Record the reclassification entry in period 998, Ledger Group: DEPTADJ, Target Source: BL (for BLBAR and
BUDLEGAL) Source ACJ in the General Ledger module.
Sample of Trail Balance Report
After reclassification entries are posted
Sample of Report No. 7
After reclassification entries are posted
Period 998
Allocation Process
Period 998 Allocation Process
After all accruals and adjustments are posted in period 998, departments will run the
encumbrance and expenditure allocation process to distribute costs to the ultimate funds for
year-end reporting purposes.
Departments will review 998 configurations before running allocations. If changes
are required, submit a ticket to the FI$Cal Service Center (FSC). FSC will work with
the department to change the allocation configurations.
Do not run period 998 the encumbrance and expenditure allocation process until the
department has verified that all encumbrance and expenditure entries have been posted
and validated to the source data.
Department will run the encumbrance and expenditure allocation process using the period
998 allocation configuration setup by FI$Cal.
Preliminary Period 998
Reconciliations and Reports
Preliminary Period 998 Reconciliations
After the period 998 allocation process is complete, departments should prepare preliminary period 998
Reconciling items found during this process that are not SCO reconciling items must be corrected.
Any entries affecting account 5XXXXXX Appropriation Expenditures and clearing account (program
9999) must be manually allocated.
Allocation adjustments GL Journal Entry for manual allocations should utilize account 5XXXXXX
Appropriation Expenditures and 1110101 Intraunit Acc Acct-LD/PFA Aloc, with SCO Transaction Type
CARE and Source 11N.
Departments should order Report 6 to review all appropriations for overspent or inappropriate costs.
If an appropriation is overspent, adjustments must be made prior to report preparation. Review the
correctness of encumbrances, accruals, and expenditures.
Under no circumstances should the Accounting Office reverse accruals, expenditures, or encumbrances
that are legitimate costs of a program or category.
Preliminary Period 998 Reconciliations
and Reports
Similar to “Review Period 12 Reports” slide 26, review preliminary period 998 reports:
Statement of Revenue, Report No. 4
Final Budget Report, Report No. 6
Pre-Closing Trial Balance, Report No. 7
Statement of Changes in Capital Assets, Report No. 18
Subsidiaries on File, Report No. 7
Trial Balance Report
Review accruals and adjustments.
Reminders and Tips for the Preliminary
SCO/Agency Reconciliation Worksheet
Appropriation Accounts verify SCO and FI$Cal balances have no variance in all appropriation accounts
variance line at the bottom is zero.
GL Accounts verify all applicable GL accounts on Trial Balance Report are reconciled with the
transactions posted in Commitment Control (KK).
All “Pending Cash Transfer” lines must be $0 for period 998.
All departmental reconciling items must be resolved in period 998.
All adjustments to SCO accounts should be supported by transaction requests and reported on Report 3,
Adjustments to Controller's Accounts.
Clearing Account for all ENY “Expenditure” and “Encumbrance” balances should be $0.
Run and review financial reports prior to building Budgetary Legal Ledger (BLL) to check for abnormal
Plan of Financial Adjustment
Plan of Financial Adjustment Reclassification
At year-end an accrual reclassification entry is required to reflect all outstanding Plan of Financial
Adjustment (PFA) amounts from 1110101 Intraunit Accrual Account-LD PFA Allocation to the appropriate
accounts 124XXXX/201XXXX Due From/Due To Other Funds or Appropriations.
Record the PFA accrual reclassification entry in period 998 within the GL module.
All entries are reversed in the new fiscal year.
Source Document
Use the period 998 PFA Reconciliation Worksheet to determine the PFA reclassification entries.
For more information refer to eLearning “Record Year-End Plan of Financial Adjustment.
For PFA Interface and changes refer to JobAid FISCal.440 FI$Cal Plan of Financial Adjustment Functionality.
Plan of Financial Adjustment Reclassification
Account 1110110 Intraunit Pending PFA Accrual was created for the Year-End PFA accrual
Debit 1110110 Intraunit Pending PFA Accrual Account
Credit 2010000 Due to Other Funds*
Credit 2011000 Due to Other Appropriations*
Clearing Account
Debit 1240000 Due from Other Funds*
Debit 1240100 Due from Other Appropriations*
Credit 1110110 Intraunit Pending PFA Accrual Account
*Journal lines posted to Account 124XXXX Due from Other Funds/Appropriations and Account 201XXXX
Due to Other Funds/Appropriations must include values in the “Affiliate (BU) and “Fund Affiliate” fields. This
information will be system-generated on the year-end Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File. Adding the Affiliate
and Fund Affiliate on both the debit and credit lines will be helpful for research purposes.
Plan of Financial Adjustment Reclassification
Refer to MEC Training Session II for details on completing the PFA Reconciliation.
Use the period 998 PFA Reconciliation Worksheet
Plan of Financial Adjustment Reclassification
Plan of Financial Adjustment Reclassification
Budgetary Legal Ledger
Departmental Adjustment
Budgetary Legal Ledger is the source of financial information for Budgetary/Legal Year-End
Financial Reports.
Budgetary Legal Ledger Application (BLL App) engine extracts financial data from the
Modified Accrual Ledger and Departmental Adjustment Ledger and posts transactions
automatically into the BUDLEGAL ledger monthly, and at year-end after the accounting
period is closed. FSC validates all BLL and 998 journals are posted.
BLL contains cash basis, accrual transactions, and encumbrance transactions.
For more information on the above refer to Job Aid FISCal.257
What is the Budgetary Legal Ledger?
What is the Departmental Adjustment Ledger?
The Departmental Adjustment ledger (DEPTADJ) is used to post/extract capitalized asset and
depreciation, and encumbrance transactions. Departments will post the encumbrance liability
reclassification and reversal in this ledger.
When creating entries in the DEPTADJ ledger, the Target Ledger Code field is required. Each
letter in the Target Ledger Codes corresponds to a specific ledger. Depending on the Target
Ledger Code combination selected, the transaction data flows to the corresponding Target
Ledger Group(s). For the encumbrance liability reclassification journal use Target Ledger Code
“BL” to ensure that the transactions flow to the Budgetary/Legal Basis Annual Report (BLBAR)
and Budgetary Legal (BUDLEGAL) ledgers.
Refer to Job Aid FISCal.490 Department Adjustment Ledger Entries
Refer to Job Aid FISCal.258 Running the YEC Process for detailed steps:
Request period 998 Close (MODACCRL) Department
Close period 998 (MODACCRL) and validate BLL and 998 journals are posted FSC
Run allocation to allocate Account 2000300 to the appropriate liability accounts
Notify departments once the BLL is built and period 998 DEPTADJ is open FSC
Encumbrance reclassification from Accounts Payable to the appropriate Due To accounts
(DEPTADJ) Department
Refer to eLearning YE Encumbrance Liability Reclassification
Complete all final reconciliations (BUDLEGAL) Department
Provide FSC the encumbrance journal ID(s) and request to run the YEC process to have
Report No. 8, 9 and 20 available Department
Notify departments once the YEC process is complete FSC
Prepare Year-End Financial Reports (BUDLEGAL) Department
FSC and Department Responsibilities for
Period 998 and Budgetary Legal Ledger Process
Departments are responsible for reclassifying AP liabilities to the appropriate Due To liability
accounts for encumbrances and encumbrance journals.
Encumbrance Liability Reclassification entries are reversed in the new fiscal year.
Post journals to Ledger Group: DEPTADJ, Target Ledger Code: BL, Source ACC
Encumbrances in BLL include data from both:
1. Purchase orders recorded to the direct appropriation
2. Encumbrance Journals (for example, encumbrance journals from allocation, A-8
Encumbrance Reduction, and other encumbrance journals.)
For more information refer to eLearning “YE Encumbrance Liability Reclassification.”
1. Purchase orders recorded to the direct appropriation
The BLL App engine copies the encumbrance accounting entries from the DEPTADJ ledger
and posts them in the BUDLEGAL ledger with the applicable offsetting liability accounts for
the AP, Due to Local Governments, Due to Federal Governments, Due to Other
Governments. However, if the supplier is an Inter-Unit Supplier (State Departments),
Account 2000000 Accounts Payable is used as the offsetting liability account.
Post journals to Ledger Group: DEPTADJ, Target Ledger Code: BL, Source ACC
Record encumbrance liability reclassification for State Departments
Debit 2000100 Accrued Accounts Payable
Credit 2010000 Due to Other Funds*
Credit 2011000 Due to Other Appropriations*
*Journal lines posted to Account 201XXXX Due to Other Funds/Appropriations must include
values in the “Affiliate(BU) and “Fund Affiliate” (Fund) fields. This information will be system-
generated on the year-end Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File.
Create a pivot table
Filter by Supplier Type: 03 (CA State Departments including CSU and Trustees)
Complete Supplier Affiliate (BU Affiliate) using the Supplier ID
Complete the Fund Affiliate
Post accrual journal in Ledger Group: DEPTADJ, Target Ledger Code: BL, Source ACC
1. Purchase orders recorded to the direct appropriation
2. Encumbrance Journals
The BLL App engine copies the encumbrance accounting entries from the DEPTADJ
ledger and posts them in the BUDLEGAL ledger for the allocated encumbrances as
Account 2000000 Accounts Payable. Departments are responsible for reclassifying
Account 2000000 to the appropriate Due to Other Funds/Appropriations, Due to Local
Governments, Due to Federal Governments, or Due to Other Governments.
Post journals to Ledger Group: DEPTADJ, Target Ledger Code: BL, Source ACC.
Record encumbrance liability reclassification for all governmental
Debit 2000100 Accrued Accounts Payable
Credit 2010000 Due to Other Funds*
Credit 2011000 Due to Other Appropriations*
Credit 2020000 Due to Federal Government
Credit 2021000 Due to Local Government
Credit 2024000 Due to Other Governmental Entities
*Journal lines posted to Account 201XXXX Due to Other Funds/Appropriations must include
values in the “Affiliate(BU) and “Fund Affiliate” (Fund) fields. This information will be system-
generated on the year-end Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File.
Final Reconciliations
Online MEC Status
Final Reconciliations
Complete all final BUDLEGAL reconciliations prior to completing Year-End Financial Reports
Bank Reconciliation (See MEC Session I)
Revolving Fund Reconciliation (See MEC Session I)
Cash in State Treasury Account Reconciliation (See MEC Session I)
o Non-shared funds Report No. 7 and 8 may display GL 1140 and the COA Account 65.
GL 1140 is the cash balance from 7/1/2020 to the present.
Account 65 is the cash balance from inception to 6/30/2020.
o Shared funds Report No. 7 will display GL 1140 for the cash balance.
SCO/Agency Fund Reconciliation (See MEC Session II)
Deposit in Surplus Money Investment Fund Reconciliation
Other reconciliations each department is responsible for completing any reconciliation
necessary to safeguard the state’s assets and ensure reliable financial data
Final Reconciliations
Final BUDLEGAL SCO/Agency Fund Reconciliation Department
No variance exists between the adjusted SCO Appropriation Balance and the Department’s
Adjusted Appropriation Balance
No variance exists in the GL variance balance column
All departmental reconciling items must be resolved
All Pending Cash Transfer” accounts must be $0 in period 998
NEW: Account 2000300 must be $0 - The Milestone 5 Encumbrance Extract Process reclassified
Account 2000300 balance to the appropriate AP liability based on the DEPTADJ ledger balance
All ENYs Clearing Account balances must be zero
All adjustments to SCO accounts should be supported by transaction requests and reported on
Report No. 3, Adjustments to Controller’s Accounts
NEW: No COA values appear on the UCM Report No. 7 (except Account 65 for non-shared funds)
Update Online MEC Status
Online Month-End Closing (MEC) Reporting Tool (Job Aid FISCal.335) provides
departments with the steps on how to report MEC activities online in FI$Cal.
Update the reconciliation status for each fund.
When all tasks are reported as “Completed,” the MEC Dashboard will report 100%
completed for the accounting period.
FI$Cal will produce project status reports based on MEC status. Therefore, departments
must ensure accurate and timely updates after the completion of related MEC activities.
Update Online MEC Status
Year-End Financial Reports
Due Dates:
8/31/2023 – All Funds
Year-End Financial Reporting Requirements BL 23-02
Review SCO’s “Checklist of Funds Required” to verify what funds SCO requires the
Department to submit financial reports for.
All departments using FI$Cal must submit FI$Cal system-generated financial reports to SCO.
List of Required Year-End Financial Reports
SAM Section 7951
Tips for Year-End Financial Reports
Use Legacy UCM accounts
Translate COA accounts to UCM accounts using the crosswalk,COA Crosswalk Details
from FI$Cal to UCM” is available on the Finance website:
Complete the SCO’s Checklist it is not required to submit the checklist with the Year-End
Financial Reports
Ensure Report Title, BU, and Fund information is correct
Abnormal balances should have an asterisk(*) next to the balance and footnote the
Subsidiaries on File is now Report No. 7, Subsidiaries on File
Due To/From Supplemental Report is no longer required to be submitted to SCO
Copy of Report No. 14 is no longer required to be submitted to SCO
The consistent and timely execution of
Month-End Close processes enables
departments to complete Year-End tasks
promptly to meet Year-End Close deadlines.
Importance of Meeting Deadlines
Month-End Close (MEC) deadlines ensure departments can meet Year-End Close (YEC) reporting
deadlines. Deadlines are established to help ensure the state can accomplish its statewide
statutory responsibilities. Meeting the deadlines will have the following benefits:
State Controller’s Office will have final data to publish in their annual reports.
Finance will have final prior year data to build the budget and meet the deadlines for the
Governor’s Budget.
Finance will have the information necessary to meet statewide Single Audit Act reporting
The state will have the information necessary to meet bond disclosure requirements.
Departments will have an easier transition to timely monthly closing.
Departments can move forward with working on current year closing activities.
Importance of Meeting Deadlines
Delay in providing accurate and timely financial information may:
Impede timely preparation and presentation of the Governor’s Budget to the Legislature.
Create distortion in budget details resulting from inaccurate or absence of required data, or
use of estimates.
Delay in preparation and publication of the Budgetary-Legal Basis Annual Report
Government Code (GC) Section 12460.
Lead to cuts to programs/inability to fund key programs.
Create distrust and loss of public confidence:
Negative press perspective
Voters may reject subsequent ballot measures Delays
Importance of Meeting Deadlines
Delay in providing accurate and timely financial information:
Non-compliance with regulatory requirements:
Single Audit (Part 200 of Code of Federal Regulation)
Withhold federal funds
Suspension of grant agreement
Termination of federal award
Non-compliance with law:
Implication for State Leadership and Oversight GC 8546.1(e)
SCO will report delinquent departments to the Legislature.
Departments will be required to testify on correcting this deficiency.
Importance of Meeting Deadlines
Delay in providing accurate and timely financial information:
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 240.15c2-12:
Violation of Bond Contract has legal implication
Trigger “Failure to File Notice”
If not cured promptly, must disclose again
Must disclose non-compliance for 5 years
Reputational damage:
Withdrawal/downgrade of credit rating
High borrowing cost
May result in the suspension of current rating
Non-Issuance of Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) certificate of
Less attractive to investors
Tips for Successful Year-End Close
SAM Requirement, see Chapter 7900 Reconciliation and Reports.
Departments must create and implement a work plan to ensure the timely close of
accounting periods and submission of Year-End Financial Reports.*
Departments can utilize an example of the MEC plan found in Job Aid FISCal.009 Run the
Month-End Process.
Departments must track and update MEC Status using Job Aid FISCal.335 The Online Month-
End Close MEC Reporting Tool.
Utilize MEC Automation Process by requesting required role, Job Aid FISCal.431 MEC
Automation Process.
Timely posting and approval of daily transactions are extremely important to the Month-End
Close and Year-End process.
Run Labor, Cost Allocation, and Asset Depreciation timely every month.
Perform and complete Plan of Financial Adjustments and all reconciliations monthly.
Clear reconciling items in the following period.
*Note: Work plans and reconciliations may be subject to review by the Department of Finance,
the State Controllers Office, and the California State Auditor.
Year-End Support
Contact the FSCU Hotline for accounting policy
FI$Cal Service Center for tickets
Note MEC” for period 12 issues or “YEC” for period 998 issues in the subject line
FI$Cal Month-End Close/Year-End Close Team
New Year Reminders
New Year Reminders
Review the Final Budget Report to ensure the beginning balances are correct.
Review the Trial Balance to ensure the beginning balances are correct.
Review and follow applicable instructions in Job Aid FISCal.255 Establishing New Year
Labor Distribution Configuration Tables.
Ensure configurations for the new year are correctly established (after completing labor
for period 12 and prior to running labor for period 1).
Determine if the CY will need to be treated differently than the PY.
To amend or rescind any current primary or special appropriations, submit a proposed
PFA letter to Finance, FSCU
To correct or update the PFA Tree configuration only (previously approved PFA Letter
remains the same), submit a Tree update request to the email above.
Validate and update statistic journals for the new FY or ENY.
Validate the need for new cost pools.
Review applicable instructions to update Allocations in Job Aid FISCal.008 Maintaining
Contact the FSCU Hotline
FSCU Hotline Phone: (916) 324-0385