Professional Learning Action Plan
Instructional Goal(s): Developed to set goals for students on MAP at the elementary/middle levels and CCRCCA at the high school level.
Implementation Team: List the names of individuals who will collaborate to support the implementation of the plan.
Classroom Teachers
Christie Anderson, Alicia Batts, Lenyta Kimbro, Laurie McCarty, Meredith Scott, Margie Bird,
Vonzella Brisbane, Yenica Gutierrez, Sarah Martinez, Toia Stephens, Kevin Eaton, Megan Mason,
Michele Poole, Kirsten White, Matt Levy, Stacey Lynch, MaryRuth McGinn, Melinda Nwoye,
Gianna Fogelbach, Latechia Mitchell, Tim Racosky, Erica Stephenson, Vanessa Davis, Dave
Harris, Vivian Malloy-Taylor, Margie Snipes, Pat Bush, Matt Shuman, Barry Duvall, Kyle Neely,
Megan Warner, Katherine Ewins
ESOL Teachers
Sue Bomzer Alterman, Leslie Dent, Andrea Schawaroch, David Pelzer,
Special Education Teachers
Katie Craine, Lori Boukal-King, Ashley Evans, Faith Antizzo, Pam Taylor, Nakeia Vines, Tamara
Bossler, Robert Woodside
Other Professionals
Cindy Dimmick, Barbara Reynolds, Rochelle Johnson, Maurice Ochoa
*Can be completed for schoolwide or grade level band instructional goals. Incorporate professional learning that would support the identified content for
the marking period. This structure helps to show the progression of instruction and planning with the end in mind.
Action Step Description
(What is the main focus of each area?)
(Data points, date, when)
All Non-FARMS Black or African American,
Non-FARMS Hispanic/Latino, FARMS Black
or African American, FARMS
Hispanic/Latino or MU students, scoring in
the below grade level range, will increase
their reading level on the Map-RF or Map-R
within 5 RIT points of the grade level
Map-RF and Map-R Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Literacy Assessment
November Staff Meeting
Staff worked collaboratively in
grade level teams to refine and
build upon their grade level
project. Specific curricular
content in writing and reading
was planned for within the
specific RIT score by spring administration.
All other Farms and Non-Farms Learners,
scoring in the below grade level range, will
increase their reading level on the Map-RF
or Map-R within 5 RIT points of the grade
level specific RIT score by spring
In grade level team meetings,
staff examined MapR & MapRF
data to determine next steps &
interventions that were needed
to support individual students.
All Non-FARMS Black or African American,
Non-FARMS Hispanic/Latino, FARMS Black
or African American, FARMS
Hispanic/Latino or MU students, scoring in
the below grade level range, will increase
their score on the Map-P or Map-M, within
5 RIT points of the grade level specific RIT
score by spring administration.
All Farms and Non-Farms learners, scoring
in the below grade level range, will increase
their score on the Map-P or Map-M within
5 RIT points of the grade level specific RIT
score by spring administration.
Grade K growth: 28 points
Grade 1 growth: 27 points
Grade 2 growth: 22 points
Grade 3 growth: 19 points
Grade 4 growth: 18 points
Grade 5 growth: 15 points
Map-P and Map-M Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Math Assessment
Classroom Formative
(Continuation of “Data”-see
Teams worked collaboratively to
develop, administer & group
score math formatives.
Resources were gathered &
recorded on the Grade Level
Team planning sheets to plan for
learning to support students
struggling with context and
extend those with an already
solid understanding.
In weekly team meetings,
teachers regularly focus on a
recent concept in math, looking
closely at those students that are
struggling along with those
students that are ready for the
additional rigor.
Team planning document is
used for recording instructional
strategies. Teachers and support
staff add additional approaches
and resources before and after
the meeting so that discussions
can be more productive during
the grade level planning time.
Use Map-RF, Map-R and Map-M growth
charts to analyze students’ strengths and
Examine Map-P and Map-M growth charts
to analyze students’ strengths and needs
Completing the data analysis protocol and
use findings to plan for instruction
Explicitly teach students how to express
themselves and their learning using
appropriate grade level skills as outlined in
C2.0 through authentic projects and small
group direct instruction
Create low floor/high ceiling activities that
provide students opportunities to explore
and visualize mathematical concepts
specific to the Number and Operations
strand for each specific grade level
Monthly Instructional Rounds or
Peer Visits
Classroom observations during
small group instruction
Map-RF and Map-R Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Literacy Assessment
Map-P and Map-M Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Math Assessment
Classroom Formative
Teachers used Map Data, writing
samples & formative math
assessments to discuss student
strengths and weaknesses.
Teams worked collaboratively to
develop, administer & group
score math formatives.
Resources were gathered &
recorded on the Grade Level
Team planning sheets to plan for
learning to support students
struggling with context and
extend those with an already
solid understanding.
Staff developed SLO’s listing
students that require additional
supports to grow academically.
Grade level teams chose to focus
on a math goal for the school
that reflects this same goal as
outlined in Stedwick’s SIP Plan.
Outside Audience
Allow students to present final projects to
other classes, parents or community
members to support authenticity of the
Student Directed
Research and implementation of
grade level researched based
prompts (both learning and
development of a growth
Peer visits along with
October 7th Staff Meeting
Increase skill set for working and
providing supports to students
that have suffered from trauma.
Staff learned about strategies to
support students that have
suffered from any type of
Projects will reflect use of C2.0, yet will
involve student interests as the specificity
of the project is developed and
Real Life Purpose
All projects will align with a real life
purpose allowing students to see the
relevance in skill and concept development.
Critical thinking
Students will be asked to explain,
synthesize, analyze and apply learned skills
to pieces within the project.
Social Emotional Learning
Provide opportunities for students to
develop skills that strengthen students’
self-perception as a learner
Allow for learning experiences that build a
culture of community that supports
student growth
Create opportunities for students to
express their thinking in both verbal and
written communication format.
Examine practices for matching
interventions to student needs
Instructional Rounds looking at
skill integration with project
based learning practices
trauma. Trauma and it’s
educational impacts were
defined. Staff was taken through
a role modeled scenario and
then given an opportunity to
experience what a Mindful
Moment looks like. Teachers
committed to trying this
approach out in their classrooms
within the next several weeks.
Teachers worked in collaborative
groups planning for ways to
strengthen classroom climate,
build in experiences to prevent
outbursts & support academic
and social/emotional learning.
Culture and Climate
Opportunities for teams to work in vertical
articulation teams to support growth and
ideas with the implementation of Project
Based Learning implementation, authentic
and UDL instructional approaches to
Continued development of collaborative
grade level team meetings to support
professional and student growth
Designated times to discuss and
review instructional strategies
and highly effective practices
Monitoring of Weekly Planning
Meetings by Staff Development
Teacher, Reading Specialist
along with feedback from grade
level teams
Reflection on collaborative
practices involving co-teaching
Review of weekly team meeting
planning agendas and notes
August Staff Meeting
“Setting Up for a Successful Year”
Staff was presented with an
update on expectations of the
Structures & Procedures that
would be put into place to
ensure a good year & set the
foundation for collaborative
Six components of Authentic
Learning were shared.
Provided review of organization
for Back-to-School Night &
Student Led Conference
communication with students
and their families.
Collaboratively worked in grade
level teams to share best
practices, organizational set-up
tips and ways to communicate
student learning with parents.
(September 9th Staff Meeting)
November Staff Meeting
Staff worked collaboratively
along with co-teachers, ESOL &
special educational staff to
develop grade level projects.
Special attention was taken in
regards to building in student
voice, social/emotional learning,
and the use of multi-cultural
resources within the project as it
correlates with C2.0 standards
and objectives.
Action Step Description
(What is the main focus of each area?)
(Data points, date, when)
All Non-FARMS Black or African American,
Non-FARMS Hispanic/Latino, FARMS Black
or African American, FARMS
Hispanic/Latino or MU students, scoring in
the below grade level range, will increase
their reading level on the Map-RF or Map-R
within 5 RIT points of the grade level
specific RIT score by spring administration.
All other Farms and Non-Farms Learners,
scoring in the below grade level range, will
increase their reading level on the Map-RF
or Map-R within 5 RIT points of the grade
level specific RIT score by spring
District C2.0 Literacy Assessment
All Non-FARMS Black or African American,
Non-FARMS Hispanic/Latino, FARMS Black
or African American, FARMS
Hispanic/Latino or MU students, scoring in
the below grade level range, will increase
their score on the Map-P or Map-M, within
5 RIT points of the grade level specific RIT
score by spring administration.
All Farms and Non-Farms learners, scoring
in the below grade level range, will increase
their score on the Map-P or Map-M within
5 RIT points of the grade level specific RIT
District C2.0 Math Assessment
Classroom Formative
score by spring administration.
Grade K growth: 28 points
Grade 1 growth: 27 points
Grade 2 growth: 22 points
Grade 3 growth: 19 points
Grade 4 growth: 18 points
Grade 5 growth: 15 points
Examine grade level district and classroom
formative assessments to determine
student understanding of skills
Completing the data analysis protocol and
use findings to plan for instruction
Explicitly teach students how to express
themselves and their learning using
appropriate grade level skills as outlined in
C2.0 through authentic projects and small
group direct instruction
Establish criteria to evaluate student
proficiency with answering text-dependent
Create low floor/high ceiling activities that
provide students opportunities to explore
and visualize mathematical concepts
specific to the Number and Operations
strand for each specific grade level
Monthly Instructional Rounds or
Peer Visits
Classroom observations during
small group instruction
District C2.0 Literacy Assessment
Oral Reading Records (K-2)
District C2.0 Math Assessment
Classroom Formative
Create opportunities for students to
express their thinking in both verbal and
written communication format.
Research and implementation of
grade level researched based
prompts (both learning and
development of a growth
Our project based approach to
learning along with STEM
practices within science allow for
all students to routinely engage
Create visual mind maps to link curriculum
and learning
Research and create prompts that
facilitate a growth mindset
Develop authentic projects that weave both
C2.0 skills and content along with culturally
responsive topics and materials that allow
students to demonstrate their learning
Examine practices for matching
interventions to student needs
Peer visits along with
Instructional Rounds looking at
skill integration with project
based learning practices
in sensemaking talk to support
their learning.
The lower stress of peer-to-peer
conversation supports linguistic
risk-taking and this makes it
especially fruitful for students
who are struggling or language
Culture and Climate
Opportunities for teams to work in vertical
articulation teams to support growth and
ideas with the implementation of Project
Based Learning implementation and UDL
instructional approaches to learning
Continued development of collaborative
grade level team meetings to support
professional and student growth
Designated times to discuss and
review instructional strategies
and highly effective practices
Monitoring of Weekly Planning
Meetings by Staff Development
Teacher, Reading Specialist
along with feedback from grade
level teams
Reflection on collaborative
practices involving co-teaching
Review of weekly team meeting
planning agendas and notes
November 4th Staff Meeting:
Staff collaboratively planned a
grade level project reflecting
student interests along with the
C2.0 curriculum.
The ability for our children to
use voice in the surrounding
project provides opportunities to
build classroom climate, student
self-perception and celebrate
each of our students within the
Looking at our school climate &
culture, teachers will embark on
Instructional Rounds throughout
November and December. The
focus is to look for evidence of
the 6 characteristics of project
based learning within everyday
classroom lessons.
Action Step Description
(What is the main focus of each area?)
(Data points, date, when)
All Non-FARMS Black or African American,
Non-FARMS Hispanic/Latino, FARMS Black
or African American, FARMS
Hispanic/Latino or MU students, scoring in
the below grade level range, will increase
their reading level on the Map-RF or Map-R
within 5 RIT points of the grade level
specific RIT score by spring administration.
All other Farms and Non-Farms Learners,
scoring in the below grade level range, will
increase their reading level on the Map-RF
or Map-R within 5 RIT points of the grade
level specific RIT score by spring
Map-RF and Map-R Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Literacy Assessment
All Non-FARMS Black or African American,
Non-FARMS Hispanic/Latino, FARMS Black
or African American, FARMS
Hispanic/Latino or MU students, scoring in
the below grade level range, will increase
their score on the Map-P or Map-M, within
5 RIT points of the grade level specific RIT
score by spring administration.
All Farms and Non-Farms learners, scoring
in the below grade level range, will increase
their score on the Map-P or Map-M within
5 RIT points of the grade level specific RIT
score by spring administration.
Map-P and Map-M Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Math Assessment
Classroom Formative
Grade K growth: 28 points
Grade 1 growth: 27 points
Grade 2 growth: 22 points
Grade 3 growth: 19 points
Grade 4 growth: 18 points
Grade 5 growth: 15 points
Examine grade level district and classroom
formative assessments to determine
student understanding of skills
Completing the data analysis protocol and
use findings to plan for instruction
Explicitly teach students how to express
themselves and their learning using
appropriate grade level skills as outlined in
C2.0 through authentic projects and small
group direct instruction
Explicitly teach students how to express
their learning & use of content skills using
appropriate grade level skills as outlined in
C2.0 through authentic projects
Create low floor/high ceiling activities that
provide students opportunities to explore
and visualize mathematical concepts
specific to the Number and Operations
strand for each specific grade level
Monthly Instructional Rounds or
Peer Visits
Classroom observations during
small group instruction
Oral Reading Records (K-2)
Map-RF and Map-R Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Literacy Assessment
Map-P and Map-M Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Math Assessment
Classroom Formative
Create opportunities for students to
express their thinking in both verbal and
written communication format.
Create visual mind maps to link curriculum
Research and implementation of
grade level researched based
prompts (both learning and
development of a growth
and learning
Research and create prompts that
facilitate a growth mindset yet continue to
push growth in students’ learning
Develop authentic projects that weave both
C2.0 skills and content along with culturally
responsive topics and materials that allow
students to demonstrate their learning
Examine practices for matching
interventions to student needs
Peer visits along with
Instructional Rounds looking at
skill integration with project
based learning practices
Culture and Climate
Opportunities for teams to work in vertical
articulation teams to support growth and
ideas with the implementation of Project
Based Learning implementation and UDL
instructional approaches to learning
Continued development of collaborative
grade level team meetings to support
professional and student growth
Designated times to discuss and
review instructional strategies
and highly effective practices
Monitoring of Weekly Planning
Meetings by Staff Development
Teacher, Reading Specialist
along with feedback from grade
level teams
Reflection on collaborative
practices involving co-teaching
Review of weekly team meeting
planning agendas and notes
Action Step Description
(What is the main focus of each area?)
(Data points, date, when)
All Non-FARMS Black or African American,
Non-FARMS Hispanic/Latino, FARMS Black
or African American, FARMS
Hispanic/Latino or MU students, scoring in
the below grade level range, will increase
their reading level on the Map-RF or Map-R
within 5 RIT points of the grade level
specific RIT score by spring administration.
All other Farms and Non-Farms Learners,
scoring in the below grade level range, will
increase their reading level on the Map-RF
or Map-R within 5 RIT points of the grade
level specific RIT score by spring
Map-RF and Map-R Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Literacy Assessment
All Non-FARMS Black or African American,
Non-FARMS Hispanic/Latino, FARMS Black
or African American, FARMS
Hispanic/Latino or MU students, scoring in
the below grade level range, will increase
their score on the Map-P or Map-M, within
5 RIT points of the grade level specific RIT
score by spring administration.
All Farms and Non-Farms learners, scoring
in the below grade level range, will increase
their score on the Map-P or Map-M within
5 RIT points of the grade level specific RIT
score by spring administration.
Grade K growth: 28 points
Grade 1 growth: 27 points
Grade 2 growth: 22 points
Grade 3 growth: 19 points
Grade 4 growth: 18 points
Grade 5 growth: 15 points
Map-P and Map-M Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Math Assessment
Classroom Formative
Use Map-RF, Map-R and Map-M growth
charts to analyze students’ strengths and
Examine Map-P and Map-M growth charts
to analyze students’ strengths and needs
Completing the data analysis protocol and
use findings to plan for instruction
Explicitly teach students how to express
themselves and their learning using
appropriate grade level skills as outlined in
C2.0 through authentic projects and small
group direct instruction
Establish criteria to evaluate student
proficiency with answering text-dependent
Explicitly teach students how to express
their learning & use of content skills using
appropriate grade level skills as outlined in
C2.0 through authentic projects
Create low floor/high ceiling activities that
provide students opportunities to explore
and visualize mathematical concepts
specific to the Number and Operations
strand for each specific grade level
Monthly Instructional Rounds or
Peer Visits
Classroom observations during
small group instruction
Oral Reading Records (K-2)
Map-RF and Map-R Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Literacy Assessment
Map-P and Map-M Growth
scores (MP1, MP3, MP4)
District C2.0 Math Assessment
Classroom Formative
Create opportunities for students to
express their thinking in both verbal and
written communication format.
Research and implementation of
grade level researched based
prompts (both learning and
development of a growth
Create visual mind maps to link curriculum
and learning
Research and create prompts that
facilitate a growth mindset yet continue to
push growth in students’ learning
Develop authentic projects that weave both
C2.0 skills and content along with culturally
responsive topics and materials that allow
students to demonstrate their learning
Examine practices for matching
interventions to student needs
Peer visits along with
Instructional Rounds looking at
skill integration with project
based learning practices
Culture and Climate
Opportunities for teams to work in vertical
articulation teams to support growth and
ideas with the implementation of Project
Based Learning implementation and UDL
instructional approaches to learning
Continued development of collaborative
grade level team meetings to support
professional and student growth
Designated times to discuss and
review instructional strategies
and highly effective practices
Monitoring of Weekly Planning
Meetings by Staff Development
Teacher, Reading Specialist
along with feedback from grade
level teams
Reflection on collaborative
practices involving co-teaching
Review of weekly team meeting
planning agendas and notes