SIS Webinar
Miscellaneous Billings
Best Practices
Bruno Roussel; Senior Manager, Airline Partner Payment Services Community; IATA
Azadeh Kordestani; Manager Operations and Onboarding, Industry E-Invoicing; IATA
Featured Presenters:
Rob Huijsman ; Director KLM Accounting Services & SIS SG Chair; KLM
Monika Kolos-Lembas; Senior Process Architect; Lufthansa
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
Robert Huijsman
Director KLM Accounting Services
SIS Steering Group Chairman
Benefit of ‘Location ID’ for routing the invoices to a selected destination
Recommended way to declare TAX and VAT in SIS Miscellaneous invoices
Benefit of ‘Payment status update’ For both Billing and Billed members
Dispute Management in SIS
Importance of data quality for receiving party
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
Benefit of ‘Location ID’ for routing the
invoices to a selected destination
Main usage of Location ID
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Some members have decentralized their operations.
Facilitate Process of Segregated Operations
Facilitate Process of Centralized Systems
Some members have different geographically locations in different
countries or cities.
Facilitate Process of Geographically separated locations
Some members have their different invoice nature
processed by different systems.
Location Specific Output Files Member Profile Setup
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Default Location for MISC Payables Original Invoices/Credit Note
(billed party overriding)
Billed Member’s
Location ID
Billed Member’s
Location ID set up
Current System Behavior
Not Provided
Country defaulted
SIS assumes Billed Member’s Location ID as “the local one”
SIS populates the Reference Data of the Location “Local one”
Not Provided
Supplier defaulted
SIS assumes Billed Member’s Location ID as defined in the
member profile
SIS populates the reference data from the chosen location ID
Billed Members can direct the received MISC Original Invoice/Credit Note to a default ‘Location ID’
New !
Default Location for MISC Payables Original Invoices/Credit Note
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
Monika Kolos- Lembas
Senior Process Architect, Lufthansa
An Airline view
This do not require the supplier to provide location ID
Require super user to do the set up in SIS
Mitigate the risk of duplicate invoice processing to
central and local company Code
Automatic invoice process allocation
Prerequisite for next automation possibilities for
posting process
Poll Question # 1
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
How can you route an invoice to the specific Location ID?
By creating a Location ID and ask the supplier to
provide it in the invoice
By creating and assigning it as a country default
Location ID in the ‘Member Profile’
By creating and assigning it a specific supplier default
location ID in the ‘Member Profile’
All of the above options
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
Recommended way to declare TAX and
VAT in SIS Miscellaneous invoices
Report on invoice TAX and VAT at header or line item only
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Information should be provided at the header level as the full invoice follow the same tax treatment
VAT or TAX applicable to the full invoice
VAT or TAX differ per invoice line
VAT or TAX should be reported to the level applicable
Information should be provided to the line item corresponding
Follow this process this reduce rounding issues, and this is also applicable for discount !
Poll Question # 2
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
What is the recommended level to report TAX and VAT
in an invoice?
Invoice Header Level
Invoice Header or Line Item Level
Line Item or Line Item Detail Level
Only Line Item Detail Level
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
Benefit of ‘Payment status update’ For
both Billing and Billed members
Payment status updatetargeted issues
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Lack of visibility of where an invoice is in the billed member’s workflow and its
current status (e.g. was the invoice approved by the finance department, was
the invoice amount disputed, etc.)
It is not always clear which invoice(s) are being paid with a received transfer.
Tracking of invoice payments is not simple and this complexity increases
with the a larger number of customers and invoices.
Payment received was less than the invoice amount as bank fees are
deducted at the time of the bank transfer. This results in a partial payment
being applied.
Unknown Invoice
Processing Status
Unclear Payment Amount
Payments Reconciliation
Bank Transfer Fee
Payment status updatebenefits
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
It reduces or avoids interactions between billing
and billed parties (query on invoice reception,
status, payment reconciliation)
Reduce Interactions
Reconciliation of payment is facilitated,
speeds up the processes and increase
Facilitate Payments Reconciliation
It provides a huge benefit for suppliers to get
visibility in one place of all invoice processing
(validation and payment) during airlines review
Increase Transparency
If a supplier updates the status, an airline
can see whether the invoice is already paid
or overdue, Airline and supplier collaborate
in sharing this information systematically
Update Invoice Status
Payment status updateFeature
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Who can
How to update
Are there any
Are there any
Payment status update - Member Profile Setup
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Payment Overdue Auto Reminders
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
The Billing Member can setup auto
reminders to be sent by the system to
the Billed Member for overdue invoices.
The email alert is sent daily to the email address assigned
as the new ‘MISC - Bilateral Payment Overdue’ contact in
the Member Profile of the Billed Member.
If a contact is not defined, then SIS sends
the email alert to all active Super Users of
the Billed Member.
MISC Bilateral Payment Overdue contact Member Profile Setup
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Payment Overdue Auto Reminders Member Profile Setup
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
List of Payment Status as per Billing and Billed Member
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Billing Member
Under Review
Under Review
Sent for Payment
Partially Paid as per Terms
Partially Paid
Billed Member
Paid in Full
Paid as per Dispute
Credit Applied
Erroneous Invoice Do not Pay
Partial Payment Accepted
Full Payment Received
Overdue Payment
Status Correction Payment Not Received
Dispute Under Review
Dispute Accepted
Dispute Rejected
Partial Payment Accepted as per Dispute
Partial Payment Disputed
Partial Payment Outstanding
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
An Airline view
Reduce queries from suppliers with payment reminder
Transparency and cooperation over invoice lifecycle
Design for system integration
Monika Kolos- Lembas
Senior Process Architect, Lufthansa
Poll Question # 3
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
‘MISC - Bilateral Payment Overdue’ contact of the
Billed Member
‘MISC - Bilateral Payment Overdue’ contact of the
Billing Member
‘MISC – Payables Payment Status Updates’ contact
‘MISC – Receivable Payment Status Updates’ contact
SIS will sent a past due notice email for a MISC Bilateral
invoice to … ?
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
Dispute Management in SIS
Main usage of SIS Dispute Management for MISC Bilateral Invoices
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
It simplifies and speeds up the process of
resolving a dispute between billing and billed
Facilitate Dispute Resolution
Reconciliation of disputed amount after
reaching to an agreement on dispute is done
faster and more efficient.
Facilitate Reconciliation of Disputed Amount
It gets visibility to both billing and billed parties
about disputed items and the dispute reasons
and evidences.
Increase Transparency
It increase the capability to trace an Item
across the dispute process from an Original
Invoice to Dispute to the Credit Note.
Increase Traceability
High-Level Process Map of SIS Dispute Management Part1
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Initiate/Reply a dispute
Attach Supporting Doc (Optional)
via IS-WEB (stage = >1)
via file (only stage =1)
Mark for Review Send for Review
Add Remarks with Reviewer
Mark Review Completed
Send the Dispute
Select status of disputed item(s)
Attach Supporting Doc (Optional)
Mark for Review Send for Review
Add Remarks with Reviewer
Mark Review Completed
Reply to Dispute
From Member of Dispute To Member of Dispute
Go to
Part 2
High-Level Process Map of SIS Dispute Management Part 2
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
From Member of Dispute To Member of Dispute
within time
Send the Dispute
Issue the Credit Note
Reply to Dispute
Part 1
All disputed Item ‘Accepted’
At least one disputed item is 'Partially Accepted’
All disputed items are ‘Rejected
At least one disputed item is
‘Rejected’ or ‘Partially Accepted’
Accepted by Billed Member
No Response within time limit
Go to
Part 1
Reject &
Go to the next stage of Dispute
Issue the Credit Note
Original Invoice
Dispute Stage 1 .. N
1 day
MISC Bilateral Original
Invoice is ‘Daily Delivered’
6 months
Dispute TimeLine
Credit Note
SIS Dispute Time Line
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Poll Question # 4
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
How does a member can raise a dispute in SIS ?
Upload a dispute input file including disputes items
Dispute an invoice via login to IS-WEB and attach necessary
supporting document
Upload a dispute input file or dispute via login to IS-WEB
Raise a request via Customer portal in Dispute category
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
Importance of data quality for receiving
Data Quality Issues
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Invoice with only one Line
Inadequate data
Bad scanned or Long and not
informative supporting
Quality of Supporting
Capturing an Invoice instead
of a Rejection Invoice.
Wrong Invoice Type
Mismatch of number of Line
Items or Line Item Details
between SIS invoice and
attached Supporting Doc.
Non-Alignment of items
Selecting incorrect Charge
Category, Charge Code or
Charge Code Type.
Incorrect data
Mismatch of Line Item or Line Item
Detail data (e.g. Quantity, Unit
Price, etc.) between SIS invoice
and attached Supporting Doc.
Non-Alignment of data
Unclear or incomplete
description at Line Item or
Line Item Detail level.
Substitution value
Unclear data
Using dummy or
substitution value for
Invoice Mandatory fields
SIS Data Quality Process
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
Identify the data quality issue
Root-Cause analysis
Propose the possible solution to the data owner
Monitor the corrective action
16 Jun 2020
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
An Airline view
Incorrect charge code
Incorrect airlines invoiced
Attachment are provided outside of SIS
Description of service aren’t precise enough
ICH invoice aren’t as good as bilateral one
Place of service differs from invoice and supporting
Monika Kolos- Lembas
Senior Process Architect, Lufthansa
Poll Question # 5
Miscellaneous Billings Best Practices
16 Jun 2020
What are the common data quality issues in SIS?
Inadequate, incorrect or unclear data
All of the above options
Quality of Supporting Document or Using dummy or substitution value
for Invoice Mandatory fields
Non-Alignment of items or data
Links of Guidance Documents for this webinar:
Payment Status Update Guidance
SIS Dispute Management Guidance
Payment Status Video
Location ID Guidance
Location ID Video
More information on SIS Website :
‘SIS For Airlines’
‘SIS For Suppliers’ >>‘Documents’ tab
Thank you!